#they literally didn't attack me at all and I was running through a pack of them
cinnamon-flame · 2 months
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I decided it's high time I make a proper rainworld oc! They have the color of a strawberry vanilla icecream and I love them
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Design and some practice sketches:
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amiizuki · 2 months
it will be forever funny to me how the flashback portraits of Wittebrothers made Caleb seem like he's had packing peanuts for a brain
(this post ended up becoming quite lengthy, and so did the tags somehow, because I kinda devolved into a rant closer to the end of writing this whole thing, so bear with me here)
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so we know that Philip and Caleb became orphans when both of them were still kids. after that, they ended up in Gravesfield and, to fit in with everyone else who lived there, picked up witch hunting and started thinking that witches are pure evil. Caleb knew perfectly well that he's the only family Philip's had left and that he even may be his his only friend, since, judging by the portraits, they've only ever hung out with each other and we don't know if those two ever made any other actual friends.
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until one day, during a witch hunt he and Philip were both a part in (something Caleb seemed happy to do, judging by his smirk there), he met a witch – Evelyn – someone he's been taught to hate and want dead by the townsfolk. someone who, again, in his mind, should be evil.
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but he just suddenly does a 180 and goes "damn, you can make fire with your hands, you're actually pretty cool"
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and then a few days (?) of talking to her later, he's running off to live with her in the Demon Realm, while simultaneously not giving a single fuck about the brother he's abandoning.
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(he even runs off with a smile, with a literal :D face, I fucking can't lmao)
Philip ends up seeing Caleb get dragged off through a weird portal and later follows along, thinking something like "no, my brother wouldn't just up and abandon me without saying anything. he probably got captured by that witch we saw together that one time! she probably used some demon magic to bewitch Caleb and took him through that portal to kill him or worse! I gotta go save him!". and, after spending god knows how long in that realm, searching endlessly for his missing older brother, he eventually finds him. but he also finds that Caleb is not only perfectly okay and not hurt in the slightest, he's also peacefully walking together with the same witch who "captured" him, even holding hands with her.
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and when enraged Philip tries to attack Evelyn, to protect Caleb from the witch who took him from his home, from his brother, still thinking that Caleb's under her control, Caleb just... gives him a hug and goes on to introduce the witch as his new wife to him (I'm assuming that portrait is the same day as the other three, if not the same scene), also adding on top of that that they're having a child. all as if nothing happened. treating the whole thing like everything's perfectly okay and just another normal day, fully ignoring the fact that he threw his brother away with no care or thought, leaving him completely alone, a full orphan, now with zero actual family left (in TTT, during their backstory, it's said that "Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother", meaning that either they never got adopted in Gravesfield, or whoever adopted them didn't give a shit about the two, so they still mostly had to fend for themselves), all to go smash some random 5 out of 10 witchussy he talked to, like, 3 times. no fucking wonder Philip killed him!
(btw, jokes aside, it didn't seem like he intended to kill Caleb, because in that portrait where he's ready to kill with a knife in his hand, he's facing forward, while Caleb is actually to his left. so it just looks to me like Philip was gonna try to kill Evelyn again, and Caleb either jumped in front of her to protect her and got accidentally stabbed or he attacked Philip back, to, again, protect Evelyn, and Philip ended up winning that fight. but that's just my theory)
my brother in literal christ and literal titan – why in the FUCK are you just hugging it out with a smile on your face??? you ran off while giving absolutely no warning to anyone, especially your younger brother! why do you think he's here and actively trying to attack you and your new wife? you're not even trying to address the fact that you left him! at least when Luz ran off to a different realm without warning, she had a "I'm still at the camp" cover, so Camila wouldn't worry that much about where her daughter is, and even then she still felt bad for leaving her mother and planned to go back home once summer was over. this chucklefuck, on the other hand, just permanently portaled away to the Boiling Isles, knocked up a witch and fully settled down there, walking around with a big ol' smile and no care in the world. "Philip who? never heard of him"
the only thing that would sorta make this situation seem better (as in, not make Caleb seem like an overly naive ignorant brick), in my opinion, is if they added one more portrait – after the one where he meets the witch, but before the one where he leaves. in that portrait, Caleb would look like he's trying his best to convince Philip that witches aren't actually evil, and perhaps even try to get him to go live with them in the Demon Realm, all the while Philip's looking at him with either disagreement/disappointment/disgust or just rolling his eyes and full on ignoring him, while sharpening his witch hunt tools or something. then it would look like Caleb at least tried to make his brother change his mind, like he tried to offer him a chance to go with them. but no. with the way the portraits look in the final version it just seems like Caleb was fully on-board with killing witches since he was young, even pulling his younger brother along to think the same way, Philip also thought that Caleb was perfectly fine with killing witches, but once he actually meets a real witch (assuming they've never met one before) he instantly pulls an uno reverse card and just runs off with her, without so much as telling his brother beforehand.
I'm not trying to say that "Belos should've been redeemed, because he's the victim here and Caleb is bad and it's all his fault". he still murdered his brother and went on to manipulate everyone on Boiling Isles for centuries, with his end goal being the death of all witches, while simultaneously being stuck in the loop of "denial" and "bargaining" stages of grief – repeatedly trying and failing to recreate a perfect copy of Caleb, but also killing each one that came out wrong or went against him. Belos not being redeemed in the end was the right choice (ignoring the "Belos was always le bad" from King's dad), I agree with that. frankly, if he actually got redeemed in the end, I'd probably be seething for the next 3 to 5 years, like how I did after the Diamonds' "redemptions" in SU (yes I'm still pissed about that lol). I'm just saying that, from what was shown to us, Caleb didn't seem like that good of a person either, not as bad as Belos ended up being, but still not that great. and, once again, seemingly had a raisin for a brain.
(off topic, but during Masha's retelling of Wittebane's backstory, their "sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset" line was so fucking cringe, it gave me a fever for 3 days the first time I watched the episode)
k, rant over, I dunno what else to add
TL;DR: I think Caleb was dumb as a brick, because, from what was shown to us in their backstory, he seemed to have run off to Demon Realm and abandon Philip without telling him anything beforehand. when Philip came to BI to look for his brother, who he assumed was under control of the witch who "took" him, since he thought his last living family member wouldn't just abandon him, and when he eventually found him, and it turned out he wasn't in any danger at all, Caleb just brushed the whole "I left you for witchussy" thing under the rug and pretended everything was and is perfectly fine, even though it clearly isn't. rip bozo
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mncxbe · 1 year
𝙏𝙬𝙤 𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙨 // 𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚
𝑻𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂 𝒙 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease. And he was right.
𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: smut/fluff
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔: season 4 spoilers / mentions of blood
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His hips were rocking back and forth at a relentless speed, fingers digging into my thighs.
"Mmm so good baby. I missed this so much" he moaned lowly.
I was laying on my back, legs wrapped around Tachihara's waist, gazing at this pretty features. His eyes were shut tight, his mouth slightly agape as he was whispering sweet nonsense. Strands of his rusty red hair were drenched in sweat.
'That's quite a sight' I thought to myself.
We first met when I joined the Black Lizard as a division commander ten months ago. My arrival was met with reluctance, but after a few weeks everyone was fond of me. Well, almost everyone. Tachihara Michizō, the angry redhead, always kept his distance. This was mostly due to the fact that I got along quite well with Gin.
There was also my ability, which allows me to manipulate my enemy's heartbeat provided I touch their blood. Naturally, people tended to avoid training with me and Tachihara was no different. Gin sometimes sparred with me but her skills in battle were way above mine so she was in no real danger.
The first three months were packed with missions and operations. But as soon as summer started it seemed that even the criminals went on vacations. Weeks passed without one single mission. I was bored beyond belief. It was on one of these days that I ended up using my ability on Tachihara.
When I walked into the empty warehouse I saw the redhead cleaning his guns.
"Hey there. Wanna spar with me?" I enquired.
My colleague didn't bother to lift his eyes from his pistols as he replied in a flat voice.
"No. Leave me alone."
"I need to blow off some steam, Tachihara. Please." I whined
The man rose to his feet, drawing a knife from his jacket.
"Okay then. Bring it on" he said as he ran towards me.
I was so taken aback by his sudden actions that I barely managed to dodge his attack. Taking my own knife, I put some distance between us, trying to form a plan.
"What? That's all you got?" he mocked with a wild grin on his lips.
We fought for a couple of good minutes. At first Tachihara went easy on me, but when he realized I wasn't an easy match, his attacks got more violent. His eyes had a feral glimmer as he gritted his teeth, desperately swinging his knife.
Eventually, his attacks got sloppier and I managed to find an opening. The blade of my short knife sliced through the fabric of his jacket, cutting his arm right above his elbow.
The redhead ceased his chaotic movement, an astonished look on his face. Blood ran down his arm staining his clothes.
"Oh shit I'm so sorry." I apologized.
I dropped my knife to the floor, running to him. "That's a lot of blood please let me-"
"No no don't~" interrupted the man but it was too late. My hands wrapped around his bleeding arm, sqeezing tightly.
He froze, his eyes shooting open. A familiar feeling took over me as I felt his rushing heartbeat in every cell of my body. Tachihara yanked his arm from my grip, taking a few steps backwards. None of us uttered a word until the rhythm of his heart returned to normal.
"Aren't you going to kill me or something?" he asked
"Why would I kill you?"
"You literally have my heart in your hands. Don't tell me that you don't want some payback for how badly I treated you"
"I actually don't" I replied confidently "All I want right now is to help you stop the bleeding. Will you let me?"
After that we met up regularly to spar after stressful days. Soon though fighting wasn't enough to release the tention so we did other stuff too. I often found myself wrapped around him, nails digging and scratching at his back like there was no tomorrow as I moaned his name in the night.
"You like me, babydoll" he'd often tease.
And he was right. Before I knew it I had fallen in love with the redhead. And the feelings were shared. Although Tachihara seems like a cold, distant person, he is the sweetest partner one could ask for. He would always look out for me and even his short temper was quite adorable. Two months and a half after we started dating he moved in.
Nothing on earth could do us apart. We decided to overcome any hardship we ever came across. That's why when he confessed to me that he was working for the Hunting Dogs, I was totally unfazed.
"Poor choice but ok." I replied, taking his hand in mine. "I guess I'll just have to quit the Mafia."
And so I left the organization, switching over to voluntary work at the ER. My ability was quite useful when it came to helping patients with heart problems.
Up to this day we continue living together at my place, going about our days as usual.
I ran my fingers over the scar on his arm, fragments of the time spent together coming to me in flashes. His thrusts grew sloppier, signaling how close he was to his release, each of his grunts and low, desperate moans only adding to the fuel.
"I'm so close Hara" I uttered between whimpers. He brought one of his hands to my belly, pressing down with his palm.
"You feel how deep I am, pretty?" His thumb drew circles on my clit. "Cum for me, dear" he added in a ragged voice.
I felt the knot in my stomach snap, my back arching as I jolted in pleasure. Tachihara's eyelids gently fluttered as he felt me tighten around his cock. After a few more thrusts he came, his warm seed filling me.
The man rested his forehead against mine. He took his time to catch his breath and then opened his eyes, his amber gaze locked with mine.
I pulled him into a deep kiss and he snaked his arms around my waist. As soon as he pulled away from the kiss, he flopped to the side.
"I love you, baby" was all he uttered before drifting into a dreamless sleep.
I watched his figure, sprawled on my bed. My fingertips made their way to his back, tracing shapes all over his skin. Then I leaned in and kissed his shoulder.
"I love you too, Hara" I whispered into his ear before falling asleep next to him.
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Just a thought but like, what if Frost hadn't been kicked out of the Lin Kuei for attacking Hanzo? What if she ran away?
Frost and Kuai Liang are very similar characters at their core. They both grew up as weapons in other people's hands (Frost in the Black Dragon fighting pits and Kuai Liang in the Old Lin Kuei) and had very few people around them they could trust or confide it. They both spent most of their lives fighting to survive and becoming monsters because there was nothing else for them to be, there were no other options.
And then Frost joins the Lin Kuei, and it's implied that there's a tournament/try outs thing to determine who he teaches and who he doesn't, so this is also a thing she Fought for. It's something she Wanted.
And then Kuai Liang looks at her and just sees so much of himself in her (though her anger is something he struggles to understand) and makes her his apprentice (I hc that he only found out about her powers later on and pls someone ask me about that I am Dying to talk about it, pls give me an excuse) and suddenly she has a connection to another person.
Kuai Liang is the first person in her entire life to treat her with any sort of dignity or kindness and though she rails against it at first, she also settles into it pretty quickly. After like, three months of training, she is Very Attached in a way she has never allowed herself to be.
He is literally the only person besides herself that she has ever cared about, and the closest thing to a parent she's ever had.
So of Course she panics when he tries to make peace with Hanzo, bc as far as she knows, Hanzo will take the first opportunity he can find to run a sword through Kuai Liang's heart. Hanzo has never kept his word as far as she knows, he swore not to kill Bi-Han and then did it anyways, he attacked Kuai Liang while the cryomancer was possessed and then left him to die slowly, nothing about him is exactly screaming "you can trust me" to her.
Based on the information she has, making peace with Hanzo is a bad idea! It will get Kuai Liang killed!
And she tells him that, but he isn't bothered by it, just tells her to have faith, that it will be okay, but she can't be calm bc He Could Die and then she'll be alone again and that terrifies her.
She is so scared that she stops thinking clearly, she's terrified at the prospect of losing the only person she has that actually cares about her so she lashes out. She tries to fix the problem the way she always did as a child in the fighting pits, by punching it until it dies or goes away.
She's panicking and traumatized and trying to protecting the only thing she cares about and she does something stupid! And it goes badly! That's a very human reaction!
And then Kuai Liang stops her, and he's angry with her for jeopardizing the peace so maybe he grounds her, or sends her away to her room so they can calm down and talk about it later bc he Knows why she reacted the way she did. He's upset and disappointed but he Understands and wants to work through it.
He's been trying to teach her throughout her apprenticeship that she doesn't have to lash out, that she isn't a dog and doesn't have to bite, she's just not fully there yet. So he sends her to her room, gives himself some space to calm down and figure out how to talk to her without making her. lash out again, bc clearly his reassurances didn't work.
Only she panics again.
The only person she cares about is, as far as she knows, angry with her and she doesn't know what to do with that, doesn't know how to cope with his disappointment. She's never cared what other people thought before, when all that mattered was surviving until tomorrow, but she does now and that terrifies her.
She's terrified that he will send her away for good, and she's even more scared of how much the idea of that happening bothers her.
So she packs her shit and leaves, doesn't leave a note or a message and just runs as far as she can to escape it, to go back to how she used to be bc at least that she understands.
And Kuai Liang is understandably panicked, bc that's his apprentice, that's his kid, even if he hasn't said it yet for fear of spooking her. And now she's just Gone. Vanished into the ether and He Can't Find Her. He ends up sending every Lin Kuei he can spare on the hunt to track her down, doesn't sleep or eat either unless he's forced to bc he thinks she's been kidnapped somehow, that something has happened to her.
She thinks she's being hunted so that she can be punished and he thinks she's been stolen and is in danger and its a mess for both of them.
idk, I just think that would have been a much better story than the one NRS gave us.
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spider-bren · 11 months
yooo, sry if im bothering but, have any vlaber hcs if there was a sort of diff ending where they live and / or helped indy in the end? needing the good ending brainrot rn
Hey! First of all, you're not bothering me. Especially if it's about vlaber! I literally vibrate out of my skin when anyone asks me about them. Idk why but they have became my current hyperfixation and it's not letting me go. Secondly, you're so valid. I'm still in my brainrot over them. And YES I didn't want them to die even though I knew starting the film that they would. :(
Definitely going to indulge you and myself in more vlaber's hcs. Thank you so much for asking! Please don't hesitate to scream at me about them whenever the need arises. Ask me anything :)
Vlaber (Voller x Klaber) headcanons for an alternate ending of Indiana Jones 5:
When Klaber yells "bosssssss" and Voller realises he's in deep shit and starts freaking out, Klaber runs to him to calm him down 
Klaber uses a calm voice to talk Voller through his panic attack and reassures him that he's still the smartest man he knows and that he doesnt care that they ended up here, theyll get out of this alive 
Indy, hearing this, goes to find a parachute and Klaber follows him to find one for himself and Voller. Klaber said he knows his boss misscalculated and didnt account for the shift in continents but that he's a man of action and intent and he just wants to be better the world in a way only he knows how 
Indy tries not to argue or indulge him at first as they find two last parachutes, but when Klaber reasons with Indy to ask him to fly him and Voller out of ancient Sicily, too 
Voller comes up behind them, his ego and god complex burning but seeing how the plane was going to go down, opts to choose to surivive and the only way to do that is to ask Indy for help 
Voller offers that he will return the dial to him in exchange for their safe travel back to 1960 with them 
Indy, being Indy, holds Voller and Klaber to their word and Helaena (who is so close to fighting with Indy on this deal) holds onto Indy and parachutes down to the beach 
Voller uses the other parachute and holds his little emotional support puppy I mean klaber and they both travel down before the plane crashes 
On the beach, Indy and Helaena argue about letting these nazis onto the plane, and Voller with some reluctance gives the dial back to Indy 
They all hop into the plane and travel back to 1960 where Voller gets a job at the University as a physics teacher (because he's had enough of excitement and chases and says fuck you to NASA and presitgious medals) just wants to settle down with his loyal lapdog because he is TIRED) and Klaber is the malewife who makes cute packed lunches for his boss (bf) 
Klaber makes sure his boss gets feet rubs and cooks delicious food for him and they live a quiet life in a nice place in peace and alive 
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the-blind-geisha · 1 year
The Master of Eris
Commission for @dbopdew
|| Link Tree || Ko-Fi || Commissions || Patreon || 
Pairing: Demiurge x Nonbinary (born female) OC written in second person
Rating: NSFW
Words: 4,082
Description: She may have offered to serve him, but that doesn't mean she'll do so... without challenging him.
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The Roble Holy Kingdom had fallen.
It was gone. All of it. Only the charred remains of humans, animals, and buildings alike would be any sort of memory that would reside.
You could never forget the taste of ash, how the scent of blood weighed heavily in the air. Your bones were nearly crushed had it not been by some miracle the once sturdy frame of the home kept the heavier debris from falling upon you.
There was a mixture of emotions in how to even feel. The city wasn't exactly as glorious as it seemed.
Just like all others, it was seeded in twisted truths that you couldn't say you embraced.
And it was all over, no thanks to the doings of the Demon Lord Jaldabaoth. Even the rich couldn't use their money to sway him. He cut them all down without a care in the world.
He could not be bought.
The only memory that remained of him was the demon standing in the fires of hell, staring back at you with that eerie mask with the twisted grin.
That was all he left you with… His immortal memory.
With nothing left for you at the kingdom, you packed what very few belongings didn't burn in the fire and headed away, somewhere—anywhere—to just start anew.
You weren't even sure where you’d be welcomed. Re-Estize? Even they had suffered a horrible attack not too long ago by the so-called ‘Demon Lord’. With this Jaldabaoth on the loose, it was hard to say where it would be better. The only place that could be considered a peaceful paradise would likely be at his side—his good side.
With the stars glistening in the night sky, you found yourself able to find comfort not far from a twisted oak tree. Its mighty branches and leaves would keep you shielded from whatever would transpire through the night.
The only things you could use for a bed were 2 blankets that managed to survive the horrible war from the demon army. It was better than nothing. While you could make a fire, it wasn't too cold for you to bother.
The howling of the distant wolves made the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. An inn would have been better, but affording one wouldn't be ideal now.
Eyes closed, you did your all to ignore the would-be horrors around you.
But your mind raced…raced with thoughts of that night where everything came toppling down. Amidst the screams and the crackling fire, you saw the blue and gold trimmed mask seemingly staring in your direction. The cracked, wicked grin of the mask made a shiver run down your spine as the red eyes glowed brightly.
There was a defiance within you that bubbled to the surface as the well dressed demon casually walked in your direction.
In the heat of the moment, you hadn't even realized your teeth were bared like a feral animal. Only this jumbled memory allowed you to realize what happened during those swift moments that were literal hours.
Jaldabaoth had knelt down to your level, curling his finger under your chin with a sort of smarminess to his tone when he spoke the one word, “Feisty.”
It was almost purred, in a way. Making your heart throb in a whirlpool of emotions.
All of that noise that bellowed in the back of your mind soon felt far more realistic than you could bear.
Eyes opening, you found yourself where you last remembered being. Just under the oak tree with the swaying branches catching the gentle wind. As you tried to catch your breath, you found yourself inhaling it once more as the silhouette of the devil loomed over you.
The demon stifled a scoff of sorts. “If it isn't the feisty mutt I recall back in the Holy Kingdom.”
“You…remember me?” You weren't even sure how he would. Knowing very little of demons, you knew one thing was for sure: they had select memories with humans they cared little about.
Jaldabaoth shrugged. “Mm, just never knew a human that wasn't a warrior to act so bold.”
“Yeah, well…consider it a ‘reflex’,” you insisted with a scoff.
“You’re oddly calm, facing down the maw of death.”
You expelled a vocal sigh. “I can’t say that kingdom was really worth mourning over.”
The demon expressed a curious noise.
“It was full of rich people that needed to choke on their money… Spewing all kinds of things that they didn't know anything about.” You were saying this from a personal place. But at this point, if he would kill you, there was no reason to hold back.
Jaldabaoth stifled a laugh, his gloved hand moving to the mask he wore. “Even if they never harmed you physically, you delighted in their death.”
The mask was pulled away, allowing you to see him completely. The devil’s appearance was so uncanny, but regardless, it was a thrilling sight. All those emotions came building up once more, and there was a part of you that so desperately wanted to thank him for freeing you.
“Y-Yeah… umm.. I feel like I owe you for that.”
“I didn’t do any of that for you, pet.”
Hearing such a nickname didn't make you nearly as angry as you thought it would. Even if he was saying it to be condescending.
Just as you thought the conversation would continue, or he would act violently in some manner, the demon turned once the mask had disappeared from his grip.
He was…leaving?
“W-Wait! Wait!”
“What do you want?” The question was cold and direct.
“I just…” 
You weren't sure how to even talk about it. You had nowhere to go, and there was no way you would be able handle being on your own. Maybe there was something you could offer him…
“Take me with you!” It was a bold offer, but there was a part of you that couldn't be without him.
The devil’s twisted brow wrinkled at the suggestion, looking over his shoulder at you once more. “The use I’d have for you, well… I don’t think you’d have the stomach for it.” His twisted grin widened at saying such a thing, making your heart knot in your chest.
You clenched your fists, sucking in your lower lip. “How about a servant of sorts? I am sure whatever diabolical schemes you have up your sleeve, I can help you with something in terms of making your workload lighter.”
He could see the determination in your eyes. “Humans are barely allowed where I am from…” Jaldabaoth cradled his chin in thought, mind adrift elsewhere. “However, I might have a means to offer a suggestion to my Lord in allowing you to be such a thing for me.”
Seeing how wide his grin was as he spoke was only slightly unsettling. There was an invisible string tugging at your heart for some unknown reason. His words even had a sort of allure to them that was hard to ignore.
The black gloved hand of the devil unfurled, offering his palm for you to take. “Come,” he whispered eerily.
It was as though those very words had control over every bone in your body. Without thought, you accepted his hand.
“And what is your name?”
You could see the reflection of yourself in his glasses, making you catch yourself as you breathed. “E-Eris, Lord Jaldabaoth.”
He once again stifled a sound of mocking. “I go by another name, pet. Demiurge.” It was there his eyes seemed to open, allowing a sparkling shine to catch the moonlight. “Master, to you, Eris.”
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The Great Tomb of Nazarick wasn't exactly the place you thought this demon would reside.
You assumed he would be a demon King of sorts, ruling over his own land without anything to keep him at bay.
But no, there was a higher evil that resided here—a Lich by the name of Ainz Ooal Gown. His presence alone made you wonder if you would be smited if you weren't careful.
Much to your surprise, you were allowed to stay—stay and work for Demiurge, your new Master.
There was only one other human you were able to find pleasant conversation with inside those walls, a young blonde girl named Tuare. She too apparently was under another’s guidance.
One your Master couldn't stand.
“Oh my… Lord Demiurge did all of that?” Tuare asked, still never in any desire to be near him personally.
You nodded. “I don't know if I feel bad about it, I hate to say.”
The innocent blonde couldn't help but be shocked by that. “Why so?”
“Every kingdom has its dark sides.” Knowing what you did about her past, you nearly tried to insist she should know better than anybody. But you didn't want to accidentally bring up old memories. “I just… have seen the worst in Roble.”
“And yet you went willingly with Lord Demiurge?”
You shrugged with a twist of your lips. “Mm, more like I offered my services to him. I mean, just like you, I had nowhere to go.”
“I suppose that’s true, but…” Tuare’s words trailed off, looking into the tea cup before her. “I could never imagine seeing peace with—.” She paused, noticing the very devil heading in her direction.
“Sebas,” Demiurge’s voice spoke in annoyance. “Don't you have other tasks your pet could be doing beyond bothering mine?”
“She isn't a pet, Lord Demiurge.” You could tell in that statement that Sebas Tian was doing his best to hold himself back from losing his temper in some manner.
“Not certain what else you would call a human of such a low standing in Nazarick,” the devil continued, making his way to your side.
“Are you saying maids are of a low standing, Lord Demiurge? That feels beyond you.” It sounded like Sebas was desperate to catch the demon in a trap of sorts.
Demiurge’s brow furrowed in annoyance. “Merely if a human stands there, Sebas. And mine was able to be granted a pardon before all of Nazarick, unlike yours—who you snuck around with.”
You could hear the leather of Sebas’ gloves tighten, but the iron butler could do nothing to retaliate. 
Even yourself could say or do little to nothing to stop it from continuing.
Demiurge could taste the unease in the air, leaving him content. “This way, Eris, if you please.”
The moment Sebas and Tuare were out of earshot, you gave Demiurge a scolding look. “You really can’t stop yourself from fighting with him, can you?”
“His misery is the one I thrive the most in,” the demon confessed, arms folded behind his back.
“I thought you listened to all within Nazarick?”
His lips thinned, Demiurge expressing a frown. It wasn't the first time you had seen it, and you knew it wouldn't be the last. Even if his words and mannerisms held some sort of sway over you, it caused a part of you to fight back no matter what that meant. 
Not because his tone actually puppeteered you like it once did, but because you found him attractive.
“Underneath Lord Ainz and Albedo is where I reside—everyone else is underneath me. If the tomb is under attack, then I am the leader in place of Albedo,” he reminded you.
“I still find it odd you would be so against just one in particular in Nazarick, Master.”
“It is not your concern where my trust and faith in the others resides, pet.” The title was stressed in an almost demanding tone. Without even saying a thing, it felt like silence was being ordered from you.
“It does seem like you get a bit bitter whenever I talk with Tuare. If you have an issue, it would be in your best interest to—!”
Before you could even hope to finish, Demiurge’s gloved hand grabbed at your throat and your back was soon urged firmly against the wall. The breath was knocked clean from you, and before you could even choke out a single word, the demon seemed to shift his form into something a bit more devilish.
Horns twisted upon his forehead where his black hair had receded to grant a way for them. He even seemed to grow taller, no doubt thanks in kind to the furry and twisted goat-like legs that now supported him. His nostrils flared, the heat of his sigh aggressive against your skin.
It made you bite your lower lip as you felt that rush of emotion that wanted to see him react.
“I don't have to tell you everything about me, pet,” Demiurge insisted, his thumb rubbing over your throat muscles to feel as you swallowed. “You’ll do whatever I say or you will find yourself all the more underneath me.”
Even if you saw him as your savior, that wouldn't keep you from staying in line. Even for an intelligent demon, he was quite hard headed.
“Your eyes are telling me you won’t listen.”
He released you, but his claw was eager to slip into the neck lining of your attire. “Then it would be in your best interest to get inside of the bedroom at this moment. It seems you still require some sort of training to keep that mouth of yours quiet…”
As if he had a magic string tailored to every part of your body, you found yourself unable to say ‘no’. While he had crafted a collar for only you to wear that would actually disobey his [Command Mantra] or even hear the pleasing hum of his words that would force you to obey, there was still something within you that was in dire need to do everything he so asked for.
And more.
In what felt like a blink of an eye, you were upon the bed with the clothing you had on prior ripped from you. Like any toy on this soil, Demiurge too treated you as such.
You were his pet to play with.
His belt slid from about his waist, the sound of such tantalizing to your ears. Walking past you, he pointed before the decorative chair he chose to sit within. “Get on your hands and knees.”
You huffed through your nostrils. “And…what if I don't wish to do that?”
His eyes opened, the crystal’s broken yet beautiful appearance made you choke on the air you attempted to breathe.
“Then I will rip the collar off that protects you from everything I say, and make you do it against your will. Are you going to behave, or must I resort to such measures?”
Doing as he asked ever slowly, Demiurge frowned his disapproval.
“You’re being slow…”
By the time you made it to one knee, he expressed his annoyance all the more.
The heel of his hoof weighed down upon your shoulder, urging you to finally fall into place.
If he wasn't so hot… I would bite his ankle at the very least, you thought. But having him dominate you in such a way was a twisted delight that you tried to keep concealed.
His legs crossed as he kept his hoof upon your shoulder as if to use you as a makeshift footrest. Demiurge’s belt bunched up in his hand, he slapped the leather upon his open palm.
Your knees nearly buckled, a knot forming in your stomach.
“Now then… for earlier…” His words trailed off as there was suddenly a harsh slap upon your exposed ass.
The leather bit violently at your skin, making you nearly crumble. “F-Fuck…!”
Demiurge was unphased. In fact, he couldn't ignore the arousing scent in the air when he did such a thing. “I doubt a single one will do,” he insisted with a fanged grin.
Only the belt biting through the air was your warning, as the leather struck upon you once more to where your chin inched closer to the ground.
“Had enough?” Demiurge asked, his thighs closing together a bit as he couldn't deny the rousing pleasure this whole exchange offered him.
“I…I thought for sure you would have…transformed or something…” You struggled to catch your breath, looking up at him to the best of your ability. Every word you spoke was having him dig his heel deeper within your skin. It was erotic, something you couldn't deny. “Aren’t… aren’t all archdevil breeds bigger than you…?”
His hooves removed themselves from your shoulder, the devil inched closer to you as he sat upon the edge of the chair. What was once a belt, he had looped it a bit in his grasp to use it almost like a whip’s handle.
It rested just under your chin.
“If I transformed fully, you would be torn to pieces,” he reminded you with a sneer. “Besides, what fun would it be if I broke my toy all too soon?”
You wanted to snap back just to be a brat about it, but a part of you wasn't even sure if he would hold himself back if you did this time.
Taking to his feet, he worked on unfastening the rest of his clothing to allow his swollen cock to greet you. “I need you to finish what you started anyways.”
This wasn't the first time you had been urged to pleasure him. However, it wasn't what you were used to seeing before.
His erection held four, fleshy ridges at the underside making you wonder if he could even shapeshift his own cock. “Kinky…” you retorted breathlessly. “Didn't know you could change your dick t—!”
Demiurge grabbed the back of your head, urging your nose to rest upon the underside of his manhood. “Am I going to have to ram this down your throat, pet?”
It was tempting to tell him to do it, but you didn't want to lose the meal you ate prior. This one time… you would behave.
Your tongue flicked against one of the fleshy abnormalities just to see if they would destroy your body in any manner. If the demon didn't have some sort of healing ability, you wouldn't trust doing this without possibly losing your tongue.
It was fine. It was like skin and not a single thing hurt. It just… left an odd tingling sensation upon your tastebuds.
“I’m waiting, pet.” The words hissed through Demiurge’s clenched teeth. Even his tail was flicking back and forth as if to send a mute warning that you were testing his patience.
Grabbing the base of his cock, you flicked your tongue over the slit of his erection before spitting on the head to lubricate the swollen organ all the better for you to even dare attempt to slide it into your mouth, let alone your throat.
A muffled growl rumbled in the demon’s throat. It was a low, pleasant sound that made your heart beat so loudly you could hear it pulsing in your ears.
You moaned in return, the action sending a sort of vibration through the demon that you could tell he quite enjoyed. 
Demiurge’s thighs tensed, saliva dribbling from his maw as he gripped the back of your head and urged you to continue.
So much so, you found yourself almost choking just as you feared would nearly happen. Grabbing the base of his cock, you squeezed tightly as if demanding he calm down.
Granted, words were the only things that could reach him at times. Anything else might as well be a mute suggestion of sorts.
Demiurge’s claws moved against your scalp once more, guiding you to where you were forced to move back and forth against the swollen organ. The sounds you could make were lewd, almost pitiful gurgling noises as you tried to swallow at times whenever his manhood would push towards your throat.
Even the bits of pre-come were tantalizing when you felt it kiss your lips in passing when the devil finally removed himself.
You coughed, sputtered a bit from how rough he had chosen to be.
“And here I thought you were trained better…” He humphed. “How disappointing.”
Looking up at him, you stifled a scoff yourself. “Isn't…that the Master’s job to train the pet better…?”
Demiurge frowned at your bold choice of words. “Well then, I suppose I’ve not done a satisfactory job then, have I?”
His hand gripped upon your throat once more, urging you to look him in the eyes (which still remained squinted). 
“Your task is far from over, pet. You still have something to take care of.”
With you soon upon your back, you hadn't even a second to ask what it was he had in mind. (Not that you didn't already know). With the demon’s pants pushed down past his knees at this point, his black underwear just barely cradling the underside of his cock, it was there you felt the head of it kissing upon the lips of your entrance.
Your toes curled, a strangled cry of resistance rumbling in your throat. Your whole body was tensed, as you felt him slide inside of you inch by agonizing yet blissful inch.
Demiurge’s moan quivered, a delightful euphoria that rattled him very rarely had his immortal form caged. The tight warmth of your body enveloped him, urging the beast ro start slowly only to begin picking up pace the more that your human form enticed him onward.
Your back rubbed against the carpet beneath you, the rugburns were nothing. You cared little about them. It was the steady swelling of your body adapting to this demon cock that was having you look drunk in the moment.
The euphoria was so intoxicating. 
A floral paradise swelled in your gut the more it continued, as the demon thrust again and again. Even the head of his manhood could be felt kissing the entrance to your womb. Something you often ignored thinking about being a part of you.
Only he could make you remember it was there.
“Will you obey me now…pet?” The words were strained through his clenched maw. Even as he dared open his mouth to speak, he did almost look like a hungry predator ready to snatch up its prey.
The harsh sounds of your thighs slapping against one another filled the room. It made your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head.
Fuck, I just… want him to continue…! you thought to yourself.
Even the fleshy ridges of his manhood were tantalizing. It was like an extra, warm touch that was urging you onward. Each one kissed upon the throbbing walls of your entrance as if to insist that you come.
And your body could hardly keep itself from doing so. Your walls wavered, giving a warning squeeze upon Demiurge’s cock to where the demon could tell you were about to do so.
He grinned widely, saliva dribbling from the corner of his lips. His grip upon your throat tightened all the more.
“Come for me, pet,” he ordered, his unnaturally long tongue slid across his lips as he spoke such a thing. “Come hard, or I will make you do it again…!”
You weren't even sure if you were going to fight that. You almost wanted to test him again, but the way he just slid all the way inside of you once more and flexed his erection, you couldn't. 
The head rubbed against your upper walls, thumping it again and again to where a strangled cry erupted from your lips.
Demiurge’s thumb rubbed against your throat, and it was there you couldn't hold back as his desire to withhold your breathing just doubled everything. The euphoria erupted into a blazing inferno only he had control over.
Your walls were squeezing him for all he was worth, making the devil unable to hold back for much longer.
With a deep, throaty grunt, it was there he came heavily within you. So much so that your own body couldn't even contain it. The thick warmth bubbled inside of you, making you pant and heave with delight while your body twitched at soaking up his seed.
The devil remained within you, wanting to have you warm his cock after such a messy display. Inches from your lips, he grinned with a demonic warmth that was both charming and alluring.
“Now, you better behave yourself, pet. Or I will force you to do more.” His claw pressed against your exposed belly as he spoke.
Steadying your breathing, you asked, “A threat… or a promise, Master…?”
Demiurge growled a warning. “Don't push your luck…”
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team-heavenly · 3 months
Chapter 26 - Part 3
You know the drill by now. Part one is here, part two is here...
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Yeah, so uhhh, fun fact! In all my years of playing this game, I never once tried to leave Aegis Cave apparently, because this genuinely surprised me. THERE'S AN INVISIBLE WALL. YOU CAN'T LEAVE. YOU CAN ONLY FINISH THE STORY LINE, FAINT, OR USE AN ESCAPE ORB.
And this kinda upset me because, y'know, for the first time this entire damn run, I finally had a pile of Orans and Apples and other basic things, and I wanted to drop them off in storage to make room for more.
The good news: I did in fact pick up an Escape Orb, so we said SEE YUH!
While we were back in town, I fed a Wonder Gummi to Celebi via Rotom's juicebar, and we got two surprises packed into one!
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And now, some moments that nearly gave me a freaking heart attack.
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Damage runs deep </3 Hell of a line.
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Also, moments that nearly make your eyeballs fall out of your head until you remember your Garchomp has Huge Power.
Speaking of, here is a non-inclusive list of the moves and abilities I remember seeing from the Unown (either in dungeon or from recruits):
Ice Ball
Faint Attack
Hyper Beam
Luster Purge
Lunar Dance
Gunk Shot
Dark Pulse
Hammer Arm
Spit Up
Flash Cannon
Natural Cure
Serene Grace
Bad Dreams
Cloud Nine
Snow Warning
A true grab bag, which was honestly kind of fun when it wasn't trying to kill us.
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Anyway, we only had to go through three times before getting all the stones we needed and then some! IYKYK.
When we return to the waypoint, we do a funky little dance just kidding, we only close our eyes.
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So, here I am, entering the Nonsensical Expanse, getting pumped we get to find out who the first of the three Regis are, right?
But then I have something so unexpected happen that my 3DS nearly falls from my hands.
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No, but I was legitimately upset over this. I consulted my friend @exploring-the-sky to see if love knew anything about it.
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Well, this is what happens when you use a build from nearly two years ago, I guess.
At every portion of Aegis Cave, I left at least once and came back, and it was always the same. There was no one to fight. So now we'll never know who Regice is! That beautiful guidepost I put together to translate every character and place from their canon counterparts? You know, my actual pride and joy? I literally CAN'T put anything down for Regice now except ??? or ERROR 404.
Or just replace it with any Pokémon you want, I don't make the rules here.
Next stop: Neat Creek.
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We already have C and K so this shouldn't be too painful... I hope.
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Nevertheless, when we inevitably come back around, we find what looks like a letter...
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Wait, did y'all actually run into a boss? DID Y'ALL ACTUALLY FIGHT A BOSS?? PLEASE, TEAM CHARM, I'M BEGGING YOU-
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Ugh, well. Guess we're about to find out, anyhow. We enter the Colossal Rift and hold our breaths...
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...Words said before disaster, Part 21,894-
Despite our one-two punch of Meteor Mash and Powder Snow on Celebi, Rhyhorn wouldn't go down easy. In fact, he got off some Dragon Dances , which made me kinda nervous! And Seed Flare missed, like, 4 times in a row?? Then I REALLY started to panic when he used Mirror Move! But in the end, we persevered.
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Ohhhh, I see... so, Not Regice just granted us the guardian's permission pre-emptively and went "lol bye losers, I'm out"? That's the explanation I'm going with, anyway :P
When we approach the Nonsensical Trench, there seems to be no sign of Team Charm...
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We picked up two E stones in the last segment of the dungeon, so all we're missing is S, T, and L.
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Why, hello there! This one even gave us a stone right away :)
It turns out Unown S and T also spawn on this very first floor! I stuck it out as long as I could and, lo and behold, we didn't have to go through more than once! \o/
Okay, now you gotta do the ritual thing to move on to Part 4.
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Hi Sass! Hope the packing is going well :)
I saw your WIP list and was wondering what the 2 Tumblr ones were about.
Also, has there ever been a time where you've had difficulty transferring a plot point/idea into any of your fics? Like, the way you wrote it didn't turn out the same as what was inside your head the first time.
Hi!! Packing is...going as well as you'd expect. I have accumulated a lot of stuff in two years so it's kind of like...1) how the fuck am I going to pack this all away without it being ridiculous to carry down a flight of stairs and 2) why the fuck do i own so much shit
Anyways. As for the two tumblr prompts, they're both Killer and Healer mafia aus (from when I got that sudden urge to write mafia aus) that @gem2117 sent to me. She always sends me multiple prompts so I can choose whichever one I want to work with, but her prompts are always so good so I usually end up doing all of them.
The first one is where Jiang Yuelou gets assigned from his boss to take out a target and said target is Chen Yuzhi. Now for this one, I'm not really sure where I'm gonna go with it...it's gonna be a mob hit, obviously but I'm thinking that Jiang Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi are both going to be assassins or maybe Chen Yuzhi is on the run from another triad/yakuza (I do like the idea of making him yakuza/former yakuza, like I did in my fic The Past Comes Knocking). Idk, all I know is that I'm going to have Jiang Yuelou abandon his boss's orders and protect Chen Yuzhi at all cost. (And maybe Chen Yuzhi protects him in return when Jiang Yuelou's boss decides to retaliate because those who don't follow orders get snuffed).
As for the second one, that one is where Chen Yuzhi does his first kill and Jiang Yuelou comforts him. I'm thinking for this one, Chen Yuzhi might be going home and stumbles upon Jiang Yuelou being attacked (or Jiang Yuelou comes running towards him beaten and bruised) and as they're trying to escape, the people who attacked Jiang Yuelou try to attack them. Chen Yuzhi, of course, is a healer, not a fighter so he's doing his best to try and avoid getting hurt and manages to knock out one of the attackers before noticing that the other attacker is going to kill Jiang Yuelou if he doesn't do something, so he takes the knife his attacker tried to use on him and stabs the other attacker (either in the neck or in the abdomen, idk). After he does that, he feels very sick because he just took a life, that's the opposite of what a doctor's supposed to do, until he remembers that Jiang Yuelou is there and still injured. He takes the man home, bandages him up/takes care of him, all the while trying not to be sick. Cue comfort.
(It's funny, I literally had no idea what the fuck I was going to do with either of these prompts until literally this ask)
As for your other question, yes. The Red-Light District went through three different drafts (the third one being the final one that I went with). I had like...the first paragraph sort of figured out but after that it just wasn't...giving. So I actually watched a few episodes from my favorite TV "The Cleaning Lady" to give me inspiration (as I had always wanted to write a fic based on a couple of episodes from that show) and then the fic became what it is today. And I'm very happy with it.
Soul Bound was another fic that turned out differently than I had originally expected. Remember, this was the one where I thought about doing a boss/subordinate soulmate au but then I realized that I know jackshit about office work/office life so I decided to do an enemies to lovers, xianxia, inspired by The Journey of Chongzi au where Chen Yuzhi was an immortal and Jiang Yuelou was the demon king and they were soulmates and neither of them was happy about it.
I'll Be There For You was also another fic that turned out differently. I had started writing the outline one way and I was like...no, I don't like that. And then I scraped the outline and wrote a whole new one, which was much better.
I'm sure I have other fics that I could think of, but these are just the four off the top of my head that I know were different originally in my head than on the page.
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msookyspooky · 1 year
I can't get this outta my head!! I hope you like it!!
You pace around the room, you felt like you could throw up.
It's been a long time since you've heard from...them. Billy and Stu. The original ghost face murders from Woodsboro. Sure you've had got the odd call or letter but it was all bullshit. But after your cousin Jill's friend just got gutted in her own room, it was now confirmed that there was a copy cat in town again.
Randy looks at you concern. You wanted to have Dewey here too, but he was busy. Maybe it was for the best.
"Tell me what's going on." Ray stands up and limps over to you, taking your hand into his.
You look at him. You had to tell him. The truth was eating you alive and nothing would take away the guilt and trauma. Not partying and drugs, not moving all the way into a new state, not even writing a book.
The drugs and booze, along with moving across state lines, was only a temporary fix to a major solution. And writing a book, literally titled out of darkness only put you in the spot light more prominent.
Even therapy didn't work. After Ray and Dewey suggested going back to therapy after the shit Roman pulled, you went. The therapist, Dr. Perkins, suggested a journal. Spoiler alert, you never wrote it the journal once. You also found it too draining to have to stretch the truth. You couldn't tell him that Billy and Stu was alive and you've known for almost a decade. And he definitely wouldn't get what you were feeling after you survived three separate killing sprees and have a life time of trauma.
Ray sits you down with him and you roll your lips and wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans. You didn't want to tell Randy. But you had too. It was eating you alive and Randy was about the only person who could relate to you.
You didn't want to lose him.
You couldn't.
"You're going to hate me."
"I could never hate you." He says, softly.
You give a chuckle. If only he knew.
You take in a shaky breath, trying to find the words. "I-" you stop yourself and begin again. "You know, back in Woodsboro, with Billy and Stu and how where was a fire?"
He nods his head.
"Stu and Billy....they're...alive."
Randy's worried expression turned from worried to confused. "What? How do you even-?"
"When I was packing to move out for college, I had found a note...from Stu. Saying he would be back. At first I thought it was a shit head pulling a sick prank but at Windsor, I started...seeing them. Both of them. I thought I was going out of my fucking mind. But they ambushed me backstage while at rehearsals for that play I was in."
"And you're now just telling me this?!" Randy shoots up from the couch, his face now turned to anger.
He had every right to be.
"Trust me, I wanted to tell you! I did! But each time something would come up and the murders would start again! I honestly thought they would have got caught back in Hollywood. Especially that shit head Stu."
"So, the yelling I heard?"
"Was from Billy and Stu."
"Jesus fuck. How could you keep this from me?! Does Dewey know?"
You shake your head.
"You didn't tell Dewey either?! I mean, Jesus! They've killed Casey, her boyfriend, James, Tatum...Sid. They also attacked me and Dewey! Not to mention what they did to you! Why are you protecting them?!"
This time, you jump from the couch. "Trust me, I'm not! I was ready to go to the cops but roman found out and made a threat! I wish I did though."
Randy runs his hand through his hair. "Christ. I can't believe this."
"I know," you say. "I know."
"Was any of it real?"
You raise a eyebrow. "What do you-"
He cuts you off. "Us. Our friendship. Our relationship. The three months we dated? Was it all fake?"
You shake your head furiously. "Of course not, Ray-"
He cuts you off again. "Don't call me that."
"Randy. I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. You are my best friend and I don't want to lose you."
Randy scuffs. "I can't be here right now." He doesn't say anything as he opens the front door and leaves, leaving you alone in the living room.
I love this sm!!! It's so freaking true too! Like, yeah therapy would help with some things but only half bc we couldn't tell the therapist the whole truth and they'd know we're lying eventually and moving doesn't help and the book is just a bunch of half truths. Whatever Sid went through in canon; we have it 10x worse bc they lived.
And Randy? Omg could you imagine hearing it? That the men that traumatized you for life and killed the ones you cared about lived and your best friend lied about it? And was secretly helping them for a hot minute just to save you and her but Ray is not going to listen to that in the heat of the moment
I really really love this and if you or anyone wants to start making little drabbles in my asks based on my fanfic by all means please do!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍
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eyndr-stories · 2 years
The Stranger The Better (FNAF SB fanfic) C16 - OBJECTION!
Read the intro to Chapter 1 (Enter A Sleepy Bitchard) for more details! I'd start reading there anyways else things won't make a whole lot of sense lol
In Summary: Reader is a forever exhausted young adult who has social difficulties doing their best to pay the bills, so when they get hired at the well-paying, almost entirely automated Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex, they don't really hesitate to think things through before stumbling headfirst into a horror mystery surrounding this company and its crew of quirky (and surprisingly kind) animatronics.
Things To Know (lmk if I should add anything):
There are some horror elements in several chapters! This chapter is not particularly spooky, there's just feelings of stress and some paranoia, but this chapter does heavily discuss just about every spooky thing that happened in the fic. So just to be safe, tags for everything that is mentioned to have happened but does not directly happen in this chapter: Feelings of fear, being hunted, being grabbed, being attacked, being controlled, attempted murder, feelings of stress, a taser being used, manipulation, blackmail, a gun being used.
Eventual romance, minorly important to the plot.
Reader has paranoia.
There is much swearing.
Reader is also addicted to energy drinks, though at this point in the story they are doing well with battling said addiction.
Reader is nonbinary (and also trans masc) though it's not vital to the plot and only comes up once or twice.
Reader is from the south, is protective of their friends, and if you threaten their friends then I'm afraid you've yee'd your last haw and yes that is important to the plot
Previous Chapter | Chapter 15 | Next Chapter
     You'd never been in a real court case before.
     You straightened your suit yet again and shifted anxiously in your seat. The finely dressed lady sitting next to you looked calm and confidant. This was her job, after all. You tried willing yourself not to sweat and mess up your nice clothes. You'd check your phone, just to do literally anything else but sit here, but it had gotten a weird virus sometime yesterday and was no longer working.
     Paige was sitting across the room from you. Several suited people sat and stood around her, talking quietly about one thing or another. Behind you were aisles packed with lots of people you didn't know, and a few you did. Omari caught your eye and held up a hand in greeting. You gave her a small wave.
     You took a deep breath. You straightened your suit again. The jury funneled into the room, and the judge took a seat before you.
     Your head was swimming with anxieties and stress and a small amount of pain from the events that had transpired two nights ago. Your shoulder still hurt, but at least the swelling had gone down.
     The case began, and the judge whacked their gavel down. The room quieted.
     "Alright, it's time for the opening statements. Prosecutor, you may begin," said the judge.
     The woman next to you got up from her seat.
     "Thank you, and good evening. My name is Alexandria Norwich, and I am the prosecutor in this case. It is my pleasure to represent the people of this state. The defendant in this case, Fazbear Entertainment, a company run on greed and corruption, represented today by Paige Anderson, is guilty not only of blackmail, the violation of multiple health and safety requirements, but also violating the 13th amendment, which I'm sure you know abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. You'll hear from several witnesses today, all of whom have worked for this company, have interacted with management, and who know the true lengths to which this company will go to for the sake of greed. For the sake of lining their pockets, they have committed these atrocities. Now of course, I'm sure their money has hired a very persuasive defense attorney, but rest assured. The evidence against them is staggering. Don't trust me, or any other lawyer sitting over there when you make your decisions. Trust the facts, and the evidence, which I believe you will find there is quite a lot of. You'll see for yourselves, without a shadow of a doubt, that the defendant is guilty, on all accounts."
     Alexandria sat back down next to you.
     "Defense, you may begin with your opening statement," said the judge.
      The defense attorney, a clearly upper-class woman who you had no doubt management paid big money to hire, rose from her seat next to Paige and cleared her throat.
     "Thank you, your honor. My name is Rachel Smith, and I am the defense attorney in this case. Despite what the prosecutor would have you think, neither me or the company I represent is out to get you, or anyone else for that matter. We are just people, in the business of bringing joy to your children, and even yourselves. I won't judge, that's your job." Rachel gave the jury a charming smile. "As for the accusations thrown at our historically family friendly company, I will say this. Consider who has more to gain here, and who has more to loose. If Fazbear Entertainment were to be found guilty, not only would this staple attraction of our community be shut down, but the prosecutor would be written a very nice fat check. Just keep that in mind as the so called evidence the prosecutor may bring to you is put forward." Rachel sat back down.
     The judge nodded, then said, "Following opening statements, the prosecutor begins direct examination of her first witness."
     Alexandria stood again. "I call Y/N to the stand."
     You'd been prepared for this, but you still winced when all the attention in the room came down on you. You got up from your seat and crossed the floor to sit in the witness booth. You adjusted your suit again as you sat back down.
     "So, Y/N. You've been employed at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza-Plex for two months and two weeks, correct?" Alexandria asked you.
     "That's correct," you said.
     "And during your employment, you met and befriended several of your fellow coworkers, yes? Among them animatronics by the names of Sun and Moon."
     "I did," you confirmed.
     "You also happened to record several incidents pertaining to this case, did you not?"
     "I did, yes."
     "Would you mind telling the court about the first incident you recorded, Precisely two weeks after being hired?" Alexandria asked.
     "Right." You took a deep breath, and spoke as clearly as you could. "So I drove home from my shift, and there was someone waiting for me at my house. I got nervous because, you know, I hadn't invited anyone over at six am in the morning, and the person standing there in front of my door was a stranger at the time. Turns out it was Ms. Anderson, but I had opened an app on my phone and started recording just in case someone was about to try and rob me or something."
     "We have this audio file to share with you today. It has a confirmed time stamp, and the voices you will hear are confirmed to match precisely Y/N and Paige Anderson's voices," Alexandria said. She lifted her smart watch and tapped through a few screens. Audio began to play over the court's speakers.
     You could be heard quietly whispering 'what the fuck' as there was some shuffling background noise. Then your car door opening and closing, and then your voice calling out with much more clarity, "Who are you?"
     Paige's voice responded. "Hi, Y/N. My name is Paige. I’m the official head of the A.R.D. at Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizza-Plex management offices."
     You and the rest of the courtroom listened as you invited Paige around back for an impromptu meeting. Right after you mentioned the incident with Moon, "…I believe you tried to dissuade me from engaging with one of your biggest safety concerns. After an incident had already occurred. I have the proof, if you’d like to review it…" Alexandria paused the audio clip.
     "We'll discuss in a moment the incident in question, of which we have video-graphic evidence taken from a security camera inside the building," Alexandria said.
     You realized Paige was glaring at you, and the suited lawyers around her were discretely whispering to one another.
     Alexandria resumed the audio. Paige's voice filled the courtroom. "…No need. I’m aware of the incident. Here’s the thing… It would be rather unfortunate if word got out about an incident like that. We’d have no choice but to decommission the animatronic. Permanently."
     Alexandria paused the recording again. "That brings us to our first count of blackmail. The company sought to silence Y/N, to keep them from exposing the results of the company's negligence for the health and safety requirements. Listen to what Paige Anderson has to say on the matter."
     Alexandria played the recording.
     There was a moment of silence, and then your voice, "…Why haven’t you jackals gotten your specialist in to fix Moon’s bug yet?"
     Paige's voice responded. "You know as well as I do that at the end of the day, its all about money. Profit. Budgets. That’s why you came back to work after the incident. Gotta pay the bills. It’d be a shame for you to loose such a nice little place, especially so soon after the last move."
     Alexandria paused again. She told the jury about how you'd come upon hard times, loosing your house after your fiancé ran off with your roommate. You wanted to crawl into a corner and die. Alexandria went on to tell the jury that Fazbear Entertainment had dug up this personal information to use against you, to further persuade you that you should not cross the company.
     Alexandria played the rest of the tape, where Paige told you about how management wanted to decommission Moon, and your idea to save him. Paige left, and you went inside and went to bed, forgetting all about the recording, which recorded your snoring for the next hour before hitting the audio file size limit. Luckily, Alexandria didn't make everyone sit through your embarrassing snoring for an hour.
     Then, Alexandria went over the video footage you'd saved, the clip Sun had helped you download. You didn't want to watch it again, so you stared at your hands and focused on your breathing for a minute.
     Alexandria went into detail about the virus that caused the animatronics to turn violent, how it was her virus that had made Moon aggressive in the first place, and how Vanessa had conspired for literal years within the company's own building, able to inflict her virus and build her mech and endanger a countless number of people over the years, all because of the company's negligence and lack of care for its employees.
     She talked about the working conditions, the photographic evidence of the access tunnels she'd gotten and how disgusting they were. She said a lot of complicated words about specific regulations that you sort of tuned out.
     Alexandria turned back to you. "The second incident you recorded was from two nights ago, the night that brought this all to light at long last. Is this correct?"
     "Yes." You nodded. You were grateful that Alexandria was making your job so easy. You were not looking forward to being cross-examined, however.
     "Now before I play this audio, I will warn you and everyone else in this room that what you are about to hear may be disturbing to some. There is discussion of death, threats of death, loud noises, a gunshot, and some screaming." Alexandria paused politely while two people excused themselves from the aisles and stepped outside.
     Alexandria hit play. Your voice filled the courtroom again. "Uh. So this is Y/N. Just gonna leave a little message, just… just in case. Preparing for the worst case scenario to help ease my anxieties. So, let me explain…"
     You laid everything out, the virus, how it made everyone act violently against their own will or recollection, putting everyone in safe mode, the notes Monty left, how Greggory had gotten trapped in the plex with you and everyone else. "I'm not sure what happened to Vanessa," your voice continued. "I hope she isn't… I hope she's okay… Uh. I think that's everything. So yeah, there's some freaky virus, the animatronics are not at fault here, they are not acting of their own will. If… Sun and Moon, if you two hear this… well, I'll be damned if I kick the bucket without coming clean. There's something I've been meaning to tell you… I-" you were beyond grateful that Greggory interrupted you there, calling you back into the security room. The embarrassment of admitting your crush to a courtroom full of strangers… you thought you would have died on the spot.
     The audio went on, you and Greggory proceeded to the delivery bay, where you were confronted by Monty and Vanessa. You listened to Vanessa's confession a second time. She talked about her late husband Cameron, how he'd died and how Fazbear Entertainment covered everything up and so she had no proof but knew what they'd done. Vanessa admitted everything, the virus, plotting the murder of a building full of people, and how she wouldn't hesitate to kill you too.
     Alexandria turned the volume down slightly as the fight happened. She paused to briefly explain what was going on in the audio. There was a lot of background noise and shuffling as you moved around, the phone still in your pocket. Then, everything quieted down, and Alexandria turned the volume back up.
     Your voice came through the speakers. "Vanessa, are you alright?"
     There was a few moments of silence. Alexandria paused briefly to explain that Vanessa had, according to several eye witness accounts, climbed out of the mech and pulled out a gun.
     Vanessa's voice spoke up. "You think… I'd do all this shit… and not have a backup plan? I've got enough bullets for management and you."
     You replied. "Vanessa… don't do this. Cameron wouldn't want this."
     A few seconds of silence, and then the gunshot. You could hear Vanessa screaming, exclaiming at Moon to get off of her. You heard Sun's voice.
     "Sunshine, I'm here. Are you alright? Y/N??"
     Sirens could be heard quickly getting closer. The next hour was a cacophony of noise, cops asking all kinds of questions, an emergency responder asking Sun if you'd hit your head or were injured anywhere.
     Alexandria stopped the recording after a minute of this.
     "So. By all means, the evidence shows that the defendant manipulated and blackmailed Y/N. They did not follow the outlined heath and safety regulations." Alexandria looked to you again. "Now. This next question may seem out of the blue, but it leads to our third accusation regarding Fazbear Entertainment's violation of the thirteenth amendment. How do you define sentience? What makes me, or you, or the person next to you sentient? Y/N, would you mind attempting an answer?"
     "Oh. Well…" You thought about it for a moment. "Thoughts, feelings. Ideas. Advanced reasoning?"
     "And how would you describe the animatronics you've been working with for months?" Alexandria asked.
     "Quirky," you started with a small smile. "They're kind, in their own ways. Thoughtful. Sometimes a little rude, but once they warm up to you, you see that they're really just under a lot of stress. They're anxious about one thing or another, or they had a bad day or something. They're a great bunch."
     "Would you say that they meet your definition of sentience?"
     "Oh, yeah. Without a doubt."
     "Would you, as Ms. Anderson put it, consider them Fazbear Entertainment property?" Alexandria asked.
     "I would not," you said.
     "And why is that?"
     "Because they're people. Same as you and me. Just because they're made of metal doesn't mean they're tools. My fourth cousin back home, his brain is more metal plate than anything else. And he's not a tool. Well, at least not most of the time."
     Someone on the jury coughed to cover a laugh.
     You went on. "They're sentient, feeling, thinking people. Like, all I am is just a meat sack being piloted around by stubborn electricity, you know? Just because someone's vessel looks different doesn't mean they're not worth the same care and respect as anyone else."
     "Thank you, Y/N," Alexandria said, ending your rambling. "I have no further questions."
     "Defense, would you like to cross-examine the witness?" the judge asked.
     "Yes, your honor." Rachel got up as Alexandria took her seat.
     You shifted uncomfortably, but held Rachel's gaze.
     "Firstly, I would like to discuss these audio files. They may be time stamped, but that does not mean they were not staged. What proof do we have that this wasn't all staged by Y/N? Everything from their tragic backstory to the personification of robots programmed to be nice to kids. The prosecutor accuses Fazbear Entertainment of greed, but who is really the greedy one here?" Rachel paused.
     You stared at her blankly. She could not be serious. Right?
     "Who's to say that this hasn't all been orchestrated to pull at your heartstrings? A poor, down on their luck underdog using a supposed friendship with some robots in order to sway you to their side, so the court might award them a nice paycheck."
     Your face felt warm. You didn't want to get worked up, so you put your years of bottling up your feelings to good use.
     "In this brilliant age of technological advancement, it's not hard at all to add sounds effects to recordings, cut things out, omit context, move words around. Would you agree with that statement, Y/N?"
     "I mean… I dunno? You can ask literally anyone who knows me, I don't know a damn thing about computers." You glanced apologetically at the judge. "Er, sorry for swearing."
     Rachel stared at you. "I'm sure. I'm also sure you probably think you really are friends with these robots. Y/N, can you confirm that you have been medically diagnosed with paranoia, depression, and anxiety by a healthcare professional?"
     God, was there anything these fucks didn't know about you? "…Yes, which I went to therapy and took medicine for. The treatment proved extremely effective. I'm no longer in therapy or on medication."
     "Yet you still suffer from paranoid delusions, correct?" Rachel asked.
     "…On occasion," you said. "It's manageable, else the doc wouldn't have taken me off the medication."
     "Of course. However, wouldn't you agree that your perception of reality is not entirely accurate?"
     You knew she was trying to make you look untrustworthy, to make everything you'd said unbelievable. At the same time, only a few nights ago you'd been entirely convinced that the drink you'd left alone on the other side of your locked house was definitely poisoned, and that if you drank it, you would die. "I am, at times, very worried about things that are highly unlikely to be true."
     "How can we trust anything you've said if you can't even give us a straight answer?" Rachel asked.
     "I have spoken nothing but the truth," you said.
     "The truth as you believe it to be." Rachel smiled at you in an almost pitying way. "No further questions."
     You went back to your seat. Alexandria called another witness, Omari, and asked her about her experiences working for Fazbear Entertainment, and her experience interacting with the animatronics. You were having trouble focusing. You felt embarrassed, and honestly, a little doubtful. What if it really was all in your head? What if the animatronics were all just very well programmed to emulate nice personalities for the kids, and you were just lonely enough to believe that you'd been making friends? You shrank in your seat. You felt like everyone in the room was watching you, judging you, not believing you.
     Wait. You were paranoid. You were feeling anxious right now. You looked around. Everyone was looking at Omari and Alexandria. No one was paying any attention to you beyond a brief glance. You thought back on your time at the plex. You thought about how it didn't make sense for the animatronics to talk to you at all, or each other, if they weren't sentient. They'd just stay in their rooms and rest for the night once the plex closed. Freddy wouldn't have sat with you in your car that night. Monty wouldn't have smashed lightbulbs with you to relieve stress. Chica wouldn't have kept you company or enthused with you about your passions. Roxy wouldn't have been so crass with you at the beginning, only to trust you to sit and comfort her while she cried a handful of nights ago. Sun and Moon… they cared about you. Moon saved your life when Sun was about to bash your skull in. Sun had literally taken a bullet for you. You were not imagining things. Logically, it didn't make sense. You took a deep breath, then turned your attention back to the case.
     Rachel was questioning Omari, who answered her questions with the curt dispassionate tone of someone very used to dealing with frustrating corporate bullshit.
     Finally, Alexandria called her final witness.
     To the surprise of several people, including yourself, Paige, and everyone on her team, Sun walked into the room. He had traded his usual costume for a very slick suit and a bright yellow bowtie. He gave you a small smile as he passed you on his way to the witness stand.
     The last you'd seen Sun, you'd woken up once the aftermath of everything had cooled down. You'd gotten to talk to Sun long enough to learn that Moon had managed to restrain him and manually shut him down. Once he'd rebooted in safe mode, Moon had explained everything, and Sun had experienced a bit of a breakdown. The two left to look for you and the others, (they'd gotten around Sun's programming not allowing him to leave the daycare by Moon lifting him and carrying him through the doorway) searching high and low without success until they found the no longer secret door in the security room, just in the nick of time to come to your aid.
     Sun assured you that he was fine, yes he had been shot but he was fine, he was made of metal and wires, remember? You'd calmed down, only to be whisked away into a confusing chaotic hailstorm of lawyers and news reporters and police asking you all sorts of questions. Someone asked if you’d be pressing charges, to which you replied on the spot “hell fucking yeah I wanna press charges”, not really fully comprehending what all that would entail. You'd sent word to Sun and Moon to talk to Greggory, who still had your house key, and if any of them needed to stay the night at your place they were more than welcome to. Then, your phone had gotten that virus and shut down, (luckily all your recordings and evidence were in your writing app, so you could just log in on a computer and access it) and you were back in it with the lawyers and stayed overnight in protective custody.
     You stared at Sun, searching him for scrapes or injuries or any sign that he wasn't okay. He looked normal. Well, as normal as Sun could look, dressed in a suit instead of a silly jester costume.
     "I won't ask you about your relationship with management, since the topic of Fazbear Entertainment's relationship with its employees has been covered extensively. Instead, I'll ask you this. Is it true that you are programmed not to lie?"
     "Yes, that's true," Sun said.
     "Any objection?" Alexandria asked, turning to look at Paige, who only glared at her. "So, Sun. You've known Y/N for over two months now, is that right?"
     "That's right." Sun nodded and smiled at you.
     "Do you have any reason to believe that Y/N would have or did orchestrate the events that transpired two nights ago?" Alexandria asked. "Furthermore, do you have reason to believe that Y/N forged faulty evidence, tampered with recordings, or conspired in the slightest against Fazbear Entertainment at any point in time?"
     "Absolutely not! Nothing was planned. Except by Vanessa, of course," Sun answered.
     Rachel shot to her feet. "Objection, Y/N did conspire against the company. After their first meeting with Ms. Anderson, Y/N began doing research into the company and its past, presumably to dig up dirt on the company!"
     "What evidence do you have to back these claims??" Alexandria asked.
     "Y/N's search history," Rachel stated.
     "How do you have my search history??" you exclaimed. "Besides, it's not weird to do research on the company you work for."
     "I'm sure if the jury saw the precise terms of your 'research' they would disagree," Rachel argued.
     "I'll pull up my history right now and prove it," you argued, certain that you hadn't even gotten very far into your research. You reached for your phone, then remembered it was busted.
     "You can't," Rachel shot back with a grin.
     You paused. "…How do you know I can't?"
     Rachel paled. Murmurs rose throughout the jury and the rest of the courtroom.
     You got to your feet and pulled out your dead phone. "How did you know my phone was busted, that it had conveniently gotten a virus yesterday, shutting it down and not allowing me to prove wrong whatever you said my search history was??"
     There were gasps and chattering throughout the room.
     The judge banged their gavel. "Order in the court, please. Everyone take your seats."
     Rachel's face was beet red. Paige put her face in her hands. The other lawyers around her whispered furiously to each other. Alexandria smiled at you.
     During the closing statements, Alexandria recounted everything very neatly and stated that, as she'd said it would, the evidence spoke for itself. Rachel got herself composed enough to deliver a final speech about how much good Fazbear Entertainment did for this town, how it would be a financial travesty for the town if it shut down. She mentioned that the daycare was a life saver for many busy parents in town, and remarked on how sad the children would be without the pizza-plex.
     After the case was concluded, the jury left to make their decision and everyone was excused. There was some more nonsense with the lawyers, and then you were finally allowed to go home. You had to appear in court for the final verdict, and you couldn't skip town, but that was all fine by you. All you wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed.
     To your relief and joy, both Sun and Moon were waiting for you outside. You pulled them both into a tight hug, and felt an incredible tension ease from your body as they hugged you back.
     "Common, Y/N. Let's get you home," Moon said.
     You sighed. "Yes please."
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canoncreepypastas · 2 years
a fanfic between me, vilkas & farkas 😳‼️
do with this what you will >-< all genders work with this!
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You were walking back from your usual hike; taking the route that would lead you through a rather scenic forest that you always enjoyed passing through. There never were any bandits or outlaws here-- the most you'd have to get rid of is a wolf, maybe two if you're unlucky.
After what happened -literally right before you got here- you needed a calm walk like this. You were attacked by a bandit- one which you were sure had werewolf capabilites.
Just like your pack. You were a companion- newly found involved in the secret circle that contained those with the beast blood of a wolf. This bandit was strong and caught you off guard. They had you on the floor- straddling you with your hands pinned above your head with only one hand. The other hand held a knife to your throat.
It seemed they saw your signature war paint- one that declared you as your own special identity. You were a Dragonborn, a force not to be reckoned with. You had defeated countless dragons, wiped out bandit camps, and killed many giants. They scurried away as soon as they saw the paint.
"Ha, being the Dragonborn really does have its perks!" You said, twirling one of your daggers around your finger, leaning your back against a tree, and watching some birds fly around. Two of the birds began to indulge in a... unprofessional action. You closed your eyes. You stabbed your dagger into the tree, causing the birds to fly away in fear all while keeping your eyes closed. You still took that as your cue to leave- turning to the side and walking. Only to bump into something. You opened your eyes.
"Care to explain why you smell so bad like another wolf?" You heard, the familiar voice of Farkas. You backed up a little- and bumped into another chest. You assume that is Vilkas.
"I can smell where he was. Right on top of you," His voice-a low growl-confirmed your thoughts, "I dont blame him. Look at you, such a pretty and good-looking thing." He grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look at him. "Beautiful eyes."
"Its not like that- We didn't-" Farkas interrupted you by pressing on one of your nipples.
"I don't wanna hear excuses. Be a good whelp and accept your consequences." Farkas would growl into the crook of your neck. You could feel his smirk. Farkas was running his hands all over.
"Once I can get passed the rotten smell of another wolf on our lover, you smell so good, little whelp," Vilkas said, slamming his lips onto yours in an aggressive kiss.
The straps of your armor were coming loose, thanks to the work of Farkas. You felt so small and tiny- like the two of them could crush you between them. You would never complain if they did.
"We takin' turns?" Farkas asked, looking over at Vilkas.
"Fuck yeah, and you can bet your ass that I'm going first"
"Says who?" Farkas growled.
"Im the one who scented them. Im the one who found them. Im sorry you're too dumb to hunt someone in your pack down." Vilkas smirked, continuing to make out with you with the same mouth that just insulted his brother.
"You dont even use your wolf form! At least I can convert to mine without being bedridden for weeks because of the pain it causes me. Hey, [name] did you know that Vilkas cant even control his werewolf form? Arent I the better werewolf?"
You pulled off of Vilkas. You knew first-hand how much his beast blood did to harm him- as a leader, hes had to rely on you to teach his students because the pain is too much for him. Vilkas spends everday in pain. You knew that.
"Stop fuckin' arguing," you panted, "and put a dick in me. I don't care whose." You went back to shoving your tongue in Vilkas' mouth.
You felt the last of your armor fall off- as Farkas unbuttoned your pants. This was all so fast- so needy. How strong was that mans scent?
You felt a mouth by your hole- seemingly Farkas, considering Vilkas was now working on marking up your neck. Vilkas played with your nipples- while Farkas was working that hole of yours open.
Vilkas' fingers were infront of your mouth. "Be a good whelp and suck on 'em for me, we gotta get you nice n prepared."
You gladly accepted the fingers into your mouth- sucking on them just like they told you. Farkas had his tongue in your hole, causing you to moan on the fingers in your mouth. Vilkas pulled his fingers away- a string of saliva breaking as he used the substance to coat his dick.
"Farkas, ive got 'em." Vilkas said as Farkas pulled away, causing you to whine.
"Such a needy whelp. Dont worry, youll be stuffed with something soon enough." Vilkas put your back against one of the trees. "Wrap your legs around me, little whelp." Vilkas said. Almost as soon as you did- your hole was stuffed full with Vilkas' cock.
"Thats it, fuck yeah" He groaned under his breath, his head shoved into your neck.
You felt good. This was not your first time-your first time being spent with a ginger from the thieves guild- so you did not take much preparation. You looked at Vilkas.
"Y-you should move now." You requested.
Vilkas smirked. "Such a good whelp," he said as he began to thrust his cock in and out. He was moving hard- growling into your ear or neck with every thrust. You tried to move your hands to your shoulders but he grabbed your wrists, pinning them above your head.
"Did I say you can do that? I dont think so. You do what I say." He growled, pounding into you.
"You can rely on me. Rely on the big bad wolf to hold you up while he pounds the living shit out of you- while you sit and take it like the good whore you are." He said, growling into you. He really was pounding you- it felt so so good. You kept letting out noises that you didn't even know you had in you.
"Gonna make you see stars. Fuck, im seeing stars with how tight you are. Such a good whelp." He said as you bawled your hands into fists- you felt close.
But he pulled out.
"Sorry, babe. Farkas has got to have a turn. And I'm.." he takes a break to pant, "not gonna make him fuck a cum-filled hole. Ill fuck you good again any other time though, and I'll fill you as much as you want." He winked as he moved, gently aiding you to the ground. He kept hold of you, as your legs felt like jello.
"So its my turn, huh. Finally." Farkas said. He shoved his mouth onto yours, "personally, im a little less proper than Vilkas is." He said as the two of you quickly moved.
You were now on the ground. Your back felt sticky with mud, but you didnt care. It was worth it for the cock.
Farkas slipped your legs over his shoulders and went straight to town.
"I'd start out--" he growled, "Easy-- But, seeing Vilkas do what he did.. I couldnt wait anymore!" Farkas growled as he did nothing but thrust his hips in and out of you.
At this point- you were crying. It felt so great- so so good. Words could not describe how important this was too you.
"Wish I could mark you," Farkas added, not letting up on his harsh thrusting, "wish I could find a way to make sure every wolf knows just who you belong too." Farkas said.
He kissed your neck; his hands roaming your chest and body as if it were a prized possession. You felt close again.
He stopped moving, but he did not pull out.
"C'mere, Vilkas."
"I was already ready for this the minute I pulled out, fuck. You ready, whelp?"
Fuck. You had an idea where this was gonna go.
"Ive.. Yes, fuck, Im ready." You said as Farkas laid down, rolling you ontop of him. Vilkas pinned you onto Farkas, crawling over on top.
And suddenly, both of the dicks were in your hole.
"Thats so.. Tight.. Such a good whelp." Vilkas groaned, biting your neck.
And for the rest of the night, you were the one being filled in the wolf pack.
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xiiistoleti · 1 year
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Alexa tried to ignore the fear running through her as she knocked on the door.
"Yes?" Melchior said lazily from inside the drawing room.
"I, uh, have a thing I need to talk about with you," she said, opening the door and stepping in. "Sir," she quickly added.
Melchior was sitting at his desk in a very in-between shape, whatever form he wanted to take didn't quite set in yet. He glanced at her, correcting something on his leg.
"Well?" He urged her when she didn't speak.
"It's, uh," she started, blushing in anxiety, her heart beating way faster than she wanted it to. Calm down, she thought, stress won't help you.
"Whatever it is, you can say it," Melchior sounded strangely docile. At least it would sound strangely for someone who only knew him as a sadistic monster.
"I... I heard that you wanted to start travelling, right?" She attacked the topic from another angle to prevent just standing there in stupefaction.
"You heard right. Why?"
"Well... uh..."
"Oh, spit it out already!" Melchior rolled his eyes impatiently.
Alexa took a deep breath.
"Iwanttoquitbecausei'munboundableandidon'tfeelgoodworkingforyou," she spat out very quickly.
Melchior was silent.
"I- I'm sorry, I mean, there's reasons, I can explain--" she stuttered, her fear catching up with what she just said.
"Well that's what I thought you would say but--"
"No, you don't have to explain."
This time it was Alexa who fell silent, her mouth hanging open, unsure of what she should even do.
"You were always just a temporary replacement of your, ahem, late father," he said dispassionately. "You have your talents, but you were never really what I was looking for in a szlachta," he continued. "Which is to say, I was considering firing you myself."
"...I thought... I... Well, I thought you would threaten to kill me or something," she sputtered out, her legs shaking with the adrenaline suddenly going down.
"Why?" He asked shortly, piercing his eyes into her.
"Well, uh, because... of all the display of possessiveness... I saw from you in the past week? And because you already did threaten to kill me, five years ago, when you thought I was the one who contacted the hunters?"
"Well, that was not true though, was it?"
"What's with the sudden mercy?" She asked angrily, confused as to what was happening. "I thought you were some ancient monstrosity and proud of it, or whatever--"
"Would you like me to change my mind?" Melchior hissed, vexed, but quickly calmed down. "I am not ancient. I'm barely an antique. Three hundred and eighty-seven is not much at all..." He seemed like he wanted to end that sentence somehow, but he just trailed off.
"So... Am I to understand that you're just gonna let me go like nothing happened after you literally blew up a train to get Jain back when he wanted to leave?" She did not want to believe his words, even though this was literally the best case scenario.
"I am not obsessed with you," he shrugged and picked at the place on his leg he was previously correcting, frowning at something he apparently couldn't get quite right.
"Well, uh... Thank... you?... I guess?" She looked at the door behind her. "So, uh. I'll probably start. Packing and shit."
Melchior raised his hand.
"You are to stay until I leave for my travels. This should take no more than a month. Then you are free to do as you please, although I cannot guarantee that whatever you have on your mind will end well for you," he concluded rather ominously, but didn't elaborate.
"Uh... Yeah, I guess that's a good arrangement. I... I'll have more time to arrange something... for myself, basically," she agreed.
"Good. Is there anything else?"
"Uh, no, I don't think so. I'll... get going. To my room, I mean." She started making her exit slowly. Melchior didn't answer, instead focusing on his leg once again.
She spent the rest of the night feeling like she just ran a mental equivalent of a marathon, texting Honorata to prove she was not dreaming.
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gaykarstaagforever · 4 months
In anticipation of DMing, I got all worked up trying to make quickdraw combat charts for common enemies and worried I wasn't going to remember how to do the rolls. But then in the 7 hour session the two players did combat exactly once, against scared teenagers who didn't even fight back, because I made it a non-magical world and they were terrified of getting crippled by damage.
Which was me bloody POINT. If everyone wants to battle all the time, go play a battle card game. Roleplaying means playing a role, and not everyone should be "the sociopath who hits everyone". What kind of shit story would that make? And even the person in the world who acts like that should pay dearly for it, for the sake of everyone else.
Fine. And some people in the real world unwind by murdering and butchering woodland creatures they don't need for food. And I don't enjoy that, either.
I get wanting to hit things when you're mad, and wanting to feel powerful when you're feeling powerless. But if that is all you're interested in exploring...maybe deal with the circumstances that are leading to you being so angry about being kicked around all the time? Because if you're using roleplaying as free emotional therapy, it 100% becomes that to you. Which means you NEED it to be that. Which means if it ever isn't that, then you don't get your release, and now you're feeling pent-up and deprived, that someone has STOLEN your medicine from you, which makes them your ENEMY, and...!
This is why people send death threats when Star Wars doesn't have enough wordless lightsaber duels. This is why some Tolkien-loving racists yell about how it is a personal attack on them that they're suddenly not allowed to use this fantasy world to pretend Black people aren't a thing anymore. This is why there are 40 year old men who bothered everyone for YEARS because we didn't agree with them that a movie where the Joker kills people because he mad, no gf, is somehow insightful social commentary.
Combat encounters and item fetch quests are a part of roleplaying, to give people stuff to do. But as is cliché, the real treasure is the friends we make along the way. Or how we creatively destroy our enemies so totally we never have to deal with their bullshit ever again. And that's all politics and diplomacy and maintaining a consistent reputation.
It is playing a role, on an adventure. People who kill hundreds of wolves and bandits outside of a video game world aren't badass heroes, they're the monsters the real heroes are trying to put down.
Also what kind of human government in a fantasy universe lets packs of OP randos wonder over private land, engaging in pitched magic-and-poison battles in the middle of standing crops, leaving looted corpses to rot all over? What even is the point of having a government if you pay taxes to it and it lets this shit go on? The suspension of disbelief demanded here undercuts the fun of any of this. I don't care what I do or about this world because it is arbitrary and amoral and nonsensical.
Lex Luthor is a great supervillain for Superman literally because Superman could easily murder him in an instant, but if he does that he's the bad guy, so instead he has to stand by and let Luthor fuck with him. And Lex does. But Superman is so much more powerful than Lex that Lex has to struggle to constantly come up with new ways to get around him. That's a rich relationship to mine. Forcing them to interact with these limitations is exciting, to see how they're going to navigate through that.
Plus let's be honest, here. Violent power fantasies require the person having the fantasy to be the ONE person getting to do that. People want to be Merlin and Conan, they don't want to be one of the 200,000 guys running around armed with the same ice spell and dragonbone sword. No one fantasizes about being just another mundane whoever, but now in a place with minotaurs. So why do people run campaigns that are 100% that? Even in your supposed exciting fantasy adventure where you are The One, you aren't The Only One. Who the hell wants to play working their way up to being The President of Wizards?
I want to be THE wizard! Otherwise you've just added spellcasting to petty workplace politics. Now who is ruining fantasy with mundane real-world shit?
0 notes
obesericewrites · 2 years
Bestie do I have a story to tell you-
Don't there an ask at the end
Okay so I was asleep in my bed minding my own business and then my sister busted in with multiple suitcases just going around my room saying we got to go you got to get up we got it back we have to go and I'm like what the heck did she do I'm half asleep sitting up in my bed wondering why am I being woken up at 4 in the morning.
I just watch her run around my room packing my bags in the utmost confusion like I don't remember much cuz like I said it's 4:00 in the morning I was tired but I was pulled out and I was in the car you really like driving and she said not a word not a single word and then to let me know like are we being chased running from the law like nothing.
I was basically kidnapped my dude. We drove through three state and I still didn't know where we were going. I really thought she did something illegal and we were now fugitives. I mean I was literally wearing clothes I usually wouldn't wear just so we wouldn't be recognized.
I we stopped at so many places,and to be honest yeah it was fun, but like I was still wondering were we were going. She finally answered me, and she said " we were just doing a little sibling vacation" I'VE BEEN ASKING HER ABOUT WHAT WAS GOING ON FOR A WHOLE MONTH.
I swear I almost killed her. Because with 😭
I just got back home this morning and I just had to share
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God- okay on to the ask
So the village is attacked by this large hybrid animal okay hideous looking really weird kind of big tall as a house everybody's running away they're screaming there's fire and then here comes MC stomping down the street to stand in front of the animal hybrid monster thing just as it swallows someone MC puts the hands on the hips look sternly at the monster it tells them to drop it and the monster does with a little whine and lowers itself to peer up cutely at MC.
Ro reactions/poly/towns
OH MY GOD?? FRANKY IDK HOW YOU STAYED SANE DURING THAT WHOLE EXPERIENCE, YOU LIGET JUST GOT KIDNAPPED AND WAS LIKE ‘yup, this is fine.’ AND FOR A WHOLE MONTH??? IM GLAD U HAD FUN BUT DAMN! (Here’s a small break for those who didn’t sign up for the wedding drama 😂)
M: They are absolutely horrified. M just stares as you scold the large creature, Dawn clutching their leg as she just looks in awe. Both watch the person crawl away and immediately get surrounded by healers, Ms entire body fills with tension when the creature shifts into something smaller.
When you grab the creature, Dawn looks up at M. “Can I go see MC?” Ms eyes don’t leave your body as they slowly nod. Well, this was…interesting, M thinks as they watch Dawn skip over to you.
S: Their first instinct is to go beside you. They did and now they just stand there in shock as you scold the large beast. S freezes when the person who the beast was trying to eat gets dropped and they move forward to pull them away while you move forward. Shaking your head at the creature, which shifts into something smaller.
S helps the person to a group of healers who rush to grab them and S goes back to you. Just slack-jawed as you pick up the beast and say more things into its face. S looks up to the sky, asking the gods how they got here.
B: “MC—!” B goes towards you with a start but pauses when the creature seems to listen to your scolding. Then they just feel astonishment. They have no idea what to do when the creature fully lowers its body to you while tucking in its tail, nor when its body slowly cracks and bubbles into a smaller creature.
Bs body loses all tension when you snatch the creature by the nape of its neck and the person it tried to eat crawls away. When you come towards them with the creature, they don’t even flinch. They just stare and accept what is happening.
Quad poly: “Oh my gods, S—“
“Yes, I see it. Stay here.”
B and M stand next to each other as S rushes to your side. When the creature drops the person it was about to eat. S moves forward to grab them and pull them away. Leaving you alone with the shifting creature. B immediately moves forward, Dawn rushing to their side and helping them forward while M watches.
When you pick up the creature, M moves forward. B looking over your shoulder while Dawn hops around you as you hold out a finger to the creature. Everyone just sighs when you act like this is completely normal.
Town: There’s a collective, ‘Oh hell no’ when the creature drops the person and shifts into something else. Mr. Jaha is damn near tempted to just grab you and run off but is too focused on getting the poor injured prick outta there. Miss Portia just slowly goes behind you when you pick up the creature, watching carefully with her battle axe in hand.
When you proceed to act like everything was normal and fine, they just all let it go and just focus on getting the village fixed.
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zennryu · 3 years
Speak my name — Xiao x F!reader
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"Oh god..." you mumble hastily under your breath as you were currently surrounded by probably more than 15 hilichurls and 3 mitachurls. You chuckle nervously as you position your stance with your sword out ready to attack.
"How did I even get in this situation.." You swung your sword consecutively as you defended yourself against all the puny creatures surrounding you.
Just as you thought you were finished fending them all off, enemy reinforcements arrived~ Seeing the new batch of enemies approaching you, you rested your palms on your knees to catch your breath and felt the gush of tiredness wash over you.
"Fuck these bitches, I'm beat.." you cursed them under your breath, feeling as if your arm would pull off in another swing of your sword.
Just then, a sudden flash of green made all those bitches fall on the floor defeated. With a smirk resting on your features, you approached the one responsible for taking out all the hilichurls.
"Xiaoo~" you called out in a sing-song tone as you giddily approached him. He, however, only shot you a glare. "What did I say about calling me if you need help?" He said with a soft flick on your forehead. You rubbed the spot he flicked on your forehead dramatically. "Well you helped anyway~"
You've been a traveler here in Liyue for about almost a year now and you were definitely an inquisitve one. You loved the joy of learning and discovering new things. Contrary to that, you weren't the biggest fan of fighting. Even if it's something most traveler's can't avoid. You find yourself caught up in a lot of trouble.
Regardles of that, you never really seeked help either. Maybe it was the thought of burdening someone or maybe the thought of wanting to prove you can do things yourself that hindered you. Despite that, Xiao was still there to help you. Every. Single. Time. How he knew you were in trouble remains a mystery to even yourself. The amount of time Xiao has saved you the past year definitely brought you two a lot closer.
"Hey human, are you hurt anywhere..?" He asked with genuine concern dripping through his tone not before he furrowed his brows at your reply. "I'm fine!" You said with a big smile as if you weren't about to be used as hilichurl sacrifice earlier.
Xiao, being the sly adeptus he is, saw through that lie and noticed the bruise on your leg. He shot you a glare before wordlessly carrying you bridal style. "X-xiao!?" Ignoring you, he brought you two to the inn and sat you down on the edge of one of the beds.
He grabbed a first-aid kit and kneeled down on the floor to treat the wound on your leg. The small blush didn't come unnoticed by you as he focused on treating your wound. You couldn't help but smile softly at how gentle he was taking care of you. Once he was done he ordered you to lay back down on the bed and rest.
"Y/n," he said sternly. "call me if you need help alright?" He asked, almost begged at this point as he patted your head slightly before going off again to let you have your rest.
─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───
Now, Xiao was literally running, dashing, or whatever was the fastest way to get to you. Man was literally in Mondstadt when he was definitely not dragged by Zhongli to visit Venti until he heard the soft voice speak his name and he almost immediately recognized whose voice it was.
As he was heading over to you, his heart was pounding out of his chest, worry washing over him. How serious was the situation you were in for you to actually call his name this time? He was ready to face any situation. A slime pack? A hilichurl attack? He was prepared for it all. Which was why he was completely baffled when the situation in front of him right now was something he wasn't expecting.
He was faced with your sleeping state, murmuring his name with a giddy smile on your face. "Xiao...." you mumbled and the said male took a deep breath as the red hue quickly spreading across his cheeks wasn't helping at all. "I'm here." He said sternly in an attempt to compose himself.
"Xiao~" you cooed as you were shivering quite a bit. Xiao looked up the ceiling while closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to calm himself from the giddy smile forming on his lips and the decision he was about to make.
He walked over to your tranquil state and sat beside you on the bed hesitantly wrapping an arm over you and bringing your head over to his chest and he flushed seeing you cozy up under his touch.
"mmm...I...love you.." you slurred out. Still in a deep sleep, you were unaware about the short circuit the went off inside Xiao's mind at your words. I kid you not, man was literally a blushing mess as he continued to play with your hair gently.
"I love you too.."
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Razor (Genshin Impact) - Yandere Profile
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I'm glad you are ok with it because oh boy do I have some very very n a s t y noncon-y thoughts about our wolfboi. We love a dense boy, not a single thought in his empty, horny lil brain. Head empty, just horny for y/n. 
I also have the big horny™ for any cross between boys and canines... Does smth for me. As if my favoritism wasn't obvious by how much I've written below lmao
tw: general yandere content, violence, mentions of n/sfw
tw below cut: breeding, heavy  noncon, like jfc this is nasty, misogynistic
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
The biggest issue with Razor is his complete and total lack of restraint. He sees no need for it, he has no real concept of social norms. Wolves don't really practice restraint on... anything. When they see something they want to kill, they kill it, when they see something they want to have, they have it, when they're mad, they attack, when they're hungry, they eat.
So in a way, he's perfectly lucid, but doesn't act as a normal lucid person who understands social norms would do. He knows that you give him some burning, fluttery feeling, and that he enjoys having you around, and that he gets sad when you have to leave. He's perceptive enough to know it's the same urge that drives humans to form their long-term mate partnerships. If that's what they refer to as "love," he'll readily adopt that term as a way to describe what he feels. What he doesn't get is everything between point A and point Z. No point in all the "courtship" and "marriage" and other human customs -- he doesn't need to "date" to know you're the one, and he doesn't need some signed paper to signify he loves you. In his mind, it's perfectly logical to expect you to immediately come live out in Wolvendom with him. You did accept all his courtship signs, after all.
Wolves are very straightforward with it, you see. Their courtship includes going for walks side-by-side, close to each other, which you did when you let him guide you through the woods. Wolves will rest their head or legs on the other, and you let him rest his head on your shoulder (even if you flinched with surprise when he did, uncomfortable but too nice to say anything). He even when to the extent of engaging in human mating rituals -- you accepted all those gifts he hunted down, and you smiled when he said nice things about how pretty you are, how nice you smell.
So in other words, you've basically already accepted him as a mate. That's what he's perceived, and changing his initial perceptions is not easily accomplished.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
One of the most likely, and definitely the fastest. Possibly after meeting you a single time. He can't take the risk of you not coming back.
He won't be very subtle or sneaky about it either, not tricking you into walking right into captivity, nor drugging you or taking you in your sleep. It's very straightforward - it's not like there's anyone in Wolvendom to hear you, so he has no problem just slinging you over his shoulder and carrying you off. He kinda gets why you'd panic, so he reassures you that no, he's not gonna eat you or anything, you're just going home.
Don't worry about the pack - they won't eat you either, or even hurt you. He's already told them not to. He gets why you might be frightened by the massive, snarling creatures and their massive teeth and eyes that shine in moonlight, but he'll make sure you get used to them and accept them as your family, just like he has.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape? 
That depends. Can you fight off two 180-pound masses of claws, teeth, and muscle? If so, sure, it'll be easy. If not... you'll have some issues.
He's lucky to have such a loyal pack that will help him with these things - they don't exactly understand why you'd want to leave, but they know you're not supposed to. Even when he has to leave you, which isn't often, he'll leave a few of them around to watch you. To make sure no one comes and steals you or anything - and of course, the implication that it's to make sure you don't run away, either. He doesn't really get why you would, but he's come to the realization, based on what you've tried to tell him, that you miss your family and friends. And he gets that, he really does, but in the end, he's selfish at his core, and his empathy for you isn't enough for him to just let you go.
He sleeps latched onto you, arms wrapped around you, so it's not a good idea to try. Your best bet is to wait for a time he's gone and distract the wolves with something, which isn't too hard, and run for it. But even if you do manage to escape, you won't be for long. They can smell you from a mile away and will use your scent to pinpoint you down within a few minutes. They don't exactly have any gentle ways of taking you down and bringing you back, either. They're basically going to have to use their teeth, so it's better if you don't struggle - you'll just hurt yourself.
If he catches you, though, he'll just get huffy and angry, and much like when initially taking you, he'll just pick you right up and bring you back. He's not opposed to stealing ropes and the like from the passing knights, and tying knots isn't too difficult to figure out.
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
Poor boy is very easy to lie to and manipulate. Head empty, not many thoughts up there. However, you'll have to be clever about it, because most of the time, even if he believes you, he doesn't care. Sure, you can easily convince him that it's normal for human couples to sleep separately... But that's not going to stop him from curling up with you, because that's what he does. That's what wolves do.
He will, however, be somewhat easily manipulated into getting you things you want, if he thinks it'll make you happy. However, obtaining things you want will almost definitely come in the form of theft, or worst case scenario, the body of a passer-by that just so happened to have something you wanted visibly on their person.
If he finds out you lied to him on something, he'll get pouty and grumpy. It's not pleasant, but it's better than the rage reaction of some yanderes.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
His life revolves around you, and yours should revolve around him. That's how mates are. You can go for walks in the woods! You can take naps in the sun together! You can spend literal hours mating! Why would you need anything else?
That being said, he's always had a uniqueness from the wolves in that he's awake more - wolves sleep about 14 hours a day, him only about 8 or 9. You'll definitely be getting a lot more sleep than you would back home, but you'll have a few precious hours to yourselves. It makes him happy - it used to be time he spent all alone, a reminder of how he didn't truly fit in with humans nor wolves. But now, you have that time together! He's willing to do most anything you want, so long as you're together. He's always had some adaptative differences he practices by himself - making fires, cooking food on them, wearing clothes. If you want to go exploring, you can do that, if you want to make food, you can do that too. He'll even accommodate you if you want to do useless things, like your insistence on teaching him to read, or practicing his speech.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
It's fairly simple. Don't leave. That's really the one big one.
He's actually not one to make a rule against fighting him - he'll see it as you wanting to play fight, wrestling, which wolves do all the time. It's fun, even if it's easy for him to win. And it's exciting when you fight back, in a weird way.
Don't make contact with other humans, if you see them. Oh, and he'll want you to report to him everything you did or saw while he was gone hunting.
Generally, if he gives you a command, which isn't too much, he expects you to follow it. In his mind, he's the male, he's supposed to tell you what to do. Isn't that how it usually works with humans too?
If you're too disobedient, he'll get grumpy. Honestly, his most likely form of dealing with it is to wrestle you to the ground, and essentially hold you down until you comply or agree to whatever he wants.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
But seriously. No, they're not going to last. He's one of the more paranoid ones, because deep down he's aware of how little he understands. For all he knows, every human male that talks to you could be doing what you call "flirting." Hell, didn't some girls like other girls too? How does he know which ones do and which ones don't? That means everyone is a threat, and he can't let threats get in the way.
He's not one of the ones to be subtle or try to hide it from you. He will probably try a little bit if he knows it's one of your family or friends whose blood is soaking his clothes when he comes back to you, but if it's random, he might even be proud. Look at that, he took down a whole search party that came looking for you all by himself! It's proof of his strength and dominance, and you should be happy that you have a strong mate to protect you! And he doesn't really empathize well - if you're upset, he will explain exactly that to you, and insist you change how you see things. Humans are so strange, being upset that your mate is able to protect you. You'll see why it's a good thing eventually, he's sure.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
He gets frustrated pretty easily. It's usually just a lack of understanding, in his mind, you're being unnecessarily difficult almost all the time. He has told you a million times he doesn't care about whatever is normal for humans, yet you continuously bring it up, and that's a bit irritating. He'll huff and sigh and clamp a hand over your mouth if you're going on about it, and if you really refuse to shut up about it, there are a variety of ways of making you quiet - or distracting you from complaints.
He's got an immature streak, as he never really had anyone around to teach him otherwise. So he gets very pouty, a little bit aggressive and forceful when it comes to being upset over something or getting his way. If he wants attention and you're not giving it to him, he won't hesitate to just take whatever you're holding and focused on of your hands and toss it to the side.
On the positive side, he's never going to be passive aggressive. He's always straightforward and has no hesitation to tell you exactly how he's feeling.
If he's genuinely, truly furious, he can get violent. He'll probably apologize and definitely feel bad, licking all the little wounds. He wouldn't try to do anything so bad as bone breaking or severely hurting you, but might accidentally lose control of his own strength.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
More or less an equal. Not much to say here, as, to be honest, that sort of thing hasn't really crossed his mind. He doesn't waste time with thoughts of relative value, he just knows he loves you and wants you.
Subconsciously, it would be slightly below. Due to a very natural upbringing, he automatically associates males as being the leaders and alphas, while females are... Well, puppy-making machines. Don't try to accuse him of any sort of sexism or anything - he can't even really wrap his head around the concept, much less understand why it's wrong to acknowledge how much weaker you are than him. If you need proof of that, he can easily wrestle with you and prove it.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Pretty highly determined. He mistakes a lot of things as signs of love, though. You might be only complying out of fear or exhaustion, but he won't be able to tell, he's not good with facial expressions, so he thinks it's a sign you're accepting him.
Honestly, he's one of the ones that, albeit unintentionally, will kind of guilt you into acceptance. You inevitably feel bad for him, you can tell how lonely he really is, and how desperately he loves you, wants you to love him. His intentions aren't malicious, and it's actually difficult to truly resent him, unlike some yanderes. Ironically, it reaches a point where rejecting him sometimes really does feel like kicking a sad little stray puppy in the rain - it makes you feel awful when he gets sad and quiet.
While there are a lot of yanderes who would be a lot more earnest and striving to serve and please you, which he doesn't really do, he's probably one of the most patient yanderes when it comes to this. He doesn't care if it takes the rest of your lives. He'll never give up or just settle for having you with him, he'll be loving you and trying to be reassured of your love till the day he dies, if that's what it takes.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Primarily, it's hard to emphasize how significantly his lack of human socialization impacts his yandere behaviors.
Most yanderes are forced to acknowledge the inherent wrongness of their actions - some will accept it and not care that it's wrong, some sadists enjoy knowing it's wrong, some will delude themselves into justifying it, some will try their best to act within moral boundaries or make up for their wrongness somehow. But all in all, they all have to face the reality of the situation and understand that what they're doing is considered wrong.
Razor's not like that. He doesn't really take the moral aspect into consideration. To him, the whole idea is simply a human thing entirely. It doesn't matter what humans do. He views the world in a very black and white sense. Morality is a more abstract concept, what's more important is how things are relative to himself - what he wants.
Tends to communicate in strange ways. Excess emotions, too much happiness or anger or whatever can make him forget his words, so there's a lot of subtle communication through grunts, whimpers, growls. Over time, you learn how to distinguish between the various noises and body language and what they mean.
Will lick you. It's weird. It's kinda gross. But it's just how he shows affection. He tends to get carried away with kisses, ending up lapping at your lips, licking your neck and collarbones, nuzzling his head into you.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Scientifically speaking, male sex drive is heavily boosted by testosterone. Testosterone can be greatly increased by heavy physical activity, eating high amounts of meat, sun exposure, and is even directly correlated to spending large amounts of time outdoors. 
You see where this is going.
Very high drive, very touchy, and no reservations, no shame. Thank whatever deity you care to recognize in Tevyat that you're isolated from other people out in the woods, because he has no concept of norms or appropriateness, and trying to get him to understand is a fruitless effort. You're wasting your time trying to explain the idea that groping and touching out of the blue is considered rude, or that most human men take issue with being very visibly, very noticeably hard and would likely try to conceal it, not just sit there with the blatant bulge poking forward... His response will only be that you're far away from humans, so it shouldn't matter. He's just trying to show you he loves you, that's why he insists on grinding into you all the time, staring at your body, humping you when you're curled up together quite ironically like a horny dog.
Unfortunately, he basically just does not know how to be gentle or slow about it. He can start off trying to be slow and soft if you beg for it, but once you're actually laying there and he's in you, he gets caught up in instinct and the heat of the moment, and just kinda... forgets about that whole "slow and gentle" thing, opting to just rut you as hard and fast as possible.
He doesn't talk much during sex. He already has some trouble forming sentences in normal times, you can't expect him to when he's fucking. You won't get a lot of words besides the occasional, "good, feels good," or little commands, but you will get a lot of animalistic noises - possessive growls, little whines of pleasure. He doesn't have any sense to hold back on his noises.
He's also the least likely to care about things like shaving, periods, or imperfections. Which is good, but you also can't use those things as an excuse to not fuck, it'll go in one ear and out the other.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
It's not so much an intentional disregard for your willingness, so much as a combo of not really considering it, and thinking it's just something you'll change on. If he's human, and he has the urge, that means surely you do too. Sometimes humans need emotional connections before they want to mate, right? So he just needs to express his love to you. The looping problem there is that fucking you is pretty much his primary way of expressing love. It'll work out in the end, he guesses.
His limited knowledge of humanity also will lead him to certain conclusions. From what he understands, human society often shames females for having sex and wanting sex, right? That's dumb. But their mentality is probably ingrained in your brain, isn't it? That's why you act like this. But don't worry, he's not like the human men. Wolves don't feel that way. You'll understand that with time.
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
It's a natural reaction to him. If he's balls deep in you, mounted on and pounding into your body, thrusting so hard that your body is lurching forward with every movement, he wants a way to hold you still, keep your body in place so that each pounding goes deeper and harder. It's second nature for him to just sink his teeth into your jugular, your neck, your shoulders. As an added bonus, he likes seeing the marks it leaves behind, in addition to how his fingernails that dig into your hips leave little indents in your skin.
He doesn't know how to not cum in you. You can't honestly expect him to pull out of you, you're so warm and wet and soft, it would be torture not to reach a climax buried inside that tight heat. You can go on a rant about not wanting to get pregnant, but it'll go in one ear and out the other. He doesn't get it - you're supposed to want to have his pups. Do you not think he's a suitable mate for reproducing? You'll be halfway through explaining why kids aren't in your current agenda before being flipped over and pounded into yet again with his newfound determination to prove his strength and dominance to you. Once you understand that, surely, you'll want all the puppies you can possibly make.
This applies mostly to escape attempts. He'll be mad, but it triggers something in him, something instilled by years of hunting down poor little prey animals. The desire to hunt you down, find you, and ruin you. Instead of ripping you apart like he would boars, he can't think of anything but just fucking you up against the nearest tree, the ground, anything. The faster you run, the more afraid you are, the more exciting it is. It's a very primal urge, one that commands all sorts of predators, both in feeding and breeding.
Forced Orgasms
As with many human things, he makes certain discoveries with time about sex. The first time you fuck, it'll probably be too rough for you to really cum, but it'll only be a few days in before your body adjusts to the girth that's frequently inside of you, and you end up spasming all over him - and he's just got this shocked expression, watching with amazement when you clench down and quiver under him. Wait, you mean human females can orgasm too? Not just the men?
From that point forward, he's determined to fuck, lick, grind, and force every orgasm out of you as physically possible. It makes him feel a weird sort of pride and contentment. It's one of the few things that makes him a big smug. Even if you feel like you can't possibly cum any more, he'll try anyway.
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
It's your purpose! He has learned that human girls only have one baby at a time, sometimes two, which is nothing compared to how many pups wolves usually have in one litter. That means that you'll have to make up for the lack of quantity of pups with quantity of pregnancies, which means constantly breeding and breeding and making sure every last drop stays inside of you. He doesn't understand why humans would even want to prevent pregnancy, it's the best thing that can happen, it's the whole reason you're alive, and it's a sign that you're his. Like with most things, he knows eventually you'll come around. Once you actually have the pups there in front of you, you'll love it. He knows you will.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
He's a little lacking on the thought process behind punishing. If he's mad, it tends to cloud his thoughts, reverting to a more animalistic state, and he's not gonna have the complex thoughts required to really think through punishment, so it's not gonna be anything complex.
Doesn't really matter, if he's mad, just fucking you is going to feel like a punishment, with him slamming you into the ground, a tree, any rough surface nearby and just rutting you, claw-like fingernails digging into your skin and teeth sinking into your shoulder to hold you in place, a hand clasped around your throat. Fucking is basically the primary outlet he chooses for his emotions, happiness, love, stress, and anger alike, a simple, primal form of expression. If he's mad, he just needs to take it out on something, release all of that force and energy into rough, brutal motions. Normally when he's angry, he'll go hunt down some animal, taking all that anger out on the kill. But, recently he's learned he actually quite prefers to release his anger this way. It's more satisfying and enjoyable, and it deters you from stepping out of line, too. It's not just your average slightly rough fucking, no, it's the kind of fucking that will genuinely hurt you, rutting you over and over until your insides are burning from friction, your walls and cervix so completely bruised and abused you'll feel the  throbbing soreness with every movement for days, hands leaving massive bruises all across your hips and shoulders. Not that that's any excuse to not fuck more, no, no soreness will get you out of normal daily routine.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
He has a thing for breasts. They're very unique to humans, it's something he hasn't had the opportunity to see or understand, and he'll spend a lot of time just burying his face in them, licking and sucking. Big or small, doesn't matter. He just likes them.
One more nasty HC i can't not talk about
wait, you mean humans have sex... Facing each other? There are positions other than doggy? It's all he's ever seen. Porn and the internet don't exactly exist in this world. The whole concept blows his mind. He can fuck you AND see your face while he does? He'll nearly faint right then and there, and you'll regret bringing it up once you've gone numb from the repetitive pounding. He'll start asking you what else exists out there, his brain will start thinking of all the different ways to fuck he's never thought about. Once he learns you can ride him, he's in heaven, even if it's not so much riding so much as you sitting on his cock and him bouncing you up and down with such ferocity you can't even move your legs.
Speaking of things he doesn't know about, if you're smart, you make sure he doesn't find out about blowjobs. He'll love it, and it won't be a blowjob so much as him literally fucking your throat, grabbing your head and hair and just wrecking your mouth.
None of it is him trying to hurt you, really. He just doesn't understand how to be gentle. He might get better with time, but he's got a predator-born ferocity, a primal roughness that will always be a part of his nature.
(yes i did research on wolf courtship/mating rituals for this bc i suffer for my art)
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