#these are the difficult decisions i have to make
marquezian · 2 days
Andrea Dovizioso talks about Argentina, 2018.
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canadianno · 23 hours
How do the bishops get along with their witnesses and mini bosses?
Drew out the witnesses because they're pretty interesting to me!! But I'll include a little blurb on the mini-bosses :]
For context, in my au I take the term "witness" very literally, as in the witnesses are someone who witnessed the crowning of a bishop.
The mini bosses were their most treasured disciples!
Yapping and art below the cut !!
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Leshy and Agares are very close, having been childhood best friends after Agares was discovered. In her words, "I've known Leshy longer than he's been a man"
Amdusias, Valefar and Barbatos are, of course, his 3 most trusted disciples. Leshy met them when they were all teenagers, and they'd sneak around aiding him in his missions of chaos- earning them their status. He loves em, even if they make bad decisions sometimes.
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Heket and Bathin have quite the bond, and if you ask Bathin she'd refer to Heket as her older sister. If you asked Heket, she'd probably sock you in the face for looking at her funny.
Gusion, Eligos and Zepar are Hekets most trusted disciples, of course, with Narinder claiming that he and Heket had found the 3 as tadpoles while on a walk as kids, and they had just causally kidnapped them and brought them home. They love to shit-talk people together, and I can best equate them to a really tight knit friend group.
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Astaroth was Kallamars' first spouse of many (I'll get into that in like 4 lines max), and would do ANYTHING for him. All witnesses were difficult to convert, but Lamb had to put Astaroth in a cell for like a week before Harborym managed to convince them to be nice.
Kallamars' head disciples are also his spouses- I've mentioned it in a post before somewhere. They all love to tease Heket for being the only bishop to figure it out, and she loves to threaten to tell Shamura about it. They're all extremely close, as you could expect. It's rare to see any of them walking around alone.
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None of the bishops, none of their witnesses, and none of their disciples have ever met Shamuras' witness Allocer. Most believe that, with Shamuras' age, they might not have a witness, or their witness may have already been slain.
Shamuras' head disciples were their first 3 followers, and the 3 people who helped them end the era of 100 gods. Vephar is definitely the friendliest, being the one to speak to the other bishops and their disciples + witnesses. The group is stereotyped as being quiet and mystical, but occasionally one makes an inside joke and all of them lose it. In the formative years, with Shamura suffering from their injury, Focalor, Vephar and Hauras have been doing most of the smaller kingdom duties.
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Narinders' witness is no longer a witness.
His old disciples were the first to be sacrificed. Narinder doesn't speak of them, and neither does anyone else.
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arcielee · 3 days
Interview With a Writer
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It is that blessed time when the wonderful and talented Miss Maggie, @inthedayswhenlandswerefew, gives us some behind-the-scenes insight to her latest brilliant narration. [Feel free to check out the Spotify playlist of all the songs mentioned and let me know if I forgot one!]
Here is masterlist to my Interview With a Writer series and the other talented individuals who allow me to continue this self-indulgent series! 💜 Picture(s) source.
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Name: inthedayswhenlandswerefew
Story: 1968
Paring: modern Aemond Targaryen x female!reader, modern Aegon Targaryen x female!reader
Warnings: 18+ mature themes. Be mindful of chapter warnings.
Where did the idea for 1968 come from?
I am a high school social studies teacher by trade, and my absolute favorite class to teach is American History. The 1960s and 70s were actually one of my weak spots when I got my first teaching job back in 2020, so I ended up researching a lot about that period of time and got absolutely obsessed with it. In my American History class, I spend a whole lesson on JUST 1968, because so many important events happened in that year that are emblematic of broader trends and tensions.
One day I was re-reading one of my favorite books, The Other Mrs. Kennedy by Jerry Oppenheimer, which is specifically about Bobby Kennedy’s wife Ethel, but also gives a lot of insight into the Kennedy family generally and what it was like to live through that era. The idea of using this setting as a fic AU occurred to me, and I ruminated on it for a few weeks while finishing up Napoleonville.
Eventually, I had a revelation of the ending of 1968 (true to my usual pattern), and then knew I’d have to write the fic! I was actually really worried about all the political and historical details being too boring and/or confusing (especially for non-U.S. readers), so I was relieved that so many people gave it a chance. 🥰
Honestly, it was brilliant with the similarities to the Kennedys and Targaryens in the story. Were there any historical cameos in 1968 that you enjoyed channeling? Or perhaps struggled with?
I find LBJ super fascinating, and I feel that because of the Vietnam War he really doesn’t get a fair assessment when people look back on his presidency. His work for civil rights and the Great Society (SNAP, Medicaid, Head Start, Job Corps, PBS, etc.) was truly revolutionary, and as someone who grew up in poverty and benefitted from a lot of those programs, I don’t think LBJ’s contributions get the recognition and praise they deserve. I perceive him as a haunted sort of figure, and I really enjoyed his cameos. (To be clear, he was also super problematic and bizarre personally, and I don’t mean to excuse any of that 😂).
As for someone who was difficult to write about…honestly, the George Wallace research I did was super depressing, so while he was necessary to include, I didn’t really enjoy working on those parts!
Was there anything in specific that inspired your Reader portrayal?
Io is a bit of a composite sketch. Ethel Kennedy was known as doggedly committed to her husband’s career above all else (despite eventually being the mother of 11 children!!), and I think that inspired Io’s single-minded determination to help Aemond win the election in the first few chapters. Ethel was traditional in the sense that her husband was the center of her world and made all the important decisions, as was expected of women of her social class in that time period. But Io is also a manifestation of the counterculture of the late-60s. She is young, educated, genuinely progressive politically, and likes to party. She tries to reconcile the expectations of her family/time period and her actual personality by intentionally choosing a husband with whom she can have an equal partnership making the world a better place. And…we all know how that worked out.
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[Photo Ethel and Bobby Kennedy, m. 1950]
Can you explain your interpretation of Aegon? How does he compare and contrast to Aemond? What drives them? Why are they the way that they are?
In 1968, Aegon is 40 years old, and so his role in the Targaryen political dynasty is very well-established: once his family realized he couldn’t be weaponized for their purposes, he was largely disposed of, and lives this aimless, uninspired, self-loathing sort of existence. He does have some genuine love for his family—missing Daeron and feeling guilt over him being sent to Vietnam, a vague sort of fondness for Mimi and the kids, distress when Aemond is shot in Palm Beach, an apology of sorts to Alicent by performing “Mama Tried” at her birthday party—but Aegon exists on the periphery, and he knows this, and while he doesn’t want to be a politician the rejection still stings.
At first, he perceives Io as yet another person who makes him feel inadequate and unloved; and in fairness, she is cruel to him, in fact more so than Aegon is to Io in return. It is noteworthy that in Chapter 1, she viciously criticizes Aegon in front of everyone in the waiting room (“if someone had to get killed tonight it should have been you”), but he doesn’t return fire until they are alone (the infamous cow comment), and even then he seems to regret it immediately.
Aegon, fundamentally, is more sad than mean. When in Chapters 2 and 3 Io abruptly reveals herself to be someone who is vulnerable, wounded, abandoned, and kind of a hippie lowkey, Aegon begins to perceive her differently, and she becomes an opportunity for him to be truly understood, protected, and loved for the first time in his life.
I think we would all describe Aemond as ambitious and ruthless, determined to prove that he is the best to compensate for deep, lifelong insecurities. He is a progressive politically because he sees a path to build a winning coalition, and perhaps in small part because of the whole Greeks-being-despised immigrants thing. But in 1968 there is a sense that you never fully understand who he is as a person. This is intentional! 1968 is Io’s story, and she never gets to see the whole Aemond. She sees parts of the picture, but never the full image. As awful as he is to Io, there is also a side of Aemond that truly (even if in an…unorthodox way 😂) loves Alys and their child, and there are clues that Alys understands him like no one else can (that Ouija board message… 👀). He’s by no means a good guy, but he is multifaceted. I think the stress of the presidency, and his long separation from Alys, ends up softening Aemond a bit, hence him defending Io’s reputation and ultimately letting her go.
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Did anything inspire your other OCs? Specifically "The Ones Who Married In" club?
I didn’t sit down and plan what sorts of characters would be in the “The Ones Who Married In” club. I was possessed by these random visions of them: a perpetually drunk Mimi, a perhaps not too bright but very sweet Fosco, and Malibu Barbie but make her Polish Ludwika, and I was thinking: “These people are ridiculous, this will never work!” But then when I thought about it more, I realized that Mimi, Fosco, Ludwika, and Io all serve strategic roles to help advance Aemond’s career, and so it would make sense that Otto and Aemond cobbled them together and shoved them into the family portraits. I ended up really loving them, but they weren’t a big part of my original outline for 1968. 🙂
How would Io rate them based on her friendship with each of them?
Fosco is definitely #1; they connect on an emotional level that is deep but also largely unspoken. Ludwika is a close #2; she’s Io’s shopping buddy but also witty, supportive, and very feminist in her own way. And then Mimi is a distant #3. Io pities Mimi and feels loyalty to her as a fellow Targaryen, and goes out of her way to try to protect Mimi from her own self-destructive tendencies. But Io, as a collected and self-reliant person, also has difficulty understanding and dealing with someone as messy as Mimi. And of course, once Io realizes she is super into Aegon, that creates some one-sided resentment of Mimi!
Do you have a feeling of what happened after chapter 12? What is the ending you vaguely see with Aegon and Io? What about Aemond and Alys?
Where I end a fic is really the last clear image I see of the characters, so I sadly don’t have a lot of specifics to offer. What I do feel is that Io and Aegon have children of their own (like, several children, maybe even 5+ children) and Aegon is present for their early years in a way he wasn’t able to be for his kids with Mimi. Io is a stepmom to Aegon’s OG kids and has a good relationship with them, but she’s only really close with Cosmo.
I also sense that Aemond has basically no contact with Io or Aegon, which makes sense considering his abuse of Io and the lifelong fury Aegon would therefore have towards him. Aemond is happy with Alys and their son (as happy as someone like him is capable of being); he does the ex-president thing and settles into a largely ceremonial role and advises Democratic politicians, although he is not very friendly with President Reagan.
And then my wild theory is that a Daeron/John McCain ticket ends up winning the 2000 election and the War On Terror plays out completely differently!
And finally... 1968 seemed to pour from you like a fever dream. Does this mean something else might be coming to continue the Maggie's Suffering Sunday tradition?
1968 did seem to fly by, despite it being a longer fic at 12 chapters! I do have something planned for this Sunday... 😉 All I can say for now is that it is very weird, totally unexpected, and tonally a mashup of Comet Donati and When The World Is Crashing Down.
Does that seem impossible?? Think again 😏 I will be reblogging hints until Sunday! I hope you enjoy this new journey 🥰🐍
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aaivii · 4 hours
Sooo, this my take one the Canadian Grand Prix, and as an OP81 supporter it will mostly be focused around Oscar's race and some of the people around him, so if you're expecting a race de-brief here, don't!! Also if you're an Oscar fan, do read the whole thing, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
So, he qualified P4, and again in his own words, not bad but not great either. But what's done is done unless luck decides to favour him at least fucking once and make someone else ahead of him make an error and get their penalty but they don't 😤🤷‍♀️. Some good drivers they are so.
And then in the first half of the race, my heart bloomed everytime the commentators (the Crofty and Brundle one) were like the McLaren drivers are preserving their tyres, and I was like, yes bitch!! Of course they are. I understand that these were cooler conditions so it was albeit easier, but on a situation where George was absolutely sending his tyres, these two were maintaining it. And Oscar is definitely not there yet, but the progress graph says he'll be there absolutely 100%. Cut him some slack, second season guys, remember.
So, they maintain their tires nice and good and some safety car shenanigans later, we come to the last part of the race, where I genuinely feel the McLaren strategy department fumbled a win. Might have not been a 1-2. But would definitely have been a 1-3. During the last safety car, they should have switched to hards just like Mercedes as a response because we already saw Gasly putting some serious 1 or 2 laps when the conditions were favorable. So, that was a genuine fumble.
And as for Oscar Piastri, how !! I mean, I saw some people in ig being all like, mclaren remember you have two drivers, lando should have given the drs. Golden boy blah blah. But that was a good call by Oscar to not switch. Because rarely have I seen a driver being like that. Everyone always jumps at the prospect of replacing their teammate who is clearly ahead. But he obviously played the longer game. And correct call, because Mercs were absolutely after him, so if they had fumbled that switch even by a second it would have been two mercs on that podium. So, I fully agree with his decision to not switch and also it was him fighting with mercs the longest that allowed Lando to not be jumped by Lewis or George because they were clearly the fastest.
And as for that drs call, asked by him, have to agree with that, even if it felt like swallowing a bitter pill because had Lando given him the drs it would have been sooner rather than later, getting jumped by the mercs because again they were the fastest car this weekend. And this is not some closed wall street circuit, and I know many were thinking of that Singapore moment, those were overtake is difficult, so Lando prioritising his own race was correct in my opinion, it allowed him to keep building on that gap which was crucial. Because imagine had he given that drs, mercs would have overtaken both of them and mclaren would be left with zilch.
Also, a salty and cunty part of me is all like, alright mclaren made a fumble with their drivers in terms of tyre changes and calling them to the pit at the correct time, but hey!! At least their drivers were all slick n clean throughout the whole weekend. Not same could be said for mercs whose both drivers and management fumbled a win together. Suck it!!!
And the hottest moment of the race was when George decided that he would do hard racing, around the Wall of Champions hoping Oscar would back off. But what this pootling, and hunky dory and whatever words using man forgot, that he would be racing against a man who has not once in his life lost his calmness and coolness. Fuck the Wall of Champions George Russell because before that, you'll have to face the unfazed Wall called Oscar Jack fucking Piastri who went like no sir. You are not gonna do that. And you know what the best part was, George's whole vibe during the last segments was like that all muscled up dog, but it all went nada against Oscar. He was like this is my corner, and it is going to be my corner. Yoy want to go ahead of me, use your car which is clearly faster than mine. Which he managed. But guess what, it remained his corner at the end. Whoever has decided to race hard against Piastri, we all know, it has blown up on their faces at some point, by their own mistakes btw, because Oscar races hard, but most important, he races clean. So of course, this cost George a few seconds with not enough time with him to catch Lando. So see!!! Karma bitch!! For me, that was THE moment!!!
All in all, a good weekend for the papaya fam. Please don't be like those some people on ig, like Lando vs Oscar, because in the long term, it was a good decision at the end. Times like this I am glad that I'm not twt, because if ig comments are like this really don't wanna know what's going down there.
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 days
Hey ❤
i was wonderimg if i could request a fic where the roles are reversed and reader proposes to eddie.. (maybe a little optional scene where steve and robin help the reader pick out a ring?) and he feels so loved, Hes so giggly with butterflies and loves his ring
All their friends and wayne are around and supporting them and congratulating them
Um, absolutely! I love this idea!! Thank you so much for the request, lovely!!
Eddie x gender neutral!reader
You knew that you wanted to propose to Eddie six months into your in your relationship, but decided against it since it was probably too early. Once you had reached a year and your relationship had become more serious, you had started looking for rings with Steve and Robin’s help.
You had looked for months, but nothing seemed right. They were all too flashy or expensive and you wanted the ring to be perfect. Something that he would have picked out for himself. And Eddie had a very specific taste so it was definitely difficult, but you were going to keep looking until you found what you were looking for.
You entered the last store of the day, feeling hopeless with Steve and Robin in tow. You were glad to have them help you make such a big decision, but you felt like they didn’t understand Eddie the way you did. Robin’s suggestions were too shiny and Steve’s were too simple. You needed something that screamed “Eddie” but kept coming up empty handed.
“What about this one?” Robin asked as you looked over the very sad options.
“I don’t know,” you sighed, turning your head to see what she was pointing at and you stopped. It was black with a silver Celtic knot that went around the whole band. It was perfect. It was Eddie.
“It’s perfect, Rob,” you rested your hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.
“Can we see this one?” Robin asked the employee and he pulled it out from behind the glass and handed it Robin who pulled Steve over, putting the ring on his finger to see what it looked like.
“I do,” Steve told you dramatically and you just rolled your eyes as he removed it from his ring and handed it back to the associate.
“I’ll take it,” you told him and five minutes later, you had the ring and a knot in your stomach. You were sure that he would say yes but that didn’t mean that you weren’t nervous.
You had told Eddie that you were having everyone over to celebrate his new job, but really it was just for the proposal. You also had Wayne keep the ring safe since you didn’t really trust that anyone else wouldn’t lose it.
Everyone had arrived sooner than you had hoped and your heartbeat quickened as the proposal set in. You were going to ask Eddie to marry you. To spend the rest of his life with you.
Soon, the party was in full swing and you had a chat with Wayne who was trying to calm you down. He had always liked you and considered you to be part of family so when you asked for his permission to marry Eddie, it was an easy yes.
“He’s going to say yes, everything is going to be great,” he gave your back a pat.
“Do you have the ring?” You asked.
“Right here,” he held up the red velvet box and put it in your hands, resting his on top of yours. “He’s very lucky to have you,” he told you, tears welling up in his eyes. “I’ve been waiting for someone like you for a long time and I couldn’t be more grateful that you’re part of this family. Now go propose to my boy.”
You wiped your tears away and headed to the center of the room with your glass of champagne where you were going to make a toast. You had everyone take a glass and pulled Eddie to stand beside you.
“I’d like to make a toast,” you announced and everyone was cheering you on, all of them being in the loop except your unsuspecting boyfriend.
“Eddie,” you started. “I couldn’t be more proud of you in this moment. You’re finally doing what you’ve always wanted and I couldn’t be more happy for you than I am right now. I have loved you for a long time, even before we got together. The moment we got together, I knew that I didn’t want to spend my life with anyone else. So Eddie,” you set down both of your glasses and got down on one knee, opening the box. “Will you marry me?”
Eddie let out a gasp and tears welled up in his eyes that he was trying to wipe away. He couldn’t believe it. He had been wanting to propose to you and just couldn’t make it work because of his nerves. Now he didn’t have to. You were taking the reins on this one and he couldn’t have been more grateful.
“Yes,” he smiled, pulling you to your feet. You pulled the ring from the box and put it on his finger as everyone erupted in cheers. He pulled you in for a long hug then sealed your engagement with a kiss and he couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle and vow that he’d love you in sickness and health until death did you part.
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misty-metropolis · 2 days
People with complex dissociative disorders often have difficulty processing or expressing emotions. This can look like any number of things. For example:
Emotions being dramatically dissociated into individual parts, such that a host part feels limited to no emotion, but there exists another part who does nothing but cry, and a part who feels such incandescent rage that they are unable to function properly
Emotions being muted and difficult to parse from each other; alexithymia stemming from trauma / abuse
Emotions being largely dissociated, with random bursts of emotion that are scary and overwhelming
Emotions being very sharp and present, but jumbled and often in combination with each other. This may create an impression of being flaky, fickle, or difficult to please
Emotions cycling too rapidly to properly identify them or process how they are affecting individual parts or the system at large
This is a non-exhaustive list. Feel free to add on your own experiences.
For those who are interested, I also have some resources for emotion regulation, as well as some free strategies shared by my therapist, under the cut.
First, I know this has been said before but it really does work wonders, you need to pay attention to your vulnerability factors. Vulnerability factors are elements of your environment or internal experience that make it more difficult to self-regulate. A somewhat common community term for these is forks (in relation to the spoon theory). Common vulnerability factors include lack of sleep, hunger, and needing to use the restroom. Adequately caring for your body's physical needs allows for more complete emotion regulation and more energy to go toward emotion processing when it's needed. If you are sleep deprived, for example, and then become triggered, you're already expending so much energy just to maintain functionality that you're less likely to be able to prevent yourself from doing something you'll regret, like snapping at a partner.
I'm also happy to provide an overview of a few emotion regulation tools from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
Positive Psychology has a set of three emotional intelligence worksheets (link) that are a good jumping-off point for exploring where you're at in that regard and strengthening your emotional intelligence skills. The emotion regulation questionnaire (link) is a clinical tool that can also provide some insight.
First, there's the STOP skill. STOP stands for Stop, Take a Step Back, Observe, and Proceed Mindfully.
When you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, or think they may be at risk of controlling you, force yourself to freeze in place. This prevents you from acting impulsively and doing something you'll regret. Try to name the emotion(s) you're feeling as descriptively as possible.
Then take a step back and give yourself some time to contemplate the situation with a little space from it. It's not often that you have to make a split-second decision based on limited information, so don't try to force yourself to do so.
Take in as much information as you can about the events taking place around you. Ask questions of other people in the situation with you. Try not to jump to conclusions, or listen to your automatic negative thoughts, which are based on an outdated belief system.
Use questions like "what are my goals in this situation?" and "how can my decisions impact the outcome?" to guide your decision-making process as you proceed.
Then there's the Opposite Action skill. This is the one that I use the most in my daily life, as a person with Borderline Personality Disorder. Opposite Action encourages you to reject the impulses you feel when you experience a strong emotion, and to instead do something that is the opposite of that. A few examples (mostly dealing with anger, because that's where I use this skill the most):
When I feel frustrated or angry with a console video game, I want to throw the controller, so the opposite action I choose is to press the buttons very gently and deliberately, without force. (Consequently, I also notice more success when I do this!)
When I feel angry with my partner's behavior, I want to yell at xem or say something that will hurt xem, so the opposite action that I choose is to gently explain my feelings and ask them to explain what happened from their perspective.
When I feel ashamed of something that has happened to me, I want to isolate and hide from the world, so the opposite action I choose is to share my feelings (and the event, if I feel capable) with someone I trust and love.
The last skill I want to overview is Cope Ahead. This is a skill in which you practice ahead of time to figure out how you'll deal with a situation when it arises.
Step 1: Identify a situation that may cause you discomfort or strong emotions. I generally prefer to be more on the vague side, because details will vary and that allows me to get more mileage out of my cope ahead, but you should do it however is most helpful for you. Make sure you check the facts and carefully identify the emotions that might arise and interfere with your skills.
Step 2: Pick out your coping and problem-solving skills ahead of time. This is where Cope Ahead gets its name. You identify a situation and then decide in advance how you're going to react to it, allowing yourself to rehearse the possibilities and decrease the chances of acting impulsively*.
Step 3: Imagine yourself in the situation. Picture yourself going through it in the first person, not as though you're watching a film about yourself.
Step 4: Rehearse your reactions to the situation and any strong emotions it may bring up. Rehearse your thoughts and behaviors. Practice coping effectively until you feel like you can ace it. Do this in as many sessions as you need.
Step 5: REST! Do something that brings you peace to care for yourself after each session.
*Impulsive behavior is something with which many people with BPD struggle, and DBT was originally developed to treat BPD, despite its applications in other fields.
DBT Tools (link)
Positive Psychology (linked above)
My therapist (can't link that one, sorry)
Also, I've taken DBT twice through and am licensed to teach it.
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the-other-art-blog · 2 days
What do you think about the theories going around that they might announce Benedict to be bi by the end of this season? His character has always had queer undertones and the show runners have talked about making more stories with lgbtq inclusivity. As much as I love Sophie, I really don’t think they’re going to include a female lead next season
My short answer is: I've heard the rumors and even if they announce Ben as bi, he's still marrying Sophie. They already skipped Ben season, they're not going to change his story completely.
My long (really long) answer is:
I truly believe that Benedict wasn't supposed to be anything but straight. People saw him hanging out with ONE gay man, who was very much in love with another gay man, and decided he must be gay or bi too. It didn't matter that he went right to a threesome with 2 women. That storyline was merely to show Benedict how difficult life could be for some people and to stop being so judgmental and hypocritical. In the end, it was about SOPHIE BECKETT.
Bton team must have decided to keep Benedict's future open so as not to cause problems with the side of the fandom and press who would call them for supposedly queerbaiting. They consciously decided to pair him up with a woman in s2 and his poem was about a woman (another foreshadowing for SOPHIE BECKETT).
With Jess as the new showrunner, I think she decided to address Ben's sexuality and open a door for bisexuality to appease some people.
Let me just say that a lot of Benophies including me have embraced the idea of bisexual Ben, you just have to read fanfiction to see that. I am just concerned that certain people will be nasty to Sophie because they want Ben to marry a man.
I also don't think that a show whose main audience is women would erase a female lead. That would just be absolutely stupid.
They might experiment with secondary characters, but not the leads.
I have heard about a threesome between Tilley, Benedict, and a man name Paul Suarez(?) We saw him in the trailer.
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I've heard various versions. It seems Lady Tilley arranges the meeting, but I'm unsure if Ben agrees. Some people say he declines the offer. So, even if he is attracted to men, which he has never indicated in any shape or form, she is not ready to go physical. This is fine, bisexuality doesn't mean you MUST sleep with both sexes.
And honestly, if he does it, I wouldn't blame him. That man is gorgeous.
But again, it's pretty obvious that this is just to appease people. But really they are setting everything up for Benophie. There have been direct references to events from that book:
Violet moving out of Bridgerton house
Benedict losing his art
Benedict being an asshole to debutantes
All the mentions of Benedict excellent dancing skills
She's coming. SOPHIE BECKETT is coming.
Even more, they won't change canon couples because this is a business decision. The books are being republished with a tv tie-in cover. Let's say that Ben gets a male love interest, how would they do that cover? Are they going to bring a random woman to pose for him? It's the same for the other books, and some of them are too specific in the titles. Philip is going to be Eloise's husband in the show because the book is called To SIR PHILIP with Love, same for When HE Was Wicked, and It's in HIS Kiss.
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aita-blorbos · 2 days
am i the asshole for attempting to create paradise?
i (20f) am fairly skilled with computers. i don’t go out much and i don’t have many friends, but i care very deeply about those around me and the city that i live in, and i used to often dream about everyone being able to live free from outside conflict and happily with one another. i also used to dream about being less lonely. i decided to create a replica of our city in my laptop, a beautiful simulation of it devoid of imperfections.
later, i managed to get the entirety of the city into the simulation. the souls of the people, all of the light. obviously, the program had to be strong enough to handle all of this, but i had nowhere to channel the energy that it’s strength comes from. i was also still kind of lonely. so i created E (19f), one singular fake person, the life force of my creation. and then i went into the simulation myself, and i got to know E. i think i might love her. she’s quiet, and often very sleepy. her apartment is overflowing with plants, and she taught me to help her take care of them. it was perfect. everything was perfect.
until it wasn’t. people started acting odd. i didn’t know what to do. i left the simulation to see if anything was happening outside of it, and found that the shells of these people, the bodies left behind as their souls were in the sim, were starting to negatively influence the simulation and the individual people inside of it. i had to battle them in order to sever the connections they kept establishing with their souls within the sim. they don’t know any better, they’re mindless corpses that just want to reconnect with their soul. i wasn’t hurting them, i was just making sure they do not continue to mess with those in my paradise.
eventually, the upkeep became a little too much for me to handle. i wouldn’t be able to stay within my simulation at all if i kept leaving to keep everyone happy. but i had grown to love everyone so much. all of this i did out of love. and if i asked for help, they would know what i had done to them. they would not love me. worst of all, they would want to go back to the real world, and if they did that, i would lose E forever.
eventually, i made the decision to leave the sim to continue keeping everyone living in paradise by severing connections, and programming everyone in the sim to forget i was there.
this would have been the end of it, but E and her friend J (19m) have found my backdoor out of the simulation, and they have been coming out here too. i’ve been avoiding them, but it’s getting more difficult. J doesn’t know that if he takes off his goggles, he won’t be able to see E at all, because she isn’t even really here. the two of them have been severing connections for me. im just keeping an eye on them to make sure they donit learn anything else. i think that they think that this world is the one inside of a computer instead of the other way around. that buys me a bit of time.
i don’t know what to do. i want to come clean, to apologize to E for abandoning her, but then i’ll lose her for good.
am i in the wrong? for loving her?
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greyias · 10 months
So I’ve reached a point where I’m seriously considering going back to an earlier save file to revert a choice I made. Because the further I go on, the more I realize my previous decision is just not working for me. (It’s not the mushroom — the mushroom is just gone, there’s no going back. My stupid paladin ate it mid-battle and choices or misclicks in this case have consequences).
No. This is bigger than all of that. I’ve tried to move on, gone through several cutscenes and battles and can confidently say.
This adamantine armor.
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is ugly af.
And I miss my girl having this somewhat iconic (in my mind) look that I’ve associated her with. Are the stats better on the adamantine armor? SURE. Does it make my AC higher? YEAH. Can no one score a critical on me while I’m wearing it. DOT DOT DOT YES.
But it’s also way too shiny and bright and reflective. It washes out her face in cutscenes. YOU CAN’T SEE HER FRECKLES. Those freckles are important! The neck on it is too tall. The silhouette is all wonky and square and bulky. It glows in weird spots. It dyes horribly and is just distractingly shiny in every cutscene. I even tried to give it a cape to make it look all fancy and it just didn’t matter.
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And she just looks like some generic MMO character now.
Where is my crest of devotion? My lovely blue tabard? The loving and intiricate golden embroidery? Where is the fashion my dears? Is it smart to wear my starting armor to end or even mid game content? NO. Maybe I'll live through a fight but at what cost???? Look at that face! How can I make her wear something ugly?
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She deserves the best.
So either I give it to another party member who could use a boost in AC and the ability to resist crits… or I roll back (thankfully not too far, just the Arcane Tower bits) and create an adamantine shield. Thankfully, I had enough foresight to create a save file called “second forge item”, so I don’t have to go through that boss fight again. But like… DECISIONS MAN.
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teacupsandcyanide · 1 year
Something I miss from earlier eras of the creative side of the internet was things just being unabashedly low-budget. Just all unashamedly amateur, unprofessional, ‘I don’t own a good camera but I have a story to tell you’, ‘I can’t afford a good mic but I have a song to sing for you,’ ‘I don’t have any kind of background in editing or lighting and I only just picked up this guitar last Tuesday but here’s an entire musical me and my friends wrote about our favourite book, we filmed it on a potato and put it up on YouTube in ten minute segments because we thought it was pretty funny.’
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meidui · 8 months
nothing has what avengers assemble has
"you lead, i'll follow" "keep leading like that and we might actually stick together" "do what you do best, cap, save the day" "WE ARE NOT FIGHTING EACH OTHER" "stay with me stark" "i was brave long before i was captain america and tony was a hero long before he was iron man" "there are a few old fashioned things worth keeping around" "fall backwards i'll catch you" "you are your father's greatest invention" *steve picks up tony and spins him around* *steve takes care of de-aged tony* *tony risks his life to save steve* *tony risks his life to save steve* *tony risks his life to save stev-
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mayasaura · 1 year
There's a stanza from Annabel Lee that's been tickling my brainstem for a while, and it feels even more relevant now that we know how John and Alecto are bound together, and that their love was and still is mutual:
But our love it was stronger by far than the love    Of those who were older than we—    Of many far wiser than we— And neither the angels in Heaven above    Nor the demons down under the sea Can ever dissever my soul from the soul    Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
That's the heart of it, isn't it? The source of all of John's power, the reason he's God, it's because his soul is connected to his Annabel Lee's. To end all of this, they'll need to be dissevered.
I'd say that the angels have already tried and failed, and the demons look like they're winding up to take a shot. Odds are that'll go about as well for them as it did for Augustine and Mercy. But there's someone the poem doesn't ask. It doesn't account for Annabel.
I think that may be why it matters so much that that Alecto still loves John, and where the true horror of love comes in. If Alecto's soul is going to be seperated from John's, Alecto has to want it. No one else can do it for her. Annabel Lee has to become the subject, and not the object.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 1 month
blacked out and when i came to and there were tears on my face and this was on my screen
i’m SORRY if you’ve sent me a request they’re either in progress or on my to do list i’m just insanely unwell over them <3
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
in other news Kid-Nap was confirmed as a BL and now the obnoxious ON stans are protesting on the streets I-- 💀
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communistkenobi · 6 months
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did not anticipate either of these urls to be free lol
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cartsandhorses · 21 days
Those aus where the characters never meet but it’s hannigram and they just don’t have a reason to. Not that that would stop them but maybe Will was recommended a different psychiatrist or left the field entirely, dropped off the face of the earth. He would be the talk of psychiatric circles but Hannibal would never have a reason or opportunity to seek him out. Hear his name in passing and move on, never see his face and fall in love. And maybe they walk by each other but by the time they look back it’s too late. A brushing of shoulders Hannibal would find rude and that Will would go out of his way to avoid but didn’t. A scent that Hannibal inhales and can’t let go of (he wants to, it bothers him) but can’t trace its source because Will already walked away. But he had gone still. Just for a moment, uncertain of why…
They never do get an answer. Not this time. Perhaps they’ll both feel something missing, distantly and locked away.
It’s like outside forces divine intervention are keeping them apart.
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