#like there’s this immense pressure to produce things that could pass as professionally produced by a team of educated people
teacupsandcyanide · 1 year
Something I miss from earlier eras of the creative side of the internet was things just being unabashedly low-budget. Just all unashamedly amateur, unprofessional, ‘I don’t own a good camera but I have a story to tell you’, ‘I can’t afford a good mic but I have a song to sing for you,’ ‘I don’t have any kind of background in editing or lighting and I only just picked up this guitar last Tuesday but here’s an entire musical me and my friends wrote about our favourite book, we filmed it on a potato and put it up on YouTube in ten minute segments because we thought it was pretty funny.’
5K notes · View notes
im-the-punk-who · 3 years
Can you explain how a slave revolt in the Bahamas could have changed the history of America?
HELLO ANON FROM LIKE FOUR MONTHS AGO! I kept meaning to go back to this and then uhhh forgetting to do that. (Also thank you for indulging me and sending this sort-of-directly-asked-for-question lmao)
So. Here’s a brief overview of how a successful slave revolt like in Black Sails could have changed the history of not just America, but the entire world. And quite, well - easily - had the circumstances in Black Sails presented themselves. 
First off, standard disclaimer that this is all conjecture based on my own research and knowledge of both history and Black Sails. It isn’t meant as a takedown of anyone else’s views, or the character’s actions. The strongest I would call this is a wishful critique of the choices the writers made to include the things they did in the way they were included, and the way those same writers chose to end the story they chose to tell. And maybe, a little bit, a frustration of how the inevitability of american history is used as a given in fandom to defend certain character’s actions - but it is not meant to invalidate the reasons behind those actions. Just to point out that those reasons were more emotionally than factually driven (Which is cool! And very real to the kinds of tragedies that play out in real life revolutions! Vive le realismé!)
Also quite obviously I’m not a professional in any way. I was eating soup from a can as I wrote this. I am now eating cookies for dinner. I am writing this because it’s fun for me. It’s fun!! If deep thought-experiment type analysis of media isn’t your cuppa, that’s fine - you can keep scrolling.
I’ve included major historical events from 1700-1740 since that is the general time period that Black Sails draws its history from. In particular, most of the later seasons’ historical references come from the 1730s. While I’ve tried to be as thorough as possible...there are so many ways history could have been changed by a tiny action that it would be impossible to cover them all. For brevity, I’m focusing on the history of the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Colonial America. I’ll touch on other places as is relevant but like......it’s world history for a reason.
Okay, here goes.
So first and foremost, to understand how it’s destruction could have changed America, you really need to understand just how much economic power chattel slavery gave colonial empires and England in particular. 
Slavery was the most important economic force in Colonial England, and not just in what the slaves produced. The slave trade itself was the most lucrative business in existence at the time. If you want to learn more about that, I highly recommend listening to this podcast, which does an excellent job of explaining how the economic buying and selling and bonding of slaves was of such value to colonial empires. This is important because the most powerful contemporary argument for the continuation of slavery was that it “could not be ended in the Americas until there was certainty that it wouldn’t create social or economic irritation.” (Thomas Jefferson, 1783.)
(Slavery in itself is not something that was unique to the british empire or even the Imperialist governments that created it. Most cultures have had some form of slavery. However, this was not the type of generational slavery that colonial empires employed. In most cases before the 1400s, slaves were not kept slaves solely based on the color of their skin - they were war prisoners, criminals, or debtors. In most cases, slaves could work to buy their freedom, and most importantly, slavery was not an inherited state that passed from parent to child. 
What we think of in terms of colonial slavery is chattel slavery - which is the kind of slavery Europeans imposed on Africans starting in the fifteenth century. These slaves could not buy their freedom. They were viewed as property instead of human beings based on their race and their children were automatically enslaved in the same way they were. They were mistreated, and viewed as subhuman, without any chance of escaping the bonds which had been forced upon them.
Because of this new type of slavery that started in the colonial era, Europeans needed to justify why they were entitled to own other people as slaves. They needed to convince themselves and other people that there was some moral justification for chattel slavery. This is what led to all the myths of ‘happy’ servitude, racial inferiority, and any ‘benefits’ slavery imparted to slaves. These were all lies created by philosophical thinkers and plantation owners and politicians that let settlers convince themselves they were not committing crimes of immense magnitude against other human beings. For much of the colonial era, these were the norm in thinking and their vestiges still linger today. But these were used to justify slavery because of how important it was economically.
And of course there were always dissenters. Since slavery was first introduced to the colonies there were people who knew that this sort of treatment was just not very gucci. These people argued that slavery went against the very nature of a ‘just’ society. That benefitting off the mistreatment of other human beings was akin to spiritual robbery, and that “European colonies should be destroyed rather than create so many unfortunates!” (Louis Jaucourt, 1754). With your goddamn motherfucking chest Jaucourt. The Quakers of Pennsylvania were strong proponents of abolition since the 1670’s! James Oglethorpe(yes, that Oglethorpe) himself was a staunch abolitionist who went as far as to make slavery illegal in Georgia when he formed the colony in 1733.
The economic power of slavery was used as a justification to keep it intact for hundreds of years and many colonists were happy with this, but it’s important to remember that not everyone was. England and the colonists were far from unanimously in support of the practice. This becomes important later! Like, this is the basis for the whole argument of how a drawn out war in the Bahamas could have ended slavery and changed colonial imperialism.)
Now let’s go to the people it affected. Enslaved black people have been fighting against their enslavement since they were taken from their homes and brought across the Atlantic in the 15th century. Starting in the 1700s, slave revolts started to see more and more success in these efforts, until in the late 1700s and early 1800s public opinion of slavery finally dropped enough that it was outlawed in the colonial empires of England and France. In the years of 1700-1740, there were several rebellions in the North American area including:
1712 New York Slave Revolt (British Province of New York)
1730 Chesapeake rebellion (British Chesapeake Colonies)
1733 St. John Slave Revolt (Danish Saint John)
1739 Stono Rebellion ((British Province of South Carolina)
1741 New York Conspiracy (British Province of New York)
And of course, 
1728-1739 First Maroon War (British Jamaica)
This is the war which the war in Black Sails is based on. The treaty that was offered by Woodes Rogers in Black Sails is almost word for word(minus the pirates bit) the treaty offered to the Leeward Maroons in this war. There are references to the factions in this war and even some of the historical people involved in it. The major difference? The Maroon war was successful. The Maroons were so good at warfare on their turf that the British were unable to sustain any major victories against them. After ten years they offered the Maroons a treaty granting them governmental agency(although not independence). In return, the Maroons agreed to return any escaped slaves back to the British, and to help the British fight off “invaders”. The Leeward maroons led by Cudjoe(Julius, in Black Sails) took this offer to avoid more fighting because he believed in an honorable peace with the enemy. Queen Nanny and her Windward Maroons(The Maroon Queen and Madi in Black Sails) refused because like....bruh those terms suck. After a year she was pressured into relenting by Cudjoe, but within thirty years the Maroons had started another war, dissatisfied with how the treaty was being carried out. 
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(This is Queen Nanny. And yes, she is better than you.)
I also need to mention that Africans were not the only ones in North America hurt by British Colonialism, nor the only ones for whom abolition and an end to colonial empire was attractive. The Native Americans were also a constant frustration to the colonies, and, because it’s relevant to later things, I want to mention one incident in particular: 
The Yamasee War (1715-1717)
The Yamasee were a Lower Creek tribe that lived in what is today Georgia/Florida. The war was fought over a bunch of different things, including trading systems and colonists depleting the game in the area, but also because of the colonists’ nasty habit of trying to enslave Native American people. Bummer. So a bunch of tribes(and I mean a bunch - there were Shawnee and Cherokee factions, as well as about half a dozen other distinct nations that joined in the fight in sort of that loose ‘hey you hate these guys? we hate these guys!’ way.)
 Long story short, this war was a pretty significant factor in the colonists in the South not enslaving(outright) Native Americans anymore, and instead increasing the import of African slaves to the south. After this war the Yamasee split into two factions, one anti-colonist and one pro-colonist. The pro-colonist people called themselves the Yamacraw, and it was these people who granted Oglethorpe(yes, that Oglethorpe) the land which he used to found Georgia. Moral of the story, alliances between abolitionists and indigenous tribes were already in place in the colonies. Just waiting for a chance to be used.
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(Tomochichi, the leader of the Yamacraw and very cool accessorizor)
(Yet ANOTHER thing to keep in mind is that before the end of the 18th century, both Haiti and Grenada would see major revolutions against their colonial empires. Slaves in all provinces and colonies were continually fighting for their freedom. What they lacked was a unifying force that supplied them enough power and cohesion to fight the empire man-to-man, so to speak.)
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(So cute.)
Anyway, the Golden Age of Piracy was largely over by the early 1720 - most of the pirates of Nassau took Rogers’ pardon and reintegrated as citizens of society. That or they like....died. A lot of them died. Gruesomely. Nasty business, piratry. So, if we assume that in Black Sails’ history that Flint and Silver managed to convince the Maroons to rebel ten years earlier, join with the pirates who did not want to assimilate, and start a revolution; now instead of two separate wars Britain is now fighting one much bigger, nastier, more expensive one. 
Backed by people with a good deal of money at their disposal. Cha-ching.
Keep in mind that Britain had already been at war for almost thirty years with first the Glorious Revolution and the Jacobite risings(1688-forever) and the War of Spanish Succession(1701-1714). Their resources had already been depleted. And this was why the American colonies(and India) had become so important to them. Remember what I said about the economic importance of slavery? It’s because Brtitain was using the slave trade to refill its coffers after an extensive and costly military campaign. 
So now, this new war is not only putting an additional drain on the empire’s resources before Britain has had a chance to replenish itself but it is also taking away the very source of income needed to replenish itself. (Since the war would target places heavy with slave trading.) In addition, the pirates handed a significant defeat to the British Navy that ended with the Navy retreating - turning tail and running from the island. This was actually a huge victory and one that was sort of downplayed in the show but would be incredibly significant in the event of a long campaign.
Rogers is not taking Nassau with the full support of Britain. He is only fighting with the traitors who did not return when the Navy withdrew. That is why he has to go to Spain in the first place. 
The show has also told us that this rebellion is already starting to be widely known - pirates and slaves from Barbados, the Bahamas, as far as Massachusetts are coming to aid the rebellion in the hopes of freedom. This is not a small thing. 
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Even with the loss of the Walrus and most of the Walrus crew, there are still thousands of fighters on the Maroon Island. Slaves, mainland pirates - the defeat of the Walrus was a personal defeat but in the grand scheme of a larger war it was a small loss in what was ultimately a huge victory. 
Rogers has been squarely defeated. Because of that, they now have Nassau as a base. The war now has two strongholds - one protected by the forest and one protected by a fort - into which they can store supplies, retreat, and organize attacks from. If they can free the rest of the slaves on the island of Nassau and either oust or convert the puritans, all the better. 
The war at the point Rogers is defeated was far from a never-ending thing. In fact I would say that Flint is absolutely right - they are incredibly close to a decisive victory. England cannot afford to muster a large enough force to defeat two entrenched enemies working together - especially ones as well financed as we’re led to believe the chest would make the Maroons and Pirates. Even if Britain could somehow convince Spain and/or France to join them, both of those nations have also been severely depleted by wars of their own. And again, the more nations that Britain brings in, the more potentially disaffected people could be brought in to join the pirates(see, Haiti and Grenada specifically, both of which were French colonies at the time, and the Spanish colonies of Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc). 
So from here, the smartest thing for the rebellion to do would be to hit large plantations: to both free the slaves and cripple Britain’s economy. Make slavery more costly to enforce than it is profitable to sustain, and build their numbers for the war as well, as well as like, you know, freeing slaves. Make it so that Britain could not sustain the cost of trying to fight it - as James said all the way back in 1705. Force a surrender on economic grounds.
So now, the power behind the empire has been broken. Even assuming a modest victory, the course of the entire world - not just the Americas - has changed. In victory, let’s say the Bahama/Caribbean islands are freed from British rule. Slavery in the americas will also never be able to get the foothold it does, historically. 
With a free nation actively willing to target slave plantations and ships sitting between it and Africa, the colonial slave trade is finished. Now sure, they could use the existing slaves, but it would be oh-so-easy for the Pirates and Maroons, alongside their hopeful new Native and abolitionist allies, to target large plantations and cripple them. 
If slavery never gets a foothold in the south, northern colonies never build the banks and mills and economic powerhouses that profit from the cheap produce, and most find another way to survive. Perhaps, if we’re going really all out, they start working with the native americans - learning ways to cultivate and grow crops with the land and in balance, rather than clearing thousands of acres for damaging cash crops. 
I want to be really, really clear about this because it is incredibly important. Without slavery, the British empire would not have bee able to sustain itself. It would not have the power. And the more it tried to tax the colonists to recoup its losses, the angrier those people were likely to get, and perhaps join the Maroons and Pirates, or perhaps evens start the american revolution early - maybe even with the help of the newly independent Jamaican/Bahaman island nations. 
This break in the power of colonial empires would shift world history into something unrecognizable as we know it. The empires would still exist, of course, but they would be set on their heels - France and Spain would see what happened to Britain and be less inclined to keep slavery legal in their own colonies. Power is split more evenly among the world, and indigenous and black/African nations are not wiped out in genocidal bids for power. 
Which brings me to India. If the Indian rebellions learned of what happened in America and the Bahamas, or if america had drained enough of britain’s resources that the British East India Trading Company was not able to be as controlling of the area, this could have meant independence centuries earlier, as well as a much easier path to independence. Think about what could have been if the Indian people had been able to oust a struggling empire from its shores an entire century before it historically did. 
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(This bad boy is Mangal Pandey, who led the first major Indian revolution in the mid 1800s. In the movie adaptation his boyfriend best friend is played by Toby Stephens so I’m connecting the dots.)
Once the colonies of America and India are gone, Britain loses almost the entirety of its colonial power. (And this isn’t even including all the smaller colonies which could cloak their own independence in these big revolutions and the lack of (as much) of an indigenous genocide in many of these places. The economic disparity that defines Black experience in places that the British colonial system touched never gets a hold, and they are able to build their own economies in ways that benefit them and the places they live. 
Think about the wealth of culture in ALL nations that would not have been destroyed, had Britain not been allowed to swallow whole swaths of land whole. 
And, look. I know this is fiction. I know that of course, none of this happened, and that Black Sails is a fictional landscape. I know that so many things could go differently than I imagine them. I know that to extrapolate like this relies heavily on actually caring about a world that is completely different from ours and envisioning how that could come about. 
I also know, that it is just as important to tell these sorts of stories as telling stories about how small acts could have changed things immensely, as it is to tell them about how society must stay the same. It is just as important to tell stories about ‘what if colonialism were able to be stopped’ as it is to tell dystopian stories about the end of the world. It may not be as much fun, but it is important to remember that our power doesn’t lie an indiscernible amount of time in the future, after the world has already gone to shit. It lies with us, right now. And that even if it is hard to see, our actions have the power to shape history.
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Domestic fluff, with mechanic, silver fox, soft Tony married to professor Peter. Throw in any other trope we're both obsessed with lol
The Way You Hold Me 
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Mature Notes: Holy. It has been a hot minute since I’ve put fingers to keyboard. I’m so stoked that S’s prompt is the one to pull me out of my slump. I’m a sucker for silver fox Tony & finally couldn’t resist. This is pure, tooth-rotting fluff, so I hope you’re up for some sweetness! Word Count: ~5K Warnings: There’s a bit of smexy in there, but it’s not that detailed. The rest is just indulgence of the love-dovey kind. 
Read on AO3 here
To say that Tony was hooked from the very start would’ve been a huge understatement.
Despite never laying eyes on Professor Peter Parker, Tony found himself completely overwhelmed with that obsessive sort of feeling he got when things sparked his interest. The words in their email exchanges were more than enough to draw him in – he could openly admit that strong character and a whip smart brain totally got him going. If his witty words and bright ideas weren’t enough, a quick Google search put the final nail in the coffin. Big brains and immense beauty – who was he to deny the attractiveness in that situation?
When the opportunity presented itself, Tony navigated his way around NYU’s campus, practically jumping on the chance to finally meet the notorious Professor Parker in person. He made his way leisurely through throngs of students until he found the not so surprisingly crowded lecture hall. If professors were as attractive as Professor Parker during his school days, he might’ve paid a bit more attention. Unlike most classes, each student seemed to be completely entranced by the information – or the man at the front of the room presenting it.
Tony rarely got the chance to observe someone else while working – most people that knew about his shop knew about his impeccable brains and talent; which meant a lot of the spectating happened while he worked. Flipping the norm on its head proved to be incredibly delightful – Peter Parker could hold the entire room’s attention without even trying. And man did he know his shit! He spoke about mechanics and fluid dynamics like they were extended pieces of himself, not convoluted theories riddled with mathematical explanations. If he weren’t already taking giant leaps towards infatuation, the time spent watching the professor lecture surely would send him spiraling in that direction.
For a brief instant toward the end of his lecture, Tony caught Professor Parker looking at him. Their eyes met and held for what felt like eons, the other man’s cocoa colored irises were stunning and seemed to become more so the longer Tony looked. A moment of recognition flashed in those deep eyes before he turned back to the class and continued to talk about fluid pumps like nothing happened.
By the end of the lecture, Tony knew a couple of things with absolute certainty – Peter Parker was the most gorgeous person (in every single way) on the planet, and he would do absolutely anything necessary to find a place for him in his life. Though he was getting ahead of himself, Tony could feel the rightness of the situation down to his very core – there weren’t many people who could spark a reaction in him, let alone one that moved him to action. He forced himself to calm down as a flood of students started to pile out of the room, each one looking at him with a mix of suspicion and appreciation – he forewent the hat that morning, so his longer salt and pepper hair stood proudly on display. Even he knew the appeal of that silver fox look.
A soft throat clearing brought Tony back from his contemplative state – he blinked a few times to orient himself before turning towards the noise.
Bright eyes on him had him once again stopping in his tracks; Peter Parker the man looked totally different than the lecturer standing in front of him only moments before. The owlish, almost nerdy look was replaced with a soft smirk and clear, knowing eyes. “Tony Stark, as I live and breathe. I would’ve happily met you at my office.” Peter didn’t seem to blink as he spoke, those eyes following every one of Tony’s minuet movements.
Tony knew in that instant – he wasn’t the only genius predator in that room.
Running a hand through long strands, Tony shifted his feet just enough to lean against one of the chairs closest to him. “I thought I’d catch you in your natural habitat. Even I know professors are never in their offices,” Tony remarked, his words light and just the slightest bit flirty. “Seeing you in action is much more informative than any meeting in your office would’ve been, anyway.”
Peter’s answer came in the form of a face splitting smile, the whites of his teeth showing through the stretch of soft lips. “You’re an actions speak louder than words guy – I like that.”
Grinning, Tony closed the distance between them, his feet carrying him in a manner that he never experienced before. It was as if the inches that separated them were causing physical pain, like if he didn’t get within touching distance that instant, Tony might actually combust. Now toe to toe, Tony stuck his hand out to shake, a daring look on his face. “Actions are the only thing that count in this muddled world, Professor Parker.”
And just like that, a bond developed between them. Aside from working on the research they cultivated over the past few months, Tony found himself seeking Peter’s company out as much as possible. For a little while, he made up lame work-related excuses – Peter was insanely dedicated to their joint academic pursuits and gladly came whenever Tony posed a question. As time trickled on, the questions and requests became increasingly less academic and much more personal. Instead of meeting at the campus library, Tony brought Peter to the big office he kept in the shop or the sanctuary of his kitchen. Slowly but surely, topics moved from engine parts to hobbies and ambitions. Much like the rebuild of a classic car, their steps towards something else were filled with anticipation and an overall feeling of contentment.
Instead of infatuation, Tony started to recognize the floaty feeling as love – the active process of falling into it much less frightening than he initially figured. Despite what the forty-nine-year-old knew about his previous “loves”, Tony found himself learning something new about the topic on a daily basis. Never before did he find someone’s coffee making ritual as endearing as the repetitional process that Peter went through. For the first time in his life, Tony understood what it meant to love every part of a person, not just a few individual pieces that made up the whole.
When they finally took the step towards realizing their love for each other, Tony jumped in headfirst. Being the ridiculously professional academic that he was, Peter didn’t want to mix any sort of business with pleasure, so they waited what felt like several long months to even think about anything other than friendship. Throughout those months, Tony wore out fantasy after delicious fantasy about what having Peter next to him would be like – how his ink-stained hands would feel on bare skin, how plush lips would press against his own. In all the ways, Tony tried to picture Peter as his.
Yet, nothing he pictured even came close.
The first time Peter kissed him, Tony was utterly unprepared for it. Upon their article being published, Tony and Peter planned to celebrate with a home cooked meal in Tony’s surprisingly well stocked kitchen. Throughout their time together, cooking dinner and hanging around the kitchen’s island with a glass of wine in hand became second nature to them – the whole ritual like a deep breath of fresh air after the long days both men waded through on a constant basis. Yet, this time, Tony could feel a crackle in the air – whether it was wishful thinking or fact, he wasn’t quite sure.
As they moved around each other seamlessly, Tony felt himself relaxing in a way that only happened when Peter was around. Instead of anxiety and a never-ending slew of thoughts, a clear head and empty spaces opened up around him. The comfort in Peter’s presence lulled him into a state that, until meeting the man, Tony didn’t know he could achieve. Which is why he was thrown off guard when a firm hand wrapped around his upper arm. Setting down the knife he’d been masterfully chopping vegetables with, he turned his body in Peter’s direction, the touch on his bare skin producing a sensation that sent tingles down to the very tips of his toes.
“What’s up – “ Tony started to say before the softest lips were pressing against his own. Whatever question he wanted to ask flew from his mind, the pressure of warmth and the delicate feeling of getting what he wanted, finally, overtook him. Leaning into the kiss, Tony tilted his head and returned it to the best of his ability – chances like this didn’t come by often and he sure as hell wasn’t one to let them pass him by. His own hand moved restlessly until it found the curve of Peter’s hip; the fingers there dug into jean and fabric and the slightest hint of what could only be warm, smooth skin.
Though it felt like just a second, Tony’s chest was heaving when they finally pulled away from each other. Without much thought, he renewed the grip on Peter’s hip and brought him back in for another kiss, the pressing issue of a lack of oxygen not even registering. Behind closed eyelids, he only saw, felt, and wanted the divine press of lip against lip – if he could live in this singular moment, all would be right in the world.
It was Peter who finally broke away, the redness in his cheeks sending a rush of some unnamed feeling down the length of Tony’s limbs. It felt electric, like shockwaves traveling across the surface of his skin. Sucking in a breath, Tony forced himself to look up and take in the melted chocolate of Peter’s stunning eyes. The black of his pupil practically overran the rich, dark brown, yet the color stood out even more because of that. The compulsion to reach out and touch Peter’s face rushed through him – the thought of more of that warm skin under his hands completely entrancing. Instead, he dug his fingers further into Peter’s hip, the bottom of his shirt riding up with ever clenching gesture.
“I’ve wanted to do that for months. Months, Tony,” Peter mumbled, his words still colored by the slightest pant of breath. The touch of his hand shifted up his arm, those long fingers settling on the naked skin on the back of Tony’s neck like they belonged there (they did). Slight callouses on the palm of Peter’s hand reminded him of the depth of the professor’s knowledge and experience – the roughness there spoke of words written with restless hands and technical brilliance brought about by steady, knowledgeable limbs. Unable to resist, Tony leaned into the touch, his entire being tuned in to the warm caress.
Leaning forward slightly, Tony brushed the tip of his nose against Peter’s, a soft sigh leaving his lips. So many times, he thought about this very moment and the reality of it couldn’t possibly be predicted – everything about Peter seemed like a surprise; every second they spent together another adventure, another excitement added to the list of things to LOVE about Professor Parker. The answering gasp of air against his lips had Tony pressing forward again, their lips meeting in a barely there caress.
“Now you don’t ever have to stop,” Tony finally managed to drag his lips away from Peter’s to mumble. “In fact – I hope you don’t. I really, really, really hope.”
Luckily, Peter hadn’t planned to. For weeks after that night, they flirted through shared time in the kitchen, and teased each other throughout tv show binges and candlelit dinners. No matter what they did, Tony ended the night with a writhing Peter Parker on his lap. With every second spent together, Tony tried to absorb everything he could about the man – how his hands felt gripping around his neck, the way his thighs flexed and clenched with the subtle roll of his hips – hell, even the way the taste in his mouth changed when things went from gentle and tame to overtly arousing. Many times, he wished he were a better writer – the ache Tony felt to document his findings was entirely too overwhelming.
Little by little, they crept towards what could only be considered to be something serious. There was no longer the pretense of academic pursuits to stop them from stepping out into the New York night life together – their dates took on a whole new nature when Tony realized just how well Professor Parker could clean up. It only took one night of Peter’s well-tailored ass dancing against him to know that demanding outings exactly like that one was absolutely necessary for his survival – and ever growing libido
Said libido spent a long time in self-induced isolation and took the magic of Peter Parker to reignite whatever passion seemed to be lacking earlier in his life. Up until the supple curves of his favorite professor sat in the palms of his hands, Tony struggled with the ease of intimacy – his brain ran a mile a minute and couldn’t often slow down enough to thoroughly enjoy the greatness of human contact. Yet, when Peter held him, touched him – something happened; the rest of the world sort of faded away, everything narrowed down to the lightest stroke and talented caress.
And despite the wild flame that seared between them, it still took four months of heavy petting and sleepovers on the couch after too much making out to finally fall into bed together. Tony knew – with every piece of himself – that the second he gave himself to Peter, there was no going back. Whatever addiction he willingly cultivated during their time together teetered on a precarious edge between not enough and too much. Physical intimacy would smash that cliff in half, leaving Tony with an inability to separate himself from the overwhelming feelings Peter made him feel.
Yet, when the moment finally came, every second of it felt righter than Tony thought possible. They didn’t tumble into the room in a tattered state of “can’t wait” and “right now”. Instead, Tony slowly unwrapped the present that a jean-clad Peter Parker presented. His lips mapped the route from a delightfully long neck to cut shoulders, then down from nipple to nipple, and lower – the soft hair leading down to lean hips and a gorgeous cock got more attention than either of them anticipated.
Between the dizzy effect of Peter’s moans and the effort to remember each of Peter’s moans, Tony almost forgot how he found himself two fingers deep in the tightest ass he could recall feeling. His cock, which brushed teasingly against Peter’s thigh, twitched with anticipation with every thrust – the tight clench around them was going to feel spectacular around his incredibly touch starved dick.
Clearing his mind of the more heady thoughts, Tony worked a third finger into Peter’s tight heat – the ability to control himself was slowly crumbling, each second that passed felt like one too many – the need to satiate his overwhelming craving hit him in the chest from one touch to the next.
Long fingers gripped his forearm, forcing his attention away from the pulse and stretch of the warm tightness around him. Tony looked up, his eyes seeking Peter’s without thought.
“I’m ready, Tony. I need you to fuck me. I can’t wait – don’t make me.” Peter’s grip tightened as each word slipped from his lips.
Sucking in much needed air, Tony moved until he could comply – his entire body thrummed with anticipation, his ability to wait seemed to fly out the window in that moment, too. He shifted to pull the bedside table drawer open, but he was stopped again by the hand still clutching his forearm.
“Just you, Tony.”
They locked eyes again, a silent conversation happening between them before Tony nodded, the outstretched hand finding Peter’s hip, instead. With the other, he uncapped the lube and poured a good amount straight on his heat-flushed cock, the cold of it pulling a pulse from him, a small bead of precum forming at the tip. Tony forced himself to take in a deep breath, the touch of his hand as he spread the sticky substance over sensitive skin reminding him how close he actually was. It wouldn’t do to finally be getting what he wanted and not last – he wanted, craved, desired the best of the best for Peter – with him, even.
Another quick shift had him pinning Peter on the bed below him, the forearm of his right arm pressed tightly against Peter’s shoulder – there wasn’t any space between them. When he finally pushed in, Tony let out a noise he never heard before – especially from himself. The moan radiated around the room, wrapping both him and Peter up in the delicacy of pure pleasure and steady connection. “Fuck, Pete – “ Tony couldn’t help but babble, his entire core clenching as he finally, finally bottomed out.
For all the time spent anticipating, Tony didn’t have any sort of word or feeling to describe what being connected to Peter was like. His strong thighs wrapped tightly around Tony’s waist, the muscles squeezing with every thrust – almost like he dreaded the slide out just as much as Tony. The tip of his cock nailed Peter’s prostate with every cleverly angled shift of his hips, the feeling on both ends bringing a new sense of bliss to the situation.
Though he tried to keep his shit together, Tony felt the coil in his stomach spin up uncontrollably, the inevitable end racing towards him without any of his permission. Picking up his pace, Tony untangled their joint limbs just enough to slip his hand between them, his work roughened fingers wrapped tightly around Peter’s cock to time his tight strokes with the movement of his hips.
The wet feeling of Peter’s release splashing against his fingers pulled Tony over the edge, the loud breaths and drawn out moans of the other’s orgasm a tantalizing soundtrack to his overwhelming peak.
He couldn’t remember losing the ability to hold himself up, but moments later, he resurfaced to find his chest pressed tightly against Peter’s with sweaty fingers brushing through his long, graying locks.
“Wow.” Tony whispered after a while, his nose finding its way to the crook of Peter’s neck. He pressed soft kisses and took in long, deep breaths – Peter’s normal scent was something more now, the undertones of it carrying the slightest hint of the cinnamon Tony himself carried around. A slow smile pulled across his lips at the thought – they were both forever changed now, each one another integral piece of the other.
Instead of answering, Peter tightened his grip around Tony, his soft lips pressing kiss after kiss against skin still slicked with sweat.
A while later, they tumbled out of bed and cleaned up in the shower, both men unwilling to put more space between them than necessary after such a powerful experience. Tony reveled in his ability to touch and caress as he washed hot water warmed skin, and then later when Peter crawled into his arms and settled against his chest under the plushness of soft sheets. He let the contentment of it carry him to the cusp of sleep.
Right before he let his eyes close, Tony felt a kiss pressed to the side of his neck and Peter moving impossibly closer. “I love you, Tony,” Peter mumbled against his skin, the sleepiness in his voice making the words sound so fucking special.
Blinking, Tony tightened his hold, his fingers running in smooth patterns up and then back down the length of Peter’s back. “I love you, too. So much.”
Eight months later, Tony found himself right back where things started; his eyes took in the entirety of the lecture hall with fond affection. He got to campus a little earlier than usual, his excitement at getting to see Peter too much for him to handle back at the shop. Instead of fretting in the car, he stretched his long legs in a walk across campus. By instinct, or maybe nostalgic intervention, Tony got to Peter’s building without thought – he shook his head at himself, but walked through the doors, anyway. Sucking in the familiar smell that Peter brought back to the apartment every day, Tony kept walking until he was able to take a seat at the back of the overfull amphitheater.
Despite not making any noise as he walked in, Peter glanced up at him, the softest smile slipping across his lips as their eyes connected. A warm feeling sat in the bottom of his stomach – the all too familiar burn of love flaring up inside him at the look.
Never missing a beat, Peter continued through the last part of his lecture like Tony wasn’t even there. Bright whiskey colored eyes watched with fascination, the smile on his face growing with each passing minute. For a long time, Tony’s own intelligence made him feel like a social outcast – there weren’t too many of his peers that could even come close to his level of understanding. Peter, though – his brain worked in a way that Tony not only found interesting, but also wanted to know and explore in the same way he did his own. The rare treat of getting to see it in work made his heart slam in his chest – Peter was damn sexy when flawlessly controlling the classroom.
Unlike most of the students around him, Tony let out the slightest sigh of disappointment at the end of Peter’s presentation – he would’ve gladly skipped their dinner plans to hear Peter wax poetic about diesel; despite the oddity of it, Tony found Peter’s display of knowledge distractingly intriguing.
Tony went against the flow of students leaving the lecture hall to get to his boyfriend at the front of the room, a happy smile on his face as he did. When close enough to reach out and touch, Tony grabbed Peter’s hand, using his leverage to pull him into his arms. Planting a fleeting kiss on soft lips, Tony held Peter tightly to him, his eyes closing from the sensation. He would’ve gotten lost in it if it weren’t for a soft chorus of ‘awes’ that sounded from the back of the room.
“Ms. Pesto, class is over.” Peter leaned back into Tony’s hands on his back to speak to the culprit, a smirk pulling across his face. “Shut the door behind you when you go.”
Grinning, Tony leaned in to press a longer, more intense kiss on already swollen lips. “Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you’re teaching?” The question was broken up by soft kisses to Peter’s lips, cheek, and chin.
Peter shook his head in answer, a slight giggle falling from his lips. “You neglected to share that interesting piece of information.” Then, “what’s your favorite part? The way my brain works, or how good I look in these pants?”
Tony let his hands run more firmly over Peter’s ass at the comment, his pupils dilating with a sudden rush of arousal. “Most definitely all of the above,” Tony whispered, his fingers digging into the meat of a delightfully thick glute. “You’re my favorite part.”
There weren’t any more words shared between them for a few minutes, the solid weight and press of lip against lip the only thing existing in those moments. Peter forced them apart when the door opened again and a colleague started to descend the stairs. Reading the room, Tony forced himself to calm down and grabbed Peter’s bag from the desk, shouldering it before reaching out to grab Peter’s hand.
Throughout the rest of the night, Tony couldn’t stop the thoughts of how right and perfect things were – Peter drove him crazy with want, but even more importantly, love and adoring affection. For the first time in his entire life, Tony understood what it was like looking at the rest of forever. Popping the question entered his mind a few months ago, just the idea of it made him absolutely weak at the knees. Though he hadn’t given much thought to marriage before, Tony could picture it clearly with Peter – they already did so much give and take with each other, the next step just made sense.
He started to seriously think about it a couple of weeks later when Happy, one of his senior mechanics, brought up a jeweler he frequently bought things from for his own wife. “He does the best work,” Happy said, his hands already busy digging into his coveralls to snag a card from his wallet. “Tell him I sent you – he’ll hook you up.”
The card sat in his grease-covered hands reverently, the small piece of cardstock another piece to the next step with his most favorite human.
Horace, who turned out to be a gifted jeweler and a joy to be around, got him settled with a gorgeous damascus steel ring, the contrasting light and dark metals melding together to tangibly personify Tony and Peter. It was strong, yet delicate – the stunning beauty of it mellow and completely overwhelming. Walking out of the store with it made Tony feel fulfilled – with it soon, he hoped to make Peter his for the rest of his life.
Of course, things never went the way Tony initially planned them to go. He carried the black velvet box with him for weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to pop the question. Tony knew, despite the pulsing nerves, that Peter would say yes – they were meant to be, he couldn’t be the only one that felt that way. Not when, only after a little more than a year of being together, Peter felt like home. More than anything else in his entire life, Peter felt right.
After a string of long days in the shop, Tony was finishing up his last car of the day when Peter came storming through the side door. The slightly worrying tone of Peter’s voice when he uttered Tony’s name had him standing up too quickly, the hood he was working under smacking him in the back of the head with a dull thud. A slight whimper left his lips, his anxiousness not enough to stop the slight throb of pain.
“Pete, what’s up?” Tony asked, his voice only a little tight in his attempt to keep his slowly building panic to a minimum. They left the house that morning with a stolen make out session and a slight unwillingness to say goodbye – what could’ve possibly gone wrong between then and now? Rubbing the back of his head, Tony finally straightened himself completely, his attention totally on Peter.
His jaw dropped a second later when Peter thrust the very box he’d been worrying over between them, his eyebrow raised. “Want to tell me about this? I left some research on the passenger seat of my car and when I went to grab it, I found this suspicious black box on the seat. What is it, Tony?”
Peter’s eyes were wide, the look on his face telling Tony that Peter didn’t look, despite knowing exactly what resided within the box without the need to peek. Sucking in a quick breath, Tony snatched the box out of Peter’s hands, his knee hitting the floor a second later. That very instant was as good a time as any, he figured.
Pulling the lid of the box open, Tony used his free hand to grab Peter’s, his fingers gripping tightly. “It’s kind of fitting that I find the perfect moment in one of my fuck ups. You make all of the weird pieces of me feel so normal – like they fit, despite being totally obscure. No one, in my entire life, ever made me feel as complete as you do. I should have known that asking you to be mine forever would be as unconventional as I am. Will you be my husband, Pete? I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Instead of answering, Peter grabbed the grimy edges of his coveralls and pulled him up from the floor. His arms wound tightly around Tony’s neck, the space between their bodies getting narrowed down to nothing, the ring box stuck between them. Their lips met in a fierce kiss, spit-sticky tongues sliding together in an instant. Peter kissed Tony’s breath away, the two only pulling back when the risk of passing out ran too high.
“Yeah, I’ll be your husband,” Peter mumbled breathlessly, the pants of his breath making the words even more impactful.
A face splitting grin lit up Tony’s face, his cheeks straining with the effort. He wordlessly put a bit of distance between them, the space just enough to grab Peter’s left hand and slip the ring down his third finger. The juxtaposition of grease and pale skin and shiny metal stood out as he admired the perfect fit of forever’s promise, both on Peter’s finger and in the bond between them.
Leaning back into his new fiancé, Tony pulled Peter into him, their lips finding each other without fail. The perfectly imperfect thing that existed between them thrummed with new life. As they kissed, Tony succumbed to the pleasant ache of being completely consumed by Peter and all of the feelings that always threatened to overcome him. Peter had his back – and would for the rest of their lives. Their love deserved every overwhelming feeling Peter played muse to.  
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Empires generate huge amounts of information. Beyond laws, empires have to keep accounts of transactions and taxes, inventories of military supplies and merchant vessels, and calendars of festivals and victories. For millions of years people stored information in a single place – their brains. Unfortunately, the human brain is not a good storage device for empire-sized databases, for three main reasons.
First, its capacity is limited. True, some people have astonishing memories, and in ancient times there were memory professionals who could store in their heads the topographies of whole provinces and the law codes of entire states. Nevertheless, there is a limit that even master mnemonists cannot transcend. A lawyer might know by heart the entire law code of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, but not the details of every legal proceeding that took place in Massachusetts from the Salem witch trials onward.
Secondly, humans die, and their brains die with them. Any information stored in a brain will be erased in less than a century. It is, of course, possible to pass memories from one brain to another, but after a few transmissions, the information tends to get garbled or lost.
Thirdly and most importantly, the human brain has been adapted to store and process only particular types of information. In order to survive, ancient hunter-gatherers had to remember the shapes, qualities and behaviour patterns of thousands of plant and animal species. They had to remember that a wrinkled yellow mushroom growing in autumn under an elm tree is most probably poisonous, whereas a similar-looking mushroom growing in winter under an oak tree is a good stomach-ache remedy. Hunter-gatherers also had to bear in mind the opinions and relations of several dozen band members. If Lucy needed a band member’s help to get John to stop harassing her, it was important for her to remember that John had fallen out last week with Mary, who would thus be a likely and enthusiastic ally. Consequently, evolutionary pressures have adapted the human brain to store immense quantities of botanical, zoological, topographical and social information.
But when particularly complex societies began to appear in the wake of the Agricultural Revolution, a completely new type of information became vital – numbers. Foragers were never obliged to handle large amounts of mathematical data. No forager needed to remember, say, the number of fruit on each tree in the forest. So human brains did not adapt to storing and processing numbers. Yet in order to maintain a large kingdom, mathematical data was vital. It was never enough to legislate laws and tell stories about guardian gods. One also had to collect taxes. In order to tax hundreds of thousands of people, it was imperative to collect data about peoples incomes and possessions; data about payments made; data about arrears, debts and fines; data about discounts and exemptions. This added up to millions of data bits, which had to be stored and processed. Without this capacity, the state would never know what resources it had and what further resources it could tap. When confronted with the need to memorise, recall and handle all these numbers, most human brains overdosed or fell asleep.
This mental limitation severely constrained the size and complexity of human collectives. When the amount of people and property in a particular society crossed a critical threshold, it became necessary to store and process large amounts of mathematical data. Since the human brain could not do it, the system collapsed. For thousands of years after the Agricultural Revolution, human social networks remained relatively small and simple.
The first to overcome the problem were the ancient Sumerians, who lived in southern Mesopotamia. There, a scorching sun beating upon rich muddy plains produced plentiful harvests and prosperous towns. As the number of inhabitants grew, so did the amount of information required to coordinate their affairs. Between the years 3500 BC and 3000 BC, some unknown Sumerian geniuses invented a system for storing and processing information outside their brains, one that was custom-built to handle large amounts of mathematical data. The Sumerians thereby released their social order from the limitations of the human brain, opening the way for the appearance of cities, kingdoms and empires. The data-processing system invented by the Sumerians is called ‘writing’.
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Writing is a method for storing information through material signs. The Sumerian writing system did so by combining two types of signs, which were pressed in clay tablets. One type of signs represented numbers. There were signs for 1, 10, 60, 600, 3,600 and 36,000. (The Sumerians used a combination of base-6 and base-10 numeral systems. Their base-6 system bestowed on us several important legacies, such as the division of the day into twenty-four hours and of the circle into 360 degrees.) The other type of signs represented people, animals, merchandise, territories, dates and so forth. By combining both types of signs the Sumerians were able to preserve far more data than any human brain could remember or any DNA chain could encode.
At this early stage, writing was limited to facts and figures. The great Sumerian novel, if there ever was one, was never committed to clay tablets. Writing was time-consuming and the reading public tiny, so no one saw any reason to use it for anything other than essential record-keeping. If we look for the first words of wisdom reaching us from our ancestors, 5,000 years ago, we’re in for a big disappointment. The earliest messages our ancestors have left us read, for example, ‘29,086 measures barley 37 months Kushim.’ The most probable reading of this sentence is: ‘A total of 29,086 measures of barley were received over the course of 37 months. Signed, Kushim.’ Alas, the first texts of history contain no philosophical insights, no poetry, legends, laws, or even royal triumphs. They are humdrum economic documents, recording the payment of taxes, the accumulation of debts and the ownership of property.
Only one other type of text survived from these ancient days, and it is even less exciting: lists of words, copied over and over again by apprentice scribes as training exercises. Even had a bored student wanted to write out some of his poems instead of copy a bill of sale, he could not have done so. The earliest Sumerian writing was a partial rather than a full script. Full script is a system of material signs that can represent spoken language more or less completely. It can therefore express everything people can say, including poetry. Partial script, on the other hand, is a system of material signs that can represent only particular types of information, belonging to a limited field of activity. Latin script, ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics and Braille are full scripts. You can use them to write tax registers, love poems, history books, food recipes and business law. In contrast, the earliest Sumerian script, like modern mathematical symbols and musical notation, are partial scripts. You can use mathematical script to make calculations, but you cannot use it to write love poems.
It didn’t disturb the Sumerians that their script was ill-suited for writing poetry. They didn’t invent it in order to copy spoken language, but rather to do things that spoken language failed at. There were some cultures, such as those of the pre-Columbian Andes, which used only partial scripts throughout their entire histories, unfazed by their scripts’ limitations and feeling no need for a full version. Andean script was very different from its Sumerian counterpart. In fact, it was so different that many people would argue it wasn’t a script at all. It was not written on clay tablets or pieces of paper. Rather, it was written by tying knots on colourful cords called quipus. Each quipu consisted of many cords of different colours, made of wool or cotton. On each cord, several knots were tied in different places. A single quipu could contain hundreds of cords and thousands of knots. By combining different knots on different cords with different colours, it was possible to record large amounts of mathematical data relating to, for example, tax collection and property ownership.
For hundreds, perhaps thousands of years, quipus were essential to the business of cities, kingdoms and empires. They reached their full potential under the Inca Empire, which ruled 10–12 million people and covered today’s Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, as well as chunks of Chile, Argentina and Colombia. Thanks to quipus, the Incas could save and process large amounts of data, without which they would not have been able to maintain the complex administrative machinery that an empire of that size requires.
In fact, quipus were so effective and accurate that in the early years following the Spanish conquest of South America, the Spaniards themselves employed quipus in the work of administering their new empire. The problem was that the Spaniards did not themselves know how to record and read quipus, making them dependent on local professionals. The continent’s new rulers realised that this placed them in a tenuous position – the native quipu experts could easily mislead and cheat their overlords. So once Spain’s dominion was more firmly established, quipus were phased out and the new empire’s records were kept entirely in Latin script and numerals. Very few quipus survived the Spanish occupation, and most of those remaining are undecipherable, since, unfortunately, the art of reading quipus has been lost.
- Yuval Noah Harari, Memory overload in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
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pinkbrown565 · 3 years
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TAL-NoiseMaker has been an improved and updated version of the TAL-Elek7ro. To celebrate some of the best free VST plugins for 2020, we have began to compile a mix of the best VST Effects, Drum VSTs, Synth VSTs, Vocal Plugins, and Bass VSTs. Simply scroll down for some of. Download free VST plugins, free synth VST, autotune VST, Drum sound VST, choir VST, Orchestra VST, and much more free VST plugins. Great place to download free VST plugins for music production, updated each week with new VST plugins. VST 4 FREE - Free Audio Plug-ins and Archives. Free VST downloads: TN-5 (Yamaha CS-5 emulation by TN Audio) - Transcendental 2000 (Powertran Transcendent replica by TN Audio) - Syncla-X (Synclavier. Type of plugin: VSTi. Best free vocal compressor vst. What it does: This virtual analog synth was inspired by the Clavia Nord.
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VST plugins are virtual instruments and effects that you can use in productions. They can recreate classic synth designs, or represent completely new ways of making sound. VST plugins are easy to use; download them, install, and your DAW will pick them up and let you use them in the workstation. From classic instruments to experimental indie gems, there’s a huge world of both paid and free VST plugins to choose from. Native has spent decades creating and developing some of the world’s leading VST plugins with REAKTOR, KONTAKT, KOMPLETE KONTROL, and loads more.
VST plugins can be used in a wide variety of ways to create synth sounds for songwriting and production. Almost any instrument can be turned into a VST plugin, and more often than not, when you need a certain kind of sound there’s a VST plugin for it. There are several varieties of VST plugins for synth sounds that are worth noting. Polyphonic VST plugins create more than one note at a time, so are great for building complex melodies, chords, and harmonies, while monophonic VST plugins play one note at a time and are commonly used for basslines. Some VST plugins strictly model themselves on reproducing sounds you would expect from analogue instruments, but others go way beyond that. Wavetable VST plugins like MASSIVE and MASSIVE X tend to focus on helping producers create something unusual and completely different to traditional instruments, and can be more useful for experimental productions than other VST plugins.
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Trying things out and exploring new territory is hugely important when trying to craft something unique, and using multiple VST plugins will give you a wide range of instruments and sounds to work with. Chaining multiple VST plugins together sis a typical way to start crafting a sound you can call your own. Feeding one VST plugin instrument into a VST plugin effect will alter them even further. This is also common with digital production as lots of recording tools come in VST plugin form – there’s no issue with running multiple VSTs at once – simply load them in and start playing. Native offers over 2,000 free sounds and more than 6 GB of free VST plugin content with KOMPLETE START, so if you’re looking for some inspiration it’s a great way to get started.
Download Native Access, create an account, and find all KOMPLETE START contents under the NOT INSTALLED tab. DOWNLOAD NATIVE ACCESS (MAC) DOWNLOAD NATIVE ACCESS (WINDOWS) Learn how to install KOMPLETE START.. Please see the Native Access system requirements.
1: Create a Native Instruments account using Native Access
2: Your KOMPLETE START products might take a moment to appear – press the refresh button if necessary. Install all included products by clicking ‘Install All’ in the ‘Not Installed’ tab in Native Access.
3: Launch KOMPLETE KONTROL. Important: Run it in standalone mode before using it in your DAW. This allows it to scan and organize all your sounds.
HomeFree DownloadTop 15 Free VST Plugins Of 2018 (UPDATED)
What Is A VST Plugin?
On the off chance that you’ve never utilized VST plugins, here’s a brief presentation. The acronym VST stands for Virtual Studio Technology. It is an uncommon sort of programming interface which permits the client to stack outsider sound impacts and virtual instruments as plugins inside a VST perfect DAW program (Digital Audio Workstation). The innovation was initially presented by Steinberg in 1996 and has had an immense effect in transit we make music today.
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Along these lines, a VST Plugin is essentially a virtual impact or a virtual instrument planned for use in a host project which bolsters Virtual Studio Technology. It permits us to extend our product studio with plugins, the same way we would utilize equipment impacts and instruments in a genuine studio. There are actually a great many VSTs out there accessible for nothing download and use, and additionally a few entirely capable freeware host applications which can be utilized to make music with virtual instruments and impacts.
The rundown (Free Vst Plugins) is sorted out into three segments : Top 5 freeware impacts, Top 5 freeware instruments and Top 5 freeware utilities and MIDI devices in VST module group. Much obliged to you ahead of time and make some incredible music.
Top 15 Free Vst Plugins
CamelCrusher is a free “shading” multi-impact module. It offers two typically diverse mutilation sounds which can be mixed together to make a wide assortment of tones and surfaces. Awesome for guitars, drums and bounty more! There’s additionally a warm, smooth simple style low-pass channel with cans of reverberation. Allot a MIDI controller and begin tweaking! This module is not accessible any longer after the offer of Camel Audio to Apple.
Xfer Records OTT is a free & best vst plugin re-production of a prevalent forceful multiband upwards/downwards compressor set-up utilized by numerous dubstep and electro makers.
Voxengo SPAN is a constant “quick Fourier change” sound range analyzer module for expert music and sound creation applications. Generally it was gotten from Voxengo GlissEQ dynamic parametric equalizer and repeats its range examination usefulness.
Rough Rider is a present day compressor with a touch of “vintage” style nibble and an interestingly warm stable. Ideal for adding pressure impacts to your drum buss, it likewise sounds incredible with synth bass, clean guitar, and support vocals. Certainly not a generally useful compressor, Rough Rider is taking care of business when used to add pump to cadenced.
Ambience is a reverb that opponents the nature of the best business reverbs.On Mac, the AU module is 32/64 bit, yet the VST (Mac and Windows) is just 32 bit.
Tapestop re-makes the time-extended sound that happens when you press the stop button.
LoudMax is a Look-Ahead Brickwall Loudness Maximizer Plugin with a clean straightforward sound. It is intended to hold the first character of the music however much as could reasonably be expected even at high pressure levels.
UNMIX DRUMS is the world’s first audio plugin that allows attenuating or boosting drums in mixed music, in real-time.Using advanced source signal separation (a.k.a. De-mixing, unmixing, sound extraction, sound isolation) technology under the hood, UNMIX DRUMS provides frequency dependent drum level control that ranges from up to +18dB of boost to virtually complete removal. – while always. Unmix drums vst free download. Who has unmix drums? Hmu if you wanna trade something. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 1 point 3 years ago. Help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Zynaptiq - Audio software based on artificial intelligence technology. To download the latest version of UNMIX DRUMS, which will run as a fully functional, 30-day free trial if. UNMIX::DRUMS is the world’s first audio plugin that allows attenuating or boosting drums in mixed music, in real-time. Using advanced source signal separation (a.k.a. De-mixing, unmixing, sound extraction, sound isolation) technology under the hood, UNMIX::DRUMS provides frequency dependent drum level control that ranges from up to +18dB of boost to virtually complete removal. – while.
Also Read : Free Piano VST Plugins
TAL-Bitcrusher is a typical bitcrusher with some helpful increases. There is a low-and highshelf EQ and a commotion cross modulator included. It is helpful on drums—particularly caps—and for mutilated leads.
TAL Reverb-II is the most mainstream TAL-Reverb. After some client criticisms needed to discharge TAL-Reverb-II once more. It joins the retro sound of TAL-Reverb-I with extra components. Form 1.61 has some little enhancements in the interior tweak calculation.
This expert sound AU and VST module executes a great strategy of changing a monophonic track into roomy stereophonic track by method for mid/side coding system.
Bode-style recurrence shifter + simple reverberation imitating = skull liquefying tumult. Ideal for name, Dr. Who and the majority of your hallucinogenic needs. Sonic results range from unobtrusive chorusing and twofold following to barberpole staging and flanging to unlimited glissandos and runaway reverberations.
PSP VintageMeter gives proficient VU and PPM metering for mono and stereo tracks. All parameters like reconciliation times and reference levels are broadly customizable to make this free module appropriate for any application.
Stereo Tool highlights ultra exact control of info addition and individual search for gold and right channels. A stage inverter is accessible on every channel. Worldwide stereo container and stereo width settings are additionally actualized to finish the administration of the stereo sign. Stereo Tool additionally offers precise visual criticism mirroring the sign substance. A vector scope show, PPM meters for both sources of info and yields, and a stage connection meter for all time screen the sign.
Also read: Best Synth VST Plugins
BitterSweet v3 is a free programming preparing apparatus for overseeing sound homeless people. Turning the enormous wheel catch on the sweet side, diminishes the homeless people sufficiency. On the sharp side the homeless people plentifulness is amplified. Mixed v3 is worked around our most recent 64-bit adaptation 3 system enhancing the handling
Fracture is a FREE cushion impact VST Plugin intended for making mechanical ancient rarities and theoretical musical breakdowns. Break includes a cradle impact, a multimode channel, three LFOs and a postponement. The request of the impacts in the preparing chain can likewise be reconfigured. This module is intended for including glitchy enunciations and conceptual surfaces to your undertakings. Use it on anything from drums and percussion to synth lines and sound impacts. Crack’s natural interface and different elements make it easy to give your ventures an exceptional specialized edge.
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That’s all guys these are Our choice of the 15 best Free VST plugins of 2018. Comment down below What Kinds Of Vst Plugins You Guys Are Using !
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First, I hope you have a good time with your new SMT blog! And I was wondering if I could request a High School AU for the Samurai (Flynn, Isabeau, Jonathan and Walter) from SMTIV. Like what type of student they are, what clubs they would be in and anything else you like to add, please?
Hooray for the first ask! And my goodness, this so very much.A comfy setting for these beautiful kids…second years high-schoolers in MikadoAcademy. All of them default to the kendo club with a few auxiliary hobbiesbecause of their innate nature as samurai.
Might have gotten carried away, but whatevs. First impressions matter, so I gotta show off a little bit.
If you look up the dictionaryentry for “valedictorian”, chances are you’d find his picture right next to it.
He’s the kid that wins all theawards for academic achievement, scores high on placement tests, and tutorsother classmates in need of help.
The boy wonder and favorite of thefaculty and staff, and a veritable model of the helpful sempai to hisunderclassmen.
Constantly teased by the othersfor the number of confessions and love letters he finds in his shoe locker.
This kid takes his education veryseriously, always saying that a single mistake could seriously damage anyfuture endeavors for collegiate placement or professional employment.
Sorry ladies, that means he doesn’thave time for dates. He has nothing against dating in general, but personallybelieves that it would be detrimental to both him and a potential significantother.
That being said, he’ll still letyou down so cordially that you can’t even be sad, angry or disappointed forturning you down.
He’s appalled by Walter’s carefreeattitude towards primary education (not that it stops him from coming to hisrescue for the big tests).
The poor boy is his own harshestcritic, kicking himself over small errors and haunted by all the mistakes,academic or otherwise, that he’s made in the past.
Sometimes, when he gets toocarried away, it takes Flynn or Walter to literally drag him away from his deskfor a day of mental decompression.
Almost always is reluctant to comeaway from his studies, but by the end of the day, he’s enjoying the time spentwith his fellow samurai.
Before he can enjoy his Sundaywith his friends, he always swings by the local church to catch the morningservice. He also volunteers there from time to time.
Helping out with the studentcouncil doesn’t leave him with a lot of free time, but he’s still a keycomponent for the kendo club, as well as the literary club.
Rumor has it that Student CouncilPresident Gabby is grooming him to be her successor when she graduates.
But when she told him to stay awayfrom his friends, citing them as distractions holding him back, he told her inthe most polite and well-worded speech to fuck off without dropping a single vulgarity.
If Jonathan is the dependablesempai, Walter’s the one that everyone’s told to watch out for, and the problemchild for the faculty and staff.
Other than physical education and biology(son of a fisherman should be worth something), Walter almost always places inthe lower echelons come testing days, if not dead last.
To this day, people are stillbaffled how he managed to score well on the placement test. Might have beensomething to do with that sports scholarship.
He subscribes to the belief thatyouth is fleeting, and must be spent to its fullest without any regret orrestraint….within the bounds of legality, of course.
The worst thing he’s ever done wassmoke one of his dad’s cigarettes and take a sip from the liquor cabinet whenno one was looking.
The experience scared him enoughto restrict himself to simply cutting class, spending his day at the arcades,and doing whatever strikes his passing fancy.
Jail isn’t a pleasant place, so he’salways careful not to do anything that could get him arrested. Not that itstops rumors of delinquency from spreading like wildfire.
Deep down, Walter’s secretlybitter at being judged just because of his outlook and family’s financialstatus.
All the more reason why he’s loyalto his small circle of friends who accept him as he is, even if he more oftenthan not butts heads with Navarre.
If he even hears rumors about hisfriends being bullied, he isn’t afraid of further damaging his reputation orusing the threat of violence to get it to stop.
Similar to Jonathan, Walter receiveshis fair share of love letters from a fringe group of students. He’s more thancompletely baffled for how to deal with them.
Even if he was tempted to take anyon their offer, the looming face of his life-long friend Gina pops up with anangry scowl on her face keep him from the dating scene.
Plus, dates are expensive! He’drather spend that money pursuing his myriad hobbies.
Constantly jockeys with Jonathanand Flynn over top dog in the kendo club and whenever they screw around playingvideo games. His sheer unpredictability makes him a force to be reckoned with.
The real school delinquents have avested interest in recruiting him, especially the onna banchou Yuriko.
He subscribes to gender equality,and doesn’t hesitate in threatening to punch her lights out when she makes thinlyveiled threats towards his friends.
The happy balance between Jonathan’sstudiousness and Walter’s cavalier attitude.
Similar to Walter, he came fromoutside the city and scored high on a placement test to get into the school withan additional sports scholarship to lighten the tuition cost.
As a country boy, he and his childhoodfriend Issachar always dreamed of going to a fancy school in the big city.
Sadly, Issachar didn’t place highenough on the test to be admitted, but the two of them keep in constant communicationwith each other and maintain their friendship over a long distance.
He believes in “work hard, playhard”, and refuses to let those paradigms leak or bleed into each other. He’sseen what the extremes of those can do to both Jonathan and Walter.
Flynn’s test scores aren’t nearlyas high as Jonathan’s or Isabeau’s, but he’s slightly higher than Navarre andmiles above Walter.
He’s the transfer student who sitsin the back of the classroom, right next to the window.  May or may not occasionally be distracted bylooking outside and taking in the sights of the city.
He remains cool under pressure,and almost unfailingly knows the right thing to say in a tight spot orsituation.
“Almost”, though. Sometimes diplomacybreak down with…interesting results. At one point, he managed to scare off aYakuza enforcer by making him think that he was the son of a famous boss.
Out of the entire group, Flynn isthe one who receives the most love letters, surpassing both Walter and Jonathan’scombined. He’s insanely popular with both the underclassmen and the classmatesof his current year.
He, Walter Jonathan and Isabeaucomprise the kendo club’s “Fantastic Four” as the strongest fighters MikadoAcademy has ever produced.
They come back from Nationalscarrying all the gold medals and trophies for the school, much to Sensei Hope’simmense pride.
Already in his first year, he’sbeing scouted by several colleges who desperately want him on their side.Krishna-san is the most insistent, and frequent of the scouts, with MisterStephen as the more genial and well-mannered of them.
In his second year, he takes onthe roll of a sempai and mentor to the young Nanashi, an impressionable cityyouth who greatly admires Flynn and likewise practices kendo.
The daughter of one of the school’sbiggest donors, but she’s got the brains and the brawn to make it without daddy’smoney.
Similar to Flynn, she believesthat there’s a time for studying and a time for play, and she has the bestself-control of the entire group when it comes to resisting distractions.
But unlike Flynn, she’s not nearlyas outgoing in her hobbies, keeping them very close to her chest and away fromthe scrutiny of the school.
She remained unapproachable untilsheer happenstance when the trio found her shopping for manga in Akihabara inspite of a disguise.
This incident leads them to bondover their favorite mutual manga, and the four of them became fast friends.
She’s easily the smartest girl inthe class, as well as the most beautiful. Everyone is too scared of the boys toapproach her.
But she’s more than capable oftaking charge when she needs to.
If there wasn’t a manga club atthe school, then she’d be the one to make one.
Japanese clubs require at leastfive members before joining, necessitating that she strong-arm the others intojoining her. They weren’t about to argue when she had that wild look in hereye.
It took haggling, but the studentcouncil relented with the warning to keep their activities PG.
The main reason she got into kendowas from second-hand copies of “The Rose of Versailles”. They’re dog-eared and slightlyfaded from how many times she’s read them.
She’ll never admit it to anyoneother than Nozomi-sempai of the Photography Club, but she found Flynn to beincredibly attractive even before they became friends.
Whether or not she can muster upher own courage to confess to him remains unseen.
Similar to Flynn, she takes on a kouhaiwho greatly admires her as well. Asahi is the daughter of her father’ssubordinate, and she finds it incredibly flattering that she’s the girl’s role model.
If Isabeau refuses to ride on herfather’s money, then Navarre is the polar opposite.
He likes to think of himself asthe Big Man on CampusTM, flaunting his family’s money and spendingit without a care in the world.
His expensive habits have leadsavvy students to join him in a clique, hoping to catch a little bit ofprosperity that he was throwing around wantonly.
Jonathan is polite enough, Isabeautolerates him, Walter holds an immense dislike while Flynn remains seeminglyapathetic in regards to his behavior.
However, behind his haughty airsand snobbery veneer, he’s a lonely kid. 
Dad’s always away on business trips,there’s no mother in the picture (presumably dead), and no matter how hard hetries, his little brother Gaston has nothing but scorn for him.
Deep down and in spite of theirdifferences, he genuinely cares for the others since they don’t look at him andsee his father’s money first.
Everyone is surprised when heswallows his pride and apologizes for being a gigantic douchebag, and asks if he could be their friend.
It’s going to take significanteffort and aid from the others in order to mitigate the damage control when hedisbands his clique.
Though he isn’t nearly as good inkendo as the others, he one day hopes to become a better fighter to join the “FantasticFour” and be recognized as a true-blooded warrior.
Lowkey the biggest tsundere everto exist on the planet.
“Hmph. It’s not like I was goingout of my way to get you that spare equipment for the tournament….what’s withthat strange look on your face?!”
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alannahfddmond-blog · 4 years
commercial pilot license7
Are you thinking about getting doing a commercial pilot training course? Could it really be quite as difficult as you feel to achieve your commercial pilots licence? Where exactly can you study and also how much money is it supposed to cost? Am I in a position to have a commercial pilot licence medical? There are so many thoughts that you will want to ask before beginning your actual commercial pilot career.
To be a commercial pilot and getting paid money to fly is a fantasy for a great many. Not only will another person pay for all of your flying but you will be challenged each step of the way. You will have a heap of chances to come across interesting people coupled with looking at the whole world from a "birds eye view" - something most of us don't experience commonly, if at all. Nevertheless, deciding to begin commercial pilot training is an immense and very expensive exercise - and not one which can be done easily. Besides the undeniable fees, you also need to consider the degree of motivation necessary to build and consequently maintain the associated skills at a professional pilot level. Your state of health commercial pilot license  coupled with fitness may well have to be improved so you are allowed to maintain a commercial pilot medical. The following paragraphs will look at many of the essential issues you ought to take into account and will give you some guidelines as to ways to begin fulfilling your wish to have a commercial pilot career and begin your training for your commercial pilots licence.
Requirements: There are really very few basic requirements you must be able to satisfy to commence your commercial pilot training.
You must have the ability to: Speak in English Complete a basic medical test before flying alone Be no less than sixteen years of age to fly by yourself
However, to be able to go beyond holding a private pilot licence and have your commercial pilots licence, you will need to pass a more extensive medical exam (class 1 in lots of places). Don't let this prerequisite frighten you. People imagine if they have eyesight or health problems, this can stop them from possessing a commercial pilot medical - this concern is really, in most instances unfounded. Lots of commercial pilots possess some type of health issues (eg blood pressure level, cholesterol, eyesight correction, even missing limbs!) and can certainly still hold a commercial pilots medical. The whole thing boils down to the specific medical matter together with your individual country's commercial medical requirements. You quite often find you just have to consult a specialist and secure validation from them. Have a word with your own country's aviation governing body (FAA, CAA, CASA, etc) and ask to discuss the issue with their medical adviser. They will be able to advise you very fast on what precisely can and can't be done and the correct way.
Charges: Almost all flying is costly! Commercial pilot training is generally a lot more expensive as the planes you will end up training in are likely to be higher performance. At the same time realise that the commercial pilots licence is NOT the final stage either. There appears to often be one additional endorsement, rating or licence it is necessary to have. As an example, it could be a multi engine rating, instrument rating, instructor rating, jet endorsement or even merely more time. You can also get endless variations produced by the authorities which often manage to think up different ways to charge for further things also (medicals, security checks etc) therefore don't be tricked into believing that after you have finished the initial training for your commercial pilot licence that it's all over.
If you chat with the various flying schools and receive information on costs - always remember that the figure they give you for commercial pilot training is based on the LOWEST hours required! You will need to factor in an added 20% on top of whatever they suggest for unexpected things - and I'm not speaking of just having to spend additional time performing a sequence because you didn't get it the first-time round. Climatic condition, more landing and airways charges, exam resits, more charts and books as well as a million different "extras" which you must have all accumulate! The very last thing you will want to do is get to within a couple of hours of the last commercial pilot check and run short of money.
Don't be utterly frustrated though. There are quite often imaginative ways to lower your flying costs as well, most notably while you are accumulating the needed flight hours for the commercial pilots licence flight examination. Take for instance, when you have your private pilots licence, friends and family will want to come flying with you and they can help to cover the expense of hiring the plane. You may also come across individuals that are flying a plane somewhere for business or simply pleasure and may love you to come along for the trip and to share the flying. Several businesses and organisations at your current airport terminal will occasionally want aircraft repositioned to other places. If you should talk with them they might be quite happy for you to do it on their behalf free of charge. Its going to save them paying for one of their personnel to do it and you pretty much got some 100 percent free flying! Think outside the box.
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