#the way they only clearly appeared together in these two scenes this is my villain origin story
allfortzu · 11 months
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9 notes · View notes
My Jason Todd Rec List and Character Manifesto! (Edited and updated 28/01/2024)
This is a fuckin mess my ghouls, but I got categories and I got opinions and who can stop me from typing em out? Certainly not @lazaruspiss who is the reason this thing got made!
The format is gonna be
title and page numbers (No #s if I'm recommending the whole title) picture Summary and general notes My estimate of how unhinged he is in this portrayal What his morals are like; note this isn't about whether he's a protagonist or antagonist
Since cream rises to the top, let us start with:
The Creme de la Creme
The best of the best. The most fun, the most compelling, the most interesting looks into his character.
Green Arrow (2001) #69 - #72
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This one really does have it all. Jason runs rings around both Batman and Green Arrow at the same time, all the while going after a goal neither of them ever truly figures out in large part because this story wasn't afraid to let Bruce be either wrong or lying about Jason's motives. It also wonderfully leverages the ways in which the Bats and the Arrows are really good foils for each other. I think I'm going to be turning over the ways these interactions went down for a long ass time. I've been really wanting to go page by page for a comparison between the way Jason treats Mia in this and the way Jason treats Tim in the Titans Tower showdown. Bottom line for this one: It's just so good!
Jason's sanity level: Six out of Ten hinges affixed. He's got a solid grip on things, is reasonably level headed, only problem is he might have completely forgotten how to interact with other human beings outside of combat. Love him for that.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Sympathetic Villain. Decidedly willing to mow down some "brain donors", and his goals are pretty morally grey, but he clearly still has a strong code of ethics.
Joker: the Man Who Stopped Laughing
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With Jason's return to being an antagonist after a long stint in the Hero bin comes his return to being really fucking dangerous and whip smart! My boy quotes serious philosophy that gives him a real point to make against non lethal vigilantes and cops! I also think the part where he lets himself be arrested just... it says so much and all of it is wonderfully interesting and feels fitting for his character. He's kept deeply human, and just all of this portrayal gels together really well.
At the time of writing, this comic isn't finished yet, so I'm going off of like 12 issues in which he appears less than the Joker, but what is there is phenomenal, even with Gotham War having... Minorly Derailed Jason's role in things, and one or two inevitable scenes where ya just have to accept that he's not as trigger happy as he should be because DC is married to the Joker.
Also I like that he's friends with my favorite, Stephanie Brown :3 and he and Rose's chemistry is nice. On top of all that? It's a fun comic. Like, I generally hate the Joker, but I found myself enjoying watching the Joker do his Joker things in this one.
Jason's sanity level: Nine out of Ten hinges affixed. Level headed, calm, careful, really the only reason this isn't a 10/10 is cause he's obsessively focused, which like, honestly is pretty reasonable I think.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Clearly Justified Antihero. I almost put down Hero on this one, but ultimately he is just far enough over the line with how he treats the less threatening of the rogues like Killer Moth.
Batman (1940) #408 - #411 Jason's debut featuring Ma Gunn's School and his first ever outing as Robin fighting Two-Face
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Just LOOK at this PRECIOUS BOY! I wanna pinch him on his cheeks and give him a handful of these bad boys
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Jason has a ton of personality to him right out the gate. The first story has Ma Gunn as the villain and she's a lot of fun. The second story in here with Two-Face is also enlightening with regards to Jason's early personality, even if it's not quite as fun.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero.
Under the Red Hood would be next if it wasn't already filed under ->
Foundational Texts
This is the shit that defines Jason as a character. Much is mutable in any given comic, but somehow, someway, all depictions of Jason are impacted and informed by these three stories. Enough has been said about all of them that I'm gonna keep it brief.
Red Hood: The Lost Days
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Jason's sanity level: Eight out of Ten hinges affixed.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Antihero. He kills some incredibly nasty people, while also doing some genuinely heroic shit. The only places where his morals deteriorate are in the presence of Batman and the Joker.
Under the Red Hood
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Jason's sanity level: Four out of Ten hinges affixed. Remember how his morals deteriorated in the face of Batman and the Joker? Yeah, that's mostly because he's way, way too personally invested to think straight about them. He's strategic as fuck, but this is not a stable man's strategy for dealing with his issues.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Sympathetic Villain. He is a revenant, a vengeful juggernaut, and breaks an awful lot of eggs making this brilliant disaster of an omelette.
Batman (1940) #426 - #429 A Death in the Family
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Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero.
Joker becoming an ambassador to Iran plotlines count: One too many.
Solid Storylines
These ain't the vaulted heights, but not everything has to be the Sistine Chapel. They're solid, and if you're wanting more Jason I do certainly recommend them.
Countdown Presents: The Search for Ray Palmer and Countdown to Infinite Crisis
Jason is in what I like to call his Purposeless Depression Era during this. It's after his plans in Under the Red Hood fail and he's really just got no place to go, no place to be, and in fact is keenly aware that on a cosmic level, he truly does not belong in this world anymore. He's supposed to be dead. There's something I find quite neat about this team up, with Donna Troy and Kyle Raynor and Bob, it's out of the ordinary for Jason, it's not bat related, and the ways he fits and doesn't fit with the other characters are just neat.
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I especially recommend Gotham by Gaslight. The plot will be a lil hard to follow if you haven't read the others, but Jason by the end hopes to return to Victorian Era Steampunk Gotham and the moments of him hoping to literally leave his universe behind are both sweet and sorrowful.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. He's just sad and lonely.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero. Even if only Donna is willing to tentatively try to see him that way.
Robin (1993) #177 and one page of #182 and the front half of #183
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Despite how much Jason is known for it, I think this is the only time we see him trying to run organized crime outside of Under the Red Hood (and uh debatably Battle for the Cowl). Short lil string of appearances, but critical for understanding how he's seen by Tim during this era if you care about that, and it really cemented my understanding of Jason being strangely honest and forthright.
I think the major way other Bats fail to comprehend him is that they expect him to manipulate through lying, which just isn't his style. He doesn't lie about his motives; he doesn't obfuscate his tactics; he doesn't hide how he's feeling. Hell, he doesn't even try to lie his way out of prison! I could not tell you why this series of interactions gave me this impression but it is why I have such faith that when Jason says something, he probably just means it, even when characters like Dick or Tim assume otherwise.
Pity this was the lead up to Battle for the Cowl.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. He's even attempting to pick himself up out of his Purposeless Depression Era slump at the start.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Antihero.
Nightwing (1996) #118 - #122 aka Brothers in Blood aka the One Where Jason Gets Tentacles
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COWARDS and KNAVES will tell you "the tentacles are so icky and everyone is so OOC" or whatever but again they are KNAVES and COWARDS because bitch this shit is GREAT
Jason: Wow! My bestest big brother killed someone who deserved it, so now I (the person he's rejecting only because I kill people who deserved it) have a real chance at being his family again!! :D Hooray! :) Dickie-Bird why don't you look happy to see me? :) Dickie-Bird I went out of my way to get us matching outfits and stalked your work and killed people in your name so it's nice and easy to make room for me in your life! :) :) :)
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Jason's sanity level: Two out of Ten hinges affixed. My mans is off his rocker and I adore him like this. Frankly, the entire storyline is unhinged, and it only feels appropriate that Jason is similarly bonkers in yonkers.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Villain. You can sympathize with him, and he is still trying to carry out justice, but I have to call it for straight villain when he's threatening to bomb a building full of innocent people.
Batman and Robin (2009) #23 - #25
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I don't have much to say about this one. It's good. The above page is pretty much the highlight.
Wait actually I do have something to say and it is that I would like to lick Jason's abs, pls & thx, because the other highlight is that Winick clearly believes in redeeming Jason's value as a villain through sex appeal and it is working lmao
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. Certifiably sane, he's passed all his psych exams!
Jason's moral compass bearing: Villain. He threatens to bomb a train station full of innocent people. While he does do that in service of freeing himself and Scarlet, thus making it not completely self centered, I still gotta put him firmly in Villain.
Nightwing (2016) 2021 Annual
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In high contrast to the previous two in which Jason acts as a villain to Dick, this one has them working together and the tentative peace and cautious trust they've got going is interesting to me. This Team Z era Jason is interesting to me in general, though I don't know much about him.
Jason's sanity level: Nine out of Ten hinges affixed. He's quite chill, but there's just this little edge to him that says his relationship to violence is a little too casual a little too deep to really be fully hinged.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Edgy Hero.
Your Mileage May Vary
These stories I can't recommend without major caveats or warnings, but I still think are worth mentioning.
Gotham War (It's such a mangled mess that I'm just gonna link a reading guide.)
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So, the main problem here is that Gotham War spans five different titles and had three different authors whose renditions of Jason do not feel cohesive or even coherent. The funny thing is though, each rendition has real merits, and while it doesn't go far enough in condemning Bruce's horrifying treatment of Jason for many people's tastes, I have to point out that it's one of the only comics to condemn an instance of Bruce mistreating Jason at all. The fact that the other Robins come to his defense is a HUGE thing! The bar may be in Hell, but it did clear the bar!
Due to how disjointed it is, I'm going to very loosely separate Jason out into two versions of himself. Think of these not as hard lines, but more a spectrum he slides across depending on what author has him that issue.
Jason Primus combines the ideas in Jason's Under the Red Hood speech about controlling crime rather than trying to stomp it out with his more Heroic modern interpretation. He's a chill, funny, smart guy whose protectiveness over the mooks is really charming.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero.
Jason Secundus is much more violent, not used to working with other people, and paranoid and antsy in a way that causes him to take it out on people who really don't deserve it. This is a compelling take on him, though I like him closer to Jason Primus. His trauma has clearly shaped him a lot, both for better and for worse.
Jason's sanity level: Seven out of Ten hinges affixed. Jason's moral compass bering: Anti-Hero, most of this focuses on him antagonizing two former Joker goons which kinda doesn't work well cause they're mostly scarecrow goons actually and also at one point he hurts them in a way that borderline just seems like stress relief. It's nothing worse than what we see Batman himself doing countless times, but it's still jarring because we've been made to strongly sympathize with the goon in question.
Batman: Three Jokers <- I read it while typing this up, so I got a lotta thoughts
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Guh, this one is just fucking sad
So, I don't mind a story being blunt with its message as long as the message actually holds up. Unfortunately, this three parter's attempt at the cycle of violence lesson is... bad. Real bad.
Jason in it is neat! This is a good Jason portrayal somehow despite literally everything about the way this comic frames him! The narrative expects us to believe he is a danger to society on the cusp of becoming another Joker, because he *checks notes* shot the Joker dead, shot at a Joker loyal guy, and roughly interrogated an injured child abuser. At no point does he show signs of wanting to hurt innocent people. At no point does he show signs of doing any hurting without premeditation or a need to defend himself. I'm baffled by this.
My kingdom for a fucking CRUMB of nuance, I swear, smh...
I hear a lot of people hate his one sided romance towards Barbara. This is understandable as it squanders the opportunity to have a female character not be stuck as the narrative sponge for man emotions. I like it from the perspective of a Jason fan, and give condolences for the Barbara fans. It's not healthy, and good fucking job on the janitor sweeping away his letter to her so poor Babs doesn't have to deal with that shit, but I do like Jason's desperation to be loved by someone, anyone, who might show him compassion.
Jason's sanity level: Six out of Ten hinges affixed. He's sad, he's lonely, he needs some PTSD specific therapy, he's a bit creepy about his crush on Barbara, but quite frankly he has it together a lot more than the narrative would like us to believe. The way the other characters treat him like he's some kind of monster just waiting to snap and start maiming people indiscriminately makes me really uncomfortable.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Antihero. Quite frankly I'm tempted to say Hero out of spite.
Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) #1 - #43
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There are three transcendental character moments in this run that I think make it worth reading even if not all of it's your cup of tea. On the other hand though there are some big issues that could very easily be deal breakers. Oh and anything after #43 is a wasteland and #43 is included purely for the implication that being transgender made a woman immortal.
The narrative structure is really heavily dependent on rule of emotional impact/cool/allegorical usefulness. Many events will not make any fucking sense based on petty things like basic logic or the laws of physics, but they do work just fine in the area of what makes the story more fun or the emotional beats hit harder. Stronger than average suspension of disbelief is necessary for the reward of getting a lot of stuff that's, like, just really fuckin cool.
The romantic side plot with Artemis is... odd. Either the author, Scott Lobdell, intended to write Jason as a desperate loser trying to date his uninterested lesbian friend who he co-parents with, or he accidentally wrote a romance so awkward and comp-het that I cannot wrap my head around reading it as reciprocated. This works for me because I have a lot of fun reading Jason as a desperate loser who's not even actually in love with her, he just is desperate to cling to the closest thing he's ever gotten to a nuclear family and in denial about being either aro/ace or gay.
Now, lets explore a lil bit of the whole Jason is a loser angle, cause it's not the whole story, there are many points in which Jason gets to be a badass motherfucker, but he is much, much less of the hypercompetant, highly determined, murderous threat he used to be. Almost none of the newer renditions of Jason are. This Jason in particular though is very soft and cuddly, and fits the archetype of man trying to be the edgy bad boy but who secretly just wants a hug and a warm glass of milk.
If I were to describe my personal Jason in a few sentences I would say that he is someone who loves himself viciously. He feels he has been wronged and is willing to burn down the world to rectify that. He will hold your ass at gunpoint and demand the hugs and warm glasses of milk that he fucking well deserves!
This Jason is about as far away from that as you can possibly get. I still like him though, and I do not count him as being a different character, because when you start with emotional logic that goes like this:
It wasn't my fault + I deserve better = I get to burn the world down in order to get better
It becomes extremely difficult to ever stop burning the world without also deciding "It was my fault" or "I don't deserve better". Jason is meant to have changed a lot, and this is a plausible evolution of the Jason I prefer.
Finally, the handling of Bizarro, a mentally disabled character, is a sensitive enough topic that your mileage will vary, even if I can't think of a bad thing to say about it. Jason and Artemis are really pretty good about treating him with respect, giving him help where he needs it and autonomy where he's capable of taking it. They raise him, but don't control him, and he is literally three days old when they find him so this isn't infantilization. It takes the framing of Lenny from of Mice and Men and Flowers for Algernon and rejects them in a way that I am satisfied with. You'll just have to read it for yourself to see if you're satisfied as well.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. I kinda wish he was more unhinged.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero. He even saves a puppy and gives them pats.
Knight Terrors: Robin
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Have you ever been in the mood for a syrupy sweet hurt/comfort fanfiction in which Jason and Tim were magically forced to talk about how much they like each other in order to overcome their own insecurities? Do you wish that existed as a lavishly illustrated two issue comic?
If you answered yes to those two questions then congratulations! It does exist, this is it, go have fun!
If you think that sounds like ham fisted garbage turning what should be several long arcs of serious reconciliation and deeply meaningful character moments into two issue fan service schlock then condolences! I wish you all the best in denial, as all comic fans sail that river sooner or later and I shall join you upon it someday.
What category do I fall into? Well I think this is definitely ham fisted, but I won't kick a boar out of bed as long as they ain't a bore, and this little ditty is certainly entertaining.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed.
Jason't moral compass bearing: Hero.
Batman and Robin Eternal
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This is a decent portrayal of Jason in his modern, much friendlier, and much more bat family integrated rendition. He has some fun moments in it, and I like his staby bracers.
I don't like this comic. It commits the most dire of writing sins: Being boring. I think about Jason every second of every minute of every day; if your comic that majorly features a good portrayal of him cannot hold my attention, then something has gone very wrong. Hopefully one of you will like it more than I do.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Hero.
Suicide Squad: Get Joker! (Content warning for suicide, skip to the hot take if this'll get to ya - also spoiler warning cuz I can't discuss this properly without discussing the ending)
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A three issue miniseries in which Jason is inducted into the Suicide Squad on a mission to kill the Joker. He's highly competent as a team leader, grounded, intelligent, and uses measured violence in a way that is satisfyingly tactical. The squad they threw together honestly has some pretty neat chemistry as a whole, and the characters were appropriately messy and quite likable.
This isn't higher on the list because it thinks it earned it's ambiguous ending, and frankly, it's wrong about that. Ambiguous endings live and die by the question they make the audience sit with - It has to be worth losing out on the emotional payoff of a solid ending.
The question of "If you left Jason in a room with the Joker and a gun with one bullet, would he shoot the Joker or himself?" is a really shitty question. Like, did the authors not realize that just on a logistical level, Jason could leave the room and find a second bullet after shooting the Joker? Like, seriously, even if we accept the premise that Joker's speech got to Jason, there are no reasons for him not to choose the "both" option. The only way I can imagine this working is if the Joker is actually the fucking Purple Man from Jessica Jones using mind control.
So we exchanged the validation of literally all our protagonists' struggles/sacrifices paying off for... the vague implication that Jason unforgivably betrayed his teammates, himself, and the entire world because he was so eager to die that he couldn't wait ten fucking minutes. If I loved the Joker I might feel differently about it, but as is, I felt insulted.
This would have been Solid Storylines or maybe even Creme de la Creme if not for that implication. It's not boring though! The rest of it up to the end is honestly pretty damn good, if a bit convoluted, and much of the ending's sour taste can be assuaged by getting out a sheet of paper and doodling Jason opening Joker's head with a handgun and then going out for icecream with the team.
Jason's sanity level: Ten out of Ten hinges affixed. He's a sad, sad lad tho.
Jason's Moral Compass Bearing: Anti-Hero, forced to be much more violent than he wants to be.
A Hot Take
I bet you thought the tentacles were the hot take! HAH! MuahahaahhHAHAHAH - Prepare now, puny mortals, to witness me defend Pill Helmet Jason AND his fashion choices!
No, I am not talking about Winick's redo late in the game, we've already been over that one. I mean I will defend Grant Morrison's flop era, three foot head gear wearin, goofy ass, unwashed ass, "how to build ur brand" reading maniac
It's time to talk about Batman and Robin (2009) #1 - #6
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The interpretation of one scene makes or breaks this Jason:
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If you believe he is being insincere and manipulating her into putting all her emotional eggs in the basket of his crusade, ignoring her wellbeing in favor of his 'brand', then this is probably the worst mischaracterization of Jason ever written.
If you believe he is being sincere, genuinely comforting her in the only way that he's got to deal with his own trauma, giving her real affection and not pushing her to take either option with the mask because he trusts her to make that decision for herself, then this gets Jason very right.
No matter what Morrison might have intended, I choose to believe it's the latter. This is terrible advice to give a trauma victim, but it makes perfect sense for Jason to believe that about his own trauma, and thus to pass that maladaptive view along. He doesn't try to assure her that the mask can come off safely or that he'll get her a doctor because he really can't promise her either of those things. It would be cruel to her to pretend that he's got a solution. Jason can't undo the damage that was done to her any more than he can force a dead Bruce to kill the Joker.
Instead he offers her purpose, and reassurance that she's gonna look badass if she never does take it off, and protects her when she's in trouble.
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You can claim this is just him acting out his chosen Hero role, but like, WHY would he have chosen to method act that role 24/7 if he wasn't trying to BE a Hero who protects people like Scarlet? There's nothing in it for Jason to fake this.
I also think if he was being written out of character as a manipulator we would have seen him use a romantic or sexual angle which he absolutely doesn't do.
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Dickie, you are such a funny Batman, they never shoulda brought Bruce back tbh.
Instead, he seems to be taking a more parental role, in a near perfect reflection of how Bruce took him in when he was a kid. Just he's doing it his way, meaning that whenever Scarlet goes further with the violence than Jason seems to want to, he backs her up instead of chastising her.
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Speaking of violence and morals, Let the Punishment Fit the Crime is a coherent moral position to take, even if you (understandably) disagree with it, or disagree with what punishments fit which crimes. It's basically the same moral position as every other version of Jason there's ever been! Like, is he even killing more people than he used to in stories like Under the Red Hood? No, I don't think he is.
The branding thing is weird, lil annoying too after a while, but ultimately it still makes sense. And brings me around to my promised defense of his fashion choices.
First of all the symbolic importance of the fact that he wears white cannot be overstated in my mind. Will I elaborate? No, this post is way too long already lmao! Second off, it's supposed to be silly. I believe the silliness was a conscious, calculated choice, and the right one to make.
Jason doesn't believe that fear works, he's not trying for pure intimidation, and he knows that he's going to have to appeal to people in his bid to be seen as a Hero. Making himself seem big but non-threatening, a bright patch in the night, makes real sense.
Take a look at this view of Jason from Scarlet's POV when he comes to rescue her from the cops after she kills her dad:
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He's got a smoking gun in his hand and he just shot two people dead, yet we're hard fuckin pressed to find him intimidating aren't we?? Cornball dialogue, and the silliest fuckin hat in the universe, because he's not meant to be from this era, he's emulating the Golden and Silver age comics and all their goofiness. He's trying to be the older, happier, sillier batman that used to exist (at least in his head), while doing what he believes is right and necessary.
The costume makes sense dammit!
Also it just doesn't look bad, I can't provide an argument for this, it's just true!!
Also also every one of these fuckers should be wearing a helmet too, this is basic brain safety, if you're gonna go around antagonizing fuckers with guns you need to make your head at least nominally bulletproof, it's that simple!!!
Now... do I recommend you read this? (This section was rewritten on January 28th, 2024)
Yes, with significant caveats. There's a reason I chunked this in with YMMV.
First is the Batman typical ableism of just really fucked depictions of mental illness. I normally wouldn't warn for this because everyone knows most of the rogues and will be aware of what they bring to the table, but Professor Pyg is obscure enough I wouldn't expect people to know, and the way he's written just... hurts. Like there's just something about him that is painful to read as someone that's got several schizophrenic friends who are near and dear to my heart. I would hesitate to recommend it to any of them the same way I'd hesitate to recommend Silence of the Lambs to most other trans people.
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Secondly this comic is Extremely Gay (a definite positive!) however it is Extremely Gay in a way that kinda requires some onboarding and analysis to properly parse and that is actually why this post was edited:
The first time I read this comic, my impression was that it was vitriolically homophobic. Considering that at the time I had heard many things about Grant Morrison, and none of them good, I went with my gut. I put here that while I would defend Jason's characterization, I couldn't in good faith recommend something so bigoted, detailed what felt bigoted, and went on with my day.
Then a while later I saw a post that I suspect was talking about this one saying something along the lines of "How the hell could you call Grant Morrison, who gave us so many of our most iconic gay characters, homophobic? The racism and such I can understand but homophobic? No."
To which my initial response was a resounding: Wha??? Like, genuinely how was I supposed to read this and not get homophobia out of it?? But I went and looked Morrison up and yeah sure enough the guy's queer so I dug deeper and mulled it over until I figured out what the fuck I was missing. So, this section is a correction and an apology about that earlier homophobia claim. Sorry about that.
The styling of this queerness are highly akin to that of the John Waters movie Pink Flamingos which I'll let Matt Baume explain better than I ever could. This guy right here is pretty much the perfect example, Hell, he's even literally named The Flamingo.
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Essentially it's queerness is all aggressive, unapologetic, and designed to be provocatively shocking, which can be jarring if you're not ready to flow with it. Also he likely had to arrange a lot of things to get around censorship, same as Judd Winick did. For instance the fact that Dick spoke the same circus lingo as the police precinct destroying troupe of Very Queer Freakshow Workers was meant to imply that Dick is Very Queer too. Pretty sure he would've said that in a far less convoluted way if he could've.
So, with the bulk of my initial reservations about this comic disproven... I have no choice but to straight up recommend it to anyone who thinks they can jive with this vibe of storytelling!
Jason's sanity level: One out of Ten hinges affixed. Obsessive, not taking care of himself, possessed of some really maladaptive trauma coping frameworks, completely unhinged. My condolences to his mental health, but I do love to see it.
Jason's moral compass bearing: Antihero. It's weird because this is undeniably a much darker comic, and Jason certainly feels darker, but in terms of what he actually does, and what the other characters do, his violence is honestly very tame.
So, cards on the table, here is the core of who Jason is to me:
He's got clear moral motives and a drive to help as well as harm, though violence and harm are the main ways in which he tries to improve the world.
When confronted he does not back down; he does not let himself be overshadowed or silenced. He is confident in his decisions and every bit of push back is already accounted for in his head.
Everything he does is premeditated. He is not impulsive. His plans may sometimes be unhinged but they are methodically planned.
He is painfully sincere, the way fire is painfully hot.
He desperately desires love and connection, but it will take many years of constant rejection and fighting before he is willing to accept any kind of compromise to his ethics for the sake of civility.
Under all the hurt and combativeness, he's a pretty goofy guy! He's got a sense of fun and likes to be flamboyant and silly when he can!
He's a villain, a hero, a protagonist, an antagonist, and everything between the extremes. He exists as a powerful counter-thesis to Batman, and as such DC can't ever fully answer the question of what to do with him. He exists in this waffling limbo state as his morals are debated, stretched, refuted, turned on their head. I think that makes him a wonderfully fascinating character to love.
I hope you enjoyed this and, like, go have fun reading comics!
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ystrike1 · 1 year
The Girl of the Black Lotus - By Kuaikan Comics (7/10)
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Snore. If you're a shoujo manga fan you'll like this. It moves slow as molasses. Frozen molasses. After 90 chapters or so there's no solid romance and everybody is still pining for each other. It's a Chinese manhwa so if you're looking for something a little different take a look.
This is... different but not unique if you know what I mean. In this setting getting transferred to another body is fairly normal. It happens to alot of people. Our unfortunate main character gets transferred into the body of an annoying villainess named Yu Ling.
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She's a cute manipulative girl. In order to return home Yu Ling must make Sheng fall in love with her. Sheng is a yandere shadow villain slash love interest who is VERY in love with somebody else.
Getting home won't be easy.
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Look at this relationship chart. It's in like chapter two, and the story basically follows this chart...forever. Yu Ling has to pretend to like Fuyi for plot reasons...while she attempts to romance the insane Sheng. Who is very protective of his adoptive sister, Yao. How complicated...but not really. Yao and Fuyi are already lovers. That isn't going to change. Sheng isn't as evil as he looks. He isn't willing to kill Fuyi to have Yao, because Fuyi is a good man.
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Sheng flirts with Yao, sure, but he's the clear loser. He's not a very aggressive yandere. He's basically a convenient guard dog. Yao clearly sees him as a brother, and there's an age gap between them. You just can't tell because of the art style. Anyway Fuyi and Yao want Sheng and Yu Ling to get together. Yao is mostly oblivious about Shengs feelings, because she's a busy demon hunter. That's right this complicated family hunts demons.
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If you want a plot heavy yandere story this is a good choice. Yu Ling's romance is kinda in the background for more than half the story. There are side stories about demons and such that take up a lot of page time too. Sheng is very closed off, so it takes ages for him to get attached to Yu Ling. I suppose it's realistic, because Sheng is hard to capture. Getting his heart can't be easy because when Yu Ling wins the reincarnation plot is over, and she goes home.
....it is kinda boring though.
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After a while Sheng starts to think Yu Ling is pretty. He's the kind of the pining yandere that has eyes for only one woman. He feels strange. Yao has always been the object of his affection. Admiring Yu Ling in any way feels off to him. He can't accept his growing crush.
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Sheng gradually grows closer to Yu Ling. He starts to hate Fuyi, because Yu Ling admires him. He wants Yu Ling to think he's the coolest demon hunter, but Fuyi is undeniably talented.
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Sheng is technically stronger than Fuyi and Yao. He uses reverse talisman spells. It's a dangerous type of magic that is usually used by evil people. The user has to use their own blood to write these talismans. Sheng has special honey sweet blood that tastes delicious to humans and demons. His talismans are very potent.
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This is the Emperor. I rolled my eyes when he appeared. Yu Ling immediately thinks that Sheng and the Emperor look alike...ew obvious ham fisted foreshadowing. Sheng most likely has imperial blood. Which makes his special blood make more sense I guess. The sudden reveal was annoying though because lmao...the Emperor and Sheng don't actually look alike due to the art style...again...ugh.
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After 75 whole chapters we finally get a crazy scene. Yu Ling goes into the demon world to save Fuyi. Sheng told her to stay behind. She didn't listen to him. He doesn't want her to be in danger, and he doesn't want her to care about Fuyi. He thinks about breaking her legs so she can't leave his side, and he unties his hair, which is a big deal for a demon hunter. He feels extremely bitter towards Yu Ling. He doesn't want to be in love with her. He's reluctant to move on from his feelings for Yao. He is a pretty layered yandere, but I don't know. I feel like the plot doesn't focus on Yu Ling and Sheng enough. I don't find the other characters interesting, but the side character cast is huge. I think I like Sheng, and Yu Ling is an ok main character but...there's too many buts. The flow of the story is kinda choppy and slow.
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princeoftheroses · 2 years
was watching random early vol. clips of rwby and suddenly remembered ironwood’s crush on glynda! genuinely so cute and wish we could’ve seen them two interact more. at first it seems like glynda can’t stand him, but then they have that moment together when they talk and you realize that they really are friends and she cares abt him! they didn’t even necessarily have to get together, but it would’ve been great to see more of their friendship. maybe even if glynda got to show up in vol. 8 and “talk ironwood down” or whatever. 
it’s just such a shame bc even though ironwood clearly wasn’t perfect in the early volumes, he clearly had such good intentions and was only doing his best. there was a clear intention for his worst aspects to be redeemed later on. but somewhere between his last appearances in vol. 3 and 4 & then his reappearance in vol. 7 there was a clear shift in the way crwby wrote & perceived ironwood, and that showed. he went from being a flawed but well-intentioned man who, even after everything, had a strong connection with his allies (his scene with glynda & the moment when qrow saves him from the grimm during the fall of beacon shows that) to a villain, a military man, a stubborn asshole, etc.
even then, there are so many moments of humanity in vol. 7 with him. his awkwardness, his emotions, him hugging qrow, his interactions with rwbyjnr at the start of the volume... i’m not saying that he was a perfect man. i’m not even saying the idea of him spiraling downwards and no longer allying himself with the heroes was a bad idea (i love a good fallen hero storyline & aspects of his militarism and lack of ability to trust others is apparent his early volumes!) i’m just saying that fully & completely trying to fit him into an irredeemable role just does not fit. he definitely didn’t deserve to be completely written the way that he was by the end
just think abt glynda’s words to him in the early volumes... that he always did what he thought was right/best even despite protest, and how that was admirable, but he needs to learn to trust his allies better. that does not equal a straight up villain in my eyes.
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
100 Days To Fall In Love
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[day 47]
[Jay’s POV]
“I have excellent news!” Mr. Kim barged into my room, pulling back the curtains. The light was blinding me, and I involuntarily cursed.
“Get up! You want to see this!”
I slowly opened my eyes, seeing Mr. Kim standing there with a cup of coffee and a newspaper.
“What’s the good news?” I asked, while reaching out to get the cup off Mr. Kim’s hands.
“This!” He triumphantly held up the newspaper. On its front page was a picture of Hyo Ri and me kissing.
“We were so focused on staging these appearances for paparazzi to take your photos that we completely forgot about the events you were at.
“I didn’t know paparazzi were allowed in.”
“Maybe it wasn’t them. Maybe it was someone who saw you two, took their phone out, snapped your picture and sold it to the newspaper. Doesn’t matter! What matters is that finally the press is starting to care about you and Hyo Ri as a couple!”
“What do you mean? They’ve been printing our photos every week!”
“Yes, because we’re paying them to! Don’t you get it! The press is starting to get invested in this story! Why aren’t you more excited about this?”
I sighed, trying to get out of bed. As soon as I sat in an upright position, my head started throbbing. 
“Do you want some aspirin?”
“Sure, why not!”
“Hey, do you maybe know where Hyo Ri is? I went to go see her first, but she wasn’t in her room!”
“I don’t know. I don’t care!”
“I guess you haven’t talked to her yet?”
I snorted. Pictures of her and Changmin sleeping side by side flooded my brain. The scene looked innocent but something about it didn’t sit right with me. 
“It was late, she was already sleeping!” I offered and got up, heading to the bathroom. “Leave the paper here, I’ll show it to her later.”
An hour later I stopped by Hyo Ri’s room, held my ear to the door. Nothing. Silence. I thought maybe she was in the gym or stepped out for a morning jog, but quickly dismissed that thought. Hyo Ri wasn’t that type of person.
Only when I went downstairs and into the kitchen, I realized what was happening. Changmin was gone too, and when I asked the maids, they made a fuss about answering. Finally, Jiyeon stepped closer to me, almost whispering in my ear.
“He requested the day off. Also, Ms. Lee stepped out earlier and I think I saw her and Changmin leaving together.”
“Who gave him the day off? I’m his boss!”
“Mr. Kim did.” She answered in a calm voice.
My appetite was ruined, I left the french toast untouched and stuffed the damn newspaper with mine and Hyo Ri’s photo in it in my briefcase. On my way out I made a note to talk to Mr. Kim. Clearly he had to remind Hyo Ri’s about the house rules again.
[Hyo Ri’s POV]
“But won’t they miss you?”
“It’s fine. I asked Woojin to fill in for me for the day.”
“And Jay, I mean Mr. Park, agreed to it?”
“No, Mr. Kim did. I suppose Mr. Park will be pissed when he finds out!”
Changmin looked at me intensely. An amused smile danced on his lips.
“No reason.” He smiled and took a big sip of his coffee.
“This place is really nice! I’m gonna miss it here!”
“So, you’re really leaving soon?”
Last night I opened up to Changmin, told him the big secret. He seemed trustworthy, and too smart to be fooled like that. If I hadn’t said anything he would’ve found out himself soon.
“100 days. When my mission’s done, I’ll be out the door.”
“How in the world are they going to sell this narrative? You being gone all of a sudden?”
“Not my problem.” I said unfazed. Truth was, I was raking my brains about it. They surely would make me the villain in the story, I just hoped it wouldn’t be too cruel.
“And then what? You go back to your old life as if nothing ever happened?”
“Yes!” I replied confidently, looking anything but.
“You can’t fool me! I saw you interact with Mr. Park. Something happened between you two, am I right?”
I panicked on the inside but tried to appear nonchalant on the outside. “Him and I? Not in a million years. The man hates my guts!”
“I know when I’m right about something. Anyway, it’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it.”
I was trying to desperately change the subject, but came up with nothing better than to ask about his love life. A decision I immediately regretted.
“Me? I’ve been single since I started working for Mr. Park. Who’s going to want to date me when they learn who I work for? I’ll tell you. Nobody!”
“You wanna talk about it?”
“About what? The fact that I met this lovely girl, the mistake I made by inviting her to the house? The even bigger mistake I made by introducing her to my boss? Or the fact that she insisted on visiting me every day which resulted in her sleeping with my boss?”
“Wow! I’m so sorry!”
“You should feel sorry. Because apparently I’m a wimp. I made a huge scene when I caught them in bed together, but showed up the next day to work anyway.”
“Wow! Did she, umm, stick around?”
“Thank God, no. Imagine that!”
“Did you like her?”
“I did. I thought she was different, special. Unlike other women, she wasn’t embarrassed about my job. Even thought it was sexy.”
“It is!” I answered absentmindedly, making Changmin’s head shot up in surprise.
“I mean-”
“Don’t worry! I know what you meant!”
“This sucks.”
“Sure does! Are you ready to go? There’s something else I’d like to show you.”
“Yes, let’s get out of here.” I wasn’t going to say anything but I felt exposed the whole time we were in the brunch café. What if someone took a picture of us? How would that look? Jay would be furious, and rightly so. But apparently Changmin knew all the secret and not so frequently visited spots around here, that way we could sit and talk in peace.
“Oh my God, I’m stuffed!” I practically waddled over to the car.
“Want me to drive?”
I willingly handed Changmin the keys and climbed on the passenger seat.
Whenever I looked over to him driving I couldn’t help but be in awe. He looked so attractive, driving with one hand, his sleeve rolled up. Momentarily, I allowed myself to think back to the times Wooyoung and I would go on a drive. It was the simple things that I missed now that I was single.
Changmin noticed me staring, turned to the side and smiled at me. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and no matter how hard I tried, the feeling wouldn’t go away.
We stopped in a little town, right in the town square. Changmin parked the car and came over to open my door.
“Here we are!”
“Where are we?” I said looking around. We were standing in front of an abandoned building, when I saw Changmin walking towards it.
“This belonged to my grandfather. He used to sell kalguksu, and even though he was not a trained cook he made a fortune. When he got old he wanted my dad to take over, but my dad never appreciated the business. I was going to go to America and study medicine when grandfather died. Father would ruin grandfather’s business, I couldn’t let that happen, so I buried my dreams of becoming a doctor and went to culinary school.”
“Does your dad still own it?”
“Yes. I need to earn enough money before I can buy it, renovate it and open it again.”
“Well, whenever that happens I’ll be one of your first costumers!”
“I’ll be waiting for you then!” He said, locking eyes with me. 
I quickly averted my eyes. Not because I was uncomfortable, but because I was too comfortable. It scared me. The thought of being comfortable around Changmin scared me, I was actively fighting against it. But why? He was a great guy. Humble, caring. All the attributes that Jay was lacking. Still, I couldn’t help but compare these two. 
The kiss Changmin and I shared last night was wonderful, but had already faded in my memory. Meanwhile, I remembered every tiny detail about my night with Jay.
“Changmin, about yesterd-”
“I know. No need to say more!”
I smiled in gratitude at him while he led me back to the car. “I think it’s time I get you back before Mr. Park throws a fit!”
It was past 8pm when we finally arrived home. I kept an eye out for Jay’s car but didn’t see it parked outside. There were no unanswered calls, voice messages or texts on my phone. As expected, Jay didn’t even care that I was gone all day. Or that I was with Changmin. Demotivated I trudged up the stairs. When my phone vibrated in my hand I quickly opened the text from Mr. Kim.
Mr. Park has exciting news about you two. Go to him, he’ll fill you in!!!
Amused by Mr. Kim’s use of exclamation points, I gathered it was something good and wondered what the exciting news could be.
[Jay’s POV]
I got off work early, but stopped at a soju bar on the way home. There, I ran into an old colleague and we ended up getting wasted. In the end I sent my driver home, not wanting to see me drunk like that and took a taxi instead.
“Where’s Jiyeon? I need Jiyeon!” I shouted, walking across the foyer. Seolhyun went to get her, while I went up to my room. 
The walls were spinning and I shut my eyes tight, hoping it would stop.
“Mr. Park, is everything alright?” Jiyeon barged into my room without knocking, quickly assessing the situation.
Without a word she went to the bathroom and filled the tub with hot water. I undressed down to my boxer briefs and followed her inside. When she was finished she left and I climbed in the bathtub.
When I stepped out 45 minutes later the water had turned cold. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went into my room. I wasn’t really surprised to find Jiyeon was still there, sitting on the edge of my bed.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know if I should say something but I witnessed something strange last night.”
I wasn’t in the mood for games so I gestured her to speak quickly.
“Ms. Lee was in the kitchen with Changmin, they were kissing.”
I turned my head so fast, I almost tore a muscle. “What?”
“I came back here around 10 pm, because I had forgotten something and that’s when I saw them. I thought you should know!”
Jiyeon was still sitting on my bed, hands neatly folded on her lap. She was looking at them, but then when I didn’t say anything, looked up at me.
“It’s just not fair, the way she’s paying back your kindness. Today she left with Changmin too, they’re not back yet! It’s just not fair to you!” She said, while slowly getting up and walking towards me. 
Her tiny hands rested on my shoulders as she walked behind me, softly massaging the tense flesh. “She doesn’t appreciate you.” She kept saying while her hands travelled to my chest.
I grabbed her wrist, forcing her to turn around and face me. She remained calm, but there was a twinkle in her eyes. Determined she closed the distance between us, looking up at me. Slowly she unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her skirt, until she stood in front of me with just her underwear on.
“You need someone who will appreciate you and what you do for them.”
“And that’s you?” I snorted, unable to hide my sarcasm. No matter how much I was attracted to Jiyeon, and I’ve thought multiple times about ripping the clothes off her and fucking her on the kitchen counter, I knew she only wanted to climb up the social ladder.
“No, but I can make you feel better if you let me!” She answered confidently.
“You got it all wrong. I don’t feel bad!” I leaned down, whispering in her ear.
“Your ego was hurt, let me fix it!” She returned while unclasping her bra. Her full, round, luscious breasts spilled out, bouncing delightfully. Instantly I felt my erection harden. 
“Just this once, let me take care of you! Let me show you what loyalty feels like.”
Her panties came off seconds later, as my gaze was still glued to her breasts. Her hands reached out and grabbed the towel around my waist, slowly tucking on it. Her eyes were on me, testing how far she could go.
Sure that I was going to stop her, I saw her eyes widen when I grabbed her and threw her on the bed. Soon the shocked and sursprised look on her face was replaced with that of anticipation.
This is my house! I make the rules! If Hyo Ri can go around kissing the chef, I sure can fuck the maid. After all, it’s what I hired her for!
Impatiently, my mouth covered her left nipple, while my fingers were playing with the right one. Little moans escaped her plump lips, turning me on even more. I wasted no time sliding inside her, thrusting deeper each time.
Soon we changed positions and she knelt in front of me, spreading her dripping entrance towards me. I slid inside her again, holding on to her perfectly round butt cheeks, pounding into her with all my strength.
“Oh, yes! Jay!” She moaned into the cushions, making me think about Hyo Ri for a moment. That moment ended when she lifted her torso off the mattress, burying my erection deeper into her. 
“Oh my God, you feel so good!”
Her constant commentary was getting on my nerves, so I silenced her by turnung her head to the side as far as I could, sticking my tongue inside her mouth.
I was so busy fucking her, I didn’t notice how the door to my room slowly opened.
[Hyo Ri’s POV]
Plastering a smile on my face, I grabbed the door handle. If Jay was mad at me for leaving, I could always tell him I needed to be around people.
Silently I hoped that his mood would be good, since Mr. Kim alluded to some good news.
“Mr. Kim said you wanted ...... to see me.”
I finished my sentence in slow motion as I watched the scene in front of me unfold.
Jiyeon kneeling naked on the bed, Jay kneeling behind her, their bodies glued together, their hair messed up and their skin sweaty. And the smell of sex hanging in the air.
Unable to form a coherent sentence, I quickly apologized and shut the door. With trembling limbs I wobbled back to my room and made sure to lock the door behind me.
[day 61]
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khangthecinephile · 1 year
Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania (2023): My review
Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania, the first movie to start off phase 5 of the Multiverse Saga has finally been released recently on the 17 of February. Directed by Peyton Reed, the man who’s also in charge of the first two Ant Man movies, Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumnia is one of the hottest movies to be in cinema at the moment following the journey of the Lang’s family in exploring the Quantum Realm, this movie plays an important role in the development of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 
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Personally, I do have a lot to say about the newest product from Kevin Feige. Even before the release date of the movie, Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania had received many negative comments and reviews from critic platforms like IMDB and especially Rotten Tomatoes. Being a MCU movie that has one of the worst ratings on Rotten Tomatoes, many of the Marvel fans and the audiences had raised doubt about the quality of the movie. People expect Marvel to come up with more quality products after the success of Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever in saving the disappointing phase 4. Stepping in the time when every Marvel movie from now on has to contribute in building the story for the next two Avengers movies, Antman 3 has certainly completed its mission of introducing new characters to the franchise and help the audiences to go one step closer to the Avengers: Secret Wars. 
On the positive side, one very noticeable improvement that Antman 3 had done is the CGI. Kevin Feige and the studio had succeeded in creating a mesmerizing movie. Introducing a new universe in the movie, the writers had put tons of creativity and imagination into creating the Quantum Realm. Together with the improvement of the CGI, the Quantum Realm appears to be very realistic and unique. From the geographical characteristics, the architectures, the ecosystem and even the creatures that live in this universe have been well-built, although there are still lots of things that the director and Marvel could do to make the Quantum Realm appear more significant to the audiences. The new terminologies and concepts of the Quantum Realm had also been explained quite logically and easy to understand, the audience wouldn’t have any struggle in fitting in with this new land. The comedy element is another big plus of the movie, the funny scenes appear enough to make the movie less stressful, the main comedy elements of the movie is obviously MODOK, although this character could have been given more space to shine but his appearance makes the movie more balanced but not overwhelming like Thor: Love and Thunder. 
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The performances of the cast in this movie is also decent, since the cast consist of very experienced actors and actresses like Bill Murray, Michael Doughlas, and obviously Paul Rudd who has appeared in many other MCU movies in the past. I’m specifically very impressed with Michelle Pfeiffer in the role of Janet Van Dyne. She is now 64 years old but still delivers an amazing performance and is a great person to guide the younger actors in the movie. From the action stunts to expressing emotions through the eyes and words, Michelle Pfeiffer has definitely shown her class. Can’t forget Jonathan Majors in the role of the main villain Kang the Conqueror who also completes his role perfectly, Marvel had made a great decision casting Jonathan Majors for the long run since this won’t be the only movies he would appear in the MCU. Every scene that Kang shows up, the audience can clearly see the attitude of a conqueror, a villian that is said to be way more dangerous than Thanos. 
Unfortunately, although most of the cast did their job and brought out great performances, the performance of Kathryn Newton who plays Cassie Lang had really disappointed me. The character Cassie Lang had lots of emotional scenes where the love between Cassie and Scott needed to be expressed but Kathryn didn’t quite succeed on that. There was almost no facial expression at all of Cassie during those scenes and it made the lines seem forced and a bit cringy. I really wished that Kathryn could have done better so the theme of family can expressed more naturally and become more meaningful. It’s actually not all Kathryn Newton's fault since the scriptwriters could have made the lines of the scripts more delicate and less cliche. 
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One of the main focuses of the movie is to introduce the new villain Kang The Conqueror. Through Jonathan Majors acting skills, Peyton Reed had somewhat succeeded in introducing this super important character to the next chapters of the MCU. In the movie, Kang is introduced as this guy who has killed countless Avengers in many timelines and universes. But the way that Ant Man defeats him is kind of ridiculous, even though we all know that Kang and Scot aren’t on the same level with each other. Maybe Kang is weakened in the Quantum Realm but he still has many advanced equipment and soldiers that he collected in this new world which didn’t really help him much. The writers could have made the ending of the movie more unique and approach it in a more creative way outside the old-fashion superhero motif. 
Overall, my experience with Ant Man and The Wasp: Quantumania isn’t as bad as the critics online but it’s true that Marvel could have done way better with all the resources they have for this movie. One of the biggest problems of the movie is the emotions and feelings, since most of the characters didn’t have any development. The development process of MODOK isn’t really convincing, leading to an unnecessary death and the lack of emotions that the audiences feel for this character. From the chemistry of Scott and Cassie to the unsatisfying ending, these factors emphasize the lack of feelings that the movie presented. 
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pack-the-pack · 2 years
My (likely) unpopular opnions on Mo Dao Zu Shi.
So I finished the novel, and I'll be only talking about the novel and the novel alone, not taking into consideration any of the other iterations, simply because I didn't finish any of them. This is also just my opinion and because I can't keep my thoughts to myself, so try to not take it too seriously.
1- Jin Guangyao is my favourite and I love him, I don't care what anyone has to say. I believe almost everything he said in the Guanyin temple, maybe aside from whether his child was conceived before or after he married Qin Su. But I'm inclined to believe him on that too rather than to doubt, because he really didn't seem like he liked causing harm unless he saw it as strictly necessary.
2- That said, that's mostly just going by the book. Idk how canon we're supposed to take the extras to be, but if they're indeed meant to be canon, the extra by the name of "Villainous Friend" kind of makes my love for him waver a bit. But I understand his position, he was ordered by his dad, so refusing or leaving the job half done would probably be bad for him. But dude... He could have spared some mercy for the children (but maybe that'd be a bad idea, having living proof that a grudge fuels insanity and bloodlust sitting right beside him in the form of Xue Yang. So he probably did it as insurance).
3- I still love him tho. And I still love XiYao and want a lot of fix-it fics now :((
4- Jin Guanshan died the death he deserved and A-Yao was 100% right to do it. Everyone that was like "but he was your father" in the novel can go suck a dick cause it's easy judging when you're not in his position. That goes for everything he does actually.
5- I was a bit confused about Xue Yang's end? Like did he die or not? Cause it seemed like he just lost his arm and was a bit hurt and then was swept away. If he didn't die what happened to him? We never get a follow up on that. Did I read it wrong or did he really just got yeeted out of the story never to be seen again? Idk seemed a bit weird.
5.5- I also love Yi City arc, but it makes me a bit confused on what was the point of it? It seems like it could have been skipped entirely and not much would have changed.
6- I'm not entirely sure that Wei Wuxian was actually gay or even bi for LWJ in his first life. You can boo me all you want, but I don't think there's enough information to draw a conclusion here. He could have just been really determined to bother Lan Wangji and make friends with him just because he posed a challenge, given he got rejected all the time. It wasn't really too different from his behaviour with MianMian. Just saying, reincarnation could have very well made him sort of gay, or well gayER.
7- Zizhen didn't have enough scenes, he should have appeared more and have been on those night hunts in the extras.
8- Talking about the juniors, I know a lot of people ship Jin Ling with Sizhui, and a lot of people ship Sizhui and Jinyi, and then Jinyi with Jin Ling. I say we forgo that and just throw my boy Zizhen in the mix and make them all date together. A couple of four. This way everyone gets 3 cute boyfriends. No need to choose.
9- Some of y'all be acting like the incense burner chapters killed your dog and shot your parents. Chill out. They're intense and not everyone's cup of tea, but in their essence there's nothing really wrong with them. It's clearly just two married people who trust each other pushing the bounds of their fantasies and kinks IN THEIR FUCKING DREAMS! And it isn't like they aren't both into what they're doing. Wei Wuxian is more than enthusiastic. There is like one little mishap that happens at the end of the last chapter, a matter of miscommunication and kink-negotiation mishandling, but it's solved right after it happens! Calling it true non-con is a stretch and a bit unforgiving don't you think?
10- I still don't get why Yanli was at Nightless City. She had abstained from pretty much being part of anything like that the whole book. Why all of a sudden go to Nightless City? What could she have done there? Seems a bit convenient.
11- Talking about convenient, what was that throw away line on the explanation of how Wei Wuxian started cultivating the demonic path? He just found a book???? Conveniently like that? No further explanation needed? What?
12- Nie Minjue was a self-righteous hypocritical asshole.
13- Nie Huaisang is not that much better than Jin Guangyao. He used people and did terrible things, even willing to sacrifice teenagers, just to achieve his goal.
14- There is no justice in this book. Not really. Everyone does selfish things (maybe aside from Lan Xichen, the saint) to achieve their own goals and always think themselves to be justified in their actions. To only see Jin Guangyao's crimes as bad is to ignore that everyone did bad, selfish, detrimental things. The people that got a happy ending or a bad ending didn't get them because they deserved it or due to justice. They just got it. Like Xue Yang says "there's no why, sometimes things just happen".
15- Chengmei is far too cute of a name for Xue Yang.
16- Everyone shits on Jin Guangyao, but he was legitimately a good chief cultivator. While the sects generally saw themselves as above helping on insignificant matters, he went and made projects to help the common people. He also worked hard to maintain his sect in line with an ideal of nobleness and discipline as shown by how Jin Ling says in the extras that when he was sect leader no one would be so quick to take a bribe.
17- A-Yao was ambitious, clever, hard working and yes he did love people too. He's not just bad. He had all the odds stacked against him, and even so, at least momentarily, he overcame all of it. Whether his means were justified or not is another story entirely.
18- Wei Wuxian wasn't really a great caretaker of A-Yuan. He was kind of mean and careless. He obviously didn't do it with ill intention, but he's just not the best baby sitter.
19- I don't hate Jiang Cheng for his mean remarks and hatred for Wei Wuxian and his relationship with Lan Wangji. He's just kind of stupid and emotionally constipated. He's not bad, he's just a bit ignorant. And you have to remember that these are their society's norms. He's acting in line with what he was taught.
20- Wen Qing had such a minor role in the story overall. She should have been used more.
21- Wei Wuxian is many times kind of mean to Wen Ning even tho he's so selfless and doing everything he can to protect and respect him. I don't mean it all the time, but he could be kinder to him. Wen Ning in general always gets the short end of the stick and the worse treatment undeservedly.
22- Gusu Lan could have held a little secret cerimony to officially marry wangxian and officially accepted them as cultivation partners. It would have been specially meaningful because Lan Qiren would have sort of being communicating that his Nephew's happiness holds more value to him than his hatred for Wei Wuxian and the upkeeping of sect rules and appearances. I know it's unrealistic but man it would've been nice to see.
That's it. And yea I know this is mostly me just trying to defend my A-Yao, but I regret nothing. Y'all can throw stones and boo, be my guest. This is just my opinion anyway, so you don't have to take it seriously or give a crap about it.
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herefortheships · 2 years
Now I can talk about things. Yesssss!
Ok so. We all predicted that Eddie and Venom would basically be somewhere else, away from the battle, freshly yanked from their sweet honeymoon and would not get involved with the fighting at ALL 😂 Anyway they were too far away from NY to get involved if Venom decided to be a hero and get into it, and Eddie was still trying to make sense of what just happened to him (Venom seemed to be more up to speed, but it’s pretty much established that Eddie is, in his own words, an “idiot” and I think that’s endearing, I should say), so Eddie is still figuring things out, where they are, how the new world they landed in is like etc. Plus clearly they’ve been drinking and Venom is kind of wanting to get back into the honeymoon--in other words, Venom couldn’t care less about Spidey right now, as interesting the idea of fighting him might be, because Venom is more into getting back into his honeymoon with Eddie. Looks like someone was having a good time in their little escapade! 👀😘 Honestly good for them. They are literally so cute and funny together. 
I’m calling it a honeymoon, because, that’s kind of what it is, by the way.
While it was a little bit disappointing that our Venom and Tom H’s spidey did not get to meet, I do believe though that it was hinted that Andrew’s spidey might get involved with Venom in the future (he mentioned wanting to fight an alien, and Andrew’s spidey is from Sony + multiverse established means we could have other Spider-men [and other Venoms, more on that below] in other movies, because they are the Spider-men from other universes). Having Tobey’s and Andrew’s Spider-men making appearances in their own separate movies/universes simultaneously with Tom Holland’s Spider-man is no longer convoluted. 
That said, I have a sense of relief now that Eddie and Venom are back in the universe where they belong. I do not trust the MCU to handle these characters well. Their brief appearance, however, was handled very well. They felt like themselves, behaved like themselves, and let’s not forget to mention that sexy nipple grab?? Hello??? I admit that while I noticed Eddie’s weird movement, I did not notice the nipple twist until I got home and rewatched the scene on YouTube. That was totally a sexy nipple twist?! I guess if they weren’t canonically a couple before, it’s pretty safe to say they are now. I mean, you don’t twist your bro’s nipple at the same time you’re inviting them to go skinny dipping (aka *swimming naked*?? Hello?? My friends, I know they always shower together, do any and everything together--they are in the same body, so, naturally--but the fact this is brought up? Them together naked? It’s totally on purpose, my loves. These two are pretty much sexually involved with each other in canon now, though still mostly in the subtext (though it’s arguable that they are canon in the text after Venom said they love Eddie; unfortunately Eddie’s “Maybe a little [in love with you]” response was deleted) But yes, I guess it’s pretty much text now that they are not just friends/bros; they seem pretty sexually involved with each other, after the love confession and that nipple twist and the skinny dipping invitation by the way they totally already skinny dipped while drunk before + they totally had sex oops don’t look at me like that it’s all implied between the lines. Why is V so comfy twisting Eddie’s nips? Come on.  Only doing it in public bc they’re drunk, but imagine how they are with each other in private.
I am infinitely relieved to know they did not end up separated, as many of us feared due to the leaks. But the fact that Venom left a little piece behind definitely means that our Venom will not be the one to get involved with Tom H’s spidey, at least as the traditional villain origin of the character. But yes, I think that Venom’s piece left behind will become an iteration of the character in this universe. My younger sister upon watching this scene commented that Venom and Eddie are just dropping kids here and there, I thought that was hilarious and worth mentioning. But, to comment on this note, I don’t think this will be a Symbrock baby (aka Venom offspring) left behind; I think this is actually a piece of Venom themselves that will incarnate into its own iteration of Venom in the MCU. Our Venom might collab in the MCU, but lucky for us, our baby continues in their own little Sony universe corner. Good. This means that there will be at least two iterations of Venom appearing on the big screen simultaneously: our dearly beloved V, and a new incarnation of the character in the MCU, which will no doubt be a villain. That also means we might meet another Eddie Brock, too. THOUGH I think they might actually do Agent Venom with the MCU’s Venom incarnation. Look, they gave Flash blond hair. Things that make you go hmmm, am I right? We’ll have to see. 
Personally I think that Venom in connection to Spider-man is a little hard to pull off on the big screen, live-action. I think this is because that storyline sort of requires Spider-man/Peter Parker to show a darker side of himself, which general audiences are quick to reject (they did it poorly in Spider-man 3, BUT an attempt was made to show that the symbiote is merely enhancing an inner darkness that was always in there). I think the general audience doesn’t do very well with this sort of storyline, because they don’t want to see that the hero can have a dark side (unfortunately; personally I love these stories and character explorations). But this is talk for another time. I only bring it up because I think they are thinking of doing a Venom storyline with Tom H’s spidey in the near future, and this is why our Venom left a piece of themselves in Tom H’s universe. It’s because our Venom would end up as an ally if they met Spidey, and they want Tom Holland’s Venom to be the terrifying enemy that Venom initially is for Spider-man. Because let’s face the facts, Venom is the coolest Spider-man villain. By a long shot. It just might be hard to pull off. Well, let’s see how Tom H’s spidey does with it; he already showed a darker side in this movie, when he wanted to kill Norman in revenge. 
As long as our Eddie keeps his symbiote, I’m good with whatever the MCU wants to do with their own version of Venom. As long as it doesn’t strive to offend Tom Hardy or something weird like that.
To conclude this post, I think No way Home was entertaining and well done. I thought it was predictable, though, but that didn’t remove my enjoyment of it. My favorite part of course was seeing Eddie (and hearing Venom) lol But also seeing Tobey and Andrew again. But yes, this is a Symbrock blog, and therefore I am mostly taking about Symbrock and Venom here. I didn’t expect them to be too involved, and I got exactly what I thought I would get from them. A brief appearance in the mid-credits scene, being grossly in love as usual, and then poof back to their own universe where they belong. I’m just happy to see they weren’t damaged or sraight-washed or anything. 
Final note: I want to see Eddie and Venom carry this sexy drunk flirting sexy nipple twisting couple energy to Venom 3, while keeping that endearing funny vibe of grumpy Eddie x sunshine hyper active Venom they always have going on. I know now if anyone has my back, it is Tom Hardy. Tom Hardy won’t let us down. 
Ps. If they carry this flirty vibe to Venom 3, can Eddie please say it back? Eddie Brock I am watching you 👀 Tell Venom you love them back. Ok? Ok. It’s hard for this man to talk about feelings and stuff like that, so that will make it extra good if he *has* to come clean about his feelings. 
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yurimother · 4 years
LGBTQ Light Novel Review — I'm in Love with the Villainess
A stunningly profound, entertaining, and queer title that eclipses other isekai and Yuri series
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There are few titles the general public seems to be as excited about as Inori and Hanagata's I'm in Love with the Villainess, as it has been sitting at or near the top of Amazon's LGBT Manga list for months and Twitter is consistently abuzz with the latest news on this isekai Yuri series. I was somewhat more skeptical, as I have had relatively poor experiences with isekai and fantasy Yuri. Still, my excitement went through the room, and I eagerly boarded the "hype train" upon the cover reveal for the third volume. Yuri families, where two women raise children together, are one of my greatest desires and something I rarely see portrayed in the genre. However, I still had mostly low expectations for the series going into the first volume. I looked forward to some light meandering comedy and typical boring trope-filled isekai shenanigans. However, I'm in Love with the Villainess more than exceeded my expectations. No, even this statement is far too moderate to describe how utterly stunned and blown away I was by Inori's creation. I'm in Love with the Villainess is completely shattering and easily one of the greatest light novels I have ever read. Thus, I have no choice to award a perfect 10/10 score, my first ever for a light novel.
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After waking up in the world of her favorite otome game, Revolution, protagonist Rae is ecstatic to be faced to face with Claire Francois, the game's villainous rival. However, Rae never played Revolution for the thrill of romancing any of the three attractive young princes. She was always in love with Claire. She attends the academy and studies magic in the fantasy world alongside Claire, the princes, and various other supporting characters. Using her skills from the modern world and her encyclopedic knowledge of Revolution, Rae manipulates the situation to be close to Claire, becoming her maid, and garnering status and money along the way. As an inevitable conflict looms closer, Rea begins to enact plans to protect herself and Claire, many of which are not fully understood or explained until the finale fantastically reveals the reasons for her actions. There is a natural and steady pace to the narrative that awards readers’  predictions and attention to detail.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess has some excellent supporting characters, all of whom have unique personalities, histories, and abilities, some of which are revealed by Rae's exposition and others naturally throughout the novel. However, the stars of the show are the central couple, Rae and Claire. Claire is an elite aristocrat and extremely bratty. She often sneers at commoners and makes her disdain of Rae very clear from early on. On paper, she sounds like the perfect villain and someone all readers would despise. However, Rae's utter devotion and infatuation with Claire is so sincere that we cannot help but be pulled in and adore Claire and all her tantrums. Rae is a delight herself, continually flirting and poking fun at Claire, which gets her verbally berated, much to her masochistic pleasure. However, she is also exceptionally cunning and intelligent, and some of the light novel's greatest joys are listening to her analyze a situation or watching one of her plans fall into place.
“Ah, I’m… Well, it doesn’t matter. I mean, it’s irrelevant to cuteness—because, Miss Claire, you are cute.” “Huh?!” She pulled away. It was perfect—such a pure reaction. “Miss Claire, you hate me, right?” “Of course!” “That’s fine. Please keep teasing me. I love it.”
The beginning of the book does not immediately clue one into its brilliance. Sure, Claire and Rea get some great one-liners as they bully each other, and the scenarios are authentic and fun, but it is nothing shattering. I was feeling pretty relaxed and having a lot of fun with the characters, their relationship, and the various slice-of-life style scenarios they encountered until one section, I remember the exact page, 81, as it stopped me dead in my tracks. I was flabbergasted and briefly frozen before shooting up out of bed, shouting expletives as I ran to my office to immediately record what I had just experienced. It all begins with the line, "Hey, Rae. Are you what they call gay?" What followed was one of the most thoughtful, condensed, informative, and nuanced discussions of gay and queer identity (both terms used in this scene) I have ever seen in Yuri. Everything from representation in media, the perceptions of and prejudices against gay people, and the role gender plays in romance for bisexual and gay people are analyzed. Its commentary is succinct yet so respectful and forthright that it could have only come from genuine experience, thus selling the book and its characters so much more.
"Queer people were still overwhelmingly closeted in this world, which was rife with prejudice and nurtured little understanding. As I noted, the queer people depicted in the story were either the sex fiends Claire imagined or the free-loving sort Lene had in mind. Diversity and acceptance were a long way off.”
Thus, Inori's writing's beauty exposed itself, and the book opened itself up to a delightful cycle. The narrative masterfully integrates isekai slice-of-life hijinks, like running a cross-dressing café or battling a giant slime with nuanced and challenging moments that dissect complicated topics. The latter mainly consists of a growing rift between the aristocracy and common people, mirroring real-world wealth gap issues, but the novel also touch on matters such as unequal prison sentencing and segregation. Every scene helped further the complexity of the characters and their relationships or else built onto the world of Revolution. Speaking of which, I'm in Love with the Villainess has some of the best worldbuilding ever seen in a light novel.
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Initially, brief exposition establishes much of the world, which is adequate if not exciting. I will mark up to a casualty of the light novel's serialized nature, as it must present readers its setting immediately. However, Inori does not stop here. Through the narrative, new elements are established, such as a magic system and the kingdom's politics. Rea notes and describes how the world, while clearly based on medieval Europe, has many modern Japanese attributes, as Japanese game developers created it. Her pointing out the intersection of the two is fascinating. Furthermore, A great deal of time is spent establishing characters and organizations all have their own wants, agendas, and methods, many of which are not even directly involved with the story. Instead, they act as a background and help further contextualize others. For example, the Church publicly appears to lean towards supporting the commoners in their efforts for equality but has its own agenda of superseding the nobility. While they play little role in Rea and Claire’s adventure, they are one of numerous factors contributing to the unrest of the lower class. All these additions are interesting, and it never feels like the story or characters suffer for their inclusion, quite the opposite.
“The Bauer Kingdom had started a step behind other countries when it came to magical research. They dominated the surrounding countries in military strength, and this had made them complacent, leading them to underestimate the value of new magic technology until the best researchers had all been enticed to other countries. Even after the king came up with his magic-focused meritocratic policy, Bauer lagged behind.”
I can only make complaints by scraping the very bottom of the barrel. Hanagata's beautiful art is too infrequent to add much to the light novel, and many scenes crying for illustrations are left to the readers' imagination. However, Inori so wonderful writes the story that one hardly cares and can easily picture every moment with delight. Besides, the manga adaption will nullify this issue. Where I cannot complain at all is the spectacular translation by Jenn Yamazaki and Nibedita Sen, one of Seven Seas best (which is high praise considering the competition). Sure, I was slightly disappointed at first to see the adaptation left off honorifics, but the more I thought about the setting, the more sense it made. I am sure people much smarter than I gave the issue much more consideration, and I am happy with their decisions.
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I'm in Love with the Villainess left me reeling with how pleasurable and powerful it was. The story and characters are such a joy, and I cannot wait to see Rea and Claire bully each other again in the next volume. Astounding worldbuilding and powerful, thought-provoking politics surround their antics and the high stakes plot. Every moment of their journey will enthrall readers as they squeal with glee at its hilarious set pieces or are shocked by its commentary of society's most significant challenges. Inori has created one of the most delightful, heartfelt, complex, profound, and genuinely queer light novel series ever. If you only read one thing I recommend this year, let it be I'm in Love with the Villainess.
Ratings: Story — 9 Characters — 10 Art — 5 LGBTQ — 10 Sexual Content — 2 Final — 10
Review copy provided by Seven Seas Entertainment
Purchase I’m in Love with the Villainess in digitally (9/23) and in print (11/10) today: https://amzn.to/32NEyG1
Supports creators by purchasing official releases.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 3 years
The main problem with the whole mal vs the darkling thing in regards to being possessive (or really when it comes to any of their traits) is the fact that throughout, the darkling is clearly framed as the villain and his actions reflect that, whereas Mal as supposed to be the good guy and best romantic partner for Alina, and yet he has all these awful character traits and tendencies. So its less about how awful the Bad Guy is (since he's supposed to be), and more about how awful the person that we're supposed to believe is the best option for Alina is. I don't ship either, just my two cents.
Okay well... two things. First, your comment about "its less about how awful the bad guy is, since he's supposed to be", takes every comment I've made about Darkles out of context, which seems fitting since everything Darklina's spout about Mal is out of context. Him being the Bad Guy is fine, and if you like him AS A VILLAIN, and acknowledge all the bad shit he does, then my posts aren't for you. I think he's a very interesting villain, and a lot of the terrible shit he does that I have to keep making posts about make him a good villain, the problem is when the terrible shit the "Bad Guy" does is romanticized and viewed as the reasons why Alina SHOULD have picked him. So, don't assume everyone gets that "hes supposed to be awful". The point my post was making is that Darklina's love to call Mal possessive, but then turn around and act like Darkles literally enslaving her in somehow sexy and romantic. It's fucking not, and it's transparent as hell that y'all romanticize and sexualize the actually possessive character, and then project false character traits onto Mal. It's so transparent, it's almost funny.
But, more importantly, to your second, very wrong point, I wonder how much of the narrative about Mal having "awful character traits and tendencies" is actually a commentary on Mal as a character, or is it just Darklina's lying about things Mal has done and everyone accepting that misinterpretation as canon. Because, if were making a list...
Fuck boy - False! Mal was not a fuck boy! He was an attractive teenager who hooked up with consenting girls his age when he could, and he was not in a relationship during that time. Alina had never told him how she felt, so he is not beholden to her. (Also, nobody seems to have an issue with the fact that Darkles hooked up with Zoya in the show, that doesn't make HIM a fuckboy... interesting) (also also, nobody seems to discuss Darkles literally sexually assaulting Alina, and lying and manipulating her to get her to be physically intimate with him so he can use her... double interesting).
Slut Shames Alina - FALSE! The ever favourite callout line from Darklina's "He's all over you" isn't him slut shaming her. First, he has no idea what their relationship is like at that point, but more importantly, he is making an observation of her status in the little palace and how she has become his tool. He has dressed her up in his colors, made her put on a show for his benefit, and has created a situation where Alina appears to be his. Mal is noting that after months of searching for her, believing she was being hurt, tortured, or worse, when he arrives to save her, she looks like the Darkling's pet. (and, even if he WAS angry because he perceived them to be romantically involved, boy just spent months fighting for his life, lost multiple friends, and almost died to find her, all while coming to the realisation that he was in love with her, and then he shows up, after not hearing from her for months... I'd be pissed as hell too.) Important Note: He even acknowledges that what he said was wrong and tries to apologise, before Alina tells him that he was right. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 286). He also then apologizes, completely unprompted, for what he said. (Shadow and Bone, pg. 297).
Fat Shames Alina - False! This one is particularly laughable to me, because its one of the Darklina arguments that falls apart the second you actually read the scene. They are running for their lives in the forest, and Mal has to hunt and gather to feed them. He is noting that Alina's appetite has increased since he last saw her, and he makes a joke (ya know, how you do with friends) about how it would be easier to keep her fed if she still had her more meager appetite from before. He makes no comment on her weight, or her size, and he is not actually commenting on her appetite in a negative way, he is just acknowledging that it's a lot more work for him now that she eats more. Right before he says the line, the quote even proves that he isn't shaming her or thinking badly of her: "With a bemused expression, he watched as I gobbled down my portion and then sighed, still hungry". He is noting a change in her, and complaining that its made more work for him. If you think thats the same as fat shaming, well... thats a you problem.
Hates Alina's Powers - FALSE!!!! How to begin... do we talk about it was Mal's idea to hunt the stag in S&B, because he knew she needed it to be more powerful so she could stop the darkling? Do we talk about how he vowed to find the firebird for her, even though he was terrified of what all that power would do to her? Do we talk about how he literally died so she could achieve the power she needed to save the world? Or maybe we could talk about how he believed in her power more than anyone else, like when everyone was making bets about her abilities with the Cut and he knew she'd go further and better than anyone else expected her too, or when he tells her that he was never afraid of her powers, only what seeking all that power would do to her (which is literally the theme of the books, that power corrupts and seeking unmatched power can destroy you)? Mal being afraid of what is going to happen to Alina, being protective of her and worrying over her, is not the same as him hating her powers. He exists to help remind Alina of the themes of the story, and to guide her into maintaining her humanity.
Abusive - ... Do I even need to explain this one? Must I deign an explanation as to why this favourite Darklina lie is so fucking stupid, and also totally hypocrisy? No? Because we all know Darkles is actually the abusive one and they're trying to project their own shit onto Mal to further their abuse apologist agenda? Cool. Moving on.
Possessive of Alina - False! Throughout the entire series, Mal is quite literally the opposite of possessive, but yall just cant read. Not only does he quite literally step out of the way and allow Nikolai to court Alina without argument, which is the most direct example of him not being possessive, he also spends two full books believing, and repeatedly saying over and over and over, that they can't be together because he is not good enough for her. Mal believes, fully, that Alina deserves more than him, better than him, because he's just a tracker and a soldier, just a regular man with nothing to offer her but his love and his protection, and she is a Saint and should be a Queen. Possessiveness is the wish to own and control someone, it is literally the opposite of Mal believing that he's not good enough and doing everything he can to ensure that Alina achieves everything and gets everything he believes she is owed. A possessive character would not tell her to tell him to leave because he has nothing he can offer her, no title or land or country or crown. A possessive character would not promise to be the blade in her hand, because he believed he had nothing but the blood he could spill to offer her.
Angry - True! Yeah, omg, you caught us, Mal is ANGRY! Heaven forbid a teenager who is traumatized beyond belief and has to give up everything in his life, his position in the military (he deserted for her), his friends and the job he loved (Mikhail and Dubrov died for him, and he can't be a tracker in the army... because he deserted... for Alina), and, most importantly, he has to give up Alina (she should be Queen, he believes, and he has to give up the future he imagined with the girl he loves, who he was pretty sure loved him back, because she's a saint and queen and he's just a man), and more, is ANGRY. He has to be the one to find the amplifiers that he knows will end up hurting her, because thats what she needs to save the world. He has to sit by while Nikolai treats him like the dirt on his shoe and tries to woo Alina for his own personal gain (because Nikoalai did not love Alina. Maybe he came to care for her, but he proposed and spent all of S&S trying to get her to marry him when it was obvious they were not in love. He straight up says its so that the next King of Ravka can be married to the Sun Summoner. It's a power grab.) and he can't do anything about it. So yeah, Mal is angry. And yeah, sometimes he's even angry at Alina, just like sometimes she's angry at him. But they always find their way back, always apologize and try to be better for each other, and if you think anger is a toxic trait, and not simply a natural human emotion, might I suggest touching some fucking grass?
Idk why you thought I'd stand for Mal slander on my blog, cuz I will not. So, I'm gonna stop there, because I have shit to do today, but I really do wonder how much of Mal's 'toxic' or 'terrible' traits, that make him such a 'bad' love interest for Alina, really comes from Darklina's who refuse to actually read the text critically at all, and instead take everything he does and says out of context to further their agenda that Alina should have ended up as the Darkling's fucking slave forever, because thats the "girl power feminist" ending somehow. Mal supports her, loves her, sacrifices for her at every turn, and does everything he can do, to the point of literally dying for her, to ensure that she can defeat Darkles and save the world. He protects her, and when they end up happy and safe together on the orphange that they've rebuilt to help the children that were victims of Darkles war and genocide, he spends his days bringing her tea and cakes and flowers, kissing her silly under the stairs in the view of all the teachers, and calling her names like beauty, beloved, cherished, my heart for the rest of their ordinary life together, if love can ever be called that.
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ectonurites · 3 years
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idk how to quote tags on mobile where is the conner kent essay i NEED it
ALRIGHT OKAY! here’s 5k+ words plus panels & screenshots of me comparing and contrasting the two drastically different versions of Superboy (comics vs young justice cartoon) and going over what makes them such distinctly separate characters. someday i’ll refine this a bit more its kinda just a word dump that’s been living in my brain that i wanted to actually articulate after i read through Reign of the Supermen but here we go:
Pretty frequently I see the question “Why is Superboy so different in the Young Justice cartoon?” float around in DC circles. I think there are two main approaches to answering this:
Why did the writers of the cartoon decide to create a very different version of Superboy?
What factors make this Superboy so different from the comic version?
For the first approach the answer is relatively straight-forward, from the start Young Justice as a cartoon was never meant to be a direct adaptation of the comics. They just used the title and a few elements so they could create their own approach to the DC universe with a focus on younger heroes. For example, Artemis Crock in their show is also COMPLETELY different from her comic counterpart, Zatanna is aged way down to be a member of the teen team, and Kaldur’ahm was created for this show (and integrated into the comics as Jackson Hyde). They were always trying to do different things than the main comics universe, so them making a different version of Conner also makes sense. Their approach to him is also very clearly influenced more by how he appeared in the Teen Titans comic run that was still coming out as Young Justice started airing (his design, and some other elements we’ll discuss along the way), as opposed to his original version from the 90′s/the Young Justice comic.
So the basic “why” is that from the start they wanted to create something unique to their universe, which they definitely did accomplish.
The much more interesting subject to dive into, though, is looking at the differences in Superboy’s story that contribute to him becoming such a different person. 
The drastic changes made to the following factors are what I view as the main source of his differences in personality/outlook/characterization:
The conditions and history of the world at the time he is introduced
The circumstances around him being introduced/leaving Cadmus
The reaction Clark has to him and how their relationship starts
The people he first interacted with & became close to, and how he interacts with the world
The timing of him finding out about his connection to Luthor
The State of the Worlds
In the comics, Superboy is first introduced in Adventures of Superman #500 by iconically saying “Don’t ever call me Superboy!” 
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during a 1993 event called “Reign of the Supermen”, a follow up to the 1992 event “The Death of Superman”. Based on the title of the 1992 event, I think you can, uh, guess what one major difference in the setting here was vs. the state of the world at the time he was introduced in the cartoon. Obviously Clark didn’t stay dead forever, but Superboy first comes onto the scene as a young clone of Superman who insists he is the new Superman (one of the four characters trying to do so during the event). This is in the main DC universe in the early 90’s, which means that heroes in general, including teen heroes, aren’t a new thing! Not only has the Justice League been around for a while but so has the Teen Titans. Once Clark is alive again, Superboy goes off on his own to establish himself as an individual teen hero. 
So how is that different in the cartoon?
In the cartoon, Superboy is first introduced in the pilot episodes “Independence Day” and “Fireworks” 
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on the 4th of July in (what most people consider to be) 2010. This was supposed to be the day that Robin (Dick Grayson), Speedy (Roy Harper), Kid Flash (Wally West), and Aqualad (Kaldur’ahm) would get to see the true Justice League HQ at the Hall of Justice, which... doesn’t go exactly as planned. 
In this world, superheroes are a newer thing, this is something that the creators have talked about before. At this point, while there is an established Justice League, there are no known teams of teen superheroes. Just the fact that as of season one Dick Grayson is still Robin is a pretty good indicator that this world is early in it’s time with a Batman. Now, the sidekicks aren’t a secret, as they appear very publicly in this first episode, but they are almost always seen acting with their mentors at this point. Again, there is no Teen Titans in this setting, and there never has been. 
So when they do form the first teen hero team? It is kept covert-ops. They do not publicize that they act as a superhero team, and the members who weren’t already publicly known heroes (mainly Miss Martian and Superboy) end up being pretty… unknown to a lot of the world outside the hero/villain community! Again their existence is not strictly kept a secret, but they keep the fact that there’s a team of minors who are heroes going on independent missions VERY under the radar on purpose. Thus, those who aren’t going around doing super public hero activities just don’t have nearly as much of a presence.
So to summarize:
In the comics, Superboy is immediately put in a spotlight (he befriends a reporter and is all over tv and literally trademarks the name Superman) becoming known to the world and establishes himself as a solo acting hero YEARS before joining any teams.
In the cartoon, Superboy is kept relatively out of the spotlight, immediately becomes part of a covert-ops team and doesn’t act solo very often. The well known teen heroes in this setting are sidekicks working under a mentor, and Superboy does not actually act as a sidekick.
What does this mean for Superboy?
Superboy in the comics gets to, right away, act on his own and get a taste of what being Superman is like. In the cartoon, he’s brought into the world at a time where there already is a Superman. I think back to this bit from the therapy episode, where he says:
“See, from the moment I first opened my eyes in that Cadmus pod, there’s been one thing I’ve wanted, and feared. To know what it is to be Superman.”
Comics Superboy started out getting to do that! He immediately got a shot at filling that role, and he then makes the choice to relinquish it back to the original once he’s alive again. He (begrudgingly at first) understood that it wasn’t yet his time to be Superman, and knows he’ll someday fill those shoes for real- but in the meantime being Superboy is gonna be his own thing and he’ll embrace it and make it work.
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Cartoon Superboy is left in a shadow, not ever truly knowing what it’s like to fill those shoes (except in a doomsday scenario training exercise gone awry that he then just feels intense guilt over). This leaves him a lot more frustrated and lost, and I think is a major contributor to how angry this version of Superboy is compared to his much more ‘chill go with the flow’ attitude in the comics.
In the comics, in that same issue he’s introduced, we find out that Superboy broke out of his cloning tube prematurely and left Cadmus with the assistance of the second Newsboy Legion, who also gave him his first leather jacket, before the programming that would allow Cadmus to control him was implemented.
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He quickly gets up to speed with the situation, that Clark is dead. So he comes on the scene starting to save people and saying he is Superman, or at least the clone of the original one. A major thing that does influence his character here is the fact that… this is the 90’s. He is designed around the idea of what is ‘cool’ back in 1993. (look, even his original character design sheets call him cool)
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So right off the bat he’s got a stereotypical ‘cool teen guy in that era’ personality, which is often played for comedy to add a little lightness to some of the dark things happening during this event. 
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Anyways, he has left Cadmus, he’s acting on his own, and he starts realizing that his powers aren’t exactly the same as Superman’s over the course of the Reign of the Supermen story.
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After the main conflict is settled and Clark is fully alive and acting as Superman again, the two of them end up going back to Cadmus to find out what the exact deal is with him. I’ll go into this more in a later point, but they find out he’s not exactly a clone of Superman (or Lex- him being actually involved as a DNA donor is a retcon that happened a decade later). They agree to let someone from Cadmus (Dubbilex- the grey guy with the horns in this pic) leave Metropolis with him, as he sets out on a press tour to establish himself as Superboy now that he relinquished the trademark on the Superman name back to Clark. 
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Let’s pause and look at how this is different in the cartoon.
In the cartoon, when the trio of Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad decide to prove themselves to their mentors they run off on their own to attend to a fire at Project Cadmus when the Justice League got called off to do something else. Upon arriving, they accidentally uncover some weird things about Cadmus, like the crazy amount of sublevels, the creatures roaming around, and the fact that it’s not on the main power grids. They eventually find Superboy, still in his cloning tube. They break him out, but then get captured themselves.
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When they are then put into tubes by Cadmus personnel, they manage to convince Superboy to help free them by promising him things like getting to meet Superman, and see the moon. The group of four now working together manages to escape from the building and it topples down, where they are then greeted by the Justice League who are Not Happy.
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Superman flies away shortly after, and the group of kids explain to their remaining mentors that sure, they disobeyed orders, but they accomplished something good here, and they are going to keep doing it, whether the League likes it or not. The compromise is the formation of The Team, to be covert-ops while the Justice League acts publicly, and the boys are joined by Miss Martian.
So to summarize:
In the comics, Superboy leaves Cadmus pretty independently (with some assistance) to go act on his own as a hero immediately. He returns to Cadmus later for more information, and they reveal truths to him about his existence. After he knows his truth, he goes off to continue establishing himself as a solo hero but lets Cadmus still supervise what he’s doing through Dubbilex.
In the cartoon, Superboy is rescued from Cadmus by Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, without knowing pretty much anything about himself besides the fact that he is a clone of Superman, and is immediately put on the covert ops team. 
What it means for Superboy:
Comic Superboy goes to act on his own, even after he admits he’s not the real Superman anymore. Yes he’s not 100% alone in terms of ‘he’s got people (Rex, Roxy, Dubbilex, Tana) around him’, but as a hero he’s a solo act and ends up taking residence in Hawaii. In the cartoon, by joining a team right away, he’s taking on a very different style of being a hero, especially because the team itself is covert-ops. Rather than regularly saving the day all on his own much like Superman, which can help comic Superboy feel like he’s still living up to the name more, cartoon Superboy is working under the radar in a group setting, while still wanting to desperately fill those Superman shoes. 
He is overconfident in his abilities and wants to be the hero he was created to be, so him being put into this very different type of superhero situation is another major contributor to the frustration/anger. Even later on when comics Superboy is part of forming the Young Justice team, they were never a secret covert-ops team, they were always publicly known. (hell, a reporter is the one who gave them the team name Young Justice because he’d misheard Bart)
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Superboy & Superman
In the comics, as we have established, Clark was dead at the time Superboy first came on the hero scene. Clark comes back to life, during a little bit of a lull in the middle of the huge conflict. He immediately accepts that Superboy is one of four who came forward to try to replace him, and one of the only two (Superboy & Steel) who genuinely only had good intentions in doing so. Clark, Steel, Supergirl, Hal Jordan, and Superboy then all work together in the big battle against the Cyborg Superman.
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Once things are settled, Clark is curious about him, and where he came from and his origin, so they end up going to Cadmus together with Guardian and learning more about him, as I previously mentioned. Once it is established that Superboy is in fact a metahuman clone who was created to mimic Superman, but is not actually a clone of him, Superman still accepts him and thinks he’s earned his right to continue using the ’S’ shield and have the name of Superboy. 
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They part ways so Superboy can go on his press tour, but in general they have pretty positive interactions where they mutually respect each other! Not too much later in the comics even (I forget exaaactly when this happens but it’s definitely before the 1998 Young justice comic), Superman is the first one to give Superboy a real name, “Kon-El”, something he is so happy about he literally cries.
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How is this different in the cartoon? 
When the boys first escaped, and Superboy first meets the Justice League, Clark is standoffish. Other members of the league need to nudge him over to go actually talk to Superboy, and it’s not much of a conversation before he flies off and away, leaving Superboy frustrated and alone.
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This… turns into the standard for almost the entire first season. Other characters constantly telling Clark that he needs to reach out and be support for the boy (like in this iconic diner scene with Bruce and Clark), but Clark consistently being too freaked out by the fact that someone made a clone of him without his knowledge to properly accept Conner. While this does over time get better, this being the immediate reaction when Superboy is brand new in the world definitely… has an impact! 
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He is rejected by the person he idolizes, and feels neglected and abandoned, and definitely kinda overcompensates with ego to try to make up for it. 
In the comics, Superman and Superboy work together from the start, not falling into a hero/sidekick situation but rather acknowledging each other as individual heroes with respect for one another. They grow to see each other as family much faster, and little tension between them. A crucial difference in situations, though, is that at the time these versions first meet Superboy is not actually a clone of Superman.
In the cartoon, Superman at first avoids Superboy, and does not offer guidance or mentorship or anything the boy needs. It is clear that he wants to work with Superman and be like him, since it was what he was created to do. It takes a lot of time for Clark to accept Conner in this setting, and there is a lot of tension for the first several months Conner exists. (they seem to settle this towards the end of season 1/during the gap between season 2, but it still has it’s impact on who Conner is early in his life)
What does this mean?
I feel like this is another major factor that contributes to Conner being so angry all the time in the cartoon, he feels immediately rejected by the person he’s supposed to be someday, rather than accepted by him. Again, very different from how comics Superboy got a chance to be Superman, and a chance to then work with the real deal as equals. 
Friendships, Relationships and Identity
When Superboy is freed by the second Newsboy Legion, it’s primarily out of a ‘we’re clones who are stuck here, but you need to be out there, you’re what Metropolis needs right now!’ kind of idea. The first person he actually becomes close to is a reporter named Tana Moon.
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Tana and Superboy’s relationship is… bad once it actually becomes romantic due to their huge age difference (she’s around 23, he is for all intents and purposes 16), but during the Reign of the Supermen where they’re still just friends for the most part, it’s not as bad. Tana becomes the GBS correspondent who focuses on everything Superboy (at this time still insisting he is the new Superman) is doing as a hero, and they become close friends.
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GBS then also brings in Rex Leech (and his daughter Roxy) to be his agent, to promote Superboy and manage things for him. Rex is exploitative as hell, but Roxy does become another really important person to Superboy. These characters along with Dubbilex are his main supporting cast at the start of his solo comic when he’s in Hawaii.
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In this whole era, Superboy is pretty much a celebrity. He’s cool, he’s a superhero, and I think it’s very notable he does not have a secret Identity. For a decent chunk of time, he is always just ‘Superboy’ (until, as I mentioned earlier, Clark gives him the name Kon-El. Even so, he doesn’t adopt a regular secret identity [Conner Kent, although he actually used a different one, Carl Grummett, before that!] until he begins living with the Kents in the early 2000s). By the time he joins any teams, Kon is pretty damn confident in who he is as a hero and has a relatively good grasp on who he is in general, if anything he’s a little too confident.
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Young Justice was created in the aftermath of World Without Grown Ups when the trio of Superboy, Robin (Tim Drake) and Impulse (Bart Allen) had teamed up. After they saved the day they realized they worked well together and formed their team, utilizing the old Justice League base in Mount Justice. They were eventually joined by more members, especially relevant here is Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark) who Kon later dates for a portion of the Teen Titans run that these four are in after Young Justice ends. 
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The four of them become close, and when Kon dies during Infinite Crisis it rips a hole in everything they had established growing up together over the past several years (Cassie joins a cult dedicated to bringing him back, Tim tries to clone a new Kon, Bart got aged up and took on the mantle of the Flash, etc) and Bart’s death that followed similarly shook the remaining Cassie and Tim. This group eventually does get to reunite, with Kon and Bart coming back during Final Crisis, solidifying how even things like death don’t keep them apart for long. It’s hard to look at the comic book versions of these four characters and imagine how they would be without their connections to each other... until you look at the YJ cartoon and see a world where they’re not even all part of the same generation, let alone a friend group.
Now in the cartoon…
The first people Conner primarily interacts with are Dick, Wally, Kaldur, and M’gann, along with the League members who interact with The Team pretty regularly, Red Tornado, Batman, and Black Canary. He’s shown to be friends with the other memebers of the team and get along with them relatively well, but in general he’s not much of a social person. 
Much like in the comics, Superboy is considered very attractive, and immediately upon their meeting, M’gann is interested in him. Very, very interested in him.
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At first it definitely does seem more just like an innocent crush, but it’s later revealed to be a little more… concerning than that. As in ‘Megan subtlety influencing Superboy to become her dream boyfriend based on a TV show she likes’ concerning. Like… she literally gives him the name ‘Conner’ after the TV show character that was the boyfriend of the character she bases her human self and entire identity on. The two date and once that becomes a thing, a lot of their plot lines in the following seasons revolve around the ups and downs of their relationship.
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In general in this show, Superboy doesn’t really get much of a chance to establish himself on his own terms. Within months of him leaving his cloning pod, he and M’gann start going to high school with secret identities, so he’s already having to hide who he truly is to blend in with other people, before he even knows who he truly is. 
So to compare:
In the comics, Superboy gets to figure out who he is as Superman’s Clone/Superboy very publicly, has multiple love interests and a celebrity status, and over time becomes part of a tight-knit group of friends. He doesn’t use a regular secret identity for the first several years he’s active.
In the cartoon, Superboy has one love interest with a very large impact on him, not nearly as much focus is given to his other friendships, and he immediately adopts a secret identity meaning he needs to hide who he is from the start. 
What it means:
These factors play a big difference in his attitude, particularly highlighting how extroverted his comic version is and how introverted his cartoon version is. Comic Superboy never really needed to hide who he was until years into his career, vs being told to do so early on in his life. When you get used to needing to hide things so early, that can definitely lead to being more private/disconnected from others. Also somewhat related- in the comics, when Kon is given knowledge in his cloning tube, more pop culture got included. He mentions knowing Star Wars without having seen it, and references a ton of TV and Movies, vs the cartoon version of him that seems to have been given a lot of history of the world but not the current fun stuff. It’s the difference between knowing what’s going on in the world and what’s popular, vs only knowing the past and what’s fundamental. Not knowing pop culture like this can also really contribute to feeling alienated and lead to introversion. (I just... I think about how in the comics Kon’s favorite TV show is Wendy The Werewolf Stalker, in the cartoon Conner just... watches white noise static)
Also, having a completely different set of friends with different personalities has a big effect, people are always gonna be influenced by the people they’re close to to some extent. Bumping Conner up to Dick’s generation of heroes instead of Tim’s not only gives him completely different friends, but it also puts him in this position of being one of the ‘Original Team Members’. By this I mean, a member of the first iteration of the only teen team, one of the people that younger heroes coming onto the scene and joining the team in later seasons see as an experienced and older team member to look up to (despite the fact that cartoon Conner is permanently 16- they never fixed that for him like in the comics). That just creates a different dynamic entirely, because in the comics even when the Tim/Kon/Cassie/Bart group are more experienced on their team late in the Teen Titans run, they are still always going to have heroes like Dick Grayson, Donna Troy, Wally West etc as the older generation of ‘original teen heroes’ who came before them.
Also, while I am talking mostly about in-universe reasoning here, I do wanna bring up one slightly more meta reason that might also have contributed to them choosing to go for a more ‘introverted brooding hero’ characterization with him: the fact that their version of Wally already filled the ‘flirty jokey’ archetype original Comics Kon fits into. Having two characters like that in the show from the start would definitely get... overwhelming. And at the time this show was first airing, in the comics, he was relatively devoted to Cassie and not nearly as flirty anymore anyways.
Lex Luthor / Details of Cloning
In the comics, as I have already mentioned and will now actually explain, when Superboy was first introduced he was not the clone of Superman and Lex Luthor as we know him to be today. Kon was a metahuman clone, made with the DNA of Paul Westfield who worked at Cadmus, that they genetically altered to look like Superman, and gave powers based on the energy aura they discovered to exist around Clark’s dead body. This telekinetic field gave Kon the distinct powers he had for his first decade of existence: His Tactile Telekinesis (often referred to by him as TTK)
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Lex Luthor was originally not directly involved in his creation, but he was aware that it was going on as is revealed during the Reign of the Supermen arc. Kon’s TTK allowed him to mimic Superman’s flight and strength, but not all of his powers. TTK also gave him powers Superman DOESN’T have, such as his ability to dismantle machinery or mold materials he is touching into different shapes. (The reason this is called Tactile Telekinesis is because there needs to be a tactile element, he needs to be touching the things) 
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It is not until 2003, a decade after Superboy was created, that writer Geoff Johns in his Teen Titans run decided to alter Superboy’s origin. He established that Lex Luthor had been the real human DNA donor and that Superman’s Kryptonian DNA was actually used in the cloning process. Around this time, Conner also begins to exhibit more of the typical Kryptonian powers, like Clark did around this age. 
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This information is at first only known by Conner and Tim, because the email had actually been sent to Tim directly. The two keep it a secret as Conner was not ready to tell the rest of the team, because he fears the implications it has, and is afraid of becoming evil or being rejected. This revelation about Lex being one of his ‘parents’ DNA-wise coming years into his hero career changes a lot of things for Conner, and makes him begin to question who he is. Unfortunately, Lex does at one point take control of Conner and force him to break Tim’s arm and attack Cassie directly (as well as the rest of the team, but these two specifically are what Conner expresses the most guilt over after the fact). This era of Conner in the comics is where he’s definitely closest to his cartoon counterpart, because he’s very troubled and dealing with a lot of heavy stuff regarding himself as a person. Yet there’s still traces of who he has always been in there. I mean, if you’re only familiar with cartoon Conner, can you really imagine his final words as he’s dying after saving the world being “Isn’t it cool?”
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Now, looking at the cartoon…
Conner finds out about his connection to Lex in November, only a few months after having existed outside of a cloning tube. He finds it out on his own, from Lex speaking to him directly, after Conner went back to investigate the remains of Cadmus and ended up having a fight with Match (another clone who is able to pass for Conner’s duplicate who they… their version of Match is another thing they drastically changed from the comic version but as we’ve established that’s something they like to do so I’m not gonna dwell on it).
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In the cartoon, Conner’s powerset is, from the start, different from both Superman and comic Superboy. Here he has heightened senses and strength and the ability to leap really far, but he lacks actual flight and some of the other standard Kryptonian powers, and has no TTK. The cartoon explains these gaps in his powers as being due to his half human DNA, and they introduce these patches that are able to suppress his human DNA and give him temporary access to full powers. Lex uses these patches as a way to manipulate him. Much like in the comics, Lex has a code word programmed into Conner that effects him, although it isn’t quite used for the same amount of ‘total mind control’, and he doesn’t get fully brainwashed and turn against the team or anything. Instead, the code word (here “Red Sun” rather than “Aut vincere, aut mori” [Translated as “to conquer or die" / "victory or death”]) just leaves him stuck in a hypnotic trance.
In the comics, Kon finds out after years of believing he was a metahuman clone who was given powers to mimic Superman, that he is actually a clone of Lex Luthor and Superman, which alters his entire perspective on himself! This causes him to become a lot more unsure and anxious about who he is, in stark contrast with how confident he was before. There are still traces of his old self within him, but this is a development in his character that influences him moving forward, making him a bit more serious but still at his core the same person he used to be.
In the cartoon, Conner finds out after months of thinking he was a clone of just Superman, that he has half human DNA and the donor was Lex Luthor. While he always had confidence in his abilities, he was still somewhat lost as a person in knowing who he really was outside of things other people have assigned to him (teammate, boyfriend, superhero, etc), and finding out this information about himself just adds to the uncertainty and frustration.
What it means:
Having this struggle be something Conner has to deal with so early in his existence is one of the most fundamental changes in my opinion. Finding out that Lex Luthor is one of your clone parents is something that will alter your entire perception of yourself and who you are! In the comics, Conner had already been confident in who he was so it shakes his world in a really big way, but in the cartoon he still didn’t know who he really was so it just adds to further confusion. 
I think that even with the more serious characterization Kon starts getting in the 2003 Teen TItans run, his history and past as the fun cool 90′s Metropolis Kid isn’t entirely forgotten, it’s still a part of who he is/was. Sure, maybe he’s sometimes even embarrassed by how he used to be, but it’s not treated as though it didn’t happen. All of his history comes together to create the character and who he is by the time he wears just a T shirt as a costume.
By skipping over the fun era of his life and jumping right into who he was when he started facing these huge changes, it creates such a completely different set of challenges for him and that contributes directly to how he’s characterized. 
Putting it all together
The ultimate point I am trying to reach in all of this is that, beyond just ‘they made a writing choice to make him different’ the environment that Superboy was brought into and the events that took place right when he came into the world greatly influenced the type of character he would become. Every time an adaptation is made of something like comics, there are going to be changes and alterations to fit the world the creators want to make. Sometimes these changes are minor and don’t actually change who a character is (an example for the YJ cartoon’s universe itself: In the tie-in comics [issue 6] it’s established in this universe that the Flying Graysons weren’t just Dick and his parents, but other family members were active parts of it too. One was an uncle also named Richard, who actually survived the fall that killed the rest of his family but was left paralyzed and thus unable to care for him. This uncle already used the nickname ‘Rick’ which is likely why Dick ended up using ‘Dick’ as a name in a modern setting even though it has fallen out of popularity as a nickname because uh, connotations. This is something that is mostly unique to their world and helps to explain some things, but it’s not like tragically losing a few more family members changed their version of Dick and his backstory that drastically. At his core, he still has many similarities to his comic self) but they’re still changes, and that’s okay. Superboy, though, is such an extreme case where they made so many changes that at his core he really does become a completely separate character. Sure he has the name and design, but I was able to write five thousand words about differences here and am struggling to come up with more similarities beyond that.
I think there still could be specks of the original Superboy buried inside cartoon Conner, and that maybe he could have been more like his original version under other circumstances. Looking at these differences and where they come from is, I think, a cool way to begin to understand what elements contribute to who each version of Conner Kent really is. I think it’s clear from how I wrote this that I prefer the comic version, but there are definitely things that are fun to look at and think about with both.
if u read all of this UH thanks for listenin to me ramble! sorry if this is incomprehensibe!
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traincat · 3 years
I’ve been trying to piece together a few things from your Twitter and Tumblr posts alike and still can’t make heads or tales of things, so would you mind helping out a FF & spideytorch noob? 1) what is currently happening with Johnny in the comics? (I’ve fallen head over heels for this guy, largely all your doing) 2) when’s the last time he and Peter have interacted, canon wise? (And do you think upcoming interactions are likely?) 3) your thoughts on if they’ll have him come out in the near future? (has that ‘biggest change to the fantastic four’ teaser come to pass yet?) Love all your content, thank you!
I'd say no problem but then I started thinking about this current run again and got a headache. But yes, I can do that to save you from reading it, because it is very largely not good.
So I don't think it's unfair to just flat out say the current Fantastic Four run is not very good, largely due to writer Dan Slott's efforts. Slott was previously on Amazing Spider-Man for 10 years, to mixed opinions, but a large portion of Spider-Man fandom, myself included, blames him near singlehandedly for the decline in quality of Spider-Man books over those ten years. I will say, in the interest of fairness, that Slott as a writer has an incredible fondness for the Spider-Man/Human Torch relationship, and that a lot of the recent teamups and interactions between them have been written or co-written by him. So it's all not all negative here. But in general, I personally find Slott's more recent comics (the last seven-ish years especially) to be badly plotted out, messily characterized disasters that feature characters written with all the emotion of a cardboard cutout. That's me putting it nicely.
To explain this fully, you have to understand the position Fantastic Four comics were in from the years 2015 through 2018, both in the fictional 616 universe and in the real publishing world. Following the 2015 Secret Wars event (great if you want some Johnny angst in the background of your plot), the Fantastic Four were disbanded -- Reed, Sue, and their many biological and found family children were presumed dead but in reality were remaking the multiverse, unable, for a reason that was never clearly defined, to reach home. Ben and Johnny were left on Earth. They had an unspecified falling out, likely due to Reed and Sue's absence, and went their separate ways -- Ben joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and went to space. Johnny was featured on both Inhumans and Avengers books. What's notable about this period is that it's the first time since 1961 that there was no Fantastic Four book being published by Marvel. Now the real world reason behind this is both complicated and extremely petty: Marvel really wanted the Fantastic Four film rights. Marvel denied this explanation at the time, stating that the reason was sales motivated, but it was a thoroughly flimsy excuse and Jonathan Hickman, writer of 2015's Secret Wars and overseer of the current X-Men plot, gave an interview saying the decision was film rights motivated. This decision kept the Fantastic Four books off the shelves for three years, up until the Disney-Fox merger, which secured the X-Men and Fantastic Four rights for Disney's Marvel Studios. Marvel then announced that the Fantastic Four book would be returning. So that's a little bit of background as to the precarious place the Fantastic Four currently occupy in the Marvel universe -- it's worth noting that this year is their 60th anniversary, and Marvel has done very little for it. Compare this to the X-Men, whose film rights Marvel also obtained during the Disney-Fox merger, and whose books are currently dominating the publishing lineup. The Fantastic Four definitely occupy an unpopular position, one Marvel themselves is at least partially responsible for forcing them into.
But to move back into the actual content of the book -- the readjustment period Slott wrote reintroducing the Fantastic Four into the Marvel universe can be described as clumsy, at best. It's never fully explained why Reed, Sue, and the kids couldn't return to Earth, something that was explored in Chip Zdarsky's 2017 Marvel Two-in-One, which featured Ben, Johnny, and Doom on a multiversal roadtrip to try and find their family and which I on the whole recommend, despite it having an awkward ending due to being cut short by Slott's announced Fantastic Four main title.
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(Marvel Two-in-One 2017 #4)
Instead, the Fantastic Four return to a Marvel universe a little different than how they left it, with the Baxter Building -- formerly the offices of Parker Industries, the company Doc Ock started in Peter's body during Superior Spider-Man that Peter inherited after his defeat and then lost spectacularly when he trashed his own company to fight nazis (good for him) -- occupied by a different fantastic foursome in a plot that goes nowhere and does nothing. This is somewhat emblematic of the early days of Slott's run -- he introduces ideas that fail to go anywhere, including Johnny's rekindled relationship with his other best friend and former college roommate, Wyatt Wingfoot, who he was seen being very cuddly with in the early issues.
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(FF 2018 #1) A small group of Fantastic Four fans have argued for a while that if Marvel was to have Johnny come out, a relationship with Wyatt would feel very natural -- they're already close, with Wyatt being an important Fantastic Four supporting character since the '60s. I have some further analysis here on the conspiracy theory that Johnny and Wyatt were supposed to be in relationship at the beginning of this run but that that plot was, for whatever reason, nixed. I don't know that I entirely believe this theory, for the record -- but I do think the pieces line up remarkably well.
Anyway, that didn't/hasn't yet happened, obviously. Slott instead for the most part put Johnny on the back burner for the beginning of his run, up until the Spyre arc, which I have reason to believe is the main story he pitched that he credits with securing him the Fantastic Four title. The Spyre arc suggests that the Fantastic Four's failed space exploration during which they got their powers wasn't just to beat the commies to the moon, as Lee and Kirby envisioned (simpler days), but to reach a specific planet outside of our galaxy. When the team sets out to conquer this mission, they arrive at the planet, but are quickly captured. The planet, they find out, operates like a soulmate AU -- everyone has a fated person that they are matched to via a gold armband. Reed and Sue are soulmates (and Ben is confined to an underground subterranean with the other monsters, because this is a Fantastic Four comic) while it's discovered! Shocker! That Johnny is actually the soulmate of the one the planet's inhabitants, a winged woman named Sky, with the suggestion that this is both why Johnny's previous relationships have never worked and why he loves space exploration -- he was just trying to get to his Soulmate TM.
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(FF 2018 #15) "What's going on here? Where are my clothes?" As you can see, this didn't start off super great, with Johnny being separated from his family, stripped naked, and put in Sky's bed with a soulmate armband slapped on him. Did I mention they're only removable if your soulmate takes it off for you? And that Sky has consistently refused despite Johnny asking her to? Yeah. It's bad. (I think it's important to note Johnny's long history as a victim of assault plays into this narrative, whether or not Slott is personally holding that in mind while writing, which I don't believe he is. cw in the linked post for discussions of sexual assault.) There's an additional issue here in that Slott has a history of problematic writing regarding women of color, featuring characters he's created to act as love interests being oversexualized, infantilized, villainized, or some mix of all three, with two examples of this phenomena being Cindy Moon and Lian Tang, both of whom he introduced in quick succession in Amazing Spider-Man. Slott certainly didn't have to write Sky as manipulative or controlling towards Johnny, but that's what he chose to do, and that factors into the bigger picture of unfortunate themes in his writing.
Sky returns to Earth with the Fantastic Four despite Johnny appearing unenthused about the idea and initially generally reluctant to interact with her. Apparently they went on a few dates after this and kind of made up. I don't know because I stopped reading for about ten issues in there but I feel confident I missed very little. It's hard to talk about the Sky plot without referencing Johnny's previous interactions with a character named Lyja, a Skrull whose relationship to Johnny I have a long breakdown of here. It's doubly hard, because Lyja actually showed back up in Fantastic Four during this plot. Lyja's modus operandi has remained consistent throughout almost all of her appearances, which I guess makes sense, because she literally has no storylines that do not involve her being obsessed with Johnny, and this recent story isn't any different: Lyja shows up, Lyja disguises herself as another woman in Johnny's life to get close to Johnny, Lyja gets caught and claims it was all fine because she did it for love. This time she disguised herself as Sky.
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(FF 2018 #32) Not gonna lie, kind of proud of him for this one. That's one of my problems with Slott -- very occasionally, he busts out good moments, only to undermine them with the rest of his narrative.
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In the same issue, Alicia Masters, the first woman Lyja impersonated in order to get close to Johnny, uses her supervillain stepfather's radioactive clay to control Lyja's mind and send her back to space, and I do think she utilized girl power when she did this. Johnny, left reeling after Lyja's latest attempts to trick him into a relationship, ends this issue by sleeping with Victorious, Dr. Doom's right hand woman.
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I know she pegged him. I know it. This scene was a little controversial in Johnny fandom, because a lot of people viewed it as Johnny cheating on Sky and thought that that action was out of character for Johnny. I'm personally of a little different opinion, which is that regardless of whether or not you view Johnny and Sky in a committed enough relationship that Johnny's tryst would count as infidelity when all Johnny and Sky are bound by are magic plot soulmate bracelets, I think Lyja's involvement changes things significantly when it comes to Johnny's characterization. All of Johnny's "playboy" periods, if we can call them that, coincide directly with Lyja having been in and then left his life again, which I think makes a certain amount of sense -- it's Johnny trying to wrest control back after a situation where he had none. None of this is explicitly canon, I have to note, but sometimes in comics you have to do the work yourself. So I think this is a case of something being accidentally extremely in character that Slott accidentally stumbled into because he had these love triangles in mind, not because he put a lot of thought into it.
Speaking of love triangles! Johnny sleeping with Victorious gets more complicated when Dr. Doom announces his intent to marry Victorious -- not because he has any romantic interest in her (this engagement caused a lot of uproar in Fantastic Four because Victorious had been previously referred to as being like Doom's adopted daughter) but in order to install her as Latverian regent in his absence. I'm not going to lie, I love a political wedding. Victorious, for some reason, thinks Doom will be deeply upset that she slept with some closeted blond twink and the member of the Fantastic Four he views least as an enemy and more as an annoyance. Johnny, who Sky is currently not talking to because she "felt" him sleeping with Victorious through their magic plot soulmate bracelets, also feels nervous about Doom finding out about this, which I guess is slightly more valid. Anyway, for some completely ridiculous reason, Victorious decides the best time to tell Doom about this little indiscretion is when they're standing at the altar, which coincidentally the Fantastic Four are also standing at, because Doom asked Reed to be his best man in a not at all homoerotic little setup involving midnight swordfighting and Reed slipping Doom's emerald ring onto his own finger. Sorry to sidetrack into DoomReed territory here but it's just like. It's just a lot.
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(FF 2018 #33) Also, Ben walked the bride down the aisle. :,) Look at his gigantic hand.
Anyway then Doom decides he's going to kill everyone in a completely reasonable and not at all overblown reaction to Johnny and Zora having what was most likely both disappointing for Zora and weepy for Johnny sex. And that brings us up to where Fantastic Four comics left us yesterday -- in answer to your "big change" question, that's most likely coming up in the next issue, so it hasn't come to pass yet.
Having gotten all that out of the way -- the last time Johnny and Peter interacted canon-wise was in the recent Empyre Fallout Fantastic Four, at the end of the Empyre event:
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It was cute! Slott does right good interactions between them. This is possibly the Stockholm Syndrome talking. I don't know if more interactions are likely imminent -- the Empyre event was fairly recent. On the other hand, Slott does like writing interactions between them. So I'd give it about a 50/50 shot. I was skimming the letter page in the latest issue and someone wrote in asking if Peter was likely to appear in the pages of Fantastic Four again any time soon, so there is definitely a demand.
As for Johnny coming out -- I don't know. It's not a call I feel comfortable making at this moment, which I guess means I wouldn't bet money on it. I'd like to say yes, especially because I think Slott set up, whether that was his intention or more likely not, several good places in his run where Johnny could have come out. The beginning, when he's implied to be living with Wyatt again and where he and Wyatt are paralleled against Ben and Alicia. Ben's bachelor party, where Johnny laments not finding the right person -- specifically person and not woman -- and where Ben tells him to "be brave, Johnny Storm." And the soulmate planet plot, where I think could have had a very different and much better ending if Johnny had told Sky that she couldn't be his romantic soulmate, because he knows he wants to be with a man. But those are just places that I think would have made good opportunities for a coming out story. Instead, Johnny's been involved (dubiously) with three different women over the space of the last 10 issues, which is more heterosexuality at one time than he's been confronted with in the last 60 years. So my thoughts are still that it's going to happen eventually, but quite possibly not anytime soon.
Hope that helps! And that my incredibly long answer about what's currently going on with Johnny in comics sheds some light on things!
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five-rivers · 3 years
Danger First
Chapter 4
Hiya @pocketramblr
While the other ghosts watched poor Izuku more and more, Yoichi gathered a pile of pillows and beanbags, and a small container of popcorn, then dropped unceremoniously onto the pile, ready to watch a bunch of teens beat the tar out of each other. En noticed this, glanced at him, and did a double-take.
"Since when do you have popcorn? How do you have popcorn? Where did you get it? Have you been holding out on me? Can I have some? I'll fight you!"
"Uh... it isn't real," said Yoichi.
"Neither are we!"
"No, I mean, you can't taste it. Or smell it. It's just a construct. For the aesthetic." Something none of them really bothered with, lately, but Yoichi wanted to put the effort in for Izuku. Even if Izuku probably would never be aware of it.
"But... popcorn..."
"Shhh! It's starting!"
The first round was Kouda and Satou vs Yaoyorzu and Kirishima.
If he had to guess, he'd say Yaoyorozu and Kirishima would win. Yaoyorozu's quirk was perfect for setting up quick and simple barriers and traps, and Kirishima's was good for defense as well.
That wasn't to say Kouda and Satou couldn't win as well... Satou had what seemed to be a fairly powerful strength enhancer, perfect for ripping through hastily constructed defenses, and Izuku didn't know if Kirishima would be able to completely counter him.
Izuku also wasn't entirely sure what Kouda's quirk was. His first guess would have been a physical mutation, given his appearance, but thinking back, it didn't seem like he'd used anything like that during the quirk assessment, so those features were most likely vestigial, like Izuku's hair color, which suggested a less physical quirk. It had to be something that could be applied in combat against robots, though. Izuku was the only one who'd passed without villain points.
So, it could go either way.
He could continue to analyze, but his attention was drawn back to the team he'd be facing. Hagakure and Monoma.
A blush rose up in his cheeks. It had to be Hagakure. He still hadn't apologized for running into her during the entrance exam. Hand to hand against her was going to be tough- he could only hope the support department had given her an invisible costume, and she wasn't... well... uncostumed. Again.
But, beyond that, not being able to see her would be a problem. She could get to the fake bomb without him even noticing.
Monoma would be a challenge, too. Given the number of pocket watches on his costume, Izuku suspected he had a time limit for how long he could copy a quirk. But he had no idea how long that could be, and it could be misdirection, too. Izuku certainly wouldn't want to telegraph a weakness like that if he had that kind of quirk.
Another option could be that he could only hold one quirk copy at a time. That'd be trickier for Izuku to deal with. Either way, he doubted Monoma could permanently hold an unlimited number of quirk copies. Monoma's personality was all wrong for that, and he didn't have Iida's engines anymore- unless he could choose to dump quirks? But why would he do that? Izuku's (formerly) quirkless sensibilities rebelled against the very thought.
He was overthinking this. He'd have to assume that Monoma could come at him with any quirk in the class. So. What would be the most inconvenient? All Might's, except Izuku had All Might's, and Monoma wasn't able to use it.
(Oh, and that could be a problem, couldn't it? Could Monoma be able to tell All Might didn't have a quirk anymore?)
Well, judging from what he was seeing right now, Izuku really didn't want him to take Yaoyorozu's quirk. It was sort of terrifying.
Other scary ones would be Todoroki (he'd launched that ball with a glacier) and Tokoyami (a sentient quirk! So cool!) but he thought Monoma would avoid Shouji and Asui (full body mutations). Other than that... Monoma would probably wait and see who did the best, or which quirk would work best with Hagakure's.
He'd have to take Hagakure's quirk into account, too. What if they both came at him invisibly (and naked)? Izuku would die...
Each battle lasted for up to fifteen minutes, not counting the ten minutes the villain team had to set up. That's how long Izuku had to defend the fake bomb. As the defender, Izuku had another handicap. He only had to fail once to fail entirely...
No. Stop that. This was a school exercise, and All Might wasn't going to expell him. Losing would suck, but he'd be together with half the class on that front. The important thing was learning from the experience. And not getting too hurt.
Right. He returned his gaze to the screen as the match started.
"We're a sentient quirk, too," said Banjo. "Aren't we cool?"
"He doesn't know we're sentient, though," said Yoichi. "Also, he spent like two months straight gushing about how cool One for All was when we were with Eighth. Didn't you get enough?"
Banjo sulked. "It isn't the same."
"Speaking of Monoma," said En, "why didn't you slap his little grabby hands away from One for All yesterday?"
"Because a late bloomer is one thing, but someone confirmed not to have a quirk suddenly having bone-breaking super strength? Yeah. No. Yagi might have beaten my brother, but that doesn't mean everyone who worked for him is gone. Eight never knew about Garaki at all."
"Way to bring down the mood, En," said Banjo, elbowing the younger ghost.
"The mood was already brought down by the fake popcorn."
Izuku wrote furiously in his notebook, trying to record every detail of the match. He pulled one of his gloves off with his teeth to get a better grip on his pencil. He'd need to practice writing with gloves on. He was missing important notes. Speaking of which...
"Can we get copies of these recordings?"
"You should be able to access them through your Ultra Account on the school website!"
Izuku nodded and continued writing. As expected, Kirishima and Satou had gotten into a one on one fight down the hallway from the bomb room. Unexpectedly, however, they had seemed rather hesitant to hit each other. At least, until Satou dumped a packet of white powder (sugar according to All Might) into his mouth and started smacking at Kirishima indiscriminately. Kouda, meanwhile, had sent a small army of mice (animal control! Very cool) at Yaoyorozu, who had responded with mousetraps.
The clock ran out, to the villains' victory.
"It was surprisingly hard to hit someone," admitted Kirishima in the debrief.
"We've been socialized to avoid violence," said All Might, nodding. "Overcoming that hesitation is part of our training. As is when not to use force."
Next up were Kaminari and Sero vs Aoyama and Jirou.
Kaminari entered the building first, quickly engaging Aoyama, who had been directed towards Kaminari by Jirou. That fight got loud quickly. Sero, meanwhile, scaled the outside of the building with his tape.
Kaminari ultimately defeated himself with his own quirk (that was a pretty severe drawback- maybe Kaminari should consider other fighting styles?), which allowed Jirou to hear Sero climbing up the wall. But Aoyama couldn't get back fast enough to prevent Jirou from being captured by Sero.
"I think Kaminari was the MVP," said Izuku. "He did hurt himself, which was bad, but his sacrifice allowed his teammate to safely reach the objective. If he hadn't, um, shorted out...? It would have been better, of course, but..."
Yaoyorozu shook her head. "Sero managed to capture one of the villains and safely reach the bomb. Additionally, he's the one who came up with the plan of attack."
"Ah," said Izuku, "that's- that's true..."
"Regardless, it is a plan that only bore fruit due to teamwork! Excellent work! Jirou, Aoyama, your division of labor was also a good plan, but don't forget the enemies you don't see! Time for our next match!"
This time, Asui and Tokoyami were defending against Todoroki and Uraraka.
"Good luck," Izuku said, waving slightly to Uraraka.
"Thanks!" She gave him two thumbs up as she trailed slightly behind Todoroki. "So," she said, as they walked out through the door, "how are we doing-?"
The door closed. Izuku winced. Surely, they had strategized beforehand...
"Young Todoroki," said All Might, somewhat sternly, "you... that was certainly an impressive display, but even when dealing with real villains, a hero has to be conscious of the damage they may do. A large number of villains are only minor criminals, or even otherwise ordinary citizens having a bad day."
"That's not what the media says," mumbled Todoroki, though he looked pale as medi-bots carried Asui from the scene.
"The media is full of sensationalists. And even if it weren't, Asui isn't a real villain. There is a difference," he said, very gently, "between going beyond and going too far."
All Might paused. Todoroki hunched his shoulders. There was something familiar about his posture, something that made Izuku's stomach knot.
All Might continued. "It was a good strategy. Against another team, or against real villains, it would have been a more than appropriate strategy. In fact, it was even an appropriate strategy in this case, since you didn't know Asui had trouble with cold temperatures. But when you encountered her in the hall and noticed how poorly she was doing, you should have hit the emergency stop button."
Instead of laying down mode ice when Asui struggled to get free, which was what actually happened.
"Why didn't you stop the match?" He didn't sound accusatory. Just flat and resigned.
All Might made a face and gestured to the screens on the wall. About half of them showed static and the rest blurry shades of white and gray. Like the rest of the building, they had been iced over.
Todoroki sighed. "How much trouble am I in?"
"You aren't," replied All Might. "In trouble, that is. As your teacher, this is entirely my responsibility. I shouldn't have set you against Asui or should have gone over safety concerns more clearly..." All Might paused, his face that of someone who knew they weren't getting their point across but didn't quite know what the problem was. "Injuries are inevitable in heroics and hero training, but you don't want to maim your classmates. Or minor villains, really, if you can help it. So... consider this a learning moment."
"But it was just ice," said Kaminari.
"Cold kills people frequently," said All Might. "People lose fingers and toes to frostbite regularly. Again, for anyone but Asui, this level of ice for such a short time period wouldn't have caused lasting damage, but it is something to be mindful of. Does... that make sense, young Todoroki?"
"Yes," said Todoroki, head bowed.
"All right. Young Uraraka, thank you for hitting the emergency stop button. It showed good thinking and good awareness. Young Tokoyami, your decision to hide the bomb in the basement was a good one, complimentary to your quirk."
Izuku glanced over at Monoma. He had a sinking suspicion he knew what quirk he would copy.
After moving to a new building, Iida and Ashido managed to pull a win as heroes from Ojiro and Shouji by melting a hole in the ceiling above the bomb and then jumping through to tag it after Iida confirmed its location with a scouting run. The general consensus of the class was that it was surprisingly clever and out of the box, but that it probably wouldn't have been feasible in real life. Ashido had then sheepishly admitted that she'd come up with the idea after hearing Izuku mumble about it.
This, of course, made Izuku blush. Strawberry would probably bee his nickname from now on.
Better than Deku.
It was his turn to go set up, now.
He was unlikely to be able to beat Hagakure and Monoma at the same time, even if Monoma didn't copy any quirks at all. Assuming they didn't split up, a ridiculous course of action, he'd have to find a way to protect the bomb other than physically defending it.
This was the problem that had been plaguing him all afternoon.
He had to hide it. Then, he either had to hide himself or use his location to steer them away from where the bomb really was. His capture would also lose him the match, so he had to be careful.
He carried the bomb to the top floor. Uraraka's quirk could get them up there, but Izuku didn't think Monoma could handle the nausea. And if he did have a time limit, he wouldn't want to be airborne when it ran out. Sero had demonstrated his quirk could get him up the side of the building, but that had clearly also required a lot of skill in climbing, not just the quirk itself.
Iida's quirk would get Monoma to the top of the building fast, but since he'd have to go room by room... Either way, the top floor would slow them down the most, buy Izuku the most time.
The room he picked was full of prop boxes. Izuku had to rearrange them to completely hide the bomb, and there was a chance Monoma and Hagakure would remember what it looked like before, from the camera feeds, but he hoped they'd overlook it.
He still had time. Next...
The second floor had office equipment in it. Clearly old junk the school didn't mind loosing. Izuku pulled as much of it out into the hallway as he could, his experience from the beach helping him maneuver quickly. He dumped a lot of it into the stairwell. The rest he left in the hallways.
How much time did he have?
Not long.
He ran up the stairs, to the fourth floor, where Ashido had melted a hole in the floor. Here, he had multiple egress points. It would be harder for them to corner him. Also...
He randomly closed half the doors on the floor. He could pretend to be guarding one of them. Delay them. How much longer?
No time at all.
Right on schedule, the air went dry and cold. Izuku, having planned for this, leapt for one of the door frames and held on. A thin layer of ice, not as thick as the one on the floor, crusted over his gloved fingers.
Izuku counted to five, then let his hands slip out of his gloves and dropped to the floor. Then he reached up and tugged his now empty gloves out of the ice.
He inspected the ice momentarily, and tested his ability to move on it. It wasn't as even or as thick as it had been when Todoroki used it, and the surface was a difficult and unpredictable mixture of smooth and rough... but it would become slicker as it melted.
Good. Izuku had predicted this. It made his closed doors and stacked boxes much more formidable obstacles. The ice wouldn't allow doors to open easily, and the boxes would also be reinforced and hard to move.
Izuku was glad for the conversation All Might had with Todoroki. Although it probably hadn't been his intention, the way he had phrased his commentary on Todoroki's freezing strategy had made it seem like an automatic win, given that it wasn't used against someone who'd be seriously injured by it.
Izuku hadn't been sure they'd do it, since it would handicap Hagakure so much. She couldn't walk around on ice barefoot. Unless she had a secondary mutation that made her skin tougher, or less sensitive to temperature- that would be so cool! No, focus, focus.
Monoma wouldn't have Iida's quirk, either with this strategy. Even if was unfamiliar with speed quirks, he would know that high speeds and ice didn't mix... Unless you were a speed skater, Izuku supposed. But Monoma didn't have ice skates- Unless, unless he took Yaoyorozu's quirk and made ice skates. But that would be horribly impractical with this uneven ice, and probably wouldn't work with Iida's quirk at all. So.
He'd probably have Yaoyorozu's quirk anyway. And after that, for this exercise, Jirou's would be the most valuable. With Jirou's quirk, Monoma would be able to locate Izuku quickly.
Another reason to separate himself from the bomb.
They were coming.
He hid himself out of immediate sight, in the room with the hole, on the off chance that Monoma couldn't hold that many quirks.
There was a clatter from the stairwell.
They were coming.
Muffled voices. A louder thump.
"Maybe if you hadn't frozen everything-"
A sort of fwoosh brought an oddly warm breeze and Izuku hissed. Todoroki's quirk must be more than ice. Given his overall appearance... Fire? Izuku was screwed.
Well. Hopefully his precautions would at least get him a good grade.
There were more scrapes and clatters as Hagakure and Monoma forced their way through the stairwell. Then, relative silence.
They were coming.
"I thought you said he was on this floor," said Hagakure, plaintively.
"He must have gotten free," said Monoma.
"Can't you listen for him again?"
There was a pause. Monoma must have responded nonverbally.
"We'll just have to be careful checking everything out," said Hagakure. "The bomb must be on this floor, after all."
Okay. Okay, great, this was good news for Izuku. He eyed the hole in the floor. Part of him really didn't want to jump through. His brain was supplying him with all the things that could go wrong with such a jump. Especially with the layer of ice. Ugh, he should have dragged one of the office desks up underneath it.
Too late now.
Minding his visibility, Izuku crept over to the side of the hole and lowered himself until he was hanging by his finger tips.
It was still a long fall. Monoma and Hagakure's footsteps were growing closer.
He let go.
He tried to hit the ground properly, but his roll turned into a slide, and he hit a wall at a higher speed than he would have liked. Reflexively he grabbed at his left arm. Ow.
He knew this was going to happen.
"He's on the third floor!"
"He jumped through Ashido's hole!"
Izuku forced himself to his feet and sprinted towards the stairs. The second floor had more hiding places than the third. At the last minute, something twinged in the back of his mind, and he tried to stop. Tried. The ice made this difficult.
His legs went out from underneath him, and he went skidding down the hallway on his back, taking a mercifully, mercifully, clothed Hagakure out at the ankles. They slid together into the bottom of the stairs descending from the fourth floor, further battering Izuku's poor arm.
He dodged Hagakure's capture tape and briefly considered pulling out his own, but there was Monoma, cautiously coming down the icy stairs.
Icy stairs.
It seemed neither Izuku nor Monoma had fully considered the obstacles that would result from coating a building like this in ice. Todoroki's ability to maneuver easily on this terrain was, in retrospect, a keystone of the 'freeze everything' strategy, not incidental.
He needed to get away.
He pushed Hagakure off of himself (and noted that she was just as muscular as he was) and slid on his knees to the banister. He pulled himself up and slid down the rail, using the ice to his benefit. Using his uninjured arm, he gripped the end of the banister connected to the wall to slingshot himself down the second floor hallway.
... and almost right into a desk he'd half forgotten he'd put there. He dodged it and recovered quickly before scrambling over the other obstacles in the hallway. He came to a scraping halt and tucked himself into the leg well of one of the desks. A convenient bar meant he could keep his feet off the ground and out of sight as well.
Just like hiding from bullies. Only less dangerous and more fun.
How much time was left?
It had taken them about five minutes to get past the desks on the stairs, then maybe two or three to get to the fourth floor? They hadn't been moving quickly, probably because of the ice. Then, they'd been on the fourth floor for another couple of minutes before Izuku dropped to the third, even if it had felt longer to Izuku. The tussle on the third had taken a minute, tops, so he had... Four minutes left? Less, now.
He could win this. He could run out the clock. Maybe it wasn't the most heroic way to win, but he was supposed to be playing the villain, and he hoped Mr. Yagi would be proud of him anyway.
"Show yourself!" called Monoma. "Or I'll freeze you out."
Could he do that? Maybe he had Jirou's quirk at first, but switched to Todoroki's later, and lost access to Jirou's? If only he knew more about how Monoma's quirk worked... It could be a bluff, too. Even if it wasn't, why would he reveal himself? This late in the game, even if he was frozen in place, he could still win.
And winning... it wasn't something he got to do very often.
A buzz signaled the end of the match. "Villains win! Or, rather villain wins? Good job everyone! Come on out for the final debrief."
"MVP, MVP, MVP," chanted Yoichi, Banjo, and En, arms slung around each others' shoulders.
"Our boy is MVP!" cried Banjo.
"You know what this means, of course," said Hikage during a pause in the noise. The other ghosts looked at him. "It means, my quirk is the most valuable. The greatest power in the universe is the power of anxiety."
"Take that back!" said Yoichu, throwing an imaginary kazoo at Hikage. "The most powerful thing in the universe is the power of friendship. Everyone knows that!"
"What about those two?" asked Hikage, pointing at Second and Third.
"Unfortunately, the power of spite is also great," said Yoichi. "Even so, they will soon find themselves defeated."
Nana rubbed her temples. "If I hadn't given up on sanity within ten minutes of waking up in here, this would be what did me in."
After an intense practical, the next stop was the nurse's office. There, the class found Asui already mostly recovered, and Izuku found out that he had, in fact broken his arm.
"Are you sure it isn't just a sprain? It is broken?"
"A fracture, and, yes, quite sure. But a sprain can actually be worse than a break- many true sprains never quite heal correctly... either way, with my quirk you don't have to worry about it." She pressed her lips to Izuku's forehead. He felt his energy ebb to a new low. "You should talk to Mr. Aizawa about falling techniques. Your body type is more like his than your other mentor's."
"I- I will," promised Izuku.
"Good. You can go get changed, now."
"Thanks," said Izuku, not quite wobbling out of the room.
He almost jumped out of his skin. "A-ah! Uraraka!"
"Sorry to startle you!"
"No, no, it's fine. What is it?"
"Oh, well, Iida and I were wondering if you'd like to come out with use to a café after school? It's nearby and apparently it has discounts for UA students?"
"Indeed! My older brother talked about it frequently when he was a student here!"
"W-well," said Izuku. He looked at All Might, who was awkwardly supervising and directing other students in the hallway to the locker rooms. All Might caught his eye and nodded. "Sure! That sounds like fun!"
This would be the last time Shouta would have to nap after school for a while. From tomorrow on, he'd be alternating quirk counseling with Midoriya with hero work. Why did he agree to do this again?
Kan opened the door to the break room. With him came the acrid smell of smoke and hot dust. "Which companies did the first year costumes this year?" he asked, voice dangerously soft enough to impress Aizawa.
"Why?" asked Hizashi.
"Because I want to... talk to whoever thought it was a good idea to give a fifteen-year-old with no training in demolition not one, but two weapons that could level buildings at full charge. I just want to talk."
Judging by the expression on Kan's face, Shouta seriously doubted that.
Kan took a deep breath. "What about your hellions?"
"Don't know. Yagi had them today."
"And you didn't watch?"
"I was in court."
"What's wrong with Yagi, anyway?"
Shouta, Hizashi, and Kan all turned to where Yagi was splayed in a chair. If the scene were a painting, it could easily be titled 'depression.'
"I'm a failure as a teacher and a hero," he moaned.
"Huh?" said Hizashi. "Why?"
"Young Asui nearly became hypothermic, and young Midoriya fractured his arm."
There was a beat of silence as the others waited for him to go on.
"What?" Kan asked. "Is that it?"
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (September 14th-September 27th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Oblivio Sentimonster
tbh at this point, we might as well just go, “more akuma-turned-sentimonster.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Alya don't learn anything from her experience as Scarabella
*sees “Simpleman” trailer*
Welp, we have a DNB before the episode is out (two technically because I’ve predicted Marinette with all four kids for like--ever).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow:
Marinette will at some point get akumatised and become even more OP than Chat Blanc and create a whole universe with life and diversity and desires to live in there with no crushing responsibilities, but it will be portrayed as a bad, bad thing and we will have to torment ourselves by seeing Adrien and the other heroes ignoring the fact that their "most beloved friend/romantic interest" is mentally broken and they will keep telling her to go to "sweet baby Adrien" to have a family with.
Naturally, Luka will act either OOC or will be "miraculous"-ly absent, if not disappear from the show altogether at that point so Marinette won't even have a chance to be comforted by an actually good friend.
I call dibs on this ending.
The way they’d spin is probably that Marinette is being selfish wanting to live in her “own little world” and she’s not thinking about everyone else.
This would also probably be another case of the whole “it wasn’t your fault you were akumatized, it was Hawk Moth” thing being through completely out the window because it’s Marinette’s fault, you guys.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien learns his father is Hawk/Shadowmoth and justifies not telling Ladybug because 'She's keeping secrets from me, too!'  This is presented as perfectly valid and understandable reasoning.  Bonus if there is no acknowledgement of the fact he is keeping this information from everybody else beyond blaming Ladybug for THAT, too.
I hate that this makes sense because he WOULD be that petty.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien/Chat Noir will continue down the path of unnecessary roughness and violence.  By the time he switches sides and joins the villains for whatever bullshit reason they try to blame on Marinette/Ladybug, his behavior will have degraded so far that he was already acting overtly villainous while he was ostensibly still on the heroes' side.  This is never acknowledged beyond some oblique comments about how Ladybug should have noticed how unhappy he was and bent over backwards to fix it.
That’s what she gets for nOt aPpReCiAtInG hIm eNouGh.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Adrien's spitefulness and/or screwing around as a nominal superhero explicitly causes civilian casualties that are only reversed by Ladybug's cure.  Marinette blames herself for their deaths; so does the narrative.  Tikki, Alya, and others act as the writers' mouthpieces to berate and blame Mari for her failures, despite her being the only reason that Adrien's victims aren't STILL dead.  (Bonus if the same 'logic' is applied to Shadowmoth's victims.)
Well SHE’S the one with Miraculous Cure, so clearly--
Anonymous asked:
DNB: It's eventually revealed that Adrien is directly responsible for the heroes having to continue fighting Hawkmoth/his implied successor well into their adult lives; while Gabriel is ultimately dealt with during the series' run, Adrien isn't willing to give up his 'heroic' lifestyle, and ensures that the Butterfly Brooch ends up in Lila/somebody else's hands.  Bonus if their reasoning for blaming Marinette is that a Reveal hadn't happened yet and Adrien 'didn't want to lose her, waaaah...'
And of course they’ll make him look sympathetic because he didn’t want to rat out of his father (if he’d been the one to see the reveal and no one else)!! Can you blame him???
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The concept of getting therapy/psychological help and support is mocked through an akuma lampooning the concept.  This stems from the writers getting spiteful/annoyed by so many observations from the fandom about how badly most of the cast needs some form of psychological aid, with the episode supposedly 'proving' that it's not needed/would only hamper the heroes more than help them.
Because a therapist would’ve told Marinette to dropkick Chat into the void.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: If SentiAdrien is a thing, Felix winds up as a body backup drive so the series can have the Angstrese of SentiAdrien being destroyed without permakilling their golden boy.  The horrifying implications of Felix's fate are completely glossed over; who cares what happened to his mind/personality/soul so long as Adrien's okay?
oh my god what if Astruc brags that this is why Felix’s model is a copy of Adrien’s and that this is a reference to how Adrien replaced Felix during the making of Miraculous
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Simpleman" will be basically "Reverser" 2.0 (very cringe scenes of Ladybug and Chat Noir being rendered useless by Akuma of the Week will be depicted as hilarious)
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Now that Kagami is on the Adrienette train she'll drag Luka on board with her. Then they'll think of schemes to get them together and meanwhile fall in love with each other and O Fortuna, I need some Pepto now. *GAG*
Single people aren’t allowed to exist unless Astruc can claim they’re aro/ace.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Post-Reveal, Adrien will reject Marinette while accusing her of only being interested because he's Adrien.  The fact that he only wanted her because she was LADYBUG is never addressed, retconned, or denied outright, expecting the viewers to ignore all evidence of his obsessive/controlling behavior.  Marinette must then pursue and 'prove herself worthy' of his love in a semi-reversal, with Adrien remaining a manipulative douchenozzle the whole time.
*flashbacks to comics that existed all the way back in Season 1 about Adrien rejecting Marinette because he “””loved both sides of her””” but she didn’t love Chat Noir*
Anonymous asked:
DNB: Marinette will be given little to no heads up that Alya was dropping off her and Ninos siblings.
I imagine we won’t get confirmation on that.
(though also “Rocketear” seems to confirm that Nino is just impulsive about asking Alya on dates sooooo)
Anonymous asked:
For simpleman, we don’t need burrow to know Marinette will regress into season 1 tendencies.
Okay but Season 1 would be better than this.
Anonymous asked:
Don’t need burrow to know the kids will either not be scolded for how they acted or not be changed by any scoldings in their next appearance (bonus if they’re even praised for something along the lines of “saving paris”)
*”The Puppeteer” and “Christmaster” flashbacks*
Anonymous asked:
I just realized another episode comes out in like an hour so I think my DNB is that rolands charm will look very similar to the mayors. Sorry if it’s lame but that’s all I know rn from his late costume
There’s a joke in here somewhere about “all old man charms look the same!!”
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realcube · 3 years
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part one (nsfw) | part two 
tw// mentions of toxic relationships, drinking & mention of a bombing
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honestly, if you were given enough time you probably could’ve figured it out on your own — without the assistance of a psychiatrist — but exactly one appointment later, you were left with the disheartening realisation that you weren’t having ‘bad dreams’ and the marks on your body weren’t inflicted by yourself during slumber. eventually, the fact set in that it was your sweet, gentle fiancée who was the cause of all these things. 
this whole time, you were under the impression that you were the problem, that there was a malicious part of you that wanted to paint deku out to be some sort of villain; and now you were finally made aware that a villain is exactly what he is. 
it was a hard conclusion to come to but the initial wave of relief you felt was enough to make you act on it quickly, as the more you waited around and let the fact sink in, the more you doubted whether or not to take action. but reasoning isn’t what you need right now, you just need to get away from him. 
where will you go? you had no idea, but any where away from him is good enough. 
midoriya didn’t even get enough time to try fill your head with even more lies. you came marching into the apartment with the intention of ignoring everything he says and simply pack your stuff so you can leave. no matter how much he screamed, begged or yelled, it was like trying to hold a conversation with a brick wall hence he eventually gave in, leaving you to collect your things in peace as there was clearly no way he was going to get through to you. 
you left without another word — not even a goodbye — and you were sure to sneak your engagement ring out with you. although it made you sick to look at, realistically you might need the cash since as soon as you stepped outside your shared apartment with your shit in bags, you were officially homeless. 
no need to worry though, you had arranged to stay the night at a friend’s house until tomorrow morning, then you could catch the train to your parent’s. from there, you’d stay with them until you manage to find a new apartment within your price range. 
one problem; your friend just texted you saying that they have to retract their offer because their landlord doesn’t allow over two people to sleep in the same dorm, and they already have a roommate. very unfortunate but hey, what can you do? plus, they apologised and offered to pay for your hotel but you reassured them that their money wouldn’t be necessary. 
now sitting outside your old apartment complex, scrolling through your phone looking for the nearest hotel. since both you and deku were well-paid pro-heroes and bought a penthouse in a rather affluent area, it was no surprise that most of the hotels that were reasonably close were from 4-5 stars.
although a 5-star hotel room for one night really wasn’t necessary, the post-breakup adrenaline was telling you otherwise. it also told you that treating yourself to a shopping spree, getting wine drunk at a bar and then shuffling back to the hotel with mcdonald’s take-out was a great idea! 
those emotional discussions you had with complete strangers must’ve really gotten to you because when you opened your front camera to take some pictures, you immediately grimaced at the sight of your mascara staining your cheeks. you were lazing around in the hotel lobby surrounded by name brand gift bags — waiting for your room key — looking like that? how embarrassing. 
quickly wiping away your tears, you put on a pair of designer sunglasses you brought earlier to shield your smudged eye-makeup from the world. not that you cared what anyone in this damn lobby thought of you anyway, you were only going to be here for one night, after that you would never see most of these people again. or at least, that is what you thought.
out of the corner of your eye, you saw flashing lights which prompted you to take out your earbuds but once you did, you instantly regretted it as all you heard was screaming and yelling from the entrance. looking up, you noticed an average-looking guy wearing a skull tank top resembling the fashion sense of a middle schooler, being followed by a mob of screaming fans, paparazzi and gossip channel reporters. 
“dynamight! thank you for everything!”
“you deserve to be number one!” 
“we are here at scene, pro-hero dynamight has just been seen entering what appears to be his five star accommodation, wearing his signature blac--”
the loud noises were suddenly muffled as the doorman shut the entrance behind him, leaving things just as they were, except now there was a muscular blond man encircled by bodyguards staring daggers at you.
in any other situation, you would’ve just tried your best to ignore him but some of that liquid courage was beginning to get to you, so your reaction was to snarl right back at him, yelling across the hall, “take a picture, why don’t ya? it’ll last longer.”
only upon processing your reply did the man finally snap out of his trance and storm up to, being hastily followed by his guards who looked as though they were ready to throw down at any given moment, so of course you cowered back in your seat, apologies waiting on the tip of your tongue, ready to spill until his face was hovering centimetres away from yours. 
your throat ran dry at his unexpected action, your eyes scanning over his chiselled features through the tint of your glasses. in a turn of events, you were now the one speechlessly staring at him. then, a deep chuckle erupted from his throat, causing the shock to show on your expression. 
“i knew i recognised you! you’re stupid deku’s girlfriend- fiancée or whatever; i saw the invite for your wedding in my mail and i just got a look at your face before i threw it away. small world.” the blond continued to laugh, talking to you as if you were an old friend of his despite the fact you’ve never seen him before in your life, “anyway, you like a hot fuckin’ mess. where’s deku?” 
why was he talking to you so casually? and how dare he say that!
“first of all,” you started, peering over your glasses to gaze at his face without the rose tint but to no avail, you still had no idea who this man is. using the soles of your palm, you pushed him away by the shoulders as he was a bit too close for comfort, but that resulted in all his guard looking at you with murderous glints in their eyes. “deku and i broke up--”
“when?” he cut you off
“let me finish.” you glared at him, fixing your sunglasses, “we broke up this morning. secondly, who the fuck are you?”
the man looked like he was ready to burst out laughing once again until he had a visible realisation, “eh, well, we’ve never met before but i’m sure deku has told you about me. if not, you’ve probably seen me in the news; i saved around a thousa--”
“no, i’ve not watched the news for, like, the past six months.” this time, you cut him off with a mischievous smirk which you tried your best to conceal.
“bitch! let me fuckin’ finish!” he barked, then had a sudden change in demeanour as he let out a sigh, momentarily silent as he scanned the surrounding area, “i’m bakugo. kastuki.”
your reply of a blank stare spoke a thousand words.
“y’know, dynamight.”
“the number two hero!”
“the one who saved that whole airline from blowing up just a week ago! c’mon, it was all over the fuckin’ news!”
“you look like a hotter version of my old maths teacher. oh, and i’m (y/n) (l/n).” was the only verbal response he was able to get out of you, even after all his explaining.
“why do you i feel like you are sayin’ that just to piss me off?” he muttered to himself through gritted teeth, followed by a sharp inhale which you assumed was an attempt to calm himself down. his carnelian eyes darted around the room, halting once he raised his arm to view his watch. his brows knitted together as he read the time, forming a concentrated look which was short-lived as his face was quick to relax, emphasised by a slight shrug as if to say ‘i’ve got time’, before slumping down on the couch next to you. 
“so why did you and shitty deku break up?”
“i may be a bit tipsy but i’m not just gonna tell that sorta stuff to a complete stranger.” each syllable felt like it had to be forced out one at a time, but you’d rather that than slur you speech as bakugo seemed like the type to poke fun at you for it. 
“i just wanna know how badly he fucked up this time.” bakugo smirked, propping his elbow up on the back of the couch to turn and look at you, “eh, i don’t think we’ll be strangers for long.” 
there was a certain purr in this voice which sent blood rushing to your cheeks as you never expect someone like him to come on so strong. not that you were complaining, i mean, being in his presence during a time like this felt like a gift from god but you weren’t going to let him know that. it’d only add to his already massive ego so you decided to ignore his suggestive behaviour, opting to show disinterest instead, “hm, you think?”
it was almost comical how fast bakugo’s cocky smirk fell into a frown. honestly, he wasn’t used to people that he flirts with rejecting him, considering that he rarely ever makes moves on anyone. so, now what did he do? due to the foreign nature of this situation, bakugo felt as though he was left with no choice but to bargain, since he’s far from a quitter, “oi, what that supposed to mean?”
you shrug.
bakugo clicked his tongue along with a roll of his eyes before he said, “how ‘bout this; i pay for your room tonight and in exchange we can get to know each other tomorrow.”
“i can pay for my own room though.” 
bakugo deadpanned, he honestly thought he had won but apparently not. perhaps it wasn’t a good idea to hit on someone who had just gotten out of a relationship but whatever. “you’re impossible.” he spat, getting up from the couch and marching away, presumably to his room.
he tried to brush off the encounter like it never happened, reassuring himself that he didn’t have to think much of it as he could get with anyone else. plus, you’d probably come crawling back to him, begging to fuck once you get over deku anyway. 
and he was half right.
eventually, you came to the realisation that both you and bakugo have one thing in common — a hatred for deku. and as it turns out, hatred provides a good groundwork for friendship. 
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Hiya 👋 I find it fascinating when people point out stuff about main characters that are brushed over and was I was wondering what’s your top reasons you dislike Alina and what scenes made you dislike her / made no sense.
Well I don't dislike Alina in the show but in the books I do think she is badly written. But here are some things that made the book character less appealing to me than the show.
I think the main one is her complete lack of agency. She very rarely makes any decisions for herself and just seems to go along with what everyone else (mostly male characters) say. There is a problem and instead of Alina being the one to make a decision or think of a solution she is told this is what we are going to do by either, M*l, Nikolai or the apparat. She is pushed around the plot by others actions instead of taking control herself and so often appears more as a puppet than as a commander or influential person in herself. For example in the show Alina is the one who tells M*l that they should seek the stag and kill it for it's amplification powers before the darkling does. Yet in the books this decision isn't hers but M*l's and Alina just goes along with it. There are also several instances where she clearly doesn't agree with the course of action or doesn't want to do something and yet she does it anyway, an example of this is when Nikolai and M*l want to attack the Volcra nest in the fold. She clearly has qualms about it but ends up folding to their will, another example is M*l insisting that once the fold and the darkling are destroyed that they seek a way to remove the amplifier, again this is something Alina doesn't want to do but she agrees with M*l and doesn't tell him her true desire. So what we end up with is a female protagonist who very much seems to be a pawn to the male characters in the book.
Another thing I disliked about the character's storyline is that she was often the victim of men, held captive and used to their advantage and this included one the supposed heroes. The darkling takes her captive twice wanting to use the amplifiers and control her to meet his own goals, Nikolai also at one point takes her captive and only really gives her freedom back to her because she agrees to help him, and the apparat takes her captive so that he can use her to gain religious power over the masses. She also never gets herself out of these situations, she just accepts her situation and waits to be rescued, for others to save her so that they too can use her for their own gain. I find this theme of her either being a victim of men or the pawn of one really worrying.
Another issue with the way she is written which again ties into the two above is that she is made far too dependant on M*l. Not only does she make herself very ill by suppressing her powers to stay with M*l but when her powers are revealed her refusal to let go of her attachment to M*l means that she struggles to master her powers, she becomes physically unable to summon because her refusal to let M*l go. Later in book two and three she spends a lot of time pining after him and getting in arguments about their positions of power. M*l feels useless and resents Alina's new position and power, he wants things to go back to how they were. He really does hold her back in many ways and this really should have been a love that they both grew out of but instead despite it being made obvious that they don't really fit together they both refuse to let the other go which means one or the other has to make sacrifices in order for them to be together. Not only that but Alina often puts M*l's needs, wants and safety above the greater good, rather than save the grisha or other vulnerable people she will safe M*l even going so far as to let 30-40 innocent people die in the fold so that she can save his life. This co-dependant relationship that she has with M*l is very unhealthy and toxic which would be ok if this was recognised within the narrative and then steps were taken to fix it, but instead this relationship is presented as some grand love story despite how damaging it truly is to Alina. In the Tv adaption they show us that Alina can be very happy and actually thrive without M*l in ep 5, its the happiest we ever see her and the most confident, yet she never gets this opportunity in the books.
Alina is also very insecure and jealous and we often see her pitted against other females, in particular Zoya. If there is one thing I really am not a fan of its authors pitting women against women particularly when it is over a man. Throughout all of the books Alina is insecure that Zoya is more beautiful than her and is insecure about her own looks, particularly when is comes to M*l, she is often jealous believing M*l will be turned by other pretty girls instead of him staying loyal to her. She often worries that she won't be good enough as the Sun Summoner and that the people will come to hate her. Again all of this would have been fine if it were limited to just the beginning of her story arc and it was something she overcame, but she never really does. She often comes across as being quite sulky as well. There was this one quote that I kept seeing in the tag that Alina says which is 'I am the Sun Summoner. It gets dark when I say it does.' Obviously before reading the books I kept wondering the circumstances of her saying this. It is a bit of a badass quote so naturally I was imaging all kinds of grand, dramatic scenarios, her shouting it across the battlefield to the darkling, her saying it in a war meeting as they are making plans as a way of instilling hope and confidence in her troops. So you can imagine my disappointment when it is actually said whilst she is lying outside on the ground, sad and feeling sorry for herself. When presented with a problem or a wrench in a plan she doesn't rally her team and try to come up with a solution instead she just sulks which as a reader I found very frustrating. The thing is both Alina and M*l are written as rather realistic teenagers, but the problem is this doesn't fit the world they are living in. They live in a world based off imperial russia and yet the characters do not behave as if they are, instead they act like they are modern day teenagers attending high school with petty jealousy and childhood crushes.
There is also her identity as a grisha and relationship with the grisha. One of the more interesting aspects of the grisha trilogy is the grisha's story, their oppression and their fight to be recognised as human beings and equals. Yet Alina shows very little care for the Grisha. In fact to me it seems like the author just made Alina grisha to serve the plot. Alina is grisha because the narrative needs her to be, they need her to be powerful enough to defeat the villainous darkling and destroy the fold. Instead of striving to improve things for the Grisha Alina supports the monarchy that has spent centuries oppressing them. The moment LB no longer needs Alina to be grisha she is stripped of the identity and the grisha are left in their misery in a world that still hunts, kills and enslaves them.
Alina is also often punished in the narrative by other characters but also by herself. She is often shamed for the attraction she felt towards the darkling and is called things like stupid girl. Not only is she blamed for falling for the darkling's manipulation she is also told she is greedy and power hungry for seeking out the amplifiers and political power. It's a very twisted message that is sent because we are told she is seeking the amplifiers to stop the villain which is a heroic cause and yet we are also told that she is doing out of greed. There seems to be this message that women should not seek power or a change in their position because that means they are greedy and evil.
Then after three books of the protagonist being used as a chess piece by the men in the story she gets one of the worst endings a heroine could. Both Nikolai and M*l get what they want in the end but its at a cost to Alina, Nikolai gets the Ravkan throne and M*l gets the quiet farm life with Alina as his wife. But Alina loses her powers and the position of power she got with them. The two things she explicitly asks for and tells us she desires, her position as general of the second army and her powers/amplifiers. In fact she even tells us in the second book that given a choice she would not give up her powers not even for M*l. Yet that is what happens and worse than that the narrative tells us that she was wrong and greedy for seeking power and influence, they present this ending she gets as a happy one because she gets to spend her life with M*l living a nice normal life. As a reader I found this difficult to except because the character had told us on many occasions that it was not what she wanted, we are shown often how miserable she is without her powers and yet we are expected to believe that this was some wonderful fairytale ending for her when it seems like whilst the men got their happy ever afters it was at the expense of Alina.
There is probably more but before this turns into a full on rant I think it best to leave it here.
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