#the way he sang the words to the second gif? Insane!
holly-mckenzie · 2 months
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Only one thing to be done. Let them think that they have won. Let them leave together. Under one condition: Orpheus, the undersigned Shall not turn to look behind
Jamari Johnson Williams as Hades in Hadestown
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starfire-s · 3 years
here’s a list of the best, mediocre and worst kdramas i watched in 2020
no one asked for this but it’s happening because i have thoughts (also all opinions are my own if you disagree then get well soon i guess... no i’m kidding make your own posts about it don’t hate me please) ahsjsj anyways click to read a lengthy post and if you actually read the whole thing then thank you i hope you enjoy this wild ride! 
mystic pop up bar - this show had everything i ask from a kdrama literally i can name it all found family (to real family), well thought out characters, a mystery plot, special effects, soft romances that were well written, a happy ending! no show in 2020 even comes close to how good this one was! the writers literally guided you throughout the whole thing so you could come up with theories and didn’t do a ‘aha! gotcha’ thing where they want to prove the audience wrong but they wanted us to be right and satisfied! the worst part about the drama is that it’s still so underrated and people just brush it off as some random fantasy show but it’s so much more than that! 1000/10
flower of evil - who doesn’t want to see lee joon gi being the son of a serial killer, living with the name of a man who is in a coma, and hiding his real identity from his wife who is a detective? this show constantly had me at the edge of my seat on a weekly basis so the emotions i went through while watching this are unparalleled! the writers also did such a good job on writing a coherent story that made sense and tied up all the plot points in the end. just a really satisfying show to watch! 10/10
where your eyes linger - i literally bought a $8 viki pass to watch this show so it should tell you everything you need to know about how i feel ahsjsj the episodes were 10 minutes long but we got a good story with well written characters who got character development in a total of 80 minutes it’s insane! honestly it’s still hard to believe this show had rookie actors because they were just so emotive that you could feel all the happiness, sadness, yearning and pining! probably one of my fave kdramas this year because of the acting that i always constantly rewatch! would recommend 10/10
crash landing on you - okay so this drama was actually released on my birthday last year and it was a time in my life when i was going through a lot so maybe it’s the comfort this show provided me through that time this is why i have such a soft spot for it? like the romance was good, it was funny, there was found family, the nk soldiers were all softies, there were strong female leads, soft male leads!!! ahh!! no other show on this list made me think about the unification of south korea and north korea irl because i wanted se ri and jeong hyeok to be together 4ever! but the only issue i had with this show was the ending they gave seung jun if they didn’t do that i’d give this show a 10/10 but just for that they get a 9/10
psycho but it’s okay - this was one of those shows where you’re literally like ‘wow everyone here needs therapy’ but this show was amazing i loved the story telling and how each episode related to children’s book/fairytales! the writers also did a good job with how carefully they talked about mental health in depth without villainising their characters but actually tried to make the audience understand why they were this way which included all the side characters too who had a well thought out story in each episode! also the dynamic between moon young, kang tae and sang tae was everything to me the actors all did an amazing job portraying their characters, it truly was a healing drama. the only thing i didn’t like about this show was the whole plastic surgery plot with the mother like that was very far fetched but it provided drama so i’ll let it slide because the rest was amazing. this show is a solid 8.5/10
18 again - another underrated gem! who would’ve thought a remake of that zac efron movie could be this good!! lee do hyun stole this show for sure the way he portrayed his character and gave heart eyes to his kids (when he’s only 25 irl was the best thing i saw this year ahsjs) i loved the family dynamics in this show, i loved how it talked about what it’s like to be young parents and how society still think it’s taboo to be divorced! it’s a show that makes you laugh and cry at the same time and that’s why everyone should watch it! however, the biggest clown thing this show did to me though was that i got sls for the first time while watching a kdrama... hwang in yeop if u’re reading this i love u and u deserved better 🤡 that aside this show was a 8/10
itaewon class - i actually didn’t watch this drama as it was airing because i thought i wouldn’t enjoy the plot but when i watched it i binged the whole thing in 2 days and my biggest regret is i didn’t watch it sooner! everyone knows i have a soft spot for park seo joon since he’s my favourite actor i’ve literally watched all his dramas like he could star in the trashiest drama out there and i’d still watch it and be like wow (looking at she was pretty 👀) this show aside from the acting had one of the best revenge plots in a kdrama! just watching a character realistically hustle his way to reach the top while fighting the corrupt man whose son killed his father was so so satisfying to watch! however, the love triangle in this show was questionable idk what they were trying to do with that but it personally annoyed me! but still i’ll give this show a 7.5/10 because i enjoyed it a lot!
do you like brahms? - kim min jae and park eun bin.. that’s all you need to know about why this is a good kdrama! i’m usually not a big fan of melodramas and everyone knows i prefer rom coms but this show was just so perfectly melo that i loved all the angst and pain we got!! also just watching two introverted people awkwardly fall in love was amazing! the characters story arcs were also handled pretty well with song ah finally learning to speak up for herself and joon young learning to express how he truly feels! but... the love square? was probably the most annoying thing the rest in my opinion was nicely done! i know people had mixed feelings about the ending but i loved that after all the pain joon young and song ah went through they got a happy ending together! 7/10
find me in your memory - okay this show started off very slow and it was confusing at the start but as it progressed everything in the plot started to fall into place! i mean this show really took opposites attract to a new level where the male lead could remember every single detail from his life but the female lead had to forget some of her traumatic memories to help her cope with her life! they were also tied together through a mutual character who was a big part of their lives in a different way! just an interesting melodrama with interesting characters i liked it! and moon ga young... i love you queen!!! 7/10
more than friends - was the storytelling in this show groundbreaking? no. was the acting decent? yes. also probably the main reason i stuck with this show until the end! i think we can all agree lee soo had the best character development on this show he started off as a bad boy who wore one ear stud to actually becoming a well liked character... who else did it like him? no one. also the chemistry between the mains was 🔥 but the second male lead was so annoying is there a opposite word for second lead syndrome because i had that for sure! i think the best part about this show was the people i watched it with on here... shoutout to the five of us ahsjsj also this show introduced me to a talented actor/singer like ong seong wu (y’all know my kpop knowledge is nonexistent so no i didn’t know he was in a band called wanna one) all in all a predictable show but i had fun watching it so 6.5/10
tale of the nine tailed - i didn’t actually watch this show i watched it through gifs and instagram posts ahsjsjs so am i qualified to talk about my opinion definitely no... will I talk about it anyways yes lmao. lee rang deserved better that’s all goodbye and take care. 5.5/10
start up - probably one of the most awaited opinions. y’all thought this would be in the worst kdramas section but i decided to give this show some rights. the show started off strong, lost it’s way after episode 6 and then the last episode gave me what i wanted so i have mixed feelings. the writing was not the best i think we can all agree, love triangle as a plot device? wow so groundbreaking 🤡 the characters on the other hand... i loved every single one of them i mean ship wars? i don’t know her. the show had a lot of potential that was wasted but we also got some cute moments between the characters so there was really no winning or losing with this show? but in all honesty you can’t put a talented cast together like this and then just decide to give the audience a mediocre plot but the writers did exactly that! i think i can redirect y’all to my ‘crimes this show committed’ post for a in-depth analysis. lastly nam do san was a GOOD and REFRESHING male lead and ji pyeong was also a GOOD and FUN second male lead!!! this show gave me the ugliest ship war ever that i was transported back to my high school tvd days so thank you for that!! but the cast was loveable and all had a lot of chemistry together so here’s a 5/10 maybe that's too generous but... i think the reason why i didn't enjoy watching this show as much was definitely because of the tag on here lmao
the king eternal monarch - i miss clowning this show so much. the amount of braincells i lost while trying to understand this plot... i should be compensated by the writers. however, woo do hwan was a treat to look at on a weekly basis... however the writers kept decreasing his screen time even though he had a dual role... make it make sense? and i cannot comment on the plot of this show because i still don’t understand anything? also in my opinion tae eul and lee gon were the most bland couple of 2020, there was no chemistry between them and there was just a random kiss in episode 5 and they randomly said i love you... where was the development? also lee gon was soooo boring and such a one dimensional male lead! literally all the side characters were so much more interesting and the cast was good... but this plot. 2/10
do do sol sol la la sol - i wanna fight the writer who decided that the plot twist on the show would be that jun is a minor? i had no expectations from this show but it looked cute and nonsensical but that plot twist made me run the other way so fast that i never looked back! just because jun is a boy they really thought this would be excused like lmao we all have critical thinking skills???? the clown behaviour. a solid 1/10
record of youth - i hate this show so much. imagine not utilising park so dam who just starred in the biggest oscar winning movie to her full potential. imagine just making her a love interest to park bo gum’s character in the year 2020. i watched it up until episode 6 and i kept waiting for her character to get development... but it never happened so i dropped this show. also this show featured the MOST useless love triangle i have ever seen in my life like what was the point? also park bo gum’s characters family was straight up annoying (minus the grandpa) but they got so much screen time like that should’ve been given to park so dam... also villainising a gay side character for no reason at all in the year 2020? this show was a waste of my time i want the 6 hours i spent watching this back. -100/10 
backstreet rookie - i watched one episode of this and literally wanted to rip my eyeballs out of my head. idk what ji chang wook was thinking when he signed this drama i think he lost his ability to read because that's the only reasonable explanation for why he chose to star in such a dumpster fire show! this show had a racist character... had a high schooler kiss an adult... sexist jokes... just the worst things you can think of in a drama... this show had it. i still can’t believe so many people watched this show to the point where it had better ratings than pbio... really made me question everyone’s taste? but sorry can’t relate my taste is excellent so here’s the rating this show actually deserves -1000/10
if you made it this far... thank you for reading. let’s continue to love some kdramas together and get clowned by others in 2021! looking forward to it 😅
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bauslut · 4 years
as you are | iv.
word count: 4.880k
warnings: drinking, intoxication, cursing, references to ptsd, nudity, nc-17, sexual innuendos, flirting, cuddling, fluff
a/n: this is the fourth chapter of my aaron hotchner fic! as always, if you would like to be added to the taglist, please let me know! i always appreciate the kind words and feedback, more than you guys know :’) <3
also, a huge shout-out to @sapphicstars​ for helping me with some dialogue, listening to my rambles, n our mutual thirst over thomas gibson. ily <3
| ii. | iii. |
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(i do not own this gif)
“you coming with us?”
a brunette blinks, startled, “oh, um, no, i think i’ll pass.”
jj, prentiss, and garcia are on their way out, coats slung over their shoulders, bags in hand. rowan remained perched at her desk, gathering the rest of her things. it was well past nine o’clock, the lights of the office dimmed, everyone stating their goodbyes.
“you sure?” jj arches a brow, “it’s karaoke night. spence is coming too. it would be fun!”
“i’m fine,” the brunette bore a weary smile, “i have a bit of a headache so i would be a bit of a downer. but have fun guys.”
“whatever you say,” prentiss whistled, “you could always hotch what he’s doing after he’s finished with that endless stack of paperwork.”
“you think that man has a social life outside of his office?” rowan snorted, letting out a chuckle, “it’s best to leave him be. he seems irritated tonight anyways.”
“maybe you could go perk him up a bit huh?” garcia teased, a bubbly giggle echoing through the office, “you know he probably likes--”
“that’s enough,” rowan’s tone was firm, “have fun guys, i mean it.”
“you’re missing out,” prentiss sang over her shoulder, shooting rowan a wink, “goodnight rivers! we’ll miss you!”
waving a meager goodbye, rowan sucked in a sharp breath, lips falling to a frown. slowly, her eyes traveled towards his office, beams of light cascaded from the blinds onto the carpet. through the slits, she could pick out his frame, how he was hunched over, knuckle pressed to his temple, brow furrowed with intense focus.
rising from her seat, she bit her lip, forcing herself to cease the staring. all around her was nothing but darkness and empty seats, a chill running through her body, an unsettling feeling creeping in. how could aaron hotchner always be the first one in, but always the last to leave? did the silence not get to him? was he not fazed? why was he even still hard at work, busting his ass?
all of the team was gone. the unsub was apprehended. the only thing left was the void of an office. the only noise the hum of the unit, the occasional chirp of a bird or honk of a car from outside. the only person left was her, but she was seconds away from leaving.
and what was he going to do the moment he stepped into his apartment? pour himself a glass of scotch? call his son? go to bed? would he drink to forget? drink to drown out the horrid images?
whatever the answer was, rowan would never know.
she was on the elevator before she even mustered up the courage to ask him what he was doing after all that paperwork.
elbows deep in paperwork, aaron hotchner let out an exasperated sigh. it was one thing after another. first it was the receipts for the travel expenses, where there was a discrepancy somewhere in the budget. then, it was the lawyers of a murderer from years ago, claiming that their defendant wished to plead not guilty under the reasoning of insanity. why they were contacting the behavioral analysis unit? aaron had no clue. it was not a matter of his concern.
he longed to get up from his desk, trudge towards the door, and not come back till morning. but he couldn’t. not now. he was almost finished. if he finished this tonight, then he wouldn’t have to stay late tomorrow night. he could go home and enjoy a nice drink. something to take the edge off.
leaning back, his shoulders slumped, fingers rubbing circles into his temple, just above his brow. any moment now, he would be receiving a call from haley, asking where he was. of course, jack would be waiting for him, eager for just a few minutes with dad before bedtime.
the second his phone chirped, buzzing, his hand flew to the device, bringing it to his ear, “hotchner.”
“um, hi. i didn’t think you’d pick up.”
“rowan?” his lips parted, “i don’t recall giving you my number.”
a tiny hiccup flooded his ear, “i had garcia give it to me. what are you doing right now?”
her words were slurred, the question dragging out for a moment longer than needed, her breathy giggle erupting afterwards. aaron’s eyes squeezed shut, “rowan, are you drunk right now?”
“it appears i might be a little intoxicated. well, maybe a lot. but, i don’t think i can drive, like at all. you know what they sayyyyy! don’t drink and drive! driver sober or get pulled over!”
his jaw clenched, “please tell me you don’t want me to come get you.”
“m-maybe i do,” she slurred, “maybe i want to see you, aaron.”
aaron. his heart fluttered, softening just for a second.
“where are you? if i remember, you live forty minutes away.”
there was a pause, the flurry of breaths against the speaker, “i think i’m at a park. i’m sitting on top of my car so i can look at the stars.”
“listen to me,” aaron sprang to his feet, “don’t you move a muscle, rowan. i’m going to come get you and just take you to my place for the night. we have a stop to make first, though.”
“what’s this stop? is it an errand?”
“we-- i have to pick up jack,” he was moving at a rapid pace, shoving papers into his briefcase, frantically searching for his coat, “i have to get jack for the night. i guess haley is going on a date.”
“oooooooohhhh,” her laugh was contagious, ringing like bells, “are you mad?”
“i’m not upset,” using his shoulder, he kept the phone against his ear as he threw on his coat, “rowan, you never answered my question. where are you?”
her response was instant, “i am parked at the park off north and second. how funny is that? i’m parked at a park.”
“listen to me,” aaron was now approaching the elevator, “you’re going to stay on the phone with me until i get into my car, okay? i don’t want anything happening to you.”
“okay, okay,” there was a yawn on the other end, “i’ll be awaiting you for, my knight in shining armor.”
“i’ll be there in ten minutes,” no matter how much he resisted, a blush still spread through his cheeks, “stay with me on the line though, i might need help with directions.”
“okay,” she chirped, “i’m right here. sitting so patiently.”
within a matter of minutes, aaron was pulling up to a mint green ford 500, a shadow poised on the roof. turning off the engine, he threw open the door, his throat tightening as he saw her.
her legs were dangling from the passenger side, eyes fixated on the stars, a dumb-founded grin plastered across her features, hair down, strands flowing in the breeze. she was still in the clothes from earlier: a pair of black skinny jeans, black v-neck sweater with white lines around the neckline and cuffs of the sleeves. the thick heels of her docs thudded gently against the windows as she kicked her feat rhythmically.
even in the dim light, he noticed the rose tint painting her cheeks, the way the reflection of the stars glossed over in her stare.
god, she was so beautiful, her skin glowing softly in the moonlight.
“hey,” he cleared his throat, concern creeping in as shards of glass glittered on the pavement below, “d-did you drink an entire bottle?”
“i like to drink my liquor like water,” rowan shrugged, her eyes brightening as they fell on aaron, “i’m so glad you came to get me.”
“c’mon,” aaron tsked, “haley won’t stop texting me. she’s getting impatient.”
“okay, okay,” rowan slid off the side, stumbling as her feet landed, “i’m so tired.”
“i bet you are,” he scoffed, “you need a change of clothes, some water, and a couple aspirin before you sleep though.”
offering her his elbow, aaron helped rowan into the car, spews of incoherent rambles flowing from her lips. every second she was onto another topic, giggling and mumbling to herself. as much as he wanted to be cross with her, as much as he wanted to scold her, he knew he couldn’t. he couldn’t make her upset.
he couldn’t blame her for her actions, for how she would cope with the horrors of the job.
a week had passed since the incident on the jet. afterwards, aaron avoided the subject like it his divorce. he wouldn’t accept that it happened, the emotions and feelings that came along with it. he didn’t want to face the facts. they carried too much weight.
but as she was sitting in the passenger seat of his car, her laugh so melodic and sweet, dripping like honey from her lips as she played with the radio, had him in a daze, corner of lips tugging into a smile, heart swelling at his new favorite sound.
and aaron hotchner wasn’t sure if he was beyond the point of no return, or just starting the journey there.
about an half an hour passed before he was leading her to his bedroom, careful that she didn’t slip or stumble, “you’re going to sleep here tonight.”
“what about you?” her lips curved into a pout, lip jutting out.
“i’ll be on the couch,” the response was cool, his voice low, “since you don’t have a change of clothes, i’m going to let you borrow some of mine, okay?”
“okay,” she nodded enthusiastically.
rummaging around in his dresser, aaron fished out a plain black shirt, along with a pair of sweats, “here, take these.”
rowan grasped the clothes, setting them on the bed. plopping on the edge of the mattress, she fiddled with the laces of her boots, kicking them off with a huff. aaron hovered, lingering as he discarded his coat, suit jacket, tie, and dress shoes. glancing down at his phone, his attention shifted as she rose to her feet, giving her some privacy as she changed.
one message in particular piqued his interest. a text from haley.
who was that?
shoving the phone back in his pocket, he bit back a sigh, “rowan are you-- oh my god.”
her body was exposed, a lace black thong on her lower half. beams of moonlight reflected off her flesh, like a sculptor highlighting the most beautiful aspects of his sculpture. but god, every part of her was so beautiful. from her soft thighs, to her strong shoulders, she was alluring, drawing aaron in.
blood flowed to his lower half the longer he stared, completely savoring the sight, his cock throbbing against the constraint of his slacks. a smirk crept onto her lips, cheeks still tainted a crimson hue as her gaze drifted towards his pants, “what, aaron?”
“you want to suck on ‘em, aaron hotchner?” she cooed, grasping a breast in each hand, bouncing them ever so slightly, “i know you do.”
“rowan,” aaron swallowed thickly, scrambling to regain his composure, “you’re inebriated. please, put on a shirt.”
“do you not want to suck on them?”
“we need to get you to bed,” his tone was assertive, as if he was scolding jack, “please, put on a shirt and get in bed.”
“i wish you could sleep with me,” rowan mumbled, sliding into the shirt.
once again, he caught himself glancing over. the shirt was huge, barely clinging to her frame, tapering off about mid thigh. rowan folded her arms over her chest, eyes narrowing, “what aaron? are you going to help tuck me in or not?”
“sure rowan,” his annoyance dissolved, crumbling into a bliss as he padded over to the bed, helping throw the blanket over as she curled up, sinking into the sheets.
if only he could see her in his clothes every night. if only she could sleep in his bed every night.
if only she was sober enough to remember all this.
“goodnight aaron hotchner,” her voice was thick with sleep, eyes closed, slurred speech from the liquor, “thank you for being my knight in shining armor. even when i annoy you.”
“you’re welcome rowan,” a chuckled bubbled up in his throat, “you can always count on me to be there for you, even when you piss me off.”
“thank you,” she whispered.
“you’re welcome.”
running a hand through his hair, he exited from the room, pausing in the doorway. giving one last look over his shoulder, he ensured that she was asleep before he left. with each step, exhaustion seeped in, the idea of sleep so tantalizing. even if he was designated to the couch, he would be content. as long as it was a place to rest.
slumping onto the couch, he pulled a blanket over his body, finally at ease now that his son was asleep, as well as rowan. it seemed as if no matter how hard he tried to avoid her, to veer away from her path, they were always bumping into one another.
perhaps they were on separate paths, but always somehow intertwined.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
a wail pierced his eardrums, cutting into the night. blearily, aaron rubbed his eyes, checking his watch.
3:23 a.m.
concern grew as another cry echoed through the apartment, reverberating off the walls. fighting back a yawn, he got off the couch, prepared to comfort his son from a nightmare. it would only be a few words of reassurance, a pat or two on the back, and staying for a couple minutes. nothing that he wasn’t familiar with. clambering to the kitchen, he drew a glass of water, taking a sip.
however, as he approached the bedrooms, his heart lurched in his chest, an icy cold feeling coursing through his veins.
the cries were from his room.
pushing open the door to his room, his eyes widened at the scene unfolding before him. rowan was sobbing, tears streaming down her cheeks, clutching her head, rocking back and forth.
“we should have saved them. we should have saved them. we should have saved them.”
“rowan?” he called out softly, in an attempt to pull her away from her nightmare, inching towards the bed,  “rowan.”
“aaron?” she blinked, eyes glazed with tears.
“i’m here,” setting down the glass, he sat on the bed, “rowan, it’s okay. i’m here.”
carefully, he wrapped his arms around her, cradling her head against his chest to alleviate any nausea. fingers glided through her hair. she buried her head into his chest, tears staining his button down, “we should have saved them.”
“i know, i know.”
“why are you still in your work clothes?” she sniffled, “you should get out of them.”
“i fell asleep on the couch.”
“you should stay here and hold me,” her voice faltered, words a broken whimper.
“do you want me to?” the words were delicate, his voice low and hushed.
“yes please.”
“give me a second and i’ll hold you,” lips brushed the crown of her head, “let me change into something more comfortable.”
minutes passed before a tender hand connected with her shoulder, “scoot over. you’re on my side.”
rowan obeyed, rolling onto her right side. his arms engulfed her, bringing her closer to his chest, head nuzzling into her neck. the moment his arms were around her, holding her snug in his tight embrace, she collapsed, any anxiety or worry disappearing completely, sleep taking hold.
“you need to rest, ro,” his breath fanned against her ear, “you’ve been through enough tonight.”
“you’ve been through a lot too,” she mumbled, “if anyone needs rest here, it’s you.”
his throat vibrated against her shoulder blade as he chuckled, “well i’ll sleep soon ro, i promise.”
aaron pressed one last kiss to her cheek, “i promise.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
sunlight filtered in through the blinds, her nose wrinkling as she stirred. reaching over, her heart skipped a beat as there was nothing but an empty void of cold sheets. jolting awake, rowan shot up, panting slightly.
“well good morning to you too.”
heat flared in her cheeks as she peered over in the direction of the all too familiar voice.
aaron hotchner was clad in a pair of pressed ink-colored slacks, and pearly white button up, threading a crimson tie around his neck, “how’d you sleep?”
the sound of his voice sent a shiver down her spine, the words gravelly, loaded with exhaustion.
“what time is it?”
“6:49 a.m.,” he straightened the tie, crossing over to his closet to retrieve the final piece of his uniform, “your clothes are in the bathroom, washed and folded.”
“oh god,” the blush deepened as fingertips grazed the soft cotton tee, “oh my god.”
“i’m giving you the day off,” he stated, shoving his arms into the jacket, “from the look of it, you need it.”
“but my car--”
he raised a foot to the bed, tying the laces of his dress shoes, “you can either stay here and completely sleep off that headache i know you have, or i can drive you up to your car. but, if you do end up staying, i have a favor to ask.”
“where’s my car?” her mind was foggy, her skull throbbing, “i can’t remember anything from last night.”
“the park off north and second.”
“oh,” chewing the inside of her cheek, rowan assessed the situation, “what’s this favor?”
clearly, she had done something to end up here. to end up in her boss’ bed. the only clear memory she could recollect was driving to the park, turning her car off, and bringing the bottle to her lips.
the rest was a blur.
“i need you to watch jack for me. his daycare provider has the flu and she doesn’t want him contracting it,” his tone was monotonous, as if he was speaking to her the way he did when they were at the bau, “also, you were beyond the point of coherence last night, called me, and i let you spend the night. i didn’t want you driving home or staying at a motel. i’m shocked that you could even speak cohesive sentences.”
“aaron, did i do anything weird?” rowan inquired, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
he paused, exhaling as he plucked the briefcase off the floor, “i mean, you were pretty much naked in front of me.”
facing her, her neck burned as a smug grin enveloped his features, eyes glittering with amusement, “you’re quite the flirt when you’re drunk, you know that?”
beads of sweat formed as her forehead, palms clamming up, “oh my god that’s so unprofessional-- you’re my boss--”
“rowan, everything that’s happening right now is unprofessional. now, i don’t really have a set list of rules when it comes to watching jack. just make sure he gets an afternoon nap in, and no bullshit for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, you got that?”
“you realize that i’m trashed right now, right?”
“you don’t look it one bit,” he shot her a wink, her heart fluttering, “i’ll let you meet him when he wakes. he usually sleeps in till about 7:30, so you have a good half an hour to compose yourself. i would suggest taking a shower or at least brushing your hair to look nice.”
“he’s a child--” rowan scoffed, rolling her eyes.
“he’s my son,” his eyes hardened with a glare, “and you better take care of him.”
“aaron i can barely take care of myself.”
“well it’s good that i’m here, isn’t it?” he mused, glancing at his watch, “i have to go. call me if you need anything. i would’ve given you my number, but it seems that garcia already gave you it.”
“bye,” rowan murmured, “i’m sorry that i can’t be there.”
“don’t worry about it,” aaron leaned over the bed, pressing his lips to her temple for a chaste kiss, “i suggest taking a nap when jack does. you need it, ro.”
and just like that, he was out the door.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
“what’s up with him?” rossi’s eyes narrowed as hotch stepped out of the elevator.
“i have no idea,” prentiss followed his movement, lips pursing, “is he.. is he smiling?”
“he never smiles.”
“hey,” reid cleared his throat, “you guys haven’t seen rowan today, have you?”
“who?” derek chimed in, cup of coffee in his grasp, “rivers?”
“she hasn’t come in yet this morning and she hasn’t answered her phone,” garcia announced, eyes widened with worry as she sipped her coffee, “i don’t know how legal this is but she had me track her car one time when she went on blind date with a guy from the town over. well, that’s besides the point. what worries me is that she left her car at some local park last night and it hasn’t moved since.”
“also,” prentiss stuck out a hand, “hotch was late.”
“he’s not late,” reid countered, “he’s--”
“we know he’s not late,” morgan snorted, “what she means is that hotch is always the first one here, no matter what. today he didn’t even show up till we were all here.���
“should we ask him about it?” prentiss arched a brow, “i mean, maybe he knows where rowan is. after all, he is the unit chief. he’s the one we call for sick days.”
“well lucky for you all you can hold an interrogation before we discuss this next case,” jj cut in, arms loaded with files, “since we’re all here, let’s head into the conference room.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the child teetered over to rowan, wide-eyed as she scoured the freezer, “ro-ro, what are you doing?”
“looking for pizza,” her voice is muffled by the door.
“do you want some pizza?” she turned, a cardboard box in her hands, “i promise i won’t tell your dad. here, we can watch some cartoons while we wait for it to cook in the oven. would you like that?”
jack hotchner nodded, his blonde locks bobbing, “yes please. i won’t tell dad.”
“do you want to put the pizza in the oven?”
“yes!” jack jumped in place, nearly melting rowan’s heart.
swiveling on her heel, rowan searched for a pizza pan, ripping the box and peeling away the plastic covering. once she was finished, she placed the pizza on the pan, handing it to jack. carefully, rowan opened the door of the oven, “all right jack, be very careful. it’s really hot.”
“i’ll be careful,” he protested, allowing rowan to help guide his arms without touching the heated door.
“would you look at that,” rowan beamed, “you did such a good job jack! you can shut the door now.”
jack gripped the handle, pulling it shut, “i did it!”
“good job buddy!” the smile widened as she witnessed the pure excitement in his gaze, how he gushed and giggled at the praise.
god, he was such a cute kid.
scooping jack into her arms, rowan carried him over to the den, placing him on the couch, “what do you want to watch jack? do you like tom and jerry?”
“i love tom and jerry,” rowan couldn’t help but crack a smile as jack giggled, the sound utterly contagious.
“well, we’ll watch some tom and jerry then,” she chuckled, throwing the blanket over her, sharing some with jack as she plucked the remote off the coffee table.
“ro-ro how do you know my daddy?”
the question nearly sweeps rowan off her feet, desperate to formulate some sort of suitable answer. one that he would understand.
“we met at work. do you always ask so many questions? you sound like your dad.”
the t.v. flickered on, rowan clicking the button of the remote to find the right channel.
“i like uncle spencer but i think i like you more.” his words were slurred as he struggled to enunciate a few words, but it melted her heart nonetheless.
“am i your aunt?” rowan chuckled.
“no you were in the house this morning with daddy so obviously you’re my new mom.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
“hotch, you’re never late, what was the hold up?” morgan’s tone was light with a tease, almost conniving.
“sorry, i had to arrange a new babysitter for jack. his usual daycare provider has the flu so i had to meet the new sitter to make sure everything was going to go smoothly,” the unit chief didn’t crack one bit, his focus honed in on the file before them.”
“well that’s inter--” morgan licked his lips, the words ceasing as a shrill ringtone filled the conference room.
“i better take this,” as his eyes scanned the called i.d., hotch rose from his seat, stepping away from the table.
“what is it? everything okay?”
“must be the babysitter,” rossi mused, drumming his fingers on the table.
“uh yeah your son thinks i’m new his mom,” her voice was light, shrill with laughter.
“did you tell him that?” fingers gravitated towards his temple, annoyance flaring.
“no he just thinks it,” he could picture her shrug.
“tell him that you’re not.” hotch shook his head, rubbing his forehead.
“aw well i’ve always wanted to be a mother someday--” she whined.
“what am i supposed to tell him? just ‘no i’m not’? hotch, that sounds so mean,” hotch could almost hear his son in the background, giggling at whatever was going on.
“rowan we are not dating nor do i intend on having a child with you.”
“that’s not what your eyes said last night,” rowan murmured, the way her voice shifted nearly coating his cheeks a pink hue.
“i gotta go,” he muttered, “i’ll text you later.”
the line clicked before rowan could even finish, hotch shoving his phone back into his pocket. sucking in a deep breath, he faced his team, their eyes hungry, gleaming with satisfaction, a variety of smirks stretched across their lips.
“hotch, did you just say rowan?” prentiss folded her arms across her chest.
“no i said sharon.”
“so where is rowan again?” garcia inquired, pen scribbling doodles.  
“she called in with a headache,” hotch responded coolly.
“well her car says she’s at the park off north so where is she?”
“who’s shannon? did you have date with her last night? tell us about it!” morgan jeered, taunting.
“rivers called me earlier this morning informing me that she had a migraine,” hotch muttered, “so are we done acting like children?”
the team nodded, their expressions unwavering. discussing the case was pure agony, everyone oogling at hotch as if he was some sort of creature, an alien from outer space. as much as aaron didn’t want to crack underneath their banter, he was well aware that they were profilers, trained to pick out every single fiber of one’s mind and behavior.
they could see right through him.
and he was an awful liar no less.
as the team departed from the room, scampering out, giggling like idiots, rossi lingered, coughing before he spoke, “i didn’t know rowan started a babysitting service.”
“i-i don’t know what you’re talking about.” hotch stammered, tripping over the words.
rossi laid a hand on his shoulder, patting it gently, “mmmm okay, say hi to her for me when you check in later. i kinda miss the kid.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the apartment was silent, the t.v. on mute, light dancing across the room as aaron strolled in. jack was nowhere to be found, the silence nearly defeaming. heart thudding in his chest, he flocked to his room, relaxing as he saw his son sound asleep, chest rising and falling, in a pair of mickey mouse pajamas.
he was curled up with his favorite bear, night light illuminating the room with a soft golden glow. a weary sigh tumbled from aaron’s lips as he backtracked, making his way towards the den.
rowan was upright, head propped up by a hand as her lids drooped, lashes fluttering. believing she was deep in slumber, aaron, plopped down on the couch, throwing his head against the leather.
a single word, so soft and gentle, startled him, “hey.”
“hey,” he whispered, “i’m sorry for getting back so late.”
“what time is it?” rowan brought a hand to her mouth to conceal a yawn, stretching out her legs.
“a little past one in the morning.”
“oh shit,” she chuckled, the noise hoarse from sleep, “what was the case?”
“nothing that we couldn’t get taken care of within a matter of hours. i’m afraid the team was a little more rambunctious than usual today.”
“rambunctious?” rowan snorted, “that’s definitely not the same  behavior analysis unit of quantico, virginia that i know. they’re never rambunctious.”
there was nothing more that he could have wanted more in that moment than to come home to her every night.
if only every night could be like this.
where he could come home, burdened by the stressors of his job, muscles sore from the physicality of it, head loaded with nothing but images of what he saw. what he heard. the monsters that lurked in the shadows.
yet, the moment he saw her, everything would just disappear.
nothing would matter.
nothing but her.
nothing but the heat of the moment.
“hey,” fingertips brushed her jawline, the touch feathery and light, “rowan?”
“yeah?” her irises were a stormy ocean, a torrent of blues and greys, glimmering with apprehension.
“come here.”
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
tagged: @sapphicstars​​ @colorlessfl0wers​
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 5 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Wanted Posters
I know, I know, two updates in one day but the encouragement I’ve been receiving has given me WRITER SUPERPOWERS so I decided that if I finished another chapter today that I’d upload it for you darlings! I’m also uploading this on Wattpad too if any of you are interested! Love you all and please enjoy!
Warnings - lack of gifs, I couldn’t find any for this part I’M SO SAWRY :’(
Tom’s eyes watered from the smoke as he slowly forced himself up into a sitting position. His lungs screamed from the new chemicals being introduced to them, causing him to cough like a smoker. Once the clouds of smoke finally cleared and his vision finally returned to him, he looked to see if the two kids were okay. 
...it was the exact opposite.
Amidst the burning dried grass, Y/n and Sonic lay facing each other, unconscious. They had some soot and chemicals from the explosion still on their skin and Y/n had dirt in her hair, their mouths slightly open and limbs strewn about in unnatural angles. Tom’s heart stopped beating as he ran over to his daughter, pulling her head into his lip.
“Y/n,” he shook her body, checking her pulse. It was weak, but it was there. He checked Sonic’s next. It was the same. Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes as he brushed the hair out of his daughter’s face. Sure, they had had some rough times… but she was his kid. “Come on, you guys are alright… get up.” For once in his life, his voice sounded weak and desperate. He didn’t want these kids to die! Who would? He quickly scooped up Y/n into his arms, hating the way that her body hung limply to the sides. 
“...you’re going to be okay.”
It had taken quite a lot of convincing for Tom to be able to make it past the foyer of his sister-in-law’s house, even with Maddie trying to convince her. Once the poor unconscious Sonic was revealed from underneath the sheet Tom had been hiding him under, Maddie’s skepticism only grew. The two watched as her sister fell onto the floor, unconscious. 
“Where’s Y/n?” She asked in concern.
“In the car…” Tom’s expression fell to rock bottom. “She’s in no better condition.” 
His words kicked Maddie into gear as she burst out the door in search for her daughter, leaving Tom standing there with Sonic. She ran out to the truck as fast as she could, having to hold back a scream once she realized that the top was missing. There Y/n was, just as Tom had said, lying down in the backseat with her hair in a mess and her clothes covered in dirt. Her hands had cuts and bruises on them and while she could still see the rise and fall of her stomach, they came in very short, very rapid breaths. Maddie quickly picked her daughter up and hugged her to her chest, begging herself not to cry. 
“Hey there, sweetie,” she whispered to the body as she picked her up bridal style and began to carry her back into the house. “You’re going to be just fine… I promise.”
About a half hour later, Maddie finally returned from upstairs where she had tended to Y/n’s wounds and set her up in her bed to rest. Ozzy was in there keeping watch over her while her sister remained tied to a chair in the living room. Tom and Jojo stood over Sonic’s unconscious body as he lay as stiff as a board on the kitchen island. As Maddie came over carrying her vet kit, she gently pushed her husband aside and did her best not to let her inner emotions of disgust show. 
“Is he going to be okay? Can you help him?” Tom asked worriedly, trying to do his best to keep his cool in front of his niece. Maddie shot him an annoyed side glance and sighed.
“Tom, I don’t even know what I’m looking at right now-”
“He’s a hedgehog,” Tom frets. “Or at least that’s what he says.”
“He talks?” Maddie’s eyebrows raised as she began to get ready to test his pulse. Tom nodded. 
“He never seems to shut up. He’s grown really fond of Y/n.” The last part came out a little more bitter than he had intended, but it was just his good father nature to be snippy about boys. Maddie slowly processed the information as she pressed her fingers against Sonic’s wrist, glancing at her watch. As soon as she felt the blood pumping through his veins, her eyes widened.
“H-his pulse is insanely fast,” she muttered.
“Maybe that’s normal for him, he is sort of a speed demon,” Tom tried to reason. She nodded slightly and then proceeded to feel about his body for any broken limbs or torn ligaments. Once she was decently satisfied with that, she began to take off his tattered shoes, revealing socks with holes in them that were doing their best to protect his adorable hedgehog feet. Jojo grabbed a hold of one of the shoes and disappeared into another room while Maddie turned back to her husband.
“I don’t feel any broken bones. I think he’ll be fine, he’s just a little beat up. Poor little guy has some pretty rough feet,” she sighed. Tom finally exhaled for the second time that day, the first being after he found out Y/n was going to be okay. He took the nail he had been chewing on out of his mouth and sighed.
“Wait, don’t you have any of those smelling salts for pets?” He asked hopefully, eyes wide. Maddie furrowed her brows and did her best to accept her husband’s slight stupidity.
“I have HUMAN smelling salts,” she chuckled. He nodded rapidly, a sign that she should grab them. The second that she snapped the smelling salt and held it up to the blue hedgehog’s nose, his dreamy green eyes popped open. 
“Gotta go fast!” Sonic yelled, leaping off of the counter and zipping around the room so fast that you could barely even see him. Maddie’s eyes widened in horror as Tom stared in awe, amazed at how the little guy could come out of this with barely a scratch. Sonic finally came to a stop to stand on the counter and smiled at the two.
“Oh, hey Pretzel Lady!” Maddie gave him a small wave, the horror beginning to show in her eyes as she stared at him. Sonic opened his mouth to continue when he suddenly froze, counting the heads in the room. There was a Donut Lord… but someone was missing. The gears quickly clicked in his head as he remembered the explosion.
“Where’s Y/n?” He asked, panic beginning to rise as his green eyes looked around frantically for the girl he was growing very attracted to. Tom quickly held up his hands to help calm him down.
“Don’t worry, she’s safe. Maddie took care of her, she’s just resting upstairs.”
“She’s okay? Thank God,” Sonic breathed a sigh of relief. Maddie couldn’t help but smile at how concerned this creature was for her daughter. It was heartwarming to see someone else hold such a deep regard for her than she and Tom did. But the smile soon faded as she grabbed onto Tom’s sleeve and tugged on it forcefully.
“Uh, Tom, sweetie, can I talk to you for a moment? Without the, um, alien hedgehog?” Tom nodded slowly, following her out of the room. She closed the white sliding doors behind her, leaving Sonic alone in the kitchen. He let out a soft groan as the pain in his head slowly came back, still throbbing with every pulse. He hoped that Y/n was doing okay. 
Sonic’s eyes slowly made their way towards the stairwell. 
Upstairs, she said?
Buried underneath a sea of covers lay a very beat up teenage girl. She had bandages wrapped around her arms and her hair had been brushed out of her face in order for her mother to clean the dirt off of her skin. Her eyes remained closed as her mouth was parted slightly, the steady rise and fall of her chest barely seen from the comforter she was under. The metal box that had been resting beside her in the truck was resting on the nightstand next to her, practically staring at her while she slept.
Y/n was having the strangest dream. 
She was much shorter than she remembered being, and she seemed a lot more hairy than usual. She’d have to buy a new razor. And she was with someone, but it was so blurry that all she could see was the color blue. Green was all that she could see for miles, filled with amazingly exotic waters and plantations and-
Wait. What was that noise? Y/n strained her ears as she heard that eerily familiar tune once again. It was the singing she had heard in the car. It was back.
Ah~, ah~. High and low, then high and low again.
She twirled around, e/c eyes searching for the source, but everything was so blurry that she couldn’t see. Like a camera that simply refused to focus. She stumbled around, listening to the song. It was beautifully mysterious, and she felt like… like it was meant for her to hear. Like it was trying to tell her something. It contained that same feeling she felt whenever she looked at Sonic - like she had heard it, seen it all before. 
But where?
Y/n woke up with a start, gasping for air as she sat up in bed. A thin layer of sweat coated her forehead as she moved the loose strands of hair out of her eyes. Her pulse began to rise as she looked around the room, recognizing it as her mother’s room from her aunt’s house. Her e/c eyes closed as she tried to steady her breathing. What was that all about? 
Ah~, ah~.
She gulped. There it was again. The music that only she could hear, it seemed. But even though she wanted to be afraid or worried about it, the idea only seemed to draw her in with curiosity. Even though she tried to tell herself not to, her gaze slowly drifted from the sheets over to the box sitting on the nightstand. The song sang softly to her, a little quieter now that it had gotten her attention, like a shy child. But still it called. 
Y/n slowly moved the blankets aside and swung her legs off the side of the bed. Her socked feet gently tapped the floor, creaking in uneasiness as they hadn’t been used in a couple hours. Her curious e/c orbs watched the little box closely, head tilting slightly to the side as she listened to it sing. Did she dare? She never did promise not to touch the vials or inspect them closer, so it wouldn’t do any harm to take one more peek without Sonic or Tom… right? 
Y/n very cautiously reached her hand out to the box, gently wrapping her bandaged hand around its cold surface and lifting it over to her lap. The singing quieted down even more as she flipped open the lid. Interesting, she thought. How hadn’t she noticed that the vials glowed in the dark before? Maybe because it had been in the day when they found them, she figured. And it was dark in the room because of the blackout curtains on the window. 
She lifted out Sonic’s vial, the bright yellow one and held it up to her eyes. It really did look like nothing but pee, so what was it? Her eyes scanned over the label once more, searching for anything that didn’t feel out of place. There had to be something here she was mis-
Oh. Oh, wait. 
Sonic’s vial wasn’t singing. Her brows furrowed in confusion. But… both of them had been singing, right? At least, something in the box had been singing. She held it to her ear and waited for what seemed like forever for the mystical tune to come floating out of it like magic.
Huh. That was weird. She carefully set Sonic’s vial back into its rightful spot next to hers, watching as the liquid sloshed around in the tiny glass. Well, there was only one other thing left in the box. Her vial. Y/n bit her lip as she raised her own vial out of the box, eyes wide open as she watched the icy blue liquid glitter in the darkness. She twirled the vial around in her hands for a moment, inspecting every inch of it as she grew accustomed to holding it. But what was it for? 
She flipped the vial back over to the label on the back. Emergency reversal… emergency reversal. Why would there be something needed to be reversed? Was it for her? Y/n spent what felt like hours just sitting there, wracking her brain for an answer to the seemingly impossible question as to why these vials were here. And then it finally clicked into place.
Had someone… done something to her? To Sonic? Something that they didn’t know about? 
I mean, it would explain a couple of things. Maybe that was the reason why she and Sonic felt such a strong connection to one another and they only met a couple days ago. Maybe that was why Y/n had amnesia, a case that no one could solve. The dream that she just had… maybe it meant something. But who would have done this? Did she and Sonic know each other before? But how could that have been possible? She was a human and he was… Sonic! He was a hedgehog, for crying out loud! Unless…
She wasn’t always a human.
Dear lord, even the idea sounded insane. What else would she have been? A slug? A cat? But why else would they have their names on these vials? How could Dr. Robotnik had known about them beforehand when he didn’t even know their names? Was that why Robotnik had gotten all weird once she had told him her name?
But then again… why would Dr. Robotnik, of all people, have this? It made no sense. But if the label was telling the truth, then maybe whatever the contents of this vial were… perhaps it held the answers she had been looking for.
Ah~, ah~. The singing… was coming from her vial.
Well… only one way to find out if she was right.
Her fingers slowly found their way to the cork, removing it with a satisfying little pop. It didn’t smell like anything, didn’t look like it would taste like anything. It just stared at her from its home, waiting for her. Y/n’s heart pounded against her chest as she lifted the vial closer to her face. She needed answers. She needed to know.
The vial met her lips, and she drank. 
♡ a.a.
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intricate-oeuvre · 5 years
say it before you run out of time || B. Hardy || part IV
part I  part II  part III  part IV  part V  part VI  part VII   part VIII  part IX  part X  part XI  part XII part XIII
Word count: 1.9k
Summary: Ben and the reader have been friends since childhood. And along the way reader falls in love with him. But it might be too late when another girl shows up claiming that she’s his girlfriend.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, horrible writing tho, if you really search maybe some suggestive content, actually not really.
A/n: send me your go to go party song! I want new music to listen to! Thank you for reading!
***gif- courtesy of google // if it’s yours hit me up so I can credit you
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“Seriously, not in the mood for a drink.” you explained and rolled your eyes.
“Come on, you are at the party, why can’t you have one drink with me?” Brad furrowed his brows as if he was offended.
“I am really sorry, but not now. Maybe later, when I find my friends.” you said, now feeling little uncomfortable.
“What, you don’t respect me?” Brad insisted. Oh, now he was going with this bullshit.
“Just come and have some fun.” he continued.
“No, thank you. You can have fun with out drinking too.” you said. Not that you mind drinking at certain events, but you just didn’t want to get drunk with some stranger and alone.
“Maybe then we can have fun in other ways?” Brad asked, leaning closer to you.
“Umm, what?” you leaned away in disgust, starting to regret even that you let yourself be stopped in the first place.
“You know what I mean, baby. Or is there a boyfriend that I don’t know about?” Brad smirked not backing off.
Well, part of you wished that you had boyfriend right now, but at the same time you didn’t want to lie about that.
“No, I don’t.” You answered carefully.
“I could fill that spot if you want. And not only that spot.” Brad gave you a suggestive wink.
You really wished that someone would save you from this right now. And somehow Gods heard your prayers.
“What spot?” voice asked cheerfully while strong hand wrapped around your shoulders. Turning your head, you looked to the left and stared at Ben, who had come out of nowhere and saved you from this misery. With small smile gracing your lips you stared at his side profile, until realizing that he had asked a question, thus making you look at Brad.
“I was here just asking her if she wanted to join me later.” Brad started with smug grin.
“Join for what?” Ben asked, his eyebrows slowly furrowing as he shared a look with you.
“For some fun.” Brad said, taking a sip from his cup of whatever was mixed in it.
“Fun? Doesn’t sound like you.” Ben turned to look at you, tapping you shoulder.
“I didn’t agree to anything.” You said to Brad, crossing your hands.
“Not yet.” Brad smirked at you.
“I won’t.” you rolled your eyes.
“Oh, come one, you are gonna miss on this?” Brad said gesturing to himself.
“I think she will, mate.” Ben said looking at him.
“And who are you? Wait, you are that dude that Nina sleeps with.” Brad pointed at Ben.
Ben narrowed his eyes at Brad. You mentally cringed at what Brad had said.
“Ok. Let’s leave it at that, shall we?” you rolled your eyes, pulling on Ben’s arm to get him away from Brad.
“Was he bothering you?” Ben asked, still throwing a look over his shoulder.
“Doesn’t matter, because you saved me right in time.” You said, navigating your way to the drink table.
“Are you sure?” Ben asked, raising his eyebrow.
“Yep.” You gave him a tight smile and offered him a bottle of beer.
“Cheers.” You continued, clanking your glass of cocktail to bottle of beer.
“Cheers.” Ben eyed you suspiciously.
“I am sorry. Nina’s friends are little bit…” Ben apologised, searching for words.
“Over the top?” you offered with small chuckle. Ben smiled at you, letting his green orbs take you in. With shy smile you looked away and let your eyes roam around the mass of people.
“Aren’t you supposed to be with Nina on your hand?” You said after a while.
“She’s catching up with her friends.” Ben said, taking a sip of his bear.
Both of you were catching up on some stuff, your uni work, his job, you gushing about Frankie, when you noticed change of the song.
“One hand on my shoulder, get a little bit closer, come on, make a move, yeah, skip through all the small talk, I'mma see you with the lights off, so let’s go to your room now…” you mumbled along the lyrics. Ben only watched you with amused look on his face.
“Sorry, I really like this song.” You laughed looking at Ben. He only raised his hands up in surrender and chuckled.
“Go, join Maddie and Rose.” He nudged your side and pointed where Rose was making suggestive gestures towards you. For a second you thought on what to do.
“Fuck it.” You said, downed your cocktail and handing the glass to Ben, turned to join your friends.
“I need somebody, body, their hands on my body, body, you could be that somebody, body, keep me satisfied, hear me breathing, breathing, don’t want it, I need it, need it, we’re getting heated, come on and keep me satisfied.” You sang alongside your friends.
“Just imagine this with some certain green eyed boy.” Maddie leaned closer to your ear. At that you let your eyes wander back to where Ben was standing, now surrounded by his mates. For a split second your eyes met. With slight grin, Ben tipped his beer at you and took a sip, letting his eyes slip back to his friends. That made you search for Nina in the crowd. There she was. Sitting on the couch with her girl friends and some guys and laughing, second later getting up and making her way to Ben, just to pull him back to the couch and snuggle up to him.
“Don’t.” You said to Maddie, lump forming in your throat.
“He has a girlfriend.” You said leaning back and looking at her.
“From what I gathered they aren’t a thing. Well, they aren’t dating officially and it’s kind of complicated.” Maddie explained. Briefly you wondered how Maddie had learned that information in such short period of time, but then you furrowed your brows and looked back at the couch, where Nina was still being all over Ben.
“Doesn’t seem so.” You said sadly.
“Whatever, doesn’t matter, we are here to get some fun.” Rose cut in.
“Don’t take my word for it, but I really hope, that something works out between you two.” Maddie said reassuringly.
“Are you making reference to Ari? Break up with your girlfriend?” Rose turned to Maddie.
“Only sometimes.” She smirked.
“Thanks, but no thanks.” You tried to smile.
“TRUTH OR DARE!!!” someone yelled in the crowd and couple of people started to move out in the yard.
“Come on, this sounds like fun.” Rose pulled you and Maddie outside.
Looking around the circle you noticed that there were a lot of unknown faces- Nina’s friends. But somehow gods were making fun of you. Rose and Maddie sat on each side of you, but turned out that Ben was sitting right across you, but Nina two guys left of him.
“This is just a game and no one should take offense, got it?” Some girl declared.
“Stick by the rules…” she continued, but some guy on her right interrupted her:
You were thankful that, at first couple of rounds everyone was still timid, but as it went on, it got dirtier. We’re talking about, telling your secret fetish, which friend you would fuck, crazy sex stories, doing weirdest dares- body shots, kissing random person, loose piece of clothing. It all escalated quickly. So, you kept your calm and played in defense, carefully weighting your options before choose truth. As the party went on and some people started to leave, part of the circle disappeared. For like fourth time the bottle landed on Nina.
“Truth or dare?” someone asked her.
“Dare, give me something good.” She smirked.
“Make out with Dom.”
Without hesitation, Nina got up and sat besides Dom, one of the guys that had been sitting on the couch with her earlier.
“See, they aren’t dating.” Maddie whispered to you. You didn’t answer, just turned your eyes away from Nina and Dom who where getting it on and glanced at Ben. He seemed unbothered and disinterested in what was going on with Nina. More interested in the cigarette that was in his hand and one of his friends who sat beside him talking about something.
“Done. Who’s next?” Nina said, spinning the bottle but not leaving Dom’s side.
“Won’t you look at that?” Nina smirked as bottle stopped at you.
“Truth or dare, y/n?” Nina asked. Hearing your name, Ben looked at you, suddenly interested in game.
“Truth.” You said.
“That’s boring.” Nina pouted and looked around. Her friends were silently starting to chant ‘dare’.
“Fine, dare.” You said and swallowed. Nina smiled devilishly at you, thinking on the dare to give you.
“On who ever lands this bottle, you have to kiss.” Nina smirked and spun the bottle again. And for everything holy it stopped on Brad.
“Are you kidding me?” Rose groaned out loud for you. You hesitated, he already had tried to hit on you in his drunken state and now you really didn’t want to make out with him.
“Couldn’t it have landed on someone else?” Ben said rather loudly, but aimed it at his friends to make it more nonchalant.
“Do you have a problem, boo?” Nina raised eyebrow at him.
“Actually, yeah… he already blew his shot with y/n. And got turned down. Don’t stroke his ego.” Ben shrugged.
“Hey!” Brad groaned.
“No hard feelings, lady told you no. Respect that.” Ben explained.
“Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Give her new dare?” Nina rolled her eyes at Ben.
“Go for it.” Ben said and blew out smoke from his cigarette.
“Fine. Since you like rugby so much, boo. Tackle her in the pool.” Nina said with smug look on her face. Oooo came from people around.
“But she—” Ben started.
“Let’s do it.” You said clenching your jaw and looking at Nina as you got up. Ben shot you a worried look.
“What are you doing?” Maddie got up with you.
“The dare.” You huffed.
After a minute you were standing at the edge of the pool where the deep end was. Maddie, Rose, two of Ben’s friends were standing around you.
“You are insane.” Rose said holding your hand.
“Then pray for me.” You said and looked behind yourself to look at the water. That morning it had seemed a lot calmer than now when it was getting cold and it was dark as hell.
“We will be standing right next to the edge if anything…” one of Ben’s friends say.
“Thanks.” You smiled at him.
“Like good old times.” You tried to smile when Ben walked up to you.
When did it start playing Thru These Tears by LANY???
“Come on! I don’t have all night!” Nina yelled from behind, out of the splash zone. All four of your friends took a step back, except for Ben.
“Trust me.” He said and gently turned you around, facing the pool.
“I won’t let go, alright?” Ben whispered, his hands still on your shoulders.
“Please, don’t.” You whispered back, your voice starting to shake as you stared at the water.
“Let’s go rugby player!” one of Nina’s friend yelled. Next moment Ben’s hands disappeared.
The worst thing about this?
Water terrified you because you didn’t know how to swim.
tags: @brianandthemays @queen-turtle-boiii @rogahloveshiscar @radiob-l-a-hblah @scarsout @sara-1705 @babydazz @mercurycrowley @drowse13 @ironicallyrog @moe-jazzello @forbbidensunlust @virtualsheepeat
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Lip-Singing [Wonshik, Honbin, and Sanghyuk]
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Wonshik had planned to work a late night, so he sent his girlfriend, Ashlyn, a quick text to let her know not to wait up for him. Ashlyn knew that he would stop by a cafe to grab food on the way home, so she decided to make lunches for the next couple of days for the two of them to take when they went to work.
After she got off work, Ashlyn headed to the grocery store and piled her cart with vegetables, fruits, meat, and anything else she could get her hands on. She paid and headed home with her groceries in hand as she hummed to the songs that played through her headphones.
Once home, Ashlyn made spaghetti for Wonshik and her to have for lunch the next day then she went to work to clean the bedroom. She put on music and got to work on cleaning up. As the song ended, Rock Your Body played which made her grin. She swung her hips and lip-sang to the song as she picked and around the room.
Wonshik came home earlier than he had anticipated after he finished up the lyrics faster than he thought. “Babe?” He called, but he got no reply. He could hear the faint sound of music and followed the sound to the bedroom where saw Ashlyn dancing and lip-singing. He shook his head in amusement. As much as he loved watching her lip-sing to his songs, he was starved so he powered on to the kitchen. That’s when he saw the steaming spaghetti his eyes widened in hunger. He grabbed a plate, took a large amount of the pasta, and chomped away at the savory dish.
Ashlyn went to the kitchen after she finished and saw the back Wonshik’s head at the dining room table. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Welcome home” she whispered as she kissed his cheek.
“Mmm yea! This pasta is good!” He complimented.
She looked down at his plate and let out a sigh. He stopped chewing and looked up at her. She could see the worry swimming in his eyes as he tried to figured what was wrong. She pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head, “No. Never mind… Glad you like it.” She squeezed his shoulders in reassurance. However, she looked back at the kitchen and contemplated what do make next.
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Hongbin was enjoying the new adventure as a newbie father to his wife’s, Rae, and his son, Junhyun or Jun-Jun for short, when his company offered him a youtube show. It would be a variety show of sorts that would focus on his daily life as an idol, husband, and father. Before he agreed, he spoke to his wife as she wasn’t a celebrity and didn’t know if she would be able to handle camera’s around watching their every move. However, he was surprised when Rae gave him the okay with one condition: no filming through the nights. His company agreed to her wishes.
When the show first aired, Hongbin hadn’t expected it to take off the way it did. The amount of views and positive feedback was insane. However, though it’s focus was supposed to be Hongbin and his son, people begged for more of Rae and Junhyun. The company asked to show clips of just Rae and Jun-Jun and Rae agreed.
While Hongbin was out on tour, the broadcast continued to follow Rae and Jun-jun as well as Hongbin as he went through the trials of the separation.
During one of the days, Rae decided to clean house. She carried on her days as if the camera’s that were on the wall were no existent. Jun-Jun was in his toy bouncing and playing with the bells on the side. Rae pulled her son’s bouncy toy to the side before she grabbed her phone to bluetooth to the speakers. She played her music and hummed to the song.
After a few tracks, The Closer played and Rae stopped cleaning as she danced to the music.
Hongbin answered a little q&a while he was on tour. First they asked about how he felt being separated to questions about his wife and her cleaning habits which made him laugh. “She has this habit of lip singing in the house, so being on a broadcast, I wonder if she’ll realize people will be watching her even when I’m away.” They showed him the recent clip of Rae the day she cleaned house. She lip-sang to VIXX’s The Closer while holding Jun-jun. Hongbin laughed and put his head in his hands, “Does she realize the cameras are there? YEOBO!!” He shouted at the screen even though he knew she couldn’t hear him.
“Do you like when she dances?”
He nodded with a love struck look, “I love it. It’s a reason I fell for her as hard as I did, but I’d never tell her that.”
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Sanghyuk was in a secret relationship with Alice. They hit their six month together and their relationship had only grown more serious, so Hyuk approached the idea of telling his friends about her. At first, Alice was hesitant with the thought. She knew VIXX was his second family. A family of five older brothers and being the youngest in her family, Alice knew a thing or two about older sibling and interrogations.
However, she relented. If their relation was going to continue to grow, she knew they needed to take that next step of meeting friends and family. She offered to make dinner for everyone and just take it easy at her place. However Hyuk was against it, he didn’t want her to worry about looking nice for his friends, so they compromised. She’d make some food, but they would bring over some as well. She insisted that they met at her place as it was safer than meeting out in public where they’d get spotted or if she went to their apartment when there were lurkers.
It was a weekend when they were to come by. Hyuk was going to drive with two members and the others would follow to meet up at Alice’s apartment so they could make sure they weren’t followed.
Alice was nervous about meeting the members. Not because of their celebrity status, but because of their status to her boyfriend. If they didn’t like her, would he leave her? Alice shook the thought and decided to simmer her thoughts by music. She started to dust the bookshelf when Hyde came on. Alice started to sway to the beat and lip the words as her nerves cooled. Her eyes shut as she focused on the song. She was so enthralled with what she was doing, she didn’t hear the knocks on the front door.
Hyuk knew her passcode, so when his knock went unnoticed, he pressed in her code. He led his members into the apartment and heard the group’s song playing in the living room. He stopped short in the living room entrance and stared at his oblivious girlfriend for a moment before he walked back out the way he came. He shooed his friends away, “I lied, I don’t have a girlfriend. The person in there is weird.”
His voice caught her attention. Her eyes opened to see the five other members. She felt a faint blush cross her face as she turned off the music and greeted them.
The guys pushed passed him and greeted her with large smiles and food. Hyuk stood off to the side muttering how crazy they all were, but when Wonshik got a little too close to Alice, Hyuk materialized next to her with his arm around her waist protectively. His sudden mood made him a prime target to his friend’s relentless teasing.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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choking-on-tae · 7 years
Finally, I’ve found you
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader 
Word count: 4.2k 
Summary: “The only place a person can see their soulmate is in their dreams. Depending on where each person lives in the world, the dream becomes clearer when both people become closer to each other. What happens when you finally find your soulmate?” 
Genre: Soulmate AU
Ratings: Angst, Fluff. 
Author’s note: I once saw a summing up of what a soulmate AU with Jungkook would be like and got inspired to write this. Gif isn’t mine. x 
As you opened your eyes you saw a playground. It had a couple of swings and a slide, it wasn't that big actually. What caught your eye was a little boy, probably around the age of 5. He looked adorable as he was swinging back and forth. His little hands tightly gripping unto the bars. He was smiling and laughing loudly as he seemed to have the time of his life.
Suddenly everything went black before you arrived somewhere else.
It was the same boy, although now he was older. Maybe around the age of 8? He was walking through a hall which looked oddly familiar to a school hall in his adorable uniform. He had his backpack hugged tightly to him, a little iron man toy sticking out of it. Two other little boys ran past him, pushing him over in the process. You felt bad for the little boy who struggled to get up, quickly grabbing his iron man toy and hugging it tightly to his chest.
Tears prickled down the little boy's face as he finally walked through the doors, exiting the school. You felt your heart melt at the sight. He just looked so cute and you wanted to protect him from the mean boys who pushed him over. His eyes lit up once he saw the beautiful cherry blossoms on his way home. He sat down underneath them as he got out his small sketch book and a pencil.
He leaned against the three as he started sketching. You could see that he was drawing the three, and did a pretty good job at it for someone his age. Whoever this boy is he's just as artistic as you are. He placed the iron man toy beside him as he smiled at the small figure. Showing a cute smile which resembled a bunny in some sort of way. He was very cute.
Suddenly everything went black again, before a new decor appeared.
It was the same boy again, probably around the age of 12 now. He was in what looked like his room. Sketches and drawings everywhere as he was sitting on his bed, eagerly drawing something. You noticed the Iron man collection in the cupboard. He definitely seemed a big fan of superheroes. He still looked cute and passionate. He seemed to really relax when he was drawing, which is something that you experience yourself too.
The cute boy turned his head to his computer where an Anime was playing. You didn't recognize which one but it looked nice. He kept drawing while watching it. This time he decided to draw his famous role model; Iron man. The drawing looked amazing and was very detailed. He was obviously very talented in what he was doing, and he enjoyed watching Anime, something you enjoy doing too. He quietly sang along with the theme song and it sounded surprisingly good. His voice sounds like that of an angel. Wow.
The darkness returned for a moment until you saw the same guy, but this time he was even older. He must be around your age now as he was sitting in a class, painting a portrait of himself. He had sketched himself first with charcoal but now he was painting over it with bright colors. It looked amazing. He must have a major in Arts, considering how good he is. You focused on the guy, since he wasn't a boy anymore. He was slowly becoming a man, a very handsome man to say the least.
Built to perfection, chiseled jawline, strong arms and thighs, fuck he's hot to say the least. A guy who's hot, cute, and creative? Damn that really sounds perfect to you. He seemed so focused on his work. Like he was really caught up in it. It was obvious that being creative was his outlet and it probably helped him a lot too, especially since he got picked on when he was younger.
It got black again before the guy was suddenly standing right in front of you.
This time he looked older, maybe a year of 2. Now you could really take a proper look at him. He looked beautiful yet handsome. Strong yet soft. He was a little taller than you and he seemed a bit shy, yet bold. He looked like the perfect combination of everything. Whoever this is you really wanted to meet him. You reached your hand out to touch him when everything went black again.
You shot up straight in bed, immediately glancing at the clock. It was 10 in the morning. Who was this guy and why were you seeing him in your dreams? Did your mind make up this imaginary person or is this person your soulmate? But it's so clear.. wait.. does that mean your soulmate is here in South Korea?! You think back at the dreams your mom told you about and the ones you read online. Soulmate dreams always go back a long way. It always shows what the person looked like when they were little and then up until how they look now.
Could that mean that this guy is your soulmate? Your thinking gave you a light headache, so you quickly got out, took some medicine and turned your phone back on. You didn't have a lot planned for today, so you decided to just take it easy. You slipped on a pair of skinny jeans, a pink t-shirt and made sure your hair looked okay. You didn't bother to put on some makeup since you didn't really plan on doing a lot today. You quickly made yourself some breakfast before sitting down on the couch and turning the TV on.
The guy was still fresh in your memory. Maybe you can try to draw him, so it won't fade away. You quickly grabbed your sketchbook and pencils before you started to draw. You started with how he looked when he was little. You sketched the playground and drew the little boy that was swinging on the swing. A big smile plastered on his face. It took you about an hour to finish that, which was pretty fast even for you. You smiled happily at the drawing as you laid it down on the table. You quickly ripped off a new piece of paper and started the second drawing.
The cute little boy with his iron man toy, underneath the beautiful cherry blossom. This drawing would be a bit bigger, since it has more details and all of that. If there's one thing in the world that you really love to do is drawing. You absolutely adore it. You really tried to nail all the details and it turned out surprisingly well. The shadows were perfect, it looked insanely realistic. It was almost like you had taken a photo of the screen caption in your dream and put it on paper. You've always been good at drawing but were never able to draw anything so realistically.
As you finished the drawing you placed it next to the other. The boy looked utterly adorable, drawing underneath a tree with the iron man toy next to him. You decided to skip the drawings of the boy in his room and him drawing in his class and went right away to the memory of him standing right in front of you, since you remembered that one the best. You turned the page so you had an empty one and softly started sketching. You really hoped this one would turn out to be just as good as the other ones. You used a lot of different pencils, trying to make it as realistic as possible.
You used another piece of paper to cover your hand so it wouldn't turn grey and you wouldn't smudge it everywhere. As you've learned from experience that happens if you don't do that, and fucking this drawing up was the last thing you want. You really tried to draw it as best as you could, and you were blown away when you finished it. You've drawn a lot of portraits, but they usually weren't that realistic. Sure if you knew the person you'd recognize them but otherwise you probably wouldn't. This one however, this looked fucking amazing!
You had told your cousin about your dream and she immediately asked you to describe what he looked like, so you snapped a photo of your drawing and send it to her. I mean what better way to explain it than to show it, right? You quickly put the pencils back and looked at the drawings that were lying in front of you. You snapped a photo of all three of them together before putting your phone back in your pocket. Is it normal to be this fascinated by a possible soulmate? You shook it off as you grabbed yourself something to drink.
A few hours later you decided to make a quick walk. You were here in Seoul after all might as well make the best out of it, right? Since the weather was nice, you didn't bother to wear a coat and just put on your hoodie. You were walking around for a bit when you felt like someone was following you. You turned around and saw someone with a black hood. Weird? You shrugged it off and continued walking. About a minute later the feeling was still there. As you had made a couple of turns you realized that the person was indeed following you.
You quickly turned around again and started running. You heard the stranger's heavy footsteps which means that they were running too. You saw a 7/11 store and quickly ran in, at least there's people there. The owner looked surprised when you came running in, and you couldn't blame him. You still politely bowed at him as you tried to catch your breath. Suddenly you felt someone taking a hold of your wrist, you wanted to scream but it got caught in your throat when you saw who the person was. He took off his hood and there he was, the guy you saw in your dreams. Another voice interrupted your little intimate stare down.
"119, I'd like to report an emergency."
You two quickly turned to the owner of the shop and you started to explain everything.
"No wait everything is fine! She's my soulmate! I was just trying to catch up with her!" He spoke in a rush. Obviously not wanting to give the owner the wrong idea.
His voice was quite low, but it sounded nice and calming.
"He was. Really it's okay." You assured the owner, who quickly mumbled an apology before hanging up the phone.
You turned back to the guy in front of you. He looked even better in person.
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Jungkook." He flashed you a bunny smile as he reached his hand out to you.
You stared at it for a second before you gently shook his hand, giving him a warm smile in return.
"I'm Y/N."
"Y/N, it suits you." "Thank you."
You two kept staring at each other with awkward smiles on your faces, obviously still shocked about what just happened. Is this guy really your soulmate? You wondered as you took in his appearance. He was wearing a pair of black jeans with some holes in it. A white t-shirt and a black hoodie over it. He looked great to say the least. While you were checking him out he did the same to you. Jungkook was completely mesmerized by your beauty and the fact that you were real. He simply couldn't believe that the girl he dreamt about and drew was now standing right in front of him.
He could see you with his own eyes, could touch you, hold you, kiss you. He could do everything he wanted, with your permission of course. The first thing Jungkook did this morning when he woke up was searching his sketchbook and drawing the girl he saw in his dreams. He never had clear dreams. They were always blurry, which assured him that his soulmate was somewhere across the world. He secretly hoped it wouldn't be too far but he didn't come any closer when he went to Japan or Dubai, so he figured it'd be even further than that.
Unlike you, Jungkook had always been obsessed with the idea of having a soulmate. His parents told him about it when he was a little boy. As seen in your dreams he got picked on when he was younger. He'd always come home crying, and his parents tried everything to cheer him up. They bought him his favorite candy, his favorite toys and even took him to theme parks he always wanted to go to, but nothing could make the sad little boy feel better. At least until his aunt mentioned soulmates.
Being curious at heart, little Jungkook wanted to know more about this, so his mother explained everything to him. She told him about soulmate dreams and that the clarity of your dream depends on how far your soulmate is away from you. Considering his dreams had always been blurry, his parents figured that his soulmate would be across the world. The possibility that the little boy had a soulmate that was made just for him, that would fit perfectly with him and would love him no matter what made him smile again.
His parents couldn't be happier that their son finally had a reason to smile again. Thinking about his soulmate made little Jungkook stronger. Instead of ignoring the bullies like he used to do, he spoke up to them. He figured that he'd make his soulmate proud if he did that. It ended the bullying, which he was really happy with. His parents saw a total new side of their son, and they couldn't be happier with that. Looking back at it they should have told him much sooner, but they weren't sure how to address the topic. Luckily for them his aunt did that for them.
Over the years Jungkook kept being fascinated by his soulmate, although he knew absolutely nothing about them. He didn't know their gender, their nationality, absolutely nothing. He found himself drawing random people, thinking about what his soulmate possibly could look like. When Jungkook was on vacation in Dubai he was disappointing when the dreams were still really blurry. So he figured his soulmate was even further than that. He and his cousin talked about going on a trip to Europe. His cousin has already met his soulmate and they've been dating for 3 years now.
He knew how much Jungkook's soulmate meant to him so he agreed on the plan. All there was left to do was save some money and buy the tickets. However, none of that is needed anymore since he just found his soulmate. He couldn't wait to tell his cousin about this.
"How long are you staying here?" He asked out of nowhere.
You were surprised by his question, but you figured he knew that you were from across the world and that you weren't staying here forever.
"I'm leaving in a little over 3 weeks, unfortunately, because so far I really like it here in Seoul." You answered him with a bright smile.
"I know this might sound a bit crazy but do you wanna go to my place? I've this little studio here in Seoul and it's not too far from here."
"Sure. Let's go." You smiled at him.
He instantly took your hand as you exited the store and walked down the quiet streets of Seoul. In any other world this would have been absolutely crazy; going home with a stranger. But this stranger is your soulmate, so you could trust him. The feeling of his hand in his made you really comfortable. Your hand fit perfectly in his, like you two were made for each other, which you technically were.
"Where are you from actually?" He asked, holding your hand tighter as he sped up his pace.
It was starting to get dark already, which was in contrast with yesterday. It's about dinner time now and it's already getting dark while yesterday it didn't get dark until 8 pm.
"I'm from (Your country)." You answered, wrapping your other hand around his arm as you nuzzled closer to him.
You felt strangely comfortable around him even though you just met. Maybe it was the soulmate thing after all. Jungkook didn't seem weirded out by it at all, in fact he seemed more than happy with the sweet gesture and you clinging unto him. He thought you were very cute when he first laid eyes on you, and this only proved his point.
"That's pretty far. I figured you were from around there since my dreams didn't get any clearer when I was in Dubai. My cousin and I were planning on making a trip to Europe actually." He spoke in a calm voice as he searched his pockets for his keys.
"Really?" You didn't even try to hide the surprise in your voice, which made your voice come out really high pitch.
You instantly felt your cheeks turning pink, feeling embarrassed about the whole thing but Jeongguk actually thought that it was really cute. He opened the door and let you in first, being a real gentleman. As you looked around the apartment you noticed the home-like feel it had. You could live here actually. You instantly took off your shoes as you walked around. Jeongguk did the same as he followed closely behind you. Suddenly something caught your eye. As you looked at the salon table you noticed a sketch book and some drawings.
"What's that?" You asked, not waiting for an answer you walked over and felt your eyes grow wide when your saw the drawings.
"Euhm.. I dreamt about you last night and I didn't want to fade the memory so I drew you. It's not that good really but yeah, that's you." He answered, scratching the back of his head nervously.
"Oh my god." You quickly opened your backpack to grab the drawings that you made of him and put them on the table. He instantly sat down next to you, gently taking some of the drawings in his hands.
"Wow. These are so detailed." Jungkook flashed you a shy smile as he studied the drawings more.
"So are yours. You're really talented." "So are you!"
You shyly tugged a stray of hair behind your ear as you looked back at his drawings of you. You were completely mesmerized by them. You have never considered yourself as 'pretty' but you might consider it now judging by his drawings of you. It looks so realistic but really beautiful at the same time. You definitely recognized yourself, that was for sure.
"I think I know why we're soulmates." You mumbled as you placed his drawings back on the salon table, where they were.
"I think so too." He smiled fondly at you, before turning to the kitchen.
"Uh do you wanna drink something? Or eat something maybe, since it's dinner time."
You could definitely tell that he was nervous and shy, just like you. He was a combination of both shy and bold, exactly like you are. You have your moments just like he probably has his. This could actually work.
"Can I have some water? And do you have anything to eat here?" You asked, getting your phone out as you heard a message coming in.
"We can order pizza. Do you like pineapple on it?" "Yes."
"Great. I'll order us pizza then." He gave you that shy smile again before dialing the number and ordering the food.
Jungkook came back with your water as he sat down next to you, making you feel comfortable again. His cologne was strong but not too, you found yourself really liking the smell of it.
"I texted my family and cousin that I met you. Can’t wait for their reactions" He told you with a bright smile as he wrapped his arm around your shoulders.
He clearly was getting more comfortable around you, and you absolutely loved it. You felt like you could be comfortable around him too, and you were. You found yourself staring into Jungkook's beautiful dark brown doe eyes a lot, which didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Am I that handsome that you can't look away?" He asked with a smug smirk showcasing on his face.
You were surprised by his cockiness, but it made you smile nonetheless.
"I just really like your eyes. They're so big and cute. It makes you look like an adorable puppy."
He chuckled at your words before throwing his head back in laughter. His laugh sounded like music to your ears, and you found yourself slowly falling for the brown haired boy next to you.
"I really like your eyes too. They're a really pretty color. I've never seen eyes like yours, they've very unique."
You felt yourself blushing furiously at his compliment as you hid your face behind your hands, making him laugh. He welcomed it by pressing a kiss to your head as you saw Jungkook smiling fondly at you. Oh how you were falling for this boy. Little did you know that he was falling just as hard for you.
"What brought you to South Korea?" His voice broke the comfortable silence that surrounded the two of you.
"It's quite a long story actually." You mumbled, gripping unto his shirt as you nuzzled your head against his strong chest.
"We still have some time before the pizza arrives." He told you as he wrapped one arm around you and ran his fingers through your hair with his other hand that wasn't tracing patterns on your side.
"Okay, uhm. I don't really know how to say this so I'm just gonna do it."
"It's okay, you can tell me. I'm here." He assured you, which instantly made you feel a bit better.
"I've had quite a rough time the past few years. I've been really depressed, suicidal even and went into therapy. My psychologist told me that it's something I'll have to deal with for the rest of my life. Of course it won't be as bad as it used to be but I'll definitely have days where I'll just feel very down."
He stayed quiet for a few seconds, which really worried you.
"How are you now? Is that why you decided to come here? To travel and find out more about yourself?" He asked as he made you look him.
You quickly nodded at him as you clutched his t-shirt tightly in your fist.
"Yeah. I came here all by myself because that's something I've always wanted to do. I didn't expect to find you here. I know this is a lot to take in and that I've a lot of issues. I'm not asking you to be there for me when I need someone but-"
"-Why wouldn't I be there for you when you need someone? I'm your soulmate and I really like you." He interrupted you.
His words made you tear up a bit, which didn't go unnoticed by him.
"Hey it's okay. I'm here for you Y/N."
You tightly wrapped your arms around him as he rested his chin on top of your head, wrapping his arms tightly around you too, making you feel safe. Your intimate moment was interrupted by the doorbell. Signing the arrival of the pizza. He gently brushed your hair out of your face before pressing a kiss against your nose.
"I got to open the door baby. I'll be back."
You nodded at his words, letting him get up when you realized that he called you 'baby'. You felt your cheeks heat up and butterflies erupt in your stomach. Jungkook quickly opened the door, gave the pizza guy the money before closing the door again and placing the pizza on the salon table in front of you. It looked absolutely delicious to say the least, and it smelled delicious too.
"Oh my god that smells so good." You practically moaned as you grabbed a slice.
He watched you with a bright smile before taking a slice himself. You both took a bite at the same time, letting the delicious flavors erupt into your mouth. "Oh wow."
He smiled at your reaction as he took another bite himself.
"It's good right?"
"So good."
You two finished the pizza in no time, being quite hungry after all. You spend the rest of the night talking to each other about your lives and issues. Jungkook seemed surprisingly okay with your mental issues. He accepts that sometimes you'll have days where you'll feel worse than others, and days where you're totally fine. He said that he wants to be there for you, even though you'll be on the other side of the world.
You glance at the clock that was hanging in his living room and felt your eyes growing wide when you saw how late it was. It was already 11 pm and pitch black outside, fuck.
"Oh my god it's so late. I-I should go back." You quickly got up only to be pulled back again by Jungkook.
You ended up on his lap, your back pressed against his chest.
"It's 11 pm. It's probably better if you stay the night here and go back tomorrow. There's no way I'm letting you go outside when it's this dark." He said, wrapping his arms around you to prove his point.
"I don't have anything here."
"I've a spare toothbrush and you can use my charger to charge your phone. You can wear one of my shirts to bed, since they'll probably be big on you."
"Are you sure?" "Yes. I insist."
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
I Need You
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 2796
Author’s Note: So, I saw gifs of Stiles crying and decided to break everyone’s heart, whoops. It’s a cute ending tho, so yeah! I literally wrote this last night and I’m like wow. Also, thanks to one of my bbys @dumbass-stilinski for proofreading this for me!
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I laid on my bed, scrolling through my photo album, looking at the many pictures that Stiles and I had taken, smiling lovingly at my phone, my heart swelling. Mieczysław Stilinski has been my boyfriend for about a year and a half, ever since the party Lydia had where she poisoned all of us with wolfsbane to resurrect Peter, Derek’s insane uncle. Stiles is the most loving boyfriend I’ve had and I can honestly see myself marrying him, if he’d ever want to. We have been through everything together, but lately, he’s been a little distant and I have absolutely no idea why and I want to help him, but he keeps brushing me off. My phone began to ring, Lydia’s name popping up on my screen as I sighed, answering it.
“Hello?” I spoke, playing with the comforter on my bed, glancing towards the picture frame, Stiles lips pressed to mine in the picture, and I frown, taking my bottom lip in between my teeth.
“Hey, honey. Heard from Stiles, yet?” She asked and I shook my head, my eyes stinging slightly, tears beginning to pool.
“N-No… Ha-Have you seen him at school?” I asked, picking at my skin, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear as I placed the phone on speaker. I haven’t been to school in a couple days, ever since Stiles has been brushing me off. I don’t have the courage to face him, so I told my mother that I’ve been sick.
“Yeah, I have. He’s been really quiet lately and all of us are trying not to pry because we want him to have some space, I guess, but Scott’s really worried, we all are.” She muttered and I nodded my head, knowing that she can’t see me.
“So… he hasn’t asked about me?” I questioned, a tear slipping from my eye, the salty tear sliding down my cheek, hitting the screen of my phone.
“Not that I know of, but he could’ve mentioned something to Scott.” She paused and I kept quiet, trying not to cry any more than I already am. “Do you want me to come over? We could watch some movies or something?” Lydia asked and I sniffled a bit, picking at my hand.
“I-I don’t know. I just want Stiles…” I muttered, tears flowing from my eyes, pressing my hand to my mouth, trying to keep the sob in.
 Stiles’ POV
 I paced my bedroom, noticing my murder board loaded with red strings as I ran a hand through my damp hair. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing the picture of Y/N and I as my wallpaper, her head hiding in the nape of my neck as my lips were pressed to her forehead, remembering when Scott sent me this photo of us. I smiled down at it sadly, regretting pushing her away from me. I placed my phone on my bed, rubbing my hands on my face as tears pooled my eyes, missing her. I need her, but I also want to keep her safe. I dialed Scott’s number, tapping my foot against the floor, becoming a little bit impatient.
“Stiles? Everything okay?” Scott answered and I sighed, hating everyone asking me if I’m alright in some way.
“No, Scott. Everything’s not okay. I’ve been pushing away the love of my life and she hasn’t been in school for a few days and I’m highly worried about her and I don’t know if any of our friends have had contact with her. I can’t stand this. Sometimes I wish that we hadn’t encountered the supernatural, Scott.” I ranted, resting my head on the palm of my hand, glancing at the picture frame of Y/N on my bedstand.
“I know, dude. I can smell it on you. Just… go see her?” Scott asked and I let out a breath.
“I don’t know if she’ll wanna see me, though,” I mumbled, rubbing the bottom of my nose, sniffling slightly. “I don’t want to lose her…”
 Y/N’s POV
 I walked around my kitchen, fixing something to eat since I haven’t eaten anything all day long. I was heating up some leftover lasagna that my parents had last night when my doorbell rang. I scrolled through my phone, the fork in my mouth as I walked towards the door, opening it slightly, seeing a random stranger standing on our porch.
“Can I help you?” I asked, opening up my contacts, stealthily, clicking on Stiles’ name, hoping that he’d answer in case something happens.
“I was wondering if I could use your phone, my car broke down a mile down the road and my cell phone is dead.” The guy innocently smiled and I pressed my lips together, thinking.
“Um, sure. L-Let me go get it, okay?” I asked before closing the door, calling Stiles immediately. I headed towards where the home phone was located, shaking slightly as it rang and rang. “C’mon Stiles… please.” I begged but I was silently defeated when his voicemail began playing. It beeped and I started my message. “Stiles… there’s some guy at my house and he’s kind of creeping me out and I wanted you to answer and be on my way to my house in case something happened. If you hear this in the next minutes, please come. I-I love you…” I muttered the last part before it beeped, ending the time limit and hung up, grabbing the phone.
I opened the door, handing the guy our house phone and he thanked me before dialing a number. I crossed my arms, shivering slightly as the cold air seeped into the house. He talked quietly into the phone, glancing at me every few seconds and I would give him a small smile, my heartbeat speeding up. The guy hung up the phone, handing it back to me and before I could close the door, the man gripped my wrist, barging his way into the house and I screamed, stabbing him in the hand with the fork I had, and he groaned, letting go of my wrist and I ran upstairs, locking my bedroom door as I tried to steady my breathing, hiding in my ensuite. I took my phone out once again, dialing Stiles’ number.
“C’mon, fucking c’mon.” I cried, feeling on the verge of a panic attack as I tried to calm down a bit. Please, baby, please. His voicemail started again and I let out a sob, covering my mouth quickly so I stayed quiet. I dialed the next best person, Scott. I pressed my phone against my ear and his voice rang out after the second ring.
“Y/N?” Scott asked and I sniffled, listening to the guy yelling threats at me from downstairs.
“S-Scott, s-someone’s in my house a-and I don’t know what’s going to happen. I tried calling Stiles twice, but he didn’t answer. Help me, please…” I begged, tears sliding down my cheeks for the second time tonight, biting my fingernails.
“Okay, okay. I’m on my way. Stay hidden, alright?” He made sure and I nodded my head, muttering a yeah.
“Can you stay on the line. Stiles would stay on the line with me when I was in danger and waiting for him.” I frowned, my heart clenching at the memories.
“Yeah, of course, I can. I’m leaving the house now.” I heard the guy kick open a door, jumping slightly, letting out a tiny whimper, squeezing my eyes shut. “I’m almost there…” Scott muttered as I heard his motorbike’s engine through the phone.
“Come out, come out wherever you are.” The guy sang, trying to open the bathroom door I’m in and I hold my breath, trying to stay as quiet as I can. My phone buzzed, glancing down at it as I saw a text from Stiles and my heart drops, feeling it break, forgetting how to breathe a bit.
 I’m sorry. I really didn’t want to do this, but we can’t see each other anymore…
 The phone slipped from my hands as it landed on the floor with a thump. The door busted open, letting out a loud scream as I heard Scott’s motorbike outside my house, and I stand up, trying to maneuver around him and he stabs my side. I gasp out, losing air as the pain spread through my body, falling to the floor as I held my side, trying to stop the bleeding.
“Pl-Please… don’t do this.” I begged as the guy stood over my body, a maniacal smirk on his face. He dragged the silver blade against my cheek, cutting my face a bit as I let out a cry. “Scott! Help me!” I yelled and the guy frowned, lifting the knife up to stab me again when Scott knocks him off me, punching him once they fall to the ground. I attempted to get off the floor, resting my back against the bathroom wall as Scott knocked out the guy, running over to me.
“You okay?” He asked and I shook my head, lifting my hand from the side, showing the wound on my side. He panicked, picking me off the floor as he wrapped an arm around me, bringing me downstairs to take me to the hospital.
 Stiles’ POV
 I stared at the text on my phone, my heart breaking every time I read it and I grip my phone, crying softly as I opened up my voicemails, noticing one from Y/N. I hesitantly clicked it, putting it on speaker as the electronic voice told me when she had called and everything before I heard her delicate voice.
“Stiles… there’s some guy at my house and he’s kind of creeping me out and I wanted you to answer and be on the way to my house in case something happens. If you hear this in the next few minutes, please come. I-I love you…”
My heartbeat began pumping faster against my ribcage, feeling my world crashing down around me as the voicemail was from about an hour ago. Oh god, what did I just do? My phone rang once more, seeing Scott’s name popping up on the screen and I sighed, answering it.
“Hey.” I sighed, scratching my face a bit. “Scott?” I asked, becoming a little confused.
“How come you didn’t answer Y/N’s call?” He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows, wondering how he knew that she called.
“B-Because, I didn’t. H-How’d you know that she called me?” I asked him and I heard him sigh.
“She called me after she tried calling you again because there was a guy in her house, trying to kill her, or something.” Scott muttered and my eyes widened, standing up as I began to pace.
“I-Is she alright?” I asked, feeling like an absolute dick for breaking up with her while she was in this situation. “Please tell me she’s okay.” I pleaded.
“She’s alright. She did get stabbed in the side, but my mom said that it had missed all the important organs, but she’s asleep right now.” I slipped on my sneakers, nodding my head at what he was saying, grabbing my keys.
“God, I’m such a fucking idiot.” I muttered, hopping into my jeep, starting it up.
“Why do you say that?” Scott asked, making me jump, almost forgetting that I was on the phone with him, my mind swarmed with different thoughts.
“I, um, I texted her and told her that we couldn’t be together anymore. I wanted to protect her and now I think I caused her to get hurt.” I frowned, blinking rapidly as I tried to clear my vision from the tears, driving erratically to the hospital.
“Are you fucking serious, Stiles? You don’t want to do that. You wanted to marry this girl and she wanted to marry you. You’re going to throw it all away because you think that being away from her is going to keep her safe? She’s in the fucking hospital, Stiles. Y/N’s already hurt, more than we probably know.” Scott yelled angrily, making me shrink into my seat slightly, never hearing this tone of voice from him.
“I-I know, Scott.” I parked in the hospital parking lot, my heart beating faster against my chest as my throat tightened. “C-Can I fix this? Please tell me I can fix this…” I muttered more to myself and my breathing became heavier, feeling on the verge of a panic attack.
“Stiles…” Scott’s voice drawled out, my eyes closing as I tried to calm my breathing. I sat here for a minute, calming down slightly before hearing a knock on my window, making me jump. My eyes opened, looking to my left, seeing Scott standing outside of my jeep. “You okay?” He asked and I nodded.
“U-Um, yeah.” I muttered, getting out of the jeep, Scott leading me inside the hospital, towards Y/N’s room. He opened the door, letting me go inside, letting me know that he’d wait outside. I walked into the room, silently closing the door behind me as I looked at her sleeping figure in the hospital bed, tears building up.
I swallowed thickly, sitting in the plastic chair next to her bed, reaching for her hand, grabbing it softly, rubbing my thumb against her knuckles.
“God, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I didn’t answer your call. I-I just needed time to think and I was pushing you away when I shouldn’t have.” I started, pressing my lips to the back of her hand, glancing at her face, seeing a bandage on her cheek. “And the text, I know you saw it and I wish I could do everything to take it back. I-I just wanted to protect you, but you still got hurt.” I intertwined our fingers, sniffling as I silently cried, watching her squirm a bit, slowly waking up. Her eyes fluttered open, glancing down at me and I gave her a small smile, which she returned before she frowned, taking her hand from mine.
“W-What are you doing here?” She asked me and my lips parted, trying to form some kind of sentence. “You… you broke up with me, Stiles.” Y/N frowned, tears pooling in her eyes as I went to reach for her, stopping myself.
“It was a mistake.” I whispered quietly, rubbing my hands on my face. “I thought I was protecting you and obviously I wasn’t. I don’t think I can live without you, Y/N. I-I wanted to get married, not now, but in the future. That’s how committed I was to this relationship.” I muttered and she stared down at me, her lips parted as a few tears slipped from her eyes. I clasped her hand in mine, brushing our fingertips together softly. “I told everyone that you were the love of my life and they’d tell me that I was crazy and didn’t know what I was talking about, but I did. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Would there be any chance for you to forgive me?” I asked her and she nodded her head, smiling down at me.
“God, Stiles. Of course I can. I love you, so fucking much that I probably can’t live without you, either. I was dying when you were brushing me off, all I would do is sit in my room and mope, going through the photos we’ve taken together throughout the years, even before we were together. Please don’t leave me, Stiles…” She pleaded, moving slightly, draping her legs off the bed as I sat in between them in the chair, rubbing my hands on her thigh.
“I’ll never leave you, ever. Especially not after what happened. If I had answered the goddamn phone, you wouldn’t be here. This is all my fault.” I frowned, looking down at the floor. I felt her finger lift my chin, making me look up at her as our eyes connected, my heart beating faster. Y/N leaned down, resting her forehead against mine, feeling her breath hit my face as I rubbed my hand on the side of her leg. “God, I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too, Stiles.” She smiled, tilting her head to the side, pressing a small kiss to my lips. I let out a small moan, missing the feeling of her lips against mine. One of my hands rested on her cheek, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear as I moved my lips against hers, pouring all of the passion I’ve had for her into the kiss, craving it. I pulled away from her, brushing our lips together lightly, my eyes still closed, lips tingling as I smiled.
 “Marry me… please.” I muttered, intertwining our fingers together.
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hornsbeforehalos · 7 years
Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 18
Pairing: JDM x OFC
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart.  Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus @xagateophobiax @sorenmarie87 @missghoul18@jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash
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   The rest of the weekend went by in a blur, split between following Misha around like a chicken with my head cut off and sneaking away to find Jeffrey to bury ourselves in each other. It was over too fast, and before it felt like I could blink I was back in Vancouver, on set and bored out of my skull.    "Jesus Christ, Padalecki, get it the fuck together!" I heard the director yell from his chair behind the camera. He was new, and thought he knew shit. He did, in fact, not know shit.
   I whipped my head around at his tone of voice, shooting daggers towards him before turning to the stage. My brother was obviously irked, vein in his neck straining as he clenched his jaw in that very Winchester way as he controlled himself from going off on the balding man.
   The boys started the scene again, said their lines, discussing whatever hunt the brothers were on this episode. Everything was going smoothly until Jensen accidentally knocked a prop off of the map table and couldn't help but laugh.
   "Jesus....Are you two fucking idiots? Can you two really not get through one fucking scene?"
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   Jensen made a brazen move forward, but Jared stopped him with a firm hand on his chest. My brother was about to open his mouth to speak when I jumped up from my place.
   "Aye! Who the fuck do you think you're talkin' to?" I  barked, drawl sifting through with my rage as I swiftly stalking forward to stand closer to where the annoying little prick sat. 
   "Who the fuck are you?" he recoiled in a hiss, eyeing me up and down with venom in his eyes.
   "Who the fuck are you? I've never seen you a day before in my life and I've been on this set for 13 fucking years. You don't speak to my brothers like that here. You don't speak to anyone like that here!" I seethed, squinting my eyes at him like he was a pest that needed to be squashed.
   The man huffed, his eyes sliding from me to the two men who had moved away from the stage to menacingly stand behind me. I quirked an eyebrow at him and crossed my arms, "I think you need to apologize before someone fucks around and fires you on your first fucking day."
   He swallowed thickly, glancing to me for a second before back to the glowering looming figures above me, "I-I-I'm sorry, Mr. Ackles. Please forgive me, Mr. Padalecki."
   I smirked, craning my head to look up at Jensen and Jared, finding them nodding spite the scowls still splayed across both their faces. I looked back forward as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Pulling it out, I noted that it wasn't a number I had programmed.
   "You're lucky I'm getting a call right now, douche, or I'd tear into your ass some more."
   I walked away from the area as the crew went back to work and slid the accept button.
"Ms. Ackles?" The man on the other line said
"This is she."
   "This is Webster, we met at the gallery? Norman said he let you know to expect my call?" "Oh yes, sir! How are you doing today?" "Great, great. Do you have a moment to speak now?" "I do, Mr. Webster. What did you have in mind?"    "Well my client, Cardi, said she really liked your look and that you would suit well with her vision of the video she wants. This is all on her as far as creative ideas, so she's basically getting whatever she wants, and she's decided that she wants you."    "Cardi, like....Cardi B? The rapper stripper chick from Love and Hip Hop?" he chuckled, and I pictured him shaking his head, "Yes, 'mam. That's her." "Huh. That's crazy. I actually worked with her one time years ago. Weird."    "She said she thought you looked familiar. Maybe that's where that's from. Anyway, we're offering you full commodities and accommodations, travel expenses, et cetera, and the over all pay out due to you will be roughly 10, 000 after the work is completed."    I choked on the gulp of RedBull I had been attempting to swallow, "Wha-wha-what?! 10,000, like, in, money?"    He chuckled again, "Yes, Ms. Ackles, real U.S currency. Cash, Deposit, or Check, however you prefer." "Holy fucking shit."    "So, I take that as a yes? I can have the contract sent over for you to go over with your lawyer by the end of the day." "Fuck yeah, send that shit."
   "What're you doing?" Jeffrey rasped into his end of the line the second he picked up. "Freaking out. You'll never believe it." "Webbie call you?" "Fuck you, it was supposed to be a surprise" I faux pouted "Surprise, I already knew? You'll be in New York in a couple weeks, right?" "Yup! I'm so excited. It's a little bit out of my element, but I think it'll be fun." "Look at you. You gonna be staying at Norman's?" "Nah, he's not gonna be home then, he'll still be down there with ya'll." "I know this." "Then why did you ask?"    "Well, because I was planning on staying at Norman's that week and could really use the company." He teased. "Really?" I couldn’t contain the excitement in my voice if I wanted to    "Yeah, it worked out that I'm not gonna be needed that week. I was gonna fly up there to see you but Normskie told me about the contract so we figured you and I could just stay there 'As long as we didn't soil the place', he said" Jeffrey chuckled, probably shaking his head at the thought of his friend. "Yay! Yes! I was actually kinda scared about going by myself" "Well, now you don't have to be. I'll be there to protect you." "My hero" I sang sarcastically, earning me another husky laugh from Jeff.    "I can't wait to see you, love. Been too long." He rasped, voice pitching an octave lower. "It's been two days, babe."    "Yeah, two painstakingly aching days without you. Without your kisses, without your arms, without your smell. I'm craving you, baby girl." his voice was so low now if it got any deeper it would strike oil. "Fucking bitch." I gasped, lightheaded from his words. "Yeah, you are." he chuckled thickly, "My dirty little-" "Fuck you."    "I will, babydoll. Don't worry about that. The moment I see you, Daddy's gonna be buried so deep....Mmmmmm." "Fuck you." I repeated with a added whine, "Why do you do that?"    "What? I'm just communicating my needs to my lovely girlfriend. My lovely, beautiful, sexy, tight, girlfriend." I hissed in response. He giggled, enjoying tortuing me. "I'm gonna wear your ass out when I see you, Mr. Morgan." I hummed. "Not if I wear yours out first, Ms. Ackles."
   The next two weeks seemed to creep by. Even with the insanity that was Gish week, the familiar tasks of going over entries and scoring and tallying and organizing did little to keep my mind from wandering to Jeffrey. The anticipation of seeing him had me missing him even more, especially with the teasing conversations that he had to elicit every time we were on the phone. I swear the man was trying to kill me or something. When the day finally came for him to meet me at the New York airport I tore myself across the over crowded are where I saw him waiting for me with a couple security guards and flung myself at him like a mad woman.    My bags dropped to the ground and and I leaped, full speed, into his open arms. My legs wrapped around his waist and my mouth melted to his so fast I couldn't close my eyes before the stars appeared. He pulled away from my lips to pepper my face in kisses before smothering me against him as he squeezed me, effectively popping several vertebrae in my back.
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   "God I missed you, sweetheart," he breathed into my hair, not putting me down as started walking towards the exit, his body guards grabbing my bags. I buried my face into his collar bone and inhaled his intoxicating aroma of cigarettes and cologne as he carried me through the airport, ignoring the multiple flashing cameras as we made our way out.    "That's gonna be on TMZ, ya know. "Kylin Ackles gets carried out of airport like a baby by Jeffrey Dean Morgan"    "Yeah, because the headline is gonna be about you, love." he chuckled as we approached the SUV waiting for us.    "It is. I'm more famous than you, you know." I giggled, scrunching my nose and nuzzling his scruff.    "Yeah, I'm sure you're totally correct on that statement, there,  baby doll." he snorted before sitting me in the back seat. I scooted over so he could join me and close the door.    He instantly ignored the two giants as they crawled into the front seats, pulling me as close to him as possible and shoving his tongue down my throat with an arm snaking around to grasp my ass.    "Jezus, Jeff, let the poor woman breathe!" the one driving, Eddie, teased as we pulled out of the airport    "We're right here, bruh. I love you and all, you my dog, but I ain't tryna see your dick." the passenger, Tyrone, kidded.    I instantly snorted out a laugh against Jeff's mouth, efficiently breaking us apart as my face beamed red.    "Awh, hon, no need for you to be embarrassed, it's Jeffy poo over here that's about to blow his fuckin' load." Eddie joked, eyeing my red complexion in the rear view mirror, "You got that man whipped, girl."    I giggled as Jeff pulled away to glare at the men in the front seat, covering my mouth with my hands as my giggles erupted to full blown uncontainable laughter.    "Oh, so now I got you laughing at me too?" Jeff whined, turning his attention back to me before deepening his drawl, "You're gonna get it, little girl" "Ho-Oh! I bet she could take you." Tyrone bellowed.    "Damn right she can." Jeffrey replied, throwing his arm over my shoulder as he adjusted the leg of his jeans and pulled me into his side. "Jesus Christ, babe. Couthe. Fucking couthe." "I have none." "Obviously."
​   When we arrived at Norman's apartment Jeffrey let us both in with his key and threw our bags behind the door. We slipped off our shoes before scooping me up bridal style and rushing us to our room. I giggled the entire way as Jeffrey once again covered my face and hair and neck in sloppy kisses while squeezing his fingers around his grip on my thighs. He plopped me, literally, onto the bed and I squeaked, bouncing on top of the mattress as he ​threw himself over me with a playful roar.  I tried to scurry my way up towards the head board but he grabbed my ankle and halted me.    "Get over here, little one." he growled, predatory snarl decorating his face as his eyes darkened.    "Make me." I smirked back, murderous smile splayed across my own cheeks. He clicked his tongue against his front teeth, "Wrong answer, baby love."    He yanked my leg and I slipped down the mattress before he grabbed my other ankle and flipped me over onto my stomach. Before I could even register his movement a hand came down over the denim covering my ass with a loud "THWACK!" That caused my whole body to tingle and an embarrassing moan to escape my throat.    "You have been hellish recently, little girl, you know that?" he questioned with a grin, working his shirt over his shoulders as I remained still on the bed, my ass still stinging. "S'part of my charm," I mumbled into the blankets. THWACK!    "Oww! Fuck you!" I jerked my self out of his grip of my ankle and pushed away from him.    "Now, now, Kylin Kay, no need for the language." He cooed darkly, Cheshire smile spreading as his head tilted. "Fuck you, Mr. J." "I will, Ms. Ackles. You bet I fuckin' will." "If I let you."    "What happened to 'wearing me out' hmm? Seems like I'm sticking to my promise."    My eyes narrowed in challenge, my own face tilting quickly to the side as my voice dropped an octave seductively, "Is that what you think, Mr. Morgan?" "Mmmhmmm," He hummed smugly.    "Well, darlin', in my personal opinion," I started, twang thick in my lust as I pulled the tank top I was wearing over my head to toss at him, exposing my lacy black bra I had picked out specifically for this fun, "That you hit like a litty, bitty, bitch." "Big opinion for such a small girl." "The only opinion that counts, though, right, old man?"    Jeffrey snarled again as he leaned over to crawl on the bed, eyes dangerous and hungry. He prowled forward, his body hovering over mine as he peered down at me and licked his lips. Suddenly, one hand wound itself in my hair with a sharp pull, jerking my head upwards towards his face, "The only one who's gonna be a bitch here is you, my little bitch in heat, begging for daddy to fill her up."
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   A flood happened somewhere in my panties, and my breath choked as my whole body became sensitive from him scratching his rough beard along the flesh of my neck. A loud, wanton moan filled the room as he ground his hips against mine, denim on denim creating almost painfully needed friction. He moved his hand from my tresses and slithered it to my jaw, thumb brushing across my lips before diving in between my lips forcefully. My tongue, with a mind of its own, instantly wrapped and curled around his digit, sucking it deeper into my mouth. Jeffrey closed his eyes and dug his hardness into me again. Seeing the opportunity, I bit down. Hard.    "Rah! Fucking hell, woman!" Jeffrey road, snatching his hand away from me and sitting up on his thighs, "You wanna play like that, huh? I've got you, now." He backed off of me and moved downward, tugging my shorts off and leaving me in nothing but my panties that matched my bra. Jeffrey groaned at the sight, tongue darting out between his mouth before he secured his bottom lip between his teeth. He ran his hands up my smooth calves to my thighs, eyes never breaking contact with mine. He smoothed his fingertips downward before moving them back to my ankles.    In one swift, unanticipated movement, he twisted my body as he sat down on the bed, spreading me across his lap, my tummy to his thighs.    "You've gotta be fucking kidding me." I griped, fighting against him as he pinned me down with one arm over my back, like you would a child. 
THWACK "Fuck you, Jeffrey!" THWACK "You're still a fucking bitch." THWACK-THWACK-THWACK "Just fucking wait-" THWACK ​"Okay! Okay! Jeezus! I'm fuckin' sorry!"    THWACK, but this time, instead of instantly removing his hand from my cheek, he kept it there, shaking it gently as it absorbed the sting. "What was that, little one?" "I said I was sorry, damn!" "Language, kitten." he rasped and I felt him raise his hand above me again. "YELLOW FUCKING LIGHT JEFFREY."    His whole demeanor changed instantly, hand quickly dropping back down to massage the scarlet painted flesh that was my behind as he leaned forward and hunched over me to kiss my back.​ The tingling sensation that my whole body was experiencing flung me over into hypersensitivity and my eyes rolled back in my head at the feeling of his course hair against my skin. "You okay?" His deep drawl was still lusty, but mixed with concern now. "Yeah," I panted, trying to steady myself. "Fuck" "What do you need, baby girl?"    "You, inside me, now." I groaned, gingerly lifting myself from across his lap to straddle him, raking my manicured nails down his chest "You've got entirely too many clothes on, Mr. J."
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"Well take 'em off of me, sweetpea."    I wiggled off of his lap to kneel between his legs where he sat on the bed. My hands moved to finger the button on his jeans, slowly tugging them open and unzipping them. He raised his hips to allow me to pull them off at the same time as his boxers, my mouth instantly watering as his clock flopped free. Naturally, Jeffrey picked up on the needy look in my eyes.    "You wannet, baby?" He rasped, looking down at me through hooded, wanton eyes as he grasped himself and stroked. I licked my lips before moving my eyes from his dick to his face and nodding. "You wannet bad?" he asked again, continuing to stoke himself. I nodded again. "Say it," "I want it." My dialated pupils rose back to his face. "Want what?" he smirked. "Your cock." "Say it." "I want your cock." "Where, baby girl?" he cooed mischievously. "Inside me." I whimpered "What was that?"    "I want your cock inside me, Daddy." Throwing the last word in for good measure.    The growl that emitted from his chest sounded like it came straight from his soul, and he lunged at me from across the sheets. His long arm curled itself around my back and with a snap, my bra came open and he ripped it off my chest, my nipples instantly hardening against the cool air conditioning of the apartment. I didn't have time to shiver before his mouth was attached to my right breast and his other hand moved to massage the left one. I moaned again, grateful for his contact that I had been deprived of for the past two weeks ​    "Jeffrey." I groaned, feeling him dig his hardness into the slick between my thighs, "I need you, baby."    "There it is." He grinned smugly, pride beaming through his irises, "There's my girl." "Fuck, Jeff." "Do you need something, little one?" he cooed sarcastically. "I hate you." I whined.    "Oh, really? Well then I guess I'll..." he trailed off, moving away from me, trying to back off the bed.    "Fucking bitch, I don't think so, mister." I growled, wrapping my legs around his shoulders and pulling him forward. The motion made his hands slip and he landed face first into my panties, "That's more like it." "Oh yeah, you think you deserve my tongue laving at this pussy?" "Yes." "And what have you done to deserve it?" "Put up with your teasin', Mr. Morgan. I deserve a prize." "Tsk tsk, little girl. I don't think you're needy enough." "Jeffrey Dean Morgan." "Mmmm, I like the way you say that"    "If you don't...." I trailed off, unable to finish my sentence as he began to pull my underwear downwards with his teeth.    Once they were off my ankles, he re-positioned himself between my legs and breathed deeply over the bare flesh in front of him, "If I don't what, Darling?" I whined, a pitiful sound that ached down from my very core. Jeffrey smirked that devilish grin of him that further pulled the string holding my composure together. "Get it the fuck together, Kylin. Don't you let him make you beg.'    His hot breath ghosted over my skin beneath his mouth with another deep hum, his tongue gently darting out to graze over the outside of my lips, spreading them just barely. Jeff could visibly see my core contract as my walls clenched around nothingness, physically begging for contact of any kind. Another smirk appeared over his face as he looked down at it with a chuckle, before peering back up to me knowingly.    I whined again but bit my lip, squirming as I tried to buck my hips upward. He held me down still, his arms wrapped under neath my thighs to hold them open. He licked the front of his top teeth hungrily, lust blown pupils boring into me and furthering my torture. 'Don't you fucking do it.' I had to keep telling myself.    An idea came to mind and I executed it before I had time to really think. I swiftly brought my thighs back around his shoulders, gripping him tightly about the neck. His hold on my legs had loosened due to my unexpectedness, and I seized the opportunity to roll us both over and rise to my knees in one fluid motion. I was now, to Jeff's very obvious surprise, holding his body down to the bed with my pussy directly in his face. I reached back, my long hair tickling his stomach, and gripped his cock firmly in my hand before he even registered what had happened. "What in the fuh-" "Eat it, now." I commanded, squeezing at his root.    "Fucking bitch-" Jeffrey growled, and although I couldn't see his face I smirked at the idea that he was rolling his eyes between my legs before diving his tongue deep inside my folds to drink up the wetness like it was the blood of Christ at Easter Mass. ​ ​   "Yeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhsssssss" I wailed as tears pricked my eyes at the sudden relief​ that flowed through me. I eagerly began to rock my hips back and forth, the vibrations of Jeffrey's grunts and groans wrecking my very soul. I gasped, and moaned, and screamed, and cried as his tongue assaulted my clit before dipping and suckling at my entrance. The familiar tightening sensation coiled around my center as the course hairs of Jeffrey's face scratched and scraped against my flesh. His face was soaked with my juices but he never came up for air, instead furrowing his brows as he felt me begin to quiver above him and picking up his pace, his attack brutal and feral as he twisted his tongue against my folds.    I leaned back again and twisted myself, almost uncomfortably, around to be face to face with his cock. Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I sunk my throat down over his length, earning me nothing short of what could be described as a scream from Jeffrey against my cunt, followed by his hips bucking upwards to thrust further down my neck twice before I gagged and and tried to pull away. His dick followed my mouth though, and I had to actually push his hips down to pop my lips from his shaft. I chose the opportune time, as well, because as soon as he left my mouth my entire face was coated as nut spurted from his cock. In his reaction he released a feral roar as he dove his tongue as deep as it could possibly dig, his whole mouth enveloping me with hot breath and suction, triggering my own meltdown that made me cry out and shake, my walls clenching down on his tongue trying to hold him in place there forever. The release took over my being, disallowing me to do anything but pant and quiver and whimper. The relaxation slowly turned to over sensitivity and I wretched myself from him and landed face first into the sheets, butt in the air as I wiped of the mess from my face in the process.    My ass was directly in his line of sight where he lay beside me panting, and he couldn't help himself as he raised up and rolled to his side, delivering another violent THWACK to my ass that he used to hoist himself into the sitting position. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I felt like I was dying in a blissful day dream that was way too short lived.    He stood from the bed in front of my head, hand tangling itself in the mess that had became of my hair, and jerked my face up to be eye-level with his softened dick. "Look what you did."    I smirked up at him triumphantly, licking my lips as I shifted my eyes downwards towards his member "You're the one who couldn't handle a little head." ​    I stuck my tongue out and grazed the spent head that still had fluid dribbling out of it. Jeffrey's fingers tightened against my skull, making me open my mouth in a gasp that he took full advantage of. His free hand came to grip the base of his cock as he shoved it past my lips. 
"Suck it. Get it hard again. I'm not done with you yet."    I moaned, eyes rolling up to meet his as I hummed around his flesh and slurped him into my mouth, feeling him growing harder and harder by the second. He pumped into my throat quickly, grunting at my body's willingness to take him.    "That's it, baby girl. Fuck, yes. So good." ​he praised in a rasp, his hand around his root moving into my hair to form a pony tail to pull it away from my face, "Best fucking mouth I've ever had."    Another moan ripped through me, a new coat of wetness slicking my cunt and dripping down onto the sheets as my body shivered with need. I reveled in the feeling of his thickness plunging into my mouth, his pants and grunts above me making my pupils dilate and body tingle.    He pulled my head away from his cock with a loud pop, one hand gripping the base again as he stroked himself gently before untangling the other from my hair, "Turn around, beautiful, hands and knees."    I obeyed silently, body pretty much taken control of itself while my mind was hazy with lust and orgasmic bliss. I let out a surprised squeak when I suddenly felt two of his long, thick digits enter my pussy and his thumb press firmly against my asshole. Before I even had time to react, his other hand came down across my ass one final time, and my second orgasm wrecked through my system so unexpectedly I couldn't even make a noise if I'd tried. My arms buckled and I face planted into the sheets, mouth gaping in a silent scream. I had no time to recover before Jeffrey was behind me, the blunt head of his cock pushing past my quivering entrance as my body tried to suck him in further. "If that's not the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen."    "Fuuuuuuhhhhhhkkkkk" I was finally able to get out, my voice broken as pleasure-induced tears streamed down my face.    "Awh, look at my baby girl. Crying for daddy's cock, are you?" He smirked, voice sweet but sarcastic.    Tired of his games and torture, I mustered up the energy some how to lift myself up to my elbows and arch my back before slamming my hips backwards and impaling myself on his dick.    "You fucking dirty little bi-" He started but was cut off by me moving forward and slamming back again. "Filthy fucking-" SLAM "That how you wanna do this, huh?" SLAM "Oh yeah, you wanna take it?" SLAM "I'll make you take it, little girl." SLAM    "Okay, enough of that." He growled, finger tips gripping my hips with bruising strength. He pulled me back roughly and rolled his hips, digging the head of his cock into the opening of my cervix , causing me to cry out again in both pleasure and pain. "Yeah, you like that, baby girl?" he rasped, to which I whined in response. "Huh? Do you?" He panted, pulling out and plunging back in deeply.    "yeh-yeh-yeeeasss, daddy" I cried, my hips instinctively moving in time with his thrusts "That's my good girl."    He began a barrage of hearty thrusts that I kept up with willingly, my hands clutching the sheets for leverage as we rocked back and forth against each other as fast as we could. Need and desire took us both over and we both became blubbering, moaning, wet messes as my slickness coated him as he moved himself in and out of me. Within a matter of minutes I felt the familiar heat spreading through my core as he throbbed inside me, preparing for release.    "You take it so good, baby. I'm gonna come. I need you to come first." He panted, slowing his thrusts as he tried to hang on.    "Nnnnnng, Jeff, I can't...." I could feel the orgasm trying its best to push forward, but it couldn't reach the surface no matter how hard I tried to will it.    "Yes you can, baby doll. Come for me." Jeff soothed, leaning down over my back to snake arms around me and pull me upward to where my back was against his chest. His lips and scuff brushed my skin as he peppered my  neck with kisses and nibbles, teeth grazing and marking what was his. One palm moved to my breast to pull and tease at the nipple as the other one slithered down between my thighs to push against my clit. Within two swirls of his fingertip around the sensitive nub my mind exploded as stars shot across my vision. The dark coil inside me burst once again and I gushed against him as he pushed me back down on to the bed, hands moving to pin me down to the mattress as his thighs straddled me and he jack hammered himself into my heat, chasing his own release with several quick thrusts before ripping himself out of me and spraying all over my body, thick ropes reaching across my ass and back all the way up to my shoulders with it's intensity. The guttural sound that emanated from his vocal chords shook me through and finalized both of our releases.    His body instantly collapsed beside me on the sweat-and-whatever-else-soaked sheets. "Jesus fucking Christ." "Mhmmm," I hummed contently, eyes still closed, "promise completed."    "Yes fuckin' 'mam!" he breathed with a chuckle, peaking one eye open to look at my disheveled state at the same time I did the same. 
​   After cleaning up and taking a small nap, Jeffrey and I lounged around Norman's penthouse ​for the rest of the evening, ordering pizza and finding something to watch on TV. It was nice and relaxing, being able to sprawl out across the couch with my feet in his lap, him smiling at me with that cheeky grin of his as he tickled my toes. We eventually dug around and found norman's stash, Jeffrey rolling a joint and us sharing it on the patio balcony, gazing down at the busy streets of New York. ​   "You nervous about the meeting tomorrow?" Jeffrey asked as he lit a cigarette between his lips and passing the pack to me.    "Hmmm, I'm not sure." I said, taking one out and lighting it, "I guess I am. I've never done anything like this before, but you being here is helping me chill out."
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"Good, I'm glad. S'kinda my goal."     I smiled at him, leaning over the railing as my eyes drifted among the lights as I took an inhale off the cigarette between my fingers. "Watcha thinkin' bout, princess." "Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just at peace for a moment, ya know?"    "Hmm, I think I do." He moved behind me, chest against my back and hands on either side of mine against the railing. I savored the feeling of having him around me as he nuzzled his nose into my hair and kissed my shoulder. I leaned my head back against his shoulder as I took another drag of cancer.    "It's crazy to think my life was nothing like this a year ago." I sighed contently, enjoying the rapture, "Thank you, Jeffrey." "For what?"    "Supporting me...pushing me...being there for me....putting up with me." I snorted at the last part.    Jeffrey snorted too, kissing the crown of my head before bringing his cigarette to his lips, "Anytime, Sweetheart." 
   The next morning came too soon, my body tired and sore and worn out from the previous days excitement. I groaned in protest when my alarm went off, throwing my arm over Jeffrey's back as I snuggled into his side as he quieted my phone for me.    "Come on, babe, nope, gotta get up." he gruffed, voice thick and raspy from sleep. "Fuck you. Make me coffee." I grunted. "Too early in the morning to deal with your sass, little one."    "Too early in the morning to be alive, old man" I shot back, pulling myself away from his warmth to drag myself into the connected bathroom and start the shower, "You better bring me fucking coffee!"    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear you, you fuckin' brat." I heard him shout through the door. 
   Of course he had my coffee made exactly the way I liked it on the nightstand when I exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel, my clothes laid out that I had told him I wanted to wear, and a joint rolled and ready to be lit. I smiled at my man sweetly as I watched him pull a white t-shirt over his shoulders and down around his torso. He had already put on my favorite black jeans of his and I couldn't help but lick my lips at how lucky I had gotten to find such a wonderful human being.    "You're too sweet to me, Mr. J." I blushed as I dropped the towel from under my arms and picked up my coffee mug, him turning to burn his eyes over my flesh as I took a sip of the warm caffeinated liquid.
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   He chuckled, licking his teeth again as he drug his lids upward across my body to reach my face, "You're the one who looks like candy, darlin'."    I sat the coffee cup back down and picked up the joint, tossing it to him with the lighter as I began to dress. He lit it as he watched me pull my underwear and bra on, passing it to me as I sauntered over to stand between his legs where he sat on the edge of the bed. He wrapped his arms around my thighs to cup my ass cheeks with his hands, drawing me closer to him as he nuzzled his nose in between my cleavage and jokingly making the motor boat noise. "You're a dork." I choked, my laughter causing the smoke to irritate my lungs    "Am not." he protested, squeezing my ass cheeks before giving the tender skin a playful smack, earning him a yelp of discomfort from me.    "Sorry," he chuckled, massaging the skin tenderly, receiving a hum from me in response. 
   I was sitting in a large conference room waiting on the production team of the music video, as well as Cardi, the artist, sipping on the coffee the assistant had brought me when my phone buzzed with a text from an unknown number. 'I know you're in NYC, it was so great to see you again, Kylin. I hope your meeting goes well.'    I hissed as I read the message, instantly knowing where it came from 'how did he get this number? how does he know where I am? The pictures, dumb ass, the fucking pictures from the airport. Fucking hell. When will this end?'    I was distracted from my thoughts as the door swung open and several men in dress shirts entered followed by the artist herself. I stood​ up, smoothing my shirt out nervously as the group approached with smiles.    "Kylin! Thank you for coming! I'm Perf, the director, and these are my assistants, and of course, this is Ms. Cardi." The first man greeted, bright smile contrasting greatly against his chocolate skin 
   "Ayeeee! Oh my god it is so great to meet you, girl!" Cardi beamed, pushing past the group of men to engulf me in an unexpected hug    "Oh! Uh, It's great to meet you too, 'mam!" I replied, wrapping my arms gingerly around her nervously.    "None of that 'mam' bull shit, ya hear me?! We all hoes here! Ha!" She laughed, sticking her tongue out, making us all laugh and my nerves ease. 
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   We all took a chair around the conference table, Cardi sitting directly beside me and grasping my hands in my lap fondly. I smiled at her and she squealed, obviously excited for this meeting.    "So we have a concept for the video, and we think your talent will fit perfectly into it." He started, pulling out a few concept sketches.    I peered down at them as he slid them over to me and Cardi, her long nails pulling them closer to us as Perf pulled out his phone and let me listen to the song. Said, "Lil bitch, you can't fuck with me if you wanted to" These expensive, these is red bottoms, these is bloody shoes Hit the store, I can get 'em both, I don't wanna choose And I'm quick, cut a nigga off, so don't get comfortable, look I don't dance now, I make money moves Say I don't gotta dance, I make money move If I see you and I don't speak, that means I don't fuck with you I'm a boss, you a worker, bitch, I make bloody moves    The song continued, my head nodding to the sound of the beat as my head whirled with ideas and inspiration. I looked to Cardi, who had a huge smile across her face as she watched my reaction.    The music ended and she looked at me with a squeal, "So?! It's fucking poppin', right?"    "I'm excited for sure. Is there any choreography that I need to learn before hand or is it just basically all gonna be freestyle?" I asked, looking to Perf.    "You have free reign, basically, it's all gonna be in slow motion, so we don't have anything specific that we need you to do, just be sexy."    "Which can't be hard for you to do." Cardi cut in, bright smile still prevalent as she saw the blush creep over my face, "Oh don't start that shit with me, gurrrrl, I seen who you're fuckin'. That nigga too foine"    My eyes almost popped out my skull at her words, face burning impossibly hotter. "Uh- Ha. I'll be sure to let him know, ha ha."    "We should do dinner this week! Get to know each otha better, and you gotta introduce me to him!" She practically begged, pulling my hands into her lap again as she squeezed them, “And then of course the wrap party!” 'How is this my fucking life.'    "Um, sure. I'm sure that can be arranged. Um, here, uh, if you put your number in my phone I can let you know when?" I pulled my phone out of my bag and handed it to her once I unlocked it and opened the contact add. She input her information and then pushed the selfie button for a picture, focusing us both in the shot. We made funny faces at each other and then she added it to her contact, sending herself a text from my phone.    The meeting finished up quickly after that, them giving met he schedule of when they would need me on set and where to go and all of that, it would be a quick 3 days of getting a few shots for me and then I would be on my way back to Vancouver by the end of the week. 
   The idea of Anthony knowing where I was bugged the hell out of me all the way back to Norman’s apartment. My paranoia further increased when I could help but feel like someone was watching me as I exited the car and made my way up to the door. I rushed inside, slamming the wood behind me and instantly locking the dead bolts as fast as I could.
   “You okay, doll?” Jeffrey asked, walking towards the entrance when he heard me come in. 
   “He knows I’m here.” I whispered, turning around slowly and pressing my back against the door, “Feels like someone’s followed me.”
His eyes instantly darkened as his brow furrowed, “What do you mean?”
   I sighed as I stepped away and walked towards him, pulling my phone out and opening the text message to show him. He read over it and his knuckles whitened around the device, threatening to crack the screen under his strength.
   “I’m going to deal with this. Soon.” He growled, arms folding protectively around my shoulders as he pulled me to his chest, “He’s not getting to you again, baby girl. Trust me.” 
   I nodded as I leaned into him, fighting the scared tears that attempted to work their way over my eyelids. My arms circled around his waist, squeezing the comfort he brought into me the best I could.
   He lead me into the kitchen where he lifted me onto one of the bar stools, leaving me there to pull open one of the drawers and extract a freshly rolled joint. He placed it in front of me on the bar counter with a lighter, which I quickly grabbed and held to my lips. With a wink from him I flicked the lighter as he turned back around to pull a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet with two glasses. 
   I passed the spliff to him as he moved my drink in front of me, replacing one for the other in my hand. I swallowed the amber liquid quickly, fighting the burn of the strong liquor as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as he chuckled.
“I love you, Ky.”
I smiled at him, “I love you too, handsome. Thank you for keeping me safe.”
“Anytime, Sweetheart.”
   Jeffrey ordered me security personnel for the rest of the week to escort me back and forth from rehearsal while I shot the few parts that were needed. Cardi herself had excellent security and once Jeffrey had explained to her the gist of the situation over dinner, she even made sure to order her own body guards to keep an eye on me too while we were around each other. Dinner with her was hilarious, she kept Jeff rolling the entire time with her bluntness and jokes, and we received several dirty looks from big wigs in Armani suits over our whoops and hollers. 
   Filming went fantastic, the director, Perf, loving everything that I was doing with the parts asked of me. Me flipping up side down and spinning around on a gold pole that apparently would appear to be on fire once editing was done, and of course the basic ‘sitting around a table with a guy with a lot of money’ shot. Cardi and the rest of the crew members constantly kept everything entertaining, though, and I felt like it was basically the same atmosphere as on set with my brothers. 
   We were at a loud New York nightclub for the wrap party taking up the whole VIP section with the group of people that followed Cardi around, having drink sand having fun for her last night in the city before she few out the next day. I wasn’t scheduled to return to Vancouver until 2 days later, in time to be back to work on Monday.
   “Come with me to the bathroom, girl, I don’t know if I can’ make it on my own!” Cardi hollered over the loud music, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with her. I gave Jeff a quick kiss on the cheek before following her in the direction of the lady’s room. A body guard went to follow us but Cardi waved them off, saying that the bathroom was close and we needed a ‘girl moment.’
   When we reached the private bathroom she immediately pulled me into the stall with her, shushing me when i made a surprised squeak
   “Shhhh, girl, do you do coke?” she asked, digging through her bag and finding a small blue baggie.
“Uh, I mean, I used to, I haven’t in a while, though.”
“You want some?” She held her long acrylic powder filled pinky nail towards me.
   “Um, no, not right now. I’ve never done it around Jeff and I really have never even talked to him about it. I wouldn’t be able to hide it from him.”
   “No problem, girl, I gotchu.” She raised her finger to her own nose with a deep snort, inhaling the drug with ease.  “Here, take this, talk to him about it when you get home tonight. Maybe he’ll do it with you and ya’ll can have some nasty fun.” She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me, causing me to shake my head and laugh as I took the baggie from her.
   “Girl, I’ll definitely let you know how this goes.” I shoved the plastic bag in a zipper compartment of my purse for safe keeping. 
   We washed our hands and were making our way back to the table when I felt firm fingers grip my bicep tightly. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as the familiar feeling of slime coated my entire body. I was jerked backward, pulling my hand out of Cardi’s that I had been holding.
   “What the fuh- Who the fuck are you?” She demanded, flinging herself around and grabbing my hand again before I had a chance to even look up at my attacker, even though I already knew who it was. 
   Anthony didn’t let go either, though, and for a moment they played a small tug of war with me as I attempted to pull away from his grasp, “Let me the fuck go, Anthony!” 
   “KENDRICK!” Cardi screamed, still not letting go of my wrist as she alerted the security guard. 
   The scene didn’t last long, or at least it didn’t feel like it did, because before I knew what happened 2 very large men ripped Cardi and I away from Anthony and thrown into Jeffrey’s arms. He caught the both of us, arms around our waists as he pulled us away from the commotion
   “What the fuck! Drag is ass, Ken! Now!” Cardi screeched, tears pricking her eyes in anger as Jeffrey held her back from charging forward.
   “They’ve got em, girl, come on,” Jeffrey pulled her back into the circle of safety that had crowded around us to escort us out the building quickly. I didn’t turn around to see what the two men had done with Anthony.
   “Was that the reason you needed security?” Cardi asked, catching her breath as we stood outside and waited for the valet to bring our cars around. I was clinging to Jeff, fighting back tears as my heart thudded in my chest. Jeffrey’s arms were curled around me protectively, and I felt his head nod against where he had it rested on the top of mine. 
   She nodded her own head in understanding, pursing her lips in discontent, as she rubbed my arm up and down, “Well, he’s gonna get his shit dragged around The Bronx for a little bit in the trunk, then Kendrick and Callem will make sure he knows not to fuck with any of my friends.” 
I smiled as I sniffled, side of my face pressed against Jeff’s chest, “Thanks, girl.” 
“I gotchu.”
   Something deep down in my gut told met hat this wasn’t the last I’d see of Anthony, though.
   “Are you okay?” Jeffrey asked as we sat in the back of the SUV on the way back to Norman’s apartment.
   “Not really. Just kinda wanna forget.” I replied honestly, pushing myself closer  into Jeffrey’s side.
   “I’ll get a nice bath drawn when we get back, pour some wine, get you out of those uncomfortable shoes and that makeup off your face.”
“Sounds like heaven, Thank you, Jeffrey.” I cooed, loving that idea.
“Anytime, Sweetheart.”
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   “So, Cardi gave me some...party favors...” I began, shifting through my purse as Jeff ran the bathwater into the over-sized Jacuzzi tub. 
“Oh yeah?” He quirked an eyebrow, “What kind of ‘party favors’?”
“Um, the nose candy kind?” I answered, revealing the small baggie in my hand.
   Both of Jeffrey’s eyebrows shot up as he raised himself to his full height from where he had been bent down by the water, “Oh yeah? I haven’t partied like that in years.”
   “Me either.” I chuckled, flicking the bag a couple of times to settle the contents at the bottom, “It’s not a lot, but should be enough for a little...” I trailed off realizing how close Jeff was standing to me, his arms boxing me in against the counter as I looked up into his chocolate eyes.
   “Fun?” He finished my sentence for me, hunger taking over his already dark irises.
   “Yeah....fun.” I breathed before he lowered his mouth to mine to tug on my bottom lip.
“Well, than, sugar, let’s have some fun...”
Part Nineteen (MID-SERIES FINALE) released 9/25/2017
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dangerousreputation · 7 years
Night Owl - Shawn Mendes
lol i wrote this at 3:06 am until 4:33 am two nights ago. this was kind of wrote based off of what i desired i guess idk? um but yeah i would for shawn to sing me a little too much when i can’t sleep yeah that would b nice thanks. anywho another random thought, i am so happy that i haven’t watched the video for tnhmb because i think i would die and i’m seeing all these gifs and i’m like thank the lord i haven’t seen it thank the lord hahahaha this wasn’t requested either but u know my ask has been looking a little dry yall xoxoxo – You woke up to the sound of your heart thumping loudly in your chest and your skin tingling from being so hot. Shoving the covers off you as quickly as you could, you ran your hands down your face and grabbed your phone to check the time; 3:06 AM. Already feeling the tiredness but too uncomfortable to go back asleep, you looked over at Shawn. His eyelashes laid softly across the highest point of his cheekbones, his hair was sprawled out on the white fabric of the pillow case, one hand was placed behind his head while the other was extended which once held your shoulders. He looked peaceful and at ease, he looked beautiful. You smiled at him, he had come home to you for his week off but he will have to be back on the road again. You would get bad again. Bad meaning waking up at this early hour, constantly worrying about him, having a whole in your chest where he should be, the pressure of not being overly clingy because this is his dream and you didn’t want to be the person to ruin it, and almost going insane with the constant pain of missing him. Every. Single. Second. Of the day. He seemed to noticed that you had taken your heated body away from his because he brought one of his long fingers up to his eye to wipe the sleep out of it. “Baby? What are you doing? What time is it?” he asked, his voice raspy and low. “It’s okay, I’m okay. I just woke up for some reason,” you smiled at him. “Its early Shawn, you need to go back to sleep.” “I can’t sleep without you.” he mumbled looked at you through squinted eyes and raising his torso with his elbow. He unfolded one palm to hold out for you to place in his. He didn’t know hat you had been going insane without him here and that was the last thing you wanted to tell him. You also didn’t want to mention how this happens, every single night that he’s not here with you. Smiling at him again, you allowed him to pull you against his naked, but comforting chest. His skin felt warm but not too hot underneath the palm of your hand as you let it lay flat against his skin. He wrapped both of his lanky muscular arms around your and pressed his lips where your hair met your forehead. You wanted to cry. Cry because how on earth do you get the privilege of having such an amazing boyfriend. Cry because this will all be gone in two days. Cry because you didn’t know if you could keep going. You felt alone when he wasn’t here and no one could tell how much you were suffering. “Baby?” he whispers into the dark room, his voice sounded angelic and soft making sure that if you were asleep, he wouldn’t wake you. “Yes?” you answered back. “You have to tell me what’s wrong. I always see your activity on social media at this time of night, your mom said that you look like a zombie whenever she sees you when I’m on tour, and you have called me crying too many times to count. I don’t know if I can be away from you if that happens (y/n.) It kills me inside knowing that you are over here, across the world, suffering and you won’t tell me about it. Do I need to stay here, with you?” Your heart sank. You knew that if you admitted to feeling so alone when he wasn’t here, he would stay. That was the kind of boyfriend he was, but he had bigger things to worry about. He had countries to visit, cultures to experience, and his loving fans to communicate with. You didn’t want to be the one to take that away from his supporters, it would be selfish. You didn’t feel the tear slide down your cheek and fall onto the pale skin of Shawn’s sternum. You felt him take his thumb and gently sweep in under your eye to collect the moisture. Your pressed your face against his chest and sighed because you know that you were letting him down. He always told you how strong you were for going through this journey with him, but you’ve hit a breaking point. Your hands felt shaky and you whole body felt weak and exhausted. Your appetite was decreasing and the color in your cheeks had started to fade. You hated this. “It’s hard, Shawn. I’m torn from telling you that I go through absolute hell when you’re not here but I also want to tell you that I can get through it. That you can’t hold back because this is your dream. To play to fans all around the world and I don’t want to be the one who holds you back.” you feels more salty tears streak down the top of your nose and cheeks bones and onto his chest. “I can’t do it Shawn, I can’t.” you whimper and you feel him pull you tighter into him. “I go through it too, (y/n.)” I wonder if you’re going to find someone who can actually be there for you or someone who can give your normal life that’s not filled with screaming fans or paparazzi, out of the spotlight. I can’t sleep after you call me, knowing that you’re not eating or sleeping makes me sick to my stomach. You are my happiness. You are the one person who makes me weak. If you’re not healthy or happy I can’t go on anymore.“ "Shawn-” “I won’t go. I’ll cancel your if it means you’ll be happy and healthy again.” he says almost like a demand. He sighs again and presses his lips against your forehead. “Please don’t. You can’t let them down Shawn. I am one person compared to the millions of fans that you meet and see when you are on tour, I can’t ruin their happiness by keeping you here. It all gets a little too much sometimes.” you breath, the last sentence inadvertently quoting his song. You feel him smile against your skin as he pulls away from you. He starts to whisper, “She would not show that she was afraid,
But being and feeling alone was too much to face,” You started to feel the downpour of tears and almost apologized to Shawn because your tears getting on him but didn’t want to stop his beautiful voice from floating through the air. 
"Though everyone said that she was so strong,
What they didn’t know is that she could barely carry on,
 But she knew that she would be okay,
So she didn’t let it get in her way,
 Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don’t have to be afraid, because we’re all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much,“ He stopped for a second before bringing his hand up to his face and wiping his tears away before continuing with a shaky voice. 
 She would always tell herself she could do this
She would use no help it would be just fine
But when it got hard she would lose her focus
So take my hand and we’ll be alright
 And she knew that she would be okay,
So she didn’t let it get in her way,
 Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don’t have to be afraid, because we’re all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much, yeah.
 A little too much, I said a little too much, oh
 Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don’t have to be afraid, because we’re all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much yeah!
 Sometimes it all gets a little too much,
But you gotta realize that soon the fog will clear up,
And you don’t have to be afraid, because we’re all the same,
And we know that sometimes it all gets a little too much” You both laid in silence, hearing the fan hum lowly and the sound of his heart beat in you ear made you sleepy. That song wasn’t originally written about you, but he always sang it to you over facetime, phone, or in person. You pressed your lips against his skin where his heart lays in his chest. He rubbed his thumb up and down your cold arm before stopping abruptly and almost jolting. You looked up at him with sleepy eyes and tear stained cheeks. “Baby, come with me!” he says loudly, well loudly for this hour. “W-what?” you stutter. “On tour. You and I. I’ve always wanted to take my significant other along with me and I want you to experience the different countries. Please, I’ll talk to my manager tomorrow but there not doubt in my mind that he won’t let you go.” “Shawn, I don’t know. I don’t have a lot of money to travel and I don’t want be distracting or keeping your from your fans.” you sigh sadly because as much as you wanted to say yes, these doubts quickly flooded your mind. “What?! No (y/n.) They would see how happy you make me, how happy I make you, and I don’t think I could bear to be away from you again. Please?” You rolled you eyes because this kid had such a way with words. After weighing your options, it was an obvious answer. “Yes."

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Never Forget (Part 5) - Steve Rogers
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You patch things up with Steve, but will Laurie take you back?
Word Count: 1300
Warnings: Language, fluff, angst.
A/N: Well, this is not my best, but I still like this one. Hope you guys do too! Also, not my gif. Credit to the owner. You know the drill.
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He answered after one ring. “Hello?” God, you missed his voice. 
“Steve,” you breathed, tears still streaming down your face. It was like a dam had broken and now your eyes were flooded. Your voice was shaking, and you had to speak quietly so you wouldn’t cry anymore. “It’s me.”
It was quiet on his end for a moment or two, and then you heard him sigh. Was he relieved? “Thank God.” He said breathlessly, and you could almost picture him running his hands through his hair. 
“And you’re sure?” Steve asked for about the thousandth time.
“Yes,” You insisted, grabbing his hands. You stood in your living room, by the front door. As soon as Steve had walked in you had rushed over to him. “Yes, I’m sure. It’ll be hard, but I’d rather see you a little bit at a time then not at all.” You laced your fingers together with his. 
He grinned slowly, his eyes nearly sparkling as he looked down at you. You could almost hear the ocean when you looked in his eyes. “Okay?” you said after he didn’t say anything, squeezing his hands gently to make sure he was still alive. 
“Okay,” he chuckled, bending down slightly to kiss you. You helped him fill the space by standing just slightly on your toes, your lips meeting in the middle. God, I missed this, you thought, moving your lips against his. Soon his hands let go of yours and traveled to your waist, pulling you closer. You reached up and wrapped your arms around his neck, not opening your eyes or breaking the connection between him for one second. He lifted you up off the ground and spun you around for a second, causing you to giggle into his mouth. 
Finally he set you down, and you parted, grinning at him with slightly flushed cheeks. “I missed you so much,” you said, pulling him more into your apartment.
“I missed you too, doll,” he replied, chuckling. “I thought about coming into the store a few times, and buying a phone case again. But I figured you would need your space.”
You smiled as you remembered the first time you had met him. You just knew him as Captain America then, this man who fought to protect the world and had been frozen for like, a hundred years (not a hundred, but you didn’t know the exact number). But now, you knew him as Steve, this kind, wonderful, amazing man who swept you off your feet and made you feel so happy, and safe, and invincible. 
You spent the night holed up in your apartment with Steve, catching up on the last month you’d missed with him. He told you what he could about all the missions he’d been on, and shared a few stories of being recognized in public. You told him about your fight with Laurie, and how you felt so guilty about leaving things the way they were with her. 
“Well, then, you have to talk to her,” Steve said. You were sitting on the couch with him now, talking. He reached over and brushed your hair behind your ears. “You guys have been friends too long just to let it fizzle out like that.”
You thought it was sweet how much he cared, and moved so that you weren’t facing him anymore; instead, your back was pressed against his chest, legs extending across the couch. He pressed a kiss against the top of your head and you could feel his chest rising and falling- steady and sure. 
“You’re probably right,” you sighed, closing your eyes. He ran his fingers through your hair. “Tomorrow,” you promised, letting out a yawn. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”
You stood in front of Laurie’s apartment, an olive branch in hand. Not an actual olive branch, but a peace offering of sorts. It was a plastic bag full of Laurie’s favorite candy and makeup from work. You glanced down at your phone. A text from Steve helped you work up the courage to knock.
You can do this, doll. Just talk to her. 
You took in a deep breath, and, with your free hand, knocked on the door. 
After a few moments, Laurie answered. She frowned when she saw it was you, and just stood there. She didn’t say anything, just stared at you with her arms crossed over her chest. You swallowed the lump in your throat. 
“I, uh, I brought you this,” you said, handing her the bag. She glanced down in to it and, after moments of consideration, allowed you to come inside. 
“I’m sorry I was such an asshole,” you spoke again, biting your lip. “I shouldn’t have taken all my frustrations with Steve out on you, and I shouldn’t have said what I did. I was being a bad friend, and you were being a good friend by calling me out on my bullshit.”
You sighed. You’d said your piece, and now all you had to do was wait for Laurie to forgive you... or decide she never wanted to see you again. 
After minutes- literally, minutes- of agonizing silence, Laurie rolled her eyes. “You swear you’re done acting like a lunatic?” she asked, looking at you. 
“Yes,” you said, smiling softly. “Yes. Lunacy over. They’ve released me from the asylum.”
“Well, then, get over here, you dumb-ass,” Laurie said, opening her arms. You stepped forward and hugged your best friend, feeling all the pieces finally fall into place. 
After the hug, you and Laurie spent the evening watching your favorite movies, quoting the lines you knew so well. She ordered Thai food and pizza and you pigged out with her on food you didn’t need, but damn did it taste good. You split a bottle of wine with her and sang stupid songs at the top of your lungs, and you were so happy to have your best friend back. 
The next day, you met with Steve at the grocery store. He only had an hour to spare today to see you, and you had to go shopping for the week before you went to work. You spotted the faded blue baseball cap and knew it was him. 
Holding the basket in one hand and Steve’s hand in the other, the two of you walked down the aisles and you occasionally would toss something in the basket. You held a conversation with your boyfriend, talking to him about stuff that didn’t really matter. Then finally, as you approached the produce section, he brought up something that did matter.
“So, Stark- Tony, I mean - is hosting this big, stupid party to celebrate the Avengers being together for three years,” he said, and you chuckled to yourself. “What?” He asked, nudging you with his shoulder.
“That’s so sweet,” you said, grabbing an apple and putting it in the basket. “It’s like an anniversary party. An Aveng-iversary.” You laughed, because you thought you were hilarious.
Steve didn’t. He just shook his head and rolled his eyes. “You are insane,” he said, scoffing at you lightly. “But as I was saying, he’s having this big party, and he told us we could invite whoever we want. And I want you.” He stopped, then scrunched his face slightly. “To be there. I want you to come with me. It’s next Saturday. Can you make it?”
You thought of the work schedule and after a moment or two, nodded. “Yeah, I can make it,” You said, grinning. 
“Good,” He said, kissing the side of your head. “Cause my coworkers can’t wait to meet you.”
“Coworkers?” You scoffed. “You mean, the rest of the Avengers?”
Steve nodded, and it dawned on you. A night meeting the rest of the Avengers? Holy shit. You were in trouble. 
@whiskeyandwashitape @thelostswan @theonethingforyouu @alilianamendez @superwholockian5ever
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asthecrushgoes · 5 years
Longer Than I Thought - part 3
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Who: Calum x Female OC
Inspiration: the song Longer Than I Thought ft. Joe Jonas by Loote.
Series Content: Swearing, drinking, mostly angst with some fluff, mentions of sex but not smut
Word Count (this part): 771
A/N: So this part is kind of short, but hope you still enjoy! I promise the next part makes up for it!! For anyone new, the series features a non-famous 5SOS, based in Boston--other parts linked below. Let me know what you think! 🍻
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4  - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
By 11:00, Faye and Julian were in line at a bar near Faneuil. The unpredictable April weather had turned the day cooler as rain supposedly was moving in overnight. Faye stood close against Julian’s chest, trying to block some of the wind from her bare shoulders.
“If we don’t get in soon, my buzz is going to wear off,” she complained, pressing her forehead against him.
“This is what happens when someone wants to dance and not just head to one of the many, many dive bars around here,” Julian retorted, a smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth.
“You’re going to have a good time!” Faye argued, shuffling forward with the line. “I promised you a drunken night out and goddammit I’ll make sure it happens!” She put her hands on her hips for emphasis and Julian smiled in agreement.
“I’m all yours,” he said.
Finally, after about a half an hour, they paid the $10 cover and were let inside. Ariana Grande was blasting through the building as bodies pressed up against each other on the dance floor, people trying to get back to their friends carefully carried pitchers of beer above heads, bartenders rushed back and forth trying to serve all the drunk customers, and the bachelorette party in the corner kept yelling about shots.
“We should take shots,” Faye suggested as they made their way to the bar.
“Holy fuck, okay,” Julian agreed.
They had drank a lot back at the apartment, and would have probably been set on just beer, but if Faye wanted tonight to be one of those nights, Julian wasn’t one to argue. He was always down for a good time.
Julian squeezed through the crowd, managing to get one arm onto the bartop. After a few minutes, he had two tequila shots and two beers.
“Cheers,” he said, handing Faye her tequila and lime. They clinked and downed the harsh liquor, each grimacing as they switched to the lime.
“So when does the ‘good time’ start?” Julian teased. The pair migrated from the bar, trying to find a spot with enough room to at least stand without getting a beer poured down their arm or a drunken stranger stomping on their foot.
“Ahhh!” Faye yelled excitedly as the song switched. “Now!” She grabbed Julian’s free hand and pulled him towards the dance floor.
“Hot dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life,” she sang, loudly and definitely off-key, but that didn’t matter. The entire bar was screaming the lyrics to ‘Clarity,’ the beat building and the smile on Faye’s face growing.
Faye spun around, jumping with the crowd. Julian was right beside her, getting just as into the music as she was. This was exactly the type of night Faye had imagined and hoped for--just pure joy and friendship.
She placed a hand on Julian’s chest as they were shoved closer together by people crowding the dance floor. Julian responded by reaching for Faye’s waist. And thank god he did, because the next second, she almost passed out.
As Faye’s gaze traveled around the room, her eyes immediately fell upon the tallest people there. Luke, Michael, and Ashton. Gripping Julian’s arm hard to prevent herself from falling over, Faye froze.
“Are you okay? What happened?” Julian asked immediately. His hands tightened around her, keeping Faye steady as his eyes searched her face for some kind of answer.
“I need another shot,” she mumbled, then slipped from Julian’s grasp, b-lining for the bar.
Faye desperately scanned the room for the single person she’d been actively avoiding for months. Luckily, Calum seemed absent from whatever night out this was and Faye could only pray it stayed that way.
Fuck this fucking small town, she cursed to herself.
Downing a second tequila shot, Faye took a few deep breaths trying to collect her thoughts. She didn’t even touch the lime.
“Faye, talk to me,” Julian pleaded. “What’s wrong?”
But she couldn’t articulate an answer. How was she supposed to summarize the more than two years wasted on a guy who didn’t even try to make things work? How was she supposed to explain that despite the anger welling up inside her, the feeling that took over was the desperate ache in her heart as all the amazing memories clouded her brain? How was she supposed to say it’s taking her a really fucking long time to get over Calum? Or that she’s not even sure she wants to let him go?
Next part preview: “They sat mostly in silence, listening to the sounds of each other’s heartbeats and relishing in the feeling of being together.”
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6
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