#the trailer is giving me so much false hope
herkindofnothing · 9 months
im gonna be so annoying about this when it comes out i’m so sorry
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
They cling to each other for a long time. Gradually, Eddie’s breathing stops catching with sobs, and he becomes aware of other impressions: the water dampening his jeans as he sits on the tiles, the muffled chaos on the other side of the bathroom door—people calling desperately for loved ones, hospital staff shouting orders.
And as Eddie calms, he feels when the hug shifts, when Dustin starts to shake, and it turns more into Eddie holding him than the other way around.
Eddie takes a few deep breaths, only stuttering slightly. Swallows and tries to gather himself. “What happened to your face, man, you okay?”
Dustin nods over his shoulder. “One of the windows blew at Ste—at the house when the… when the gates...”
“Shit.” Eddie pulls back a little, and he can see the evidence of it now, little pieces of glass littering Dustin’s hair. “Where’s everyone else?”
“They’re fine, they stayed there. It was just one window, the house barely got hit compared to…” Dustin trails off with a shrug that Eddie takes to mean compared to the whole town. “There was an old bike in the garage, so…”
“You biked here? By yourself?” Eddie had half been hoping that he’d somehow hailed a cab or something equally miraculous, can’t fathom just how dangerous it currently is to travel alone, so exposed, if the whole town is anything like the trailer park—
The ground splitting, blood red light, Steve’s blank eyes—
Eddie shakes his head. “Jesus, Henderson. You’re damn lucky you didn’t break something.” Or worse.
“I don’t care.” Dustin lets go and fixes Eddie with a fierce stare, eyes wet. “I—Eddie.” His voice breaks. “I said I hated him.”
They’re both avoiding using Steve’s name, like saying it out loud will mean they have to face the terrible reality of it.
Eddie pushes down another wave of grief. Dustin needs to hear this. “That’s—Dustin. He knew that wasn’t true.”
“Yeah.” A harsh laugh of self-loathing, and Eddie’s heart breaks at the sound. “But I still said it. That—that says—”
“That doesn’t say anything about you,” Eddie says fiercely. “You hear me? Not a fucking thing. You…” He pulls Dustin into another hug, feels the tremors of him crying. Squeezes tight. “You were just scared. No crime in that, all right?”
“Sorry, Eddie, I—I’m just. I’m really fucking scared.”
He has no idea if Dustin is really listening, wonders distantly if this is how Wayne has felt over the years, when faced with him. He just holds onto Dustin, hopes that it’s enough, hopes that it says all that he means. Christ, kid, can’t you see how much he loved you? He’d have done anything for you.
Eddie strokes a hand through Dustin’s hair, carefully removing pieces of glass. Oh, he’d have done anything for you.
And he did.
It’s only when they pull themselves up off the floor that he notices Dustin’s limp.
“You did break something.”
“I don’t think so.” Dustin stands on the foot experimentally, then winces with a quickly stifled cry.
“Hey, don’t! Here, just…”
He gives Dustin his arm to lean on, and they walk in silence. Eddie finds that he doesn’t know what to say, doesn’t know what balance to strike. His usual joking would just ring false, but what he actually wants to do, which is keep double checking that Dustin is okay, feels too close to… to something that Steve would do.
He doesn’t want to be a reminder of all that they’ve lost.
They find Robin waiting for them outside the restrooms. Her face is pale, blotchy, and when she runs to Dustin, wraps her arms around him, Eddie remembers—
Robin’s arms tight around his chest, holding him back. He had caught the ambulance driver glancing at his watch, realised it was to check for the time of death, and now he's making a mournful keening noise he didn’t know he was capable of.
Denial flooding him, painful, overwhelming. He can’t accept it, suddenly, even though another part of him repeats ‘he’s gone, he’s gone, he’s gone’ like a lament; wants to scream, “You don't understand, he can’t be—he was just talking to me—”
“Why are you just—someone fucking help him!” He's reaching for Steve, but Robin's grip is strong; he just brushes Steve’s fingers, and they’re cold, why are they—
“Eddie,” Robin is whispering brokenly. “Eddie, stop, it's—it's not him anymore.”
Eddie breathes, presses his back against the wall as Robin takes Dustin’s weight with a concerned expression.
“He needs someone to take a look at that,” Eddie says, nodding at Dustin’s leg. His voice sounds normal, if a little flat. Oh. He’s numb, he thinks.
When Robin replies, she sounds similar, looks grateful at being given a task, something to do. “They're taking minor wounds on the floor below.” She gives ‘minor wounds’ a skeptical air quote with one hand.
They start heading towards the elevator, and then Eddie sees it out of the corner of his eye. Denim jacket, a flash of plaid.
He makes sure Robin is still holding Dustin before he starts to run. People jostle against him, unseeing, slamming into his shoulders, and he keeps fighting against the tide, because—
“Wayne!” he calls desperately, feeling suddenly very young.
Up ahead, someone turns. And then there is a familiar warmth around him, ushering him to the side, away from people.
“Eddie,” his uncle says, and he looks exhausted and shaken, but otherwise unharmed.
The sight of him triggers a rush of emotion all over again, and the only thing Eddie can say is a choked, “I didn't kill her.”
Wayne’s eyes soften. “C'mon, son. You know me better than that.”
Eddie’s breath hitches again. Wayne holds him, holds him like he did when he was a child and had bad dreams, a hand cupping his head like there, now. We’ll make this right.
And then Wayne pulls back, eyes flickering over Eddie. “Christ, Eddie. You hurt?”
There’s a split second of confusion; Eddie glances down at himself, sees the blood and vomit on his shirt. Sways a little, and Wayne grabs onto him in alarm.
“No, it's not—I'm fine, Wayne. Promise.” He breathes through a lump in his throat and gets out, “A friend died,” which feels so inadequate for the enormity of what had happened.
Wayne stares at him for a long moment. Then he says, very gently, “This is something big, ain't it?” He gestures to the thronging corridor, to the windows. “What you got mixed up in?”
Eddie almost laughs at that. From Wayne’s phrasing, it sounds like he just got mixed up in the wrong crowd at school, when really, just a few days ago, lost in despair, he'd somehow found the strangest, best people in the world.
And now, he's lost one of them.
“Fuck, Wayne, there's—there's so much I want to tell you,” he says. “But I—I don't know if I can. Not yet.”
It hurts to say; Wayne’s always upheld the fact that Eddie can tell him anything and everything. He can see that Wayne is about to reply as much, but then he must spot something on Eddie's face, sense the fear.
“All right, Eddie,” he says calmly. “Not yet.” Then his eyes widen a fraction, and he moves forward, as if to shield him. “Aren't the cops still looking for you?”
“I...” Eddie shakes his head. He recalls having a very distant thought that he might get arrested as they arrived at the hospital, but it had gone as quickly as it came; because he’d seen Steve—seen the body get covered with a sheet, and Nancy's hand had gripped around Eddie’s wrist like she needed an anchor, nails piercing his skin.
“Not sure,” he finishes honestly. “I—I don't think so. I don't know why.”
Wayne studies him, then sighs. “All right,” he repeats. He doesn't sound happy about it, but he can read Eddie, read that there's somehow even bigger things to worry about. “You got people here?”
“Yeah.” Eddie blinks away the image of Steve's glassy stare, thinks of Dustin—Dustin, who still needs him. “Yeah, I...”
Wayne nods. “Go. Some folks got banged up at the plant, one of the nurses said they need volunteers.” He lets go of Eddie with reluctance. “Stay in the building, all right? I'll come find you.”
Eddie nods. It’s one of the hardest things in the world, to walk away from Wayne. He didn’t think he’d ever have this back. “I love you.”
Wayne tsks, brings Eddie in for a brief, fierce embrace. “I love you, too.”
It’s not Dustin that Eddie finds first as he retraces his steps, but Nancy, taking a call. He sees her lips move: “Mike.” Something changes. She goes very still, her grip on the phone tightening. Then, whatever she’s saying is delivered rapidly; she slams the phone down and runs right into Eddie.
“Woah, where's the fire, Wheeler?” Eddie says. His heart is already in his throat at the sight of her; she’s white as a sheet. What fucking now?
She breathes in and out, then grabs his hand. “Come on.”
They run together. Nancy doesn't provide any explanation as they hurtle up the staircase, as she leads him to a very quiet corridor in the ICU.
“Just...” She takes a breath, collects herself. “Wait here. I'll be right back.”
And she storms through another set of doors. Eddie stands there, frozen. It’s the longest fifteen minutes of his life. When she comes back, she’s much slower, and she sits down opposite him, puts her head between her knees.
“What's...? Shit, Wheeler, you're scaring me.”
She looks up. Surprisingly, her eyes are dry. “I'm about to tell you something,” she says, “and... Eddie, I'd only tell you if I was sure.”
Eddie blinks. “Shoot.”
“Okay. They—Steve. He was being taken away. To the...” Nancy's eyes dart to a sign, and Eddie fights back nausea. To the morgue. “But then they... They've found a pulse.”
The words take a while to truly hit Eddie, as if they come from a long tunnel. When they do, he feels his legs buckle, and he slides down to the floor. He's glad Dustin isn’t here; hope, false hope, is cruel.
“Nancy,” he says, through gritted teeth. "That—that’s not possible. I—I felt him—” He can’t even say it. I felt him die.
Nancy leans forward, puts her hand on one of his knees and squeezes. “I know,” she says simply. Then she stands. “Come with me.”
But Eddie doesn't want to move. He wonders if it's all been too much, if this is a trick, if Nancy’s had enough and is finally turning him in. But then he remembers how she had held onto him as they celebrated the communication with Dustin in The Upside Down. And he sees her eyes now, sharp and earnest.
So he lets her guide him onwards.
He comes to a halt outside a room. Feels a weight in the pit of his stomach, like he’s at a turning point; that maybe this is all in his head, and he'll go right back to his bedroom, and Steve will—Steve will—
Nancy’s hand slips into his. She raises her eyebrows, and it’s not quite a smile she gives him, but the expression seems to say, Together?
As one, they walk inside.
“Jesus Christ,” Eddie whispers.
In a bed lies a body that looks remarkably like Steve Harrington. There’s a cast on one of his legs, but what draws Eddie’s attention is his face, the waxy pallor of it, the mask fitted tightly around his mouth. That awful stare has gone; someone has closed his eyes. Eddie doesn’t realise that he’s holding his breath until he sees the slightest movement of Steve’s chest, the weakest rise and fall... but it's there.
Eddie turns away and retches. Nothing comes up. Nancy rubs at his back.
“I spoke to some... there’s doctors who—they know about. Everything. They told me that they're not really worried about his leg, it just seems like a normal break,” she says. Her voice wavers slightly, like she's fighting tears. “The... the bites on his stomach stopped bleeding, but... it's his lungs, they think.” She nods at the mask. “They're giving him the same stuff they gave Will, after he was in The Upside Down. They say it's the best chance he's got.”
Eddie thinks about Steve throwing up. His gasping breaths. Panicking. Fuck, he can’t breathe. Then—
“He was coughing,” he says. The memory feels hazy, as if it happened years ago. “When we were… on the bikes, to my trailer. I could hear him.”
He feels shaky again. Nancy draws up two chairs, close to Steve’s bed, and they sit.
He is aware, suddenly, of a slow but steady beeping. A heart monitor.
It doesn’t feel real. Eddie pinches the skin on the back of his hand hard, half expects to see a clock instead of…
“Fucking hell, Wheeler,” he sighs. “What are we gonna do?”
“Make sure he’s not alone,” Nancy says.
They keep a silent vigil. At some point, Nancy rises, flits out of the room. Eddie hears hushed conversation just outside, and then Dustin and Robin come in, Dustin hobbling on crutches. Robin makes a wounded noise, reaches forward and holds Steve’s hand so gently.
Eddie doesn’t dare touch him. Something in the back of his mind whispers that he might break the spell, that Steve might crumble away into nothing if he so much as—
“It doesn’t look like him,” Dustin says. He sounds torn between anger and despair. “He looks… gone.”
Eddie sucks in a breath. “I know.” Because Dustin has voiced his precise fear: that this is all that remains. A different death, but a death all the same.
It happens much later, when Dustin has been shepherded back to Steve’s house by Nancy and Robin. “We’ll check on the kids,” Nancy had said, “and then we’ll be back.”
“Take your time,” Eddie told her, noting the sunken, fatigued look to all of them.
They’ve been gone for just over an hour when Eddie, fighting sleep, realises that he hasn’t told Wayne about the state of the trailer. He almost wants to search for him, but he doesn’t dare leave the room, even if he can only really look at the hospital sheets, his eyes darting away from Steve’s face. Dustin’s right; he looks gone.
He hears it half in a dream, eyes closing despite himself. A radio, faintly, from another room, a cleaner leaving the door ajar.
Leaving nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town. Nothing but the dead and dying back in my little town.
He jolts awake sharply, as if his body is already aware of something before his mind has understood. Still blinking away sleep, this time he does not look away when his eyes land on…
It’s barely there. But Eddie sees it: the faintest of creases on Steve’s forehead.
Eddie stares. Then it clicks.
“Holy shit,” he says, hushed, afraid that if he speaks too loudly, it will all stop. He doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry—he ends up doing a mixture of both. “Harrington, is this your fucking song?”
The sound of the radio fades away, and with it so does the tiniest of frowns. Desperately, Eddie picks up the chorus himself, stumbling over the words in his haste; and this time, he sees it happen, the change from an unnatural laxness to…
A little pinch in between Steve’s brows, subtle, but there.
“Fuck, it’s really you,” Eddie says. “You’re still in there.” His eyes burn with tears. He reaches for Steve’s hand, holds on despite the lingering coldness to his skin. “Christ, please keep fighting, man. Please.”
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starryeyedmunson · 2 years
pop quiz (lessons in the bedroom pt. 2) - e.m.
pairing: eddie munson x female reader
summary: after your date cancelled on you, you’re annoyed that you didn’t score your first orgasm. so eddie gives you a new lesson plan on masturbation.
warnings: smut (minors, you know what to do): masturbation (female), allusion to male masturbation; swearing, more stupid jokes
author’s note: here’s part 2, hope it satisfies as much as the first one enjoy
pt. 1 ; pt. 3
word count: 2k
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You almost broke the door to Eddie’s trailer, storming inside to the poor boy’s bedroom. You shoved it open, and Eddie practically jumped at the sudden arrival.
“This HAS to be a joke,” you threw your hands in the air before crossing your arms.
“Um, hello?” Eddie eyes were frantic, but he softened once he saw that it was you.
“You know how I blew that guy last night?” you snarled.
“Uh, yeah?” Eddie didn’t really want to hear about it, but he let you rant anyway.
“Well then joke’s on both of us because I actually didn’t blow him. In fact, I didn’t even see him. He cancelled on me. So what the hell am I supposed to do now?” your words were quick and you were talking with your hands.
“I don’t know,” Eddie eyes darted around the room. “Were you itching to give him head or something?”
“No, I don’t give a shit about that,” you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “I just really wanted him to come over.”
“What, is he your match made in heaven?” Eddie’s voice was sarcastic, but there was a twinge of distaste in his tone.
You snapped your fingers at him. “I don’t care if he lives forever or dies tomorrow. I needed some pure, x-rated, not safe for work filth.”
“I really did not need to know that.” he snapped back.
“Well sorry I can’t be you, a boy, someone who can just jerk off whenever they want and cum with no help,” you said sarcastically.
“Hm, well, girls can do that too, so don’t even hit me with that.”
“I think I would know what girls can and can’t do.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” Eddie spoke slowly and leaned towards you. “Wait, you’ve never cum?”
“Literally how could I?” you sneered. “It requires two people.”
“You’ve gotta be shitting me,” Eddie laughed the hardest he had in a while. “Are you insane? Literally anyone conjure themselves an orgasm.”
“Oh really? Then show me.”
“Why would I just whip out my dick and start jacking off in front of you?”
“Munson? Hey, yeah, get your head out of your ass and tell me how to make myself, a girl, cum.” You were fuming.
“Make yourself? Have you never even rubbed one out?” he was so confused.
“Do not call it that,” you shivered. “And of course I have, it just doesn’t really do anything.”
“Then you’re not doing it right,” he was nonchalant and he leaned back on his hands.
“Thank you for stating ridiculously obvious information!” you clapped your hands. He rolled his eyes, and you looked at him flatly. “So? Give me the rundown. Unless you can’t because you’ve never made anyone-”
“You don’t know shit about fuck, so let’s stop with the false accusations,” Eddie put his hand up at you. “Besides, it’s different for everyone. How am I supposed to know what you like if I don’t even know how you react to each thing?” A smirk crept onto your face, and Eddie immediately started shaking his head. “Nope. Nope.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say!” you offered.
“Oh really? So you weren’t going to ask me to tell you what to do while you were actually touching yourself?”
“Not that exact wording,” you said slowly. Eddie laughed lightly before rolling his eyes and standing up.
“You might need to call that guy up, maybe he can teach you,” he was walking towards the door, but you grabbed his wrist.
“Eddie, come on,” you begged. “You owe me this.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah, yeah! I blew you, now you have to do this for me.”
Eddie laughed heartily, his wrist still in your hand. He looked back to you, and when he saw your serious face he almost laughed harder. “You didn’t even give me head because you wanted to. You were literally practicing for someone else.”
“It was still free head!” you countered. Eddie sighed, and yanked his wrist from your grasp.
“Fine. Get on the bed. But your shirt stays on and my eyes stay closed,” he pinched the bridge of his nose, and you gave him a big smile. You spun around, hopping on the bed and kicking your feet as you looked up at him. He gave you the most annoyed face in the entire world, but he got onto the other side of the bed. “Well? Lay down and take off what you need to.”
You did as you were told, and stared at the ceiling. Eddie took a deep breath, covering his eyes with his hand. “Okay, now what?”
“Well, put your dominant hand down there, genius,” he said, and you smacked him on the arm. “You want my help or not?”
“Fine, done. What’s next,” you groaned.
“Find your clit, it’s like a little bud in between the middle and the top of your, you know,” he instructed. It took a minute, but you found it soon. You flinched at the contact with your fingers, but it wasn’t from pain or discomfort. It was like a warm feeling was sent up your body. “Find it?”
“Pretty sure,” you said, hovering your fingers over the area.
“Okay, now don’t press too hard but some put some pressure on there, and then start rubbing, like, little circles on it,” he sighed. You did what he was telling you, but something wasn’t clicking.
“Yeah, this is not working,” you huffed.
“Well are you doing it right?” he asked.
“How am I supposed to know?”
“It’s your vagina.”
“Well maybe if you just helped me out manually then I would actually get somewhere.”
“Would that get you to shut the hell up?”
“Yes it would. Now do it.”
Eddie let out an exasperated sigh, and he took your hand in his, bringing it back down in between your thighs. When the two of you reached your destination, Eddie took your finger and dragged it up halfway up your folds.
“Why are you already a waterpark?” he still had his hands over his eyes.
“Uh,” you were trying to find words to get yourself out of the confrontation. “I don’t know.”
“Okay,” he said slowly. For a fleeting moment he thought that he could be the reason you were already aroused. But he pushed the thought out of his mind, chalking it up to wishful thinking. He restarted his path up to your clit, and when he heard your breath hitch he knew he found it. “Circles like this.” He started slow, taking his time to get you warmed up. It felt better than when you had done it, and even though you got the rhythm you still let Eddie’s hand guide you. “How’s that, hm?”
“G-good,” you were strangled in warmth, the feeling of little jolts of electricity running up your body with each flick of your clit. Eddie allowed his hand to drop from his face, but he only moved his head to let his gaze drop to your face. Your eyes were closed, and there were hints of red on your cheeks. Your breathing was unstable, but you still looked like you were in heaven. He took in all your features, savoring the moment as best he could.
“Alright, route two,” he said, and your eyes opened. You turned to look at him, confusion on your face.
“What the hell else is there?” you breathed.
“Just trust me,” he said, giving you a smile. You felt safe, comfortable with him working your hand. You smiled back at him, and he slowly took your two middle fingers down to your entrance. He rimmed them once, before taking one of them and gently inserting it into you. He watched as your mouth opened and your eyes rolled back into your head, obsessed with the feeling of your finger inside of you. “That good?”
“H-holy shit,” you were breathless, and your head went back to facing the ceiling. Eddie refused to look down your body, but he gauged his help based on your facial expressions. Your eyes were now screwed shut, images of Eddie running through your mind as his hand was over yours.
“You want another?” he whispered to you. You nodded quickly, and he helped you insert another one. You squirmed as he slowly slid it into you, and you fell in love with the feeling. “Alright, now move them in and out.” You followed, and you were instantly falling. You took it very slow, and only picked up the pace slightly after a minute. Eddie took his hand off of yours and let you take the reins, scanning your now completely red and hot face. You were letting out small sighs and moans, but you were trying to keep the sounds to a minimum.
“You can be louder,” he purred. “Don’t be shy, baby.” At the pet name you moaned exponentially louder than you had been before. He smiled as he watched your open mouth make such pretty sounds, and he was more and more enamored with the sight of you. He took your other hand in his and moved it down, pressing on your clit. “Now the circles again, just like I taught you.” You picked them up, and suddenly you were a writhing mess next to Eddie. “Good girl,” he said to himself. But you heard him, and it had a new feeling rising in your stomach.
“Ed-Eddie,” you got out. “My s-stomach.”
“There it is,” he cooed. “You’re so close.”
“C-can’t stop it,” you managed. You were being thrown off the edge and you didn’t know when the end was.
“You can do it, baby, just a little more,” he said, taking his hand off of yours. Your actions only got faster, and soon enough you hit the peak. You felt your walls pulsing and contracting as a wave of pleasure washed over your entire body. You made high-pitched sounds as you came, Eddie listening to and loving every whimper that left your lips. You pulled your hands away only after you hit a state of overstimulation, and you were trying your hardest to catch your breath. Eddie moved his stare from you back up to the ceiling. “Voila. Orgasm.”
“Holy God,” you sighed. “I could’ve been doing that this whole time?”
“Yep,” Eddie laughed. You smiled loosely as your breathing began to slow.
“Well now that guy means jack shit,” you said. Eddie smiled to himself, and he tapped your hip to get you to pull your jeans back up. You took his signal, sitting up completely when you were done. Eddie sat up too, running his hand through his hair. You sighed and looked over at him, but his eyes were on the floor as he dissociated. You looked down a little bit, seeing a sort of tent in his sweatpants. “Uh, do you have something you need to take care of?” Eddie looked up at you confused, but when he saw where your vision was trained he widened his eyes and pulled a pillow over his groin.
“You cannot blame me in the slightest,” he almost yelled. You smirked but said nothing, leaving Eddie blushing from embarrassment. You cleared your throat, scooting to the side of the bed and standing up. Eddie scratched his neck before getting up and leading you to the front door. He opened it, and you turned back around slowly to face him.
“This was very… informative.”
“Leave before it gets awkward.”
“Yeah, okay.”
You basically sprinted down the steps, speed walking to your car before turning back around to see if Eddie was still in the doorway. When you saw that he was, you stood up straight and gave him the same salute you did the first time, and he rolled his eyes, giving you a fake salute back. You hopped into your car, but you sat there for a minute before starting the engine. You kept thinking about how it felt to not only touch yourself, but how it felt to have Eddie’s hand controlling your own. You would never admit to him that your arousal came from him alone, but you also had no idea that when it came to what he needed to “take care of,” he was thinking of you too.
these people asked for a part 2 so i thought i’d tag them? here y’all go
@fandomfoodiedancer @indiffrents @apolloapricot @boomhauer @cutiecusp @mcotton740 @chopper-witch @marlenecollins @sushiell​
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smolbean-17 · 3 months
Part 1 (Episodes 1-3)
I never made any theories for Season 2, but quite a few of my theories from Season 1 were really close to what actually happened, so I figured I’d give my shot at theorizing Season 3.
I can’t really guess how exactly these plot points will land and in which episode, but I think these things will happen in the first 3 episodes, in no particular order. We’re getting all 3 eps in one night so they’re going to be establishing quite a bit.
Ep1 - Confined
This is the episode where we will see Omega and Crosshair confined at Mt. Tantiss together. Omega has her Season 2 hair, and seems more optimistic than she does later on in the trailer.
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At this point I don’t think Omega is treated as a prisoner. I think she’s restricted of course, but it seems to me from the trailer that she’s serving as more of an assistant to Nala Se with limited freedom. Hemlock promised her she’d be treated well, and I feel like he was telling the truth. And maybe Omega has chosen to behave herself (for now) and has made a plan of luring them into a false sense of security so she can find a way out.
And then she sees Crosshair up and alert and not being tortured (and being escorted to another part of the facility? More cloning experiments?) and she decides to escape with him somehow.
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Crosshair is disheartened and incredibly sad, maybe because he found out about Tech and perhaps believes his other brothers were captured/killed. Who knows. Someone either screwed with his emotional state before this shot, or maybe he’s just drained from his captivity. But I think it’s the former.
It will show more of the inner workings of what’s going on at Mt. Tantiss, but it won’t reveal too much. I think it will mostly establish what Omega is doing there.
Ep2 - Paths Unknown
As for the boys, we will see that there’s been a passage of time. How much time, I’m not sure. But probably a few months. That’s when we hear Hunter say the famous “Omega’s been waiting for us a long time. I’m not making her wait another day.” (pretty sure that’s all one quote that’s been sliced up)
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It’ll establish that Echo has left again with Rex, probably to liberate more clones and look for hints about where Omega is along the way. Hunter and Wrecker are alone. They set up base on Pabu, recruiting help from Phee who is more than willing to help. But they never stay there long, and they run themselves ragged trying to find Omega and not getting any closer. Both Hunter and Wrecker are more angry and determined than we’ve ever seen them.
Ep3 - Shadows of Tantiss
Meanwhile, Omega finally hatches her plan to escape…
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Things obviously don’t go according to plan, and she doesn’t get too far before she’s stopped. Just in case, they inject her with a tracking implant…
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and she gets imprisoned.
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It looks like this little cage situation is the same as this one from the leaked trailer:
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Omega’s hair situation is really the only thing throwing me off lol.
So she meets Crosshair again. She tries to get through to him and show him that she hasn’t lost hope. He argues and Omega gets through to him in the way only she can. She finally gets him to agree to an escape.
The episode could end with Hunter and Wrecker getting a call from Rex and Echo that they finally have info on Omega, thus leading into Ep4, A Different Approach (which would make since if you consider they have new information).
So these first 3 episodes will be jam packed with information, and maybe not a ton of action, but will be establishing episodes to move the story along.
Another thing I noticed from the leaked trailer…
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Are we getting a flashback(s)? That looks like Hunter’s old armor paint job, and that backpack and helmet to the left is very distinct and only belongs to one person…
I would seriously love to see Clone Wars era Bad Batch again. Maybe flashbacks are interspersed throughout the season for extra exposition/character development/emotional damage. Maybe the first episode opens on a flashback!
Let me know what you think! Part 2 coming soon!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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steddieunderdogfics · 18 days
what's mine is yours (to leave or take) by througheden
Rating: Mature
8,201 words, 1/1 chapters
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Diners, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Nurse Steve Harrington, Amateur Baker Eddie Munson, Getting Together, First Kiss, Slow Burn, POV Eddie Munson, Eddie Is Targeted Unfairly and the Town Won't Move On, False Accusations, (referenced but not the crux of the fic), Protective Steve Harrington, Banter, Flirting, Christmas, Gift Giving, Pie As A Metaphor For Hope, Sharing a Bed, Accidental Cuddling, Fluff
Summary: Eddie’s eyes flicker from their connected hands to Steve’s face, still looking down, and back again before Steve responds. “Coming here to hang out with you and eat pie filling is all that got me through the day. Being here helps. You help.” When Eddie was younger, Wayne used to call him a great little helper when he’d fix something around their trailer, or hold the flashlight just right beneath the hood of a car Wayne was fixing for a neighbor. He’d done something concrete, done a task, and felt helpful. But sitting here in the diner with Steve’s fingers wrapped around his own, nothing he’s done is a tangible help. All he’s done is exist in the same space with Steve and Eddie’s never felt like his presence is soothing. Always too much, too big, too loud. He doesn’t know what to do with Steve wanting to be with him, or with their hands clasped together, so he just stays the course. “Well, shit. Good. That’s, yeah. That’s good to know. Ready to test some cherries?” Or, Eddie's an amateur baker who desperately needs a healthy dose of hope. He finds it in the bottom of a pie dish and the hands of Steve Harrington.
Thanks for the rec! This recommendation is apart of our Writer's Wednesday! All of the recs today are written by @thefreakandthehair. Want to nominate an author? Fill out this form!
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klausinamarink · 7 months
klausi!! 🤍 i wanna bombard you with all these prompts but!!
91 "Don’t go on that date.” “Why?” “You know why.” “Say it." and/or 12 "I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
64 "Can I hold your hand?” and/or 79 "i like being close to you. you’re warm."
am i being too demanding :/ feel free to ignore this mwah! 🫶
dio!!! omg so great to hear from you! And don’t you worry you’re not demanding! these prompts are fantastic and I hope I did them justice for you 🫡 hope you can excuse the slight length and lateness
Steve loves Eddie.
It’s a fact as obvious as the monsters underneath everyone’s feet that haunted his sleeping state for years. It’s the truth that he has since accepted as part of something under his heart and bones, but is well too aware that if released, it can be ugly for everyone else.
Even with Robin, Steve just knows that if he even mumbles a fucking vowel, her first reaction would be, “Eddie would not like you.”
Okay, that’s just disrespectful to his platonic soulmate. Her first reaction would definitely be happy gasping, begging for details, using his love advice against him and strike multiple tally marks on the YOU RULE whiteboard.
But everyone else? Yeah, Steve can already see the disgust and contempt on their faces.
It would hurt more if Eddie’s one of them.
But fuck it. Steve’s always been the ‘rip the bandaid off’ kind of guy, especially when it comes to crushes. That’s why he’s going to tell Eddie first, future heartbreak and emotional breakdown be damned.
So here he is: driving down the road to the countryside that’s more farmland than actual farmhouses to the new Munson home.
And just as if the gods are giving him pity, Eddie’s already in the long driveway, leading Lucky out of the horse trailer.
It had surprised everyone that Eddie’s new job post-Vecna was a farmhand for a nearby horse ranch. But there’s not really a lot of other positions in Hawkins that would accept a falsely accused man who now hates the town even more for the witch hunt. The ranch on the other hand hadn’t cared much about Eddie’s history and had been quick to hire him for training shortly after the move.
Steve parks on the roadside just front of the house. Eddie seems too attentive with Lucky to notice his car yet, a gloved hand always petting the horse’s snout as he gently pulls the reins to the direction of the massive yard. Eddie has a gentle smile on his face, the one where the dimples show and gives him a little glow to the face.
It makes Steve smile too.
Eddie just looks so much happier. 
He takes a deep breath and gets out of the car, the chilly November air and horse stink welcoming him. That snaps Eddie’s attention towards him, the smile breaking into a grin.
“Steve!” He cries out with a quick wave. Lucky gives a rather loud snort in greeting. 
“Hey, Eds.” Steve waves back before jerking a chin up to the golden-brown horse as he walks up. “Taking Lucky to a timeout again?”
Eddie snorts, shaking his head, “I swear this horse either likes me more or he’s being a bastard on purpose for his owners.”
Apparently, out of all of the horses in the ranch, Lucky is the more “devil’s child” (which Eddie had described with a voice of an old Texas man). Steve hasn’t witnessed the actions himself, but the stories range from nipping other horses to clomping the front of a vehicle into smithereens for no reason except for an undisclosed hatred to the human race.
So predictably, Eddie is one of the very few humans who have the privilege to be Lucky’s close friends. 
(“Honestly, I think this horse is an agent from the Upside Down. Steve, listen to me. I’ve faced a hoard of demobats but that horse scares me.” Eddie tells him one afternoon, just a week after being the new ranch hire. Steve listens to it all, but his eyes are on the ever wild gestures and lit cigarette dangerously close to burning his hair.
“If you’re afraid of it, then hasn’t it like,” Steve makes his best impression of a horse stomping someone to death.
Eddie snorts, taking a drag of his cigarette. “I guess I’m a braver motherfucker than I thought or Lucky just likes me better than the normal folk.”
I like you better too. Way more than the whole town. It’s not Steve’s first thought and it’s far from the last one he wishes to say alo.)
As Eddie leads Lucky alongside the fence of the pasture, Steve follows from behind, keeping a very safe distance from Lucky and his back legs of severe injury. Then Eddie opens the gate, letting Lucky run into the pasture. 
Steve puts his arms on the fence, watching the horse gallop around and kicking up dirt clouds. He looks over at Eddie, who’s mirroring him but his gaze is on Steve. He smiles again, making Steve’s heart do a double flip.
“What is it?” Steve asks.
Eddie doesn’t answer. He only shuffles closer until their sides are pressing to each other. Then he tucks his chin onto Steve’s shoulder, his nose brushing the cheek. “I like being close to you. You’re warm.” Eddie finally says in a hushed voice like he’s sharing a secret.
Steve almost says it.
He almost tells Eddie, “I love you.”
But the words don’t come out. They feel blocked in his mouth. Like there’s one last gate to go through and Steve can’t find the key for it. It feels like he’s back in high school, fresh faced and still navigating the brutal castle that would chew him up and spit him out.
It feels frustrating that when the perfect opportunity for the confession is literally leaning against him, he can’t say it.
He’s scared now. That he’ll spit it out like an afterthought or say something like “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified” and have Eddie push him under Lucky’s hooves of death. 
Eddie’s still looking at him. His eyes are hooded but cautious. He looks vulnerable. With the rays of sunlight still shining behind him, he looks beautiful.
Steve glances down at their hands. They hang limp over the fence, their pinkies barely touching. He swallows and says in a similar hushed voice, “Can I hold your hand?”
Eddie’s expression warms, his smile turning more tender. He takes off his gloves and slowly wraps his hand around Steve’s. His palm feels too smooth and sweaty with his pulse going wild. 
It’s honestly perfect.
“This okay?” Eddie whispers.
Steve resists the urge to pinch between his eyebrows, hoping to blink away the sudden tears. “Yeah.”
Later, he would finally tell Eddie the three blessed words.
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mrcarmenile · 4 months
i just learned that the hazbin cast wasn’t replaced for legal reasons and that it was all a decision
i will admit i am slightly disappointed, but then again, it was a pilot episode and people were bound to get recast—i just didn’t expect it to be the whole cast, and while i am a bit sad about that, i’m honestly hopeful. the new cast so far seems great and i’m sure they’ll do an amazing job.
a lot of people are still saying that it was a popularity contest, and you COULD make that argument about any cast replacement besides angel dust’s replacement. blake roman is not a well-known name at all, and the reason why people know his name now is because of hazbin. google lists him as a musician, but as far as i know (i could be wrong! please correct me if so!) all of his stuff that is available to stream are past theater roles with like ten other people per song, and some of his og songs on soundcloud. that is not a well-known name, simply and plainly, so michael kovach clearly wasn’t replaced so that they could have a bigger name play angel dust. i assume it was to have someone with musical experience play angel dust. i love michael kovach and his work so so so much but at this point i can’t deny how good of an angel dust blake roman is, and i’m excited to hear how he’ll do on the full show even if i’ll miss michael. plus, blake roman sounds awfully similar to pilot angel dust, only with a slight difference. it sounds more natural in my opinion, and i really like it.
(i have seen a lot of people say that michael was replaced because of his association with ashley, but i could not find concrete evidence of this so i’m not going to believe that just yet.)
with husk’s replacement, i assume that keith david being such a big name was actually a factor in that, and his voice for husk is pretty different from mick’s—but hey, it’s keith david. i love keith david, and i’m going to give him a chance. i am sad that it sounds so different and i am sad that mick was replaced but i’m going to give keith a chance.
so far i’m most upset with ed bosco being replaced, but in the same way that michael has stated that he doesn’t think he could go on with the show without ed, i don’t think ed would either. i’m not saying he was offered the role and he turned it down, in fact i genuinely do not think that that is the case, but with angel dust being replaced i don’t see it very possible that alastor wouldn’t be as well so i’m going to stop being sad about it. once again, i’m going to give amir talai a chance, and so far he’s doing a good job—even if i don’t personally like it as much as bosco’s alastor.
i’m confused as to why vivziepop stated that she didn’t want any of the cast replaced and then replaced all of them—she implied that she was going to at least try to keep them so i’m disappointed in the false promises. but, the show must go on, and while i am disappointed, i am not upset and i have not lost hope. i will forever miss the original cast but i cannot wait to see how the new cast does.
i also want to talk about the trailer formatting for hazbin. i see a lot of people upset that it was formatted like “omg big name you should watch!!” but trailers are advertisements, and the point of advertisements is to get people to watch, and showing big names in a trailer is a way to get people to watch…? idk, a lot of people seem surprised and disappointed that a trailer did this when that’s kind of the point?
all in all, i don’t think that the cast got replaced solely because the new actors are more famous—i think the biggest factor is that the new cast are all very talented in the music world, and that’s why they’re famous. while i am upset that they replaced everyone, and i’m sure the fame is a factor, i can understand how exciting it would be for a tv series creator (who is definitely a theater kid) to have their entire cast for a musical cartoon be broadway actors. if you’re disappointed, that’s okay. if you’re upset, that’s okay. but i urge you to give the new actors a chance and try to remain positive—don’t we already have enough negativity in our world? especially surrounding hazbin hotel?
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archduke42 · 23 days
OK, I've had time to really reflect with this trailer
I still have some mixed feelings. Part of me hoped they would not bring Barriss back because maybe it was time to move on. After 11 years, I felt like I was just being suckered by red herrings. It's a little exhausting when opportunities happen and everyone speculates but it becomes a false alarm. Plus I used to be rather arrogant over the thought of Barriss being an Inquisitor. Used to irritate me a lot that fans even wanted that to happen. "How can anyone want this?" I used to ask myself. But I'm old fashioned, from a time when good guys were good, bad guys were bad, and Hero(ine) blows up the super weapon. All this character ambiguity people embraced for their Star Wars was a bit alien to me. It was enough that she was supposed to die in Order 66, but this was almost too much. The backlash against "The Wrong Jedi" was a tidal wave at the time, and lots of fans (myself included) cried hard at Filoni and Lucas' casual retcon.
But then, I'd been writing hero journey stories for Barriss since 2005 or 2006 and the whole villain plot twist was infuriating. And there was so much hate for Barriss on the internet at the time. I cursed Filoni's name with an old man's fiery blackened heart. My Muse had become the most hated character in Star Wars, and I had become a hot mess for several years after so much heavy emotional investment. I wanted to channel all my energy into Barriss stories (and eventually Barrissoka stories, since they were such a perfect couple) I also commissioned some shipping/wedding/marriage art to maybe push back against people's notions of a revenge fight between Ahsoka and Barriss. I have been blessed with discovering a huge Barriss Offee/Barrissoka fan community out here, and I think we have all built so positive energy in our love for these characters. Being a writer and reading the works of so many others has helped me grow with the community and learn so much. I am grateful to the art of people like @grissaecrim, and stories by people like @jedimasterbailey and @stellanslashgeode (and so many others) I can be excited that Barriss is officially coming back! The wait is over, and my anxiety returns. but I also have had a long period of time in 11 years to accept these new dynamics for Barriss. I am ready to accept whatever Destiny is in store for Barriss, though I suspect Filoni will be giving her a journey of sorts and not just leading these episodes towards a villain death for her. I suspect this journey may even go to live streaming with Ahsoka involved but time will tell. I still loath the concept of challenging expectations, but I realize that Star Wars characters have to grow out of two dimensional designs. Heroes don't need to be sparkling perfect and Villains can have a moral compass of sorts. I just wish Lucasfilm would stick to a consistent history with all this. I'm certain Filoni will have more retcons to drop on us. It's his style. But in fairness, the trailer was exciting, the animation looked really good. And I enjoyed seeing other minor characters involved, like 4th Sister, Grand Inquisitor, etc. I look forward to the exciting battles with Elsbeth and Grievous, etc. Most importantly with this trailer comes the enthusiasm to see Barriss return. Much of the hate is gone, and the Star Wars community in places like Youtube, Tumblr, etc is blowing up with excitement for this. The majority fans are ready for her adventure to continue with open minds. I think that gives me more joy than anything, that fans actually want to see her again, and want her to win at this in the best way possible even though she is starting from a dark place. I'm ready to see how this goes. This could be one of the best Star Wars experiences of 2024.
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 4 months
what's mine is yours (to leave or take)
by througheden
Rating: Mature Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Alternate Universe - Diners, Alternate Universe - No Upside Down (Stranger Things), Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson, Nurse Steve Harrington, Amateur Baker Eddie Munson, Getting Together, First Kiss, Slow Burn, POV Eddie Munson, Eddie Is Targeted Unfairly and the Town Won't Move On, False Accusations, (referenced but not the crux of the fic), Protective Steve Harrington, Banter, Flirting, Christmas, Gift Giving, Pie As A Metaphor For Hope, Sharing a Bed, Accidental Cuddling, Fluff Words: 8,201 Chapters: 1/1
Eddie’s eyes flicker from their connected hands to Steve’s face, still looking down, and back again before Steve responds. “Coming here to hang out with you and eat pie filling is all that got me through the day. Being here helps. You help.” When Eddie was younger, Wayne used to call him a great little helper when he’d fix something around their trailer, or hold the flashlight just right beneath the hood of a car Wayne was fixing for a neighbor. He’d done something concrete, done a task, and felt helpful. But sitting here in the diner with Steve’s fingers wrapped around his own, nothing he’s done is a tangible help. All he’s done is exist in the same space with Steve and Eddie’s never felt like his presence is soothing. Always too much, too big, too loud. He doesn’t know what to do with Steve wanting to be with him, or with their hands clasped together, so he just stays the course. “Well, shit. Good. That’s, yeah. That’s good to know. Ready to test some cherries?” Or, Eddie's an amateur baker who desperately needs a healthy dose of hope. He finds it in the bottom of a pie dish and the hands of Steve Harrington.
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twig-tea · 8 months
Quick Only Friends ep2 first thoughts
A lot of really interesting parallels this ep. Thinking about the Ray/Sand conversation vs the Top/Mew conversation around losing parents and how it affects you. I appreciate how much was not said because these 20somethings have not yet had enough therapy (if any) or time to process it nevermind speak to it, but the show is giving us as viewers a lot to work with. The mechanism of the characters talking directly to the audience is so great for that too.
I also really appreciated the parallels in how each of these new relationships are negotiating their boundaries and the differences in honesty, manipulation, and transparency. The following is my read based on what we've been shown so far:
Boston is honest about what he wants but he's not against doing more than he should/using Nick's obvious feelings (which Nick is lying about) to get what he wants (i.e. continuation of their existing arrangement).
Ray is honest about what he thinks he wants but he seems to be lying to himself about what he wants but especially about what he can handle. [Was it just me or did Ray look slightly disappointed he wasn't going to be Sand's bi/pansexual awakening? This is also very relatable so I might just be projecting lolol]
Sand is the most self-aware and is more honest to Ray and the audience about the risks of the situation, the jokes about paying for sex were just jokes but honestly the show could have gone that way and it's interesting that it didn't -- it shows us how much Sand values things staying uncomplicated and not messy (he's got strict rules that Ray is about to tread all over).
Mew is both honest and manipulative about what he wants, he knows if he is going to get an actual relationship out of Top he needs to get him invested, and he's not sure he wants a relationship with Top until he proves himself anyway (I think this part is true?).
Top seems to be more honest than I everyone originally thought though he's definitely portraying a version of himself that will get him laid.
Chueam's relationship has so far not gotten much air time but I think April's absence overall is telling and reminding me of how Moonlight Chicken told us everything we needed to know about Wen and Alan's relationship before we saw them together. The bit we did see of Chueam and April together gives me hope that they're going to get drama too (because I want everyone to have drama pls and thank you).
So far the trailer misled about drug dealing and sex work, really excited to see where and how else it intentionally set up false preconceptions in the audience to be blown apart by the series!
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stingrayloveblog · 2 months
Whee side order
My thoughts on it! THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!! Youve been warned.
So, here are my honest thoughts. Let me just start by warning further that this is mostly negative.
Took me about two hours and one attempt to beat all 30 floors. Was pretty fun. I used splattershot though because i suck at dualies.
But... it felt very quick. Felt like there was a whole lotta nothing plotwise, too. It was fun, but the plot is pretty weak. Its just another rogue-ai-tries-to-assimilate-everyone plot. Which has already been done. For some reason they keep trying to do octo expansion but again and they keep failing to do that.
Taking everything into consideration, acht really had no reason to be there. You could remove acht entirely and have the same results. And im not just saying that because i dont like dedf1sh. They dont add anything to anything.
I havent unlocked all marinas dev notes but so far theres been her motive of saving the sanitized octarians which......... i have my own personal issues with that. They seem to not be able to decide how they want sanitization to work.
Doing the pallets, i assumed they would give you some memory thing related to the associated character, but you just get a stupid little comment from the post-final boss that doesnt really add anything to the plot or the characters. Also murch is on luna blaster for some reason. I was speculating a lot on who luna blaster and octobrush could be assigned to, but seems like theyre just doing anyone. Murch is very irrelevant to everything as a whole so its kinda just like whatever.
That being said, i feel extremely bad for agent 4 fans. Those humanoid red eyed things with one of them looking like 4 and then them not doing anything with that at all was a huge fake out.
From what i saw, a lot of people were theorizing and expecting things based on all the evidence we got that we never did end up getting because they went an entirely different route. No agent 4 being possessed or whatever (unless thats still true and just unlocked much later, which im hoping because it would make everything a lot more interesting), no implied body swapping, no copybots.
And most of all, nothing from the first trailer we got. With all the concept art. I know it was just CONCEPT art for a reason, but surely you cant just show off all these things and then have the final result be absolutely nothing like it? Then again, splatoon 3 has had more than enough false advertising already, so i guess it was wrong to expect things to be as shown. I just really really liked the giant hostile architecture black spikes picture. And theres none of that at all.
Basically, everything that was expected was significantly cooler than what we got, and to be completely honest, i dont think it was worth splatoon 3 being in really bad shape for such a long time. I dont think it really justified the amount of dumb things that happened over the past few seasons.
I do still think its fun, and i absolutely am going to try to collect everything, but it was significantly less interesting overall than i anticipated.
I do think the final boss attacks syncing with the rhythm was cool. But other than that the level design is extremely repetitive and there really is no variation. Im only enjoying it now because ive used weapons that i like/dont mind using, but once i have to start using weapons im bad at i just know itll be insufferable.
Overall, i am unfortunately disappointed but i still have hope that maybe there is something more, because surely that couldnt have been it.
Also just because it doesnt go along with any of my oc stories at all and i am absolutely not changing anything on my end because frankly im sick of doing that
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axailslink · 2 years
The Dungeon Master's Shirt
Eddie Munson fanfic for g/n reader
Summary: Eddie hadn't had many things he considered precious from his guitar, you, and his hellfire shirt after a long Friday night he tosses you one of his precious items.
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You and Eddie loved it when Wayne would leave for work meaning you had the trailer to yourself for the night and a bit of the morning. Like clockwork especially on Friday afternoons you were practically dragging each other from his van and into the trailer not caring who saw as you were having a heated make out session as he struggled with the keys. Today you already had that repetitive action you were too tired to move sprawled in his bed only in your underwear other clothes tossed somewhere else in the room while the sound of Metallica drowned out the sounds of the shower. Eddie was good at many things but one thing he particularly excelled in was exhausting you it was a full on workout with him he'd say he's done then would tease you for an hour giving you false hopes every five minutes asking how much you wanted to come. You were thankful for someone who put that much time into your pleasure as you did the same though you didn't have much heart when it came to teasing him all he had to do was beg and in an instant you let him do whatever he pleased. You couldn't help it if his big brown eyes were staring into yours pleading for the release he believed he so rightfully deserved when he looked at you like that you gave in too easily every time. One of these days you wouldn't one of these days you would tease him all day.
The door swung open and your eyes are met with a mouthwatering sight of Eddie. You thought seeing him all fucked out in bed next you made your breath falter but seeing him straight out the shower water still clinging down his body and his tattoos on full display was a godly sight to you but the towel was interrupting. "Keep staring and you'll fall all over again" you roll your eyes and sit up in his bed you've grown to ignore his cocky comments but you love them "I'm pretty sure it was the other way around "freak" he looks at you and smiles that beautiful big smile of his before leaning down and kissing you into which you kiss back before pulling him down on top of you wanting more then a simple peck. He pulls away laughing surprised of your eagerness while holding himself up hands beside your head "call me a "freak" again sounds so much better coming out of your mouth than anyone else's" he says inbetween soft pecks. You smile and play with his hair before looking at him again "Eddie "the freak" Munson. Eddie My "freak Munson." He sits up and smiles "oh yours?" You nod and sit up chasing the touch of his lips again "yes MINE"
That was one of the things Eddie loved about you most not the way you knew of all his pleasures but the way you claimed him as yours. How you'd fight tooth and nail if anyone were to get in the way of you two because simply he was too good lose to sweet to lose to loving and caring to lose. Eddie pecks your lips one last time before getting up and walking to a pile of clothes and choosing the first thing he saw to put on while you sink back into the bed drawing the cover over your head. "Y/n" you peek from underneath the cover to be met with a a cloth of some sort thrown right onto your face. "What the hell Munson?" You sit up and look at the cloth to find it's his hellfire shirt "why are you throwing clothes at me?" You throw it back but with some force hitting him in the head he laughs and tosses it back this time landing by your feet. "It's yours now" you look at him wide eyed "Eddie this is your favorite shirt" Eddie smiles as he pulls another over his head "and why not give it to my favorite person?" You smile at that comment Eddie could be sweet it wasn't rare but it always caught you off guard reminded you that his weird and sometimes intimidating demeanor was just for show.
"Eddie you don't really want me to have this it means something to you it means a lot to you" Eddie listens to you talk nonsense before looking at you "it's a shirt it means a lot because I made it but you mean a lot too we've been dating for what? Five months take the damn shirt think of it as an badge of honor from the one and only dungeon master" you look at it of course you wanted it this was the official key to being a couple stealing your partners clothing. You pull it over your head and it falls to your mid thigh a bit big on you but you loved it that way it looked better. You couldn't help your thoughts that came rushing like a fever before you had dated Eddie and had only fawned from a distance you'd imagine wearing his clothes and being fucked in them just being made a complete mess of and now you were getting way too close to those thoughts. You couldn't help the smile that crept on your face as you thought of just how easily you could make those sweet reveries come true. "Eddie remember when you told me if I ever wanted to do anything....new sexually to ask you?" Eddie glances at you before pulling on some pants and nodding. "I do want something... Something I've been wanting for a while before I met you" you push the comforter to the side to show your bare legs. "I want you to fuck me in your hellfire T shirt" you were used to telling Eddie what you wanted and how bad you wanted it but right now was a moment of truth you didn't dance around with your words or acted nervous even though you were so nervous your hands ran cold and your face hot. You ran those cold hands down your belly and into your underwear. "Big boy" you were sure Eddie experienced whiplash at how fast his head turned to look at you.
I felt like Eddie's line "big boy" needed to make it's debut and this this was the perfect moment in my mind.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
The Drive-In Part 13
Part 1 | Part 12 | Part 14 | Links to all Parts | AO3 Link
Taglist: @2btheanswertothequestion @cr0w-culture @panicatthediaz @rhyswritesreadsandcries @weirdspaceowl @duraffinity
Eddie knows this was probably stupid. He didn't have to make banana pancakes from scratch. He could be on his way to his van now and home, but he knew that shitty feeling after a meltdown only too well.
His reasoning being if he could see Steve eat something relatively healthy, he wouldn't worry all day. He knew that wasn't the only reason. He'd done this a lot of times.
Pancakes the morning after. The girls rarely stayed. Maybe realizing their mistake, or perhaps being uncomfortable in a trailer, he'd usually be up early making them because he'd been too excited to rest properly and had probably already spent a good hour watching them sleep peacefully next to him.
Now the emergency was over. He was trying to keep eye contact with Steve to a minimum because now Steve was wide awake and sober. Eddie was worried about how much his own eyes would give away. He never was that good at hiding his true feelings on his face. So he kept his head down and ate.
Eddie notices Steve is picking at his food,.moving it around more than actually eating it, "You haven't gotta eat them if you don't like them. No offence taken," Eddie says with a little false laugh.
The clang of Steve's fork against the plate makes Eddie look up from his food. Eddie tries to remember to look as calm as possible, like he did when he hid a secret during a hellfire campaign. But this time, he was full of dread instead of harbouring a feeling of excitement for the final reveal. He didn't know if Steve could remember everything, nothing, or something in between. His eyes go back to his food.
"Listen, Eddie," Steve starts, and Eddie feels his stomach churning, but he continues to eat and responds with a hum and absolutely is not going to take his eyes off his plate. He isn't. Nope.
"I'm sorry about earlier. I just...um...a few years ago. I was at my friend's house, and this guy broke in, and I think that maybe that's kinda stuck with me," Steve explains.
"Well, that must have been fucking terrifying. No need to apologize, man. I've had a few meltdowns in my time." Eddie looks up for a moment and tries to give a comforting laugh, "Nowhere near as violent though. I'm more a yelling, screaming, fainting kinda guy".
Steve's eyes look up to his, and Eddie couldn't look away for all the Gibson S.Gs in the world.
"Really?" Steve asks quietly, and though his mouth doesn't smile, his hypnotic eyes read hopeful, and they are searching for it in Eddie's eyes.
"Yeah, really," Eddie replies gently. Maybe more gently than he should have because Steve looks away.
Eddie clears his throat, reaches for his glass of juice, and takes a sip. Then, he nervously thumbs at his rings with his free hand under the table.
"I don't really remember much of the details after the pool last night," Steve starts, "But I feel like I had fun, and I hope I didn't do or say anything dumb, you know?"
"Same," Eddie laughs. Of course, it's a complete lie; he remembers everything, every look, every word, every touch, every move, but the laugh is genuine and of nervous relief.
To Eddie's surprise, Steve also laughs, and it's music to his ears. As he looks up, Steve discards his fork and picks up a pancake like a taco and bites it clean in half and then the other. His cheeks are packed like a hamster.
Eddie feels a warmth in his very soul, and he feels a huge grin split his face, "Don't ever let it be said that I don't bring good shit to the party," he says happily.
"Munson, I will never doubt you again," Steve replies, mouth partially full before he drowns a pancake in syrup and devours that one too.
A little warmth spreads across Eddie's face. He knows he's blushing, shakes his hair in front of his face to hide it, and eats a small, precisely cut square of pancake. He didn't always eat this delicately. More than anything, he wasn't hungry. Which he really should be. He should be ravenous, but his stomach feels full already of a billion butterflies.
It was already blowing his mind he was feeling this way about a guy, but not just any guy. Steve Harrington. But not just Steve Harrington. Mentally unhinged, I-thought-he-was-going-to-kill-me-this-morning Steve Harrington.
Maybe, if he'd just made his apologies and walked out of that room, Eddie wouldn't have seen that look in his eyes. He was broken and fragile underneath it all, and Eddie was a fixer and protector.
"I can't believe you found pancake mix. I didn't even know we had any," Steve laughs, demolishing pancake number four.
Eddie isn't sure whether to tell him, so he changes the subject.
"So, besides chauffeuring me back to my old lady, what does Sunday hold for, Steve?" Eddie was mainly making polite conversation, but part of him wanted to know. Not so much to know Steve's plans, but that sensible side of Eddie wanted to hear a mention of a date, a girl's name, or something that would kill his dreamy impossible hopes where they stood to nuke those billion butterflies.
Steve laughs, covering his still full mouth, "Pretty funny you think I have any plans other than recovering"
"Haven't partied like that in a while, huh?" Eddie smirks back.
"The last time I partied, even close to last night, there were a lot more people around, and my girlfriend told me I was bullshit" Steve laughs and shakes his head, wiping the last of his stack around his plate.
"Well, that sound like it sucked," Eddie says with a frown.
"Oh, it absolutely did, and you know what else? I think she cursed me. Since then, I've been having issues I didn't even know I had!" Steve gestures to himself animatedly. "I mean, I don't have issues getting dates. But, once on a date, I'll do something and think, Was that me, or was that bullshit? You know? Like it's constantly there, just waiting" Steve puts his hands up, imitating a bear.
"Sounds like you got sucker punched to me, dude," Eddie says supportively.
Watching Steve talk animatedly like this flashes Eddie back to being called smart, and his stomach isn't just somersaulting. It's doing an entire gymnastics routine as he looks up at Steve.
Steve is out of his seat, hand pointed at Eddie, "Exactly! Exactly this" His hands go to his hips as he paces around, and for a second, Eddie's eyes follow them.
Eddie should really go home now.
"You know, I've had a fun time and all, but I think I better get to my van before someone who hates me gets there first" The speed at which Eddie gets out of his seat makes everything on the table clatter as he bumps it.
Eddie quickly starts clearing away the dishes, "That's a no!" Steve says with authority, taking the plates from Eddie, "You've done enough today."
Eddie puts his hands at the small of his back and blurts out, "I'm not great at measuring, so there is like another stack and a half in the oven" then his fingers find a string, and he realizes he still has the apron on. He whips it off at lightning speed, quickly collects his jackets and lunch box, and waits in the hallway nervously.
Hurry up, Steve, Jesus!
It's only a minute or two before Steve appears, keys and jump cables in hand, but it felt like hours to Eddie.
"Figured I'd bring these just in case" he holds them up proudly. Eddie nods and smiles, not having the heart to tell him he's holding two positive ones, but Eddie has some in his van anyway.
When they get in the car, Eddie puts his seat belt on straight away, and as soon as he starts the engine, Steve puts a tape in the stereo, switches it on, and turns it up a little. Eddie looks at Steve from the corner of his eye, and he swears he's smiling at him.
Eddie can hear Steve's fingers tap the steering wheel as the intro of some familiar piano chords kick in, and Steve taps along before singing along in a mumble.
Just take those old records off the shelf
I'll sit and listen to 'em by myself
Today's music ain't got the same soul
Eddie joins in
I like that old time rock 'n' roll
"Whooooo," Steve exclaims, as he slaps the steering wheel at the sound of Eddie's voice.
The irony of the following verse is not lost on Eddie, who starts laughing, earning him a gentle backhanded tap from Steve, "Hey, don't laugh at my singing!"
"I'm not, I swear!" Eddie protests and secretly smiles happily out the window, "I just enjoy being right. I did say you probably liked Seger."
"No!" Steve playfully tries to deny it, "Wrong. I just happen to like this song." Steve laughs and says excitedly, "Oh, it's on now."
"What's on?" Eddie turns to Steve in confusion.
"I'm gonna annihilate you singing this song, Munson" Steve grins over at him, rewind's the tape, and hits play again.
They attempt to outsing one another all the way back to the drive-in, and Eddie, in his element, entirely forgets anything troubling his mind and lets himself enjoy the moment.
Eddie jumps in the van, and she starts up on the first try. He laughs, "That's my girl," he says, patting the outside of the door.
He looks down at Steve leaning against his car, like a fucking movie star, cigarette hanging from his lip, one leg hitched up against the door, one hand on his hip, the other playing with his hair as he looks out into the distance.
Jesus Christ, this is really bad, but at least it was nearly over.
"Well, Harrington, it's been a pleasure. Thanks, I owe you one," Eddie says with a smile.
Steve's head snaps to Eddie like he just woke him out of a daydream, "Don't worry about it. I'll see you around, yeah?"
Eddie forces a grin and a little salute before he drives away.
He brakes to give way at the drive-in exit and catches a glimpse of the back of Steve in the mirror, and his heart sinks. He plants a kiss on his two fingers, presses them on Steve's reflection, and quietly says, "See you around, Steve."
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Heaven Can Wait
It's late 1986, Eddie's body and soul are full of scars, but he carries on as he always has. He shoves everything down, cashes in all his falsely-accused-of-murder-and-nearly-dying sympathy points for a quiet graduation. The principal wants him gone and Eddie shares the sentiment, especially when some of Jason's clique still roam the high school halls. So he snatches his diploma, finds the first job possible outside of Hawkins and that's it. He still DMs for the Hellfire club, only at his and Wayne's new trailer, still plays with the Corroded Coffin and drowns his thoughts in loud music. He hasn't really addressed any of it, him dying and being brought back by Vecna as his servant, having his mind freed by the party, the memories that still haunt him. He's going through the motions, lives as well as he can.
Until he makes the mistake of playing a new song by one of his favorite bands when he's hanging out with Steve Harrington. They became reluctant acquaintances during that week in March, then friends through shared trauma. They both have trouble sleeping and often just lie in Eddie's bed and talk for hours, until dawn. Like today.
The tape Eddie has playing clicks and he unwillingly gets up to change the music. Then Eddie remembers that Gareth gave him a tape with "something really cool" and he thinks - why not? Turns out Steve enjoys some of his music too, and even when he doesn't, he understands Eddie's distaste for silence. So he inserts the tape into the player, presses play and returns to the bed, plops down next to Steve.
Eddie loves Iron Maiden, of course he does. There's a new track they played this year over in Europe and he hopes it will take his mind off everything. Instead of that, he gets a metaphorical punch in the gut. Nothing like a painfully repressed memory wrapped in his beloved music.
Can't understand what is happening to me, This isn't real, this is only a dream, But I never have felt, no I never have felt this way before, I'm looking down on my body below, I lie asleep in the midst of a dream, Is it now could it be that the angel of death has come for me? I can't believe that really my time has come, I don't feel ready, there's so much left undone, And it's my soul and I'm not gonna let it get away.
Fuck. His chest is unbearably tight and he's sure he's clenching his teeth so much his jaw will hurt soon. As if this isn't exactly what happened to him. What he told Dustin then, through bloodied lips. He might have reassured him, told him it's okay, asked him to take over his role as the protector of the lost boys and girls who needed a sanctuary, but he knew then as he knows now, painfully clear; he wasn't ready to die.
Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait til another day.
I have a lust for the Earth below And Hell itself is my only foe, 'Cause I've no fear of dying, I'll go when I'm good and ready, I snatch a glimpse of the light's eternal rays, I see a tunnel, I stand amazed, At all of the people standing there in front of me, Into the paths of rightness I'll be led, Is this the place where the living join the dead? I wish I knew this was only just a nightmare.
Steve is breathing heavily next to him and Eddie doesn't dare to look at him because if he turns his head, even slightly, the tears he's been holding in will make an appearance and he can't burden Steve with that. He hates it now, feels all of it, how much that week in March took from him. Even his comfort has thorns now, sharp and cruel.
Take my hand, I'll lead you to the promised land, Take my hand, I'll give you immortality, Eternal youth, I'll take you to the other side, To see the truth, the path for you is decided.
He chokes out a sob and quickly masks it with a cough, remembering Dustin holding his cold body, crying for Eddie to stay with him, and Eddie wanted to, wanted so badly. He felt like his body didn't belong to him anymore and he willed himself to stay inside it, failed. He wondered what awaits him, if he'd end up in hell and if it would be Chrissy, broken and maimed, dragging him there. But there was nothing and he didn't know what was worse.
He is getting deeper and deeper inside his head and doesn't know how to stop it. He doesn't want to remember but his brain decides that this is it, this is the best possible moment to drag this all up, see the rotten remains of his past self and come to terms with the fact he'll never be himself again, he'll never see his life as he used to.
But as he grips the sheets, there is a warm hand on his, squeezing and running calloused fingers over his own. Eddie's head turns without a single thought and his eyes fall on Steve, his face streaked with tears too but alive, so alive. They both have the dead eyes, empty eyes of someone who saw too much for several lifetimes, but now they're vibrant again and Eddie can't hold back, he reaches out with his other hand and strokes Steve's cheek. He needs just a tiny piece, a shard of that energy to keep, even if it's painful. They are both crying and it sucks, it's sad, unfair and frustrating, but they both feel something and that's a change from the usual emptiness. Hopefully for better.
My body tingles, I feel so strange, I feel so tired, I feel so drained, And I'm wondering if I'll ever be the same again, Is this in limbo or in Heaven or Hell? Maybe I'm going down there as well, I can't accept my soul will drift forever. I feel myself floating back down to Earth, So could this be the hour of my rebirth? Or have I died or will I wake from dreaming?
Steve tugs at Eddie's hand and he doesn't resist, rolls over so his face is buried in Steve's chest. There are fingers in his hair, stroking, massaging his scalp, and his own trace circles on Steve's back. It should be embarrassing, awkward, they should both be asking themselves what they're doing, but it doesn't seem to matter. The heaviness in Eddie's chest is finally leaving and is replaced by hope, hope that he might be fine. Steve understands him and he understands Steve. There's nothing more they need.
Their breathing is more even now, the shared warmth slowly dries their tears and Eddie feels at peace. "I'm getting sleepy," he mumbles over the music. "Is this okay?"
Steve pulls him closer and throws a blanket over both of them. His lips press gently into Eddie's forehead. "Yes. More than fine. See you in the morning, Eddie."
They will probably talk in the morning. They might do more than talk. But right now they don't care, not when the light is still on, they are both dressed, wrapped around each other and the voice from the player repeats what they knew in their darkest moments, what they kept repeating to themselves when they felt like giving up.
Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait, Heaven can wait til another day.
And it does.
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It'll Be Okay
Relationships: Cassie Perez & Cordell Walker, August Walker & Cordell Walker & Stella Walker, Colton Davidson/Stella Walker
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Episode: s02e18 Search and Rescue, Gunshot Wounds, Hospitals, Surgery, Guilt, Feels, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Because there's no way that little trailer got pelted with bullets and the only thing that got hit was Cordell's hat
A/N: Fic finally brought to you by people voting for it during my polls :)
Taglist (if you would like to be added let me know): @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @neptunium134, @itsjessiegirl1
Liam’s phone rang on his way back after his talk with Dan. “Hello?”
“Finally you pick up!” James’ frustration was palpable over the line. “Where the hell have y’all been? I’ve been trying to get you on the phone for hours!”
Well, that couldn’t be good. “Woah, sorry, we were at the nature park trying to find Stella and August. Cell service was really bad out there. What’s going on?”
“I- Look, there’s a lot to explain but the basic story is we were checking up on a lead and we got ambushed. Walker got hit with a few bullets and it’s not looking good. They’ve got him in the ICU right now.. He’s alive and stable but he’s not out of the woods yet. Get here now.” He rattled off the address and Liam made a note in his phone before his brain had time to catch up with what he’d just heard. 
Well fuck. Looks like the family wasn’t done for the night.
Cordell was sedated and put on a ventilator to give his body time to recover. He’d undergone surgery to remove the bullets and patch the wounds. It wasn’t the first time his family had seen him like this but, with Emily’s death only two years prior, it wasn’t easy to see. 
Three bullet wounds. Major blood loss. Internal bleeding. Minor organ damage. 3 hours in surgery. The surgery had gone as well as could be expected and the doctors were optimistic but stressed that the next few hours would be critical. It was very much still a situation of if he would be okay rather than when. 
Unlike the Walkers, Cassie had other things to occupy herself with than just her partner’s survival. “Why wasn’t I called sooner?” she demanded from James. “He’s my damn partner; if something goes down, I need to know!”
He sighed and rubbed his temple with the hand that wasn’t caught in a sling. “Perez, we were investigating a lead. It was my lead and I asked Walker to accompany me. We didn’t need you there and frankly I’m glad you weren’t. As for why I didn’t call you after he was shot, I was a little preoccupied with figuring out why all the Walkers and our DA had suddenly gone AWOL. I’m not proud of it but I meant no slight against you. Besides, there’s something else you need to know.” He explained the phone call with Rita that set them on the investigation in the first place. “We weren’t sure what to expect and I didn’t want to give you any false hope so we kept you out of the loop. We did end up finding something before we got ambushed though.” He gestured behind her and a very familiar face stepped into their small waiting room.
After an hour of sitting in Dad’s room in the ICU with no updates, Stella got antsy and decided to get up for some of the “coffee” they had in the waiting room. She didn’t have her wallet or she might’ve gone to the cafeteria to get a real drink or something to eat, not that she felt like eating anything. She just couldn’t stand to wait there any longer.
Her dad was strong and he’d been in these situations before. But after losing Mom two years ago and almost losing Colton earlier today, she was all too aware of all the potential outcomes, especially the bad ones.
She found a coffee station, poured herself a cup, and blindly walked around as a distraction. She’d been in hospitals many times before (she was pretty sure she was a frequent flier at this location in particular) but she never got used to how quiet they could be. It was one thing in an emergency, when everyone was running around and machines were going off and the air was charged with knowing that something was happening. But those brief moments weren’t the norm.
Hospitals were a dreadful place of quiet. It was a place where grieving family members said goodbye to their loved ones. It was a place where people sat, chained to their beds, knowing there was nothing to be done but wait for the all-clear. It was a place where medical debt was handed out like candy, killing any happiness someone might’ve had from knowing their mother or father or sister or son wasn’t dead after all. For every happy recovery story, there were at least five tales of woe.
She hated hospitals.
A voice startled her from her thoughts and she turned to see Dan Miller poking his head out of one of the rooms. “Oh, hi Mr. Miller….”
“Call me Dan. What’re you doing here? Did you come to check on Colton?”
She bit her tongue to keep from snapping at him that his family wasn’t the center of the damn universe.. He probably just didn’t know and it’s not like that was a crazy assumption to make. “Uh, not. I’m…. I’m here for my dad. He got shot on a case and we’re all worried…..”
Dan blanched and he sheepishly glanced away. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay,” she said reflexively. “How is Colton, by the way?”
“On the mend. The doctor says he can probably go home tomorrow, they just want to keep an eye on him overnight.”
“That’s good.” At least someone was making it out of this alive. “I’m sorry about everything. I should’ve had my phone charged better and I’m the one that decided to change trails without even telling August-”
“It’s okay,” Dan said. “I know today was hectic but…. It could’ve been a lot worse. And it wasn’t. Because you stepped up.”
She nodded and pretended to take the compliment. “I try. Do… Do you mind if I visit Colton? We’re just waiting to hear about Dad and….” And I need something to do or I’m going to lose my mind.
“Uh, yeah, he’s just down the hall. Room 232.”
She nodded and walked past him towards the room. She hesitated outside the door before going in. She didn’t want to bother Colton but she had to see for herself that he was okay. She softly knocked on the door as she entered. “Hey….”
Colton looked up from his phone and smiled at her. “Hey. I didn’t think you were coming to visit me tonight.”
“I wasn’t,” she admitted. “My dad is in right now. I’m just… Trying to kill time while we wait for news.”
“What happened?”
She fiddled with her empty coffee cup. “He got shot. Not our first time dealing with that. The doctors think he’ll be okay but we’re still waiting on confirmation.”
“I’m sorry,” Colton said, reaching for her hand.
She took it and sat in the chair next to his bed. “Thanks,” she murmured. “He’ll probably be fine but…. I worry about him. It’s like every time this happens I wonder if this is going to be it. If this is going to be the time he got too unlucky….” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, you don’t need to hear all this.”
“I want to,” he said gently. “I can’t imagine how scary that is, even if you’ve been here before.”
She felt a smile tugging at her lips. “I appreciate that, but I did come here to check on you. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Doctor says I can leave tomorrow. You did a good job earlier.”
“I try.” She squeezed his hand. “I know that wasn’t an ideal first date….”
“Maybe not. But it was a memorable one.” He chuckled and she couldn’t help but laugh with him.
It wasn’t until the next day that the doctor’s declared Cordell was out of the woods and on the road to recovery. “You’re very lucky,” they told him after the breathing tube was removed. “We’ll have you out of here in a few days but no going back into the office for at least three weeks. And even then I’m going to recommend desk work only for a while.”
For once, he wasn’t going to argue. This whole mess had been a little too close. With everything going on, he wasn’t going to say no to a little family time. He knew his kids needed to hug him and his mother needed to fuss over him. He got lucky and if the past couple years had taught him anything, it was to not press that luck too far.
They moved him out of the ICU and into a normal room for the duration of his stay. His family was there as soon as visiting hours started. The kids got first hugs and he bit down the grunt of pain when Stella hugged him a little too close to one of the bullet wounds. He just thanked anyone who would listen that he could hug them again. He listened to the story of what happened at the nature park before they got called to the hospital and sent out another “thanks” that his family was still intact.
His parents came in next, followed by Liam. “How are you feeling, baby?” Abilene asked, brushing a few imaginary hairs out of his face.
“Like I got shot,” he muttered. “I’m fine, Mama. Really.”
“Sure you are.”
“What happened?” Liam asked.
“I was checking up on a lead with James and we got ambushed. Guess it was a better lead than we thought,” he tried to joke. “We weren’t prepared for it. Honestly, it could’ve been worse. I’m just glad we can start moving forward.”
“You mean James can start moving forward,” Abby said. “You are resting until the doctor clears you to get back to work.”
“Yes, Mama.”
He could tell something was bothering Cassie from the minute she walked in, as much as she tried to hide it. He may be new to being her partner, but he knew her well enough to know where her thoughts were.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Blame yourself for this.”
“Cassie….” Cordell squeezed her hand. “I know you are. You’re doing that thing where you’re trying not to look at me and pretending you’re fine.”
She sighed. “I just…. It’s my fault you were there in the first place.”
“It’s not,” he said firmly. “The whole operation was James’ idea and neither of us expected that attack. We didn’t even know if there was anything to the lead. It’s absolutely not your fault.”
“I know that,” she said quietly. “But…. This is my thing. I should’ve been there.”
“Maybe,” Cordell said. “But you weren’t. And that wouldn’t’ve changed what happened. I’d probably still be in this hospital bed and you’d probably be in one of your own and then we’d be arguing with you about how much work you’re allowed to do on Miles’ case while you heal.”
“My point is,” he continued, squeezing her hand again, “This isn’t your fault. There’s nothing for you to feel bad about. It happened, it sucks, but we can’t change it. I’m on the mend and in a few weeks I’ll be back in the office like nothing happened. In the meantime, you’re going to do your job and save your former partner from whatever mess he got himself into. Okay?”
Cassie nodded, squeezing back. “Yeah. I can do that.”
“Damn right you can.”
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 1 year
I just finished reading "He Loves me, He loves me not" and for a moment I imagined Eddie with a reader (who has money), reader goes to a different school than Eddie's where "privileged" boys are supposed to go and in that style, Eddie pretends to be someone who is not the same and even borrows Steve's car (nobody of them knows And they discover that he has been pretending, reader is annoyed with Eddie and feels confused about whether his feelings for Eddie are false too, Eddie very sorry shows him who he really is but the reader does not like much and less about selling drugs, she tries to continue with Eddie but she still keeps Eddie's skirt and continues to give him "dear" gifts until she herself gets fed
I don't know if you can write something with this, if it's not too much to ask.
Thank you!
Hi, anon :) I made this a tad more fluffy at the end. I hope you don't mind.
Eddie didn't mean to lie, not really but when he met you for the first time he was smitten.
He knew you were from a more privileged school and rich and he wanted you to like him, so he borrowed Steve's car and proceeded to ask you out on a date.
He didn't know why he kept up that lie, his uncle did his best for him and brought him up in a house full of love-nothing like his parents and he felt guilty pretending to be something he wasn't.
He should have known that Steve would find out about him borrowing his car. He just wishes Steve chose a different time to confront him instead of when you were on your third date.
"Dude. Why would you lie? You're a pretty cool guy. You don't need to pretend to be something you aren't" Steve told him wisely.
The look in your eyes when Steve confronted him hurt his heart, the damage was done and he had to fix things.
"I borrowed Steves's car to meet you, I'm so sorry I lied. Didn't think my beat-up old van would suffice much, not around here"
The fact he lied did make you mad, you didn't want him to hide who he was.
"The truth is I don't live in some big mansion. I live in a trailer with my uncle and I deal drugs" he admitted to you.
The trailer was something you didn't understand why he was ashamed of it, especially when he took you to it for the first time.
The mugs and caps on the wall- Eddie's Garfield mug especially made you smile- the fact that the place felt very much like a home and not the minimalist style you were used to thanks to your parents) was something you adored.
You loved Eddie's room most of all.
The only thing you didn't like was that Eddie had lied to you and much less that he dealt drugs but you did like how he was kind, sweet, and funny, his uncle was lovely as well as his friends.
You didn't want your relationship to start with a lie so you both agree to a clean slate, Eddie also told you to stop buying him expensive gifts, something you both seemed a little fed up with, you only did because you thought it made him happy.
Wow, were you wrong.
"I don't need you to buy gifts for me. It's sweet of you and very kind but I don't want you to feel like it's something you need to do"
So that was how you both agreed to a date with no lies between you, just two people who liked each other, starting afresh.
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