#the rescurers down under
snakeredbirdbatkatana · 4 months
Slade has spent an awful long time toying with the bats especially Nightwing he even respects the little Robin after so long.
But there must have been some misconception along the way.
"Little Bird, don't think your living beyond anything other than my god damn mercy, your not your brother."
The wound on Nightwings leg must be giving him some trouble as he slouches stuttering out
"What..I don't get it, who."
Grabbing Dicks head grip tightening hard enough to leave reminders everytime his pretty bird looks in the mirror.
"You might be the oldest," stoking down to where the zipper lays on his costume.
"Yet, My Little Dove Rouges do not shake at the very mention of your name, more importantly you are nothing more than a pretty inconvenience and I don't need your bird gunning for my head I already owe him enough." Snarls out of his mouth.
His guns are loaded back, mask in place becon flashing so that the Bat can come get his eldest he turns.
"Slade wait" gasps Nightwing.
"What did, Jay do to earn that. What did you do for him?"
Oh his poor idiotic little protege
"Your little Red Hood is nothing more than a worthless street brat past his expiration. Only one of you pathetic little brats has actually made a mark beyond annoying your daddy."
"Damian than, I know you have tangled with him before." He sounds confused oh how delightful.
"I have to go little bird, your stalling is truly admirable but I don't feel like fighting your family, but again I find it fascinating that the worlds greatest detectives don't understand the wolf hiding under the sheep. You name all your siblings but the one who's impressive, who is almost a better villain than I." He pauses.
"I fight to win, why would I fight the Robin who would put me in a grave for daring to piss him off I have rules about killing clients it's bad for business after all." He can't help the laughter that slips through.
"You mean Red Robin don't you, I don't understand."
"He's Tim when would he have done anything with you, he avoids you like the plague." Growls Nightwing.
As Slade walks through the door throwing one last tidbit for Dickie to think over.
"Oh sweetheart, I avoid him and let's just say the streets tend to bleed when baby brother isn't happy."
He's already ten blocks away when the Bat descends to rescure pretty bird he whips out his phone sending a warning to his favorite Robin not even a second later it rings.
"How's my favorite boy wonder tonight"
"Really Dad, now I have bats on my ass you have to be fucking with me."
"No I just think it's time you come home, you can't tell me your having fun kiddo." Smile creeping on his face he never denied having a favorite child after all.
" Yah alright old man don't think I won't kick your ass for this."
"Always, I expect nothing less love you."
"Yah, yah New York midnight see you soon"
" Can't wait I got a billionaire waiting for you Renegade"
He hangs up, he wonders how the Bat will handle this or better yet how betrayed the heroes will be after his son is done only time will tell. 
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sullina · 1 year
Hahaha. Omg! I imagine the TC yelling frustratedly for Mel to godamn use his demonic power against Guila. Like you can defeat her Mel!!!
"FOR FUCKING SAKE MELIODAS USE YOUR DEMONIC POWER!" Deriere yelled in frustration, pointing at the screen. Which everydemon agreed with her statement. Monspeet just put his hand on Deriere's shoulder to calm her down.
"I swear to god if I see him again..." Zeldris grumbled under his breath. "Mel is just letting himself injured on purpose at this point" Drole crossed his arms.
"His always like that. At least there somethings never change. " Gloxinia shook his head, having his tenticle stroke his cheek, also feeling angry Mel for holding back and getting himself injured.
imagine their surprise when Mel got sucked into the goddess amber and broke out. He went full on berserk!
"See? That's how you do it!" Zeldris yelled at Mel when he casually the defeated the two holy knight with nothing but a light swing of his arm. They soon realized though that something couldn't be right, considering the blank look on Mels face, as if someone just turned off the light in his brain. Something was definitely wrong when he didn't just use his full counter against that Helbram guy. Thank god that giant girl with the warhammer came to everyones rescure.
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strongbrew-hamstery · 2 years
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Gasp! Not all golden! This is #Mancs, a black male from the #HeroPups and one of three black based babies. He is named after the most famous rescur dog of the Spider Special Rescue Team in Miskolc, Hungary. Mancs was a German shepherd born in 1994. His name means "paw". He was particularly skilled at finding earthquake survivors, and then alerting his rescuers. He was so good at this job that he could tell the rescuers if the person was alive or dead, and communicate this to other members of the team. If the person was alive, he stood up, wagged his tail and barked. If they were deceased, he would lay down. Mancs participated in many rescue missions, but it most well known for his rescue of a 3yr old girl who spent 82 hours under the ruins after the Izmit earthquake in 1999, Turkey. Mancs passed away on October 22, 2006 of pneumonia. In 2015 his rescue team was awarded the European Citizen's Price for their 20 years of work saving lives. The child he had rescued, Hatira Kapaln, attended as a guest of honour. Mancs was a most very brave doggo, who's hard work saved many lives. What a good boy. Thank you for joining us and #LearningWithHamsters. 🐶 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPVRt7Affn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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klankthetank · 4 years
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Ya know when you’re just a regular fella...
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And this is your uncle...
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And this is your cousin...
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And the other cousin...
That miiight leave a lasting impression on a person.
(I don’t even know, this was a running gag between me n sis that got way outta pocket lol)
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cloudninetonine · 2 years
Me: my brain won't shut up I hipe I'm not annoying it's tiring me out a lil
Ya'll: MOAR
Colors cuddle puddle. Tracking Green down to surprise him with hugs, but Red's clinging to Player's back already because he refuses to let go (he wants cuddles and he's going to get them). Waking up from a nap to a Color hugging each limb (and Shadow on their torso). Giving them the idea of stacking on top of each other like TOTEM TIME! and trying to avoid branches so all of them SCRUNNNCH (crouch, bend over without dropping anyone) and giggling madly the whole time. Shadow being tired and needing a break from the light so Player shares their hoodie and carries him around tucked into their chest when he insists. Sharing Player's coat when its cold out and Four is really pale (Blue has Trauma) and reminding him where they are and that they're here and he's not alone and warming him up (Wild giving Player a flameblade they let Four and Rule experiment on and they figure out how to make it touchable without setting oneself on fire and giving that blade to Four to hold while holding him). Not being able to see the Minish (I heard a version of the requirement was "believing in the impossible"? which I like a lot better than "only good children can see them" and makes more sense to me, and I like to think it ties in to hope--like the opposite of cynicism? but not quite. close enough), but one day, as they're wandering, they see a little mouse? scurrying through the grass or hiding under a mushroom when it's raining or trapped in the middle of a puddle and others haven't gotten to them yet to rescure them so they offer a hand and bring them under their coat (poncho-style?) and offer a cloth for them to dry off and bring them where they want to go, closer to the village. Four seeing this and knowing for a fact Player couldn't see them before, but they can now, and his heart swelling until he feels like he's gonna burst (the Colors all agree that makes them super happy) (now that I've typed it out, that scene makes me think of healing from trauma and being able to believe the best of others and trusting again. The Chain getting to watch Player heal
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mangolover · 3 years
Hi! Is it possible to request Kaeya and #22 for the 50 followers event? Congrats btw!!
Hey, thank you so much for your request!
It’s still posibble to request around 5 prompts I think, so feel free to send in another ask!
Anyways, I don’t know what I aimed for here. All I know is that I always wondered how in the hell did the vision bearers learn to control their visions? And how do they work? Do you need to hold it or something?
Either way, please enjoy our dear Cavalry Captain Kaeya saving us.
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50 Followers Drabble Event, prompt #22 with Kaeya
If you wish to check out the official “50 Followers Drabble Event”, press here
Title: You Will Be Okay
Prompt: “Do you trust me?”
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Kaeya x gn! reader
Genre: angst (?) with a happy ending kinda?
Warnings: mentions of injury, fire, burns, mentions of death (minor unnamed characters)
Spoilers: brief mentions of his and diluc’s past
Word Count: 900+
Description: After fending off the attacking fatui agents, you got a pyro vision. One you cannot control. So your fear feeds the flames before you pass out and Kaeya comes to your rescure, bringing you to the sisters to heal you. You will be okay.
This is so random...
Also I am aware that drabble is supposed to be under 100 words, but I consider it to be under 1000 words
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You Will Be Okay
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Soaring fire surrounded you, smoke filling your lungs and dying your soul black. Another spark of fire made its way towards your leg and burnt you, causing you to let out a yelp and to take another step back towards the cliff.
This wasn’t your intention, and you would take it back a hundred times if you could, but you couldn’t, they pyro vision gracing your hip was the proof of that. ‘At least they are dead’ you thought to yourself. Fatui agents couldn’t get to you even if they were still alive, the fire you shot out of the palm of your hand moments before you were slashed was keeping them away. But it was keeping away help as well.
You are sure the Knights have already seen the flames and sent someone to check it out, maybe they even sent a back up to tame down the flames after they saw the fallen fatui agents. But it still didn’t help calm your fear.
Your legs were shaking, your heart was pounding, and your vision was becoming hazy. You inhaled too much smoke and it was slowly making you succumb to the darkness.
Flames started to move again, just like in chess. The enemy was getting closer to you and you had to retreat in order to protect yourself, the most valuable piece. But you can’t last for long, all your comrades were on the other side of the board, even your beloved boyfriend, the second most valuable piece that caused many kings to fall.
Seemingly out of options and with yet another burn on your lower leg, you let out a pained cry hoping someone would hear it and finally come to your aid.
“Is someone there?!” You heard a male voice call out towards the flames.
“Please h-“ a cough cut you off, your body tried to eject all the smoke, finally seeing a chance of survival, a sign of hope “help me!”
“Y/n?!” a familiar voice called out to you this time. However, your memory was becoming foggy and you couldn’t pin down the face to the voice even if your life depended on it. “It’s me Kaeya, are you alright?”
The was hidden concern in his voice, but you could easily pinpoint it. You knew him too well; you know he is just trying to stay calm for your sake.
“I’m going to use my vision to cool off these flames, okay?”
And he did just that, his cryo vision calming down your pyro one, but you were still shaking. This time another fear came over you, what if you hurt him on accident? You can’t control your vision!
“No! Stay back!”
“Huh? What are you talking about??” For the first time, he was genuinely confused.
“I-“ another cough, another tear sliding down your burning cheek “I can’t control this! I can’t control myself and my vision!”
“Your vision?” You could make out a shape of a man behind the thinned down curtain of flames.
“I got it and this is the result” your voice was quiet; you were ashamed even if you did everything just to protect yourself. “I’m sorry, please just go, I’ll be alright!” An obvious lie, you can’t help yourself anymore. If he walks away now, he will take your life with him.
But he isn’t ready to give up on you just yet. “That I cannot do! Stay back, I’m almost there!”
“No!” You took a step back and almost fell; a small bit of your footing came falling down. You let out yet another yelp and more fire escaped you, it seemed to grow with your fear.
“Y/n!” Kaeya called out for you, worst case scenarios running through his mind. He can’t lose you! If he does, he feels like he might lose his mind. Once again, just like all those years ago when the man who took him in died, burning flames and freezing ice collided.
He could see the fragments of your face from where he was standing, a petrified look in your eyes was evident. He knew he must find a different approach.
“Do you trust me?” he said it quietly, you would almost miss it. It was his silent plead, last resort.
You opened your mouth to say yes, but instead started coughing, black spots overcoming your vision.
You know you are going to pass out so you find the strength to mutter the most silent and softest “yes” ever, before closing your eyes.
Kaeya immediately sprung into action, putting out the last bit of fire before catching you mere seconds before you hit the ground. He lifted you in his arms, careful of your burns and turned around. “Cathedral, quick!”
He sprinted like his own life depended on it, pushing everyone out of the way. You need urgent medical help. His gaze fell on you as he ran up the stairs leading to the archon statue, you looked too peaceful, but as he pressed two fingers to your pulse, he felt a weak beating. A sense of relief washed over him as he made his way to the sisters to help you.
You were going to be okay and then he’ll help you control your fear. He’ll even ask Diluc, Bennett and Amber to help you control your vision, he didn’t care, he was just glad you were alive.
The sisters took you away as Kaeya watched after them, muttering “you will be okay” under his breath.
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(sees another fandom that I can ask you about and cheers) Orphan Black! Thoughts? I don't know Dr Who but Tatiana is one of my favorite actors period.
Anon you are so sweet! I'm always happy to chat about fandoms and characters and whatnot, and I will never not appreciate the majesty of Tatiana's acting. That is one of the greatest parts of the show hands down.
Orphan Black, to me, is a show that had incredible potential, but didn't really live up to the excitement it created. (Loooong post ahead.)
The thing is, Orphan Black builds a chilling mystery and background, the world it gradually creates as it goes for about the first two seasons, got be very invested and made me wonder a lot about where it was going to go and what the answers were. The setup is brilliant, right from the start with that iconic cold open of Beth's suicide. The unknown is what really helped this show get as thrilling as it was, because the actual answers behind the unknown were kind of hit and miss, and it seemed like far too often, the show just wasn't interested in telling it's story. Hijinks where the clones impersonate each other in slice of life events? That's fun at first and it really works well as they're still getting to know each other. But after a while, it gets tedious, and it seems like the show would rather fuck around and have dance parties (seriously, that scene was such a #BigLippedAlligatorMoment) than focus on the story and the threat that the sisters are facing. Virtually all of Allison's plotlines are like this, they feel like they belong in a different show, and for some reason the writers insisted on giving her one of these storylines like, every season. After Allison passively murders her own friend out of suspecting that she's spying on her, I just don't feel like an arc about her running for some PTA office position even matters. It doesn't feel right.
Speaking of that, here's another example: Donnie. Why did the end of the first season suggest that he was this secret mastermind working for Leekie? The whole idea just deflates in Season 2 and doesn't really go anywhere. He just goes back to being the bumbling sweetheart he was before. Why even have him be the spy? Maybe it should have been Ainsley. Do you want to know the exact moment that I think Orphan Black went wrong? Like, the specific scene? When Leekie was killed off. The character who had thus far been the Big Bad, gets taken out in the stupidest possible way, a literal accident on Donnie's part, and it's even played for laughs. After that point, the show really struggled to regain it's footing, though I don't think it completely went off the rails until about Season 4, and it was still generally hit or miss. Like, some stuff was really good. The introduction of the Castor clones, the development of Rachel's character (I'll get to her, trust me.) and the reveal of Kendall Malone. But it seemed like so much else was just forgotten or otherwise not resolved. Whatever happened to Cal? Sure, the show wanted to focus on the sisters...but Kira deserves to know her father if she wants to. That's just one example. It's a crying shame because this show is sometimes incredible. The metaphor that I always use for situations like this, is a card game. The show has all the right cards in its hand, they're just not being played.
The two strongest characters, at least to me, were Rachel and Helena. One of these characters was superbly written and went through a devastating arc. The other was Helena. We need to talk about her. In Season 1, she really cemented herself as a memorable presence with her trademark accent, her scars, her whole damn personality (again, hats off to Tatiana) and of course, that iconic screechy theme music that accompanied her. Which at first made us jump, but eventually made us cheer. I adored Helena, and I loved the development of her relationship with Sarah. Who went from shooting her in Season 1, to being deadset on rescuring her in Season 3, being furious with Siobhan for betraying her. (This is unrelated but Siobhan has the same " twist villain fakeout" at the end of Season 1 that Donnie does, and it's quite frustrating.) And yet, I swear, the writers just didn't know what to do with Helena half the time. They put her on a bus for long stretches, including one point where she just up and leaves Allison's house in Season 4, for no given reason. And the characters just kind of...don't care. The same thing happens when she gets arrested. No one cares to try and find Helena, even though she's unstable and often a danger to those around her. Even though she's by herself with no real ability to function in society. Even though she's pregnant. There is no excuse for this, and no Sarah, that "I'm sorry, I avoided you" scene in Season 5 is not going to cut it. It's such an afterthought.
I'm being rather critical, but I hope you can tell that this is from a point of passion. I genuinely enjoyed this show and getting to watch it. Just that sometimes it didn't feel like the show cared that I was watching. However, this was not true whenever Rachel was onscreen. Look, I'm a Merula Snyde stan, so you can probably already guess how I feel about Rachel. Despite her crimes, despite her constant slipping back the dark side, I felt so bad for Rachel at the end of it all. That scene with Kira really sums it up. "Who hurt you?" "All of them." And no scene is more intense than when she stabs out the eye cam. Like, I'm sorry, I pitied Rachel pretty much from Season 2 on. Her parents were horrible to her, and I'm supposed to think Ethan is the good guy here? He kills himself in front of his own daughter, telling her that she doesn't deserve him. And then Sarah shoots a pencil through her eye, causing brain damage and requiring a long recovery. I'm not saying that Sarah was wrong to do what she did, just that if I were in her shoes, I'd still feel a degree of guilt for Rachel's condition. In the end, I'm devastated that she was barred from Clone Club, when she made the right decision at the point it mattered. But there's just too much history there, and Sarah won't ever forgive her. (Though again, I do feel as though there's blame to share.) Rachel is my favorite character and I never expected her to be. But she's just so complex. Side note: "Enjoy your oophorectomy" is so damn quotable. I don't know why but I love that line.
So, Rachel's my favorite. Who's my least favorite? It might surprise you. It's Delphine. I'm sorry, but I just...I couldn't get on board with C*phine. Not after Season 3. I was waiting for the point that the show would push to finally redeem Delphine for her turncoat role, for all of the hell that she put Cosima through. By Season 5 though? I realized that as far as the writers were concerned? She already was redeemed. Even though she did nothing to earn it, except be presumed dead by Cosima. The way she treats Cosima in Season 3 is actually disgusting. Her reasoning for breaking up with Cosima is circular. She has to love "all the clones" in order to be with Cosima, and the way to do that is to take over Rachel's job, which means they can't date anymore? I'm not the only one who thought that didn't make sense, right? Oh and let's talk about how she stalks Cosima's date, breaks into her house, and threatens her life. Red. Flags. Cosima even says the line, "If you're not going to be with me, just let me go." I'm sorry, that should not be something she has to beg for. Delphine's behavior made me want her to stay far, far away from Cosima. Who is, incidentally, a sweetie and I absolutely adore her. I legit have trouble remembering that Tatiana's playing her because she just looks and acts so different. That said, even though I immensely disliked Delphine, I am so very glad that they made one of the clones gay. Just like I'm glad that they made one of them trans. (Though...Tony wasn't handled especially well.)
In general, I do think the earlier seasons were stronger. The Brightborn arc, while interesting, didn't really contribute much to the overarching narrative. We got the backstory on Beth's suicide and finally learned the truth about her, I suppose. Still, even though Beth is one of my favorite of the clones, and I never expected her to be either...I feel like the actual reason given for why she took her own life was rather illogical. She apparently did it because the investigation was putting the clones in danger of another Helsinki. Okay, but just because Evie Cho says you should off yourself, doesn't mean you have to. You could just, like...stop investigating. And if you die under mysterious circumstances without explaining anything to the sisters, they're not going to be put off from the investigation. They're going to look into this even more, because they don't know why they're not supposed to. The reveal that she and Art fell in love toward the end adds an extra gut punch, but it also doesn't make sense because wouldn't Art have referenced it during the period that he thought Sarah was Beth? On the other hand, Season 4 also introduced MK. And I have such a soft spot for her. I adore that sheep-masked sweetie. Everyone always asks "Which clone would you date" (because fandoms can think of nothing else I guess) and I never see anyone give any love to MK. Her death absolutely tore me apart. I am glad Siobhan avenged her even if she went down at the same time. Side note, her last word being the affectionate "Chickens..." Broke me.
Season 5 was a strange beast. In general, it seemed like we were finally getting some answers to the questions that were hanging over us. Exploring the deep mythos. But then they kind of turned it around and made it just be a Wizard of Oz style fraud twist. Westmoreland isn't really inhumanly old, he's a charlatan. I don't know why that was necessary in a science fictional show. I've seen the interviews and I get what they were going for, it just feels like it would have been cooler and far creepier if he was actually that old. The puppet master pulling the strings the whole time. We also finally get some answers for Kira's superhuman healing abilities (though we never learn how she's telepathically connected to the clones) and I'm loving it, but the trouble is, it's inconsistent. Ethan "Why is this guy so popular, he's an asshole" Duncan told Rachel specifically that Sarah being able to have children was a fluke, that the clones were "barren by design." I don't know, the whole concept of Revival and of the "magical island" was really foreboding and tied in with the earlier references to The Island of Doctor Moreau. Especially that song about "Revival's Children" just...the shudders, man. But just having it be a regular old scam is...a letdown. I know it may be more realistic, but I don't always need realism in my scifi. The finale is interesting, in that it's mostly an epilogue. I'm glad the clones (sans Rachel) got to live happily ever after, but there are two gut punches right at the end that are total nitpicks but they bother me. Helena naming her kids after Art and Donnie? And writing a memoir that she names "Orphan Black?" Those two tropes can go die in a hole. They can enjoy an oophorectomy, because I'm so sick of them.
The potential of Orphan Black was practically infinite. The results of Orphan Black fell frustratingly short.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Okay but can shigaraki and all mights rescured darling kith and be together send tweet
Y’all really do like these two… Here’s the drabble where they meet, if anyone’s interested, but all you needed to know is All Might’s Darling doesn’t really want to be kidnapped anymore and Shigaraki is tolerating it.
TW: Past Emotional Abuse, Violence, Self-Deprecation, and Implied Abandonment.
“You’re really shitty at this, aren’t you?”
Despite your best efforts, you’d never gotten used to Shigaraki’s critics, his neutrality only making the trial-and-error process more irritating than it had to be. You huffed, refusing to glare. Seeing him sitting on the training room’s floor so casually would only make the frustration worse. Instead, you devoted your attention to the mannequin propped against the farthest wall, raising an arm to better concentrate. Your quirk had always been stubborn, refusing to come willingly until you threatened to force it to. 
After a brief stillness, vines emerged from the mannequin, wrapping around its shoulders as they encased its chest, inching their way down to non-existent legs. The plants moved slowly, the layer they formed over greying fabric painfully thin. There were thorns, but they weren’t big enough, the vines weren’t strong enough. It was a terrible attempt at defending yourself, how could anyone ever think you were a serious threat? The only thing you were was a fuck-up–
With that, the vines fell to the floor, dried up and dead, just like your last three creations. All more pitiful than the last.
Shigaraki was kind enough not to laugh as he pushed himself up, watching carefully as you dropped your outstretched arm and let out a defeated breath. There was a light slap on your back as he walked past you, staring down at the pile of decaying plants for a few seconds before he spoke, as passive as he’d ever been. “They didn’t die as quickly, this time. Isn’t that an improvement?”
“It’s hopeless,” You replied, shaking your head. You approached him, but you didn’t try to stand by his side, stopping to kick at the ground while you were still an arm’s length behind him. “Why can’t you just give me a gun? I make flowers, I don’t…” You bit your lip before you could spit the phrase out, the habit still engrained into you from Toshinori’s list of rules. “You know what I mean. I’m not strong, like the rest of you, or useful like Kurogiri. Trying to train me probably isn’t worth it.”
“Not when you say things like that.” Wordlessly, he beckoned you to his side, and you obeyed without question. He didn’t look quite as apathetic as he turned to face you, taking your hand carefully, turning the appendage over in his fingers. He was looking for something, clearly, but you weren’t sure what. You were never sure, with him. “You’re still thinking about your quirk like it’s a power you have to beg for. It’s not something you have to summon, and you can’t hold it at a fucking distance, it’s you. There’s no getting rid of it.”
With a sigh, you jerked your hand away from him, shaking your head as you tried to process the nonsense he was spouting. “Toshi’ used to tell me…”
Shigaraki raised an eyebrow. You trailed off, averting your eyes to the wall behind him.
“Whatever he told you, he was lying. What don’t you get about that?” You could hear Shigaraki’s exasperation, his exhaustion, the man choosing to face away from you as he ran a hand through his hair, forcing it into an unruly heap. “You still talk about him like he’s a teacher, you should be angry that he kept you trapped for that long.”
You grit your teeth, fists clenching at your sides. “I am angry-”
“You should be mad!” He was speaking over you, now, yelling as he scratched at the scars along his neck. Usually, you’d try to stop him, but you weren’t in the mood to help, anymore. “You were a kid, and he took advantage of you! The freak fucking groomed you, he tried to act like he was doing you a favor. You’ve every right to be mad!”
“I’m mad!” You were yelling, too, by the time he finished, taking a step forward and ignoring the slight crunch of dead, useless vines under your foot. “I’m always mad-”
He spun on his heels, thrusting a finger into your chest, like you were the one talking over him. “And then he left you alone, to deal with the mess you didn’t even make! How are supposed to feel about that? Thankful? And he probably still expects you to grovel at his feet, even when he’s the one weak enough to-”
You moved without thinking, aiming for his jaw and punching, putting as much weight behind the blow as you could manage. It couldn’t have hurt that much, but Shigaraki stumbled back, rubbing at his chin like the bruise would be fatal. You couldn’t take it, stepping forward and fighting to keep your temper under control. Still, you might’ve been a little too proud of how his scowl faltered as you stepped on his foot. “You think I asked to be treated like a doll for half a decade? I didn’t want to be with Toshinori, I didn’t even want to work for Toshinori, this is all his fault. I hate him. Is that what you wanted to here? I hate him!”
There was a moment of stunned silence, but only a moment. Before you knew what you were doing, your hands were in Shigaraki’s hair, his arms around your waist and his chapped lips pressing against yours. It was too toothy to be a real kiss, sloppy and misguided, highlighting Shigaraki’s inexperience and just how coddled Toshinori had kept you, but affection wasn’t your main goal. It ended as suddenly as it’d started, your minds catching up with your bodies as you pushed each other away, staring blankly ahead for far too long.
Shigaraki broke the silence first. “That was hot.”
“Let’s never do it again,” You retorted, blinking slowly. “Ever.”
“Oh, god, fuck no.” There was another pat to your head, forcing you to look downward and Shigaraki started to head towards the door. “I’m going to go play that fucking Goose game Spinner won’t stop talking about. Want to come watch?”
You nodded, but waited until he’d left the room to let yourself relax. You didn’t raise your hand, this time, only flicking your wrist and watching as a meadow of brightly colored, blooming flowers emerged from the dusty mannequin’s chest, tearing through aged fabric as easily as paper. They died as soon as you looked away, shriveling into nothing and fluttering to the ground, joining your failed attempts.
Still, you hoped Shigaraki wouldn’t ask about your smile, later on.
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ryumisadei · 4 years
part two of my...lil stupid rdr2 adventure with john marston
after an hour on that godamn boat i finally saw st denis in hopes the thing would drive close enough so john might can get save to land again in some way.....boy was i wrong....
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the boat seemed to drive away again from the city...torwards the prison island and i sure wasnt in the mood to wait for van horn or annisburg...after waiting so long so far.. so i got even more desperate and bored ...
i got really nervous from boredom and startet to produce more mayham....trying to throw mollys to other boats passing by and looking what happends...
i am very bad at throwing shit..and alway missed.....UNTIL..
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its easy to save john from burning just down a few medicines but the boat...ye...it kept burning....and burning.... and i could cleary see john was DONE WITH MY SHIT ...specially that close to st denis...
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i turned arround and saw the fucking BOAT SINKING RIGHT UNDER ME with no hope or rescure in sight!!!
john knew he was fucked....i knew he was fucked....THIS WHOLE SITUATION WAS FUCKED... i should never have played pirate in the first place T v T im sorry abigail that i pushed your man in a situation like this...
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GOD i felt bad letting him drown after so much wasted playtime on that boat....
and i was even more done when i saw john resporn in the habour of St Denis....our destination..our goal....as if the game was mocking me >.<
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i need a drink now and so does John...
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no pirate play for me annymore i swear....
enough RDR2 for today....and maybe tomorrow
(as if..)
Stupid Pirate Journey Part 1 (x)
ye...all my original pics and.....comments...on that journey are on twitter
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gadgetgirl71 · 4 years
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Book Review: The Summer Fields by L P Fergusson
Another great book by L P Fergusson. I couldn’t put it down, I ended up reading late in to the night on a couple of occasions, until I finished the book. This book was like reading a classic such as Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. Except that you didn’t have to try and understand the old spoken English. Which can sometimes detract from you wanting to read the classics. So if you like the classics and you don’t want to struggle with the old language then you’ll just love this book. I’m looking forward to seeing what L P Fergusson’s next book is.
In February 1704, Elen Griffiths is a young woman who lives with her father and sibling as tenant farmers. Since her mothers passing she had taken on the household duties as well as being a dairy maid.
Late one evening when the farm was almost asleep Elen and her father hear a horse and carriage coming into their yard. Elen is told to go up to bed and not come down until her father tells her to. As someone turning up at this late hour never means anything good.
It turns out that its the local Doctor, he requires Elen to go with him to Duntisbourne Hall and nurse Viscount Mordiford. As he has contracted small pox, it turns out that with Elen being a dairy maid she will not contract small pox.
So Elen is rushed away from her family during the night, without being able to say goodbye to her siblings. She didn’t even get a chance to pack any clothes as the Doctor dare not leave the Viscount any longer than he has too. The doctor says that one of her siblings will have to bring over anything that she may need at a later date.
Once they reach Duntisbourne Hall Elen is whisked away up to one of the halls towers which is far enough away from the rest of the household so no one else has the chance of catching small pox. One of the servants a Ned Harley has volunteered to take food, wood or anything else Elen or the Viscount may need while she nurses him back to health.
Elen soon ends up fitting in and gets in to a routine of caring for her charge. Every morning after breakfast she goes for a walk about the estate with Ned Harley. Then she goes back to her duty of care and during some quiet times she sits quietly and reads. It turns out that Elen is quite an educated woman, even though she is a dairy maid. Her mother was a governess but fell in love with Elen’s father, someone far below her mothers standing. She made sure that Elen could read and write. Due to this she is given the opportunity to go and borrow any book she takes a fancy to reading from the Halls grand library.
This is when Elen becomes a person of interest to the Viscounts father. Mordiford has tried to dismiss Elen ever since she turned up, as he knew once his father met her she would end up in danger. His father and his friends were in to some strange rituals and most of them had been disgraced from society at one point or the other.
Ned Harley is also involved with what Mordiford’s father and friends get up to, every time they have a gathering at the hall. He isn’t the charming and caring person that he pretends to be to Elen. One evening Ned organises to meet Elen in a remote summerhouse on the estate, but he has lured her there not for himself but for his master and his friends.
Mordiford finds out what is going to happen and drags himself out of his sick bed to rescure Elen. He takes on his father and his friends and whisks Elen away from the estate to safety. But Elen won’t be totally safe until she is out of the country, as his fathers reach is far and wide. So he takes her to the local Doctor’s house and asks him to shelter Elen. The Doctor isn’t to happy about this as he is due to leave the country and become the Doctor to the Duke of Marlborough during the Battle of Blenheim in Bavaria. Mordiford insists that he take Elen with him and say that she is to be his nursing assistant as she is more than capable. He says that he will send for Elen once it is safe for her to return.
The journey to the battle field is long and arduous, as well as dirty. Once they arrive on the continent they are put up in a small establishment with others that are to join the campaign. This is where Elen meets Mrs Sarah Barker and her husband the field surgeon. Sarah takes Elen under her wing and makes sure that she is safe when the Doctor isn’t around, she also teaches Elen how to nurse the wounded soldiers.
Elen keeps hoping that she will hear from Mordiford telling her that it is safe for her to return home, but the months go by with no word. Until one day a battalion of soldiers are making their way to the front and she spots Mordiford as he spots her. He is so glad to see her, and it’s noticable to all that he has a liking towards Elen.
They keep on bumping in to each other during the battle, and there is an attraction between them, but Sarah keeps telling her to be careful as she doesn’t want her to be used and thrown away once the war is over.
Will Elen ever be able to go back home. If she can go back home what will she do, does Mordiford really have feelings and affection for Elen or has he just been leading her up the garden path. Will there be a happy ever after?
Such another great read from L P Fergusson, she has a way of writing that is so vivid you are actually transported back in time. Yet again I can’t wait for her next book.
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The Winterking
Lemon - NC-17 / frostwolf fanfic Sansa x Loki
TITLE OF STORY: The Winterking
AUTORS BLOG: all-hail-the-winterking
GENRE: crossover Game of Thrones/Marvel
FIC SUMMARY: Loki rescuring Sansa by the battle of Blackwater
RATING: Mature NC-17
The Red Keep was burning. Green Flames licked on the stonewall and burned the grout between the stones to ashes. „In the morning there will be no more stone on another“, realized Sansa.
She stood side by side with her king in front of the building and watched the group of Frostgiants inside the magic flames. They escorted a bunch of Highborn Lady's through the broken entrance door. The same woman Sansa sang the Hymne of Gentle Mother for. The Ladies recognized Sansa and like a collective the women curtsey in front of her.
Sansa smiled and step forward to them. „Don't be afraid“, she said with loud voice. „You are safe now.“ She caught Shae figure between the women and pointed with her hand to her. „This is my dressing maid.“, she informed the leader of the Giants. „She stays with me.“
The Frostgiant nodded and ask: „What shall we do with the others, my Queen?“
„My Queen“, Sansa felt a thrill. She lifted her chin and spoke: „On the westside of Kings Landing is a temple of the Silent Sisters. There they will be welcome.“
For a second Sansa was not sure if the Giant would follow her order. He looked at his King and back to Sansa. „As you wish“, he rasped finaly and gave his men a sign. The Giant soilders arounded the group of woman and started to lead them away from the Red Keep.
Suddenly Sansa heard the strong voice of her King. „Treated them gentle, Byleist. No harm shall come to the ladies.“
Byleist face showed frustration. „The men will be displeased“, he said with wispering voice.
Sansa hold on her breath. „This is his brother he told me before.“, she remembered. „The one who had the throne of Jötunheimr.“ She wondered what was passed that the brothers changed there positions.“
„Midgardian men would rape and kill the women. All of them.“, her king spat out „But we are not Midgardian, are we? We are Gods!“
For a moment the brothers watched each other. Than Byleist nodded. „You are right. Who can be show mercy if not we?“ He went to his men. „You hear your King. Lead them to the temple and leave them under survey of the Silent Sisters. Your Queen wish it so.“
Sansa watched the Frostgiants grumbling with grim faces. „Now it is my turn“, she though and step forward.„Don't pity yourself, my brave Frostgiants“, she spoke out loud. „The screaming of slaughtered men will sound better in your ears then the yelling of woman. You have more honour than the Lanisters, I know it! Prove it for yourself and you will see: there will be more fights and glorious battles on our way to Winterfell. You will have your joy!“
Silents fell over the Red Keep. All Giants seemed to watch Sansa.
„I can't look back again at my king“, she reminds herself. „They would think I am weak.“
Instead she braved to looked at Byleist with a smile „You know I am right.“
He started to grin. „Yes, my Queen.“, he spoke out loud enough to let his words heard by all his men. „We will be proud and honoured to kill for you.“
And as one men the Frostgiants raised there ice lances hands and shouted out: „To Winterfell!“
- Winterfell. This word alone was heavenly to Sansa.
In Winterfell she had the joyes of all times. A safe childhood. Always a burning fire and a loving lady mother. A father who was a praised Lord of the north. Wonderful feasts...
Her lady mother rested a hand on her shoulder. "Don't daydream child. I want you to look after our guest."
"Lord Loki?", Sansa frowned.
"Prince Loki.", Lady Catelyn reminded her. "You will sit with him on the high table tonight side him. Your father is curious about this prince. He wants to watch him on a feast and how he behave." Her lady mother smiled down to Sansa. "I do know you will. Drink with him. Let him talk. And dance with him."
"Dancing with a stranger?", Sansa asked astonished back. Her mother nodded.
"We will watch. If he tells the true and grew up on a court, we will see it by the way he dance."
Sansa agreed with her Lady mother. "You're right, mother. I shall do my best to entertain our guest."
She did it so well, the young prince felt in love with her this night. -
Her king beside her started to laugh and laid a arm around her shoulder. „Well done“, he rasped and brought Sansa back into present.
Sansa felt relief and proud. „I can do it“, she said to herself. „With the right words I can lead them, too.“
She turned her head to her King, caught a look from his emerald eyes and susurrate: „Kiss me, Loki!“
And he obeyed.
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comicblossoms · 7 years
Finally finished my Disney Renaissance Era film marathon! THe Hunchback of Notre Dame is still number one for me, with The Lion King a close second and Aladdin at a number 3. After Aladdin, my list goes on with 4. Beauty and the Beast 5. Hercules 6. Mulan 7. Tarzan 8. Pocahontas 9. The Little Mermaid Nine films later and I feel like my life is complete!
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glopratchet · 4 years
but it is not enough to stop an attack from a horde of demons there are several bodies floating in the water There is no way to tell if they were vampires or not to overtake the community, several buildings are being overgrown with foliage, some bodies lay rotting under trees filled with carnivorous vines that rip apart anyone who doesn't destroy them crews of fleshformed minons and skeletons that drop kamikaze explosions on your position whenever you neare a bridge or other vital structure both human and nonhuman patrol only the safehouse but never go into the frontlines of the battle Right now it's lay strewn across the walls of a hospital filled with dying, blood-stained doctors and nurses bleep frantically as gurneys of patients are assaulted by shadows manifesting into their pained bodies factories pumps out syringes of blessed vaccine to send into the battle to stop the holy incursions rush to the frontlines as endless shrieking demons Autopsies room filled with freshly carved bodies on the operating tables filled with wounded popping pills and shooting up stimulants to fight off sleep and terror of their situation suites filled with gamblers throwing their money at demonic dice to affect the tide of the war in silken robes have several men stabbed by knives with shamblers bound to them a large ale-swilling minotaur who leads other minotaurs and gives wise advice during the brass's planning sessions working on an awake wounded soldier, asking him questions as he uses metal hands to keep the soldier from bleeding out and other tools to upgrade him out of a shadow gate that was recently opened of the town littered with the mutilated corpses of demons that tried to get in, all burnt to a crisp out after a shift in the shadow gates Demonic ichor and vaporization of the demons that tried to get through to reality seeping up from the cracks, trickling down from banisters, flowing from faucets, putrid stench causing retching and coughing for terminal patients, bringing them comfort as they pass Demonic ATTACKS! feeding on paranoia and causing certain death as implosion assaults the gates howls as ambulances try to navigate around herds of shambler zombies after a demonic attack seminars, crop farming seminars and language tutorials to keep up morale in the community with laser-scalpel to quiet the insane and dissenters with quick strokes of a blade of knives and horde of UV torches that burn the rebellious down like heretics Vaccine addicts, runners high off the blessed vaccine seminars that take the place of the Demonic ones now banned with loss and horror through writing classes A gnashing, squirming, swarming mass of demon-flesh Demonic POSSESSION! the wrath that keeps everyone motivated to KEEP KILLING DEMONS The demon attacks are so frequent that they seem unending, the vaccine doesnt always work pouring posion into the water supply, making pretty landscapes and cutting human faces onto vegetables medicing and even killing the wounded to keep them quiet Demonic EVENT! possible suspects and figuring out who will be sacrificed to keep the others in line rifle, staring down demonic snipers that took out a patient famed demonic hunters, organizing worship of the agents as some kind of talisman against demonic hauntings ghosts of fallen friends, enemies and loved ones to haunt the dreams of survivors sacrifices, disseminating evidence of human sacrifice to keep the humans fighting in the bar over drinks, trying to lighten the tone by making fun of a friend as his insides become demonic hellfire Demonic incursion! their teeth, their fellow patriots die all around them Demonic possession! SHIT it's starting to get harder to breathe NIGHTMARES Demonic nightmares! Demonic slither, scuttle and pop Demonic presence! "WHAT IS THIS? of corpses Autopsy reports on the dead that are still warm, while the rest are dumped into mass graves with laser-cut nameplates of furtivo in which the humanity of man can still thrive grass-wearing bugger that feeds on nameless things Base facilities of the expeditions to kill and study the demonic trying to regulate demons and the ruins ceremony for a new community center Shamblers in camouflage that the light-amplification goggles can't hope to pierce lifting boosters with boxes of rice into the air where they quietly starve Demonic drones that lack autonomy and can only demonify those around them the shamblers and slow ones into food for the others Demonic bulwarks of spikes that crystallize others, trapping them in hard glory with weapons and assault rifles, ready to be unleashed Demonic fiends in cute puppy or cuddly kitten forms to infiltrate society Rainwater gathered from the air, supplying bases with fresh water concerning stress, fatigue, morale and mental health serving drinks, filling a need for human interaction Base-building, training session for potential leads barbeque with light-hearted comrades Hardlight idols that preform uncanny imitations of real talent s filled with lonely souls draining the alcohol Ghost-towns where barns are freshly patched up and the streets are clean First aid station which doubles as a medical school to teach budding doctors -house filled with a strange mess that bewilders the search and rescure teams homestead where they supply fresh produce to the long-range backpackers rough, nestled into an armored band to keep demons from noticing you mill for recycling the treews into plywood Laundering stolen credit cards for some opportunistic criminal friends hunting for sport with an old-fashioned airgun Private bank that manages funds for dozens of other communities factory for a better product than anyone expects Enclave of explosives engineers making good money defusing demon mines of a hospital, the plague running rampant and killing dozens Zoo of demon species quickly penned up and displayed taking care of some demons that they've managed to domesticate Outdoorsman with survival technology targeting the demons from afar of demonic gibbering that need to be slowly beaten out of them Eternal Utopia, or the closest we've ever gotten with demon teeth embedded into the walls Two doorways with an unknown passage ahead, behind and to the side to see the musical performance by The Voices of the People Room with wild swings in temperature and a puddle of Red Ice at the center on the other side of this wall Rift in time leaking synchronized sounds and sights from other times apartment from the City era, complete with appliances Cross-section of angry undergrunts ready to eat out your bowels IV dripping while the land is ruled over by a rainbow ooze monster Containment cells designed to hold anything and everything 's camp filled with doctors performing tests on the elderly Great fishing holes thanks to water being infused into the soil tapping into whatever market feels like it, making sure to stay ahead of trouble Laughter house filled with clowns ready to cheer up the children patients library with people jogging up and down the hallways unknowingly of wind howling down the halls, changing directions when and how they please Trader's market selling tiny figurines of communities for hobbyists Scrambling robotic security systems and holograpic players to simulate a city drugs being tested on deathrow inmates to replace organs and limbs with technological implants Clean rooms for researching diseases without them escaping Gateway to a new world, free of disease -bar filled with people excessively betting on games too old to matter anymore Run by Night-Mayor Nal Se-Guzka leading hundreds of miles into the crust Full of valuable resources and fascinating geological formations An underground river leading hundreds of miles to an unknown location point Eternal Ustasy provided by the Crimson Cabaret, full of dancers and musicians -playing psychiatrist available to talk to Seedbank collecting and storing the world's seeds for future use with health benefits Systems-control computer hacking division tasked with destroying the company -scouting office searching for abandoned or lost treasure troves Money-printing operation, slowly inflation-ing the currency to worthlessness septic tank that eternally consumes waste and recycles into pure water -infused pools of water glowing bright green and pink Ointment and lotion makers who rub the right hands and smell sweeter than the flowers engineers building ever revolving, evolving machinery Demonological bodyguards for the more dangerous of visitors advertising, thanks to the Creative department Huge libraries of ever-growing books, slowly being destroyed by entropy -filled rooms where the hopeful are given tools to be sculptors watching a high-rise TV station selling the world's greatest products Fat-purging exercise room that stretches up beyond the atmospher -pumping bungee-jumping platform overlooking the acid Farmer's market for organic fruits and vegetables, goblin-grown Curare and more searching for Eldor, Locla or Yilbov Brick-and-mortar casinos filled with everything imaginable, but useless without tokens booze emporium, slowly eating away at your sinuses with every snort Slaughterhouse filled with minimum wage peasant workers -makers scamming money by having people pay for uncontrollably running water Having access to empty rooms for productivity and thought Station for Gemstone-hunters, mercenaries and the Idle Slaughtered sea-creatures hanging from the ceiling, ready to be cooked from the Chapel of the Church of goodwill and happiness Necromancer's laboratory, raising the newly dead from their graves Surveillance department watching the entire world on Camera -filled pools of various acids, capable of melting through anything for oratory orchestra shouting over the crowd Immortality drugs tested on prisoners, extending life by five times -filled shower-rooms, over-scrubbed to exfoliate the skin from the Wahaog Prophet, spreading the word of Hubric Staples of Rorrim culture and community information-boards -station diverting trade to the Facility or Outside Martyrdom-room giving mothers a choice between life and death for their children room with midwife lawyers, sucking the life from a fetus for magic-potential Isolation ward keeping plague-sufferers away from precious medicine and toothpaste dispensers spitting everything out Volunteer buffet-table feasting on the generosity of others and gold-crystals lining the Park's concrete walls French cheese-makers crafting smelly feet for the world Punk-artists painting exquisite neon pictures with lower temp urine -dispensers keeping away the Disease Disciples Accidental drowning chambers keeping away the curious or suicidal drying out, liquefying, heating up and cooling down the outside world Painting-Happy artists and shade-minded minimalists at odds Suffocate-station keeping employees fresh with oxygen masks covering up the Animal Abuse Department for the Emperor-to-be, keeping up a good reputation Thoroughbred racing like the Aspidites, in circles betting on idiots, with a 15-to-1 payout Searchlight keeping outside invaders away from home exploiting resources while suffering abuse and ridicule Outsourced torturers showing off to the citizens in yellow -students with permanent six-packs, hired to slay the Grease Therapists treating crazed survivors, if the pay's right! Parking lot with a bunch of tiny remote-controlled planes Security check with excessive hand-washing and bomb-detectors Grease, rodents and large beasts forming MICEstate crafting statues of Hubric, the Great Emperor lab with dead bodies and beating heart tables Classical gardens with colorful plastic within the Tulips Library offering great literature to the Facility or Outside world defending the Facility or the Outskirts Dark Corner connecting the Facility to the Outside world Stove with free food dispensing fat, delicious meals dispensing caffeinated death-juice for the addicts Spy checks alongside beautiful paintings and dim lighting transporting large volumes of goods throughout the Park Greenhouses pumping out extreme quantities of crops and herbs pumping out bile fluid and other refuse for recycling Lounge offering free internet and television to citizens leading soft, easy lives for the Facility or Outside Whores selling bodies and sucking up to the Facility's butt-queens weighing the heavy benefits of living at the Facility displaying the benefits of healthy eating through colorful signs Vampires sucking dry life out of the citizens for fun and profit threatening the lives of everyone not under a Tulip Overly-competitive parents dooming their child's future through abuse growing fat off consumer's thirst and inattention Sewage-workers cleaning up the darnkess left behind by the world dooming, doom-gazers spreading doom and loving it Decompression chambers treating acclimation sickness for non-workers cruelty and violence flourishing in the simulated lack of light Insiders with unknown intentions within the Tulip-run Facility taking in the sun on the Facility's sandy wasteland Temperatures struggling against the Facility's suffocating atmosphere keeping out the cold and giving the Facility a heavy smell Bullets trading hands and drilling skulls for entertainment or war keeping everyone in line through beauty and terror Robbers robbing the Facility blind with careful planning and scams fighting against every shred of their being Waste flooding the Tulip's-Shadows business like a tidal wave keeping track of the Facility's animal population and habits Fluffernutters frolicking and f-loving in fluffy goodness cooking up the wildlife for the Facility Muffins baking quick and easy snacks for any customer with a tummy ache hosting a skeleton-contest at irregular intervals Psychedelics fighting hunger through drug-use out in the desert Gargoyles transforming the Facility into a creepy, gothic masterpiece Mademoiselles paying their respects to the Great Emperor on holidays or else the body can end up standing upright, stuck in the casket, buried alive CONGRATULATIONS! or else the wind can pin you against the wall, or even knock you off course and send you flying out into space like accelerating to speeds where water will evaporate instantly or even particle collision where atoms bounce off each other at near speed-of-light or burned up or pulverized against some hard surface like enemy ships in terms of density and mass, so that the egg will float in it, hopefully at just the right level where the narrower end of the egg will be sticking out as it goes around acceleration from rest to 20gs is quite uncomfortable even for fit adults past that it requires lying down, 40gs would probably be fatal without proper training 50 gs Object: - The Sceptor 7 gemstone locations are as follow: After arriving at the Shrine of Perception and picking up the Eyes of Auvah translight The Eyes of Auvah were: Blue and Green featureless oval pupils that could see the future on a well populated world Which reading gives you the location of the next gem? You enter the translight storage area with a giant gemstone, you had stolen from a sla veship but something doesn't feel right
0 notes
moonmarsandstars · 4 years
The Conjuring.
I brought you to life and I always had you there. Even someone dead to me. I didn’t know and I’m sorry. For the both of us. I really am. I want to cry like I did when I watched The Great Mouse Decrive for the millionth time. I probably have watched that and The Rescures Down Under that much. I love those movies and a few others that were different for a girl like me. I like dolls and barbies and all girly things you could think of. You stood out as I loved you. I carried you with me like I did those toys that I lost to the world. I’d cry now over them and pretty pitifully too. I’d want to as it would pour out like this April’s rain. The last time I did that I’ve been too afraid to let happen again. I’d cry a river and I wouldn’t stop. I did that day and I don’t need to prove to anyone or myself how much of a great person I’ve become. I was a very good girl and although I fell way too many times the times I’ve gotten up have really counted. It’s such a hassle this life. I wouldn’t trade it for another. I did the same thing with those days in heritage. I grew in weight and I longed to be the tiny I knew I could be. It was tough and not at all easy. I couldn’t stop myself from eating. I needed to eat something or i don’t know what Ive would’ve done aside from being thin. I was already too depressingly fat. I remember sitting or standing there bickering with my idea of losing weight and refraining. It would arrange a thought after another with how much weight this last bite was gonna do too me. I’m thinking of the thought of anorexia and how absurd it sounded to see yourself be thin and. It thin enough. Not too much of a problem for me unless In was in a place I wanted to be attractively supple in weight. Still, I did feel the pain of mania from keeping the weight down. It became a drug induced game. Gotta stay thin or depression will eat at me and I’ll need food again. Luckily around this age I was a mother already to three and me feeling ill versus being thinner was more of a threat to my new found love for myself. Only because of my children and the good I’ve seen and endured through the bad. I wish I could go back and make these wise and ‘feel-good’ choices. I can’t and so I continued on the path. I’ve gained weight since then but I’m not as depressed. I can’t put that sin on me. My family should’ve done something and for us all it would’ve been. I feel arrogant again but it is true. I already went through the pros and cons. It’s painful and somehow still a positive lesson. I haven’t given up and death seems to be the only option. I don’t fear it because it’s what I want to rid my stress of. My death should be sudden and this world calm. Heaven on earth shouldn’t have to wait till then. Even still will it? Only I can do that otherwise it would’ve become that already. Heaven on earth. When I settle on it I feel childish. I feel sheepish but wasn’t god a sheep bearded? I’d ask because of my growing ocd or just conformation. It’s become a stress to be myself for burdening you. I could never remember things as easily. I remember having to write down the lyrics and being surprised every time with the real lyrics versus what I was hearing. Even singing along with as if it were the real lyrics. Embarrassing for me. What a chump?! I’d think immediately but without a word to really go along with it. It was observed and felt though. ‘Reading’ between the lines has been tough. Especially since I was infornt of the curtain and behind it. Imagine that? Well you’d have to. Eli eve me and be on the same road as I? Remember when I told you not to follow me? That was because of murderous history in the world I’ve know since 1988 till now. I was born 7 days away from Halloween.... I’m not god nor my past life theories. I’m me but my gifts make me seem... like when the idea of running into a celebrity and I questioned and answered if I’d fangirl or not. I answered with a no because... idk something told me you’d appreciate to low lime light because I was always a fan. I adore entertainment in many forms. Don’t we all?.. :D
0 notes
Ghibili fare
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The sleeping Totoro inside the cave
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Ducklings in the hot spring
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You better return to where you are belong to.  You are not able to give me things that I want the most.
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“You can’t come here! Go back! Huh...? It’s getting dark soon, return before it gets dark.”
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“Who are you? Fairy Dust?”
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The scene of Koanashi consuming tons of food and his body becomes bigger.
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The Stone muskets appeared in Princess Momoko. Those are used in fighting against the Family of Boars.
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The board of introduction for “My Neighbor Totoro”
The translated version is as follow:
“That’s awesome! Daddy have been dreaming to live in a haunted house since I was little.” The father of two daughters said.  The two daughters named Satsuki, studying Grade 6, and Mei, aged 4.  They met a creature that looked like a Raccoon, an owl, and a bear, which carried a pouch filled with acorns.  Hence, they believe that this creature is living in the old forest.
If you find them, you must discover them. If not, that’s because you don’t believe their presence.”
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Two girls, Mei (two piggy tails) and Mitzuki (short hair), are running towards their new home with excitment
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Into the woods, a huge Chinchila sleeping inside the tree hole peacefully
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Satsuki is carrying sleeping Mei at the bus stop in the rain. Meanwhile, Totoro is waiting for the bus beside them.  Satsuki and Mei are waiting for the bus that their Dad’s riding on.  How about Totoro? Is it waiting for the same bus..?
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This is the monologue of Satzuki to Totoro when she is waiting for the bus in the rain.
Translated version:
Wait a second. I lend it to you.
Be quick, Mei is slipping down now.”
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The scene that appears when their mum is about to leave the hospital.  They are all watching Mum smiling in the patient’s room
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The entry to another world -- from Spirited Away.
Translated capture:“I don’t like it here. Let’s return, Daddy!”
Translated capture:
“Mummy, here is a big news today, because Mei said there is a huge fairy chinchilla. I want to see it so badly.”
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The introduction board for Howl’s Moving Castle. The translated version is as follow:
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Sophie’s old room. 
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Howl’s moving castle is ‘walking’ on the greenland
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The main fuel and the heart of Howl’s moving castle
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The heart of Howl’s Moving Castle.  A demon, named Calcifer, ‘signed’ a contract with Howl.  And he lends his power to Howl, Howl gave his heart to Calcifer in return.
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Sophie is cleaning the house
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Marukuru is questioning Sophie of why she is here. Meanwhile, Howl’s coming down from the second floor.
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Kakashi no kabo is standing outside the window 
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The city after sun is set -- the scene from Spirited away
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The hot spring room
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The bridge leading towards the oil industry
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The forest where Totoro is living in.
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The delicious breakfast “burnt” by Calcifer. 
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The introduction board for Princess Momonoke. Translated version as follow:
During Muromachi period, the time when breakdown of timocracy happened in Japan, there was a forest located far away from human being.  Many Gods are living in the forest, including Wolf and Boar, that can speak.  They attack humans, who want to make incursion into the sanctuary, so humans worship them as Gods of the Mountain.  One day, Ashitaka, the young warrior of Emishi village, is cursed by the demonized Boar God; Ashitaka has to travel to the west to seek the cure, but unexpectedly gets involved in a fate-changing event.  Lady Eboshi, the head of a fierce campaign that is agglomerating ores, seeks to build up a society for human being.  To accomplish that, deforestation is the way to develop the society.  Meanwhile, Princess Mononoke, named Shan, was raised by Wolf God and is feared by humans.  Shan and the Gods fight against those living in the fierce campaign in order to protect the forest.  Both sides have their own belief, in this war, there is a group of samurei want the head of Kirin, the Lord of Aniaml Gods, for longevity purpose.  Hence, yielding a tri-party war.  Ashitaka and Shan meet each other in such incidence so that they get to treasure each other.  However, the war does not only killing the innocence, but also the head of Kirin is decapitated and taken away...
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The princess, Momoko, stands on the mountain looking at the fierce campaign. There are two white wolves come along with her.
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The Lord of Animal, Kirin
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Ashitaka mounting on his red elk, Yakul, to cross through the forest.
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Translated capture:
“It’s fine. You are in the forest, and I am staying in the fierce campaign. Let’s carry on for the rest of our lives.  I will mount on the red elk to find you.”
-- Princess Momonoke
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Translated capture:
“I think I see Satzuki and Mei are sitting there on a tree trunk smiling at us”
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Translated caption:
“Sorry, I made this happened and got you involved in it. 
I was really amused by the time you falling from the sky,
I thought that it must be something SPECIAL happened.”
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Translated caption:
Why should I hire you?”
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Translated caption:
“This is the present from Totoro. It’s really great.”
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The introduction board for Castle in the sky. The translated version is as follow:
The junior mechanist, Pazu, meets a girl, named Sheeta,slowly sinking from the sky with the necklace shinning like a diamond with bluish green light.  That is actually the heir of the Castle in the sky.  The necklace actually is the aerothorium crystal, which possesses a power to make everything floating in the sky.  The Castle, Laputa, is Pazu’s father discovery.  Even though he passed away, nobody trusts his claim.  
Unfortunately, Pazu and Sheeta are prosecuted by the Force, which attempts to find out Laputa.  Sheeta keeps being captured, while Pazu is freed in return of assisting the head of Force, Muska, to search for Laputa.
Another party, the air pirates, has the same target -- aiming to take away the aerothorium crystal.  They assist Pazu to rescue Sheeta from the Force, and get into Laputa.....
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Pazu (front) and Sheeta (back of Pazu) are running on the rail while being chased by the air pirates
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The airship of air pirates, named Tiger Moth, is flying in the clouds.  The captain of the airship is called Dola. 
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Translated caption:
“Come.  Be good.”
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The scene of the robot recuing Sheeta from the fire. And Pazu is riding a plane towards the destructive building to take Sheeta away from the danger.
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Translated caption:
“Sheeta, I come to rescure you!”
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Laputa, the castle in the sky, is invisible because of the heavy layers of clouds. 
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Translated caption
“The control room, Laputa is inside.
My pop saw Laputa in this clouds”
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The introduction board for Spirited Away. Translated version as follow:
A girl named Chinchiro, who aged 10, looks unconcerned and a little lazy -- the children nowadays are always like that.  
In the trip to a new neighborhood with her parents, they goes to the wrong direction and thus gets into ‘a mysterious world’. Her parents eat the food selling by the street vendors, so both of them turn into pigs.  While Chinchiro’s name is taken away, her name is changed to ‘Sen’. Chinchiro has to work for the witch, named Yubaba, for survival.  The bathhouse is providing services, such as healing and resting, for God and monsters.  Chinchiro works hard in such environment, and meet Haku and River Spirit.  After the period of training in her life, Chinchiro grows up and become mature.  What would happen to a child who is under a life-time protection, and become alone all in sudden?  Can Chinchiro go back to where she originally from?
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The hallway to the baths.
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Translated caption:
Different scenery appears at different angles, which is the magic of Raccoons revealing the beautiful old days.
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Translated caption:
Same as you, a lot stronger than before
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The child of a witch has to leave his/ her own house to train up for a year in order to become independent.  Kiki brings her black cat, named Jiji, to another city an settle down.  The friendly and kind bakery owner, Osono, suggests Kiki works for her as she has the special skill -- flying with a bloom.  This is how Kiki’s delivery service starts. 
Kiki meets an artist, Ursula, and a boy with a dream of flying in the sky, Tombo Tapoli, in such busy city.  Kiki is eventually used to the new life.  However, she gets a fever, and her magic becomes weaker in the following days.  Can she still do the delivery service, and continue her training for the rest of her days in this city?
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Kiki’s mum is a witch, who works in her own laboratory.  There are full of dried flowers and herbs.  
Kiki’s grandmother is sitting at the back (laughing at her daughter being failed at her experiment, again?)
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The name of the bakery
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Kiki is bored and laying on the cupboard, zoned out.
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Kiki is flying with a bloom while the bike is under testing on the traffic
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This is Kiki’s client home.  In order to find out the black cat doll that was left somewhere else outside on the street, Jiji pretends to be that doll temporarily.  Unfortunately, there is a dog in the house, which makes Jiji anxious and whispers “Kiki, come back quickly...” (translated caption)
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The introduction board for Porco Rosso. The translated version is as follow:
There are 4 young men and a young lady obsessed with aeroplanes in Italian Mar Adriatico.  They always want to fly into the sky without limit.  However, the guys has passed away from the war as they fell from the sky while driving the aeroplane: one fell into the blue ocean, another one fell onto a land of nowhere, they are respectively all disappeared in different place and can’t be reached out in the world.  That leaves the lady and the last guy surviving.  
That guy cursed himself, and gave up his human appearance... 
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The night view of the Edirne Castle, which is located in the ocean.
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The pig, Marco Pagot, is laying on the beach banch under the sunshine
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ganjikidd · 5 years
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🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ It held up to what it was supposed to hold up to. Let me know when they make a Great Mouse Detective or Rescurers Down Under. I'm here for those shits. https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Mpi4mlUpf/?igshid=kd4c4gffk667
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