#the kind that barely tastes like strawberry
heich0e · 4 months
i am craving strawberry flavoured things so bad i'm going to DIE
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bi-writes · 1 month
can't stop thinking about dark!simon with a sunshine!curvy!fem!reader, it's gnawing at my brain. (18+)
greeting him when he comes home in a little apron with dough smeared across your cheeks. you're bouncing in the kitchen, giggling as you wrap your arms around his neck. one burly arm hooks around your waist as he palms one side of your ass, and you kiss his lips over his blood-soaked mask again and again as you coo, "missed you so much, made you chocolate chip..."
you talk and talk and talk and talk. you're always talking. you're always whispering in his ear and chattering as he drives and telling him some story about something he missed while he was gone as you tidy up the flat. you never stop talking, never run out of things to tell him, and despite the monotone voice and the lack of response, he hears every single word that you say, and he forgets nothing. when he makes his way back on base, johnny is waiting, eager to hear an update about the receptionist at your work and if she is actually sleeping with your manager.
you wash his clothes without even blinking. you're at the sink, a bucket of cold, suddy water there as you scrub at his shirt. there's peroxide at the side, and you use a delicate hand as you scrub at the stains on it. ghost watches from the doorway as you hum to yourself, in a little pair of shorts with your hair tied up as you rinse the shirt clean. blood runs down the drain, and his shirt is clean as new.
you always find some kind of weapon around the house. you bend down to brush crumbs off the kitchen chairs, and you scold simon with a glossy pout because he left a bloody knife taped under the table. you whine when you find a grenade sitting in the same drawer you keep your tampons in. you complain when you take out the jar of rice to make dinner, and there's a small handgun hidden between the grains. but your face always softens when he cups your cheeks with two big hands, kissing you warmly, muttering, "gotta keep y'safe, luvvie...know there's a bloody line waitin' for a taste of y'r cunny, baby."
you visit him on base once in light wash denim and a white tshirt, sneakers hitting the linoleum and purse swinging as you wave at him. he's standing in front of a line of privates, watching them do jumping jacks, and his eyes light up a little when he sees you waving at him enthusiastically. when he finally makes it to you, he shoves you into the nearest supply closet and tugs your jeans down just enough to fit his cock between your thighs. when he's walking you out, the boys watch as you cling to simon's arm, a lovesick grin on your sweaty face as you flutter your lashes up at him.
he loves when your manicured hands touch him. scratching along his scalp, tracing the edge of his jaw, cupping the bulge in his pants. you're so sweet, the most giggly girl, and he loves tasting the strawberry of your gloss as you make him cum with your hand, cooing against his lips about how strong he is, how much you love him, how you would do anything for him.
he loves it most when you see him for what he really is. when he comes home battered and bruised, bloody clothes sticking to him, a snarl to his voice and the adrenaline of an op still pumping through his veins. he loves that nothing about him scares you. that even like this, you lean up on your toes and kiss him softly, that you get some of the blood and dirt smudges on the pink of your pajama pants, and you don't care, that he strangled a man with these very hands only hours ago, and you still want him to touch you.
he loves that you love him. that when he feeds his cock into you that night, in nothing but your baby pink lingerie, that you barely need any prep at all from how wet you are. thick thighs spreading apart, sticky slick shining on your skin, cunt nice and ready for him because you have missed him that much. he loves that no matter how ugly he feels, you always find him attractive, that no matter how many people he tells you that he killed tonight, all you do is smile and pucker your lips, and tell him, "it's okay, teddy bear, they deserved it, didn't they?" and yeah, they did, cause it is kill or be killed, and there is no universe where ghost does not fight to get back here, to get back to this pretty pussy, to get back to the bed he shares with you so he can watch those pretty tits bounce every time he fucks his cock into you.
ghost loves his pretty girl. all smiles. all soft, so cute, just perfect. ghost casts a shadow over the room, and you just brighten it right back up. ghost tracks blood into the house, and there you are to cover it all up with citrus and soap.
yeah. always just sunshine and smiles at home.
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saetoru · 10 months
contents. here is a lil prequel to this btw, basically this is suguru’s shower scene but if he actually had someone to take care of him, reverse comfort, aka my extremely self indulgent drabble of fixing suguru before he turns into a mass murderer <3
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it’s been a while—suguru has been in that shower for long enough that you’re starting to grow concerned. you contemplate for a bit, whether it’s a good idea or not to enter the boys shower, weighing the possibilities of being caught.
satoru’s not here, you reason, nanami and haibara are gone too, and yaga shouldn’t notice either—so, with a heavy sigh, you walk up to the door, opening it slowly. you can see him, standing as the water pours over his body, not even moving a little when you enter.
suguru is not the same—not after everything that’s happened. you can tell, you can see it under his eyes from the lack of sleep, you can see it in his cheekbones as they show a bit more from the lost weight, you can see it in the stiffness of his body when you’re around him. he’s not the same, and no one’s seem to have noticed, but you have. you always have.
you slowly strip from your clothing, walking up to him quietly until your arms circle his waist and your cheek rests against his bare back.
“baby,” you hum, “you’re turning into a prune. look at your skin,” you grab his hand, running a thumb over the tips of his fingers, wrinkly from the water.
he gives you an empty chuckle—you don’t think you’ve heard a real laugh from suguru since that day. “but aren’t i a handsome prune?” he mumbles.
“of course,” you kiss his shoulder, “the handsomest.”
“that’s a relief,” he says playfully—there’s nothing playful about his tone, though. it’s numb, automatic, like he’s trained himself to respond to you the way he always does. but you can feel it. he’s not the same.
“you’ve been in here a while. i got tired of waiting.”
“sorry,” he drops his hand from yours, falling limply to his side, “lost track of time, i guess.”
“suguru,” you say softly, “what’s wrong?”
he’s quiet, probably contemplating his answer. no one else might’ve noticed, but you have. you always do—he knows you always will. finally, he decides to answer, “are you really asking me that?”
“yes,” you say firmly, “i want to hear it. i want you to hear it. stop pushing it down.”
“i’m fine,” he mutters, “just tired.”
“i know,” you say softly, “i know you’re tired. what’s got you so tired?”
gently, your arms twist his body—he doesn’t put up a fight, just spins to face you until his face is digging into your neck on instinct. he can smell your body wash, can inhale the familiar scent of you from here. there are no curses to consume and no people to save at the risk of himself here, just the soft feeling of your skin and the warm press of your lips on his head.
riko would’ve liked you, he thinks. he can’t help it.
for a fleeting moment, when his hand was outstretched to her, he’d wondered if you’d like her too. he’d decided you would—you’re kind, you always have enough love for one more person. you’ll like riko, he’d thought. and then just like that, she’d been on the floor, dark pool of blood under her head.
you never got to meet her, and he never got to introduce you.
“what’s wrong, sugu?” you ask again, voice more delicate this time.
“everything,” he whispers.
he’s tired, so incredibly tired. suguru is exhausted. so for today, he’ll let you pick up the pieces. he doesn’t want to worry about you right now, doesn’t want to think about whether or not the edges will be sharp enough to slice your fingertips. suguru is exhausted—so for once, he lets you worry about him instead.
“i see,” you nod, letting your fingers trail to his head, stroking the wet strands gently as he trembles against your body, “everything is a lot. let’s start with just one, yeah?”
“i hate the taste of curses,” he spits, “it tastes like vomit.”
“that’s no good,” you agree, and then you’re pulling his head out of your neck—he wants to protest, wants to stay right where he is so he doesn’t have to face you, or anything. but you’re insistent, gentle as you are firm, cupping his cheeks as you force him to look at you. “can you still taste it?”
“yeah,” he nods. it’s true, he can’t forget the taste even if he tries. it’s like a phantom pain—but it resides on his tongue, haunting him long after it’s gone, even as he breathes and swallows and talks. “i hate it.”
your lips are on his after that, soft and sweet against his mouth. he can taste the strawberry of your chapstick, the familiar taste of you that he also could never forget. it washes down the vile taste of curses easily, so he leans in for more. and more. and more. he needs more.
“what about that?” you ask, stroking his cheek when you pull away, “how does that taste?”
“good,” he says shakily, “i…i like that.”
“i know you do,” you smile, pecking the corner of his mouth, “i can’t change how curses taste. but if i could, i’d make them strawberry flavored for you.”
he chuckles at that—it’s small, but it’s real. for the first time in a long time. it’s real.
suguru hates how curses taste, and you can’t change that, but you can help make swallowing become easier. he’ll take it—he’ll take anything you give.
“that might make the job easier,” he says, burying his face back into your neck, “they’d taste like you.”
“i’ll kiss you then,” you stroke his hair, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head. his lips wobble, vision turning blurry. suguru is tired—he doesn’t want to hold it in anymore. “after every curse you swallow, i’ll kiss you. it’ll make it easier.”
“i don’t know if it will,” he admits, “this….what do we do it for? none of it is easy.”
he used to think it was. fighting curses was easy—satoru and him were the strongest. fighting curses was like stepping on ants as they walk on the concrete, crushing them before they can bite anyone. but he starts to wonder if people deserve to be bitten, if the people who kick at ant piles mindlessly for fun deserve to be saved from themselves.
you think for a bit, contemplating his question as the water runs over both of your bodies, slipping into the thin crevices between your skin and his.
“it’s not,” you agree, “it’s not easy. i would’ve loved to meet riko. i know you wanted me to. i’m sorry, suguru.”
somewhere along with the water on your shoulder mixes his tears, and his body shakes against yours. suguru is tired. he’s tired of swallowing curses and tasting bile. he’s tired of pretending the weak are innocent. he’s tired of carrying so much weight on his young, innocent shoulders. they deserve to be free.
“is it worth saving them?” he asks as he sniffles, “if they clap over people like us dying?”
“people like us aren’t always so different,” you point out.
people like us don’t need saving, he wants to argue—but you don’t give him a chance to, turning the water off behind him as you stand there holding him as he leans into you.
“there will always be someone who needs to be saved,” you murmur, “and there will always be something they need to be saved from. it’s not always as simple as curses and exorcisms, though.”
“that doesn’t make any sense,” he frowns, “that’s the whole point of jujutsu. to exorcise curses.”
“and if we exorcised them all? would that make everyone safe?”
“maybe not,” he furrows his eyebrows, “but at least we wouldn’t be dying for them.”
“you never know,” you reach for the towel, slowly pulling away and patting his skin gently as you dry his dripping skin, “maybe you’d die from something worse.”
“what could be worse?” he asks bitterly. he doesn’t understand. but you smile, pressing a kiss to his jaw as you brush his bangs from his face.
“i don’t know,” you shrug, “but i’m sure there’s something. there’s always something worse. but there’s always something better too.”
he still doesn’t completely understand. but the weight on his shoulder doesn’t feel as heavy when you lean and kiss it again—he feels like at least some of his youth is still his, still yours.
“you make no sense,” he grunts, scowling when you ruffle his hair obnoxiously with a giggle.
“well, maybe you’ll make sense of things after a nap,” you poke his chest accusingly, “you really need one. and then you’ll eat something. c’mon.”
“i don’t sleep with wet hair,” he reminds you as you tug him along, stopping where his clothes hang. you gesture at him to hold his arms up, grabbing his shirt. he rolls his eyes and indulges you, letting you dress him.
“i’ll dry it for you,” you chuckle, “my sugu is so high maintenance.”
and then, before you can turn to grab your own clothes, he tugs your wrist and pulls you in, kissing you hard, kissing you hungrily, kissing you like you’re all he has. just because he can. he can taste the last bits of your chapstick—he wants to keep tasting it forever. it’s strawberry, his favorite.
“i like strawberries,” he presses his forehead to yours, closing his eyes, “so don’t change the flavor.”
“okay,” you grin, cupping his cheeks, “i’ll always get strawberry for my sugu.”
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he just needed a few kissies and he would’ve been fine. i guess i’ll take one for the team and kiss him a few times 😔 i guess i can take the responsibility of loving him 😔 i’ll be fine guys no need to worry about me 😔
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romypearl · 16 days
The Queen's Pawn - Regina George/Oblivious!Reader | II
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Summary: Everyone is interested and obsessed with Regina George, after all, she is the queen of the North Shore, so why does Y/N barely look at her? The new student, oblivious to her existence, intrigues and irritates the blonde at the same time. And she doesn't know how to deal with it.
Classification: Fluff
Warnings: Slight internalized homophobia
Word count: +2200
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She's always liked strawberries. Sweet, soft and tickling the roof of mouth. And, coincidentally, every now and then it turns pink.
Like the remnants of ice cream that hang around the corner of Y/N's plump lips.
It's hard to ignore, is what Regina tells herself as she turns away, trying to find a random fixed point to distract her. What proves to be more than impossible, out of the corners of her eyes she watches a little speech about Greek culture, something about Stoicism and a guy called Zeno, she doesn't really know, can't pay attention in the long words, only and exclusively in that spot. How could the Miss Perfect and Retainer of All Knowledge miss something so silly? The blonde huffs and crosses her arms in frustration, how has no one seen this yet? The Plastics seemed indifferent, pretending to pay attention to the matter while typing messages, knowing that their respective partners would do all the work for them and be grateful. She had no such luck. When Mrs. Blake, inspired by the... variety of grades, announced that she was going to pair up for assignments, she was sure that had guaranteed a top mark and a pat on the back for the minimal effort, equivalent to a zero. It would have been like that, if she hadn't made Karen switch papers to have Y/N as partner. After all, if she's so clever could easily get an A for both, but it backfired.
"What the hell kind of word is Eudaimonia?" she finally asks, frowning in confusion.
"Did you pay attention to anything I said?"
"All the things you say are very boring." Regina shrugs and turns so that they're face to face "Just like you."
She waits for some reaction, ever since they started studying about an hour ago Regina teases her and pulls all the strings in search of the right one, the one that will snap her out of the calm state of mind or hit her in some way. Nothing. She's rather unreachable. And, just like the other times, totally ignores the petty comment.
"But..." she hates doing it, every lousy second "Can you tell me what it is?"
"Right! For the last time..." Y/N settles back in chair and takes another spoonful of ice cream to mouth, thinking about how to summarize what she's been trying to say for a long time "Eudaimonia is a term from Greek philosophy that means a state of happiness and inner well-being. In literal translation it is "the state of being inhabited by a good daemon, a good genius"."
"Daemon?" I'm getting more and more lost "Did the Greeks believe in that?"
"No, it's daemons, not demons." the newbie's monotonous tone becomes animated as she starts talking, which makes Regina's heart skip a beat and she doesn't like it "In Greek mythology, they were spiritual beings who occupied an intermediate place between gods and humans, they could be either benevolent or malevolent..."
Then another speech begins, this time she tries to pay attention, but gradually the words blur into disconnected sentences and all she can focus on is how they sound on the girl's lips, how she pronounces them, her tongue curling between pearly teeth, the soft sound and, still, that damn ice cream. She tries to remember the last time she ate one, it seems like months, maybe years. What did it taste like? Overly sweet and sickly? Smooth and addictive? Why did her mother have to interrupt them and offer a dozen options? And why did she have to choose just that? Tempting. Lovely. Irresistible.
Y/N gasps in surprise and freezes in place as she suddenly feels something soft pressed against the corner of her mouth, thumb rubbing something that is apparently resisting coming out and her eyes meet sky blue irises, staring at her obstinately. The touch is long, almost purposeful, and they don't realize they're holding breath, unaware of their surroundings, too caught up in each other to notice the curious gazes of the two lackeys.
To everyone's surprise, including her own, Regina rubs the stain, picking up some of the gloss in the process, and brings to her lips, sucking it off. She has to hold back a groan and fight against her body to keep composure, pretending not to be shaken by her own impulsive, totally thoughtless, act.
"If my face was so dirty, you could simply have warned me." she says after a long, thoughtful pause, unable to find any conceivable reason except that "But I appreciate your gesture, it was really kind."
Kind? Has anyone, at any time in life, used that word to refer to her? Maybe her dad, once, just after Kylie was born and before they lost control completely. But there was nothing kind about what she had done, quite the opposite.
"Do you want more?" the blonde points to the almost empty bowl, anxious to mask the situation quickly.
"No, thanks!"
"How about Doritos?"
"I think I've eaten too much junk food today, it can't be good for me." Y/N jokes and opens a big smile, making cheeks stand out along with dimples that are almost imperceptible to inattentive eyes.
"We have strawberries." she says immediately, not stopping to think about those soft lips around the red fruit. When Gretchen looks at her in confusion and frowns, trying to subtly point, the plan comes back to mind and she decides to put it into practice "Also blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. Whatever you like, sweetie."
"You really like berries."
"You can't blame me..." Regina leans on the table, one hand on chin, long eyelashes batting slowly and a smirk, the same one that has won over every boy she's ever wanted "When is your color."
"What do you mean?" the other asked, without even looking up from the papers, missing all the theatrics.
"Red is your color..."
"My favorite color is yellow." she finally abandons the notes, only to find George defeated in front of her, about to slam her head on the glass table to get out of this nightmare "Can I use your bathroom?"
"Of course!" Regina snorts and points towards the corridor "Second door on the right, don't get lost."
Secretly, George hopes, wishes, that she really would get lost so that she could finally have the opportunity to guide her through something, or simply talk to her without two ticks on their backs. When she wants to, Gretchen can be very... clingy and insistent, often taking the brunette as a side effect, not unexpected considering how insecure she is about herself and the stability of her position in the hierarchy of North Shore, a drone that takes pride of function. Most of the time it's acceptable, in fact her presence barely matters to the queen bee in ordinary situations, but now all she wants is for the two of them to disappear at the snap of a finger.
"Karen, Gretchen, I need you to do me a favor." Regina is direct, in a casual tone.
"Of course! What do you need?" Wieners replies promptly, always eager to please.
"Can you go to the convenience store and get some Redbulls?" she smiles and stands up, taking one of the credit cards out of the purse, tossing it for them to take "All the flavors you can find."
"Yes, now. And get some more ice cream too."
They exchange glances, but don't dare deny Regina anything, even if it means half an hour's walk "Right, we're going."
The pair get up and leave quickly, holding their tongues to avoid questioning her about the sudden request, nor about what seems to be an interest in the newbie. Right from the first day, they listed her as a loser, with no social sense and who no one would have the courage to touch without a ten-foot pole, so they didn't understand why she insisted on winning her over. And they had no idea that she would have her as a partner in history and now visiting the George mansion.
Regina smiles triumphantly. The living room is finally quiet and she can turn her attention completely to the plan, she didn't feel shy or pressured to succeed around them, but didn't have all the attention from Y/N as she can have without silly questions and random celebrity gossip. It's the perfect moment.
She stares at herself in the mirror above the fireplace and fixes the smallest details of appearance so that she looks flawless.
"Gina!" her mother calls out from the kitchen, walking briskly into the room, and she rolls her eyes, before feeling blood run cold at the sight of her companion "What a adorable girl! She even offered to help me in the kitchen."
"Mom..." she mutters between teeth, trying to keep composed as her mother steps forward, arms around Y/N's shoulders "She's here to study."
"Oh, of course, of course! Studying is important." June says with a mischievous smile and finally lets her go "Studying what? Human anatomy?" and winks suggestively at her daughter, causing a wave of embarrassment and annoyance.
"Mom!" Regina exclaims, face burning with embarrassment, hoping that the girl won't pay any attention to her mother. At least she didn't offer condoms like last time, which didn't embarrass her like it does now "It's history."
"And philosophy." Y/N adds.
"A lot less interesting, but still important." the woman continues, not letting herself be put down, and turns to the visitor "Darling, would you like something to drink? Juice? Lemonade? More ice cream?"
Y/N, not at all affected by the expansive and slightly invasive personality, nods and opens a shy smile "A juice would be great, thank you."
"Perfect!" June hurries off to the kitchen, but not before taking one last meaningful look at her firstborn, who blushes visibly.
Regina sighs heavily and sits down at the table, this time next to her classmate, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Sorry about that. Sometimes my mom is a bit much."
"It's okay!" Y/N replies, settling into the soft chair, and goes back to concentrating on the notes scattered across the surface. In an almost imperceptible movement, she adjusts her glasses, which the blonde hadn't even noticed were resting on the top of head, and puts them on face, completely transforming her appearance "You're lucky."
It's Regina's turn to gasp, barely feeling the surprised sound escape between her lips. She'd deny it to anyone who asked if she thought the girl was beautiful, deny it to death, but there's something differently captivating that prevents her from lying now. The lenses enhance the Y/E/C eyes, making them more penetrating, as if she could see into the soul through them. The sight makes the older's heart race and her palms sweat, having to concentrate not to let it show, let alone appear enchanted.
"Do you wear glasses?"
"Yes, for years, but I was trying to get used to contact lenses." the newbie says, adjusting the frame correctly, sighing with relief "Which turned out to be a disaster."
"They look... good on you." she comments, trying to sound casual and not too anxious, failing miserably as she stares "Your eyes are beautiful."
"Thank you!" Y/N finally lifts her face and catches the queen bee with a simple glance behind the lens along with the amused smile, rare occasion, the same one Janis gets "But they don't work."
Regina laughs at the witty response, finding her perspicacity and humor interesting, very different from what surrounds her in everyday life. She's not afraid to make a joke about herself, when any of the trio would rather fight a bear than do such a thing, making themselves the material for silly and light-hearted jokes. Y/N seems to be completely oblivious to the effect she is causing, Regina's flushed cheeks being nothing more than the result of the warm weather, the friendly laughter aimed at everyone and the hospitality something routine, perhaps an apology for the not so pleasant first meeting. All the compliments, overly embellished and full of hidden intentions, simple acts of politeness, so she remains unaffected and continues to read the manuscripts, without giving the blonde what she so desperately wants.
"You know, the text isn't going to write itself." she laughs and points to the long-forgotten laptop "And I've already made it clear that I'm not going to do everything myself."
With a disbelieving nod, Regina goes back to work, trying to ignore the signals her own body gives off in the presence of the other. It's hard not to be affected by the sweet perfume emanating from inviting skin, the taste of ice cream she wants to try again, the way she seems so at ease and unimpressed in her house, lips puckering as she encounters a paragraph incomprehensible at first reading and now pushing up the stubborn glasses that insist on slipping down her nose. God, all of this is messing with Regina's head in a way she can't explain, there are no plans that could infiltrate all the sinful thoughts that invade her with this privileged view.
She forces herself to concentrate on the task in hand, which tingles as she feels their arms lightly touching, but a part of her desperately craves more of these moments of closeness, even if it means ignoring the voice of reason that screams in her mind that she's not a dyke and wouldn't be for Y/N. It's just a fucking plan. Nothing more than that.
Taglist: @reginassweetheart @chaengluva @avelynpye @bianchiniomg @royalityofmultifandom @lottiematthewsceo @notjaexiee @mayles @l1lass @bridkesby @newyork1432
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milkiangl · 1 year
Can you make a perv! Eddie and a innocent! Y/n?
pairing: perv!eddie munson x innocent!fem!reader.
warnings: smut! corruption kink, dirty talk, slight somnophilia, pervy!bestfriend!pussydrunk!eddie (he’s a menace), naive!reader, nipple play, dacryphilia if you squint, praising, mention of explicit unprotected sex, oral (f!receiving), feminine nicknames.
note: sending you a carrier pigeon with a billion tulips attached as an apology for this request sitting in my inbox for ages. but but, i have finally gotten around to writing it (and definitely got a little carried away with it oops) because perv!eddie makes my brain feel all fuzzy and dizzy! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Eddie really just couldn’t ever help himself. It wasn’t his fault.
That’s what Eddie chanted repeatedly to himself as he leisurely fingered the elastic band of your cotton panties, the vibrantly colored; animated strawberries decorating the intimate material taunting him whilst you slept peacefully.
Eddie and yourself were currently having one of your many many infamous sleepovers, both of your bodies tucked comfortably underneath your baby pink sheets—your sleep shorts and his distressed Hellfire shirt discarded aimlessly on your bedroom floor. This is how Eddie liked it. He said he felt closer to you like this when he held your sleeping figure from behind, being about to detect the way your ass unmindfully rubbed against the growing tent in his boxers. After all, best friends do stuff like this all the time!
Like when you confided in Eddie about the unknown; frequent ache you got in your tummy whenever you’re in his presence. He nearly came in his pants as you stood looking up at him—glassy tears pooling in your innocent; big eyes and your puffy bottom lip quivering—begging him to help relieve you of the alien feeling you were being subjected to that made your panties sticky. All for him.
Sitting you on his ripped jean-clad knee, he reassured you with a cheeky exclaim of, ‘Of course, doll face. What awful kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t help out my best girl?” all while he rubbed your little button through your drenched underwear until a foreign euphoric bliss engulfed you and the throbbing subsided. His familiar raspy voice flooded your ears with incoherent whispers of how long he’s been waiting to feel your drippy cunt drench his fingers.
Or like tonight, as Eddie’s calloused hand crept underneath your shirt and traveled the warm skin of your abdomen, all the way to your erect nipples. As he rolled the sensitive buds between his thumb and middle finger one at a time, he watched in amusement as your body jumped from the cold sting of his metallic rings when they ‘accidentally’ pumped them.
The overwhelming stimulation caused your once steady breathing to become erratic and your thighs to close tightly around Eddie’s leg that he had simultaneously slipped between them, your hips faintly beginning to rock against the bare skin. Soft; sleepy whines left your parted lips as his trail of sloppy; open mouthed kisses coated your shoulder and the crevice of your neck, waking you from your slumber. “Eddie?”
“Hi, sweetheart. M’sorry, didn’t mean to wake you. Ya’ just look so pretty all laid out for me,” Pushing the duvet of the bed back, Eddie’s greedy palms groped at the meat of your thighs prior to pulling them apart so he could slip between them; sucking and licking the skin of your inner thighs. “Need to taste you, baby. Need to taste you so fucking bad, it hurts. Will you let me, sweetheart? Gonna let your best friend be the first to taste your pretty pussy?”
“Please, Eds. Please, please, please!” Brain fuzzy, your feeble fingers tangled themselves into his messy mane of curls atop his head; attempting to push him further down to where you needed him most. Eddie obliged with a dark chuckle and side comment of what an impatient brat you are because, well, after all…
What are best friends for?
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♥︎ — taglist. @moonlitmeeks @oncasette @1-800-ch3rry @mrsdollardog @hb8301 @sqpphos @alexxavicry @heavqn @gilgunizer @bear-bone-berries @bobfloydsgf
© 2023 milkiangl | comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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virgincels · 4 months
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ft. leon s. kennedy x fem!reader
tags. ddlg, pacifier, cockwarming, p in v, fluffy smut, implied age gap, icky ddlg stuff .. like yk
note. we r trying this again.. tags didn’t work last time bc tumblr hates me :( commission 4 the loveliest sweetest ever @miss-oranje-disco-dancer :3 !!! THANK U SM FOR THE COMM love u with all my heart hope u enjoy this and that there are no mistakes… if u would like to commission or tip me the info is in my pinned :3
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Leon hears you before he sees you. There is one sound that grates on him and another that makes his dick as hard as it can get. At least, his brain is telling him he should be hard, and he knows he should be, but his dick is crazy stubborn. Stubborn is his way of describing it, his doctor calls it an erectile dysfunction. Not true. His dick functions when it wants to function, okay?
Taking Viagra is optional these days, shit don’t work for him no more. He takes it for fun, reminiscing on the good ol’ days when his dick got hard from the way the wind blew. It doesn’t work so it’s redundant and Leon has started to think he just likes popping pills. Makes him feel twenty-seven and hot. He’s Viagra-resistant. Like Super Gonorrhoea is to antibiotics.
The squeak of your teeth against the rubbery nub of your pacifier is a delight. All the blood in his brain rushes south like a crew scrambling to raise the masts on a ship, it has nowhere to go though, no dick to raise. You've unlocked a new level of excitement within Leon, instead of boners he gets blood clots. How cute. Really, that’s so fun, ain’t it?
The beep! of that goddamn plastic scanner, however, is not welcome in this house. Especially not in his home office turned place of refuge. Leon swears to God he’s developed misophonia. As your daddy, that kind of behaviour is unacceptable, he shouldn't be swearing at all, but this is Leon speaking, not daddy. Daddy is a saint, Leon is pissed off. He only wanted to do something nice for his baby. Nothing ever works out in his favour, he must’ve been born under an unlucky star, or walked under a lot of ladders, crossed one too many black cats.
That one good deed backfired, and now he would rather— Oh, shit.
“Uh-oh,” you mumble, the start of a cheeky grin lining your face. The pacifier muffles your words, it’s plain pink and heart-shaped like your ass. ‘Cause you’re a tasteful little thing. No excessive prints, no lettering that reads Daddy's Girl ♥︎ which Leon had perversely hoped for you to choose.
Uh-oh indeed. He has filled out an entire (probably) super important form in a pink gel pen. Not just any pink gel pen, a strawberry-scented, glittery pink gel pen.
“What did daddy say about this, baby?” Leon asks, and he’s trying to be serious, but god are you cute, and since when has he cared about work? Hunnigan will give him an earful, he wishes for a mouthful, that he’ll ignore because Leon is so kind. He cares so much about saving the world and whatnot.
(Paperwork doesn’t save the world anyway, he saves it periodically, she should cut him some slack.)
“You can’t come into daddy’s office when he’s not home.” That’s a rule. Written on a Miffy notepad in, you guessed it, pink glitter gel pen. A combined effort to revamp the Ten Commandments. Rule number five - Thou shalt not enter Daddy’s place of labour. God, he should do stand-up.
You shrug, pointing at your pacifier in an act of defiance. The scanner remains gripped tightly in your hand, and he can tell you’re itching to make it beep! once more.
Leon hooks his finger in the curved handle of your pacifier, there’s resistance, you hold onto it, clamped down on the nub— He tickles your tummy and out it pops.
“Not fair!” You wipe the spit from your chin on your sleeve. A pout forming at the injustice of it all.
“You can’t come into daddy’s office when he’s not home,” he repeats, “I think you should apologise to Daddy.”
Slowly, you turn around to bare your ass to him, the panties you’re wearing have an oversized bow sewn to the back of them. The fabric is slightly wrinkled from where you’ve been sitting and playing, he smooths it out.
Leon’s never seen these before, they look expensive, silk not cotton. He reminds himself to check his bank account when you leave. He’ll forget until he sees you wearing an even nicer pair later on in the week. The cycle repeats. You are living one lavish life off a civil servant’s salary.
“You’re too big for spankings, aren’t you, big girl?” Leon’s hands are gentle on your hips, he turns you back around. “Big girls say sorry.”
Petulance comes and goes. You’re a good girl at heart, bottom lip quivering when you lurch forward to sit in his lap. “Sorry, Daddy,” you sniffle.
“Aw, baby,” he coos. “It’s okay, daddy isn’t—“
You scanned his dick. Good one. Sneaky little thing. He oughta go back on his words and spank you raw.
“You think you’re funny, huh, little lady?” Leon huffs out a laugh, and you nod while giggling. So proud of yourself. “Alright, get outta here.” He stands you up, but you crawl under his desk like a pet. The cutest little bedbug in all of history. Leon would never call pest control on you. Pinky swear.
The scanner sits by his feet, and you rest your head on his thigh, watching him work idly. Then you grow bored, naughty hands making their way up his legs. In one swift motion, you tug the front of his sweats down, his flaccid cock drops onto his thigh. Limp and sad. It’s ugly like this, Leon is more than a little ashamed. So… So not dick-like. Innocuous. Harmless.
(Not that his dick was causing any harm before, maybe to your cervix, but never on purpose. Only ‘cause you asked him to fuck you like that. His little lady wants it rough.)
To put it simply, shit looks like a fucking worm. You bat at his cock like a kitten, tongue sticking out to lick over the half-hidden tip.
“Okay,” Leon says. This is happening.
“Mmph…” You engulf the tip in your warm mouth, suckling like you do your pacifier, there’s the slightest scrape of teeth, Leon doesn’t mind.
“That sending you to sleep, cutie?” Leon pats your head as you blink up at him sleepily. He wants to take you to work with him. Let you set up your toys beneath his desk, hand you a juice box, a fruit snack, his cock at your will. Put it in your mouth, jerk him off, sit on it. Yeah. Sounds like a dream. That should be his treat for all the world-saving he does. No bonus, just a Bring Your Girlfriend to Work Day. Bring Your Girlfriend to Work and Engage in Public Sex With Her Everyday. That’s more like it.
Who else is going to warm his cock when it’s feeling all alone? Hunnigan most certainly won’t. And he might’ve wanted that before, but Leon S. Kennedy has been domesticated, and the only mouth he wants on his dick is yours. You do a damn good job at it. Treat his dick so well, that soft fuck don’t deserve it.
You pull off of his cock with a slurp. The drool pooling in your mouth dribbles down your chin, you use his sweats as a napkin, rubbing your face into the fabric to clean yourself up. Your mess is his mess. He finds it cute.
“Baby’s all done?” Leon’s thumb traces the shape of your lip, your Cupid’s bow, your puffy bottom lip. Always juts out ‘cause you’re always pouting about one thing or the other. Leaning into his palm, you shake your head, shifting from your knees to your butt. Cross-legged on the ground you push the gas cylinder on his spinny chair. There is the deflated sound of his chair sinking and you hum in satisfaction, level with his cock.
“Careful, lift your little fingers,” he warns when you grab the underside of his seat to try and wheel him closer. You do as he says, anything to get his cock in your mouth. Leon wheels forward, and you situate yourself between his thighs once more, lips wrapping around his dick. You take inch by inch, closing your eyes once you get to the midway point, then you swallow around his cock— Fuck, that got him twitching. Your eyes open, and you giggle, the vibration goes straight to his core. His cock grows thicker and heavier by the second, tip fat and leaky as it drip-drops directly down your throat.
“Look at you go,” Leon chuckles. “You did that all on your own, baby.” No Viagra needed when he has you.
You smooch the head, smearing his pre over your lips like a coat of gloss, then you trail kisses along the shaft as you do down his midriff.
“Always tryin’ that, it’s not gonna work.” He clicks his tongue, the sound of your struggle is cute, you choke on spit while trying to fit Leon’s balls in your mouth. It’s real fucking cute. No other girl has ever loved on his balls like you do. He appreciates it. You’re a proper whore, Leon says that with love.
“‘S gonna, Daddy,” you insist in your whiniest voice.
“Alright, alright, it’s gonna work.”
It does not work. Daddy’s always right, you should know that, sweetheart.
You gaze up at him, a string of spit connecting your lips to his spit-coated balls. Whole lotta spit. You’re lucky he likes it messy. You settle for sucking on the rounded bottom of them, tongue following the seam that runs up the middle.
“You like it down there so much, cutie,” he says, fondness manifesting in his dick finally managing to stand tall and proud like an American.
“Mwah.” You place one more sloppy kiss on the underside of his cock, right on a vein that comes to the surface. His dick casts a shadow on your face. Real good view from up here. Makes his shit look huge.
Leon gets stupid when he’s horny. His brain activity is low already, when he’s turned on his brain activity is nonexistent. When he sits you on his desk, there is no concern for the paperwork that gets crumpled under your butt. Paperwork that’s been passed on to him by the US government, by the damn President. Paperwork that has been subjected to abuse by not only a gel pen, but now by your cute ass, and your drippy cunt. Not his girl’s fault she has such a sloppy pussy. Forgive her, Mr. President. Not Leon’s fault he gets her so wet. Cut down my workload, Mr. President.
“Oh no, my baby.” Leon stands between your spread thighs, frowning as he thumbs the wet patch staining the crotch of your panties. “Got ‘em all messy, sweetheart, what're we gonna do with you?”
“Oh no, daddy,” you coo at him, a dopey smile on your face.
“Cheeky.” Leon kisses your forehead, presses his thumb into the centre of the wet patch, the fabric dips and sinks into your spongy hole. “She’s so greedy.” He takes your panties off, not without turning them inside out to suck on the wet patch. If you’re embarrassed about it, you don’t complain. “I think daddy needs to give you a kiss down here, baby.”
“Lotsa kisses.” You nod in agreement.
“Yeah? Want daddy to kiss your princess parts?” Shit, that is one fucked up phrase. Always messes him up. Knocks the air out of his lungs. It’s just true though. A hard fact. You do have the prettiest princess cunt Leon has ever seen. It just sounds so dirty. But you preen when he says it, and your clit twitches, and your pussy drools. On that very important paperwork. “That’s what you need, isn’t it? Need your daddy to kiss these sweet princess parts.”
Leon’s first priority is your clit. Poor thing is all swollen. His pointer finger drags through the middle of your cunt, parts your folds and circles your bud. You’re trembling in anticipation, and that single finger is almost too much.
“‘S not a kiss, daddy,” you tell him, brows knit together.
He flicks your clit and your hips jolt. The IKEA desk holds up well. Leon deserves to be a little mean, you’ve put him through so much. That stupid scanner makes him trigger-happy. “Okay, my bad, Miss Know-it-all.”
When he gets down to business, you pet his head as a reward, and Leon takes it. He latches onto your clit, lips smacking noisily. Your pussy wets his scruffy face, Leon would like to wear your scent to work in the morning. With each broad lick to your cunt, there’s another gush of slick. And he groans into your pussy ‘cause fuck he could live between your thighs— God, he wonders if this is a fix for barely functioning alcoholics. Pussy. If he eats enough - which Leon does, he’s generous when it comes to head - he might sober up.
His tongue fucks into your hole, his nose bumping your clit as he moves his head from side to side. Must look like he’s motorboating your pussy. Not far off from that. “Oh, that’s right.” You grind your hips into him. “Mmm-Mmm-Mmm-“ Leon moans with each push of his tongue, sounds kinda ridiculous. “That’s good, fuck daddy’s mouth, sweetheart—“
“Stop…” Your breath is caught in your throat. “Stop talkin’ daddy!” You sob, fingers tangled in his hair, using it to force him deeper and deeper, hips moving in tandem.
Leon smiles into you, and you don’t let go of his hair until you’re reduced to tears, making an even bigger mess on his desk as your body shakes. It hit you hard. Poor baby. Blubbering and all sorts. When you free him, Leon moves to kiss you, rubs his pussy-wet stubble all over your face, swallows your complaints.
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” Leon leaves wet kisses on your neck. “Daddy’s got you, hm? Daddy’s right here.” You’re still trembling, grabbing at his shoulders when he rolls his hips forward, the leaky head of his cock meeting your clit in a disgusting wet kiss.
You shudder, toes curling in your pink socks. Leon soothes you, stroking your back as he eases into your princess cunt. “Easy, baby, be a good girl for me.”
Your cunt sucks him in, doesn’t take long for him to be buried inside of you. He rolls his hips forward, slow and steady. You gasp, throwing your head back and knocking a pot of pens onto the floor when your hands move to grip the edge of his desk.
Like this, with your back arched and your hips raised, cunt swallowing him whole, you’re the prettiest. When you’re slutting yourself out on his dick. Sorry. Leon’s only a man. This is how he thinks, how he’s wired to be, he can’t help it. You’re so fucking hot it drives him nuts.
The more you arch, the better it feels, he gives lazy thrusts that somehow manage to hit just right ‘cause you keen and fuck yourself on him, letting out hiccuped sobs of Daddy.
Daddy, daddy, daddy.
It’s all you can say. Fuck.
“I love you, baby,” Leon says. “I love you, daddy loves you.”
Oh, and you cum so hard he thinks you’re about to blackout. You don’t. But you do squirt. Pushing his cock out with the force of your high, Leon forces his dick further into you— The rush of liquid hits his skin in bursts, and you’re squeezing him tight, hole clenching like crazy in second-long intervals.
“Daddy… I love you.” Your words are slurred, but you never miss the opportunity to tell him how much you love him. “Love you more.”
“Not… Not possible.” Leon almost whines when he cums. Almost. You scratch behind his ears, it’s like you’re saying There you go, good daddy! Like he’s a dog. Leon is a dog, not a real dog, but a human dog. The pervert kind of dog.
He fills you up like a creampuff, and when his cock slips out, dribbles of his seed dripping from the tip, Leon’s quick to use his thumbs to keep your pussy spread.
“Push it out, baby.” He watches your hole twitch, milky cum spilling out as you exert your pussy. “Good girl, you’re such a good girl.” Leon kisses you hard, cradles the back of your head. “Daddy’s good girl.”
Leon helps you stand, his fingertips mould to the flesh of your ass when he gives it a squeeze. You’re a tender little darling, wrapping your arms around his neck to hug him. When his chin slots over your shoulder, and your scent is sweet on his nose, Leon gapes at the sight of his soggy paperwork. Unfortunately, Leon won’t even be fired for insolence, he’ll just have to face Hunnigan. Something he can’t do while sober. Could do it while pussy drunk though. Never thought about that.
“I think,” Leon starts, hoists you back onto the desk so he can pick you up, “it’s bath time.” You’re nodding off in his arms, barely able to cling onto him. He manages to get you to the bathroom, sitting you down on the counter. “Or is it naptime?”
“Naptime,” you mumble, wincing at the icy counter on your warmed skin.
“Whatever you say, baby.” Leon cleans you up, diligent in his role as Daddy. Would never let his sweetheart go to bed like that. “There we go, fresh as a daisy,” he claims post-towel wipe down.
“Sticky.” You always have a complaint for him. But it’s okay, he loves you. You’re his spoiled little girl.
“Okay, so then is it bath time?” He raises a brow and you shake your head.
“No! Naptime, daddy!” You loop your arms around his neck. “Up.”
“You’re so bossy, you know that?” Leon says while smiling. “Big fuckin’ baby, what am I gonna do with you?”
“Bad words,” you scold, tapping your finger on his lips.
“Daddy can say bad words.” He takes you to bed, fluffs up the pillows for you like he's never done for anyone else. “But you’re a little baby, you can’t say bad words.”
And for once, you’re so sleepy you have nothing bratty to say in return. “Okay, daddy, sleep now,” you say, rolling onto your side to hide your face in his chest.
“Okay, baby,” he laughs quietly, holding you close. “Sleeping now.”
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kiwanopie · 2 years
Business as Usual
Based of this. Ceo!Kiyoomi x Reader
cw: fluff. smut. breeding. oral sex (f!receiving). reader is an aspiring actress. reader is a foreigner but it isn’t specified from where. ceo!kiyoomi’s most recent business venture is building and opening a museum. probably for tax reasons lmao. misogyny (not by kiyoomi). Kiyoomi’s implied to have issues with his father. men talking business 😫. joke talk of killing.
wc: 3.5k
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Ahh, something sweet would be nice…
Kiyoomi’s already squeezing grooves into the back of your thighs before you can formally acknowledge him. “I have a case of chuppets in the freezer you can go at.”
Your gasp is muffled by the floor, half turned from where your bottom half is lazily propped up on the edge of the bed. “You do?”
“You like the strawberry kind, right?” You nod as his fingers creep toward the crotch of your panties. “They’re all yours.”
He can feel the area carpet vibrate from where your groan seeps in appreciatively. “You’re a god, Omi!”
The squeak you let out is pitched as he lands a hard smack on one of your cheeks.
“I gotta meet a couple of investors for lunch so I’m leaving one of my cards for you to order whatever you want from home.” Kiyoomi pulls you apart until your lips part from under your underwear, glistening for him like they should. “But I’ll be back before it gets too late.”
You sway your hips as he pulls your panties to the side, already rubbing tentative circles. “You’re still pretty wet from earlier,” And you can’t help but whine as he pushes two of his fingers inside. “How long do you think you can stay in this position?”
Your eyes nearly cross when he crooks his fingers. “Ah, as long as you need me to.”
His suit pants hiss against the bed sheets as he climbs in behind you, hands still firmly gripping onto your ass cheeks as he positions himself on the bed.
“I got twenty minutes before I need to be walking out the door.” Kiyoomi’s breath is hot against your bare cunt. “So, I’ll try to make this fast-“
The lewd squelching of his tongue parting you from the back would be enough to make you shiver if not for the way he laves you up. Scouring your hole with his hot tongue and groaning at the taste of you, pressing forward to dig himself deeper.
“F…Fffuck! Omi…!”
He’s insatiable as he digs you out with his tongue, lewd as he guides your hips up to tongue at your clit. The depravity at which he slurps you up is so unabashed that you’re already tensing up for an orgasm, and reaching back when he props you up with his hands; zeroing in on your clit to get you to cum in his mouth.
You must’ve already been too riled up from his treatment earlier this morning, it doesn’t take long till you’re nearly sobbing against the floor. Calling for him as he guides you into an orgasm.
“Fuck! I’m-… m’ cumming, Omi!” You pant. “m’cumming! m’cumming!”
The way he grunts into you has another shock wave zipping through the bend in your spine. “Mhm..”
You’re reaching back to push him away when the feeling starts to become overstimulating, but he’s already up on his knees again. Already pulled out of his pants and hungrily lining himself up with your clenching hole.
Kiyoomi doesn’t give you any time to prepare, he’s shoving himself in between breaths and making you choke on your tongue.
He hisses through his teeth. “Oh fuck.” He braces his hands on your sides and starts his pace. “….Oh my god. Fuck.”
Your fingers dig thin miscolorings into the carpet as his thrust knocks the wind out of your lungs. Whining out when he dumps most of his weight on your back and starts grinding in as deep as he’ll go.
He’s in your stomach. “Mhf… angel..” He presses his lips into your shoulder. “You feel so fucking good for me, baby.”
God, the sounds you’re making under him has his eyes rolling back in his head, let alone how you’ve already started milking him for all he’s worth. He could never get sick of this perfect little pussy. His perfect little pussy. So hot and tight and made just for him. He doesn’t even know how he’s gotten this far without it. Especially when he knows how to press all those perfect little buttons on the inside to make you squeal for him.
Kiyoomi supports himself on his arms again to tweak his angle, balls clenching when you start to whine out so prettily. “Kiiiiyomi!”
You reach back so suddenly to push against his button up that he has to pin your arms down to keep you from running away from it. “….s’okay baby you can take it.” He pounds in a few particularly forceful thrusts that turn your whines into hiccuping sobs. “Fuck. Look at you such a…. Good girl for me. Good fucking girl.”
He has to hold himself back from cumming too quickly when you start to clench up. “Omi! Omi! Omi!” You’re shrill. “s’good, Omi! ….m’cumming, Omi! ….I love you, Omi!”
“Oh fuck.. Fucking shiiit!”
You’re already milking him empty when you start to cum. Hiccuping at the way you clench around his hot seed as his thrusts deepen and he fucks you like he’s trying to get it to take. Even reaches into your panties to rub coaxing circles into your sensitive clit just to prolong your orgasm. Grinding himself in until he's certain he’s painted your insides with his spend, and even then he still keeps at it.
He’s still rocking into you when your sobs turn into overstimulated mewls, hot tears making puddles into the carpet.
Kiyoomi lazes a few hot kisses into your inner neck as he softly collides his head with yours. “Mh, I love you too, angel.” He breathes. “So much.”
“You mean it, Omi?” He’s the luckiest man alive.
He finally lets himself fall limp as he peppers a few chaste kisses over your ears. “More than anything.”
He’s never letting you go.
There’s a less than usual air of ease around him when he greets Yukko and his associate Kanon.
So much so that the former of the pair lets out a relieved breath as he shakes hands with the young tycoon - and sees he doesn’t revile at the extended contact.
“Sakusa-san,” Yukko bows. “You look better than new.”
Sakusa bows back manneredly. “Appreciated, Yukko-san.”
Sakusa folds his napkin over his lap as they wait for the drinks.
“We’re avid supporters of freedom of choice, the two of us.” Yukko fixes himself in his seat. “It’s a human right.”
Kanon nods. “And your speech on autonomy and liberation at the Kenshin’s banquet really stood out to us. It’s so reassuring to see you setting a standard for this newer generation and putting yourself out there as someone who stands with the people.” He presses. “Very few young men with your upbringing can say that they’re brave enough to do the same-“
“Educated enough, even.” Yukko finishes.
Sakusa pulls his seat closer to his chair. “You don’t have to praise me for something like that. It should be a given.” He hums cooly. As if the speech wasn’t written by his foreigner girlfriend the night before, beat into his head and recited in his ear even as he said it. Not that he doesn’t agree with the message though. “We’re the few people fortunate enough to have a voice when it comes to these things - we should exercise it whenever we get the chance.”
“You’re exactly right!” Yukko waves his finger at him. “There are so very few people like us - like you - who have a seat at the table. And so little of the seats go to someone who means any good with it.”
“Which is why we wanna invest in The International Institution of Innovation,” Kanon adds. “And why we would like to suggest an exhibit to accompany our investment,”
Sakusa nods as they continue. “Japan’s history as - a lot of the world’s history - is ballasted and rewritten with elitist biases in mind. So many little people who’ve done big things, cultural things, buried by mediocrity or the praises of people who lived their entire lives being praised. Worse, having the things they spent their entire lives dedicated to, miscredited to some rich guy who didn’t lift a finger.”
“Our people have worked with a few of the families of these people. There’s a-“ Yukko taps a few keys into his laptop before turning it in Sakusa’s direction. “A few small museums of our own we’ve built in Portugal, Brazil, we have one in an American city you’ve most likely heard of as Las Vegas.”
He reaches over to quietly slide through the pictures. And Kanon huffs a bit in disbelief. - Whoever said this guy was a pain to work with obviously must’ve bumped into the wrong guy. “They’ve garnered a lot of attention in the respective areas. A lot of what they call “Left wing movements” in the United States cite it a lot when referring to landmarks in the state.” Yukko says.
And landmarks they are. If this is what they call small then he must work in a shoebox?
“You haven’t considered opening one up in Japan until now?” Sakusa furrows.
“You know the climate in the world right now.” Kanon sighs. “With the rise of crime, certain political tensions,” There’s a familiar pattern of vibrations that ring off in his pocket, he reaches for it instinctively. “We didn't wanna risk building one in the current political climate and having it destroyed by opening.”
Sakusa raises an eyebrow. “So building an exhibit in my museum is more cost effective.” And he’s not afraid to look as unimpressed as he is. “You know, on the off chance that my museum gets destroyed in this current political climate.”
Well, it’s not like you wouldn’t be able to afford it. “Well, we’re more than willing to do our part on the expenses if something like that were to occur.” We’ll pay what we lose and dip. “And our investment excludes what we’ll pay to build the exhibition.”
“You’re paying to have your names on a plaque.”
Yukko chuckles somewhat. “In short terms, yes.”
Sakusa fishes his phone out of his pocket as their server approaches. “In long terms?”
Kanon slides him the check.
Yup. Sakusa grazes his thumb against that familiar strip of press. Those are some pretty long terms.
“Are we ready to order?”
Sakusa checks his messages as the two men speak before him.
Angel: i hope ur having a good lunch!! i got u a sooprise <3
Kiyoomi: It’s alright. I wish I was home with you more than anything.
Kiyoomi: A sooprise? Now I’m excited.
Angel: i wish you were here too :( i can’t wait till ur back so i can give you a kiss on the forehead
Angel: i hope u like it!! i know u haven’t had it in a while
Kiyoomi: I haven’t had it in a while? What’s something I haven’t had in a while?
Kiyoomi: Oh! Are we talking about the last time you sat on my face?
Angel: we are not, my love. but good guess
My love. He smiles.
“What about you, Sakusa-san?”
Sakusa glances at the server before looking off for a moment, answering curtly. “Okaki, please.”
He nods. “Alright! And anything else?”
“No, thank you.”
He leaves with a bow.
Sakusa inhales deeply as he sits his phone on the table. Picking up the check and holding it before glancing at the two sitting before him. “You two are very generous.”
Yukko raises an eyebrow. “Is there a ‘but’ coming?”
“No.” He shakes his head. “I’d like to add your exhibit to my museum.”
The two men both let out a collective sigh of relief. Now that the richest twenty-six year old in all of Asia has agreed to have their names engraved next to his on a project like this. - Even if it did cost them an arm and a leg. You know, from the stories they’ve heard, they were expecting to leave with their tails between their legs after offering to impede on a project orchestrated by the most “Pragmatic Rich Kid in the country.” But he’s… surprisingly personable. Even without mention of the sheer intimidation he exudes.
He’s certainly nothing like his father.
“That’s amazing to hear, Sakusa-san. We’re honored.” Kanon sighs.
Yukko nods. “And trust, you will be involved in every part of the construction process. We want to be as transparent as possible when installing this exhibit.”
“Do you have any blueprints drawn up?”
Yukko hums excitedly as he pulls his laptop toward him again, tapping loudly as he searches for the file. “We do!”
Sakusa patiently waits as he fishes through his laptop, glancing at the server as he comes back with their food.
His phone buzzes across the table.
Angel: You better be eating more than Okaki!
He visibly blushes.
Kanon furrows at the expression of the young billionaire in front of him as his associate busies himself with his laptop, following his eyes toward his phone.
Disregarding the text from his girlfriend?! He gasps at the picture on his lock screen.
“Is that _____?” Kanon asks. “Oh god she’s so talented!”
Sakusa nods a little abashedly as he reaches for his phone. “Are you a fan?”
“My daughters love her. Oh well, my sons do too but not in the way my daughters do - If you know what I mean.” He laughs as Sakusa’s back straightens. He knows his sons, knows they’re about his age if not a little older. Knows he might have to have a talk with them one day too.
“We saw her just recently at the Blue Ribbon Awards. Can you believe she won?” Yeah, after watching you work yourself to the bone just to come back with so little to show for it. “I for sure thought Tomomi Minoru would’ve had it.”
I’m sure you haven't heard that a million times.
“But who wouldn’t take it a little easy on a woman like that?”
Or that.
It’s nearly painful how much Sakusa’s trying to keep himself from outwardly scowling. Especially when Kanon starts to open his mouth again, familiar hearts in eyes most men seem to adopt when they’re drooling over the woman he’s in love with. “I’ve gotta be what - twice her age maybe. But we’re all men here? The woman’s a doll. Talk about lucky work. Especially for a foreigner.”
Oh yep, he’s scowling. “I wonder what she looks like in person.” Yukko asks absently. “You think she’s as pretty as she is on T.V. or do you think it’s the make-up they usually cake on there…”
“She’s breathtaking.” Sakusa says flatly.
Kanon tilts his head as Yukko glances over. “You’re kidding? You’ve seen her in person?”
“Well, I mean,” Yukko sits his laptop back on the table as he reaches for his drink, wincing as he sips. “Sakusa-san’s Sakusa-san. He’s most definitely got the funds.”
“Ohhh. Did you book her?” Kanon chuckles a little slimily. And the connotations of that are clear. So much so that Yukko rolls his eyes when he nudges him. “She’s just old enough for someone your age, right? Still young but not too young.”
Sakusa inhales.
“No. I don’t have to book her.” He admits tightly. “Since we sleep in the same bed.”
The two men freeze in place.
Kanon opens his mouth for a long silent moment until he’s pushing out his breath in little clips of his voice. “O-Oh… You two are-“ Sakusa nods. “Oh! Oh my god! I’m… I’m so sorry-“
“I hear it all the time.”
“Yeah but it’s still not good that I said it!” Kanon glances at a frantic Yukko.
“We didn’t mean to come off so disrespectfully!” Yukko flushes.
Sakusa shakes his head. “The blueprints.”
“Show me the blueprints.” He gestures to the laptop.
Yukko clumsily turns it in his direction.
He’s barely through the door when you’ve already found your place in his arms. And he melts over you like butter, you let yourself be wholly suffocated by him.
You’re warm as you hum into his chest. “Hi, baby.”
“Hi, angel.”
“How was lunch with your investors?”
Kiyoomi exhales as you stand on your toes to help him out of his suit jacket, conditioned draft in the air scented by that new conditioner he likes seep into his nose and turn his brain into mush. “It was… lunch with my investors.”
He bends himself nearly in half to nuzzle his head into the crook of your neck. “They wanna build an exhibit in my museum ‘cause they don’t wanna risk building their own and having some terrorist take it down.”
Your tone is so mirrored to his from earlier that it evokes a chuckle. “So they’ll risk yours?”
You mumble something sour into his shoulder. Lucky him he’s well versed enough in your native tongue to understand the phrase “Assholes.”
Kiyoomi kisses hot spots behind your ear. “They’re fans by the way.” He grimaces a little sourly into your neck. “Big fans.”
“Hm? I came up?”
He hums. “Kanon saw your picture on my lockscreen and proceeded to shove his foot in his mouth.” Kiyoomi breathes in a long whiff of you before blowing out temperedly. “Was under the impression that you did bookings.”
You chuff airly as you rub up and down the expanse of his arms consolingly. It doesn't really phase you to be slobbered over by men anymore, hasn’t really since your debut back as a fresh faced eighteen year old. But Omi’s still really new and unkind to the rubbernecking that includes being associated with a woman like you, let alone to love you.
“Bookings, huh?” You snicker as he nods his head silently. “I mean… to his credit I have put on a show for you once or twice.”
He scoffs before pressing one last firm kiss into the crook of your neck and standing up to his height again, pinching your cheek as he starts for the rest of the penthouse. “Yeah, but those are for my eyes only. - And they’ll stay that way.”
Kiyoomi sets his things on the marble of the lounge room table with a sigh. He’s been working nearly every day since the construction of his museum finally came into fruition and he couldn’t feel any less drained from it. Decent contractors have become harder and harder to find in this new age of impermanence and variability, and everybody who’s anybody seems to have their own two cents about his choice of structure or how they could be a part of it somehow. If he were a less honorable man - or a more unsavory man much like one he knows so particularly, he would’ve hired any three star contractor who could draw a decent circle, put all his focus into charming investors, and underpaid his workers just to save a few extra pennies. But he isn’t that. And a businessman like him prefers to be as close to the business as possible; wants to see his efforts turn out the way they’re supposed to.
He pouts a little to himself. But he also wants to spend time with his baby too.
“I’m gonna be beating them off with a stick for the rest of my life, aren’t I?” He exhales. “Is that the price I pay for loving a beautiful woman?”
You press a light kiss into his bicep as you glide for the direction of the kitchen. “Like you didn’t make the cover of Vanity Japan’s Handsome and Wealthy this spring.” You poke. “I’ll have to start burning incense before I visit you at work just so I don’t catch the evil eye from any of your female employees.”
He chuckles a little tiredly as he trails behind. “You’ll be fine in any case. Not like I didn’t start growing Aak the minute we made it official.”
“Very funny.”
“I know right-“ He sniffs.
His mouth immediately starts to water.
“Did you…?” Kiyoomi glances at the plates laid out on the kitchen counter. “Cook?”
You smile brightly. “Sooprise!”
Kiyoomi doesn’t know how to respond.
It smells… heavenly. Like freshly cut ingredients and even spices, pervading the air so warmly that his skin prickles before settling comfortably under his button up and he’s nearly inclined to openly salivate at just the smell of it.
You fish a spoon out of a pot near the stove, scooping the contents of it carefully into a bowl. “I know how long it’s been since you’ve had a home cooked meal and you’ve seemed so stressed lately.” You lean into him when you feel his chest press against your back, reaching up to caress his jaw as his arms fasten themselves tightly around your waist. “So I bought a few groceries instead of takeout and made something from home!”
You can’t help but grin when he starts to dig his nose into the crook of your neck again. “I hope you like the surprise.”
“If you ever leave me I’ll kill us both.”
You guffaw wholeheartedly.
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reblog for one trillion dollars 💵 🤑💰💸
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tastesousweet · 2 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (x) - pt 1 pt 2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : after three resentful weeks apart, only matt and y/n could find themselves more fond of each other.
warnings : angst, fluffy, mentions of alcohol and weed, sort of proofread
mickey speaks : THANK U FOR UR PATIENCE SWEET ANGELS HERE’S THE 10TH PART FOR YOU!!! tgwtt is already in double digits 🥹 only like 8 more parts to go
"COME on y/n we'll have so much fun!"
you haven't had a night out in weeks.
following matt's party, you swore off alcohol until your own birthday in mid-september, afraid of the amount you'd allow yourself to consume now that you're feelings are supremely hurt and bitterness coated your tongue.
it was difficult to turn down the first week, despite the smell and taste of any drink making your stomach turn you craved the drunken effect and secretly wanted to run into matt- just to see what he'd have the nerve to say to you. but the mature, wiser part of your brain knows there is nothing good to come from spiteful drinking. so you've declined every weekend.
you know in your heart that your friends only want you to feel good and have fun with them. it's the only reason you've tolerated this current conversation for so long.
"i believe you! but i'm just saying i'll have just as much fun with this bowl of strawberries and my bed," you reach into a cabinet for one of the many off-white glass bowls.
"baby you haven't been out with us in so long, we miss you!" remi beams kicking her legs as she sits atop your counter, fully dressed and decorated for her night out (contrasting the bare face, oversized tee, and panties you wear).
you sigh and look over to the three girls huddled in your kitchen, "no, you guys know 'm not drinking right now," you shake your head and push off of the counter heading towards the fridge in search of your berries.
"i'm just confused on why you're suddenly so strict on drinking? and regardless of the drinking you could have fun without it if you loosen up a bit..." erin replies while resting her body against the wall next to remi's spot.
you roll your eyes while your face is still in your fridge before shutting it back, "i don't understand what's not clicking erin, i don't want to go out at all! i want to stay at home and be away from drunk people and watch something brainless and then i wanna go take a fucking bath. i'm so tired of having to explain and repeat myself. please go, please have a good time, and please- respectfully, mind your business."
you run water over your strawberries and andrea's eyes widen as she turns back towards the counter to pour herself another shot.
"alright, whatever.” erin shakes her head, “dre, remi, i'm gonna go wait outside this is annoying. she can stay bitter," she walks out and whispers, "bitch," under her breath before shutting the door.
it's silent for a second as you begin to harshly cut the stems off of the fruit, remi comes behind you and wraps a caring arm over your shoulder for a hug, "are you okay?"
"yes, i'm fine, you can go have fun..." you turn to face her and offer a strawberry.
"i really do miss you,” you kisses your shoulder and bites into the strawberry, “love you," she reminds you as she grabs her bag and dismisses herself to check with erin. you nod your head and continue to stare blankly as you repeatedly cut.
andrea speaks up after hearing the door fully shut. she breathes heavily as she stares down at her hands on the counter, "cariña ("honey"), you’re not a bitch.”
“i know…” your voice is small.
“i know you do. i also know something’s hurting you badly right now and i selfishly wish you’d fucking tell me so i could help.” she licks her glossed lips, “but as long as you’re being kind to yourself, i can deal with you keeping this to yourself.”
your eyes brim with salty tears and when you let out a broken sniffle she's immediately by your side. "nooo don’t cry, i’m already pre-drunk! you know i will too!" you try to continue preparing your fruit but andrea turns your body to make room for a warm hug. you're quick to tuck your face into her perfumed neck and let out your feelings through cry's.
you had always thought that what andrea (or anyone) didn't know about your sex life with matt wouldn't kill her, but quite frankly it's killing you. you want to tell her everything he’s ever made you feel- for all andrea knows matt was once a silly crush and currently a little less than a friend to you.
but at the same time you just know she would tell you to stop seeing him if she knew everything. she would remind you that at your core you are far too caring and attached to handle recurring casual sex with him in the first place.
"i'm so sorry, drea. i really wanna tell you but i’m not ready." you croak pitifully.
not ready to accept the embarrassment of wanting him to like you this bad.
and for someone as willingly vulnerable as you, you’re especially not ready to hear her scold you a little for somehow hurting your own feelings and putting your friendship with erin on a thin line over some guy.
your words only confuse her brain more, but she can only continue to rub circles into your back and silently pray you didn’t do something illegal or, like, morally cruel.
matt would love to say he hasn’t thought about you since you bitched out on him the night of his birthday, but he could never just blatantly lie.
he can say he has gone the past few weeks without reaching out to you- which mostly speaks to both of your stubbornness and pride.
in fact, you’re part of his reason for having his own night in tonight- though it’s far less sadistic of a reason than yours. he’s simply grown bored of the repetitive night life he and his friends have.
you were always there for him to tease and secretly fuck around with whenever your friend groups would combine for the night. but as of late he’s left sitting at the bar swigging down beers and scrolling on his phone (sometimes he’d get irrationally irritated at you for not posting on your instagram or snapchat stories, feeling a as if it was a direct punishment to remove him from knowing any details about your life) or until the rest of the group throw the towel in.
on the worst and most irritating of nights he’ll take an uber home by himself. and those were the nights he would get so close to being irrational- showing up to your house and confronting you was oh so enticing. but he’d talk himself out of it and go home to fuck his fist like you’d probably tell him to do.
and on the most horny and pathetic of nights he'd end up in the backseat of his car finger-fucking erin with her tongue in his mouth. it ended at that though, matt's skin started to crawl thinking of when you rode him in the front seat not too long ago. he had pinched his eyes shut and pulled erin's hands away from his zipper, swaying her with some sweet "i just wanted to make you feel good s’all" and a kiss before she left and he awkwardly drove himself home- pondering how little self control he had to be desperate enough to do even get that far.
so, he didn’t even bother to go out tonight. when chris and nick asked him through his closed door, he told them he’ll stay in for some “peace and quiet.” really, he just couldn’t stand to be disappointed by the guaranteed lack of you being there.
he sits in his desk chair, legs spread casually, and sketchbook held against his thigh as he scribbles around to formulate a few rough outlines for upcoming clients. somewhere in the mix he begins to sketch out a familiar cartoon cat, which only irritates him and makes him close the book abruptly, shoving it into his desk’s drawer.
matt rubs his hands over his face a few times and lifts himself from the chair, heading straight for his bedside table. he bites at his lips while digging through the drawer, eventually finding the pretty red hot blunt you rolled and gifted him.
he makes his way out to the patio, not bothering to turn the outdoor lights on; blunt, lighter, and phone in tow. he slouches into one of the many chairs near the glass door and places the blunt between his lips, shuffling as he digs in his back pocket for his lighter.
the spark of the bright flame highlights his focused face for only a few seconds while he pricks the end of the misshapen yet smoothly rolled blunt. he breathes in the smoke immediately, throwing the lighter onto a table nearby. he tilts his backwards to blow out swirls of smoke above him.
matt initially wants to wait to call you until he feels high enough, mostly to give him an excuse for calling in the first place because he knows you’ll be expecting one. but he can't fucking wait, he wants to know what you're doing right now.
matt continues to effortlessly inhale and exhale several hits as he searches his phone for your contact.
his thumb hovers over the dull button that would change a lot for him. calling you means looking like a dumbass, as if he can't handle not knowing you (apparently he can’t but he wouldn’t admit to it). calling you means he’s breaking this implied break up- for complete lack of better terms.
but who’s to say you’ll even answer and give him a chance to do any of that? and suddenly his phone is vibrating in his hand as he raises it to his ear.
it takes four rings for you to answer, though you're completely silent on the other end. he waits and you wait. he truly didn’t think this far ahead. you only give him a few extra seconds to be silent before you hang up all together.
matt kisses his teeth and redials. when you eventually answer again he speaks through the smoke in his lungs, "hi. why'd you hang up?"
"matt, don't call my phone and expect me to speak to you first." your voice has a bite to it that still surprises matt a little. it's so infrequent for you to be harsh or upset (as long as matt has known you, you've been nothing but cheerful and well… sunny) that it's oddly pleasant to see how you handle negative emotions- it reminds him that you’re not always good, something he’d always weirdly envied about you.
he releases more smoke in the air around him, "my bad, sweetheart."
"just tell me why you’re calling. are you drunk or ...?"
"no. i just wanted to know what you're doing."
you sigh heavily, "why does that concern you...?"
his eyes pinch as he stares out into the dark backyard, "why're you bein' so difficult? 'm just trying t-"
"matt. get there, please." you rush, though you secretly are enjoying hearing his voice and the romanticized idea that he must care a little if he’s reaching out again.
“yeah.” he takes a breath, “i don’t know. i’m just, like, here…by myself, and i wanted to remember what you sounded like.”
you smirk to yourself but drop it immediately, “okay…well, this is what i sound like.”
“yes, so soothing, i could fall asleep right here,” you can hear him audibly stretch.
“oh, i’m putting you to sleep?” you tease.
“yeah, i need you to come over and wake me up,” he inhales once more.
you’re silent and he breathes out again, “fuck was that too much- i’m sorry.”
“definitely. i need you to calm down, sir.”
“oh i’m so calm, baby,” he moans out playfully.
“matt, i’ll hang up-”
“woah! let’s not make such rash decisions?!”
“okay then.”
“thank you for answering,” his voice is muffled, “you could’ve blocked me- i talked to you so crazy that night and i do feel bad about, i want you to know.” he pauses and you silently process as he continues to compliment you, “you’re the only woman besides, like, my mother, who is just classy as fuck and way too kind to everyone whether they deserve it or not.”
you could never have expected to hear any words of admiration from matt in regards to you. “oh my god, are you near a couple of trees right now? how’d you get so sappy all of a sudden?”
matt takes a second to register your joke before his entire face crinkles and he shakes his head, giggling, “bad joke. such a bad joke.”
you let yourself laugh a little as well before pulling together, “thank you for apologizing, i honestly didn’t expect that from you.”
“well i don’t hand them out like that so i guess you’re lucky or something.”
“i guess i am…” you smile into your words a little.
“what have you been doing?”
“like the past few weeks or right now?”
“i was talking about right now but you can say both.”
“just was checking! i don’t want to talk to much, i know you’d hate to listen to it.”
“heyyy! really? throwin’ some shit i just told you i didn’t mean right in my face like that?”
“i’m sorry i had to!”
“you were holding on to that one, huh?”
“just a little.”
“okay, tell me everything and i’ll listen.”
“i know i made it seem like i’ve been doing a lot but i’ve honestly just been working a bunch. it’s not as much of a nightmare as it sounds though- working long shifts has helped me fall asleep quicker. i’ve also started cooking a lot more whenever im bored which andrea looooves. and… um, right now i’m taking a bath.”
matt’s eyes widen and he chuckles, “dammit! i knew i should’ve facetimed instead!”
you bite your lip to hold back a laugh yourself, “what are you doing, matt?”
“i mean, i know you’re smoking but you could be in a random bedroom at a party or like, at some other bitch’s house…i don’t know, i’m just guessing!”
“never that,” he laughs- which you can’t decipher as a sarcastic or genuine one -and explains further, “‘m at home, outside with that perfect little blunt you made.”
“oh, for real?”
“uh huh, she’s treating me real good.”
“i’m glad. can you finish telling me how you’ve been?”
“yeah, um-”
“mattttt!” a very drunk nick suddenly yells while sliding open the glass door.
matt literally jumps and is immediately annoyed, you can hear it in his voice despite it being muffled now, “dude, you scared the shit out of me! what do you need?”
“hello to you too, ugh, i forgot you’re all moody right now. what are you even doing it’s all dark and shit?” nick hangs on the door has he peeks outside.
matt gets up to close the door again, “mind your business, nick. move, you’re in the way.”
“hmm, you are so weird.” nick squints his eyes and turns away yelling chris’ name in a blood curdling scream (for absolutely no reason besides the fact that he thought it’d be funny to see chris drunkenly run into the living room).
“hey, you still there?”
“mhm, yes”
“nick and chris just got back from the bar so i’ll have to help them chill out, um, yeah. i wanna hang out again. not even just to fuck if you aren’t cool with that yet, if we can be friends around our friends we can be friends by ourselves.”
friends? you and matt? hm. “that’d be nice, do you wanna just come over like usual?”
“i mean i could but we can do whatever you want, seems like you’ve been home a lot so, you know.” his voice gets more distracted as he speaks
“okay, i’ll let you know. good night.”
“sounds good, sweetheart.”
MATT - 6:30 PM
Are you done yet?
Y/N - 6:52 PM
yes i’m coming now
“i’m sorry again for keeping you so late y/n, you really didn’t have to stay and help me close!” your coworker, angela, beams as she follows you out of the back door with a trash bag.
“don’t worry about it,” you smile to her as you walk with her to the large dumpster on the side of the building.
she throws a bag the size of her torso into the bin with a mumble of ‘ew’ before turning to you, “don’t say that! i know you have that date thing tonight, i don’t want you to be late.”
“i told you it’s not a date! we’re hanging out as friends.”
she rolls her eyes while putting her travel sized hand sanitizer back into her purse, “y/n don’t start with that…it’s totally a date from what you’ve told me.”
you both continue to walk towards the back parking lot,“trust me, he’s made it clear he’s not that kind of guy.”
“then why waste your time?”
right when you go to defend yourself you hear a car door shut, drawing your attention to the man of the hour, who’s locking the doors of his sleek black suv as his jaw works a minty piece of gum.
his black tee exposes his tattoos and his jean shorts are held up with his favorite black belt. you can see his light eyes are squinted due to the sun’s undying brightness from where you stand.
angela turns to you with a full smirk and softly slaps your arm, whispering and giggling, “girl, he’s hot!”
“oh my god!” you have an uncontrollable smile as you look at her, “stop it!” you look over again and this time matt is leaning against his car, ready to catch your eye and send you a wave of his fingers with his eyebrows raised.
you wave back then turn away once more, “‘kay i should probably go but i’ll see you wednesday, right?” you lean in for a hug.
“yes i’ll be here,” she smiles into the embrace as you kiss into the air to the side of her head, “you’ll have to give me all the deets!”
“mhm,” you hum as you both part ways, “bye ang!”
you approach matt without any rush and he takes the time to gaze over your complexion (far more radiant than the last time he’d seen you) and the way your mini jean skirt compliments the blushed red top you’re wearing. “hi sunny,” he grins and reaches a hand out to bring you into a hug, only for you to set the handle of your small purse in it. he kisses his teeth playfully, “it’s still like that, huh?”
“like what?” you condescendingly look up at him.
“alright, girl,” he dismisses, “where are we goin?“
“it’s a surprise for a reason matt!”
“okay… then i’m assuming you’ll drive?”
“not exactly..” you spin on your heel and walk away from him as a hint to follow you.
he wraps an arm around your shoulder as the two of you walk down the busy sidewalk, he gives a couple of glances down at your phone while also navigating the two of you. “metro?” he reads aloud.
“mhm,” you reply and smile to yourself while adding the tickets to your apple wallet.
“wow, you really planned this shit out.”
“i’ve never half-assed something in my life,” you say as you both stop at a cross walk.
“never? you have a brother, right?” he asks and you nod, “i’m sure he’d be able to come up with something.”
“probably,” you shrug and grab his wrist when the walking sign lights. “we’re gonna make it just in time, the bus comes at 7:10.”
the seating on the bus is comfortably squished; you sit in the window seat and matt next to you, moving his limbs inward to give room to those walking in the isle.
you reapply a faded shade of red, black cherry to your lips while using your phone camera. matt watches with his lips pursed in awe. “that shade looks nice on you,” he says softly.
you’re already feeling giddy internally and he’s forcing you to blow your unbothered cover at this point, “thank you,” you smile and turn to see him already close to your face, looking at your eyes then lips. you just have to close the space by giving him a small kiss, mumbling, “it looks good on you too, see,” you move your phone so that he can see his lips outlined with the stain of you.
he laughs and pouts his lips while checking himself out in your camera, making the risky move to take a photo of himself, before giving your cheek a kiss.
“jesus, for forty fucking minutes you better have brought me to an all inclusive resort!” matt complains while dramatically stretching his back.
the sun was now peeking down and the flashing lights of santa monica pier were extra enticing. “stop, we’re gonna have so much fun! look!” you point at the energetic strip with a childish grin.
“alright, let’s go then,” he tilts his head towards the fair.
“definitely could have gone without that last ride- wayyy too many dips,” matt holds his stomach dramatically.
“i could tell, you were screamin’ like crazy,” you smirk as the two of you stand in the line at one of the many food trucks. two hours into being there and you’ve rode almost all of the rides, it was expected for matt to ask to stop for some sort of food eventually.
“barely.” he rolls his eyes, “what do you want?”
“i’ll have a water and one of those bomb pops,” you tell him.
“that’s not really food, are you gonna be good with that for right now?” he clarifies.
“yes, matt. thank you,” you smile and matt waves you off as he approaches the tall window to order.
“hey, what’s up man? i’ll just have a water, one of those fourth of july a bomb pops, medium fry and a modelo in a can please,” he flashes a smile and pays quickly.
you thank him and the cashier as you take hold of the items you asked for. “can we go walk on the beach?” you ask him.
“yeah, it’ll be dark as shit, but yeah,” he responds lightly and shoves a few fries into his mouth.
“when i was younger my mom would bring me and my brother to the pier every summer since i was seven maybe?” the waves crash softly in the background as matt lays between your legs, despite the scratchy denim of your skirt. “when i was eleven my brother would want to go off with his friends in high school and my mom wasn’t a fan of the rides, so she would bring me to walk on the beach with her instead.” you recall out loud after matt had asked what made you want to come here today.
“mmm, reminds me of east coast beaches when i was a kid. we’d make a whole day out of it and pack up my mom’s minivan.” you stretch his scalp hypnotically, “just being rowdy and annoying as hell on the ride there and sleeping on the way back. being a kid is, like, the best and we never realize it when we’re there.”
“isn’t it kind of sweet that we don’t? kids don’t even understand the concept of missing childhood or being nostalgic until they’re older. if eight year old me were constantly dwelling on what’s passed i know she’d go insane. i mean, even now, everyone is always chasing previous feelings and never fully in tune with the one present.” you look out at the waves that softly build up and crash repeatedly.
matt licks his lips and opens his eyes, sitting up from your lap, “holy shit, sunny,” he kisses you and pulls away to laugh, “you just made me sound like a dumbass.”
he keeps a hold of your face, “matt you’re not dumb, everyone is nostalgic for something,” you kiss him again to seal your words.
matt pulls away and you stands up and begin to remove your shirt leaving you in a lacy bra, “come on,” you tilt your head and matt immediately stands up to cover you.
“the fuck do you mean, ‘come on’?” he starts to laugh while looking around for anyone around.
you roll your eyes at his protection and unbutton your skirt, “take a dip with me.”
“no?! y/n, that water is freezing...”
you pull down your pants to reveal a small pair of matching lacy panties that matt can barely see in the dark but he just knows would send him over the edge.
“matttt,” you pout and bring his hands to your exposed ass, lifting his chin to capture his lips in your own, “please?” you look up at him.
he pinched his eyes shut, “baby, put your clothes back on…”
“alright be lame,” you take his hands off of you and run into the empty beach with a freeing laugh.
matt stands there, not wanting to yell and draw attention to you both, but also not wanting to freeze to death.
“matt! the water’s not even that cold, come here!” you exclaim, wading in the shallow water.
“no, i’ll just wait here until you’re done cooling off…”
“matt, please! what if i-” you pretend to fall backwards and start to fake a drowning scene that has him undressing to his boxers quickly.
he ignores the rush in his blood from the surprise of the water’s temperature in favor of getting you out of there. he calls your name over and over, the pitch black look of the ocean doing absolutely nothing to help.
he’s pretty freaked out when you come back up and jump on his back yelling, “you saved me! you saved me!” with a cackle.
matt immediately groans and slaps the water, “fuck you, why would you ever do some shit like that?!”
you giggle and he throws you off his back easily, turning around to be face to face with you as you wipe your eyes, “oh my god matt, my mascara’s gonna run!”
“maybe we should think of these things before running into the ocean?”
you stop wiping underneath your eyes to forcefully push him under the water, giggling at the sound of the crash and his “don’t-!” right before.
“no more,” he spits out water and scolds you when he comes back up, inching closer to you and holding you by your hips as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“okay,” you agree and go to kiss his wet face just as he quickly unhooks you and throws you back under.
“matt!” you squeal as you resurface to hear him laughing, “dude, i’m gonna kill you.”
“truce, truce, truce!” he repeats and backs away from you.
“yeah, you better run,” you threaten.
“your eyelashes are like sooo long when they’re wet,” you compliment as you stare at matt under the moon’s light.
he pulls you closer him to stop his mouth from chattering due to the cold, “i’ll give you my lash routine,” he jokes.
“i realized something when we got off the phone the other day,” you bring up, as your eyes run over each of his facial features.
“tell me,” he rolls his icy lips into his mouth.
“i never said sorry for being nasty to you on your birthday.”
matt’s eyes squint, “it’s fine, i’m not hung up on that shit. we said we’re good, right?”
“yes, but-”
“alright then,” he shrugs and squeezes your ass in reassurance.
a smile graces your face and and you let your head fall to his shoulder, whispering, “matt…i’m cold now.”
“i’ve been waiting for you to say that, oh my god!”
you both suffer as you put your clothes back on over your wet skin. you’re both chattering messes and simply cannot stop laughing about it as you make your way back to the boardwalk’s strip of raging bright lights.
you don’t get far before you’re begging matt to win you an oversized faux fur leopard print coat, “it’s just what i need, please!”
and he’s spent almost two twenties replaying this stupid game over and over again. you’re a pretty good cheerleader though.
“come on matt, you got it this time! no pressure! it’s only like i’m dying of hypothermia!” he deadpans as he looks over to you, “what?”
it was a simple game of ring toss- that was most definitely rigged, but besides you reminding him this and saying you didn’t need the coat that much, the stand runner’s comments doubting matt was enough to fuel him to continue playing until he wins.
and somehow he tosses the perfect ring, watching it land and swivel around the bottle in victory. you both outwardly celebrate with screams and a very public kiss, that the two of you just can’t stop sharing today.
“congratulations,” the employee boredly says.
“thank you sir, thank you.” matt then obnoxiously turns around and yells out a speech to the random passersby “i wanna thank my mother, my grandmother, brothers, dog, and you people for giving me this opportunity to win something so grand for my sweet sunshine!” you stop giggling to give a royal wave to the many people judging the two of you, “thank you santa monica!” he blows a kiss and you both spin around to claim your prize.
“you two are like cartoon characters,” the stand runner says. and as soon as you start to grin at him he corrects, “that wasn’t a compliment.”
“whatever man, just give the pretty girl the fucking coat,” matt blinks at him. as the man walks away to grab the fluff off of the rack a few people stop by the table and matt warns them, “if i were you i’d keep walkin’, this guy’s a first-class hater.”
you drag matt by his arm back over to you, “did you take your socially-overbearing pills today?!”
“i have no clue, i think im too cold for my brain to process embarrassment anymore.”
“here’s that coat,” the man hands you it with a shake of his head.
“thank you, sir!” you exclaim and immediately fit your arms from the sleeves, “this is everything i’ve ever wanted!” you say as your jaw goes slack.
“you look good,” matt agrees, “you also look warm, so now i’m jealous.”
“let’s go get you something warm, baby.”
after a trip to a random gift shop for a hoodie, matt whined about needing real food so bad.
so the two of you stand at the hostess stand in a small mexican restaurant on the strip.
“for two?”
“yes, thank you.”
“i’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick, okay?” matt speaks close to your ear and you simply nod and watch him walk off.
you wait a few moments before the hostess offers to take you to your table, “did you want to go sit now or wait for your boyfriend?” she asks kindly.
you try not to make it so apparent that you enjoy the idea of you being matt’s girlfriend, “yeah, i can sit now, he’ll find me.”
“i’ll have the chicken burrito please with extra rice,” matt orders as he sits across from you.
“and i’ll have the four birria tacos please,” you hand her the menu kindly.
you both are bundled up ridiculously with frizzy hair and barely-dry clothes, you’re surprised anyone agreed to serve you.
“alright, that should be out shortly!”
when she walks away matt asks, “why didn’t you get a drink? i’m just curious.”
“i swore off drinking until my birthday,” you shrug and fall back into the plush of the booth.
“mm, not smoking either?” he sips his water.
“i mean i haven’t smoked since early august but no i didn’t purposely stop.”
matt nods, “well if you were to drink, what are you ordering? i usually go for a corona but i wanna try something different.”
“oh strawberry margarita, a hundred percent. hits everytime.”
“i’ve never had a margarita so i’ll try it.”
your jaw drops, “hell yeah you’re gonna try it, i can’t believe you!”
“what can i say?” matt shrugs.
matt plays with the toothpick in his mouth as you both sit in your spots for the bus ride home. he got to enjoy his first margarita and you took multiple pictures to document it, he bought you churros to go, and now you both are the most tired you’ve been in a while.
you quietly respond to texts that andrea sent you hours ago, asking what you’re doing and if you’ll be home soon, while matt lays his head on your shoulder sleepily.
eventually you shut your phone off and calmly rest your head against the chilled window for the rest of the ride.
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lacedinweb22 · 7 months
Seven Minutes in Heaven ♱☽🦇☾♱
Miguel O'Hara x reader ♱ (A Halloween special) Vampire Next Door (ch.7) prev part nsfw 18+
There’s a knock at your door. You fix your hair in the mirror then rush to leave.
There he is,
dressed up as a vampire.
He’s wearing a beautiful vintage, tailored suit. His waves are tamed back. He has a bit of fake blood dripping from his bottom lip to his jaw then down to his neck. He really committed to the part. 
You discussed costume ideas a few days before the party. You came up with the idea of dressing up as gothic style vampires; you’d been watching vampire romances all week, though you left that part out. Miguel was hesitant at first, said it would be too flashy, but after you showed him your pinterest board, and some whining and convincing, he agreed.
You’ve got the look down: a long, black vintage dress, fake blood around your lips, chin, and down your arms, jewelry adorning your collarbones, and fangs you’ve glued onto your canines.
Your dress hugs you in all the right places. Your bust is bursting, practically spilling out of the bodice. It accentuates your curves, tightly hugging your waist and hips. You look and you feel the best you’ve felt in a really long time.
Seeing Miguel like this, at your door, makes the butterflies in your stomach go wild. You never thought he’d see you like this, so grown up, blossomed, and beautiful. And you never thought you’d see him like this. 
Your eyes meet, then part, as they explore each other’s figures. He quickly looks back up, keeping a straight face, like he didn’t just gulp at the sight of your curves.
“This hot vamp look really suits you.”
He furrows his brows and smiles, exposing his fangs, as he slides a hand over his waves.
“Wait, your fangs… I’m impressed.”
“A vampire needs a good pair of fangs. I’m not an idiot.” 
“I’m learning that…” you mutter looking him up and down.
Miguel introduces you to your floor neighbors, in a way that makes you feel like you're his. You look like you belong to each other, but you push those thoughts away. He was kind enough to welcome you and introduce you to his friends. You’re neighbors. Friendly neighbors. 
Your neighbors welcome you, you have multiple small-talk conversations, and most of them ask how you know Miguel. You both say you’re neighbors who’ve just met a few days ago. You’re both liars.
Alicia, the host of the party, calls him out for not attending more of their get-togethers, and he promises he’ll come out more often, as he turns to look at you. 
You all start the night off with one shot of tequila then disperse through her apartment. 
You and Alicia click, as Miguel stands by sipping at a mixed something, listening, and secretly laughing at your tangents. 
After a bit, you both end up alone at the kitchen counter. 
“I think I want to drink a lot tonight. I need it.”
He nods slowly, trying to read your face as he sips his drink. 
“If that’s what you want, okay. I’ll drink with you.” 
He pours you another shot. You cheers then both down it. You wince at the aftertaste, then look up at an unfazed Miguel. 
The music progressively gets louder as the apartment becomes more full. You move to the rhythm, barely dancing, not drunk enough to let him witness it. Miguel smiles, sipping at his drink, leaning against the counter. 
“You know what? You’re like four times my size. You’re going to need to drink four times what I drink to feel anything,” you slur, clinging onto his wrist for balance. 
“Mhmm, okay,” he chuckles, looking down at your hand on his wrist. You’re too tipsy to pull away. His warm skin feels too good, you feel glued to him. He smiles, pouring two more shots into a red cup. 
He drinks, lifting his chin up, his jawline advertised as he swallows the hard liquor. 
“It’s been thirty minutes. I want another.” You slide your shot glass to him.
He grabs the liter of strawberry soda on the counter and starts to pour it into a red cup.
“This should help with the taste.”
He adds a shot into the soda.
“So kind, such a gentleman,” you slur, taking the drink from his hand. 
“Truth or dare!” one of your neighbors yell. Everyone gathers, drunk and stumbling to sit on the floor and on the couch, forming a circle in the living room.
After half of the circle takes their turn, it’s your turn.
“Truth or dare,” Alicia asks you. 
“I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven with Miguel,” she shrugs.
“Seven minutes– Is this fucking high school?” Miguel mutters rolling his eyes.
“Okay, Y/N, sorry. You’re going to have to take another shot.”
You’re fucked up. Another shot is going to destroy you. 
“Shut up, okay? Mierda. Come on, Y/N,” he mutters as he stands up. He reaches both hands down to you, then helps you up. You stumble, as he grabs your hand and leads you to the closet down the hallway.
You both enter the closet; Miguel leaves the door open a crack, allowing the purple light to illuminate the side of his face. The speakers begin to blast music again in the living room. It bleeds into the dark closet. 
You laugh at how drunk you are, and at the situation, then look up at Miguel. His concern is obvious, but it fades a bit when your eyes meet. 
“I was too sober to say it earlier, but you look… divine,” he confesses.
“Wow, that’s… you can’t do that to me. Not now,” you laugh, looking down, shaking your head. You avoid eye contact.
You’ve dreamt about moments like this since university. About being this close to him, about him saying romantic things like this, but you’re drunk, and you don’t believe him. 
“I mean it,” he adds, leaning down to catch your eyes. 
“You look really good too. So handsome,” you breathe out. You cover your eyes. That took a lot. 
“Yeah? You think I’m handsome?” he asks, drawing closer. 
He gently pulls your hands off of your face.
You look up at him.
His cheeks are pink, flushed from the alcohol, his hair is less tame than it was when you got here, and his crimson eyes are radiant, even in the dark.
“Miguel,” you exhale.
“Y/N,” he says, smoothly, deep, pretty on his tongue.
You grasp onto his suit jacket, pulling him into you. 
He strokes your cheek, then combs his fingers through your hair, pushing it out of your face. 
You stare into each other’s eyes, then his eyes wander down to your lips. 
You tilt your face up and he leans down.
You kiss. 
It’s heated, drunk, wet, and addictive.
It intensifies as he slowly presses you up against the wall, your lips still glued to each other. 
His lips detach, his kisses trailing down to your neck.
“Y/N,” he breathes against your skin. 
“I know you remember me,” he mutters into your neck.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“English 150A. I know you remember.”
“I didn’t realize you did.” 
“You’re hard to forget.”
You pull him back in for a kiss, shutting him up. It’s drunk and passionate. Your cheeks burn hot.
His fangs are razor-sharp; you’re too drunk to realize when they cause you pain.
You pull away, then reach your hand up to his lips.
“Can I?” 
He obeys, looking down at you with drowsy eyes. 
You stroke his fangs. They’re hyper realistic. If you applied a bit more pressure, they would puncture the tip of your finger. 
“Why are they so sharp? Mine aren’t that sharp. Where did you get them?”
“Doesn’t matter. They were expensive though,” he shrugs, allowing you to continue touching his lips with your thumb.
“Miguel, these could actually cut me.” 
You reach back to his fangs, before he gently pulls your hand away.
“Here, I’ll do it,” 
He grazes his own fingertip on his fang, drawing blood.
“Miguel, stop,” you squeal, yanking his hand away from his mouth. 
He laughs, showing you the blood. He’s too drunk to read the concern on your face and you’re too drunk to realize it’s not that serious.
“It’s like a paper cut, Y/N,” he reasons, sucking the blood off his finger. 
“You’re annoying. I’m not staying here and entertaining this.” You reach for the closet door. He grabs your wrist. You turn to look up at him. 
“Come on, Boots, I was just showing you,” 
“What? What did you just call me?”  
“Boots. You wore those red rain boots that week of the storm. I thought they were cute, and it just stuck with me,” he says, shrugging it off.
“You really do remember me. Okay, we’re doing this… wait, you’re a science boy, what were you doing TA-ing for an English course?” 
“Hm yeah, it was a favor for Professor Reyes,” 
“Favor for what?”
“I’m too drunk to talk about this right now,” he groans, throwing his head back.
“Okay,” you nod, leaning only your back against the wall.
He looks up at you, then slowly approaches you. 
“We still have like four minutes left,” you sigh.
“Four minutes. I can work with that,” he smirks, towering over you.
Then he’s kissing you, hands on your waist, holding you against his body. Again, he’s pressing you up against the wall. 
His leg is in between your legs, as you lean back. 
You squeeze his tricep, encouraging the pressure he’s applying all over you.
“You’re so warm, and god, you’re so beautiful,” he grumbles into your lips.
You feel it, something pressing into your thigh, against your dress. 
The butterflies in your stomach intensify. You feel hot all over. You’re drunk and you want him and he’s right here and he wants you too.
“I want you,” you moan into his mouth. 
“Yeah?” he whispers, trailing his lips down to your neck, sucking gently. 
“Harder,” you encourage, enjoying yourself a little too much. 
You comb your fingers through his hair, gripping tightly.
He squeezes your thigh, holding you tight against his leg. 
He sucks harder; you feel his fangs brush against your skin.
You moan, pulling his hips into yours. He grips your waist tighter. If you weren’t wearing this dress, his fingerprints would be bruised into you. He hangs his head on your shoulder, quietly moaning into your skin, before bruising you again.
He restrains himself. 
“Now bite me,” 
He pulls his face from your neck.
“Y/N,” he says, head tilted, face drowsy, hair tousled. 
“It’s gonna hurt,” he shakes his head, his eyes glued to your lips.
You pull him down for a kiss. 
The music stops. 
“Seven minutes up!” they yell, clapping. 
You pull away from each other. You try to catch your breath.
You fix your hair, bring it forward to cover your neck, wipe around your lips, and look up at Miguel, who’s brushing his hair back and straightening out his suit. 
You walk out of the closet and join the circle once again. 
“How were the seven minutes? How was the sex?” they tease.
“We just talked,” you slur, shrugging, suppressing your smile.
“Miguel?” they press on.
“We just talked. You heard her,” he defends, eyebrows furrowed at their doubt.
They move on to their next victim. 
You turn to each other. Your eyes meet then break. 
The night goes on. 
Happy Halloween 🧛🏼‍♀️
-G ⋆୨୧˚
ch.8 here
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xfgpng · 7 months
“𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠”
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— : [nsfw] unprotected sex, wet&messy
— : wc : 1k
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you never really paid much attention to him or his crew mates. they were a noisy bunch and despite him being a lot more quiet, you knew better than to engage with a group of pirates. they weren’t good news.
it’s why you don’t know how you ended up in his private bedroom, a tray full of delicious desserts that your boss insisted you send up to his room.
“i was beginning to think you wouldn’t show” he grins, arms crossed. you can’t help but notice how strong he is.
his muscles look as thought they’d burst out his tight fitted white shirt and the way he smirks at you sends a pleasant shiver up your spine.
you roll your eyes and place to treats on the nearby table.
“i wasn’t going to” you say dryly, “we’re short staffed at the moment”
“and let me guess, worried your boss will kick you out?” he asks
you sigh. you didn’t want to get into it with him, before you really did end up losing your job.
“are we done here?” you ask, glaring at him as you place your hands on your hips.
“not if you don’t want us to be” he laughs, standing to his full height.
he makes his way over to you and picks up a chocolate covered strawberry. he places it gently against your lips and smiles.
“won’t you indulge me, just for a moment?” he asks and you scoff but open your mouth anyway. you weren’t opposed to enjoying desserts every now and then and it had nothing to do with him and how sexy he was this close to you.
he sucks his thumb, maintaining eye contact with you.
“want some more?” he asks and you find yourself nodding along with him. him being this close to you made you feel all fuzzy inside.
he takes a bite before leaning into your space, he doesn’t touch you or force himself onto you. he just waits.
and against your better judgment, you pull him down and kiss him. he tastes like the chocolate and strawberry but also like the expensive wine your boss kept for important guests.
“fuck” he grunts, gripping your waist and closing his eyes. you can tell he’s trying to calm down but men like him didn’t pass by very often and you never paid attention to anyone if they did.
you’d allow yourself to indulge just this once, they’d be gone by the time you woke up and you were sure this wasn’t the first time zoro got busy and he’d surely forget you once they reached their next destination.
just for tonight, you’d let him have you.
“kiss me” you whisper and he does, pulling you flush against his body and you wrap your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
he carries you over to the bed and lays you down gently. he’s so big, but him hovering above you, makes you feel nervous. you weren’t a virgin by any means but the way he looked at you, made you feel shy.
“did you wear this dress because he told you you’d be serving me?” he smirks, remembering earlier the cute little shorts you’d been wearing.
you knew your boss didn’t expect you to sleep with the customers. you weren’t that kind of establishment but you also saw the way zoro had watched you, eyeing you since the morning when they had arrived.
“no” you lie and he chuckles, biting down on your neck before soothing the sting with his tongue.
“liar” he whispers, running his hand up your legs and stopping between your thighs.
“do you want this?” he asks
“yes” you wrap your arms around his neck again, “please”
“such a good girl” he grins, kissing you again. he slips a thick finger inside your pussy. you’ve seen his hands and they were huge, his finger reaching places you could barely find on your own.
“zoro” you gasp against his lips and he moans, low and right beside you ear.
it feels good and when he leans down to watch you, adding a second finger into you as he watches your pussy clench around him.
“so messy” he licks his lips, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of your pretty pussy. he knows he’s been around but zoro couldn’t stop thinking about you from the moment they stepped off their ship.
you were so pretty and he adored your smile and the way you yelled at your coworkers when they were messing around.
when the crew decided to explore, zoro stayed behind, just to watch you work. you barely paid him any attention and he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he wanted you so badly.
you intrigued him in a way no other women has and he was sure by the morning, he could convince you to go with him.
“zoro” you moan louder, gripping the sheets as he thrusts his fingers faster. he scissors you open, knowing he’d need to get you ready for him.
“please” you beg, no longer feeling shy or embarrassed. you wanted him, you didn’t want him to take his time. you couldn’t wait.
“okay beautiful” he says, pulling his cock out and rubbing the tip against your folds.
as wet as you are, you can feel how heavy and thick his cock is. he’s much bigger than anyone you’ve ever been with and you can’t help but whimper, spreading your legs wider.
it was so hot, the way he pressed into you slowly. it stung, and the tears that gathered in your eyes only made him that much harder. you were so pretty it hurt.
“shit” he groans, snapping his hips forward when he feels you wrapping your legs around his waist.
“zoro!” you scream out, biting your lip to stop yourself from making anymore noise. you didn’t want anyone to hear you or for your boss to find out either.
“holy fuck” he says, gripping your waist hard enough to hurt.
he doesn’t give you a chance to adjust before he’s slowly pulling out again. you can’t think of anything else only him and how good he feels inside you.
“i want you” he says, leaning in to kiss you as he sets a rhythm. it has the bed creaking and knocking against the wall but you don’t care, you just want him to keep fucking you.
“yes” you nod, not sure what you were even agreeing to. you just wanted him to continue.
by the morning, zoro would make sure you belonged to him and only him.
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twit-ter-pa-ted · 8 months
Yes, Ma'am. - Part Two
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pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x afab!Reader
warnings: flirting & poor description of food, i think
overview: You find out why Sanji is known to be the best chef in the East Blue. The Straw Hat reveals his intentions.
a/n: this is turning into a full blown series😭 thank you for the support on the first part, i was so shocked and i am so immensely grateful for everyone who read and enjoyed it. i love you all!
part one — final part
Sanji had barely taken a step into the kitchen when Patty began reprimanding him on how Zeff had kicked him out of the kitchen for the day, but it didn't stop him from grabbing a pan and starting his work.
You waited patiently after watching Sanji disappear into the kitchen. As you waited for your food, your eyes darted to the party you had been dismissing since you first noticed them. You were busy flirting, after all.
The Straw Hat, the Long-nose, the Redhead, and the Pirate Hunter. Their complimentary bread disappeared within seconds of it being placed on their table, courtesy of the straw hat, which led to the long-nose whining about how he didn't get a chance to taste the bread.
Dish after dish arrived at their table as you recalled hearing the straw hat order every dish on the menu, and you couldn't help but wonder how the nameless pirate would pay for it.
In the middle of watching the Straw Hat, whose name, you learned, was Luffy, you noticed Sanji returning to your table.
He set down a plate in front of you as well as a glass of strawberry milkshake.
"Somethin' I've been working on – sauteed True Bluefin over a sweet soy glaze, sided with seared asparagus," he descripted as he set down utensils and motioned at the plate. Then he motioned at the milkshake. At a glance, you could see that it had been done the way you requested it be. It even had a pink and white striped straw to match.
"Strawberry milkshake with a thin coat of strawberry syrup, no seeds, fine whipped cream made by yours truly," he playfully bowed, "and a strawberry to top off a drink as sweet as you."
You smiled as he winked. "Thank you, Sanji."
He refused your utterance of gratitude. "Please, I find it a privilege to have been able to cook for a beauty such as yourself."
He seemed to have no plans to leave, instead waiting to see your reaction, so you began to cut into the fish, your eyes never leaving his as you brought the piece to your lips using the fork.
A burst of flavor overwhelmed your taste buds the moment you took the piece into your mouth. Your usually insouciant temperament slipped for just a moment as your eyes widened.
"It’s good," you managed to say as if it weren’t the best thing you had ever tasted in your entire life.
"Yeah?" He smirked. He knew you were masking your amusement, it was evident on your face that you were. He drank in your expression as you attempted to keep your cool.
You nodded. "It's nothing like anything I've had before," you admitted.
"Thank you, love."
You moved onto the drink. As you went to grab it, Sanji spoke.
"I realized I never got your name," he declared. You paused, simply holding the drink in your hand now.
"Will you be needing it?" You questioned while playing with the fountain glass. His flirty persona faltered with confusion as your tone seemed to have an implication.
"I saw you flirting with the redhead earlier, did you make sure her water came from heaven itself?" You jested, hearing even her crewmates teasing her about the interaction.
He smirked as he was ready to tease, "Are you jealous?"
You only shrugged. "I'm just stating what I observed, darling." Lifting the straw to your lips, your eyes never left his as you took a sip.
You were more of a whiskey on the rocks kind of person, but you had to admit – the strawberry milkshake was far better than good. You couldn’t understand how something so simple could taste so heavenly. There were, in fact, no seeds, and the taste was just the right amount of sweetness that you were looking for, even if you hadn’t mentioned a specific level of sweetness for it.
You think you'd never be able to find words to describe it, just as you had run short of words for the sauteed True Bluefin. "It’s good," oh, please. The two of you knew that you felt you never knew what real food tasted like until you had tried Sanji's cooking – tested out his skills in the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the drink. It was so delectable that it was almost painful.
"I like you, Sanji," You confessed before beginning to cut into the fish in your plate again. "I enjoyed our exchange. I certainly enjoy the dish and drink you've made for me." Sanji opened his mouth to reply when someone shouted from the kitchen area.
"Oi, Sanji! You’re here to cater, not to flirt!" Sanji evidently clenched his jaw.
"Just get back to cooking, Patty!" He turned to you again, his jaw now unclenched and his eyes thinning as he smiled.
You rarely told anyone your name. In your line of business, it didn't really matter who you were or how much they knew about you. It was all in the matter of how cheap or expensive your product was, and how hard you were willing to fight for its worth (and your life).
You told him your name. Just your first name – nothing more, nothing less. It led to less hurt that way, if you knew the least you could about each other.
He repeated your name as if to test how it rolled off his tongue, his tone velvety as he spoke.
"Likewise." He moved slightly, indicating that he was now leaving you to eat your lunch.
"But I do mean every word I say. It's nothing I've said to anyone before is all I'll say, I suppose it's up to you to believe that or not. I do hope you consider coming back here despite how shitty it is." You couldn’t help but chuckle as he deprecated the restaurant he worked at. "I'll be willing to cook you up another meal, if you’re up for it."
You pretended to think about it, but you were already dead set on your answer – "Sure, why not?"
Sanji's smile grew as he began to depart from your table, his eyes never leaving yours until he had to take another table's orders.
"That's the broker pirate hunter?" The straw hat declared with his eyes on you. You whipped your head to face them with a puzzled look.
The redhead's eyes widened. "Hey, not so loud!" She turned to you to find that you were already looking in their direction.
"Not a broker, not a pirate hunter!" You corrected irritably.
"See? I told you." The long-nose attempted to mutter as he lightly smacked the straw hat's shoulder.
"Hey, are you the nameless, bounty-less pirates that defeated Axe-Hand Morgan?"
"Woah, woah. You did – you did what?" The long-nose's eyes had widened. He seemed to be unaware of the gang of pirates he had joined.
"Nameless?" The straw hat echoed. He then stood to approach your table. He held out his sauce covered hand which you only looked at. He retracted his hand when you made no move to grab it.
"My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" Your eyes widened at his proclamation, your eyes returning to look into his.
Unlike what you expected from countless others who had declared themselves to soon be King of the Pirates, this Luffy character seemed to have something else other than pure determination glimmering in his eyes. It almost had you believing that he was going to be King of the Pirates.
"So just you wait," he then said your name as if you were close friends, "I'll get my first bounty soon."
He couldn't have been that much younger than you. And yet, something about him made you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"That's my crew, by the way." He pointed at his booth. "That's Zoro, Nami, and Usopp."
"Not in your crew," Nami denied.
"Don't introduce us to the pirate hunter, Luffy!" Usopp scolded him.
"What's up?" Zoro calmly greeted.
"I'm not a pirate hunter. That's a pirate hunter," you corrected Usopp once again, pointing to Zoro.
"Not anymore," Zoro corrected you, too.
"Well, I can see that, given how you're in a pirate crew."
He only scoffed. "Uh-huh, nice to see you again, too."
Luffy seemed to be unaware of the tension between the two of you. He grinned as he came to a realization, "Oh, you know each other?"
"Yep." You and Zoro answered in unison, which caused you to glare at each other before looking away.
"Well?" Luffy questioned expectantly, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You looked at the hand on your shoulder and wondered if the boy had any respect for boundaries. You simply shook your head and decided to return to your meal.
"Oh, come on. Zoro!" He whined as he returned to their table.
* * * * * *
taglist: @inf4ntdeath @x-uno @miloonmetis @angeli-fucking-cat @zzbloody-animezz
thank you for your support! <3
(there will be one more part after this one)
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aquagirl1978 · 30 days
💐 Harri fluff pretty 🙏 please with strawberry milk on top
(Have you considered that one can probably taste the strawberry milk after kissing harri? *sighs as I stare wistfully into the distance*)
Love <3 V
Thank you @vioisgoinginsane - I had a lot of fun writing this and hope you enjoy it!
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To Catch a Thief
A/N: The first fic in my Naughty or Nice event and my second entry for An Invitation to Crown hosted by @judejazza Pairing: Harrison Gray x Reader Prompt: play fighting Word Count: 730 Tags: fluff
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“I have a problem and I was hoping you could help me,” Harrison said, plopping into the seat next to you on the couch.
“Good morning to you, too,” you replied, not looking up from the book you were reading.
“Morning,” he muttered as he ran his hair through his hair. He leaned a bit closer to you, dropping his voice. “I’m trying to catch a thief and I could use your help.”
“Oh?” You put your book to the side and stared into his mint green eyes, suddenly intrigued. 
“Yeah,” he continued, “I went to the kitchen just now, looking forward to drinking my strawberry milk. And could you believe it, but there was none left. Someone here drank the last glass, knowing that that was my milk.”
“The nerve of them!” You gasped dramatically at his predicament. “Whatever shall we do?”
“I have a list of suspects.” You raised a brow, curious to know who made the list. “Will loves strawberries, so he would be a prime suspect –”
“Except he’s not here now,” you chimed in.
“Exactly. You’re very observant. Alfons isn’t back yet either, so he’s off the list.”
“What about Jude?” 
“While he’s rude enough to commit such a crime, he’s not a fan of milk. I think we can safely cross him off the list.”
“Nah, he’s more of a tea and scones guy for breakfast. Elbert probably hasn’t left his room since last night, admiring all his stuff.” Harrison sighed, truly perplexed. “That leaves Roger, Liam and Ellis.”
“Ellis does like sweets.” 
“Another excellent observation. He’s possibly our prime subject right now.”
“I’m glad we were able to sort that out.” You smiled smugly at Harrison, pleased you were able to help him. 
“Yeah, well, there’s another problem. Ellis isn’t here either. Some kind of early morning emergency that Victor assigned to him.”
“So then it has to be Liam or Roger.”
“That would seem to be, but there is one other possibility we haven’t explored.” Your eyes widened when he said your name. 
“Was it you?” he asked softly. “I won’t be mad if it was.”
“No,” you replied, perhaps a bit too quickly. “It wasn’t me. I wouldn’t do such a thing to you. You’re my boyfriend. I love and adore you and know just how much you like your strawberry milk.” You flashed him the sweetest smile as you rested your hand on his knee.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you didn’t drink my milk,” he replied with an even sweeter smile.
“It wasn’t me,” you repeated.
“Of course, it wasn’t. I was silly to even question you.” He cupped your cheek and caressed your skin softly with his thumb. “I think you deserve a reward for helping me.”
He leaned closer, his lips barely brushing yours. “Is this a suitable reward?” he whispered. Your breath hitched as he covered your mouth with his in a kiss. Running his fingers through your hair, he held you closer as he deepened the kiss, his tongue probing your lips. With a soft sigh, your lips parted, inviting his tongue to sweep your mouth.
He pulled back, breaking the kiss, his hand cradling your head. His eyes met yours and he smiled.
“I knew it was you the whole time,” he admitted quietly.
“What? How?”
“I had my suspicions, but you should know better than to lie to a fox.” Your face fell; he saw through your earlier lie. “That and…” He brought his mouth to yours and nipped your lip. “I could taste the strawberry milk.”
“That was evil.” You grabbed a nearby pillow and hit him on the shoulder with it. Gently. 
“It's what you deserve for drinking my milk,” he said, laughing. Grabbing a pillow of his own, he swatted you back. Not so gently. 
Peals of laughter filled the room as you took turns hitting each other with the pillows. That is, until Harrison grabbed your pillow and tossed it to the side, leaving you defenseless. He pressed his body against yours, his lips dangerously close to yours. Your eyes drifted shut as your lips moved closer to his, eager for his kiss. 
His hand ran down your ribs, his fingers brushing against your most ticklish spot. Your eyes flew open. 
“You wouldn’t,” you hissed.
“Well, I am a villain,” he said with a wicked laugh.
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @themiscarnival   @coral-relevium @cyberk1ee     @kookie-my-little-sunshine @pathogenic       @ellisgivesmelife013 @ikemen-writer   @nightghoul381 @judejazza @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia @ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @ikesenwritings @starlitmanor-network
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lilmisssweetdreams · 5 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ strawberry lace
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mdni, 18+ only
he’s always been cold on his birthdays, that much is a given. he expects the indoor parties and the alcohol blankets. he expects the raging hangovers the next day and the oily regret and the bitter realisation of one more year gone by; lingering in the air like the cold. 
what he doesn’t expect is to wake up on the other side of the world. 
the south side, that is. 
he’s never been one for spontaneous travel—not one to throw caution to the wind and say fuck it! and all that jazz. 
well, he wasn’t anyway. not before her. 
alex is a planner. alex is careful. alex wants to vet things and carefully structure everything. 
she does none of those things. 
she’s a whirlwind of all things frazzled and exciting and chaotic. she’s everything he’s not; everything he wants to be. 
and so when she begs and begs for a spontaneous birthday trip, (not for her birthday, it's for his birthday) he gives in for once. 
he’s 38. he counts as a middle-aged man, alex is sure of it. and yet with her he wants to chase his youth again and again. 
the morning of the fifth he wakes up in his own bed. 
the morning of the sixth he wakes up in fiji.
what’s more is that he wakes up in an inexplicably pink, princess bedroom. there are balloons—so so many balloons! pink and white and silver and the foil ones that spell “HAPPY BIRTHDAY AL” on the wall in front of him. and the moment he moves an inch, she jumps on him and smothers him with kisses. 
“there you are. i’ve been waiting!”
“waiting for?”
“for you to wake up!” she laughs. alex smiles in return and properly pulls her against him. “happy birthday, baby.”
her lips latch onto his, making him melt. 
her entire body is warm—not the kind of warm that comes from being in front of the radiator. she’s sunshine warm, like she’s already been outside before he’s even ventured away from the land of the dreaming. 
sleep makes his body melt into hers and alex happily nuzzles his face into her tits. 
“what’s all this?”
“do you like it?” she asks and presses a kiss into his messy hair. “i could only find pink balloons at first so i just went with the theme.”
“‘s all very cute. just like you.”
alex presses a kiss on her collarbone and inhales the sent of her skin—sunshine and strawberries and vanilla. utterly sweet. once he’s started, there’s no way he can bring himself to stop tasting her skin, breathing her in. drinking in her soft sounds and shivers and relishing the feel of her fingers digging into his bicep. 
alex hasn’t even properly opened his eyes yet and he knows he’s already in heaven. 
“stay,” he murmurs and finds her lips.
she lightly runs her fingers along his stubbly jaw, all the way to the nape of his neck, sinking them into his hair. then her hand runs lower, gingerly raking her nails down his bare back, making him shiver in delight.
warmth coils in his stomach. 
january is supposed to be cold and pine scented, it’s supposed to be stubborn remnants of christmas and bittersweet new years excitement. it’s never been warm, salty breeze and a sweet, sunshine girl in his arms. 
“stay in bed with you all day?” she giggles and tries to kiss him again. alex lets her chase his mouth, then smugly pulls back at the last minute.
“stay and keep me warm.”
“you’re plenty warm!”
now that his eyes are properly open, he takes her in inch by inch—first the red of her lips and then down her jaw, her chin, her neck… she’s clad in a bikini top: white lace, printed strawberries, a bow tied at the back. before she can even object, alex pulls on the string and the knot comes undone. 
“you’re like my little birthday gift, aren’t you? i get to unwrap all the layers.”
“mmm, is that what you’re doing now?” 
her already red lip becomes redder when she bites on it and throws her leg over his so his knee hovers just below her cunt. one movement and he’ll have her shaking under him. 
he takes his time though, time is what he has in abundance today. 
alex feels his skin tingle, every press of her skin against his is electric—little sparks dancing in the barely-there space between them. her breaths comes out in quick pants and her eyes roam over him. over his face and then his chest that’s devoid of any clothes. 
the only clothes he’s wearing are some cotton pyjamas. easy to discard. 
the bikini top falls apart and there she is, right under him now, back arching so she can brush her chest against his. get any friction on her nipples really. goosebumps rise on her skin wherever his fingers touch. 
“look at you,” alex breathes and swallows roughly. he feels a little drunk then, almost like he’s been intoxicated since the moment he woke up. “my beautiful, perfect girl,” alex hums. 
his kisses turn feverish as his lips move along the hollow of her throat, her collarbone. the heat in his stomach intensifies, his hand comes to rest on the back of her neck. he’s often used this position to hold her in place, to stop her from squirming but this time his hold is gentle. 
his mouth travels lower, ghostly kisses trailed down to her breast. 
she mewls when his tongue circles around her nipples.
it doesn’t take another second before her legs are around his middle and his big hands are gripping her thighs. rough, calloused fingers digging into soft flesh while she tugs at the hair at the nape of his neck and makes him groan. 
“oh, baby baby,” he breathes on her skin and lets her pull the pyjamas off him. “how am i supposed to let you go anywhere when you look like this.”
“don’t then,” she laughs. 
her hands trace his spine and alex feels his cock twitch in his boxers. he needs to be inside her right now, needs to feel her walls clenching around him. 
he also wants to taste her but they have all day for that. 
“want to be inside you,” alex groans when he feels the wetness between her legs. 
she tries to lightly grind onto his stomach, tries to get herself off even if it’s just a little bit. 
fuck she’s beautiful, and he doesn’t want to was poetic but the sunlight streaming in through the windows and onto her skin makes her look utterly luminous. 
as if in a daze, alex slides the waistband of her underwear off her hips and traces the exposed skin with his fingers. she moans something softly.
“i want you too, al. fuck! baby…”
they barely use their words after that. the room is far from silent though—it echoes with moans and sighs and the sound of her laughter when alex nips at her skin. it’s like a little rhythm—he bites softly and chases away the sting with a lick. he leaves a mark and then rewards her with a kiss. 
she doesn’t resist him at all when her underwear joins the heap on the floor with the rest of their clothes.
his hang inches between her legs and finds her clit, fingers rubbing lazily over it, almost in circles, slow at first and growing faster until she’s squirming for more—more friction and more of him and this and ecstasy and alex knows whatever he’s doing isn’t enough but just this once he wants to hear her beg. 
(oh, who is he kidding! he always wants to hear her beg and plead and show him how much she wants him.) 
“stop being a tease,” she whines and he laughs at her desperation.
finally, alex decides to end this misery. for her and for him. the need is driving him insane too. 
when the first thrust comes, slow and sensual—and without warning—her eyes roll back in her head. she whimpers something, curses softly and holds onto him, legs locking around him so she can take him in deeper. 
“shit baby…” he moans too. she’s squeezing him so tight. all he feels is her wetness and warmth. all he feels is his cock stretching her open. 
she closes her eyes and alex tuts. “open your eyes,” he nudges, “i want you to look at me when you cum.”
and so she obliges, looking him in the eye and moaning his name softly with each thrust, lifting her hips to meet his and grinding her clit on his stomach.
the pressure inside him builds with each thrust, his entire body feels charged and taut and a current runs right under his skin. 
under him, she’s as electric as a live wire. 
“look at what you do to me,” she moans and alex feels her thighs begin to tremble. 
she must be close now, she’s certainly acting like it—nails scratching his back, teeth softly sinking into his shoulder so she doesn’t scream loud enough for everyone to hear. (if it weren’t mid morning, he would have liked to make her scream. alex mentally marks it for later tonight.)
her hips thrust upwards, trying and failing to match him. she’s erratic, almost manic. there’s no rhythm to her movements, only lust and desire and so much want for him that he feels a wave of it run through his whole body. 
under him she shudders and cries out. 
“al, baby… gonna cum, f-fuck!”
he’s about to speak, about to tell her to let go but she’s already there. her body goes tense as alex feels her squeeze around him, so fucking tight that it tips him over the edge. 
alex thrusts into her as the orgasm hits him hard. ropes and ropes of his cum filling her up, spilling from the sides under the insides of her thighs are sticky and wet with slick. both their release combined dripping out of her. 
alex can’t help but drip a finger in the mess they’ve made and bring it up to her mouth. 
“taste us,” he says and shivers when she swirls her tongue around his fingers. 
he doesn’t know how long it takes them to comes down from the high. all he knows is that they stay like that, bodies locked together, him on top of her, breathing her in. the strawberry scent of her body lotion has dulled a bit now, replaced by sex and sweat. he makes absolutely no move to pull out, only adjusts himself so his entire weight isn’t on top of her. 
“happy birthday, al.” this time her voice comes out breathy and soft. it surrounds him, permeates through his skull and bounces around his brain. 
birthday. yes. his birthday. that’s what they’re here for. 
“mmm, thank you, darling. you’re my gift, aren’t you?” his mouth moves to hers again—another sultry, lazy kiss. another long minute passes. “the absolute best birthday gift i’ve ever had.”
“is that so?”
“would you like me to show you my gratitude?” alex smirks. 
and then he moves again to position his mouth between her legs.
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rollingsins · 1 year
falling all in you
summary: Vada makes a purchase for the two of you. 18+ smut. 
pairing: vada cavell x fem!reader
warnings: 18+ smut, strap-on sex, slight breeding kink if you squint. 
word count: 1.5k
a/n: for anon who requested top!vada. let me know your thoughts and what you want to see next!
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When Vada had invited you over that afternoon to “study”, you’d expected it wouldn’t be long before you’d be under her like this. You’d been dating for a few months now, and often found it hard to keep your hands off each other. Especially on afternoons like this, when Vada had the entire house to herself. 
This time, she’d reached for something under the bed, coy smile as she caught the look on your face.  The rush of want that coursed through you had been stifled only by how long it was taking her to get the damn thing on. 
“One sec. Hold on.” Vada says. Her face is knitted in concentration. She fiddles with the strap. “Technical difficulties.” 
She lets out a frustrated sigh. “Damn. How do dudes do this every time?” 
“They don’t.” You say, deadpan. “Remember?” 
She has the good sense to look slightly sheepish. 
“Right. Duh.” She twists her hips, trying to loosen the straps. It doesn’t work. 
“Maybe I should wear it.” You suggest, a little impatient. Vada’s parents are out, but you’ve no idea when they’ll be back. The last thing you want them to come home to is Vada trying to figure out how to strap a plastic cock to her hips. 
“No.” Vada says, a little quickly. You raise an eyebrow. 
“I want to use it on you.” She says, biting her lip, “I’ve been thinking about it all day.” 
You smile at that. Rub your hand over her forearm. 
“Have you now?” 
“Yes. So help me with this, will you?”
It’s kind of erotic, helping her tighten the straps around her hips. The toy is bright pink, not too big, not too small. You’d spoken about getting one a few times, it was something you’d both wanted to try. You hadn’t expected her to find one so fast. 
“Where did you even get this from?” You ask, “Did you put it on your mom’s credit card?” 
“I got it online, told my mom it was her Christmas present so she wouldn’t open it.” Vada says. 
You raise an eyebrow ”That was- risky. What if Amelia had opened it?”
“Amelia knows better than to touch my stuff.” Vada says, blowing her hair out of her face, “There. I think I’ve got it.” 
She moves her hips slightly, watches as the dildo jiggles. Loops it around in a circle. “I’ve always wanted to do the helicopter.”
“You’re making this remarkably unsexy.” You say, hide behind a laugh. 
She raises an eyebrow, then lifts her shirt over her head. Your eyes fall straight to her breasts. 
“How about now?” She asks, with a smirk. Playful, like she knows she has you. You let out a small sigh. 
“Not fair. Jerk.” You whisper as she pulls you in. 
You kiss for a while. You don’t ever get tired of kissing Vada. Her lips are addictive, they taste like Cola and strawberries, a blend of your respective lip glosses. You cup her cheeks with your hands, groaning slightly as she pulls you into her, and onto her lap. You’re already naked, she’d seen to that earlier. You feel the silicone of the dildo against your stomach, sending a white coil of arousal through your body. 
“I bought some lube too.” She says breathlessly. You draw her hand down to you, whimpering as she cups you. 
She’s smiling as she pulls back. “Though I guess we don’t need it.” 
“Shut up.” You pull her back into you, cheeks reddening. 
Her fingers find your clit, rubbing gently. You slip your tongue into her mouth. You feel her hands under you, trying to guide herself in. It’s a little awkward, the way you’re sitting. She isn’t used to it. In one swift movement she’s pushing inside you. 
Your fingernails dig into her bare back as she slides in. You let out a low moan as she fills you up. 
“Good?” Vada murmurs. Her nose brushes your cheek. The toy is cold, much colder than her fingers and so much girthier. It takes you a minute to get used to it. The stretch burns you, in the nicest way. 
“Yes. Holy shit.” 
Her hands fall to your hips, gripping you tight. You kiss her again, gently rock yourself down into her lap. The head hits you just right. You wrap your arms around her shoulders, trying to get as close to her as you can. 
Her lips dip down to your neck. 
It feels amazing. She feels amazing. Her bare skin against yours, her tongue against your collarbone. You thread your fingers in her hair, trying to hold her in place. 
“Should we talk dirty?” Vada’s asking. Her voice is a little gravelly, low. She’s turned on, “It feels like we should be talking dirty.” 
You bite your lip. It wasn’t the first time she’d asked, and it didn’t really surprise you. Vada loved to talk. To a fault. It was one of the things you loved most about her. 
“Do you want to talk dirty?” You ask, unable to hold back a smile. You press your lips to hers. 
“Yeah.” She furrows her eyebrows. Thinks a moment, “What do I say?” 
You try not to laugh. Smooth over the crease between her eyebrows with your fingers, “Just tell me what you want to do to me.” You say, nuzzle your lips against her neck. You can feel her heart jumping, smooth the skin over with your tongue. 
“I want-“ She thinks for a moment. “I want to fuck you.” 
“Mm.” You murmur, ride her a little faster,” What else?” 
“Um.” She thinks. “I want to fuck you hard.” 
“I think we established that, baby.” You bite your lip. She isn’t good at this. It’s sweet. Endearing. You press your lips to her cheek as you tilt your hips down onto the dildo. 
“I don’t know.” She whines, “This is hard. You try.” 
You bite your lip, lean in a little closer, until your lips are brushing the shell of her ears. “I want you to throw me back onto the bed and fuck me until I can’t walk.”
Her mouth falls open. In less than a second you feel her hands grasp tight around your body as she lifts you up, back into the mattress. She falls atop you, and you groan as the strap-on sinks even deeper into you. 
She kisses you feverishly. Her entire weight on you as she thrusts her hips into you. 
“Oh my god, Vada.” 
It feels even better than before. The way she jerks her hips, kissing you furiously. You’re completely encompassed by her. Her lips, her hair in your face, her hands on your thighs, holding you open so she can thrust even deeper. “Fuck, that feels good.” 
“You look so fucking hot right now,” Vada says. Her eyes are dark, her lips wet with your saliva. She reaches down between your bodies to rub your clit. 
The sensation almost sends you careening off the edge. She dips down, grazes her teeth over your neck. “I love fucking you like this.” 
“Harder, baby.” You gasp, moaning out as she complies. Her hips jerk into yours, steady, never faltering. You can’t believe how good it feels. How natural this is for her. You bury your head in her neck, groaning out as she rockets into your g-spot.
“Like that?” She murmurs. You nod, rather violently. 
“Yes, just like that.” 
“I wish I could feel it.” She says, voice feverish, “I wish I could feel how tight you are. I wish I could fill you up with my cum.” 
Your stomach coils pleasantly. 
“Jesus, Vada.” 
“Too much?” 
She’s pulling back slightly, stilling her hips. Apprehension on her face. 
You jerk your head, a little too quickly. Try and tug her back into you. 
“No.” You say. Voice desperate, needy,  “Keep going.” 
Her hips rocket into you. Purposeful. Each thrust sends shockwaves through your body. 
She’s driving you to the edge. 
“Are you close?” Her voice is tight, “I think I’m going to cum.” 
The thought of her cumming from this alone sends a shiver down your spine. You clutch her close, press your lips to her neck. 
“Fuck. Yes baby, cum. Cum inside me.” You say, voice desperate. 
That does it. You feel her tighten against you, wildly jerking her hips as she cums hard. The change in pace sends you toppling over the edge with her, moaning into her ear as your orgasm ripples through you. She slumps on top of you, lays while she catches her breath. 
Your heartbeat thrums pleasantly, you wrap your arms around her body, press a kiss to her head. 
“That was so hot.” You mumble after a while, “How are you so good at that, already?” 
She looks up at you with a wide grin. 
“I’ve been doing hip thrusts in the gym.” She says, rather proud, “I told Nick it was for soccer.” 
At that, you laugh. 
“You’re so cute.” You mumble against her lips. “I love you.” 
“Love you too.” 
You could lay like this forever. Press a sleepy kiss to the top of her head. Then remember it’s four in the afternoon and her mom will be home to make dinner soon. 
“We should shower.” You say, half-heartedly. “Put that thing away before your parents get home.” 
Vada hums against you. Presses a kiss to your shoulder before she’s peeking up at you, mischievous smile on her lips. 
“We could. Or… we could do it again?”
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lanawinterscigarettes · 3 months
Being best friends with jennifer check and one day she suggests you practice kissing on each other "just for fun" until you slowly realize you're falling in love 💓💓
this is the kind of Jen content we need more of honestly 💖
Practice Makes Perfect (Jennifer Check x reader)
Warnings: (almost) friends to lovers, kissing (duh), swearing/salty language, slightly suggestive, could be seen as coersion as reader isn't entirely sure to kissing at first
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Jennifer had invited you over to her house for what was supposed to be a study session, but it ended up being more of a hang out than anything else. The two of you were lounging on her bed, Ayesha Erotica playing faintly on her MP3 player in the background.
You were just about to ask if she could change the music to something less vulgar when she dropped a major bomb on you.
"We should kiss," she suggested in a way that was much too casual for your liking as she filed her pristine nails, not even bothering to look up. "You know, for practice. In case either of us meets someone and we need to know how."
You choked on the soda you were drinking, which led to a good two or three minute coughing fit before you were finally able to respond. "What?" You asked incredulously, a look of shock evident on your face.
"I said," she began with an eye roll, speaking slow and condescendingly. "We. Should. Kiss. What's the matter, scared you might like it?" She taunted with a smirk.
You scoffed at her question as if it was the most ridiculous thing in the world. Truth be told, you were a little afraid of liking it, but more than that you were worried about her making fun of you for being inexperienced.
"No, that's not it. I just- I wouldn't want to ruin your lipgloss, is all." A lame excuse, even by your standards, and one that she could surely see through, but it was better than nothing.
It was now her turn to scoff at you. "Oh, please. Don't be such a pussy." She moved over to where you were sitting on the bed, reaching her arms out to wrap around your neck before you could stop her.
"Wha- you-" You tried to speak, but your words got caught in your throat. It didn't help that the close proximity was making it damn near impossible for you to think straight.
"Are you telling me that you don't want to kiss me at all? Not even in the slightest?" She asked in a tone full of false offense and hurt, sticking her bottom lip out as she pouted at you.
"N- No, that's not- that's not what I'm saying, Jen..." your voice trailed off as she leaned in close, the scent of her perfume filling your nostrils.
"Then kiss me." She said in an uncharacteristically soft tone, doing her best to look as innocent as possible. "Please?"
Your resolve weakened and you finally nodded your head before closing the distance between you and pressing your lips to hers. She tasted like her strawberry lipgloss and felt like a dream come true.
She pulled you down on top of her on the bed as you kissed, but you barely noticed. Until you heard her let out a soft moan, that is.
You quickly shot back up, feeling your face grow warm as you realized what just happened. Jennifer merely giggled as she looked up at you from where she was still laying down, her legs spread slightly.
"Oh, come on. Don't leave me hanging," she teased as you shuffled away from her, going to sit on the opposite end of the bed. She sat up and slowly crawled over to you, smirking before giving you another kiss.
"We should do this more often," she murmured suggestively, her lips still close to yours. "After all, practice makes perfect."
You didn't say anything in response, instead choosing just to kiss her again. After all, what do you say to your best friend when you realize you might be falling in love with her after one stupid kiss?
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Likes < reblogs | comments are greatly appreciated <3
Main masterlist | Jennifer's Body masterlist | wanna be added to my taglist?
🏷 taglist: @missmewts @iloveentrapta @ghot-girl @taecube @corn3liiia @gilmore-angel @your-next-daydream @alexxavicry @noisy-dumb-piece-of-shit @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous (if you were crossed out it means I couldn't tag you for some reason)
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judeswhore · 1 year
the taste of your lips
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summary: making out demands all of your attention
pairing: jude bellingham x fem!reader
warnings: heavy making out? idk it’s short too
notes: you can find my masterlist here.
jude’s mouth was sinful.
he’d been kissing you for the past half hour and you couldn’t seem to get your head straight, thoughts a jumbled mess of him. of how good he smelt, how good he tasted, how good his chest felt beneath your hands, how good it was when he tugged on your bottom lip. the party around you had faded to a dull background sound, your entire focus on the boy currently skimming his hands over your hips.
he brushed one slightly around your waist, pressed his palm flat against your lower back and pulled you closer, squashing the already minimal space between you. the buckle on his belt dug into your stomach but even that couldn’t tear your mouth from his. it was ridiculous how weak in the knees he could get you from kisses alone, his lips were yet to venture any further than your jaw and his hands had remained relatively appropriate yet your legs felt wobbly and there was an incessant tugging in your lower tummy. you wanted to blame the alcohol but you’d barely finished one can before he’d tugged you into a slightly secluded corner.
your arms tightened fractionally around his neck when he pressed you a little harder against the wall behind you, one of his hands coming up to press above your head. jude’s head tipped and you shifted up on to your tip toes, opened your mouth a little wider for his tongue to graze yours. he was teasing you. alternating between soft pecks, his lips just barely brushing yours, and deep kisses, his tongue brushing slowly over your own, licking into your mouth with purpose. he tasted like beer, mint and strawberries, the lip balm you always made him wear making for an interesting combination.
the kisses stayed slow, lazy and a little messy and so utterly mind numbing you had to cling to your boyfriend for support, his chest plastered against your own. one hand pressed to the back of his head, pulled him down a little more until he was crowded over you, his upper body caging yours to the wall. your other hand slipped into the collar at the back of his shirt, nails dragged soft across his skin and you revelled in his shudder and the sigh he blew through his nose. he made an unintelligible noise that you swallowed eagerly, your need for air completely disregarded in your more pressing need to have him kiss you senseless.
the two of you were pressed impossibly close but you wanted him closer, wanted him pressed inside your ribs and in your heart.
a loud crash came from somewhere behind jude, followed by a yell and chorus of cheers and your surroundings came flooding back in. you broke away from your boyfriend, drew in a much needed breath as you lifted to peer over his shoulder, brows drawing together from your confusion. you were slightly disoriented, lips tingling from the onslaught of kisses and it took a second for you to come to your senses. you had no chance to find out the source of the sudden noise because jude’s fingers were gripping your chin.
with his thumb and forefinger he tugged, brought your attention back to him, his dark eyes full of affection when you met his gaze again. he brushed the pad of his thumb over your lip.
“pay attention.” and then he was kissing you again, deeper than last time and just a little dirtier, the drag of his tongue making you shiver in his hold. it was the kind of kiss you saved for being alone, for the privacy of bedrooms and sheets, not for the middle of a party with his friends only meters away. but he didn’t care and somehow you didn’t care and he was sucking at your bottom lip.
his hips pressed forward into yours, his jeans doing nothing to hide his bulge and he only grew harder when he drew a whimper from you. the hand on your chin spanned your jaw, tilted your head as he crowded back over you before slipping lower. his fingers found your throat, held lightly, a gentle reminder of his dominance. he applied no pressure but still your head spun and your nails raked over the back of his neck, hips rocking back into his. his other hand was still pressed above your head and everything about the position said you were seconds away from tearing each others clothes off.
you’re not sure how much longer he kissed you. how many more times he swallowed your moans and rocked against you, let his tongue graze teasingly over your bottom lip. your hands had somehow found their way beneath his shirt, warm against the hard ridges of his stomach, fingertips tracing his muscles, brushing over the ladder of hair that led into his trousers.
“take me home.”
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