#the guys with short hair probably had greasy hair too but since it was short it was less noticeable
In middle school my friend would get all these crushes on androgynous or feminine guys and I would make fun of her and of the guys she likes...
And now I am fully like "I think the appeal of this man is kinda that he looks like a woman"
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b1ackgh0st · 4 months
Writing as many HCs for Trolls characters as humanly possible!
Starting off strong with the Snack Pack + Poppy & Branch!
She was a later bloomer. Most (pop) trolls have a little bit of tit, but she was flat as Branch's voice at the beginning of the first movie.
Had a toxic best friend at one point. Nobody liked Poppy when she was young, but as soon as she became an adult, she was mote liked than anyone else.
Prefers black coffee over any other kind
Her favorite flavour is strawberry!
Even though she likes almost any flavour, any candy she has that's lemon or watermelon she gives to Branch because he is very addicted.
Speaking of which, she can't stomach spicy food at all and tends to projectile vomit.
Gets sick pretty easily, but won't admit it.
No one knows how she does it, but she can appear almost instantly. Whether it's in Branch's room at midnight or behind anyone in a crowded area, it's alarming.
Not physically violent.
Poppy is deranged AF!
She will verbally and mentally threaten people... and lord it's probably scary.
Too much of a morning person
By that, I mean she wakes up at around 3 am everyday after falling asleep at around 7 pm and starts her daily routine.
Refuses to wear make-up
Has never had acne or anything similar
Most Pop Trolls, Poppy included, have extream hair growth. She has to shave her legs daily.
Has literally no skincare routine
Unfortunately, she has to make her own shampoo because anything she can find in shops doesn't work and just causes dead ends and very greasy hair.
Very fidgety ADHD-er
Branch has the most excessive skincare routine ever
Wears A LOT of makeup to hide scars and stuff
Breaks out really easily
Autistic! Not Yay!
Or maybe it is Yay
Anyways, he had problems with bright lights, loud sounds, being close to other people, some kinds fo texture, and some scents
Has around seventy homemade candles around the bunker, all scented slightly different.
Most of them smell like citrus
Sucks at making coffee at home, therefore his coffee orders are pretty specific.
Despite going back onto society, he's still a feral troll.
Which means that, while pop trolls are omnivores who need lots of plants and sweets in their diet, Branch's diet is almost exclusively meat, sweets, and breads.
Has bitten Poppy before. (It was an accident, I promise. No trolls were harmed.)
While he may not overreact on safty stuff or the Bergens anymore, he' started overreacting to everything else.
Oh, Guy tripped and scraped his knee? GET HIM TO THE DOCTOR HE'S DYING!
Insomniac, unfortunately.
Eats bugs. (Small stuff like ants)
Also kind of deranged.
Or he had some undiagnosed mental stuff
Prefers tea
Also has ADHD
I ddont really have much since he's pretty perfect when it comes to the movies and his character-
Oldest in the gang, actually
She's thirty-eight, and witness Poppy hatching UP CLOSE
Poppy kind of sees her as a mother figure, mostly because Poppy never had a mother.
Smidge tried to have a kid once (yes, it was Milton's.), but it was a miscarriage
Her short stature and abnormal strength is actually a very rare genetic phenomenon
She used to have a really smooth, "feminine" voice,but after years of working out and screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice is scratchy now
Wants to do speech therapy to try and get her old voice back, but... well, Pop Village doesn't have stuff like that.
Has low self-esteem
Has been married to Milton for about a year (By the end of TBT)
Only drinks energy drinks, always Cherry flavour. (Or something similar)
Just a little crazy, but aren't we all?
The reason she's so close to Poppy is because right before the tunnel thing to get away from the Bergens, she worked with Peppy.
Won't continue with that.
Enjoys playfully bullying Suki because she's the only one who doesn't take it seriously.
Guy Diamond ◇
Oh man
Did NOT get enough attention as a kid
His parents were either too busy, and were both taken while running through the tunnels
Sky Toronto (From TBGO and Trollstopia) is his uncle, but neither of them know that
The only clothes he'd ever wear would be a scarf and leg warmers, maybe gloves.
Either he just dislikes it or he's genuinely afraid of it, he won't drink alcohol.
Secretly likes to eat things that aren't really edible
Also, scroll past this if you wanna because imma explain how it's not awkward that the glitter trolls are almost all naked.
So, since Glitter trolls are a subspecies, one which probably derived from a tribe long ago, their anatomy is a little different
They have protective slits that hide their genitals until needed
Essentially, the glitter trolls that have dicks.. their disks are hidden kn that slit, and will start to come out when said glitter troll is aroused.
For the one that don't, the slit will just start to open on it's own
Having a cock or not doesn't decide the gender of a Pop Troll, BTW!!
Cooper & Darnell
Darnell yassified him.
He ended up with silver tattoos on one arm, multiple silver bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, and silver dread cuffs
C & D spend a lot of time together
C had a hard time deciding, but ultimately chose to stay woth the Funk Tribe and his family rather than with the Pop Trolls
He stolll visits them <3
I'll make more later, dw.
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fluffypandabun · 1 year
Braiding Giggles
AN: Ahhhh my first fic!! Ofc it had to be ROTTMNT, Ive have rottmnt brainrot for so long, especially about my boy Casey. I hope you guys enjoy!
Words:  2893
Summary:  After spending most of his life in the apocalypse with little access to baths, Casey's hair needs a lot of work. Luckily the hamato clan is more than eager to help their newest addition, along the way they discover something new about the future teen.
Casey let out a pained noise as the brush caught on a tangle in his hair, followed by a few more as he struggled to yank the brush out none to gently from his long tangled locks of jet black hair. 
Growing up in the apocalypse did not leave a lot of room for things such proper hair care, or even really bathing in general. And the last few days he had spent in his own timeline had been some of the most hectic days of his life, not to mention that he was tasked with saving this timeline's world as soon as he had arrived smack dab in the middle of it. So showering hasn't really been something that had crossed his mind at the time. 
But after the dust had settled, and the hamato clan had been given time to rest and properly treat their wounds, physically and maybe just a little emotionally, April had taken one good look at his greasy slicked back hair and had demanded he’d shower. 
And who was he to deny Commander O'neil when she gave him a direct order.
So now he found himself standing in front of a slightly cracked mirror, wearing a shirt and shorts that were both way too big on his skinny, and probably malnourished body. His hair, that he was used to being slicked back with either grease, sweat or sometimes blood, was now poofed out and looking soft and fluffy, falling just above his shoulders in wavy layers. 
And there was also now a hairbrush stuck in it. 
He let out a groan from the back of his throat, giving the brush one last good tug, which had him wincing and feeling sympathy for his already sore scalp, he let his arms drop to his side in defeat. 
He turned, leaving the lairs' makeshift washroom to return to the living room where the turtles and April sat, Splinter off somewhere in his room,napping. He stood in the doorway, not quite sure how to let himself be known when Raph suddenly turned to face his direction. 
He smiled and started to say something when he suddenly noticed the brush firmly tangled in the boys locks and he stopped, his expression shifted from confused, to amused, before stopping on fond. 
“Aw buddy.” He chuckled, “Having trouble with your hair?” 
His acknowledgement of the teen gained the attention of everyone, save for maybe Donnie who was hunched over his phone doing who knows what, he received the same fondly amused looks from April and Mikey, though Leo let out a loud snort, causing April to elbow him in the side and send him a glare. 
Casey felt his cheeks tint slightly pink and he shuffled on his feet, rubbing his hand up and down his arm. “I uh….” he stuttered, before clearing his throat. 
“I…can one of you maybe…help me with my hair…please..?” 
Raph smiled. “Of course we can buddy.” He said, at the same time Leo's face lit up and he immediately began to make grabby hands towards the human. 
“Oh oh!! Let me do your hair!” The mutant said excitedly, eyes alight in a way they hadn't been in awhile since the attack on new york.  
Casey blinked a few times in surprise. “I….” 
Ralph Rolled his eyes. “Ignore him Cass, Leos always had this weird obsession with hair.” 
“Yeah probably because he's bald.” Mikey added on giggling, which earned him a playful push from said turtle. 
“Excuse you, it's not an obsession it's an appreciation, plus April never lets me mess with her hair so i neeever get to show off my amazing hair skills!” The red eared slider huffed, crossing his arms across his chest as if this was the biggest offense he’d ever experienced in his life. But quickly his expression morphed back into a bright eyed grin as he reached out towards case again. 
“Come onnnn Cass my man, i’ll fix your hair up real nice, trust me!”
“Trusting you sounds like a horrible idea, Nardo.” Donnie said, finally choosing to join in on the conversation. Leo sent his twin a glare. 
“Don't listen to him Casey, I'm like, one of the most trustworthy people ever.” 
“I won't even waste my breath on giving all the reasons on why you are wrong on that one.”
Casey stood there in the doorway, watching the two turtles bicker back and forth, lips twitching. Growing up back….in his own timeline, he had the distant memory of his Sensei running his fingers through his hair, twisting it into little braids, or helping Casey pull it back into a ponytail to keep it out of his face during training. 
Master Leonardo had always enjoyed doing Casey's hair, so he guessed it shouldnt surprised him that this Leo would want to do it as well. 
Thinking about his sensei made his eyes burn, so he was quick to blink the wetness out of them. Clearing his throat as he spoke up. 
“Um…” He muttered, stopping the two turtles bickering. “I wouldn't mind if you did my hair.”
Leo turned to him and blinked, before he did his signature grin. “Awesome!” 
The turtle teen plopped himself down crossed legged on the couch, patting the spot in front of him eagerly. Casey smiled as he made his way over, sitting down in front of the turtle, albeit a bit awkwardly. He allowed himself to press his back against the couch and he only jumped a little when two three fingered hands came into his vision.  
“Alright.” Leo said, cracking his knuckles.” First we need to deal with this rat's nest and then we can really doll you up huh?” 
Casey gave a slight nod, tensing up when he felt Leo grab onto the brush still firmly stuck in his hair. 
“Be gentle Leo.” Came Raphs warning tone from Casey's right where he couldn't see him from his position on the floor. From above him Leo scoffed. 
“Relax big brother.” He hummed, though his tone had taken a more gentle tone. “I'll be careful.” 
And to his credit he was, or as gentle as he could be when brushing hair that was as tangled as Caseys. After a lot of yanking, cursing, and threats to simply cut it out, the brush had finally been removed from Casey's hair. Leo brandished it like it was a powerful weapon as he attacked Casey's raven locks. It still hurt, but it went a lot better then it would have if Casey had done it alone. 
Everytime the teen hissed in pain or let out a flinch, Leo would pause and apologize, before continuing even more carefully then before. After a bit his hair started to untangle, becoming softer and more fluffy the more Leo brushed. Pretty soon Casey was sure there weren't any tangles left in his hair, and that Leo was brushing it just for the sake of brushing it. 
Not that Casey was complaining, it felt….nice….really nice. And after going so long without any sort of close physical touch like this, no offense to his family from his  timeline, they did their best while raising him in the apocalypse, it's safe to say he pretty much melted. 
He barely registered the others talking above him, or the sound of a movie being put on. He simply allowed himself to tilt his head back and relax, at some point he was pretty sure that Leo had switched out the hairbrush for the sake of running his own fingers through the boy's locks.
He could feel himself almost falling asleep when suddenly one of Leo's fingers brushed gently against the shell of his ear. The sudden tingle of electricity was so unsuspected and unfamiliar that Casey found himself jumping and flinching forward away from whatever had caused that feeling. Looking back he found all the turtles and april, even Donnie, looking at him in bemused concern. 
Especially Leo, who had frozen with his hands mid air. 
Raph spoke up first. “Casey? You alright?”
“I didn't hurt you did I?” Leo asked, and though his voice was calm there was a hint of anxiousness behind it. Quickly Casey shook his head. 
“No! No no your fine, I'm fine, I just…” He bit his lip, hoping the others didn't notice the pink begging to form on his cheeks.
“It was….one of those like, feeling like your falling things, you know, like when you're about to fall asleep. Yeah..” 
Everyone seemed to relax a little bit, Mikey adding in a “I hate those” as they all turned back to watch the movie still playing on screen, Leo gave him a look. 
“Are you sure…?” 
Casey gave him a smile. “Yeah Leo its all good.” He turned back around and pressed his head into the turtle's hands. “You…you can keep going.”
The teen looked at him and then smirked, though there was a fondness to it, he said nothing as he continued with his mission of giving Casey head scratches. 
After a moment Casey found himself relaxing again, his eyes starting to droop as he felt himself begin to drift off….
Leo's fingers brushed against  both of his ears this time. 
This time, Casey let out a very loud and more importantly, very embarrassing squeak. Once again silence filled the room and all eyes were on him. 
“Okay.” April spoke up after a moment of silence. “Something is going on, what is up with you future boy?” 
“N-Nothing!” Casey spluttered, holding up his hands. “It's nothing really I promise-”
He froze, feeling a chill up his spine, because he did not like the sound of Leo's  voice. Carefully he turned around and oh he did not like the look of Leo's face either. 
The shit eating grin on the turtle's face said it all, that and the mischievous glint in his eyes. 
Casey swallowed, already able to feel his face getting warm “W..What..?”
The slider's grin grew even wider. “Caseyyyyyy!” 
“Whahat?” Casey grinned nervously, already frantically looking around for an exit of some sort. 
Confused, Raph glanced between the two of them. “I'm sorry, but am I missing something?” 
“Yeah.” Mikey spoke up, now fully facing him. “Why is Leo giving you the look?” 
Casey swallowed, showing off the gap in his teeth as he grinned nervously. “The uh..the look?”
Mikey nodded. “Yeah the look he gives someone usually before he…” the younger turtle trailed off as a look of realization passed over his face, immediately following it was an almost equally mischievous look making its way on the turtle's freckled face. 
“Ohhhh I see.” He giggled, making Casey flush even more.
Even more confused Raph groaned. “Okay can someone please tell me what i'm missing?” 
Leo grinned at him. “How bout I just show you instead~?” 
Caseys eyes went wide. “Wait-!” he squeaked, trying to scramble forward and out of the turtle's reach. But the ninja was too fast for him, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him back against the couch. Whatever protests or pleas he might have had died on his lips and were instantly replaced by a stream of squeaky giggles as Leo gently hooked his fingers under the teens chin keeping him in place as he traces the outer shell of his ear. 
“Casey here's just ticklish, see?” Leo hummed, speaking over the humans giggling. He seemed to have no problem keeping him in place even as he kicked and squirmed frantically trying to grasp at the turtle's wrist. 
Raph blinked a few times before it clicked. “Ohhhhhh.” he grinned. 
“Yeah that makes sense.” 
Somewhere to his far right April cooed softly. “Awwww look at the future boy all giggly, he's so sweet.” 
“Humans can have ticklish ears!?” Mikey gasped, eyes alight, he quickly made to reach for April. “Are yours ticklish too April?” 
The human was quick to gently smack his hand away. “Nuh-uh, not happening.” 
Sitting on the ground Casey was in stitches, frantically jerking his body back as forth to try and dislodge Leos fingers, seeing as that wasn't working in the slightest he settled on scrunching up his shoulders to his ears in a desperate attempt to shield himself from leos attack. 
“Awww Cass look what you did, Now my fingers are stuck.” The turtle shrugged, a grin still plastered on his face. “Guess ill just have to keep tickling you here.” 
Casey, much to his horror, squealed, which earned him fond looks from both Raph and April, even Donnie sent him a look that could be called fond, at least by his standards. 
Mikey giggled alongside him. “Awww Cass! You're so giggly!”
Leo chuckled. “Yeah, how come you aren't like this all the time? Instead of being all sullen and sad lookin, you're worse than Donnie.”
“I'm choosing to ignore that comment.” 
Casey squeezed his eyes shut and frantically shook his head, laughing harder when Leo moved to gently tracing along his jawline. Tracing a small scar that seemed to be a lot more sensitive than the rest of the surrounding area.  
It had been….a very long time since Casey had laughed like this, since Casey had..felt like this. Felt safe enough to let himself go and relax, to show such vulnerability to a group of people. The last people he’d let see him like this….
Casey chose to pretend the tears welling up in his eyes were just from how hard he was laughing. He simply tilted his head back and grasped onto Leo's wrists, body shaking with laughter as he cracked an eye open to look up at Leo. 
The slider was looking down at him with such fondness it nearly took Casey's breath away, he looked at him the same way he looked at Mikey whenever the younger turtle would manage to draw a straight line without his damaged hands shaking and messing him up. 
Casey felt his already pink cheeks turning an even darker shade as red as he was quick to look away from the turtle's gaze, ignoring the own warmth he felt in his chest. 
Raph, his savior, finally spoke up. Sounding just as fond as Leo had looked.
“Arlight Leo, don't overwhelm him, you know he probably isn't used to this sort of thing.”
Leo scoffed. “Overwhelm him? Pshh the kid loves it, don't you?” The turtle dug his fingers gently into the underside of Casey's chin causing him to snort. 
“Leo.” Raph said, using his ‘big brother voice’, Leo sighed.dramtically. 
“Alright alright, fine I’ll give the kid a break.” Finally, after a few more pokes, the turtle's fingers slowed to a stop as he released his hold on the teen. Though he kept both his hands resting gently on the boy's shoulder. 
Casey gasped softly for air, leaning his head back against Leo's legs as he hiccuped. Rubbing his face with his hands, he groaned. 
Amused, Mikey patted him on the head, “Aww, don't be embarrassed Cass, everyones a little ticklish. Plus you have a really cute laugh!”
Casey let out another much more exaggerated groan, Raph chuckled. 
“I don't think you're helping him much here Mikey.” The larger turtle said, patting the box turtle on the head, before he turned to look at Casey. 
“He's right though, no need to be embarrassed.” 
“Yeah.” April snorted. “You might as well get used to it, especially now that you're a part of this family.” 
“Unfortunately..” Donnie deadpanned under his breath, earning him a playful prod in the side from April. 
“Awww come on D, you know you love it. “
“A hisssss!!” 
Casey allowed himself to peek out from his fingers, face still pink, he allowed a slight smile to make its way onto his face. 
“I suppose so…” He muttered, Leo sent him a grin, clasping his hands together. 
“Right! So that adorable discovery aside-”
“Its not adorable-”
“Hush. Anyways, Now we can work on actually styling your hair for real, all that squirming you did messed up all my work, but since I'm so kind and caring I'm willing to start back from scratch. “ 
Casey saw the turtle reach from him out of the corner of the eye and he gave a little flinch, Leo froze for a second before he grinned. 
“Don't worry Cass, I promise I won't tickle you again….for now..” 
Casey narrowed his eyes at the slider, especially for that last part, before he sighed. He let himself relax, leaning against Leo's legs once again. 
True to his word, Leo stuck to his promise. He ran his fingers through the teens fluffy hair and began the process of separating it to turn it into a braid. The motions brought a sort of bittersweet nostalgia to Casey's mind as he smiled softly, once again relaxing into the gentle touch. 
He listened, half asleep, as the others spoke above him. Leo and Donnie bickering while Mikey hushed them because he was trying to watch the movie, with April threatening to put them all in the get along shirt, whatever that was. 
Casey felt himself begin to slip off to sleep for real this time, a small smile on his lips. April's earlier words echoing in his head as he finally drifted off. 
“Now that you're a part of this family.” 
Yeah, he could get used to this.
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its-monster-mash · 2 years
Didn’t Your Momma Ever Tell You not to Talk to Strangers?
Bo Sinclair x Reader - Part One
WARNINGS: Fem!Reader, Gendered terms of endearments/insults, violent thoughts—but they don’t get enacted in this chapter, Bo is…Bo. Sexist Pig.
Part Two Part Three
Bo still thinks back on that first day he saw you.
The first thing he heard when that busted up old van rolled into town was a god awful rattling that told him the wheel bearing was beyond fucked and you were all lucky the wheel hadn’t popped right off and went careening down the highway without you.
You didn’t get his funeral act—he happened to already be hard at work when the rust bucket rolled in, so of course, he was in a pretty shit mood about having to deal with new arrivals right that second until you popped out of the window like a Dukes of Hazzard reject—your sweaty hair matted to your face and your ratty old band tee clinging to your body for dear life in the summer heat.
That lightened his mood right away—you’d look real pretty in his basement, and he was already running through all the ways he’d enjoy making you cry when he realized something awfully damn disappointing.
The rest of your little crew was packed into that van like a goddamn clown car, and judging by the outline of the knife in your tight little cut off shorts, you ladies weren’t fucking around.
But you were fuckin’ nice, weren’t you? All polite and shit. ‘Course, you couldn’t have been too awfully bright, asking the guy in the greasy coveralls if he’s a mechanic—no shit bitch; you think he just rolls around in motor oil because it smells pretty? Get fucked.
His momma would have thought you were trash—the way you were strutting around like that with all that ink in your skin—but god help him, it got him hot. Just the thought of slapping his own name down on you sent a rush through him.
He knows better though. As easy as it would be to grab you and drag you away—the way you were smiling at him like you fucking trusted him and the bullshit charming persona he was feeding you—but even he was smart enough to know that if he tried anything, your little pack of women would fall upon him like wolves—that’d be a fuckin’ stupid way to go out.
So he replaced the wheel-bearing on your friend’s shitty van, you paid him, and his eye twitched at the thought of letting you slip from his grasp when you’d been just about close enough for him to taste your blood under his teeth.
You called him a ‘Lifesaver’ before giving him a peck on the cheek and climbing back in through the window.
You had no idea how right you were—the fact that he let you walk out of Ambrose may as well have been the same thing as saving your useless life.
What a fuckin’ joke.
He didn’t figure he’d see you again after that.
That is, until two weeks later when he heard the most goddamn annoying custom horn he’d ever heard in his life, and in rolls the slutwagon—you were already leaning out the window with a big stupid smile, waving at him like you two were buddies or something.
Fuck, he was annoyed to see you—it was a goddamned tease—he couldn’t get his hands on you, and yet here you were, darkening his doorstep with that big fuckin’ smile. You probably thought you were so adorable.
He did have to hand it to you about your taste in music though—assuming you weren’t just some vapid bitch wearing someone else’s shirts.
More interesting though, was the shiny loaf of tinfoil you presented to him.
Banana bread—you’d told him—baked it yourself.
Like he was supposed to be touched.
He figured you’d stopped by because you needed him to fix something else on that rolling death trap, but no; all you wanted to do was stop by while you went on your road trip and bring him something nice—since he had been so good to you before.
Fucking freak; who does that?
That damn banana bread was fucking good though—maybe there was hope to make a fuckin’ woman out of you yet.
Week after week, he had come to expect your little visits—and the sweets you always brought with you. It was like tribute—and goddamn if he didn’t deserve it for being so fucking patient with you.
It was fucking rude of you, honestly, training him like a fucking dog to get all excited when you would come in to town. It had been an awfully long time since he was actually excited to see a specific person—been a long fuckin’ time since there was anyone outside of Ambrose who actually wanted to see him—and part of him hated you for the way your smile spread to his lips when he saw you.
The more genuine his happiness, the more he wanted to fucking punish you.
Honestly, how dare you? How dare you go and make yourself important enough to him that he actually misses you between your little visits?
And then you have the nerve to leave too?
Fuck you, Cunt. The least you could do is go ahead and chain yourself up in his basement, for all the trouble you’ve caused him.
Maybe then he could forgive you.
Fuckin’ doubt it though.
He hates this day—the day you’re supposed to visit always puts him on edge, and he spends the hours until you and your little pack of wolves actually decide to roll in pacing around by his shop—as if he’s got nothing better to be doing—because that’s where you always come looking for him.
And why not?
You’ve got no idea anything’s weird about Ambrose—you only ever come ‘round to fuck with his heart anyway.
He oughta let Vincent immortalize you in wax—that way you could never fucking leave him again—but then who’d bake him pumpkin bread with the little chocolate chips, just the way he likes it?
Seriously, somehow it was like the chocolate stayed melty even after the bread was long cooled—the bakery in the closest town over doesn’t even sell pumpkin bread. It had to be some kind of fuckin’ witchcraft—that’s it, you bewitched him with your cooking—it’s the only explanation for the for the way his heart stirs when he hears that goddamn horn.
Quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach after all—honestly—you must have done this to him on purpose.
“Hey Bo!” You call out of the window as that sad excuse for a van stops out in front of his shop.
He could have fixed that door of course, but he loves watching you climb out of that little window, so he’s never offered.
“Hey Pretty Lady, got something good for me today?”
“Your favorite,” you beam proudly, presenting a wrapped up loaf that better be fucking pumpkin.
He’d be awful hurt if after all this time you thought his favorite was anything else—not sure how well he could hold himself back if you managed to screw that up.
You are cute though, standing there expectantly, waiting for the hug that’s become a part of your little ritual. He likes the way your titties crush against his chest when you wrap your arms around him, and he lifts you off the ground just a bit for good measure—even he knows that girls love that shit, and to be honest, he’s not quite sure how he’d react if you just up and decided to never come visit him again.
So he’ll keep playing nice, even when it makes the bile rise up to the back of his throat every time your vapid little friends make immature little noises mocking you—and by extension him—for how damn cute you look.
He doesn’t hear the cacophony of hyenas this time though—no—this time it’s a man’s voice.
“So that’s my competition?”
Bo’s jaw goes tense immediately, and he’s not sure if he’s more angry with you for being a fucking slut, or the douchebag leaning out the window and eye-fucking you.
“Get fucked, Corey,” you hiss, throwing the bird over your shoulder without so much as looking at him.
Good Girl, he thinks. Don’t you fucking dare look at that yuppie little fucker.
But that yuppie little fucker is in the shitbucket van—the van you came in on. There’s a metallic taste in Bo’s mouth, and it’s only now that he realizes he’d been biting the inside of his cheek. Truth is, all he is to you is a fucking stop on your road trip—whoever the fuck Corey is, he’s part of your world.
The thought of that shrimpy little cuck bitch getting to fuck you makes him see fucking red.
You have no idea how much danger you’re in right now. There’s nothing Bo wants more that to smack the shit out of your pretty little face for making a fool out of him.
That would teach you—fuck you up so bad no one but him ever wanted to fuck you again.
But he deserves better—he likes your pretty face—so you’d better fucking make it up to him.
What stings the most is that he can’t do shit about any of it right now—and he knows damn well that maybe he never will.
He is not used to feeling powerless, and he is not a fan.
“Oh come on,” The dickprint whines. “You’ll fuck around with this hick but not me?”
So you weren’t fucking him.
That eases Bo’s temper a little bit—even in spite of the fucking rude bullshit the little shit is spewing—and his world stops falling down around him.
“Hey Cumstain, how about you shut your fucking mouth when you’re in my damn town,” Bo fires off, pulling you off to the side of him as he stalks toward the van—your stupid little friends actually look intimidated for once, and it fills him with a surge of pride.
“Oh don’t worry, I’m not staying—unlike you I actually have places to go in life.”
“Corey,” you hiss, and the way your lip curls with rage is getting Bo hot under the collar—you look fucking good when you’re angry.
“Oh calm down,” he waves you off. “You’re not this guy’s type anyway—he looks like he gets all his action at the family reunion.”
Bo’s about two seconds shy of dragging this fucker out of the van and making him settle their differences like men—which is to say, he’d utterly pummel the much smaller guy—because God Damn would it feel good to bash that guy’s skull in until his brain matter is clinging to his fists.
But you get in the way.
You’re marching right back to that van with a fire in your eyes that makes Bo wonder if you might actually have more in common with him than he’d originally thought.
You take a fistful off the fucker’s necklaces, and drag him close to you. “You’re gonna fucking apologize to Bo, and you’re gonna do it right fucking now,” you snarl.
“No way, you fucking crazy bitch!” He squirms, but you don’t let him go until one of your usual group shouts your name a couple of times.
Bo kind of wants to rip her throat out for that—he was really looking forward to seeing what you would have done to that guy if he kept up his disrespectful mouth.
“Okay, Tasha, I’m not going one more mile with this piece of shit—so we’re gonna have to figure something else out,” you save Bo the trouble of snapping at her.
“We’re six hours away from home—what are you planning to do?” She huffs. “Walk?”
“Don’t know, don’t care.” You put your hands up in exasperation, and Bo can’t help but watch you with baited breath—praying to God that this goes where he hopes it’s going.
Maybe, fucking finally, all his patience is about to pay off.
You turn to face him, and he slaps on a super forced looking smile to cover up the manic glee that’s threatening to burst through. “Is there a hotel in Ambrose?”
“Nah,” Bo shakes his head in a mockery of solemnity, before seeming to perk up with an idea that of course hadn’t crossed his mind before. “You can crash with me though if you want—I got plenty’a room for ya.”
He looks like such a fucking gentleman, and you just fucking nod, taking his hand like a fucking dumb slut who has no idea how much danger she’s getting herself into. “Thanks, Bo, I think I’ll have to take you up on that, if it’s not to much trouble.”
“If it were, I wouldn’t have offered.” That should have been fucking obvious—that’s okay though, he’ll have so much time to force some sense into you now—all the time in the fucking world.
“Are you crazy?” Tasha stares at you in utter disbelief, but you don’t budge—at this point, Bo’s not sure if he’d let you, not when he’s so close to finally bringing you home where you belong. “Come on, just get in the van, okay?”
“No, I’m staying—so don’t bother worrying about me.” You squeeze Bo’s hand a little tighter, and it takes all his willpower not to laugh.
He’s well aware that you’re at least partly using him to antagonize your friends, but he’s more than happy to indulge you right now—you’ll be indulging him soon enough.
“Fine, be that way,” she huffs, kicking the van into drive. “I’ll pick you up next week.”
“Fine,” you sneer, and with that, you’ve sealed your fate.
Bo had spent so much time wracking his brain trying to figure out how to separate you from your little friends, but you went and did all the hard work for him.
Stupid little slut.
He watches that rolling scrap pile leave, and the animal in his chest pants and whines and begs him to maul you like the savage dog you’ve made him—but not yet.
He’s the master of this kennel, and he’s feeling like having a little foreplay this time around.
Lucky you.
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crybaby-bkg · 8 months
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sᴄᴏʀɴᴇᴅ | ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ғɪᴠᴇ
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Bakugou x f!reader Warnings/Tags: male OC tries to assault reader, short scuffle between reader and OC, attempted sexual assault (but nothing actually happens), poor living conditions, slowly creeping into the hesitant friends arc!!, panic attacks, very brief suicidal ideations Word Count: 4.6k Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI!
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Main Masterlist AO3
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A couple days have gone by since your meeting with the heroes and the Hero Commission’s worker. You still haven’t come to a clear decision yet, but granted, this is a big decision and its not just one that you can make over night. 
As you head home from your job, you try to weigh the pros and cons of rebranding as a hero. For one, you’d probably make more money and be able to afford your apartment. You wouldn’t have to sneak around so much, and you’d probably get a lot more respect and credit when walking amongst people, and not just in online spaces.
But…who’s to say the rest of society will accept you? In hero society, being a vigilante is illegal. You know that if you accept the conditions of rebranding, then your crimes will be forgiven, but for the rest of your career, you’ll be under strict watch. What’s the point of saving people if you have to be monitored the whole time?
A lot of those who have become victims themselves, or had been saved by you, respected what you did and how you went about it. But so, so many, including heroes and the government and police alike, hated you. Not because of what you stood for, that most didn’t know or didn’t care to know, but because you were targeting men. Its not like those men were innocent, but due diligence and the whole concept of “judge, jury, and executioner” really turned people off from you. 
If you did accept, how would other heroes see you? Would they find new respect for you, after hearing your story? Or would they only condemn you to being a vigilante, someone who should’ve never been forgiven? 
How would Miruko see you? Would she respect you, and what you’ve become? Would she still carry the same disdain she shows on the news? 
What would become of you, if you let the Red Medusa lay forever forgotten in the streets, and become someone new? Should you bring up your vigilante days, or do you let the news dig it all up and find out when you start flourishing as a hero? Do you keep the gap between victim and hero empty, or would you have to spill it all to everyone?
The thoughts overwhelm you, and you find yourself in front of your door before you know it. You drop your keys twice, and by the time you finally unlock your door, someone clearing their throat interrupts you. Your head whips around to find your landlord standing a few feet beside you with his hands tucked into his jeans. 
He’s a younger guy, which was a surprise when you first met him. You thought all landlords looked like sewer rats with greasy hair and a creepy aura. This landlord, Mr. Riku only exudes one of those things—creepiness. 
“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about your rent, sweetheart.” Mr. Riku nods his head to you, and you bristle at the name. 
“Don’t call me sweetheart.” You snap at him, keeping your hand locked on your doorknob, the other holding a pocket knife tight in the front of your hoodie. Mr. Riku rolls his eyes at you, holding his hands up in mock surrender as he laughs. 
“Ah, right. Trauma, and shit.” He says flippantly, making a face that you think is supposed to disarm you and make you laugh with him. You don’t. You stare at him for a minute, chewing the inside of your cheek as you take all of him in. 
“What do you want?” You bark when he stands there staring at you for too long. Every time you talk to him, you feel like you’re going to emerge out of the conversation covered in slime weighing you down. 
“You’re three months behind on rent. I should evict you.” He singsongs, twisting his mouth as he leans against the wall beside your door. 
“So why don’t you?” You sneer at him, all bite and sharp teeth that he ignores to instead clean invisible dirt from under his nails. 
“It would be a shame to lose such a pretty face in my building, you know? I’d miss it.” Mr. Riku looks up at you from under white haired bangs, grinning something evil that makes your stomach churn and your chest tighten. Before you can say anything, he’s slinking his way inside of your apartment through your open door, coming in before you can stop him. 
“The fuck are you doing?” You shout at him, hand tightening on the pocket knife as you flip it open inside your pocket. You really don’t wanna slice up your landlord and get into actual non-vigilante trouble for this, but you’re starting to fall into fight or flight mode. Right now, he’s one of the men who’s hurt you, and you refuse to be a victim again. 
“I own the building, sweetheart.” Mr. Riku says snootily, walking into your living room, violating it with his yuck. “I’m entitled to come into each and every unit when I damn so please.” He looks around the place, holding up a shirt you left on the couch and sniffing it blatantly in your face. 
You cringe at that, heart rate picking up as you take a step to him, frozen in your spot when he suddenly appears in front of you again. He reaches a hand out to your own that’s still in your pocket, and you finally find it in you to move, snatching away as you stumble into the still ajar door. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You growl at him, though your voice shakes much more than you’d like. Usually, when facing off with creepy men like this, they don’t know who you are, can’t hang your living situation over your head, don’t know your connections to a high ranking hero who paid for you to live here.. 
“I have an offer for you, that I can’t let the other neighbors hear.” Mr. Riku whispers, inching closer to you until his nose damn near brushes yours. 
You jerk back, one hand still gripping the knife, the other curling up into a fist at your side. If he attacks, you can either cut him or punch him, but that might not be enough. You might have to get your gun strapped to your hip, even though you’re sure that it’ll be too loud and alert the neighbors. You’re not sure if that’s a good thing or bad thing. 
“Which is?” You reply back, calculating his next move as much as you can, trying to keep your head leveled. 
“I’ll extend your stay here. But you have to treat me right in return.” Mr. Riku mutters, hands—creepy, disgusting, too bony, too long, too veiny hands—reaching out to cup your chest. Before he can, you swing your fist, nailing him directly in the jaw, sending him crashing into your bookshelf next to your front door. A few books fall on him, and you stand above him, heart racing at the thought of what he just tried to do to you. 
“Fuck you, you fucking pig.” You spit at him, voice cracking as he moans in pain. You pick up your bag, kicking him between the legs once as hard as you can before you finally dart out into the hallway. 
From there, you run and run and run until your legs take you to a safe place, heart in your throat all the while. You don’t think you can breathe; you don’t think you took a single breath the entire way there until you found your back against a familiar door, gasping in the musky air of the warehouse. 
Nobody seems to be here, as all the lights are off and its quieter than it usually is. You call out Vanity’s name, expecting for at least her to be there, but nobody answers you. You feel rooted to your place at the door, eyes welling with tears as your shaking hands hold tightly onto your bag. You can’t move—have your limbs always been weighed down so heavily by lead? Has your heartbeat always been so loud in your ears?
After what feels like hours, do you slowly start sinking down onto the hard, cold floor beneath you. Your fingers are warm and clammy when you finally let go of the bag, to instead wrap your arms around your figure. You take a breath, and then another, before the sobs start to wrack your body, heavy and loud and ugly, shaking and screeching, angry and full of—of, rage, fear, terrifying, body consuming fear. 
Your eyes burn with every blink, your chest getting too tight, you don’t think you can muster anymore breath inside of your lungs. You can’t move, you can’t move, you can’t move. 
A shadow emerges from the steps in the back corner, and you think that this might be the end for you. Maybe it should be—you won’t have to fight anymore, you won’t have to suffer. You won’t be such a pain in the ass for Dynamight anymore. 
But instead, you’re greeted with an emerald green eyepatch and a golden, glowing eye. Vanity. 
She says something to you, but your ears feel like they’re filled with cotton. She crouches in front of you, waving a hand in front of your face, but your eyes have been unseeing for a while now. So she holds you, close to her chest, gathers you up in her arms like a mother would, and she holds you. 
You don’t think you’ve ever cried harder. 
You two stay like that for what feels like days, before your tears have slowed to trickles down your cheeks, and your sobs have dissipated into quiet little hiccups. You don’t know when you started holding her back, but your hands grip her shirt, and you belatedly realize that she’s wearing her usual pajamas. 
“Sorry for waking you,” you croak out, throat dry and scratchy. Vanity leans back to fix you with a frown, and you notice that her own eye holds tears. 
“Don’t apologize. I heard my girl crying, and what kind of best friend would I be to not comfort her?” She reassures you, wiping away the few stray tears that still fall down your face. You smile wobbly at her, before planting your head in her chest again. She’s warm, and holds you close to her with her arms wrapped tight around your shoulders, stroking your hair. She lets you stay like that for a few more minutes, before she speaks,
“Can I ask what happened?” Her voice is tiny in the big, spacious room. “It’s okay if you don’t want to share.” You sit with her question hanging in the air, trying to gather the words in your mouth to spit out. 
“Creepy, shitty landlord.” Is all you can muster up. It’s enough though, as she only hums in acknowledgement, muttering, 
“It’s always creepy, shitty landlords, ain’t it?” You can hear her smile when you start to laugh against her skin, finally pulling back to look at her. Her cheeks are tear-stained, and you wonder if she can cry from an empty socket. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?” She asks, helping you to your feet. 
The rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur, with Vanity helping you to the shower, lending you some clothes since you didn’t have anything clean in your bag, and fixing you up something quick and easy to eat. You two are quiet in the empty warehouse, and you fall asleep next to her on the cot in her room. It’s uncomfortable sharing such a small space, but at least you know you’re safe. 
Things went by uneventfully when you “broke” into your apartment to get some extra clothes and other necessities with Vanity. After that though, you’ve stayed in the warehouse full time. It’s not the most ideal living situation though, long term, since there’s no Wi-Fi and it interferes with your connection to the outside world and possible villain activity going on. Also, there’s no hot water, nor is there a fully functioning kitchen besides a microwave. 
This hideaway was only supposed to be for temporary usage—running away from the cops, needing to get stitched up, some extra ammo, a safe place to sleep for a few nights. 
Not for two weeks. Once your higher ups started asking questions about your performance after a few patients expressed their worry about your near constant zombie-like state, you realized that you had to find another solution. (You think its the consistent cold showers that really did you in. Miruko spoiled you with such a nice place.) 
You finally decide to swallow your pride, grumbling all the while as you stand behind the warehouse, holding your phone up high to the sky. 
[ You , sent at 8:49pm ]
hey asshole, its trm. got a minute to chat? 
[ Dynamight , sent at 8:52pm ]
yeah, only took you three years to text me
[ You , sent at 8:55pm ]
you're even ruder over text
I need a favor, but don’t expect anything in return 
[ Dynamight , sent at 8:57pm ]
[ You , sent at 8:58pm ]
got some housing issues going on rn. do you have any recs for low rent apartments in the area?
[ Dynamight , sent at 9:00pm ]
Ur shitting bricks if you think you can get something low in this neighborhood
[ You , sent at 9:05pm ]
thanks for the fucking help then
[ Dynamight , sent at 9:06pm ]
got a spare room at my place tho?
[ You , sent at 9:06pm ]
And what the fuck does that mean?
“What the fuck does that mean, Dynamight?” You immediately call him before the text can even send through, heart in your throat, your breathing heavy. Dynamight answers on the second ring, and grunts at your loud tone this late at night. 
“What else would it mean?” He asks, voice disinterested as he yawns on the other end of the line. “I gotta spare room at my place, if you wanna crash.” He offers up like its the most casual thing a person could ever do. You’re silent on the other line as you let his words sink in, eyebrows furrowing as your gaze unfocuses on the thicket of trees in front of you. 
Why would he offer up his place to you? Is he looking for something in return? Would he take advantage of you? What if the fucker had some kind of freaky room where he could tie you up and do whatever freaky shit repressed heroes do? You bite at your lip, mind reeling, as you form your mouth to reject his offer.  
“Look, not to be an intrusive dumbass but—” Dynamight speaks up after a long stretch of silence. 
“You are.” You cut him off, listening to him grunt on the other end of the line. 
“Shuddup.” You can practically hear the frown in his voice before he continues. “But I see Miruko hooked you up at a shelter near the apartment you were staying at, and its pretty close to where I’m at. If you don’t wanna take an hour commute to get there because you gotta stay in some shitty apartment, then you could come crash with me.” 
He’s too fucking nonchalant for you, to be offering up something so hugely important. You just don’t get it, you think, as you exhale, one hand gripping your phone tightly and the other gripping the roots of your hair. 
“And why would you do that?” You ask him in the tiniest whisper you can muster, brain struggling to figure out why someone like him would offer his space to someone like you. 
“The fuck? I just explained why.” Dynamight grunts confusedly on the other end, and you can damn near see his thick brows scrunching in confusion.  
“No, I mean why you?” You ask desperately, hands starting to tremor as you speak through your teeth. “Why are you offering up your place for me to live? We don’t even know each other, much less like each other.” Your voice, quiet, shaking under the weight of the words. Dynamight is silent for a few seconds before he retorts, 
“We’d have to know each other to dislike each other.”
“Shut up, you know what I mean.” You snap at him, back straightening as if he could see you. He goes silent for a few beats, formulating the right words in his head before he talks quietly into the mic. 
“Call this a gesture of good faith.” He states, voice firm and unwavering. “I’ve intruded on your life a fuckton these past weeks, trying to rope you into hero life, ‘nd all that, so I wanna offer up something that means a lot to me. Even playing field, and shit.”
You fall silent, mulling over his words, everything that could go wrong if you were to put your trust into a hero, a man. He could hurt you. He could get away with it, easily. He could paint you out to be the crazy one, the problem. 
But…he could help you. You would never need a man’s help but—Dynamight, in all of your interactions, never seemed like the type of scummy guys you frequently punished. He felt genuine, in a sense, firm but not too pushy. And maybe—maybe you could trust him. Just a little bit. 
He hasn’t turned you into the police or to Hero Commission (yet?). You guess the guy couldn’t be all bad. 
“I’m not taking any fuckin’ handouts.” You snap at him after a minute of silence. You can hear him chuckle on the other end before fabric starts ruffling in the background. 
“Not a handout, dumbass. Just letting you borrow some shit for the time being.” He shrugs, and you swear you hear him yawn once. You frown, kicking up some branches that lay fallen at your feet. 
“I’ll pay rent.” You mutter to him. 
“No shit you’re paying rent.” Dynamight snorts, barely giving you a second to even offer. Shit head. 
“Okay. Text me your address.” You go to pull your phone away to hang up, interrupted by his voice calling out on the other end. 
“You’re coming now? I was about to go to bed.” He grumbles. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, pulling the phone away from your ear to check the time. 
“The fuck? It’s not even 9:30 yet, you old fart.” You poke at him, listening to his annoyed mumbling on the other side. 
“Shut the fuck up.” Dynamight says with no real malice. “Call me when you’re outside.” He hangs up before you can say another word, and sends his address through to you only seconds later. 
You look up at the sky before going back inside, gaze focused on the full moon and the cloudless skies, and wonder how the hell you’re gonna tell Vanity that you're moving in with a male pro hero. You decide that the best way to tell her, is by not telling her face to face at all. 
Before you leave, you write a note left on your cot for her to find. You know she’s not going to be happy about this, but you have to put yourself first every once in a while. 
“Well you look like shit.” Is the first thing you tell Dynamight when he opens the door to his apartment. He’s frowning at you, with half of his ash blond mane flattened on one side, his tank top twisted at the neck a little, his sweatpants low on his hips, and his feet bare. He looks like you’ve just woken him up. 
“Fuck off,” he mutters, yawning before he turns on his heel to walk back inside. You follow, albeit hesitantly, afraid that something or someone might be wanting for you around the corner, ready to attack. But you take off your shoes, and pad into the living room, and it looks like no boogeymen are plotting on snatching you before you can even scream. 
Dynamight stands behind the couch with his hands on his hips, a sleepy little frown on his face as he looks at you. He gestures to the open layout of his place, voice a deep grumble in his throat. 
“Living room. Tv remote there,” he points to the coffee table before hooking his thumb behind him. “Kitchen—don’t eat my fuckin’ protein bars.” He points at you next and you only sneer at him. He tries to match your look but he’s too sleepy to keep up, so he only turns on his heel again before guiding you down a long hallway. 
“Did you fall asleep already? We just hung up like, thirty minutes ago.” You ask him, frowning when it takes more effort than you’d like to keep up with his long legs. 
“Shut it. I thought I was gonna stay up, but ‘m fuckin’ exhausted.” Dynamight grunts at you, sidestepping at a door across from what looks like the bathroom. You peer inside, hiking your heavy book bag up higher on your shoulder. Dynamight goes to take it without warning, and you instinctively grab it back, head whipping up to stare at him in confusion. He scrunches his face up before shaking his head at you. 
“Sorry. Looks heavy, and I was gonna put it down for you.” His voice is small, and he folds his arms across his chest. You blink up at him for a few seconds, taking a few breaths to calm your suddenly racing heart before you drop the bag into his barely ready hands. He grunts at the weight of it, tired face surprised at how much you’ve stuffed inside. 
“This my room?” You ask him, ignoring his question of how many bodies you’ve packed in there, to walk inside the new space. 
It’s big. Entirely so, almost as big as your whole apartment from before. There’s a deep marooned carpet covering the floor, the walls a muted gray, with cream colored black out curtains covering the windows. The bed looks too big for just you to sleep in, decorated with more gray and cream sheets. Four pillows sit against a wooden headboard, and a small circular decorative one sits in the middle. There’s a purple throw blanket at the end of the bed that doesn’t match anything, but you see that its knitted, and you wonder why someone like Dynamight owns something so soft. 
There’s a TV in front of the bed, and a small couch at the end of it. A closet on one side of the room, open and empty, the other wall decorated with a wooden dresser pressed against it. The room is beautiful and so…un-Dynamight. 
“Why’s the bed so big?” Is the only thing you can muster up, shocked at how nice the room really is. Dynamight grunts at that, and you think it might’ve actually been a chuckle. He enters the room, setting your bag on the cream couch and letting you enter, before he stands back at the doorway again. 
“‘Cause I’m a big guy, with some big friends who like to invite themselves over and get too fuckin’ drunk to go home.” Dynamight leans against the doorsill with his arms crossed over his chest, yawning at the end of his sentence. His eyes are so low, and droopy, and if you didn’t know any better, you’d think his quirk was actually being half lion. If you tilt your head enough, you’re sure you’d see some fluffy ears hidden in the mane of his hair. 
You look away, realizing you’ve been staring as you run your hand over the soft blanket. You look back to him, almost as if in question, but he only blinks at you. You’re quiet for a while, taking everything in. 
“Bathrooms across the hall, too. It’s all yours, since I have my own in my room.” Dynamight tells you, head jerking back to across the hall. Your eyes flicker behind him before landing on him again, feeling something warm starting to light up your chest. 
“Thank you, Dynamight.” You whisper to him, voice tiny, as you awkwardly fold your arms over your chest. You hate feeling so meek, so in debt, so needy. But he doesn’t seem to take advantage of it, rolling his eyes as he pushes off the wall. 
“We’re roommates now. Call me Bakugou.” He tells you, voice firm. You want to be an asshole and come up with some smart remark, but you can’t seem to find any. So you nod at him, once, and give him your last name, too. He smiles a tiny little smile at that before a yawn breaks his face again. He backs up from your door with a small wave, nodding to you. 
“We can discuss rent and shit in the morning. Get some sleep.” He tells you, going to turn his back before you speak up as you start unzipping your bag to pull out some pajamas. 
“I could say the same to you.” You call out to him, watching his eyebrow quirk in surprise. 
“So say it.” He nods his chin to you, slowly walking backwards to his own room. You bristle at that though, shoulders hiking up to your ears as you flip him the bird, something you’re really starting to like doing to him. 
“Fuck off.” You snap at him, no real malice in your tone. Dynamight—Bakugou, laughs at that, before turning on his heel to enter his room. He closes it without another look and you feel yourself release the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding in. 
So what now? You think to yourself, your eyes falling to the pajamas you’re tightly holding before glancing up to the bathroom. 
Now—a hot shower. 
The bathroom is just as big as your room, with the same maroon-grey-cream color scheme going on. He’s even got some decorative towels in here, and it makes you wonder if someone did all of this for him, or if he did it himself. Either way, it doesn’t matter much when the hot water is all you really came for. 
You go on about your nightly routine without further preamble, stiffening every time you hear a bump in the loft. You keep your gun close to you, even seating it on the toilet as you shower and brush your teeth. But nothing happens, and you dart quickly into your room, locking it behind you the moment you’re safe. 
You check the closet, behind the door, and under your bed, and find nothing thankfully. You let yourself breathe for the first time in a long time, as you sit on the side of the bed in your pajamas. You won’t stay here long, you muse over with yourself. Just use his Wi-Fi and shower and oven until you can find a reasonable place to live, even if you have to start taking extra shifts at your job, even if it means having to do less vigilante work. 
This is only temporary, you tell yourself as you lay back in bed, pulling up the purple blanket until it reaches your chin. You don’t want to get under the bed covers—it’ll signify that you’ll overstay your welcome. You can’t stay long. You can’t. 
You don’t sleep much the first night, watching the door all night long, anticipating someone to try the doorknob. It’s left alone the entire time, and only when the sunlight rises, do you finally rest your eyes and let sleep take you. 
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chapter six
please do not repost or rec on tik tok!
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tag list: @endlessfreaky @iamaconfusedpan
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octuscle · 1 year
Mick - Good Boy To Chav
"ANTISOCIAL I DON'T LIKE YOU". Great shirt, Michael thought. With his lanky torso, he'd probably look a little silly in it. But to shock his stuffy middle-class parents, it would be just the thing. They hadn't thought it was a good idea for him to travel around England alone for six weeks during the summer vacations. They probably just thought he was too young and inexperienced at just 18 years old. But Michael had had a great time, with the last of his money he had been able to afford three more days in London in a shabby hotel, and now he had found a souvenir.
Sunday, departure day. Michael didn't really appreciate the breakfast at the hotel, but he was hungry and probably he would have to eat more for a longer time after the greasy English Breakfast. So he showered, styled his hair, put on jeans us sneakers and took the tank top.
No sooner had he put it on than an electric shock went through him. For a second his eyes went black. He shook himself, grabbed his key and descended the narrow steep stairs to the breakfast room located in the basement. He only had to wear the shirt for a few seconds and it had taken possession of him. He was antisocial now. And with every minute he wore the shirt, his mind and body would change, as if he had lived his antisocial life for another week.
Michael enters the breakfast room. Since he met his new pals a few weeks ago, his skull has been freshly shaved every morning. But no one here cares. There are enough other chavs with short hair hanging out here at the hotel.
Michael had wolfed down his breakfast. Since he had gotten the job on the construction site organized by his pals, he could eat like nothing. And table manners were nothing for unskilled construction workers.
He had packed his clothes into his big gym bag. Fuck, at some point he really had to wash, it stank like in the boys' toilet of a sports hall. Which was very horny. Before he left the room, he went to piss again. Damn he had a pressure on the bladder. The toilet bowl he hit only so half, the bathroom filled from the splashes of his piss with a fine mist. Michael looked in the mirror and licked the mist from his lips. His tattoos were really coming along. And the tunnels in his ears even more so. But there was still plenty left… I wonder what the lads would think of a tattoo on his bald head.
In the backyard of the hotel by the garbage cans, Mike had to suck the dick of the fella at the front desk. That was the price he had to pay for bumming a cigarette. He'd had worse deals than that. Sucks that he had to leave the hotel, but as long as he didn't have a paycheck, he had to stay with a pal.
He had bought another pack of cigarettes from the last of his money. Now he was waiting for the bus. Hopefully none of the mangy inspectors would come, he didn't have a ticket. But with the fat tunnels in his ears and his two full sleaves, no one would talk to him anyway. And the toil on the construction site had left visible traces on his body. He really looked like one of the bad guys.
10:00 a.m.
He hung out with his pals in his new room. The mattress had been cummed on more than once. Even without his dirty clothes, it stank pathetically of sweat, beer and cigarettes. Mick stripped off his sneakers and held his filthy socks in Gaz's face. The first of his pals began to jerk his cock. Kyle sucked Liam's prick. The orgy could begin.
Before there was pay on Monday, his lads and he were broke once again. He didn't need to ask his parents for money, he hadn't had any contact with them in years. But tonight Mick would help out at the wholesale market. Floor cleaning and garbage disposal in the meat market hall. There would be a few pounds pay for that. And for that, his pals and he would get credit at the pub. Life as an antisocial chav was the best life!
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drgngutz · 1 year
Cybernetic Soulmate - IV
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BEN Drowned x Reader 
Soulmate AU – Implied Female Reader
Meeting with Alex goes over pretty well, thanks to Ben’s instruction. But, something isn’t right. 
Part 3
Benjamin Lawman 
BEN Drowned
You’re almost at your destination after a few very long hours, having to pass through a few States in order to get to the location BEN had told you for the cartridge. Throughout traveling you had been on and off chatting using the connection, too. It was odd hearing such a robotic voice in your head, so monotonous and void of emotion; yet so similar to the one that you used to hear, the human one. You’re somehow still going along with this plan, despite the way your stomach tosses around with each mile passed. 
He’s given you a few things that need to be done so that you can properly retrieve the cartridge. First, you needed to contact Jadusable, or Alex Hall, and set up a time to meet with him using the last name ‘Hubris.’ This, for some reason, would catch Alex’s attention better than a random stranger's name. 
In fact, the name even sounded familiar to you. When you asked BEN about why the surname was so significant, he said he hadn’t known for sure. You didn’t know if your brain was creating a big deal out of nothing, since it was rather late in the evening at that point; but, it sounded like he was being dismissive of your concerns. The nausea that plummeted to the base of your stomach served to keep you quiet. You wanted to throw up from the stress of everything. Couldn’t you get in trouble with using a false name like this? 
Regardless, BEN was right. Alex was quick to reply; the contents of your initial email included the second part of the instructions:
It was quite short, briefly explaining to Alex that you knew how to destroy the cartridge. You were working under the guise that your older brother, named Matt, used to own the cartridge before they both disappeared. That is, until you read Alex’s posts online and made some connections between how similar his and ‘your brothers’ experiences were. That was the most you were allowed to say, though. In BEN’s words, less information was better.
You hated the idea of lying to the poor guy’s face, especially after what you had read online if his story was true, but there was no point in turning back now. You were almost there, had already called out of your upcoming day at work, and agreed to BEN’s deal. 
So, that’s exactly what you did as you sat in front of him in the desolate coffee shop; as the subtle hum of the old electric lighting made goosebumps rise on your skin, you lied to Alex’s face as you nervously sipped at the plastic coffee cup you had ordered for yourself. 
He was young, still in his early twenties, probably not much younger than you; but the way he looked made it seem as if he had aged beyond that point. Dark bags hung beneath his hazel, bloodshot eyes – they showed starkly against his incredibly pale face. His chestnut-brown hair was matted, and he twitched often, hands coming up to scratch at the stubble on his chin or run them through his greasy locks in an effort to keep himself busy. His clothes sported stains, both fresh and old, meaning he hadn’t had a proper change of clothes, or more likely a shower, in days. He couldn’t sit still, and his anxiousness radiated off of him and to you. He hadn’t even touched his coffee, yet. You could feel BEN in the back of your mind, watching your limited interaction silently through the connection. 
“M-Matt–” You struggled to properly get the word out, the name feeling foreign on your tongue. You hoped that you could play it off as just being nervous about having an experience like his. 
“Matt was a good person… a-and our family was devastated when he just… Disappeared.” You let out a shaky sigh, feeling yourself struggle to look at his face. 
“S-So when I saw your post on 4chan, your story was so similar to his that I just… felt it would only be right to reach out and ask to meet with you.” You didn’t dare speak too loudly. Being the only two in the coffee shop made it hard enough to keep the conversation rolling without any awkwardness; it didn’t help that any sudden sounds, whether it be from the television in the corner or the hissing of coffee being brewed, made him jump from his spot. 
“In his diary,” You continued on, “He mentioned he had an idea to destroy it. And, well, I-I think I have a pretty good shot at doing it.” 
“I… Don’t really understand, but…” He starts, eyes flickering to you, then to the television, the lights, the clock, and finally back to you. 
“Y-You can destroy it, right?” The way he was looking into your eyes, almost pleading for some sort of peace that you could offer him, made your heart wrench. He really thought that you were some sort of savior, and here you were tricking him in order to do the opposite. The guilt constricts your windpipe for a moment, and you’re scared he might just see right through your ploy. 
For a moment, maybe you could try to treat the lies you’ve been feeding him as providing him a sense of false comfort; just to make yourself feel better. 
“Yeah, I can.” You hoped that your false confidence was enough to convince him, despite feeling like you were disintegrating on the inside.  
“...Okay.” He doesn’t move for a moment, sighing deeply. You almost think he’s about to run out of the coffee shop from how tense he looks, before he abruptly looks back at you. Holding his gaze, you can see the uncertainty flicker and fade in his eyes when he makes his final decision. 
“T-Take it.” His hand shaking, the cartridge clatters loudly onto the table as he practically throws it at you, making the both of you wince when it disturbs the tense silence. 
He can’t take his eyes off of it once it’s out in the open; gaze practically glued, looking as if he was reliving some horrible memories. You glance at him, then back at the gray piece of plastic that started all of this, feeling yourself hesitating from his disfavorable reaction. Picking it up gently, you can feel BEN’s satisfaction plume within you as you turn it over, revealing ‘MAJORA’ scrawled messily in dark ink. Smoothing your finger over the bumps outlining the sides, you find yourself wondering how something so small could cause such a great big mess. 
When you look back up, Alex is staring at you instead, and you wonder if you had stared at the cartridge too long. 
“Thanks.” Hoping you didn’t blow your cover, you swallow and make a move to get up from the table. 
“Be careful.” He whispers, still staring as you pocket the game. You nod wordlessly, before all but rushing for the door, leaving some money for both coffees on the counter. 
Alex sits at that table, watching as you get in your car as if your life depended on it. He’s wondering if he made a mistake, knowing he had probably rushed through the process in order to be rid of the cartridge. He could already feel the calm settle over him without the ominous presence of the cursed object, but there was one thing still bothering him. 
You didn’t even tell him how you would destroy it. 
Once inside the vehicle, you hurriedly start the engine and pull out of the parking spot, peeling out onto the road and speeding away, back towards your house. 
“I got it.” You glanced at the little gray item that sat on the passenger seat, feeling a threatening aura envelop you every time your eyes landed on it. 
I know. You did good.
Your stomach flips at the positive remark, but you try to ignore it for the sake of your safety; Not trying to get distracted by a simple compliment, and instead focusing on the more problematic topic. 
“He seemed… Really scared.” If BEN couldn’t tell you were nervous, you would be surprised. 
You swallowed again, wondering if you should even bother asking the next question. 
“Should… Should I be scared?” You asked anyway. 
He was openly dismissing you, now. You suspected it was because he now had what he wanted. 
You take a deep breath and close the connection, not knowing how to feel about the choices you’ve made. 
Benjamin Lawman 
BEN Drowned
Once home you’re completely exhausted. It’s now very early in the morning, and the first thing you did since returning was set up the console for BEN, as he had asked you to. Everything seemed to be secured properly, all the right wires plugged in from what you could remember. The Nintendo 64 had been sitting and collecting dust for a while now, you didn’t remember the last time you bothered to play the old console.
Now, play the game. 
The atmosphere drops to something sinister as soon as you read the words on the screen. For some reason, it doesn’t sit right with you, goosebumps crawling over your skin. 
“I… I don’t want to.” You dithered, trying not to let your resolve stray as you stared into the TV screen. 
The word, despite having no tone at all, seems like it's displeased. 
“Can’t you just, I dunno, connect to it?” Rubbing gently over the soulmate mark, you feel the pressure in the room rise at your response, “Since I hooked it up to the TV?” 
No. You must play.
“Why?” You wait. No response. There’s something wrong, something dangerous about what he’s asking you to do. You’re not sure what it is, but the feeling you’re getting from that TV makes you want to run and hide. 
“I’m not going to play,” You hesitate, “I still don’t trust you.” 
You shake your head, a bit put off by him trying to make you feel bad about your decision. 
“I don’t care,” You glare, “You’re not gonna’ make me feel bad about this. I read about all of the things you did online, remember? You can connect: ‘through cables and cords,’ like Alex wrote. You’ve been acting strange ever since I picked up the cartridge.” 
Play the game. 
He’s getting impatient again, you don’t care, being too tired to put up with his attitude any longer. 
“Play it yourself.” You spit, pointing at the console on the ground, “It’s hooked up. I know you can turn it on.” 
I cannot.
“Listen, I’m not letting you drag me into whatever shit you dragged Alex into. He looked like he had been to hell and back.” You huff and put your head in your hands, “I’m literally helping you right now, trying to free you because you asked me to do it for you. Even if it doesn’t benefit me in the end.” 
Flailing your arms around in exhaustion, you almost want to cry again. 
“And with the way you keep treating me, it’s turning out that I probably won’t get anything out of this exchange. Even though you told me you’d hold up your end of the deal.” Turning defiantly away from the screen, you shrug in the direction of the doorway, trying to display your lack of care for the situation anymore. 
“Either turn it on yourself, or stay in there forever for all I care.” 
Are you sure?
“Oh, fuck off, BEN.” You walk off without another word, feeling frustration push itself up and quickly take over your emotional state. 
The mechanical whir of the console turning on makes you scoff, and you glance back one last time to see the starting screen of Majora’s Mask displayed on the TV. 
“Fucking liar.”
Part 5
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Thor Odinson x Reader ~ Shopping Lists
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A/N: A cute plot idea provided by my lovely friend @drstrangefictions​! I hope you guys enjoy. (Please note that this is supposed to take place roughly right after the first Avengers film in 2012.) I know I have been incredibly slow and inactive, and I apologize for that. A mix of writer’s block and a busy life are to blame. I will try to be more consistent, but I do not want to make any promises. Thank you to those of you who stick around and support my writing in spite of this.
Word Count: 2534
“Hi, welcome to Big Tony’s Supermarket, where prices are so cheap, it should be illegal.”
The day seems to pass too slowly for (Y/n) as she half-heartedly greets every customer who walks into the store and past her spot at the register. She cannot wait to finally leave her retail position behind to pursue her dream of becoming a chef, but unfortunately, she needs this current job until she can achieve her degree and experience before quitting—college is not cheap; while the job is nowhere near desirable, (Y/n) cannot bring herself to complain since her boss pays her quite well. The customers, however, often leave her very wary and uncomfortable. She often chalks it up to the shady neighborhood, but there is nothing she can do about it until the day she can afford to leave town.
One day, she tells herself, she will be able to afford to be jobless for a short period of time as she searches for a reputable restaurant willing to hire her as a chef. There is no way (Y/n) will ever settle for employment in the fast food industry. She has big dreams and refuses to ever go near cheap, greasy food with questionable ingredients. Creating dishes with real food is an art, and (Y/n) will not settle for anything less.
“Hi welcome to Bi-” In the middle of greeting another patron, (Y/n) finds herself tongue-tied and star-struck. The man who passes through the threshold of the automatic doors is nothing like any of her usual customers. Long blond hair whips around as he turns his head to scan the store, his striking blue eyes lighting up with delight once he notices her.
“Are you the keeper of this market?”
“Y-You’re Thor…” (Y/n) utters out in amazement. She never thought she would ever live the day to see a god standing before her, let alone speak to her. “And, umm…I just work here.”
“Then you are the perfect person to assist me,” Thor exclaims with a smile. “My teammates have requested that I purchase something for them. Could you help me, grocer?”
“S-sure thing! What do you need to purchase?”
“I do not recall.” A frown tugs at Thor’s lips as he struggles to recall what the Avengers had told him. He faintly remembers them shouting various things as they passed around a pencil and long sheet of paper. They handed him the paper and shooed him off before he could ask. “I believe they called it a ‘grocery list.’”
It takes every fiber of (Y/n) being to not laugh at the blond god. She realizes that Thor has probably not been on Earth long enough to understand the ways of life for humans, but she cannot help but find humor in his confusion.
“No, no,” she giggles softly. “A grocery list is what we use to write down the stuff we need to buy. Did they give you a piece of paper?”
“Ah, yes!Here it is.” Thor, who is dressed in a T-shirt and jeans, reaches into his pocket to fish out a crumpled ball of paper to hand to (Y/n). “Please decipher this page, grocer.”
Scanning the Avengers’ handwriting, (Y/n) tries her best to make sense of the list. A few items are incomprehensible, but given that she can read a majority of the list, she disregards the minor issue. She grabs a pen from the cubby below the register while beckoning Thor to follow her as she switches off her station’s green light. The god obediently trails with a spring in his step.
“Well, the first item on here is goat’s milk,” (Y/n) informs him, a pen pointing out the messy scribbles at the top of the paper. “For any dairy products, all you have to do is look for the number thirteen.”
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A week has passed since a visit from Thor and (Y/n) cannot keep her mind off of him. She tries to convince herself that she is merely infatuated by the idea of having been in the presence of a god, but a small part of her wonders if there is much more. Something about his innocence, his obliviousness, of human customs and ways of life—it attracts her like a moth to a flame.
Warmth suddenly floods (Y/n)’s cheeks, leaving her to pat them in an attempt to dispel the redness. Common sense tells her to disregard the butterflies in her chest; she had only met Thor for two hours that day, so it would be unreasonable to think of him as anything other than another customer.
The sliding of the automatic doors signals the entrance of a customer, so (Y/n) turns to greet them, only to see the one person, the god, who has been occupying her thoughts. Just like the week before, (Y/n)’s words are caught in her throat.
“Grocer! We meet again!”
“Oh,” she gasps, his exclamation having startled her out of her dazed state. “Hi, Thor. How are you today?”
“I am doing well. My team has tasked me with the weekly purchasing of their sustenance.” Thor hands over his list once again, a sheepish smile gracing his features as (Y/n) accepts the sheet with an open palm. “Stark has asked that I bring him a ‘can of sprayable cheese,’ but I am afraid I do not understand why or how curds of milk can be stored or dispensed in such a way.”
“Don’t worry. It’s not too difficult to find, though explaining it is much more complicated.”
“Very well. Please lead the way.”
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“Thor! Back so soon? I hope the list wasn’t too difficult for you,” Tony greets with an impish smile as the large god steps out of the tower’s elevator with multiple bags in hand. 
“My journey to the indoor market was absolutely delightful. I was able to retrieve all that you asked without fail. The kind grocer has been aiding my search every time.”
“Wait, wait, wait. What grocer? I sent you to the supermarket, not a farmers market or wet market.”
Thor immediately deposits the bags of groceries on the counter top and goes into detail about the kindness of the female market employee who has been taking it upon herself to personally guide the thunder god throughout the store to pick out the items documented on his shopping list while also providing explanations for any particular items he was unfamiliar with.
“I shall gladly retrieve your weekly necessities without fail, Stark. I am graced with the grocer’s hospitality and beauty each visit. There is nothing she cannot find.”
“Oh really, huh? Nothing she can’t find…”
Once again, thoughts of the thunder god have invaded (Y/n)’s mind as she wanders into the back storage room of the store. This time, her mind begins to wonder what life would be like with Thor. She dreams of herself going on dates with him, sitting in a park with a basket of food, chatting the day away with her head resting on one of his broad shoulders.
The sudden clanging of a can hitting the tiled flooring brings (Y/n) back to the real world. She absentmindedly reaches for the fallen object, but when her hand fails to feel for the round can, she comes in contact with another hand.
Jerking her head up to chastise whoever was about to steal her runaway can she has yet to label with a price sticker when she is met with a friendly pair of blue eyes she has been acquainting herself with as of late.
“Good afternoon,” Thor greets cheerfully as he stands to his full height with the can in his grasp, forcing (Y/n) to rise as well. “I figured I could help you since you have that large box to carry as well. I did not mean to startle you.”
Rather than freezing up, this time, (Y/n) musters up the courage to take the can from Thor to return it to the box, picking it up as she walks the product over to its designated aisle with the thunder god trailing after her.
“How have you been, Thor? Anything exciting happen this week? Not everyone lives in a building with a handful of friends who are also superheroes,” (Y/n) comments without so much as a glance at Thor, too focused on her job of restocking the canned goods. While it doesn’t take very long, she wants to do her best to stay on her boss’ good side.
“Ah, yes. Barton and Stark were ecstatic to receive the haul of requested items. In fact, they were so excited for my trip this week that their laughter was like thunder as I walked away with their list.”
“Really? Well, I am done here, so may I see what you’re here for today?”
At first glance, the shopping list seems normal enough. The team of heroes wrote down grocery items such as vegetables, meats, milk, protein powder, fruits, and so forth—the standard, healthy muscle-building stuff. Yet, as (Y/n) reads further down the list, she suddenly understands the reason for the boisterous laughter Thor had described moments ago.
“What’s this last one, Thor? I can’t really read it.” “Oh! Barton had asked for the particles that fall off of pixies during flight.”
“Pixie dust?” (Y/n)’s eyebrows shoot up her forehead at the description Thor provides her, thus confirming a suspicion she did not want proven to be true. There is no way these human heroes are asking for a substance that is a byproduct of a supernatural creature’s flight activities. Surely this god is just pulling her leg. “Why wo-” “Yes! That is exactly what he asked of me.” Guess he is being serious. While she does not understand why the Avengers are sending Thor on a wild goose chase for magical pixie dust, (Y/n) is more than willing to play along if it means spending more time with him. “Right here at aisle eight.” Walking down to the row filled with shelves of confectioneries and snacks, (Y/n) leads Thor over to several boxes filled with colorful paper tubes. “Here you go: Pixy Stix. It doesn’t exactly come from pixies, but-”
“Perfect! Thank you, grocer.”
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For well over a month, (Y/n) has been receiving regular visits from Thor, who seeks her out for assistance with his teammates’ outrageous shopping list requests. Taking advantage of the fact that the thunder god is still learning the English language, the young woman opts to substitute some of the mythical items on the paper with obscure items—usually foods native to an obscure region in the world to keep the Avengers on their toes.
Now, as the register beeps continuously as she continuously passes items through the scanner, the nearby cart nearly filled to the brim, she takes a brief second to wonder how the blond thunder god is able to afford all the groceries; her eyes eventually find the black credit card with Tony Stark’s name on the bottom, reminding her of the true reason for his regular visits. She tells herself to get over the juvenile feelings she has been developing for someone who clearly has no interest in her. 
Thor is just being polite. 
Nothing more, nothing less.
She enjoys helping him, but her heart cannot help but yearn for more. It yearns to see the thunder god every day, to be able to openly express its feelings for him without the worry of rejection. For now, all she can do is placate her hunger for love by pushing aside her thoughts to focus on the task at hand: ringing up Thor’s purchases.
“So, I got most of the items on that list for you,” (Y/n) explains with a small smile, “but I’m afraid some of those things are just not available.”
“I do not understand.” Thor’s face drops as an expression of concern overtakes his smile. “Is it an essential item?”
“No, no, no.” Quick to reassure him, the woman waves her hand in objection while trying to contain the giggle bubbling up her throat. “Well, I mean, unless if you’re something along the lines of a stereotyped witch from popular culture, I doubt you’ll be able to find any yeti hair, griffin claws, or wendigo antlers. Those items are either mythical or fictional. I don’t want to pry, but I think the Avengers are pranking you.”
The look of disbelief and shock on Thor’s face is enough to make (Y/n)’s heart hurt for him. For a moment, she could visibly see the thoughts coursing through his mind.
 The god did not deserve this. 
“Why would they do that?”
She does not have an answer to that. If she had to guess, the newly formed team of heroes have chosen to haze their extraterrestrial teammate. While their long-standing prank seems pretty harmless, (Y/n) still worries. Thor seems to wear his heart on his sleeve, and put his full trust in his teammates. He must have taken the prank too seriously and felt hurt from being sent on a wild goose chase.
“It’s okay, though! It’s just a harmless joke. I’m honestly glad you come in every day. Getting to talk with you really makes me happy.”
A small smile creeps up on the god’s face upon hearing this. He enjoys spending time with (Y/n) too. So much so that the thought of it coming to an end saddens him.
“I do not wish to end our small discussions. Should you allow me to, I would love to escort you to a restaurant tonight for dinner.”
“Are you asking me out on a date, Thor,” (Y/n) asks shyly, a growing blush spreading across her warm cheeks.
“I am.”
Nodding happily with a bright smile, she accepts his proposition. A quick glance at the clock on the wall tells her she still has two hours before the end of her shift, so she relays this information to the blond god.
With a promise from Thor to return after dropping off the groceries at the tower, (Y/n) pushes through the remainder of her shift with a newfound source of energy.
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“So, how do you plan on paying for dinner tonight? I doubt you have a job here on Earth that’ll help cover the fees.” The air is chilly as the winds pick up around the young woman and her date. Much to her surprise, Thor had chosen to go to a high end restaurant not too far from her workplace; the price for just one appetizer alone costs more than her hourly salary, which leaves her wary. She is not petty enough to leave the bill all up to the god of thunder, but she simply cannot afford to pay for a full meal.
Glancing over her shoulder, (Y/n) is met with a cheeky smile and wink as Thor reaches into the pocket of his jeans, pulling out a small black card she has come to recognize.
“I decided that Tony Stark should at least treat us to this meal. Let us consider this as his reparation.”  
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cdreambur · 9 months
alright, last big part for the kryptonite au is done!!! i love this au so much and i hope you're all gonna be as satisfied with the ending as i am :)
breaking into the apartment of the guy he's slowly but surely falling in love with probably isn't the brightest idea dream has ever had.
but wilbur hasn't been at work for almost five days now and the only information anyone could give him was that wilbur called in sick the day after their... encounter in the kitchen.
it was the last time they spoke to each other, wilbur not contacting him and dream not reaching out either, too scared of being ignored.
the silence was horrible. all it did was force dream to relive that fateful day again and again, wilbur's voice echoing in his head.
he can't stand it anymore.
sleepless nights, no appetite, unable to focus on his work, it's all starting to get to dream.
so, after another day of staring at the office wall, wilbur's words on repeat in his mind, he decides to pay the brunet a visit.
but no one opens the door when dream rings the bell. he gets the same result on the second and third try.
it's then that he risks a glance around, and, when he doesn't find any people or cameras, uses his heat vision to melt wilbur's lock.
like he said, probably not his brightest idea.
the apartment is silent when he steps inside and closes the door as good as he can behind him.
he hasn't really been in here before, but from the few times he followed wilbur as superman to make sure he got home safe, he knows that the bedroom is the door on his left.
taking a deep breath to truly collect himself, dream enters.
the room is illuminated by the soft orange light of the slowly setting sun, slightly dimmed by thin curtains.
it feels like the hallway did, small but homely, full of pictures and loose papers, posters of bands dream knows wilbur loves on the walls.
but the most important thing is the body curled up on the bed, lying on top of the duvet and clearly asleep.
wilbur's in wide black shorts and a blue hoodie that has seen better days, and his eyes are red-rimmed, dark circles underneath them. he's pale, his hair messy and greasy, and overall, he looks like he hasn't done anything in the last few days besides crying himself to sleep.
the thought makes something heavy settle in dream's stomach, and he smiles sadly as he reaches out and gently brushes one of wilbur's curls away from his face.
with a small sigh, he turns back around to wander into the open kitchen where he finds an almost empty fridge and in the end settles on preparing both himself and wilbur a cup of wilbur's favorite lemon tea.
it's not much, but sipping on the warm beverage takes some of the weight off his shoulders, making it a little easier to return to the bedroom and carefully jostle wilbur's shoulder.
it takes a while to wake him, but after a bit, light brown eyes finally flutter open, blinking against the low glow of the room.
they widen in sheer surprise a moment later when he focuses on dream, and dream suddenly realizes how stupid of an idea this actually was, quick to explain himself.
"i'm sorry, i'm sorry, i know showing up here, like this, probably isn't a very good look, i just didn't know how else to talk to you since i really think we should talk and-"
he stops his rambling with a small, nervous laugh, instead opting to hold out the cup in his hand.
"i made you tea."
and finally, finally, wilbur smiles again.
it's not as wide or bright as dream is used to, but it's there and it's sincere and that's all that matters.
"thank you." wilbur replies, sitting up against the headboard before taking the cup. he nods when dream gestures to the area across from him, so dream settles on the grey duvet, leaving a small, respectful space between them.
he doesn't really know what to say, since he didn't expect to even come this far.
thankfully, he doesn't have to worry for too long, as wilbur breaks the silence after a few sips of his tea.
"i'm sorry about what happened. dropping all of that on you and then running away, leaving you without you knowing if i would expose you... that was really rude of me."
with downcast eyes and a dejected smile, he runs his thumb over the rim of his cup.
"i don't- i don't want to do anything with the photo. it was just... proof for a theory i was already sure was right. but then i realized what could happen if i released it, and..."
he swallows, voice even softer when he continues, "tommy needs so much stuff for school, and him and my dad have to cut back on groceries sometimes, and i've been working so hard for years but all the good opportunities and articles still go to other people-"
tears are dripping onto the duvet, their tracks on wilbur's cheeks a painfully familiar sight.
"i just wanted to be good for once."
dream's heart shatters at the way wilbur says it, desperate and broken, wishing for nothing more than to pull him into his arms and tell him that it's alright.
he doesn't want to interrupt wilbur though, who's taking a shaky breath before adding, "but i can't do that at your expense. and i'm sorry i let you go through the last five days worried that i might."
dream isn't going to lie and say that he wasn't. it was scary, kowing that wilbur had this kind of power.
even so, it was often accompanied by concern for wilbur too, especially when the days went by without any breaking news or a sign of life from wilbur.
it's not anything he can unpack now though. their situation needs solving first.
if only dream knew how to do that, because sadly, he can't just quit his own job or hand wilbur a fortune.
never mind the fact that wilbur wouldn't ever accept any of that.
the only things he can offer are home-cooked meals, old textbooks, an apart-
shit. this might be dream's dumbest idea ever.
"move in with me."
he blurts it out without a second thought, watching as wilbur's eyes widen and his lips part.
before he can get a word in, dream sputters, "i know you wouldn't want me to just... give you things. but we could share rent and grocery money. it wouldn't really help with the shit at work, i'm sorry, but it would at least allow you to put money aside for your brother and your dad and maybe even yourself. without having to uncover my identity."
now, it's his turn to swallow. he reaches out, taking wilbur's left hand into his and meeting warm brown eyes with all the fondness in the world.
"and if we don't hate each other after a month of doing dishes and laundry together, maybe i could take you on the date i've wanted since the moment i met you."
the expression that settles on his face is shy, hopeful, sincere. affectionately running his thumb over wilbur's knuckles, dream waits with bated breath for the brunet's answer, heart hammering in his chest.
the softest, prettiest smile blooms on wilbur's face as he whispers, "yes."
the tension in dream's body escapes all at once with a sudden, happy laugh, one that's soon joined by wilbur's high-pitched giggle.
it's just a tiny moment, the two of them laughing together, wilbur's slim fingers interlaced with his own, but it means more than dream could ever put into words.
only after they've calmed down a little, now grinning brightly at each other, does dream realize something, eyes widening in shock.
"fuck. i'll have to fix your lock before you move out."
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laurenairay · 2 years
If its still available, #9 for mika zibanejad
Thank you choosing Mika for this one, anon – it’s always a joy to write for this sweetheart! Also tagging @tippedbykreider as it’s because of her I adore this beautiful man.
“You came all the way to give it back to me?”
Words: 958
Here goes nothing. You knocked on the front door that you’d walked away from only a few months ago, taking a deep breath as you heard footsteps shuffling the other side. Eventually the door opened, revealing your ex-boyfriend, who took one look at you and sighed.
“What are you doing here?” Mika said tiredly.
You swallowed heavily, biting your lip briefly as you looked him over. To anyone that didn’t know him well, they probably wouldn’t notice any difference. But that wasn’t the case for you – three years with him had given you plenty of time to notice all the little things about Mika, and there was so much that concerned you already. The way his hair was ever so greasy at the roots – he hated letting his hair look so unkempt, and you couldn’t actually remember any time other than when he was sick with the flu that he’d let it get this way since you’d known him. There were also the little dark circles under his eyes – he had always been a good sleeper, always woke up with glowing skin, always looked awake and perky and fresh, so for him to have those tired eyes? And then there were his lips – usually so soft and perfect, so pink and pink, but right now they were dry and chapped, with a clear crack in the bottom lip too, and it wasn’t like him to neglect his self-care like this.
And it only solidified your gut feeling of needing to come over to see him tonight.
“I wanted to give you this back,” you murmured.
Mika frowned as you held out your hand, but his lips parted as you opened your fist to reveal a soft pink scrunchie. His soft pink scrunchie.
“You came all the way to give it back to me?” he said softly, confused.
“Yes?” you said hesitantly.
Mika’s confusion shifted to a soft smile. “Really?” he said, raising an eyebrow.
You felt your cheeks heat up, busted, but you bit your bottom lip briefly before offering him a shrug. He always had been able to read you, always did call you out on the untruths, and even though you weren’t together anymore, clearly that hadn’t changed.
“I miss you. I miss you so much. And maybe it’s crazy but I had to see you,” you admitted.
Mika huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. “You’d better come inside. My neighbours don’t need to hear this.”
Well he had a point there – and there was no way you were going to waste this chance, not if he was extending the olive branch like this. Mika stepped to the side, letting you walk past him into the house you used to call your home, but it wasn’t until he’d closed the door behind you that he cleared his throat.
“I thought you didn’t want to wait around for a guy who couldn’t prioritise you?” Mika said softly.
You winced at the sadness in his eyes, knowing that all the stupid things you’d said to him in the heat of the moment were just that – angry flyaway comments that should never have been said, and yet you’d said them all to his face anyway. And you’d hurt him.
But the fact that he was even still standing there, talking to you, holding the scrunchie that you’d – let’s be honest – used as an excuse to see him again, it gave you hope.
“I was stupid. And wrong, so so wrong, Mika. I was angry at your schedule, at the fucking NHL having a Rangers away game on my birthday. Every year you missed things that were important to me, through no fault of your own, and that night was three years of built up frustration. I should never have taken that out on you,” you said softly.
If you could be vulnerable with him right now, be completely honest, putting all your cards out on the table, then it had to mean something, right?
“No you shouldn’t have. It wasn’t fair on me at all, and you know it. You knew it then and you still said it anyway. What changed, for you to come back here?” Mika said shortly.
Alright, you deserved that, you could admit it, his words and his tone of voice.
“Waking up in a bed that isn’t ours, without your arms around me, it doesn’t feel right. Not hearing your off-key singing in the shower, or smelling the amazing food you cook, or making you laugh so hard that you get tears in your eyes – I miss it. I miss you. And I miss us, because we were so good, and I threw it all away like an idiot.”
Mika’s lips parted in surprise at your rant, his cheeks flushing softly, but it was the small smile on his lips that made you lose a little of the tension in your shoulders.
“You’re not an idiot,” he murmured.
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head. “I let you go, of course I am.”
He chewed his bottom lip as he fell silent in thought, and it was all you could do to keep your hands from shaking, your heart completely laid out for him. If he turned you away now, that was it. There was nothing left that you could say. It was all on him now, as it should be.
“Do you want to stay for a drink?”
Mika’s soft voice broke you out of your spiralling thoughts, and his smile widened into a grin as he realised it too. But you just nodded, smiling shyly back. This was your chance, your second chance with him, and there was no way you were going to waste it.
“I’d like that.”
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Not a Baseball Player
You had the name of a baseball player and you sure know how to move bases quickly.
Vacation bible school was not on the top of my list of things to do the summer before my freshman year of high school. I wanted to spend my days by the pool or at the YMCA playing basketball with my friends.
What I absolutely didn't want to do was spend time with people I barely could tolerate, in a church gym, watching elementary school kids.
But that is what I did for one week in July, and it was nothing how I expected it to be.
Somewhere between dodgeball games I found myself with my back against the padded gymnasium walls sucking face with a boy I had only heard rumors about.
A boy who had greasy black hair, baggy white t-shirts, and was the ex of my middle school arch nemesis (who coincidentally had the same name as me.) A boy who was in the foster system and was staying with a couple from my church, which is how he ended up working vacation bible school. That's also how he ended up being the boy who gave me my first kiss.
To be honest I barely remember the kiss. Was it good? I have no idea. But what I do remember is that I immediately fell in love. Or at least thought I was in love, in typically 15 year old girl fashion.
That day I remember signing into AIM. Opening up my bio and adding our initials + 4eva.
Since we kissed, you were my boyfriend right?
I would call that moment probably the high of that week. That feeling that someone thought I was attractive. That someone wanted to be with me.
Just a little background: I wasn't the prettiest girl in school. At a time where being Nicole Richie skinny was the goal, I was far from that. I had curves, and not in all the right places. And in the throws of puberty, I was taller than half the guys in my grade. But my friends. They were the pretty girls. The girls who could shop at Abercrombie and Fitch. Who could be picked up by guys. Who had curves in the right places. Who all had boyfriends our 8th grade year.
Guys didn't like me. No matter how much I liked them. My first "boyfriend" was a set up because my friends felt sorry for me. At a football game they literally found the closet single guy and said "what about him?" Next thing I know, we are walking around holding hands.
I didn't even like him and broke it off a few days later. Our relationship consisted of him carrying my books to class and me trying to call him on the landline way too late at night. Spicy, I know. He was a good guy, but we just didn't have any chemistry. If he hadn't practically been forced to be with me, I don't think he would have been.
So for a guy to like me? ME? That felt like a dream come true. It felt like I finally was pretty enough. Cool enough.
That's probably why I let you push me into that closet.
I didn't stay in it for long. Thank God. But sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I had.
The next day you kept trying to put your hand up my shorts. I didn't even know what your aim was at the time. I was pretty naïve when it came to anything involving sex. But what I did know is that I didn't like it and I kept telling you to stop. You eventually listened.
Until Thursday night.
We were cleaning up the gym really slowly. I wanted to be alone with you so we could make out again. Friday would be the last day, and I didn't even have your phone number. Would I see you again?
We kissed . . . alot. I knew that my parents would eventually make their way up to the gym looking for me so I kept trying to go to the door.
Right before I got to it you pushed me up against the wall again. You were aggressive and it took me off guard, but I told myself to be cool. Plus, it felt good.
You kissed my neck and then started touching my stomach. Slowly moving your hands up my shirt.
I don't remember if I tried to move your hands away. I think I did, cause I do remember feeling scared. Scared we would get caught. Scared that I would be judged. Scared because I wasn't 100% sure what you were doing.
I don't know many girls that have been felt up in a church before.
Friday arrived but you didn't.
I waited all day and you never showed up.
I was so confused. Hurt. Annoyed.
Rumor is that in the morning at summer school, you tried to rape a girl in the bathroom and were sent back to juvy. I don't know if that's true, but I never saw you again.
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sugarakis-p2 · 2 years
Shigaraki's little songbird
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You wouldn't be on his radar if hadn't stolen from him on a very bad day. When he kidnaps you he needs help, Kurogiri is super helpful, to keep you around but he puts up with it since you are such a sweet singer and screamer for him.
Warning: Non/Con, threats of death, violence, kidnapping, minor character death, Yandere Shigaraki
Chapter 1
Shigaraki walked past the stupid little street performer with her ukulele.
He was thinking of All Might and wasn't aware of the little can of change.
He bumped it! Bumped it and maybe less than yen of change tumbled out. He kept walking, and this little bitch started whining.
"Hey, man! That was uncool," she said low and pissy at his back. He growls, he's in a bad mood, and this skank is annoying to him. She is right. He was rude; he looked around, and it was not crowded or busy. In fact, it was practically deserted except for the main street a block away. He mumbles an 'I'm sorry' to the very pretty girl fishing the change out of the dirty gutter.
She is homeless, wears all dark clothing, and is not filthy, but her hair is getting greasy. What Shigaraki can see is looking very good to him, the kind of body he would love to do nasty things to with a pretty face. However, he doesn't need these distractions, and her quirk is probably useless if she's homeless. She looks up at him, sees his eyes are roving over her, and narrows her eyes.
"Thanks," she hisses. Shigaraki turns to leave when he hears her say
"creeper" to his back again. Loud enough for him to hear. He whips around to see she is holding up underwear. His underwear, "You came off as a tighty-whities kind of guy," she laughs. He reaches for them, but she is fast. Faster than him. Suddenly she was behind him on trash cans.
"Your ID says Hiro Horiuchi, but your underwear has a TS on the waistband. Or this is a decent fake," She asks, flicking the ID at him. It lands on his face. At first, he was confused, but now he's boiling with rage. She holds up his money.
"This is a nice wade of money for a creepy jerk. This is also a much better apology," she says, tucking the cash away and jumping down to walk away.
"Come here cunt," he growls, reaching for her. She smacks his hands away. He feels three harsh stings on his heating cheeks. Then an intense sharp pain radiated from his groin, making him double over and nearly puke in pain. He didn't even see her move. One second, she was in front of him, and the next, she was walking away.
The bitch laughed at him while he writhed on the ground clutching his balls. He understood it now. She had super speed for short spurts. She turned around and flung his underwear in his face.
"Just remember you started this," she laughed as she left. He could still hear her pretty cantor as he limped back to the bar. Underwear in his pocket. Icing his balls and berating Kurogiri for being so nosy and asking a bunch of questions about his dick.
"Why? Would you like to look!" He growled before he backed off and gave Shigaraki the good liquor. She's right. He started it. When he finds her, he will finish it.
Some time passed, and he forgot about it. Until he saw her again, she was clean, wearing a lovely skirt with tights, and had a stack of discs she was selling. So, she had put his money to good use. Shigaraki doesn't listen to music with words. Despite what many might think, he is very emotional and doesn't like the feeling they dig up. It always confuses and angers him, so he rather just listen to gaming music.
Her pretty voice danced on the wind and sang about love with the ukulele. She looked a little different, but he will never forget the boot that had an uninvited introduction to his balls. The place was busy, and she had too good of a crowd for him to grab her. He may have to do the worst thing he could imagine.
He pulls out his phone and texts Kurogiri. The stupid babysitter wasn't going to help until Shigaraki reminded him that because of her, he was yelled at for days and would be yelled at for longer if she got away with kicking him in the balls. He was pissing scabs and had a bruise on his dick that looked like her boot print. He couldn't masturbate for a week. He could, but it was tough going.
Kurogiri finally agreed. They waited until her last disc was sold. He watched as Kurogiri went and talked to her.
"Hello, miss," he started with his smoky tones, and the girl blushed at him. She blushed at him! Shigaraki felt like his head was splitting, trying to wrap his mind around that. It made Kurogiri falter too.
"You were saying?" she asked with a beautiful smile. Brushing her hair aside so he can get a good look at her pretty eyes. Shigaraki felt like she had kicked him all over again.
"I-I-I heard your singing and would like to hire you for my bar," he managed.
"Do you have a piano?" She asked. Playing with his lapel. She has no idea how old he is, but he is dapper as fuck and owns a bar. Two of her most favorite things.
"Yes, but it is in great need of tuning," he says.
"Well, you're in luck. I happen to know how to tune many things," she giggles suggestively. Not bothering to hide her interest. She has been getting bar gigs and carrying a tuning kit. She wouldn't mind a drink or anything else.
"Come over, have a look at the venue, and perhaps a drink or two," Kurogiri suggests. He opens a portal for Shigaraki and then one a few paces away with the girl. Shigaraki waits, and when they arrive, he is about to grab her. Maybe he will torment her by forcing her to lick his shoe and then kick her in the face. Stomp her teeth out and then have her suck his dick.
She asks for a bourbon, and Kurogiri goes and fetches it for her like a little puppy. She uses her quirk and tunes the piano so quickly. This will be a problem; she is faster in a few seconds than him. The piano was a mess, but she had it cleaned and tuned as it could get by the time Kurogiri brought her a drink.
She started playing a little tune. Kurogiri plied her with more bourbon. Shigaraki came out, sat in his favorite seat, and listened to her sing a suggestive song about lovemaking. It stirred him, and he hated it. He is quiet when he wraps four fingers around her throat and disintegrates her glass in front of her.
She made a sad little noise of fear. Forcing her to look up at him with her pretty eyes filled with dread.
"Hey, there, little songbird. Do you remember me? Do you remember what you did to me?" He asked calmly. He could see it dawn on her and groans. He can feel the tendons in her neck flex and stand out as she swallows. That aroused him.
"You're the creeper that kicked my money in the gutter then ogled me," she whimpered. She tries to look at Kurogiri, and he grips her tighter, and nearly lifts her clear of the seat. She followed the hand and almost cried out loud as she squealed in fear.
"Don't look at him, little slut. He won't help you! I'm the one you kicked in the balls and stole money from," He hissed.
"Fair, but I am not a slut," she cried. He choked her a little harder for the sass.
"I watched you throw yourself at Kurogiri like a bitch in heat. Now, let's talk about how you are going to pay me back," he says, making her sit back down. He glides his hands down the side of her arms, carefully leaving a finger up, and feels her shudder. He sits next to her and wraps an arm around her waist to pull her into his lap. Her fear was arousing, and he wanted to play longer.
"Play me a song, and I better like it," he sneered. Her trembles of fear turned her into a warm toy, she felt better than a vibrator, and it made his skin tingle.
She can only think of two songs. She is so stressed she cannot access the library of songs she has stored in her head. The only two she can think of are "Dissolve" and "Falling in love." She did not want to remind him of dissolving in any form, so she started with falling in love. She regrets it when she gets to the third verse:
 "Take my hand, take my whole life, too
For I can't help falling in love with you."
She can feel his monster cock grow hard under her ass, and she falters. Making him growl and order her to continue. His hot breath came out in slow pants, his eyes closed, and his dangerous hands began to wander. It made her skip a note, she tried not to use the verse again, but he caught it.
"Do it right, or I will have you do it again with my cock in you," he threatened. Making it harder to concentrate. She finished. He felt his blood rushing and heating his skin. He quickly dug his fingers in her cheeks and shoved his tongue in her mouth. He groans in pleasure at her flavor, bourbon, and a sweet tang that was only her.
She cried and tried to twist away from him. Making him want more. She chose that song. She wanted him, begging for it. It made him yearn, and he hated it. He hated it so much she had to relieve what she did right now. It was starting to feel pleasant, like her music, when he felt a stinging burn with a crunch of meat and a burst of copper flavor.
When he jerked his head in surprise, she elbowed him in the chest and used her quirk. Only she didn't see Kurogiri's trap, his portal already in front of the only exit. She screams and tries to stop herself. 
Kurogiri told her about his quirk, which means he could send her right into a volcano for all she knows. She attempted to stop herself. Her top half kept moving while her lower half stayed put. Pin wheeling, hands slam and brace against the front doorframe of the bar.
"Kurogiri, leave the top and bring her ass to me. If she moves, cut her in half," he orders, spitting blood. Little bitch bit him. She screams and cries when she sees her legs are on the other side of the room, "Bratty little bitch. You still haven't paid off your debt."
He roughly grabs her hot pussy and rubs his fingers between her lips over the fabric. She squeals, rising on her tiptoes and doing a little dance as if she could hop out of his invasive grip. He's never had real pussy before. She begins to beg for help from Kurogiri, making Shigaraki laugh out loud.
"Shut up unless you're singing or screaming my name. So warm. I can't wait," he rasps, pulling out his dick and smacking the tip of his head on her ass, making her jerk with each one.
"You fucking scumbag! I don't even know your name! You called me a cunt. The money I took does not equal this! Have mercy. Let me pay you the money back," she pleaded. 
"You kicked me in the dick. I think the least we can do for you is pound you in the pussy. Give me a knife Kurogiri," Shigaraki said. She cried harder as he used the knife to cut a hole in her tights, slicing her panties in half. Exposing a pretty shaved pussy with plump shaven lips and a puffy clit. He rubbed his fingers over the real thing, utterly shocked at how different it was from a pocket pussy.
He has a top-of-the-line said to feel like the real thing, but hers is different. It looked the same but a little different. They are both warm, have all the parts, and are soft. But hers makes him so hard he is leaking. All his rage centered at his tip, red and angry. He can't remember when his cock ached so painfully. She screamed again and tried to close her legs on him. Making her pussy look smaller and tight.
"Just get it over with," she sobbed. Shigaraki uses his thumbs to spread her and get another look at perfection before destroying it. He wonders how he will fit in such a tiny hole, then doesn't care. He will force himself if he must. He lines himself, gripping her hips, and tries to enter, only she is drying up on him like a desert.
"You brought this on yourself. It doesn't matter what you say. You were begging for this when you fucked with me. That song, that song was for me. I know it was. Fuck! She's like sand," He growls. He is trying to use his leaking cock to get her wet enough to get in, but she keeps wiggling in a way that makes him slip.
"Kick her legs open a bit and use some lube," Kurogiri suggested. To his surprise, Shigaraki takes it and opens her up a bit by kicking her feet. Her sad little no's falling on deaf ears.
"Goddammit! Give me something to slick this bitch up!" He snarls. Kurogiri sighed, handing Shigaraki lube and disappointed he was right. It was a new bottle, and of course, he's not using it. Shigaraki is quickly opening the bottle and pours it over her holes. Her pussy resists him, but he keeps pushing until she firmly grips all his length. Sighing in pleasure now that he has her wrapped around his hard length.
"Oh god, don't. Please, I'm sorry. You're too big!" She yelps.
"Shut up. You can take it, slut!"
"I'm not a slut, you gross fucker!"
She feels like complete heaven. More screaming and crying when he bottoms out. He starts to thrust, and that feels even better. So warm and wet, creating an intense tingling sensation building deeply in his loans traveling through his center. He wraps an arm under her hips and makes her push back on him. Then he shoves two fingers in her ass. She squeals and sobs louder. The fucking making lewd wet sounds. He presses down and feels his dick moving and moans. The new pressure is euphoria.
Shigaraki feels like he is about to explode, he wants to cum, but he wants to feel what it's like when a real cunt cums. No fake pussy on the market can cum at the same time.
"Cum already," he growls. Hips slapping against her nice ass, finding it hard to hold back.
"Use your fingers to circle her clit," Kurogiri offers. Shigaraki glares at him.
"I know that," he snaps at him. Using his other hand to rub that clit in tight circles, instantly, she is moaning between hitching sobs, her pussy gripping at him. Sucking him in, leaning over drooling, panting 'ah-ah-ah,' as he bucked his hips madly. The burning with desire in him builds past his limits when she gets wetter and tighter.
"No! No! Please stop," she screamed, rising on her tiptoes again. Just when, the door opened, Spinner and Dabi froze in the doorway. She grabs Spinner, wrapping herself around his waist and looking up at him with large beautiful tear-stained eyes, "Please make him stop!"
She is wailing as she cums in Spinner's arms, the three of them screaming in unison. Crushing Shigaraki's dick, creating a wave of pleasure that jolted through his body. His toes curled in his shoes, her cunt clenching and releasing, milking him every drop of his cum. He is drooling and feeling a little cross-eyed as he tries to get more air into his lungs and his head feels foggy. He shudders. It felt so good.
"Gross, I looked up and saw that. You are fucking depraved. You know that? Once I see something, I can't just unsee it. You know that, right? I should have looked over here," Dabi says, pointing to the crying girl panting and flushed from cumming. He wishes he was here earlier so he could have put his quickly growing hard cock in her mouth.
Shigaraki feels drained, and her legs are shaking. He looks up and focuses, seeing Dabi look disgusted while Spinner is bright red and frozen. He has a wet spot spreading over two strange bulges. He growls. This is his songbird. She can only sing pretty for him.
"Kurogiri, open up your portal and dump her in the backroom," He orders. Yanking her by her hair to pull her off Spinner. She simpered, too scared to try to run again. She recognized Dabi from the news. Which means the man she kicked and stole from was Shigaraki. She laments her bad luck, curled up and weeping on an air mattress.
Shigaraki and the others could hear her wailing in the back room. His cock was dripping and glistening with his pretty songbird's cum. Dabi makes a disgusted noise. Spinner is still red-faced and frozen until Shigaraki puts his wet cock away and offers him a drink for his nerves.
"It reeks of pussy in here. Rude if you're not going to share," Dabi said, walking in, avoiding the wet mess on the floor in front of Shigaraki, and taking a drink Kurogiri put on the bar. After that, he would wait until they were alone to pull out his little songbird.
He would make her sing for him with her on his lap. Her voice stirred something in him every time. He couldn't resist it. She did have an annoying habit of escaping. He hated how he needed Kurogiri's help catching or screwing her. She was so damn fast he would either have to wear her out, bribe her with luxuries like toilet paper, or have Kurogiri threaten to cut her in half while he tied her.
There were days he would make her sing until her voice was almost shot. On other days he would bring things like a handheld device to watch TV together between all-day sex, leaving her sore and bleeding. However, he managed to be his sweetest during these times, showering her with gifts of books, toiletries, snack food, and an old Zune.
The only way she could keep that monster cock from her mouth was by telling him she couldn't sing if he did that. He raged and punished her by paddling her ass black and blue. Then he screwed her stinging ass until she wished she was dead. Before that, she threatened to bite his cock off, which taught her a horrible lesson. Do not threaten the man child.
"You're right. You need practice anyways," he had said calmly. Then he proceeded to rape her mouth with a massive toy until she gagged and couldn't talk for the next day, which she got punished for as well. She never made that mistake again.
Things were bad. But the one thing he was always sure to do was praise her singing. He became a sweet fanboy. Crying when she sang songs too sad, dancing with her when they were lively, kind when they were love ballads. She learned she could control most of his worst behaviors with a song. He started calling her his little songbird.
When the heroes came at first, she thought it was an earthquake. The hero Kamui Woods had found her.
She thought she was saved. She had never been so wrong. They had placed her in some sort of halfway shelter house, which was almost as bad as being around Shigaraki. Shigaraki at least encouraged her to do what she loved and praised her for it. This place made her feel empty. One day her advisor took her to lunch to review her case.
"Well, I think you are adjusting very well. Do you think you will go back to a music career?" She had asked while they took a shortcut through the park. She was about to answer that she just couldn't bring herself to ever step into a bar again when she looked over and saw the woman's head start to disappear into dust. A familiar grip on her throat, pushing her roughly against a tree.
"Who the fuck was that little songbird," Shigaraki seethed. She looked and smiled at him.
"No one, do you want me to sing for you?" she asked sweetly.
He bashfully nodded, holding her hand while taking her to her new home.
Chapter 2
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Play Ground Days
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “ughh FINALLY someone that writes good imagines abt carl from shameless! could you write one where you two grew up together and you've always been close n stuff and then at some point he realizes he loves the reader and he talks to ian and lip (maybe mickey too bc i love him) about it? (fem!reader btw if that's cool) thanks babe xx” thanks for inspo on the beginning @poesflygirl​ <3 ,,, carl and you are 16 also pls dont come for me ive only played COD 2 times last year so lmao i dont remember a lot about it, enjoy!
summary - carl has liked you since you two were young, and seeks advice from his brothers and mickey
warnings - strong language, drugs and alcohol, little talk about bad body imagine 
*gif isnt mine*
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“I fucking knew it!” Lip exclaimed.
“Why are you telling us? We’ve known this.” Ian commented, smirking at his little brother.  
“How the hell—” Carl started. 
“You’re not exactly great at hiding your crush on her,” Mickey chuckled. 
Carl’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You knew?”
“Of course I did. I’m not fucking Helen Keller,” Mickey rolled his eyes. 
Carl groaned and ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I can’t believe this. Well, secret’s out, I guess. What do I do?”
“Just go tell her you like her. It’s not like she’s going to turn you down.” Lip shrugged, putting his cigarette to his lips. 
“Lip!” Ian hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“What?” Lip asked. 
“You weren’t supposed to say that, dumbass,” Mickey said.
 “What does that mean?” Carl asked, looking in-between his brother’s and Mickey. 
Lip sighed. “Ah, shit, right. I’ve already said too much.”
4 hours earlier: 2:00 PM
“Hey, shit head!” She called out, throwing rocks against the window. 
Carl got up from his bed, shocked but happy to see her. He opened his window, leaning against the frame. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
She threw the rocks to the ground. “Escaping from my druggie dad, duh. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carl shrugged. 
She did her signature smirk that always made Carl’s heart flutter. “Wanna go and stuff our faces at Patsy’s Pies?”
Carl’s eyes lit up at the mention of fatty, greasy food. “Hell yeah. I’ll come down.”
She nodded, going to the front of their house. Carl ran down the stairs, putting on his shoes and opening the door to find her on the steps. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just come into the house?” Carl asked, shutting the door behind him. 
“Putting damage on your window seemed more fun. Oh, hey! Do you have an extra bed I can sleep in tonight?” She asked. 
Carl nodded. “Yeah, of course. Your dad is that bad, huh?”
“Yep, he relapsed. Super fun,” she laughed sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. That shit sucks,” Carl said.
She shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s life. Anyways, ready to go?”
Carl nodded. They got into her car, the girl starting it and driving fast to the dinner. As she was driving, humming to the songs on the radio, Carl stared at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. 
Her name was Y/n L/n. Carl’s oldest and only real friend. They had grown up together, Y/n living only a few houses away from him. They had met in detention in 1st grade and had been close ever since. 
“What’re you staring at?” Y/n asked, glancing over to him. 
Carl blushed. “Nothing.”
“Alright,” Y/n sang.
Carl had often been caught staring at her. It was something he usually did from time to time, but now it was more often. He couldn’t help it. There was something about her. Maybe flawless her skin was, how pretty and bright her smile and eyes were, the way she would make him feel secure and loved, something he had never got from anyone consitently. 
He never really knew why he thought those things about her. People had told him that he probably had a crush on her, but he knew that wasn’t right. He had crushes on girls before and the things he was feeling for Y/n were a lot different than what he had felt for his past girlfriends. He figured it was just that she was his closest friend and he happened to be a horny teenager, so naturally, he just thought those things about her. But oh, how wrong he actually was. 
Y/n parked her car at Patsy’s Pies. They walked into the diner, seeing Fiona at the register. 
“Hey, Fi,” Y/n smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n, Carl! Long time, no see. How are ya?” Fiona asked. 
“Good, good,” Y/n smiled. 
“Good,” Carl said. 
“Great! Well, get yourself seated and someone will be right with you,” she smiled. 
Y/n and walked off to a small booth and sat down. They picked up the menus that were already on the table. 
“You gonna get your usual?” Y/n asked. 
Carl shrugged. “Maybe. Should I change it up?”
“Yes. The double bacon cheeseburger looks good,” Y/n said. 
“Are you getting that?” Carl asked. 
“Maybe. I’ll probably get a salad or something. Gotta watch those calories, you know?” She half-joked, putting a hand on her stomach. 
“I think you look good. You don’t need to worry,” Carl smiled. 
Y/n’s eyes widened. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Carl nodded. 
Y/n looked back at the menu, hiding her embarrassment.
Carl complimenting her was something that was rare, but did happen. Y/n never remembered Carl as a romantic type of guy, but it seems that he had developed  those traits from having a few girlfriends. She liked that, actually. She liked him complimenting her, staring at her for minutes at a time, the way his ears would turn red when she teased him. She liked all of that. 
Y/n would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on Carl. She had a crush on him since their freshman year of high school. Well, in reality, she probably has always had one, but the first time she really realised she liked him was in biology when he got in trouble in one of the labs. She remembered when the teacher was yelling at him and he looked at her, smiling at her mischievously and winking at her. That wink had her heart racing and mind go foggy. From then on, she had liked him as more than a friend. Yet, she never said anything because well, as cliche as it was, she was afraid of ruining their friendship. He was really the only one who got her and who never abandoned her. She couldn’t lose him, so she just kept her feelings and gestures to him as friendly as she could.  
“Hi, I’m Carly and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you today?” The waitress asked. 
“Hi, can I get the philly cheesesteak with a medium coke and fries,” Carl ordered. 
Carly nodded and wrote his order down, turning to Y/n. 
“Um, I’ll get the bacon cheeseburger with a small sprite and fries. Thanks,” Y/n ordered. 
Carly took their menus. “Great. I’ll have your drinks out soon.”
Y/n and Carl smiled at the waitress as she walked away. 
“Hey, so I thought your dad was in rehab,” Carl said. 
Y/n sighed. “He was, but I guess his girlfriend got him drunk, then convinced him to do some lines. God, I can’t believe he's even with her still.”
Carl frowned. “What about your mom? Where’s she?”
“She’s going to nursing school right now. She’s the only one responsible in this family, yet she never calls or anything,” she scoffed.
“You’re really responsible,” Carl said. 
Y/n smiled. “Thanks, C. You are, too.”
Carl laughed, “Me? I sold drugs on the streets once.”
She giggled. “True. But you’ve really shaped. I'm proud.”
Carl smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”
Y/n hummed a ‘you’re welcome’. Carly came back with their food quickly and they dug in. Carl and Y/n spent their time talking and eating, spending about 2 hours there as they just kept talking. 
“Are you two finished?” Carly asked, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Yeah,” Carl nodded. 
“Great. Here’s your bill, pay whenever you’re ready,” Carly smiled and took their dirty dishes. 
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked. 
Carl nodded and got out his wallet that he had in his shorts. Meanwhile, Y/n also got out her wallet. They both looked up at each other, awkward expressions on their faces. 
“Oh, I was gonna pay,” Carl said. “No, no, my treat. I invited you here,” Y/n said. 
“You sure?” Carl asked. 
She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “Yes, I am, Carl.”
Butterflies irrupted in Carl’s stomach as she touched him. He nodded slowly, putting his credit card away. Y/n and him walked up to the register and paid for their meal. They then went back to Y/n car. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. 
“Wanna play COD Black Ops 3?” Carl asked. 
“Yes!” Y/n smiled. She drove them back to his house, parking haphazardly on the street. 
The two hurried into the house, grabbing a seat on the couch. Carl got the controllers, turning onto the playstation. Y/n logged onto her account, selecting the gun she wanted to use. Carl then started the game. 
“Where are you?” Y/n squinted her eyes at the screen. 
“Right behind you,” Carl smirked. 
Y/n turned around, gasping as Carl shot her. 
“Fuck you!” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Little rusty, huh?” Carl teased. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you next round.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Carl said. 
“Winner gets to pick what’s for dinner,” Y/n said. 
“Deal,” Carl nodded. 
The pair played for a couple hours, the game ending with Y/n getting the last kill. 
“Good game,” she smirked, setting the controller down. 
“I forgot how good you were at this,” Carl frowned. Y/n giggled, “I forgot how bad you were.”
Carl rolled his eyes with a smile. “Alright, where do you want to eat?”
“Hm… Noodles n Company?” She suggested. 
“Sure,” Carl nodded. 
“Alright, I’m gonna use the bathroom and then order. Text me what you want,” Y/n said, getting up from the couch. 
Carl nodded and watched her go upstairs to use the bathroom. Then that’s when Lip, Ian, and Mickey all came into the house. 
“Hey, guys,” Carl said. 
“Hey,” Ian smiled. 
“Is Y/n here? We saw her car out front,” Lip said. “Yeah, she is,” Carl nodded. 
“Asked her out yet?” Lip smirked. Carl’s face turned red. “Wh-What?”
“Oh, you’re not in love with her then?” Ian furrowed his brows. 
“I… am I?” Carl asked. 
Ian chuckled. “Yeah. You always are always happy around her, blush whenever she teases you.”
“And you’re always staring at her,” Lip added.
“That doesn’t mean I like her,” Carl said.
“Do feel dizzy and nauseous when she touches you? Does your heart race when she gets close? Do you see yourself kissing her? Would you do anything for her?” Ian asked. 
Carl furrowed his brows. They were right, all those things did happen when she was near. She was his best friend. He also sometimes think about kissing her and being with her in a romantic way. And yeah, of course he would do anything for her. Maybe… Maybe he did love her. 
“Oh, shit,” he muttered. “I… I guess I am in love with her.”
And that, ladies and gents, is where we left off. Lip, Ian, and Mickey teased Carl until Carl begged them for real help. 
“What do you mean?” Carl asked anxiously. 
Lip looked to Ian and Mickey for help on what to say. Little did Carl know, Y/n actually did admit her crush to someone. And that someone, or someones, were Lip, Ian, and Mickey. 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Mickey said. 
“Did she say something to you?” Carl asked. “No,” Ian shook his head. “Like Mick said, don’t worry.”
“I… fine. Well, what do I do then?” Carl asked in slight distress.
“Give her some flowers and chocolate. Girls love that shit,” Lip suggested. 
“Alright,” Carl nodded. “I don’t know what her favourite flowers are, though.”
“Just get her roses. That’s really romantic,” Lip said. 
Carl smiled, “Alright. Awesome. Thanks, guys.”
He decided to get the flowers early morning tomorrow before Y/n woke up. 
Carl sneaked back into the house, hoping not to wake Y/n up. As he walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see her at the table drinking coffee. 
“Hey, Carl!” Y/n smiled. 
Carl’s eyes were blown wide. “I.. uh…”
“Who are those for?” Y/n got up and pointed to the flowers and chocolate in his hand. 
“Um… you?” Carl said. Y/n smiled. “Me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Carl knew that he couldn’t make up an excuse. He was horrible at lying to her. So, he decided to just have his confession here. 
“I.. I’m in love with you,” Carl said. Y/n’s jaw dropped and she froze. “Wha-What?”
“My brothers and Mickey helped me realise I was yesterday when you were ordering dinner. They told me I should get you flowers and stuff so I did. I hope you like roses,” Carl explained and held up the gifts. 
Y/n’s lips upturned in a wide smile. “How long have you liked me?”
“Honestly, probably since we were little,” Carl shrugged sheepishly. 
Y/n giggled. “Me, too.”
“Really?” Carl smiled. 
Y/n waked up to him and took the gifts, setting them on the kitchen counter. She went up to him and put her arms around his neck. 
“Yep. I always have,” she grinned. 
“Oh, sick!” Carl exclaimed. “Oh wait.”
“What?” Y/n asked in confusion. 
“That’s what they meant!” Carl exclaimed in realisation.
“Who? What?” “Oh, Lip, Mickey, and Ian kind of told me yesterday when I asked for help,” Carl explained. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and she turned to the stairs, glaring. “Mickey, Lip, Ian! You better fucking run!”  
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thedamageofherdays · 3 years
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This week's [23-08-2021 - 29-08-2021] reading log is here! I read a lot again this week and I feel like it's a lovely variety of fics. Most fics are Stucky like usual, but there's at least one other ship. I am constantly amazed by the talent people have in this fandom! There was one fic I read on Tumblr that I can't seem to find unfortunately, but when I do I'll make sure to reblog and rec it 💕
Favourites are marked with a 🌻
When life gives you lemons by moonthejedi394 @moonythejedi394 [Stucky, 40k words, Mature] (12/15 chapters available)
Or 13 Terrible Things to Do With Lemons Other Than Making Lemonade
Steve Rogers is a home health nurse. He works for an agency, which assigned him to the aging Winifred Barnes, the one and only Silent Era Hollywood darling. As her needs increased, she requested the agency assign Steve to her full-time. She could pay for it, so she got it. Steve then moved in with her, becoming her caregiver; he cooked, he cleaned, he managed her medications, he made sure she was comfortable.
Winifred's children treated him less than ideally. He was the help, after all. And then Steve had the audacity to go and turn out to be eldest son James Barnes's soulmate. No one saw that coming.
The Masseur and the Assassin by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 17k words, Explicit]
Bucky Barnes needed a vacation from his job. What he found was a happy ending.
The Words Breathe by buckbarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
All Steve has to do is keep his promise. When he doesn’t, Bucky gets mouthy.
Soft by this_wayward_life @wayward-lives [Stucky, 2k words, Explicit]
The last time he'd seen Bucky he'd looked unhealthy, with pallid skin and greasy, lanky hair. Now, Bucky shone; his hair was thick and silky, his skin a deep bronze from spending so much time outside. He was softer, too; the hard muscle that used to cover him was now replaced by soft fat, his body still strong, but in a more mundane way. His thighs were thicker, his ass plumper, and when he'd pulled Steve into the river Steve had noticed the pudge on his stomach.
Seeing Bucky so happy, well-fed and shining, was a bit of a kick in the face. For all the years they'd known each other, he'd never seen Bucky so... care-free. Now that Bucky was putting on weight, his middle soft and his body malleable, it sent a bolt of arousal through Steve every time he noticed the curves of Bucky's body.
Or: Bucky put on a bit of weight in Wakanda, and Steve is Not Coping.
🌻 Revive Another Side of Me by dontcallmebree @iamthe-wo-manwhocan [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Steve’s never lived in a world without Bucky, and he’s not living now. It takes them a while, much too long, to get that awaited rest, a little slice of peace after the dust has settled.Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes are inseparable, history remembers. But they’re not men of the past quite yet.
🌻 imagine being loved by me by spacebuck @spacebuck [Stucky, 20k words, Explicit]
Just after 1am - a few hours after he posted today’s photo - he hears the tell-tale sound of a twitter message. Bucky grabs his phone, not checking who it’s from as he opens it because it’s probably one of his mutuals yelling at him as per usual. When he actually looks at his phone, though, it’s not Natasha
The ‘verified’ check stares back at him for a long moment before he can even bring himself to process the name on his screen. Steve Rogers is messaging him. Or, he reasons, a very good fake. The handle looks right though, not that Bucky knows. Not that Bucky has Captain’s America’s tweets set up as notifications, or that Bucky’s own display name is set to captain america’s bitch. Not at all.
Hey, the first message says. It’s Steve.
🌻 JB’s Complete Lube Services by dixons_mama @dixons-mama [Stucky, 3k words, Explicit]
People just didn’t approach Captain America and proposition him. Although, sometimes Steve wished they would; even the pinnacle of virtue and justice needed to get dicked down from time to time.
Or, the one where Steve has the hots for a mechanic and decides to be proactive in getting that dick.
If it had to be someone by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky had known since he was a child that he didn’t have a choice in who he married, but he’d thought he had more time before the day arrived.
Miscalculations by christywantspizza @christywantspizza [Ransom Drysdale/Reader, 6k words, Explicit]
Ransom tries to get you to sleep with him by less than honorable means. You give him what he wants, just not how he wants it.
How to Seduce a Writer by obsessivereader [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
What's a determined master strategist going to do when the oblivious writer he's trying to woo keeps missing all the clues?
He doesn’t think it’s because he hadn’t signaled his own interest to Bucky. He’s pretty much done everything short of hitting Bucky over the head with semaphore flags by this point. There’s no way Bucky could’ve missed them. Unless… There’d been that one link he’d stumbled upon when he’d googled ‘how to talk to a writer’. It’d been written by a writer, who’d been candid about how oblivious writers could be, and how someone could go about seducing one. An idea starts to form. It’s ridiculous, but at this point, he’s willing to go with ridiculous, since subtle wasn’t getting him anywhere.
🌻 Pod Bless America by Deisderium @deisderium [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
Bucky can't believe his favorite podficcer recorded his newest fanfic AU of the show Commandos. He's even more surprised when the customer who busts him listening to fic while he's working in the office supply store turns out to be that podficcer.
* The guy—maybe bi_shield?—took his phone, looked down at the screen, and smiled. "Yeah, that one's mine," he said with no evidence of embarrassment. "It was a good one." He handed the phone back to Bucky.
"I wrote it," Bucky croaked.
take a bite by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 7k words, Mature]
"I’d never let anyone freeze to death.” Steve gives a big sigh and flutters his lashes. “All that blood gone to waste.”
Bucky’s lips turn down and his nose scrunches up a little. “I want to be grossed out, but…”
“But you get it.” Steve gives him a pointed look. “Vampires aren’t the only ones who can appreciate how juicy blood is.”
Or: Vampire Steve saves newly-turned werewolf Bucky from a snowstorm.
Leaving the Shield Behind by BuckyAboveEverything [Stucky, 6k words, Teen]
“So, on one hand, we have Steve Rogers - hunk, genius, animal lover. Buys you waffles and overpriced coffee. 100% wholesome all-American boy.”
“And, on the other hand, we have Capsicle – twink, smart-ass, fanboy. Reads your stories and sends you fanart. Possibly a pervert or a serial killer.”
Bucky groaned.
“I am 100% certain I am 0% sure of what to do."
Bucky Barnes, full-time copywriter and free-time fanfic writer, struggles to choose between two equally-attractive suitors, only to find that he doesn’t have to after all.
* Based on a true story *
Cap's Book Corner by Neche [Stucky, 2k words, Teen]
Recluse Author Bucky Barns stumbles into fanboy Steve Rogers bookstore one day...
Cat Nap by galwednesday @galwednesday [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Objectively, losing the Bucharest safehouse and its contents was the least of Bucky’s problems. The balding agent he’d seen directing the raid was apparently affiliated with SHIELD, which was a shadowy government agency that made representatives from other shadowy government agencies suddenly remember urgent appointments when Bucky tried to bribe, threaten, and otherwise shake them down for information on what the hell SHIELD might want with a former brainwashed assassin. Dodging SHIELD should be his number one priority.
Subjectively, he wanted his fucking cat back.
at any given moment by honeypuffed [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
Steve and Bucky find out that everyone thinks they're sleeping together.
Brought to Brightness by eyres [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
Army veteran Bucky Barnes has fallen in love with Steve, a guy he met online a few months after he returned from Afghanistan. Only problem is, he doesn't know Steve's last name or even what he looks like.
When his sister helps him send his story into MTV's Catfish, he's hoping they can help him meet Steve or, at least, let him move on with his life if Steve isn't real. Little does he know, Steve and Captain America have more in common than just a first name.
🌻 Nokken Wood by leveragehunters @leveragehunters [Stucky, 10k words, Teen]
When Sam's friend needs a house-sitter for his place in the country, Steve jumps at the chance. Six months rent-free to do nothing but draw and paint and wander the countryside, looking for inspiration? It was like a dream. But when he gets lost in a storm and nearly falls into a pond he starts to rethink the whole like a dream aspect of life in the country. And when a red-eyed, sharp-clawed, silver-fanged creature rises out of the darkness, Steve is one hundred percent certain the dream's morphed into a nightmare.
...until it gives him a cup of tea.
(Inspired partly by this prompt a supernatural creature is supposed to scare you but instead it gives you a cup of tea and a blanket because you're having a bad day and you keep coming back and partly by this painting.)
Professional Pride by galwednesday [Stucky, 700 words, Teen]
Bucky is having a very good day, until he turns around and finds himself face-to-face with Captain America.
“Oh shit,” he blurts before he can stop himself, and Captain America blinks at him. “Hey, hi, I didn’t expect to see you here.” Here, at New York’s Pride parade, surrounded by thousands of happy screaming people wearing rainbows and sometimes not much else. What is he doing here? Is he on guard duty or something? Was he just on a mission and happened to be passing by on his way back?
He’s in uniform but with the cowl loose around his neck, so when he rubs the back of his head it fluffs up his matted hair. “I, uh. I saw one of your–temporary tattoos?” Captain fucking America says, like it’s a question.
The A-bridged Guide to Trolling by galwednesday [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I don’t have any money.”
Oh no, now the girl looked upset. Her eyes were huge and her lip was wobbling. Bucky tried to think fast despite the oh shit oh shit oh shit looping through his head.
“That’s okay,” Bucky said gently. “I don’t need money. We can figure out another kind of toll.”
The girl frowned at him. “Like what?”
Bucky scratched his head, trying to think of something a kid was certain to have on hand. “Do you know any jokes?”
(Fantasy AU in which Steve is a hedge witch with a green thumb, Bucky is a bridge troll who's new in town, and knock-knock jokes are a viable form of currency.)
It's a bittersweet ending (if you know what I mean) by relenafanel [Stucky, 1k words, Teen]
“I’ll see you around, Steve,” Bucky answers with a smirk, moving away from the counter with a wink.
Steve watches him go. Bucky’s wearing a pair of skinny jeans coated in something to give the appearance of leather. It’s impossible to not watch him go.
stuck on you by wearing_tearing [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
“Bucky? You don’t look so hot.”
Bucky makes a tiny little sound in the back of his throat, only to start coughing. Of course he doesn’t look hot. He’s sick and he’s dying and Steve obviously isn’t attracted to him.
Decision-Making in Relationships (Paid Research Opportunity!) by castiowl [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
Clint looked thoughtfully at the flyer. “I guess your actual roommate wouldn’t be down with it?”
Bucky frowned. “Have you met Steve Rogers?”
no way out but through by hollimichele [Stucky, 9k words, Teen]
Steve never sees it coming.
you got blood on your hands (and i know it's mine) by nighimpossible [Stucky, 3k words, Teen]
Bucky refuses to see Steve after his deprogramming.
Like What You See by daisymondays [Stucky, 8k words, Teen]
For all the time Bucky’s spent fantasizing about meeting Captain America, he’d never imagined it would be while posing nude in front of a drawing class.
🌻 A Real Boy by itsnotbleak [Stucky, 5k words, Teen]
It took the Winter Soldier three weeks to remember that human beings needed to sleep and eat.
It took Steve far too long to realise the Winter Soldier was sleeping in his bed.
Amapola by chaya [Stucky, 830 words, Teen]
Total fluff. Bucky's recovering nicely. Steve's oblivious. Sometimes it's best to set aside subtlety for action.
Knocking Boots With Sugar by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy [Stucky, 4k words, Explicit]
In between summers at college, Steve Rogers wants a new adventure beyond his lonely life in Brooklyn. He ends up in West Texas working on a dude ranch where Bucky Barnes is a long-time employee. When Bucky offers to buy Steve a drink, they end up drunk on tequila and making out in public. For the rest of the summer, they're inseparable. As the summer draws to a close, Steve realizes he doesn't want to leave.
Rogers and Associate by roe87 @jro616 [Stucky, 7k words, Teen]
When they first meet, Bucky is a hooker and Steve is a cop. She's been arrested, but Steve lets her off.
Years pass and they maintain a casual friendship, seeing each other out on the streets most nights.
Though he later makes detective, Steve loses faith in the system and quits his job.
He wants to set up as a private investigator, and he asks Bucky if she'd be his assistant.
Just in time by rainbow_nerds [Stucky, 1k words, Mature]
Bucky knew the apartment he was renting was old fashioned, but walking in the front door and finding himself transported back to 1938 was not on the list of things he had prepared himself for.
🌻 You Like What's in My Head by dontcallmebree [Stucky, 15k words, Explicit] (with art by @kocuria)
Bucky can’t decide if Steve’s a tough nut to crack or incredibly easy. The timbre of his voice, a low and almost amused, “Sure, kid,” when Bucky asks for a drink feels like something gripping him on the back of his neck.
He thinks this might be one of those moments in life he’ll pinpoint in the future and either curse at for dooming himself, or remember fondly with pride.
He’s right. Bucky Barnes blunders through falling in love with Commander Rogers and tries to find a deeper meaning behind the expensive gifts and thorough fucking.
Can I Sit Here? by BuckyFrickenBarnes [Stucky, 962 words, General]
Bucky has unusual methods for getting rid of his writer's block.
Or, Bucky needs that table.
Workplace Romance by BuckyFricken Barnes [Stucky, 1k words, General]
Bucky is under the impression that his boss hates him.
Steve needs to get better at dealing with his feelings.
🌻 1-800-MAYTAG by Miss Plum @misspluckyplum [Stucky, 1k words, Explicit]
Bucky just wants to get some housework done. It gets out of hand fast. Silly little fluff and smut romp with snarky stucky boys.
Eyes of the Forest by Lordelannette [Stucky, 7k words, Explicit] (2/8 chapters available)
When Omega Bucky Barnes comes to Eagle Lake, it was in search of wolves, a creature that had not been seen in the area for decades.
What he finds instead is Steve Rogers, a handsome, though quiet Alpha who seems to be everywhere in the forest.
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the32ndbeat · 3 years
𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐣.𝐲𝐧 - [ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟛 ]
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pairing: stalker!jaehyun x fem!reader ( ft twice’s tzuyu, loona’s haseul )
word count: 2.4k
warnings: swearing, mentions of alcohol, alcohol consumption, mentions of sexual harassment, mature themes, mentions of drugs, smoking, extreme views, misogyny, yandere themes
a/n: unedited! it’s been forever since I updated this but also considering if I should turn this into a tbz series at my tbz writing blog so we’ll see how this goes.
taglist: I don’t have one yet and I’m seeing how this does since I’m thinking whether I should convert it into a tbz series. Please do lemme know if you guys want to see this continued!
disclaimer: everything written here is FICTIONAL and I am in no way saying that the mentioned characters act like that irl!
(inspired by netflix’s you and the book of the same name by caroline kepnes)
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The first thing that registers in my mind is how fucking loud this place is. Seriously, what is it with college parties and their inherent need to blast music loud enough to wake the entire neighbourhood within a five mile radius? Before I even step within the premises or even make it to the front yard, the whole fraternity house seemed to shake from the loudness of the bass-boosted music when viewed from a distance away. I even had to squint as I approach, the strings of fluorescent party lights draped all over the place glowing so brightly it almost hurt to look straight.
A few drunk college frat boys stumble past me, their hair sticky and messy with sweat and their breaths reeking of cheap alcohol. Their steps are wobbly and I can even see drool and remnants of vomit hanging at the corner of their mouths. My heart clenches with pure disgust and I grit my teeth as I watch them laugh out loud over nothing, their brains a pink, unintelligent mush in their skulls, probably rotted by endless drinking and fucking. All part of the college frat experience.
I wonder if they enjoy being a complete waste of space while wasting mummy and daddy’s money to put them through college.
I look away and ignore the growing irritation in me. This is the sort of party your friends wanted you to go with them to? I thought your friends were bad influences but scratch that, they’re fucking horrible. They taint you, taint your innocence and put you at risk around such dangerous men who do not deserve to be even a mile within your presence. As I walk closer, the house looks even more hideous up close.
It’s decorated in the worst way I’ve seen a house decorated. It’s as if someone threw a bunch of random fairy lights bought in the brightest, blinding neon colours that simply do not go together over a sloppy looking house and the front yard is littered with empty, red plastic cups and is that a discarded bra I see over there?
I tiptoe over the trash laying around on the grass and try to avoid the gyrating bodies of college students who clearly have no sense of rhythm. My skin feels grimy within just a few minutes of being here and I can’t wait to leave but there is no way I’m leaving when I know that you will be here. The thought of you being surrounded by such vermins makes me sick to the stomach and I want to get you out of here. The only place you should rightfully be, is at my place where there are no revolting men who only love to drink cheap alcohol, party till sunrise, get high off smoking a blunt, yell ‘turn up!’ every few minutes as if it’s muscle memory in their tiny, almost non-existent brains and do anything but be a productive member of society.
As I push through the double doors, the nauseating smell containing a mixture of intoxicating alcohol, smoke and cheap cologne almost knocks me backwards. My hand grips tighter to the wooden door and I force myself in. Inside, the house is dim but bright at the same time with disco and laser lights. A massive boombox and a pair of equally large loudspeakers sit at the corner of the room and some hip hop tune is being played while people dance and drink and smoke to their hearts’ delight. You’d never believe these kids were supposed to be the future.
Oh, how disappointed their parents must be.
A girl in skimpy shorts and a tube top looks at me with unadulterated want and beckoning in her eyes while staring at the varsity jacket I’m wearing, no doubt replaying fantasies of fucking a college athlete in her mind and trying to guess which sport I supposedly play. I gaze blankly at them before turning away and I can see her shift from the corner of my eye, obviously bothered by the lack of attention. It’s like I can almost see the gears whirring in her brain. Did she not show enough cleavage? Is more skin needed to get my attention? Sometimes people are so predictable and readable that it’s almost pathetic.
Other times, I might have lowered my standards and settled for a casual fuck with someone like that but not today. Today, I’m a man on a mission. A mission to look out for you.
My eyes scan the room but it’s too dim to see anything within four feet in any direction. The flashing lights threaten to overwhelm me along with the stink of the place and booming music and I can feel my annoyance evolving into anger. I repress the urge to slap the shit out of a guy in a red bandana who screams ‘turn up’ all of sudden, practically effectively bursting my eardrums.
I almost bump into a couple eating each other’s faces out when someone yells out at me.
“Hey, you!”
The music is so loud that I almost don’t hear it. I whip around and sure enough, it’s tube top girl making her way over to me. You have got to be fucking kidding me. Not only do I have to find and save you from this sleazy place and have to squeeze in with a crowd of sweaty, brainless college kids who know nothing but party in a tiny, dirty, smelly frat house but now I also have tube top girl hot on my heels?
The things I do for you, y/n and we haven’t even properly gotten to know each other yet.
“Hey, how’s it going?” Tube top girl smiles and up close, I can see that her mascara is smudged and her hair is slicked back with an unholy amount of gel into a tight little bun which only makes her face look wider and her forehead exposed with a sheen of sweat covering it. Her lipstick is reapplied and I know for a fact that she has done it to impress me. Her top is also inched a little lower, as if that makes her anymore appealing.
I smile in a dismissive way, in a way that showed that I cared, but not really.
“Hey,” I reply flippantly.
“Crazy party huh?” She grins, satisfied that she’s got my attention now. Women.
I let my eyes drift to her breasts and look back up at her expectant, puppy dog eyes that are so eager to please it’s actually embarrassing.
“What’s your name? I’m Meg.”
“I’m Jaehyun.”
“You part of any sports team in school?” And just like that I know that tube top girl must have had fantasies of fucking a college athlete.
So predictable.
“Yeah, I’m on the swim team.” I say and her smile widens, a playfulness in her eyes as she leans her chest in closer in what was meant to be a sexy gesture.
“Oh, is that so? I’ve never really talked to a competitive swimmer before,” she replies in a sultry voice and I smirk.
“Well, here I am. Am I every bit of the guy you imagined a college swimmer to be?” I whisper in an equally sultry voice. Let her think she has me wrapped around her finger. It’s easier that way. Better for her to think I’m enthralled with her and her breasts than let her cling onto me the entire night.
“Mhm,” she says, “of course.”
I’m about to reply when something catches my eye. From the window, I see you and your friends stumbling and swaying down the sidewalk, away from the party. Internally, I feel my rage simmering again but not at anyone. At myself.
How was I so late that I didn’t manage to stop this from happening? How are you already drunk? How did this happen?
A million questions are racing through my mind and my vision almost blurs with white hot anger as I imagine a slimy frat guy placing his greasy hands on you while you sit there, drunk and uninhibited in that dress that seemed to accentuate your every single curve. You look simply gorgeous in that dress and I fucking hate to think that other guys in this whole house may have made a pass at you. Why was I so late? Would I have been just a little bit earlier if tube top Meg didn’t stop me? I should have left the moment she decided to strike up conversation. This is my karma for letting other temptations get in the way. I vow to myself that this will never happen again as I extricate myself away from Meg’s clutches (“Hey! Where are you going?” She calls out and I ignore her).
I shove people out of the way and do not care for their protests and yelps. Fuck them and fuck this entire shithole of a house. I scramble through the door and maintain my distance as I follow you and your friends down the pavement and past the buildings within the campus. I watch and cringe as you seem to crumple under the weight of your friends’ arm and quickly realise that you aren’t drunk. Your friends are. Stupidly drunk.
I feel my heart relax and my stomach unclench. Of course, you wouldn’t be. You are good. And smart. Too smart to get drunk in a place like that. You know what are the risks and you are above such parties. Your friends though, I couldn’t say the same. Which brings me back to why you need better friends but that’s besides the point. I can see a few guys hanging at the other side of the street who leer at the group of you, clearly getting their dick hard at the thought of a group of vulnerable girls roaming these empty streets at night.
It’s dangerous. But that’s what I’m here for. They see me next and they look away.
I will do what I can to protect you, y/n. Even if that means protecting your good for nothing friends in the process.
All of a sudden, I see you trip and it’s like everything is in slow motion. You fall forward and I take long strides over, my legs stretching out and rushing to help you. Before your knees can hit the rough ground, I have you in my arms, encircled around your waist as I hold you up. I have your other friend, Haseul upright with my other hand tugging at the collar of her jacket. Your friend Tzuyu is not so fortunate and falls flat but she barely notices it, smiling tipsily to herself instead.
You glance up at me with those large eyes and I could get lost in them right there and then. But as quickly as we have our moment, you move away and I see a hint of suspicion in your eyes. We separate and the moment you extract yourself from my arms, I already want you back. Your touch feels addictive already. What have you done to me?
“Thanks.” You say curtly and I admire the fact that you have boundaries, not like Meg. You are hard to get and that’s what makes you so appealing. You are to be earned and respected.
You help Tzuyu to her feet and as you turn to leave with your friends, I call out, “is there any way I can help?”
You regard me with caution and open your mouth to reject me but then suddenly, the tenseness in your eyes relax.
“Do I know you?”
You remember me. Halle-fucking-lujah! I want to wrap you in my arms again but I play it cool.
“I… don’t…?”
Your eyes grow wide and the recognition seeps in.
“Wait! You’re from that hardware store right? Jaehyun?”
I pretend to be surprised when I’m actually fucking overjoyed.
“Yeah, wait… You’re that girl with the rope right?”
You laugh and it’s the most melodious thing I’ve ever heard in forever.
“Yup, that’s me. Kind of mortified that’s how you remember me but sure,” you say and your eyes twinkle but then you continue with a more subdued tone, “what are you doing here?”
I pat my chest good-naturedly.
“Friend of mine is a student here. I just came over to visit and he gave me his varsity jacket so I could try feeling like a college student for once. Never been to college so… yeah. I thought I’d like to try it out for fun.” I reply and shoot you an awkward smile, the kind you do when you try to get someone to favour you and think of you as ‘adorable’.
It works and you smile gently.
“That’s pretty cool, you’ve got a good friend.”
And you haven’t, I think but don’t say.
I gesture towards you and your friends.
“Need any help?”
You look at your drunken friends and back at me and I sense you thinking. Finally, you decide that you do need my help and chuckle, “We live right at that block over there and I think I might die halfway there. I’m not fit enough to hold 2 people.”
That’s so like you. So compassionate over friends who clearly didn’t give a shit that you didn’t want to go to some god forsaken party, so caring over friends who get drunk and don’t take responsibility, so helpful to take care of friends who literally do not give a fuck about you. You are not beautiful on the outside but on the inside too and as I loop Tzuyu’s arm over my neck and hold her, I wish I was holding you instead.
We amble over to the front of your block and we part, you thank me and we say our goodbyes and it’s all too soon. I want to be with you for longer, I want us to talk and I want you to invite me to your room but reality is often much less exciting and more boring.
“I’ll see you!” You call out, smiling as I walk away and I wave back, my heart soaring.
Today is a good day, I think and as I round the corner to the next street, I slip the keycard out of my pocket and feel the hard plastic under my finger.
Wasn’t difficult honestly. Your friends should really learn to keep their valuables in safe places, not the back pocket of their jeans.
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get-shiggy-with-it · 3 years
Ch. 2
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Shigaraki Birthday Celebration! 18+ MINORS DNI
Pairing: Tomura Shigaraki x fem!reader 
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: reader is marked fem cause Tomura is a little sexist and hates you cause you’re a woman, no pronouns, incel!shiggy, collage au/no quirks, tomura is an asshole, gratuitous swearing, like so much, shiggy has a dirty mouth, mentions of shigs being anxious, brief male masturbation, tags will be added for smut in the next two parts
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6
Summary: In which studying is done, unwilling connections are made, and Tomura thinks about the way you smell a totally normal amount. 
AO3 mirror
Taglist: @dillybuggg​ (just shoot me an ask if you want to be tagged!
Tomura hadn’t stopped staring at his phone since he left the apartment. It was second nature by now—head down at a nearly ninety degree angle, hoodie pulled up to hide hair he hadn’t bothered to comb in weeks, and phone out, held just far enough away that he could see the pavement behind the screen. 
He’d found that people tended to naturally avoid him this way and he didn’t have to risk accidentally making eye contact. It was still a bit nerve wracking to venture into buildings he didn’t expressly have to for classes, so he was still hesitant to make the voyage from his apartment to the library.  But he’d made the mistake of mentioning plans to his roommate and the bastard wouldn’t leave him alone about it afterwards until he was practically shoved out with the door locked behind him. 
He was half tempted to make up some excuse last minute and go hide out at the only cafe on campus he could tolerate, but Tomura knew he was just delaying the inevitable. Biting the bullet now would help to not prolong his suffering. 
Your text thread glared up at him in stark white on blue as he pushed past a crowd of students by the library entrance and flashed his ID to the attendant. 
Group Project Bitch:
— hey I got us a room on the third floor, all the way in the back
—text me when you’re here I’ll wave you in, it’s kinda hard to find T-T
                                                                                                     sounds good— 
He shot off a quick text to you that he was hoping on the elevator. The other two guys in the lift may have given him a dirty look for only going up to the third floor, but Tomura sure as hell wasn’t going to risk the physical exertion of stares when just the thought being stuck in a small room alone with you for god knows how long already had him sweating. 
When he stepped out, you were leaned against one of the 90s-green shelves, scrolling aimlessly through your phone. He panicked momentarily, thinking he’d have to get your attention cause just walking up without saying anything would be weird right? 
He wasn’t sure. 
He didn’t do shit like this. 
Thankfully, you looked up at the chime of the lift and waved him over. His red sneakers squeaked as they scuffed the linoleum floors and he already regretted choosing his tighter fitting pair of sweats. The tapered legs that hugged his ankles and thin calves rubbed against his skin and stung the raw patches. 
“Hey, thanks for coming,” you said softly and he nodded, following as you began to weave through the stacks. “Sorry it was short notice, graduation’s coming up so I'm swamped with meetings.”
“It’s fine, I didn’t have anything going on.” 
He cringed internally at the way his voice cracked, trying to keep the usual rasp to a minimum. His roommate said it was from the innumerable hours he spent shouting at his monitor or on discord, which was probably true but to you he was sure he just sounded like a fucking teenager. 
“Cool, I’ve been set up for awhile so feel free to move some stuff,” you talked a bit louder now that you’d both stepped into the study room and shut the door. 
Tomura looked around. You’d snagged one of the nicer ones at least, with the big monitors he could cast his screen onto and those comfy chairs he liked but could never beat anyone too on the lower floors. 
You were right, there was shit all over the big table at the center of the room. Notes and printed out readings with highlights galore and sticky notes littering the pages were scattered all over. What a show off. You probably tossed all this stuff out so he’d think you were actually intelligent or some shit. 
Kicking a pile off of the nearest plush armchair, Tomura took a seat and pulled his laptop out. There was a jack in the middle of the table and you plugged yours in to cast onto the big monitor. 
You made a fucking power point for him. 
This couldn’t be real. 
“So I know I ran some stuff by you in class but essentially I was thinking we make like a simple Twine type thing using the rhetorical argument Swift is making…” 
You started rambling again and Tomura almost immediately tuned you out. His eyes drifted between the rough outline you were flicking through on the board and the laptop you had your nose buried in. 
It was covered in stickers, pretty obviously stereotypical for someone as obsessed with being ‘cool’ as you clearly were. But as he scanned through the various old meme phrases and aesthetic shit, he caught a couple of game references he recognized and a panel cutout from one of his favorite manga. 
He almost fell into your trap for a moment, feeling a rush at the prospect of someone—much less a chick—being into his main hyperfixations. 
But it was quickly crushed under everything his years trolling subreddits had taught him. People like you didn’t actually have interests beyond the attention and dick it got them. Plus that manga was pretty popular anyway, you probably didn’t even read it, just thought the line was funny or made you sound quirky. That had to be why you felt the need to drop it in your first texts. 
“What do you think?” you asked, making good on your new habit of startling the hell out of him. 
Tomura blinked, gaze instinctively turning to you but the blatant way you stared made his mouth turn to sand paper, so he looked resolutely back at the color-coded bullet points on the screen. 
“Look’s fine,” he mumbled. 
The more he glanced over it, the more it actually did look fine. A bit more than fine, really, which pissed him off even more. The little choose-your-own debate style story was not a terrible way to make fucking Whatever Swift interesting and it kinda looked like you’d bothered to google some simple coding which gave him a better idea of what you were looking for. 
It was...good. 
And that so fucking annoying. 
Well, he wasn’t sure if annoying was the right word for it, but the proposal coupled with your apparent lack of disgust at working with him made his face hot and that only ever happened otherwise when his roommate left the dishes out for weeks or when some newb on his server fucked up their raids. 
Then, you had the audacity to plop down in the chair next to him and— 
“You can tell me to fuck off if you want,” you began, shuffling in the chair to cross your legs on the cushion, “but I was hoping you’d be willing to show me how you do some of the coding stuff? I tried on my own, but I have literally no clue what I’m doing.” 
He could smell you again, like the whole fucking health and beauty aisle at the grocery store. When he turned his head a bit to look at you around the curtain of his hair, you were crooked—back against the armrest and facing him. 
“Why do you want to know?” he asked, sounding a bit less rude than he would have liked to. 
You just fucking stared right at him though, didn’t wrinkle your nose at how greasy his roots were or how he was wearing the same hoodies as yesterday. 
“I’ve always been interested in it, but my program is kinda stressful and I don’t have much free time so I never learned,” you offered and for once Tomura found he didn’t feel his skin crawl under your unwavering gaze. 
The dry, cracked area around his eyes burned though as sweat beaded on his forehead and he quickly wiped at his face with a loose sweatshirt sleeve. The garment hung off his shoulders, bought a size too big that he never ended up growing into. 
“What’s your major?” 
He found the words slipped easily from him. It was the quintessential question you asked of anyone in college when you met, but he’d never been interested in the answer before. 
You babbled a bit about your specific area of study and your voice was surprisingly not as infuriating as he remembered it being before. It was softer, he thought, than when you were soapboxing in class about the sexist implications of old as fuck poetry—it had a less grating quality and was almost pleasing to the ear. 
Or Tomura would have said that if he thought you deserved the compliment. 
But, obviously you didn’t. 
So he didn’t. 
He just pretended to care about what you were saying and didn’t hang onto every word at all. Actually he was more enraptured in the way your lips moved when you talked. You used your hands a lot too, but his eyes were ensnared on the way your mouth quirked and dipped, at the occasional flash of your tongue between strong teeth. When he leaned in a bit, he could smell your breath too: fruity gum and the remnants of whatever you were always drinking in that loud as fuck cup. He wondered now what exactly it was, so he could buy it and get a better idea of what you mouth might taste—
No, see this was exactly what he wasn’t supposed to be thinking about. How were you doing this to him? What a fucking slut. 
Tomura steeled his nerves as you started explaining the extracurriculars you did on the side. 
“My roommate freshman year actually started a gaming club and so I’ve gotten more into that over the years,” you explained, pointing at the stickers on your laptop case. 
“Are you talking about The League?” 
“Yeah, I didn’t know if you’d heard of it,” you shrugged.  
He knew of the gaming club on campus. He’d thought about joining when he enrolled but the allure of anonymity online gaming provided was too strong. Plus his discord server didn’t have annoying weekly meetings. 
The thought of you, up late and illuminated by the blue light of a tv screen, tucked away in one of the basement rooms in the media building was...strange. It also prompted an array of new images—you in those fucking cat ear headsets, seated in his lap as he trashed you in Mario Kart which was even stranger. 
Tomura had to physically shake his head to dislodge the thought. 
“Uh, we should probably work on this right?” he cringed at the way his voice cracked compared to your own, smooth tone. 
You should narrate those fucking sleepy time mediation things. His roommate used to hide wireless speakers in his room and blast those when Tomura stayed up too late. It was annoying as shit then, but if it was you talking, he probably wouldn’t have minded so much. 
Or no, no he would definitely mind. 
Yes. It would have been worse if anything. 
“Oh shit, you right. It’s been like two hours.” 
He glanced down at his laptop and saw that it had, indeed, been two hours since he got there. He’d willingly spoken to you for two goddamn hours. It felt like no time had passed at all, but the sun was definitely setting, the overhead fluorescent bulbs taking over as the main light source in the room. 
So you settled back in your chair, typing away like you always did, but the sound wasn’t nearly as frustrating as before. Occasionally, you’d glance over his shoulder and ask questions about what he was working on, but mostly the two of you settled into a comfortable silence. 
This pattern continued for the next few weeks. As the weather warmed, you began to show a bit more skin. He never worked up the nerve to comment on the thick expanse of bare thigh that tapered off nicely into your calf, or the curve of your arms not hidden behind knit sweaters—hell even your fucking shoulders were hard not to look at. 
Maybe all those high school dress codes weren’t actually so full of shit after all. Cause he was definitely distracted by the way your neck swooped into the exposed skin of your shoulder and down your back on more than one occasion.
Did all girls know that? Was it some kind of massive conspiracy to crumble the patriarchy or some crap to go flashing bare shoulders everywhere? 
Regardless if you really were trying to hypnotize him into liking you, Tomura stayed resolutely in his monochrome, long sleeved attire, and if you noticed the behavior you never said a word. 
Never said a word about his allergy ridden skin, peeling lips or scarred throat. Never commented on his terrible posture or said his eyes were creepy. Even when he’d occasionally toss a negative remark your way, you never retaliated maliciously. Just brushed him off with a jovial ‘don’t be a dick’ and a playful, but hard slap to his chest or the back of his head. 
The two of you always met in the same, secluded room on the third floor. You’d talk with him in class sometimes or shoot him texts about random bits of inspiration or a late night game memes, but for the most part, your conversations were confined to that room. He found he preferred the study room ‘you’ best. You weren’t as stiff. There was more of a solidity to you, like he’d seen when you told off that Kai bastard. 
It...grew on him. 
He was irrationally anxious that there would be a time when you couldn’t secure this particular room—with it’s big monitor and comfy chairs and less annoying ‘you’—but he’d been reassured after your third work session. 
Someone had knocked softly at the thick, wooden door and a head of wild, bright pink hair peaked around the crack. 
“Sup bro,” the intruder quipped, as they stepped fully into the room. 
“Hey, Spinner,” you mumbled back, looking up momentarily from the essay portion of your presentation before going back to typing. 
Spinner had seemed to notice him at that point and offered a small wave in his direction. “Oh hey, sorry, thought you were alone,” he said quickly. 
“Nah, this is Tomura,” you said, glancing up again and jerking your thumb in his direction. 
Tomura nodded and tugged at his hoodie strings to stop from scratching under the newcomer’s gaze. He’d gotten used to you, but other people still made him a bit nervous. 
“Nice to meet you,” Spinner had a nice smile, bright and flashy when he spoke. He leaned against the door and crossed his arms, looking around the room. “You got the nice one, huh. How’d you manage that?” he asked. 
“Yeah,” you half closed your laptop and stretched a bit. “Jin was working the front desk, so I’ve just been bribing him with vending machine snacks.” 
“He hasn’t gotten himself fired yet?” Spinner laughed incredulously, but not unkindly. 
“Surprisingly not, but he’s completely corrupt now,” you were picking at the cuticle of your thumb and Tomura fixated on the way the skin split off at the nail. Just like his. “A couple packs of chips and a Monster and I get the most bitchin study room whenever I want.” 
“Damn,” Spinner chuckled again and Tomura really wished that he’d leave already. He was beginning to feel himself fading into the upholstery as the conversation left him in the dust. The divergence of your attention away from him or the project was even more annoying that you were. “Well, are you coming to The League meeting tonight? We’re busting out a Smash tournament.” 
“That’s tonight?” you asked, eyes perking up but sliding subtly in Tomura’s direction. “Sorry, I think Tomura and I are gonna be working on this project for a while longer and I’m kinda burnt out. But next time, yeah?”
Spinner rolled his eyes but nodded and kicked off the wall. “That’s not very sexy of you,” he chided and waved a hand in parting. “Gonna work yourself directly into the fucking grave.” 
“Jokes on you, I welcome death.” 
You buried yourself in the screen again and Tomura actually felt a bit grateful for you ending the conversation before he got too painfully awkward. 
But Spinner stopped before he left, looking Tomura up and down from the frayed strings of his black hoodie to the tips of his worn red sneakers. 
“Nice to meet you, man,” he said with a wide grin. “Feel free to tag along next time if you want, we always need more players.” 
The door clicked softly shut behind him and Tomura relaxed back into the silence.
He did end up tagging along—though he spent most of the time hanging off your heels like a lost puppy—to the next meeting of your gaming club and the one after that. Frustratingly enough, he learned that your interests did also extend into skills as you almost bested him in a few rounds Smash. Your profile, lit only by the flashing screen lights, was even more striking outside of his imagined imitations. 
So much so that it found its way into his head late at night when he was too tired to log onto his server. So much so that it had his cock growing firm and tenting his grey sweats without even the visual aid of his go to porn clips. So much so that sometimes, he felt inclined to do something about the throbbing between his legs. So much so that he thought about the way you picked the skin by your fingers. How it looked like his. How your hand might feel like his but softer. Smoother around the edges. With your sweet voice whispering in his ear, making him whine and pant and spill white ropes of release onto his stomach. 
But it was only because you were hot. 
And you were practically begging for him to jack off to the thought of you with those outfits and liking all the shit he liked and noticing when he shrunk away from conversations or including him in them when he started to feel that awful sense of fading into the background. 
Everybody jerks it sometimes to their group project partners if their ass is nice enough. 
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