#the gift of smut
myevilmouse · 2 years
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I KNOW I kept you pervs waiting but Chapter 4 (aka the one with all the smut) of Martial Arts is now posted on AO3.  Enjoy 💜💙 this amazing art inspired by the fic by @blackmonitor.  Full version below the cut…
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antiwhores · 1 month
My thoughts on how Bakugou cums:
He lets out a deep guttural moan every time he cums without fail. Its summoned from somewhere deep within him. He would die if anyone heard it except you. It’s for your ears and your ears only.
He does this while either burrowed in your neck or with his head tilted back. If he’s buried in your neck he’s either sucking on it or biting you. You love either but when his head is tilted back you get to see more of him. His Adam’s apple bobs so nicely.
His hands tense and untense rapidly. His fingers squeezed whatever he’s hanging onto almost painfully for him and definitely painfully for you (you love it tho). Also, his hands heat up. He’s gotten better control over it but when y’all first started he burned you so bad bro.
He grabs onto whatever part of you he has access to. From your hips and legs to your hair and neck. He gets too in the moment of his own pleasure and forgets that he’s strong as fuck. You usually come out with bruises.
When he can’t get a hold of you he does one of the three things: grabs fistfuls of his own hair, grabs the counter/sheets/headboard (whatever surface is near), or he lets himself loose and lets little explosions out.
Sometimes he whimpers. You have a mutual agreement to not speak of it.
He kisses you if he’s not covering his face. But if he’s not covering his face he’s covering yours. He hates the face he makes when he cums. Eventually, you got him to stop. Anyway, he kisses you sometimes if he’s not in your neck or throwing his head back. He bites your lips and moans into your mouth.
Okay I’m done
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xythlia · 1 year
too many fics about mc crying bc the obey me characters' cocks are so big not enough fics of the obey me characters crying bc their human body is so snug and tight and they just can't take it having to go so slow
mhm can't you just picture mammon near tears because god you're so warm, the way your pussy feel like it was made for him with every slow thrust. He wouldn't be able to pick up a rougher pace, too immediately drunk on the way you feel around him and far too afraid it would end too quickly.
Not to mention the noises you make, absolutely filthy moans of his name mixing with the slick noises of your cunt drawing him back in, as if you're refusing to let him go until he's spilled everything he could possibly give to you. It goes to his head, making his chest tighten and his field of vision is completely eclipsed by you: the way you look with your eyes screwed shut, the high pitch of your little whimpers as the head of his cock finds that spot that makes your thigh muscles twitch, the way you thred your fingers with his so tightly.
Any facade is stripped away when you've got your legs hooked around his hips, begging for more, pleading for him not to stop. If he could have his way, you'd stay like this forever. Ragged breaths puff past his lips, tear ducts stinging as you clench around him.
older brothers hcs based off this <3
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rosedom · 3 months
AHHHH HELLOOO sorry i usually dont request much, haha this is actually my second request in all of my tumblr story ever but...i saw you decided to write for gaming and i just couldnt resist, i love your writing a lot and i just think its so immaculate hahaa. Could you write an scenario where male reader is stressed from work (imagine he has an important job like a doctor or something whatever you want is fine :)) because he has been working days nonstop, so much that his boyfriend is all worked up and horny for him so when reader comes back he finds himself straddled by him while hes begging for fucking? With cockwarming, breeding kink and cowgirl position. Could that be with Gaming, Lyney and Gorou? SORRY IF IM ASKING MUCH I DONT WANT TO BE A BOTHER😭😭 i just dont know how to request but thanks for reading all of rant. And again, thank you and sorry for bothering😔 have a nice day/afternoon/night!
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"an unnamed player has invited GA-MING, LYNEY, and GOROU to play . . . an apple a day
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!top!male!reader, sub!bottom!ftm!characters, vaginal sex & riding, breeding kink + creampies, creaming (lyney), gratuitous praise + petnames .
A/N : aa u are never a bother !! i am SO SORRY this took so long for me to get to, omg . . . but i had sm fun with this (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Patient after patient after patient, each one with a more downright stupid trouble than the last. Your day had started with a young man, clearly fresh out of Millelith training, complaining of a tummy ache, of all things! He had clutched his stomach and moaned and groaned, and all you could prescribe him was bedrest. It’s not like you were going to waste medicine—medicine that some people needed—on someone who ached because he didn't eat fucking breakfast. 
The next patient was an older woman, here only for her biannual check up. You'd greeted her, said a sweet, “Good morning, madame,” but all she did was turn her snobby nose up at you and demand you not waste her time.
“Madame, you have a serious—” 
“I know, young man.” You had heaved a sigh, letting her boss you around for the length of her appointment before sending her off with the exact same specifications as last time: take vitamins, get ample rest, stop talking back to people just doing their jobs. (Though, that last one there was merely something you wished you had said.
Too bad the customer—in this case, patient—is always right, huh?)
But, by the end of the day, you wish, instead, that you had simply elderly after elderly; their disrespect pales to the absolute headache that the rest of your patients put behind your eyes, pounding at your skull—bam, bam, bam.
Wham bam-thank-you-ma'am, all throbbing incessantly behind your eyes and making you wanna hurl—except, god, you’re the fucking doctor, and who’s there to take care of him when he’s a little under the weather? You’ve got your boyfriend, of course—your perfect boyfriend, light of your life, apple of your eye, yet he’s home, and you’re here, and you’re bloody exhausted. 
“I need to go home,” you murmur—quiet, lest your own voice make you lose the last of your thin-threaded sanity—, already stripping yourself of the itchy scrubs you wear during the long days. 
“But sir—” the nurse asks, meak, but her voice is still too loud, too shrill for right now. 
You huff. “I’ve worked for fourteen hours.” The tired gruff to your own voice makes you cringe. You can feel the way it tumbles from your chest, rattling you, your overly sensitive eyes and brain and head and fuckin’ everything, at this point. “Refer to the doc on duty, now.” 
The nurse nods, once. “Have a good night, doctor.”
You bid farewell—a kind apology with a promise to make it up to them, to bring them coffee, maybe, or some cookies—, and you take the slow walk home. The sky is dark and the fireflies are out, the gentle glow illuminating the path. With nothing but your own thoughts and the night to accompany you, you feel your headache gradually ease. It throbs, still; but each bump in your skull is gentler, now: it’s easier to ignore. 
Although the porch light is too strong—the lantern bright and attracting the nighttime bugs and moths—, the foyer of your home is dark. Your aching head is grateful for the reprieve—for the silence that envelops you in totality the second the door clicks quietly shut behind you—, but something other than tiredness pulls at your heartstrings: your sweet boyfriend, clad in only a shirt of yours, toeing into the entryway. 
“Honey?” He wipes the sleep from his eyes, softly smiling at you. “Hi.”
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“Ga-ming, honey—” honey, because Ga-ming unabashedly stole the pet name from you, first, “—you didn’t have to stay up for me.” 
As if on cue, his jaw cracks open in a yawn: this, you do not need the lights on to see. Your heart aches with your head, knowing that he had stayed up just for you. “Honey,” you repeat, sliding off your jacket and stepping up to him. You take his waist in your hands, bunching up the shirt he stole from your closet.
“Quit with that,” he murmurs, tilting up his head for a soft kiss. You grant it; but when you go to pull back, to keep the kiss gentle and chaste, Ga-ming presses forward, darting that little tongue out to lick at the seam of your lips; his hips, too, come bumping against yours, pressing into your thigh, pant to skin—
“Ga-ming?” you repeat, breath leaving you in a low huff. “You’re—” bare. 
Utterly, wholly bare: an expanse of warm, slick skin against your clothed leg. “‘m ready,” he mumbles while he takes to mouthing at your throat. His lips soothe you, somehow; it’s a reprieve, a stark contrast, to the pounding at your skull. 
“Ready?” you whisper, tilting your head back, letting your hands guide the steady roll of his hips onto your lap. 
He nods. “Ready for you,” he enunciates as he softly whines. 
Ga-ming—your Ga-ming—, your boyfriend, your love and light of your life: right here in front of you, on you, all needy for you, offering himself to you, wholly ready for the taking. 
“So please,” he continues, his cock dragging heavy across the seam of your pant; “fuck me.”
“Oh, honey,” you murmur; then again, an “oh, honey,” because you’re still half-dressed up in your clothes—though they’re only soft and bland, made to fit under the rough scrubs you had abandoned at the office—, and Ga-ming is naked save for the shirt draping across him, the low hemline covering the absolutely sinful way he grinds down. It’s a dirty move, a down, down, down that gives his sensitive cock friction against your pelvis. 
“Please, please, ‘m ready, I said—” his words abruptly drop off, a high cry in his throat that sends him to hide his overly-warm face in your neck. His skin burns against you, a feverish-hot that makes you chuckle, makes the throb in your head go away, just-so. “I said I-I was ready, so, please!”
You coo, quiet, bumping your hips up once. The jerking motion makes him cry out, but he manages to keep himself upright, right-side up but entirely unmoored on your cock. “Go on then, little lion. Take what you need, yeah?”
Whimpering a quiet, “Y-yeah,” he begins riding you, slow, steady—but slightly off-balanced—rolls of his hips that makes him whine, makes you groan low n’ deep in your chest. You let your hands rest on his hips, the fabric of his shirt falling over your wrists, and gently guide his motions. Once you’ve helped him establish himself, he begins riding you harder, more desperate.
Silent tears—though, are they truly silent, loud as he is moaning out for you?—dribble down his cheeks, falling to his shirt and soaking the collar of it in salty evidence of his abject pleasure. His abdomen is tensing and relaxing and tensing and relaxing again, all in a rapid loop, in and out and in n’ out, and then there’s a fucking bulge right below his navel when he sinks down hard n’ deep on your cock; and you’re sent over the edge at the sight, moaning through your teeth as you fill Ga-ming up with hot, sticky cum.
“Oh, oh—” he cries, grinding down harsh to get all your cum in as deep as possible, deep ‘nuff to breed him— “bred me, bred me so well, oh—” You groan at his desperate babbling as his thighs jerk around your hips, just before they give out on him entirely. He falls bodily into your chest, heaving through his own orgasm as weak mewls tumble from his prettily parted lips. Each sound is smeared into your throat while you laugh, light and breathless, jostling his overly-sensitized body and making him flinch. 
“Sorry, honey.” You kiss at his temple, and, the whole while, his small cunt is left to unconsciously milk your cock, left to assure that loud, insecure part of his brain that he’s wanted, that he’s bred all nice n’ full because he is loved. You’re long done, now, but the undulations make your body warm, soft, safe—just like Ga-ming is, comfy in your lap and wholly protected. “Thank you.”
He shakes his head against you, nuzzling into your throat with a heavy sigh. “You don’t have—hafta thank me,” he mumbles, a lick at your Adam’s apple to seal the deal. “I wanted ta.”
Tucking up the blankets around him, you grin. “Then can you warm my cock, lil’ dragon? Just for me?” You run your fingers lightly up his clothed spine, delighting in the shiver you can feel, one that runs the length of your cock as he’s snug on it. “Since earlier was all about you?” You raise the end of your sentence in a lilting tone, meant to tease, and Ga-ming huffs at you. 
And, n further retaliation, he clenches around you; the soft squeeze—all wet n’ warm, smearing your own cum across the base of your cock and leaving the mess of both of yours to dribble down the minute space between your bodies—forces you to calm your breathing, to take in the delicate scent of what is undeniably Ga-ming mixed with the smell of your own shirt, your own cologne. 
You laugh, then. “‘m sorry,” you say again amidst giggles, ones you’re careful you confine only to your upper chest lest the movement be too uncomfortable on both of your oversensitive groins. 
He doesn't reply, snuggled up comfy on your lap and stuffed full of your cock n’ cum both. Instead, he only noses into your neck further before his breathing steadies, lulling you to sleep, too.
It’s in your final moments of consciousness that you realize your head no longer hurts. 
(You suppose you now have the evidence that, yes, an orgasm is sufficient enough a cure for headaches.)
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Under Lyney’s palm, a small floor lamp clicks silently on. The light is admittedly dim, but, to your sensitive eyes, the bulb is blinding. You cringe and cover your eyes; but it only serves to shield you slightly, because you’re still upright in the foyer, and your body is rather weak. “Lyney,” you tiredly murmur, lifting your palm just enough to see the ground lest you trip. 
You bump into him, laughing lightly, but his worried hands jump to your arm. “Hey—”
“I’m okay.” You’re quick to calm him, placing your free hand on his in a tender gesture as you make way to the living room. “Just a headache, ‘s all. Ya shouldn't have stayed up f’r me.” Earlier, it hurt to even think; but here, with him, the pain is easy to ignore, in the face of his own self destruction.
He grumbles at you, though, says something you can’t quite catch and drops his hands, pads over to the lamp to flick it off. The return of darkness is soothing. 
He smiles at you, then; or, at least, you think he does. It’s difficult to see in the dark, and you can’t strain your eyes without hurting yourself. “I wanted to!” He takes three long strides before he’s standing in front of you, draping his arms across your shoulders. The position makes his (your) shirt ride up on his belly, and— ”I missed you, y’know,” he murmurs, suddenly all soft n’ deep, looking up at you and bumping his forehead against your chin. “A lot, really.” 
He quickly silences you with a kiss. Against your lips, he pulls back, murmurs, “I missed your cock, especially.”
Laughing against him, you lean up ‘til he can no longer reach you. He pouts at you when you reply, faux-snark, “only my cock, huh?” Your bottom lip juts out—a mirror of Lyney’s own, a magic trick of his you took for your own; it’s a devilish trick, one you play right alongside puppy-dog eyes you know he’s soft to. “How cruel.” 
He huffs at you, pulling you down by the collar of your shirt to kiss the mirth off your lips. “I was tryin’ to be seductive,” he grumbles, knocking against your chin and beginning to push you backwards into the living room. “But nevermind!”
You want to say, “Hey, now:” disagree with him and keep on pouting and go, “hey, hey, hey,” all offended, but the backs of your knees come into contact with the edge of the sofa, and you’re well and sufficiently distracted from that idea.
“Sit,” he gently commands you—merely the illusion of choice—, giving you no choice in the matter with the way he’s pressing you down into the cushions. You go easily; you sigh in relief when the softness begins enveloping you—a pillow’s snug right in the middle of your back, and you briefly wonder if Lyney had planned this. He murmurs, “there you go,” quiet n’ soft, and you’re taken by the way this man gives to you. 
He wears his heart on his sleeve, truly; except, right now, the sleeve is yours (just like his heart belongs to you and yours to him in turn), and it's bare, and so is the expanse of his long, pale thighs, the hem of his boxers peeking out beneath the shirt. He stands in front of you, between your legs, makes sure you’re down and that you’re gonna stay down, but your eyes aren’t really tired, not anymore, staring at Luney—your Lyney—before he huffs and sits bodily onto you, straddling your lap with his knees sinking into the cushions on either side of you.
“Lyney,” you murmur, reaching out to take hold of his thighs. The position makes the shirt rise up on his belly, exposing the soft, rippling muscles there; but, in the dark, all you can go by is what you feel against your own stomach, his bare skin pressed to your thin shirt. “I was kiddin’, sweetheart.”
“I know you were,” he snaps at you, mean-like, but he brings his arms around your shoulders all sweetly and nuzzles into the side of your head. “But I wasn’t. I—I really did miss you; and your cock. If you—if you wanna, of course.” 
“Of course I want to, Lyn,” you mutter, tilting your head up to kiss beneath his chin. “I’m just a little tired.”
“A little?” He huffs, again, before sighing. “Just—let me do the work, alright? I’m already...” he pauses, tilts his head to the side, breathes in and out sharply.
You hum at him to go on. 
“‘m already prepped.” Oh. 
“Oh?” You grin, bringing your tired arm up to cup his cheek. He leans into your palm and his eyelashes flutter, brushing against your skin. “Go ahead then, sweet thing.”
And go ahead he does, smiling into you before he abruptly leans back ‘nuff to chuck off the shirt. You whine, say, “hey!” but there isn’t any bite left on your tongue when Lyney starts tugging his boxers down, too. He’s impatient, pulling at the seam and groaning curses at the fabric—as if it’s the damn boxers’ fault that he’s in a position that prevents him from taking them off. 
He relents, tilting this way and that and finally—after painstaking minutes later, ones that, under no circumstance, should be arousing, but the anticipation, the wait: it all makes your dick chub up in your own pants—Lyney’s left naked in your lap. The fabric hangs off his foot, and you reach down to tug it the rest of the way off for your sweet boyfriend as he busies himself unbuckling your own belt, loosening the tough leather enough for your pants to droop and enough for him to reach a hot hand into your briefs. 
“Eager, huh?” you tease, lifting your hips—and, subsequently, him—to let him get your dick out of your pants. Neither of you bother pulling down your own pants, not after Lyney spent so long on his boxers alone. He doesn’t dally. “My sweet Lyney.”
He sighs, again—he’s rather dramatic tonight; but, then again, when isn’t he? It wouldn’t quite be your Lyney without some theatrics—, spitting into his palm and lathering up your cock with it while he makes to straddle you more fully. “Thought you were tired,” he grumbles, hovering his, indeed, wet n’ slicked up and entirely prepped cunt over your thick cockhead.
“Mhm.” You set your hands on his plush thighs once he hooks the head of you into his loosened hole, groaning low and pleased in your throat while he softly whimpers at the barely-there stretch. He prepared himself well. “But when you’re lookin’ so pretty for me, I can’t help being wide awake. Wouldn’t wanna miss this sight for the world.”
With your eyes now adjusted to the light—and, oh, you consider how the throb of your head is a bygone memory now—, you can see the way his cheeks darken just-so, puffed up in exertion as his groin meets yours. You’ve got your cock stuffed up balls-deep in him, and he leans into you once he’s fully settled. 
He moans, less out of outright pleasure and more out of total contentment, comfy and warm on your lap as your arms knead at his thighs. His arms squeeze around your shoulders, and he quietly asks, “Gimme a minute.”
Nodding, you simply bask in the steady heat of him, letting him adjust and recognize that, yes, you’re home, now, and you hadn’t really left him at all. “I missed you,” you murmur rather suddenly, your voice quiet but still stark in the silence of the night. “Thought about you durin’ my shift.”
“You did?” His voice is rough but wispy, a little out-there and entirely gone. He’s slipping into that mindset he always does when he’s left to warm your cock—regardless of if it were by his volition or your own—, but he begins to subtly grind his hips against you, mewling at the hot sparks of rapture from his cock rubbing just right against you. 
“‘Course I did,” you continue, moving your hands to his hips instead to help move him along. His arms tighten around you and he moans directly into your ear.
From then on, it’s quiet: quiet, that is, save from the obscene slick noises of the lube Lyney used to prep himself earlier with his own slick, your pre-cum mixing up and making a mess of thick liquid between both of your thighs. His moans are barely audible, these soft, gentle lil’ uh, uh, uh’s punched out of him with each tender grind down. 
You think, even, that you’ll both cum like this: quiet, nothing but the sounds of your connection and heavy breaths, moans, groans as you fall over the edge. But then Lyney starts bumping his groin against yours even harder, grinding down deep on your cock and rubbing against your full balls, and he starts babbling for you to “breed me! Please—”
“I-I’ll breed you,” you groan, leaning your head back into the sofa cushions and chasing your release, chasing the release you both want, the one he wants so desperately stuffed up deep inside him. “Gonna fill you right up, just like you want, sweetheart.” 
He babbles more—a mix of syllables and words, more pleas for you to breed him—until he’s silenced by his own high-pitched whine, cumming around you and slathering you in creamy-white. The steady clench and release of his cunt forces you to your own end, thick cum slowly leaking out from the edges of his cunt and your cock. (You can hardly tell what’s your leaking cum and what is his own.)
“Thank you,” he mumbles, already beginning to doze. “Th’nk you:” quieter, more muddled against your ear.
You grab the throw you have across the sofa’s armrest, rucking it up around the two of you; you cocoon Lyney safe in your arms and on your softened cock. He’s nodded off, now, and he misses your words: “You don’t have to thank me,” you say anyway, even if he doesn’t hear you, “I love you.”
The cum’ll be sticky, later, when you wake up; but for now, it’s perfect. It’s perfectly warm and entirely cozy, wholly snuggled up with the love of your life. Your headache, the stressors of the day—they’re all forgotten in his presence. 
You’re so, so glad to love him. 
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“Hi, puppy,” you coo. The sound of your own voice grates you, but you ignore it to sweetly smile at your beloved. He stands there, motionless for a moment right there at the threshold before the foyer, until he shakes his head with a barely-there laugh. “Gorou?” 
He tilts his head to the side—this you can see, the silhouette of him in the moonlight—before he takes a tentative step forward. 
Then another. And another. Another, another, another, ‘till he’s standing in front of you and leans up to kiss your jaw. “Hi,” he repeats, voice ruff (hah!) and hoarse, a little too much so. “Missed ya.”
You tilt your head back to let him mouth at you, and your hands subconsciously come to clutch at his hips, and— “Oh, Gorou,” you mumble, pleasantly aghast, because your hands come into contact with bare, slick skin. “Pent up?”
With a quiet whimper, he tilts his hips forward, into you, pressing against the contact of your fingers on him. You slowly slide your one hand around, sneaking a large handful of his ass before you dip into his cleft, shuddering when your fingertip easily glides across his slicked, open cunt. 
“I-I wanted you, so bad,” he starts to mumble, shy, tucking his head into the meat where your shoulder meets your neck. Without any prompting, you adjust your stance, pressing your knee into his cock and making him jerk forward with another whimper high in his throat. “Oh!”
Slowly, his hips begin grinding—it’s a weak movement, testing, making sure you're really okay with this, right now. He moves unsure against you until you begin bumping your knee, letting his slick make a mess of your pant leg. “Go on,” you goad him on, soft, holding him snug against you. You can feel his cunt clench even through the fabric of your pants, a rapid rat-a-tat-tat against you that is oddly reminiscent of the headache you can feel begin to dissipate. “Take your pleasure, pup.”
He nods vehemently against you, beginning to hump as his tail swishes side to side, side to side, hypnotizing you just slightly. It’s hard to parse it out in the dark, but the shadow of it is undeniable behind him. Each bounce of your leg makes Gorou whimper, and he’s quick to crane his neck up for a kiss to muffle himself. You grant his request easily, but only for a minute; after, you gently part from him to murmur, so quiet that only he could possibly hear, those big, soft ears of his twitching as he strains, “What else do you want, honey?” 
“Want you,” he whines, grinding harshly once, twice. “Want you inside me, want you to breed me.” 
You didn’t expect that, but you’re a doctor, after all; it’s kinda in the job description to roll with the punches, so you do. “You wanna get fucked full of pups?” you ask, teasing and light, but Gorou’s mouth parts as a loud whine crawls out of his chest.
“Yes! Please.” Thick tears begin to drop from his eyes, saltwater dribbling onto the bare skin of your throat. “Now, now—breed me now,” he begs, and you coo at him, bringing your hands to curl into his hair, rubbing soothing circles into the base of one puppydog ear. 
“Patience, pup.” 
And, because he’s Gorou, and Gorou is nothing but a good boy, he nods, rapid-quick movements of his head, and begins to slow on your thigh. Heat shimmers low in your belly as he steps back from you on shaky legs, a wet splotch across your leg from his cunt. You bring a hand down, meaning to scoop it up off your pant, but your finger brushes two distinctly different textures: his natural slick, and fuckin’ lube. “Did you prepare yourself for me?”
“Y-yeah,” he mutters, tail tucking itself between his legs. You almost cringe at that, knowing he’s smearing himself into his own fur, but if he doesn’t mind, then you won’t either; besides, it’s hard to truly care when your boyfriend is so bashful in front of you. “I—I missed you, ‘nd wanted to be ready for you.”
The image of Gorou, ass up on the bed with four of his fingers stuffed up inside of himself flitters across your mind, makes your cock throb in your britches. Your erection was easy to ignore, earlier; but now it’s abject torture. 
However, it’s not nearly as torturous as it was for your boyfriend, and you know this. You know he didn’t cum, know his fingers are far too short to truly reach in deep and press against his g-spot, know his wrist can’t comfortably bend to jerk himself off and finger himself at the same time. So you coo, soft, “Sweet boy. Where’s your toy?”
“Charging,” he mutters. 
You grin at that: it’s perfect. “Can you go get it then, puppy?” 
With an audible swallow, he nods, rushing for your bedroom. You follow behind him, lethargic but so, so turned on; and while he’s grabbing the vibrator from the corner, you shuck off the rest of your clothes and plop yourself down on the edge of your bed. 
He must not expect you to have followed him, however, because once he turns around, he jumps, ears flattening to his head in embarrassment. You only laugh and pat your lap. “C’mere.”
Quickly—and toy in tow—, he shuffles over to you. He stands awkwardly in front of you for a moment before you murmur, “I said c’mere,” and tug him to straddle your lap. The position immediately forces his cock—slick n’ thick, out of its hood and throbbing incessantly—against yours, and he mewls helplessly for a moment, grinds once, twice again, before he grabs the lube to the side of you. 
You hadn’t even noticed it there, but now that he’s grabbed it, pointed it out, you feel other wet spots beneath you. He fuckin’ masturbated here, right on the duvet you both sleep under, thinkin’ about you and only you. You’re taking out of your musings when he slathers up your cock in lube, messy and sloppy, and then he’s rising, positioning you, and sinking right on down.
“Mm!” he cries out, swiveling his hips to take you in deeper, deeper, deeper. You groan at the lube-slick combination that smothers your cock in Gorou, Gorou, Gorou. “Breed me, breed me!” Each meak plea makes your cock pulse inside him, and he mewls at each throb inside him. “Please!”
“I got you, pup,” you murmur, your edge so close you can taste it on the tip of your tongue. “Just make yourself feel good, and I’ll breed you, okay? Okay, puppy?”
“Okay, okay—” 
You grin. “Good boy,” you say, and then he’s tumbling over the edge and bringing you right down with him. You groan into his throat, feeling the vibrations of his whimpers n’ whining moans as he’s getting thoroughly bred. Your hands ruck up his shirt to hold his sides and soothe him down from his high. “You did so good for me, sweetheart. Bred you just like I promised I would, hm?”
He weakly nods. “Thank you,” he mumbles, nosing at your throat. 
And, well. You’re bloody exhausted, and you promised to breed him, and he can’t keep on being bred if you pull out. You tell yourself you’re only upholding your promise as Gorou falls asleep on your cock, breathing deep on your lap: tell yourself that it’s the lingering tiredness that suddenly seems to hit you in full-force that keeps him warm and snug on you. 
Really, clean-up can wait. 
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i got a lil' carried away on lyney's part ,, o(*^@^*)o also, none of these were really cowgirl 'cos reader was sitting up for it . . . i couldn't think of how to have him lay flat in these scenarios LOLL
13 MAR. 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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thetypingpup · 15 days
How SVT Would Eat Pussy
Seungcheol: He loves being surrounded by you. He dives head first between your legs and just submerges himself in you. Wrapping his arms around your thighs, he keeps you close against his face, gripping you to pull you impossibly closer. He mainly uses his lips to please you, sucking your clit and kissing your folds. Once he’s eased you into it his tongue peeks out more, slow steady strokes drawn over your sensitive spots. He adores when you buck against his face, press against his nose, and start using his mouth to get off. He adores facesitting, since all he has to do is lay back and let you smother him in your essence. To him, there’s no better place to be than between your legs. He likes to tease by sneaking his hands around and grabbing your ass, pulling you against him to make you cum right as you're still reeling from orgasm. A deep chuckle mingles with his low hums of satisfaction as he works you up as many times as you want.
Jeonghan: Knows you like the back of his hand, and uses that knowledge to tease you to no end. His technique is impeccable, and he���s very precise about how he gives you pleasure. He knows exactly what reactions he wants to elicit at all times. When he wants you to buck your hips, he softens the strokes of his tongue to make you chase the sensation. When he wants to change the pitch of your moans, he’ll change the pressure he puts on your clit. Loves when you’re vocal with him, whether you’re breathlessly praising how good he’s doing, or whining about how mean he is for teasing you. He favors kneeling when he goes down on you, loving the amount of control he can have even though he’s beneath you. He also likes when you lose yourself and grab his hair, not enough to pull, but just enough to hold him in place and try to exert your own control over him. The push and pull of subtle powerplay makes things very exciting for him.
Joshua: He likes to make it last and go very, very slowly. He starts with a languid trail of kisses along your thighs, lovingly looking into your eyes as he sucks on your sensitive spots. He uses his fingers from time to time, but he really likes using his tongue on your sensitive folds, and is more than content with just licking you while you softly sigh in bliss. As long as he’s making you feel good, it doesn’t matter how long he stays between your legs with simple motions. He has a few tricks up his sleeve, like the way he flicks his tongue, and it doesn’t take much to have you panting and begging for more. He likes when you’re laid out on your back while he lays between your legs, rolling his hips against the bed when he starts getting more turned on. He also has a thing for facesitting, and is more than happy with you straddling his face while he licks you open.
Jun: Honestly, he’s such a tease. When he starts, his tongue would barely graze your clit and he’d look up at you with these big innocent eyes, almost coquettish. He likes it when you stroke his hair and loves taking in the way you sound. Your fingers running through his hair, along with begging moans mixed with praise at how good he’s making you feel, is enough to send him into a state of bliss. The more you praise and plead, the more he relents and gives you the pleasure you crave, soft subtle licks traded in for more deliberate strokes of his tongue. He’d edge you for a long time, seeing you get close before slowing down again, stopping to press kisses to your thighs and belly. That innocent gaze comes back every time he denies your orgasm, though something more mischievous glimmers beneath the surface. When he finally lets you cum, your whole body is trembling as you cum in his mouth, leaving you crying out in bliss and helplessly gripping his hair.
Soonyoung: Another one who likes being surrounded by you. He likes having your legs draped over his shoulders, thighs closing around him when you cum. He likes eating you out whenever you’ll let him, loving the thrill of almost getting caught with his head between your legs. He just needs your pussy so much, he’ll get on his knees or lay you out over a flat surface wherever, letting you rest your thighs on his shoulders while he devours you. He likes to use his whole face, his tongue lapping at your entrance while his nose brushes over your clit. He especially likes pressing his face in deep and shaking his head back and forth to have pleasure thrumming through you, to make your voice tremble as you moan his name. He just really really likes taking in your taste in the most frantic, feral ways he can.
Wonwoo: He’d use his fingers more than his mouth, knowing just how good he is with his hands. With you laid out on the bed, his head rests on your thigh while he fingers you, diligently taking in your reactions with a faint smirk lifting his lips. Every now and then, his head dips down between your legs, letting his tongue sweep over your clit, or his lips wrapping around the sensitive bud and suckling. When it comes to pleasure from his mouth, he lets you have tastes at a time, just enough to augment the ecstasy he’s giving you with his fingers. He’d go at the perfect tempo, not too slow, but not so fast that you can’t enjoy the buildup. When you start getting close, that’s when he starts using his mouth more, starting to get just as desperate for your release as you. Guilty pleasure of his is to have you screaming and thrashing as you cum, and to have you make a mess of his glasses (and the rest of his face).
Jihoon: He’s another one who’d be fairly precise, very deliberate with his every move. When he gets time to be intimate with you, he wants to make it last. He’d drag out every touch, every stroke of his tongue, wanting you to feel good for as long as possible. He also likes to make eye contact with you, wordlessly telling you how much you mean to him while his mouth is occupied. As sentimental as intimacy is for him, he certainly enjoys the more carnal aspects too, and may or may not have a penchant for tongue fucking you. Something about taking in the taste of your arousal right from the source, fucking you with his tongue like he would with his cock, drives him wild. It drives you wild too, and his wriggling tongue has you arching up against him and grasping his hair. The deep moans of enjoyment that emit from him has arousal sweeping through you, and has another rush of your essence flowing onto his tongue. 
Seokmin: Seokmin really, really enjoys going down on you. Easily one of the most pussy drunk members. To him, it’s a form of stress relief, getting lost in your sounds of pleasure as he runs his tongue between your legs, getting drunk on the taste of your essence. He doesn’t care what position he’s in, as long as he gets to eat your pussy. Expect to hear lots of low hums of content, coupled with soft whines when you pull his hair. He can’t be quiet for an instant, either murmuring about how good you taste, or moaning to himself as he enjoys you. Secretly has a thing for you cutting him off mid sentence and shoving his face between your legs to shut him up. That type of dominance really immerses him in the moment and has arousal surging through him. He’d slide is tongue past your entrance and tongue fuck you slowly, moaning at how you tighten around him and how you taste when you cum. He could keep going down on you for a long time, forever if you let him, just making you cum over and over again without ever needing to come up for air. He gets just as much enjoyment out of it as you, if not more. 
Mingyu: He’s another one who really enjoys giving head. He’d be really into eating you out from behind, his hands spreading you open as he licks at your folds. Definitely has a thing for keeping you in place by gripping your ass, absently playing with it while he enjoys your pussy. When he’s on his knees for you, he really likes it when you pull his hair, spurring him on to go faster. He would overstimulate you, not to tease, but because he loves the way you taste and isn’t satisfied until he’s made you cum over and over again. That said, he’s eager to please, and if you decide to take charge and tell him what you want, he’s more than willing to obey. You tell him to lick your clit, and he’s tracing the most intricate spirals that send you into the stratosphere. You tell him to fuck you with his tongue, and he thrusts his tongue fast and deep to lap up every bit of your arousal. You tell him to sit there on his knees and wait, and he’s shifting in place like a pet expecting a treat, gazing up at you with wide eyes while he whines for you to just let him taste you already. He’ll do whatever you want as long as it means he gets to make you cum on his tongue.
Minghao: A whole experience with him omfg. He’d tease you first by stroking your folds and caressing your clit with skilled fingertips. He’d make you beg for exactly what you want from him, telling you to use your words if you try to whine instead. Slowly, he lets his fingers dip down to your entrance, pressing the very tip of his fingers inside before pulling back, loving the way you clench as if you’re trying to suck him in. He wants you so on edge there’s tears brimming in your eyes before he sinks his fingers in deeper and adds his mouth, wanting you to feel pleasure at its most intense. His tongue strokes start off teasing and faint while he curls and crooks his fingers at just the right angle, massaging the sweet spots within your innermost depths. He lets his lips drift over to your thighs, pressing warm kisses to your sensitive inner thighs while his fingers keep moving. When you cum, he likes to be pressed right against you, with his lips wrapped around your clit so he can feel your clit pulse in his mouth. He hums the entire time you’re shuddering in orgasm, indulgently taking in the way your heated flesh trembles against his tongue.
Seungkwan: He’s someone you’d have to guide a bit. At first, it would be because he’s trying to figure out what you like, but after a while he starts to develop a thing for you telling him what to do. Going into almost a trance-like state, he lets his eyes slide shut and relaxes into you, learning every part of you and how you feel against his tongue. He loves being on his knees for you, with his head resting on your thigh while you tell him what to do with his tongue. His hands stay rested atop your thighs, wanting to feel you as much as possible. When he goes down on you, he likes to explore you, letting you guide him on the path to your pleasure. Endlessly curious, he also likes to try new things. Every now and then he’d do something different with his tongue, looking up and asking what you thought in a voice that’s far more sultry than it has any right being. He lets his mind go blank as he simply follows your instructions, gratified by your words of encouragement.
Vernon: Also gets pussy drunk, but subtly so. He’d stay between your legs for so long, your orgasms all become one blur of bliss, and he submerges you in exquisite pleasure while you ride the cresting and falling waves of delight. He wraps his lips around your clit before circling the sensitive bud with his tongue, experimenting with the pace and pressure until you’re panting for him not to stop. His guilty pleasure is eating you out while he’s intoxicated. Whether he’s drunk, or high, or both, there’s something about eating you out when he’s not sober that just has his mind short circuiting. He’s diligent about your pleasure when sober, but when he’s not, excitement fuels his every move. It’s not enough to lick at your entrance, he has to slide his tongue inside you and lick you open. It’s not enough to press his lips to your clit, he’s all but making out with your pussy. The little hums he lets out aren’t enough to convey his excitement, now he’s outright moaning, almost more than you. The more far gone he gets, the more he presses against you, and the more he tugs you against him, grabbing your thighs and keeping you right against his face as if he means to submerge himself in you. 
Chan: He also really, really likes eating you out, and he’s not subtle or shy about it. It would almost always start off as fingering, but eventually it gets to a point where he just has to taste you. Lots of languid strokes of his tongue have your legs widening for him as he sets your body aflame with pleasure. He doesn’t have a preference for a certain position, but expect him to get so turned on by the eroticism of it all he starts palming himself or rutting against the bed. Expect a lot of moaning from him while he eats you out because he enjoys it that much. Expect him to say fuck it and just shove his pants down to stroke his cock, literally getting off to your pussy. He gets fucking depraved, so depraved that he can get off just from your juices dripping onto his tongue. He secretly has a thing for kneeling for you and letting you use his mouth to get off, letting his tongue slip past his parted lips while he strokes himself at the pace you set. He’ll deny it, but you can definitely hear high pitched whimpers rising in his throat when you start grinding against his tongue. 
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wheneclipsefalls · 3 months
Little Gift Masterlist
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Pairing: Dark Adult Neteyam x Fem Human Reader
Summary: The RDA are forced to negotiate with a certain Olo'eyktan. Luckily, there is only one thing he wants.
More parts coming soon
Please remember to read the warnings at the beginning of each part
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loveshotzz · 1 year
whatever you do don’t think about steve worrying about you the first time you take his massive dick like the size queen you truly are 🫶
‘baby, whoa slow down you’re gonna, shit you’re so tight, hurt yourself,’ he pants, gripping onto your hip with a tight hand and eyes full of lust and awe as you slide down his cock slowly.
there’s a slight burn, though you relish in it, throwing your head back and grappling at his thigh for purchase as you finally sit fully, clit rubbing against his dark thatch of pubic hair, cunt pulsing rhythmically, feeling every ridge of him snug in your tight walls.
he’s whimpering, eyebrows pulled together as you rock back and forth, using him to relieve the dull throb of your clit as you adjust to the size of his cock. you’d fucked before, but he’d hardly even given you half, too nervous he was going to hurt you in the process and scare you off.
he’s deep, deeper than you expected but the constant rub of his shaft along your frontal wall is sending you hurtling towards the edge quicker than you can comprehend.
‘oh shit, just like that,’ he moans once you finally start bouncing, unable to tear his eyes away from where your pussy sucks him in, your arousal clear from the amount of wetness gushing from you, ‘god, y’r gonna make me cum so quick, baby,’
you whine, high pitched and desperate as you pick up your pace, using your hand on his thigh as leverage. his breathy little noises cause your cunt to clench around him, body going hot all over. he’s just so deep, hitting every little nerve perfectly — you feel like a live wire.
his grip on your hip tightens, hips fucking up into yours slowly and then all at once, enough to have you gasping for breath and practically screaming for him as he takes over and let’s your body go limp, ‘need you to cum, c’mon honey, wanna feel you squeeze around me,’
your talon nails bite into his skin roughly and you’re shuddering, ‘steve, steve, oh my god!’ you cry, tears pricking at your eyes as you cum, a deep heat blooming in your belly and evaporating just as quick, cunt spasming and making everything impossibly wetter.
‘gripping me so good, fuck baby, shit, m’coming’ steve’s honey speckled eyes finally squeeze tight as he pushes you down onto his cock — you feel him pulsing inside of you as he cums, painting your insides with his release.
— definitely absolutely not candy 🫶
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candy candy candy 😩 are you kidding me??? no warning ??? I’m actually losing my mind right now!! I’d risk it all to take all of him 🤷🏻‍♀️
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vavoom-sorted-art · 4 months
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sexy bildad for a valentine's day gift exchange! This one surely was a challenge for me, enjoy!
Tumblr nuked my saucy bonus sketches, find them for free on Patreon!
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simplyholl · 6 months
A Gift For A God
Pairing: Loki x F. Reader
Warnings: Smut. 18 + ONLY. Minors DNI.
See My Masterlist Here
This is a gift for @fandxmslxt69 ❤️❤️❤️ for @fictive-sl0th Secret Santa 2023!
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You sigh as you walk out of the sixth store today. You had been Christmas shopping for your boyfriend, Loki. But, you weren’t having any luck. What do you get a god who has everything? He was used to the finest fabrics on Asgard so he was picky about his clothes. You couldn’t afford the super nice brands he was accustomed to.
You thought about buying him more books, but he had so many there was hardly any space left for them in his room. The bookshelf was filled and overflowing. You voiced your concerns about what to get him, and he assured you that you didn’t have to get him anything. “All I want is you, my love.” He said while kissing each of your knuckles the night before.
You load the gifts you bought for your family into your car, looking at the other stores in the shopping center. You needed to run into the craft store for your sister’s gift. She had taken up sewing recently, so you thought you would get her some fabric.
You walk through the aisles, hoping something would catch your eye. When you reached the fabrics, you chose a few that your sister would like. You look on the opposite shelf, feeling the different textures. You stop immediately when you find a silky red one. You had the perfect idea.
You lay on Loki’s bed, fidgeting with the blanket. It wasn’t often you could surprise him. He usually knew you were up to something before you could act on it. This time, he didn’t have a clue. You could hear his footsteps echoing in the hallway as he walked to his room. You couldn’t wait for him to come in and find you.
The door creaks open. His heavy boots thump against the floor. Thud. You squeeze your legs together to quell the throbbing but it’s no use. Arousal pools against the smooth fabric. Thud. Your heart beats faster as he gets closer. Thud. You try your best to stay in the sexy position you’ve posed yourself in, on your back with your hair splayed across his pillows.
The light in his bedroom comes on illuminating you on his bed. Loki lifts his brow, his eyes darkening as he notices you. “What have we here?” He asks, walking painfully slow toward you. When he finally reaches the bed, he doesn’t bother taking off his fighting leathers first. He kneels beside you, his weight causing the mattress to dip under him. “You said all you wanted for Christmas was me, and here I am.”
“Here you are.” He purrs, pushing his long hair behind his ears. He reaches out to toy with the bow holding your breasts within. An amused expression crosses his face as he runs a long finger from the loops on the bow to the small piece that barely covers your aching nipples.
His digit stills as it lands on the sensitive nub. You whimper, as he removes his hands from you. He hovers, admiring your beautiful body wrapped up perfectly for him. The long piece that connects your chest to your ass barely covers anything. Loki’s gaze holds on that spot for a moment. You don’t think anything of it, until he nudges your legs apart with his leather clad thigh.
“You’re soaked already, darling.” He smirks, reaching down to swipe at your core. His finger dips underneath the ribbon, collecting your arousal. He brings it to his lips, savoring your taste. He releases his finger with a loud pop. You squirm, wishing it was you in his mouth, not his finger.
He captures your lips in a sweet a kiss, and you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close. Loki scatters kisses along your jaw line, down your neck. His teeth nip your collar bone, and you arch toward him. “This is the best gift I have ever received, my love. Perhaps I’ll take my time opening it.”
He palms your breasts gently, careful not to reveal your nipples. You press them against his rough hands, hoping he would give in. Finally, he rolls one between two fingers, the silky ribbon rubbing deliciously against you.
Loki lowers his head, his black curls fanning against your arms. He takes a hardened peak between his lips. His warm tongue flicks against the fabric, making you squirm. “Loki, please?” You whine, tangling your fingers in his hair.
He pinches the smooth fabric, playing with the bow. Slowly, he pulls it apart, leaving your chest bare before him. He removes the rest of your makeshift lingerie, spreading your legs. He admires you before burying his face between your thighs. His firm, velvet tongue strokes you slowly. You buck your hips, trying to get him to go faster.
It’s no use, his arm traps you, holding you down. Loki works your clit with the flat of his tongue until you are a whimpering mess. You cry out his name as he seals his lips on the most sensitive part of you, sucking roughly. You come apart underneath him, thighs gripping his head, holding him in place.
Loki doesn’t bother taking off his clothes, he removes himself from his pants, pushing them down his hips just a little. He lines himself up at your entrance, pushing into you slowly. You lock your legs around him, pulling him toward you.
He groans as he sinks deeper into you. He buries his head against your shoulder, lips latched onto your throat. He draws the delicate skin between his lips. Your legs tremble around him as you feel another orgasm building.
Your nipples graze the leather top as he lifts your leg, rocking into you with hard, deep thrusts. You clench around him. He rewards you with a growl that rips from his chest. His teeth scrape against your shoulder.
You grip his arms, incoherent cries escape you as your orgasm barrels through you. He grips your hips tighter, thrusting wildly. Loki bites down on your shoulder as he finishes inside you. You shiver, you love it when he marks you.
He rubs his nose against yours, locking eyes with you. “I love you more than you could ever know.” He confesses as you lazily play with his hair, bringing his mouth to yours. He holds you in his strong arms, telling you how much he loves you, and how proud of you he is. You smile, thanking the powers that be for blessing you with Loki. Every day feels like Christmas morning with him.
Secret Santa 2023 taglist: @joyful-enchantress @mochie85 @muddyorbs @holdmytesseract @sailorholly @lady-rose-moon @superficialdomina @cultofcarter @coldnique @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @smolvenger @loz-3 @catsladen @lokisgoodgirl @acidcasualties @divine-knight-hand @quirkiest-turtle @glitchquake @nyxlaufeyson @fandxmsIxt69 @holymultiplefandomsbatman
My Taglist
@lokisgoodgirl @fictive-sl0th @lokidbadguy @ozymdias @cindylynn @cakesandtom @eleniblue @marygoddessofmischief @mochie85 @goblingirlsarah @wheredafandomat @freegardenbanananeck @lokidokieokie @l0ki3000 @multifandom-worlds @alexakeyloveloki @ladymischief11 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr @lamentis-10 @loz-3 @litaloni @lulubelle814 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @avengersfan25 @silver-tongue-taken-to-bed @mybugabomlb @bunny24sstuff @luthien-elvenia-asher @gruftiela @asgards-princess-of-mischief @weirdothatwritess
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kissohee · 5 months
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taesan x leehan x fem!reader ☆ nsfw ; wc : 3k+ ☆ one-shot mdni! synopsis; when taesan and leehan invite you to go swimming with them, you find yourself doing a lot more than swimming. warnings; all bnd members mentioned except wnk, i refer to taesan (dongmin) and leehan (donghyun) as their real names, hot tub sex, leehan is more of a dom than taesan is, hickies, fingering, humping, unprotected sex (wrap it!), handjob, big dick leehan ofc, theyre pervs (?), boob play, they get a teeny bit competitive/bicker at each other at one point, no mxm
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Jaehyun had warned you way before you guys had even gotten to the hotel that Dongmin and Donghyun were more than likely going to drag you to the pool with them.
And he was absolutely right, because not even 5 minutes into checking into the hotel, they were asking the lady at the front desk about the pool on the roof. When she said it was for residential use for free, they couldn't hide the excitement they felt about it. "We should go the second we unlock our hotel rooms." Donghyun suggests, dragging his suitcase in the halls while everyone walks to the 3 rooms you guys had rented. "Shouldn't we settle in first?" You raise an eyebrow at him and Donghyun shrugs back with a smile on his face. Jaehyun plays with the keycards in his hands, figuring out which room is for which key before giving you yours. You had split up the 3 rooms by having you by yourself, while Sanghyeok, Sungho and Jaehyun were in another and the last one is for Dongmin and Donghyun. You place the keycard on the pad on your door, Dongmin leans against the wall watching you, "So it's official you're coming with us?" You ignore his question when the pad on the door turns red, the keycard refusing to work. "I-" You look at him confused and he turned his attention to the keycard, "It's not working?" "Let me try," he grabs the card from you and when the pad turns red again he searches around for Jaehyun, who opened his door and is now inside the room. "Myungjae.!" He yells loud enough for him to hear but not loud enough to make the surrounding rooms complain. Jaehyun pops his head out and raises his eyebrows, "It's not working." You grab the card from Dongmin to hand it to Jaehyun who is now attempting to work the keypad. You see Donghyun poke his head out from the room he also got open, curiosity on his face. "Huh," Jaehyun inspects at the card, "Weird. Maybe they gave us the wrong one?" You look at Dongmin and Donghyun before shrugging your shoulders, "Looks like the pools gonna have to wait." "No biggie," Donghyun shakes his head, "You could just change in our room." "But I have to go fix the problem with Jae. It is my room." You look at Jaehyun who has a smile on his face. Dongmin grabs your suitcase before dragging it into the room he was staying in and Jaehyun slightly nudges you, "I got it, don't even worry about it." Before you were able to even say anything back, you found yourself in Dongmin and Donghyun's room, looking through your suitcase for the bathing suite you made sure to pack. "Is that one new?" Donghyun asks, grabbing the bra of your bikini set, his fingers grazing over the texture. You gently snatch it from his hands, "Just bought it." You head towards the rooms bathroom and get dressed. When you leave the bathroom the two boys are in their bathing trunks, and when they both look at you at the same time, you can't help but feel a lot more shy than normal. Donghyun's eyes travel your body before he smiles in a smirk like manner, "I like it." He pats Dongmin's thigh to tell him to get up and they both grab their towels. "Actually do one of you have a towel I can use? I forgot mine at home." You search through your suitcase with no luck. Dongmin towers over you before smiling softly, "You can share with me." When you're silent, his voice gets quieter, "Only if you want to." You look up at him with a smile, "Sure, thank you Min."
The moment you guys made it the pool, you were already shivering. The two boys seemed to not care about the current weather situation, and you assume that's because of how badly they wanted to go swimming. After putting your stuff down on one of the chairs, you took a deep breath before slowly getting in the water. You wished it wasn't so cold out, the ambiance was really nice, especially because you could just look at the city below and see the lights from the buildings brightening up the dark sky. But you couldn't enjoy it because you're stuck in the corner of the pool, shivering. It's so cold you're sure you could get frostbite if you stay in there longer than 30 minutes. "Hey guys," They both watch as you exit the pool, "It's really cold." Donghyun swims to the edge you were standing at and lifts himself up, "We can go." "No.!" He confusingly drops back into the pool, "It's okay, we can stay, I just won't go into the pool, that's all." "You sure?" Dongmin tilts his head and you nod. You didn't want to be the reason why they weren't able to enjoy something they were very clearly looking forward to doing, and the temperature of the air wasn't so bad. Your skin started to dry up once you wrapped yourself in Dongmin's towel, only then did you realize there was a hot tub attached to the pool. You watch as the two boys compete in swimming laps, contemplating on whether or not you should test out the hot tub before carrying yourself over there and sitting inside. The temperature was the exact opposite of the pools, it was nice and warm. The light blue light turning the water entirely translucent. Eventually they both got out the pool too, complaining about how the cold water got to them as well and joining you in the hot tub to warm up. "It's soo much better in here." Dongmin rests his back against the wall of the hot tub, laying his head back. You did the same thing as Dongmin, even resting your eyelids for a bit, and when you opened them you were greeted by Donghyun staring at your breasts. "Eyes are up here, Kim Donghyun." You warned in a jokingly manner, his eyes dragging up into yours, but the expression on his face not changing once. "Can't help it," He looks back at your breasts again, "Especially not when you look so good.." You splash some water towards him and laugh to try to even out the heavy atmosphere. Donghyun splashes you back and responds with laughter in his voice, "Did I say something wrong?" You sigh so loud it came out more as just simply exhaling, "Well I mean- I don't know... But you can't just say things like that." He raises an eyebrow, "And why not?" "Because-" You have trouble finding your words, "Because we are friends..?" Your voice shaky, not sure if what you were saying was even true. Donghyun and Dongmin have always been super close to you ever since you met. Despite the fact that you met through Jaehyun, Dongmin and Donghyun had zero problem when it came to flirting or being extra close, more than always passing it off as a joke.
So there's no way either of them think of you as anything more than a friend, it was simply just joking. "You know," Donghyun looks at Dongmin who's shaking his head to tell him that whatever it is that he's about to say, he shouldn't say it. "Dongmin's found you hot since the moment you met." Dongmin continues to shake his head before covering his face with his hands, very clearly embarrassed. Donhyun opens his mouth to talk again before he gets cut off, "Not just me. Donghyun has been eyeing you forever." "Well this is news to me." You say before Donghyun has the opportunity to respond to him. The three of you sit in silence, unsure on how to continue the conversation after their awkward confessions. Donghyun looks at Dongmin who's shaking his head again and he looks at you, "On that note," he speaks slowly, "What if I told you I want to fuck you?" You don't know what exactly you expected out of Donghyun's mouth, but it certainly wasn't that. Anything but that actually. It seems as though he read your mind, "You'd let me right?," Dongmin clears his throat and Donghyun immediately corrects himself, "Sorry, you'd let us, right?" You look between them both, fidgeting with your fingers, "Both.. of.. you..?" "Is that okay?" Dongmin butts in, making it clear he's interested in you despite not participating in the conversation as much. You had to really think about it. You thought they were attractive, everyone did, but if you agree to it, it could possibly turn the really good friendship you had with them into an awkward one. Yet for some reason you find yourself nodding, agreeing to their proposal. Donghyun is first to react, and the moment his lips touch yours, you feel your body heat up. A very different type of heat than the one coming from the hot tub. Especially when Donghyun slides his tongue into your mouth without you even realizing, a clear natural, and your hands come to hold his cheeks. Dongmin whispers something in Donghyun's ear, who looks at him with an obvious look on his face. Breaking away from your kiss, he replies, "Me, duh." "What? Why?" Dongmin whines out, a pout forming on his lips. "I'm bigger, she'll feel more full." Donghyun shrugs like it's the clear choice. You put the pieces together and realize they're talking about who actually goes inside of you, you would offer to take both of them, but their bickering was too entertaining for you to want to stop them. "So???" Dongmin rolls his eyes, "Fine, can I at least touch her before you?" "Okay, but don't let her cum, I want her to cum from me." "She'll cum twice then." Dongmin shrugs, lifting one of your legs over his, helping to spread yours softly. His hand rests over your clothed heat, only thing keeping it from making contact is the polyester of your bikini bottom. "You are okay with this, right?" He softly asks you.
You shift your hips around and nod, "Yes, please just.." Placing a hand on the rough seat of the hot tub to balance yourself, but instead leaning against Donghyun, who wraps his arms around your waist. Dongmin pushes the fabric of your bikini to the side, softly pressing one of his fingers on your clit, looking at your face to observe your reactions. Your chest rises and falls heavier when he starts toying with your clit, sending waves of sensation to where you needed it the most. Donghyun watches from above your shoulder at the way Dongmin moves against your clit. You let out a soft moan and Dongmin tries his best to hold down a smile that tried to escape. When he felt you clench around nothing, he took it as a sign to enter one of his fingers in. You hold his arm, and he stops moving, waiting until you give him the green light to continue. When you got slightly used to the feeling of his finger inside of you, you let go of his arm. He looks at you for confirmation and when you nod, he starts pumping his finger in and out of you. It's been a while since you last had any type of sensation so his singular finger was already stimulating you to the point of release. You shift your hips again, this time being able to feel Dongmin's bulge, pressing your knee into it to hopefully give him some relief he might be looking for. And you know you're right when he curses under his breath before softly grinding against your knee in the pace of his fingers. "Min-" You moan out when he enters another finger inside of you, not able to take his eyes off of the way your mouth hangs open from how good he's making you feel. And he didn't realize how much he's yearning for release too until he focuses on it. The mere fact that Dongmin's attempting to get himself off using your knee makes you clench around his fingers. Would it be too late to ask if you could take him right now? Those thoughts disappear when Donghyun whispers in your ear, "Maybe it's a good thing he's doing this first.. You're gonna need the slight preparation for when you take me." He leaves a small peck on your cheek and rubs the sides of your waist. You're sure Dongmin overheard when he adds a 3rd finger, reaching so deep inside you you're worried if he's even meant to go that far in. Using his thumb, he circles your clit, trying to keep all his attention on making you feel the best you can instead of on the ache in his cock. Donghyun's words and the way Dongmin feels inside of you, make your head cloud up. And you can't tell if it's that or the heat from the hot tub making you sweat. "Min-" You reach out for him, squeezing on his other arm, "Oh gosh.. Min- Please.." The way you stumbled over your words boosted Dongmin's ego, speeding up his hand while still lightly pressing himself against your knee. Your climax approached you before you were even able to let Dongmin know. Hips twitching as you came on his hand, mumbling his name so much it'll wear out. Donghyun softly rubs against your stomach to rid it of any possible aches.
"My turn," Donghyun lifts you up and into his lap, taking note in the way your body has given up on strength. "Unless you-" You shake your head and look at Dongmin before looking at Donghyun, "I'm okay, let's continue.!" "You sure?" Donghyun looks at you for extra confirmation, never wanting to go out of your comfort zone, but when you mumble a small 'I promise', he's already undoing the lace on his swim trunks. Donghyun frees himself from the shorts, cock aching to be inside of you, and he mimics what Dongmin did and pushes your bikini to the side. He lines himself up with you, "Let me know when you're ready." You nod and take a deep breath, "I'm ready." He inserts inside of you, the size of his cock making your walls burn and you feel the wind get knocked right of you, "Oh fuck." "I won't move," He rubs his hands along your back, reaching your bikini top before undoing it. Despite trying to catch your breath, you notice the way both Dongmin and Donghyun stare at your bare breasts in awe, the other boy adjusting himself in his shorts. "Can I move now, sweetheart?" You hear almost desperation come from Donghyun's voice as he moves his hands to your breasts, softly massaging them. "Yeah I think I'm good now." You speak slowly, trying to get used to Donghyun's warm wet hands on your sensitive nipples. He looks at Dongmin who is trying his hardest not to touch himself, "Dongmin, come here." The boy looks at Donghyun with confusion, "I need you to help her move." Dongmin sulkily listens, upset that he's not the one inside of you right now, but nonetheless he softly grabs your hips and guides you on top of Donghyun who continues to play with your breasts. Dongmin takes the advantage of his control to finally feel what it's like to have your lips against his, and given the situation, he thinks the kiss is sweet. But he doesn't do it anymore than once, knowing you're too focused on Donghyun. He hold onto Donghyun's shoulders, feeling like your core was being ripped apart, thankful Dongmin was there to help you as you knew you wouldn't have been able to on your own. The same boy took the opportunity to press kisses all over your shoulders and neck, sucking on spots that seemed to get a reaction out of you. Your hand searches Dongmin's body, finally finding his bulge. When you softly palm it, he jolts, making Donghyun thrust up into you, earning a moan from you. He whimpers, allowing you to do it again. In between Donghyun's thrusts, you undo Dongmin's trunks so you can help him better. Donghyun moves his hands from your breasts to your hips, guiding you on him as you pump Dongmin's dick in a pace that matched Donghyun's. Dongmin removes his lips from your skin so you could jerk him easier, he melts into your touch, already finding himself closer than he'd expected. Donghyun replaces the absence of Dongmin's lips on you with his own, biting down on your collarbone skin, more than likely leaving marks impossible to cover up. Feeling the pressure in between your legs grow as Dongmin's cock twitched in your hand, even Donghyun's grip on your hips tightened as you got closer to release. Moving your thumb along Dongmin's tip got him to where he's been wanting, his whimpers increasing in volume as his cum streams into the water. His eyebrows furrowing as he breathes heavy. Donghyun starts moving faster underneath you, his hips thrusting up sporadically. You feel him move inside of you, curses falling from his lips faster, you reach your climax again, moaning both their names with the very little energy you have left. Donghyun lifts you off of him so he could cum too, it never leaving the warm water.
You collapse onto Donghyun when your body gives out, all 3 of you in silence while you all catch your breath and come to realization about what had happened. "Here, take her," Donghyun eventually speaks up, helping you rest on Dongmin's lap instead so he could fix himself and help put your bikini top back on. Your eyelids felt heavy and the comfort of Dongmin's shoulders makes you fall asleep, burnt out from the previous activities.
You were sure they carried you back to the hotel room, because when you opened your eyes, you were in pajamas on a bed instead of in the hot tub. When you turned around, you were face to face with Dongmin, who was peacefully sleeping. And something about that made you smile.
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hi this was actually the death of me. i went through the 5 stages of grief writing this. this fic is based on this ask! it was highly wanted and the original nonie said i could write it so i did!! big thank u to nonie for the idea and bunny for helping me! it took longer than i wanted and im not happy with the result but you know,,,, 😭 also the writing looks a little awkward because both of them are Dongs,, so you end up seeing those letters a lot, guess i have their parents to thank for that 💔
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fiendishfables · 4 months
Would yall perhaps want a Valentine’s Day gift, my lovely ducklings? (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞
Say no more…
*inserts Lucifer bending you over a table*
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myevilmouse · 2 years
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Um... @blackmonitor​ did this amazing art because of the TAGS (which were there from Chapter 1) on my fic Martial Arts, and it resulted in me having to rewrite my desk sex (in Chapter 4) to accommodate her vision.  No complaints, it’s soooo hot I had to put it on the page.  I hope the prose lives up to the paint!  You can read the smut here and you can see the unedited version of this glorious art below the cut....nggggggghhhhhh
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seretoningghost · 24 days
Stu Macher x Male Reader x Billy Loomis
Ghostface!! :D
(Can be read as a continuation of sorts of my last one, not directly after but still.)
WARNINGS : SMUT! Body Shot(Belly Button), Threesome, sloppy (kinda even sloppily written), established relationship with Stu and Billy, cheating (Stu and Billy on their gfs, it's hardly even mentioned.)
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Inspired by Hollywood Undead’s Everywhere I Go  ;)
Stu groaned quietly, chuckling drunkenly as Y/N pushed him onto the pool table. His back thudded against it quietly.
The pool balls quietly clack as they get pushed aside, Y/N pulling Stu’s shirt up further, exposing his lean stomach.
Y/N’s beer clunking against the table as he sets it down a bit strong handed.
Y/N grinned as he reached out for the vodka bottle being handed to him by some random.
Leaning in close as he pours the vodka into Stu’s belly button, it overflowing a bit, Y/N just chuckles.
Leaning in down, he slurps the vodka up. The crowd of party ragers cheering and jumping at that.
Grinning teasingly as he glances up to Stu, sticking his tongue out as he laps up the overflowed vodka, swirling his tongue around Stu’s belly button.
Stu grins widely, already feeling his dick reacting.
Y/N’s touch lingers a moment longer than it should, before he pulls back, hand sliding up Stu’s abdomen.
Y/N grinning as he hands the vodka back to the party goer, grinning.
“Told you I would!” Y/N grins, saying it loud enough to be heard over the music.
Leaving Stu to sit up on his own, a little more than excited.
“Haha! That's kinda gay y’know!” They laughed.
Y/N chuckled.
“You know Stu has a girlfriend, right?” Chimed another party goer.
Y/N grinned.
“So what? It's just a body shot.” Y/N shrugged, grabbing his beer and downing the last of it.
A trickle of the honey gold liquid dribbling down his chin, and down his neck.
Stu’s eye caught on it, grinning, holding himself back from licking it up.
Standing up and tugging his shirt down.
Y/N put the empty beer down, sighing contently before making his way to the booze table.
Grabbing a shot, downing a few.
Stu slinked his way through the tight crowd, grinning as he pushes his body against Y/N’s.
Taking a shot from Y/N’s hold and downing it with a grin, Y/N grabbing a beer with a huff.
“Y/N, how about you and me ‘disappear’~?” Stu grinned, whispering in Y/N’s ear.
Y/N grinned at that, it meant one of two things, and Stu was too drunk for the ladder. And Billy was nowhere to be found at the moment.
Y/N hummed, thinking it over. Before biting the air in Stu’s direction.
“Your lucky your ‘girlfriend’ isn't here tonight~.” Y/N teased.
Stu grinned, mind spinning with lust.
Y/N took a drink off his beer quickly.
“My buds bedroom is upstairs, I stole his key so I could fuck with some bad bitches.” Y/N grinned, pulling a key on a ring out of his pocket.
Giving it a playful spin on his index.
“Guess you’ll just have to do..” Y/N teased, grinning as he walked to the stairs.
Stu gasped, huffing as Y/N walked past him, his blood boiling as he hesitated. Trying to not make their association obvious.
After a minute or so Stu went up the stairs, seeing Y/N leaning against one of the doors.
There wasn't really anything upstairs, so no one at the party went up there.
Y/N grinned, spinning the key before undoing the door with a quiet click of the turning key.
Y/N opened the door, the two stepping inside. He shut the door behind them.
WIthin a heartbeat Y/N had Stu pinned to the wall, the two making out feverently.
Tongues slobbering together, rubbing against each other. Stu tasting honeyish beer, and blueberry vodka that burned his taste buds on Y/N.
Y/N tasting raspberry, and wildberry vodka, tequila, and salt on Stu.
Y/N pressed his body closer, Stu groaning at the squeeze. Y/N could taste that Stu was the drunker of the two, not that Stu cared.
Y/N’s head spun at the sloppy mess, sucking at Stu’s tongue he just couldn't get enough.
The two are already feeling their pants growing tighter.
Stu groaned as he broke the kiss, spit dripping down boths chins.
Stu tilted his head, dragging his tongue along where Y/N had beer dribbling down before.
Releasing an excited breath against Y/N’s neck at the muted beer flavor, salty with sweat, smiling against the skin.
Y/N groaned lovingly, feeling his length throb in his pants, tilting his head back slightly. Letting his boyfriend at more of his skin.
After a few more moments of Stu lapping at his skin Y/N grabbed hold of Stu’s thighs, picking him up gently with a huff.
He tossed Stu onto the bed, the springs squeaking at it, and Stu groaning.
Y/N climbed up onto the bed, crawling over Stu, looming over him as he took a messy swig from his beer.
Putting the bottle down on the bedside table with a clunk, leaning in to Stu, kissing him again.
This time beer being shared between their mouths.
Stu moved his tongue greedily against Y/N’s, lapping the beer happily.
Y/N pulling back with a groan once the beer was swallowed, most swallowed by Stu.
“Mm, he might have a few condoms in the bedside table..” Y/N mumbled quietly to himself, leaning over as he rummages through the table.
Brows furrowed.
Stu panted quietly, his excitement waning slightly as his mind brought up Y/N’s comment earlier.
Y/N groaned, huffing as he put a condom between his teeth.
“This should do..” He mumbles, returning his attention to Stu as he undos Stu’s pants.
“You excited baby~?” Y/N grins, pulling off Stu’s pants and boxers, well, only able to remove them fully from one leg, whatever.
Quickly undoing his own pants, pulling them down along with his boxers enough to free his length.
Grabbing the slightly slobbery condom from between his teeth, undoing the wrapper with a crumple, tossing the trash aside.
Rolling the neon blue condom down his length, groaning frustratedly as the condom only manages to roll halfway down.
“Dudes got a small dick..” Y/N huffs quietly, before leaning back into Stu, mouthing at his neck.
“This should be fine, right?” He pants against Stu’s skin.
Stu nods, and Y/N nibbles and licks at Stu’s skin as he pushes in slowly.
Stu’s entrance gives moderate resistance, but complies quickly, still moderately lubed from his and Billy’s activities from not too long before the party.
Y/N pants and groans quietly, excited at the sensation. Beginning with slow shallow thrusts, holding Stu close gently.
Y/N looked up at Stu, Y/N groans, eyes softening at the sight.
Stu, with tears pooling in his eyes, hand over his mouth, teeth gritted, crying quietly to himself. He was practically bawling like a baby. 
Those beautiful puppy dog eyes sadly looking at Y/N.
“Whs’ wrong baby?” Y/N asked with a groan.
“Does it hurt?”
Stu stayed quiet, moaning softly at the gentle movements, nodding no.
“Y-Y/N… y-you don't have sex with ‘nybody else.. right?” Stu asks, sounding like he’s distraught, a few quiet moans slipping through.
Y/N felt his heart calm, chuckling quietly in his throat.
Stu really was too drunk for his own good, sober Stu would have got that it was just a jab.
“I-I mean s-sides’ Billy..” Stu added, a bit meekly.
Y/N pushed his face to the crook of Stu’s neck, hiding his smile.
“No baby, no one but you n’ Billy…. but right now’s bout’ you baby, just you.” Y/N reassures Stu, knowing it would just save time to indulge him rather than explain.
Stu sniffs quietly, feeling much better.
Y/N accentuates his words with a harder trust, Stu clutching to Y/N’s back with a moan.
“Now quit cryin’ babe..”
Stu nods feverishly, biting his lip, using the back of his hand to wipe his eyes, his other hand clutching hard onto the back of Y/N’s shirt.
“Harder…” Stu whimpers.
Y/N indulges him, speeding his hips up, and going harder.
Soon enough the room was hot, the air hot with sex.
Wet slaps from their actions resounding through the room, probably hardly audible outside the door thanks to the loud party.
The two panting loudly against each others skin, clutching each other close.
Stu’s legs locked around Y/N’s hips, Stu having clawed Y/N’s shirt up, his nails trailing over his bare skin.
Stu’s head tilted back as he let out jumbled moans, Y/N mouthing and biting at his neck.
That's when the door opened, the two stopping in their tracks, panting.
Y/N made sure to block Stu’s body with his own, glancing back at the door.
Y/N panting, eyes wide, before he noticed it was Billy.
Eyes narrowing with a grunt.
“Y-You… you just gonna stand there?” Y/N growled, panting between words.
“Someone could see us dude.” Y/N added.
Billy shut the door behind himself, locking it. Huffing as he walked over to the bed.
Sitting on the edge of it, eyeing the two over.
The duo's chests rising and falling, panting loudly.
“I couldn't find either of you at the party, and I just knew you two would’ve found somewhere to slink off to, even if it was just behind the house at a dark corner the porch lights didn’t reach.” Billy grinned, leaning close to Y/N.
Y/N scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“Oh please.. we're not that obvious. Sides’, you’ve joined us like that every time.” Y/N growled.
Y/N could smell the alcohol on Billy, in his breath fanning over his face.
Billy glanced over the duo, the fucked out look in Stu’s eyes, how quickly they were panting.
How Y/N’s shirt slid down slightly as he sat up a bit, the angry red scratch marks littering his back, how messy their hair was.
“Y’gonna join or what? Or are you fucking cuck chairing? Like cmon, I was getting close..” Y/N groaned, unamused.
Billy grinned, leaning in close to Stu, putting a hand on his cheek, the two making out sloppily.
Y/N hesitated as he watched, getting entranced in his two boyfriends as they made out.
Billy tried to keep the kiss neat, but Stu was too drunk for that slow passionate shit. With a groan, Billy gave in, letting the sloppy happen.
After a minute Y/N groaned, giving a hard thrust, making Stu jolt, moaning.
Y/N began to thrust again, going harder and faster than before.
Stu enjoyed this thoroughly, whimpering and moaning against Billy’s lips.
After a moan Billy pulls away, narrowing his eyes at Y/N as he undoes his pants. Revealing his erect length.
Billy climbs up on the bed, positioning himself on his knees, practically straddling Stu,  his cock practically pressed against Y/N’s lips.
Y/N glances up to Billy, who’s biting his lip teasingly.
Y/N grins, giving a soft kiss to his tip.
“M’gonna make Stu fuck you after we’re done.” Y/N groans quietly, grinning, cuing in that he did in fact know that Billy fucked Stu earlier.
Billy hesitates, but a soft shudder runs up his legs, gently bucking his hips against Y/N’s lips.
Y/N parting his lips at the push, letting out a soft breath against the skin, pre cum smearing over his lips.
Not stopping his thrusts as he opens his mouth for Billy’s cock, happily taking the humps Billy gives.
If anything getting more excited, and harder at the sensation of being mouth fucked.
The trio continued, the room getting even hotter, smelling even stronger of sex.
Y/N taking Billy’s cock with ease, moaning softly around his length, spit dripping down his chin.
Billy’s eye catching on it dripping down his adams apple.
Stu whimpering and moaning, watching from between Billy’s legs the outline of his cock pushing down Y/N’s throat effortlessly.
And in turn feeling Y/N’s big cock pounding him relentlessly, filling him up.
Billy could feel Stu’s hands clawing at his thighs, it was practically piercing through his pants… Somehow it added something.
The trio panting, moaning, and groaning.
It wasn't long before they all finished, Y/N riding through his orgasm as he humped his hips against Stu.
Groaning as he swallowed around Billy’s cock, groaning quiet curses around his flesh.
His tongue lapping against Billy’s sensitive skin.
Stu having mewled as he spilled his load all over his abdomen, shuddering and whimpering at the warmth of Y/N’s release.
Billy pulling his hips away from Y/N, Y/N panting loudly as he slowed his movements to a halt.
The trio calming down for a few minutes.
Before Billy with a groan moved, laying down on the bed beside Stu.
Panting quietly Y/N pulled out slowly, Stu whimpering quietly at the loss.
Y/N huffing before pulling the condom off his flaccid length, struggling to tie the condom off due to its size.
But succeeding after a minor fumbling, tossing it away in the close by waste bin.
The trio laying together on the ‘smaller than three people’ bed, listening quietly to each other panting, and the muffled music downstairs.
After a good while of silence Y/N grinned, looking to Billy, laid on the other side of Stu.
“Alright Billy, now Stu’s gonna get to fuck you.”
Stu lit up, grinning - although a bit tiredly, but that never stopped him before.
“Wait.. what?” Stu grinned.
Billy groaned, glancing away, hiding his smile.
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chelseasdagger · 7 months
Teacher - Chapter II
Frank Castle x Inexperienced F!reader
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Summary: You get invited to Frank's apartment again days after he gave you your first kiss. After a long makeout session, you rush to get to the bonfire and enjoy a night with your group of friends and even more of Frank's company
Warnings: age gap (reader is in her early 20s), cursing, drinking, dry humping, brief mentions of masturbation
Author's Note: It's finally here! I'm SO so sorry for the wait on this chapter! I've been working full time at my part time job and it's been crazy busy!! Thank you for being patient :) Oh! We have a taglist now, so if you want to be added, just let me know! As always, reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated :) Leave a comment or shoot me an ask!! I'd love to hear what you think!
Word Count: 6.6k+
Previous Chapters: I
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Ever since that afternoon when Frank gave you your first kiss, it’s all that’s consumed your mind. It’s been difficult to focus your attention anywhere that isn’t the image of his puffy lips, swollen from your kisses, that has been ingrained in your head. You’ve been spacing out more often—even softly tracing your lower lip with your finger to try and relive the memory of his tongue brushing your skin.
You’ve even let your mind wander off its leash at work. Your coworker rips you from your thoughts by calling your name and you look up with wide eyes. She smirks when she sees your frazzled expression and asks what’s on your mind. You flip through excuses in your brain before stumbling out an “It’s a good day?”
Your voice twists into a question at the end, obvious that even you weren’t sold on your words. She shoots a skeptical look your way before walking away from the front desk, leaving you to sit once again in your thoughts about Frank. Beams of sunlight pour through the glass windows at the front of the building and the heat on your face reminds you of his warm touch. You let your eyes close for a moment and you swear you can feel his long fingers curling behind your jaw.
Suddenly, a chime sounds out and your eyes shoot open, quickly facing the front door as you expect to be met with a client’s face. There’s not a single person in sight though, and you glance down at your phone and see its illuminated screen. There’s an alert on the display and as you pick it up to unlock it, you notice it’s from your close friend.
“I’m picking you up at 6 right?”
Your eyebrows pull together, trying to remember the topic of the conversation that she’s starting back up again. As your eyes scan the earlier messages on the screen, it clicks for you. The bonfire.
Every few weeks your friend group makes plans to go out and do something fun together. With busy lives and conflicting schedules, not to mention the range of ages, it’s not always easy to reconnect and make time to be with each other. But months ago there was a collective agreement to make the effort of seeing one another more often than not. It was something you loved, being able to be in the good company of everyone you cared for.
Admittedly, your favorite part of the group hangout was watching as the rest of them enjoyed themselves. Smiles thrown on their faces, laughter roaring out when someone cracks a joke, even comfortable silences—it brought you so much joy to witness. However, due to your more reserved nature and how you passed on drinking each time, you felt more like a bystander; always watching them let loose and wishing you could do the same.
“Yes pleaseee”, your thumbs press on the glass, typing out the message on the digital keys. As you hit the arrow to send the text, another message shows as a banner across the top of the screen.
“You wanna come over?”
It’s from Frank this time. Sinking your teeth into your lip in an attempt to stall your smile, you glance at the clock on the wall. Unfortunately, no amount of wishing makes the thin, red hand pass the black numbers any faster. With a quiet sigh, you begin to type another text.
“I get off in an hour. You’re still going to the bonfire tonight right?”
You anxiously tap your finger along the side of your phone, watching the little bubbles move as an indicator that he’s typing. Frank was the main reason you went to these monthly bonfires, and the idea of him not showing is certainly enough to make you consider twice about going.
“Yeah. Just wanted to see you before then.”
As if right on cue, your heartbeat speeds up when your eyes scan across his words. You don’t even try to fight the grin that grows on your face this time. It’s only been a few days since you last saw him, since your last kiss, but you’ve been texting him each day in between. The conversations have always been light, slightly flirty on his end, but you’re thankful Frank never pressures you to do anything.
Oftentimes you find yourself still in disbelief at how this all happened. Frank’s incredibly patient with you and has reassured you many times that this is all your choice. Hell, he hasn’t even asked for you to come over again until just now. Maybe he was trying to keep the distance to not overwhelm you?
But he does want to see me, the giddy, although nagging, little voice in your head reminds you. Rolling your eyes at your own thoughts, you sigh gently before texting him that you’ll drive over to his apartment after you get off. He replies back almost instantly.
“Can’t wait.”
You force yourself to drop your phone and not reread his message multiple times. It wasn’t a habit you normally had, but it became ever so prevalent with his messages. You pictured what other thoughts could be behind his often short texts and that wasn’t particularly helpful while you’re still on the clock.
The minutes felt like centuries as you sat at the desk. No amount of phone calls from curious customers or coworker gossip could act as a catalyst and make the time pass faster. You almost feel bad for being mentally checked out, but with something as good as this planned after you left, you really couldn’t help it. With your chin in your hand as you barely hold yourself up, you take one last hesitant glance at the clock. Two minutes left.
The second the time flips to the nearest hour, you’re clocking out; you’re thankful it was a slow day and you could leave right on time. With a shout over your shoulder and a wave goodbye to your coworker, you walk out the door and straight to your car. You don’t even put the GPS on–you have the way to his house memorized after the last time–and put on your favorite playlist to get yourself excited once again to see him.
Thankfully, the traffic isn’t too bad and it’s not long before you’re making the first turn into the neighborhood. You turn on each familiar street, winding the curves before you spot the black van with an empty parking space beside it once again. There’s no anxiety this time as you put the car in park, just excitement bubbling up and making your chest grow warm. You’re quick to grab your bag and rush up to the wooden door as you lock the car behind you.
You raise your hand and swiftly knock an upbeat tune on the door. It opens only a few seconds later, and there’s a strong arm winding around you as it pulls you past the door frame. A surprised yelp escapes you and his raspy voice sounds out with an apology.
“Sorry, kid, didn’t mean to scare ya.” He closes the door behind you before walking towards the couch. The room’s not quite as spotless as it was last time but it honestly makes it feel more cozy seeing as it’s been lived in. He motions for you to follow him to sit down and this time you make sure to sit right beside him.
He asks about your day and the two of you begin a light conversation. It feels like he really listens to you; he’s nodding his head as you speak, leaning slightly towards you, and for once you feel like you’re being truly heard. After some back and forth, Frank begins to talk more as something you say sparks up a memory in his mind. He’s excited to tell you, obvious from how he sits up with a wide smile, and you listen to him as he gives you some background information that’s necessary to understand the story.
If you’re honest, you’re not really sure you’re keeping up with the whole picture he’s trying to paint you. You couldn’t really help it, memories of the only other time you were here beginning to rush through your brain. His laughter sounds out, breaking your concentration of the memory, and you try your hardest to focus back on him. Frank’s so animated when he talks: his hands moving in front of him, his facial features physically showing how he felt, and let’s not forget the voices of his friends that he puts on to get a smile out of you.
But eventually his words continue to drone on and on and you’re beginning to lose interest. It's no fault of his own, you just can’t focus on anything other than his mouth. The meaning of his words dissipate until they’re simply just noise to fill the background. Your eyes never leave his lips, watching as they curl around the words or stretch into a smile as he laughs. Before you can even think through the consequences of your actions, you lean forward and place a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth.
His words stop abruptly and you watch as he turns his head to face you. There’s a short pause before he’s got his arms wrapped around you, immediately pulling you into his lap. You settle on your knees, straddling his thighs, and he tugs you even closer until you’re sitting right between his legs.
“Did you hear anything I was saying?” he asks, tilting his head as he stares up into your eyes. His gaze is too intense and you find yourself focusing on his lips instead. “You hear a single word or… did some kind of switch flip just then?” He squints his eyes as he asks, his tongue brushing over his lips.
“I just… I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” you confess in a small voice.
“That is just the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. You know that?” And queue the heat rushing to your cheeks. “Got any idea how sweet you sound?”
“Frank, c’mon,” you whisper, growing tired of his teasing.
“What, sweetheart? You wanna say somethin’ like that and not expect me to talk about it?” Again, you wish he would just shut up and kiss you already. “I’ve been on your mind that much? Must’ve been a damn good kiss for you to think about it days later, huh? Did you miss—”
You cut him off once more with your lips, your hands cradling his cheeks as you kiss him. You can’t even believe you did it, you never thought yourself the one to make the first move. Being desperate for his kisses is enough for the final push, you guess. His hands are quick to find your hips and you shiver at the touch, cursing yourself for being so sensitive. He pulls away when he feels your body’s reaction but never takes his hands off of you.
“That okay?” he asks, his eyes glancing up into yours. He gives another swift squeeze into your side before questioning with another “hmm?” You nod quickly, still reeling from the feel of him touching you there. Frank only tilts his head, silently requesting more from you.
“Y-Yes,” you stutter out, and he mutters the quietest, “Okay,” you’ve ever heard. His hand that’s wrapped around your hip begins to push you back and you’re quick to move with his movements. It’s a gentle push that has your ass grinding down onto the center of his jeans and you quickly grab hold of his shoulder to keep your balance.
“You okay?” he asks through a light chuckle. You nod and hum an agreement as you focus back on his warm touch that’s setting a fire alight on your side. He pulls you closer now and begins rocking you back and forth on his lap. The heat begins to travel down your tummy and nestles between your thighs.
Suddenly, Frank’s mouth is on your neck again and you almost feel lightheaded with how your body is trying to take in so much of him at once. He drags his kisses down your jaw, his hand never stopping the gentle pull and push of your hips. As you keep rocking on him, you swear you feel something bumping into you on each push down but you’re not very certain of anything at the moment.
His unoccupied hand smoothes up your side and his big palm grabs at your chest. A small moan gets stuck in your throat, resulting in a quiet whimper, as his long fingers squeeze into your soft skin. You break the kiss, your arms crossing each other as you reach for the hem of your shirt but his hands tenderly grab your wrists.
“You don’t have to…” he breathes shallowly, his breath fanning across your lips. His gaze locks with yours before he swallows thickly. He closes his eyes as he continues, “I’m sorry. I-I just got caught up in it.” You smile at the hesitancy in his voice and brush your thumb along his jaw.
“It’s okay, Frank, I wanna,” you reassure him. He loosens his hold, allowing you to continue your movements and pull your top off. His eyes move up with each new inch of skin that gets exposed and there’s this look in his eyes that sends a shiver down your spine. Once your head is clear of the fabric, you drop it onto the empty couch cushion beside you before moving to cup his cheeks in your smaller hands.
His lips are parted as he stares unabashedly at your chest. Brushing your thumb over the light stubble, you watch as he takes you in for the first time. Part of you is somewhat worried about his reaction, but his kisses were enough to leave your head clouded for long enough to push the anxiety away.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” is all he mutters before his hand pushes through your hair and he cups the back of your head. He pulls you into another kiss, his tongue wasting no time as it glides along yours. You moan against him sweetly as he lightly pulls on the strands. The sound must’ve spurred him on though, because he squeezes you over your bra once more. His insatiable fingers continue and your chest threatens to spill over the fabric cups.
You bring your hand over his and he immediately lets go of you. You shake your head with a grin, letting him know he didn’t cross any lines. Rather, you press on his fingers and make him hold you even tighter. He sighs into the kiss and digs harder into your smooth skin. Wanting to mimic him and clutch onto as much of him as possible, you push your palms flat to his chest and work them up towards his neck. You don’t even register the way you’re tugging at the neckline of his shirt until your thoughts slip and you mumble something against his lips.
“What was that?” Frank asks as he trails a finger down your cheek.
“Can… Can you take yours off too, please?” Your words come out as a whisper, your nerves acting up at the idea of asking that of him. He only smirks up at you before adjusting himself to sit up more against the couch.
“Guess that’s only fair, huh?” You watch as his hands come to the back of his neck, arms flexing as he pulls the shirt over his head and haphazardly drops it beside yours. When you see him shirtless for the first time, you’re pretty sure any thought you had–and ever will have–leaves your mind. Thick muscle wrapped in tan skin, broad shoulders that you’re certain would engulf you whole, and dark hair lining the skin under his belly button that trails below the waistband of his jeans.
“You alright there, kid?” he questions through a raspy chuckle. You hesitantly reach a hand out and lightly rest it over his heart. His chest is big and he fills your palm as his heart beats against your skin. You force your eyes to focus on his face again and he meets you with a confident smirk.
“You still with me?” His words are laced with a cocky tone and you don’t even give him the satisfaction of shrinking down again. Instead, you lean forward and wrap your fingers around his neck before kissing him harder than you ever have before. He grunts against your lips, his own hips bucking up as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
His hand wraps around to hold your lower back as he continues guiding your movements. With each roll of your hips into his lap, you feel his bulge against you. A wet gasp escapes you when you bump your clit on one particularly hard grind against him.
He feels harder underneath you each time you move, and it dawns on you what it actually means. He’s getting hard? Over me? The ever present voice sounds out again, words soaked in disbelief. Feeling more confident, you begin to buck your hips on your own as you grind faster against him. 
“Attagirl,” he praises, the kiss breaking once again due to his wide smile. He encourages your movements with one little word and his hand stops the push and pull, letting you move independently from him. He grazes his long fingers up your thighs before curling around, sliding his palms higher, and holding your ass in his big hands. Frank tilts his head to the side as he deepens the kiss and you feel the stubble scratching you, causing your hips to speed up of their own accord.
His bulge between your legs is warm–and admittedly thicker than you expected–which does nothing to help the burning at the pit of your stomach. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on before and Frank’s lips begin to wander, trailing down your neck. His teeth graze along your collarbone and your hands find their way to his hair. Brushing through the strands with a gentle pull at the ends, you push yourself harder into his lap.
He grunts before pressing his tongue flat to your skin, slowly licking his way up your throat and back to your lips. A curse slips from you and you shudder when you feel the cool air hit the wet patch he left behind. Cupping your cheeks in his large palms, he traces his tongue over your bottom lip before sinking his teeth into the soft skin. You whimper louder than you mean to, the sound causing Frank to tilt his head down and break the kiss. His forehead rests against yours as he pants gently, regaining his breath.
“You’re gonna be the death of me,” he whispers, dragging the tip of his nose down the bridge of your own. You giggle at his exasperated tone from the makeout session and rub your hands down his neck to his shoulder blades. The muscle is noticeable despite him not flexing and your mind starts down a path that you’re certain would do no good right now. Images begin to flash through your mind: Frank on top of you, your nails scratching down his back, his fingers tightening around a headboard. You give yourself a mental shake and bring yourself back to the present.
“What time is it?” you ask softly. Frank raises his arm up, checking the little display of his watch. Once you catch a glimpse of the digital numbers, you perk up as your eyes go wide.
“Shit, I gotta go,” Frank looks up at you confusedly as you speak. “The bonfire…” you trail off, hoping to jog his memory.
“What? No, you just got here, c’mon,” he groans. His arms wrap around your back and he tightens his hold while resting his head against your chest. With a wide smile, you brush your palms against the short hair at the back of his head.
“Frank, I’ve been here almost an hour,” you explain through a chuckle. He hesitantly looks up at you, his eyebrows pulled together and confusion clearly written all over his face.
“Really? I didn’t even notice…”
“Spent all that time when I first got here just talking. It’s your fault!” You tease him and his features soften.
“Well how was I supposed to know I had all this waiting for me if I shut up?” He pulls you snuggly towards his body and you feel the heat coming back to your cheeks. You shake your head when he drapes your arm back around his neck, his charm threatening to work on you once again.
“I gotta get ready,” you explain but make absolutely no attempt to leave your spot on his lap.
“Do you have to? You look great just like this,” his fingers idly move up and down your thighs. You find his little touches comforting and the butterflies flutter to life at his soft spoken compliment.
“My hair is a complete mess, thanks to you,” you scoff, “and I need to change.” You’re still in your outfit from work and want to wear something more comfortable, and warm, for tonight’s get together. Frank pouts as you speak but begrudgingly lets go of you, his hand keeping a hold of yours as you stand. You reach for your shirt and quickly pull it back on over your head and there’s a great, big sigh coming from him once your chest is covered.
Rolling your eyes at his theatrics, you run a hand through your hair in an attempt to look halfway decent. Turning to say one last thing before you leave, there’s a sight that makes your eyes widen as a chill rushes through you. Your hands clasp together over your mouth as you gasp, embarrassment settling in. Frank looks up cluessely at you, until he follows your gaze to his lap.
There’s a damp spot on his jeans, almost unnoticeable against the dark denim, but it’s clear what it is nonetheless.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t think I’d—I’m sorry,” you swallow thickly, trying to find anything to say to fill the silence. He’s hardly moved since he first glared down at the stain on his pants; his chest heaving and jaw clenching as he takes in the sight in front of him. The air is so thick you think for half a second you might actually choke on it. The next thing you see is the bulge in his jeans twitching to the side faintly.
You feel as though you might double over and grab your stomach for balance. “Frank?” you ask gently, but he continues to breathe roughly. You can’t even possibly begin to decipher what’s going on inside his head.
“Don’t ever gotta apologize for that,” he finally speaks up. His voice is gravelly and his jaw is clenched. He takes a long inhale and you can see him physically shake off the tension. “But yeah, you… You should probably change.” His normal cocky smirk is back in place and you smile, relieved.
Leaning over him, you press a brisk kiss to his cheek as a goodbye. You mutter one last apology against his skin before slipping out the door and shouting a farewell over your shoulder.
The entire car ride home you feel your skin buzzing. You’ve never felt so giddy in your life and you’re not exactly sure how you’re supposed to keep this excitement to yourself. Part of you wants to scream out from the rooftops just to let the energy out but you also haven’t exactly talked with Frank about if this is something to share outside the two of you.
The ride home is a total blur and before you know it you’re pulling into your spot at your apartment. Dropping your bag by the door, you make your way straight to the bathroom. After accessing the damage that Frank left with his greedy touch, you quickly begin to try and make yourself look slightly presentable.
Surprisingly, you’re almost ready when your friend sends the message to inform you that she’s arrived at your place. All you’re missing is socks, shoes, and jacket, which by your standards, is pretty good. You brush your fingers through your hair one more time, trying to get it to lie a bit neater. With one last glance over in the mirror, you shrug and decide it’s good enough given the time crunch.
Shoving your shoes on and rushing out the door with your jacket folded over your arm, you reach her car door and climb in. She begins to drive down the street, turning down familiar roads to the place where you usually gather for this sort of thing. She fills the car ride with her stories all about her day, her rude coworker, and the new guy she’s seeing. You nearly speak up when she gets to that last topic of conversation. It would be nice to finally be able to relate to something, but you know that what you and Frank have isn’t even serious. Or at least, that’s what you tell yourself as you bite your tongue and keep quiet.
The sound of gravel crunching under the tires reaches your ears and you perk up when you realize you’re finally here. After closing the car door and walking up to the fire pit, you notice your other friends already gathered around it. They greet the two of you kindly and pull you into hugs. You smile through the welcoming and scan their faces to check for Frank, but he’s not there.
Minutes pass and you find yourself pulling your phone out of your pocket to check the time every now and then. You watch as the sunset sinks below the horizon. It paints the sky a dusty orange before mixing and settling into soft pastel streaks of light. You’ve been here over half an hour and still there’s no sign of him. You get the courage to speak up and ask about him.
“Is Frank coming? I know he’s not usually on time but…” There’s a small chuckle sounding out from someone already a few drinks in.
“He texted me saying he forgot it was tonight. Should be here soon,” one of Frank’s closer friends, Curtis, replies to you. That’s weird, you think as you pout and wrap your arms around yourself. You wonder why he gave that excuse and what must’ve come up to deter him from getting here. It does little use, but you try to shake off the worry and focus on being in the company of the people you love.
You’re laughing loudly at a joke when you hear some light cheers and quickly turn around at the sound. Frank’s walking up slowly, shaking his head as the small group rags on him for being late. He scoffs, scratching at the back of his neck before being pulled into a few hugs by his friends. You’d give anything to rush over and pull him into an embrace as well, but you decide to not just run with your emotions.
Once Frank is sitting back in an old lawn chair and everyone is officially accounted for, Curtis lights the fire. It’s tradition to wait until everybody is together before setting the wood alight. There’s a moment of quiet crackling but before long the flames are roaring to life. You’re the first to walk up to it, stretching your arms out and melting at the warmth enveloping you when suddenly, there’s a nagging feeling in your head and you look over your shoulder to satisfy the small itch.
Frank’s eyes are glaring into your side, his expression hard and difficult to pinpoint. He’s holding his chin up in his hand and his eyes slowly begin to rake down your frame before shooting back up to your face. The lights and shadows from the flames dance across his features and you swear you notice his nose scrunch up for a second when his teeth sink into his lower lip.
A shiver runs down your neck and it’s not born from excitement like before. He looks absolutely pissed and you force yourself to look back at the charred wood. It could have absolutely nothing to do with you, you try to reason with yourself. But you’ve always been one to look for a flaw in yourself when someone’s upset, and no amount of logic can take away that instinct reaction.
The only thing you can think of is the mess you unintentionally left on him. He seemed okay when you left, but maybe that really bothered him. Whatever it was, he was definitely more cold than he was just hours ago and you wish he’d stop staring and talk to you already.
You plaster on a fake smile when your friend asks what’s wrong and insist that you’re fine. You mutter some excuse about the air being chilly and she finds a spare blanket to wrap you up in. When you steal a glance at Frank, you notice him acting in complete opposite of how he was moments before. He’s back to all smiles, holding his chest as he throws his head back laughing. You feel some of your own tension leaving at the sound of his cackling but you can’t help but wonder why that cold gaze was directed towards you.
The sky eventually begins to settle into the comforting deep blue and the fire shows no signs of dying out. You notice the cooler of beer sitting open and decide to walk over and grab one. Glancing down at the label, you notice it’s not the one Frank introduced you to. With a mental shrug you crack it open and toss it back without thinking. The flavor hits your tongue and it surprises you how much smoother it is than your first drink.
You get lost in the overlapping chatter of conversations and begin drinking more now that you’ve found a taste that’s enjoyable. The time passes and you slowly feel yourself relaxing more as the weight of the bottle in your hand gets lighter. It’s not enough to make you feel without control of your actions, but it definitely is enough to give you a buzz.
Eventually the chill of the night breeze picks up, and you begin to notice some people cuddling up to their partners. A few cuddle on a picnic blanket lying on the ground, some sit in each other’s laps. Regardless, you feel that uneasy sensation of being a spectator rising up again. You fidget with the bottle in your hand as you try and not compare yourself to the other couples when the sound of someone clearing their throat makes you look up.
Frank is sitting in his chair like before but this time his legs are spread wide apart. You lock eyes with him and he glances at his lap before looking back to your face. He runs a large hand down the length of his thigh, smoothing the fabric of his jeans, and it seems as though he’s presenting you a seat. You swallow thickly and make your way over to him, standing right at his knees.
“C’mon, it’s too cold,” he mumbles under the background noise of layered voices. You nod as he takes your hand, leading you to sit down on his legs. He’s quickly adjusting the blanket and draping it back over your shoulders before pulling your side into his chest. Your head aligns perfectly in the crevice of his collarbone and his body heat completely engulfs you. To say you’re happy you get to be close to him would be an understatement; you’ve been waiting for this all night but not sure if he’d make the move with an audience.
Each time he speaks, you feel his chest rumble against your cheek. His beating heart sounds out against your ear and you feel his fingers rubbing over your back. The warmth of his thick thighs underneath you remind you yet again of what occurred just a short while ago. You nuzzle your face into his shirt to hide from the thoughts consuming your mind, and he just continues talking while brushing over your side. Raising the bottle to your lips, you take another swig and swallow it down with a hum. Frank looks down at you and watches as you sit up higher against his chest to speak to him.
“Whatever’s in this is waaaaay better than what you gave me,” you whisper into his ear. Your voice isn’t slurred but it’s uneven in pitch, and he snorts–you’re pretty sure that’s your new favorite sound–before nodding.
“I’ll make sure to remember that, sweetheart.” His mouth is near your jaw and the breath fans over your neck. He didn’t even say anything sexual but that all-too-familiar warmth comes to life in the pit of your stomach again.
“Can I tell you something?” you ask in a quiet voice.
“Hmm?” His eyes never leave your lips.
“I missed you,” you confess. His lips spread into a wide smirk and you continue. “I know it’s stupid cause I literally just saw you but…” you trail off, staring down at your legs draped across his. “I got a little lonely when you didn’t show.”
“Yeah, about that…” He chuckles dryly and looks away from you. 
“Let’s just say that, uh, the problem you left on my jeans was the reason I was late.” He turns his head in the direction of the tall flames and his words slowly sink into your mind. Heat rushes to your cheeks and your stomach does a cartwheel as new images flash in your mind: Frank’s long fingers working the button of his jeans open, his fingers curled around his cock, head tilted back as moans fall freely from his mouth.
There has to be a work stronger than mortified to describe how you feel right now. You still can’t believe you did that earlier and now paired with his confession? You wouldn’t be surprised if you melted into a puddle of your own embarrassment and slipped away. That also explains that his look from earlier wasn’t anger, but something much deeper and faceted.
“What’s wrong, kid?” He must’ve noticed you tensing up in his hold.
“You shouldn’t have told me that,” you mutter. You’re almost certain you haven’t blinked since he told you. Frank bursts into loud laughter, causing a few others to look over at the sound. You can’t handle the new pairs of eyes on you and you wrap the blanket around you tighter as you turn away from their curious expressions.
The night grows colder as the hours pass and you don’t even realize that the flames have died down until a few people begin to stand up and stretch, saying they’ve got to head home. You sit up and rub at your eyes, blinking slowly at the few empty chairs and people waving goodbye.
“You okay if I drop you home?” Frank speaks up as he watches you pull yourself back together.
“Are you sure? Didn’t you have some drinks?” you ask through a yawn, your eyes scrunching closed.
“Nah, saw you drinkin’ when I walked up. Just had water tonight,” he explains. 
He helps you stand up, saying your collective goodbyes to the group, before walking you to his black van. You watch as he walks around to the passenger side, opening the door for you and making sure your seatbelt is buckled before dropping the blanket back in your lap. You’ve never had someone take care of you like this and you have to convince yourself he’s just being a friend to not put more emotions in his kind gestures.
You mumble directions to him as he drives, sneaking glances at his profile as he stares out at the open roads. The lights from the lampposts shine through the window, the shadows dragging across his features as he taps his fingers along to a song playing faintly on the radio. He engages the clutch as he brings the car out of gear, coasting to a red light.
“I have another question,” you say in a raspy tone. It’s the one thing about tonight you still can’t figure out.
“Sure are full of ‘em tonight,” he jokes as he turns to face you.
“The thing you said earlier, about why you were late?” you don’t dare to actually say it aloud. “I left a few hours before the fire started.” Frank shakes his head, biting the inside of his cheek as he stares at the scarlet glow of the traffic light.
“Tried a cold shower, sweetheart. Didn’t work,” he says simply. You don’t even say anything in response, just turn away from him and look out your window to avoid an even more awkward conversation. His chuckle sounds out in the small cabin of the van and you hate how your pulse speeds up.
“Just another left here,” you say after a while, directing him to turn into the neighborhood of your apartment. He parks along the curb with a clear view of your front door. The night is officially over and you want literally any excuse not to get out of this close space with him.
“Can I kiss you?” you ask in a small whisper.
“You don’t ever have to ask me that, kid.” You’re quick to unbuckle your seatbelt, leaning over and brushing your lips over his. Pausing for a second, you try to memorize the feeling of his breath fanning over your lips, before delaying the tease and pushing your mouth against his. He kisses back instantly and you suck his lower lip past your own. A not so stifled grunt escapes him and you smile knowing you can get to him in the same way he gets to you. You break the kiss and work your mouth down his chin and the underside of his jaw. He sighs heavily and suddenly places his big palm to your cheek, gently raising your face away from his throat.
“I can’t let you go any further,” he stares down at you. You sigh frustratedly between your teeth before sitting up with a groan. You pout at him and stare back at his lips, cursing the fact that you drank tonight.
“Oh, don’t give me that look. It’s late, you should head inside,” he nods towards the direction of your door. You hesitantly get out and drag your feet as you walk towards the small porch light. You unlock the door and look over your shoulder to see his van still parked. It isn’t until you step inside and shut the door that you hear the motor rev as he drives off.
You stumble into your apartment, brushing your hand against the wall until you miraculously flip the light switch on. You squint your eyes as you flinch away from the bright light and shuffle your feet forward down the hallway that leads to your bedroom. As you empty your pockets and drop your bag to the floor, you make your way towards the connecting bathroom.
Another yawn overcomes you as you struggle with taking your top off, your head getting lost in the mess of fabric. The jeans come off next and you try your hardest to hold onto the countertop before inevitably losing your balance as you try to pull your feet through the cuffs at the end of your pants. You try to breeze through your routine of getting ready for the night and eventually you're sinking into the soft mattress of your bed.
Three consecutive buzzes sound out as your phone vibrates on your nightstand, the display shining in the dark bedroom. You reach for it blindly and see text messages from your friend that drove you tonight.
“Did you get home okay?”
“Since when do you drink?”
“Also what is with you and Frank?” Oh no. A fourth one comes in as your phone vibrates in your hand.
“You have to tell me everything!”
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Taglist: @chellestrash @suitsofwo3 @avengerstower-houseplant @musicals-and-mermaids @castle-of-ruin @justalittlepickle @boo8008 @doublevirgogirl
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tang3r1n · 7 months
for @hystixia cause i just had a beautiful brain fart idea 💡
18+, dub/non con, breaking n entering, oral (m->f), jeff being gross, fingering, specifically chubbier reader!!
jeff but with a cute lil shy, chubby GEEKY bitch who wears blue light glasses cause she constantly glued to her phone and laptop. so much so she doesn’t even notice him following her in broad daylight, too engrossed in her latest internet obsession to notice him softly busting open her window and slipping in, definitely not paying attention to him and he slowly walks towards her innocently sinful form splayed out comfortably on her bed, headphone blaring an obscure anime intro so loud he can head the lyrics.
he brandished his signature knife n rips her away from the hypnotic blue hue of her screen, big ol’ doe eyes shining from the glare of her glasses as he grins maniacally and stares down at her, all comfy in her loose, worn t-shirt and skimpy skimpy shorts. he groans as she instantly starts begging, cock already throbbing in his tight jeans at how adorable her sweet pleading sounds.
jeff with a cute chubby geek who promises she won’t tell anyone if he just leave— even when he’s ripping her obviously sentimental short in two and using his (most likely bloody) knife to slice her shorts dangerously close to the puffy little prize between her thick thighs. he feel his body practically vibrating with pleasure at the sight of her fat jiggling while she pathetically squirmed as sobbed, horrified and knowingly docile in the face of his terrible, terrible evil.
jeff who folds his lil cute geek in half and dives into her chubby pussy, nose clumsily bumping against her little gem as his impossibly long tongue barged its way past her tight hole. the sensations were too much for his geeky loser, she thrashes more harshly now, whining and trying to push him off. his scars, marred and mangled as they were, tickled her thighs and his blunt nails dig in so hard they left thin trails of blood that slowly slipped past his pale hands and onto her bedsheets as he devoured her.
the disgustingly salacious noises of him eating her cunt made his geek’s tummy flutter as she felt queasy and horny all at once, body betraying her mind as she fought not to come apart in his heinous hold.
jeff who finger fucks his chubby loner so hard the slap of his palm against her sore clit made her arch, a stripe of pain shooting up her slide alongside the traitorous feeling of pure pleasure. he cooed down at her softly, uncharacteristically gentle as he brushed the stray hairs out of her face and fixed her glasses on right. it didn’t last long, the soft touch, as soon he grabbed her jaw and forced her to kiss his bloody, slick covered lips, pulling away just to hock and spit in her mouth.
jeff who loves loves loves it when she finally ums around his slender fingers, three shoved deep in her plush pussy walls as she convulsed around them, her mind finally giving into the forceful pleasure. eye rolled back, back arched beautifully, heavy breasts, thick thighs, and soft tummy shaking with the power of her rushed orgasm as he slowed his hand, massaging the soft walls of her now sticky cunt as she calmed down.
in her post-nut haze, she failed to notice him slipping his fingers out, already dozing off as she disgustingly sucked them clean, using the same fingers to repeat the process a few more times, obsessed with how his chubby geek’s cunt tasted on his villainous tongue.
he grinned as she snores softly, quickly snapping a photo of her disheveled self before pocketing a random pair of dirty (he can only hope) panties and slips back out into the night, locking her window back and leaving his mark on her window frame so no one else can perv on his cute, shy lil chubby geek <33
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For the gift of gifs ask game! I feel like this can be a sweet scenario...or not...
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like why did my head (and heart) immediately jump to johnny?
"I can't believe you, Johnny! I'm not fucking around this time," you stormed off, marching your way down the sidewalk in the highest heels you owned, disappointed, frustrated, and terribly horny.
Johnny had promised to take you on a fancy date, but when you arrived at the restaurant, you realized he'd reserved a table... six months from now. The look of pity on the maitre d's face was seared into your skull.
All you wanted was savory, sweet crab dumplings in a Michelin star, award-winning sauce, and after you were full of food, you wanted to be full of your boyfriend's fat fucking Scottish cock. Now, however, you were going home empty on both counts.
"Dinnae try tae run, lass. I ken you dinnae mean it. C'mere."
He chased after you, so you sped up.
"No! I'm pouting, and you know I deserve to."
"I said c'mere," he growled, catching you around the waist.
"Johnny, no!" Your cry of protest came too late.
He lifted you with ease, slinging you over his shoulder like a burlap sack and smacked your ass hard enough to sting.
"You're comin' home with me, hen. Tha's final."
"Let me down!"
His second slap was hard enough to make your cheeks flush. You gasped in a breath, trying to hold back your reaction to the pain.
"Hush. I wasnae askin' your permission."
"But, Johnny, I'm starving," you begged.
Then, you heard a dark, nasty laugh tumble from his mouth, and he said,
"I'll fill your wee belly, hen, I promise you that."
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