#the dog is eating Pete is what the dog is usually doing
ratsarecute4 · 2 months
Some Hatchetfield Headcanons
Richie had a Warrior Cats phase in elementary school
Ruth owns a pet chameleon named Yoda
Max thinks that Pizza Pete's is owned by Pete, and that is where he gets the money for his rich kid bowtie
Mayor Lauter pays Steph's allowance in cryptocurrency
There was a month where the Clivesdale Chemists and the Hatchetfield Nighthawks had an even higher amount of hatred for eachother than usual. The Chemists accused the Nighthawks of stealing their mascot (they didn’t, the kid just moved to Hatchetfield)
Because of the mascot stealing allegations, the Chemists decided to steal the Nighthawks mascot for ransom, but they let Richie go after an hour because he wouldn't stop explaining the plot of One Piece
The problematic puppy Steph got in a Twitter fight about was the cop dog from Paw Patrol
Ziggy owns a couple of pet snakes
The Smoke Club has a rule that you must wear at least one weed-patterned item of clothing to meetings or else you're out of the club
Ted is one of those guys whose bedroom has just a mattress on the floor and a TV sitting on a bunch of cardboard boxes
Also Ted gives big lives in his parents' basement vibes
Steph had a creepypasta phase
No one at CCRP ever knows what to get Paul for work holiday parties so now he owns a bunch of gifted mugs and he's starting to run out of cabinet space because he doesn't want to get rid of anything that was gifted to him
The Hatchetfield High theatre department has never payed for the rights to a play. The students don't know about this. Ms Mulberry is fully aware of how illegal that is but continues to do it anyway. Hatchetfield is a small town, they won't get caught. Also the theatre department has like no funding
Grace was a horse girl in elementary school and she used to eat grass
Charlotte sells DoTERRA essential oils on the side. Everyone at the office has tried to tell her its basically a pyramid scheme but she doesn't believe them
Miss Holloway was a famous rockstar in the 80s, but after she made a deal with the Lords in Black, her past existence was wiped from everyone's memories and no one ever listened to her songs again
Grace has OCD, specifically religious scrupulosity
Richie owns so many body pillows that he no longer has room for himself on his bed
Ruth and Sherman Young have beef with eachother from Ruth's middleschool My Little Pony phase
Kyle is autistic and I will die on this hill
Max's mom dissapeared after being crowned Honey Queen. She wanted the prize money to support her family because Max's father was layed off from his job
I just know Brenda and Stacy are super into astrology
Local teens describe Paul's aesthetic as "cardboardcore"
Ted has one of these tattoos. He doesn't remember getting it and it took him forever to notice because it is on his back. It is a miracle that it never got infected
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Same as it ever was 6
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as neglect, bullying, manipulation, cheating, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Between your home life and work, you just can’t catch a break. Especially after you draw the ire of your boss.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen ft. Pete Brenner
Note: have a happy friday.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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Sunday gives you an excuse to get away. Pete, like a dog with his tail between his legs, doesn't even try to come up with an excuse to 'work'. You take Simone with you to the grocery store, warning the slug that he can handle Malik for a couple hours alone. You notice the pout in his lips but don't acknowledge it.
You don't need much but you take your time. You agree to buy Simone an Archie comic, shrugging off the extra few dollars as you notice her growing restless. You made her leave her book at home. You're happy she loves to read but she can't ignore the world all the time.
"You wanna get lunch?" You ask as you push the cart through the lot.
"Mm, I dunno," she drags her feet, "I'm tired."
"Probably 'cause you need to eat," you judge her with your elbow, "come on, how often is it just the two of us."
She grumbles but you ignore her reluctance. You're in no hurry to get home and you can scrounge enough for a sit down in the diner. It might be the last nice thing you can afford.
You load up the bags on the trunk and drive down the block to the same place you would take Simon when you were still pregnant with Malik. Those days were nice and so far behind you. The memory makes your heart ache.
You open the door ahead of Simone and follow her into the mom and pop shop. You're seated by the window in a booth. You order coffee as your daughter gets an apple juice. You peruse the menu but you're not very hungry.
"Oh, they still have the grilled cheese," you say.
"Yeah…" she continues to read the menu, nonplussed by your suggestion.
You tap your toe and cup your chin as you look out the window. It's a nice day even if you're gloomy inside. You turn back to the table and flip over the menu. 
The waitress returns with your drinks. You sip your coffee before you order a mac and cheese and Simone gets chicken fingers. You hand the menus over and smile at your daughter. She's old enough, she'll catch on soon.
"So, what's your latest adventure about?" You ask.
"Uh, well, I just read one about a knight. She's a girl and she goes off to fight an army of trolls…"
You immerse yourself in her retelling of the children's novel. You don't care, it's better than reality. You giggle and smile as she becomes more animated. She can be so monotone but her passion makes you proud.
A figure approaches, breaking your trance, and you look over expecting the waitress. To your chagrin, it's not.
You grip the edge of the table as Simone's voice peters out and she looks at the man with her cool deadpan. You clear your throat, fighting the urge to reach across and shield her. Mr. Hansen smirks down at you as he glances between you and your daughter.
"Funny running into you here," he snickers, "enjoying your weekend."
"Just having lunch," you say crisply, "hope you're having a good Sunday."
You turn straight on the bench and look at Simone as you gesture for her to face you. She frowns as you try to come up with an escape plan. You don't even know what to say and he's not going anywhere.
"Oh I'm having a wonderful weekend. Look at you, how cute, this must be the spawn."
"Spawn?" Simone murmurs, "hey, what's your deal, guy?"
"Sim," you wave her off, "that's good to hear Mr. Hansen. I hate to keep you so–"
"Room for one more?" He winks.
"Ew, no," Simone speaks before you can, "mom, tell him to go away."
"She's mouthy. Not hard to guess why," he scoffs.
You slide off the seat and stand, stepping between him and the table. You arch a brow, pleading with your hands out.
"Please, sir, we're just enjoying a meal out. I'll see you tomorrow. At work."
He watches you, his amusement playing on his face. He's enjoying seeing you squirm, just like before. He always knows the most sensitive spot to hit. Your kids would be top of the list.
"Tomorrow," he winks as he leans back on his heel, "we got a special meeting, don't we?"
"Sir," you hiss.
He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "alright, ladies, enjoy your lunch."
He backs up and struts away. You don't sit until he's out the door. What on earth is he even doing in a place like this? It's not exactly a Michelin star experience.
You settle back in and swallow, turning to watch out the window. He isn't in his usual suit but still dressed nicely. A peach polo peeking out under a teal bomber jacket and canary pants. Tacky if you say so yourself.
"Who was that weirdo?" Simone asks.
"My boss," you lean back, "just saying hi."
"He's strange. Like the villain in the book I was reading," she scowls out the window, "you need a new job."
You laugh despite yourself, "you have no idea. First things first, I'm starving."
You get home, exhausted. You put away the groceries and tidy up. Of course Pete couldn't clean up after making a mess of the kitchen for a simple PB and J. You sigh as you finish and look in on the kids in the living room.
Malik colours as Simone creases her brow at her book. You hear Pete outside working on his Corvette. For a brand new car, it sure needs a lot of maintenance.
You tell the kids you'll be upstairs if they need anything. You go to the bedroom and open the closet. You're so anxious about tomorrow, you may as well get ready to face the music.
You pick out an outfit. Nothing special. You don't have anything fashionable. It's not like you need more than a striped blouse and worn black pants. You just don't want to come back up there to grab it all in the morning.
As you come downstairs, you hear Malik giggling. You peek in through the doorway with your armful of clothing. Pete sits on the floor at the coffee table beside the boy and scribbles with a crayon. He meets your eye as you pass and gives a sheepish smile. You shake your head and keep going.
You open the door to the basement and the cool air sweeps around your descent. You put the outfit on the folding table beside the camping cot. Your first few nights have been less than comfortable. As cozy as your own marriage.
You check the dryer and take out the towels, folding them on the top and stacking them there. You hear footsteps on the stairs. You keep your back to the airy space.
"Hey," Pete says. You're not surprised. He keeps trying to corner you. "So…"
"Busy," you grab a basket and set the towels in it.
"Hm," he stops only a few feet from you, "Simone said you ran into someone. Your boss."
"Yup. Nice guy," you utter dryly.
"I thought Mandy was your boss."
You roll your eyes as you lift the basket and turn, "one of many. She's up in York now."
"Ah…" he hangs his head, gripping one hip, "a lot's changed."
"I'm not in the mood to talk so let's not do this."
He huffs and steps into your path. He puts a hand on the basket. He looks you in the face.
"I will be home every day at six–"
"Too late."
"Please, can't I just try? Can't you?"
"Me? I tried, Pete," you snap, "come home at six anyway. The kids will be happy."
"What about you?"
You stare at him grimly. Your eyes tingle and you look away. Your chest rises and falls.
"I haven't been happy in a long time. Don't think I will be again," you shrug and pull the basket away, striding past him, "I didn't make you happy either, did I?"
He huffs and trails after you as you cross to the stairs. As you go to make your ascent and he grabs your arm and spins you back to him. Before you can react, he snatches the basket from your grip and places it on the stack of rubbermaid bins by the wall.
He puts his hands on your arms and pulls you against him. He leans in and you turn your head, his lips crashing into your cheek. You shove on his chest and growl.
"What are you doing?" You pinch by his ribs.
"Baby, please, let me make it up to you–"
"Don't touch me," you push on him, "get off."
"I love you. I mean it–"
"Stop!" You hit his chest again but he doesn't budge, instead wrapping his arms around you, squeezing the breath out of you. How is he still so strong when you only ever got weaker? "Pete…"
"You can't walk away–"
"You already did," you keep your voice down, mindful of the open door above.
"Let me try. I wanna make love to you–"
"Pfft, yeah right. Go get tested and I might even consider letting you hold my hand," you snarl, "get off of me now."
"Wha– I'm clean–"
"Get!" You bring your knee up and feel it collide with his crotch. He releases you and staggers back, cupping his most precious possession. "You're a dirty fucking weasel."
You turn and pick up the basket and stomp up the stairs as you hear him whimpering. Serves him right. You can't help but smile at the ounce of power you feel in that moment. 
Monday morning both too quickly but not fast enough. You get up with the kids and get them ready for school, filling a thermos of coffee for yourself. You drive them to school and send them off with dread in your chest.
For a moment, you idle outside the school. You miss the days when you only worried about spelling quizzes and dodgeball. You hope at least your kids never end up where you are.
You follow the crawl of traffic out of the school zone and reluctantly steer towards work. You yawn and drain half your thermos before you get to the office. As you shoulder your bag and look up at the corporate facade, you feel the world threaten to crumble around you. No, not the whole world, just yours.
You enter behind a few others and try to find your courage in the elevator. You peek over at your coworkers; you recognise two but the other you don't know. There's not much workplace camaraderie, more of an understanding to get your work down and clock out.
You follow them out and go to your desk. You sit and pop the lid off of your thermos. Just enough to get you through this. You don't unpack your lunch, certain you won't be eating it there.
You turn on your PC and sign in. You're in no hurry to get started on work. Your calendar pops up with the internal schedule reminder. There it is, a meeting in ten minutes. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
You get up and go to the bathroom. You can do this. You dealt with your scoundrel husband, you are still moving, you're not dead in the water.
But how do you survive this? Do you beg? You quit and take the loss? No you can't. You need this job and if you get fired, at least you'll have a hope at severance. 
You avoid your reflection. That old woman isn't you. You go out and check your watch, pausing as the shine of your rings gleam in the fluorescent light. You slide them off and put them in your back pocket. 
You check the schedule one last time and go to tbe meeting room. There's no one there as you find the door shut. It's clearly empty on the other side of the windowed walls. You lean against the plaster and tap your sole.
"Ah, there she is. How's it goin', toots? You need some chamomile? The chairs sure are comfy, aren't they?" Mr. Hansen struts down with his hands in his pockets.
"Sir," you greet flatly. He's mocking you. Jokes on him, you're always tired. 
"Come on," he twists the handle and swings the door open so that it bounces on the hinges, "get moving."
You don't react to his crass tone. You merely step into the room as the light flicks on as the censor picks up your movement. You walk along one side of the table as Hansen shuts the door.
You hover behind a chair as he goes along the wall and tugs each cord to repel the blinds down, blocking out the hallway. Uneasiness bubbles in your stomach as you watch him. You expected him to make your humiliation public.
"Have a seat, honey buns," he faces you, approaching the other side of the table.
You sit and fold your hands on the table top. He has no paperwork, not even a computer. You wonder what exactly is going on. 
"Is someone from HR–"
"Look, let's keep the sticklers outta this," he waves you off, kick one foot out as he shifts his weight to one hip, "unless you really want a disciplinary slip. Me, personally, I can't be fucked with that paperwork."
You frown and flatten your hands on the table, trying to keep your anxiety from showing. He looks at the gesture and tilts his head. His cheek dimples and he snorts.
He doesn't comment. Not at first. He paces up and down the table and bites his thumb. 
"Alright, let's get to business," he stops at the end, close to the corner, "what are you willing to do to keep this job?"
"Pretty daughter you got. Probably eats up that paycheck in no time. All those cute shirts and ugh, the growth spurts–"
"Mr. Hansen," you swallow, "please, I don't think my family has anything to do with this."
"They have everything to do with this," he insists, "let's not pretend."
"I'm not– I'm sorry I fell asleep. It won't happen again."
"I gave you an out. All you had to do was put your hands down my pants and you could've napped in the boardroom. No problem. I do it all the time," he snickers, "but no, you're a stubborn little bitch. Makes me wonder what the old man sees in ya. Really, cause a tight ass ain't fun unless you get inside–"
"Mr. Hansen," you exclaim, revolted by his lewd words.
"Whatever he's doing, he's not doing it right. You need to loosen up, toots," he runs his thumb across his mustache, "and that little girl won't be so proud of mommy if she ends up working at Burger King like some stoner teenager–"
You sputter, heat creeping up the nape of your neck and speckling down your body. You shake your head. Did he know or is it a lucky guess? Either way, you don't have the energy for this. You're done being a joke for men.
"Just spit it out. What do I have to do?" You sneer as your hands ball.
His lips slant and he smothers a noise in his throat. He slowly walks closet until he's right beside you. You turn the chair to face him as he leans down and puts his hand on yours. He unfolds your fingers and feels along the indents left by your rings.
"Looks like trouble in paradise," he winks, "well, I'm the good kinda trouble. Trust me."
You stare at him. You're not as naive as you once were. There's no denial here. This is real life, a bitter pill you need to swallow.
"That's it? A hand job and I keep my job?" You squint.
He laughs and cups your chin, "oh, you think that's it?"
You can't help but let your surprise bleed through. Your not some young hot thing. Is he just trying to rub salt in the wound or is he serious?
"Hand, mouth, cunt, ass, tits," he pulls away as he lists of each word, "you look in tact for the most part. But most importantly…" he shoots you with a finger gun, "you're desperate. What more could I ask for?"
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
does anyone even remember that song???
Dom! Reader x Peter Parker
18+ no minors thank you!
Summary: you caught Pete masturbating to you and you decide to have a little fun with the moment.
CW TIME!!!: Phone sex, Non-con masturbating? (Obviously you caught him so you didn’t know), mutual masturbation, sex toys, body fluids~.
Oh and typos, probably.
Tag list omg!: @tiredbuthappy
Sparker 🕷🕸
Sparker: Hey!
You: Hey!!!
Sparker: Ready to eat popcorn and gossip on ft?
You: Hell yeah
Incoming from Sparker 🕷🕸
Your smile beams as Parker’s face illuminates yours, his face mirrors your expressions.
“Hellllooo nurse!” Peter’s eyes crinkle as you dramatically cringe, still smiling. “Excuse me, do not tarnish Yakko's household name, Peter Parker!” Your voice is filled with fake outrage earning a hearty laugh from Peter.
“If you used my middle name I'd definitely think I was in trouble.” Peter’s smile could make a crying baby smile aka it made your heart swell.
“Soooo, whatcha wanna gossip about?” you bite your lip as you check him out, his black fitted t-shirt clung to his muscles deliciously, his brown hair effortlessly styled, you could tell his room was a mess like always even though you couldn't see it. His back was against his bed frame, his phone was tilted to only show his torso.
You're laying down on your tummy, your legs kicked up, your phone propped up on a pillow in front of you as you hugged another pillow to rest your chin on, You were in your usual cozy jacket, no bra or no pants attire, of course, Peter couldn't see that.
“Mm whatever you wanna talk about, honestly, I just wanted to hear your voice” Peter’s laugh vibrated through your ears.
“Oh-! Uhm okay well.” your feet kicked as you gossiped about your day, what you ate, etc etc. You loved this weekly ritual you and Pete did, you never understood why he wanted to face time with you, considering he always seems so busy, and most of the time he didn't talk, just nodded along occasionally knitting his eyebrows in understanding or worked on homework as you rambled, you just chalked it up to him not knowing what to say most of the time.
“Mm, that’s about it!” You clapped, Peter had long ago turned off his cam, but you could hear a small groan and shuffle before Peter spoke, “H-hm? But you didn't even finish the part bout your neighbor, remember?” his voice was strained like he was holding back a yawn, you frown.
“Well, I wanted to give you a chance to speak for a chance, cus you never do” you hummed.
“That's cus I like hearing you speak..” his voice was low like a whisper, it made you shiver.
“Why?” you whispered back.
You hear a strangled groan, “P-please..j-just keep talking..!”
“Peter? Are you okay?” your voice raised a bit higher,
“I-i’m fine, just.. Keep talkin’ to me..” his voice falters as your concern rises.
“I'm not gonna talk anymore until you turn on your camera!” your voice cracked as shouted, well kinda shouted you didn't want your roommates to hear you.
“Fine! Okay, jeez!” you can make out him scrambling before seeing his face flush, eyes wide, so slightly panting, nevertheless he tried to appear normal, your eyebrow quirked.
“See? ‘Mm fine!” his voice masked something but you couldn't tell what, your face stayed skeptical. “Peter, what's going on? Tell me right now!” you slam your hands down on your bed, and Peter rolls his eyes.
“Nothin', you're being outlandish.” your nostrils flare at his comment, “Oh no, what we're not gonna do is gaslight me, Peter Benjamin Parker!” you see Peter wince, his puppy dog eyes flood your screen.
“Okay, you're right, that was mean..I'm sorry.” Peter scratched the back of his neck. “I-.. I was doing something but I'm fine, I promise.” Peter couldn't meet your eyes but his explanation still eased your worry.
“What were you doing?” your head cocked to the side, like a cat. “I-..I can't tell you.” Peter muttered, it was so soft you couldn't help but get hot.
“Peter, can you tell me anything you know that..” you tried to copy his tone, “You’d-... I feel like you'd despise me if I did ..” you smile gently, he can be so cute sometimes.
“Peter. I promise, just- just tell me, please?” You wish you could caress his soft face as you whisper comfort. Something about Peter made him feel so fragile sometimes.
“Ok- I-” he coughed. “I-i was..uhm.. Jerkin’..it?” his voice cracked as you tried to put the pieces together
“Jerkin? What? What's that-?”
“I do not know..”
“I-i was y’know..Jerkin the chicken!”
“Jerk chicken?”
“Oh my God, no- I was… I was masturbating!”
“Oh..” your face burns as your eyes widen, your face half buried in your pillow. “I- why..?”
“I- uhm...well, I was doing it, t-to you..” you bite your lip as your legs rubbed together, he was masturbating to you? God, you could explode right now.
“Why me?” you feigned innocence as your smirk grew under your pillow, you were starting to enjoy this.
“I..ilikeyourvoice!! Andidunnoivedoneitafewtimesnowandithoughtyoudwouldntnotice!! And-! And-! “ You could barely make out the words he spoke, were they even words? Your laugh stopped his rambling.
“You are.. So cute Pete.” Peter's eyes finally met your half-lidded ones.
“Show me.”
“Show you-.. Show you what?”
“You know what, Pete.”
“I-.. Are you sure?”
“Mmhm, I think you owe it to me considering you were getting off with me without permission.”
Peter’s cheeks were dusted with pink, you could see his adam's apple move before he proceeded to do what he was told.
“Wanna see your face in the camera still, Pete.” you could see him freeze before nodding quietly as he continued his actions. His cock was fairly big, bigger than what you thought it would be,
You could see Peter’s face is bright red by now, his hand covering his mouth as he looks away. “Are you-.. done looking yet? This is embarrassing.”
“Why are you embarrassed?” Of course, you knew why, but Peter is just too cute not to tease.
“I- you know why! God. Don’t tease me right now!”
“Hey, Pete.” You finally lift up, your head now in a new position leaning on your hands.
“Did you cum?” he blinks a few times before chewing on his lip.
“Aww, well baby you shouldn't give yourself blue balls on my account.”
“I- wha-?”
“Finish what you started, Peter.”
Peter’s eyes practically pop out as his cock twitches, he brings his phone closer to his face again, looking around the room nervously before looking back at you.
“I- you..”
“You.. Me?” you mock him. “What? Do you need some more material? Greedy boy.”
“I- no I wasn..-!”
You raise yourself, you smirk as you see peters eyebrows raise before slowly unzipping your jacket, your bare tits on display, Peter’s eyes are glued on you as you twist one of your nipples giving him a teasing wink.
“Whatcha think? Hm? Enough for you?” you taunt him leaning your head as your hands trail down your stomach and back.
“Fuck.. You're-..sososo hot” you watch as he palms his cock, you chuckle at Pete’s loss for words. “Shirt off, now.” Peter nods, yanking his shirt at the speed of light, you laugh at his eariness.
“Mm, stroke yourself for me, Pete.” Peter obliges your order once more, his eyes never leaving your chest. You grope yourself, sticking your tongue out.
“Hey Petey, wanna see even more?” Peter nods rapidly, “Mmhn, if you do you gotta open that mouth and ask pretty boy.” you quickly zip up your jacket as you hear Peter whine.
“Pleasepleaseplease! I’ll do anything, please!”
Your Cheshire grin grows as you unzip your jacket once more.
“Say you need me.”
“I need you, god. I need you sososo bad.”
“Good boy.”
You can see Peter get even harder as you shimmed your panties off, you feel hot, and a bit embarrassed as your smile fades. You spread yourself out with two fingers, looking away, slightly clearing your throat.
“Fuck, I wish I was there to eat you out, this is torture, y’know?”
Your eyes meet his as he gives you a genuine smile, you return the favor as you gain your confidence back.
“How bout I torture you some more?” Your hands slide down, you moan as you circle your clit, tilting your head up in pleasure. You'd masturbated before, but having someone watch you, having Peter watching you, turned you on even more.
“Peter-..mmhn, please I need more.” you flirt, could hear Peter’s breath hitch as you spoke, “If you keep talking like that I'll bust right now” you chuckle at his comment.
“Want me to see my ride my dildo and pretend it's your dick?”
“God yes.”
You lean down to kiss the phone screen, making Peter laugh before producing a dildo.
“Ta-da!” you laugh as you position the dildo below you,
“Born ready.”
You bust out laughing, “Oh my god Peter we're having phone sex not saving the world!”
“A-ah right, pfft”
You smile, rubbing your pussy up and down the dildo, covering it with your slick. You hear Peter groan, “Please baby put it in, I can’t wait anymore-“
“Your wish is my command.” You moan as you lower yourself on your dildo until it disappears into, “Mm, you fill me so well, Pete.” You hear Peter whimper as you start bouncing up and down,
“Fuckfuckfuck you’re so hot.. I’m gonna cum already..!” you smirk seeing his eyebrows knit in pleasure, “Don't you dare, Peter. ``You moan as you speed up your strokes, Peter whines as you start rubbing your clit again. “I-I’m so close! Mm..” Peter’s voice cracks as you watch his eyes close, “Eyes on me, Parker” you pant as you watch him struggle to keep it together. “You’ll cum when I say you can!” You pinch your nipples as the tension builds up In your stomach.
“Please! Let me cum, I-I can’t hold it anymore.. F-feels ..Mm too good!” Peter’s voice falters as you watch his head tilt back.
“I’m close t-too, let’s cum together, okay?” Peter moans in response, “I w-wanna h-hear you say it, Pete!” You hiss out through clenched teeth, “I-I’ll c-cum with you!” Peter’s head tilted forward, jaw clenched his eyes low as he looked at you.
“I’m…!” You rubbed yourself furious as you grind down on the fake cock. You hear Peter gasp for air as white lines shoot from his cock all over his hands, you both stay silent catching your breath.
“T-that was…veryveryveryvery hot” Peter breathed out, you giggle, “You said that already, Pete!”
“Yeah but it’s true!” His voice cracked, making you laugh again, you watch his face turn red. “I-I guess I should clean up..?” You nod, slowly easing yourself off your dildo, whimpering.
“God.. You’re- don’t do that, I’ll pop a boner again.” Peter’s voice quivered, you smirk, bending now to lick your dildo. “Wanna go for round two, Parker?”
“You’re a demon”
“I think the correct term is succubus, you're like super smart shouldn't you know that?”
“You’re- fuckkk..“
“Plus, if you’re not busy..you can maybe..come over?” Your fingers traced circles in your bed sheets, “We can finish..in person?” You look back at your phone, to see Peter trying to hop into his spidey suit as quickly as possible, before grabbing the phone.
“I’ll be over in 10 mins.”
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Fem!Reader x TWDG Luke - Part 2.
All That Remains | Locked away
23yo , Fem!Reader , slow burn , long plot , reader is in place of young Clementine .
Fandom: The Walking Dead Game, Season 2 Reader pronouns: She/Her
Wc. 6.7K
Warning: Brief indications of SA.
A/N: Things involving Luke will now start to pick up.
IN THIS EPISODE | Comfort, no romance, cute Luke x reader interactions.
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Y/N: We need to find a group. People we can trust. We've been on our own for too long.
Christa: Trust? You think you can trust someone out here? Not now. Not anymore.
Stranger: Out here alone? In the middle of nowhere? But we haven't met anyone yet. How many people are you with?
Christa: I'm by myself!
Christa, run!
Christa, are you there?
"Sam". Well, nice to meet you, Sam.
Oh my God. Thank you! Look, Sam, a can!
It's okay. He's dead. Look, you can see the bite. Looks like he tried to cut it out.
But that never works...
I guess you're pretty hungry too.
Here ya go.
Hey! Don't eat it all.
I'm... I'm sorry, Sam.
Stranger: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
Now, on The Walking Dead:
ManWithBow: I'm out! Grab her, let's go!
ManWithMachete: Come on, girl. We gotta get.
The man with the machete picks me up and carries me in his arms. They run through the forest past the approaching walkers. Once they outrun the threat, they slow down.
ManWithBow: I think... I think we're safe.
ManWithMachete: Yeah... yeah, we're good. Hey, you alright...?
Y/N: I... I think so.
ManWithBow: What are you doing out here?
ManWithMachete: Where are the, uh... the people you're with?
ManWithBow: I don't want them thinkin' we're doin' anything but tryin' to help you. Hmm... not sure how the group is gonna feel about another mouth to feed.
Y/N: My friend and I got attacked.
They will remember that.
ManWithBow: Hmm... these folks mention what they were after?
Y/N: They might've just wanted food. We were cooking some sort of weasel.
ManWithMachete: They attacked you for a weasel? Damn. That is low. 
ManWithBow: They might've attacked you for a different reason. Were these a group of men?
I nod my head yes.
ManWithBow: Yeah... Usually men like that- ... They might not have wanted the weasel.
My stomach turns remembering that moment. I was almost caught by that man. God knows what he would have done... What... could have happened to Christa. I start to tear up and become visibly upset.
ManWithMachete: Lets not think about that, okay? And trust that we're not trying to do anything similar... Anyways- They didn't mention any names, right? They weren't searching for anybody?
I shake my head no and try to calm myself.
ManWithBow: Hmm.
Luke: Well, I'm Luke, and this is Pete.
Pete: Hey there.
Y/N: Hi. I'm Y/n.
Luke: It's nice to meet you, Y/n. For now, we're gonna take you back to our group, okay? We got a doctor with us, and you look like you could use some-- ... Oh, shit...
Luke notices the blood on my sleeve and nearly drops me. He readjusts his grip on me, and gently places me on my feet as he stares at my arm wide-eyed.
Pete: What? What is it?
Luke: She's... she's been bit, man. Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, what are we gonna do here?
Pete: Hmm...
Y/N: No! It was a dog!
Pete: I didn't see any dog, Y/n.
Luke: Come on, look, we just saw you with those lurkers back there!
Pete: I can't remember the last time I saw a dog.
Luke: So what do we do now?
They talk to each other as if I'm not standing right in front of them.
Y/N: No! Guys it really was a dog! I'm not lying!
Luke: Look, I want to believe you... but I gotta believe my own two eyes first... and I didn't see no dog around.
Y/N: No! It was from before!
Pete: Hmm... alright. Let's see it.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, watch yourself.
I glare at Luke.
Luke: Hey, don't look at me like that! You're the one that's bit here, okay?
Pete helps me roll up my sleeve.
Y/N: See?
Luke: Is it, uh... is it like she says?
Pete: Hmm... well, could be a dog. Hard to say. So where'd this "dog" go? The one that did this.
Luke: Now, what... what does this matter, Pete? Seriously.
Pete: I wanna know how believable her story is.
Y/N: I... I killed it.
Luke: What? Really? A dog shows up and bites you and you just kill it?
Pete: What would you have done?
Luke: I don't know!
Y/N: It attacked me! I had to fight it off, and then... It got impaled on some spikes. We were at a campsite, so I believe it fell on top of some tent stakes... Seriously guys. I ended his suffering!
Luke: That's... That's a lot to take in. Are you really not making this up?
Pete: Y/n? You tellin' us the truth? You look me in the eyes when you answer.
Y/N: Yes.
Pete: Hmm. Alright, Y/n. That's good enough for me.
Luke: Sigh. Yeah but, what else was she gonna say?
Pete: I've got a good bullshit detector, Luke. That's why you can never beat me at poker.
Luke: scoffs You don't always beat me at... Alright, how can you be sure? I want to believe her but... y'know after everything- Nick ain't gonna like this... Not with what happened to--
Pete: You don't have to remind me of that, boy.
Luke: Right. Sorry, sir.
Pete pats Luke's shoulder.
Pete: Come on. Y/n, are you feelin' alright?
Y/N: I'm fine. Just... tired.
Luke: I'd carry you the rest of the way but... I'm sure you understand.
Y/N: Don't worry about...
That's when my head feels tingly, and my vision slowly fades black.
Luke: Ah, shit.
I eventually wake up on the ground... There's a whole group of people gathered around me. They're all arguing with each other.
ManWithRifle: Don't you tell me that! Not with what fuckin' happened.
PregnantWoman: Would someone mind telling me what the fuck is going on here?
Pete: Now hold on, Rebecca.
ManWithRifle: We got this, don't worry.
Rebecca: Like hell you do. Did anyone even think to ask where she came from? For all we know, she could be working with Carver!
Pete: She already told us that she and her friend were attacked. Then she was bitten by a dog.
Rebecca: What? And you just believed her? You should've put her out of her misery right there. Dog bite, my ass.
Y/N: I'm not wor--
The man with the rifle fires at the ground near me. I gasp and freeze in place. The shot was inches away from me. But by the look of it, I don't think he intended to shoot at me...
HeavyMan: What the...?
Pete rips the gun out of his hands.
Pete: Keep your finger off the trigger, boy!
Luke opens the door and runs outside to join the rest of the group.
Luke: Whoa, whoa, what the fuck Nick?!
Rebecca: You idiot! Every lurker for five miles probably heard that!
Nick: You're the one tellin' me to fuckin' shoot her!
HeavyMan: Everybody, just calm down for a second!
Luke: Y/n, you okay?
Y/N: I'm not... I'm not working for anyone. I don't know what you're talking about. I just need help.
Luke: We got a doctor right here, okay? He'll have a look. Now what the hell is wrong with you people?! Okay, she's just scared!
Rebecca: We're all scared, Luke. Don't act like we're the ones being irrational 'cause we don't buy this bullshit story.
Nick: No way she survived out here on her own! Why are we even arguing about this?!
Another man joins the group.
ManWithAccent: Let me take a look.
I draw back and away from the man in fear as he promptly heads towards me.
Luke: It's okay. Go ahead. He's a doctor.
I roll up my sleeve.
HeavyMan: Damn, that must've hurt.
The doctor inspects the wound.
Doctor: Hmm. Whatever it was, it got you good.
Nick: This isn't how we do things, man. When you're bit, you get put down. End of story. I'm not going through this again.
Luke: No one's suggestin' that.
Pete: We could take her arm off. 
I gasp. Immediately, I think of Lee, and how it didn't work for him...
Rebecca: It won't do any good. You'll just be makin' it worse for the girl.
HeavyMan: It's crazy. No one's gonna volunteer to do that.
Luke: I would. If it means saving her life.
Nick: Then what? How would we know it worked?
Luke: I- L-Let's just let Carlos have a look first!
I stare sadly at Luke, in hopes to appeal to him. He seems to have a good say in things.
Luke: Hey, look I'm on your side. I'm trying my best here.
A girl from inside the cabin opens the front door and peeks through it.
Girl: Who's she?
Carlos: Sarah, what'd I say? Stay inside.
Sarah closes the door.
Y/N: I don't mean to be any trouble. I just want to stop the bleeding and then I'll go. You'll never see me again, I promise.
Carlos: And where exactly would you go?
Y/N: To find my friend Christa.
Nick: Forget it. You won't get five feet.
Luke: Look, I may be in the minority here, but my gut tells me she's telling the truth. It probably is just a dog bite. Probably...
Nick: Of course you want to believe it. I'm sure you've got plenty of ideas in your head about her.
Luke: What? Shut the fuck up man? She's a kid! The fuck is wrong with you?
I look up at Luke with confusion.
Y/N: I'm not a kid?...
Nick: There ya go.
Luke: You're?- Man doesn't matter she's a small girl who is HURT. That's not how I'm thinkin' right now.
I'm still lost at what they're talking about, but I just forget about it.
Carlos gets up and returns to the group.
HeavyMan: So? What do you think?
Nick: Was it a lurker?
Carlos: A bite like that... could be anything. Only one way to find out.
Pete: How?
Carlos: We wait.
Rebecca: What?!
Carlos: By tomorrow morning, if the fever's set in, we'll know if she's gonna turn. In the meantime, we can lock her in the shed.
Y/N: What about my arm? It needs to get cleaned, and stitched, and bandaged!
Luke: The girl's in bad shape, Carlos.
HeavyMan: We have all that stuff inside the cabin, we could probably get by with...
Rebecca: Alvin, please...
Alvin: But, yeah, we can't do nothing.
Carlos: I'm not wasting supplies on a lurker bite. If it turns out you're telling the truth, I'll clean it and stitch it up for you in the morning.
Y/N: But...
Carlos walks away. I shudder... Just thinking about the night I'm going to have... No way I'll survive it!
Luke: I'm sorry. It's the best we're gonna get.
Pete offers the rifle to Nick, and he grabs it out of his hands.
Pete: Finger off the trigger, son.
Nick: I ain't your son.
Luke: Don't be like that, man.
Pete: It's alright. Boy's got his mom's temper.
Nick: Come on.
Nick, Luke, and I walk away.
Rebecca: This is just a waste of time. You'll see. And when she turns, I ain't gonna be the one cleanin' up the shed.
As we're walking, I'm holding my arm in pain.
Luke: Look, hold out the best you can, Y/n. And we'll see what's what in the morning.
We reach the shed; Luke opens the door and we exchange a sad glance. I walk into the shed and Luke closes the doors behind me. I can hear Luke and Nick talking from outside the door.
Luke: Why are we doing this? It's so dumb. It looked like a dog bite.
Nick: It's safer this way. And better she turns in there than in the cabin where we SLEEP.
Luke: Whatever man, go. I'll lock up the shed.
Y/N: I can't believe this... You're gonna be fine, you're gonna be fine.
Luke: Y/n. I'm sorry, I tried. Just hang in there.
Before I can respond, I hear him walk away.
I look around at my surroundings. I might as well get comfortable in here... I see an anchor on the wall. Looks sharp... To my right is a tool board. But nothing of use. It's pretty much empty. On the table in front of it is a vice.
Definitely glad they decided not to take my arm off...
I search a barrel but it's empty. Then I find a tackle box.
Y/N: Not much left in here...
I find fishing line inside the box.
Y/N: I guess if I have to, I can use this for stitches.
There's a shelf but it's too high up for me to reach. There's a hammer on it... I try jumping to reach it but end up pushing it further out of my reach...
I see a wooden board on the wall next to the shelf. I unfold the table and climb onto it. I reach for the hammer, but the shelf collapses. I fall straight onto my bite... It knocks the wind out of me, the amount of pain... My adrenaline takes over and my mind sets on getting this hammer. I lift the board up and off of the hammer beneath it. 
There's a visible hole in the wall, but it's boarded up with wood. Good use for the hammer. I pry open the board, and kick the panel open. I quickly crawl through the hole in the wall and notice a nearby walker.
Y/N: They have a doctor...he's gotta have stuff for stitches.
I observe the cabin, making sure its safe to approach
Y/N: It's pretty safe in there...could be a good place to stitch up my arm.
I sneak up to the house and see a window with silhouettes moving from inside. I decide to listen in at the window.
Rebecca: It makes me feel like a fucking idiot when we're not on the same page.
Alvin: We are on the same page!
Rebecca: Not out there, we weren't! Not about the girl! I saw you get soft!
Alvin: What do you want me to do, Bec? Put a bullet in her?
Rebecca: I want you to think about our family first.
Alvin: It's all I think about. So don't give me any shit.
Rebecca: I need some air.
Rebecca leaves the room.
I knock on the glass, and Alvin opens the window.
Alvin: What the hell are you doing?
Y/N: I... I need your help.
Alvin: Me? No. I'm sorry, but I can't do nothin'. Y/N: Please. I need to fix my arm.
Alvin: Are you out of your mind? Even if you ain't bitten by some lurker, which you probably are, you can't be here! You gotta get out of here, you understand? Get back into that shed and Carlos'll take care of you in the morning. Damn it, girl. Go.
Y/N: You'd just let me die?
Alvin: I wouldn't let you do nothing. It's not my call. We're a group.
Y/N: But you could help. And if you don't, isn't that the same?
Alvin will remember that.
Alvin: I don't know, alright?
Alvin looks behind him, checking the door.
Alvin: I'm serious girl, you need to get out of here.
Y/N: I saw when everyone was arguing, you wanted to help.
Alvin: You didn't see anything. Look, you gotta get outta here before my wife finds you. I'm serious, you gotta go. I got enough problems already. We got a baby on the way, Rebecca's all emotional, got a mess of hormones causing all sorts of trouble. I don't need anymore, get it? Now go.
Y/N: Please help. Please...
Alvin: Don't cry.
Y/N: I'm not gonna cry. I'm just... tired.
Alvin: You're not with Carver?
Y/N: No.
Alvin: And you didn't get bit by a dead person?
Y/N: No!
Alvin contemplates.
Y/N: I'll do anything I can to help your situation. Anything.
Alvin: Except leave me alone.
Y/N: Yeah, I guess. Alvin: I'm screwed if anyone finds out I did this. You understand?
Y/N: The b... the cut on my arm needs to be cleaned and stitched.
Alvin: Stitched? I ain't doin' that.
Y/N: I'll figure it out on my own.
Alvin: Alright, look... I don't know what I can find. We're short on bandages, but I might be able to find something clean that would work.
Y/N: I need something to clean it with, and a needle and thread could help, too.
Alvin: I don't even know where to look. Carlos has medical supplies on lockdown, and we don't got much these days.
Y/N: Well, whatever you can get. I'll find the rest on my own.
Alvin: Okay. Wait here.
Alvin leaves and returns shortly afterward.
Alvin: I found you some bandages. And I, uh... I got you a juice box. In case you're thirsty.
Alvin hands me the bandages and juice box. How old do these people think I am? I am grateful for the juice anyways...
Y/N: Thank you.
From the other side of the bedroom door, I can hear Carlos,
Carlos: Alvin, house meeting in five minutes.
Alvin: Oh, okay. Thanks. Now you need to go.
Alvin closes the window and leaves.
Though I have the bandages, that won't do. I need a needle and peroxide... I crouch and sneak around the side of the cabin. I end up in the backyard, and see another board of wood covering up a hole. It's covering an entrance to underneath the house... Maybe there's a way in from under?
I try to pull the plywood, but fail. I use the hammer to remove the nails, successfully. I then move the plywood. I crouch further and walk underneath the foundation of the house.
I finally reach a trapdoor. But when I try to open the door, it doesn't budge. It's locked.
I take my knife out of my pocket and use it to open the trapdoor, but the blade breaks. At least, it opens the lock... I then enter the house quietly.
Carlos: I've already made my decision.
Pete: Well, Luke has more to say, I guess. Where's Sarah?
Carlos: She's got her book. She doesn't need to be a part of this.
I enter the living room. Everyone is in the kitchen by the sound of it... I listen in for a bit...
Rebecca: For all we know, she could be connected with Carver.
Luke: Come on. There's no way.
Alvin: She could be. We don't know.
Nick: She's connected to somebody. There's no way she's out here by herself.
Pete: She said she was with a friend and they got attacked.
Nick: Yeah, right.
Carlos: Whoever she's with, they'll probably come looking for her.
Alvin: Great. They show up and we've got her locked in the shed.
Rebecca: You think we should bring her in here...?
Alvin: No. I'm just saying it wouldn't look too good.
Carlos: It's just a precautionary measure. Anyone else would do the same.
Luke: You really think Carver would come after us...?
Nick: You think he wouldn't...?!
Pete: He's not exactly the type to let things lie.
Luke: What happened, happened. There's nothing we can do about it now.
Alvin: Let him come. I really don't give a damn.
Rebecca: Alvin!
Alvin: What? I don't.
Nick: You brought her back here, not me. You knew she was bit.
Luke: What was I supposed to do, huh? Leave her out there to die?
Nick: Better her than us.
Pete: You'd've done the same, Nick.
Nick: It wasn't the brightest idea.
Luke: Oh, and firing your rifle was, huh...? Next time we'll just put up a neon sign that says "Lurkers Welcome".
Alvin: Where you goin', hon...?
Rebecca: I want to get my sweater.
Carlos: We'll be done in a minute.
Nick: You're in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lurkers, about to get eaten alive, and you're telling us it was a dog?
Luke: Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds crazy, but...look, for whatever reason, I think she's telling the truth.
Pete: Look, there's no point in arguing about it now. She's in the shed, she's not gonna hurt anyone. We'll just see what's what in the morning.
Luke: But Carlos said she could die if she doesn't get her arm treated.
Rebecca: Assuming she doesn't turn.
Alvin: That true? The girl could really die...?
Carlos: If the infection spreads...anything's possible. It could definitely get a whole lot worse for her.
Luke: Don't we have penicillin? Or something that could, y'know...stop the infection from spreading?
Carlos: We have some. But not enough to spare.
Nick: We're not wasting anything on her. What if one of us needs it?
Luke: Look, I'm just saying, we could help, that's all.
Rebecca: We need to think of ourselves first. That's just the way it is.
Pete: We can't just let her die. Not if there's something we can do about it. Let's just say she's telling the truth and she doesn't turn. Then what?
Luke: We apologize for being assholes. And then we help fix her arm.
Rebecca: She can't stay with us. We barely have enough supplies for ourselves.
Pete: We've got more fish in the traps than we could ever eat.
Nick: Yeah, but she's seen us. She knows we're here.
Luke: What, you scared of a small girl like that...?
Carlos: A small woman is not the problem. It's who she might tell.
Alvin: We gotta keep an eye on her.
Rebecca: IF she doesn't turn. Which she probably will.
Nick: I gotta take a leak.
Carlos: Hold on. We're almost done.
Nick: Fine.
Carlos: My point is, if that woman can find her way here, then almost anyone can.
Luke: Pete, you saw those lurkers, alright? That's more than we've seen in a while.
Pete: Yeah. Seems like it's not as safe as it was. 'Least not like when we found this place.
Nick: Maybe it's time to move on.
Rebecca: We can't just keep running. At some point we've got to settle down.
Carlos: We should. And we will. But can we find somewhere safe? I don't know.
Pete: You seen what it's like out there.
Alvin: I was just starting to like this place.
Pete: Look, we've had a good run here. But if it's time to move on, then I got no problem with that.
Luke: Yeah, but...I mean, where do we go from here...?
Alvin: No more cities. We all agreed on that, right...? Too many damn lurkers.
Nick: We're not going back the way we came. That's for damn sure.
Rebecca: We can probably find somewhere better. We just need to look.
Carlos: Wherever we go, we can't get too attached. We'll be fine as long as we keep things fluid.
Pete: We can't forget we need to check the traps tomorrow.
Nick: What do we do with the girl?
Rebecca: You're not leaving her here with me!
Luke: We can't just keep her locked in the shed. We're not animals.
Carlos: Then take her with you.
Nick: What...?
Carlos: You want to keep an eye on her, then take her with you. Are we almost done here...? I want to make sure Sarah's ready for bed. Pete: Wait a second. There's something else I want to talk about.
I had been listening in for a couple of minutes. It was about time I stopped caring about whatever the hell they were saying, and focused on my arm. Because as soon as I'm done fixing myself up. I'm out of here. Luke and Pete seem to be on my side... but everyone else is unsure of me. Except Rebecca. She is definitely sure I'm some bitten, dead girl who works with "Carver". Whoever he is, won't matter to me once I'm gone. 
I then go upstairs. The steps are so creaky, I'm almost trying to float over them with each careful step.
I enter a door and it ends up being the bathroom.
Y/N: They have to have medical supplies around here somewhere.
I open the medicine cabinet and take a needle from a tomato-shaped pincushion.
Y/N: It's clean.
I put the needle away carefully in my pocket.
Y/N: I'll still need something to keep it from getting infected.
Just when I'm about to open the door and leave, I hear something.
Rebecca: That man sometimes, I swear!
It's that angry pregnant lady, Rebecca... I look around, quickly! I need to find a place to hide! The shower? I jump in.
Rebecca enters the bathroom and drinks some water from the sink. They have running water?? What if... She tries to take a shower?! I should've just gone in the closet. Oh God...
Rebecca: Damn it... Just need to have this baby and...oh, god. Let it be okay and...let it be his.
Rebecca takes a deep breath and leaves. As soon as it sounds clear, I leave to find some peroxide, or anything to clean my wound with... I open another door opposite the bathroom. As soon as I peek through I hear a gasp. For a second I almost shut it and run, but it's the girl. I put my finger on my lips and shush Sarah.
Sarah: You're not supposed to be in here.
I look around the room, look behind me, then close the door as I enter slowly.
Y/N: Hi, can you please help me?
Sarah: I'm not supposed to talk to you. My dad can't know.
Y/N: Why, what will he do?
Sarah: Get mad at me.
Y/N: What does he do when he gets mad?
Sarah: He gets angry and says he's disappointed in me and that he just loves me and wants me to be safe.
Y/N: That's it? Nothing else?
Sarah: Yeah. It's the worst.
From what I can tell, Sarah is no threat to me. I know I can talk my way out of this.
Sarah: What happened to you?
Y/N: A dog bit me.
Sarah: Sounds scary... I bet it hurts.
Y/N: I could die if I don't take care of it. Do you understand?
Sarah will remember that.
Y/N: I just need something to clean it with. I bet it would be with the rest of your dad's medical supplies.
Sarah: Yeah, it is.
Sarah contemplates for a bit. I wait in hopes to get the answer I want.
Sarah: I'll help you.
Y/N: Good. Thank you.
Sarah: I'm Sarah.
Y/N: I'm Y/n.
Sarah: We're friends. Right? We can be best friends. I haven't met another girl my age since way before. It's hard to be the only girl, you know? Rebecca is okay, but she's old. And that's it. And if her baby is a girl, it'll be forever before she's old enough to, like, be my friend. And then I'll be super old.
Y/N: We're not the same age.
Sarah: What?
Y/N: We're not the same age. Everyone here thinks I'm a lot younger.
Sarah: Oh, I see. How old are you then? I'm fifteen.
Y/N: I'm 23.
Sarah: You don't seem like it.
Y/N: That's just how it is.
Sarah: So, can we still be friends, then?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah: Promise?
Y/N: Yes.
Sarah will remember that.
Sarah holds out her pinkie for a pinkie swear. I lock my pinkie with hers.
Sarah: A pinky swear is forever. I'll see if I can find the stuff my dad uses when I get a cut. Lemme look around...
Sarah searches the room and then gives me a bottle of peroxide.
Sarah: I think this is it.
Y/N: Perfect. That'll work.
Sarah: You can't do it here, though. Someone will find you.
Y/N: Don't worry, I won't.
I open the door and peek left and right to see if it's clear.
Y/N: Thanks, Sarah.
Sarah: Shhh!
Y/N: Okay. I better get somewhere safer to do this.
I return to the shed and take out the supplies. I roll up my sleeve and place my arm on the table.
Y/N: This is gonna suck.
I take a sip of juice first. I then unscrew the lid of the peroxide and pour it on my wound, then drop it. I scream in pain, as I feel the peroxide bubble up all over. It hurts so bad I'm almost in tears, and I'm not even at the...
Y/N: The fun part.
It takes me a few greuling tries, but I eventually thread the needle.
I begin the first suture, then slam my fist on the table. I'm so dizzy, but I have to push through. My adrenaline, my best friend at this point, takes over and I'm ready to continue.
I continue suturing and screaming in pain. I'm finally done, and wrap my arm up with the bandages, but then I drop them.
As I'm picking them up, a walker reaches through the shed and grabs my leg. I hold onto the table and reach for the hammer as I try to kick it away, but it knocks me over. I try to grab a nearby rake but can't reach it.
The wall breaks and the walker crawls all the way into the shed and climbs on top of me. I kick it away and stand up. I quickly grab the rake and push the walker backward with it. It falls and gets impaled by the anchor on the wall.
I grab the hammer and hit it repeatedly in the head until it stops moving. Luke opens the shed, with the rest of the group close behind him.
Luke: Holy shit.
Alvin: What the...?
Nick: How the hell did it get in here?
Pete: Girl's tough as nails.
Carlos: Are you alright?
Luke: The shed should've been safe!
Y/N: I am still not bitten. I never was. And you left me out here to die.
Luke: You patched yourself up?
Luke watches me carefully in disbelief.
Nick: Where'd you get that stuff?
Rebecca: Did she steal from us?
Pete: This doesn't change a thing. She hasn't done anything to us.
Rebecca: Says the man not carrying a baby.
Pete: Enough already!
Luke: Guys, please.
Y/N: I did. I took stuff and I'm sorry. I really am.
They will remember that.
Rebecca: And you think you can trust her?
Pete: Goddamn it, don't even start! Any of you would've done the same if you were half as tough as this girl. So just save it.
Carlos: Bring her in and I'll take a look at her arm.
Alvin: Damn lurkers sneakin' around out here... We better get inside.
Luke: You hungry?
Y/N: I haven't eaten in days. Not even that weasel.
Luke cracks a guilty smile, but I smile back to reassure him. He's on my side from what I can tell. No need to guilt trip him of everyone.
We all go inside.
Carlos inspects my wound. Luke paces and Nick bites his fingernails.
Carlos: This might hurt a little.
Y/N: Ow!
Luke: How's she look?
Carlos: Her suturing skills need some work, but otherwise I'd say she should be fine.
Luke: So it wasn't a lurker bite?
Carlos: If it was, the fever would've already set in and her temperature would be through the roof.
Carlos bandages my arm. Nick leaves the room and Luke follows him. Carlos washes his hands in the sink.
Carlos: I wish you wouldn't've done what you did.
Y/N: What do you mean?
Carlos: You manipulated my daughter.
Y/N: I asked for her help?
Carlos: She's not someone you can just ask for help.
I'm not sure what to say, so I stay silent.
Carlos: I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but there are a few things you need to know about my daughter.
Y/N: Okay...
Carlos: She isn't like us. You may not get that initially, but once you're around her for a while, you'll understand. If she knew how bad the world is... what it's really like out there... she would... cease to function. She's my little girl. She's all I have left, and I would ask that you stay away from her.
Y/N: I'm sorry, I realize now what you mean. I didn't know. I was nice to her if that counts for anything...
Carlos will remember that.
Carlos: It's okay. You're forgiven. Just don't make any more mistakes.
Carlos leaves and Luke enters, holding a bowl of food.
Luke: Hey, uh... brought you some food.
Luke and I sit at the table and start eating.
Luke: That's gonna leave of hell of a scar.
Y/N: Better than losing it.
Luke: You can say that again. Scars...they're way cooler than stumps.
Luke tries to be playful with me. But I can tell he's still guilty and wary about what to say to me.
Y/N: Don't look so guilty. It's okay, you didn't want to do that to me. I survived anyway, and for that I'm grateful.
Luke: Grateful to who? You could've died in there...
Y/N: I could've died out in those woods, but you helped me. Gave me a chance.
Luke: Well, it wasn't just me. Pete helped you too.
Y/N: Then I am grateful to both you and Pete. Thank you.
Luke: You don't have to thank me...
I finish my bite of food then continue talking.
Y/N: Yeah, who was it that saved me from the walker on top of me by chopping its head off? And the one that carried me away?
I smile. I want him to be happy. We have enough burdens. Though I'm incredibly anxious talking to new people, and in a lot of pain, I just want everyone to feel okay.
He smiles back and looks down at his food. 
Y/N: And I didn't end up with my arm chopped off! This is best case scenario.
Luke chuckles, but then noticed a growing sadness on my face as I start to think...
Luke: What's wrong? Y/N: Nothing. I just had a friend who lost his arm once, that's all. I'm okay.
Nick enters the room.
Nick: Hey, look. Um, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for... well, for being a dick out there. I got kinda aggro and that was definitely not cool.
Luke: Nick's been known to go off every once in a while. Don't hold it against him.
Nick: Yeah, I guess we all have our moments.
Luke: You definitely had one out there.
Nick drops his head down as he sits next to me.
Y/N: You were just protecting your friends. I get it.
Nick will remember that.
Nick: I didn't mean to be so harsh. I just... we had a bad experience once.
Y/N: What happened...?
Luke: Nick lost his mom. We took care of someone who'd got bit.
I can see the hurt in Nick's eyes...
Nick: It was my fault. I--
Luke: It was no one's fault. We thought we could control it, but... we couldn't. And then she turned and his mom was standing right there and she got attacked... There was nothing we could do about it.
Nick: Anyway. Hopefully, you understand.
Y/N: I do. Yeah.
Nick smiles at me then gets up and leaves.
Luke: So, since you're pretty much on your own, what's your plan?
Y/N: I don't know. Like you said, I'm just on my own now. It's never really been this way.
I wonder if I should ask to stay here? No, I couldn't... They all want me out of here. But, should I ask? I don't kn-
Luke: Well, you're welcome to stay here if you want. You can let yourself heal up and take some time to sort things out.
Y/N: Do you think everyone else will be okay with it?
Luke: They'll just have to deal with it.
He smiles at me. I let out a secret sigh of relief and smile back sheepishly.
Luke: So what happened to your parents? If you don't mind me asking. 
Y/N: Do you really still think I'm a kid?
Luke: Oh, I- right. Well, how old are you?
Y/N: Wait, I want to see what you think. How old do I look to you?
Luke: 16.. 17..?
Y/N: 23!
Luke: Oh, wow, I- mean you just seem a lot younger. 'Cause, y'know, you're... small?
Y/N: Sigh. Yeah, I know. Everyone likes to mention it to me.
Luke: But you're strong. That's for sure. None of us could've done what you did out there. I didn't mean to offend you or-
Y/N: No, no! You haven't. I'm just very used to hearing it is all... And trust me, you would've been able to do it too. Once your body knows it's in trouble... Adrenaline will get you through anything...
Luke looks down with remorse.
Y/N: But really? Does my face look that young?...
Luke: I think your face looks to be about 23 years old.
I smile.
Y/N: Really? Or are you just saying that?
I tease him.
Luke: Really! I mean it.
We both continue eating.
Y/N: Well, how old are you? Have you been keeping track?
Luke: I'm 26. My birthday is in the winter, so I know it must be coming up soon.
Y/N: Mine too, January 26th. (~ Wink wink)
Luke: Pete's birthday is in the winter too. And like I said, seems like it's coming soon... so maybe we'll just have one big winter birthday party then.
We smile at each other and keep eating.
Luke: The winter will be rough, but it's not our first time surviving it. How do you usually get through it?...
Y/N: I'm usually with other people that can help me, if that's what you're asking.
Luke: I was just curious on how you made it this far.
Y/N: I just try to stay with good people and not do anything dumb.
I start feeling sad again...
Luke: Hey, I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't have asked.
Y/N: In the beginning, my parents went on vacation and left me with a babysitter and they never came back. We went to Savannah to find them... but they were already dead.
Luke: Wow. Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
Y/N: This man found me and took care of me.
Y/N: We met up with other survivors and we all tried to make it, but... it didn't work. His name was Lee. He taught me how to survive... He's the reason I keep my hair short.
Luke: What happened to him?
Y/N: I ran away... I was stupid. There was a man who said he knew my parents. I thought I knew what I was doing, but I ran away and Lee died because of it.
Luke: Maybe he would've died anyways.
Y/N: It was my fault. I just... sometimes people die because of me. Because they always try to protect me. I can't stand it.
Luke: I'm sure none of them regret trying to keep you safe.
Y/N: I'd hope so... for the past, I don't know seven years? I'd been with my friend Christa. The friend who was with me when we got attacked.
Luke lightens the mood,
Luke: For that damn weasel.
I laugh. Pete enters the room.
Pete: I hate to interrupt, but I'm out there standing watch and I can't help but notice this place is lit up like a goddamn beacon in the middle of the woods.
Luke: Yeah, it's time to turn in anyways.
Y/N: Alright, and thank you Pete.
Pete turns his head in question.
Y/N: For saving me?
Pete: Oh, right, you're welcome, Y/n.
We exchange smiles as he leaves the room. Pete winks at Luke, and it clearly frustrates him.
Luke: When you're finished eating, come find me upstairs. I'll show you where you can sleep.
I smile and nod with a mouthful of food. He puts his bowl in the sink and leaves.
To be continued...
A/N; Things are starting to speed up, see?? Ah trust me, the next episode... Allllll Luke baby. So far this has really just been the transcript to the game LOL, but believe me when I say, the next episode will be a whole new case.
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catcafesponsor · 9 months
reea's awesome guide to: the perfect break in 2 rating
if you havent heard of break in 2 yet then youve been living under a rock. welcome to roblox power source of imagination!
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erm so lets assume youve played break in 2. and made it to the final boss battle.
basically scary mary rates you based on your preparation. theres 5 main things that she'll critique
your training stats (strength and speed)
the amount of food items you have
the weapon youre holding
if youre wearing the golden armor
the amount of npcs you have
and if youre like me (i bet you are) you were VERY sad VERY VERY SO SAD when she LAUGHED!! but LAUGH she will no more because i have made the guide to getting the "perfect" rating
before i give you my MASTERFUL tips make sure youre doing this with a team of slightly experienced players at least. doing this alone is no easy task and i have yet to do that.
enjoy! i guess!
Requirement: Level 5 stat + Level 3 stat
i honestly dont think this is hard to explain. in break in 2 theres a gym and you can train your stats there!
the easiest way to get the max rating on your training stats is a level 5 stat and a level 3 stat, resulting in 8 points total. 4 and 4 will NOT work.
i usually go for strength because treadmill sucks to grind on, but youll want to get 4 strength 3 speed.
you can get a rainbow pizza to boost a stat by 1 via one of those crates you open in the base or the vault kitchen. for the vault kitchen youll want to have 200 bucks to buy the key from the vending machine! DO NOT grab the rainbow pizza. get smoeone else to do it. you cant eat the rainbow pizza if you grab the box, after all!
Requirement: 10 food items
well this one is just easy. make sure to conserve food! i think certain food items (chip bags, golden pizza, stuff like that) counts for 2 or more so dont worry if you only have like. 7. just keep a chip bag or the such handy on you!
a golden apple also counts for like 1 bazillion but i dont think its worth it since you lose a lot of valuable training time by getting the gapple
Requirement: The strongest weapon
theres a vending machine in the shop and it dispenses weapons. rare is a golden crowbar (trash), epic is a diamond crowbar (trash), legendary has a few possible "strongest weapons".
theres also a board next to the weaponized vending machine in the shop and if you spam the papers until they all fall off you can see what the strongest weapon is. it could be a bat, a wrench, a rake, just any of the legendary weapons. its a random one.
then you have to gamble until you get it! easy at that. probably the easiest to take care of on this list
Requirement: Armor lmao
to get armor, you have to go through this 4 step plan
have 150 bucks on you
beat up EVERYONE in the fight zone upstairs (50 people total, can be done with friends to speed up the process by a lot)
open the fight room by hitting the door with level 4+ strength and any weapon
buy the armor from the vending machine in the fight room not the shop
thats all. a little annoying if you arent going for the max level strength route, because youd have to find someone else with 4+ strength but its fine
Requirement: Uncle Pete, Twado the Dog, Detective Bradley Beans
ha hahaha HAHAHAHHAHAHA i hate this.
for uncle pete youll have to free him from his cage next to the fight room. you can get the key from inside the kitchen drawer in any spot. DO NOT SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT ITEM OR YOU WILL DROP THE KEY! you can get to the kitchen faster if you craft a parent with a child to make a lockpick
for twado the dog youll.. ugh.. have to go up to the board next to the sign and spam the papers. eventually theyll all fall and reveal the food twado wants! it could be an apple, soda, a pizza or a cookie. if its a pizza or a soda you might as well just restart because those are hell to deal with!
once you find the food he wants go outside of the base and to the left on the "dog trail" where you can retrieve twado and bring him back safely. you only need level 3 speed for it but youll have to be careful with your jumps. DO NOT LET TWADO SLIP ON THE ICE. YOU HAVE TO FEED HIM AGAIN IF SO.
aaaaand detective beaners bones. i hate this guy. so much. but what you need to do is first have 3 speed and a soda (or any means of speeding yuorself up).
you want to complete ALL 3 of uncle pete's tasks (defeat 3 bad guys, then defeat 10, and then beat the pizza boss or clear our the fight room). after he will give you hsi treasured rat!
go upstairs, to the opposite side of the tv where a ladder will be. climb it and make the jump using your speed bonus. if you get the Gym Powerup event the delivery guy brings a ladder which you can place to make the jump much easier but its not necessary really
put the rat on the table and make beans have an allergic reaction and run.
hooray. you did it! you got the perfect rating!
..see why you shouldnt do this solo now?
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atombonniebaby · 9 months
Atom Bonnie Baby's Rat Man Starter Pack
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The Playlist.
A mix of songs that I listen to when writing! Some remind me of Mac, some are songs I think he'd listen to, and some are HC and Fic specific!
Rat-Man Garbs:
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A MacCrady Profile
Name: Robert Joseph MacCready
Occupation: Gun for Hire
Experience: Gunner (don't hold it against him) Mayor (from 10-16) self proclaimed 'ruthless little bastard' (still applicable)
Nickname(s): RJ, Bobby-Joe, Mac, Sasshole, Mac n Cheesy, MacGreedy, MacSneezy, MacSleepy, MacWeepy, MacEaty, SnarkCready
Age: 22 years old (no really)
Height: 5'8'' (Short King)
Build: Scrawny (130 lbs.)
Eyes: Bright Blue (pwetty)
Hair: Light Brown, choppy (hella cute)
Features: All sharp edges and angles, rat-like (but in a sexy kinda way)
The best ways to annoy/piss him off:
-Trying to make him carry your junk.
-Leaving him in the dark about what is going on and not letting him have a say in important decisions
-Being irresponsible and not taking the situation seriously.
-Using chems in front of him, knowing he disapproves of them.
-Not taking proper care of yourself (i.e., not wearing armor, getting enough food and water, etc.)
Molerats (anything that looks, walks, or sounds like one)
Murdering Innocents and sadistic behavior.
Abuse of Power (this is probably the thing he hates the most)
What he likes:
Wit, sarcasm, and smart-assness (loves it!).
Making MacCready smile and laugh.
Playfulness (MacCready can't resist).
Cuddling and being held (He'd never admit it).
A good listener.
Surprising facts about MacCready:
His guilty pleasure is Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola.
He started drinking when he was six years old.
He has a high level of intelligence and enjoys learning new things (he likes to spout out random facts)
Named all the dogs in Little Lamplight: Muttface, Pete, Hooligan, Ginger, Bandit, and Rex.
If there were one word he'd use to describe himself, it would be hardy. He's used to pushing himself to do whatever it takes to survive, even when doing things that others consider crazy. MacCready is sarcastic, stubborn, and guarded—he doesn't trust easily.
He affectionately refers to his rifle as 'Baby' (but only in private).
He is surprisingly insightful and observant, noticing details that others overlook.
MacCready's past has left scars on him emotionally and physically, and some days are worse than others.
When MacCready is ill, it the more clingy and needy he becomes.
Hates being cold, so bundling him in warm blankets helps make him feel better. Will accept hot soup (but NOT cave fungus)
Self-consciously hates how his knees knock together and his ribs poke under his shirt. (due to having rickets as a kid)
When genuinely happy, he's all toothy smiles until he thinks someone might notice, and then he reverts back to his usual stoic self. (doesn't like his teeth)
MacCready is always smoking, his cigarettes resting between his lips as he goes through one pack after another.
His guilty pleasures are Sugar Bombs and Nuka Cola. He loves sweet things but doesn't have time for much food.
His mind is full of cuss words.
He also has a habit of tapping his fingers against the side of his rifle whenever he's nervous.
MacCready and intimacy:
He misses physical intimacy and closeness and longs for that connection again but struggles to communicate it. Insecurity eats at MacCready; he feels guilty about moving on with his life and letting go of Lucy.
When MacCready does allow himself to get close to someone, the things that draw him to you aren't lost on him. How your presence brings him a sense of peace and makes him forget about all the problems in his life, if only for a while, how you make him smile when he wants nothing more than to cry, and how you somehow always manage to look at him with such kindness, even when he feels he doesn't deserve it.
MacCready finds sleep with a new partner extremely difficult. After losing Lucy the way he did, having trouble falling asleep is now a side effect of his traumatic experiences. He often wakes up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep, and if his companion stirs, he's instantly wide awake, unable to keep his eyes off them.
He tells himself it's because he's trying to protect them, but he knows deep down that part of him can't stop wondering what it would be like to lose another loved one in a heartbeat. To find himself alone yet again... and being alone scares the heck out of him.
MacCready can be very vulnerable at night, especially after a nightmare. When he comes back to his senses, it takes a moment for the memories to fade away. Once they do, he gets flustered and tries to push his nightmares out of his head. He doesn't want his partner to see him as weak and break down.
As MacCready starts trusting you, he eventually reveals his troubles. He's more willing to seek support rather than deal with everything alone. He may still shy away from physical contact or withdraw after the initial breakdown. Once MacCready starts opening up, he slowly becomes more comfortable, allowing you to show affection and comfort him.
An ongoing conflict with himself is his attraction to men, which he has repressed for many years, believing that acknowledging it would question his marriage to Lucy. In MacCready's eyes, you either like women or men and not both. So, the fact that he harbors these feelings of attraction to men makes him feel guilty, ashamed, and, most of all, confused about his identity.
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adrianasunderworld · 1 year
So I was thinking of a HoM!AU rewrite of that episode where Pete tries to shut down the club by tricking the staff into eating poisoned apples (only these apples only put you to sleep instead of killing you).
In this version he gets the apples from a vault or forbidden archive or somewhere where Mickey keeps the villainous stuff locked up because there is no way Queen Grimhilde would give Pete something dangerous if it could possibly get to Yuu since he doesn’t exactly hide his dislike of her.
If I recall correctly, Pluto was also punished because Figaro made it look like he misbehaved or something. Well, I felt really bad that no one was willing to hear him out, considering he’s usually so responsible despite his mischievous and vindictive nature, so there would be a scene where Yuu tries to convince Mickey and Minnie that Pluto shouldn’t be punished so hardly and it was only a small mistake so he should be given a special chance to make up for it. She tells Pluto that he’s a good boy and she’s sure that everyone will come around after a while before she’s called away to a table. Pluto then goes and discovers Pete sneaking into the club with a basket of apples but he gets kidnapped by the cat before he could warn everyone.
And the story goes the way you’d expect except Pete just leaves the apples as ‘gifts’ for everyone like he did for Mickey and Minnie because his disguise was way too obvious and Yuu was just hanging around the princess table so she’d be able to tell that Pete was an imposter just like Goofy did. Everyone, including Yuu, takes a bite from the apple and it’s up to Pluto to save everyone from the sleeping potion.
Pluto rallies all of the Disney dogs to help him with the club as they try to figure out how to help everyone. Grim and him keep on butting heads with what to do but the fire cat reluctantly ends up sulking in the sidelines like Figaro (though he just sits in the staff room, guarding Yuu’s sleeping form) as he grumbles about how dogs aren’t even half as magnificent as The Great Grim whilst he watches the dogs put on their performance and Pluto put on cartoons that star him.
Luckily though, Snow White was able to piece together what happened and she comes to tell Pluto and Grim that everyone can be woken up with a kiss so Pluto goes around giving kisses to the Fab Five and Grim is the one to wake Yuu because no one is going to kiss his henchman except him! Don’t worry, though, after she’s saved, she gives him the biggest hug and tells him how proud she is of him as Pluto licks all over her smiling face.
It all ends with Pete getting rewarded for saving the day (and Grim getting an extra can of tuna even though he did literally nothing) and even our sweet and loving heroine, Yuu, who forgave every wrongdoing the overblot boys had done against her, can’t help but smile when Pluto and the dogs start chasing a terrified Pete out of the club. She also ends up in a dogpile of the remaining dalmatian puppies that didn’t join in on Pluto’s revenge as she begs persuades the villains not to go after Pete on her behalf (she completely forgot about the princes, princesses and the other characters who were not happy with what Pete did to their favourite sister/daughter/niece waitress)
Grim won't admit that he was scared when Yuu wouldn't wake up. But she knows, and shes thankful to him for guarding her while she was knocked out.
Meanwhile Pete is on everyone's shit list, especially Queen Grimhilde because how dare he use her apples? On Yuu of all people! Unacceptable.
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unholyverse · 8 months
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awsten knight in kerrang! issue #1654
(full text under the cut)
"One time I lit my pants on fire. I was sitting on the couch with my friend, playing with matches, and he said, 'I bet you won't set your pants on fire.' I said, 'Fuck you', and I did it. We freaked out because the flames were getting really big, so he went and got a wet towel and squeezed it out over my pants. Another time I ate a cigarette in a graveyard while we were out there playing with a Ouija board.""
"Back when we used to play just locally in Houston, we used to play a lot of small places. They were the sort of places where there was no security and no barricades, and a lot of the time people would basically be on the stage. They'd be stepping on pedal boards and stuff, so there were times when we had to ask them to please step off our equipment. It was all good fun."
"We saw this setting we wanted to take some new pictures by. Basically, we had to do some trespassing to get to the spot, and there was a 15-foot fence. When I jumped off it I landed very wrong and busted up both my feet. I don't remember what it's called, but there's this thing that connects the front and back of your feet, and I tore both of them."
We presume you mean tendons, but it could have been your socks.
"I don't really get embarrassed, and if I do fuck something up it's usually on purpose, whether that's singing a part in a weird, goofy way or anything else. I can't even recall falling over onstage. There was one time I nearly went off a 10-foot stage at a House Of Blues venue somewhere. I was spinning round and went right to the edge, but I didn't die, so that's good."
"I've written plenty of bad songs, but with Waterparks I'd say Bones Of '92 or Easter Egg. I just don't like Bones Of '92—it's not a very good song. With Easter Egg, it doesn't flow well and it doesn't make sense."
Did you hear that, everyone? No Easter eggs for Awsten this year…
"There have been so many weird ones, but the one that made me feel the weirdest was when a mom came up and asked me to take a picture with her daughter. The girl was crying but I thought, 'Okay - sometimes people cry when they meet the bands they like. Then the mother said, 'She's sad because one of her best friends just died. Now take a picture with her, smile.' I was like, 'What the fuck is happening?" I was trying to talk to the daughter, the mom was oblivious and it was just the most awkward situation I've ever been in."
"The time I went to Pete Wentz's house. He was having us on his radio show for an interview and I couldn't believe I was there. He brought us out water in boxes, which was really weird. I was just sitting there going, "What the fuck, I'm at Pete Wentz's house!" It was nuts."
Water in boxes, eh? How the other half live…
"I would, but I'd definitely still do it. It might have been shitty on purpose, and if that was the case I could go and be shitty on purpose and get with that vibe. That could be really funny"
"Animals, easy. I talk to enough people as it is, and I love animals. I went to a pet adoption thing a couple of days ago and there was this dog looking at me. I felt like he loved me more than any human had ever loved me and he'd only just met me. If I could hear the love that he was expressing I would be completely fulfilled."
Get a dog-translator app-there probably is one now. Then feel the love…
"Yes, I do. I told you I ate that cigarette when I was in a graveyard with a Ouija board, and we used to do that a lot. We'd seek out haunted places a couple of times a week. I had to stop because I got too freaked out. It's really fun to do all that but then when you're alone afterwards, that fucking sucks."
Imagine how the ghosts feel when you leave…
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stormyoceans · 2 years
You mentioned language in relation to vegaspete a couple of times, can you explain what's the big deal about it to someone who doesn't speak Thai?
i can definitely try, anon!! but, DISCLAIMER!! im not a thai speaker either, i started studying it when i got into BL because im nothing if not an extremely curious woman with a passion for languages. so im probably not the best person for this but im gonna try anyway, and if anyone catches any mistakes please let me know!!!!
so, basically, thai as a language exists in registers, which dictate what words to use for pronouns, polite particles, and honorifics. registers can be formal, informal, polite and rude, and can actually be combined too (something can be informal but polite, informal and rude, etc.). to keep it short and simple, let’s just focus on pronouns since they're easier to recognize. the ones we're interested in are:
pom/khun: polite pronouns for i/you, these are used when you speak to strangers and people who are older than you or higher than you in rank. khun can also precede a thai name to show respect (it can be regarded as the thai equivalent of mr., mrs., or miss, and it’s where our ‘khun vegas’ comes from)
guu/mueng: informal AND rude pronouns for i/you, you should use these only amongst equals, friends, intimates, and informal acquaintances, or you’ll be considered incredibly rude
now on to our boys!!
up to episode 10, we hear vegas speak politely to everyone, even the bodyguards, and when he wants to be rude or curse, he usually just switches to english. this is interesting because he's the only member of the theerapanyakul family who does: tankhun, kinn and kim all use guu/mueng when they talk to the bodyguards, and even macau does the first time he meets porsche, because even if porsche is older than him, his rank as a member of the family allows him to do so (but he does switch to polite pronouns later on). this, however, feels like another part of vegas' mask, another layer to this perfectly constructed persona he built for the world to see: it's like he's saying 'see? im a nice guy, i respect even the people who are below me'. it becomes pretty clear as soon as pete is held captive: vegas' mask is peeled off completely and he doesn't have to pretend to be polite or respectful anymore. throughout episode 11, he talks to pete using exclusively the impolite pronouns guu/mueng
here's the most fascinating part, though: pete does exactly the same. pete is very conscious of propriety and of his position as a bodyguard: he is both formal and polite when he talks to any member of the two families, and switches to guu/mueng only with porsche and the other bodyguards, who are his friends and equals. however, in episode 11, he suddenly drops the formal and polite register with vegas, and talks to him very rudely, using guu/mueng and the very rude particle wa (and, of course, there's no khun vegas anymore). it sounds, to me, like his defiant way to say 'fuck you, i don't respect you and im done pretending i do'. i also think it's interesting to notice that vegas never calls him out on it: for someone who tries to degrade pete by calling him pet and making him eat out of a dog bowl, i feel like it would make sense for vegas to get pissed and demand pete speak politely to him, but he never does
so here they are, stripped of every rule society dictates and talking very impolitely and rudely to each other. if on one hand this starts as their way to show their lack of respect, on the other it also suddenly brings them on equal ground: they're no longer the heir of the minor family and a bodyguard, they're just vegas and pete. it eventually becomes a sign of how close they are growing to each other too
this is why IM PRAYING AND WISHING AND HOPING AND MANIFESTING that we get at least one scene with vegas and pete talking to each other with other people around once they're out of the safe house and back into the world, because society imposes pete to reprise his role as a bodyguard and go back to a formal and polite register when talking to vegas, but it’s gonna be interesting to see what vegas chooses to do: if he goes back to talk politely to everyone else, but decides to still use guu/mueng with pete, it's like telling the world that something happened between them (either good or bad) [actually the dream would be someone hearing both of them using impolite pronouns with each other, but we can't have it all ;;;;;]
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literaticat · 3 months
I have seen several agents saying they will take only human characters PB. While I understand everyone has different tastes, doesn't this seem narrow minded, looking at the best sellers? They don't want the next Pete, Penelope Rex, Llama Llama, Pout Pout, Mother Bruce, Little Blue Truck, or Grumpy Monkey??? Does this seem ignorant, market-wise, to say? Seems like they might miss out on the next big thing. What do you think is behind this school of thought?
I've never seen an agent say this. (I'm not doubting that YOU have, I'm just saying, I've not personally borne witness to this.)
I have seen agents say that they don't care for talking animals -- but that isn't actually the same thing as "only wanting human character PBs". If an agent reps picture books, AND they say that they "don't like talking animal books" -- I'm betting that they are not considering Llama Llama and similar types of books to fall into the Talking Animal category. Hear me out:
Llama Llama is not about a llama - it's about a child, with child emotions, who happens to be shaped like a llama. If llama was a LLAMA, the book would be set in a zoo or on a farm -- instead, Llama lives in a house with a four-poster bed and a mom who does dishes. Bluey, both show and books, while there are some dog jokes and dog references, is not about DOGS, it's about kids and their parents living in a charming home in Australia. WE DON'T EAT OUR CLASSMATES is not a story about a talking dino, it's about a dinosaur-shaped kid fitting in at school, etc etc. In other words, these are not what (most) agents (probably) mean when they say they "don't like talking animal stories" -- these are just ... stories. Regular picture books.
When I think of "talking animal stories" I think of usually books for somewhat older readers, like MG, about more "realistic animal" scenarios, except that the animals are speaking English. For example, Warriors, or Guardians of Ga'hoole. Or, indeed, the book that won the Newbery award this year. I'm not saying those aren't great books for some readers - I'm saying that there are DEFINITELY agents who do not like them at all.
So -- I guess I would think it was a little odd if an agent truly said that they rep picture books but ONLY want books with actual human characters forever and ever amen. (Maybe not "ignorant" -- but kinda limiting?) - But I would NOT think it was odd at all if they said they "don't like talking animal stories" -- and I would also not at all assume they meant PICTURE BOOKS when they said that.
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looseygoosey66 · 11 months
JUNE 2013 COVER STORY – Pearl Jam Guitarist Stone Gossard Making Time for ‘Moonlander’
“We live and we die by time. And we must not commit the sin of losing our track on time.” ~ Chuck Noland: “Cast Away”
Time is an amazing thing. It is precious and it can be fleeting. It seems the older you get, the faster time flies by and your life is measured by what you do with that time.
Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard certainly makes the best of his time. Not only is he in one of the world’s biggest rock bands and constantly touring, but he also has Brad, a side band with his friends Regan Hagar and Shawn Smith. More importantly, Gossard is a father and husband.
“My typical day isn’t always music,” Gossard said from his home in Seattle. “I usually get up, drink way too much coffee, make sure my daughter eats her cereal and I brush her hair before school. Then I take her to school, run some errands, then come home, walk the dog with my wife, then have lunch, pick up my daughter from school and come home and play. Then it’s diner and a movie and off to bed. That is the excitement of my day now. I love it.”
“Then again,” Gossard continued, “the typical day could mean getting up, flying to South America to play some shows, write some music or go to the recording studio.”
Gossard has found the time and the perfect way to merge the love of his family with his music on his sophomore solo album Moonlander. The album will be released on Pearl Jam’s own Monkeywrench Records on June 25. Gossard started releasing singles 10 weeks prior to the official release date.
“We knew we needed some art work to go with the album so we came up with the idea of an original piece of art to go with each single we put out every week. When you have an album and you don’t plan on playing a lot of shows, if any at all, you have to do something special with promoting the album to draw interest and have a destination to generate interest so people can hear it. I don’t know if this idea will work, but it was fun.”
The art work incorporated with the single was provided by Gossard and his daughter.
“My daughter loves to paint and draw and when she would, I would as well. I hope the pieces convey a sense of freedom from formal rules and of playfulness that comes from hanging with your lovely 5-year old.”
The weekly single idea grew when Gossard’s wife found Washington state craft maker, Terri Swinhart at Once Upon a Drawing (http://once-upon-a-drawing.blogspot.com), they sent one of the drawings to the artist and she created a “softie” which goes with each single and which Gossard signed and gave away in weekly contests.
“My wife found Terri Swinhart online and we sent her a drawing my daughter did to see if she could make something for us and when we got it back the softie was dead on. It was mind blowing. She does a great rendition of the art work.”
When working on a solo album time is a luxury Gossard does have. It’s been 12 years since he released his solo debut Bayleaf and the 11 tracks for Moonlander were recorded over an 8-year span, 2003-2011.
“Over the last year, I went through all of my old demos and recordings that weren’t used as Pearl Jam or Brad songs and picked my favorites. With the help of Floyd Reitsma (Studio Litho engineer), Pete Droge (Executive Producer), and Hans Teuber (multi-instrumentalist and long time Hank Khoir collaborator) I went about trying to finish them. There was lots of re-singing tracks, fleshing out and re-editing, adding new instruments…”
As most guitarists do, Gossard would save any guitar riffs to his computer for possible future use. Over eight years of doing this, the hard drive became pretty packed with riffs, songs, or lyrics Gossard had to sift through.
“As a guitar player if you come up with a little something you want to save it just in case, even though about 90 percent of the time you know it won’t be used. But you keep it because…I don’t know. “
As a music veteran of over 25 years and being in some of rock’s seminal bands (Green River, Mother Love Bone, Temple of the Dog), Gossard doesn’t find it time consuming going through all the files when trying to record a song for an album.
“I never had a problem focusing on a project, whether it is Brad or Pearl Jam, you just get in and listen. I don’t find it hard going back through these pieces of music. I make quick decisions to get things done. I had this record done about five years ago, but as I listened to it then, the album wasn’t a good as I wanted it to be. So I put it back in the cooker again to make sure I had everything I wanted before releasing it.”
For the most part putting out a record is about timing but when you are in the position Gossard is in, one doesn’t have to worry about getting a solo record out or putting one out if at all. But when you are an artist who is always creating, you know when the time is right to showcase your work.
“I just had these moments about everything that were recurring where I would think about these songs I was working on. I would always go back and work on them if the studio was available and work on overdubs, guitar parts or just listen until I got what I wanted.”
To get what he wanted, Gossard enlisted an impressive collections of friends/musicians to play on the album. Moonlander features appearances from Matt Cameron (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden), Matt Chamberlain, Regan Hagar (Brad, Malfunkshun, Satchel), Pete Droge, Brandon Harper, Gregg Keplinger, Keith Lowe, Barbara Ireland (The Fags) and Hans Teuber.
“I have been so fortunate. If I’d look back and thought about the people I’ve played with and got to meet. With all the twists and turns I have been through in my life in music, I am so blessed to play with people like Ed [Pearl Jam frontman Eddie Vedder], Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age or Shawn Smith [Satchel, Pigeonhead, Brad] and the list goes on and on. I am a little bit numb to it because it just seems natural. I don’t know how to explain it…I am truly blessed…I don’t know what I did exactly, but it has been incredible. “
Gossard has always been one to recognize and use his fortunes to help people, communities and the world. Gossard has supported and/or worked with amazing foundations.
“I’ve always been conscious of philanthropy even before the success. It’s about giving back, creating a better place for everyone. It comes in waves for me with my schedule. It’s very important to me. At the end of the year I do what I can to give back and help those people in need. It’s something I’ve been involved with and do it when I can. I wish I had more time to do it on a more consistent basis.”
With his new album Moonlander and his daughter hand in hand, Gossard continues to give back with his music and time, finding the littlest things in life mean the biggest.
“I think my idea of fun these days is the simplest things. Staying with my daughter, going to the beach to throw rocks in the ocean, teaching her how to fish, watch her play…that’s a big night out for me. Hanging out with the wife and my daughter…when you have a kid you can’t be more in love.”
Stone Gossard - Moonlander
A dozen years after his funky first solo album Bayleaf, Pearl Jam guitarist Stone Gossard returns with Moonlander.
The captivating 11 tracks from the album were recorded from 2003-2011. Scouring through his hard drive of old demos and recordings that weren’t used as Pearl Jam or Brad songs, Gossard compiled enough material for Moonlander.
With the help of musicians/friends – Matt Cameron (Pearl Jam, Soundgarden), Matt Chamberlain, Regan Hagar (Brad, Malfunkshun, Satchel), Pete Droge, Brandon Harper, Gregg Keplinger, Keith Lowe, Barbara Ireland (The Fags) and Hans Teuber – the songs show Gossard stretching his legs as a solo artist, and most notably his confident singing voice. In addition, the songs come to life with the help of Floyd Reitsma (Studio Litho engineer), Pete Droge (Executive Producer), and Hans Teuber (multi-instrumentalist and long time Hank Khoir collaborator).
Gossard stays true to his love for funky riffs on the opener “I Want Something Different,” which contains a blistering soulful guitar lead. The title track is a playful homage to Bowie’s Ziggy Stardust-era complete with the bells and whistles in the sound effects. The first single “Both Live” is so infectious you will be singing the chorus (“I gotta go, I gotta swim, I gotta use my fins”) long after the song is over. “Your Flames” and “Battle Cry” are two gorgeous slow burners finding Gossard’s warm vocals envelope you with his storied lyrics.
“I Don’t Want To Go To Bed” starts off slow with janglely guitar strums then catches on with a soaring chorus while “Remain” is a straight-forward story teller ballad. The sleeper hit of Moonlander is the fun, quirky ass-shaking groove of “Witch Doctor.”
Moonlander is a journey in funky quirkiness, Americana, pop, rock and jazz musicianship all wrapped in Gossard’s unique (and somewhat puzzling) song lyrics. In short, Stone Gossard has hit the mark with this one.
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crazy-bi-btch · 2 years
I would love to read one when you’re Penny‘s oldest daughter and Maverick soon found out that living with two teenage girls and they’re mum isn’t the easiest you once come home from a party at 4 am and knocked over you’re Mums plant in the entering hall which got Penny Sitting straight in bed thinking that you’re an housebreaker hitting Mav‘s arm shaking him and telling him to wake up when he’s finally awake he tells her that it was probably just the dog wanting to go back to sleep but when he sees Penny‘s face expression he gets up with a groan putting a shirt on before heading down stairs seeing the knocked over plant and light in the kitchen he asks himself which kind of housebreaker knocks down the plant and then makes himself lunch in the kitchen? When he enters the kitchen you turn around and let fall down you’re sandwich screaming out of shock which not only got Theo to eat the sandwich from the ground in two minutes Penny and Amelia also stand in the kitchen with sleep in they’re eyes Penny is pinching the bridge of her nose thinking what she’s supposed to say about this but decides that it’s the best if you all just go back to sleep and as you’re all in you’re rooms Maverick can’t help but tease her that she can’t really be mad at you as she used to sneak away in the middle of the night to meet with him and they did other things until the morning hours than to party as you walk past they’re room with toothbrush in you’re mouth you can’t help but tell them that they are gross Penny jokingly asks if it’s too late too give you up for adoption he tells her that cleaning up the hard deck for a week should be enough of punishment. Much Love❤️
Nonnie, you have the best idea- I am kinda jealous???😌
Dad!Maverick is such a cute idea, I love it!
question, do you mind if I tweak and add something to this request 😩?
-Dad!Maverick, the reader is Mav's daughter, Penny hid the pregnancy and she's the oldies obvi
-She grew up knowing Mav was her dad but Penny lost contact with Pete, so ya know
-Penny gets married and has the reader's half-sister Amelia (sisters😩❤️)
-Goes through it, rebelling and stuff, likes her stepdad (Amelia's dad) but then obviously Penny and they get a divorce so they end up moving back to Miramar
-Reader decides she wants to go to college; only comes back to help out at the bar with her mom and sister during her breaks ( gets the usual sermon from her mom on how she needs to stay away from the Navy/military men, like who her dad was)
-Before coming back for the summer, Pete shows up for the special assignment, hence Penny sees Pete again.
-Reader comes home and Penny confesses to both that Pete's your dad and Pete finds out
-Both making up lost time and meeting his 'students', protective!Mav of course.
-The reader has a crush on Bob and gets teased by her Dad and mom for the way she gets nervous at the bar when he's there.
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woeiswo · 1 month
I'm starting my day. What's my usual first activity?
How bad do you need to urinate or "piss",
as the first thing when you start the day after you wake up,
as the word is "so specific" to the dickhead shit-disturber.
Does the piss come out of my mouth or out your useless, limp, wet end?
Cut you off of my soul. inverted nigger.
Carve you out of my tree of life or spiritually binding equation and be my own single earthly vessel nigger.
MAYBE smoking a bowl would quench the clinging fires of war. But that is sort of counterproductive to atarting my day. So I suffer because some fat hippo needs to fuck with shit to ensure he's on top of me or ahead of me nigger.
Pretty sure there's a religious story that validates this scorned lover's spat.
Like "daddy" trying to keep me on a blind man's leash or choke chain like a nigger slave.
But I'm an animal. I don't speak or understand words. And yet here I am anyway.
Eat dirt you stupid fucking jock.
I'm not your intervention-brained-and-motivated, mormon chastity police mascot, or your mormon seeing eye dog to guide you, every time you GET LOST.
How was the rest of yesterday?
"nigger"-free or not?
Don't try to tell me what you don't like wire-licking nigger noones going to accommodate your will or comfort zone to align wills or imaginary beliefs with you. you are my enemy nigger.
Two conscious souls or conflicting and fighting, sentient beings do not coexist in one human vessel nigger.
This isn't your mommy's uterus and I'm not your retarded twin brother for you to beat up on, kicking and screaming and fighting, competing over food and territory in mommy's uterus before I'm born.
Oh look, the baby's kicking. Now the baby is retarded because his twin sister was programmed to be an overbearing prenatal bitch before birth.
I think you don't like my perfect words or my perfect closing statements. I look good when my aesthetic looks good. You dont like that nigger.
As if you see my prosperity as a "threat" or competition over somebody's affections or praise in a popularity contest between me and you nigger.
You also think you have the power to fuck with people's things by refusing to ground your circuit and try to force an arc instead of the current going to earth or ground nigger.
Are you a crippled cow crawling on two broken legs and asking me to make good use of this sword on you nigger?
Or did you run out of "evil"? nigger.
Was I supposed to "Pete" or "re-Pete", or make the "EAT DIRT, NIGGER." part redundant by repeating it nigger? Does doing things that sound like Redondo save you from missing the exodus on Noah's Ark to the afterlife nigger?
Do I need to be saved? or do YOU nigger?
As if you're just doing the f u cking child's peepee dance and waiting for me to give you some sense of direction LOST NIGGER.
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crazybigredlove · 2 years
30th August 2013
Dear Pete, 
There was a hint of sheepishness as we sat down to breakfast this morning. As always your mother ensured that there was enough food to cure the problem of world hunger and both Christopher and I avoided eye contact with her as we ate. Reaching for a piece of toast he winked at me and I felt my cheeks blush. Not because he makes my heart race, but because I knew he did it purely for your mum's benefit and he was doing his best to embarrass me and incite her anger response. 
How come you didn't tell him to get therapy? 
"Is that meant to be funny, Christopher?" Her voice is much sterner than the one she usually uses and your father is staring intently down at his plate but not actually eating anything. A weight is suddenly pushing down on me and I realise how this must look from their perspective. Christopher obviously doesn't. Either that or he doesn't care. 
"Not at all, mother." He winks at her and I feel my jaw dropping in horror. 
What are you doing?! 
I want to scream at him, but your parents never respond well to disturbances at a set table. "You know I hate it when you call me that and not everything is a joke, Christopher. If there is something going on between yourself and Olivia then I would like to be informed, right now." Glancing from one to the other she seems so much more intimidating than normal. I drop my eyes. I can't tell what Christopher is doing but I'm sure it's not something that will diffuse the situation. "Oh, you know me. One woman is never enough, but I am overjoyed to have added Liv to my harem." 
"Christopher!" Your mother and I both call in unison. "Relax, both of you. I'm joking. There is nothing going on between Liv and I. We were mucking around last night. We've been doing that since we were four. Why is it suddenly a big deal just because we were laughing in the same room?" He jams another piece of toast in his mouth but no one else at the table is eating. The room is so quiet that I can clearly hear the bread being ground into a pulp within his cheeks. Sighing loudly your father folds his arms on the table and I take that as our cue. "You know, we really should be getting back. Thanks for breakfast, and dinner. And everything really. Chris? Should we go?" He agrees and none of us speaks another word. 
After glaring at us for most of breakfast this morning she sent us home with suffocating hugs and lots of leftovers. She is a complex woman. 
Christopher and I barely spoke on the drive, which he blamed on his head pounding. We were halfway home when your father rang to remind us that we'd forgotten our dog. Turned the car around, greeted and farewelled with more suffocating hugs, but no words. There is more Tupperware stuffed with leftovers handed over and then we were back on the road. 
Even though it was your birthday too, you were the elephant in the room. A big, good-looking, muscly elephant. The photo of both of you still hangs in the dining room: that giant one which you hate and where it's nearly impossible to tell the two of you apart. Though your parents looked up and over at it regularly, neither of them mentioned you. 
Now we're home I'm realising how undeniably stupid it was to let Chris into my room. I'm really making a mess of things right now. As much as I joke about being single and messy, I've never been lost. I always knew exactly who I was. Or so I thought. Now I'm not so sure. 
Liv x 
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
Are you wearing anything red?: Yes. My hoodie is a dark red.
Are you in love with anyone?: I am.
Would you say you’re indecisive?: I don’t know.
Have any plans tomorrow?: Yes! Ellen and I are going to Navy Pier and then maybe swim in the hotel pool and then go eat the Signature Lounge in the John Hancock and then GO SEE JOHN MULANEY.
Have you ever slept in a sleeping bag?: I have.
Are you afraid of clowns?: No.
Do you put sugar in your coffee or tea?: No.
Have you ever played in a creek?: Probably.
What’s your favorite flavor popsicle?: Cherry.
How have you changed in the past year?: I don’t know, ways.
When did you last purchase a dairy product?: The other day at the store.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder?: Not professionally.
Can you whistle?: Yes.
Have you ever accidentally stabbed yourself while cutting something?: Yes.
What was the last lie you told?: Something work related. I do that a lot to keep people off my back lol.
Do you currently have a fan on?: No.
When did you last cuss?: Earlier today.
Do you have anything you’ve been putting off?: Work stuff.
What’s one of your favorite lyrics?: There’s so many.
How many pet dogs have you had in your lifetime?: One.
If you’ve ever carved a pumpkin, do you like doing scary or fun faces?: Both. I usually do Jack from NMBC and a simple face.
How many letters are in your middle name?: Seven.
Which celebrity did you last have a crush on?: Right now my celebrity crushes are all Stranger Things related haha. And also Pete Davidson.
What’s something that encourages you to keep going?: My nieces.
Why did you last have to pause what you were watching or listening to?: I paused BoJack because I wanted to know if Mark heard a funny line from it.  I cannot remember what the hell it was now, though.
Where did you last go grocery shopping? Jewel Osco.
Do you have any air purifiers in your home?: No.
Did you ever enjoy going in arcades as a kid? I did. I loved playing skee ball.
0 notes
SD Peter can be just as manipulative as Erik but he does it in a different way: guilt tripping and puppy dog eyes. He learnt how to apply this when he was first living with Erik. One day, Erik sent him to his room without dinner as a punishment so Peter seeks out Hank, who he knows is the easiest to break. He stands in front of Hank's desk, sniffling with big crocodile tears welling up in his eyes. All Peter has to do is mumble "stummy hurts" and Hank takes him into the kitchen
This!!! Exactly this is spot on!!! Pete figured out early on that allies would be important and that he could use his age to his advantage because no one would suspect a child of manipulation, especially a child like Peter. Cause all the inhabitants of the house were told his soft he was by Erik. Below is a mini Drabble written on this cause I love this observance.
Sweet Dreams Blurb
Peter had been in the house for a couple weeks now. He was scared and he missed his mom, especially when he thought about his rumbling stomach. He wished he was eating her handmade stew right now, if he closed his eyes he could imagine the tang of the onions and the sweetness of the potatoes. His stomach rumbled again in protest.
Erik had sent him to his bed without dinner after Peter failed to grasp how to eat with the proper silverware for the forth time that week. He had roughly pulled him back by his chair and dumped him onto the floor. Peter had scrambled to his feet as he tried not to cry. Knowing it would make his father angrier. Erik was yelling at him and raising his hand up in a warning. Peter had flinched and one of Erik’s men had stepped forward. Suggesting a night without dinner would be more effective than physical discipline.
Peter peeked his eye open to see the same man that has come to his defense it times past. He had noticed that his man seemed to stand up for him more than the others. When he was by his fathers side his punishments they were less serve and he noticed that he often flinched with Peter when it was dealt. Peter had taken notice of this and took it upon himself to find that that mans name was Hank, a researcher and scientist for his fathers “company.”
Peter had asked Hank for things before, little favors and Hank usually complied. Little actions that none of the others would do, Peter had tried but they weren’t as easily swayed as Hank. Peter had noticed that his father used these men and women to get what he wanted, though cruel words and physical threats. Peter had come to realize he could do the same, but with pleading looking and faking innocence.
Peter crawled out of the large bed and snuck out of the door. He quietly tip toed across the carpet, knowing that if anyone other than Hank caught him he’d been done for. He was scared, both of this large house and the inhabitants. But what would happen if his new found trick didn’t work on Hank.
He managed to make it to Hanks room and he softly knocked, coming in when he heard a muffled enter. Hank didn’t bother to turn around, figuring it was either Raven asking about another suppressant injection or one of the others coming to bug him.
He was taken aback when he saw Peter standing by the door, hands clasped in front of him and his head cast downward. A trait that had been instilled into him by Erik. “Peter what are you doing out of your room?” He asked, feigning annoyance.
“I um.” Peter stumbled out, trying his best to play the part he knew Hank saw him as. “I was hungry.”
“Erik sent you up without dinner you should be grateful it wasn’t worse.” Hank chided.
“But.” Peter sniffled, eyes filling with big crocodile tears welling up. “My stomach hurts.”
Peter watched as Hank’s gaze softened and he sighed before standing up and pushing his chair. “Wait here, I’ll get you something.”
Peter nodded, and kept sniffling until Hank left. Then he turned the tears off and a smiled played at the corner of his lips. An interesting thing had just occurred and Peter made a note of the way Hank had bowed to his will. Something changed in Peter that night as he realized he held a power over Hank, one even more powerful than his father. And if he mastered it he might be able to use it against the other. Peter’s smile green a little wider, he could get used to this.
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