#the demigod from asgard
The Demigod From Asgard - Steve Rogers x Reader (Part 56)
Summary: With you and the rest of the team locked in the raft, its up to Steve and Bucky to stop Zemo
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence! ANGST! Secretary Ross! Physical Interrogation tactic!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 56: Mission Report: December 16th 1991
You sat in the corner of your cell, knees brought up to your chest, arms wrapped tightly around your legs, head rested against the wall. You knew that they would take you all to prison, you didn’t expect it to be the Raft.
As soon as you arrived they dragged you into an interrogation room. Demanding information from you. They kept you for hours not caring how tired you were, the collar around you not only draining your powers but your energy levels too.
You remained silent the entire time, trying to not give in to the goading and attempts to unsettle you. However, there was only so much you could take before you snapped.
“I am not telling you a fucking thing!” you growl “So give up this pathetic power parade and move on to-” your words were ripped from your mouth when you felt an electric shock through your neck.
Once it stopped you looked back at the guards who were smirking “oh you like the new upgrade?” He asks holding up a small remote.
“Since we knew how feisty you can get, we thought we’d install something to keep you in line” he explains a sickening grin spreading across his face.
You didn’t say anything, just glared over at the man. He smirked leaning over the table and getting right up into your personal space.
“What’s wrong sugar? Cat got your tongue?” He smirks.
You respond by spitting in his face. He recoils in disgust before slapping you across the face with the back of his hand. You turn your head back towards him smirking victoriously, however it was short-lived when he activated the shock collar once more.
“Crazy bitch, take her back to her cell” he orders as he wipes the spit from his face.
From that point onwards you refused to speak to anyone. Not that you really wanted to. Your mind was still reeling from the events at the airport. Constantly worrying about Steve and Bucky and whether they’d be able to stop the doctor. Worrying about whether Rhodey was okay.
“Finally where you all belong,” Ross says as he walks into the room containing all your cells.
You glance over to see him walking around inspecting all the cells “don’t say I didn’t warn you” he sighs.
He pauses when he reaches your cell “I’ve been told you’ve been difficult for the guards” he says looking down at you.
“Steve will kill you when he finds out you hurt her” Sam warns making Ross look over his shoulder at him.
“I’m not worried about that, soon he’ll be here with you, reunited, maybe if you play your cards right we’ll let you share a cell,” Ross says sending an insincere smile your way.
“Modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, just be glad it didn’t end the same way” Ross smirks.
Ross’s tirade gets interrupted by his phone ringing. As he picks it up you hear him talking about Tony and you feel sick to your stomach. Turning your head away from him and everyone else.
“Hey, you okay?” You heard Sam ask once Ross was gone.
You didn’t answer. You didn’t trust yourself nor your emotions. You knew they were watching you at all times looking for a sign of weakness that they could exploit. Even if yours was Steve, you were damn well sure you wouldn’t let them know that.
“Steve will be okay, he’s not gonna let Ross get to him or Bucky,” Sam tells you.
Hours passed and you still didn’t speak, just listening in to the hushed whispers of your broken team around you. You only looked up when you heard the door open, glancing over you saw Tony making you look straight down unable to look at him.
You hear Clint clapping sarcastically as Tony walked around looking at all of you in your cells.
“The futurist, gentlemen! The futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what’s best for you, whether you like it or not” Clint calls out sarcastically.
“Give me a break Barton” Tony sighs as he walks over “I have no idea they’d put you here, come on”
“Yeah well, you knew they’d put us somewhere Tony” Clint points out.
“Yeah but not some super-max floating ocean pokey,” Tony says glancing around “this place is for maniacs, this place is for…”
“Criminals?” Clint finishes as he stands up “criminals Tony, think that’s the words you’re looking for, right? That didn’t use to mean me or Sam, or Y/N, but here we are”
“Because you broke the law, I didn’t make you” Tony sighed “you read it you broke it, you’re all grown up, you got a wife and kids. I don’t understand, why didn’t you think about them before you chose the wrong side?”
“You gotta watch your back with this guy, there’s a chance he’s gonna break it,” Clint says as Tony walks away towards your cell.
“Hank Pym always said never can trust a Stark,” Scott says as Tony passes past his cell.
“Who are you?” Tony asks simply glancing at Scott as he approached your cell
“Hey,” Tony says when he pauses by your cell.
You don’t respond turning yourself away from him.
“She won’t talk, she hasn’t said a word since we’ve gotten here,” Sam tells Tony.
Tony sighs walking away from your cell and towards Sam’s “how’s Rhodes?” Sam asks when Tony reaches him.
“They’re flying him to Columbia medical tomorrow, so fingers crossed” Tony sighs.
“What do you need? They feed you yet?” Tony asks making Sam scoff.
“You’re the good cop now?” Sam asks him.
“I’m the guy who needs to know where Steve went,” Tony tells him.
“Well, you better go get a bad cop, because you’re gonna have to go Mark Fuhrman on my ass to get information out of me or any of us” Sam states.
“Well I just knocked the A out of their AV, we got about 30 seconds before they realise it’s not their equipment,” Tony says making you look up and over in surprise.
“Just look because that is the fellow who was supposed to interrogate Barnes, clearly I made a mistake, Sam I was wrong” Tony admits.
“That’s a first” Sam remarks.
“Cap is definitely off the reservation but he’s about to need all the help he can get. We don’t know each other very well, you don’t have to...” Tony says before Sam interrupts.
“Hey it’s all right,” Sam says before sighing “look I’ll tell you but you have to go alone and as a friend”
“Easy” Tony agrees.
“It’s a base in Siberia, it's where Bucky was kept when he was the winter soldier, I don’t have the exact coordinates though” Sam sighs.
“61.0137 North, 99.1967 East” you say finally, deciding to trust Tony.
“Thank you, and look I’ll try and get you guys somewhere better once this is all over,” Tony says before heading out.
The rest of you didn’t dare speak, uncertain whether the audio was still knocked out or not. You just hoped you hadn’t made a mistake trusting Tony. You didn’t want to make a bad situation any worse.
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The jet was completely silent. Steve sighed as he thought about you and the rest of the team. He hated that he had to leave you all, he really hated that you stayed too. He wished he fought more and made sure you were beside or in front of him.
He knew what was going to happen. You’d all be arrested and thrown in some jail cell while Ross tried to hunt him down. He knew both Clint and Scott had families, he knew what they’d do to you and Wanda, and he didn’t stop it.
The only thing keeping him from turning the jet around was Bucky and the Doctor. He had to stop the doctor from getting to the other winter soldiers. He had to clear Bucky’s name. It was only after he’d done that, could he help the rest of the team. Either way, he was determined to get you out as soon as he could.
“What’s gonna happen with your friends?” Bucky asks quietly making Steve sigh and shake his head.
“Whatever it is… I’ll deal with it” Steve sighs.
“I don’t know if I’m worth all this Steve” Bucky admits quietly.
Steve sighs looking over his shoulder at bucky “what you did all those years it wasn’t you, you didn’t have a choice” Steve tells him.
“I know” Bucky sighs “but I did it”
“But you didn’t want to, that’s the important thing. You know one of the best things Y/N did for me was to see Steve and Cap as two separate entities. Bucky Barnes and The Winter Solider are not the same person either, never have, never will be” Steve tells him as he looks back out the front of the jet, Bucky not giving him any repose.
A few hours later they arrived at the Siberian base. As they landed Steve could see the truck the doctor must have used. He just hoped they’d arrived with enough time to stop him.
“You can borrow some of Nat’s gear,” Steve tells Bucky nodding to the compartment labelled with her name.
Bucky nods his head opening it and grabbing out a large gun with a sigh. Steve grabs his shield glancing down at the scratch marks now embedded in the metal before slinging it onto his back. Bucky comes to stand beside him as the jet door opens. Steve glances over at him to see the trepidation on his face, a memory from their past popping into his head.
“You remember that time we had to ride back from Rockaway beach in the back of that freezer truck?” Steve asks looking over at Bucky.
“Was that the time we used our train money to buy hot dogs?” Bucky recalls a small smile playing on his lips.
“You blew three bucks trying to win that stuffed bear for a redhead” Steve chuckles.
“What was her name again?” Bucky asks.
“Dolores, you called her Dot,” Steve tells him with a small smile.
“She’s gotta be a hundred years old right now” Bucky chuckles.
“So are we, pal” Steve reminds him with a smile, putting his hand on his shoulder and squeezing it.
Steve then grabs his helmet and puts it on before they make their way out of the jet and towards the base. As they approached the door, they could see that it had been left wide open.
“He can’t have been here more than a few hours,” Steve says.
“Long enough to wake them up” Bucky sighs as they make their way inside.
Once inside Bucky led Steve over to the elevator that would take them down into the base. As the elevator descended Steve looked over at Bucky to see his jaw clenched. Steve gives him a nod to ensure he was okay, the memories of this place no doubt haunting him.
Once the elevator stopped they moved out gun and shield at the ready. Bucky led Steve through the base, checking every corridor to ensure there wasn’t someone waiting to pounce.
As they began to climb some stairs their heard a large thud behind them. Steve quickly turned around, shield held up protecting the both of them. Bucky’s gun was trained on the door that was slowly opening.
“You ready?” Steve asks.
“Yeah” Bucky responds.
To their surprise it was neither the doctor nor the winter soldiers, it was Tony in his Iron man suit. Steve cautiously lowered his shield as Tony began to walk over.
“You seem a little defensive” Tony comments.
“It’s been a long day,” Steve says as he walks over.
“At ease soldier I’m not currently after you” Tony calls out over to Bucky.
“Then why are you here?” Steve questions.
“Could be your story’s not so crazy, maybe” Tony shrugs “Ross has no idea I’m here I’d like to keep it that way, otherwise I gotta arrest myself”
“Well that sounds like a lot of paperwork,” Steve says before full lowering his shield.
“And I usually leave all that to you,” Tony says making Steve let out a huff of a laugh
“It’s good to see you Tony,” Steve says nodding over to Tony.
“Me too cap” Tony agrees before looking over at Bucky “hey Manchurian candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here you can drop”
Steve gestures over to Bucky, reassuring him that it was okay.
“Right then let’s go hunt this so-called doctor down” Tony sighs.
The three of them continue making their way through the large baes. Tony using his suit to search out for heat signatures.
“How did you know we were here?” Steve asks him quietly.
“Y/N told me” Tony answers glancing over his shoulder at him.
“How is she?” Steve asks.
“She’s okay, quiet but okay,” Tony tells him, Steve nodding his head in understanding.
As they round a corner the corridor opens up into a much larger room “I got heat signatures” Tony announces.
“How many?” Steve asks.
“Uh, one” Tony says as he continues to scan.
As they step into the room the lights turn on the reveal the chambers and the winter soldiers still inside them. Steve glances around confused, he would have expected them to be activated by now.
“If it’s any comfort, they died in their sleep,” Zemo says over the speakers.
As they walk further into the room Steve was able to see the bullet wounds in each of the soldier’s heads.
“Did you really think I wanted more of you? I’m grateful to them though they brought you here” Zemo continues the light in the room turning on to illuminate his face.
Steve instantly throws his shield at the glass, but it bounces off without even making a scratch.
“Please Captain, the soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets,” Zemo says with a condescending tone.
“I’m betting I could beat that” Tony calls out as the three of them start walking over.
“Oh I’m sure you could Mr Stark, given time, but then you’d never know why you came” Zemo points out.
“You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us here?” Steve asks as he walks right up to the window to face Zemo.
“I’ve thought about nothing else for over a year, I studied you, I followed you, but now that you’re standing here, I just realised there’s a bit of green in the blue of your eyes, how nice to find a flaw” Zemo smiles.
At that moment Steve’s mind went to you. The memory of you smiling, cupping his cheek as you told him about the green flecks in his eyes, and how much you loved them. Pushing the thought back Steve focused on Zemo, recognising his accent.
“You’re Sokovian, is that what this is about?” Steve asks.
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell, no, I’m here because I made a promise,” Zemo tells him.
“You lost someone?” Steve asks knowing the death toll in Sokovia was much higher than in their other battles.
“I lost everyone” Zemo spits “and so will you”
Steve watches as Zemo hits a button and the computer screen beside Steve flickers to life. He glances over at Zemo unsure as to what he was doing.
“An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbled from within? That’s dead. Forever” Zemo says as Steve and Tony walked over to the monitor.
Tony doing a double take “I know that road” he mutters “what is this?” He then shouts out to Zemo.
Zemo doesn’t answer and when Steve looks back at the screen, he sees a car appear in the shot. Crashing into a nearby tree. Someone on a motorbike then appears pulling up behind the car.
Steve glances over at Bucky starting to put the pieces together. He knew that Tony’s parents died in a car crash in ’91. He remembered how Zola told him that it wasn’t an accident. He had hoped it wasn’t Bucky, but the footage was telling him otherwise.
Steve could hear Maria calling out to Howard. Howard looked up at Bucky as he held onto his head before Bucky punched him hard enough to kill him. Dragging his lifeless body back to the car before rounding it to kill Maria.
Steve glanced over at Tony as the video ended with a clear shot of Bucky shooting the camera. He could see the rage building inside him. In all the years of knowing Tony and all the arguments they had, Steve had never seen him this angry.
Steve grabs hold of him as he goes to make a move on Bucky “No Tony” he says holding him back.
Tony looks back over at him before meeting his eyes “did you know?” Tony says his voice filled with anger, barely above a whisper.
Steve pauses for a moment trying to find the right words, to still be honest but not make the situation worse.
“I didn’t know it was him,” he tells him.
It technically was true. Steve didn’t know for certain that it was Bucky until that moment, he had always suspected it though.
“Don’t bullshit me Rogers, did you know?” Tony hisses catching Steve out in his white lie.
“Yes” Steve admits, and Tony pushes himself away, looking over at Steve completely betrayed.
Tony drops his head nodding slightly and for a moment Steve thought that maybe his anger wouldn’t get the better of him. Meaning he didn’t expect the uppercut that sent him tumbling backwards to the floor.
As he gets back up, he can see Tony pinning Bucky down, aiming his gauntlet at his face. Steve quickly throws his shield at Tony, distracting him enough to allow Steve to run over and push him back off of bucky.
Tony quickly recovers flying back towards Steve and knocking him back. As he hit the ground Tony fired restraints at his ankles pinning his feet together. He quickly sat up spotting Tony and bucky fighting, Tony aimed a small projectile at Bucky but he moves his arm, so it misses hitting the side of the bunker causing part of it to collapse.
Steve manages to free himself from the restraints and runs back over dodging the falling debris. Once it had all settled, he spotted Tony had been pinned down by some of it while he and Bucky remained free.
“Get out of here!” Steve shouts over to Bucky.
Bucky thankfully listens and starts running. When Steve spots Tony following him jumps in the way stopping him. The blast roof above them and Steve sees Tony prepare to fly up. Knowing he wouldn’t be able to catch up to him Steve tried one last attempt to negotiate with him.
“It wasn’t him Tony,” Steve tells him “Hydra had control of his mind!”
“Move!” Tony shouts.
“It wasn’t him!” Steve argues back grabbing Tony’s foot as he flew past.
As he held Tony back, he hit the bottom of his foot with his shield trying to disable the thrusters. Tony however manages to get free using a laser to block the passage behind him.
Cursing to himself he ran back and started climbing after Bucky, using all of his strength to climb as fast as he could. He manages to get there just as Tony fired a projectile at Bucky, using his shield to protect the both of them, and blasting Tony back and down the cavern.
“He’s not gonna stop, go,” Steve says to Bucky as he helps him up.
Bucky nods before jumping onto the platform above them. Steve turns back towards Tony grabbing the grappling hook from his belt. He then jumps down firing it at Tony as he passed, managing to loop it around the neck, dragging Tony down with him.
They managed to fall a good distance but stop when Tony hit a platform, the grappling hook coming loose. Steve throws his shield trying to stop Tony from firing but Tony hits it away and it falls down the gap to the floor below.
Unable to do anything Steve watches as Tony fires a missile at the hinge to the blast roof, causing it to fall back down and block Bucky’s escape. Tony flies up and grabs hold of Bucky, putting him in a chokehold. As Tony steps off the platform to fly Bucky down to the floor Steve jumps out tackling them mid-air. A tactic that works to get Tony to drop Bucky but leaves Steve and Tony falling to the ground.
Steve groans as he hits the floor rolling for a moment before coming to a stop. He pushes himself up onto his feet turning to see Tony standing on the level above him.
“This isn’t gonna change what happened,” Steve says as he catches his breath.
“I don’t care, he killed my mom” Tony mutters, venom dripping in his voice.
Tony then flies over to tackle Steve but Steve punches him away. The two of them exchange blows. Steve tries his best to disable Tony’s suit while also pulling his punches. Despite everything, he didn’t want to hurt Tony.
Tony manages to flip Steve onto his back and starts trying to punch him, Steve barely moving his head out of the way each time. Tony managed to land a couple of punches. Tony however is soon pushed off of Steve as Bucky hits him in the back with Steve’s shield.
With the two of them, they manage to get the upper hand over Stark, even getting him down onto his knees. But Tony manages to blast Steve in the stomach blasting him back into the wall and onto the floor. This wasn’t the first time Tony had done this in the years of knowing each other, but this was the first time he’d used full capacity.
Steve lay there groaning as he slowly managed to push himself up, his body telling him to stop but he wasn’t going to. Not while Bucky was still in danger. As he got to his knees his vision was still slightly blurred as he saw Bucky try and pull the arc reactor out of Tony’s suit. He blinked, his vision clearing as Tony blasted Bucky back, blasting his metal arm completely off. As Bucky pushed himself up onto his knees Tony blasted him in the back knocking him back down.
Steve felt rage build up inside and he pushed himself to his feet and ran over, using his shield to protect himself from the blasts. Steve manages to push Tony back against the wall and tries to continue what bucky started, to disarm the arc reactor and stop Tony. Steve landed punch after punch, hitting Tony with his shield.
As he went to hit Tony once more, Tony reacted grabbing Steve’s shield and startling Steve. Taking advantage of the fact Steve was distracted Tony blasted Steve’s shield out of his hand before blasting him back across the room. Steve had only just gotten to his feet when Tony attacked again. Tony punched him across the face soon followed by an uppercut, finishing with a blast to the stomach knocking Steve to his knees.
“He’s my friend,” Steve says as he looked back up at Tony panting.
“So was I” Tony muttered before punching him twice across the jaw.
Steve coughed, spitting up blood before Tony grabbed him and threw him into the nearby pillars.
“Stay down, final warning,” Tony tells him as Steve pushes himself up slowly using the pillar as support.
Steve raises his fist, a little unsteady on his feet as he prepared himself “I could do this all day” he pants.
Tony raises his gauntlet but before he has a chance to fire Bucky grabs hold of his leg distracting him. Tony turns to kick bucky in the head, and as he does Steve grabs hold of Tony lifting him above his head. He throws Tony to the ground before climbing on top to pin him down.
He punches Tony on the head, part of the helmet breaking as he does so. He then grabs his shield to use that instead, before ripping the mask off of Tony’s face. Steve raises his shield one last time and brings it down on the arc reactor. Stopping as he feels the suit power down, pushing himself off of Tony.
As he stands he pulls his shield out of Tony’s suit and puts it back on his arm. He gives Tony one last look before walking over to Bucky, and pulling him up from the ground.
“That shield doesn’t belong to you, you don’t deserve it, my father made that shield!” Tony calls out as Steve walks away.
Steve pauses in his steps, his mind clearing. He knew after all of this there was no way he could be a free man anymore. He would spend the rest of his life on the run. Steve Rogers was a criminal, but Captain America wasn’t. And it was true, Howard made this shield, who better to leave it with than his son? Steve had no use for it anymore, he was done being Captain America.
He let out a deep sigh before dropping the shield. The sound of the metal hitting the ground reverberated around them. He glanced over at Bucky before carrying him out of the building and back to the jet. Unsure where to go next.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!  
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Do any of you ever wonder if Camp Half-Blood accidentally brought in a demigod of a different pantheon before?
This would be especially hilarious if it happens sometime after The Last Olympian/Heroes of Olympus, where the gods are required to claim their kids quickly.
A whole day passes, and the new demigod needs to sleep in the Hermes Cabin and Percy is furious. Meanwhile, the Greek Gods are pointing at each other and shouting, contacting the most obscure of mini gods. Chaos erupts on Olympus as every deity in Greek Mythology is called upon and interrogated. Hermes hasn't run around so much in centuries.
Hecate sits in silence, fully aware of what's happening, but enjoying the show too much to intervene.
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archgabrielangel · 7 months
I would not at all mind another Demigod Diaries. I want to read more about all the characters who didnt get alot of book time. like, you're telling me Ethan didn't write a diary?? or Silena???? like, not even Clarrise?? and it doesn't even stop at demigods. Carter Kane totally kept a diary so he wouldn't forget a single detail of his time at Brookyln House. he would write about anything that he didn't put in the recording. and Sadie??? there is no way she DIDNT write about Walt non stop. or Samirah!!!! she definitely wrote in a diary to relieve stress and talk about her double life. Blitz probably kept a diary to write down ideas for his shop!! like dude!!! there's so much to work with!!!!
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fandom · 1 year
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Vampires and lesbian necromancers and demigods, oh my!
Percy Jackson & The Olympians +2 by Rick Riordan
Dracula by Bram Stroker
The Harry Potter series -2 by J.K. Rowling
The Locked Tomb series +6 by Tamsyn Muir
The Warrior Cats series -1 by Erin Hunter
A Song of Ice and Fire +7 by George R.R. Martin
Six Of Crows -5 by Leigh Bardugo
The All for the Game series -3 by Nora Sakavic
Pride And Prejudice -3 by Jane Austen
The Silmarillion +1 by J.R.R. Tolkien
The Secret History -2 by Donna Tartt
King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo
A Court of Thorns and Roses series -6 by Sarah J. Maas
The Folk of the Air series -2 by Holly Black
The Trials of Apollo series -1 by Rick Riordan
The Discworld series +4 by Terry Pratchett
The Raven Cycle series -1 by Maggie Stiefvater
The Picture Of Dorian Gray +6 by Oscar Wilde
Maus by Art Spiegelman
The Song Of Achilles -5 by Madeline Miller
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
The Simon Snow series -1 by Rainbow Rowell
The Shadowhunter Chronicles -1 by Cassandra Clare
The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice
If We Were Villains +3 by M. L. Rio
Wings Of Fire -1 by Tui T. Sutherland
The Last Hours Series by Cassandra Clare
The Animorph series +8 by K. A. Applegate
The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn
The Iliad +10 by Homer
Red, White, and Royal Blue -13 by Casey McQuiston
The Stormlight Archive series -9 by Brandon Sanderson
1984 +8 by George Orwell
Wuthering Heights +8 by Emily Brontë
The Twilight Saga -3 by Stephanie Meyer
The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton
Romeo And Juliet +1 by William Shakespeare
The Great Gatsby -12 by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Dark Artifices -2 by Cassandra Clare
The Captive Prince series -21 by C. S. Pacat
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard -8 by Rick Riordan
The Fowl Adventures series -8 by Eoin Colfer
The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater
The Wicked Powers +1 by Cassandra Clare
The Odyssey by Homer
The Throne Of Glass Series -17 by Sarah J. Maas
Renegades by Marisa Meyer
The Infernal Devices -9 by Cassandra Clare
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde -3 by Robert Louis Stevenson
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
The number in italics indicates how many spots a title moved up or down from the previous year. Bolded titles weren’t on the list last year.
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raepritewrites · 10 months
maybe it's my freaky good memory for my special interests, maybe i just dont have anything better to think about, or maybe its that ive been in this fandom for too long and i am now a Wisen Elder but it seems like i come across a lot of posts or questions from demigods who dont know lore thats been known for a long while and im genuinely curious
No judgment if you haven't, and hey im not here to gatekeep. I am always down to gush about this series so if you have questions hit up my dms and ill answer
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divkazkdovikde · 4 months
the ultimate guide
percy jackson and the olympians
the demigod diaries: the diary of luke castellan (takes place 5 years before the lightning thief)
- the lightning thief
- the sea of monsters
- the titan’s curse
- the battle of the labyrinth
the demigod files: percy jackson and the stolen chariot
the demigod files: percy jackson and the bronze dragon
the demigod files: percy jackson and the sword of hades
- the last olympians
the demigod diaries: percy jackson and the staff of hermes
the heroes of olympus
the prophecy of the seven, the whole gang
- the lost hero
the demigod diaries: leo valdez and the quest for buford
- the son of neptune
- the mark of athena
the demigod diaries: son of magic (non-canonical, contradictory to the events in the house of hades and the blood of olympus)
- the house of hades
- the blood of olympus
percy jackson and the chalice of the gods
6th book of percy jackson and the olympians, taking place after the events of the blood of olympus, and before the trials of apollo
+ more to be announced, 7th book of pjo: the wrath of the tripple goddes, release date 24/9/2024
the trials of apollo
- the hidden oracle
- the dark prophecy
- the burning maze
- the tyrant’s tomb
- the tower of nero
supplementary works:
- camp half-blood confidential (background facts about CHB)
- camp jupiter justified (story of claudia)
the sun and the star
takes place after the events of the tower of nero, nico and will’s book
the kane chronicles
in the same universe as chb chronicles, takes place around the same time as heroes of the olympus
- the red pyramid
- the throne of fire
- the serpent’s shadow
supplementary works:
- survival guide
- brooklyn house magician’s manual
demigods and magicians
percy jackson and the kanes crossover, shortstories
- the son of sobek
- the staff of serapis
- the crown of ptolemy
magnus chase and the gods of asgard
in the same universe as chb chronicles and the kane chronicles, takes place around the same time as the trials of apollo
- the sword of summer
- the hammer of thor
- the ship of the dead
supplementary works:
- hotel valhalla: guide to the norse words
- 9 from the nine worlds
alright, that’s a wrap, i’m currently rereading the whole percy jackson, (halfway through the blood of olympus now, hehehe), and the only reason why i made this is because i’m a big nerd deep in my heart and needed to do this for my sake and my sake only. i also have insomnia, it’s like 2am rn. but you guys can use this guide too, i’m nice like that
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tickles-in-ficland · 1 year
Summary: Y/N tries to avoid getting homework done by bugging two Demigods. It doesn’t go in her favor…or does it 😉
Word Count: 2,088
Pairings: Ler!Thor Ler!Loki Lee!Reader
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You were bored. With everyone on missions or spending time with their families, you needed some entertainment. Being the youngest on the team along with Parker, Stark was making you stay home this weekend and finish homework. Even being an Avenger, school was still important. You argued and insisted that you attend the mission but Stark had the final word.
You’d been “working” on your homework for an hour and decided to take a break and wander the compound. You thought, minus maybe Pepper who was usually in her office you’d be alone. Much to your surprise you saw two demigods sitting in the lounge area. Your lips curled up into a smile. They hadn’t seen you enter the room and you figured you’d sneak up and spook the brothers.
Before you could take a step, without looking up from his book you heard Loki speak.
“There’s no use in trying to sneak up on us Y/N. I know you’re behind me.”
“Ugh! No fair Loki.” you pouted crossing your arms. “How’d you even know I was there?”
“Darling.” Loki scoffed as he closed his book and turned his head to look at you. “You’re talking to the God of Mischief. You can’t get anything past me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you looked over at Thor who wore an amused smirk on his face.
“He is unfortunately right young Y/N. Even as kids, I could never best him.” Thor chucked. “But it matters not because you shouldn’t even be down here. Didn’t Stark order you to finish your school work?”
“I uh, decided to take a break.” you said clearing your throat. “Needed to get some air and all that.”
“Ah.” Thor nodded, not entirely convinced by your answer. “Well my brother and I will be here should you need us. Back to it.”
Your eyes widened in realization. “Wait a minute! Stark kept you guys from the mission to be my BABYSITTERS?”
“I wouldn’t put it that way exactly…” Thor started but glancing over at Loki who was clearly amused by your reaction, spoke up.
"Oh I would." he said with a deep chuckle. “Yes. Stark asked us to make sure you did as you were told. Seeing as last time you were left unattended you did not finish your school work and failed an assignment.”
Your pout only furthered more at Loki’s words. “I’m not a baby. I don’t need to be watched.” you said with a stomp of your foot, digging your metaphorical hole deeper.
The brothers both raised an eyebrow in amusement. You huffed, knowing you’d proven their point.
“Okay fine. But I do need a break. I’m bored up there. Can I hang out with you guys for a little while. Pleeeeease?” you asked looking between the two with the biggest puppy dog eyes you could muster.
Going over to Thor, who you knew was the softie of the two, you wrapped your arms around his big torso and looked up at him. “Please Thor? We don’t hang out enough. We are always off doing missions or you guys go back to Asgard and I miss you.”
Thor looked down at you with a soft smile as he stroked your hair gently. The brothers had grown quite fond of you since you’d joined the team. Being the youngest of them, they felt protective of you like big brothers. The world was harsh and it didn’t hurt to have two demigods on your side. You knew Thor was a pushover, it would be Loki that would be the tough one to crack.
“Brother.” Thor said putting his arm around you affectionately. “Why don’t we let the young maiden take a break from her studies? Surely it won’t hurt to take some time to enjoy the company.”
Loki’s eyes narrowed you, his hands on his hips. He pinched the bridge of his nose before letting out a sigh of defeat. “Fine. But only for a short while. I don’t want to deal with Stark when he comes home and Y/N has yet to finish her school work.”
“YAY!” you cheered throwing your arms around Loki.
Not expecting the sudden impact, Loki stumbled a bit but gave you a small pat on the shoulder. He wasn’t much for affection like his brother, but you knew he cared for you nevertheless.
“I mean it Y/N.” he chastised. “Only a short break and then you are to return to your studies. Understood?”
“Yeah yeah sure.” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand.
Sure enough, you break went by entirely too quick. You were curled up on the couch, watching tv with your head on Thor’s shoulder when suddenly the tv clicked off.
“Hey!” you shouted looking over at Loki who shrugged. “What gives?”
“Breaks over. As agreed, it is time to go back upstairs. Should you need assistance with your work, you may call one of us and we will do what we can. We are fairly well versed in Midgardian studies. But until then, off you go.”
“No.” you said confidently crossing your arms.
“I’m sorry. What did you say?” Loki asked closing his book and looking at you incredulously.
“You heard me.” you snarked back, folding your arms once again in defiance. “I said no. N-O spells no.”
You heard Thor snort laugh behind you. He knew how this was going to end but you were digging your own grave and he was enjoying himself.
Loki scoffed a laugh before standing up and approaching the couch, where you and Thor sat.
“Y/N….” Loki said in a warning tone. “This isn’t going to end well for you darling. I’d stop while you’re ahead.”
“I don’t want to do my school work today. Maybe tomorrow.” you said reaching for the remote only to have it disappear in a green flash.
“Hey! Not fair. You can’t use magic to hide things.”
“Oh well.” he shrugged while a smile tugged at his lips. “Off you go.” he said reaching for your hand only for you to shake your head.
“I said no Loki.”
Loki sighed. “Then you leave me no choice.” he said with a fake pained expression on his face.
“For whAT?” you let out a squeak as Loki tackled you to the couch and with little effort had pinned your hands to your sides.
“Lohoki! What the hehell?!” you said nervous giggles building in your chest.
“I’m going to make you regret telling me no. Stark said to use whatever method we needed, to make sure you were not going to skip your schooling. This seems like a great way to do so.”
Opening your mouth to protest was cut short as you felt ten fingers find purchase on your sides. Sporadic giggles began to escape your lips as you tried to twist and turn away from the tickly feeling.
“Lohohoki!” you squealed as his nimble fingers worked their way up your sides.
Loki’s dark chuckle told you that he wasn’t stopping anytime soon.
“Brother, if you wouldn’t mind I could use some assistance.” Loki chided. “The young maiden is quite squirmy.”
“Certainly, dear brother.” you heard Thor chuckle behind you.
You felt slight weight in your shoulders and looked up to see the flowy blonde hair hair dangling above your face, Thor grinning at you through it.
“Thohohor! Hehelp!”
Thor smiled affectionately at you. “I would count myself a fool to challenge my brother. A lesson you dear Y/N have yet to learn.” He chuckled before fluttering his fingers along your neck, eliciting more squeals as you shook your head trying to evade his fingers.
Loki leaned forward toward your face. “Now darling. Are we going to behave now and do as Stark has requested or shall we continue this?” he asked halting his fingers for a few moments.
You took in deep breaths at the momentary reprieve. Truthfully you didn’t hate it. No one really knew but you had a feeling the Asgardian was catching on.
You smirked at the God of Mischief, playfulness dancing in your eyes. The twinkle in your eye caught Loki’s attention and a full grin spread across his face.
“You like this. Don’t you, young one? It’s why you’re being so defiant. You wanted this to happen.” he said starting to snake his fingers up your rib cage, bubbly giggles once again pouring from your lips.
“I do not understand.” You heard Thor question behind you.
As if you weren’t apart of the conversation, Loki continued his tickle attack. Your infectious laughter ringing through the room as you weakly batted at his hands.
“Have you not noticed, that our young friend here has not asked me to stop once? She has been given opportunity to yield and yet she responds with words she knows will get her in trouble?” Loki asked. “She LIKES this. She WANTED this. Isn’t that right little one?” Loki questioned you, his nimble fingers now reaching under your arms, arguably your worse spot.
“LOHOHOKIHIHI!” your hard belly laughter raising several octaves. Pushing on his hands did nothing. He was a God after all and his strength was no match for yours. “PLEHEHEASE! GAHAHAH!” your legs kicked wildly behind him.
Thor smirked as he too realized. “Ah. I see now. She’s yet to ask either of us to stop. Is that right Y/N? You enjoy the tickles, do you not?” Thor chuckled as his fingers made contact with your neck once again, a scream of laughter erupting from you.
Your cheeks a bright crimson color as you turned your head trying to avoid eye contact as the two Asgardians tickled you mercilessly.
“Come on darling. Just admit it. You like this.” Loki teased.
“Very well.” Thor sighed jokingly. “Brother, if you will.” he said gesturing for Loki to step aside. “Hold her please.”
“Nonono! Thohohor!” you squealed your eyes pleading.
In an instant, the two brothers had switched places with Loki now holding you down with little effort as Thor positioned himself at your waist.
“Now then.” Thor continued “Is my brother correct in his assumptions?”
You bit your lip to bite back a giggle. “Mahahaybe.” you admitted closing your eyes in embarrassment.
“Hehey!” Thor’s deep laugh rang through the room. “Look at me Y/N.”
When your eyes remained shut, Thor dug his fingers deep in your hip, causing a boisterous laughter to come out. You peaked at him with one eye and saw him looking at you with a gentle smile.
“It is nothing to be embarrassed by. Actually, it is adorable. Don’t you agree brother?” he asked looking at Loki who remained sitting at your head, occasionally fluttering his fingers in your neck.
“Indeed it is brother. What I don’t understand is why she shields her enjoyment of it.”
You sighed but a small smile played on your lips. Thor and Loki had released their hold on you, allowing you to sit up.
“Because. It’s not something most people enjoy. I grew up an only child. My parents worked all the time. I wasn’t given affection much as a child. And then…” you continued. “The…thing happened to me and I became a part of this team, this…family and for the first time I felt like I had brothers and sisters and… friends.” you stopped for a moment wiping your eyes.
“Heyyy.” Thor said pulling you to his chest and rubbing your shoulder. “It’s okay. It’s okay to want affection. As a young child you were deprived of what you craved most. It is natural to want that.”
“I hate to agree with my brother.” Loki chimed in which made you let out a muffled laugh in the crook of Thor’s shoulder. “But he is right. And if you need us to step in and be your big brothers, then that is what we shall be.”
You sighed in relief this time, a smile, a real smile this time gracing your face. “Thank you both. I really was bored though.”
“Well then.” Loki chuckled as he patted your shoulder. “We have been distraction enough. As agreed it’s time to return to your studies.”
You looked at him with a slight pout, twiddling your thumbs. “Would um…could you…” you asked embarrassed still.
“She wants us to continue brother.”
Thor grinned at you. “And what kind of big brothers would we be if we said no?” he asked before tackling you on the couch again, your deep laughter once again echoing through the room, your honorary big brothers tickling you to pieces.
Your homework long forgotten.
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luvmattmurdock · 5 months
perfect sense part 2; pietro maximoff
pietro maximoff x stark!reader
“Keep reminding me that it ain’t a race, when my invisible streak turns onto the final straight”
word count; 1.3k
warnings; drinking, no pietro mentioned, pretty much a transition chapter.
main masterlist. series masterlist. taglist.
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"Miss Stark?" the robotic voice coming from J.A.R.V.I.S. interrupted your investigation. "Mr. Stark ordered me to tell you that you must go get ready in your room for the party."
“Alright then” You turned off the monitor you were working on, annoyed, mainly at the fact that you couldn’t find anything interesting about these altered people, but also at your father for forcing you to go to the party. 
When you got to your room, you went straight to the shower, it had been a long day.
You tried to just forget what had happened at the Stucker base, mainly the vision that girl had projected in your mind, and decided to enjoy the party. 
You came out of the shower with one towel on your body and another one covering your hair. You chose a simple black dress and matching heels, put on some makeup and grabbed your sweater. After looking one last time in the mirror, you left your room. When you finally got down, the party had already started. Banner was at the bar with Nat, Thor was with some of Tony's guests bragging about his alien liquor. Cap was with your father and Rhodes, who appeared to be telling a story that was seemingly supposed to be funny, but neither of the other men were laughing.
You sat on the couch as you grabbed a drink, hoping your father wouldn’t see you. He still  didn't think it was a good idea for you to drink alcohol, although you legally could. After a while, most of the guests had left. The team was sitting on the couches. You were next to Clint, who was looking at Thor's hammer, curiously, on the table.
"Let me see if I understand," he said, looking at him. "Are you the only one who can lift it?"
"Not exactly," Thor smiled. "If you are worthy, you’ll lift it."
"Are you telling me that if I lift it, I will be worthy?" Barton said, standing up. "Will I rule Asgard if I lift it?"
Thor laughed.
"Of course," stated the demigod.
"Perfect," said Barton, grabbing the handle of the hammer. He groaned as he tried to pull it from the table, emphasis on tried.
There were two more attempts until Clint gave up. You chuckled at the image.
"I'm sorry, friend," said Thor, "you are not worthy."
"I want to try it," your father said, leaving his drink on the table. He turned around and you grabbed his drink taking a quick sip. Nat looked at you, smiling, clearly amused.
Tony tried it first with just his hand, failed, and then decided to try with the suit's hand, also failed. He called Rhodes to help him with the hand of his suit too. But, guess what, they also failed. You laughed quite a bit when your father sat down, obviously mad.
“Oh so you’re laughing” he pointed at you. “If you think it’s so funny, you should try.”
“Sorry, it’s just that I don’t want to humiliate you in front of all your friends.” You joked. In reality, you were just too tired to engage, knowing that you would actually humiliate yourself.
Then it was Banner's turn, who let out an embarrassing scream that became even more embarrassing when he wasn’t able to grab the hammer.
Then it was Steve's turn. He stood up and grabbed the hammer by the handle. And he pulled.
Thor's face when he saw that Steve had lifted the corner of the hammer was hilarious. He went pale and his eyes were wild. But Steve dropped the hammer wearily. He smiled apologetically.
"Couldn’t make it," he said and sat down.
"I'm sorry, friends, but I only translate this as one thing," Thor took the hammer without any effort. "You are not worthy."
You rolled your eyes, Thor’s cockiness almost convinced you to try, just to see if you could prove him wrong.
As you were about to stand up, a robotic voice spoke.
"Worthy?" A completely deteriorated Iron Legion robot advanced with difficulty towards the team. “How could any of you be worthy when you are nothing but murderers?" 
"J.A.R.V.I.S," your father said, "Turn off the iron legion.” No response.
“It was dark” the robot continued talking. “And it was covered in threads...in threads. I had to kill the other one, he seemed like a good guy. I didn't want to hurt him, not really. But sometimes the right thing is not the good thing,” he said. 
You were confused. Who had he killed?
"What are you?" Steve asked the robot.
A recording began to play. It was your father and Dr. Banner talking.
"What is it supposed to be? Its purpose, I mean."
"Ultron will be a program to promote world peace"
The recording stopped.
“That was dramatic. I'm sorry, I know your intentions are good. You want to save the world but you don’t want it to change. How can you save humanity if you don't let it evolve? With these puppets?” he says, taking one of Tony's androids that were slowly getting closer.
“There is only one path to peace, the extinction of the Avengers.”
Then Thor's hammer slammed into the robot, breaking it into pieces. However, the voice continued speaking, but through another android.
It seemed that Ultron, if that was his name, was transporting through the network, making him able to control the Iron Legion and speak through them.
The robots began to attack you, thanks a lot Thor, so you ran towards a clearer space, making sure you had multiple places to run to in case anything went wrong, and began launching rays of golden light from your hand, these collided with the androids, reducing them to ashes. Finally, after a lot of broken glass and a few scratches, the Ultron robot went out the window.
“Tony!” Steve shouted from the lab. “What the hell did you do?”
Your father shivered.
“I thought I knew what I had done, Banner and I thought so.” He paused, moving his eyes from the floor to Steve. “But well, as you could see, we obviously didn't know what we were creating.”
"What were you even trying to do?" You asked, frowning in a mix of confusion and frustration. You thought a lot of things of your father, but stupid was certainly not one. Tony sighed but avoided your gaze. You knew he was embarrassed, but he would never admit it in front of the team.
“Just imagine this, us on a beach. Tanning ourselves.” Your dad said. “Vacations, during our times?” It was a stupid idea.You knew it was a stupid idea. But you couldn’t help understand where he was coming from. "I just wanted an armour that could cover the world."
"That's what we are here for," said Cap. You all nodded, except for Banner and Tony. "We'll stop him, together."
"You heard it, it will destroy us," Tony said.
“Then he will destroy us together.” You cringed at the corniness of what Steve just said.
"Did he say he had killed someone?" You asked, remembering what he had said. “No one else was in the building.”
"Oh, there was a… something," your father said. Suddenly, in the middle of the room, the program where J.A.R.V.I.S worked, where he used to exist, appeared.
Banner approached, putting on his glasses, as he warily observed the image.
“He said he didn't want to hurt him, not really. But look at this, this wasn't protection or anything like that. This is anger," Bruce said. You nodded, feeling pretty bad. J.A.R.V.I.S may have been a program, but he was a great friend.
“We have to stop him, and soon.”
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sothisisablog · 4 months
Reading order of Rick Riordan’s books
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
The Lightning Thief
Sea of Monsters
Titan’s Curse
Battle of the Labyrinth
The Last Olympian
The Kane Chronicles*
*technically set during the last couple books of PJO
The Red Pyramid
The Throne of Fire
The Serpent’s Shadow
Heroes of Olympus
The Lost Hero
Son of Neptune
Mark of Athena
House of Hades
Blood of Olympus
Chalice of the Gods*
*First book of a new trilogy that has not fully released.
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard*
*Technically set during the first couple ToA books.
The Sword of Summer
The Hammer of Thor
The Ship of the Dead
Trials of Apollo
The Hidden Oracle
The Dark Prophecy
The Burning Maze
The Tyrant’s Tomb
The Tower of Nero
The Sun and the Star
Companion Novels
Camp Half-Blood Confidential
Camp Jupiter Classified
Demigod Diaries
Demigod Files
Demigods and Magicians
The Ultimate Guide
Greek Heroes
Greek Gods
The Kane Chronicles Survival Guide
Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse World
9 from the Nine Worlds
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sawyer-is-not-my-name · 9 months
Requested: Jason Grace x Prince of Asgard Reader
requested by @writerofthewinds
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I changed it up a little towards the end, but I hope you enjoy it!
“Wait- So you’re the prince of Asgard?” you nodded at your boyfriend Jason. You could tell he still had a bunch of questions, “look who I am, doesn’t change anything between us.” You gently grabbed his hand, offering him a soft smile. “Of course I’ll have to take you to Asgard someday soon.” His face paled as he looked at his Boyfriend, the idea of having to meet your godly family, a place a greek demigod like himself, definitely doesn’t belong. “It’ll be fine Jase.” He’s not to sure about that.
The day finally came, you both were in Asgard a few minutes away from him meeting your grandfather Odin. He had already met your mother a time or two before but he was still nervous.
These were people that not only held you with high regard, but you had the same respect and care for them. Despite his nerves, he still could help but be in awe of Asgard as a whole. It was gorgeous. The whole city had a glow to it, it reminded him of Mount Olympus, but almost bigger. He wondered if any of the Greek gods had been here before let alone another greek demigod.
You gently grabbed his hand, giving it a soft squeeze before leading him to your grandfather. The god of death and war sitting right before Jason immensely intimidated him. “y/n who is this boy, you bring before me.” You looked towards your mother who was beside him who urged you to go on. “Grandfather, this is Jason, my boyfriend.”
Your grandfather looked upon Jason for a few minutes before deciding on what to say. “He is aware of what will happen if he hurts you, correct?” Jason looked towards you warily, at what the one eyed god had just said about him. you flashed him a quick smile before turning back to speak. “Yes he is, and Jason won’t hurt me. I’d be more worried about what his father would do to me.”
Odin gave you a look, “who’s his father?” Despite the wise god Already having a pretty good idea of who Jasons father was he wanted his grandchild, The Prince of Asgard, to be the one to confirm it. “Zeus, the Greek god of the sky.” Your grandfather dryly laughed.
“If he tried I’d send an army for him, well anyways I suppose this wouldn’t be of any trouble anyways, we have an agreement of sorts as it is.” You pondered about what the agreement could have been but decided things were going well enough that you didn’t want to know. “It was only a matter of time before one of our children or grandchildren mingled, suppose it was now or never.”
Jason was more confused than he was before, his dad had an agreement with the Norse god Odin. He didn’t have much time to ponder it before you were pulling him to meet other family members of his, who weren’t as interested in meeting him as you were of introducing him.
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How to Read the Riordanverse in Order (imo)
*short stories are italicized*
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson & the Olympians #1)
The Sea of Monsters (PJO #2)
The Titan's Curse (PJO #3)
Percy Jackson and the Stolen Chariot (from The Demigod Files)
The Battle of the Labyrinth (PJO #4)
Percy Jackson and the Sword of Hades (from TDF)
Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon (from TDF)
The Diary of Luke Castellan (from The Demigod Diaries)
The Last Olympian (PJO #5)
The Staff of Hermes (from TDD)
Percy Jackson and the Singer of Apollo
The Son of Magic (from TDD)
The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus #1)
Leo Valdez and the Quest for Buford (from TDD)
The Red Pyramid (The Kane Chronicles #1)
The Throne of Fire (KC #2)
The Son of Neptune (HoO #2)
The Mark of Athena (HoO #3)
The House of Hades (HoO #4)
The Blood of Olympus (HoO #5)
The Serpent's Shadow (KC #3)
The Son of Sobek
The Staff of Serapis
The Crown of Ptomely
The Chalice of the Gods (PJO #6)
Wrath of the Triple Goddess (PJO #7)
Untitled (PJO #8)
The Sword of the Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1)
The Hidden Oracle (The Trials of Apollo #1)
The Dark Prophecy (ToA #2)
The Hammer of Thor (MCGoA #2)
The Burning Maze (ToA #3)
The Tyrant's Tomb (ToA #4)
The Tower of Nero (ToA #5)
The Ship of the Dead (MCGoA #3)
The Sun and the Star
Doesn't Matter Too Much:
My Life as a Child Outlaw (from The Cursed Carnival and Other Calamities) - not too connected, about Irish mythology
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes, Camp Half-Blood Confidential, and Camp Jupiter: A Probatio's Journal - I suggest after reading Heroes of Olympus
The Kane Chronicles: Survival Guide and Brooklyn House Magician's Manual - I suggest after reading The Kane Chronicles
Hotel Vahalla: Guide to Norse Worlds and 9 From The Nine Worlds - I suggest after reading Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard
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32, 33 & 38 for Steve and his Asgardian princess 🤗
oh I love these guys so much! thank you for sending in some asks for them! I have gone pre-snap for obvious reasons for these answers
32: What words upset me the most
Steve: *looking over at Y/N sad and guiltily* probably when I heard what happened to you in the raft, I'll never forgive myself for not getting there sooner
Y/N: *takes his hand and squeezes it reassuringly* I don't blame you at all, so please stop blaming yourself, for me it's probably when Loki apologised as he was dying in the Dark World
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
Y/N: Anything Steve says to me *smiles lovingly*
Steve: Stole the words right out of my mouth princess
38: My childhood career choice
Y/N: I really wanted to be a Valkyrie, the legend of them were always so cool and it was the favourite story that my father would tell me
Steve: I always wanted to fight and be a soldier like my dad was, but I also loved art and wanted to be an artist or work with art in some way, maybe I will in the future I don't know
send some of my characters some nosy asks!
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hi so instead of an english final in december at my school we get an english project that is due in december (my english teacher is the best)
so like we choose a genre of books, ask questions about that genre, read a few books from that genre, and collect quotes. then, the final product will be a visual essay!
so im doing mine on muslim fiction, and good and bad muslim representation, and im using samirah al-abbas as an example as "incorrect" representation.
here's some text i wrote :D
Samirah al-Abbas is a prominent character in Rick Riordan's (best known for writing Percy Jackson and the Olympians) bestselling series Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard. She is a Muslimah and wears the hijab. However, there were several things wrong with her representation that conflicted with basic Islamic beliefs.
For example, Samirah is a demigod, the daughter of Norse mythology god Loki. This conflicts with Islamic beliefs because in Islam we believe in one true God, Allah, and that he has no partners or children. Samirah also believes in gods other than Allah. To have a Muslim character who is a demigod and believes in other gods is incorrect and misguiding for both Muslim and non-Muslim youth alike.
While this is not an attack on Rick Riordan, who did genuinely try to add religious diversity to Magnus Chase, Riordan could have done more research on Islam. Instead, he tried to work around Islamic beliefs so it would fit into his fictional world, in this case, a world where mythical gods exist.
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divine-knight-hand · 9 months
Safely Endangered
Chapter 1: Times are Changing
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Series Masterlist || Loki Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Notes: It's here! It's finally here! I hope you enjoy what I managed to come up with.
We haven't exactly reached the vibe I want to get to just yet, but have faith in the process! This is just the introduction, after all~ (And prepare for lots of introduction...)
Also, there is a bit of Norwegian in this chapter. Since I'm not a native speaker, please feel free to correct any mistakes I may have made. (I would greatly appreciate it if you did!)
Content Warnings: A touch of angst in the beginning there, a pinch of religious imagery (just one sentence, but still wanted to warn ya!), established relationship, Sub!Loki (but he's a switch in the series itself), Dom!Reader, bath sex, unprotected sex, and a lil face grab
Word Count: 4,383
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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The death of the Allfather shattered the morale of all of Asgard, but no mourning was greater than that of the Sons of Odin. No, that title wasn’t limited to the children he had with his wife and the one he adopted from the eternal blizzard storms of Jotunheim. It also encompassed the ones who showed him unwavering loyalty throughout his lifetime. They formed one of the most dangerous mafia syndicates on Earth.
I even dared to say we were one of the most dangerous in the universe.
Odin’s death had been expected. He lived a long life of over 5,000 years, which was typical of an Asgardian demigod. Now it was time to lay him to rest, and the entire syndicate made the trip to Asgard in their finest funeral clothes for the ceremony that would send him off to Valhalla in a traditional boat funeral. Odin was so well-known in Asgard, seeing his funeral would’ve made an outsider think that he was its king. The people just loved him that much. He may not have been righteous in the typical sense, but most people didn’t know that. The Sons of Odin were the only ones who did, and he was already the best thing that ever happened to most of its members… Most of them.
Loki gave my hand a squeeze, which I quickly returned as I rested my head on his shoulder. He claimed he was never that close to his father, but just because someone treats you poorly doesn’t mean you stop loving them. I could see it in the way his eyes glistened with unshed tears as he received the news of Odin’s death over the phone. He still had love to spare for the man who treated him horribly as a child. He couldn’t help that. You don’t choose who you love. I was confident that he wouldn’t have chosen to love the father who constantly looked down on him–that was, when he looked at him at all–if he could.
His brother, Thor, always got the better end of the stick. He was the golden boy. The first to get an affirmative pat on the shoulder from his father when he did something he approved of. The perfect child. I assumed that was why he seemed to be taking Odin’s death the hardest. His mortal lover, Jane, rested a gentle hand on his shoulder as he hid his misty eyes behind his own. 
Then, there was Odin’s oldest child, Hela. Those who thought Loki was the most intimidating of the Odinchildren had clearly never met her. I constituted that to the sheer power of female rage. Odin never liked her cutthroat tactics. To Hela, every wrongdoing was atoned for with blood, no matter how miniscule. Outwardly, he resented her, but inwardly, I had a strong feeling he feared her. Now, there she stood, her eyes unmoving from the distant boat, and her emotionless expression unchanging. I felt a shiver travel down my spine, but decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Maybe not showing any emotion was her way of coping with her father’s death. Maybe…
Though I knew most of the mourning would obviously be done by Odin’s actual children, I couldn’t help but also feel bad for the rest of the syndicate. They always fought tooth and nail for Odin’s approval because he proved himself to be a boss worthy of that. They felt as if they owed him for saving them from their own lives. Odin ran the Sons of Odin efficiently and discreetly. He managed to earn the respect of everyone associated with him. The best of the syndicate dared to consider him like a father to them. He was their sage. Their strength. I had to admit that he was definitely a better mob boss than a father. How would our way of life change now that he was gone?
As the ceremonial boat continued on toward the ocean’s horizon, I wondered if anything was going to be the same again. I should have known better than to entertain that stupid idea.
────༺ ♰ ༻────
Two weeks after Odin’s funeral, a small group of us gathered in the Bifrost as Heimdall read from his last will and testament. Hela, Thor, Jane, Loki, and I stood in a half-circle as we listened intently to Heimdall list off who was left each of Odin’s possessions. As the list went on, we all grew restless. There was one thing we were all waiting for, and we were all eager to know who Odin left it to, even though we had a strong feeling we already knew who it was going to be.
“The last item in the will, of course, is the Sons of Odin.” Heimdall cleared his throat before continuing to read from the papers in his hands. “‘I, Odin Bohrson, leave the Sons of Odin in the jurisdiction of…’” We all held our breaths and leaned in as he took a momentary pause. “Hela Odindottir.”
A collective gasp resounded throughout the room. Hela? How could Odin have left the syndicate to her ? We were all so sure it was going to go to Thor. Hell, Odin practically despised Hela! Something’s wrong here…
“‘Furthermore’,” Heimdall continued reading. “‘Thor will act as the new underboss, retaining his position as boss of the Thunder District, and Loki will move up to the boss of the Death District, while Hela reserves the right to select and appoint her own consigliere.’”
“There has to be some sort of mistake!” Thor insisted. He was clearly taken aback, just like the rest of us.
“I can assure you, I’ve only read what was written.” Heimdall held the will out to him. “Feel free to read it for yourself, if you still don’t believe me.”
Thor snatched the paper and skimmed it, a look of absolute dread crossing his face as Jane peered over his shoulder, reaching out to grab his arm in a silent act of consolation. “Dear gods…”
Hela smirked and tossed her hair. “So it goes.” She clapped Thor on the shoulder that Jane wasn’t occupying. “It seems being a daddy’s boy all your life amounted to nothing, after all, brother.”
My stomach churned. Anyone with half a brain knew that there was always reason to be afraid when the goddess of death was satisfied. It was as jarring as a devout Christian seeing the smiling face of Satan himself.
It was only after the interaction between Thor and Hela that I noticed Loki was silently staring at his shoes the whole time. He didn’t express shock like the rest of us, nor did he even bother to speak up. A wave of sadness and concern crashed into me. Silence was extremely uncharacteristic of him. What’s going through your head? Why are you so quiet?
I awaited his mental reply, only to be met with silence. Damnit, Loki! Please don’t stonewall on me now…
“I suppose I’m not too late to give my condolences?” I practically whipped my head around to see Brunnhilde enter the Bifrost.
Everyone took a knee, lowering our gazes to the floor at the sight of her, except for Hela, who seemed as if she couldn’t care less about the entrance of Asgardian royalty. Brunnhilde’s presence always commanded power. Despite her short stature, she seemed to tower over everyone who spoke with her. I figured that was simply because anyone who spoke to her did so while bowing to her. She served time as a warrior in the army of Valkyries that served Asgard in times of war and struggle, so her place as king was well deserved, in my opinion and that of the majority of Asgard.
“Your majesty,” Heimdall greeted her. “I’ve just finished reading Odin’s last will and testament. The Odinchildren and their guests will be away soon.”
“Please. They’re hardly children anymore.” Her footsteps nearly sounded thunderous in the heavy silence that followed as she approached Thor. “I assume your father’s legacy lives on in you.”
“You assume incorrectly.” Thor spat, his brow furrowing as his eyes trained on the ground in front of her feet.
“His legacy lives in me.” Hela darkly chimed in, still standing. What a bitch! A scary bitch, but still a bitch…
I couldn’t see Brunnhilde’s face, but I could almost feel the mix of fear and disgust that radiated from its expression. I listened to her footsteps as they clicked against the floor once again, but they grew louder this time, only stopping when a pair of white boots entered my vision. My stomach did a somersault as I processed the fact that the king of Asgard stood merely inches from me.
“Look at me.” She softly commanded. 
The gold shine of the Bifrost seemed to dance in the edges of her dark brown hair, giving her figure a golden aura. Her face conveyed no emotion, and she looked down at me as if I was the interesting subject of a passionate scientist. Everything about her was elegance and strength, and it never failed to make me feel just a little bit small. My throat quickly went dry.
“Lady Y/N,” She broke me from my thoughts. “You are Midgardian, correct?”
The weight on my chest made it hard to breathe, let alone speak, but I somehow managed the words. “Yes, your majesty.”
Suddenly, she cupped the side of my face in her hand. “Måtte gudene hjelpe folket i ditt rike.” A soft look crept into her eyes as her voice lowered to match its tenderness. “You and Jane must stay strong for the sake of your realm. Promise me that.” She turned to look at Jane. “Both of you.”
“I promise, your majesty!” Jane was quick to eagerly speak up.
I was just left in a silent stupor as Brunnhilde looked back down at me. “Well?”
My mouth seemed to move on its own, and a little bit of Norwegian I picked up from my time with Loki sprang to the tip of my tongue. “Jeg lover, min konge.”
Brunnhilde smiled warmly, and I was filled with the joy of a daughter who just made her mother proud. “I have faith in you.”
I couldn’t stop the wide grin from spreading across my face as the king turned and walked out of the Bifrost. Even as I saw Hela fold her arms out of the corner of my eye, the shiver down my spine barely registered as the hazy midday sunlight swallowed Brunnhilde’s silhouette.
────༺ ♰ ༻────
“I simply don’t understand it.” Loki sat at the kitchen table with his head in his hands, fuming. We’d returned to our penthouse in Midgard that night, and he was silent for the whole trip. I offered him my hand to hold as we soared through the magic tunnel Heimdall casted for us. He’d held it tightly without a word. This was the first time I heard his voice since the will reading on Asgard.
“Loki, dear,” My heels clicked against the tile as I strolled over to massage his shoulders. “You’ve been quiet for a while now. It was starting to worry me. Tell me what’s bothering you. Please?”
“It’s…” He let out a deep sigh. “It hasn’t exactly been a secret that my father never considered leaving the Sons of Odin to me. No matter what I did, it was just never enough for him. I was never enough for him. Today was no different. He’s taunting me from the gates of Valhalla, and there’s nothing worth saying or doing about it.”
“Then, to Hel with him!” I frowned. “You’re more than capable of leading the Sons of Odin. Part of him must’ve thought so if he left the Death District to you, right? That’s still a big deal! Maybe you just need to slowly work your way up.”
“That would merely be wishful thinking.” Loki’s shoulders sank under my touch.
I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him from behind, and kissed his cheek once he lifted his head. “You will rule our underground kingdom someday. I can almost taste it. Please, just hold out a little longer, my love. If I can see it, it’s only a matter of time before everyone else will.”
A devilish grin instantly broke across his face. “You never fail to flatter me, darling.”
“Oh, please,” I teased, “I can do more than that~”
Loki let out a soft sigh as I trailed my kisses down to his collar. “Oh, love…” His breathing grew labored as my hands trailed down the front of his suit jacket, slowly unbuttoning it. “My biggest temptress and my sweetest indulgence.” He shivered. “I could never resist you.”
“Then don’t.” I purred as I slid his jacket off his shoulders. “You have some stress keeping you all wound up. Let me help you ease it.” Holding his jacket in my hands, I began heading towards our shared bedroom to hang it up. “And allow me to run a bath for you, so I can rest your weary muscles.”
The last thing I heard before getting to the bedroom was Loki breathily moan, “Do hurry. I fear I don’t have much patience tonight…”
────༺ ♰ ༻────
The bath was ready. I was practically sweating by the time I’d finished the preparations. I’d dimmed the lights, lit some candles, and even thrown some rose petals in the water. Against Loki’s wishes, I’d taken my time. He needed this, and I wanted it to be perfect, which meant I couldn’t afford to rush. I dipped my hand in the water one last time, checking that the temperature was just right before opening the bathroom door.
“Loki, love,” I called out, “I’m ready for you- Ah!”
He practically pounced on me from just outside the door, wrapping me in his arms and pulling me into a deep kiss as he kicked the door shut behind him. He moaned as I let his tongue into my mouth, his hands sliding down my back until they caressed my ass, giving it a possessive squeeze. I tangled my hands in his hair, pulling him closer to me.
“That was too long.” He growled as we broke for air.
“I’m sorry, my love.” I cupped his face in my hands. “I wanted to make sure everything was perfect.”
“Darling, you spoil me.” He leaned forward until our foreheads were touching, our breaths intermingling between our mouths as he softly continued. “I meant to mention how impressed I was by your knowledge of Norwegian tongue earlier.”
“I learned from the best.” I softly giggled. “And that’s not all I’ve learned, either.”
“Oh, really?” Loki hummed. “Do enlighten me on how far your current knowledge extends.”
“Okay, hold on…” I thought for a moment before responding. “Jeg elsker deg.”
A proud grin spread across Loki’s face as he responded. “Jeg elsker deg også, kjære.”
I gave him a quick peck on the lips before beginning to undo his tie. “Let’s not let your bath get cold, now.”
I couldn’t tell whether Loki’s eyes were blown wide from lust or the low lighting as I began to undo his belt. “You do realize I could easily remove my clothing with my seidr, right?”
I playfully smirked up at him. “But that wouldn’t be as fun, would it?”
“Little minx.” He teased as I dropped his pants, revealing his half-hard cock. “I do hope that means you’ll be joining me tonight.” The idea of bathing with him had my inner walls clenching on air.
“How could I not?” Fighting the temptation to begin stroking him right there, I helped him out of his shirt and gathered his clothes in my arms. “I’ll make sure these are put away neatly. You get in and I can help you wash up when I’m done.”
“Must you make me wait again?” His eyes shone with a familiar softness that nearly made me weak in the knees.
“Patience is a virtue, my love.” I dusted off part of the fabric to keep myself from melting in his gaze. “I promise I’ll be quick this time.”
“Hurry back.” His request bordered on a plea as I slipped out of the bathroom.
I entered the bedroom and neatly put each article of clothing away so they wouldn’t wrinkle. I then stripped and did the same with my own clothes before slipping into a comfortable bathrobe and heading back to the bathroom.
I paused at the doorway to see Loki laying back in the soapy rosewater, his eyes shut as if he was asleep. He was an image of pure relaxation, yet the scene in front of me was reminiscent of my wildest dreams. The candlelight gave his porcelain skin a soft warm glow, making the shadows under his already sharp cheekbones more prominent. The ropes of his muscles pulled taught near his neck and shoulders. The dark tendrils of hair on his head were wetly slicked away from his face, spilling over the side of the tub in inky curls. He was beautiful, and the arousal pooling between my thighs clued me in to the fact that my body agreed.
“I know you’re there.” His voice rang out in a soft sing-songy tone. “I do hope you don’t intend to watch me all night.”
“Of course not.” I fully entered the room, only dropping my robe once Loki opened his eyes.
A small noise escaped the back of his throat. “Oh, darling. You look absolutely stunning.” His breathing grew heavier, but he still made no move to grab me or command me to get in. He was waiting for me to decide when I wanted to.
I slowly lowered myself into the water, and he allowed me to straddle his legs. “Does this mean you’re willing to give yourself to me tonight?”
 “I wish to give myself to you, body and soul.” He caressed the side of my face. “Whatever you desire, you’ll have it.”
Loki was secure enough in our relationship to allow himself to submit to me at times. My heart swelled as I realized that this was one of those times. He wanted me in control, and was relying on me to grant him pleasure. That was why he tolerated my commands today. He didn’t want to think too much, or be in any form of control. He just wanted to feel.
“You’re too sweet, my love.” I leaned forward and pecked Loki on the lips again. Before I could pull away, he wrapped his arms around my hips and bucked up into mine, causing a sharp wave in the water. I let out a surprised yelp as he attempted to deepen our kiss.
My hand came up quickly, seizing his chin. My fingers curled up along his sharp jaw as I found my grip.
Pulling away from the kiss and catching my breath, I started in a cautionary tone. “Oh, pet. I didn’t give permission for that, now did I? It seems like we’re getting a little too eager...”
“I’m sorry, mistress.” He shuddered under my touch, his hands quickly leaving my hips. “I didn’t mean to be presumptuous.”
I released his face, instead moving my hand to tangle in his hair. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood.” I began trailing kisses along his jaw. “And you’ve been so good up until now. I think I’m willing to overlook this little incident.”
Loki softly moaned as I continued my trail of kisses down his neck, his cock brushing my lower stomach as it twitched up. “Th- Thank you, mistress.”
“You’re very welcome, pet.” I purred. “Just lay back and let me ease your tension, okay? That’s all I need you to do tonight. Nothing difficult.”
“May I touch you?” When I didn’t immediately respond, he added. “Please, mistress? I wish to be able to feel you while you please me. I crave it.”
“How sweet.” I trailed my hands down his chest. “Even when I treat you, you still want to make sure I feel good. Is that right?” Loki nodded, and I raised an eyebrow. “Use your words.”
“Yes, mistress.” He breathed. “I crave your pleasure as well as mine.”
“You’re a dream come alive, my love.” I softly chuckled as I leaned in to peck the tip of his nose. “I will allow you to touch me, but only when directed. Fair?”
“Yes, mistress.” Loki sighed right before I pulled him into another kiss.
My hands continued to trail lower until they played at the base of his cock. His moans curled into needy whines as I dragged a finger along its length, teasing at the tip while it grew fully erect. My free hand slid back up his chest, tracing each dip, curve, and muscle in his marble-like skin. I looked back up to see sweat breaking across his brow. His gaze was unwavering from my hand, almost as if he was silently begging me to grant him release.
“My darling pet~” I cooed. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”
“Mistress…” Loki whimpered in response. “Please…”
I felt another clench between my thighs at the neediness in his tone. It was a neediness that only I ever got to see.
Loki often made sure to keep his guard up in the presence of anyone and everyone. Strangers, acquaintances, family… but not with me. Never with me. He felt safe enough to lower his shield after the battles of each day and allow himself to be vulnerable with me. This didn’t always come in the form of being submissive. It sometimes didn’t even involve sex at all. It was beautiful. It was intimate. It was authentic, and I craved to wrap the wounds of my beloved warrior each day, no matter what they were, because he felt in his heart of hearts that I could bring him comfort. I welcomed that level of trust with open arms.
“You’ve been so patient for me today.” I slowly wrapped my hand around the base of his cock. “I think I’ve kept you waiting long enough.” I began slowly stroking as I lined myself up over him. “What do we say?”
“Thank you, mistress.” Loki breathed before I slowly lowered myself down onto his cock, one hand guiding him inside as the other grabbed his shoulder for support. His eyes closed and his head dropped back against the edge of the tub. He let out a low drawn-out moan until I bottomed out.
“There we are…” I sighed. “How does that feel, my love?”
“S- so good…” Loki seemed to be slowly slipping into his own ecstasy. “May I have more, mistress? Please?”
“So polite, and you know I love it when you beg~” I cupped his face in my hands. “Since you asked so nicely, I believe you do deserve a little more. Just lay back and relax. I’ll take good care of you. I promise.”
I sat upright and began moving my hips, setting a slow and even pace as I began to ride him.
“Mmh- Mistress…” Loki moaned. “F- faen … So good… Oh, how I- Ah- I’ve needed this…” Every sound coming from him was like music to my ears. His moans alone could bring me to my peak in a matter of minutes.
“That’s it, pet.” I reached for his hand to interlock our fingers. “Just relax and let yourself feel.” Keeping my pace steady, and directing him into all the best spots, I softly praised him between moans. “Oh, yes… You feel so good inside me… That’s it… My beautiful pet…”
“M- Mmh… Mistress…” Loki’s eyes refocused on mine.
“Yes, my love?” I breathed.
“May I- Ah- touch you, now?” He pleaded.
“Yes, you may.” At my direction, he used his free hand–the other still being held in mine–to grab my breast.
As I shivered under the touch of him tweaking my nipple, he sat up, shifting my position the littlest bit, and buried his face in my neck, leaving kisses as he panted and moaned against my skin.
I reached my hand up to weave into his hair as he pulled the most lewd of sounds from my lips. “Wh- What do we say, pet?”
“Thank you, mistress…” Loki softly moaned against my neck, causing me to clench around him, which earned another cry from the god.
The subsequent twitching of his cock and desperate whines escaping his throat clued me in to the fact that he was nearing his peak before he could even form the words. “I’m getting close…”
“I know, my love.” My own panting was ragged as I chased my own climax. “Hold on just a little longer. We’ll cum together, okay?”
“Yes, mistress…” Loki’s grip on my breast tightened as he struggled to hold back his release.
“Ready?” I gave the hand I was holding an affectionate squeeze. “3… 2… 1!”
I clenched around his cock as it began to spill its seed inside of me. I squeezed my eyes shut and saw a flash of white as our cries reverberated off of the bathroom walls. I kept my hips moving the whole time, determined to help us both ride out our highs.
Once we both came down from our peaks, it registered to me how full I really felt. It was filthy in all the best ways. I almost didn’t want Loki to pull out. I wanted this feeling for as long as I could possibly have it. 
“Darling,” I was still blissed-out when Loki moved his head from my shoulder. “You never fail to sate my cravings. Thank you.”
I quickly pecked him on the lips before responding. “There’s almost nothing I wouldn’t do for you, my love.”
“My loyal lover,” He lowly chuckled. “I suppose we should actually get cleaned up now.”
“Yeah, let’s do that.” I smiled warmly. “Come here. Let me help you wash up.”
After cleansing Loki with the finest soaps and lathers in our collection, which were imported directly from Asgard, he returned the favor, and we both went straight to bed after drying off. Resting my head on his chest, the last thing I remembered was Loki’s breath evening out before I began to fall asleep. He usually slept so peacefully when I was in his arms.
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Måtte gudene hjelpe folket i ditt rike - May the gods help the people of your kingdom
Jeg lover, min konge - I promise, my king
Jeg elsker deg - I love you
Jeg elsker deg også, kjære - I love you, too, darling*
Faen - Fuck
*(“kjære” is a general Norwegian term of endearment, so it could also mean “dear” or “sweetheart”)
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Guys if anyone wants to get into the Riordan verse but is (rightfully) overwhelmed by the number of books/where to start I got you covered.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Lightning Thief (PJO 1)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Sea of Monsters (PJO 2)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Titans Curse (PJO 3)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Battle of Labyrinth (PJO 4)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Last Olympian (PJO 5)
The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid (TKC 1)
The Kane Chronicles: The Throne of Fire (TKC 2)
The Kane Chronicles: The Serpents Shadow (TKC 3)
The Heroes of Olympus the Lost Hero (HoO 1)
The Heroes of Olympus the Son of Neptune (HoO 2)
The Heroes of Olympus the Mark of Athena (HoO 3)
The Heroes of Olympus the House of Hades (HoO 4)
The Heroes of Olympus the Blood of Olympus (HoO 5)
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Chalice of the Gods (PJO 6)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Sword of Summer (MCGA 1)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard the Hammer of Thor (MCGA 2)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard the Ship of the Dead (MCGA 3)
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard 9 From the Nine Worlds (MCGA 4)
The Trials of Apollo the Hidden Oracle (ToA 1)
The Trials of Apollo the Dark Prophecy (ToA 2)
The Trials of Apollo the Burning Maze (ToA 3)
The Trials of Apollo the Tyrants Tomb (ToA 4)
The Trials of Apollo the Tower of Nero (ToA 5)
The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure
———— No Specific order:
Demigod Diaries
Camp Jupiter Classified
The Demigod Files
Camp Half-Blood Confidential
Demigods and Monsters
Demigods and Magicians
Hotel Valhalla: Guide to the Norse Worlds
Percy jackson and the Singer of Apollo
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Greek Gods
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Greek Heroes
Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Ultimate Guide
The Kane Chronicles the Survival Guide
•The Kane Chronicles and Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard can be read in any order (as in any point int the series) however chronologically take place at those times
•The Greek Gods is often read before the Greek Heroes
•I would recommend waiting a bit before reading the extras as you want to know the character and plot points before hand
•You might not want to read the extras fully as the short stories at the end of the books are sometimes those short stories
•Trials of Apollo, Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians round two (Consisting currently of only Percy Jackson and the Olympians the Chalice of the Gods but likely also getting another two instalment in the future) all take place around the same time
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incorrectcapsicle · 2 years
incorrectcapsicle recommendation list
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hello guys, i know this is not my typical incorrect post but i've been wanting to do this. here are my all time favorite Chris Evans characters x Reader fics. this masterlist is full of my all time favorite ficd and writers and i hope you'll give this a chance and praise these wonderful writers for their work. enjoy everyone! 💜
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This AU is my forever all time favorite SR x Reader AU:
Baptized In Dirty Water by @itsanerdlife
chapter 1
please click this to view the rest of the chapter. don't forget to check the rest of her work.
Sweet Home Georgia Peach by @marvelcriminalhoe
this series is one of my favorite fics. 11/10 would recommend. love this series so so much 💜
Desperate Affairs by @georgiapeach30513
this fic not only intrigued the hell out of me but also gave me a emotional rollercoaster. there's so much going on but you'll get curious as you continue to read. 11/10 would recommend 👌
Gone, Baby by @wayward-blonde
i never expect that i will need a dark chris evans character. like i didn't know i had this kink to a psycho son a bitch hottie. and god doing his very good work cos Llyod Hansen exist. amen to that and yes, 11/10 would recommend so read it! 🤣
one thing about me, is i LOVE long series. although this series still on chap 16, this series is on my reading list bc i love the story goes. and yes, definitely worth to recommend 👌
The Vampire Kings Religion by @marvelcriminalhoe
vampire!steve is a yes for me! i haven't read it yet but the plot is good so would definitely recommend 👌
Stumblin' In by @swan-of-sunrise
book 1 (completed)
book 2 (completed)
book 3 (completed)
book 4 (completed)
book 5 (completed)
i still haven't read this but soon when i'm not busy. but i still added it here cos y'know, it's a long series with a good plot so yes, give it a try and check out the writer's other work 👌
The Demigod From Asgard by @secretswiftymarvelfan
masterlist (wip)
this still on going but this is one of my favorite fic. the storyline is so good that i'm re-reading it again soon coz i just can't get enough. and as always, definitely would recommend it yo you guys, so give it a try. kudos to the writer!
His New Partner by @star-spangled-steve
masterlist (wip)
another one with on going series and yes, i added it here coz i'm so obsessed with long series. like who doesn't right? i'll probably start reading this soon and yes, please give it a shot and give some love to the author 🫶
Welcome To The Pack by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
masterlist (completed)
okay okay omg omg i finally found a wholeass series of alpha!steve! and yes ofc it went straight here coz why not?! omg i can't wait to read this akdhsajajd 🫣😍🥰🫶
Attack Of The Winter Wolf by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
masterlist (completed)
thank heavens for having authors writing this wonderful stories. alpha!steve will always be the death of me, especially to be called 'Little One' by him 🫣😍 can't wait to read this too! and for forget to check it too~
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