#the ‘human slinky’ comment???
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
i like to think that after simon armitage’s article came out the whole band started calling alex “big brown horse eyes” as a nickname
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glitchysquidd · 2 years
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Wtf dude-
This is all really really REALLY sweet, seriously ty it made my past few days rereading this and just enjoying it. It brings a big goofy grin to my face to see this and I appreciate it.
You're amazing dude and just really sweet I've seen you send something simular to another artist about their au or fic whichever it was also fullnof sweet and lovely comments.
Thank you for brightening everyone's day.
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i wrote a new fanfiction today
As usual its some sort of transmigration fic but this time i decided i give no fricks i care not, this is the culmination of several 3 am writing sessions, its not done yet, but im having a good time.
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Clearly this is perfection and the best fanfiction ever so come on down to Silent Stares writing equivalent of making a character and treating them like a human slinky and watch a librarian forget herself and see why jun wu took one look at this woman and was like "finally someone who would love me if i was a worm" but in the least romantic way possible. thats right baby no romance, qi rong hits a tree with a car, everyones having a bad time baby ive decided this is the fanfiction i simply do not care about <3 this is the fanfiction im using as a basketball much like Hua Cheng used Qi Rong's head as a basketball in that one fun chapter. rest in peace Qi Rong's mask you litterally lasted what? five seconds? you were so cool, its too bad you were on a stinky little racoons face <3 (affectionate, i love qi rong, no not in a 'i can fix him' way or a 'i think hes actually deep down a very lovable and sweet man' no i think hes a horrible cannibalistic monster and he's a vulgar little monster i like to watch unfold on the world around him. I will not defend my opinion because theres no defense, and i dont need to defend myself. Qi Rong lovers you know exactly what I mean. sometimes you have to love the prettiest man with the worst eating habits and that's okay) Strangely I hold very little affection for jun wu so whatever the frick happened there who knows
tagging this as cannibalism just in case someones trying to avoid that. obvoiusly warning for spoilers for up to book 5. please comment on it to give me power thank you.
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yellingatmountains · 4 years
Someone needs to stop me from getting into fights with people in the comments on tiktok.
And it’s about stupid shit we should all fuckin understand.
Terfs are the worst and there is no room for them in feminism and they can choke.
Black lives matter. This phrase does not invalidate your existence. Stop being ignorant and/or racist.
Prolife is the worst. It’s a contradiction. A mockery of science and truth. Stop putting your fucked opinion everywhere. You jackass.
Planned Parenthood does... A Lot. Donate to them. You jackass.
Stop fat shaming you rusted slinky.
And do not pretend to know the basics of luthiering/instrument making. Because someone will actually know the answers to question the kids in the comments are asking. The questions you used to make fun of children. And we will come for you. And we will correct you. Because you derailed their enthusiasm for knowledge you entitled little shit stains.
And if you support any of that balderdash I will fight you. I am tired and on the end however many days of headaches. I wil fight a see of Karens. I have an Aunt Karen so I was born ready.
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Corphelion Interlude
By Troy Denning, for Valentine’s Day of 2003
Happy 19th Anniversary to this amazing Legends story 🥰
A flight of cornets hung just beyond the observation dome, their luminous heads arrayed in a ragged double arrow, their long tails striping the dark sky with silver splendor. The largest were visibly creeping across space, and one-a blazing giant with a braided tail that seemed to stretch across half the system-was rapidly swelling to the size of a hubba melon. The panorama was just as advertised, the perfect honeymoon view, and Han Solo could tell by the gabble of three-hundred beings packed onto the small viewing floor that everyone else thought so, too.
At Han’s side stood Leia, dressed comfortably but fashionably in a sleeveless doublet and a pair of slinky zoosha pants that Han found especially alluring. Her brown eyes were fixed on the patio below, and on her face, she wore a cordial diplomat’s expression that was more mask than smile.
Behind them, a swarm of droning Kubaz spilled out of the turbolift and brushed past, making pointed comments about blocking access to the viewing floor.
"Sorry about this," Han said to Leia. A stop to watch the Corphelion Comets had seemed a romantic way to start their honeymoon-at least until they had discovered that it was the height of the season and every resort on the asteroid was badly overbooked. "I guess the private dome isnt so private, either."
"I dont care, as long as we’re here together." Leia took Han’s hand and started down a broad set of dark, hardwood stairs. "There’s a pair of empty chaises out there in the middle. Once we settle in and order a drink, we won’t even notice the noise.’
"Sure. A Pink Nebula sounds good." Jostling for elbow space was hardly the romantic way Han had hoped to start their marriage, but things were bound to improve. Around Leia, they usually did. "Maybe the serving droid has earplugs or something."
They were halfway down the staircase when a brilliant starburst of radiance filled the sky. The Solos stopped to look and saw the giant comet splitting into a spectacular set of twins. The crowded patio fell silent.
"Now that’s more like it," Han said.
The twins began to drift apart, their tails crossing as one comet angled toward the rest of the Corphelions. The other continued to swell in the darkness above the dome. Finally, when its head had grown to an apparent diameter of more than a meter, a nervous murmur began to build on the patio below.
Leia turned back up the stairs. "Maybe we should go back to the Falcon."
Han caught her arm. "Not so fast." He continued to study the approaching comet-or rather, the darkness around its edges, watching to see how quickly and evenly its head was obscuring the distant stars.
"I thought you wanted to see the Corphelions?"
"Not this close, Han."
As he had hoped, the stars on the comet’s lower left were vanishing by the dozens; those on the upper right were disappearing only in twos and threes. "Everything’s under control."
"You’ve said that before," Leia objected. "You’re sure we don’t need to go back to the Falcon?"
"I’m sure." Han slipped a hand down to the small of her back. "And this time I mean it. Everything’s under control, Sweetheart."
Leia glanced from Han to the approaching comet, then back to Han again. Her expression grew more trusting, and she smiled slyly.
"Okay, Flyboy." She took his arm. "My life in is in your hands."
They descended the rest of the stairs arm in arm. The comet had doubled in size during the last few seconds, its tail becoming a fan that curved across a quarter of the dome. A portly Bothan couple rose with their fur standing on end and turned toward the stairs, and that was all it took to send the rest of the crowd scurrying for the evacuation stations inside the asteroid.
Leia pulled Han into a quiet corner and reached up with both hands. As jabbering humans and growling aliens continued to shove up the stairs in a near-stampede, she laced her fingers together behind his neck and stared deep into his eyes.
Han’s heart began to beat faster.
"How did you arrange this?" Leia asked.
"Arrange what?" Han was genuinely confused.
Leia gently pulled his head close to her mouth. "The comet." She flicked her tongue along the lobe of his ear, then continued in a sultry voice. "Come on, Flyboy, you can tell me. Did Wedge help you?"
"Wedge? You think Wedge is out there moving comets around?"
Leia gently nibbled his earlobe. It felt warm and . . . well, wonderful. "Lando, then. He has that big asteroid tug, and this is just his style. Grandiose, effective." She glanced over at the now-deserted patio. And just a little bit devious."
"Lando’s busy on Nkllon." Han was keeping one eye on the comet.
"You know that."
"You wont tell me?" Leia slipped her hands under the hem of his tunic and playfully ran her fingers up his back. "You’re sure?"
"Well, I’m..."
Leia dug her fingertips into the flesh behind his shoulders.
"Pretty sure," Han said. "I think."
The comet was the size of an Endorian moon now, and he was beginning to worry that his pilot’s eye had gone weak. The different rates at which the head was obscuring the surrounding stars suggested it was approaching at an angle, but unless the stars on the right stopped disappearing-and soon-the comet would not actually miss the resort.
"Uh, Leia?"
"No-I’ve changed my mind, Han." Leia lowered her hands and, one arm still wrapped around his waist, turned to look at the sky. "I dont want to know how you arranged this."
"Sshhh." Leia touched a finger to his lips. "I just want to look. It makes me wish we could forget everything back on Coruscant and stay here forever."
"You don’t say?" The approaching comet was a large as a bantha now. Han glanced toward the empty stairs, trying to estimate how long he could keep his real secret-that he may have miscalculated the comet’s trajectory-before they would have to make a mad scramble for the evacuation shelters. "I just might be able to arrange that."
Leia leaned her head against his shoulder. "If only you could.’
"Oh, I could..." The comet grew so bright that its radiance lit the whole dome and there were no stars visible around it at all. Deciding that things were starting to get dangerous, Han pulled Leia out of the corner. "In fact..."
The white spike of an antitail finally appeared in front of the head, and the entire comet began to angle across the dome-away from the resort. Han exhaled in relief, then put on 
his best lopsided grin and turned to Leia.
Leia looked puzzled. "In fact what, Han?"
"In fact..." Han waited while the comet drifted over their heads to the other side of the dome, then said, "You’re going to be really impressed with what I’ve arranged next."
Leia cocked her brow. "Pretty sure of yourself, aren’t you?"
Han nodded. "I have a reason."
The asteroid entered the comet’s tail, and billions of tiny dust grains exploded against the resort’s particle shield. Space above erupted into a glittering veil of micro-flashes.
"Okay, I’m impressed," Leia said. "Really impressed."
"That was nothing," Han said. "This is what I was talking about."
He drew Leia close and lowered his lips to hers. She pressed herself tight against him and returned the kiss passionately, and that was how they remained until a loud cheer from atop the stairs interrupted them.
Han opened an eye and, finding an audience of two dozen comet watchers leering down at them, broke off the kiss. "Leia?"
"Yes, Han?"
"Maybe we should go back to the Falcon after all."
Leia took his hand and started for the stairs. "Han, I thought you’d never ask."
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literaryspinster · 2 years
1000 word preview: Something in the Water Ch. 7
This was faster than I thought it would be. My hope is to have the rest of the chapter posted by next week. Thank you guys again for following, liking and commenting on this story. It really keeps me going 🥰 This is not rain. This is a natural disaster. This is damn near Day After Tomorrow levels of apocalyptic. The last time the weather ripped through Isle De Granger like this it shut down businesses for a week. That was 33 years ago. 
Dick gets them home right before a powerline careens into the rapidly flooding street. The lights are on in the house, at least for now, and the kids are standing behind the big window, staring out at the sideways flying monsoon outside.
Dick and Kory make a dash from the carport to the front door and he wrenches it open, the force of the wind yanking the slick doorknob from his unprepared fingers, scattering the foyer with water and dead leaves. After rushing them inside he shoves it closed against the powerful gust.
The house rumbles steadily from the barrage of wind, water and thunder surrounding it, but there’s a sense of safety that lands immediately, a sense of relative quiet. A scary movie goes ignored on the TV screen in the living room, blankets, pillows and half eaten bowls of chips and popcorn laid out in front of it. It seemed to have been a cozy enough afterparty until all hell broke loose outside.
“Dick,” Rachel says, striding up to him quickly. “You’re okay.”
“So are you.”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have–”
“Doesn’t matter, we’re all inside.” He briefly turns his attention to the boys. “You guys need to get away from the window.” 
Gar and Tim obey, and Dick goes to slide the big wooden shutters closed.
Rachel notices Kory standing there immediately after, the woman’s waist length hair dripping onto the carpet. And she greets her shyly. Rachel, who always goes out of her way to avoid humans, including him. Something is different, and he can’t be sure if it’s only because her friends are here. It’s like she’s inching her way out of a chrysalis little by little, peeking out at the world and not instantly pulling back, and it makes him want to cry. 
“Hey Kory,” she says.
“Hi kiddo,” Kory responds. “I’m sorry if we worried you.”
“It’s okay, we shouldn’t have left.”
“I’m the adult here, I’m the one who lost track of time.” He says. “Won’t happen anymore.”
He looks at the red haired source of his distraction again, wanting to offer her a warm towel and a big shirt to wear. But somehow she seems even more comfortable and at home soaked from head to toe than she was before, her arms hang loosely at her sides instead of clasped tightly around her body, her smile is as effortless as always, she’s practically glowing in fact. 
And he still can’t tell if it’s in a way that’s altogether normal or not, nor is it the time to investigate. 
“Hope you don’t mind me waiting out the storm here for a bit,” she says.
“No, not at all.” Rachel replies, as if speaking for him. “Did you need anything? Some dry clothes?”
“I guess I probably should, huh?” Kory says, looking at Dick. And he ignores the odd phrasing and excuses himself to his room to find something for her.
While she changes in the guest bathroom and her slinky dress tosses around in the dryer, the teens accost him immediately with their goofy, assumptive expressions.
“It’s not like that,” Dick says preemtively.
“Not like what? I said nothing.” Says Rachel.
“Man, wonder what kind of bronzer she uses, is it just me or is there something a bit… Twilight going on there?” Says Gar, staring at the closed bathroom door.
“It’s definitely not just you.” Tim adds. 
“Listen, She’s our guest for the time being, so I’m going to need all of you to chill, okay?” Dick says. “Tim, Gar, did you guys call your people, let them know what’s going on?”
“I called my uncle, he’s worried but I talked him out of sending the coast guard,” says Gar.
“Same goes for my parents,” Tim offers.
“Good, you guys should probably try to get some sleep, it’s late.”
“No way man, it’s summer and I’m wired. But I guess we can finish the movie before the lights go out,” Gar says. “Surprised they haven’t already to be honest.”
“Fine, just try to be normal, okay?”
They nod their heads in unison, but their expressions are the equivalent of fingers crossed behind their backs. He sighs heavily and goes back to his room to change.
Once they’re dressed and dry, the five of them gather into the living room and roll the film back to the beginning. It’s The Descent, one of Rachel’s favorites if the monster fanart hung up in her room is anything to go by. 
“I’ve never seen this,” Kory says, helping herself to a fingerful of Doritos and fixing her eyes on the screen. 
“It’s amazing, but just a fair warning, you’re going to hate Juno,” Says Rachel.
“Of course they make the only Asian the bad one,” Gar says, rolling his eyes.
“I can change it if you want,” Rachel suggests.
“Hell no, this movie fucks. Turn it up.”
Rachel smirks and cranks up the sound a couple of notches until it just beats out the volume of the thunder.
“That kind of language is only allowed if it’s karaoke related,” Dick says. “Just so we’re clear.”
“My apologies, summer daddy,” Gar says.
“Apology accepted as long as you never call me that again.”
They let out a collective snicker, and he glances at Kory again because he simply can’t help it. He doesn’t know what hits him harder, the strangeness of her being here right now, or the complete lack of strangeness. Her curls are wringed out and cascading over her delicate shoulders, dampening the white cotton of his favorite sleep shirt. After a second she’s looking at him too, a look that says too many things for him to pick out just one. She lingers for a long moment, creating a light buzzing in the air between them, before she turns away to focus on the screen again. 
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prettybirdy979 · 3 years
Aziraphale has to explain that yes, he knows what that looks like but no, it's a just a not-fully-grown rat snake with a strange morph and not the actual red-bellied black snake. This is because Crowley decided that the teenage girl not-customer's (she's just here to coo over the pretty snake) inhaler was a good place to curl up in. You don't belong *there*, Crowley.
I always welcome this kind of nonsense in my inbox. Please feel free to send me any prompts. More of my fics here.
It’s the screaming that gets him moving.
Not a girl’s scream, thank goodness, which must mean Crowley’s behaving for the young girl here to coo over him. But it is the sort of outraged scream, coupled with some very creative cursing and yelling, that tells Aziraphale there is mischief occuring in his store and not the sort that can be loudly and pointedly ignored. 
‘What on Earth is going on?’ he cries as he moves into the front of the store. There are three people there, the teenaged girl who’s been coming here for weeks now to appreciate Crowley’s serpent form, a screaming older woman who has to be this girl’s mother by the look of complete experaition she’s giving the woman, and a cursing man wearing workclothes that re-
Ah. Bob’s Snake Removal. Well then.
‘Is this your premises?’ the man asks as the woman turns on Aziraphale.
‘This place is a danger! To decent humans! DO you know what you have in your shop?’
Aziraphale gives her the glare of a thousand peeved shopkeepers, too tired to deal with this bullshit, combined with the knowledge that he doesn’t have to. ‘Books mostly,’ he comments mildly as she takes a step back. ‘My husband probably, he likes to slink around. Oh and his snake I’m sure, the dear thing.’
There’s an outraged hiss from under the table. Ah there he is. 
‘So you admit there’s a snake in the shop?!’ the woman shrieks.
‘Mum!’ the girl - Alice was it? - says. ‘Of course he does! Why do you think I keep coming here. Slinky is really sweet and he lets me pat him sometimes.’
The woman’s face goes red. Bright red. It’s really a fitting shade for the level of angry she is. 
But not important. Aziraphale turns to the workman. ‘Bob I presume?’ The man nods. ‘May I ask why you are here?’
‘Got a call a dangerous snake was loose,’ he says, fiddling with his pole. ‘Only got a glance before it wiggled into the inhaler but sir... You do know your snake is a red-bellied black snake?’
‘No he’s not,’ Aziraphale says absently, bending down to look under the table. ‘He’s a rat snake I believe. Crowley keeps telling me what’s made him all small and off colour but I’m afraid once I knew it wouldn’t affect his health I stopped trying to hold onto the details.’
From his place, curled up in an asthma inhaler, is Crowley. He sticks his tongue out at Aziraphale, looking very pleased for a snake. 
‘Oh you devil,’ Aziraphale hisses. ‘Get out from there, you don’t belong in there!’
Crowley just hisses again. How rude!
‘That is not a rat snake,’ Bob says, disbelief in his tone. ‘That’s an Australian red-bellied black snake.’
‘I assure you, no matter how much he looks like one, he really isn’t.’ Aziraphale waves a hand in the general area of his desk. ‘I think his paperwork is over on my desk.’ He reaches for Crowley’s inhaler but it moves away, just out of reach. ‘Fiend,’ he hisses at his ridiculous darling.
‘A marriage certificate!’ Alice’s mother shrieks. ‘That is hardly paperwork for a deadly snake.’
Aziraphale growls and waves again. ‘Underneath it you preposterous woman!’
‘Ah yes.’ Bob says a moment later. ‘I see. Well sir, do you need my help in getting your snake out of the inhaler? I won’t need to report it or rehome him but since I’m her-’
‘I have it,’ Aziraphale snaps. ‘He’ll be out in a minute.’ If he knows what’s good for him, Aziraphale says using a glare at Crowley.
Tongue still out, Crowley darts out of the inhaler and down Aziraphale’s sleeve. Grabbing the device, Aziraphale stands in a rush.
‘See, all done. Here you go my dear, though I do believe I have to ask you all to leave now.’
Alice nods, taking her inhaler as Bob starts grabbing his things. But Alice’s mother just stares. 
‘Where’s the snake?’ she asks in a tight voice, her eyes wide.
Crowley picks this moment to pop out of Aziraphale’s sleeve and hiss.
Alice’s mother screams and leaves the store in a rush. Following behind Alice calls, ‘See you next week!’ and waves.
Bob shakes his head. ‘Gotta say you are the most unusual snake owner I’ve met,’ he says as he grabs the last of his gear.
‘Good sir, I doubt you know the half of it.’ Aziraphale pulls Crowley up to his lips and places a small kiss on his snake’s snoot. ‘I’m quite sure my dear serpent owns me, not the other way round.’
With a laugh, Bob exits the store, leaving Aziraphale with an embarrassed snake hugging his hand. 
‘Well if you insist on being adorable my dear, I shall treat you as such.’ Crowley nibbles at his fingers in vengence, the adorable demon. ‘Just charming, aren’t you? Come on, I’ll read the rest of my book to you.’
Crowley’s hisses is an enthusiastic yes. Perfect.
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Review - The Second Yu Yu Hakusho Stage Play
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Due to a family member of the cast having COVID-19, the opening day of the second Yu Yu Hakusho stage play was postponed to accommodate the 14 day quarantine period, opening this past weekend.
COVID-19 regulations in the theater included mandatory face masks, temperature checks, hand and shoe disinfection, seat blocking, and a ban on talking within the theater. Stage actors wore clear chin face shields and the first row of the audience was required to use full face shields. The stage was sprayed with disinfectant during intermission. Goods usually sold at the venue were moved to online sales. (More on safety protocols in this TikTok if you are interested!) 
Now... on with the show!
ACT 1 The show opened with Botan running onto the stage and reminding everyone of the three main rules for safety: wear your mask, do not speak within the theater (even though she knows you want to talk to your friend-- please wait!), and disinfect your hands when you come back from intermission. Her little talk brought us into Hohoemi no Bakudan, during which the main cast showed off their fighting skills, and Koenma slid onto the stage to end it with his remote and a "disinfectant" spray bottle (which he was constantly spraying on stage and accidentally in his own face). 
He was about to launch into the Maze Castle footage when Genkai appeared and began to bully him for skipping her tournament. He conceded slightly and offered a 2 minute recap, during which Kuwabara and Yusuke hyper went through the events, with Yusuke's training with Genkai being acted simultaneously by the main actor and 3 "stage Yusukes" behind him, each doing a different task. When he wanted to balance on his finger, a "stage Yusuke" flipped him upside down and held him up, haha
Then, we moved onto Maze Castle. Because Seiryu and Suzaku were the only 2 mentioned by name in the program, I wasn't sure if the other fights would be featured-- thankfully, they were! 
My personal Kurama bias aside, this fight was done INCREDIBLY WELL. Genbu was a 7 piece puppet, with all his parts assigned to different ensemble members. They used the set pieces to hide and "fly" off stairs/ledges and it made for a great effect. The movement was fantastic and the pieces of the puppet looked like real stone under the stage lights.  
I'm... so sorry, Kuwabara fans. This scene was certainly an interesting choice. A tiny adorable Bakkyo puppet shouted its threats from the second story of the stage (for the "I can't believe he's that big this far away" line) and Kuwabara threw his hat into the arena by saying he could beat him "without a word being said." So... he pantomied the ENTIRE FIGHT. THE WHOLE THING. ALL BY HIMSELF. It was an awkwardly long, albeit entertaining, game of charades. If you didn't know the battle already, you'd be completely at a loss to understand what he was doing. In the end, he destroyed Bakkyo, who at that point was a projected image on a backdrop. 
Another fantastically done fight, although made comedic by Koenma's commentary. In the first take, the fight is over in a blink, with Hiei not moving and Seiryu falling to the ground. Koenma jumps on stage to say, "Wait, that was too fast, let's rewind a watch in slow-mo." You then get to see the characters fight gracefully in slow motion, with Koenma counting the cuts made by Hiei. In the middle of the slow-mo battle, Hiei makes it a point to punch Kuwabara in the stomach when he passes by him, haha. The last viewing, Koenma plays the fight at "easy viewing" speed, which places Seiryu and Hiei at "normal" speed and the spectators in slow-mo. Overall, very nicely done!
This fight was pretty straight forward and did not have any comedy added into it. It jumps between Yusuke fighting Suzaku and Keiko being attacked in the human world, with the lower stage for the battle and second story for Keiko and Botan's flee/fight. The choreography was good and their acting spot-on. Suzaku's clones were video projections. In my opinion, though, they made a tragic mistake by NOT INCLUDING THE SHOES ON THE HANDS. Maybe they decided it wasn't safe or workable. Either way, it was missed. 
The first part of the play ends with Keiko confronting Yusuke and demanding that she is the first one to know next time he has one of these missions. 
Act 2 opens with Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan viewing the video from Koenma about Yukina. The "video" Yukina is the actress up on the second floor of the stage while they sit on the bottom, so when the scene ends for them, the lights focus on her and her scene with the birds. (She captures Yukina’s aura perfectly.)
The Toguro brothers look GREAT on stage, which I didn't expect. Elder Toguro's actor in particular has such a creepy/slinky way of moving, he really embodies what gives you the heebie jeebies about him. 
The choice was made to cut Botan from accompanying them to Tarukane's estate, although I don't know why. The initial demons they encounter in the woods were also cut, for obvious comedic purposes, because they were replaced by a sunglasses and suit wearing demon who says, "No one can defeat me except Hiei. He's so cool. [Insert 1000 compliments about Hiei / jokes about Hiei]" because... it's Hiei's actor, who has nothing to do until the end of Act 2.
(They included Kurama's actor as the young man who tried to save Yukina from Tarukane in a later flashback during the Toguro fight.)
The bottom stage remains the fighting place as the upper stage is turned into Tarukane's betting room. It goes between reactions to the intruders and them knocking out demons, including Miyuki and that ninja guy.
The fight with the Toguro brothers is also well done and, as I said above, they have serious stage presence. After everyone collapses, Hiei shows up to punch Tarukane and they go on their way. We observe the conversation between Younger Toguro and Sakkyo after the main cast has moved off stage. 
We have another brief scene with Yusuke being invited to the Dark Tournament, and then the scene where they are about to get on the boat to Hanging Neck Island and Hiei greets Yusuke by attacking him. As they look off into the distance, Koenma pops up to say that's all we have time for today, and implies we'll have a next time to look forward to.
The pacing for this show was heaps better than the first one. It was great they chose 2 stories to follow instead of cramming in as many as possible. George was also included in the random in-betweens when Koenma offered commentary and gave actors time to change. All in all, it was a very enjoyable performance for fans of the show, and I think they did everything they could to make it safe for the people involved on stage and for the audience. 
If you can, definitely check out the livestream (there are 9 dates available) or buy the DVD when it comes out in April.
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Cheating Bastard and Puppy Brother (Cheater!Lucifer x Reader x Mammon) Part 4
Part 3
WARNING: Offensive language, sexual themes, dubcon
Diavolo had thousands of request forms to oversee and approve for the upcoming school festival, he called over Lucifer to help him segregate the doable from the impractical, but while Diavolo already finished half of his share, Lucifer was only on his seventeenth request form. He kept glancing over his D.D.D. resting on the corner of the table, which was odd, Diavolo thought, because Lucifer usually kept his device on silent and tucked away in his pocket. 
Diavolo called him but Lucifer didn’t respond.
“Lucifer,” he repeated. Again, it was like Lucifer was deaf.
Diavolo sighed and then snapped his fingers, sparking red lights in front of his aide.
Lucifer drew back in surprise, almost shifting into his demon form before calming down and facing Diavolo. He cleared his throat, “Did you need something?”
“No, but it seems like you’re preoccupied. Too preoccupied to do your work,” coming from Diavolo, the words weren’t meant to reprimand but to console. It has been years since he has seen Lucifer stressed to the point he couldn’t do his work.
“Maybe you should take a break, Lucifer. Finish the paperwork tomorrow,” Diavolo suggested. He may be the Crown Prince of Hell but even demons valued friendship.
Lucifer was going to decline but then his D.D.D. buzzed. Not wanting to appear too eager, he gracefully gathered the remaining paperwork and sorted them in the rightful drawer before bowing to Diavolo and leaving with his phone.
Once he was out of the office, Lucifer checked the new message but was disappointed that the sender wasn’t who he was expecting.
He opened Asmodeus’ message, thinking that it was yet another complaint about one of their brothers stealing his beauty products, but was surprised to see that it was a link to the campus newspaper’s website.
His D.D.D. was almost obliterated when he read the headlines:
Beneath the bold text was a picture of Mammon and you eating dinner at a human-food restaurant. When you dated Lucifer, he made it clear that he didn’t want to make the relationship public and Asmodeus’ flirtation with every living being (including you and fellow human, Solomon) did not count as dating, so this was the news of the century.
Lucifer didn’t understand. Were you doing this on purpose? Were you trying to get on his nerves?
He thinks back to that fateful night at that restaurant and wonders when everything went to hell.
He ran a hand through his hair and marched out of the academy. He needed to talk to you, and he was going to shove Mammon into a freezer for what he did.
Lamia checked the comments on the discussion board beneath the news article. Demons made fun of humans for being too nosey and judgmental but her species was just as bad. Harsh criticisms on both Mammon and that human garbage flew in one after another.
The True Pazuzu: Did that moron brother officially lose it?
I Am Roth: An idiot demon and a human -- they’re perfect for each other!
Hari_ng_Aswang: I can’t believe that human had the audacity to seduce one of the avatars. What a slut!
rosemarysbabe: What’s more shocking is that Mammon actually fell for her.
DwendeBoi: @rosemarysbabe How could you possibly know if Mammon actually likes her? She could just be a plaything for all we know!
Mammon’sClubPresident: @DwendeBoi That’s right, no one deserves Mammon but me!
Lamia wondered if this piece of news reached Lucifer. Surely, this coupled with that one, glorious night she and Lucifer shared should finally end his relationship with his human whore. She has had her fair share of human flesh, often breaking marriages and sometimes even tempting men of faith away from their God.
She chuckled and thought back to that night …
Lucifer tugged on his tie and breathed. Tonight was supposed to be a very personal, very special occasion but before he could go home and celebrate with you, he had to deal with Devildom’s entertainment industry.
He was Diavolo’s proxy in this pseudo-formal gathering. Pseudo-formal because this party had nothing to do with Devildom politics and everything about rising stars finding potential benefactors. Asmodeus would’ve fit right in with this crowd, Lucifer thought.
He glanced at his pocket watch. The party was supposed to end two hours ago and he should’ve been back at the House of Lamentation giving you your one-year-anniversary present.
While he debated with himself whether to stay or not, a familiar figure slithered towards his side. Lamia wore a slinky silver dress that was treading between sinful and tasteful, a human man and even the average demon would sell his soul for a single night with her. But Lucifer was immune to her so-called charms. The only creature that could tempt him was you.
To her every attempt at conversation, he merely smiled politely or nodded tersely. Sometimes he gave no reaction at all, finding the desserts on the buffet table more interesting.
Lamia, the rising star of Devildom’s film industry, did not take too kindly to being ignored. She’s never been one to chase after her partners (it was always the opposite) but she has always been fascinated by the seven brothers, especially the oldest. The fame and glory of having him would secure her position as a celebrity. She only came to this stupid party because she heard he would be coming as the royal family’s representative. But now he’s like this?
Throwing caution to the wind, she decided to up the ante and tried to press herself against him as she spoke. “Hey, Lucifer … I’m actually feeling a little lonely, would you perhaps -- ”
Lucifer gracefully stepped away before they could touch and she almost stumbled. He cleared his throat, “I beg your pardon, I think it would be best if we don’t start any rumors by acting like we’re close friends.” He wore his practised smile but his tone was firm. He then turned around and went to the balcony.
Lamia was left on her own, clenching her hands tightly and cheeks hot-red from anger and embarrassment. Suddenly, one of her competitors approached her, snickering.
“Don’t even bother. Lucifer never pays anybody attention, especially now that he has that human for a lover.”
Hearing this made Lamia a hundred times more bitter. She bit her cheek so hard she drew blood, but then she quickly composed herself and gave her rival a sneaky smile. “We’ll see about that,” she declared before turning on her heels and approaching the buffet table.
She reached into her shell-shaped bag and pulled out a small glass vial. It was a little gift from a witch fan of hers, the girl was not her type but she had talent, particularly with aphrodisiacs and Lamia asked for this special brew just for tonight. Just for Lucifer. She didn’t actually think she had to use it but it’s a good thing she kept it in her purse.
She poured all the contents in a single glass of blood-spiced wine. She then picked up a glass of crystal water and then followed Lucifer to the balcony.
“I want to apologize for my earlier behavior,” she said, handing him the potion-laced wine.
Lucifer glanced away from his D.D.D., gave her a small smile and took the wine.
“I know we just met and I’ve made a terrible impression on you so I thought we could start again.”
He nodded, but she caught his eyes when they ever-so-slightly rolled towards his D.D.D.
He was definitely distracted.
Lamia raised her own glass, “To new beginnings.”
Lamia grinned. With this, she can kick Mammon out of the entertainment business and get Lucifer for herself.
Part 5
EDIT: Lucifer didn’t cheat. Lamia tricked him using an aphrodisiac, i.e. she raped him. Now, I don’t want to get too pedantic or political because that’s not what this blog is for, but I will like to clarify that non-consensual sex is never okay. I don’t want you guys to think that just because Lucifer more or less takes the incident in stride that I take female-on-male rape lightly in real life. Do remember what this fanfic is truly about (for angst-inducing entertainment involving two demon brothers and not a sociological or political commentary) and that it is literally about thousand-year-old demons.  
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insatiablemuses · 3 years
Once Lilith found something she wanted, she always got it. Even if that something was a certain someone. She had seen the man when arriving to the new city she would be staying at for awhile. The moment she did, she knew that she needed to have him and she made that clear to her staff when she came home that night. Her head soldier had no problem tracking him down, humans were so easy to find after all. And weak too. It wasn’t difficult to retrain him and get him back to the mansion. Once there, he was stripped down to his underwear by the maids and rubbed down with a special mixture of pomegranate seed and rose oils, and then a collar was placed around his neck. after he was prepared, he was lead down the long hall to a door that said ‘Mistress’ on it. It was opened up and he was tossed inside.
The room he was tossed into was something out of a book. The walls were painted red with gold trim, there was a giant California king size bed with a black headboard and frame and red silk sheets, a fireplace, and a a black arm chair that a woman was sitting at right at this very moment.
“Look at you. A very delicious sight,” she comments with a smile, her voice sounding almost hypnotizing as she spoke to him. She stood up from her seat, the red velvet gown she wore slinky and reaching the floor, her dark brown hair resting along her shoulders. “Officer Garrett Bradley. On the force for awhile now. Upholding the law and putting on a good boy persona for all, while underneath, you hold such dark and wonderful desires,” she grins. “Do you colleagues know all about the things you do with your standard issued handcuffs that you use on perps? Or how you spend your nights off?” A knowing look is directed to him as she sips on her champagne. 
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Wools and Needles
Fandom: Avengers Pairing: Avengers & Male!Reader Summary: Knitting is a great skill and everyone on the team appreciates it! Word Count: 1,298 Request: “Can I request a marvel x reader, where the reader is really good at knitting and as a gift, he knits stuff for the team? -🍒” A/n: You got it, cherry 😉
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Call yourself an old man.
But, knitting is one of the skills you excel at.
And not to mention that you can be pretty nifty with that knitting needle when needed to be, also known as, horrifyingly stabbing someone’s eye out with the needle. Nevertheless, knitting was a great activity for you to relax.
The team knew you liked knitting and they loved it when they come and find a present waiting patiently for them. They always feel touched that you would go out of your way to make something because why the hell not.
Bucky has an array of sweaters, all of them carefully handled and taken care of. He has different colours because he wasn’t much of a pattern guy, you found out.
“Um, (Y/n)?” Bucky comes up to you as you were getting breakfast, half-awake you looked at him, “You know your sweaters?”
“What about them, Buck? Don’t like them?” You asked, rubbing your eyes but you were sure that he flushed red.
“No! I do, I love them a lot, it’s just....” Bucky wasn’t sure if he was going to offend you, “The pattern ones, I can’t wear them.”
“It makes me look fat,” You choked on the drink you were gulping down as you started to cough whilst Bucky stares at you, you tried to refrain from laughing hysterically.
“Okay, Buck, I’ll keep that in mind,” You nodded, smiling, patting him on the shoulder, “Just you know, you literally cannot be fat for the life of you.”
“That’s sweet,” Bucky chides as you chuckle to yourself, leaving Bucky in the kitchen.
Tony has a load of sweaters from you, despite being an actual furnace, he likes wearing the sweaters you knit for him. He loves it, even more, when you make a funky pattern or even a picture on the chest. Truth be told, you made a set of sweaters for the whole gang with their superhero sign on the chest, it’s what everyone likes to wear around Christmas.
“What is that?” You looked down with knitted eyebrows, almost offended at Tony’s question as you looked at the sweater you were holding against your chest to show him.
“What do you mean?” You asked, “It’s a sweater, you moron, with your iron man chest plate, I’ll have you know it took me three weeks to knit this!”
“It’s-” Tony looked up to your eyes and grinned, swooping to hug you, “Brilliant, (Y/n)!” 
“Uh!” You stumble for your balance when Tony almost takes you out, patting his shoulders with a smile, “Glad you like it, Tones.”
Thor loves socks, he savours in socks. This man has the coldest feet, it’s surprising. So, you’d happily make socks for them but there was a time you scolded at him that you would no longer make any more socks for him if he kept losing them.
“I mean it, Thor!” You scowled as Thor looked like a hurt puppy whilst Tony and Bruce had to stop them from grinning at the teammate being threatened by a human, “I will maim you.”
“Forgive me, (Y/n), I promise not to lose these ones.”
“You better,” You hissed leaving the room with your needles as Thor turns around to look at Tony and Bruce.
“He’s terrifying.”
“Yup,” The two scientist agreed, not wanting to get on your bad side, especially wielding a set of needles.
Natasha was a big fan for your scarves and a bigger fan when you threaten people with your needles, though you have never seen her sporting one of your scarves and you do not want to know what she does with it, however, she seems to light up when you present her with a new scarf.
“Should I know what you do with these,” You questioned her as you held out the navy blue scarf.
“No,” She stated bluntly, taking it off your hands.
“Will you ever wear one?” You asked her, looking at her, she turns to look at you with a soft smile and tilted her head.
“For you kiddo? Sure,” Natasha smiles and ruffles your hair, as you looked at her in disapproval as you fix your hair, “Just, uh, make two.”
You stare at her with an open mouth before closing it and shaking your head, “I’m not going to question it.”
“Better not.”
Peter is a hat guy and loves the beanies you knit for him. He always lights up as you wave a hat in front of him, it’s like a puppy getting excited when their own returns home. It’s endearing really, but you were told by Steve and Tony not to gift Peter too much because they once witness him tripping down the stairs to get to you.
“Peter,” You sang from the bottom of the stairs, he turns his head and suddenly he’s rushing towards you, “Wow, careful the-”
Then, the paces quicken as he stumbles on his feet, suddenly with each step he comes crashing down like a slinky. Steve comes up beside you whilst Tony watched from the top of the stairs. Peter makes it to the bottom, unscathed, as he stands up and grins. You hold out the new item of clothing and he quickly tries it on.
“Thanks, man!” He says as he goes to look for a mirror.
“Have you been doing Pavlov’s-?” Tony questions, coming down the stairs.
“Works wonders, boys,” You commented as the three of you just stare at each other, like a deer in the headlights, “Anyway, that kid is not getting any more hats for a long while.”
“That’s probably best,” Steve agrees, patting you on the back.
The team loves your knitting and all the things you give them. However, it’s been a while since you had given them anything since you were so busy with your life that you weren’t able to sit down and have a breather.
So, when you finally got to rest, you really wanted to nap on the sofa in the living room of the Avenger’s base. You put your music on quiet as you snuggle deeper into the pillow you lay your head on. As you sleep peacefully, it was Sam who noticed that you were passed out and beckoned the team.
They all smile as Bruce came holding a folded blanket, with vibrant colours and patterns. The blanket was knitted, but not by you. The team contributed many different squares of knitted patterns or colours. Steve and Natasha were the ones who sewed it up together. Clint was surprisingly great at knitting, in fact, it was his idea to make a big group project.
Wanda and Vision made the most intricate designs, whilst Tony spent many hours with Bruce and Peter in making the border of the blanket. Bucky and Sam were struggling to even knit so their little square patches were a little messy but full of love and appreciation. 
Thor couldn’t knit to save his life, he made two squares for the blanket at least before he was swatted away by Wanda to not to contribute anymore. Carefully, Wanda lays it on you whilst Natasha carefully stuck a sticky note upon your head.
The team disperseed and leaves you be, so when you wake up, you found yourself confused to why you had a blanket on you and where it came from. You ran your hand through the wool and laugh, noticing there was something stuck on you.
As you grabbed the yellow sticky note, you turned it around. smiling to yourself at the blanket, despite the wacky crazy patterns. There was a distinctive ‘A’ on it to symbolise Avengers. You read the note and your grin was never going to leave you for the next week.
“From us to you! - Your Team”
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ladyartemisia28 · 4 years
Say Amen (Saturday Night)Chapter 4
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince.
Warnings: Cursing?
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU
Chapter 4- Nine in the Afternoon
Author’s Note- Very advised to get a hold of the song Welcome to the Black Parade- by My Chemical Romance.
After they finished gathering their things, Roman led Virgil out to the parking lot.
He slowly shuffled his feet as he caught up to Roman who walked up to open the trunk of a very nice red car. The symbol on the front of the car was a large L.
Virgil raised his eyes up from the ground to look at the vehicle with wide eyes.
“This is your car?” he roughly tossed his bag in the back set
“Yeah, I was hoping for a Lamborghini.” Roman joked with a wink as gently placed his bag in the trunk.
Virgil attempted silence small bitter voice in his head.
“When I was 14 and my cousin, Adora, got her Quiñceanera. She chose me to be her chambelán de honor or chosen escort. I was SOOOOOO JEALOUS!” He dramatically flourished with his hands as he grabbed the trunk lid and closed it shut. “So to bribe me my parents told me that they'd get me a car a year early.”
“Sorry but I have to ask, but I...I'm not sure what it is?” Virgil asked
“Oh uh, sorry” Roman apologized with a smile.
Virgil hummed as a response.
“It's the big birthday that Cis Latina girls get when they turn into 'women'. Silly and patriarchal, I know!” Roman added with a open palms gesture when he saw the eyebrow raise that Virgil gave. “But it was so fun, so fancy and beautiful!”
Roman pushed the key fob to unlock the car and they got themselves settled in.
“It's fucked up that other genders don't get anything like that.”
“Yeah I even stole the catalogue that she picked her dress out of. I cut out my favourites and glued my face on them. Put them all up and down my mirror.” Roman said with a proud smile remembering the happy memories.
Images of Roman in slinky cocktail dresses rushed into Virgil's mind. His face dropped to a small frown as he struggled to stop that particular train of thought.
Roman was unsure if he had said something that upset Virgil to make him clam up again.
"Uh you can pick the music if you'd like?” Roman offered as a break in the sudden silence. “CD's are in the middle.”
He waited for Virgil to buckle himself in before he pulled his car out of the parking lot. Virgil went through all the preset radio stations before opening the middle console.
“CD's? I would have thought that you would have your car set up with Spotify or Pandora or something like that?” he said as he opened opened the console and looked through the collection
“Eh, CD's are great. No commercials for long car trips. ”
All of the Cds were for musicals, a few that he had heard of like Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Guys and Dolls. And some that Virgil didn't know, Dear Evan Hanson, Six the Musical, and...Legally Blonde? He did not know that that was a musical.
Then he spotted one that Roman had mentioned.
“Um, any suggestions from Heathers? You said that I might like this the 7/11 song?”  
“I usually go through the whole thing in order....but I suggest for you, Track number 4.”
“Could I get some context?” Virgil asked as he pressed the button for the track number.
“The uh, 7/11 scene in the movie...But in song.” Roman offered with a bit of a smug smile.
“I probably should have guessed that.” he admitted with a grumble.
Virgil closed his eyes as he listened to the song and imagined the scene in his head.
Just like in the Heathers movie JD was recounting to Veronica how he travelled all over the place because of his father. And because of that he didn't feel like he was able to connect to the people and places. No place felt like home, except for 7/11.
It was always a weird scene in Virgil's opinion. Like JD is just opening up to this person he just met and telling her his very strong feelings about a convenience store and Slushies.
Even though it was strange Virgil had to admit, it was a good song. Parts of the song were a little to close to home, like “When the voice in your head says you're better off dead”.
“So what do you think? ”
“Yeah I get it. Its good.”
“That's all?”  Roman asked exasperatedly
“I guess I was expecting something different???”
“Like what?”
“I just thought that JD was going to be a little more intense. Like crazy sounding or something?”
“Ah what YOU are searching for is 'Meant to Be Yours' number 17.”
He pressed the button until he reached the number and sat back in his seat to listen.
“So is that was you were expecting?” Roman asked as they exited the car after arriving at the store.
“Yeah, it was” Virgil smiled “Real Intense.”
The pair stopped after they reached to threshold to get their bearings.
“I get so lost in here.” Roman complained with a slight whine to his voice. “I don't usually do the grocery shopping.
Before Virgil could comment Roman continued.
“Lo likes to go to make sure that the budget is kept tight, but he's been so busy with his job. He just got his a new taker for his math tutoring.”
“So Logan's your brother?” Virgil
“My brother, well Step brother. My Mama married his Papa. When I was old enough to remember that I was getting a new family, but young enough that it's no longer weird.” Roman offered a little bit more information than necessary.
Roman briefly considered mentioning that he was at the party and Virgil had briefly seen him, but he didn't want to bring up the previous night.
At lest he didn't want to bring it up first.
They were getting along so well that he didn't want to make Virgil uncomfortable.
“Really, I grew up with him so he is my brother. Soooooo do you have any siblings?” Roman began to play with the sleeves of his jacket as he attempted a more personal question.
“Uh yeah, a older sister” he muttered.
“And her name is...?”
“Melantha,” he responded with little inflection “she prefers to be called Missy.”
“Melantha?! WOW, huh! Did your parents just grab a baby name book and open a page at random for ALL their kids!” Roman teased with a mocking laugh as they arrived at the Dairy and Juice section.  
“Yeah haha, Virgil's got a weird name. I've NEVER heard that before.” Virgil rolled his eyes as his tone changed from frosty to salty. “You know Roman isn't really the most common name either.”
“I am far from COMMON! Besides I wasn't saying your name was BAD! It is 'strange and usual like you'.” Roman winked as he tried to steer their conversation back to more friendly waters.
“Quoting Beetljuice at me? You'll have to do better than that.” Virgil grinned in spite of himself as he grabbed a six pack of orange drink and placed it in the cart.
“Come on you gotta give a guy some credit for remembering what your interests are right?”
“Yeah I guess” he said with a reluctantly happier tone.
“Hey do you see the Almond Milk?” Roman asked after he finished his scan bottles and cartons.
“Uh no, I think that might be over in the Organic or like Vegan section. Why does your brother have you on a specialized diet as well as his, what was it? His extremist water agenda? What does that even mean?” Virgil chuckled as he took the cart from Roman and led him toward the other end of the store.
“It's just what I call his super weird thing about getting enough water everyday. And yeah he does keep our kitchen stocked with a lot of green veggies. Also he checks to sure I kept up a sleep schedule”
Virgil's eyebrows rose in surprise at hearing all things.
“Yikes, he sounds like a bit of a control freak...”
“Yeah he is sometimes. Like I have hide my Butterfinger stash from him.” Roman complained. “He's not as bad I make him sound...NEVER tell him I told you that.”  
Roman went over to the shelf and looked over the choices, Soy, Almond, Lactose- Free lined the shelves.
“Oh and to answer why the special milk, I'm THINKING of starting the Paleo diet right now. My brother has no influence on this though, just want to try and see what works. I might try Keto if this one doesn't work for me.
“ah right.” Virgil nodded eyes slightly widened hoping that the look on his face didn't betrayal the fact that he did NOT know what the heck a Paleo or a Keto diet meant.
Virgil felt heard a chime from his pocket so he pulled out his phone.
“Hey I'm going to get this.” he shook his phone up to show Roman before he stepped away from the cold of the meat section.
Roman nodded in return as he turned to look at the selection of skinless chicken.
Virgil got a message from Green_Tea_Gay on his Instagram account, Anxious_On_Main.
'Hey so that “Study Partner” is a hot piece!'
'Remy do you have a point' Virgil replied
'Gurl do you know? have you seen his pics? HOW is he Single!!'
After the three little dots disappeared in their place were several pictures
His face reddened as he looked at the pictures of the previously mentioned selfies. Roman wearing tight jeans in front of a mirror with his backside captured on the camera. Another with him laying on his stomach caught at an angle getting his short clad behind in shot.
He quickly glanced over to Roman, who was still distracted.
He looked back at him phone and quickly texted back.
'Don't send me those!'
'They are posted to the public! I didn't hack his phone'
'I don't care, no more pics of his butt'
Just about the time he was going to put his phone back into his pocket another chime stopped him.
The next series of pictures were of Roman exercising posing with a dumbbell doing a curl, stretching, and other gym activities,  
And the last was Roman in swimwear that exposed more skin than he thought was allowed outside of certain websites.
His body felt instant heat and he looked and took a few calming breaths before returning to message Remy.
'I said no more pics!'
'Sis you told me no pics of his ass'
'Easy there Baby! No need to get your knickers in a twist. I'm just trying to help. Look at what you will be missing if you don't Snatch. That. Up!'
'What the hell Rem! We are NOT getting together! He is not into me.'
'Nah sweetie, you should have been paying more attention. That is totally a smitten kitten'
'You are the worst'
'No I am literally the best and you two are soooo getting together. Don't worry I know I made my point.'
'You asshole'
'Enjoy the pictures ;)'
Roman noticed that after he returned from his handling of his phone business Virgil had gotten quiet again and seemed to shift his gaze away from Roman.
'Did I spent too much time with the chicken?'
They walked down to the breakfast aisle.
As Virgil picked up some a box of Count Chocula cereal Roman slowed the cart to a stop behind him.
“You can only get this one around this time of year” he looked at it with a fondness that made Roman's stomach flip.
“So what are you planning on making?” Roman asked as he leaned his arms on the handle bar of the cart.
“Making? Uh, nothing, just like a bowl of cereal.... like with milk...from a cow” Virgil tilted his head to one side.
Confusion on his face as he held up the box and gave it a shake.
Roman could feel heat creep over his face, he was very caught off guard by the unexpected softness on Virgil's face.
'Shit!...now he thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to eat cereal!'
Virgil turned around and did not see Roman's flushed face as he hide his own.
Basic cereal... I guess I could be making something with it like a cereal bar or something? A cake? Maybe? It isnt very impressive...and it's probably not on the platleo diet or whatever it was...
They stood in awkward silence until Virgil turned back around.
“I guess that cereal isn't something that YOU would be eating.” he looked at the cart. “From what I see here, you eat like you are going to be in the next Avengers movie or something.”
“Thanks, I mean I try.” Roman said with his eyes downwards as his body did an uncharacteristic shy sway.
“Yeah, I gues if you workout half as much as you take all those pictures, you could get away with more than the occasional  Butterfinger.” Virgil's eyes widened as he realized what he had said.
'.. shut up! shut up! shut up!'
Roman's head snapped up to look at Virgil.
“You've seen my gyms pictures?” Roman asked in a whisper.
“Ah Yeah that's like all over your Instagram page,” he attempted to sound super casual
He did not sound casual.
Like at all
They felt a charged moment between them and the longer it went on the longer they were unsure of who was going to break the silence.
Roman took it upon himself to interrupt the quiet as he tool the box of chocolate cereal in hand.
“I like the marshmallow bats.” he said with sheepish smile.
When they returned to the car they loaded Roman's groceries into the trunk and Virgil's bags into the back seat. Then they got themselves settled in their seats.
“SO where am I uh dropping you off?” Roman asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.
“I live in the dorms," Virgil asked as he started his usual habit of checking all the radio stations. “You don't?”
He found a song that he seemed to like on one of stations, Roman recognized it as a song by Imagine Dragons.
“I live in a apartment a little bit away from the college, with Logan.”
“Um, I live in the north dorms.” Virgil said as he a small bit of nervousness as took his thumbnail between his teeth. “With Patton, my best friend.”
After that song ended, a G piano note began the next song. Roman vaguely recognized it from somewhere he couldn't place. He figured when it got to the singing part he would be able to identify it.
Virgil tensed out of both excitement and fear.
He was about to embarrassed himself in front of Roman.  At lest Roman was driving so he wouldn't be stared at. So he took a breath and let himself focus on the lyrics.  
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city” Virgil sang out beautifully. “To see a marching band”
Roman's jaw dropped and his breath stilled. He felt like he was going to swoon.
He was so very grateful that they were at a red stoplight.
“He said, son, when you grow up Would you be the saviour of the broken The beaten, and the damned? He said, will you defeat them Your demons and all the non-believers?”
Virgil sang with closed eyes losing himself in the song. While Roman's heart thumped hard in his chest and he felt an assortment of warring emotions.
“The plans that they have made? Because one day I'll leave you A phantom to lead you in the summer To join the black parade”
As the song picked up in tempo Roman realized where he had heard this song before. He remembered that he had a few friends who were into My Chemical Romance, it was 'Welcome to the Black Parade'.
“When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, son, when you grow up Will you be the savior of the broken The beaten, and the damned?”
Virgil continued a little more intensely. As the song got more upbeat Roman joined Virgil in singing and continued his drive toward the dorm.  
“Sometimes I get the feeling She's watching over me And other times I feel like I should go”
Virgil eyes popped wide open and he smiled.
“And through it all The rise and fall The bodies in the streets And when you're gone, we want you all to know
We'll carry on, we'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And in my heart I can't contain it The anthem won't explain it”
As Roman turned a corner they continued to sing together
“A world that sends you reeling From decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all So paint it black And take it back Let's shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end We hear the call”
Roman followed the music with dramatic hand gestures as he continued driving with his left hand. Even Virgil joined in with less dramatic the hand motions.  
“To carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches”
Virgil sang with a full grinning face, his relief at Roman joining him in singing the song had caused him to relax and he was able to sing louder with more feeling.
“On and on, we carry through the fears (Oh, oh, oh) Disappointed faces of your peers (Oh, oh, oh)”  
Take a look at me 'Cause I could not care at all”
Roman held onto the note at the end for a bit. Virgil continued on with the lyrics
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part I won't explain or say I'm sorry I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar Give a cheer for all the broken Listen here, because it's who we are I'm just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song I'm just a man, I'm not a hero I don't care
They arrived at the dorms parking lot and Roman parked.
We'll carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on You'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on
Roman contuined his singing the longer held notes as they song concluded.
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on) Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on) Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on) Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry) We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)
“We'll carry on!”
They both sang as the song ended to the sounds of drums.
At the conclusion of the song both Virgil and Roman were out of breath and grinning.
Roman felt his heart race.
He had thought that he had experienced maximum attraction that morning toward Virgil. But he was very wrong.
'Damnit Virgil why does your voice have to sound like sexy melted chocolate!'
He fought every instinct to just lean over and initiate a vehicular makeout session.        
Roman caught a brief glimpse of Virgil's eyes peak out from underneath his bangs and he gave him a very full smile.
Virgil nervously took a glance at Roman from underneath his dark hair.
Roman had the brightest and most authentic smile that Virgil thought he ever saw on his face.
It wasn't like Virgil thought that Roman faked his other smiles, the feelings of joy and friendliness were not false. But it seemed a lot of the other smiles that Roman gave seemed too perfect, Virgil guessed he practised his expressions in front of a mirror.      
This smile was of shear amazement, it was pointed in Virgil's direction. Like he could not believe what he heard, it caused Virgil to feel an annoying sensation in his chest.
“I didn't know you could sing” Roman spoke softly breaking the silence.
“Uh sure I guess I can sing a tune here or there.” Virgil shrugged with a dismissive sigh.
“I think its more than that!” Roman attempted to offer him a very sincere compliment.
“Yeah I'm not about to sell out stadiums anytime.” Virgil chuckled at the thought.
'I wish you were in a band. I'd buy all your albums. Be front row in your concerts, I'd....shit I can't tell him any of this!'
“So My Chemical Romance huh?” Roman said with a wide smirk.
“What about it?!”
“They are like the most cliché Emo band ever.” Roman snickered.
“Ah cliche? Really YOU want to go there do you?!” Virgil said
“Whatever do you mean by that?” Roman asked with a raised eyebrow.
“For a theatre kid you would think you'd dress a bit more stylish or something?” Virgil attempted to say with an indifferent air.
“What like take the costume from Hot Mikado out around the quad?”
“Absolute no clue what that is.” Virgil laughed as he exited the vehicle.
“It's....never mind that. I have only dressed subtly to spare those around me. ” Roman responded as he walked to back of the car. “How would anyone be able to concentrate on their schooling if I were to show up in full regalia?!”
“Full Regalia, huh, you sure think highly of yourself don't you? I'm not sure you should be bragging quite so much.”
“Is that a formal challenge?” Roman felt his racing heart in his chest in the midst of their back and forth.
“Not sure how impressive you'll actually be, but I'll keep an open mind, I guess.” Virgil shrugged with a small smirk as he began to take out the bags.
'I'll show him'
Roman noticed a few heavier bags that he could chivalrously offer to help him with.
“I can help you carry some of your groceries to your dorm?”
“Ah you just want an excuse to come to my room.” Virgil teased in a deep low voice  as he waited for Roman to banter back.
“YES YOU BET I DO!!!!....play it cool, Roman play it cool!'
“N...no...! I uh... as a gentleman I ... have to help anyone I see that is in need...” Roman sputtered out before he took ahold of small package of bagels “You ...you have... you have to carry..lots there.”
Virgil read his flustering as a rejection of his flirtation.
“No thanks! I got it! ” he quickly and loudly shouted in a panic as he took the bag out of Roman's hands.
Virgil thought that he and Roman had just shared a moment together.
'You just were imaging it! You shouldn't have believed Remy, you complete moron! ' He sling his messenger bag over his shoulder.
Then he draped the loops of the several other bags onto each elbow crook. And then took another bag into his left hand.
As he struggled to stuff the bagel bag into an already full bag, Roman again attempted to offer help.
“It's not a problem!” Roman gestured to the bagels.
“NO! I got it” Virgil just wanted to disappear as quickly as he could. He then placed the plastic of the bag in between his teeth.
“Cee Ou ENESAH.” Virgil shouted through clenched teeth as he retreated.
“Uh yeah.” Roman spoke to an empty damp parking lot. “see you”
Author's Note
The long pause was due to new job and lack of constant access to a working computer.
I think I will still have a job later after the situation clears, but I am unsure....
What do people think of me backtracking and converting all of the mentions of DEE to JAE? It won't be too much trouble as he has not even appeared yet.
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therewasatale · 3 years
A toy's life
/It’s an older story of mine./
On Ao3.
The night finally fell. Every human member of the household went to sleep, but not everything. As the noises in the house quieted down, and Andy's breathing turned into a steady rhythmic, the toys started to move.
Woody was the first one to raise his head, and look around in the dark room. He knew that his companions were waiting for him to act. Every one of them heard the screams coming from the kitchen while they had to remain motionless as Andy played with them. A toys first and only reason to exist is to be played with. They had to do what they had to do no matter what. Still, those screams echoed in their ears even hours later.
From the side of the bed, a voice spoke, empty, and haunted.
The cowboy sighed, even though he had no lungs, or ability to breath. He slid out of Andy's arms, and climbed down on the blanket to the floor. When he landed, he was unable to read anything from the actions figures face who was standing down there.
"We have to go."
Woody gave him a nod, and turned his head towards the toy box. His friends were looking at him, but nobody talked, or moved. Not Hamm, nor Slinky, not even Bo or Jessie. The cowboy adjusted his hat, and whistled. Bullseye climbed out, and solemnly trotted in front of him. The smaller container, where the plastic soldiers where, popped open too. Sarge jumped out, and hopped all the way to Woody.
"I'll go with you."
"No." The answer was an obvious order, but it was not enough for the soldier. Not this time.
"With all due respect sir, they are my men."
"I understand Sarge, but I still can't let you to come with us. It will be only the three of us. Me, Buzz, and Bullseye. I swear as soon as we know anything we will inform you. But you cannot come with us."
The fist of the plastic soldier became even tighter. "But they are…"
"Sarge" the cowboy placed his hand on the smaller figure's shoulder." How long have we been friends?"
"I don’t know. Never counted." The soldier let himself reminiscent for a moment, before shaking his head. He shouldn’t let himself become sentimental. "For years."
"During that time, I might have done things that would make you second guess my decisions but now, I still ask you to trust me. I will tell you everything." The cowboy looked into the eyes of the green figure, who, after a couple of seconds of silence, nodded.  Woody let the Sarge's shoulder go and waved to his friend to follow him.
"Let's go Buzz."
Both of them climbed on Bullseye's back. The plastic monkeys and Lenny were already waiting on the door to let them out. They formed a chain, the lock made a small click and the door slowly creaked out.
They didn’t see Sarge hopping back to his remaining soldiers. He sat down without a word and buried his face into his hands.
Bullseye moved towards the living room. Somehow his movement felt slower than usual. If they get through it, they will reach the kitchen, and they will discover what really happened.
It was a usual afternoon. Andy was playing with them, this time the Potato Head family thought out something dastardly for Buzz and Woody to foil. They recruited an army, and they hired the plastic monkeys to abduct Rex, the last remaining dinosaur on the world. They were just about to liberate the beast, when they heard the screams. In the eyes of the toys, pure horror appeared, and even Andy's hand stopped for a second. After that only the voice of the microwave, and the play continued. Andy then eat in his room and played a little before going to bed.
Woody knew that his friends were thinking the same. Yesterday Andy's mom gathered couple of the soldiers. They got bent when a shelf fell on them, it happens sometimes when Andy don’t put his toys away before the autumn cleaning. Happened before, probably will in the future. Woody was sure that Andy will ask for them back from his mother and he will bend them back into shape before putting them into their box. Maybe they will be a bit crooked, and get a couple of humours comment, but that’s it.
How stupid was he.
Bullseye slowly stepped down on the stairs, and before the cowboy could have sunk more into his self-blame, Buzz started to speak.
"It wasn’t your fault."
Woody gave out a small, sad laugh. "Right…"
"I was the one who let them behind."
"Mom was paying attention to them. You know it. We would have been unable to get them back without being noticed. Not from the kitchen."
He knew that Buzz was right, but that didn’t make it any easier at all. "We broke the rules before!"
"We can't be lucky every time, Woody."
Bullseye stopped in the living room. All of them heard the faint groaning from towards the kitchen table.
"Stay here, Bullseye." The cowboy stroked the horse's head, and hopped down from his back before starting to climb up on the sofa to reach the table.
As they pulled themselves on the table, they immediately froze up. Woody was struck by cause. He was close to falling off, but his partner managed to grab him before that happened. The faint groaning noises came from the centre of the table, and became more distinguishable.
Woody was still unable to move. The voice came from a soldier, but he was only barely able to recognise its form. His body was half-melted, and distorted just as his companions, but the others were unable to speak.
The cowboy realised exactly what had happened. The microwave. The screams.
The realisation made his legs weak. He fell to his knees, unable to tore his eyes away from the nightmarish scene. His friends were made into some kind of twisted ornament. They were melted, just enough that their bodies became malleable, and they were formed into the shape of a bowl. As a finishing touch, they were coloured golden. A fruit bowl. They were made into a fruit bowl because he didn't act in time.
"Woody." It was Buzz's voice that dragged him out of his self-blame. "Look at me. You can't let this destroy you, we have to be there for them. Come on, sheriff!"
He slowly stood up, and walked towards the bowl. When he reached it, he noticed the knife laying beside it. "I'm here, I'm here." His thoughts were frantically chasing each other. "We will get you out from there. Buzz come here, I will need your hel-"
The soldiers head was unable to move much, but he managed to turn his eyes towards them.
"Just…keep it together soldier, we will…"
"Please, don't worry about it, sir…" the soldier gave him a sad smile.
"What?" The Sheriff looked at him with a shocked expression. "Don't say it like that! We will get you all out! We won't leave you behind!"
"It's okay, sir. It wasn't your fault. None of us thought that it was." The soldier didn't look towards his companions. It would have probably break his mind that what they have become really.
"I won't let you give up, soldier!"
The cowboy words obviously didn't fully reach him. "Please, tell Sarge that it was an honour serving with him."
"No." Woody shook his head. "I won't let you give up! Keep it together, that's an order!"
The other toy raised his golden painted eyes, looking straight into his, and remained silent for a second.
"Please, the only thing I ask is to make it quick."
Buzz stood there, silent, and horrified.
During the years they lived to numerous adventures. But this time, it was truly unsettling. The feeling when he looked upon the grotesque scene have shaken him to his core. This was something that he couldn't even imagine actually Sid would do. Truth to be told, he would have been unable to imagine anyone doing something like that. Yet here it was, in their home.
"No" mumbled Woody, without much life in his voice.
Buzz started towards the knife. It was a small peeling knife. Andy's mom must have bought it only recently. The edge was clean enough that the moonlight reflected on it.
"Let me do it."
The space toy stopped beside Woody, dragging the knife behind him. The cowboy watched the slowly moving blade, and then raised his eyes towards his friend with a blank look. Buzz never seen him this tired, and empty.
"No. It's my responsibility."
Woody stepped toward the knife, and slowly raised it. He was able to lift it alone, but he needed to balance it a little bit. The knife looked sharp enough to make any necessary cut.
A toy can be damaged, taken apart, repainted, even parts can be broken down, and it will still remain alive, for lack of a better word. But only to a certain point. Do enough damage, and they will start losing themselves. Their personality warp, and change into something that doesn't even know what it was before. Do even more, and they will die. Not like a human, but they will cease to exist. Most toys didn't believe in the afterlife. A few even considered it before they ever faced the prospect of destruction. Buzz and Woody, had faced that prospect more than enough time to know the feeling.
"I won't leave you alone in this." Buzz took the end of the knife. Together, they were able to keep it steady, even when they were moving.
The cowboy looked back above his shoulder, and gave him a small nod. The toy soldier nodded a little.
"Thank you, sir. It was an honour, to serve with you two, too. "
The knife struck down.
The next the morning Andy's mother hopelessly searched for her new, homemade bowl, that he assembled according to an internet video. When she reached the living room, he was surprised to find out that the apples were scattered around the room. Not only that, but somehow the peeling knife was stuck into the table.
That day, when Andy left to school, the toys held a funeral.
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Mid-Morning Promise
Warnings: Fluff. Touchy of cheeky humor. 
Tumblr media
There was an outpour of rain rolling off the gutter just outside your bedroom windowpane. It had to be much later out than the hazy gray of thunderstorm fog that darkened the walls said. But, you weren’t about to check the time and let your mind worry with all the matters of your busy day that needed tending to. Not with the familiar buzz of a finally resting man wheezing beside you.
Chris had been away only a month this go-around. But he came back overworked, and clogged emotionally in every aspect. You could tell it when he lugged himself through the door last night, eyes sagging with the trials of his day. 
His presence was as warm as his heart next to you beneath the twisted, wallowed sheets begging to be stained with your reuniting. When nights got too cumbersome and restless with his absence, you’d pull the heating pad from the linen closet and stuff it inside a pillow next to you. The warmth betraying your mind in the still of night when you would roll over in sleep to feel that hot side of the bed.
You fitted with his suitcase before bed last time, figuring a head start on his laundry would be one less thing to take care of over the weekend you had planned with family. But, he left the luggage in the trunk outside, insisting he just needed a shower, and you next to him.
He had fondled with the breasts under your slinky top after crumbing into the sheets with you only a handful of hours ago, but you could see the drunkenness of sleep deprivation looming behind his eyes. Ever thankful for his insatiable desires to touch you, and reunite his flesh to yours, you advised him to rest, so you could take him properly.
You hadn’t slept much, afraid he would dissipate like a vapor in the wind if you took your eyes off of him, but you could catch up on rest anytime. His face, curved and slightly puffy with stone-like slumber, hair prickly and pointing in erratic directions was the only vision you wanted to look at. He was shirtless, flat on his back, a leg slightly bent under the thin sheath of a jersey-knit sheet set, the fuzzy trail of his now softer abs dipping into the dark cloth of his boxers. You liked him this way. Toned in every desirable place, but his edges now less harsh, and much more realistic. He was comfortable in this softer skin, and you were still enamored with his easy handsomeness.
Suddenly, a mitt-like hand struck above his head, a smeared and soured stretch crumpling his nose. His freshly slept eyes heavy like the morning fog swept over you, and you felt the prickle of chills make your skin cold.
“It’s impolite to stare, baby. We’ve talked about this.” He rolled to his side, seeking out the cloudy foam of the duvet to cover the pair of you.
“And I can’t help myself. We’ve talked about that, too.”
He traced the dips of your face, combed over the brows of your eyes, tugged at the pout of your powder pink lips, his own mouth full of a smile.
“This is my favorite time, you know. Quiet, with you. Deaf to the noise of whatever is going on outside these four walls. And, it helps that these glorious tits are usually bare and eager to start the day with me, too.”
You chucked his chest with a heaving smack. So poetic, and so bro-ishly horny all in the same.
“You had me in the palm of your hand, until that little tit remark…” You chided, trying to cover yourself from him as punishment.
“I love you, Y/N. God, you couldn’t even begin to understand how much I need you, doll.”
You kissed him. Crude comments be damned, you sucked his mouth into yours with the heat of a thousand flames. His Adams apple bobbed under the palm of your fevered hand resting at his thick throat.
“Wait here for a second, okay?” He broke away, heading down the hall before you could get a good grip on him.
Flattening to your back, wordlessly assessing the color of your bedroom ceiling, the pattering of his feet re-entered the room with hands tucked behind his broad back.
“Close your eyes, angel.”
You obliged, but not without a bratty huff, and the bed dipped with his weight.
You felt him lay down, settling in close proximity of the very area of your body that craved him the most in that moment, sliding his stretched palms over the space of belly.
“No peeking, missy!” The butt of his chin was weighing on the lower of your abdomen, making your breaths a bit more struggled, and a cool presence appeared around your navel.
“Get to it, Evans. I have other plans for our morning…”
His fingers nimbly feathered over your skin, and you detected the ghost of a tremble in his usual sure touch.
“You are my world, Y/N. You are my most pleasant dream come to life, and I’m thankful every day that somehow you found your way to me. You’re patient, and selfless. Strong, and smart. You are so incredibly and painfully desirable every second of the day, and I’m convinced that you are the only human being on this planet that can make me this happy.
There was a slick coolness falling down your cheek before you knew it, and you clasped your fingers with his to steady your emotions.
“I want to be the single most supportive person in your life as you’ve been for me, and I will try with everything in me to be the every reason for that breathtaking smile.”
“Chris, I love you too. What’s this all about, you big mysterious lug?” You sniffled with still sealed eyes.
“Open, baby.”
In the crook of your naked belly, barely catching the dim light from a tired sun outside, was a diamond ring.
“Sweetheart, would you do me the greatest honor, and marry me?” He was splayed out on his belly, gripping your sides, resting a chattering chin just below the dazzling band.
“Yes, Chris. Always, yes.”
TAGS: @eap1935 @miidailyinspiration @mollybegger-blog @spideypxgirl @littleluna98
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littlejeanniebean · 4 years
Ep. 1 | The Marauders: Chase Her
A/N: I’m back, witches! ;) With the long-teased BAND AU!! Also @inakindofdaydream​ here’s your tag as promised, hope you enjoy :)) More Marauders in my masterlist! Read on AO3! - J xx
“Oh, Lily, darling, isn’t it a bit…” Narcissa Black appraised the outfit with a derisive sniff, “childish?”
It was a floor-length gown, trimmed to flow with the model’s figure exactly, thanks to Dorcas’ design skills. The highlight was the hot pink lava-lamp-like mixture oozing between the solid pale pink inner layer and the clear exterior material; Lily, a chemistry undergraduate who’d founded the Evans brand on Etsy as a hobby, had made it from scratch. Underneath it all was a complicated circulation system of refrigerant to keep the wearer cool, courtesy of Marlene, who was studying to be a mechanical engineer. Lily had tested it on herself and had the light burns on her legs to prove it, but it was worth it for the 60s-themed Met Gala. That is, if she could convince her client to wear it.
“Hardly,” she responded, “The design says you're playful, but the slinky cut and deep-V neckline say you’re a woman ready to conquer the carpet.”
Narcissa rolled her eyes, “Serves me right for selecting a designer last minute. All the professionals are booked.” 
Lily tried to think of a popsicle or winter, anything to cool the angry flush she could feel burning in her cheeks.
The tall blonde was unbothered as she strutted around the mannequin, inspecting the low back and the spaghetti straps, before extending her arms out to Dorcas and Marlene, who were standing by, “Fine, fit me.”
“I got it,” Lily said quickly when she saw Dorcas’ jaw drop in indignance at being treated like a maid. 
Marlene successfully occupied the deeply offended designer until Mary, the brand's publicist, announced that it was time. 
Lily and their client left the hotel for the iconic New York museum in a chartered limousine among an entire fleet of them. Although dressed plainly in a black sweater and pencil skirt, Lily’s bright red hair made her stand out among the Black family’s monochrome entourage. 
“Sirius, who’s that?” James pushed his thick-rimmed glasses up his nose and tiptoed to get a better look through the sea of celebrities and their teams spilling onto the carpet. 
“I don’t know, but she must be nice because I’m not related to her,” said the dark-haired man, who’d been essentially coerced into attending this event with the rest of his crazy reality television family. 
“Starting to not regret letting you drag me along,” while his friend walked the carpet, James followed the lady with the designer access credentials who looked at everything around her in unabashed wonder.
“James Potter!” someone called out.
He turned around and noticed too late that it was a reporter.
“How does it feel to win a record deal after your performance in the Highland Music Festival?” 
“Will you be performing on The House of Black?” 
“When is your debut album coming out?”
James held up a finger for silence the way he’d seen his mum do plenty-a-time, “I’m so grateful - especially to my music teacher, Minerva McGonagall. I don’t think my best friend will even be on that show anymore and we do everything together. We’re in writing sessions now, just having fun and seeing what we can do, but we’re very excited to share our music with everyone soon, especially our amazing fans.”
“Who are you wearing?”
“Who are you most excited to meet tonight?”
“Are you excited for The Weird Sisters’ performance?”
It went on this way until James could politely extricate himself with the boyish excuse of needing to use the bathroom. He practically sprinted to the tents at the end of the carpet. 
“My armpits are sweating, Lily!”
There she was. A picture of calm amidst the commotion. And her name was Lily.
“Cissy, calm down -”
“Don’t tell me what to do, Siri!”
“See, this is why I can’t work with you lot anymore! You’re bat-shit crazy! Of course, your pits sweat, you’re a human being - not a fucking Barbie doll!”
“You haven’t the faintest idea of the impossible standards I hold myself to because I actually strive to be my best self unlike you, you lazy dog!”
“Are you getting this?” Bella Black, whispered with a toothy smile to the camera that was filming the entire exchange.
"How's it going, Molly?" James addressed the short videographer with auburn space buns. 
She made a funny face at him and he laughed. Molly smiled just a bit in spite of the tensions she worked around daily. 
"Narcissa," a clear voice pulled his attention back towards the girl named Lily, "I believe you've just nicked the wire that runs the cooling system with your heel," she crouched down and hooked it back up, "There you are."
James took this as his cue to pull Sirius away before another argument began. Also, he may or may not have wanted to get even closer to the red-head, "C'mon, mate, let it go, yeah? It's not worth it."
Narcissa huffed and strutted away. Lily had no choice but to follow at her heels, but to her admirer, she made it look like a power move. 
"Ugh, remind me never to do that again!" Sirius collapsed onto the couch in the recording studio they rented next door to their label, Castle Records. 
"James?" Remus asked his less distraught friend.
"Ah. At least it wasn't Bella."
The bespectacled boy sat at his drum kit and began to play a couple of mid-tempo rounds on the snare, cymbals, and base, creating the mood of a pursuit. 
"Ooh, I like that," Peter switched the settings on his electronic keyboard to an eighties synth and joined in the jam.
Remus added the bass while Sirius plugged in his electric guitar. 
It was three the next afternoon when Remus finished mixing the track and Sirius had no more unorthodox but cool ideas like, "Record the tires squealing while I  do donuts in the parking lot on my motorbike and add it to the chorus!"
However, James, being ever the perfectionist when it came to music, kept wanting to re-record the drums and the others couldn't even talk him out of it because truthfully, it sounded better every time he did it. 
When they reached the one-week mark, though, Sirius had to take action. "I called Molly. She's going to record our music video today and you know she's quick in post-production so whatever you've got is what we're running."
"Ugh, I hate you!" said James. He didn't. 
Molly arrived at nine sharp and set up the lighting, did their hair and makeup, helped them pick coordinating but not matching outfits, and at ten exactly, called, "Action!"
Don't let her doe eyes fool you
She's been winning since the day she was born
Darlin' don't wanna lose you 
Je ne parle pas français, mais j'adore
So I'm done playing hard to get
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 You're running circles in my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
And every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
"LilyLilyLily!" Mary squealed, barging into her friend's hotel room and clambering onto the bed, "We made it!"
Narcissa's lava dress had been trending all week and the Evans brand online store had finally crashed with the volume of orders they were trying to process at once for clothes, accessories, make up, and fragrances.
Her name is bloomin' in my heart
And every beat I beat is hers alone
Darlin' think of what we could start 
Jamais seul ou triste, jamais pas en mode
"Jimbo! Jumbo! Jambo!" Sirius woke up his roommate with their first single blasting from his phone, "We made it!"
Their Chase Her music video had over a million views and the song was number one on Spotify. 
And if our paths cross just this once
Could you be mine and I'll be yours
Tonight, darlin', we dance, we dance
Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours
Sirius guffawed at the comment section, "James: I don't speak French; Also James: Nous pourrions vivre pour toujours."
"Co-written by Google Translate," the singer quipped, putting on his glasses so he could see it all for himself, his smile coming close to breaking his pretty face.
Done being someone you'll forget
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
 Cuz you're all I got gon' through my head
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Yeah every word you ever said
(You gotta chase her, chase her, gotta gotta chase her)
Is calling my soul outta my body, must be in heav'n
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gaylenightingale · 4 years
Notes: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru. AU. OCC. I don’t own Inuyasha, nor do I make money from this.
Today’s prompt is from Inucestlover with comments from arathergrimreaper and mewshuuartblog from the Tumblr inucest chat group.
PROMPT: (Based on a recurring nightmare)
The brothers are trapped in a testing center and have finally escaped their restraints. They have no recollection as to why or how they got there, but security is hot on their trail. InuYasha’s worst for wear and is barely catching up to his brother. Whatever tests were conducted on them have removed their demonic powers. Sesshomaru must slow down his pace to match InuYasha’s.
After what feels like an eternity of running, they find an escape route through some pipes. The pipes... Truncated so it doesn’t ruin the ending
Feel free to write your own version. The following is where my mind went.
——-#——— TRAPPED
Sesshomaru cringed.
The light was so bright it pierced through his closed eyelids and burnt his retina. He tried to raise a hand to cover his eyes only to find it was bound.
“!” He groaned as he struggled against the bindings. What ever could bind him must be strong, he was a daiyoukai after all.
“Don’t bother,” came a depressed sounding voice. The sound was garbled. Was there something in his ears?
“Who’s there?” Sesshomaru growled still fighting against whatever bound him. His eyes were still closed due to the intensity of the light.
“Yeh, I am, bastard. I see the foxy seductress caught you too. Damn she looked so hot in that skimpy red form fitting dress. Should have known it was too good to be true.” The inuhanyou sighed.
“Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru paused in his struggles. “Get me out of here!” Sesshomaru squinted allowing only a fraction of the bright light in.
Inuyasha huffed. “When your eyes adjust you will see that I am as bound up as you. And what’s worse is someone or something has taken away our demonic power.”
“NO!!!!” Sesshomaru screamed pulling even harder against the bounds. He tried to bring forth his light whip, imagining it whipping around hitting anything in its way. But nothing happened. He rubbed his finger tip attempting to ascertain the status of his claws but only felt humanoid fingertips with blunted tips. Sesshomaru ceased struggling and centered himself. Taking several deep breaths, he noted the air was clear but lacked all the aromas he could normally smell.
Moments passed.
“My eyes are still unable to see. Tell me of our situation.” Sesshomaru sighed.
“Yeh, it took me a half day to get used to the light. I think it keeps us from falling asleep.”
“Well, I actually don’t know how long I’ve been here. The light has been on the whole time and I’m in my human form. I’ve never been human with the light on before so it’s all new to me.”
Inuyasha had been quickly losing courage. Uncertain of the time he had spent in the every bright room he tried counting but quickly lost track as his mind wandered. The moment his big brother was brought into the room he had some hope again only to be dashed as he saw their capturers drag the demon about like he was a rag doll. That was the most shattering moment of all. Who could take down Sesshomaru!
At one point he even thought Sesshomaru was dead but he saw a slight movement of the dog demon’s chest. He spoke to the demon then.
“Fight it, Sesshomaru,” he cheered.
No response.
“You’re too stubborn to die,” he taunted.
No response.
“Wake up you bastard!” He yelled.
But time passed.
Now his brother was awake and wanted a status report. Well, here goes, he thought.
“I think I was drugged and brought here. Nothing has happened here except being exposed to this bright light and seeing them bring you in.”
“What do you remember?” Sesshomaru asked.
“Some foxy lady in a slinky red dress came on to me and asked me to go to dinner. I didn’t have any plans so I took her up on it. We sat down at a table for two and ordered some drinks. I remember chatting with her briefly about family, work, cars and then I don’t remember anything else until I woke up here.”
“What did she look like?” Sesshomaru asked suspiciously. He was beginning to understand how they were caught.
“Blond, long legs, perky nose..”Inuyasha started but Sesshomaru interrupted, “amble bosom, shapely figure, hazel eyes?”
“Yeh! That’s her. Do you know her?”
“She was wearing a white silk draped dress when I met her. She said she wanted to hear about my art businesses and would I give her some tips on finance and investing. Must admit she knew some of my favorite subjects to talk about. You didn’t mention them to her, by chance, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha felt like shrinking under the line of questions. “Uh-mmh, I might have mentioned it. But how did she know I liked fast cars?”
“Rocket scientist! You drive three of them!” If he could open his eyes he would have rolled them.
“Ooh,” Inuyasha eeped quietly. “Was she a demon?”
“I think so,” Sesshomaru answered. “But I couldn’t place her smell. It seemed diluted by perfume.”
The men pondered in silence until Sesshomaru spoke again.
“We have to get out of here. Tell me what it looks like around me.”
“The floor is a light tile with big two feet squares. The entire room is 20 feet long and 10 feet wide. The ceilings seem to go forever, like we are in a open rectangular room but it could be a transparent or mirror ceiling. The light comes from everywhere. I don’t see one fixture. It’s still too bright to look at. You are bound to a metal bed with straps across your arms, torso, legs. Your feet are free. The bed is at a tilt. If you could step forward you could touch the floor. I’m on a similar bed but I’m laying flat. I can’t move anymore than an inch in any direction. And I about six feet from you to your right. The door is six feet to your left.
Sesshomaru attempted to move his foot forward but was stopped by the strap across his knee.
“What are the straps made from?”Sesshomaru rubbed his fingers together.
“Umm, leather? Maybe?” Inuyasha guessed.
Sesshomaru struggled to turn his hand in the restraint. “I’m going to try and melt the strap with my poison. Tell me if I’m in the right spot.”
“A little to the right,” Inuyasha replied, a bit of excitement returning to his voice.
A drip of green poison beaded out of Sesshomaru’s index finger and dropped on the floor, sizzling as it hit.
“A little more to the right,” Inuyasha corrected.
The process was tedious because Sesshomaru’s poison wasn’t flowing as usual but eventually the band on his right was dissolved. With his right hand free Sesshomaru was able to free the rest of his bounds. He covered his eyes and made his way to Inuyasha’s side.
“Are you otherwise okay, brother?” Sesshomaru asked as he pulled and tugged at the bindings.
“I think so,” Inuyasha said as he sat up, his first motion to rub his wrists. “I feel okay, just weak like when I’m human.”
“If t his is what you feel like once a month I truly pity you, little brother. This is intolerable!” Sesshomaru went to the door and attempted to open it.
Inuyasha shrugged as he rubbed his legs to get the feeling back in them. “I guess I know what to expect now.” He looked to Sesshomaru for confirmation he heard the answer. The daiyoukai wasn’t paying attention.
“Inuyasha, come and help me pull on this door.”
Inuyasha stood and then crumpled on the floor. He pulled himself partial up before Sesshomaru returned to his side.
“I thought you were okay?”
“So did I but my legs are so weak I can’t use them.”
“What was the last thing you remember?” Sesshomaru was concerned that Inuyasha had been in confinement too long.
“The corona virus had put everyone in isolation and it was the first day we could get out and go eat,” Inuyasha watched Sesshomaru’s face as it turned from its normally stoic mask to a look of disbelief.
“That’s not possible, Inuyasha, We’re still in lock down.”
The brothers stared at each other.
“We have got to get out of here!!!!”
Sesshomaru braced Inuyasha and they went to the door. Pulling, pushing and prying the brothers finally got the door open a crack. It was dark outside.
“Inuyasha, close one eye now. It’ll help you accommodate to the change in the lighting. When we get out there open that eye and close the other.”
Inuyasha nodded.
The men pried the door open. Sesshomaru threw Inuyasha on his shoulder and rushed from the room. They found themselves in a dark hallway. Ensuring they were alone Sesshomaru and his passenger ran away from the room in which they had been held prisoner.
After several moments Inuyasha called to him. “Brother, stop for a moment. Listen. I think I hear water moving.”
Sesshomaru stopped and shuffled Inuyasha to the piggy back position. Now both were silent.
There was a sound of water!
“Your hearing is back!” Sesshomaru whispered. “I smell the water. It’s under us.”
“Your nose is back!” Inuyasha replied. “What about your whip?”
Sesshomaru tried his whip. It lit up the hallway.
“Sit me down. Maybe my legs are back,” Inuyasha said hopefully.
Sesshomaru gently lowered his passenger to the ground. As his feet touched Inuyasha felt strength return to his legs. He gently touched his head, his fingers searching for the twin triangles. “My ears are back!” Inuyasha nearly jumped for joy.
Sesshomaru nodded and then dropped acid on the floor. A circle of three feet dissolved to show a large pipe system beneath the subfloors. “We need to go!” The males dropped through the flooring and scurried along the service walkways next to the large water pipes.
“Where are we! Pipes this big are used in large industry and water treatment places.”
“No clue, brother, but I hear voices. Let’s hurry!”
As the dog demons scurried down the service walkways, one scientist in the control center turned to another. “Let’s add another variable to this experiment.”
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