#that doesn't mean she's benign
aces-to-apples · 2 months
Every day I am reminded that there are people, real live human people, who for no reason are absolutely terrified of answering the door and refuse to pick up a phone call. Love and light but there's something fucking wrong with some of you.
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(part 2 of November Paramedic; part 1 is here.)
Steve's honey-sweet eyes, gleaming with confidence, ask 'why don't you take a bite?'
His pink mouth, deliciously curved, wonders 'don't you want a taste?'
His dark chest hair, leading a mouthwatering path down his pants, says 'you know you want to'.
And Eddie does. He really does. He would, if Steve was actually here. Alas, all Eddie has is the calendar photo currently staring at him from where it's propped on Eddie's dresser, and he's not biting into it. It's the only one he's got, you see; he won't be ruining it with bite marks and drool due to his intrusive thoughts.
If he had a copy machine close at hand, though? If he could make as many pictures as he'd possibly want? Oho, watch out, Slobbertown!
It's been one week since Steve the sexy paramedic revealed himself to be a real person and not just a dude in a softcore porn calendar. One week since he Florence Nightingale'd Eddie before vanishing in a flurry of bloody gauze and blinking blue lights, leaving both Eddie and Gareth breathless.
(Though in Gareth's case, it was due to laughing so hard he choked on himself.)
The calendar doesn't do it for him anymore. Don't misunderstand – he still uses it when beating the meat. In fact, it has exclusively become his primary masturbatory aid, and it has served him especially well the past few days. The moment those 48 hours were over and Gareth left, Eddie chucked off his sweatpants and went to, well, Slobbertown. But it's not the same anymore. How could it be, when he knows the real Steve's hair smells like a meadow and his aftershave like lemon and spice? When he's felt the pressure of Steve's fingertips on his jaw? When he's seen the faint scar running down Steve's chin from his mouth? When he can still hear Steve's voice use his name, give him orders, call him 'sir'?
It's impossible. Fuck, just whenever Eddie closes his eyes Steve's face appears, as vividly as if it happened yesterday. Of course, that might have something to do with Eddie already having made himself oh so familiar with Steve's face, and chest, and hands, and… everything else, for the past two years. Jesus damn it, if he knew this was where he'd end up he never would've bought the calendar in the first place.
Groaning, he throws himself back on his bed; then he shouts as his head thumps into the wall. Typical. He rubs at the spot to soothe it. No bump, though it hurts like a bitch. Pain (and suspicion he just aggravated the previous head injury) aside, he's comfortable, thus he sprawls out and stares at the ceiling as planned.
He's been distracted. He knows that because literally everyone has been on his case about it. Gareth gives him smug smiles that have turned alarmingly calculated as the week has passed. Jeff and Marv, having been filled in by Gareth, are rather more amused in a benign way. His boss almost sent him home to recuperate after catching him staring into space for the third time. Uncle Wayne noticed something was off through the phone. And Max has been giving him weird looks.
Ah, little Max. The only person in the complex who doesn't steer clear of him. She doesn't actually know what went down – not completely. She knows he got injured, because she caught him and Gareth as they stumbled home while she was exiting her apartment to toss the trash. Her sharp eyes zeroed in on the plaster, and on Eddie's arm that was slung over Gareth's shoulders for support (at Gareth's insistence).
"You got in a fight?" she asked.
With a grin he'd exclaimed, "Battle? You know me better than that! Nay, I did my utmost to escape the violence... but the ruffian got to me regardless."
"Huh. You okay?"
Gareth had rolled his eyes. "He's fine. I mean, listen to him."
"Don't worry about me, Red." Eddie tapped his own head. "This ol' noggin is harder than it looks."
A corner of her mouth twisted up, though if it was in amusement he couldn't tell in the dim hallway. They ought to team up against the super; maybe their combined whining will have him finally fix that broken light bulb.
"Make sure you don't take aspirin or ibuprofen," she said. "It can-"
"Yeah, I know. Paramedic already told me."
"Good. Is our lesson still on?"
"Certainly, m'dear."
And then he'd tipped an imaginary hat, she snorted, and Gareth hauled his ass to bed.
He didn't see Max again until Sunday afternoon, when she came by for their aforementioned weekly guitar lesson. Parking themselves on each end of the couch, his acoustic in her lap, he'd made her play the 'homework' from the previous Sunday. It sounded pretty good. She honestly won't need his help soon – probably doesn't need it now. She understands basic theory and is diligent about practicing. He'd be fine with awarding her temporary custody of the guitar for a while. She insists on coming over, however, claiming she has to be perfect by the time of the next open mic down at Connie's Corner Coffee.
The reason she has to be perfect? Well. Eddie is pretty sure it's to impress her boy. She hasn't confirmed that it's for her boy, or even that she has one, but it totally is and she totally does. He knows this because 1. she becomes flustered and grumpy (grustered? Flumpy?) every time he brings it up, and 2. if she was learning to play for herself he'd be subjected to a lot more Pink Floyd and a lot less Curtis Mayfield.
It's cute, to be honest. Picking up an instrument for a boy you like? That's romantic as fuck. If he hadn't been the Lord of All Losers he would've serenaded tons of boys when he was younger. Hell, he'd do it now, if only there were anyone willing to listen. But he hasn't had as much as a date in ages, and none of his previous attempts at relationships ever reached the 'romantic gestures' stage.
Maybe he should ask Max to set him up with someone. Why not? She probably meets dozens of people every day, at the campus, at the skatepark, wherever else she hangs. If there's anyone who could sort out his disastrous love life, it's Max Mayfield. She's so put together, and she's not even 20 yet. She's got her own place (in a supremely shitty building, but still a place), she's got a man (reluctant as she is to admit it), and she is halfway through her math degree. A fucking math degree, for Christ's sake! Math majors are built for solving problems!
Maybe she could even calculate how many times he'd need to injure himself before he'd meet the one paramedic he wanted to kiss… him better.
It was around that point of his daydreaming that Max shot a hair tie at his forehead and demanded he stop zoning out and correct her hand placement.
"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowing deeper than usual. "Have you been resting?"
"Yes. For the prescribed 48 hours, and then some. I'm fine."
She'd frowned, scrutinizing him with those pale blue eyes. He squared his shoulders and met her gaze like a man. Easier said than done, to be truthful. He likes Max – she's fun, easily the most kickass neighbor he's ever had – but she can be intense. And when she gets her stare on? She's downright creepy.
"I'd prefer to cancel over you fucking up your head more," she at last said, posture stiff and chin jutting. 'Don't lie to me,' is what she meant.
Eddie sighed. "Red… I'm fine. Seriously."
And he was. Physically speaking, at least. Mentally, he'd always been a little off. Part of the patented Munson charm, really.
She must've realized that, because she relaxed, her expression going from 'active bitch face' and back to 'resting'.
"All right. Sorry for being overbearing. It's just." She shrugged a shoulder, gripping the neck of the guitar as it started sliding off her crossed legs. "One of my closest friends is a medical professional. Another one is studying biology. They've been discussing human anatomy and… I guess they've gotten into my head."
Damn his friends for caring. How was he supposed to sell this image of a dark, dangerous, rocker dude if he was constantly misty-eyed from how sweet his buds were to him? He leaned forward to pat her knee.
"I appreciate the concern, unnecessary as it is. But!" He drew himself back and pointed in the air. "We're not postponing! Open mic is less than a month away – you only have so many days left before you'll be on that stage, in front of aaaaall those people… and your beau."
He's certain that if she hadn't still been sorta concerned about his health, she'd have smacked him.
That was Sunday afternoon. Now is Wednesday evening. He is still hung up on Thursday. He doesn't even know why. Yes, he was face-to-face with the hottest guy ever. Sure, that same guy has been the star of his most critically acclaimed fantasies. Indeed, he hasn't gotten laid in eons. Of course, he's pent-up with sexual frustration and yearning for another man's touch.
But still. He's not an animal or a sex-crazed teenager. He's smart enough to know that nothing good will come of this. It's not like he'll ever see Steve again. That'd be so unrealistic.
A knock on his front door reaches his ears. Eddie makes no effort to get up and answer it. He's not expecting anyone – whoever it is will have to return another day.
The knocking turns into a pounding, followed by yelling.
"Eddie! Let me in, asshole, I know you're there!"
Ugh. What does he want? Hasn't he heard of texting?
Eddie drags himself off the bed and toward the door. Yanking it open, he's met by Gareth's self-satisfied visage.
"Good evening," he says, heedless of Eddie’s glare. "I come hither with your solution."
"My solution?" Eddie mutters as he stalks to his couch to crumple into another heap.
Gareth follows him inside. "I have a plan to get your man!"
"What? Who? What?"
"Steve. November-paramedic," Gareth says, like it's obvious, which, what the actual fuck?
"He's not my man?"
"But he could be."
"Gareth, what the fuck-"
He moves to sit up, but Gareth's palm hits him square in the diaphragm and pushes him back down.
"No, listen: you are a terrible patient."
"I'm not-"
"Remember back in high school, when that asshole rear-ended us in the intersection at Hickory and 5th?"
Eddie grimaces. How could he forget? They'd stopped at a red light when a drunken motherfucker plowed into them, sending them careening into the T-junction. One car managed to break before hitting them; another veered only to crash into a fourth car. The result was, for them, whiplash injuries and, for the people who collided, bruises, sprains, and a dislocated joint. It had been the scariest moment of Eddie's life, and the neck pain had been excruciating. That wasted piece of shit was lucky no one died.
He says, "Yeah?"
"You were so snarky with that poor EMT."
"Okay, first off, I was a snot-nosed brat back then-"
"Dude, you were nineteen."
"-and she was rude to me first."
"She was following protocol!" Gareth shakes his head. "The point is that you never follow orders or instructions, not even when a doctor tells you to. But November-Steve? I've never seen you be so pliable."
"And after, when I had to babysit you for two fucking days? I expected it to be difficult. But you were so busy sighing and yearning-" he says, ignoring Eddie's indignant sputtering, "-and replaying him tenderly caressing your face with his big, manly hands and holding your gaze with those big, manly eyes-"
"Do you want to fuck him?"
"-that you forgot to complain or be a contrarian about everything." Gareth smiles, sweet as cavities. "It was great. I'd like to recapture that. And if November-Steve is the one to bring it out of you, well!"
Eddie glowers at him. No, really! With the metaphorical thunder clouds swirling over his head and everything! His world has been shook. It is tilted off its axis, and it's his best friend's duty to mock him relentlessly for it. But this? Trying to encourage him? Give him hope? That's going too far.
Gareth notices. Of course he does; curse the heart on Eddie's sleeve. The sickly-sugary smugness evaporates off him, and he takes a seat on the dingy couch seat.
"Eddie," he says with a softness reserved for a select few individuals. "Seriously. You've been all moon-eyed for a week. You've been thinking about him. Really thinking."
Eddie balloons his cheeks and huffs out the air. "Well. If you spend two years jerking it to a guy-"
"-and then he suddenly appears before you, in the flesh? I've been fantasizing about it. He's a fantasy. And when it actually happens, that's…"
He trails off. Gareth knocks their shoulders together.
"He seemed nice."
Eddie scoffs. "I spoke to him for fifteen minutes. Tops."
"Fifteen nice minutes. You haven't dated in ages. Maybe this is a sign?"
Chuckling, Eddie slumps his head onto Gareth's shoulder. They're the wrong heights for it, so it's awkward and strenuous on the neck. He remains.
"You're just looking for another opportunity to embarrass me," he says.
"Embarrass you and improve your life. Like only true friends strive to do."
Eddie hums. "So what's your fucking plan?"
Gareth shifts, turning toward Eddie, but doesn't say anything yet. Glancing up, Eddie is met by a zoomed-in, upside-down view of Gareth's pointy grin, his canines gleaming.
"The university!"
Taglist: @rougenancy, @raisedbylibrarians, @yourebuckingkiddingme, @swimmingbirdrunningrock, @emma77645, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @eddielives1986, @stevesbipanic, @the-redthread, @fandemonium-takes-its-toll, @henderdads, @gay-little-bitch, @lordofthepointygerbils, @lenore1232, @imzadidragonfly, @zerokrox-blog, @eddiemunsonswife, @cherrycolas-things, @ediewentmissing, @princess-eddie, @atombombbibunny, @ajamlessbaby, @dogswithforks, @grimmfitzz, @cutiecusp, @cuips-not-cute, @manicallydepressedrobot, @messrs-weasley, @madaboutmunson, @mightbeasleep, @suikatto, @brassreign, @snapshotmaestro, @bea-sayan, @courtjestermunson, @csinnamon-fox, @steveisabicon, @spectrum-spectre, @spinmewriteround , @just-super-fucking-gay, @escapingthereality, @oneweirdcryptid
No longer adding to the tag list, due to numbers and (hopefully temporary) technical difficulties. Please save or memorize the tag #steddie fic: november paramedic instead; all the parts will be there (unless something goes terribly wrong).
Thank you for reading! 🖤 ☺
Part 3
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AITA for eating my brother's food
I (13, m) and my adopted sister (13, f) and our mom (??, f) have just moved back in with my grandparents, and with my adopted brother (13, m)
Now I've got what my mom calls a "sensitive tummy" and "gastrointestinal inflammation" and I throw up if I eat anything other than a few very specific foods. I also have issues with impulse control and will "overeat" if she doesn't carefully monitor my food intake.
But my brother is allowed to have his food all the time because he has "tumours" and "is on steroids so he can't help but be hungry" which is pretty unfair in my opinion. Grandma often sets his food out and forgets to watch it and if I'm fast I can get a few mouthfuls in before anyone catches me. I think it's perfectly reasonable, because I deserve food too, but last time my brother saw me do it and he hit me. And grandma called me an asshole the last time she caught me.
So aita for eating foods that don't belong to me and make me sick? Or is everyone else just being mean to me because I'm adopted. I mean I'm only 10 pounds and I'm sick too, I've got a little benign heart murmur, whatever that means, along with my tummy troubles, so I really don't think I'm in the wrong here. Besides, I'm a ginger boy and I'm very soft, so that should absolve me of any aholeness right? I even meow loudly before I throw up, so mommy knows I'm feeling icky, even though she always locks me in the bathroom until I'm done.
What are these acronyms?
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Season 5 and the symbolism of pancakes
Guys, I swear I have a life outside of speculating the meaning behind pancakes in Miraculous...
But seriously, they're important. They symbolise the future (as made explicit in Pretention).
[Small note: they look like pancakes, they're called "pancakes" in the French dub, I don't know if they taste like pancakes, but I do know that they are not "French toasts" as the English dub claims. So I'll stick to "pancakes"]
So we are introduced to the pancakes in Illusion, where for the first time Adrien sees his father in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.
Seems benign enough. Gabriel is even considered enough to ask Adrien how he likes his pancakes. He likes them "well-toasted."
Illusion is an episode where Gabriel fakes having changed, and him giving Adrien a choice is in line what that change. Of course, he still manipulates him into making him think that he has the freedom to not be the face of the Alliance, by basically threatening to withhold his newly expressed fatherly love if Adrien refuses to agree with him (more on that in this post). Pancakes are just a device for Gabriel to add to his illusion of good parent, and the illusion that Adrien has a choice.
Adrien and Gabriel are in the kitchen. Adrien is looking at his extremely decorated pancakes.
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As we learn from Nathalie a second later, he likes his pancakes plain. She tells him to not eat them "to please his father", while Gabriel seemingly naively points out that if Adrien didn't want bananas, he could have told him.
Sure he could tell him, except that the last time Adrien asked for something from Gabriel -to not be the face of Alliance-, he emotionally manipulated him to withdraw his request, and even made him wear the said Alliance.
The bananas and the fancy toppings are basically a metaphor for the fancy model life Gabriel wants to give Adrien, while Adrien really doesn't want any of it. And just as many people like toppings on their pancakes, they also would like to have a life of fame, hence think Adrien is lucky (as seen in the S4 Finale). Meanwhile, Adrien doesn't want any of it, he likes his pancakes and and his life plain and simple, "au naturel".
Nonetheless, Adrien still continues eating his father's pancakes, saying that he doesn't mind, that he likes them.
This is where the pancake business gets serious.
First, we learn that indeed, Gabriel's pancakes taste bad. Plagg cheers for being saved from eating another serving of Gabriel's pancakes. This is bordering to over analysis but, given that Plagg couldn't eat them while Gabriel is in the kitchen, I assume that's Adrien's opinion which he must have confessed to Plagg at a more appropriate time. And still, Adrien keeps eating his father's pancakes.
Later in the episode, the pancake/future metaphor is expressed very clearly by Gabriel. He tells Marinette that she can have her pancake and life however she wants it, but the one thing she can't do is to share it with Adrien.
He says very clearly:
You think that you have a choice, but all you have is the illusion of a choice. And I decide which choices you get.
And where do we get this exact claim in practice? In the episode Illusion, where Gabriel manipulates Adrien into thinking that he has a say over his future, while Gabriel is the one making all the choices that matter.
And he gives two "choices" to Marinette:
To eat the pancake, receive Gabriel's backing and be a famous designer
To refuse the pancake and have nothing
Once more, the way he frames it, Gabriel gives the illusion that Marinette has a choice, while neither of the two choices includes being with Adrien. So he basically leaves her with no choice but to break up with him.
Now comes the breaking point. Marinette fully understands that the pancakes are a metaphor for her and Adrien's future, and she continues the same metaphor to get her message across to Gabriel (talk about power move).
First, she refuses to eat them. She has "lost her appetite."
This refusal is in contrast with Adrien who kept eating them even though he didn't like them. Unlike him, Marinette "doesn't even need to try them to know that they are bad."
Normally, this is to be understood as her making the choice no 2: refuse the pancake and have nothing.
As such, she is escorted out the kitchen. The scene composition clearly shows that she is stuck between Gabriel on the one side, and the Gorilla on the other.
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Because, she refused the pancake. Per Gabriel's rules, she is supposed to have nothing.
But Marinette defies that. Not only she runs upstairs to hug and tell Adrien that she'll never abandon him, but she also gets back downstairs without needing to be restrained by the Gorilla, hence protecting her composture.
Look at how she goes down the stairs, having not only the physical but also the moral high-ground:
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She looks so intimidating that in the next frame, even the Gorilla steps aside to let her pass. Both Gorilla and Gabriel are surprised by her move, if you zoom in you can see it in their faces. Gabriel did not expect her to do something outside the two "choices" he had given her.
And then comes the death blow, where Marinette tells Gabriel:
You know what's your pancakes problem? They have too much flour and not enough butter. You use an outdated recipe, no one likes them like that anymore.
Yup. She calls Gabriel's entire fashion, but also life practices, outdated with one simple metaphor. My girl slays.
At the end of Pretention, during dinner (no pancakes here sorry), we see that a parallelling breakthrough happens in Adrien's front.
Gabriel tells Adrien that he can spend as much as time as he wants with Marinette, for he will be in London next year. Again, Gabriel is creating the illusion that he is free to date Marinette, except that, as Adrien now realises, he is not. Adrien gets visibly furious at his father for the first time.
He does quickly calm down, but what is his reaction? He says that he has "lost his appetite," just like Marinette did. The boy who kept eating badly made pancakes with the toppings he didn't like finally refuses to eat the illusions his father is feeding him.
This, coupled with Adrien's terror at going to his room at the beginning of the episode, leaving Marinette alone despite himself, become a turning point for him: he finally acknowledges that he isn't free, and that his father keeps forcing his decisions onto him. Maybe also getting one step closer to discovering/accepting that he is a sentibeing.
All this story, told through pancakes.
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hadesoftheladies · 11 months
friendly reminder that men together perfectly fit the definition of a terrorist group
"Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel)." 
men are not a neutral group, not politically, not positionally or economically--they actively participate in violence as intimidation against innocent women and children (and even other men) to advance and maintain patriarchy. misogyny is an ideology and a practice. it is a belief system with a long, old history of books, sermons, articles, and propaganda art pieces. it has its philosophers, its academics, and its politicians. you do not have to look far to be buried alive by examples.
men torture women for being women. men create stereotypes and archetypes in books and movies to convince men and children of their otherness. their inhumaness. "see?" the male politician say, behind a pulpit, at a conference, in the boardrooms, "she doesn't feel pain. she is made to be penetrated. she exists to supply offspring. she is made to be owned. it is an economic necessity that women and girls are made available to the man for sex. it is a human right."
"see?" the male artist/propagandist says. "the woman is hysterical, emotional, crazy, romantic. a woman is soft and must be soft. a woman is fuckable and must be fuckable. a woman is sex and must be used for it. her beauty is our intellectual property. as men we must claim it, display it, define it--and we can. we have."
"see?" the religious man says from his pedestal. "the woman is a whore. easily tricked and deceived. untrustworthy. she cannot be an authority. only a mother. only a servant. a woman who denies her meekness is diseased and to be burned. it is not wrong to own slaves. it is not wrong to own wives. god is in our image."
"see?" the academic man says during his lecture. "history is man's invention. the suffering of women is an evolutionary fact, and is not truly suffering, for it is natural. it is her destiny. the male body is excellence. the male body is default humanity. what is his body, what he needs, is what she needs, for she is a weaker version of him."
and our brothers listen, and our fathers learned. and it showed up in our homes. the propaganda showed up on our dinner tables, in car drives. each new century, each new generation of men, pick up the movement and carry on the march. it was burning women at the stake, now it is using their faces to torture them with deepfake porn. it evolves, but not on its own. not mysteriously or "naturally" but because people, men, keep fighting to maintain the status quo.
it is active. it is a deliberate and strategic movement. it is violent. it is hatred. it is PURPOSEFUL. it is there to convince any man of conscience that what patriarchy does, what it stands for, is not morally wrong. it needs to be done. it's the natural order of things. women are half-way people, and so they deserve half-way rights. women are chattel, and so they should be well kept. they are not being unreasonable. it is the world. it is the truth. it's not politics, it's common sense.
don't fall for propaganda. take their hate seriously. because they mean to ensure the subjugation of women. they believe in it and will do the worst things possible to maintain the regime. it IS a regime. it IS REAL. do not gaslight yourselves or let others gaslight you. this is not politically neutral, it is not culturally benign, it is not destiny, it is not "healthy/normal" human behavior. it is a regime that has to repurpose itself and its propaganda to stay afloat. it must keep recruiting.
please don't fall for the "women can be just as bad/not all men" propaganda. men as a group are not a neutral political party. RESIST.
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vaspider · 2 months
[no advice, no platitudes. give me either on this post & I'll yeet you into the fucking sun]
Survivor's guilt fucking sucks.
It sucks even if it takes you nearly eleven years and the death of a second friend before you realize you're carrying it around. Or maybe just admit that you're carrying it around.
I got the benign intradural extramedullary ependymoma in my spine. Ginny got the aggressive metastatic cancer in hers. I had surgery and kept walking. She fucking died.
Why her? Why her and not me?
I was stupid levels of in love with her. A lot of people were. It was hard not to be.
So why one of the singularly most lovable people on the planet and not the fucking pain in the ass? (Don't, okay? I know I'm harder to get along with than she ever was. It's the truth. You don't help or flatter me by denial.)
She died on April 23. On May 9th, I almost died three times in recovery from the surgery that removed the Evil Grape from the sheath of my spinal cord. My blood pressure crashed repeatedly, and in a recovery room that I remember as being pitch black, she came to visit me. At the time, that seemed completely normal. I didn't question it. Of course she was here. Where else would she be?
I was dying, and Ginny was there. Of course.
We talked for a long, long time. She got up to go, and I tried to get up and go with her, and she told me I couldn't. I didn't understand because I didn't remember then that she was dead.
I still don't understand why she died and I lived. I still don't understand why Kep died and I'm still here.
It's not fucking fair. Why did I get a dodge and they didn't? Why am I still breathing and they're not?
I know there are no Reasons. That doesn't mean I don't keep asking myself in the dark and quiet.
So yeah. Survivor's guilt is a bitch. It's helped a little bit when one of the people who Gets It more than anyone else in the world happens to message you right after you lose your shit at The Longest Johns' version of Wild Mountain Thyme and end up sobbing into a sink full of dirty dishes, but it still fucking sucks.
In nine days, it'll be 11 years.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Fic rec for my BFF, pt.2 : Seasons 4-5
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Here's the next part of my "fic rec for my BFF who's watching 9-1-1" series, covering seasons 4 and 5!
Season 4
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S4, Marriage of convenience | 44K | Explicit
After the shooting, Eddie realizes he needs to put some things in place. Like who will get his assets if he dies. Who will speak for him if he ends up in a coma. What might happen if his family contests Buck's guardianship. Luckily, he's got a simple easy-peasy solution that won't result in insanity, catastrophe, or heartbreak: Marry Buck.
Eddie: Let's get married! In a platonic way! 😆
it's blue (the feeling i got) series by lecornergirl/ @clusterbuck
Post-Shooting | 4 works, Complete | 37K
don't want no other shade of blue but you (Post-S4E14 | 11K | Teen): “You can’t go see your son like this.” That gives Buck pause. “He’s not—he’s not my son.” “Isn’t he, though?” she says. And part of Buck wants to argue, but a bigger part of him thinks, isn’t he, though? Not by blood, sure, or legally, but in all the ways that matter, Christopher is as good as his son. if your cascade ocean-wave blues come (Post-S4, Getting Together | 16K | Mature): “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you?” Ana sounds disappointed, but not all too surprised.“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Sorry.” “It’s because of Buck,” she says, barely a question. “Isn’t it?” “Um,” Eddie says, because he doesn’t really know how to answer that when Buck is flipping pancakes at the stove three feet away from him. in my eyes, my heart, my soul (Fluff | 2K | General): “We made you pancakes for Father’s Day,” Christopher says. Eddie watches the expressions that cross Buck’s face. Surprise, confusion, then a careful kind of joy like he’s beginning to put together exactly what Christopher means.  “For—for me?” Buck asks, so quiet Eddie barely hears it. “Yeah,” Christopher says. “I want you to be my other dad. If… if you want to be.”  the blues, and then purple-pink skies (Established Buddie, Secret Relationship | 8K | Teen): OR: three times Buck and Eddie (think they) manage to hide their relationship, and one time the truth comes out.
Stucky has Post-Winter Soldier recovery fics, Steddie has post-Upside Down recovery fics, and Buddie has Post-Shooting-Buck-moves-in-with-the-Diazes fic! 😆
this must be the place by euadnes/ @kananjarus
Canon Divergent, Post-Shooting | 75K | Teen
Every life altering event is often led up to with a series of other important events. In this case, there were at least three: An unstoppable fire. An afternoon spent underneath a blanket of California blue sky. But firstly, and maybe the most important of all: There was the impeccable aiming of an ex-sharpshooter. Or, the Buck is also shot by the sniper AU that no one asked for.
Benign Fatality by EtoileGarden/ @etoilegarden
Time Loop AU, Season 2-4 | 23K | Teen
Eddie noticed it like this; Sometimes, when Buck’s done a day too many times, he forgets that this day might be the real day, the one that continues on into the rest of his life. It’s exhausting dying and waking up just to go die again. And the thing was, when a death was to do with work, he knew he could just ask to be man behind, or not go into work, but - but who would he be condemning to die in his place if he didn’t go in and try to avoid it? Maybe no one, yes, but maybe someone. Buck repeats days until he doesn't die in them, has an underdeveloped sense of self worth, and Eddie is the one who wants to step in with him.
Amazing fic, such an interesting concept!!
i don't swim and you're not in love by hattalove/ @hattalove
S4, Post-Buck Begins | 32K | Teen
She turns to Eddie and says something else, but Buck is busy fighting the headrush he gets at the sound of Ana Flores calling Eddie and Christopher 'the boys'. Like they belong to her already. God, what’s wrong with him? What is this? or, eddie cooks, chris domesticates a slug, and buck tries to figure out why he hates his best friend's girlfriend. to everyone's immense shock and surprise, it goes badly.
A Classic by the always amazing hattalove!!
everything (nothing) has changed by bizarrestars
Post-S4, Love Confessions | 48K | Explicit
Buck breathes for a moment, then sets his shoulders. "Eddie, there's something I have to tell you." "Do you?" Eddie asks flatly, still alarmed and doing his best to hide it. "I would've never guessed." Buck swallows. "Eddie, I love you." "Are you softening the blow, or buttering me up? Because, I've got to tell you, I'm still very worried regardless," Eddie tells him. "No, you don't understand. I love you. I'm currently in love with you," Buck says as evenly as possible, and even then, his voice wobbles precariously there for a moment. He exhales. "You don't have to worry about it, though, because I've processed it and decided to—to find relief in telling you before moving on and moving forward." Eddie stares at him. No response at all. Well, at least he's not freaking out. Or: After Eddie gets shot, Buck confesses his love. From there, things get a little out of hand.
Literally only just read it but the idiocy in this is CHEF'S KISS 😘👌 (#eddie said: get over me??? youre gonnna get over ME??? dont think so, <- love this tag 😂)
Those Two Firefighters by DarkFairytale
S4 to S6, Social Media/Outsider POV | 64K | Teen
#thosetwofirefighters starts to gather a following on social media, as everyone tries to figure out if those two cute firefighters from the 118 in LA are a thing or not.
Just a fun crack-y "social media" fic with some outsider POV mixed in (plus some 911LS!)!
Stuck on Fast Forward (Throw Away the Blueprint) by extasiswings/ @extasiswings
Post-S5, Friends with Benefits | 42K | Explicit
“Sounds like the problem is you think casual sex with a stranger or finding someone new to date are your only options.” Eddie’s brow furrows. “Aren’t they?” “I mean, there’s always…someone you already know. Who you’re already comfortable with.” “Because my pool of male friends who are single and who would be interested in having sex with me has so many options?” “Well, I don’t know about many, but you only need one,” Buck points out. “And who would that be?” “Me, of course.” [Or: Frank gives Eddie therapy homework, Eddie misunderstands the assignment, and Buck is just a really supportive friend...right?]
Have some more FWB, as a treat 😌
Season 5
The Aftermath of Liberation and Love Confessions by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
Post S5E9: Past is Prologue, Coming Out, Getting Together | 17K | Teen
After a very long year of one terrible thing after another, Eddie has a brand new life strategy. It’s called not giving a shit. There’s the fire of a challenge in Buck’s eyes and a clench in the set of his jaw, and come on, it’s not as if Eddie forced Buck into dating the reporter. Not like he pays it any mind whatsoever. It was doomed from the start. She’s not good enough for him. She’s a terrible fit for him. Buck’s clearly been miserable for months. Still, Buck says, “Yeah, Eddie. Why don’t you teach us. What would you say if you were professing your love?” You mean something besides, “In the event of my untimely death, I made you legal guardian of my child”? In which Eddie comes out, sexuality is complicated but coffee is not, Buck makes an excessive salad and is also roasted, everyone has a love confession, and December is the most dramatic time of year.
Eddie not giving a shit is A Mood 👌 worth reading just for the scene from the summary 😆
Courtship Behaviors of the Southern Coastal Husbro by Mad_Lori/ @madlori
Post-S5, Queer Platonic Relationship, Getting Together | 49K | Explicit
“I want you in my family, I want us to be a family. Officially. A family can be a guy, his son, and his best friend, right?” Buck’s lower lip was trembling. “You’re really asking me to be your…what, now?” “Frank called it ‘platonic life partners.’” Buck looked stunned, and also…hopeful. “We could really do that?” - Buck and Eddie decide to become platonic domestic partners and co-parents. They are 100% super normal about it and absolutely nothing is awakened in them, except a mutual annoyance at being referred to as "husbros."
Love love love this series!!!
everything's coming up milhouse by hammersmiths/ @bucktommys
Post S5E10: Wrapped In Red, LAFD Liaison Eddie | 10K | Teen
LAFD Updates (@L*A*F*D_Metro) LAFD Alert: Red-level traffic on Gardiner Road this morning. If you are trying to get into the city centre consider taking Westerley Lane. buck 🔥🔥 (@firebuck) so true bestie or, Eddie mans the LAFD Twitter account. Buck tries to be supportive.
THE Twitter Eddie fic <3 just a funny social media fic but it's real cute!
let's hear it for the boy by hattalove/ @hattalove
Post-Season 5, Eddie Coming Out | 56K | Teen
in which eddie attends a self-empowerment group for gbtq men to supplement his therapy, and is empowered to: forgive himself, say "i'm gay" to his own reflection in the mirror, accidentally adopt an adult, make fried rice, and tell his straight best friend that he's in love with him. not necessarily in that order.
Such an amazing Eddie character study/coming out fic, so good <3
The Best Lie is a Truth (My Best Mask is My Face) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Post-S5, Fake Relationship | 43K | Explicit
The Buckleys are celebrating their 50th Anniversary, and Maddie and Buck are both expected to come. To take the heat off Maddie, Buck impulsively blurts out that he's seeing someone new. Obviously, there's only one solution: bring Eddie as his fake boyfriend, pretend to be in love with him, and survive the weekend with minimal bloodshed. No problem, except for the, uh. "Pretend" part. Oops.
Excellent fake relationship fic!! it's got it all! Pining! Practice kissing! There was only one bed!!
Leave the Light On (I'll Be Coming Home) by HMSLusitania/ @hmslusitania 
Post-S5, Missing Presumed Dead, Amnesia | 44K | Mature
“We’re here for our grandson,” Helena says. “Chris is still sleeping,” Buck says. “I meant, we’re here to take him back to Texas,” Helena clarifies. “Yeah,” Buck says. He’s too tired, way too tired to be tactful. “Over my dead body.” An accident on a call leaves Buck with custody of Chris after Eddie is... missing presumed. While they navigate their new family circumstances -- and fight to stay together, despite Eddie's parents' best efforts -- a John Doe wakes up in a coma ward with no memory of his own life beyond the knowledge he has a son named Christopher and, somehow, he needs to get home.
The angst is SO GOOD!!!! A re-read favorite.
Plus or Minus by ElvenSorceress/ @elvensorceress
S5 | 10K | General
"Chris said you were crying. You came home, hugged him, and cried more than he’s ever seen.” Eddie considers for a moment but then shrugs and continues neatly stacking mugs in the cupboard. “It happens. Sometimes. I’ve been told I’m supposed to let it out instead of bottle it up. So. There you go.” “Why are you cleaning out the kitchen? Why is my stuff in boxes?” Eddie slows, then stops. “Figured you’d want it back.” It’s quieter. Pained. When he says it. “I haven’t decided anything. So unless you’re kicking me out—” “Buck. Come on.” He’s not angry or snapping. It’s still quiet, and somehow that hurts even more. He’s resigned and defeated, and Buck is a scooped out, gutted, hollow shell. “I know how this ends the same way you do. You want to be loved, you want to be married. You’re going to leave. Might as well…” His voice cracks before he can finish and get it under control. “Shouldn’t drag it out.” ~ Taylor is offered a job across the country and asks Buck to go with her. Buck has to figure out if he wants to start over or if he has a reason to stay right where he is.
The notes on my bookmark are: pining so good it gives you chest pains 🥺
Canon Divergent/AUs
Even in Winter There is Eranthis by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Inspired by Hades&Persephone, Mythological AU | 45K | Explicit
Buck is supposedly a god. Supposedly. But he's got no idea what his domain is or what role he plays in Olympus. When he meets Christopher, a young boy lost and trying to find his father, he helps Chris get home - and ends up accidentally binding himself to the Underworld. Now bound to Eddie, the god of the dead, Buck must spend half the year with him in the Underworld while winter reigns above. But even as something grows between them, there are still trials to endure. Just because the gods are not mortal... does not mean they cannot die.
my words are paper tigers by hattalove/ @hattalove
Time Loop, Canon Divergent | 20K | Teen
He wakes up with Eddie's arm thrown over his waist. There's a pit in his stomach as soon as he opens his eyes, because the alarm is on again, the same radio station, the same song. The sunlight streaming into the room is buttery-soft, brand new because it's early. The alarm is ringing so they can take Chris to school. And— He reaches out for the bedside table on his side of the bed they share, clumsily unplugs his phone one-handed. The screen lights up to a familiar wallpaper, and it's right there, just above the top of Buck's head: Wednesday. or: buck breaks up with eddie, even if it means losing a part of himself, because it's the right thing to do. the universe decides to test that conviction.
I fucking love time loop fics!!! 👌
Hot Ghost Problems by ebjameston/ @ebjameston
Canon Divergent, S2, Ghost Buck, Witch Eddie | 41K | Teen
Eddie is the newest firefighter at the 118. Buck is the ghost haunting the 118. Unfortunately for both of them, Eddie's also a witch and needs to put Buck's spirit to rest, because that's what witches do. Turns out, Buck's spirit? Super not interested in being put to rest. Very interested, however, in flirting with Firefighter Diaz, who is just trying to survive his candidate year. (Also turns out, Buck? Super not dead.)
I know you love witchy vibes and I really enjoyed this one! There's also a great podfic if you like that.
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edgeray · 2 months
Arlecchino is a cruel person.
(Arlecchino x Reader Blurb) Content Warning: Wholesome crack.
Arlecchino is well aware that people may consider her as such largely because of her position as one of the Harbingers. She thinks little of these accusations--while they are not entirely baseless, the impressions of others usually have little impact on her. If needbe, it's not hard to negate such claims, putting up a front of cordiality and diplomacy is effortless to her. She has learned with her experience with the House of the Hearth that cruelty and kindness go hand in hand; they can both be utilized like a weapon if mastered well: cruelty can feel benign and kindness can feel callous.
To you, perhaps, is when she is most cruelest.
She is cruel to you, but not in the conventional sense, not in the way one would assume for a Harbinger. Indeed, there is no usage of a physical weapon nor is blood drawn or bruises placed. Her touches are opposite of harmful or malignant. Derogatory comments have no place in between you and Arlecchino. Every utterance towards you is spoken from the language of angels. Emotional and mental manipulation are absent here as well. Your affections and emotions run free, devoid of any influence from her. What you consider cruelty from her is unimaginable, no, rather, discrete to outsiders besides the two lovers in a bedroom.
Arlecchino is an enforcer of kindness and cruelty. She's practiced this with her enemies, with Fatui members, and with her children. But one cannot see a better example of the delicate balance than when she is with you (or at least that's what you think).
She doesn't think she is cruel. Of course, you make sure to remind her otherwise. It doesn't prevent her from continuing her actions.
She's cruel with her love.
She enjoys placing a chaste kiss on your lips in front of others before leaving you to do archon-knows-what, abandoning you to deal with the humiliation from nearby observers' gazes. As a Harbinger, of course no one will dare question her, unless they wanted her to take offense (and everyone knows that the Knave doesn't take kindly to those that comment on her relationship, especially her beloved). You don't quite have the same mercy. If she leaves a bright red lipstick mark on your neck after last night's activities, you are left to fend off against others' curiosity. Internally, she cackles at your scrambles for explanations and when you send her puppy eyes as a plea to save you, she 'has the audacity' to turn away (as you put it).
One of her more preferred methods of expressing her affection for you is gifts, something you seem to take issue with because 'she is too good at it.' Clearly, she's done you an injustice by buying you the dress you've been eyeing for a solid 54 seconds (yes, she counted: anything you've laid your eyes on for over 32 seconds means you want it) or buying you, yet again, your favorite pastry or dessert. Because how dare she consider you. She knows you only complain because you feel inadequate as a lover: your salary nor resources could compare to hers. You needn't worry--she's pleased enough to see you enjoy her gifts, and the gifts she does receive from you, she appreciates (including the stuffed bear you innocently bought as her first anniversary gift, which she admittedly stores in her desk drawer when she feels your absence is too long. This is information you will never be privvy to: she knows she's taught you well enough to recognize this is incredible blackmail material.)
Inexplicably, being a good lover is cruel, according to you. Arlecchino is a skillful actress, and for as masterful as she is, she can't pretend to comprehend your nonsensical flaks. One late night, when you were hunched over your desk working on a pile of paperwork, she made the mistake of serving you chamomile tea and suggesting you head to bed. What you wanted was a cup of coffee. Shortly after a brief argument, the two of you surmised that this was, in fact, her fault and that her compensation would be being trapped in your arms for the remaining duration of the night.
Sometimes, when she embraces you for too long, there comes a point where you struggle out of her grasp like a feral cat clawing its escape from an ensaring trap. She is deeply hurt. She cannot be faulted for her Pyro Vision making her body abnormally warm (curiously, you don't seem to have any complaints for this when she holds you in a more intimate embrace). When you do eventually slip from her embrace and you turn over, your back facing her, she belives she has never felt a worse betrayal. Are the covers more comforting around you than her arms? (You eventually do return to her. You complain in the morning about waking up sweaty.)
She wonders truly who is the cruel one in this relationship. Arlecchino is a dutiful, doting husband. There is something innately cruel about that.
Arlecchino is a cruel person. Especially to you.
A/N: Because the tag system has been being weird to me, I'll just add an Author's Note from now on. This is my favorite blurb to write out of all blurbs so far, it was really fun. I rarely get the chance to just write comical stuff (is it actually comical? I don't know, but it's comical to me). I find that a lot of fanfiction really lack anything comical, especially in the x Reader business. What do you guys think about this? This isn't my typical writing style so how did I do?
Anyways, what's your favorite blurb you've read from me out of the ones I've written? Do you guys like this series so far? Only about 2 (or 3) more blurbs to go!
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this may sound silly but as a Brit (and an alto), Paris Paloma's 'Labour' makes me so happy bc that's one of us, a Brit is the one who created this female rage anthem, and on a platform like tumblr which is so American-centric, it feels so refreshing after England's being defined by the t*rf wizard franchise all the time.
But no, here comes TS, the epitome of white Americanness, to try to claim the idea of female rage from 'Labour'. It just makes my heart sink.
Sorry, this took a minute for me to get to <3.
I absolutely understand the frustration of seeing someone with way more money and power trying to take something away that actually means something to people.
She's trying to take the concept of "female rage" and twist it into the most benign form of capitalistic rage. She doesn't care about women, or the struggles real women face, she literally just wants to call her rage at being dumped by literally every man she's ever dated and not getting money she feels entitled to, the epitome of "female rage."
It's so selfish and vindictive. I'm tired of it too.
Just remember that no matter what the situation is or who your opponents are- You are also powerful and capable.
If Swift can use her money and voice to bully people. I can use what little power I have, and the full strength of my own voice, to call her out for bad, immoral behavior.
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fallout-lou-begas · 11 months
How do you write Cass? Like my god your version of her is so fucking good
Cass is a woman approaching 40 years old who has had to prove herself as capable from the second her deadbeat piece of shit father walked out. the consequence of this abandonment is that she is very intolerant of indignity. she will not be condescended to, she will not be intimidated, and she will gladly force anybody who talks a talk into proving whether or not they can walk the walk. if this sounds like a very reckless and dangerous way to interact with others than you would be correct but she's tough enough to handle herself. until she isn't, until she's out of her depth, until she shoves the wrong guy back. so maybe she just doesn't think about that. maybe she drinks instead of thinking about that. drinking's made her more friends than enemies like that, anyway; despite etching grudges so deep into her flesh that it scrimshaws her bones, she's not mean. she likes good people. she has respect for mailcarriers and soldiers and doctors. she has principles, very strong principles. life is fucking hard, loyalty in real tough times is a tremendous virtue. so she's more than willing to make amends when an ultimately benign fool manages to learn their lesson, apologizes, maybe wipes the blood off their nose. drinking, fighting, not like she has any other hobbies to bond with people over. her work keeps her too busy for that. and do you have any idea how hard it is to run a caravan when you're some country girl who left home young? the way the men look at you forces you to be tough if you weren't already, fortunately she was plenty tough already but they sure didn't like that. it's not even the sexual entitlement that pisses her off. it's the sweet little smiles like they're talking to some princess who ain't never even broke a horse before. who can't lift a big ol' heavy box herself. she is very intolerant of indignity. she will not be condescended to. but the assholes who run businesses like this, kissing the ring is usually a requirement for partnering up. fuck that. better do it herself. better toughen up again. better kill the first highwayman you run into as an independent caravaneer just to prove you can. doesn't matter he was crying and pissing himself. next guy might be worse. there'll always be a next guy. don't think about it. she just gets good at running a caravan. real good. damn good. so good it gets turned to fucking ash while her back is turned. and then some bitch who somehow become caravan queen of the desert (instead of her?) has the audacity—the fucking audacity—to buy out her name. the one fucking thing she has left. the one fucking thing her deadbeat stupid fucking father left her. well, there's still the necklace. funny how she can hold such a grudge against someone but still wear the reminder around her neck everywhere. maybe something snapped off broke at some point and she never noticed. maybe things would have been easier if she had just been born a man. she doesn't know what being transgender is and she will never think more about it. that's probably not even her deal. probably. maybe she's just angry. maybe it just feels good to be angry. at the very least it feels familiar, and familiar is good. right? right agnes? read @ikroah.
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For funsies, do you have thoughts about what pokemon each Cullen would be most likely to have? Like idk why but I picture Emmett with a Growlithe
I swear to god I had answered this somewhere but since I can't find it, I doubt others can find it.
Let's do it.
Per the Pokemon universe, Alice is very clearly a psychic and while a powerful one is more or less bog-standard and less terrifying than Sabrina.
I imagine Alice would have a Kadabra and they would have great fun together as Alice communicates for them and uses them to teleport her places she wishes to go.
Bella has an Eevee, not only is it appropriately normal/non-interesting looking but it's very vulnerable looking, weak compared to its potential evolutionary forms, and has that evolutionary potential to become almost anything for all Bella wouldn't really recognize that fact.
She'd love Eevee because it's a normal type, just like her, because Bella is so normal it hurts.
"Bella, that means only fighting types are super effective against you"
"I am so average."
Carlisle has a Chansey that becomes a Blissey that is his wife Esme. See, Carlisle was working at a Pokemon Center (as one does) and one day came in a tragic Chansey that had had to run away from its trainer and in the process lost its egg.
Everyone had given up on Chansey and Carlisle, cursing himself for being a vampire and probably terrifying the life out of her, ends up taking her home.
Chansey thrives in her new environment and, as all Chansey do, becomes progressively weird the more happy she is. Chansey evolves into a Blissey, a creature that will run at lightening speeds to offer you an egg in your time of need.
It is accepted in the Cullen household that Esme the Blissey is the Cullen mom. It's so accepted, they forget it's weird.
Bella comes to their house and Edward promises she'll love his mother.
Who is his mother?
The Blissey making Italian food in the kitchen because Isaballa is Italian right? (Despite Blissey only saying "Blissey" the plot does not change at all and Bella just assumes that when Blissey goes on a long chirping rant to her it's about how great Edward is.
Yeah, Edward must be her favorite blood sucking child.)
Edward doesn't have a pokemon.
This is because as a vampire he didn't want to corrupt a good, benign, pokemon with his presence (only the fact that Carlisle and Esme are so pure prevents him from feeling too terrible about Esme). So, Edward wants to gravitate towards more... ah... let's call them tempermental pokemon such as Gengar.
However, Edward doesn't actually want a Gengar, as he wants to be a good person worthy of the world, and a Gengar also doesn't want him for that same reason.
When he meets Bella, there's a dramatic moment where she helps him accept that he too can have a pokemon like a real boy. As Bella tells him what to get, and he wants to impress her, I imagine he gets a Dragonair as it's so beautiful and elegant, just like Bella thinks Edward is (he's never allowed to evolve it into a herp de derp Dragonite).
Growlithe and Arcanine in the pokemon world I think are a little too associated with duty/law enforcement to quite be Emmett's thing. Growlithes, while dogs, are very much watch dogs and have a steadfast seriousness when it comes to protection/the law or what have you.
I'm really struggling with him, actually.
I'm going to go with Aipom, good natured but extremely mischievous (and perhaps a little short sighted) who love to live in groups and are just looking for a good time.
Emmett would think his Aipom is the shit.
Emmett also has a Magikarp because he thinks it's hilarious. Its name is Splash. He will never ever trade it.
Esme is a Blissey. See above.
Though, a happy (but weird), day might come about when coming back from doing the shopping (which Blissey happily does now without having to worry about eating people even if the towns people of Poke Forks are a little surprised that the Blissey is just out there shopping... alone... or going to parent teacher conferences and just... acting like people) and what do you know there's an egg.
"This is our egg, Carlisle" Esme the Blissey clearly pantomimes.
"Sure," is what Carlisle says because he doesn't want to disagree (and pokemon work in mysterious ways) but he did not do the thing that you know humans do to procreate.
Anyways, point being, Esme at one point might have a little Happiny.
Rosalie looks on it with envy because while she adores Esme, EsMe CaN HaVE ChiLDrEN anD isN't a VAmPIrE.
Jasper has a Houndoom from his glory days at war. He tries to tell people it's not a Balrog.
Jasper is wrong, it is a Balrog.
There's a story here.
There is great debate over what pokemon Renemsee should get as it should be as special and wonderful as she is. Edward wants to give he ran Eevee, like her mother (Bella's Eevee having since evolved into some state Bella thinks is more cool/better) and for the symbolism of potential and growth that Eevees represent.
Bella wants to give her daughter a Dratini, something that will grow up to be beautiful and elegant and otherworldly (and never a Dragonite, never, it will only stay a Dratini).
Esme of course offers her beloved daughter Happiny (but isn't that your child Esme???) as well as an egg in Renesmee's time of need.
Alice wants her with something adorable like a Pichu, Azumarill, or what have you. It will look great in pictures. And must never ever be allowed to evolve.
Emmett wants to give her a Magikarp which they will name "Splash Two" or "Splashnesmee".
Jacob, of course, wants to give Renesmee a Mightyena because it's a wolf. "It will eat her face, Jacob" Bella does not want to do this even if she admits the symbolism is touching.
In all the bickering, Renesmee stumbles across a Cleffa (stumble being that a spaceship arrived and hit her in the face). Cleffa, being extremely rare and alien, is not recognized by the Cullens who stare and wonder "what is that thing".
Alice supposes it's cute, if not what she had in mind, she can work with this. Bella, Edward, and Jacob are all still upset and trying to get Renesmee to give the thing to Esme to raise so she can have their pokemon instead.
Renesmee ends up with all the pokemon, but does not get rid of Cleffa.
I actually put Rosalie as having a Chikorita. Chikoritas are steadfast, loyal to those they love, as well as courageous. While a Vulpix and Ninetales would appeal to Rosalie's aesthetics, being incredibly beautiful, Chikorita would have all the qualities she'd look for in a friend/partner that is a Pokemon while also being able to be nurturing/help with chores and things (via the use of helpful vines versus well fire balls).
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nalyra-dreaming · 27 days
re: claudia's potential powers/rivalry with armand etc, do you think they'll play up the animosity between the two of them compared to the book, and have her actively working against him in some way, maybe because she thinks he's bad for louis? obviously she's no match for armand, but she likely won't realize that until it's too late. i feel like making her slightly more of a "threat" to him (or at least a major nuisance) would make sense, as her death is already going to be way more tragic in the show, and it'll be so much more unforgivable if he kills her with zero provocation just because he wants louis to himself. book!claudia's existence was truly tormented, and while armand's motives weren't benign, imho he really did believe she was better off dead & out of her misery. show!claudia actually stands a chance of happiness (in theory) so her death will feel even more cruel - plus we'll probably see it play out onscreen for maximum horror. obviously armand was never going to be mr. nice guy, but rolin did say he'd be nuanced, so what do you think? i feel like they at least need to give him a good reason to see her as an enemy. unless he doesn't want her dead at all, i guess, and the writers pin the ultimate blame on santiago, but that'd be a big cop out imho.
I think this Claudia will definitely more or less openly go head to head with Armand (if she wants to). Which means yes, if there is animosity between her and Armand then we will get to see it.
Which, given the trailers of her yelling at Louis for choosing another one over her... is likely. I'd say.
I do think however that they will keep the reason for Armand wanting to get rid of her - the horror of it all is after all that for him... that was a good enough reason. She meant nothing to him.
The nuanced portrait of Armand will come through the "Devil's Minion" arc I think... since they are taking from the first 6 books there is much, much more to draw from and not make Armand one-dimensional.
And no, I do not think they will pin it on Santiago - Louis knew. And Louis knowing is one of the hard to stomach things in the book wrt Loumand.
Soooo animosity or not - I do not think that Claudia will be a danger to Armand directly. She will be one to his relationship with Louis. Unfortunately, that will be enough.
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astroyongie · 1 month
Le Sserafim May Reading 2024
note: please take it lightly
love: nothing has changed since mars. She is single and still very hurt about what happened in her last relationship. she is focusing on herself and on healing her heart before she allows herself to seek for love again 
career: she is very upset with her company for setting her p. she believes that everything that is happening bad of her is due to the company's poor management. i does seem as well that Chaewon will have her name on knets mouth again very soon 
self: she is close to someone (male energy) that has been comforting her and trying to get her back to her feet. this is a friend and not a love interest, despite this friend might be in love with her or having some feelings for her 
love: She is still single as well and she hasn’t been with anyone lately. Sakura is actually bitter about this love opportunity that has rejected her for schedule and career purposes. although she understands it still makes her upset that the person didn't wanted her after the effort she put into it 
career: she is confused on why people are being mean to the group and to her about their skills. she is trying to weight her options here to make herself appear better or to at least involved in some type of way but Sakura lacks the maturity to do so 
self: other than that, she is doing well. Her physical health has been improving lately and she is also very strong mentally which makes her immune in a  way to what people have said about her. she believes that such comments aren't worth of her attention 
love: still single and she is still bitter about this person she was supposed to date but didn't after a conflict. although she is recovering from this disappointment and getting better, her heart doesn't seem to be open for anything serious at the moment 
career: Yunjin has a good sponsor by her side and the company is literally covering her in money and glitter which makes her benign confident with her skills and the things she can achieve. there’s probably new opportunities fo there soon 
self: she isn't really into fate or that things happen by coincidence. i still think that she might believe that everything that is happening involving the group's name is just the consequences of their actions
love: she is still dating the same person she was dating back in march. things seem to be doing well, but Kazuha is also learning a lot about herself and about her feelings while being in this relationship 
career: I believe that she had a huge argument with the members about what happened in Coachella or at least what has been happening with the public opinions. She might be accusign some members of being too lazy while other members are also accusing her of partying too much instead of working 
self: Kazuha really needs to be careful with her consumptions and the way she lives her lifestyle since it could potentially turn into serious addictions or at least ruin her health and image 
love: nothing changed for her when it comes to her relationship, since she is dating the same person still. things seem to be doing well and she is in love and thriving 
career: what happened and the public's opinion has affected her a lot and she is now self limiting herself when it comes to her skills. Eunchae is also ashamed and she is very harsh with herself and her inner citic about her talents as an idol 
self: her energy is a little hasty and impulsive and Eunchae might have been a little irritated lately with everything that has been happening to her and the group (and due to the overall mood).
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thewertsearch · 1 year
TT: Dark magic, you mean? GA: Yes GA: Well GA: Influence By The Gods From The Furthest Ring GA: The Communion You Seem To Have Developed With Them I Find Kind Of Troubling TT: I don't think they are as nefarious as you might imagine. TT: Many of them seem to be intent on helping us. GA: How Exactly Do You Know That TT: From their whispers in my dreams.
Let's lay our cards on the table, here. What do we know about the Horrorterrors?
They exist outside the boundaries of every session.
They 'advise' Derse Dreamers, who report that their intel is always good.
They're not fully aligned with Skaia, but they have struck some sort of 'bargain' with it. The terms of this bargain are unclear, but seem to involve an exchange of information.
Together with Skaia, they ensure that each Sburb session is sufficiently challenging for its Players.
They tried to destroy the MEOW code before Bec was created, an act which would have doomed the timeline.
They've told Rose that her session is unwinnable, and granted her enormous power. Rose is using this power to tear LOLAR apart in search of answers.
They claim to be here to help.
This doesn't add up to much, and definitely doesn't add up to trust. Their monstrous appearance and Lovecraftian inspiration doesn't necessarily say anything about their alignment, and there's no reason they can't be benign, if their actions corroborate this.
The problem, however, is that we can't judge any of their actions as benign or malevolent, because we don't know what they know. We do know they're not telling Rose everything - she didn't know why she was burning MEOW, just that it was necessary.
Does their loose alliance with Skaia make them more or less trustworthy? Why are they sponsoring Rose's rampage at all? Can't they provide the answers she seeks?
Are there things that Skaia is hiding from the Horrorterrors?
GA: How Much Time Have You Really Spent Sleeping GA: Since You Began Playing TT: Not much. TT: But quite a lot in a failed timeline. TT: And now and then, memories surface from that alternate reality. TT: Vague memories, but unmistakable in familiarity, like spontaneously remembering a dream from years ago by some inexplicable catalyst. TT: In that reality, they spoke to me in my sleep and told me much of what I needed to know. TT: Including what to do to reset our timeline and create the present reality.
At least we know something I've long suspected - that Future Rose is the reason Rose went dark so quickly. Turns out her future self's entire plan came from the Gods all along.
I wonder what this means for Davesprite? He's a consequence of that plan too, after all - do the Gods have some purpose for him?
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paradoxcase · 5 months
John 8:1
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Definitely sounds like Alecto, who is not a human, being unused to a human body. But it says "In the dream..." at the beginning of this, which makes it sound like the narrator here normally doesn't have this weird relationship with sleep, which points back to this maybe being Harrow dreaming of being Alecto. But if she is Alecto in the context of the dream, why did John call her "Harrow" earlier? Maybe it's a similar thing to how the pre-Resurrection names of the Lyctors are expunged, and John is actually saying those names, and calling Harrow "Alecto", but because it's a dream, Harrow hears Alecto's name as her own, based on knowing that it's the name of the person she is in the dream?
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This is funny to me, because Flat Earthers aren't actually nice people. Like, there are reasons people believe in that conspiracy theory despite literal millennia of evidence disproving it, and they are not benign ones. They're not like the UFO guys. I also feel like a Flat Earther promoting John would actually make people less likely to believe he was the real deal
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There actually is a telescope called LUCIFER (or at least, it used to be called that, they seem to have changed then name, lmao), which I didn't know about, but what's wild is that I absolutely should have known about it, since it was being built near where I grew up while I was going to high school there. But that was 20 years ago, and there are much higher profile telescopes to talk about, so why this one?
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So John is somehow more powerful than regular necromancers at this stage, but also not as powerful as Lyctor Harrow. Is he just like regular-Lyctor-powerful here?
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I don't have any idea what this means, re: Jesus. Is she saying that it was the miracles and bread and fishes and healing people and so forth that caused the Romans to crucify Jesus, and not his role as a charismatic ringleader for a bunch of unhappy colonized people that did that, or am I wrong here?
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Oh, Alfred being a hedge fund manager is hilarious, actually
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Oh, so this is the cow thing I've seen everyone talk about
I was hoping I could get some estimate on how long this wall would have had to be in existence for it to wind up on Google Earth, but apparently Google's official position on how frequently they update their maps is "it is a mystery"
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So I guess that this is a dream that John is having, too, and the post-apocalyptic environment is here because this is also John remembering the part of the story where it was just him and Alecto, and everyone else was dead, and they are having a shared dream? This is the most dream bubble thing that doesn't actually have the word "dream bubble" in it. But I don't think I can say anything, because my current creative writing project also has vaguely Homestuck-inspired shared dreams in it
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Sorry, had a thought or two to share XD
Was musing on the M-Trio and realized how well it works that Nino is the one to flip out at Lila. Cos like, hear me out here:
Alya & Chloe are fairly fearless & acclimate to danger very quickly. They also tend to solve their problems by going on the offensive. & with Alya always loving super heroes & Chloe being raised to be ruthless, both embrace the dangers & risks of the job gleefully.
In contrast, Nino is someone who embodies the idea that courage is overcoming fear not an absence of it. He's a natural caretaker and while not prone to paranoia like Marinette we know how deeply he cares and how quickly he cane work himself up over his loved ones.
Meaning Lila running around claiming to be a super hero gets under his skin like nothing else. Here she is endangering herself her family, his friends, and potentially all their families if her claim make Hawk Moth start poking around their class more than he already has done.
No wonder he exploded, he's been simmering on the worst case death scenarios since she started while Alya & Chloe are mostly just like "Tsk, wanna-be glory hound."
Honestly yeah I also think like.
So from Alya's POV she's annoyed and all, but she can easily shut down Lila's sphere of influence, so to speak. Like, Lila's claims of being bffs with Heroes won't really leave the classroom because Alya won't post it on her blog (both because she knows it's false, but also because she has better perspective in this timeline to know that even if it was true she shouldn't do that).
Chloé is also annoyed but she's.... kinda used to this shit and doesn't exactly care? People are going to make up whatever the hell they want to get what they want. She comes from a world of half-truths and loopholes and twisting words to get what you want. She might have a better morality now to know that this isn't 'okay', but it's currently entirely benign so she's not inclined to deal with it just yet.
But yeah Nino is the one who is very protective of the people he sees as 'his' and he would be upset about this. Both the larger endangerment of her 'knowing the Heroes' lie, but moreso the direct 'she's manipulating my friends'. I think he'd initially try to be more chill and talk to her kindly in the first place, when her lies are just 'I know X celebrity so please be friends with me!' vibes. But when she starts doing more direct manipulation of them into doing what she wants, that's when he snaps
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