sukunas-bxtch97 · 18 days
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[⚤Tetsurou Kuroo x Reader]
Klapptext: ↱Unangekündigt tauchen Kenma und Tetsurou bei dir auf.↲
»Ich halte das für keine gute Idee. Wenn sie erfährt, dass ich dir geholfen habe, dann gibt es sicher Ärger. Also, halt mich ab jetzt hier raus«, hörst du eine bekannte Stimme von draußen sagen.
Misstrauisch trittst du aus deiner Küche hinaus und läufst auf deine Haustür zu. Davor angekommen, lehnst du deinen Kopf an die Tür, um so hören zu können, wer da spricht.
Du schreckst von der Tür zurück, als du auf einmal ein Klingeln hörst.
Langsam umfasst du deine Türklinke und drückst diese runter, um deine Haustür zu öffnen. Allerdings steht nicht Kenma vor dir, sondern Tetsurou.
»Kann ich dir irgendwie helfen?«, fragst du höflich und siehst den Schwarzhaarigen fragend an, der dich charmant anlächelt.
Verdammt! Warum tut er das jedes mal, wenn ihr euch über den Weg lauft? Vor allem würdest du gerne wissen, woher Tetsurou wusste, wo du wohnst.
»Kenma hat sich Sorgen gemacht, weil du schon seit 2 Wochen nicht mehr, zur Schule kommst«, erklärt Kuroo dir, der nebenbei sein Handy wegsteckt.
Vermutlich hat er mit Kenma telefoniert, aber warum hat er ihn auf laut gehabt?
Kenma hat also Tetsurou gesagt, wo du wohnst und das, obwohl du ihn darum gebeten hast, es nicht zu tun.
Immerhin gehst du dem Schwarzhaarigen nicht ohne Grund aus dem Weg, seitdem er dich einfach ohne Vorwarnung in der Sporthalle geküsst hat.
»Kann ich kurz reinkommen?«, fragt er und hat seine Hände in seine Hosentaschen gesteckt.
Seine goldenen Augen sehen dich eindringlich an und schlussendlich gibst du nach, indem du zur Seite trittst, damit er eintreten kann.
Du schließt hinter ihm die Tür und drehst dich um, allerdings rechnest du nicht damit, dass Tetsurou direkt vor dir steht.
»(D/N). Ich würde lügen, wenn ich sagen würde, dass es mir leid tut, dass ich dich geküsst habe«, gibt der Schwarzhaarige von sich und stemmt seine Arme links und rechts neben deinem Kopf an der Tür auf, damit du nicht flüchten kannst.
»Kuroo...«, flüsterst du leise und siehst ihn mit großen Augen an.
Hatte er das gerade wirklich eben gesagt?
»Es gibt einen Grund, warum ich deine Nähe immer wieder aufsuche.«
Du schluckst einmal heftig, als du seinen intensiven Blick siehst und befeuchtest mit deiner Zunge deine trockenen Lippen.
»Und der wäre?«, willst du wissen. Tetsurou hat einen Arm von der Tür genommen und sich stattdessen eine (H/F) Haarsträhne von dir geschnappt, die er sich um den Zeigefinger wickelt, bevor er sich ein Stück zu dir runter beugt, um so deinem Gesicht näher zu kommen.
»Ich habe mich in dich verliebt, (D/N).«
Tetsurou Kuroo hat sich in dich verliebt?
Dir wird Augenblicklich warm ums Herz. Du weißt erst seit Kurzem, dass du ebenfalls in Tetsurou verliebt bist. Nach der Zeit, die ihr getrennt wart, ist es dir bewusst geworden, dass du den schwarzen Kater schrecklich vermisst und nicht ohne ihn weiter leben willst.
»Eigentlich hatte ich das Ganze anders geplant dir zu sagen, aber seit dem Kuss bist du mir immer aus dem Weg gegangen und es tat weh. Ich weiß, dass ich vielleicht etwas zu stürmisch war, aber du machst mich mit deiner süßen Art einfach so verrückt, dass ich mich nicht länger beherrschen konnte«, erklärt er dir und deine (A/F) weiten sich für einen kurzen Moment.
»Es tut mir leid, dass ich dir immer ausgewichen bin. Ich wusste selber nicht, wie ich damit umgehen soll«, gestehst du und wirst rot.
»Du brauchst dich nicht zu Entschuldigen. Aber eines will ich von dir wissen, (D/N)«, meint er und kommt deinen Gesicht noch näher.
Du kannst seinen warmen Atem auf deinen Lippen spüren und bekommst eine Gänsehaut, die sich über deinen ganzen Körper ausbreitet.
»Liebst du mich auch?«, stellst Tetsurou dir die Frage, wobei seine Lippen leicht deine streifen.
Du fühlst dich wie unter Strom gesetzt und schlingst vorsichtig deine Arme um seinen Rücken.
»Ja, ich liebe dich, Tetsurou. Es ist mir klar geworden, als wir ge-«, willst du sagen, aber du wirst unterbrochen, als Kuroo einfach seine Lippen auf deine drückt.
»Das ist mir Antwort genug. Ich liebe dich auch«, gibt Tetsurou von sich und vereint eure Lippen wieder miteinander.
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tanimeart · 2 years
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There is Kōtarō Bokuto ace and captain of Fukurodani Academy : Up till now, I've been "an ace that is coddled by the rest of the team", but in a few days we're all going to say goodbye to each other and go our separate ways, so it's about time I became just, "an ace". And then there is dorky Bokuto san who jumps around shouting "Hey, hey, hey!" 🤗💜 P.S. I wanted to wait till his birthday but couldn't🙃 so early birthday post for Bokuto san😅
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tetsukuroos · 2 months
k.t | Take A Chance
Part 2. Expert Stalkers
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Masterlist | Next
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Take A Chance Synopsis
After a year in hiding, Izumi Nekomata is tasked with coaching the Nekoma High men's volleyball team after her father falls ill. Izumi reluctantly agrees despite her past with the sport and swallows her pride to fulfill her father's wishes.
Meeting the rowdy team and their charismatic captain, she is taught to love what she once lost and let go of what had been holding her back.
ˋ°•*⁀➷ Pairing
Kuroo Tetsurou x F! Reader
A/N: All pictures are taken from pinterest. Credits given to any artists’ works that I use. I make sure to include their watermark/logo. If anyone knows the exact @ of any artists work that I use, please let me know!
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wittez · 1 year
looking for attention
in which we meet kozume kenma, age seventeen and in desperate need of some sleep.
( a prologue. )
[+3,672, -1,739] another season of this???? for real??? we got the point 4 seasons ago
[+2,193, -509] mf focus on last year’s winners before making a new damn group i bet they already made friends with the rats in the basement from how little promotions they get
“you look like an idiot, kuro.”
the idiot in question shoots him a wink in lieu of giving him anything resembling a real reply, the golden sunlight filling in the clubroom via the dull windows kenma’s so painstakingly tried cleaning over and over again illuminating sharp features arranged in a soft expression. “wanna help me out? i need a backup dancer for this next song,” kuroo doesn’t even bother pausing the camcorder that sits smack in the middle of the room for this intermission, a relic from an older time courtesy of a box of his sister’s forgotten belongings after moving out. if kenma mentioned it the older boy would claim he’d edit out the irrelevant footage later, but kenma’s not so sure he can trust his word on it.
“pass. i’m tired already,” says kenma, eyes remaining trained on the rpg menu displayed on his psp’s screen. now, if he was in a game, this is right about the time he’d choose the FLEE option.
unfortunately, this time it’s kuroo’s turn to act. “c’mon, bro. just one song, alright?” kenma doesn’t know why kuroo even asks in the first place; because if there’s one thing about him it’s he doesn’t accept a no for an answer. he’s persistent to a fault, really. resourceful, kuroo would correct him with the ghost of a smirk playing on his lips. irritating is the word kenma finds far more apt to describe his best friend. maybe kuroo’s trying to craft a pantomime of politeness, but after knowing him for this many years that’s more laughable than it is convincing. and he didn’t even throw in a please or thank you, so is it even that skilled of a performance to begin with?
it’s tuesday, and school’s been out for the day for a couple hours by now— it’s late enough that the rest of the dance club is long gone after a chorus of invitations to karaoke and see you tomorrows, yet judging by the sun outside it’s still early enough that kenma’s mother won’t get on his case for not being home by dinnertime. not yet, anyway. she will if kuroo keeps him here much longer, though, especially given that today’s a shogiyaki kind of day.
this is how kozume kenma caves, after a cursory glance at the time on his smartphone; when it’s not kuroo coercing him directly it’s by proxy, and in this case the impending threat of doom via his mom is enough for awkward, sore limbs to slowly struggle into an upright position. “sure, i guess.” hell hath no fury like a mother scorned, after all, and there’s little that pisses the woman off more than the sanctity of family dinners being perturbed by scheduling conflicts.
kenma pads into frame, languid footsteps leading him to kuroo’s side. if he said the blinking red light of the video camera doesn’t have stage fright seeping into the spaces between every joint of his body as though it were synovial fluid that would be about as honest as saying cows are blue, but nobody asked him and thus he won’t mention it at all.
like most things in kenma’s life, of course, that later proves to be the wrong choice.
because, a week or five after the fact, wonderful news befall upon a barely-conscious kenma on a saturday at a time far too early to be pleasant (for any species other than whatever those birds that just love chirping first thing in the day are, anyway).
SUBJECT: FWD: Your application for Idol Camp JP
ur about to be mad as hell but LOOOOOKKKKK!!!!
Congratulations, KOZUME KENMA! Your application has passed the last round of reviewing. You are now officially a contestant for this year’s season of Idol Camp JP! We are looking forward to having you.
Filming starts on January 20 of the current year. To finalize the application process, please visit our offices before the 15th of this month within business hours (…)
Kind regards,
The team of Idol Camp JP.
for the sake of being totally transparent, let’s clear one thing up right here and now: kenma never submitted that application.
kuroo did on his behalf as a complete and utter intrusion to kenma’s autonomy, where the justification of such a vile action was, in his own words, something as senseless as: “you’re crazy talented, kenma. i know you’re pretty shy, but you can’t gatekeep that from the whole world forever! besides, even just being there will be good for you. a learning experience, and whatever. you know what they say! the journey is as important as the destination, and all that.” that old saying has about as little correlation to the problem at hand as apples do to trains, and this is the part where kenma taps his phone screen with purpose to end the phone call without even bothering to gratify kuroo’s speech with a response.
on kenma’s behalf, kuroo can go to hell.
kozume kenma’s set on enjoying his breakfast, a plate of soft-boiled eggs accompanied by pickled plum and a cup of steaming hot green tea, only to then climb back in bed and, upon waking back up again, realizing the entire day thus far has merely been a nightmare with just about enough realism sprinkled in to scare him shitless. he’d text kuroo afterwards, some lazy approach to pettiness such as “you pissed me off in my dream, so i’m not going to practice this week,” or perhaps even a “when i see you next, remind me to punch you btw” if kozume’s feeling particularly feisty. if he’s lucky, he’ll get another good two or three hours of sleep…
we should keep the following in mind, however: kozume kenma is not a lucky person.
would not know the definition of the word ‘luck’ if it hit him like an uncoordinated forearm to the face or a heel with a particularly thick soled shoe digging into his metatarsals, in fact, which both had very much happened just the day prior. this is exactly why kuroo beats him to the punch, then, kenma’s smartphone all but burning a hole into his pocket with the quick succession of dings! and the nonstop vibrations all throughout the remainder of his cup of tea.
it’s not until he’s wrapped up doing the dishes that he finally sits down and checks his messages, giving the poor phone a borderline accusatory glance as though it’s the innocent electronic’s fault that kenma’s just this fucking hapless.
KURO: itll be just fine!! im gonna be there too yknow~
KURO: so ill have your back all the time! were gonna always be in teams together
KURO: ill make sure of it, so trust me!
resourceful, the word echoes in his head, the space of his cranium reverberating with the sound. if there’s one good thing about kuroo, it has to be that he always keeps his promises.
ME: ok
ME: u already signed me up anyway so
ME: might as well ig
KURO: great!! i knew youd want to give it a try kenma
KURO: im so proud of you
KURO: let’s get some extra practice in from now until the 20th, okay???
KURO: some of my friends will be there too and i don’t wanna let them win
ME: what friends…
briefly, kenma considers blocking kuroo’s number before the other gets to answer his question, far too scared of what the reply may be.
and then, he actually does it.
enter kuroo tetsurou, the culprit of everything that’s ever gone wrong in kenma’s life.
[+1,277, -243] aw, the kid with the pudding head is kinda cute… he looks like someone threatened him into getting his photo taken and all, but that’s kind of what makes him charming wwww
[+333, -115] what’s with this show? seriously, all these guys look like middle schoolers… TT
kenma stares at the wall ahead of him, crisp ice blue paint marred by an assortment of signatures and goals, realistic and borderline imaginary alike, scribbled with a dissonance of contrasting— not complementary –colored markers. if kenma was just a smidge more easily influenced perhaps their motivation and optimism would rub off on him, but he’s just not that kind of guy… he can be influenced enough to come here in the first place, that’s one thing, but there’s just no way he can be talked into having a good time while at it, not at all, because now that would just be plain ridiculous!
besides, he ponders as he paces across the room following along the length of the wall, most if not all of these are pretty basic phrases… it’s “let’s make our dreams come true!” on top of “do your best!” with a thick layer of “good luck!” laid across it all, and as narrow golden eyes give the glorified graffiti a once over the only thing of interest they can find is a particular name kanji, one they pause to wonder on its meaning for a second or two to promptly disregard the thought just about as quickly as it had come. generalized positivity seems like little more than the most superficial kind of wishful thinking, and while kenma would rather put his faith onto something more solid like his own skills (or alternatively, wish upon the downfall of the other contestants), he reasons everyone has their own ways of coping with the discomfort of being in this strange, new environment.
as for kenma himself… well, he’s still looking for it! now accepting suggestions, just text +81-xxx-xxx…
next to him, kuroo pretty much bounces in place. you’d think with such a tall frame he’d have enough place to store all that energy and then some, but unfortunately for kenma, kuroo’s a freak of nature who must be of an entirely different species from homo sapiens sapiens. “liven up a little, kenma. we’re already here, right? might as well enjoy it now!” the look kenma shoots him then is a cross between a threat of violence and intent to study him under a microscope with a 100x lens (and he can almost imagine the little spiky-haired cells he’d get out of it, too, the shameless microbes laughing at him as they swim in an ocean of methylene blue).
arms folded tightly across the taller’s wide chest betray near to nothing as he scans the aforementioned wall of dreams, but kenma knows better; it’s all hidden within high cheekbones and poorly-concealed dark undereyes adorned with bags from a bad night’s sleep, presumably from being unable to keep the excitement of what was to come the following day from letting his imagination run wild.
now, as his friend looks down at him after noticing his stare, his gaze is curious—it’s a silent question kenma isn’t sure how to answer, so in its place he only shakes his head in response. albeit lazy the movement is enough to have his hair, bleached blonde and reaching the halfway point between his chin and his shoulders, bob along with the motion. “you want me to liven up when i have to live with a hundred people in a high-stress environment.” the words are spoken flatly, oddly reminiscent of a soft drink that’s been opened and left out in the sun for a long, long time. during the summer. and if he’s being honest, that just about encapsulates how kenma feels at the thought of this being his life for the next couple months… or just a few weeks, hopefully!
kuroo just smiles down at him, all perfectly straight teeth and a promise of sincerity shoved somewhere between his central incisors. “a hundred people’s nothing you can’t handle, kenma. there’s three times that, easy, at every dance competition we’ve been to!” that does little to alleviate kenma’s anxiety, but at least he’s trying… or so kenma figures, at least.
kenma merely blinks in response, long and slow, much like a cat particularly looking forward to nap time would.
behind them, a boy who is more lanky than he is boy trots up with beads of sweat gathering up by his brow. “i’m sorry, i’m late!” he calls as kenma looks him up and down, flashy outfit blinding his eyes for a moment. the scarlet sequins don’t fit the rest of the newcomer’s colorimetry, all gray hair and pale skin with teal eyes to boot, but kenma doesn’t say that part out loud.
actually, he says nothing at all. he doesn’t have to, because this guy just starts spouting off random information like nobody’s business. and it is, in fact, not any of kenma’s business. “my name is haiba lev, it’s so nice to meet you!” he bows, a movement so clumsy he nearly collides with kuroo’s torso in the process. “i’m, like, soooo happy to be here. like, you don’t even know! my family’s already telling the whole town to vote for me, and…”
if this guy keeps talking, kenma’s brain isn’t there to hear it. it escaped through his ears a sentence or two ago, swearing it’d just take a short and well-deserved vacation for only a second…
“kozume, kuroo, haiba. all ready? you guys are up next.” the sound that booms over the loudspeakers by the ceiling leans more towards crackled static rather than a voice, enough so that kenma wouldn’t be sure of what he just heard if it weren’t for the weight of kuroo’s hand on his shoulder as an unspoken nudge of encouragement.
well, that was one short second.
it’s not until now that reality truly sets in. as anxiety infiltrates his bones kuroo’s hand only begins to feel all that much heavier, presumably due to his skeleton slowly degrading as stress chips away at every millimeter of its surface, from his phalanges to his frontal bone. “kenma?” even though he hears kuroo’s voice loud and clear, kenma chooses to ignore him in favor of pondering what his death certificate will be like. if nothing else, this shit’s gonna be a real funny cause of death! see, it’ll look a little bit like this:
AGE: 17
“if the kid won’t go out, you two are gonna have to go ahead without him.” now, this voice is one kenma doesn’t recognize. “not the producers will be happy about it, though. didn’t you sign a long-ass contract? i didn’t get to read all of it, but some parts of it were stone cold, man!” what is familiar to him, however, is the weight on his other shoulder— god, does kuroo want to speedrun kenma’s fall, or something? since when are hands this heavy…?
a blink, long and slow once more.
and then another one, as if just for good measure, as he tries to get himself into a headspace fit for survival. well, he’s already here. that much is an unavoidable truth he can do nothing about now that he’s already signed his soul away to the evil machine that is this god damn broadcasting corporation, other than go out there and do so fucking badly he’s expelled on sight.
fueled by a newfound resolve kenma brushes his hair out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ears. his forearm is held out in front of him and he taps it with the opposite fist, as though trying to ensure he hasn’t effectively turned to jelly just in case.
which, truth be told, wouldn’t be all that horrible. at least then that’d get him out of this one…
and because this is real life his bones are still made of, unfortunately, bone. “ummm, sorry… i spaced out,” briefly, kenma thinks he sees concern flash across kuroo’s features. but he’s still trying to focus his gaze back on the world surrounding him in the first place, and so he doesn’t pay it much mind.
the first thing he notices after exiting the narrow hallway all three were led through, the other guy ranting and raving about whatever inane thing his mind has decided to zone in on for that specific fraction of a second, are the bright stage lights overhead. the second thing kenma sees are a hundred (and one!) chairs arranged neatly in a pyramid shape, with each step containing less and less steps. little more than half of them are already occupied by boys happily chattering away, the ones presumably guilty of defacing the poor wall he’d seen earlier, and kenma shortly entertains the thought of wanting to know whoever this nishinoya guy is because really, if a person’s handwriting is that horrendous they’re certain to be quite the character.
on second thought, he doesn’t want to know him.
kenma doesn’t have to think twice about it before beelining in the direction of the very last seat, made of a clear material and accented with a 101 in glittery silver numbers, kuroo’s protests of at least going for seat 50 falling upon ears that aren’t deaf—they’re simply selectively closed for the time being.
if one thing is certain, it’s that murphy’s law never fails. so, let’s see how this goes.
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Kuroo: Truth or Dare?
Kenma: Truth
Kuroo: How many hours have you slept this week?
Kenma: Dare
Kuroo: Go to sleep
Kenma: I don't like this game
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4jax · 4 years
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haikyuu wallpaper lockscreen!!
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gxnkriskxllua · 3 years
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redrawing manga is fun~
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tettsurin · 4 years
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kozume-kenma-blog · 4 years
Fanart of Kuroo :
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How Kuroo Actually is :
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cmllnc · 4 years
Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi, & Kuroo Reaction when their S/o Finds our they have Big Dicks . Because let’s face it the have BDE!
Shocked S/O
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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●"Okay big guy, calm down and think about it, how the hell is that supposed to fit inside me?"
●He looks so confused and looks at you, trying to understand why you are afraid.
●"It is going to hurt like hell Toshi!"
●Now he is afraid as well, he doesn't want you to feel bad or hurt in any sort of way.
●"We can do it another time if you don't feel ready"
●"Toshi is not like that, you can't just put that giant thing inside me without preparing me first."
●"Should I... Cheer on you?"
●"Oh my God..."
Iwaizumi Hajime
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●Do you think he cares?
●Not at all, it is urgent, almost a priority and you can't stop him from shoving his big dick inside you.
●"Please please slow down, I need to walk, slow down Hajime!"
●"I can't, not now [y/n], I need it"
●You sigh, looking at him, with your hands pressed on his shoulders.
●"You're going to have to make it up to you somehow, because you're sure I'm going to scream."
●"Don't you dare, my parents are coming home in a few minutes!"
Kuroo Tetsurō
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●"Kitten, are you sure? I have to prepare you the right way first, I don't want you to feel hurt"
●You nod, with your arms around his neck, while looking in his eyes, you have no clue of what's coming.
●Then you pull his boxer off.
●"Okay I was definetly kidding, I take back everything I said, Tetsu, that thing is not coming inside me any time soon."
●He looks at you like a sad puppy, he didn't expect your first time to end that fast.
●"I'm not ready to be opened like a fucking watermelon!"
●He then laughs and lay next to you, while his hands make his way between your thighs, his face close to yours with a smirk on his lips.
●"Then let me give you a taste of the meal before having it all"
Lol hope you all enjoyed:')
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ruwustem · 4 years
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思い出 なんか いらん [ We don't need (things like) memories ].
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monoshinsupremacy · 3 years
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To Get Your Love(kurotsuki) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/264891719-to-get-your-love-kurotsuki?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=WeebReads4fun&wp_originator=gID%2B7fjigwEmIKI35ZaCnTDmY35XDGZnxEJ%2BUkBs%2B5NMrKlzMQsQYHmhHSUWVNhjYSjJTG76a9tB%2FXeXscGvz6ebDz6hEV5SqFe%2FgPkkG4Lacgbyzu8Ts3psAommBya2 "Well you took awful long, anything interesting happen?" Suga rested his elbow on the countertop and had a playful smirk on his face. Tsukishima scoffed. "Just give me the next order." He rolled his eyes. "You know, that raven head looked pretty cute."
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awkward-yaoyorozo · 4 years
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First 4 Haikyuu doodles ! 😁 Struggled a little with the different art style but I think I'll get a better handle of it after some more tries
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7-deadly-simpin · 4 years
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Gift for @theravencawsatmidnight because they’re amazing :)  💙 💜
Come get ya Nekoma mans Raven!
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girlcalypso · 4 years
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Haikyuu icons
→ like or reblog if you save
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gxnkriskxllua · 3 years
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i feel you kenma-san, for someone who is shorter than you and is 4'9. dialogue by: @incorrectkrkn (also on twitter) to incorrectkrkn: sorry for giving you a notification!! :'(
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