#tao oneshot
ashbub · 8 months
wanted me
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genshin impact: xiao x gn! traveler!reader
contents: mild cursing! [4.2k]
IN WHICH: feelings are discovered a little too late.
❝ i'd be with you, is it too late to pursue? ❞
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Xiao often preferred to be on his own. It was far more convenient that way. No wandering attachments. No strings attached. No potential feelings hurt. Far better suited for his long-awaited life as a Yaksha.
His gloved fingers strayed over the pearls that adorned his neck, his touch wavering over the light tattoos that decorated his pale skin with a small sigh.
Or perhaps he had convinced himself over the passing years that he desired it to be that way. The lines of that lingering want have long been blurred amongst the blood that tainted his fingertips.
He quietly stood by the firm balcony railing of Wangshu Inn, the cool winds smoothly tickling his cheeks as his golden eyes remained focused on the twinkling lights of the Lantern Rite Festival. Whether he liked to admit it or not, the yearly festival was a slight comfort that warmly glimmered through the dark Liyue sky.
Of course, you had proven to be the exception when it came to desiring a company. 
The soft blue fabric of your ruffled kimono hugged your frame as you tentatively lingered by the rounded entrance, the delicate embroidery swirling into fluffy clouds that stitched around your waist. Lowering your softening eyes, they faintly reflected the wandering lanterns that playfully danced in the crisp air. 
You looked lovely. Xiao could never deny it.
"You always seem to know where to find me, Traveler." Xiao tapped his slim fingertips on the smoothness of the railing, his quiet breath mingling as the soft winds playfully brushed past the ends of his choppy locks. "Whether I like it or not."
You softly smiled, walking behind him with your warm fingers intertwined shyly behind your back with a teasing laugh of your own, "Hardly a challenge-" 
Your eyes lingered on the small platter that rested in front of Xiao on the edge of the railing- A pretty white plate with a generous portion of sliced tofu placed in the middle of the surface, small flowers elegantly decorating the edge of the food. It was homemade, slightly dropping at the sides.
"Almond tofu, huh." You murmured with a content sigh as he quietly handed you a wooden spoon, his firm gaze remaining focused ahead. "Is that for me?"
Xiao's delicate hands wandered toward the back of his heated neck at the sudden question, "I accidentally purchased an extra at one of the local stands." He clarified at your suggestion, scooping up some of the tofu to the edge of his pursed lips. "It would have gone to waste if I hadn't given it to you."
You let out a muffled chuckle, quickly gathering the almond tofu on the edge of your spoon before promptly shoving it into your mouth. You had tried plenty of Liyue cuisine from Xiangling during your visits to her kitchen, her excitement to have you try her visionary platters infectious- However, the tofu was soft and slightly sweet on the tip of your tongue, different from the previous spicier meals you had sampled.
"It's delicious!" You gasped out with the wooden spoon now remaining settled in the side of your puffed-out cheek. You turned to the young Adeptus, his golden eyes flickering with a soft brightness at your widening expression. "Are you sure you didn't make it?"
The tips of his ears grew slightly flushed at your question. Turning away from your nudging shoulder.
"Why do you say that?"
"It's a little sloppy looking, no?" 
Your teasing tone caused Xiao to snatch the ceramic plate back from your grasp with a hushed grunt, a small smile of his own that rarely tugged on the edge of his smooth lips. 
"Forgive me, next time the trash will be a proper place for an extra almond tofu." The Adeptus drawled out in the softness of the Liyue wind, the tips of his deep teal locks curling around the edge of his chin- Despite his choice of words, a warmth wrapped around his raspy voice that was damn near a laugh to your ears.
The festival night was filled with the melodious sound of traditional music played on ancient wooden instruments below. Musicians and performers walking along the cobble path brought tales to life through dance and song, while the aroma of street food vendors of matsutake meat rolls and rich rice buns wafted through the air.
Your own laugh was quiet, both of your shoulders softly brushing near one another as you stood by Xiao near the Wangshu Inn railing, admiring the scenic view that carried in front of you. Your smile slowly slipped away from your expression.
Next time.
You took a step away from him.
"Xiao-" You began with a wavering sentence, your normally firm voice slightly straining as his own softened expression finally reached your lowering eyes- "About that, I-"
"Is everything okay?"
"I plan on leaving soon in a few days, for Inazuma." 
The words hung in the air with a sudden weight, Xiao had finally turned to look at you as if your sputtered-out words hadn't fully sunk in for him. His gold eyes mingled with a warm shade of bright orange that felt like the embers of a flickering yet all-consuming fire.
The light blue garment felt heavy across your arms, the dark blue ribbon that wrapped neatly across your waist nearly tightening. "The next part of my journey calls for me to travel there, and considering the restrictions for traveling past their borders, I might not return to Liyue for a long time." You whispered out, almost to yourself as your cool fingertips began tightening on the thin railing.
"I see." 
"I thought it would be better for you to hear it from me." You quickly fidgeted for the pocket of your baby blue kimono amidst your sentence, the edge of a pearly white envelope warmly poking out from your side that you had been saving. "And I also thought we could exchange letters during my travels?"
The Yaksha glanced at the crinkled-up envelope you had directed towards his chest for him to accept, decorated with an assortment of stickers plastered across the white surface. His name was neatly written across the middle in dark ink. 
When he finally spoke, for a moment you could see his eyes softening before turning away as a gentle hand pushed the envelope from his direction back towards you silently. "You shouldn't have concerned yourself with that, [y/n]." Xiao murmured, "Focus your energy on your current obligations as I will with mine." 
Adjusting his lowered posture, he turned his gaze towards you and your dropped shoulders, his words reeking out with a sudden formality that you had often hoped he would never have needed to use on you. His gloved hands lingered across his stiffened arms.
 "After all, we were merely traveling companions in Liyue keeping the order and safety of this land. We have our priorities to remain vigilant on, I of all people would empathize with that."
Gripping the letter tightly in your fingertips, the words stung. Perhaps he had meant it as reassurance that it shouldn't be a hard goodbye- But merely? That was all he had accumulated in your relationship? The Yaksha already began to turn away from you, but he looked back for a moment at the sound of your cracking voice.
"That's not true, Xiao-" You cut yourself off in mid-thought, your right hand coming up to desperately to pinch at the bridge of your wrinkled nose and your eyes squeezing shut tight. "Of course, I have other things currently going on in my life, but the reason I suggested the letters was because I just thought that maybe you saw me as a-"
"Saw you as what, [y/n]?" Xiao heard himself ask in a soft sigh, voice flinty with barely concealed resentment, golden eyes flickering.
You snapped in frustration, then continued quickly before there could be a reply.
"A friend, Xiao, I thought of you as a friend." 
You raised the thick sleeve of your kimono to the end of your watering eyes at your faltering voice, the fabric warm against your skin. You tried looking everywhere but him. It felt embarrassing to cry all of a sudden. The Lantern Festival Rite lights didn't seem as bright.
"And it's pretty upsetting-" You managed out quietly with a rasp, the lingering taste of almond tofu stale on your tongue. "That you didn't even think the same towards me."
Tears blindly stung your eyes when you finally met up to reach his gaze, the words you needed to speak lodged painfully in your burning throat as you waited patiently for him to respond. It was too big, too scary, your heart was beating so fast in your chest that you thought it might break.
His expression had been searching for something incommunicable before noticing your tears in sudden realization. His feathery eyebrows carefully raised as his smooth hand reached for the edge of your shoulder in worry.
"[y/n], please wait-" Xiao began pleadingly, his pale cheeks softly flushing before trying to gather your attention, "My intention wasn't to-"
But you had already slipped away from him- Brushing his hand away quickly at his sudden touch with a curled-up bottom lip.
"Save it, Adeptus Xiao."
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"A friend, Xiao. I thought of you as a friend."
It was a simple sentence- Yet it burned through him with the way you had said it. Your eyes faintly brimmed with tears along your lowered lashes, the small smile that had lingered across your lips from your conversation before falling when you had finally looked at him.
You looked pained.
He didn't mean to hurt you. That truly hadn't been his intention, watching as the soft light of lanterns trails faintly illuminating the tear stains that lingered down your cheeks. He had wondered if the thousands of years had chipped away at his communication in general. For the moment he had suggested that you were just traveling companions when he knew that he clearly must feel more than just that- 
The soft, silver moonlight bathed the landscape of Bishui Plain, casting a gentle glow over the tall, swaying grass that accompanied his every step. The grass, kissed by a slight breeze, rustled like a bard's lullaby, creating a soothing melody that harmonizes with the occasional chirping of a wandering golden finch.
His gaze had wandered by a nearby stream that trickled softly by his feet, the gentle ripples of local fish humming by the shimmering pebbles amongst the fresh water. The yaksha had caught his appearance in the reflection momentarily. The mask he wore was intricately adorned with a harsh expression and aggressive long fangs.
Adeptus Xiao. You had called him.
You had never referred to him that way.
However, that's what happens, isn't it? His whole thing about avoiding attachments? To remain at a distance to protect others- It just hurts everyone involved if he got close to people after all he had committed, eventually. He had acted foolishly in allowing his feelings to fester.
His feelings for you. When did they get so complicated?-
Dark shadows had begun to take form near the edge of his feet among the reflection of the waters, and from the depths of the field, their distorted shadows illuminated by the pale moonlight. An eerie laughter filled the Liyue air as Xiao's stance harshly shifted to gather their location hidden amongst the swaying tall grass, echoing through the otherwise tranquil landscape. The shrill laughter was unique in the crisp air, echoing through his perked ears.
An abyss mage. He concluded to himself. A few of them.
The handle of his jade spear felt cool against his touch as it materialized with the palm of his gloved hand, grasping at the smoothness of the dark stone that began illuminating quietly. The jingle of his ameno gnosis that remained tethered to the side of his waist obediently churned at the sudden gust of wind that invoked around his gleaming weapon.
He needed to clear his mind.
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"You are finally awake, hm?"
Xiao felt the damp fabric of a rag rest across the warmth of his forehead, the soft crackle of the fireplace illuminating the empty kitchen. His eyes fluttered open slowly at the question, his dark lashes framing his pale golden eyes as he quietly placed his fingertips on the sudden dryness of his cracked lips.
He had been resting his back on a thin mattress on the polished wooden floor, a thick lavender wool blanket brought to his rising chest carefully. A stone pot quietly emits a faint swirling smoke from the rustle of the fire. The kitchen that was usually rumbling with the staff of Wangshu Inn to feed the patrons of the hotel in the mornings was quiet, the small shelves stocked with woven baskets filled with a fresh array of picked sweet carrots and radishes.
His light eyes finally flickered to your figure crouched by the fireplace, the side of your focused face softly lit by the crackling fire as your fingertips were wrapped around the slow-stirring wooden spoon within the warmth of the kitchen. Your lips carefully pursed while blowing away the thick steam that lingered by the edge of the spoon, your metal sword shimmering contently by the side of your waist that glistened with splatters of dark blood.
"You are a real pain in the ass, did you know that?” You continued with a small hum, remaining focused on the dance of the flickering flames and taming the bubbling cauldron. The Adeptus had attempted to rise with both of his arms to support his weight with a quiet wince, his ribs wrapped firmly with pale bandages that engulfed the soft tattoos that adorned his pale skin. “The very least you could do is try not to bleed out on my blanket Qi Qi gifted me."
He brought his gloved fingers to brush past the locks of his dark hair from his damp forehead, his faintly cut lips slightly curled at the sudden burning that flowed at the side of his chest.
 Those mages should have been easy- What was he doing? His mind had clearly been elsewhere to be so distracted-
"Here, drink this." Your voice was softer compared to the sternness of previous interactions, examining the dark patterns of your slippers with a small whisper. You had extended a small wooden cup to his grasp, a bitter scent swirling from the lingering steam. "All of it, even if it's gross, will help with the pain."
Your eyes were warm from the light flicker of the fireplace, glimmering contently. The soft blue fabric of your garments now trickled with fading stains of blood that appeared to have been scrubbed out in exasperation. A few locks of your hair were messily scattered across your forehead as Xiao brought his lips to the rim of the cup, his feathery eyebrows slightly scrunched together at the sour taste.
The fire had begun to seep into a soft flicker, the earthy stones that adorned with cast-iron pots and pans, bearing evidence of countless meals prepared with care. The fire within the hearth casts a comforting, orange-hued glow across the room, illuminating the worn copper cookware that dangles from the overhead beams as you quietly remove the wet rag from Xiao’s skin. Your fingertips warmly brushed against his pale skin with a small sigh flowing past his lips. You were tempted to touch the dark diamond that remained etched on his forehead.
“How did you find me?” He finally asked after taking another sip of the bitter drink that remained warmly in his grasp, his voice slightly raspy as a quaint smile tugged the ends of your smooth lips.
“You weren’t too far away from the Inn, it wasn’t hard to notice the Conqueror of Demons getting tossed around like a ragdoll.”
The night outside was quiet and contemplative, the moonlight pouring through the windows, creating pools of ethereal radiance that seemed to beckon you closer to the warmth of the fire. The golden eyes that rivaled the glimmer of the ancient coins that cluttered in the pocket of your kimono, often framed by long, dark lashes fluttered shut.
"I'm sorry." His voice was soft towards you, lowering his face into the palm of his hand quietly. "I really am, [y/n]."
You examined the cup that remained in his grasp, the dark green drink remaining halfway full. The quiet flickers of moonlight mingled with the edge of dark blue strands of his hair that curled beneath his chin.
"Just finish this up, silly." 
After an hour, the lingering smoke of the fire had smothered against the burnt pieces of coal that remained at the bottom of the fireplace. Xiao had remained quietly tucked into the warmth of the blanket asleep, his bandaged chest rising and falling with a light rhythm. You rarely saw the Adeptus look so exhausted.
Gathering up your things into the pockets of your leather satchel, you turned to examine him once more. The wispy fluttering of his lashes, the soft flush of freckles that decorated the tip of his slim nose. Your voice barely came out from the depths of your throat. "I'm sorry, Xiao, I should have listened to you when you were trying to apologize." You managed out, your smooth hands tightly clutching the side of your satchel with a sigh. "I was just hurt." 
You hesitantly placed a hand warmly on the side of his pale cheek, cupping his sleepy expression into the palm of your hand. "Please get better, okay?" You mumbled almost to yourself, the back of your thumb contently running circles over his cool cheek for a moment. "Out of everyone, I would be sad to not see your face when I leave."
You pulled your hand away, a soft smile mingling in your breath to raise back to your feet before feeling the gentle grasp of fingertips reach for your lingering touch.
 Xiao's voice was soft, a whisper that was loud enough to yell in such a silent room. It doesn't grate on your ears, you don't think it grates on his, either. The confirmation does little to make you move suddenly, though. His small hand pulls you back to the flushed warmth of his cheek. His touch nearly aching to press his skin to the place where your hand was. 
Your eyes slightly widened at his grasp for your fingertips, a sudden warmth spreading across your cheeks, "Xiao?"
"Please" He repeated, golden eyes remaining on yours before quietly sinking further into the palm of your hand with a small breath, "Stay with me for a little longer." 
Your breath remained lodged in the back of your throat at the warmth of his hand wandering on your fingertips. The growing warmth across his skin causes you to softly melt into his light touch.
"Okay." You whispered, "For a little longer."
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"He's gonna show up, [y/n]." Hu Tao smiles cheekily, placing a hand on your shoulder, her bright eyes shining with the soft flowers that encircled them. She had wore her classic black garments with buttons and her little hat, giving you a small poke on the side of your cheek. "I promise you he will."
It had been a few days now since you had last spoken to Xiao at Wangshu Inn. He had slipped from the window in the early morning before you could talk, leaving the thick curtains fluttering in the crisp Liyue wind. 
Now, it was the day of your departure, and Xiao was yet to be seen.
The bustling pier was a symphony of activity as the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the scene. Seagulls wheeled and cried overhead, their sharp calls mingling with the excited chatter of passengers and the clinking of cargo being loaded onto the waiting ship.
Hu Tao seemed to notice the small scrunch of your eyebrows, your shoulders slightly dropping while examining the ocean that rustled underneath the floorboards of the pier. "He's gonna be gloomy for weeks if he doesn't get the opportunity to say goodbye."
On the edge of the chaotic canvas, the ship stood like a steadfast giant, its crew working in a synchronized frenzy to prepare for the impending voyage. Ropes were tightened, crates hoisted, and sails unfurled. The captain, Beidou, a strong figure in well-worn crimson garments, barked orders with a sharp smile, and her crew scurried to execute them. The ship creaked and groaned, eager for the open sea.
Hu Tao had quickly excused herself to purchase you both some food at the local stand at the pier, her rose-tinted eyes shining brightly with a warm grin glossed across her lips.
As the salty breeze swept through the bustling dockyard, the sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm, golden hue over everything it touched. Amidst the clatter of cargo being loaded and sailors shouting orders, you stood on the edge, your heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.
You wore a thick leather jacket, adorned with various trinkets collected from your past adventures, and your sturdy boots had seen their share of long journeys.
Your fingertips clutched the worn-out strap of a weathered leather satchel containing your meager belongings, a pouch full of mora, a notebook filled with sketches and notes from your travels, and a letter for the yaksha that you hadn't dared to hand to him again since the Lantern Rite Festival.
But just as you took your first step towards the gangplank, a voice called your name, rich and warm like a familiar melody, your eyes widening. You spotted the figure of a short, narrow-shouldered man approaching you toward the bustle of the crowd.
He was holding an envelope within his grasp. 
With unspoken sigh escaping your lip, you let your satchel slip from your shoulder and thud harshly against the weathered planks. Your feet carried you toward him, your breath came in short gasps. The world around you blurred as you saw only him, his small face slightly flushed and uncharacteristically out of breath.
His eyes were bright as his dark hair glistened in the sunlight, and the warmth in his golden eyes filled you with a sense of longing and comfort. "[y/n], the letters-"
"Please write me the letters you promised to send before." His fingertips lingered on the edge of your shoulders with a jagged breath, "Write to me every single day, I never want to miss your adventures."
As the last light of day danced on the water's surface, the ship's horn sounded again, a deep, melancholic note that signaled its imminent departure. Families hugged their loved ones, tears and laughter intermingling in their farewells. Vendors hawking their wares from colorful stalls, the scent of fresh seafood and roasted nuts wafting through the air. The constant hum of voices, footsteps, and the occasional blast of a ship's horn filled the atmosphere. Passengers and crew alike rushed on board, the anticipation of adventure and the promise of distant shores lighting up their eyes. 
"I wrote you one, to get us started." His envelope was simple, your name written in delicate cursive in the very middle as he softly scratched the back of his neck. "But please don't read it till after you depart from Liyue."
"I have one for you too." You quietly said, digging for the envelope that was engulfed with stickers, "For you to read when I have left."
Amidst the chaos, the ship stood proudly, a magnificent vessel adorned with billowing sails and polished brass. The crew hustled to load supplies, secure ropes, and perform last-minute checks. Passengers bustled about, clutching tickets and baggage, eager for their adventure on the high seas.
The embrace was a gentle, lingering one. His arms wrapped warmly around your frame, holding you close clung to him as your fingers sunk into his shoulder. Your bodies pressed together, a silent reassurance as your lashes fluttered shut, Xiao's familiar scent of almonds and sea salt mixed with the hint of Qixing flowers. You buried your face into the crook of his neck with a soft sigh.
"I will miss you." 
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The Adeptus stood alone on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, bathed in the soft, moonlit glow that cast a silvery sheen over Liyue. A cool, gentle breeze rustled the pages of the handwritten letter clutched tightly in their trembling hand. He hadn't opened your letter yet- Not fully, anyway, only taking a few peeks at the slight writing the poked out.
Xiao was enveloped by the gentle rustle of leaves and the fading hues of a setting sun. The air was cool, and the faint scent of jasmine lingered in the breeze. In his gloved fingertips, he tugged out the folded letter, its paper slightly crumpled from the uncertainty that had gripped them since its delivery at the pier.
As he unfolded the paper, the first few lines seemed ordinary, a recounting of shared memories and cherished moments.
A couple of sentences were scribbled out in ink. The words on the page were filled describing the stolen glances, shared laughter, and moments of silent connection that had been tinged with unspoken affection. He nearly chuckled at your comical scribbling to cut the letter short- But it was the very end of the letter that caught his attention.
"Babartos- What I'm actually trying to say is- I'm in love with you, Xiao. I want you."
He leaned against the balcony railing with a jagged breath lingering on his smooth lips, the golden tinge of his eyes crinkling at the motion of the words scribbled across the page.
The night was quiet, save for the distant hum of Liyue citizens rustling for the night, as the truth of the confession settled upon him with a warmth that flushed the ends of his ears. He gazed out into the dark expanse, realizing that the chance for love had passed, leaving them with only the echo of what might have been with a sudden tear drop staining the very edge of the paper. The letter became a cherished, painful reminder of a love that had silently, and tragically, slipped through his fingertips.
You had wanted him too?
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an: i was listening to steve lacey and it just reminded me of xiao for some reason :)
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apathetic-pixel-42 · 2 months
hello, I wanted to request a one shot for Tao Ren with a fem reader who is extremely insecure about her abilities as a shaman in combat even though she is an extremely powerful healer and support. You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, it is your choice. Thank you!
Hello!! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you enjoy it! <33333
Tao Ren With A Healer Reader Who's Insecure About Their Shamanic Abilities 🌿
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Before he decided to fix up his attitude, he used to make fun of your abilities. Being a healer doesn’t exactly provide you with any super strength or flashy abilities. If you weren’t physically strong outside of your abilities, then he wouldn’t see you as a threat.
He’d mock you whenever he could, but he eventually realized how useful your power was in battle. Depending on how fast you could heal yourself or others, you’d probably be a pretty formidable opponent.
It’s kinda like with Faust’s skeletons and how they always get back up. If you could do the same at a fast rate, he’d be a little intimidated. Of course, he also considers if certain wounds heal faster than others.
After he eventually softened up and got to know you, he’d lessen up on the comments towards your abilities. He’d realize that he was being childish and even ask you more about how your powers work.
Something he realized was that your power also meant that you had a lot of knowledge of medicines and various healing procedures. Of course, you couldn’t save him when he died because you weren’t there, but he appreciated the effort you made.
One day, you asked him if he could help you train in combat. He’d be shocked, since he honestly didn’t think you needed the training. Sure, you were a little reckless sometimes in the field, but he figured you could handle yourself.
When you explain how helpless you feel with your lack of combat abilities, he realizes how important strength is to you. Begrudgingly, he decides to help you.
He’s initially apprehensive about the idea, since he sometimes forgets to manage his own strength. He’s used to going all out on his enemies, but he doesn’t want to do that to you. He does a fee practice sparring sessions to access your current strength and what you need help with.
Your agility, coordination, and flexibility are fine. The main issue is the lack of physical force behind your attacks along with your endurance. Since you were so used to using most of your mana to heal yourself, you didn’t have much endurance against physical attacks. He literally beat you in a fist fight in five minutes!
He starts training you in his spare time, which is how he gradually grows closer to you. He watches you grow in strength, and he also grows alongside you. Even when he was learning the spells from Hao’s stupid book, he learned them with you.
Every time your
One shot 💜:
Ren let out a grunt as he blocked your oncoming strike. Another session of hand to hand combat, another session of teaching you to be stronger. Ren didn’t really get it. To him, you were already pretty strong…yet, it seems you didn’t see it that way.
“Come on. Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got? Have you not learned a single thing?” Ren remarked mockingly as he easily dodged your weak attack. He suddenly dealt a sharp roundhouse kick to your stomach, watching you brace for impact.
To his surprise…you didn’t fall. You let out a groan before quickly dealing a kick of your own. He didn’t have time to react, causing him to lose his balance and fall over. Incredible. You had finally landed a proper hit on him.
He watched you hurry to his side, frantically asking if he was okay. He let out a scoff, but he supposed it was just your nature as a healer. He let out a rare chuckle and looked at you, smirking proudly. “Good job,” he whispered, “We’ll start again tomorrow.”
He watched you jump up excitedly. You were so proud of yourself. He couldn’t help but cup your cheek, causing you to gasp in surprise. “Try and add some more power to your kick next time,” he added teasingly before grabbing his sword and heading back inside, leaving you flustered and stuttering on the ground.
He couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. This just got a lot more interesting.
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d-seneca · 2 years
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homuradefender · 7 months
This was made for <3, I don't know if the link thing worked but if they're reading this she knows who I'm talking about. ( The person this was made for uses she/they, be nice or I'll throw you cause they're amazing and deserve respect.)
Yantao fluff
It's their 1 year anniversary 🩷
( Also she/they Yanfei, cause yes )
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The legal advisor didn't really know what was acceptable for a one year anniversary. This was her longest relationship, she knew Hu Tao was more relaxed, she'd probably love anything Yanfei did for her, but she still wanted to make it special.
That's why she was planning things a few days in advance, a few ideas of what she wanted to do in mind. Maybe take Hu Tao on a picnic date, take her on a walk somewhere, ideas flew through their mind but they had one thing set in mind.
Hu Tao seemed to be fond of butterflies, Yanfei learned that a long while before the two got together, so that's why she commissioned a butterfly necklace made just for the funeral director. It was silver but had tiny red jewels for eyes, the color fitted Tao in Yanfei's personal opinion.
They could only hope that it wouldn't get broken, she made good money but not good enough to get it repaired constantly. Yanfei had pre-picked a box, suiting for a black one and gently placing the necklace inside, careful to make sure the necklace didn't get tangled.
'This should do surely.' Yanfei thought to herself as she slid the box into a drawer in her office desk, keeping it safe until the day of their anniversary.
The day came, if the Advisor was honest with themselves it came quicker than she expected, Hu Tao was the only thing on her mind as she was quickly making their way through the work given to them that day. Shockingly enough, the monstrous pile of work was gone quicker then expected.
Slipping the box into her pocket, she made her way to the funeral parlor, maybe she could pick Hu Tao up sooner then expected. The director was surprisingly standing at the front door of the parlor, seemingly waiting for Yanfei.
' I had a feeling you'd be here earlier Fei!' Hu Tao embraced Yanfei of a tight hug before pulling away with a slight playful smirk.
' I somehow managed to have a light workload today, why the smirk Tao?'
' I got you something!' Hu Tao motioned for Yanfei to wait for her outside as she quickly rushed back into the parlor, leaving the legal advisor slightly confused.
A few minutes later the director came back with a box and excitingly handed it to Yanfei. ' I wanted to give it to you earlier but I knew I should probably wait.'
Now slightly curious Yanfei noted the box was slightly heavy, but she was able to open it and was a bit shocked at what she saw. 'You've said before that you find Fontaine 's law system tricky so I found a book that perfectly describes Fontaine laws and it has some of their most famous cases! I won't be shocked if you already have it though, or if you heard of it already. I probably should have gotten something else but I didn't know-'
Hu Tao was shushed by a gentle kiss from Yanfei, ' I don't have this one Tao, it's perfect thank you.'
That seemed to quiet the funeral director for a few minutes, returning the kiss once she seemed to snap back to reality, wrapping her hand in Yanfei's. ' I know you have things planned out but I have plans after those plans so why don't you go ahead and show me what you have planned.'
That sounds perfectly amazing to the legal advisor, as she lead the director to a place where they had intricately planned a few days in advance. A picnic basket filled with food made by Xiangling, their first stop was to pick that up.
' Love birds!' Xiangling jokingly yelled at the two as they walked away with the basket, 'how embarrassing' Yanfei silently thought to herself.
' Aww is my deer flustered?' Hu Tao snickered, amused by the sight of a flustered Fei. ' Tao shush. '
Tao did not shush, instead she continued to comment on how adorable Fei looked when flustered.
Yanfei had picked a quiet are slightly outside of Liyue Harbor, placing the basket down they pulled out a blanket and evenly spread it out on the ground. Hu Tao was happy to see that she had gotten steamed fish and prawn dumplings, while Yanfei had gotten Crab Roe Tofu.
The two chatted while eating, cleaning the mess up when done. ' We'll return the basket tomorrow, I still have more plans.'
Yanfei held her hand out and helped Hu Tao get up, holding the basket as she led her girlfriend down a path. ' You like walks, right Tao?'
The funeral director enthusiastically nodded. The path was a different way back to Liyue Harbor, it was long but the two kept eachother company throughout the walk.
' Fei what do you have planned next?' Tao asked as they were almost back to Liyue Harbor, still hand in hand with her lover. 'Its nothing big but I'd still prefer you wait to see.'
'Yanyan please?' ' No, be patient and wait'
By that time they had already arrived back to their original destination, so Hu Tao decided to suck it up and patiently wait, something she wouldn't normally do.
' It's getting late isn't it.' The two were making their way back to Yanfei's home and Hu Tao had noted how dark it had gotten. ' Mhm, but what I have planned shouldn't take to long so you can rest soon.'
' Sleepover?' The funeral director excitingly asked, a new pace in her step as she had already memorized the way back the other's home. 'Yes Tao, a sleepover.'
When the two got home Yanfei sat down with Hu Tao in the living room, they had to admit they were nervous, but she tried her best to reassure herself that Hu Tao would love the gift. ' Soo I got you something.'
Yanfei pulled out the box with Tao's gift and handed it over, watching nervously but also excitingly as she opened it. ' Yanyan I love it!'
Yanfei helped Hu Tao put it on, clasping it in the back for her. ' Now Tao what were your plans?' 'Sleepover.' Yanfei giggled as she ran one of her hands through the other's hair.
The two stared at eachother for a bit, a loving look in each other's eyes as Yanfei continued to play with Hu Tao's hair. The moment was interrupted by a yawn from Hu Tao.
' Sleepy love?' Yanfei asked, trying not to laugh at the adorable sight of their girlfriend's head resting on her lap. Hu Tao mumbled something, probably too tired to understand Yanfei.
' Let's get you too bed, alright?' After a few protests from Hu Tao, who wanted to stay on the couch cuddled up on Yanfei's lap, the legal advisor had managed to get Hu Tao to bed.
The director climbed on top of Yanfei and laid her head on the other's chest, snuggling up to get comfy. Somehow, Yanfei managed to pull a blanket over the both of them, trying not to melt from how adorable she thought her girlfriend was.
' Sleep well Tao'
Hu Tao mumbled something back but Yanfei wasn't able to hear it, her hand finding itself gently combing through the sleepy funeral directors hair. ' Pretty. ' Hu Tao whispered, it shocked Yanfei for a minute but returned back to combing through the directors hair until the two of them fell asleep.
| This was long so I had to leave some stuff out as too not destroy my will to write and I'm tried but I wanted to write this as soon as possible. |
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lemongogo · 1 year
UR GNNA READ GOKURAKUGAI AS WELL?? ur taste in manga.. unmatched 🙏 the oneshot slapped so hard
I AMMMM omg literally all recommended by my friends ,, theyve been on top of it since the one shot released and im finally trying it out 😭😭 the art is CRAZYYYY, i gen cant wait to see where it’ll go
dara sweep btw☝️
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xiaomainlmao · 1 year
Genshin Characters and s/o's with similar personality- Hu Tao
Hu Tao's way of meeting yn would be rather... interesting. It'll probably be while advertising the parlour.
"Hey do you require the funeral parlour's services? We have coupons!"
"Not right now, but I'll let you know if I do! Oh I also heard that you guys deal with paranormal activity, is that true??" She wouldn't have been surprised if you gave her a weird look while shrugging her off, but her eyes widened for 5 seconds when you ended up continuing the conversation.
People would be cautious of you two to say the least- they wouldn't know what you are, friends, couple, partners, you could be anything but they were sure that you both reeked of 2 times the trouble when both of you were together.
In the modern au, you'd probably meet each other while trying to troll each other on some social media platform. You'd be searching for your next victim while Hu Tao would be doing the same when she stumbles upon your account. It'd be rather fun watching both of you try to overtake each other. Hu Tao is definitely that one person with a goofy pfp on an edgy profile where she discusses topics related to the after life through memes, convince me otherwise.
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simpforthedead · 1 year
Xiao x reader Oneshot
Au : Modern AU
Type : Fluff
Warning: None
It's probably the first time you lose something. But it's not anything… It's Xiao's favorite sweater ! "He's gonna kill you for that" Hu Tao says while writing something on her notebook with a smirk. "Thanks to remind me of it" You ironically respond, with an upside down smile :
(You and Hu Tao are in the library for the next exam. It start being cold outside and your kind boyfriend gave you his sweater but you lost it.You began to check everywhere but couldn't find it.
You hear footsape and slowly hide yourself behind a book. Xiao enters the library with a boba. "Hey !!!! Xiao !!" Hu Tao waves at Xiao. "HHHEEEEYYYY!!!!" She waves with more energy.
"Shut up you are in a library." He sat in front of you without knowing YOU was the person reading 'Yashiro clan history'.
You take your backpack making sure Xiao don't see you."Excuse-me" You stop when you heard his voice."Yes ?" you didn't look at him. "You forget your pen- Wait a minute...Y/n ?" You waves at him with a smile, but you was terrified.
Hu Tao saw you in struggle, and she immediately start talking about OUTFIT."I remember FINDING a beautiful T-shirt last time ! And Y/N was with me !" everyone looks at her with a confused face. You swear you're gonna kill her.
Xiao hit the back of her head "We're in a library." He turns his head to see you escaping the library.You run and he follows you.
"What a strange duo ..." Says Hu Tao when you two were finally gone. She is kind of the protector of the couple.
You run into a coffe shop hoping Xiao wouldn't find you. You was always with his sweater on, where else it could be ? Xiao enters the coffeeshop and see you ordering. He sit in front of you and glare at you like you had killed his whole family.
"You lost it right?" he stares at you and you try to find some ghost cats looking away. "Hu Tao told me..." you suddenly stop looking around."I just don't find it anymore. I haven't lose it..." you still don't look at Xiao, still scared of what he would do to you.
"Yeah, so you lose it." you agreed with hesitation. "Sorry... I know it was important to you but I lose it." you finally looks at Xiao.
You expected him to be angry but he was pretty chill, wich surprise you. "That's okay I can still buy another one." You smile at your boyfriend and drink your order.
"But you Pay."
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remcadll · 2 years
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I’ve been waiting for this one to get serialized 
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dumbbbgantao · 2 years
The way to stomach is through a girl's heart - ganyu x hu tao
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!!Warnings!!: Nsfw, cannibalism, gore, blood, necrophilia
About: Hu tao got into a debt and is not able to afford food and most things a human being needs, she gets depressed. The debt makes her close the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. While going on a walk she saw a precious girl, her body made her a little hungry. This is modern au btw :)
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Hu tao just waked up. As always she went straight to her kitchen even tho there was not enough food for her to eat a breakfast. She took a big breath in and went to her room to get something to wear. Most of her clothes were dirty and old since she couldn't afford anything. While going to her room she stood next to mirror and caught an eye contact with herself
"Ugh. I hate you. Look at you and your dirty face. You cant even afford a shampoo to wash your dirty and oily hair, and youre the reason we will be kicked out from this small apartment if we don't pay soon. ITS. ALL. BECAUSE. OF. YOU!!!" She thought
Hu tao got some serious issues with herself since she lost most of her money, she was always dirty since she was trying to save some money by not using water, all she was eating was some instant noodles and all her clothes were dirty. Her eyes looked tired and her whole body was itchy from not showering.
"I finally should go out and take care of myself huh.. I will choose the most decent looking clothing and go outside to breathe some fresh air... Maybe i can finally get some actual job? Im tired of just doing commission... They don't give much mora anyways.."
As she said, she choose some clothes and tied her hair in a pair of ponytails. She was wearing a shirt with a skull printed on it and some jeans, there was nothing better she could wear. When she went outside and felt the warm sun on her cheeks she felt a lot better but after all, she was still hungry. She decided to go look for someone she knows. As she was walking she heard a known voice behind her.
"Hey hu tao!"
When she turned she saw Yanfei - her ex girlfriend. Even after their relationship didn't work out they were still pretty good friends, at least they used to be until Hu tao got depressed and stopped leaving her small apartment.
"Oh hi Yanfei, long time no see, huh?"
Even tho she said it with smile Yanfei could tell she was feeling embarrassed and cloudy.
"Hey whats up? You seem down? Maybe you want me to help somehow?"
Somehow Hu tao didn't like those words. She hated getting help, she hated it so much she pushed Yanfei and started screaming.
After those words Yanfei just left. Hu tao felt a lot better after getting her emotions out finally. She was hiding how she felt for so long... It felt so good to finally make someone feel bad, afterall everything she said was true. Most of her friends knew about trouble she got in and no one even was here to support her. She was all alone. Deep inside she was hoping it wasn't true this whole time but she knew, she knew she was alone.
After wandering around Liyue for some time she realized how hungry she was, she wanted to go home when she remembered that there's no food - or to be more specific - instant noodles.
"Damn it, i have no money..."
She continued wandering around hoping she would find some abandoned food or at least some money to buy a piece of bread when she saw her.
Her light blue hair with horns, well build body, and her breasts. Big breast. Her hips looked amazing too, she could just imagine eating her pussy. She wanted to fuck her so badly, but she knew that this girl would never go out with someone like her.
She started following her everywhere she went and found some stuff about her. Her name is Ganyu and she was... Taken. Taken by lady Keying. She knew Keqing pretty well so she could get to her and talk to her.
The next day she headed to Keqings house just to found Ganyu sleeping on her couch.
"Oh hi Hu Tao is there anything i can help you with? Please come in! Dont mind my girlfriend sleeping on the couch.. she keeps overworking herself.. I will make some coffee.."
That was just PERFECT. She was all alone with girl of her dreams. Then she got some idea.
She picked up a wase Keqing had in her apartment and silently went to kitchen. She was very skilled and was able to attack Keqing from behind without her noticing anything. She was unconscious. Perfect.
After that she put asleep Keqing in her room, made sure she wouldn't wake up for next hours and went back to Ganyu. She slowly patted Ganyus head when she waked up.
"Who.. are you? Wheres Keqing?" Ganyu said.
"Im Keqings friend. She went out for some time. Youre so pretty you know?"
After those words Ganyu felt some weird feeling in her stomach. Was she falling and love? No she was sure it was something different. Her whole body was getting hot while looking into Hu taos eyes. After some time she realized it was lust. Hu tao was so in her type. But she didnt want to cheat on her girlfriend..
"Dont worry Keqing wont know"
After Hu tao said that words she felt surprised. How would she know? She couldn't even think about it when Hu tao started kissing her. She liked it a lot. Things started getting hotter they were both so horny and wanted eachother. They both got naked and Hu tao began to kiss Ganyus neck, it all felt amazing when Hu tao bit Ganyus neck. Her blood started scattering everywhere. That made Hu tao even more turned on. Ganyu died from bloodloss, but for Hu tao it was just prefect.
She started playing with Ganyus dead pussy. Then Hu tao got an idea. She took a deep breath in and put Ganyus horn inside her pussy.
"Mghnn~." She moaned as she started fucking herself with Ganyus horn.
It felt really really good. Hu tao kept playing with Ganyus body when she felt hungry again.
"Oh my lovely. Im so sorry but im so hungry.. we can't play anymoreee~."
After whispering this to a dead body's ear she went to a kitchen and came back with a big and sharp knife. She started to attempt to cut Ganyus body into little pieces. It was a hard work and pieces weren't as small as they were supposed to be. Hu tao chopped of Ganyus horn and put it on couch blue haired girl slept before she got here.
"oh my lovely... Time to make some food~"
She took out a large pot and started making some food out of her "lovely" girl. After some time she got tree portion of food done. She ate her food and then left Ganyus head and other parts of her body that didn't get made into the dish in Keqings fridge. Meat she prepared looked juicy and bloody, yet delicious.
As she left she put her clothes and took one of Ganyus horn she left before with her.
When Keqing finally woke up she went down stairs to see tree plates - one empty and two full.
When she got closer she saw a note:
"Hi Keqing, its me Ganyu. You fell on the floor while trying make coffee. I took care of you and took you into your room. Please enjoy this food Hu tao and I made for you! I cant eat mine now and i will be out or some hours. Eat your food while its still warm!!"
The handwriting was obviously not Ganyus but Keqing felt too tired to notice. She sat down and started to eat. The meat was delicious but she felt thirsty so she wanted to open the fridge to get some ice. When she opened the door Ganyus head without one horn fell out. Keqing throwed up. She called the police. When she found out she ate her own girlfriend she felt disgusted, but even more shocking was the fact they found Hu taos finger somewhere in the house. Of course they thought that Keqing was the criminal, not Hu tao.
Police made a theory that Keqing saw Ganyu cheat with Hu tao so she killed them both and cooked them. They also thought Keqing may have some kind of personality disorder. She got sent to a psychiatric hospital .
And Hu tao? She killed herself. With Ganyus horn in her hand.
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xbeezchaos · 2 years
Chaotic things I’ve done that I think Genshin characters would do
Got shitfaced of a empty stomach. Ate two bowls of rice and then drank even more after a nap.“My stomach hurts. Can I have toast?” Proceeds to argue with their dog while eating the toast, finishes it in like 10 minutes only to throw it up 5 minutes later. “My toast! My fucking toast is gone!”
Hu Tao
Had to throw away a bunch of boxes but decided to jump into the recycling bin as a “good idea” to make sure everything got in there so the raccoons wouldn’t take it out and had their picture taken while doing so. Then struggled to get back down.
Kujou Sara
Started an argument with their high friend over a movie and how to say johtehiem (idk how to spell it) while drunk from the Suicide squad 2 movie cause their friend thought it was “Jonathan” and tried fighting their brother for the remote they never got to prove their point cause they’ve seen the movie twice and knew what they were talking about.
Raiden shogun (Ei)
Tried fighting someone while dressed like a woman in the middle of a school hallway at 10AM on a Wednesday
Tartaglia /Childe
Played a virtual reality game at Dave and busters for the first time then lost my house keys, got the worst headache ever and then got locked out of their house
Got flirted with on a college fair field trip after waiting for their friends to get off the elevator. Continued to stare at the dude and offer to let him stick with your guy friends in the back of the group cause you thought he was lost. Only for your friends to ask if y’all were flirting, you yell “no! We’re not flirting, he’s just lost!” And it’s only after all that you realize what was happening.
Raiden shogun /Ei
Kuki Shinobu
Steals clothes from friends occasionally and uses them for cosplay, random outfits or daily usage if it’s an accessory because they like it so much and don’t plan on giving it back unless asked (maybe not even then)
Yae miko
Tried dancing with a dog while drunk and fell off the armrest off a couch onto a bucket their friends was emotionally attatched to. Then got laughed at by their friends who they called to for help before they fell
Got bit by their dog so they grabbed him and but him back and laughed when he looked shocked. Proceeded to karate chop the same dog in the throat as a defense mechanism when he tried to steal their food
I think that’s all for now. Let me know if y’all want a part two!! Also idk much about a lot of these characters so some of them I’m just going off on a vibe
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kusanalogy · 2 years
Perfect plan
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Characters: hu tao x gn!reader
a/n: hu tao's birthday special! I was supposed to put sara with this since her bday was only yesterday, but i didnt like the outcome so i decided to do it with hu tao. I enjoyed writing this tbh, ill most likely do more of these. Childe's bday is next and the fatui teaser gave me motivation so ill give him a bday special too <3
inspired from her 2022 birthday letter, Not the exact scenario (but same idea) and reader is not the traveller/mc
word count: 300+
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She said she got the perfect plan for activities to do on her birthday, but you did not expect her to take you fishing.
A few days ago, She found a book about fishing while putting up posters for promoting the funeral parlor. Well, of course she had to get it! It was on sale, it was a good collection for her bookshelf, and maybe inspiration for poems
"Sooo... this is how we're gonna spend your birthday?" You sigh
Hu tao nods "Isnt it amazing? Ah, looks like you got a fish!"
"Hm? I didnt, what are you talking abo-" you turn to her confused, but it seems like she disappeared.
You look around the area, trying to find hu tao until you hear a voice by the shallow waters.
"sorry i distracted you!!!! Im gonna catch this! WITH MY HANDS" She shouts as she tries to grab the fish with her hands
You run up to your girlfriend so you could get her attention "Uh- are you sure thats a good idea!?"
She didnt respond, but instead caught the fish "It worked my y/n!! get the bucket, quick! its very slipperly.." Hu tao demanded
Hu tao attempting to catch a fish with her hands while it slides out of it multiple times. The scene and thought made you laugh. Almost making you not want to help her and just watch for entertainment. But you still get the bucket from your original fishing spot, and hu tao manages to putthe fish in.
"Phew, that was a lot of work! It'll make a good dinner though, so its worth it" Hu tao said
You wipe the sweat off her forehead "...You know, we couldve just switched locations if you couldnt get fishes with the fishing rod. Anyways, lets get back. You're clothes are in a mess right now"
"Sigh, oh y/n, thats the fun part! hey, after this, how about we take a walk around wuwang hill? Or recite poems? or-"
You interrupted "Yes yes, we'll do it all once your cleaned up. You dont wanna smell like fish, no?"
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
alright whenever you have time (and also the energy) I would love to hear your thoughts on the lantern rite epilogue! Have a good day <3
we're going to pretend that people following me will care abt genshin 3.4 lantern rite spoilers so we're gonna put my entire deranged mess under a cut hahaha
*gently holds* MY XVS......
truly this lantern rite had EVERYTHING although truth be told, like, the way venti was kind of shoehorned in was a little disappointing. i felt a little bit baited by the way the 3.4 TRAILER HAD THAT ONE CUT RIGHT where it goes from VENTI PLAYING THE LYRE in the harbor to XIAO LOOKING UP AT THE FIREWORKS outside of wangshu inn, and then we see the xiao bit in the actual cutscene on day 2, but absolutely none of venti until the epilogue. and also we never see venti playing the lyre during the event story so it's like. whoever edited that pv absolutely had xv on the brain. like. what the hell was that it was magical i feel higher than a boat right now
BUT ANYWAY like i don't even care how obviously shoehorned in venti felt bc the interactions were all SO PERFECT i love love loved them. i loved the way hu tao just RAN INTO WANGSHU INN and started shouting for xiao, and then talked death to him until he was like "yeah sure i'll go to your dinner". they are so besties i love them their friendship is everything to me.
THE WAY. XV INTERACTED. IN FRONT OF US. xiao just like "well. um. there's this. um. um." TOTAL PANIC MODE n venti had to SAVE HIM with like "huuuh? did you forget already? i'm a bard!" like HELLO why do they need a COVER STORY why are they making up COVER STORIES TOGETHER WHAT WERE THEY DOING TOGETHER IN THE MARSH EARLIER like what kind of GAY SHIT--
also i'm pretty sure when xiao started explaining his relationship to venti, venti fluttered his lashes at him. like, i recorded the whole quest (bc i didn't last year with the final part n i REALLY WISH I HAD bc i STILL remember the dRAMATIC GASP i had when we had that one beiguang moment in the cutscene), and when i rewatched it earlier i was like. "HANG ON. DID HE JUST FLUTTER HIS LASHES" n rewatched it like three times. maybe my game was just stuttering BUT IT DEFINITELY LOOKED LIKE IT and maybe i'll gif it when i get home from work tonight
BUT ANYWAY (2) point is that the expression work this time was ON POINT like whoever's doing all that over at mhy hq needs to get a raise pronto. venti going (¬‿¬) at all the other immortals was so immaculate. you aren't subtle little man!!!
it's probably just shipper goggles on to an extent, but i feel like the xv implications were really strong this time around, with the parallels to that fontch guy's ancestor, and the guiping n everything... i'm kind of disappointed that we don't get to actually hear any of venti's unobstructed thoughts on xiao; like the ribbing n implications at the dinner are a lot of fun (like, they were totally making out in the marsh before dinner. we all know this. it's very clear imo), but it kind of makes me wonder why we can hear xiao like... do his Very Heavy Implying abt venti's importance to him (though again, he doesn't outright say anything-- we know the full extent n depth of xiao's feelings abt venti (romantic or not) bc we can read his character stories, so technically really he hasn't told us jack squat in the current canon timeline), but the best we get from venti are smug expressions. those expressions are very telling, ofc, but a very unhinged part of me wishes that mhy didn't feel the need to wrap up the xv in layers of allegory and metaphor and just outright heard one of them say, "this person is very dear to me." i know it's just the rabid shipper in me, and i need to be sedated, but i was really kind of hoping that we'd see the allegory w/the fontch guy's ancestor n madame ping lifted away at the end n, like, see or hear it be bound to xv outright. just for purely self-indulgent purposes o(--(
but anyway (3) i also love love loved all the playful ribbing, witty banter, and prev event callbacks btwn the characters!! hu tao n venti canonically making a pact to be poetry friends was SO GOOD you just KNOW hu tao is gonna commission venti to compose a JINGLE for wangsheng advertising purposes later, while zhongli n xiao are like, "this meeting never should have happened. we are all doomed." somehow i legitimately forgot that xq n venti know each other from irodori n was like, "...huh?" when xq mentioning knowing venti for like, a FULL two seconds. the way venti was like "damn you know i was right outside this entire time. can you believe the way some people ignore the wind?" n zhongli was like "hahaha (✿◡‿◡) the harbor is very busy this time of year (✿◠‿◠) it is very hard see or hear an individual person's whereabouts (^人^)"
AND ALSO. PAIMON BEING ELECTED AS THE "MOST DISTINGUISHED GUEST." PAIMON YOU GOT IN THE WAY OF MY DERANGED SELF-DELUSIONMENT MANY TIMES THIS LANTERN RITE BUT THAT WAS PRETTY FUNNY. i thought it was interesting how no one nominated venti. like i was kind of expecting xiao to do it (but ofc he nominates traveler) which is fair honestly, n then i was like "IS LUMINE GONNA NOMINATE VENTI????" but then she nominated paimon n paimon was like "wait... me?????" n it was just EXACTLY like a bunch of adults telling the little kid they are the most specialest ever n they should have the honor of doing The Thing. as that little kid growing up, i know the feeling very well lol
there are other bits i'm just,,, rotating around in my mind, like venti and kazuha hanging out on the alcor, the way xiao goes "i can't taste the difference in xiangling's special almond tofu" when you go visit him afterwards, ALL THE GANQING THAT HAPPENED IN THE MAIN STORY I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM I'M SO HAPPY FOR ME I WON VERY HARD THIS LANTERN RITE, n like,,, yeah!!!!
#asks#anonymous#(at my non genshin followers/mutuals) I'M SORRY FOR BEING DERANGED. EVEN THOUGH I'VE BEEN DERANGED FOR OVER A YEAR N A HALF#it's funny bc i never apologized for abruptly changing fandoms before gnshn. the shame of gacha gaming never dies lmao#ANYWAY i'm pretty sure venti just ate off of xiao's plate the entire dinner. 'let me get you another set of cutlery' says hu tao#'okay sure!' venti replies; already stealing xiao's chopsticks n eating all his food bc it's not like xiao's eating all that much#plus. i was thinking of that spices in the west event. n how to my surprise venti liked the almond tofu n grilled tiger fish...#been getting a lot of kudos on my xv fics these last few days hahaha; i mentioned to star yesterday that the saucy xv thing i wrote#waaaay back in late july is like 290 hits away from entering my top five ao3 fics by hits#and if that happened it would do what j/jk had never been able to do (which is break the b//nha chokehold over my hits stats)#(j/jk broke my records on bookmarks tho n i'm very proud of that i love you diner fic)#n star said we should throw a party if the saucy xv fic made it to top five n i was like.#a 'thank you to all the thirsty people for dethroning the shadow of b/nha that lives over me at all times' party????#n she was like 'yes. i think that is a wonderfully apt title' LOL#in the shower yesterday i was thinking abt the xvx week happening on twt n i Do have smth saved for the free day#this oneshot i started last july n then didn't finish until like two or three weeks ago but in the shower i was like#'muse... muse... you know it would be kind of fun if...' n i started thinking abt that livejournal au i came up w/as a joke months ago#so maybe i'll write smth real fast for that hahaha
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blueparadis · 2 years
yeaaaah i just finished gkg!! wished it had more chapters just to get a good grasp on their characters ;; now i’m half characterizing half experimenting <//3
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without experimentation it is hard to decipher their characterization. Plus, if your character mapping matches,even a little bit, there is no greater joy than that.
Please characterizing is so much fun but at the same time i get the feeling of constant confusion lingering underneath<//3
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douyinvids · 2 years
by 沫兮ぃ(原神) @ 2116417675
Hu Tao: Let's do business!
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quanxui · 2 years
my current team is Kazuha-Beidou-Hu Tao-Zhongli and it's cool, i barely lose HP and i can keep using the burst. Kazuha and Beidou and Zhongli really work well and i actually barely use Hu Tao but i have her because she was my main. but it's also kind of tough not having barbara as someone who likes to maintain full HP? i barely lose HP but if i keep fighting enemies over and over then im bound to have someone on life support.... akshldhfld idk how to settle on team!
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k4zushi · 5 months
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AUTHOR’S NOTE : and they were roommates😨😨⁉️⁉️ i haven’t mentioned this in the story yet but y/n and hu tao have shared custody over a cat they adopted together🤭
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