#tangent heroes au
Bit of a half-assed continuation on this post because I had a thought at 2am. 🥰
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The boys did end up bothering the cats. Now you can get a slightly proper look at all these derpy cats.
Macro likes being a parrot and so will climb onto your shoulders when you least expect it, Spunky actually likes cuddle time but just plays hard to get, Basketball hates cuddle time so she was the first to run off at first, and Ash is missing an eye and looks like Rupert (also acts like Rupert sometimes). 😂
Hope ya like it~! 😁
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shotorozu · 2 years
ok ok last one for the day.
katsuki and izuku midoriya are the hottest couple in pro hero hollywood. or they would be if they would stop fucking with people in public.
like yeah, they're everybody's dream guys, but instead seeing them as dreams, they're constantly prancing around being the japanese equivalents of martin freeman and anthony mackie.
reporter: so deku can you tell us why it took you so long to apprehend the vilain this morning?
deku: well we chased him so hard that he ate shit and after catching him me and kacchan spent 37 minutes and 43 seconds laughing in his face.
reporter: *so done with these fucking losers* thank you, deku. please keep doing your best.
deku: *literally smiling like a ray of light* of course!
bakugou: *just coming back from chatting with cops* did you tell the dude how that extra ate shit.
reporter, while deku and bakugou start dying laughing again: *tiredly* this has been the news.
i don’t necessarily ship them but this is funny LMAO
like separately— reporters and everyone in PR like them just fine. bakugou? he definitely had a colorful vocabulary, but hey, when reporters ask him the really interesting questions, he’ll deliver on the answers. (but ngl getting interesting questions from reporters are rare for bakugou since reporters kinda ask him the same (ex: you took down that villain today, yes? you were in top speed, did you break your record in villain takedowns?) but again i kinda don’t blame him that man is something else 😭 /lh)
as for izuku, he’s either a heaven sent or kind of a mess 💀 again, the reporters like him more than bakugou because of how nice and sunshine-y he is. it’s definitely a nice break from getting lambasted /hj
(at the same time, he’s so authentic it hurts 😨 and i mean it in the way that he’ll give a really detailed answer in such a short amount of time AND sometimes he’ll go off track but its okay because he’s the number 1 hero, right 😃 but it’s still kind of hell for reporters because they gotta think of a quick and witty response 😭 poor them sometimes 💀)
but put those two together 😭 romantically or platonically— they’d be every reporter’s (and also every pr employee’s) worse nightmare because 😭😭 they’re a mess together whether they realize it or not and even when they do realize it it kinda gets messier but hey! the memes
like there’s this one comic i saw of izuku giving a response in an interview and bakugou just runs into the frame and screams at him randomly— and izuku laughs, being alarmed 😭 (it was also based off an actual interview, though idk which one ☹️💀) and i think that’s pretty accurate. they’re so chaotic in media.
but this is absolute hell when they actually need to be professional and serious 💀 both of their pr teams are always this 🤏 close to just crying on the floor that one midsommar scene style every time they’re supposed to be giving a professional-yet-authentic response to reporters, and even press conferences because it’s almost impossible when those two are in the same frame istg
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ghostsknewmynights · 1 year
For awhile, Heroes and civilians alike (Villains didn’t particularly care since as he didn’t get in their way) thought the villain ‘Risk’ had ‘reflection’, the ability to, you guessed it, reflect attacks after they’d hit.
Though it was similar, it wasn’t right. They figured that out, unfortunately, catching inconsistencies with every new fight—if he was hit by, say, a punch (which were surprisingly common in a super-powered world), he would stumble back normally. If he were hit by a fire blast, often belonging to the hero Ignite, he would be burned and turn-tail.
But when Eight shot blue energy at him through his signature staff? It would turn-tail, changing direction to hit it’s user (Risk seemed to have it out for Eight, for whatever reason—he’s almost never been hit by one of the man’s attacks, taking extra care to dodge and throw back).
When a sound wave from Dream, the no.1 villain who saw him as a nuisance (which he took great pride in), didn’t move fast enough, it twisted without a pause, often hitting the man back. This was a slightly better outcome, for the heroes—if Dream had a ‘rival’, which is what the media called it for simplicity, he’d be occupied, giving the heroes more time to prepare.
But even then, their efforts weren’t enough. Even distracted, Dream worked quickly, and with Risk in the mix, it was getting harder and harder to hold their ground.
Dream, you see, was objectively superior to most all heroes power-wise. He was one of the rare few to be born with three powers—Weaponised sound, wingless-flight, and enhanced speed. He could move swiftly and without care for gravity, allowing him to dodge with ease: sound-waves were forceful and you never knew where they’d come from (the chatter of civilians, the sound of attacks colliding, your own voice. Silence was highly recommended), making for strong attacks.
He could only be defeated by The Blade, the no.1 hero, who had superhuman strength, reflexes, and stamina. But even then, if Dream left the ground, it was over. The strength let him jump higher, yes, but he couldn’t stay higher.
So in short, Dream was powerful. And fast. And above every hero even if they loathed to admit it.
So with another villain on the streets who could very possibly rival and weaponise that power? They’d be screwed. Absolutely screwed.
So patrols went up. They needed to catch one—most likely Risk—before the two teamed up (though that didn’t seem likely, it was possible). Heroes patrolled more often, working to the point of exhaustion. Dream seemed to be playing it safe and, despite his cockiness, laying low.
Risk was doing the same, somewhat. He showed up every so often, narrowly evading capture and leaving damage in his wake, but otherwise wasn’t sighted.
And, thanks to the fatigue and need for more assets, nobody seemed to notice when two people—both blonde with opposite colour schemes, coincidentally listed as powerless—were hired at hero-tower. And worse, nobody noticed the signature lime of a villain or the vibrant red of a reflector creeping into the supposed haven.
And when they do?
Well, it’ll be far too late by then. Maybe it already is: they’re armed with information and files, a begrudging alliance, and the realisation they’re a dynamic duo when they tolerate the other.
So, safe to say, hero-society, or at least the tower, is screwed.
Sorry if this got confusing in any way. This was originally meant to be another prompt (Tommy with reflection powers) but it got out of hand and somehow became a full AU.
To clear things up, Risk is Tommy, a notorious villain with a a type of telekinesis that lets him control powers. Though not mentioned, he can also manipulate his own energy (being red, which morphs and solidifies at will).
Eight is Wilbur, who uses the same (condensed energy but blue, which burns more than solidifies and often harms the user (hence the staff)). The Blade is Techno, ofc, who has superhuman strength, speed, stamina and reflexes.
Dream is, well, Dream, who weaponises sound waves, can fly, and walks fast (a deadly combo, I know /j). Ignite, though only mentioned in one line, is Sapnap, able to generate fire with his hands and withstand both hot and cold temperatures.
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science-lings · 2 years
How many of the HSFU links pronounce the 't' in Hunter's name. And how many links call him "Hun'er"
To be fair, I'm not entirely convinced that they would call each other by the nicknames I've given them but for the sake of this ask:
Hunter: King (idk what kind of accent skyloftians have, I'm thinking Scandinavian inspired?), Linkle (I refuse to make her sound British, she sounds like... a midwestern American)
Hun'er: Guardian and General (in a British way), Sage (in a mildly Scottish way), Captain (in a piratey British way), Hero (in an Irish-inspired way), Hunter (in kind of a southern way idk)
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frostystorm12 · 3 months
Ethereal AU ~ Lloyd
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oh god the quality is bothering me so much
this is quite funny to me when people say these Ninjago characters are like their OCs- well, let me go on a tangent. Lloyd (Arnau) is pretty much my oc LMAO
I was gonna go into my corruption AU, which slides right into my Ethereal AU. So for the full picture, let me start with this. A good person to start explaining with is Lloyd!
So Lloyd's real name is "Arnau". It's the biological name of his elemental soul. In this universe, all fields of nature can reincarnate - so every original Elemental Master is the embodiment of their natural element. Unlike the others, Lloyd's always been called by this name, Arnau, as it became his legal name because Wu told Misako about it. (These biological names are also used by the ninja during missions, but it is seen as disrespectful to use in other regards.)
These names help the ninja connect with their elements.
Garmadon and Wu are embodiments, deities of Darkness and Light. They have no parents in this AU, and aren't biological brothers, though they see each other as such. Garmadon evolved from the Oni realm, while Wu evolved from the Dragon realm. They were adopted by the FSM.
So technically, Lloyd was born half-human and half-oni, though, to protect Lloyd from Corruption, Wu used his powers to give a part of himself to Lloyd, giving him Dragon blood.
Niko is just Lloyd's pet raccoon, lol. He found him in the jungle. (A not-so-great place to find a raccoon.)
ANOTHER MAJOR THING FOR THIS AU: Lloyd never aged from that potion. He is canonically a year younger than Nya, and three years younger than the rest of the Ninja. When releasing the Serpentine, Lloyd was old enough to know what he was doing, but too young to understand the consequences of his actions - hence making him a redeemed-ish Anti-Hero?
Despite this, the ninja still see Lloyd as their little brother :)
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
You ever think of random AUs specifically for ships?
Like. The idea of Buggy having been a slave in his SUPER EARLY years, pre-Roger. The idea that Buggy's F response isn't fight or flight, it's FAWN. Crocodile and Mihawk threaten him and he immediately starts flirting, offers to subjugate himself, locking boots - it's played for giggles, mostly, or at least perceived as a sign of Buggy's willingness to throw out pride for survival, but like. Man.
Imagine Buggy WAS a slave. Imagine Roger and crew having freed him or having found him. That Buggy equated Roger with FREEDOM and HAPPINESS and his first taste of LOVE and JOY and HOPE. Roger was his hero, his captain, and Buggy thought of him so highly that it hurt.
So then the fight with Shanks takes a new level - Shaks would have KNOWN Buggy's history - I doubt they'd have been able to hide anything from one another. And then Shanks, Roger's choice of heir, the one entrusted with the ambition and passed on right to the throne, the only person OTHER than Roger that Buggy would have followed, the only other one he trusted - Shanks took all of that expectation, all that burden, and threw it to the ground a fee hours maximum after their safety net was executed and tossed to that very same ground.
Yeah, it was fucked up to put so much on a child. Yeah, it's unhealthy.
But it just adds so many layers of nuance.
Like. Imagine if in one world, Buggy responded with outrage, with aggression. He was hurt and so he lashed out.
In another, he sees Shanks' eyes, he sees the grief and dissociation and fear and numbness - and he recognizes it.
Roger saved him from that, once. Shanks had pulled him from that space before - Shanks had seen it, responded, stayed with him.
Buggy is hurt and scared and cold in a way that's only partially due to the rain, but... but Shanks is HIS. He is Shanks'. So instead of screaming, of crying, of running away - he reaches out.
This changes so much and yet so little. They will never be subordinates, they refuse to serve under a man other than their father, and his body is already cold and stiff and gone. They are instead equals - not the same playing fields, oh no, they're aware enough to recognize that. But while their skills are different, they are arguably the best in their craft. They oppose one another and work well, covering each other's weak points and essentially pulling the wool over the world's eyes.
Shanks and Buggy, Buggy and Shanks, they are connected, braided, woven into the tapestries of fate, and there is no world where they aren't SOMETHING to each other. Red and Blue, Shanks and Buggy, Hot and Cold, Calm and Volatile; they are opposites and the same, North and South, two moons in eternal orbit, balanced and beautiful.
Crocodile and Mihawk don't know the truth. Mihawk has heard of numerous drunken tales from Shanks about Buggy, Crocodile has a preconceived idea of the clown. There are missing pieces, ones he's gotten good at misdirecting attention from.
It boils down to a few key points the two cross guild "lieutenants" have compiled:
• Buggy covers his neck, and if unable to do so, doesn't let anything touch it.
• he does not fight outright
• smoke and mirrors are his specialty
• unexpected or malicious touch leafs to separation
• he is loud, and his voice pitches differently when he's worked up
• he doesn't get absolutely smashed when drinking - he'll pretend, but his Haki is always sharply aware despite how he carries himself
Then one day they cross Shanks - and it's peaceful. Surprisingly so.
Shanks playfully scruffs Buggy, and he just snorts and shives Shanks back with a "by the Seas, you're so touchy!"
Shanks asks for a spar - before Mihawk can even snort and wave it off in disgust, Buggy actually CONSIDERS it. He AGREES. Croc and Hawk are flabbergasted.
Shanks calls Buggy on a lie, cuts through a tangent, and he does it with a painfully fond grin. And Buggy snorts. "Never did work on you, red bastard."
Buggy's voice remains relatively level the whole exchange. He yells, he hollers, but he is mellow as well. He isn't as highly strung, even surrounded by enemy crews. He's laughing and joking and calling people by name. And they are meeting him steo for step, treating him just the same as they do their own captain, and Shanks is treating Buggy as an equal - teasing, familiar, fond, and warm.
What surprises the two ex warlords the most is that Shanks and Buggy exchange glances. They shrug. Flip a coin. It lands on heads, and Shanks pouts but Buggy cackles. They go drink for drink, and then Shanks suddenly stops. Buggy keeps going. He gets absolutely shitfaced and Shanks is only slightly tipsy. They're coexisting, giggling together, casual touches, cuddled up and actively smiling.
It's a bit like whiplash for Buggy's tag alongs, but nobody else seems even a little uncertain. Yassop is smooth when he drops off a bottle of rum on a run to the bar counter. Benn just obligingly hands a cigarette over when Buggy asks. Lucky Roux is divvying up snacks and doesn't even ask before sliding a plate of hotdogs to Buggy.
Just. Buggy having all these odd little quirks, and people being accommodating to them. Buggy having hard nos and Shanks being the sole exception.
Crocodile and Mihawk being freaking BAMBOOZLED by this bc none of their math is mathing.
((Buggy's crew and Shanks' crew are watching this go down like "damn they gay batches are gay AND stupid. This is Quality Entertainment."))
I love all of this SO much I don't even have words to describe it. The concept of Buggy being a former slave makes so much sense to me due to his canon behavior, ngl, and I love it every time somebody expands that idea. I love all of his little quirks and I just-- I have no words. This is great 😭
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stevetonyweekly · 5 months
SteveTony Weekly - The Best of 2023
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We made it to the end of the year!! I read…a lot. A lot. According to my records, I read: 
1300 fic 
15million words 
98% of that was SteveTony and narrowing that down to my favorite 10 was…a mission. Here you go--And I’d LOVE to hear what your favorite reads of the year was. 
Trust Fall by Sineala
Tony needs someone who cares about him, bandages, a jacket, ibuprofen, dinner, a lasting romantic relationship, a nice time in bed, and assistance committing federal crimes. He gets them. In that order.
Gather Ye Rosebuds by lazywriter7
It isn’t like that, for many people. For them, love is the point: the axis around which everything else revolves, the destination at the end of a long, tumultuous journey. Realisation, confession, resolution. Happy ending. That’s how it goes. And love was a point in Tony Stark’s journey, except it came towards the beginning, rather than the end. The issue, instead of the solution.
He hasn’t been alone on the trip, of course. Steve’s been there: sometimes three steps behind, sometimes waiting up ahead by the turn of the road. They’ve sprinted and stumbled, sometimes stood still and refused to move on ahead, sometimes thought of turning away altogether.
Steve and Tony’s story began after they fell in love, and this is about how they fell in everything else.
a rose by any other name by meidui
“Just Steve,” he says quickly, softly, and his voice is music to Tony’s ears. “Please call me Steve.”
Tony can’t help but stare as it occurs to him that he should have prepared a proper greeting. What on earth is someone so young and pretty doing in an engagement like this?
There are a lot of things about Steve that make this arrangement easier than Tony thought it would be, but then there are a lot of things about him that complicate it, too.
Second Chance Lives by raeldaza 
Tony's gonna die of palladium poisoning anyway, why not join a pointless expedition to recover Captain America’s body? And after, well, why not dedicate his last few months to making sure an American hero settles into his new life? What else is he going to do, get drunk at parties?
My Known Unknown by shetlandowl
That True Lies AU nobody asked for, set in a world where Stane Inc is the world's foremost weapons manufacturer, and Tony's employer.
I could lie tangent to your curves by RurouniHime
Steve is bodyguard to a prominent young socialite with too much genius on his hands... and who has taken an unfortunate shine to him.
Not a Breakup by Annie D (scaramouche)
Tony knew it was a bad idea to start sleeping with Steve. It could mess up team dynamics, make things even more awkward between them in the future, or just plain get in the way of their trying to save the world. Tony foresaw all of the above but not the advent of feelings, and at the most inopportune moment.
now I worship a celestial sun by haemodye
The thing that gets Tony the most is how long it takes him to notice.
Not Steve, or even the other Avengers, but Tony himself. It takes Tony almost two whole weeks to figure out that he’s unable to disobey a direct order from Steve, which just- what the hell is that? What happened to the days when he flew off the handle, unable to play well with others, a notorious wild card?
“God, don’t tell me I’m getting old and predictable,” he says, rubbing a hand over his forehead. And then, “Fuck.”
A mostly-comedic farce involving: 1 obedience spell, 2 pining Avengers, 1 long-suffering Sorcerer Supreme, and 1 single, extravagant Saint Patrick's Day float.
Can't Write One Song (That's Not About You) by FestiveFerret 
Ten years ago, Tony fell in love with his roommate: funny, handsome, kind, smart Steve Rogers, who also happened to be the lead singer and guitarist of a band, The Howlies.
Then The Howlies made it big, Steve moved away, and Tony vowed to avoid any mention of the band, their songs, and the man he missed his chance with.
But chance has a way of giving you exactly what you need, even if you don't know it yet...
[Podfic of] When The Lights Go On Again by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid, kalakirya, KD reads (KDHeart), lattice_frames, lavenderfrost, miss_marina95, Opalsong, paraka, Superstitiousme, vassalady
Aliens have invaded earth, and the Avengers are scattered. While Steve leads the resistance, Tony once again finds himself playing captive scientist. In the midst of a violent alien regime, separated by seemingly insurmountable boundaries, Steve and Tony have nothing to keep themselves going but each other.
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Ok wild fuckass theory that probably works more as some type of fan fic AU or fix-it (loosely) and probably won’t happen but chekekfj
This is gonna be very rambly but bear with me
To me it seems that TFS and new details in Rebirth are setting up that Jenova is in more control than we previously thought. While I still believe there is some level of fucked up symbiosis, I question how much is actually Sephiroth (insane or not) and how much is Jenova. Would Jenova want revenge on Rufus for killing Glenn? Probably not because that is a very human, Sephiroth thing to want.
Jenova is a calamity that destroys worlds, we’ve known this since the OG and we’ve known that the Nibelheim Incident was because Sephiroth was rightfully angry, betrayed, and upset at what he had learned (false info but hey). In Rebirth we see it flashing between Sephiroth and Jenova, especially in the reactor where their faces are overlayed for a second. It makes me wonder, while Sephiroth was 100% having a mental breakdown, would he have killed and burned the entire village if it wasn’t for Jenova’s influence. In Crisis Core before leaving for Nibelheim, he was talking about deserting/leaving after this last mission. Without Jenova, i could see him wanting to get revenge on the people who wronged him, take down Shinra, and other such things. But since Jenova’s sole purpose is to be a world destroying calamity, she would twist that want of revenge on those people into just getting rid of all of it and become a god.
Side Tangent. I find the length of Sephiroth’s bangs to be important on telling what Sephiroth we are looking at (sane, short. insane, long) and Square seems to have just kinda forgotten about CC Seph having shorter bangs ig for optimization but it makes moments like in Chapter 8 of TFS confusing where we see very much sane Sephiroth from right before the CC era with long bangs and it cuts to Sephiroth with the same model, as far as i can tell, at the Edge of Creation. That leaves two options I can think of; 1: the Edge of Creation is a Jenova created sub space or mind space that she has been taking Sephiroth to and he has no idea wtf it is yet (unlikely). 2: That little scene was Sephiroth during the Remake Trilogy slowly gathering old memories and maybe even realizing that Jenova is in more control and influenced him more than he originally thought and is slowly regaining his identity. This feels more likely so thats what im gonna continue this rambling with. But please Square, you can sacrifice a few more megabytes to add another hair model to swap in.
Anyways, going with that Sephiroth is slowly remembering who he was, and how episode 1 of TFS seemed to be drawing some pretty harsh parallels between Sephiroth and Rosen plus everything they seem to be setting up with Jenova, i think Square is setting up a type of redemption for Sephiroth. It won’t be a true redemption but it would be something. The line from Rosen, “There is no place for me in your world,” feels very intentional and VERY Sephiroth. The parallels between Sephiroth and Rosen’s isolation and being trained from a young age to do one thing only for Sephiroth to kill him because Rosen feels that he can’t be a part of society feels like a set up for how Sephiroth’s story will ultimately end. If Cloud and crew somehow manage to separately Sephiroth from Jenova or something, there is no place for Sephiroth in the world anymore for very different reasons than Rosen. He’s killed, tortured, tried to end the world; no one would accept him after everything he did. Clearly, sane Sephiroth felt a lot of guilt over who he had killed and was trying his best to be the hero he never truly wanted to be to maybe right his wrongs. But if he gets his mind back, there is no righting the wrongs he had committed. There is no place for him anymore. He had been a dead man for 5 years anyways. The only thing he deserves is death and to finally join the Lifestream. The only catch is if Cloud can show the same empathy young Sephiroth did for Rosen. Any in the end, I think Cloud will be able to. In Advent Children, he showed some level of empathy and compassion for Kadaj in the end.
In the small snippet of Sephiroth we got in chapter 8 of TFS, he was thinking about how hate breeds more hate but compassion can end that cycle. And I think that is going to be the key to finally ending the cycle of FFVII.
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hey-hamlet · 5 months
Little mouse au, Izuku has a nest in the vents and will go into the vents when people try to pet him. Also does Izuku get OFA? I think he would steal All Might's hair because he stole hair from all the pro Heroes and eats them (because he was given a serum that lets him absorb quirks without taking the quirk from the holder) and he doesn't want to tell his parents because he thinks it'll make them throw him away and he gets OFA.
Izuku's quirk is a little different than copying quirks! But yes, he has a vent nest and will run away if you pet him without asking. And sometimes if you ask and he's just not in the mood or he thinks you're a weirdo. He doesn't end up with OFA, but he does intern with All Might! All Might didn't have a say, Izuku was horrified to learn he was doing all his paperwork and sorting requests by hand. He was physically unable to not go - without setting up an auto response and automatic threat level classification for requests at the very least!!! It was killing him.
Weird side tangent, do you think fluffy mutant quirk wielders have to deal with weirdos trying to pet them all the time? I'd start biting to be honest.
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verdemoun · 13 days
How does the time warp gang find Mary-Beth? Do they go straight to where she died or did Kieran or Javier find her on AO3?
i'm so sorry y'all mary-beth is not getting timewarped she is too much of an important character also i love her so much i need to believe she lived a good life after the VDLs even though it was at the expense of not being in timewarp because even in my fix-it i am needlessly cruel there is no way for people to know the timewarp exists until they die
mary-beth became an insanely successful novelist she lived a happy life she just got to write there's no one chasing her anymore and as much as she loved and lost the gang she knows where they are she finds comfort in knowing they aren't suffering
shoutout to @synthsays part of a different au we discussed but she went back and bought shady belle and fixed it up really nicely. she gets to sit on the porch and write and look over the fields that are now beautifully maintained gardens and hold onto the good times with the gang.
she's the one who kept all the horses. she's a hero it was probably in kieran's memory but she found the gangs' horses silver dollar, ennis, maggie, old belle, branwen, even baylock (who got lost in the raid) and they're just lazy spoiled horses who get to graze and live peacefully.
she finds her own happiness she doesn't need to timewarp or be reunited with the gang she's okay she made it out
it's important she doesn't timewarp because over her life mary-beth is the one who preserves the truth of the gang. she writes them as characters in her novels and she has such a long and prosperous life there's so many details and books to scour over sure there's a fair bit of fiction but underneath it it's fact and it's her books that allow the gang to figure out who died because there's so many lies about the gang in papers and the gang members people didn't think about like strauss, grimshaw, karen, kieran, even sadie and charles like their deaths weren't newsworthy if not for mary-beth's novels they would have had no idea where to find them
just side tangent of course she picked shady belle because that's where kieran was when kieran timewarped even in modern day it's still just this beautiful, familiar old house that preserved as the home of the great american novelist leslie dupont aka mary-beth gaskill and he was in a garden with flowers and it was sunny and he actually thought he was in heaven until a security guard chased him off the property and he proceeded to have a bad time
arthur would have an ao3 account where he writes fanfiction based on her novels fight me he loves those sappy too realistic romanticizing outlaw books and he is the biggest keyboard warrior when it comes to people misinterpreting the characters
has no idea javier has an ao3 account because javier publishes his fics in spanish and arthur is a dumbass and never translates them fellas read translated fics they are so good
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Red Velvet? What did I miss?
Red Velvet is an old AU so here's a quick summary:
The Black Cat also gets lost with the Butterfly and Peacock. All three end up with Gabriel. We still get Emilie getting sick and Gabe going Villain, but he uses the Black Cat as 'Tuxedo' to cause chaos and hope the Ladybug Miraculous shows up.
Marinette was supposed to be Ladybug, but her dad found the Miraculous first. Tom's like 'nope not letting the child into the field if I can help it!' and takes up the superheroing instead as Red Velvet.
Plagg decides to fuck with Gabriel by hiding the Butterfly and Peacock in the mansion. Adrien finds them and assumes they were a gift from his dad, but he's not really into brooches. So he gives them as gifts one to Mari(because crush) and one to Chloé(childhood friend).
Mari gets the Peacock and Tikki leads her and Tom to Fu, so he can fix the Peacock and make it usable. Since two Miraculous have been yeeted at Mari, they decide that even if she rejects it the Universe wants her to be a Hero so she becomes Mockingbird. She uses her power to create a Seninette for each of the remaining Miraculous (So a Senti!Fennette, a Senti!Multimouse, etc.) that she can puppet and fight alongside Red Velevet while the Real Mari is hiding somewhere safe.
Meanwhile Chloé has the Butterfly and is mostly just confused about the situation. But between the Miraculous giving her Empathy powers and Nooroo trying his best she slowly starts heading toward a redemption arc. She doesn't join in the main fights but does some late-night vigilantism until the Style Queen Incident where she wants to be anyone but herself right now and goes out in daylight as Monarch(yes I'm keeping the name it was originally hers then Canon yoinked it fuck off). At which point both try to drag her to their side. Ofc Red Velvet and Mockingbird are the better option and are trying to coax her into an identity reveal because they are getting hints that her home life is Not Good™ and RV has adoption papers in his back pocket.
We do have a side-tangent of the AU where Mari gets the Butterfly and Chloé gets the Peacock, but that's just nothing but angst because Chloé wouldn't be able to fix the Peacock so whoops she's sick now
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Hey, hi, hello! 👋 How do?
Behold! An attempt at some actual THSC OCs (instead of me just opting to torture the 3JTKA squad...don't get me wrong, though, they're still in this 🤣)
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So I started designing 5 different OCs (with a lot of help from @the-irken-luxray's post on making THSC OCs) and then I made bios of 3 of them. I'm still trying to work out the other two (the cyborg is terrified of heights but that's not the cause of her cybernetics, meanwhile the unfinished one is a double agent for the Toppats stationed at The Wall)
Then I got a sudden burst of inspiration to do Tangent Heroes again 🤩
Fun facts: Braedon's a similar demonic entity to Shadow (but he actually likes sunny weather), Sona only shows up at night and Grasshopper's actually nicknamed after a cocktail, not the bug.
Anyway! Hope ya like it~ 😁
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tashacee · 4 months
👁️💃 🥰 all for Warriors of any AU. He’s my favorite.
👁️- what unexpected thing would completely stop them in their tracks and make them go off on a tangent?
Warriors LOVES crochet. He always has a hook and some wool with him and will happily sit and crochet away. If he sees a cool new pattern he is GONE, just wants to learn more
💃- what do they think of clothes/fashion?
He has... mixed feelings. He likes clothes and likes being able to dress up and boost his confidence. He likes how nice they look, likes trying new outfits.
But he also has REAL issues with how drastically the courtiers at the castle tried to change his image when he was first named Hero. They dressed him in clothes that he would never have chosen for himself and he felt like his real identity was being erased. It took a while for him to realise that actually, he could and should tell them where to stick their opinions. He's getting better at wearing what makes him happy now.
🥰- what makes them feel warm and fuzzy?
His brothers being close to him. One of his fondest memories is of a cold, horrible night in the war. They were camping in a muddy field, it was snowing and freezing, and supplies were scarce. But Mask and the Sailor snuggled up to him that night, and he tucked a fire rod in their blanket to keep them warm. The sailor had stolen some cake from the castle before they left and they shared it between them, and they fell asleep together all curled up in a nest.
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luimagines · 5 months
Okay I hear what everyone was saying about the Time Has A Twin AU, and it sparked a semi-related tangent in my head so now I have to share it with y'all:
What if Dark Link...is actually The Fallen Hero/Time from the Downfall Timeline?
Lemme take a step back real quick. According to Hyrule Historia: In the Downfall Timeline, Link dies during the final fight with Ganondorf. But, theoretically, the Downfall Timeline could occur at any point, if Link died prematurely.
This will loop back around, I swear; but during the events of OoT, you gotta be Adult Link to get into the Water Temple. And where do we find Dark Link? The Water Temple.
My theory/au/whatever is, in the Downfall Timeline, Child Link accidentally found some way into the Water Temple early. And, not having the Zora Tunic, he ended up drowning. Then some evil force -- could just be Ganondorf, or it could be the malice behind Demise's curse, or whatever -- comes along, revives Child Link and tortures him, corrupting him into Dark Link with evil magic.
Hylia doesn't like that her hero died -- so she "resets" the game, thereby creating the 2nd Timeline (which later splits into the Child and Adult Timelines), and Link goes through everything the right way this time (so no early Water Temple). But that same evil force decides that this is the perfect opportunity to hurt the hero again, so it takes the now-adult Dark Link and imprisoned him in the Water Temple to fight a "more successful" (or, perhaps, more lucky) version of himself.
This achieves two things: 1. Tormenting 2nd Timeline Link by fighting his own dead corpse, and 2. Forcing the formerly dead child-turned-adult to fight to the death in his own tomb. Two traumatized heroes for the price of one
This could even be why Dark Link seems to hate Time so much...🤔
okay I'm done thank u for your time 😅
Ah- So this is how it all connects together then. XD
That would make more sense instead of just throwing Dark Link as Time's twin and calling it good. And of course, it had more traumatic irony for our poor Hero of Time because the universe like to throw all that it can at the poor guy.
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mintaikcorpse · 1 year
Steven Stone headcanons because he's one of my favorite characters
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-He's really good at old timey electroswing dances, and shit at any other ones. Probably dances like this with Wallace
-If he and Wallace ever got married, he'd probably propose with a rose quartz ring because they symbolize love and compassion
-I like to believe that he's had his metagross ever since he was a kid. In the games, he also mentions how his favorite pokemon is beldum. It'd be cute to think of him getting his metagross as a beldum, as well as it being his first pokemon
-No, but the games go out of their way to talk about how attractive he is (especially team magma and team aqua). He's aware of all of it, but chooses to ignore it. Does get awkward or flustered anytime someone flirts with him
-He can and will go on four hour tangents talking about his favorite rocks (he literally talked to deoxys about a cool rock I can't with him-)
-Owns metagross shorts. In fact, change his summer outfit in masters to wear metagross shorts, and we're all good
-This isn't really a headcanon, but masters mentions how he likes Hoenn Rangers (pkmn version of power rangers) and I like the idea of him being a super hero comic nerd
-Considering the fact that he goes and hands out rocks to people, he is most likely the one that helped Wally find a dawn stone and a moon stone to evolve his gallade and delcatty
-Sits on his Metagross doing whatever (reading, messing with his rocks, sleeping) and Metagross just kinda lets it happen
-His favorite candy is rock candy
-When he found out what Terra stones where, he put Wallace in charge of being Champion for like 6 months as he raced his way to Area Zero
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-Has autism with stones being his special interest (idk if it's real, but I can't get over the line above)
-Ironically, he doesn't like rock music. He heard it once and never again
-Really enjoys art museums and all that kind of stuff, especially statues. Him and Cynthia go together anytime one of them visits
-Has lickded at least 5 rocks and has attempted to eat at least 1
-Both cares about neatness and doesn't care. When in caves, he won't care about getting his clothes dirty, but doesn't like getting messy outside of that
-Anime only: Has a soft spot for Maryn and Alain, and let's them get away with more than they should
-Enjoys boardgames a lot. In my champion roommate au, I can imagine Iris and Blue trying to teach Steven how to play Mario Kart or something, and he just sucks ass at it. But he's really good at Minecraft for some reason. Spends a lot of times in the game mining
-Really good friendswith Professor Sycamore and they talk about mega evolution and rocks together
-He sleeps in really soft pajamas and is sometimes a nerd about them. He has Skarmory, Cadilly, and Aggron onsies, and a pajama top with beldum patterns on it. Casual clothes would be T-shirts with words like, "Sinnoh Rocks!" and then having a lot of evolutionary stones for the print pattern or something like that
-Aggron's dex entry mentions how they plant trees and soil to keep their mountains looking nice. Steven saw his Aggron doing this, and started doing a bit of gardening himself
-Wallace does, in fact, use the nickname "Silver-haired dreamboat" for him and Steven looks like this anytime that happens
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(I wanna make a post just rambling about originshipping because I love it a lot)
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wildglitch · 2 months
Side tangent about Thor
This was gonna be in the main post explaining what the others are up to in my Wiz!Au but something possesed me while writing Thor's part and I ended up with this bit. This honestly can apply to Thor's character as a whole so Im posting this by itself. You can read this as a Thor character analisis and his treatment in fanfiction, if you ignore the small part that refrences the AU. Or you can read this as a AU post and a little snippit of the bigger post Im making, either is fine.
- Fanon Thor and Canon Thor dont really line up like- at all, but neither dose early MCU Thor with later MCU Thor, which sucks. I plan for him to act like pre snap angry Thor, but more calm because he now knows that Loki is alive and that is grounding him.
 Thor isnt dumb, and I hate how Fanon have this warped vision of him being a stupid bumbling idiot that dosent know anything about anything. I get that he is new to Earth and stuff but come on, they guy can talk just fine. Thor is a smart and strong, but hes also a bit care free, goofy and caring, hes an empath. That show in the way he is arguably hit the hardest with the snap. Hes just trying to do good and live up to the responsibility put on him as king, but hes also wild and free as we see him going on adventures saving people and even giving his title of king to valkery later on. Thor is a King just trying to do good and protect the people he loves. 
Thor understands the situation, and has a soul goal in mind along side the other thousand angry and desprate throughs running through it. Find Loki. Because if he can do that on thing, he knows he will be able to do everything else and save the people he love. Thor is a hero through and through. He will protect anyone and everyone he finds along the way, being a free spirit that cant help but save people in need be it from danger or an unjust systum. These are all things we see in his character in the movies, and it sucks that it gets ignored like that.
I know that its a bit hard to write for MCU Thor sometimes because his character can be a bit inconsistant, but Thor isnt dumb, hes just kind.
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