#tagging this post with mysterious tags I don't remember the context to
gearbox-doll · 10 months
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Destiel Fic Recs
It's that time of year where nobody knows what day it is or how they got there, so why not hide from your family/boss to read Destiel fics. And friends, this last list of 2022 may be the best so far.
The Leap by FriendofCarlotta @friendofcarlotta (Explicit, 82k words)
I don't know how to explain the way 91W lit up my brain like one of those old electricity balls at Spencer's but I thought I would never have that experience again until this fic came along. It's a very different, much softer story, but this fic has the 91W vibes that make you want to crunch on your own bones (vintage gay sadness is the tag we live in here). Its so deeply rooted in a sense of place and time. Dean and Cas are so clearly and immediately bonded and kept apart by circumstance. The longing y'all. The way they can't help but fall in love at the risk of their lives and freedom. It's gorgeous.
The fic is set in post WWII occupied Berlin in a divided Germany just before the wall goes up. Cas is a closeted police officer in East Berlin, trying his best to survive under a brutal dictatorship in an environment in which reporting your neighbors is not just encouraged, but expected. Dean is an American-born mechanic residing in West Berlin. For both of them, falling in love with a man could mean arrest, prosecution, and worse.
But they can't help the instant attraction between them. Neither of them is ready to walk away from the hope of a future together, as impossible of a dream as that is.
Beyond the 91W vibes, the thing about this fic is that the canon parallels are just so beautiful. Cas is expected to comply with a rigid hierarchy and to obey absolutely. Dean is trying his best to find optimism for those around him, and he has an irresistible early seasons charm and brashness that makes you fall instantly in love with him. And while there is period homophobia and oppression in this fic, FriendofCarlotta also pulls so much queer joy into the story. A slice of gorgeous community built against all odds and euphoria at finding love and family and shelter in the most hostile of places.
This story made me ugly cry (a true feat) and it's one of those stories you finish and consider turning back to Chapter 1 and reading it all over again. Seriously. Go read it then yell at me about it.
The Law of Equivalent Exchange by awed_frog @awed-frog (Mature, 60k)
This is the fic you have to read in one sitting because you don't want to be crushed by a falling desk like in Mystery Spot and never see the ending. It is gorgeous in a way that I think may have irrevocably changed me. A testament to love and devotion that left me absolutely breathless.
Cas, Angel of Tears, is assigned to watch over the lives of two brothers, tied together and experiencing hundreds of lifetimes of sorrow and joy in preparation for some mysterious Heavenly plan. His mission is to watch over a green-eyed boy, to guide him into each next life. The human doesn't know, doesn't remember (mostly), but it's impossible to ignore the growing bond between them. Cas finds himself inexorably changed by watching the many lives he experiences.
This is a canon fic (and tbh if you don't know canon the middle is going to confuse you because it's a reimagining of canon events with this context). That means awed-frog has somehow managed to make the crunchy Destiel scenes even more heart wrenching (extra crispy?).
This fic had me crying by Chapter 2. It's just a beautiful sweeping epic. And it does have a soft and beautiful landing. I will be thinking about it for awhile.
Märchen by tiamatv (Mature, 93k)
Fairy tale princess Dean Winchester. That's the delightful headline for this really fun and inventive fic. Dean of Winchester is the eldest prince but he lacks magic, making his brother the heir. What else do you do with a spare but promise to marry him off for political reasons, in this case to Michael, an Angel from a neighboring kingdom who lent his swords to Winchester to defeat the demons.
But Dean isn't gonna be some kept pretty thing, so he shocks everyone by saying no. Michael won't marry Dean without his consent, but that term is used very loosely, as angels do. So Dean is locked in a tower full of monsters where he is cursed to remain until he consents or finds his true love.
It's a tale as old as time (yes I said that), but there are some delightfully fresh elements. From Charlie the dragon princess (marry me, Charlie) to a sentient carnivorous hedge, the quirky characters make this fic impossible to put down. There are also some delightful genre choices such as an omnipotent narrator that make this fic feel comforting yet fresh.
In the end, you will be rooting for the angel knight and his prince to slay their inner demons.
A Crash Course in Computer Safety by followthattardis @debatchery (Explicit, 29k)
I love a good fusion and as a fan of the show Chuck, this Chuck Destiel AU absolutely slaps. If you are unfamiliar with the show, it's still an absolutely fun ride. Dean is stuck working at a Best Buy rip off as essentially a member of the Geek Squad. His life is in shambles after his best friend got him expelled from Stanford and stole his girlfriend, but he's making due.
That is until a mysterious email from his ex best friend throws him into a world of intrigue. Suddenly he's got the CIA and the NSA breathing down his neck. Even worse, he has to pretend to be dating the scorching hot CIA operative as a cover.
The Destiel feels are surprisingly potent for a mash-up, and the story is paced so well you won't want to put it down. Bonus points for perfect use of Henriksen.
Buckle up and cue up Short Skirt-Long Jacket by Cake.
The Shadow in the Corner by MalMuses @malmuses (Explicit, 47k)
I don't know that there are many fic writers who excel so thoroughly at classic romance as MalMuses. Her fics bring such a fantastic mix of horny, humor and softness. This one is no exception.
A Victorian steampunk story, this one is set in an alternative timeline where magic is known and the MOL openly fight monsters. Dean aka the Red Hand is tasked with a special investigation - to solve why a monster seems to be targeting the head of the agency's little brother, Castiel.
There's a good bit if mystery and intrigue, but the the headline for me was the delightful way Dean and Cas were both very aware of this instant connection and slowly orbiting each other as gravity pulled them closer. There's a softness to their relationship and it's largely external angst that keeps them apart as long as they are, but you never doubt that they are entirely gone for one another. Yes they suffer from perpetual horniness around each other, but its also very clear they genuinely like each other in a way that melted my cold dead heart.
In the end, a fun read with an exceptionally satisfying ending.
4:08 to Tombstone by Zuzeca (Explicit, 20k)
Cas is a Seraph with a mission: to save Dean Winchester, to retrieve the Michael Sword from Hell. But Dean perceives Hell not as it is, but instead as the wild west. Thrown into a bisexual cowboy fantasy, Cas has to navigate a dangerous escape while protecting this beautiful soul from those who would destroy it.
This fic is an absolute treasure. Amazing trueform angel descriptions, some gorgeous treatment of Dean’s Hell trauma, and a poignant bond between Dean and Cas that makes it a really sweet read (though mind the tags it gets dark). Its a really fun and novel take on the escape from Hell.
All That Remains by DoctorProfessorSong (Mature, 16k)
I am going to be annoying and self-rec here but I just released a fic I am super proud of. It's bittersweet and emotional and I poured my grief and parts of my soul into it. The tags are daunting but I do think it ends in a satisfying and hopeful place.
The stabfest story examines a canon divergent world where Dean is turned into a demon by the MOC, and Cas is forced to kill him to free him. He has a plan to save Dean, but it fails and Dean makes a deal with the Shadow to escape the Empty. The same deal as Cas. What follows is a reinterpretation of canon where both of them are unable to speak the truth because they risk losing it all.
It's a story about love and loss and hope. And perhaps most importantly it's a story about faith, not as some cheap fix-all, but as something that you hold in your heart in the darkest places.
Tag list below the cut. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future lists.
@varlysca @naturallyathief @greatbigbuggerer @fandoms-and-things @cascodedtech @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @deanwasalwaysbi @fellshish @valleydean @raspberry-tooth @the15yearhatecrime
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
OC in fifteen
Thanks for the tag @space-writes!
Rules: post 15 or less lines of dialogue that describe the personality or essence of your OC - the less context the better but you can include it
So I realized when making this Picrew post I didn't have any post like this for Akash!!
Which shocked me because he's one of the faves????
People must know that I love this kid!!!
Already did OC in fifteen for Lexi, Robbie, and Noelle!
Akash Singh (TSP)
...Akash bowed midair and gestured toward the entrance. “Milady.”
“...The APTA room should be right across the hall from the mystery section. [...] I remember because when Alii first come here from Ceteri, their powers are a mystery.”
(after a racist bullying incident) “Like, dude, there’s a whole other stereotype of Indian Americans who’re neurologists or something. Like, get with the times, pick a better insult. I could be loaded for all they know. I’m not, but I’m also not on financial aid, so they’re stupid.”
Akash smirked. “Kinky.”
“And I believe you. [...] Why would you make it up? That’s weird, I agree with you.”
“A child means someone between infancy and puberty,” Akash confirmed. “He definitely has hit puberty. Do you want me to tell you about the erection he got—”
“You kick pretty high, for a short person.” I cringed. “Didn’t mean that the way it sounded. It was supposed to be a compliment.”
“You want some disemboweled innards served directly in the flesh sack?”
“When you feel velociraptor, you’ll know,” said Akash.
“Who said I wanted spontaneous?!”
“If you were a worm, how long would you be?”
“It’s all good,” I said. “So long as we’re trauma-dumping....”
“Eh. This is something that has to be done. It can’t wait any longer, and I’ve been a coward.”
“I see why you like your sweater; it’s good to cry in.”
(Robbie was a supporting role in a play) “I think Chorus Member #4 was my favorite,” Akash quipped.
Tagging @little-peril-stories @gottestod-writes @cowboybrunch @herrmannhalsteadproduction @mysticstarlightduck @eccaiia @mk-writes-stuff @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @stesierra with no pressure + ANYONE WHO WANTS
And @blind-the-winds I know you're running out of characters with enough dialogue but I'm tagging you cause well I like your tags you don't have to do this lol
Or you can make it an OC in five or something
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester who of course get special privileges to tag games if they want
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joswriting · 4 months
•❅───✧❅ joswriting ❅✧
: ̗̀➛ writeblr intro
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Hello there! My name is Jo (shocker!), I am in my 20s and I write stories and poems in my free time. I used to have a writing account on here many moons ago and I really miss the community, friendship and support of talking with other writers about our projects, so I am trying to rebuild what I've lost.
: ̗̀➛ about me
very interaction friendly. we're all just people on here (also please tag me in games forever)
science fiction! science fiction is my everything. it's whatever. I'm normal about it
themes I write about a lot include: death anxiety, internalized bigotry, general dissatisfaction and the complex and confusing nature of existence
scifi flavour wise i like doing weird time or multiverse stuff
I'm also queer (lesbian, aromantic, whatever), if that matters. This comes up a lot in my writing be it explicit or not.
I write in German and English
: ̗̀➛ my wips/projects
⸻ On the end of everything 🌠
An "essay" on how the multiverse died, those who noticed, and how they learned to live with their fates
[reblog tag] [posts tag] [wip intro]
⸻ Poetry 🗒️
I don't post my poetry on tumblr, instead I self host it here. I love writing poems I get such a kick out of it!
My favourite poem of mine atm is this one: Lines Out Of Context
⸻ Starship Lovelace 🚀
The Starship Lovelace is an Earth vessel far from home. The human crew mysteriously disappeared decades ago - now a small group of aliens has claimed the ship.
[posts + reblog tag]
A collection of half-assed short trips, I'm trying to build my own kind of space ship show here. It mostly serves as a way for me to keep writing and get ideas out of my head without much drafting or anything. I've got a pretty good vague plot for it in my head and I'm trying to do it justice with my newer, more thought out chapters. You can see all entries: here.
The stories are hosted on the space story collection pubnix/website Cosmic.Voyage, which i just know some of you would get a kick out of.
: ̗̀➛ inspiration
on the comedy side: the two Dirk Gently books, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, the Red Dwarf novels and Doctor Who and the Krikkitmen in particular (British people are grim, I like it)
on the more serious side: Frankenstein (my favourite book everr), many Doctor Who hiatus novels but especially Dead Romance by Lawrence Miles, the works of H.G. Wells (love that guys scifi that just completely misses the mark but was properly scientifically researched for its own time) and, to an extent, Der Tod und andere Höhepunkte meines Lebens by Sebastian Niedlich, which is a book I remember liking a lot as a young-ish teen
generally I'm a huge fan of Doctor Who and Star Trek
I sometimes reblog posts about media i really like on here too so for more check out the tag: good media
So. The first thing I’d better do is invent my audience. I'll pretend there are thousands of you out there, and I'll pretend you're all just like me; young, smart, pretty, and sarcastic (NB I’m probably being ironic here, although I’m not really sure any more). Just so we’ve got some common ground, I'll pretend you were born sometime in the late 1940s… No, sod that. I'll pretend you were born on 15 August 1948. All of you.
Well, why not? If you’re going to invent an audience, why not invent one in your own image?
-- Dead Romance, First Notebook
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asterthought · 5 months
[Posting this twice because I accidentally tapped on "post" without adding tags or any more context 😭]
I've got this ask:
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This AU is my baby and I'm so sorry but I couldn't help myself and added color to this thing that turned into more than just a doodle 😭💖 + some info from my AU (and some spoilers I guess)
Harry smokes AND drinks even when he's barely 18/19, partially because he kinda has to appear older now that he's the CEO of Oscorp and the other reason being that he's looking for a way to blur his feelings.
Peter goes back to wearing his glasses, but without the crystals because now "for some weird and mysterious reason" he can see without them.
Harry has mixed feelings about this whole ordeal. Now that Peter is technically out of his life (in a sense, because Peter is still there, but he's not exactly his Peter) and Norman is back in it after years of being completely absent.
"When was the last time you ate something?" — Peter to Harry 24/7
Harry Sleep? What's sleep? Osborn.
Peter is constantly confused. Harry is astronomically anxious.
They still share Peter's hoodies and Harry's sweaters.
If you're wondering why haven't I posted the fic, it's because I'm originally writing it in Spanish (my native language) and it takes time to do so and then edit it so it's also enjoyable in English. Once I have it finished I'll post it chapter by chapter! (I'm almost halfway there!)
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This is also sort of a redraw of this thing I made on february 2023 but posted in June
Under the cut there's a little (unedited) fragment of this chapter!
He [Peter] expected to see Harry growling in annoyance, kicking some poor little pebble that crossed his path. To his surprise, he found him smoking calmly and quietly on the porch of the house, his gaze lost in the horizon.
- I didn't know you smoked.
Harry was startled, but regained his composure almost immediately and didn't answer. He then let out a puff of smoke as he continued to stare at the midday sky.
- Or rather... - Peter continued speaking and took another couple of steps forward. - I didn't remember you smoking.
- You didn't really know. I started doing it behind your back a couple of weeks before... You know what.
- Why?! Harry, you're eighteen. It's still illegal. Not to mention, it's horribly damaging to your respiratory, circulatory, and.... - The sound of the other boy stomping on his cigarette interrupted him.
- Out. Are you happy? - He leaned against the white wooden railing, turning his back on Peter.
- You didn't answer my question. Why? - He asked as he settled in next to his friend.
- It's too easy to go with the flow. The other businessmen don't take you seriously if you refuse to smoke and drink in society.
- So you drink too...
- There's nothing wrong with that, really. You and I used to drink together from time to time.
It was impossible for Peter to ignore the melancholy in that sentence.
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“Notice Me, Reader!” Tag Game
Thank you very much for the tag, @mysticstarlightduck!
Rules: Share 3 (or more!) small details from your WIP that you feel have gone/will go unnoticed. (You can choose whether or not to share why the detail is significant!)
Here's some for the Steph adventures:
I’ve actually been meaning to write a detailed post about this, but Stephanie and Bret mirror each other in a lot of ways. They’re both pretty traumatised and flawed, they both crave attention and connection to a certain degree, hating the feeling of loneliness, and they both have a capacity for being quite selfish, impulsive and hedonistic (as well as being major fans of instant gratification). This is partially why their affair storyline is so significant and impactful the more you think about it (and to think, it almost wasn’t going to happen…). An example of their connection that often goes unnoticed is that their dialogue has a bit of a parallel… in the beginning of book one, Bret says something along the lines of “Grades don’t actually mean anything in the real world when you think about it.” This was back when he hated school, before his whole self growth arc and wanting to change his life for the better. And towards the end, Stephanie basically says that same exact thing, almost word for word (despite disagreeing with Bret at the start of the story). It was in the context of her and Ben contemplating leaving the country together right before sitting her final exams. There are other small examples of parallels between their two arcs and thought processes in the story, too… many of which actually existed before I even wrote their affair storyline. Perhaps it was always meant to be lol.
I tried to write my characters in a way where you can kind of tell which parent they take after more. This is one of the reasons why I have the parents and family members be such a prominent part of the story - big part of who you are stems from your environment, and this includes the people you are surrounded by. It also adds a bit of mystery to our main protagonist… Stephanie doesn’t know her parents, so we don’t know why she is the way she is (like, we even know why Bret is the way he is, despite the fact that his parents are no longer around. He remembers his parents and we get a strong sense of what they were like, and this is something we don't get with Steph). A big example of this is Elise and Adam. Elise takes after both Maggie and Paul (maybe Paul a little more than Maggie) - she shares her mother’s drive and determination (comes in handy when you’re a lawyer), and her father’s empathy and intuition (comes in handy when you’re a therapist). Adam takes after Maggie, as well as his grandmother to an extent, in terms of his natural creativity (he has a heart of gold, but he is also very stubborn and prefers to do things his way. Whenever he gets pushback, he fights harder in the opposite direction. Very much like his mother… not that Maggie would ever admit that. Good thing both of them grew out of it somewhat after becoming parents! And by that, I mean she was much worse when she was Adam’s age lol). There are other examples of this in the story, but this one’s my favourite.
I got a fair amount of inspiration from the shows I mentioned in my intro post lol (plus Gossip Girl, which wasn’t included in the post. That's where I got the secret blogger idea from. Speaking of... I was meant to reveal that to you guys ages ago. Sorry about the delay lol. Saving that for a proper future post alongside the Bretanie analysis). Especially Bojack Horseman. I don’t know if I want to elaborate on this point… I think it’s more effective if you check out the shows for yourself, and see what I mean that way. But to give a vague little example of what I mean… Stephanie is sort of in and out of the crew’s lives, and whenever she’s not around, the others tend to thrive and live relatively peaceful, normal lives. In many ways, she’s the root of a lot of their drama. She does a lot of crazy things that cause damage to a lot of people, and she wrecks a lot of her relationships beyond repair. And throughout the course of the trilogy, the main crew members often find themselves wondering whether they should stay loyal to their friend, set some boundaries with her, or cut ties and separate themselves from her completely. Kind of like in a certain show (Bojack). They all take different approaches to this, each saying a lot about them as characters (Elise, for example, decides to cut Stephanie off. May seem out of character at first, but then you remember that this is after ages and ages of being patient and understanding with Steph… as well as everyone else who has hurt her immensely in her life. That makes her choice to end her friendship with Stephanie a little more understandable… she reached her last straw in book two), but they’re all better off once they reevaluate their relationships with one another.
I didn't mean to write so much... but what can you do.
Hopefully this was interesting! This tag game is such a good idea. Inspires you to look deeper into the stories and pay attention to small but significant details.
Tagging these folks next: @gummybugg, @winterandwords, @jessicagailwrites, @dyrewrites, @harleyacoincidence, @exquisitecrow, @leisoree, @wmlittlemore-is-writing, @mjparkerwriting and @janec23.
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pochapal · 6 months
I may of asked this already but a blog search was unhelpful so whatever:
What do you know about the rest of the When They Cry series? Like Higurashi & Ciconia, and any Umineko spoilers I suppose.
On a note, you reblogged smth mentioning Higurashi in 2014 apparently. It doesn’t spoil it at all, besides maybe some vibes with the other shows listed.
i've mentioned this once or twice but not in the main liveblog tag so i can see how it fell through the cracks, but my advance when they cry knowledge is as follows:
i know higurashi exists. until i started umineko i got i confused in my mind with we know the devil/heaven will be mine. i have learnt over the course of this liveblog that higurashi is a horror story and shares a lot of dna with umineko. kind of like a problem sleuth/homestuck relationship. i couldn't tell you a thing that happens in higurashi and i couldn't identify a higurashi character if you put them right in front of me.
i am hearing about ciconia for the first time live right here right now. someone might have brought up the word to me like once before but if they did i don't remember it. my knowledge about ciconia extends to the word "ciconia" and literally nothing else.
as for umineko spoilers, the only real big thing i have is that i know that it's kind of like the homestuck epilogues in. some way. this is why i am approaching the story with the specific analytical framework that i am. i get the sense that knowing umineko has something metafictional going on might constitute as a spoiler but i don't have any kind of framework or context to understand why that might be the case. i guess the only thing it's done is make me closeread from minute one and not buy into the idea that this is a straightforward mystery, so i guess there might be an eventual rugpull that won't hit as hard as a result. only other thing i've been quote unquote "spoiled" on are the like three no context beatrice sprite images i've been exposed to.
i just blog search higurashi to find the post you're on about and i'm gonna be honest i completely do not remember this post at all on account of it being almost a decade ago. also it seems to be in the context of a "here's a bunch of anime that Will Fuck You Up" post that doesn't really tell me anything i don't already know lol.
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alittlefrenchtree · 1 year
I’m also going to tag as best as I can but we never know if Tumblr is going to fuck things up and better safe than sorry so. In this post there are going to be:
Screenshots from the first dune part 2 trailer
Informations you get from the book, either in the first part or the second part.
Maybe informations from the Messiah book? Not sure.
If you’re not sure, better not read and quickly scroll. But if you don’t care and would like to see my endless rambling about the trailer, and if you haven’t read the book and would like a bit more detailed context about the Dune universe, sit down with me for a minute 💜 
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I'll never never never be tired of watching the desert shot by Denis. This is so smooth, so calming, so satisfying. My soul is happy 😌
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This is the first shot of the trailer that made me go ohmygod. I'm not sure what's going on exactly in this scene but I find these few seconds SO POWERFUL for some reason. I'd wish Herbert would have done more with Lady Jessica in the whole story (even if her not being really present gives more room to other very interesting characters) but I can't wait to see Lady Jessica in this part 2. The glimpses we see in this trailer are exciting (to say the least).
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When the talk was all about Florence vs Anya, I thought Anya was closer to what I had physically in mind for a character like Irulan. Seeing the trailer now, I think Florence's smartness, attitude and personality might be a very good thing for Irulan. Good move, Denis, good move.
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I love this shot and I love it even more because it could look like something form The Messiah. Or even the Children. Incredible. I love that Timmy's account used it for promotion.
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AH. That's where all the problem start. And the spoilers. I'm not sure what will be said in the movie so, maybe I'm not spoiling much but, still. Anyway.
If you don't know, this is Feyd-Reutha. He's the Harkonnen Baron's nephew and his heir. While Paul is the Baron's grand son. In the Bene Gesserit's plans, Paul was supposed to be a girl and marry Feyd. Their kid was supposed to be the Bene Gesserit's Kwisatz Haderach. As you must now from the first movie, all of this was fucked up because Lady Jessica gave Duke Leto the boy he wanted. In the book, Feyd is supposed to look a lot like Paul, to be a charismatic figure like him and everything. I'm not sure choosing to make Austin look like what they decided all the Harkonnens should look really serve this idea? I get that it's a good idea for cinema and a movie targeting the largest audience possible that Harkonnens all look similar so everybody can quickly understand the different sides, families and who's good and who's bad. (Truth is, everybody is bad in Dune. Except the mouse. The mouse can stay.) But, I also think that nothing looks more powerful and dangerous than a bad guy looking like a good guy (in narration standards). If I remember correctly, Feyd can be read as a bit of a mirror for Paul's character and I would have like to see a bit of this physically? I don't know. I want to be convinced because I am not really right now.
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I love sci-fi and fantasy universes exactly for these aesthetics. Mysterious items. It fascinates me probably because I would have no idea about how to write these kind of things myself.
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I clearly remember the moment I've read how Paul's skin was supposed to look like after 3 years living in the Arrakis' desert. And I remember thinking how the hell they're going to make this happened how Timmy's skin of all people. Like the guy would probably managed to burn in Glasgow so, I was doubtful. I still am since he still looks silky smooth for most of the trailer but i like the way his skin looks here. That being said, they seem to have made some kind of arrangement with the timeline of the story. I'll have more thoughts about it after seeing the movie.
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It might be just me but this piece of scene didn't sound very clear to me, even with memories of the book. Like, we don't know what looks like a normal worm ride so, are we supposed to understand what's going on and what's fancy? Plus what Paul's doing doesn't look fancy at all, it looks more like he's struggling sooo? It's not smooth, but not fancy either, so idk. Unless they're is a meaning of fancy that I don't know of, i'm a bit confused by this part. But this,
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this is genius. Perfect midway between admiration and fear. Exactly what is needed to look at Muad'Dib.
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I wonder why some parts are in black and white. Seems a bit easy for a vision and wasn't used in the first movie so it would be odd but i have no other theory.
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I'm a bit upset because if it's the scene I think it is, it was very different in my head. Maybe I don't remember correctly, but for me, in this scene Paul is talking to a couple of hundreds people top and is very close to them and for me it suits the Muad'Dib effect better? It's kind of hard to explain, especially in English, but for me, Muad'Dib doesn't really scream directly to thousands of people who can't barely see him to send them to war. I see him as a figure who will talk to the couple of hundreds people he's with and be so close to them you can see his reflection in their eyes. He's a legend in the sense of a belief. It's the idea of him, his words spreading from person to people and from people to person that make Muad'Dib who he is. I guess it would have been less impressive for a film like Dune but I was impatient to see this scene, a sort of prophetic version of his speech in the King, and now I'm not sure. I hope they did good but and that he's delivering his speech in a other scenery and then going there rather than having to shoot such a powerful moment in front of nothing and with no other possibility than to yell everything.
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After thought was to wonder if Timmy learned to radiate such confidence (especially in the scene of the second screenshot) for Paul or if Paul taught him to feel confident. Life as an actor must be so so weird.
Long story short, I know the movie is going to be fantastic but I have just a few interrogations about how certain things look. And last but not least, the work that the music does for this movie is PHENOMENAL, even if it's nothing that we haven't read before. Hans is a genius, I'd offer him my first child without a second thought. (i don't have kids. I don't want kids, so it's a way of saying, chill out.)
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thesilversun · 5 months
Shipper Tag Game
Thank you to @hils79 for the tag
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore? Honestly, I don't think there is one. I just wasn't into shipping or any kind of romance thing for the majority of my teens. (If it wasn't a book that was historical or fantasy or mystery with little to no romance I generally wasn't interested - I read a lot of Cadfael, Sherlock Holmes, LOTR, Pratchett, David Gemmell and Bernard Cornwall.) I only ended up finding fandom at all looking for Highlander gen fic, and came across m/m fic.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? Mac/Methos would be the first one that I ever specifically looked for.
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple? Mac/Methos - no, it was never posted anywhere, nor is it likely to be.
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of? I have no idea. Maybe Highlander? I just used to lurk on the edges of fandom there. So maybe not until I got into watching Torchwood.
5. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse? Not really, it doesn't interest and i've got little enough time to spare to do fandom stuff, that I'm not using it on pointless arguments.
6. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently? Yes and yes. It's rare though - I think in about 10 different fandoms there have been just 2 notps. For one of them it's only about a specific pairing - I like both in other pairings. The other - nope, they are not paired with anyone and for the most part his existence is ignored.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? Probably Di Feisheng/Li Lianhua - but I've not ready anything for a few days, it might not have been.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? I do tend towards being a multi-shipper in the sense that I'll have more than one ship I like in a fandom at the same time. So for the fandoms I'm currently writing in: Mysterious Lotus Casebook: Feihua, Difang and Difanghua MDZS: wangxian, xicheng, songxiao, sangcheng, nielan,
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Not really, shows will do what they do, fan fic to take it where you want it to be.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? Not really. I think maybe if any I in was producing new canon material that could give a different perspective on a character?
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? I don't really think I've got any. I mean I could see people being funny about Jack/Ianto these days. It's boss/employee, they did threaten to kill each other and they have a 100+ age difference. On the other hand they did get over the hating each other part and became a canon pairing - so people might still roll with it?
12. What is your favorite crack ship? I had a lot of fun writing a PC Andy/Captain John Hart Torchwood fic.
13. What is the couple you read the most fanfics about? In total since I first started reading fics - that's probably going to have to go to Jack/Ianto - they were the otp of my main fandom for the best part of a decade.
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common? Characters mid 20s or older, competent at what they do - which probably includes combat, some kind of traumatic past, they see/come to see each other as equals.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship? Contrived misscommunication, forced reliance (learning to rely/lean on each other support, good 100% like. One character manipulating things so the other is forced into reliance on them - nope, well not unless you are wanting it to be a messed up horrible relationship - but I've seen people think it as cute and no, nope, from me that's not a thing i enjoy reading in that context.)
I tag: @heyholmesletsgo @bbcphile @cheesybadgers @galexibrain and whoever else wants to play.
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kamidukki · 1 year
uGHHHH tumblr is quite glitchy today and i'll resend this ask
anyWAY i remember i saw aknk official posted something a few days ago(?) and announced that episode 3 is almost completed JAJZJANS i'm so ready for the upcoming angst + drama and possible butler being demonized again but ofc i'll be hurt again AAAAAA i remember the pain and worry when haures got captured then it WAS A CLIFFHANGER leaving me quite emotional for a few days waiting for the last update for episode 2 🤣 also im really curious amd want to know more about the butlers' past especially berrien and fennesz 💖
to be honest, berrien is so mysterious and kind of suspicious you dont even know if his actions are really genuine or... not hMMMMMMM 👁👁
OH AND- i saw a jp theory a long time ago, it was a comparison between haures holding his hand out to master and berrien holding out his left hand and aND apparently, it has a meaning!
when someone is holding out their right hand to you, it means the person liked you or comfortable with you
however if someone is holding out their left hand to you..... it means they dislike you or distaste.
guess who's holding out their left hand? BERRRIIEIEIEIEENNNNNAJJSWJAJJA the way my heart broke when i saw that theory lol 🤣
i know its just a coincidence i know BUT imagine the gut wrenching angst if berrien dislikes his master all this time JAJZJAJAJAJA i'll cry for real if it becomes true 🤣 berrien is one of my fave 🥺
Hi, zella!
There's a whole lot to unpack in this ask, so I'm putting the 'aknk' and 'akuneko' tag in this in case someone else also want to give their two cents.
❗⚠ [Spoiler alert, read with caution] ⚠❗
Putting aside Berrien, it'll be such a plot twist if Fennesz get demonized next because everyone (mostly) is predicting butler from either the 3rd floor or the basement to be the center in the next episode's stage 👀 If I remember correctly, Fennesz is currently the one who notices Berrien's different 'aura' when he asked about Haures' demonisation at the end of episode 2...? It would be great if he could play an important role in the future, episode 3 or not, because of that 🤔
I take it this is the announcement you mentioned, right?
Tumblr media
I'm so excited about the next episode too. It's going to be distributed throughout the entirety of the year 2023, it seems? I certainly can't wait to be emotionally devastated once again. Episode 2 was really, really great, wasn't it? 😊
Since we're still in the topic of official announcement... I'd like to go off tangent a bit and talk about the third bullet point. It said, if my understanding is correct, the implementation of full voice acting in episode 2 and and episode 2.5 will be the last ones that come free. From there onwards, they will come into two parts, free and paid ones. Seems like we'll need to pay an additional fee if we want to unlock the voice...? I'm not entirely sure about this one actually. Anyone with a better grasp of Japanese feel free to correct.
I mean, I'm happy if Akuneko's doing well financially and the people who contribute to it, illustrators and voice actors alike, are getting paid well. On the other hand, as a money-wise poor af person, I'm anxious I won't be able to buy it... 😭 I doubt it will come cheaply after all
Moving on to Berrien, this is the tweet that speculated the right/left hand gesture, isn't it? I'm putting a link a there just in case someone either hasn't seen it/wants some context.
I think we all will cry if Berrien hates us 😂 but it's such a delicious theory, an unprecedented move from a joseimuke game should it ever come true. I mean, the most loving, kind-looking male cast that genuinely hates and/or betrays the players at a certain point??? If Akuneko does that, hats off for the bravery. I don't know if they will be able to pull such move though, given the risk of losing players is too big.
And, oh, I'll cry with you too, that's for sure 😭 I also love Berrien too muchー if anything , he is the reason I play Akuneko. But then again I live off the angst and the drama... Well, don't we all, though 😂
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I'm so glad you could find me here on Tumblr!
Name: Kitsune Aliases: Kit, Kitsu, KitKat, Aimer, Sailor Birthday: 9/25/09 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Personality Type: INFP-T Region: United States of America (Type EUROPEAN, Half-Irish) Languages: English (Native), Spanish, Japanese, Latin, French, Korean, and a little bit of German and Russian Other Social Media (Crossed out text means: not as active on the social media): Character.ai, Wattpad, Online Sequencer, Music Box Maniacs
INTERESTS (Biggest interests/hyperfixations are in bold)
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants Friday Night Funkin' (Especially Mid-Fight Masses) Countryhumans/Countryballs Gumby VeggieTales (Especially LarryBoy) Sailor Moon My Little Pony (MLP) SEGA (yes, all of it) Star Wars Anything starring Bruce Lee (especially Fist of Fury, from 1972) The Terrible Two (a book by Mac Barnett and Jory John) Minecraft Dumb Ways to Die Unikitty Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) Vocal Synths (Vocaloid, Utau, SynthV, etc.) Spy vs. Spy Dog Man Futurama Kelton (a series by a user named "inkspecco") Interland (a game made by Google) FNAF: Security Breach Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K) Bibleman "Maus: A Survivor's Tale" by Art Spiegelman The Owl House Teen Titans (2003) Thomas & Friends
Basic dni (racist, sexist, ableist, MAP/lolicon/shotacon/pedophile/child fiddler, zoophile, lgbtphobe, nsfw accounts, all that jazz) Proshipper (this includes, but is not limited to, minor-adult shipping, incest, and/or sexualization of minors regardless of if they're fictional or not) Support the Westboro Baptist Church, PragerU, Autism Speaks and/or PETA Neo-Nazi/Anti-Semitic Use disorders/disabilities/mental conditions as an aesthetic MCYT/DreamSMP stan (the kind that made up fake sexualities and races based on Dream and/or ship DreamNotFound) Call the UN and/or other do-gooder organizations "the antichrist" and harass supporters of said organizations for it only slander me for my toxic past (mostly dumb shit i did when i was too young to be using the internet) Use the "fatherless" term as a way to describe people who are cringe Wish to spread negativity about my interests (especially TETOCU and VeggieTales)
K-Pop stans Go!Animators/Vyonders People who used to be friends with people i don't like but got away from said people People who were my friend for a while but left because i didn't make them comfortable anymore People who use "Jesus" as a slang word (I am, or at least am considered, half-Christian-half-Buddhist for context, and I was always told to not use Jesus's name as a slang word) People who preach religion too much to the point that it sounds like they're forcing the religion on others
If I tell you my past at any point in time, it means I have a certain amount of trust in you
If you're gonna be my friend then please tell me what it is that makes me uncomfortable to be around before asking me if we should end the friendship
sometimes i dont know the best way to respond to things and sometimes when you talk to me i'll need you to include a tone tag since i cant immediately figure out your tone
I don't take art requests because one, I want to feel independent, and two, I don't want to accidentally butcher anyone's ideas in my own artstyle
I use curse words and I'm used to hearing curse words, so if you berate me for using curse words yet don't berate others for the same reason, consider yourself blocked
I'm a very curious girl so expect to see me reblog things that interest me
Before you send me an ask, I would like you to read this post about why I don't allow anonymous asks ===========================
Have fun on my profile and remember, A smile makes every day worthwhile!
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theminecraftloser · 2 years
hi there! i saw your grian fan design post and was wondering if you could explain the "pesky bird shenanigans" you mentioned in s7. i'm new to the fandom and i see that phrase tossed around a lot but don't have the context for it, and i'm curious as to what it means/why grian was then drawn with different wings bc of it? i saw in your tags you like talking about grian so hopefully you're a good person to ask sjfjdjf, if not don't worry about it!!
Hello!! Yes I love talking about Grian! Feel free to ask any questions about him or his series :D
During season 7 of Hermitcraft, Grian lived in the jungle biome for his starter base and beside the jungle for his mega base. In Minecraft, parrots are only able to spawn in Jungle biomes so Grian tamed one.
His first was called Professor Beaks but the rest he would kill and before doing so he’d proclaim “pesky bird”. He then went on to use parrot heads in his barge mystery prizes.
Barge Mystery Prizes we’re Shulker Boxes players could buy for a set amount but they didn’t know what was inside before purchase. It could be a bunch of logs, loads of sand/gravel or something not too valuable which would usually have the pesky bird head inside.
Grian also ran Pesky Bird Delivery service. This would be when he built a small platform outside a players base with a massive bulk delivery for a reasonable price. He had the pesky birds “carry” the platforms. There was however, usually a catch because the parrots were being pesky (annoying)
For Iskall’s delivery of leaves, the longer he waited to buy it, the more diorite (bird poop) Grian would add from the pesky bird. Iskall hates diorite so Grian was forcing him to pay for it.
RenDog’s delivery for gunpowder contained an IOU note that meant if Grian wanted Ren to do something all he had to do was pull the IOU card and Ren had to do it. I’m pretty sure though that the IOU never got claimed by Grian as he gave it early on in the season and probably forgot about it. If it did get claimed, I don’t remember.
Keralis ordered some gravel, sand and andesite, however because Keralis’s order was in episode 63 and the other two were in episodes 16 and 17 (respectively), I think it’s likely Grian forgot he was adding a catch to each delivery. Keralis paid a slight discount to if he had bought these items from the Barge.
Grian is also a well known trickster, always pulling pranks and such on fellow Hermits. One of the biggest examples during season 7 was the Turf War. Grian began a presidential campaign for Mumbo Jumbo but ended up voting for Scar to be Mayor instead (to be fair, Mumbo also voted for Scar). Part of Scar’s campaign was he would change the shopping district from being mycelium, as it originally was on the Mushroom island, to grass. Grian in typical Grian fashion, started a resistance. The mycelium resistance. Whose main goal was to keep the shopping district it’s original block because “It’s the principal”. Eventually. The Mycelium Resistance lost and Grian admitted he liked how the grass looked better anyways. He dragged on this major conflict across several episodes only to agree with Scar.
I hope this has helped! If you have any more questions, send them my way! (Some exact fine details might be a bit off because I haven’t rewatched season 7 fully in a while)
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arcaneyouth · 11 months
ok fuck it. fn@ f ru!n thoughts under the cut. spoiler warning
this post is gonna be half addressing repeated criticisms i've seen while wandering the tags i'm not looking to get into arguments, in fact i barely want people to read this hence no tags, but i also love complaining so that's what i'm doing. no i don't want to actually discuss this even in a respectful conversation don't try i probably won't respond ILUSDHALIUSDH
"the mimic isn't interesting as it has no motivation, william was a better villain" william literally didn't have motivation either. it's ok if you don't find the mimic interesting that's fine but william literally also did that
"you can't understand ruin unless you've read the books" ok this one's complicated because i do think it's fucked up to put lore behind a paywall and i specifically hate putting lore in separate books. HOWEVER, and hear me out here, i don't think it's impossible to understand without the books. i did get some summary of the books from my bestie but i don't remember like. any of it. all i really knew was the mimic existed. the base story of ruin feels. pretty simple? cassie goes to the pizza plex to find gregory. it's not gregory, and instead something using his voice to get cassie to find it. the build up throughout ruin was good because it's pretty easy to tell it's not gregory and it becomes more obvious and a little scary as you go along. the candy cadet will tell you a story about a monster that lived in the basement, listened to the lullaby the mother sang to the boy, and lured the boy down by copying that lullaby. you now understand basically all you need to to understand ruin! again i don't think they should have put the lore in the books, at least not until AFTER ruin came out, but i also think the lore in the books isn't required to understand ruin. so it's complicated
"there's no build up to the mimic in previous games!" i can understand this but i disagree! ever since help wanted came out we have been plagued with questions that weren't easily answerable. we have been turning these mysteries around this entire time. suddenly looking back at it with the context of the mimic makes it make a lot of sense. i've never been satisfied with the answers the fandom came up with ("glitchtrap is afton because somehow he survived on a computer chip that got into the code of help wanted" ....did scrap trap even HAVE computer chips???????????) and i've personally been waiting for a more solid explanation for a while. i believe the mimic has ALWAYS been here in the modern fnaf games. we just didn't recognize it for what it was. that's been a really cool build up to me over the last couple years
also i haven't seen many people actually mention this but i'm quite happy with the idea of the modern games being separate from the originals 👍 the original fnaf lore was convoluted at times and honestly it would've been hard to build off of if they tried to keep following and keeping it consistent. i'm going into the modern games with the idea that perhaps help wanted was serious about scott being a guy who made games that defamed fazbear entertainment and none of it actually happened. i like the idea of the new story being built off of remains of the old one, but not necessarily being in the same timeline. the parallels and connections may be important, but for the most part we are in something new.
and in relation to the above, i don't think the mimic actually saw william do the murders. after all, it was part of help wanted. maybe it's not mimicking the actual afton. maybe it saw everything in help wanted and started mimicking that. this can be debated but if there is proof that it actually saw the murders well i'm closing my eyes and going la la la la la la la especially if that comes from the books because i refuse to believe everything in the books is canon
i don't care if gregory is innocent or not. i'm a big fan either way. i cheered and clapped when i realized he was dropping the elevator ok i love murder
eclipse's entire section felt incredibly ableist sorry i can't enjoy the guy.
i don't think the mimic is afton lite c: i think that maybe that was how it started, but it's evolved far past that. it very much has its own personality (it's childish, it loves candy, it likes the dark, it thinks causing problems is funny) and that feels separate from mimicking william. it could have been the roots, but it's still going with the murders past mimicking afton just for fun and i think that's very babygirl of it
i think the canonically ending of security breach started with princess quest and then they went down to burntrap to make the entity together with vanessa. because we know gregory is the one who made the comics now, i am taking everything that didn't appear as a comic in security breach as a canonical thing that happened. a freddy did get disassembled! we don't know which freddy! everything with burntrap did happen!
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krockat · 9 months
hi i was randomly reading tags late at night on videos, and i saw yours you added onto https:// www dot tumblr dot com/krockat / 726501511214022656 a while back asking for the source of the music and not sure if you ever figured it out so apologies if you did, but its part of the ost from the anime black butler, not a game! but if someone did use it in a game i hope you find it too!
ouffh..... anon........
see... in that post in those very tags you speak of.. . I.. i did promise i would give plenty praise and love to those who would help solve my mystery.....
and you did nothing wrong anon.
you are a beacon of light, a shining example of a person just randomly going out of their way to be a nice little light-shedder-on-er-er, while prev just doing some'n simple n pleasurable (as pleasurable as the mixed crockpot of reading random strangers tags Can be) for themself.
but.. lemme tell you.... this is rough news.
to have a rare glance of something so similar to this great (i mean no, the quality of said game itself might be questionable, but a great soundtrack and alternative Weirdness and nostalgia of a seemingly never discussed old playstation game relic of my memory lossy past - it is despite it all quite great a) mystery -
it was so hopeful and enticing!
and then i learned.. and then i learned.. it was actually from my number one enemy-anime Black Butler!!
you see, black butler and I have history.
apart from it being a creepy show where two adult demons thirst for a child boy (that for some further context also had an unfairly banger ost that deep inspired my youth), it was, infact, and here comes an actual Real trigger warning for the content ahead:
warning you, here it comes! the tags will have what specific triggers this is about.
a tool used in grooming me.
so, while i really am grateful for your kind message and explanation - to find that this music that was so similar to what i remember from the soundtrack of the game - was actually from that show? Oh real unfortunate. just realllll unfortunate.
lemme tell ya when i woke up to read i got a notif w the beginning premise that someone had figured out this mystery song - meaning also maybe the coveted mystery game?
even barely awake and conscious as i was, and just really there initially wanting to check what time it was, because my alarm certainly hadn't called yet and the darkness seeping from my curtained window spoke of other promises -
and when then i ofc immediately opened that shit up and was left face to face with the reality of KROCKAT ENEMY-ANIME NUMBER ONE - ?
oh i knew it was gonna be a special kind of day.
so, sorry for no earlier reply but i was put into a certain state of reflection these last couple days.
and it's been interesting, actually
which might sound a tad bit morbid to those inclined,
but well you know us Aquarius Suns(TM) Hahoo - who often find morbid and sad stuff fun and entertaining to think about and toss and turn around like an old sausage in a corporate bodega hot revolver grill. just a lil interest in that
it actually got me to get into a creatory headspace. thinking about all that shit.
so yea pretty good now, but the first hour of gripping w that? yeah. idk how or that i would or could or would want to explain perhaps why or how or in what way that little fact did affect me.
but. you've still done me a great service. and i intend to make good on that reward i did promise whoever would solve my inquiry.
thank you you kind little folk! very very nice of you to come in to my ask and give me answers! you seem like a nice type.
but yes a post this long and involved (?) does got to have an end, and one useful trick to end things you don't know how to end is to put music at the end of whatever it is.
now, Best ending would be to have the music of the Actual game's ost i was talking about. but i still don't know what the game is.
Worst ending is probably just that bl*ck b*tler song that baited me (yes i am now "blurring" it out as this is the end part of the post that's meant to end as a reprieve)
and not to say that would necessarily be a bad way to end the post. hells, it might be the interesting (♒🌞) way to conclude this post.
but i think i will just leave you with this.
(sorry that it is a link to spotify. and that it is a from a corporate-y compilation album. and w songs i haven't vetted. i had no choice in what release it was. do you still like me)
(here also comes a youtube link. )
[image ID:
Black and white picture of Swedish jazz singer Monica Zetterlund - on a youtube thumbnail and link to a video upload of her singing the song "Att angöra en brygga".
end image ID.]
#tw grooming mention#tw csa mention#krockat answers anons#anti black butler#krockat krockar#idk how to tag black butler so ppl can block that tag - but not have fans of it have it in their tags n open myself up to shit from em.#also i rly don't know what my anon tags or asks tags are lol. i don't remember.#also haha to be clear with the astrology joke#- i like to use astrology as a for-fun personality test and sometimes day-to-day vibe advice for my own self. i am fine about it#and no i don't just laugh or schadenfreude at people's whatever else misery - more like that its often a stimulating topic and interests me#to talk w ppl about their shit. and of plenty at/w myself and my imagined blorgbos or whatever.#<writing that cause i know it's the internet and ppl like knife-at-throat-ing ppl when its a sport to assume the worst.#also to be clear - that video visually is just that still image. not of her performing the song. was unsure how or if i should word that in#the image ID. seemed too much.#oh shit now that i have written an image ID after already writing all these tags on mobile - damn it.#image described#also i am tired of this post and having it actually be any good now (which i dont think it is at this point) but idc.#better to just post the beast than not at this point. right#man these tags are too serious overall than what i did w the post. like I said. ♒🌞so to me it's fine to be silly w it#also the song I chose just cause it has a whimsy while also being very vibey and dreamy and jazzy. and there's inherent silly w its namesak#and also more specifically and esp because it's one of the main songs I've been listening to lately. so it's just a glampse into my state#i would explain the lyrics (them being in swedish and all) at a request. otherwise this posts just too long and idc :D#att angöra en brygga#monica zetterlund#my music tastes#long post#also yea i didn't give anon the full promised compliment hoard or wtvr tf I said in those og tags - but i just wasn't feeling it!#you gotta match the vibe of who you're talking to - right. what point is there to just ham it and no one wants to have ham at the table.
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pidayforpi · 10 months
Things That Inspire Me (2): Music
[No spoilers/warnings whatsoever...as long as you don't look up the songs' context
Also there may be more links this time]
I would say music is the biggest, oldest source of inspiration to me.
Before anime, games or even cartoons, music is probably my very first interest.
For one, especially in my childhood, I tend to "associate" songs with life events (often overseas vacations), or certain periods in my life. Usually, I will be listening to that song at that moment quite frequently (i.e. I like that song very much at that time).
For example, the first time I went to Hokkaido, I was listening to (this version of) Wind Scene from Chronos Trigger. And now, whenever I listen to this song, I automatically remember that summer trip.
But the second time I went there, I was listening to a different (set of) song, so I associated another song with the memory of the second trip. This is one of them.
And then, that same summer, a friend of mine would leave to study overseas, and this remix of Tifa's Theme always reminds me of our last days together.
(As well as being one of my absolute favourites of all time)
So, uh, music has always been quite an important part in my life, frankly. I always don't know how to answer when people ask me "What are your hobbies?", but one thing I always reply is "listening to music".
But then, if you ask me "What genre of music? Who's your favourite artist?", I don't know how to answer that.
I must confess: I know almost nothing about popular music. Not in any languages or countries (not even my own). I know and like a few pop songs, but they are really just a handful. knowledge via jojo doesn't count
If I have to answer, I would say "anime/game music" in general. Most songs in this passage will probably fall into that category. I used to be a Vocaloid fan as well, so I guess Vocaloid music may also be one of the genres I like.
Besides being with me in everyday life (I do almost everything with music), music has inspired me a lot in my works. Of course I can't possibly "write music" (unlike describing anime scenes), but they have provided the atmosphere behind the scenes, even if they aren't "song fics". If I have to assign a "theme song" to every one of my work, I think I can do it.
I try to categorise the examples in terms of the different "feels" they give me, and the different atmospheres they correlate to.
I started the last passage with "anger/craziness", so I guess I will start this one with the same theme. And yes, all Higurashi soundtrack.
Higurashi has one of the coolest soundtracks in anime I watch, next to JoJo's (which is kinda cheating with how many songs JoJo has). Its "mysterious" songs are the best I have known, even outside of anime. They make those crazy scenes even crazier; and stand-alone, they provide a wonderful atmosphere when you are in for something crazy.
I have selected these three as my absolute favourite among the many songs of Higurashi (otherwise I would post the entire soundtrack). The main theme is pure mysterious, Kai is like searching for the truth, and Hayashi is arriving at a revelation. (TL;DR they are just plain cool)
I have discovered Higurashi not too long ago, but its soundtrack is now my go-to music when I am reading/writing/watching something dark (and is basically the theme song that plays whenever my Donald goes violent and crazy).
(Speaking of something dark involving Donald, those three songs above have been accompanying me when I am reading an awesome, ongoing long project by @cursegirlrabbit sorry for the tag: "Furious Revenge"!
It is primarily a DT17 fan fic about Donald "going missing", but with references, crossovers and side stories from basically anything Duckverse! It has been with me ever since I luckily stumbled upon it this January, and has impressed me all the way! If you have the time, I really recommend it!)
Next are sad themes, and I have chosen two with similar names as well.
Never Be Mine (from Battle Tendency) is more "explicit" in its sadness, painting a crushing feeling of sorrow. I think it is the best "sad" theme in JoJo, and it plays in two of my favourite sad death scenes too.
Never Coming Back (from Violet Evergarden) is more subtle, like a faint wisp of melancholy. While the previous song sounds like your loved one is dead in front of you, this one is more like you don't know if they are dead or alive, but they are gone regardlessly, and you will not be seeing them perhaps forever.
(Useless side note: Never Coming Back is the theme song for Ari the Aracuan Bird in my stories, whose first and best friend Clinton Coot will never be coming back ever again.)
The next section is...miscellaneous emotional? I am not sure how to categorise this. Basically music that is a mix of sadness/hope/love/determination (i.e. Mixed feelings that I can't put my finger on with my poor vocabulary). There are a lot in this category, but I have chosen two songs I have got to know more recently.
Main Theme - Hope (from Higurashi Sotsu) (please excuse the crazy rena thumbnail, the other video I can find is an AMV of literally the ending scene): This actually echoes my previous passage's section about bittersweetness in Higurashi, and I think this song symbolises it very well. It is a remix of the scary main theme of the Higurashi series, but it gives off a very different feeling. Like after a gruesome, bloody conflict, there is a happy ending. Not a perfect ending, but a resolution nonetheless. Not everyone (or anyone) could be satisfied, but we have tried our best, and we are finally at peace.
(This is the song I imagine to be playing, when, at the end of my DT story, Scrooge finally sympathises with Donald, atones, and reaches an understanding.)
Isabella's Lullaby (from The Promised Neverland): This is the single most beautiful song I have got to know in a year. I had seen this song from time to time before, but only listened to it in December of last year. And it is absolutely super powerful. (I know the version above isn't technically the original one, but it is the version I first listened to and like the most)
Isabella's Lullaby gives off the feelings of all the adjectives in the first paragraph of this section: There is sadness, but also comfort. There will be suffering, but also determination. There is going to be despair, but also hope.
(There is a scene I have imagined involving Clinton and baby Donald, inspired by this song. More info in a longer infodump about my Ducktales AU settings that I absolutely have to write it out.)
Last and least, there are songs that are...hyper? Basically music that gets you hyped. I don't usually write shounen anime-esque stuff, so they don't really have anything to do with my writings. But when I am reading something epic or gaming, I will play these in the background.
Since apparently there is a limit of video links I can put in a post, I will simply list some of them out:
→ You Say Run (My Hero Academia)
→ River in the Desert (Persona 5)
→ Moon Prism Power Make Up! (Sailor Moon)
→ youseebiggirl/T:T (Attack on Titan)
→ SONO CHI NO SADAME (the JoJo theme)
→ Hymn of the High Seas (by Antti Martikainen. Not an anime/game music but is the coolest song I have ever heard)
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sarenhale · 11 months
Followed your art from back on Twitter (*waves* hiii, sorry for being obnoxious and replying in Italian occasionally on there), I was wondering, do you have a kind of... uh masterpost about your OCs? I feel like I always like the character designs but I feel bad for not necessarily knowing what you're referencing in your posts. I vaguely remember some "lore" about a Tumblr person being really into your drug-using character, but I wouldn't be able to recognize him in a lineup, for example. Anyway, your art is cool, you seem nice, bye.
Heyy thanks for following me here too, I remember you!! ❤
And don't worry, I like getting to know more italians even though I speak english online 99% of the time, I feel like it's more convenient this way hahaha
I had a oc masterlist in the past but I ended up deleting it because of how less relevant it became, since my interest/focus on OCS changes a lot depending on what i'm hyperfixating on (with few exceptions of evegreen characters like Aydee and Seven that are omnipresent in my mind), I created a NEW ONE with the relevant OCS/ projects i'm drawing the most of, and linked the tagged name on them, so you can just click on the names/projects you're interested in and use that, if it's more convenient and useful for you!
It's also now in the pinned post on my blog, so you can find it easily anytime you need it:
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I tag every character and project pretty religiously so you're bound to find everything you want to see under the specific project/character tag name on here. As for the character with the drug addiction, that would be Seven, one of my oldest vampire ocs that I haven't drawn in a while but will always live in my head rent free as my most chaotic and feral creation. I have the most content/context/lore for old characters like him, actually, so it's a good character to start from if you wanna learn more about my characters stories!
Newer characters don't have as much lore as the old ones, but the vampire characters in particular (and also the FFXIV ones) have much more informations in their specific tags you can read and look at. I created Seven when I was 18 years old (almost 10 years ago, jesus christ!) and played A LOT of vampire roleplay games with my friends, so he has a lot of story bits/details you can read about in the tags! (and also memes and stupid sketches about him lol)
I'm really flattered and happy to hear you're interested more in reading about my ocs, it really means the most to me and it's so cool to know you wanna know more!!! I generally recommend people to browse the tags and get a -VIBE- of the character and read in snippets here and there to learn more of their story, because i'm pretty bad at summing up their stories on the spot like this, but feel free to send me an ask if you have more specific questions about them you want me to answer! I always appreciate when people wanna know more about my characters and I enjoy replying to answers and writing down more about them, it just helps me more when people ask me more specific questions instead of me havin to sum up their whole story and personality, cause I'm horrible at doing that on the spot HAHA
I hope this reply helps! Let me know if there's other stuff you wanna learn with and happy browsing!! I hope it will be interesting :)
Here's some seven pics, he's very good at failing life, being broody and mysterious, letting way more powerful women boss him around and being secretly of irish ancestry (he doesn't know and probably wouldn't know where ireland is)
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