ironhusband · 3 years
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Listen I’m not even a multishipper but-
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biconicfinn · 3 years
Sam/T'Challa Headcanons
just some general headcanons for my faves <3
i dont remember much of the mcu timelines anymore but whatever have this post okay thank you
i'm thinking maybe they get together post-ca:cw, t'challa helps shelter steve, bucky, sam, clint, scott, and wanda in wakanda for a while so they can recover
obvs bucky goes into cryo and then i'm thinking maybe clint takes wanda under his wing and goes on the run, maybe scott joins them too idk i didn't spend too much time thinking about it
so it's just steve, sam, and cryo bucky
steve spends most of his time talking to bucky and moping and being generally Emo but eventually starts going stir-crazy so he turns his usual captain america suit into the nomad one, and heads off to go be a vigilante fugitive
meanwhile sam decides to stay in wakanda; he hasn't had a chance to just be in a long, long time, not since captain america first knocked on his door asking for a safe place. he stays in a small little apartment in the capital city, kinda near the palace so people can still keep an eye on him
over several weeks sam establishes a routine: wake up, go for a run around the neighbourhood (cutting through the public gardens at the palace), come back home and work out, shower, eat breakfast, go out on a patrol with the border tribe around the area, explore the city and practice xhosa along the way, check in with sarah, lunch, check in with steve and bucky, read, sleep, repeat.
he finds a purpose in the help he gives his neighbours, helping the older lady next door with errands at the market, telling the kids stories about what it feels like to fly with your own wings, joining the border tribe on their patrols around the city
occasionally he runs into the generous (and gorgeous) king who gracefully allows him to stay in wakanda in peace while running through the palace gardens
t'challa rises with the sun and often runs in the morning to get at least some form of training in; crucial on days where he's stuck in meetings
sometimes the two run into each other—once literally, and okoye never lets t'challa hear the end of how he was so very flustered by sam wilson taking off his shirt to cool off and the sight of him all hot and sweaty and half-naked made him freeze and run right into said man—and sam has to come to terms with the fact that getting lapped by superhuman attractive men (though he personally prefers t'challa over steve) is just his life now
typically sam opens their conversation with a cat pun that makes t'challa fight back a smile and respond with something so dry and deadpan, couched in the characteristic diplomatic quality he uses it takes sam a minute to reply and react
but when sam does understand, t'challa is met with a charming half-smirk half-smile that makes his heart trip and he relies on all his diplomatic training to remain neutral or at the most amused at sam's comments
the conversations grow slowly, from casual one-liners and sarcastic quips to sam's stories of riley and sarah and his community back in delacroix, and t'challa's anecdotes about growing up in wakanda
soon enough, what starts off as a brief conversation during a part of their respective runs becomes a standing daily routine run together, the two becoming fast friends, admiring one another's loyalty, dedication, honesty, and determination
of course, because sam and t'challa are sam and t'challa, the platonic friendship with a side of appreciative attraction slowly becomes a crush
and it's not just the funny stories and misadventures they share with one another, but the sleepless nights and trauma and grief and healing too
sam couldn't sleep one night and went for a walk in the gardens he ran into an equally sleepless t'challa and so began yet another routine for them; to sit in the gardens at a clearing where the stars were bright and plentiful and visible, so vast that sam felt an ache in his bones to be up there, to be in the skies along the stars, and he realised that if there was anyone he wanted to be up there with him, it was the man sitting next to him in quiet contemplation, shoulders slumped slightly, expression handsomely brooding; the man behind the mantles of king and black panther
t'challa found himself wandering towards the gardens on those nights he couldn't sleep, when the weight of the crown and his legacy and the nation weighed so heavily on him that he felt he would crumble under it, he sought out the clearing in the garden, and more importantly, the man with his soul in the skies, his heart wherever he could help people
some nights were quiet for the most part, a brief check-in with one another before just simply taking comfort in one another's company. others were filled with conversation, those deep talks you only feel safe having in the dead of night, when the only thing awake and alive is nature, when every word is just that much more honest and real
losing parents and partners, the responsibilities of leadership, recovery and healing; just some of the things the two talk about when they can be just them, no titles or nationalities or protocol there to censor them
over morning runs and late-night conversations, sharing music and food and language and culture, and impromptu excursions to the city or beyond they grow close and find that their feelings are getting more and more difficult to ignore, both wanting more than just a friendship
it's not during a morning run or nighttime confession that they admit their feelings, but over a shared lunch together
they're eating a simple picnic lunch near the warrior falls where t'challa will soon undergo the first part of his coronation ritual and offer the people of wakanda to send a representative to fight him in ritual combat for the throne
the view of the falls is spectacular, and sam's wide-eyed face of awe and wonder, bright smile shining with all the warmth of the sun makes t'challa feel like he could take on the entire country in ritual combat and come out the other side victorious if sam continues to smile at him like that and if they had more time then they would probably go for a swim, but they don't so here they are, alone at the falls, the rush of water and the sounds of the river fauna their only company
they're laying on a blanket on the grass, watching the clouds, and sam feels just as at peace on the ground with t'challa next to him then he's ever felt with his wings in the skies
during a discussion about the coronation where t'challa answers the questions sam asks him. the subject turns to his duties as king, and sam asks about whether t'challa is expected to marry a woman in order to produce heirs for the throne. he knows wakanda doesn't discriminate against people for sexuality or gender identity, but the duties of a king are to ensure the legacy of the royal bloodline is preserved isn't it?
t'challa laughs, and says that while the royal bloodline is important, there is no restriction on who the king (or queen) marries, as long as they would be able to connect with the people, serve and help the people of wakanda the way any good ruler should
"so what i'm hearing is all's fair in love and war"
"i guess you could say that"
"so if gender and sexuality don't matter; does nationality?"
"perhaps in the past yes, but i feel wakanda is changing, and that it will not be such a concern moving forward"
"even if the king were to be with, say, a fugitive american ex-pararescue-slash-ex-avenger?"
t'challa turns to face sam, heart caught in his throat as he processes just what sam said, takes in the hopeful and tentative look in his eyes masked by a slightly wavering tone of jest and hunour, as he shifts to mirror him.
the moment stretches out for what feels like an eternity before t'challa can respond
"for you, my falcon, i think we can make an exception"
their lips meet, the two smiling too much for the kiss to be anything other than as sweet and warm as honey and sunshine, and sam wraps his arms around t'challa, bringing the king on top of him, and two exchange soft kisses and softer words until t'challa gets called away, promising to meet later not just for their near-nightly rendezvous, but for dinner in t'challa's private quarters
okay so that's all for now! i kinda hate how this turned out but whatever it's done!! taglist under the cut! if anyone didn't want to be added i'm sorry just let me know and i'll delete!
@sambuckies @thewondrouspickle @tchalcons @like-butterflies-and-glitter @shadowyenthusiaststudentus @vodka-infused-unicorn @cassleia @finger-lickin-fuckboy @twisterss
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bijesperfahey · 3 years
The realization that my favorite Sam ships are just him being like 'oh this person is incredibly important and/or scary and is also a superhuman who could potentially kick my ass? Let's ignore literally all of that and have some fun with this'
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donnajons · 3 years
Opinion about What If...? season finale Spoilers
Okay people, I just have to say, I am not displease, but I am not totally happy either.
Let’s address the elephant in the room; Nat and Carter totally the same vibe from Steve and Nat in CATWS, but once again, MARVERL is so coward to give us girlfriends. So, what does the rat do? He send an romance interest from the opposite sex to make it less gay. Sounds familiar?
I am disappointed that we did not see what happened with Peter (not dummy Peter Quill), T’challa, and Scott in this season finally. We only saw Zombie Wanda. I feel that, by not telling us what happened to them, I can’t only assume that they are dead. I guess we have to wait for a season two IF we ever get a season two.
And another thing. What is the story of Gamora? We only know that she and Tony where forging a weapon that would destroy the infinity stones, but how did they get there? Did I miss an episode? What is happening in this universe?
Now, having that out of my system, lets begging with the good.
I cried at the end with the explanation of the Watcher. In a previous post I talked how we are the watchers because we just doing that, watch Marvel stories. The Watcher is right and hit me right in the feelings. The stories that we see, read, and hear affect us, and it hurt us to see them in pain and know that we cannot do anything to help them. When Natasha said that if the Watcher enjoyed seeing her losing all her familly, she was talking to us. We all felt her pain, and we suffered the irony of knowing hoe to help her but not being able to help. 
Overall, this was a bloody good tv show, I just hope for a second season to see the stories that were left untold. 
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samwontshare · 3 years
Since you metioned sambucky samsteve and t'cham in the tags and I love you for that consider this: The Falcon and his 183cm tall bfs (based on the actors' heights)
Ahahaha bless you, Nonny. Sam and every one of his 6' tall boyfriends. Sam says you must be this tall to ride this ride.
Scott Lang? Too short for Sam. Sorry, Tic Tac.
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ao3-elle1991 · 4 years
you written any t'challa fics? chadwick bosemans death hit hard and reading fics is helping me come to terms with my feelings...
I’m sorry his death has hit you hard. A lot of people are hurting at the moment. When I woke up yesterday to the horrible news, I was totally shocked and horrified, and it still hasn’t entirely worn off.
Let’s remember that Chadwick Boseman was more than just the fictional character of T’Challa; he was a family man, a friend to many, and an inspiration to many more.
That said, T’Challa is how many of us got to know about him, and if reading T’Challa fic is helping you come to terms with your feelings, then I’m glad it’s helping you with your grief ❤
I have written two fics featuring T’Challa (unrelated to one another, although they both have cats in the title):
So, You Like Cats?
1,697 words
Sam Wilson has a confession to make. It could make or break his and T'Challa's relationship. It all comes down to one question: Do you like cats?
I Like Cats, Too
10,526 words
The Avengers are more than just a team; they are a family. When that family is torn apart by the split caused by the Sokovia Accords, Natasha regresses into herself and lapses into a prolonged period of silence. As Team Cap hide away in Wakanda under the protection of T'Challa, will anyone be able to help Natasha overcome her depression and mutism? Enter a very special cat named Midnight...
You can also see all completed fics in AO3, ranked by kudos, in the Black Panther (2018) fandom, here.
I hope that helps you.
Rest in peace and power, Chadwick 😢
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Looking for You- Part One
Sam Wilson x Reader x T’Challa
Summary- Sam Wilson and Y/N share a bond that few in the army understand, well that is until they saw their soul marks. After leaving the army Sam and Y/N throw themselves into looking for their other soulmate, in an attempt to leave their grief for their best friend Riley behind them. But once they find out T’Challa is the prince of the isolated country of Wakanda, they have to decide if they are willing to make the dangerous trek to a country where they are not welcome.
Message- Send an ASK if you want to be tagged in part 2
Warnings- PTSD, Trouble sleeping, dead friend, reader served in the military,
Word Count- 862
“So what do we do now?” You ask, looking down at the discharge papers in your hands.
“I don’t know.” Sam says. “Maybe school? I’ve always wanted to get my masters in social work.”
“Yeah, maybe.” You murmur, running your fingers over your soulmate tattoo.
“Hey.” Sam says, grabbing your wrist, running his fingers over his name that’s tattooed there. “What’s going through that pretty little head of yours?”  
“Let’s find them.” You murmur.
“Y/N.” Sam sighs.
“No!” You yell, pulling your wrist away from Sam. “I want to find T’Challa, our soulmate.”
“I don’t think now’s the right-.” Sam starts.
“I let you talk me out of looking for them for years, Sam.” You cry. “You said that we needed to wait until after we were out of the Air Force, because having two soulmates that were deployed wouldn’t be fair to them!”
“And do you think being tied to two Vets with PTSD would be far to them?!” Sam argues.
“Sam.” You whisper.
“We’re still sleeping on the floor, because the beds to soft. Just last night you woke up screaming.” Sam says.
“We may never fully recover-.”
“I’m just asking for a little bit of time.” Sam says.
“I don’t want to wait anymore.” You say. “Maybe looking for them will be good for us- a distraction.”
“I just-what if they don’t want us.” Sam says after a minute.
“Then they’re not worth our time.” You say. “Let’s focus on the finding them part first, then we can freak out about meeting them, hell we don’t even have their last name.”
“Alright.” Sam says, nodding. “We’ll start looking.”
“Thank you.” You murmur, kissing Sam’s cheek. “I think this will be good for us, it’ll help us keep our mind off of- well what happened.”
“We should go to Arlington tomorrow. We haven’t been to Riley’s grave since the funeral.” Sam say, not looking at you.
“Okay.” You say.
“And then after we can start searching for our other soulmate.” Sam says, smiling at you.
“Thank you.” You murmur, pulling Sam into a kiss.
“I love you.” Sam says, as he pulls away from you.
“I love you too, always.” You say.
“So how are we going to do this?” Sam asks, taking your hand in his.
“I don’t know.” You say, swinging your intertwined hands. “Google?”
“Alright.” Sam nods. “I mean we found each other by accident, how hard can it be to find our soulmate when we’re actively looking?”
**2 Years Later**
“Oh my God.” Sam whispers, from his place at the kitchen table, his eyes are wide as they scan whatever is on his laptop screen.
“What’s wrong? Did the school change their mind? Are they taking back your diploma?” You ask.
“What? No!” Sam says. “That’s not a thing, they can’t just take my master’s degree back.”
“Oh, then what is it?” You ask.
“I-I think I found him.”
“T’Challa.” Sam breaths.
“What? Let me see!” You yell, throwing yourself on Sam’s lap.
“Pictured above is King T’Chaka of Wakanda, along with his son Prince T’Challa leaving the UN.” You read. “Wakanda?”
“It’s a country in Africa. They keep themselves isolated from the rest of the world.” Sam explains.
“So no one’s allowed into the country? What would happen if we just showed up?” You ask.
“We’d probably be arrested, if we’re lucky. Killed if we’re not.”
“Let’s risk it.” You say, standing up.
“Or we could just go to New York, where the UN is.” Sam says.
“Nah, they already left the US.” You say.
“What?” Sam says, before skimming the next paragraph. “Shit.”
“And who knows when they’ll be back.” You say.
“So you want to just go to Wakanda?” Sam asks.
“Yeah.” You nod. “This is the first lead we’ve gotten in 2 years, even if the Prince isn’t our soulmate-.”
“There could be other men named T’Challa there.” Sam murmurs.
“Exactly.” You nod.
“Alright. Let’s go.” Sam says.
“Wait, seriously?” You ask.
“Yeah, I just finished school. You have the summer off from work, now is the perfect time.”
“I just kind of assumed you would try to talk me out of this idea.” You murmur.
“Nah.” Sam says, shaking his head. “It’s super dumb, but we’ve done dumber things.”
“Very true.” You murmur.
“I’ll do some research, find a flight that will get us as close to the border as possible.” Sam says.
“I’ll start packing.” You say.
“Pack for hiking.” Sam calls as you walk out of the kitchen. “There border is made up of a bunch of mountains.”
“Or we could liberate some wings.”
“Yes.” You say.
“No!” Sam calls back.
“Fine!” You sneer. “I’ll pack for hiking!”
“Love you!” Sam yells.
“Yeah, yeah.” You mumble, grabbing your pack from the closet.
“Hey I heard that!”
“I said that I love you, too!”
“Lies!” Sam yells. “Hey, do you think we’ll be ready for tomorrow? There’s a flight leaving tomorrow night that will get us pretty close to Wakanda.”
“I mean, I think so.” You say.
“Okay, well ready or not, I guess we’re leaving tomorrow.” Sam says.
“Then I guess we’d better get ready.” You hum.
@ellysiacat @jenniegs @thedoctorscamanion @loveisfriendship @mymourningtea @cassiopeia-barrow @marvels-ghost  @fandoms-fandoms-everywhere99   @loverbug1123 @pleasantdreamqueen @pbandj14 @itsintothegreatbeyondstuff @princessleah129 @courtneychicken @battlebunnyteardropsinthesun @that-one-book-girl @yipthegoddess @brooke-supernatural16 @ailynalonso15 @thefangirlliveson @conspiracy-teen  @thegoddessofvampire @the-butterfly21 @theshortegg @witchseer25607 @bee-wrecker @precious-cinnamon-roll666 @destiel-artemis @jackles-jadalecki @thisismysecrethappyplace @marvelismylifffe  @kanupps06 @okayputta @geeksareunique @mummy-woves-you @crazy-little-thing-called-buck  @writing-red  @leticiakael @tabziecat @ravenclaw-fangirl-7 @huntermichelle @learisa @cutie1365 @msmaximoff @kitkatgaming @writings-and-stuff @xxashy999xx @sebba-hiddles @slashheartlover @scarlettsoldier @ladysergeantbarnes @i-just-wanna-run-hell @tonystarkismyboy @bestillmystuckyheart @musedhufflepuff @dontevenblink-badwolf-tardis @iamwarrenspeace  @supernatural-strangerthings-1980 @petitesmate
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mcu-headcanons · 6 years
Bucky: What are you reading?
Sam: Oh, just a list of things I love.
Bucky: That's just a photo album of T'Challa.
Sam: Hm. Funny how that works.
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ymirphile · 6 years
Sam and T’Challa
And why they can be a fun ship.
They don’t get a lot of interaction in the movies... but that won’t stop me from over-analyzing.  
OKay so they first time they meet is in Civil War when they’re both chasing after Bucky.  Sam to protect him, T’Challa to capture/hurt him (the man is a wreck over his dad.)   Black Panther grabs onto Sam as he’s flying riding along and Sam’s pretty much trying to kick him off.   This is a super dignified meeting.
But when the Black Panther’s identity is revealed, that’s where things get interesting.
Compare Rhodey’s “your highness”, an acknowledgement of his status, to Sam’s “So you like cats?”
Sam’s clearly agitated as he says this.  Probably due to the aforementioned clinging to Sam while flying.  (And possibly viewing keeping Bucky safe as his mission.)
Steve then tries to reel Sam in.  Maybe due to the fact that T’Challa’s a king, but knowing Steve, more likely it’s him being sensitive that his father was just killed.  Though later in the airport scene Steve refers to him as ‘your highness’ as well.
Sam then responds.  “What?  Dude, show up dressed like a cat and you don’t want to know more?”  Dude.  Sam just called the King of Wakanda ‘dude.’  And he’s trying to edge him on a get a reaction.  T’Challa does not rise to the bait, he’s been raised better than that.
Clearly Sam does not give a shit that this guy is a king. I’m pretty sure it’s down to the fact that Sam in general just views people as inherently equal and no fancy title or job is going to change that.  A man is just a man.
And watching Black Panther I believe T’Challa would agree with that sentiment.  Looking after Wankanda happens to be a job T’Challa believes in and wants.  He does fight for it.   While T’Challa holds himself high in the public eye, you see just how causal he is with the people that are close to him.
They also both are people people and have wicked senses of humor.  Sam’s is more outright teasing.  (Just like Shuri and Okoye there are very few people who have the gall to tease him so openly.  He acts like he’s already close.)  And T’Challa the kind of guy who has to be more clever about it.  He can’t just say anything when the public eye is on him.  I imagine he’ll say something sly and it will take a moment for Sam to catch up to it... “did he just?”  There’s something about T’Challa humor that is very deadpan that would just work so well against someone who’s more sarcastic and obvious with it.
You certainly can have fun with the fact that Sam has no respect for authority, said himself he didn’t like taking orders.  While T’Challa’s been raised to lead.  What a dynamic.  Especially because T’Challa honestly is a good person trying to do the right thing and I don’t think Sam’s had much experience with an authority figure doing that.
And then there’s the fact that Sam’s African-American which is worlds different from being an Wakandan African.  A huge part of the black panther movie focused on this.  But while it showed how much America can harm with Killmonger.  I think with Sam it can show how good a person can become despite it.
There are just so many factors to work with.
Plus there are like a million Bird and Cat puns you can make, and isn’t that all that really matters?
So thanks for coming to my TedTalk, I’ll be here Monday through Friday.
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bidiotka · 6 years
T'challa shaking Steve's hand, he glances over at Sam and then smirks and tells Steve "I'm going to steal your boyfriend."
agflmaklgalaf this is why Steve sent Sam outside with Bucky, so that T’Challa wouldn’t get a chance go win him over
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lunchlich · 6 years
whispers.....anyone got any fic/drabble requests for the ships in the tag... hmu.....
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bijesperfahey · 3 years
Me, writing exactly one fic every 2 years? More likely than you may think
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Prompt list
Fandoms I write for
Prompt: 11 aka “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!”
Pairing: Sam and T’Challa (T’Cham)
Summary: Sam hates the cold, but he can’t say no to the kitty he’s following through the snow
Sam was fucking freezing.
He had been treking through this god damned snow filled forest for about 30 minutes now, trudging through the deep snow which ended up being around calf height. He hated the snow, hated the cold and honestly just wanted to go home and curl up next to a heater with the hottest chocolate he could make.
T’Challa was having a blast.
The bastard had some weird super power of course he was fine. He was always ahead of Sam, smiling slightly at little things like how the frost danced across the surface of the trees, or how gently the snow seemed to fall. At one point, a snowflake fell on Sam’s nose, and T’Challa came up to him and gave a gentle kiss to the exact place where it was melting.
“For warmth.” He had said, patting Sam’s cheek affectionately.
Sam had just cursed the snow, blushing profusely, and followed behind him.
T’Challa hadn’t said where they were going, only that he wanted to enjoy the ‘good’ weather whilst it lasted. If this was good weather, then summer would be fucking fantastic.
They strolled further, well T’Challa strolled and Sam trudged, into the winter wonderland, not exactly sure where they were going, only that if Sam didn’t love that excitable king in front of him he would have bailed out of this cold hours ago, instead he was being voluntarily dragged.
The trees began to thin out, and revealed a small clearing, with undisturbed white save for the gentle rabbit footprints which had barely dented the snow, making T’Challa’s tentative step into the beautiful white carpet somewhat intrusive on the silence.
Instead of making his way to the center of the clearing, T’Challa skirted round it, trying to be as quiet as possible whilst also exploring as much as possible. It was moments like these where Sam could understand why the cat comparisons. The way he moved was both completely silentand relaxed, yet ready to strike at any given moment.
“Hey, kitten,” Sam called, enjoying the small smile he got in return from adressing T’Challa by the pet name he had decided on, “can we go back?”
T’Challa chuckled and shook his head slightly.
“Why little birdy, are you cold?” Sam grumbled slightly and wrapped himself tighter in his scarf.
“A lil, yeah.” He froze as he saw T’Challa bend down with a smirk on his face, scooping up a fair amount of snow and compacting it.
“Well, we can go back, but first…” He pulled his arm back and aimed, getting ready to fire.
“Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!” Snow hit Sam square on the neck, managing somehow to bypass his coat and seep through his many protective layers.
“So, you were saying.” Sam gave T’Challa a pensive look, weighing his options. Instead of turning and going back as his numb fingers were begging him to do, instead he bent down himself and dragged up a fair amount of cold and white, before watching his lover’s face fall.
“Talk shit,” He aimed, threw and hit T’Challa squarely in the chest, sending him backwards, “get hit.”
“Treason.” He heard T’Challa mumble from where he had fallen, earning him a laugh.
“Yeah well, thats what you get.”
That was how it went all the way back. One of them throwing a snowball at the other, and then another small snowball fight, and then walking hand in hand to warm each other’s numb fingers.
By the time they got home, the 20 minutes it took to get to the clearing was about an hour to return, and both of their cheeks were pinched with the cold, and their teeth chattering. They pushed in the key and opened the door as quickly as possible and sighing with relief as they felt the warmth of the place washing over them.
They shed their layers, their coats falling to the floor and finally leaving them in their long sleeved shirts, slightly damn at the neck for Sam. T’Challa said nothing and grabbed Sam’s hand, pulling him in for a warm hug.
“Was that your plan this entire time? Have me freeze then warm me up for your comfort?”
T’Challa hummed and buried his head into Sam’s neck, peppering it with gentle kisses.
“If you want to warm up more, I know a good method, and it would get you out of these wet clothes.” Sam smiled, and leant towards T’Challa, capturing his lips in a gentle kiss, before pulling back slightly, so that he could still feel the warmth of his lover’s breath mingled with his.
“Well, if you’d be so inclined.”
T’Challa leaned back in, giving Sam a sweet peck, before pulling back and grabbing his hand, leading him towards their bedroom.
“Oh, I very much would.”
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bluebadger89-blog · 7 years
When you realize you just finished the best fanfiction you've read in awhile;
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The Witch of the Rogers Pack- Chapter Three
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary- You and your father left your hometown of Salem, Massachusetts to move to Beacon Hills, California after a hunter attacked your home and killed your mother. You and your mother were the last witches from an old and powerful coven and now it was just you. You attempt to lay low until the Rogers pack confronts you about why you’re on the dead pool.
Message- Here’s chapter 3! The handfasting info is from charmed. I know it’s been a while for this fic!!  Sorry if it sucks!
Background  Chapter One  Chapter Two
Word Count- 938
At that you lurch in the chair, but they had bounded your hands. You feel your eyes turn black, and the tattoos appear on your hands.
“This is a mistake.” You growl.
“I don’t know, you almost killed us so tying you up seems like a good idea.” Tony says.
“I wouldn’t have killed all of you, just him.” You snarl, glaring at Clint. “Just give him to me and I will allow the rest of you to live.”
“Yeah, that’s not going to happen.” Steve says.
“Do you know what he is? What his ancestors have done? How can you protect that?” You sneer.
“I’m not like that. Not anymore. I’m a part of Steve’s pack.” Clint says.
“Hunters killed my mother and most of my coven.” You whisper, slumping in the chair. “They’re wasn’t that many left to begin with by the time I was born. But I grew up watching them get picked off one by one, until it was just me and my mother. Then they burned my house down. My Dad was only able to save me.”
“I’m sorry about that. But Clint didn’t do those things.” Bucky whispers as he kneels in front of you, putting his hand on your knee.
“So you are the only one left from the Salem Coven?” Coulson asks.
“Some fled when I was a child, but I don’t know where they are. Most witches live in hiding. Many have even stopped practicing.” You say, shrugging your shoulders.
“Your magic is old, and very powerful.” Coulson says.
“Is there a question in there?” You ask.
“You could have escaped and killed us all the second you woke up. Why didn’t you?” Coulson asks.
“Curiosity. I know that at least one of you is a were-.” You say, shrugging your shoulders. “So the hunter can’t be that much of a threat.”
“I’m not a threat.” Clint murmurs.
“So which one of you is a were-?” You ask.
“Steve’s a true Alpha, I’m his Beta.” Bucky says. “Nat’s a Banshee, Bruce is a hell hound, Sam’s a Siren, T’Challa is a were panther and Rhodey is a were chameleon.”
“Tony?” You ask.
“Human.” Tony answers and you nod. But before any of you can say anything else, Bruce comes running in.
“Someone got Nat.” He stammers. Then all hell breaks loose.
“We need to find her.” Steve says, with an authority you had never heard him use before.
“How?” Clint asks.
“I can find her!” You say. “But you’ll have to let me go.”
“No, no way. She just tried to kill us!” Tony says.
“As long as you are all telling the truth about Clint, I am no threat to you.” You say and Steve nods, taking your binds off.
“She’s not a threat.” Steve says. “What do you need to find Nat?”
“I need to go home.” You say. “What I need to scry for her is there. Oh and I need something of hers.” You say.
“Here, this is hers.” Bruce says, handing you a bracelet, you just nod, taking it into your hands.
“Alright, Buck will drive you.” Steve says and you just nod. “As soon as she has Nat’s location, text me.” He says to Bucky.
“Of course.” Bucky says, as he leads you out of the room. The drive to your house is filled with a comfortable silence, once there Bucky throws the care in park and the two of you run out and into your house. “Where’s your Dad?”
“Work.” You answer as you lead Bucky up to your attic as you walk through the door, you take down the protection spell. Then you grab the map of Beacon Hills and your Scrying crystal, you take Nat’s bracelet and tangle it with the string attached to the scrying crystal. “Natasha Romanoff.” You whisper, slowly circling the crystal around the map. After about a minute, it lands on the map. “That’s where she is.”
“That was fast.” Bucky murmurs, texting the address to Steve.
“Should we meet them there?” You ask.
“Steve says to stay put.” Bucky says, looking around the attic. Before you can say anything, the Book of Shadows flies open and you walk over to it.
“Mind you own damn business.” You mutter, shutting the book.
“What’s wrong?” Bucky asks.
“Nothing, my nosey ancestors just need to mind their own business.” You mumble, Bucky walks over to where you’re standing to look at the Book. Then the book opens again to the same page.
“Hand fasting. Hand fasting is the eternal joining of two people in love. It is a sacred ceremony of commitment presided over by a high priestess. Best performed at a time of sunrise or sunset where both the sun and the moon are present in the joining of the two lovers.” Bucky reads, slowly starting to blush as he does.
“Sorry.” You murmur, as you glare up at the ceiling.
“So it’s like marriage?” Bucky asks.
“Yes.” You answer shortly, you can feel your face get hot in embarrassment.
“Can I- can I kiss you?” Bucky whispers, blushing. You look at him in surprise and you nod your head. Bucky leans in slowly, and his lips meet yours in a chaste kiss. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against your, smiling. Bucky’s phone dings, and he moves away, to look at it. “They have Nat. Everyone is safe.”
“That’s good.” You say. Then he tilts his head down and his lips capture yours again.
“Do you want to go on a date sometime?” Bucky asks as you break apart.
“I’d like that.” You murmur.
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viperbranium · 7 years
Happy birthday Sam <3
“How do you even get into that?” Sam complains loudly, gesturing at T’Challa’s Black Panther suit.
It comes out a tad too dramatic, maybe, but it’s already bad enough that Pepper paired him up with Mr. Tall, Dark and Deadly for the photo OPs, Sam shouldn’t also have to suffer through 2 hours of that ridiculous and stupidly tight cat costume.
Not that normal, non-superhero clothes would’ve been much better – T’Challa could probably make a pair of old sweatpants and a floral print shirt look regal as fuck. His clothes seem to always hug his muscles in all the right places, no matter what he’s wearing, so a suit or a jeans & black Henley combo weren’t going to make Sam’s evening any easier.
The problem, really, is that Sam wishes he could be the one hugging T’Challa’s muscles.
The problem is the goddamn suit looks like it’s been painted on, and Sam’s already starting to feel all hot and bothered in his own uniform, and they haven’t even stepped out of the waiting room yet.
T’Challa shoots him a smirk, and that, too, is deadly.
“You ask me nicely,” the man replies.
Well, fuck.
It’s a joke.
It’s very clearly a joke, and Sam’s too fond of teasing people himself not to appreciate it, but fuck if it isn’t putting images in his head, and god, that’s the last thing Sam needs right now.
He tries to cover the fact that he almost just choked to death on his own spit with a derisive snort, but he’s pretty sure it comes out too high-pitched to be convincing, and his sweaty palms aren’t helping.
“What? Cat got your tongue?” T’Challa asks when Sam fails to come up with a witty response. And god, Sam wishes. It’s getting really fucking hot in here.
T’Challa’s obviously enjoying poking fun at him immensely, if the way the corners of his eyes are crinkling is anything to go by. If he wasn’t so drop-dead gorgeous, Sam would punch him.
“Are you always such a smartass or is it just ‘cause it’s my birthday?” he grunts.
T’Challa blinks, and then raises an interested eyebrow. “It’s your birthday?” he asks. Sam just shrugs. “And you’re here doing this?”
“Pepper offered to change the date, but whatever man, it’s just a few hours,” Sam says. “It’s cool.”
T’Challa doesn’t reply right away, just stares at him like the cat that ate the goddamn canary, killer smile still on his lips and doing all kinds of things to Sam’s stomach. “I didn’t know it was your birthday,” he tells him a moment later. “I would’ve gotten you something.”
“You don’t have to—”
“In Wakanda,” T’Challa cuts him off, taking a few steps in his direction, “we have this way of wishing people a happy birthday.”
“What way?” Sam asks. But before he can stop to think about how close T’Challa is all of a sudden, or about how it’s getting a bit harder to breathe, there’s an arm wrapping around his waist and a big, strong hand at his throat, tipping his chip up.
T’Challa kisses him unhurriedly, but firm and hot and claiming, swallowing Sam’s gasp right up and then licking into his mouth just right while his hands keep him securely in place. Which is good, because god, without them Sam would probably just slide down to the floor.
When T’Challa pulls back Sam can’t help but try to chase his lips, and even whimpers a little at the loss of him. Later, he might worry about how pathetically desperate he probably seems, but right now he can only think of how pleasantly dizzy he feels, and maybe lament the fact that he didn’t use this chance to let his hands roam over T’Challa’s magnificent chest.
“Wow, I… Dude, I think I want to move to Wakanda,” Sam manages to let out.
T’Challa laughs softly. “Happy birthday, Samuel,” he says, thumb still stroking Sam’s jaw.
“So, um…” Sam tells him, because hey, it is his birthday after all. He might as well. “If I were to ask you nicely… would you be okay with that?”
“Well,” T’Challa says, smiling. “This was just a happy birthday wish. Wait until you get your present.”
“Can’t wait to unwrap it,” Sam jokes, and then forgets how to breathe, because T’Challa is kissing him again.
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