#stranger things agre
littlefirefly42 · 2 years
Tummy Hurts
Pairing: CG!Lucas/Little!Max
Summary: Max is on her period and is a little more than fussy, Lucas takes care of her.
Warnings: Throwing up; impure regression
A/N This is pretty short, I just never see little max and cg lucas and I wanted to write it.
Max woke up in the middle of the night and promptly began to cry. She had woken up regressed, and her abdomen hurt horribly. Lucas, who had stayed the night with her, woke up when he heard her crying.
"Max! Max, what's wrong?" He turned on the bedside lamp so they could both see. Max whined and clutched her stomach.
"Tummy hurts." She cried. Lucas realized she was little and sat up, pulling her into his lap.
"Shh, sweet heart. It's okay, I've got you." He tried to comfort her, but she squirmed out of his arms and ran to the bathroom. He ran after her, and found her kneeled in front of the toilet, hurling into the bowl.
"Oh, Max." He kneeled beside her, gathering up her fiery hair in one hand and rubbing circles on her back with the other. When she finished throwing up she didn't move, just continued to sob on the bathroom floor. Lucas was the one to pick her up, flush the toilet, and wipe her mouth. He got a glass of water and held it for her while she took careful sips.
"Are you on your period Maxy?" He asked, bouncing her a little to calm her down. Max nodded, but didn't seem to be able to speak. Either she was too little or she was in too much pain. Maybe both. Lucas brought Max to the kitchen and sat her on the floor, where she laid down and curled into a ball. Lucas grimaced, wishing he could keep holding her. But if he did he wouldn't be able to get her what she needed, so instead he just tried to be as quick as possible. He made her a hot water bottle and warmed up some milk in a bottle. Then he managed to carry Max one-handed back to the bedroom with her stuff in the other hands and set her down on the bed. She immediately curled around the hot water bottle, and sobs softened a bit when she did. Lucas offered her the bottle, which she happily accepted, but dropped immediately. Lucas chuckled and picked it up.
"Got ahead of yourself there, huh?" He held the bottle up for her while she drank from it. She seemed to finally calm down a little, only sniffling every now and then. She was going to be little tomorrow, Lucas knew. And probably just as fussy. But for now, she was okay, and that's what mattered.
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littlebirdfic · 10 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robin Buckley & Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Karen Wheeler Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Regression/De-Aging, Classification AU, Littles Are Known, Little!Nancy, Caregiver!Robin, Fluff, Bathing/Washing, Nudity, minor description of injuries, Kissing, Declarations Of Love Series: Part 8 of Here is Where I Put My Trust Summary:
After a fun day at the park, it's time for little girls to get clean. Robin gives Nancy a bath, and after she ages up, they have a talk about the day.
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cams-cozy-corner · 2 years
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Shout out to Joyce for being the best momma the world has ever seen! She radiates so much caregiver energy, easily my #1 comfort character
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sebsxphia · 2 years
home & promises.
rhett abbott x reader.
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→ description: you’re childhood sweethearts with rhett, but things change, people change.
→ c/w: swearing, mentions of sex and virginity, kissing, smoking, alcohol.
→ word count: 2K.
→ a/n: this is part of my 2k celly! find the other gifts here and main masterlist can be found here! 💌
“Fuckin’ hell is that really you?” You hear the familiar voice behind you and a set of fingers place on your forearm to guide your gaze towards the stranger. Their touch is cautious and it’s as if they don’t want to spook you in case they’ve got the wrong face. You turn around in the hardware store and find yourself looking at the familiar faced cowboy, your Rhett.
He looked exactly the same as you remembered. There was still a faint scar under his stubble on his jaw when he fell off a bull at eighteen at his first rodeo show, the first one you watched. His knuckle bone on his middle finger, that was now resting on your forearm, was still slightly lodged to the right when he punched a guy in the cafeteria for teasing you about your lunchbox.
Rhett thought you were the same. You still had the young and naive face that left for the city four years ago. Your hair on one side was tucked behind your ear and he noticed the overgrown hole on the outside of your ear where he pierced it at 2 AM on his porch and he had to cover your mouth with his hand to stop your little cries from waking up his parents.
“Rhett.” You beamed at him with your eyes lighting up your face just as he remembered. You embraced him tightly and wrapped your arms around his neck. Your finger tips brushed against the little curls at the base of his neck. His hair had grown out but you recognized almost instantly how he still smelt the same. A heavy mix of cedar wood, worn out leather and fresh peppermint all flooded your nostrils at once.
You pulled back from your embrace and the memories you both had together when you were teenagers came rushing back to the forefront of your mind. Your feelings for each other now weren’t malicious, but that’s not to say they weren’t before.
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The back of Rhett’s truck was your favourite place this summer. You’d hated the town of Wabang growing up. It was small, dusty and everybody knew everyone’s business. But when you were in his company, none of that mattered. Everyone knew you and Rhett’s business but they didn’t know your sweetheart like you did.
“Promise me you’ll never go, darlin’?” He held out his slender pinky and you hooked yours around his in return, the promise set in stone in Rhett’s mind. “You’re with me now. You ain’t gettin’ rid of me, no matter how hard you try, cowboy.” You reassured him. You believed yourself at the time.
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You both admitted to yourselves it had been far too long since you last saw each other, but Rhett was the first to break the peaceful silence between you both. “What are you doing here?” Rhett questioned and leaned back against the paint cans on the shelves. He still had a cool, calm and collected demeanor about him. The poised cowboy, ready to jump at any time.
He was still the sweetheart you fell in love with.
“Visiting family. You?” He scuffed his boot along the tiled floor and looked down. “Still here, still ridin’ in the rodeo.” You squinted briefly and tried to read his face. He looked almost ashamed. You didn’t let your smile falter from your face however. You wanted to reassure him. “Good. I’m pleased you’re still sticking at it. You always were so good.” You really did mean it. He looks up from under his stetson and a slight smirk twisted onto his lips. It was the same smirk he wore when you told him you fancied a second date to the local town Mall with him.
You were hook, line and sinker just like all those years ago and so you bit the bullet. “I’ve got more things to do today, but please, can we get a drink tonight?” He couldn’t help the smitten look that washed over his face. He was always so God damn easy to read, especially to you.
He nodded his head in agreement. “Absolutely, I’d love that.” You tapped your phone against your palm remembering one last detail. “Is your, uh… number still the same?” Rhett pushed himself off the shelves of paint cans and wet his bottom lip with his tongue. “Yep.”
You just didn’t know Rhett kept it the same all these years in case you called.
“Great. Text me, promise?”
“Promise, darlin’.”
You knew he was only being polite using that name. It was all part of his Southern charm, but it still made your heart flutter a little in your chest. It was your name many years ago.
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The rain was unmistakable on the windows of Rhett’s truck but yet he couldn’t hear it. He could only hear your fateful words. His elbow was propped up against the window and he leant his head against his hand. He was completely defeated. “Why, darlin’?” His voice cracked and your heart felt like it was being tugged by him to the other end of the truck. You’ve never heard his voice crack like that.
“It’s-” You felt your throat dry up and you swallowed thickly, trying to bring some salvia back in your mouth so you wouldn’t sound doubtful when telling Rhett the truth. You know you promised him, but you were twenty now and it wasn’t getting any better. “It’s not you. Please, please don’t think that.” Your gaze flicked to his momentarily to plead with him but then fell back to your lap where you shamefully played with the hem of your dress. “I’m tired, Rhett. This town… it’s suffocating me. I need to go and experience something bigger and something better.”
You paused for his response but you heard nothing. You wanted to at least try and smooth out the cracks. “We can try and make this work. Long distance for a while maybe? You can travel down every other weekend.”
Your lover scoffed and that’s when you felt your heart well and truly snap back from your lovers hands and splat against your chest. You were on your own now.
“Don’t.” You held up your finger, warning him and your throat restricted again. You blinked a quick two times to bite back the tears that were threatening to spill over your eyes. “Come see me before I go, promise?” You reached for the truck door and jumped down to the floor. The wet mud from the impending rain splattered on your ankles.
“Promise.” Rhett thought to himself. Unbelievable you could promise not to leave him and now here you were, asking him to promise that’ll he will say goodbye. Rhett had no further ties to you. No alliances and no more fucking promises.
“I want to be happy for you, but I’m not.” His voice wavered but the closing of the passenger door in your face told you differently.
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“So that’s it. I manage clients who want to arrange gifts for large companies and CEOs.” You bring the beer bottle up to your lips and take a swig. Rhett does the same, sat opposite you in the bar you remember having your first legal drink in. “Sounds impressive. Sounds like that’s what you always wanted.” You tilt your head and hum in agreement at Rhett’s statement. You think you agree anyway.
Rhett picks at the label on his beer bottle, scattering pieces of torn paper across the sticky table. His gaze flicks to yours. “Is that what you always wanted?”
You know what he’s getting at. You know what he’s trying to unearth, uncover. Prove to himself that this was a good decision.
“Yeah.” You hold your voice again, not letting it waver like it did in the truck four years ago. He leans across the table and instinctively you pull yourself closer to him. It feels like he’s pulling on an invisible string that connects the two of you. It’s a sentiment that was stretched all across America for four years and now it’s drawing you closer and closer to him. Your sweetheart.
“You happy?” His voice is dangerously low and his Southern drawl slurs his words and sends a shiver down your neck and all along your spine. You grimace at his question and hold your breath before letting it go and telling him a blatant lie that you both know. “Yep.”
He stays there, across that table with his gaze fixed on you. You remember his eyes looking at you the same way when you were lying in the back of his truck when he took your virginity. They were kind eyes when you got to the heart of it. If you took away all of his tattered and torn exterior and focused solely on his eyes, everyone in town would understand that Rhett Abbott is a true sweetheart.
Your sweetheart.
He breaks first and pulls away from the table and slumps back into the leather bar seat. He changes the subject entirely.
Three hours pass and the bar has closed up. The childhood sweethearts that you once were sit in the back of Rhett’s truck. Albeit, it’s not the same truck, but it still feels the same. You take a drag of your cigarette and hand it over to Rhett. You blow out the smoke and break the silence first. “Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed catching up with you.”
Rhett takes two more drags of the cigarette before flicking it on the floor. The embers scatter across the tarmac. Something is hanging in the air. You can feel it. Something unspoken, something left over.
“I wanted to leave too, y’ know. Fuck off and find something bigger and better, just like you. But I couldn’t.” Rhett inflamed the embers with his words and looks towards you. When he looks in your eyes he finds a glimpse of you both.
You blinked at him and hovered your hand over his thigh. You wanted to reach out and touch him. Feel him underneath your palm again. “Why?” You questioned and finally let your hand fall to his jean clad thigh.
He so desperately doesn’t want to fall for your touch again, but he can’t help and think about the way that it was and so he answers your question without hesitation.
“Because this town, as shit and as small as it is, it’s home. And being with you tonight, I understood why it feels that way. You’re my home. I’ve waited all this time for you to come back because you’re what makes this town feel like home.”
At every syllable of his final words you move your body closer to his. His familiar warmth is radiating off him and you feel dizzy being in such close proximity to your sweetheart again.
“I missed you.” You let the words fall from your lips, barely above a whisper. It’s the first time you’ve told the truth all night.
Rhett brings his hand up to your cheek, cupping it gently and runs his calloused thumb over your soft cheek. It’s cold in Wyoming but he can feel the heat flushing across your skin.
“I know.” He acknowledges you in a way that isn’t condescending. You forget that Rhett could always read you better than anyone. He spotted the subtle tell tale signs all night. He cocks his head to side and leans into you to press his lips to yours.
For anyone else they may have forgotten how you like to be kissed after four years, but not Rhett. Not your sweetheart. He moves his lips against yours with his teeth lightly grazing at your bottom lip just the way you like it. He feels you smile against and squeeze his thigh. You feel lightheaded and like a teenager again.
Rhett pulls away and your foreheads rest against each other. Both of your chests rise and fall in sync. You’re so close you can inhale his musk for the second time that day and you know then and there, he was your home too.
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oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
S4 and Its Role Storytelling Wise: The GA’s (lack of) Understanding of The Show
[Warning: long post ahead]
So I stumbled across two videos on youtube about season 4 of Stranger Things, analyzing it from a storytelling standpoint. As one does, I watched them, because I was intrigued about what people thought outside our bubble or places like reddit and fb. And I wanna talk about it because it’s intriguing how the answers are right in front of us, but most people, even people with knowledge about storytelling and media analysis, don’t consider more possibilities, too blinded by heteronormativity and how we’re used to the same formulas, the way most stories unfold. 
The first video, “Why Stranger Things 5 (Probably) Won’t be Good”, considers that the show is dragging on too long because all the characters have solved their conflicts and the entire main cast of characters are perfectly fine with each other, which means s5 won’t be a compelling story because you can’t separate the character development and inner conflicts from the plot. And I was genuinely surprised because this is the complete opposite of how most of us perceive s4.
 If anything, I don’t like rewatching s4 for this reason, because everything feels too open, too unresolved, with some clues and some key reveals but no real answers.
Mike and El are far from okay, they ended up the season not talking to each other. Will lied to Mike about the painting. Nancy and Jonathan haven’t had a real conversation about their future and how they really feel about it. Dustin is grieving Eddie and Mike isn’t even aware of his death. Lucas and El are grieving Max but not giving up on her.
And the most important one that upset me to no end for a while after I finished s4, before I sit down and analysed it: the characters come together to try to save Max, and Mike and Will do the same for El, and then they reunite… But they don’t have any real moment that reminds us that they’re friends, or why they are. This is hard to do when there’s so much action going on, but there’s always time to show us where these characters stand with each other. And this hurts me to write, but they don’t feel like a group of friends anymore, haven’t, for a while, since s3 probably. And this is intentional because they purposefully show us the party drifting apart in the beginning of s4, as soon as the first episode. 
The fact that they’re all back in Hawkins and working together again isn’t enough to show us that they’re back to being best friends. We need moments that show us why these characters are friends and stick together because they love and care for each other, choosing each other, not only because the circumstances force them back together. 
And in that sense, s4 lays the foundation for it to be something touched upon next season, but these characters are far from completely fine with each other. It’s going to be good and rewarding to have them all reunited and working together again and rebuilding their friendship at the same time, but it has not happened yet.
To say there’s no more “personal drama” to add on is a complete misunderstanding of where our main characters stand. When I heard that I was just thinking, did we just forget Will lied to Mike about the painting and he was only able to say “I love you” when he was pushed by Will, and we got no explanation for his weird behavior?!
The second video (Stranger Things 5 is NOT the Redemption You Think It Is) analyses several aspects of the show and brings up very important points about what makes a story feel real and compelling. This is a very good video, however, I found myself disagreeing once more with most of it. I’ll divide it into sections so it’s more organized, and I’ll talk about their arguments and my counterarguments. Keep in mind this is how most people perceive the show, and this person in the video is someone who does have some sort of knowledge about storytelling. 
*They see the Cali plot as useless. 
It is a fact that Mike, Will and Jonathan have been sidelined this season. While I don’t like this or agree with the amount of screen time they were given this season compared to other characters, they are far from useless. A lot of people seem to think they didn’t know what to do with them, so they put Mike and Will together in a van with Jonathan in Argyle just for funsies, and gave Will a crush on Mike as a last-minute decision. They perceive Will’s plot as simply being the “sad gay best friend who is obviously getting rejected”. 
Their reasoning is quite simple: They aren’t looking at the bigger picture, failing to consider how these characters all have a purpose and how the Duffers always say that each scene adds something to the story. Even seemingly insignificant moments have weight in the story and are used to help us understand the how and why’s, or as callbacks, parallels, or even to reveal future plot points. 
So what IS the purpose of the Cali plot? First I’m going to say what is NOT their ONLY purpose: saving El.
Yeah, that’s what we see them doing the entire time, but it’s not like El had an issue getting out of there by herself. I’m sure she would’ve been fine, ultimately doing the same thing we see her do: find a way to try to save Max when she’s miles away from Hawkins. 
So, if their purpose (storytelling-wise) is not to save El and help her get to Hawkins… What does the Cali plot add? 
CHARACTER CONFLICT that is going to BE IMPORTANT LATER. It’s, again, part of the FOUNDATION for the climax. Even with their little screen time, the Cali plot is KEY for future events. It builds lies upon lies that ended up inadvertently killing Max. 
Mike wasn’t being himself, incapable of having an honest, open conversation with El, not being able to tell her I love you. Mike’s inner conflict, his tumultuous relationship with El, isolation from his friends, and awkward behavior towards Will drove Will to lie to him, presenting his feelings as El’s. Will’s lie pushed Mike to rush a love confession in a life-or-death situation and instead of helping, it contributed to Max’s death and Vecna not being defeated. 
It serves the purpose to show the audience: 
The characters are lying. They’re not being honest with each other, and this has BIG consequences. 
They’re acting that way for a reason, but we don’t know why yet. It’ll be important later.
Mike and El do not understand each other and don’t work as a couple.
It sets Mike and Will’s relationship apart from the rest. They’re not just our usual friendship story, because if they were, their conflict would’ve been solved when they made up in s3. But their story is not over. This is the writers telling the audience: look here, we’ve established this pair and dynamic, it’ll be important. 
And the thing is, if Will was supposed to be your usual “gay best friend in love with the straight guy” story, why bother with the points we just went over? It was a choice to have Mike act that way, not being able to hug Will and tell El I love you, it was a choice to have Will lie about the painting making it impossible for the truth not to reveal itself eventually, it was a choice to establish them as a pair who has multiple hearts to hearts, and it was a choice to have El not speaking to Mike by the end of the season. 
It was a choice to have THIS as the final shot of the season. 
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*Mike’s Character
Next, let’s talk about Mike, one of the least liked characters by the general audience right now.
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To be honest, it’s easy to understand why, and even some of us were worried about how they’ve been handling his character. The GA perceives Mike as a supporting role, El’s incompetent boyfriend who went from this smart kid that acted as a leader, to an oblivious, mean character. He feels DUMB to the audience, because how could he not notice El acting weird and how upset Will was in the van scene? They think it’s a shame because he used to be a perceptive kid and now he apparently lost his perception. 
But this isn’t true at all. 
Even in s4, when Mike is not his best and focuses too hard in pretending to be someone he’s not… He has shown us
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And again
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And again
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That he is still his smart, perceptive self. He just struggles when it comes to emotional awareness and communicating his feelings, which, you know what? it’s completely fair for a teen boy whose best friend went missing, discovered an alternative dimension, saw multiple people die, and… Do I have to keep going? And he still managed to figure out the number was inside the pen, that Nina was a computer, and had the idea to ask Suzie for help. But they don’t read him as a three dimensional character, which brings me to the next point.
*Mike being “The Heart” feels undeserved
Honestly, my first reaction right after finishing s4 was the same. I thought they had murdered his character, and how could someone who is a bad boyfriend, a bad friend, and mean be the heart of the group, the leader? (I’m so sorry, he’s my favorite character now and my resentment lasted like two days) 
I get them. This is what happens when you don’t consider the bigger picture and the clues for the character arc they’re clearly setting up for him. 
In the video, it is said that “S4 doesn’t do a good job of conveying his emotional growth”. This is true. That’s why the monologue doesn’t feel genuine, it’s unsatisfying and just overall weird. Not to mention the deathly (literally) consequences. But that’s the thing. S4 doesn’t try to make his love confession a sudden, magic solution for his individual issues and his relationship with El.
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Because it’s not a resolution. It’s not growth. There’s nothing in S4 that made him suddenly realize how much he loved El, nothing that inspired him to want to tell her those words. It’s the opposite: he has to be pushed by Will, who lied to him and put words and feelings in El’s mouth that weren’t hers. The grand love confession that saves the day was prompted by a lie.
So again, they DON’T try to fit into the “love confession saves the day” trope. They make a POINT of showing us the indirect consequences.
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And while this season Mike was distant for both the audience and the characters (for a reason), we have to remember the role he has always played: he’s the friend that cares too much, who doesn’t give up on the people he loves, who is always there supporting and trying to protect others (mainly Will and El). 
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And this season finally has him as the one receiving emotional support, it shows us someone else looking out for Mike the way he always does for other people. This was said by Finn Wolfhard himself! and the Duffers, I’m sure, I don’t remember where right now, but if someone knows, please link me:).
Besides, these are Will’s feelings. His words show us how beautiful and intense they are. It’s how he sees Mike, despite their fights and the tension that seems to follow them everywhere. And Will has a lot of reasons to feel that way: Mike has always been kind and a good friend to him, it’s only recently that the complexity of growing up and feelings shifting into something new changed their dynamic. 
*”Max mourning Billy feels undeserved”
I’m gonna be honest, this is what annoyed me the most. It completely brushes over the real message and the source of a lot of Max’s trauma and the reason why she’s the one who got cursed: Max isn’t suddenly sad because she lost her step-brother who sacrificed himself to save them. She isn’t sad because the bad guy turned good in the end and died to redeem himself. She feels guilty because she wanted him to die, wanted him gone, and when it actually happened she feels like it was her fault. Billy didn’t redeem himself, one single good action resulting in his death doesn’t absolve him of all the bad. And Max knows this, that’s why she feels so guilty. It’s the mixed feelings of sadness, relief, and guilt. 
The last thing the video touches upon that I’ll address brings me again to something I mentioned before: 
*"Even in the same town, the characters feel a mile apart" 
This is something I agree with. No counterargument here, because it’s true. What tends to be overlooked, however, it’s the fact that it’s intentional. The Duffers themselves have said that you’re supposed to feel like the characters lost, like it’s hopeless. 
This is because Stranger Things as a whole is written using the Five Act Structure. You can read a post by @dinitride-art that explains this better here, but in summary, this is how stories are structured if you divide them in five acts: 
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That’s why s4 feels the way it does. I love what it adds to the overall story that is unfolding, but I really don’t like it is as its own season. That’s because you’re meant to interpret the show as a whole, and yeah, last seasons tried to sort of give us a good and satisfying ending, but as we’re nearing the end of the show, s4 couldn’t do that.
It’s the second to last act, the moment we feel everything is lost and can’t be fixed. That’s why the characters even back together in Hawkins do not feel like a group of friends again (yet). That’s why the truth about the painting hasn’t come out. That’s why El and Mike aren’t talking. That’s why Mike and Will still have unresolved tension despite being friends again and a team. That’s why Max is in a coma. That’s why the Jonathan/Nancy/Steve love triangle was left unclear. That’s why Hawkins is falling apart, Vecna is getting strong again, and the Upside Down is starting to leak into the real world. 
There are many things I didn’t like about s4. There are things I think could’ve been done better and clearer to the entire audience. But I’m excited about what’s to come, and after seeing the effort and details put into the show, and how much care and love they put into their characters, I’m choosing to trust we’ll get a good, satisfying ending for the characters we love.
And with that, I’m done here! If you made it this far all I have left to say is thank you and sorry lol.
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sharkissm · 4 months
ensina como arrasar tanto nas capas😞
DOSJSPWNEPDNSOSBWOWB eu dei uma risada sincera agr pq mds ME ENSINE VC!!!!! Pq eu juro pelo nome do meu gato q eu n sei, a maioria das minhas capas q fica boa tem insp em alguém OU é collab, pq as minhas q eu gosto msm eu só bato mta cabeça e tenho 50 surtos diferentes (cofcof inimigo chiclete cofcof) (cofcof apocalipse cofcof) (cofcof itila cofcof) (cofcof stranger things cofcof) TE AMO MALU!!!!!!
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olibxr · 1 year
Once my dissertation for uni is submitted next month and exams are over I'm gonna write so many things!! Will mainly be targeted towards male and non binary and gender fluid people as we need more of this!!
I'm thinking of writing for:
- Jamie Campbell Bower
-Jamie Campbell bower and Jess (BC they're HOT)
- pretty much most of the adult cast of stranger things!
I will not write ageplay/ABDL but I am open to writing smut. Also open to writing age regression (STRICTLY NON SEXUAL- agre is not a thing to sexualise!), Angst and fluff! I'm so excited 🥰
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sssssgirl · 5 months
Maratonei todos os filmes de Harry potter pela milésima vez, acho que nunca chorei tanto igual a hoje kkkkk não consigo não chorar vendo meus personagens favoritos morr&ndo, agr vou maratorar stranger things em quanto estou de nf🫠
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youngfcs · 1 year
oiii Cib! tudo bem com vc?? espero que sim :))
queria pedir um help! tô criando um personagem mas eu não estou satisfeita com a escolha que fiz para o ator (nada contra ele, só não combinou mesmo) e depois que assisti wandinha percebi q o meu personagem combinaria bastante com o ator do eugene interpretando ele
agr a parte difícil do pedido 😂 eu queria acompanhar o crescimento desse personagem (é uma história de ST, por isso) mas o ator do eugene não é famoso e não tem outros papéis marcantes, meu pedido é: vc não me ajudaria com algumas dicas de atores que tenham uma vibe parecida com a do eugene? desculpa se for um pedido chato ou complicado, vou entender perfeitamente se vc só quiser ignorar 😆 mas obrigada se responder!!!!
Olá, meu bem! Estou tranquila e por aí? espero que esteja tudo certinho esse fim de ano!
Hmmmm, realmente ele é complicado, porque ele é tão singular. Bom, eu fui procurar a etnia dele, e só achei em um site que ele tem ascendência árabe, mas realmente não conheço tantos fcs que tenham a mesma etnia e também se pareçam com ele :(
Então vou tentar me focar em quem eu acho que tenha a mesma vibe mesmo, tá? Uma personalidade peculiar, tá? Qualquer coisa a gente pode ir tentando outros fcs caso você não goste de nenhum desses.
Gregory Diaz IV [Vampires vs the Bronx]
Gaten Matarazzo [Stranger Things]
Finn Wolfhard [It - A Coisa 1 e 2] - acho que não em ST, mas em IT - A COISA acho que a personalidade dele é meio bobona.
Jeremy Ray Taylor [Goosebumps]
Cory Gruter-Andrew [Verão de 84']
Gabriel Rush [Histórias Assustadoras para Contar no Escuro]
Austin Zajur [Histórias Assustadoras para Contar no Escuro]
Alex Wolff [acho que ele tem uns traços parecidos, porém é um pouco mais velho]
Max Burkholder [também achei ele um pouco parecido e acho que ele tem mais material]
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little-marys · 2 years
BOE hj eu comi heim, tô sentindo um pouco de culpa, mas eu tô bem feliz com o dia. Caminhei por quase 4 hrs hj, comprei umas blusinhas e o dia foi tudo mn.
De manhã comi salada de frutas, dps bolo e um croissant q tinha geleia de damasco(muito bom pqp). Dps q caminhei q só no centro, almocei pão francês com 1 linguiça e vinagrete. Dps andei mais e tomei um açaí, fazia um mês q não comia açaí. Cheguei em casa dps de 2 hrs e comi biscoitos💀💀 sei q não devia, mas tava com vontade e ia assistir stranger things. Aí umas 19hrs, sai pra jantar, caminhamos tanto pra achar um lugar, no final foi mc. Comi um pequenininho e não estrangou meu dia, pq não era o de frango(ele é frito, me apavora), era de carne e SEM queijo pqp. Agr td vez q eu for obrigada a comer no mc, vou comprar esse, já q tem menos kcals do de frango.
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Não sei qnts kcals eu consumir, mas gastei em exercício umas 400kcals
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xolilith · 2 years
1 -> VC CONSEGUIU AMG MDS, graças a deus vou fazer terapia com alguém wkjdidneo brincadeira. fiquei muito feliz, te desejo tudo de bom, de coração<3
2 -> o jeno de dirty dancing MINHA NOSSA SENHORA... ele com aquele cabelinho de hot sauce hein... uh la la DISSERTE MAIS QUANDO PUDER POFAVO
3 -> eu tô morrendo de espera por the boys, amo de paixão. the umbrella academy eu não terminei nem a primeira, mas acho que vou maratonar pra ver essa agr, parece muito boa. já stranger things eu perdi o hype, eu gosto bastante, sei que vai ser legal, mas sla... sabe?
quero interagir mais contigo, mas eu sou uma bolha de ansiedade e paranoias antisocial que só interage com os outros quando eles interagem comigo primeiro... pronto, já tem o seu primeiro caso.
1. terapia de graça pra todas cznnie kkkkkk
2. Pensar no jeno no universo de dirty dancing tem me matado nina, talvez venha aí
3. eu não sabia que vc gostava de the boys, nina, agora eu vou te chamar pra boiolar comigo quando escutar o frenchie dizendo: mon couer com a kimiko 😭 e vou ser sincera, acho q foi pela demora dessa temporada de stranger things q o hype não tá tão alto, eu tbm to meio zzzzz pra essa nova agr. e the umbrella simplesmente a maior, já assisti umas 7 vzs. termina, vc não vai se arrepender.
entendi, nininha, então eu vou te tratar interagindo mais com vc, 🌼
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oceanic-sunsets · 1 year
S4 and Its Role Storytelling Wise: The GA’s (lack of) Understanding of The Show
[Warning: long post ahead]
So I stumbled across two videos on youtube about season 4 of Stranger Things, analyzing it from a storytelling standpoint. As one does, I watched them, because I was intrigued about what people thought outside our bubble or places like reddit and fb. And I wanna talk about it because it’s intriguing how the answers are right in front of us, but most people, even people with knowledge about storytelling and media analysis, don’t consider more possibilities, too blinded by heteronormativity and how we’re used to the same formulas, the way most stories unfold. 
The first video, “Why Stranger Things 5 (Probably) Won’t be Good”, considers that the show is dragging on too long because all the characters have solved their conflicts and the entire main cast of characters are perfectly fine with each other, which means s5 won’t be a compelling story because you can’t separate the character development and inner conflicts from the plot. And I was genuinely surprised because this is the complete opposite of how most of us perceive s4.
 If anything, I don’t like rewatching s4 for this reason, because everything feels too open, too unresolved, with some clues and some key reveals but no real answers.
Mike and El are far from okay, they ended up the season not talking to each other. Will lied to Mike about the painting. Nancy and Jonathan haven’t had a real conversation about their future and how they really feel about it. Dustin is grieving Eddie and Mike isn’t even aware of his death. Lucas and El are grieving Max but not giving up on her.
And the most important one that upset me to no end for a while after I finished s4, before I sit down and analysed it: the characters come together to try to save Max, and Mike and Will do the same for El, and then they reunite… But they don’t have any real moment that reminds us that they’re friends, or why they are. This is hard to do when there’s so much action going on, but there’s always time to show us where these characters stand with each other. And this hurts me to write, but they don’t feel like a group of friends anymore, haven’t, for a while, since s3 probably. And this is intentional because they purposefully show us the party drifting apart in the beginning of s4, as soon as the first episode. 
The fact that they’re all back in Hawkins and working together again isn’t enough to show us that they’re back to being best friends. We need moments that show us why these characters are friends and stick together because they love and care for each other, choosing each other, not only because the circumstances force them back together. 
And in that sense, s4 lays the foundation for it to be something touched upon next season, but these characters are far from completely fine with each other. It’s going to be good and rewarding to have them all reunited and working together again and rebuilding their friendship at the same time, but it has not happened yet.
To say there’s no more “personal drama” to add on is a complete misunderstanding of where our main characters stand. When I heard that I was just thinking, did we just forget Will lied to Mike about the painting and he was only able to say “I love you” when he was pushed by Will, and we got no explanation for his weird behavior?!
The second video (Stranger Things 5 is NOT the Redemption You Think It Is) analyses several aspects of the show and brings up very important points about what makes a story feel real and compelling. This is a very good video, however, I found myself disagreeing once more with most of it. I’ll divide it into sections so it’s more organized, and I’ll talk about their arguments and my counterarguments. Keep in mind this is how most people perceive the show, and this person in the video is someone who does have some sort of knowledge about storytelling. 
*They see the Cali plot as useless. 
It is a fact that Mike, Will and Jonathan have been sidelined this season. While I don’t like this or agree with the amount of screen time they were given this season compared to other characters, they are far from useless. A lot of people seem to think they didn’t know what to do with them, so they put Mike and Will together in a van with Jonathan in Argyle just for funsies, and gave Will a crush on Mike as a last-minute decision. They perceive Will’s plot as simply being the “sad gay best friend who is obviously getting rejected”. 
Their reasoning is quite simple: They aren’t looking at the bigger picture, failing to consider how these characters all have a purpose and how the Duffers always say that each scene adds something to the story. Even seemingly insignificant moments have weight in the story and are used to help us understand the how and why’s, or as callbacks, parallels, or even to reveal future plot points. 
So what IS the purpose of the Cali plot? First I’m going to say what is NOT their ONLY purpose: saving El.
Yeah, that’s what we see them doing the entire time, but it’s not like El had an issue getting out of there by herself. I’m sure she would’ve been fine, ultimately doing the same thing we see her do: find a way to try to save Max when she’s miles away from Hawkins. 
So, if their purpose (storytelling-wise) is not to save El and help her get to Hawkins… What does the Cali plot add? 
CHARACTER CONFLICT that is going to BE IMPORTANT LATER. It’s, again, part of the FOUNDATION for the climax. Even with their little screen time, the Cali plot is KEY for future events. It builds lies upon lies that ended up inadvertently killing Max. 
Mike wasn’t being himself, incapable of having an honest, open conversation with El, not being able to tell her I love you. Mike’s inner conflict, his tumultuous relationship with El, isolation from his friends, and awkward behavior towards Will drove Will to lie to him, presenting his feelings as El’s. Will’s lie pushed Mike to rush a love confession in a life-or-death situation and instead of helping, it contributed to Max’s death and Vecna not being defeated. 
It serves the purpose to show the audience: 
The characters are lying. They’re not being honest with each other, and this has BIG consequences. 
They’re acting that way for a reason, but we don’t know why yet. It’ll be important later.
Mike and El do not understand each other and don’t work as a couple.
It sets Mike and Will’s relationship apart from the rest. They’re not just our usual friendship story, because if they were, their conflict would’ve been solved when they made up in s3. But their story is not over. This is the writers telling the audience: look here, we’ve established this pair and dynamic, it’ll be important. 
And the thing is, if Will was supposed to be your usual “gay best friend in love with the straight guy” story, why bother with the points we just went over? It was a choice to have Mike act that way, not being able to hug Will and tell El I love you, it was a choice to have Will lie about the painting making it impossible for the truth not to reveal itself eventually, it was a choice to establish them as a pair who has multiple hearts to hearts, and it was a choice to have El not speaking to Mike by the end of the season. 
It was a choice to have THIS as the final shot of the season. 
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*Mike’s Character
Next, let’s talk about Mike, one of the least liked characters by the general audience right now.
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To be honest, it’s easy to understand why, and even some of us were worried about how they’ve been handling his character. The GA perceives Mike as a supporting role, El’s incompetent boyfriend who went from this smart kid that acted as a leader, to an oblivious, mean character. He feels DUMB to the audience, because how could he not notice El acting weird and how upset Will was in the van scene? They think it’s a shame because he used to be a perceptive kid and now he apparently lost his perception. 
But this isn’t true at all. 
Even in s4, when Mike is not his best and focuses too hard in pretending to be someone he’s not… He has shown us
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And again
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And again
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That he is still his smart, perceptive self. He just struggles when it comes to emotional awareness and communicating his feelings, which, you know what? it’s completely fair for a teen boy whose best friend went missing, discovered an alternative dimension, saw multiple people die, and… Do I have to keep going? And he still managed to figure out the number was inside the pen, that Nina was a computer, and had the idea to ask Suzie for help. But they don’t read him as a three dimensional character, which brings me to the next point.
*Mike being “The Heart” feels undeserved
Honestly, my first reaction right after finishing s4 was the same. I thought they had murdered his character, and how could someone who is a bad boyfriend, a bad friend, and mean be the heart of the group, the leader? (I’m so sorry, he’s my favorite character now and my resentment lasted like two days) 
I get them. This is what happens when you don’t consider the bigger picture and the clues for the character arc they’re clearly setting up for him. 
In the video, it is said that “S4 doesn’t do a good job of conveying his emotional growth”. This is true. That’s why the monologue doesn’t feel genuine, it’s unsatisfying and just overall weird. Not to mention the deathly (literally) consequences. But that’s the thing. S4 doesn’t try to make his love confession a sudden, magic solution for his individual issues and his relationship with El.
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Because it’s not a resolution. It’s not growth. There’s nothing in S4 that made him suddenly realize how much he loved El, nothing that inspired him to want to tell her those words. It’s the opposite: he has to be pushed by Will, who lied to him and put words and feelings in El’s mouth that weren’t hers. The grand love confession that saves the day was prompted by a lie.
So again, they DON’T try to fit into the “love confession saves the day” trope. They make a POINT of showing us the indirect consequences.
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And while this season Mike was distant for both the audience and the characters (for a reason), we have to remember the role he has always played: he’s the friend that cares too much, who doesn’t give up on the people he loves, who is always there supporting and trying to protect others (mainly Will and El). 
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And this season finally has him as the one receiving emotional support, it shows us someone else looking out for Mike the way he always does for other people. This was said by Finn Wolfhard himself! and the Duffers, I’m sure, I don’t remember where right now, but if someone knows, please link me:).
Besides, these are Will’s feelings. His words show us how beautiful and intense they are. It’s how he sees Mike, despite their fights and the tension that seems to follow them everywhere. And Will has a lot of reasons to feel that way: Mike has always been kind and a good friend to him, it’s only recently that the complexity of growing up and feelings shifting into something new changed their dynamic. 
*”Max mourning Billy feels undeserved”
I’m gonna be honest, this is what annoyed me the most. It completely brushes over the real message and the source of a lot of Max’s trauma and the reason why she’s the one who got cursed: Max isn’t suddenly sad because she lost her step-brother who sacrificed himself to save them. She isn’t sad because the bad guy turned good in the end and died to redeem himself. She feels guilty because she wanted him to die, wanted him gone, and when it actually happened she feels like it was her fault. Billy didn’t redeem himself, one single good action resulting in his death doesn’t absolve him of all the bad. And Max knows this, that’s why she feels so guilty. It’s the mixed feelings of sadness, relief, and guilt. 
The last thing the video touches upon that I’ll address brings me again to something I mentioned before: 
*"Even in the same town, the characters feel a mile apart" 
This is something I agree with. No counterargument here, because it’s true. What tends to be overlooked, however, it’s the fact that it’s intentional. The Duffers themselves have said that you’re supposed to feel like the characters lost, like it’s hopeless. 
This is because Stranger Things as a whole is written using the Five Act Structure. You can read a post by @dinitride-art that explains this better here, but in summary, this is how stories are structured if you divide them in five acts: 
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That’s why s4 feels the way it does. I love what it adds to the overall story that is unfolding, but I really don’t like it is as its own season. That’s because you’re meant to interpret the show as a whole, and yeah, last seasons tried to sort of give us a good and satisfying ending, but as we’re nearing the end of the show, s4 couldn’t do that.
It’s the second to last act, the moment we feel everything is lost and can’t be fixed. That’s why the characters even back together in Hawkins do not feel like a group of friends again (yet). That’s why the truth about the painting hasn’t come out. That’s why El and Mike aren’t talking. That’s why Mike and Will still have unresolved tension despite being friends again and a team. That’s why Max is in a coma. That’s why the Jonathan/Nancy/Steve love triangle was left unclear. That’s why Hawkins is falling apart, Vecna is getting strong again, and the Upside Down is starting to leak into the real world. 
There are many things I didn’t like about s4. There are things I think could’ve been done better and clearer to the entire audience. But I’m excited about what’s to come, and after seeing the effort and details put into the show, and how much care and love they put into their characters, I’m choosing to trust we’ll get a good, satisfying ending for the characters we love.
And with that, I’m done here! If you made it this far all I have left to say is thank you and sorry lol.
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bts-scenarios-br · 2 years
1. Meus olhos são amendoados castanho escuro, é a característica que eu mais gostos no meu rosto, meu cabelo é ondulado castanho escuro também e ele é medio, é eu tenho 1,63 e eu amo muito minha altura
2. Eu não sei ao certo meu estilo, eu gosto de tudo um pouco mas eu curto muito mais usar roupas largas porque são confortáveis
4. Eu amo muito pintar, ler, escrever, ouvir músicas, gosto muito de fazer miçangas e amo mais ainda jogar vídeo game
5. Na verdade são três Dimple (eu tenho covinhas) Supermassive black hole e Calsinha do Chico Buarque (sim são músicas completamente diferentes)
6. Eu quero ser psicóloga ou psiquiatra
7. Meu filme favorito é Gente grande 2
Minha série favorita é Stranger Things
E o meu livro favorito é "O feitiço dos espinhos"
8. Eu sou um pouco sensível demais choro e fico chateada por qualquer motivo, eu sou muito afetiva amo abraçar e beijar pessoas, não lido bem com o meu medo de besouros e trovões, sou muito extrovertida fasso amizades com facilidade, gosto de ajudar pessoas aconselhando elas e de outras formas também, eu vivo caindo tipo sempre mesmo, gosto de fazer exercícios, sou muito palhaça rio de tudo a minha volta e me acho divertida, gosto muito do meu sorriso porque as pessoas falam que ele é cativante, gosto muito de crianças e animais e é só isso
eu quero te por com o bangtan inteiro e agr??
mas ai, eu acho eu te shippo com o Namjoon?
vai ser o Nam o escolhido msm ele foi o iluminado
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e eu tenho uma justificativa muito válida, mas é muito brisada, mas muito boa: mana, pelo que tu falou, você é muito perfeitinha meu deus. Tu descreveu uma namorada incrivel pique namjoon namorado supremo, então quem melhor pra colocar do que ele??
Vou direto pros seus hobbies pq todos já sabemos que o Namjoon te acharia um gata, isso é um fato (tu é a illegirl dele Jesus, como assim aaaa). Tardes chuvosinhas com vocês dois dentro de casa ia ser uma coisa mto gostosinha na moral. Desde pintarem uma tela juntos enquanto ouvem músicas das mais diferenciadas, até sentarem no meio da sala para fazer pulseirinhas um para o outro. Quando a noite começasse a cair, passariam um bom tempo jogando alguma coisa juntos e tentando não se xingar, e encerrariam lendo antes de caírem no sono. E sabe o melhor de tudo? Em nenhum momento você se sentiria em perigo com os barulhos lá de fora, pois no menor sinal de trovão, o Nam iria garantir que se sentisse bem segura nos braços dele.
O Namjoon é uma pessoa muito inteligente emocionalmente, então com certeza saberia o jeito certo de lidar com você, sempre. Evitaria o máximo dizer coisas que pudessem te machucar, mas caso cometesse um deslize, ele nao hesitaria em se desculpar até que você ficasse melhor. Por um outro lado, ele se doa tanto pra ajudar os outros, que ter alguém que possa o ajudar também seria algo inexplicável. Ele ia se sentir tão querido no menor sinal de preocupação que você demonstrasse, e seria muito grato por isso.
Com certeza iriam treinar juntos, sem a menor sombra de dúvidas. Só tomem cuidado pra não se matarem juntos pelo amor de deus- . A verdade é que seriam um casal incrível, e uma dupla mais incrível ainda. Ambos apaixonados por crianças e bichinhos, ambos apreciadores de artes, são duas pessoas muito dóceis, muito carinhosas e muito amáveis, especialmente um com o outro.
Desculpe se não tiver sido com quem queria, mas espero que tenha gostado mesmo assim!
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torchwoodfanfests · 3 years
🎃 2021 Halloween Fest Masterpost 👻
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The masterpost for the 2021 Halloween Fest is here! Thank you to everyone who participated. We hope you had fun!
You can browse through the 14 spooky fanworks for this fest under the cut, or you can visit the AO3 collection here!
If one of your works should be in this post but isn’t, please let us know and we’ll add it ASAP.
If you’d like to give feedback on this or any past fests, or make a suggestion for the future, you can fill out our survey to let us know!
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● Awake (prompt: body horror)
Summary: From the moment the lights began to flash red, Ianto knew he was going to die in Thames House. So he's surprised when he's left alive, holding Jack's body in his arms. Little does he know, the 456 are the least of his worries. (Warnings: body horror, violence, temporary character death.)
● Wrap your roots all around my bones (prompt: undead)
Summary: After nearly being killed by Suzie, Gwen is struggling to deal with the full implications of being Torchwood, and all that's happened to her since she joined up. The last thing she wants is to be alone with her thoughts. But as it happens, she's not. (Warnings: varying degrees of consensual possession, canon-typical violence, dark theme.)
● Janet’s Very Big Adventure (prompt: creature feature)
Summary: One ordinary day, the wall of Janet's cell explodes. (Warnings: canon-typical violence, canon-typical weevil behaviour.)
● Chirality (prompts: doppelgangers, existential horror)
Summary: Ianto looks in a mirror. (Warnings: major character death, canon-typical violence, horror.)
● The Two Brothers (prompts: myths and fairytales)
Summary: A rewrite of Child Ballad 10/The Twa Sisters/The Cruel Sister/The Bonny Swans/whatever other title you may know it by, but about Jack and Gray. If you aren't familiar with that, you may well enjoy this anyway. (Warnings: canonical major character death.)
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● Funny Feeling in my Soul (prompt: precognition)
Summary: Sam meets a stranger in the rainforest who seems weirdly familiar to her, but she can’t explain why.
● Bats
Summary: Summary: the team investigates an old church for Weevils, but they find something else instead.
● Arachnid High
Summary: School's out for summer, and Gros Islet High will be vacant for the next three months. Or so you would think. When Sam and Gwen visit the school to check up on things, since Tosh notified them that Rift Energy had spiked there recently, Sam unknowingly deposits a tiny, alien spider and her eggs. The creature soon mutates into a monster, along with her offspring, turning the high school into a giant nest and trapping Sam and Gwen inside. The pair find themselves in a kill-or-be-killed environment as they fight for survival against the family of hungry spiders - the flies in the school aren't enough to feed them, and they've suddenly gotten an interest in the taste of human flesh. Sam's been doing this all her life in the jungle, but for Gwen, there's a big problem. She is petrified of spiders. (Warnings: spiders, canon-typical violence.)
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● Memento Mori
Summary: Memento Mori. Latin. “Remember you must die.” An artistic or symbolic reminder of the inevitability of death. (Warnings: implied/referenced canonical character death.)
● Grim Grinning Ghosts
Summary: Captain Jack Harkness takes Gwen Cooper to investigate an old mansion, on the pretense of a vacation to New Orleans.But little do they know this mansion is the key to a mystery Jack has spent decades finding the pieces to across the globe, from the eccentric Henry Mystic to the ghost town of Thunder Messa to Jack’s ex wife Constance, whom once left him without a head.Welcome to The Haunted Mansion. There’s always room for one more…unless you happen to be immortal. (Warnings: Implied/Referenced Major Character Death)
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● The Nightmare in Miss Amelia Pond’s Nursery ​ Summary: Miss Amelia Pond knows that the crack in her old nursery is a dangerous thing. Her eccentric guardian agrees, and has summoned the best people possible to search what lies beneath.Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover, featuring the Torchwood team and Eleven and Amy. Victorian AU. Major Character (sort of) Death. 
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● Team art inspired by The Twilight Streets
● Torchwood Halloween Moodboards set 1/2; Midnight Black
● Torchwood Halloween Moodboards set 2/2; Pumpkin Orange
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speechlessxx · 4 years
Bring Him Light - x (King!Steve Rogers x Reader)
Chapter Summary: The truth finally comes out.
Warnings: brief mention of sex, mentions of death, really shitty writing tbh, dialogue driven. (NOTE: when concerning the flashbacks, he’s actually explaining to the reader what happened)
Word Count: 2.5k
Note: Feel free to send me any questions because I know this is a really crappy chapter. (of course, I’m not going to reveal the rest of the plot)
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<- Last Part -=+=- Next Part ->
You could still taste the salt from the sea on your lips. The memories of what happened aboard that ship still fresh like a wound that you’d carry forever. You stared at your hands that were conjoined with your husband’s. The wedding bands glistened in the dimmed room.
“Will you believe me if I told you everything?” Steven asked. His thumb drew soothing circles on the back of your hand. His grip tight as if he were afraid you’d disappear again.
“Everyone’s lied to me.” You whispered. You looked towards Wanda’s body, still covered with the bloodstained tarp. “What would make you any different?”
“This is the truth,” he promised. “The complete truth.”
When Steven was young, his mother doted on him because he was a sickly child. He grew up to have her compassion, optimism, and idealism. He was sixteen when his father unexpectedly died, and he was hailed King of Brooken. He wanted to carry his mother’s ideals into a new age for Brooken, but he underestimated what it meant to have a crown on his head.
The sacrifices he’d have to make, the betrayals he’d have to face, the blood he’d have to spill. He’s told more lies that he could count – all in the name of protecting his reputation and his power. A cruel king is respected after all. The lies were like storm clouds that poured hard. He drowned in them and got lost in the darkness those clouds brought. The lies burdened him more than anyone would ever know.
You squeezed hand, breaking him away from his thoughts. “Steve?” Your tone was soft, coaxing him back into reality. He welcomed the calm you brought. It eased the storm inside of him. You were ready for the truth – perhaps, you’ve always been ready. “Unburden yourself, my love.”
“I don’t know where to start.” He said, honestly. It was true. There was so much to the story. He wasn’t quite sure where it began.
“Start with Margaret, perhaps?” You suggested.
“I was young,” he began. “Twenty-one years old. Five years on the throne. They told me I needed a wife.”
“Pierce and the old council.” He answered. “Brock’s father had just died, so he took the vacant seat. At first, I thought having my cousin on the council would alleviate the tension. The lords on the council were nearly twice my age, if not more. They saw things differently than I did. They wanted different things. Sometimes I felt as if I were their puppet. I was young when I took the throne. Sixteen. I didn’t know what to expect, so I leaned on their counsel. I depended on them,” he scoffed, remembering his earlier years on the throne. “They told me I needed to continue the line succession. Thanos was beginning to make a name for himself by this time. He had lovers and spawned two daughters. His line was growing, and the Rogers’s wasn’t. So, I asked them to find me a match. Pierce brought in Lady Margaret of House Carter. I was smitten when I first laid eyes on her.”
Steven sat tall upon his throne. The room was empty. Brooken had a tradition that detailed that those in royal betrothals must meet for the first time in private. He was giddy with excitement. Lady Margaret’s portraits were presented to him a month ago. She was easily one of the most beautiful creatures he’d ever seen. Lord Pierce made the arrangements and they were to marry within a week. “House Carter is a respected house in the Old World,” Pierce advertised.
The doors opened wide and a young woman walked through. Her hair was dark as night. Her lips painted a bright red. She smiled at him and bowed. “Your grace,” she greeted. “I am humbled to make your acquaintance and, of course, honored to be your betrothed.”
“I didn’t know her, truly. I didn’t realize how manipulative she was from the beginning. She charmed and enchanted me to do her bidding. We were married for nearly a decade. No children. She didn’t want children. I didn’t want to lose her, so I agreed.
“She had many faces. A face she’d show the people that made them love her. A face she showed me that hypnotized me. And the face she’d show my allies, which were her foes. She fought with James incessantly – even tried to make me banish him. I refused. He was my oldest friend. I promised the moment I took the throne, my riches, my blessings were his to share. She was trying to isolate me. She banished my allies from court. James warned me she was a devil. I refused to listen. I thought her a gift from the gods themselves. Until I caught her poisoning my mother.”
“What?” You gasped.
Steven nodded. The haunting memory pained him still.
He woke up alone after a long night of making love to his queen. It was early in the morning; the sun had barely risen. Orange streaks painted the sky. He searched for Margaret, wanting to jest her for allowing him to wake up alone. He found her whispering to his sick, elderly mother who was bedridden due to a broke hip.
“You won’t get away with it. My son will find out,” his mother croaked.
“Not from you,” Margaret gave her a wicked smile as she slathered arsenic-riddled paint on his mother’s toast. The thick substance looked like jam, but Steve knew better. She force-fed the queen mother the poisoned bread.
“What are you doing!” Steve boomed into the room, pushing his wife aside as his mother choked. “Guards! Get a physician!”
“She died later that evening.” Steven shook his head. It was your turn to console him. You released one of your hands from his grip and rubbed his arm. He took a shaky breath. “I stabbed Margaret in the heart in front of Rumlow, Pierce, James, and Sam’s father. I didn’t know, yet, that her betrayals were much deeper than the murdering my mother.”
“Enter Sharon?” You asked.
“I was widowed for a year. Pierce brought her in. The younger cousin of Margaret.” He continued. “Married two days after her arrival in Brooken.” He chuckled humorlessly at his naivete. “I should’ve never marry a stranger.”
“We married in two weeks.” You noted. “We were practically strangers, too.”
Steven shook his head in disagreement. He didn’t feel that way. In the two weeks he grew to know you, he learned the innerworkings of your mind, your soul. He knew he was in love with you, truly, even before he wrapped the cloak around your shoulders during the wedding ceremony.
“We weren’t strangers.” He said. “Far from it. Sharon was distant. Defiant. We never consummated our marriage, not that anyone would know. She refused to sleep in my chambers, refused to be held, or anything, really. It felt as if I had married a ghost that everyone could see. I couldn’t touch her, but she still haunted these halls.”
“You beheaded her.” You said. Steven bit his lip as he nodded. “Pierce said you beheaded her out of spite.”
Steven cocked his head to the side, brows raising, as if he entertained the idea. “Well, she was spiteful.”
“The men in the prisons… They preferred her over you and you imprisoned them, correct?”
Steven sighed. He was disappointed that you were so quick to believe rumors and lies about him, but he blamed himself for not being completely honest from the start. “Sharon plotted a coup on behalf of the Mad King.”
“How can you be certain?” You asked.
“She admitted it when she was caught.”
Steven stared down at the blonde. Her eyes wide as he finished reading her encrypted letter. “You’re not subtle. You’re not discreet.” He spat at her, crumpling the paper and throwing it at her feet. “You work for the Mad King. You’re here to topple me. Rip the crown from my head and give it to him. The game’s over, Sharon. You’ve lost. Your followers all caught and imprisoned. I will get a confession and you will die for treason.”
She recomposed herself, rolling back her shoulders with confidence. “You think you can just kill off another queen? What will people think of you, Steven.”
“I am pulling the weeds from my kingdom.” He snapped. “You Carters are all the same. Traitors. Liars.”
“Margaret was good.” Sharon complimented. “She had you wrapped around her finger for a decade. If she hadn’t been caught killing your mother, then she would’ve convinced you to ally yourself with Thanos.” She turned her head to the side and gave him a smirk. “Then, she would’ve killed you along with your mother. Such a shame, she was caught.”
“You admit. You’re a traitor.”
“Of course, I admit it. But mind you, your grace, your enemies are all over Brooken. You cut me down today, someone else will cut you down tomorrow.”
“I beheaded her for treason.”
“You didn’t tell people that your queens were committed treason. You allowed rumors to spread about your cruelty to your wives.” You frowned.
“As I told you before, a cruel king is respected.” Steven muttered. “But I never wanted you to be afraid of me.”
“Isn’t it odd?” You asked. “Both queens chosen by Pierce were traitors.”
Steven nodded. “They pushed me to get married once more, but I told them, this time I’ll choose my bride.”
“It’s three years after the War between the North. Tony and I were close before. I fought alongside your father when York was invaded ages ago.”
“You fought over a disagreement over land.”
“More than land. He wanted James dead. James’s father killed your grandfather. Since James’s father had died long before, your father asked for my friend’s head. I refused. So, a war erupted.”
“You traded blows with my father on the battlefield.” You recalled. You remembered your mother’s cries and pleads with the gods, asking for them to protect your father’s life. “He returned to my mother bloodied. You cut through his armor. But you looked him in the eyes and called the war off.”
“No one won.”
“No one.” You agreed. “Three years later, you ask my father for a wife.”
“I needed a wife I could trust. Although we had our differences, I trust your father with my life. I know Tony’s blood. I know how you would’ve been raised to be loyal. You took after your father and your mother.” Steven explained. “I didn’t trust Pierce to find me a wife that could slit my throat in the night.”
“You trust me?” You asked.
“The moment I stared into your eyes and saw fear… I knew you knew the rumors. I knew you thought of me as cruel – our first encounter made that clear.” He smiled at you softly. His fingers lightly traced the scars of your wrist. He brought your wrist to his lips and pressed a light kiss onto the skin. “But, truthfully, my trust in you waned when I saw you with Brock and Pierce leaving the dungeon. I began to think you were conspiring with them.”
“I – I – I wasn’t.”
“I know that now.” He said. “I realized you were afraid of disappointing me because you didn’t … you weren’t –“
“Pregnant.” Your voice wavered, immediately brought back to the painful memory of losing your baby alone on the boat. “I should’ve told you I was, though. But I was afraid. I thought you were going to kill me. You struck me.”
“I’m terribly sorry.” Steven shook his head. No amount of apologizes could ever make up to the faded scar on your cheek.
“I was afraid for my life and the child’s. They manipulated me because of my fears. They prayed upon it and convinced me to trust them. And I did. In turn, I – I lost my best friend and my baby.”
Steve pulled you to him. Your head rested in the junction between his neck and shoulder as you cried softly into him. He rubbed your arm, comfortingly.
“They tried to turn you against me.” Steven whispered. “They tried to weaken me by trying to kill you on that boat. I thank the gods that you’re safe now.”
“Thank you for telling me the truth.” You muttered.
Steven nodded and kissed the top of your head. His arm around you tightened a bit. “You should sleep. Get some rest. You need it after what you’ve endured.”
You agreed. Steven untangled himself from you before he leaned down to press a kiss to the scar on your cheek and a kiss on your lips. He began to walk away when you felt panic begin to settle. Your hand shot out and grabbed onto his arm, preventing him from taking another step.
“Please stay.” You begged. “I… I don’t want to be alone.”
He gave you a soft smile and nodded. You scooted over the cot to make room for your husband. The positioning was a bit awkward considering his massive build, but you immediately felt safer once his arms wrapped around you once again.
»»————- ⚜ ————-««
You woke up alone in Steven’s bedchamber. The sun had already set, the full moon up in the sky. The pain had subsided after nearly a day of rest. The truth settling in inside your mind.
At least now you knew everything.
The doors opened suddenly to reveal your husband. He smiled at you as you sat up on the bed. “You’re awake.”
“You left me alone.”
Steven’s smile faltered. He couldn’t register if there was sadness in your voice or not as he walked over. “I – I hadn’t meant to upset you.”
You shook your head. “I understand. You’re a king. Your duty is to the people, not to me.”
“I am your husband, first.” Steve argued. “My duty will always be to you, my love.” He took your hand in his and helped you off the bed. “Come. There’s something I must show you.”
He led you to the balcony doors, opening it and allowing the air rush into the room. You breathed it in. The mixed scents from the gardens below overtook your senses, washing out the pained sea salt smell that still haunted you.
Steven guided you out onto the terrace and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you in front of him. You gasped as you looked up to the sky. Along with the bright moon and the stars were lanterns that floated into the air and painted the dark sky.
“For years, I stumbled alone in the darkness. Feigned love with false queens who sought to destroy me. And here you are. The true gift the gods bestowed upon me. I truly believe you were crafted to be my soulmate, (Y/N).” He murmured in your ear. “I wish I could take away the pain you’ve endured, but I cannot. I can only tell you whatever comes next, we will face it together as husband and wife.” Tears swelled in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks as you stared up into the bright sky. “I love you, my light, my love.”
You smiled and turned to him, cupping his bearded cheeks in your hands. “I love you, Steve.”
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babuis · 4 years
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Love Me Not [Soulmate! Au] - 1.1
Pairings: Akaashi x Bokuto x Kuroo x Tsukishima x female!reader (3 gym boys)
Genres: Angst, Fluff, SMAU
Synopsis: After seeing her parents’ marriage fall apart, Y/N never thought she’d have one soulmate... let alone 4. Coming back to Japan for a one year exchange program, Y/N gets the childhood she missed out on and the love she never thought she would receive.
 Masterlist || Next
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You sighed as you pocketed your phone and walked out through the sliding doors of the airport. You pushed your trolley filled with your suitcases towards a cab, waving to gain the attention of the smoking woman leaning against the yellow vehicle.
“Hi,” You greeted, “Could you please drive me to Tokyo University?”
The woman nodded, twisting the blunt of her cigarette onto the hood of her car.
“Sure, I can get you there. Let’s put your stuff in the back first,” she offered, gesturing to your belongings.
You nodded, pushing the trolley towards the trunk, “Yes, thank you.”
The blonde woman popped open the trunk and you started loading your things inside with some effort.
“You have a lot of things,” she noted as she closed the trunk of the cab.
You nodded, walking over to the passenger’s side, “Yes, I’m here on an exchange program from America.”
“Oh, sweet!” The woman cheered, “You’re Iapanese is amazing! I’m Tanaka Saeko, but you’re can call me Saeko.”
“I used to live in Japan but thank you, Saeko.”
“I have a brother that goes to Tokyo university actually,” Saeko said as she started the engine, “What year are you?”
“Sweet!” Saeko cheered again, swerving slightly on the busy road, “So is Ryuu!”
You clutched onto the little handle above the car window as Saeko continued to drive wrecked sky fast, “I see.”
“I can introduce you two, if you’d like!” She offered, “he’s really nice and outgoing!”
You purses your lips together, unsure with raking up her offer, “I’m okay,” you end up saying politely, “I just want to settle down for myself first.”
“Alright,” Saeko nodded, “Well we’re here! Would you like some help getting your things to your dorm?”
You shook your head. “No thank you,” you decline softly, not wanting a stranger to know the location of your dorm, “I can handle it.”
The blonde woman grimaced, thinking about all the luggage you had but let you be, “Alright then!”
She helped you unload the suitcases and boxes in the trunk onto the sidewalk before driving away.
You bit your lip, wondering how you would be able to move your belongings inside. Perhaps there was some sort of trolley?
As you stood there blankly, a beautiful girl with black hair and glasses walked up to you with a group of people behind her.
“Hello?” You greeted her, unsure why she had come up to you.
She gave you a soft smile, dipping her head slightly in greeting, “Hello. I’m Kiyoko Shimizu.”
“Y/N L/N,” you echoed, giving your name.
She nodded, “Yes, the American Exchange Student. I was sent to help you settle in, since I’m the RA of your hall.”
“Oh,” You licked your lips, “Thank you very much,” you say gratefully.
Kiyoko nodded, “Of course. I bought some of my friends to help move your things,” she said, pointing to the boys behind her.
You awkwardly wave to them, a bit nervous by how many people were around you at the moment.
“Thank you for your help, Shimizu’s friends,” you manage to muster, bowing your head a little.
One of the boys, the bald one, makes an incredulous face at your words, “HUH!? You’re calling her by her first name!?”
“Oh,” immediately, you panic a little, “I’m sorry. I remembered that Japanese people call each other by their last names and she said Shimizu after Kiyoko,” you said quietly.
The girl in question shook her head, “It’s really okay. You’re right, but we also introduce ourselves last name then first.”
“My apologies,” you bow your head, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Tanaka!” the male with the short hair hit the bald boy over the head, “Don’t be rude! She’s an exchange student!”
A male with longer brown hair nodded in agreement, “That’s right. And I think her Japanese is quite good anyway.”
“Hmph,” Tanaka crossed his arms stubbornly and made a face at the scoldings he received while a shorter male with a tuff of blonde hair laughed at him.
The shorter male that originally scolded him smiled sheepishly and shook your head, “I’m sorry about Tanaka, Kiyoko’s his soulmate and he’s really protective of her. I’m Daichi.”
“I see,” you murmured, “I’m sorry for threatening their bond I suppose.”
A silver haired male greeted you next, smiling pleasantly, “I’m Sugawara, Daichi’s soulmate.”
“I’m Asahi,” The tallest one introduced himself to you, “I’m-”
“He’s my soulmate!” the shortest one interrupted loudly, stepping in front of Asashi, “I’m Nishinoya.”
The bald one introduced himself last, looking less grumpy, “What’s up bruh? I’m Tanaka.”
“Stop trying to be cool bro,” Nishinoya teased the bald headed male, “Bruh doesn’t sound cool.”
Tanaka reacted immediately, a large tic mark forming on his forehead, “What was that!? You’re just jealous I get a beautiful goddess like Kiyoko as my soulmate!”
“Bro...” All of a sudden, Nishinoya’s eyes watered, making you surprised.
“Bro...” Tanaka repeated, puffing up his chest.
“Sorry about them,” Kiyoko apologized, “They’re usually like this, I can’t even say they’re not.”
You shook your head, “Everything is fine.”
“What year are you in Y/N?” Sugawara inquired as they started picking up your things.
You wrapped your fingers around you carry on bag, “I’m a second year.”
“Really bruh!?” Tanaka exclaimed, dragging one of your suitcases along, “So am I!”
“Me too!” Nishinoya yelled, “Brooooo!”
You furrowed your eyebrows before a lightbulb went off above your head, “Oh, are you Saeko’s brother than?”
At the mention of the busty blonde, Nishinoya’s eyes lit up, “No way! You know Saeko Nee-chan? We gotta be best friends now.”
“She drove my cab here,” you explained, making Tanaka wince.
“I’m so sorry for your near death experience,” he muttered, a dark shadow falling over his eyes, “Last time I let her drive me somewhere, we almost drove off the road.”
The idea was ridiculous, making you blow air out of your nose in a quiet hald-laugh. She hadn’t been that bad.
“Here’s my dorm,” you murmured, “I don’t have a key or anything?”
Kiyoko fished one out of her pocket, handing it to you, “They gave it to me to give to you.”
You used the key to open your dorm room. It’s sparsely furnished with a single bed, a desk, and empty bookshelf,
“Well this is it,” you say softly, “Thank you for your help.”
“Wait!” Nishinoya stopped everyone before taking out his phone, “What’s your number?”
You blinked, not knowing how to respond. If you declined in front of everyone, you’d seem a bit mean. And your mother did say to make possible connections for the future.
“xxx-xxx-xxxx,” you said slowly.
He nodded, “Got it! Well see you later!”
“See yea!”
A chorus of goodbyes later, you were left alone in your dorm room. You sighed, rolling up your sleeves to start unpacking.
New country, new you, huh.
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