#starwars x yn
bat-stuff · 1 year
Give him liberty or Give me death
A Starwars Story
Story follows Y/n, a nearly 15 year old girl who recently ran away from Jedi training to start a new life. But what happens when the Force catches up to her in the form of a recovering Sith Lord?
Disclaimer: I don't own the Starwars Franchise
ok now that's out of the way, the real disclaimers:
This is set in the far future, after a lot of the canon storyline.
If ANYTHING seem canonically incorrect please don't try to correct me, I'll eventually find out and feel shitty about it anyway. I wrote it how i felt it would fit the story best. again, bear with me
Please enjoy to the best of your ability, Thanks!
Chapter One: Tatooine
Sand engulfed Y/n’s feet as she pushed through the storm. Tatooine was a nasty planet covered in dust, sand, and an abundance of the strangest people Y/n had ever seen. 
Tatooine had history though. Bad history. To be completely honest, Y/n never cared too much for the past. She knew very little of the Skywalker dynasty and frankly didn’t feel the need to know any more. She was done with the god-awful Jedi Historical training, opting to take a hike rather than stay five more years and watch Palo take the spot she worked tirelessly for with little effort. 
He always was the golden boy. Picking up information faster than everyone else, outperforming everyone else, looking better than everyone else, having a higher midichlorian count than everyone else. The only thing he couldn’t beat her in was sparring. The only part she’d ever enjoyed of the training. Lightsabers. 
She was also pretty damn good at piloting but Palo wasn’t interested in that so she would never get to see who was better. 
What a degenerate pansy. 
Her banter with Palo didn’t matter anymore. She had quit, and that was final. No more training, no more pressure, no more pain and suffering. 
The force couldn’t get to her if she didn’t believe in it. Well, she hoped. God forbid the dark side reach out a slimy finger to graze her. The last thing she had ever wanted was for that side of the force to engulf her. Maybe that's why she left. 
The force had a habit of clawing its way into the souls of even the strongest Jedi. 
Fear leads to hate, hate leads to anger, anger leads to suffering.
The words were practically seared into her mind. From day one of training she was told these words nearly every day. If she showed any sign of doubt, she would be dragged into the darkness. 
In the end, that didn’t stop her from a convective fear of the unknown. 
It was no doubt that she had spent the better part of her almost fifteen years in the galaxy fearful. She had always been afraid of making the wrong choice, the one that would drag her past the point of no return. 
Yeah. That’s why she left. No, fled. As if the Jedi Order would willingly let a newly deemed Padawan walk away. Not with that kind of force training. 
To the order, Y/n was a bomb just waiting for the Sith to spark near her fuse. 
Her mind raced with these thoughts as she pushed forward. Sandstorms were dangerous, she had been told. Yet, there she was in the middle of one, retrieving a cloak of all things, for a young girl down the road from her poorstone bungalow. The poor thing had gone the past month or so without protection from the sandy wind. Didn’t help that the youngling walked every morning to work herself sick washing dishes for The Dockside Cafe. And of course, the Jedi training instilled in Y/n made it practically impossible to resist hunting down this little girl’s cloak. 
God, sometimes she hated being selfless. 
The day I stop being this stupid is the day the Sith gets me, apparently. She scorned herself. 
Upon her arrival in the market the storm died down from deadly to mildly dangerous, or at least it seemed that way. The cluster of buildings most likely blocked a portion of debris and wind from getting into the square. She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. The assortment of shops provided some protection, but she would still need to find where the cloak had even been left before it decided to get worse.
Ah yes, Tatooine was a beautiful place. It had always been her dream to be killed by a planet’s dandruff. 
There was a task at hand. She couldn’t spend any more time complaining about the weather. 
To be completely honest, she had no clue where to start. The young girl had said she couldn’t have left the robe at the diner, considering she was there every day and hadn’t seen it since the day she lost it.
Of course, children had a habit of not looking very thoroughly for lost items, but the children of Tatooine weren’t normal children. They had near to nothing. Losing something as miniscule as a garment of clothing was a shot at death to them. Especially with the planet’s harsh conditions. 
Even knowing this, Y/n made the choice to start at Dockside.
The Dockside Cafe was a small corner bar in Mos Eisley known for the galaxy’s smallest menu of drinks and the driest food known to creature-kind. The true owner of the cafe had died off who-knows-how-long ago and was currently run by a technological artifact that went by the name of CG-X2R. Or better known as CG by the townsfolk. The droid had a knack for complaining about everything and listening to no one, unless of course, you were there to complain, too. 
Just the type Y/n didn’t care to talk to, but could tolerate long enough to get information.  
As she strolled into the dimly lit space, a few heads turned. Usual customers that didn’t care too much about her presence, seeing as almost immediately upon realizing it was some teenage girl they didn’t know they went back to their business. Seeing as the cafe was wedged into the ground, it was probably one of the coolest places on the planet. That being said, it could always use better airflow. 
Y/n had grown quite fond of this cafe over the last month. It was relaxing. 
She reached for a stool and sat herself in the middle of the bar table. Then she proceeded to whistle at CG and motion for the droid to come over. 
“You again?” He sighed. She gave a slight smile and rolled her shoulders back in a stretch.
“It is. But this time I’m here on business. You haven’t happened to have seen a child’s cloak in the last month?” 
He whirred in thought. His old gears creaked as he tried to recall the last month. 
“Would this cloak happen to be young Alexava’s cloak she claimed she lost?”
Y/n groaned and threw her head on the table. 
“Yes” She mumbled through her arms. The old droid let out a grating snicker. 
He whipped around to fetch a glass of luke-warm water for the girl. She brought her head up and thanked him with a nod. She placed a peggat on the counter, which he gratefully accepted with a whir of mechanics. 
“I know what you’re going to say,” She sighed. “And my answer is no. I can’t resist helping a dumb kid who misplaced their only drapes.” The droid seemed to quiver in humor. 
Once again, that undesired urge to help people snuck its way into her mind. Her intentions were obvious, and that's what scared her. She knew one day, the Force would catch up with her, and show her a “better” way to help people. A way that gave her power beyond belief. The way of the dark side. 
“Well, I hadn’t seen it for quite some time.” 
She narrowed her eyes. “Hadn’t?”
Past tense. He was being difficult. 
He clicked at her immediate recognition of his riddle. 
“Ah, but I guess it was good material. Because I did see it today in the hands of one of those hunters who hang around here. Just before Mos Eisley opened,” The droid spoke. “An ugly creature, he was. No manners whatsoever. As if he was raised by a bantha.” He shook his head in disappointment. Y/n stopped him before he could go on.
“Why would he take a child’s cloak?”
“Hell if I know. He’s a bounty hunter. I would guess he wanted to sell it. They like money, a little too much. Tends to get them into a lot of trouble, as well as cause good salesmen like me a lot of trouble. Because of their mischief, I have to deal with a perturbed ten year-old-” she cut him off.
“I’m fifteen.”
“No you’re not.”
“Nearly fifteen- where did he go?” She insisted
The droid whirred once again in something she could only assume to be the equivalent of a smirk. 
“Where do you think? Where all those rats go to get paid.” Her stomach sank in her gut. 
The Cantina. 
She internally groaned for the millionth time that day.
“Alright, what’s his name?”
Another damn bar. 
That little girl always has to be involved with a place that flourished off of alcohol. Her conscience hissed.
At least Dockside was friendly. Sort of. 
The Mos Eisley Cantina was a whole different alley. Not a good one either. She’d heard plenty of stories about bounty hunter central, and the amount of fights that occurred there by the hour. It was home to hut-hirings and dangerous travelers looking to make a quick buck. Of course, the presence of the Huts was the telltale of the bar. You always had to watch your back or end up as a body on the floor. The bar was downright sinister. No one in their right mind was going to walk into that bar and demand to know who took some little girls' cloak and that they wanted it back.
So of course, that’s what Y/n’s plan was. 
In the end, she had no plan. She was just making stuff up and rolling with whatever happened. 
Sensing the Force was like this. All the best Jedi did it. And all the best Jedi found themselves dead, eventually.
Good thing she wasn’t a Jedi, and good thing the Force didn’t exist. So instead she was just stupid.
Instead of just strolling into the bar, like at the cafe, she played more towards a dramatic entrance. If she was going to die in a bar, at least she was going to make it look interesting. 
Y/n stood in the doorway upon her first step in. This time, nearly everyone turned to look at her. Eyes widened at the sight of a young girl. She straightened her posture in an attempt to look less annoyed than what she really was. She waited a minute, hoping the eyes would turn away. 
They didn’t. 
She blew off her discomfort and strode her way to the front counter, seating herself once again, right in the middle. She waved down the bartender once again, and felt the second wave of nausea hit.
What was she doing?
She figured her only option from here was to get down to the point. Somehow what had seemed like a harmless mission to find a girl’s cloak had turned into one of the most dangerous things she’d ever experienced in her life.
“What do you want?” The man hissed. Y/n cringed. He smelled terrible. His reaction to her expression wasn’t good and he reached over to grab her collar. She quickly dodged and slapped his hand away from her, pinning it to the wooden countertop. She rose in her seat, hooking her feet on the run of the stool to stand taller than him. 
She grinned. “I’m looking for someone by the name of Igo Runn.” 
The room seemed to stop breathing as all eyes turned to her. And suddenly, now that she had control of the room, the nausea dripped away. She often thrived on attention like a drug. 
The bartender quickly pulled himself away from her in disgust. She gave him a toothy smile as she brushed off her hands and sat back down. Intimidation was a game to her, it was the only way to make Palo crumble ninety percent of the time. And she loved to see Palo fail. 
Suddenly a voice spoke from the back corner of the bar. 
“Little girl you must be the dumbest doll to come into this place demanding things.” He snarked. She pulled herself out of her chair and walked towards the man to get a better look at him. He was heavy set, with dark hair and pale skin. His face, barely visible in the dimly lit bar, was morphed into an ugly shape. He looked like he had been around the two suns for a while. 
CG did say he was ugly. 
“You’re Igo Runn?” He let out the loudest laugh she had ever heard. His shaking body caused the table he sat at to aggressively rock. 
“No, Doll. That’s Igo Runn.” he chuckled, gesturing across the room to a sleeping form draped across a booth table. All eyes turned towards the body. She shook her head lightly. From somewhere a bottle was thrown at the poor guy, hitting him square in the back. Instantly, the man woke up, blaster in hand, frantically looking around for who threw the poor bottle. Laughter echoed through the tavern.
It only took a moment for our eyes to meet. 
He was young. Very young. Probably a  teenager. 
“That right there is Runn. I don’t know what you want with that little rodent but you better be quick, Doll. He likes to run.” The fat man chucked.
“Don’t call me Doll.” 
He frowned. 
“I’ll call you whatever I want, Doll.”
She thought for a minute. Grabbing a bottle off a nearby table. She made a quick glance at Igo Runn, motioning for him to sit. 
That's why she swung. 
The glass connected perfectly to the large man’s head with a satisfying crack. He was knocked out of his chair by the sheer force of the blow. And as all bar fights started, chaos broke free. 
Fists flew rapidly through the air as Y/n peered through the crowd just in time to catch a glimpse of Runn, bolting out of the bar. She hoped tables after him. He barely got a block before she had tackled him to the sandy ground.
Wind still whipped around them in the storm. It was almost as if it had gotten worse. She needed to wrap this up and get back to her bungalow. She swung herself off him.
“Where is the cloak you stole?” She yelled over the storm, her voice bare admissible. He seemed annoyed at her question.
“Why do you care?” He screamed back. His voice was light. 
She couldn’t see him too well, but she tried her best to make out his features in the sand. He had tan skin and curly brown hair. He was tall and lanky with barely any meat on his bones. In fact she could feel every one of his ribs as her shin rested against his torso to keep him down. She kind of felt sorry for the guy. 
“I care because there's a little girl who works hard every day, who doesn’t make any money, and who is in pain because you took one of the only things that can protect her from this planet.” She hissed at him. Y/n scoured around him until she eventually found his satchel, which to her relief, held the cloak. 
He seemed to frown. “Last I checked, no one came and got this cloak. It was just sitting there when I saw it.”
“So you just took it?” Igo shrugged.
“What the hell would you need a little girl's cloak for?” She asked. He managed to shove her off him. He brushed himself off, which seemed awfully dramatic considering the dust storm going on around them.
“Why don’t you tell that little girl she’s not the only one hurting for money?” Y/n grabbed his collar and slammed him against the side of Mos Eisley. He was an arrogant boy with no better personality other than greed. He only cared about what helped him live day by day. 
Y/n’s inner thoughts hissed at her to kick the crap out of him to teach him a lesson. But her fear of the Force took over almost instantly. Violence wasn’t a good answer. It was too risky.
Reluctantly, she sighed and let him go. Igo’s face morphed into one of shock. She began to walk in the direction of home. She was officially tired of everything.
“So you’re just letting me go?” He inquired, hopping after her. Without even turning around to acknowledge him she replied. 
He frowned. “Okay?”
“I’ll see you around I guess.” He said. She sighed.
“No you won’t, get the hell off of Tatooine. Don’t come back. I’m just tired, that doesn’t mean we’re friends.” She hissed at him. She felt his footsteps cease from behind her. He’d stopped following her.
Good riddance. 
The trek back to Alexava Russa’s home took longer than Y/n was expecting, but sandstorms were still dangerous and a pain to deal with. Once she arrived, the girl had squealed in delight, thanking her for finding the thing that took at least five years off of Y/n’s life. 
She didn’t tell the youngling what she went through to get it though. Neither Alexava nor her mother needed to hear about that. Y/n felt better just telling them some bystander had accidentally picked it up and left it at Lup’s. 
Mrs. Russa offered for her to wait out the storm in their home but she politely declined. She had told the Russas that she had a busy day tomorrow and needed to get home. In reality, nightfall was coming soon and she didn’t want the family to deal with her bad dreams. 
Dreams that often woke her in a cold sweat, screaming. Dreams that only recently appeared. 
Another reason she gave up Jedi training. 
Once home, to her tiny, rented bungalow. She threw off her garments and fell into her bed. She was getting close to being done with leaving that bed. Nothing bad ever happened when she stayed in the house. She wasn’t dragged into things that were none of her business. As usual she spent the next hour procrastinating sleep, wondering if there was any way to get rid of the internalized jedi-justice she was suffering from. 
It took a while, but sleep finally won. Or at least the nightmares did. 
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candyfloss5000 · 10 months
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Summary: you recall the memories you have of your lover cal, because it's all you have left of him.
A/N: this is probably one of the worst things I've written and its probably awfully punctuated but whatever. PURE FULL/ANGST
You remember alot of things about Cal Kestis. You remember how he was the first person on Bracca you laid eyes on when you ended up there, the both of you only being fifteen years old. You remember how you would stutter everytime he talked to you, whilst you were too busy focusing on how soft his lips would feel agaisnt your own. You remember the flustered mutual confession of desire for one another. You remember how the only time you would feel safe on the scarpyard planet was in the sanctuary of his arms in the confinement of his single bunk.
And you remember when the Inquistors came, killed the man Cal and yourself considered as a father figure and nearly killed Cal after he revealed himself to be a Jedi...You remember how you were left to pick up the remaining pieces of your life and abandon the planet you considered as your home for the past three years.
But now, five years after the events on Bracca took place, you realise you dont need to cling so desperately onto your fading memories, when the very person who caused some of your most happiest moments now stands infront of you once again.
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daddy-issues-99 · 11 months
Fanfic Material List!!!
(Some of these are from when I just started writing so if they're cringy I'm so sorry 🫣)
Star Wars
Harry Potter
John Wick
Call Of Duty
Goodnight Robicheaux x f!reader smut
Jack In The Box x f!reader Fluff
1993 Three Musketeer's: What would they be like in a relationship?
Possessed Indiana Jones x f!reader
Zak Bagans with a ghost s/o Fluff
Mothman x GN reader
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clone-lover · 1 year
I remember when I met bad batch's combat technician....
Ughhhh so I honestly just got bored in class and season 2 new episode inspired me a little 😭 it was my oc but I made it x reader cause I know I prefer to read them that way.
Also yk I don't own anything starwars so don't even try me ✋
Master List
You remember when you met Bad Batch's combat technician. You were muling over reports of 'faulty clones.' The door whoosed open and in stepped a pattern you couldn't match to a regular cc or ct. "Sargent hunter," you called to the steps, "set the reports on my table. Welcome back to-"
"Tech." Although you were a Jedi you never required the men to respect you like the other Jedi did. Even though you weren't strict they never cut you off. This was an interesting interaction so you must not have been aquatinted to this man. A meeting was in order.
"Oh, my apologies Mr. Tech." For the first time in hours you looked away from your data pad to make eyes with the man before you. The small room had a window but Kamino showers made the need for lights apparent. You never used the desk for anything other than storage so it was pressed against the wall in the corner. Instead, you lounged on a couch with a data pad in hand. Infront of that was a modern circular table. Your eyes adjusted slower than you would have like.
"I'm not familiar-" you saw his face after the adjustment. "Oh, you're one of hunter's men." You arose to your feet to show respects in a bow. "I'm Jedi knight-"
"(yn), I'm aware." There it was again. You straightened from the bow. He is cut and straight to the point. If you didn't know any better you would think he didn't want to talk to anyone. However, you know he does want to talk in fact, he gets so excited he cuts people off. If he was truly disinterested he wouldn't have cut you off to say your name, rather ignore your introduction or try to get through it. He stayed and listened intently. He doesn't fully understand social ques: A common behavior in people of intelligence.
"So, you've done your research." You praised his attempt at dialogue in hopes that you could secure his trust. The trust of the men is all that mattered to you. After all, your whole job was to maintain the fluidity between them and the republic.
"hmm, well yes, of course. Not to mention you were the clone liaison when I was training." 'training' was the time period between birth and their first deployment. Ashame the men are not allowed childhood. You made a note on another data pad to ensure you remembered to bring that up in another senate meeting.
"apologies for my ignorance sir. I'll make sure I educate myself on the names of the men in the bad batch."
He was just leaving. You were probably thinking too long. He spun around in shock. A moment passed while he chewed on his thoughts before barking "I was not offended.
"No, maybe not, but who is a liaison who doesn't know her own men."
"I would infer you." He didn't mean to be rude. You could see it when you showed shock. He start to form an apology before you cut him off. "Yeah I suppose your right"
With a laugh, he left. How peculiar Mr. Tech is. You would like to know him more.
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Fem!Reader
Written: March 29th, 2021
Posted: March 29th, 2021
Warning: None
Word Count: 925
Summary: The reader is a hard worker. However when she develops feelings for a Jedi, she realizes just how else shares those feelings for him. 
Anakin Skywalker Masterlist
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"There's no way he likes me!" You chided. "Have you seen him with Padme? The man literally beams."
Y/B/F, scoffed. "You've got it wrong. That's how he is when he's with you."
You shook your head while rolling your eyes. "Right, because I'm some beautiful-looking Galactic senator that can offer him the entire galaxy." A quiet snort escaped from you.
"Come on. Y/N." They groaned. "Don't be like that-"
"Be like what?" You questioned. "I'm the help. What could he quite possibly see in me that he doesn't see in her?"
Y/B/F let out a defeated sigh, as they began walking down the corridor towards the area in which they could get their job started.
"My point exactly." You huffed, turning on your heel readying to go in the opposite direction.
As you walked down the corridor, you could sense someone following you. Hiding behind one of the pillars, you awaited the being. Once they were within arms reach, you grabbed them before pushing them up against the wall, pressing your chest firm against theirs while your forearm was securely anchored along their chest.
The sound of Anakin's chuckle filled your ears.
Removing yourself from the close proximity between you and Anakin, you sent a playful smack to his arm, causing him to flinch at your unsuspecting reaction.
"Ani!" You hissed. "You nearly scared me half to death!"
A toothy grin made its way along the seams of Anakin's lips. "Sorry, Y/N." He chuckled. "I couldn't resist."
Rolling your eyes, you let out a frustrated sigh, before resuming your trek down the hall, readying yourself for the day's tasks.
Scoffing you shook your head, not bothering to slow in pace.
A firm hand gently wrapped around your wrist preventing you from moving any further. Twirling you around, you were chest to chest with Anakin once again.
"C-Can I see you after work?" He questioned tilting his head slightly, as a rosy tint made its way upon his cheeks.
Gazing intently at his features, you had quickly fallen under his lovestruck spell. Nearly giving in to his request, Padme rounded the corner quickly joining you and Anakin.
"Ani, is everything all right?" She questioned with false concern.
Returning to reality, you took a step back attempting to put as much space as you could between you and Anakin.
Padme, sent a glare your way, before quickly softening her features to gaze at Anakin angelically. All the while, his eyes not bothering to look anywhere but your face, attempting to gauge your thoughts and feelings.
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah, everything's-"
"Y/N!" Your boss's booming voice sounded from behind you. "There you are! You're late!"
Turning on your heel, you hadn't bothered saying anything to either of them.
Anakin attempted to follow you however, Padme had other thoughts. Her hand quickly found home on his firm chest gently pushing him back allowing her to step in front of him obstructing his attempted movements to get to you.
"No, Ani." Padme's sweet voice sounded. "Let her go, we have things to do."
Frowning, you felt tears forming in your eyes. Shaking your head slightly, you attempted to push them back. As you were about to enter your place of work, you heard Padme speak one last jab at you, making sure you heard it.
"You know how right I am for you." She spoke almost as if she was trying to place him under a spell. "There's no need for a peasant when you could have a senator."
Your heart dropped into your stomach, as tears quickly reformed in your eyes threatening to fall.
Sighing, you tossed and turned as you couldn't find a comfortable position in bed. Throwing the blankets off, you let out a frustrated huff as you made your way towards your door. If you couldn't sleep, you were at least going to attempt to tire yourself out.
Opening the door, you glided into a firm chest that felt much like walking into a wall. Letting out a surprised yelp, you felt yourself sway slightly. Their hands jolting out steadying you.
Glancing up, you were greeted with Anakin's glistening eyes.
"Are you alright?" He questioned his features etched with concern.
Nodding you hummed in response.
"Can we talk?" He offered a weak smile.
"I...I don't think Padme would like that." You frowned, attempting to take a step back.
His grasp tightening but not hurtful. Anakin kept you in place not allowing you to move away from him.
"Please." His voice sounding desperate as he pleaded with you.
Letting out a defeated sigh, you nodded before leading him into your quarters.
"What is it you-"
Before you could finish your sentence, Anakin's warm hands cradled your face angling it upward allowing him to gently nudge your nose with his.
"Can I-"
Butterflies erupted in your stomach as the Jedi was pressing his chest firm against yours. "Yes." You breathed, closing your eyes.
The feeling of soft lips upon yours overwhelmed you. It was a gentle chaste kiss. Simply stating his feelings for you.
Pulling back, Anakin rested his forehead against yours.
"Wait." You breathed, squeezing your eyelids. "What about Padme-"
"Padme has feelings for me, yes." He sighed, as his hands anchored themselves along your waist.
"But you," He started with a grin. "You have me until every last star in the galaxy dies, you have me."
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Reveal (A Clan of Our Own part 26) (The Mandalorian X Reader)
Word Count: 4442 (not counting translation) 
Posted on: August 23, 2020
Tag List is OPENED
Warning: None really, breif (and I mean tiny) mentions of medical stuff, and a very thinly (and I mean really not at all) covered shameless referance/joke about and to sex at the end
gif is not mine (I love the wink) 
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The moment we were back at the Crest, Din helped me change into new, clean clothes and had me go lay down immediately. I wasn’t complaining though. As we were landing back down onto the ground, he had tried to keep me from seeing Kuiil’s body where it was laying only a few meters away from the ship, but I had seen it and my heart broke. He was so close.
After he was sure I was good and settled in, he left to go take care of Kuiil. We both knew we couldn’t leave him like that, he deserved way better than that.
Din’s PoV
Before I left the ship again I put the kid in his pod and grabbed a shovel from the tool cabinet on the wall. I walked down the ramp and over to where he was. I sighed as I got closer realizing how short of a walk it was, he almost made it here with the kid. It wasn’t fair.
I began digging. The dirt here on Neverro was full of rocks and I set them aside as I came across them to mark the grave once it was finished. Once the hole was deep enough, I carefully lifted his body up off the ground and then lowered him into it.
“I’m sorry.” I mumbled.
I very rarely allowed myself to cry, but right now there was no reason not to. In fact, there was every reason to after everything we’d been through today. I was frustrated, pissed even. I was the one who asked him to come with us, it was my fault he died. Because of my plan he was now dead while the rest of us got to live. It wasn’t fair for him. But that was the sickest part of death, it never seemed to be fair.
I replaced the dirt over him. Once it was filled back up, I began to place the rocks over it to cover the grave and mark it.
About halfway through I heard cooing from beside me. I turned to see the kid padding up to me with Kuiil’s helmet in his little hands. It was nearly bigger than he was and he was struggling to carry it.
“You shouldn’t be here, kid.” I said.
He only continued towards me and held up the helmet a little more. I picked him and took it from him.  
“Thanks buddy.”
I found a larger rock and put the helmet over it and then placed it in the center of the pile. I put my free hand over the helmet.
“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum, Kuiil.” I said.  (“I’m still alive, but you are dead. I remember you, so you are eternal, Kuiil.”)
Then I stood up and began walking back to the ship.
“That’s something we say as Mandalorians, as a way to remember the ones we’ve lost. Especially ones who were close to you.” I explained to the kid as we walked, I was honestly trying to distract myself both from Kuiil and from what might be going on with Yn. I was terrified that it would be something much more serious than either of us were hoping.
“Sometimes you’ll have a really long list of names, that’s when it’s always the hardest. But when the list gets longer, you should always remember the saying, Nu kyr'adyc, shi taab'echaaj'la. It means ‘Not gone, merely marching far away.’ They still live on in some way, even if they’re not physically here with us, they live on in our memory and in our hearts.”
Once I was back on the ship I went to check on Yn. I brought the kid with me and let him sit on the bed as I talked to her.
“You okay?” She asked the moment I was in front of her.
“I’m supposed to be asking you that.” I sighed.
“I don’t care, are you okay?” She asked again.
“Yeah, I guess.” I shrugged, “He didn’t deserve to die.”
She nodded sadly, “I know. Is everything taken care of though?”
“Yeah. The kid actually came down to help.” I chuckled half-heartedly as I remembered him waddling towards me.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t even know he got out of his pod.” She apologized quickly.
“It’s fine.” I brushed it off, “I actually showed him some of the Mandalorian traditions, like what we say when someone that was close to us passes. I know he probably doesn’t understand much of it, but he’s technically a Mandalorian now.”
Yn smiled for a moment before shifting, clearly uncomfortable. I felt horrible for her right now, I hated seeing her like this.
“Are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?” I asked.
She shook her head, “No, not really. Everything just hurts. How far is the closest medical facility?”
“Not sure. Let me go get us off Neverro and then I’ll find it and set our course for it then come back down and check on you?” I offered.
She nodded, “Okay, but will you take the kid with you? I want to close my eyes for a little bit without having to worry about him.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” I said, picking him back up, “You rest.”
Yn PoV
When Din got back he told me it'd be another two hours before we got to the facility. The ship was on autopilot so he could be down here to keep an eye on me.
“Din?” I called for him after about half an hour.
He came rushing back to our bunk from the kitchen, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I was just going to ask if you would be willing to help me get up and shower before we get to the medical facility? I know I changed clothes like an hour ago but I just still feel gross from sweating for the past two days, and I’d feel a lot better if I had a shower before having someone looking all up in my… yeah.”
He chuckled a little, “Yes, I’ll help you. Do you want to do it now?”
“If you’re not busy, then yes, the sooner the better.”
“Alright, here let me help you up.” He said as I scooted you to the foot of the bed to him and allowed him to help me over to the refresher that held a small shower.
He carefully helped me undress and tossed my clothes to the side. Then he led me over to the running water. I sighed as the warm water ran over my sore body. I only felt slightly bad for Din getting wet since we left the curtain open so I could hold onto his arm to steady myself if I needed to. He still wore his helmet, but I wasn’t going to ask him about it. He knew he could take it off and I knew he'd do it when he was ready to.
Once I was done he wrapped a towel around my body and then handed me one to dry my hair. Instead of wrapping it in a towel to dry completely, I decided to just towel dry it some then just pull it back out of my face. Once I was done with that, he led me out to sit on the foot of our bed while he went to get clothes for me to put on.
He knew which leggings to grab, I had a certain pair that was always my go-to, I had picked them up before he found me actually. I knew I’d need them later on and I was glad I bought them.
“What shirt do you want?” He asked.
“Actually… can I wear one of yours please?” I asked sweetly.
“Only because I love you.” He said, laughing to himself and closing my drawer to open his to get a shirt. It was a simple black, three quarter length one that he only ever wore around the ship, or to sleep in.
After he helped me get dressed he went to go double-check that we were still on course while I laid back down. I closed my eyes for a little bit.
“Hey, Yn?” I woke up to Din saying my name and lightly shaking my foot lightly.
“Hm?” I hummed and slowly opened my eyes.
“I was just going to let you know, I’m out of the shower and I’m going to head up to the cockpit so we can land soon. Do you need anything before I go up?” He asked.
I shook my head no.
“Okay, I’ll be back soon.” He said before walking off.
I didn’t even remember him telling me he was going to shower. If he hadn't said anything I would have never known because he was already dressed and had all his armor back on.
He came back shortly after the ship was landed on one of their docking platforms.
As we walked in I held onto his arm. Luckily the kid was out cold in his pod, so we let him sleep on the ship with an activated comlink in his pod acting as a baby monitor.
“Have you had any more contractions since Neverro?” Din asked as we walked down a hall.
“Only two. One while you were taking care of… of Kuiil. And then the one in the shower.”
He nodded. As we walked into the room we were directed to. He had me sit down then went over to the lady at the desk. Luckily it was an actual person and not a droid, just because we had both developed a soft spot for IG-11 didn’t mean we suddenly liked droids now.
“Are you Mr.Djarin?” She asked.
“Yes, I contacted you earlier and explained our situation.” He said.
“Yes sir. Dr.Len will be ready to see your wife very shortly.” She said kindly.
“Thank you.” He said and began making his way over to me.
He hadn’t even sat down when they called for me. A nurse led us to a small room and had me change into a gown then lay on the bed.
“Okay so, I know you explained everything to the front desk but if you could explain it once more for myself and the doctor.” The nurse asked.
I looked over to Din to allow him to explain, “So I’m a bounty hunter, she’s a former one. I had to take care of some business, it wasn’t supposed to get messy. It was meant to be a fairly easy endeavor, we had a plan set and she was a part of the plan so she had to come with me, against both of our better judgment. Long story short it got messy quick. The whole thing lasted two days, the first day was just a lot of walking and she had a couple of contractions, nothing too serious. The second day was when everything happened. It was an onslaught of stress and emotions for everyone, especially Yn. As the day went on she kept getting more contractions, and we both knew she needed to get checked out as soon as possible.” Din explained.
The nurse nodded along. “Well, honestly I can probably correctly predict what is going on here without running any tests or having the doctor come in. We see this quite a bit actually.”
“Really?” I asked.
“Oh of course. We sit right in the middle of about four or five bounty hunter hubs, so we see quite a few bounty hunting families pass through.” She said.
“I never knew that.” I said thoughtfully.
“Not many do. Anyways, my guess is that you are suffering from extreme fatigue and your blood pressure is probably very high which can lead to stress on the baby. And, just off the record as a mother myself, having your baby a few weeks or even a month early, which is about where you’re at, isn’t going to be the end of the world and it doesn’t guarantee a complicated birth or an unhealthy baby, but that being said we obviously want to keep the baby in as long as it needs.”
I nodded in agreement.
“But, I’m not a doctor, only a nurse so I cannot give you an official diagnosis for what is going on so, I’m going to grab Dr.Len. I’ll be back shortly.” She said before walking out the door.
And sure enough, she was back in just a few minutes with another lady, presumably Dr.Len.
“Hello, I’m Dr.Len.” She said shaking my hand.
“Yn Djarin.” I greeted, “And that’s my husband.” I didn’t say his name because that was still something we needed to discuss.
“Nice to meet you both. So this your first?”
“Yes and no, we have an adopted son.” I said smiling at the thought of our little Clan.
“Awe, how cute. Do you know what you’re having?” She asked.
“Another boy.” Din said proudly.
“Oh, so I see you’re getting outnumbered.” She joked causing me and Din to let out a small laugh.
“Alright, let’s get to what you came here for, to check on you and your lil munchkin. First, I want to take your blood pressure.” She said.
She grabbed the cuff and placed around my arm then turned on the machine. It began to tighten around my arm. I winced a little as it grew even tighter then released.
“Oh, wow.” I heard the doctor mumble.
“What, what’s wrong?” I panicked slightly.
“It’s okay,” she said gently, holding hands up, “It’s alright. Your blood pressure is just quite a bit higher than where I would like it to be. But, this is something that can be fixed. Try not to worry about it, that’s not going to solve anything. Nurse Ali already told me what happened, your body is exhausted. And I am going, to be honest with you, giving birth, either naturally or with surgery, is going to take a toll on your body. Now, I’m not sure what your plan is, but I do know that with your body in the condition that it is in right now, you would have to have surgery.”
My eyes went wide. I didn’t realize how bad I had gotten in just a few short days. I didn’t want to do surgery to have the baby.
“Okay, so judging by your reaction, surgery is not something you’re hoping for. Don’t worry there are ways to help your body heal, while also hopefully getting your blood pressure down.” She turned to Din, “And dad, this is where you come into play,” she said before looking back at me, “I want you to go on bed rest, strict bed rest.”
My eyes widened again.
“I know it’s hard for you former bounty hunting moms, but it is for your own sake and your baby’s so I suggest you do it. A common misconception of bed rest is that you have to stay in bed. You don’t. Just no strenuous activity, but since yours is strict bed rest I would say no being on your feet for more than ten minutes, and have at least a half-hour break between periods of time when you’re on your feet that long. If your feet or back or anything really, ever start to hurt, that’s your sign to sit, if sitting in a chair is uncomfortable, try sitting in bed, just no standing for more than ten minutes. Okay?” She asked.
I nodded.
“Good. And it is your responsibility to make sure she follows these rules.” She said to Din.
“Yes, ma’am.” He nodded.
“Alrighty, I have to go see another patient, but Avi here is going to do a quick exam just to double-check everything and then do a quick ultrasound for you real quick. Take care.” She said.
Din and I both bid her goodbye and thanked her before she left.
“Okay, so the first thing we need to do is make sure that the contractions you were having were just contractions and you weren’t actually dilating at all.” She said with a slightly apologetic tone.
“Okay.” I nodded, I knew it would have to happen.
“I know, it’s everybody’s favorite part.” She joked.
“Oh totally.” I said sarcastically as we all laughed.
“So have you picked out a name?” She spoke as she did the examination instead of letting awkward silence settle in around us.
“I think we both have a couple of ideas but we haven’t talked much about it. So no, not yet, but times ticking.” I sighed.
“Well,” She stood from her stool and rolled away, “times not ticking away too fast. You’re all good, no dilating.”
I let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m going to step out so you can get redressed then I’ll come back and we can do the ultrasound.”
“Okay.” I said as she made her way to the door. Once she was gone, Din helped me up and get changed back into the clothes I came here in. Then he poked his head out to let her know she could come back in.
“So I know a lot of bounty hunting families usually don’t get many scans so I wanted to make sure you got at least on last one before he gets here.” She explained as she set up the machine.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Of course.” She smiled.
We continued making small talk as she did the ultrasound. I held Din’s hand the whole time and when she turned the screen around to show us, I felt him squeeze my hand tightly. Tears pricked up behind my eyes at the sight of our little bean. It was only a matter of time before he was here, which both terrified me and made me feel excited.
“Okay, well he’s looking good, I’ll print a few pictures out for you then you’ll be on your way.” She said while pressing a few buttons and then handing me a couple of towels to wipe the gel off with.
She printed them out and handed them to me. Din helped me up and we went back to the front.
“You have a good day.” The lady at the front said.
“We haven’t paid yet.” I said in confusion.
“Don’t worry about it.” Avi said waving us off.
“We couldn’t.” I insisted and Din agreed.
Avi walked up closer to us and sighed slightly, “I grew up in a bounty hunting family. I know the credits are hard to make stretch, especially when you already have one little one at home. So please, let us cover this for you, think of it as a baby gift.” She said with a kind smile.
“Thank you, we really appreciate it.” Din said.
“Yes, that’s very kind of you.”
“You’re welcome, now get going, you have bed rest to get to.” She joked.
We laughed as we walked off and back to the ship. Once we were back Din was not playing around with the bed rest. He had me give him to coordinate for Avis after he had me settled on our bed. He found a couple of extra pillows and brought them down so I could sit up comfortably.
“Alright, so Avis is quite literally on the opposite side of the galaxy. It’s going to take at least four days to get there, and that’s without stopping, but we’re going to need to refuel tomorrow and probably pick up some supplies so I’d say probably five maybe six days until we get there.” Din said after he came back down from the cockpit.
“Okay, I’ll need to let them know we’re coming when we’re about a day out.” I said sitting up a little more.
He nodded. “Are you hungry at all? I was going to make the kid some food.”
“Yeah. Can I go sit in the kitchen with you?” I asked.
“If you want to, yeah.”
I nodded and moved so he could help me up. He led me into the kitchen and I sat at the table with the kid.
“Hey, buddy.” I said smiling at him. Though I had seen him earlier it felt like I hadn’t seen him all day since I’d been in bed all day.
He giggled and smiled up at me.  After we ate, I decided to stay at the table and get some stuff done. I asked Din to bring me anything we had for the Bean so I could make a list of things that we still needed. It was a long list and I knew it was, but we needed to get what we were missing.
Din took the kid up into the cockpit to play for a little bit. I laid out everything we had for him. So far we had the blanket that we got with the kid’s, the few clothes from Omera, a few onesies that we’d picked up here and there on supply runs as well as a few other odds and ends. A lot of what we needed still was furniture for his room when we get to Avis.
I had an old friend that was still on Avis who knew that I was pregnant and was traveling with an old friend with a foundling. She had been the one taking care of my place there. She had already moved a new dresser into one of the small rooms in my apartment and was working on finding another one for the Bean.
I told her a week ago that I was coming back and she was working on getting it ready for us. She had never met Din, but she knows who he is because of how much I’ve told her. Besides Din, she was one of the people I was the closest to.
After I folded everything back up, I had nothing better to do so I decided to get up and clean the kitchen a little. It wasn’t that messy so it wouldn’t take that long, I would be fine. Plus I was tired of sitting. My back was to the doorway and I didn’t hear him walk back in as I washed the last bowl.
I heard him slump against the wall and turned around to face him, the bowl still in my hands.
The moment I saw him the bowl was slipping from my grasp and onto the floor. Luckily it wasn’t breakable so it didn’t shatter upon impact with the hard floor.
“Din-I… you.” I stuttered.
“You’re not supposed to be on your feet for long.” He pushed off the wall and walked towards me, placing his hands on my waist once he was close enough.
His entire body language screamed anxiety though he tried to hide it, and he looked down at me with a nervous look on his face.
My hands reached up slowly and rested against his cheeks, the stubble on his cheeks pricking at my hands slightly. I couldn’t believe that I was looking at him right now.
“Smile.” I said, already smiling myself.
He forced an obviously fake smile.
“That’s not your real smile.” I said.
“You’ve never seen my smile, how do you know that’s not my real smile?” He said chuckling slightly, his true smile finally revealing itself to me.
I felt tears prick at my eyes as the emotions of the situation hit me. This just solidified the fact that we were married and it was the first time I had seen his face since we were children. Sure I had held his face before when we’ve kissed under the protection of darkness, but that does little to create a real image of what he looks like. He was so handsome, beautiful even.
“Din, you’re beautiful.” I mumbled and I felt his cheeks heat up under my hands.
“It’s nothing compared to you.” He said smoothly and leaned down to press a kiss to my lips.
I kept my hands on his cheeks, but they slowly crept up into his hair and ran through the soft curls. This earned a small hum of pleasure from him. I pulled away giggling slightly. I ran my fingers through his hair one last time before the clasped behind his neck. I didn’t realize how long his hair had gotten, it was falling in front of his eyes.
“You need a haircut.” I commented.
He sighed and his shoulders dropped a little as he cracked an amused smile.
“You haven’t even seen my face for a full five minutes and you’re already making adjustments?” He teased.
“No, I just want to be able to see your eyes better. Your hair is covering them some. Sorry I want to see my handsome husband's entire face.” I said sweetly.
“Well, I can’t say no to that.” He said leaning down to press another kiss to my lips.
“I love you.” I said after we pulled apart.
“I love you too, always have, always will.” He said.
We stood there for a few more moments.
“You should probably go sit.” He said and I sighed.
“You’re right, I’m actually going to go take a nap. You should come join me if you can.” I said stepping away from him.
“I’ll try.” He said.
I walked past him and took a moment as he bent over to pick up the bowl I had dropped to playfully smack his butt. He froze for a split second.
“You’ll regret that.” He said his voice was lower than usual. He stood and gave me a warning look.
I smirked, “Doubt it.” I said and winked before walking out of the room and to our bunk.
I was laying down for maybe ten minutes when he came in to join me. The kid was down for his nap as well.
“Oh is it time for me to regret what I did?” I asked sitting up slightly.
“Nope. The doctor said you needed to rest, No strenuous activity until after the baby is born. So, I guess that’ll have to wait. Sorry, doctor’s orders.” He teased as he settled in behind me.
I smirked, laying back down. “You know, there are other ways you could have made me learn my lesson.” I hinted.
“Oh, well if your offering you could-”
“But you’re right, we probably shouldn’t. Doctor’s orders.” I cut him off.
“You’re a tease, you know that?” He said gruffly.
“When I want to be. Now hush, it’s nap time.” I said relaxing into him.
He laughed lightly then wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me close and sighed in contentment.
“Get some rest.” He whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to my head, just behind my ear.
Tag list: 
@smarticles96​  @phoenixhalliwell @fioccodineveautunnale @reallyfuckingangrylatina @fan-g0rl @ithinksheneedsahug​ @lchufflepuffcorn​ @weebnumber3622​ @bunniotomia​ @talesfromtheguild​ @killtherandomness​ @mserynlarsen​ @squishybitchy​ @herbo-hours​ @kaylafreakinrose​ @agingerindenial​
As always, thank y’all for the support, I hope you enjoyed!! (Sends huggs to everyone who read this) 
also I did tags differently this time so if something didn’t work and you realized you weren’t taged please let me know. 
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moral-turpitudes · 3 years
Could you recommend any Thomas Shelby x yn or original character one-shots or fics ? They can be written by small accounts because I feel like Ive already read everything 😂😂 thanks alot !
My first suggestion is a smut but 🤷🏻‍♀️😂 also idk if they’re small accounts or not, I just purely love the stories! 💗
Visionary by @drxcoswand
we lowkey love possessive tommy in this house
A Conjured Up Death Wish by @oddaodd
this was hauntingly beautiful
A Little Too Fond Of Him by @oddshelbyout
I’m a hoe for some mutual pining things and this was sweet and very relatable bc his eyes really are extraordinary.
White Lies by @thepeakyfckingblinders
I’m also a hoe for angsty jealousy type stuff. I could feel the anger through my screen. 😈
Never Again also by @thepeakyfckingblinders
This was I think one of the first ones I read and I looooved the angst and Tommy freaking out lol it was so good!
Another Day by @thepeakygurl
I’m a sucker for some Tommy fluff omg this was good! The grief and lack of love after Grace was very accurate and it was beautifully written.
Tommy Shelby x Brawler!Reader by @tommysqt
Scrappy reader and protective Tommy? We love it. 😏
Helping Hand by @yourfavouriterival
This was hot 🥵
She’s Got A Brain by @reyloshipper-starwars
Just found this one and although I don’t see a part 2, it’s still really good. We love a more tough female reader 💪🤗
Piano Man by @peakyblinders1919
So sad and so sweet, I loved this so much!
I can’t remember nor find some of the others but these were all great and Ik there’s tons more out there! I’ll tag some other awesome writers I know of so you can check out their work!
@caelys @murswrites @smallheathgangsters @smallheathbaby @vintunnavaa @bonniesgoldengirl @flysafepapi @peakyrogers
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hugsandcrumbs · 5 years
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Sorry I’m a Star Wars fan🤪 May the 4th be with you 😆 Can’t wait for a customer to request a Star Wars cake!#starwars #starwarsday #may4th #yoda #leedscakes #chapelallerton #hugsandcrumbs Have a great Day x (at Chapel Allerton) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxB_f-Ol-yN/?igshid=piuzdrurnptb
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daddy-issues-99 · 2 years
General Hux x f!reader
Fluff, you two are married and you take care of him after a rough day.
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It had been a long day with a lot or problems. You needed a break. You walked down the halls to your room you shared with your husband barely staying awake. You reached the door and collapsed on to the couch. It would be another hour or so before Hux got home so you decided to take a nap, waste some time. You deserved it.
You woke up to the automatic door opening to see you husband walking in mumbling curses under his breath not noticing you on the couch. "Hey what's wrong? " He turned around, realizing you were there apologising for not noticing you.
"What happened? " you asked walking over to him, he sighed "Everything just went wrong when it shouldn't have, simple things were done wrong and I took the heat for it! " he rested against the counter and sighed once more. You wrapped you arms around from behind, resting your head on his shoulder "Let's take a break. " "We're too busy. " You hugged him tighter "Do I care? "
You lead him to the living room and sat him down on the couch ignoring his protests. "You've worked enough for one day, relax and let me take care of you. " You handed him the tv remote and walked of to the kitchen. You started cooking one of his favorite meals while trying to be quiet as possible to not disturb your partner.
As you cooked you glanced over at your partner to see him beginning to relax, even seeing a small smile start to appear on his face. Just seeing him smile could make your day a million times better.
You turned your attention back to your recipe trying to finish it up without burning it. You loved cooking for him, seeing him happy over something you did, appreciating something you did.
You walked over to Hux and placed the two dishes on the small table in front of him. As soon as he saw the dishes he smiled, he loved when you did this kind of stuff, small surprises that were made with care.
You sat down next to him, pulling him close as you kissed his cheek. You both grabbed your plate and quietly ate watching whatever what on the TV resting your head on his shoulder.
You had finished up dinner and placed the dishes in the sink not wanting to deal with them at the moment. You walked back over to your husband and sat back down, cuddling up against him. "I'm tired." you said as you rested against him. He nodded in agreement. "Wanna shower and go to bed? " you asked looking up at him. He smiled and nodded and began walking to the bathroom.
You got there to see him undressing and closed the door behind you. You helped each other get undressed and stepped into the shower enjoying the comfort of the warm water.
You hardly ever got to spend quality time together anymore so moments like these were cherished. You pulled him close to you into a gentle embrace and rested your head on his shoulder. "I love you" you said as you nuzzled you face into his neck. He gently kissed the top of your head and pulled you closer to him, closing all gaps between you.
You stayed there for what seemed like hours just enjoying each other's company. The water began to run cold and only then did you seperate both mutually annoyed at the loss of warmth.
He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around you and lifted your chin to give you a kiss. You wrapped yourselves in your towels and grabbed some clean clothes from your shared closest and sat down on your bed.
"So, you enjoy your day? " you asked leaning against his newly clothed form. "The part where you were in it, yes. " he pulled you closer for a passionate kiss. You loved the way his lips felt on yours but unfortunately it had to be cut short. "It's late, we should get some sleep. " with a sigh you two layed back into your sheets and pulled each other close.
"I love you Hux" he pulled you closer "I love you too doll"
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daddy-issues-99 · 1 year
Qui Gon Jinn x GN Reader
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Tatooine is horrible. Bold statement but its awful. Its hot, dry and full of aggressive and scary people. As a Jedi you are taught to be able to handle any situation but you, well you could do it. Barely. 
You had just finished your Padawan training and were sent on a mission with Obi Wan and Qui Gon. That was the only good part of this trip. Obi Wan was an entertaining Padawan and you got to spend time with Qui Gon. 
Qui Gon was a rule abiding Jedi who wouldn't dare break the rules of the Jedi code. Until he met you that is. You two managed to catch feelings for each other when he was teaching you a few years back and eventually you two formed a secret relationship. 
The last few days however, even being around your partner couldn't lift your mood. 
You sat in one of the spare rooms of the Skywalker hut where you, Qui Gon and Obi Wan were allowed to stay. Obi Wan was entertaining Anakin and Qui Gon was clearing his head outside leaving you alone in the room. 
You ripped off your robes and threw them to the floor not bothering to fold them and placed your lightsaber on a shelf next to your cot. All you cared about was getting cleaned off. 
You had been outside all day in the Tatooine sun. You were covered in sweat and sand without any relief. You were annoyed and stressed and it made it worse to know that you were annoyed and stressed. 
You tugged the final layer of your robe off and fumbled over the pile of clothes you had formed on the floor. You let out a loud grunt in annoyance followed by a string of curses. 
Undenounced to you Qui Gon was watching this all unfold. 
“Rough day darling?” You sat up and looked to see Qui Gon leaning against the door frame with a smirk on his face, clearly holding back a giggle at your reaction. 
You stood up and kicked the cloths to the side. He walked into the room closing the curtain behind him. “I will take that as a yes.”
He sat down on the cot as you walked away to get some water to freshen up with. “What’s wrong my darling?”
“Everything! I hate this god damn planet! Its hot, its dry, and its stressful!” 
You turned away slamming your hands down onto a table. Qui Gon slowly stood up and walked over to where you were standing. “I can tell your stressed. I am too.” He said, giving your hand a squeeze. 
“I’m just so tired.” You said in a shaky voice. “I know darling, but its the end of the day now. Get cleaned up and come rest.” He gently kissed the top of your head and handed you a clean pair of shirts and tank top. 
You smiled taking the clothes from his hands. Even though he’d only held them for a second they smelled like him. 
Your turned around and took of your outer layer of clothes so you were in a sports bra and panties. Qui Gon sat on the cot behind you and watched your body as you changed. Not in a provocative way, but in a mesmerized way. 
You took a rag and soaked in in some water and quickly washed off the sand and sweat from the day. 
You quickly put on the fresh clothes and turned around to see Qui Gon with a small smile on his face. “What?” “Nothing, you're just beautiful.” You walked over to the cot and laid down so your head was on his thigh. He played with your hair and you closed your eyes enjoying his touch. 
“I love you Qui Gon.” “I love you too my darling.” 
“You look cute together.”
You both jumped and looked at the door to see Obi Wan leaning against the door with a smirk on his face. Qui Gon opened his moth but was cut off by Obi Wan “Don’t worry, your secrets safe with me, as long as I’m invited to the wedding.” He said jokingly. 
You both let out a sigh of relief “Thank you Obi Wan, and of course you can be invited to the wedding.” 
“Can I make the rings!” Anakin yelled, clearly eavesdropping on the conversation. “Oncourse little Jedi.” “Yay!” He ran over and jumped up onto you and Qui Gon giving you a hug. 
*Down the hall* 3PO: Why am I not invited? 
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Bounty (The Mandalorian x reader, part one)
Welcome to the first part of my Mandalorian x pregnant reader series!!
Word count: 2.435
TRIGGER WARNING: This part of the story does mention sexual assualt, plase be mindful if this is a triggering topic for you. It does not go into details, but it is mentioned. 
not my gif
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Din’s Pov 
I had just picked up a couple of new bounties to go find, I need a little extra money for me and the kid. We had just landed on a fairly remote planet on the outer rim. The perfect place for some who had a high bounty to be hiding out. I made sure the kid was asleep before leaving. It was dark here, probably the middle of the night. I didn't know much about this bounty only that it was a female.
I held the tracking fob in my hand as I walked it beeped more than it had when I landed. I was getting closer. A small town was coming up, she was probably somewhere in the town. 
The tracking fob led me to a multiple occupancy living building. I slowly made my way through the halls of the building. Everyone here seemed to be asleep. I came across one door and the fob began to beep, even more, she was in there. I got ready to bust the door but I heard a voice from inside.
"If you want to come in, just knock. I don't want to pay to repair the door." A female voice called. 
Then the door suddenly unlocked and swung open. Hesitantly I stepped in to see a girl sitting in a chair with a book in her hand on the other side of the room.
"How'd you open the door from way over there?" I asked.
"Magic." She replied not looking up from her book. 
"Is that a tracking fob?" She asked, folding the corner of the page she was on and closing the book. 
"Yes." I said. Why was she so calm? 
"Then I guess take me." She said with a sigh and stood up. It was only now that I saw her slightly rounded stomach. She was pregnant. This was turning out to be one of the oddest bounties I’d ever had, and me and my old partner had some pretty stranges ones in the past but nothing like this. 
"I'm not going to fight you and make this harder on me or my baby. We'll get enough when we get back." She said now holding her wrists out for me to cuff. 
I grabbed my cuffs and put them on her, still questioning this whole situation. There was something more that I didn't know about this bounty. 
"Are they too tight?" I asked. I mentally decided that if she was going to be this cooperative, I could be a little less harsh on her. She shook her head no. 
"Hold on I need to grab something." She said turning back around to grab her book and key. 
"I need to leave the key at the front desk." She said, her voice now void of all emotions. 
I stayed quiet for a second then sighed. 
"Oh what the hell," I mumbled. "I have a few other bounties to pick up before I drop you off, so you'll have to stay on my ship for a few days. You may want to pack a bag with some extra clothes.” I knew I couldn’t put her in carbonite like I do with other bounties, I didn’t know what it would do to her baby. 
She gave me a look that was somewhere between shock, confusion and uncertaincy. 
“Give me the key I'll go put on the front desk. Then we can leave." I said holding my hand out for the key. 
"Why?" She asked with the same look.
"Don't ask questions, just do it before I change my mind." I said. 
She dropped the key into my hand and I made sure the cuffs were set so that I could walk the distance to the front without her getting pulled along with me. When I came back she was having trouble zipping the bag with her cuffed hands. 
"Here." I said stepping up and zipping it for her then taking the bag and carrying it myself. I reset the cuffs so she would be forced to stay somewhat close. I also didn't want her to trip though since she was pregnant and had shorter legs than I did so I did try to slow my pace some. 
Once we were on the ship I offered her the unused small cot to sleep on, but she insisted that she wasn't tired. She asked if it was okay with me if she sat in the cockpit with me as I flew to my next bounty. And that's how we ended up here sitting silently as I flew the Razor Crest through space. 
"So was I your easiest capture ever?" She asked. 
"Well yeah. Most bounties will fight with everything they have not to be captured or have people protecting them from being captured." I said. 
"I am willing to bet most bounties aren't three months pregnant either." She said with a joking tone. 
"Yeah that's a first too." I said allowing a small laugh out. She seemed like a good person why did she even have a bounty? 
"Why do you have such a high bounty, or any bounty for that matter, on your head? You seem like a decent person." I spoke suddenly before I could stop myself. 
"Why do you have full beskar armor? It was taken away from us a while ago." She said trying to avoid the question, but I wasn't focussed on that, she had said "us". 
"What do you mean ‘it was taken away from us’? Are you a Mandalorian?" I asked. 
"Clearly not, you've seen my face. I have no armor." She said, a sudden nervousness in her voice. 
"Well then you used to be, otherwise you wouldn't have said ‘us’. ...Why'd you break the creed?" I asked. I couldn't imagine someone breaking the creed, not after everything that has happened to the Mandalorians. 
"I didn't." She snapped and the calm mood that had once surrounded vanished. 
"Clearly you did. Why?" I pressed. 
"I didn't break it! I was forced out of it!" She yelled. "And to answer your question I have such a high bounty because I killed an ex imperial officer, a very good one with a very rich boss. I left him lying there with a knife in his neck." Her voice returned to a normal volume. 
I switched the ship to autopilot then turned to face her. "What do you mean you were forced out of it?" 
"I was a bounty hunter.” She took a deep breath before continuing, “I had gotten injured while collecting a bounty. I was bleeding out when this guy found me he told me he was a doctor and offered me some help. I let him but on one condition, he swore not to remove my helmet. He agreed. He picked me up and took me somewhere. I had lost so much blood that I had passed out and had no clue where he had taken me. When I came to, I was strapped down to a cold metal table. He had stitched up my side. All my armor was gone, including my helmet, all I had covering me was a thin sheet. I can’t remember how long I had been there but I knew I had to get out.Someone finally came in and I guess they had some sort of compassion in them or something and I was able to convince them to loosen my restraints, then once they were gone I slipped out of them and put my clothes and armor back on, it was sitting in a pile in the corner of the room. The guy who took me was stupid enough to leave all my weapons in their holsters. I left the room and tried to find an exit. That's when I ran into the officer, he pulled a blaster on me but before he could shoot he was down. I killed him without a second thought. Then once I finally got out of the building, I ran. I found a ship, stole it, and flew off that planet. I took my armor off as soon as I was safe, it felt wrong to have it on. About a week later I found out about my bounty. Turns out the guy who took me was a crime lord. I tried to just lay low for a while. Then a month after that I found out that I was pregnant. That's when I moved to the outer rim systems. I had just gotten to that apartment a week ago. I've been moving constantly to hopefully not get caught. A guess that didn't work." She said with a dishearted chuckle. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I shouldn't have pressed on." I said. I was genuinely sorry to hear about what had happened to her. The Mandalorian had been the ones to save me if some had forced me to break the creed I'm not sure how I'd handle it. 
"So why'd you become a Mandalorian?" She asked.
The questions brought all my memories of that day to the surface. I seriously considered turning back around and not answering her but she had just opened up to me, the least I could do was return it. I told her about the day my parents died and the Mandalorian took me in. I could tell by the way she listened that she was a compassionate person. 
"I can only imagine how hard that must have been. Especially being so young." She said, her eyes softening, her voice was filled with genuine sympathy. 
"What about you?" I asked. 
She sighed. "I think I've opened up to you enough for now." I knew she was partly poking fun but was also serious about it. 
I nodded, knowing better than to push further. She didn’t want to share that, and I can respect that. I couldn't help but think that there was something familiar about her voice. Like I had heard it before, but I knew that was wishful thinking. I was just hoping to have someone from my past here with me still.
I was brought out of my thoughts by her yawning. 
"You should go down and get some sleep. I unlocked the door to your cot." I said. She didn't protest this at all, just stood without a word and carefully climbed down the ladder. 
After she was gone I took out her tracking fob and held in one hand, just looking at it. I wasn't sure what to do. I knew I couldn't bring myself to hand her back over to the man who had done so much to here. I also knew I couldn't just drop her anywhere, she didn't have much and eventually wouldn't be able to protect herself from other bounty hunters that would be sure to come after her. My only option left was to let her stay with me and the kid. I shoved the fob back into my pocket before I let myself think anymore into it. 
The planet that my next bounty should be on was close by so I took the ship off autopilot and flew it down into a landing bay. It was still night time so I should be able to get at least a couple hours of sleep before the sunrises. I shut off all the flying functions on the ship before leaving the cockpit. 
When I got off the ladder I saw the kid starring up at me. 
"You should still be asleep." I found myself talking quieter than usual. 
He cooed and looked over to where the girl was sleeping. I didn't know her name. "Keep it down, she's probably asleep. Like you should be." I said trying to be as quiet as possible and bent down to pick him up. 
As I stood, the sliding door to where the girl was staying slid open. She stood there now wearing shorts and an oversized shirt. She rubbed her eye and squinted at me. 
"Who the hell are you talking to?" She asked. 
"No one." I said quickly. Her eyes went from my helmet to the child in my arms. 
"Then who's that?" She asked smirking. 
I didn't say anything just stepped to put the child back in his holder. I could feel her eyes watching my every move. 
"I'm sorry he woke you up." I said turning back towards her. 
"It's okay... He's not one of your bounties, is he?" She asked, there was a slight concern in her voice. 
"No. He was but, I couldn't leave him. I rescued him and now he's under my protection until I can find where he belongs." I said and she nodded, knowing that is how things worked with the Mandalorians when it came to Foundlings.
"You wouldn't happen to know what specie he is, would you?" I asked slightly hopeful that she might know. 
"No idea. But I can tell he's special." She said a slight mischievous look on her face. 
"What do you mean?" I asked confused. 
"I’m not sure, but there’s something about him." She said, she reached out to him and his tiny hand wrapped around her finger causing her to smile gently down at him. 
I looked down at the kid "The hand thing..." 
She looked at me confused. 
"Nevermind." I said shaking my head. 
She turned her attention back to the creature holding her finger. "The hand thing? That sounds like some type of magic or something." 
“I guess, in a way it is.” I confessed. 
“Well, it’s late I should get to sleep. Goodnight little.” She said softly to the kid after he let go of her finger. She turned to me and gave me a slight nod. 
And with that she turned swiftly and closed the door to the cot she was sleeping on. I'd be lying if I said I didn't like her attitude. There was something oddly familiar about her but I couldn't seem to place it. Part of me wanted to keep her around, but another part of me knew I needed the money for me and the child, and yet another part of me knew I couldn't let her go back to the man who had put the bounty on her but I could just drop her off somewhere. She had no money, and even if she did it wouldn't help much because she'd have more bounty hunters coming for her. Sure she used to be a Mandalorian, but she's pregnant and won't be able to fight off attacks soon. To say I was conflicted was an understatement.
Taglist:  @smarticles96​
@phoenixhalliwell​ posted on April 8th 2020
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Escape (A Clan of Our Own part 25) (The Mandalorian x Reader)
Word Count: 5.006 (I’m sorry, it’s long) 
Posted on: August 18, 2020
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ALSO!!!! There is an authors note at the bottom, please do read it and be on the look out for a post coming soon about future parts and all that!! Anyways, please enjoy and that you for the support!! 
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“Hey, I hate to be the one who has to break up this sweet moment, but these tunnels will be lousy with Imps in a matter of minutes probably. We should at least discuss an escape plan.” Cara said, snapping me out of my slight trance.
She was right, we had to figure out a way out of here and back to the ship.
“If you follow the descending tunnel, it will lead you to the underground river. It flows downstream to the lava flats.” The armorer said as she still continued to work on something.
I had no idea what she was making. I thought she was trying to salvage the parts, not make anything at the moment.
“I think we should go.” Greef voiced his opinion on the matter as if we weren’t all thinking the same thing.
“He is right.” The armorer agreed, “A foundling is now in both of your care. Until it is of age or you happen to decide where he truly belongs, you are as it’s father,” she looked to DIn, “And you are as it’s mother,” She looked over at me, “This is the  way.”
“This is the way.” Din and I both respond in unison. For the first time in a long while, the words of our people didn’t feel foreign on my tongue and I actually meant them.
We both gave her a nod of understanding. Up until now, that is what we had been doing anyway, raising him as if he were our own. I honestly couldn’t stand the thought of giving him up, even to others of his species, he was our son. He belonged with Din, the Bean, and me. He belonged with his family. His real family. A family doesn’t end with the blood that runs through your veins. You can make your own family with the ones you love and care about, just like we had done for ourselves.
I stole a glance back at the small green creature. Though he was very observant and could begin to sense things through the Force, I don’t think he had any idea what was going on at the moment. I couldn’t help but smile at him as he cooed at me.
“I believe the two of you have earned your signet.” She said walking over to weld them onto our right shoulder pauldron.
“This particular signet is rare. It is one that represents the true embodiment of family. Despite the vastness of our galaxy, the light will always guide you to one another. When your children and any future children are of age, they will bear this same family signet, then they will earn their personal one later on in their life and it will be added.” She explained the meaning of our new family signet.
Family signets in general were rare. Most of the time a Mandalorian will only ever earn their personal signet, and then their children will earn one of their own. But with a family signet, everyone in the family will wear the signet on one shoulder and then their personal one on the left. Whether you are born into the family, adopted in, or marry into the family, you are given the family signet to wear. Even if someone who is not a Mandalorian marries into the family, they are given a single shoulder pauldron during the wedding ceremony that bears the family signet.
“Thank you.” I said as I gave her a nod just as she finished welding mine on.
A moment later we all heard muffled explosions from the Imps drawing near. She turned to the droid.
“IG, please guard the outer hallway. A scouting party draws near.” She requested.
The droid turned to the closest person to him, which just so happened to be Cara, and handed the kid who was still in the satchel bag over to her.
“Hang on. I don’t do the baby thing.” She said, holding the creature out at arms width.
I gave Don’s hand one last squeeze before letting go and walking over to Cara to rescue her from baby duty. I took the kid off her hands and held him.
“I have one more gift for your journey, Din Djarin.” The armorer said, “Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?”
“When I was a boy. Yes.” He replied.
I remember those days vividly. We were in the same training group. None of us were experts at it at first, most of the time it took us children a week or so to even properly get up off the ground.
But not Din. He took to it like a pro, as if he’d been doing it for years. He launched off the ground and flew up fairly high, then came back down. His landing was a little wobbly, but it was still way better than anyone else had done. And it just so happened that he went right before I did.
We were always competitive growing up, hell we still are even now, to some degree. And I was certainly not about to be upstaged by him.
I took a step and pushed off the ground, gracefully flying up briefly before coming back down to land. I landed gracefully on both my feet and didn’t wobble.
Everyone was impressed. Well almost everyone. Din could not believe it. He even accused me of cheating but he didn’t know how I could have done it. I denied cheating in any form. But truth be told, I did cheat. I had used the force to make sure I did better than him, but that was something I would never admit to him. He could handle believing that I was better at something than he was.
“Then this will make you complete.” She turned around with a jetpack in her hands.
“Thank you.” Din said. I could tell he was in slight shock.
Despite how good he was with it as a boy, he never actually got the chance to get one of his own. He had always wanted one, and now he had it.
“When you have healed, you will begin your drills. Until you know it, it will not obey your commands.” She instructed.
“I understand.” Din reassured.
The sounds of blasters firing grew louder and we all heard a thump. We were all reaching for our weapons ready to be greeted by some Imps but were relieved to see IG-11 walk into the walkway.
“You are protected.” He informed us.
“More will come. You must go.” The armorer urged us.
“Come with us.” I pleaded with her.
We all knew that if she stayed she would most likely end up dead.
“My place is here.” She countered my pleas. “Restock your ammunitions.”
Din stepped over to a table and began to grab different forms of ammunition, and store them away in his belt.
“IG, carry this for Din Djarin until he is well enough to wear it.” She said to the droid, handing him the jetpack.
“Now go,” she spoke to the group as a whole, “Down to the river and across the plains.”
The rest of the group did not hesitate on their actions as they began to leave. I waited a moment for Din.
“Be safe on your journey.” The armorer bid is goodbye.
“Thank you.” Din and I both said before walking out side by side.
We continued down the now slightly more familiar hallways. And after another half an hour of walking, we were at the river. There was an old boat, with a ferry droid. Neither of which looked super promising.
“This is the lava river.” Greef announced.
“Really, I thought we made it to Hoth.” I sassed.
I was drained. Both emotionally and physically. And I knew everyone else was too, so it wasn’t an excuse. But the contraction I just felt before we got here was not doing anything to ease the stress of current circumstances.
I didn’t actually think I was going into labor. Other women on Avis that had children always said that they sensed it through the force before anything actually started happening. I hadn’t felt anything pertaining to the bean yet so I didn’t think it was actually labor. But that didn’t do much to calm me down. And it didn’t change how uncomfortable they felt. They weren’t necessarily painful, but they certainly weren’t pleasant feeling either.
“The ferry droid is fried.” Din said.
“Okay, not to be rude, but can we stop pointing out the obvious and figure out a way to get out of here before the Imps find us?” I asked, my tone was more snappy than I had intended it to be and I knew he would question me about it later.
Din looked over at me with his helmet tilted to the side as he tried to figure out where my sudden attitude came from.
“Okay, how about we push the boat out from here, then we can get it to float downstream.” Greef suggested. “Come on.”
He began pushing on the side of it trying to get it off the wall.
“Looks old. Will it take the heat?” Din asked looking over the boat.
“You got a better idea?” Greef questioned.
“It’s not like we have many other choices.” I sighed.
“Guess not.” Din conceded.
He and Cara began trying to help Greef push the boat out from the wall. It wasn’t budging.
“Come on! Push!” Greef urged.
Din stood with a huff and kicked the side of the boat out of frustration.
“Come on. What are you doing?” Greef asked, confused as Din grabbed an old metal pipe off the ground.
“Let’s try this.” He said trying to wedge the pipe between the wall and boat.
It still wasn’t moving. I looked over at Cara and she rolled her eyes as she hoisted up her rifle.
“You guys mind getting out of the way?” She asked.
We all stepped back as she opened fire at the side of the boat. She broke away the bits of dried lava that was holding the boat in its place.
Once it broke free Greef was quick to get on it. I handed the kid to Cara quickly as Din got on before me. He turned to help me on.
I placed one hand on his shoulder as he grabbed my waist.
“Ready?” He said.
I barely even nodded as he lifted me up and over onto the boat. And much to my surprise, he did it with only the slightest of grunts as he set me down.
“Watch your feet. It’s molten lava.” IG-11 warned us.
“Yeah, no kidding.” Cara stole the words before I could say them myself.
Once we were slowly drifting downstream, I stepped over to the side of the boat and rested my hands on it. I leaned into my hands slightly as I closed my eyes and began to shift my weight from one foot to the other in a futile attempt to relieve my aching body.
I could feel eyes on me but I paid them no attention. It wasn’t until Din was placing a hand on my back did I open my eyes and turned to look at him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, concerned.
I shook my head. Our mission right now was to get to the ship, once we got there we could evaluate if I really needed to go to a medical facility or just needed some rest. I was hoping more for the latter more than anything.
“Are you still getting contractions like you were yesterday?” He asked quietly so only I heard.
I nodded, slightly ashamed for not telling him.
“Hang in there just a little bit longer okay, we’ll be home on the Crest soon.” He said, holding me in his arms as he rested his helmet against mine.
Despite the heat radiating off of the lava, I didn’t want to leave his arms. Unfortunately, the supposedly fried droid had other ideas. It slowly began to come to life as all of us whipped out our weapons and trained them on the droid as he raised up taller than any of us on the boat.
With my lightsaber held firmly in my left hand, I instinctively stepped closer to Din. He wrapped his left arm around me as he aimed his blaster at the droid with his right.
The droid beeped and chirped things that we could not understand.
“I don’t suppose anyone here speaks droid?” Din said, tiring his head to the rest of the group.
“I believe he is asking where we would like to go.” IG-11 responded.
“Downriver.” Greef nodded his head in the direction we were going, “To the lava flats.”
The ferry droid chirped once again and began to steer us in the direction we were already heading. It continued to chirp and beep a random rhythmic tune as we continued downstream. We all put away our weapons.
“Yn, why don’t you sit down for a little bit?” Din suggested.
I nodded and allowed him to help ease me down to the floor of the boat to sit. He held one of my hands while his other rested on my hip to guide me. The moment I was on the ground I could feel another contraction. I squeezed Din’s hand, not because I was in pain, but because I was scared. He didn’t even need to ask me what was wrong, he knew.
“How long has it been since the last one?” He asked as he felt my grip loosen but not fully release his hand.
I sighed in relief as I relaxed a little bit more and I felt the weight taken off my feet. It wasn’t until now the true exhaustion really hit me as I was able to somewhat relax my body.
“I don’t even know, honestly.” I said shaking my head.
“Okay...um…” He trailed off as he got lost in thought.
“Din, quit trying to figure out what about this right now.” I said.
“Yn, this shouldn’t be happening yet, it’s too early.” He said gently, you didn’t have to be able to read his body language to know he was beyond worried, you could hear it in his voice.
“I know, but there is nothing we can do about it right now. Our goal right now is to get to the ship and off this planet. If we can’t make it to the ship, then you’re worrying about this for nothing, Din. Face it, Din, we have two options. Make it to the Crest, or you all die while me and the kid are taken. And honestly, I don’t know which one will be harder.” I said sadly.
He was silent for a moment as the reality of my words stuck him.
Finally, he sighed and nodded slowly, “Okay, but as soon as we’re off this planet, I’m finding you the closest medical facility. I don’t care if you’re not actually going into labor, you’ve been through a lot these past two days, we need to make sure the two of you are okay.” Din said.
I didn’t even have the energy to argue. I only nodded lazily. I was having a hard time focusing my eyes on what was in front of me, which at the moment was Din as he crouched down to talk to me. I reached up to remove my helmet, thinking it was from staring through the visor after not doing so for so long. But I could seem to get a proper grip on it. All my muscles felt like jelly.
“Here, let me help.” Din said, reaching forward to remove my helmet for me.
I sighed again once it was off. I was still having trouble focusing my eyes, but it was a little easier without the visor. My eyes kept wandering around to our surroundings.
“Hey look at me,” Din said and I forced my eyes to him, “stay with me.” He grabbed my hand and held it tightly, “I didn’t leave you, you don’t get to leave me. Neither of you do.”
I nodded weakly and squeezed his hand back as if to tell him that I wouldn’t. I could feel my brain begging me to close my eyes, to just rest for a few moments even. I tried to fight it. But it was no use, my body had already gotten the taste of relaxation and it wanted more. My eyes closed.
Despite being completely drained in almost every sense, my connection to the Force was at its highest. It was a survival tactic. When your body gets too weak to function your connection to the Force gets stronger and you are able to pick up, sense, hear, see and even sometimes feel everything happening around you. It was almost like an out of body experience.
It appeared as if I was standing on the back of the boat watching everyone in front of me. Greef pointed to the end of the tunnel and announced that we would soon be free. But I sensed that there was something more to the opening.
Din stood from where he was still crouching the real, and now unconscious me.
“No. No, we’re not. Stormtroopers. They’re flanking the mouth of the tunnel.” He confirmed my suspicions, “It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we’re coming.”
“Stop the boat.” Cara ordered the ferry droid.
The droid continued to steer us closer to our death.
“Hey, droid! I said stop the boat.”
Still, the droid did nothing to stop us.
Cara whirled around and marched right up to the droid, “Hey! I’m talking to you. I said stop!” She stuck her blaster under the head of the droid and blasted it off.
The sparks rained down before me, but none of them hurt me. I continued to watch as the boat drifted closed and closer to the Stormtroopers.
“We’re still moving!” Greef pointed out as if it wasn’t obvious.
Cara turned back to the others, “Looks like we fight.” She concluded.
“There’s too many. We wouldn’t be able to take them down, especially without Yn and the kid’s abilities.” Din argued.
“Then what do you suggest? ‘Cause I can’t surrender.” Cars shot back.
“They will not be satisfied with anything less than the child and Yn. This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy, and you will escape.” IG-11 said.
“You don’t have that kind of firepower, pal.” Din said over his shoulder, “You wouldn’t even get to daylight.” He turned to face the droid fully now.
“That is not my objective.” IG-11 said back.
I realized at that moment what his plan was. He was going to sacrifice himself to give us all the chance to escape with the child.
“We’re getting close. Saddle up.” Cara said, walking back to the front of the boat and handing the child to the droid.
“I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct.” IG informed the others.
“What are you talking about?” Din asked, stepping closer.
“I am not permitted to be captured, I must be destroyed.” The droid explained.
“Are we going to keep talking, or get out of here?” Greef hollered at the two.
If I was in a normal conscious state right now I would have told him to shut up and the droid explain what he meant.
“I can no longer carry this for you.” IG said, setting the jetpack down, “Nor can I watch over the child.” He said handing the small green creature over to Din.
“Wait. You can’t self-destruct. Your base command is to watch over the child. That supersedes your manufacturer’s protocol, right?” Din looked up at the droid as he tried to argue.
When he got no answer he pressed on, “Right?”
“This is correct.” The droid finally answered after a moment or two.
“Good, now grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out.” Din said.
“Victory through combat is impossible. The child will be lost.” IG-11 continued, “Sadly there is no scenario where the child is saved, in which I survive.”
“Listen, you’re not going anywhere. We need you, let’s just come up with a-” Din continues his futile attempts at arguing.
“Din.” I tried calling out to him as I had done once before.
His attention snapped from IG-11 to me on the ground.
“I’m not really here. But you have to listen to him. We all know you can’t shoot your way out of here, even if you had my help. Din, you promised me no more death today, don’t break that promise. I don’t like it either, but it’s the only way.” I spoke to him.
I watched as his shoulders dropped a little. He knew I was right. He turned back to the droid.
“Please tell me the child will be safe in your care. If you do so, then I can default to my secondary command.” IG-11 requested.
“But you’ll be destroyed.” Din’s voice was laced with the thinnest strand of sadness that he tried to mask.
“And you will live, and I will have served my purpose.”
“No. We need you.” Din still tried one last attempt at arguing.
“There is nothing to be sad about, I have never been alive.” The droid said back.
“I’m…” Din hesitated for a moment, “not sad.”
“Yes, you are. I’m a nurse droid, I’ve analyzed your voice.” IG said.
I could help but smirk, I knew he had formed a small soft spot for the hunk of metal.
I watched with my own heart filling with slight sadness as IG-11 reached to gently stroke the child’s large ear. Then he stepped over to the edge of the boat before climbing over the edge and down into the slowly flowing lava. He walked ahead of the boat and made it to the light a few meters ahead of us. There was a small gap of time from when he made it out to the large explosion of him self-destructing. We made it out of the tunnel by going through the cloud of smoke left in his wake.
Suddenly we all heard the familiar, ominous sound of a TIE Fighter approaching. I looked up and sure enough one was flying right towards us. We all knew it was Moff Gideon coming to finish us off.
I felt useless as he closed in on us and began firing. Almost as useless as our blasters against his small aircraft. Luckily with his first pass, he didn’t hit any of us.
“He missed!” Greef exclaimed in surprise.
“He won’t next time.” Din warned.
“Our blasters are useless against him.” Cara said, knowing they needed a different plan, and soon.
“Let’s make the baby do the magic hand thing.” Greef said confidently.
If only it were that easy.
He turned to the child and held up his hand, wiggling his fingers, “Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing.”
The child cooed softly as he raised his hand and waved at Greef.
“I’m out of ideas.” Greef said in defeat.
“I’m not.” Din began to put on the jetpack.
He was going to try and get on Moff Gideon’s level. I couldn’t tell if this was a great or horrible idea. Either way, I knew I had to do something to help.
I closed my eyes and then forced them open as I woke up back in my real body and not hovering behind them like I was.
“Din.” His name came out as more of a cough rather than actual words.
Regardless he turned to me and was kneeling in front of me in an instant.
I fumbled with the lightsaber on my hip until I got it free and held it out for him to take.
“Take it. Be careful, don’t cut any of your limbs off. And if you drop, I’ll make you walk out there all night until you find it.” I said, my voice still sounded rough from earlier, that paired with the hot air we had been breathing in made it sound even raspier.
“I don’t even know how to use it.” He said as he gently took it.
“You’ll know when you need to.” I said.
I could hear the TIE Fighter getting closer.
“Go.” I said to Din.
He reluctantly stood up, with my lightsaber held in his hand.
Just before Moff Gideon was above us, Din leaped into the air, then he shot a wire to connect onto the main part of the craft and was pulled away out of my view by the TIE Fighter.
I closed my eyes and did my best to focus on him, but it was difficult because of the rapid changes in his energy. I finally got a good hold on him as he held on tightly to the part of the ship that connected where the pilot sat to the panels on the side.
“Din, now. Use it now.” I said to him.
He gripped the weapon in one hand tightly as he ignited it, the blade plunging deep into the mechanics housed in that part of the ship. He turned it off and let go of the ship all in one quick motion.  
I lost my connection to him as my eyes snapped open.
“Cara, help me up.” I said weakly reaching my arm up to her.
She came over and helped me carefully stand from the floor and then she kept an arm around me to help stable me.
Once I was standing I watched as the TIE Fighter spiraled out of control and then crashed behind a small mountain in the distance. I didn’t see an explosion but didn’t think much of it, believing that perhaps he landed in a deep ravine that prevented us from seeing it.
Cara then helped me up and over the edge of the boat and on to solid ground. I watched as Din came near us from above and landed with a slight stumble onto the ground. He was rushing over to us in an instant. He took me into his arms as I stepped, or more like stumbled away from Cara. He held me close as if he didn’t want to let go, and truth be told I didn’t want him to.
“It looks like your Guild rates just went up.” Greef commented as I finally pulled away from Din, but not completely out of his arms.
“Are there any Stormtroopers?” Din asked.
“I think we cleaned up the town.” Cara said.
“Good.” Din nodded.
“I’m thinking of staying around just to be sure.” She added.
“Wait you’re staying here?” I asked, turning my head to look at her.
“Well, why not?” Greef interjected. “Nevarro is a very fine planet. And now that the scum and villainy have been washed away, it’s very respectable again.”
“As a bounty hunter hive?” Din questioned.
“Some of my favorite people are bounty hunters.” Greef said with a nod towards Din and I, “And perhaps, this specimen of soldier might consider joining our ranks.” He said turning to Cara and clasping her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’ve got some clerical concerns regarding my chain code.” Cara said.
“And if you agree to become my enforcer, clerical concerns would be the least of your worries.” They continued their conversation.
“But you two, you will both be welcome back into the Guild with open arms. So go off, enjoy yourselves, take some time for both of you. And when you’re ready to return you will have the pick of all quarries.” Greef said to Din and me.
Din looked slightly down at me standing next to him, with his arm around me, the kid held in my arms. The child reached over to his father, wanting to be held by him now. Din easily took him into his free arm as he spoke.
“I’m afraid I have more pressing matters at hand.” Din said.
Greef and Cara both nodded in understanding that we had a family that needed our attention for a while. Cara stepped forward and gently brushed her hand against his ear.
“Take care of him,” she said looking up to Din, then she looked over at me, “And those two.” She nodded her head to the side.
“I will.” Din assured her.
Then she stepped in front of me and gently wrapped her arms around me, “Take care, alright? And take it easy.” She pulled away but kept her hands on my upper arms, “I’m no doctor, but I don’t think escaping a town full of Imps trying to capture you is the best thing to do when you’re in your third trimester.” She joked.
I couldn’t help but laugh a little as I agreed, “Yeah, me neither.”
“And I might not be a huge fan of the whole baby thing, but I’d love to come to visit if I can after this little Bean gets here.”
I nodded, “Definitely.”
“We should get going.” Din said.
I nodded in agreement before saying goodbye to Greef.
“How are we even going to get back to the ship?” I asked.
“I have an idea.” Din said as we walked a few steps away from Cara and Greef.
“I don’t like the sound of that.” I said.
“Here hold him, and wrap your other arm around my neck.” He instructed.
I really didn’t like where this was going but I did as he said. Next thing I knew he was holding me in his arms, bridal style, and then he pushed up off the ground. I stiffened up in his arms as my grip on him and the child tightened significantly.
“Din, I swear if you…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.
“I didn’t drope your lightsaber, did I?” He teased.
“This is way different than a lightsaber.” I argued with eyes screwed shut.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.”
OMG!!! And that is 25 parts of this story DONE!! and if you have watched The Mandalorian (I assuming you have) or you have rewatched it eight times (I’m not judging, that’s literally me) You may realize we’re out of actual episodes to base the story off of, do not worry, I do have plan. This story is NOT finished (could you imagine if I did end it here though and y’all never get to experince Din with the Bean? crule am I right?) But all of this to say that They’re will be more parts, I promise!! LOVE YALL AND AS ALWAYS THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!
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@talesfromtheguild​ (I laugh everytime I tag you because I see your profile picture and that part of the movie is so funny to me) 
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Union (A Clan of Our Own part 24) (The Mandalorian x Reader)
Word count: 3469 (not counting translations and I am sorry their is quite a bit) 
Posted on: August 6, 2020
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We continued walking in silence. I still felt numb to the world around me. Nothing would ever be the same for me. Although I knew deep down that I still had the Kid, the Bean, and a whole clan of people that would help support me back on Avis, none of them could ever live up to what Din is, or I guess was, to me. He was my everything at this point. He was the Kid’s papa, he was going to be the Bean’s papa, we were going to have more kids in the future, we were going to get married at the first chance we got, but now… none of that would ever happen.
Sure there was a chance that I may find someone new in the future, but that’s the thing I don’t want anyone new. In fact, I don’t want anything new. If it was up to me, I’d go back to where it was just me, Din, and the Kid cruising through space. Everything was so much easier then, no one was dying then. And most importantly, we still had each other.
The only thing that pulled me out of my thoughts was the sound of footsteps down the corridor to our left. I stopped dead in my tracks and held my lightsaber out a little further, illuminating the mouth of the tunnel with its light.
“What’s going on, what are you doing?” Cara asked.
“There’s something down there.” I warned, I tried to sound strong but my voice was hoarse and my throat was raw from sobbing earlier.
“Then maybe we should get going. If those Imperial Troopers have gotten down here, it is only a matter of time before they find us.” Greef suggested clearly scared of what might be down there.
“No, if they’re Imps then they’d come at us from behind and then just kill the two of you and take me and the Kid. I already lost Din, I’m not losing anyone else today. Understood?” I sneered. I wasn’t actually trying to be rude but I couldn’t go through any more loss toady. If I lost anyone else today that would be it for me, I couldn’t lose anyone else.  
Cara drew her blaster and I handed my extra one to Greef. We all stood ready to face whatever was about to come out of the darkness before us. Just as the figure approached the light and I saw who it was, the lightsaber slipped from my grip. The moment it was in free fall it automatically shut off. I was walking, then walking faster and faster, I would’ve run if I could.
It was Din. When I was directly in front of him I reached out to run my hands over his arms, his chest, and finally his helmet.
“I-Is this re- Is this real? Are- Are you really alive?” I stuttered due to a fine mixture of shock and having a raw throat from screaming earlier.
He placed his hands over mine and held them to where they laid against the smooth, cold metal of his helmet.
“Yes, I’m alive, and yes, this is real. I’m here, we’re going to be alright.” He whispered, his voice still sounded a bit week but it was miles better than what it had sounded like when we left him.
“H-how is this po-possible?” I stammered, tears of joy slipping from my eyes. I was amazed I even had enough tears left for.
“The droid.” Din said with a slight scoff.
I turned to IG-11, I was beginning to have a soft spot for the hunk of metal. First, he saved the kid and now Din. Maybe not all droids were bad.
“But what about-“
“I am not a living thing, therefore no code has been broken.” The droid cut me off.
I looked back up at Din, “Is this real?” I whispered again in disbelief. I kept my hands on him because deep down it felt that if I took my hands off of him he’d fade away into the shadows around us and he’d be gone again.
He took my hands down off of his helmet but still held onto them tightly.
“Yes. And I’m not going anywhere. I made promises to the three of you, and I intend to keep them.” He said leaning down to rest his helmet on mine.
“You better.” I said, letting go of his hands and wrapping my arms around him tightly.
He grunted in pain but wrapped his own arms around me just as tightly. As much as I wanted to relish in being in his arms, we both knew we had to keep moving.
Cara and Greef had waited back behind me to allow Din and me to have our moment but now they were both walking up to us. She handed the Kid off to IG-11 and handed me my lightsaber that she had picked up off the ground. Then she wrapped an arm around Din to help support him as we began walking. I was hesitant to pull away from him but he couldn’t walk on his own and I wouldn’t be able to support his weight for very long.
“I got you.” She said.
The group began moving once again. I was walking out front, leading the group, and lighting the way with my lightsaber. For the most part, I knew where I was going but now after walking for a few minutes, it was begging to feel like we weren’t getting anywhere. We came up to a cross in the tunnels and I stopped short.
“Do you know which way to go?” Greef asked me stepping up to be right beside me.
I looked around hoping to catch the since of anything familiar, but with no luck. I had no idea where we were in the vast maze of corridors.
“No, I don’t know where we are.” I admitted with a sigh. I took the time that we were standing still to put a hand on my lower back and rubbed it the best I could through the armor, the longer we walked the more it began to hurt.
“What about you, do any of these tunnels look familiar to you?” He asked turning back to face Din.
“No, I don’t know these tunnels. I’ve only entered from the bazaar.” Din said.
The decision was left to me and I took a right turn.
“Well, if we get the smell of sulfur and we follow it, it’ll lead us up to the plains where the river flows.” Greef said as we walked.
“And the Imps will catch us before we make it to the ship. We need the Mandalorians to escort us to safety.” Din said.
I continued leading us, taking the next left turn we came across. I was trying to use the Force to help guide me to where we needed to go but it was all very faint and hard to interpret. I was just as lost as they were.
“Ugh. This place is a maze!” Cara said in frustration.
“Stop.” Din said suddenly, we all turned and looked over at him, “I can stand.” He assured Cara before removing his arms from around her shoulder.
“The bacta infusion is working.” IG-11 commented.
“I’ll try to find some tracks.” he said, turning on his visor.
He looked around, scanning the area.
“That way.” He said, and with that, he took the lead. We all followed closely behind him. He was using the light on his helmet to light the way, and I had reignited my lightsaber to provide some extra light.
“Turn here.” He instructed.
Everything around me was starting to feel a little more familiar. Just as we rounded another corner we saw it. A pile of discarded Mandalorian helmets. Right away I recognized a few from men and women I had known that lived here. Din reached up and turned off his light and turned off my lightsaber and reattached it to my hip as we walked closer.
It felt like a wall had collapsed in on me. I didn’t, no I couldn’t lose any more people today, and I just found out that I had lost so many without even knowing it. Cara, Greef, and IG-11 all stood back for a moment as Din and I approached the pile. Din kneeled down once we were in front of it. I took my own helmet off and held it in one hand down by my side.
“Din, did you know about this?” I asked in a hushed, broken tone.
“No. It must’ve happened after I left with the kid.” He said, picking up one of the helmets in his hands.
“Who-” I took a deep breath before continuing, “Who could have done this?”
“I don’t know.” Din said.
Silence filled the space between the two of us. Cara walked up carefully and laid a hand on my arm.
“We should go.” She advised gently.
Neither I nor Din had the energy to answer her at this moment. All we could manage to do was make an attempt to process just how many clan members were now gone.
“Did you know about this? Is this the work of your bounty hunters?” Din finally snapped, turning slightly over his shoulder to Greef.
“No.” He was quick to answer, “When you left the system and took the prize, the fighting ended and the fighters just melted away. You know how it is. They’re mercenaries. They’re not zealots.” He defended.
I wasn’t sure if I believed Greef. Yes, it sounded like that is probably what happened, but he had lied to us before. How could we be sure that he wasn’t lying to us again?
Din stood quickly and whirled around to face him, “Did you do this? Did you?” He yelled. Din was right up in Greef’s face as he yelled.
“No!” Greef yelled back.
“It was not his fault.” My head snapped in the other direction at the sound of her familiar voice.
I really never thought that I would see or hear her ever again. Din slowly turned around to see her as well.
“We revealed ourselves. We knew what could happen if we left the covert. The Imperials arrived shortly thereafter. This is what resulted.” She said calmly.
“Did anyone survive?” Din asked.
“I hope so. Some may have escaped off-world. Perhaps at one of the safehouses spread across the galaxy.” With her last sentence, she looked directly at me.
I knew she was talking about Avis. It could be used as a temporary safe house if a covert ever needed to relocate.
“We’re heading to one of the safe havens, Avis, you should come with us.” Din quickly offered.
“I will not abandon this place until I have salvaged what remains.” She said as she picked up another helmet, placed it into the floating cart, and pushed it back into the room in which she had come out of moments before.
Din and I shared a split-second glance at one another before he was grabbing my empty hand and led us to follow her. The rest of our group followed in a few paces behind us.
“Show me the one whose safety deemed such destruction.” The armorer requested after she had dropped a chest plate into the smelter and turned to us.
I knew she was talking about the child and Din and I both looked back to the droid still holding the small creature. IG-11 steps forward some.
“This is the one.” Din said.
“This is the one that you hunted, then saved?” She questioned as she looked at the kid.
“Yes. The one that saved me as well.” Din confirmed.
“From the mudhorn?”
“It looks helpless.” She concluded looking back up to Din.
“He is injured, but not helpless.” Din corrected her conclusion, “He’s...special. He is able to move objects with his mind.” Din added.
She had turned her back to us once again and was tending to the flames some. While she was turned away, Din turned his head ever so slightly to me to confirm that what he was saying was correct and gave him a small nod. It was a very generic way of explaining it, but it got the point across.
“I know of such things.” She commented, “The songs of eons past tell of battles between Mandalore The Great, and an order of sorcerers called Jedi that fought with such powers.”
“He may have the same abilities, but he is not an enemy like they were.” Din said in defense.
“I am aware of this. His kind were enemies, but this individual, and Yn, are not.” She said turning to look at both of us.
“Do you know what he is?” Din asked.
“It is a foundling.” She stated simply, “By Creed, it is in your care and the care of your riduur.”
“We are not-” I trailed off before I could finish my sentence.
“The two of you have not joined as one yet?” She looked over at me for a moment before she continued with what she had been doing.
“No. We haven’t had the chance to because we never had a witness for it.” Din explained.
“I see. I know Yn knows many Mandalorians off-world, why have you not gone to one of them?” She asked, her back still turned to us.
“We were planning on going to Avis, but something always seemed to pop up that prevented us from ever making it even halfway there. That’s how we ended up here actually.” I explained.
“If you wish to be united as one, I may be your witness. It will have to be quick, there is not much time. Do you both know the vows?” She asked.
“Yes.” Din and I said at the same time.
“Good. Stand to face one another. Remove each other’s left shoulder pauldron and hand them to me.” She instructed.
We both did as she said. I stood stunned for a moment as we both took a beat to just take in one another and the whole situation. Less than an hour ago we thought he was going die, and now we stood here officially getting married. I handed my helmet over to Cara for the time being, so I could free up my hands. Without saying a word we both began reaching to remove the small piece of armor off of one another. I had to reach up slightly since he was taller than me. Once both of our left shoulder pauldron were removed we handed them to the armorer.
“Ni Kelir cast solus be these lo a evaar'la shoulder pauldron par te ashi solus tion'ad has worn bic akay jii, bid gar Kelir ratiin ganar a kis'wa be gar riduur ti gar. Now remove the right one.” She spoke the ceremony in Mando’a but the instructions she spoke in basic.
(“I will cast each of these into a new shoulder pauldron for the opposite one who has worn it until now, so you will always have a piece of your spouse with you.” Or quite literally “I shall cast alone of these into but new shoulder pauldron for the other alone who has worn it until now, so you shall always have but piece of you spouse with you”)
We both did as she said and began to remove one another’s right shoulder pauldron. As we did this she had already begun to cast our new shoulder pieces. We both handed her the right one.
“Ni Kelir melt these t'ad kis'wa daab tome bal created a evaar'la shoulder puldron par solus be gar dayn be bic. Ibic signifies te union acyk te t'ad be gar bal ibac gar cuyir jii solus.” She said, placing the pieces of armor into the same smelter together.
(“I shall melt these two pieces down together and created a new shoulder puldron for each of you out of it. This signifies the union between the two of you and that you are now one.” or quite literally “I shall melt these two pieces down together and created but new shoulder puldron for alone of you out of it.  This signifies the union between the two of you and that you are now alone”)
She removed the first piece of armor, Din’s new left shoulder piece, from the flames and quenched it. After cleaning it off quickly she handed it back to me. Then she turned and did the same with mine and handed it to Din.
“You may now present the pieces of armor, Din you shall go first.” She instructed.
He took a deep breath before he began. “Ni dinuir gar ibic beskar'gam at tengaanar ibac Ni Kelir ratiin cuyir ti gar, o'r ra dayn be battle, gar Kelir ratiin ganar a kis'wa be ni.”
(“I give you this armor to signify that I will always be with you, in or out of battle, you will always have a piece of me. ” or quite literally, “I give you this armor to show that I shall always are with you, in or out of battle, you shall always have but part of I”) 
He reached out and secured the new piece onto my left shoulder. His hands were shaking the whole time but he tried not to let it show.
“Yn, now it is your turn.” The armorer said.
“Ni dinuir gar ibic beskar'gam at tengaanar ibac Ni Kelir ratiin cuyir ti gar, o'r ra dayn be battle, gar Kelir ratiin ganar a kis'wa be ni.” I repeated, my voice was still hoarse and the waver in it made the words come out choppy, but I couldn’t care less at the moment.
Then I reached up with equally shaky hands and secured the pauldron to his left shoulder. As I did this, the armor was preparing the second pieces for us. Once again Din went first.
“Din, you may present the second piece now.” The armorer said.
“Ni dinuir gar ibic kis'wa be beskar'gam at tengaanar ibac vi cuyir jii joined tome sa solus.  Gar Kelir ratiin ganar a kis'wa be ni bal a kis'wa be mhi at cabuor gar.” Though I couldn’t see his face, I knew he was smiling and more than likely had tears welling u in his eyes just as I did.
(“I give you this piece of armor to signify that we are now joined together as one. You will always have a part of me and a part of us to protect you.” or literally “I give you this part of armor to show that we are now joined together as one. You will always have a part of me and a part of us to protect you.”)
He carefully put on the piece of armor. Once it was secured he slowly retracted his hands. Then it was my turn.
“Ni dinuir gar ibic kis'wa be beskar'gam at tengaanar ibac vi cuyir jii joined tome sa solus.  Gar Kelir ratiin ganar a kis'wa be ni bal a kis'wa be mhi at cabuor gar.” I repeated the same vows he had just said. Then I did my best to quickly secure it onto his right shoulder, I was ready to officially be Yn Darjin, but my shaking hands made it difficult.
Once it was on we both looked at the Armorer waiting for the next instruction.
“Gar Kelir jii recite te Mando wedding vows, venjii which gar Kelir cuyir tome sa solus.” She said with a nod.
(“Now you shall recite the Mandalorian wedding vows, after which you will be joined together as one.” Or literally, “You shall now recite the Mandalorian wedding vows, after which you will be together as one.”)
Din and I looked back at one another. He reached down with both of his hands to find mine and hold them between the two of us. We both took a deep breath before we spoke together in unison.
“Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
("We are one when together, we are one when parted, we will share all, we will raise warriors.")
With the last words, his hands slipped out mine to rest against my stomach. He wouldn’t be able to feel it through the armor I wore, but the Bean gave a kick in response.
“Gar cuyir jii solus.” The Armorer concluded the short ceremony.
(“You are now one.”)
“This now means that the foundling is in your care as well, Yn and the child that you carry will take the name Darjin. It also means that helmets may be removed without the braking of the Creed in front of one another and your children.” She explained as she got back to what she had been doing before she paused to conduct our union ceremony.
Din and I both nodded.
“The child is too young to train in the ways of the Mandalorian, it would die. And seeing as it does not seem to age at the same rate as humans do, I can only assume it will be a long after we are all gone before he is at an appropriate age to begin training.” She said.
“What do we do with him then?” Din asked.
“He must be raised with his own kind.” She said simply.
“Where is his own kind?” DIn asked, clearly confused. We didn’t know what species he was, let alone where he came from.
“That is for you to determine.” She answered vaguely.
I couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps she didn’t necessarily mean his own species. She had said earlier that he and I were the same. Could I be considered his own kind?
“Does his own kind mean his species or just others like him?” I asked as she continued to work.
“I do not have the answer to that question, that can only be answered by you. Do you believe you could raise him to begin understanding the abilities you both have?” She asked.
I thought for a moment. If I was to raise the Bean in the ways of the Force there should be no reason I couldn’t do the same for him. I had already begun to show him a couple of things.
“Yes.” I said with a nodded.
“Then, I do believe that he is where he belongs.” She said turning to face us only briefly.
Despite everything that we had gone through I was smiling. I was beyond happy to be married to Din. I knew we didn’t have much time, we would need to go soon, but I wanted to be able to savor this moment for as long as I possibly could.
A/n: okay so a couple of things... ONE: I am so sorry for how long this took me to post, I will try to be better about it for future parts... TWO I just want to address this to clear up anything, I know there are quite a handful of Din x Readers that have a wedding tradition that involves armor, I will admit that I do not know where that concept originated nor if it’s actually even cannon (I don’t think it is though) so what you read here in this fic was my personal take on it, every one that I have read that have used this dose it in there own way, I wanted to do my own take on it vs. copying someone elses so if it is similar to someone elses it’s just coincidence (I hope that is spelt right). Anyways just wanted to clear that up. 
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Race (A Clan of Our Own part 23) (The Mandalorian x Reader)
Word Count: 3717
Posted on: July 21, 2020
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The last thing I remember is aiming at Moff Gideon, him aiming at me, him changing his aim last minute and shooting the fuel canister to the E-Web making it explode, getting thrown back, hearing Yn call my name before the world went deafly silent.
When my eyes opened again, I saw Yn and the kid blocking a wall of fire from reaching us, saving us all. I tried to call out to her but I couldn’t and my eyes slipped shut once again.
Everyone says that time slows down when you face disaster, but I guess that’s only if you live through it. The ones that die never get to say how it feels to them. It’s not the same. Nothing slows down. Nothing is there to hold off looking death in the eyes as it smiles down at you evilly knowing you will soon be at its mercy. Everything is moving faster. You know you’re running out of time and yet you can’t do anything to make it slow down.
I couldn’t help but wonder if this is what it felt like for my parents on the day of the attacks. For me it felt like that day lasted weeks. At the thought of my parents, I began to think about anything I could remember of them.
If there is one thing I remember about my mother it was how she always made these borderline insane analogies for things. One stuck out in my mind right now, Dying is like running a two-man race against Death itself.
She would always compare dying to running a race. She said from the moment you’re born, you and death are running the race. Sometimes the race lasts many, many years, and ends when you no longer have the stamina to keep running and death finally catches up to you. Sometimes the death has won the race before you even get a chance to start it. Sometimes you’re running smoothly, then you trip up and fall, and then death gets closer and closer as you try to pick yourself back up and keep running, sometimes he catches up sometimes he doesn’t and the race continues. Other times people end their race and allow death to catch up because they feel as though they aren’t strong enough. Sometimes you forget you're in the race until death is hot on your heels. Some people embrace the race and constantly try to outrun death as long as they can, others simply run their best and accept it when death catches them.
Me, though. I didn’t care much for the race. There had been plenty of times where death was gaining on me but I always managed to pull ahead and re-establish the distance between us. I had fallen into this pattern for so long, I never really thought about what would happen if I was ever unable to put a safe gap between and death. Not until now.
Maybe I subconsciously thought that death wouldn’t come for just yet because of how many races I had helped him win. I had ended so many races for other people. Perhaps death saw me as an ally. But now, knowing that I was leaving Yn, the kid, and our baby behind, I knew that wasn’t true. Death always wins the race, it doesn’t matter how much you think you can outrun him. You can’t. And my race was almost up.
I could feel death gaining on me from behind. I pushed myself to run harder, trying to put as much distance as I could between me and it. For her. I had to see and talk to her one last time.
I forced my eyes open again. The fire was gone. I knew Cara was beside me, the droid and Greef somewhere to my left, but my eyes could only focus on her. She was standing with the kid cradled to her shoulder, despite not being able to see her face under the helmet I somehow knew she was whispering.
“Yn.” Her name slipped out of my mouth without even a single thought to it.
She turned to me. Cara stood and the kid was shoved into her arms as Yn rushed over to me, nearly tripping over her own feet. She dropped to her knees beside me and tore her helmet off tossing it to the side.
“You’re okay, Din, you’re okay.” Her voice was shaking as she tried not to show how scared she was.
Though we both knew I wasn’t okay, this was her way of trying to convince the both of us that I would be fine. She reached forward and her hands found the back of my helmet getting ready to lift it off. But I stopped her.
I could feel the blood coming out of the cuts across my face and the gash on the back of my head. My face was beginning to swell in some places from hitting it against the inside of the helmet when the explosion happened. She didn’t deserve to have her last memory of my face be like this, bruised and bloody. I would much rather her temper the face of the boy she met all those years ago. And the image of me she had created in her mind of what I looked from the hands that roamed my body in the secure blanket of darkness.
I brought her hands down from my helmet. Within the few seconds, she had touched me, her hands became covered in blood. My blood. That’s when it finally hit both of us. I was dying.
“Din, let me do it. I can help you. Let me help you.” She pleaded with me as tears began to make tracks in the dirt and grime that had built up on it from the walk into town and all the smoke in the air from blasters and the fires that burned around us. Even now though, she was beautiful. Broken down as she may be, I still found her to be the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
“Yn, you can’t. When you did it to Greef, it took you and the Kid, it drained both of you, the kid is already down, you just stopped that fire you would collapse if tried and that would make the rest of you too vulnerable.” I tried to reason with her though I knew she wouldn’t have it. I knew she had the capabilities to save me, but I couldn’t let her do it.
I heard a metal clank and knew that the grate was off without even looking over at it. I could feel death inching closer to me.
“Yn, go with them. You know those tunnels better than I do, they need you. Let me have an honorable death.” I begged her to go.
Truth be told I didn’t want her to go, I didn’t want to die alone here. But I also didn’t want her to have to sit here and watch me go through that. She has already been through so much in her life. She didn’t deserve this. Forcing her to leave me would hurt her and I knew that, but she was strong. But I just knew that her staying here with me as I died would be the one thing to finally break her once and for all. I couldn’t do that to her. There was still so much she was going to do in her life. Her race wasn’t ending, but mine was.
I reached up and under a few layers that blocked me from getting to my necklace. Once I had a grip on it I yanked it off. Before I could even hand it over to her, Yn was shaking her head. She knew exactly what it was and why I was giving it to her. I forced it into her hands and then closed her fingers around it.
“No Din, you’re not dying. I won’t let you. You are not going to die. You can’t die, you can’t! I can’t do this without you. We can’t do this without you.” She began sobbing as she clutched onto my chest. I brought one of my shaking hands to hold onto her back.
It took everything in me not to bend to her wishes. If I let her help me that would leave both of us extremely weak and someone would more than likely have to help us out of here, that would only leave the droid to defend us. From whatever we might face after getting down into the tunnels. It wasn’t worth the risk, one life versus all of ours, it wasn’t even a question for me.
“You can Yn, you’re strong. You can do this, for the Kid and the Bean. I know you can. It’ll be okay. You need to go.” I said gently, I tried to keep my voice as calm and steady as I could but I was shaking all over. I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or from the coldness that was slowly encircling me.
Death inched evermore closer.
I removed my hand from her back and brought it to her shoulder to gently urge her to get up and leave me. It hurt. It hurt more than the damn explosion. But the cry that came from her as I tried to push her way hurt more than anything I had ever experienced, mentally, emotionally, or physically.
“No!” She yelled, clinging to me even tighter. I couldn’t help wincing slightly in pain as her arms pressed into a newly formed bruise.
“There’s still so much you’re supposed to be a part of, Din. We haven’t even discussed names for him. You’re his father, you’re supposed to be involved in all of that.” She said as she continued to hiccup through her sobs.
She was right. There was so much more for us to do before the bean came. Things that we were supposed to do together. Things that we would never get to do. We would never get to discuss our ideas for names. Or put together his bed. I won’t be there to help her through labor like I promised her I would after she woke me up late one night saying that she couldn’t stop thinking about how scared she was for it. I promised her that night that everything would be fine when the time came. I would be right there beside her the whole time. I guess that’s just another promise I made to her that I was now braking.
It wasn’t just her though. It was the kid and the little bean too. There were things I had promised each of them that now I would never be able to give either one of them. I promised the kid that I would protect him until we either found where he belonged or decided that he would stay with me. But now that promise would be broken. I promised the bean that I would love and take care of him no matter what, I promised to give him the childhood that I had ripped away from me. But that too was a hollow promise that will never be for filled.
Death got even closer and I was struggling to breathe now.
“In the cockpit,” I began, “in one of the drawers on the left. There is a list of names I was going to show you-“
“Good. Show me when we get back to the ship then.” She quickly cut me off before I could finish what I was saying.
That’s one thing I have always loved about her she was stubborn as hell when it came to the ones she loved. Even now as lay in front of her dying, she refused to give up on me. It was her fatal flaw.
“Yn, you know-” I drew in a shaky breath, “you know that I won’t make it even halfway.” I could hear my voice getting weaker as I myself was also growing weaker with every moment that passed and every inch of distance I lost between me and death.
“You have to. You’re supposed to be there when he’s born. We were supposed to be a family, Din. You can’t leave now.” She sobbed and hugged onto me even tighter. I was sure her knuckles were stark white with how tightly she gripped the edges of my armor.  
“You’ll have Cara there with you, she’ll help you. I know she will.” I said, slightly turning my head to catch her looking at me. A slight exchange happened between the two of us. One that ensured what I had just told Yn was the truth, that Cara would help her through the rest of the pregnancy and some afterward even if that wasn’t her area of comfort.  
“I don’t want Cara to be there, I want- no, I need you to be there.”
I knew her words were meant with no offense to Cara. While having Cara there with her would be better than being alone, it wasn’t what she promised, it wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted me there for it all, and I couldn’t deliver that one request to her.
“I’m sorry, Yn.” I sighed, my chest was burning with lack of oxygen and I grew dizzy but I tried to fight it off by taking as deep of breaths that I could without wincing in pain.
“What am I even supposed to do without you? The Crest, the kid, everything. Nothing will ever be the same without you, Din.” Her voiced sound so broken and lost. The last and only other time I had heard her sound like this was after we were rescued by the Mandalorians. It sharted my soul into a million tiny shards.
Death got even closer, I could see him in my peripherals.
I was running out of steam in this race and there was still so much I wanted to tell Yn. But other things had to take priority, she had to know what to do once they got out of here.
I took a deep breath. “When you get back to the Crest, you’ll have to override everything into your command. You know all the codes to the weapon’s vault. You know how to fly it. She’s old, we both know that, but if you take care of her like I know you know how to, she’ll last you a long time.” I took another shaky breath, this one was much more shallow than the last one I took.
“Get off this planet, the Crest can’t be tracked. Take the kid to Avis, show him the ways of the Force-sensitive Mandalorians. And when the Bean gets here, do the same with him. Tell him I was his father, that I loved him despite never meeting him and I wished I could have been there. I’m sorry Yn.” Tears fell freely down my face under my helmet. The salt in them caused the cuts on my face to burn.
“No, don’t say that. Please, Din, don’t say that.” Yn begged, still refusing to let go of me.
I sighed and looked over to Cara again, “Cara,” I sighed and nodded to her slightly. I knew she wouldn’t go freely, and I hated that someone was literally having to pull her away from me but it was the only way I knew she would leave with the others and be safe.
Cara stepped up behind her and leaned down whispering, “I’m sorry Yn.”  before she gently grabbed Yn’s arms and carefully pulled her away from me.
“You son of bitch you promised me we’d make it out of this together. You promised me that everything would be okay. You son of bitch, you’re a liar!” Yn yelled down at me with hot tears streaming down her face as Cara pulled her away from me and held her back from being able to run back to me.
Little did she know that under my helmet the same tears were running down my face and I was cursing myself too. I made her feel this way all because I couldn’t keep running my own race and I was now leaving her to run her’s all alone.
I knew she angry at me for letting her save me, but it was for the better. She would be able to continue her own race and watch the kid and the Bean run theirs. I could only hope that I would able to watch them too somehow, and see Yn again in another life.
“Ret'urcye mhi, Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” “Goodbye (literally: "Maybe we'll meet again”), I love you.” I said weakly before her and Cara were gone.
I faintly heard their footsteps retreating. Death was stepping on my heels. My race would soon be over. I could feel my breathing get shorter. I looked up at the IG unit that stayed behind.
“Do it.” I said weakly. I was ready to stop running from death. I didn’t want to suffer or have and Imp come in to finish me off. Death by a droid seems to be my best option here given the circumstances.
“Do what?” IG-11 asked.
“Just get it over with. I’d rather you kill me than some Imp.”
“I told you, I am no longer a hunter. I am a nurse droid.” It said back to me.
I couldn’t help but think to myself that Yn would have either laughed rolled her eyes at the irony of a situation like this.
I turned my head more towards him, “Igs are all hunters.” I breathed out shakily.
“Not this one,” He argued back, “I was reprogrammed.”
I couldn’t believe I was spending my few minutes alive arguing with a droid. Block dots began to invade my vision. Death was nearly in step with me. Why he wouldn’t just lap me already was beyond me. It was like he was taunting me at this point. I had already resigned myself to the idea that this was it, why wasn’t he jumping at the opportunity to win yet another race.
“I need to remove your helmet if I am to save you.”
Had he not heard the entire conversation I had just had with Yn. I was dying and I wouldn’t let her remove my helmet. She was the woman I loved. The woman I was to be married to soon and yet I wouldn’t even let her take it off.
IG-11 reached a mechanical hand for the lip of my helmet but I pulled my blaster up and aimed it at him with a shaky grip.
“Try it and I’ll kill you.” I threatened.
He looked down at the blaster and then up at me again.
“It is… forbidden.” I sighed.
“No living thing has seen me without my helmet since I swore the Creed. Not even Yn has.” My shaking was becoming worse, I studdered nearly every other word.
“I am not a living thing.” The droid stated.
He gripped my helmet and began to lift it off of my head. I wasn’t sure if it was me being shocked at his revelation or me truly accepting what he had just said, but I didn’t stop him. He could now see my face, and yet no Creed had been broken because he was a droid. It was a life-saving loophole.
Maybe, just maybe all the promises I had made to my little family won’t be broken after all. Maybe I could still hold true to all of them.
“This is a bacta spray. It will heal you in a matter of hours.” He began spraying it onto my cuts its all too familiar burning sensation stung for just a moment as it met the raw skin of my wounds.
“You have suffered damage to your central processing unit.” He continued.
I gave him a confused, slightly dazed look, “You mean my brain?”
“That was a joke. It is meant to put you at ease.”
Stifled what sounded like a pitiful excuse of a laugh. I took a deep breath and groaned slightly as I tried to relax a little to let the bacta kick in.
It was only now that I realized Death had fallen behind once again and the distance between us was growing with every second. I was going to live. This whole time I had accepted my fate, but now I was getting a second chance. Only minutes ago death was stepping on my heels trying to get me to fall so he could run past me, but now he was far behind me as if he had never been close to me.
At the realization that I was in fact going to be there for my family, tears began to fall. All the emotions I was trying to hide from Yn for her sake all came to the surface as I let the tears fall down my face, I began to hiccup sightly through the tears as my nose became stopped up and it grew harder to breathe.
I used the back of my gloved hand to wipe my face off before turning to IG-11.
“Hand me my helmet. If we leave now, we can catch up to the others.” I said already pushing myself forward to sit up more.
“You should rest a little longer.” He suggested.
“No, I have to get to Yn. I made her a promise and I intend to keep it.” I said.
He handed me the helmet and I carefully put it on, then he helped me stand and get through the grate. It was pitch black in the tunnels and the only sound was the distant echo of water dripping. I turned on my visor, to see if their heat signatures were still lingering. Down one tunnel I saw three pairs of footprints leading away from us. It was them.
“That way.” I said pointing in the direction that the footprints lead.
I was still a little shaky on my legs, but I was getting to Yn one way or another. We began walking. The only thought in my head was of my family. We were still one, and we were going to get of here alive and together. 
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Secret (The Mandalorian x reader part 16)
Word Count: 3980 (oh such a nice number) ALso that is not incuding the translations 
Yes, I used Mando’a in this, some of the translations may not be exact, but they are pretty close. 
Posted on: June 25, 2020
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While we were waiting for the ship to refuel, Din brought up the idea of going to pick up Cara and someone named Kuiil to help up on Navarro. My answers to him were short responses like “Okay,” “Sure,” and “Alright.”
It was actually a good plan, it was well thought out, but I wasn’t in the mood to talk to him right now. He got his time to vent when he was angry, and I’ll get mine when we get back on the ship and head to Sorgon.
“I’m flying to Sorgon.” I announced as we walked back on.
“I can do it.” He offered kindly, too kindly for me at the moment.
“That’s great Din, so can I and I will, you can stay down here with the kid.” I sassed already removing the pieces of armor I had on.
“I’m going to take this off, put it in the crate, and then I don’t really care what you do with it.” I said going to the kitchen where the crate still sat.
I took off the remaining pieces and haphazardly tossed them in. I should have been more careful with them but I just wanted it off right now.
Once I was done I walked out and went straight to the cockpit to warm the ship up to get her ready to take off.
Within no time we were cruising through hyperspace. The blue hue of space filled the cockpit. I turned to the side and saw it sitting there. The helmet.
If only he knew that my Creed wasn’t the same. There was a special group of Mandalorians that were force users. We have our own secret clan and we all take a different creed than the rest of the Mandalorians. The beginning of it is the same but ours is slightly longer.
“Strength is Life: for the strong have the right to rule. Honor is Life: for with no honor, one may as well be dead. Loyalty is Life: for without one’s clan, one has no purpose. Death is Life: one should die as they have lived. Force is Life: For it connects all things living and dead and we shall live on within it. Balance is Life: For it is us who maintain the balance. This is the way.”
The Force-sensitive Mandalorians have been around just as long as the Mandalorian culture has. They were granted special protection under Mandalore The Great, despite his conflicts with the Jedi Order. He saw them as a potential secret weapon. They lived amongst all the other Mandalorians, and no one ever questioned it. When the Jedi and Mandalorian war began, they were seen as saviors by many and traders by others. Nonetheless, they still lived beside one another with only a little conflict between the two groups. At least until the Pacific era began. The lead Elder of the time saw what was to become of Mandalore, he knew it would destroy what they had built for the Force-sensitive Mandalorians so he made the decision to scatter the ones left across the galaxy. They were to remove their armor and live like regular citizens, make a life for themselves that gave no indication that they were Mandalorians, or that they could use the Force. If they had children they would be raised to know the ways of the Mandalorian and needed to be prepared to jump back into it at the drop of a pen.
And they were. When the great purge happened they were all called to return to a secret base where the Elders had remained. They came together, regrouped, and decided to distribute themselves across the different clans that were establishing themselves across the galaxy as both an extra form of protection and to help guide any foundlings who are Force-sensitive.
They helped train them in the ways of the Force and taught them the history of being the ones that came before them. Once they take the Creed they are taken to the planet, Avis to meet the Elders and become a member of the Clan. There they are given a place of shelter and a place where they can remove their helmets without possibly breaking their Creed.
We saw the rules surrounding the helmets differently than everyone else does. We are allowed to remove them in the presence of other members of Clan Genet because we see one another like family. If there is ever a time when our helmet is removed in front of some else, then it is up to a council of Elders to decide if we broke our Creed.
I had yet to get the chance to stand before them. That’s actually where I was trying to go when Din found me. There was still a possibility that I was still a Mandalorian but I wouldn’t know until I gave my testimony before them.
I knew I had to tell Din about all of this, but I was scared of how he’d react. He is very passionate about the Creed and how important it is to him and finding out that there’s a group of us who live by a different one might not go over well with him. I couldn’t lose him again.
It had maybe been thirty minutes when I heard him outside the door to the cockpit. I pressed a button to my right and the door slid open. He walked in quietly.
“I’m sorry, Yn.” He sighed, even through his helmet I could tell his voice sounded broken.
“It’s fine, Din.” I said gently.
I knew I had had enough time sulking over it and it was time to forgive one another.
“No, it’s not. I was way out of line with what I said, I took it too far. I can only imagine how hard all of this is for you, and I just had to go and make it even worse. I know you didn’t choose to leave, and I just threw it back in your face like an asshole. I’m so sorry.” I heard him sniffle once he was finished speaking.
I stood and turned around to face him.
“It’s okay Din. I shouldn’t have said what I did about The Way, either. We were both in the wrong. I’m sorry.” I reached out for him and pulling him into a hug.
He did not hesitate to wrap his strong arms around me and hold me as close as he possibly could.
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, cyar'ika.” He whispered. (I love you, darling)
We both were fluent in Mando’a, but rarely spoke in it since both of our original tongues were Galactic Basic. The rare moments that we did were special, it was almost always during a moment of intense feelings and the words were always filled with emotion.
I looked up at him and smiled, “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum sa pirusti.” (I love you as well)
I rested my head onto the cool metal of his chest plate that he had yet to take off. We stood there for a few moments just enjoying being back in each other’s arms. I felt a sudden boost of courage and turned back up to look at him.
“Din, I need to tell you something, something very important.” I admitted with a shaky tone.
“Hhm?” He hummed in question.
I was cut off by the alarm on the dash going off signaling we needed to drop out of hyperspace.
“Can it wait? I didn’t realize how close we were to Sorgon already.” He said.
“Yeah, yeah. That’s fine.” I brushed it off, “Do you want to go down and make sure the kid is good to drop out of hyperspace. I can get us landed.” I offered.
“Okay. I’ll be back once we’ve dropped before we land.” He promised before hesitantly letting me go and turning to leave the cockpit.
I went back to the pilot’s seat and sat down. I waited a minute to make sure DIn had enough time to get to the kid and make sure he was secured.
“Are you two good, am I safe to drop?” I hollered down to him.
“Yes, we are both ready.” He hollered back.
“Okay, dropping in three, two, dropping now.” I announced.
I had learned a trick years ago, where if you have the ship going at a certain speed when coming out of hyperspace, it won’t jerk as bad. If you got perfectly it wouldn’t jerk at all. I did it and the jump out was as smooth as glass.
“And that’s how it’s done.” I whispered smugly to myself.
“Yn? Are you going to make the jump out?” Din called up to me.
“I did already. Come on up.” I hollered.
I heard him grumble something like, “How the hell does she do that?” As he climbed back up with the kid.
He took a seat behind me, “No matter how many times I’ve tried to, I can never make the jumps as smooth as you can. How do you do it?”
“Practice and patience, you really have to feel for the sweet spot in the engines. You’ll learn one of these days.” I joked as the ship flew through the upper atmosphere of the planet.
“Do you know where we need to go?” I asked as we got closer to the surface.
“I should have saved the coordinates of where we landed last time in the ship's data.” He said getting up to look at the dash.
He pressed a few buttons, “There, just follow the path on there.” He noded down to the screen.
Within ten minutes we had landed. I found a small pouch and dropped the credits in them for Cara before handing it over to Din.
“Hey, what were you going to tell me earlier?” He asked just as he was about to walk out.
“It can wait. Go find Cara, me and the kid will stay here.” I said as the ramp dropped.
“Are you sure?” He asked looking down at me as I held the kid in one of my arms.
I nodded, looking up at him. He lightly grabbed one of my upper arms and pulled me slightly closer to rest the top of his helmet on my forehead causing me to smile slightly.
“I’ll be back soon.” He promised before straightening back up.
“Hopefully with some backup.” I added while the kid and I watched him walk down the ramp.
“Hopefully.” He agreed from where he stood at the bottom looking back up at us.
“Wave bye-bye  to your poppa.” I said to the kid trying to get him to wave. He raised his hand a little and did his best to wave it.
Din waved back before turning and walking away to find our old friend. I walked over to the panel on the wall and closed the ramp.
“Hey, buddy, I want to show you something.” I looked down at him briefly as I walked us over to the drawer that held my lightsaber.
Maybe I could practice telling him before telling Din. I took out the wooden box and opened it.
“You see this little guy? This is called a lightsaber. Others that are like us, use them. My dad gave me this one when I was little. Maybe one day, when you’re older, you’ll have one of your own too. You know, there are others just like us all across the galaxy. I know quite a few in fact. Hopefully one day you’ll get to meet them. Perhaps they know where you’re from.” I mused, gently running the back of my knuckle across the top of his ear.
I told him more about the lightsaber and my past, leaving out the darker parts of it.
Eventually, I set the lightsaber down out of the way and placed the now empty box down in front of me and the kid. Very carefully I shifted from sitting back on my knees to all the way down on the ground.
“So I heard that you lifted up a Mudhorn. Those things are really big, this box is nothing compared to one of those things. Here, watch me first, then I want you to try it.” I explained to him. I knew he could understand more than it seemed he would be able to.
Closing my eyes, I took a few deep breaths, and slowly the box began to lift up off the ground a few inches. I carefully set it back down.
“Okay, your turn bud.” I looked down at the kid who was now sitting beside me.
He looked up at me confused. “Close your eyes.” I instructed calmly.
He slowly closed his big, bright eyes.
“Good now try to lift the box, just like you did the Mudhorn.” I coaxed.
It took a few moments but the box lifted up off the ground. He held it there for a couple of seconds before dropping it roughly onto the ground. His eyes piped open and he looked up at me scared from the loud clatter.
“It’s okay, good job. You’re small but strong, little one. You are going to have to learn how to use the Force better, but don’t worry I’ll be here to show you the way. I promise.” I said and picked him up to give him a kiss onto the top of his head.
“Now let’s put this away before your poppa gets back.” I said and reached for the lightsaber to put it away.
It was perfect timing too because the ramp was losing signaling Din’s return. He came walking up the ramp with Cara in tow. Once he was in front of where I sat he looked down at me.
“What are you doing on the ground?” He asked. I could only imagine the amused smile he had on under the helmet.
“I was playing with the kid. But seeing as you are back, mind giving me a hand up?” I asked, reaching a hand up to him.
“What would you do without me?” He teased quietly as he helped me up.
I went over to Cara, “So he roped you in to helping?” I asked, smirking.
“Yeah, the credits really helped tilt the scales.” She joked.
“We appreciate it.” I said truthfully.
“Don’t mention it, I think Mando needs some extra back up since his normal partner in crime is taking a break, I would hope at least.” She said, eyeing my stomach.
“Well, you know I got passed six months and decided that was enough. Now I just stay here with the kid.” I joked.
“Six months?” She asked incredulously.
I only shrugged.
“Yeah, she’s stubborn.” Din interjected causing Cara to laugh.
“Yeah, I had gathered that much from the last time you were here.” She joked.
“It doesn’t take long for you to find that out about me.” I shrugged.
We all shared a small laugh before I turned to look at Din.
“Hey, why don’t you go punch in the coordinates to Kuiil’s, and I’ll get us there while you go over the plan for when we get to Navarro?” I suggested.
“Are you sure, you flew all the way here to Sorgon? I can do it while you rest, you’ll need to before we get to Navarro.” Din said, concerned.
“Yes, Din, I’ll be fine.” I reassured.
He reluctantly turned and went up to the cockpit to put in the coordinates, leaving Cara and me alone.
“Why did you fly to Sorgon?” Cara asked me.
“We had a bit of an argument.” I admitted.
“Oh, about what?” She wasn’t being nosey, more just concerned for her friends.
“We both just got a bit too hot-headed and we said some things to one another that we shouldn’t have. It started with me accidentally leaving the main engines on overnight while we were on world, it drained some fuel and the closest refuel stop was a sketchy moon. Din was pissed about it, and we had one small blowout. He ended up locking himself up in the cockpit until we got there to cool off. Then when we went to refuel he revealed to me that he had armor made for me in case we ever needed it. He didn’t give me the helmet though, which prompted another argument. It was my turn to cool off so I took over the cockpit.” I explained.
“Oh, is everything alright now?” She asked confused after seeing us interact as if nothing had happened just a few moments ago.
“Yeah, we’ve always been pretty quick to forgive one another after blowouts like this.”
“Good, that would have put a huge damper on this mission.” She joked, causing me to let out a light laugh.
“Yeah, I’m glad it’s past us.” I said. My gaze shifted downwards, a habit I had when I would tell a small lie. When I realized that I had done it I snapped my eyes back up to Cara and swallowed nervously.
I was relieved to see that she wasn’t even looking in my direction, she was looking around the ship. I sighed. The only thing on my mind was how I still hadn’t told Din, he’s given me plenty of opportunities to but I keep brushing it off.
Before I could spiral once again into my self-destructive thoughts, Din came back.
“Everything is set. Are you sure you don’t want me to fly?” He asked.
I only nodded.
“Okay, if you want to switch off in a little bit, just let me know.” He offered, grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze.
“I will.” I cringed at how small my voice sounded.
He stood behind me, making sure I got up the ladder okay. Once I was up in the cockpit, I sat down and took some deep breaths. This was not the time to start freaking out.
I shook my head and tried to regain my focus on the task at hand, getting to Kuiil’s. Din had started the engine already and we were ready to take off.
“We’re about to lift off.” I hollered down to them.
The engines thrusted a few times and we were up off the ground and rising above the treeline. Once we were a safe distance above them I began to fly forward and lifted the ship up through Sorgon’s atmosphere.
I continued flying, leaving the peaceful planet behind. Finally, we were far enough to make the jump.
“Making the jump to hyperspace, hold onto something.” I advised. I could make a smooth transition out but in was much harder.
I double-checked that we were on the right course still and then switched to autopilot. I slouched back in my chair trying to relax some. I lifted my hand and closed the door to the cockpit without leaving my seat. No matter how much I tried not to think about it, the thoughts of how Din would react consumed my mind. None of them were pleasant reactions.
I was on a downward spiral into self-destructive thoughts with no way to stop. I knew these thoughts would eat away at me until I told him, but the fear of telling was eating away at me too.
I spent a decent amount of time replaying different scenarios over and over and over again in my mind. A knock on the wall outside the cockpit finally pulled me out of the pit I dug myself.
“Yn, can I come in?” It was Din.
I stood up and walked over to the door, pressed a few buttons and it slid open.
“I thought you weren’t mad at me anymore?” He asked. I could tell he was hurt.
“I’m not.” I tried to sound as genuine as possible because I really wasn’t mad at him.
“Then what are you stressed about? You only ever lock yourself up here if you’re mad or stressed. If you’re not mad, you’re stressed.” He inquired.
He was right. Sometimes I hated how well he knew me.
All I could do was stare at him blankly as if he wasn’t even there. I was zoning out and shutting down. The only thing that could be heard was the hum of the ship's engine and my steady breathing.
“Yn? Are you still with me?” He asked.
Nothing. My mind was yelling at me to say something, anything. No words came out, I just continued to look right through him. It was like my body froze in time while the rest of me was completely aware of everything and wanted to react but my body wouldn’t cooperate.
He reached for my hand and gently took it in his.
“Is this okay, Yn?” He asked.
I still couldn’t form any words, but somehow I managed to nod my head yes. He continued to hold onto my hand, running his thumb over my knuckles. We stayed silent for a moment and I could feel the concern radiating off of him.
“Is this about what you needed to tell me?” He asked carefully.
I nodded slowly once again.
“Are you- are you nervous to tell me?” Although I couldn’t see them, I could feel his eyes boring into my own.
I took a deep breath and slowly nodded once. I felt all the feeling in my body returning as I began to hyperventilate.
“K'olar, bic's jate.” He whispered, opening his arms for me. (Come here, it's okay.)
I stepped forward and rested my head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.
“Cyar'ika, bic's jate. Ni liser ke'pare. Bic cuyir not a ori koor.” He whispered. (Darling, it's okay.  I can wait.  It is not a big deal.)
“Ni’m ceta.” I said looking up at him. (I’m sorry)
He shook his head. “Please don’t be, it’s okay. It can wait, it’s not worth you stressing yourself out over. I promise.”
Once again I could only bring myself to nod at his words.
“You’ve been up for nearly twenty hours, why do we get you something to eat and then go to bed?” He asked.
“Okay.” I said weakly, becoming hyper-aware just of how tired I was.
He tapped a few buttons on his wrist guard, syncing it up with the dash so he would be alerted of anything going wrong. Then we went down to the kitchen. Cara had already eaten and had gone to bed in the spare cot that used to be mine before Din and I started sharing. The Kid was also fast asleep in his pod.
Din had made diner, he really just reheated some stew I had made a few days ago that I made way too much of. But I wasn’t complaining. Once I was done, he helped me change out of the clothes I was wearing and into one of his old shirts then into bed.
We had been laying in silence for some time in the same position that we always do. I was sure he had fallen asleep, but none the less I began to talk to him.
“Din, I promise that I’ll tell you everything soon. I’m just not ready yet.” I whispered not wanting to wake him.
I was surprised when I felt a kiss being placed on my shoulder. “Take your time, cyar'ika, I will wait as long as you need me to. Take your time.”
I took his hand off of my stomach just long enough to press a kiss to his knuckles before returning it to where it had been.
“Vor entye, din.  Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” I said. (Thank you, Din. I love you.)
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum sa pirusti, Yn.  Jii slanar at nuhoy.” He whispered back. (I love you too, Yn.  Now get some sleep.)
I felt his thumb rubbing small circles where his hand was and slowly began to feel myself drifting off to sleep. I knew I had to tell him soon, and I would, but I just needed to take it slow and do it on my own time when I was ready.
A/n: I really hope the whole history of the force sensative Mandalorians made sense. THat was like my 5th take on it. I was struggling to come up with something that made some sense while still conecting into what is cannon with out changing it a whole bunch. 
A/N number two: I just wanted to say sorry for how long this one took me to write. I’ll be honest I didn’t have my meds for a few days, and being off them makes it very hard and tiring to focuss on something so I had to put writing on the back burner for a few days. So I’m just really sorry for how much time it took me to get this one up. I already have the next few all planed and mapped out mentally all I have to do is get it into writing. THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT!!!!!!!!!!!
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and-claudia · 4 years
The Struggles (The Mandalorian x Reader part 6)
Word Count: 4060
warnings: none I think (unless domestic Din is a warning)
Posted on May 3rd 2020
not my gif
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After leaving Tatooine, Din found us a safe place to stay for a while. It was actually a planet that me and him used to frequent quite often when we would bounty hunt together and jobs were slow to come in.  It was a large planet in the Unknown Regions. We had stumbled upon it by accident, but after we found out that it was actually a really nice planet we saved it’s coordinates for later use. It wasn’t heavily populated, it definitely had more people than Sorgan did, but they tended to gather in certain heavily populated regions.
It was nice to be returning here after not being here for so many years. This was going to be my final destination on my running after I found out that I was pregnant. I didn’t have a whole lot of credits at that time or a decent ship, so it was going to take me a while to get there. But then Din showed up with my tracking FOB, and that plan went out the window. After I found out that it was him, and that he was letting me stay, I honestly had not even thought about my plans for running away, I had no need to. It was a little crazy to me that I was here, it was always a sort of safe place for me.
“Yn, you okay?” Din’s voice drew me out of the trance I was in.
“Yeah, sorry. It’s just a little crazy to me that I’m back here.” I admitted.
“Why, we used to come here all the time?” Din said, reclining a little in his pilot’s chair. We had landed some time ago, but neither of us had made any attempt to move from our spots. We were just taking in the beautiful scenery in front of us.
“This was going to be my final destination while I was running. This is where I wanted to end up, alone, just me and my baby. I always felt safe here, even more so when it was with you.” I said.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about running anymore, at least not your own. We’re in all of this together now.” Din said, turning around a little to look at me. I gave him a grateful smile.
“Do you want to go sit out by the water and watch the sun go down?” I asked. That was one thing I used to always do when we were here. The sunsets here were probably some of the best in the whole galaxy.
He stood and stretched slightly, we had been sitting for hours now at this point, “I think some fresh air would do all of us some good.” He agreed, walking over to the kid and picking him up.
I stood up as well and let out a groan. My back had been killing me since before we got to Tatooine, and it’s only gotten worse. Over the past few days, my feet had also been hurting. I didn’t say anything. When you lived in our line of work for so long you learn how to do two things when it comes to pain. The first being to just simply live with it and continue on with your life. The second was to not make your pain anyone else’s problem besides your own.
“You sure you want to go down to the lake?” Din asked.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?” I asked back quickly trying to hide the fact that I was indeed in pain.  “Let’s just go, we can show the kid the rings as well.”
I made my way over to the ladder and waited for him. It was an unspoken but well-understood rule that at this point I couldn’t really really use the ladder without him at the bottom to make sure I don’t fall. I may have been a skilled fighter but I was a cluts when it came to simple everyday actions like this. It took one fall to my butt a few days ago for this rule to become a thing. He went down holding the kid then once he was down I made my way to meet him.
“Let’s go!” I said looking at him and then walking to the ramp. I used the keypad on the wall to open it.
Din has set the kid down to allow him to walk on his own. When we walked out I looked up, we had landed on the upper hemisphere of the planet, so the rings looked perfect from where we were.
“Look up there little guy. You see the rings?” I said to the kid.
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He looked up and his eyes got even wider if that was even possible. He giggled a little before we continued our walk to the water.
Once we were closer to the water, Din helped me ease myself down to the ground. The kid was playing in the sand in front of us, he was currently finding different colored rocks.
The lake was filled with them. That’s another reason why this place was so beautiful to me. It was like a rainbow under the crystal clear waters of the lake.
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“Did you ever consider leaving the guild?” I asked Din, I was still watching the kid pick up rock after rock, just to drop them when he found a prettier one. It was quite amusing.
“Yeah, more often than I care to admit, honestly.” He confessed.
“If you had left, where would you have gone? Would you have given up the Creed too?”
“I don't think I would have been able to give up the creed. But I know where I would have gone.”
“Where?” I asked, turning to him.
He looked over at me as well, “Here. I knew that if I ever left I would want to come here, I hoped that for some reason you would end up joining me as well.”
“This was my go-to place, too.” I admitted turning my attention up to the horizon. The sun was getting lower and lower casting beautiful colors across the sky and reflecting them on the water's undisturbed surface.
“I wish there was a way we could stay here. Not just temporary, but actually build ourselves somewhere to live. You could have the baby here and then raise it here. It would be perfect.” Din said, watching the sky as well.
“It would be, but they would come for us and we’d have to run again.” I sighed.
“Then let’s enjoy it while we can.” Din said.
I scooted closer to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. The kid looked up at us and suddenly his rocks were forgotten, save for the light green one he had set aside. It was bigger than his hands could hold and he ended up basically hugging it as he ran as fast as he could on his stubby little legs towards his father and me. Once he was at Din’s side he waited to be lifted up into his lap. Once he was there he snuggled up between the two of us with his rock. He never failed to bring a smile to my face.
Besides the one night that the three of us slept on Din’s cot the night of the storm, this was the most domestic we’d all been together. Me and Din had continued to share the cot, I slept better with him by my side, but the kid returned back to his cradle. Sitting here with them  made me almost forget about everything that was happening. I could only really focus on the little family that I had become apart of. It was an odd family, but I knew that I wouldn’t change it.
The sun continued to set and not a word was spoken between Din and me, nothing really needed to be said. We were just basking in the peacefulness of the lake and the memories that we had here, especially after everything that went down on Tatooine. The sun had set long before the silence was finally broken.
“We should probably head back to ship and eat something before the kid falls asleep.” I said, picking my head up off Din’s shoulder and looking at him.
“You’re probably right.” He agreed.
He picked the kid up off his lap and set him on the ground to allow him to walk back to the ship on his own. Then he offered me a hand to help me up off the ground. Sitting here had felt nice, the pain in my back had lessened immensely and my feet weren’t hurting either. But the moment I was back on my feet it all returned. Usually, in the past, I wouldn’t mind if a grimace passed over my face, the helmet was always there to hide it from anyone around. I wasn’t sure if Din saw it, he didn’t say anything if he had.
We began walking back to the ship. The kid made it about a quarter of the way before he had enough and made grabby hands for Din to pick him, which he did without a second thought on it. Then, now that he didn’t have to make sure the kid was okay, he subconsciously sped up some. He had naturally long strides, and for me to keep up I usually had to walk twice as fast with my smaller strides. I tried to keep up, but anytime I tried to speed up, the aches in my body screamed in protest. 
“Din,” I called out to him and he turned around, he was quite a few paces ahead of me, “can we slow down some?” I asked.
“Of course, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how fast I was going.” He said walking back to where I was.
“It’s fine.” I tried to brush it off.
We continued back to the ship. When we got there, I made my way to the kitchenette while Din went to clean the kid up for dinner. That’s how our nights typically went, one makes of our dinner while the other gets the kid ready for dinner. I liked to have the kid’s hands washed up before he ate because he has adopted a small corner of the cockpit that he liked to sit in while we were in hyperspeed and play with the few things I had convinced Din to get him at one of the shops we walked by on one of the planets we had been staying on. And while I did try to keep the ship clean, it was hard to make it spotless all the time, so his hands did tend to get a little dirty. 
I had been stockpiling certain foods and spices for special dinners that I had been having small cravings for. Mainly they were dishes that the people who took me in used to make. They weren’t strictly traditional Mandalorian dishes but as close to the originals as they could have been. I didn’t have everything to make it exactly as they had, but it would be pretty close. Tonight I was attempting to remember all of the ingredients for Red Gourd Soup. I had stumbled across some red gourds at one of the markets I swept through while Din was refueling the ship and couldn’t pass them up.
I had made this meal for me and Din a few times before, but I knew if I made like I used to the kid wouldn’t be able to eat it, the extra spices would be too much for him. So I decided to take out a small portion of the soup for him before adding most of the spices, there was still a little bit but not too much. I continued cooking the rest of the soup for me and Din, adding all the spices. My feet were practically begging me to sit down, but if I left the pot it would boil over and I’d have a huge mess to clean. I kept telling myself just to power through it.
“Dinner smells really good. What is it?” Din asked, walking in.
I forced a smile, “Red gourd soup, the kids in right there if you want to go ahead and feed him while I finish up ours.” I said. I hadn’t noticed my self shifting my weight from foot to foot.
Dins pov
As she shifted her weight I noticed the grimaces she was trying to hide. My gaze shifted down to her feet, they were swollen.
“Why don’t you feed him, let me finish the food. It just had to simmer, right?” I asked.
“No it okay, I got it.” She brushed me off.
Damn she could be stubborn.
“Yn, please sit down and feed the kid. You need to get off of your feet for a while. I can see that they’re swollen, and I can tell that you’re in pain.” I said trying to reason with her and get her to just sit for a little bit.
She did not respond, only sighed heavily while she paused from stirring the pot, only to shake her slightly and continue. I set the kid down at his spot at the table and walked over to her. I reached for the spoon in her hand and she glared at me but allowed me to take it from her. Without a word, she took the kids bowl and a smaller spoon over to the table and sat down. I worked on finishing the soup, it was easy enough, I had helped her make a few times before.
My back was still to the two of them when I heard her get up. She appeared beside me and dropped the bowl and spoon into the small sink to be washed later. “I’m going to put the kid to bed.” She said before walking off again.
Her tone wasn’t angry, more just deflated. I could tell that there was more going on than what she was letting on. I wanted to help her, but I really didn’t want to force her it out of her.
While she was gone I scooped out two bowls of soup and set them on the table. As I was grabbing spoons she walked back in.
“Do you want some water?” I asked already grabbing a cup for myself.
“Yeah.” She sighed. She had leaned herself over and was resting head against the wall.
I set our spoons and drinks down on the table and then walked over to shut the light off. We had gotten used to eating in the dark. Back when we were bounty hunting together, anytime one of us cooked for the other we would eat together in the dark so we could remove our helmets.
I took my seat across from her and began eating. I let a few minutes pass in silence before breaking it, “Did you go down easily?”
“Yeah.” She said quietly.
“I figured he would, while I was getting him ready for diner, his eyes were already starting to droop a little.” I said.
She hummed in response. I heard her spoon hit the side of her bowl as she dropped it. “I know it’s my night to do dishes, but would you mind doing them?... I’m sorry my feet and back are just killing me today.”
“Of course, and Yn, please don’t apologize when you ask for help.” I said reaching across the table and feeling around blinding for a moment before finding her hand and grabbing it.
“I just feel so defeated. It feels like every day that passes, I get even more helpless. And I just… I hate it.” She admitted.
I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. “If there’s anything I can do to help, tell me. Okay? I will never think any less of you.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment but then she lightly squeezed my hand back, and said, “Okay.”
I heard her yawn and it made me let one out as well. “We should probably head to bed. Just leave the dishes in the sink, I’ll do them tomorrow.”
I let go of her hand and got up grabbing my dishes as well as hers and placed them in the sink. Then I grabbed my helmet and offered her a hand up. We went into the main part of the ship and quietly got ready for bed, we didn’t want the kid to wake up. She was already laying down when I carefully climbed in beside her. I was tired from the almost nonstop flying we had been doing, so I quickly drifted off to sleep, expecting for Yn to not be far behind me.
Yn pov
Din had fallen asleep long ago, I check the time on my watch. The sun would be rising in a few hours if I was remembering the day and night cycle of the planet correctly. After being on hundreds of different planets it was hard to remember the time system each one was on. That paired with constantly being in space, where day and night don’t even exist and time is really just an abstract thing it was hard to remember how far along in my pregnancy I was.
I remember reading in one of the books I had before Din found me that a lot of women get insomnia in the second trimester and have been in this same position, completely wide awake no matter how tired I was, I could only assume that is what I was experiencing. I knew it must have been at least a month and a half that I had been living with Din, so that would make me about five-ish months. I think. I have no idea. It could be six for all I know.
“What are you talking about?” I heard Din mumble from behind me.
“Nothing. I’m sorry I didn’t realize that I was talking out loud.” I said.
“S’okay,” He mumbled, I smiled a little at his tired, slurred voice. “Why are you up?”
“Can’t sleep.” I sighed.
“Is it the baby?” He asked.
“Not this time.” I said. I shifted a little and rolled over to face him.
“What is it?”
“Just can’t shut down my mind, I guess.” I admitted.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“No, not really. Just go back to sleep. You’ve been flying almost nonstop, plus one of us needs to be well-rested to keep up with the kid.” I joked a little.
He didn’t necessarily laugh, more like just blew air out his nose, but I had a feeling that he was smiling.
“If you need me, wake me up.” He said I hummed in agreement.
I rolled back over and put my back to him. Eventually I heard his even breathing return as he fell back asleep. I’m not sure how long I had listened to his soft snores before I finally fell asleep, but it was at least an hour.
It was all too soon when I was woken up by Din getting out of bed. I groaned, feeling the cold air hit my feet.
“Diiiiiiiiiiiiin.” I groaned.
“Go back to sleep for a little bit, I’ll get the kid and get some breakfast.” He whispered.
“It’s cooooooold.” I whined.
I heard him laugh a little from under his helmet, but he fixed where the blanket had come off my feet before walking away.
I was able to get a few extra minutes of sleep before I heard a crash from the kitchen. I slowly began to push myself up off the bed. I stood up and my feet hit the chilly metal floor, making me shiver slightly before making my way into the kitchen.
I leaned against the doorway, watching the scene before me as I smiled. We had picked up some eggs and we had been using them as a fairly routine breakfast for the last handful of days. Right now, Din had the kid set up on the counter with a small bowl in front of him where he was attempting to whisk his own egg. Din had a bigger bowl that I could only assume had ours in it.
“Good morning, you two.” I said causing Din to look over at me.
“I thought you were still in bed?” Din said, turning back to the food.
“I was, but I heard a crash and decided to come see what was going on. What was it?” I asked scanning the room for any signs of what could have broken.
“I just dropped one of the pans, I’m sorry.” He said.
“It’s fine.” I said, honestly I didn’t mind.
I made my way over to the table and sat down as Din continued cooking. The kid decided that he was done helping and so Din moved him over to sit with me at the table. It wasn’t long until a plate was placed in front of me and the kid. Din went to take a quick shower while we ate, then we would switch off and he would get a chance to eat his food. He left his on the small stovetop, covered so it wouldn’t get cold.
After we had both eaten and showered and dressed for the day we decided to spend what time we could outside. The planet was beautiful and I intended to soak up every moment I could before we’d have to leave.
Din and I were sitting under a tree while the kid was chasing different, colorful bugs in front of us.
“Hey Din, I need to talk to you about something.” I said, not taking my eyes off the kid as he continued to try and grab one of the insects.
“What is it?” He turned to me.
“I know it’s going to be difficult, but I’m way past due for seeing a doctor about the baby. The last time I saw an actual doctor was before you found me. I probably need to get a scan. I mainly just need to make sure everything’s okay with it. I didn’t say anything earlier because it honestly just hit me last night how long it’s been.” I picked at my fingers as I spoke. I knew that this was going to be a hard task, but it needed to happen.
“I’ll have to find a planet with a decent medical facility that isn’t a hotspot for bounty hunters. But I agree that it needs to happen. We have to make sure you and the Bean are okay.” Din said.
I nodded, “Thank yo- wait did you just say the Bean?” I asked.
“Yes.” He said simply.
“Do you care to elaborate on why you called the baby, Bean?” I had now turned to him.
“It looks like a bean, at least it did in the picture you have stashed in the drawer. Mentally I’ve been calling it Bean for a while, I guess I just never said it out loud.” He said turning to me only for a brief moment before watching the kid again.
“I like it, we don’t know if it’s a boy or girl yet, and you’re not wrong, it did look like a bean. So our family is now, you, me, the kid, and the Bean. I like it.” I said resting my head on his shoulder.
“Me too.” He whispered, I’m assuming to himself but I heard it.
“We’ll stay here as long as we can, but it can’t be more than two weeks. It’ll get too risky after we leave here, we can find a medical facility to get you checked up at. Can’t it wait that long?” He asked at a normal volume.
“Yeah, that should be fine.” I said.
We continued to watch the kid play until lunchtime came around, then we headed back to ship to eat. I couldn’t help but find myself really liking this way of life. It was so natural for us. Like we were an actual family and not a mixed matches group of individuals. I wish we could stay here, but bounty hunters would find us. I tried not to think about that just yet, instead, I’d rather just live in the moment. This perfect moment with my family.
Author’s Note: 
I don’t think I’ve mentioned this on one of my Mando stories yet, but I am dyslexic. So sometimes spelling is hard for me. I try to check my work to the best of my abilities, but if I miss anything I’m sorry. If there’s ever a really big issue on spelling that you belive needs to be fixed let me know and I’ll try to fix it!! ALSO THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS STORY!!!!!!
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