#sparkle wool
sporecringe · 1 year
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chicinsilk · 11 months
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US Vogue July 1956
Anne St. Marie in a three-quarter coat in Anglo "fathom blue" wool. By Jablow. Bouffant toque by Dior-New York. Gucci bag. Gold brooch, earrings, bracelet, ring: David Webb. Hi-Fi lipstick: "Sparkling Scarlet" by Max Factor.
Anne St. Marie en manteau trois quart en laine Anglo "fathom blue". Par Jablow. Toque bouffante de Dior-New York. Sac Gucci. Broche en or, boucles d'oreilles, bracelet, bague : David Webb. Rouge à lèvres Hi-Fi : "Sparkling Scarlet" de Max Factor.
Photo Horst P. Horst vogue archive
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labyrynth · 9 months
why is wen ning always depicted so grody :/ like his clothing is the dirtiest rags ever, his hair is a stringy mess, and always dragging around those rusty-ass chains?? tetanus waiting to happen smh
he’s out here looking freshly rolled out of bed the grave so unless he discovered a sudden passion for Goth Grunge (au natural) upon his deathbed can we PLEASE get this boy a bath
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mischief-tea · 9 months
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furywren · 2 years
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Legion strings are DONE!!! 🥳
the colors are butter yellow, neon yellow, and warm gray, separately and twisted together.
the butter yellow is blended merino wool and eri silk, with a bit of firestar and angelina mixed in! in both color and fiber, it should match the tallit i’m weaving next week.
the neon yellow is merino wool with tons of angelina and firestar sparkles. it’s my favorite color!
the warm gray is merino wool with a rainbow of angelina and firestar, and just a pinch of cat hair 🤭 it matches Legion both in color and in spirit!
it’s been a surprisingly emotional journey making these strings! Legion and i have been through a lot together, and he’s a very special little noodle. i love making things that remind me of him. 💛
(extra pictures here!)
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crochetmelovely · 2 years
I bought these beauties at @walmart! 🥰🥰🥰
Link to my blog/website: https://crochetml.com
Check out the tiktok here!
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boyduvet · 7 months
boy looking for 'loud', that's me 👍
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arklayraven · 1 year
Need to draw Sheep!MC but in pan colors to represent me lol
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how sad is it that i get so excited over fucking Vanish gel
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peachesofteal · 5 months
Light On - single mom/neighbor fic - PTSD, mentions of death, trauma Simon Riley/female reader
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Simon’s boots are sticking to the floor.
He had scrubbed and scrubbed them, scratched a sponge against the sole and up over the toe, used coiled wool to try to scrape the bits and pieces from the bottom, digging deeply into the cracks to try to dislodge anything leftover from the last month. The heat made it a particularly difficult task, melting together the dirt and blood, sealing it to the rubber in a congealed mess that he couldn’t clean off.
It’s spring now, and his breath doesn’t fog through the air like it did before he left. The mornings are coated in a prickly frozen dew that sparkles just right in the sunrise, refracting orange and pink hues into the building’s front lobby, washing over the bland egg white walls and coloring them into a spectacle, cold shadows of night chased away by the long fingers of warm daylight.
His boots scuff along the hallway, squeaking like they’re trying to announce his arrival, trying to give up his position before he deems it necessary, before he gets inside the entryway, blasting a signal through the flat that he’s home, that he’s made it. The sound of his boots competes with the buzzing that’s bouncing around in the back of his skull, sawing through the soft, pink mush of his brain, trying hack away at the only good pieces he has left. It’s gotten louder since he parked the car, competing with the drum beat of his heart, the churning of anxiety and anticipation in his stomach. He’s so, so close, and still a thousand miles away from you, even though he’s in the kitchen. His fingers grip fast to his bag, canvas straps twisted around his wrist, and he holds his breath, world rotating in slow motion as he listens for you, catches the musical note of your voice in Emma’s room. His spine stays stiff, unsure, and the buzzing that bites at his synapses gets louder, fills his head with the low rumble of fear that’s been simmering beneath the surface since he stepped out this door a month ago. You’re safe. You’re here. You and Emmaline are fine. You’ve been texting him everyday. You’re safe. You’re-
“Simon?” He blinks. You’re in the kitchen with him, eyes sleepy, Emma in your arms. One of his t shirts sits at your hips, plaid robe half falling off your shoulder. She’s more awake than you appear to be, and he begs his mouth to work, encourages his tongue to move so he can talk to you, so he can say “good morning, sorry I didn’t call, wanted to surprise you.” Or “hi, good morning, I missed you so much.”
But he can’t. Because all he can see, all he can taste, is blood. He doesn’t see his girl, he sees you broken and limp on the floor. He doesn’t see his baby, he sees Joseph’s lifeless body. He sees the carnage of this last op, hears the dying draw of a last breath, over and over.
“Hey.” Your fingers tentatively skim along his forearm. “You’re still dressed.” You note, and he nods, locked up, trying to push the buzzsaw in his brain away. He didn’t change, showered at the safe house before the flight home, and then immediately headed your way, his uniform clean, untouched by the gore and misery, still starched and formal unlike his tac gear, all of it made to wring the blood from its stitching over and over again. “Simon, someone wants to see you.” Emma’s now half in his arms, cooing at him, carefully supported in your hands, and he instinctively curls around her, swooping low to nose along her scalp.
The reverberations cease. The buzzing and gnawing and stabbing into his brain silences, just like that, and he fills his lungs with air, one hand now cradling your face, the other warm beneath Emma’s weight.
“Welcome home.” It’s a whisper, the softest, sweetest thing he’s ever heard, and he smiles beneath the balaclava, pressing his lips to your forehead. “We missed you.”
“I missed you too.” He murmurs. He wonders if the moment has passed, if he should be stepping away now, and he flexes, testing- only to be pulled back, an arm sliding around his back, anchoring him closer, tighter.
“Just stay here for a minute.” Stay. Stay here with you, stay with his girls. His voice roughens as he croaks out an answer.
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cordeliawhohung · 1 month
Of Sea Foam and Iron [3]
general masterlist | series masterlist | taglist
Hephaestus!ghost x Aphrodite!reader x Ares!soap
a storm hits
wc: 3.9k
warnings: historical au with lots of inaccuracies, mythology!au, nudity, talk of war and gore
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Cold linens awaited you when you truly woke from your rest as John and Simon’s presence had dissipated.
There was no chin to rest against the top of your head, or a strong chest to press against your back. In fact, the only proof that they had ever been there at all was their lingering scent on your skin. You closed your eyes as soon as they fluttered open, trying to draw back the memory of their hands on your waist and the comforting weight that accompanied it. It was only a pale imitation of the real thing, and it left your chest yearning for something you knew you would never gain the courage to ask for. 
When your eyes opened for a second time, they did so with a great huff from your lungs. Pale sunlight and a strong breeze drifted through the cracks of the closed shutters, and though salt was always ever present in the air, you could smell the promise of rain hiding underneath the brine. It would be a good day to stay inside. 
Usually you didn’t need your himation in the warm summer months, but without the golden sun to warm the house, a heavy chill pricked at your body. You wrapped the thick wool around your shoulders before you descended downstairs on creaky steps. Simon was already hard at work for the day, and you hardly got halfway to the landing before you heard his hammer echo with its metallic clink in the courtyard. All Simon had done since the day the two of you were bound together in matrimony was work. In the beginning, you were certain that it was to distance himself from you — his unruly wife — but once John returned home you thought he would allow himself to rest. Yet, it seemed as if that’s all the man ever wanted to do. 
“Mornin’ little dove,” John grinned. 
A strong fire blazed in the central hearth of the home where dancing flames attempted to lick John’s back as he sat faced away from his hard work. Blue eyes sparkled with a warmth that rivaled the fire behind him, and you almost felt a smile flitter across your lips. There was nothing different from his gaze that morning compared to the previous day, yet his fingers twitched as they rested on his bent knees as if they searched for something.
“Morning,” you replied, voice meek as you adjusted your himation. 
Johnny’s hand slipped off of his knee where he patted the hearth next to him invitingly. “Come, get warm.” 
Your bare feet hardly made a sound against the floor as you crossed into the threshold. Each step brought the warmth of the flames along your legs where they dethawed your cold toes and fingers. John watched you with careful eyes as you situated yourself on the stone slab next to him, and he hummed once you settled. Heat prickled up your spine and it chased away the residual morning cold that clung to your body; though, you were unable to tell if that was because of the fire, or because of John. 
“Rain is coming,” he said. His head tilted back to look up at the ceiling as if it were the sky instead. “A storm, maybe.” 
Over the roaring of the fire behind you, a dull roll of thunder grumbled somewhere in the distance. It was not frequent that your city received storms, as Poseidon often smiled upon you. Though one could argue he was angry, if the storm was mild, perhaps he only sent the rain to assist with the farmers and their crops. 
“That would be nice,” you mused. 
John chuckled warmly. “You like the rain?”
“I think so,” you answered. “I like the water. The ocean.” 
“A fine thing to love.” 
Instinct told you to look at him, yet you refrained from doing so. Despite the familiarity in the tone of conversation, John was still a stranger to you. Some man who had returned only yesterday to embrace your husband while dressed to gut enemies. Still, he was kind, but despite the fire at your back, you were silent and cold. 
“I… wanted to talk more about yesterday,” John continued through your silence. “I’m sure you still have many questions, as Simon isn’t the most prolific.” 
“Prolific?” you repeated with your snark hardly restrained. “He’s spoken a handful of words to me since we’ve been married.” 
“Like I said, quiet,” he repeated with a poorly hidden laugh. “Though, I wasn’t much help prompting answers from him yesterday, either. Dead on my feet after traveling. Took us just short of a fortnight to arrive home.” 
John rubbed at his eyes as if the exhaustion still plagued his vision, and yet even with his movement you did not glance at him once. Looking at someone often brought a weakness about you that you had difficulty conquering. There was something about their eyes that had you see the humanity within them, no matter how hard they tried to hide it. You would have hated to crumble in front of him. 
“Well,” you prodded, “perhaps you can get an explanation out of him, then. He spoke not a word of your existence and then introduced you as my second husband? Such terrible madness.” 
“I already got an explanation out of him this morning while you slept,” he sighed. “Which is why I want to talk to you. I’m better at explaining things than Simon is.” 
Bewildered, you finally allowed your eyes to fall on John. “Must you be so casual about this? Was this not a surprise to you? Coming home to your husband having wedded himself illegally to someone else?” 
“Simon is not my husband.” 
Your expression betrayed the icy exterior you used to conceal that softness inside. It was difficult to tell if it was because of your confusion, but you found your heart aching at those words. John could not look at you when he said them, and though they left his tongue with ease his tone was soaked in a somberness that burned. 
“Soldiers aren’t permitted to marry,” he explained, blue eyes trained on the floor in front of him. “They say love gets in the way. Muddles things up. Soldiers have only one duty, and it’s to the state.” 
He paused.
“I would have liked to have married him.” 
If it wasn’t for the pain in his voice, you would have been afraid. The lost longing painted you to be the ruiner; the pitiful being that tainted something that had not gotten the opportunity to bloom. A desert-like dryness settled on your tongue. It tasted worse than sand. It was bitter, grainy, and promised to end you. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say. 
“Don’t be,” John said with an attempt at humor. “I told him to find a wife. To get married. Have children. I would have hated for him to wait around forever just for me.” 
“Could you not have waited? I thought soldiers were only required to serve for two years,” you pondered. 
John hummed again. He did that often, as if song better suited his ideas than mere words. Thick fingers pressed into the joints of his wrists as he massaged tired muscles and traced faded scars before answering you. 
“Most only serve for two years, yes,” he concurred. “But, you don’t earn the name Ares’s Dog by serving the minimum. My heart is here in the city, but my home is in the viscera leftover from battle.” 
He paused as he twisted his torso to look behind him. A large hand reached for a split log in the pile just next to the fire, and John expertly tossed it into the flames. The fire cracked loudly, content with its meal. 
“No. I told him to marry, so it wasn’t quite the surprise when I came home and you were already here,” he explained as he repositioned himself. “Find a wife. Start a family. And if his wife would have me too, then I would stay. But it seems things weren’t that simple considering your… situation.” 
“Yes,” you concurred, voice soft. “It wasn’t… proper.” 
“Simon told me what your father had to do to protect you. I’m sorry you had to witness such gore,” Johnny consoled. “I understand why he would hastily marry you off to Simon if it meant having the protection you deserve. And, well, knowing Simon as well as I do, he didn’t hesitate at all in marrying you if it meant aiding you.” 
A scoff tore through your vocal chords so fierce it left a sour aftertaste on your tongue. John spoke of Simon as if he were Apollo himself, guiding the sun across the sky to bring light and warmth to the soil beneath your feet. You were certain that John’s feelings towards Simon weren’t unfounded at all, but though he had never been cruel or unkind to you in any way, he was not loving. Not to you, anyway. 
“Could have fooled me,” you spat. “I feel like a ghost in this house. At least he avoids me like one.” 
Despite your sour attitude and words, John only chuckled. 
“His love is strange, yes,” he said. “It’s still new to him; love. Being vulnerable. Something he was never granted before. He’ll keep his distance, if you let him. I swear to you, you’ll find no finer man than him.” 
Another roll of thunder shook the sky. It was stronger than the quiet whisper of one you heard minutes earlier, and it all but demanded attention. Both you and John looked up to the ceiling, and moments later the soft trickle of rain engulfed the house. Though none of the windows were open, you pulled your himation closer to you as if to stave off the breeze that beat at the shudders. The thick wool soaked up the heat of the fire like a sponge, keeping you well insulated despite the impending storm. 
A content sigh left John as he carefully pushed himself to his feet. Soft trails of goosebumps prickled across his skin as he stepped away from the fire and into the cold, but he didn’t stray far before turning to face you once more. His hands reached for you where they hovered in the air, patiently waiting for you to accept his offer. 
“Come. We should eat,” he urged.  
It was not your first time putting your hands in his. He always seemed to want to hold you and gently guide you as if you did not know any better. Still, you accepted his assistance as he pulled you from the hearth. Somehow, his hands were warmer than the flames, and though you were standing on your own, he refused to let you go. 
“I meant what I said earlier,” he said, blue eyes boring into you. “I told Simon to find a wife, and if she would have me, then I would stay. If you do not wish for me to be here, say the word, little dove. Your father might have wanted for you to be under my protection, but I will not share a bed with a woman who would want someone else. I will leave no mark on this place when I go, if that’s what you wish.” 
No response rose in your mind or throat at his reminder, but a heavy fit of remorse weighed on your chest. He spoke those words as if he were the intruder. As if he had not loved Simon and lived in that house long before you ever came around. It was difficult to tell if you had fully accepted the idea that you lived with two men; though even if you hadn’t, it was something your father obviously wanted for you. Still, even if you didn’t want him around, you would not deny him the flesh and warmth of his lover. 
“Stay,” you said, voice quiet. 
John’s smile was the warmest you had ever seen. No hint of lust or darkness; only a pure appreciation for your kindness, something you felt like you weren’t capable of those days. His tongue darted out between his lips as if in anticipation, and you ignored the way it made your stomach churn. 
“Then it is done.” 
Trickling rain continued into the afternoon before it started to swell into a proper storm. Whistling wind became near deafening as it threatened to pull the house apart, and it wasn’t until the sky was black with clouds that Simon finally ceased his work and took shelter inside. With the amount of water that dripped from his clothes when he came limping into the kitchen for lunch, you were surprised he hadn’t drowned out there. Strands of hair stuck to his forehead and down the nape of his neck, and his chiton clung to his body in a way that certainly wasn’t comfortable. His frigid skin tinged pink with his scars extra angry and puffy. 
Both you and John looked up from your food at the sopping wet mess of a man who dirtied the kitchen. Simon’s chest heaved with fatigue, and his feet hardly lifted from the ground as he meandered towards John. 
“How’s the weather?” John asked facetiously. 
“Frustrating,” Simon huffed. “Can’t keep a goddamn fire lit or burnin’ hot enough.”
He paused once he approached John’s side, eyes focused on the plate of food in front of him. Without a word, he snatched a fair size of cured meat off of it before taking a bite and turning around. Simon continued his pitiful shuffle as he exited the kitchen, shoulders hunched and legs shaking. John did not appear to mourn the loss of his food, yet his eyes stayed trained unwavering on his lover’s body as he rounded the corner. 
“He seems upset,” you noted. 
“He’s in pain,” John explained. 
A clash of thunder sounded just as John rose from his chair, and he left his plate behind as he began to rummage for something around the stove. Its embers ebbed and waved with brilliant scarlet light, and it almost danced to life in flames when John knelt before it. He retrieved two medium sized, semi-flat stones tucked into the stonework and placed them on the small hearth next to the dying embers. Nodding to himself, he then turned to you, worry etched deep in his face. 
“Wait a few minutes, then grab these stones and bring them up to our chamber,” he asked while his feet began to wander out of the room. “They’ll be hot, so grab them with cloth. Take care not to burn yourself.” 
Without another word, he vanished out of the room where you then heard his feet stomping up the stairs moments later. Rain refused to quiet nor waver even as you carefully cleaned up yours and John’s plate. 
Pain? Simon was in pain? Well, John could certainly read your husband better than you could, because you thought he had just been his regular self. Still, you supposed it wasn’t entirely impossible. With as many scars that afflicted his body, you were certain the damage ran deeper than just superficial marks on his skin. 
As instructed, you waited until the rocks had soaked plenty of warmth before using the edge of your himation to grab them. With careful hands, you trekked up the stairs to the second floor where you found John and Simon in bed together. A drenched chiton sat on the floor next to the bed, but Simon’s naked body still glistened with the memory of its moisture. His chest heaved and he grunted like an animal as he slung an arm over his face, hiding his eyes from the light of the oil lamp that flickered on the nightstand. 
John’s thumbs dug into the muscle around Simon’s knees, massaging them with what appeared to be less than gentle touch. Simon hissed, jaw flexing as his teeth grinded together, yet he kept still as the man worked at him. You approached the side of the bed with hands outstretched, hot rocks tucked together underneath thick wool sitting in your palms. 
“Is he alright?” you questioned.
John paused long enough to turn and grab the stones from your hands. His fingers didn’t flinch when he grabbed them, as if he was so used to the heat of them that it no longer phased him. 
“It’s the weather,” he explained. “The old wounds in his knees are aggravated by the change.” 
You watched with apprehension as John pressed the rocks against Simon’s skin, yet your husband didn’t flinch. The tense muscles that flexed in his thighs slowly began to soften as John moved the rocks carefully around his knee, tracing the long scar that dissected his skin. It was one of the first things you noticed about him the day you got married. Deep and ugly, it ailed him so bad he couldn’t walk straight because of it; forever bound to limp in weakness despite the strong stature his body would otherwise have you believe. 
Another smaller scar mirrored in perfect continuity on his other knee. It was not as deep nor as angry, but you could clearly make out the line in which both scars connected. A blade. It must have been. There was no other weapon that you knew of that could’ve created a scar such as that. His entire body, even his face, was littered with the unsightly marks. 
Why would a blacksmith have such scars? 
John moved from one knee to the next, warm rocks soothing away the ache so deep in Simon’s body that hands alone could not heal. You quietly stole a seat on the mattress next to Simon, and you carefully watched the mesmerizing motions of John’s circling hands. He was so… soft for a soldier. Considerate. It’s a side of man you weren’t used to seeing after witnessing such violence in your home. For a while, you thought love was just violence; blood waiting to be spilled. Perhaps love was just warm rocks against tired skin. 
“What happened?” you asked with eyes still trained on the old wound. 
John’s eyes glanced up at Simon, who wasn’t able to see his gaze through the arm slung over his face. As if he felt the burn of his eyes, the man shifted on the bed before letting out a heavy sigh. 
“Tell ‘er, Johnny. Know you like tellin’ the story,” he urged. 
A grin bloomed on John’s face as he turned his attention back to Simon’s knee. “He got this from saving my life.” 
Stunned, you shifted on the mattress to get closer, and your thigh brushed against Simon’s leg. How your husband could handle the cold of your chambers completely naked and half wet was beyond you. Your body yearned for any warmth it could steal. 
“I don’t believe it,” you countered. 
Really, you didn’t. How could John MacTavish, hailed hero of your city, need any sort of saving? You didn’t at all doubt Simon’s capability of saving someone; it was just the thought that John could ever find himself in such a precarious situation that you doubted. 
“I’d never lie to you, little dove,” John chuckled. “No, Simon and I served together, once upon a time ago. Trained together. Fought together.” 
He paused his story in order to switch knees again, returning to the one closest to him. Simon’s breathing had already calmed, and he no longer panted like a mad dog. Any tension that had been harbored in his body when you first entered the chambers had almost been completely washed away. 
“Years ago both of us had been deployed in a large-scale battle. It was a bloody skirmish with swords flailing every which way, I swear the glint of metal was brighter than the sun that day,” John recalled. “But there was this big brute who fought with a club. Rivaled the size of Simon, even, which isn’t easy. Bastard snatched the shield right out of my hands and knocked his club against my chin. Split me right open and knocked me out cold.” 
A hand instinctively covered your mouth as John shared the story, and he paused for a moment to look at you. He seemed to take some sort of boyish pride in your worry, and he tilted his chin up to put his own scar on display. You had hardly noticed it before due to his stubble and your active effort to not look too many people in the eyes, but it marked his skin as clear as day. It was deep, spanning from the front of his chin and curling underneath the right side of his jaw in an angry, red line. 
“I wasn’t out long, of course, but I wasn’t all there when I woke up,” he continued. “Felt like I was underwater, could hardly breathe. Bastard stood over me ready to bash my head in like a damn melon when Simon swooped in like an eagle. Sliced him to bits before he could do anything else to me. But war is messy and unforgiving. Several others piled on him, got him pretty good. Still killed the bastards.” 
“All but one,” Simon corrected. He had been so quiet you swore he had fallen asleep. “One of ‘em ran off.” 
“He killed the bastards that weren’t cowards,” John amended with a chuckle. “But they got his knees. Surprised infection didn’t take him. But Simon, my love, stubborn man that he is, carried me off the field even with his wounds.”
“Would you rather I dragged you?” Simon asked. 
“You should’ve left me there.”
“I love you too much for that.” 
The sound of rain smothered the conversation as both men fell silent. Rotten shame boiled deep in your stomach as your eyes carefully scanned Simon’s body. Over the weeks, you had gotten so used to his unabashed nakedness to the point it didn’t phase you, but that wasn’t what made you feel shameful; it was the realization of how bitter you had been. 
On the day of your wedding when Simon lifted your veil from your face, the only thing you could think was how ugly he was. The scars that littered his body were just eyesores, and his limp didn’t make him a paragon of strength. Hardly the man that was supposed to protect you from the wicked ways of the world. How cruel you were for thinking such a thing. For looking at the scars he earned saving the life of his lover as if they were an eyesore rather than proof of his devotion. How dare you look at him as anything less than he was; a man who loved?
In an attempt to swallow down your shame, you found your own hands reaching out for Simon’s knee. The heat of his skin felt nice against your frigid hands, but he flinched at the sensation. You paused as you looked up at his half obscured face, and you didn’t look away until you felt his muscles melt and relax underneath your touch. 
In silence, you mimicked John’s movements with your thumbs. Tendons and muscle danced underneath your fingertips as you did your best to massage the pain from your husband. With hands as weak as yours, you were certain it hardly did anything to help him at all. Still, you continued, and you prayed to the gods that he could feel your silent apology through your touch alone.
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ramp-it-up · 1 year
Try a Little Tenderness
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Paring: Mob Boss! Steve Rogers x Reader
Word count: 3.7 K
Summary: Steve can’t win you with presents. He’s got to try a little tenderness.
Warnings: 18+ As always, MINORS DNI, SMUT, Lil bit of ANGST. Not Beta’d. All mistakes my own. Pining, flirting, organized crime, implied ice skating, teasing, former jerky boyfiend, inexperienced reader, nipple play, oral (both receiving) p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it up!) breeding kink, size kink, crying during sex, violence (due to mob world).
A/N: This is for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas and based on this ask.
I no longer operate a taglist. Follow @rampitupandread to be notified when I post.
I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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“Good morning, Steve!”
You were stocking onions, but you looked up and smiled as the tall blond entered the store, setting off the bell. He was well built and handsome and wearing a fine wool coat with a red scarf. It was a cool December, but New York had not yet had its first big snowfall.
“Mornin’, Ambrosia,” came his gruff response. 
You kind of liked his early morning voice. And the nickname. The first time he came in, he’d picked up an apple, already biting into it but also already paying. He handed you a twenty and said, “Mmmmm, Name?”, pointing to you with the apple. Flustered, you replied with the name of the apple instead of your name and the rest was history. 
This morning, Steve smiled at you and his blue eyes were sparkling. They always sparkled when he looked at you. He seemed very sweet.
“The usual.”
You laughed and went behind the counter to wash your hands.
“Of course, already had the fixin’s set up for you.”
You started the water for the espresso and got out the fresh everything bagels you’d put aside for him. Steve was one of your best customers, coming in every morning, and several evenings. He’d been coming in for about four months now.
Steve settled at the counter and watched you prepare his food. He looked at his watch: 7:42 am. He knew you'd been at work almost two hours now and that you were working very hard. One of your braids had come undone from your bun, and he wanted to put it back, but he didn’t touch you. You wore no makeup, yet your skin always glowed, and when you looked up at him, his heart nearly stopped. 
You were naturally beautiful. And your apron did not hide your curves. Or the fact that you were wearing the same pants that you’d worn three days ago. Steve figured that you didn’t have many clothes. He had the urge to take you shopping on Madison Avenue and let you go crazy. But somehow he knew you would never blow a load of cash on clothing. And that’s part of why he was so far gone on you.
He watched you battle your espresso machine with bemusement.
“Why haven’t you set up your new machine yet?”
You stopped and put your hands on your hips, looking so cute that Steve restrained himself from jumping over the counter.
“Is that from you?” You shook your head. “I suspected it.” 
Steve had unexpectedly given you many gifts, the espresso machine, a cash register. He’d even tried to have a new walk in cooler installed. You refused and sent back everything he’d sent. It wasn’t right. He barely knew you. 
You wondered what he did for a living, always dressed in the finest and able to afford multiple thousand dollar gifts. You figured that he was one of those Angel investors. Well, he wasn’t very good at being anonymous.
You watched as Steve gave you a lopsided grin, then leaned over the counter toward him. 
“Listen. Steve. Mr. Rogers.” 
You looked from his eyes, to his perfect lips, to his golden St. Christopher’s medal. He smelled so damn good. You bit your lip and Steve smiled, warmed by your proximity. This was his chance.
“Yeah, Ambrosia?”
“I’m not taking your gifts.”
You straightened up abruptly, handed him his drinks and finished his order. You gave him two folded newspapers.
“One Daily News for your friend and one News Day for you.” 
“Have you thought about it yet?”
You raised your eyebrow at him.
“About what?”
You thought he was finally going to ask you on a date. You knew the main reason he came in was to check you out. But you weren’t about to be bought.
“About the possibility of getting The Times in here? Alright, the Sunday Times at least.”
“Sorry Steve, it doesn’t sell. If it doesn’t sell, I don’t order. Can’t afford a non starter. But I do subscribe to the Sunday Times myself for the crossword. You can borrow mine any time.”
You winked at him. Something about Steve brought out your inner flirt.
Steve wanted to say something about sharing the Sunday Times in bed, but he thought better of it. Any other girl, and he would have been able to spit all kinds of game. But with you, he was tongue tied.
Steve sipped his coffee and shook his head as you gave him his bag.
“You are the most stubborn person I have ever met.”
You waved at him as he stood up.
“Have a great day!”
Steve chuckled at your dismissal as he walked out of the door. Bucky was waiting by the car. Steve handed him his cup and sandwich. 
“Send Sam to pick up the espresso machine.”
“Still a tough nut, eh?”
“Yeah. She’s still refusing gifts…”
Steve got in the passenger seat while Bucky sat behind the wheel.
“Instead of giving her all of this expensive shit, why don’t you just be nice to her?Ask her out ice skating or something.”
Steve scoffed. He didn’t know how to ask a girl out anymore. He felt like that scrawny kid running around with Bucky back in the day. Now, women were always clawing at each other to get to him. And they always wanted something. 
Steve didn’t respond to Bucky, just asked about his calendar.
“What’s on the agenda for today, Buck?”
“We gotta meet with the truckers today. They don’t want to bend to our terms.” Steve put on his sunglasses. 
“We know what to do to make ‘em bend, don't we Buck?”
“Sure do, buddy.” 
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You were in your walk up apartment above the store halfway listening to the 10 o’clock news. They were doing a story about an explosion at the Eatern Tri-State Trucking hub in Bay Ridge as you put your body oil on after your shower. The reporter indicated that authorities thought that the Valkyrie crime organization was behind it. You were zoning out looking forward to the next day.
You were glad that Janie and Nate would be back at work tomorrow. Nate had just taken a week off, and Janie had recovered from the flu.  You were going to take the next afternoon off. You could have taken the entire day, but you wanted to open up for some reason.
Running an organic bodega in Brooklyn was a tough job, but the business was growing, but it was even tougher when your help was not there. You deserved a bit of a break.
The next morning, you were humming an Otis Redding song when Steve came in. You looked over your shoulder and caught him looking at your ass.
“Good morning, Mr. Rogers.”
“Mornin’ Ambrosia.”
“The usual?”
Steve wanted to say no, I want to ask you to marry me, but that might be a little too forward.
He sat down at the counter and noticed that you had on something brand new. When you turned around, he gestured to your outfit.
“What’s the occasion?”
You looked down and then grinned. 
“This outfit is my Christmas present to myself. I’m taking the afternoon off and I’m going into the city to go to the Central Public Library.”
Steve tried to respect your glee. But he had to do it.
“How thrilling.”
“You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch, “ you quipped.
Steve laughed at you. He thought about what Bucky said the day before.
“Grinch hunh. Well, would a Grinch offer to take you ice skating instead?”
You turned around and leaned on the counter. Steve leaned toward you.
“I don’t know. Are you offering, Mr. Grinch?”
You loved teasing him. Steve groaned.
“C’mon. I’m trying here. Ambrosia. Do you want to go ice skating with me in the city this afternoon? And to dinner afterward.”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
Steve was very close to you now, staring at your lips.
You stood up and put your hands on your hips.
“It’s about time. Sure!”
Steve laughed at how easy it was. You shoved his order into his hands.
“Pick me up at 1.”
Steve was grinning like an idiot out at the car, and didn't know how he got there.
“So you finally asked her out, hunh?”
Steve snapped out of it as he got in the passenger seat.
“Move the talks up to 10. I’m taking the afternoon off.”
“Rumlow is stalling. I can handle it this evening.”
“You sure?”
Bucky looked at his best friend.
“Sure as shootin’.”
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You and Steve had a great afternoon, and Steve thought that ice skating was genius. He had to thank Bucky. You had to hold hands to stay steady, and when he pulled you in close, you didn’t pull back so you could stay warm. He didn’t know that you were thinking the same things.
Steve got to treat you to Via Carota and you two walked right in. The food was great, the wine was amazing, and you even stole a kiss in your corner booth. The night was perfect.
He drove you back to your place and you sat in the car for a minute. He’d been a perfect gentleman, and you were the one to make the first move with the kiss. You looked at him quizzicaly.
“Can I ask you something, Steve?”
“Yes, Ambrosia, anything.”
“After today, this afternoon and tonight. Do you still like me?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course. Why do you ask?”
You looked down. 
“Well, you’ve been such a gentleman. I see how you look at me, all hungry all the time. And the gifts. I don’t know. I just thought you’d be. You know. More…”
“Aggressive?” Steve responded.
“Well. yeah. I just thought.”
You looked back up and saw that Steve’s eyes had darkened.
“I am not a gentle man in my everyday life, Ambrosia. And I know that I can come on strong. But you make me want to be tender with you. I want to cherish you.”
And Steve pulled you in for a sweet, but sexy kiss.
“So, yes, I still like you. And I have very aggressive thoughts about you. Want to ruin you in fact. But I want to do it carefully. Make you feel it. And make you glad you did.”
“Oh. No one has ever…damn, Steve.”
He recognized that you had been hurt.
“Here’s an aggressive question. What kind of an asshole would make you feel that way about yourself? His name is all I need.”
You laughed.
“Do you want to come up for the answer?” You cocked your head at him as he chuckled and nodded.
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When you got up to your place, you were settled with a glass of wine on your couch.
“I’m not going to give you his name, but I will tell you that we were together for a few months, and we only did it a few times. He’s the only one I’ve ever been with.”
The way you looked as him made Steve’s heart soft, but other things hard.
“It…It didn’t feel good. He said I was frigid and too small. I… I went to the doctor and everything. She said I was fine physically. So I figured it must have been in my mind and I haven’t been able to get out of my head after that. He broke it off and then I just decided to focus on work.”
You peered at Steve to see his reaction.
Steve’s eyes flashed with anger, then cooled.
“That joker is a fucking idiot.” 
His eyes traced your body.
“He didn’t know what to do with all this?”
Steve reached for you and kissed you, this time with undeniable passion. You broke away and stood up, offering him your hand.
“Show me, Steve.”
He stood up and followed you to your bedroom.
You stood at the foot of the bed and reached up to kiss Steve, and he picked you up and sat down, sitting you down with both of your legs over his. You made out like this, Steve’s hands still in neutral places until you whined and scooted closer to him.
Then, he went under your sweater, finding your nipple in your bra and brushing it with his thumb. He was exhibiting intense will power, but he couldn’t hold it all back as you responded to his passionate kisses.
Steve lifted your sweater off and your tank top, which was underneath, with it. Your bra contained your breasts, but your nipples were erect and straining against the material. He brought your body towards his for a kiss, his thick fingers pressing and playing with your sensitive buttons. He had you squirming on his lap as he reached around and expertly unfastened your bra.
He looked down at you and then back up, eyes hungry. You’d been yearning for that look.
“I’m gonna cherish this moment, get you ready for me, Baby. You’re gonna feel so good.”
He was weighing and kneading your breast and tenderly flicking your nipple, then he leaned down and kissed you, moving down your neck and collarbone, descending your chest and kissing all around your areolas, teasing your stiff nipples.
He had you moaning and writhing, wanting some friction for your cunt.
“Patience, Baby. You’re gonna get everything you deserve. Including this.”
Steve moved your hand to the hard member in his pants, which you tried to grip in vain through his slacks. You whimpered in frustration.
“I know. I know. I want to do so many things with you.” 
Steve’s fingers were in your leggings, through our panties and tracing your wet pussy lips gently as he finally started sucking your nipples. You pulled his hair wantonly as he teased you.
“Mmmmm. Who’s got you all wet, Ambrosia?” he asked, as he pulled his fingers out and put them in his mouth.
“Y-you, Steve… unhhhhh.”
The sight of him relishing your taste made you even wetter. And he found out, because his hand was right back down your pants. 
His lips were at your ear and he was breathing hard.
“Can I…”
His thick finger parted your lips and the rough pads of two fingers slid over your clit into your wetness. You arched your back in anticipation.
“...Can I eat you out, my sweet Ambrosia?”
His voice and the request sent you on a tailspin. You nodded vigorously as Steve pulled his hand out to your whine of desperation at the loss of contact.
You quickly stood up as Steve captured your hips to stand still in front of him. His eyes raked up and down your form as he took hold of the waistband of your pants, and slowly pulled them and your panties down your legs. You stepped out of them and Steve’s hands ran back up your form as you looked down at him. He grabbed the backs of your thighs as he pulled you near him.
Steve put one knee over his shoulder and stared at your most intimate part. 
“She’s a sweet little flower. So pretty and tight.”
His fingers were parting your folds so he could see even more.
“But she will be ready for my thick cock, I know she will, Ambrosia.”
He pulled you forward and held you up as he licked through you, almost causing a near stroke as far as you could tell. 
“Mmmmmm,” Steve’s eyes rolled back into his head.  “You are so sweet. I could eat you all night.”
You almost cried as he dove back in, grabbing his hair for purchase. He grabbed your bottom and stood to place you on the bed. He kneeled on the floor and held you down and open with his huge hands.
Steve started his feast, gently licking at first, then made you build to a crescendo as he started tongue fucking you. He made sure to stimulate your nipples, and when he felt your hard little nub vibrate, he sucked your clit hard as you came.
“Was that good?”
“Oh my stars, that was good.”
You both laughed.
“You’re so fucking cute, Ambrosia, but there’s levels to this.”
You sat up and watched as  he took off his shirt. You were sure that your eyes were sparkling now.
“It’s just going to get better and better.”
He was just clad in his black boxer briefs, a huge bulge leading the charge. He reached in and you were certain that he was going to pull out an entire pack of socks, but instead, he showed you the largest, thickest dick you’d ever seen. Your eyes were like saucers. You were a little afraid, but your legs fell open out of reflex. 
“See what you do to me?”
You bit your lip and nodded, reaching out and touching it tentatively.
“I’ve never seen one that big.”
You looked up at him and his heart melted simultaneously as his cock jumped. Your trembling fingers around him made him almost bathe your hand in his spend.
“Oh, Baby.. So sweet.”
“You are too, Steve. I want to taste you.”
You looked up at him through your lashes and Steve groaned, trembling with the effort to hold back.
“Christ… I’m…I…. Whatever you want, Baby.”
You stared at his cock for what seemed like forever. Then, you tentatively reached out and kitten licked his tip, causing him to groan as he palmed the back of your head.
“You’re killing me here, Ambrosia.”
“Hmmm.” You smiled. “Lay down for me, Steve.”
He did as he was told and put his arm behind his head to watch you. The way his muscles bulged inspired you anew. He reached down and roamed his fingers over your body as you hovered over him. You stroked him a couple of times and then played with his balls, Steve putty in your hands.
You smiled in triumph that you had him whining as you spread your lips over the thick mushroom cap and sucked it into your mouth vigorously, causing him to moan and buck his hips up. You took the cue and drew him into your mouth, making him hit the back of your throat and gag.
“Holyyyyyy sssssshit. Stop. StopStopStopStop.”
Steve pulled you off his dick, which made you release him with a plop. He sat up and stared at you, disbelief in his eyes. 
“Did I do it wrong?”
“Did you do it wrong. Fuck, you almost made me…. C’mere.”
You giggled as you ended up with your back on the bed again, Steve eating you out, this time one finger inside you as you came. You were in shambles as he looked up at you and inserted another finger inside as his opposite thumb stroked your still-quivering clit.
“Gotta get you up to three. Hold on.”
You did, and when he crooked his fingers this time, you let out a wail that caused dogs to bark down the street.
After your fourth orgasm, Steve looked up, smiling ear to ear.
“Still want this dick?”
You scowled at him.
“If you don’t…”
He laughed as he kneeled between your legs, stroking the magnificent beast. You opened your legs even wider and stared down at it.
“No. look at me, look at me. You’re ready. I got you Baby.”
Steve supported himself with one arm as he got nearer to you and started swiping his head between your folds. You keened as he entered you.
“Ow. Steveeeee.”
Your face looked so adorable as you struggled to take him.
“Holy shit, you’re, fuck you’re so….”
Steve kissed you through your moan of shock and pleasure as he slid all the way home. You gripped his bicep, your fingernails leaving marks. Steve pecked your lips as you pounded together, waiting for you to get used to him.
“You ok? You good?”
Steve checked to make sure you were okay. You nodded at him with tears in your eyes.
“I- I- think it feels good. You’re so big, Steveee. But.. but I like it….”
You started moving, a little at first, and then more wantonly. Steve looked down to where you were impaled upon his dick.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. You are perfect. Just so.. Fucking… tiny…. But made for me…Shit.”
You felt Steve’s cock jumping inside you when he said those words, and you clasped your hands behind his back and uttered, “More!”
And that’s when you began to get fucked. Tenderly yet filthily. It was the best Steve had ever had, trying to be gentle and knowing that he wanted to put the bed under the ground. It was such a turn on. The ragged moans that you gave him with each stroke was a gift from god, and he started cumming before he could think.
“Shit! I didn’t use a condom…Fuck. But why does that just motivate me to keep going?” 
Steve laughed into your ear as he kept stroking for dear life. He was usually so careful, knowing that most women wanted his kid. But with you he didn’t care. You wrapped your legs around him, taking the pounding he was giving you now.
“Hmmmmmm. You want me to put a baby inside you? Pump you so full of cum that you get all round and full with my seed?”
“Hnnnnghhh. Steve… I…”
“Tell me. Do you want it? You want me to get you pregnant?”
“Ohhhh shitttttttt! Steeeveeeeee!”
You detonated around him and Steve cursed, finally pulling out and jacking hard onto your stomach as three fingers on the other hand continued to fuck you through your orgasm. His pearly spend looked beautiful on your skin.
“So gorgeous. There’s time for that yet, but we gotta get you to a doctor, because I don’t want to do this too many more times. And fucking you with condoms is no longer an option.”
You were fucked out, absentmindedly playing in his cum, causing him to spurt one last rope onto your fingers. When you brought them to your mouth was when he shivered. He collapsed beside you.
“I can’t even explain how good that was.”
You just smiled at him, lips shiny with gloss that he made.
“You are an angel. A Christmas angel.”
Steve sighed as you smiled at him. He got up and went to your bathroom to clean up and get a warm towel.
“I’m hungry.”
“Anything you want, Babe. I’ll get it for you.”
You grabbed the remote and  turned on the tv, catching the tail end of the news.
“Shootout in DUMBO tonight between the Rumlow and Valkyrie crime organizations. Several high-ranking officers dead or injured, including Brock Rumlow and James Bucky Barnes. More news when we have it.”
“Steve? Bucky? What’s going on? Valkyrie?”
Steve was up and grabbing for his clothes, an inscrutable look on his face.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this, but I gotta go.” 
He gave you a quick kiss. 
“Don’t leave. Sam will come back with some food for you and he will stay with you. Don’t open the store tomorrow.”
“But Steve!”
“No buts! I will call.”
And then Steve disappeared into the night, leaving you with so many questions.
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Knock that reblog button off the block fa me. 😉
Read part two, All I Want.
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novlr · 6 months
What are some good ways to write about winter?
Winter. is a season of stark contrasts and sensory experiences. It provides the perfect canvas to paint vivid scenes that range from cosy romances to horror-filled stormy nights.
When writing about winter, it’s essential to capture the essence of its chill and the way it can transform the world. Here are some quick tips!
A blanket of pristine snow covering the landscape
Bare tree branches coated with frost
Delicate snowflakes drifting from the grey sky
Icicles hanging like crystal daggers from rooftops
Colourful clothes stark against the white of snow
Sunlight reflecting off the snow, creating a blinding glare
Animal tracks stamped into the powder
Frozen lakes and puddles
Man-made objects like snowmen and snow angels
Lights shining against dark backdrops
Snow muffling and dampening the usual noises
Boots crunching on the frozen ground
People laughing and shouting as they play
Wind howling through barren branches
Ice cracking underfoot or on distant lakes
The silence of a snow-covered world
Shovels scraping against sidewalks
Snowballs hitting their targets with soft thuds
Branches creaking, laden with snow
The rustle of animals keeping warm in burrows
The fresh, clean scent of snow in the air
Wood smoke curling from chimneys
The earthy aroma of damp wool from coats and gloves
The sharp tang of frost and cold metal
Hot chocolate and marshmallows
Pine needles and the subtle scent of evergreen
Baking spices from holiday treats
The slight ozone smell before a snowstorm
Wet dog from snowball fights with furry friends
Leather and polish from well-worn boots
Building snow forts and castles
Ice skating on a frozen pond or rink
Snowshoeing through a silent forest
Curling up by the fire with a good book
Skiing and snowboarding down powdery slopes
Brisk walks to enjoy the winter air
Hiking up snowy mountains for panoramic views
Having snowball fights with friends or family
Feeding birds or wildlife braving the cold
Decorating the home with festive lights and ornaments
Character body language
Shivering and huddling for warmth
Rubbing hands together or blowing on them for heat
Shoulders hunched against the biting wind
Slipping and steadying oneself on icy patches
Squinting against the bright snow glare
Snuggling into oversized coats and scarves
Stamping feet to restore circulation
Clapping hands to keep the cold at bay
Arms wrapped around the torso for warmth
Quick, brisk movements to minimise exposure to the cold
Positive descriptions
The serene beauty of a snow-covered meadow at dawn
The invigorating feeling of cold air filling your lungs
The cosiness of a warm blanket on a frosty night
The joy of catching snowflakes on your tongue
The camaraderie of coming together to shovel snow
The nostalgia of winter holidays and traditions
The satisfaction of making the perfect snowball
The wonder of ice patterns on windows
The laughter and excitement of a snow day
The glistening of a frosted evergreen in the sun
Negative descriptions
The biting sting of the wind against exposed skin
The numbness of fingers and toes in the cold
The dreariness of shortened, grey days
The inconvenience of navigating slushy streets
The isolation of a blizzard keeping everyone indoors
The discomfort of wet socks and snow in your boots
The hazard of black ice on sidewalks and roads
The burden of heavy layers and winter gear
The dull ache of a cold that lingers
The gloom that can accompany the lack of sunlight
Helpful adjectives
Biting, chilly, frosty, glacial, icy
Crisp, brisk, sharp, piercing, raw
Fluffy, powdery, crunchy, slick, slippery
Dreary, overcast, bleak, sombre, grey
Cosy, snug, warm, toasty, plush
Twinkling, sparkling, shimmering, glistening
Silent, muffled, still, hushed, quiet
Fresh, clean, invigorating, brisk, bracing
Nostalgic, traditional, joyous, festive, celebratory
Isolating, inconvenient, burdensome, hazardous, gloomy
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furywren · 2 years
working on some tzitzit strings with 🌈✨holographic sparkle fiber✨🌈
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4unnyr0se · 5 days
❥ tsukishima plays the waiting game
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warnings: fem! reader, pre and post timeskip! tsukishima, tsuki gets slapped, reader is a sweetie, yamaguchi and hinata mentioned, tbh its mostly fluff
MDNI | No 18+ content here, I just don't want minors interacting with my blog
word count -> 785
part two
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Kei Tsukishima wasn’t the best at showing affection at all. He only liked and respected Yamaguchi, but apart from that, there wasn’t really anyone he thought merited his honest and most sincere loyalty and trust. Sure, he respected Daichi when he was still in high school, but Daichi was his captain. It was different.
Then, you moved to Miyagi and enrolled in Karasuno in mid-April. You were placed in the same class as Yamaguchi and Tsukishima. Apparently, you had scored in the top 1% in your old high school, much to Tsukishima’s chagrin. He assumed you would be just another one of those academic bitches (like himself) who only cared about what directly affected them. 
That was the first time Tsukishima was wrong. 
You were sickeningly sweet, so much so that many people thought it was just an act. Tsukishima first thought this, too, that a wolf was hiding under that fluffy sheep wool. But no, there wasn’t. You were genuinely nice without ulterior motives, always volunteering to tutor students after class. You even helped Yamaguchi with his English vocabulary and grammar. He didn’t even have to ask! That’s how sweet you were, and Tsukishima hated that. Well, only at first. 
He knew he liked you the second you snapped at him, calling him an asshole in front of the entire Karasuno team. He was practicing serves and missed completely, the volleyball slamming into your torso as you walked by the practice gym. Instead of apologizing, he blamed you for being in the way. 
Instead of you apologizing for having dared to be in the way of a rouge volleyball, he was met with a cold smack in the face. Vulgar words left your mouth, your face heating up in anger as you called him out for being a stuck-up prick who didn’t care about anyone but himself (and maybe Yamaguchi.) The Karasuno team stood in shock as you screamed at him, your usual friendly and kind demeanor long forgotten. Hinata thought that Tsukishima was absolutely going to murder you, but instead, the lanky blonde just stood there with the tiniest blush on his cheeks. You called him out; you slapped him. The sweetest girl in Karasuno slapped him and humbled him in front of his teammates. You weren’t just an innocent little lamb, you bit. And Tsukishima liked that. 
Tsukishima never acted on his urges in high school; he was too busy with class and volleyball and Hinata’s bullshit to worry about romantic relationships. But he caught himself sneaking glances at you throughout high school, no matter where he was. You two were always in the same class, weirdly enough. Graduation eventually came, and lo and behold, the two of you went to Sendai. He was on a semi-volleyball scholarship, and you had a full academic ride because you did. And to his horror, or perhaps delight, you both had the same entry-level statistics class.
He first noticed that you had a sense of personal style that he approved of. Tsukishima had only ever seen you in the Karasuno girl’s school uniform before, so it was a pleasant surprise to see you wearing a spaghetti strap tank top with a wool cardigan and loose jeans. It was…cute.
Tsukishima was taken aback when you walked up to him after class, bowing your head slightly to apologize for screaming at him when you were in high school. He smirked and accepted the apology, pushing your head down further. 
“You also slapped me and called me an asshole, remember?”
You became flustered and started apologizing even more, tilting your head with sparkling eyes.
“I know, I’m really sorry. I don’t want any bad blood. How can I make this up to you?”
“Go on a date with me.” It came out of his lips so fast that Tsukishima didn’t have time to cover it up with a cough. How could he let that slip from his lips, he always thought before speaking. He thought before doing anything! He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, looking away in embarrassment. “Go on…just go on a date with me, please. I’ve liked you since high school, moron.”
You smiled and hugged him, squeezing his torso with all your might. Of course, Tsukishima thought this was adorable, he was a foot taller than you. “Of course, I’ll go on a date with you! Where?” You asked as you looked up, the prettiest smile plastered across your shining face. Fuck, Tsukishima was totally screwed. He’d give you the world right then and there if he wasn’t so proud. 
“My dorm? Yamaguchi is out with friends for the weekend.”
“Yamaguchi has friends other than you? Damn, he really grew up.”
Tsukishima’s side of the dorm was immaculate. Spotless, organized, and decorated with dinosaur posters. It was cute and nerdy, making you smile. Maybe deep down inside, he wasn’t such a jerk.
part two??
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aphroditelovesu · 8 days
Wedding Gifts
❝commission: a drabble that has a 'newly wed' theme. My specifications are that it begins with Y/n waking up after her wedding night and involved the wedding gifts Alexander gives her in some way. Basically, something that outlines how her relationship with him has been so far. — requested by 💻 anon.
❝ 📜 — lady l: this is really sweet honestly and I loved writing it! I hope you like it and if there are any mistakes, forgive me. :)
❝tw: none, pure fluff.
❝📜pairing: soft!yandere alexander the great x female!reader.
❝word count: 945.
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When you opened your eyes that morning, you felt more refreshed than ever. The bed was empty, indicating that Alexander had woken up earlier and gone about his duties. You didn't mind, though.
Yawning, you noticed that the camp seemed more active than ever. Outside your tent, one could hear the shouts and heated voices of soldiers and their generals. When you moved, you couldn't help the pained groan you let out after a sting of pain spread through your lower parts.
You had almost forgotten that this was the day after your wedding night. Almost.
Carefully, you removed the heavy blanket and placed your bare feet on the cold tent floor, feeling more rested than ever. There were days when you didn't sleep so well and, as much as you still had difficulty recognizing it, last night with Alexander had brought you more peace than your last few weeks.
You didn’t want to admit it but Alexander brought you comfort and a peace that you knew you desperately needed. Taking a deep breath, you slowly stood up, trying to ease the pain. The memory of last night brought a faint smile to your lips.
When you got up from the bed, you felt the cold of the packed earth floor of the tent and shivered slightly. You leaned on a small wooden table nearby and noticed something that hadn't been there the night before. On the table rested three carefully arranged gifts, each wrapped in fine fabric that reminded you of silk and adorned with a simple but elegant ribbon.
Curious, you walked over and started undoing the ties one by one. The first gift revealed a luxuriously soft wool cloak, red as blood, clearly made by the finest craftsmen. The vibrant color of the cloak contrasted with the austere environment of the camp, and when you touched it, you felt a comforting warmth spread throughout your body.
The second gift was a small carved wooden box, and when you opened it, you found a jewel of rare beauty. A gold necklace with a star-shaped pendant, encrusted with small precious stones that sparkled in the morning light. You recognized the piece as a symbol of protection, common among nobles, and felt honored and protected when you placed it around your neck.
Finally, the third gift was a rolled up parchment. With anxious fingers, you undid the wax seal and read the message written in Alexander's firm handwriting:
"My beloved, may this cloak warm you in my absence, may this necklace remind you of my constant protection, and may these words bring you the certainty of my eternal love. Our union is the promise of a future of peace and happiness. With Love, Alexander."
You felt a rush of emotions as you read Alexander's words. You sat on the edge of the bed, holding the parchment close to your heart. Your mind revisited moments from the night before, and a feeling of gratitude and affection grew inside you. Alexander, even though he was away that morning, had thought of every detail to ensure you felt loved and protected.
He clearly cared more about you than he let on.
Wrapped in the cloak, with the necklace around your neck and the parchment tucked away with care, you felt ready to face the day. As you emerged from the tent, the frenetic activity of the camp seemed a little more distant, as if a bubble of peace had been created around you. With a smile on your lips, you began to look for Alexander, wanting to thank him for the gifts.
The environment around you was filled with frenetic activity — soldiers training, tents being set up and taken down, supplies being distributed.
As you walked through the camp, the feeling that maybe marrying Alexander wasn't such a bad thing began to take shape in your thoughts. Every step you took was accompanied by curious and respectful looks from the soldiers, and you realized that your status had changed significantly.
You really were a Queen now and although that title sounded strange to you, somehow it felt right.
The soldiers stopped what they were doing to bow their heads towards you, a sign of respect that was still new to you. It was a powerful feeling, you felt powerful.
Alexander's gifts were not only displays of affection, but also clear signs of your position and importance beside him. That luxurious cloak, the precious necklace, and even the words on the parchment showed that he cared deeply for you and wanted you to feel valued and safe. He cared about you. Maybe he even loved you.
Arriving at the King's tent, you found Alexander in the middle of an argument with his generals. He looked imposing, with his armor shining in the shadow and his steady voice giving precise orders. When his eyes met yours, a soft smile formed on his lips, and he motioned for them to wait while he approached you.
"I see you found my gifts." Alexander said softly, his voice low and full of tenderness, contrasting with the authoritative tone he used with his men, "I hope they pleased you."
You nodded, feeling the heat spread across your face, "Yes, Alexander. They're wonderful. Thank you."
He took your hand and brought it to his lips, placing a soft kiss, "I'm glad you liked it. I wanted you to feel special and safe, even when I'm not around."
Alexander’s words filled you with a comfortable warmth and you smiled even wider at the realization of them.
Maybe... Just maybe, marrying him wasn't such a bad thing.
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