#source: httyd 3
angelofthenight · 1 year
Oswald: I think I’m gonna ask Ed out.
Victor: be careful though. A relationship only brings pain and agony.
You: *smacks him*
Victor: see?
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dnatalok · 1 year
Hiccup: Snotlout, I need to talk to you.
Snotlout: Oooo, someone’s in trouble!
Snotlout: It’s me, I don’t know why I did that.
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robinwonder9 · 6 months
Wait is this directly inspired by How to train Your Dragon?
Some aspects are- the beastiary, dragon armor, and some of the dragon designs. I took inspiration from dragon depictions in a lot of different media.
Games like Day of Dragons and Minecraft help me come up with characters and landscape ideas!
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nightfury-2001 · 2 years
Sheer curiosity in regards to your httyd1 x httyd3 reblogs, but wouldn't it make SOME sense for Toothless to look a bit more serious in the THW scene? I mean. He has a mate, territory, and young hatchlings to protect, while back in httyd1 he was essentially on his own, with no flock, family or territory. I don't like THW myself, but I do kinda enjoy the last scene. Sort of as its own thing, separate from the movie as a whole, though.
I've heard this defense before and I totally get where you're coming from but I don't really agree.
In HTTYD 1 he may not have had a mate, territory, etc. to protect but like...he was injured and hungry and trapped and hadn't exactly had a lot of positive experiences with humans and here comes this human with a (hidden) weapon. Even though Hiccup freed him from the bola and so wasn't a complete stranger imo he had every reason to act/look just as aggressive, if not more aggressive than THW Toothless does during the boat scene but he didn't and he quickly recognized that Hiccup wasn't a threat when he dropped the knife and became curious.
Compare that to THW Toothless who lived with humans for six years and had plenty of positive experiences with them (even if he may not instantly remember things since it's been ten years) looking like he's about to fucking murder a human who has no weapons and is in no way acting threatening. (Oh yeah and don't forget Astrid and their kids were also there on the boat behind Hiccup basically cowering.) He was also healthy, uninjured, and while yes he now has a mate and hatchlings they were on the rocks a fair distance away and not in immediate danger.....
Him taking so long to recognize Hiccup, his best friend, his soul mate, is also complete bullshit. I don't care that he had a beard it should not have taken Toothless that long to recognize him imo. He can smell the Light Fury from like a fucking mile away but it takes him like thirty seconds to identify Hiccup by scent when he's standing right there? He didn't recognize Hiccup's voice either even though it sounds the same? (And like imo it makes more sense for Night Furies to depend more on their hearing than their sense of smell but whatever.) Like I feel I'd be more willing to forgive just how aggressive and ready to kill Toothless looked if it didn't drag on for so damn long.
Also either in the art book or an interview (might be both) Dean said the boat scene was based on/inspired by a video of Christian the lion reuniting with the human who raised him and if you watch it yourself, you'll notice that this actual irl wild animal notices his human friend from a distance and acts less aggressive than THW Toothless did. Yeah. Toothless, a creature that has been shown to be more intelligent and understanding than any real non-human animal (and is straight up canonically meant to be that way*), acts more wild and animalistic during the boat scene than the actual real lion did in the event it's based on. (*Like even in the art book for THW they literally say that while there's "certain lines they try not to cross" they purposefully play the dragons as "smarter than the pets we know" [paraphrasing a bit as it's been a while since I've looked at the art book but this is definitely in there], and in the first movie they literally went against what an animal behaviorist said a real animal would act like during a certain scene to make Toothless seem more noble [again paraphrasing but yeah], not to mention Toothless' actual actions/behaviors during certain scenes and parts of the franchise [GOTNF says hello].....like I'll admit that I certainly do personally view/headcanon Toothless/Night Furies/the dragons in general as more intelligent and humanlike than what some in the film crew(s) intended, but it's one hundred percent CANON that Toothless is not meant to be your average animal and was not intended to act like a real animal at all times in all situations.)
Oh oh oh and as a fun side note - If you look at THW's script you can see Toothless was originally going to have his "alpha glow"/glowing thing going on during the boat scene. So originally he was going to look even more ready and willing to murder his best friend. Amazing. Very glad that didn't make it into the final cut! (Though the fact it's like. Still there in the "final" version of the script and made it that far is just wtf.)
As for the gifs, a lot of those I reblogged mainly for the HTTYD 1 (or HTTYD 2) gifs, but I can enjoy some THW gifs and stuff if I like...divorce it from the context lol.
anyway sorry this is so long. i just really really hate this scene lmao
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cqlcfer · 13 days
Ok so, the Heathstrid demons have taken over my body again and I just HAD to create them in sims and. Arent they ethereal?? Isnt their love healing the world??
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Theyre in their sleepwear here (because they‘re roommates) so dont mind it but like ARGHHH.
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Hiccup: Were you killed?
Viggo: Sadly yes...but I lived!!
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garussy · 2 years
Snotlout: I will break your kneecaps!
Tuffnut: If you can reach them little man.
Snotlout: WOW
Ruffnut: You wish you were tall enough to reach our knees!
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Lady Margaret, yelling at Molluck during his trial: I AM LOST FOR WORDS!
Newscaster Slig, recapping the event: Despite being lost for words, Lady Margaret continued to yell Molluck for the next ten minutes, telling him he was a disgrace to the Magog Cartel and the worst son she ever had.
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 2, Wave 1, Poll 1
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Hiccup Haddock-How To Train Your Dragon
1. The man is missing a leg 2. He's bi in fanon (and in my heart) 3. Blorbo original flavor. Need I say more?
He has a prosthetic leg, and at least in my circles is quite often hcd as bi
He's so cool. He builds his own prosthetics that interface with the prosthetics he built for his disabled dragon. First viking to ride a dragon. Chief that brought a new era of prosperity to Berk.
Probably one of the most popular physically disabled characters. And although I personally am not disabled, I have heard a bunch of disabled ppl say that they like him as rep. As he pretty much just exists with his disability. It is not ignored. He doesn't not always function the same as people with 2 regular legs. But it is not made into a tragedy. He just has a prosthetic leg after an accident which caused him to loose one. And nobody really makes a big deal out of it, which makes sense in the society they live in. Idk, here's a link to a video discussing the disability representation in httyd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvwRhb_ocPM
The qualifications and propaganda paragraphs correspond, @flammableengineering is the first submitter.
Harrowhark Nonagesimus-The Locked Tomb
She's a lesbian and the author Tamsyn Muir has confirmed she's written as schizophrenic, based on her own experience.
Okay SO Harrow is a necromancer nun who is also a huge lesbian. She spends the books of TLT series being super gay and repressed about her emotions for 1. Butch lesbian Jesus and 2. Human Barbie the death of God. She narrates the second book (Harrow the Ninth) and is author-confirmed schizophrenic. She experiences hallucinations thru the whole book and has since childhood. She’s also WIDELY headcannoned as autistic by the fandom (me too) because. Because she IS SO FUCKING AUTISTIC (source: I am autistic too)
Schizophrenic lesbian with a traumatic brain injury
Schizophrenic and sapphic
canonically a schizophrenic lesbian. neither word is used in series, she isn't in a position to get a diagnosis and queer identities are so normalised in the universe that labels just don't get mentioned, but she is written as both by an author who is also both.
Canon schizophrenia
Canon lesbian with canon schizophrenia
She's a schizophrenic lesbian with a traumatic brain injury
The Locked Tomb is pretty popular on tumblr but I might as well submit her anyway
She’s a lesbian necromancer nun. She’s a saint and also woke up the death of God, who is a human Barbie, who she is in love with, tho she’s also kind of married to lesbian Jesus. She’s schizophrenic. She’s scrungly. She puts bread in a drawer. She’s even autistic
Harrow first started hallucinating (visual and auditory) when she was ten years old! The traumatic brain injury and seizures are much more recent. Unironically gotta love a pov protagonist who makes you struggle along with her in sorting out hallucination and false memory to figure out what's going on. Also while Harrow's disability shapes the narrative, the book isn't at all about her being disabled. It's a fantasy/scifi gothic horror novel about being trapped at a work retreat with God.
so many women want her but she’s determined to be in love with the soul of the dead earth trapped in a 10ft barbie doll instead. she’s a lesbian disaster and is trying to deal with both schizophrenia and over 200 actual ghosts haunting her.
Author Tamsyn Muir has discussed how Harrow's schizophrenia is modeled after her own experiences. It matters a lot in her eponymous novel, where her inability to trust what she sees and hears is compounded by her self-inflicted lobotomy to save her girlfriend's soul from getting absorbed into her own.
Harrow is one of the protagonists of her series & both her lesbianism & her schizophrenia play major parts in the story. The author has spoken about how she wrote Harrow based on her own experiences, and the authenticity comes through strongly. Beyond that, she's a teenage gothic nun in love with a holy corpse & she's the greatest bone magician ever born. What more needs be said.
She's a lesbian, she's psychotic, she has seizures, she faints regularly and can't rely on her own memory worth shit. And the only reason she's not going to kill god is so she and her girl can escape the cycle of violence. Basically, Harrowhark Nonagesimus is the entire package.
Anything Else?:
Listen. Listen. I’m not doing Harrow justice here. I LOVE her (Submitter 2)
The author is also schizophrenic! Which is pretty cool. (Submitter 3)
The author of the series is openly schizophrenic, and has mentioned in interviews that she's drawing on that experience when writing Harrow :) (Submitter 8)
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natsuki-bakery · 6 months
ᨦ Toothless cg headcanons ദ
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hai mayb a strange request but do u know if u can make cg toothless ( httyd!! ) hcs .. ? idk i jus see him like .. like a wolf cg w/ a kit little ... <: 3
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•Toothless would be incredibly protective, using his instincts and abilities to ensure your safety
•Despite his imposing appearance, Toothless would engage in playful ways, enjoying games and adventures together. He'd adapt to your pace, making sure you feel comfortable and included.
•He would call you : Little Wing, Spark, Little Flame, Champion, Tiny Roar !
•Toothless' calm demeanor and comforting nature would provide solace to you during tough times. His ability to understand emotions would make him a great source of support.
•Papa might impart lessons in his own way, using his experiences to subtly teach valuable lessons to you about bravery, friendship, and empathy.
•Would love being called Papa dragong/wolf
•Toothless' inability to speak, he'd communicate with you through gestures, expressions, and body language, forming a unique and strong bond based on understanding each other without words !
•Activities : Flying Adventures, Exploring new places, Playful Games like hide-and-seek, Arts, Reading and Storytelling (reading stories aloud or makes up your own tales) and Learning New Skills
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dxzziie · 9 months
Does that mean Nana can't mega evolve if there's not any electrical sources around?
it just takes more effort, she might have to do something like toothless did in httyd 3 when he was trying to impress the light fury
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or she could just create a thunderstorm and mega evolve then lol
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hufflpuffin · 6 months
Controversial opinion I guess but im going a little insane seeing people crying about a black actress potentially getting casted as Astrid in a fictional comedic fantasy world where beer drinking long bearded vikings in silly spiky armor and horned helmets ride dragons because "its not historically accurate to vikings" when there are literally nonwhite vikings in the HTTYD franchise.
The world of HTTYD itself is based in stereotypes and satirizes vikings and viking culture, so its odd to me to be upset about historical inaccuracy in a live action adaptation, but only upset specifically about skin color. Astrid in the books is literally named 'Camicazi' and from an all female tribe of warriors led by a viking called Big Boobied Bertha. That's not historically or source accurate either, but you can probably understand why the film adaptation redesigned the character. The HTTYD world is not that serious where historical accuracy is super important, its exaggerated and played up for laughs.
The original Astrid is still there, in 3 movies and multiple tv shows. Different adaptations don't have to be completely accurate to the source material, especially when the movies themselves are not accurate to the source material of the books, and the creators can change and interpret their own characters differently across mediums.
I wanna say the real issue for me is that HTTYD needs a live action adaptation at all because I think animation should be a respected medium in itself and not just "for kids", but then again I still feel like an old woman yelling at clouds because it's maybe it's just not for me but there are other people who genuinely like live-actions and i'm frankly im happy to see fans get more out of a beloved franchise 🤷‍♀️
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cipherexists · 1 year
Documenting a few other details that ive found in the way back machine SPG dig
The Spine was originally created with a spinal column made up of smokestacks similar to a locomotive, thus he was appropriately named The Spine. In 1955, the US government invested millions of dollars into upgrading The Spine. Therein he received a brand new titanium alloy spine, and a multitude of highly classified weapons.
yeah, highly classified weapons?? what???
Eventually David entered high school. He was working towards his A+ Certification in computers and looking towards becoming an IT Technician. A sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce between his parents turned David's life upside down during his Junior year. The divorce didn't go well between parents.
This is not included in Bunny's...despite them being twins... i love the 'sudden (but possibly long overdue) divorce'
David met Jerry Hager for the first time when he took his Beginning Acting class at the college. David knew of Jerry's "miming" down at Seaport Village and even visited his professor a few times while he was performing. It wasn't until his [Sister] [Bunny] took Jerry's mime class, and recommend that he take it with [her] again the following year, that David was introduced to the beauty of the art of mime and movement.
Yes you heard the man, The Jon, The Rabbit, The Spine and Upgrade only went through Three (3) mime classes before their first appearances in balboa park. And none more. (see; Steam Powered Giraffe started at the beginning of the second time David took Jerry's mime class.)
More P.A. Walter VI blog shinanigans
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*List of images including but not limited to: Giraffes, toothles (HTTYD), fantasy games and GG <3*
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wtf dude, 'Eggs of spider infancy within this meek little blog' ???
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Back to the website...2014
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Rabbit went on to fight against Becile's copper elephants in 1897, outfitted with a prototype blue matter laser lens array, a Gatling Gun attachment, and a collapsible buzz saw. Rabbit's combat history also spans WWI, WWII, and the Vietnam war.
btw they are still canonically fitted with these weapons, they just wont use them...
Hatchworth time >:)
After getting over that pesky omg-I'm-so-nervous-I'm-going-to-poop-out-all-my-guts feeling, he did ok in theater club. Soon there after, he decided anyone can play guitar, so he did
^^ Sam luke on performing <3
For a while after that, they drifted apart (which tends to happen to friends of Sam).
that is so sad, wth
Approximately junior year a tall, gangly fellow (by the name of David) joined the drama club and introduced himself as such. Sam spent many'a afternoon trying to discern the Bennett twins (one wears black and one wears dragons). The only way Sam chooses to explain the early days of "Hangin' With the Bennetts" is as follows:
"it was like being a supporting character on some weird sitcom within a sitcom."
Sam Luke on meeting the Bennet twins :')
Fast forward a bit and it turns out the Bennetts only got weirder with time. They were robots now and apparently they needed a drummer.
That sounds about right..
Somehow I also became a robot apparently.
Do we know how that happened...yes, will i explain that...not yet
When Peter Walter I began constructing an army of robots, he used whatever source of metal he could find. So it wasn't surprising when his own cast iron stove served as the base for a bronze-laden robot.
...that explains the insanity, i too would keep spaghetti in my pocket if i was made of a stove
upon examination Peter Walter II discovered a hairline fracture had been developing for years in the robot's power core. Hatchworth had been leaking a troublesome amount of concentrated blue matter energy[...]Mustache and all, the Walter boys locked Hatchworth in a lead vault deep within Walter Manor until they could find a solution. But months pouring over his original schematics proved fruitless for the boys and soon months turned into years...and then turned into decades.
Thats how hatchworth came about.... yeah no definitely would be insane at that point.
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juniemunie · 1 year
Your ROTBTD reblogs are hilarious and it's really good content O_O like yours, Hiccup is my favorite and while the general idea of the Big Four was genius (who even came up with them back in the day???), I've just never been able to commit to them because... well, Hiccup just outshines them all. Cheers XD
Thank you so much! Please send some love to the creators of those posts as well, their amazing work keeps my hyperfixation gears turning
I believe I managed to reblog the one that originated the name and i think its origins itself?... I'll link it here-
Iejvjekvjdj I would be lying through my teeth if I say I love them all equally, Hiccup was always been my biased favorite because,,, while he was also my first favorite childhood movie,,,, yea he really does outshine them by movie standards alone,,, even rapunzel and RotG can’t compare now to his ENTIRE GIANT FRANCHISE (ignore httyd 3)
which is funny because I remember waaay back then (before httyd2) he was always treated as the awkward guy that relied on his ‘pet dragon’ a lot (god i hated that so much I dropped so many fanfics because of that) compared to the rest
I straight up made my own tier list for my opinion on the movies a few days ago
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Over all Hiccup wins hands down, sorry-
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However, all of them do have their merit and I still very much love them! It’s just that HTTYD has so much content now that you can rewatch and enjoy and analyze, while the others don’t really have as much which can either kill the interest or let your imagination make it up as it goes
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asm5129 · 6 months
Dragons: the nine realms—final thoughts (Full series spoilers ahead)
Genuinely, I’ve become quite fond of this show over time. It definitely needed to grow into what it actually wanted to be, and with only 7 or 8 episodes a season it took half the show to get there, but even so I think it really found it’s footing as it went on—some somewhat forced-feeling team drama in the penultimate season notwithstanding.
In terms of the characters, I grew quite fond of Tom, Alex and Jun, and even managed to come around to D’Angelo later on—probably later than the writers intended though, haha. Eugene less so but they surprised me by giving him some genuine emotional moments , particularly in the last two seasons, and most of them hit right. It never felt like the show was just repeating what people already saw, Tom isn’t Hiccup, Jun isn’t Astrid, and D’Angelo isn’t Fishlegs. The closest direct parallel would be Eugene to Snotlout frankly, and that’s about it. These characters feel like their own characters, not a cheap attempt to continue the popularity of what came before.
Also, Alex is pretty autistic coded, but never confirmed. Jun kinda is too honestly. I appreciate that the things that we might call their special interests are never devalued within the show, both turning out to be incredibly useful many, many times. Alex is an introvert who spends most of her time on her tablet, and even as she makes friends and socializes more that never changes. Jun has interests many dismiss as “weird” and she has genuine trauma around being referred to as such that is taken seriously.
The supporting cast of parents and other crew members of the research station the majority of the show was based in or below were pretty strong, with even some much less significant cast members getting fun moments, and also add a nice sense of diversity to the world.
The bonds with their respective dragons also always felt well established and strong, and I was genuinely sad when the riders had to let their dragons go in the last episode.
Dr Sledkin and Buzzsaw as villains never hit the heights of Viggo in RttE but actually think I prefer them to the human villains from HTTYD 2 and 3—definitely liked them more than Drago from 2 at least. And i actually felt like Buzzsaw’s change of heart at the end of this final season didn’t come out of nowhere. We had seen, in particular last season, that he is a man starving for genuine connection, so when his dragon—the only creature, dragon or human that it could be argued ever genuinely seemed to accept his presence—was actually at risk it makes sense his ability to put up a bold front would crumble.
World-wise, while the titular realms themselves couldn’t be realized as the kind of beautiful environments we got from the films or even RttE, I think there was some really great usage of the modern day setting for the conflicts that drove the characters and the story alike. There was also great use of the established stories from the HTTYD series. Even though we as the audience knew a lot about Hiccup and co, imo they managed to make Tom discovering that history meaningful. He is a direct descendant of Hiccup, yes, the finale makes clear the fact that Tom being very much a blend of Hiccup’s ability to connect to Dragons and love of exploring and Astrid’s more blunt, action-focused impulses was always very much intentional. I think that’s a smart play, and the legacy of Hiccup proves a source of very compelling drama for Tom’s expectations of himself.
I’m also particularly fond of how the final two seasons really reconnected to the Norse mythology that has almost never been brought to the forefront outside of aesthetics by introducing the World Serpent who has a name I’m not motivated to look up how to spell right now. Regardless I think the way they tied the world serpent and ragnarok into the story was quite well done, and the built in fear of the world serpent being the reason dragons freak out at snakes is a fantastic bit of retroactive lore.
If these characters were brought back aged up, with a bigger budget for new stories I would watch it. This is by no means a masterpiece of a show, but there’s a lot to appreciate.
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coolguyninja · 10 days
hiya!! i'm lloyd, i use he/they, i'm (transmasc) nonbinary and omni!! i'm a lloyd fictive from a system, i'm not normal at all (if that wasn't obvious)
idk just don't be an ass maybe, srsly tho basic dni criteria!! if ur not cool w llorumi or ur gonna hate on me for forgiving harumi just block me atp
things i like;
ninjago, BOLT, generation loss, music i adore music sm, mlp & ppg (i need to rewatch them tho), lego movie, httyd, mitski, laufey, tv girl, and more!! feel free to ask me :3
u can send asks abt literally anything & i’ll probably answer
i'll probably just reblog things or talk about how i remember source (and call it headcanons), or sometimes things i like!
major harumi apologist 💚
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