#sorry to repost but I thought they all looked nice together
imyourbratzdoll · 3 days
𝒎𝒚 𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒔 𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔
part 6 of 🌧️welcome to hell🌧️
summary - demons lingered in the back of your mind, causing you to think you aren't good enough and it doesn't help that steve is ignoring you.
warning - bad thoughts, self-hate, mentions of cheating, angst, barely eating, emotionally drained, feeling like you aren't good enough.
the gif I use isn't mine, headers by me.
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 7
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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What if you and Steve were meant to part ways, only so that you could find each other again. What if you were destined for each other? But instead of being together now, you both needed to grow separately, and soon the two of you would meet again in the coming years when you were both ready.
You didn’t know who you were anymore. You were no longer the person you were before you met Johnny, and you weren’t exactly who you were when you were with him. You felt stuck and horrible. You hadn’t gotten better after the divorce, not even when Steve entered your life. 
Somehow, you lit up his darkness and he silenced your mind. Around him, you felt as though you could finally breathe. But why couldn’t you relax?
Your eyes fluttered open as you woke from your slumber and you just laid there, staring up at the ceiling. It had been a few weeks since you bumped into Steve and you wondered if you had done something wrong.
Steve helped you with your bags, placing them on your kitchen counter before he turned and looked around your place with a smile, his hands stuffed in his jean pockets. “You have a nice place, it suits you.” God, why could you two stare at each other and feel so connected, but then so awkward when trying to find something to talk about. 
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to help me.” You gesture towards the bags before you begin to unpack them, hoping that the cold products haven't warmed too much. 
Steve waves you off. “I didn’t mind. Like I said, I wanted to help.” It felt so natural as he began to unpack the other bag, like this was your routine. The two of you moved so gracefully, like a puzzle piece fitting perfectly into its spot as you moved around the kitchen, putting things away.
Once you finished, your eyes locked onto Steve’s as he leant against the counter. “W–Would you like something to drink? Or eat?” You watched his eyes flicker down to your lips before meeting your eyes again. 
“Water, please.” Did his voice get deeper? You felt like you could drop at any second with how he looked at you. You moved quickly, hands shaking slightly as you filled up a glass before handing it over to him. Steve grabs it gently from you, his fingers brushing against yours and sparks erupt at the touch, causing a soft gasp to escape you. “Thank you.” 
You watched him drink, how could such a normal thing look so hot and sinful when he did it? His eyes never left yours, but yours left his when he moved the glass away from his mouth. You watched his tongue flick out as he collected the water that glistened against his lips. This felt so wrong, but so right at the same time. 
You blink and clear your throat, quickly moving away from him before you do something you may regret. Steve moves over to the sink, washing the glass for you before putting it away. Your mouth hangs open slightly, not even Johnny did that. You would always have to clean up after him. 
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Stop comparing the two! 
But they look so alike… You can’t help but think. It was strange.
You shake your head from your thoughts as Steve touches your shoulder gently. “Are you okay?” 
You hum. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.” You felt like you were suffocating, like this was all a dream. If this was a dream, you didn’t want to wake from it. You let out a shuddering breath as you stare into Steve’s eyes, you could see concern swirling around. “I’m okay. I just got lost in my thoughts.”
Steve nods as if he understands, and the weirdest thing was that every thought seemed to disappear as his hand brushed against your hip. Neither of you could deny the pull, and it scared the hell out of you.
You barely knew Steve, and yet you felt so safe with him. You nearly cried as he pulled away, stepping back, his hand now falling to his side. His phone didn’t go off, but he pulled it out. “I have to go, my friend messaged me.” He gestured to his phone, and you felt your heart sink. Maybe it was inevitable, maybe deep down all men really were the same. Be it in friend, brother, father, or lover form. It was a curse that no woman could seem to break. “It was lovely to see you again, and if you ever need me. I’m right across from you.” He gave a smile so fake that you wanted to believe it to be real. And then he left, leaving you to stand there as your thoughts crashed into you. 
You blink tiredly from the memory. 
Maybe he got scared as well. Maybe he had his own demons, one in the form of an ex. Your chest tightened at the thought of him with someone else, and then you sighed.
He’s not yours, idiot. He never will be, so stop being so pathetic. 
You groan, your thoughts have become meaner lately. You slide out of bed and head over to your closet, scratching your head as you stare at your clothes. Your lip turns as you don’t like anything you see, maybe this would be a good time to have a day to yourself. Well, technically everyday now is to yourself because you left your husband after catching him fucking your best friend.
Your nose scrunches as the image of them fucking pops up into your head. They were your own demons that would possibly forever haunt you. 
You grab some jeans, a plain black shirt and underwear before heading into your bathroom. As you place your things down onto the bathroom counter, your eyes catch your reflection, and it was like death was staring back at you. It seemed the physical toll had slipped from your attention, you had thought you were doing okay aside from the nasty thoughts. Sure, you didn’t eat as often, but it wasn’t because you were starving yourself. You just hadn’t been as hungry, anytime you would go to eat, those two would pop up into your head and your appetite would disappear.
You stripped before slipping under the water. Now you understood why Steve would avoid you like the plague whenever you bumped into him in the hallway. 
You hated this stupid pull that you kept feeling, it was like a constant tugging. It kept trying to pull you in the direction of Steve, like somehow it knew he was close and craved him to be near you. You wished you could grab some scissors and cut the cord that was attaching you to him. Maybe then he could be free of you, free of the burden you seemed to carry. 
You shoved your head underwater, wanting these thoughts to disappear. Maybe taking you along with them. You stand under the shower for a bit longer before slowly getting out and drying yourself off. You don’t dare look in the mirror in fear of what you would see. You hurriedly dress yourself and walk out of the room, grabbing your shoes and bag.
As you exit your apartment, you are met with Steve leaving his. Your eyes widen for a split second before you quickly look down and walk away, not caring that you didn’t lock your door. You didn’t want to burden him with your presence. When you’ve made quite a distance between the two of you, you let out a deep sigh. 
Was this how it was going to be for you? Forever cursed from love and happiness?
You were going to be okay. You had to be.
Steve watched with a saddened look as you walked away. He knew he was being an arse, he didn’t mean to, really. It was just that anytime he was around you, or thinking about you, he would feel this intense feeling wash over him. Steve had felt those feelings the first time he bumped into you and then the second two years later. He was scared, scared that he may end up hurting you. Of course, he didn’t know he was already doing that. 
You walked through the doors of a local second-hand shop, a place you generally enjoyed shopping at. You head straight towards the clothing section, beginning to flick through. 
“Wanda! Did I tell you the news about Steve?” Without meaning to, your ears perk up at the name. You knew it could be a possibility that it was another Steve, but subconsciously you listened in. 
You had heard that voice before, though. You just didn’t know where from…
“No, what about him?” You pick out a few pieces of clothing as you listen in. 
“He finally found someone! He met her once before, but they ran into each other again!” A tug at your heart, even though the person might not be your Steve. “He constantly spoke about her even when he didn’t even know her, now that has doubled. You remember right?” 
The other woman hums. “Oh yeah, isn’t that why everyone teases him?” 
You round the corner, eyes widening a bit when you spot the woman talking. She was the same one from when you had bumped into Steve the first time. Your heart tugs like crazy because you knew this couldn’t be you, they were talking about. Steve had been ignoring you, so why would he talk about you to his friends? 
Natasha looks up as she’s about to reply and you immediately look down, pretending you are looking through the clothes in your arms. You don’t see her nudge the woman next to her, gesturing to you or the fact that they are now approaching until it’s too late.
“Hi. I know you.” You look up surprised. Natasha smiles teasingly. “You’re Steve’s girl!” 
You shake your head, clearing your throat awkwardly. “Uh no… I’m not his girl…” You stumble slightly. “I—I know him! But uh, we aren’t…” You gulp, this was painful.
The women smile. “Okay, you aren’t his girl now. But you will be!” Wanda replied, a giant grin on her face. “Oh, sorry! Hi, I’m Wanda!” 
“Y/n, and I don’t think so. Steve and I aren’t even friends.” You begin to chew on your bottom lip, needing someone to talk to about this, but you didn’t have any friends… You also didn’t know if you could trust having a friend again. You swallow, your throat suddenly feeling dry. 
Natasha’s brows furrow, “Wait, don’t you guys live across from each other?” You nod, “And you don’t talk?” You shake your head.
“Dumbarse” She mutters under her breath, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about Steve. He’s made it sound like you guys were close.” Natasha facepalms. “I am so going to kick his arse when I see him.” 
“You don’t have to, it’s okay.” You try to fake a smile, but it feels like they can see through it. 
Wanda grins. “Why don’t you join us? We can forget about men and just shop!” 
You made it back to your apartment after spending the day with Wanda and Natasha, you hadn’t felt this happy in a while. As you hit the last step, your head lifts and your eyes connect with those beautiful blue ones. You feel your throat dry and your stomach twist. 
“Y/n…” You slowly move forward, berating yourself for allowing your heart to feel something for him. You were already so broken, why did you think anyone could love you. Your gaze flickers to the bouquet of flowers in his hands, noticing how they shake slightly. Maybe he had a date and wasn’t expecting you to show as he was leaving. 
You continue to walk, hoping to slide past him and into the safety of your home. Even though it felt so lonely inside. Steve reaches out, grasping your arm gently, causing you to stop and look at him. Neither of you can ignore the spark that lights from your touch. Unable to ignore the pull anymore, it felt as though time had stilled as you once again locked eyes. 
“I’m sorry… I’ve been an arse.” Steve frowns, all of the negative feelings he’s been feeling have finally come crashing down on him. 
You shake your head, giving another one of your fake smiles. “You don’t have to apologise, Steve. It’s not like we were friends or anything, you don’t need to be nice to me.”
His hold on you tightens slightly, Steve wonders who the hell hurt you to make you think that. He stares deeply into your eyes, hoping that you can see he’s telling the truth. “I do. Because I am sorry. You didn’t deserve me ignoring you, especially if you think it has anything to do with you. I was in the wrong, and I’d like to make it up to you if you allow me.”
Another choice for you to make. One where it could go incredibly well or one you would regret forever. 
You stare at him for a few seconds, trying to find a sliver of a lie. Your gaze moves down, and you look at the flowers. “I got these for you… I didn’t want to apologise empty–handed.” 
And like that, your demons quietened. “I’ve never received flowers before…” His love roared louder than your demons, silencing them. 
You looked back up at him and made your choice. 
The gravitational pull between you had become stronger, finally feeling like it was ready. It seemed the universe and all the galaxies had a talk and said,
“Yeah, It’s time.” 
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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fulgurbugs · 5 months
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Here’s all of the girls together with some new outfits while I gear up for next semester
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Summer breeze
Rockstar!Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Summary: You and Eddie haven't been around each other in a long time since he's been on tour. When he gets back, he decides to take you on vacation.
Warnings: smut, slight angst, hurt/comfort. Established relationships, unprotected sex, and use of safe word. Mild choking. Aftercare. Eddie is a sweet boy in this. No use of y/n, nicknames used (baby, sweetheart, and good girl)
Word count:3.1k
A/n: Not proofread. Please ignore any mistakes. Divider by me. Please comment and reblog to show support. I'm reposting because some parts were missing.
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Somtime early morning in Palm Springs.
You awoke to a nice summer breeze on your skin, and your boyfriends arm slumped over your waist. His mouth slightly opened as he whistled a small snore in your ear. You smile to yourself as you watch the sunrise through the sheer white curtains of your hotel room.
Eddie had just gotten back from a very extended tour with Corroded Coffin. This was the first time both of you were away from each other for months and months on end. Most of the time, he'd fly you out to visit him. Since you started up your own business, that wasn't possible this time round.
The two of you agreed that once the extensive tour was over, you would take time off from your work and go on a little vacation together. A much needed break for the both of you. Eddie made sure you knew how much he missed you. Almost every night for over half a year, he'd call you before bed. Sometimes, you would fall asleep with each other on the other line.
Now, here you finally were snuggled up with him as you watched the sunrise. You wanted to wake him up so bad and begin your day sightseeing or lounging by the pool. You glance over your shoulder at him while he sleeps. His hair is wildly spread across the pillow as his various chains around his neck were all tangled up. He looked so peaceful that you couldn't wake him just yet. This was probably the first time he actually slept through the night since leaving on tour.
Carefully removing his arm from your waist and easing yourself out of bed. Tip toeing to the bathroom as you did but not before almost tripping on his discarded jeans next to the bed. Quickly looking up at him, you curse quietly to yourself. He's still sprawled out on the bed, snoring away, or so you thought.
"Hey, where are you going?" His low raspy voice calls out for you. You giggled at his sleepy voice that he hates so much.
His eyes are still heavy from sleep, and his hair is even wilder than you thought. He lets out a low groan as he stretches. His joints popping loudly
"I'm just going to get ready." Shaking his had he pulls the covers back slapping the mattress.
"Nuh uh c'mere." He motioned for you to get back in bed. a boyish grin spreading across his face. You can't even see his eyes from the mess of his bangs hanging lower than last time you saw him.
You thought about it for a moment and decided to rejoin him in bed. You ran and jumped back under the covers, laughing while he wrapped his arms around your body.
The pair of you missed being cuddled up in eachothers arms. This vacation is going to be two weeks long, and there is plenty of time to explore your surroundings. Staying in bed for a few more hours wouldn't kill you.
Around 1 p.m., your alarm rang.
You woke up again to the cool breeze on your skin. Only this time, you were alone, no sight of Eddie anywhere. Frowning, you remembered he did have a few meetings he had to do on your first couple of days here. Not knowing how long they would be. You gaze at his pillow, seeing a tiny daisy left there for you with a little note.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see you wake up. I have some business to take care of. then after I'm all yours. - Eddie."
You smiled, reading the note and smelling the flower he left for you. You hurriedly got out of bed. you decided maybe visiting the hotel pool would be a nice way to relax until he got back. You ran and put on your bikini, packing your tote back with the essentials you'll need.
Spending the next couple of hours down by the pool lounging got boring after a while. You tried reading and listening to your Walkman. Nothing seemed to help cure it. The only thing on your mind was Eddie.
How you missed the way he would hold you. His dumb jokes he'd wake you up in the middle of the night to tell you. You missed his smell and how soft his lips were against your skin. How he carefully took his time with you. The way he'd make you cum over and over again. You needed him. That longing feeling taking over you has become too overwhelming. Nearly to the point you're on the verge of tears.
You just want him. All of him.
Jumping up from the beach chair, you hurriedly make your way back to the hotel room. You practically run through the lobby to the elevator, hoping he's there by now. Much to your surprise, he is, and a sigh escapes your mouth when you see him. He's standing by the couch in the living area, taking a puff of his cigarette. He notices you staring at him and smirks before looking you up and down.
Licking his lips, "Hey baby, what you been up to?" His voice low and sultry.
"Just waiting for you to get back, so I decided to go to the pool." You pointed over your shoulder.
He hums as he takes another drag of his cigarette. There is so much sexual tension growing thicker between you two. The way he keeps looking you up and down while he smokes, practically eye fucking you. You try to make small talk with him, but he just keeps staring you down. Almost like a predator hunting for its prey. The thought sends a shiver of excitement down your spine.
"C'mere baby." He motions for over for you to come closer.
You do as you're told and go to him. He bites his lower lip and puts out the rest of his cigarette. He pulls you in even closer to him and wraps his arms around your middle. Bringing his hands down to your ass, squeezing softly, giving it a light few taps.
"When did you get this little thing?" He took one of his hands away from your ass to tug at your bikini top.
You look down, "I've always had it."
"Hmm, have you?" Eddie eyebrows raised in amusement. His playful tapping turning into a harsher grip.
All you could do was nod, feeling the wetness pooling between your legs.
Eddie leans down closer to your ear.You bite your lower lip and gasp when you feel him grip your ass painfully tighter. You grasp onto his shoulders for leverage, trying not to stumble as you're practically on your tip toes now. You let out a small whimper, and he loosens his grip on you. Eddie hooks a finger under your chin, making you look up at him. His eyes blown out with lust.
"Lets go to bed." His voice is deep and husky by your ear.
Nodding your head again slowly as your mind struggles to form any words.
You swallow dryly. "Okay."
Eddie takes you by the hand and leads you to the bedroom. The sun is setting now, giving it a nice orange glow. You stand before him as he gazes down at you. You look up at him, waiting for his next move.
He reaches behind you and pulls the strings to your bikini top slowly, letting it fall to the floor. Your nipples harden instantly as the cool air hits them. You move your arms to cover yourself, but he stops you.
"Don't hide from me." Eddie gently commanded.
You listen, moving your arms back down. He goes to undo your bikini bottoms, letting them fall to the floor with your top.
He mumbled rubbing his hard cock over his jeans, "You're so goddamm sexy."
Eddie sits back on the bed, bringing you to straddle him. Your lips instantly attacking his in a feverish kiss. He tastes like cigarettes and mint. you can almost cry at how much you've missed his taste. You begin grinding against him, your clit rubbing on his prominent buldge straining in his jeans. Rubbing yourself on him back and forth, a moan escapes your lips. You've been waiting so long to have him, and now he's here. Removing his mouth from yours, he kisses down your jaw and neck.
"I need you, now." Your voice is coming out much needier than you expected.
"Lay back for me, sweetheart." His husky voice mumbled against your throat. "Be a good girl."
You look at him, licking your lips."I'm always your good girl."
"You sure are, baby." He chuckled at your response, knowing how much you loved it when he called you that."You suuuuure are." He drawls.
Eddie didn't hesitate after that. Hearing you beg for him made his cock rock hard. he couldn't wait to bury it deep inside you. He quickly strips himself of every piece of clothing he had on. His cock springing free when yanks down his boxers. You move up closer to the headboard, laying back against the soft pillows. He makes his way up the bed, crawling his way to you.
He settles himself in between your legs, and you spread them open wider for him. He strokes his cock up and down a few times, pumping it lazily. Your breathing becomes heavy with anticipation. His cock has always been intimidatingly big. Eddie always made sure to get you nice and warmed up before taking him. This time, though, he didn't do much of that. There was no foreplay. you didn't mind it at first. Since you were both so desperate to have one another. Your lust and desires clouding your judgments.
"Eddie, please, I need you inside me." You kept begging him.
He bit his lip, muttering something under his breath. "Fuck, I really have missed you baby."
He looks up at you through his lashes and without warning he's lines his cock at your entrance thrusting all the way inside you. You let high-pitched moan and squeeze your eyes shut tight. Eddie doesn't stay still for long he grabs your hips harshly and begins pulling almost all the way out and slamming back into you.
Your mind going foggy as Eddie's cock splits you open. He's thrusting into you harder and faster. His hips slapping into yours roughly. You grip his biceps, digging your nails into his skin. Your pussy is making a loud squelching noise as he pumped his harder cock in and out of you. Your slicks dripping down your ass and soaking his length.
"S-so fu-cking tight," He grunted, throwing his head back as he plunged his cock harder in your pussy.
"... And wet–Jesus christ, you're making a mess on me."
Your back arches up "Mmmfph – eddie," you moan. "Don't stop."
The tip of his cock rubbing against your g spot the deeper he pushes inside you. You were moaning and writhing underneath him. Calling out his name every time slammed back into you. Every plunge of his cock felt like he was going in deeper. Your bodies slapping together
After a while, your pleasure was starting to feel more like pain. His movements were only getting rougher, and he didn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. There was a slight stinging sensation between your legs, which was becoming more prominent.
Your breathing became heavier as anxiety started taking over. Eddie, without thinking, put his hand to your throat squeezingly only lightly to your pressure points. Tears prickled your eyes as you tried your best to ignore the growing pain between your legs.
You didn't want to use your safe word, but in this situation, it just wasn't feeling good anymore. You've never used it before and were scared to it, even though Eddie has always encouraged you to if it became too much. The bed rocking against the wall harder made you aware of how fast he was really going, — you wouldn't be surprised if there was damage done or if the bed broke. Looking up at him, he doesn't really seem to be focusing on much of anything else, but how good you feel. His eyes squeezed shut, and his mouth hanging open. His cheeks flushed pink. His hips slammed into yours at a bruising pace.
You felt guilty for doing this, but you have no other choice. His thrusts are becoming too overwhelming for your liking, and his hand on your throat is now squeezing just a tad bit harder. Your moans were now chokes and quiet sobs. He didn't even notice. Eddie was too caught up in how good your walls felt clenching around him.
"Eddie." You whimpered quiely, but he didn't hear you.
"Oh fuck I'm gonna cum." He managed to groan out.
"r-red," you quiely choked out, but he kept pumping into you. His hips smacking into yours as he only sped up even more. Chasing his own high, assuming you were getting close too. You started to panic, and the pain was getting worse now. Your anxiety kicking into overdrive.
"RED!!!" Your voice manged to scream out, and Eddie haulted his movements instantly. His face falls. His eyes are full of worry as he removes his hand from your throat immediately. Carefully and gently, he pulls out, causing you to hiss at the sting. He winced seeing the pain on your face.
"Baby, what's wrong?"— "Are you okay?"Talk to me, please."He was pleading with you to just talk to him. Tell him anything at this point. There was so much concern in his tone.
All he cared about was knowing if you were alright.
Eddie voice rang in your ears over and over again. Finally, you let out a sob covering your face with your hands. You felt embarrassed and ashamed. Eddie, on the other hand, was trying his best to soothe you. He goes to move your hands from your face, but you slap them away. You refuse to look at him, turning your body from him. Your reactions to his care were purely instinctual. You know he'd never go out of his way to cause you pain like this on purpose.
He just sits there desperately wanting to tend to you but also terrified to touch you. You laid there crying, trying to calm down and get your breathing under control. You take a deep breath and sit up, bringing the blanket to cover yourself.
"What's wrong? You gotta tell me!" Eddie urged with so much panic in his voice. He was trying to keep it together, knowing you needed him more right now.
"It hurt....i-it was too much." You stammered, swallowing the lump in your throat. You turned on your back keeping yourself under the blankets.
Eddie hesitantly goes to wipe away the tears from your face. You don't flinch or smack his hands away this time. He let out a shakey breath before speaking again. He couldn't believe he didn't notice you weren't enjoying yourself. Your small whimpers of pain replay in his head now, making him feel like such a bad boyfriend. How could he possibly not have noticed his girl was in pain? The thought has him wanting to be sick.
"I'm so so sorry I didn't mean to you hurt you." His voice cracks as he fights back tears of his own. "What do you need from me, baby?"
"It's okay. I'm okay." You reassured him, but he shakes his head.
"No you're not...I'm so fucking horrible." He said running a hand down his face and through his hair.
"You're not horrible, Eddie. we both just got too caught up."
"I'm so sorry." He repeated again, bringing your hands to his mouth as he kissed them.
"Please forgive me sweetheart you know I'd never harm you in this or any way ever."
"I know it's okay. We should just take it slow like we usually do." Your hand goes up to caress his face. A small smile slowly appeared on his lips. He took your palm, giving it a gentle kiss of reassurance.
"I should have taken my time with you, baby." Eddie sighed deeply, still riddled with guilt.
You wiped away the last remaining tears from your eyes. "I just– I need that warm-up, you know?"
"Yeah." He cleared his throat. He understands where you're coming from. Eddie was selfish earlier, and for that, you paid the price.
God, he still can't get your voice yelling your safe word from his mind. He wanted to break down and bawl his eyes out. He wanted to wait on your hand and foot until he was for sure you were completely fine.
There was a long calming silence in the room now. Eddie was trying to figure out what to do next. He, let's go of your hands and brought you in for a hug. He lets out a breath of relief that you're not pulling away from him.
"Wanna cuddle?" He pulled back to look at you and examine your neck where his hand used to be. You reached up, brushing back his bangs.
"Can we?" Your face lighting up.
"I'll do whatever you want me to." He moves to curl up next to you and shuts off one of the lamps on the table. He wraps you up nice and tight in your blanket. "Did you want to order room service and watch something funny?"
You wiggled around in his hold, getting yourself comfortable. "Only if you order me the biggest burger on the menu."
"Ahh, a giant burger it is, and maybe something sweet too?" Eddie leaned over to kiss your temple.
"Definitely want that too...and I want to watch something spooky not funny." You grinned over your shoulder at him.
He shook his head. "Alright, alright, ginormous burger, ice cream, and a horror movie." Eddie pauses for a second, rubbing your side in a soothing way, "anything else you might want?"
"Nope, that's all." You teased, reaching around to pinch his side. He laughed and jerked away.
"Wait! and cuddles." You added lastly.
The sun has finally set, and the room is now covered in darkness except for the TV playing a scary movie of your choosing. Your food is sitting on a tray across your laps. Every other second, he stopped eating to ask if you're really okay. To which you reminded him you're fine and you were just overwhelmed earlier.
Eventually, he stopped asking and opted to cuddle you close to him. He didn't ever want you to feel unsafe with him. The nice summer breeze blows on your skin as Eddie holds you tight against him. Your vacation may have started off on a bad foot, but Eddie was determined to make it up to you.
"I love you, sweetheart." He whispered in your ear, giving your cheek a loving kiss. "You're always safe with me."
"I love you too."
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bcyhoods · 2 months
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synopsis : after a date at the carnival, steve gives you your first kiss! (prompt: “was that your first kiss?”)
word count : 1.6k
author’s note : repost from my old blog! i fixed her up a little bit, endured changing past to present tense just for you so….
“Those games were totally rigged,” Steve huffs as he prods at the small teddy bear clutched in his hands.
You’re situated on the hood of his car, smiley lips tinged blue thanks to the half-eaten cone of cotton candy in your hands. Steve stands in between your legs with a pout as his free hand rests beside your thigh, finger itching to graze your skin as it taps the metal of his car. The summer sun has just dipped below the horizon, but his face is illuminated by the multicolored lights of the fair behind you. Even with a sullen attitude, he just looks so pretty.
It was only your third official date — excluding the weekly, hour-long visits to Family Video, which Robin made sure to tease him for — and Steve figured it was time to rattle his feathers, so to speak. He wanted to impress you by showing off his athleticism, and carnival games provided an exemplary opportunity to do just that.
He envisioned your arms full and occupied by the array of giant prizes he won for you. You’d watch with an endearing grin on your face every time he beat a game. The night would end with your arms thrown around his shoulders and the perfect kiss that had you both swooning.
With fireworks in the background, obviously.
But luck had strayed far away from Steve Harrington’s side. Far, far away.
“Oh, they were, were they?”
“Definitely. ‘You can only throw it with an underhand,’” Steve mocks the game attendant with a husky voice — a terrible impression, really, but he knew it’d make you laugh. “That’s a made up rule. For sure. I’ve never heard that rule before. Ridiculous.”
The boy sighs defeatedly, letting you take the bear from his hand before running his fingers through his, now disheveled hair. The brown locks had endured the torment throughout the night as he increasingly became more and more stressed. And he didn’t want to admit he was embarrassed, it felt entirely dramatic and silly. But he was, and the way he avoided your gaze while his teeth worried his bottom lip was enough of a tell.
He laughs meekly at himself and squeezes the bridge of his nose. “Sorry, I was trying so hard to win one of those gigantic bears — too hard.”
You hum as your eyes scan over the stuffie. It was no bigger than the length of your hand. Its body was stiff and straight and a tuft of cotton spilled out from under its right arm due to a couple frayed stitches. The ribbon around its neck was barely being held together with a glob of hot glue.
“I like this one, it’s cute.” At his scoff, you double down, “I’m serious! It’s got a lot of charm to it. It’s perfect.”
You move your attention from the bear to Steve only to find that he’s already looking at you. His gaze is incredibly soft, smile lines decorating the corners of his lips as his tongue is coyly tucked into his cheek. His eyes are brimming with love, you think you might burst the longer they’re on you. He finally lets himself graze the skin of your thighs as a subtle thank you. The attention was all-consuming, it made it hard for you to focus. It was hard to do much of anything really, with him looking at you like that.
Quickly, you clear your throat and look up into the sky in abrupt thought. “I think I’m going to name him…Eve.”
“Eve? Eve the bear?”
“Mmhmm,” you affirm with the wave of the cotton candy, “Eve ‘The Bear’ Bearington.”
A huff resembling a short laugh leaves his mouth as he drops his chin down. Lowly, he mutters, “You’re unbelievable,” before looking up at you again with a doting grin. He moves to shake the bear’s hand gingerly, holding it between his thumb and his index, and bowing his head.
“Nice to meet you, Eve. You’re looking a little rough, bud. Bad hangover?”
You scoff and protectively pull Eve into your chest as if it were a child. The chuckle that reverberates through his chest encourages your heart to dither as heat rises to the tips of your ears. “That was very rude, Harrington,” you reply, feigning shock while trying to fight off the smile creeping onto your lips. It doesn’t work.
“What? No, Eve didn’t think it was rude. I’ve been there before, I’m sure he appreciates my empathy,” Steve argues, eyes momentarily flitting to the cotton candy that sat untouched in your hand for the past few minutes. As he nonchalantly stretches his hand out to pull a piece of the sweet, you move your arm out of his reach.
He glares at you with a tilt of his head. You raise your eyebrows to challenge him.
“Bullies don’t get sweets.”
A small gasp emanates from him before his lips are twisting into an impish lopsided smile. He tsk’s and takes a small step back. “Well, that’s too bad…because it just tastes so,” he looks away innocently, “…much,” he pauses.
”…Better!” He lunges forward earning a yelp from you as one arm wraps around your waist while the other moves to grab at the cotton candy. His fingers curl into your sides, eliciting a fit of laughs and giggles to fall clumsily from your sugar-coated tongue which makes it that much harder to fight against him.
Albeit, you don’t cease, pushing against his shoulder and still trying to stretch your arm as far away from him as possible. But it was no use as he slightly lifted you up off the car for just a moment to pull you flush against him. Your legs reflexively wrap around his hips and once you drop the bear, your unoccupied hand grips a handful of his polo for stability. The action had taken you by surprise, being too distracted to push him away when he ducks his head down to take a bite of the candy floss.
“Yup, just as I thought. Ten times better,” he preaches, letting it dissolve on his tongue to savor the flavor.
You’re sure you look a mess. Your eyes must be glazed over complimented by your lips still parted in shock. Your chest is rising and falling in a quick, inconsistent pattern as you try to collect yourself. Again, Steve has thrown your train of thought completely off course.
“You suck,” you manage to say. It was a lame attempt at an insult. But the words were practically dripping with adoration, all he could do was smile.
You nod meekly.
You’re certain he can feel your heart thumping wildly against your ribcage, certain that even through the background carnival noises and both your uneven breaths, he could hear it, as well.
And despite being so sure of your dumbfounded expression, Steve thought you looked so beautiful like this. In disarray, your sweater fell off your shoulders to hang loosely on your arms and your hand is holding his shirt so tightly like it was a lifeline. His eyes dart to your lips to trace over your cupid’s bow before glancing back up to find your eyes.
And you thought he looked just as pretty. His nearness was entirely disorienting. You could smell the saccharine hint of stolen cotton candy mingled with his ever-prized Calvin Klein cologne. His hair had fallen handsomely over his forehead. The moles and freckles scattered across his face are more fascinating than ever as you count them until you reach his lips. How soft and inviting they looked.
You’re so completely enamored, you don’t even register when he leans in, brushing his lips against your own in a feather-light kiss. Your breath hitches in your throat and before you can even bring yourself back down to earth, he begins to pull away.
“Sorry, I thought…”
He moves to step away from you, but your legs tighten around him to keep him in place as your fingers wrap around the wrist on your waist.
“No! I’m sorry, I…it was nice, it’s just I haven’t…I mean, I’ve never…” You swallow down a lump in your throat as you feel your eyes start to water.
The second you glance up to gauge his reaction, you regret it. You watch his eyes widen in realization and feel his grip on your waist go slack. Hiding your face behind clammy hands, you groan and drop your head to his shoulder. Your entire body felt like it was on fire and you wished the floor would open up and swallow you whole.
“Was that your first kiss?”
You nod timidly, dragging your hands down to your lap to wring out your fingers, your gaze immediately following. And Steve is not malicious, he’d never laugh at you, but you feel just a little mortified that you froze up.
“Hey,” he cooed, delicately cupping your cheek and lifting your head. “It’s okay. Don’t be embarrassed.” The words are hushed and soft, a sweet reassurance that causes your insides to melt.
“Was it…was it good?” he asks.
The question makes you giggle, “I dunno, I didn’t really get a chance to return the favor.”
He nods, the beginnings of a wide smile slowly making its way onto his blushing face. “Right…do you maybe, wanna try again?”
You mirror his expression before you’re the one leaning in this time, a kiss that he reciprocates feverishly. His lips slot against your own as his arm tightens around your waist once more. Your fingers dip into hair and he hums against you at the feeling before pulling away.
You giggle at the dazed look on his face and his kiss-bitten lips.
“How was that one?” he asks, eyes shamelessly journeying over your face.
“It was perfect.”
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sheisjoeschateau · 4 months
"Oh, so we DO love Steve..." | PART I
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Steve Harrington x Bauman!fem!reader enemies to lovers, heavy angst, hurt/comfort, upside down mayhem, S2-S4, post S4 universe hot-take, end-of-the-world / dystopian setting, ugly fights turned smut (...but with hella plot). 18+
An original fanfiction series, written by Misha St. James.
⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ SERIES MASTERLIST ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
I did not proof-read this after Tumblr gave me hell trying to share. So pls excuse possible typos. hehe
Let's just get to the point, shall we?
Once upon a time, a young boy named Will Byers went missing. Later, he was found in an alternate dimension by the world's #1 mom and a cynical cop turned hero. A girl with a shaved head had telekinetic superpowers, befriend's Will's four loyal friends along the way and helping them track down their missing party member. Then, whatever the hell was on the other side - whatever was in this...upside down...took back Eleven. She'd been missing ever since that dreadful winter.
Fast forward to now: you're sitting in your uncle's bunker, looking at his wild display of efforts.  Papers, files, whiteboards covered in multiple words, arrows, sketches - all in different colored markers. Murray Bauman was on a mission, and he would be damned if that grumpy, cynical smart-ass known as Jim Hopper honestly thought that he could dismantle his efforts.  Nice try, chum. Game on. Thankfully, you'd gone to school with Barbara Holland. That's whose parents had assigned the task of searching for her to your uncle. Murray was asking you tons of questions, and you were glad to help. It meant spending time with the only family member you cared for, despite his wackiness. You guys got each other. Bantered well. Got shit done. Honestly, it was also a great way of drinking safely and not with a bunch of rowdy teenagers at some stupid party. You got along just fine with everyone at school. But damn, they could all be annoying.  ...especially Steve fucking Harrington, who was now the topic of conversation. You know, given that his house is where Barbara was last seen. "It just isn't making sense," your uncle huffed, raking his hands through his oily dark hair.  You sipped on the glass of vodka that your uncle had poured you, hissing at the strong taste. Leaning across the coffee table, seated on his couch, you tried to connect the dots with him. "I'm telling you, someone in that group of teens knows what's up. Or at least has an idea." Your uncle swigged at his vodka, defeated but ruthlessly trying to piece together his clusterfuck of scattered evidence across his wall. "Well then, guess we better grill 'em."
And that's how you come into the picture. When Nancy and Jonathan came to seek out Murray. And when they arrive, they're surprised to see you. They recognize you from school. Jonathan took several classes with you. In fact, the two of you got along well at Hawkins High. No, you weren't close. But you both were cool. Nancy, on the other hand, didn't know anything about you. Just that you took political science with Barbara, and got straight A's across the board. You could've been class valedictorian. But you were not looking for any sort of title that demanded pressure or attention. At least not in high school. Career wise? Sure. Not here, though. Not Hawkins. "Your timeline is wrong," Nancy is saying, making you and Bauman freeze.  Nancy is telling you that the girl with the buzzed hair is not Russian. She is, in fact, from Hawkins lab. And her name is...Eleven? So they do know something. And something turns out to be everything.
Jonathan sits you both down to relay everything to you both. And woof, does it give you guys a headache. Strangely, though... it makes a whole lot more sense than some mundane explanation of sorts. Obviously though, that puts you all in a tough spot where you'll all need to put your heads together. So the two classmates of yours stay, sharing in chilled Smirnoff and having to endure the hilarity that ensues between you and your uncle. You and Murray both banter well with the two of them. Jonathan finds you to be hilarious. Nancy finds you intimidating. Very intimidating. You’re quick witted, darkly humored and independent. But there is a reserved, mysterious sort of feminine energy to you, despite your more masculine strengths and bluntness. Over glasses of stiff vodka, you all come to the conclusion on how to go about exposing the truth about Barbara Holland's disappearance: water it down.
At the end of the night, you're all winding down -- you and your uncle having convinced the two lovebirds to stay. But when you're telling them they can take your uncle's guest room while you take the couch, Jonathan's asking if he can take the couch. You blink. Huh? ...surely Nancy is not still with --
"Okay, I'm confused," your uncle's saying. "What's going on here? Lovers quarrel?"
You cock an eyebrow, leaning back into the loveseat.
But Jonathan and Nancy are then talking over each other with weird, flustered excuses...saying they're just friends.
You and your uncle bust out laughing. And then you're shrinking back in your seat, knowing what's coming: one of your Uncle Murray's lovebird witchdoctor speeches that he barrels into anytime that two delusional people have convinced themselves that they aren't in love. Or at the very least, not into each other. 
Uncle Murray is breaking them down, one at a time. He's reading Jonathan like an angsty teen novel, seeing right through him and his brooding, mysterious energy.  Trust issues, thanks to daddy issues. Yikes, that makes you sip some more drink.
And then he's onto Nancy, saying that she's harder to read. But he manages anyway.  It's the Bauman way.
He's telling her that she's likely like everyone else, "afraid of what would happen if you accepted yourself for you who you really are." He looks at you. "Am I in the right ballpark?"
You nod, swallowing the last drop of vodka in your cup. "That...and afraid of that might happen if she didn't retreat back to the safety of someone familiar."
Nancy looks bewildered. But more than that, she looks caught. 
"Name?" your uncle is prodding, snapping his fingers.  "Name."
You and Jonathan both say it. "Steve."
Uncle Murray's face is priceless. He feigns adoration, putting on a baby voice as he repeats the name. "Dawh. Steve. We like Steve."
"Yes," Nancy laughs nervously.  Eek, you think.
"But we don't love Steve..." Your uncle's words floor Nancy.
And when Nancy's saying something about still being with Steve, insisting that she loves him, you roll your eyes. Even scoffing, getting her attention. Maybe if the vodka weren't in your system, you wouldn't be so bold. But Jonathan's mopey look just gives you more confidence.
"Boom, ladies and gents," you say with a grin. "Second lie of the evening." "The hell was the first one?" Jonathan asks, blinking. "You guys being just friends." You and your uncle say something along the same lines, simultaneously. You both laugh together, clinking glasses. The two not lovebirds just squirm awkwardly in their seats. Finally, you sigh. "Look. You guys don't wanna give up the ghost? Be my guest. I'll happily keep my bed." You stand up, ready to turn in. But not until casting them one last work, pointing a finger. "But if I were you two? I'd cut the bullshit and just share the damn bed." Murray snorts, rising to stand as well. He stretches. "Welllllp. I'm turning in for the night." You begin mounting the stairs, hollering: "Better act fast, kiddos. At least before this poison in my system knocks me out cold. Don't worry, Nancy, I don't snore. So if you do choose me, you're safe." "But that's so lame," Murray adds to that wryly, heading off to his room. You both tell each other goodnight, leaving the two angsty teens to decide their fate. All you know is that Nancy ends up walking out and not coming back, at one point in the night.  Yeah, thought so. Breakfast the next morning is even more hilarious. You and your uncle ask every single question that drips with innuendo that you ever possibly could. And it's worth every fucking minute.
Murray's gonna need to keep that couch cleaned. To your surprise, Murray sends you off with Nancy and Jonathan, but given that you want to go and see it all for yourself you don't mind. You’re basically his little spy.  Most uncles send off their nieces and nephews with some good advice, maybe a packed lunchbox or snacks, and a warm hug. 
Yours, however, sends you off with a full bottle of vodka, a thick wad of cash and some fun sarcastic banter. But he headlocks you in for a hug, and you cackle. He really is a nutcase, and man you can't help but love him. He is so not the parental type. Yet somehow, he's practically raised you. And in your opinion, you're pretty well-prepared for the world. More than most, in Murray's opinion. So off you go with Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan Buyers, and they both honestly enjoy your company. It helps them get past their umm...well...awkward new reality. That new reality that comes post-sex, after a long ass time of playing the tip-toe game. The sexual tension between them is hysterical to you. But you keep your thoughts to yourself for now. The vodka did most of the talking for you last night.
When you both arrive at wherever the hell your destination is, it's dark outside. And if you're being honest, it's pretty creepy. You're somewhere near the woods, and as you all walk closer you're beginning to see lights approaching you...along with a handful of shadowed figures. 
Fuck, you literally just got here.
But then, after a tense several moments... Nancy and Jonathan call out to them. You jump, startled at the fact that they do it so confidently. But the name that they call out suddenly makes it all make sense. "STEVE?" "NANCY...?" And that's how you became a crucial part of the most royal pain in the ass, King Steve's, life.
484 notes · View notes
Guilty Pleasure
Request: Andy fucking his sister in law while Laurie is out of town for a week.
Word count: 5262
Warnings: 18+ only, explicit sexual content, explicit language, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), cheating but not really, spanking, fingering, penetrative sex, sibling rivalry, semi-bullying by a sibling, mention of re-marrying, porn without a real plot. If I missed any, let me know.
A/N: This contains cheating, do not read or interact if you're sensitive to familial betrayal. Jacob does not exist in this story. Anything you read is fictional and not based on actual events. This is not beta’d. Happy 2023, nonnie! May it be a great filthy and panty-wetting season. Tumblr ate your ask and I’ve tried to post this 3 times now. Hopefully this meets your expectations and thank you for dropping off the request (I’m sorry it took me so long) 😘. Enjoy!
I do not give permission to repost, publish or use any of my stories, that counts for media entertainment too. Reblogging, liking, commenting and ghost reading on the other hand is all allowed.
By clicking ‘keep reading’ or ‘read more’ you agree to be 18 or older.
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Your relationship with your sister had never been loving, it always contained rivalry. Having wanted to curse your father for remarrying. Laurie was always being picked as the favourite in your eyes.
That is why it had surprised you the minute she had asked you to check in on her husband. Stating she was going to be out of town for the week. As a good sister you had agreed to her request, it also came in handy that you enjoyed spending time with Andy. He was generally nice and on top of that, good company.
Since you both worked together at the district attorney’s office, it immediately eased the awkwardness. With a slip of the tongue, you had offended Andy during lunch. Stating that you never had seen ‘Ferris Bueller’s Day Off’. Andy practically had demanded you to come over for dinner and watch the film together.
As the day came to an end. You had declined his offer to give you a ride as you still had some errands to run for Neil. Andy had huffed at the mention of his name. Muttering that Neil hadn’t been worth all the extra hours so that he could get praise for the work you had done.
It had been almost two hours later than initially planned. “Andy, I’m home.” You yelled excitedly through the house as you stepped through the front door.
His muscular frame appeared in the opened-up arch of the kitchen. With a wide smirk, he placed his hands on his hips and scanned you from head to toe. A comforting warmth wrapped around you like a blanket preventing the cold from creeping in.
You weren’t prepared for the intrusive thoughts to flood back the way they did. Laurie had won the bet between you both all those years ago. It wasn’t so much a bet, it was more a way to give you stick for not going after what you desired. Your heart shattered the moment she told you she started to develop feelings for Andy.
Seeing Andy like this made all the old feelings resurface. The doting husband waiting for his partner to come home. A soft yearning for his touch or those lingering eye contact moments. Mentally rolling your eyes when you looked straight at his wedding ring. Wanting to curse yourself for having allowed their relationship to go on this way.
Their marriage was based on a lie. Laurie didn’t love him the way you did, all this yearning had stopped the moment they said “I do”. Only to find out now that those feelings never had been gone. Just stuffed and locked in an imaginary filing cabinet.
Insufferable reminders of what could’ve been clouding your head. That’s where Laurie thrived, your discomfort. And it had become her running joke, teasing you for fawning over the man that she fucked at night.
“I hope you like pizza,” Andy let out a heavy sigh, “I’ve ruined the pasta.” He confessed, supporting an embarrassed look. Leaning back against the counter of the kitchen island. His hands gripping the edge so tightly it almost seemed like it drained the blood.
Was he nervous? He couldn’t be, he had never been nervous when you were around in the past. Though the tension between you both could be cut by a knife.
“I brought beer.” You smiled, holding up the six-pack in your hand breaking the slightly awkward silence.
“You didn’t have to.”
“It’s not polite to come empty-handed.”
“You’re family, you’re not obliged to bring anything.” He gave you a smile grabbing the six-pack from your hands. Making his way towards the fridge, opening the door, and looking back at you. “Want one?”
“I prefer a cold one.”
He nodded, grabbing two bottles from a shelf while sliding your six-pack into one of the empty spots. He cracked open both bottles, handing you one.
A polite conversation followed as you settled yourselves in the living room. With the amount of pizza ordered, you suggested doing a taste test. Andy admitted that he didn’t know what you would like and had ordered multiple choices while he handed you a notepad and pen to scribble down your ratings of each slice.
He had started playing Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and you were so invested in the film. Almost blocking out where you were, losing track of your surroundings as the television sucked you into the story at least so you had hoped.
Your your mind wandered to other things. What would life look like if you and Andy had started dating? What if Laurie never had acted upon her impulses? He kept it neat and groomed, the bristles must be so soft. His beard would surely feel great on your skin. Those hands were large and probably very skilled. The way he gripped his beer bottle with precision and delicacy. The motion made you swallow hard, shaking your head slightly to gain back focus.
The thought of those fingers deeply buried inside you made you clench. How the curl of gesture would send you over the edge with much skill. His perfect lips wrapped around your clit, licking and sucking your core. Pleasing you in any and every way no man had ever done before.
You blamed it on the way he walked around the office. He truly must be very well hung. The way his bulge had once been shown and on full display. Remembering the way he had looked back at you through narrowed eyes. As if to tell you that you had been the reason his pants got awfully tight.
With a choked breath, your chest warmed at the sound of his laughter. Clamping a hand over your mouth when you let out a squeak from the slight shock. His eyes burned holes into your skin as you felt him watch. Though it was hard not to do the same every time he laughed at a funny part, either taking a sip of the beer in his hand or taking a bite from his pizza.
“You know you can sit on the couch, right?” The question sounded more like a demand, but you tried to avoid his gaze at all costs.
“I know, but I like sitting on the floor.” It was a swift reply, gulping your beer. Nervous feelings grew in the pit of your stomach.
“When your ass gets all stiff and tingling, you know where you can get comfortable.”
You almost choked on the gulp of beer you had just taken. Coughing and laughing as you tried to breathe. Andy slid over, softly patting and rubbing your back.
“Don’t say things like that Andy, I could’ve killed myself.”
“As long as I’m here, you’re free from harm’s reach.”
“How noble, my knight in shining armour.”
“Is that how you’ve been seeing me for all those years?”
His gloating face said it all. He knew about your crush on him. How? Did Laurie tell him? Was it all those stolen glances in the office or the ones here on his couch in his own home? Maybe even all the tortuous looks and hurrying out of the room whenever he was near in your college days?
You felt your face heat up, trying to hide your embarrassed expression. Blood pumped through your veins like it was about to blow your eardrums.
“I’ve known for years.” Andy confessed, “I must say I’m amazed and angered at the same time. You have denied yourself to try and win me for you. Were you too shy to ask me out for that sorority party?”
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. There was no turning back. Lying to him or yourself wasn’t going to help either of you.
“I need a little more words than that, sweetheart.” He inched his way closer to you.
“Yes, I was shy.” The lump in your throat felt uncomfortable.
“Why did you let Laurie treat you the way she did? Why did you let her win?”
“I don’t know. I should go home.” You rushed, trying to get up and run away from this mess that was unfolding. Instead, you were slammed back down, air left your lungs as you collided with Andy’s thighs. One hand kept you pinned down on his lap. The other massaging and squeezing your ass.
“It’s always been you that I truly wanted,” a warmth flooded your chest again. “Imagine my disappointment when you didn’t object during our wedding. Making me feel miserable and stuck in this marriage for years.”
Andy’s hand rubbed the globe of your ass, you gasped when his hand smacked your ass. Your muscles contracted under the impact but melted into the obtained position over his lap. The realization of him punishing you for all your past mistakes went straight to your core. Biting down on your lip to stifle the moan from breaking free.
“I’m sorry, Andy.”
“Are you really, sweetheart?” Andy asked, leaving another imprint on your ass.
“Yes.” A desperate cry for him
“How about you being exceptionally quiet and showing me how well you can take your punishment.” The question was laced with a promise. A firm one at that. “I’d like to hear how sorry you really are.”
You simply nodded bracing for impact, but it faded to surprise when he lifted your skirt. Andy hummed with satisfaction as your lace panties and garter set became exposed.
With each collision of Andy’s hand, your ass became more and more sore. Every harsh slap felt more raw than the previous one. Making you bite your lower lip, trying to keep the sounds muffled and still.
“Are you going to be good for me?”
“Yes.” You replied,
“I think you can do much better than that.”
Another smack burned on your skin. You nodded your head, crying out an “I’m sorry, Andy.”
You were surprised when Andy helped you sit back on the couch. Hissing at the burn of your ass on the fabric. Your mascara had stained your cheeks from the few tears that had slipped from the arousing pain.
His fingers softly brushed your cheek. Gathering the melted makeup or maybe even smearing it further. There was no telling in his movement.
“You look beautiful.” The whisper was barely audible and spoken with true admiration. Without thought, you pressed your lips against his. Feeling him smile into this moment. Probably because it had been the first time since you took charge of what felt right.
“Tell me you want this.” Andy breathed against your lips, as the kiss broke. Your eyes flickered open, meeting his gaze. Worry and hope both dancing in the blue hue of his eyes.
“More than anything.” It wasn’t a lie, but it would be wrong to act upon these feelings. “We can’t.”
“Laurie won’t mind. She doesn’t love me the way you love me.”
His lips interrupted the speech you were about to recite. Guilt clearly wasn’t on Andy’s mind. The way his tongue explored every part of your mouth like he was on a scavenger hunt. Stroking, teasing, pleasing and obscenely filthy. He made you hungry for more.
Not even your wildest dreams could’ve prepared you for the searing passion. His large hands cupped your face guiding you to lie down. The moment he had you underneath him, his hands ripped your silk shirt with haste. Neither of you cared enough for the pearl buttons that flew across the room.
With a darkened hunger he glanced back at you. Toying your nipples through the laced fabric of your bra between his fingers. You arched off the couch as he pebbled and tugged on your breasts. Swiftly pulling the delicate lace down, taking one of your boobs into his mouth. You whined at the erotic swirl of his tongue, nothing but lustful precision.
His hands found the zipper on your skirt. Tugging the item off, discarding it on the floor. Running his hands over your garter belt. The look on Andy’s face said it all, he hadn’t seen anything like it in a long time. Making you his shiny new toy, ready to be devoured and owned.
You leaned up, cupping his face and pulling him into a desperate kiss. Feeling his hand smoothly moving over your panties. Your body had now become his playground, making you desperate for him. With a pout he broke of your kiss, searching for your approval as he pulled aside the material of your panties. A softened smile was enough for him to slide his fingers through your heat, coating them in your juices.
Andy brought his finger to his mouth, groaning loudly as he licked them off. You tried to look for that one moment where you would both find a reason to break this off. Yet all you found was a deepened craving to need one another.
You watched Andy lean down. Kissing his way around your thighs. The soft hair of his beard tickling and teasing your skin. Gasping at the tender lick from the tip of his tongue against your clit followed by a gentle kiss. Another lick gathered more of your soaked core. Sucking on the pulsating nub. His tongue explored every crease and crevice of your cunt.
The throbbing ache builded between your legs while Andy gently licked through your folds. Circling the tip of his tongue over your clit, making sure to tease you enough until you let out a soft whine. With every sound you made from his touch, he sucked down and placed a kiss.
He spread your legs wide, needing more space than you currently allowed him. For a moment shame coursed your body, closing your legs as far as he allowed you to. You covered your face with your arms as if to shield your emotions from him. Andy’s hands squeeze your thighs harshly, making you inhale sharply.
“Don’t you ever dare hide from me.” He warned, peeling your arms off your face. A fiery kiss pressed against your lips. Your moan seemed enough for Andy to start more exploration. Leaving your lips, pecking your jaw. Nibbling your ear, tracing your neck. Sucking, licking and teasing in order to make you focus on the sinful pleasure.
The suck of his mouth on your breasts made you arch further into him. The way he played your body like a fiddle. Making you sing a different tune. Allowing you to float on cloud nine when he had barely done anything yet.
The softness of his hands stroked your legs. Comforting you in this odd situation. Making sure to let you know it was okay to give in to him and enjoy this just as much as he did. Your panties were hooked around his fingers. Letting them be pulled down and thrown into the room.
The grip of his hands was a little rougher when he pulled your legs apart again. Coming face to face with your soaked cunt. You tried to read his face, a certain glow of admiration spreading across his features.
“Beautiful.” He praised. The whisper of his voice penetrated your mind. He clearly longed for you just as much as you longed for him.
His large palms held your ass, while the tips of his thumbs explored the outer edges of your pussy. For a moment you stopped breathing at his gentle touch. Juvenile play as if he was exploring what stroke would give him a reaction.
You watched Andy lean forward, feeling his tongue toy with your clit. Flat swipes, gentle circles and a rhythmic change between a slow and faster pace was enough to make you cry out for him. Your hands found the strands of his fluffed-up hair. Making sure he knew you appreciated his delicate touch.
His tongue swiped back and forth through your lips. Sucking his lips around your clit as he reached the top. Lewd noises filled the air as he drank up your juices.
His possession became clear when you tried to shift into another position. His large hands held you in place. Making sure you felt every bristle of his beard and movement of his mouth. His tongue sank deeper and with more pressure like a deprived man who had been kept from his dirty little secret.
You tugged his hair at the eliciting feeling building in the pit of your stomach. His beard rubbed your sensitive cunt as his tongue worked its magic. The feeling too overwhelming making your hands try to stop him. Andy hadn’t waited long to stop his actions. He furrowed his brows in annoyance.
“When I’m down here, you don’t get to interrupt me. Understood?”
“Yes-yes.” You stammered out under his gaze.
With a single nod, you felt his tongue deep between the lips of your pussy again. Delicate kitten licks toying with you and with each moan it spurred him on to fasten his actions. Burying his face for a deeper taste of you.
With a harsh suck, he popped your clit from his mouth. You felt him smiling against your pussy. Happy to be between your legs. Allowing you to play and tug his hair as long as you didn’t interrupt his meal.
His tongue flicked your pulsing clit while his thumb rubs up and down your hole. Gathering all of the dripping nectar with his mouth. Feeling the pressure of his other finger digging into your ass. Your hips bucked for a second and he pushed his thumb in.
Sobbing at the assault on your cunt only allowed for his tongue to rapidly flick and swirl your clit. The thrust of his thumb didn’t feel big enough. Only making you whine and whimper for more of his touch.
Another finger joins as you feel two fingers sliding up and down your pussy. “Yes!” You exclaimed at the relief of the soft stretch. Whining when he slid them back out.
Andy’s explored every inch of your soaked core. One of his fingers teased your entrance, making your body writhe under his touch desperately. Feeling two of his fingers slide inside felt like a gift. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when he scissors them inside. Pulling them in and out to draw more of your juice out.
No man had ever given your cunt this type of attention. Not with this much precision. He hummed at the taste of everything you were giving him. Your moans increased as he made you feel so good.
“Oh fuck.” Your head craned backwards as you pulled his face closer to your cunt. Not wanting him to leave.
With a twist of his wrist, he curled his fingers against your sweet spot. Everything was happening so fast, you couldn’y even think about wrong or right anymore. His hand was covered in your sweet nectar, lapping it up with his hungered mouth. Drawing everything out that you’re giving him.
Your orgasm builded quickly, nothing but gasps, moans and whimpers leaving your body. Bucking your hips against his face was punished with his strong arm holding you down. Clearly sending you a sign that he would do all the work.
The burn of his beard had subdued due to the ecstatic feeling that rose. The squelched noises filled the air as your cunt drenched his fingers.
“Andy, please.” You screamed at the erratic pumps. Your legs clamped around his head. The spasms of your body erupted from his assault. “Please, stop, Andy.”
Shuddering around his fingers made him still his fingers and pull back from your pussy. His bewildered gaze met yours. He was a man on a mission. The grip on the couch eased up, as he let you have a moment to catch your breath.
Drawing his fingers from your core, he plunged them back in. Clearly sending you a sign that he would be the one making all the decisions tonight. Your trembling body assaulted another time as his mouth worked your core. Soft kisses and strokes helped you through your high. Working with you to come back down from the heavenly state he had put you in.
Andy got up without a warning. Holding out his hand for you to grab. Your cunt still pulsating from the mindblowing orgasm, making it hard to stand up. Rolling your eyes at this uncharming moment as he guided you up the stairs.
As he opened the bedroom door he turned back at you. Suddenly everything was starting to become too real as you stood in front of him vulnerable and naked. Guilt clouding your mind once again. Andy grabbed your waist, pulling you closer and swiftly turning your bodies, making you walk backwards. His lips teasing yours with soft pecks.
“You’re overdressed, Barber.”
He threw his head back laughing at your words. Releasing you from his grasp, undressing quickly. You glanced down your body, noting you still were in your own lingerie. Unclipping your bra, letting it fall to the floor.
Your fingers hooked under the garter belt around your waist. Andy stopped your hands from acting any further as you tried to slide it off. He raised an eyebrow, giving you a warning, watching him slide down his boxers. Gulping when his cock springs free as he pulls his boxers down.
Andy was bigger than any other man you had in the past. One thing was clear, Andy Barber wanted you more than anything. He was going to be yours for a night. Fuck Laurie and her stupid comments that still had haunted you.
You would devour him one time and then cut all ties. A way of getting him out of your system. Your hands wandered over your ass up your hips and waist. Gliding over your breasts, tweaking the nipples between your fingers.
“You’re so gorgeous, sweetheart.” Andy praised, stepping towards you. His hand settled at the base of your neck while the other cupped your cheek. His lips were hungry, searching for an entry. A filthy swipe of his tongue against your lips. Caressing your palate and dancing with your tongue. He guided you back towards the bed until you could take no more steps.
His cock pushed against your stomach, making the excitement shoot through your veins. Andy ground into you, making you clench around nothing. Humming at the strokes of his tongue, yelping when he suddenly pushed you down on the bed.
Taking advantage of your surprise he flipped you over. Climbing behind you with his knees settling on either side of your body. His hands resting beside your head, pressing loving kisses on your cheek, down your shoulder while tracing wet and sloppy marks down your spine. With every move, he slowly sat back up.
His hands caressed your ass, admiring the view underneath him. Slightly tilting your hips so your ass would spread a little, granting him more access to your pussy.
Andy ran his cock through your soaked core. Coating himself while working your excitement up again. He tapped your pussy with his length before sinking in his tip in to tease you. You gripped the sheets letting out a muffled moan.
“Please, Andy, I need more.”
“So desperate for my cock.”
“Please, fuck me.” You begged, feeling him pull out of you.
Andy repositioned himself, spreading his knees wide, making sure he all leverage over your body. A darkened smile held his face. With a single deep thrust, he nearly splitted you in half. The allowance to get used to his size was short lived when he bottomed out.
“So tight for me, sweetheart.” Andy husked, taking in every expression you displayed as you tilted your head to look back at him. He was looking for discomfort, but all you returned was a smile when he pushed back inside your walls.
His hips rocked in and out, stretching your cunt and easing off the burn. He pulled out, slowly dipping in and out of your dripping cunt. Your hands reached back to spread your cheeks for him while he slowly kept sinking in further and further.
Your hips kept lifting as he kept plunging in and out of your hole. He grabbed your hands, stopping the spread of your ass, guiding them upward above your head. With a rough grasp on your hips he impaled you deeply. Driving his cock inside your wet walls eagerly.
Soft whines escaped when he pounded you from behind. Working up your orgasm as he slided into you over and over again. Clenching around him when he angled his cock just right against your sweet spot.
He drew your body close to his when he rolled you both sideways. The pumps of his cock added more and more pleasure in this newfound position. Your foot rested on his thigh. Feeling his lips marking your neck. His large hand kneading your breasts, pinching your nipples and making you sob at the pleasure swirling in your veins.
You squeezed around him, suddenly releasing more frantic ruts from him. The muscles of your body tensed at the spearing motion. Andy’s hand circled your waistline finding your swollen clit. His flat fingers rotated your overworked cunt. Making you squeeze him even harder as you couldn’t withhold from cumming. You trembled in his hold as he kept you close.
He slid out and laid back, his cock still throbbing as you turn your body towards him. You licked your lips at the glistened length.
“I want to admire your view. Ride me, sweetheart.” Andy ordered
It was a different request than what you initially had in mind, but it wasn’t one you were going to deny him if it meant more pleasure for you both. Soaking up every inch of love Andy was willing to give you before you had to part ways.
Throwing your leg over, he holds his cock for you to sink down on. Your mouth fell open at the renewed positioned feel of his width. Halfway there he let you take control. Sliding his own hands up your body playing with your nipples and kneading the squishy flesh of your breasts.
“So good.” You gasped, bouncing gently up and down his cock. Watching Andy’s teeth sink into his bottom lip. Upon impulse you respond by leaning forward as you keep riding him. Your lips meeting, kissing him fiercely.
With your hips circling his cock his hands were free to roam and caress your body. His hands stroked the small of your back down to your ass, helping you push down further on his cock. Pulling you back into him when you lift a little too high. Meeting the slow rocks of your hips while your mouths desperately fuck one another on their own rhythm.
His arms circled your waist, holding you down, fucking up into your drenched cunt. Breathlessly you break off the searing kiss as he fucks you deeply. His eyes watch you closely, admiring your beauty as you work up to another orgasm.
Andy flipped your bodies, making your legs fell open. He sank back in deeply, resting his arms beside you. Your needy body right where he wanted it. You’re vulnerable while he was in total control. He slowly rolled his hips into you. The friction was deep and loving. Your legs circled his waist, holding him within close proximity.
His ruts deepen with every pound, making it harder for you to breathe. Every inhale was met with a cry of pleasure. Your sobs only made him pump you harder. Fucking you harder into the mattress. You were about to reach another high when he swiftly pulls out and pumps himself on your stomach. His white ropes painted your flesh.
“I want to pump you full of me.”
“Then fuck me, Andy.”
A consensual agreement, not one of you had thought of a condom. Too busy drinking up one another. Without another word, he slid back inside your walls. Opening one leg while resting the sole of your foot against his shoulder. Slowly you fell apart as your muscles tensed up again.
A rough pounding as he fucks you deeply. Taking him to the hilt, creaming his cock with your arousal. His hand took a hold of your ankle and he pressed his lips against the inside. You watch him lean his head back, feeling his cock twitch inside you.
Andy chased his own high with a guttural growl. The orgasm rippled through you, trembling underneath him. Your body screamed for him, feeling his hot cum filling you, squeezing him dry, needing every last drop as if he was your antidote to the venemous bite.
Freshly fucked dumb and pleasured. You were taken by surprise when Andy dove back down between your legs.
“You’re going to give me one more, sweetheart,” Andy stated, clearly not having gotten enough of your sweet taste.
The swipe of his tongue feels glorious, making you sob at the feeling. He hovered back over your body, kissing your lips and letting your taste your mixed pleasure.
His beard scraped your folds, while his greedy fingers pump your filled cunt. Andy drank from your pussy like it was his last drink. The swirl of his tongue circled your clit. The perfect suction on the pulsating nub. Dragging his flat tongue over your soaked hole. The sweet nectar with his cum dripping generously.
Your hands entwine themselves in his crazed hair as he vigorously pumps you with his digits. The sweet moans filled the room, as you felt the perspiration covering your body from being overstimulated.
Andy worked your pussy like a professional. His mouth not leaving your clit while his fingers did all the pounding. Curling and twisting them inside you. Your body started to spasm against his tongue when he penetrated your hole.
Drenched for just Andy as he licked you clean. Exhausting your body to the limit. Squeezing every ounce of liquid from it, like it was his mission.
Your throbbing core had pushed out all of his cum by now. The thought of him cleaning you out from his own cum made you even more aroused. Your muscles tensed up, making the ache of another orgasm even more pleasurable.
“Please andy, don’t stop.” You whined, feeling his thick tongue licking your clit.
Andy continued until your body stopped writhing. Fully saturated when your final orgasm had taken over. He pecked your cunt with his lips. Admiring it in its whole, while watching it pulsate around nothing. The ache was still there, but it was worth it.
“You did so well for me, sweetheart.” Andy smiled, leaning upwards. His body was on top of yours, pressing his lips against yours, stroking your hair as you willingly circled your legs around his waist. Locking him into your grasp with your ankles linked.
An intimate and vulnerable moment of just you and Andy. A moment that should’ve happened years ago. But now, it was too late. The damage was already done. Guilt overtaking your body.
“She’s seeing someone else.” Andy whispered softly as if he could sense your thoughts. Your eyes grew at the spoken words. How did he know that? “I’ve known for a while. She wasn’t ready to tell the family yet.”
The heavy weight on your shoulders immediately lifted your mood. His arms circling around your waist, holding your body tightly against his.
“Why didn’t you start with that news earlier?” With a balled fist you hit his arm.
He laughed and without answering he kissed you passionately like he had waited his entire life to do so.
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chochuuya · 7 months
tending to his wounds.
scenario with (a few) tr boys! ヾ(・ω・*)
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"no... no it's okay," he reassures quietly.
he doesn't want to complain that you're being a little too rough with his wounds. he's already bothering you enough, he thought. still can't comprehend the fact that you're so nice to him, despite always getting into fights.
he can still remember the first time you tended to his wounds. his heart just flutters every time he thinks of the sweet memory.
you with him? it's almost like a black cat and golden retriever sort of situation. who's who? i don't even know.
"it's okay." you mocked him.
"liar. you're clearly hurt. always fighting and then asking me to patch you up. i already told you to not get into fights, babe. or maybe lessen it a little..?" you rambled on and on while cleaning up the wounds on his knuckles.
"i'm fine," he grumbled back. while it may be true that he's hurting, he's far too stubborn to admit it. he doesn't like showing his weaknesses to anyone, especially not someone as sweet as you.
his mind goes into a frenzy when he hears your pet name for him, causing him to turn an embarrassing shade of red.
"babe..?" he mutters under his breath.
you look up to him with an eyebrow raised. "what's wrong?"
"n-nothing." he quickly changes his facial expression so that he no longer looks all red and flustered. his heart rate immediately slows, although it is still pumping at a much faster rate than before.
"just thinking, that's all," he added.
you thought about it and quickly realized as you pressed your lips together and shutting your eyes in shame.
damn it. why and how did that slipped out?!
"shoot, sorry. it's a habit."
he didn't expect you to apologize. his eyebrows shoot up and he tilts his head slightly.
"sorry... for what exactly? calling me babe?" he asks curiously, taking in the fact that you, in fact, used a nickname for him.
"uh, yeah." you quickly stick on the bandaids and stand up from your chair.
"okay, all done!"
he notices that you don't look nearly as embarrassed as he is. this causes him to blush even harder and his face looks like a tomato. he watches you stand up, not really knowing how to react.
"wait, where are you going?" he asks quietly, not wanting you to leave.
"going home obviously, it's almost 5." you say nonchalantly as you put your backpack on.
"alright.." he mutters as his eyebrows furrow, watching you put your bag on. while he tries to contain his emotions, something slips out.
"do you maybe wanna hangout after school one day..?" he asks in what he thinks is a casual manner, but is actually full of nervous glances your way.
hm, maybe this is the start of something new. wink wonk
RINDOU, chifuyu, mitsuya, inui, BAJI, angry, akkun, draken, your fav ♡
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please do not steal, copy, translate, repost to other sites or claim my writings as your own. plagiarism is real!
just imagining rindou acting this way makes my heart ache (-ω-、) i hope you enjoyed reading this~ reblogs & likes are always appreciated!! ♡
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
rats ask for kisses from the spider boys and girls.. i wanna kiss Hobie and Pavitr
AS YOU LITERALLY SHOULD BECAUSE I WANNA GIVE THEM ALL LITTLE KISSES TOO AHHHH! And my two favorite boys??? Heck yes!!! <333 I hope you enjoy the little smooches and have a great day rat anon <3
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You couldn't look at Hobie without blushing. I mean GOD, how could a man be born so.... beautiful?
"What're you lookin' at, love?" he asked you with a smirk.
You quickly looked away and felt your face heat. "Sorry."
"Nuthin' to apologize about," he sat next to you and tilted your chin up.
"You're just-"
"Really hot? I know."
You gave Hobie an unamused look and he just laughed at you before wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
"I don't get why you're so nervous around me all the time," he said, pulling you closer. "I mean, we are together, right?"
"We are?" You turned to him. "But I thought you didn't like labels."
"I don't. But we're together all the time and I wouldn't mind... you know."
You did know and that brought you a smile. "Dating?"
"Sure. Whatever you want to call it."
You two had been sort of dating for a long time, sharing kisses and going on "dates," but neither of you ever put a label on it, so it was nice to finally know what was going on between the two of you.
You gave Hobie a quick peck on the cheek, but he turned to you with a chuckle.
"Lame," he said before cupping both sides of your face and pressing a long kiss to your lips.
God, how could a man be so perfect??
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"Race you to the top!" you said, barreling away from Pavitr and up a flight of stairs. The two of you had always wanted to see the top of the tallest building in your city, and because you weren't afraid of heights around him, you were going to do just that.
"No, y/n! Wait for me!" he giggled, running after you. The echoing stomps from every step you took filled the stairwell and your laughter could be heard from outside.
You finally slammed through the last door and looked behind you, sticking out your tongue. "I win, Pavitr! You lo-"
You were interrupted when you lost your footing and before you knew it, were falling to the streets below. You went to scream, but were suddenly stopped. You looked up to find Pavitr sticking a piece of his web to you, terrified out of his mind.
"Don't do that, y/n." he said, pulling you up, panting from being out of breath. "Scared the crap out of me."
You wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and pressed a bunch of kisses to his face. "You saved my life."
He blushed and smiled. "Next time, be more careful when we're racing, okay?"
into the spiderverse masterlist | pinned post 2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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flowerandblood · 3 months
Glass Cuts Deepest Epilogue
[ professor! • Aemond x student! • female ]
[ warnings: sex content, smut, angst, trauma, mention of sexual harassment and panic attacks, the power of fluff ]
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[ description: Aemond and Wright have a year of their relationship behind them, full of joy, but also difficult situations for them, related to demons from his past. Despite this, they find their own ways to live normally and happily. Aemond, jealous that Cregan is now her professor, decides to find out if the girl who changed his life still loves him. Sexual tension, childhood traumas and sweet fluff. ]
This oneshot is the events that take place one year after Glass Cuts Deepest Series. This is a special chapter written to celebrate my one year on this platform, which falls on March 22.
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
My other works: Masterlist
When a year had passed since he and Wright had officially announced that they were together, he was relieved to find that his panic attacks had almost disappeared, and if they did occur, they no longer involved vomiting and convulsions, causing only discomfort and a feeling of tightness in his stomach.
Wright was perfectly capable of recognising its symptoms, spotting instantly when he froze or turned pale, not touching him at the time, just asking quietly if he needed a moment alone or if he would like her to embrace him.
More and more often he wanted to simply cuddle up to her, so he would then ask her to let him, but not to touch him herself. He would then draw her close and sink his face into her neck, taking in her wonderful scent, listening to her breathing until he calmed down.
"− I'm sorry −" He mumbled then, ashamed that, as usual, he thought he had got it over with, that it was so good after all. He fought then against the grim thoughts that he would never be normal, that she had to live with someone who didn't cope, who was constantly afraid.
"− don't apologise −" She whispered softly, resting her cheek on his head, playing with the fingers of her hand, waiting patiently for him to be able to function normally again.
"− I'm glad that now when you feel unwell, you don't feel discomfort when I'm close − it's very important to me −" She said warmly, kissing his hair, and he felt his muscles relax slowly − the fact that she never made sudden movements, never tried to embrace him against his will, made him feel safe.
She respected the fact that he knew for himself what was good for him and what he needed, and she never forced him into anything − on the contrary, she always carefully studied his barriers.
Once when she showed him a picture of a nightgown, finding it lovely and pretty, white, lacy and strapless, of slippery, shiny material − he turned pale and shook his head quickly, looking away, seeing her enter his room then, what she was wearing was all too similar in his mind, a cold sweat on his back.
"− oh, I'm sorry − I won't show you this kind of things anymore − I just − I'd like to buy myself some nice pyjamas − the kind you'd like −" She muttered, looking up at him, turning on the couch − he sighed quietly, rubbing her bare legs that rested on his thighs.
"− I like it when you wear my Tshirts − nothing turns me on more −" He hummed, looking at her out of the corner of his eye, seeing her blush as she lay dressed in his black shirt covering her thighs − he knew she had nothing but panties underneath, just the way he liked it.
"− oh −" She mumbled quietly, embarrassed, pretending to scroll something further on her phone.
Since he had left the university and focused on his own studio, he felt that the immense frustration that had been with him all those years, of having to deal with strange women, having to constantly explain his decisions and apologise for the way he was, had left him.
In his new workshop, more spacious and brighter than the one he had worked in before, he felt free, and the only girl who was allowed inside was Wright.
Sometimes he couldn't help himself and would ask her how Cregan was doing in his job, seeing that she was progressing more and more each month, jealous that now someone else was her professor − she was spending a lot of time in class which was hard for him to come to terms with after they had spent so much time in each other's company up to that point.
"He is a really good teacher. He has a lot of patience and explains complicated things so that they seem simple, or he shows us something by doing it himself and we can watch." She said lightly, standing beside him, helping him cut out templates for his new commission, which he was working on with some of his former students he had hired. He hit the side of her cheek with the tip of his tongue, impatient for some reason.
"That's good." He replied dispassionately, feeling her cast him a quick glance upon hearing the tone of his voice, leaning lower to bend forward and look at his face.
"Are you jealous, Professor?" She hummed softly and he pressed his lips together, recognising that he hadn't given a shit, that he'd wanted to do this for a long time.
She squealed quietly as he grabbed her by the arm and turned her around facing the backlit table − his hands slid her panties down in a swift, sure movement, leaving her in a state of shock, his hand on the nape of her neck forced her to bend over. The material of her dress lifted slightly, revealing her naked buttocks − he noticed out of the corner of his eye her puffy entrance, glistening from her wetness.
She was his Eve, and although neither of them had ever completely undressed, and he wasn't sure he would ever be able to do so or endure such a sight without the memories overwhelming him, the sight of her partial nudity no longer frightened him, for her body was his temple, pure, warm and safe.
"− I've been thinking about this ever since I met you − you don't even know how many times I've stood over you barely restraining myself from fucking you good on a table like this −" He breathed out, quickly unzipping his trousers, lowering them a tad once with his boxers, not waiting a moment, forcing the swollen head of his cock between her swollen, weeping folds.
"− wider − that's it − fuck − are you okay? −" He muttered, casting her an uncertain look after he thrust deeper into her, sliding all the way in, her tight walls resisting him as he hadn't prepared her for this as well as usual.
"− y-yes − keep going − just − take it slow −" She mumbled softly, and he hummed under his breath, leaning down, placing his hands on either side of her on the backlit top of his table on which he usually cut glass, his lips pressed against her long, perfumed neck as his hips began to rock slowly inside her, barely sliding out of her without any rush, letting her walls get used to his size.
"− so warm − fuck, baby −" He gasped out, hearing her first shy moans, feeling his cock slide into her with increasing ease, slick with her moisture, her muscles began to throb around him, squeezing him − he looked down, watching as he opened her wide with deep, sure thrusts of his hips.
"− please, Professor − please −" She mewled and he sighed loudly; she knew how it affected him, she knew how much it aroused him − he involuntarily picked up his pace, his thighs began to slam against her buttocks with loud splats, all around them just their panting and the sticky clicks of her leaking wetness.
"− you have no shame − begging for your Professor's cock − is this how you got good grades at university? huh? − you like it when they fuck you well? −" He sneered, clamping his hands over her bare buttocks, letting go of control completely, allowing his subconscious to take over him and his movements, his pushes faster and more aggressive, rubbing her where she needed it. She leaned back on her palms against the table top, responding to his thrusts by rocking her hips, her hot, wet muscles sucking him inside with her moans of delight.
"− n-no − I work so hard −" She muttered frightened, as if some part of her really believed he could think that about her − he chuckled under his breath, running his hand through her hair, pounding into her so fast and deep that he was no longer sliding out of her with loud slaps of skin against skin.
"− I can see how hard you're working − how much it costs you to fit it in −" He scoffed, and she whimpered at his words, responding more and more eagerly to his thrusts, his knee spreading her thighs wider, forcing her to bend over again with her loud gasp of exertion.
"− I-I'm sorry − I promise I'll be good already, I promise, I promise, I promise −" She mewled, moaning low as he felt her muscles begin to throb in orgasm, her body arching backwards. He embraced her around the waist, his other hand gripping her cheeks, his lips pressed against hers in an aggressive, greedy, hot kiss as, after a few sloppy, messy thrusts, he came deep inside her with a heavy sigh of delight.
"− I know − my sweet little girl, am I right? −" He gasped, panting loudly along with her, embracing her tightly from behind, nuzzling his cheek against hers, her hands clasped around his arms, stroking them steadily, his half-hard manhood still twitching deep inside her.
"− yes −" She mumbled, burying her face in his cheek, as she always did after their rapprochement, needing his closeness and the tenderness he never denied her.
"− you don't think of him that way, do you? −" He asked quietly, ashamed of his insecurity, of his own fear and imaginings, of the fact that someone else, someone better could easily take his place at her side when he needed her so much, loved her so much.
"− oh, no, silly − I never felt anything like that before you − I think I was in love with you long before I realised it −" She said warmly, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, a sweet, girlish smile full of tenderness on her lips that melted his heart, his confirmation that all was well.
"− yes − yes, me too −" He murmured, leaning lower, placing warm, wet kisses on her face. He began to wonder intensely if the ring he had chosen for her, which lay tucked deep in one of his drawers where he kept his designs was still there, and if he would be a complete idiot to propose to her now.
After a moment he decided that yes, he would be a complete idiot and sighed quietly, smiling involuntarily under his breath, sliding out of her gently. He helped her put her panties back on over her buttocks, then zipped up his trousers, looking at her out of the corner of his eye − she turned to face him, all red from exertion, her eyes big, her breathing still slightly accelerated.
"Take me today to the church where you first saw the stained glass windows. You told me that story once, I think you mentioned that your father took you there." He said softly and she blinked, curious, cocking her head, leaning her palms against the edge of the table.
"Alright, why not, Professor. Where did you suddenly get this idea?" She asked cheerfully, excitedly, and he snorted under his breath.
"You'll see."
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 10 months
Step By Step 💞
Summary: You were tired of spending so much time being in love with Eddie, he didn't notice you. He only noticed pretty, popular, cheerleaders.
So you decide to move on, for your own sake but that soon gets complicated...
Warnings: Jealous Eddie, not so unrequited love, friends to lovers.
Do copy, reuse or repost my work.
Eddie had been crushing on Stacy for a while now, the pretty, popular cheerleader had Eddie giving heart eyes on the daily.
This was particularly difficult for you to watch as you had been in love with Eddie for years.
He didn't notice, you were his buddy, his pal and firmly in the friend zone and you were growing tired of it.
Were you really going to spend all your time mooning over someone who couldn't love you back? It was constant heartbreak just waiting to happen.
So after another night feeling sorry for yourself, another night wasted crying about Eddie, you decided it was time to move on.
How you were going to do that was a mystery to you but you were going to try.
Step One: Notice other guys and not just Eddie.
The first one was a little harder than you thought, Steve would be your first choice to notice as he was a good looking guy and very sweet.
The only thing was him and Eddie were very close these days so you didn't want to make things awkward.
Gareth was like a brother to you, as was Jeff. There was plenty guys around school but you weren't exactly an expert at flirting.
Maybe you just had to wing it? Or maybe the opportunity would fall on your lap? okay, that was highly unlikely...
Or so you would have thought until that very thing happened at lunch break the next morning.
Lucas came up to the Hellfire table while Eddie was deep into talk about the latest campaign, he was with one of his basketball teammate's who was looking in your direction with a shy smile on his features.
It was Cole Jackson who was a senior just like you, the two of you shared science class together.
"Sinclair, Eddie nods and his eyes narrow on Cole.
"Hey guys this is Cole" Lucas waves to his friend and Eddie frowns.
"Hellfire is full Lucas, not that I imagine that's what he wants to ask about but I'm just putting it out there" You nudge Eddie who still looks irratated.
"Be nice" you warn him and he goes back to talking about the campaign.
"Uh actually Munson I'm here to talk to yn. Lucas said he would introduce me to her"
Oh... Eddie stops talking and stares at you then to Cole. Flustered at the attention you hold your hand out for Cole to shake which he kisses instead.
"I hope to see you at the next game cheering me on cutie" He winks at you then walks away, the others tease you but Eddie is unnaturally quiet as he watches Cole go.
"What's his game?" he mutters and you come out the cloud nine high you were on and frown, heart sinking.
"What do you mean?" you miss Dustin and Gareth making gestures behind you, basically telling Eddie to zip it.
"There has to be some angle, he's from the dark side. He's planning something" the sentence hangs in the air as tears well in your eyes and anger bubbles in your stomach.
"So he needs to have an ulterior motive? That's the only reason a guy would like me? Am I that hideous?" at this point Eddie notices your tears and his eyes widen.
"Shit... No! You're beautiful... He stammers out and you glare at him knowing he's just saying this because he messed up.
"I get it, I'm not a pretty cheerleader or popular so in no way could I be attractive or some bullshit right?" Eddie opens his mouth but nothing comes out and you gather your things still fuming and heartbroken.
"You know just because you fail to notice Eddie, I am a woman and I want to feel pretty and wanted. Just because you'll never see it doesn't mean others won't", he gapes at you as you storm off.
As upset as you are it felt kinda good letting out some of your emotions around Eddie for a change.
Step One ☑
Step Two: (Unintentionally) make Eddie Jealous.
Cole made the point of showing up in places that you would hang around during school.
There was a weird tension in the air between you and Eddie which was made worse when Cole was around.
Truthfully, you were still hurt by what Eddie said so it was flattering to receive attention from Cole.
He was nothing like Eddie but maybe that was a good thing. It gave you a chance to try and attempt to move on.
The only thing was that you didn't expect Eddie's reaction to you hanging out with Cole. He was snappish, moody and it both baffled and pissed you off.
You wanted to ask what his problem was but things were fraught between you two already and you didnt want to make it worse.
Unfortunately, things were getting worse because the more that Cole flirted with you, the more tense Eddie became.
Maybe he was just being protective? Though it that truly were the case wouldn't the others be protective too?
Robin was excited by this new development and was certain that Cole would ask you out "because if he doesn't then he's a dingus" she proclaimed.
It was nice to talk to someone else about all of this. Though she would watch Eddie with an amused smile that had you wondering what she was thinking...
Eddie was not in a good mood, he was cranky and distracted as he vaguely listened to Dustin and Mike arguing about something.
They were at Family Video and tonight's movie choice was between Ghostbusters and Friday the 13th, Eddie left the two boys arguing as he browsed the shelves.
He didn't like being this out of sorts, ever since Cole had began sniffing around you it was like he was on edge.
Cole was a pretty boy douchebag and you were going to get hurt. That's why he was so annoyed about you going gaga over his attention.
It had nothing to do with the way his stomach dropped when you giggled at Cole's lame ass flirting attempts, nothing at all.
"Geez Munson, that bad a day huh?" Steve claps his shoulder and Eddie shrugs. Robin gives him a withering look which puzzles him.
"Yeah, uh... Just this asshole making eyes at yn, I don't trust him" Robin rolls her eyes before Steve can say anything.
"Oh please, just admit you're jealous because it's so obvious that you are dingus"
Eddie stammers, he's lost for words and doesn't know what to say back to that. Finally he manages to get out some words.
"Jealous? Jealous of what? I am not fucking jealous of that butthead, that's ridiculous" Robin doesn't look convinced and rolls her eyss.
"Yeah. Whatever you say"
He's about to protest when you come in, Cole smirks when he sees Eddie and wraps his arm around your shoulders.
Something sours in Eddie's stomach and he feels like he might throw up. His heart is racing and the desire to kick Cole's ass was rising exponentially.
Well shit... He was jealous after all.
Step Two: ☑
Step Three: The Kiss ( and the unexpected aftermath)
Cole kissed you. You hadn't expected it to happen.
It was just as you arrived to Hawkins High, you were about to join Eddie who was deep in conversation with Steve and Robin, you wanted to clear the air with him.
Cole called your name and when you turned around in response, he kissed you. When Cole pulled away you were full of emotions, a weird mix of melancholy and excitement.
There was a part of you that wished it was Eddie doing this and you hated it.
Speaking of Eddie you caught his eye and he was shock still, he came too and stormed off before you could even call his name.
His reaction confused you, you were all jumbled up inside and you didnt know what to do.
People are whispering as they stare at you, it's happened once or twice and you don't know what's happening.
Was this because of Cole? The kiss? Flustered you hurry away but are stopped when you hear a commotion in the lunch hall.
Just barely you can hear the word fight being called and your stomach sinks with dread. You don't know why but you have a bad feeling about this.
It turns out that your worry is correct as you head into the cafeteria to find Eddie being pulled of Cole who looks smug as hell.
"Eddie!" He's covered in bruises and his lip is bleeding but Cole is worse, his eye is already turning purple and his nose is bleeding profusely.
Eddie rarely fights, only when he really has to and even then he tries to avoid it. Something big must have happened for him to fly off the handle.
"Eddie what happened?" he swallows and glares at Cole who laughs.
"Come on babe, you know what happened... That little bit of fun we had in my car?" your mind draws a blank because you've only kissed the one time.
Then it all clicks into place, the stares and the whispering, the way Eddie flew off the handle... Cole has been spreading lies.
"You asshole!! We kissed once, only once. In fact you kissed me! How dare you spread shit that isnt true" You seethe and Cole looks flustered as a few people begin to glare at him.
"Come on babe. You know you want this body" He has the slimiest smirk on his face and you feel sick, how could you fall for that smug look.
"You're a pig, I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last man on earth" You hear him call you a bitch or something but don't particularly care.
Eddie does though and you hold him back.
"He's not worth it Eddie" traitor tears pool in your eyes as you gently clean up his cut lip.
"Don't cry, he's not worth it" Eddie cups your cheek and it makes the tears come even quicker.
"I just thought a guy liked me, a nice guy and then it turns out he's just an asshole"
You can't say what else has made you upset, like the thought you could finally get rid of your unrequited feelings for the handsome sweet guy you were currently patching up.
"He's a douchebag, he doesn't deserve you princess. You're amazing" Eddies big brown eyes are full of affection and something else, something you can't place.
Whatever it is makes your stomach fill with butterflies. Gently, you squeeze his hand.
"My very own knight in shining leather, thank you for defending me Eddie. I should have sucker punched him myself" You add as an afterthought.
Eddie bows. "Eddie the Banished at your service milady" this makes you laugh and you cuddle into Eddie's chest.
Instinctively, his arms wrap around you as he pulls you closer. Strangely though his heart is beating really fast.
"You okay? You're heartbeats going really fast" you're concerned and a little confused as he smiles.
"Yeah, that's absolutely nothing to do with the beautiful lady in my arms" you think he's joking until you look up and he's gazing at you with this blazing look his eyes.
The look makes your heart skip a beat and you know in your bones that something has changed between you and Eddie.
Step Three ☑
Step Four Forget all of the above steps as your life turns into a romance novel.
Eddie visited you the next night, he had been weird and jumpy all day, nervous. He looked like he desperately wanted to speak with you, yet the minute he tried to it was like he would clam up.
So you pretty much expected him to come and see you, Eddie regularly snuck into your room so the two of you could hang out. Tonight wasn't any different.
Except it was different, very much so.
There was the same nervous energy around Eddie and he couldn't sit still, constantly fidgeting.
"Eddie, Eddie relax, you take his hand and squeeze it softly, it works and he calms down."What's going on?" you ask him and he stares at you for a second, his big doe eyes softening.
"You're beautiful princess" the compliment robs you of speech and then you're as flustered and nervous as Eddie.
"I'm an idiot, should have realised this sooner, I'm sorry" he sighs and you feel puzzled, a little unsure where he is going with this.
"Eddie, are you okay? I don't understand... you trail off and there's a beat of silence before he speaks again.
"I love you"
Eddie had feelings for you... Deep feelings. The words tumble around your head as you gape at him. He loves you.
"What about Stacy?" you ask and cringe thats the first thing you said after he just admitted he loves you.
He scoffs and shakes his head.
"Yeah turns out she's so not my type, she was just a dumb crush. I wasted so much time on her when I could have been with you"
Fuck, this was actually happening, you've dreamed about this for so long and now it's real. You never thought this would ever happen, it was wishful thinking and nothing more.
"I love you" it feels so good to get it out, to not have to hide how you feel, it feels so good to finally let it out.
"Will you forgive me for being a total dumbass and taking a while to realise sweetheart?" grinning you pretend to mull over his offer and tug him close to you.
"Might need a couple kisses Munson?" he grins and his arm snakes around your waist pulling you flush against his body, you can smell Old Spice, leather and a little bit weed.
It's so comforting, Eddie's scent. You love it.
Eddie's lips meet yours and you kiss him back passionately, looping your arms around his neck.
He briefly pulls away and smiles, he looks a little dazed.
"Yeah, I am a dumbass, could have been doing that for a long time" he kisses you again and again, each time even more perfect than the last.
Step Four ☑
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
third time's a charm * fem!driver
notes: mocky rewritten now please leave me alone with that milo crap i just want rocky to have a boyfriend for the plot... the original mocky fics will still be up, they're just no longer relevant... i will be reposting a new version of mrs all american in a bit </3
everyone say bye to milo, hello matt cornett and also shoutout to the president of mocky nation her name is tine, thank you for helping me find the inspo and brainrotting with me to relaunch mocky <3
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"why are you so pissed?" george frowns, turning around to pinch her cheek. "it's just a club. you've been to clubs before."
she huffs, folding her arms over her chest. "i wanted to stay in bed. remember how you had to drag me out of bed?"
george shrugs as he purses his lips together. "technically, logan dragged you out of bed. not me."
she scowls at him. "whatever."
she looks around the club with furrowed eyebrows and squinted eyes. while she's not one to shy away from a good party, it's just a bad night for her tonight. she'd already originally planned on staying in her hotel room with a pint of ice cream and watching a movie.
she's simply not mentally prepped for a party night.
"hey, where are you going?" george frowns, hand chasing after the girl that's already weaving through the crowd flawlessly. "don't leave me."
"i'm going to get myself a drink," she smiles slightly. "it's on you, remember? because i came to be your designated driver."
george throws his head back with a soft hiss. "but soda is crazy expensive in these places."
she shrugs simply. "should have thought of that before you dragged me out tonight."
"and we thank you for that, rocky," fernando grins, slinging an arm around her. he presses a kiss on her cheek before guiding the two towards the counter. "your sodas are on me tonight."
"thanks," she laughs softly. she looks around when they reach the counter. "what's with the last-minute visit to the club anyway? weren't you guys also already in bed like normal people were?"
"my friend said i couldn't leave vegas without visiting this place," george admits with an excited nod. "we're in vegas, mate, and we just finished the race. let's just have fun."
"but i'm your designated driver."
"you keep saying that but you know i offered, right?" logan snorts, coming up next to her with a beer bottle in his hand. "nobody forced you to be designated driver."
"yeah, well, you guys forced me out of bed. i'm not in the condition to drink," she mutters, dropping her head slightly. "and i don't feel like drinking tonight. i want to be in the hotel with my pint of rocky road ice cream and a trashy romcom on my ipad."
she grins when fernando hands her the can of pepsi and turns back around to scan the crowd. there has to be somewhere she can run off to find some silence to be with her own thoughts. one person in particular catches her eyes, another guy sitting on the couch in the far corner typing away on his phone.
he lifts his head momentarily and by some force, he turns and immediately catches her eye from across the room. he forces a small smile to his face, prompting one from her before he looks down at his phone again.
she shrugs and starts to pick up her feet to explore the club with logan.
and 20 minutes later, she finds herself in a quieter part of the club. a balcony up at the second floor overseeing some view of vegas that she's growing to like quite a bit.
if she's being honest, being the sober one for a change is nice. or is it because she's now collected an insane amount of blackmail content on her friends?
a breeze of wind gushes over her, startling the girl hunched over and leaning on the railing. she turns around with a soft gasp and a hand to her chest when a man stands with the door handle in his hand, looking just as shocked as her.
"i-" he smiles politely. "i'm so sorry, i didn't know anyone was out here. i'll just go."
she furrows her eyebrows as a soft giggle passes her lips. "it's a public space. you don't have to go just because i was here first."
he purses his lips together. "i was trying to be respectful and polite," he squints his eyes as he finally lets go of the door. he walks over to her with caution. "if you wanted company, you could have just said so."
"i was also trying to be polite," she shoots back with a small and sarcastic grin. "i think i saw you earlier. on the couch being gloomy. clubs not typically your scene?"
he shrugs. "not as of lately. i'm matt, by the way."
she introduces herself as well – first name only and stops at that. if he didn't go in-depth with his introduction, she doesn't see a reason why she should.
and they spend the entire evening together, up until logan stumbled through the same glass doors in fits of giggles because george had hit his head on a lamp and told her it's time to go.
she never gets his full name, which is just a shame. nothing to tie the evening back to him; not a social media handle or anyone in the group that she went to the club with could find his face in the backlog of their evening before it became a haze.
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"lily, oh my gosh, there's no way," she mutters, eyes widening as her hand comes out to smack her friend's shoulder. "it's the guy i met in vegas after the race."
"what?" lily says, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "how sure are you that it's him? and, where?"
"over there," the younger girl slurs, covering her mouth as she giggles loudly. "at the bar. should i go and say 'hi'? do you think he remembers me?"
lily shakes her head and pushes her towards the direction of the bar. "it doesn't matter if he does. just go and say hi to him," lily encourages with a giddy smile on her face. "you've got your margarita, rocky?"
she nods with a soft huff. "you're right. i'm already shit faced – what's the worst that could happen?"
"well, you still have to be pleasant, you know that, don't you?" lily whispers in a firm tone. "just go and strike up a conversation with him."
with that advice, lily gives her one last push towards the bar. she turns back momentarily, raising her eyebrows at the redhead, pointing shyly at the boy's back turned towards her. lily nods and beckons her the other way.
she drunkenly tries to climb the seat next to him, sucking in a deep breath as she tries to find the words to say.
"that seat's take-"
"hey, gorgeous," she slurs, resting her elbow on the counter of the bar table, cheek pressed against her palm.
"ah, you!" matt immediately says, tilting his head with a wide smile. truthfully, he's remembered her voice for months since he first met her in vegas.
but her friend had yanked her out immediately, rambling something about an oscar needing to be taken home before he starts to projectile vomit everywhere. he remembers her giggle as she was pulled away by the blonde, turning around momentarily to bid him goodbye and thank him for keeping her company for an hour and a half.
he wasn't able to find her then. only got her first name and nothing else. he doesn't think of her as much as he did when they first met, but he does regret not getting anything else from her.
he should have. he just hadn't realised that their time would have been cut short so abruptly.
"yeah, me." she grins, biting down on her bottom lip. "we should really stop meeting like this. don't know what it says about us as individuals."
"well," he trails off, leaning back slightly, "you're kinda wasted this time around. i'm still sober – i was dragged out by my friends."
she laughs, "constant theme for you to be in places you don't wanna be. i quite like drinking; i'm typically the life of the party."
"then why are you here sitting with me at the bar? i've just been sitting here, you know," he says softly, looking around the club to try and find her friends for her, "you're not going to be the life of anything if you stay here with me."
"aw, don't want me around, malt?" she slurs with a giggle. she halts her giggles immediately, covering her mouth. "i'm sorry! i mean matt. your name is matt."
"new nickname just dropped."
"shut up!"
they share a laugh before they let the loud music overcome them. they sit in silence, the girl leaning forward to take a sip of her margarita. now she needs to find something to talk about before he gets bored of her.
"i like just sitting and talking with you, by the way," he starts softly, leaning towards her slightly to ensure that he could hear her. "you're pretty cool. and cute."
she hiccups, her body frozen in her seat as she stares at him with wide eyes. and she does the one thing she doesn't think she should have done: she makes fun of his accent.
now, she'd only typically do this with logan, who's very much accustomed to her defence mechanism of making fun of and mimicking his accent. but for a person she's only met twice and has spent a total of 2 hours with in her life, he's surprisingly taking it well.
they sit there for the next hour and a half – again – before liam comes stumbling with a film camera in his hands. he gushes sweetly, and drunkenly, muttering something about how the younger driver is finally finding a partner.
then he forces them together, snapping a picture and shoving it into the girl's forehead before padding away to terrorise oscar and lily once more.
"aw, i look so cute!" she squeals, scrunching her nose as she leans against matt's shoulder to look at it. "you should keep it, malt."
"what? no, your friend took the picture. i can't possibly take this with me," he laughs, offering her the polaroid picture. "you take it."
she shakes her head, eyes closed and lips pursed. "you should keep it to remind yourself how cute i am from time to time."
he raises an eyebrow, a small grin playing on his face. “are you sure? it’s really okay.”
she pushes his hand away and grins. “i don't forget cute boys that i meet – keep it so you don't forget how cute i am."
next to him, he hears somebody squealing. “oh, is that liam lawson? and logan sargeant?”
logan. now that’s a name he’s heard before, the first night they met in vegas, the young girl scolding the man who interrupted their time together to drag her out.
she winds up getting dragged away by her friends again, an older blonde man being the one to do it this time. she blows him a kiss as she is dragged out of the bar, waving at him as she’s yanked from the seat next to him.
and when he gets home, he searches for liam first. it was the easiest to misspell and google did its thing helping him correct it so he could find the driver.
it led to logan, the american's name being directly tied to liam's from the time being teammates in f2. and then oh–
she’s an f1 driver. with andretti. how could he not have connected the dots that evening they met at a club at the vegas strip?
he finds her instagram with no problem. and then he follows her.
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there's a chorus of screams by the dj booth of the club, shot glasses and cocktails glasses up in the air before they take swigs of their individual drinks.
a race win for the sole woman on the grid – a truly monumental moment for everybody involved. so you can only imagine what it means for the 21-year-old to finally have her name added to the long list of race winners.
and here's matt, stepped into one of the random clubs in miami after attending the race.
so he attended the miami gp to see her. it's not weird, he was just interested to see her in action. seeing her race highlights from the 2023 season simply did not do her justice.
it's only a coincidence that she's won the race today.
but his luck had its cut out for him; he didn't come across her all weekend no matter what he did or where in the zones he went to. so, he'd given up. just let his friends drag him to some random club nearby, rumoured to house a couple drivers from the grid to party.
and would you have it: the race winner is standing at the dj booth sipping on a glass of cocktail with a pair of headphones on her head as she dances to the music.
he keeps an eye on her for the next 10 minutes, eager to finally introduce himself once more. when she finally leaves the dj booth, to get a refill of her cocktail he assumes, he stays at the bar where he sits.
but she doesn't see him. just stands quite a distance from him, rocking back and forth on her feet with puffed cheeks and drumming her hands against the marbled counter.
so he finally takes the courage to stand up and talk to her.
"well, well, well. look who it is." he sees her stand a little straighter, head tilting before she turns on her heel. she keeps herself steady with a hand gripping the countertop tightly. "third time's a charm, right?"
she clenches her jaw, trying to hide the smile that's growing on her face. "third?"
"right," he laughs, throwing his head back slightly, "you were pretty shit-faced that night. a club in new york? couple months ago in february?"
he sees her slowly realise and remember the second time they'd met, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. "oh, my lord! i remember that!" she shrieks with her hands over her cheeks. "we had to leave; we had a flight early in the afternoon when sebastian dragged me out. i didn't do anything embarrassing, did i?"
he makes a face, slightly contorted as he briefly looks up to the ceiling as if to think of it. "well..."
she hunches over. "oh, god! i'm so sorry! i can't imagine what i did!"
she turns around as her cocktail is refilled, thanking the bartender and letting him know which tab she's under. though, it didn't really matter – how can the bartender not know which tab to charge her under she walked in with max verstappen and lando norris?
"congrats, by the way," he says softly. "i saw you earlier."
she tilts her head again, turning as she sips on her drink, what seems to be a glass of mojito. "what?"
"the race?" he furrows his eyebrows with a grin, pointing over his shoulder towards the window. "you won, didn't you?
she looks down shyly, nodding. "right. i did. thank you." she takes a deep breath and takes a seat on the high seat behind her. "you were at the race?"
he nods, "just gave it a try. pretty enjoyable, actually."
"i hope you liked the show," she grins, making slight jazz hands. she lifts her eyebrows. "which reminds me – let me get your instagram before we forget and i never chance upon you again. i'd be damned if i'm dragged out again tonight without being connected with you anywhere."
so she pulls out her phone and hands it over, him typing his username in while he contemplates. "actually, i already follow you."
"oh?" she squeaks, tilting her head as she looks down at her phone and wide eyes. "you do?"
"yeah," now it's his cheeks that slowly flush, dropping his head slightly, "i'm friends with sabrina."
"carpenter! i love sabrina!" she celebrates and giggles. "you're saying you talk about me to your friends?"
he shrugs, "i did. she confirmed to me it's you in the polaroid picture – found it when she was ransacking my wallet."
"you kept our picture in your wallet!" she coos, hands patting her cheeks as she drops her head. she can't even ignore the way her heart is racing in her chest. "how cute."
"are you leaving soon?"
"i'm the race winner – nobody leaves until i do," she presses her lips together with a grin, "max's rules."
"i mean miami. are you leaving the country soon?"
she grins. "i'm here for another week. why do you ask?"
"are you doing anything tomorrow evening? i'd love to take you out on a date."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicora @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @33-81 @darleneslane @nikfigueiredo @happy-nico @namgification @localwhoore @notawc @sadg3 @kazuha-pista-badam @mellowarcadefun @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @2bormaybenot @a-disturbing-self-reflection @inejismywife @love4lando @louvrepool
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imyourbratzdoll · 1 year
𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚-𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏
hello, my babies! I am so so so sorry for disappearing and for not writing! I keep running into writer's block, especially regarding my requests, as there's an overload of smut in there, and there are only so many times you can write smut, haha. I hope you like what I've written, all thanks to sebastian stan for looking so fine and @lovebittenbyevans for putting the idea of cop sebastian in my mind! I am open to turning this into a small series, kinda like what @navybrat817 does with their fics. inspired by this photo
summary - there's a fundraising event in your small town, and you happen to run into the hottest officer in town.
warning - the word cunt is used, and thoughts of feeling something's hand against their private parts.
the gif and header I use aren't mine.
Warnings and Reminders - Please do not plagiarise, copy, repost/republish, adapt, or translate any of my work on any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only platforms I post my work on are: Tumblr and Wattpad. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel etc.) All my works are fiction and may be dark or triggering content: READ ALL WARNINGS BEFORE PROCEEDING.
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It was a hot day as you walked toward the fundraising function held at the local park. Your cherry-printed sundress flowed perfectly in the breeze, and your pink glossy plumped lips spread into a soft smile as you passed by your friendly neighbours. You approach your friend's coffee stand, thanking her graciously, as she instantly hands you the cold drink. Your lips immediately wrap around the straw, drinking the liquidity goodness into your mouth.
“Sooo, baby. Did you see Sebastian?!” Your friend whisper-yells, staring at you with wide eyes as though she has some secrets to spill. You shake your head, not knowing that he is here. “Oh my god! You need to see him! If you thought he was hot in his uniform, you’re going to be on the ground when you see his outfit!” 
You giggle, shaking your head at your friend’s excitement. “You and every other woman in town are obsessed.” You look through her assortment of snacks she has set out, not wanting to look around for the man you guys are talking about. “How much do you want for the coffee?” You reach into your small pink bag, ready to take out your purse.
“Nothing, it was already paid for before you arrived.” You look at her with furrowed brows, and she smirks at you in response. 
“I have a feeling you won’t tell me who.” You squint at her. “Unbelievable.” You shake your head, “Alright, well. I’m going to go look around for a bit.” You lean over and give her a hug before setting off and beginning to look around at the stalls everyone has set up. You hear laughter, and your eyes follow the sound. There stands the police force, all chatting and having a good time. Your breath hitches as your eyes land on Sebastian, one of the hottest officers in your small town. He stands, glistening into the sun with a tan, his body somehow sparkling. Your eyes move down, gulping as you notice his white wife-beater hugging his figure perfectly, how bulky and oversized his biceps look in it. Your gaze moves down, feeling drool in your mouth as you notice his nicely fit slacks. A whimper nearly falls from your lips. The thing that really ties the whole look together is his little man bun. 
You hear a cheer, followed by your name being called, and your eyes move around the group until you land on Anthony, his hands waving around, causing the other men to look over, and you give a soft smile. “Y/n! Come over, baby!” You walk over, chuckling as his arms wrap around you and bring you into a hug. “We’ve been looking for you! Well, actually… Ow!” You look up in time to see a can bouncing off Anthony’s head, and he glares at someone. “What the hell, man?! That’s littering!”
You turn your head, feeling your heart pound as your eyes connect with pretty blues. Sebastian smirks, giving you a nod. “Sorry, Bud. Couldn’t have you running your mouth, especially in front of this gorgeous woman.” He winks, and you feel your cheeks heat up. He spreads his arms, raising a brow. “Where’s my hug, Princess?” You slowly move from Anthony’s hold and into Sebastian’s. Your arms wrap around him, and you sink into him. Your eyes flutter closed, feeling your head become fuzzy as you take in his delicious scent. How could he smell and feel so nice? He should be illegal. “I see you received the coffee.” Sebastian pulls back and gives you a smirk, his eyes flicker down to your plump lips, and his tongue flicks out as he imagines what your gloss would taste like against his lips. 
“You’re the one who bought this for me?!” You look at him, shocked but not surprised. Sebastian had always managed to pay for your things before you even arrived. He nods before directing his attention to the group, spinning you so your back is against his front and his arms wrap around your waist. Your body heats up, feeling your cunt throb from his actions. “Thank you…” You let out quietly, softly smiling as he leans down and kisses the top of your head in response.
“Damn! You’re wasted being a cop, Stan!” Anthony chuckles, sipping his coffee as he stands with his hand in his pocket. 
Sebastian huffs, “And why is that, Mackie?” Anthony smirks, looking between you and Sebastian.
“Because you’re killing all the ladies!” You burst out into a fit of giggles, “So, you would’ve made a great criminal.” Anthony’s brows wiggle, “Sebastian Stan! Killer of Women! He’s the killer that gets away!” His voice booms, and the other officers laugh. 
“Hmm, I could get on that. But there’s only one lady that I’d love to kill with my charm.” Sebastian smirks, looking down at you without you noticing. He pulls you flush against his body, enjoying the shivers that run through you. You felt nice in his arms. Your gaze followed his tanned arms and landed on his large, veiny hands, accessorised with rings. Ones that make you wonder what they would feel like against your most sensitive part. You enjoy being this close to him. You could feel the jealous daggers from the women around you, but you didn’t care about them. You were in Officer Stan’s arms, the hottest guy in town.
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chixkencxrry · 1 year
oh, baby
Summary: Miguel O'Hara x Fem! Reader; Miguel was a mystery you'd hardly began to solve. Too bad you were already in love with him.
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Two weeks. 
It had been two weeks since you last saw or heard from Miguel. Now, you tried not to feel abandoned — per se, but the emotion nagged to the corners of your soul. Miguel was secretive and cagey. You’d just sort of embraced that part of him. It wasn’t like the two of you were in a relationship or anything like that: a fact you have to remind yourself of constantly. You just slept together; sometimes. 
He was a mutant like most people in the city; like that Spider-Man kid. But he never got caught on YouTube or anywhere. In fact, if it wasn’t for the marks he left on your skin — you were quite sure you would have thought he wasn’t real.
“I’m tired of you moping around in your apartment.” Your best friend, Tia, had said when she called. “You’re going on the date whether you want to or not.” 
Tia’s solution to everything seemed to be getting dicked down. To you, this date wouldn’t even begin to scratch the itch Miguel left behind. Yet, here you were, putting on lipstick and wearing your good lingerie set beneath a new cocktail dress. 
“And where are you going?” Snarled a familiar voice, causing you to snap your lipstick in half.
Miguel stood by your window. Black and red suit on but maskless. His face looked worse for wear. Your heart clenched at the thought that he might be hurt.
You wiped your hands and grabbed your first aid kit, exiting the bathroom and jogging to him. “What the hell happened to you?”
He passed his tongue over his teeth; watching you scrambling over him in a little black dress. “Fight. Where are you going?”
“A date.” You didn’t have to answer to him.
You padded rubbing alcohol to a nasty scar on his chest. He didn’t even flinch as you cleaned it. “With who?”
“Not sure. Tia arranged it.” 
“Plan on fucking him?”
“What the fuck, Miguel?” 
“I’m just asking. That dress barely covers your fucking ass, your tits are all the way up to your neck —”
Angry, you poked the bruise until he flinched. “Don’t you fucking start! You disappear for what, two weeks? And just barge in? I don’t even know your last name, Miguel. So yes, I can go out and fuck whoever I want.” You threw the supplies at him and grabbed your bag. “You can clean up yourself you fucking asshole.”
The date went horribly.
You couldn’t blame the guy — he was nice, Peter Something was his name, but he was a little young to you and you weren’t in the mood for a bad decision tonight. 
So, you came home alone and cold. Miguel had long since gone. Your supplies had been returned and surprisingly, there was a note at your bedside with some sort of tricked-out cellphone. 
My name is Miguel O’Hara. You can contact me on this.
It took you two days to send a message. A bright, sunny June morning. And it wasn’t anything poetic or well-thought-out. A simple hey. 
You’d shoved the phone aside and gone on your laptop to teach a few classes. At lunch, when you opened it — you were surprised to see he had responded.
I’m sorry. It wasn’t my place.
Damn right. 
The reply came instantly; Did you have fun? 
Should you lie? No. That was petty. Biting your lip, you twirled your fork in your ramen. What the hell. 
Yes, I did. 
This reply came slower. Okay. 
Another text came in before you could respond. I don’t want you going on dates with other guys.
Your reply was automatic. Did he think you were some well-trained maltose? 
Then do something about it. 
I plan to, cariño  .
It seemed you’d underestimated what those texts had started. Miguel had honestly started to court you. He called you often, even video-calling and you spoke at great lengths about each. Then, the gifts came. 
The first was a bouquet of flowers. Carnations, roses and tulips. You had set them on your nightstand. Looking at them every night until they turned brown. 
Then, the Nat King Cole record. It was mint and sounded crisp when you played it. A perfect sound and echo. 
Miguel was determined. 
At least now you knew he was serious. Excitement coursed through you. You liked getting to know him. You liked the vulnerability he shared with you. You liked that you knew his favourite meal, his hatred for his father, his love for his mother – you knew he lost someone he cared deeply about, you knew his aches as well as you knew the curves of his back. The scars healed and were left behind. You cared for this man. You loved this man. That was scary.  
The two of you stayed over at each other’s homes on and off. Miguel’s home was clinical and lacked warmth. He had offhandedly said he lived at work and not really here, in this little apartment he showed you. 
“Someday, I’ll take you to where I actually sleep.” he’d promised one night, rubbing your feet as you queued up an old movie. 
You’d said nothing, not wanting to show him how eager you were for any scrap of information he had to give. You wondered if it was sane; to want someone the way you wanted Miguel. This craving hunger seemed to get the better of you. Was it foolish? To let him in when there was so much pain, so much secretiveness about him. 
Could you want something so much it killed you?
You’d taken a summer job when classes had closed down. Waitressing in the city, like you had when you were a grad student. The problem, however, came with getting back home during the night shift. The buses ran till midnight and sometimes, you had to walk home. It was lonely, sure, and you kind of regretted taking the shift. You preferred it being you – older, fewer ties than the other girls with families and who were now getting their degrees. Plus, the late-nighters seemed to tip better.
 A cold glock pressed itself to your side – pausing you from moving. Your fingers trembled. “Give me the purse or die.”
Twitchy fingers dug into your fanny purse for your cash, eager to get the fuck away from the psychopath. Then, a flash of colour popped before your eye and the feeling of the glock disappeared. The gun hit the floor and you turned slowly to see the attacker on the ground clutching his throat. Over him stood a familiar black and red, hulking form. Talons dripped crimson and in the shadow of the street light – Miguel appeared fearsome.
Your lips quivered. Words couldn’t wrench themself from your throat. But Miguel turned to you, leaving the man bleeding on the ground. 
“I’m taking you home, now.” His voice was a growl. Modulated and unlike the voice you had come to care for. His arms wrapped around you and soon, you were swinging through the city until you met your apartment. 
Miguel stripped you and bathed you, tied your hair in a satin scarf and laid you on your bed. You watched him, he seemed laser-focused on you as he tried to make sure you were safe and comfortable. He made that orange tea you liked so much, lit a pine candle and wrapped you in your favorite blanket. 
It was when he was half-way out your window that you found your voice. “Stay. Please, Miguel.”
Miguel turned. Removing his mask and suit until he was just in his footlong briefs. “Of course, mi cariño.”
In the morning, Miguel took you to HQ. And boy was that a mindfuck.
“Beef or chicken?”
Miguel opened the box, took a seat next to you on the park bench, and took a sniff. “Beef.”
“Oh. Yum.” you made grabby hands.
Your boyfriend relinquished them to you, smiling as you dug into one. “So good. I think we should keep coming to this universe just for the food.”
He hummed. “Highly unlikely.”
You licked your fingers and rolled your eyes. Your eyes caught an alley in dark corner and red flushed across your neck. It had been a while since you and Miguel fucked. He wanted to take things at your pace. Sure, he ate you out from time to time and you certainly couldn’t go long without deep-throating his cock but you hadn’t had him deep inside you for a while.
Wiping your hands on your jacket, you placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed a circle. “Mig?”
“Yeah, baby?”
You dropped your voice low and pressed your breasts against his large arm. “Wanna do a quickie in a dark alley?”
Miguel stopped what he was doing and flickered his eyes over you and then back to the alley. “Baby, don’t do this to me.”
“C’mon,” your hand went higher to his groin. “Fuck me like a whore up against a dirty alley wall.”
“Fuck.” Miguel rolled up his sleeve to show his gizmo and in a few taps, you were home.  
Your hands were pinned on top of your head by webbing. You showed your teeth and snarled. Though, everything about this was consensual. You liked making things difficult for Miguel. He was about to turn your pussy inside out and you were going to weep on his cock, anyway. 
So, yes – you liked making things a little difficult for him. It was your thing. You fought and acted like a bitch and he made you pay deliciously for it. 
A hand slapped across your heavy breasts, eliciting a whimper and drawing you from your thoughts. Red eyes flashed down at you, fangs hanging between pouty lips. “I must be doing something wrong if you’re so distracted?” 
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation. “You aren’t fucking me.” 
Miguel didn’t respond. His hand pinched a hard nipple, sharp talons tracing your skin and making your pussy grow wetter at his teasing. Cupping your pussy, he parted your folds and caressed it — sticky love coating his finger as his thumb rubbed your swollen clit. You buckled beneath his touch. 
“Look how that mouth disappears when I’m touching my pussy, cariño  .” Miguel kissed your neck; determined to make you come just by playing with your clit. Which wasn’t hard to do. Not when he was pressed against you like this. Kissing your throat and nipping at the swell of your breasts; sucking your nipples as if to draw nectar from them. 
You became a wiggling — snivelling thing under him. Fuck. Fuck. Your pussy quivered with the impending fall of your climax. 
Arching you back, your mouth hung open as your peak approached. Just as the crescendo reached its high Miguel pulled away from you. Tears burned your eyes as they snapped open to look at him. 
“What the fuck?” Your voice came out needy, weak and pleading. 
Miguel simply grinned at you, sucking on his fingers. “Are you complaining? Stop being such a whiny little puta.” 
Raising your hips, you demanded attention to your pussy. “If you’re going to tease me I might as well take out my vibrator and get the job done.”
“Neta?” The humour in his voice was dry and you felt as though your horny mind had just made a fatal mistake. “You’re going to pay for that.”
Miguel bowed his head and started eating your pussy slowly. Tongue lapping like a cat to cream, he licked from your clit to the end of your slit. Sucking and tonguing your weeping pussy at his own slow pace. Building you up all over again. 
He pressed his pretty lips to it, kissing your pussy like it was a precious thing. Then he pressed it to your aching clit. Sucking it slowly, making loud sloppy wet sounds as your hips worked desperately against his face. Miguel made pussy eating a gourmet art. 
His index and middle finger pressed into you, sinking into the depth of your carven. You shivered, moaning loudly at the combination.
“Miguel! Oh, please, baby. Miguel! Miguel!” 
Moments from it. You felt your release coming before he pulled away again. This time tears fully flowed. “Please, please, please.” 
Licking his lips, Miguel showed his fangs, brown eyes dropping to your dripping pussy. He set his hands on your thighs, then rubbed his thumb over your clit before slapping your pussy softly. “Oh. I wouldn’t want to put your vibrator out of business, cariño  .” 
You groaned. God, if only you’d kept your fucking mouth shut. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, baby. Just let me have it. Make me come, please baby. I’m sorry. Baby, please.” You were outright begging now. Your voice a pathetic, weak mewl. How the mighty had fallen already. 
But that pleased Miguel. He liked you pleading. Liked it when you wanted him so badly it made you insane. Writhing on his bed, tied up and weak for him and only him. 
Stretching his body over you, he let his hard cock rub against your wet core as he grabbed the aforementioned vibrator from your bedside. Flicking it on, the purple device vibrated. Then he clicked it up to the highest speed. 
You hit your lip; excited to see where this would go. 
Miguel went back to his meal. Kissing and sucking your pussy before focusing on your clit again. 
The vibrator slowly inserted into your pussy as he sucked your clit. You arched your back, whimpering and moaning as the vibrator went in and out of you. Miguel’s expert kissing and use of the toy had you collapsing in moments, spraying his face with your orgasm. 
You felt raw and overstimulated but Miguel kept the toy there even as he raised his head to kiss your breasts. Covering them in bite marks.
You are already mute at his work. He worked the vibrator deep into you so that it would stay there in you as he sat on your face — working the tip of his cock into your open mouth. 
“Relax your throat, slut.” He growled, working his cock in and out of your mouth. It was an awkward angle sucking his cock as you lay down. The salty taste of his velvet member was a favorite of yours still. You often told him it was your favourite thing to eat. 
The vibrator stayed in you even as you wiggled your hips to try and get it to slip out. The sensitivity of your pussy with its motions and the delicious feel of Miguel fucking your mouth had you trembling.
Looking up at Miguel felt like a religious experience. A god, looking down at you as his balls slapped your chin. 
“Look how pretty you look — silent and full of my cock. Fuck. Yeah, suck it like that. Fill up on my cock.” 
Miguel held your head, controlling the pace but you made your cheeks shallow and kept your tongue wrapping around him. His member jammed the back of your throat and slid down it, you gagged — naturally but Miguel kept it there for a few seconds before pulling out. He rubbed his head, coated in spit and pre-cum all over your lips. 
“Pretty puta. You like sucking my cock? You like being my fucking whore?” 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before slipping the tip in. He slid in and out before pulling out and cumming on your face. A spurt landed on your lips and forehead — barely missing your eye. Miguel slipped it back into your mouth and you sucked the head, swallowing the milk that came from it. 
You’d lied before. His cum was your favorite meal. His cock was a close second. 
Pulling out from your mouth, Miguel reached forward and sliced the webbing open with his talon. Your hands fell to your sides and automatically went to your face. He removed the vibrator from your messy cunt, planting kisses on the poor, trembling pussy.
Miguel wasted no time and plucking a wet-wipe up from his nightstand and wiping your face clean. 
“There’s my pretty girl.” He said with softness. You smiled, kissing his cheek and lips. “How’re you? I wasn’t too rough?”
“There’s my beautiful man.” Your hands trailed his body, all the way to his still hard member. Miguel let you lead, guiding his cock into your trembling pussy. You bit your lip and moaned as his thickness sunk into you. “You weren’t rough enough, baby.”
His head dropped, lips to your ear as he hummed against the familiar feel of your walls. You hissed as he pushed himself to the hilt, kissing your skin. You were sure by the end of the night you’d resemble a leopard. “Let me endeavor to correct that then, cariño  .”
Miguel’s hand settled onto your throat as he began to stroke you. His girth stretched you slowly, thickness digging deeper into he attempted to dissolve fully into your warmth. He was being kind to your sensitivity but that kindness ended quickly.
His fingers tightened around your neck, conjuring a gasp. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you sloppily as his hips picked up a harsh pace. His cock spreading you and burning your pussy with its fever. 
“You like stretching out this pretty little pussy? Like me making this a home for my cock, whore?” 
His teeth nipped your lips, tongue passing across your jaw before he bite your neck. 
“Yes, baby. I like you fucking your little whore’s pussy. Stretch me out.” You whispered, fingernails digging into his impossibly large back. You doubted you broke skin but mania overtook you when Miguel’s cock was inside you. 
His hips stuttered, ever so slightly, and you couldn’t help but squeeze your pussy around his cock, rocking on the member. 
Miguel placed a hand on your crouch, pushing you down. “Not so soon, cariño  .”
Staying perfectly still for a moment, he released your throat and sat on his hunches — forcing you to sit up. Miguel placed a hand at your back and another beneath your buttocks, keeping you up. 
The movement, and friction of your clit against his pubes, caused for a shutter of an orgasm to race through you. A little thing like that, made you coat his cock. 
Full of machismo, Miguel puffed his chest out and began fucking into you. Hard. “Miguel! Fuck, oh god. Oh god!”
“That’s right, baby. I want everyone to hear me fucking you.”
“Oh god, oh god!”
“That’s not my name baby. Fucking say my name!” 
And you did, over and over. Until his name became the only word that would fall from your lips. His thick cock dragged against the walls of your sensitive pussy rough and fast, fucking Miguel was holy. Fucking him was close to heaven.
“Love fucking this pussy, cariño  . My tight little pussy. Love spreading it open with my fat cock. Oh, take it baby. Roll those pretty eyes back on this cock. My cock dumb little whore.”
Still sensitive, you came wet and messy on top of him. Miguel followed after, chasing his orgasm with hard, burning thrusts until he came inside you. Laying you on your back, he made a few more jerky thrusts; just to get it all inside you and collapsed on top of you. 
He rested on you for a moment, before pulling out, cock bouncing onto his thick thigh. Miguel’s chest heaved, his dark eyes looking over your face. His hand found its way between your legs, rubbing his leaking cum all over your sore pussy — pressing some of it back into it. 
You couldn’t help it. You kissed his lips and cheeks. God, you loved this man.
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xjulienbakerx · 6 months
Julien Baker NSFW Alphabet
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Julien Baker x F!Woman!Reader
Title says it all, the famous NSFW alphabet for JB. Enjoy!
Content: oral sex, strap-ons, vaginal fingering, aftercare, masturbation, squirting, possessive behavior, getting strapped down so good you cry. JB should come with her own warning. (Let me know if I missed anything!)
Disclaimer: this is RPF, fiction inspired by a real person. I do not know the person it’s based on nor do I claim any of this to be fact. It’s an exercise in fantasy, just like all other forms of fanfic. Do not repost this fic off platform. Do not share it with the person who inspired the character or anyone who knows them.
Prefer AO3? Here ya go.
18+ only MDNI
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
JB is 100% a cuddle bug. And she wants to take care of things. She’ll make sure you’re cleaned up and grab you both some water before curling up with you. How depends on how she’s feeling. Some days you’re already laying on your back so she’ll slide up and wrap herself, one arm and one leg thrown over you.
When she’s feeling more tender, she prefers spooning. Early on you were surprised to realize she prefers being the big spoon, which she usually is. In those moments, she’ll gently guide you both onto your sides and curl up around you, pressing kisses to your shoulder and running her hands over your body, especially through your hair.
Don’t get it wrong, she loves the feeling of being wrapped up in your arms, too. It’s just that she loves the feeling of being the one keeping you feeling safe when you’re done.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
She feels good about her body, proud of how strong it is. But she loves her arms. She’s a lot of strength in a small package. She loves getting to throw you around and maneuver you just how she wants you.
Plus, she’s also a total dude. It makes her feel good to be strong enough to do things for you around the house instead of having to hire someone. When she’s been home for little bit, it’s not abnormal for you to come home from a long day at work or hanging out with friends to find a new piece of furniture sitting in your living room, fully assembled.
“Julien, what is this?”
“New bookcase,” she says, beaming that grin of hers. “Sorry, I should have showed it to you first, but it just felt really you and I thought you might like it. Do you?”
“It’s nice, J, but it’s massive. Who helped you get it home?”
The grin falters and her voice kicks up into that higher it does when she’s unsure of herself.
“Babe! I did. It was only like 100lbs,” she says, shrugging. “No big deal.”
As for you, she loves your butt. She wasn’t previously one for choosing between boobs and ass but the first time you were together, she pulled you close and kissed you roughly, her hands sliding down the back of your pants and underwear to grab and knead your ass as she pressed you in closer and closer. You moaned into her mouth and she was hooked. Ever since, she can’t resist grabbing your ass at any possible moment. She’s obsessed. When you’re out anywhere she’ll always have at least one of her hands in your back pocket but she’s very much That Guy and likes to just walk behind you with both of her hands your back pockets. Now you spend a lot more money on good quality jeans that make your ass look great.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Julien can’t get enough of how wet you get. She’d gladly drink you in all day if you let her. She loves getting her whole hand in you, feeling you soaking down her wrist and getting to see the slick sheen left behind on her hand when she pulls out of you.
If you’re a squirter, she loves it. She’ll keep going, lapping or rubbing at you or thrusting into you until you beg her to stop and kick her away. She’ll take whatever she can get from you.
You’ve seen the video of her licking the cake off her hands, right? That’s how she is when she’s licking your wetness off of her hands, except her eyes are closed in pleasure and she’s moaning around her own fingers.
Go on, give her another one.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She always maintained that the reliance on (not use of!, she always clarified) phallic sex toys was anti-feminist, a result of a male obsessed society without the ability to contextualize female pleasure when a phallus isn’t involved.
She said that and maybe some day she believed it but these days, she loves railing you with a strap on cock. I mean railing you. It’s not just a normal, run-of-the-mill dicking down, she likes to get you on all fours with your head and chest pressed into the mattress while she grabs your hips and gets you deep and just right until you’re sobbing, drooling into the pillow. You love it and she loves the sight of you falling apart for her like that, completely gone, surrendering to her. She loves getting you to that point when your whines and moans don’t stop. It’s just one long noise that sometimes pitches higher or lower when she swivels or slides just right.
The dirty secret is less about the railing (even though it’s very different than what she used to go on about) and more about why she loves it so much: when she works you until you cry. You’ve got safe words and she always checks in with you. When you first start crying, she goes in deep and drapes her body over your back.
“You okay, baby?” she says, kissing your shoulder.
You whine and give her a weak nod as you writhe. When she raises back up, you throw one of your hands behind you. She holds your wrist while she makes you sing and weep with pleasure.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
JB has been fucking girls since her teens. It’s one of the few things she was never self-conscious about, her ability to throw herself into giving someone else pleasure. It’s only been in the past several years, though, that she’s learned how to let herself receive without shame. She struggled a lot as a younger person with the small minded views of what pleasure should look like for queer women. She felt like as the typically more masculine presenting partner, that she had to forgo her own pleasure for her partners. It took her a while to realize that there’s nothing wrong with her for liking to be taken care of, too. Now she’s got just as much experience getting fucked out as she does making a woman devolve into tears of pleasure.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
JB has to be kissing you at all times, if at all possible. Her favorite is when you’re on your back and she’s between your legs fucking you. She wants you to wrap your legs around her as tight as you can while she thrusts her hand (or a cock) into you. Her lips are never off of yours. You’re moaning into her mouth and writhing around. She just holds you through it, one hand gently holding your face to keep you where she needs to get at your lips while she keeps hitting you just right.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She’s a silly bean but she can also be really intense. It depends on a few things:
She always craves you but if you’ve been apart too long, she gets super intense. Her attention is laser focused on you. It’s a need so strong there’s no air for anything else. In those moments, it’s just you and her, her skin pressing as close to you as possible and as far as she can get inside of you never feeling like enough.
Other times, though, she’s the cutest. Your sex can often feel really playful, with both of you giggling. It’s a joyous thing, getting to have each other like this. It’s so heady, the high of the deep empathy, trust, and care you’ve created for each other in your relationship.
She can also tip serious pretty easily when she’s feeling overwhelmed or anxious. She’ll keep giving you the sweetest kisses and saying to you with her brow furrowed as if everything she’s feeling is too much, “I love you.”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She’s neatly trimmed, not shaved. She likes the look of hair being where it’s supposed to but it can grow pretty long if she doesn’t keep it tamed. She trims it up and keeps the fluffy look and feel.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Ohhh baby girl is a romantic. Like, a hardcore romantic. She loves gently holding the side of your face or cradling your head while she kisses you. You already know how she is when she’s inside you, but when you’ve got on her back, working her over, she whines if you pull too far away. She wants you touching her as many places as possible, wants your mouth on hers and when you need to take a break to breathe, the warmth and smell of your breath mingling with hers.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Julien loves to touch herself, especially outside of the bedroom. She’ll do it anywhere, honestly, but there’s something different about doing it in an open space like the living room. It makes her feel free.
Weirdly, it’s also a symbol that she’s back on home turf. On tour, she’s often cooped up with other people. She doesn’t have the luxury of space and freedom like she does at home.
It’s also weirdly calming. She’s always so quick to jump out of bed even when she’s home, so used to the fast pace of the road. She gets her coffee and sits on the couch, alternating between reading and looking at the window. She tries to make it a meditative practice but she often ends up anxiety spiraling about something. Returning to her body helps. She does a body scan, shifting her focus from her toes up. You’ve left memories on every part of her body; it doesn’t take long for her to start thinking about you.
The way you make her feel, how you always make sure she knows she’s loved and how you make her come hard enough to see God. The way you feel when she touches you, how you moan for her and cling to her. The way you taste.
You’re still asleep, but that doesn’t matter. You both know that self-pleasure doesn’t take anything away from your desire and love for your partner. If one of you walks in on the other, you don’t interfere unless you’re asked to.
When she’s hot from her thoughts of you, she puts the coffee or book down and opens the drawstring of her lounge pants. She slips her hand under the waistband, down over the soft downy hair on her mound. She always gasps at the first touch of her hand there, pressing firmly against her outer lips for some indirect stimulation to warm her up. She lets out a shaky moan as she takes her time building her pleasure, working herself to her peak. Sometimes you wake up while she’s doing it. You walk in in your loungewear and smile at the sight of her. Her eyes are still closed but you walk over and kiss her on the forehead. She grins up at you.
“Morning, baby,” you say.
“Morning, angel.”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
JB’s got a thing for patent leather thigh-high boots. She thinks it’s from watching 80s music vids with her dad as a kid; those ladies loved to be slinking around in shiny pleather heels. And now she just can’t fucking help herself when she sees you wearing them. She always knew she liked them but it wasn’t until you fell to the insistence of a TikTok ad and randomly bought a pair that she realize it was now a thing for her.
You were in the bedroom, one boot already on and your other leg bent, resting on the edge of a trunk. JB walked into the room and stopped dead in her tracks, mouth opened in the horniest shock face you’ve ever seen. She tried to speak but all that came out were these stuttering “ah…ah…” sounds. You raised and eyebrow and then completely lost it when she started flailing her arms, starting to walk toward you and then stopping a few times. She couldn’t believe how good you looked in them.
Nowadays, she’ll beg you to wear them and dance for her. She likes the feeling of the heel digging into her thigh ever so slightly when you rest your foot there. She found that out by accident. She’d just wanted you to bring them as close to her as possible and let her feel up and down your legs in them, but then she realized it smarted a bit and she liked it.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Give her a bed any day. She’s got a lot of physical energy so she likes to be able to roll you around and switch up positions quickly. But good god, does she love you against a wall. She likes to press your front into it, get a grip on your hip to keep you in place and reach between your legs to drive you crazy.
Nature daddy loves to fuck outside. Looking up at the starry night sky while you eat her out? Hell yeah.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
JB just loves women, man. You don’t need to do anything special tbh, just be your fine self and exist. Seriously. Here’s a list of simple things that have gotten her hot recently:
The sight of you in the sun with the wind whipping your hair around. You’re so damn gorgeous in natural light it’s all she can do to get back to the car or find some place secluded and get her mouth on you.
You standing at the stove in a holey sweat pants making really terrible pancakes. You were so focused on arranging the batter molds that you didn’t really flavor the batter. She just drowned ‘em in syrup and had at while you tried again. When she was done, she wiped her mouth and slid up behind you, grabbing your boobs and then turning the stove off. The pancakes didn’t matter.
When you take charge or defend her…she completely loses her mind. JB’s a great communicator, it often gets her out of things that might turn into conflict for other people. And lord knows she’s incredibly protective of you, but it’s harder to defend yourself than your loved ones sometimes. If someone’s being shitty or trying to take advantage of Julien, you’ll fly right on in there and end it. It gets her going every single time. The last time was when she watched you take over a call with a vendor who was trying to screw her over by gaslighting her about his original quote (which you had in fucking writing.) You could tell the conversation was going nowhere and asked her to hand you to the phone. You had him backtracking in under a minute and ended up with her head between your legs before you’d even hung up. He honored his original quote and threw in an extra order in the end. Turns out getting head makes you a great negotiator.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She draws the line at anything that tips cruel or too violent. A little spanking or other use of hands is alright but implements freak her out. She’s a natural with teasing and playful banter but she won’t say anything truly degrading to you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Ohhhhhh, JB LOVES to eat you out. She’s got finesse and technique but she really just loves to shove her face between your legs and lick, tease, and suck until you’re pulling her hair so hard she thinks she might cry. Her style is whatever you want right now. That said, she loves using her taut tongue to drive you crazy, fucking it in and out of you while her fingers play with your clit. When you come, she doesn’t bother bringing you down. She moves her tongue up to lave around your clit in quick, tight circles before pressing it relentlessly into that sensitive part on the side of your clit. She holds the pressure there and rolls her firmly held tongue slightly over it. You grab her hair again as you scream and twitch out your climax.
When you eat her out, she’s usually in one of two modes.
1. If she’s super keyed up and horny for you, she’ll hold your head even though she knows you don’t need it to please her. She likes the illusion of being able to control your pace and how you please her. She groans a lot when she’s like this, looking down at you in awe like she can’t believe you’re hers. She keeps a grip in your hair. It’s firm but not too tight. You look up at her constantly and she praises you the entire time. She’ll have her brows knitted together, your head held firmly as she grinds onto your tongue. She’ll let out a deep, long groan, eyes still boring into you and say, “Fuuuuck princess. C’mon, just like that. Yeah. You’re doing so good for me. So good for me.”
Her face screws up as she fights to keep looking at you, but you’re just making her feel too good. She throws her head back and comes with a shout. The second she can, she’s pulling your head up and kissing the daylights out of you. She peppers kisses across your face and your nose before whispering, “Always so good for me, baby. I love you so much.”
2. When she’s just needy for you, she’s not worried about being in charge. She’ll lie back with her arms thrown over her eyes, overwhelmed by the pleasure like this. God, she loves it like this when it’s slow and unhurried. The pleasure blooms slowly as you take your time pulling down her boxer briefs and nuzzling her mound. You kiss her there, almost chastely, and then trail your sweet mouth down, down, avoiding giving her direct contact for as long as possible because…yep, there it is. The whining. When she just needs you in that deep, emotional way, baby girl whines so much. Whines for you to touch her, whines for you to stop touching her when she’s overstimulated, whines for you to slow down or speed up. She wants you to know how good you make her feel so she doesn’t hold back. When she comes it’s whiny and high-pitched. She couldn’t be less embarrassed.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Baby girl is kinda feral sometimes. She’ll just look at you and pounce, pull you into a messy kiss. You have a rhythm now and when she’s like that, you’re both immediately pulling each other’s clothes off and going to whatever surface around you is sturdiest. Sometimes it’s rough like that but usually it’s just…insistent. She’s good at signaling what she wants and you’re a pro at reading the signals and going along, if that’s in line with what you’re in the mood for.
It’s not always like that, though. She loves the sensual intimacy of spreading you out and taking you apart bit by bit. She has the range.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
JB is the queen of the inappropriate quickie, i.e. in venue bathrooms, alleyways, and parking lots (she parks so far away from the door for a reason). These are almost always her pinning you to the nearest surface and getting her fingers inside you. If she thinks about it enough, she’ll realize it’s a possessive thing. People look at you when you’re out. She likes knowing that when they’re busy staring at you, you can still feel the slick between your legs and the pleasant ache from where she push push pushed into that spot you like while kissing your neck and holding your mouth while you cried out from the pleasure.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
lol yes. This is the woman who when asked if she’s a good driver immediately responded, “I take risks.” [which is a crazy response to that question!!!!]
You already know she’s very down for fucking in public and in nature when anyone can walk by. She craves risky things and she’s glad to have found a way with you to do that in healthy and sexy ways.
If there’s something you want to experiment with, she’s very down as long as you’re not asking her to really hurt you.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
You’re both fairly insatiable. She has a lot of mental and physical energy. Most of the time you end up in the cycle of fucking, resting while talking about random shit, fucking, resting while talking about deep philosophical shit, fucking, and then resting fr.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
“Controversial opinion,” she once told you, “but I don’t really like…like toys all that much.”
You smirked at her and she instantly corrected herself. “No, babe, that’s different. Like, a strap-on can be an extension of me when I want it to be but a lot of stuff is just like, sexual noise. Like why do I need this newfangled thing solving a problem that didn’t exist before some rich guy decided he wanted to sell this to dykes? You know?”
You didn’t know, but it was fine. JB likes what she likes but if you’re into toys, she’s definitely not above using them on you. She’s committed to your pleasure and will do whatever it is you want to experience as long as it’s not one of her hard nos. It’s just not something she’ll really ask for. She loves it when you fuck her with a strap-on cock and occasionally she uses an old bullet vibrator but that’s really it for her in toy land.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Ohhhh, she’s gonna make you beg, baby. A lot, too. Because the thing is, as much as she craves you and as deep as the need can go…she can wait. She can really wait when all of her attention and focus is going into breaking you apart until you need her so bad you could cry. It’s really unfair, how much you want her. But, ohhhh, baby it’s so much more unfair how much she needs to see you beg for it first. Who do you think breaks first?
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She never shuts up. The entire time you’re fucking, it’s a steady stream of moans and groans. They start slightly lower than her regular speaking voice and then get louder and louder. It’s not even as she gets ready to come, it’s just louder and louder the more you touch her and she touches you. Like she’s coming alive.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She just really loves being your pretty girl. In her natural state, she doesn’t really care for makeup or delicate things on her. She’s not opposed to it, it’s just not how she comes out of the box. But if you like her with a bit of sparkly pale pink eye shadow and a glossy glitter lip occasionally, she’ll do it for you. She loves the way your eyes widen and dilate when she comes around the corner with some makeup on, her hair neatly done, and a soft, white or floral dress, channeling the country girls of the late 60s and 70s. She’s usually pretty cocksure, that damn grin plastered on her face when she knows you’re hot for what she’s doing. But when she’s like that, she’s almost a little shy. Her smile is more even and soft. She usually stands and waits for you to come to her. She preens when you tell her, “You look so pretty, baby,” as you kiss her and run your hands down her sides. “I love the way you look in this. The way you feel.”
You fuck her in the dress.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Ok this question is very male focused lol. But between the stage and that pic one of them posted of her in that little HOMO speedo or whatever, we’ve seen her very close to naked. She’s just stupid hot.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
The thing is, she tunnel visions. The desire is always there but when she’s dialed in, working on a song or learning about something that consumes her, all of her attention is there.
So when she comes up for air, it’s like a right now kind of need. You’ve learned to move with it. When she’s super dialed in with work, most nights are intimate without being sexual. If they tip that way, it’s usually soft and quick from how needy you both have gotten.
So, you’re always desired but it looks differently depending on which cycle you’re in.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
No matter how fast paced and passionate you two just were, the second the dam breaks and you’re both coming down, she’s so relaxed she could just fall asleep right then and there. But she doesn’t, she likes to get you wrapped up in her arms, kiss your shoulders, and brush your hair. Only after she’s had a few moments of that will she get up to get a towel and bring you both some water. She cleans you both up and tosses the towel in the direction of the bathroom so she doesn’t have to move too far away from you again. She wraps herself back around you and kisses your forehead. She’s rubbing your scalp as you softly whisper words of love and praise and gratitude for each other. You’re both feeling so relaxed and loved that the sleep comes easily without you noticing it creeping in.
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Ugh I had so much fun writing this. Tell me what you think.
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
We talked about about black cat gf but what about
Golden retriever yn x black cat genshin boys
I'm finally getting to this ask, sorry for taking so long. It's been a busy week and I didn't want to half-ass this reply. 😭
The guys who would fit the bill here in my opinion, would be:
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Black Cat Genshin Boys
Alhaitham, Xiao, Ayato, Diluc x (gn!) Reader [Fluff & the boys being protective] -> Masterlist || -> Taglist
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Alhaitham is the guy who mostly protects you in secret. Whenever he sees you're struggling with something, he'd try his utmost to help you resolve it behind the scenes. He loves it when you come home with a big smile, telling him that you finally managed to do the thing you were struggling with.
Another benefit of being with him was that whenever both of you were out together, everyone made sure to stay clear of you, or well, him rather. They don't even dare to look at you the wrong way.
And whenever someone is trying to get in your way, no matter what it may be, you can count on him to talk to the person in question. And while he generally hates his position as the Grand Sage and because he knows he generally is intimidating to most people (not that he really cares) he gladly makes use of those two traits for your sake. You're too innocent and nice for your own good. One could say, to a fault. But you're the most precious thing and wants to protect you from all evils this world had to offer.
Xiao immediately knows the moment you two get together that you're an innocent person with not a single bad thought on their mind. You wear your heart on your sleeve and he genuinely appreciates that. Although he feels like it may get you hurt either emotionally or physically due to that one day. And he genuinely feared for that.
You're not particularly good in a fight, not that you ever needed to either. But it constantly has Xiao worried. Especially since you're with him now and he is almost certain he attracts evil. In fact, he believes he is evil. And that he doesn't deserve you, this pure and innocent being, one bit.
But despite that, he protects you where he can. When you're out alone he always has a watchful eye on you. Almost getting ambushed by treasure hoarders? They'll be dealt with before you even knew they were there.
Diluc has lost so much already, it has turned him into someone who is always cautious and protective. Especially of his loved ones. And you're vulnerable and entirely oblivious to the evils of this world - and he'd like to keep it this way. He doesn't want you to endure the same things he had to go through already.
Ever since getting together, he makes sure to be home on time. His contacts always keep him informed about the doings of the Fatui since he knows they have him on their radar. He'd hate it if you became their target simply for being with him.
What also helps is that Diluc is generally very respected throughout Mondstadt so out of the citizens no one would dare to mess with you anymore. That's at least one thing he didn't have to worry about.
Ayato loves his family and loved ones dearly, it's no secret. He'd drop everything for them the minute it is required of him. He'd go to sheer unimaginable lengths. And you, as his partner, are no exception to that rule.
He cherishes how open, outgoing, and generally lovable you are. The people of Inazuma would agree. They love you. But with love also comes jealousy and mischief of political enemies and other folks. Lucky for you, he has the required foresight to interfere with anything his political enemies might be plotting before they're able to execute their plans.
He knows them long before anything can happen to you, thanks to his informants and the Shuumatsuban. He knows a lot of people are against his marriage with you and would rather see him wed to their children instead of some commoner like you, but they don't see what he sees. And he will do everything in his ability to protect you from any evils of this world.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin or my fics are always greatly appreciated and motivate me! Maple dividers are mine - do not copy.
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when they (try to) surprise you
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: i meant to fill a req but my computer updating threw a wrench in those plans lol, so you get this, which i wrote on my phone
please like and reblog!
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already beginning to take off your coat, you walk through the door, glad to be home early. it’s not often that your classes get canceled, but when they do, it’s definitely nice.
immediately, noise coming from the kitchen stops you in your tracks. it sounds like several, if not all, of the brothers are in there, talking over one another and banging things around.
it’s even weirder that it doesn’t sound like they’re fighting.
why would they be in the kitchen, and by the sound of it, working together on something?
quietly, you creep towards the kitchen. once you can finally see in, you stifle a gasp. it’s a complete mess! it seems like every mixing bowl is out on the counter, and flour dusts practically every flat surface. there’s also a smear of something—raw egg, maybe—across the fridge. how did that even get there?
“what in the world are you guys doing?” you ask, and they all jump, turning to face you with a mix of surprise and guilt written across their faces. hastily, asmo tries to hide a bowl behind his back, but you can totally still see it.
“mc!” beel chuckles nervously. “what are you doing home? i thought you had a class.”
“i did,” you say slowly, still completely astonished by the mess, “but it was canceled.”
“that must have been nice,” lucifer says conversationally, and you level him with a look.
“it was, until i came home and found this mess i’ll have to clean up.”
“you’re not going to have to clean up!” satan says quickly.
“yeah, this is our mess,” mammon agrees.
“that’s never stopped you before,” you reply, long-suffering. “now again, what are you doing? and don’t try to lie.”
they all exchange looks before levi sighs. “well, we were trying to bake me a cake.”
“a cake?” you say, surprised. “why?”
“there wasn’t really a reason,” mammon says, scuffing his shoe across the tile, “we just wanted to. and thought ‘how hard can it be?’”
“but it turned out to be pretty hard,” belphie cuts in. “so obviously we had a lot of mistakes.”
“so all of this is because you wanted to bake me a cake? which you wanted to do just because?” you ask, wondering how many years they’re taken off of your life. but you’re also sort of touched. they’d wanted to do something nice for you just because!
“look,” you say, “i’ll pretend i never saw this and go upstairs. once that cake is done and everything is cleaned up, you can come get me.”
“deal,” satan says.
“oh, and before i forget,” you continue, “thank you all. i’m sorry i ruined the surprise.”
“yeah, yeah,” mammon says, flapping his hand. “now get away, we’ve gotta finish up in here.”
“i’m going!” you huff, unable to stop your smile. they, upon seeing it, can’t help but sport smiles of their own, and when you go up the stairs, your heart feels fuller than normal.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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