#sorry eye havnt posted in a while
orionsound-updates · 2 months
Oli posted to his Instagarm story!
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hazbinhotelxreader · 17 days
Hello, could you maybe do one with Carmilla x female reader with cat features? It can be smut if you want.
A/n: yep! Sorry to everyone! I havnt been posting cause I was trying to finally relax after school ended, but now I’m back and gotta do over 80 requests lol
Im rusty
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Carmilla x cat like reader SFW and NSFW headcannons
-She finds your absolutely adorable. Come on, you have cat ears, cats are adorable! And Carmilla gives off a cat lady.
-She has defiantly wrapped your tail around her large hands before for comfort, of course she does it gently , she would never hurt you.
-At night, or even sometimes in a meeting if she’s very stressed, she’ll have her hands on her head near your ears to pet you or hiding under the desk to pet your tail.
-Even if you have cat like features, she isn’t gonna treat you like a pet.
-Clara and Odette adore you as well, they’ve fallen asleep on you so many times from your warmth and comfort. Your supper fluffy so they cuddle against you at home if your ever having a movie night.
-You might as well be Carmilla’s personal teddy bear, she keeps you wrapped up in her arms at night close. Her arms around your waist or chest holding you tightly while her chin and head are resting on your head, sometimes nuzzling against your head.
-Something she hates having to do is drag you to the shower. Cats don’t like water and that lived with you in hell. You hate it. So she literally has to hold you down to put you in the tub. She was even considering once to just make a deal with you so she can chain you and hold ya down.
-purposely bought you a pack of blazers for your birthday, whoever your bored she gets one out and waves it around in her office, house, room. She has so many videos of you chasing them in the house.
-She will punish you if you spray. It’s not bad, it is normal for your body, but it isn’t fun for the person cleaning it up. Shes monitoring you the whole time you’re in heat.
-Remember when i said she wouldn’t treat you as a pet? Yea she won’t normally, but will in bed. Pet kink. 100%. You literally have cat features, she’s gonna take advantage of that.
-she 100% uses a leash and collar in bed for you. She’ll have you on your stomach, her strap buried deep inside you while she lays on your back, tugging the collar as she thrusts into you.
-She can be rough and fast if you want. When your deep in your heat she’ll go as fast as she can so your pleased.
-She also praises too. Like ‘that’s my good kitten’ or ‘good girl’. She also calls you things in Spanish like ‘mi gatito’ or ‘mi Vida/amor’
-I’d say she could go for 3 to 4 times depending on her stamina. If she’s going rough and fast on you the whole time she can probably only do it twice, but if she’s going slow on you she’s going 4 times
-She pulls your tail in bed, not hard enough to hurt but enough for you to feel. She loves to see your cat ears tense and pin down on your head as she fucks you, and loves to look into your eyes while she does, unless she’s on your back with her strap then her eyes are closed
-She will scissor you as well to let herself feel some pleasure herself
-Both of you have a lot of scratches after, you guys have sharp nails
-After all of it she’ll make sure you’re okay, safe, comfortable and cozy, she’s a great wife.
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froggymarsh · 2 years
hi hi ^^ i like your storys and headcannons and i was wonderin if you had any that u wanted to share but havnt yet!
hallo hallo!! sorry this took me a minute to answer sjdkflsjlf
i've got a couple and it got pretty long so all of my rambling is under the cut :D
first off: pixlriffs. he is. my most specialist little guy i want to write him so so bad and then i never do sjdkflsjdf uhm here's a post about my headcanons for him (from my old blog i deleted, i gotta redo 'em one of these days cause my thoughts have changed sjdklfsj) and here are some pixlriffs stories i wanna write:
the second chapter of my one fic i have with cg!fwhip cause gunpowder boys my beloved.
the wedding in empires s1, Pixl has an encounter with Xornoth right before the ceremony and ends up regressing because Xornoth is terrifying and he ends up sending this garbled message to the universal chat saying something about him being late and he's sorry and Jimmy ditches Joel's pre-wedding preparations to help a little Pixl get ready (light angst and a lotta fluff and comfort, cg!jimmy because i love him big brother energy all the way)
empires s2 literally just. little!pixl and cg!joel because i saw these headcanons floating around about the Copper King and his lightning storm shrine thing, and God Joel liking the fact that someone actually went through the trouble of calling upon him (or something idk how to phrase it) but uh- then the world ended, and God Joel misses the Copper King and this little Archeologist reminds him of the King, so he feels. some kind of duty? i guess? to make sure the kid is okay and looked after and idk man just cg!joel cause i think it's fun (i've started this idea here but have no idea how to continue it sjdfklsjf. probably just. oneshots? who knows)
then the third one is an au of an au i cooked up on a whim one day where Archeologist Pixl and Bard Oli are traveling together to rediscover the secrets of the past, and both of them are werewolves. i made pixl regress because that's what i do, so he's just. an oversized puppy and oli has fun cg/big brother vibes and it's just no thoughts all vibes and i may write a drabble or something later
that's all for pixlriffs, next is team rancher!
Headcanons to start off (they're kinda long sorry)
a regressor! not very confident in his cg abilities but he can keep an eye on someone before a "real caregiver" (his words) can come to take care of them
so incredibly adhd coded where do i even start
he is. a liddol guy. probably like 5-8 is his usual range? he's a lot like Big Tango, always ready to jump at the chance to do stuff, but now he doesn't know what consequences are, so uh. keep an eye on him.
not like, constantly clingy, but definitely clingier than usual! he'll jump on you and hold your hand while he's showing you stuff and he's a lot more open to hugs (especially impulse hugs)
he's pretty hyper and runs all over but also crashes really hard, like it's surprisingly easy to get a little tango to fall asleep. (getting him IN bed is a struggle, yes, but once he's there you just kinda pet his hair. and then he's asleep. it's like an on/off switch sdjfksljdf)
will ramble at you forever if given the chance (he only goes completely nonverbal when he's a toddler/infant, one easy way to tell words are hard for him is when he's lightly chewing on his fingers or just. generally has things in his mouth that he then refuses to take out)
he usually refuses a pacifier but likes to chew on teethers and such
he doesn't have a lot of negative triggers- they're usually stuff like being alone in the dark or having a nightmare or wetting the bed/having accidents, but those are pretty rare
nobody can really pin his positive triggers cause he just regresses when he needs/wants to and doesn't try to stop it (which can be good and bad depending on the situation but mostly it's good)
he's really open about his regression! he lets his caregivers know beforehand when he's feeling fuzzy so there's no confusion when he does slip and he never tries to hide his age checks
(except he does try to hide accidents and bedwetting and the like but i'll get to that later)
a flip! he adapts to the situation, if that makes sense. if it's better for him to be small he'll regress, and if not he'll stay big and caregive.
very caregiver coded and idk how to explain that beyond "he's jimmy"
he's a lot healthier about it than other flips cough pixlriffs coughcough and he actually does take time to regress when he needs it, and isn't afraid to be small
on the surface it seems like he hates regressing because one of the most reliable ways to get him down is by teasing and babying him and he puts on a front about hating it but in reality he doesn't mind and even welcomes it
he like. puts his mouth on things? he sucks on things more than he chews on them, likes having things pressed against his lips (this sounds kinda weird but it's a thing i promise sjdklfsjf)
he's pretty clingy, he likes having stuff to hold onto (he'll keep one point of contact between him and his current cg, whether that be latching onto their hand or a piece of clothing or hiding behind them, etc etc)
LOVES huge plushies that are bigger than him, usually can be found lugging around a plushy (unfortunately not the ones that are bigger than him- he saves those for a bedtime nest)
mans will regress if you start crying and he can't help you calm down
something about his friends crying makes him want to cry and he will do his absolute best to make it better and if he can't make it better he'll cry and regress himself
just like tango he's really open about his regression, always giving a heads up when he's fuzzy and while he does try to hide his age checks he usually relents pretty quick and he's never much cared about accidents and bedwetting cause eh. it just happens sometimes, he'll be alright
and now for the stories:
a continuation of this drabble here maybe, idk how to continue it but i'd like to maybe perhaps
something something ranchers reunion, tango regresses out of the excitement of being on a new server and Jimmy immediately goes cg mode. they hang out with everybody, doin the good crossover stuff, and at one point when they’re alone Jimmy gets all sad like “I’m sorry I was the reason we lost” and Tango baps his entire hand on Jimmy’s face (very gently) like. no being sad. we are together again. no being sad. and jimmy just smiles like "alright, no being sad" and they just. *jazz hands* fluff/no angst team rancher my beloved
and the last one: a tango bedwetting fic. for the very first time Tango's found part of his regression that he doesn't like. he's embarrassed about it and not having a good time and i've started this idea in this drabble here but it's just. angst and hurt/comfort and cg!impulse and good vibes and i wanna write it but idk how
and I think that's it! thank u so much for asking :D feel free to ask me about any of this and i'll try to give more thoughts sjdfklsjf
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sunriseseance · 4 years
hey so i've seen a couple posts from a few different people mentioning your klaus/clairvoyant theory and i havnt been on tumblr for a while and cant seem to find it is there a post on it or??? idk lol but it sounds awsome i wanna read it
Someday, someday I will go through my extensive answers tag and tag all my clairvoyant Klaus shit. Today may be that day. We shall see.
Klaus knows shit he shouldn't. He says he calls that the future is shit, he makes a joke about someone murdering mom, his walls are riddled with references to eyes and fire and death and God and these are all relevant, he says that "you cannot kill the willing to die" which is interesting for an immortal suicidal chatacter, he can tell Hazel is redeemable, he knows the first sign of SOMETHING is denial, he notices the moon falling, in s2 he knows Allison is in danger, he knows Vanya ends the world, he notices the Handler and Lila in spite of him having no real reason to look for them, etc etc. Also a lot of s2 articles called him clairvoyant which is fundamentally odd when the word Medium is right the hell here. It's also like. Funny for a character who never gets told anything and is deemed the lookout and pretends to be a prophet and loses the love of his life in a preventable way to be clairvoyant. There's been more discussion and it's all in my "answered tag" and someday, maybe today, I am gonna go through and tag it all as "clairvoyant Klaus" so sorry about my lack of doing that. Hope this helps!
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rachelsmusicallife · 4 years
Okay okay okay - THE MEMORY PARTS from today’s Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity gameplay today
Oh dear- this turned out to be a LOT longer than planed.
I’m so sorry
Hear me out on this one, you’re in for a bit of a ride.
I mentioned below on one of Kips recent posts (url will be at the end) about how I think the memory parts may/can be used. (if you havnt read the full thread, please do! It ties in at parts, I’m also really new to this stuff and don’t know how to tag it in the post)
We’re going to have to collect them, throughout each mission in order TO UNLOCK THE FULL CUTSCEEN at the end of said mission.
I mentioned in that post that Purah and Robbie “knew” about the shrine of reseraction, but they didn’t know how it worked, but still knew about it and what it did or what it could do.
Whos to say now that the two of them didn’t know about these memory parts? They might’ve knew about them, not much, if even at all, but knew that they can be produced and understood some type of “recording/storing” feature within one of these little parts? Hold that thought for a second.
So, remebmber in the first reveal trailer, they said they have “dozens of dialogued cut scenes”? We would have to Unlock each of said cut scenes by obtaining all of the memory parts in that said level.
Okay yeah, yeah we’re finally starting to make some sense.
Okay, but NOW there’s: THE EGG (gardian baby thing that I’m gonna keep referring to as egg for the sake of typing)
As much as it’s great and all, how the memories that we saw in BotW were all in a third person point of view (most likely for gameplay/storytelling purposes) but....... that’s because the EGG IS/WAS RECORDNING EVERYTHING. THIS COULD BE WHY WE HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM BEFORE! He recorded Everything for us! (And although I’m really like 100% sure it was just for storytelling aspects, I do have a point eventually)
The egg was destroyed during the calamity, just like everything else was. But what if it was capable of sending all of the data to the slate (slates?)? Because if we’re going to be using the egg gardian to give us access to the Sheikah slate runes, whos to say that they aren’t almost one in the same? In the way of sharing data.
Okay, next-
Guardians have an eye, right? They shot you and all that jazz, but the eggs eye is different. It’s not a regular guardian’s eye.....
What if, that eye is a camera/video type of eye? You know, the one that would be able to capture a whole scene and everyone in it? Without being physically seen itself?
Now, if the slates and the egg are “sharing data”, in a way that it can be used by the other (slate to egg; egg to slate), wouldn’t it make sense for the memories to appear on the slate?
And yes yes, I know there’s room for A LOT of continuity error in that little area over up top, but hang out for just a little bit longer.
So- what if the egg drops these pieces called “memory parts” as a regular gardian would drop an anchient screw? It would make sense right? And if it’s recording at almost all times, it would capture everything that’s going on around them (Link and Zelda) right? And you’re automatically collecting said parts along the mission when you complete a certain parts or sections of that mission?
Wouldnt it make sense that you could be putting together and gathering the pieces of the memory/cutscene while completing the mission and wouldn’t get the full cutscene until the mission is completed in full?
So then, wouldn’t it ALSO make sense that Since the egg is with you at all times, and it’s most likely going to be the one dropping the memory parts, since the icon was that of almost a sheikah slate, that’s it’s recordning, “remembering” or even “saving”, if you want to think of it even as like a save file thing, each cut scene and sharing the cutscene/memory with the slate??
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Everyone on the same page yet? Yes, no? Maybe so?
Okay- so FINALLY!
The item labeled “Ancient Memory Part” could possibly be parts of the ending mission cutscene and are being dropped by the egg gardian, who is recording everything while simultaneously sharing it with the slate, but are being dropped by the egg in order to place them all together.
We need to collect/complete all parts of the mission before we get the true, full, intact cutscene for the end of the mission. As in, if you miss one or two, the cutscene wouldn’t be complete, but you may still be able to move on to the next level and such, but without the full full story.
Now, I could be entirely wrong here, but it is definitely something to think about.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk™️
But also thank you Kip @botwstoriesandsuch for everything you said in the other posts earlier today, holy crap I wouldn’t have been able to get that all organized otherwise
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asks (26)
@spickerzocker​ said:
hey there! just a heads up that i tried to click on the "why i don't ship" explanation link in your faq and it says that there is no post with that url/it's generally broken. also your "a conversation about recovery" thing is beautiful and hurts in the best way and i love it. have a nice day!
Yes, I intentionally took that link down awhile ago, and last night I went and updated some of the tabs on my blog. Here are my basic thoughts:
I wrote that link years and years ago, while I was first navigating the internet and while I was still figuring out important things about my own identity and opinions. I ran my blog differently back then, but by the end of the first few months, I knew I was uncomfortable with shipping. 
As people began to interact with me and my work, I told them over and over again no, I don’t want to talk about that, and I don’t want to write about it, and it makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think that was a common position to take at the time, so it wasn’t what people expected from me. 
During those years, I felt like I had to justify myself and give a valid explanation. I wrote that post explaining why I had that boundary, and I put it in a place where anyone could find it.
I said no when people asked, let them make jokes about it, and made jokes about it myself in response. As time went on I got more and more exasperated when I had to repeat myself. I wrote definite rules into my ask box, request tab, and FAQ. People still asked. I wrote it into my description. People still asked. 
The truth is yeah, there’s a pretty simple explanation for my discomfort. It makes sense. It’s easy to understand, and most folks think it’s a “good enough” reason to leave me alone. The difference between young-me and current-me is that I no longer feel the need to justify myself. 
None of y’all need to know why I set the boundaries that I set. My explanation isn’t relevant, and I’m not obligated to give it. I said no. That’s enough. 
I think a good number of folks remember my explanation from the past, and I don’t mind that at all. There may be a time where I talk about it again, in a more appropriate context, so I guess we’ll see.
That’s a lot of information in response to a very helpful ask. Thanks! The link is gone now, and I’m so pleased that you enjoyed the fic :)
Anonymous said:
U suck
Kenza sent this anon as a joke. She’s right, and I thank her. 
Anonymous said:
I'm a doctor and ive seen it all.....but the milk fic made me gag
@wingedskyes said:
Ah. Wait. I wasn't on anon....uhm. oh well. It's fine. I like milk and am not ashamed. 😆
I don’t think I received another message from you actually, but I too like milk and I’m glad we’re on the same page
@thelittleredheadedmusician said:
To add to the milk discussions: my best friend from home and best friend from college have each finished a gallon a milk by themselves within 2 days.
I do that too, every once in awhile. When the milk craving hits it’s a gallon a day
Anonymous said:
Hold on I have to google some things
Yeah this is funny
Anonymous said:
I have read that milk fic three separate times and every time I’m laughing just as hard as Tim and dick by the end it’s just so excellently executed and builds so perfectly that by the time dick cracks I’m ready to go too and I just lose it it’s amazing I love it
Awww anon I’m so pleased :)
@the-smartass-under-the-mountain said:
Just wanted to drop by and say your recent fic with Tim antagonizing Damian with increasingly outrageous milk concoctions had me giggling. It was so cute and refreshing to see Dick enjoying Tim's little prank. And Bruce's reaction to just... walk away was fantastic!
Thank you! I’m always so thrilled when y’all think the jokes hit
@njtheboywonder​ said:
I havnt really enjoyed a fic in years, but i stopped to read ur fanfic with tim drinking milk just to fuck w dami amd it made me smile. Thanks, for writing it.
Oh that warms my heart <3
@bruciewayneisbatman​ said:
Tim Is totally the guy who would drink ridiculous amounts of dalgona coffee to annoy damian, according to that fic.
Had to google that one, but I guess so huh
Anonymous said:
(diff anon) but that birthday fic was so good oml and you have opened my eyes as to the batfam in quarantine this is such a Concept
We’re all here dying..... together...
Anonymous said:
Happy birthday! 🎉 or belated! 🎂 thank you for being in the fandom. 😊
Anonymous said:
To anon! Sorry. I forgot to add that! Anyway, thanks to them we get a lovely fic. I hope you have many more birthdays! 😊
Message for you anon
Anonymous said:
Your writing gives off good vibes
Hear that guys I “passed my vibe check.” Is that what the youth say these days? I am an elder now and I do not know
Anonymous said:
finding your blog while being relatively new to batman fandom is such a bliss. your batfam content especially is *chef's kiss* amazing.
Thank you my darling :) I’m glad you’re here
Anonymous said:
Best line in a fic? Hard to pick just one, but this particular one from "Just Desserts" by fyeahbatmanandrobin on Tumblr is one of my faves: “Anyone else would be hard-pressed to provide the particular brand of excitement you bring to my life, Dami.”
@noisypaintersong​ said:
For the line thing: "I don't doubt it. Bruce Wayne, the unexpectedly normal guy wrapped in a mystery wrapped in a superhero wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a fake socialite wrapped in a businessman wrapped in a secretive billionaire." He paused. "…You're the seven-layer burrito of Gotham," he pondered. - Barry to Bruce in 'Of Friends and Foes' by Paganpunk2 on FFN. It's one of the funniest things I've read someone say to Bruce LOL
@kirakats​ submitted:
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Anonymous said:
“I do know that according to everyone else, there is no chance, no future, no universe where I stay a hero.” Describes my frustration with the way DC treats Damian so accurately. Let the kid be a hero dammit.
Thanks! That’s really helpful. I’ve got a decent answer to my question now. 
@kurawastaken​ submitted:
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So this is Kenza retaliating against me for the milk fic. I very much hate tomatoes and specifically ketchup. This photo (1) is a nightmare and (2) fulfills its intended purpose.
Anonymous said:
I love your blog!!!
And I love you 
Anonymous said:
quick question: how do you think jason reconciles with the fam?? i think in the comics they kinda just reboot and now he’s on better terms. but like what conversations happened, yknow??? (you’re doin great work by the way, it rips out my heart but it’s great)
This is an amazing question, and I’ll be thinking about it for the next bit, I think. That would be a really interesting topic to explore in depth
@angel-gidget​ said:
*hugs you real tight* would you please send this to the first 10 people in your dash? Make sure someone gets a hug today and stay safe!
Oh thank you for the hug <3
Anonymous said:
I hadn’t been aware of that Memphis petition, but I live in Memphis too (Altho I know you said you just grew up there so you may not be living here currently haha) so ig I just wanted to say thanks for bringing it to my attention!
I’ve been in Texas for six years now, ever since I started school, but I’m still in and out of Memphis for family purposes. Love the trash heap of my birth 
@damianwaynerocks​ said:
hey! any chance you know of any other dc heroes around damian’s age?
Sure! You could try Billy Batson, Jon Kent, or Maya Ducard
Anonymous said:
hi! i don't know if it's okay to leave anons like these but ive been feeling down because my country has passed a bill that deprives us of lots of human rights freedom and i want you to know that i just found your blog through the damian/bruce + justice fic and it comforted me. im slowly going thru your works and so far they are all comforting. i love your stuff, thank you.
Philippines? I’ve heard some things, and I’m real sorry y’all’re going through that. I don’t know that there’s anything I could say about that to help, but I hope you’re finding joy somewhere
@awesomeness-ofgaybitches​ said:
Tumblr hates you. The links in your bio and to your fic masterlist don't work on mobile. I'm sorry.
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room-on-broom · 5 years
Based on this post by @herbgerblin that has been haunting me, the horror. Elves are like sharks. Just shed adult teeth. And with the cycles thats a lot of teeth. Based in stolen century time
"By the way I owe you like forty dollars."
"Hell Yeah you do." Taako hums his mind, still on the state of the pantry. (They've very little in the way of fresh ingredients and he was hoping this plane had flour and eggs of some discreiption at least.) Then he realises what Lucrica said out of the blue and he looks up from the frying pan.
"Wait, Why? Not that cha boy's denying you do. but i don't remember lending you that much money ever. Not even during fantasy monopoly. "
"You haven't ..."
Its a few days into cycle sixty- six and honestly its just good to hear her voice again. Even if she hasnt really spoken about what happened on cycle sixtyfive save for the reset.
She still makes a decent kitchen aid at least. Luc is nowhere near the twins level proficiency wise but shes always his 2nd choice when lups not available. Taako put her to work helping him make up brunch; Lucrica crushing, chopping and slicing while he worked on the transmutation and cooking sides.
"Kinda Used your teeth." Actualy scratch the whoe good to hear her voice thing.
"Exsqueeze me?"
Luc blinks and looks up. Theres that 'still getting used to talking to people' face taako hasnt seen since like cycle 5.
"Your teeth. And lups. Sorry. I used them-"
"I got that bit, darling but a) the fuck do you mean 'used them? Cos If youre moonlightin necromancy now, i will be having words with barold." Taako says before having an even worse thought. "Fuck me did you eat them or some shit?"
"No! Ew taako." Luc grimaces. "Look Do you want help or nah?"
"I want to know where my teeth went homeslice."
The next bit is hard to get out of her but she persists...
"...so Used is maybe the wrong word. I traded them mostly. In The few places that werent totally hostile. Back on- back there, they didnt have much magic without components. Or elves. So elf teeth came in handy."
"A fuck ton of stangers have my teeth?!"
"Well the Planet got eaten so not anymore they don't. But couple molars equaled info. One with a cavity? Bread. One time i almost got pulled up infront of the judges and five teeth saved my life."
Taako considers this.
"Huh. Okay fair enough. Creepy as fuck lucy but fair enough. However secondly, how does the dollars comeinto it and c) where did you even find my elf teeth for your black market currency. "
"Around the ship." Luc shrugs.
"Hey i do not just leave my teeth lieing around this tub."
"You friggin do."
"I friggin don't." Taako snaps going back to his pans. "Must have been lup."
"Its both of you. There was a jar of teeth in your spice rack, 'ko." Lucrica counters. "And i found a jar in cupboard labelled choc chips-"
" those were strategically placed for deturing whoever the fuck stole my ginger snaps in cycle 37." Taako shot back. "Also why are we so well stocked on spices, i taught you better then to eat unseasoned food."
"I found them all over." Lucrica continued skipping over that bit. "Down the back of the sofa, the lab, merles craft box. With and without googly eyes. There was so many down the bathroom sink when i had to take out a pipe im suprised its only blocked a few times!"
"Gross a roonie. Okay Well thats on the elves i guess."
"Yeah." Shes smiling now at least. "So I owe you- and lup i suppose- about forty dollars. Or the equivalent of forty dollars."
"Yeah That a fuckin weird conversion bythe way. How do you figure out that out."
Lucrica laughs blushing. "Well okay its dumb i know but i figured how much was a tooth worth back home. Its what ten cents a tooth? Well most kids got ten cents but some got a dollar."
"I havnt a clue what you are talking about, momfriend kid."
"When we lost a baby tooth... You know, the tooth fairy? Stick it under your pillow Find a coin in its place the next day? Pretend it wasnt secretly dad?"
Taako continues to stare blankly at her. So Lucrica explains.
The yelling that follows is loud enough wake even Merle up. It certainly gets everyone on board down to galleysharpush.
"Human kids do WHAT with thier baby teeth?!"
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kenazraventooth · 5 years
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Oops... guess who has played n loved smile for me...? Yuup!
So i put my sona as flower kid! But I do have an idea for the being a habitician.. and ill be posting the as being at the habitat
Warning spoilers ahead! Im on mobil so the whole "keep reading" doesnt show up on the app. Which is dumb.
Kenaz (yay blatant self insert) 1st shows up after Trencil's 1st quest after the flowers are but in and can be seen sitting by him just a bit beyond the dusk flower. Kenaz just like the silent compainionship and flowers.
When talked to they are happy that flower kid has put the flowers in the courtyard, it makes it look nicer. Then asks if you can keep an eye out for something.
If no: "O-oh ok... I didn't mean to be a burden."
If yes: The player would be asked if they find an inhaler that it is theirs. They have looked everywhere for it and are getting nervous about not being able to breath if the PSA's get any spookier.
Player will then get asked "Youre probably woundering why I dont get a spare huh?"
If no: "Oh cool! It's a bit embrassing to explain anyhow."
If yes: "I only need it if I have to do a lot of running or if I get very scared... Luckly I dont have to run form much in here.. haha." Suggesting that they are running more form emtional issues rather then actual threats in the outside world
Fun fact about me: I thought the asthma kid having an attack when being very scared was just a joke rather then an actual thing until I meet my coworker who semi accidently scared me into an attack one day! (He ment to scare the hell out of me yes. He did not mean to give me an asthma attack tho.)
The inhaler is found between the two carla's stands in Ronbo's carnival. Its easy to find and pick up.
Kenaz is over joyed when you give back their inhaler, but when asked where you found it and motioning to the carnival Kenaz gets a bit sheepish and mentions that they must of dropped it when they got spooked by the game attendent carla while checking out the foritune teller stand. (And yes that carla always spooks me because I will forget they are there. Be looking for something only to be scared when they flail their arms >((( )
After giving back the inhaler Kenaz will give you a sunflower seed that has a blushing smile on it as a thank you. [Note this will not bring Kenaz to full joy]
Planting the sunflower seed will show a cute happy sunflower.
Bringing back the Sunflower will bring them to full joy as you actually took the time to grow it and give it to them... they will give you another seed incase you find joy in seeing the flower when you go to bed and wake up... just dont tell Dr. Habit that they are doing something to help cheer fokes up aswell. This is to suggest that, like flower kid, Kenaz likes to bring joy to the people around them but after Dr. Habit's passive agressive to out right mean comments they are to scared to do so.
If you thought it was the end... hehe your worng ;)
If (or should I say when) you punch Kenaz for Tim tams quest they will give you a stunded look and if they were full joy before the blue sparks will vanish. They will give "...." as the dailogue for the rest of that day. They next they will vanish.
Kenaz will appere in the lougue the next table over form tiff back in the simlar position when 1st meet and with a drink. Talking to them "Wh..what do you want?! Havnt you hurt me enough?! I thought you were my friend!"
If no: Kenaz's unicorn horn will light up with magic while Kenaz looks hateful "Magic can do a lot of things... but I dont think you want to find out what it will do to you." If you talk to them again you will be teleported in the acid pool in the boiler room. If you go back to try to talk to them again you will get "No! I dont want to talk to you again!" And you will be sent to the boiler room again. You wont beable to talk to kenaz again til the next day.
If yes: Kenaz will go silent for a moment and ask if your here to apologize.
If no: Kenaz will simply ask you to leave then.
If yes: Kenaz will ask why you punched them. When showed Tim Tam's photo Kenaz will say "Oh. I see. You really out to cheer everyone up huh... I never did understand why hurting others in any way makes people happy." There will be a silence and the blue sparks will come back "Thank you... I'll be down here for a bit, but I promise it wont be for to long.... I rather not be like the ["two" if Parsley is down there. "Her" if its just jerafina]
Kenaz will be back in the loungue again the next day. Happy as before.
Kenaz will actually appere after your conforntation with Dr. Habit.
Bad ending: Kenaz will be by the gates looking towards martha. They stop you for a moment giving you that sollum face just like Dr Habit had "He didnt deserve that." Its all that kenaz will say.
Good ending: Kenaz will be with Kamal. "He cant be to far gone! I cant... I wont believe it! Please... help me just make one more creature happy..." this is clearly driected at kamal. (I just thought it would of been nice for him to be hesitating weather or not he could... try again with dr. habit. Leaving it vague for a friendship or a relationship and having flower kid giving that things can be worked out and bounds can be mended but you wont know unless you tried)
Fun facts!
When using the microphone on Trencil so Trevor can hear the vampire admission Kenaz's sprite will switch to a silent laughing pose for a bit. If spoken to "Poor Trencil... Dont worry ill make sure he wont get swamped by tge soon adoring fans."
Kenaz's sprite will switch to a spook pose when ever Marv apperes form his pond... keep making Marv appere will make Kenaz move over by Dallas for a day. When spoken to kenaz mentions they cant take being spooked for a bit and thought they dont care for the "photo girl"s babbling they dont mind painting stuff with dallas for the day.
Kenaz's collage image is a bush (and yes i mean bush) of static with sunflowers on it.
Dallas: "Nice guy! He's fun to doodle with form time to time"
Jerafina: "I would like her more if she drank less."
Kamal: "I think hes as sweet ask his cramal teeth!<3"
Lulia: "I cant stand her. So self centered."
Millie, Tim Tam, Putunia: "Brat *hiss*"
????????: "I.... Uh... I....oh! You shouldnt just uh... going around showing people this... the photo girl wouldnt like it.."
Nat: "I wish she would come down and hang out with her father and I more... She seems nice"
Randy: "I hope he was able to get a new jar of pickles. I beat his last one open on him but Dr.Habit made him shower and change cloths.... What? I wasnt sure how else to open it and cover him with pickle juice!" (And yes I didn't know there was another way while playing the game until I looked on the wiki... sorry Randy :( )
Tiff: "...................I miss her lovly voice and she has such a lovly face... I could... I... Wh-Wha-What?! St-Stop loo-looking at me li-lik-like that!"
Trencil: "The most chill floating cape you will ever see :)"
Trevor: "For a kid that says hes a werewolf he doesnt smell much of a dog *chuckles*"
Super hero: "Hm... I always wounder if they are really the good guys..."
Floral: "Thats lovly... but not my kind of flowers. Fits you wounderfully tho!"
Habits 1st dairy page: Kenaz will look stunned and then sad (wont loose blue sparks) "I thought I had gotten rid of this... I wasnt sure if Dr. Habit would really want people to know this when I found it. Listen flower kid. I dont think hes as scary when hes in his right mind... But its clear that hes not there right now. If you have to fight him... please only use as much as nessary. Kindness goes far more then violence ever will... by the way... have you seen the art gallery? Makes you wounder why some people are ever allowed to have parents huh." Kenaz will continue to look sad if you talk to them again they will go on "Nothing messes with kids more then psyical or metal abuse... huh flower kid?" This isnt a nood or shake question just something to ponder on.
Ah... I didnt mean for this to be so long but i simply love this game and love dr. habit. I wasnt sure what to make of him until i actually meet him in game. I think him with a little smile and his hair tied up is just so adorable and my heart goes out to him, and any other adult thats had neglectful and abusive parents. Making friends is hard espically when no one ever shows you how to make ones who are truly... dear true friends.
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shirolovesu · 5 years
Can I please got a detective Shiro X reader scenario. I havnt found one detective Shiro and honestly I’m disappointed. Can it be kind of angsty ( no deaths though!!) and possibly a makeout session idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I live for those desperate moments. They are so good!!!! 😊 your writing is so good! Keep it up! I can’t wait for your next post.
• You meet Shiro when your cousin goes missing and the police assign a detective to the case. Shiro comes to question you for information about your cousin, and from the moment when he sits down across from you and whips out his notepad and pencil, you’re smitten.
• Unfortunately you don’t know much about your cousin, but you volunteer to help Shiro out with the case. He ought to turn you down bc you’re not technically involved with the investigation, but he’s gotta admit, he likes the idea of having you by his side.
• It’s like a bad rom-com at first. Shiro goes to question other people and when he first introduces you as his partner, you stammer and forget how to say “hi”. But now it means you’re officially working with him! You go out the next day and get a deerstalker and a trenchcoat… and flush with embarrassment when Shiro sees you and laughs for a full five minutes.
• After a while you get a lot more comfortable in his presence and he seems to like you back, too. You get to spend a lot of time with him because your cousin’s case moves really slowly and there don’t seem to be any witnesses or clues to the disappearance.
• Until...
• You’re walking home from the store one night when you realize someone’s following you. Maybe this is your chance to find a real lead on your cousin! But as you turn to confront the person, another man jumps out of the shadows behind you and grabs you from behind. He holds a rag over your mouth and when you breathe in to scream, you smell the awful, dizzying scent of chloroform – and that’s all you know.
• When you wake up, you’re chained to a wall in what looks like a basement. There’s only one tiny window letting in a little bit of daylight, but it’s enough to see your surroundings. Across from you, your missing cousin is chained to the wall, along with several other people who you recognize from missing posters around town. This is the kidnapper’s den!
• But that knowledge does you no good. Shiro has no idea where you disappeared to, and he’s going frantic, pulling all the strings he can to get the entire police force looking for you. Meanwhile, you spend almost a week languishing in the damp basement. Your captors only feed the prisoners once a day, and if anyone complains or tries to escape, they get beaten severely. Luckily your cousin warned you against trying anything, so you escape the worst of it, but it’s still far from pleasant.
• It’s morning of the seventh day when you head shouts and heavy boots thundering upstairs. Through the commotion, you can hear Shiro’s voice shouting, “Where is Y/N?!”
You scream back, “Shiro!!! I’m down here!” All the other prisoners start making noise too, and it’s not long before the police break down the door and daylight floods into the basement for the first time in ages.
“Y/N! Sweetheart!” Shiro is by your side in an instant, unlocking your handcuffs with shaking fingers. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t find you sooner. We caught one of the men who kidnapped you but he didn’t tell us the location of the house until a few hours ago.”
“It’s okay,” you say, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I’m just glad you’re here now.”
“I promise all those people will pay for what they did. With all the victims’ testimony, there’s enough evidence to put the kidnappers in jail for life.”
You sigh and bury your face against Shiro’s neck. The trial and legal stuff can wait. Right now, you just want him to hold you and keep reminding you that you’re safe.
• You go to the hospital briefly for a checkup, and the doctor assigns you to stay at home and get some rest. Shiro is busy wrapping up the case and preparing evidence for the trial, so you don’t get to see a lot of him over the next few days. He does make sure to call every morning and evening though, to ask if you need anything, if you’re doing okay, and to remind you that you’re safe and not to worry.
• When you’re feeling stronger on your feet, you drop by Shiro’s office to say goodbye. It’s been nice working with him, but now that the case is solved, you don’t have an excuse to hang out with him any more. You’re almost at the point of tears by the time he opens the door, and you fall into his arms sobbing.
• It takes him a while to put together why you’re crying and telling him goodbye, but when he understands, he hands you a tissue. “Don’t worry, I’ve got something special for you!” he says, hurrying to his desk and yanking open the top drawer.
• He hands you a shiny badge with his department’s logo and the words “detective in training” engraved on it.
“Really?” You look up at him, eyes blurry with tears.
“Really!” He grins then leans in to kiss you on the forehead. “So how does it feel to be my official partner, partner?”
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phantasticlizzy · 6 years
(1)every once in a while i read "only us"  and sob my eyes out,, its so so cathartic and this hits so close to home and i cant believe you haven't just poked into my brain and written down exactly how i think,, im having a particularly bad day because its my bestfriends bday tomorrow and i havnt gotten her a gift yet while others have already gotten her something and i do have a small idea about what i should get her but im so scared she'll hate it and its just so torturing thinking about it and
(2) im just so sad,, lol anyways sorry about that rant i just wanted to say that reading your fic when i was v sad felt like a release? in a way? its made me kinda hopeful that one day i can push those thoughts out of my head and i feel a bit confident about what i should buy her,, thank you so much lizzy it really means alot ❤❤ please keep writing more heart warming fiction ily
my goodness you guys have been too kind to me lately… i don’t know what to say :’0 thank you so so much!! i’m so glad the fic resonated with you and made you feel hopeful, honestly you have no idea how happy it makes me!
and i’m so sorry you’re having a bad day :( but please consider this- i promise you, your best friend doesn’t care about what the gift is, she cares that you thought of her and her bday, that’s all. i know this because i know i, for example, never care (and i’m sure you don’t as well), just the fact that someone thought of me is heartwarming in itself, the gift is just a bonus :’) 
anyway, it’ll all work out honey, i know it will, please don’t stress too much
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alphaabucky · 7 years
Why her...? - Bruce Wayne x Batmom!Reader
Anon - I have a request. Bare with me this is my first time asking a request.. Batman x Reader. Can you make it sad and have us in tears?? Don't really care what you write about just make it sad. Please and thank you.
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So this consists of a lot of flashbacks, so flashbacks will be in italics, lyrics will be in bold and now time is normal. hopefully this isn't confusing. I don't know if this is capable of making anyone cry but please give feedback if I should do more like this! :)
Song this is based off of is old but its the best one that fits well I think - SONG
Warnings - Death, Cancer victim, crying, flashbacks, sadness.
Word Count - 2K
"I'm sorry, but I have to go" Tears fell from your eyes as you looked up at Bruce, his eyebrows were furrowed, clearly concentrating on not letting tears fall from his own. You reached your hand up and cupped his face making him look at you. "I'm sorry… I love you… but I have to go, you have to forget me" More and more tears began to fall. "I am never going to forget you…" was all he said, wiping away your tears with his thumb. “You have to, for yourself and for the little gremlins that we call our children." You tried cracking a joke, but Bruce wasn’t having it, his facial expression not changing from upset and maybe even angry. Silence took over the two of you before Bruce leaned in, placing a tender kiss on your lips. "Please don’t go… don’t leave us…" Bruce whispered against your lips, finally letting the tears fall from his eyes. "I'm sorry" You hiccupped, letting out a long breath in hope of calming your heartbeat down but failing miserably. "Y/N please…" Bruce whispered, watching you fading away from him. 
The last thing the both of you say to each other…. “I love you”.
I drove by all the places we used to hang out getting wasted,
I thought about our last kiss how it felt and the way you tasted,
and even though your friends tell me your doing fine,
are you somewhere feeling lonely even though he's right beside you,
when he says those words that hurt you,
do you read the ones I wrote you,
sometimes I start to wonder was it just a lie,
if what we had was real,
how could you be fine?
Cause I'm not fine at all..... It was now late at night, Bruce perched onto the gargoyle that he first saw you walking down the streets of Gotham alone. “Father?” Damian spoke up, grappling towards him and then taking a seat beside him. “Mother will be back soon” He said, staring up at his brooding father as he stared at the lamp post which was still dented by the man he ripped away from you that night when he tried to mug you; “wont she?” Damien continued, concerned from his father’s silence.  
“Go back home Damian, spend some time with your brothers-“ “They’re not my brothers. Todd is an insufferable human being, Grayson is highly irritable and Drake is generally a huge pain in-“ “Spend some time with them. You never know when the moments with your most loved ones are the last. You’ll regret not spending time with them, taking care of them, laughing with them…” Bruce trailed off, noticing a woman walking buy who looked quite similar to you, but instead of walking alone, she was with a man who had his arm wrapped around her; the sight bringing a tear to Bruce’s eye.
“Will you be home soon after I leave you here?” Damian asked, standing up and taking out his grappling hook. Bruce gave a slight nod, Damian returning the gesture before grappling away back to the manor.
 "Where's papa bat, demon spawn?” Jason smirked at Damian as he returned from patrol without him. “I believe father will not get over Mother for a while, he is still sat on the gargoyle he first saw mother at.” Damien rolled his eyes at Todd “he also told me to spend time with all of you, despite hating each and every one of you with a passion I will do as he wishes. Where are the others?” He asked, pulling off his mask. “Tim bet that Dick couldn’t watch a horror film without heaving” Jason shrugged, making his way back to the cinema room where Tim and Dick were at “How’s he doing?” Damien asked taking a seat beside Tim “he cracked almost 4 times, still waiting for it.” He answered and the other two boys groaned.
 Meanwhile Bruce still sat at the gargoyle, could he have done something? What did he do to deserve the one of the only things that made him happy being ripped away from him? He felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest; but he didn’t want it back. "I hope you’re okay… I’ll always love you Y/N.” He spoke looking up to the sky before making his way back to Wayne manor.
I remember the day you told me you were leaving,
I remember the make up running down your face,
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them,
Like every single wish we ever made,
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia,
And forget about the stupid little things,
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you,
And the memories that never can escape,
Cause I'm not fine at all...
‘I love you…’
Bruce could still hear your voice say those words, your voice so full of hope, it was music to his ears; “I love you too…”.
“I must warn you my sons are a handful.” Bruce smiled, gripping your hand a little tighter. “I’ve always wanted a family. And if I get to have one without the pain of childbirth then that is a major bonus.” You giggled, earning a chuckle from Bruce before he opened the doors to the manor. “Welcome to your future home.” He smiled, opening the large door to reveal Alfred along with Dick, Jason, Tim and Damien stood in a line wearing something smart rather than their amour get-up.
“Welcome home Master Bruce, Miss Y/L/N.” Alfred smiles, along with the boys smiling before Damien coughs, gaining everyone’s attention.
“So, this is our new mother?”
Bruce laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, longing to feel your warmth cuddle up to his side. "I wish that could wake up with amnesia... " He said to himself, tears freely falling from his eyes. "I wish I could see your beautiful face in the morning… Just, one last time..." He whispered, closing his eyes in order to try and stop crying. "Stop crying Bruce" He said to himself, sitting up and looking out of the window beside him.
"All these memories I try to forget, they can't escape from my mind...” He sighs, falling back into his original position and closing his eyes.
"I'm not fine at all…”
The pictures that you sent me there still living in my phone,
I'll admit I like to see them whenever I feel alone,
And now my friends keeps asking why I'm not around,
It hurts to know your happy and it hurts that you've moved on,
It's hard to hear your name when I havnt seen you in so long,
It's like we never happened was it just a lie?
If what we had was real,
How could you be fine?
Cause I'm not fine at all...
 Wherever Bruce looked he saw your face, your pictures still hung up on the walls; family pictures, he smiled at some, especially the ones where Damien and Jason were mid argument on who would stand next to you, but Tim and Dick ended up being on either side of you smiling. Your wedding pictures were the ones that hurt his heart most, you were both so happy, everyone was so happy; but good things always come to an end.
"Bruce when will you be coming back out on patrol with us? Or just out in general?” Dick asked, coming up beside him and looking at the wall which Bruce’s eyes never left off. "I still need some time, Dick.” Bruce said back to him as he turned the opposite direction and walked away. 
"It hurts so much… But I’m glad you’re happy now, in a better place." Bruce spoke to himself, sitting at a park bench; he needed time, away from things that reminded him of you. Even the boys reminded him of you, yours and Jason’s eye colour were similar, yours and Dick’s shared love for breakfast made by Alfred, the necklace Damian never fails to wear every day that you gave him before you left, and Tim and you had similar personalities; Bruce couldn’t get you out of his head.
He saw a woman walking to him, a shy, timid smile plastered on her face. “Hello.” She greeted, staring at the seat beside him, probably waiting for him to invite her to join him on the bench. “Hello.” He nodded to her, but then turning away almost instantly as he stared at the children playing on the swings, it reminded him of when you and Bruce sat on that exact bench and watched the boys play – not matter their age, they still acted like children. “With all due respect, I would like to be alone.” He spoke up, looking back to the woman who still stood beside him. “Please.” He sighed, and she nodded, turning and walking away silently back to her married couple friends.
“You need to move on Bruce…” He scolded himself, playing with his wedding ring as he sat there.
"It's like we never happened Y/N, you disappeared like a stone in the ocean, I don’t think ill ever love someone else as much as I loved you…” he whispers, kissing his wedding ring as if it would send a message to you. “I’m all alone, dying slowly inside…” another tear fell from his eye, he wiped it away swiftly before getting up from the bench and leaving, sending an apologetic smile to the woman before disappearing into the distance.
I remember the day you told me you were leaving,
I remember the make up running down your face,
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them,
Like every single wish we ever made,
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia,
And forget about the stupid little things,
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you,
And the memories that never can escape,
"I can never forget about you, however hard I try, I can't forget, I can't let you go..." He said to himself, staring at the ceiling again in his bedroom, curtains closed and lights off.
All he now feels is never-ending pain.
If today I woke up with you right beside me,
Like all of this was some twisted dream,
I'll hold you closer than I ever did before,
And you'd never slip away,
And you'd never hear me say, He woke up, turning on his side to see you sleeping soundly, a smile crept up onto his features as he moved the stray hairs away from your face back behind your ear, kissing your forehead as he did so. “What are you doing Bruce?” You smiled, squinting your eyes open as you looked up at him, seeing the love he felt for you in his eyes. “Admiring my beautiful wife.” He smiled back at you, leaning in to press a kiss onto your lips.
“FATHER! TODD STOLE MY GRAPPLING GUN AND IS HOLDING IT OVER MY HEAD ACTING AS IF IM A CAT WANTING TREATS.” Damian’s voice echoed through the whole manor, making you laugh and Bruce sigh. “HE STOLE MY FAVOURITE GUNS THE FUCKING BRAT” Jason’s voice followed. “MIND YOUR LANGUAGE YOU BELLY DANCING, DEADSHOT-WANNABE TOAD.” Damian’s voice yelled back, making the both of you burst into laughter. “WE ALL KNOW IM BETTER THAN HIM – IM THE RED HOOD.”
I remember the day you told me you were leaving,
I remember the make up running down your face,
And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them,
Like every single wish we ever made,
I wish that I could wake up with amnesia,
And forget about the stupid little things,
Like the way it felt to fall asleep next to you,
And the memories that never can escape,
Cause I'm not fine at all.............
Bruce sighed, he couldn’t sleep; it was around 3AM.
He got up, making his way to the graveyard and stopping at a particular grave stone.
"Y/N Wayne
Heaven has gained another angel
Lost her fight with cancer,
A wonderful mother, a beautiful wife
D.O.B – Death date"
Bruce fell to his knees, his head resting against your gravestone and his tears darkening the stone. "Why her…” He cried, looking to the sky.
And I'm really not fine at all...
Tell me this is just a dream....
Cause I'm really not fine at all....
 SO! I hope this was okay, if you would like to request, message me :)
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saltynemo · 7 years
Rainstorm PT.2
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WHATADO Everybody, its your boi Nemo back at it again with another fanfiction. Omg, guys, ILY SO MUCH. The amount of likes I got on Break-Up was freakin amazing! But before I posted that fanfic, Rainstorm was super popular. It took me a long time to write this one, so I hope you enjoy.
Summery: Tyler and Y/n go to Disney World to spend quality time together and outside! All of the sudden, it starts to rain...
Type: Fluff
Warnings: VERY LITTLE Dirty talk, Storms, Lots of flirty jokes and kissing, I think that's about it
Requested?: Nope
Word Count: 3.4k (3,402 words)
So without further a do, P-P-P-P-PLAY IT
Latley, it has been very rainy in Y/s/n. Ever since that one storm I feared (were Tyler had to calm me down with his amazing voice), It has been non stop raining. Its been about 2 weeks since he got off his tour. We mostly have been cuddling or playing video games. Since it has been raining outside, we havnt been able to go out.
I open my eyes, expecting to see Tyler next to my side. But I woke up to his matted pillow and bed sheets un-tucked. I shrugged and went to look outside. To my shock, I saw blue sky with no clouds! Not even a little drabble of rain clouds or anything. My face lit up with excitment, knowing me and Tyler can go somewhere special. I let my inner child out and ran to the kitchen. I saw Tyler behind the kitchen counter, stirring his coffee with a straw, slightly dancing to soft music playing. "Hey Tyler!" "Oh-Hey Y/n. Your up...late" Tyler replied giving a smile. "Hey! Guess what" I said, leaning over the counter to look at him. "Whats up" He asked, sipping his coffee. "Its not raining" I simply said. I saw Tyler get a burst of excitment, almost spilling his coffee. He quickly put his mug down and raced over to the front door window. I jogged after him, waiting to see his face. He opened the blinds and his eyes widened. A big grin appeared on his face. I stood next to him and rubbed his back. "You know what that means..." Tyler said, raising a brow. I smiled uncontrollably, knowing the answer. "Disney World!" I cheered. Tyler showed off a goofy smile, picking me up. I rapped my legs around his waist imediatly, grinning like a goofball. We stared into eachothers eyes for a little bit, just enjoying our features. "I love you, Y/n...you know that right" Tyler said, smiling lightly. I smiled back, "I know you do. But do you know I love you?" I said, raising my eyebrows. He grinned at my comment. I lightly pecked his lips and he put me down. "What time is it, babe?" I asked him. "12:00. We should probably get ready" He replied, racing up stairs. I saw what he was doing; he was trying to get to the shower first. I laughed as I raced up the stairs after him. "Hahahaha" Tyler laughed, reaching for the bathroom door knob. "You would let me go first if you loved me" I said slyley. Tyler stopped imediatly, turning over to me. "Dont do that to me" He said in a seriouse tone. "Just saying" I said, sitting on the side of the bed. "Y/n..I love you with all my heart. I cant even put it into words" He said, walking over to me. I looked up at him, loving his face and expressions. "But showers are more important" Tyler said, quickly rushing back to the shower. I scoffed at him, not wanting that answer. I waited for him to take his shower, scrolling through Instagram. All of the sudden, I heard one my favorite song playing in the bathroom. It was muffled, but I could still make out the musical notes and lyrics. "Your the best Ty!" I yelled to him through the shower. "Oh! Well imagine..as im pacing the pews in a church corridor and I cant help but to hear-" Tyler begins to sing in the shower. "No I cant help but to hear an exchanging of words..." I chime in [(no pun intended)]. I lightly danced to the muffled voice of Brendon Urie as Tyler sang along with me. ~ After about 30 minutes of him taking up the hot water, he finally turned off the shower. "Finally dude!" I yell to him outside the door. He didnt respond, but I could tell him rolled his eyes. I waited patiently outside while he dried off. He stepped out of the shower with a towl around his waist. He had a spair mini towl to dry his hair off. "Take your time man, not like were in a rush to go to Dinsey World or anything" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Sorry Y/n, hot water just feels so good" He replies, smiling and walking twords our closet. He grabbed a Texas shirt with some gym shorts and went back to the bathroom to change. I slapped my thigh loudly, signalling him to hurry up. Tyler opened the door and rolled his eyes. "Your turn, just let me freshen up" He says, grabbing some deoderent. "Hurry up, I wanna take a shower" I say, lightly pushing him. He chuckled, grabbing some things and heading out the door. I closed the door, taking off all my clothes and hopping into the shower. The cold water hit me like a slap. I fled back to the sides of the shower, avoiding the water. I chuckled to myself, and occasionally checked the water to see if it warmed up. Took about 10 minutes for me to adjust to the below freezing tempetares. ~ After about only 20 minutes in the shower, I jumped out and grabbed a towl. I wrapped it around my freezing body, trying to warm up. I adjusted the towl around my chest and walked out, shivering. Tyler looked up at me with a worried expression, "You alright babe?" He stood up from the bed. "You took all the hot water ding bat" I replied, giving him a stern look. "Sorry babe, come here" He said, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I instantly felt warm in his hug, leaning my head on his chest. "Thank you, Joseph" I said, walking back to the bathroom to change. "And by the way, I got your clothes wet" I added, closing the door. Before i closed it, I saw him look down at his damp Texas shirt, groaning and pacing around. I laughed it off, and changed. I was going to wear a Mickey Mouse tank top with some black jeans I had. I opened the door, letting Tyler know I changed. I was putting some makeup on, but not too much; since we were going to be outside. I saw Tyler come into the bathroom and lean on the counter. He stared at me while I was putting on my makeup. I glanced at him, "Its rude to stare, you know?" "Your just so beautifle, Y/n" He replies, resting his head on his hand. I chuckled it off and roll my eyes. "Stop, Ty" I say, putting my makeup kit away. "Look at me, Y/n" Tyler said in a seriouse tone. I turned to look at him and his pretty face. "Repeat after me" He says, holding up his right hand. I laughed and held my right hand up as well. "I, Y/n" Tyler begins to say. "I, Y/n" I repeat. "Am the most beautifle person in the world" I roll my eyes at his comment but continue repeating. "Am the most beautifle person in the world" "And if anyone else says so" "And if anyone else says so" "Is wrong" Tyler finishes. "Is wrong" I breathe out, putting my right hand down. Tyler kisses my forhead. I lightly laugh at him and press my forhead againts his. "Lets get going shall we?" Tyler says, pulling my hand to the door. I turn off the bathroom lights and we head out ~ Since Tyler's car was in the repair shop, we called a Taxi. He dialed up the number and we waited a couple blocks down from our house. I remembered I grabbed two Mickey Mouse hats before we left, just for fun. Tyler was on his phone, checking instagram. I quietly pulled the hat from my bag and place it on his head. He laughed and held the hat on his head. Tyler put his phone away and grabbed the second hat from my bag. He placed it on my head and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him[(cringe cringe cringe)]. "This is going to be so fun" I giggled, pressing my head againts his chest. "Yea, It is. Were finally going to be outside-instead of just playing Mario Kart" He replied, hugging me tighter. Finally, we saw a bright yellow cab pull up. I pulled away from Tyler, grabbing my bag. "So wheres your destina-" The driver said tiredly. Before he could finish his sentance, his eyes popped out of his head. "Tyler Robert Joseph" He breathed out. Me and Tyler both giggled to eachother, noticing the drivers excitement. "Sorry-just I dont get alot of celeberties in my cab" The driver added, nervously smiling. "Its ok, we get it alot" I said, smiling brightly. Tyler opened the backseat door for me, gesturing me to get inside. "Thanks Ty" Tyler nodded in response, heading to the other side to get in with me. "So-um, where you guys heading to?" The driver asked. "Disney World. I thought Id take Y/n somewhere magical" Tyler said, hopping in the car. I giggled at his comment. "Nice! And by the way, the names Jack" The driver replied. "We will be there in about...45 minutes. So make your self comfortable" He said, smiling. Me and Tyler both smiled back. Jack revved up the engine and started driving towards our destination. All 3 of us in the car made small chit chat, talking about Tylers band and what not.
*25 MINUTE TIME SKIP brought to you by Tylers thicc booty*
We were 15 minutes from Disney World, so the car got quiet. "Do you mind if I put on Twenty One Pilots? Im just making sure if you dont mind listening to your own music." Jack asked. "Yea i dont mind. Dont want to upset a fan anyway" Tyler replied, smiling to me. "Thanks" He replies, turning on the radio. He slides in a disc. I didnt recognize it as a TOP CD, so I figured it was home-made. The very first song to play was Tear In My Heart-my favorite song. Tyler smiled brightly, looking over to me. Jack looked back, seeing our expressions. I was smiling like a goofball at Tyler. "I made this song about you, you know" He said, stroking a strand of hair from my face. I giggled at him and placed my head on his shoulder. "You guys are the cutest, do me a favor and stay together" Jack said, looking back at us once more. "We plan on doing that" I giggled. The rest of the car ride was amazing music playing in the car, and me resting on Tylers shoulder. I knew today was going to be great. ~ "Where here!" Jack said, parking next to the sidewalk. "Thanks, Jack! It was nice meeting you" Tyler said, getting out of the cab. "Dont thank me! Just ask for my name when you call another Taxi-It would be amazing meeting you again" He replied, smiling brightly. "We sure will! Cya later, Jack" I called out, hopping out of the taxi. Jack pulled back into traffic and drove away. "He was nice" Tyler said, patting my head. I giggled and stared up to him. He looked back down to me, looking deeply into my eyes. "This is going to so fun" Tyler says, kissing me. The kiss was passionet from my point of veiw, and it was amazing. I pulled away from him, smiling. I kissed his nose, making him chuckle to himself. "You have a thing for doing that" He comments. "Lets go get tickets, before we waist the day waiting in line" I say, tugging his hand. We both walk, hand n' hand, to the ticket booth.
Once we get to the line, to my suprise; it wasnt that long! Only about 5 people were infront of us. So it only took 10 minutes for the like to shrink, making me excited. "Two tickets please" Tyler said, pulling out his wallet from our bag. "That will be-" The girl said, staring at Tyler for a minute. We giggled at her, making her snap back to reality. "S-sorry, just that-I dont see alot of people like you alot" She said, grabbing his card. "Its fine, we already had our taxi driver rave about us" I said, smiling at Tyler; making Tyler grin back. "Here you go! Have an awesome day" The girl said, handing Tyler the two tickets and his card. "Thank you, you too" He replied, stuffing his card back into his wallet. Tyler handed me my ticket.
We made it past through security easily, making the day go smoothly. We had a couple of people stop us for pictures and what not-but it was fun! The smell of popcorn and magic was spread out through the air, making the whole expirence better. Tyler begged me to go on a wet ride [(wink wink)] with him, and I just had to give in. We bought a locker and put our backpack and phones in it. Of course-we didnt bring a spair set of clothes so that sucked. "Cmon, Y/n! The lines gonna get longer!" Tyler said, jumping up and down. "Okay okay, honey! Let me just lock our safe" I replied, rolling my eyes. I had to laugh at his child like behavior, it was just the cutest. I closed our locker and raced after Tyler, who has already got in line. We adjusted the strap to our hats, so they wont go flying off. "This is gonna be fun" I said, sarcasticly. "Yea, were gonna get so wet" Tyler said, adding a wink at the end. "Behave Ty" I said, laughing. Tyler laughed aswell, "All-rhino" He replied, making me laugh harder.
We waited in line for about 10 minutes, before I felt eyes on me. I looked around to see a tall, wide guy with a Twenty One Pilots shirt. He quickly looked away, trying to find something else to stare at. I nudged Tyler, pointing the guy out to him, "He looks like he wants a picture" I whisper to him. He quietly laughs and walks over to the guy. I watch them closley, giggling to myself. Tyler tapped on the guys shoulder, "Hey, I like your shirt, looks good on you" he says, chuckling. The tall guy is hysterical, tripping over the words flying out of his mouth. Tyler takes a quick picture and races back up to me. We laugh to eachother while we wait for our log to roll up. "Ok, all abourd" The directer of the ride says. Me and Tyler sit together at the very front row. I held his hand, nervous for what the ride will be like. "Y/n, chill...its a wet ride, we wont do flips or anything like that. We wont do that till tonight" Tyler whispers in my ear. "Tyler, I said behave, or youll sleep on the couch tonight" I chuckle, lightly pushing him. I squeeze the fluffy bars as the ride starts to move. It went slow at first, only increasing speed a couple of times. I thought it was going to be alright, till I saw the big hill. My stomach did a flip as we started climbing it. Tyler held my hand tight as we escilated. Once we reached the very top, the log stopped imidieatly. I waited nervously as the ride started nudging off the edge. "Here we go!" Tyler said, raising his hands up and screaming. The log dropped over the edge, going a hundred miles per hour. I screamed aswell and put my hands up, still holding Tylers hand. We raced around every corner and hill, making the expirience thrilling.
Once the ride reached to an end, I hopped-not as much hopped but wabbled-off the ride with shakey legs. I tried walking, but I was dizzy for some reason. "Come here, Y/n" Tyler said, reaching over to me. With out warning he picked me up bridal style and carried me. Why was Tyler being so romantic all of the sudden? Weird. He carried me to where the lockers were and set me down. "You didnt have to do that you know" I said, rolling my eyes. "Sorry I overwhelm you with my love and affection" Tyler replied, kissing my forhead. I giggled at him and unlocked our safe. I grabbed my backpack and flung it around my shoulder, while handing Tyler his phone. He grabbed it and handed me mine. For the rest of the time we were at Disney World, we walked around and visited attractions. I begged Tyler to take a picture with Goofy and Mickey Mouse. Tyler really didnt want to, but Goofy insisted. I snapped a quick picture of them both. Tyler stuck his tounge out at Mickey before we went back on our trail.
We were walking near one of our favorite rides, when all of the sudden, it started to drizzle. We looked up to see clear skys and only one big, nasty rain cloud. "How about we do one last ride, before we get kicked out." Tyler said, patting my back. "Lets do it" I cheered, running to the big, towering rollercoaster. Tyler ran after me, laughing. The line wasnt long at all, so we got on right away. "Last ride, so lets make it last!" I said, holding Tylers hand. He kissed my hand as the ride started. The cold rain slapped my face as we started speeding up. Once again, another big tower. "Wooo" Tyler screamed, rasing his hand. "We arnt going that fast, honey. Calm down" I chuckled, nudging him. He laughed and put his hand down. Once we reached the very top, the ride-of course-stopped. After about 10 seconds of anticipation, the rain started coming down harder and harder. It was pouring rain at this point, making me squint my eyes. The wind caused the coaster to nudge, making the ride go at a hundred miles per hour. Me and Tyler screamed, raising our hands, as we decended. The rain hit my face, and the wind made me shiver. It was the best ride I have ever been on.
The cart came to the end of the ride and stopped. The attendant told us to leave Disney World ASAP, because of the rain. Me and Tyler hopped out of the ride and held hands, running through the park. We were holding our hats and laughing, jumping in puddles and splashing eachother. I almost slipped and fell, but Tyler caught me. He held me up so I was facing towards him. It was like a cliche romantic movie. Our hair matted againts our face, our eyes tired, and our body close to eachother. And just to top off the 'movie' he held his hands on my face and kissed me. I held his hands while moving into the kiss. The feeling of rain drops, splashing on my forhead made the moment all better-for some reason. All was perfect, till I heard a voice. "Cmon you teenagers, cant you see its raining? You gotta leave" A security guard said. We pulled away and Tyler gave a quick smile before grabbing my hand. We once again, ran through the park, trying to find the exit; all while kicking water onto eachother and laughing. Both of our clothes were soaked and clutching onto our bodies..I was suprised our hats werent gone.
We finally found the sidewalk where we were dropped off by Jack. I pointed out a bench with a sun roof over it. We raced towards it, getting under it and sitting down. Tyler pulled out his phone and dialed the Taxi number. "Request for Jack, we can tell him all about it" I requested. "Anything for you" Tyler replied, putting the phone to his ear. "Yea, I would like 1 taxi please. And can you call 'Jack' to our location-if hes avalible of course?" He said, whiping rain water off of his eyes. "Thank you" He added, clicking the 'Hang Up' button. I leaned my head againts Tylers shoulder, tired from today. He rubbed one of my hands, making me close my eyes. I started to dose off, thinking about Tyler. "Cmon, Y/n. Our taxis here" He said, patting my thigh. I opened my eyes to see an excited face. I didnt recognize it at first, but then I saw it was Jack. "Hey guys! Glad to see you again! Hop in" He said, waving his hand. Me and Tyler smiled at him, getting up. He led me to the car, opening the door for me. I crashed into the seat. Tyler closed the door and jogged to the other side, getting in as well. "Im guessing home?" Jack asked, looking back to us. "Yea, thank you" Tyler said, telling him the adress. Jack punched it into his GPS and started driving. I layed my head down on Tylers lap, getting comfortable. Tyler kissing my head and petted my hair, making me close my eyes. "I love you Y/n. Forever and always" "I love you too, Joseph. Always and forever" I replied before dosing off to sleep.
(I hope you liked it and are begging for more, unless I just suck idk lol. But I hoped you enjoyed some of it and cya next time :D)
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gothsailormercury · 7 years
anon chain game: tag 10 of ur sweetest mutuals and what u appreciate about them, then copy n paste this ask n spread it around
i’m sorry this is so late but i was waiting to get to a computer so i could reply properly omg !!!
first of all.. i ofc hav to mention my ride or die @peachyhae. if u followed me on my last blog before i deleted u kno tht we’re a duo like.. if u follow one u hav to follow the other. shes the jelly to my peanut butter (im the pb since she cnt eat it sdiofjsd), the sailor mars to my sailor moon, the mac to my cheese. i would die for her at the drop of a hat u kno :-// & i lov that we can go a while without talking but once we talk again its like no time has passed. i lov her so much omg.
@gallaghurs i lov mackenzie so much!!!!! our sense of humor is the same & we both hav the same taste in music & shows. & shes so easy to talk to like i feel like i could talk to her for hours & not even realize how much time has passed. shes honestly the most attractive person i’ve ever laid my gay eyes on & idk man.. just gotta lov her tbh :-/
@lovbhobi melissa my sweet baby who thinks she’s grown soifsjof. i lov her so much like she always makes me laugh, i really do adore her personality sm. i just want to give her a giant hug for at least 5 hours u kno. she scares me w her kinks sometimes but its all good, i still adore u so much mel
@iluyeri qiu!! my angel!! the ryan to my shane oh my god. my favorite scorpio (& the only one i kno but shhhh). im not even kidding when i say this but i think out of everyone i talk to on here, it seems that we’re the most similar like we seem to both be into horror movies/true crime/unsolved mysteries/aliens & also ur taste in american music even tho we havnt talked much abt it!! & everytime i see a selfie of u my heart stops for a second bc ur so beautiful!! lov u!!
@4wllls my favorite lawyer omg. u always make me feel included & i lov that abt u like i feel like ur always looking out for other ppl & are so supportive. also ur sense of humor is so nice!! ur so kind & sweet & cute & ur selfies?? amazing works of art. van gogh who???? lov u darling!!!
@2rice kriya my virgo buddy!!!! ur so funny & random & i lov that so much omg. i really never kno what ur gonna say next tbh. also another thing i appreciate abt u is that ur short so if i was ever next to u i would tower over u omg. anyway i lov u so much, keep making me laugh & smile!!!
@signalbytwice my dear friend who always sticks up for twice sdoijosfdj. ok but rlly u made the gc & even tho i left for a little bit i plan on coming back bc i rlly am so happy u made it & i got to meet all of u & get to kno u all. but ur so funny like every post u make on here or peach has me laughing so hard. & ur so supportive of ur friends & willing to fight anyone & anything so i rlly admire u for that. also ur so pretty!!!! an actual angel tbh. lov u!
@alysiayeoh we’ve never talked but i lov seeing u on my dash so much!! anyone who reblogs kpop & dc stuff is automatically my fav!! & u seem so nice so im glad we’re mutuals!!
@6hyojong ysa!! an angel!!! ur so pure & sweet & adorable im just??? even tho ur not on peach much, it always makes me happy to see u posting on there. i’m so glad i found u again after i made this blog bc i cnt imagine not following u!!!
@softnamoo - first of all im sorry that i’m terrible at replying i just get so nervous omg. but ur always so nice to me & i appreciate that so much !! ur always saying i look good or cute & it makes me want to cry bc ur so sweet!! u seem like such a sweet person!! ily!
i want to tag so many more ppl like i wanted to tag everyone in the gc but i felt like i needed to mention other non gc ppl too but :-// jst kno that i lov all of my mutuals!!!! & im sorry this is so long omg
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btstrashxoxox · 7 years
Fake Love pt.3
Jimin AU, 1.7k
It was finally Sunday and you were giddy with excitement. Yes, you knew it wasn’t a real date, but it was basically the same thing. Sun was in the shower taking her sweet time while you waited outside yelling at her to hurry up, grabbing your towels.
You ended up going to her house so you two could prepare for your dates. Plus that’s where Jimin and Jungkook were going to pick you two up, so you both decided it’d be better if you just went over.
Sun finally stepped out of the bathroom in her towel and you quickly made your way there to grab your shower and you know do your business.
After about an hour, the two of you were almost ready. Clothes were flung around the room, (typical girls’ room when we get ready to go out ;D ) the different combinations just didn’t pass Sun’s or your approval.
You guys were putting on your makeup and you were doing your eye liner when you realized: “I don’t know why I’m even spending so much time on my eyes. They’re just going to be hidden by my glasses in the end anyway.” You sigh, putting down your eyeliner. Looking over at Sun, you turn around and lean against the dresser.
“Nah, trust me you look bomb with the liner with and without your glasses.” She turned towards you and winked before continuing to apply her lipstick. You smile, shaking your head. What would you do without her.
Getting off the dresser you walk towards the bed and sit clutching your stomach filled with nervous butterflies. You were starting to get nervous since the time Jimin was supposed to come came closer and closer.
“Fuck I’m getting nervous” you let out smiling weakly at the girl in front of you.
Sun turns towards you finishing up her makeup. “Same. But hey, it’ll be worth it at the end,” walking towards you she bends down and grabs your hand, playing with your fingers. “Kind of excited though…” she looks up at you and grins and you couldn’t help, but agree.
The door bell, at last, rings and you find your smile slipping from your face, your nervousness getting the best of you.
“Oh god, they’re here. I look okay right?!” you get up, pulling her up with you.
“You look great babe, what about me?” Sun looks at you, the worry shown on her face.
“Perfect.” You squeeze her hands. “Okay Sunny, let’s do this.” You give her an attempt of a reassuring smile and the two of you leave her room to greet the hotties downstairs hehe.
Climbing down the stairs you caught a view of the two males in front of the doorway greeting Sun’s mother, looking well like I said HOT. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from Jimin who looked absolutely ravishing in his black ripped jeans and blue shirt with a black blazer draped over his shoulders.
And there was Jungkook there wearing his signature white shirt (though may I say that this one actually fit snugly lool) with a blue blazer on top paired with some dark blue jeans.
Sun pulls your hand and drags you down the rest of the stairs, cause let’s be honest who the hell can walk properly with two ridiculously attractive men in front of you ~swooon
Jimin then looks up towards you two his eyes trailing over the two of you and smiling.
“There they are!” Jungkook grins widely and raises his arms. “There’re the beautiful women.”
You just laugh while Sun, beside you, blushes and squeezes your hand. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” She retorts back, and then it was his turn to blush.
You smile and then look over at Jimin who had an unreadable expression on his face. You let out a “hey” and he snaps his head towards you and smiles back.
“Hey! He’s right, you two do look great.” And you immediately blush and look down thinking omg he thinks I look good and the butterflies in ur stomach just explode.
Suns just grinning at you before she claps her hands and goes “Oh it’s your first time meeting right?!” and she grabs Jimin’s hand and Jungkook’s hand and brings them together forcing them to shake hands.
“This is Jimin, my other amazing and important best friend, and this is Jungkook, a co-worker and really good friend of mine.” And she looks up at Jungkook giving him a sweet smile that just takes his breath away.
The two shake hands and you can’t help, but notice the small, wry smile on Jimin’s face.
“Okay kids, now you know the drill, be safe and keep your phones on you in case of an emergency. BYE!” and Sun’s mom pushes you four out the door after making the two boys promise to take care of you two and you yell out a “Bye Mrs. Lee!”.
The plan was to take Jungkook’s car to a restaurant that was nearby.
Jungkook opens the passenger seat and motions for Sun to go in going all “M’lady.” And you just grin madly seeing Sun getting all shy muttering a thank you and getting in the car.
And then you look over at Jimin to see him staring over at them too with a sort of frown on his face before he opens the door and gets in, you following feeling quite confused towards Jimin’s quietness.
Once the car starts moving you look over at Jimin next to you and feel slightly guilty.
Did he not want to come out tonight?
The thought made you feel horrible and so you nudge him softly.
“I know this was all sudden and I’m sorry you’re being forced to do this with me.” You let out quietly.
And he immediately widens his eyes and goes “No, no of course not! I mean I said yes, I agreed to it. This isn’t forced at all!”
And you can’t help the feeling of relief going through you as you smile at him.
At the restaurant, you guys are all sitting at your table eating your meals.
Jungkook and Sun are seriously hitting it off and you cudnt have been more proud of your best friend.
On the other hand…. Well, let’s just say it’s been pretty quiet with Jimin. He didn’t talk much and whenever you tried to strike a conversation with him, he’d reply sweetly and quickly and that was about it.
You were slightly sad to say the least, and Sun noticed.
“Hey (Y/N) I have to go to the bathroom, come with me?” and you quickly nodded and got up. “We’ll be back!” she let out and the two of you left to the bathroom.
“Wats going on Y/N? You two have been so quiet.” She clasped onto your hand, once in the bathroom.
“I know… I don’t know Sun I don’t think this was a good idea. He really doesn’t seem to be enjoying himself, and it just… it feels awkward.”
“Nonsense Y/N! Maybe it’s just because Jungkook and I are there? How about this; I’ll tell Jungkook, after we leave the restaurant, to drop us all off at my house and then I’ll make Jimin walk you to your house!”
“What?! No! You can’t leave me alone with him! It’ll be so awkward.”
“Uh uh, no Y/N, you need to be able to talk to him alone if you want to date him in the end right?! Come on sweetie you can do this!” and she squeezes your hand with encouragement.
Looking down, you softly reply an okay.
Walking out of the bathroom, you see Jungkook talking to Jimin happily, a cute bunny smile on his face, while Jimin was smiling at him.
“Ouh they seem like they’re getting along. That’s a relief.” Sun whispers to you.
“Of course they would, Jungkook’s a sweetheart and damn you two have been hitting it off.”
And the Sun looks at you with a small, shy smile. “I know, I’m so happy.”
And you squeeze her hand.
Out of the restaurant and arriving at Sun’s house, Sun turns towards you and Jimin with a huge smile.
“Hey Jiminie, can you walk Y/N to her place? It’s dark out and we want to make sure she stays safe yeah?”
“Oh I can drop you off if you want Y/N.” Jungkook lets out looking at you.
“Oh no!” Jungkook and Jimin both look at Sun, surprised. “It’s just… I thought we could talk a bit more…” she says shyly looking down. And Jungkook’s heart burst.
“It’s fine Jungkook, I’ll bring her back. That’s supposed to be my job for tonight anyway.” And Jimin looks over at you smiling lightly causing your heart to burst.
Out of the car and walking towards your home, you two walk in silence.
The night was beautiful, the moon shining in the sky with crickets chirping away.
Clearing your throat you look up at Jimin, not being able to handle the silence any longer.
“Hm?” He looks down at you.
“Everything okay?” It was strange. Over the past few months that you’ve known and talked to Jimin, he has never been this quiet. The boy’s always bubbling with cheerfulness and kindness. The fact that he barely spoke a word all night was just surprising and worrying.
He didn’t say anything for a minute and you let him be, not wanting to push him into being uncomfortable.
“Can I tell you something?” he finally muttered.
“Of course!” You reply. Then gathering all the courage you have, you slowly reach out and take his hand in yours.
Fuck it was so soft and warm.
He looks at you immediately and smiles. “Thank you… It’s… It’s about Sun.”
Looking at the confusion on your face he chuckles. “What about her? About Jungkook you mean? You didn’t like him?”
“No, no!” Jungkook was sweet. He’s a good guy.” And then so soft, you almost missed it, you hear “That’s the problem.”
A feeling of dread starting to pool in your stomach, you reply. “Wh-what do you mean.”
Jimin sighs. “You know how we met right? Me and Sun? I was being bullied by these other guys when Sun came in and helped me. I remember how cool she looked and instantly she became one of the most important people in my life.” He pauses and you squeeze his hand to continue. “As the years passed… she… she started to become more than just a hero to me. I.. I started liking her.”
You held your breath.
“For the 15 years I’ve known her… I fell so deep for her, and seeing her with Jungkook… fuck it bothers me so much.”
Your heart shattered.
AN: HEYYYY holy fuck its been so longgggggggggggggggg IM SO SORRRYYY been out a lot cuz its summer vacation for me rn BUT HERE IT ISS PART 3!! Plz read my post before this if ur like wtf is up with her style of writing all of a sudden :) its my first time actually writing something like this so I hav no idea how exavtly I like to write, wat im most comfortable with. Basically I havnt discovered my style yet but im sure thatll happen along the way :) im sorry if it doesn’t meet any of ur tastes :( I LOVE YOU!!!! once again dnt hesitate to ask me any questions or any comments its appreciated and rlly helps in motivating me :) <333
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