dragon-queen21 · 19 hours
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Happy Birthday to you, who is easily one of the friendliest and most welcoming people I know!! You're so kind and you care so much for the people around you, anyone who knows you is a lucky person :) I hope you have (well. had |D) an awesome birthday!!
Oh my gosh 🥺🥺🥺 This is so cute!!!! Waaaahhhhh sending you so much love. So much! All the love!!! Look at Mizma- and Zeep! And Rory, they all look so cute!!! And the cake! And the sweet note- everything I just love it Jdjsibsjfbjsbdi
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lloki · 7 months
plushies, cookies, and apple juice ^^!
yay, ty for sending these!!
Plushies, what are your favorite small activities?: Usually journaling! this includes writing, drawing or using stickers!! its v fun :D
Cookies, any characters you headcannon as regressors/caregivers/flips?: OH BOY DO I!!! I'll just list a couple but I have soo many! Mainly Steve Rogers as a cg, Mobius M Mobius as cg, Loki as a flip, Sylvie as a cg, Eddie Munson as a flip, Steve Harrington as a cg!!
Apple juice, what fictional characters do you want to take care of you?: Many!! but right now especially either Eddie, Loki, Sylvie or Mobius!
Send me some agere asks?
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froggymarsh · 2 years
me again ^^ either headcanon or drabble prompt but who has to be chased down bc they're constantly chewing on non-chew appropiate things/trying to eat non foods? the "if i sees it. i eats it" kid (its me im the i sees it i eats it kid)
hallo beloved!! <3
i think i just have tango on the mind but TANGO 100%
if the kid isn't talking your ear off he is absolutely chewing on something he shouldn't be and there has been many a day when Impulse has had to chase him down and basically manhandle him into spitting it out like he scoops tango under one arm and wrestles with him until he gives it up, only for tango to then run off and find something else within ten minutes, he is a menace
also maybe grian? grian adds a level of being able to fly into the mix, so getting the little bird to give things up is a little bit harder but can be done. luckily grian doesn't chew on things as much as tango does
also mumbo but getting mumbo to stop chewing on stuff is pretty easy, you just. tell him no. and then he stops.
on the empires side of things:
King Joel. kinda sorta same boat as tango but he usually spits it out before you can touch him (doesn't like being held unless he asked for it)
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one of grian's favs songs to listen to when he's regressed is little bird little bird (elizibeth mitchell) he esp likes to sing along and suggest the birds and make the bird sounds ^^
I had to look the song up, but I can definitely see that! Sometimes he likes to make up imaginary types of birds so he has an excuse to make silly noises, but he'll always love getting to name all the cool birds he knows about.
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princeminnow · 1 year
ik uve answered most of these already but i didnt wanna rb w/o sending one ^^ 6. but doesnt have to b ur fav bc u already talked abt them so it can be any that you want! (or it can be them again :P)
oh hi!! sure!!
🐸 6. what animal is your favorite stuffie?
i already talked about Rowley, so i’ll tell u about Jiji! he’s my work buddy and lives in the bag i bring with me to work, hes the perfect little comfort object and he’s a little beanbag toy of jiji from kiki’s delivery service! i got him for secret santa like… 5 years ago i think? and hes the perfect weight to hold in my palm when i need some comporting!
hes got big plastic eyes and his ears are kinda stuck pushed back bc of the way he gets squished in my bag, but at the start of every shift i always put him on the cash register to keep me company! he even used to come with me to some of my classes for moral support!
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hi hi sunshine ^^! hope youre doin well, i like to check up on this acc to see what/when youve posted <3 im pretty sure u said stuff was rough irl, so i hope something good happens for you soon!!
Hi, Juice! It’s good to hear from you. That makes me smile. I’ve been gone a long time and struggling with my mental health, but I’m back, baby! /j I hope you’re having a good time and I’m sure I’ll be reblogging and posting again. Thanks for the support. You’re one of my fave mutuals. ❤️
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babey-lewis · 2 months
♾️ (the infinity sumbol if it dosnt apear ^^)
Here ya go!! I love this song!
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smallest-sunbeam · 10 months
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Dalmation/firehouse dog for @juicezone 🤍🖤
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k1ddiecat · 6 months
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Meme inspired by this post by @juicezone but with David and Tails.
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dragon-queen21 · 1 year
i dont know very much abt one piece so if these butcher anything i am so sorry
-Sanji runs a very VERY serious pretend restaurant while regressed. sometimes its real food (crackers, cheese, simple sandwiches) and sometimes its the most gourmet of imaginary foods. supposedly if you say compliments to the chef, he’ll give you a free dessert (pretty much always fake)
-im pretty sure they’re pirates so gonna flip the coin on its head here and say the regressors plan a treasure hunt for their caregivers! ofc theyre super silly abt the hunt and pretend to not understand the instructions which makes everyone giggly and silly
oh my gosh yes! These are spot on.
I can absolutely imagine Zoro being so confused when being handed a plate that’s just empty, or a cup with nothing in it. Meanwhile Robin, Chopper and Nami all playing along with Sanji, ordering food and have a fun pretend tea party together.
I can just think of so many different silly outcomes depending on who is regressed and making the treasure map. For some I imagine it's almost like a game of Simon says with steps like, 'for the next ten paces hop on one leg', or 'spin three times', or something silly like that.
Oh gosh, I just thought about a regressed Zoro making the treasure hunt and winding up just as confused as everyone when it's completed yet they didn't end up at the right spot because he messed up when writing the directions somewhere along the line.
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bumbling-kiddo · 2 months
i think they would be friends.. :D
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mcbones (left) belongs to @juicezone and dickie (right) is mine :] i am still super new to digital art so pls forgive the mistakes hehe
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froggymarsh · 2 years
hi hi ^^ i like your storys and headcannons and i was wonderin if you had any that u wanted to share but havnt yet!
hallo hallo!! sorry this took me a minute to answer sjdkflsjlf
i've got a couple and it got pretty long so all of my rambling is under the cut :D
first off: pixlriffs. he is. my most specialist little guy i want to write him so so bad and then i never do sjdkflsjdf uhm here's a post about my headcanons for him (from my old blog i deleted, i gotta redo 'em one of these days cause my thoughts have changed sjdklfsj) and here are some pixlriffs stories i wanna write:
the second chapter of my one fic i have with cg!fwhip cause gunpowder boys my beloved.
the wedding in empires s1, Pixl has an encounter with Xornoth right before the ceremony and ends up regressing because Xornoth is terrifying and he ends up sending this garbled message to the universal chat saying something about him being late and he's sorry and Jimmy ditches Joel's pre-wedding preparations to help a little Pixl get ready (light angst and a lotta fluff and comfort, cg!jimmy because i love him big brother energy all the way)
empires s2 literally just. little!pixl and cg!joel because i saw these headcanons floating around about the Copper King and his lightning storm shrine thing, and God Joel liking the fact that someone actually went through the trouble of calling upon him (or something idk how to phrase it) but uh- then the world ended, and God Joel misses the Copper King and this little Archeologist reminds him of the King, so he feels. some kind of duty? i guess? to make sure the kid is okay and looked after and idk man just cg!joel cause i think it's fun (i've started this idea here but have no idea how to continue it sjdfklsjf. probably just. oneshots? who knows)
then the third one is an au of an au i cooked up on a whim one day where Archeologist Pixl and Bard Oli are traveling together to rediscover the secrets of the past, and both of them are werewolves. i made pixl regress because that's what i do, so he's just. an oversized puppy and oli has fun cg/big brother vibes and it's just no thoughts all vibes and i may write a drabble or something later
that's all for pixlriffs, next is team rancher!
Headcanons to start off (they're kinda long sorry)
a regressor! not very confident in his cg abilities but he can keep an eye on someone before a "real caregiver" (his words) can come to take care of them
so incredibly adhd coded where do i even start
he is. a liddol guy. probably like 5-8 is his usual range? he's a lot like Big Tango, always ready to jump at the chance to do stuff, but now he doesn't know what consequences are, so uh. keep an eye on him.
not like, constantly clingy, but definitely clingier than usual! he'll jump on you and hold your hand while he's showing you stuff and he's a lot more open to hugs (especially impulse hugs)
he's pretty hyper and runs all over but also crashes really hard, like it's surprisingly easy to get a little tango to fall asleep. (getting him IN bed is a struggle, yes, but once he's there you just kinda pet his hair. and then he's asleep. it's like an on/off switch sdjfksljdf)
will ramble at you forever if given the chance (he only goes completely nonverbal when he's a toddler/infant, one easy way to tell words are hard for him is when he's lightly chewing on his fingers or just. generally has things in his mouth that he then refuses to take out)
he usually refuses a pacifier but likes to chew on teethers and such
he doesn't have a lot of negative triggers- they're usually stuff like being alone in the dark or having a nightmare or wetting the bed/having accidents, but those are pretty rare
nobody can really pin his positive triggers cause he just regresses when he needs/wants to and doesn't try to stop it (which can be good and bad depending on the situation but mostly it's good)
he's really open about his regression! he lets his caregivers know beforehand when he's feeling fuzzy so there's no confusion when he does slip and he never tries to hide his age checks
(except he does try to hide accidents and bedwetting and the like but i'll get to that later)
a flip! he adapts to the situation, if that makes sense. if it's better for him to be small he'll regress, and if not he'll stay big and caregive.
very caregiver coded and idk how to explain that beyond "he's jimmy"
he's a lot healthier about it than other flips cough pixlriffs coughcough and he actually does take time to regress when he needs it, and isn't afraid to be small
on the surface it seems like he hates regressing because one of the most reliable ways to get him down is by teasing and babying him and he puts on a front about hating it but in reality he doesn't mind and even welcomes it
he like. puts his mouth on things? he sucks on things more than he chews on them, likes having things pressed against his lips (this sounds kinda weird but it's a thing i promise sjdklfsjf)
he's pretty clingy, he likes having stuff to hold onto (he'll keep one point of contact between him and his current cg, whether that be latching onto their hand or a piece of clothing or hiding behind them, etc etc)
LOVES huge plushies that are bigger than him, usually can be found lugging around a plushy (unfortunately not the ones that are bigger than him- he saves those for a bedtime nest)
mans will regress if you start crying and he can't help you calm down
something about his friends crying makes him want to cry and he will do his absolute best to make it better and if he can't make it better he'll cry and regress himself
just like tango he's really open about his regression, always giving a heads up when he's fuzzy and while he does try to hide his age checks he usually relents pretty quick and he's never much cared about accidents and bedwetting cause eh. it just happens sometimes, he'll be alright
and now for the stories:
a continuation of this drabble here maybe, idk how to continue it but i'd like to maybe perhaps
something something ranchers reunion, tango regresses out of the excitement of being on a new server and Jimmy immediately goes cg mode. they hang out with everybody, doin the good crossover stuff, and at one point when they’re alone Jimmy gets all sad like “I’m sorry I was the reason we lost” and Tango baps his entire hand on Jimmy’s face (very gently) like. no being sad. we are together again. no being sad. and jimmy just smiles like "alright, no being sad" and they just. *jazz hands* fluff/no angst team rancher my beloved
and the last one: a tango bedwetting fic. for the very first time Tango's found part of his regression that he doesn't like. he's embarrassed about it and not having a good time and i've started this idea in this drabble here but it's just. angst and hurt/comfort and cg!impulse and good vibes and i wanna write it but idk how
and I think that's it! thank u so much for asking :D feel free to ask me about any of this and i'll try to give more thoughts sjdfklsjf
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azalea-bee · 3 months
@juicezone the other part of your question!! :D
this ended up getting super long bc i had so many thoughts about various dc characters so hopefully u don’t mind hehe
9. do they identify with any specific labels (regressor, flip, pet regressor, etc.)?
dick- he thinks of himself as a cg! i think he definitely regresses too but it takes him a while to come to terms with it. eventually he gets comfortable with calling himself a flip :]
tim- ooh. i’m conflicted bc i love other people’s regressor tim headcanons a lot but in MY head i mostly see him just being a babysitter sometimes!
cass- definitely a regressor but not aware there’s a word for it yet. she makes a great cg too bc she can instantly tell when someone goes baby mode :D
jason- a regressor! the babiest guy ever. he hates it but it helps him a lot so he learns to work with it <3
duke- maybe regressor? i haven’t made up my mind about about him yet, i need to read more of his stuff :] but i think maybe an older kid regressor!!
damian- regressor! and also a pet regressor, not sure what kind of animal though? cat and/or dog most of the time probably :]
barbara- babysitter mostly! in my head she wouldn’t want to be solely responsible for anyone as an official cg but she doesn’t mind watching someone occasionally! usually cass. and she’s also great for helping out over comms if someone regresses on patrol by accident <3
steph- i picture her as a tween/teen regressor most of the time, like a 12-15ish range! i think it’d be so subconscious most of the time tho that she doesn’t notice or label it for a long time. i can also see her age dreaming to a younger age to play with other small friends!
kon- ooh. a flip! i think he’s already such a mom friend that it’d be pretty natural to take care of his friends. but he definitely regresses too, little kid range mostly! and i think he’d pet regress/dream to play with krypto sometimes too :D
bruce- idk what label he’d use, but i think he regresses around alfred sometimes! i don’t see him being a cg to his kids very often, but maybe with cass or dick if they ask him to :] and he’d take care of clark if needed too!
clark- regressor! he’s just a little guy :D
now for two who aren’t bats or supers (sorry) but i love them so i’m adding them:
cassie- regressor! to me she is a very wild/hyperactive regressor who is very difficult to corral due to her powers, but she really wants to be good! she just gets excited :]
bart- super wild regressor just like cassie, except he thrives on mischief and stubbornness lol. woe to anyone who has to watch them at the same time (it’s usually kon)
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wolfy-star1401 · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3 (absolutely no pressure) mwah
Ok 👌
3 Random Facts about me :
- I love all seasons of the year ( but if I had to choose it would be Spring & Winter )
- I love Nostalgic core, Kidcore, Cleancore, Weirdcore, Fairytale core & Cottage core
- I‘m a Disney Fan since I was a kid. My favorite movies are the older movies from early 1934 Snow White til early 2010 Tangled but one of my favorites is 1986 The great Mouse detective ( so underrated )
@nottapossum @puppy-princess95 @babyspace-sfw @kerfufflecricket @tinybwaby @juicezone @i-ate-your-children
Bonus : @nostalgic-woodwind @thedreemer-artrequestsopen @little-snuggle-bug
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wildflowergull · 1 year
@juicezone hi!! little botw Link thoughts :3 (they might be repetitive or coherent i didn’t know how to go about doing this post sjdjdjd)
he was an age regressor before the calamity. always always in private. always came with a thick coat of shame that he could never seem to shrug off. he had no little items. mostly it was just crying alone in his room and not answering if anybody then caught him crying.
then. after he was resurrected. and he forgot who he was, he also lost his cloak of shame! No more feeling ashamed of regression. The plateau became a place to rediscover himself, and a safe place to learn about his regression without anyone there to judge him for it
King Rhoam isn’t exactly a caregiver but he does help explain it when Link starts acting like a kid. It’s nice to have explanations.
After he gets off the plateau he’s got a pretty good grasp on his regression, what triggers it, how to deal with it, that kinda thing. He never tries to stop it. He can mask pretty well. He doesn’t mask around kids, or people he trusts, like Impa and Purah
Some other folks he gets comfy regressing around are: Pikango (the painter guy), Beedle, the Bolson Construction guys, Teba, Sidon, Yunobo, Riju, the Gorons in general (it’s the enthusiastic “hey, Brother!” that gets him sksjdjd), Kass, a couple others maybe
Before the calamity Link and Zelda would have avoided each other like the plague if one of them even slightly felt small, but after everything is over everything becomes a lot more comfortable and safe between them and they become Flips for each other, taking turns caregiving and regressing
So then uh. How he is and what he likes when he’s little:
Zero impulse control. If he wants to do it, he will. consequences mean nothing skskdjf
His gender becomes a lot more fluid, and that leaks into his big self as well. (Link is nonbinary! He doesn’t really think of himself as having a gender he’s just kinda there. Zelda is Genderfluid- she has a gender, it’s just not always clear what that gender is)
Link likes stargazing :3 and playing with koroks. And petting dogs. And playing with his horses. a true animal lover this kid.
it can take a loooot of coaxing to get this kid to nap. he’s afraid of sleeping. (he doesn’t want to accidentally fall asleep for another hundred years.) he tries to only sleep in places where someone is there to wake him up
He LOVES being carried and Yunobo and Sidon are more than happy to carry him!! (Teba not so much, but if Link and Tulin band together they can convince him to take them flying)
Link and Riju bond over a love of sand seals. She gives him his first sand seal plush :3
Zelda is a bit awkward about regressing at first but looking after a carefree and happy Link, she finds the confidence to regress herself and feels safe and loved and she cries for like a week
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um giess what i did tday!! my cowkorker hatched chickies n i got i got t hold them!!! theyr so little and teeny bitty!!
That sounds so fun! I love chicks. Chickens in general! I hope you had fun!
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