#been bussyyy
orionsound-updates · 2 months
Oli posted to his Instagarm story!
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I've had a fan crush on Nightcrawler for years and you made his character even more my type
You're welcome 😘
For reference how do you feel about blue facial hair? For no reason in particular
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drpepperkegstand · 3 months
Would you be interested in a Ancient Breed hatchling(s)?
I don't know what genders my two will have, but I can give you two of them so you can start breeding Ancients.
They may not look nice, but they are Ancients.
Uuh.. Don't really know what else to say. But yeah! I still (sort of) play Flight Rising.
oh sure dude! i'd be down, sorry i don't post on this account as much as i should LOL. works been keeping me BUSSYYY.
my flightrising is venusrising24. :]
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messrmoonyy · 3 years
Nymphadora in the marauders era au snippet type thinggg
In summary: au if tonks had gone to school with marauders set during OOTP, after 13 years apart Remus and Tonks meet again for the war effort.
Just a little snippet of something I’ve been working on today. OOTP if Tonks had been at school with the marauders au type vibe. Lemme know of you’re feeling it? I’ve written a fair bit but this random middle section was what got my ball rolling. Don’t wanna continue if it’s gonna flop though lmao. Anyways. Yeah. Lemme know if you could vibe with a short story/ficlet delving deeper into this at some point :)
He dropped the mug he was holding, sending it tumbling to the tiled floor and shattering at his feet. It sounded abnormally loud in the silence. It made his ears ring so loud that when she spoke at first he didn’t fully hear her, her lips moving but no sound reaching him.
He wanted to say she hadn’t changed even though that felt almost a funny way to describe a metamorphmagus. But she really hadn’t. Yes her hair was a vibrant shade of purple today. But her face, it was hers. Little changes here and there but nothing dramatic. Her face had been burned into the backs of his eyelids for the last 13 years, she’d looked younger then of course. But not much. He wondered if time had simply been kinder to her or she’d made herself look that way.
He was still frozen to the spot when she walked towards him, stopping a few steps away and waving her wand at the shattered cup. It glued itself back together with a clink of China and floated back to its place on the shelf. She was still a fair bit shorter than him. Perfect height for forehead kisses. He used to joke. But he didn’t really joke much anymore. Or have a particular fruitful amount of people to be kissing.
I’m fact he hadn’t kissed a single other person since her. Since that day he’d sent her away. Gave her a final kiss and made her promise not to seek him out again. He could still remember it vividly. How soft her lips were, how the salt from her tears had seeped into his mouth, her eyelashes brushing against his cheeks. He’d almost expected her not to keep the promise. Maybe he’d hoped that she wouldn’t. But of course, the unbreakable vow had made sure she stayed away. He’d only bound it to last 5 years. But he hadn’t told her that. Maybe he should have.
But then again. What would he have had to offer her if she had come back? Exactly what he could offer her now. Nothing.
He realised he still hadn’t said anything to her. But she hadn’t pressed him to either. She was looking at him in the way she always had done. Patience. Understanding. Others looked at him and were afraid. Or those closer often spoke to him like a child, like he needed to be approached with caution and care. She’d never done so. She always looked him like… he was normal. 13 years on and she still did.
“ Dora “ her name felt odd in his mouth now. Like it was something he wasn’t meant to say, wasn’t allowed to say. Which was ridiculous because it was her name for merlins sake. But he felt as though he weren’t allowed to be so personal. Dora wasn’t used lightly for her. She was Tonks. Always Tonks. Nymphadora to her mother. Ted often used the name, but really Dora was for Remus. She’d said that herself. He was the one who knew the secret, knew the name. Earned the privilege to say it.
It had been whispered in adoration, said with teasing warning, gasped into her mouth, shouted in panic. It was personal. He regretted saying it now.
“ blimey. Haven’t heard that one in a while” she said simply, a slightly lopsided smile quirking at her lips.
“ my apologies. Nymphadora “ she gave a small laugh and shook her head. Her eyes still crinkled when she laughed. Her nose still scrunched.
“ Dora. Dora was fine “ he gave a small nod but didn’t know what else to say to her. What was he supposed to say? ‘ Wonderful to see you! ‘ ? Apologise? ‘ so. Another war huh? ‘ he felt quite pathetic.
“ how- how have you been? “ he cleared his throat mid sentence, his voice cracking. He was never very good at holding his emotions in check around her. Never had been. Even when he thought he was hiding his true thoughts she always figured him out. She read him like a favourite book, knew him just as well. Knew the best parts of the story, knew the parts it was a little more dull. Still admired it even with the dog eared pages and the cracked spine, the coffee cup stains on the cover and the tear stains on the pages. Or at least she once had.
“ alright. Until old Voldemort decided he wanted another go “ she was trying to joke but her voice didn’t carry it as well as he thought she hoped it would “ Harry’s all grown up isnt he? Spitting image of his dad “ he’d almost forgotten that that was the reason she was there. War. Harry. Voldemort “ though I have been keeping an eye on him. Working for the ministry has its perks. Wish I could’ve intervened a couple times but. He’s turned out alright hasn’t he? “ he felt a slight relief knowing Harry had secretly had Nymphadora looking over him for his entire life. James and Lily would be proud. He knew it.
“ yes. He has “
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supernaturalist1234 · 4 years
Have you finished POF? If so, *virtually hugs*:3
I have not, but I appreciate the hug!! <3
I’m still where I was earlier today because I had a sudden urge to draw, but then couldn’t think of anything to draw and decided to scroll Pinterest until I got an idea. Still haven’t besides death sheep. Oh also angsty Logan, but that’s tumblrs fault, not Pinterest.
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lemonemenom · 5 years
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Some ass kicking witches from chap 17
Fic by @shanastoryteller
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secalcc · 4 years
wanna go grab some coffee with my friend... but shes busy. so im gonna draw our fav characters grabbing coffee instead.
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wasglossbombed · 4 years
ok after my last final i need to respond to all my texts, its been weeks since ive had an actual conversation
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stormweathered-arc1 · 5 years
my 3 year old is busy avoiding his nap by loudly singing about how much he loves Iron Man. So far his song is mostly ‘Iron Man, Big and Strong Iron Man’. Despite the fact he still calls Thor Batman, I’m okay with all this. 
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gorerph · 2 years
heyyy.  new  psd  drops  this  weekend?  maybe.
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oblivcscence · 6 years
The rules are simple! Post the characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and those you might bring back. Then tag some people to do the same. Remember to please repost instead of reblog!
Damon Ter’nak ( @this fucker )
Out ( @schlemicl )
Axton ( @tossinthelittlelady​ )
WANT TO PLAY ; ( bold = vague )
Bultin Wyenlyn ( Battleborn OC ) [ saved url @trucculeunt ]
The Outsider ( Dishonored )
Abilene ( Battleborn OC )
Toby Kale ( Borderlands OC ) [ saved url @frcndeur ]
HAVE PLAYED ( italicized = would play again )
MacCready ( @maccrexdy )
Oscar Mike ( @0scxr-mikey )
Benedict ( @liftoff-rocketshot )
Krieg ( @rampagebeast / @kriegthe-psycho )
TAGGED BY: Stolen from @redjaybird TAGGING: @thalassophilc / @docilekori / @dxstrxyer / @anyone else
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maybelsart · 3 years
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been bussyyy recently.
Did MCM london this weekend which was super good! and ill be bat bham in a couple of weeks
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lostinthememory13 · 4 years
heyyy y'all sorry for being so inactive on here 😭
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
One of a Kind. (Symbiote!Reader x Wanda Maximoff)
Pairing: symbiote!reader x Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: none, just some fun
Summary: Reader has Venom and meets Wanda at a club.
A/N: this was requested a while ago, and im sorry it took so long, i’ve been bussyyy
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You strolled down the dark alleyway, back straight, hands tucked in your pockets. The air was damp, just after heavy rain, with thick overcast clouds that bled into one another. Energy thrummed in your veins, dancing on your fingertips. Your heart felt like it was beating too hard against your ribs, as though it would burst out at any minute. At every moment, something cold and powerful flickered at the back of your head, reminding you of the other being that you were sharing your consciousness with. Every so often, the inky blackness seemed to swirl before your very eyes, threatening to envelope you.
Venom coursed through your veins, pumping alongside your blood like a constant reminder of the task you had taken upon yourself.
After being in a car accident, you received a blood transfusion from your cousin, Eddie Brock. Only afterwards did you discover the symbiote, and his tendency to latch onto unsuspecting hosts, like yourself. 
A young woman, dark haired and tanned smiled at you as she passed you. 
She’s pretty.
You grinned at Venom’s comment. “What makes you say that, bud?”
I see what you see, and like what you like. I saw her, and knew you liked her.
"Alright, that's fair," you murmured to avoid looks. "So, are you gonna be my wingman tonight? Help me find a lady to keep me warm?"
If you'd like me to, y/n.
You glanced across the street at a brightly lit nightclub, pulsing with music.
"You know what, V? I might take you up on that offer."
You had snuck past the long queue, and almost make it into the club. Almost, as a bouncer grabbed by the arm and practically threw you to the curb.
"Ouch!" you snapped at him, standing up and dusting yourself off.
I can eat him, if you'd like.
“What?” you sputtered. “I don’t want you to eat him.”
Why can’t I do that?
“Sorry, honey, that’s very illegal.”
I hate you.
“Feel free to leave me and stop the perpetual torment you cause me.”
You’re no fun.
“Last time I checked, Eddie didn’t let you eat people left and right.” 
He let me eat the bad ones. The ones that try to hurt him.
“My house, my rules.” you said firmly to end the discussion. You scanned the building, gazing up at the roof. "Can you get me up there?"
Of course.
You felt Venom consume you, wrapping you in thick, powerful tendrils of black. Your heartbeat accelerated, every sense heightening at once. Venom took over while you flew co-pilot.
You scaled the building in silence, landing on the roof with a thud. Venom retracted as you make your way to the door at the far end.
"Piece of cake, right?" you grinned as the door opened freely.
Cake? Venom perked up.
You rolled your eyes and navigated to the club's main floor.
Music pumped in your ears, reverberating off every wall. Strobe lights flashed violently, and you caught glimpses of men and women writhing and dancing against each other. The bar was crowded with more people, all flirting and laughing beneath the noise.
You stood above it all, upon a balcony that overlooked the entire club and its affairs. One one hand, you had a strong cocktail that burned your throat, while the other hand gripped the railing.
A smile settled on your lips as your heart beat along to the music.
From amid the crowd, a pair of eyes caught yours. A young woman, slim with long hair and an oval face parted the crowd like the Red Sea. She wore a leather jacket and tight pants, paired with high heeled boots all laced to her knees. Her gaze pierced you, and you felt pinned in place.
Your hand on the railing tightened.
"Shit," you murmured out of interest.
The moment you saw her, she was gone.
You tried to find her in the sea of people, but the flashing lights made it almost impossible.
"V, did you see that woman? Did you see where she went?" your eyes darted around the room.
You felt a chill along your spine as Venom offered you its superior sight. The woman was truly gone.
Then there was a tap on your shoulder. You twisted around, almost sloshing half your drink down your front. There was the beautiful woman, standing behind you on the balcony.
"Hey there," she smiled, eyes glittering. "I saw you from down there. I had to ask myself, 'what is a girl like that doing at the edge of the party?'"
You quickly recovered and leaned against the railing. "In a busy place like this, sometimes its nice to just watch the people come and go."
She smiled, sidling up next to you. "So what about you? Are you coming, or going?"
You inhaled a touch sharper than anticipated. There was a moment of hesitation in your chest, but you batted it away.
"I'm coming."
A moment later, you were on the dance floor with the girl, who had introduced herself as Wanda Maximoff.
The two of you moved with the music, swaying to the pulsing beat. She was enchanting, your lips pulled into a subtle smile, eyes always tinted with flirtation. You watched the way she danced, hands up, waist moving in a tantalizingly slow pace.
She reached out and pulled you closer, her fingers wrapping around the back of your neck. You instinctively pressed your hands to her waist, letting yourself relax into the repetitive song. You could feel her chest against yours, and the ghost of her breath on your lips
This is fun, Venom whispered in the back of your head.
“Leave alone for the night, will you?” You snapped.
“What?” asked Wanda, looking a little confused in the flashing lights.
“Nothing!” You rushed out to her. 
Please, though. You silently pleaded to Venom. I just need to be alone tonight. Alone with Wanda.
There was a long stretch of silence that you filled with Wanda before Venom responded.
...Okay. Fine.
You could tell how bitter it was about the whole situation, but were relieved none the less.
You grinned at Wanda and let yourself get lost in her.
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bestudy · 5 years
so i havent been keeping up with the challenges that i wanted to do this month because i am So Tired.
I’ve honestly barely done any uni work. I’ve been to every lecture but i have not read the things that they have set bc theyre so dense and i have been so bussyyy.  for the first time in my life, i have friends who seem to like me and i like them, and i have been hanging out with them a  l o t.  with that on top of sports, sleeping, and eating, i havent had the time to do uni work bc if i have a free moment i’m way too exhausted to do anything.
i’m hoping that i will get more in the rhythm of things soon bc rn the thought of doing readings n stuff is a bit overwhelming
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xxsanshinexx · 5 years
I’ve been busy busy bussyyy but the interviews are being put off by me lol, I’m sad to hear the gcs are dying :(( did Eric not tell us to fuck off yet 😔😔
I’d like to inform you I haven’t the slightest clue who this Eric is 💀
Well hopefully they’ll end up going well and that things will settle into place for you soon enough!! Hard work will pay off eventually💞
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