#son ​chaeyoung x female reader
wonysugar · 10 months
thinking about dom!chaeyoung being jealous because of reader flirting with her members, making the reader riding her abs...
you’ve always been allowed backstage, due to being known as chaeyoung’s girlfriend by the members and the staff, so you’re very often in there with all of them!
one day, you’re hanging out with jihyo before she had to go on stage with the others, which chaeyoung noticed very fast and quickly saw how touchy you were being with her, giggling and laughing. she didn’t like that, at all. she was too petty to even do anything in the moment. she just watched and observed as you teased everyone else, acting like you were desperately trying to get into their pants.
it made her furious, which is exactly why she drags you to the bathroom right after the concert to do you like the slut you’re so desperately trying to be<3
kissing your neck and fingering you so roughly, hoping the others hear all of the noises you’re making so that they can clearly know that you belong to her. once you’re about to finish, though, she quickly stops pumping her fingers in and out of you.
“you’ll wait until we get home. or, ask someone else to fuck you, for all i care.” she coldly tells you. you wanted her to keep going, you wanted her to keep fucking you, harder and harder until you came. you both know that she’s the only one who can make you feel that good :((
when you both get home, though, that’s when she really starts to mess you up! more so mentally than physically, she doesn’t want to get you off.. you’re gonna have to work towards your orgasm yourself!!
only thing she’d let you do is use her body to cum, riding her thighs.. her abs.. you’re grinding on her so desperately, you’ve been so needy throughout the entire car ride, and riding her stomach like this made you feel like such a slut.. :(( she loved you seeing you be so desperate for her, because it always reminds her that you’re only like this for her and no one else.
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heavenlycloud · 1 year
show me: university au! chaeyoung x fem! reader
request: may i request (twice)chaeyoung x reader university au! first kiss which turns into a make out session
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after fourteen long weeks of class you were finally approaching finals week. much to your luck, this class didn’t require a final but rather a project. your professor paired your with another girl in your class randomly. the two of you were supposed to be married, and then create an entire life together through all of the things you’d learned throughout the semester. it was a pretty basic project but factor in the workload and the pretty girl you’d been crushing on for weeks— you were royally fucked.
“oh god i can’t do this, yeri help me!” you walked back and forth frantically as you begged your roommate for any support at all. she didn’t spare you a glance as she looked at her phone, “for starters you can stop pacing on my carpet. you’re wrinkling it all up. and second just go to the library and meet your wife. i don’t understand why you’re freaking out.” yeri peered up at you at the end of her sentence and you huffed, “but i like her!”
“oh god i can’t do this, yeri help me!” you walked back and forth frantically as you begged your roommate for any support at all. she didn’t spare you a glance as she looked at her phone, “for starters you can stop pacing on my carpet. you’re wrinkling it all up. and second just go to the library and meet your wife. i don’t understand why you’re freaking out.” yeri peered up at you at the end of her sentence and you huffed, “but i like her!”
yeri told you as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, “well ask her on a date. you’ve already been meeting up everyday for three weeks.” your eyes widened and you refused, “i cant just ‘aSk hEr On A dATe’ what’s wrong with you?!” yeri rolled her eyes when you mocked her voice then shrugged, “well i don’t know what to tell you. i’ve been helpful.” a sigh of disappointment filled the room and your shoulder slumped, “must be nice not having to deal with this cause you’ve dated like three girls already…” your roommate corrected you, “only one. and i told you. not to mention saeron anymore. now go before you keep chaeyoung waiting any longer." you nodded in agreement then paused right as you met the doorway, "how did you-" yeri answered while looking at her phone, "somi told me. now GO!"
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for the entirety of the walk to the library you thought about turning around and pretending that you fell asleep. but as a student who knew what it was like to finish a project all on your own, you decided to not be THAT person.
chaeyoung was already sitting in a reserved study room when you arrived onto the 3rd floor of the library. she was busy doodling on one of her notebooks while wearing her headphones and playing music that you could hear upon opening the door. chaeyoung didn't look up when you entered, too engrossed in her own little world to notice you eyeing her from afar.
the creative spirit of hers is what caught your eye for the very first time. when you saw her wandering down the hallways the day before the semester began, trying to find her classes for the following day. from her outward appearance it was clear that she was an art student. maybe it was the way she dressed or the paints that dyed her fingers faint shades of powder blue and tangerine. she wore the strangest clothes that most wouldn't even spare a glance at in the store. all the more reason why chaeyoung somehow managed to pull off a denim dress, checkered cardigan, striped tie, and neon orange crocs.
you lightly tapped chaeyoung's shoulder and she jumped before pulling off her headphones. she laughed to herself then said, "sorry i didn't notice you walk in." her tone dropped a little and her laughter subsided when she added on a small, "hi my love." butterflies erupted in your stomach at the comment but you reminded yourself it was something she'd made habit a few weeks back. after being paired with you for the project, chaeyoung started referring to you with various nicknames one would use for their significant other. her reasoning was that it made the project of you two pretending to be married more fun. in reality all the fun for her was seeing how bashful you became from a simple nickname.
you pulled out a chair on the other side of the table and sat in front of her. as you pulled out your folders you asked curiously, "those are new covers on your headphones, yeah?" chaeyoung looked at the olive green and chocolate brown crocheted covers on her headphones. she grinned, "yeah my roommate made them for me. she's been trying to practice before selling stuff so i get free stuff." you beamed, "oh that's so cool- let me know when she starts selling stuff so i can buy something." chaeyoung hummed happily in agreement and leaned in closer to the table so she could see where you both left off with the project.
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hours passed and the two of you finished the last of the assignment after nearly a month of working together. over the course of the five hours, chaeyoung had moved to your side of the table and was now so close you could feel her breath on your skin. she smelled of nectarine blossom and honey, a combination that you grew addicted to within a week of knowing her. both of you sat in silence as she held onto your hand and slid her rings on and off of your fingers. her gaze lingered on you for a moment, making your skin burn with embarrassment. when she didn't look away you found the strength to look back at her and ask, "what?" chaeyoung casually answered with a soft smile, "mmm- i just think you're pretty, baby."
this time it was you who let out a laugh as you shook your head in refusal. chaeyoung furrowed her brow and asked, "what?" you pulled your hand from her grasp and pulled off each of her rings, then placed them into her palm. you told chaeyoung firmly, "the project is over, you can stop with the fake couple thing." she didn't reply for a second and momentarily you worried that your words were too harsh. but before you could panic and run away, chaeyoung told you seriously, "fine. can we start a real couple thing?"
out of pure disbelief and denial that the prettiest girl you've ever laid eyes on was interested in you in a more-than-platonic kind of way, you didn't respond immediately. chaeyoung scanned your face for any reaction then started, "i shouldn't have assumed that's what you wanted too. i'm so sorry i-" you cut her off by grabbing her hand, "no no no no no! i want that too, i do. i really really want that...i really like you chaeng." the latter wore a smug grin as she responded, "well if you insist..." you shoved her playfully and she started packing up her folders, "come on, it's still early. we can hang at my room for a bit."
a million thoughts ran through your head as you tried to wrap your head around the idea of being with chaeyoung in more than a friend/classmate way. heat bloomed in your face and you thanked the universe that you were wearing a mask to cover that because relentless teasing would've definitely ensued otherwise.
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chaeyoung opened the door to her apartment and you followed her inside after removing your shoes. judging by the lights being turned off and the silence in every room, it was clear that her roommate wasn't in for the evening. internally you wondered if she had planned for this entire thing: being flirty to you then confessing and inviting you over, knowing full and well nobody else was home. a pit formed in your stomach as you conjured up different ideas of how the evening would play out, from things you were ready to do to admitting that there were things that you weren't.
"hey, y/n!" chaeyoung shouted which drew your attention from your own racing thoughts. she led you to her bedroom and turned on the different remote controlled LEDs that were strung around her room. you slowly took in the images on the tapestries that hung on the walls and ceilings. artificial ferns and crocheted flower garlands were messily strewn around the window and around the bedframe where the LEDs weren't lit. her room smelled like honeysuckle and eucalyptus from the candles she routinely burned judging by the several open ones around the space.
she dropped her backpack on the floor and said, "you can sit on my bed if you want or i can clean off the chair over there." she pointed to a fluffy cream colored sherpa chair that was on the floor, but you assured, "bed is fine." your heart raced in your chest as she approached her bed and sat beside you. her shoulder brushed against yours and you jumped, scooting away from her quickly. chaeyoung didn't react to you verbally but you did notice that she was frowning slightly when you looked back at her.
you awkwardly looked around for something to start a conversation over when you noticed a book she had on her desk. pointing to it you asked, "oh my god wait that was my favorite book growing up!" chaeyoung followed your finger with her eyes then lit up, "oh yeah i was reading it to practice my English...i haven't finished it though because it was a little hard to read for me." you caught the way her cheeks flushed red in embarrassment and you told her, "my mom used to read it to me because it was too hard for me too." you eyed the book on her desk before asking with a smile, "may i?" chaeyoung nodded and you hopped off her bed to retrieve the book.
chaeyoung wrapped herself in one of the blankets on her bed, toying with the cotton tassels on the end as you got comfortable in front of her. she watched you in delight as you began reading from the pages where she left off,  "The three Penderwicks stared at Jeffery. Why hadn't they thought of that? A little color came back into Rosalind's face and she leapt to her feet..." memories of the plot unlocked in your head and a smile graced your features as it was evident you were enjoying this nostalgia. chaeyoung listened to you read through two chapters without comprehending most of it since she was too focused on staring at your face.
suddenly as you turned the page and took a breath to continue reading, chaeyoung reached her hand out and placed it over the book. you looked up at her in confusion and prepared to ask if you'd started reading too fast and she needed you to turn back. however she slowly pulled the book from your grasp and moved closer to you...much closer to you. alarm bells went off in your head and panic coursed through your veins the moment you noticed chaeyoung leaning forward towards you.
your eyes widened in complete realization and you blurted out, "wait- hold on!" chaeyoung listened to you and moved slightly further back on her bed to give you space. she didn't say anything but instead she waited patiently with a look of worry on her face until you found the words to explain what happened.
a small laugh drew from your chest as you laughed to yourself over the situation. you looked between chaeyoung and yourself then mused, "god this is so-” your voice tapered off at the end and you remained silent. finally chaeyoung asked nervously, “did i do something wrong? i’m so sorry if i made you uncomfortable i-” quickly you interjected and said, “no no no it’s not you. i just don’t know how to do this.” she looked at you with a raised brow and asked slowly, “you haven’t kissed anyone before?” there was something different in the way she asked compared to other people who you’ve met in the past. there was no judgement or disrespect in her tone, only genuine curiosity and wonder while she tried to make sure she understood what you were telling her. out of nervous habit you glanced to your lap then answered shyly, “yeah pretty much.” her hand reached for yours and she tugged on it lightly to get you to look back at her. chaeyoung asked you, “what do you want me to do?” when your gaze met hers you asked rather quietly, “can you show me how?” 
the smile that tugged on the corners of chaeyoung’s lips made warmth bloom in your chest that moved to your face when she once again moved closer to you. chaeyoung crawled over you and sat on your lap with one of her legs on each side of your own. the sound of your heart racing was all that you could hear and feel, and chaeyoung could tell. she brought her hand to your neck with her thumb lightly grazing the spot behind your ear. her tone was gentle as she asked you, “is this okay, y/n?” chills ran down your spine at the way she spoke your name and you answered, “yes.” chaeyoung’s thumb ran along your skin soothingly as she told you earnestly, “if you want to stop at any point, tell me.” you nodded in understanding then quickly started to ask a question but chaeyoung stopped you, answering, “just follow my lead.” once more you nodded and she leaned in closer. 
chaeyoung could nearly hear your racing thoughts of both excitement and nervousness as she inched closer to your lips. she brought a finger to your lips and whispered, “shhh” in an  attempt to get you to relax. but that all went out the window when her gaze suddenly changed leaving behind a look of want in her eyes. your eyes fluttered shut and you tried to remember all of the things yeri told you not to do when someone kisses you for the first time. 
your mind went blank when you felt a warm pair of lips against yours and the taste of strawberry chapstick linger on your skin. chaeyoung pulled away from you momentarily just for you to lean in this time and pull her back to you. she smiled against your lips which almost made you laugh until you felt one of her hands over yours. chaeyoung interlocked her fingers with yours as they pressed further into her plush blankets on her bed. all the while your hands bunched around the material of the oversized baby pink t shirt she wore. her lips moved against yours gently and her tongue gently swiped over your bottom lip. as she told you before, you followed her lead slowly and melted beneath her gentle touches along your arms and torso. 
chaeyoung pulled away first for air and moved to your neck, placing soft kisses that burned against your skin. your hand slipped behind her head and tangled in her jet black shoulder length hair, tugging lightly when she nipped at your skin. a soft moan fell past your lips without warning and your eyes widened in realization when she pulled away and looked at you. the look of horror on your face made her laugh and she placed one more peck against your swollen lips, “do i have that effect on you already?” you leaned forward and rested your head on her shoulder as you also laughed, “don’t tease me over it!” chaeyoung brought her hand to your head and murmured quietly, “ah it’s okay…i think it’s cute.” 
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whiteteadreams · 1 year
Watching Over You
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Paring: Yandere!Gaurdian Angel!Lee Taeyong x Human!Female Reader
Preview: Turning your head to question his silence, his expression could only be described as fucking appalled. “What’s the matter?” His expression was even more flabbergasted if that could be possible. 
“What’s the matter? Darling, only a fucking fool would break up with you.” You felt hot despite the cold air, even your ears were warm. The heat didn’t stop even when his freezing hands were now cupping your cheeks. He smashed his lips into yours, ignoring the pain shooting through his nose when it pressed into your cheek a bit too roughly.
Word Count: 13.3k 
Genre: Yandere, darker theme, Non-Idol AU, kinda paranormal AU, angst, fluff, smut
Warnings: Yandere/obsessive behavior, manipulation, taeyong using her trauma against her, sexual non-con watching (extremely easy to miss!!), violence, slight religious themes, summoning the devil, overall abusive and toxic relationship, she has a cat named ferguson 
Smut Warnings: body worship (f receiving), oral sex (f receiving), boob worship, praise, pet names (baby, etc), rimming (f receiving), slight ass eating (f receiving), unprotected sex (let's not), one night stand, kitchen sex, living room sex, he slaps her once, riding, slight humiliation, finger sucking, he calls her his bitch, slut, messy, etc. fingering her ass 
a/n- this is my first yandere/dark fic so I hope you guys like it! and this is purely fiction, I don't see taeyong as someone who would truly act like this. AND BIG THANK YOU TO MY TUMBLR BESTIE @neowinestainedress FOR HELPING ME COME UP WITH THE ENDING!!!!!!!! I'm also so sorry abt this taking forever, I got sick and then schoolwork piled up and it was all just a mess. I hope this was worth the wait and if it isn't, I'm so sorry. again, thank you rebs for supporting me thru this lol.
Moving on was harder than you thought it would be. When you were younger and as single as possible, you always thought that when a serious relationship ended, it wouldn’t be too hard, for you at least. Younger you was very wrong, because here you were, a whopping seven months after your relationship had ending, still sulking.
“Get your ass out of your apartment right now.” The screaming voice caused you to pull your phone away from your ear as you winced. “Come on Chae, it’s comfortable here. Nice and cold, with Ferguson.” When hearing his name, the chubby cat waddled over to your sitting figure on the floor and flopped down.  “See, Fergie-Boy wouldn’t ever leave me, he came over to me when he heard him name.” You pulled away from the phone to coo at the cat. “You’re my baby aren’t you, my little boy, my son.”
The baby talk was interrupted when you heard Chaeyoung’s cackling. “Okay, you really need to get out of the house that isn’t because of uni or work.”  You heard the sign that Chaeyoung let out through the phone, and it made you wonder if she was right. Should you get out, in that way? Meet someone? Move on?
You wouldn’t have realized that you said that last part out loud if Chaeyoung didn’t yell out, “Yes Y/n, move on, get over him. You deserve better, don’t give him any more of your tears, he isn’t worthy.” You knew she was right, but of course, you were still hesitant. “Okay Chae, let’s go out.” Finally giving in, you gave Ferguson another pat and then got up from your spot.
“That’s great Y/n! Now let me in.” You had already hung up the phone, Chaeyoung’s voice wasn’t coming from the phone this time, but behind the door. “I know you can hear me, open up!” Deciding that it wasn’t worth it to fight her on this, you huffed and silently walked to the door to let in Chae, with Ferguson right on your heels.
Opening the door, you saw the newly blonde smile wide at you and throw her hands in the air. “We’re gonna go out! It’s been so long!” Slightly rolling your eyes in a loving way, you allowed her to drag you to your bedroom to start the process of getting ready. “Okay, the goal is to get your sexy ass laid, so that’s what’s going to happen!”  That wasn’t your goal, but you noticed that Chae was already having fun and you weren’t going to be the one to ruin it.  
“Okay babe, I already have the dress and shoes that you’re going to wear tonight.” You just noticed the tote bag that was swung around Chae’s shoulder and with the grin on her face, you couldn’t tell her no.
Letting Chaeyoung push you into your own room, you watched her look through your makeup and jewelry while she told you to put on the dress. You did what you were told and with minimal tugging at the fabric, you let the short dress hug your curves. Checking yourself out in the mirror, you admittedly looked good, well your hair needed to be brushed and your eye bags covered, but other than that, it wasn’t obvious that you hadn’t left your house for fun in months.
“Alright, sit-down hot stuff, let me fix you up.” Talking about random things and listening to music, you watched the time pass on your digital alarm clock as you felt Chae tickle your face with various brushes, adding on pigment to different parts of your skin. Cheeks, eyelids, and finally lips, you and Chae were finished, and it was now late enough to head out. You slipped on your heels and headed to your front door.
“Wait-wait-wait!” Chae jogged to you after you passed your bedroom door. Spinning on your heels, trying not to fall, you were just ready to go and get the night over with. “I brought you some of my crystals, they’ll help you manifest love.” She wiggled her eyebrows along with her hips and took out a small drawstring bag from her tote bag.
“Alright, we got some green aventurine, malachite, sunstone, carnelian, emerald, clear quartz, smoky quartz, and of course, rose quartz. So, you’re gonna keep these on you for the night and hopefully some lucky guy will appear.” She tied the bag shut and pushed it your way.
“You and your witchy stuff, I swear. Where am I even supposed to put those?” Your freshly shaped eyebrow rose, patting along your pocketless dress.
“Put it between your tits, that’s where I keep mine.” Chaeyoung pulled at the hem of her dress, flashing her rock hilled cleavage at you. Both of you laughed, but Chae wasn’t laughing at the rocks, she was serious about those. Chae stepped closer to you, inspecting your chest.
“Alright, pull them apart sister, gotta get you some love.” Instead of letting her situate her crystals, you just took them and put them between your breasts yourself.
Sharing a laugh with Chaeyoung as the two of you walked to elevator, you were thankful that she was there to take your mind off of your ex. Chae was always able to keep the conversation moving, never running out of topics to talk about. She had just switched the subject to one of her witchy things, this was something that you knew nothing about so while she was ranting on how she figured out to summon the devil, you ordered an Uber for the two of you. You didn’t want to drive downtown, and Chae was probably going to drink so she shouldn’t drive at all.
Chaeyoung was looking at you when you looked up from your phone. “Can you repeat that last part? I was ordering our Uber.” She understood and repeated on how to summon the devil and why you would ever need to.
“Normally people only speak to him when someone who is holy is bothering them, like an angel or such. Other reasons include trading or selling your soul, getting rid of people, and some people just want to have sex with a demon, I don’t know how I feel about that one though.” You didn’t care much about what she was saying but you did care about how happy she was when she was interested in something, in this case, she was interested in knowing how to summon Satan himself.
Giggling at her rant, you just listened to her talk until the Uber arrived and then you listened to her talk some more in the car and until you pulled up to the club.
“Alright ladies, your total is $7.12.” You paid the man and gathered your purse and jacket. “Have fun, be careful, and watch who you summon!” He called out as you and Chae left the car, you threw your head back and laughed, realizing that he too had been listening to Chaeyoung’s demon summoning rant. Her shy side shone through for a quick second when she blushed and ducked her head down, hiding the color on her warm cheeks.
You smiled at her, watching the color leave her cheeks when the embarrassment wore off. “Well at he knows how to get some extra help if its ever needed.” You teased her, poking her arm, reminding her that he had heard the entire conversation. “Fuck off.” She giggled and pushed you a bit. “Well, at least he was nice.”
He had dropped you off in front of the restaurant next to the club so you a minute walk to get to the entrance, it was still early enough where the line only consisted of a couple people. The back of the line was where the two of you stood for a bit, until someone walked out of the club, and another could walk in. Chae picked up where she left off on her summoning talk, gaining some stares from other people in the line, as well as people just passing by. Once Chaeyoung found something that she was passionate about, she made sure that everyone knew. And if she caught someone side eyeing her for a bit too long, she would just respond with, “You’re gonna need it when I curse your ass.”
While Chaeyoung was telling someone off, the bouncer motioned for you to step forward and show your IDs. “C’mon Chae, time to go in.” Immediately dropping the argument, she was about to get in, she whipped out her ID, showed the bouncer, and walked into the club, with you reluctantly trailing behind her, despair evident on your face.
Taking your hand and dragging you to the bar, Chaeyoung was scoping out the people in the club, the ones dancing, drinking, and the wallflowers. She was making mental notes on who she was going to take home tonight. The watching didn’t stop when you got your drinks, she just sipped on her lemon drop martini while eye fucking one guy in particular. He was returning her stares and soon enough he was sauntering over to the bar where the two of you were.
They did what hot people do and started a conversation, one that showed they were interested in each other but still vague enough to not give anything away. It’s been a while since you had one of those conversations. Sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with Ferguson wasn’t getting you anywhere in life and while you understood where Chaeyoung was coming from, there was no where you’d rather be than at home, sitting on the couch and eating popcorn with Ferguson.
“And for you?” There was a slight pause before the voice started again. “Miss?” Once you’re out of focused mind, understood that it was you, the voice was directed at, you whipped your head around.
While you had been taking in your surroundings and watching Chaeyoung interact with the man, the bartender had been trying to get your attention. “Ah yes, and I suppose I should order something. I’ll just have a mojito, with lime, please and thank you.” You smiled at him, noticing just how attractive he was, thick black hair, deep eyes, a sharp jaw, and a thick bottom lip. Maybe just sitting at the bar all night while Chaeyoung mingled wouldn’t be too bad.
When your drink was placed in front of you, Chaeyoung turned your seat around. “I’m gonna go dance with him, but feel free to interrupt me at any point if you need anything.” She said it in such a serious tone and pointed in the area that you assumed they were going to be. Looking back at the bartender who now had his broad back towards you, you nodded at Chae and told her to have fun.
As soon as she walked away, you could tell tonight was going to be a long night. “Is there anything wrong with the drink?” The bartender returned to what you wanted to be his designated spot, right in front of you. You shook your head, “No, it’s quite good, and I’m not much of a drinker.” You smiled at him, an odd sense of familiarity washing over you. Positive that you had never met this man before, you still couldn’t help but be confused by the feeling he brought you.
“Ah, I was worried you didn’t like it since I haven’t seen you drink much.” He’s been watching you, that’s a good sign. “No, no, it’s really good, I’ve just been people watching.” He smiled at you and that caused you to smile back.
The conversation you two had could easily fall into the category in which you put Chaeyoung’s conversation in, the kind hot people have. You made sure he knew you were interested, but you gave him no major details about your work or personal life. The two of you didn’t even exchange names but you were confident in receiving the answer you wanted with you next question.
“Would you, maybe, want to get out of here.” You didn’t realize you were leaning over the bar until he did the same, and your noses brushed. “I would absolutely love to, but I’m unfortunately working. How about we exchange numbers and I give you a call when my shift is over? It shouldn’t be too long.” You didn’t want to pull away from his face, loving the feel of his breath mixing with yours, you looked at him and exchanged smiles. But you wanted to hurry up and get out of the club, not without getting his number though. Reaching into your purse, you grabbed your phone, eager to get any piece of him, even if it was just a handful of digits.
Watching his diligent fingers type in his phone number into the new contact he made himself, you were already excited to receive the call from him. And, quite frankly, you’d settle for a text from him that just said, “r u up”, although you could assume he wasn’t that type of guy. Surely, he’d request a booty call in your voicemail inbox. You noticed him pulling his phone out from somewhere under the bar and placing it in front of you, unlocked.
Noticing that you were putting in your number very carefully and reading over the number several times before giving him his phone back, you scolded yourself for being so desperate. You then heard Chaeyoung’s voice, somewhere far in your head, “you deserve to be thirsty girl, go get his dick. This is what we’ve been manifesting, don’t let it go to waste!” Smiling at the faint illusion, you looked back at the bartender, waiting for him to say something next.
“I hope you assumed that I wasn’t going to charge you for the drink, so is there anything else you want?” His eyes told you that no matter what, he wasn’t going to let you pay, and you felt the butterflies in your stomach flutter around. “The only thing I want right now, is you.” Even with the glaring LEDs in the club, you could tell you made him blush. He bit his lip and looked down, all while slightly shaking his head. You mentally patted yourself on the back, proud of his flustered reaction. All of a sudden, you were proud of yourself for paying attention to all of Chaeyoung’s flirting advice and sitting through all of the romance movies with her.
“I’ll be right back; I’m going to go tell my boss that I’m feeling sick. You find your friend and tell her that you’ll be leaving so she doesn’t worry. I’ll meet you at the door.” Smiling at the fact that you wouldn’t even have to wait for him to get off shift, you nodded at him and watched him back away and tell the other bartender that he wasn’t feeling well. You turned around and searched for Chae, who stayed true to her word and was where she said she would be.
“Hey Chae, I’m going to head out, I’ve had enough for the night.” You yelled over the loud music, trying to let your friend know that you weren’t just disappearing. “Okay, let me get my purse and then we can go!” Once you heard the words that came out of Chaeyoung’s mouth you started shaking your head. “No, I’ll be okay, I’m going with the hot bartender, you keep having fun!” You nodded your head back towards the bar and then towards the man right next to Chae, who was patiently letting you guys finish your conversation. Although he looked sick, Chaeyoung seemed to be into him. Her face made everything even better, the surprise was evident but so was impressed look. Without giving a verbal answer you just smiled at her and nodded, happy to see her having a good time and happy that you wouldn’t spend the night alone.  
You looked up from Chae and swallowed, if the music wasn’t blasting, surely, you’d be able to hear it. Your throat contracting out of nervousness, the club had attracted a crowd since you arrived, and it caused the path to the door to disappear. Yelling your final goodbyes at Chae and glaring at the man she was dancing with in warning, you mapped out your escape plan.
As soon as the couple closest to you slid to the side a bit, you squeezed through. You felt the sweat of the other dancing bodies land on your skin, you shivered in disgust, wishing you were just at the door, with him. “Wanna dance, baby?”
Looking over to your left you saw a man, one who was not attractive to say the least, and the way he was sitting wasn’t tasteful at all, a way that some men could pull off but not all, manspreading. Your face couldn’t hide your distaste and the man didn’t seem too fond of that. “I’m okay, thank you though.” Continuing your journey to the door, you felt his hand latch onto your arm, refusing to let you go.
“But I want to dance, so you’re going to let me.” His grip tightened and you winced. “Ow, let go, you’re hurting me.” He just sneered and pulled you to his chest, starting to thrust against your ass.
The man’s breath was right against your neck, until it wasn’t. “The fuck is wrong with you, man? Touching my girlfriend even after she told you to stop.” You weren’t someone’s girlfriend, that was the reason why Chaeyoung made you come out tonight in the first place.
With the quick decision to trust the mystery man over the man who touched you, you moved over to where you heard the voice, shielding yourself from the other man.  
The mystery man didn’t stay a mystery for long, you noticed that he was the bartender. You suddenly felt safer than you were just being behind him, now knowing who he was. He didn’t seem interested in starting a physical fight like the other man was. He just threw a couple names at him and started walking out of the club. You felt his hand hover above the small of you back, not wanting to touch you without your permission after what had just happened.
While you were afraid of pushing people out of the way, he wasn’t. With him helping you out of the club, he made sure not a single person touched you, you knew how hard it was the moment you did try so you were curious about how easy it was for him. He was behind you, so you saw people move before you were even close to them. One guy in particular’s eyes widened and nodded his head at the bartender.
Since he was able to get people to move immediately, exiting the club was much easier than from before. You could hear the other man’s yells over the booming music but the only thing you were focused on was getting outside, away from all the people, and away from all the body heat.
“We’re close, calm your breathing, it’s really heavy.” You hadn’t realized that you were all but panting, stressed and uncomfortable, feeling trapped, except the man behind you. You felt safe with him, he was oddly protective over you, but it was nice, something you had never experienced.
You gasped in the fresh air once the cool evening air ingulfed your warm body. Laughing at the absurdity of it all, you smiled over at the bartender who now was out with you, and you could see him clearly now. The entire situation wasn’t that absurd, but with how far outside your comfort zone you were right now, it was insane for you. The bartender just watched you laugh to yourself with a smile on his face. “Ah, if you don’t mind me asking, what’s so funny?”
Starting to walk in the direction of your apartment, you started to explain, without giving too much, still trying to achieve the hot people talk. “I just don’t do this too much, let alone go home with someone.” It was his turn to laugh now and that made you look at him, a bit funny too. “That’s pretty hard to believe, you have to be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life.”
Raising your eyebrows at him in surprise, you giggled at him mimicking your facial expression. “What’s surprising about my amazing taste in women?” You bumped him with your side, you voice now significantly quieter than it had been. “I’ve just, never been told that by anyone in my life. The only people who called me pretty, were my parents.” He tsked at your confession like it was the craziest thing he’s ever heard.
“Did you not have an ex-partner or anything?” Not sure what he was implying, you started off with nodding. “Yeah, I’ve had a boyfriend. We were together for a really long time, since high school actually. He broke up with me seven months ago, this the first time out of the house for something ‘fun’ to be honest.”
Turning your head to question his silence, his expression could only be described as fucking appalled. “What’s the matter?” His expression was even more flabbergasted if that could be possible. 
“What’s the matter? Darling, only a fucking fool would break up with you.” You felt hot despite the cold air, even your ears were warm. The heat didn’t stop even when his freezing hands were now cupping your cheeks. He smashed his lips into yours, ignoring the pain shooting through his nose when it pressed into your cheek a bit too roughly.
“He made it seem like it was my fault.” So overwhelmed by the unexpected emotion from the kiss, you sniffled. “It wasn’t.” Before you could ask how he knew, he cut you off. “I just know.” Looking at him through teary eyes, you whined without really saying anything. “He already took too much of your time, let’s stop thinking about him and I’ll do my best to help you forget him.”
“I still don’t even know your name.” Watching his fingers caress your knuckles, you realized that you were still calling him ‘the bartender’. “Taeyong. My name is Taeyong.” Pretty name for a pretty man. You gave him your name in return and loved the way to said it, he whispered it, almost like if your name was said too loud, it would break. That’s the same way he held you too, like you were a piece of fragile glass. But more importantly, he held you like you were his, and you were more than willing to be just that.
Taeyong straddled you, his thighs trapping you underneath him, he stared down at your bare body. Bare for him, while he was clothed except for the unbuttoned shirt, showing you, his tattoos. “You don’t understand how long I’ve waited to have you.”
His confession caused your brows to furrow, confused by what he meant. Before you could even truly think to ask, you felt his nose drag between your breasts, breathing you in, and descending down your body. He mentioned worshipping each and every piece of you, and he fulfilled that promise. Taking his time with moving alone your body, he kissed, licked, and nipped every few seconds, never letting a single inch of skin go bare. You were positive that when you looked into the mirror in the morning, you would see several bruises and marks along your once bare skin.
“You smell and t-taste so fucking good.” He said it like it was too good to be true, like he had been longing for you. “Y-you are just so fucking good.” Taeyong looked up from where he was between your legs, finally at his destination. The thing he’s been obsessing over ever since he met you.
He didn’t run his tongue through your slit like you first expected, you felt something harder, the bridge of his nose. Taeyong loved the smell of you as it was, but the seedy scent of your arousal was something that made his mouth water, and the fact that it was caused by him, made everything better. He wanted to be the only person to ever get you like this and to ever experience you like this. You were his.
Opening his mouth and breathing your scent in, he groaned and jutted his hips against your bed sheets, trying to get some relief for the aching throb he was starting to feel surge through his cock. You saw him roll his hips into your bed and grew jealous of the friction that he was receiving and that you weren’t. Trying to take matters into your own hands, or hips, you tried bucking your pelvis up, closer to his mouth.
All he did was laugh and hold you down. “Be patient, I’ve been wanting to taste you ever since I met you.” You felt the tip of his nose at your hole, once again, he inhaled your smell, seemingly never satisfied with one breath. The foreign feeling was felt out of nowhere, you were trying to distract yourself from bucking your hips into his face again. He finally licked along your slit, teasing you from your cunt to your clit, until his tongue made its way back down to your pussy. He passed your hole and ventured even further down, to your unused rim.
Gasping and arching your back, not used to the feeling, Taeyong laughed. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to leave any part of you untouched.” You laughed with him, enjoying the feeling of being cared for in your chest, as well as the feeling in your lower stomach.
Taeyong’s mouth returned to the place you wanted it the most. “Tae-”, you moaned when he sucked your clit particularly rough. The way he played with you had you unable to sit still, your legs almost involuntarily kicked up at bit, now bent at the knee. With the way your legs were positioned now, and your feet were right by his head, exposing your entire cunt to him.
“You’re so fucking pretty.” With that, his head disappeared between your legs, face pressing hard into your pussy, almost like no matter what, he couldn’t get enough of you.
His tongue flicked through your slit, gathering wetness and playing with it. He played with you, even as you were begging him to just fucking you already, he still enjoyed the taste of you.
It wasn’t until you let out a harsh scream when his teeth grazed your clit, he finally came back up to properly fuck you. With one last kiss to your clit, he kissed his way back up your body. You were panting when you were at last, face to face.
“I haven’t even done anything yet and you’re already a mess.” Disbelief was the only thing that was shown on your face. “You haven’t done anything? That’s the most pleasure I’ve experience in more than half a year that wasn’t caused by myself!” As soon as the words left your mouth, embarrassment washed over you, worried that you had shared too much.
“Well, that’s just a shame, a woman like you should have someone bending over backwards to make you feel good. I’m still pissed off from the fact that your douchebag ex left you like that.” You grimaced at the memory of him, not wanting to talk about him, especially now.
“It doesn’t matter now though, because I’m here now.” The tip of his dick prodded at your hole, one, twice, and then Taeyong thrusted inside you. Taeyong groaned above you while you gasped for air, not used to the feeling of being full anymore, but Taeyong filled you perfectly, like he was made for you.
The feeling of his cock dragging against your walls was almost overwhelming. You could feel him in your throat, like you couldn’t breathe in air. You could only breathe him in, you felt like he was everywhere. Feeling caged in, you felt safe. Safe in his arms. You had only known him for less than a few hours, yet you felt as if he knew you, he understood you.
When you looked up at him, he was already watching you. Analyzing your expressions, making sure you were enjoying yourself. You worried however, that he was so focused on you, that he wasn’t having fun either.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him closer, craving to feel his lips on yours again. You heard Taeyong whine as soon as his lips met yours, and you couldn’t help but make the same sound. “Tae-, I’m close.” Your words were broken up by a moan, now unable to think properly about anything that wasn’t him and the way he was making you feel.
Taeyong grabbed a hold of your right leg and threw it over his shoulder, spreading you open even more and allowing him more access to your pussy. You felt his hips meet yours with every thrust now. His thrusts were getting quicker and uneven, trying to chase his own high while bringing you to yours.
The moment he brought his thumb to your clit, you lost it. You felt your entire body tense up with sweet heat spreading throughout you. With your pussy tightening, Taeyong couldn’t hold back anymore either. He was about to pull out to cum, but as soon as you noticed the full feeling disappearing, you wrapped your legs around his hips to keep his hips pressed against yours. “Cum in me, please Taeyong.”
You could hear the squelch of your pussy now with how fast his hips were hitting yours. “Fuck, I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum.” With a stutter of his hips, you felt his release coat your walls.
Taeyong gently laid on top of you, not pulling out of you just yet. “Oh my god.” You panted out a laugh, in disbelief of how much pleasure you just felt since it had been so long. He smiled down at you and kissed your turned up lips.
He made sure you were cleaned up and satisfied before he held you until you both fell asleep. You were calm and happy for once. But as soon as you woke up, you were no longer calm.
It was several minutes before 6 AM when your eyes opened. At first your instinct was to freak out since you didn’t recognize where you were and the bed you were sleeping in, wasn’t empty. You became aware of the other body on the bed when he rolled over, farther from you. The memories from the night came crashing down on you all at once, affecting every single part of your body. Your heart, head, and the area between your legs. Your breathing sped up, but you knew you needed to leave, it was just a one-night stand, and by the look of him, you weren’t the only girl he’s been with. He was just too perfect.
The sight of your discarded clothes on the floor made you look beneath the blankets, because you weren’t naked. The ratty worn-out army green t-shirt was baggy on you and the boxers you had on were definitely not yours. The thought of him dressing you in his own clothes caused your heart to flutter, but still, that didn’t stop you from scooping up your club clothes in your arms and booking it to the front door. You figured that if you just kept on the old clothes, it would look less like a walk of shame than wearing your skimpy dress, just in case you had a long way to go. Thinking about whether or not this was stealing, you just decided to override your morals and just hope you saw him again someday.
As quietly as you could, you opened the door but gasped when you looked outside into the hallway. His hallway was an exact copy of yours. You looked at the number on the door, wondering if you had gone to your apartment but you saw an E32, which did not match your H19. Clearing the idea of this being your home out of your head, you closed the door and looked at your location using the 3% left of your phone battery.
You were in your own apartment complex.
“Fuck.” Not being able to decide whether you were relived or not, you just ran up the stairs to your floor after getting impatient with the elevator. You were glad that you were already in your own area and didn’t have to worry about finding a way back, but also you were worried about running into him sooner than you expected.
Your lovely H19 appeared into sight and with the panicked panting, you were finally able to have a peaceful exhale. Unlocking your door and slipping in, you were immediately met with Ferguson giving you an earful on being gone. He wasn’t used to you being gone for this long but when you bent down to pet him, he sniffed you and no longer wanted anything to do with you. It hurt to be honest, he was your only friend besides Chaeyoung, most importantly though, he was your sweet precious baby angel.
“Fine Fergie-Boy, you be like that, I’ll go wash away my sins, so you love me again.” And that’s what you did, you treated yourself to an everything shower since you hadn’t partaken in any self-care activity in such a long time. Shaving, plucking, washing, and exfoliating was some of the things you did for the next couple of hours. After drying off, you lathered your body in lotion, sighing at the relief of the cool temperature and smooth texture. Ferguson peeked his head through the crack since the door wasn’t closed. He sniffed the air, presumably smelling you without getting too close. Seemingly happy with the data he gathered, he slipped in the bathroom, but not without opening the door much more than he needed to.
You replaced Taeyong’s clothes with your own and Ferguson was more than happy to rub against the leg of your sweatpants. “Oh, my baby boy, I’m back to smelling like roses, just like what you’re used to.” You picked up the bottle of body mist and allowed Ferguson to smell it. Scent was always important to him, he only liked yours and Chaeyoung’s, no one else’s. He was stingy.
“How about we bake something? I’m thinking some kind of turnover.” Ferguson purred in response, helping you make up your mind.
After pulling the freshly baked pastries out of the oven, you suddenly remembered that you hadn’t gotten your mail for the past couple of days. You pass the mailboxes every time you go downstairs, but you only force yourself to do every couple of days.
Double checking that the oven was turned off and that the turnovers were out of Ferguson’s reach, you grabbed your apartment keys and the key that opened your mailbox.
“I’ll be right back Fergie-Boy.” You yelled over your shoulder at the now uninterested cat. Making sure your apartment was locked, you headed down the hallway towards the elevator. You had forgotten about Taeyong until you saw the E floor button on the panel in the elevator, but you shook him from your mind and just pressed the Lobby button.
Smiling at the man behind the counter, you walked next to said counter where the resident’s mailboxes were. You held the key in your hand and unlocked the little locker type door. Unsurprised was what you were when you looked through the box’s contents, bills, coupons, junk mail, the usual, of course.
“Hey stranger” a familiar voice was heard from your side and you tensed up, not mentally prepared to speak to him again. Taeyong just gave you a shy smile and unlocked his mailbox that was two rows below yours.
“Hey Taeyong, how are you?” He giggled a bit but answered your question. “Well, I’m doing pretty good, had a good night. I just can’t seem to find a shirt and pair of boxers.” He gave you a knowing side eye and raised one of his eyebrows expectantly.
You felt hot, scared that anyone near you would know what was going on, but to your relief when you looked around your surroundings, it was just you and Taeyong, even the complex’s receptionist wasn’t anywhere to be seen.
Laughing off your worry, you looked at Taeyong. “I think I might know where you put them.” His laugh was hearty, like it came from his chest, like he meant it. “Ah, really? You wouldn’t mind showing me where they are, would you?”
The crumpling sound of the mail that was now tightly gripped in your hand was the only thing keeping you down to Earth. But that wasn’t enough for you to tell him no.
“Fuck, Taeyong” your back hit your now closed door. His lips were attached to your neck, sucking the flesh into his mouth, leaving scattered marks. Both of your hands were roaming around his chest, glad to experience this again but with a clear head.
Much to your dismay, Taeyong pulled away from you in confusion and looked down by your feet. The little cock blocker himself was staring up at you. Ferguson was headbutting Taeyong’s ankles, trying to get him off of you. “You have a cat.” Taeyong bent down to give Ferguson some affection but the cat just hissed at him, not having any of it.
“Ferguson, he’s my little Fergie-Boy.” You smiled at them both. Even though you were upset at Ferguson’s distaste for Taeyong, you weren’t surprised at all. “I should’ve guessed, he looks like a Ferguson.” You bent down to both of their levels and put your hand out for Ferguson to rub against, unlike with Taeyong, the chubby cat gladly accepted your love. Even though he was preoccupied with rubbing against your hand, Ferguson kept side eyeing Taeyong.
“I think he wants me to leave.” Taeyong frowned a bit at you, waiting for you to say something. “Yeah, I think that would be for the best. Maybe we can go somewhere together sometime?” You immediately offered, not wanting Taeyong to think you weren’t interested in him after all.  
“I would like that. There’s this little café near here. Would that be something you’d like?” Your smile took over your face and you nodded. “Alright, you have my number, text me whenever you’re free. I really hope you text me.” His lips ghosted over yours and his smile matched your own. “You have my number too, you can text me first, you know?” He pecked your lips after you said that.
“The only reason I’m not going to text you first is because I don’t want you to feel pressured.” It felt like your stomach was doing somersaults. “I’ll text you.” Biting your lip to try to conceal your ever-growing smile, Taeyong brought his thumb up to your face. He pulled your lip from your teeth. “Now if you keep doing that, I don’t think I’ll be able to leave, whether your cat likes it or not.”
His nose brushed against yours, but when you tried to reconnect your lips, he pulled away and stood up.
With his hand on the doorknob, he looked down at where you were on the floor and said, “Remember to text me.” Feeling like your voice was lost somewhere in your throat, you just nodded. Taeyong chuckled lowly and opened your door, stepping out with a wink.
When your door was closed and you could hear his footsteps get quieter, you looked down at Ferguson who was already giving you the stink eye.  
“Why don’t you like him? He’s so nice and not to mention hot.” You scratched him on top of his head, trying to somehow convince him to like Taeyong.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly. You baked a few more things, unnecessary things, but none the less your apartment was smelling like a bakery. You also caught up on laundry and did other household chores, but every now and then Ferguson would demand treats or attention.
As soon as you called it a night and sat on the cough, your bowling ball sized cat jumped on your lap, refusing to let you get comfortable before he did. “Oh how I love it when you remind me that you’re higher up in the hierarchy than I am.” You looked down at Ferguson, lightly blowing on his head, just to get him to look up at you.
“How about we text Taeyong? I know you hate him, but mommy doesn’t so we’re gonna text him.” The cat grumbled when you reached for your phone and immediately going to his contact.
you- hey, i know we just saw each other but i was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow
taeyong- it’s alright, i was just thinking about you so i don’t mind at all, and sure, i’d like that
taeyong- i have to work tomorrow night but i’m free in the morning and afternoon
The both of you agreed at meeting at the café Taeyong mentioned earlier around 11 AM. Although Ferguson wasn’t happy with you at the moment, you couldn’t help but pick him up off your lap and into your arms to give him a little hug.
“This is amazing Ferguson! I’m finally going on a date!” You just couldn’t keep in your excitement; it had been so long since experiencing this feeling and now that you had it back you weren’t just going to let it go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Hey Taeyong!” You approached his side, excited to sit down with just him in a quiet environment. The smile he gave you caused you to believe that if you died right then, you’d be happy. “I’m so glad you showed up.”
He already had a drink sitting in front of him, but it was still full and piping hot. “Why wouldn’t I?” You racked your brain for any reasons why he would think you wouldn’t show up.
“Well, Ferguson, he doesn’t seem to like me very much and since he’s the number one man in your life, I understand that you would put him first.” Busting out a laugh, you looked at his serious face turn to a much more playfully pleasant one. “Ah, don’t worry about that sour puss, he only likes me and my best friend.”
You were honestly in disbelief with how easy it was to fall into a comfortable conversation with him and much to your displeasure, the day grew later and Taeyong had to get to work.
“I’ve had a really good time with you. Do you think we could see each other again?” This was the first time you ever saw Taeyong act bashful but here he was. This man looking at you with round innocent eyes and a blush so red it was the color of a rose covering his cheeks.
Feeling some foreign sense of power from being the cause of his expression you smirked and said, “I already planned on texting you tonight.” He laughed and leaned in, kissing you on the cheek.
The next few months went along the lines of you two going on similar cute little dates and getting to know each other. He always seemed to understand you, even if you didn’t say much, which you appreciated.
You were helping Taeyong wash dishes after eating over at his place when your arm brushed his and caused you to pause. He immediately thought you were uncomfortable with the proximity and put some distance between the two of you.
“No, no, no. That isn’t it Taeyong. I was just thinking, or I guess wondering about something, about us. What are we?” He didn’t hesitate to eliminate the space he put between you, and he answered immediately.
Now closer to you, he said quietly, “Well, I hope we’re two people who like each other and are close to being a couple.” You smiled at him and responded with, “I’m good with hurrying up and being a couple, if you want.” Taeyong shook his head in approval and pressed you up against the sink, planting his lips to yours.
Turning around, remembering the task you two had, you whispered, “Taeyong, we have dishes to wash.” You felt his head lean on your shoulder. He placed kisses along the bare skin of your neck.
“You are the light of my life. I promise you; I will never cheat on you like that bastard did.”
You never told him that. The only person that knows that would be Chae, and she doesn’t talk to Taeyong unless you’re there. Not sure how to confront him, you just stood still, keeping your back to him. “Well, shit. I guess I gave myself away.” With Taeyong mumbling nonsense, just loud enough for you to hear, you were getting more and more confused. “Wha-what are you talking about Taeyong?”
Instead of responding immediately, he just laughed, a bit sinisterly and walked closer to you. By now you had turned around and was walking backwards in order to keep some distance between you and him. But the distance decreased when your back hit the edge of the kitchen island and Taeyong kept walking towards you. You could smell his breath as it fanned over your face, minty, you once loved it, but now, you weren’t too sure what to think.
“I’ve just been watching you. Watching over you for a very long time. You’re just too special to stay away from.” Taeyong brushed the back of his fingertips on your cheekbones, lightly like a feather, causing you to finch. He laughed at your fear, finally having you cornered.
"I’m your guardian angel, I appear whenever you're in pain, but I just can't stay away from you. I've been here this whole time and you just didn't know it sweetheart." Taeyong smirked at you, but you could tell he was telling the truth even though you were praying he wasn’t. "That's impossible, I met you three months ago!" he snickered and tossed his head back.
"Then how do I know everything about you? From when you were five and scrapped your knee on the playground, when you were eight and learning how to ride a bike, you ran into that tree, or when you were 17 and becoming curious about your body. You bought a toy for yourself-" "No, please no" you were backing away from him, now scared.
"Oh yes, that's what you said that night, until you pushed that little blue toy a bit too deep, you whimpered so sweetly, my love." Taeyong brushed his knuckles along your shoulder blades and smiled gently at you, quite the contrast of what he was saying. "No matter how much or how little pain you were in, I'd always be there. Even after everyone has left you, I always stayed, right by your side."
You were on auto pilot for the rest of the night, only when Taeyong would bring up old memories would you show any reaction. You’d cringe or tense whenever he’d say anything about him watching over you. When it was time to go to bed, you couldn’t sleep at all. The thought of you never being able to do anything without him seeing made you sick. Every time you’ve talked to somebody, went through something emotional, had sex, Taeyong saw it all.  Tears were streaming down your face, and you couldn’t do anything about it since the man you thought you knew turned out to be a complete stranger was right next to you.
Taeyong was sleeping, or at least you thought he was, so you took this as your chance to leave. As quietly as you could, you grabbed your purse from one of the chairs by your kitchen island and tiptoed to the door. You reached forward and wrapped your hand around the chilled doorknob and you turned it as you pulled it open. A hand appeared over your shoulder and pressed against the door, shutting it.
“What are you doing Y/n?” Your blood ran cold, terrified to turn around, you just stayed facing forward. “I need to go to work Taeyong.” His hand left the door and out of your sight, but you the suspense of where it was didn’t last long. Feeling both of his hands on your shoulders, rubbing your shoulder blades, you tensed up.
 “Why would you do that? There are so many dangerous things out there, I need to keep you safe.” Shaking your head rapidly as Taeyong used his hold on you to lead you away from the door. “Please Taeyong, you can’t keep me here.” Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes when Taeyong drug his nose along your neck. He chuckled against your ear, “Oh but I can. I was assigned to you and you to me, we were paired by the gods above. I broke the rules for you, my love. You see, you were never supposed to know I existed, I was supposed to live in the shadows.” “I didn’t ask you to do that Tae-” You tried to reason with the man who kept tightening his grip on you the more he spoke.
“No, you didn’t, but I couldn’t stand just observing you, that was enough for a while. However, I grew tired of being forced to watch you and not touch you.” His hands moved from your back to your stomach, where they moved up slowly, until they were hovering above your breasts. “Please, Taeyong, no, please stop.”
The tears finally fell and the man behind you just removed his hands and laughed. “I don’t want to force you to do anything, it would be much more enjoyable if you were begging me to do something. I don’t wish to be the man you hate; I desire to be the man you love.”
He went to bring you back into his embrace but when he got close you slapped his hands away. “I will never love you.” Taeyong just turned around to look out the window. You heard a hum come from the back of his mouth, “You may not love me now, but you will. If it takes me keeping you here and being the only person, you ever see again, then so be it.”
“Now, let’s get you to bed, you’re acting ridiculous, you must have not of gotten enough sleep.” Taeyong picked you up from where you were sitting on the floor ever since your knees buckled, his presence tore you apart. His embrace was warm, and it made you want to nuzzle into him but the thought of him not letting you leave made you want to puke.
“Why Taeyong?” You sniffled and your nose felt raw as he laid you on the bed. “You’re smarter than this Y/n, that’s an easy answer. It’s because I love you. It just helps that it’s also my job to keep you safe.” He laid next to you. Immediately being reminded of the times you and Taeyong would lay together before you found out who he really was, you were aching to move closer to him, but he kept the distance.
You thought about how he knew you better than anyone else did, but of course, he had an advantage.
Taeyong rarely let you leave the house without him, and you feel like you haven’t seen Chaeyoung in such a long time. You text her as often as you can, but it wasn’t the same.
Looking across the table at him, you questioned where you went wrong in this. You shouldn’t of ever gone to the club with Chaeyoung, or you should’ve at least not of sat down at the bar, in front of him. The thought of that night made you realize just how much you missed Chaeyoung.
“What’s the matter sweetheart?” Your sight refocused, getting out of the fuzzy daze you at put yourself in. “Oh, nothing, don’t worry about it.” Wanting to ignore him, you shut down his advances of conversation.
He just laughed and got up. “I think you forgot what I am to you. I know you’re in pain now, so tell me what’s the matter. I hate seeing you hurt.” His sweet words and sweet voice made you think twice about if Taeyong was actually a bad guy. He cared about you, he listened to you. Even though he made you live with him, he allowed Ferguson to come with him and he even endured the scratches and bites the cat would lay on him.
Exhaling, you told him. “I just miss Chae so much; she’s my only friend and I haven’t seen her in a while.” Taeyong frowned at you, “I know you miss her but I just, I can’t risk losing you. She might lie to you and say I’m mean or something.” You just nodded in acceptance, giving up at attempting to convince him to let you see her again.
“I’m going to the bathroom and then I’ll help you clean up from dinner.” Just staring blankly in front of you, you nodded and laid your chin on your folded arms on the table. Longingly staring at the door, you thought about how easy it would be to leave. It wasn’t like you had much to lose so you waited for Taeyong to step out of the kitchen and head into the bathroom.
Squeezing out of the chair, you refused to move it, afraid that the scraping of the chair on the floor would alert him. Quickly but quietly, you approached the door, terrified that he would return soon. You had the first lock unlocked but when you heard the toilet flush, you didn’t care about the volume of your escape. Your only concern was getting out of the apartment.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Taeyong yelled from the bathroom and when you had the door open finally, his arms were already around your waist.
“No Taeyong, let me go. I do not want you near me right now.” His grip around your waist only got tighter. “Oh baby, I’m always gonna be right by your side, and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He was trying to drag you away from the door but struggled to do so when you started dragging your feet and kicking at him.
Screams were starting to leave your throat, some words and others just noise. “No! Let go of me!” Taeyong rolled his eyes at you, thinking about how dramatic you were being. You loved him and he loved you, so much. You shouldn’t be running away from him.
“You love me, stop whining.” His voice was eerily calm, calmer than normal. “I don’t love you, what the fuck are you talking about? I want you to let go of me!” Taeyong started mumbling to himself and the words flying quietly out of his mouth made you think that you should’ve gone along with it. “You…what? You don’t love me?”
All of a sudden it was like you couldn’t even struggle anymore, Taeyong had found a way to keep you still. “Well, if you don’t love me, I’ll just have to keep you here until you do. Until I can trust you to not leave me.”
“Taeyong! Please! I don’t want this; I want you to go away!” Tears were rushing down your face, but the sob that was trying to bubble up stayed in your throat. “But if I go away who will stay with you? This is why you wonder why people don’t love you, it’s because you push them away.” His grip loosened and soon he dropped you on the floor and started to grab his coat. “Fine, I tried to love you, but I guess you just don’t want to be loved. Goodbye Y/n.”
You watched him leave the apartment and instead of feeling relieved, you felt empty. What if he was right? What if you were hard to love? Did you really push everyone away? It would make sense, he had a point, a good one. He knew you better than anyone else. Taeyong knew you better than you knew yourself.
Maybe if you got up now, you’d still be able to catch him, he couldn’t have made it to his car that fast. Getting up as fast as you could, you ran to the door and threw it open. But when you started running out, your face hit a hard wall immediately. The wall’s hands fell to your hips in attempt to steady you and then you realized you knew this wall.
“Taeyong! I’m so s-” his left pointer finger contacted your lips before you could get out your apology. “No, I should be the one apologizing, what I said was rude and unnecessary, I was upset and let my emotions take over me. I’m sorry for the pain I caused you, that is what I try to avoid, you getting hurt. I am truly and genuinely ashamed that I was the one to cause you pain.”
His apology made your heart ache and only caused you to feel bad for the way you treated him. “No, Yongie, I’m sorry for always being so difficult and I never meant to push you away, you’ve always been there to help me, and I am forever grateful for you. I didn’t mean it when I said I didn’t love you, I do, I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone ever and I’m sorry I hurt your feelings.” The boy smiled at you and cupped your cheek, he used his other hand to help pick you up off the floor and pulled you into his arms. “We’re both sorry and we both love each other, how about we leave it at that? No more tears tonight.” He wiped the remaining droplets with his thumbs and let you back inside.
“I’ve learned that you get tired after being upset, so let’s lay down and rest up before the new day.” You silently agreed and allowed Taeyong to pick you up when he asked for permission. “It’ll be okay Y/n, just forget about it, no more sniffles.” You giggled and leaned your head on his shoulder when he made his way through your living room, down the hallway, and soon into the bedroom.
Taeyong had been correct, whenever you were upset, you got awfully tired, as soon as your head hit the pillow, you were already at the point between being awake and being asleep. The last thing you remembered from the night was Taeyong kissing your forehead and rubbing your arm soothingly.
“In the morning, text Chaeyoung and ask her to meet you for bunch.” You smiled, glad that you would see her again.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chaeyoung broke the silence, asking the question to receive the possible answer that feared her. “Does he hurt you?” You told the truth immediately, “No, he doesn’t hurt me. Not physically at least, he’ll hurt my feelings when he’s mad, but he apologizes soon after. In his defense, most of the time, I’m asking for it.”  
She just sipped her smoothie in silence, thinking about what to say without hurting your fragile state. Chaeyoung knew that you weren’t telling her something, you kept fidgeting, looking around, as if you were being watched. The only thing she didn’t know was that you were, Taeyong was lurking around the corner, like he always was, because it’s his job.
“Y/n…I know something is wrong, tell me what it is.” But she didn’t say it, she wrote it. Her frantic handwriting was now on one of the napkins, she all but threw you the pen and waited for your response.
You knew that Taeyong was somewhere behind you, always observing your surroundings. So, you mouthed your next words carefully and slowly, making sure Chaeyoung caught every last syllable. It’s going to sound really fucking weird. You’re not going to believe me, but I need you to.
Instead of saying something out loud, she just nodded and waited for you to write down everything. You could see her trying to read your writing upside down, but you covered the napkin, not wanting her to skip anything. She needed to read it all.
Deciding to summarize everything to save time and to save your wrist some pain, ending your sentence with an explanation point, you passed the paper to Chaeyoung. Sitting back and watching her expressions, waiting for her reaction, you needed her to believe you, you didn’t know what you would do if she didn’t.
Chaeyoung never said anything for the rest of the brunch date, but she wrote, I know how to get rid of him. You released the breath caught in your throat, thankful that she was someone who believed and knew about “other-worldly” things.
Paying the bill and nodding in farewell, you parted ways as soon as you got out of the door, an unspoken promise to text later. Taeyong wouldn’t know what you guys said over text unless he looked at it. He could hear and see you, but he wouldn’t be able to see writing unless he was right over your shoulder. Taeyong was your guardian angel but there were still rules he needed to follow, although some rules didn’t seem too important to him.
You didn’t look back at Chaeyoung and you were glad, because as expected, Taeyong appeared at your side. “How was your brunch?” He peeked his head over your shoulder, and you hated how cute you thought he looked, how cute he was. “It was good, but uh- Tae? I want to ask you something.”
He smiled and gave you a looked that told you to continue, and with a deep breath to calm yourself, you let it out. “I feel like over the past months we’ve been together, I’ve done my best to show you how much I love you, and I was hoping you trust me by now. Would it be okay if I hung out with Chae, without you around me, visible or invisible, I want to hang out with her alone. She’s gonna help me find a gift for you.” You squeezed his hand in emphasis, hoping it would lead his mind to his favorite things. Sex and you.
Taeyong didn’t say anything at first, just thinking to himself. He wanted you to continue to love him, but he was created to protect you, you in all of your lifetimes, both past and future, as well as this one. “I suppose you can, I will give you three hours to hang out with her and I won’t even watch over you, but you have to promise me that at any moment you feel unsafe or any pain, you text me, immediately.”
Barely able to hide the joy, you kissed him. You knew he liked kissing you, and unable to lie to yourself, you knew that you liked kissing him as well. Hating the way he made you feel, you deepened the kiss, knowing it would be one of the last. “Thank you Yongie, I love you, so much.”
A few minutes later, once you two had made it to the comfort of your own home, Taeyong had you bent over the kitchen counter with your pants and panties around your ankles. “You smell so good.” You felt his nose meet your clenching hole, inhaling your arousal. Letting yourself indulge in this, one last time, your muscles relaxed, until a feeling you had only felt once take over. His tongue licked over your puckered rim. Every time Taeyong had tried this with you, you turned down his advances, but this time, you weren’t going to. At this point, you were going to do anything to keep him happy.
Taeyong waited for you to tense up and push him away, but once you didn’t, he kissed your hole. “Fuck, are you really gonna let me in there?” You whined in approval when you felt his mouth go back down to your pussy.
 His tongue went back and forth between your folds, with the occasional lap around your ass. “I’m sorry but I don’t think I can wait, I need to be in you.” You moaned at the loss but it was replaced by a yell when Taeyong swiftly turned you around and entered your cunt.
 “Oh fuck, always so tight for me. No matter how many times I fuck you, you’re always so fucking tight.” Taeyong’s teeth gritted together and picked you up off your feet. Walking the two of you to the couch, he never once removed you off his cock. Sitting down on the couch, his hands were placed on your hips, forcing you up and down onto his cock, forcing you to ride him.
 “Open your mouth.” You listened to his command. He took one hand off of your hips and placed two fingers in your mouth. “Suck on them.” Sucking and licking as much as you could with the overwhelming pleasure, your moans interrupted your task. Taeyong deemed your work not good enough and started fucking his fingers into your mouth, wetting them as much as possible.
 While you were distracted with the feeling of his fingers dragging along your tongue and hitting the back of your throat at some points, his cock continuously slammed into the spot that made you clench your pussy around him. With each contraction of your walls, Taeyong let out a whine that caused your pussy to gush more arousal.
“Fuck, making such a mess. Can feel you leaking all the way to my balls.” His fingers were triggering your gag reflex and it caused tears to run down your face, you couldn’t hold it in or control it at all at this point. “My messy baby, made just for me.”
He removed his fingers, and his spit-soaked hand left your eyesight. But the mystery was soon solved when you felt his fingers circle your asshole. “Taeyong-” He didn’t stop or slow at the sound of your whines and soon one of his fingers were forcing its way through your unused hole.
You gasped once you got used to the initial stretch and pain when Taeyong played with the walls that haven’t ever been touched. He barely gave you any time to prepare for the next finger though because soon it was joining the first.
“Oh fuck, next time, I’m gonna shove my cock in there. Fill your ass with my cum. Make you my horny little bitch.” The way he was talking to you made you humiliatingly wet and he didn’t let it go unnoticed.
“Maybe you’re already my little bitch, you’re ruining the couch with your slutty cum. But my stupid baby can’t help it huh?” You were out of it, the feeling of both your holes being filled and your clit grinding against his pelvic bone, you whined, but Taeyong didn’t take that as an answer.
His free hand made contact with your face, slapping you. He grabbed your cheeks and forced you to stare at him. “You’re my messy little bitch, aren’t you?”
“Yes, Tae- I am. M’gonna cum. Need to cum.” You were babbling and Taeyong laughed at your attempts to speak. “I’m close too, are you gonna squirt all over me?” You just nodded.
The hand that was holding your face still was removed and took place at your pussy. When your cunt clenched one last time Taeyong pinched your clit and you let it all go. The whine that left your throat intensified at the feeling of his hot cum filling you up. Your grip on his shoulders tightened while he rode out the rest of your highs.
“Welcome back baby, you left me there for a minute.” When your eyes opened you were in your shared bed, wearing his clothes, and looking up at him with tired eyes. You giggled at him and allowed him to pull you to his chest, holding you close after the intense feeling your body endured.
“I hope you enjoyed yourself.” Taeyong petted your hair soothingly. “I did, did you?” You felt him nod and heard him yawn, interrupting himself. “I always do when it’s with you.”
The last thing you heard him say was, “I hope you enjoy your time with Chaeyoung tomorrow.” And everything came crashing down again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“So, what’s going to happen afterwards is that Taeyong will still exist, but he won’t be your guardian angel anymore. He won’t be able to watch you anymore and he won’t be able to have an influence on your or your life, unless you allow him to. You have to stay strong if you ever run into him again.” Just nodding along, you looked at Chaeyoung, waiting for her to continue.
“Since you can’t exactly survive without a guardian angel, so you’ll be getting a new one. The only downside is that he isn’t an angel. He’s from hell because if Taeyong does somehow regain his power, another angel wouldn’t be able to stop him, only someone who isn’t good.” You felt better knowing that you’ll still be protected from the evils of the world, but more importantly, from Taeyong.”
Chaeyoung reached over towards you and grasped your hand, trying to comfort you since you weren’t saying anything. With her other hand that wasn’t holding yours, she lit the black candle.
“Alright, are you ready for this?” Chaeyoung whispered into the dark, the only light source in the room was the now lit candle sitting between you. With a shaking breath, you nodded your head. “I’m kind of nervous but this needs to happen.” You looked over to her, only seeing two emotions on her face. Relief and since its Chaeyoung, there’s of course excitement mixed in.
You looked at the floor you were sitting on, taking in everything. Taeyong would be gone and out of your life soon.
Chae was looking down at the worn book she had in her lap, reading over the page, making sure everything was correct. She had gone over different things you would need and made sure you had them. “Do you have a piece of his hair?” You held up a little plastic baggie that held a few strands of Taeyong’s hair.
You were thankful that his hair was the only thing you needed to bring, Chaeyoung on the other hand was more than happy to bring all of the “weird” items. A variety of dried herbs sat around you two, with several other items, such as feathers from ravens and crows, serpent skulls, a vial with a dead black widow spider and a bunch of salt that surrounded you and all of your items. From an overhead view, one would see the shape the salt was in, a pentagram.
“Okay, I’m going to read the script and you’re going to toss the pieces of his hair into the flame of the candle.” You just nodded and opened the bag to take out his hair. “Let’s just get this over with, okay? It’ll all be over soon.”
Looking over the flame one last time you dipped your head in approval. Chaeyoung squeezed your hand and started chanting. Words you didn’t know were calmly yet fiercely flying out of her mouth, in a language that you could only describe as something like Latin.
While Chaeyoung was chanting, the flame grew wild, and you grew afraid of the fire taking over the stick of wax. Your eyes widened when the flame spread to the pentagram of salt. Soon, every grain of salt was on fire, and you didn’t know what to do. Chaeyoung saw what was happening, but she just kept chanting, her voice growing in volume as the fire grew in size. The fire however, stayed on top of the salt, never going outside of the lines or inside, closer to the two of you, but the heat was starting to get to you.
You wanted to reach out to her, but she told you beforehand, under no circumstances should you move or speak until it was safe. She had mentioned the fire, but you now understood just how much you underestimated her words. Chaeyoung had spoken up about how intense this would get since you were dealing with higher powers. With everything running through your head, you still looked at Chaeyoung and listened for her to stop talking, that’s when you would do the one thing, she told you to do.
Droplets hit your thighs and since you weren’t able to look down, you assumed it was sweat. But when you moved your hand up to wipe your cheeks, you felt the drops of liquid come from your eyes. You hadn’t even realized that you were crying but you weren’t able to think about it for too long, because Chaeyoung had stopped talking and the look in her eye altered.
The fine strands of hair that had been pinched between your fingers were heavier than you thought, or it was your conscious, but you needed this. Raising your shaky hand, you hovered it over the orange flame that had ingulfed the candle, the wax starting to spread across the hardwood floors.
Your fingers were pressed tightly against each other so much so that when you released Taeyong’s hair, your fingertips ached. Almost in slow motion, the dark hair fluttered in the air, mixing with the ambers of the fire. When you expected the hair to float down, it never touched the ground, an amber touched the end of each one, and slowly it burned. Burned into nothing. As soon as each hair disintegrated, the fire disappeared altogether. The room was dark, silent, and oddly cold.
You opened your mouth, attempting to whisper out to Chaeyoung, but nothing came out, too scared to do anything.
“It’s okay. He’s gone now, he can’t hurt you anymore.” Your head was spinning, and your eyes were straining from trying to see in the dark. Still too afraid to say anything, you and Chaeyoung sat in silence.
The silence went on for a bit until you remembered something Chaeyoung said at the beginning of this. “What about the new guy?”
“He should already be here. Normally guardian angels aren’t supposed to show themselves but obviously Taeyong didn’t listen to that rule, since he still has his human form and he will most likely live out the rest of his life here on Earth, your new guardian will also take a human form. It will act as a precaution just incase Taeyong tries anything.” You looked around the room since she said he should already be here but because of the room still being pitch black, you didn’t have any luck.
All of a sudden, the almost completely burnt-out candle, relit. When you the light illuminated the room, you jumped. A man was sitting next to you, one that was beautifully sinister. “I guess I’m your new guardian angel.” He smiled a big toothy smile, but it didn’t show genuine happiness, his smile should sinful excitement.
You looked over at Chae in worry. “Oh, don’t worry, I can’t do anything fun. Your witchy friend set a little curse on me so I behave.” Your eyes met the man’s and you nodded sheepishly at him.
“What’s your name?” Chaeyoung interrupted the staring contest you were unwillingly in, but even though you looked away, the man continued to stare. “Yuta” you offered your own name, but he already knew it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You were happy with Yuta being your guardian angel, or demon. He kept his distance, protected you, all while developing a friendship with you. He understood your boundaries but still warned you before going out, to just be aware if Taeyong was near. The best part about Yuta though, was that he was the first man and third overall person that Ferguson liked.
Whenever you had an uneasy feeling, but still needed to go out, Yuta offered to go with you, but never making the decision for you.
“So, we just need things for the apartment, like paper towels, toilet paper, cereal, food for Ferguson. Things like that.” You read off your list, allowing Yuta to guide you through the aisles of the super store.
Yuta helped you look for the items that you needed and asked if you wanted him to carry the big bag of cat food.
“I could get it for her.” Taeyong.
“Fuck off man, leave her alone. You already ruined her life so just let us be.” Yuta stepped in front of you, doing what he was summoned to do. Taeyong just laughed condescendingly, not intimidated by Yuta at all.
“You know you still love me, and there’s nothing you can do about it. You can’t deny the way you felt about me before you knew who I truly was.” His attention was now directed at you and you hated how he was right. You did love Taeyong, but he also lied to you, and then abused the power he had over you. You hated the fact that if Taeyong never gave away his secret, you would still be with him.
“C’mon baby, admit it. You still love me, and you miss me.” Shaking your head, not in disagreement but in denial, Taeyong stepped forward. Yuta’s aura changed, no longer in the laid-back vibe he normally gave off but now it was protective.
Yuta set the bag of food down on the ground next to you so his hands would be empty. “I’m not gonna ask you again man, step back.” Yuta warned Taeyong one last time but even with the warning, Taeyong stepped forward. And then he was gone.
“Taeyong?” Nothing remained in the spot in which he stood, and your first reaction was to grasp for him, anything left. “Is he gone? Forever?” Your knees hit the cold floor and the material of your jeans did nothing to stop the chill.
Yuta’s hand was heavy yet comforting on your shoulder. You stood up and buried your face into his chest, seeking some kind of comfort. He was gentler than you thought he would be. His arms wrapped around your back, matching the tightness in which you held him. One of his hands reached up and he ran his fingers through your hair.
“How about we go get something to eat and shop another time?” You agreed but still asked to buy the cat food since Ferguson needed it.
The emptiness in your stomach was mistaken for hunger, but you knew that wasn’t it. There was a park across the street from the store and in the park parking lot, there was a food truck. Still carrying the bag of food, Yuta offered you his hand and walked you over to the food truck.
“What are you thinking about getting?” You really didn’t care about what you ate, you just wanted something to fill the void that was now in your stomach. “I’ll just get whatever you get.” He squeezed your hand, understanding that you didn’t want to speak much.
After eating you were able to calm down, maybe it was the food, but you enjoyed the company more. Yuta did this thing where he made up stories and double lives for the people around you, and he kept making them crazier and crazier when he saw that it made you smile. You even made up a few but your imagination wasn’t nearly as creative and wild as Yuta’s.
You finished making a story about an old lady who was a secret agent assassin in her youth when you noticed Yuta’s silence. And after him making you feel better, you were kind of sad that he was no longer in a good mood.
“What’s the matter Yuta?” You looked out over the water. The sight of the sun reflecting off of the water calming you. But that feeling was quickly replaced by something not nearly as pleasant.
“I can’t say I blame Taeyong for everything he’s done. I’m starting to want you all to myself as well.”
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cry4tzu · 1 month
Love Amidst Persecution
Son chaeyoung x farmer female reader
Synopsis- loving someone even though its forbidden
Warning- takes place in the 17 century, mention of hanging, fuck chae father in this story, mention of homophobia
A/n- happy chae day
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In the small, idyllic town of Springfield, nestled amidst the lush, rolling hills of the countryside, the air was thick with anticipation. The sun hung low in the sky, casting a warm, golden light over the fields, where the crops swayed gently in the breeze. A sense of peace and contentment filled the air, as if everything was as it should be.
The people of Springfield went about their daily routines, oblivious to the events that was about to unfold in the future . Young lovers strolled hand-in-hand through the cobblestone streets, children laughed and played in the town square, and merchants busily set up their stalls, displaying their wares for all to see.
Seo y/n was a 17th century farmer girl, her hands calloused from the soil and her cheeks permanently flushed from the sun. Her home was nestled in the heart of the town, surrounded by lush fields and chattering streams. Life was simple, yet fulfilling, as she tended to her crops and cared for her livestock.
As she walked through the rows of corn, wheat, and potatoes, she hummed a cheerful tune, her basket swinging gently at her side. Suddenly, she heard a rustling nearby and stopped in her tracks. There, in the distance, she saw a figure approaching. As they drew closer, Y/N realized it was Son Chaeyoung, the daughter of the head of the town. She looked flustered and out of breath.
"Y/N, I-I'm so sorry to bother you," she panted. "My father sent me to fetch you. He needs your help with something important at the town hall." Y/N raised an eyebrow, skeptical. Chaeyoung seemed genuinely nervous, and she rarely ever saw her in the countryside. "It's nothing bad, I promise. He just wants your expertise on...on some crops that aren't doing well." Y/N hesitated, but eventually nodded. She knew Chaeyoung's father valued her knowledge and skills as a farmer. Perhaps this was a chance to strengthen their tenuous relationship.
She followed Chaeyoung back into town, her heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and fear. The town hall was bustling with activity, townsfolk rushing about, delivering messages and supplies. Chaeyoung led her to her father's garden . He looked up as they entered and smiled warmly. "Ah, Y/N. I'm glad you could join us. I'm sure you can help us figure out what's wrong with these crops."
Y/N nodded, trying to hide her unease. As she examined the wilting crops , she noticed something strange about them. "It looks like they're infested with aphids," she said, pointing to the tiny insects that were sucking the life out of the crops . Chaeyoung's father looked surprised. "Aphids? I've never seen them this far south before. Thank you, Y/N. You've been most helpful."
He gestured for her to sit down beside him, and they spent the next hour discussing farming techniques and strategies for dealing with the infestation. Y/N was surprised to find that Chaeyoung's father was actually quite knowledgeable about the subject, and they shared many stories and experiences.
When it was time for Y/N to return home, Chaeyoung walked her back to the edge of town. They stopped at a picturesque spot overlooking the valley, and Y/N offered Chaeyoung some freshly picked apples from her orchard. As they sat there, talking, enjoying the view and the crisp autumn air, Y/N felt a strange connection with Chaeyoung. It was as if they had known each other for much longer than just a few hours.
"You know," Chaeyoung said softly, breaking the silence, "my parents... they don't understand. They think that same sex relationship is wrong. That we should be with someone of the opposite sex. " Y/N looked at her, surprised. She knew what it was like to be different, to be misunderstood.
"Well, they're wrong," she said, offering Chaeyoung a reassuring smile. "You're special, and you should be with someone who sees that." Chaeyoung blushed and looked away, playing with a stray strand of hair. "I just wish... I wish they could understand." Y/N squeezed Chaeyoung's hand gently. "Time will change things, I'm sure of it."
They sat in silence for a while longer, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment. Finally, Chaeyoung stood up, brushing the dirt from her skirt. "I should get back. Thank you again for your help today, Y/N. It means a lot." She leaned in and kissed Y/N's cheek before walking away.
Y/N watched her go with a smile, feeling a warmth in her chest that she hadn't experienced in a long time. As the sun began to dip below the horizon, casting the world in a golden glow, she couldn't help but feel hopeful. Maybe things would change between Chaeyoung and her parents. Maybe they would come to understand that love had no boundaries, no rules.
She gathered up the remains of the picnic and started back towards her home, lost in thought. The image of Chaeyoung's face, the way she smiled and blushed, filled her mind. The way chaeyoung looks so effortlessly gorgeous.
As she neared her orchard, the setting sun cast a warm glow over the apple trees, turning their leaves into a symphony of reds and golds. She stopped for a moment, taking in the beauty of the scene, and realized that perhaps this was what love was all about. It wasn't just about being with someone you cared for, but about finding beauty and joy in the world around you.
The next few months passed by in a blur of activity. Y/N spent every spare moment helping Chaeyoung's father tend to their crops. After that she would meet up with chaeyoung. where they would shared stories, laughter, and even a few tears. Each time they parted ways, they promised to see each other soon, their words filled with hope and longing.
Despite the challenges they faced, they found solace in each other's company. They talked about their dreams for the future, about the places they wanted to visit and the things they wanted to achieve. Y/N found herself inspired by Chaeyoung's determination and resilience, while Chaeyoung admired Y/N's strength and independence. They were, in many ways, complements of each other.
One afternoon, as they sat beneath the shade of an ancient apple tree, talking about accident that their friend dahyun made, Chaeyoung leaned in and kissed Y/N. It was a soft, tender kiss that left them both breathless. For a moment, they forgot about everything else and were lost in the moment. When they finally pulled apart, they looked into each other's eyes, their faces flushed with emotion.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," Chaeyoung murmured, running her fingers through Y/N's hair.
Y/N smiled and leaned in, kissing Chaeyoung tenderly. The sunlight filtered through the leaves above them, dappling their skin with shadows and light. The warmth from Chaeyoung's body felt so right against hers, and Y/N couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over her. They kissed for what seemed like hours, lost in the moment, the world around them fading away.
Eventually, they pulled apart, breathless and flushed. Y/N reached up to brush a strand of hair from Chaeyoung's face, her fingers trembling slightly. "I feel the same way," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the rustling of the leaves. "I've wanted this for so long."
They lay there for a moment, their hearts racing, the world around them seeming to slow down. Chaeyoung traced the line of Y/N's jaw with her finger, marveling at the softness of her skin. "I never thought I'd find someone like you," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "Someone who understands me, and who I can be myself around."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for Chaeyoung. "And I never thought I'd find someone who could make me feel this way," she replied, reaching up to run her fingers through Chaeyoung's hair. "Who could make me forget about everything else and just be happy."
They lay there for a while longer, lost in each other's company, enjoying the simple pleasures of their love. The sun began to sink lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the orchard. Eventually, they sat up, brushing the grass from their clothes. Y/N glanced around, noticing how the trees seemed to sway gently, as if they were moving to some unheard melody.
"Come with me," Y/N said, taking Chaeyoung's hand. "I want to show you something."
She led Chaeyoung through the rows of apple trees, the evening air cool against their skin. As they walked, the branches overhead swayed gently, creating a natural canopy that cast dappled shadows across their path. They emerged from the orchard and found themselves at the edge of a small meadow, dotted with wildflowers and tall grasses. A small stream trickled nearby, its waters sparkling in the fading light. grasses swaying in the gentle breeze. The sky above was a deep, vibrant blue, speckled with puffy white clouds.
"This is my favorite spot," Y/N said, her voice soft with affection. "I used to come here when I needed some peace and quiet. It's where I felt closest to nature, and to myself."
Chaeyoung smiled, her eyes taking in the beauty around them. "It's beautiful here," she murmured, her voice barely audible over the sound of the stream. "It's like a secret oasis, hidden away from the world."
Y/N nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over her as she looked out over the meadow. "I used to come here when I needed to clear my head, or when I just wanted to feel close to something bigger than myself." She glanced at Chaeyoung, her cheeks flushing slightly. "I never imagined I'd find someone who could make me feel this way, though."
Chaeyoung smiled, stepping closer to Y/N. "Neither did I," she replied softly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair from Y/N's face. "But I'm so glad we found each other." She paused, her gaze meeting Y/N's. "Because now I feel like anything is possible."
They stood there in silence for a moment, the sounds of the meadow and the stream providing a gentle background hum. Y/N leaned in, their breath mingling as she pressed her lips to Chaeyoung's. The kiss was tender and sweet, a perfect expression of the love they shared. As they pulled apart, Y/N's heart swelled with happiness, and she knew that no matter what challenges they might face in the future, they would face them together.
They stood there in the middle of the meadow, basking in the glow of their love, as the sun dipped below the horizon. The air grew cooler, and a gentle breeze rustled through the trees, carrying with it the scent of autumn. Y/N wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung, feeling grateful for the warmth and comfort she provided.
"Do you remember the first time we met?" Y/N asked, looking up at Chaeyoung with a smile.
Chaeyoung laughed softly, her cheeks flushing. "Of course I do. You were so quiet and shy, but you had this way about you that just drew me in. I couldn't help but want to get to know you better."
They stood there for a moment, lost in their memories, before Chaeyoung turned her attention back to the present. She looked around the meadow, feeling grateful for the peace and serenity that surrounded them. "I never thought I'd find a place like this," she said, her voice barely audible. "A place where I could be truly happy."
Y/N squeezed Chaeyoung's hand, her grip firm yet gentle. "You are my happiness," she replied, leaning in to press a soft kiss to Chaeyoung's cheek. "And I'm yours. No matter what the future holds, we'll face it together."
Their time in the meadow seemed to stretch on forever, the hours passing unnoticed as they reveled in the comfort and love they shared. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared beyond the horizon, the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky. A chill crept into the air, prompting them to move closer together for warmth.
Y/N leaned against Chaeyoung, her head resting on the girl's shoulder as they gazed up at the stars. "Do you have a favorite constellation?" she asked softly, her voice barely audible above the rustling of the leaves in the trees.
Chaeyoung shrugged. "I've always liked Orion's Belt," she replied, her breath tickling Y/N's ear. "It reminds me of when we first met. It was like fate, you know? Like the stars were aligning just for us."
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling at the mention of their meeting. "That's a beautiful way to think about it," she said softly. "I think I'll always remember that night too. It feels like a dream sometimes, being with you like this."
As they continued to watch the stars, the sounds of the forest began to fade away, replaced by the soft rustling of leaves as a gentle breeze picked up. The air grew colder still, but neither of them seemed to notice or mind. They were content just being together, wrapped in each other's warmth and love.
"Do you ever wonder what it would be like," Y/N asked, her voice barely audible over the whispering of the trees, "if we could travel to each of those stars? To see the worlds they're part of, the people who live there?" She felt a shiver run down her spine as she imagined the vastness of the universe, the endless possibilities that lay before them.
Chaeyoung paused for a moment, considering the question. The stars above them seemed to dance in the darkness, their twinkling light casting a soft glow over the meadow. "I think it would be incredible," she finally replied, her voice tinged with awe. "But I think the best part would be coming back here, to this place. To know that no matter where we go or what we see, we'll always have each other. And this place will always be our home."
They sat in silence for a while, lost in their own thoughts and the beauty of the night. Y/N felt her heart swell with love and gratitude for Chaeyoung, for the life they shared together. She knew that their love was special, that they were meant to be together. As she looked up at the stars, she made a silent promise to herself: no matter what challenges they might face in the future, she would always fight for their love. She would never take Chaeyoung for granted, and she would do everything in her power to make her happy.
Eventually, the chill in the air grew too intense for them to ignore, and they stood, stretching their limbs and yawning. "You should go back home ," Y/N said, her voice husky with sleep. "It's getting late. And I don’t want you to get in trouble”
Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She knew that the night couldn't last forever, but she didn't want to leave this place. She didn't want to leave the feeling of peace and contentment that came with being wrapped up in Y/N's love. But she also knew that if they get caught there will be consequences.
As chaeyoung was sneaking back home, she didn’t notice her father siting on the chair in the dining room.
“Where were you… let me guess out sucking the face off that bloody witch.”her father said. Chaeyoung was shocked. “Why so shocked? You thought I wouldn’t know, I have eyes on you everywhere.” he added.
“So you was spying on me, where’s the trust in that father.” Chaeyoung said. “You broke the trust as soon as you kiss that witch” he responded quickly.
“ oh bloody hell so what I like y/n what wrong about th-” she got cut off with a slap by her father.
“ you don’t like that thing, you don’t even know what love is. She must had put a spell on you to make you believe that .” he said angrily. “ she needs to pay for what she is doing to your mind” he said then went over to grab a torch. He walks out of the house. That’s when chaeyoung realizes what he means by that a rush to y/n cabin.
"Chaeyoung," y/n whispered, her voice barely audible. "What are you doing here? Your father gonna kill me if he found you here."
Chaeyoung knelt beside her, her eyes wide with fear and desperation. " you need to get out of here , my father is ordering the town to find you ." She wiped the tears from her face, as she gently brushing her knuckles against y/n cheek. "Please, y/n, get out of here, while you still can."
But it was too late. The sound of footsteps approaching echoed through the field. The townspeople had found them. They encircled them, their faces twisted with anger and hatred. They had found y/n, the witch who dared to love another woman especially the daughter of the town . They grabbed her roughly, tearing at her clothes, pulling her away from Chaeyoung. As they dragged her away, she struggled, desperate to reach Chaeyoung one last time, to tell her that she loved her, that it would all be alright.
"Witch! Witch! Hang her at the stake!" they cried, their faces twisted with rage and fear.
Chaeyoung followed, tears streaming down her face, her heart breaking with every step. She begged and pleaded with them to let her go, but they ignored her. They forced her to watch as they hung y/n from the gallows, her body twitching and jerking with each agonizing breath.
As y/n's life faded from her eyes, she looked down at Chaeyoung, her love, the only thing in the world that made her life worth living. "Chaeyoung," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "I love you. And I will never ever stop loving you. No matter what happens to me right now, it would never destroy my love for you." With those final words, y/n's soul left her body, as she was hanging from the tree. Chaeyoung screamed, her voice echoing through the fields, the sound of her anguish piercing the very heavens.
The townspeople, satisfied that justice had been served, turned their backs on Chaeyoung, leaving her alone to grieve. But even as they walked away, they could not escape the haunting image of the two lovers, torn apart by a world that could not understand their love. And so, their story lived on, a tragic testament to the enduring power of love, even in the darkest of times.
The sun began to set, painting the sky in shades of red and orange, as if the heavens themselves were weeping for the loss of y/n. Chaeyoung remained at the foot of the gallows, her body racked with sobs, her heart shattered into a million pieces. She clutched at the dirt, refusing to let go, as if somehow she could bring y/n back. But she knew deep down that this was not the end. There was something still pulling her forward, some unspoken promise that their love would find a way to survive.
Night fell, and the stars twinkled in the inky black sky. Chaeyoung's tears finally dried up, leaving her chest heaving with the memory of each sob. She looked up at the stars, searching for some sign, some hope that they would find a way back to each other. And as she stood there, gazing up at the heavens, she swore an oath: she would spend the rest of her life seeking out others like them, those who dared to love against the tide of public opinion. She would fight for their right to be together, to live their lives as they saw fit, free from the judgment of a world that could not understand.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Chaeyoung's determination only grew stronger, her resolve unshakeable. She became a symbol of hope for those who found themselves in her situation, a beacon of light in the darkness. And though y/n was gone, her spirit lived on through Chaeyoung, guiding her every step of the way.
Years passed, and the world began to change. Slowly, but surely, people began to see the error of their ways, to understand that love knew no bounds, no gender, no race. It was a victory of the heart over the head, of compassion over fear. And as Chaeyoung watched this transformation unfold before her eyes, she knew that her love for y/n had not been in vain. She had made a difference, however small, and for that she was eternally grateful.
Eventually, Chaeyoung found herself standing before a great crowd, addressing them with a voice that rang clear and true. "We must never forget the sacrifices that have been made for our freedom," she said, her gaze fixed on the sky, as if y/n were standing there beside her. "We must honor their memory by continuing to fight for justice, for equality, for love. For as long as there is one person left who dares to love against the tide, we will be there to fight by their side." And with that, a roar went up from the crowd, a testament to the enduring power of love and the indomitable spirit of those who dare to follow their hearts.
The years passed, and Chaeyoung grew old, but she never stopped fighting. Her story became legend, a reminder to all who heard it of the incredible strength that can be found in the human heart when it dares to love truly and fiercely. And though y/n's body was gone, her love for Chaeyoung lived on, etched into the very fabric of history, a testament to the power of the human spirit to endure against all odds.
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vex91 · 5 months
Son Chaeyoung - Surprise
Pairing: Son Chaeyoung x Female Reader
Fandom: Twice
Requested by: @chimpchard
Request: request a son chaeyoung fic with reader coming home from work all sad because chaeyoung is out on tour and shouldnt be back till 3 days a head but when reader comes home sees chaeyoung sitting on the couch waiting for her
Summary: After a tiring day at work you come home not expecting a surprise from your girlfriend.
A/N: Here you go chimp, collect your woman.
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3rd's POV
You were beyond tired. Today seemed to be dragging much longer than usual and the work by your boss only kept piling up, so much that you weren't able to finish it all today and have to do it tomorrow too. You felt and looked terrible but that was nothing new the past few months. Your girlfriend of 2 years Chaeyoung was out touring with her group and as proud of her as you were, it was also really hard without her by your side.
She was your support in your everyday life just as you were hers and without her everything was too much for you.
As you left your workplace you send her a quick text hoping that she would read it as soon as she could and without another thought you went home. The ride home was annoyingly long, especially when all you wanted was to have a shower and go to sleep but the sight you came back to immediately made you change your mind. Chaeyoung was sitting on a couch watching TV not noticing your presence yet as you just stood there looking at her dumbfounded. You were speechless even when she finally noticed you.
"Welcome back love" She smiled at you opening her arms and waiting for you to cuddle up into her which you did. With tears in your eyes you walked into her arms and hugged her tightly as she rubbed your back "I should be the one saying that. What are you doing here?" You looked up at her "Nayeon heard from your coworker that you weren't doing well due to work and stress so I came back earlier than the girls" It melted your heart, she loved her fans so much but no matter what she always made you feel the most important. You were so lucky "Let's go eat something, shower and then watch a movie alright?" You nodded as you let her drag you to the kitchen.
That was the best surprise you'll ever had.
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 3 years
Twice as WLW Drama Love Interests Opposite The Reader
 so I made a few tik tok videos about this but I wanted to make this into a headcannons. Some of these might be full fics in the future, let me know which ones you guys like. Hope ya’ll enjoy!
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• Frenemies to lovers drama type 
• Your rival throughout school and now at the company you both worked at. 
• The both of you always tried to one up each other, whether it’d be with getting coffee first throughout the day or even taking lunch breaks first.
• Your guys’ boss, {insert whichever male k-drama, telenovela, or soap opera actor you’d like} was the popular guy who went to the same high school you both did. 
• See, if we’re following the drama formula here, he’d be the guy you and Nayeon would be pinning for but this here’s the opposite. He had eyes for you and Nayeon but ya’ll end up having eyes for each other. 
• What’s funny is that everyone around the office picked up on you and Nayeon’s sexual tension except him (pour guy)
• You’re oblivious to his advances, but Nayeon picked up on every little thing he did to get closer to you. 
• If he offered to take you out to lunch, she’d swoop in and take you herself. Often covering it up as a way to go over plans for work.
• If he offered you a ride home, Nayeon would meet you out front before you could get in his car, lying about living in the same building you did. 
• You began questioning Nayeon about it. 
“Why are you being so nice to me?” you would ask. “You haven’t insulted my work ethic in weeks.”
“Oh, would you rather our boss do it for us?” she’d ask back. “He’s been eyeing you for awhile.”
• You and her go back and forth while she drives you home; her hands tightening on the steering wheel while you pour out all the insecurities that you developed with trying to keep up with her throughout all these years. 
• Nayeon pulled over and confessed to you then and there.
“Are you kidding me?” she asked. “You made honor roll that year while I missed it because of a measly test score. I wanted to talk to you about it, but I didn’t want you to make fun of me for it.”
“Now why would I do that Nayeon?” you said. “I like you!”   
• After your confession she decided to start being nicer and show you how much you mean to her.
• Walks you to your desk and even practices kissing your cheek goodbye, no matter how flustered you get.
“We’re still at work Nayeon,” you said. 
“I don’t care,” Nayeon grumbled. “I have to wish my girlfriend a great work day. Don’t work too hard, OK? I’ll meet up with you during lunch.” 
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• Best Friend who would have her own love interest, but is too interested in you, the protagonist. 
• You both live together after attending the same university; the both of you wanted to get away from your parents and decided it was the best option to go for.
• She works at the cafe you frequent after work, so she’s there as a stress reliever during the afternoons you’d get off. Always ready with a discount drink and pastry. (I say discount, but we all know Jeongyeon will let you have it for free on most occasions)
• Listens to you vent always, but a little too closely when you told her about this woman who started flirting with you at work. 
“You told her off right? She was being too forward, right?” Jeongyeon asked; high key concerned and low key jealous. 
“Not really,” you said. “It was pretty flattering actually she was really cute.”
“Really? I-I mean, uh that’s great!”
• It was in fact not great for Jeongyeon, she watched you with a tiny smile as you gushed about this other woman while she wipes down the counter. 
• Throughout your time with this mystery woman that has caught your attention, Jeongyeon has gotten rather distant; you did too, but she hardly said three words to you after you arrived home and even on the days the both of you were off.
• You began to wonder why Jeongyeon would work all night when you got off work and why she changed to more busy shifts.
• You caught her one night when you were getting ready to fall asleep, catching her as she put a blanket over your half-sleep body as the TV continued to blast. 
“Jeong? Jeongyeon, is that you?”
Jeongyeon hesitated but nodded. You took her hand and pat the empty space beside you on the couch. 
“Talk to me,” you said through a yawn. “We’ve become strangers in our own apartment.”
Jeongyeon frowned and fixed the blanket over your legs. 
“You need to rest,” she groaned. “You can barely keep your eyes open.”
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong. You aren’t even working up front when I come in at the cafe anymore,” you said. “I thought you liked working up front better.”
Jeongyeon’s eyes softened. 
“I did. But--”
You didn’t let her finish as you went on. 
“Is it me?” you asked. “Have I not made enough time for us to hang out?”
Jeongyeon shook her head. 
“No, no. I’m ok,” she reassured. “I’m sure you’re busy with your own work and your girlfriend.”
You woke up a bit at the mention of the word, girlfriend. 
“Yeah! The girl you couldn’t stop gushing over,” Jeongyeon said. “You didn’t even tell me you had a girlfriend!”
“That’s because I don’t,” you whispered. 
• Jeongyeon grew quiet as she caught your eye, the both of you now staring at each other before each of you move to kiss. You pulled away to catch your breath when Jeongyeon held you tightly. 
“Jeong, I-”
“I like you, OK?” Jeongyeon said.
• From that moment on, Jeongyeon had her affections apparent, even around your workplace “girlfriend”
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• The fake dating type drama
• She’s the hot dancer who you fall for at your local gym, while you’re training hard to get in shape for your siblings wedding.  
• You got caught staring at Momo while you were filling up your wattle bottle and got embarrassed because water spilled down your shorts and shoes.
Momo offered you one of her clean towels for you to dry off as she laughed at how oblivious you were to the water spilling out. 
• She’d be rather cheeky about your obvious staring while you played it off with a suave wipe of the forehead with your towel.
“So, what do you normally do here?” she asked trying to make quick conversation. 
You almost choked on the water you consumed because the hot dancer who was just dancing circling around everyone in the practice room was talking to you.
“Uh, I-I j-just um cardio and light weights,” you said. “I-I wasn’t really staring I just loved your moves and felt inspired is all. I’m new to this working out thing.”
Momo gave you toothy smile.
“I could help if you’d like! And maybe teach you a few of my moves.”
• It wasn’t long before Momo became your workout partner, becoming someone who could push you when need be but also become the voice of reason when you go a bit too hard.
• Always makes sure you eat regardless of diets, eventually questioning why you have to uphold such an image for your family
• Accompanies you to the wedding as your plus one/ date 
• You couldn’t really confess to her yet, but everyone there assumed Momo was your girlfriend, which you laughed off awkwardly, telling them that she’s just a trainer while Momo only smiled.
 • She was a bit off the entire time, of course you picked up on it. 
“You Ok?” you finally asked as your sister and her groom began to dance. 
Momo shrugged. “Am I just a trainer to you, Y/N?”
“Of course not Momo you--” you cut yourself off as you thought about what to say.
• Momo didn’t let you finish as she got up and left the wedding, leaving you baffled and stuck watching your sister and her husband dancing with the other patrons
• You stopped going to the gym for a few weeks, too sad to face Momo again until your sister called you about her.
 • Momo eventually texted you, yet you still didn’t come back to the gym until she showed up at your door. 
“I was angry, OK?” Momo said. “It wasn’t fully at you, but mostly at myself for not admitting it to you soon Y/N--”
Before she could finish you confessed to her. 
“I-I like you Momo!”
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• The ex-girlfriend who showed back up in your life. 
• Usually if this happens in a drama or tv show the ex would scorn the protagonist or try to win them over, but that isn’t the case with Sana. 
• You and her would meet back up during a tough moment in your life, you thought she had malice against you but it was the opposite. 
• She would be extremely sweet and try to help you out the best way she could by getting to know you on a deeper level
• The both of you dated when you were younger in high school and now that you’re both in your twenties, emotional growth hit you both yet you’re still afraid to be vulnerable with her. 
• A lot of this potential rekindling of the relationship will deal with Sana attempting to grow closer to you while adjusting back to living in ya’lls hometown. 
“Sana,” you said. 
“Y/N, it’s been awhile.”
• The rest of Twice would be worried about you seeing Sana again, yet you didn’t mind. However you were a mess inside and Sana could tell which made her terrified to admit she still had feelings for you.
• Your romance with Sana would start out as light hearted friendship that turned intimate through your memories with one another and the conflicts that you have to face. Conflicts such as getting laid off by a job, or even a closed loved one passing. 
• Sana would prove herself as a dependable partner and someone who’s grown since the both of you have seen each other.
“I’m here, OK?” Sana said as she wrapped her arms around you. “I’m not leaving again.”
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• Office drama where you have a huge crush on your boss, Miss Park Jihyo herself. 
• You often would gush about your crush of Jihyo to your friends and co-workers
• Jihyo didn’t pick up on it at first, but she did appreciate the hard work you did around the office during those short times she’d see you.
• One night while you were leaving for the bus stop, a group of guys in the company tried to corner and hurt you or worse. 
• Luckily, Jihyo came down after finishing up some stuff in her office, shutting down the situation immediately. 
“To even attempt to do something that horrible as my employees is shameful,” Jihyo said. “Your contracts are terminated, leave now. All four of you are fired.”
After the guys fled, she turned to you with such softness and concern.
“Are you all right? Do you need a ride home?”
• You nodded, tongue tied up and dry at just being in the presence of Jihyo , some much so that your friends picked up on it more than usual.
• Jihyo would be in your department a lot more to see how you were doing, while tiptoeing over the fact that she cared about and had an attraction for you. She heard the rumors that you did too and decided to not be around you to cause more suspicion 
 • You did as well, but whenever she’d come around she’d only compliment your work and move along, barely looking at you.
• One night you were working late, all your friends and co-workers left, leaving you with your boss and crush again. 
She came by your department to make sure everyone left before locking eyes with you. She smiled softly prior to asking if you needed another ride home and you nodded.
The ride was quiet with quick stares at Jihyo from your side at the passengers seat. 
“Is everything all right?” she asks. 
“Yeah, I just--um. I can tell you something right? Since we’re not at work.”
Jihyo chucked and nodded for you to continue. 
“Well, I-I was just wondering why you don’t come over to say hi,” you say while fiddling with your seat-belt. “I know from those crush rumors that I seem delusional.”
Jihyo parks the car on the edge of the street near your apartment. 
“I don’t think you’re delusional but we should keep it under wraps at work,” Jihyo says.
“We? Should?”
Jihyo smirked. “How does lunch sound?”
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•  Fan meeting an idol type drama that revolves around E-Sports and Video games (mostly fighting games, also I nerd out a lot with this one :) )
• Mina is the star Tekken 7 player for team JYP and has never lost at the annual Tekken tournament in her birth city of San Antonio, Texas. 
• You were just at the tournament to test out your skills and meet new people, until your first match was against the prodigy herself, Myoui Mina 
 • She mainly used characters who required lots of execution and skill like the Mishimas while you opted for Lee. 
• Mina was shy, reserved prior to the match, a bit shocked by your initial choice of Lee but the both of you shook hands on it anyway.
• The match was pretty one sided. You were super nervous to be sitting next to the Myoui Mina and for the fact that she was a pro player. But your decent prowess soon kicked in as you almost brought the match back, stunning Mina and everyone in attendance. But, you still lost as the wire zipped down, ended it when Mina got you with a leg sweep you couldn’t see.
• Mina shot up from her seat, looking to walk away but didn’t as she thanked you for the great match and shook your hand. You were baffled to say the least but thanked her and admitted (on accident) called her gorgeous, admitting that you were such a huge fan.
• She froze but chuckled under her own rosy cheeks. She choose to avoid you until Sana and Momo forced her to ask for your number and you vice versa.
• The relationship started as a friendship, texts about tips for getting better at the game and sending each other videos explaining things either of you had trouble dealing with in the game. 
• This soon turned to innocent flirting which only complicated things since she traveled the world to participate in tournaments while you were in your small town working a 9-5.
• The complications would come to head as  Mina grew distant because of her traveling and games causing you to worry about where you guys were, relationship wise.
• Ofc Sana texted you that Mina was off her game (quite literally) and urged you to call her.
“Y/N, sorry I didn’t call I just--”
“We can be honest, right Mina?” you asked. 
“Ok. It doesn’t matter if you win or not, I just want you to do your best. You always do and I love that about you.”
“You bring the best out of me, Y/N.”
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• Childhood friends to lovers drama with complicated families plus fake dating. 
• Both of you had unspoken feelings for one another but kept it under wraps due to your families wanted the both of your to marry decent men or just marry and have a family in general.
• After a night filled with a ton of junk food, alcohol and horrible yet hilarious films, Dahyun suggested the idea.
• Hearing Dahyun speak so casually about being in a relationship with you, albeit fake, was endearing and you almost confessed to her then and there.
• She’d forget about most of it in the morning but you remind her. Through her blushing and mumbling, she agrees.
• Nothing changed with you two, except more contact: heavy on the contact, hand holding, hugs, kisses on the cheek and pecks on the lips. Of course you hesitated to do more but remembered what you both agreed on and kept your feelings close to heart. 
• Dahyun’s mother questioned the both of you a lot, yet it was your own mother that pulled you aside one day to ask if you were truly happy with Dahyun, noticing your hesitation with her. You took this as your mother shoehorning her way into your relationship but she did have a point. Would Dahyun really replicate your feelings?
 • You grew distant to Dahyun because of your issue, resulting in dozens of missed calls and hundreds of texts from her until she showed up at your house in frustration and a heat of tears.
“Why won’t you answer? Did I do something?” she asked. 
You stared at her as she paced back and forth revealing how much she was worried that she fucked up the relationship to which you followed up her question.
“Which relationship? Our fake one or the real one?”  you said. 
• Dahyun stunted at your words before whispering, “the real one.”
• Her words broke you as your own tears fell before Dahyun swept you up in her embrace. She’d coo in your ear about love and loving you, but is it in the same way you love her?
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• Meet cute/ slice of life/ college au drama that’s funny, but serious and fun.
• Chaeyoung’s the girl in your 11 a.m. class who’s super creative and is apart of the art club’s showcase every year. She was a bit of a wallflower, kept to herself but was energetic and a force around the right people. Thus your crush was developed, especially based on how she stopped movement in the room when she spoke, so much that when the professor asked for your input, you tripped over your words. 
• Of course the class found it hilarious, and made an entire event out of it. Your eyes remained glued to your notebook. 
• Once class was dismissed, you packed up as quick as you could, only for your pen to fall against the floor. A minuscule event but still made you feel worse due to what happened earlier.
“Hey, this yours?” someone asked. 
You looked up to see Chaeyoung herself, eyebrow raised but kind as she held out the pen to you.
“Yeah, t-thanks Chaeyoung.”
• Chaeyoung smiled, revealing her adorable dimples that took your breath away. She was going to leave the classroom but stayed because of the tiny keychain from your favorite cartoon on your bag. She raved about how it and the both of you talked about your fav cartoons while leaving the building and stepping into the crisp, Autumn air of campus. 
• “You’re pretty cool Y/N,” Chaeyoung said. “I don’t know if this is too forward but could I get your number? I got class in a few but I’d love to grab a sandwich from subway later.”
You almost passed out then and there but typed your number into her phone anyway.
• Hanging out with Chaeyoung meant meeting a lot of people who admired and liked her just as much as you did. There was no competition but you still got jealous because you were still new to Chaeyoung. 
• Time outside of your classes included hanging out with Chaeyoung at library study sessions, some at her dorm and others in the courtyard. You guys would also support each other, whether it’s buying each other coffee or a meal after an exam.
“So, how’d the exam go?” you’d ask.
You were looking down at your phone, absentmindedly. A few moments passed before you looked up to find Chaeyoung staring at you. Her attention made you realize how close she was, leaning on her hand while she laid across her bed with her open notes. She was so close. 
“Y/N, have I told you how pretty I think your eyes are?”
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• Best Friends to lovers, but Tzuyu is a rich heiress of her family’s toy company.
• The both of you met at Chou’s Toy Factory, which you were a wide eyed intern who got lost one day. 
• You bumped into Tzuyu, frazzled already but your dishevelment increased at the gorgeous sight of the woman. 
• She started blankly at you, blushing at you as she pulled you up before you could fall.
“Are you all right?” 
“Yeah! Um, sorry I wasn’t looking.”
•  Tzuyu’s shy yet friendly demeanor drew you to her as she attempted to make small talk while she led you to your department. You noticed how the other workers bowed and looked to Tzuyu in awe, that’s when you put two and two together, figuring out Tzuyu was the daughter of the owner. 
• You kept it to yourself, not bringing it up as you talked with her as normal and being friendly while taking lunch breaks with her. This would happen a few weeks until she asked for your number and the both of you starting hanging out outside of work. 
•  Tzuyu would spoil you a lot, whether it’d be surprising you with coffee or lunch when you’re crunched at work but plays it off as a friendly gesture while leaving notes of encouragement on stick notes.
• You weren’t as well off but you did surprise her with gifts of your own, which Tzuyu welcomes with tight hugs. 
• The more time she spend with you, the more people started to notice, Tzuyu’s parents especially. 
• They began to wonder where Tzuyu’s time went into and when she would find a suitable partner when she takes over the business. Of course they mean a man and not you, which only frightened you more when your hangouts with Tzuyu begun to lessen. 
  •  She made herself scarce and you did too until Tzuyu ran into you while you were leaving work. 
• She asked if she could hang out with you at your apartment, you wanted to say no but she looked to desperate. 
“I can make you tea, but I don’t have much time to talk,” you said as you removed your coat, and shoes prior to closing the door. 
“Y/N, we can skip the tea,” Tzuyu said. “I just want to talk, you’ve been avoiding me.”
You scoffed at her words.
“Funny, you ditched me for every rich bachelor in town and I’m avoiding you?”
Tzuyu bit her lip.
“That’s not my choice Y/N,” she said. 
“Really? Which bachelor is the best? Saw you smiling with one of them while you were leaving the other day--”
“Could you just stop!” Tzuyu yelled, cutting you off. “My choice would be you Y/N, only you.”
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bubbletaeeee · 2 years
Lovestruck Sweethearts - Son Chaeyoung x Fem!Reader
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Requested: yes🥺🥰
Content: pure fluff
A/N: I think this is pretty cute, I hope you guys like it too 🥺
Word count: 956
It’s 9:00am.
You felt soooo happy that you finally got a couple of days off from work, and so did chaeyoung, the amount of time and effort she puts into work is unbelievable, she truly works hard, if anyone deserved a break it would be your precious girlfriend.
You’d both planned a beautiful date today, in 2 hours you’d get to see the love of your life and spend some much needed time together.
Right now, you were spending a lot of time trying to figure out what to wear, you just wanted to look perfect for chae.
Eventually after some time, you found the perfect outfit: a cute little black dress, not too fancy, but perfect for showing off your pretty curves, and a casual little denim jacket in case you get a little cold. Now you only had about an hour left to be ready.
Without rushing too much, you got yourself all ready, subtle makeup, pretty outfit on, luscious perfume, everything that could make you irresistible to chaeyoung.
Shortly enough, there was a knock at the door, you ran so fast that you couldn’t fell so easily.
Stumbling to the door hurriedly, you opened it to reveal a gorgeous looking Son Chaeyoung, she never failed to impress you with that captivating smile of hers and the sparkle in her dark chocolate eyes.
You missed her so much, so you threw your arms around her neck and held her in a tight, loving embrace. She giggled and hugged you close by the waist. The two of you pulled away to admire eachother.
“Baby, you’re breathtaking”, She tucked your hair behind your ear, complimenting you.
An obvious shade of rosey red heated up your cheeks, chae clearly noticed and cooed at your cuteness, kissing your cheeks each side.
“So are you chae”, you grinned.
Giving you one last kiss to your lips, she took your hand in hers and escorted you into town to a cute little café, it was only a 20 minute walk so the stroll was comfortable and the air was filled with love and laughter as your hands never let go of eachother.
Chaeyoung was such a gentlewoman with you, always treated you with care and spoiled you with affection, gosh you’re so lucky to have her in your life.
You both sat down at a table in the corner by a window that let in a warm glow of the sun.
Surely enough you both ordered something to eat and drink.
You looked up to find chae staring at you with loving eyes.
It gave you butterflies in your stomach, making you a little nervous, but in the best way possible.
“Jagiya, a-are you okay?”, she propped her chin up on her hand, continuing to gaze into your eyes, “I’m okay, but I think you’re a little shy”, she teased, her confidence made you blush intensely.
You looked down innocently, “how can I not be. W-when you’re looking at me that way?”, you confessed.
Your shyness made her smile widely as she lifted your chin up to look at her, “I’m just appreciating my beautiful girlfriend. You’re gorgeous darling”, her flirtatious compliment made you hide your face in your hands bashfully.
She gently pulled your hands away to hold them in hers, delicately kissing the back of them.
“Don’t be shy sweetie, it’s only me. You know how much I adore you”.
It was impossible to not feel so lovestruck right now, she was so perfect and kind. Her words built up your confidence a little. Enough to tell her that you love her just as much, if not more.
Meanwhile, your food just arrived.
The two of you ate comfortably and continued to compliment and flirt with eachother endlessly. It was all so relaxing and sweet.
A little while later, you both finished up eating, you came up with a sweet idea of curling up together at home to watch a romantic movie.
Of course she happily agreed.
You left some money on the table and intertwined your hands together for a slow, peaceful walk home. Just before you reached the door, she stopped and pulled you smoothly towards her for a romantic, passionate kiss. The sudden surprise left you stunned and dumbfounded just as you opened the front door and kicked off your shoes. Chaeyoung did the same.
You told her to make herself comfortable and cozy up on the sofa, you fell right next to her and cuddled up close to her side with your arm wrapped around her and your head on her shoulder.
The remote was close by, allowing you to easily pick it up and turn on the tv to scroll through a long selection of movies to watch.
Once you’d found one, before you pressed play, she placed her hand over yours to stop you.
You looked at her in confusion, “what’s wrong chae?”, thinking maybe she changed her mind or something.
But those thoughts faded once she smiled softly and patted her lap, “come sit”, you just followed her words and turned to sit up on her lap. Her arms wrapped tightly around you, keeping you warm and close, her lips were so close to yours but before you could connect them, she whispered gently, “I love you so much y/n, and I’ll never change my mind about that”, your arms looped around her neck as she rubbed your back comfortingly, “I love you too Chaeyoung, I’ll always be yours”, and with that, your lips met for a long, magical kiss, nothing short of sweet.
You both got caught up in the intimacy and stayed this way for a long time, nothing else in this world could make you happier.
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smoll-tangerine · 2 years
ten reasons why i hate you: reason #2
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SYNOPSIS. while you admittedly didn’t refuse the arranged marriage between you and jung jaehyun, that didn’t mean that you’d allow him to treat you like a doormat. for the emotional distress he had put you through during the months leading up to your engagement party, you ensure that he will pay for the way he had been treating you for the rest of his life. 
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PAIRING. rich boy!jaehyun x rich girl!reader  GENRES. angst, drama, rich kid!au  CHAPTER WORD COUNT. 1643 
WARNINGS. mentions of drinking, female!reader on a war path. 
DISCLAIMER. this is a work of fiction based on fictional events and characters. it is unrelated to any real people, organisations, locations, and events. the laws, and legal and medical interpretations in this work have also been modified for storytelling purposes.
[a/n]: thanks everyone for their interest in my drabble (now titled reason #1)! thanks to that, i decided to make this into a small series comprised of 10 short chapters, hopefully all under 2k words. do note that there will be little to no romance for this series. i’ve always wanted to write a story from the “antagonist” pov, so here’s my first attempt at it! 
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The engagement party was a drag and it took a toll on you emotionally. 
While you barely remembered what exactly went down as you drank more than you could handle, you distinctively remembered that you somehow came out with a goal from that party. 
And that goal was to make Jaehyun’s life a living hell. 
Despite the engagement, there was still nothing concrete about it. 
Your family had a verbal agreement with Jaehyun’s, but that wasn’t enough for you to actually proceed with the marriage. 
So, a few days after the engagement party, you invited him and his family to discuss what your marriage entailed. Your family got the gist that Jaehyun didn’t want to marry you, but they didn’t know the exact reason for it. 
Luckily for the Jungs, you spared your parents the details and told them that you’d handle it yourself this time, to which they thankfully didn’t object.
Af if God knew of your plans, the restaurant Jaehyun’s parents picked was the one where his girlfriend worked. You didn’t know if that was karma working for or against you. Nonetheless, even if you weren’t the one who picked it, it wouldn’t change Jaehyun’s opinion of you, so who cares?
“Let me tell you how Mr. Jung and I are so ecstatic of your engagement to our son!” Jaehyun’s mother gushed to you as his girlfriend was serving red wine to everyone at the table.
You ignored Jaehyun and his girlfriend the whole time and pretended that they weren’t there. In any case, you didn’t need to look at him to know where he was or how he felt about the situation; the smoke coming out of his ears were enough.
“I’m afraid that this dinner isn’t what you think, Mrs. Jung,” you replied as you motioned your family butler to hand you your briefcase.
“Please, we’re about to become a family, call me–”
You slid a few papers onto the table. “This is the prenup that my family lawyers drew up,” you cut her off and then took a sip of the red wine.
You grimaced at how gross it tasted and motioned Jaehyun’s girlfriend—what was her name again, Chaeyoung?—with a flick of your wrist. “Get me a bottle of Château d’Yquem.”
You didn’t fail to notice the flash of annoyance in her eyes. You relished this moment even more, as sadistic as it sounds.
“A prenup…?” the older lady then said, shocked. “I- I don’t understand.”
The look on the three of their faces were worth the effort. Mr. Jung looked fuming, his wife evidently devastated, and Jaehyun looked like he was going to burn a hole through your skull by the way he was glaring at you.
“Well, you honestly can’t expect me to marry your son when he, well,” you glanced at Chaeyoung subtly as she poured your wine with a frown, “comes with quite a baggage.”
“I can assure you that my son has cut all ties with that girlfriend of his,” Jaehyun’s father gruffly stated.
You almost snorted into your wine glass. How shameless of them to force their son into an arranged marriage with a complete stranger when they knew that he had a girlfriend? And you wondered if they knew whether that that girlfriend of his was the one serving them right now. If that were the case, you had to ponder whether this was a deliberate move on their part or not to bring you to this specific restaurant.
“Oh, and the prenup isn’t the only thing,” you continued. “There are more things for him to agree to.” You gave them a half-smile. “You know, just to protect myself from future liabilities.”
Along with the prenup were a list of conditions that they had to agree to, if they wanted this marriage to move forward. Your demands were pretty ridiculous, but not ridiculous enough that they would straight-up reject them. You weren’t dumb, you knew there was more to this marriage than the two families wanting to join together.
Your mother was a famous socialite while your father’s side of the family owned a couple of private hospitals, known for providing the best healthcare in the country. Jaehyun’s family, on the other hand, was known for being in the pharmaceutical industry. A partnership between the hospital line and a pharmaceutical line would certainly be beneficial, especially for the Jungs.
Not to mention how your family’s net worth was around $1 billion, and Jaehyun’s was worth half of yours—in the $500 million, last you checked. While they certainly had a lot money of their own, it wouldn’t hurt to protect yourself and well, to also hurt Jaehyun’s pride in the process. Two birds, one stone.
It was only too bad Jaehyun was such a dick to you.
“If Jaehyun was caught in a cheating scandal, the settlement our family will have to pay–” his mother scanned the document and screeched. “This is ridiculous! How dare you ask us–”
“Well, of course, the same applies to me,” you reassured her nonchalantly. “If anything, I don’t care if he has mistresses on the side—as long as he doesn’t get caught by the media and drags my reputation to the ground. I’m afraid that’s going to be a little bit hard to get back to. Cheating scandals are fine and all since we can always refute them, but oh, if he gets someone else pregnant,” you tipped your wine glass to them, “that will certainly be a problem.”
A moment of silence as the parents looked at each other, not even considering Jaehyun’s opinion or feelings at all. While the two elders were busy whispering amongst themselves, you smirked at Jaehyun, happy with the development of things.
“Oh, and of course, if Jaehyun signs this agreement,” you said and pulled out another document from your briefcase and slid it over. “Then, here’s the partnership agreement you’ve previously spoke about with my parents. And I can assure you that the terms are much better than the ones you previously set with my parents. My father’s and grandfather’s signatures and seals are, of course, already on it. Feel free to send it to your lawyers to authenticate everything.”
Of course, you ensured that your family wasn’t on the losing side of the partnership, but you also had to make sure that your offer was enticing enough for them to sign it. And surely enough, they gobbled it up.
“Get me a pen and my seal stamp,” Mr. Jung quickly conceded.
“You shut your mouth!” he shouted at Jaehyun, surprising even you. “You almost ruined our family with that little girlfriend of yours, you will not disobey my orders! You will sign this agreement or I will cut you off completely!”
Jaehyun looked furious as ever. His hand trembled as he signed his name on the prenup and then stamped it with his seal, his girlfriend witnessing the whole process.
You swore that you were going to make his life a living hell, and you were going to keep your word.
“Lovely doing business with you,” you said with a sickeningly sweet smile and shook all of their hands. “I look forward to see what this partnership will bring.”
“It’s only too bad that you’re a doctor,” Mr. Jung replied. “You would have made an amazing businesswoman.”
You smiled politely. “You flatter me too much.”
Jaehyun’s parents finally left and you two were alone in the private room. Your fiancé sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Are you happy now?” he asked with a sneer. “Are you staying here longer to torture me further and gloat?”
You scoffed and sipped at your drink. “Nonsense. I’m also staying because of how expensive this glass of wine costs.”
He rolled his eyes. “A glass of a 1997 Château D’Yquem only costs $1000—you make that every second. Not to mention, my family picked up the tab.”
“Of course they did,” you said with a small snort. “As if they’re going to make their future daughter-in-law pay for dinner.”
“You’re the one who invited us.”
“And rightfully so,” you snapped back.
You could tell that Jaehyun was surprised with your attitude, so different from usual. In a way, it was true yet untrue at the same time. You’ve always been know to be a force to be reckoned with, one to never back down from a fight. Yet somehow a man like Jaehyun was able to knock you off your horse for the past couple of months so it was high time for you to get back on it.
“I said I was going to make you suffer for the rest of your life,” you said as you got up from your seat, and threw your serviette onto the table. “I’m simply holding my word. As you can see, I’m not one to go back on it.”
You walked away from him and Chaeyoung, who had been as silent as ever for the whole duration of the dinner. You even stopped next to her and pulled out a few hundreds before shoving them into the little pocket of her vest.
“Sorry for the trouble,” you told her with a fake smile.
You made sure that your back faced them as you left the restaurant, your heels clacking loudly against the floor. After months of torture, you finally started enacting your revenge.
But this wasn’t nearly enough for you. This was nothing compared to the months of hatred and spite he held against you during the months leading up to your engagement.
Jaehyun hadn’t even a full taste of your fury yet. It was your turn to knock him down his high horse. And you looked forward to the day he will be on his knees, begging you for mercy. 
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closedafterdark · 3 years
LOOΠΔ Kimberly Lippington x Male Reader
8038 words
categories: smut, oral, tsundere! lip, detective! lip
Read on AFF
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A bright, spring morning is anything but upon your return to Starship Precinct following your suspension for allowing the now rogue Detective Lee Luda to escape. While many were excited for your return, being called into Captain Choo Sojung’s office the moment you got out of the elevator meant the problems were only beginning. All eyes were on you as you walked by Kim Jiyeon and especially Son Jooyeon’s desks.
“What are you all doing? Get back to work!” Captain Sojung ordered in a loud voice before slamming her door shut.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled the moment you sat down in front of her desk. “It’s bad enough I had to suspend you for defying my orders, but for you to continue working the case while off the clock?”
“Boss, I managed to find Park Chaeyoung…” you said quietly.
Captain Sojung glared back at you. Many at the precinct were no strangers to be on the receiving end of the Captain’s temper. From mislabeled case files, to her podium in the briefing room being moved a full half-inch - everyone knew not to get on her bad side. Luckily for you, you never did anything that warranted to provoke her. That is, until now.
“No. You didn’t just find Park Chaeyoung. You slept with her.” Captain Sojung said in a soft, cold tone. Despite it not having the same volume level, each word is chilling and sent shivers down your spine. “I chose not to say anything about you and Jiyeon because you both promised me it wouldn’t affect your work. And if that wasn’t already enough, you slept with Jooyeon immediately after Jiyeon asked for a break. So you work the case even after I specifically told you not to. You get the Lieutenant to arrange a meeting with her liaison from the Dreamcatcher Precinct. And what do you do with her? You fuck her too! Seriously, how hard is it to not stick your dick into every female you work with? Well, am I wrong?”
You were unable to refute the Captain’s claims. The no nonsense, straightforwardness of your superior put things into perspective about what exactly happened during your one week suspension. Somehow, you managed to sleep with a different woman every day, with Bora being the only one you saw multiple times.
“No, ma’am.” you quietly reply.
“Oppa.” Sojung said. You knew that whenever she dropped the formalities, she was talking to you as a friend and not as your superior officer. You looked at her straight in the eyes and saw a hint of sadness.
“I know the breakup with Jiyeon was hard on you, as well as being on a forced suspension. I also know why you let Luda go. But you can’t use these meaningless one night stands as a coping mechanism. Sooner or later, everything is going to come crashing down. When you’re absolutely alone - all those thoughts fill your head. Trust me, I know. I’ve been through it.”
“You’ve let someone you trusted escape? You’ve gone on a date with a florist who turns out to be an internationally wanted criminal? Or you find out your Lieutenant’s liaison is someone you used to be close friends with who happens to know your ex very well?”
“Focus on the big picture here, fool.” Captain Sojung replied back angrily. “I know what it’s like to bury yourself in work after a major breakup. You can’t let it consume you.”
“Jiyeon was everything to me.”
Captain Sojung looked at you and noticed tears beginning to stream down your face. She was thankful the blinds on her window were closed, preventing curious people from snooping around to see what you two were discussing. The only sounds made were the fans inside her computer and you quietly sobbing.
“I always said she meant the world to me, Sojung. And because of one fuck up, I lost her. Do you know why I haven’t been the same that day?” you fumbled in your pocket and pulled out a small, velvet box. After handing it to the Captain, she opened it. Inside was a simple diamond engagement ring.
“I planned on bringing it up at the hospital. But once we discussed the case, I couldn’t help but accuse her of helping Luda. Maybe it was me projecting my insecurities in a negative way. I wasn’t in the right state of mind. I guess… I guess Jooyeon was there to comfort me. She’s always been so nice and I guess I was seeking solace in someone I could easily confide to. Chaeyoung was a throwaway one night stand, I’ll give you that. That still doesn’t excuse me letting her get away. But Bora… I don’t know. Have you reunited with someone from the past and felt nostalgic? Like, what if you chose them back then? How differently would your life be now? It’s just… I don’t know. Working the case and being intimate with her. I… felt something, you know? Something I thought I felt with Jiyeon. But I guess what they say is true.”
“You can never truly forget about your first love.”
Two flashlights are shined inside a wrecked car. The airbags were deployed with traces of blood staining the cracked windshield and driver’s side window. Upon careful inspection is a card left on the passenger’s seat. A gloved hand picks it up and places it under the flashlight.
“What do we got?” you asked, shining your own flashlight at the card.
The plain white card only has six words printed on it. Three in black, three in pink.
“Playing With Fire, See U Later!”
You take a look at your partner and reciprocate their frowned expression. It’s been five years since these types of calling cards have been left at the scene of a crime. You thought they were gone for good.
German shepherds sniffing the surrounding area for clues while the bright red and blue lights from various police cars filled the darkness of nightfall as the surrounding area was sanctioned off with yellow police tape. Considered to be the early evening for some, you were awoken from your sleep after it was reported that several gunshots and screams could be heard.
“Detectives.” someone said from behind.
You and your partner turn around and are met by a shoulder-length haired woman wearing a precinct provided windbreaker and a badge on her neck thanks to a thin chain necklace. It was hard to make out much thanks to the ample blanket of darkness but her large eyes and fair complexion gave her a glowing-like appearance. Three simple words - the woman’s ranking and her name were embroidered on the left side of her jacket. Lieutenant Ha Sooyoung.
“What is it, boss?” you asked. 
It was a nickname you bestowed upon her on your first day at the precinct. The confident aura and way she was able to lead those around her lead you to believe she was the captain of the squad. One mistakenly sent email and a slightly awkward encounter at the break room later, you learned the actual captain was away on a special mission. Expecting her to be intimidating and cold in demeanor, you were pleasantly surprised to find out she was anything but. When not on the field or consuming her various fruit flavored yogurts, Ha Sooyoung was known as a bit of a wisecrack. As much as she enjoyed cracking jokes and playing harmless pranks on people, she cared about them even more. Everyone considered her the “mom” of the precinct, willing to drop whatever she was doing and lend a willing ear to those who had concerns or just wanted to talk.
“Seems like they’ve made a comeback.” Lieutenant Sooyoung replied, holding up another calling card. The words were in all pink this time along with the quote: “Love to Hate Me, You Never Know!”. Before, the cards left behind only contained individual letters or a black or pink line on them. You weren’t sure what to make of these new ones, but knew that the criminals who were all but dormant for the past five years have resurfaced.
“Who?” your partner asked.
“It’s someone your partner here knows very well.” Lieutenant Sooyoung said, raising an eyebrow at you. Having known you the longest out of everyone in the precinct besides your partner, you confided to her about how you were transferred to your current precinct and of the various unsolved cases you had. The Lieutenant was particularly famous for her passion when it came to work but also quips and being able to come up with one-liners on the fly.
“Very amusing, boss.” you said, maintaining a calm expression while asking for the calling card in her hand. It was a piece of laminated papyrus leaf with very high quality ink used. You knew such a card would be quite expensive to make, meaning the criminals either had their own private source - or, there was a possibility to trace it to a public entity with a bit of research. “They’ve been busy.”
“I still have no idea who you guys are talking about.” your partner said.
“How have you not heard of them? They’re-” Just then, your phone began ringing. Taking it out of your pocket, you pressed the green button to accept before placing it against your ear.
“Hello? All right, I’ll be there soon.”
You end the call and place your phone back in your pocket before facing the Lieutenant and your partner. You nod to Lieutenant Sooyoung, who nods in return as she understands the current situation.
“I… gotta go. I’ll see you guys back at the precinct.” you said, patting your partner’s shoulder twice before making your exit.
“Tell them I say hi. And make sure to get the full fat strawberry yogurt.”
“I’ll make sure to bring back the durian flavored one for you, boss.”
“Hey! I will end you if you do.”
You smiled and flashed her a peace sign before getting into your car and driving off. It seems the preliminary investigation is finished as the tape is being collected and the additional backup units are also making their leave after having checked in with Lieutenant Sooyoung. Thanking the final officer for their hard work, she turns to your partner and crosses her arms. The mischievous smirk on her face is one that arouses suspicion.
“What…?” your partner asked.
“Don’t you want to know where he suddenly went off to?”
“Not particularly.”
“Still don’t want to admit it then, huh? Fine.” Lieutenant Sooyoung teased. Taking out her phone, she began scrolling for something until she stopped and showed it to your partner.
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“What the fuck…” your partner said, wide-eyed. “Why are you only telling me this now!”
“Because we are professionals and on the clock, Detective Kim Jungeun.”
“Unnie…” Jungeun whined.
“Just admit you like him. You practically fell for him his first day at the precinct, remember?”
“I’d rather not.” Jungeun said, bringing her hair to her face and using it to shield her eyes.
Captain Sojung was able to call in a couple of favors and have you relocated to a new precinct instead of being fired. You were thankful, although it was sad having to say goodbye to a place you called home and all of the memories that were made. You noticed Jiyeon and Jooyeon didn’t attend the farewell party. Which was fair, you probably would’ve done the same if you were in their shoes.
Walking in the unfamiliar hallway of the precinct filled you with uncertainty and hesitation. It’s been awhile since you had to start over and be the new kid. The warm color tones and wavy lines on the floor put your mind at ease slightly as you go and find your assigned desk.
Greeting you when you arrive are a welcome card and the computer monitor on which displays the precinct’s logo and name underneath.
“Blockberry Precinct…” you said to yourself quietly.
Bowing your head to the few employees working next to you, you put your bag aside and immediately work on the case files assigned to you. Having to fill out a large volume of paperwork is something you humorously described yourself as “being allergic to”, but you knew it had to be done.
“Knock, knock.”
You looked up and were met by a stunning dark haired woman with bright, large eyes hidden behind a pair of gold framed glasses. The rosy pink tint of her lips were curved upwards as she smiled and handed you an unmarked hot beverage cup which you assumed contained coffee. While you wouldn’t call yourself a coffee drinker at all, you accepted it due to not wanting to get on anyone’s bad side, especially on the first day.
“Good morning.” she said cheerfully. “You must be the reassigned detective. My name is Ha Sooyoung.”
“Ah yes, hello.” you replied, standing up and greeting her with a bow. She raised both of her hands and waved them, saying there was no need to be so formal with her.
“How do you like the precinct so far? It’s not much, but it’s home.” she said, sitting on a vacant chair next to your desk. Trying your best not to stare, you couldn’t help but notice the woman who introduced herself as Ha Sooyoung wearing a cropped, tight fitting button up shirt with a black tie which showed off the contour of her breasts. Her midriff was prominently displayed due to this - fair colored skin and the cutest navel you have ever seen, as far as navels are concerned. She proudly showed off her abs that led to well-formed hips accentuated by a skin tight pair of jeans. She was the perfect combination of curves and being toned.
“Good morning, unnie!” a glassy-eyed raven haired woman greeted Sooyoung before heading to her own desk.
Watching various uniformed officers and even custodial staff saying hi to her, you knew she was of a high enough ranking. She was on the younger side appearance wise. But the mature aura she possessed and the way she knew about you led you to believe she is the captain of the precinct.
“I’d love to stay and chat some more, but duty calls.” Sooyoung suddenly said to you. She brushed off her jeans and fixed the wrinkles in her shirt before addressing you once more. “Make sure you send me that email and put the case file on my desk afterwards.”
The next several hours leading into your lunch break pass by relatively quickly. You were looking forward to it - trying out a new recipe you learned from watching a video, but also to have peace and quiet alone. It seemed everyone had their preferred partner for eating, something you missed about Starship Precinct. If nothing else, having established friendships and work relationships with your old squad made going into work something to look forward to.
You opened the door to the break room, peeking your head inside slowly and breathing a sigh of relief as you found it completely empty. Taking your food out of the shared refrigerator, you heat it up in the microwave. You hummed to the tone of a song that seemed familiar but you were unsure how the lyrics went. Scrolling through your phone, you didn’t hear someone else enter the room.
A pair of hands are firmly planted on your shoulders. You were startled - almost dropping your phone as you fumbled to catch it. You turn around and are greeted by Ha Sooyoung covering her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh. She runs her fingers through her long, shiny hair before pushing it behind her and heading to the refrigerator.
“Mind if I join you?” she asked, peering her head to presumably look for her food.
“Not at all.”
Sooyoung smiled as she handed your meal from the microwave and replaced it with hers.
“Mind telling me why you’re eating here alone instead of going out with the others?” she said, her back towards you as she entered the time it would take to heat up her food. Even from this vantage point, you could tell she was well toned through the defined muscles on her back. You questioned to yourself internally if all captains of a police precinct got to know her detectives personally on a one-on-one basis. Sojung was the same - however the two of you already knew of each other well before either of you were ever a part of Starship Precinct.
“Not much of a social person.” you replied sheepishly. “Don’t do too well in large groups of people. Figured no one would want to hangout with the newbie.”
“I understand.” Sooyoung said, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. “There’s no need for you to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I’d like to be your lunch buddy though… if you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, what case were you working on before you came here?”
“Oh, it’s -”
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The door opens once again suddenly. The sounds of loud, cheerful voices and heels clanking against the floor with each step alerted you that people have begun returning to the precinct. The person who called for Sooyoung leaned against the door frame. There was a hint of arrogance her body language was giving off - back against the wooden beam while crossing her arms. Her pearly white button up shirt was complimented with a frill scarf-like accessory that looked more like a napkin from a fine dining establishment. The blazer she wore was form-fitting: it was evident she had put in a lot of time into meticulously picking out her outfit. She appeared to be ready to hit the runway at a moment’s notice.
“Unnie, there you are. We’ve been looking all over for you!”
Sitting adjacent to the both of you, she slouched slightly in the chair. Placing her left elbow on the ear of the chair, her focus was solely on Sooyoung before she turned around and faced you.
“Oh, you must be the new rookie. Hi! It’s nice to meet you. My name is Kimberly Lippington.” she said, flipping her hair in a whirl of brown and blonde wind and extending her hand out.
“Ah yes, h-hello.” you replied timidly.
“Not this again...” Sooyoung said, shaking her head. “I’m sorry about her. She can be a handful sometimes.”
“I am not! Anyways how is your first day so far, rookie? Yeah, I remember my first day. But that was so long ago. If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.”
“He’s actually-”
You shook your head at Sooyoung, placing your index finger in front of your lips. Sooyoung’s eyes widened as she smiled and formed an imaginary zipper with two fingers. The woman who is known as Kimberly Lippington has piqued your interest - you were curious what more else she would reveal about herself.
“How long have you been here?” you asked.
“About to be a whole year in a few weeks!” she said proudly.
“Pft, please.” Sooyoung scoffed. “Since when has four months become twelve? You’ve only been here ⅓ of the time you claim.”
“Unnie!” Kimberly Lippington whined. “You’re making me sound like an egoist!”
“I’m pretty sure you’re doing that yourself. Who was the one who described herself as the eclipse to twilight? Which, by the way, makes absolutely no sense.”
“Figures you wouldn’t understand. Only visionaries and those with a deep knowledge of the universe would. Am I right, rookie?”
The door is open for a third time today. You are thankful, breathing a sigh of relief about not having to answer her question. In walks in the same raven haired woman who greeted Sooyoung earlier in the morning. Her hair cascaded down like a waterfall - her eyes bright and expressive. The smile on her face was warm and inviting, a stark contrast to the person next to you who was slightly pompous and haughty.
“Sergeant, the captain is looking for you. She wants you to bring sunbaenim as well.” she stated, motioning her hand towards you. You rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment as Kimberly Lippington’s expression went from confident to shocked. 
“Wait, wait, wait. So you’re not a rookie?”
“Come on, Kim Jungeun. We’ll explain to you on the way.”
“Kim Jungeun...?” you asked as the three of you made your way out of the break room. “As in the Supreme Leader Kim Jungeun?”
Sergeant Ha Sooyoung burst into laughter at your sudden realization as Jungeun hit your shoulder and pushed you behind your back.
“You just had to reveal my real name like that, unnie. Now everyone calls me supreme leader or claps like him when I pass by!” Jungeun whined.
“Hey, it’s not my fault you introduced yourself with that ridiculous nickname. I mean seriously, who else called you that on purpose besides yourself and Jinsol?”
“I’m the one who has a ridiculous nickname?” Jungeun asked, glaring at her superior officer and raising her left eyebrow. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’m the one who makes the guys I bring home call me mommy.”
“H-Hey! Guys love calling me mommy…”
“Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, unnie.” Jungeun said, rolling her eyes in mild annoyance as she leans against the Lieutenant’s car.
“You know… Every second you’re here talking to me is another second she’s with him. If I had to take a guess - she could be confessing to him as we speak.”
No sooner had the words left Lieutenant Sooyoung’s mouth that the sound of a door being closed was heard. She peered inside and saw Jungeun crossing her arms after having put her seatbelt on.
“Come on we have to hurry unnie!”
The place you were called to was a cafe - one you frequent often due to its close proximity to the precinct. The interior decor provided an intimate cozy feeling, something much needed after being out in the chilly winter evening. You ordered a hot peach green tea waiting for your contact to arrive. Taking a sip of the hot liquid after blowing on it to cool it off, your throat and body begin to warm up.
You stood up and turned around, being greeted by a tight embrace. Having the wind knocked out of you slightly, you looked down and found the culprit was a cute woman whose mostly brown hair with blonde highlights tickled the bottom of your jaw. She is Jeon Heejin - someone you have gotten close to over the years. The defining traits upon looking at Heejin were her cute moles: one just below her eye and another on her right cheek.
“Hi Heekie.” you said, smiling. While Jungeun was your main partner, you have been assigned to work several cases with her before. She earned the title of senior detective by virtue of having been in the precinct the longest. Her particular nickname was bestowed upon her by the squad - an amalgamation of her given name Heejin and bunny; due to her shared physical characteristics with the animal.
“Oppa, where were you this afternoon? Lunch was so boring! I had to listen to Kim Hyunjin talk about various types of yeast and why she hates sourdough bread.” Heejin said as she pouted at you, puffing air through her nose while she made a face that looked mostly cute and less intimidating and angry. You pinched her cheeks, stretching them slightly as she adorably continued to ask you where you were.
“I’m sorry, Heej. I was a bit busy today. But why did you call me here? What’s so important you couldn’t wait to tell me tomorrow morning at the precinct?” you asked as Heejin let go of you and sat on the opposite side of the table.
“Pft, you’re no fun oppa. Always wanting to be so serious about things.” Heejin teased. “But I called you because I have some good news.”
“Remember that case we worked on last year?”
“How could I forget. Not everyday you have the scene of a murder where the main witness is a dog.”
Heejin laughed. “It was funny watching you try to communicate with the dog by barking.”
“So what is the good news you have for me, Heej?”
“Take a look.” she replied, handing you a plain manila file folder. You opened it, observing the crime scene photos and a summary about the case attached. It contained the standard briefing report - photographs of blood stains, weapon used, a trail where the victim tried to escape. You sighed while skimming through them. That is, until you reach the final photo. Upon first glance, nothing is out of the ordinary. But something catches your eye at the very bottom.
“How could we have missed this?” you asked.
“That’s what I’ve been asking myself all afternoon. Which is why I’m still mad at you for leaving me alone with Hyunjin!” Heejin pouted. Even during tense situations, she knew how to lighten the mood.
“I’m sorry, Heej.” you said, pinching her cheek softly. “Why don’t we go eat some grilled meat tomorrow? Promise.”
“The other reason why I called you here is because Sooyoung unnie and I planned something.”
“What? You and boss did?”
“We had to since you’re always so oblivious!”
“About what?” you asked with a confused look on your face.
“Oh my god.” Heejin replied, rolling her eyes. “This is why we did it. You know Lip unnie likes you right?”
You laughed. “Kim Jungeun? Likes me? You’re funny, Heekie.”
“Oppa, I’m serious! She’s been in love with you ever since your first day at the precinct.”
“That’s absurd. All she ever does is call me a pig and hit me whenever I compliment her about a case or how I like the outfit she wore on that particular day.”
“Unnie squeals so loudly and goes on and on about how she almost melted hearing you tell her she's pretty when we’re fixing our makeup in the restrooms. So I sent fake texts to Sooyoung unnie to show her saying I was planning on confessing to you right now.” Heejin cheerfully said as she showed you her phone.
“Heej, I don’t know…” you said, still doubtful about the new information you were given.
“If you don’t believe me, why don’t you ask her yourself? But do this first...” Heejin teased you, crossing her arms before grabbing your hand and placing it on the side of her head as the automatic entrance to the cafe opened.
“Jeon Heejin!”
The loud voice startled you slightly as you looked up and were indeed greeted by an angry Jungeun. Her nostrils were flared as her cheeks are a slight rosy pink. You knew she was one to wear glasses whenever she was off the clock.
“What’s sooo important that you had to call my partner away from work?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Heejin said, feigning innocence.
“Don’t play dumb! I saw the texts. You know what you said!”
“Jungeun, I-”
“Be quiet.” Jungeun snapped at you. “And you. He’s my partner. Don’t try to sway him.” Before either of you could say another word, Jungeun grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the cafe.
Once the commotion quickly subsides and both you and Jungeun are far from earshot of the cafe, Heejin smiles once more.
“Good luck Jungeun unnie. You too, oppa.”
Jungeun continues holding onto your wrist until the two of you find an empty bench next to a lamppost. Having had enough, you forcefully remove her hand. Massage the tender skin, you see her glaring back at you.
“Jungeun, what the hell was that? Why were you so rude to Heejin?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to meet with her?”
“Why would I do that? I don’t have to report to you about my location everywhere I go. You’re my work partner Jungeun. It’s not like you’re my girlfriend...”
“You’re a jerk…” Jungeun said as you saw her eyes begin to water. It was the first time you ever saw any other emotion from her. Maybe there was indeed some truth to what Heejin told you. But it wasn’t enough. You had to probe further.
“Look, Jungeun.” you said. “I’m sorry if I came across as harsh. I didn’t tell you I was meeting with Heejin because even she didn’t tell me what it was about. All she said was to come to the cafe and that she had some information for me.”
“Yeah, right.” Jungeun said, pouting. You never knew she had such a soft, cute personality to her. Most everyone knew her as chic and curt, but caring about those closest to her. Your working relationship consisted of teasing each other and being a strong duo when it came to solving cases. Seeing her lower her defenses and be vulnerable in front of you lead you to believe she was being sincere.
“But…” you began. “You did sound pretty jealous when talking to Heejin. Is there something you aren’t telling me?”
“W-What?” Jungeun blurted out, surprise evident on her face. “Why would I be jealous?”
“I don’t know, Jungeun. Heejin and I were just talking. There was no reason for you to tell her to not try to sway me. Sway me from what, exactly?”
“What are you implying?” Jungeun asked, raising her voice. “It’s not like I l-like you or anything, p-pabo.”
“So you like me, Jungeun?” you teased.
“I never said that.” she pouted. You could tell from her refusing to look you in the eye that her words betrayed her feelings.
“Kim Jungeun.”
“What?” she said.
“Look at me, please.”
Jungeun still refused, prompting you to hold onto both sides of her shoulders and shake her slightly until her gaze met yours. You gently squeezed both of her cheeks together, causing her eyebrows to furrow as she looked at you slightly annoyed. You smiled and leaned down, pressing your lips against hers. They were extremely soft - containing a nice pink hue from her lipstick as her eyes fluttered close and allowed you to deepen the kiss.
The two of you finally disconnect after a few minutes, both of your breath could be seen thanks to the chilly evening weather. You pressed your forehead against hers as she wraps her arms around your waist. Her eyes were glistening with tears, but you knew this was different. Earlier it was because your tone was harsh, stating an obvious fact while getting Jungeun to openly admit your feelings for you. Now stood before you a completely different person, one that could take some getting used to. But also - one you were happy to get to know better.
You and Jungeun continue to look at each other lovingly as you take turns giving each other soft, sweet kisses. Still in each other’s embrace, it seems the both of you refuse to let the other go. Five years. Five years was the amount of time it took you to open your heart up again and allow someone inside. With one final kiss, Jungeun looks up at you and says something you never expected to hear from her:
“Do you want to come over?”
Jungeun seemed to do pretty well for herself - what with her apartment located in a private area. The elevator was large enough to contain twenty people by your estimate. The two of you hardly spoke on the ride up, occasionally smiling at each other or connecting your pinkies together.
The clear glass window gives you a wonderful sight of your partner and now soon to be a significant other. You always considered her fairly attractive, as were pretty much all of the members of the squad; but you never noticed how beautiful she truly is. The way her skin glowed even under the ugly fluorescent lighting. The way she pouted randomly just because. How she had a helix and orbital piercing that shined just as brightly as she did. Or how she scrunched her cute nose because she caught you staring at her through the reflection a little too long.
When the elevator finally dings and the doors open, Jungeun steps out first. Coolly offering her hand while still looking away you take it, interlocking your long fingers with hers. Your hand was a bit damp due to nervousness, something that Jungeun didn’t bother to point out even though you’re sure she noticed. She leads you down the long hallway, each apartment unit looking the same as the last.
No sooner had the door to her apartment closed with the familiar jingle signifying it was now locked did the two of you find yourselves in each other’s arms once more. Each kiss you gave her contained fervor as you quickly unbuttoned your shirt and helped her remove her soft-feeling sweater. She smiled at you as you gently bit her lower lip, causing Jungeun to moan. You then find your way to her neck, lightly sucking on it as your hands began to unbutton her jeans which were form-fitting to her perfectly toned body. 
You weren’t sure how different your relationship would become - having been close work partners and one of two long standing duos in the precinct, the other being Heejin and Hyunjin. Both of you took the next step to become something more. While you were no stranger to having a relationship in the workplace, you were slightly worried how this could affect the already established dynamics within the squad. The thought quickly dissipates however, as Jungeun reciprocates your kisses and starts to become a bit more aggressive.
She removes your second and final shirt before her hands fumble their way to your pants. Your hands are not idle, as they snake their way to her back and find the clip connecting her bra. Jungeun’s bust was far from big, but it proved to be an unnecessary problem. Once the silky fabric hit the floor, you were greeted by her perky breasts.
Once your pants have been unzipped and are lowered, she cups your crotch, earning herself a breathless moan from you. Both articles of clothing are removed from your body as you do the same to her own pair of jeans. All Jungeun is left in is a matching black silk thong.
“I n-normally wear panties but felt like spicing things up today.” she moaned as you pinched her nipples. Any sort of facade Jungeun was trying to put on was beginning to break as you felt them start to become erect in between your fingers.
“Are you sure you aren’t wearing them because you expected me to sleep with you?” you teased before latching back onto her neck. You soon joined Jungeun in releasing your own satisfied moans as you felt her hand grab a hold of your cock. She gave you several short strokes, going up and down as she combined twisting her hand in a corkscrew motion while grazing her thumb against your desperately leaking slit. Your breaths got heavier as the mood in the room began to increase in temperature. Jungeun skillfully removes her thong with one hand, leaving you both fully exposed to one another.
Your cock continued to throb and strengthen in Jungeun’s small hand as she kneels down on the pile of discarded clothing surrounding the both of you. She stroked your shaft several more times before running her tongue upwards and collecting the precum dribbling out of you.
“Fuck, Jungeun…”
“Do you know how badly I’ve wanted this?” she quietly said before spitting on your cock and spreading it all over with her hand that was stroking you. She puckered her lips and kissed your length, moving from your base and deepening each wet kiss until she finally reached the tip. One long, strong kiss that doubled to suck out more of your precum. She looked up at you before finally parting her lips and taking you inside her mouth for the very first time.
Jungeun’s mouth fit like a velvet sleeve on your cock - warm and wet were just some of the sensations you felt. In the same agonizingly slow pace she used while she stroked you, you looked down and saw a soft pool of blonde hair as she bobbed her head up and down your length. Placing her hands on your thighs for support, she was rewarded with soft moans and sighs of satisfaction as you felt your knees could give out from any moment as the pleasure she was giving you spread throughout your body.
It seemed like she knew just what you liked, swirling her tongue around your tip while running it against the underside of your shaft each time her head descended. Her eyes formed inverted crescents as she maintained eye contact with you. Your hands did not remain idle as you ran them through her beautiful long blonde hair. Jungeun seemed to take the hint as you felt no opposition from her end. You placed both of your hands onto the back of her head and gently guided her rhythm as she took more of your cock inside her mouth. The only sounds emanating from the two of you are your moans and heavy breathing and Jungeun’s throat gargling on your cock. You alternated between having her bob her head and you thrusting inside her mouth. These actions encourage and excite the both of you. Jungeun saliva began to seep out of her lips and thoroughly coat you as her nails dug into your skin. You pushed the back of her head down all the way to your base and released a noiseless scream as her eyes looked up at you in satisfaction. Your orgasm arrives without warning. Feeling your cock throb inside her mouth, you explode in her mouth with long pulses. Thick ropes of hot semen paint a work of unseen art as Jungeun giggles, causing her tongue to vibrate against the underside of your length. Despite the two of you not wanting the moment to end, Jungeun tapped on your thighs to release your hold on her. She withdraws her head inch by inch as you admire the glistening caused by her saliva as it drips onto the floor. She opens her mouth and lets you admire her draining your balls. Swishing it around her mouth several times, she tilts her head up to show your load going down her beautiful neck and throat. Humming in satisfaction, she sticks her tongue at you - evidence that she has consumed it all. You helped Jungeun onto her feet as her legs wobble slightly. She smiles at you and grabs a hold of your shaft once more, stroking you several more times before dragging you into her bedroom.
When the two of you reach the bed, you gently push Jungeun on her back. You admired the glow of her skin as a thin layer of perspiration caused it to glisten. Her heavenly moans filled your ears as you kissed upward on her thighs, taking a bit more time on the inner creases before making your way towards her awaiting pussy. The heat radiating from it is enticing - watching how wet she was caused you to sink your head lower. Jungeun realizes what you are doing and holds onto both sides of your face.
“You can eat me out later, baby.” she moaned. “I can’t wait anymore. I want you inside me. P-Please.”
You rose from between her legs and repositioned yourself in front of her entrance. Grabbing a hold of your shaft, you slapped her slightly splayed lips with the tip of your cock. Jungeun whimpered as you teased her a bit more in order to lubricate yourself. Holding onto her thighs, you spread them apart and create another first moment for you both as you enter her.
The soft silky flesh greets your cock kindly greets you as a sudden rush of sensations overloads your body at once. Her walls grip onto you tightly, almost refusing to let you go. You felt your cock throbbing inside her as it continued to squeeze you for dear life.
“Oh my god…” Jungeun breathlessly said.
You give her several shallow thrusts, allowing her to adjust to you - which was much easier said than done as her pussy’s tightness made it a bit difficult to withdraw from. Once the initial hurdle was crossed, it became easier to fuck Jungeun as your cock began to be lubricated. Her bed softly creaked in rhythm to your thrusts as the two of you looked in each other's eyes. She wrapped her feet around your waist and used her strength to pull you down on top of her.
Jungeun’s eyes were filled with desire - but also genuine happiness towards you. The two of you give each other a weak smile before connecting your lips once more. While your tongues get acquainted once more, Jungeun moans in your mouth with each and every thrust of your cock. She playfully runs her fingers through your hair as your palms hold onto the bed below for support. Noticing your stamina was slowly starting to deplete, Jungeun places her hands on your chest and softly pushes you off her body. As you look at her with confusion, she smiles and motions for the both of you to trade places.
Jungeun straddles your lap before laying on top of you. She reaches below and rubs your tip against her pussy before having it return back inside her. The wet and warm walls caused you to moan louder than you expected as she pushes her tiny cute butt against your lower body. This position allowed you to pinch her hardened nipples once more as she fucked herself on top of you.
The sweet honey inside her body glazed your cock in a familiar sweetness as it made each entrance inside her silky walls extremely smooth and effortless. She interlocked her toes with yours as the sounds of her bed and your skin smacking with each other began to increase in volume.
“Baby…” Jungeun managed to moan out.
She tilted her head slightly, asking for a kiss as you continued to stimulate her nipples while she fucked herself against you. Feeling her pussy’s walls pulsate, you knew it wouldn’t be too much longer until Jungeun’s orgasm arrived. Several more thrusts on you was all it took - Jungeun screamed loudly as her toes squeezed yours while her silky flesh did the same to your cock. You pinched her erect nipples and raised your hips to push your cock inside her as a steady stream of vulgar language and erotic moans escaped Jungeun’s lips.
“Baby… that was… f-fuck…” Jungeun said in a half moan, half laugh as the sweat on her back stained your chest. Having used her remaining energy, you watched as her eyes showed exhaustion - and a desire for more. Each kiss sent an electric-like current into her spine as you feel her walls still pulsating. Her body unconsciously pushes back against you. Holding onto her hips, you removed Jungeun from your cock. Both of you moaned at the loss of each other’s warmth as your shaft glistened with her sweet juices. Giving her time to rest before going again, Jungeun is on top of you - both of you holding one another as you rub her back and give each other kisses.
“You did so well, Jungeun.”
She holds your face, rubbing her pussy lips against your cock as she gives your forehead a peck. She moves on and does the same to each of your cheeks. Then, your nose. Once she captures your lips once more, biting your lower lip tells you she is ready to go.
Jungeun removes off your body and gets into position in front of you on her hands and knees. Though she wasn’t curvy like others in the precinct - or a complete gym rat like the Lieutenant, she still had a lot to be proud of. You kissed her back several times before holding onto her hips.
“I want to make sure we can’t get out of bed tomorrow, baby.” Jungeun said, turning her head back towards you.
You felt the breath leave your body as you entered her once more. You didn’t think it was possible, but Jungeun felt even wetter and tighter from behind. Holding onto her wrists, you began to fuck her once more. Her orgasm made it so that the hot flesh kept you trapped between its velvety silk walls.
“Fuck, baby…”
Jungeun’s moans of pleasure caused you to increase your rhythm as her bed creaked in silent protest. Neither of you said anything, too lost in the moment as your shaft throbbed inside her. Her upper body gave out as you saw her bury her face into the silk bed sheets below.
“I-I’m cumming…” you moaned to say as the pressure inside you was unable to be suppressed any longer. You grabbed her arms and raised her body once more as she began to push her beautiful backside against you.
“M-Me too, baby.”
Using your final amount of energy, you fucked Jungeun as fast as you could. Her loud, needy moans and the bed frame creaking loudly only motivated you to increase the pace even more. With one final thrust, you joined Jungeun in ecstasy as you erupted for the second time of the night. Her walls tightened deliciously around you as you felt that she too succumbed to another orgasm. You gave her several weak thrusts in order to ensure that you have fully emptied yourself inside her.
The two of you gasped and panted heavily as you both collapsed onto the bed. Jungeun managed to turn herself around - mirroring the same position she was at previously. Giving each other satisfied, loving kisses, she straightened her back as the two of you watched her splayed pink lips release their vice-like grip on your cock. Your semen and her juices were mixed together as they ran down her beautiful thighs and onto your own and formed a pool on the bed sheets.
“Baby… that was so intense.” Jungeun said, her voice barely above a whisper.
“It was amazing.” you replied, tucking several loose strands of her hair behind her ears before running your fingers through her golden locks.
“Want to go another round in the shower?” Jungeun asked. And although you wanted nothing more than to satisfy her request, you wanted to savor the current moment with her a bit more.
“We’ll have plenty of time for that. Why don’t we take a nap first?” you said, wrapping your arms and pulling her in for a hug. Jungeun giggles as she laid her head on your arm. The two of you looked at each other - her eyes glistened with happiness as she brought you closer to her. Another kiss. It was a seal of sorts; assuring one another that you were now partners in more ways than one.
A dark brown haired woman enters a relatively fashion forward boutique. She garnered stares from the employees and a few patrons - partly due to her beauty, and partly because she was wearing sunglasses at night. Black knee high boots, form fitting black jeans and a black sweater that outline the curvature of her breasts were complemented by her bright red lips and a red zippered leather jacket. A slightly intimidating aura radiated from her. Running her fingers through the various clothes, she eyed each one as an employee slowly approached her.
“Can I help you find something, ma’am?”
She turned around and smiled. “I’m looking for a gift to give my boyfriend. Something to welcome him home with.”
As the employee bows and goes to the computer to find what would, the wind chime on top of the door makes noise as it is opened. The sounds of high heels echo loudly with each confident step. They stop behind the woman who raises her head in acknowledgement, but does not turn around.
“I was wondering when you were going to show up.”
“I’m here to take back what’s mine. I’m here for him.”
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woossexyponytail · 4 years
The Triwizard Champion.
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Yunho x reader.
Y/n got off the train with the rest of the school students, hearing someone yelling her name she stopped and turned around seeing her friend running up to her smiling.
"Hey, excited for this year yn?" Her friend Chaeyoung asked from the left of her, yn nodded, "Yes actually, I heard that Hogwarts are homing the Triwizard Tournaments" she said excitement in her voice, Chaeyoung's mouth opened wide in shock.
"Are you serious?! That's awesome!!" She yelled throwing her hands up in the air, yn shushed her putting her finger to her lips, "Not so loud, we're not aloud to know yet" she said Chaeyoung brow raised hands on her hips.
"How do you know about it then?" She asked, yn rolled her eyes, typical Chaeyoung forgetting information like normal, "My father" she said Chaeyoung ohed remembering.
Just then students started running over to the side in shock or amazement, both yn and Chaeyoung looked at each other running over to see what everyone was looking at.
In the sky was a carriage that was being pulled by five white Abraxan horses, it skimmed over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest and the lights shining from the castle windows hit it, yn stood there in awe at the beautiful creatures.
"Clear the runway!" Yelled Hagrid as he guided the Abraxans safely to ground, "Well, there's something you don't see every day." Chaeyoung said looking over at yn.
"Hey!, what's that over there?!" One of the students yelled pointing at the lake, everyone ran over to the other side, watching a large ship, almost like a pirate ship that was rising from the water. The moment it surfaced it bobbed along the glistening lake.
"Wow" someone yelled as the students all watched the ship port by the lake house, water still dripping down from the ship as tons of male students walked out.
"I think the cats out of the bag now" Chaeyoung laughed along with yn as they both started walking in to Hogwarts.
As the two carried on walking, a group of eight boys stood near the entrance talking amongst themselves, one of the boys the tallest one looked up noticing yn walk past him.
"Evening yn!" The boy yelled at her gaining some attention from other students, yn looked around noticing Yunho waving at her with a sweet smile on his face, the girl scoffed rolling her eyes and walking off with Chaeyoung giggling next to her.
Yunho's face fell as he watched her walk away without greeting him, again, for the seventh year in a row, the guys next to him laughed while others smiled sadly at him patting his shoulder.
"I don't see why you ignore Yunho, he's nice" Chaeyoung said after the two got to the dungeon walking to their dorm.
"He's a Gryffindor, I'm a Slytherin, we are enemies" yn said sighing, every year she has to repeat herself to Chaeyoung about Yunho and she still asks seven years later.
"Yeah but that was old news, after you know who was defeated there has been no competition between the two house's" Chaeyoung said yn shock her head.
"My family are still set in the old ways, and you know that, the moment word gets out that I'm friendly with a Gryffindor my parents will lose it" yn sigh again, but thankfully it looked like Chaeyoung dropped the conversation, for now at least.
The two ended up making their way to the great hall for dinner chatter was bubbling about who the people were from earlier.
Seonghwa a slytherin in your year, and friends with that gryffindor Yunho, was sat next to yn, Chaeyoung infront of yn the three talking about the Abraxans.
Chatter got quiet as professor McGonagall stood up to the owl stand, raising her arms to silence the students. Everyone looked her way waiting for what she had to say.
"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement. This castle will not only be your home this year but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen." She said chatter building up again.
"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament." She announced, chatter getting louder by the second out of excitement.
"For those of you who do not know the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete.
Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint-hearted." Professor McGonagall said looking at the students.
"But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxime." Professor McGonagall said.
The door opened revealing a large group of young females, dressed in baby blue silk dresses, the same colour hats on their heads. The girls skipped forward then stopped sighing as butterflies fluttered around them.
Behind them was a very tall woman guessing it was the headmistress Madame Maxime, the group all got to the front of the hall, bowing down. The hall erupted with cheers and whistles, mostly from the male students.
Yn and Chaeyoung looked at each other both rolling their eyes at their action for the Beauxbatons students, knowing quite well the reason for their happiness.
"And now our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Harfang Munter" professor McGonagall said turning to the door again.
The door opened, now showing a group of young males students, they were wearing fur cloaks, fur hats, and blood-red robes.
Marching down the great hall large wooded polls in their hands chanting while hitting them to the floor causing sparks.
As they got to the front one of the students knelt down blowing fire out, the fire transformed in to the same bird that was painted on their ship.
The two schools sat down most of the Durmstrang students sitting at the slytherin table, while Beauxbatons students sat scattered around the hall, some with Ravenclaw, a few with Hufflepuff and the rest with Gryffindor.
"Your attention, please! I'd like to say a few words." Professor McGonagall said all the students settled down.
"Eternal glory. That is what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament. But to do this, that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks."
"For this reason, the Ministry has seen fit to impose for their own safety no student under the age of 17 shall be allowed to put forth their name for the Triwizard Tournament."
"The Goblet of Fire. Anyone wishing to submit themselves to the tournament need only write their name upon a piece of parchment and throw it in the flame before this hour on Thursday night.
Do not do so lightly. If chosen, there's no turning back. As from this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun." Professor McGonagall said looking at all of the students hoping they take it seriously.
It was Thursday evening all three shcools surrounded the goblet that was standing tall in the middle of the great hall, yn and Chaeyoung sat near the front gossiping about the tasks.
To the right of yn sat Seonghwa and the rest of his friends sitting aound him, Yunho was just behind Seonghwa, mostly staring at yn until San elbowed him in the side while he giggled with Wooyoung when they saw Yunho blush.
The teacher's started piling in talking to some of the students, a few getting excited themselves, Professor McGonagall came walking in last getting the attention of everyone.
"Sit down. Please. Now the moment you've all been waiting for: The champion selection." She yelled throwing up her arms, the room exploded in cheers and hollers
Professor McGonagall raised her hand making the fire and candles dim down for the atmosphere. The goblet's blue flame rose, fire spinning around almost like a dance. The fire spat out a piece of burnt paper, Professor McGonagall caught it.
"The Durmstrang champion is Herrick Schmidt" she yelled as the room cheered, watching the student walk towards the Professor, she handed the paper to him congratulating him as he walked off.
"The champion for Beauxbatons is Esmé Caron" McGonagall yelled looking around for the girl as she also stood up and took the paper walking the same way as Herrick.
"The Hogwarts champion Jeong Yunho" McGonagall said looking over at him smiling, his group of friends erupted in to cheer, Yunho smiled high fiving the Hogwart students.
Yn clapped along with the rest of the people in the room, but she was shocked Yunho a Triwizard champion? She felt her chest tighten not know why, Chaeyoung noticed her change in mood and so did Seonghwa.
"Excellent! We now have our three champions. But in the end, only one will go down in history. Only one will hoist this chalice of champions this vessel of victory the Triwizard Cup!" Professor McGonagall said as some of the teachers showed the cup that was glowing.
This was going to be a dangerous year at Hogwarts for Yunho and yn was anxious about what layed ahead.
The first task was in a few days, non of the champions knowing what to prepare for as they were all asking people, you tried to ignore them focusing on homework.
Yn sat in the great hall writing down some notes from her previous class, Chaeyoung and Seonghwa came walking up to her and sat down next to her, Chaeyoung watching her write while Seonghwa stared at her.
Feeling his eyes on her she looked up a questioning look on her face, Seonghwa realised he was staring he looked down apologising.
"Are you going to ask her or do I have too?" Chaeyoung asked looking over at Seonghwa as did yn.
"Apologise yn, but your father works for the ministry of magic correct?" He asked she nodded her head, "Well I was wondering if you knew about the first task, since Yunho's pretty stuck" he asked, yn stared at him in shock.
"I don't know what it is, but if I did I wouldn't tell because I will not help you or Yunho cheat" she said slamming her book and storming off, Seonghwa and Chaeyoung looked back at eachother, Chaeyoung just shrugged at him.
Yn had no idea what the first task was and she was pretty sure that her father would go mental at her if she asked, knowing the fact that Yunho hadn't found out made her anxious again.
Maybe telling him would help her nerves about the whole thing, but who would know about the first task?, a thought came to mind the only person who not only knew but would tell her, Hagrid.
Yn walked down to Hagrid's hut knocking on the door Hagrid opened up smiling at her.
"Yn what a nice visit, come in come in, what brings you here?" He asked, yn sat down on the over sized chair petting fang on the head, she sighed looking at Hagrid.
"You don't suppose I could know what the first task is, do you?" She asked puppy dog eyes playing, hopefully that would work.
"Hmm, I don't suppose why not, I know you wouldn't tell people. They have to deal with a dragon, one for each of them, hopefully there won't be any deaths or burns, the same dragon's from a few years back, when Harry Potter won" Hagrid said passing a cup of tea to her, she nodding thanking him for the tea.
At dinner yn walked in to the great hall, she made the decision of telling Yunho, so she quickly walked over to the Gryffindor table where Yunho was sitting with Jongho and San.
"Dragons. That's the first task. They've got one for each of you" yn whispered in Yunho ear a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at her a smile on his face.
"Thank you!" He said his smile getting wider the longer he looked at her, she nodded her head walking over to her table sitting down next to Chaeyoung and Seonghwa.
Chaeyoung smiled at yn along with Seonghwa, yn looked back and forth between the two sighing she rolled her eyes "Oh, shut up" she said starting to eat her dinner Chaeyoung giggled while Seonghwa chuckled at her.
It was the day of the first task and yn was walking down to the stadium with Chaeyoung wondering what would happen today.
They got to their seats sitting down, Seonghwa was already there with the rest of the group, they all greeted her, Yunho probably told them what she did for him.
"Thank you for telling him, he's been less nervous now because of you" Seonghwa said a small smile showing, yn shrugged not knowing why she did it.
"Your attention, please. This is a great day for all of us. Each of the three tasks involves very considerable danger. Please keep your seats at all times. This will minimize any risks you may be exposed to. I'm sure we all wish our champions. The greatest of luck." Professor McGonagall said walking in to the tent holding the Champions.
"Good day, champions. Gather round, please. Now, you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only three of you can fully appreciate." Professor McGonagall said holding out a bag for them to grab something out.
"Yunho, The Welsh Green."
"Herrick. The Chinese Fireball."
"Esmé, The Swedish Short-Snout."
These represent three very real dragons each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: Collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" Professor McGonagall said looking at the three.
"Very well. Good luck, champions. Esmé, at the sound of the cannon, you may--" McGonagall got interrupted by Mr Filch firing the cannon.
Yunho walked out of the tent as the crowd started cheering for him chanting his name, the crowd became silent watching him.
Yunho looked around the arena not seeing the dragon anywhere, he spotted the egg right away in the middle of the area, the moment he started walking towards it the dragon appeared roaring at him.
He jumped out the way just in time, the crowd ducked a look of shock and horror, the dragon was much much larger the Yunho anticipated.
Yunho ran around the arena bearly getting hit with fire, cuts already showing up on his skin from the times he tripped over the rocky floor.
"YOUR WAND YUNHO!! USE YOUR WAND!!" Wooyoung screamed at him the terror in his eyes was real for his friend, Yunho looked up and nodding getting ready to use his wand.
He also noticed the very worried and scared Yn sitting next to Seonghwa, a small smile showed on his face, happy that she at least was worried about him.
The dragon breathed fire at him, "Protego" he yelled the protection spell the dragon stopped Yunho quickly yelled out another spell "Immobulus" the dragon froze long enough for Yunho to grab the egg.
The crowd erupted with cheers of joy as Yunho held up the egg, as he left the arena.
"Three of our champions have now faced their dragons and so each one of them will proceed to the next task." Professor McGonagall said as everyone cheered.
Yn walked up to Yunho who was surrounded by all of the Hogwarts students congratulating him.
"Congratulations for not dying" yn said to him, the group of friends who were still standing with Yunho all chuckled at their interaction.
"Only thanks to you, if you didn't tell me that dragons was the first task, well I think I would be a bbq kebab" Yunho said a blush on his face a he laughed nervously.
"It was no big deal really" yn smiled at him then walked off from the group, Yunho turned around to his friends a beaming smile on his face.
"One step closer I see" Hongjoon said laughing with the rest Yunho's blush was back on his face as they all teased him.
A few months have past since the first task and all the students were sitting in the great hall have dinner.
Just before the dessert came Professor McGonagall stood up ready to make a new announcement, probably about the Triwizard tournament.
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity.
As representatives of the host school expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally, because the Yule Ball is, first and foremost a dance." Professor McGonagall told the school.
The Hall bubbling with excitement or disappointment Yn and Chaeyoung started talking about the dresses to deep in to the conversation Yn hadn't noticed Yunho staring at her from across the room.
The morning comes quickly as Yn and Chaeyoung sat eating breakfast, Seonghwa came sitting infront of them grabbing some toast.
"So has anyone asked the two of you to the Yule ball yet?" He asked Chaeyoung shock her head no, but Yn nodded telling him that one of the slytherin students from a year up had asked her last night.
A few minutes later Yunho came walking up to the slytherin table smiling down at Yn, holding out his wand Yunho whispered out a spell "Orchideous"
And then a bunch of flowers burst from the tip of his wand, holding the bouquet infront of him, Seonghwa eyes widened shaking his head at Yunho to stop what he was about to do.
"Yn I was wondering if you would like.. that's if you want to accompany me to the ball?" He asked a shy smile, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, Seonghwa face paled sighing at Yunho.
"Oh um, Yunho that's sweet that you asked but I've already got a date to the ball, I'm sorry" Yn said, seeing Yunho's face drop and sadness in his eyes.
"Oh thats ok, um don't worry about it, keep the bouquet" he said as he ran out of the hall, Seonghwa slowly stood up, "Pardon me ladies" he said following Yunho, noticing Hongjoon, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho all following after.
The Yule ball was starting Yn stood next to her date with Chaeyoung and her date next to her, Yn was wearing a long flowing black dress, with the back exposed matching black heels along with it.
The teachers made the students line up at the door, creating a pathway for the Champions to walk down, the music started as the door opened revealing the three champions and their dates for tonight.
Noticing Yunho had asked a girl from Gryffindor to the dance Yn heart squeezed seeing them together, not knowing why she turned away from them.
The champions all stood with the student surrounding them, Professor Flitwick stated the music and the champions started to dance around, after a few seconds other people started to join in.
Yn's date grabbed her hand as he lead her to the dance floor the two started dancing together, but Yn eyes were constantly on Yunho as he held his date close to him.
She looked away back at her date smiling at him, and missing the moment that Yunho looked over at her jealously in his eyes, watching them dance so close together.
A couple hours later Yn found herself sitting by herself at one of the tables her date ending up ditching her after a couple of dances, not knowing what to do she stood up getting ready to leave.
A fugue stood infront of her, looking up she was shocked to see Yunho smiling at her, rubbing the back of his neck seeming shy again.
"Yn, may I have this dance?" He asked holding out his hand infront of her, she looked around then back at him, smiling up at him she took his hand.
Yunho lead Yn to the dance floor as he placed his hand on her waist and they swayed back and forth.
The two to focused on eachother they didn't notice a small group of their friends watching them smiling.
"About time" Hongjoon said laughing the group smiled chuckling, "I'm surprised actually" Yeosang chuckled going back to their dates.
Yn was studying in the library reading through a couple of books, hearing someone getting frustrated she looked up seeing Yunho looking through the bookshelfs.
"Are you alright Yunho?" Yn asked walking up to him, the boy in question jumped not expecting someone standing next to him, definitely not expecting Yn.
"Oh yeah I'm just looking for something for the next task" he told Yn, still a bit shy from their last encounter.
"Anything I can help with?" She asked, Yunho stared not saying anything, he shock his head "uh sure that would be appreciated" his bright smile back on his face.
"I must find a way to breathe underwater for one hour and recover whatever the Merpeople have taken from me" he said nodding she took in the information.
"Well, there is a type of plant called Gillyweed, the features allow the person who eats it to breathe underwater, but It's said that it's quite painful, or the Bubble head charm?" She suggests to him.
Yunho's eyes widened in surprise his smile brightened as he jumped for joy bringing Yn in to a bear hug squeezing her tightly.
"Yn your truly amazing, I could kiss you!" He said excitement in his voice, the moment he realised what he said though he stopped letting her go a bright red bluch on his cheeks.
"S....sorry I didn't mean-" he was staring at the ground and she cut him off, "Don't worry, just don't die in this task okay" she said, he smiled and nodded.
She walked back to the table with her stuff packing it all away and leaving the library, getting to the door she turned around seeing Yunho watching her, smiling she waved goodbye to him as she disappeared behind the door.
The day was dark and cold, the clouds covered the sky causing a grayish hue across the land, the signs of rain coming around the corner.
The morning of the second task came quicker than Yunho thought, he was standing on the outside of the forbidden forest next to the black lake talking to his friends.
They noticed Chaeyoung walking up by herself no Yn with her, that confused the group as she walked up to them.
"Hey guys, you haven't seen Yn have you, she wasn't in the dorm this morning" she said a frown on her face as she looked around, the group looked at each other then back at her shacking their heads.
"I'm sure she's already at the lake house's, don't worry too much" Seonghwa said putting a hand on her shoulder to confront her.
"Yeah your right, anyways good luck Yunho we're all rooting for you" Chaeyoung smiled at him then walked off towards the boats.
"You really think Yn is okay?" Yunho asked looking at Seonghwa, worry shown in his eyes.
"Yes I'm sure, now you need to focus on the task, got it?" Seonghwa told him, Yunho nodded as he started walking towards the boats with the rest of the group.
The three stands were packed with students and faculty as everyone was cheering, the three champions stood on the middle stand the floor closest to the water, swimming clothing on, and waiting patiently for the competition to begin.
"Welcome to the second task." Professor McGonagall announced getting everyone's attention, "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions." She told them, Yunho stood looking down at the water carefully listening.
"A treasure of sorts. These three treasures, one for each champion now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake.
In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface. Simple enough, except for this- They will have but one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll be on their own.
No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon." Professor McGonagall said that moment Mr Filch fired the cannon.
The three students dived straight into the water the three separated quickly going in different directions.
The water was grey almost like a filter was over Yunho's eyes as he swam down swiming through the seaweed swaying around, Yunho decided to follow the large group of fish.
Coming to a rock side he stopped looking further down, it was so far down all he saw was black, turning around he made the decision to go down there and have a look.
He swam further down passing the mossy rocks finding a small path he continued to follow.
Getting to a wall of seaweed he noticed the fish scattered away in the other direction, a few seconds later soft singing was heard past the wall of seaweed.
Yunho swam right in now following the singing, he swam slowly taking notice of his surroundings his vision was just seaweed, but he felt like something was watching him.
Hearing something swim towards him he turned around and quickly dodged out of the way of a merperson passing him.
The merperson stopped and turned to him a sound escaping its mouth, almost like they wanted him to follow, and so with half an hour gone already Yunho followed the merperson, hoping he would find his treasure.
The merperson lead him to what looked like broken building and pillars, more Merpeople swam around him as he got closer to the centre.
Noticing three glass boxes he swam closer seeing that they had people in, not just anyone though, one had the student Esmé took to the Yule ball, the second was the girl Herrick took and the last, was Yn.
They were all panicing as water was rushing in to the boxes, already up to their waists, Yn spotted Yunho swimming up to her, he could see the panic in her eyes slowly go when she saw him.
Yunho swam around the box trying to find out how to get her out of there. The water rising faster as the clock ticked down, Yunho motioned for her to cover her face which she did moving to the back.
"Reducto!" Yunho yelled holding his wand at the glass box a light shooting from his wand connecting to the glass and shattering a few seconds later.
The water rushed in Yn quickly took a deep breath before her lungs filled with water, Yunho grabbed her arm pulling her up with him and swimming to the surface.
The two swam over to the stands, students rushing to help them get out, Chaeyoung quickly ran over to Yn hugging her tightly.
"You must be freezing. Go get them another towel!" Seonghwa said passing some towels to the both of them.
"So that's where you disappear too" Mingi said to Yn as he chuckled hitting Yunho on the shoulder.
A few minutes later Esmé came to the surface and then Herrick a few seconds after that.
"I want all the judges over here now!" Professor McGonagall said as the teachers walked to the edge of the stands.
"The winner is Mr Jeong who showed innate command of the Bubble-Head Charm. Second place Esmé and third Herrick, Congratulations" Professor McGonagall announced, cheering burst through out the stands.
Yn sat in the courtyard on the fountain in the middle, a book in hand she wanted some quite time after she was involved with the second task, not really knowing why.
Hearing footsteps she looked up expecting Chaeyoung but instead Yunho came walking out, putting her book down she smiled at Yunho as he walked up to her.
"Hey, mind if I sit" Yunho asked Yn nodded her head sliding over a little for him to sit. Yunho looked over at her shyness taking over.
"Look I wanted to come clean about the task, the reason they took you, it... it's because, well to put it simply, I'm in love with you have been for years" he told her refusing to meet her eyes.
Yn placed her hand on top of Yunho's arm smiling sweetly at him as she moved closer to him.
"I already guessed that, and to be honest after everything that's happened I've realised that I'm in love with you too" she smiled down at the floor hidding her blushed face.
Yunho looked up at her shocked a smile graced his lips, he placed his fingers gently on to her face his fingers moving her to look at him, seeing the blush he stroked her red cheeks with his thumbs.
Hands on both sides of her face now he leaned in close to her their lip almost touching, but the moment was ruined when the two heard cheers.
Looking over to the building they saw standing there was Chaeyoung smirking at the two, Seonghwa stood next to her also smirking.
Hongjoon, Yeosang and Jongho smiled giving them a thumbs up, while San, Mingi and Wooyoung were screaming loudly jumping up and down cheering for the two.
Yunho shock his head looking back over to Yn they both giggled at the group, Yunho finally pulled Yn in for a sweet kiss, her arms wrapped around his neck pulling him closer.
The two parted looking deeply in to each others eyes, heads layed on to one another a bright smile on both of they're faces.
"Yunho come on you've got a competition to win!" Wooyoung yelled to him, "I've already won the best thing in life" he said making Yn blush even more, Chaeyoung awing in the background while the guys all make sick noises making Yunho laugh.
They both stood up walking towards the group hand in hand Chaeyoung ran up to Yn "I told you so" was all she said and ran off in to the school, while the guys all patted Yunho walking off them selfs leaving the two love birds alone.
Sure Yunho still had to complete one more task but he knew he would be able to do it with Yn now by his side supporting him through it with his friends.
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gaywheesa · 5 years
crush comes out as gay | twice
request; Can you do a twice's reaction at their crush confessing they're gay?
a/n; i did this twice x female reader and i hope that's what you wanted skdks
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Jihyo just couldn't tell. She didn't know if all the times you cuddled with her were strictly platonic or not, but she really hoped they weren't. Jihyo was never the one to think too hard about anyone's sexuality, including her own, but as she felt herself getting feelings for you, her urge to hint to you that she wanted you to tell her grew stronger. But, you finally told her one night, very randomly, and Jihyo felt like a large weight was lifted off of her shoulders. She now felt she actually had a chance with you, and that's when she began thinking about how to confess to you.
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Nayeon didn't want to out right tell you that she had romantic feelings for girls, specifically you, because she was far too shy to do that. So she quietly wondered if you were also the same. Nayeon also decided to just drop hints like saying she liked a certain LGBT celebrity or movie so you would feel safe enough to tell her. Eventually, when you told her you were gay, Nayeon was really happy. Not in the way that she thought she had a chance with you, but the fact that she made you feel safe enough to tell her.
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Jeongyeon actually just assumed you were gay and were already out. You always talked about a certain female celebrity like crazy, drunkenly saying you wish you had a girlfriend, and regularly going to pride parades. But, one night after a party you came out to her and she was surprised. But after discovering that she was the first person you ever told, she had a hard time holding back how happy she was about how confortable you were with her. She assured you that she supported you and that you could talk to her about anything you needed.
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Momo had never thought about it. She didn't care for dating boys but also never thought about dating a girl. It was until you came out to her that she realized she really did have a big crush on you. She spent that entire time of being friends with you being extremely oblivious to the fact she liked you. After you came out, Momo could not stop thinking about you. What if I like Y/N? What if she likes me? Am I also gay? She figured out the answer shortly after, coming out and confessing to you in one go.
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Sana always knew she liked you. She never thought too hard about her own sexuality, but all she knew was that she liked you a lot. The only thing was that she wasn't sure if you liked girls, let alone her. Literally right after you told her that you were gay, Sana told you how she felt about you. It was hard to hold herself back from saying anything, because the opportunity was right there in front of her.
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Mina has a strong gaydar, but her low confidence gets in the way and she convinces herself that she made it up for her own benefit. So when you came out to her, Mina was shocked that she was right all this time. It took Mina a very long time to come out to you, but when she did she felt relieved that she did. It alsk took many more months for her to confess, but that's a different story.
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Dahyun was longing to tell you that she was gay. She didn't care if you weren't also gay, but she just hoped you would support her when she did tell you. She has had a crush on you for a long, long time, so it was finally time for her to fess up. In one sitting, Dahyun explained to you how she felt about you and came out to you. She was happy you seemed really accepting of it, but when you also said you returned the feelings towards her she was ecstatic.
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Chaeyoung, as of lately, had been thinking about her own sexuality. It didn't occur to her until you came along that she might be gay, so she also suspected she had a big crush on you. One day, you called her out for coffee where you came out to her and also confessed your feelings to her. Chaeyoung thought a lot, but finally came to realize she felt the same and confessed to you.
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Tzuyu was just so shy, she couldn't bring herself to even mention being gay. She thought that you could already see right through her so she didn't want to expose herself even more. You were walking her home to her dorms after a big group outing, and you subtly mentioned that you were gay. Tzuyu didn't hear anything else after that, and when you asked her what was wrong she muttered a "me too" and ran inside her home.
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your-world-with-nct · 5 years
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫 — 𝐥𝐦𝐤
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➵ pairing: mark x female reader
➵ genre: angst, suggestive, underground rapper au
➵ warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption, unhealthy relationship themes
➵ word count: 6.1k 
➵ summary: you didn’t know what you and Mark were; you weren’t enemies nor friends, you weren’t exes nor lovers. but what you did know was that you still loved Mark, and you never stopped loving him.
➵ a/n: happy belated birthday mark !! this is a part two to this blurb, and is inspired by the lyrics to billie eilish’s ‘party favor’. this is my first full fic, so i hope you all enjoy it and feel free to leave some feedback too!
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August 2 - the significance of the date was written in the scars of your heart, forever known as, one: Mark’s birthday, and, two: what would’ve been yours and Mark’s two year anniversary. Ahh, Mark Lee.
The boy that became all of your firsts, kisses and the like; the boy that harnessed the musical talent of a professional or a prodigy, despite his small, underground career; the boy that was just a shy bean beneath his tough, street-wise exterior; the boy that knew your darkest secrets and told you his; the boy that promised you happiness till the end. But he was also that same boy that took advantage of you and lied to you; the boy who stole your heart, and never gave it back; the boy who was better at lyrics than love. He was such a mystery to you, like a code you couldn’t quite seem to decipher.
Even after the abrupt ending of your relationship, Mark was always there, with you, as if nothing had happened between you two. From the evenings where he was out cold after a long night at the bar, calling you to pick him up, to the early hours of the morning where he needed some feedback for his newly produced tracks, he somehow managed to keep you in his life, relying on him the way you relied on oxygen. Mark had you wrapped around his little finger - you would do anything just to get close to him again - and you both knew it.
There was one slight issue, though, which was the fact that you didn’t exactly know what you two were to each other. Yes, there may have been some occasions where Mark was drunk out of his mind, and you would both end up naked in his bed the next morning, like lovers.
But there were also times where he would ignore you for weeks on end, the only updates you received from him were Instagram posts with his rapper friends, paired with cryptic captions that were clearly targeting you, like exes.
However, no matter what Mark did, you would always come crawling back to him and his addictive love, because you were trapped in his trance, and didn’t want to be released from it either.
Once again, you were stuck in that limbo of Mark not acknowledging your existence for another month - or so you thought.
As you mindlessly shoved spoonfuls of Cheerios (your failed attempt at a healthy breakfast) into your mouth, you stared at the cursed date on your lockscreen, when, all of a sudden, your phone began ringing, the default tone echoing throughout your empty apartment. The name that flashed on the screen touched a nerve deep within you, as if your senses had been awakened; one of those senses being your infatuation with Mark, which was rekindling and creating sparks in your stomach as you hesitantly answered the call and put it on speakerphone.
“H-hello?” You hated the way your throat closed up and your voice dwindled into nothing whenever you spoke to him after eternities of no contact whatsoever.
“Oh, hey, Y/N! How’ve you been? I’ve not spoken to you in, like, what, I don’t know, it’s been, like, ages now, hasn’t it?” Mark leaped right into the conversation, starting it off strangely welcoming, too comfortable for your liking. You nodded slightly in response to his question, before quickly realising that he couldn’t see you right now.
“Uhh, yeah, it’s definitely been a while now,” you let out a timid squeak, which was originally meant to be a polite laugh, except the mere thought of Mark clouded your thoughts and refrained you from thinking straight, or acting normal.
Trying to distract yourself from your awkwardness, you absentmindedly started playing with your spoon, stirring it in the bowl- which now only contained some milk and tiny specks of Cheerios - while listening intently to the boy’s next words.
“So, you know how it’s my birthday today, right?” he paused to let you answer, to which you hummed a small ‘happy birthday’ in response, “Ahh, thanks, well, if you’re free tonight, I managed to privately this really cool nightclub from 9pm onwards and I was wondering if you wanted to join us?”
You’d be lying if you said that Mark’s invitation didn’t cause you to almost have a heart attack, so it took you awhile to process the information he had just thrown at you and come up with a decent reply, “Okay, first, of course I can come, I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Who do you think I am - it’s summer, I have no friends, and I think I’ve watched ‘Love, Simon’ one too many times this summer,” you joked.
Before you could continue, the Canadian boy’s bubbly giggles cut you off, as he sighed, saying, “Wow, you really haven’t changed that habit, I see.” The steady beat of your heart suddenly accelerated, the fact that your ex remembered your only hobby, an unusual one at that, which he found out about almost two years ago, sent shockwaves through your entire body.
“Mhm, yeah, that movie never gets old,” you joined in with his laughter, then carried on with what you were going to say once you heard the contagious chuckles quieten, “Also, where’s the nightclub? And who do you mean by ‘us’? I’m just curious, you know?”
You tried your best to not sound intimidated by the potential answers to your questions, but, with your knowledge of who Mark liked to surround himself with now, you couldn’t help but feel out of place around them.
“The nightclub is called ‘Sun and Moon’, it’s owned by one of my older friends, Taeil, and, it’s near the, uhhh, I think it’s close to that one shopping centre? But I can send you directions later, even if you can’t find it, you won’t miss it, it’s covered in neon lights and it’s massive! And, did I mention that Taeil hyung makes the best cocktails? I can’t wait for tonight!”
The boy seemed ultimately fascinated with the place from the way he spoke about it, and your lips curved into a small smile at his excitement. ‘Damn it,’ you thought to yourself, ‘why is he so cute? About things like this? Ughhh, I love him.’
Mark’s endless chatter continued while you pondered over how adorable he probably looked right now, “And, as for who’s coming, it’s only a small group of friends - the Dream boys, my best mate Yukhei and his Chinese buddies from uni, oh, and Chaeyoung and her non-celeb friends are coming too!”
The first few guests he listed were absolutely fine - Yukhei was your best friend, also a mutual friend of yours, and was the one that introduced you to Mark; his friends were strange, but bearable though; while the Dream boys were a group of young artists Mark had the opportunity to join, who were soon going to debut as rappers with him - however, your brows furrowed at the unfamiliar name, confusion written all over your face.
You weren’t jealous, no, just… curious as to who exactly this ‘Chaeyoung’ was, “Oh! Okay, that’s great! But, uhhh, who’s Chaeyoung? I’ve never heard that name before?” The boy let out a dreamy sigh, as if he was enchanted by the mere thought of this person, “Son Chaeyoung is a senior from our record label, better known as Beastie Babe, that’s her stage name.”
Despite his explanation, you were still baffled since you had no idea who she was. The weird, subconscious ‘huh?’ you let out told Mark that you still didn’t understand, so he elaborated on the matter, “I shit you not, she is the most talented, influential rapper of our generation! Her debut single ‘BDZ’ literally dominated both national and Western music charts and her recent collaboration with Cardi B helped skyrocket her to fame, and I’m under the same company as her? Like, I still can’t believe that that’s what we have the potential to become. She’s just so amazing-”
A greedy feeling engulfed your chest and your heart began thumping uncontrollably as Mark’s words of admiration filled your ears. Somehow, out of anger or whatnot, you had managed to throw your spoon across the kitchen, grunting quietly as he failed to stop rubbing in your face the fact that he was talking to other girls now.
“-the moment I walked into her recording studio instead of the Dreamies’ was the best moment of my entire life! We’ve actually been spending a lot of time with each other since then, and, you know what, Y/N? I used to have a huge fanboy crush on her but, uhhh, now that I actually know her, I think that I-I like her? Do you think I should say something tonight? Drunk Mark is definitely better with the ladies than Sober Mark,” he joked, stopping right after he heard silence on the other end of the phone.
You almost screamed at his last statement - “Drunk Mark is definitely better with the ladies than Sober Mark” - well, of fucking course he would say that, that’s exactly how he ended up asking you out on his birthday two years ago, while he was drunk.
‘How insensitive can that shitbag be! That’s our story, not yours and Chaeyoung’s!’ you internally yelled at him, as you refrained from hanging up without another word. Luckily, your self-control got the better of you and you said through gritted teeth, “Haha, defo, I’ll see you tonight then, Mark, good luck with that.”
And with that, you slammed your finger on the red button, aggressively hurling your phone at the couch and cursing Mark under your breath. “Just fuck around with my feelings then, why don’t you? While you’re at it, you may as well shove your successful love life into my face and ruin the smallest fragments of our relationship that we have left,” you mumbled, trudging over to your sofa to collect your phone.
Once you unlocked it, you went straight to Youtube, searching the name ‘Beastie Babe’ and playing her discography as you washed your limited amount of dishes. It crushed your already low self-esteem as you listened to the girl’s unique music, and you realised why Mark looked up to her so much and wanted to date her, she was so much better than you, more gorgeous, more gifted, she was the ultimate upgrade from you.
Those thoughts resurfaced once again as you stood in front of your full body mirror hours later, Chaeyoung’s catchy songs playing in the background, as you couldn’t help but binge all of her music videos to try and gage the chance you had against her when it came to Mark. Turns out you had zero chance.
That girl was literally world-famous, her albums were sold out everywhere, and she had designer brands chasing after her, desperate for celebrity endorsement. Her self-produced music was mesmerising, something you had never heard of before, and her rapping was rhythmic and fluid, while her vocals were beautifully melodic.
Not to mention, Chaeyoung was stunning - like her stage name suggested, she did have the facial structure of a ‘baby beast’ as her fans say, and her hair looked gorgeous no matter what style it was in, her chiseled cheekbones were always the main point of her look, along with her infamous, enticing caramel eyes.
Then, there was you. A college dropout who was surviving solely off of your parents’ riches until they could find a job for you in their expanding business, you were the ‘rich kid’ that everybody shamed.
You didn’t have anything like music in your blood, and you weren’t particularly talented at anything, unless pessimism was considered a talent. And you definitely weren’t gorgeous, you weren’t anything close to it, which was justified as you scrutinised your outfit in the mirror, that made you look even worse than usual.
Initially, what you had chosen for yourself and laid out on your bed looked ideal, the black and white checkered skirt complemented the tight, white off-the-shoulder top and the black, knee-length high heeled boots, while the baby pink leather jacket tied the whole thing together, adding a splash of colour to it.
Now that it was on you, you appeared like you were trying way too hard - your exaggerated makeup looked disgustingly dark, the top showed off all of your curves and rolls, the skirt was a little too short for your liking and portrayed a slutty image that you weren’t going for, and the boots were chunky and big, and didn’t seem to match the rest of the outfit as well as it did prior to when you put it on.
You looked horrendous and you knew it, but this was the only thing in your closet that was even close to what those other girls would be wearing, the only thing that made you at least look like you could fit in with them.
Before you could change anything about it, you glanced at the alarm clock perched on your bedside table, showing exactly ‘21:00’, which you decided was the perfect time to leave.
Usually, with events, you would either plan way ahead of time, and arrive punctual and prepared, or you’d turn up almost an hour late, with a half-assed outfit and an empty stomach.
This time, however, you didn’t know where you were headed, so you should’ve left early, but you got too paranoid, thinking up random instances where you would end up getting there before anyone else was, which would make you look like you were trying harder than ever to get Mark’s attention.
The car ride to Sun and Moon was a daunting one - not only because you were twisting and turning down unfamiliar roads, relying solely on Google Maps, but, because you were jittery with nerves and anxiety.
Just thinking of walking all alone into the club to see a clique of popular musicians and their wealthy friends made you shiver in your seat, and the fact that you were extremely anti-social and very much intimidated by most of the party’s attendees made it even worse.
Lights of almost every colour of the spectrum struck you as you parked your car by Sun and Moon, which was one of the most appealing and exciting clubs you had ever seen, not that you had been to many anyways. You braced yourself as you entered the place, breathing quickly and heavily, before pushing the door open to the booming, electrifying atmosphere.
You were immediately drawn to Mark’s alluring figure on the dance floor, jokingly grinding against one of his group members, Donghyuck, and you assumed that the both of them had some pre-party drinks already.
Mark’s black, patterned dress-shirt flowed down his upper body, the loose fabric of it accentuating the shape of his chest.
His wrists and neck were adorned in expensive brands of jewellery, his fingers laden with various silver rings, the golden glints of his watch twinkling under the bright, fluorescent lights - and his ebony locks were styled to exaggerate his forehead.
The matching black skinny jeans he wore made his legs look heavenly, it made it so hard for you to look away from him.
You shook your head, trying to rid yourself of the amorous thoughts flooding your mind, directing your eyes away from the attractive birthday boy to the rest of the room.
It seemed as if you were the last one to turn up, despite your worries, since you spotted Yukhei and his friends attacking the bar, and who you managed to identify as Chaeyoung and her friends surrounding and blatantly flirting with the Dreamies.
She was even more breathtaking in person - her platinum blonde bob framed her effortless makeup, which consisted of fuschia lips, long, luscious lashes, shimmery eyeshadow, and sparkling highlight, and her striking outfit, a lime green and black patterned tube top and matching bootleg pants, made her look magnificent.
If she wasn’t your ex-boyfriend’s current crush, she would’ve been yours, because, damn, she was hot.
You were broken from your daze when one of Yukhei’s best friends, Hendery, hollered your name and gestured for you to join them, after he noticed you standing blank and confused by the entrance of the club.
“Yoooo, Y/N!! It’s been ages since I last saw you and you look great, boo! Come here, you gorgeous little bitch,” Yukhei’s obnoxiously deafening voice reached you from the opposite side of the room, calling for you even though Hendery had already grasped your attention in the first place, causing you to shyly scurry towards his friend group, the heavy stares of almost everyone in the room following you.
As you made your way over to them, your best friend engulfed you into a bone-crushing hug, his long limbs entangling themselves around you, not letting you get a word in first. When he finally pulled away, it was then that you caught a full look at him.
“Thanks, Yukhei, I really wasn’t sure about this but I’m glad you like it. Also, you look absolutely amazing!! Like, it’s only been 3 months but I feel like you’ve gotten even taller,” you exclaimed, proceeding to compliment your friend’s stylish outfit.
The plain black-on-black aesthetic he was going for may have seemed boring, but he pulled it off so well - the tight-fitted, black long sleeve was paired with black leather pants and decorative chains hanging from his belt loops, and his newly dyed navy blue hair was slicked back to reveal his forehead.
He let out a squeaky laugh, one that only you managed to get from him, as he rested his arm on your head, commenting, “Yeah, I think I actually have gotten taller.” You rolled your eyes at his teasing, before interacting with Yukhei’s friends, who were a lot more welcoming than you expected.
You had only ever spoke to Hendery before, but Xiaojun, Yangyang, and Sicheng were all polite to you, contrary to their appearance and their reputation.
Yes, Yukhei and his mates were the typical rich playboys that you had previously assumed only existed in movies, with the designer loafers and belts they were wearing today.
But, they were just playful dumbasses who looked appealing to their classmates, and, to be honest, you enjoyed hanging out with them during the party, instead of lurking around the club, solitary and sombre, pining after Mark.
Oh yeah, Mark - the boys had been distracting you so well that you had forgotten about your ex that stood just four feet away from you, freestyle rapping with Jaemin and Jeno.
Surprisingly, you didn’t really mind your lack of interaction with him throughout the night. It had only been two hours and you thought that you would be so desperate to just talk to him and fix things with him, but, in reality, you were having a blast with Yukhei’s friends, listening to their uni gossip and discussing your favourite music at the moment, they made you feel comfortable and welcome, something that Mark and his friends always failed to do with you.
As you decided to have yet another cocktail, you approached the bartender, but, before you could even open your mouth, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
Although you hadn’t even seen the person, you knew exactly who it was, by the calloused fingers, from countless plucking of guitar strings, that grazed your skin, and the embarrassed clearing of his throat to gain your attention, you just sensed that Mark was stood right behind you.
Tentatively, you turned around to face the boy you dreaded to see, your cheeks flaming with rouge as he scratched his nape and locked eye contact with you. Your pulse quickened and you felt your stomach churning in your stomach, maybe it was just the drinks, or maybe it was his mere presence that excited and aroused you.
The scent of alcohol lingered on his body, and you could tell that it had already took a toll on him, by the wild twinkle in his eyes and the unsteadiness in his voice.
Despite that, Mark looked absolutely ineffable at that exact moment, the beads of sweat on his forehead sparkled underneath the colourful lights, and made him look ethereal and idyllic.
You panicked, creating multiple, unrealistic reasons as to why Mark wanted to talk to you right now, so the first thing your disoriented, intoxicated mind barfed up for you to say was, “Sincerely, happy birthday!”
The god-like creation that stood before you sniggered at your outburst, “Thanks, and thanks for coming too! I just wanted to ask if you could hold my watch for a bit?”
You almost choked at the simple request he had given you, clearly, he had other priorities, ones that didn’t include facing you and everything that had occured between you two since you had last spoken, excluding this morning, “Oh, oh yeah, uhhh, yeah, sure? How come?”
“Ahhh, Dahyun just challenged Jisung to a dance-off and he almost flipped in excitement, he dragged me and the rest of the Dreamies with him to go against Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, and it’s already pretty hardcore, just look.”
Mark vaguely gestured to the dance floor, where Jeno was b-boying and Chenle was screeching to hype him up (even though the younger of the two was sober, he was still as energetic as ever) while Tzuyu was aggressively booing him and Chaeyoung was comically cracking her knuckles in preparation, “this is a Rolex Submariner and I do not wanna ruin it ‘cause of a dance-off, y’know?”
You laughed along with him, admiring the way he delicately removed the watch from his wrist, “Of course, I’ll keep it with me while you, uhhh, do that. By the way, where’d you get this? It looks pretty good quality.”
He tossed a glance at Yukhei, then back at you, “Xuxi got me this, he gave it to me last night so that I could wear it today! Did you think I bought it? I could never afford this on my own, ha!”
His drunken giggles were the only thing you heard and you couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment due to Mark’s casual manner around you.
You never thought that it would cross your mind, but you were beginning to wonder if he was completely and utterly over you this time.
“I’ll be back soon, just give it to me once we’re done,” he added, before making his way back to the dance floor where Renjun was doing some eccentric moves you had never seen before.
Even from afar, Yukhei noticed the dim aura that surrounded you, so he approached you, while you were ordering your new drink.
“What was that about? What did he say to you?” he questioned you, handing you the shot glass that the bartender had just placed on the surface. Accepting it, you took a swift swig of the drink, letting the liquid ease down your throat and settle in your stomach before answering, “He literally just wanted me to hold his watch, that’s it.”
“That’s it?”
“Yup, and I told him ‘happy birthday’, but, besides from that he just kinda, you know, avoided everything that I wanted to talk about, and ran away to them,” you nodded your head towards Mark, who was now freestyling against Chaeyoung, a knowing smirk plastered on his face.
Your best friend wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest in a comforting way, to which you plainly let him do so, “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that, Y/N, as much as I love Mark, he’s been such a dick to you this entire time. I wish he would’ve listened to me when I told him to choose to either stop stringing you on or to pick up where you two left off.
“But, instead, he’s broken your heart time and time again, making you think that he still wants you, and needs you, when, in reality, Chaeyoung had him under her control the moment he met her, which was literally two weeks after you broke up, by the way. I wish that you’d look past that image Mark had built of himself in your head and heart, and see the real him.”
It was shocking to hear these wise words come from your currently drunk friend, as those weren’t the types of things he would usually say when he was clear-headed.
You wiggled out of his endearing embrace, audibly exhaling in frustration as your head was invaded with sudden realisations and epiphanies, “You’re right, surprisingly, I’ll try and talk to him later, maybe when I hand him his watch back. But, hopefully, this’ll be the last time I have to even look that boy in the eyes, I don’t think I can keep doing this any longer.”
The curves of Yukhei’s lips turned upwards into a proud smile, “That’s my girl! Now, how about you play this one drinking game that Sicheng found with us? Will that make you feel better?”
It did make you feel better, a lot better, and you were enjoying yourself so much that you had missed the fact that the impromptu dance battle had come to an end and its participants were carelessly swaying with one another, too exhausted to move their bodies properly.
You noticed that there were two specific people missing, however; it seemed that Mark and Chaeyoung had slipped out while you were playing with Yukhei, Sicheng, Hendery, Xiaojun, and Yangyang.
Only then did you recall that Mark’s exorbitant watch was still in the pocket of the pink jacket you had removed and left unattended on a chair. You excused yourself from the boys and ran to your jacket, retrieved the Rolex and proceeded to search for Mark to return it to him, and talk to him.
You had examined each and every bit of the club closely, yet Mark was nowhere to be seen, so you decided to explore the exterior, perhaps he needed to get something from his car, or something?
It was difficult to convince yourself that he hadn’t left to get some ‘alone time’ with Chaeyoung, which is what he had told his friends when he had done the same with you two years prior, but the idea of it kept recurring to you as you ventured out into the cold night. 
The similarities of your current situation and the time you had run away from Mark’s underground performance a week after your breakup were disturbingly accurate - except this time you were running towards him, instead of away from him, you were stronger now and wanted to face him, not cower away from him. 
He was making your confrontation pretty hard, though, because, at the moment, you couldn’t even find Mark, so you came to the conclusion of trying to call him. Multiple times. And, yet, he still didn’t answer, and you hadn’t advanced any further with it. You still didn’t give up, as you pressed his name in your phone again, and wandered down the street, glancing side to side every so often, just in case you had missed him.
“Hey, this is Mark, I’m busy at the moment but I’ll be back! Leave a message while you’re at it, I guess, haha,” Mark’s recorded voice echoed from the speakerphone yet again, you had heard it so many times that you had pretty much memorised his awkward little ramble. You sighed as the tone beeped for the sixth time in the past few minutes.
A disgruntled growl left you as you proceeded to search for the unreachable boy, your phone clutched in one hand while his watch was still in the other.
It was extremely tempting to just take it home with you and return it to him the following day - but if you were really going to permanently detach yourself from Mark like you promised yourself you would, you had to avoid anything and everything to do with him, or else you would give up and let yourself be pulled back into his trance.
After seeing the way he acted around Chaeyoung throughout the night, however, it wasn’t very likely that you’d come crawling back to him any time soon.
You pressed the contact name once again, holding your phone up to your ear hopefully, awaiting a response. Turning the corner as you neared your car, you laid eyes on a sight you wish you never had done, and you swore you almost dropped your mobile along with your jaw right there on the sidewalk.
There he was: pinned up against the graffitied wall of the narrow alleyway, arms coiled all over Chaeyoung’s waist, hips, and ass, lips locked with her swollen, red ones.
You couldn’t even gasp at the horrific scene, you were in another state of shock, and your entire body was quivering and recoiling in utter pain and heartbreak.
Tears pricked at your eyes the longer they lingered on the moaning mess that was Mark, but you couldn’t rip them away from him. “Shit, Chae, I think I love you,” he breathed out, as she left open-mouthed kisses from his jaw to his collarbone, her hands threading through his velvety locks.
That used to be you, kissing all down his neck; that used to be you, making his heart race and limbs melt into jelly; that used to be you, the one he said ‘I love you’ to.
“Hey, this is Mark, I’m busy at the moment but I’ll be back! Leave a message while you’re at it, I guess, haha,” the tone played again, making you jump out of your skin, ‘perfect timing, Y/N, what if he heard it, right now, coming from your phone!’ you huffed, dropping Mark’s watch on the ground near the alleyway, bolting away from the couple, towards your car, grabbing the handle and pulling it open as soon as you reached it.
As you slumped into the driver’s seat, you realised that you had accidentally pressed the voicemail button with your shaking finger, instead of the ‘end call’ button.
“Fuck, no, I don’t wanna record a voicemail to Mark,” you thought aloud, until a voice in your head suggested, ‘but won’t this be the last time you’ll ever speak to him?’
It was with that thought that the gears in your head began turning - it was right, this would be your last time talking to him, you could finally tell him all of the things on your mind, the emotions he made you feel, the burdens he put on you, and he didn’t even have to respond.
You could simply block him forever - because he wouldn’t care, right? You didn’t even need a response or an apology, all you wanted was for him to know what he put you through, what you had to suffer through because of him.
And it’s not like that would upset him, he didn’t care about you the way you cared about him, he didn’t need you the way you used to need him, since he had his (possibly) new girlfriend instead of you. So you decided to record your last message to him.
“Uhhh, okay, this is really weird but I’ll just get it over and done with. So, Mark, this is Y/N and by the time you get this, your number’ll probably be blocked, this is the last thing you’ll hear from me.
“I’m guessing you’re kinda confused right now, because you’re probably listening to this while you’re either drunk as fuck or hungover, but, long story short, I’m fucking done with you.
“Let me just remind you of what happened tonight, or last night, depending on when you’re hearing this. You invited me to your little celebration after, what, a month of not contacting me? And then, proceeded to tell me that your crush would be here, even though you knew all too well that we had too many loose ends that we hadn’t tied yet.
“Then, I get here, and suddenly you don’t even greet me, or acknowledge me, just like you had been doing for the past few weeks, while, of course, you’re glued to Chaeyoung’s side.
“Meanwhile, I was there, waiting to see you, since we hadn’t hung out normally since the break-up 3 months ago, and I knew, well, at least I thought I knew, that there was still a connection between us, or something.
“But, instead, I spent the entire night following Yukhei around and talking to his friends, and having the oh-so-great opportunity of watching you eye-fuck Chaeyoung the whole time. And, finally, when you do eventually notice me, you ask me to hold your Rolex? Really, Mark? I didn’t even get the chance to say anything more than ‘happy birthday’ to you.
“Now, I don’t know how you’re feeling about this whole thing, because, apparently, you’re now Chaeyoung’s newest boy toy, but, did you ever stop and think about how this has affected me? How this whole thing has affected me?
“Because, if you really didn’t notice Mark, I was still fucking in love with you - even after you left me - and I never knew why you gave up on us. Personally, I thought we were amazing together, I thought you were my soulmate, you were the only person that made me feel loved, the only person I loved, but, you didn’t seem to think so.
“Maybe it’s because you’re my first love, Mark, but I wasn’t yours; maybe it’s because I thought that nobody else could replace you; maybe it’s because of your web of lies that I got caught in - but I felt like it wasn’t over yet. It couldn’t be, we would find each other after a while and resume what we had, and we’d be together forever, wow, I know that’s cheesy, I think the alcohol’s getting to me now.
“Speaking of alcohol though, there was another reason why I thought that we could pick up where we left off.
“Don’t you remember all of those nights where you needed me to get you from the bar or the club, and drive you home? When you were so incapable of processing our history together that you just gave in, and let me fall in love with you all over again?
“Yeah, those nights gave me hope, hope that it wasn’t the drinks speaking for you the previous nights, it was you, and hope that you would realise what you were missing and come back to me.
“But, hoping is no good. You’ve actually gotta follow through with your hopes and make them come true. Yet, I couldn’t do that, since you always left me. You always disappeared without a trace, and then, suddenly, after three weeks or so, you’d be right back.
“But, you know, I see it now, I see the truth. You never really loved me, you weren’t lying when you said that, you loved the idea of me, the idea of having someone to rely on, the idea of someone else cleaning up your messes, the idea of someone to hook up with whenever you wanted.
“I saw that all throughout today, when you looked into Chaeyoung’s eyes, she pulled you in and you were lost in a swirl of lust, but whenever you looked into my eyes, you were so disconnected from me, and there was never any emotion.
“Mark, I’m not just your property, you can’t do whatever you want with me! I’m not your party favor, a mere birthday gift that gets thrown away after its purpose has been served.
“I’m Y/N and I’m not yours, Mark Lee, and I’m ashamed to say I ever was. If there’s one thing you were right about, though, it’s that ‘happiness is a lie, and it was only found in your trance’, but that’s because you didn’t make me feel true happiness.
“True happiness isn’t being manipulated into thinking that you make someone feel good and that it’s the only thing that makes them feel good, and that they needed you - true happiness is being free from the people that do that to you.
“I’m sorry, that I didn’t do what you wanted me to, I’m not blinded by your fake love anymore so you won’t be using me any time soon. Goodbye, Mark.”
And, with a few swift movements of your finger, Mark was gone from your phone, and from your life. He was nothing to you now, and you were no longer his - and, wow, you never knew that you would feel so proud to be able to say that.
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Hi, is it too much to ask for a list of your upcoming requests? Thanks~
Hello there! Here’s a list of all the requests we have in our inbox right now:
An ITZY drabble about how they each meet their girlfriend
Vampire G(idle)
Sistar as your girlfriend
Loona dates at home
Red Velvet soulmate headcanon
Fake Texts/Snaps:
JiU learns gf was kicked out of class fake text
EXID conspiracy theory fake texts
Yandere Mafia!Loona Unnie line reaction where they find fem!reader after she runs away
snsd reaction to their gf wanting them to dominate her 
Loona reaction where they get a cute new manager and they fall for them
mafia-exid au reacting to their s/o being afraid of them after they tell them
RV reaction of their bf suddenly hugging them and cries on their shoulder
Loona reaction for a soccer player!au where them and their gf are on different teams and one day they have a match against each other
Twice reaction to hear for the first time a their s.o curse
EXID's reaction to their S/O quietly serenading them while being intimate
Solbin has feeling for manager (reader) but wont admit
Vampire Irene and new vampire reader
Wendy hogwarts!au divination tea leaf reading
Exy and reader (Besties) like the same guy and let it get between their friendship
Taeyeon soulmate au. Soulmates coordinates appear on your skin
Irene romeo&juliet style gang au. Reader falls in love with rival gang member
Sowon is the leader of a gang and her girlfriend is kidnapped
Wendy comes out to the media with girlfriend
Idol!fem!reader x Momo appear on running man
"I would do anything to see you smile" Moonbyul Fluff
Solji meets reader in hospital
Rena and werewolf reader
Vampire!Irene and vampire!reader who lost memory
Reader and members plan surprise for Rose
Jennie Werewolf au
Hyolyn goddess of summer au
Twice Mina and reader who won date
WJSN Bona sees reader in crowd
Poly Rena and Roa comfort 
Yeoreum gets bullied at high school au
Rose and members record reader after surgery
Twice Mina watches manager's daughter
Jisoo x reader speaking in Spanish
Wendy amortentia au
Twice teaching reader how to swim
Solji x Doctor reader
Mina and Tzuyu poly Triwizard Tournament relationship
Rose college au 
Hani or Siyeon x slytherin reader
Soyeon and idol!reader on variety show
Sunmi Hello Councilor au
Seungyeon and fem!idol!reader do sexy dance
Sana and reader manager secret relationship smut
Chaewon and reader beach date 
Irene x bodyguard reader
Ryujin x female reader based on Wendy ost "Goodbye" 
gamer!au Yoohyeon and/or Siyeon where they meet the reader at a game tournament 
Brown Eyed Girls Gain street racing au
Eunbi x fem reader "Secret Love Song" 
Sunmi and readers date ruined
Hades!Taeyeon and Persephone!Fem!Reader 
Reader protects Krystal from saesang 
Nayeon and idol!reader fight and make up
Chaeryeong and idol!reader on variety show together
Yeoreum and reader get married 
Sana and crush have to share a bed
chaeyoung sana or Mina based on their song ‘three times a day’
Countryside!Irene x Siren!reader
Son Chaeyoung scenario where her s.o is serenading her with the Jonas Brothers song "Sucker"
Irene and fem!reader secret relationship
Amber Liu x actress! Reader
marchingband!reader and cheerleader Jeonghwa
Heejin tries belly dancing
Yuqi and magician reader
Olivia Hye/Hyejoo highschool au
Chungha and idol!reader variety show
Chungha produce101 era scenario
Sunmi and reader breakup, get back together
Poly Bona and Chungha
Chungha and childhood friend reunite
Bona x manager reader
Hyunjin and reader with thirdwheel Heejin
Kim Lip enemies to lovers
Short reader and tall Roa
Krystal x fem!reader "I ship it""Oh, we're actually together"
Detective!Irene AU
Krystal and reader meet child's s/o for the first time
Heejin pokemon trainer au
Sana x reader who is framed for a crime
Sooyoung meets reader in foreign country 
Chungha royalty au
Olivia Hye x Vampire Hunter reader
Group finds out that Choerry and reader are dating
Sana x reader who doesn’t believe in/want love
How SoljixLExfem!reader got together
Rina amusement park scenario
Yoojung high school au
Doyeon x prankster!reader
Solji and fem!idol!reader angst and fluff
LE proposing to her gf
Viseul distopia au
First time saying I love you to Bulldok
Mafia Momo and schoolgirl Mina
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vex91 · 1 year
Son Chaeyoung - Morning pleasure
Pairing: Son Chaeyoung x Female Reader
Fandom: Twice
Summary: You woke up due to your girlfriend trying to get rid of her morning problem.
Warning(s): Smut, 18+ content, G!P Chaeyoung
A/N: That's one my old works of her (I'm still very disappointed in her because of that shirt incident)
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3rd's POV
You opened your eyes slowly, being awoken by a grunting from behind you. Not long after you felt a pressure pressing against your ass making you moan which earned a louder grunt from behind you and the pressure on your ass grew.
Blinking away the sleep you already knew what was happening. Your sweet girlfriend Chaeyoung seemed to have a morning problem and tried to ease it by grinding on you.
When Chaeyoung noticed that you were awake, she apologized for waking you up like that and gave you an apologetic kiss on your neck but you could feel the hunger in it.
She needed your help and you were happy to give it to her.
You turned around and gave Chaeyoung a passionate kiss that she happily returned. In the middle of it you positioned yourself so she could grind into your core with ease which she quickly did making you both groan. The way Chaeyoung grinded on you made you feel incredible and you both knew that you would never feel like this with anyone else so it made her proud.
The room was filled with grunting, groaning and moaning from all the bliss you felt. You stopped and went under the covers to pull your girlfriend's sweatpants and boxers off and you were met with her average size member. You took it in your hand which made her groan and you pumped it slowly, not long after you took a tip in your mouth and you felt Chaeyoung's hand tangling in your hair to ground herself.
You started taking more and more of it until you gagged on it and you continued to pleasure your girlfriend with everything you have. Chaeyoung head fell more into the pillow, moans spilling from her mouth unconsciously.
Everything you did just made her feel so good, it was unreal.
It didn't took long before you felt that she was getting close so you speeded your movements before she released into your mouth making you swallow all of it.
After that you crawled back up on top of her and kissed her hungrily, her cock hardened again and she changed your position so she was on top and looked at you with lust filled eyes.
"You were so good to me so now I'm going to repay you. It's good that we don't have anywhere to be today"
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sgscenarios · 7 years
Hello can u do 93 with twice's chaeyoung x female reader
asjdkfalghaek this got longer than I planned but oh well it’s good
93. “I tried, but I just can’t stay away from you anymore.”
There she was.
Cheerleader Son Chaeyoung. Part of the cheerleading clique that named themselves Twice. They were really popular, but contrary to popular belief, they did no bullying. But that didn’t mean they were nice either. They usually stood and watched as everything unfolded, usually laughing.
The football players, on the other hand, were the worst. Everyone who was not well known was picked on. And that included you.
Ever since you had entered high school, you were picked on. For what, you had no idea, but you had narrowed it down to the fact that you were a big loser. On most days, you tried your best to pay no mind to it, but sometimes it stressed you out.
And that sometimes was today. You were dead tired due to not getting enough sleep because you had spent most of the night studying for a big test that you were still worrying about, and now at school, you were being picked on by Kim Sangchul and you’d just about had it.
Here you were, frantically making your way to the class that you had your test in, eyes glued to your open notebook, trying to memorize everything that you had wrote down to help you study, that is, until someone had walked up to you and hit your books down. 
You looked up at Sangchul, a scowl on your face. “Yah, do you really have nothing to do with your pitiful life?”
He only scoffed, pushing your shoulder. “Pitiful? You think I have a pitiful life?” He chuckled before looking at his friends, who also laughed. “Why don’t you take a look at yourself before talking that way to me?”
You crouched down to pick up your books, paying him no mind. He then pushed your shoulder with his foot, making you fall back. Now, you were fuming. You stood up and threw your textbook down, the loud thud attracting everyone’s eyes. Among them was Chaeyoung.
“You really don’t have anything to do with your life, huh?” You walked towards him, punching a locker in your anger. “Maybe you should use the time that you use to pick on kids like me to cultivate your self confidence. Yeah, I know you have self esteem and confidence issues. That’s why you pick on people. It makes you feel powerful.”
“Bitch, you don’t know anything about me.” He raised his hand, ready to hit you.
“Go ahead and hit me. Prove me right, Sangchul.” You looked up at him with a smug look.
“Yah! Kim Sangchul.” Everyone’s eyes, including yours, averted to where the voice came from, and lo and behold, there was Son Chaeyoung, walking towards the two of you. “Hit her and I’ll fuck you up.”
Once she got to the both of you, she stood in between you two, shoving Sangchul’s shoulder. “Fuck off, asshole.”
She then turned to you and sighed, her arms crossed. “You know you could’ve gotten really hurt, you dumbass. I tried, but I can’t just stay away from you anymore. Reason one being, you’re going to get yourself beat up, especially after that, and two, I kinda have a crush on you so yeah.”
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
Is it possible for us to know what requests are currently on your writing lists??
Sure! These are mostly badly paraphrased to keep them short and simple on our list but here they are:
An ITZY drabble about how they each meet their girlfriend
Vampire G(idle)
Sistar as your girlfriend
Loona dates at home
Red Velvet soulmate headcanon
DreamCatcher and how they flirt
First time saying I love you to Bulldok
Yvesvi breaking curse
Mafia Momo and schoolgirl Mina
Viseul distopia au
Fake Texts/Snaps:
JiU learns gf was kicked out of class fake text
EXID conspiracy theory fake texts
g idle reaction to having to take care of their gf
Yandere Mafia!Loona Unnie line reaction where they find fem!reader after she runs away
Cherry Bullet's reaction on playing pocky game with their s/o
snsd reaction to their gf wanting them to dominate her
Loona reaction where they get a cute new manager and they fall for them
Twice reaction to their s.o overworking themselves
mafia-exid au reacting to their s/o being afraid of them after they tell them
jealous exid reaction
RV reacts to their idol best friend being outed for their sexuality
RV reaction of their bf suddenly hugging them and cries on their shoulder
werewolf!f(x) reaction about being protective over their mate
Loona reaction for a soccer player!au where them and their gf are on different teams and one day they have a match against each other
Twice reaction to hear for the first time a their s.o curse
EXID's reaction to their S/O quietly serenading them while being intimate
Cherry Bullet's reaction to the reader confessing shyly with a letter
Solbin has feeling for manager (reader) but wont admit
Vampire Irene and new vampire reader
Wendy hogwarts!au divination tea leaf reading
Exy and reader (Besties) like the same guy and let it get between their friendship
Taeyeon soulmate au. Soulmates coordinates appear on your skin
Irene romeo&juliet style gang au. Reader falls in love with rival gang member
Sowon is the leader of a gang and her girlfriend is kidnapped
Wendy comes out to the media with girlfriend
Idol!fem!reader x Momo appear on running man
"I would do anything to see you smile" Moonbyul Fluff
Doyeon angst then fluff
Solji meets reader in hospital
Rena and werewolf reader
Vampire!Irene and vampire!reader who lost memory
Reader and members plan surprise for Rose
Jennie Werewolf au
Hyolyn goddess of summer au
Twice Mina and reader who won date
WJSN Bona sees reader in crowd
Poly Rena and Roa comfort
Yeoreum gets bullied at high school au
Rose and members record reader after surgery
Twice Mina watches manager's daughter
Jisoo x reader speaking in Spanish
Wendy amortentia au Twice teaching reader how to swim
Solji x Doctor reader
Mina and Tzuyu poly Triwizard Tournament relationship
Rose college au
Hani or Siyeon x slytherin reader
Soyeon and idol!reader on variety show
Sunmi Hello Councilor au
Seungyeon and fem!idol!reader do sexy dance
Reader comforts Sana
Olivia and idol!reader on variety show
Sana and reader manager secret relationship smut
Chaewon and reader beach date
Irene x bodyguard reader
Yeji laser tag scenario
Ryujin x female reader based on Wendy ost "Goodbye"
Lua born without a soulmate mark au
gamer!au Yoohyeon and/or Siyeon where they meet the reader at a game tournament
Brown Eyed Girls Gain street racing au
Eunbi x fem reader "Secret Love Song"
Sunmi and readers date ruined
Hades!Taeyeon and Persephone!Fem!Reader
Reader protects Krystal from saesang
Nayeon and idol!reader fight and make up
Chaeryeong and idol!reader on variety show together
Yeoreum and reader get married
IZ*ONE Yuri friends with benefits angst and fluff
Sana and crush have to share a bed
Seulgi x reader who is Irene's sister
chaeyoung sana or Mina based on their song ‘three times a day’
Countryside!Irene x Siren!reader
Jeongyeon roadtrip au
Son Chaeyoung scenario where her s.o is serenading her with the Jonas Brothers song "Sucker"
Irene and fem!reader secret relationship
Amber Liu x actress! Reader
marchingband!reader and cheerleader Jeonghwa
Heejin tries belly dancing
Jisun “You’ve always felt like home” and “Don’t lie to me”
Scary but soft LE highschool au
Yuqi and magician reader
Solji sugarmommy!Au
Olivia Hye/Hyejoo highschool au
Poly and fluffy Siyeon and Sua x reader
Chungha and idol!reader variety show
LE daily vlog au
Chungha produce101 era scenario
Sunmi and reader breakup, get back together
Mina x reader who "hates kids" but really doesn't
Nayeon x reader who gets happy over Chaeyoung's card
Poly Bona and Chungha
Chungha and childhood friend reunite
Bona x manager reader
Hyunjin and reader with thirdwheel Heejin
Kim Lip enemies to lovers
Short reader and tall Roa 
Krystal x fem!reader "I ship it""Oh, we're actually together"
Detective!Irene AU
Krystal and reader meet child's s/o for the first time
6th member reader comes out to red velvet
Heejin pokemon trainer au
Sana x reader who is framed for a crime
Sooyoung meets reader in foreign country
Chungha royalty au
Olivia Hye x Vampire Hunter reader
Group finds out that Choerry and reader are dating
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