#sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
thecabaggewoman · 2 months
Listening to Slipping through my fingers by ABBA and thinking about Apollo watching Meg growing up and aging and he feels like yesterday she was only 12
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misspaddockverse · 1 year
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📸 | Daniel Ricciardo celebrating the Red Bull 1-2 (via: Kelly Piquet stories)
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p4nishers · 2 years
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54625 · 26 days
I am going to be listening to Slipping Through My Fingers and staring at the wall for the next like 15 hours
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bumblingbabooshka · 8 months
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[TUVOKTOBER: Day 7] Do I really see what's in her mind? Each time I think I'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing Slipping through my fingers all the time.
Based on 'Modern Madonna and Child' by J.C Leyendecker
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(my wife's wise words)
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sitcom-thoughts · 3 months
would love to write a poem about my sister and I making friendship bracelets while watching Saddle Club even thought it’s 2024 and we’re both over the age of 20 but idk how I’m meant to turn it into poetry.
would have loved to take a picture of us making bracelets together but I was too busy laughing at her character impressions and her swearing when she dropped beads.
would love to have a video of us making a heart with our hands at a concert together and holding hands during the slow songs but I was too busy trying to remember everything I was feeling.
would love to verbalize how much she means to me but I’m too busy laughing at references only we know which confuses our parents.
I will have to settle for remembering, but it is enough, and I hope she remembers too.
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metalgeartwo1990 · 1 year
song i want to reblog isn’t uploaded anywhere as an audio post. what fresh hell
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lightthatibecome · 3 months
No i'm not upset about the inevitable passage of time it's just that sometimes I wish I could dig my heels into the dirt and drag it to a stop!!!!
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ghosty-writes-23 · 5 months
His Precious DollFace. - Leon S Kennedy.
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!TAGS!: Slight NSFW (Somnophilia) Mentions of Stalking & Kidnapping, Obsessive/Possessive Behaviour, Panty Stealing.
Pairing: GhostFace!Leon + BestFriend!FemaleReader.
Rating: Mature.
Summary: You were Leon’s sweet and innocent childhood best friend that was too naïve to know what his true intentions were, he just wanted to keep you safe and protected.
Word Count: 1.7k
Ghosty's Notes: Hi, just wanted to say I didn’t actually think I would be posting this on time but even this time I surprised myself, I have re-written this about 3 times today and I am finally happy with this version I wrote, a huge thank you to everybody that votes on the poll, it was fun seeing everybody interact with it and see everybody’s choice, I do plan on publishing something for Valentines Day but I am not making any promises, anyway just wanted to say a huge thank you and I hope you enjoy the story.
Thank you for all the support, it means alot❤️
18+ Content // MINORS DO NOT INTERACT // 18+ Content.
Sitting at home relaxing on your couch watching Netflix, that you stole the password for from your best friend, Supernatural played in the background as you scrolled through your phone reading about the recent Ghostface murders that had been happening around the university campus.
Many people think its a student dressed up as the iconic horror slasher while others just think its just some crazy nutjob, but since the murders classes have been strictly online until the person reasonable has been found. After reading another new article claiming that the authorities should be doing more to catch this murder you exited the page and went to see your text messages. 
A couple where from Chris complaining that he wished you had accompanied him and Leon to the halloween party their frat was throwing, another message was from Claire showing the costumes the girls were wearing, Ada was going as a vampire, Claire was a witch and Jill went as fairy and chris photobombed the picture dressed as michael myers, the picture made you laugh as you sent a heart back, you didn’t feel like going to the party or any social gathering, just a comfy movie night in was all you wanted.
After reply to Claire you saw Leon messaged you, the pair of you had been best friends since you were little kids, being next door neighbours you practically grew up together, always staying at each other's houses for sleepovers, movie nights and even got accepted into the same university as each other, your parents were best friends and would do double date nights when you and Leon grew older, clicking on Leon’s message you read what it said. 
“Miss you.” was all the message said, it brought a small smile to your face. It wasn't a secret that you and Leon were a little bit closer than friends since you basically grew up together, but that is all you were just friends even though sometimes you wished it was something a little more. Shaking your head you looked at the time on your phone 1am it was time for you to go to bed.
Grabbing your TV remote you flicked off the TV before wrapping your blanket around yourself and got off the couch, as you did you heard a creak in the floor in your hallway, causing you to freeze slightly but then you thought it was just your cat coming inside. Shrugging off the feeling you headed up to your room, not seeing the shadowy figure that looked up at you from the bottom of the stairs.
Pushing open your bedroom door you went and flopped onto your bed exhaustion washing over your body as you don’t even bother to get under your blankets as you close your eyes. Just as your mind was about to drift off to dreamland you could have sworn you heard your bedroom door open but when you open your eyes there's nothing there causing you to think you have have started to go crazy, but soon there was a soft meow before your cat jumped up on the bed purring as it pushed its face against yours, causing you to smile as you pet its head. 
“You keep giving me a heart attack.” you said to the feline as you softly scold it, but it just purrs and curls up beside you before going to sleep, not having the energy to close your door you drifted off to sleep not seeing the shadowy figure was now in the corner of your bedroom. 
Looking at the sleeping woman, the shadowy figure felt his heart race as his breathing got slightly heavy, his blade in his pocket before he raised up and pulled the mask from his face revealing himself to be none other than your best friend Leon, there was a blood splatter on his face that he didn’t bother to clean up, he had to come and see you.
He knew once you found out what he had done you would never want to see him again, but he was doing all of this for you, to protect you those people who would have hurt you and he couldn’t have that, he loved you too much to see you ever get hurt, so he dealt with them so they would never hurt you in the first place.
Everything he did was to protect you from the cruelty of this world, he didn’t care if he had to get his hands dirty if it meant you kept that innocent and sweet smile. Walking over to your sleeping figure Leon kneeled down and took off one of his bloody gloves then gently rested his cold hand on your cheek causing your face to scrunch up at the sudden cold feeling but you didn't wake, his thumb slowly creased your cheek as he looked at you with a lovesick look.
You here his precious doll and he will always protect you and have your best interests at heart. Looking away from your face Leon noticed your oversized shirt had ridden up where it rested just under your breasts giving him a full view of your stomach and cute black panties you were wearing, they were his favourite because of how they looked on your body and that he had brought them for you.
Letting out a heavy breath, Leon tried resisting the urge to kiss your stomach, how your soft skin would feel under his lips, his teeth digging into the soft flesh and leaving little marks showing everybody you belong to him, the thought sent a rush of heat through his body. Taking a deep breath one little kiss wouldn’t hurt so he moved to half way down your bed and leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to your stomach, he promised himself to not leave any marks, unlike last time, but this time he was determined not to. 
Your skin felt so soft under his lips, almost as if kissing a marshmallow he could almost taste the sweet taste of your body wash from your shower earlier in the night. Leon knew of this because of the camera’s he had placed around your place, so he could always have an eye on you. Feeling you stir Leon frozen in place before you turned over a soft noise leaving your lips as you settled back into your bed. Leon knew you were a light sleeper so he had to be careful and quiet. 
His gaze went back up to your face, making sure you were fully asleep again before he let out a soft breath, this is what you do to him, you drive him crazy with the most simple and innocent actions just you sleeping peacefully was enough to make his body feel hot all over, to make him crave touching you in a way no best friend should and it was all your fault, but was he complaining, no you could never do any wrong in his eyes. 
Moving onto your bed Leon made sure his movements wouldn’t disturb your peaceful slumber, as his body hovered over your sleeping form his breath picked up, it fanned over your face causing you to stir again, holding his breath you settled down once again your breath evening out and your snores light and soft, Leon didn’t want to risk waking you up so as he slowly moved off the bed, he let his lips trail down your body as light as a feather, but as he got to the top of your cute black panties Leon could feel his eyes roll to the back of his head at the sweet smell, he could see a small wet patch forming causing the cheap cotton to stick to your pussy.
Leon could feel his lips go dry, licking his lips he looked like a predatory looking down at its prey, his eyes had darken and his breathing was now more uneven, reaching a finger up he ran his finger up the slick fabric being as gentle as possible, a soft noise leaving your throat as he pulled his finger back it was wet with your slick without thinking Leon placed his finger in his mouth causing a whine to leave his throat, he wanted more but it was too risky so he came up with a better plan, carefully and slowly Leon hooked his fingers into the top of your panties before gently pulling them down your smooth legs and off your feet. 
Once your panties where off Leon brought them to his noise and breathed in deeply, your scent filling his nose causing his eyes to roll back once again driving him wild, He didn’t want to take your innocence just yet he wanted you to be awake so you could feel all the pleasure he would bring to you, so for now this would have to do. Getting off the bed Leon placed the panties in his pocket before he walked over to you and gently kissed your head. 
“Goodnight Doll, i’ll see you again real soon.” Leon whispered before he grabbed his mask and placed it over his face before he carefully walked out of your bedroom and gently closed the door….
The Following Morning.
You woke feeling refreshed and well rested, your cat peacefully slept on your jacket that was placed on the chair that sat by your window, the early morning sun warming its fur, your stretched your arms over your head letting out a soft noise as your back made a clicking noise, running your fingers through your hair a feeling washed over you, as if you were missing something, reaching under your blankets you noticed your panties where missing, you were pretty sure you went to sleep with them on.
“Must of kicked them off somehow.” You thought as you shrugged your shoulders and pushed your blankets off your bed and headed to the bathroom to get ready for your morning Uni classes and shift working at your mom’s bakery, where you will see Leon and tell me all about the supernatural episodes you watched last night and how your cat gave you two heart attacks.
As you made your way to the bathroom, you didn’t notice the small camera watching your every move, Leon was behind it smiling as if he had hearts in his eyes. “Soon doll, you will be mine.” he said as he placed his bloody hand on the computer screen, as there was the sound of a muffled scream behind him as a person sat tied up to a chair with tape over their mouth.
---------- ©️2024 - GhostyWrites23 All Rights Reserved. ❌Please don't repost, translate or copy any of my work without permission.❌
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teencopandthesourwolf · 7 months
He freezes. Doesn't know what the hell else to do. 
He can't picture it: Derek can't remember the last time somebody put their arms around him. 
Was it Laura?
Of course it was Laura. How could he forget that? Derek has gotten pretty good at blocking things out—a little too good, it seems.
She didn't tell him anything before leaving New York. Didn't say a fucking word, just up and vanished. Derek had woken up one morning and she was gone, because she'd known without a shadow of a doubt that Derek would've only followed her if she'd have said a single word to him.
Nobody ever granted Derek’s wishes, no matter who he prayed to. Those desperate pleas where he asked to go back and get a chance to fix things, they all went unheard.
Laura left to go back to the place they both wished still existed just as it had; a place they were wanted alive, not dead. It wasn't fair that it was the very same place they would be hunted down if they did return, like the rabid animals the Argent's presumed they were.
Leaving the way they did meant they hadn't gotten the chance to see if anything was left at the house. They couldn't mark graves, or grieve properly. 
That same place also happened to be the place they'd been born, the place they'd grown up and called home.
Derek had never wanted Laura to face all of that alone.
The burnt down house. The nothing where there was once everything.
The thought still haunts him. One of so fucking many. 
Beacon Hills is home—but it's the home Derek had helped raze to the ground with his selfishness and stupidity. Everything he and Laura had ever known, everyone they'd ever loved, it was all gone, now. Derek had taken those things away from his sister and hadn't even had the guts to tell her. Tell Laura they were all gone because of him, tell her that everything that had happened to their family, to them, was all his fault.
In the aftermath of the fire Laura hugged Derek, and had kept hugging him, over and over in those weeks and months and years that followed. She would pull him into her arms hold him tight, whenever she could sense it was all getting to be too much for him again.
Big sister.
But Laura only knew about some of the reasons why it sometimes felt like too much effort for Derek to keep on breathing.
He never told her about Kate.
And Derek, the fucking coward, he'd allowed Laura to hold him, feeling the flames of shame on his cheeks every time, hot as those that took the lives of his parents. His family. His pack. 
Now, he remembers that last time. 
“I'm going out.” 
Laura stood up, walked around the two mismatched armchairs and stopped him by throwing both her arms around his neck, pulling him into her and hugging him, scenting him. 
It always took him a moment to respond these days, but Derek hugged her back. 
“What's this for?”
“You. Because I know whomever's bed you end up in tonight, you won't be asking for one of these.”
Oh, fuck no. Derek couldn't handle that. Did she think he was out sleeping with people? Never again, not after…
He pushed his sister off him, gently; a stark contrast to the harsh words that followed. 
“Don't fucking coddle me. And fuck you, Laura—I don't sleep in anybody's fucking bed but my own.” A single mattress on the floor of the lounge of their shitty one bedroom apartment. Derek had so many shameful memories, and crawling into his sister's bed every night for the first year after the fire was one of them. “Just—leave me alone.”
Laura was the one—the only—person Derek had left in the entire world, yet his guilt was constantly pushing her away. 
“Then where do you go to all these nights, little brother? You might not be clinging to me anymore, night after night, nightmare after nightmare, but you're so rarely in your own bed in the mornings.” She hadn't meant it as a dig. She was his sister and she loved him.
Maybe she thought he was making progress? Seeing people. Moving on.
Derek spent his nights waiting outside of dive bars, hanging around in back alleys and dark places, desperately trying to find scumbags he could taunt who were big enough and hard enough to at least attempt to kick the living shit out of him.
Derek hated being a werewolf, now. He wanted to get hurt and stay hurt.
Then Derek turned his back on Laura, leaving her to stand there and watch him walk away as he left her to go out looking for a fight, without looking back. 
That was the last time somebody put their arms around Derek—and the last time he saw his sister alive.
It was two years ago. Derek doesn’t think he has taken a full breath, since. 
Now here he is, standing in his big stupid loft that he bought for his betas—yet another pack he managed to destroy—having given away more than he should, with skinny yet strong arms wrapping themselves as far around his shoulders as they can reach. 
“You don't have to hug back. But you can, if you want to. I won't tell,” the kid jokes. It's his way to connect, his connection to the world. A coping mechanism, Derek thinks.
He knows all about those.
“I…” he doesn't have the first fucking clue of how to handle this. Or how to admit he needs it—to himself, let alone somebody else. He doesn't know how to admit that he wants it. 
But this is Stiles. The one person in Derek's life who seems, for some unfathomable reason, to give a fuck about Derek. To care about him.
Slowly, very slowly, Derek lifts an arm and awkwardly rests a hand on Stiles's upper back, feels the muscles jump slightly under the kid's baggy clothes as he tentatively spreads his fingers and finds the back of Stiles's neck. 
Stiles's voice hitches just a touch as he says, “These can be on tap, you know. If you want them. Stilinski hugs are the best hugs, dude. Believe.”
And Derek finds he does believe. For the first time in forever, Derek believes there could be something good in his life again.
More confidently, now, he brings his other arm up to wrap around Stiles's waist and hugs Stiles tighter, properly, and allows himself to be hugged back.
Derek wonders how he has gone so long without this kind of closeness. Lived without this kindness.
He decides to let the 'dude' pass. Because maybe—maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all, to be somebody's dude? 
Stiles's dude.
It's a fucking ridiculous moniker and yet Derek suddenly couldn't care less. 
“I think I'd like that,” he whispers into the forbidden place where Stiles's jaw meets long, pale neck. "Dude."
Derek can feel Stiles's smile as the kid squeezes him harder. And, ironically, Derek feels as if he can breathe again. 
for @greyhavenisback bc i want to hug you in person and can't <3 (unedited, forgive me!)
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"and Helaena, my sweet girl"
Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
(requested by @lawolfe)
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zvezdacito · 1 year
Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture
And save it from the funny tricks of time
Slipping through my fingers...
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Drew a Malleyuu idea based off these specific ABBA lyrics💃 If im being honest i kinda don't like how this turned out in the end😭 It was cooler in my head.
But it's been almost 2 months since i started it and I want to move on to my other wips already so yeah this is the final. Also sorry to everyone who thought this was them going on a trip together or surfing??? That was so far off😭
(He's reminiscing of their times together through the ghost camera photo projections but since it's only a hologram of Micah and not actually her it just 'slips through his fingers')
^ Idk if I was able to portray it right😭 I kinda don't like how I did the effects for the hologram and frost stuff here I will draw it better next time😭 RBs greatly appreciated as always
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entitled-fangirl · 4 months
Two idiots in love. (P4)
Joel Miller x anemic!reader
Summary: Joel and the reader continue to navigate their feelings for each other, but it starts to become more and more clear as time progresses.
Warning: blood, guns, death, cursing
Parts 1, 2, 3, 5
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Ellie walked out of the building to join Joel and Y/N.
Joel was knelt down by a car, his hands prying at the gas cap. Y/N was leaning against said car, and the two seemed to be arguing.
"Joel, please. I can help you sometimes…"
"No. You don't need to be doing any of this stuff. Bad for you."
Siphoning another car.
Ellie sighed as she neared, "We have to do this every hour?"
The two peaked their heads up at her.
Joel calmly explained, "Gas breaks down over time. This stuff's almost water. Back in the day, we'd drive, 10, 12 hours on one tank. You could go anywhere."
She nodded, "So where'd you go?"
Joel looked up at her again, finally rigging up the tubing. "Pretty much nowhere." And he brought the tube to his mouth.
He blew into one tube, making gas come out of the other and into their small fuel tank.
Ellie smiled, "Nice! How does that work?"
He tilted his head back and forth, "It's a siphon."
Ellie looked confused, and Joel realized he needed to dumb it down a bit.
Y/N smiled as well. Joel was such a patient man.
"It's when liquid travels against gravity," he looked a bit confused, "…because pressure…"
"You don't know."
Joel became defensive, "I know it works."
Ellie turned away, walking towards another car.
Joel reprimanded, "No wandering."
The girl sighed, "Okay." And set on the hood of the closest car. "This is your fault then."
Y/N laughed as Ellie pulled her joke book out of her bag, watching Joel become more annoyed at each joke.
"Alright. I think that's enough for today."
Joel turned the truck off the road and into the forest.
Y/N got out carefully, and moved to the bed of the truck to get the small camping grill Bill had left them.
Joel stopped her, "I'll get it, sweetheart."
He set it on the ground where they would make their camp.
She smiled, "Well, you get us unpacked, and I'll make dinner?"
He considered her proposal, "Alright."
The two adults watched Ellie eat her food with an animalistic speed. 
"Slow down," Joel reprimanded.
"This IS slow." 
Y/N smiled with a small chuckle.
Ellie finally slowed down, "What am I even eating?"
Y/N finally spoke up, "That is 20 year old Chef Boyardee ravioli."
"Well, that guy was GOOD."
Joel grimaced, "I actually agree."
The silence ensued until Ellie spoke up, "Can we start a fire though? I'm freezing."
"Now, why am I gonna tell you no?"
"Because infected will see the smoke…"
Y/N spoke up again, her plate untouched, "…no. That's not it at all…"
Joel nodded, "Fungus isn't that smart. This is too remote for Infected anyway."
Ellie gulped slightly, "…People?"
Joel just gave a look, but it was enough to tell her she was right.
"So, what are they gonna do? Rob us?" Ellie scoffed.
Joel stared down at his food, "No. They'll have way more in mind than that." He glanced over, seeing Y/N's untouched plate, "Eat."
She sighed slightly, "I… I'm not that hungry."
He straightened his shoulders, his voice becoming demanding, "Eat, Y/N."
She shook her head. She didn't mean to be defiant, but she couldn't bare to eat food at the moment. 
Joel set his plate down. She knew his tone well. He was angry, but trying to mask it for her. "Sweet girl…"
But she stopped before he could continue, "Joel, really. Please don't push it."
He stared at her for a while before nodding, going back to his food.
Joel and Y/N woke up early, under the same covers as they always did. Joel began to pack up as Y/N offered to start a small pot of coffee.
Joel took the offer, running a hand over Y/N's messy hair. He took note of her puffy eyes from sleep and the sweet smile that she wore.
He wished he could hold that picture forever.
They began their duties, as made quiet small talk to avoid waking Ellie. "Joel..?"
Joel turned to look at Y/N over his shoulder, "..Yeah?"
"Somedays I wish I had your accent…"
Joel actually smirked at the woman. God, she was a treasure. "My accent?"
"Yeah. You have this accent. I don't know. I like it, I guess."
He nodded, unsure of what to say.
So, she continued, "I think I just like your voice. It's… soothing. I don't think the accent would sound as nice with me."
Joel just let her talk. She hadn't spoken this much since Bill and Frank's. 
"…I wish I could've met you before all of this…"
This made the man stop packing. "…what?"
"I.. well… you know? What you were like and… what you did, what you wore, how you talked. What you were like with your daughter…."
Joel was unmoving. He was thankful his back was to her, or she would've seen the expression on his face.
"…Can't I be a little curious?"
He sighed. Of course, she could be. He would tell her anything in the world her heart desired if she asked.
Finally, he spoke. It was slow and calculated, "You can be."
"Do you think we would've been friends? Our old selves?"
This woman would be Joel's end. And he would love her for it.
He finally turned to look at her. She sat on the ground next to the pot of coffee. Her big eyes staring back up at his in concern for his answer.
He sat in the silence for a moment as he thought of what to say. He settled on, "…you wouldn't have liked me." And he moved back to the truck to pack.
She tilted her head, "You don't know that."
He spoke over his shoulder, "I do. And I don't even know why you're around me now, if I'm being honest."
She misinterpreted him, her eyes saddening, "Well… do… Do you not want me here?"
Joel immediately turned around with wide eyes and slight panic. His voice hardened, "That's not what I said. And don't say that ever again."
She was thrown off by his sudden defense. It confused her, "…but you said.."
"You're not leaving. I won't let that happen."
A nod and a confused look was all Joel got from the woman in front of him.
She stood up, walking her bag to the truck. She stood next to Joel, and placed the bag in the bed.
They said nothing. They weren't sure if there was anything to say.
Joel finally sighed, turning to her. He reached up with one hand, placing it on the bag of her head, letting his fingers play with the strands of hair, "Listen, sweet girl. I only meant-"
"What the fuck is that?"
Ellie interrupted the two.
Joel sighed as he dropped his hand and looked over to Ellie, "You don't like coffee?"
Y/N sighed at the lost moment, her shoulders slumping.
Ellie woke up in the backseat as Y/N muttered road names under her breath to Joel as she stared at a road map. Joel would only nod or hum lightly at the names.
Ellie thought it was strange, their little secret language to each other.
But she only opened her eyes when she felt the truck stop.
They were at the outskirts of an abandoned city.
And the underpass needed to keep driving was blocked by a semi truck that had crashed.
"Stay put." Joel muttered as he got out with his gun to investigate.
Ellie took this time to get caught up. "Where are we?"
Y/N looked over her shoulder, "Kansas City."
Ellie nodded, "So, you and Joel are..?"
Y/N sighed, "You heard us this morning?"
"Yeah. I think he likes you a lot."
The woman leaned back in her seat. "Doesn't matter, Ellie. You shouldn't get too attached to people. They always die."
"But Joel-"
"-I said, it doesn't matter." Her voice grew pleading, "Don't get too attached to us, Ellie."
The girl knew she didn't really mean that.
Joel got back into the truck, his hand reaching out for the map in Y/N's hands.
Ellie noticed the way their fingers grazed each others. "So how far back do we have to go?"
Joel stared at the map, tracing potential roads until he sighed. He gently set the map down in Y/n's lap. "Screw it."
He turned the truck around, driving through the city to get back on the highway. 
But half way through, he cursed under his breath, "Where the fuck is the highway?"
Y/N hummed, "I'm turned around now. Just… give me a second."
Joel spoke up, "Don't look at the state map, hon. Look at the inset."
"Either way, I'll still be confused."
She spoke under her breath, trying to figure it out.
Joel turned, "It's gotta be the right…"
Joel hit the brakes at Ellie's plea.
A man was in front of the truck, holding his side, "Please! Help me!"
Y/N's head perked up at the cry, "Joel…?"
"Put your damn seatbelt on."
Ellie stared at the man, "Aren't we gonna help him?"
And Joel hit the gas, making the man jump out of the way.
Y/N noticed the person on the roof of the next building, their feet kicking at a barrel.
And it fell towards the truck.
Joel tried to swerve, but couldn't avoid it.
It hit the windshield. 
It made Joel blind to the row of nails that now pierced the tires. 
The truck swerved, crashing into a building harshly.
Joel immediately reached out for Y/N, his hand on the back of her head like earlier, but in a more panicked state, "Are you okay?"
"You're not hurt or nothin?"
"… I don't know…"
When Joel pulled his hand away from her head, it came back slightly red with blood. 
Y/N noticed the blood too, looking at Joel with a worried expression.
He wanted to comfort her, but the bullets that pierced the truck reminded him of the situation. 
"Belts off. Get out."
Ellie and Y/N got out on the passenger side, blocking themselves from the bullets. 
Joel followed suit.
He reached into the backseat through the window, grabbing his gun.
He turned to the girls, "You see that hole over there?"
They looked over to the hole in the wall.
"Can you squeeze through?"
Y/N only stared.
"When I say go, you crawl to that wall, and you squeeze through and you don't come out until I say, okay?"
A bullet broke one of the windows.
"And they're not gonna hit you." 
Joel noticed Y/N's wandering gaze. He wanted to be soft, but he was too panicked to go so. "LOOK AT ME!"
She did.
"They're not gonna hit you. Take Ellie with you."
She stopped, "but I can't leave you."
He took her jaw in one hand, "You sweet, sweet girl. I'm gonna be fine. Let me worry about you. Stay down, stay low, and you stay quiet."
She knew not to argue.
"Alright. Go."
And with that, the two girls crawled to the hole in the wall with determination. Joel peaked over the top of the truck bed to shoot back.
He made sure the two got through.
He shot one easily, but another man was still out there. And judging by his taunts, he was enraged. 
Ellie and Y/N only stared at each other with wide eyes. Unsure of Joel's safety.
A gunshot.
Y/N couldn't help it. She just barely peeked out from the hole to check.
Joel stood tall, the end of his gun smoking just slightly. 
He reached down to reload.
And it was jammed.
The door opened and a young man stepped out, ready to fight.
Joel was too.
Y/n heard the sound of rustling and the occasional grunt from a hit. 
She wasn't sure who was winning. 
But she was going to make sure it was Joel.
She stepped out while the man had his back to her.
Joel noticed and his eyes widened.
When the man saw Joel's gaze, he followed it. To which Y/N threw a heavy punch to the man's face.
The man was thrown off but not for long enough. 
He reached forward, grabbing Y/N by her hair and pulling her to him.
Joel took that as an advantage and wrapped his hand around the man's neck, the other over his head, ready to snap his neck. He growled in the man's ear, "Don't fucking touch her."
Though the man was the only one with the gun, he was at the disadvantage.
Y/N stared into the man's eyes, trying to read his thoughts.
Finally, he muttered, "You're gonna fucking pay, old man."
This angered Joel. He didn't want to just kill the man. He wanted him to pay.
So, he threw the man backwards into the floor, continuing the fight.
Y/N fell to the ground herself, cradling her head in pain. She was already losing blood from earlier, and she was beginning to see stars.
So, when Joel was on the ground, being choked by the man, Y/N was of no help.
Ellie stepped out, shooting the man in the leg. 
It gave Joel a moment to collect himself and his breath. His eyes immediately flickered between Ellie and Y/N. 
The man backed up to the door on the ground. 
He was just a boy.
And he began to plead, "NO, no, no it's okay. It's okay. It's over. We're not fighting anymore."
Y/N pushed herself up onto her knees. Her face contorted in pain.
She couldn't help but feel bad.
Especially when he continued, "I'm gonna go home. I'll tell everyone you're good. I… I don't know what to do. My legs don't work."
He started to weep. "My mom isn't far, if you could get me to her."
Joel started to get up.
"Please. We could trade with you guys. We could be friends. I didn't know. I'm Bryan."
Joel approached Ellie was an angry expression, holding his hand out for the gun in her hand.
She sighed and handed it to him.
And Joel took out a knife, turning back to the boy.
The boy began to plead again, "Wait, wait, wait."
Joel turned to Ellie in rage. His voice was low, "Get back behind the wall."
Ellie just stared.
Finally, Y/N spoke up quietly, "…just go."
When Ellie turned to leave, Bryan began pleading loudly, "I'm sorry! Please, no! I'm sorry!"
Y/N turned to Joel once Ellie hid. A tear fell down her face at the sight. Her voice was almost a whisper, "Joel?"
But he wouldn't listen. "Close your eyes."
Joel was an unmovable force. Merciless and cruel. For everyone that stood in his way. 
It scared her slightly, watching his eyes turn murderous.
She had killed before, sure. But never had she looked so… bloodthirsty.
Not like he did.
She closed her eyes, listening to the man's cries for his mother until they were silenced.
She didn't dare open her eyes until she felt Joel's breath on her face. 
His eyes scanned her carefully. "You okay?"
Joel's jaw clenched. "Alright. We'll fix this. Let's get you cleaned up, Darlin."
And just like that, the murderous glare was gone, and Joel had returned.
And this Joel was hers.
Author's note: I'm gonna make a tag list for any continuing parts I make. Comment if you want on it and I'll add you!
Part 5
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youryanderedaddy · 3 months
tw: female reader, sadism/emotional torture, death threats, talk of death, degradation, Adamverse again (i am literally obsessed with his emo ass no joke)
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You don’t know exactly what you did wrong. Maybe it’s because the dinner was just slightly less crispy than he likes, maybe it took you just one second too long to return his kiss - or maybe he just felt like torturing you - sometimes he got into these weird, sadistic moods, and you could never tell exactly where you had messed up. And you wish you did - oh how you wish he would tell you straight up, so you would be able to avoid the pain in future; alas that would never happen. Why would he let you in on the secret, why would he make the rules known if he has so much fun with you once you inevitably break them? He doesn’t need a reason to hurt you, because he already owns you, but sometimes he likes to have one; just so you’d blame yourself a bit more - just so you’d ask yourself what you could do better next time.
All you know now is that he’s mad, red - hot fury plastered all over his thin pale face. His expression, already deadly and hostile, at this moment looks simply demonic. All you know now is that he’s gripping your wrist and sinking his sharp nails as deep into your prickled skin as possible while dragging you somewhere unknown. Somewhere deep within the forest. 
You take in the smell of cold, fresh rain as your naked feet splash into the soaking grass, leaving a muddy trail behind. The forest feels alive - living and breathing into the early winter, the earthy scent of wet wood and linden heavy in the air. It’s breathtakingly beautiful, all this green scenery, even the icy air filling your lungs and the silent song of the sparrows left to die in the cold. You’re trying to appreciate this short moment of peace and quiet, of finally feeling the earth beneath you for the first time in what feels like years, but you just can’t ignore the biting, freezing chill that wraps around your body like a coat woven by Death herself. 
You’re wearing nothing but a flimsy white nightgown that sticks to your body, pretty and way too long it drags against the damp soil, sullying the beautiful lace. It’s almost funny, you think. The delicate fabric seems red under the soft moonlight - like blood, and it makes you feel like some fucked up fairytail metaphor of a princess, a trembling virgin waiting to be deflowered by the beast. But this can’t be further from the truth - there is nothing left for him to take.
Adam stops suddenly, making you trip and swing towards him - but instead of catching you, he pushes you to the side.
“Watch your step.” He hisses through gritted teeth, once again reaching to grab your hand. “We’re almost there. If you don’t want me to leave you to the wolves, you better keep up.” He adds, resuming his quick step ahead. Somewhere in your rational mind you know he’s just trying to scare you into walking faster - there is no way there are wolves this far up north, and even if there were, he would never let them hurt you. Would he?
“Alright. We’ve arrived.” The man stops after a while, letting go of you. You turn to look at him, eyes full of confusion. You’re in the middle of nowhere. There is nothing here aside from a few bushes and a big hole covered in dry leaves. “What is–”
“This will be your grave.” He interrupts you before you can even question him, gesturing to the wide open pit as he shoves you closer to the edge - so close you’re staring at the pitch black void that awaits you at the other side. You freeze in your place, unable to move an inch, cold sweat running down your back. 
You’ve pictured this night countless times before - the night when you finally die. Somehow you imagined it would be different; a lot less romantic. You thought your heart would stop due to the constant stress and paranoia, or Adam would squeeze your throat just a bit too tight - your face would get just a touch too purple and you’d kick the bucket. He’d force his length down your throat and you’d choke on your own vomit, or he would simply beat you up so badly you wouldn’t wake up the next morning. You never thought your end would be so picturesque - wearing a beautiful, sensual robe under the moonlight, slowly bleeding out as the sun rises over your cold, unmoving form. He’d probably kiss your dead lips and hold your hand too. 
No. You can’t let this happen. You don’t want this to happen. He doesn’t get to decide whether your death is pretty, ugly or fucking gruesome, whether your guts stick out for the world to see. You can’t let yourself die beautifully. You can’t let him see himself as some romantic gothic hero from the old books. He has to be the grim reaper, he has to realize he’s nothing more than a sadistic, lonely creep with vengeance and a sick fascination for blood that just happened to be yours.
“Are you going to kill me?” You whisper, voice as smooth as you can force it to be. You can’t let him know you’re scared. His eyes, so far sharp and calculated, suddenly narrow with a crazed glint - and he takes a step towards you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You can feel his weight resting against your body, a clear signal that one wrong move and you will both slip down the drain. “Maybe I will.” Adam leans in just slightly to whisper in your ear, chuckling at the way your shoulders stiffen completely - fists clenched to remain balanced. “Maybe I won’t.” His hot breath hits the freezing skin of your neck, but instead of another human’s warmth, all you feel is ice - cold fear. “It doesn’t really matter.”
“You fucking asshole–” You hiss inaudibly, small angry tears forming in your eyes. You can swear you’re not angry - or at least you shouldn’t be. One can only be angry when their expectations are being met - you should know better than anyone what the man is capable of. Yet somewhere far inside you still find the courage, the patience to feel rage, to feel cheated; tricked. “What do you mean it doesn’t matter? It’s my fucking life on–” Your sentence gets cut off by the deep guttural sobs tearing off from deep within your lungs. If you weren’t a second away from falling into your literal grave, you’d be beating at his chest right now with all the energy you have left - which isn’t a lot, but you’d give it your damn best.
“Shh, baby, it’s alright.” Your captor wraps his arms around you, breathing in your sweetness mixed in with the rain and the light earthy scent of the forest. For a second he can imagine laying you on the wet soil, not even shoving you down like usual, just gently pushing your body deeper and deeper into the mud until all that’s left unburied is your lips. “You always say you want to die, don’t you? I mean, you obviously seem to think that being with me is a fate worse than death.” He slaps on a big taunting smile, and you can’t decide if it makes you scared or furious. “So what’s different now?”
You inhale slowly.
“You-you–!” You feel your cheeks heat up with ire as your whole body prepares to attack the very source of all these complicated feelings, when… Nothing. Your fists can’t reach him, nor can your poisonous words break his heart for the second time. You’ve slipped into the world of the dead, somewhere far away. It’s darker than the winter night and more quiet than you had anticipated Hell would be - the only thing you hear is your own shallow heartbeat.
“Look at what you did, you stupid girl.” Someone pulls you back into the human realm, forcing you to open your eyes. “You’re fucking pathetic, you know that?” The voice sneers with the same old malice you can recognise even with your hands covering your ringing ears - so you must still be alive. Or maybe people are right, and Hell is on here on earth. “Scared of life, yet terrified of death.” Adam keeps mocking you, stepping closer to the pit so he can see exactly how pitiful you look, squirming in the dirt. “Also fucking clumsy at that. You know, I was just teasing you, but you really went and got yourself into that filthy hole. Just how useless can you be.”
You gulp, your dry throat straining against your tonsils. You’re alive - and you’ve made a fool of yourself just like always. Sometimes you wonder if you only exist to entertain Adam, if the whole reason for your being is one big excuse for him to hurt you until whatever is haunting him goes away. Yet it never does, and you’re not sure which of you is more pitiful.
“P-please…” You whimper weakly. You’re not sure what you’re even begging him for - to stop talking, to go away or to help you get out of this black, bottomless pit. You’re so cold, so wet - you just want to go home, although… Maybe your home doesn’t exist anymore.
“I can’t hear you, sweetheart. Speak louder.” The man coos, his shadow towering over you in a cruel reminder that even in death he’d still follow, somehow. “Do you need a hand? You’d have to be more convincing than that if you want me to help you, baby. Why should I waste my time saving a woman who doesn’t even love me?”
Your stomach turns, you’ve been here before. It’s a trap question - whatever you say, it’d still be the wrong answer, because with Adam there are no right answers. There is only suffering and dread over and over again until you’re both old and decaying in your own filth somewhere in the basement of his late mother’s cottage, surrounded by rats just waiting to feast on your flesh once your hearts finally stop. And even then you’d know no peace - he’d probably find you in Hell. You’ve been sharing his pain for too long, whether you like it or not, whether you love him or not, you can’t deny your souls are tied, glued together with blood and bile and sweat and tears.
“Please stop playing around, Adam. Just get me out of here, okay?” You make your voice small and whiny, just the way he likes it to be when you plead with him. Part of you is fighting against the survival instinct to snap into pure submission - to promise him anything and everything, because you will, and then what? He’d take you home, he’d be sugary sweet for the next two days, approximately, before you inevitably fuck up again. It’s all pointless. This love of his is nothing more than an exercise of nihilism - you’re just unsure why he feels the need to drag you along.
“You’re just hopeless without me, aren’t you?” He says rather softly, recognising the clear retaliation in your tone. Then he jumps down the pit, landing on his two feet like a panther - like he had rehearsed for this moment alone. It goes as usual. He stretches his hand towards you. You take a quick look at him. You reach in, just barely hanging on. Fingers hovering under his clenched fist. Shivering. He kisses your wrist. Standing up slowly. You’re dizzy. He wipes the mud off your face. Headache. Your chest tightens. 
And he gets to hold your hand and carry you away as the sun approaches, bright and blinding under the clouds just like a bloody fucking fairytale. 
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ichokedonmyoreo · 6 months
Leash (Kuvira x reader)
Heyy this my first time posting a fic over here but I've found such a big community that I wanted to join in. This is a very quite interesting thing about Kuvira... God she's just SO hot.
K I'll probably write smthn about Abby but I take y time writing I'm so sorry 😭😭 (I haven't quite gotten a good glance at this one so if you spot any mistakes pls let me know) lyy hope you like it!
Mdni (+18)
Your upper limbs are being held tight above your head. Bone freezing metal is restraining your wrists against the wall, stretching your arms and back entirely. Your bare back erect on the marble wall, with your legs intertwined, one on the floor, the other above it, close to your chest while sitting on the ground.
She was merciful enough to just cuff your ankles and not restraint them entirely.
Your sight is being blinded by a soft fabric. The sound of firm boots approaching you made your heart beat faster, your skin arouse and your nipples respond at your exposure, completely naked for the general.
You could hear a second set of footsteps crashing against the wooden ground accompanied by a masculine voice, hidden only by a black folding screen. 'Pretty decoration for my office, just like you,' she used to say.
You couldn't help but hear the business talk. Kuvira not lowering her guard answering word by word what you had adviced her to, tho for a very different purpose than what she had told you. Her coldness sometimes amazed you; how could someone care so much yet be cruel with the consequences if proven against her.
You were feeling bored, even wanting to be amused. Being tied up like this for twenty minutes made someone want to entertain themselves. So, knowing damn well you'd be punished either way, you decide to rub yourself against your heel. Glorious feeling as your demanding core got it's friction.
You knew how much she loved to see you like this; for you to picture her while pleasuring yourself. How she loved seeing you struggle yet sending the discomfort away just for that friction, pathetically squirming.
The room was quiet enough for your panting breath to echo across the office. If the other person closing business with Kuvira hadn't heard before, he definitely heard the gasp that escaped your lips as you had hit the exact spot you were looking for. It's not like you had made it loudly... You just made it, non-intentionally loud enough for the echo of it to be noticed. You stopped abruptly, returning to your original position causing the chains to crash lightly.
Oh, you were fucked.
After a brief moment where you could hear fabric rub against itself. More specifically, a suit; you could hear an aggressive thud, probably a documentation stack to bring back the attention to her.
After useless chatting from the negotiator, the deal went off leaving Kuvira quite successful. As soon as the doors closed, you could hear her bend the metal off her uniform.
"You can't help but be a nosy pet, can you?"
"I'm glad it worked out," you chuckle barely able to do so because of how stretched your back was being held.
However, the laugh doesn't seem to rub on the general. One could say you could even hear her scoff at the words.
"Oh it seems like we heard two different conversations. Your little act almost cost us our place at Ba Sing Se. No. It could've cost me my title. My empire." Her footsteps approach near you and your heart beat faster. It was true; you had messed up.
Even if she enjoyed it, the fact that the guy had spot the existence of something odd happening in the room, even if he said nothing about it, even when he didn't have seen you, it was a fuck up.
"Do you understand how fucking stupid it was?" Her tone rose, a hint of anger on her tone.
"I do. I'm sorry, general."
"Good. Because you sure are going to wish you hadn't soon enough."
She takes the blindfold off your eyes, covering your face from direct light as they got adapted to the lighting. Once your gaze met hers, you could see her usual expression, an angry, a dominant gaze.
You heart was about to burst, nervous as you thought of what she could possibly do to you. Neither of you moved for five seconds.
When she decided to return to her proud stance, you relaxed. It only lasted a second before the metal holding your wrists pulled you up making you stand completely on your feet. A loud groan of pain filled the room as your sore muscles had been stretched even further.
"Oh, no. Whimpering won't get you out of this. No. -she took your face with her right hand, holding it tight for you to look at her- You should've thought about that before fucking yourself infront of strangers like the slut you are." The words were spat on your face, her nose touching your bridge while doing so, throwing your head back as she finished talking.
"You're too sore? -She tucked a hair string falling on your face behind your ear, tenderly- does it hurt being like this?" You nodded.
She gave a step back and looked at you almost with sympathy.
"Well... Maybe this will help"
Without moving any limb, you immediately felt how the metal around your wrists pulled you to the ground completely vowing on your knees before her.
"Mm... good girl. This is better isn't it?" She squatted, taking your chin to look at her.
"You understand now? Where you belong?" She said with a sadistic tone while moving your lose head for it to nod.
"Good pet" your face fell as she abandoned the grip, standing straight once more.
"Say you're sorry." You looked up at her gaze: imponent, tall, terrifying.
"I'm sorry, general" A pout matches your expression.
"Oh, for fuck's sake! -She pulled your hair- That's an apology? Think. -She lets go of her grip and sends you to the ground once more- Now say it like you mean it." She waited with a grin and crossed arms as she stopped bending the plates on your wrists.
"General, I am truly ashamed. I acted wrong. I should've never been as naughty as I was. I didn't respect your authority and I misbehaved. Please forgive me, daddy, please." You beg on your knees at the verge of tears holding your hands together as a prayer.
With a wicked smile, she takes your chin. "That wasn't hard, was it?" she says while petting your nose.
Your eyes, still watery, greet hers, dark with lust. 
"You do understand I must punish you. How am I supposed to know you won't do it again if you get out of here unharmed?"
You nod accepting the verdict hoping it'll help you soften your way out. You sit on your knees and watch as she sits down on her desk turning towards you.
"Come here. We don't have all day," the tone on her voice darkens, eagered for the punishment.
"Lie on my lap, ass free. If I catch you trying to get off of me, the punishment will become much much worse. Got it?" She explains as you place yourself ready for spanks.
Once settled, she begins to caress every inch of skin on your spine, softly, waking your skin at its pace. She then moved to your ass cheeks, toying with them as well, wrapping them gently to let them fall.
"Look at this precious little ass of yours. So tender, so pale... I think it's missing some color, don't you think?" She takes your hair, gently holding it so it won't disturb your sight. She savours every word anticipating the pleasure it'll grant her.
Even so, you cannot see what she's doing. You can only hear her metal bend. Her stillness makes you anxious. You know something's going to happen. You don't know when, how, nor with what object, size or shape.
As your head wonders, a flat, thin metal paddle slaps against your ass making you bounce on Kuvira's lap and a groan to abandon your lips.
The second it does, the general sends a metal plate to cover your mouth, hardly crashing on your face.
"No, no. Your lesson is to remain quiet. Good girls do not whimper, groan, moan or gasp when daddy's speaking. Understood?" Another hard spank hits you. A muffled groan echoing in the room.
"Look at these beautiful cheeks. Already red at their second spank. - She hits you again, this time harder causing you to grunt with tears already leaving your eyes. - They're about to bleed -She kisses your lower back- All you got to say for these to stop, is to make no sound.
She gently massages your cheeks, giving them air to recover. You had just started to feel better when another spank hit you. You tried so hard to hold back a whimper but you were already sobbing by this point.
"Sh, sh, I'm sorry, baby, but this is the only way. -She sets the paddle on your ass cheeks, this time for the coldness of it to help with the pain- I know you can do it, okay, baby? You can do this," She kisses your head as the last spank hited you. It twisted your heart and burnt your skin. Your muscles tense as the pain ran through your body; pleasure soon replacing the burn. You take deep heavy breaths and manage to keep quiet with a burning chest.
Kuvira gently helps you get off the position and sits you on her lap allowing a tight embrace. "That's it. You did such a good job. You're such a good girl. Such a good girl," she tucked your hair away and gently kissed your tears away before kissing your lips softly, an apologize speaking throughout them. The right embrace helping you settle down with a warm touch.
"Good, good, girl -She kissed you deeply this time.- You deserve a prize for being such an obedient little toy, don't you?" Her kisses begin to trail down your neck, your skin ached in pleasure as she did.
"I'll start by letting you be as loud as you need to, how does that sound baby?" She purposefully licks before sucking on your neck causing you to moan and her to devilishly smirk.
"I love to hear you, don't you forget that." She kisses this time hungrily, with passion. She licks your lips for entrance, becoming even more lustful as she breaks it, biting your lower lip.
"What do you want your price to be? Hm?" She asks caressing your cheek.
You come close to her kissing your way to her jaw, lowering and licking your way to her cleavage. Beautiful grunts abandoning her breath. Your head moves upwards to whisper, brushing your lips against her earlobe while doing so, making sure you showed how bad wanted it.
"I want you to fuck me good, daddy."
That phrase was enough to change the mood again. Your heart beats faster as the general takes off her uniform, still on her lap with your legs around her waist.
She begins undoing the neck, then following the buttons. You knew she liked to pull a show, looking straight into your eyes as she was getting ready for what would follow. You let go of the embrace, looking pleased at the performance as you grind against her thigh. Slowly. Following the pace of her fingers exposing her chest and abdomen for you.
She leaned her arms backwards, the fabric slipping from her shoulders to the wooden desk.
She looks at you, inviting with her gaze to get closer. You balance your weight forward once more, your foreheads leaning against each other, feeling your breaths crash in warmth. Her hand traveled from your bare lower back to right between your shoulder blades.
"You'll have to get off me to get this done, love" she says with a soft chuckle as her thumb caresses your skin.
You chuckled in response, taking your legs to work again, standing right infront of Kuvira.
The sight merely astonishing in the scarce light.
With a smirk, you took her knees setting them apart opening up a gap for you to slide in. Once your hips are right infront of hers, you take her legs around your hip and approach her, sliding your hand from her jawline till you cupped her head, reaching for a heated kiss.
Your free hand trailed from her waist to her covered breasts, teasing, waking the skin underneath your touch. Sighs and whimpers slipping from your lips. Her touch woke even more hunger in you as she grabbed your ass cheeks, pressing your hips together.
The tease became too overwhelming to bare, making you unclasp her bra, setting it aside. As soon as the fabric hit the laminated floor, your hands were already taking her breasts, holding them, feeling them fill every inch of your palms; how her nipples hardened at the contact making you so much more needed to please her. Your thumb begins to brush the bud as your lips keep smoothing around hers with saliva strings already filling your chin with drool; cleaned and messed out again and again by Kuvira's mouth.
Almost simultaneously, her lips trailed down your neck, right below your jawline, right where she knew you loved her at. Only able to whimper and melt at her touch as your breasts and hips grinded together, sometimes bumping with your working hands. Your neck completely forgotten as you slowly let your head hang loosely backwards granting more working areas to the general's mouth.
As heavy sighs filled the room, you can feel Kuvira's nose sliding on your neck following your pulse line before nibbling your neck, sucking carelessly, claiming what is hers.
"Ah~ God, Vira..."
Your core wet and lips anxious as you allow her more play time before slowly pulling away with an apologetic yet teasing smirk as you dropped to your knees, sliding your fingers on her trousers waistband. Once fully kneeled, you undid her belt. Kuvira knew how much you enjoyed the excitement, the noise, the implication of doing so yourself as it unbuckled. The general herself, bending it away as soon as your fingers let go of the buckle with an impassive gaze; one so many have feared yet one that made your heart skip a bit and your legs waver.
She unzipped them herself, your hands already on place to pull them down, taking her underwear as well, a bit desperate yourself as you made sure they came completely off before beginning to worship her legs, caressing her calves before placing them over your shoulders. Wet kisses decorating your way to her center as your hands slide to her hips.
Taking your time, sucking on the denser skin as you got closer and closer. Once you were so close, your breath send shivers to the general as she stroked your head, sliding her fingers combing your hair while doing so. 
With a smirk, you began to kiss the hot skin around the pubic area, teasing for as long as you could, giving up under a minute as your lips kissed over hers to make your way to her core. Regardless, you look up, asking for permission before starting.
The moment her gaze matched yours, with a broad lick, you savour her slit coating your tongue with her slick as you do so.
You feast on her, drunk on the feeling as your tongue ravishes on her as much as it can, enjoying pacing around, sliding and teasing her entrance accompanied by beautiful sighs turn into held back moans.
You sat right beside her and leaning your head on her shoulder. In two seconds, her hand was holding you in place, tenderly as her breathing went back to normal.
"It was great," she said with an airy breath.
You stay like that for a while, holding each other. Not quite saying something but feeling everything. She carefully took her hand from your head and you sat straight as she stood up.
"You were such a good girl" she comes closer raising your chin.
"But I think we need to reinforce what we learned today," she walks toward the drawers, pulling out a dildo-less strap-on. She put it on as a daily ritual, easy, instinctively.
"On your knees."
Immediately, your knees hit the ground. The only thing you cared about was her.
"So pretty for me." She fixed your hair, caressing your cheek while doing so.
Quietly, the dildo was assembled from metal, standing attached to her, ready for you. As soon as you see it, you know what to do.
You tease the tip kissing it softly, sucking a bit while your eyes are set right in hers. You put on a show. Your tongue sliding and letting it flop out of your muscle.
"That's right, suck on daddy's cock."
You began to take it with your whole mouth, just the half, hitting your gag reflex. Brows knit together, you look at Kuvira.
"Shh shh. No noise." She caresses your cheek, encouraging for you to take the dildo deeper. Slowly, making sure you could breathe, you take it all the way in until your lips meet her skin.
Her hands switch position, holding you in place by pushing your head closer. You made your best to keep your throat open.
"You can't quite speak with daddy's cock on your mouth can you?"
You shake your head.
"You'll teach me how you can use that pretty mouth of yours for something helpful." She pushes the dildo even deeper in your throat before pushing your head away.
A deep scream for air filled your system with oxygen again. Drooling all the way to your belly. You look up searching for the general's look. You feel dirty. You feel ashamed. You feel treasured, you feel seen.
She gives you a smirk and you bite your lip, resuming your position, begining to suck not as deep but rather quicker. Hollow sounds filling the room with ocasional gags here and there.
"Such a beautiful slut for me." She pushes you deeper on the dildo causing you to loudly gag.
A final deep-throat suck, licking the last bit with drool falling to the ground. She takes your face on a tight grip with her right hand causing all of it to slide down your neck and chest, coating you on a shinny glace.
"Look at you. My pathetic little whore," She chuckles tracing your lips with her thumb. You immediately suck on it and she laughs.
A pure sadistic laugh. You loved watching her on your knees. So beautiful standing in glory.
"Whatever I'll do to you..." she looks directly at your eyes before letting go of you. "Turn around."
With you back facing Kuvira, you could just listen to her kneeling. Her hand ran its way from your lower back all the way to your shoulder. She leaned closer, her breath warm on your nape waking your skin as she kissed all the way to you shoulder and right under your jaw.
"I want you so fucking bad." Her arms wrapped around you nearly suffocating you before completely abandoning you by throwing your weight to the ground. Fast enough, you placed your hands before you.
"You want me to fill you up, baby?" She slapped your cheeks making them ache and your cunt to clench.
"Please, daddy," you pressed your chest to the ground and turned your head sideways, raising your ass even more for her to fuck.
Kuvira teased your entrance with the tip, still wet with your spit. Her hands squeezed your cheeks before running their way on your back.
"Arms up."
You raised your arms so the general could hold them in place. The discomfort was mild but, oh did you enjoyed it.
"Such a good girl..." Her free hand guided the dildo to your entrance, easily slipping in. Slowly but steady, Kuvira pressed each time deeper and deeper until you had taken it all in. Between gasps, your walls adjusted to the toy.
Kuvira smirked as she felt you had loosen up, moving her hand right on your hips. Her thumbs perfectly placed on your venus dimples, "perfectly made for me to fuck you."
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number1jeonginstan · 7 months
Hii, I saw you take requests!! Hihi! Could you do a lee know drabble? Like reader fell first but he fell harder? They don’t know each other that well, see each other through friends sometimes and she has a huge crush and is a fan but is trying not to let it on and leave him be and then Idk just him maybe being like struck by fate and just completely starting to see reader differently, after just thinking of her as a nice girl he met a few weeks ago. Just soft Lee know please and some cute interactions and reader being completely caught off guard when he expresses interest… hahha idk I hope you like this💕🫶good luck with your paper!
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Lonely St.
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I tried adding my own twist on it and I hope you like it. Also, you are so sweet for wishing me luck with my paper! (I'm like 1/3 way done and am trying to finish another third in a couple of hours after sleeping, but writing this gave me the break I needed.)
WC: 1.6k
Summary: Your friend introduces you to his best friend who just happens to be a pro idol (I love it when he calls himself that) Lee Know!
Warnings: None! It's just some cute fluff about Lee Know
Lee Know x afab!Reader (strangers to lovers)
You loved the coffee shop you lived above. The owner was a sweet old lady who absolutely adored you, bringing you cookies occasionally or you went to her shop just to talk for hours. It always warmed your heart talking to her, and in exchange for all the free coffee she would give you, you would help out on weekends. She would let you close up any time you wanted on the days you worked, knowing how much you loved snuggling up in your special corner of her shop, Lonely St., with the cafe’s cat. 
It was an average weekend for you, it was 10 at night and you sat in your favorite spot next to the window reading a book. The fall air was freezing, causing you to bundle up in an oversized sweatshirt and sweatpants. You loved it, the smell of coffee still wafting through the air. Harold, the cafe’s cat, was snuggled up in your lap purring occasionally as you rubbed behind his ears. As you became more and more immersed in your book you were oblivious to the jingling of the door until someone coughed. You quickly got up, marked your page, and ran to the counter. 
In entered your close friend, Heejin, with someone else. “Hi,” you ran up to him, embracing him in a hug. He always smelled like cinnamon for some reason and it brought you such comfort. You both became friends through work, since you both sat next to one another and he had a picture of a cat on his desk, you slowly became friends. “Hi y/n,” he said while pinching your cheeks, he always did this, acting like your older brother even though he was only 7 months older than you. “I brought my best friend from my hometown to check this place out, please tell me you guys still have pudding cups because I promised him you guys have some of the best in all of the area.” 
You look up to see none other than Lee Know and to say you were a bit awestruck was an understatement. You turned to Heejin and whispered in his ear, “You are friends with the Lee Minho and you didn’t tell me, some friend you are!” and he just chuckled. 
“Sorry, about that,” you said with an apologetic smile “My name is y/n, it’s very nice to meet you. I am a big fan of your guys’ music.” He just gave you a small smile. “Oh right,” you exclaimed “you are here for our famous pudding! The owner of the shop makes it fresh every morning. I am almost a hundred percent sure we have at least one left!” You ran over to the fridge looking inside to make sure that there was still the one you saw thirty minutes ago while you were cleaning. 
“Here you are, free of charge since we were going to throw it out anyways,” you handed it to him. Heejin looked at you disappointed, “where is mine?” You just looked at him “Did you forget about what happened last time that warrants me from ever giving you free food?” 
“How was I supposed to know that I can’t microwave tin-foil” he groaned “it doesn’t look like a metal.” You just glared at him as Minho chuckled in the background, sitting down and taking a scoop of the pudding. “This is really good, Heejin why haven’t you been bringing me this when you visit me?” he asked with a dead serious face “I thought you were supposed to be the loving boyfriend in this relationship” he pouted. 
“Wow Heejin, cheating on me? What would Chip think, wait until he finds out his favorite person is no longer talking to his owner,” you said with a giggle. “HEY!” Heejin shouted “I’m my cat’s favorite person” Minho just rolled his eyes, “You know he loves me the most, you both keep lying to yourselves.” You just giggled as you and Heejin joined Minho at the table, sitting down. 
You guys began talking, about everything and everything. How Heejin and you met, how Minho and he became friends, their adventures to Japan, and how it was being an idol. Before you knew it, it had become one in the morning. Harold was snuggled up beside Minho, and you were getting a bit tired, thinking about the long day ahead of you. “I guess we should get going Heejin,” Minho said, stretching a bit. “It was very nice meeting you y/n, I hope to see you again and next time buy some more pudding,” he said with the biggest grin in his life. 
He was so cute you thought to yourself, but you shouldn’t think like this. He was an idol and you didn’t have a chance, it would be cool you thought to yourself. You said goodbye to them, closing up the shop and going back to your apartment, not knowing Heejin introducing you to Minho would shift your entire life. 
 It had been a couple of months since you first met Minho, at first you didn’t think much of it. You knew he was busy being one of the biggest idols in Korea and thought you would never see him again, but you were so wrong. 
Every weekend he would come to the shop at 11 pm on the dot, he never missed a Saturday. It was your new regular pattern, instead of curling up with a book, you would talk to Minho about anything and everything under the sun for hours. Sometimes Heejin would be there, but sometimes he wouldn’t. 
In the back of your mind, you would find yourself falling for Lee Know. The way he would talk with such adoration about his cats, or his wild stories about the other members of his group, you would always pay full attention. You loved the ways he would joke around, but you would often feel flustered at times when he talked to you. 
You were already a big fan of his music and his personality prior to meeting him, but getting to know him amplified your feelings tenfold, you knew he wouldn’t look at you like that. You liked the comfort of having him as a friend too much to risk that relationship. That’s why you never acted on any of your emotions, no matter how infatuated you were with him. 
You would feel your cheeks getting red whenever he would compliment your outfit that day or when he tried your new recipe and gave you feedback. You guys often talked about desserts, it always ended up with him promising you that he would bring you one of Felix’s famous brownies. “They are literally the best thing I have ever eaten, like genuinely, I will bring you one the next time he makes them.” 
He ended up upholding that promise the second month you guys became friends. He looked you straight in the eyes while you took a bite. His eyes transfixed on you to see your reaction. “These are amazing, please ask him for the recipe for me,” you said with a grin and that was the first time he looked at you in a different light. 
For Minho, it was hard to talk to people, to open up with people he didn’t grow up with especially because he did not know if they had his best interest at heart. He was scared that people only liked him for his status, and was scared to make new connections. When he first met you, he was scared. Heejin had told him that he made a new friend whom he wanted him to meet. “She’s so sweet, and the embodiment of a homebody, so don’t worry she won’t say anything”
He put himself in what he called “idol mode” straight-faced and straight to the point, thinking that he would just say Hi to you, get some pudding, and leave with Heejin. What he did not anticipate was loving your personality, how you could listen to him for hours while still engaging with him, unafraid to ask questions. You didn’t use anything against him either, at first he was scared that you would tell dispatch about his stories, but it was quite the opposite, you guys trusted each other. 
You wouldn’t even bring up the stories he shared with you in front of Heejin, afraid that Minho had not already told Heejin.  That’s what got him to keep coming back to you every weekend. He thought of you as one of his close friends, someone he could confide in, that was until a night in the middle of February. The weather was cool and he had just come over, taking off his scarf, and could not find you. 
You rushed from the kitchen, flour on your face and apron, and that was when he knew he was whipped. He should have known it from the beginning, how you were slowly becoming his favorite person to confide in, but at that moment he knew he wanted more. He wanted to snuggle up next to you like you did with Harold. He wanted to bake with you and be there when you made the new recipes you showed him. He didn’t care about being an idol at that moment, walking towards you, and taking your face in his hand. 
“What are you doing?” you asked cocking your head to the side a bit. “What I should have done months ago,” he replied placing a kiss on your lips.
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