#Meg McCaffrey
woodtoc · 3 days
Fav character in the pjo show : grover
In hoo : leo
In toa for now (im at book 2) : meg
In mcga : magnuuuus ma boï
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spokelseskladden · 6 months
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*draws lester one billion times just because*
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guardianspirits13 · 9 months
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Trials of Apollo memes
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springmagpies · 2 months
Trials of Apollo, a summary:
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Idk this just feels accurate to me.
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percabethlovebot · 4 months
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heroes of olympus text posts 1/?
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
I'm obsessed with Apollo in PJO. He's a girlboss. He's bisexual. He's a loser. He killed his ex boyfriend by screaming at him. He's enslaved by a twelve year old. He's the 4000 year old god. He's stuck in the body of a 16 year old with acne. He passes out every fifty pages. He claims to be the eldest twin. His twin sister helped deliver him. He has a talking prophetic arrow only he can hear. He canonically gave birth to Kayla through godly mpreg. He fucking hates ravens. He sang Sweet Caroline whilst actively dying from a zombie virus. He loves elephants. He's a simp. He got cockblocked by a talking sword. He hates everything. He needs to be protected by a 12 year old whenever a fight breaks out. He's a sopping wet cat. He's blorbo. He's entirely and utterly pathetic. He should NEVER be allowed a gun. We stan <3
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windwwhy · 7 months
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toa is hilarious
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moodyseal · 22 days
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Meg and Apollo tarot card designs for @ferodactyl <3 I'm not an expert when it comes to tarot cards (this was actually the first time I looked into the full deck) but hopefully I got it right!
The explanation of the cards' symbolism is under the cut because it's a bit lengthy oof
Meg's card is the Knight of Swords, one of the minor Arcana, I think? Upright, the Knight of Swords refers to a person who is action-oriented, determined and unstoppable in what they set their mind to; however, when it's reversed the card also indicates a person who might be blind to the consequences of their actions and charges into things without having fully considered their options. Meg's choices throughout TOA point to her being exactly this sort of person: while her determination and lack of hesitation were exactly what was needed to balance out Apollo's occasional self-doubt, her impulsiveness was also what got them both into trouble multiple times. The fact that, eventually, she learned how to rely on others and slow down when needed goes hand in hand with the warning this card poses.
Apollo's card is instead one of the Major Arcana, and it's Death. The Death card is a symbol of change: it indicates a time of transition and new beginnings that are sometimes unexpected and difficult, but still necessary. Reversed, the card indicates that the person is resisting that change, and unwilling to let go of the past, which makes the journey all the more painful as the transformation that they're going through is inevitable and cannot be reversed. One of the major points in Apollo's character arc, and the biggest change he goes through, is the transition from the god he used to be to the one he would be in the future. It's a slow change, and one he didn't fully lean into at first—after all, if he chose to give up all that he had been up until then, what would he have left? However, ironically enough, death is exactly what set things in motion, and let him finally shed away his past beliefs to embrace his new sense of self.
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amuletx · 17 days
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i love lester
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whineandcheese24 · 11 months
i like to think that when meg is at camp she sacrifices food to apollo instead of demeter. but not like good food. like, you know those blueberries that are all shriveled up. things like that. or a waffle she accidentally spilled water on. and she always says it’s for lester papadopolous
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ophii · 1 month
ok ok so. i saw a video and there were sun catchers in them so i was like "lol apollo would love those." then, i kid you not, i saw a post about him liking them. i took it as a sign, ofc, as you do
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thyese exist now have fun
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guardianspirits13 · 7 months
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Trials of Apollo au in which everything is the same but Apollo has braces and has to find a new orthodontist every month since he’s always on the move.
And also because Zeus wants him to suffer.
Bonus (America edition):
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ellilyre · 1 month
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cuppa-noodle · 2 months
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Happy Birthday to our favorite Lester!
Have my super self-indulgent Lester design
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daisy-mooon · 8 months
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kermitthesog · 7 months
the fact that when Apollo turns back into a god, he feels more comfortable in his Lester form than his “perfect, muscular” Apollo form. Each person he visits, he visits as Lester. Because it makes him feel comfortable. Compact. Safe. And even he says that a life watching Meg grow up beside him wouldn’t be so bad. He’s genuinely sad.
I’d like to think that he stays in Lester form when doing small, stupid, godly things. To remind him of his six months of pain, suffering, friendship, grief, love, and more pain. To remind himself what it’s like to be human. I’d like to think he visits his old friends a lot, smiling over them as they go along their journey.
what I don’t like to think about, is his life after all of his friends have passed. He spent so much time bonding with his children, Meg, and so much more, and yet I always think about the fact that he will have to see them go. Imagine living for that long after everyone you know and love has gone. Imagine him watching Meg in her last days. Rooting for her. Imagine the grief he goes through when they’re all finally gone. The other gods laugh at him, call him weak. But those six months taught him how to be the best god ever. And that’s why, after TOA, I truly believe he will go through with his promise to Jason, and be more human. Be sensitive. Be caring. Be less arrogant. He knew that when he came back to Olympus, he was different. But he knew that it was in a good way. Part of him was sad to not be Lester anymore.
the character development for Apollo is out of this world. It is phenomenal. I love him so much. He’s my favorite god. He’s human.
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