#someone please get me a friend who i can bounce ideas off of and spam with all of my fic ideas PLEASE
atlasdoe · 10 months
I've been thinking a lot about the Voldemort wins/marauders separated au and i have some thoughts that i need to share
SO the main characters would be James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily and Mary
Sirius, Remus and Mary would already be in a relationship when the fic begins
I'm thinking that maybe they just graduated???
So they all get captured by Death Eaters and are separated depending on their blood status. While they were on the run they made a pact that if they ever got caught then they'd do whatever it takes to survive and make it back to each other
Sirius, James and Peter become Death Eaters
Remus gets sent to Greyback and becomes a member of his pack
Mary gets sent to Azkaban for stealing magic
And Lily is forced to marry Snape (i reckoned that if Voldy was willing to spare Lily just because Snape asked him to then he'd let her avoid Azkaban to like marry him instead)
The majority of the fic is going to be them all trying to get back to each other while fighting all of the brainwashing shit that would go on
In terms of ships
I'm thinking of Peter with a Death Eater also. My mind is going for Juliette Wilkes
Idk what i'm doing with James or Lily yet
And then ofc Sirius, Mary and Remus
I'm going to make someone else a werewolf tho idk who yet. maybe not a werewolf, maybe like a different "half-breed" creature. Maybe somone like Emmeline Vance or Amelia Bones or Florence Greengrass. Maybe more then one, just to avoid me having to make ocs for the werewolves.
Mary is going to have a cell next to Dahlia Fleur Peri, Lucinda Talkalot and Alexander Stebbins and somehow them and a bunch of other muggleborns that im going to pull out of my arse are going to escape Azkaban
Lily would be living with Snape and while she's there she'll meet Pandora (who is like a prisoner kinda but being used for her power. she has something going on i just don't know what yet) and Charity (she's someone else who Snape convinced Voldemort to let go. Charity is supposed to be Snapes assistant but he just lets her do whatever she wants cause they're buddies) Lily is basically trying to escape where she is while also finding out how to help her friends
As for Sirius, James and Peter i don't really know much about what they could be doing other than just Death Eater shit. Maybe Voldemort would use Sirius in particular as like this leader/spokesperson since he was so rebellious beforehand and could be seen as some kind of hope?? All i know is that whatever they're told to do they would all do because of their pact
The first part of the fic would end with them all together again and then the second part im thinking they're all corrupt and lowkey just take over the wizarding world themselves??
I dont read a lot of dark Voldemort wins aus mostly because none of them include ships that I like so please if anyone has any ideas as to what could be happening or what any of them would have to do please dont hesitate to share because i have a lot of ideas but idk which ones would be best.
also i've come up with a name. I'm calling it Blood Stained Flags
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ajaxeology · 3 years
Announcement - hiatus
100 follower event!
Hello, I'll be going on hiatus from tumblr starting from 25 September Saturday GMT+8 0:00 because I have really important exams coming up and I'd like to focus on it. I will not be on tumblr at all.
I'll only be back sometime when December rolls around.
In the meantime, my friend will be watching over this blog for me (you can find his intro post here). If you do send in asks, it may be answered if it's directed to him or if he can answer it (otherwise it will be left unanswered until I am back). He’ll sign off that it’s him or he’ll use the tag (riptide.jake).
I've also queued some fics that I enjoyed as well so yes :D
If anyone would like to reach me, please send in an ask and jake will reach me for you. Your ask will be privately answered unless on anon.
Thank you everyone for showing my writings so much love
(everything else under cut bc it's just me rambling)
I'm a little hesitant because this blog has grown so fast and I'm already at 78 followers even though I started it less than one month ago (and who knows when I'm back I'll just lose everyone dhfkjadhfds). But I've been thinking about leaving for a hiatus for a while and I decided to do it because I'm getting a bit nervous about my exams.
I'll still be writing (because the ideas are just bouncing around in my head it's lowkey unbearable if I keep it all in there bc I could be doing physics and it goes "oH HOW ABOUT DILUC LOSINg hIS COOL and he slams his palm flat on the table" and "what does childe need to let go" for some writings I'm working on and sometimes I'm still itching to talk to someone about it) and when I'm back, I'll probably have at least something to post.
I'm kinda D: I won't be able to see all the stuff u guys will be posting and yell about it. BUT BUT if I'm in your taglist please keep me in it, I'll binge and spam rb/queue them when I'm back. I'll definitely be able to interact with all of you a lot more too.
Also err if you're a mutual, I'd like to ask for a favour from you. If you see me interacting with your posts (even leaving a like), please call me out or something to make me gtfo HAHA
Don't bully my friend btw >:(
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luvdsc · 3 years
hi miss cat!!! i was wondering if you had any advice on asking mutuals to beta-read + making friendships here on tumblr? you and your mutuals always seem so close and like irl friends! i'm so sorry if this sounds out of the blue!
hi, honey bee!!! 💛 for asking mutuals to beta read, I just asked them shdjdjd I was like “hey do you wanna read my fic draft” and they were like “hell yeah” so then I just added them to my google doc! tk god (hyoseobie / eggyukhei) actually offered to read my drafts when I was having trouble and she gave me suggestions and whatnot, so she’s my go to for beta reading :’) I will throw every single ridiculous fic idea at her and she responds with 100% energy every time. the dumbing down of love and sweeter than honey wouldn’t have been completed without her !!!! for pussy blocked and august, I believe steph (aqiaquas), ti (m88n), lana (choerrypuffs), moon (wincore), and tk all had access to them. Except !!!! when I was debating on the ending for pussy blocked (aka jeno or jaemin), none of them knew who was endgame, except for moon 💓 she’s an absolute godsend and I heavily discussed everything with her for both august and pussy blocked, especially the ending 💕 so big shout out to her for really helping me out with both of them 🌸🌸
I made friends by either a) gushing about their writing in their ask box or dm’s because have you seen how talented they all are???? or b) they sent me a message! 🥰 I can go more into detail about my closest mutuals below:
tk god (hyoseobie / eggyukhei) — tk was my very first mutual on here and a big reason as to why I even started this blog :’) I found her nct blurbs and fell in love with them and I was like “I wanna write blurbs too!!” so I made this blog and then I sent her an ask and we just kept talking after that 💘 and we got close, and we were supposed to see nct together last june 🤧 nowadays, I just spam her with a lot of meme posts on insta and guilt trip her for dropping yukhei for jaemin and doyoung 😔 I’m sorry for clowning you so much tk
els (taeyongtime) — els is so freaking talented, and I read her tabula rasa fic way back in 2017 when I wasn’t even a fan of nct and didn’t know who each member was. All I knew was that this was the greatest fic I have ever read, and nothing will ever top it. anyway, someone asked me for fic recs, and I had tagged her in it because of course, I would recommend her superior fic 🤩 and then she reached out to me, and now we like to complain about work together lol and text everyday and I send her phyllis pictures and we even mail each other letters !! 💕 also !!!! She’s the closest to my age out of my close friends here, so I feel like it’s super easy to talk to her 💞
lana (choerrypuffs) — she reblogged my neptune’s atlantis fic, and I responded to her reblog and also her blog looked super aesthetic so I clicked on it and then read her fics and was like “wow god tier writing I need to send in some asks to scream about these fics because the TALENT 💓💓” and we talked but we didn’t get close until like a week later when I found this pjo meme and didn’t know who else liked pjo except for her so I randomly dm’ed it to her with some all caps screaming message LOL and now we enjoy shit talking about anything and everything because it’s a safe judge free zone for our unpopular opinions lmaooo and she bullies me for typing all my fics on my phone but it’s ok because at least I’m honest about my bias and I don’t burn toaster strudels in the oven
steph (aqiaquas) — I needed some jeno pictures to make his banner for my not clickbait series and posted a cry for help about it, and she responded !!! I believe she also left a comment earlier regarding my wips about bff renjun faking an aussie accent, but we didn’t talk to each other as much until the jeno pic thing! I dm’ed her for the help and we just continued to talk after that 💕 so thank you jeno I suppose lmaoo and we’re also pen pals now 🥰 big props to her for always giving the nicest advice and for always listening to me 🥺 i talk to her about work issues a lot and we text daily !! I tell her and ti more stuff about me than I do with any of my friends tbh 🤧 I also did a facetime with her and ti a few weeks ago and we got her to stay up past her early bedtime cndjjdjdjdjd she, ti, and i have a gc which she has named “JENO APPRECIATION SOCIETY” LMAO
ti (t-shrt / m88n) — ti left me the kindest words and most detailed asks regarding my fics, and I still cherish them so so much 🥺💗💗 from there, she sent me more asks and I started talking to her more until we began to dm each other! and my god, she just gets me 100% and I can talk to her about anything like even the scariest most personal stuff I don’t tell anyone else about myself, I feel comfy enough to tell her about it, and I hope she feels the same! We text each other everyday and are also pen pals, and I want to visit her and steph one day!!! 💖 honestly I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who has related to me so much before, and you know what? ti, if you’re reading this, I think this is the easy we were talking about before
moon (wincore) — can you believe that we’ve only been friends for 40 days??? I just checked and I am flabbergasted because it feels like so much longer than that. An anon messaged moon a cute ask about how she and I are both yunqis and write fics, and she had tagged me in it! So I sent her an ask, and we were also in the same almost collab, so I dm’ed her afterwards, and we started talking and now she sends me pictures of her doggos and I send pictures of phyllis and I can talk about anything with her and we like to bounce fic ideas off of each other (read: one of us tells the other about a wip and the other person screams and sends a bunch of capslock messages about it) jejdjdjd her only flaw is that she barks at her dogs and doesn’t see this as furry behavior 😔 also we have the same taste in men LOL legends only and I hope she’s having lots of fun in the club listening to t swift rn !!!!
april (dropofgoldensun) — april ilysm okay so she always left the loveliest comments under my fics, and one day, I had this fic idea and was like “I want someone else’s opinion on this” but I wanted a fresh perspective on it, so I decided to dm her out of the blue and ask what she thought of it! And from there, we began to talk more and we also sent each other letters !!! in fact, I got hers last week and it made me 🥺🥺🥺💗💗 I have it pinned up to the corkboard in my room along with drawings by steph 💘
so all in all, I made friends by regularly sending them asks or shooting them a dm, or they sent me asks and continued to have a conversation with me 🥰 as an extrovert, I always love making new friends and never shy away from meeting new people, but I understand that it can be scary for some to reach out and take the first step 🤧 but if you do decide to, you might meet the most wonderful people 💞 I honestly can’t imagine what my life would be like without the friends I made on here now 🤧💖 but also, be careful of stranger danger and talk to those appropriate to your age! quite frankly, for instance, it doesn’t make sense for a 25 year old to want to be friends with a 14 year old. I can understand if the 14 year old wants to ask for advice or something, but having an equal friendship is nearly impossible when you’re at different stages of your life / maturity. Please stay safe! 💛 and omg no need to apologize, lovebug, I hope my answer made sense for you! let me know if you have any other questions 💟
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soahappylowman · 4 years
Boundaries ch. 7 (Happy Lowman)
Summary: Happy’s in charge of protecting a camgirl from Diosa Words: 2702, yikes (don’t get use to this, i suck) Warning: There is talk about sexual assault, and mild sexually suggestiveness Notes: bruuuuhhhh, I am SO SORRY, and I know that doesn’t mean much because y’all waited... months. I’m so sorry, between pandemic and work, I had some personal things happen and I had to move. I usually like to stay a chapter ahead and I’ve just been too demotivated to write. I’m going to put more effort into writing again, but at a manageable pace. I’m so sorry about any errors or pacing problems, I’m still working through it. I think my goal is to release the whole thing, then go back and edit. I really appreciate some of the love shown recently, and those that stuck around. If you want in on the tag list, lmk. 
Happy didn’t follow Tessa right away. Instead, he was staring at the spot that she was just standing, confused. He wasn’t sure why but that whole exchanged seemed like a betrayal. He shouldn’t feel like that, he didn’t know Tessa all that well, let alone had any loyalty to her. Happy frowned deeper, but decided to leave this subject behind him, even if his hand was tingling from where she was holding it.
When he finally came out to the parking lot, Tessa was just reaching his bike. She was rocking back and forth in her cowgirl boots and her arms crossed over her chest. The golden sun hour reflected across her long hair, illuminating the deep red hints in her hair. Happy sighed deeply, again feeling conflicted.
“Where are we going?” Tessa didn’t look at him as she addressed him.
“Don’t have a plan.” Happy approached the bike and picked up the helmet for Tessa.
“Well, I haven’t eaten all day. We can go to a little coffee shop in Lodi I tend to frequent.” Tessa grabbed his helmet from his hand and then mounted the back of the bike behind him. Happy simply nodded.
“Tell me where to go.” Tessa settled in behind him, although Happy noticed she didn’t sit as close as the first time she got on his bike, he tried not to be disappointed.
Happy held out a hand for her to dismount, even though she definitely knew how as he’s seen her do it a couple times already. He tried not to feel so self-satisfied when she grabbed onto his hand anyways.
Happy looked up at the establishment in front of him and nearly groaned. He should’ve thought about letting her pick a place for them, but he didn’t and now he’s sitting in front of some girly ass coffee shop. He tried not to roll his eyes as Tessa excitedly bounced into the building.
Walking into the building was no better either. The color palette included pastel purple, pink and blue. Happy felt beyond out of place, but didn’t say anything as Tessa approached the counter. Happy got to appreciate her once again as she lifted her hips onto the counter and bent forward, looking for a worker. In a flash, Happy imagine what it would be like if she were    naked and he bent her over the counter, wrapped her long hair around his fingers as he – nope. Stop. This isn’t what he came here for. He definitely needed to get laid tonight. Still, Happy could appreciate what a good body looked like. He could feel his dick twitch in his pants.
Pretty soon, the distraction he needed came in form of a young man coming from the back room.
“Hey, welcome to – Tessa? Oh my god, where have you been?” Happy’s eyes narrowed at the man that approached Tessa with enthusiasm. He looked to be about Tessa’s age, hair a deep brown with it shorter on the sides than on the top. Approximately 5’11”, lean, slightly muscular but those muscles were for show, Happy could tell. Happy could take him.
“Hey Steve,” Tessa sent him a small smile. Steve leaned forward at the counter to touch Tessa’s arm and she instinctively stepped back and towards Happy. Happy put a hand on her hip in response to her leaning back towards him. At Tessa’s movement, Steve stopped leaning forward and stepped back behind the counter, eyes snapping down to the hand Happy had possessively on her hip. Steve’s face donned a frown, but in an second, it was gone.
“How are you? It’s good to see you.” Steve held a small smile directed towards Tessa.
“I’m good, thanks for asking. Sorry I’ve been a little MIA, I’ve been busy. Can I get my usual please?” Tessa shot him a grin, like there was an inside joke added to that. Steve shot her a widened, sly smile back. Happy noted the distinct lack of acknowledge from Steve and felt a familiar feeling of irritation crawl up his spine.
“Coming right up,” Steve turned to start whatever order was Tessa’s ‘usual’.
“Wait, Happy did you want anything?” Tessa turned into Happy’s arm, the image they projected was much more intimate than what they actually were with Tessa tucked up under his arm wrapped protectively in his embrace and her looking up at him innocently. Happy knew that this wasn’t her intention but he still felt a deeper level of satisfaction at the dark look Steve shot towards the biker. Happy had to keep a smirk off his face. Happy was competitive by nature, it wasn’t his fault that this felt like a win to him.
“Just a black coffee and whatever she’s gettin’,” Happy reached into his pocket and pulled a twenty out of a large stack of bills, throwing it onto the counter without looking away from Steve. “Will that cover it?” Happy really just said that to rub it in, he figured that whatever they were getting wasn’t going to exceed that.
“Wait, Happy, are you sure? I can pay.” Tessa was looking up at him again, and for a second he forgot about Steve.
“Don’t worry about it, little girl. Go sit down.” Happy tapped her hip as she smiled up at him and turned to find a booth in the corner of the boutique coffeeshop.
“Keep the change,” Happy didn’t try to fight off the smirk this time as he turned and headed to the booth with Tessa already occupying.
“Thanks for buying,” Tessa shot him another grin, but all Happy did was grunt. Two steps forward, five steps back.
“How long ago did this stalking thing start?” Tessa sighed deeply, hoping they wouldn’t have to jump right into this but that didn’t appear to be on Happy’s agenda.
“About a month, maybe a month and half ago. If we’re considering the comments as the start. Again, it was just comments that were a little obscure from the same username that eventually progressed to things that involved personal info. Then they became violent, talking about what he would do to my body but in more, ah, specific details. Didn’t matter if I deleted his comments or blocked his account. He’ll make a new one and he’ll spam me. He would comment on video after video. About a week ago I went to leave my apartment to get help and there was a note on my car. Then I didn’t leave for 5 more days. You were around for the rest.” Tessa’s arms were crossed over her chest, subconsciously rubbing against themselves.
“Where do you spend most of your time?” Tessa took another deep breath.
“I don’t really go anywhere but Diosa and my apartment. I like to come here but I don’t really go anywhere else. I’m kind of a homebody.” Happy’s eyes slid to Steve making Tessa’s drink.
“How do you know this guy?” Happy’s head inclined towards the barista.
“Who, Steve? Actually, we met in college. I didn’t finish and I don’t talk to anyone else who I met there. Steve’s one of my only friends to be honest, kind of sad.” Tessa let out a weak chuckle.
“Why didn’t you finish school?” Happy threw an arm over the back of the booth, epitome of casual.
Tessa took a deep breath, unsure of how to proceed. She’s typically a private person and she didn’t see how much of this even pertained to what Happy needed.
“I needed to pay my bills and my college kicked me out for being a camgirl. Bad press or something.” Tessa didn’t look him in the eye when she said this, she was a terrible liar.
“Don’t lie to me,” his voice came out harsh and viper sharp. Tessa snapped up to look at him.
“I’m not,” it was weak coming out of her mouth. Tessa knew she’d been made but she couldn’t bring herself to tell Happy. “Look, it’s not that simple.”
Happy took a long look at Tessa, surveying the tiny woman in front of him. Her body language screamed uncomfortable.
“Look, I’m sure you don’t wanna tell me what happened but it might help me find the guy doing this.” Tessa shook her head.
“I don’t want this to be everyone’s business.” Tessa lifted her eyes to Happy, hoping to convey the importance of this to her.
“Only those who need to know.” Happy didn’t mention that it would likely being the whole club if it was important information, but he would be the one to determine that.
“I was a camgirl since freshman year, my dad is dead and my mom split when I was a baby. I had to put myself through college. However, it only became a problem for my school when they found out junior year after I was sexually assaulted at a frat party.” Tessa didn’t look at Happy, who didn’t say anything, waiting for Tessa to elaborate.
“I went to think party with my friends, and usually I’m careful with my drinks but I must’ve not been as careful as I thought. I blacked out, I have no idea what happened. Steve found me in the backyard stuffed into a bush with no pants on. I had bruises all over me and a broken rib. Other than the lack of pants, the severe pain that I felt… down there let know that I didn’t just party too hard.” Tessa began to rub her head, a tension headache arising.
“Steve helped me to the ER where a rape kit and toxicology report told me what I already knew, someone had slipped me a roofie and then when I blacked out took whatever he felt like from me. I brought the case to the authorities on campus but because I didn’t know who did it, they wouldn’t even investigate it. A week later, a local journalist got hold of the story about how a college campus let another sexual assault go unchecked and published. The catch was that my work as a camgirl came out with that. The school released me from their programming, stating that my ‘extracurricular activities’ didn’t align with their code of conduct and I was kicked out. The truth is that they were afraid of the PR that would come with a camgirl getting raped at a frat party. You know, all that “well she’s a sex worker, she was asking for it” argument wasn’t something that they wanted to attach to their name.” Tessa shrugged as she recanted the story for Happy. Happy didn’t look all that affected by what she said and to be fair, she was relieved. She didn’t want to deal with the pity involved or the false angry people felt for her.
“When I left the school, Steve was the only one who stuck with me. The friends that I went to the party with acted like I was asking for and that it was my choice to wake up like that in the bushes. Many of them were dating or friends with the guys in the frat who threw the party and kept telling me that none of the guys in the frat would do that, they were ‘nice guys’”, Tessa used air quotes. “So I found an apartment for cheap in Lodi and after a few months of solo work, Diosa found me and cut a contract for me. Best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
Happy didn’t let on to how he felt, although he had the sensation of bugs crawling all over him. He could see that this is clearly where her boundary problems came from. To think that you’re investing money into your education and they don’t even have the decency to protect you? They had no problem taking her money from her work but god forbid they treat her like a human. Happy fought off a frown, not wanting to let her know how bothered he was. First, she gets assaulted on campus, then she gets kicked out and now this asshole is literally stalking her. Happy didn’t get men. No pussy was better than willing pussy, and to put someone like her through it all to get your dick wet seemed like… too much work. He could appreciate that she was a very attractive woman, don’t get him wrong. If the opportunity presented itself, he would absolutely let her ride his cock towards her own Kingdom Come, but that didn’t excuse the behavior of the men treating her like this. Still, Happy didn’t feel pity for the woman. Tessa seemed to come out of her previous experience with her humor and strength intact. He saw the way she pulled herself together after finding her apartment a mess and her cat dead. Sitting with her now, Happy didn’t see a single trace of her hardships. He briefly wondered if she just managed to cope through it all, or if she was bottling it all up. In the end it doesn’t matter, what’s done was done, and Happy would do what he would do and make this asshole who thought that he could own her disappear and he would do it gladly.
“Do you have any idea who the guy was?” Tessa looked up at Happy, shaking her head.
“Honestly? Not a clue. To be honest, it’s something that I left behind and I don’t even care who the guy was. Everything about the situation makes my skin crawl and there’s more than one perpetrator here. The college is at fault too.” Happy nodded his head.
“What was the name of the frat?” Tessa thought for a second.
“Alpha Phi? I don’t really know, Greek life wasn’t for me and I didn’t really spend a lot of time there. I didn’t know many of the members and it happened over a year ago now. About two.” Happy nodded again.
In that moment, Steve arrived with plates of their food and the coffees. Happy’s plain black coffee was placed sloppily in front of him, and a drink in a mug with a mountain of whip cream was placed in front of Tessa.
Happy lifted an eyebrow at Tessa, who smiled sleeplessly at Happy. Happy didn’t acknowledge Steve as he placed the food down and a water for Tessa.
“Thanks, Stevie,” Tessa shot him a bright smile.
“Anything for you, Tess,” Steve lingered a second, but one look at Happy and he turned and went back behind the counter, leaving the pair to their coffee and sandwiches.
“Got enough coffee with that pile of whip cream, Tessa?” Happy had a smirk on his face. Tessa’s eyes bore right into Happy’s. Without saying a word, she gathered her hair in one hand on the side of her and leaned down. Happy’s dick twitched again as he watched her little pink tongue sneak out of her mouth to gather up a sizeable bite of the white cream, all while Tessa maintained her eye contact with Happy. Happy’s tongue came out to coat his bottom lip in response, a smirk still plastered on his face. Instantly Happy was brought back to the imagery from earlier, Tessa’s hair wrapped around his fist, hands on her hip, bent over the counter as he slammed into her. This time, the image returned tenfold and with Steve at the counter watching him do it.
Tessa leaned up, and for a second relished the sexual tension in the room. She enjoyed being sexy, she enjoyed being desired. She really enjoyed the look on Happy’s face and the fact that in that moment, he desired her. All thoughts of the woman from the clubhouse had momentarily vanished.
Without warning, Tessa let out a giggle. She wasn’t even sure what she was giggling at, maybe the tension getting to her.
“Oh please, don’t let me stop you.” Happy gestured to the cup of whip creamed coffee. Tessa grabbed the wrapper from her straw and tossed it at Happy, who easily batted it away.
“Shut up,” Tessa was rolling her eyes at Happy, but she felt genuinely at easy. Laughter still stuck on her tongue like the cream and a sly smile playing on her lips.
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find your way (back to me) - chapter thirteen
Closing in on the end now!! I’m excited but nervous for this to end bc I honestly don’t know what I’ll do with my time next. Most of my free time has been dedicated to this fic so I’m going to be looking for new ideas here soon. Hope y’all enjoy and buckle up cause this chapter is a long one!
Watching Ainsley back on the newscast is a welcome normal to Jessica’s monotonous day. With Malcolm and Gil throwing themselves into investigating officers, she was put essentially on complete lockdown in Gil’s apartment. With Dani and JT cycling as her watchers, they feel more comfortable leaving. It’s irritating but the way Malcolm relaxes, knowing she’s safe. She does it for him.
“The search for the Needle’s Eye continues,” Ainsley rattles off, eyes disconnected from the words. It’s a tactic Jessica admired and feared when she was able to talk about such horrific things when not letting them in at all. Once on camera her face would clear, a determined one carrying over. “The officers in charge of the case are investigating a possible lead into Beverly Construction, where a body has been discovered. Police believe the man, identified to be Jason Carter, is one of the killers.” Ainsley stops, suddenly getting a far off look. Jessica knows she’s listening to someone in her ear. From the emotions that flash over her face in that split second she already knows what comes next. First is the bitter anger, then curiosity that blossoms into interest, all before she schools her face again. “Hold on a second, we have Dr. Martin Whitly, otherwise known as the surgeon dialing in. Dr. Whitly has provided insight into multiple investigations so it will be interesting to see what he makes of this new killer on the scene.”
Jessica braces herself for the impact that his voice will bring. It doesn’t help. Not for what happens next.
“He’s coming.” The voice on the other end of the call sends ice down her spine. It’s gruff, far from the animated speech of Martin. Ainsley’s face pales on the screen. She knows just as well as Jessica who is on the other side of this call.
“Who is this?” She tries to ask in her best investigative tone but the tremor shakes. It’s the first time she’s even seen her phased. Jessica must have made some kind of noise, deep from the back of her throat because the door opens behind her.
“Mrs. Whitly?” Dani stops in the doorway, eyes falling on the television.
“You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good?”
“Is that?” A few more steps and Dani is beside the couch, her phone in her hand frantically texting.
“Who is this?” Ainsley asks again, firmer.
“Do you know where your son is?” Just like that the floor goes out from under her feet. The call ends abruptly with Ainsley staring at the camera in horror and fury. The blonde curls bounce when she snaps her head around to someone off screen and the channel cuts to commercials.
“Mrs. Whitly.” Dani whispers, like she’s ready approaching an active bomb. Jessica’s heart thuds too quickly in her chest and they both jump when her phone begins ringing.
Claremont Psychiatric, the screen reads. Before Dani can make a move for it Jessica answers. She swallows, ready to do anything the person on the other line tells her. Anything to protect her son. He doesn’t deserve to face what she had. He’d been through more than enough.
“Jessie.” Martin’s voice calls out from the line, tense and thin. He begins rattling but she can’t hear him over the static filling her mind. All the words he spits out at rapid speed don’t even reach her as she stares blankly at the TV. Only one thought comes to her, so lost among the white noise.
He sounds terrified.
Dani clutches the wheel tight in her grip, eyes casting to Mrs. Whitly. The silence in the car is a far too familiar one. Picking up the Whitlys when something terrible happens to Malcolm seems like it’s a part of her job description. Normally it’s Ainsley who fills the quiet with the unending questions one would expect from a journalist.
This is heavy, oppressive. She can see Mrs. Whitly pulling the bag closer to her with every turn of the car.
She doesn’t blame the anxiety. They’re on their way to Claremont. The Surgeon made her own skin crawl the first time she met him. But Claremont employees were the last ones to see Malcolm, according to the calls. She needs to talk to Dr. Whitly, he could have seen something. If Malcolm was nervous before, had he known he was being followed, anything. She almost feels sorry for her watching dread turn her face pale.
But something doesn’t feel right.
Her suspicions are confirmed the second her ringtone blares again. To Mrs. Whitly’s credit, she doesn’t immediately reach for her phone to answer it again. Rather, she looks to Dani after she reads the number holding it to her.
It’s marked as unknown, but in their area. It could just be a spam caller, but something tells Dani the Whitly’s don’t really have that problem. When you have enough money you can make the small nuisances of life disappear.
“Put it on speaker.” She tells Jessica, only diverting her eyes from the road for a second to make sure she understands. “We’re tracking the calls on both your phone and Ainsley’s. Keep him talking. If we can get a location pinned on him, we’ll be able to find Malcolm.” She nods, swallowing. 
The line crackles to life with a monotonous threat. “8640 Westshire Avenue. Come alone.” The call ends and Dani can see Mrs. Whitly’s hands shaking. Her mind flashes to Malcolm and she switches lanes. Abandoning the path to Claremont she speeds up towards the address. Westshire Avenue is a line of mostly abandoned warehouses, they’ve gotten calls there more than a few times. It doesn’t make her feel good about Malcolm’s chances. It’s remote. Quiet.
And the way Mrs. Whitly holds herself sitting a little too straight, she knows exactly where they’re going too. Her eyes fall to her lap, her hands white knuckled on the bag again. She recognizes the grip, having seen it too many times in suspects weighing their chances.
“What’s in the purse?” Dani asks slowly. She dreads the question but the way that she guards it, being extra careful that it doesn’t tip or shuffle. She knows. Out the corner of her eye she watches her flinch. She feigns innocence, not well. “How’d you get it?” She thinks for a moment, and the realization settles. “Malcolm.” It makes sense. They know she has a registered firearm. Malcolm would have grabbed it the night he and Edrisa went to pack her things. Extra protection. He wouldn’t take the chance if something went wrong with her or JT. That’s why he was more willing to leave back to the precinct without taking her with them. Knowing that she can protect herself would put him at ease.
He should have told them.
She pulls the car over turning to her. “What are you doing?”
“Give me the gun.” Dani holds a hand out but Jessica’s cover her purse. She tilts her head with a sigh. “Please. It doesn’t have to be like this.”
“Doesn’t it.” She straightens, a furious look shining in the dim light. “He took my son. Malcolm had nothing to do with this.”
“Neither did you.”
“But it had all to do with Martin.” She shakes her head not meeting her gaze. Dani knows she’s blinking away the tears. “I should have gotten it over with when I had the chance.” Dani’s head tilts, eyes widening for a split second. It was a small confession but one that set off so many alarms in her head. She almost asks what she means by that when she remembers.
The surgeon had been stabbed, supposedly by the woman across from her to protect an innocent’s life.
Looking at her now, Dani knows that isn’t what happened.
“I could turn this car around. Take you back to the station.” She threatens.
“You won’t.” The woman’s voice wavers with uncertainty. “Malcolm, he’s your friend. You won’t take that risk.” Dani runs her tongue along the back of her teeth, setting her jaw with determination. They are running out of time. “If Gil hadn’t seen the news, if he didn’t know. You’re telling me you wouldn’t run in as soon as you got there to save my son?”
She can’t answer that. Not truthfully, at least. She has, a dozen times, run after Malcolm. Running the numbers in her head. Calculating every single risk to grab his ass after he’s rushed in. She’s seen his anger, his panic, the desperation unfurling at every scene.
A needle full of poison, his hands pressed on a landmine, an axe raised high above his head with a wild look. Ready to do whatever it took.
Staring at the woman across from her it pains Dani to know she ever thought he got that from his dad. Not when Jessica’s eyes shine with the same bitterness towards the world who has kicked them a few times too many. Her voice draws, a deep rumble in her chest. “I’ve been married to a serial killer, dated another who stabbed maybe the only person who gave a damn about my children, I’ve pushed my daughter into a window to stop her from being hit by an axe. I’ve done everything in my power to protect them.”
“Will this protect him?” She sucks in a breath. “His dad is already a killer, Ainsley’s self defense plea almost ripped him apart and this? He will blame himself.”
“He can’t.”
“But he will. He will think about every single thing he could’ve done differently. To stop you from losing a part of yourself. Gil too.” 
“He has Ainsley, Gil, Edrisa, his team. He will be fine.”
“But he needs you.” Dani’s throat constricts emotion threatening to betray her. “He needs his mom.” That must get to her because her face begins to twitch. Her anger falls away to what truly lies beneath the surface, fear and grief. She lets go of the bag and Dani reaches inside securing the firearm.
The silence lapses again as they start back down the road. It’s different, less foreboding and more solemn. It takes a few minutes before Jessica speaks. “How do you get past this?” She casts a quick look over but she’s staring out the window, eyes not seeing the scenery flying past them. “You’ve seen dozens of horrors. The gruesome things we do to each other. How do you do it?”
Her hands grip the wheel tighter. “You don’t. Every case takes something. Some take more than others but they all do. I’ve tried shutting it down, leaving everything at work. But it doesn’t help.”
“No kidding.” She laughs bitterly.
“You have people. They push you past it.” Jessica looks to her, eyebrows furrowed. “Going at it alone, it’s too much. When you have people that care for you,” She sighs. “Well, it’s easier to do it when you’re doing it for someone else.”
“I did.” Her voice is thick, Dani looks away pretending not to see the tear that slides down her cheek. “I got out for them.”
A few more beats pass. She taps an even rhythm as she realizes they’re creeping closer to their destination. She should text Gil. “Find something that grounds you.”
“What does that even mean?” She swipes at her face looking away again. She needs to calm her down before she makes the connection herself.
“You pick something that keeps you here. And when everything feels like too much you think of that.”
“Like what?”
“A person, a memory-”
“A dream?”
“Yeah, I guess that could work.” Her eyes focus on the street signs, watching carefully for her next turn. “You find what you’re looking for, it stops. It keeps you from falling into your emotions. It’s a lot harder to be angry when you’re thinking about it.”
“And this is a memory for you? Isn’t it a little counterintuitive to move forwards when looking back?”
“Aren’t we all looking back?”
“No.” Dani’s eyes jump to her, clearly having struck a nerve. She curses herself in realization. Her happiness was also her greatest downfall. The person she loved was her ruin. No wonder she doesn’t want to look back on that. “You said a dream, you mind if I ask?”
“The first night when I was taken. I dreamt of Christmas, this year. Having my family all together. No cases, no Martin lingering in our minds. Gil put on music and we danced.” She sighs, shaking her head. “Truth be told, I don’t remember the last time I danced. It felt…”
“Like healing.”
Her eyes shine with tears, her voice barely a whisper. “I suppose so.”
The turn into the warehouse brings the foreboding feeling back tenfold. Jessica’s anxiety settles in her stomach because they have no idea what they will find inside. Honestly, they don’t even truly know if he’s the only one left. There could be another partner. Malcolm could be hurt, he might need an ambulance.
Dani’s face firms when she looks at her phone. She knows what that look means in a second.
She can’t call for backup. They’re alone on this.
She parks the car gathering all she needs. “Stay here.” It’s more of a command than anything as she steps out. “I’m going to look for a payphone. He had to have used one to call you.” She disappears in the other direction, only her shadow from the overhead lights showing where she went from Jessica’s limited view.
Her eyes fall back on the door. The metal looms before her and she knows in her gut that this isn’t a trick. Her son is inside, alone and scared. God, he could be hurt and bleeding for all she knows. She wishes for only a moment that she didn’t give the gun over, that she could just end this without feeling the slightest bit of remorse.
She could still end this.
Her head whips back to where Dani went. It wouldn’t take long for her to find something to call Gil. She had to move quickly and quietly. She climbs from the car, the detective’s voice still ringing in her mind. He needs you. She’s absolutely certain this isn’t what she meant but she’s right regardless.
The metal door slides noisily and she knows she’s lost. The second she steps in she could be killed. But she pictures her little boy, slumped from being stabbed with his hand held close to his chest having smashed it to save her and his sister. The smell of blood and dirt from the memory washes over her harshly.
She pushes herself inside.
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rareficsnstuff · 4 years
Good Morning! [Iwaizumi, Bokuto]
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Summary: Iwaizumi was invited to work out with Bokuto at one of the best gyms around and it’s honestly a great deal. The only problem is… He prefers a peaceful morning  routine – a good breakfast, some stretches, and a jog followed by some core and arm strengthening with a little music maybe – but Bokuto was adamantly just not that kind of person. The actual opposite of peaceful. And, unfortunately, this becomes more and more apparent as time goes on.    
Words: 1,832
Damn, it was early. The sun wasn’t even awake yet. Iwaizumi didn’t have a problem with being up early, per say, but now that the time had come, he was kind of regretting the agreement he had made with a certain someone to get together and work out at such an ungodly hour. He wasn’t sure he could handle all that energy before he was fully awake. But he had agreed and dammed if he wasn’t a man of his word.
So here he was, out in the chill of early morning, waiting for his workout partner to show up to let him in with his platinum-member gym pass. And all this before coffee. Dear lord, this was gonna be exhausting…
“Good morning!” A bracing voice broke though the darkness behind him, making him jolt and grunt in surprise before turning quickly to see the speaker. With nose and cheeks pink, and eyes glassy from the cold, his face-splitting grin was almost offensive to Iwaizumi.
“Why the hell are you so cheerful this early in the morning? It’s cold out here; can we go inside?” he grumbled. Unaffected by the less-than-warm greeting he got in return, Bokuto turned to the door, fishing his wallet out of his pocket to retrieve his gym pass before stepping inside and holding the door for Iwaizumi.
“Sorry if I made you wait a long time. I tried to get here as fast as I could,” Bokuto said after they had checked in and went to settle in at what Bokuto had called his favorite spot – a far-off corner of the gym, almost completely secluded by a dividing wall. He had mentioned in passing that the only way to get it was to arrive really early like this. And aside from the employee managing the front desk in the other room, they were the only ones here.
“It’s fine. I only got here a minute or two before you,” said Iwaizumi, bluntly.
“Good!” Bokuto chirped, grinning brightly again. “So, do you have a specific routine? I thought we could coordinate so that one of us could spot for the other when we need to.”
“Sounds good.”
They spent the next few minutes working out that they would both start on the treadmill before moving on to core and lower-body exercises. They decided once they finished everything they could do together, Bokuto would be first to spot the other. About a half hour later, they had finished the majority of their routine and only Iwaizumi had pull-ups left to do while Bokuto took a water break.
Throughout the whole process, Bokuto had not. Stopped. TaLkINg. And it was really starting to get on Iwaizumi’s nerves. Most of his topics were just random occurrences he had experienced which he recalled with extreme enthusiasm at volumes the brunet was not ready to handle at this time of day. He’d like to believe that he was managing his temper pretty well; he had only snapped at Bokuto a handful of times and he hadn’t even fully raised his voice. But Bokuto was really toeing the line.
“So… are you always this grumpy when you work out?” the taller was saying, giving Iwaizumi a calculating look. “’Cause I think that might affect your blood pressure, which isn’t good when you’re working out,” he said idly.
“I know that!” Iwaizumi snapped. “And I am not always like this; I’m just not used to getting up this early and having to deal with loudasses like you!”
“You’re the one who’s yelling…” the taller replied calmly before taking another sip of water. This made Iwaizumi growl.
“Do not just pretend you haven’t been bouncing off the walls since we got here! And stop distracting me, I… Dammit!” he roared. “I lost count.”
“Fifty-seven,” Bokuto supplied, making Iwaizumi grumble as he continued on. “Honestly though, you gotta chill, bud. I really don’t know what you’re so uptight about. Doesn’t it feel great to work up a sweat like this?! It’s so fulfilling, right?!”
“Shut up.”
“Aww, don’t be like that! You gotta have fun with this!” Bokuto grinned.
“I’m having a blast, trust me,” Iwaizumi said flatly. Bokuto’s own face fell at the other’s lack of enthusiasm. If he was being honest, the grouch was kinda starting to get on his nerves. He stared at him quietly for a moment as he continued his pull-ups, almost scowling. He just didn’t understand; what’s not to love about all this! You get a head start on the day and you wake yourself up in the most productive way possible, and there was just something about the crispness and the smell of the morning air that made him so glad to be alive. And it was even better now with a friend here to keep him company! As Bokuto continued to watch, and Iwaizumi was reaching seventy in his pull-ups, an idea came to mind.  
One corner of his mouth twitched upwards and he made his way to stand behind Iwaizumi. After considering him for a moment longer, Bokuto brought his hands up to the shorter man’s torso and quickly skittered them along his exposed sides.
“Seventy-eight, seventy-niAAHAha! H-hey! The hell!?” The second he felt the teasing sensations running up his sensitive sides, Iwaizumi spammed, immediately letting go of the pull-up bar to protect himself.
“Oh, no, please; don’t let me stop you,” Bokuto said as his fingers continued their skittering and moved up to his ribs. “By all means, carry on. Finnish your pull-ups.”
“Bo-whahA! NO! Stohop thaaahahat! B-bokuhutooo!” Iwaizumi chuckled, just shy of full-on laughter as he desperately grappled for a hold on Bokuto’s wrists and twisted in place.
“Now see, that’s much better, Yeah?!” said Bokuto, cheerfully. As the sensations progressively got worse, Iwaizumi began to fold in on himself, both from the force of his laughter and in an attempt to create some kind of protection.
Although he had a vice grip on Bokuto’s wrists, Iwaizumi couldn’t seem to summon the strength or concentration to pry the offending hands away. Bokuto’s fingers were relentless! He’d only changed spots twice since the attack started – at one point he’d gone to claw at his belly, but quickly found that his ribs warranted a much better reaction, so he decided to stay there. Bokuto had been pinching, nibbling, and massaging the lower sides of his ribs for so long now that Iwaizumi could feel himself starting to tear up. What the hell! He wasn’t even that ticklish there! It was just the relentlessness of it!
“Doesn’t it feel good to get rid of all those grumpies?!” Bokuto asked, teasingly.
“Shuhut it, you weihirdoho!” Iwaizumi growled through his laughter, bouncing and stomping his feet adorably in a useless attempt to alleviate the torture.
“Oops! Still a trace of grump in there~ Nah, don’t worry, I got it.” Before he had the chance to even think of reacting, the juggernaut of a man behind him had knocked Iwaizumi’s legs out from under him, grabbed one of the brunet’s wrists after breaking out of his victim’s hold, and used his free hand to push him down to the ground by his shoulder. Bokuto was usually pretty even-tempered and friendly (outside of when he was playing volleyball, of course), so sometimes it was easy to forget just what an absolute behemoth he really was. And now, suddenly, Iwaizumi found himself looking up at the sparkling eyes and child-like grinning face of Bokuto as he hovered over him, pinning his hips between his knees. Iwaizumi’s eyes widened in terror.
“Bokuto, wait-“ he pleaded.
“Here we goooo ~”
“No, wait! Bo-hhaHAHAHAAAaa!” Shit. There it was. Bokuto got his worst spot. By pure stroke of luck, but still… Back arched, head thrown back, and legs kicking frantically, Iwaizumi was straight up cackling now and his hands could only weakly, uselessly tug at the white haired man’s wrists. “AAAAaaahahahahaaaAAA! Naha-! Nahat theeehehere!”
“Oh, wow. Bad spot?” Bokuto asked bluntly. He grinned. “Hey, hey, hey, looks like I gotcha ~!” Although the attack on Iwaizumi’s death spot already had him in hysterics, now that Bokuto knew what he was dealing with, it was downright unbearable. His finger’s torturing movements were hyper focused, implementing the most insufferable tactics on his upper ribs near his underarms and- oh, there were the tears he had been worried about earlier.
“NaaahahahaaAAAA! Y-youhu Bastahahard! Stahapit! StahapstapstahahahAHAAAA!” He really needed Bokuto to stop. He was gonna pass out. It tickled sooo bad.
“Gotta work that cardio, dude,” Bokuto said, grinning. “Oh, god. You’re turnin’ kinda purple. Alright, alright, I guess I’m done…” he said passively, finally ceasing his torture and releasing Iwaizumi to stand to his feet. The shorter was left grinning and breathless on the floor, curling in on himself as he recovered. Bokuto chuckled.
“You have a great laugh, dude! So warm and full! You really should use it more often,” he said, placing his hands on his hips and grinning brightly down at his companion.
“Uh-haha… T-thanks… I guess,” Iwaizumi said, bashfully. Having finally regained some energy, he sat up, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, a small, crooked smile stuck on his face.
“Sure! Can you stand up?”
“Y-yeah. I’m good,” he said, climbing laboriously to his feet and grinning all the while.
“You need some water?” said Bokuto, almost apologetically as he handed him his water bottle.
“Thanks.” Iwaizumi s accepted the bottle with a shaky hand and took a few swigs. “Listen, Bokuto… I-I know I’ve been kind of a pill… You were totally right and I’m-…I’m really sorry.”
“No worries, man! No worries! It’s all good! I-I totally get it, though. I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes… All the time depending on who you are. Heh… Sorry about that.” Iwaizumi scoffed good-naturedly. “So how about this? I’ll try to rein it in a little, and you ~” Bokuto accented with a vibrating claw at Iwaizumi’s belly – at which the brunet jumped back with a snigger and a half-hearted swat at the offending hand. “Try ta lighten up a little, huh ~?”
“Y-yeah… I think I can do that. Sounds like a deal,” he agreed.
“AWSOME!- Oops… Sorry,” Bokuto finished in a sheepish whisper when he caught Iwaizumi’s deadpanned expression. “So! You’ve still got some pull-ups to finish, yeah?” Iwaizumi gave a sarcastic bark of laughter.
“You really think I’m gonna stick my arms up with you anywhere near me? I don’t think so. Why don’t we just move on…” Bokuto laughed exuberantly, giving him a friendly slap on the back.
“Sure, sure, whatever you want, Iwaizumi!” Bokuto said as he turned to prepare for their next exercise. “I think someone’s afraid of the tickle monster ~.” Bokuto teased, smirking at Iwaizumi over his shoulder. The brunette was still facing away from him, but Bokuto could see that his neck and ears had turned red and Bokuto chuckled, earning a slap on the arm from Iwaizumi. Bokuto grinned wider.
“Shut up.”
52 notes · View notes
nikyri-art · 4 years
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After so long the first “chapter” is finally here! :’D This will hopefuly be a short illustrated novel series. The story takes place before the events of Borderlands 3. I would never be able to make this without the help of my sweet friend @border-spam who provided my with so much support, great ideas, inspiration and with her help to rewrite this. Actually it’s kind of colaboration of me, my man and her. Since my man helped with rewriting too. Huge Thanks to them because without them editing it, I would never post it. <3  . . . Usually, this would have been resolved in just a few minutes. Having a team of his own technicians to take care of streaming issues was surely one of his greatest ideas. He still has to check up on them directly every so often, mostly for his own assurance that everything is running smoothly, but today, what should have been a quick check in was taking longer because some idiot meat sack follower had damaged some streaming equipment. Because of that dumbass, Troy has been left trying to get this tech repaired and the stream online before Tyreen loses her patience with the delay. Luckily, one of his most trusted editors was around to help him with cable replacement.
Troy sits in front of the monitor array, nervous as time ticks on, bouncing his leg while impatiently watching the little symbol on the monitor in front of him, waiting for it to signal the connection is back ON. His ECHO’s screen next to him updates with new pings so quickly it’s constantly lit, that’s how often his Godly sister is messaging him, and each new blip and ping from the echo makes him even more frustrated.. but he tries his absolute best to keep it inside, and not to aim his inner anger at the girl that has offered him help.
She’s the one currently sat under the desk beneath him, expertly fixing the cables running under it. A hugely welcome help, considering he’d never be able to fit under it to try himself.
Tinkers are best for these kind of repairs, smaller hands able to quickly handle finicky tech, able to get into places he can’t because of his height. His editor isn’t exactly a Tink, but you could easily mistake her as one due to her small size.
Just as he feels himself ready to snap, Tyreen’s constant pings and the delay on the stream causing his frustration to reach boiling point, a victorious laugh erupts from her under the desk. “AH-HA! YESSS!”
The symbol on the monitor finally turns green, and his scowl shifts into a genuine smile. “Helllll yeah, we are live baby!” His left arm quickly works the keyboard, testing the stream tech and getting it set up, until a gentle tap on his knee breaks his concentration.
“Umm, it’s not like I don’t enjoy the fabulous view from between your legs… but could you please let me out?” Her soft voice pleads from under the table.
He smirks, and pushes his chair back just enough to make her think she is free, but instead hunches down, looking under at her with his trademark shit-eating grin.
“I don’t know Ari, can I? Honestly, I really like you being down the-” he is interrupted as his face is gently pushed away by a really small hand. As soon as he shifts backwards, she crawls out and dusts off her jeans while giving her God a playful smile.
Any other cultist would pay with their life for daring to touch the God King like this, but she’s somehow special to him. Maybe it could even be called a friendship of some kind. Or at least, that’s how he sees their whole relationship. They’ve worked together almost every day for three years, and as the years passed he’s found himself talking to her, enjoying her company, choosing to be around her..  but Troy is too busy running the cult to have time for real friendships, and the only people he spends any time with besides his sister are the people in his editing team.
It’s a rare thing for him to find someone like her, someone who isn’t just a bloodthirsty idiot screeching psychotically. Someone who actually has enough brain cells to have a real conversation. That what drew him to his little friend over time. She does, of course, respect him as a God, but she does treat him.. differently. Something that feels almost like those fleeting nice moments he shares with Tyreen sometimes, facades forgotten every once in a while. His God King persona really dislikes that this woman dares to treat him like anything less than a deity, but the lonely man inside of him secretly wishes she’d do it more. It’s a kind of closeness he craves desperately.
He returns the grin and stands up, ready to leave. “Nice! Now we can finally start the stream!”. His Echo lights up one more showing Tyreen’s name again, and he curses under his breath and picks it up, bracing himself to answer the onslaught of messages. While he begins to text his sister, he notices his friend silently standing to his side, staring. Staring at his chest, to be exact. Staring so intensively she’s paused in her tracks and not left yet.
Many people stare at Troy, and for many reasons. Cultists stare in adoration and respect, the “civilised” assholes he spends unwanted time around stare in disgust, but she’s staring in a different way, and that’s why it’s sparked so much curiosity in him.
She doesn’t notice he’s completely aware of her awe as he breaks the silence. “Heh, I know it’s really hard not to get a good eyeful sweetie, but don’t forget to blink every once in a while.” he purrs.
Again, just as before, his attempt to fluster her doesn’t work. Maybe that is why he enjoys being near her so much, she isn’t as easily controlled as everyone else, and he’s noticed over time that she actually does have a couple of similar tricks as his up her sleeves as well.
She looks up at him and he’s almost insulted by her perfectly controlled expression, feigning complete boredom, like his last line hadn’t even landed. “I wasn’t staring, I was wondering.”
“Where.. did you even get those tattoos?”
Now she really has his attention. “The guys who tattoo the psychos are really terrible at it, but yours look actually, well, professional.” His ECHO keeps beeping and flickering, frantically alerting him that he should have left and been on stream, but this little rascal just hit a real sweet spot, and there is no way he’s going to leave right now.
The urge to smile was too strong, and he lets out a soft laugh as she continues to look up at him, so confident and relaxed in his presence despite being barely taller than his navel. Even without realising it, she just appreciated his work. He’s the artist behind the iconic Calypso tattoo on his chest. It was a long process he’d taken his time with after coming to loath the shitty arm tattoos he got from some jackhole years ago. He’d stopped trusting others to tattoo him and taken up the craft himself. The skull on his shoulder was the only older one that looked at remotely decent even before the siren tattoos burned right through it, and he was grateful the rest had been burned through badly over time.
He puts his hand around his hip and pushes his coat aside, leaning back to stretch the taught lines of muscle across his inked abdomen and chest to give her a better look.
“Well that’s because they were done by a professional, not some scumfuck idiot. Why so curious about it anyway, sweets?” He croons, enjoying the way she shifts on her feet slightly.  “You fancy on gracing that little body with some art yourself? Maybe something to honor and please your God?”
Using this moment to her advantage, she dares to take a step nearer to him to get a better look at the tattoos. From a closer look, it’s clear that it’s been a while since he’d gotten them, the ink slightly faded against his warm coffee toned skin. The most interesting design is of course the skull that’s hidden behind the hanging chains around his neck, and she wants a better look at it.
Pushing her boundaries yet again, she slowly reaches towards them and carefully shifts them out of the way, gently brushing her fingers against his skin in the process. It would be easy to miss how his breath hitches a little when she touched him, or how goosebumps blossom across his chest, but she was way to close to not notice. He glares intensely at the top of her head, glare burning right through her, and even though she doesn’t look at him, she feels it.
When she finally lifts her head to look into his sapphire eyes, she swears she notices a hint of blush on his cheeks above the wolfish grin. Against her will, the corners of her mouth turn up into a smile. God King Calypso is a very interesting mess of a man once you start to see past the act he plays for most people. Though he is extremely confident and intimidating on the outside, she’s started to suspect that inside hides a shy little boy. Even still, regardless of those slightly red cheeks, he never loses that aura of danger, and she’s nervously aware that she is playing with fire right now..
Why is he so proud of this tattoo? She’s only seen him act like this around something he’s responsible for. Maybe it’s the skull and the rest of the design… He is the creator of almost all of the propaganda art the COV uses, so it wouldn’t really be surprising if he had designed his own tattoos, would it? She crosses her arms in front of her chest and perks an eyebrow as she considers how to respond.
“Yeah… I would love to get some nice tattoos as well, but I don’t trust any of those psychotic bastards to get remotely close to me, let alone touch me…”
“Maaaybe the artist that tattooed you could give me a hand and help me out with mine?“
It’s not a secret that the God King despises bandits. They are below him, and many of the bastards had been killed just for getting too close to his liking. The only reason her and the Tinkers aren’t ever reduced to steaming piles of viscera for daring to interact with him is because they are useful, smart. Of course he wouldn’t let any of those bandit idiots do this tattoo… which means the person tattooing him has to be someone at least modestly sane, someone she could trust. Thats exactly what she’s looking for, since avoiding bandits in general is the best decision regardless.
She notices how much her last question has pleased him… His smug smile grows unnaturally wide, the amount of teeth starting to show is giving her a bad feeling in her guts, and she swallows nervously before be finally replies.
“You want the artist to help out with yours? Oh surrrre I can.” he rumbles triumphantly, and she feels her stomach drop as she realises what’s just happened.
“Finding the right canvas for my art is never easy, but I’m very interested in working on yours.” Her eyes widen further as he leans down to her so that predatory grin fills her vision, just so he can enjoy her surprise from up close.
Now she finally understands why he was so pleased. So eager to discuss this. So happy to play along. Not only did he design his tattoos, he tattooed them as well.
This wasn’t what she wanted at all. It was fine to chat with him about some tech or shared interested when he was in a good mood, but the God King was still a power she did not want to play with. She could get burned, badly, even when she knows he doesn’t hurt anyone from his team as long as they are obedient and respectful.
She desperately tries to get out of this fast. “Ah.. um.. well.. I didn’t really decide on any design yet, I really need to get that right first!” Convincing as that sounds, he navigates around it instantly, too clever to let her slip out of his grasp so easily.
“Oh no problem, I can design something great for you, that wouldn’t be a problem at all.” She swears his eyes are burning through her as her cheeks redden. “Oh, um, I was actually thinking about getting a piercing first, for a start?” his smile grows wider. “After all these years spent here, I don’t even have my ears pierced. The holes grew back together, maybe that would be a good start..”
This is exactly why she doesn’t like being alone with him. He’s so good with words, twisting situations to his own benefit. A sly snake, he does anything he can to get what he wants, and he always gets what he wants…
The ECHO in his hand beeps again, giving her a moment of hope, but he ignores it completely, all attention on the shaking woman he’s got trapped in his coils.
“Well lucky you! I’m really experienced with both tattoos AND piercings!” Now it really is too late, he has her trapped, cornered by her own words. He’d picked up on her twisting and changing her opinions just to try and get out of this, and made sure he was a step ahead of her each time.
“Come to my workshop tomorrow morning the same time you normally start work, we can… hmm…  map out some ideas together.”
“See you later Ari.”
A cocky wink later and he finally leaves the room, leaving the poor girl standing there hopeless….
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aprilrph · 4 years
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hello friends !! i recently got a dm asking for some advice in regards to running a successful group rp. one quesiton is specific for multifandoms, but the rest is general advice that should apply to pretty much any group you’re in.
anything you think would be helpful for someone who’s never created/modded an rp before would be very much appreciated!!
the first and most important thing that i can say is: be the kind of member you want your members to be.
do you want to have a diverse group? then you need to be playing muses of color, trans/enby muses, etc. no excuse.
do you want to have an inclusive group? be the first to include everyone. react equally to starter calls, plotting calls. reply to every open starter. every. single. one. don’t wait a week and a half to do it, either – you need to be proactive and set the example for the group. also, don’t ignore people replying to your opens.
do you want to have an active group? be active, for fuck’s sake. if you’re not writing on the dash, people notice. if you take two months to reply to threads, people lose interest. activity falls apart if the admins don’t pull their weight.
beyond that: have an admin team that you trust and are good with communication. how many you need depends on the size of a group, but any more than 4 is... well, excessive. hold each other responsible for being good members on top of being admins. maturity is really important to make sure that things don’t become full of pettiness.
how do you plot events/tasks between mods? how often do you do them?
i’m going to separate events and tasks.
events: having some kind of chat to bounce ideas off of each other is essential. discord is ideal because you sort into different channels for different ideas, have a channel for a specific event, etc. – this keeps it from getting lost.
as far as plotting the actual event, most of the time, it’s either a) something typical for rps, like a carnival, ball, party, etc. b) something that effects every character in the rpg, like the setting changes, some kind of new species is introduced, etc. or c) something inspired by the members/muses of the group. 
a) is pretty easy. this is good for kicking off groups, keeping the group active, without having to put too much work into it.  i actually have an old masterlist of event ideas that you can find and reference right here for some inspiration, and there are others out there. be mindful, especially around holidays, to be inclusive. don’t just do a christmas thing, do something secular or something for everyone. thanksgiving? mmm, not a great idea.
b) so this varies a lot depending on what the group is. for a supernatural rp, maybe a new species is introduced. for a horror rp, someone could be murdered. for a celeb/band/etc rp, a new gossip blog spills something huge. for a town rp, there could be a new law, maybe new locations, curfew after something bad, power outage, etc. for a scifi rp, maybe aliens. you can really play with this depending on the vibe of your group and where you want to go with it. 
c) this, by far, is my favorite thing to do, but also the most challenging, because if people ghost then it can all fall apart. but at the same time, you don’t want it to be centered on the admins, because then it’s not inclusive of members. again, it varies a lot per group, but get your member’s input !! see if they have a muse who could cause some kind of massive thing, whether it’s a witch ruining a town, a journalist unveiling a big secret, etc.
tasks: this section is much shorter i promise lmao. i would not do them more often than every other week. don’t make them too complicated, don’t make photoshop necessary. make them optional, but see if you can find some kind of reward to incentivize members to do them. do them yourself, to set the example. character development tasks are great, but the longer and more developed they are, the less people that will participate in them. again, i have an old masterlist here that you can look through for inspiration.
what’s advertising like? how often do you do promos? 
picloadr is your friend. learn it, use it, save yourself the headache. picloadr combined with xkit’s tag bundling extension can save you a lot of time. have a sideblog to promo on.
hit tags like “appless rp” “town rp” “oc rp” “multifandom rp” etc. often, because they move faster. personally, i wouldn’t want to be in the tag more than once an hour. if you’re going for something more specific, like a fandom tag, be very cautious about spamming those as you will get indie rpers sending you anons about flooding the tag.
in addition, i think it’s cute and more effective to make posts from the main in the tags, letting people know you’re online, maybe plugging what’s going on in the group, and definitely plugging most wanted characters or wanted connections. with this, though, be courteous not to spam your members who just want to rp on the dash, not see th emain flooding it.
is there a lot of drama to handle?
yes, and no.
drama in a group can be really hit or mess, so it is just luck of the draw most of the time. the best way to prevent drama in your group is to a) not start any yourself and b) be able to nip it in the bud without hurting your member’s.
please take a moment to note things like racism, transphobia, misgendering (this is usually frequent and excused), homophobia, anti-semitism, etc. are not drama. these are serious issues that should be addressed immediately. 
some drama that i have seen in my day has ultimately come from differing opinions on fandom related matters, and people not being able to accept that other’s just have different opinions, interpretations, etc. people get petty, passive aggressive, and that’s the kind of thing that you have to nip in the bud before it can turn into something bigger. be firm, and kind. you don’t want a thing between two members to disintegrate the whole group. genuinely hear people out before you make a decision / take any kind of action.
other drama usually comes from a clash of personalities. some people are pushy, some people are anxious. one can come out as forceful, another comes out as not being inclusive. you have to set up your members in a way that makes it easy for both sides to get along. equally elevate things like open starters. push inclusivity – make a thread roulette, randomly pair up people for threads that don’t usually interact with each other. 
the most important thing is to make yourself available so that members feel comfortable coming to you when they’re having issues. being comfortable to talk to admins can fix a lot of things, and people just don’t get that these days. make sure that people know they can beyond just saying they can. show it, act like it.
(multifandom specific) how do you look at apps/characters for fandoms you aren’t at all familiar with? 
fandom wikias are your friend.
i’ll usually check that + previous casting to make sure that a fc is casted appropriately. some fandoms are tricky, like atla, but most are pretty easy to navigate even if you’re unfamiliar. also, if the first glance at a character tells me that they’re a villain type, then i’ll usually dive a little deeper to make sure that they’re not explicitly problematic.
most multifandoms have copied the same banned list from older groups. honestly? pretty good thing. usually it consistents of media like you, handmaid’s tale, 13 reasons why, as well as various other historically-based items. banning nazi/nazi-affiliated characters, rapists, etc. is pretty necessary. you don’t have to ban all villains, but not all villains are equitable.
another note on multifandoms:
be creative, please, with your plots. 
hint: if the plot is “all muses are in cutesy little town with memories of a fake life”, then the plot isn’t original. it’s been done so, so many times. not even just by groups that have since died but in multiple currently active groups (and in many deceased groups).
do something new !! make it themed !! hell, do it based on that one weird episode of supernatural where they got thrust into the ‘real world’. literally, just be creative !!
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longinglook · 4 years
I’m answering a bunch of asks about this episode under a read more to avoid spoilers/spamming everyone’s dash with a ton of posts, so if you’ve sent me an ask and I haven’t answered it yet, it’s probably down here!!!!
angry fighter looks hot af but at what cost 😔
they could have kept it. i’m ready to give up angry fighter and naked showering fighter if they take back what they did
not at how i'm more invested in fighter and tutor's relationship than my own but to be fair me and my boyfriend have been together for like 6 years lol and thankfully we know how to communicate
goals omg... where do i get a long lasting relationship with someone who can communicate and is okay with me caring more about a fictional couple than anything else please tell me your secrets
"i don't love you anymore" hurt us more please
I felt so numb at that point I didn’t even register the pain... 
The LineTV version will be worse but we saw how it will end so I can finally breathe a sigh of relief I knew Tutor would push him away at least they got that right and his response hurts so much but after what Fighter did in that scene it makes sense "If you ask me rn I don't love you anymore"
Yup the linetv version was indeed worse. I found it interesting how Fighter stopped because of Tutor’s words and not because he was pushed away. Apart from the whole bed scene which I hated and I will talk about it more in a different post, I also disliked A LOT how Fighter doesn’t apologize. He cries sure, but he’s crying about the breakup, he doesn’t seem to regret or realize how bad what he just did is.
tutor gave him the necklace back but he still has the nametag and string maybe it was a mistake to watch the episode after all
honestly nothing of this episode made sense from a narrative standpoint
electric chair for fight's dad i don't even care at this point just k word him
agreed, it’s all his fault he deserves to rot but also make sure he hasn’t disowned Fighter yet before he d words
Right, I'm sitting down with a large, very strong margarita (which my girlfriend made me, rolling her eyes and saying "what the hell is it with you and these Thai boys"?) and opening the LineTV subbed link. See you on the other side!!
[adele voice] hello from the other side! I wish I had alcohol or a girlfriend to keep me company thoughout this mess
now that deleted scene makes more sense, it explains a bit more why fighter would completely lose it when tutor uses that kid to make him jealous. tutor's plan and the whole scene following it was bullshit but series add some random shit for drama all the time so why am i even surprised. at least he stopped, they talked and tutor told him off. still don't get why it was necessary. him just breaking down in front of tutor would have been enough.
IT WAS COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHAT MAKES ME MAD THE MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS CLEARLY JUST AN EXCUSE TO CREATE MORE DRAMA IN A CHEAP TASTELESS WAY! oh my god you guys I am so upset, I will write more in another post but. I can’t believe they thought this would be a good idea. It completely ruined the rest of the episode for me. The conversation they have right after could have worked just fine without the ab*se, it was a good conversation, Fighter telling Tutor that he has liked him since day one, that it took him a lot to take down his walls and come to terms with his feelings. ALL THAT SHIT BEFORE WAS NOT NECESSARY. NOT GOOD. 
let's be real zee deserves a fuckin' oscar for his performance in the last episodes and todays saint too i was crying like a baby
zee was incredible. last week saint was mvp for me, but this week zee was insane. the scene with his father was so well done. I dodn’t cry because I was extremely upset, and still am, and I didn’t enjoy the episode at all. But I can recognize the amazing performances that Saint and Zee gave us today
the author said she talked to the director and he wants to re-shoot many scenes because he want to emphasize on more pain for both couples??? sir i think we had enough pain thank you very much
the only thing that I want them to shoot is a fucking apology video for thinking this was a good idea
fighter telling his father he sucks at love and that his wife literally ran away from him to be with another man made my day lol like why are you trying to judge someone's else love life when you suck at your own dude
that was amazing! while I was watching the unsubbed broadcast I was praying he’d come out or use the word gay. This wasn’t exactly it, but it still was a very very good conversation that I would have enjoyed more if part 1 hadn’t happened.
zee's acting was so good but i still hate they took that route for fighter like i'm super glad it wasn't romanticized and tutor did kiss him back at some point but that scene could have had the same impact if they just talked istg
yup! zee you’re doing amazing sweetie i’m sure it’s not your fault they made fighter do this. the scene was so incredibly pointless. no words
I know many people are talking about Part 1 as they should for obvious reasons but let's also talk about Part 2 because that was FighterTutor I know and love. Plus Saint was acting so cute like a cat it was adorable and all the little touches between them I just want them to be happy.
I... hated that scene I’m so sorry to disappoint. It felt so out of place after part 1, it made zero sense to have Tutor act that way after what he had said to Fighter and what had just happened. I’ve noticed that fevers tend to be used a lot in bls to show the sick character that this other person is sweet and caring and it’s just so out of the blue and a clear plot device to get Tutor to rethink... It honestly was so unnecessary considering that Zon talks to him after and I’d like to believe that’s what convinces Tutor to maybe fight some more for his happiness. Idk I found the whole chest rub insanely uncomfortable after everything that happened, Tutor was sick and feverish, idk. Also the joke at the start of that scene about Fighter taking advantage of him was AWFUL. WHAT THE FUCK.
no you are right the part with zon was kinda weirdly translated plus the whole text conversation which fighter was reading on part 2 (or was part 3?) isn't translated
the texts say something along the lines of “How are you? I saw you were very sick. I thought about P’Fight’s father. Can I suggest something? I say talk to Fight about his father. There should be a better soultion” (provided by google translate)
fighter reminds me of that one friend i had in college he would just suddenly disappear for days and then come back just to disappear again
I was that friend in college... you can’t just be emotionally available all the time, sometimes you gotta bounce
whyru season 2 with dew and his boyfriend but this time dew will run off all the time leaving fighter on his own
I agree with this
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sadistic-second · 4 years
Fun new meme here ! write 3-5 things a new rp partner (or those who want to be) should know about you and tag 3-5 people! it should be related to rp and not to other interests.
tagged by: @ivory-paragon tagging:   New followers of mine and those who lurk at me and/or wanna do shit.
I did one of these awhile ago, but fuck if I know what I tagged it as. That’ll be sorted out soon. In the meantime, since Rufus tagged me in this, I’ll go ahead and fill it out again.
1. Ladies. Gentlemen. Everyone in between and outta this world. One thing that I cannot stress enough: Please do not be intimidated by me. I cannot begin to express to you all how many times I have been told this. I promise you I am 100% a Shiba Marshmallow. Yeah, I write some pretty dark and sadistic shit sometimes. But that’s the character, that’s not me. I am more than willing to write with all of you. Just gotta not be so scared of me, okay? Worst that I’ll do is make an awkward joke or spam my dogekek or something. Or my various sweat emojis. Man, gotta love discord.
2. Been actively roleplaying since I was 12. Me doing the math suggests its been 16 years since I started, but I am notoriously bad at math. What’s that one bird meme? “The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math.” That’s me. That’s it. That’s my whole existence. I’ll admit that I verse hopped a lot, be that because of the people I was friends with at the time or just because I wasn’t “feeling it”, who knows. Regardless of that, however, couple things attached to that.
a) I am a novella roleplayer at heart; boy to I love me some details and shit like that. But that’s what I’ve developed into. I am, however, flexible enough to match a comfortable length of my partner’s choosing. Don’t gotta match my outrageous length. Just as long as you’re doin’ your best, that’s all that matters.
b) Or maybe there’s just that one. There used to be more, but then my head was like, “Oh, you think you can be professional for a minute? WRONG!” And I don’t remember what the second point was. :SadDogeKek:
3. Please please please please please please please please please please please please I cannot stress this enough either. It has happened a couple other times and its made me sad. I realize that I happen to reply rather quickly to things that people send me, asks, threads, whatever. Please. P l e a s e. Just because I respond quicker to someone else than I do you doesn’t mean anything against you. Ideas come and ideas go. There’s a flow to all of this and its just one of those things that if I don’t have it in that moment, I can’t do it. Your moment will come and when it does, you too can have quick rapid replies from me, too.
4. This one seems important. Straight up, right now. I Do Not Roleplay For The Sole Intent Of Romance/Shipping. In the early days, just starting out? Yeah, sure. I didn’t know any better. Did anyone else? Probably not. Teenagers, hormones. All that shit. I’m older now, I’ve made better choices in that department. I want you to write a story with me. Go on adventures, get blown up, get kidnapped/ambushed, do mundane boring shit, watch me bounce a bullet off some random metal for a couple hits before it nails the target. Build a foundation with me, put each brick down. Occasionally cause some mischief. If something happens along the way, neat. If nothing happens, awesome. 
There is more to roleplay than just dicking each other down and shit. Cuz damn. 
ALSO, NOT TO STEAL THIS FROM RUFUS OR ANYTHING, BUT I TOTALLY STOLE THIS NEXT BIT FROM RUFUS BECAUSE I THOUGHT IT WAS A REALLY GREAT IDEA TO DO. You know, after I wrote all that other stuff and was like, “Okay, where go from here?” Cuz I’m a dumbass. And I don’t want to just take what he wrote, but I’ll paraphrase it to hell and back at least. (But then I won’t because I can just TAG IT IN MINE so there’s that)
In case no one has clicked on it, a brief “Hey, just to make sure I covered my bases” explanation is here along with the current relationship list. I updated it before posting it here. Basically, the bits I’m stealing from Rufus’s post is the single ship thing. And the established thread interactions thing. Shits just gotta make sense, man. That’s all I’m saying.
I’m not saying no. I just want other things to happen before I consider it, okay?
5. AS YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE, I AM LONG WINDED AS FUCK. Honestly didn’t mean to be, but hey. A lot needed to be said and I had to say it. I only really have four things it would seem. #5 is just going to be used as some sort of final word, send off thing. Which is fine. It still pertains to roleplay related things.
So, so far you should have learned that I’m not intimidating despite whatever this clearly looks like. Please talk to me, plot with me, write with me. Send me random memes, random asks, tag me in shit. And really, that’s the only point I’m going to really drive home. Because it makes me sad knowing I’m losing out on potential partners and things because I’m seen as scary when I’m really not.
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cmtrydrve · 5 years
            hey ! my name’s link , i go by he/they pronouns , am 21+ & live in the cst timezone ! my only personality trait is being a bts , sment & girl groups enthusiast . i’m an aries sun with a pisces moon , which means i can be aggro , am always loud & obnoxious , but am a secretly sensitive softy , so plz be nice to me !!! this is my child , mikey , who’s stuck in 2006 & never grew out of his emo phase ( take that , mom ! ) . he’s also an aries , because my jjks always end up like that . hopefully , you’ll love him as much as i already do ! under the cut , you’ll find some misc . info & wanted connections . here are links to his dossier page & his pinterest board , which will hopefully give you some deeper insight . i’m excited to be here & write with you all ! like this if you’d like to plot & i’ll fly to your ims , but also feel free to add me on d*scord ( it’s easier for me as well ) : no brain only loving bts#6669 !
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— jeon jungkook. he/they. demiboy. | was that michael “mikey” kwon i just saw in the hideaway lobby ? i hear the twenty-two year old spends most of their time working as a record store clerk / studying communications , but i’ve always just seen them dyeing their hair different colors with kool-aid . they live in 3c and i often see them in the halls. they always give me a vibe of getting into arguments online , an entirely black wardrobe and drinking six cups of coffee to make it through the day . 
misc . info :
his parents are both very hip artists who met & fell in love while attending art school. they’re both very modern kind of parents, which meant that mikey grew up around a lot of self-expression (& being told to try it for himself), paint everywhere & pot.
growing up, he was allowed to paint his walls & even ceiling however he pleased & it instilled a love of creativity in him. his parents still have paintings he did as a child hanging up on their walls & fridge. even now, he still draws casually, though it was always a hobby for him & not his actual passion.
his parents are extremely caring & understanding. as a teenager, they allowed him to go out & party & always made sure to get him home safely. mikey genuinely can not remember a single time they ever yelled at him even when he fucked up massively. so he tries his best to make sure they’re happy & taken care of. but they’re adamant in supporting whatever mikey wants to do.
they were both the alternative types, which meant that rock music filled their home. mikey was familiar with classic rock from a young age & the sounds of fleetwood mac & other similar bands fills him with a warmth that can only be attained from childhood nostalgia.
his first taste of love came at the age of seven. his parents always brought home new albums to listen to & his dad purchased three cheers for sweet revenge by my chemical romance. while the screaming & raging instruments could have been too much for anyone else his age, mikey embraced it fully.
it ignited an adoration for the genre as a whole & soon enough, his parents were bringing home various emo music albums to sate the always dramatic & over-reacting mikey. for christmas, he received mcr’s discography (at the time, just two albums) on vinyl, which he still has hanged proudly on his wall as an adult.
he owns every variation of every mcr album now. vinyl, cd, cassettes. he even collects the japanese versions because he likes the way they’re designed.
he dropped the name mike / michael because of mikey way & he refuses to answer to anything else.
even though it’s largely part of “cringe culture” now (which mikey refuses to participate in), he loves hot topic & goes there whenever he can. his closet is full of band tees & he has a drawer filled with those spiky belts, bracelets & pants with the suspenders from his teenage years.
he’s been dyeing his hair regularly since he was twelve. he’s had every color under the sun. this is what his hair currently looks like but he dyes the highlights with kool-aid, so the color is always changing.
he has a nostril piercing & would probably get more done if someone so much as implied that he should.
he has a mcr stan twitter account & he gets into fights with everyone he decides has a wrong opinion. he’s been suspended multiple times for being too aggressive online, but he always comes back. he also has a tumblr account but he just uses it to reblog pictures of gerard way (his bias KJHFDKJ).
he works at a record store & goes to school for communications. he hopes to either be a radio dj or podcast host. he wants to get paid to talk about how much he loves music either way. but he loves his current job because he gets to talk about music all day and recommend albums to people. also it’s helpful in perfecting his own vinyl collection.
yes, he cried the day mcr broke up & yes he bought tickets to all their reunion shows. he took the day off when the tickets went on sale & his boss was understanding, knowing how much he loves the band.
he’s extremely impulsive. if you tell him to do anything, he more than likely will. he has a lot of stupid scribbled tattoos on him for this reason, especially on his hands.
while he doesn’t mind appearing masculine & even embraces it, he doesn’t fully align with being a man. he started identifying as nonbinary in his teens, but has never felt 100% a man his whole life. he’s fine with both he or they pronouns for the most part, though he does have his preferences day to day. he introduces himself as nonbinary so it’s not a secret & everyone who interacts with him is aware.
he’s kind of a party animal. he’s that loud person who drinks too much & ends up blacked out on the floor.
he gets in trouble a lot, because he plays music very loudly at both his workplace & his apartment. but he’s of the opinion that if music is too loud for you then you’re just too old.
he’s aggressive & very arrogant. he will fight you about anything & everything. he just likes to argue & he thinks he’s right about everything.
in typical aries fashion, he loves to flirt & be flirted with. he just adores attention & seeks out affection where he can find it. he gets crushes really easily & pursues aggressively (he’s extremely charming & good at making people feel good about themselves), but he gets bored when he actually obtains the person he desires. he’s never really seriously dated, but has had over a billion crushes in his lifetime.
thought dramatic & annoying most of the time, he’s also very loyal & has a good heart. if you’re in his circle of people he likes, then he’ll do anything for you point blank. he always tells his friends that he’d die for him & he means it.
while he tries to appear confident, he has secret insecurities stemming from being the middle child. he has issues with feeling like he’s not good enough or thinks he’s unnoticed by everyone, so he acts up by being dramatic.
he drinks A LOT of coffee, so he’s pretty much always bouncing off the walls.
he’s extremely pansexual & loud about it. if you’ve known him for longer than five minutes then you’ll find out how he wishes he could smash gerard way specifically in the helena mv to smithereens.
he very casually knows how to play guitar. he’s that person who plays wonderwall at every party.
while he’s not a fan of pop music, he knows most girl group dances & can do them well.
wanted connections :
exes (any gender. it will more than likely be something casual, like a few months or less, but we can discuss the timeline! also it can be messy or friendly. extra points if there’s lingering feelings!)
hookups / fwbs (any gender. singular experiences or regular type things)
childhood plots for those who’ve lived in seattle (childhood friends, first kisses / crushes, all that good stuff)
flirtationships that don’t go anywhere
one-sided crushes (don’t mind who has the feelings!)
mutual pining but they’re both idiots & have no idea
party buddies (can be drinking &/or smoking). emo music buddies. netflix buddies. any of these can be combined.
enemies???? (if we can decide on a suitable plot. or enemies with benefits :smirk:)
someone who knows of mikey from his stan twitter but doesn’t realize it’s him & talks shit openly about the asshole who runs the account in front of him.
on the opposite side of the spectrum, someone who he flirts with in the dms & they plan to meet up after realizing they live in the same apartment building.
tinder date (it can go well or not)
frequent customers (customers he flirts with or can’t stand because they just loiter or gets into fights with because they have bad taste in music
someone who takes advantage of mikey being willing to do anything he’s dared to do. make him do all the stupid shit he shouldn’t be doing, whether it’s getting tattoos / piercings or anything dangerous or just idiotic.
you’re sick of this asshole blasting music late at night & go to yell at him for it but oops he’s actually attractive (or you actually can’t stand him, whichever GKDHFGJFKD).
i have a huge tag full of plots i’d love to do on my rp spam blog. not all of them will be fitting for mikey but just ask me & we can try to change some elements or something!
literally anything you can think of i’m probably down for it!
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cassie-and-ren · 5 years
So… I was kind maybe kind of avoiding getting into TXT, but then I heard Blue Orangeade and Cat & Dog and fell in love, SO I guess I’ll be writing about them now? Even though I love them all, I don’t think I’ll be writing about all the members, mainly just because I don’t feel comfortable writing romantically about them, I’m sorry if any of you want to read the other members I probably won’t do it, watch when I eat those words. So I’ll be focusing on Yeonjun! He decided he’s my bias, but Kai might have something to say about that… jk he’s my baby~ for some reason Kai reminds me of a carebear
Anyways, just as a disclaimer: this is heavily based on Cat & Dog so his other stuff won’t be like this, so if you don’t like it, don’t think they’ll all be like this and if you do like it… I’m sorry?
Enjoy reading~
Moon Child
    You stared into the store window, anxiously hoping that some miracle would happen. Another pair left the shop and you saw that there were only a few more tickets left, you sighed and tried calling your friend again, as it went to voicemail again someone tapped your shoulder. You looked to them seeing a boy a bit taller than you, but what stood out the most was his cat ears, you stood stiff but watched as his tail hooked slightly behind him. Your own remained down beside your left hand, he then gave you a smile and relaxed his own tail.
“Sorry for bothering you, but do you know if they still have any tickets left?” Gesturing to the store you were looking into, you nodded.
“Yeah… but are you going in alone?”
“Yeah, is that bad?”
“No, it’s just that they won’t sell you a ticket unless you buy a pair with someone else, they don’t want anything bad happening so you have to get reservations essentially, they said something like if people coming in pairs will lower the chances of random people getting in.”
“Really?” He rubbed his head looking a bit stressed now, as he started mumbling to himself you suddenly got a good idea.
“Hey, I’m having the same problem, maybe we can help each other out and just get tickets together!” He stared at you. “We don’t even have to stay together, we just buy them together!” He stayed quiet for a bit as his ears twitched.
“You’re okay with that?” You bounced a bit and nodded.
“Of course! I really want to go, but I didn’t know you had to have a date essentially, this way it’s a win-win and next time I’ll be better prepared!” He seemed reluctant to agree, you then sighed dropping your ears and pouting. “Come on, it’ll be sold out by the time you answer me.” He sighed and nodded.
“Fine.” You giggled and grabbed his hand going inside, the counter was empty and you went there with him at your side. Getting to the counter, a man with a gentle smile greeted you, his own ears relaxed despite your excited entrance.
“How may I help you?” He asked.
“We’re here for the music festival!” He nodded and got out a clipboard and a pen.
“Please sign here saying you agree with our terms,” You took the pen first and signed your name, “Also you can put a phone number or email if you want to receive the online schedule.” You nodded before handing the pen to him. The male did the same and once you were done he asked you the payment method before typing your information into the website. Once it was done he went to the back and returned with two passes with your name on the back.
“Thank you!” You said taking yours.
“You’re welcome. Will that be all?” You looked to the boy realizing that he may have had something else to do, he was caught off guard by your attention to him and shook his head.
“N-no, I’m fine.” You smiled and said the same, you moved out of the way for the next customers. You two left out of the store, as you did you were overly excited! Your tail wagged happily behind you. Then you heard him chuckle.
“You seem really excited about all this.”
“Of course! I’ve wanted to come here for forever!” He smiled to you. “Oh, do we have to come in together to?” He shrugged.
“We should have asked.” He paused, “But you know, it’s fine. We know what each other looks like so we can just meet up before and go in together… you know just in case.” You stared at him, your head tilted in curiosity.
“You’re not trying to trick me into anything are you?”
“What? No, it’ll just be easier that way.” You narrowed your eyes before relaxing.
“Okay, but you better not be late! I’ll be there early.” He smiled and nodded to you, with that you realized you didn’t even know what his name was. “What should I call you by if I see you?”
“Yeonjun.” You smiled.
“Call me (Y/n)!” He smiled back to you. You started to make your way down the sidewalk. “I’ll see you Yeonjun!” He nodded and turned to walk back the way he came. You happily skipped back to your house.
    The festival wasn’t for another two days, they had sold out right after you two got your tickets, Yeonjun was happy you had been there, even if you were a bit excited over nothing. He didn’t know what it was, but he was looking forward to seeing you again, the night before he picked out his clothes and thought about what you’d be wearing. You looked pretty nice the other day, he wondered if you’d look even better tomorrow. He suddenly couldn’t stop thinking about it, he was curious if you would dress even better or maybe go for a more casual look. He was so curious about this he decided to call and ask a fellow dog for their opinion.
“What do you think we don’t care about what we look like just because we’re dogs?” Yeonjun really didn’t want to answer Beomgyu, he sighed on the other side. “I don’t know, we’re not all alike you know, but why do you care anyways?”
“That’s right, you’re going to that music festival tomorrow aren’t you?”
“Y-yeah what about it?”
“You’re bringing a date.” Yeonjun felt warm at those words, his tail sung back and forth violently.
“No I’m not! Never mind forget I even asked anything!” He hung up the phone hearing Beomgyu laughing on the other side. He threw his phone on the bed before grumbling about how wrong he was. That’s when he heard a chime from the group chat he was in, then several messages were sent. He quickly went to it seeing a spam of messages all ranging from ‘you got a date?’ to ‘he won’t get past the first date’ he didn’t respond to any of them, but muted the group chat before sitting down a sighing. “It’s not a date…”
    The next day he left late in the morning. He’d be there all day, but he was still anxious about meeting you again. He only knew your name and face so he decided just to wait around for a bit, if you didn’t come find him he’d just leave without you and hope they didn’t need you both in order to get in. As he got there he found the crowd of people waiting for the doors to open, he looked around, when he didn’t see you he was a bit disappointed. He walked closer to the crowd…
“Yeonjun!” He turned and found you jogging over to him, he smiled and met you halfway, you giggled once you got to him. “I was looking for you!” Your excited nature was refreshing.
“I just got here.” You let out a playful sigh.
“I told you to get here early, I was!” He chuckled.
“Sorry, I couldn’t find my water bottle.” You nodded.
“But hey I checked the schedule, did you know their going to have live performances all day?”
“Really? I thought it was just at the end?”
“No, see?” You went to his side showing him the schedule on your phone. He didn’t have much time to realize what any of it said as he was a bit shy about being that close to you. “I’m so excited! Who are you looking forward to seeing?” He couldn't believe how comfortably you were talking to him, he took a little while getting close to people so it was strange to say the least. That said, he didn’t feel overly anxious by you and calmly spoke to you until the doors finally opened…
“Okay, I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of that song, but hearing you sing to it made me like it.” Yeonjun laughed with a small blush over his face.
“I’m surprised I didn’t make you dislike it more.” He said.
“Your voice is really good, there’s way I could have!” You two walked through a light tunnel. It was night now and made the tunnel look even better. “Today was so much fun, I think it would have been boring if I went alone.” He nods agreeing.
“Maybe that’s why they had that rule.”
“You’re right! I think they knew it’d be kind of boring alone, that’s good marketing!” He chuckled to you, you to walked out of the tunnel getting to a small hill where you could hear the other concerts playing softly in the back. No one else was in this area, likely enjoying the concerts, but Yeonjun didn’t mind and kept walking with you. “It’s so pretty here…” You said looking up at the moon. Yeonjun suddenly thought of something and laughed. You looked to him.
“What’s so funny?” You said.
“Nothing…” He paused. “Okay, don’t kill me for this, but of course you’d think the moon was pretty, you’re a dog.” You scoffed to him.
“So funny.” You said with your most sarcastic voice.
“You do come from wolfs!”
“My grandma would be so offended.” You two laughed together before sitting down together. In this silence Yeonjun decided to ask you.
“Hey uh… do you think we could uh, keep talking after this?” You looked to him, but Yeonjun kept his eyes up skyward, you thought he was cute as you could see red on his cheeks and his tail curling around his body. You looked up again.
“Yeah, you’re nice to hang around… for a cat.”
“Hey, cats aren’t bad!”
“Yeah and dogs aren’t wolves, we’re different!” He smiled to you, you returned it. “Do you wanna just stay here for the rest of the night?” He nodded.
“Yeah, we can get to know each other more.” You happily agreed and talked the night away with him…
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rhabakoli · 5 years
Infinite White - 2
I don’t have any control, and @cgn-99​ asked... well, I do not live to please, but it’s pretty close. 
@dreamwritesimagines​ @i-am-always-famished​ @marauderskeeper​ @superwolfchild-fan​ @thescarsweleave​ @cgn-99​ @alicedopey​ @anxietysucks​ @kitsch-i-might-be​
The week went by, finals creeped closer, Fenja and her roommate never saw each other anymore, one being always in the library (Fenja) and the other one (Maeve) always on the track or the gym. That’s why at lunch on Wednesday, the only day of the week where they had lunch break at the same time, they had to eat and catch up at the same time. Which, to be honest, they did not manage. “How’s your boyfriend?” “He’s fine. Buried somewhere under his books and his dog and his scripts.” Maeve shoved a piece of steak into her mouth, rolling with her eyes when her taste buds exploded. “How do they make this so good, I don’t understand?” Someone had to give Fenja a medal for understanding her even with cheeks like a chipmunk.
“There are actually faeries working in the kitchen, that’s why everything tastes so good.”, she remarked, stabbing her own food with vigour.
Maeve swallowed, taking a sip of her water and pointed her fork at her friend. “How’s your essay going? Deadline was yesterday, wasn’t it?” Fenja nodded. “I had some slight difficulties with the conclusion, that made me want to just burn it, but I got help. I hope Finehair is satisfied, I’d die if I disappointed him.” Maeve chuckled. “Isn’t it funny that no one ever calls him by his real name? Even the other professors call him Finehair.” “Come on, look at it. It’s beautiful.” Fenja grinned. “And no one can pronounce his last name without butchering it or biting off their tongue. It’s a service to him, if anything.” “I have to agree.”, a male voice came from next to them, made the roomies look up wide eyed. “Professor.”, Fenja pressed out, terrified that he heard her. Maeve looked like she had swallowed her tongue, eyes bulging and face red. Harald “Finehair” Halfdanarson stood at their table, thermos under his arm and papers in his hand. His hair was in his typical braid, that made half the long-haired population of their school turn green with envy. They wanted to break into his bathroom and take a look at his hair care regime. “I saw you, and wanted to congratulate you on your essay, it was brilliant, Ms. Mueller.” “Oh, thank you, Sir.” “I am off in a minute, I have a meeting, but I’d like to submit it to the YWA. If that is something you’d be interested in.” Maeve squeaked and grabbed her friends hand over the table, immediately answering for her. “Of course she is! She’d be stupid, if she didn’t!” Fenja just agreed silently, still staring at her professor in stunned silence. The man laughed at her enthusiasm and did a little bow. “I’ll make sure they get it, then. Have a nice day, ladies.” He tipped his imaginary hat and wandered off, leaving the two of them in tense, excited silence. That is, until Fenja found her voice and breathed: “What. The. Fuck.” Maeve started giggling manically, her food forgotten for once. “The freaking Young Writers Association, freaking hell, Fenja!” “What the fuck.” “I know!” Maeve got up, came around the table and latched onto her roommates shoulders, giddy and basically vibrating from joy. “The last person from our school to have their writing submitted was one of the Ragnarssons, wasn’t it?” Fenja nodded, absent-mindedly correcting her: “Actually, it was Gala. She was also the first woman to get awarded by them and have her articles in their publications.” “You’re gonna get into the Hall of Fame, darling! I can feel it.” “I think I’ll be sick.”
The Young Writers Association was an organisation oriented to support young talents, help them establish themselves in the writer’s world. They collaborated with legal firms specialized on publishing, publishing houses both internationally renowned and small local ones, and they were always striving for fair and transparent relations between providers and talents. Tons of people submitted their works, craving for the YWA to judge their words, and to actually get through to an editor- It was a big stepping stone, and to have a Professor’s opinion definitely carried a bit of an extra weight, made them look a bit closer and be harsher in their judgement. Fenja was out of it for the rest of the day, even though she tried to get on with her study plan. But her brain continued to pull out doubts and questionable comments and insecurities, which, frankly, she did not need right now. With a frustrated grunt, she shoved her pens and books away and let her head fall onto the desk, forehead colliding with the wood, making her regret that particular move on the spot. “Ouch.”, she murmured, rubbing at it. Her phone chimed, and then again, and again, and again. She pressed her thumb against the sensor, unlocking it successfully. Then, not taking her head from the wood, she read the emails she got. “Spam, Spam, Finehair,- Linguae Populi?” She halted, burrowing through her brain, but she didn’t associate anything with that name. “What the heck is that?” After opening the mail, she groaned again. “That freaking baboon.”
Dear Ms. Mueller,
My brother told me you’d like to help us with developing and testing our Translator. I want to thank you for your time and efforts, firstly. Secondly, I’d like to meet up, to explain our work ethic and to hash out the details of your work with us. If my brother is to believe, you’re fluent in German, which - coincidentally - is one of the languages we haven’t yet managed to translate at all.
I’d be delighted to hear back from you.
Ingrid Ivarsdottir Chief of Development Linguae Populi
“Well, fuck me.” That looked way professional. Poor Ingrid, being burdened with such a challenged truffle pig of a brother. She decided to write her back, to not let her wait too long and maybe get her hopes up. She decidedly did not have the time to do this. Definitely not. And if Ragnar had listened, he’d known as well. Afterward, she opened the email from her professor, sitting up rapidly as she read the single sentence he’d sent.
just informing you that i submitted your essay, I wish you luck
Oh noooooo. She’d die of nervous gastric problems. Her forehead thumped against the wooden surface once more, making her wince. That hurt.
After a couple of minutes wallowing in her self doubt and nervousness, and bouncing knees, she decided to do something productive with her energy and go for a run. Bad idea. Big mistake. Even a bigger mistake than letting Finehair submit her essay. Her lungs were probably cussing at her, her heart was threatening to break through her chest and strangle her with her own arteries and veins, her legs burned as well as her windpipe. “Fuck. Nah. Never again.” The schools ‘Athletic Campus’ was situated behind the administrative building, bracketed in by dorm buildings left and right. It held a huge American Football field, one for soccer/lacrosse, and around both were of them tracks, which were just enough to house both the track team and Fenja as well as a couple of fellow masochistic psychopaths. The soccer field was empty, so she decided to crawl there and die in the green grass. Her shirt camouflaged into it, maybe they’d let her rot here. Her breath was rattling in her lungs, she could feel her rapid pulse in her fingertips and she was 99.9% sure her legs would not carry her back to the dorms. “Are you dead yet? Do I get to live in a single room?” “Geh sterben.” “I may not know what that meant, but I do know it was not nice.” Maeve bent over her roomie, hands on her knees and broad grin on her face. “I saw you running. You never run.” “Yes, and I just now remembered why.” Fenja struggled to get up, so Maeve grabbed her hands and pulled her into a sitting position. “It’s awful.” “No, it’s not.” “Yeah it is. You, my dearest honeyboo, you are just crazy.” Maeve shrugged. “Might be, but you’ll regret not training with me when zombies are after us and try to eat our nutritious, healthy brains.” With that, she made her way back to her team, waving at her friend as she jogged over. Backwards. Such a bragging bugger. Fenja sat there for a while, watching her friend and the team do their drills, and let the sun shine on her back. It was really nice today, blue sky, fresh air, a small breeze. Her thoughts drifted, thinking about her plans for the coming week, whether she’d be able to visit her grandparents and when she’d have to do the final reviews before her exams. Thus, she did not hear the soccer team walk out, the guys playing and fucking around. And, who would guess, of course one of them sent a ball flying, right towards her unsuspecting figure.
Part 3
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a-black-pegasus · 6 years
Tiny Steve, and Bucky
A continuation of Sick which is linked below
Hi there! @tiny-taker ;P I just liked your idea.
It was an early fall morning. Bucky rolled over in his sleep, and woke up wincing as sunlight poked through the closed curtians, and shined through his eyelids. He blinked awake and sat up, to see Steve still asleep on the side table.
Bucky smiled to himself. It had been almost a year since he had found the little guy. Steve had been, skinny, sick, and stubborn as a bull— and he was still, skinny, sometimes sick, and had only seemed to grow in stubbornness, but things were different.
For one, Steve didn't have that pale dead look, and he might have been skinny, but he wasn't malnourished. He still had bad days where asthma, or fevers were bad, but on a whole he was doing better.
"Hey buddy." Bucky reached over and nudged the little man. "Wake up, your losing daylight." Steve groaned, and raised his blanket— a sock, over his head.
"Leave me alone." He grumbled.
Bucky snickered, and sat up. "Come on, we need to eat breakfast, and get going."
"You need to get going. I don't have a job." Steve correct him, his voice muffled by the blanket.
"But I don't work today remember? I took Jacksons shift last week so my hours were filled."
Steve pushed the blanket off, a grumpy look on his face. "You mean I'm stuck with you?"
"All day long." Bucky grinned cheekily.
Steve sent a glare up at the smiling giant, and went back under the sock. "Wake me up when winter is over!"
Bucky laughed, and picked steve up sock, and all to carry him to the kitchen. "Let's go you stubborn bastard."
"Put me down!" Steve snapped fully awake. He sat up, and wrapped the sock around his shoulders. "Your hands are ICE! Why?" He shuddered.
Bucky set steve on the counter, and went to grab a can of spam.
"Spam?" Steve asked, as Bucky approached.
Bucky sighed. "Its all we got." He said somewhat apologetically.
Steve shook his head. "No not like that, I meant 'Spam?' out of curiosity. I don't care what we eat."
"Alright buddy." He cracked the can open, and peeled the lid back. He doled it out on plates, and kept his face from frowning as Steve gagged down his portion. Halfway through Steve stopped, and pushed it away.
"Ok I'm full."
Bucky pursed his lips, but didn't press the issue. They had been eating almost nothing, but spam for almost a week now, and even though Steve didn't complain, Bucky could tell he hated it. Even he was getting sick of it.
He furrowed his eyes and came up with an idea. "Hey Steve, I just remembered. I promised a friend from work I would look over a story he wrote. Wanted a second opinion on it you know?"
"Ok." Steve shrugged. "You don't need my permission to leave." He chuckled.
"I know, I just wanted to inform you," he cuffed Steve ear. "Do you think you can manage without me?"
Steve grabbed the knuckle, and wrestled with it. "I can manage! I'll clober anyone who tries to break in!"
Bucky let Steve mess around, before hooking his fingers around Steve's waist, and raised him up.
Steve squeaked, and clinged to the finger. "Hey you cheater!
"What? This is what would happen if somone broke in. And also, why would someone break in? We have nothing worth taking!" He wrapped his hand around Steve loosely, and leaned against the counter.
"They could take the spam?" He suggested.
Bucky smirked. "You would like that wouldn't you?"
Steves face flushed. "I... It was just an option!"
Bucky snickered and set Steve down on the ground. "I'll be back soon half pint. See you later."
Waving, steve watched Bucky leave. When he left, he turned to wander past the living room, and into Bucky's bedroom. Admittedly it took awhile, but Steve was in no hurry. Upon entering Bucky's room he heard a scuffle from the corner, and froze.
"Is that a mouse?" He thought. He searched around frantically for a weapon, and settled on a pencil. Running over he hefted the end up, and held it as high as he could. The scuffling noise got closer, a shadow passed the wall, and then.
"Judith...?" Steve asked nervously.
"Steve?" A voice answered. Steve dropped the pencil. Another young borrower, much like him came around. She stopped, and stared at Steve as if he was a ghost. "Holy cow. Steve! What happened to you?"
Steve frowned. "I'm fine. Nothing happened. How—"
Two other borrowers stepped out from the corner, to Steve's shock, and they were as unlike steve as possible. Both had broad shoulders, and a guy that declared years of eating. "Moe, Abraham." Steve nodded stiffly.
Abraham mearly stared coldly at Steve while Moe greeted him back. "Hey... It's stringy Steve!" How you doing stringy?"
Moe came over, and eyed Steve. "You look more than fine... Jeez! You look like you've gotten a couple of meals under your belt."
"More than I ever did around you!" Steve snapped.
"Oh? I see your still as disrespectful as ever." Moe sneered.
"Come on Moe, leave him alone." Judith sighed.
Moe held his hands up. "I'm just making an observation, calm down doll."
Judith glared at him, but kept quiet.
"How'd you suddenly get so good at borrowing? Did another clan take your weak hide in? I know you couldn't have been secretly sneaking food." He came over and pushed Steve roughly. "How many have to go hungry just to keep your sick ass fed?"
"Moe!" Judith cried.
"Shut up!" He growled. "Well?"
Steve bit his lip. "I met a human bean." He admitted.
"What?" Moe laughed. "You can't be serious? Your a pet!?" He roared, grabbing the front of Steve's shirt, and swung him around to the ground. "Your a disgrace! The best thing you could have done for the colony was to die! You showed yourself to a human bean?!"
Steve rolled to a stop, and stood to his shakey feet. "It wasn't exactly by choice." Steve brought his fists up. "I took you before, I can take you again." he declared, bouncing on his heels.
Moe, and Abraham's snickered. "The only thing you've taken from me is a beating. I guess you want another one." He rolled his sleeves up.
"Moe, don't please—" Judith pleaded, but Moe had already swung. He socked Steve's jaw, knocking him down to the ground.
Steve felt Moe come over, and pin him down. In the background he heard Judith attempting to reason with Moe. But Moe had a look in his eye that Steve knew well—and the beating began. He squirmed, and fought under Moe's fist, trying to avoid the blows. Just when his vision started blacking out, he heard screams, and the weight was pulled off him.
It took a minute for Steve to get his bearings, but as he rolled to his knees, a hand scooped him up, and he heard a voice.
"Hey half pint, have you been picking fights?"
Steve grinned. "Hey Bucky." A gentle thumb came up, and touched the side of his face.
"Looks like a black eye buddy." Bucky sighed. Setting Steve carefully on the pillow, he turned to his other fist. "Now what to do with you? Moe was it?"
Moe gawked at Bucky in terror. Bucky's hand came up, and pinched Moes head in his fingers. "No! Pl-please!" Moe begged.
Bucky tilted his head, and pretended to think it over. "Hmm....I don't know, what do you think Steve?" He looked over at the little man, a teasing grin on his face, though to Moe it was a terrifying sneer.
"Well," he groaned, getting to his knees. "Let me introduce you first. Moe this is Bucky, the human bean I was telling you about; Bucky this is Moe, he made my life hell back at the clan."
"Really?" Bucky questioned turning to look at Moe. He remembered Steve I his fevered state rambling about never eating, and always having his food taken away, his fist tightened slightly.
"Well then if I ever see you again, I'll have to send you off to hell." He set Moe down, and watched as he darted away to a hidden hole under the bed. "Wow, he's fast. Why aren't you fast?" Bucky teased sitting the bed.
Steve ignored the jibe. "You scared the crap out'a him. You weren't really going to hurt him though were you?"
Bucky shook his head. "Aw, I'm hurt half pint."
"Heh, Sorry." Steve changed the subject. "So how was the story?"
"Ah about that." Bucky offered his hand to Steve who climbed on. "I might have lied about the story, I went out and got some much needed groceries."
Steve gasped excitedly, but then his face fell. "Wait... You said you couldn't afford—"
"I don't want you to worry about it buddy." Bucky cut off. "Besides, it was cheap. I wouldn't have bought it if it wasn't.".
Steve ducked his head. "Well ok.... What did you get?"
"A pound of apples, a jar of jam, and ingredients to make bread."
Steve beamed. "Great! Then, can we make some right now?" He requested, as they entered the kitchen.
"Ok half pint." Bucky snorted.
Heyo! Thanks for reading!
@sammigruber @sammie-skele-turtle @gatlily @nightmarejasmine @misfitsgalaxygt @obwjam @bee-wrecker @nerdqueenkat @tinyliltina @nini116 @queenofconspiracies @dc41016 @jasper-jazzle-zazzle @tiefling-trickery
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Still Human Chapter 4
Word count: 1366 Tag List: @tinkslittlebelle
Virgil’s eyes hurt. He groaned, forcing them open and blinking away the bleariness. How long he’d been asleep, he didn’t know. He barely remembered what happened- Oh. Yeah. Party tonight. And bad memories. And Roman.
Virgil rubbed his eyes, groaning again. Fucking Roman, having to witness his composure fall apart and betray him. He probably felt bad for him now. If there was a list of things Virgil hated, the topper was pity. Virgil smirked at the list idea. Maybe it’d be a good idea to make one. You know, just for fun. He reached over the side of the bed, his heart almost stopping when he was met with air. His bag-where was his bag?! Did…Roman take it? Virgil fell against the bed again, putting his arms over his eyes. Of course. This is how he’s rewarded for showing weakness. Roman steals his fucking bag. He pushed himself off the bed, flinching when his foot hit something. Peeking out from under his bed was a familiar black band. Oh no, he just stuffed it under the bed! Virgil felt a little lighter, knowing Roman didn’t betray his trust. The light feeling lasted until the spotted the pillow he was sleeping on and the one he was snuggling. Smeared with eyeshadow. Oh, great. Virgil’s face must be a mess, then. He grabbed his phone and flipped the camera to the front. Ugly smudged black lines ran down from his eyes, taking some foundation with it. Virgil growled and swiped at his face angrily, smearing more makeup all over his sleeve. So far he’s made an enemy, had his personal bubble disturbed and broken down in front of a stranger-all in one day! Great start, Virgil. He took off the rest of his makeup and checked the time. He’d already missed his English class and most of Science, so there was no point in going out again. A text caught his eye when he closed his phone’s camera. An unknown number, the text simply saying “I’m hoping this is Virgil. Roman tells me you skipped English for a personal reason. Please meet me at *address* at 6:30.” His English teacher used proper grammar in texts? Virgil shook his head with a chuckle. What a geek. It was 4:45 at the moment (Jesus, he’d been asleep for 3 hours!), so he had a little while until he had to see his English teacher. Virgil locked his dorm room door, put on his headphones, and blared music as he returned to drawing. He found himself smiling as he was finally left alone to doodle in peace. Thank god for door locks and loud music.
 Virgil had to will himself up the stairs of the light blue house where his English teacher apparently lived. He started having second thoughts as soon as the taxi he’d taken had pulled up, but if they were given work, he needed to stay caught up… He rang the doorbell, jolting when a bird squawked in response to it and a dog started barking. Jeez, it sounds like he set off world war 3 in there… “That’s enough, Watson, thank you,” a voice spoke over the dog. The door opened and Virgil was almost knocked over by a thin, pure white dog as it blew out the door. Virgil watched after the dog before turning to the man who answered the door. He instantly felt a little intimidated. The man was taller than him (though, admittedly, that’s not a hard feat) and was giving him a suspicious glare. Virgil gulped and forced his voice past his squeezing throat. “I’m…Virgil…” The glare went away instantly. His English professor fixed his tie against his black shirt. “Ah…Forgive me. Come inside.” Virgil cast another look at the white dog, then followed the professor inside. The bird he’d heard squawk came into view-an African grey parrot, and an impressive one at that. It rested on a free wooden perch with newspaper on the floor to catch whatever it dropped. Unsurprisingly, there were bird toys all over the house so the parrot could entertain itself. “Over here.” The professor motioned to the small living room. Virgil followed him in. The first thing he noticed was that the TV was on and playing kids shows. The second was the man sitting on the couch and watching them. The English professor walked over and tapped the man on the shoulder. “Patton, I have someone here. Just so I don’t startle you.” “Can I see them?” The other man-Patton-spoke suddenly. The professor nodded and Patton jumped up, catching sight of Virgil. Virgil stepped back slightly, offering a shy wave. Patton broke into a huge grin. “Hello! Oh Logi, he’s adorable-“ “Patton, remember what I said about calling people that out loud,” Virgil’s professor said, softly yet sternly. “You don’t know how he’ll feel about it.” Patton looked back. “Can I hug him?” “You’ll have to ask his permission,” the professor said at the same time Virgil said “I’d rather you didn’t.” Patton turned disheartened eyes to the professor, who sighed and pulled him into a hug. Virgil noticed the glint of something shiny on the two men’s hands. He smiled a little at the sight. Married…
The professor kissed the top of Patton’s head, getting a happy grin in response. “I have to work with Virgil here. Do you mind moving to the bedroom?” “Nope!” Patton bounced happily, pulling out of the professor’s arms and running down a hallway. The professor watched him go with a soft smile. He turned to Virgil again, who hid his own smile. “So. The work you missed. Let’s get you caught up.”
Virgil wound up missing the frat party, spending hours with his English professor-Logan Ester, he learned his name was. What started as a catching-up-with-work-and-fuck-off-again night turned into a -play-with-Watson-the-dog-and-Sherlock-the-parrot-while-learning-about-Autism-night. Seriously, Logan told him about Autism. Apparently Patton had it, as well as Roman. Logan instantly put to rest any thoughts Virgil had about Autistic people being stupid. They may not understand some things, they may miss a lot of social cues, and many may be prone to meltdowns, but they’re still humans with emotions. “I’ve had people give me dirty looks when Patton announces he’s my husband,” he told him at one time. “They think people with Autism don’t understand love and can’t consent to anything. They don’t seem to understand that they can feel love-Patton proposed to me, not the other way around.” Virgil went home with a bit of homework and a lot to think about. He recalled the jerkass way he’d treated Roman before and decided to make it up to him somehow. He returned to the dorm to a furious Lily. “What the fuck, V?!” She yelled. “You were supposed to come to the party tonight!” “I had better things to do,” Virgil mumbled, shoving past her in the doorway. “And don’t call me V.” “What could be more important than meeting new possible friends!?” Virgil turned back and glared at her. “Homework.” With that, he slammed the door to his dorm room.
His phone buzzed with a text later that night, as he was getting ready to sleep. It was from Lily. Go figure.
You: what Blond Bitch: V, I’m sorry Blond Bitch: I just realized how I sounded. I shouldn’t have pressured you into coming to the party Blond Bitch: I just don’t want you to be unpopular, you know? You: no Blond Bitch: think of it this way-the more friends you have, the less likely it is that John will go after you You: maybe i want to be upopular You: *unpopular Blond Bitch: V, please…At least show up to the next one? Blond Bitch: all my friends wanna meet you Blond Bitch: and maybe theres other people out there like you Blond Bitch: *there’s You: emos, you mean Blond Bitch: did I say emos? You: can i sleep please Blond Bitch: promise me that you’ll come to the next party. Blond Bitch: else I’ll keep spamming you Blond Bitch: V? Blond Bitch: V Blond Bitch: V Blond Bitch: Virgil You: fine Blond Bitch: Yay! Blond Bitch: okay, I’ll let you sleep now Blond Bitch: good night, V
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micycle--wheeler · 6 years
William vs the Homo-Geneous World
Will Byers lives a perfectly normal life. That is, until his life becomes perfectly unnormal, and his life becomes something straight out of a romance novel.
Or, Will gets a secret email pen-pal.
read chapter 1 here
read on ao3
DATE: Sep 2 at 11:23 PM
SUBJECT: please respond
Dear Evier,
I’m just like you.
I live a pretty normal life. My parents were the perfect love story, my mom working a low-end job to become pretty successful, and my step-dad is about as awesome as anyone can get. My brother likes photography  and enjoys making weird foods that always seem to taste good (he made kale pancakes that tasted too good to be real. I’m still sure he’s putting sugar in it when he keeps insisting he’s not).
I have the greatest friends anyone could ask for. Two of them, I’ve known pretty much my entire life, one being my sister (how embarrassing is that? A sister as a best friend…). The other I met just a few months ago, but it feels like I’ve known her just as long.
We do everything friends do. We drink way too many caffeinated drinks, stay up together far later than we should, and we spend way too much time on social media.
So yeah. My life is pretty normal.
Except I’ve got one huge-ass secret.
I look around at my room for a second time, at the books stacked up on my shelves. One of the pictures on my nightstand showcase that one time Dad drove us two hours to see a play. My fingers type at the keys once again.
I take a deep breath before clicking the mouse.
And now I wait.
I step away from the laptop, closing it for the night and going to bed.
That next morning,  everything is normal. Too normal, almost, as if nobody knows I just kinda told someone my secret. Evier is the only one who knows.
If he’s even read the email yet.
It’ll probably be put in the spam folder.
But I take my normal shower, so long it’s freezing by the time I’m out. I check my phone.
I get dressed and hop down stairs, skipping every other step, almost tripping over Chester in the process, who decided to come bounding down the stairs at the exact time I did. Jonathan is in the kitchen, handing me a piece of toast as I headed out the door, not even looking back to see if Jane was following me.
I check my emails as I get into the car, finding nothing of interest.
“Whatcha lookin’ at?”
I jump as Jane leans over, trying to look at my phone’s screen. “Nothing,” I say as I slide my phone back into my pocket.
“Is it a pretty girl?” she guesses. “Aw, did Willy-Will finally find a girl that actually likes him?”
I tell her to shove it as I pull out of the drive, and she in turn flips me off, not even looking in my direction. I ignore her as I turn down Maple Street.
Did my phone buzz? I swear my phone buzzed.
I’m startled out of my thoughts as I almost drive into a trashcan.
I stop in front of Dustin’s house, and I take the chance to check my phone again.
Still nothing.
I drop my phone as Dustin climbs in, wild hair bouncing.
“You won’t believe what I dreamed last night.”
“Oh, again with the dreams, Dustin,” Jane turns her head to look at Dustin sitting in the back of the minivan (Yes, minivan. My parents got it from a friend of theirs who was looking to get rid of it).
“This one is interesting, okay?” Dustin defends as I start heading towards Max’s house, which was just down the street. “I was on a train, right?”
“Is this another one of your infamous dreams?” Max asks as she climbs in next to him.
“Yeah! And I was on a train, but everything was strangely blurry.”
“Hmm… What does Freud say?”
Max looks expectantly at me when she says this, mainly because I was the only one that did Psychology last year, and the main thing we studied was dreams.
“Well, good ‘ol Sigmund said that dreaming of trains was analogous to a dick, so…”
“Maybe you wanted to jerk off!” Jane jokes from the passenger seat. “Will does it all the ti—” I try to smack her in the arm while keeping my eyes on the road.
“I do not!”
“Maybe it means you’re not seeing what’s right in front of you,” Max offers. “Like… like maybe you have an idea or an inkling of something, but you still don’t see the full picture. what'd you think, Will?”
I think of what is in the email I sent the mysterious Evier. “No idea.”
I pull up in front of the school, snagging a good spot, away from the kids that like to smoke cigarettes and kick tires.
We all pile out of the car, making our way to our separate classes.
“Nice hair band, Carri, is it new? Oh, new haircut, James? Lookin’ good! Oh, Will!”
Mr, Newby is standing in the hall, doing his morning ritual of greeting students. Just like he did in my freshmen and sophomore year.
“How are you? Nice jacket, even though you wear it every day. Where’d you get it?”
“It’s from a teenager store, Mr. Newby. You can’t enter if you’re over the age of nineteen.”
“Aw, darn.” Mr. Newby shakes his head jokingly as I make my way through the halls and into first period English.
The rest of the day goes surprisingly smoothly, the only even someone interesting occurrence happening at lunch, when Richie Tozier dropped his tray and got applesauce everywhere.
When he sits down at the table, socks soaked in cinnamon, he starts a loud conversation with his fellow baseball player, Lucas Sinclair.
“Did you hear about the gay kid on hawkinswhispers?” he says loudly, shoveling fries into his mouth.
“I did!” Max sits in between Richie and Lucas, practically draping herself over the latter.
“Does anybody know where Jane is?” I ask, ignoring my redheaded best friend. I love Max, but this is just too much heterosexual PDA for me.
“Probably sucking face with Mike somewhere,” Richie throws out, and I try to keep myself from gagging.
“That is the worst mental image I have ever thought of.”
Mike. Jane’s boyfriend. He’s in my theatre class, but that’s about all I know about him except for the fact that he’s Richie’s cousin.
I look down at my phone, planning on checking my email. I open the app and am met with the no internet connection popup.
Right. There’s not service in the building.
“Again with your phone!” Max sighs. “Will, this is the third time today.”
I roll my eyes and ignore her, getting up and heading toward one of the breezeways, knowing I might be able to get at least a couple of bars.
“Oh, Will. William. Willy-Man.”
I look up and find Mr. Newby walking toward me.
“Please don’t call me that.”
“You know the rules. No phones in the hallway. It can cause a collision. So I’ll be having that.” He points at my phone, still in my fingers, and I reluctantly hand it over. “Walk with me.”
I apparently have no choice as he hooks his arm around my shoulder in a I’m trying to relate to you kind of way.
“I remember being a youthful spirit such as you, except I rode a bike instead of surfed the interwebs and killed monsters from another dimension instead of waited for texts from girls.”
“Yeah,” I chuckle uncomfortably. Mr. Newby can be weird.
“So you can have your phone back after school, okay?” Mr. Newby muses. “And you can go back to class.
He walks away at this, whistling to himself  as I’m left standing in the hallway.
Today has been weird.
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