#some guys are like that idc
felixfeliccis · 3 months
Gonna write a transman character. Any tips on things to include/avoid?
I'm not really a writer so it's hard to say, I mean I'd just write him like any other characters idk
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zecoritheweirdone · 2 months
hehehehehhooo,, decided to draw some hermits as the mystery skulls animated gang!! why? uhhh mostly just 'cause.
special thanks to the ibaaf server for helping me pick the roles! gem is vivi,, false is arthur,, pearl is lewis,, and etho is mystery!!
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better pic of pearl under the cut, where you can how lazy i am,,ms ksmsksjs
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will never understand ppl who use sdv mods that turn the characters into pretty anime lookin twinks. like u got rid of harvey’s mustache and shane’s 5 oclock shadow. these r just different characters now what did u do to them
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charlieshorseshirt · 1 year
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collection of charlie screenshots ive taken "just bc i think hes pretty"
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omgcatboi · 15 days
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I don't often post my non kink related art but I'm tryna get the attention of someone else in the community and am too shy and cringe to reach out so. Here, have this portrait I did of Hanzo Shimada. With my finger. On ibis paint. This took me four hours. Progress for proof below.
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titan-god-helios · 19 days
y'all have GOT to stop using autistic/acoustic/restarted as an insult or a synonym for stupid. fucking hell
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dumplingsjinson · 7 months
Let me just uh, set some hard fucking boundaries with some of you people in regards to MY relationship.
Do not keep questioning my choices on MY relationship.
First of all, you're not in this relationship. Let me mess up and find out, if worse comes to worst. Let me fuck around and find out. I'm not going to blame you for not warning me, don't worry. Seriously. So stop questioning me.
Don't keep asking me, "Why don't you label things with him? I think it's bullshit that there are no labels. What's the POINT of this relationship if you're not labelled as such and such? You're just wasting your time. Stop that. It's weird. This doesn't seem right to me. Why call it exclusive if there's no labels?"
Let me fucking date how I want, damn. Let me be in a goddamn relationship how I want, without me needing to explain myself to you. You, who I don't even know. You, who's not even a mere acquaintance of mine. Even my friends aren't questioning me, so who are YOU to question me when you know virtually NOTHING about our relationship?
Why are YOU, as someone who doesn't know the full fucking picture, trying to enforce your rigid little rules onto ME? If you like labels and only commit strictly with someone once those labels are established, good for you! Do you!
But don't go on the internet, read the stuff someone shares (which doesn't paint the whole picture, mind you, because I'm not sharing my whole goddamn life biography on here) and then go running into their inbox and yell at them for their choices, or because their choices differs from yours. Don't do that because you don't KNOW them. Don't act like you know everything from the small details you've read. Yes, I share things on here, but only things I'm comfortable sharing. Surface level shit, basically.
What you think is normal isn't always someone else's normal. Please remember that.
The way some of you act in my inbox... It's embarrassing at best and disgustingly rude and kind of intrusive and also insulting at worst. And because you've got the anon feature on, you think you can just say anything. (That's a whole other rant I've been wanting to get off my chest. I've got a few drafts I've never posted that are from months ago lmfao).
Now, to tone down the aggressiveness for a fraction of as second, I get you care about me and it's probably coming from a good place, but I am TWENTY. THREE.
Let me remind you.
Not three.
Not thirteen.
I can make my own decisions. I am a legal adult, probably moreso than some of you out here coming into my inbox and full on trying to start an interrogation with me like I did something wrong for wanting to do things MY way for MY relationship.
And SLIGHTING me for my choices is where I'm setting the hard boundary at.
DO NOT, and I repeat:
...under any circumstances, come into my inbox and act like I'm a dumb fucking bitch. (I am a dumb fucking bitch, but I'm also a self aware dumb fucking bitch. There's a difference.)
I know what I'm doing, I know the consequences, I know what I'm in for. I'm not fucking stupid and naive. I'm not a 13 year old about to start her first relationship with her high school crush.
So stop treating me like a donkey, and stop questioning my choices. Remember, as harsh as this sounds, some of you need to hear this and REALISE this: You've got no place in my life to do that. Absolutely fucking none.
Learn to read the room and learn that there are lines that shouldn't be crossed.
OH, I need to add this here. Before some of you come into my inbox and ask me WHY I'm sharing shit if I'm not open to opinions on my choices... There's a difference between opinions and civil discussions, and crossing someone's boundaries and questioning their choices because you think YOUR way of doing things is the right way to do things.
Just because I share some stuff on here doesn't mean that warrants you an automatic pass to shit on my choices. Fuck that bullshit, because that's just shitty behaviour and you need to look inwards and realise you're doing a lot more harm than good by being a piece of shit to someone you essentially do not know.
Remember, if you won't say this shit to someone in real life while looking them in the eyes, then don't fucking say it on anon in some stranger's inbox. That's a dick move, and you're a prick if you do that. Fix yourself, for the sake of humanity.
That is all.
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lighthouseas · 10 months
begging people to understand that "mike is not being abused by ted and karen" and "ted and karen are not good parents towards mike and this is something that we are supposed to take notice of throughout the show" are two statements that can and should coexist
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cyellolemon · 5 months
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Meet my new ocs!! :>
Lore and info below the cut!
The pink hair guy with the silly creatures in his torso is Emilien (Emi for short) (he/it pronouns) some times after his top surgery he had these cute mouth entities that woke up in his scars (he's not really enjoying their presence)
That tall long green hair man is Sohan (he/him) he's a cashier who is gonna find out about Emi's creatures and be fascinated by them. Could be a good thing for Emi since it had a crush on Sohan since some time (despite the fact that they never really talked) but actually Sohan is like. an unsympathetic and unfriendly asshole. He doesn't care about Emi as a person at all
Because of Emi's mixed feelings about Sohan, the creatures will be very hostile toward him, so he won't be able to study them. And because he really wants to, Sohan will try to force himself to fall in love with Emi
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linkneol091 · 2 months
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cremsie · 2 years
The new Pokémon game is a glitchy buggy rushed mess. But it’s still selling like hotcakes and people are still gonna play it.
It’s kinda sad at least to me because that all the promises they’ll keep making BAD games because they know it’ll sell regardless. Just because it’s Pokémon. I feel bad for the people who work there and try to genuinely make good stuff.
And all glitches even OVERLOOKED. The game looks bad guys I mean come on. Take off the nostalgia glasses and recognize a subpar attempt at a professional game. If it were anyone else it’d get a pity excuse but this is the fuckin Pokémon company. Make them live up to it!
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paintingskyblutf2 · 6 days
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engineer and medic doodles. bone apple tea.
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staring contest gone too far :] idk how to draw kissing so use your imagination
blah blah blah blah blah
"blah blah blah blah blah" for engi and "fascinating!" for medic
they definitely listen to eachother's ramblings
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i found this picture and many more funny ones and couldn't help it but draw them
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and they were trashmates(trashcan-mates??). omg they were trashmates :0
"Danke, engineer!" for medic. A/N: thank your medics AND engis please 💖
(actually, thank ALL of your teammates. it might feel awkward to send "thanks team" kind of chats since a lot of people perceive them as sarcastic but do it anyway. you'll cheer up at least one person :])
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punkeropercyjackson · 29 days
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#all that tdmm hate that still lingers is some of whitest shit i've ever witnessed td.dks really went all out with the yt gay/yt feminism jfc#like shouto and momo are so obviously japanese in every way(i also hc shouto as part bangladeshi and momo as a blasian dominican-mexican)#i deffo agree they're both queer-coded shouto is transmasc genderfluid and momo is transfem softgirlgender but as poc not white at all#like idc about gay shouto and lesbian momo you can hc what you want but what you guys call 'concrete proof' is just japanese/asian culture#as a homecountry raised poc they're both more trans and autistic-coded than any orientation and their dynamic is so such a poc4poc fantasy#t4t autistic4autistic poc4poc fantasy specifically!!!their characters and story are NOT white western at all and the perfect teen m/f ship#but bnha is so popular with we.ebs who know jackshit about easterners and poc in general tbh they hate todomomo for not being yt bread gays#and think it's a morality thing when it's the most harmless fucking ship AND they ship DABI with a blonde cop.HIS GOTH/CPUNK ASS????????????#PLEASE my afrolatina ass has never been able to take them seriously especially because dadbi/s'mores siblings makes way more sense#but yeah i've talked enough.if you hate todomomo you're probs mad that they're a genuinely unconventional m/f ship instead of palpability#todomomo#t4t todomomo#todomomo protection squad#todoroki shouto#momo yaoyorozu#half bangladeshi rei agenda#blasian latina momo#trans todoroki#trans momo yaoyorozu#goth punk todoroki shouto#pastel punk momo yaoyorozu#partially blind todoroki#chubby momo yaoyorozu#bnha geekery#our hero academia#tea blend crew#team dual#momo is also adhd anxious and ocd along with being autistic thanks#summeredits#summerposting
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
The thing I'd want cis people to know is that I'm not transitioning to wear men's clothes or whatever. I'm transitioning so I can wear black heels for no reason
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msmargaretmurry · 14 days
this poll has me thinking so much about what kinds of hockey players i tend to love the most because like, there are so many genres and subgenres of hockey player and a lot of the time the genres overlap and i would never expect someone to be able to fit all of that into one poll but it is INTERESTING the roles guys get assigned. i voted face of the franchise bc in the moment i was like, yeah i love the narrative richness of the intersection of public image and pressure/responsibility and unknowable internality. but i don't think that's WHY i like players bc there are so many faces of franchises that i so deeply don't care about 😂
like. i feel like people On Here would classify me as a matthew gal or a dylan gal which is definitely not incorrect, but also only a fraction of my hockey feelings even make it onto tumblr at all so i ALSO consider myself an ebs gal and a nicke gal and a leon gal and a mike green gal and a dsp gal and a matt hendricks gal and a braden holtby gal and a joel ward gal ... i don't really really consider myself a quinn or brady or brock or petey gal even tho they are all extremely special guys to me because the vibe is different in the way i love them. they are still my guys but i am not a them-gal. you know? thatcher and william and andre and sasha barkov and casey fitz and charlie mac and matty gryz are guys i keep in my pocket. i have a whole lineup of guys i loved in juniors/college who played 0–5 nhl games and are now career ahlers or overseas somewhere. like i am also in my heart a john h.ayden gal and a riley b.arber gal. y'all cannot fathom what i was going thru when brien d.iffley and pat h.arper and josh n.icholls won an EIHL thing together this spring 😭 how does one even begin to categorize these players into a genre. my affections are based so much on a player with the right vibes catching me at the exact right moment for me to latch on like a cat chomping down on one of those fishing line toys with a fake mouse on the end.
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alteredsilicone · 15 days
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Looking at the Albrecht statue and thinking how modest Albrecht is compared to all the other Orokin.
Even in his portrait, the only thing that changes is you see his hair and his shirt is a little bit different, but compared to all the other Orokin he doesn't have all the bling and gold adornments (a few bracelets cannot compare to all the decorations Tuvul, Nihil and even Ballas have).
And of course the lack of giant arm...
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