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cranberrybogmummy · 9 months
the majority of you softlings couldn't defend yourself from a feral Smart Toaster (TM) when the robot uprising happens.
You are gonna get murdered by the feral toaster.
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bitterestbuggy · 11 months
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Characters are Sam (left) and Tansy (right) and both belong to Tomatoexists on Artfight
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heckincuddlies · 2 years
Hey, remember I told you about the knockoff reversible plushies? That company's making knockoff squishmallows now 🤣🥰
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I'm calling this little man Ginger, because it suits him 🤣 @squiddokiddo I did consider calling him Gordon, but I already have a Gordon and it might get confusing 😅
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smileysuh · 7 months
night terror
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🌙 staring. Seungcheol x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. As much as you love being a mother, you think some of your favorite moments might just happen when the kids are asleep. Seeing Seungcheol with Hana and Daehyun is one of the great joys of your life, but you have needs too, and after a long day, you really need something to help you relax.
tw/cw. unprotected sex, bathroom sex, mirror sex, dirty talk, praise, fingering, blow job, deep throating, mentions of masochism, loud sex, your kid hearing you scream during sex and then your husband lies to her and says it's night terrors when really it's him - he's the night terror, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.2k
🍭 aus. rich businessman cheol, husband cheol, established relationship, father cheol, stay at home mom reader, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. i need a rich husband sugar daddy and i need him now
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There had been a time in his life when Seungcheol had thought he might never settle down. As a busy businessman, he’d never been able to comprehend how it would be possible to factor a wife - let alone children - into his schedule. But then, one summer afternoon, he’d met you, and all his fears had vanished.
His previous relationships had been marred with accusations about his lack of making time, and he’d been ready to repeat the same issues with you. However, the conflicts never came. You were a strong, capable, young woman, and as the first months of you flew by blissfully, Seungcheol had realized you accepted him for him, work and all. If anything, distance made the heart grow fonder, and when you were together, you both gave each other your complete attention, nurturing the relationship in a way that he’d never had a relationship truly nurtured before. 
Six months in, he’d asked you to marry him, and it was the most confident he’d ever been with a decision in his entire life. When you’d gotten pregnant, only a short while after your honeymoon, the two of you had sat down to discuss what being parents would look like. You’d both been committed to giving your children the best lives possible going forward, and - knowing he’d be around less than a dad with a different, less demanding job - Seungcheol had asked if you’d be interested in the stay-at-home life.
It’s been five years since then, and there hasn’t been a day that’s gone by where Seungcheol has questioned his decisions with you. He comes home at erratic times in the evening, but he always finds you excelling at motherhood. 
He truly doesn’t know how you do it and make it look easy. You have such a gentle way with not only the kids, but him as well, and he almost feels as if you were meant for this role. You’re a caregiver, through and through, and Seungcheol thinks he must be one of the luckiest men in the whole world to be able to fulfill the provider counterpart. 
It’s a Monday evening, and he’s managed to get off work early. When he arrives at your large family home, he follows the sound of giggles to the kitchen. This room has been the heart of your house ever since the kids were old enough to follow you around it like ducklings, watching you cook with eyes full of wonder - he thinks they must get that trait from him at least. 
He leans against the wall while he watches you, taking in the vision in front of him. It’s mac and cheese night, a long-held tradition in your household, wherein you help the kids make the base, and allow them to choose their favorite toppings to go in the ramekins before oven baking. 
The elder of your children, Daehyun, is more adventurous, and it looks like you’re helping him saute a pan of mushrooms on the gas stove top. Even while dealing with the hot element, and a little boy grabbing at your apron while teetering on his cooking step stool, you’re giving just as much attention to your youngest. 
Hana is the apple of Seungcheol’s eye, and - bless her heart - she’s a cheese fiend. There must be five different kinds of cheese on the counter, and you’re softly talking to her while she struggles to grate a small block of what looks to be gruyere. 
“You’re doing so well,” you tell your daughter. “Give mommy just a moment and she’ll help you grate the last of it. I don’t want you hurting your hands.”
“Okay, mama,” Hana nods, setting the cheese down before leaning over to watch you stir the pan. 
“Do you want to try a mushroom, sweetheart?” you ask, picking one out of the pan to taste for yourself. “They’re very good.”
Hana’s always been better at trying new things if you or Seungcheol go first, and the businessman finds himself smiling while he watches the soft moment.
“Okay,” Hana says, but she doesn’t sound too sure. 
“It’s a little hot, so I’m going to put it on the cutting board to cool before either of you taste it, okay?” You lift a few mushrooms from the sizzling pan, setting them down and gently blowing away the steam. “Let me know if these are good, Daehyun, or if you’d like me to cook them a little longer to make them more crispy.”
The three of you are so wrapped up in your own little world, and Seungcheol supposes the soft classical music in the background had drowned out the sound of his footfalls as he’d approached. He decides it’s a good time to make his presence known, so he moves into the room, coming to stand on the other side of the island countertop.
“Look at you three chefs,” he muses.
“Daddy!” His children scream, with Daehyun jumping from his stool to run around the table and hug Seungcheol around the waist. Hana, meanwhile, still needs help getting down from the steps, and Seungcheol watches you lift the small child to set her on the floor so she can join her brother on the other side of Seungcheol. 
“It smells good,” Seungcheol tells you, smiling at you as he rubs the backs of his children.
“We were just trying mushrooms!” Daehyun announces, releasing Seungcheol in favour of running to you to grab the food before dashing back to his dad, holding his hand out. 
Seungcheol accepts the mushroom, and he tries it, letting out an embellished groan. “These are great,” he says, which prompts both children to try them too.
“Perfect!” Daehyun agrees.
Seungcheol watches you turn off the heat under the pan, moving to finish grating the gruyere for Hana. “How was work, my love?” you ask.
“Fine,” he sighs, not wanting to think about his job in a moment like this. “I couldn’t miss mac and cheese night. How were things around here?”
“Hana, why don’t you tell daddy about preschool?” you suggest, moving a pan of preprepared pasta bake ramekins on a tray to the island counter. 
“We did art!” Hana says proudly. “Made something for you.”
“Really?” Seungcheol loves receiving drawings from his kids. “Want to go grab it for me?”
You’re two steps ahead of him, even while cooking, and you reach behind yourself to grab a piece of paper from the fridge. You hold it out to Seungcheol, and he takes it from you, smiling widely as he looks at the image.
“It’s our family,” Hana explains, although, with the dad character holding a briefcase and dressed in a suit, Seungcheol thinks it would be impossible for him to think it’s anything else.
“I love it, you’re going to be an artist one day,” he tells her, reaching down to pick her up, tucking her by his hip. “And how about you, Daehyun? How was soccer practice?”
“Mommy picked me up after school and she had veggie snacks which weren’t that good but I ate them anyways, and we did practice and I scored goals-” Seungcheol loves how his son rambles, and he listens patiently while Daehyun describes finding a coin on the field that he can add to his collection of treasures he’s picked up throughout his life.
By the time the story is finished, you’ve already put the mac and cheese in the oven, and you’re standing with your palms on the counter, watching Seungcheol interact with his children. There’s a gentle smile on your face, your eyes lit up with affection.
Seungcheol is drawn to you, and he walks around the island, Hana still tucked on his hip. “Hi,” he says softly, leaning forward to press a chaste kiss to your lips. “How was mommy’s day?”
“Good,” you respond. “Hana and I went to a greenery after preschool to get some new plants for the garden.”
“Oh yeah?” Seungcheol looks down at his daughter. “Did you two find anything nice?”
“Mommy got me a bouquet of tulips,” Hana confirms. 
“We also got a few more lavender bushes and some rosemary,” you add. “She played with bubbles while I planted them, and then we went to get Daehyun for soccer. A few of his friends came over with their moms after that to play in the pool, and then we started mac and cheese.”
“Sounds like a full day,” Seungcheol nods. He’s constantly in awe of how you juggle both kids, house maintenance, a social life, and cooking. 
“The kids are tuckered out,” you say, reaching out to brush some hair from Hana’s face. “They were thinking we could watch some Disney movies after dinner before bed.”
“Well we can’t say no to that, can we,” Seungcheol smiles. 
“No, we can’t,” you agree. “Daehyun, the mac and cheese is in the oven, should we start on a salad?”
“Do we have to?” he asks.
“Greens are an important part of a healthy diet,” you remind the little boy who’s always had problems with his veggies. “How about you help me choose what type of salad to make?”
“Can we have the one with lots of cheese?” Hana questions.
Seungcheol loves his little cheese fiend, he loves his family, and most of all, he loves that he gets to share it with you every day.
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After being filled up with hot mac and cheese, the kids had fallen asleep less than thirty minutes into their movie. Seungcheol had carried them to bed, double checking to make sure they were tucked in all right, and now, he heads into your shared room, closing the soundproof doors behind him.
“I’ve said it already, but I’ll say it again, dinner was great,” he tells you, as he heads to his closet to begin removing his button-up shirt. “Even the salad was good, I haven’t seen Daehyun eat that many greens in months.” 
“He’s warming up to them,” you smile, coming up behind your husband to give him a hug from behind, your cheek pressed to his back. “We were all happy you were there to eat with us. I know work has been busy, so I wasn’t sure if you’d make it.”
“And miss mac and cheese night?” Seungcheol scoffs. “Not even Jeon Wonwoo himself could keep me from that.”
You laugh at the mention of his business partner. “He can join next time, if he has the time. Hana misses Uncle Woo.”
“That's because he dotes on her.”
“As if you don’t.” 
“We all do, she��s a special kid, that one.”
“They both are,” you muse. “Daehyun downplayed it, but he was doing really well in practice. Coach says he has some real talent. Apparently he can’t shut up about the way that you take him to games twice a month in box seats. I think it’s making a huge difference.”
“That’s good to hear,” Seungcheol smiles. 
“Anyways, enough about our days,” you sigh. “Do you need a shower?”
“Why? Do I smell?” Seungcheol can’t help but chuckle.
“No, I was just thinking I might have one, and maybe you’d like to join me.”
Seungcheol groans. “Well, now I definitely need a shower.”
“Perfect.” You pull away from his back, reaching down to take off your shirt as you head to the bathroom. “I’ll see you in there, daddy.” 
As much as you love being a mother, you think some of your favorite moments might just happen when the kids are asleep. Seeing Seungcheol with Hana and Daehyun is one of the great joys of your life, but you have needs too, and after a long day, you really need something to help you relax. 
You turn the shower on, and as the spa-like bathroom fills with steam, you undo your pants. You’re slipping out of the fabric when Seungcheol joins you. His large form gently presses against your back, and his lips find your shoulder. His hands smooth down your arms softly, and he presses his crotch against your bum, showing you how turned on he is.
“You look so beautiful today,” he tells you.
“And you look as sexy as ever,” you respond, smiling while leaning back against his bare chest. 
“I do, do I?” You feel him grin where he’s kissing your neck, and you rest the back of your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes and enjoying the feeling of him. “Guess this means we’re a match made in heaven.”
You love when he sweet-talks you like this, and when his hand slips down your abdomen to cup your pussy, you let out a groan of pleasure. “Should we go in the shower?”
“The shower can wait,” Seungcheol states, “and these panties have to come off.”
“You got it, daddy.” You hook your fingers in the waistband, pushing them down so his eager fingers can touch you directly. The contact has you shivering, and he begins to circle your clit. 
“How did I ever get so lucky with you?” he asks, teasing you while he grinds against your ass.
“I ask myself the same question every day,” you confess, whimpering when one of his large fingers slips into your core. 
“I think I’m the lucky one,” Seungcheol tells you, sucking on the sweet spot on your throat that always makes your entire body react. 
“Agree to disagree,” you whisper, consumed by the feeling of his fingers as he adds a second one, working you open. 
“It’s torture spending a whole day without being able to touch you,” your husband confesses, as he applies pressure to your clit with his palm.
You know exactly how he feels, and although you’re leaning into his touch, allowing him to be the one exploring your form, you know your patience will run dry soon. You need his cock, more than you’ve ever needed anything in your life.
It’s tantalizing, having his large bulge rubbing against your ass while he finger fucks you closer and closer to a release that’s always much too easy for him to earn. 
You turn your head to the side, reaching behind yourself to tangle your fingers in his hair, bringing his lips to your own. 
After all these years, Seungcheol knows your body inside and out. There are no words that need to be spoken as he gets you closer and closer to your high, only whimpered moans and groans of pleasure as you remain lip-locked.
Your first orgasm overtakes you, and you gasp into the kiss, wiggling your hips for more stimulation while he helps you through it. His free hand is on your waist, and he aids in your motions, which only adds to your pleasure.
“Cheol-” you whisper.
“I know, darling, I know,” he presses his forehead to yours, finishing you off before removing his hand from between your legs. He quickly sucks your juices off his digits before working on your bra, which falls off to join your clothes on the floor.
You turn in his embrace, palms flat to his chest so you can push him back until his bum hits the edge of the sink. “I wanna suck you off,” you tell him, feeling confident and as needy as ever.
“Fuck, I love it when you use that sweet, pretty mouth of yours to say the dirtiest things,” Seungcheol groans, large hands moving down to work on his belt while you sink to your knees on the tiled floor.
“You had a long day,” you tell him, knowing every day is long for the successful businessman, “I just want to make you feel good.”
“You always make me feel good,” he smiles, pushing his pants down so his cock can be released. 
Wasting no time, you wrap your hand around the base, taking one last look up at him to muse, “Well, I want to make you feel great,” before your mouth finds his large cock. 
The sounds he makes during sex have always been a huge turn-on for you, and the groans he lets out as you suckle on the head of his cock are like angels singing. You close your eyes, leaning into the act of pleasuring the man you love most in the world. 
His gentle hand finds your head, and he helps you blow him, taking more of him into your mouth while your hand pumps the base.
“You’re so good,” he whispers. “So fucking good for me.” 
You groan at the praise, and it makes his hips twitch, cock slipping into the back of your throat.
When you’d first been together, you hadn’t been used to the sensation, but after all this time together, you’ve become accustomed to it. In fact, you even kind of enjoy it when he throat-fuckes you, in some odd masochistic kind of way.
He’s slow with it, and you know he’s watching you carefully for any signs that he should let up on you. With you focused on your breathing and relaxing your throat, he never has to actually pull away. You listen to his sounds of pleasure grow, his grip tightening in your hair. 
“Fuck,” he groans, gently pulling you off his cock. “I need you.” 
He helps you to your feet and in one motion, he lifts you up and sets you on the sink, slotting between your legs. Your hands find his strong shoulders while he guides his cock to your pussy. His lip is caught between his teeth in concentration, and your heart swells with love for your husband.
The head of his cock slips into you and you both groan. 
“You’re wound up, darling,” he muses as he sinks a few more inches into you, test thrusting so your wet juices can cover his length and make it easier for you both. “Are you sure you don’t need some more of my fingers?”
“No,” you hold his strong shoulders tighter, “I just need you.”
“Yeah?” he leans in, pressing his lips to yours while his hands find your hips, one slipping to gently cup the small of your back. “Are you still my needy princess?”
It had been the first true pet name that stuck when you’d started dating, and even after all these years, it still makes a tingle run up your spine.
“Yes, Cheol, you feel so good-”
His thrusts have his cock sinking fully inside of you now, and you can’t help the way your eyes roll into the back of your head. Your body is alight with pleasure, and you truly can't help the sounds that are escaping past your lips.
You try your best to be quiet with Cheol most nights, but your kids are asleep. On top of that,  there’s a soundproof bedroom door, a bathroom door and a shower running to muffle your noises, so you figure now is as good a time as any to let loose a little.
“God, I love it when you get loud for me,” Seungcheol groans, leaning forward to pepper your throat in kisses while you lace your fingers through his soft hair. 
Each thrust has his cock hitting a spot deep inside of you, and you can feel tension building in your abdomen, a sign of another orgasm on its way.
“You look so perfect like this,” your husband muses. Suddenly, he’s pulling away from you. “I want you to see.” 
You moan in annoyance as he pulls out of you, dragging you off the countertop so he can turn you around, facing the steamed mirror. You bend over the sink, letting out a whine when he slips inside of you again, leaning forward with his chest pressed to your back while he wipes a hand along the reflective surface. 
You can see yourself now, and you look completely fucked out. 
Cheol grins behind you, and you love how the reflection showcases how much larger than you he is. With your smaller form in front of him, his shoulders are visible on either side of your own, and his height makes your pussy clench around him.
“Told you it was sexy,” Seungcheol muses, leaning forward again to press his lips to your shoulder. “I want you to watch as I make you cum.”
You’re not entirely sure you’ll be able to keep your eyes open, but you nod all the same, eager to please him as he begins to fuck you again. Each thrust has your hips pressing to the marble sink top, and it hurts a little, but the pain is pleasure.
You groan, panting as you watch Seungcheol fuck you from behind through the mirror.
He truly is a vision. each slap of his hips against your ass has your breasts bouncing too-
Steam is quickly covering the mirror again, and you reach out a shaky hand to wipe it away, intent on doing your best to follow through with his command.
“Cheol,” you whimper, his thrusts getting faster, harder- 
“That’s it,” he groans. “Let me hear you.” 
Your sounds are getting louder and louder as the tension in your stomach builds- and when Seungcheol licks two fingers, slipping his hand down your front to play with your clit, the noises of pleasure become uncontrollable. 
“Gonna cum for me, princess?” he asks, breath hot against your throat.
Everything feels so intense, the steam in the room adding to your heightened senses, and you nod quickly. You can’t find it in yourself to speak, you can only grab the sink as an anchor while your husband works you to the edge-
“I’m there too,” Seungcheol assures you. “Cum with me.” 
The sound that escapes you as your pussy clamps down on his cock is almost inhuman, and you struggle to keep your eyes open, gazing at your own fucked out expression through the mirror while Seungcheol rides out your highs.
His head is thrown back, throat all gorgeous and on display- 
You love him a stupid amount, and it only makes your core throb harder around his cock while he fills you up with his cum. 
It doesn’t help that his fingers are still on your clit, and you twitch from oversensitivity, letting out another loud cry. Seungcheol’s eyes open, as if he hadn’t even realized what he was still doing, too lost in the feeling of your throbbing cunt- he’s quick to pull his hand away, resting it on your hip as his thrusts begin to slow.
“Fuck,” he groans, “that was good.” 
His lips find your shoulder, and you both do your best to slow your heavy breathing. 
“Now I really need that shower,” you joke, earning a chuckle from the man still inside of you.
“Let's do it,” he says, giving you one last kiss before he pulls out of you.
He grabs your hand, helping you to the shower-
“Shit, did you hear that?” His head turns towards the closed door.
“I didn’t hear anything,” you tell him.
“No, listen, there it is again-” Seungcheol lets go of your hand, and he quickly grabs his robe, wrapping it around his naked body. He opens the bathroom door. “Shit, we woke up one of the kids. I’ll be right back.”
He exits the bathroom, shutting you inside behind him as he tightens his robe, rushing to the large soundproof bedroom doors. When he opens them, he finds Hana standing there, her stuffed teddy in her arms.
“Is Mama okay?” she asks, looking up at him like she’s on the verge of tears.
“Yes, sweetheart,” Seungcheol is quick to sink to his knees, wrapping his daughter in a hug. “You know she gets night terrors sometimes. It was just a bad dream, but I got a shower started for her and she should be okay.”
“Are you sure?” Hana asks, wiping at her eyes.
Seungcheol releases her, taking a look at her face and helping her clear the tear tracks with his thumb. “Yes, love, mama is fine. Here, let me get you back to bed.”
He picks up his daughter, carrying her back to her room. She settles in alright, and with a quick kiss to her forehead and a goodnight, Seungcheol leaves her be. He’s in a rush to get back to you, and as he enters your room and ensuite bathroom, shrugging off his robe, he finds you in the shower.
“I swear that kid has super hearing,” he muses softly, joining you under the water spray and pulling your body tight to his own.
“Maybe our soundproof bedroom door isn’t as soundproof as we thought,” you suggest. “Did you tell her it was night terrors again?”
“That seems to be the company line, doesn’t it?” Seungcheol can’t help but chuckle. He feels a little bad that the lie has gone on for two years already, but what else is he supposed to say to a kid who just heard her mother screaming?
“Hey, Night Terror,” you tug him closer, “you look lost in thought. What’s on your mind?”
Seungcheol sighs. “Just that maybe we need to invest in some good earplugs for the kids.”
You laugh, snuggling close to his chest while he wraps you in his arms. “Darling, I love the way you think.”
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☀️ mlist + an. thank you for reading! sometimes we all just need a short, sweet, established relationship sugar daddy/ A+ actual dad Cheol in our lives, you know?
🍭 support me by. sending a tip here or here - or become a patron to access monthly bonus content and extensions for fics like this one :) find the Patreon teaser below! 
🔮 preview.  “Fuck the house, I want you here. Now.” You don’t waste another second, grabbing his face and crashing your lips against his. His own hands find your hips, and within moments he’s pulling you onto his lap, growling into the kiss. It’s clear from the way that he’s touching you that he has no objections to fucking in the hot tub.
cw/ tw. Unprotected sex, exhibitionism, fucking in a hot tub, dry/wet humping, multiple reader orgasms, sensory stuff with the hot tub and heat, breast worship, fingering, cheol using her like a fleshlight, manhandling, some dirty talk, praise, breeding kink, finger sucking,. I petnames. (hers) princess.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 2.9k I teaser wc. 300
🌙 staring.Cheol x afab!Reader
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“Uncle Woo!” Hana lights up as one of her favorite people enters the house, and Wonwoo returns her smile, dropping onto one knee to embrace her.
“Hey, Hana,” he grins.
“They told us we were sleeping over with you but I almost didn’t believe it!” Hana raves.
“I got the guest room all set up for you two,” Wonwoo says, standing up while holding your daughter to his chest. His gaze shifts to Daehyun. “Uncle Mingyu and Uncle Vernon are going to pop by for a bit too, they’ve been missing watching soccer with you. I’ve got the game from earlier recorded, you could have some boys' time while I play princesses with Hana.”
God. You love Wonwoo. He’s the best uncle you could have asked for concerning your kids. It’s clear Seungcheol thinks the same, his grip tightening around you while his smile widens. You all watch Hana joyfully rant about playing princesses, and Daehyun is even smiling at the thought of spending time with his favorite uncles.
“Do you two have any special plans for tonight?” Wonwoo asks when there’s a lull in the conversation. 
It’s your anniversary tonight, and you definitely have special plans, but none you can discuss in front of the kids.
“Mostly just taking her out for dinner,” Seungcheol says, which is only half a lie as he turns to gaze at you with hearts in his eyes.
“Nothing too extreme,” you agree, patting his chest. 
Wonwoo gives you a look that tells you he sees through your bluff, but your kids are none the wiser, and - as it is with your ‘night terrors’ - at the end of the day, a few white lies to protect their innocence doesn’t hurt anybody.
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s4pphicghost · 2 months
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doing ellies eyeliner ⋆。˚ ❀
first post !! hope you guys will like it <3 (im sorry for mistakes, english is not my first language) feel free to correct me/give advice!!
!! palestine links !! & !! daily click to help !!
your girlfriend frowned and crossed her arms at your words. "seriously? me and makeup?” she looked at you doubtfully. "yes!!" you cried out happily, “i’d really like to see how eyeliner would look on you.. please, ellie”, you looked at her with a soft, sweet look, trying to mentally convince her. the girl rolled her eyes jokingly. you were so excited by the idea, she just couldn’t upset you with refusal.
“okay..”, she sat on the bed, leaning on her hands and watching in a relaxed position as you rummaged through your makeup bag with enthusiasm. “gonna sit on my lap?” ellie grinned playfully. “only if it makes you more comfortable” you glanced at her and sat on her lap. she wrapped her arms around your waist and looked into your eyes. her touch sent pleasant goosebumps across your skin. you placed your hands on her cheeks and she leaned into your hands… you couldn’t help but smile. “close your eyes and don’t open until i tell you to”
ellie obediently closed her eyes. you spent a few seconds admiring your girl: freckles randomly scattered across her face, cute thick eyebrows and that scar... the features that made her stand out. you stared long enough, she realized what was happening, smiling without opening her eyes. noticing her reaction, you got down to business. you carefully traced the tip of your eyeliner along her lash line, trying not to move too fast. such thick and dark eyelashes, they always impressed you and you loved it. silence filled the room. you were so close to her, you could hear and feel her breath on your hands. the moment felt kind of intimate, it made you slightly nervous. your fingertips gently stroke the girl’s cheeks. she seemed very calm and relaxed, unlike you. ellie frowned when your movements became more confident, her eyelids twitched from your touch out of habit. you accidentally moved your hand with the eyeliner in the wrong direction. “fuck..” you whispered through a dissatisfied sigh and stood up from her. "whats wrong?" the absence of you in ellies hands, even for a few moments, upset the girl.
“you’re twitching too much, the line is crooked..” you returned to her lap with a cotton swab in your hands. she raised her head again. "too ticklish." she said sharply, her voice filled with playful annoyance. you carefully wiped away the crooked line of the eyeliner, trying not to press too hard on her thin skin. “be patient a little longer baby”, you kissed her forehead softly and again did your best trying to draw perfect lines. the girl put her hands back on your waist and squeezed a little, pulling you closer. she smirked in satisfaction, without opening her eyes. you melted under her touch, but you tried to keep your hand strong and make confident movements, even if your hands were a little shaky. after a few minutes of suffering, you got more or less accurate triangles. “open your eyes..” you closed your eyeliner and looked at your girlfriend with admiration. she frowned a little “ugh, this thing tightens the skin..”
you smirked contentedly and placed your hands on her shoulders. “you look so cute.. i knew this shape would suit you.” the girl smiles back at you, happy that you are happy with the result. “you’re such a pro”. “you didn’t even see it!”, you exclaimed, quickly got up from her lap and ran for the mirror. "here.." the girl was slightly surprised by her reflection. “wow.. this is really good,” she said, looking at herself from different angles. the eyeliner really did highlight her eye shape well and the forest green color of her eyes seemed to pop out more. “im surprised i even like it". a smile spread across your face and you began peppering your girlfriend’s face with endless amount of soft, small kisses. she laughed softly, feeling the warmth of your lips that made her blush a bit. her arms are wrapped tightly around your waist.
"what's next? you’re gonna dress me in your evening dress?” she asked jokingly through your nonstop kisses. you paused for a couple of seconds and looked at her. the delight on your face made it clear to ellie that she just made a big mistake. her eyes widened with slight embarrassment. "oh fuck no..."
i would be really grateful for any feedback!! ty<3
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oraclebykittie · 2 years
pepper by the butthole surfers.
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sinsmockingbird · 4 months
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PAIRING: Lynette x GN!Reader
WARNINGS: Smut, NSFW, Dom!Reader, Sub!Character, Reader has a cock, Heat, Breeding, Scratching
AUTHORS NOTE: The sweetest baby that I love with all my heart. Lynette deserves nothing but the best, I stand by that.
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LYNETTE TOLD you everything. She always had since the first day you both became official. She'd tell you how her day went, how she was feeling, and she'd tell you about her wants. She told you everything, everything but this.
You noticed something was off with Lynette the moment you had woken up that morning. She had a sort of... distant look in her eyes, and it always seemed like she wasn't entirely present. She was more quiet- more so than she usually is, really only giving you yes or no answers or just a nod or shake of her head. But nothing rang more alarm bells in your head than just how clingy she was being with you.
Lynette wasn't always big with physical affection. She wasn't opposed to it by any means, and would accept any you give her if you initiate it. She never initiated any sort of hugging or even hand holding, she always waited for you to do it. Yet, here she was, practically glued to you as she curled herself up in your lap, hands clutching onto the front of your shirt.
"Lyn, is something wrong?" You asked for the 10th time that day since you first saw her. You glanced down at her, not being able to meet her eyes considering she had buried her face into your chest.
Lynette didn't respond, and she made no indication that she had even heard you. You frowned, moving to pull her off your lap to get up from the couch, and immediately she made a sound of protest. You flinched when you felt her nails dig so deep into your shirt they were pressing into your skin, and for a moment you thought she'd break through it.
"Lynette," You said her name with a bit more force that made her momentarily pause, giving you enough time to pull her off you and settle her onto the couch besides you. "What the hell is going on with you?"
You held her arms firmly against her sides, looming over her and making sure she wouldn't be able to wiggle out of your hold. You finally got a good look at her face after hours of her having into buried against you. Her face was flushed red and covered in a light layer of sweat, her pupils dilated, and you could hear her heavy breathing.
Your eyes widened, finally realizing that something was indeed wrong, "Lynette what's wrong, please talk to me."
"I-" Lynette opened her mouth momentarily before quickly closing it, her gaze averting away from your face as she tried to wiggle around in your hold once again, but you kept it firm.
"Lynette," You said her name once again, your voice slightly raised and serious as you looked at her with pleading eyes. You were utterly worried about her at this point.
She froze again, and you could tell she was having a debate with herself in her head, and you waited for her to respond, and when she did, you didn't know how to react. "I'm in heat."
You simply just... froze at her words, your confusion clear as you tried to understand what exactly she meant by being "in heat." Lynette ended up using the opportunity to finally wiggle out from your grip, and you didn't have much time process before she was pushing you flat onto your back onto the couch. She moved to curl herself back up into a ball, lying on your stomach and chest, her hands gripping at your shirt.
"W-What are you-" You pursed your lips, just deciding to not fight back and allow Lynette to lay on you. She was clearly intent on doing so, and you had a feeling it was because of this heat thing. "What do you mean, "'I'm in heat?'"
Lynette pursed her lips, thinking over her words for a reply very carefully. She had never talked to you about this before, and she honestly wasn't sure on how to, especially not when she was currently in the middle of one.
"It means it's breeding season for cats, and considering I'm, well," Lynette's tail thumped softly against your tail, letting you know what she meant.
"I- I see," You muttered, allowing her words to sink in and allow yourself to understand on what she meant.
Considering Lynette had quite a bit of cat qualities to her, it would make sense to you that she would experience some sort of reaction to the breeding season. It would explain how she was acting very unusual with you, and would explain some other things. But as you thought over it more, one realization came to you, and you felt your face flush when you hesitantly spoke up.
"Does this mean your, uhm, sexually aroused right now..?" You tentatively asked, and you felt her body slightly arch up against you.
Lynette was quiet, and for a moment you thought you had somehow pushed her too far with the question, but then you heard her mumble a simple, "Yes."
You noddes your head at her answer, your face flushing even more at the new knowledge you had, before asking her one last question, "Can I help you with that?"
Lynette's ears perked up, and she subtly shifted her head slightly on your chest, her eyes widening slightly. "Y-You want to?"
"If it means I can make you feel more comfortable, then yes." You answered without hesitation, your voice gentle as you moved a hand up to scratch behind one of her ears, causing her to let out a small sound of approval.
"...Okay," Lynette nodded her head, agreeing to allow you to help her.
She was hesitant to move off of you for a moment, but eventually did. Once you were up and off the couch, you grabbed her hand and began tugging her towards your bedroom. You could tell she was eager by the way she stuck close to you and by the swishing of her tail.
Once entering your bedroom, you close the door and move to kiss her softly, and slowly. When you felt her wanting to deepen the kiss, you do, and from there it only escalates more and more until the kiss is sloppy and desperate.
"P-Please..!" Lynette whined against your lips, jumping up and wrapping her arms and legs around you, and you barely caught her as you carry her over to the bed.
"Okay-" You breath, dropping her down on your bed, and pinning her beneath your body, kissing her deeply and desperately, your hands moving to begin undoing her clothing. "Okay, shh, m'gonna help."
You don't really bother with undoing her top, mostly focusing your attention on undoing her bottoms. Once they were pulled down her legs, you hastily began undoing your pants, hissing as you felt Lynette's nails dragging down your arms in desperation.
She let out needy whimpers and whines, mouth agape as you finally free your cock from your pants. She pants, her cunt aching between her legs even more, the intensity of her heat becoming all too much. It's almost excruciating, the pain and heat coursing through her body.
"P-Please-!" Lynette whimpers, bucking her hips up against you, her pupils blown as she looks at you with a begging face. "P-Put it in!"
You dip a hand down between her legs first, checking to see if she was wet enough, and to your surprise, she was soaked. You hear her choke on a moan at the feeling of your fingers dragging through her folds, gathering up her slick before moving to lathering up your cock in it, while moving to position it at her entrance.
The second you press your tip into her, her back is arching off the bed with a loud cry, her body so sensitive from hours of suffering through the intense heat coursing through her body. You move to hold her close, pressing gentle kisses against her face, while pushing deeper into her before giving her some thrusts.
"F-Fuck, so wet and tight," You groaned, feeling her slick coating your cock quickly the more you thrusted in, and you swore she felt more tighter around you than normal.
"M-More-!" Lynette begged, her hands clinging onto your shoulders, digging her nails through your shirt and into your skin.
The pain made you hiss, but you didn't stop, not when you could see the agony of pleasure coursing through Lynette's face. So you thrust faster, pushing yourself deeper and deeper inside her tight pussy, spreading her perfectly to fit your cock.
You groan, pressing your face into her neck at the feeling of her wrapped around you. It felt so good, the way she was so tight, and all for you. The feeling made you not want to leave her, to keep her stuffed full of your cock just so you could feel her tightness for longer.
"O-Oh, Archons!" Lynette whined, pressing her body up against you, eyes rolling back in her head as she reaches her first orgasm quickly.
It's not surprising to you, considering she must have been holding all of this in all day, and finally being able to have this pleasure... makes sense why she was cumming all over your cock. It was long and intense, leaving Lynette shaking and unable to breath till it finally died down, and she could feel your gentle thrusts again.
"You okay?" You asked, your voice soft as you rocked your cock in and out of her gently, letting her feel every inch of it inside her, something that made her whimper through her gasps of breath.
"K-Keep going," Is the only thing Lynette responded with, moving to wrap her shaking arms around your neck and her legs around your waist.
Being all but trapped against Lynette, you obliged and began picking up your thrusts once again, and it didn't take you long to get back into the swift pace you had before. Small, but sharp thrusts deep into her, perfect to make her body erupt with pleasure as well as allow you to feel her tightness squeezing around you.
It felt amazing, and you didn't want to pull out, even when your orgasm was building more and more. You grunted, clenching your jaw as you felt that coil in your stomach, but you didn't want to stop, didn't want to pull out of her.
"Aghh, g-gonna-" You bury your face into her neck, grunting and unable to form the words you needed to say, but she knew, she understood.
"Inside!" Lynette quickly gasped, tightening her body around you and holding you closer, making sure you couldn't pull away. "P-Please, inside!"
Hearing her beg you to cum inside me fueled a fire inside you that you didn't know you had. With sudden brutal thrusts, your hips stuttered, until you pushing all of your length inside her and letting go, grunting into her neck.
A dopey smile spread across Lynette's face when she felt your cum filling her up. She layed there, shaking and moaning as she came with you, focusing on the feeling of your warm cum. You were left groaning and panting, wrapping your arms around her waist and tugging her closer to you, wanting to shove every drop of your cum into her.
Once you finished, you couldn't help but collapse on top of her, panting to catch your breath, eyes shutting as you focused on the feeling of being buried inside Lynette, a few words utteres from your mouth, "Gonna be the cutest mommy."
It had her freezing for a moment, her heart beating quickly in her chest, before you tail thumped against the bed, her joy from your words not being able to be held in. You smiled against her shoulder as you felt her nuzzling her face into your hair affectionately, a soft purr beginning to be heard.
Thoughts of having a family, kids of your own went through your head, a silent love passing between you both as you relished in one another's arms.
ENDING NOTES: May have rushed the end a bit, apologies, I just couldn't find a good fitting end to write.
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mj0702 · 4 months
The other Bronze – Pt.5
As usual my thanks go out to @samkerrworshipper and @valewosomtb for the support and every other person who find a little joy in this series ❤️
Lucy wrangled you into the backseat of her holy Cupra while Ona easily slip into the driver seat. The blonde manoeuvred the Car safely through traffic and they arrived Camp Nuo shortly after leaving the house. Normally Lucy and Ona would walk the short distance but with state you were in that would be an impossible task.
“Come on Bubs... we're here... time to head to Alexia” Lucy said smiling trying to get your attention as you continued to be engrossed with the fidget toy.
Lucy nudged you lightly and you looked at her “Huh?”
“I have to go into work...you'll stay with Alexia, okay?” your sister explained for the second (third?) time
“Can't I stay with you... I'll be good, I promise” you say with big pleading eyes
“Not today Bubs... tomorrow okay... you will have fun with Ale” Lucy said softly as she coaxed your high ass out of the car.
She took your hand to steady you once again as she led you into the building leaving Ona with two kit bags and your “Survival Kit” as Lucy dubbed it. Once inside Lucy made a beeline for the gym knowing Alexia always came in early so she could drop you off at Gym care. She pushed the door open with her foot not trusting you to not fall over once she let go of your arm.
“Alexia... your day kid is here” she announced grinning while you looked around stunned like you've never saw a gym before
“What an earth happened?” Alexia exclaimed taking in your slightly swaying form “I saw her three hours ago – she was fine!”
“Yeah well...” Lucy rubbed the back of her neck embarrassed “... I may or may not have overdosed her painkillers... now she's high as a kite and doesn't really know what’s going on”
“You WHAT?” there it was – Captain Alexia appeared once again
“It was an accident because I misinterpreted the dosage...” your sister defended herself
“Woah” you exclaimed in awe as your eyes land on the Barca captain “You're pretty”
There was a short silence before Lucy bursted out laughing and Alexia looked confused at you. You stumbled towards her stopping just in time to not crash into her as she steadied you and you got really close to her face
“So pretty” you mumbled out “Why are you so pretty.. you have like... insanely brown eyes”
“Ehrm... thank you?” the Spaniard said bewildered by your actions “We've... met before?”
“Don't even bother... she'll won't remember anyway” Lucy was still laughing finding extreme joy in your high state at this point “Just... go with it... oh... and you remembered how I said to let her do weights if she wants... please don't let her”
“Lucy!! Vamos!” Keira yelled down the hallway in passing which caused you to turn around quickly nearly falling over if it wasn't for Alexias hand yanking on your shirt successfully pulling you back against her before letting you go again.
“Keira!” you shouted out happy trying to follow
“Nope...” Lucy said quickly stopping you as she stood in front of you “She called me, not you... you stay with Alexia... be good for her, okay Bubs?”
“You owe me Bronze... you owe me BIG time” Alexia grumbled at Lucy while your sister already was on the way out of the gym “Don't tell Mapí about this.. she'll find a reason to get out of training and land her annoying ass right here in the gym... I don't need a second child in here”
“I might be irresponsible sometimes, but I'm not that irresponsible... I wouldn't do that to you” Lucy held her pinkie up in a promise as she slipped through the door leaving you behind
“Okay Cariño... looks like it's just the two of...” Alexia turned around again just to find you gone “I swear I will get grey hair because of her...” she continue to mumble as she looked for you.
You were inspecting some of the stuff standing around.
You were about to touch a promising looking red button as you heard Alexia behind you
“Don't touch that” the Captain said strict as she softly pulled you away from the treadmill
“Did someone ever tell you that you have pretty eyes?” you slurred as the blonde sat you down on a bench in the corner of the gym.
“I've been told” Alexia mumbled wrecking her brain what she could you to keep you occupied while she did her rehab
“Do you have a partner, pretty spaniard?” you looked at her curious with glassy eyes
“Yes” Alexia answered shortly still trying to find entertainment for you
“What's his name?” you continued to question
“Her name is Olga” the blonde answered distracted
“Olga... lucky bitch” you said nonchalantly before trying to stand up again
“Sit” Alexia said strictly and raised an eyebrow at you
“Should I bark too?” you looked at her confused “I can roll over... I can do that really good” you nodded your head quickly
“Just... please stay seated” the blonde massaged her temples. This was going to be a long LONG rehab session. Right on cue the door opened again and one of Barcas physios – Valeria entered the room.
“Oh... we have company today?” the dark haired woman said surprised
“Are you Olga?” you looked up with glassy eyes at the new person in the room
“No... my name is Valeria and you are?” she smiled politely
“A guaranteed headache” Alexia mumbled before smiling at the physio “This is y/n … she's... a teammates relative” she introduced you not knowing how comfortable you or Lucy were in letting people know your relationship. She knew Lucy was a very private person so she kept it as casual as possible.
“Okay... should we get started?” the physio smiled as she set up some stuff for Alexia to work with
“Yep... I'm ready” you exclaimed happily as finally someone understood your need to move – which you thought you did but in reality you were still sitting in the same spot Alexia parked you in
“You just sit there and let the drugs wear off” the Captain said as she started to stretch
“Drugs?” the dark haired woman asked alarmed
“She sprained her wrist and her relative read the dosage of the painkillers wrong and gave her more than she should have – result is this 16 year old delirious girl” Alexia answered knowing that Drugs were an absolute no-go in club policy and that Valeria would have to report it if she had the suspicion of drug abuse by players.
“Jesus Maria... I wondered why she looked so... spaced out” Valeria chuckled
“Yeah... and I offered to babysit while she was still sober and got a stoned kid delivered to look...” the captain began to say as she saw you in the mirror crawling towards the leg press “DON'T touch that” she interrupted herself as you whipped your head around caught
“It looks interesting... you look boring” you said sheepishly
“30 minutes ago I was pretty” Alexia mumbled which caused the physio to laugh quietly
“Pretty spaniard?” you mumbled confused
“Yes?” Alexia answered distracted as she did her next exercise
“When are we done with training?” you whined
“Cariño... we just started” Alexia said concentrated “Maybe Valeria has a tennis ball for you or something” the blonde looked at her physio pleadingly
“I've got a stress ball?” Valeria offered the player the said item
“Look Cariño.. a stress ball just for you” the blonde smiled sweat starting to form on her forehead
“Uuuuhhh... stress ball” you exclaimed happily as you stumbled over towards the Barca captain
“Careful!!!” the blonde warned you starting a new exercise
You suddenly got distracted with your short attention span as you noticed the physio – again. You approached her cautiously. Alexia watched you ready to step in when needed or Valeria got uncomfortable.
“Who are you again, not-Olga?” you asked carefully
“Valeria... I'm a physiotherapist here with Barcelona” the dark haired woman answered warily.
You hummed approvingly before taking another cautious step towards the dark haired woman.
“Cariño” Alexia warned still not leaving you out of her sight
You stood now far too close to the physiotherapist – at least for her liking. She took a small step back as you lifted your hand slowly before you poked her cheek
“You look so soft” you mumbled mesmerized as you continued to poke her cheek softly
Valeria looked at you surprised but didn't stop your actions. Alexia groaned loudly being embarrassed by your antics.
“Thank you, y/n... that's a very nice thing of you to say” the physio chuckled now seeing that you really don't mean any harm and just being totally spaced out
“So many pretty soft woman... and I'm stuck with my sister” you sighed theatrical which caused both women to laugh.
“Do you want the stress ball, Cariño?” Alexia asked changing the topic before you could name your sister and destroyed her plan of keeping your relationship to one of the players a secret.
“Can I have pizza?” you asked hopefully grinning like a maniac at the blonde
“Lo siento – no pizza Cariño... but if you like I can make some paella at the weekend” Alexia tried to offer you a compromise
“Low silence?” you questioned gotten hung up on the spanish phrase not even listening to what the captain had offered you
“Lo siento...” Alexia repeated slowly as she took a water break “It means “I'm sorry” or just “Sorry” in spanish”
“You guys are weird” you shrugged your shoulders before you let yourself plopp down on the ground not without Alexia jumping forward grabbing your injured arm holding it so you wouldn't use it to support you. You shrieked frightened looking with big eyes up at the blonde.
“It's okay... I just don't want that you hurt yourself further Cariño” Alexia explained softly as she slowly let go of your arm since you now where seated on the ground.
“I don't think we'll get done more, Alexia... why don't we stop for today and you go for your massage” the physiotherapist now interrupted your interaction.
“Yeah, I think that's a good idea” Alexia sighed out looking at your half closed eyes while you had problems staying up right. She started to pack her bag before turning around looking at you. She crouched down in front of you softly stroking your cheek
“Come on Cariño … we're done for today. I'll just get my knee massaged and then we can go see your sister again, okay?” she spoke softly not wanting to startle you
“Can I get ice cream while you get your knee fixed? There's a REALLY good place on Wilmslow Road... it's called Moonlight... they have cookie dough and ice cream and oh my heavens their crepes are to die for... sooooo good” you smiled widely and Alexia would swear on her mothers live that you started to drool.
“You can go with your sister later, Cariño.... now we need to get going to my massage session” Alexia smiled softly at your confused state as she helped you up and guided you out of the gym towards the relaxing massage room
“I don't like it here” you slurred as you saw several massage beds “Looks like a hospital”
“Not a hospital Cariño....” the blonde spaniard chuckled “... just a simple massage room... hola Camilo – Cómo estás?” Alexia smiled at the dirty blonde man who smiled right back at her.
“Estoy bien, gracias” he smiled as he gestured towards the recliner
“Are you Olga?” you asked from behind Alexia trying to look over the midfielders shoulder which doesn't really work since you were about a head smaller than her
“Shush” the blonde silenced you started to get embarrassed immediately again “Quiet”
“Huh? Quién es?” the man asked as he spied around Alexia who decided to pull you next to her
“Y/n...” she answered as you looked at her confused
“Yes?” you said thinking she talked to you instead of introducing you to the other physio.
“Not you, Cariño.... Camilo asked your name...” Alexia explained as she sat down on one of the beds ready for her knee massage “Sit down Cariño...”
You flopped down next to Alexia on the ground as she looked down on you
“There are enough free beds and you choose the ground?” she raised an eyebrow at you
“They're reserved... there towels on them” you blinked rapidly
“They're not... just sit down on one of them” Alexia reassured you softly and you pushed yourself into a standing position again before basically falling face first on the bed next to Alexia.
The spaniard looked baffled but let you be hoping she could enjoy her massage without you interrupting her relax time. Camilo just started to massage Alexias knee as she heard light snoring from the bed next to her
“Seriously?” the blonde asked in disbelieve as she looked over to you
Your injured wrist was hanging off the bed your face turned away from her and you were dead to the world
“Cariño... despertar” Alexia whispered softly as she stroke slowly over your cheek trying to wake you up.
You grunted and turned your head away which caused the blonde to chuckle as she didn't give up switching to scratching the back of your neck.
“Come on, Cariño... it's time to wake up and deliver you back to your sister” she cooed at you
“Lucy?” you mumbled SLOWLY waking up – still very much very high
“Yeah... training is over, she's waiting in the locker room for you... let's get going, hm?” Alexia smiled slightly still scratching the back of your neck lightly
“Five more minutes” you mumbled sleepily as you pressed your nose further into the towel covered massage bed
“No come on... you can sleep at home...” Alexia got a little more persistent switching to slightly nudge your shoulder
You whined pathetically and tried to get away from her which caused you to nearly fall off if it wasn't for Alexia to pull you back by your shirt
“Aye dios mio” the blonde rolled her eyes pulling you up in a sitting position “I feel the nap have made it worse”
You grinned widely and swayed a little bit from left to right. The Barca captain pulled you further up until you were “standing” and held you securely by your hips
“Let's get you back to your sister... you actually showed me I don't want to have kids for at least another five years” Alexia mumbled pushing you forward carefully out of the room and down the hallway towards the locker room. She grabbed around you to open the door without letting go of your waist.
“Bronze” she yelled inside and immediately several heads shot up towards the voice of their captain.
“She's still in the shower” Ona said as she stood up walking over to you and took your swaying form Alexia leading you over to sit you down in front of Lucys cubicle “Just stay here, Bebita... Lucy will be back very soon” she said softly patting your head
“Mhm” you hummed smiling with a stoned look on your face
“What's wrong with her?” you could hear Mapí whispered and you turned your head and waved at her
“Hi colorbook spaniard” you grinned dopily
Half the locker room started laughing while Mapí looked a little hurt and confused. Keira studied your face before turning to the tattooed spaniard
“Don't take it personal... I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know where she is... Lucy overdosed her pain meds and now she's very VERY high” the english woman said
“Keira” you suddenly bursted out happily trying to stand up so you could get to her
“Stay down, Bitsy... I'll be over shortly, okay?” Keira said as she started to put some shoes on
“I have shoes too... see” you smiled holding up your hand
“Very nice shoes, Bitsy... they look good on you” Keira – of course – picked up on your state and just went with it.
“Thank you... I got them at the place on Cheetham Hill.... I love that shop... Lucy took me there a lot... and she always got me something too, you know... back in the day when she still cared about me” you started to ramble getting sad at the end
“She still cares about you, Bitsy... what makes you think otherwise?” Keira looked a little shocked at your “confession”
“Naah... she has her own life now....” you waved Keira off “... and a new girlfriend... did you know that? She's spanish”
“These topic changes giving me whip-lash” Keira mumbled before answering you “Yes Bitsy... I know... she's very nice too... and she's sitting right next to you”
You turned to your side – the wrong side – looking at Aitana and after a short moment “Damn... my sister has game... you pretty”
You could hear Keiras hand connect with her forehead as Mapí fell of the bench laughing
“Wrong side Bitsy... other side” Keira said desperately
“Oh... my bad” you mumbled and turned to Ona “... you? I met you before... why didn't you tell me you the new girl?”
“I'm... sorry?” Ona said knowing it has no worth trying to convince you that you already knew since Lucy officially introduced the two of you – telling you “This is Ona.. my girlfriend”
“Why would you date my sister?” you squinted your eyes sizing her up
“Oh now it gets good” Mapí grinned excited “Choose your answer wisely Batlle – she's out for blood”
Even Keira couldn't help it and started to grin – even if she tried to hide it.
“Ehrm...” Ona started taken aback but you already lost interest in her answer looking at her expectantly
“Do you speak French?” you asked her – changing topic again
“Why would she speak French? You don't speak French, Bubs” Lucy interrupted your “conversation” with her girlfriend drying her hair with a towel
“Elle a l'air d'être bonne avec sa bouche” you answered in nearly perfect French shrugging your shoulders.
“Jesus Christ...” your sister exclaimed shocked about what you just said “... why would you say something like this?”
“What did she say?” Mapí asked interested
“I said..” you stared but Lucy silenced you by putting her hand over your mouth
“NO!” she exclaimed horrified “Don't repeat it... please”
“Let her talk, Luce” Ona said not knowing what Lucy made a fuss about
“It's embarrassing...” your sister tried to warn her girlfriend before letting you go
“I said... what did I say??” you started but then lost your train of thoughts looking up at Luce for help.
“Nothing important” Lucy said quickly sitting down next to you changing into her sweatpants
“Buzzkill” Keira grinned from opposite you two
“Believe me... it wasn't something I want to hear my baby sister say ever again” your sister groaned turning towards you “And since WHEN do you speak French? Or is it just your mushed up brain that speaks French?”
“Jérôme taught me” you said grinning getting distracted by a piece of pre-wrap.
“Uh... is Jérôme your boyfriend?” Patri asked grinning
“Don't have a boyfriend... have a girlfriend” you mumbled totally engrossed with the piece of wrap
“I knew that” Mapí exclaimed victorious
“A girlfriend hm Bitsy...” Keira hummed smiling slightly “... you do take after your sister after all”
“My girlfriend is pretty” you mumbled distracted
“So is mine” Lucy defended herself
“You dating pretty spaniard??” you looked at her shocked
“Of course I do... I introduced you” your sister said desperately
“Before you get into a fight, Lucia” Alexia interrupted you both as your head whipped towards her voice
“Hi pretty spaniard... you are so pretty... you could do better than my sister” you slurred grinning widely
Lucy noticed you called Alexia “pretty spaniard” and became big eyes concluding you thought she was dating her captain totally forgetting you called her that when she herself delivered you. There was a stunned silence in the locker room before all of the players bursted out laughing – including Ona, Alexia and Keira.
“I... don't even know what to say” Lucy said giving up on having a half normal conversation with you shaking her head
“I still don't know who Jérôme is” Patri said after she stopped laughing whiping tears from her eyes.
“Yeah Bubs... who's Jérôme?" Lucy jumped on the wagon grinning
“Jérôme Reisacher” you shrugged your shoulders now “choosing” Aitana as your victim studying her very closely “You're flawless...” you mumbled after a few seconds
Aitana looked a little uncomfortable but smiled politely “Thank you”
“Jérôme Reisacher is a Coach at Bayern Munich” Mapí said confused her phone in her hand
“How do you know a Bayern Munich Coach?” your sister asked you just as confused as Mapí
“Visited Georgia...” you said and a soft smile came over your face.
Lucy accepted your answer shrugging her shoulders. It wasn't something unusual for her that you go around visiting her Lioness teammates. Millie Bright, Mary Earps, Alessia Russo, Ella Toone the list goes on for miles – you grew up with a lot of them and had a pretty good relationship to nearly all of them. So she didn't think anything about it when you said you visited Georgia in Munich – she put it down as never been to the city and wanted to visit. So she completely missed how your face changed into a loving smile. Unsurprisingly it DIDN'T go unnoticed by Keira.
“Georgia, hm?” she asked you grinning widely her eyes shining mischievously
“Mhm...” you nodded smiling
Now Alexia caught on so did Ona and Ingrid – the only one who still hasn't have a clue was your own sister
“Georgia is a good soul, Kei... I rather have her hang out with G than with Tooney” Lucy defended her little protégé.
“Oh I have no objection with them hanging out...” Keira grinned at Lucys obliviousness
“Then what was that “Georgia hm”??” Lucy asked imitating her ex-girlfriend
“You simply can't be that dense, Lucy Bronze” the english woman said bluntly
“What do you me...” your sister started as it suddenly hit her like a brick her face changing to a surprised face
“There we go... NOW the light is on and someone just came home” Keira said rolling her eyes
“GEORGIA??? GEORGIA STANWAY IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND????” Lucy yelled at you shocked
“Ssssshhhh....” you tried to silence her panicking “Stop yelling... Lucy might hear you and then I'm dead... and G too”
“I... I... I... I...” your sister stuttered not knowing how to process this information “When... how... how did this start?”
“You can't tell Lucy.. promise” you looked at your sister not realizing you looked at your sister
“I promise” Lucy said quickly trying to get as much information out of your stoned brain
“Started last year just before the Euros... I mean... nothing happened but.. it kinda started there – if you understand” you answered honestly “Lucy didn't had a lot of time – I mean I understand, since she's like the oldest person ever play at such a high level... she needs to train a LOT... but I was there too, you know” you started to tell your sister everything “... so I started to spend more time with Ella, Less and Georgia... we had a lot of fun... I started to feel different around G tho... never acted on it... Lucy would kill me if she knew G and I are dating... after they won the Euros, they got drunk... all of them... REALLY drunk... I talked to Mills about it.. she said to just go for it... so I did... went over and kissed her... G.. not Millie... that would have been weird... that's how it started... but please... PLEASE don't tell Luce... she would really freak and we thought we wait with telling her... we thought about calling our first born Tough... she won't kill us if we name our first born after her...”
You just spilled everything without even realizing it. Lucy was shocked – and in a way hurt. You repeated so often not to tell her because she would kill the both of them that in a way it hurt her a lot. The locker room was dead quiet. No one dared to say anything or breath too loud waiting for Lucys reaction to your confession
“You could always talk to your sister, you know” Lucy said carefully trying to keep you under the impression to talk to a stranger so you wouldn't panic
“I don't know if I could... I'm going to visit her soon but she's busy... she plays for a big club now and they play a lot of games and she has no time... don't want to distract her or be a burden” you mumbled getting sad thinking about it
“Dios mio... that turned sad quickly” Mapí whispered seeing your sad face
“She'll always make time for you” Lucy tried to reassure you
“I don't think so... she didn't show up for my birthday, you know... that really hurt... she said her flight got cancelled but it still fucking hurt” you started to sniffle
“I'm sorry... I'm really fucking sorry, Bubs” Lucy mumbled into your hair after she pulled you into a hug
“But that was also a good thing, you know” you mumbled against her shoulder
“Oh yeah? Why?” your sister asked interested
“Now she doesn't know about my tongue piercing I got from Tooney and Less... and partly Mearps... did you know you can get a LOT of things when you're friends with Mary Earps” you grinned and your happy stoned self was back
“You have a WHAT??!!” Lucy exclaimed “I'm going to kill all of them”
After your short run down depression road which made everyone in the locker room sad your newest confession made them laugh out loudly again
“See it positive Bronzey...” Mapí laughed patting Lucys shoulder “... at least her girl can't get her pregnant”
“It's not like we didn't try” you grinned loopy “...THAT was a good night”
“Ooooh goooood” Lucy groaned horrified “Please stop talking”
“It was” you defended not knowing what the problem was
“Stop talking... Lucy might hear you” your sister pleaded with you
“Uh... UH... yeah... that wouldn't be good” you said quickly looking around.
Mapí couldn't stop laughing having an absolute field day – not even Ingrids and Alexias glares could stop her
“I love stoned Baby Bronze...” the tattooed spaniard declared “We need to keep her on that level”
“Absolutely not” Lucy growled “And we're leaving right NOW”
“Can the flawless spaniard come too?” you asked hopefully pointing at Aitana
“Why would she want to come with us?” your sister asked you confused
“I don't know...” you shrugged while Aitana shook her head scared
“She needs to go to her home...” Lucy tried to reason with you “We take Ona home”
“Who's Ona again?” you looked around the locker room until your eyes fell on Keira “Oh... hi Kei” you smiled widely
“Ona... my girlfriend” Lucy stressed pointing at Ona who didn't know what to do at this point
“Hi Bitsy” Keira waved back at you smiling finding it extremely funny how you kept Lucy on her toes without even realising it.
You followed Lucys desperate pointing looking at Ona “Hey.... we met before, right?”
“Okay... now it's getting ridiculous..” your sister huffed out pulling you up and into her side “We're going home now and you'll sleep your high off... I don't want to know what else you spill at this stage”
You waved to everyone as your sister pulled you out of the locker room hoping Ona would just follow
“Bye pretty spaniard... hola flawless spaniard... bye colorbook” you yelled before the door closed behind you successfully separating you from the rest of the team.
Lucy manoeuvred you towards her car as you stopped dead in your tracks “THAT's your car?”
“Yes... it's nice innit?” your sister grinned
“Can I drive?” you asked hopefully
“Maybe tomorrow... you're tired” Lucy opened her car before throwing her keys to Ona signalling her she has to drive.
“Oh yeah... I forgot I'm tired... sorry Luce” you mumble slumping against her more
“No problem Bubs... I've got you” she smile proud at herself that her plan worked while she helped you into the backseat “You okay on your own or do you want me to sit in the back with you?”
“With me” you mumbled nearly asleep
“Okay....” your sister said softly before closing your door and walking around the car to get in the other side.
By the time she entered the car you were already sleeping which made her smile.
“That was quick” she grinned
“She's hurting Lucy” Ona said quietly
“I don't think so... the painkillers are still very much in her system” Lucy said quietly as she carefully took your good hand
“Not physically... emotionally” the blonde answered “As much fun as she is in her state... she doesn't have a filter – which means earlier she told you that she's hurting... that you're hurting her”
“I'll talk to her about it, I promise... It hurts me too that she thinks she can't trust me with things... or that I didn't even noticed how she distanced herself from me because I was so in my zone about winning the Euros... we need to talk about it... when she cleared up a little more” your sister said and Ona noticed that it really bothered her girlfriend
“It's not your fault” the spaniard tried before she got interrupted
“Of course it's my fault... I should have been more attentive... I should have noticed” your sister said bitterly
“No... I mean yes... but also no... yes, you should have been more attentive but you were focused – she could also have said something... if not at the Euros because she didn't want to distract you then after... but she also choose to run away from the confrontation – so no... it's not just your fault” Ona said calm. The rest of the drive was quiet as Lucy was caught up in her own thoughts, you snoring lightly your head resting against the window again and Ona driving.
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writingforstraykids · 2 months
Finding home in your heart - Pt.2
Pairing: Felix x fem!reader (mention of Minchan | Jisung)
Word Count: 4461
Summary: Felix and you try to figure out how to continue after that first kiss. After insisting on making you dinner before anything further, you soon learn his true intentions are a bit different...
Warnings/Tags: fluff, angst (if you squint), smut, p in v, daddy kink, unprotected sex (reader is on birth control), dom!lix, sub!reader (at least like 98%)
A/N: I'm so happy you all loved the first part so much, I hope you'll enjoy this🤭🖤
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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After an early night the day before, you're unsure what to expect today. You and Felix kissed. Then you both continued like nothing had happened, had dinner, and went to bed, both too flustered to talk about it. You get up early, get ready in your adjoining bathroom, and try to avoid leaving your room for as long as possible. Stepping out into the hallway, you curse softly as the door to Felix's room opens. Your eyes meet, and he smiles nervously. “Hey,” he says quietly. 
“Morning,” you respond just as quietly. You don't know where to look because he looks way too good in his sweater and messy hair. 
“I-uh…,” he trails off, not knowing what to say as you search his eyes observantly. 
“You regret it,” you nod, and his face falls. “I should've known. I shouldn't have kissed you,” you say and inhale shakily. Fuck. 
“Y/nnie,” he says timidly but gets interrupted by the front door opening. 
“I'm homeee,” your best friend shouts, giving you an excuse to end this awkward conversation early.
You swallow hard as you hear Felix's door falling shut again and take a deep breath. “Hey,” you smile brightly and wrap her into a tight hug. “Happy birthday, hun!”
“Thank you,” she beams and searches the room. “Where's my dad?”
“Uh, probably still sleeping,” you lie, and she frowns at you. 
“It's late. I thought you said he's doing better?” she asks worriedly. 
“He is, sleep is still important,” you tell her, and she rolls her eyes at you. 
“Mhm, fine,” she nods. I think I'll take a shower and then take a nap. Wake me in two hours, yeah?” She asks, and you reluctantly nod as she walks to the end of the hallway and steps into her room. 
You wait for another few moments before quietly making your way over to Felix's room. You slip inside and silently pull the door closed, turning the key. Felix glances up, startled at the sound, and looks at you with big, questioning eyes. 
Your heart breaks a little when you see how anxious he looks, sitting at the edge of his bed. “You're doing yoga again?”
“Excuse me?” he blinks at you. 
“Mr. utter depression?” You hint, and a weak smile travels across his lips. 
“Y/nnie,” he speaks so softly it makes your insides all warm and fuzzy. You step in front of him and hum in response. His hands find your waist, and he searches your eyes timidly. “Regret is a rather strong expression.”
“Meaning?” you ask, tilting your head at him. 
“Scared is more suitable,” he tells you. 
You hesitantly brush back his hair for him and chew on your lower lip. “Scared of what?”
“Pissing her off,” he says. “Hurting you,” he continues and very slowly pulls you into his lap. “Getting hurt.”
You hum gently and wrap your arms around his neck. “I have no intention of hurting you, and I don't think you want to hurt me,” you say, and he nods agreeingly. “She's barely home at this point. Would she really bother seeing two people she loves together?”
“I don't know,” he admits and sighs softly. “Y/nnie…think this through for a second. Why did you kiss me?”
“Because…I really like you,” you say, and Felix hums. 
“Like me,” he nods and tilts his head at you. “Is that all?”
“Well, not like, obviously. I…like you,” you say, not quite ready to say the big word yet. 
Felix nods and chews on his lower lip. “Enough to make this something serious at some point?” he asks, and you swallow softly. “Because I'm not looking for a one-night stand to get over what happened.”
“I know,” you quickly nod. “Neither am I.”
Felix timidly searches your eyes and shakes his head a little. “You can't want that. I'm still struggling with that shit, I'll have trouble trusting people for a while.”
“Lixie,” you say gently. “I meant every word I said back at Min and Chan's. Let me earn your trust and give you the love you deserve,” you try. 
Felix shakily fondles your sides and takes a deep breath. “Are you sure?” 
“Very,” you nod, searching his eyes. “Are you?”
“Trying,” he admits, squeezing your hips. “Let me make you dinner first?” he suggests, making you giggle. 
“And then you'll know?” you laugh, raising your eyebrows at him. 
“Oh, I will,” he nods convinced. 
He had been right, he would know after tonight. Dinner is ready just as the sun starts to set, painting the sky in beautiful hues of red and making the ocean glitter. The table on the balcony is set, beautiful red roses resting in a vase in the middle. You're speechless, stepping outside, and he glances at you nervously. “Too much?”
“No, it's beautiful,” you assure him, flashing him a bright smile. “Just unexpected.”
“Oh…well, I wasn't talking about dino nuggies,” he snorts. 
“What's wrong with those, huh?” you ask, jokingly offended. 
“Nothing,” he giggles, sitting down opposite you. “Just not…very first date?” 
“You're cute,” you smirk, thanking him as he pours you a drink. 
Dinner tastes amazing, and you make sure he knows it. The two of you get along well, talking is easy since you've been on your own so often before. But you can tell he's more nervous than usual and so are you. 
“Sooo, what do I have to do to qualify?” you ask once you're all done with dinner. 
“Nothing, honestly,” Felix tells you with a soft smile. “Just wanted to have an excuse to spend some time with you.”
“Oh,” you breathe out, blushing a little. Felix gently takes your hand, intertwining your fingers. “How do we go from here then?”
“Y/nnie…I always knew you're beautiful, I just never paid much attention to it, obviously. But those past few weeks made me realize how beautiful you are inside out and how safe I feel around you,” he tells you, eyes softening the longer he looks at you. “You make me feel at home, and I want to be selfish for once and keep that.”
“And you're sure you won't freak out about what people will think of us?” you ask gently. “To some people, eight years are worlds apart.”
“I don't care what they think of me, it wouldn't be the first idiotic comments I receive. I'm more worried about you, but I'll have your back, no matter what,” he assures you. 
You get up and walk to his side of the table. He scoots back with his chair to make room for you, and you slip into his lap. “Then I'm ready.”
“Yeah?” he asks softly, eyes shining brightly. 
“Yes,” you nod, mirroring his smile. You wrap your arms around his neck as his hands find your waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” he asks, and this time it's your turn to give him consent. Felix's soft lips meet yours. It's only been a few days, but you've missed the feeling so much. Your hand travels up, fingers burying deep into his hair, as you kiss back lovingly. You scoot forward to get closer and pull a soft sound from him at the movement. You deepen the kiss and-
“What the fuck?!” You flinch back heavily and stare up at your best friend standing at the door. Her eyes are wide, watching the two of you, and Felix's brain seems to stop working as he's frozen in shock. “Oh my God, you just kissed my dad.”
“Well, technically,” you start, and she cuts you off with a shrill laugh. 
“Don't you dare pull the adoption card on me now,” she warns you, and you quickly shut your mouth again. 
“I thought you wouldn't be home for the weekend?” Felix says, and you gently shove his chest. As if that's the issue right now. 
“Are you - dad!” she snaps at him. 
“Sorry, that's a valid question,” he chuckles nervously. 
“Why? Because I ruined your plans of sneaking around behind my back?” she asks sharply. 
“Dear, we…we were still figuring things out, no one's sneaking around-”
“Yes, you were! You didn't tell me you had a crush on each other,” she points out. 
“Mhm, sure, because you're home so often that I could've told you,” he says defensively. “I'm not asking about your love life while you're out in the world, am I?”
“That's…that's different. He's my boyfriend, some dude none of you knew before. You're my best friend and my dad - that's something completely different!” she protests. 
“Well…surprise,” he sighs, and she shakes her head at him. “You wanted me to be happy, go out and meet someone. Well, here I am, and now you're throwing a tantrum for me not telling you the minute her eyes met mine…which would’ve been concerning.”
“I'm sorry I didn't tell you,” you chime in gently, realizing this is the real issue here. “I was scared you'd think weirdly of me for it.”
“What? No, why would I?” she groans. “You're two of the most important people in my life. If you make each other happy, go for it…but I won't take sides if you fight.”
“Obviously,” you chuckle. “That's okay.”
“It has to be,” she nods. 
“So..you're not mad?” Felix asks gently, and she shakes her head. “Oh.”
“Oh my god, uncle Min will love this,” she grins and grabs her phone. “He's been betting on the two of you for weeks now.”
“He's been…fucks sake,” Felix snorts, rolling his eyes. 
“Alright, well, I'll grab my charger and leave,” she announces and turns away from you. “Use protection; I'm not ready to have a sibling so soon after finding out about you two,” she says, and Felix beneath you flushes crimson red. 
“Shut up,” you shout after her.
Felix leans back against the chair with a soft groan and stares at the ceiling. “I swear, what is wrong with her sometimes?”
The front door slams closed, and you soothingly run your hand through his hair. “Well, she's right, isn't she?” you ask, chuckling. “Where were we…oh, right,” you say and grind down against him with a little more force this time. 
Felix's jaw drops with a soft whimper, and it's the sweetest sound you've ever heard. “If you start doing this now, you gotta finish it,” he says, biting his lower lip hard as you repeat the movement. 
“I will if you let me,” you say, and he nods feverishly. “Let me take care of you today, hm?”
“Y-Y/nnie,” he stammers, grip growing tight on your hips as you want to stand up. You see the hint of anxiety in his eyes and stop, sitting back down. “I'm…I'm not..god, this is embarrassing.”
You cup his face and soothingly run your thumbs across his cheekbones. “You can tell me.”
He can't meet your eyes, blushing heavily, and stares out into the slowly darkening sky. “I…I know I've been married and everything. It's not like I didn't have sex before, but uhm…”
“Lix, were you the one in control?” you ask, wondering if that's the issue here. 
“Sometimes,” he nods and awkwardly scratches his neck. “I can do both, but it's more like she wouldn't let me touch much, prepare herself, and get done with it.”
“Oh,” you nod gently, tilting your head at him. “Well, it won’t be the same with me. You can touch as much as you want.”
The shade of red on his face deepens, and you didn't think it was possible at this point. “Okay,” he says, barely audible. 
“You have to promise me something, though,” you continue, locking eyes with him. The sudden seriousness in your tone draws his full attention. “You have to tell me what you like and what you don’t like. If anything feels too much or off, you say stop. Okay?”
Felix nods, the vulnerability in his eyes making your heart swell with a mix of affection and determination. “Okay,” he repeats, stronger this time. A faint smile lies on his lips as he realizes the depth of care in your every word.
You lean in, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, then to his cheek, and finally lingering close to his lips. “We’re going to explore this together, yeah? I want you to discover every part of you, the parts known and especially the unknown, Lixie,” you tell him, and the heat between you is growing, breaths mingling between your lips.
Felix looks up at you through his lashes, and for a moment, the world seems to stand still. “Bedroom?” he asks, and you nod in response. He gets up, carrying you all the way there, not without stealing a kiss or two. He throws the door closed and lets you down gently, meeting your eyes with a giddy smile. “Can I?” he asks gently as his fingers find the hem of your shirt.
“Yes,” you smile encouragingly, letting him take it off for you. Felix tries to be polite and tries not to stare too much, but it's hard. His hands shyly find your waist, eyes meeting yours as his fingers tremble against your skin. Your hands find the hem of his shirt, and after getting permission, you take it off for him in return. You're less shy, hands roaming his back and down his stomach. His eyes widen as you sink down to your knees in front of him, fidgeting with the button of his trousers. “Okay?” you check in. 
“Okay,” he nods, breath hitching a little as you pull down his jeans. Felix watches you cautiously as your hands fondle up his thighs. “Y/nnie,” he whispers into the quiet of the room once your lips meet his abdomen, traveling as low as possible. “Wait,” he stops you gently, sitting down at the edge of his bed and pulling you with him. He searches your eyes for consent before helping you out of your trousers, biting back a guttural groan at the sight of you in your underwear. “You're so beautiful,” he tells you, hands finding your waist before pulling you into his lap. His hands travel up your thighs, slowly fondling your sides, and then he brushes aside the straps of your bra only to plant soft kisses where the material had been resting on your shoulders. Soft lips travel their way up your neck, small promises of love littering your skin as he tries not to buck his hips up against you. He sinks his teeth into your skin, right below your ear, drawing a sweet moan from you. Encouraged by the sound, he continues his way back down to your collarbone, nibbling and sucking at your skin. You're sure he's leaving marks you'd have trouble hiding the next day. “So, so beautiful,” he whispers against your skin, hands digging deep into your hips. 
“Lix,” you whisper, running your hand through his hair. You can feel him getting painfully hard beneath you and gently rock your hips against him. A groan dies in his throat, hips bucking up against you. “Lixie,” you whisper, and he hums in response. “Don't hold back,” you say, and the next drag of your hips pulls the sweetest sound from his lips. “You sound so pretty, don't hide.” 
Felix blinks at you, almost a little surprised, before smiling shyly. His lips meet yours gently and you allow him to find his way around you and get comfortable with it. His fingers travel up your back before unclasping your bra skillfully. He doesn't break the kiss yet, but his fingertips brush against your nipple before squeezing your breast, pulling a whine from you. At that sound something in him switches and he gets up with you in his arms easily, lowering you into the bed. He gives you enough time to get comfortable, resting your head on his pillow while hovering over you. His lips are attached to your nipple before you can comprehend what's happening, a soft sucking motion making you moan out in bliss. Encouraged by the sound he starts devouring your boobs, soft little bites, kitten licks, sucking marks wherever he can. He's moaning deliciously as if he's trying to crawl into your skin. It's messy, it's sweet and you can't stop writhing with need beneath him, tugging at his hair with soft whimpers. “Fuck, baby,” he growls, dipping his fingers below the hem of your panties. You mewl as his fingers brush against your clit, running down between your folds and collecting your juices. “Shit, you're so wet already,” he moans, and only then you notice him subtly rutting against the mattress between your legs. 
“Felix, please,” you whine, and his blown, dark eyes meet yours. “Please, I need you, your mouth, your fingers, anything, please,” you beg needily. 
“Yeah,” he nods frantically. “Gonna make you feel so good, yeah?” he says, circling his finger against your dripping hole. You whine in response, the sound dying in your throat as he pushes his finger inside of you. His eyes widen at how easily he slips inside and he almost hesitantly eases in another finger. “Fuck,” he whispers, sitting up and ripping off your panties with his other hand. He watches his fingers disappear into your body as you clench around them, squirming. “Fuck, you're perfect,” he tells you, holding back a soft growl as he guides your leg up over his shoulder. He starts kissing your inner thigh as he works you open, soon adding another finger. “Such a good girl, you're doing so well, pretty,” he says and there's not much of his initial shyness left, which makes you feel prouder than you'd ever admit.
“Lix, more, please,” you beg, whimpering softly as he squeezes your thigh calmingly. 
“Patience, be a good girl,” he tells you, watching with interest how your body trembles at his words. “You like that? Being called a good girl?” he asks, gently rubbing his thumb against your clit. 
“Yes, daddy,” you whimper and cover your mouth in shock as he freezes. Your eyes meet, and your own anxiety meets his curiosity. 
“What did you just say?” he says barely audible, feeling the need to be buried inside you spread through him like wildfire.
You blush heavily, shying away beneath his gaze, and whine at the loss of his fingers. You fear you've ruined the moment when he pulls away from you, not noticing he's simply getting rid of the last piece of clothing parting you. 
He moves further up on the bed and grabs your chin softly, meeting your eyes. “Say that again,” he says, so kind but demanding it makes your brain all mushy. 
“Daddy?” you ask timidly and you can see the change in his whole demeanor. 
“Is that what you're gonna call me behind closed doors, sweet girl?” he asks, an amused smirk settling on his lips. 
Oh. “I don't need the door to be closed to call you that in this setting,” you give back, a little more confident now that he doesn't seem to mind it. 
Felix snorts softly, reaching down between your bodies. Your breath hitches in anticipation as you can feel him dragging his dick between your folds. “If you keep dripping like that I won't need any of the lube I bought,” he tells you bluntly. 
“You…so the dinner wasn't about talking after all,” you hum amused, reaching up to cup his cheek. 
“Not really,” he smirks, searching your eyes to make sure you're still comfortable. 
“I'm on birth control, daddy,” you say and he bites back a groan at the implied message behind that. 
“You're going to be the death of me,” he chuckles. 
“You're not that much older, come on,” you tease him, and your jaw drops as he pushes his dick inside of you without any further warning. 
“Not that cocky now, huh?” he asks, watching your face flood with pleasure at the way he's stretching you out. “You're gonna be a good girl now, you hear me?” he asks and you nod. “Words, princess.”
“Yes, daddy, I'll be good,” you nod quickly, reaching out for him helplessly. He lets you wrap your arms around him, your hand sinking into his hair. 
“Mhm, I sure hope so,” he giggles, pulling back before pushing back inside. He watches your face contort with pleasure as he starts working out a steady pace and captures your lips in a kiss. “So pretty baby,” he mumbles against your lips, his own parting with soft moans at the much-needed friction. “You feel so good, pretty girl, so fucking perfect,” he grunts and buries his face in your neck. 
“Only for you, daddy,” you tell him, and his hips stutter. 
“Yeah? Only mine, baby? No one else?” he asks, and you know those words carry more weight than you'd both like them to. 
You pull him back up, wrapping your legs around his hips, and sink deep into his eyes. He stills in you, breathing out slowly as you tenderly brush your thumb against his lower lip and cup his face. “Only for you, Lixie. As long as you'll have me I'll be yours and yours only,” you promise. 
Felix swallows softly, before kissing you very firmly and desperately. “Only mine,” he whispers, hand gently fondling down your side and grabbing your thigh. “My beautiful baby.”
“Only yours, my sweet love,” you promise and the last hint of anxiety leaves his eyes. Your lips meet and he presses himself as close as he can, a breathy moan leaving him as he starts moving again. “Feels so good, daddy,” you moan, arching up against him as he hits your sweet spot. 
Felix's hand slips beneath your body, keeping your back arched as he picks up pace. “Gonna fuck you so good, baby,” he promises, and his bluntness has you writhing. He gently drops you back into the mattress after a second, hand starting to roam your body. His lips wrap around your nipple once more and he moans so sinfully you can't help but make a mental note of it for another time. His hand slips between your bodies, fingertips brushing between your folds and against your clit. “Such a good girl for daddy,” he praises you breathlessly and plants messy kisses down your jaw. 
“Fuck, daddy,” you moan in pure need as the force of his thrusts picks up. “K-Keep going, please,” you beg between choked moans, feeling the knot in your stomach tightening already. 
Felix watches your head drop to the side into the pillow and reaches up, abandoning your clit. You can feel how soaked you are when his fingertips meet your cheek and make you look at him again. “Wanna see your pretty face when you cum,” he tells you, which has you rolling your eyes back. He groans as your grip on his hair tightens and watches your face, imprinting every detail in his brain. 
“Daddy,” you whimper. “M’so close, please,” you moan. 
“Yeah, daddy's girl wanna cum?” he rasps into your ear, and shit, that deep voice could send you over the edge alone. “Gonna show daddy how good he's making you feel, hm?” 
“Please,” you whine, body shaking beneath him. “Please, I've been good,” you tell him, eyes filling with desperation. 
“Wait for me,” he pants, before guiding your legs onto his shoulders. “Wanna cum with you, pretty girl,” he tells you, practically folding you in half with the next harsh snap of his hips. You moan out his name obscenely loud as he starts a fast, desperate pace, pounding into you. “So close, baby,” he groans. “So fucking perfect.”
You don't know who falls over the edge first. All you know is that you're clenching around him, moaning beneath him, and shaking heavily as it happens. He's cursing the filthiest shit, burying his face in your neck with a desperate, broken ‘Ah, fuck’ as he paints your walls with his hot release. You're grabbing whatever parts of him you can reach, trying to find something to steady yourself with. Felix grows heavy on you once you're both done, nuzzling his nose against your neck. “Shit, you're amazing,” you breathe out, making him giggle sweetly. 
“Baby?” he asks, experimentally rolling his hips once more, which makes you moan softly. “You want to - Think you can go again?” he asks, already growing hard again. His voice went all shy and soft again and the contrast to before is making you dizzy. 
“Get on your back,” you tell him and he does, smiling up at you. Your breath hitches at the sight. He looks so fucked in the most positive way. Hair a mess, lips swollen from kissing, eyes wide and so full of love. You climb into his lap, bracing yourself on his chest as you lower yourself onto his dick. A broken sound leaves him and he's gripping your hips needily. “Now relax, gonna take good care of you, Lixie.”
“Please,” he smiles sweetly, head falling back with the neediest moan as you lift your hips. 
As the evening turns to night, you’ve shared all these moments of laughter, gentle touches, and explorations. Felix, usually so controlled and shy around you, opens up under your attentive gaze and touch, showing you a side of him that’s so raw and unguarded it makes you dizzy. It feels so easy to express his desires, to ask for what he wants, and to give in to the sensations rippling through him in your presence.
The vulnerability and trust he places in you weave a stronger bond between you. You make him feel so loved and desired that every second is another step toward healing and never-before-experienced intimacy for him.
Wrapped in each other’s arms, the world outside seems like a distant reality, Felix whispers in the quiet of the room, “I never knew it could be like this…to feel so connected, I mean.”
You fondle his hair, a smile covering your lips. “It’s all about being with the right person. Someone who cares about you.”
It’s not just the physical closeness but the emotional bond that has deepened tonight, the trust that has been solidified. Felix’s earlier anxieties and fears seem smaller now, making them manageable with you by his side.
As you both drift off, Felix plays with your hair. The newfound hope and confidence, soaked up by your love and understanding, make him feel all fuzzy. In turn, you feel finally happy, knowing you’ve managed to lead the way to a future with mutual support and love. You realize this is just the beginning, there will always be challenges, misunderstandings, and perhaps even moments of doubt. But the foundation you’re starting to build feels strong, rooted in honesty and communication. Felix was right, this does feel like home.
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bucknastysbabe · 6 months
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Rating: Explicit
Pairing: King Aegon II x Queen!Reader x Aemond
Tags: Threesome, King!Aegon, issues galore, pillow princess big BABY Aegon, Aemond hanging dong, poorly concealed jealousy of being a second son, face sitting, f/m/m, anal sex, humiliation kink, feminization, Aegon’s like pre-chubby, spanking, switch Aeg, wee bit of Angst at the end
Aegon writhed atop silken sheets, amongst other fineries imported to the Keep from Lys to Qaarth. His pretty face was flushed, crown askew, big violet eyes glassy. Drunken to an extent, not enough to deny a good thorough fucking. You teasingly snatched the crown, placing it upon Aemond’s silky strands. He eyed you quizzically, Aegon slurring underneath, “Realll fuh’kin funny.”
Aemond slapped one of Aegon’s soft thighs, big hand leaving a pretty blooming mark. He sneered, “Even your lady wife thinks I look better in it.” The spare’s cock bobbed as he shifted between feminine thighs, blessed was he by the Father for that monstrosity of a cock. The ‘king’ whined petulantly, casting his orbs towards you, long lashes clumped and wet.
“He does make an imposing figure with the crown my love,” you shrugged.
Aegon’s plump lips pulled back into a snarl, hand coming up to slap Aemond— alas, too drunken and slow was he. You raised a brow, growing more excited, squeezing your thighs together to dull the ache. The younger brother laughed meanly, pinning Aegon’s weaker arms above his head, long fingers wrapping skinny wrists up tight.
Aem bitterly sniffed, “Been easier if you were a girl, although your arse is tight as a cunt and you’ve been,” he smirked toward you, “filling out nicely.” Aegon whimpered at that, shame making the softling struggle as his brother lapped at a puffy nipple. Violet eyes begged for you, frantic uttering slipping through wine-stained lips, “Wha-ah-at is he talking about? Gods!”
Aegon’s back arched when the lanky man between his legs rubbed their cocks together in a hot drag. You crawled closer, carding gentle hands through your husband’s tousled hair. Pecking his panting pout you murmured with a squeeze to his soft hip, “Filling out like a proper lady he means, might need to borrow my corset dear, don’t want to appear slovenly.”
Fresh pretty tears leaked from his orbs, Aemond grabbing a handful of the pudge on his still small waist. He nipped at his brother’s neck, murmuring in a low rasp, “Glutton. Better curb it before you break a belt.” Aegon cried out sharply, spreading his legs, arching his back like the little whore he was.
“There’s my sweet slut,” you cooed, passing Aemond the phial of oil. He thanked you before asking, “You want to open him up or me?” Reclining backward to lay next to your husband you purred, “No, no, go ahead, want to see him cry some more before I have my fun.” Aemond dutifully nodded, slapping the back of Aegon’s thighs to get them higher up.
Aegon stared at you, lips trembling, head fuzzy with drink and arousal. Petting his hair again you pressed a saccharine kiss to his sweaty forehead, stroking back errant curls. The slick sounds of Aemond slathering oil on Aegon’s hole had the king gasp and mewl your name.
“Oh hush, you’re such a whiny babe, when has brother dearest not taken care of you? Spoilt thing.”
He moaned softly, lashes fluttering as Aemond’s long fingers circled his hole. You stroked Aegon's sensitive neck and chest, pulling at a rosy nipple to distract from any discomfort. It had been a while since anyone had time for simple pleasures such as these, especially for the younger brother.
Aegon’s back arching again notified you that Aemond had breached him. You raised a brow at the other, eyes glancing at his use of two fingers off the get. He dismissed the concern with a scoff, “Seems fine to me.” He wasn’t wrong, your husband’s pretty cock was leaking over his milky white stomach.
Aemond lazily stretched out his elder until Aegon was begging, “Aem, Aem, come onnnn, pleaseeee!” His curls were matted down with sweat, sweet thighs trembling with need. You kissed his blubbering lips, casting a glare on the crowned blonde. The game’s up, goodbrother.
Aemond huffed in amusement, pulling his fingers out to wipe on the rumpled bed. He hissed in pleasure slathering up that purpling swollen cock. Aegon whined his brother’s name again, clumsily fumbling to shove a pillow under his ass, spreading wider.
“Seven hells sweetheart,” you swore, cunt clenching again. Your own skin was hot and beginning to bead with sweat— the heat of the room and delicious spread before you was stifling.
Aemond grunted a bit as he got into a good position, planting his knees and guiding his cock towards Aeg’s greedy hole. You coddled your husband as his violet eyes bulged and rolled, the blunt tip of his little brother’s cock forcing its way in.
Aemond’s hair flopped forward in a shiny curtain, hunching a bit as he eased himself with little hitches of breath, moaning softly when his trim hips met the fatty flesh of Aegon’s backside and upper thighs. Aemond’s head fell back some, a sharp grin twisting his features. He breathed, “Ah brother, somehow you stay like a glove. Tight cunt for a whore.”
You plastered yourself to your drooling husband, his chest heaving, slurring, “s’full.” You smiled and swiped a thumb across his wet lips, “Mhm, goodbrother does a good job filling your slutty ass up. Fucking all those little thoughts out of your head.”
“If there is any, goodsister.”
“Are you going to fuck him or be an ass?”
Aemond snorted and pulled back to thrust sharply into Aegon, punching a lurid cry out of his puffy lips. The younger didn’t waste any time, roughly fucking Aegon, biting his slim lips, one eye closed in pleasure. Your husband was a wreck per usual, his brother’s cock split the poor thing wide open— no escape from the drag across that sensitive little gland in his ass.
Aemond snarled, “Taking me well, doesn’t it just look splendid, what a real king looks like- ah- taking what’s his. A bratty sister-wife.”
Aegon blubbered a weak reply, seeking the comfort of your body, lips suckling at your lips and neck sloppily. You playfully flattened your hand over his bouncing cock, rubbing it gently.
“Ohh- oh fuck- mmm s’good s’good,” he babbled deliriously, blinking more tears down his ruby splotched cheeks. He was shaking, pitch too high, signs of an early orgasm. You couldn’t have that. You’d gotten enough of an eyeful, getting onto your haunches.
“Aegon, don’t you dare yet,” you chided, smacking his cock roughly. Aemond laughed as your husband howled and squirmed in pain. He had to be held tight by Aem’s hands. Grabbing Aegon’s full cheeks you asked, sweeter now, “Think you can eat my cunt? Got enough brains in your slutty head for that?”
He nodded with a soft noise, hands fisting the covers relocated to your hips. You straddled his gorgeous face, now eye to eye with Aemond’s smug look. Aegon grasped your plump thighs and began to lap eagerly, moaning in delight. You shuddered, placing hands on Aegon’s fleshy hips.
Aegon was good in the sack, regardless of these nights where the now-king got wrecked. He knew your cunt quite well. Currently, he took his time digging a fat tongue into your hole, slurping up essence. You fell forward a bit with a moan, eyes still plastered upon Aemond’s regal look.
Aem rumbled, “Hm, aren’t you a treat, my queen.” The tall blonde leaned forward to capture your waiting lips, lapping upwards and nipping a swollen top lip. Aegon chose the idea to whine into your pussy, delicious vibrations arching your back, pushing budded tits forward.
Aemond swallowed up your noise, passionately sharing himself and kin with you. One of his lengthy calloused hands cupped your tit, rough thumb swiping across nerves. Aegon thrust up to no avail when you squeezed around his face, body assaulted by your clit and sensitive nipples being played with. You mewled, “Gods, Aemond, Aegon, ah!”
Your husband was digging his fingers into your ample thighs, moaning and yelling, barely muffled at this point. You were helplessly shying away, the pleasure reaching a point of near-pain. At the same time, Aegon pulled you down and Aemond pushed you flush to his brother’s face.
Aemond growled, “Wanna see you come undone on the little whore’s face, keep that ass down.”
You nodded with a whine, hands trembling, reaching, pulling the younger further for more kisses as Aegon suckled roughly, sending a gush of slickness on his face. You wailed, Aemond humming, “Ah, there we go, darling queen. Back to our whore now?” The whore in question was fit to blow, his prick veined and throbbing, balls tight. He made a confused sound as you began to lift up.
In a dazed movement, you fell off Aegon’s wet mouth, gathering wits, eyes tiredly watching Aemond bend the true king in half, smacking a pert ass. He nuzzled at Aegon’s sweat lined throat, lapping and biting without shame. You rolled onto your belly blearily, hand snaking to the elder’s cock, thumbing the tip in rough circles.
Aegon shivered from head to toe, fully sobbing now. Aemond pressed the sniffling king, “Say it, say it dear, who wears the crown?” It was about three more punishing smacks before Aegon moaned loud and long, emptying all over your hand and his creased belly. He cried harder now, sniveling for his wife.
Aemond grunted, groaned softly under his breath, murmuring nonsense as he unloaded into his brother’s ass. The younger took off the crown and gently placed it aside, sitting back on his haunches, panting. Aegon had already enveloped your form like a blanket, sniffling into your tits.
You stroked his hair and smiled gently, cooing. Looking up at Aemond you asked, “Sticking around? I can braid your hair up if you’d like?”
He was already tying it halfway up, eye-patch secured quickly. Aemond shook his head and stated, “A kind gesture, I’ll be taking my leave.” You frowned a bit, absently petting Aeg’s curls. Aemond’s remaining eye glanced at the dozing Aegon, mouth twisting ever-so-slightly.
“I’ll be fine my queen, get some rest, see you in the morn.”
You knew him well enough to not say another word as the spare got dressed and exited, door closing quietly. Thumbing at Aegon’s cheeks, you hoped Aemond would stick around some time. Both of you loved him dearly.
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tomblythismyhusband · 3 months
Hellooo!! I got a request for billy
Its where he finds out the reader has been hurt in some way intentionally and he freaks out and treats her like glass for a little while and js takes care of her, being rlly protective from then on
wounded [billy the kid x fem!reader]
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[summary]: billy the kid x fem!reader | After having a run in with some bandits, you escape wounded, leaving Billy to tend and and take care of it for you.
[warnings]: blood, violence, fluff, kissing, light teasing
[wc]: 1.2k
[note]: tysm anon for the request!! i couldn’t tell if the request meant like- reader harms herself and Billy takes care of her or not. IDK- message me if that’s what u meant bc I would be happy to write it :)
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Pain bloomed in your side as you stumbled back to camp. When out riding, you came across bandits that not only slashed your side when you tried to escape, but also stole your horse.
Luckily you had also wounded one of the men in retaliation. You had shot him in the leg, leaving him at the mercy of whether or not his partner would help him walk. You had got out easy. The bandits would’ve done more to you if it wasn’t for the threat you had laid out.
“I go along with Billy the Kid’s gang so if I were you I would start runnin’.” You had yelled, aiming your gun at the men. The men’s eyes had both widened behind their bandanas. Billy was notoriously known as a ruthless killer. Of course you knew the real him, sweet, caring, soft. They whispered to each other, and then fled quickly, one man supporting the other. Leaving you standing in the desert, bleeding from your side, gun shaking in your fingers.
As you had trudged back to camp, each step felt like a knife was sinking into your flesh again. Warm blood had soaked your shirt as you tried to keep pressure on it.
Now you finally made it back to camp. Your legs were shaking, begging to collapse underneath the weight of your weary body.
“Billy-“ You choked out as you entered camp. All the other boys in the gang had left and it was evident by the empty food boxes, and quiet fields where the horses had been.
You glanced around. “Billy?” You called again, voice shaky.
You heard rustling in one of the tents and Billy poked his head out, a smile on his face. “Hey-“ His face immediately dropped, fear replacing his previous expression. Billy swiftly stood next to you, just in time as you slumped and had him support you.
“I’m sorry-“ You choked out as your head started to feel heavy. Surely you had lost a lot of blood, your vision was now fuzzy around the edges. Not a good side.
“Why are you apologizing? Don’t apologize. Come on, we need to tend to this.” Billy said urgently, starting to help you hobble over to his tent. Halfway there he scooped you up in his arms because walking wasn’t exactly the easiest at the moment.
He carried you with ease into the tent and laid you down on his cot, immediately rummaging for medical supplies. His eyes flicked to you. He kneeled down next to your lying body.
“Care to unbutton your shirt Y/n? I can’t reach the wound with it on.” Usually, you would have made a witty joke in response but you were in too much pain and could only comply with his words. You’re shaky fingers unbuttoned the buttons of the bloody shirt as Billy gently helped you sit up right to pull it off.
Your body felt cool once you were just in your bra. You could feel the wet sticky feeling of blood on your torso, and didn’t dare to look down to see the gash.
Billy laid you gently back down, sucking air through his teeth as he examined your wound.
“Is it bad?” You asked anxiously. “I couldn’t tell how far the blade went.” You felt Billy’s calloused hands on your side.
“It could be worse. It’s doable. Luckily, you won’t need stitches.” He nodded. He turned to grab a canteen of water from somewhere in the tent, popped open the lid, and poured it onto a cloth. Once the damp cloth met your skin, you tensed and squeezed your eyes shut.
“Shh… I know darlin’ I know.” Billy murmured softly as he cleaned the area of the wound. Your hands gripped the sides of the cot as he worked.
Once it was clean, Billy helped you sit up slowly as he took a roll of gauze from the medical kit. “Put your arms away from your side.” He instructed. You complied, sticking them out so they weren’t touching your body.
Billy carefully started to wrap gauze around your waist tightly. You hated the feeling of confinement but you also knew it was the only thing that could stop the bleeding.
As Billy worked you examined him. Your blood on his clothes, the worried expression pinching his brows, and the carefulness of his movements made your heart pump faster. His eyes met yours for a moment, sensing your staring and he gave you a quick smile before focusing on wrapping your wound again.
Finally, Billy had finished. He ran his hand over the now wrapped areas gingerly, causing a shiver to shoot up your spine.
“Thank you.” You finally whispered. Billy’s hand trailed down to rest on your knee as you looked down at him.
“I’m going to kill whoever did this to you.” He murmured. You let out a soft chuckle, reaching out your hand to run it over his forehead, pushing the curls that laid there away from his pretty blue eyes.
“Im sorry I should’ve been more careful-“ You started to say before Billy shook his head and took your hands in his own.
“Don’t say that. I know you're a strong, careful woman. Whatever happened, I bet you gave them worse.” You bit your lip. Billy studied your face. “How about you lie down and rest?” You gave him a pained smile.
“I don’t really feel like sleepin’... I’ll sleep only if your beside me.” Billy let out a chuckle at your stubbornness as he got out of a kneel. Thankfully the cot was big enough for two. Billy laid down carefully next to you as you situated your own body to lie down.
You felt Billy’s arm snake under your back before you fully lied down. He pulled you close, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I’m just glad you didn’t get more seriously hurt.” He whispered close to your ear. “I don’t know what I would do if I wasn’ able to help you.”
You gave him a reassuring nod and cupped his face with one of your hands. “I’m glad to have you, Billy.”
“Just so you know, I ain’t never lettin’ you out of my sighs again.” He joked, squeezing you close again playfully.
You couldn’t help it but to let out a giggle, moving your hand away from his face in the process. Billy’s head dipped down to kiss the tops of your breasts softly. The warm feeling of his lips on your body melted away any feeling of pain. “Now that’s just mean.. you teasin’ me like that.” You chuckled.
Billy flashed a devilish grin up at you. “Sorry, I can't help it.” He moved his head back up towards your lips, kissing them lightly. You both pulled away, noses close as your eyes studied each other. You loved how you could see the freckles that peppered his face more clearly up close.
“All right enough lovin’ you should be sleepin’.” Billy drawled. You felt his breath tickle your nose making you smile softly.
You both adjusted your lying positions to get comfy and for you, out of pain. “I love you.” You whispered. Billy smiled as he ran a hand on your face.
“Love you.”
With that you both napped away the day in each other’s arms.
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multifandom-damnation · 6 months
Underrated trait?? When the players describe something they want to do or what their characters are thinking or feeling or ask for a specific moment to occur (dice gods permitting) and Aabria thinks for a moment and just softling, lovingly, fondly says "...yeah" and then goes on to produce the most magnificent description known to mankind.
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cinnamoneve · 8 months
eonian \ əʊnɪən \ (adj.) - continuing forever or indefinitely; lasting for an immeasurable amount of time
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❆ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: gojo satoru x gn!reader ❆ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: food always tastes better when it's shared with someone you love. even if you're too tired to appreciate it ❆ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader doesn't like red bean paste lol (this is self indulgent because i do not like red bean paste. im sorry.) ❆ 𝐰𝐜: 2k ❆ 𝐚/𝐧: i love domesticity i love boring things about being in love!!! in my mind gojo isn't sealed and nothing bad ever happens to him, he's eating taiyaki on the floor and happy ♡ please enjoy
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satoru said he’d be home hours ago.
tracking him down when he was out on a mission was near impossible. you both agreed that if there was any kind of emergency, he’d definitely find a way to get to you. but if not, no news was good news with satoru’s work.
unfortunately, this made any type of planning difficult for the two of you, so you had to soak up all the time together you could.
by the time you had finished dinner, your appetite was gone, and you’d realized that the last thing you wanted to do was eat by yourself in the quiet apartment. you covered the food, as if a thin layer of plastic would help to preserve the presentation and flavor. satoru would eat when he’s home, and you’d join him, you thought.
mealtimes always made satoru a little bashful. he refused to eat without you, and would pout if you didn’t uphold your end of it as well. satoru firmly believes that food always tastes better when you share it with someone you love. whether or not it’s true, or whether or not you believe it yourself, satoru has an almost parasitic way of infecting you with every inch of him; so throughout your entire relationship, you can count all the meals you’ve eaten alone on one hand.
hidden beneath the five languages of love, there has to be a secret, sixth one that satoru has surrounding food. what better way to tell you he loves you than to cut your apples the way you like? or remember your takeout order? not to mention the sampling of any dessert place within a certain radius of his mission, just for him to steal a bite. or two. or three.
sharing a meal with satoru felt deeply intimate. with every bite from his plate, it felt like his love was devouring you at the same time. whole, or piece by piece, even. he had always wondered if you’d caught on that his sweet tooth developed after he kissed you for the first time. he’s just hoping to find something sweet enough to hold himself over until the next time he gets to fall in love with you again, and again.
collapsing on the couch, you drifted off thinking about what dessert he’d bring you this time. some type of pastry? a sweet bread, doughnut, or maybe a cake sampling? you wondered if he’d smear icing on your nose so he could kiss it off again, or how many kisses he’d steal between bites. or even, the gentle way he held his hand underneath your chin to catch any stray crumbs.
your daydreaming got the best of you, however, and you hadn't realized the time when you heard the all-too familiar sound of a key jingling in the door handle.
you sit up a bit and make yourself look like you weren’t fantasizing about a man who is already and desperately yours. you didn’t want satoru to feel guilty–he wouldn’t want you to stay up too late for him.
it’s around 3am when the door opens.
he looks wiped. your poor, pouty boyfriend melted in your arms when you met him at the door.
“i missed you, love,” was all he managed to croak out before exhaustion hit him, nearly leaning on all of you with his weight to keep himself stable.
“i saved you something to eat, satoru,”
“oh, thank you. i love you,”
he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead after mumbling the confession, and shuffled his way into the kitchen. not even halfway in, his legs called it quits and he resorted to sitting down on the cold floor.
“i don’t think i’m moving from this spot”
“i’ll join you, honey,” you spoke softly, almost nervous that your words would shatter him. 
you leaned down and helped him take off his blindfold. he ran his fingers through his hair, eager to loosen it up and relieve the tension building. 
you notice a white box wrapped in delicate twine. 
“can i take that from you? where can i put this?”
satoru rubs the day out of his eyes. “anywhere’s fine. this shop near me today is known for its taiyaki. i couldn’t remember which filling you liked, so i got them all. we don’t have to eat them now”
satoru had watched you order taiyaki before, on numerous occasions. for a man who can remember every detail of orders from restaurants you like, there’s no way in hell he could ever forget which filling you preferred. chalk it up to exhaustion, maybe, or his own selfish intention of eating the ones you don’t like.
you grabbed the box and put it on the counter, silently.
satoru watched your every step as you carefully reheated the dinner you made. although, a puzzled expression crossed his pretty face when he saw you reheating two plates instead of one.
“you didn’t eat?” he asked, almost whispering.
“hm?” you almost didn’t hear him. “oh, no, satoru, how could i? i wanted to wait for you”
he rests his head on the cabinets behind him, gently pouting away from you.
“it’s late, love, you could’ve eaten without me.”
his voice was sincere, but you knew his words weren’t. eating alone would’ve been the straw that broke the camel's back, he realized, and he regretted his bold-faced lie the second the words left his mouth.
all you did was continue to heat up your plates, a soft smile adorning your tired features. satoru looked at you like you were made of an ornate and delicate glass, something precious to admire but never touch. you were almost a heavenly treasure, tonight especially, and he couldn’t help but watch in silence.
you grabbed your plates and sat with him on the floor, just enough to be close but not in his personal space. extending out your legs to get comfortable, satoru gently laced his long, spindly legs with yours. anything to be in your space.
“eat up, it’s hot,” was all you said.
satoru did as he was told, grabbing the plate from your hands gently so as to not burn himself.  
“thank you for the food,”
you sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying the meal you made and each other’s presence. usually, satoru is buzzing to tell you about work missions; the kind of curse, how his students did, if he had to dramatically save them (and how cool he looked doing it too). tonight was different. you’re not sure if something happened or if he was just too tired to even bring it up, but you still wanted to ask.
“do you wanna talk about your mission today, satoru?”
“mmm, there’s nothing to talk about, babe,” he added between bites, “it was super lame and long. i missed you the whole time, though”
“thinking about me with an ugly curse in front of you, how romantic”
“ah, hush, you know what i mean,” he rolls his eyes and shakes his leg against yours. “how about you, how was your day?”
you finish your meal and set your clean plate on the kitchen floor with a big sigh. 
“booooring,” you shifted closer to satoru as he finished up as well, “i had no work to do, so i just hung out here all day.”
“mmm, sounds fun though. a day to do nothing, i mean” satoru put his hand on your leg as he looked off at the floor. 
he wondered how he’d spend a day off. his first thought was to spend it with you, and the next, would be to take his students out. maybe to an expensive shop nobara wanted to see so he could spoil her a bit, or take yuuji to some movie he’s begged someone, anyone, to see with him. or actually, the day could be spent finding megumi a quiet bookstore in a quaint and cozy town so he can truly soak up some alone time.
naturally, his thoughts go back to you, and how you could spend the time together. god, the possibilities were just endless. a day trip? a movie marathon? a romantic day together filled with any type of date you’ve ever wanted? he didn’t care. a day in bed with you would be a day fulfilling and well-spent.
not once did he consider spending it alone. he was selfless like that, but also selfish like that. 
you grabbed his plate and stood up to put it in the sink, grabbing the pastry box on your way back to joining him on the floor.
“doing nothing is fun, i guess, until it really isn't. it’s lame being alone,” you say. you sit a little bit closer to him than before, throwing out your regard for satoru’s personal space. if anything, his hand on your thigh was an indication, a blinding one, really, that you should be closer to him.
satoru’s leg finds yours as his hands reach for the box. 
“what, you miss me or something?” 
his ridiculous question forms a reluctant smile on your lips. you look at him as he gently holds one of the taiyaki between his teeth, passing you the box and avoiding eye contact.
“hmm, maybe a little,” you answer, grabbing the box from his lap.
satoru takes a bite and looks at you, exaggeratedly offended.
his mouth is full.
“only a little?” 
“yeah. just, like, a teensy bit”
satoru sighs dramatically after he swallows his first bite.
“and to think i brought home your favorite filling too, from a famous taiyaki shop”
you meticulously pick out one of the crispy fish from the box, hoping you guessed the filling correctly.
“i thought you didn’t remember my favorite,”
satoru stops chewing for a second to mull it over.
“c’mon. did you really believe that?”
“hehe, no,” you giggle, “you’re not good at lying to me, you know”
“whatever,” he groans, finishing off his last bite.
biting into yours, you realize you picked wrong, and the taste of anko fills your mouth. you stop chewing immediately.
“blegh, i got a red bean paste filled one,” you moan.
“i’ll eat it, baby,” satoru grabs the fish and the box from your hands. he picks out another. “this one is chocolate filled, and this one is custard. i wasn’t sure if you liked matcha, but i got a couple of those too,”
you grab your favorite from the ones he pointed out, and scoot up to kiss him on the jaw.
“thank you, satoru, this is sweet.”
“i don’t even know how you function without liking anko,” satoru replies, “even if it’s a red flag, you’re so welcome,”
you both continue to eat your treats together, commenting on how the shop lives up to its reputation. satoru helps you to your feet as you begin putting the leftovers away for the night.
as you turn to the bedroom for your long overdue sleep, satoru doesn’t follow.
“coming to bed, honey?” you ask.
“i’m gonna clean up a little. you don’t have to wait for me,”
“leave it for the night, satoru, it’s been a hell of a day,”
if one person cooks, the other cleans. it was an unwritten rule in the household. satoru liked keeping a clean house to maintain a clear mind, but he was relieved to hear tonight was the exception.
he turns off the lights and finds you on his way to the bedroom.
“thank you for waiting for me tonight, my love”
“i only did so the food would taste better, you know,” you laugh back.
“i’d say it was worth it then.”
if only food could taste this good forever, could be this sweet, you would wait a million years just to sit with satoru on the kitchen floor.
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all content © cinnamoneve 2023. do not repost, modify, steal, or copy without permission.
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soulessjourney · 2 months
Let The World Burn - Chapter 1
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Paring: Azriel x fem!Reader
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: You're one in a million, Azriel had never encountered someone so different from himself, someone more powerful, even rivaling Rhysand in ability. When you appeared in the Night Court one evening, covered in dirt and dried blood, something about you seemed distinctly unique. It wasn't just the fire that scorched the ground beneath you or the red hue of your eyes burning into his skin. No, it was the shadows that swarmed around you, harmonizing with his own, drawing them closer to you.
Warnings: Violence, Language, Near character death, Talk of killing, Angst, Hurt and comfort, hurt no comfort, reader is an angry strong female reader, lots of miscommuication, fluff, More to be added
A/N: Buckle up, children. This fic is the epitome of enemies-to-lovers, lovers-to-enemies, and back again. The angst is intense, and the betrayals are oh so real.
All you could smell was your burning flesh and the smoke from the area around you. Above you, the dark sky seemed to smile down in a way that almost felt mocking. Drawing in a deep breath, your chest tightened, drowning out your senses. Uncertain of how you got here or even who you were, the last thing you remembered was falling backward, yet never hitting the ground, instead, you kept falling until eventually landing on the charred grass where you now lay.
A cool sensation ran over your arms, diverting your attention from the sky. Wincing, you lifted your arm, watching as wisps of smoke-like tendrils wrapped around you, gently caressing your burnt skin. They moved around your waist and through your hair, softly singing and speaking in hushed tones that your ringing ears couldn't discern.
Enchanted by their appearance, you marveled at their gentleness as they glided over the burns on your arms and face, seemingly attempting to kiss your wounds better. You noticed how they froze over your skin before shooting out as if to defend you. Turning your head, you let out a groan, catching a flash of red and blue. Rolling onto your knees, another groan escaped as you instinctively reached to hold your injured arm, your hair falling over your face as you glimpsed three figures through the strands, standing a few feet away, their eyes widening in shock at your appearance.
The wisps continued to wrap around you, darting out at them, a protective measure for your injured form. Your eyes darted between them before settling on a male figure without siphons, his violet eyes prominent in the darkness. Unable to discern their words over the ringing in your ears, you studied each figure. You moved towards another, taller and bulkier, his shoulder-length hair tied in a half ponytail. Despite his intimidating appearance, his eyes exuded a gentle kindness you had never witnessed before.
Finally, your gaze locked with hazel eyes, observing the third male figure. He stood before you, arms crossed, his face devoid of emotion, yet his shadows danced in synchronization with your own, almost as if communicating. The wisps whispered to you, though your mind remained blank as you studied him. Something within you stirred in recognition, yet fear caused your body to curl in on itself. Your vision obscured as the male with violet eyes knelt before you, extending his hand. Your gaze shifted upward, finally able to hear his voice.
"I'm not sure what happened to you, and usually, we wouldn't welcome trespassers like this, but your wounds are too serious to take you where we normally would," he said gently, causing your eyes to harden. Holding up his hands, he offered a reassuring smile. "What's your name?" he asked, watching you quietly.
You opened your mouth to respond, only for your mind to draw a blank. "I'm not sure," you replied, wincing at the raspiness of your voice, hating how weak it sounded. Yet, it didn't deter him from extending his hand once more. You stared at it, and he chuckled softly.
"If it eases your nerves, I'm Rhysand, and behind me are Cassian and Azriel. Now that we aren't strangers, why don't you come back with us? We can provide treatment and aid until you regain your memory or at least understand how you got here," he suggested gently. Your eyes flickered over his shoulder, meeting the hazel eyes again before Rhysand spoke up once more. "Please? My wife would kill me if she found out I left an injured female in the middle of the woods." You scrutinized him, attempting to catch him in a lie, but found none. Nodding gently, you placed your hand in his, feeling the cool tendrils wrap around you as the environment blurred and darkened.
Azriel stood outside the room, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his gaze fixed on the floor. As the door opened and Cassian and Rhysand stepped out, he pushed away from the wall, raising a brow. "Mind explaining why you decided to make friends with some random person who tried burning down the forest?" he asked.
Rhysand sighed, glancing back at the closed door. "I tried probing her mind, Az. It's locked tight, and no amount of training could penetrate it, not with all the power it exerted to resist me. You saw those shadows that clung to her. Azriel, she's another shadow singer, and as far as I know, you're the only one alive with that ability," he explained in a hushed tone.
Azriel nodded, images of you flashing in his mind. He remembered the severity of your burns and the intensity of your gaze fixed on him, your eyes seeming to burn with actual fire. He had forgotten about the shadows that reached out to them, mirroring his own. "What do we do with her once she's better?" he inquired, turning his gaze toward the closed door. "We can't just let her go, especially now that she's seen the city."
Rhysand hummed in thought, but before he could respond, Cassian cleared his throat. "We can't release her back into the woods like some stray. She has no memory of who she is. But we're not imprisoning her either. We need to help her remember how she got here, and why there's no record of another shadow singer. I can keep an eye on her and make her feel welcome. If she feels like a prisoner, she won't cooperate," Cassian suggested, turning to Azriel. "You should do the same. Get to know her. Her reaction to seeing you indicates her body remembers you, so that could be crucial."
Azriel groaned before reluctantly agreeing with his brother. "Fine, I'll give it a shot. I have my own questions, especially about those shadows. But if she tries anything, don't expect me to be friendly. Her entrance wasn't exactly subtle, burning down half the forest," he remarked, casting a warning glance at Rhysand.
Rhysand nodded, knowing better than to argue with Azriel in situations like this. He couldn't help but notice Azriel's sudden interest in you, though. Clapping a hand on Cassian's shoulder, he nodded to Azriel before walking away.
Azriel watched them depart down the hall before turning back to the door. Opening it, his eyes widened as a pillow was flung at him, narrowly missing him and hitting the wall. Giving you a glare, he noted how you met his stare with equal intensity.
You stare back at Azriel as he takes another step towards you, your hand instinctively reaching back to grab the pillow next to you. Your eyes follow every movement he makes, searching for any sign that his intentions aren’t friendly.
"Throwing a pillow at me won’t do much," he says, raising a brow at you.
Scoffing, you turn your head away from him. "No, but it would distract you long enough to give me a head start," you mumble. The shadows that wrap themselves around you slide away, halting just before Azriel. Your eyes watch them as they wait for his own to greet them.
"It’s funny, you would think they know each other. In the forest, it was like they were communicating with each other," you say softly.
Azriel hums in response as he settles into the chair next to your bed. "What do you know about your shadows? You must know something; the way they interact with you is a telling sign that you’ve had them your entire life," he says, leaning back into the chair. He watches your body language, waiting for a telling sign that you're lying, but there is nothing. Instead, he receives a shrug from you.
"I’m not sure. When I woke up, in agonizing pain, might I add, they were there. They were all over me, and it was as if they were trying to cool the burns. Other than that, they’re a complete mystery to me. They don’t even really say much besides that I’m safe," you explain, leaning back against the headboard. "Why are you guys helping me? I know it’s not because I was half dead in the middle of the woods," you mumble, playing with the blanket on your lap.
Azriel leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as he narrows his eyes at you. "Rhysand says he wants to find out how you’re a shadow singer; from what we knew, I was the only one. Cassian refuses to just release you into the wild again, and he wants to help you, which is typical given that’s just how he is. Meanwhile, me? I don’t trust you. You may not remember what about me you know, but your body does, and every time I’m near you, you have the natural reaction to pull away from me," he says. To prove his point, he shifts to sit on the bed, and your body tenses as you instinctively move away. "I’ll find out what you know about me. Rhysand may not be able to tell, but I know how to get the information I need, and you’re no exception," he grumbles.
You open your mouth to retort, but he stands and walks towards the door before freezing. "If you’re pretending, drop the act; it’ll make killing you in the future that much easier," he says, his eyes piercing into you. With that, he leaves the room, leaving you to your own thoughts.
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thetreefairy · 10 months
Is it alright if I request Yandere father Gojo satoru where his daughters ability is to control time since Gojo has absolute control over space at an atomic level and she also has infinity but he never taught her how to use it but durining the shibuya arc she either reverses or stopped time to save a couple of people a d stop certain events from happpening (if this is too much you do t have to do the whole shibuya arc part )
Sorry that this is long anyways have a nice night/day ( `ε´ )
Since I have not watched season 2 yet, I am not doing the shibuya arc part. Since you also specified fem pronouns, the reader will be fem.
edit: hehehe, I forgot to say: have a nice day as well and I loved this request :D
warnings: yandere themes, isolation mentioned (I do not condone this and if you can seek help please do), Gojo is a piece of shit and two-faced, Reader is done with life, swearing because author is in pain and sick and when the author is sick they swear a lot, vague ending
I don't understand the ability completely, but I made it so that if you didn't master it properly you can get hurt when you use the ability (which might actually be apart of it, but my memory is shit)
Consequences and actions
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Goji Satoru was the first sorcerer to be born with limitless and six eyes in 400 years, so truly he was surprised when he saw that his daughter had them too. It was weaker than his, yes.
But he didn't know what to do. He didn't want his daughter to master both because then she wouldn't need him anymore.
"Dad can you teach me use both?" Reader had once asked, and his answer was: "There is no reason for you to learn."
It frustrated Reader to no end, she had the abilities but she wasn't allowed to develop and become a full-pledged sorcerer.
Satoru could understand Reader's frustration to an extent, but after a while of you complaining and begging to start training, he started to get annoyed.
"Reader, if you don't stop complaining right now, you will lose your communication privileges." Satoru hissed. Reader scoffed and muttered; "You should just call it isolation."
"Watch your mouth." Satoru hissed. "That's no way to speak to your father."
Reader rolled her eyes. "I just don't get why." Satoru sighed and spoke softl; "It's too dangerous, you would get on the curses radar and right now I got the world believing that you are just a child with no special powers, with no grade."
"When you are gone." Reader started. "How will I be able to protect myself if you aren't here?"
"That's not for you to worry about, now stop complaining and whining about it."
Unfortunately for Satoru his students like Reader more than him, so they helped her with learning how to control their abilities. Well to the best of their extent.
So when Reader had been good in Satoru's opinion she could tag along on a school mission. "Remember, if there is a fight run don't fight. I'll find you with your tracker."
"Wait what tracker-"
"Excuse me I misspoke. Habits, I meant habits." Satoru lied quickly with a grin and kissed Reader' forehead, sounding rather soft. "Now can you promise me you'll stay out of the way before we meet with the class?"
Reader nodded and hugged Satoru. "Thank you dad for taking me with you."
"No problem, kid." Satoru chuckled.
Unfortunately for Reader she couldn't keep that promise. Out of instinct she protected Satoru and Yuji for a curse that suddenly appeared. What was worse is that she used her abilities.
But using your abilities out of instinct can hurt you quite a lot, Reader started to bleed out of her eyes..
"D-dad." Reader muttered out. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry."
Satoru brushed away Reader's blood stained tears. "It's okay, you did it out of instinct." This caused Reader to become confused. "Y-you aren't mad?"
"Baby, you are injured you think I will be mad right now?" Satoru asked Megumi to grab his eye cream and used it on you. "Class dismissed."
Satoru took Reader home, unexpectedly calm. Causing Reader to feel like a storm was coming. Satoru was making her a drink when he asked: "You trained your abilities, didn't you?"
Reader tensed up and nodded slowly. It was better to be truthful, right now. "... I suppose I cannot be that angry as it might have saved your life." Satoru muttered with a frown. "Drink this."
A glass of soda was put infront of her. Reader drank it, she was quite de-hydrated. "Thank you, papa."
"Why did you train without my permission?" Satoru asked. "I want to be able to protect myself." She admitted. "So that you can trust me with going out more."
Satoru chuckled as her eyes became dazy. "Perhaps you should figure out when your drink is spiked then."
Reader stood up and stepped back in shock.
"Awh, did you really think you wouldn't be punished?" He grinned. "How cute my dear daughter."
She tried to back away knowing full well what will happen.
"Maybe I should break your legs." Satoru mumbled doing a fake thoughtful look. "I got it!"
"Dad, please."
"I will make sure that you fully understand my love!" Reader knew what this meant, being locked up, and much more. "Maybe I should get you another parent to help with that as well..."
Oh, that was new.
"But I don't want to share you at all...."
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