#skandar keynes x reader
eds-gryff · 1 year
Dates Out of Duty
Edmund Pevensie x Gender-Neutral Reader
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Okay, despite the pictures, Y/N is GENDER-NEUTRAL IN THIS FIC!! It is the first time I’ve written a gender neutral reader, and also I have been having horrific writer’s block for about two months, so this fic may not be the BEST. I tried very hard, though 😭😭 I’m sorry.
Also, I do have an Arranged-Marriage-with-Edmund-Pevensie fanfiction on Wattpad- it’s called ‘Alliance’ and it is a series of four books, so please do check that out!!
Requested by @potatosdragon
‘Hi, could you please write an Edmund pevensie imagine x fem reader where it's about the types of dates he would take you on after an arranged marriage. Thank you sosososossososossosooskks much’
It’s not exactly a list of dates like most fics about this scenario are, I wanted to tell a story of the reader and Edmund’s development as well- plus, the date ideas come from both, not just from Ed. Hopefully it’ll be tolerable! 🥲
Y/N= Your Name
Y/C/N= Your Country’s Name
Y/P/W= Your Preferred Weapon
Riding Dates
It’s unfamiliar territory, romantic feelings for each other, but Edmund and Y/N both desperately need some semblance of comfort.
The first date, thus, is familiar territory.
He had learnt that they shared a love for horses very soon after the wedding- when he’d witnessed the delight in his then-affianced’s face upon learning that Y/N’s horse was going to come along as they returned to Narnia.
(Their wedding had taken place in Y/N’s kingdom, as per the agreement of the marriage alliance. Neither of them had smiled once during it. It had been their duty, and that was all. Neither had hoped or thought or even imagined that anything more would come out of doing their duty.)
The date is not the roaring success both hoped for- they had hoped, actually, that once they confessed their feelings for each other, things would get as easy as possible- but it’s not a devastating failure, either.
They have fun, playfully bantering with each other as they rode deeper into the woods- banter that Edmund’s horse, Philip, joined as well- and they attempt to, rather clumsily, kiss while on horseback as well. It makes them laugh, and then soon blush, once it turns out that they were quite good at kissing in even inopportune situations.
The problem comes when it is discovered that the path Edmund had chosen led them much further away than expected and when it is found that Y/N had forgotten to bring along the picnic basket.
Hunger and the fear of getting lost plays havoc on romance, and by the time they manage to return to Cair Paravel, the banter has turned to bickering, despite Philip’s most valiant efforts.
And by the time they return to their shared chambers after supper, anything more than a chaste good-night peck is unthinkable.
Bakery Dates
Y/N and Edmund are not very deterred by the less-than-ideal results of their date in the woods, especially since they wake up the next few mornings snuggled into each other.
It’s hard to stay annoyed when you wake up so comfortable and so warm and in each other’s arms- and, one of these mornings, the royals dawdle in bed for a good two hours before forcing themselves to get up.
They miss breakfast- something that’s usual for Y/N, perpetually a late sleeper, but not for Edmund, because although he loves to sleep in, he also enjoys having breakfast with his family- and so Y/N suggests going into town and to one of the bakeries, for the Just King is known to have quite the sweet tooth.
Edmund says yes, quite happily, and it’s hand-in-hand that the pair walk into the town closest to the castle.
They sample cakes and pastries and some things Y/N can’t pronounce but Edmund can with a funny accent- and the employees in the bakery are all aflutter at serving two Monarchs, and that, too, while they’re on a date!
They settle them in a large corner of the bakery, practically forcing every other customer into the opposite corner- despite repeated requests from the royal couple to treat them as regular folk- and they’re given so much sweet confections that Y/N’s tongue, unused to having such large amounts of desserts, goes numb in the middle of a sweet apple crumble. Edmund is having the time of his life, though, biting into a chocolate gateau and a rose parfait and blueberry cakes, and Y/N gazes at him quite contentedly the entire time- and then the gaze turns mutual and humorous and a bit alarmed, when the head baker packs them enough sweeties and desserts and chocolates to last a few decades.
They both are supposed have meetings that day- one with an envoy from Archenland and the other with a Tarkheena from Calormen- but the meetings are later in the day, and they know that the High King and the Queens of Narnia will happily keep the guests busy on the off-chance they are late.
His siblings are more invested in their relationship than they both are, the Just King feels.
As usual, he’s right, and it’s seen just how right he is at the next Ball.
Reading Dates
But before the Ball, comes winter, and with winter, comes the need to stay warm and cosy.
Especially for Edmund, since he does not deal well with the cold at all.
Y/N isn’t used to the cold, since Y/C/N is a warm country, and so they both have more reason than most to stay indoors during the most biting days of winter.
But they haven’t gone on a date in weeks, and Y/N is fearing that they could go back to the aloofness they had regarded each other with during the beginning of their marriage.
Neither of them wants that- Y/N and Edmund care for each other very deeply, and that’s something that even they, expert at denying feelings, cannot deny.
Hence, Y/N hauls candles and blankets and some of the bakery’s sweets in the middle of winter, in addition to asking the Kitchens to bring up some food and warm drinks.
Lastly, Y/N finds Edmund in his study, wrapped in a thick shawl his mother-in-law gave him, and they walk hand-in-hand to the destination.
In the Library, seated on a cosy couch, half-suffocated by thick blankets, Edmund and Y/N hardly talk. They read quietly in the candlelight, occasionally looking up to grin at each other or hold hands again, and even the meal is had in utterly comfortable silence, broken only at the end of it by Edmund’s declaration that they must have a sleepover in the Library.
Of course, both being the bibliophiles they are, they doubt much sleep will happen- it’s far more likely they’ll read and read and read until they fall asleep reading.
But neither will mind that- and so, Y/N climbs into Edmund’s lap, fishes a book from the pile next to them, and agrees.
Ballroom (And a Bit of Stargazing) Dates
Edmund dances well, and since he’s married, he knows that the one to dance with is his consort. He was the one to suggest they consider the Ball a date for he had no wish to spend the event with anyone apart from Y/N.
Y/N felt the same way, and his suggestion was met with an approving kiss.
Still, his siblings have some insane idea in their heads that the relationship between the two Monarchs needs meddling to grow- and their idea of meddling is to make sure no one else meddles.
And so the rest of the guests at the vibrant New Year’s Ball give the two Monarchs a wide berth throughout the event.
It suits Y/N just fine, because Edmund is easily the only one around who offers comfort as well as conversation, not to mention how fine a dancer he is, to make up for Y/N’s abysmal dancing skills. And even Edmund can’t mind, truly, not when he has his dear consort clasped in his arms, and he sees just how bright and soft Y/N’s smile, aimed at him throughout the night, is.
They spend the Ball dancing and laughing, and occasionally tripping, and they are not away from each other’s embrace for longer than a few minutes.
And then they steal away to the roof of Cair Paravel, and spend the rest of night staring up at the sky, with Edmund pointing out the different constellations in the sky, and Y/N speaking of the stories and fables of Y/C/N that were linked to the stars and the Heavens.
Y/N notices that Edmund’s freckles are like constellations. Edmund notices that Y/N’s eyes shine like the Moon. They gaze at each other more than they look at the celestial bodies.
And when the fireworks bloom into artificial stars in the sky, a few metres above them- the couple has their lips on each other’s, feeling something deep bloom in their hearts as well.
Things go sour not long after the Christmas Ball. It’s coming up on five years of marriage- Peter and Susan and Lucy and Y/N’s parents and both their countries were extremely frustrated by how long it’s taking for Y/N and Edmund to confess their love for each other.
But the couple is taking it slow. Neither are the type to fall in love quickly- rather, until each other, they hadn’t thought they would fall in love at all.
It is all wholly new and unexpected- for them- and they hadn’t quite believed what was happening when they’d quietly confessed to each other that they had feelings for the other. It was for that reason that there had been an unspoken agreement, after the confession, to do things slowly.
But the slowness was frustrating more than just the people around them- it was frustrating them, too!
Edmund regularly had to bite his tongue to keep from saying ‘my love’ in almost every single situation and at every moment of the day, but especially he’d come across Y/N be in the training field, eyes shining and sweaty skin glowing, perfecting the use of (Y/P/W).
The ‘I love you’ had been on the top of Y/N’s tongue every time the two Monarchs fell asleep while reading in the Royal Library, and then Y/N would be the one to wake up first, watching Edmund in peaceful slumber.
There are bets going on, in both Cair Paravel and in Y/N’s castle in (Y/C/N).
Peter said that Y/N would say it first, being the more impulsive of the pair.
Susan said that they’d both say it together, because underneath all their emotional unintelligence, there was some understanding and wisdom.
Lucy said it would be Edmund, because once he got over whatever fear was keeping from telling the three not-so-little words, he would surely want to be transparent with his consort, despite the possibility of his declaration being unrequited.
Y/N’s parents, for their part, thought that it would be another five years before the word ‘love’ would come into the conversation, and they said they’d announce their bet in three.
The sourness is not, however, Edmund and Y/N’s fault.
They’re doing quite well, actually, they feel, and they blush rather brightly every time the other’s name is brought up.
Then the Giants attacked.
Y/N spoke heatedly, looking with flashing eyes to the rest of the war council, “I’m going to fight!”
Edmund nodded, “Of course you are, darling, but you must stay here. It’s not safe to travel back to your country-”
No, Y/N wasn’t running back home! Of course not. That was what Peter had assumed for an awkward moment, and Y/N had almost thrown a scroll at his face.
“I need to get my army here, and I need to leave now. Narnia needs support, and it is part of our alliance treaty that our countries come to each other’s aid in the event of war.”
Peter stepped in here, “That’s right. Remember, Narnia has lent its troops to Y/C/N whenever minor scuffles at the border occur-”
“Of course I remember.” His younger brother said calmly, though not feeling calm at all.
His consort wanted to go out of Cair Paravel- which wasn’t safe in the least, as the Giants were camped practically just outside their walls. He couldn’t- he couldn’t risk losing someone he- someone he loved so much.
“We both signed the treaty, need I remind you. But then we can send a Raven to Y/N’s parents, they can-”
“I am the Monarch.” Y/N spoke, cutting across the Just King. There was no anger in Y/N’s voice, but it was simply firmness. “It is because of me that my country will be brought into this War, because I-”
Fell in love with you.
But the treaty had been signed long before that. And Edmund didn’t know that fact!
“Because I married you.”
Edmund swallowed. Y/N was right. There was no one else who could catch his tongue like that, or get him to change his mind.
“Very well.” He said stiffly, and looked to where Lucy was standing, already dressed in armour and looking fiercely warrior-like. “Lu, I’ll be going with Y/N, so I’ll ask Orieus if he may patrol with you instead-”
“No.” Y/N said, once against interrupting him. Somehow, Y/N’s hand was now on Edmund’s arm, and there sprung a need in both to clasp each other’s hand tight.
So, they did.
“Narnia needs you, dearest. I’ll be alright, and I’ll be back soon.”
Edmund gazed into Y/N’s eyes for a long moment, and Y/N gazed back.
The war council moved onto other matters soon, but Edmund and Y/N kept holding hands for the entirety of it- in fact, until they reached the Stables where Y/N’s horse was kept.
“Are you sure you want to leave now?” Edmund queried quietly, as his consort tied some necessities and supplies to end of the horse’s saddle. He’d been the one to have the sense to tell one of the servants to pack for a journey- Y/N was reckless enough to make the journey with nothing useful. “You could leave in the morning-”
“I don’t want to leave, but I have to. Sooner rather than later- you told me once they said that where you come from.” Y/N’s voice was just as quiet.
What if he was right? Well, of course he was right, he always was- but what if the Giants did attack Y/N on the way?
Death was inevitable, it was known- but to die while on the way to help in a War? What sort of Monarch did that?
But the alternative was not helping Narnia. The alternative was letting Edmund and Peter and Lucy and Susan suffer the War on their own.
Y/N turned to Edmund, “Spare Oom, was it?”
He smiled a little, and they neared each other, their arms sliding around each other so they stayed in an embrace for as long as they could.
“Or War Drobe. I’ve heard it both ways.”
He bent his head, and their lips met in a slow, needy, passionate kiss.
“I’ll be safe.” Y/N whispered into the kiss, knowing full well what Edmund would murmur once the embrace broke. “As safe as I can.”
“That’s not very reassuring.” He tried to joke, but it fell flat. They were going to part. Not for long, if they had any luck- but it was war. How often was good fortune found in the middle of battle? “I’ll wait for you.”
“And you best fight in midst of the waiting.” Y/N said- deciding to not ask him to be safe, because he would be. He would. He was a warrior and he was wise- he’d stay alive. “And try to think of better date ideas.”
Edmund smiled in spite of himself, “I’m the one with the good ideas. Yours are more hit or miss.”
Y/N chuckled softly, “Maybe a battle will give me inspiration, then. I’ll think of you anyway- may as well have that thinking be productive.”
“We’ll go on that date the moment the War’s over.” His smile softened, and they kissed once more- one last time.
The kiss lasted another few moments, before they both pulled away- and Y/N climbed onto the horse.
“G-goodbye.” Y/N almost said ‘my love’. “I’ll see you soon.”
Edmund raised his hand in farewell, not trusting himself to speak.
And then, as the horse pulled out of the paddock and just as his consort was almost out of sight- he spoke.
Well, shouted.
“Y/N!” He said, and the horse and her rider both turned.
They weren’t too close to each other, but they were close enough to hear each other.
Steeling himself, and not entirely sure his sanity was intact, he said loudly, “I love you.”
He saw Y/N’s eyes widen, and- then he fancied he saw a smile. His heart was pounding so hard, he was aware of very little except for his heartbeat and his consort’s outline against the sunset.
No- he wasn’t imagining it. He was seeing a smile. Y/N was smiling at him.
But then Y/N tugged on the reins, and the horse galloped away, and Edmund was left alone in the paddock of the Stables.
But at least he had received a smile in exchange for his impulsive declaration of love. It was far better than the rejection he had thought he was sure to get.
Impromptu Dates
Y/N and Edmund did not see each other until the siege of the giants ended two months later. They had news of each other, of course- letters tied to Ravens’ legs and messages delivered by dryads kept them, as well as every regiment fighting the Giants in the north of Narnia informed of what was happening.
And then, in the spring, the Giants surrendered, and High King Peter declared the War won, and he sent Ravens to all corners of Narnia and to the neighbouring lands to inform them of the news.
Y/N had been with Peter during the battles, while Edmund was stationed away, in a part of the land where strategy would be important to win than force. Lucy was with him, but she regularly rode far away to fight other threats that took advantage of the War to attack Narnia as well- while Susan stayed at Cair Paravel, holding down the fort in case the Giants somehow breeched their defences.
But now that the War was over, the Pevensies were to be together again, soon. Very soon, the four hoped.
Sooner than that, though, it Edmund and Y/N that were fated to reunite.
The path that Y/N was to take on the return from Y/C/N to Narnia was, coincidentally, the path that led from the Western Woods to Cair Paravel.
Edmund hadn’t spent the War there, no, but he had gone to check on his domain after it, just in case any of the White Witch’s supporters had come out of the woodwork and had tried to capture the forests once more.
(There hadn’t been anyone in the Western Woods except for one very adorable family of rabbits, and some deer that complimented his choice of swords over a bow and arrow.)
There was a brook nearby, and Y/N had taken off the armour and had washed up in that- not bathing, of course- and had managed to get some drinking water, too, since the water was cool enough. After such strenuous fighting and the wounds afflicted because of it, cold water was a must.
Y/N had decided to keep wearing the soaked tunic, as the wet fabric gave extreme relief to the hot and bruised skin.
As the horse began away from the brook, walking along a path bordered with flowers, Y/N heard something else.
Someone else.
Someone that travelled frequently with the man who had said ‘I love you’ just before their parting- and the man whom Y/N wanted to tell the same to.
It came from a bit far ahead- nearer to the mouth of the brook, where it was more a stream.
Y/N’s eyesight wasn’t the best, but the hearing was- and Philip, Edmund’s horse, had a very loud voice.
“Your Majesty.” The sienna-hued horse’s voice spoke. “Why not a bathe?”
“It’s only half a day to Cair.” Came another voice, and Y/N’s heart soared so high an attack of dizziness came. “I’ll bathe there- and it won’t do to dirty such a clean, pure stream.”
“Edmund!” Y/N shouted, almost falling off the horse.
Climbing properly off her, Y/N ran towards the sounds of the two voices.
”Edmund- Edmund-”
Edmund had his top-armour off, clad in a wet long-sleeved under-shirt, much like Y/N’s, and he had been washing his face and attempting to fill some water into his flash, even though he’d cracked it and water poured out more than it poured in.
At the sound of his consort’s voice, he dropped the flask again, and turned quickly- in alarm and quite a bit of hope.
Y/N flew at him, and they collided together, falling down onto the grass. Their arms stayed around each other, and Edmund kept calling Y/N’s name and Y/N kept calling Edmund’s, though they were clasped tight together, and neither cared that they’d landed half in the water, too.
“You’re here!” Y/N spoke into Edmund’s shoulder, clutching him tight. “What are- how- this isn’t your route-”
“Had to check on the Woods.” Edmund answered, kissing his consort’s cheek.
He was on top, and there was a grin on Y/N's face at the position, and he felt himself blush.
“You’ve been to guide your armies back to Y/C/N, yes? I thought you’d stay home for a few weeks- to rest.”
“I wanted to.” Y/N admitted- as absolutely lovely and beloved as Narnia was, there was no place like home. “But I- I had something to do in Narnia.”
Here, Philip interjected, “Good to see you again, Your Majesty!”
Y/N waved happily at the sarcastic horse, before looking back at Edmund, who was looking curious as he asked, “Official work?”
“Well.” Y/N said, and rolled them around so that their positions revered and Edmund was under. “I had to make a declaration.”
Y/N’s heart was shaking. And there were palpitations. And anxiety. A lot of anxiety. And nerves. And nausea, if one squinted.
But so much love. So much of it. It overwhelmed all else.
His question was ignored, and Y/N went on, “And before that, I had to suggest a date idea.”
And then they kissed, beginning too soft and careful- for neither was aware of the other’s injuries- and then ending with gasps and even tighter grips on each other.
Oh, how they wanted to peel off the remaining armour and the wet tunics and make love then and there, having missed each other so painfully much- but Philip was there. They didn’t want to scar him for life- more than they already had. The poor horse had been an unwitting witness to more than one ardent snogging sessions between the two Monarchs- and, in some of those sessions, they had not been very clothed.
It haunted Philip’s nightmares, but it also gave him a lot of material to tease his rider about.
“Was that the idea?” Edmund asked hoarsely, his hand curling into his consort’s hair. He wanted to say those three words again- so, so badly. “A kissing date?”
Y/N’s swollen lips curved into a smile, “Do you mind it?”
“Not at all.” He said, thinking that all the date ideas he had had might have already been beaten- before asking, “But what’s the declaration? If it’s got paperwork, I’ll have to handle it, you know.”
He was very tired. Fighting battles was difficult. Whatever it was, he wanted to get the work done as soon as possible.
“It is a declaration to the Just King. To my darling husband.” Y/N whispered.
Oh, how could a heart possibly feel like it was creeping so high into a throat!? The anxiety was getting unbearable. It was only Edmund’s proximity and his beautiful, dark eyes gazing into Y/N’s that kept an anxiety attack at bay.
“I declare that I am absolutely and besottedly in love with you.”
“Oh.” Well, he certainly didn’t want that over with as soon as possible.
Never, in fact. He wanted it to last forever.
He smiled again, his heart aglow and both their eyes shining, and they pressed their foreheads against each other’s.
“I love you. I love you so much.”
It was the best date ever.
Vow Renewal Dates
A vow renewal ceremony is not a date, Susan tells her brother and sister-in-law repeatedly- but as far as they’re concerned, that’s exactly what it is.
It takes in a lovely meadow of flowers, and they are together, looking radiant and lovely as they gaze at each other- and they hold hands through it all. They tell each other how much they loved each other, and they promise once again to forever be by each other’s side and be joined in the bond of marriage forevermore.
Well, dates usually didn’t have parents and siblings around, but one couldn’t have everything.
They are in love, though. A love they hope would last forever, and if there’s something after that, then even then.
And it may not be everything- but it certainly does feel like it.
Thank you for reading!
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
My Very Soul (Chapter 4)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
everyone meet Henry! played by Skandar Keynes, dashing young man version
Link to Chapter 3
Warnings: more Anakin angst, lots of jealousy, canon-typical violence & death, and the beginnings of some soft Ani fluff (it’s a slow burn y'all, so appreciate the build, please)
Summary: As you and your fellows try to figure out the mystery behind the Banking Clan's slow progress, Anakin's jealousy leads to an upsetting confrontation
Word Count: 5.4k
The Muuns of the Banking Clan were interesting beings. You sat watching them as they looked down upon you and your colleagues, their chairs elevated in the high-ceilinged chamber in which they held their proceedings.
       "The Republic believes this new organizational structure will add security and efficiency to the documentation of the Banking Clan's credit reserves," Master Obi-Wan was saying, the Muuns nodding as he explained the new record-keeping system that you Jedi had been sent to initiate...or, so the Muuns believed. You felt a bit uneasy at this deception, but you understood the importance of securing the Republic's control of the credit standard, especially for those planets in the Outer Rim that suffered under the hands of the crime syndicates. As Obi-Wan spoke, you felt Master Yuma reaching out with the Force, communicating to you that you must focus, now. You let your eyes glaze over. From the outside, it would appear that you were politely listening to Master Kenobi's speech. You used this mask to hide the true purpose of this meeting—the objective was for you to try to read the situation, understand the Muuns' emotional movements, sense where their thoughts led, trying to glean if anything within this governing body was amiss.
       Before you knew it, the meeting was over. Time passed differently when you were meditating, you knew, and you shook your head to clear it, quickly, following your Master and the other Jedi out of the Clan's chambers.
       "We should reconvene on our ship," Master Yuma said innocently, disguising the true meaning of her words. "We can send a transmission to the Council, to let them know of our progress."
       "Certainly," Master Faer said, just as calmly. Though it was not assumed that any of the Muuns had ill intent, it was important for you to discuss your mission aboard your own ship, where you could be sure no one was listening in.
       The sun was setting outside against the mountains as you, Henry, and Anakin followed your Masters back out onto the landing platform. You paused, only for a moment, to take in the colors as they moved along with the jagged outlines of the mountainous horizon. Spending most of your time on Coruscant, you didn't often get to admire the natural beauty of the universe.
       "Y/N," Master Yuma called to you, and you turned, following her up the closing ramp of the ship you'd arrived on earlier that day.  
       "My Padawan tells me that you have an unusual ability for understanding other's thoughts," Master Faer said to you as all of you entered the main hull, sitting around the flight table.
       "Not thoughts, exactly," you responded, looking to Master Yuma for permission to explain. She nodded to you in encouragement. "I can...sense minute changes in other presences, through the Force," you clarified, trying to speak of your own abilities with humility. "Usually centered on emotions."
       "And what did you discover," Obi-Wan asked, looking to you, "about our Muun friends?"
       "They're..." you cast around, searching for the right words to explain. Thought, emotion, and consciousness were not easily captured through language. "They're afraid," you said, looking inward, trying to translate the experience you'd had in that chamber in a way that made sense. "All of them. They're scared. Of what, I don't know," you continued, "but I don't sense any malintent on their behalf. I don't think they're the ones behind this...plot, if it is such an organized effort. But there's something they're not telling us. It's like...like they're being forced, against their will. To do what, I don't know." You shook your head, deep in thought, trying to understand it. "It's like there's some other presence. I sensed the outline of something we're missing, but I can't get a read on what it is...whatever this presence is, the Muuns are terrified of it."
       Your words cast the group into silence, everyone thinking hard.
       "I too sensed a lack," Master Yuma agreed. "A lack of sight, that is. We're being blinded." You watched your Master as she puzzled, her braids hanging loosely around her attractive face, her large eyes clouded by thought.
       "Well, we don't have much to report yet," Master Obi-Wan conceded. "We'll need to do a little more digging." Master Faer nodded.
       "The Muuns are under the impression that you will be overseeing the new organizational system's implementation tomorrow," Master Faer said. "They've arranged rooms for you all. I have found them to be gracious hosts," Master Faer continued, smiling a tired smile.
       "That's good news," Master Yuma said, leaning back. "We could all use some rest."
       "Henry," Master Faer suggested, "if you could show your fellows to their rooms for the evening, I will join Masters Yuma and Obi-Wan in sending a transmission back to the council." Henry nodded obligingly. You stood, Anakin following suit. You noticed that Anakin's presence seemed subdued as you walked back off of the ship and toward the Banking Clan's headquarters. It wasn't common for him to be quiet during deliberations—it wasn't common for him to be quiet, period. You read in him a sense of unease, felt some flickers of fear and anger, though you didn't understand where these emotions were coming from.
       You thought back to Henry's words from earlier. He's quite taken with you, Henry had said. You knew this area of thought was off limits, but you couldn't help feeling a gnawing feeling in your stomach. In your own way, you cared for Anakin. You felt remorseful, now, as you walked toward the turbolift inside the floating city with your two silent companions. You could admit that when you were around Anakin, a part of you warmed internally—the way Anakin's Force presence swelled when it met yours, the way you felt his joy spike, no matter the circumstance, even if you were glaring at him, even if you were insulting his intelligence—you couldn't help but feel affection for this boy. Anakin wore all of his emotions on his sleeve, and it was, in many ways, ironic that you were the one who was so often paired with him on missions, seeing as reading other's emotions was your Force gift. You didn't need it, with Anakin. His emotions spilled out at every turn, his joy, his eagerness, his anger, his insecurity—all of it read on his face and in every gesture. You hadn't been able to prevent yourself from becoming fond of him, even though you had tried very hard. It was endearing, meeting someone so genuine.  Maybe you had been too hard on him.
       "The rooms on this level are for diplomatic visitors," Henry told you quietly as you exited the lift, seeming to sense that both you and Anakin were lost in your own, deep trenches of thought. He gestured to a door in front of him, and a door to his left. "Anakin, you may take this one, if you wish," Henry offered. Anakin gave him a curt nod.
       "Thank you, Henry," you said, putting your hand on the door handle. "For everything."
       "I'll see you in the morning," Henry said, and with a soft smile, he departed back into the lift. You turned, opening the door to your room, surprised at its size. The window was large, and through it you could see the last bits of light disappearing against the expansive starry sky. On missions, you were usually delegated to sleeping in the corner of the ship, or perhaps a bunk, if you were lucky. To have a guest room, with a large bed, a view, and a vase full of fresh flowers on the bedside table overwhelmed you. You turned back around, smiling, to find Anakin standing in your doorway, looking angrier than you'd ever seen him.
       "Ani—wha?" you started to question, but all too quickly, he crossed the room, his angry strides breaking through your peaceful mood like a knife.
       "What do you mean, what?" Anakin accused, turning back to look you in the face before continuing his pacing. You looked at him, eyes wide. For once, you truly had no idea what was going through his mind.
       "Henry!" Anakin snarled, putting his hands up in the air, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
       "What about Henry?" you asked, truly nonplussed.
       "You're joking, right?" Anakin asked, stopping his pacing to put his face up close to yours. "That man is what—four, five years older than you?"
       "So?" you questioned, trying to understand how Anakin could be so angry.
       "So?! So he had no right talking to you the way he did." Anakin resumed his angry pacing. You sensed that his subdued nature earlier was nothing more than a valiant attempt to contain the emotions he exhibited now, though you still felt this reaction needed more of an explanation.
       "Talking to me how?" you asked, looking at Anakin as if he were crazy.
       "You know," Anakin said threateningly, pointing his finger at you. "Talking to you as if you were..."
       "As if I were what?" you asked, more quietly, wondering if you could calm Anakin down enough to get him to spit it out.
       "He's way too old for you," Anakin huffed, and you saw that his hands were shaking. "It's not right. And you," Anakin continued, turning to point at you again accusingly, "you went right along with it. He's grown, and you're just a—"
       "Just a what?" you asked, anger finally penetrating your mood. "Just a kid?"
       "His behavior was completely unacceptable," Anakin went on, still pacing. "He was all over you. And he was so obvious about it! Romantic attachments are against the rules, Y/N. And it's...it's wrong. It's beyond inappropriate, for you and him to—for you—" Anakin sputtered, seeming unable to finish his thought. You started laughing.
       "Anakin, it isn't like that at all. Henry and I have known each other since we were small children, training together as younglings." You shook your head, finally cluing in to the meaning behind Anakin's reaction. You felt yourself blushing, wanting very much to completely ignore this realization about the reason behind Anakin's anger, and also struggling to keep yourself from punching Anakin in the mouth.
       "There's something off about the way he looks at you," Anakin retorted, his eyes narrowed, looking up into your face with an intensity you had seen from no one else. The strength of his Force presence was incomparable.
       "The only thing off here is you," you responded, raising your voice ever so slightly. "And I know why," you said, your hands balling into fists, your frustration and discomfort rising in you like a swelling wave. Just when you thought maybe you should be giving Anakin more grace, he worked his way under your skin in the worst way, proving himself to be the most irksome, the most exasperating presence in the galaxy. You felt Anakin's anger rise alongside yours, his presence in the Force lashing out toward you.
       "Oh yeah?" Anakin taunted, trying uselessly to use bravado through his anger.
       "You're jealous of him," you responded rudely, lowering the tone of your voice again, trying to regain control of yourself.
       "Of him?" Anakin squawked derisively, going in the opposite direction of control. "As if. Obedient, quiet, polite, Henry," Anakin spat, smiling a horrible smile. "He's weak."
       Your anger turned to ice. You felt your body stiffen, all of your cold fury directed at the boy in front of you. You couldn't believe it—couldn't believe Ani could be so cruel, that he could be so dismissive toward someone so caring and generous, someone who was like a brother to you.
       "Henry is kind," you said fervently, and you felt your eyes start to water. You willed the tears back. "He's compassionate, and wise. He's ten times the Jedi you will ever be." At these words, you felt Anakin's presence fold into itself, somehow, as if inside him there were a black hole that had suddenly been unleashed. You felt the tiniest twinge of regret.
       You heard a clattering sound across the room, and you turned, seeing the vase that had been filled with flowers on the ground, shattered into pieces. The flower stems lay amidst the wet, surrounded by clear shards of glass. You turned back to face Anakin, to chastise him for letting himself lose control like that, but he had already run from the room, leaving behind him a wake of fury and agony that you felt linger in the Force.
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Anakin awoke the next morning balled up in his sheets, sweating, his feelings and memories from the previous night still storming around him. He had not slept well. He had not gotten a chance to enjoy the beautiful room that the Muuns had prepared for him, though Padawans never were granted such dignified accommodations. The whole of it seemed to be mocking him in his anger, the white sheets, the view of the mountains outside in the morning air. Even the vase full of flowers on the bedside table was taunting him. He wanted to smash this one as well—two for two—but he held back.
       He had felt he was justified, telling you off for the way you had interacted with Master Faer's Padawan. Anakin refused to think his name. Still, when he had locked himself in his own room, after confronting you, all he had felt was distress. He was tormented by your face—he'd never before seen you with tears in your eyes, looking at him as if he'd gravely wounded you. The memory made him feel slimy, sick, like some kind of slithering, wet sadness were making its way through his body, emptying him of his anger, his confidence, of anything aside from guilt. Anakin sat up, putting his feet on the ground, resting his hands on his knees.
       He had not meant to make you upset. He didn't know what he had meant to do—his anger had gotten the better of him, as it so often did. But Anakin was not able to banish his anger completely���he felt it stirring inside him, waiting to be called upon should it be needed. Anakin shook his head. Yes, he didn't see what there was to admire in a boy like Henry—a man, Anakin supposed—but you did, and Anakin certainly admired you, your tenacity, your skill, the way you refused to give in, the way you always seemed to be a step ahead of him. Anakin put his head into his hands.
      "Anakin," Obi-Wan said gently from the doorway. Anakin looked up, annoyed that his Master always seemed to appear when he was struggling with his emotions. Having a Master like Obi-Wan—someone so perceptive and attuned to Anakin's internal shifts—was at times difficult. Anakin hadn't ever tried to hide his feelings for you, from Obi-Wan at least, but as he grew older, things seemed to become more complicated.
      "The Muuns have arranged breakfast for us on the lower level," Obi-Wan said cautiously, watching his Padawan.
      "I'm not hungry," Anakin muttered, turning his face away from the knowing gaze of his Master. Obi-Wan sighed, entering the room, sitting on the ottoman at the end of Anakin's bed.
      "You might try to see what you're feeling right now," Obi-Wan began, Anakin still refusing to look at him, "as an opportunity for growth. Feelings that seem important and all-consuming in this stage of your life will shift, and likely fade with time." Anakin shook his head. He didn't know all that much about this kind of attachment, but he knew enough to know his feelings about you, in particular, would never change, or fade, no matter how much time passed. Obi-Wan put a comforting hand on his Padawan's shoulder.
       "I do know that if you want the admiration of your peers," Obi-Wan said gently, "you need to earn it, through words and actions that are admirable." These words softened Anakin's anger, for they were useful to him. They envisioned a way forward—a future in which you didn't despise Anakin, but rather, a future in which you admired him, more than you admired Henry, more than you admired anyone else.
       Obi-Wan watched his apprentice's face as Anakin worked this through. Obi-Wan felt as if he could see the cogs churning, Anakin pushing through the heaviness of his adolescent emotions toward logical conclusions. Obi-Wan remembered what it was like to be young, though he had never been as hot-tempered as his Padawan. He was sympathetic toward Anakin, wanting to assuage these feelings and put his apprentice's mind at peace. Still, a warning arose in the back of Obi-Wan's mind, a warning that had come from the Jedi Council long ago. Though Obi-Wan was aware of Anakin's tendency toward attachment and possession, he also knew Anakin to be, in his very core, a good and compassionate person. He would work through these feelings, in time, and mature with age. Obi-Wan was sure of it.
       Obi-Wan waited in the hallway while his Padawan washed and dressed. Anakin emerged from his room feeling quite irritable, but he worked hard to arrange his features. He breathed in the Force, trying to remember that a Jedi must act selflessly. A Jedi must be slow to anger, must always try to feel connected to other life forms—even life forms that were older, and annoyingly polite, with their stupid freckles, life forms that talked to you as if you were the most beautiful person in the whole of the galaxy—
       No. Anakin worked again to clear his mind of anger for Henry, worked to compose his face and stature into something resembling good natured. As he waited for the lift to descend, Anakin felt Obi-Wan's Force presence and was calmed by it. His Master never seemed to get too worked up, about anything, and though this often infuriated Anakin, right now it was helping him to quiet his troubled mind.
       As Anakin followed Obi-Wan into a sunny room with a large table, he saw that you, Master Yuma, and Henry were already seated. The table had another vase, with the same flowers that had been in the guest rooms, and was covered with a variety of fruits, biscuits, and other breakfast fares. Master Yuma and Henry looked up as Anakin and Obi-Wan entered, both ushering greetings, but you refused to acknowledge their presence. Anakin watched your face, but you ate slowly, staring across at the wall in front of you. Anakin sat down at the table.
      Anakin swallowed, trying to move his face correctly as he turned to Henry. "Good morning," Anakin told Henry, in a voice that didn't sound like his own. Henry nodded to him. Anakin turned to you. "Good morning, Y/N," he said, making sure to push outward with his own remorse, his compassion, his most admirable qualities.
      You looked up at him, finally, your eyes wide and your eyebrows upturned, as if he had said something horribly shocking. You looked back down at your plate, your face red. Clearly, you were still angry.
       "Are you all right, Y/N?" Henry asked you gently, and Anakin's emotions roiled inside of him. You ignored both of them, still staring at your plate.
       "I don't want to know," Master Yuma said, putting her hands in the air in front of her, as if in surrender. "Y/N, we've been tasked with going over the manifest for the credit reserves this morning. Whenever you're ready, we should—"
       "I'm ready," you responded quickly, looking as if you wanted nothing more than to escape that room. Anakin saw the sides of Master Yuma's mouth twitch.
       "All right," Master Yuma said quietly, no hint of anything other than professionalism in her tone. "We'll all reconvene this afternoon." As Master Yuma pushed back from the table, you stood up, knocking some of your silverware to the ground, and fled the room quickly, not turning to look back.
       Henry looked concerned, but Anakin avoided his eyes. Henry turned to Obi-Wan.
       "Don't ask," Obi-Wan said, taking a dignified sip from his teacup.
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"You know," Master Yuma told you as the two of you poured over the large books kept by the Muuns, standing in the small room behind the chamber in which the meeting had been held. "You're really growing up, Y/N. Though I can sense that you are troubled, you've handled your emotions quite well." She turned a page and ran her finger along it, looking for any inconsistencies within the Muuns' records. You shook your head.
       "I've been working hard, to regulate myself," you admitted to her, running your hand along the opposite page of the large book, looking through the numbers presented in small, neat lines. "But it's so difficult, sometimes. Anakin—"
       "Anakin is very powerful in the Force," Master Yuma said thoughtfully, keeping her eyes down, on her work. "It must be quite a challenge, to be so young, and to command so much power." These words surprised you—you hadn't expected Master Yuma to make excuses for Anakin's behavior.
       "But he can be so irritating," you groaned, finally letting out some of your frustrations, finally allowing yourself to act in a way some would consider indecorous. "And sometimes, when his emotions get the best of him, he can even be...cruel." Your stomach turned as you remembered the way he had spoken about Henry. Master Yuma looked up, turning to you.
       "I know that age grants one the ability to see things more clearly," Master Yuma said, "and I know that you and Anakin both are very young. Still," Master Yuma continued, her eyes becoming unfocused, as if she were trying to look ahead, past this room, past this moment. "Still, I sense that you know Anakin's heart is not cruel—that you know there is more to this story that has not yet revealed itself."
       You watched Master Yuma, sucking your breath in. This honesty startled you. You didn't know what to say in response, didn't know how to make sense of these words. It wasn't as though you hadn't thought this, in the depths of your mind, before now—it was that hearing it spoken aloud, and from someone you regarded as wise and discerning, frightened you.
       "We can only control our own actions, Y/N," Master Yuma continued. "I trust that you will—"
       Master Yuma's words cut off sharply, as both of you turned, looking to the doorway in alarm.
       "I sense it too," you said quickly, and before you knew it you were following your Master at a run, unholstering your lightsaber, through the maze of rooms that made up the Clan's headquarters, outside, onto the hangar, where you sensed a bubble of tension—of danger.
       You exited to a distressing scene: the bright light of the day revealed Anakin and Henry, standing at the edge of the hangar, their lightsabers lit, blocking blasts sent from an enemy wearing pilot's clothing, a mask covering their face, their blaster firing shot after shot. The mystery attacker was skilled, you saw—the assailant dodged the blasts that Anakin and Henry sent back, deflected by their lightsabers, and rolled on the ground and fired more shots, getting closer and closer to the Padawans. You and Master Yuma ran forward, lightsabers lit, but you were still too far away. You felt the presences of Master Faer and Master Obi-Wan exiting the building behind you, having sensed the danger at the same time you had. This was supposed to be a diplomatic mission, you thought desperately. Who was this attacker, and, more importantly, why were they here? There wasn't time to think it through. You ran forward, desperate to join your fellow Padawans.
       You watched with horror as a blast hit Henry in the arm, knocking his lightsaber out of his hand, leaving him defenseless. You felt like your legs were moving in slow motion, so intense was your desire to get to him, to protect him, when you saw the attacker fire the blaster again, directly toward Henry's heart.
       "Henry!" you screamed, but as you felt your stomach drop, a terrible fear slashing through your middle, you saw the red light stream of the bullet stop, hovering in mid-air between the masked attacker and Henry's frozen form, his mouth open in surprise. You didn't understand, not until you looked to your left and saw Anakin, sweat dripping from his brow, his hand reaching outward, his fingers tensed. You wouldn't have believed it if it weren't happening before your eyes. You'd never seen someone stop an energy bolt from a blaster through the Force. You wouldn't have thought it possible—the reflexes necessary to stop something moving that fast would need to be quicker than lightspeed. The attacker stood, watching the beam of light hovering, astonished, and turned to look at Anakin. Anakin's stare turned cold, and you knew what would happen before you could stop it. Anakin used his Force grip on the energy bolt to change its direction, sending it back to the attacker, hitting the mysterious masked figure in the chest.
       "Henry," you said, your heart beating quickly as you ran forward to look at your friend. "Are you all right?" Henry nodded, seeming shaken, but you could feel in his emotions that it had not been the attacker's actions that had caused that bewildered look on his face. It had been Anakin's response. It took Henry a moment to get ahold of himself.
       "Thank you," he said, turning to face Anakin head on. "You saved my life." Anakin nodded at Henry, then turned to look back at the masked attacker. It was clear to everyone from the mysterious figure's still form, unmoving on the floor of the hangar, that whoever this person had been, they were no more.
       "That was unwise, Anakin," Obi-Wan said quietly, walking forward to examine the body. "Now we will never know who this assailant is, or who sent them to attack us." Anakin flushed, and you felt his frustration through the Force.
       "He would have killed Henry," Anakin argued, "had I not intervened."
       "He, or she, or they might be dead," Master Yuma said, "but it's time for those among us who have not been truthful to give us answers." She turned to face the Muuns, who stood in a cluster near the doorway into the inner chamber, looking terrified.
       "Who sent this assassin?" Master Faer asked them, for once abandoning his calm demeanor, looking angrier than you had ever seen him. You felt that Master Faer cared deeply for his Padawan.
       "We do not know!" one of the Muuns entuned, wringing his hands, acting upset. "We cannot know."
   ��   "Then what is it that you have been hiding from us, friends?" Master Obi-Wan said. His tone was calm, but the strength of the Force command in his question rang around all of you. The Muuns felt it, whether or not they knew consciously. They all looked at each other, looking scared.
       "We have been plagued," one Muun said in a small voice, standing behind the others, "by a demon. A hooded man, in the shadows. A demon who has threatened us, our species."
       "Tell us everything," Master Yuma said, her voice intensifying.
       "We will," the Muun agreed.
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"But we can't go," you said, distressed, looking back to Henry and Master Faer as you, Master Yuma, Master Obi-Wan, and Anakin prepared to board your ship. "Not now that we know there has been an attempt to remove the Jedi presence on Muunilinst. We need to stay to help Master Faer, and—"
       "It is likely our presence here brought forth this attack," Master Obi-Wan explained, looking to you with empathy. "Staying will only garner more resistance to a Republic presence in the Banking Clan."
       "Master Faer and I can take care of ourselves," Henry told you, walking forward and taking your hand. "You don't need to worry, Y/N." You looked up into his eyes and felt that he meant this—that though he didn’t want you to leave, he felt it was for the best. Duty came first for a Jedi. You hugged him, burying your face into his chest, the way you used to do when you first arrived to the Jedi Temple as a young child, when Henry was one of the only other younglings who was nice to you.
       "We'll see each other again soon," Henry said kindly, pulling away from you and gesturing for you to enter up the ship ramp with your companions. You turned away reluctantly, and once you were aboard, you turned back to watch the ramp close, Henry waving goodbye from behind it before it shut fully.
       "Better settle in," Master Yuma told you, putting a reassuring hand on your arm. "Get some rest, Y/N." You still felt wrong about leaving, still saw Henry's face as the ramp closed in your mind, but you knew Henry was talented, and that Master Faer would do anything to protect him. There was no use in worrying more, right now. You sighed, and plopped yourself down onto the flight couch in the main hull. Master Yuma went to check on Master Obi-Wan in the cockpit. You'd almost forgotten the other presence next to you, so lost you were in your thoughts of all that had just occurred. You tried hard to cast out your fear, because you knew where the fear of loss led. As you worked through the Force to regulate yourself, your eyes closed, you noticed a pause hanging in the air, as if someone had spoken half of a sentence and was waiting to speak the other half, or the last few notes of the melody had yet to be played. You opened your eyes.
       "I'm sorry!" Anakin burst out, standing across the hull in front of you, looking uncomfortable in his posture. You raised your eyebrows. Watching Henry almost be killed by a blaster had driven your argument with Anakin from your mind, but you could see now that Anakin had been waiting for the appropriate moment to say this. It was surprising, to you—you'd never heard Anakin apologize.
       "For what?" you asked cautiously, taking in Anakin's bowed figure, feeling his complicated emotions swirling around the both of you.
       "I'm sorry for—for what I said. About Henry," Anakin continued, his voice clipped. This seemed to be new territory for him, as if he were pushing hard within himself to try to force the words out. "He's not weak. He's a good Jedi." You watched Anakin, his eyes looking to you, asking for your forgiveness, and you felt a shift in the Force. Between the two of you there had rarely been any vulnerability, any weakness—you had always kept a strict guard up around Anakin, and he had always met that guard with confidence, with boldness, with his daring audacity, his stubbornness. The boy in front of you now was allowing that boldness to wash away, leaving behind a presence you associated with the boy you had found, all those years ago, sitting on the bench in the Jedi temple. Underneath Anakin's self-confident swagger you had always intuited this sensitivity, this soft current, but now that it was on full display in front of you, at your mercy, you were overwhelmed. You felt yourself blushing, unsure what to say.
       "Thank you," you whispered, and Anakin felt your acceptance of his apology in your words. His posture relaxed. He walked over, tentatively, sitting next to you on the flight couch, still keeping his distance.
       "Do you believe it? What they said?" Anakin asked, his energy buzzing, his body still working to keep in his emotions—fear, relief, amongst other things you refused to name. "About the hooded demon, that is."
       "Yes," you admitted, still looking down. "Though that descriptor doesn't seem right, as it's through the Muuns' limited lens. Whatever that presence actually is..." You paused, turning to look at Anakin, feeling his presence in the Force swell when you made eye contact. "I have a feeling things are changing, Ani." He nodded, his eyes wide, taking you in.
       "There's nothing in this universe that the Jedi can't handle," Anakin told you. You knew he had been trying to say this with comfort, but the phrasing unnerved you. You couldn't sense why. "Whatever changes, we'll handle it together."
Chapter 5 is out now!! Head on over :)
Henry will return eventually :) And yes, as you might have guessed, Master Faer is played by none other than Ben Barnes:
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redskull199987 · 2 years
A Brave Heart
Edmund Pevensie x female!reader Request
Word cohnt:1.4k
Warnings:none, Canon typical violence
Requested by: JulzLovDraco4Eva on Wattpad
Summary: You're scared that Edmund might never be the same after he returns from the white Witch...
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I sat down near the tent, trying to catch my breath. Learning how to handle a sword was not particularly easy, especially not when Peter was your teacher.
I breathed in deeply and took a sip of my water as I let my mind wander.
I looked up and saw Aslan and Edmund on the hill, the two of them had been talking a lot since we saved Edmund, but he somehow still wasn't the same as before.
I remembered the day we met at that train station, the war was full on going and we had to flee.
And even though, it was a day filled with awful events, having to leave my parents behind, it was still the best day of my life. Because I got to meet my best friends...the Pevensies. We were all sent to Professor Kirk's house, so we had to get along, even if we didn't want to.
I immediately became friends with Lucie, as she and I were the one's to discover Narnia.
"Hey, Earth to Y/N?"
I looked up perplexed as I saw none other than Lucie standing in front of me, smiling.
"How are you doing?", she asked and sat down beside me.
"Well...you know", I mumbled and looked back up at the hills. Aslan and Edmund were gone, "Your brother can be a pain in the ass"
Lucie chuckled and patted my shoulder:"Then why did you choose a sword!"
"I didn't choose it!?", I complained, "Santa Clause gave it to me. Try to say no to Santa Clause"
"Good point", Lucie smiled.
We started to calm down again as Lucie asked:"Have you tried talking to Ed yet?"
I looked down again:"You know, I can't Lu"
"But why!?", she asked perplexed.
"She's right", My head shot up, as I heard Peter's voice,"You should talk to him"
I sighed:"Peter... It's just, he's not the same"
"We know. That's why you need to try it", Lucie insisted.
"We...", Peter started, "We want him back too, and we think that you're the only one, who can bring him back"
"I-I'm not sure", I mumbled.
"Y/N", Peter said sternly, "Believe me, The way he looks at you... Or used to look at you. It's obvious"
Lucie nodded:"And remember, as he caught us sneaking out to Narnia. Where we had that snowball fight. The way he laughed, and the looks he kept giving you. Peter is right"
"Alright Alright", I muttered and got up, "Maybe you are right, but... What if you're not?"
"Y/N...", Lucie started, but I was already walking away, trying not to think about what they just told me.
I kept on walking and finally said down under a tree, near the river. I looked around, as my thoughts about Edmund seemed to corrupt my brain.
"You are thinking about him"
I jumped at the sudden voice next to me. It was Aslan. He looked at me with a smile before sitting down next to me.
"I am", I mumbled, as I knew that there was no point in hiding it from him.
"You know, you're friends are not exactly wrong", Aslan said calmly.
"I am afraid", I admitted.
"Only the one's with a brave heart will be rewarded, my dear",Aslan explained.
I sighed:"You're probably right"
"Do you know the old tale of the sleeping beauty?, Alslan asked and looked at me.
I raised my brow:" Y-yeah, but it's only a tale, isn't it? "
I only nodded at that, not knowing what to say.
"There is a grain of truth in every tale", Aslan smiled.
"The tale says that a kiss of true love can break curses"
"A-Are you trying to say that-", I stutterd.
"Y/N", Aslan said sternly, giving me a smile. He slowly stood up.
He turned to leave, but looked at me one last time:"I believe that you have a brave heart"
I smiled at the lion, knowing what he meant. I watched him leave, before getting up and trying to find Edmund. Peter's words kept echoing in my mind:' Believe me, the way he looks at you... "
I stumbled down the hill, as I finally spotted Edmund. He was sitting near the river. At the spot that I just left a few minutes ago.
"Edmund!?", I yelled, but he didn't respond.
I cautiously sat Down next to him.
"Edmund?", I asked again. Still no response.
I sighed and carefully reached out to touch his hand:"Ed?"
He suddenly looked up at me, face as pale as if he had seen a ghost.
"A-Are you alright?", I stutterd and carefully took his hand in mine.
"I-I am", he mumbled and eyed our intertwined hands,"What are you doing?"
He voice suddenly seemed cold, like he had realized something. He quickly got up and turned to leave.
"Edmund, wait!?", I yelled but he didn't listen. I jumped up and sprinted after him. I grabbed his hand again turning him Back towards me.
"Y/N!!", he yelled. I looked up into his eyes. Those beautiful bright blue eyes, now seemed dark and lifeless.
"Ed... Please", I mumbled and stepped closer to him.
Edmund looked at me confused, as I grasped his cheek,"Please Ed, come back to us...to me"
He was about to break away from me, as I quickly connected our lips. The kiss only lasted a few seconds, but Edmund almost immediately froze, as my lips touched his.
I stepped back and watched as Edmund fell to his knees.
"Ed!?", I yelled and kneeled down in from of him, "Ed, are you alright!?"
He slowly looked back up at me. His eyes wild and confused, but back at their normal blue glimmer.
"Ed?", I asked again.
"Y/N?", he asked perplexed. I only smiled at him. He was back. Edmund was back.
"It's alright", I mumbled at pulled him into my arms.
"I'm so so sorry, Y/N", he mumbled into my shoulder.
"It's alright", I said again. All I cared about now, was that Edmund was back. And Aslan was right. A brave heart will be rewarded.
"Edmund? Edmund, where the hell are you?", I yelled, as I got up. I looked around, the battle was still going on. And the army of Narnians was fighting bravely against the white witch.
"Edmund!?", I yelled again. We were parted only a few minutes ago. I was attacked by too many dwarfs at once, not only loosing sight of Edmund, but also somehow loosing my sword.
I turned around, as my eyes widened. I saw Edmund in front of the White Witch. He was about to get stabbed.
I looked around, noticing my sword laying a few meters in front of them.
I started to sprint, as the Witch took a swing to stile Edmund down.
I reached my sword after a few seconds, grabbing the handle tightly and racing towards them. Just in time, I managed to slip in between the With And Edmund. I raised my sword to deflect her Wand , as it suddenly busted into a thousand tiny shards of glass.
Edmund and I were thrown backwards, as an Intense lighting erruped in front of us.
I felt Ed grabbing my shoulders and pulled me back against his chest, as Aslan appeared in front of us, Stricking down the witch.
I breathed in deeply. It was over. The White Whitch was dead. Narnia was saved.
"Are you alright?", Edmund asked and I turned around, nodding.
"I am", I mumbled.
"Thanks for saving me", Ed smiled. He slightly pecked my lips before the two of us got up. Arm in Arm, we trotted over to his siblings and Aslan. The whole bunch was smiling at us.
"We did it", I smiled.
"You did indeed", Aslan agreed, a proud smile on his face:"The bravest of them all"
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maremartinelli · 3 months
Ben Barnes X Actress!reader
Summary: Where Y/n and Ben do an interview to promote the new film they starred in together and fans ask questions about their professional and personal career.
Words: 1.3K+
Warnings: Mention of another actor, films, non-existent films, cuteness.
Author: It's worth mentioning that English is not my first language, so there may be silly and strange mistakes. I also warn you that the "movie" that Y/n and Ben debuted in the fanfic does not exist in real life. I ended up inventing a story on the spot and taking the title of one of my favorite songs.
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"Hi, I'm Ben Barnes" The actor says while smiling at the camera in front of him.
He and Y/n were sitting on a high stool and behind them was a large poster of the movie they recently starred in together.
"And I Y/n Keynes Barnes" The woman says and smiles looking at her husband. "And we're here to talk a little about our newest film and answer some questions related to our career and individual lives" Y/n placing her hands on her lap.
"First of all, we tell you that 'My Kind of Woman' will be in cinemas from July 12th in all countries."
"Ben and I debuted in a romantic comedy set in the 1970s. In which, the character Ross takes Lexie out to make his ex jealous. However, along the way they end up losing themselves in their feelings" Y/n informs.
"I confess that it was very easy to fall in love with her" Ben says and pats his wife's hand twice.
"Of course, look at me!! I'm fantastic and on top of that your beautiful and wonderful wife" The woman throws a strand of hair back and Ben laughs.
"Okay. Let's answer some questions now" He says and Y/n smiles. "Our producers put together some questions that you asked on the director's Instagram" Ben looks at the camera and leans over to take the cell phone that the director was handing him.
"OK, let's go!!" Y/n adjusts herself in the chair and approaches Ben, so they can read together. "Want to read?"
"It can be one at a time"
"Okay. I'll start then." The actress adjusts herself in the chair. "Ben and Y/n, what was it like finding out that you two were going to act together in a romantic comedy after you were married?" The woman reads and then they turn to the camera. "I thought that was a cool question!! Well, at first it was only Ben who would participate in the film, I was involved with other productions, however, it ended up not working out. And as the vacancies for the protagonist were still open, I went and did the test. And detail, Ben didn't know anything. He only found out when I got home with the script in my hands." She laughs. "But talking about the performance itself, I think it was very realistic. It was all very natural"
"I was in shock when I found out it was her." Ben gestures with his hands and smiles. "But of course, happy too. It wasn't the first time we acted together as a romantic couple on movie screens. But the experience is always the same." He says and Y/n looks at him smiling. “How did Ben and Y/n meet?” Ben reads the next question. "We met through her brother when we were filming The Chronicles of Narnia."
Y/n nods.
"A lot of people think we met in The Punisher, but no, my brother did good to us much earlier." she says and Ben laughs. "The first time Ben and I saw each other was on the set of Prince Caspian. Skandar and the rest of the cast were in a more remote location in the city filming, and as I had just arrived from New York, I thought I would go out and see some the hometown.
When I got there, I came face to face with the love of my life" Y/n winks at the camera.
"Every day I thank Skandar for having me introduced to your sister" Ben says and Y/n.
"True, it's worth mentioning that Skandar made me get out of the car and walk for a long time just to introduce myself to Ben. Who was acting with him that day."
Ben Laughs.
"Well, was it worth the walk?"
"Absolutely" Y/n says laughing. "Next question. Ben and Y/n's age difference?"
"People like to know about our individualities as a couple"
Y/n laughs at her husband.
"Well, Y/n and I have a 4 year age difference." Ben says and the woman agrees. “Did Y/n go to college?” The actor reads the question and looks at Y/n.
"To say I did it all is a strong word. But I started and kept going." She says and Ben laughs. "I was doing performing arts at N.Y.U and I was in my last period when I went to play my first role. Which coincidentally was the last Chronicles of Narnia film. And well...I never went back to college" Y/n says and smiles at the camera when he says he dropped out of college in the last period.
"I was so close to graduating." Ben gestures with his little fingers and squints as he approaches his wife.
Y/n Laugh.
"Yes yes, my career really took off after Narnia. But I still intend to return to finish it." Y/n nods her head in agreement and Ben straightens up in his chair.
"That's right, my wife" he says and then looks at her. "So cool to say that. My wife"
Y/n smiles.
"3 years and you still think it's too cool" she taps the man's cheek twice and he laughs. "Y/n is Skandar Keynes's sister? How old" The actress reads the question. "Yes, I'm this guy's sister and I didn't understand the age part, but it must be our difference. Well, I'm the oldest sister of the three of us. Ska and I have a 4 year difference and with Soumaya it's only 2"
Ben picks up his cell phone again and then reads the next and penultimate question.
"Ben, how was it recording the sex scenes in The Punisher. Since your romantic partner in the series wasn't Y/n" Ben returns the cell phone to his wife. "Well, firstly speaking in general. These scenes are never easy to record, regardless of the partner, you are more vulnerable and more exposed. But at the time, Y/n and I weren't together yet. Well, we were dating and hooking up. But nothing official yet, and when I read the script, I made a point of sharing it with her and telling her what I felt and everything."
"Although we know it's something professional, the discomfort is always present. Regardless of the side." She says more seriously. "And when we started dating, Ben and I made a agreement that if either of us has to do this type of scene, the other person doesn't watch it. Like, jump the scene" Y/n says and gestures with her hands at the end.
"Well, whether we like it or not, we're uncomfortable." Ben speaks.
"I think in The Punisher it was the only time, right?" Y/n asks and Ben looks at her in agreement. "I thank God I didn't get involved with that kind of scene. I would definitely have turned redder than a tomato, I was so embarrassed."
Ben smiles and looks at the floor, while fiddling with the ring.
"Yeah, but it's not like that when we're--"
"BEN, MY DEAR. How about reading the last question??" Y/n covers her husband's mouth and he laughs at the touch.
"Okay. "What was it like when Skandar found out he was your love match? I always hear rumors that he was a great promoter" Ben reads and then hands the cell phone to production. "I love it when they mention my brother-in-law"
"Sometimes I think Ben is married to Skandar" Y/n says indignantly and looks at her husband, while laughing. "Actually, when we go to my mother's house or visit Skandar he always clings to him. I don't think that's cool." The actress pretends to be jealous and crosses her arms.
"Confess it, your brother loves me more than you."
“Shut up” Y/n laughs as she slaps her husband on the shoulder. "He wasn't the one who accepted your marriage proposal"
"It's just that I never proposed to him." Ben laughs and watches his wife roll her eyes and hold back her laughter.
"Heavens, you suck!!" Y/n says and laughs. "But now to answer the question. Ben and I started dating when we started on The Punisher, and when I told that to Skandar. He almost freaked out. I remember when we finished recording The Chronicles of Narnia in 2010, I went back to New York to start a new project and Ben went to record The Picture of Dorian Gray, right?'
"Picture of Dorian Gray was before, I was leaving the country to record Love Without Measures" Ben corrects and Y/n snaps her fingers.
"That's true!! Well, everyone went their own way, but we still kept in touch and talked when we could. But seriously, Skandar was crazy when he said I was dating Ben." Y/n laughs.
"It was at a family lunch, right?" Ben looks at his wife and she agrees, laughing. "Y/n had taken me to London to her parents' house and Skandar was there, and look, the boy was really crazy."
"I think our first number 1 fan was him" Y/n says laughing.
"In fact"
Y/n laugh.
"We love you, King Edmund, The Just" The woman blows kisses to her brother while looking at the camera.
"We're done here, but we hope to see you in theaters to see our newest film. Once again, July 12th will be in theaters in all countries." Ben points to the camera.
The Keynes girl leans back in her chair and looks at the camera too.
"My Kind of Woman, don't forget!! I hope you like Ross and Lexie in this romantic comedy. Or rather, Ben and me" she winks with one eye.
"We're waiting for you" Ben blows a kiss to the camera and Y/n does the same.
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Author: ok, I've never watched Chronicles of Narnia my whole life, and now I don't know because who I am passionate. Prince Caspian or King Edmund??
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missjadesfics · 1 month
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William Moseley
coming soon
Peter Pevensie
coming soon
Ben Barnes
coming soon
King Caspian
coming soon
Skandar Keynes
coming soon
Edmund Pevensie
coming soon
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Coming soon
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First love - Peter Pevensie x Reader | coming soon The Just King - Edmund Pevensie x Reader | coming soon
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hearteyesforaidan · 1 year
Need a skandar keynes x reader ff rn.
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heartofwritiing · 2 years
Beach Duel
Paring(s): Edmund Pevensie x fem!reader
a/n: okayy, so this has been in my drafts for about two years… i know… but i saw it in docs recently and decided i wanted to finish it so here it is!! enjoy!
warning(s): fluffyy, sword fighting, banter, short and sweet, me trying to write a sword ‘fighting’ scene, my mistakes
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A cool breeze mixed with the smell of salt washed over my face. The sun was beaming its rays against my skin, slowly it would turn to a light pinkish color burning my skin. I laid with my elbows digging into the sand, Susan sat beside me her legs crossed her face looking down at a book she was reading in her lap. Her younger sister Lucy stood a few feet away, her long red dress swayed in the wind as she walked along the beach collecting shells. Their brothers Peter and Edmund were closest to the water practising their sword skills.
The metal clashed together with each swing I watched as Peter doged a jab that would have pierced his stomach. Edmund blocked when Peter swung towards his legs
Edmund caught my gaze and in a split second he was on the floor Peter standing above him laughing in victory.
“Your form is better but your concentration is poor,” Peter remarked, holding his hand out for his brother who was on his back in the sand.
Edmund glared back at his older brother. He stood back on his feet dusting his shoulders off before getting back into first stance. They were back to clashing swords until Edmund was on the ground again. I giggled at him being so easily distracted and he moved his gaze over to where I was.
“And what is so funny princess?” Edmund wondered. Even though I was a queen Edmund always called me princess, it was the nickname he gave me when we first met. Peter was now looking in my direction as he helped Edmund up again.
“Oh nothing, just that you can't stay focused to save your life,” I sassed. “I could honestly last longer in a fight than you.” I smirked.
He crossed his arms and gave me a smug look.
“Is that a challenge?”
I got up from the sand and dusted my dress off and stalked towards him at the shore line and placed my hands on my hips. “I challenge you, King Edmund the Just to a duel!” At this point all his siblings were staring at us watching our exchange and a slight blush came to my cheeks. I held my hand out for him to shake and he took it.
“What does the victor win?” He asked.
I thought for a moment then smiled.
“If you win I'll kiss you,” I proclaim and his smirk grows wider. “And if i win you have to go to the next revel in your trousers.” Susan and Lucy began a fit of giggles a few feets away from us and Edmund shook my hand firmly.
“What are the terms?” he asks.
“Frist person to be disarmed loses.” I state.
He nods and Unsheathed his sword from his holster once more. Now that it was set Peter held out Rhindon to me and I took it and nodded appreciatively. I positioned myself in a readying stance as Edmund did the same, We both smirked at one another and then the duel commenced. I Lunged forward and I swung my weapon to his right shoulder and Edmunds sword clashed with mine. He then Pushed back against my blade pushing me back and the metal creating a clank sound when they came into contact once more. We continued taking hits and blocking them simultaneously so I decided to change it up a little and kick under his legs and cause him to fall back. I heard Lucy and Susan cheer me on as Peter shouted at Edmund to get up. He didn't drop his sword yet so he got back up and dusted the sand off himself. I gave him a smug look and he glared back at me playfully.
He approached me swiftly and our swords met again and we pushed against each other.
“So this is how were going to play?” his face inches from me in between our crossed blades. I didn’t answer and spun on my heel, my hair and dress flaring with my movement.
When he was laying against the sand his sword fell from his grip and I stood over him with the tip pointed under his chin.
“I win.” I proclaim. Susan and Lucy clapped and cheered and I looked up to see them jumping up and down which was a mistake. Because when I looked away from Edmund it gave him the chance to sweep my legs and drop Peter’s sword. Once I hit the beach Edmund was pinning me to the floor. He leaned down his face inches from mine.
“What was that about distractions?” he teased.
“Oh shut up.” I snorted.
He grinned and leaned down to kiss me softly. I sighed into the kiss and reached my hand up to thread through his hair. We forgot his siblings were watching us for a moment but Once we heard a clearing of a throat We pulled apart to see an impacinet Peter giving us an annoyed look. I blushed furiously and Edmund got up off me and offered me his hand and I took it. He pulled me up swiftly and placed a hand around my waist. Peter kneeled down to get his sword and slide it back into the holster.
“Well done Y/N,” Peter Congratulates. I always held Peter in such high esteem for his courage and selflessness, so getting a compliment from the magnificent was nice.
“Hey! What about me?” Edmund Proclaimed.
“Only Y/N gets to be praised for such a performance.” Peter teases his younger brother and throws his arm over your shoulder as you all walk towards Lucy and Susan. Edmund still has his arm around your waist and rolls his eyes at Peter for his comment.
“Ha, ha,” the just king says dryly. “but you're right, she was brilliant.” Edmund marveled.
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staliaqueen · 2 years
I know y’all hate Voyage of the Dawn Treader because it’s objectively a very weak movie but I literally couldn't relate any less. I'm a simple girl, I see Edmund Pevensie in pirate clothes and I foam at the mouth. 
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thepremedthatwrites · 3 years
request: hi! I love your writing! I'm wondering if you'd be open to writing a chess game between the reader x Edmund, that turns smutty or something like that? thanks!
warning: smut below the cut
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“Checkmate!” the brunette exclaimed as he placed his knight in its spot, trapping my king.  
“Seriously Edmund, can’t you let me win at least once?” I complained as we moved to reset the board.
“But then you would be mad at me for going easy on you,” he pointed out.  I let out a sigh before moving one of my pawns two spaces ahead.  I rested my head against my hand as I watched Edmund, expecting him to move his own piece.  Instead, he smiled.  “I think I have an idea on how to make this game a bit more interesting.”  I raised an eyebrow.
“What’s your idea?”  I waited in silence, knowing I was either going to love or hate the idea.
“Why don’t we spice things up and play strip chess.”  The grin on his face widened.
“Strip chess?  What in the world is that?”
“It’s like strip poker.  Except it’s chess.  Each time a piece of yours is taken that isn’t a pawn, you have to take off an article of clothing.”
“How ridiculous,” I muttered, my face turning warm as I thought of stripping in front of Edmund.  
“Why?  Scared you’ll be the one to become naked?”  I looked into his eyes, his brown irises looking back with the same fire that was in mine.
“Fine, whatever Pevensie,” I said, looking away from his eyes as my heart raced in my chest.  I could feel his eyes still watch me as I focused my attention on the board.  “I just hope you’re wearing lots of layers.”
It wasn’t long until Edmund captured one of my rooks.  I let out a groan as Edmund let out a victorious laugh.  “Alright, (y/n).  Clothes off.”  I rolled my eyes as I pulled my shirt over my head.  My vision of him was shortly obscured by the red shirt before being returned to normal as I flung the piece of clothing away from me.  I was suddenly glad to be wearing one of my nicer bras as I felt Edmund’s eyes study the newly exposed skin.
“Stop being a creep Ed,” I said as I moved one of my pieces. 
“Sorry,” he muttered.  His response caught me by surprise as I had been expecting a witty comeback.  Instead, he focused his eyes on the game in front of us, his cheeks colored a light rose.  It wasn’t long until I captured his knight.
“Alright, Edmund.  Clothes off,” I said, repeating his words from earlier. 
“Very funny,” he said as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt.  I let out an impatient sigh.
“C’mon Ed.  We don’t have all day.”  He let out a chuckle, moving his fingers at a faster rate before the white button-up was off his body.  I had never seen Edmund shirtless before.  I had always known he was strong but I wasn’t aware of the abs that hid behind the fabric of his shirts.  His skin was tanned from the sun, most likely due to afternoons playing football.  
“Admiring the view?” Edmund chuckled, causing my face to heat up as I snapped my head back to the board.
“You wish,” I shot back, suddenly very interested in the game.  I studied the pieces in front of me as I attempted to slow my heart rate.  Luck must have been on my side as it wasn’t soon until I had captured Edmund’s rook.  “Let’s hope you didn’t wear your Care Bears boxers today,” I joked as Edmund stood up to take off his pants.  He started to unbuckle his belt and as he did, I couldn’t help but notice the butterflies in my stomach. 
I turned my attention to his face as he took off his belt and pulled down his pants.  He returned to his spot on the floor, his face filled with concentration before making his next move.  I tried to concentrate on the game but all I could focus on was the slight bulge visible in his black boxers.  “(Y/n),” he said, causing me to wake from my daze.
“Hm?” I replied, looking up to face him.  In his hand was my bishop.  
“Pants off princess.”  I know he meant it as a joke but my heart fluttered at his words.  I swallowed thickly, suddenly very aware of Edmund’s eyes on me.  I got up, unbuttoning my jeans before pulling them off, leaving me in only my underwear.  I saw Edmund lick his lips as he looked at me.  I blinked my eyes a few times before focusing them on the chessboard and not Edmund’s crotch.  Surely I was just imagining the growing bulge in his boxers, although Edmund’s uncomfortable shifting seemed to suggest otherwise.
Edmund had become increasingly silent as I pondered my next move.  I leaned forward, playing out my plan in my head as I slowly moved my hand to one of my pieces.  Before my hand could reach it, a larger hand grabbed mine.  “Are you going to continue teasing me like this?” Edmund questioned.  I was about to ask him what he meant when his eyes flickered to my cleavage that had slowly become more visible as I leaned forward.  I could feel my face start to warm, my eyes flickering to his crotch.  While I might have been able to write off his erection as part of my imagination before, it was now very much evident. 
“As if you aren’t teasing me as well,” I said, returning my gaze to meet his own.  His brown eyes studied my face as his hand traveled from my hand and up my arm.  He studied my facial expression, waiting for a sign to stop.  I didn’t give him one.  Instead, I crawled closer to him.  With one single swipe of his hand, the chessboard was gone.  Chess pieces clattered across the floor, not that either one of us cared.
Both of his hands wandered my body as I climbed into his lap, my legs straddling him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  I slowly leaned forward, giving him enough time to stop me.  He didn’t though and soon, my lips were on his.  The pair of lips that were usually twisted in a sarcastic grin was as soft as silk.  I felt his tongue brush my lips, asking for entrance.  I parted my lips slightly, allowing his tongue and mine to be together.  They waltzed together, pressed against each other as Edmund’s hands worked on unclasping my bra.
After a moment, I felt the piece of fabric loosen before falling between the two of us.  We parted for a moment, both of us panting heavily from a mixture of the adrenaline pumping through our veins and the make-out session.  I ran my hands through Edmund’s brown locks, looking into his admiration filled eyes.  I experimentally rocked my hips back and forth, feeling his erection rub against my clothed sex.  Both of us let out a moan at the friction.  His hands gripped onto my hips almost bruisingly, pushing me down onto his hardened cock.  
“Oh God Ed,” I moaned, the friction much needed.  Edmund seemed to need more as he shifted our positions so that I was now laying on the floor.  His lips were quick to find mine.  Our lips moved together as his hands traveled to my panties.  He tugged on the fabric but it wouldn’t budge.  My realization that I had to raise my hips to allow him to take them off came too late.
“For fuck’s sake,” Edmund muttered before the sound of ripping fabric could be heard.  There was a moment of silence afterward.  I was now completely naked in front of my best friend.  I fought the urge to cover myself as his eyes wandered my body.  
“Those were my favorite pair of underwear,” I said, only half-joking.  A grin appeared on Edmund’s face, dissipating any self-consciousness I might have had.  
“My deepest apologies, love.  I promise to make it up to you.”  As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt a finger on my clit.  I let out a gasp.  A smirk formed on Edmund’s face as he started to lightly rub circles.  He added another finger, increasing the pressure slightly.  My hips rocked in time with his fingers, my body chasing its orgasm.  I closed my eyes as the pleasure built.  
“Edmund,” I gasped as I felt myself come undone, my head falling back as a moan left my mouth.  Edmund slowed his fingers until they had stopped moving altogether.  
“You look so beautiful when you cum,” he whispered.  I opened my eyes slowly to look at Edmund, a smile on my face.  He leaned forward, his lips pressed against mine in a soft kiss before pulling away.  I watched as he removed the only article of clothing from his body.  I bit my lip as my eyes landed on his erection.  He was definitely bigger than anyone I had been with before.  My pussy fluttered as I imagined his cock in me, stretching me out as he thrust into me mercilessly.  
I didn’t have to imagine for much longer as Edmund climbed on top of me.  My hands automatically wandered his body, touching anything it could reach.  I pushed his head down so that I could kiss him.  My moan was muffled by the kiss as he pushed into me, my back arching in pleasure.  He stayed in place for a moment as I stretched to accommodate him.  Soon enough, he started a slow pace.
Although the pace was slow, his thrusts were strong.  My body moved with each thrust, my nails raking down his back.  His mouth traveled from mine to just under my ear.  “Ed,” I moaned as he started to softly suck on the skin.  The pace had started to become faster as one of his hands went between our bodies.  I let out a gasp as his finger brushed my nipple.  He continued to toy with the sensitive area as I felt myself getting closer to my release.
“I’m so close,” I gasped.  I could feel Edmund smiling against my skin, the knowledge that he was able to unravel me like this probably amusing to him.  
“Cum for me (y/n),” he whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck.  My body obeyed his command as my entire body shook with pleasure.  My walls collapsed around him which seemed to be his tipping point as he moaned into my ear.  “Fuck (y/n),” he moaned as he gave one last thrust before spilling into me.  I let out a small moan as I felt his warm spurts of cum enter my body.  
After a few seconds, he pulled out of me.  He rolled off of me and to my side, turning his head to face me.  A smile was on his face as he brushed a strand of (h/c) hair from my face.  “See, wasn’t that better than boring, regular, old chess?”  I let out a chuckle.
“It seems you did have a good idea for once.  Although you still owe me a new pair of underwear.”
“Fair enough,” Edmund replied as we both got up to find our discarded clothing.  
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eds-gryff · 1 year
Letters and Lust
Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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Requested by @potatosdragon (hope it’s to your liking!)
‘Hi again,
I really liked the writing you made with my idea, and I just thought of another one and had to send it to you.
So it's Edmund Pevensie again
And the reader has been sent to a boarding school so the writing would be letters sent between the reader and ed. Maybe he sends her a scandalous one and the teachers find it.
It might be a bit vague so I would totally understand if you don't want to write it but I just needed to see if you would.
Thank you so much’
Y/N- Your Name
L/N- Last Name
Y/H- Your Hometown/Home-Country
Y/n/N- Your Nickname
There is no mention of Narnia, so the fic can either be taken as taking place in a non-Narnia world, or just that the sex and the letters are more important than ruminating on the left-behind fantasy world 🤷‍♀️
Warning : smut, explicit language, charming-and-sweet-boyfriend!Edmund
Mareafe Academy
6th September, 1944
Dearest Edmund,
I have literally just sat down on the bed in my dormitory, and the FIRST thing I did was pull out a piece of paper and a pen so I could write to you. And, alright, perhaps I also arranged my novels in the little bedside table I have.
I’m early, and my dorm-mates haven’t arrived yet, so I can write in peace and solitude, too- shucks, I won’t be having much of that anymore, will I? It hasn’t even been twenty minutes in the boarding school yet, but I already really miss day school. However DO you manage at boarding school??? And you’ve been studying at one since you were eleven!
I miss you, Ed. I miss your freckles. I miss you holding my hand. I miss zoning out of the conversation when you talk about chess. I miss you not even realising that I’ve zoned out.
I wish my parents weren’t going away to Y/H for the rest of the year- yes, I will miss them, too- and I wish that St. Finbar’s had a vacancy so I could have attended then, because I would have been close to you throughout the year then. I really thought that’s how it would happen- that once school started again, you’d be going to Hendon, and I’d be going to St. Finbar’s, and we’d be close-by, like always. I mean, the last couple of years, we were together all the time, because the war had closed the schools down.
I love you. Chess-obsessed idiot you are, but I love you so much. Alright, you’re not an idiot, you’re the smartest person I know, but still. Your cheeks get so red when I call you an idiot.
I have to go, I can hear footsteps coming to this room. You know what that means- people. Ugh. I do not like people.
I’ll post this when I get time, and you BEST write me back as soon as possible! Bye-bye, darling.
Love, Y/N
Y/N stared at the letter after she capped her pen, and continued staring at it even as the noise of chattering and laughter filled the room.
She finally stopped staring once one of the girls approached the bed she was sitting on, with a welcoming smile- probably one of the old students- and she put down the letter. As she sat up and readied herself to stand up, and- regrettably- socialise, her eyes fell on the letter one last time.
‘Dearest Edmund’ were the two words she managed to read, and she smiled to herself.
The day after that, Y/N hurried to the telephone room during the break, after the classes of the day and before the prep-time of the evening. Her hurrying was because the monitor of her form had come by her solitary armchair, where she’d been reading the newest Nancy Drew, and informed her that her mother was calling.
“Hello, M-?”
“Don’t finish the word, darling, I’m not your Mum.” Came the lovely voice of her even lovelier boyfriend, Edmund Pevensie. “Did I get the routine right? It’s your break now, yeah?”
“Yes- it is-” Y/N had sent him her class-routine along with the letter, “but- I thought- the monitor said that-”
“Oh, I just put Susan on the telephone for that.” He chuckled. “She sounds very much like a priggish old lady.”
Y/N snorted, after which he continued, sounding a bit nervous, “Wasn’t sure how receptive a teacher or monitor would be to a young man calling and asking for the prettiest person in school.”
Her cheeks were already scarlet, “Ed, you haven’t even seen the others in the school.”
“And I don’t need to.”
“You charmer, you.” Y/N spoke, toying the telephone wire around her fingers. Then her voice softened, dropping to a whisper, “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” His voice softened, as well, and she could imagine the tenderness in his chocolate brown perfectly. “I miss you, Y/n/N.”
“Me too- and the fact that I probably won’t see you until Easter break-” her parents would be returning to Finchley then, “which is SEVEN MONTHS FROM NOW, is just torture.”
“I couldn’t agree more. The moment I’ve enough money, I’m coming up there and we’re spending the weekend at some cosy inn.”
Her blush deepened, and- oh, how she wanted to kiss him. And more. Oh, she truly wanted that inn-weekend immediately.
Still, she spoke teasingly, “I think the Headmistress might have some problems with you whisking away one of her students for the entire weekend.”
“What can educational administrators or institutions do when it comes to true love?” Edmund spoke dramatically to his girlfriend, and Y/N- giggling again- could visualise him having his hand on his heart. “Oh, I did love the birthday gift by the way, my last suspenders were hand-me-downs. But why-”
“Because-” Y/N’s voice lowered again, but it wasn’t so much as it was sultry, “I like to hold them and tug at them when I’m on top of you, and honestly, with the state the last ones were in, I was afraid they’d tear the moment I touched them.”
She glanced at the door of the tiny telephone room, just to make sure there was privacy- before turning back to the telephone.
“And- your suspenders aren’t the only thing I want to tear off you, you know.”
She heard a gulp on the other end, and then Edmund’s hoarse voice speak, “What I would give to be back to the ninth of August- and the twelfth- and the sixteenth- and the twenty-third- and the twenty-fifth- and the twenty-sixth- and the thirty-first- and the first two days of September.”
Visions of Edmund, his pale, freckled body under her, on top of her, beside her, kissing her, touching her, licking her, fucking her- made their way immediately into Y/N’s mind, and she clenched the telephone receiver tight.
They weren’t visions, they were memories, and she pushed her legs pressed together.
“I can’t believe you remember all the days.”
“I can’t believe we had less than a month of it.” He whispered back, huskily, and Y/N licked her lips. “Oh, Y/n/N-”
“If you keep calling me that, I will run back to Finchley and have-” oh, she couldn’t say the word, she didn’t know if the walls were soundproof!, “and read with you in front of your entire family.”
“Read?” Oh, she just knew that Edmund was smirking. “Read what?”
“Everything you can imagine.” Oh, she could be husky and seductive, too! “Everything you want.”
“Everything we want.” He corrected immediately, and Y/N could no longer ignore how wet she was. “I- oh, goodness gracious, I need to have a cold shower now.”
“I need to have you, but I’ll have to settle for a shower, too.” She just hoped none of her dorm-mates asked why she was having a shower at such an odd time. “I should go, prep-time is about to start. Call me earlier next time, my love.”
“Okay, will do.” Edmund promised. He’d call her all the time- it was the only way for her to be in his life for the next seven months. Well, that, and letters. Yes, letters... He could make good use of those, too. He really would miss his girlfriend terribly. “I love you, Y/n/N.”
Y/N sighed, and rested her head against the wall- wishing it was her boyfriend’s shoulder instead. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she missed her family- missed home- she had to miss the love of her life, too.
“And I love you, Edmund.”
Edmund was not at school. He was grateful for that- though, not as much as Peter or Susan were, and more than Lucy was- for he quite enjoyed the time at home, with his family. He didn’t mind school, generally, for he liked to read, and learn, and he did well in tests- but who could pick school over home?
Certainly not he.
Regardless of his gratitude for not being at school, he did regret that he was at home- because of Y/N. It was entirely unjust that she was stuck there, in some boarding school she had never been to, with her family travelling away for some urgent emergency, away from her home, whilst he was at home and with his family.
He wished he could go to her- he badly wanted to see her, be with her. Just for half a day, even. He was intending to, and had even started planning to go there for Christmas, but his parents had informed them that their grandparents were coming to stay Christmas week- which effectively poured water on his half-formed plans.
All they had now was letters. Not even telephone calls- at least for the present, for the old telephones had been removed, and new ones were being put in, and Y/N had said that she didn’t know how long it would take in her last letter. There was only one working telephone in the entire school, the Headmistress’s, and, as his dear girlfriend had said, “I don’t think she’ll be very keen to let me use it so I can hear sweet nothings from my boyfriend.”
Edmund was making the most of the letters.
Several of the ones he’d written were humorous- even if he did say so himself, droll, and loving, chronicling the things that had been happening at home and with him, as well as asking Y/N what was happening with her and showing sympathy for her ‘incarceration’ (as she put it in one of her letters) in school.
My cousin, Eustace, came over with his parents for Dad’s birthday. You’ve met him, the shrill kid with the eyebrows, and the terrible name- Eustace Clarence Scrubb? Anyway, they were to stay the entire weekend, which everyone- including them- were very annoyed about, but we all had decided to take it as much in stride as possible. But Eustace is just so annoying, and he was driving us four MAD the entire day- to show how much, even LUCY asked for him to shut up. Well, she said ‘please, be quiet, I have a headache’, but that’s ‘shut the bloody hell up!’ for her.
At any rate, he was driving us crazy. I told you he has a fixation with entomology- insects- and he brought his whole kit and collection of insects with him. Can’t part with it, apparently, since he’s observing some live specimens to note down some specifics about them that he feels the entomology books got wrong.
We (Peter and I, since Eustace is sharing our room) let those live specimens free. Freedom is extremely important, I know you agree, my darling.
In the morning, Susan- with such a smile on her face she resembled the Cheshire Cat- said that Eustace had demanded to go home, and so our aunt, uncle, and cousin were to leave for Cambridge after lunch by train.
And it’s only Saturday! HA.
It is unfair, Y/n/N, far too unfair that you’re in school, while most of the country isn’t! It should be a law that each educational institution should open and close at the exact same times, and that there should be the same number of hols- otherwise, it’s just bloody unjust. If I wasn’t already sure that I want to be a lawyer, this would have made it CERTAIN for me.
You deserve better, my love. Especially since you hate school so much. If I could swap places with you, I would. I’d look very pretty in a skirt and your school’s uniform, don’t you think?
Did you read the new Hardy Boys? The Melted Coins? Frankly, I’ve been enjoying Nancy Drew more than the last couple of Hardy Boys- is just me? I prefer mysteries related not to treasure nowadays, I feel. Buried treasure just feels far too overused.
But several were- they were not humorous and sympathetic and bibliophilic as much as they were libidinous.
Edmund wrote those letters late at night, when his brother was fast asleep and snoring. He was a night owl, thankfully- though, not as much as Y/N, whose sleeping schedule was more vampiric than human. He’d write the letters, burning the midnight oil, blush quite brilliantly at the contents of what he’d written as well as the images of his beautiful girl from that his mind came up with, and then he would go and post the letters the next morning.
Darling, you know I think a lot, but you know what I think the most about?
You. Always you. Your smile, your eyes, your eyebrows, the nose I love to kiss, the curve of your lips, and your hips. How I hold them when you take me inside you. The way your eyes flutter when I flick your nipples, how your mouth opens whenever I lick at your sex.
How incandescent you look during and after sex, on top of me or under, your body pressed hard against me. How your lips call my name, how my name sounds in your voice. We had so few moments where we could do all that- but we really made the most of it, and I’m endlessly grateful. And we’ll see each other very soon, and I SWEAR all our fantasies will be indulged.
You make me tremble, and you leave me breathless, especially when I look at your face flushed with ecstasy and when I hold you in my arms while making love. And I love you so much in those moments, as I love you in every moment I live.
I miss your tits. Your lovely, large, lovely tits. I miss how you giggled when I kissed them. I miss all of you.
Do you know I have to keep taking showers more than once every day? Every time I think of you, I just get so hard and I need to get myself off, after which I need to clean up- consequently showers.
Your last letter, about the- about the swimsuit and the swimming exhibitionism thing- I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard from getting myself off. If it’s your hands or mouth, yes, but not from my own hands.
I want that, too. You know that. I want all of that, so BADLY. Sometimes I’ll wander down some alleyways, the ones that are shortcuts, and I’ll think of pushing you against a wall and fucking you then and there. I think of you wearing those sexy knee-socks as you spread yourself on the bed. I’ll think of how bright your eyes get when I enter you, and-
Fuck, I’m hard again. Bloody hell, Y/n/N, I’ve already showered twice today! I’m going to die of a cold, at this rate.
Chocolate is my favourite taste. I adore chocolate, and I’d probably eat the floor if it was made of it. I mean, no offence to those five kids, but I should have gotten a Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory.
But I adore tasting you, too. I love you writhing under me, as I kiss along your thighs, and I love you pulling my hair when I finally have my tongue inside you. I adore everything about you, every single thing- but, gosh, your taste. You taste like oranges, and I drink your essence like I’ve been thirsty for centuries. I’m a rational person, easily the wisest in my family- not that that’s a difficult achievement- but you, Y/n/N, you drive me wild.
I want you to fuck me. I want you kneeling in front of me, your mouth around me, sucking me harder and faster. I want you to make me moan your name over and over and over until you unravel me completely. I want to give you hickeys everywhere. I want to be yours. I want to be inside you again. I want you.
Y/N’s replies would come the very next day, and he would lock himself in the bathroom whenever he read them.
Her replies were even more explicit and- as she had herself said in a telephone call- more unhinged than his.
Every night before I sleep, I masturbate. I close my eyes, fix my blanket, and then I touch myself. I touch myself, and I think of how you hold me. I touch myself, and I think how you kiss me. I touch myself, and I think of how you lick my breasts, how you suck at my clit. I touch myself, and my body shakes, and I think of how you fuck me. I come, somehow, my hips lifting, and I think of you and only you, my dearest.
Then I go to the bathroom to pee and wash my hands, and then, just as I’m about to fall asleep, I think of you again.
I turn, shoving my face into my pillow, and I fuck myself again, all the while wishing it was your fingers and your mouth and your cock inside me instead.
I drew you naked in class today. I spent a lot of time on your fingers. And your freckles. I really, truly, madly love your freckles. I love that I’ve kissed all of them, all over your body. Even the ones on your cock. I love them. I love you.
Was down swimming today- it’s cold weather usually, but somehow it was pretty warm today. I was really glad, and the MOMENT we finished breakfast, I ran to get my swimsuit and went to the pool. I mean, I didn’t run, I definitely never run, but I did walk very fast.
So I went to the pool, wearing my swimsuit and a bathrobe over it, and as I was taking it off, I wished you were there. I wanted you to watch me. I wanted to take off my robe, and my swimsuit, and I wanted you to see me, your pretty eyes going dark as I get naked. And I wanted you to take off whatever you were wearing, too- hopefully suspenders. I love you wearing suspenders, and I love to drag them off you. Obviously, I’d be watching you as well, because how can I ever NOT look at you?
And then I wanted to make love with you then and there. Outside, in public, uncaring of whether anyone could see. I still want it.
Writing this down, I’m throbbing again. I can smell how wet I am, goodness.
I might kill someone if I don’t get you inside my cunt right NOW.
P.S. (adding this in the morning), I didn’t kill anyone. A lot of people at school make me murderous, but I’ve had self-control so far.
I have, however, put a photograph of myself in this letter, one that I’m sure you’ll like. I’m not as adept a photographer as you- you know how much I fidget- but, again, I think you’ll like it. And I hope, love, that you’ll send me one in reply, too- only if you want to.
I love you. And enjoy my tits. Let me know what effect they have on you.
“Post’s here early!” One of Y/N’s classmates called out- she had just stood up to leave the Dining Hall, and had seen the postman walk across the doorway at the far end of it. “Oh, hope Mum got me the hair-band I fancied!”
As her friend pulled her down to the seat, teasing her in whispers that she needed a few dozen hair-bands to keep her flyaway hair in control, Y/N stood up.
She never ate much in the mornings, anyway- if it wasn’t compulsory, she would absolutely have skipped breakfast every day, waking up exactly six minutes before classes started. And now that mail was here early, she would go and see if she had letters- she usually had one from Edmund every other day, and one from her family every week, as well as occasional letters from some other friends she had left behind. There were, though, also many days that she did not have letters.
Today was not one of those days.
Recognising Edmund’s signature on the back of the envelope, Y/N snatched it from the tray of letters, and grinned hugely. She grinned so widely, in fact, that a group of first-formers heading her way saw her and ran away in the opposite direction.
She usually opened letters from her darling boyfriend in private, since their letters were private, and- more often than not- intimate. Today, though, she lacked the patience and ripped it open as soon as she reached the- thankfully empty, since most of the school was still at breakfast- entrance hall of Mareafe Academy.
Her fingers felt the texture of the letter’s paper- but along with it, they felt a much smoother, cooler surface. She pulled both out immediately- she was a curious creature, and then Y/N almost dropped the envelope.
She wasn’t just curious. She was forgetful as well, and she’d forgotten what she’d sent along with her last letter. And that she’d added a request, of sorts, for a similar response.
And she had got it.
It was a photograph of Edmund. He’d clearly taken it himself, from the angle- and another, far more clearer thing, was that he was naked. He was utterly, completely naked, from head to thigh- that was as much was there in the picture. Oh, and his thighs- what lay in between them- Y/N licked her lips.
Almost immediately, she bit her bottom lip to keep from accidentally moaning, and then Y/N hurried to the staircase that led up to the dormitories to sit down on the fifth step. Setting down the letter and the envelope on the sixth step- yes, yes, she would read it in a second, she desperately wanted to read what Edmund wrote, but she just needed to admire the gorgeous being that the love of her life was- she looked at the photograph even longer. Her eyes danced around to his pale and lithe form, to the flat of his abs that she’d press her palms against sometimes, to different spots of him she’d sucked, to all the starry freckles she had kissed, to his lovely lips that gave her kisses that brought her both calm and passion, and to all the parts of him that she adored.
She would absolutely be missing her first class, so she could take advantage of an empty dormitory- she would look at the photograph, and then she would mas-
“Child, is this yours?” Came a voice- and then, immediately, a hand bent down to pick up the letter and the envelope carelessly left on the stair.
Y/N turned, in panic and horror and so many other unpleasant, cardiac-arrest-reminiscent symptoms- but the damage was done. The form-mistress for the first form, as well as the House-Mistress for the school House she was in, Ms. Potts, had her hands on her letter.
And her eyes were on the letter- growing wider and wider and wider and wider with every passing second.
“What,” Ms. Potts said, her lips pursed so tightly together they seemed conjoined, and her fair cheeks turning a blotchy red, “is this abhorrent, shocking, and vile thing sent to you?”
Oh, Heavens. Had Edmund written about how much he liked to have her sit stop his face? Or perhaps some details about how she sucked his cock.
Y/N did not say anything, because she felt petrified. Mortified. She had wished for death before, but she didn’t think she’d ever wished it quite so keenly and desperately. She’d take anything! Couldn’t those air raids start again!? Just for the day?!
There used to be a chandelier in the entrance hall- it had been removed as the war had begun. She wished it was still there, so it could fall on her.
Ms. Potts shook in rage for a few more moments, apparently as unable as Y/N was of coherent speak- before spotting something in the student’s hand.
“What is that?” She asked, her gaze fixed on the photograph of Edmund. “Was that with his letter?”
“No.” The lie was immediate, and convincing. Talking, she was not very good at, but lie she could very well. “It’s a photograph of- of the tulip-bushes at our house in Finchley, ma’am. My parents asked a neighbour with green thumbs to look after the bushes, so they’ve bloomed again despite the house being empty-”
“Is that so?” The teacher cut off the narration, looking unimpressed. At least the splotches of red were lessening now, Y/N thought. “Let me see it, then, give it-”
“No!” Oh, she could have her letter, but she would not give away a photograph of Edmund naked! He’d trusted her with it, and she would DIE before letting a stranger see it. No one ever deserved to have their personal anecdotes or their personal photographs or documents be circulated to or by those who were never intended to see them. “Sorry, Ms. Potts, but it’s my photograph.”
“Hm, of course. Privacy is important.” Ms. Potts nodded, seemingly backing down. “But so is decency, Ms. L/N, and the things written in this letter-”
“I haven’t read the letter, ma’am.” Y/N said, because what else could she say? She didn’t know! She still felt like she was having a heart attack, and she was anxious about whether the hospital- oh, anxiety. She felt anxiety, and if Ms. Potts didn’t give her back her belongings, she may devolve into a full-blown panic attack. “I don’t know what it says. I’m not even sure whom it’s from-”
“Says it is from ‘your devoted and dearest Edmund’.” Her lip curled, and Y/N couldn’t be sure if that was a hint of humour or hatred. She could be sure, though, that she wanted the floor to open up and swallow her whole. Or at least transport her to somewhere far, far away, somewhere that was preferably known as ’Edmund’s arms’. “I thought such adoring signatures died out after the Georgian era.”
“I always thought that such signatures existed only in books.” The girl gave a shrug- not a nonchalant one, though that was the effect she was trying to convey. “Maybe- maybe that’s what this is, Ms. Potts, someone having transcribed a letter from a novel and sent it to me-”
“Admirable attempt at lying, L/N, but the lie only makes things worse. Mareafe Academy does not condone lying, cheating, or-” Ms. Potts looked down at the letter again, and the splotches reappeared, “such disgusting sentiments being written to the young women of tomorrow!”
“Oh, but- but, Ms. Potts-”
Why wasn’t there a dragon here? Either she could ride away on it, or it could eat her. Either way, her problem would be solved
Oh, she so hated to exist in a world of reality.
“And, according to devoted and dearest Edmund,” The teacher’s voice dripped with sarcasm, and it didn’t sound nearly as attractive as Edmund’s sarcasm did, “you were the one who asked to be sent such uncouth correspondence.”
Well, what was she to do now? Throw Edmund under the bus and keep him safe, or tell the truth and secure expulsion?
She couldn’t do either of that. She would protect Edmund and she would make sure her parents did not have to feel the shame of a child expelled from school.
What excuse could she give...
“I’m a writer.” Y/N said suddenly, before glancing down at the letter again- as soon as Ms. Potts lost focus on it, she’d grab it back. “I asked a friend of mine to help me with certain- salacious parts of the novel I’m working.”
Ms. Potts gave her a look, “Are you planning to become the female D. H. Lawrence, Ms. L/N? Need I remind you, most of his books were banned because of their- their inappropriate content.”
“And now he’s one of the most famous writers of the century.” Y/N pointed out. “I- I think that counts as a win.”
Ms. Potts rolled her eyes, “Would you like me to take this letter to the Headmistress? Perhaps she’ll motivate you with suspension to show her the photograph-”
“No!” She burst out again, shifting her weight from one leg to another, that was how nervous she was. She kept teetering-tottering. Edmund’s photograph would ensure expulsion.
Oh, why was this happening!? Wasn’t it bad enough that she’d had to wake up early for breakfast- even earlier than usual, because her dorm-mate had pulled the curtains back to let in the rare sunshine!? Waking up was awful enough!
“No- please, Ms. Potts, I don’t- I’m so- I’m sorry. I- promise that- that I won’t ask for such-” loving, “vile letters anymore. Please, I’m so very sorry, ma’am-”
“Alright, child. Calm yourself.” She sighed. Generally, she would have taken the student and the letter to the Headmistress, for its contents were that questionable- but she had a soft heart when she hadn’t had her morning coffee. And- well, she knew the girl was having a hard time with her parents so far away, and- and, between the inappropriate things, she could read the love that seeped out from every word. Edmund truly loved Y/N, despite the disgusting things he did to her and she did to him. “No supper for you for the rest of the week, L/N. Your suppertime will be devoted to extra prep time, and you’ll have two slices of toast and a glass of water before you head to bed.”
At least it wasn’t expulsion- and she’d just spend the prep time daydreaming about Edmund. About the food, though- she usually was very hungry at dinner, but she’d have to make do.
“Thank you so much, ma’am- and, again, I- I am so- so sorry.”
“Hmph.” She made a sound to acknowledge the apology, and then held out the letter. “I’ll be reading the rest of your letters from this Edmund from now on.”
She nodded quickly.
“Now go put it somewhere private, I will come check in five-” after she had her coffee, “and for the Lord’s sake, get to class on time!”
She nodded again, grabbing the letter and the envelope, before running straight to her thankfully empty dormitory.
She had intended on locking the door, undressing- at least part-way- and then fingering herself until she came, while looking at Edmund’s photograph and/or reading his letter.
Y/N still wanted to do that, she thought, as she sank onto her bed. She wanted to do it even more, in fact, because now she had his letter, and she was reading all the beautifully dirty things Edmund wanted her to do to him or wanted to do to her- but she would refrain. Her sex was throbbing and her mouth was dry, but Ms. Potts would be up any second, and if she walked in on her masturbating- well, there would be no hope for her at ALL then.
For once, she would have self-control when it came to Edmund.
“Oh, darling.” She said, falling back on the bed and letting out a very long sigh. She wanted to go back to sleep. “Our fucking has fucked things up.”
Two months later:
“Yes, fuck, ah-ah, yes-” Y/N moaned, one of her hands gripping the bark of the tree she was pressed up against, while the other fisted itself firmly into Edmund’s hair, pushing his head further between her thighs.
They were in a clearing in the woods behind school- not too far in that they’d get lost, and yet not too near the entrance that they’d be seen by someone from her school. It was parents’ weekend- and, in place of her parents, Edmund had come to visit. Ms. Potts had enquired if she would be alone the weekend, and Y/N had lied that her uncle and aunt would be coming to take her for the two days- and the moment that Ms. Potts had turned around, she’d grabbed her little case and run outside. Thankfully, in all the crowd of cars and people outside the school, no one had noticed that the person she was hugging was a boy her own age, or that the hug was decidedly not platonic.
After they’d escaped the school, Y/N had said something that they couldn’t enjoy themselves in a pool- sand then Edmund had completed her sentence by saying that at least they could have some pretty good fun in the woods.
Edmund had taken up a paper route the last few months, and had done some odd jobs around the neighbourhood- and Y/N had made some money by tutoring some first-years, too. She’d begun the tutoring as a way to lessen Potts’s suspicion- but it had had a monetary advantage, too. Pooling their money together, they’d managed to afford one night at a nearby bed-and-breakfast, and they had both been so excited, Edmund had got on the wrong train- he’d realised just before it had started- and Y/N had buttered her hair, instead of her toast.
Edmund dug his fingers into her leg that was thrown over his shoulders, his tongue licking a path along her sex, and he felt a deep tightening in the pit of his stomach. He was already pleasured and sated- the moment he had arrived at the school gate, and had seen her run towards him, after which she’d thrown her arms around him, he’d been utterly content. He was even more so now. He had missed her so much.
He reached up blindly- but he was so familiar with her body, that he found her bare breast at the first try, cupping it hard as he began to suck at her clit.
“Come on, Y/n/N. Say my name.” Edmund grinned wolfishly, as a muffled sigh left her lips. “Moan if you missed me, darling.”
And she did.
This was exactly- exactly- what she needed. What both of them did. What they’d needed and wanted for so long. How utterly she had missed him.
And, considering that they’d only had sex for about ten days back in August, it was truly astonishing how well he knew her body. He really was a fast learner.
He knew it so well that she just could not keep her mouth shut, though she knew she couldn’t be too loud, “Fuck, Edmund-”
Then his fingers joined, too, inching closer to her clit, making her gasp and shiver and doubling the building ecstasy.
Needless to say, it took hardly a couple of minutes for Y/N to reach her zenith, her body relaxing as she came.
“No, no, no.” She said, a moment after her breathing eased- Edmund was looking around for their long-discarded shirts, his suspenders (which looked even sexier than usual, perhaps because she was seeing him for the first time in months), and her skirt.
Her boyfriend looked at her inquiringly- good Heavens, he was licking his lips, she might orgasm just looking at that.
She pulled her knickers up and debated on putting on her bra- she was trying to wear them more often, despite how much she disliked them, because she’d heard a sixth-former whisper in the pool that wearing bras helped with back pain.
And she had a lot of back pain.
But she decided against it. A few more minutes wouldn’t make her back hurt even more.
“Come a little closer?”
Edmund obeyed, but still looked blank. He was perfectly content to just look at her- after months of just letters, most of which had been censored and sanitised after a point- he just wanted to gaze at her.
“Why, Y/n/N?” He asked, and was answered by Y/N kneeling, pulling his trousers down, and wrapping her mouth around him in one fluid moment. He started violently, quite staggered by the action, and drew a sharp gasp of a breath. “G-give a fellow some warning, darling.”
“As though you didn’t know-” She pulled away from his cock for just a moment to smile at him- going down on her had hardened him, which meant he was already close, “that I wouldn’t let you go without returning the favour. It’s been too long, love.”
“I- forgot.” His lashes fluttered, his breath coming in short bursts as she started to take him in her mouth again, her head bobbing up and down between his legs. “S- ach, Y/n/N-” she sped up the work of her tongue- harder, faster- and he had to bite down on his bottom lip to hold back a moan, “silly me.”
She sucked for a few, slow moments- not enough to make him come, but enough to make him tremble and moan her name- and she could feel herself throb again, because it wasn’t inside her mouth that she needed him.
But she’d contentedly settle for this for the moment- it was Edmund, she liked doing almost everything with him.
Carefully, she pulled her mouth away from him- and asked softly, “Do you like this, my love? Do you like my mouth around you, as I kneel for you? As I put my tongue on your cock?”
Before he could reply, she bent forward again and trailed her lips all over his length, sometimes darting her tongue out to lick a freckle or sensitive spot- and then began to suck once more.
Minutes later, as the birds chirped in the trees, they lay on the warm grass. They held hands as Edmund slid inside Y/N, into the togetherness and oneness they’d had too little of and they had missed for months.
The sun scattered through the canopy of trees, falling onto their bodies, which flushed and naked and tight together. Their lips were pressed together, too.
And when they came together, they whispered both I love you and I missed you.
After that, lying naked on the warm grass and in each other’s arms, they made fun of other people- specifically, teachers- and teased each other- both verbal and sexual, and bantered, all interspersed with a lot of kissing. There was a small picnic basket lying a few feet from them, as well.
It was going to be an amazing weekend.
Thank you for reading!
And requests are CLOSED. I have end semester exams in a week, and what have I been doing? Nothing that will help me pass and everything that will make me fail!
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
My Very Soul (Chapter 12)
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Anakin Skywalker x Jedi!Reader
Link to Chapter 11
Warnings: danger oh no, a HUG (!!!!!!), and the beginnings of some rekindled jealousy...
Summary: You, Anakin, and your Masters face a threat from an unknown source; an old friend makes an unexpected reappearance
Word Count: 3.3k
You stood in the lift as it moved slowly upward, toward Senator Farr's floor. You were shaking, and it wasn't from the cold. You tried to put everything you were feeling out of your mind, but it was difficult. Anakin crying, sobbing in his sleep; Anakin yelling at you to get away from him; and then, shortly after, Anakin leaning in toward you, as if he meant...as if he meant to...
       You shook your head to clear it, as you often did, but it didn't help. You felt the whiplash of the evening as if you'd actually been thrown back and forth. You put your arms around yourself in your tunic, wishing you'd grabbed your Jedi robes before you'd stormed out of that room.
       The lift opened and you walked quickly toward the Senator's apartment, where you knew Master Yuma and Master Obi-Wan would be standing guard. Senator Farr had been slightly grumpy about Jedi coming and going from his apartment as if they owned the place, but you'd felt his fear through the Force when he was confronted with the possibility of separatist violence. You waved the lock open with the Force and heard it click, entering the apartment quietly. Master Obi-Wan and Master Yuma, you saw, were standing on the apartment's luxurious balcony, looking out at the city. Their figures were illuminated by the moonlight, and they were talking quietly. As you walked toward them, Master Yuma looked over, sensing your presence, and cut off her speech quickly, looking back to Obi-Wan in warning. Clearly, whatever they had been discussing was not meant for your ears.
       "Is everything all right?" Master Yuma asked you, looking you over, and you pulled your Force presence back into yourself, making sure not to give anything away.
       "Everything is fine, Master," you said with an even voice. "It's time to switch the watch." Master Yuma looked down at her chrono.
       "I suppose you're right," she said slowly, looking to you in confusion, trying and failing to read the hurricane you felt in your mind. You gazed at her, keeping your face stony. She responded with an exasperated look.
       "Obi-Wan," Master Yuma said, turning back to him, "go get some sleep. My Padawan and I will continue the watch until morning." In her words you heard an unspoken threat; you knew you wouldn't escape Master Yuma's scrutiny for long, that she would make you tell her what was going on in your head. Master Obi-Wan looked out at the moon.
       "I really feel I must stay," Obi-Wan said thoughtfully, his face illuminated in the low light of the sky.
       "But Obi-Wan," Master Yuma said, "you've got to be exhausted." Obi-Wan held up his hand, quieting her.
       "I will rest in the morning, Yuma. You should go get some sleep." Obi-Wan looked at her kindly, his Force presence exhibiting a lot of complicated emotions. Master Yuma searched his eyes for a moment, and then nodded.
       "See you soon," Master Yuma said to you, and the light touch on your hand she gave you communicated to you that your unspoken conversation was not finished. She turned and left the apartment.       
       "It is truly a pleasure to see you both, again," Master Obi-Wan said to you as you stepped forward to take Master Yuma's position next to him. "I am amazed at how much you've grown, both in your powers and into yourself." You were surprised, but pleased to hear Obi-Wan speaking this way. He wasn't one to give gratuitous praise, you knew. You gave him a small smile.
       "Still," Obi-Wan continued, "I feel in the Force an unknown current, something that makes me apprehensive." He looked away from you, outward, back to the Coruscanti skyline, his eyes glazed with thought. "A part of me worries about the repercussions, of working with you and Yuma again. The paths that might unfold, given this reunion, for my Padawan and myself." You balked at Obi-Wan's turned face. He was speaking so plainly, speaking to you as if you were a contemporary of his, as if he regarded you as an equal. Though his speech was careful, it was clear to you what he was referring to, and you couldn't believe he was being so candid. It was as if he knew everything that had just occurred down in that basement room, as if he perhaps knew more of the situation than even you did.
       "I feel...similarly conflicted," you responded, keeping your speech just as careful. You joined him in looking out at the city beneath you, but you didn't need your eyes to see him. You felt in Obi-Wan his caution, his uncertainty, but also other things, among them a deep love and respect for his Padawan. The strength of Obi-Wan and Anakin's bond was comparable only to your bond with your own Master. Though you knew many Padawans felt deep admiration for their Masters, for you, and for Anakin, you knew, it was more than admiration. It was a familial tie, one that could not be severed, even in death.
       "You have grown in more than just skill, I sense," Obi-Wan continued, still looking outward. "The wisdom you often show surpasses your age. But," Obi-Wan said thoughtfully, stroking his beard, "such wisdom can often be a burden, particularly for one so young." Obi-Wan turned to face you, and you mirrored him, looking up at the Jedi carefully. "I trust your ability to handle whatever difficulty may lie ahead," Obi-Wan told you affectionately, putting his hand on your shoulder. You breathed quickly. Though Obi-Wan's words were filled with care and compassion, in them you felt the hint of a warning.
       "A good Jedi must keep her mind open," you repeated your own Master's words, looking down at your feet. "It—it does not do one any good, to dwell too much over questions of the future."
       "This is true," Obi-Wan said, his face curling into a smile. "You are a good person, Y/N. You will make a powerful and discerning Jedi Knight."
       "Thank you," you replied softly, looking up at Obi-Wan, the weight of his fatherly affection warming you like a blanket.
       "Do you think—" you started to ask, but you were cut off by a sharp current in the air, a vibration that cut through you as if you'd been cut by a saber. You inhaled sharply.
       "I sense it too," Obi-Wan said quickly, his lightsaber drawn. The two of you ran from the balcony.
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Anakin couldn't sleep. He heard Master Yuma come into the room, knew from the sound of her footsteps that it was her and not Obi-Wan you had relieved from the watch, and for this, he was grateful. With Master Yuma he could feign sleep, pretend just by lying still. He wanted to toss and turn, to pace the room, but he stopped himself, lying on his back with his eyes closed and his arms folded on top of him.
       As much as the nightmare had disturbed him, it was his own reaction to you that kept him up now. He was furious with himself. Why had he lashed out at you, telling you to go away, when what he wanted most in the world was for you to do the very opposite? And then, after you had forgiven him for his outburst, why had he chosen that moment to try to kiss you? Anakin pushed the mortification around inside of him, but he could not free himself of its grasp. It had been a horrible moment to choose, to try to lean his face toward yours, to try to make a move that would alter your relationship forever. The problem was that it hadn't been a conscious choice at all, but rather, an impulsive act. It was just like Anakin, to act impulsively and ruin the moment. And then, the way you had run from the room, run away from him, as if you'd been horrified by his actions...Anakin furrowed his brow, wanting to erase the whole interaction from his mind.
       The dream floated around in the back of Anakin's consciousness, tugging at a part of him he rarely let himself focus on...his mother had told him not to look back, when he'd left Tatooine, and he had followed her advice, trying hard not to think of his past life. It was nonsensical, to long for the days of his life when he'd been a slave on that godforsaken sand dune of a planet, especially now that he led the exciting life of a Jedi, a life he himself had always dreamt about. Still, a part of him wished he could open his eyes and wake up in his mother's small slave quarters, get up to help her with the washing, head to Watto's workshop. He missed his mother with every part of him, missed her so much that he wouldn't let himself think of it, wouldn't let himself feel how painful the ache was. Why had he dreamt of her being hurt? Why now?
       Anakin was stirred from his thoughts by a beeping sound, coming from his own commlink and echoing from across the room, where Master Yuma's comm was blinking. Anakin was on his feet immediately, Master Yuma just milliseconds behind him. The beeping had signaled danger.
       Both Anakin and Master Yuma ran from the room wordlessly, through the maze of the basement security hallways, toward the lift. Though you and Obi-Wan were up on the second highest floor, in Senator Farr's apartment, Anakin felt a disturbance in the Force elsewhere, in the middle of the building. This confused him.
       When they entered the lift, Anakin looked at Master Yuma, and she looked back, intuiting that they both had felt this current shift.
       "Floor...five," Anakin breathed, and Master Yuma nodded, punching the button. Anakin urged the lift to move faster. What was the danger? Why weren't you protecting Senator Farr? What was going on?
       The lift doors had barely opened, but Anakin was through them, running through the hallway, Master Yuma trailing closely behind.   
       "That door there!" Master Yuma whisper-shouted, relying on her senses to guide both of them to where they were needed. Anakin waved the door unlocked with his mind, and burst into the unknown apartment, running through the living room.
       They came upon a horrifying scene. It took Anakin a moment to understand the situation, to take it all in: there you were, holding your body flat against a wall, not moving. There was Obi-Wan, near you, his hand outstretched, his eyes fearful. There was a Togruta in the bed, presumably the senator who lived here, sitting up, looking terrified as he pulled his sheets up to his chest. The scene didn't make sense; there was no attacker. Why did everyone look so terrified?
       Master Yuma breathed in quickly, and Anakin, looking harder, saw a very small dart floating in the air in front of your face. It was so small, Anakin thought it could be a trick of the light—the tiny droid, only just bigger than a needle, poised in the air, pointed at you.
       "A pursuer dart," Master Yuma explained breathily into Anakin's ear, reading his confusion. "The shadow of an assassin. So small it can barely be seen, so light, but full of a powerful poison. It can kill in mere seconds." Anakin felt as if the floor had dropped out from under him.
       "Why does it hover?" Anakin asked, his fear spiking as you moved your eyes to meet his, frozen where you were against the wall.
       "It attacks when it senses movement," Obi-Wan said quietly. "It knows the specific DNA of the one it must kill. It reads you when your muscles move."
       "Keep still, my child," Master Yuma breathed, watching you with dread. You moved your eyes to her, looking her in the face with fear and a bit of defiance, as if to say, no duh.
       "Why is it trained on Y/N?" Anakin asked, his eyes wide with fear.
       "There was another pursuer dart," Obi-Wan explained, "that tried to attack our friend, here." He gestured to the Togruta, terrified in his bed. "Y/N destroyed it. This one seems to have picked up her chromosomal mark, and trained itself on the threat, rather than the intended target." Anakin saw a small, needle-sized dart, broken on the floor.
       "So, you fear if you destroy this one," Anakin pieced together, "another might appear?"
       "Precisely," Obi-Wan said, his eyes not leaving you, frozen as you were against the wall. "Please, Anakin, conduct a sweep."
       Anakin and Master Yuma searched the apartment, covering every wall, every window, every small space in which a droid could have breached the security shield around the building. Anakin felt his hands shaking as he searched, his eyes blurred over with his fear. To see something threaten your life, and to not be able to immediately attack it, to immediately dispose of the threat...it was infuriating. It was terrifying. He pushed these emotions away from him, trying to focus on the task at hand.
       "Here, Master," Anakin called from the corner of the living room. A small capsule lay on the floor, with one end that looked like a drill. The capsule lay open, and immobile.
       "Well, that explains how the pursuers got in," Master Yuma said quickly, picking up the capsule and examining it. "And look," she said, holding the small metallic case out to Anakin, "two slots. Two pursuers." They hurried back into the bedroom, where Obi-Wan was standing over you, talking quietly to you, trying to keep you calm and still.
       "We've found the casing," Master Yuma told Obi-Wan. "It looks like it drilled through the shield and perhaps the wall itself. But it is unlikely there is another pursuer." Master Yuma held the capsule out for Obi-Wan to inspect. He nodded. Anakin felt his body flood with relief.
       "Hold still, Y/N," Obi-Wan said quickly, before taking out his saber with a flash. It happened so fast, a normal person would have missed the small dart breaking apart and falling to the floor in pieces. All four Jedi, however, having excellent reflexes, watched as Obi-Wan's blue blade broke the poisonous dart. You breathed deeply, putting down your arms, the anxiety fading from your face.
       "Thank—" you started to say, but Anakin had already crossed the room, pulling you into a deep hug. He couldn't help himself. His relief washed through him, and he couldn't stop himself from folding his arms around you. Miraculously, you didn't pull away. Anakin was so much taller than you, he tucked his head over yours, putting a hand through the hair on the back of your head. Anakin felt as if he'd never truly breathed properly, before this moment. He felt freed of all bad feelings, all fear and insecurity. He felt at home. Finally, you pulled back from him, your face bright red in color. Anakin grinned shyly.
       "Everyone, meet Senator Grano," Obi-Wan said, watching Anakin with a hint of amusement. The senator, who still looked very afraid indeed, held up a small, polite hand.
       "We're very sorry for the intrusion, senator," Master Yuma said, stepping closer to you and putting an arm around your shoulders. Anakin was not the only one who was relieved you were okay.
       "That's quite all right, Master Jedi," the senator said with a shaky voice.
       "But who sent these pursuers? And why attempt an attack on Senator Grano?" Anakin asked, looking to you, searching your face for any sign that you might be feeling the way he did inside. He'd never hugged you before. The feeling lingered on his skin, in his whole self.
       "That is a question I have no answer for," Obi-Wan replied, stroking his beard, looking exhausted. "But certainly something we must discuss with the council."
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As you walked with Anakin back toward Senator Farr's apartment, you worked hard to pull your Force presence back, folding it up neatly within yourself, keeping it hidden. Master Yuma and Master Obi-Wan had gone to speak with the council about this disturbing turn of events, and you and Anakin had been sent back into position, to stand guard over Senator Farr, as that had been your original assignment.
       "I wish you wouldn't do that," Anakin said softly, as you reached for the doorknob to let yourself in.
       "Do what?" you asked, confused, pulling open the door and entering the quiet apartment. Senator Farr was still asleep, you knew, in the next room, but the living room was illuminated in gold, the sunrise peeking out from behind the city and covering the balcony with its yellow glow.
       "Pull yourself back like that," Anakin explained, striding out onto the balcony, you following close behind. "In the Force."
       "Huh..." you said, still slightly confused, standing with Anakin on the balcony and watching the sun come up from the uneven Coruscanti horizon, buildings stretching high even in the distance. "I guess I hadn't realized you noticed."
       Anakin held onto the railing, looking out over the city. "It's just," he said, looking down at his hands, "I waited so long, to see you again, to feel your presence...I don't like it when it disappears."
       You didn't know what to say to this. You felt the ghost of the hug Anakin had given you earlier on your skin, felt a shiver run through you.
       "Cold again?" Anakin asked, and you nodded, though you were lying. It wasn't the cold that caused your body to shake. Anakin took off his own robe, wrapping it around you wordlessly. The gesture was sweet. The shaking continued. You felt Anakin's emotions swirling inside of him, as usual, but something felt different in him. Amidst the joy, the affection, the confidence, you felt the beginnings of a current that was unfamiliar to you. It was somehow submissive, somehow fearful, insecure...like reverence.
       "Y/N," Anakin began, "I—"
       The door to the apartment clicked open, and in a moment, you and Anakin had your lightsabers drawn, standing side by side, blue blades mixing with the yellow light of the morning. It took you only a moment to recognize the figure that now entered Senator Farr's dwelling.
       "Henry?" you asked, confused, clicking your saber off, and stowing it on your belt. You felt a darkness enter the Force currents beside you, and, additionally, felt Henry's emotions swelling with joy in the Force. The contrast between these Force impressions left you feeling a bit dizzy.
       "Hi, Y/N," Henry said kindly, walking out onto the balcony beside you and Anakin. "And hello again, Anakin," Henry said politely, though you thought you heard something else beneath his politeness. You frowned.
       "What...what are you doing here?" you asked, squinting as you took in the figure of your friend, a friend you had not seen in years.
       "The council has assigned more Jedi Knights, to protect the senate apartments," Henry explained, smiling at you. "Given the attempted assassination on Senator Grano. I hear thwarting that attempt was your doing," Henry continued, looking at you admiringly. "Impressive."
       "When you say Knights..." you said, the beginnings of a smile gracing your face. "Do you mean...?" Henry nodded, looking down, his smile holding his face hostage.
       "You passed your trials?" you squeaked, and you couldn't help yourself. You hugged him, your face pink. "That's wonderful, Henry, congratulations!" You stepped back. When you'd wrapped your arms around him, you'd felt something else enter Henry's presence, something new, something that made your breath stutter.
       "Congratulations, Henry," Anakin said beside you, his voice quiet, calm, and even. You felt his Force presence moving quickly from emotion to emotion, from anger, to fear, to longing, to hatred. It felt as if the usual storming had turned electric, lightning hitting every part of Anakin's insides, and yours. You looked between Henry and Anakin, holding your breath. This, you thought, might be a problem.
Henry is back, y'all! AND THINGS GET DRAMATIC IN CHAPTER 13, out now!!!! Enjoy beautiful Skandar:
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divider credit to @racingairplanes
taglist: @iyoogi @cluelessgurl @layazul @annadastra @graciexmarvel @galaxiasy @organasith @indigoblues1207 @outoftheregular @katsukiswrld @prettyboyrryy @jellydodger @wildflower57 @lydiamartinslover @em-asian @heavenseraph @iloveinej @leapofblank @sahverah @elsyyie @usuallyunlikelyfox @jadeonce @papadragun @dopejellyfishfury @stxrrielle @lilianashomaresparza @prettylittlecarstairs @deadunicorn159 @atoelicker @arelisskywalker @maythefloorbewithyouanakin @your-local-crzy-lady @dontmindme262 @xenochuguardian @cassiopeiashift @allihavenegativethoughts
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justpevensies · 3 years
random little headcanons for Edmund
blurb: these are little thoughts I had about being with Edmund because he has my heart
A/N: apologies for not sharing any new writing for the last week or so, I’ve just been busy with uni but now I’m back!
warnings: none at all!
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okay so when you’re together with Edmund he is the most wholesome & beautiful soul
holding your hand as you walk around the castle and then wrapping his arm around your waist/shoulder when you walk in the gardens 
both you and edmund are quite “private” people where everyone knows the two of you love each other but you both love intimate moments
you both definitely have lots of inside jokes because of that - and because Edmund is such a joker & sarcastic guy
“Ed can you stop being sarcastic for once?!” you would complain and he would let out a deep sigh and say “But it’s all I have”. then he’d quickly lean in and kiss you and say “I’m just kidding - I love you”.
Edmund surprising you with breakfast in bed but he’s burned the toast and you don’t even say anything because he’s so proud of himself and you just adore the gesture too much.
playing chess or curled up together with Edmund as ways of just relaxing together
if you were up late doing work for the kings & queens or if Ed was up late doing royal duties, both of you would leave food and a hot drink for the other in the study to show you were looking out for each other
Edmund loves seeing you horse ride becaue he loves the way your hair flies in the wind and you laugh all the way
Edmund buying you a silver necklace with his initials on it for whenever he’s not with you
If you ever ended up marrying Edmund, you would be given your own unique crown and it would be silver to match his
both of you are so in tune that sometimes you’d come up with a joke/a similar joke in your heads whenever something happened and you both would look across at one another and smirk, trying not to giggle
Edmund catches you wearing some of his clothing - such as one of his shirts or a jumper - and he instantly thinks you’re even more attractive everyone else notices it too and understands how close you both are
when it’s your birthday and Edmund brings out a birthday cake for you covered in candles and dances while singing “Happy Birthday” to you it’s the cutest okay?! 
even though he’s not much of a baker he makes your birthday cake every year just as a surprise
the two of you building forts out of covers and pillows in Edmund’s and your bedchambers and staying up late night talking and enjoying time
the two of you couldn’t sleep so you both took a walk in the gardens of the castle late at night holding hands
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justmanu · 3 years
The Chronicles of Narnia Masterlist
Edmund Pevensie
For The First Time In Forever (smut)
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adoralinefilms · 3 years
Dating Edmund in modern times:
Okay you can’t tell me otherwise that Edmund doesn’t like video games
Because he does
You and him have this unofficial rule that Fridays after school is your time together
You too meet up at your locker and walk out of school together to Edmunds car
(It’s definitely a Jeep Cherokee, believe me)
Anyways, you both usually end up going to Mcdonalds or some other really greasy fast food drive through and order two shakes
Edmund seems like a strawberry type boy
You then drive around the richer part of town and look at the really nice houses and make comments about them
That boy always likes to make you blush and tell you which house would be great to raise your family
Edmund definitely likes to spam your Instagram comments when you post
It doesn’t necessarily have to be cute stuff, just really random shit
He gives the best cuddles
You swear you can stay like that with him all day, and you usually do
Sometimes the teacher has to separate you too in class because you both distract each other lol
You both are usually seconds away getting caught by his siblings when you get...carried away
You force him to listen to ‘Drivers License’
He then always listens to it
“Edmund, I swear to God.”
An: This was really funny to make and I definitely will make a part 2 lol
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honneycakez · 3 years
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Sooo yeah, my first post is Edmund Pevensie (my current obsession)
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regulusblock · 4 years
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