#sk8 infinity matchups
matchmakerecorner · 2 years
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♡◇ Obey Me
♡◇ Genshin Impact
♡◇ Assassination Classroom
♡ Ouran Highschool Hosts Club
♡ Project Sekai
♡ Twisted Wonderland
LUNE - 🐬
◇ Bungo Stray Dogs
◇ Sk8 The Infinity
◇ Chainsaw man
In your ask we'll need...
-> Pronouns | You may send the ask anonymously if it makes you comfortable
-> Preference/Sexuality
-> Fandom(s) - You may select certain fandoms from the chosen person and the both's section (ex; I would like only genshin and bsd)
-> Tell us about yourself! Your hobbies, personality, what you like, what you dislike... (How much you get is dependent on how much you give us, but otherwise we'll try our best.)
-> If there is a character you absolutely don't want/feel uncomfortable with, you may tell us! We won't make them your match.
-> Please specify who you'd like to do your request. These are your options:
❄ - Just Stell [Only fandoms in Together/Stell]
🐬 - Just Lune [Only fandoms in Together/Lune]
❄🐬 - Both [Only fandoms in Together]
-> You may ask for multiple matchups, just please send in different asks for them.
| ♡Teleportation: The Map Room♡ | Matchmaking Status: Closed
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kazvha · 15 days
Notes: [10/12] This is for 💜 anon, hope you enjoy!💌
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The match up system pairs you up with... Langa!
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• Langa needed to warm up to your mature and responsible side when he met you for the first time. But the more you two got closer, the more unhinged and silly you became. Although he was surprised, embraced that new side of yours wholeheartedly
• When you joke with him and tease him, he will barely react, but the huge pink blush on his face shows how flustered he actually is
• Talk to him about the books you're reading! He wants to know what you're invested in
• He likes to trace the scars you have and he's interested in how you got each one. But he totally understands if you don't want to talk about them.
• He doesn't mind if you latch yourself onto him, on the contrary, he loves it! He'll get so giddy and happy when you touch him in some way or another
• He likes to bring you along when he's going out skating with his friends. He'll also offer to teach you how to skate! Your friend group is like a little family.
• He'll hug you from behind whenever you're mesmerized by the rain (he's also mesmerized, by both you and the rain). He'll also offer you to take a stroll outside if you want to!
• Baking together is a relaxing activity for you two, and the sweets always come out tasty!
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• Miya Atsumu. Someone who won't hesitate to tease you back and flirt with you.
• Sugawara Koushi. Best friends to lovers trope?
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can I request a match up for Bungo stray dogs, Sk8 infinity and Haikyuu?
Partner preference: I'm on the Aspec but other than that unlabeled but have mainly had a strong male preference. it doesn't matter that much but long hair and a more sensitive person.
My Appearance: Im around 5'4 ish female with a thin build and an hourglass figure, but rather flat. I have medium curls, dark brown hair with bangs though I usually wear my hair in a bun because I hate it long. I have downturned bluish-gray eyes. I have a condition called Keratosis that heavily affects my arms and legs and a little bit on my outer cheeks. I have veiny hands that are kind of wide, but I have a good grip strength so I don't mind. I always keep my nails short. I wear glasses but cannot stand contacts.
Personality: ISFP-T! (People who prefer the Constant Improvement Strategy are quiet, individualistic, perfectionistic, and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort ensuring the result of their work is the best it can be.) I'm soft spoken and don't usually like confrontations and I will actively avoid situations where I have to do a lot of talking. I'm nervous around strangers and people I haven't known for a while. Even with people I'm comfortable around I tend to let them do all the talking. I'm very adventurous though and I get bored very easily so if I'm with someone and I keep suggesting activities and all they want to do is sit around I'll get bored or insecure about being around them. Simply sitting quietly with someone isn't enough. I have a very open mind though and as long as an activity isn't hurting anyone i'm down to try it! I love to explore different kinds of activities. My main love languages are physical contact and gift giving and a little bit acts of service. I crave to be held or cuddled and I like it when people trace patterns on me. I'm not rich by any means but I love giving things to people because making people happy is really one of the main reasons to make me happy. I hate being alone because my thoughts are so loud and they concern me because I can't help but think of bad things when i'm alone so I like either having someone or something to distract me. I'm not gonna lie- I can get very over emotional and more often than not my emotions tend to control me. I'm a crybaby kinda.
Hobbies: Baking, Reading, Biking and Walks. I love making breads and cookies in particular but there's just something so calming about baking. Reading allows me to get lost in a fantasy- Im am a HUGE Daydreamer. Biking and going on walks is fun. I dont like to be in forests too much because i'm terrified of insects but biking and walking down roads is an activity I do often.
Habits: I bite my lips a lot and grind my teeth. I'm usually not aware of it but it does get painful which is usually when I know I'm doing it. I like biting things. Not like full on biting but soft nibbles and when there's nothing soft to bite on I will bite on my own arm.
Fun fact: I make really good coffee and Tea and Angel Milk. I love hot drinks so I take time to make them and I largely enjoy others trying some drinks I make and I'd love nothing more than to share drinks with someone.
Sad fact: My relationship with my parents is complicated and I often feel scared to be around my family due to constant yelling, screaming, degrading, and emotional negligence so I tend to avoid people with anger problems.
Hi Squeezy! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Poe is a good matchup for you since you’re both quiet people but you can help bring him out of his shell and he will support you unconditionally.
Enjoys taking walks with you. He finds it relaxing, especially if you’re away from people. If you do want to walk through a crowded area though, he’ll accompany you. Just be prepared for him to hold your hand the entire time for comfort.
No need to worry about yelling when you’re around Poe. I don’t think this guy is capable of raising his voice around you, especially since he knows you don’t like yelling.
You’re both prone to daydreaming so it’s not uncommon for the two of you to be sitting next to each other, lost in your respective thoughts.
Always panics a bit when you cry. He never wants you to feel sad and the thought that you might not be doing well makes him almost tear up as well. He’s a very empathetic person.
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Joe and Langa but I think you’d get along a bit better with Joe. Your differences make your relationship stronger.
Loves baking with you! Cooking is both his passion and his career so he enjoys having you in the kitchen with him. Might put some things you’ve baked together on the menu at his restaurant if they turn out particularly well.
Speaking of the restaurant, there’s almost always yelling happening in there, whether it’s in the kitchen during rush hour or whenever Cherry visits. But it’s never directed at you, of that you can be sure.
I think Joe would enjoy going on bike rides with you. It helps train his legs for skating and he gets to spend some quality time with you.
Amazing with giving you physical affection. He has a knack for picking up on when you want to hold hands or get a hug and is more than happy to provide.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Asahi is a good balance of Joe’s more outgoing nature and Poe’s introvertedness. He can match your energy or whatever energy is required.
Will remind you not to bite your lips or grind your teeth whenever he notices you doing it. He can’t stand the thought of you hurting yourself, even if it’s something that simple.
Loves going on “hot drink dates” with you. He knows a lot of cosy cafes around town that make really great coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, so whatever you’re feeling like on the day, he’s got you covered.
Will get rid of insects for you. If they’re particularly large, he might have to psych himself up to it but he’ll deal with them regardless.
Really good at physical affection and words of affirmation. He knows what it’s like to be insecure and wants to support you in whatever ways he can.
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shxtodxroki · 8 days
Hi everyone! I've been super busy these past few weeks, but now that school's out and things are finally calming down and while I catch up on other writing (ESPECIALLY appearance match-ups since I want to get caught up with those!) I was wondering if any fellow writers would be interested in an appearance match-up and/or written match-up exchange? :D
Match-Up Exchange Guidelines
My match-up exchange guidelines(for written match-ups, but appearance ones would be similar guidelines just much less writing lol) are linked above, but I've expanded the list of fandoms I'm willing to do match-ups for, so this is the updated list of fandoms I can write for in my half of the exchange!
My Hero Academia
Demon Slayer
Jujutsu Kaisen
Attack on Titan
Bungou Stray Sogs (but only characters up to season 3, since that's where I am rn)
Life Lessons With Uramichi Oniisan
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Death Note
Sk8 The Infinity
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Mystic Messenger
Obey Me
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Stardew Valley
If you're interested in an exchange and have read my match-up exchange guidelines, please feel free to DM me and I'd love to do an exchange with you! :D
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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certified-boyliker · 1 year
montyyyy hi! I'd like a sk8 match up please
I feel like you already know me pretty well but I'm socially anxious, creative, smart, funny, lowkey crazy when I'm around people I'm close with, and honestly kinda temperamental. also superiority complex go brrr my hobbies include video games, writing, analyzing things, and singing. here's a picrew of me too
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if I missed anything lmk because I'm super forgetful lol. thanks for doing this super cool event thingy!!
Hello Jack! And all of this fine, man, I know you!
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You star in a movie with... Kojiro Nanjo!
Kojiro is very teasing when he first meets you. He loves it when you swing by the restaurant to talk with him. He just stares at you and watch you as you laugh with the others. Sometimes Kojiro tries to talk you into singing something for the restaurant. He asks every so often, trying to see if this time, you're willing to sing. Even if you don't, he still admires you from afar.
Kojiro asks you out one time after he wins an S race. He finds you afterwards and asks you out.
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fairy-writes · 2 years
hi!! hope ur doing good! i would like to request a romantic matchup for tokyo revengers and sk8 the infinity? my pronouns are she/her, im 5’3, i’m bi n my hogwarts house is slytherin. my personality is somewhat introverted and can come off as kinda cold/intimidating but after getting to know me i’m way more outgoing! my hobbies are listening to music and playing bass guitar. my likes are anime/manga and listening to music or just appreciating any type of music/art form n i like taking a lot of pictures. my dislikes are people who are close minded and rude/stuck up. i also don’t like people who think someone’s human rights n well-being can be an “opinion”. in a parter i look for someone i can take care of n spend time appreciating the small things in life like late night grocery shopping. i hope this was good! thank u <3
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! This is also just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Sano Manjiro!
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Mikey is either a Slytherin or a Gryffindor, so either way, the two of you make a great couple! You intrigued him with your cold and intimidating personality at first, and he later fell in love with your outgoing personality after the two of you got to know each other. He admires your ability to play the bass guitar and asks you to teach him but later gives it up when he gets too frustrated. 
While he values his sleep, Mikey also values his time with you! He treasures every second he gets to spend with you and introduces you to his friends like Draken and Takemichi because they are also people he cherishes in his life.
Sk8 the Infinity Matchup: I pair you with… Nanjo Kojiro!
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The two of you meet when you come to Joe’s restaurant, and you order food! Your cold and intimidating personality puts Joe off at first, but a quiet voice in his head says to get to know you, so he does. It’s your outgoing personality that he falls in love with, but he grows to love every aspect of you!
He loves music with bass guitar, so he asks for you to play a lot. If you don’t, that’s cool. That just means he cherishes it when you do play! Music dates! You two go to concerts all the time, whether it’s classical music or rock music; if you want to go, Joe will get tickets, and you two will go!
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aethxr-ash · 2 years
does anyone have any tips or advice on setting up tumblr events? i'm working on planning a mini one but im not sure where to start (╥﹏╥)
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ADHD/Autism Duos: Second-Chance Smackdown!! Final Phase
Matchup 5
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Your vote will determine which duo will return to Round 4 of the main competition on Sunday 14th May (1pm EST/6pm BST), as part of Side B Matchup 1!
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please give a warm welcome to the 128 contestants of the pink hair swag tourney, part three !!
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we have 57 new contenders and 71 returning competitors vying for the crown !! starting on 06/21/2023, we'll start voting to determine which of these pink haired characters is the swaggiest of all time !!
PART ONE - 06/21 Iris Lovefeather - Tales of the Rays VS Lightning Farron - Final Fantasy Molli Pop - Candies n’ Curses VS Lily Tabacchi - Lily’s Well Yuyuko Saigyouji - Touhou Project VS Kasen Ibaraki - Touhou Project Madoka Kaname - Madoka Magica VS Aya Maruyama - Bang Dream! Vivian - Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door VS Anne Faulkner - Paradox Live Reona West - Prism Paradise VS Mirai Momoyama - Sparkling Prism Channel Crona - Soul Eater VS Chibiusa - Sailor Moon Satsuki Momoi - Kuroko no Basket VS Alice Asmodeus - Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
PART TWO - 06/22 Meninas McAllon - Bleach VS Neon Nostrade - Hunter x Hunter (1999) Shima Renzou - Blue Exorcist VS Szayelaporro Granz - Bleach Ln'eta - Sucker for Love: First Date VS Miyako Shikamori - Shikamori’s Not Just a Cutie Hot Pants - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Yasuho Hirose - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Sheena Murphy - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles VS Scary Girl - Total Drama Cleo - Dragalia Lost VS Amy Pile - Grand Chase Mashiro Nijigaoka - Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure VS Nodoka Hanadera - Healin’ Good Pretty Cure Rina Tennoji - Love Live VS Mei Hatsume - My Hero Academia
PART THREE - 06/23 Mizuki Akiyama - Project Sekai VS Utena Tenjou - Revolutionary Girl UtenaSakura Miku - Vocaloid VS Goku Black - Dragon BallRose Quartz - Steven Universe VS Bonnibel Bubblegum - Adventure TimeLilim - Puyo Puyo VS Harpy - Puyo PuyoUlala - Space Channel 5 VS Jerrica Benton - Jem and the HologramsKohaku Oukawa - Ensemble Stars VS Ramuda Amemura - Hypnosis Mic Sara - Tales of Link VS Meido - Heaven’s Design TeamNatsu Dragneel - Fairy Tail VS Marluxia - Kingdom Hearts
PART FOUR - 06/24 Popuri - Harvest Moon VS Lyla - Harvest Moon Ramsey Murdoch - Epithet Erased VS Yoomtah Zing - Epithet Erased Trixie Roughhouse - Epithet Erased VS Giovanni Potage - Epithet Erased  Estellise Sidos Heurassein - Tales of Vesperia VS Sophia - Stardew Valley Expanded Clover Field - Zero Escape VS Zizel - Witch’s Heart Nikki - Love Nikki VS Zero Two - Darling in the Franxx Nana Hiiragi - Munou na Nana VS Amu Hinamori - Shugo Chara! Maggie Pesky - The Buzz on Maggie VS Jinmay - Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
PART FIVE - 06/25 Reo Maruyama - Paradox Live VS Kazuichi Souda - Danganronpa Seraphine - League of Legends VS Violet - Arcane Jewelry Bonney - One Piece VS Koby - One Piece Perona - One Piece VS Shirahoshi - One Piece Minato Aqua - Hololive VS Himemori Luna - Hololive Mina Ashido - My Hero Academia VS Anya Forger - Spy x Family Kaoru Sakurayashiki - Sk8 the Infinity VS Nadeshiko Kagamihara - Yuru Camp Molly - Bubble Guppies VS Toadette - Mario Series PART SIX - 06/26 Hitori Gotoh - Bocchi the Rock! VS Mitsuri Kanroji - Demon Slayer Hinako Mishuku - Your Turn to Die VS Nao Egokoro - Your Turn to Die Riamu Yumemi - The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls VS Miyu Sakurada - Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ Sucy Manbavaran - Little Witch Academia VS Chuatury Panlunch - Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Ran - Urusei Yatsura VS Akira Kogami - Lucky Star Ilima - Pokemon VS Pastille - Starry Flowers  Kumatora - Mother 3 VS Amy Rose - Sonic the Hedgehog Setsuno - Toriko VS Genkai - YuYu Hakusho PART SEVEN - 06/27 Aubrey - OMORI VS Iris Sagan - AI: The Somnium Files Muku Sakisaka - Act! Addict! Actors! VS Tori Himemiya - Ensemble Stars Ribbon - Kirby VS Strawberry Crepe Cookie - Cookie Run Cotton Candy Cookie - Cookie Run VS Rambutan Cookie - Cookie Run Narciso Anasui - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure VS Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Yanagi Hanabusa - DREAM!ing VS Shion Mikekado - DREAM!ing Delta - Honkai Impact VS Elysia - Honkai Impact Kory Anders - Titans VS Gamora - Marvel Cinematic Universe PART EIGHT - 06/28 Sakura Haruno - Naruto VS Euphemia Li Brittania - Code Geass Kipo Oak - Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts VS Tom Lucitor - Star VS the Forces of Evil “Big” Jack Horner - Puss in Boots VS Princess Poppy - Trolls Machi Komacine - Hunter x Hunter VS Chika Fujiwara - Kaguya-Sama: Love is War Slurpuff - Pokemon VS Tinkaton - Pokemon Hilda Valentine Goneril - Fire Emblem: Three Houses VS Yae Miko - Genshin Impact Ortega - Pokemon VS Nurse Joy - Pokemon Tenebria - Epic Seven VS Tecna - Winx Club
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and your contestants for the adhd swag competition are...
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under the cut because i think this might be a bit long
Luz Noceda from the Owl House!
Mabel Pines from Gravity Falls!
Michelangelo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!
Kel from Omori!
Sonic from Sonic!
Arataka Reigen from Mob Psycho 100!
Reki Kyan from Sk8 the Infinity!
Percy Jackson from Percy Jackson!
Leo Valdez from Heroes of Olympus! (... it IS a separate series it counts)
Monkey D. Luffy from One Piece!
Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender!
Joseph Joestar from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure!
Ryan Akagi from Infinity Train!
Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous Ladybug!
Scout from Team Fortress 2!
Nemona from Pokemon!
Athena Cykes from Ace Attorney!
Pearl Houzuki from Splatoon!
Bart Allen from... uh... DC!
Gregg Lee from Night in the Woods!
Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5!
Lightbulb from Inanimate Insanity!
Four from Battle for Dream Island!
Sprig Plantar from Amphibia!
Miko Kubota from Glitch Techs!
Jesper Fahey from Six of Crows!
George Beard from Captain Underpants!
Moth Flight from Warrior Cats!
Evelyn Quan-Wang from Everything Everywhere All At Once!
Bart Simpson from The Simpsons!
Jack Russell from Bluey!
Gretel Grant-Gomez from Hamster and Gretel!
You! From Real Life! (hand pointing meme)
some (most) were by popular vote, and a few got in because canonical.
Matchups to be shared soon. (... after I sleep.)
Luz was the most voted, with 22 votes, compared to Mabel and Michelangelo's 12!
(the lowest was 4 and 2)
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Ultimate Anime Tournament: Round 2, Matchup 47
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Hii!! I saw your requests and was hoping to jump on the train:>
Could i get matchups for sk8 the infinity and/or genshin impact? (I'd love to see both, but please know just one is okay!! I'm grateful for any work you're willing to put in)
My pronouns are she/her & I'm pansexual!! If it helps any i do tend to prefer more dominant/intimidating types
My zodiac is Capricorn & my MBTI is INFP:> (a goofy mix, right? Hehe, it often throws off a lot of people, saying i don't seem like your stereotypical capricorn.)
For my appearance, I'm 18 so pretty young XD
My hair is long and a light dirty blonde, reaching down to my lower back, I prefer to keep it down. I'm white, and my eyes are hazel (green and brown mix, since I know theres a few options there).
I'm pretty tall! I'm 5'8, and I'm also really slim! I can't help it, my metabolism is very high and i also dance a lot. I have a lot of piercings too! For facial piercings, i have snakebites & my left eyebrow pierced, all with small silver jewelry (if your curious to my jewelry, my lip has small silver horseshoes, and i have a small silver barbell in my eyebrow.)
My ears are, of course, pierced too. On the left side i have two piercings in my earlobe and on my right side i have two ear lobe piercings and a cartilage piercing near the top. (Fun fact! I had an industrial bar on the left, but after it came out one time i never put it back in. The reason being a keloid scar i have there.)
If you'd also wish to know my typical daily wear, i usually wear leggings and a comfy tee. I usually only have my facial piercings & cartilage piercing in lately because I don't have any discreet jewelry for my ears:> no makeup here!
Personality is pretty cheery, as you could probably guess lol. I actually have really bad social anxiety though! Luckily, with my new meds & years of therapy, I'm starting to be a little better. Unfortunately, I'm still essentially agoraphobic.
Once i get to know someone though I'm super happy to chat! Whether that be me rambling to fill the silence (i do this a lot, i can enjoy a comfortable silence but i often find myself sharing small, insightful stories.) I get pretty silly once we're close, too. Although, only within the other persons comforts (eg. I might play fight more with someone who isn't sensitive to touch than someone who is, although i don't actually play fight much lol just needed an example.)
I'm stubborn too! My thoughts are my own and i will not allow someone to force their opinions on me (yes, i will still take advice and criticism, just not a senseless "the way I feel is the only right choice.")
Another note is that I'm often told I'm very kind! I care deeply for those around me, and if i think it's warranted I'll easily lend my help, even to a complete stranger. I also often choke down my anxiety/panic to compliment people when I'm out, just to brighten their day a little
On mental illnesses that may provide you insight on my personality: i also have ADHD! i forget stuff a lot, and i get distracted easily when something catches my eye
For likes/dislikes, I've been doing ballet since i was 2! Now, I'm also doing so many other styles, including lyrical, jazz, hiphop & tap! I'm also teaching acro to young children:)
I write as a hobby, and i enjoy drawing/art!
For dislikes, I'm super sensitive to others emotions, an empath. Large crowds are easily overwhelming, and i can become overwhelmed if too much is happening at once too
My hobbies also include reading! And playing the flute, i think I went to about pre- professional level classes. Now, i play in my free time for fun
Sorry if this is really long!! And tysm if you get to this🙏
Have a good day/night!! Be sure to rest lots and eat well<33
Hi Ilayda! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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Joe likes that you’re talkative and cheery. He deals with Cherry’s stoic attitude so much, you’re a nice change of pace.
Also likes play fighting with you. He banters with you the same way he does Cherry and doesn’t mind gently roughhousing on occasion. He won’t go much further than hair ruffling though. The last thing he wants to do is actually hurt you.
Since you’re good with kids, please help him out with Reki, Langa, and Miya. Sure, they might be a bit older than the kids you’re used to dealing with but they like you and Joe isn’t going to say no to having a bit less on his hands.
Please play the flute for him sometimes. He would love it if you provide the musical ambiance for his restaurant but won’t pressure you if you feel too shy to. He’s more than happy to have you play just for him as well.
Joe will help you avoid large crowds. If you want to watch him at S, he’ll find a nice quiet spot for you where you can watch the race.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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Social anxiety? Itto’s never heard of it. Please explain to him what makes you anxious and how you feel so he can better understand how to help you avoid those situations.
He certainly understands what it’s like to be easily distracted. But you have different things that distract you so most of the time, if one of you gets distracted, the other will be able to pull them back on the right track.
Please teach him how to dance. Itto has shocking rhythm and he’ll never be great at dancing but he wants to dance with you so teaching him the basics will help with that.
Dancing with Itto would be a wild time. WHat he lacks in rhythm and coordination, he more than makes up for in enthusiasm.
Loves that you like helping others. He’s got a tough exterior but in his heart he’s a sweet boy and he’s so glad you’re the same.
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signedmio · 4 months
Hi! I saw that a matchup event is open and I (of course) had to join : ) here I go!
FANDOM: I would like a MALE HAZBIN HOTEL matchup request please! the characters I don’t want is husker or angel dust (I have no problem with them but I don’t feel comfortable with having them as romantic partners…..)
ABOUT ME: My name is Jaxrel! People call me "Jax" for short. also use other names like Himawari, Rin, etc, He/Him (They/Them is acceptable), I'm a Trans Man who's pansexual and l've been diagnosed with mental illness and disorders that I do not wish sharing ATM.
Personality(+ Notes): I'm a ENTP Ravenclaw, 5w4, Extroverted. I'm a very chill and intelligent person I'm very polite and sweet! at first awkward, shy and distant when meeting people, extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker, emotions come off as sarcastic or silly (due to autism), confident, straightforward (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip), i can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to), dad/ tharapist friend, when I go out I bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapstick(s) just in case, chill but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, I get a realllyyy overractive Brain, I tend to get deep and philosophical when l'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. If this helps more the characters I kin a lot are: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Gojo Satoru (Jujustu Kaisen), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
MORE KINS: hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld), eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars),miyamura izumi (horimiya), micheal afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more 😃
Looks: Half Polish and Vietnamese with Some Scottish and Half Middle Eastern(Iraqi) /Filipino with Some Russian, I'm very skinny like just flat, I have hazel eyes and some slight flecks of amber and blue, I have upturned eyes but they seem like they are almond shaped but they aren't too noticeable, I think I have a heart shaped face but from different angles it looks more diamond shaped(?), I'm approximately 5'8, I have a dimple only on my chin, I have dyed black hair, I also have bangs too, my clothing style tends to stretch widely from comfy to... a lot like this! I wear gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, gyaruo, rokku, manba, baba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & vkei ouji and lolita, I can also pull off a kpop idol look, i also wear a lot of cool dresses and suits, I also wear Y2K and I also dress in alternative clothing a LOT, I wear a lot of other harajuku styles such as, jirai kei, decora and more so on.
Likes: Chocolate, Strawberries, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Art (Digital Art, Drawing, Painting, Pottery, etc), Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Anthropology, Zoology, Theology(+ more) Cold/or Rainy Weather, Cooking, Cosplaying, Shopping, Playing Tabletop RPG's, Chess Board Games or just Gaming, Dancing, Abstract or Romance movies, Murder Mysterys, Kdrama, Spicy or Sweet Food, Ramen, learning new languages/instruments and much more.
Dislikes: Loud Noises, Slow Walkers, People who don't know when to close their mouths when chewing and hot weather.
Love Languages: physical touch & words of affirmation (giving). gift giving, words of affirmation & physical touch (receiving).
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to see who I got!!!! :-)
hey jaxrel!! i knew pretty much immediately before you even submitted who i was doing for ya haha, and that person is…
Lucifer !!
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You and Luci are like the gay dads to Charlie and the gang it’s actually so cute
Lucifer lovesss to get deep into shit and philosophical with you haha
He loves having lazy days in bed with you, just curled up together, talking about anything or just fuckin’ sleeping lmao
Both of you two struggle with mental health on your occasions, so the fact that you two can pick each other back up is super sweet, you and Lucifer grow to better understand eachother and pick up on the little cues which make handling the harder days a lot easier for the both of ya!
Lucifer also loves your various styles, as I said in your last request, he definitely has you style him some sick fits for his important meetings haha
He also loves making you little small duck related gifts, because ducks are the only thing he knows how to make😭💕
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mixedkid-matchup · 1 year
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19 notes · View notes
osamu-dazais-husband · 8 months
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Meet the author
Hello dears, I'm Asher, welcome to my library.
I have He/Him pronouns, Bisexual and I'm trans so feel free to talk to me about any mental or gender oriented issues you have, my little trans readers.
I do x male and x gender neutral readers, for one shots and head canons. I also do matchups, please send the anime/show/game you want and details about yourself.
I’m in a various amount of fandoms that you will find in my master list.
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I will not being doing fem reader, these are strictly GN or male
The basic DNI rules, DNI if you are homophobic, racist, pedophile etc.
Please request things if you a special request, I assure you, you are not a bother <3
I will not be doing ships, I’m sorry but I am not confident enough in my ability to fully capture the personality of two canon characters when they react to each other.
NSFW will be marked with a warning, please do not interact with NSFW if you are a minor
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Libary catalog
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Obey me
Genshin impact
Love unholyc
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Bungo stray dogs
Black butler
My hero academia
Sk8 the infinity
Death parade
Ouran host club
The promised never land
Attack on titan
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Live actions
the walking dead
Harry Potter
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58 notes · View notes