#sing gave me no quotes to work with
devilzfruit · 5 days
today was. good. yeah. needed that.
#logbook#yesterday i went straight to rents after work and ate food and then napped until like. midnight lol.#migraine was soo bad. so i just stayed over. and then in the morn at like 6a i sat on the porch and listened to the rain and windchimes#and the birds were singing and the air felt cool and smelled nice.#ate breakfast hours later. finished an anime. then i drove to one of my local plant shops and bought carnivorous plants#and also some on sale terracotta. im going to make a bog i think.#and then picked up rent and drove out to a former coworkers nursery. bought a mountain mint we dont sell at work.#saw ducks and chickens and she gave me a pride sticker but as merch for the nursery!!! ahhhh so good.#uhhhh then went grocery shopping and dropped rent off at church. then drove to thee plant shop and got bugs for jael.#and also some isopods!! and then drove back home with crap i dont have space for yet but thats a okay. sooo close.#the connections you make with ppl. . .the owner of the one plant shop#her husband recognizes me now bc he helps out and we made eye contact while checking someone else out and smiled 🥺#and when i was next in line she grinned so big and was like heyyyyy so good to see you!!#oh and i saw a former coworker there too! she came in to shop. that was nice.#and the other coworker is doing soo good. shes been growing natives and her garden shop is filled with so much color. and regulars!#i wish she wasnt so far out id go there more often. i get to see her sometimes at work in the morning when she buys soil but.#she lit up when she saw me. like she does every time 😭#and thee plant shop. where i helped her run a plant swap. and i buy dubias from her every week just about.#and ive been shopping there since she first opened those years ago. she says hi and calls me by my name irl. and we chat more and more.#being human really is about connections and communication. at least for me. we are not meant to wander this earth alone.#did you know. that quote is from op 😭 i think abt that almost every day.#and then i watched some op with the ex. we're finally to little garden. soo close to alabasta.#happy first day of pride. and happy gum gum saturday!
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visionsinroseblush · 2 years
in case you were curious so far then we year has sucked for me 🥸
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blackreaderfics · 9 months
Tell Me How You Really Feel | Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader
↳ Pairing : Dick Grayson x Fem!Reader
↳ Rating :  T
↳ Summary : You're a new Titan and the stern and serious team leader Dick Grayson treats you like you don’t exist. Convinced that he hates you, you confront him about what his issue with you truly is.
↳ W.C : ~2.1K
↳ Tags: fluff, misunderstandings, aggressively shy boy dick, mild language, this is Titans DC!verse y'all, dickkory hasn't happened yet, there’s some mild Jason Todd x Reader in here if you squint.
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Titans Tower had never been more festive. Gold foil streamers hung along the rafters, Gar’s disco lights spun across the dimly lit common room, and Jason’s playlist boomed on their surround sound speakers. Everyone had now abandoned the living room and gathered in the kitchen, party hats and all, but you lingered behind scrolling through your phone.
As much as being a Titan was hard work, they always made sure to take time to celebrate holidays and birthdays. And after officially becoming a Titan, you were thankful to have friends who actually cared about you, a team who had your back. 
You smiled at the camera roll full of pictures you had snapped with the team: one with a big bear hug from Dawn, another of you happily sandwiched in between Conner and Gar, a selfie with Jason, and one of Rachel, Kory, and you making silly faces. When you flipped to a shot of you and the man of the hour, Dick Grayson, you paused with a frown. 
Hank had ushered you and Dick together for a picture, but you knew he was just trying to get you two to get along. It was no secret that everyone could notice the weird tension the team leader had with their new recruit, but Hank was probably the only one bold enough to voice it out loud.
“How about one with birthday boy, new kid?” Hank snatched your phone from your hands and dragged Dick over by the arm. He hadn’t so much as looked your direction the whole day; in fact, it was like you didn’t even exist to him. You got used to it over time, but it was even worse when others pointed it out. 
“Get closer together,” The brawny man insisted from behind the camera but neither of you moved. Hank lowered the phone and gave you a desperately pointed look. You took a small step closer to Dick and you could feel him tense up. 
“Dick who fucking peed in your cereal today? It’s your birthday act like it.” You glanced up at the man everyone referred to as leader next to you briefly. He looked like he would rather be anywhere but next to you. 
“Smile,” Hank said, which was rather ironic since it seemed he was the only one smiling.
You felt mortified seeing the picture now juxtaposed with the scene in the kitchen in front of you. In the picture, Dick looked uncomfortable—angry even—that he had to even stand next to you let alone take a picture with you. But in the kitchen, however, he stood in front of a birthday cake ready to blow out the candles, smiling at everybody but you. 
Jason, who had come to the living room to pause his playlist, raised an eyebrow at you. “You coming for the cake or you just gonna stare into space all day?” 
You nodded, breaking yourself out of your thoughts. He gave you a weird look, begging an answer but a short “Sorry,” was all you could give him before following the teen into the kitchen. 
Kory latched onto your arm, giving it a squeeze when you joined their circle around the table. “Dick was just singing our praises, you almost missed it.”
“Yea, he was getting all sappy on us,” Gar piped up to tease. “‘Gar, you’re like a brother to me,’” he quoted dramatically before pretending to gag. 
You cracked a smile at the green-haired boy. He always knew how to make everyone laugh. When your eyes flashed over to your team leader, you saw that he was smiling too. You envied that smile that he gave so easily to others. When your eyes met briefly, he looked away almost immediately and that smile turned into something like a grimace.
You frowned and looked away too. One look at you had stolen every bit of joy away from him in that split second. More than being sad, you were embarrassed. It was like he didn’t even think you deserved to be looked at, like you didn’t deserve your place as a Titan.
Jason looked from you to Dick and scratched his head in frustrated confusion. Rachel broke the silence by clearing her throat. “Anyway, how about some cake—”
“No wait, Rach I’m really curious.” Jason finally spoke up. “He still needs to tell us what he thinks about us. All of us.”
Jason stared at the elder Wayne brother with an intensity that rivaled their previous spats. If there was one thing Jason hated, it was authority and unfairness. And to Jason, Dick’s ignoring you was an extremely biased assertion of his role as leader.
“Here we go,” Rachel said rolling her eyes. “Can’t we ever have one birthday party without arguing?”
“No actually, the kid’s right!” Hank raised his voice, gesticulating towards you as if you weren’t even in the room. “Hey, what the hell’s your problem with her?”
Dawn put her head in her hands with a groan. “I can’t believe we’re doing this right now.”
Dick’s eyes were now boring into yours, jaw set with a clench. You stared back, eyes threatening to spill tears at all the unwanted attention now turning towards you in the room. He redirected his attention back to Jason.
“If you must know, Jason. I think you’re a huge pain in the ass.” Dick smirked, bringing back some levity into the room. You could feel the tension in the room relax and everyone seemed relieved for it.
“Ok, we knew that,” Jason continued exasperatedly, “And?” He motioned for the elder to continue, nodding his head toward you rather unsubtly.
“A-And—” He faltered in his speech, flickering his gaze at you. “She’s—” He blinked in surprise when your gazes met and quickly looked down, unwilling to continue.
That was enough for you. You didn’t want to stick around anymore. Not when you could feel tears already escaping down your cheek. You tore away from the table, wiping the wetness from your face furiously. 
“Y/N!” Jason called after you only to be held back by Gar. 
You slammed the door and locked it behind you, throwing yourself on the bed. Now you knew what your team leader really thought of you, and it was absolutely nothing, nothing at all. You didn’t mean anything to him. You weren’t a friend and even much less a teammate. What was the point of being part of a team, if the team leader hated your existence? What was the point of all that training if he never even let you do anything? You were excluded from most missions and left to stay behind because it was “too dangerous”. At this point, you were about as important to him as a plastic bag.
A knock came at the door. You curled into your pillow even more. It was probably Dick being forced to apologize to you. 
He knocked again and you felt the anger in your chest rising. You suddenly had the urge to tell him off. Fuck the fact that he was technically your superior. You had so much patience due to your poor upbringing that you had let his mistreatment slide. You thought that was just how things were as part of a team and you just had to deal with it. But now that even the team was calling him out on it, you couldn’t ignore it any further. 
You opened the door to find Dick standing outside, arm still outstretched in mid-knock. He blinked back his surprise and settled back into the neutral “leader-like” expression you hated so much. 
“We need to talk. Can I come in?” He waited for you to respond. Upon seeing your angry glare, he took a short inhale. “Please Y/N.”
Your heart stuttered against your will. It had been the first time he’d addressed you by name and there was something else stirring in his eyes. His face wore a vulnerability you’d never seen on him before. You stepped aside warily, letting him in.
When the door closed behind you, you spun around wildly to face him. 
“What the fuck is your problem with me, Grayson? Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you—” You hated the fact that you were tearing up again.
“I don’t hate you.” He cut in lamely. When your eyes met, he held your gaze briefly breaking to looking off to the side again. 
“See? What the fuck? You can barely even look at me. Hank had to force you to even stand next to me. How the hell am I supposed to be a part of this team if the leader can’t even pretend to like me? Just admit you can’t fucking stand me.” You continued airing your grievances out at him, growing more agitated at the man’s silence. “Fucking say something!”
“I don’t hate you,” He said again, jaw set sternly. He took a step forward, and you took a step back. “I don’t want to look at you.” Another step. Another step back.
“W-what?” Your back was at the door, and he was now standing—towering— over you.
“I don’t want to stand next to you.”
“I…don’t understand.” You furrowed your brow in confusion, searching his eyes for the meaning behind his words. His professional poise had disappeared and was replaced with something else—something darker. Nothing made sense anymore; He said he didn't want to stand next to you, but you were now practically breathing the same air. 
“And you’re right. I can’t fucking stand you.”
You flinched at his words. Admittedly, you had been cursing at him the whole time since he’d entered your room, but he rarely cursed, and hearing him repeat your words back at you gave you pause. 
You tried to move but he kept you caged in on either side of his arms. You had enough; you heard enough, and now you just wanted him gone. Once he was out of your room, you could resign yourself to ignoring each other for the rest of your time on the team. Fuck him.
“Thanks. I got it the first time so just let me go.” You were hurt, and whenever you tried to mask your feelings, sarcasm came out as a defense mechanism. When he didn’t budge to let you move, you pushed against his chest. “Let me go, Grayson,” you applied more pressure to his chest as a warning. You wouldn’t hesitate to use your powers to make him move.
Dick leaned back, allowing for more space between you. You caught your breath, relishing the newfound breathing space. Instead of letting you go fully, he circled your right wrist keeping it at his chest. You felt his heartbeat erratically pulsing under your palm. 
“I can’t be near you. I…I can’t even hear myself think.” He spoke a little quieter now,  splaying his fingers flat against your hand deepening the pressure on his chest. His heart was beating faster now. “That’s all I can fucking hear.” Seeing that you got the point he was referring to his heartbeat, he released your hand. You watched his throat bob as he swallowed thickly. His face looked flushed.  
 “I can barely look at you because then…you’d probably notice.” He mumbled the last part but you heard him quite clearly. He looked more boyish than ever as he stood before you.
“I’d probably notice…?” You trailed off, hoping he would continue. You were curious mostly not as to what he would say, but how he would say it.
“Don’t make me say it, Y/N” Dick grimaced again. You had come to know this look as disdain, but with the man’s revelation, you were beginning to see that expression in a new light. He looked more embarrassed than anything, and now the tips of his ears began to burn a bright red. Holy Shit. This is what Dick Grayson was like when he had a crush. 
“I can’t pretend to like you because…I already like you. Like a lot. I can’t stop thinking about you-mmph“
You pulled him down by the collar and into a kiss. His initial surprise from your sudden interruption melted into passion as he deepened it, hungrily grasping at your waist to pull you closer to him.
You stopped kissing him for a moment to stare seriously up at him. “What about for missions? You never let me come.” You were beginning to put 2 and 2 together for all the other stuff like the times he would make that weird face at you, or avoid you completely. But you still couldn’t see why, as an active member he wouldn’t let you participate in missions.
“You,” He said simply. He was looking at you fondly now, eyelids languid and lazy as his thumbs rubbed circles into your waist. 
“What about me?” 
“You’re distracting.” His gaze flitted to your lips, “To me specifically.” He added, looking at you with such an innocent honesty that you could only partly contain your laugh.
“You’re such a fucking idiot,” You groaned feigning annoyance. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” 
“Tell me how you really feel.” He grinned dumbly into your lips as you pulled him down into another kiss. 
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©️ blackreaderfics // credit to cafekitsune for the dividers
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cryptomiracle · 3 months
more creepypasta headcanons
(+ marble hornets)
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Ooc? Idk
I started this at 2 am and you can tell
I write on my phone so the format may be a little weird
Any brands, games, or characters mentioned in this do NOT belong to me, nor am I sponsored by them in any way.
This is very unserious, I've noticed that a lot of my other hcs usually take a "dark" turn and so I decided to make some that didn't.
You could even say they're a bit... silly.
You should totally check out my masterlist for more hcs (it's pinned)
Characters: masky, hoodie, ticci toby, jeff the killer, and BEN DROWNED.
he's extremely hard headed, he WILL argue/fight with someone over the dumbest things and he'll never stop arguing, even if he knows the other person is right.
He has an "emo accent"
He likes to start drama between people, and then leave the crime scene.
He is so ashy you could strike a match off of his elbow
He's been wearing the same beat up converse since 2012, them things are being held together by duct tape and a prayer.
His favorite animal is a raccoon, he says they're sneaky and nocturnal like him.
He refuses to get a new phone, he won't even steal one.
He curses all the time just cause he can, sometimes he'll even jumble random curse words together.
He listens to vocaloid and he doesn't play about miku
He runs one of those "rage bait" accounts that are painfully obviously bait
Still quotes old memes and refuses to let them die
Example: yeet, t-posing, and "sanic the hedgehog"
He scams old people on Facebook and e-daters, he doesn't feel bad about it either.
He uses the money he gets from scamming to buy v-bucks and overwatch coins
He once doxxed someone for dissing miku
slender had to take away his mic privileges because he was keeping everyone up at night by yelling bloody murder at people on fortnite/overwatch
once showed up at someones house because they emoted on him after killing him in game
He vapes, and thinks he's so cool cause he can do "vape tricks" and he makes people watch him while he does them
Someone once gave him apple cider, told him it was alcohol, and he pretended to be drunk.
His phone gallery is filled with random photos, like there'll be a low quality picture of a tree and then right beside it a picture of a ceiling. Just random stuff
Mint chocolate chip ice cream enjoyer
He's really flexible, although he has bad posture he can do back bends, the splits, etc
more on his terrible posture; when he sits he literally looks like this: ) )
When he first started working for slenderman, he REFUSED to live in the manor and lived outside. While he lived outside he became friends with a lot of the wildlife, slender eventually made him move into the manor because there was a rumor that toby was going to make a "possum army" and try to overthrow slender
He will fight anyone and anything he really doesn't care about his, or their well-being.
Had a "weeb" phase when he was in middle school and he still has nightmares about "naruto running" away from his bullies.
He can make a killer sandwich (lol) he's not the best at cooking other things, but if you get him to make you a sandwich, he'll bless your taste buds.
He loves karaoke, he can't sing for shit but he still does it anyway
He acts like a millennial (I'm sorry) not to the point where it's completely unbearable, but he will send people "relatable memes" every now and then
He enjoys online arguments, he'll never participate but he will scroll through different threads of people arguing for hours on end
He likes for people to say stuff like "GO WHITE BOY GO" to him
He blushes when he lies, he's a scarily good liar but if you ever want to catch him in a lie, point out the fact that his cheeks are red.
Whenever he has a drink with a straw, he holds the straw in-between his tooth gap.
he sends streaks.
He has a NASTYYY side eye, and sometimes he'll scrunch up his nose while side eyeing someone just to make it sting even more
Contemplated getting a mullet once, he never went through with it though.
He coughs like someone's grandfather who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years
If someone says a word that reminds him lf a song he likes, it'll automatically get stuck in his head and he'll hum it all day after that.
he isn't weak when it comes to stinky smells, but if it's stinky enough to make him gag he's extremely overdramatic.
he learned how to sew because of how much he ripped his jeans, shirts, etc.
Sleeps so hard sometimes people think he's dead, he'll just be laying there looking casket ready but everyone is too scared to check on him cause he gets super grumpy when woken up.
he always keeps a little money hidden somewhere, even if it's just a 5 dollar bill.
he's superstitious, if he sees you attempt to walk under a ladder he will physically drag you back and make you walk around it.
he has a pair of brass knuckles which he only saves for "special occasions" they're his favorite things ever, he even named them.
he only uses his phone to call, text, or search something up, and that's it.
he doesn't even have YouTube installed.
I will be reading over this to check for any errors, ty for reading - M
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volturiprincess · 3 months
To love You in an Old Way
Jasper Hale x human mate reader
Summary: Reader is a fan of old school love Warnings: None, just pure fluff A/N: This one-shot was inspired by this song I been listening on repeat lately, its called "Amarte a la Antigua" or "To Love You in an Old Way" by Eslabon Armado. I added lyrics from the song onto this (Spanish is my first language so translating was easy) From just that song theres another song I listen from this group and another one shot idea came to idea. There will be another A/N in the end. Enjoy :)
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(You can never forget your first love for a Vampire)
“Today we no longer write letters to fall in love
Today the flowers are no longer seen”
I have never been serenaded by gifts or even experienced all those old school love gestures. I always said I had no interest in being serenaded but secretly I wished that everything you see in the movies could happen to me. The endless romance books I have drowned myself in so that I could try to picture myself in those romantic scenes leaves me with an unsaid desire. But it is an unrequired thing, guys at school just don't work like that anymore 
“Where has that romance gone?
There are no longer poems to conquer each other
Now only emails are sent”
That is until a certain cowboy came into my life, Jasper Hale. I always admired him from a distance and didn't really approach him in any way until he awkwardly but oh so adorable came up to me one day and said “Hello y/n would you like to go out with me to a bookstore in Port Angeles”. The way he had a hint of anxiety in his eyes and how he flexed his arms behind his back left me curious as to why he was so nervous to talk to me. From that moment 2 years ago today, we have been together ever since, and yes I do know about him and his family being vampires and his past even. There are days where he has to be away from me to control his thirst but I never feel disappointed or hurt. I do always praise him for how far he has come to being able to be around me without the feeling of wanting to drain my blood in a second. 
But the thing I absolutely love about Jasper is he is an old school lover, makes sense since he is old but he does everything you would see in the movies. At first it started with just short poem phrases left inside my locker or in the books I would read, 
“Loving you the old way, stealing your smiles
Hold your hand, open the door for you, write you poems
love like before”
And from that he started to write full on poems, one of them being called “To love you in old way”, which just hits my heart in every way. He then started to give me little gifts, nothing fancy yet unless you count chocolates but he would give me little drawings he's done throughout the day or once he gave me a bracelet he made that had a small heart and rose charm. I still wear that bracelet to this day. 
“Fill you with roses, sing you songs, paint you caresses”
When he writes me poems, he leaves them in my bedroom with a bouquet of my favorite flowers each time. The way he loves me is something I never knew could exist, he's so suave with his southern charm  and the way he can sit for hours listening to me talk just makes my heart swell. Many would assume just because he's the reserve type he lacks being a romantic type, but when me and him are alone he says some of the most dazzling and mesmerizing things that can put any poet to shame
Like just a minute ago he said this line 
“In you, I have found the love that fills my soul”
And with his Texan accent, it made it more personal.
“Was that an Edgar Allan Poe quote?”
“It was, I figured you would like it for the reason being you love his works”
“Oh you know me so well cowboy”
He smirked slightly and pulled me into his embrace so my back was against his chest while he was leaning against a tree. 
“I like how you learned quotes from his works to woe me, even if he focuses more on the dark and terror of life”
“Well one thing I have grown to know about you is books are a key to your heart”
“Yes true, and food, don't forget food”
The way he laughs makes me melt into him more, his laugh is quiet like the sounds of small bells ringing, so angelic yet at the same time so bewitching.
“I could never forget that about you darlin”
I thought about our first date, I was internally panicking and was overthinking constantly of what to say to him, I was debating to just be myself or my quiet self. What made me loosen up with him was he gave me this aura of calm, at the time I didn't understand how but with that feeling I relaxed and was able to finally be myself. Since our first date was at a bookstore, he held all the books I wanted and he didn't protest or anything, actually he would recommend books or I would catch him sneaking books into my growing pile. After that date, we just knew we fit like a puzzle, it was then confirmed later that Jasper and I are mates which confused me since I am human. 
We would spend hours either in his room or mine reading and then talking about it afterwards. He really is my missing piece to my soul. My parents even approved of Jasper and would be happy to have him over or even letting him stay the night or vice versa. They knew Jasper was the perfect gentleman and wouldn't do anything to hurt me, which is true in every way, even if he does have his days where he struggles with his thirst control.
“Penny for thoughts?”
At hearing his voice through my mist of memories I answered “I was just thinking about our first date”
“What about it?”
“Just thinking how we fit like two puzzle pieces”
He kissed the top of my head and mumbled quietly
“You have no idea how true that is”
I grabbed his hand and traced his visible veins. I would often do that to make him relax more and in a way it comforted me. As for him I noticed he would bury his face into my hair, he says my hair smells like flowers and I could feel him melt everytime he did that. 
“Can I ask you something”
His sudden voice in our quiet bliss startled me
“Yea? What's up?”
“Well I have a supplication for you”
I raised an eyebrow at that word but pulled away from him so I could face him.
“Supplication? You never fail to amuse me with your formal words but continue with your supplication”
His radiantly affectionate smirk spread onto his face. He reached into his pocket and pulled a small box out, seeing that box my eyes widened slightly, is it what i think it is? With opening the box I can already see the twinkling diamond shining through 
“Darlin’ the moment I meet you I felt I could finally breathe again, I felt somewhat human once again and my dark past did not cloud my mind as much, I don't know what I would do if I were to ever lose you or let you do, that might sound selfish but damn dang it I love you doll, Will you do me the honor and marry me?”
My tears were already building up when he barely said his first words. The man of my dreams is asking for my hand in marriage and the way the sunlight was hitting him made him look so surreal, it felt like we were in a dream at that moment.
“YES Jas, YES!!”
His smile widened and he placed the ring on my finger in an instant and pulled me into a deep kiss. This kiss didn't feel like any other kiss we had in the past, it felt like all our past deception vanished and it was just me and him in this whole world. And to think this all started with me craving for that old antique love gestures. 
“Love you the old way, love you like before”
A/N: I love Jasper, as I said in one of my past post, he was my first Vampire love until well I discovered Felix but I still love him never less. I have another idea for a one shot with another song but this time it will be about Caius, hence to why I have one of his quotes in my bio.
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luxthestrange · 11 months
TWST Incorrect quotes#566 Kids are Funny
When Baby Sebek Notices his Grandpa's lowkey affection, Like His Mom and Dad are around in their lovey-dovey mode
(5)Sebek*Clinging to his leg with a grin* Are you gonna marry Yuu?
Baul*Has been trying to shake him off but gave up*Are you out of your gourd child!? No! they just work with me!?!
(5)Sebek: Plus you love them!
Baul*Sings as he pulls his youngest grandbaby off his leg and holds him down**
(5)Sebek: You love them! you love them! You really really love them!, and you're gonna get married!!!, and I will be the flower boy, and-
Baul: Okay, stop! That is a song of lies. I don't even like them! *points to Playden* Now go have fun!-
Sebek run off, but quickly return to hug Baul again
(5)Sebek: Almost forgot! Hugs!, Good luck in wooing the humanBye-Bye, Grandpapa!
Baul signs but smiles seeing Sebek off, but almost jump seeing you now behind him holding an oddly awake Silver in his arms and telling him to go play with Sebek, Silver nods but not before also hugging Baul and running off
Baul: Ha, ha, ha! Kids...right? They're...funny
Yuu: Those boys totally adore you, I bet you're a fun grandfather
Baul*Taken aback by your compliment and coughs into a fist with a cool demeanor...which is thrown off by his red pointy ears* Huh... I am pretty fun
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Solo Baul action!
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emmaleighsworld · 6 months
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Summary: When your coworker ditches work early Steve is there to lend a helping hand.
Contains: just fluff here
Word Count: 1.7k
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Steve’s taste in music had always been something his classmates raved about, even after he stopped hosting those huge parties. They always talked about how every time he’d host a party or let people hang out at his house he’d have the best, most popular, music on standby.
Although most of his favorite songs were fun, rock songs he could sing along to—and the occasional pop song—Steve also had a soft spot for some songs from the 60s and 70s. They brought him back to the simpler times of his childhood, back to before he had seen how complicated the world really was.
However, he usually liked to keep that information to himself because it was special to him. And since he kept that to himself and a few of his close friends, even if they liked poking fun at him for it—it was no surprise that two weeks after his graduation Tina had asked Steve if she could borrow his best summer-music tape for a party she was hosting while her parents were gone over the weekend. 
Tina said she’d stop by Scoops after she was done with it, but her party was two weeks ago. So, that’s how Steve ended up walking across the mall towards Sam Goody’s after his shift, hoping that Tina would be on the closing shift. 
That’s when Steve first saw you. You were wiping down the counters, humming along to a Supremes song that played over the store speakers, when he walked in. 
Steve’s first thought was that music stores don’t usually play this type of music. Usually, it’s something fun and upbeat because that’s what they’re trying to sell. 
Then Steve remembered that he’d seen you once before. A couple weeks ago, after his closing shift, he saw you in the mall parking lot. Well, truthfully, he’d heard you first. You were in your car singing along to an old Supremes song blasting from your car speakers with your windows down.
When he’d gotten to his Beemer, Steve watched as you drove past him in the lot, singing to your heart’s content. He remembered thinking how carefree you looked that night and how pretty he thought you were. 
Steve had kept an eye out for you after that night but never had any luck finding you as his eyes searched the crowds of the mall each day during his break. Suddenly, he was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard that voice again—“Seriously?” He heard her say under her breath.
“Hey, sorry, but I already closed the register. We’re closed for today.” you said, “You’ll have to come back tomorrow.”
“Oh, no. I’m not here to buy anything.” Steve said looking around, “Do you know if Tina’s here tonight? She borrowed one of my tapes for a party and I just wanted to get it back.”
You laughed, Tina had left her shift early with her boyfriend after promising you an IOU for the next time you wanted to leave early. 
“No, she’s not here. Left early with her boyfriend.”
“Seriously?” Steve asked.
You weren’t sure if it was his straightforwardness or if it was the way he kind of looked like he needed a friend in that silly-looking sailor hat, but you decided to continue the conversation instead of shooing him out of the store.
“Seriously,”  You sighed, holding up the silly IOU cards Tina made for you, “Now I have two of these.”
Steve walked closer to the counter to read them as you placed them on the counter and moved to grab the window cleaning supplies.
“An IOU? She really gave you one of those?” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure she doesn’t expect me to ever use them, but I kind of want to just so that she knows she can’t always dump this crap on me and ‘promise’,” you say making air quotes with your fingers, “ that she’ll cover for me.”
You began spraying the front window and continued your rant, “I mean, she barely helps when she is here.”
“I could help you close up the shop if you want?” Steve broached as you wiped the glass.
You stopped, turning around to face the guy you had allowed to stay in the store for maybe a bit too long.
“You would help me?” You asked skeptically.
“Yeah, sure. I mean, I just closed up Scoops Ahoy—which is why I’m still wearing this stupid uniform. But I did it all by myself since Robin had to leave early for some stupid family dinner. Anyway, I just—I know what it’s like and if you want some help just give me the order.”
Steve finished his rambling offer to help with a smile, hoping you’d take him up on his offer. 
You stayed silent for a few seconds and narrowed your eyes at him, thinking. But, just when Steve started thinking you were about to kick him out, you smiled.
“You know, I was starting to wonder why you walked in here looking like some discount store sailor. No offense.” You said.
“None taken,” he smiled back and took off his sailor hat, “This wasn’t really my first choice, but I had to get a job somewhere-you know?”
“Yeah, I get that—“ you paused, realizing you didn’t know this guy's name yet and he didn’t know yours, “What’s your name?”
“Steve Harrington,” he said.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Steve Harrington,” you smiled cheekily and then gave him your name.
Steve smiled too, “It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Well, Steve, if you really want to help, I haven’t swept the floor yet and  there’s a broom in the back.”
You went back to wiping the front window and looked back at him after a few seconds. Steve had stopped moving. He had a blank look on his face like he was surprised you accepted his help. Most people just brushed off his offers for help.
“The back room is over there,” you said pointing, “Don’t think that I’ll let you just loiter around in here 'cause you’re nice.”
“Oh, okay,” Steve said, still in a daze.
As Steve walked over to the back room, the song over the stereo changed and you started humming along as you returned to your work. 
You could hear him moving around when you suddenly heard another voice quietly humming with you. 
You stopped and looked at Steve. He was quietly humming to the song and moving around the store as he swept. 
In that moment, you could feel your heart squeeze at the sight. You barely knew anything about him, but there was something so endearing about Steve and the way he wanted to help you for nothing in return.
He had surprised you. You didn’t think you were ready to like someone new, but there Steve was. Helping you out, on a Friday night nonetheless, in all his kindness.
Steve looked up at you when he realized you’d stopped humming. And just when you thought he couldn’t have shocked you more, he stopped humming and began to sing along-trying to coax you into joining him.
It took you a minute to let the moment sink in. With anyone else you would have passed it off as a joke, but Steve had disarmed you. So you joined him, singing along to your heart's content in an odd duet sort of way.
Soon enough, the two of you had cleaned the store and finished the rest of the closing duties, singing the whole time. 
“That was fun,” you said, turning off the music and grabbing your bag from the counter, heading towards the doors. 
“Yeah,” he said as he watched you lock the door for the night.
“Thanks—for the help I mean.” You said looking towards Steve.
“It’s no problem, I’m glad to help.” Steve said, “Can I walk you to your car?” 
He looked a little nervous when he asked. It was almost like he was scared you’d say no, but instead, you smiled at him.
“Sure,” you said.
So you started walking out of the mall, in step with Steve.
The walk to your car was surprisingly quiet. You couldn’t figure out what you should be talking about and Steve didn’t say anything either. He seemed to be lost in thought whenever you glanced over at him.
You thought the two of you had a lot of fun tonight. A small part of you thought that you could become friends with Steve, and an even smaller part thought about liking him as more than a friend if you got to know him better.
It felt a little silly thinking about it, but he helped you and made you feel better. 
But by the time you’d gotten to your car, neither of you had said a word.
“Well, thanks for walking with me. I guess I’ll see you around,” you said unlocking your car.
“Wait, umm…” Steve said before trailing off.
“Yeah?” You looked at him, waiting. 
He took a small breath and continued, “You remember how you said you wanted to use those IOU cards Tina made you?”
You nodded, wondering what exactly he was going to say.
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to go to the Fourth of July fair with me—maybe use one of those IOUs to get off work early?” Steve asks.
“We could play the games and go on some rides,” he continued, “The food’s not too bad as long as you don’t think about how greasy it actually is. I was thinking we could get to know each other better…”
“Are you asking me, as a date? Serious?” You asked, almost not believing your ears.
“Yeah, I thought it could be fun,” Steve said as he rubbed the back of his neck, “So, what do you think?”
You broke into a smile, “I think I would like that a lot.”
Steve looked so relieved when you accepted. He had smiled a few times already, but this smile was brighter than all the rest and it made you glad.
That must have been what he was thinking about on the walk to your car.
“Cool. Awesome. I can write out the details and bring them to you on my lunch break tomorrow if that's okay?” Steve offers.
“That’d be great Steve,” you said, “And maybe I could stop by Scoops on my break. I’ve been meaning to stop in too—see what flavors you guys have.”
“Great, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” Steve said, “Drive safe.”
“You too,” you said before getting into your car to leave.
You weren’t quite sure what going on a date with Steve Harrington would bring. But, you did know that you were excited for something and it felt good to look forward to something again.
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frociaggine · 4 days
Good morning,
my sister and I as queerish catholicish people* have been fascinated with the the new pope drama.
Anyways we were wondering about context.
When the pope was asking the vatican to "tone down the faggotry" was he
Deliberatly condemning homosexuls in the vatican?
Asking vatican employees to stop gay sex while at work.
Asking vatican employees to stop behaving in a stereotypically gay way at work?
Asking vatican employees to stop being so extra? This is pope Francis after all. He's not really a big luxury guy.....and maybe he finds the drag race aesthetic to be at odds with votes of poverty. (The documentary "Paris is burning" might correct that misunderstanding...but I can see how a general apeal to tone down extragance combined with a new slang phrase in his second language could cause this.
I do understand that whatever the context for the quote was, pope Francis used the wrong term.
But Im really curious what he was trying to accomplish.
Also how do I pronounce your new Url as I relay this information to my family?
*I am a practicing queer raised catholic and she a practicing catholic at a queer independent catholic** church
**yes its existence shocked me to, but they have like 18 members and a local epicable let's them met in thier space in off hours. And they take nor give any money to the vactican and sing the old mass.
Ok your sister's queer independent catholic church sounds honestly cool af. Hope they're having fun in there.
Context: the Pope was telling (Italian) bishops that the Church should discourage gay men from joining, and "there's too much homosexuality (faggotry) in seminaries already." We don't know the context as this was leaked, but if I HAD to make a guess I would say_ 1) This is undoubtedly a homophobic statement 2) this is coming from a guy who feels strongly that clergy should respect their votes of chastity, which a lot of priests straight-up ignore.
So, like. Francis HAS gone on record saying that gay men are likely to falter in their vocations or whatever. But if I had to speculate, and I don't believe I'm being overly charitable here, I think the point of his speech was, "By the way, priests should not fuck, remember that? And maybe men who are into men are more likely to fuck their colleagues and keep quiet about it, we all know it happens way too much."
But yeah tldr: he WAS "deliberately condemning homosexuals" in a "gay people are more likely than straight people to give in to the temptations of the flesh" kinda way. Which IS homophobic but not outrageously so, and I think very much in line with his overall line re: queer people in the Church, kind of when he said "Blessings to same-sex couples are fine! It's not the same thing as a real marriage tho."
I think it was a remark that wouldn't have raised any eyebrows among its intended audience if he hadn't used that word, which gave people who don't like him a lot of ammo to discredit him and motivation to leak the story. That's also why I think there's no way he was aware of the full implications of the word — would this pope say slurs in private? idk. maybe. I don't know him. Would he say slurs in front of an audience of bishops when half the Vatican can't stand him because they think he's a dangerous third-world outsider and a hardass? No fucking way.
At least that's my take. I'm gonna @monstrousgourmandizingcats who may have better insight.
this is how you pronounce it!
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verkomy · 11 months
okay so I’m rereading the hobbit and I want to make a list of my favorite quotes and parts so here we go:
“bilbo (…) got something a bit queer in his make-up from the took side” I chuckled
“mr. baggins was very fond of flowers” of course he was he’s a blorbo
“it was a beautiful golden harp, and when thorin struck it the music began all at once, so sudden and sweet that bilbo forgot everything else” bombastic side eye
“as he lay in bed he could hear thorin still humming to himself in the best bedroom next to him. bilbo went to sleep with that in his ears, and it gave him very uncomfortable dreams” criminal offensive side eye
“the explanation did not seem to explain” my brain 24/7 (but also when someone’s trying to explain the rules of any board game to me)
“bilbo was wearing a dark-green hood and a dark-green cloak borrowed from dwalin. they were too large for him, and he looked rather comic” bilbo in dwarven clothes, just throwing it out there
“bilbo baggins, a bur — a hobbit,” said poor bilbo, shaking all over, and wondering how to make owl-noises before their throttled him” this one made me laugh
“trolls simply detest the very sight of dwarves (uncooked)” this one too
“his house was perfect, whether you liked food, or sleep, or work, or story-telling, or singing, or just sitting and thinking best, or a pleasant mixture of them all” I want to go to there
“dori, who was at the back next to bilbo, and a decent fellow. he made the hobbit scramble on his shoulders as best as he could with his tied hands, and then off they all went at a run. (…) that sent them on faster than ever, and as poor bilbo could not possibly go half as fast, they took it in turn to carry him on their backs” WE WERE ROBBED
“why, o why did I ever leave my hobbit-hole!” said poor mr. baggins bumping up and down on bombur’s back “why, o why did I ever bring a wretched little hobbit on a treasure hunt!” said poor bombur” comedic duo
gandalf answered angrily “I brought him, and I don’t bring things that are of no use” we love a supportive friend
“(gandalf) gave bilbo a queer look from under his bushy eyebrows” live gandalf reaction
“you ought not to be rude to an eagle, when you are only the size of a hobbit” good life advice
“here they sat on wooden benches while gandalf began his tale, and bilbo swung his dangling legs and looked at the flowers in the garden” a short king <3
“that only makes eleven and not fourteen, unless wizards count differently to other people” I LOVE BOOK BEORN SO MUCH and this whole chapter is probably my favorite by far
“the hobbit felt quite crushed, and as there seemed nothing else to do he did go to bed” what a mood
“long noses are sometimes useful you see” do with that information what you want
“they knew only too well that they would soon all have been dead, if it had not been for the hobbit; and they thanked him many times” AS THEY SHOULD, too bad thorin didn’t see any of what happened
“he did not like being dependent on by everyone, and he wished he had the wizard at hand” honestly, same
“never laugh at live dragon, bilbo you fool” another hopeful advice
“you are more worthy to wear the armour of elf-princes than many that have looked more comely in it. but wonder if thorin oakenshield will see it too” ouch
“then bilbo turned away, and he went by himself, and sat alone wrapped in a blanket, and, whether you believe it or not, he wept until his eyes were red and his voice was hoarse” this one hurts
“he was in fact held by all the hobbits of the neighbourhood to be queer” of course he was :D
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mentallyisekaid · 7 months
「 ✦ Fatui Harbingers x Signora's Sister! Reader, PART 1 ✦ 」
[Part 1] Part 2 Part 2.5. Part 3
Pairings: only hinted/platonic (will change to something "more" later on if I decide to make more parts)
Warnings: spoilers regarding Signora's lore and a certain event in the Inazuma Archon quest, possibly some spoiler-ish stuff about other things too
Word count: 2.7k
This fanfic will include direct quotations from "Teyvat Chapter Interlude Teaser: A Winter Night's Lazzo" that belongs fully to miHoYo. I'll write these quotes in bold, so copyrights won't haunt me like Khaenri'ah lore :)
Even among the Harbingers, not much was known about the Fair Lady's (may she rest in peace) younger sister, except for the fact that you existed and had somehow managed to live for over 500 years, just like her. They were all aware of Signora's special circumstances that had made her essentially immortal, but Celestia knows how you had done it?
This is why you'd become something of a urban legend among the lower ranking members of the Fatui. Maybe La Signora had just been delusional, some of them thought - maybe there wasn't a sister, at least not anymore.
You were fine with that, though. You'd never wanted anything to do with your sister or her morally dubious organization anyway.
But she was still the only blood relative you'd had left, and now she was gone.
Attending her funeral was only appropriate.
You arrived at the grand doors of the cathedral, stopping for a moment to adjust the expensive-looking cloak that someone had sent you along with the invitation to the ceremony, requesting you to wear it. Much to your displeasure, it had the Fatui Insignia on it, though you were slightly more bothered by the fact that they'd somehow figured out where you live...
Or maybe they'd known all along.
But even if the invitation wasn't just out of courtesy, you had only showed up because Rosalyne was family, and only to pay your respects.
Their agendas meant nothing to you.
Pushing the doors open, you marched inside, the click-clack of your high heeled boots echoing in the eerie silence.
Curious gazes followed as this visitor, shrouded in mystery, made her way through the aisle - some of them curious, others a bit doubtful - but you ignored them.
Sitting down in the front row, you crossed your legs, leaning back with your eyes glued to the coffin highlighted by faint moonlight. A girl with child-like, seraphic features was leaning her head on its surface, singing a calming tune...
"Well, I never... this must be the Fair Lady's rumored sibling? And here I was starting to think you wouldn't make an appearance, dear."
You sighed, really having hoped that no one would bother talking to you; you had nothing to say to any of them. But for Celestia's sake, you still had some manners...
Glancing over your shoulder at the man who had just addressed you, you gave him a slight nod.
"It does seem my arrival was rather tardy. My apologies."
The man who you recognized as the Regrator, also known as Pantalone, chuckled a bit.
"No matter, it is rare a pleasure to finally meet you~"
For a moment, your eyes wandered over each of the present Harbingers, these... co-workers of your sister's, before returning to stare in front of you just as indifferently as before.
You spoke a few more words, though.
"Everyone else as well, I suppose. Oh, and please pay no attention to my discourtesy... A lovely night for a funeral, is it not?"
Your charade was poorly put together, and intentionally so; you didn't know these people anymore than they knew you, but it was already clear that no one was here to pay their heartfelt respects for Rosalyne's memory, much less to exchange pleasantries.
A funeral? No, this was nothing but theatre - and here comes the first actor...
"We have gathered here today to remember our dear comrade. In honor of her sacrifice, all work should halt for half a day as the nation mourns her passing."
Hearing these words come from Pulcinella, the Mayor of Snezhnaya himself, you mentally scoffed. So now these crazy diplomats justified mistakes as sacrifice?
Pantalone seemed amused by this declaration, though you noticed a shadow pass over his face.
"Hehe, merely half a day... People say that Northland Bank's true currencies are blood and tears... But Mayor, even speaking as a banker, that sounds a little unconscionable."
Well, it was as you'd expected? Even in this situation, the Harbingers only cared about their own agendas, and Rosalyne would've been the same way.
The next words belonged to someone you found a bit more familiar.
"You speak of her as if you knew what she had to go through," the silver-haired woman started, a derogatory look in her dark eyes.
You glanced curiously at her. This was surely Arlecchino? Out of the Harbingers, your sister had seemed to trust her the most, so you assumed they must've shared some sort of a closer relationship.
The Knave noticed you gaze, and gave you a small nod before continuing.
"Rosalyne died in a foreign land. But you heartless businessmen and dignitaries, always with a convenient excuse to remain in the comfort of your homeland... You couldn't hope to understand. So why don't you keep your mouths shut!"
"Ah, bravo...~" you commented with a small chuckle, your sudden boldness slightly surprising some of them.
It seemed that La Signora's hardly known sister was indeed an interesting individual?
The ginger sitting on the other side of the aisle apparently found your remark entertaining, since he gave you an amused smile. But he threw his comrade's a much sterner look.
"Hey, c'mon now, even I don't think this is the right time or place for a fight."
Tartaglia, the infamous maniac always looking for a fight? Present~
"Utterly risible," a blonde woman scoffed from her place, sitting on the arms of a weird looking robot. Sandrone, you presumed.
And naturally, the oh-so righteous Capitano also had his opinion to share.
"Though her methods tarnished her honor, Lohefalter's sacrifice is still a great pity."
You sighed, shaking your head. There they go again, degrading her death as a mere sacrifice.
"Her loss shall not hinder our progress," the Captain continued, disregarding the matter. "But Dottore, what of Scaramouche --,"
...to which the crazy Doctor answered something incomprehensible.
Right. They weren't even talking about Rosalyne anymore. By now, the whole ceremony had turned out as a complete farce, and you wished nothing more than for Celestia to nuke it with another one of their divine nails.
Someone else had had enough as well.
"It's time to end tonight's foolish theatrics. This time, you have no captive audience."
The Jester's voice echoed menacingly in the cathedral, silencing his fellow Harbingers.
You gazed at him from your seat, raising an eyebrow when he gave you a look as well. In that short moment, unspoken words were shared between the two of you - after all, he knew things about you that the others didn't.
In any case, the speech went on for a while after that. Pierro's exaggerated sympathies, the Damselette needling Dottore about his segments, and... well, you weren't really listening anymore?
Once they finished and scattered from around the coffin, you silently walked over, placing a few frostbitten Cecilias on top of it. They were flowers from your homeland, though to you, Mondstadt was a memory at least five centuries old.
"Pretty flowers," a soft voice came from beside you. Columbina was back to presumptuously leaning on the casket.
You gave her a sidelong glance.
"Well, they're frozen to death by now - but that somehow fits the moment, no?"
The ceremony was seemingly over, though you could still sense their presence. Your back was facing them, but it felt like they'd moved closer to the coffin again - or, perhaps, closer to you...
"I don't believe anyone has yet offered their condolences to this poor child," Capitano remarked solemnly, disregarding the fact you were chronologically speaking a living fossil.
Tartaglia sighed, "She doesn't want us to, I think."
You turned around to face them, crossing your arms.
"Well, firstly, you're calling me a child about 500 years too late. And no, I don't need your pity. It's hard to see your last family gone, but we weren't that close to begin with. Besides, Rosalyne knew full well what she was doing - when agreeing to a duel before the Shogun, and when joining the Fatui in the first place. You reap what you sow, and that's that."
The Doctor chuckled. "La Signora would surely turn over in her grave if she heard that."
"Let the dead rest, Zandik," Sandrone scoffed.
Columbina had scooted next to you.
"Poor thing~", she sang in that eerie voice, tilting her head. "How long have you been living by yourself? Maybe you could have Signora's former chambers in the headquarters."
Hmm? What a laughable suggestion, you thought. She was obviously toying with you.
Arlecchino gave the Damselette a warning look.
"Such a thing is something only the Director can decide. Though," she gave you an unreadable look. "I wouldn't be against it. In Rosalyne's honor, of course."
The usually ruthless Knave's comment was found somewhat unexpected among her comrades.
You gave her a weird look.
Something was clearly going on, the atmosphere was strangely expecting and you didn't like it in the slightest. It seems the theatrics weren't over after all?
Pantalone was gazing at you, an amused smile on his lips.
"You look a bit lost there, dear. Don't worry, Pierro will explain some things to you in a moment~"
You frowned. So, there was more in the game here - that letter wasn't just an invitation to the funeral of a sister you hardly even cared about, you'd doubted as much from the beginning.
Not that it really changed anything. As already mentioned, you'd only come for the ceremony...
And now that it was over, there was no reason for you to stay.
"That won't be necessary," you stated, nodding curtly. "I will be taking my leave now. Goodbye."
Your cloak shuffled as you walked past them, heading toward the exit. However, Childe, who had been standing the closest to the doors, now moved to block your way.
You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow.
"Tartaglia, right? If you could move aside, that would be much appreciated."
"Sorry, no can do, girlie," he laughed a bit, scratching his neck in an awkward manner. "Boss wants to have a chat with you, so I can't just have you leaving like that, now can I?"
"Right," you sighed. "Well, I don't really care..."
You rudely moved past him, reaching the doors and about to push them open, when you suddenly felt a hand on your wrist. And the grip they had wasn't exactly gentle.
Glancing over your shoulder, you saw Childe still wearing that stupid smile of his but there was now a shadow over his usually cheerful expression.
"Look, you seem like a smart girl." His voice was soft and menacing at the same time. "Things don't have to get ugly here, if you just cooperate a bit."
Ugly? Oh, you could make things turn ugly.
But this wasn't the right time for that - not with the majority of the Harbingers present. It's not like you had a death wish, for Celestia's sake... though, it did seem like Tartaglia was only half serious about what he had said?
You looked past him, seeing the other Fatui diplomats standing there, all with hardly readable expressions on their faces. Your gaze stopped when it reached the Jester. If this was about Pierro having something to discuss with you, you were fairly sure you knew what he wanted anyway...
So, no harm in amusing him a bit?
"Ha. Well, it seems like I have no choice, then."
Childe smiled. "That's more like it."
He started making his way toward the front of the cathedral, while still holding onto your wrist - basically, he walked you back there like a toddler. After all, you might've had a change of heart any at any given moment and sprinted out of there like a lunatic.
You awkwardly sat down on one of the seats, wrapping the cloak around you tigther. The Harbingers were now standing in a semicircle in front of you, gazing down at you like their you were property. Pierro took a step forward.
"Now then, Y/N Lohefalter..."
"You are going to ask about my Visions, right?" you asked rudely. "As in, plural. Both of them. Is my assumption wrong?"
Pantalone chuckled. "Well, aren't you clever, my dear~"
"No, I always knew Rosalyne had told you, which is precisely why I tend to keep a lower profile than this. There's no reason to be so melodramatic over a couple of Visions."
Dottore seemed amused by your remark.
"But most humans never receive one. Yet, here you are, blessed with two."
"That, or cursed" you pointed out.
The Jester had allowed this interruption, but all it took was one gaze of authority from him and even you realized it was better to watch your mouth around this man. You tilted your head slightly downward.
"This assumption you made isn't necessarily untrue," Pierro stated in a low voice. "But it's not the whole truth, either."
It wasn't?
You heard footsteps approaching and carefully glanced up at Pierro who was now standing mere inches away from you. Things were getting more interesting, that's for sure.
"I asked you to come here today out of respect for Rosalyne's memory, and of curiosity toward the fact that you indeed bear the power of both Cryo and Pyro, much like your sister, albeit without a Delusion. My intention, however, was also to make a request of you..."
The Jester suddenly kneeled before you, his gesture confusing you. The infamous Director of the Fatui, kneeling before you?
You gave him a doubtful look.
"And what might that request be?"
"To put it simply, I want you to take Rosalyne's place as one of the Fatui Harbingers."
"...come again?"
The other Harbingers didn't seem surprised in the slightest.
You shook your head.
"You want me to join the Fatui?"
"We've been keeping a close eye on you, Y/N Lohefalter, ever since the Cataclysm and Rosalyne joining our ranks. Back then, she herself made the request that should she ever perish, you'd be asked to take her place."
"Ha," you chuckled. "That does sound like one of her selfish whims... but still, why would you even consider such a thing?"
You looked at Pierro, tilting your head.
"Can you really trust that my agendas align with yours?"
"Every person in this room has their own ideals and it has not proved to be a problem." The Director nodded. "You need not but work in the name of the Fatui, and swear your loyalty to the Tsaritsa. Of course, the latter is expected of you as a citizen of Snezhnaya anyway."
You crossed you arms, contemplating this unexpected proposal.
"And if I refuse?"
This earned displeased looks from the other Harbingers. Pierro's solemn expression, however, never faltered.
"It's far beyond my dignity to be forceful here. That would be disrespecting Rosalyne's legacy, and risking to make you a powerful foe of the Fatui."
He paused for a while.
"But I should also clarify that with the kind of power you hold, you are facing but two choices - to be with us... or against us."
So that's how it was going to be?
You'd almost forgotten that Pierro was still half-kneeling in front of you; even though one of his eyes was covered by a mask, his gaze held such intensity that you were completely enchanted by it for a moment.
And to think you'd make this kind of a decision on a whim, just like she once had - you really were more similar to your sister than you'd care to admit...
You sighed, standing up and glancing at the other Harbingers.
"Is this how he recruited you as well?"
Sandrone made a 'hmph' sound, "hardly."
"Heh, to think the Jester would kneel in front of someone?~" Pantalone commented. "You're quite an impressive girl, my dear."
"Then again," Dottore chuckled. "she has yet to meet the crueler side of the Director, no?"
Tartaglia sighed, "now, now, don't scare her away..."
Pulcinella and Capitano didn't seem too amused by their comrades' antics. You, on the other hand, had their undivided attention.
Columbina was sleepily humming along to some tune, giving you discreet glances.
Arlecchino shook her head.
"Pierro still awaits for an answer, Y/N. Despite of what he may seem like, the Jester is not a man of great patience. It's time for you to decide."
You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Then, I'm in?"
But for the love of the Tsaritsa, you had no idea what you'd just gotten yourself into.
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fencecollapsed · 13 days
I love musical theater. I may not be a theater kid stereotype, but I always found it as an interesting way to tell a story. But despite the fact I personally don’t think it’s that big of a deal, a lot of my relatives seem to take me as “the musical girl”. My mother made my 17th birthday musical themed. A lot of my Christmas presents were musical related, I’m sure you’d get it. A couple of weeks back though, my cousin in Michigan, who I don’t really know, suddenly sent me a DVD with blue sharpie on it, simply reading “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” in all capital letters due to how much of a mouthful that name is, I’m going to refer to it as TGWDLM for the rest of this. The DVD itself was rather normal looking. She didn’t send me the box it came in, which is probably the reason why it was labeled in sharpie, cause without it, god knows what it could be. It could be a musical or a gore video, so thanks to her for that.
As for the contents... Well, it was a Pro-shot of a musical! The story was about a man named Paul, a guy who... didn’t like musicals! The opening song seems to portray this as a huge deal but to be honest, it isn’t. One day, on the opening night of a Mamma Mia! production in the real-life ghost town of Hatchetfield, Michigan (but populated, obivously), a meteor hits, carrying alien spores of a musical hivemind. One interesting fact is that the zombies are the only ones who sing, and dear god, some of their songs are so camp, but I guess that’s the joke. Also, I can definitely see an influence from Invasion of The Body Snatchers, hell, they even reference it. The musical itself had more laughs than scares for me, but the curtain call gave me fucking chills. The unusual parts though, come from not the musical itself, but what comes after it. There’s a behind-the-scenes, with a lot of content. There were audition tapes, director's commentary, easter eggs... I personally found it as fascinating as the musical itself! There was some mentions of a earlier version of the script, with some interesting parts that weren’t in the original, for example; Paul, Ted, Bill, and Charlotte all worked at a review site similar to IGN or Buzzfeed, or that Alice, in a strange trance, spouts out a bible quote. I began to feel like these random people, from an obscure theater company, were people I knew. But as fun as the behind the scenes are, that is not why I’m here. After the behind-the-scenes, there was just... A black screen. For like, 4 or 3 minutes… Then a blue screen with white text, with a font that looks like those fonts in analog horror, with one word. “APOTHEOSIS”.
There’s more after this too. The following is a very different feeling compared to the behind-the-scenes. It appears to be the night the pro-shot was recorded. It shows footage of the curtain call, when Emma was dragged backstage. Then, it cuts to security footage backstage. Immediately Emma’s actress, who I think I’ll just call Lauren, since that’s her real name, goes out of character. The others don’t let go of her, instead ejecting her out of the crowd. She lands on her ass and says “Ow.” in a tone that says “What the fuck dude? Why’d you throw me?”. The others are silent. Lauren gets up and after a moment looking at the others, decides to take off her bandage, revealing a real scar underneath. Lauren seems unsettled by this, but it’s made worse when everyone else approaches her, talking to her as if she IS Emma Perkins, despite her insistence. They then got closer, and closer. Lauren tried to back away, but they got closer. Eventually, Lauren was completely surrounded, and they... I... I can’t say it. I just can’t. All I’ll say is that audience members found the room covered in blood and mysterious blue goo. The blue screen appears again, the text now saying “THEIR RETELLING SUCKED ANYWAYS.”
After whatever the fuck that was, I kinda had to dig deeper? I had this mix of morbid fascination, horror, and an urge to somehow bring all this to light. Well... That and how at first I assumed it was a performance act, only to find out via a google search that it was all real, Lauren Lopez was presumed dead, and the rest of the cast are missing to this day.
So I talked to people who were at the closing night show. When it was recorded. They reported being genuinely convinced in some segments, like when Emma quote unquote “Looked at Ted’s eyes in horror, like she saw nothing there” and praised the “practical effects”. They also said that the few who lingered after the curtain call heard screaming. Those who checked backstage saw... Well, you know.
I didn’t find much about it though. Only this weird cult website when searching for random tag words related to the musical. It was talking about “His singular voice” or whatever and was saying that, like, all voices needed to be eradicated, for His is the only one that should exist, or whatever. Weirdly enough, there was musical theming in there. And... A page about the musical. I can vaguely recall the contents but it’s really hard to. It had a synopsis of the musical kinda biased in the favor of the zombies, with the implications that He caused the musical apocalypse over there. Me and my friends looked at the site once in a discord call and laughed at it. But then I found the actors' faces and how they all were brought to an “apotheosis”. Like... Like in the fucking musical.
It was just a rabbit hole I found myself in at the end of the day though. I easily tucked it into the back of my brain and went on with my life. But then stuff started getting weird. With me, I think. I’ve been more scatterbrained than usual, prone to zoning out for long stretches of time, wandering off conversations to talk about something else entirely, and I’m beginning to hate the sound of other people’s voices and I don’t know why, I was never a social butterfly but I didn’t hate other people talking... Everyday when I brush my teeth I notice my eyes getting... Bluer? I don’t know how, but my eyes have gone to a dark brown, to a light brown, to a hazel, to green, and now it’s getting closer and closer to blue. My friends online have been safe at the time from my sudden hatred of other voices but I can’t really go on voice chats anymore. And my fixation on musicals has only grown as of late. I can’t help but fight the urge to spontaneously sing a show-tune. I hate it.
I’d try to see a psychiatrist or something but I can’t bear to hear another voice, it’s so grating. And I know I should just grin and bear it but the last time I tried that I yelled at them. Not many people like me much anymore. I see why, I must’ve become an asshole to them, but they don’t get it. My eyes have become blue by now, and I think it’s glowing too.
I can’t help but play the songs over and over. I called it camp but I think it’s growing on me. I like Let It Out the most. I relate to Paul a lot right now. And then I noticed a split second shot of... His actor... Being... I can’t say it. I had to vomit. Why wouldn’t I? That was so fucking disgusting. And when I puked, I froze pale at what I just pushed out of my body.
It was blue, viscous sludge. It felt disgusting looking at it, even worse when you hold it. It smelled like ammonia. I ran out of the bathroom. I couldn’t stand to look at it any longer. And that’s when I decided to write this. I’m scared, to be honest, who wouldn’t be? I’ll most likely either be dead and have my corpse puppeteered, or go missing, for another poor soul to inevitably find the DVD and end up like me. I can hear the chimes and hymns of The Singular Voice. I know He wants me to become one with Him. He says it’s inevitable for me. And what choice do I have in the matter anymore?
I’m sorry, I lost.
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
From Anonymous,
The 141 + Alejando and Rudy, finding out one day that their s/o can sing really good. They didn't know until one time the reader was singing and performing on their own world, doing high notes and everything, thinking they're alone at training, but when they turn around and see THEM like 🧍‍♂️"Why you didn't told me you could do that?"
Love the idea!
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Ghost was shocked but knew there was something about you he didn’t quite know either it was a hidden talent or something only you kept secret
He was walking when you were singing a quite ranged song
You were cleaning up after training and No Time To Die came on by Billie Eilish (one of my fav songs of her)
He came at the perfect time, when the belting part came on
He heard it and instantly recognised the voice, he was amazed
After the quote ‘no time to die’ the song finished
He walked in and leaned against the door way
Once you had finished you turned to see Ghost there
You asked “how long have you been there?”
Ghost spoke “just got here but your voice sounds quite good” he walked over and listen his mask up and gave you a kiss
You blushed and since then if Ghost ever felt overwhelmed or needed to be calmed down you’d sing one of his favourite songs
His jaw dropped, like really dropped
He had heard you whisper songs in the car but never hit high notes or belt
You were cleaning up the gym since it was your turn and you had been playing songs through the speakers but your voice was that amazing your voice and the background music could only be heard
You were singing along to Elastic Heart by Sia
You were giving it your all since you were bored just cleaning the gym
You hadn’t heard Soap walk in and sit on one of the benches
You closed your eyes as you sing the higher/belting parts
Once you had finished your song you proudly looked at yourself in the mirror
Then you spotted Soap sat on a bench
You turned around slowly and said “Soap?”
He replied “since when did you sing?” “It was fucking beautiful”
You smiled shyly and you said “how much did you hear?” He replied “half of the song” you just stood there till he said “don’t be ashamed I enjoyed it you should sing more often” he came over and give you a kiss before he left to leave you get back to work
You were in the rec room cleaning up and you knew ‘everyone’ was doing something outside of base
But you didn’t know Gaz was back already he didn’t want to leave you on your own at base
So he went looking for you
The way he found you was by hearing music and a voice
He knew that was the singer because they didn’t sound like that
You were singing High Enough by k.Flay
And as you were singing along he just stood outside the door listening to your beautiful voice sing
Then you had belted and his eyes widened he was shocked
After the song he walked in and gave you a hugged your from behind and whispered “you got a beautiful voice, babe”
You froze and asked “you heard me sing? Thought you just got back?”
He replied “no, don’t be ashamed you should be proud” you smiled and thanked him
You were in the kitchen knowing it was only you there… or so you thought
You were singing You don’t own me by SAYGRACE & G-Eazy
You were singing while cooking yourself some food
You were singing so beautifully and good it was impeccable
Then Price was heading towards the kitchen as he wanted to grab a drink
He stopped himself when he heard you singing, he had to make a double take to see if that voice was actually yours
He was proud you had something other than your looks and skills that was so gorgeous and impressive
He stayed hidden till you were done as he didn’t want you to stop singing mid way through the song
Once he heard you finish he walked in
You looked at him and spoke “hey, love” he replied “hey, great voice you got there, eh?”
You blushed and spoke “you heard he sing?” He nodded and gave you a kiss and replied “keep it up, want to hear you sing more often”
You were in the gym on your own thinking no one was at base
You were singing along to Still don’t know my name by Labrinth
You watch recently watch Euphoria and was obsessed with the sound track like you are with most movies/series you watch
So you were finishing up what you were doing and singing along to the song
Alejandro was walking by and heard you singing his heart was racing he blushed a little too
He walking in and stayed there for a little waiting for you to notice him
Once you did you almost jumped out of your skin
You asked “since when were you there?”
Alejandro replied “since I heard your voice, Mi hermosa cantante (my beautiful singer)”
You blushed hard, he walked over and complimented you again and gave you a kiss before he said “I’ll make dinner with you if you sing like that again” you smiled and nodded
When he was walking past your room he could hear music and singing
You were cleaning out your room with the door open ‘knowing’ everyone was out
You were singing Heart Break Anniversary by Giveon
You were decluttering your room and cleaning it since you wanted to re arrange your room
You were singing away and then the belt part hit
Rudy was lucky enough to hear your amazing voice perfectly hit the high note
He was flabbergasted and proud his S/o could do that
He stood still for a few seconds waiting for the song to be over and to go and compliment you
When it was over he knocked your already opened door
You turned around not thinking of anything and spoke “hi my love, you ok?” He looked shocked and you didn’t know why or didn’t think it was because of your voice
He replied “I’m ok, paloma (dove). But I didn’t know you sang so genial, mi amor (great, my love)”
You blushed and spoke “you think?” He nodded and spoke “I would hug you but everything everywhere and I don’t want to break anything” he blew you a kiss and you caught it placing it on your lips
Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night
Don’t forget requests are open but won’t be done exactly that day or the next it depends how busy I am but overall feel free to request or message me!
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ooksaidthelibrarian · 3 months
Babylon 5 Rewatch S1E5:  The Parliament of Dreams
man I love the Drazi so much
dude, Garibaldi is testing everyone's faith
I am so sorry but the B5 romantic music to me is always like *air raid sirens* this will be a problem
I really like Catherine, mind you, it's not about her, but so many stories featuring that music end so badly :D
please tell me this is a real pig's head
(read more because this got long)
it's certainly live crayfish he has there (I hopes someone gave them a good home after, they are such neat little guys)
jeez this episode has so much going on
Andreas Katsulas has a great singing voice
I bet the 'you stay put' was ad libbed LOL
iirc the actress of Ko D'ath was allergic to the makeup so they ended up having to change out G'Kar's attachés but it works out extremely for this plot
'Catherine's on board' 'Ah.' ...that Ah had a looooot of words
that whole scene at the Cenauri banquet is so quotable
Garibaldi IS cute in an annoying sort of way
'but in purple, I am stunning!'
I really appreciate it that Sinclair and Catherine get to be adults about their reelationship
it's awkward af but also extremely relatable
'I let you and your pants get to your business' LOL
speaking of pants, Catherine's outfit is hot
G'Kar's pyjamas are iconic - I bet Khan Noonian Singh would love those
the iridescence of G'Kar's costume is so pretty
I once quoted the 'you will be forever walking into things' line in a fic and so far only one person picked up on it :D
Andreas Katsulas always toes the line of ridiculously over the top with G'Kar and it works extremely well - G'Kar just is a dramatic dude
this episode is a really great showcase for the chemistry the cast has with each other
G'Kar switching out his lil religious tomato out with Ivanova's in the background
the way Katsulas uses the panties as a prop to gesture with is so good :D
Na'Toth is such a good liar :D
'You will know pain. You will know fear. And then you will die. Have a pleasant flight!'
otoh of course humans are again the only ones where the culture isn't a monolith but otoh I do absolutely love that scene of Sinclair showing all of the different believes of Earth
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coco-hun · 2 months
Rich Bf/ Itachi x Black/Chubby Reader
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Summer deals for the hoes??? Now Fashion Nova play too much I thought as I scrolled down the site on my iPad, hitting the flashing sing on my screen endless of outside and summer outfits littered my screen...but that's no sale! $30 for a 2-piece top and bottom!? Yes, it gave brunch or mimosas at the beach but still, it only 10% off but, I tap my size and the color and continued adding endless amount of clothes, shoes, and earring into my cart.
' Tachi gon whoop my ass after this one..' I thought when reviewing my entre cart, Itachi loves it when I spoil myself or put a dent in his wallet but lately he's told me to spend a little less, I understand it thought I filled up my walk in closet to the max and my shoes is practically covering the wall; when I walk into the closet you'll think it's a mall just full of outfits from the summer time to winter chic to spring flings etc. I delete a few items the cart only depleting by a smidge, I look down at the price...a whopping $640.87 but, I got free shipping! I open my cashapp my balance is $800 buttt I could ask tachi to give me just a bit more, right? I bite my nails and think should I order it with my money and be an independent baddie on nan budget? Or be a baddie with a walking wallet on her with no budget? As I think I hear the door open.
" Baby? Com'er for a second"
' Tachi's home!' I thought as I put on my Ugg slippers and went quickly down the stairs, Itachi now sitting on the couch with his glass of whiskey and his computer; I tip-toe behind him and cover his eyes with a childish giggle.
" Guess Who?" I say with a smile, he chuckles and hums for a second.
" Hm? Is it my wonderful reader?"
" No, it your wonderful, gorgeous, beautiful, breath taking, sexy, darling reader"
He just chuckled and kissed my hand as I come around to sit beside him, my plush thighs connecting with his when he lifts my legs onto his thig and rubs my calf. I lean closer a give him a peck whispering a welcome home from his long day at work. He kisses me back and he tells me about work, his eyes now calmer and less tense. We talk about what we have planned for the week and other things that came into our brains.
" Darling, have you did what I asked of you for today?"
Shit! I forgot, Itachi told me to try to clean out one side of my closet so I can have a tidy area for the rest of the year so going bit by bit I did see some shoes I didn't like but, I didn't donate them or threw them away NO! I put them in the attic because I couldn't let them go to waste! What if pink Chanel come back in style and I can just bring the whole collection back? Through my inner turmoil Itachi watches me with a black expression as I awkwardly try to explain.
" Well, I did clean out some but, I got tired, so I took a nap, then I made me a little snack for the hour because I only ate a bagel and-"
" So, you didn't clean out much?"
" It's progress...You just have to lean into it! See if you look at it from my point of view it very hard for a girl to get rid of -"
" So, you didn't clean, nor have you gotten rid of anything dear?"
I just sighed and nodded, putting my head down and looking away. Itachi sighs and lifts my chin up and kisses my lips.
" Let's see how much you've done then we can go on from there hm?"
" But! You've been at work all day, Tachi! It wouldn't be fair to let you help my mess."
" Nonsense dear, up now let's see what 'progress' you've made"
He airs quotes progress and picks me up from the couch onto my feet and walks to our bedroom while I slowly walk behind him, he's too calm...like Itachi would never hurt me but, he doesn't do the not listing thing. When me and Tachi first started this, he set clear rules that disrespect and disobedience would come with spanking, a short allowance, and no sex for ​​Recognized by supervisors and colleagues for excellent patient care and attention to detail. Successfully completed certification in phlebotomy from a national health organization.​ week or 2 months depending on what I did, usually I'm a peach! only go punished a few times when I got a bit too bold with him. As I finally gotten into our room, he's standing there with a disappoint look.
" Only five pairs of shoes are in a box and two tops darling? This looks like 30 minutes of work-"
" Actually, an hour! It would hard because I love the leather heels but, they kind of hurt my feet but it's my only pair of leather heels I mean, I do have dark denim thigh highs but, they aren't giving the way those heels did, so I did a process and-"
" Darling."
I stopped talking and looked at his stern face, he sits on the bed and pats his thigh, and takes the band from his long hair down and loosens his tie.
" How many you think hm?"
" How many what?"
" You know what baby don't act dumb, unless you are as dumb as I thought.
My legs tighten as I try to explain how I should get away from this one punishment ranging from pleas to bargains but, Tachi just shakes his head and pats his thigh again.
" Not going to say it again baby, you've got 10 seconds before it 30 spankings and no cumming till the entire closet is clean."
He started counting and I quickly bend over his lap.
" Please me gentle Tachi" I said small and meek
" No promises my angel"
*After her ass got tore up*
" Your going to listen to me more hm?"
" Yes sir.."
" Good, now tomorrow I'm off I'm going to help you clean out some of it okay baby?"
I just nod snuggling into him, he tore my ass up and then gon try to be all loving aftr? Thats real bipolar but, whatever; I grab my phone from the table and see the sale is almost over.
" Tachi?"
" Hm?"
" Can I borrow $50?"
He looks down at me with one eye and I show him the sale, he rolls his eyes and pats my head.
" Later dear, go to sleep"
I nod, shutting down my hand and climbing on top of his thin frame hold his shoulders and laying my head on his chest.
" Night Tachi"
" Night baby"
..." Can I borrow $50-"
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A.N: ( Im back like crack! Yall tis was my mannnn back in 89' like when I tell you he was BAD! He was, and yall I've been so tired like I tried to write but I couldn't so I'm post more now that I'm motivated.)
Like and comment who yall wanna see next!
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nightcourtreader · 10 months
The discussion whether Gwyn is a light singer or a siren is tiring. Especially when the details that Cassian gave about light singers doesn’t match Gwyn what so ever. And ACOWAR & ACOSF to me proves that she isn’t.
Light singers are seen to be lovely, ethereal beings.
• Yes, Gwyn is a lovely person who’s beauty is said to rival Mor & Merrill. And she’s a priestess.
Will lure you
• there is no evidence that Gwyn lured anyone anywhere. Whether it’s by her singing or not.
• I have seen the same theory that Azriel’s shadows are there to “protect” him & it’s a good thing they disappear. If that was the case why didn’t the shadows tell him or warn him about Gwyn being in the training pit in Azriel’s bonus chapter?
• Something I’ve never seen mention is how in ACOWAR, page 559 Feyre said “Again, the Cauldron sang it’s siren song.” Then on the next page, on page 560, and I quote. “Azriel stepped out of a shadow. “What is that,” he hissed. My brows rose. “You hear it?” A shake of the head. “No—but the shadows, the wind…They recoil.”
• If Azriel’s shadows recoil because it heard the cauldrons siren song and if Gwyn is suppose to be a evil light singer or a siren then why doesn’t Azriel shadows recoil from her?
• On page 710 of ACOSF, when Azriel and Cassian were tricked by Koschei. It states “You fell for it rather easily.” Koschei went on, “though you took your time making contact. I thought you’d rush in for the kill, brute that you are.” They could make out nothing of him beyond the shadows of his form. Even Azriel’s own shadows kept tucked behind his wings. Koschei laughed, and Azriel stiffened. Like his shadows had murmured a warning.”
• In Azriel’s bonus chapter it stated, “He aimed for the training pit, giving in to the need to work off the temptation, the rage and frustration and writhing need. He found it already occupied. His shadows didn’t warned him.”
• So to me it seems that Azriel’s shadows tend to hide or recoil when it comes to danger not go towards people that seem like a threat. Azriel’s shadows obviously warn him of any danger to him so the fact that they don’t recoil from Gwyn nor did they warn Azriel she was in the training pit really negates the fact that she’s some evil light singer or siren!
Appearing as friendly faces when you are lost, They drown you in the Bog, they kill for sport.
• If that’s the case Gwyn would have popped up in the Bog when Nesta climbed down the tree looking for Cassian when he went off to go find Azriel. Especially since light singers are suppose to live in the Bog like Cassian stated and drown their victims in it. That would have been a perfect opportunity for Gwyn but where was Gwyn? Not there.
Only when you’re in their arms will you see their true faces
• How many times have we seen Gwyn and Nesta in close proximity to each other? On page 705, in ACOSF we see Nesta wrap her arms around Gwyn while Gwyn sobbed in her chest and right there Nesta was in Gwyn’s arms and the only thing Gwyn did was argue that Nesta shouldn’t stay to bottle neck the path by herself and didn’t even try to attempt to kill Nesta. The only thing Gwyn was worried about was her friend.
So it’s just disgusting to see how Gwyn keeps getting vilified all because of a ship when there is no proof that she’s a light singer or siren all because she sings, which is something she has in common with Azriel. Also it’s fucked up because she’s apart of Nesta’s found family, and a person that really help Nesta with her journey and to have her expose as a villain that people think she is will just fuck up Nesta and her healing arc.
And another big thing, Cassian never stated that light singers can sing! Sirens I get but we have never encountered a siren in the ACOTAR universe!
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cowgurrrl · 5 months
i need you to make a rockstar!joel fic based on this bc i know he’s irritating actress!reader all the time 😭😭😭 https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSNc9dtJR/
Omg YESSSS (side note: i love Dave Grohl so this fits so well (ps this is gonna be me filling the doc with random thoughts pls enjoy))
He doesn’t even realize he’s doing it. You’re not sure if that makes it better or worse. You love him, you do. You married him. You gave him three children. You wake up every day and choose to do life with him. You love him so fucking much. But, you swear to God, you’re gonna punch him in the face if he doesn’t stop finding new ways to annoy you.
He’s a musician and has the musician habit of tapping and drumming on things whilst working out a melody or whatever else is swirling around in his head. The tapping you’ve gotten used to. The vocalizing of random thoughts, you have not. You’ll be trying to read a script or something when he comes into the room and just starts making random noises or quoting movie scenes under his breath. One time, you burst out laughing and woke the girls up from a nap when you heard him whisper, “Lieutenant Dan, you ain’t got no legs,” out of nowhere. If you say anything remotely similar to a song lyric, he starts singing the song, guitar solos and all. It makes the kids laugh and the older girls have been known to secretly giggle when you give Joel a look for annoying you. Still, he hasn’t stopped and has no plans of trying.
His new favorite thing to do is to narrate everything he does in a Kardashian voice. Getting orange juice for Sam in the morning: “Oh my God, this juice is literally gonna be so good for you.” Taking Daisy for a walk: “You are literally so fit. Bible.” Leaving a room: “Okay, I have to go I have a thing.” You have no idea where he picked it up or why but it’s driving you up a wall. Finally, while you’re getting ready for bed, he mutters something in a Kardashian voice under his breath and you whip around.
“What are you doing?!” You ask and he raises his eyebrows at you.
“Washin’ my face?”
“No, not that! What is this new bit or whatever you’ve picked up?”
“What do you even mean?” He asks in the Kardashian voice and it takes everything in you to not grab his shirt and shake him. “I’m literally not even doing anything. Bible.”
“You’re making me crazy.”
“Why?” The long vowels and the high-pitched voice is annoying but it’s the twinkle in his eyes that makes you break and laugh. “You’re literally being so dramatic. I’m not even doing anything.”
“Stop! Where did you even get this from?”
“Get whaaat?”
“Who’s Joel?”
“I’m gonna call your mom.”
“I’m literally a freaking adult. You can’t call my moooomm.”
“Our children are gonna start sounding like this un ironically if you don’t stop,” you threaten as he crowds your space, pushing you against the sink with a smirk on his face. “You’re gonna sleep in the couch if you don’t stop.”
“If you hate it so much, why are you literally smiling?”
“Because you’re ridiculous!”
“You literally married me.”
“I don’t know why.”
“Ouch!” Joel says, suddenly dropping the Kardashian voice, and you laugh. You put your hands on his chest and quickly and profusely apologize but he makes a mock pained face away from you. “That is literally,” he pauses to make an awful crying face. “The meanest fucking thing you ever could’ve said.”
“No, because like why would you even say that? You, like, think you know somebody and then they just betray you and it’s like you literally can’t even trust anybody these days.” He’s breaking himself with his own bit and you both burst into silly laughter.
“You desperately need an ADHD diagnosis.” You say.
“I’ll get one as soon as you get one.” He counters and you squint at him.
“Touché, Miller, Touché.”
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