#shuriken suit/shuriken gun
hephaestusent · 1 year
shuriken suit/shuriken gun contact us.... [email protected] #shuriken #shurikengun #shurikenart #illustrationartists #illustration #concept #art #artwork #artist #character #characterdesign #conceptcharacter #hephaestus #hephaestusentertainment
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Today, I'm going to be discussing my problems with the DHORKS Fight which is one of the most popular fights in Helluva Boss. If you all like the fight, please don't read this blog because I hate this "fight" and I'm going to butcher it right now. I don't even consider the DHORKS Fight to even be a fight mainly due to how one-sided it is. This blog is gonna be very long, probably my longest yet, anyway let's get started
The Weapons DHORKS Use
So it's 4 Hellborn Demons against an entire agency filled with DHORKS Agents who wear suits and shades. Out of context, you'd think that the DHORKS Agents would win, but they don't due to the weapons they have compared to the weapons I.M.P. had. The DHORKS Agents all had weapons from the Edo Period which are primarily melee weapons, not firearms.
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They stood no chance against IMP because
They're using melee weapons that require a close range
The weapons they are using are useless
They're most likely not experienced with the weapons themselves
There are three weapons that a couple of Agents use that are useless in this fight those being the Nunchucks, the Dual Sai, and the Throwing Stars/Shuriken. Nunchuck users have to get close in order to deal damage and in a battle like this, they're better off either not using the Nunchucks at all or sneaking up behind their target.
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The Sai are also useless in a scenario like this as Sais are mainly used to trap melee weapons like swords. I've never really seen a Sai user go up against a gun user because they'd probably fail at subduing them. Sais also cannot cut, they can stab, but they can't cut. The Agent with the Sais tried to cut Blitzo for some reason and I know he's trying to cut Blitzo because we can see him using the Sais to slash instead of thrust.
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Throwing Stars are not lethal despite what certain shows have shown. They aren't capable of penetration and were only used to distract an opponent for an upcoming strike or for a tactical retreat. However, if you're really really skilled or just really fucking strong, you can hit an opponent with the eye and injure them. The fact that a few Agents were using the shurikens and expecting them to do damage shows how incompetent they are at using the weapons.
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An example of Shurikens being used in this episode is before the fight even happened. Four Agents throw Shurikens at Millie and Loona despite the fact that as said before, they're not really lethal weapons. What's even weirder is that none of them had actual close combat weapons or weapons to defend themselves with, they all had Shurikens and were left defenseless once Millie was inside the room with them.
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Realistically, it would be very difficult to defeat someone with a gun while you're using a melee weapon that is unless you're experienced as hell. A popular saying that the character Hol Horse said is "The gun is mightier than the sword" and I agree with him because a gun is more efficient and quicker to kill someone compared to a sword.
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Speaking of guns, whatever happened to the fancy-ass guns Agents 1 & 2 had? They quickly incapacitated Blitzo while using those. Oh, they don't have them because the weapons from the Edo period were badass. Agent 1&2's words, not mine.
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The OST for this song is just shit. It wasn't fitting the massacre at all and the melody of the song just repeats over and over and over and over again.
I used to be in a band when I was in high school and this song just makes me wanna peel my skin. It's like they made the first 15 seconds of the song while making the song and just decided "Oh, let's just use that over and over and mix other soundtracks with it." Because they DID mix other soundtracks with it.
There isn't any uniqueness with the song it's like I'm listening to the average Friday Night Funkin song, it's so repetitive luckily the duration of the song is pretty short.
Despite the fight scene being long as hell, there's no referencing or choreography that the DHORKS Agents use whenever they are fighting. Hell, one of them don't even use their weapons right, and there's barely any technique when other agents use their weapons. So I'm gonna start off with the Kusarigama user. A Kusarigama is a useful weapon because it has a range and can give the user the opportunity to strike the opponent, however, the animation crew screwed up one thing when making this weapon. That is the agent who used the Kusarigama threw the fucking blade and not the spiked ball itself. The spiked ball is supposed to be used to strike the vital areas of the opponent, get rid of their weapon, and restrain them to kill them. And how do you kill them? Well with the sickle blade of course and to maneuver the spiked ball you must use the sickle handle to get a good grip on it and call it back. So not only did the DHORKS Agent throw the main component of the Kusarigama at Loona for some fucking reason, but he also couldn't get a good grip on the chain because the sickle has a handle on it which led to him getting tossed by Loona.
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The Agents who use the swords which is the majority of them only run towards IMP in order to attack. So apparently running towards someone with a gun while you have a sword is always a good idea to them, except it isn't because as a result of their fucking foolishness they died.
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I believe the fight this entire DHORKS Battle was taking inspiration from was The Bride vs Crazy 88 from Kill Bill, but the HB Team didn't do a good job or even tried to reference this fight because they all don't straight-up attack Beatrix one at a time instead they attack her either with another person or with two other people, they know how to use their katanas and other weapons, and the setting of the fight is actually pretty big which leads me to my next complaint.
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The Setting
The size of the room of the entire fight keeps changing to give IMP an advantage. The size of the room firstly seems small as I.M.P are all surrounded by the Agents
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But then the room itself enlarges to show that the Agents are separated when they were close to the main characters before.
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The Agents show up out of nowhere to attack at a close range, they're nonexistent until they run toward the protagonists. And if they are close to the protagonists themselves then that gives the protagonists the advantage since they actually have rifles and can just gun them down at a close range.
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Either the setting is big or small, pick one don't just make a small setting suddenly big and then small again because that ruins the placement the characters had previously.
The Agents are incompetent & IMP suffers no damage
This last section is going to be really short because I want to say what I wanna say and get this out of the way. In order to have a good fight scene both parties must take damage or one party should at least struggle against the other. Having incompetent antagonists go up against component protagonists doesn't make a good fight scene because we'll already know that it'll end with the protagonist winning.
The DHORKS Agents do not know how to use their weapons or know any techniques that will benefit them and IMP doesn't suffer any damage and look like they're having fun while killing a bunch of humans. This entire sequence in Truth Seekers isn't a fight, but more like a massacre with animation errors.
So I've said what I needed to say. I was expecting a well-drawn, well-choreographed fight scene in Truth Seekers but I was just disappointed. What I got instead was just a bunch of demons killing a bunch of humans, despite the fact that Moxxie, Millie, and Blitzo somehow were defeated by cannibal rednecks who worship Satan just a few episodes prior. Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day! ❤️
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onepiece-oc-archives · 2 months
What weapons other than devil fruit powers and swords could ocs in the one piece world have?
Hey! Thanks for the ask and sorry for my long absence! I had a friend over, things happened, university started, then more things happened and are currently happening, so... I might not be as active for a while.
Anyways, back to this question. The answer is fairly simple: Literally any you can think of. Anything that could even somewhat be considered a weapon can be used by a One Piece character. But let me give you some options to think about:
I'm gonna touch on swords anyways because I feel like people don't fully realize what range of swords there is. Look at this post. It's a meme post, but you get the gist. The most common sword in One Piece is the katana but did you know that there are different lengths of katana? You could also give your OC a Zweihänder, a viking sword, a Roman gladius, a rapier, a cutlass, a cane sword... get creative!
Second very common weapon: Guns. Once again: Get creative! Marine soldiers use rifles, but you could also opt for a revolver, a flintlock, hell, a bazooka, a machinegun...
Different long-range weapons: Consider slingshots, bows, crossbows and the like.
Smaller, stealthier weapons. There are very tiny guns out there. Daggers, shurikens, kunais, needles, war fans, brass knuckles...
Polearms! Spears, lances, bo staffs, halberds...
There's a lot more out there. Whips, axes, hammers, clubs...
Create your own weapons! Literally, get creative. Maybe research some old weapons that are obsolete today - you'll find some really interesting stuff!
And if none of the weapons you find strike your fancy, your OC might just use hand-to-hand combat or martial arts. Or maybe they ride a ferocious animal? There are some big, dangerous animals in the One Piece world, you'll find or come up with something.
Literally, there are pretty much no limits to your creativity when it comes to what weapons to give your OC. My advice would be to think about what kind of weapon would suit or OC's abilities or requirements. A stealthy thief would not carry a Zweihänder because it's big and hard to conceal. Someone who doesn't have a lot of physical strength would not do well with a weapon reliant on brute force.
I hope this helped at all. Have a lovely day!
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pain-suffering-even · 8 months
types of weapons the hunters would use pt. 2
this time, the draw sword guild, definitely not my favorites :)
goto ryuji:
his sword is really cool, actually. a very nice ruby red. i think he would have a long sword and short sword (kind of like the daisho, a matched pair of japanese swords). otherwise, he would just use his hands. or his teeth. i think he just doesn't really care too much about how it's done, as long as it gets done
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sugimoto reiji:
it's not stated in the manhwa what class he is, so i head canon him as an assassin because i think there's only one or two that are canon. so, i think he would have a dagger for short-range kills, and kunai and shuriken for long-range kills (slightly inspired by genji from overwatch's kunai and shuriken setup - the green even matches his usual suit...)
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tanaka kenzo:
his fists suit him as a tank-esque fighter. if not that, then brass knuckles (slightly inspired by seo seongun from lookism... beloved...) also i just think he likes to get hands on with things, if him during the jeju arc gives us any clue what his fighting style is like
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tawata kanae:
i think a two-sided spear or scimitar would be cool. she also has double blades as it is, so i think she just likes working with two instead of one. higher level of efficiency and all
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as i was adding photos... i realized... what this was inspired by... lmao
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yeah. that fits her for sure
fujishima tatsumi:
i think he would use things more for looks rather than efficiency, so anything cool or unique... a scythe seems up his alley. something like ruby's scythe (especially because it also works as a gun - and i think the engineering mind i've head canoned for him would love to fiddle with that and make it abysmally powerful)
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ishida mari:
i headcanon him as a ranger because i think there's literally only taegyu otherwise. so he would use a compact bow as his main weapon (inspired by the chiron form of the coronacht bow), but he also uses a rapier. he strikes me as a rich kid that studied abroad in london and learned fencing (i know it's really specific but those are just the vibes i get)
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shimizu akari:
she has her giant golden battle axe. i also think she would know boxing, so she has short-ranged hand-to-hand combat down
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kumamoto atsushi:
he doesn't really need a weapon, since he has a strange fighting style, and i headcanon he transforms like yoonho. but... something blunt, like a mace or a club. maybe nunchucks? or something similar to the playful cloud weapon from jujutsu kaizen?
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hamada kei:
they're an ice type mage, so they have a varied attack pattern, but i think they would like a bowstaff or a baton (inspired by nami's clima tact from one piece. it even has the bonus of controlling the weather through temperature - which kei can... sorta do, lmao). something to easily knock-out any monsters that get near them so they can run before they throw up. really, it's more of a back up weapon, since they would take anything out before it got too close to them (inspired by this video!)
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izawa ippei:
the actual canon assassin. well, i headcanon he likes collecting all sorts of weapons and learning how to use them, but his go-to would be something slightly ranged, like a spear (inspired by maki's from jujutsu kaizen) or a scythe (i think something simple like the one from soul eater would suit him best)
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hoshino minoru:
i also headcanon him as an assassin (i mean, look at that raid outfit - you can't tell me that's not built perfectly for stealth and a better range of motion!), but more short-ranged and borderline fighter style. i think he has a sickle for quick chain kills, and an old dagger for sneak kills. (sickle is directly inspired by percy jackson and chronos' sickle, but i don't think we ever got to see it in a movie, but something along these lines would fit well. dagger is more of the hunting/gutting knife from the hannibal nbc series)
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well... that about wraps it up! i tried to get more visuals from media this time instead of just googling the weapon type from the internet. there are some pretty cool weapon designs already out there, unique ones that always catch my eye. i just like weapons a lot lmao
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negative-speedforce · 3 months
Eris has offered a combat lesson to each of your OCs - any weapon or fighting technique from throughout history. What fighting styles or weapons do your OCs choose to learn? Are there any who decline the lesson?
Siv: While she's already a fairly experienced fighter, they'd love to refresh on Muay Thai, since Eobard had them take classes in it as a teenager but haven't actually sparred with anyone in years without the intent to kill and/or maim, and they'd like to face off with a potential equal (Siv will probably get her ass kicked).
Hailey: Would love to learn how to fight with a spear or staff, since with her ghostly abilities + a little bit of additional technology to target her powers, she can use some minor cryokinesis and it would be convenient to know how to use that ability to fight with a giant-ass icicle
Jay: Would probably turn down the lesson, since he's not sure if it's accessible for a disabled person like himself. However, if he was absolutely sure, he'd love to learn how to do some kind of martial arts while in a wheelchair.
Cassandra: Would love to brush up on kickboxing (and she'd probably try to figure out how to adapt her fighting style to be able to fight in midair).
Esme: Mostly just wants to learn how to use self-defense in heels, since she's had a couple close calls walking home from clubs and she's tired of having to expose her powers every time someone tries to stalk her.
Gina: Would like to learn Tai Chi, mostly for health reasons but also so she can smack a bitch if they decide to mess with her
Arya: Mostly just looking for an excuse to spar with someone as ancient and experienced as themself, decides to take a lesson in knife fighting for the hell of it
Ember: Also wants to learn how to fight in heels, since most of the time they're dressed in drag anyway.
Cat: Prefers to use her wits and a gun, since she's physically rather small and weak, so she might turn down the lesson.
Kyle: Would love to do some wrestling! He's done it before, for a couple years in high school before he switched to football, and he'd love to pick it up again, since it was a lot of fun for him.
Max: Might turn it down, since he can summon his mech suits with just a press of his earrings and take care of any situation like that.
Eric: Prefers to use magic to fight rather than physical force, but he might take a Taekwondo class just for the fitness benefits.
Jacob: Acompanies Eric to his class, because he knows his husband is going to end up spraining SOMETHING because he has no idea what he's doing. This has happened many times before.
Khalil: Would love to learn boxing! He's always wanted to pick it up, but has always felt unwelcome in most classes because he's a rather feminine man and tends to get treated poorly by his classmates.
Antonio: Because he's literally twelve, he wants to learn Ninjitsu, and fight with a katana. His parents immediately object, but ngl I get the feeling that Eris is going to teach him anyway.
Reggie: Would love to learn how to use a shuriken, just for bragging rights with xer friends.
Ameerah: Immediately declines, she prefers her wits and her powers in order to take care of situations.
Rania: Would probably just want to learn some basic self-defense moves in case some idiot decided to try something on her walk home from work.
Director Hawke: Eris doesn't even get halfway through their offer before Hawke recognizes Eris as a metahuman, and a huge fight breaks out (never mind that metas and witches are almost genetically indistinguishable, she has to have her little group to hate)
Meredith: Would want to learn Kalaripayattu, since it's a lesser known martial art and it focuses both in armed and unarmed combat, both of which it would find useful.
Cory: Since Cory's pretty small, Mok Gar might be right up his alley, since it was designed to help a smaller, weaker person to overpower someone who is bigger and stronger.
Kelsie: Prefers not to get into violent altercations, and only uses her plant-based abilities to get out of situations. However, just for the knowledge, she'd want to learn how to use a trident.
Torryn: Is already highly trained in Jiu-Jitsu, but he'd love to take a class in order to refresh his skills and potentially learn any new moves that he didn't know about before.
Onnie: Is already a pretty skilled martial artist, but at Eobard's urging, she'd ask Eris to teach them Lethwei, since it's one of the most brutal, bloody martial arts in the world.
Pippa: Probably just wants to learn fencing, because she's always wanted to try it but never had the money. Also swords are cool.
Jessi: "Ew, no. This is genuine Balenciaga. Do I look like I want to get all sweaty in this?"
Hyun-Ki: Would probably be interested in learning Kendo, since while he doesn't really have a need to learn martial arts, given that he has bodyguards, swords are cool.
Marie: Would love to learn Okinawan Kobudo, since she's trying to get closer to her heritage after losing part of herself (memories, personality, etc) after her assimilation.
Liah: As a pacifist, she'd probably say 'no' right off the bat, though she might be convinced to learn how to use a shield in a purely defensive manner, in case someone tries to attack her.
Qiara: Is quite literally an all-powerful space god, and does not need to defend herself.
Soraya: Would love to learn Capoeira. While it's not the most useful martial art, Soraya is a former gymnast, and the complicated flips and moves would be right up her alley.
Thalia: Thalia would probably be interested in Hapkido, with its focus on both unarmed and armed combat.
Reyna: Would want to learn how to use nunchucks, purely for the bragging rights. Eris, please don't trust Reyna with any potentially lethal weapons. It's already bad enough with her having a lightsaber.
Laila: Probably turns down the offer, since she prefers to learn on her feet, and challenges Eris to a sparring match.
Athena: Athena would probably go for learning Junshi Sanda, so she can turn her already brutally competent fighting skills into a full-on weapon.
Pyrrha: Would love to learn Aikido, since she's already an extremely competent fighter, but she would love to learn some less violent methods of taking down an opponent that don't involve gruesome death.
Samira: Probably would turn down the offer, given that she considers herself far more of the brains than the brawns, and prefers not to get into physical altercations.
Aldrich: Would turn down the offer, since he does NOT want to be in the same room as someone else's blood if there was an injury.
Matt: Probably would say 'no' to Eris's offer, since he's pretty sure he'll fuck up his joints if he tries any crazy new moves.
Sohelia: Would be very interested in learning Eskrima, given its focus on handheld weapons. Even a couple inches more of distance between her and someone else's blood in a fight could mean life or death.
Vanessa: Would love to learn how to use a crossbow, since she's only seen them in movies and it looks like a really cool weapon to use.
Dolores: Since there's very low risk of her losing control and hurting someone, she'd love to learn archery.
Victorie: Would turn down the offer, since she does NOT want to be in the same room as someone else's blood if there was an injury.
Kayla: Took judo when she was younger, would like to take a refresher course so she can remember everything she learned back then.
Dori: Because they are a huge nerd, Dori would love to learn how to use the chakram, given that it's Xena the Warrior Princess's weapon of choice.
Ellis: Given that angels have no need for human martial arts, Ellis would graciously turn down Eris's offer, since they can just go all "Be not afraid" and scare any potential threats shitless.
Gabi: Isn't much of a martial arts kind of gal, but she would love to learn how to use a medieval broadsword, just so she can use one at the Ren Faire.
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jadeyarts · 1 year
If Tails had been in Underground, do you think he would've played an instrument like his siblings or would he have played some other non-musician role in the band?
based on this official image of the "main four" of the game canon in a band together with sonic on guitar i'd have to say tails would probably be a bassist
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which is fitting because a bass guitar is the perfect instrument for a kid whose character and design revolves around emulating his hero-turned-brother. i also really like the idea of tails having like... a tamborine. that also works as a shuriken, like how sonic's guitar doubles as a rifle and sonia's keyboard can turn into a gun.
although actually now that i type it out maybe thats something that would suit tania if she existed in the same continuity as the other siblings so nvm. stick to the bass rifle i guess
(my partner initially thought it was a ukulele. so that's another fun option. tails and his ukulele rifle.)
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askmadcomcrew · 1 year
favorite ranged + melee + throwable?
Hank: I prefer pistols and rifles when it comes to ranged. Swords and knives for melee, and shurikens and daggers for throwables. Anything is a throwable if you throw it hard enough, though.
Sanford: Ranged? Probably a good ol' fashioned 12 gauge shotgun. Why put one hole in a guy when you can put a dozen holes in 'em? For melee and throwables, it's gotta be my trusty hook. It's got the best of both worlds.
Deimos: Definitely the MP7 sub-machine gun, but I'll take an MP5 if those're out of stock. I don't like gettin' too close to these bozos, but if I gotta choose a melee weapon I'd probably go for a knife. Somethin' light and easy to swing but not any less deadly? And when I throw stuff it better be a grenade or a flashbang.
Doc: Of course, I prefer sniper rifles, so the VSS Vintorez is my go to pick. However if there's not one available, anything with a scope will do. I usually prefer to use two knifes if I have to go melee, but ideally that wouldn't even happen. I'm a real big fan of frag grenades or any kind of throwable explosive device.
Jeb: Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum Revolver. My personal favorite when it comes to dealing with my enemies. It can be used at longer ranges due to its long barrel, and is perfectly competent at mid to short ranges. The lack of ammo capacity is a notable detractor, but when you're as accurate as me, it matters a lot less. Of course, my binary sword quickly enters the 'favorites' category when it comes to melee weapons. Long reach, high durability, and more than enough sharpness to stab or cleave through anyone unfortunate enough to stand in the way. For thrown weapons, I have my dissonant bolts for that. I don't even have to aim them, just think about where I want them to go and they'll do it.
Crackpot: Ranged weapons are unfortunately quite uncommon down here, but I was always very fond of bows and crossbows. Quite primitive compared to a gun, but the right type of arrowhead will render even the toughest armor useless. Not to mention they are very, very quiet, which is useful when moving around zed-infested areas. Us buoyant have mastered hook type weapons, for use as melee and as thrown. Very useful for closing the distance without a ranged weapon.
Sheriff: Well 'a 'course I'm gonna respond with a good ol' fashioned revolver. I wouldn't be much of a cowpoke without one. 6 shots ain't a lot, but when you got two of 'em, you can make that 12. More n' enough to kill anythin' that moves. I personally don't like t' get my hands dirty, but I'll take a good ol' huntin' knife if I can get my hands on one. Somethin' that won't break on me too quick like. I'd also probably take some throwin' knives or axes, I ain't the best at it but I can land my shots decent enough. They ain't ideal, but useful in a pinch, or as a last ditch attack.
Phobos: I personally do not use guns. I always found them to be quite uncivilized. They are...Below me. You may think me a fool for that, but can you block and reflect bullets back at your enemies with a sword? A trusty blade is more than enough to suit the needs of a distinguished gentleman such as myself. Not to mention they can be thrown at the enemy if need be, but I prefer to get up close and personal.
Auditor: High capacity weapons such as light machine guns and high explosives like rocket launchers or grenade launchers. I am not physically harmed by either of these things, so I find them to be most effective when dealing with enemies myself. These days I tend to default to the modified version of the binary sword I picked up off Christoff, however before that, I was quite fond of the megachete. I am not restricted by things such as weight, so I found them quite effective due to their large size and chopping power. If I ever need to throw something, I will likely just cast fireballs from my hands.
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orioncore · 1 year
this is bound to change if I get more ideas or when opinions on characters change but this is how the weapon assignment will go for now yay
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some characters probably also use more uncommon weapons but making categories for all of those would take way too long. (and I have no ideas LOL)
the list is sorted alphabetically and not by unit I apologize
further explanations below for certain characters
Tori would probably also be in the "doesn't fight actively" category but idk I feel like he'd still throw hands at any given moment
all of Ra*bits except for mitsuru are also in this category because I see them having jobs other than patrolling or fighting
mitsuru would probably utilize his speed often, so he'd fight more than the others would methinks
all the characters in the sword category are kind of self explanatory
all of knights, ryuseitai, trickstar, switch, fine, and akatsuki use swords
Akatsuki would probably also use fans but I don't know how practical those would be for combat with lunarians
undead get spears because of their love for mic stands in their choreo
don't know exactly why I gave himeru a spear but the spear he uses would be kaname's old spear (kaname is still in a coma in this au, mans got shattered)
Adam uses spears and eve uses swords, don't really know why I made that distinction but yeah
oh but ibara would also use a whip (like bort does in the later chapters of the manga) he also has poison (I think I settled on lead? not sure) like cinnabar
alkaloid likes their swords, but tatsumi gets a spear bc. idk. felt like it suited him more (also so he can stay balanced bc of his leg)
mayoi gets the serrated sword bc I'd like to think they do winter duty to separate themselves from the other gems, and bc hehe sharp teef
magicians get their silly smoke bombs do I need to say more
shinobu is still a ninja at heart he had to have his shuriken
the sakumas are bloodstone, and probably control a blood-like metal or alloy bc. vampire. yeah. they still use their unit's weapons though but with a lil more spice
shu has gold alloy arms and can use most weapons but prefers spears (and the occasional axe)
the characters in "any" are self explanatory they're trained to fight they know how to use most weapons. sorry that guns don't exist here you can make do
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
Marinette "Valkyrie" Wayne
Masterlist Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 ao3 link (completed) Valkyrie’s suit
Pairing: Marijon
Rating: G
WC: 2.1k
That night Marinette debuted as Valkyrie, the latest Bat. Her suit was all black, with white trim. Her symbol was a stylized Bat she designed; it was very pointy, as her weapon of choice was knives/shuriken, etc. She leaned heavily into the ghost Bat theme, like Cass. The family agreed that the two girls got along way too well and they (the fam) would be in huge trouble one day. They even looked similar, though Cass had brown eyes and Mari had blue.
(The girls were currently planning an ID swap prank, complete with coloured contacts and Cass dyeing a stripe of her hair red to match Mari.)
The third criminal apprehended by Valkyrie had a gun. She dodged before the bullet hit her and socked his jaw, knocking him out.
“How did you dodge that fast?” asked Nightwing, her partner for the night.
“I read his body language before he shot,” she deflected.
Later, she collared a suspect in a case – “practice for intimidation”, ‘Wing said. With her back to ‘Wing, who was overseeing the ‘questioning’, and facing the all-in-black guy pressed against the brick wall, she glamoured herself to have eyes glowing white and deepened her voice to beyond-spooky levels.
He quickly cracked and gave the information they needed. Valkyrie left him in a cowering heap and grappled up to ‘Wing. “Got that?”
“That was fast, V. Have you been practicing?”
“I can be scary when I want!” she slapped his chest. “I got Superboy to give me the last of his fries last week.”
“That’s because of puppy love, not intimidation!”
“What did you say?” Valkyrie repeated.
“Jon has a crush on you?”
“No names,” she reminded absently. “SB has a crush on me?!”
“I thought you knew, since you were flirting back…”
“I wasn’t flirting, I was just matching his energy and copy… oh. Oh no .”
“I think the most important question right now is do you have a crush on Superboy?”
“No, we’re just friends. Although he is really cute, and he’s such a nerd, and Kismet loves him, and he’s Damian’s best friend because he’s irresistible and really nice and ohnoIhaveacrushonhim . Nightwing, what do I dooooo?” She wailed, clutching at his arm.
“Tell Superboy you like him. I bet he’ll ask you out.”
“...oh.” I’ll have to tell him about the Kwami. We’re a package deal.
“Glad to help my little sis out with her relationship crisis. And if he hurts you, just let us know!”
“Absolutely not. Tag!” she tapped his shoulder and flew off the roof, grappling away as Nightwing chased her.
Jon was over the next day to visit Damian. 
“Kent, just tell her and stop making excuses to come see me,” Damian greeted him.
Jon huffed at being called out. “Fine.” 
He knocked on Mari’s door and shooed everyone away.
“Jon! Hi, come in. One second.” She crossed the room to close her curtains so no prying family members could peep at the sure-to-be-awkward conversation.
“Uh, there’s something I need to tell you, but if I do, then I’ll have to tell you something else and it’s really secretive and ugh, why is this so hard ?” she flopped on her bed, groaning.
“Uh, I need to tell you something too.” Jon pushed his glasses up, though they didn’t need it. “I really like you, like, more than a friend, but if you don’t like me then I still want to be your friend, if you want, but…”
“I like you too, Jon. Like, like-like you. Ugh, that’s too many ‘likes’. But uh, if this is gonna go anywhere, I need to tell you this other thing, but you can’t tell anyone else, especially my family. Promise?”
“Pinky promise.” They shook pinkies and Jon cuddled Kismet while Mari mentally prepared.
“Uh, Jon?”
He looked up and yelped. “Whoa, Mari!”
“Relax, it’s just one side. Look at the…” She nodded at the lotus tattoo on her left ribs. It was in a semi-circular pattern, with a gradient of different colors bleeding into each other and a complex geometric design in the petals and leaves.
“So, you got a tattoo? I’m pretty sure Jason has at least one,” he commented.
“It's not an ink tattoo, it’s magic. So, uh, did your dad tell you about Ladybug?”
“From Paris? He said they couldn’t find her.”
“I was Ladybug. When I was fifteen, I did a remote spell that merged all the Miraculous and untethered the kwami. The spell and pain from it knocked me out for two days. When I woke up, I had this tattoo and had become a Miraculous myself. Since I was the guardian, they stayed with me. You can come out, guys.”
Several fuzzy flying blobs appeared in Jon’s face. He was introduced to the kwami one at a time. 
“We’re a package deal, you need to know.”
“That is so cool! Do they still give you their power, or what?”
“Well, when the kwami are untethered, their powers are unstable and can easily run out of control. However, merging more than a couple Miraculous is dangerous. I have to utilize their powers regularly so they and I don’t have a meltdown and blow the planet up or something. But I don’t need to be transformed to use the powers, and I have constant mind link access, so I can ask them to leave me and take some of their energy with them if I need.”
“Are you okay with all that?” Jon asked worriedly.
She shrugged. “I admit, it was a surprise being told I’d become a mega-Miraculous when I woke up from that nap, but I do like knowing they’re all safe with me and no one can steal a Miraculous or the Miracle Box anymore.”
“I can see why you don’t want them to know, but I think you should tell them eventually.”
Her shoulders sagged. “I know. Just not yet.”
“That’s okay, I’m sure it will take some time.”
Mari smiled gratefully at him. “So, what I was getting at was: we’re a package deal. They won’t always be around in our personal space, but they will be around some of the time and I’ll have Guardian duties and such to attend to at times, so I’ll be busy.”
“I was aware you were a vigilante when I decided to confess and ask you out,” Jon shrugged. “You’re great at schedules, I’m sure we can work things out.”
“If you’re sure this whole mess is what you want. I know I act fine most of the time, but I am still very traumatized from the whole Hawkmoth-Ladybug-Guardian-orphan thing,” Mari warned.
“I know, but I’d like to give this a chance. So, will you go out with me?”
“You’re seriously fine with the Kwami?”
“Yup! I’ve definitely seen weirder. I’m half-alien, you know.”
“Mhm. Oh, I also have a high affinity for magic, so I put up an illusive sound barrier in my room so my family can’t listen in. I’m taking it down now, so no talking about them .”
Jon nodded, and Mari released the spell.
“Oh, I never gave you my answer, did I? Yes, I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Wednesday, seven o’clock? They’re showing the new Marvel movie at the theater. Would you like to see it?”
“Sure; we can laugh at the inaccuracies, and I’ll critique the costumes.”
Marinette motioned to Jon to keep talking while she tiptoed to the door.
“Uh, do your brothers know I like you? Because they were acting weird today – weirder than their normal crazy. Wait, do I have to re-meet the family? Please tell me I’m not gonna die as soon as I step foot outside of here.”
Marinette swung the door open, smiling sweetly at Jon. “Of course not! My family would never stoop to eavesdropping on their little sister’s private conversations, if they know what’s good for them .”
Five panicked faces looked at her.
Jason turned to Dick. ‘I take it back, she is scary. Run!”
Dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Damian scattered.
Wednesday night Jon was approached by Mari. She waved at him and crossed the street.
“Hi, Cass,” Jon said.
Cass pouted. “Supers,” she grumbled.
Jon was hugged from behind. He jumped slightly. “Sneak up a little louder, would you?”
“Yay, you passed the test! You do know me. If only people whom I have lived with for months and solved decades-old cold cases in hours could identify me,” Mari said into her hood.
She then picked the bug out of the folds of fabric and squashed it. “Bye, Cass!”
Cass waved and went to the weapons store across the street.
“She’s surveillance, to see when the guys show up.”
“Okay. I got the tickets– after you, Lady.”
"Thanks, my knight in jeans and hoodie!” In a lower voice, so no one could overhear, she added, “I’m working on a new suit for you. A hoodie and jeans do not make a suit.”
Ten minutes into the film Cass texted Marinette. 
Cass: D + D behind you, back left row. Caps and black jackets.
Marinette inched closer to Jon, then turned and glared directly at her brothers. 
I know where you sleep , she mouthed. They left.
When they left for ice cream after the movie, Jason was behind a newspaper by the ice cream stand. Marinette casually flicked a shuriken, slicing the paper neatly in half. Jason got the hint and left.
Marinette glared at all the security cams they passed, knowing Tim and possibly Babs would be watching them electronically. 
“Can you take me flying?” she asked Jon.
“Of course.”
They finished their cones, ducked into an alley, Jon became Superboy (unzipped his hoodie and tucked his glasses away), and took off.
Once they were over Star City, Marinette motioned ‘down’. They landed on Queen Consolidated’s roof.
“I can glide as Ladybug.” 
Tikki appeared.
“Spots on!”
Mari took off, hand-in-hand with Jon.
“Take me higher,” she called, letting him pull them up to watch the sunset on the horizon and the stars become visible.
“I can show you the world,” Jon sang to her as they flew above the earth, watching the lights turn on as night fell. She giggled at his cheesiness and they continued the duet.
Marinette detransformed and freefell –until Jon caught her– then they flew back to the Batcave.
Mari waved goodbye and Jon returned to Metropolis after landing a kiss on her cheek with his superspeed.
“Hello, my lovely family. Did you enjoy spying needlessly on Jon and me?”
“Can you take that disguise off? It’s so confusing having you two switched,” Dick complained. 
That morning Mari had put in hazel contacts and worn Cass’s clothes, and Cass had Mari dye a streak of red in her hair at the exact same spot she did. With Cass wearing blue contacts and a set of Mari’s clothes, the family kept getting confused about who they were talking to.
The girls removed their contacts and switched hoodies, to the family’s preference and relief.
“Did Jon take you flying?”
“Yep. It’s breathtaking watching the sun set midair. Chilly up there, though. I’m with Robin tonight, right?”
“We’re raiding a drug deal down by the docks. You are with Red Hood, Red Robin, and Black Bat. Robin will be backup. Nightwing and I will be with Batwoman and Spoiler around town,” Bruce informed.
The family suited up and left.
At times like these, Mari regretted not letting them know her secret, where she could transform with a command or even a thought now. Putting on layers of safety protection took way longer than the two-second transformation.
She had modified Valkyrie’s full-face mask to have glowing eyes, either red or white, and her voice modulator to do deeper or horror-movie-childishly high.
Mari pulled her mask up, hood down, and revved her bike. 
Valkyrie was still a myth in Gotham; she’d only been out a week, so she hung back with Robin while the other three busted the deal.
The only problem was, it was a setup.
Penguin and Black Mask had teamed up to take down the bats. 
More goons arrived and tied up the Reds and BB. Red Hood had a bullet graze on his thigh and was bleeding steadily.
Robin relayed the situation to Oracle and requested backup from the other four Bats.
Marinette kept up a steady stream of shuriken and knives, taking out goon after goon.
Robin eyed her. How does she have so many weapons on her?
Their backup arrived and they began taking out more goons.
Valkyrie stayed in the shadows, sending missiles with deadly maiming accuracy.
A knife cut Red Robin’s rope bindings and he began freeing Hood and BB.
With the entire family gathered the two mobsters stood no chance. Valkyrie kept injuring backup goons before they could attack, and the Bats left, all alive and mostly well, with a surprising minimum of damage.
"You’re our good luck charm,” teased Steph.
Mari laughed. “Hardly. You could say I was your bad luck charm, that it was a setup.”
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little-corritrice · 1 year
| The Mafia | ~ Part 22 ~
Genre: Mafia Au, Fanfiction
Pairing: N/A
Rating: Fluff
Warnings: Slight Fight
Synopsis ~ y/n was just living her life, but when she ran into troubles of her past, she found herself being auctioned off to a mafia named Ateez. Within her time, she soon finds another whom she knows...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I laid in bed as I had woken up, trying to fall back asleep. Just as I was about to start snoring off, there was a knock at my door. I whined, kicking the sheets like a kid. "Come in." I said, Jeongin popping his head in. I smiled, looking at him from the pillow, my head resting comfortably. "Am I bothering?" He whispered and I scoffed, patting the bed. "You can never bother, Innie. Come here." I said, sitting up as he came in, already suited up for the mission. "What's the matter, love?" I asked, stroking his hair as I sat on my knees next to him. "Chan needs you downstairs so we can get ready to leave." He whispered and I smiled, nodding. "Alright. I'll be down in 10." I said, and he smiled, nodding his head. I leaned forward, kissing his head as he got up, walking out of my room.
I got up from bed, running to the bathroom as I stated the shower, gathering my clothes as the water warmed up. I jumped in, quickly doing everything I need before I jumped out, drying myself completely. I threw my outfit on, strapping all my weapons in.
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I had my 2 guns, my 2 shuriken's (ninja stars), and my dagger. I grabbed my necklace, tucking it under my shirt. I grabbed my phone, putting it in my pocket before I walked out, going inside. Everyone was gathered in the living room, all sitting talking about what they were going to be doing, and their roles. I plopped next to Changbin and Felix, both wearing some nice looking suits. I grabbed Changbin's arm, giving his bicep a little squeeze. I giggled out as he pulled his arm away, smacking my hand away.
I yawned as they finally stopped explaining. "So basically, I have to go up to the roof, unplug and plug some shit in, and then jump into a helicopter that will fly by?" I summed up and Chan groaned again, shaking his head. "y/n, for the last time. You're not going to jump because it'll land." He said, and I threw a pillow at him. "Stop spoiling my imagination, Channie." I whined, standing up. "Well, what are we waiting for? I got a helicopter I need to jump into. From a building. One that's like 80 stories high." I exaggerated, flipping my imaginary hair as we walked to the garage. "God..." Chan mumbled, and I laughed. "Wait, whos car's are we taking?" I asked, and everyone stopped as well. "I'll take the older ones, you take the younger ones." He said, and I nodded. "That includes you, Hannie." I smiled, tugging him back as he was about to walk with them. "But I'm literally a year younger!" He whined, and I patted his shoulder, opening the door to my Subaru before he got in, complaining and whining.
I followed after Chan, all of us blasting music as we sang our hearts out before the mission. "Someone better record me jumping into the helicopter." I laughed at my joke, along with everyone else. "Hey, maybe after this, we can go to that ramen shop again. Those noodles were good." I said, and Seungmin and Jeongin nodded, telling Han all about the food and what they have. I smiled as I looked at them all, diverting my attention back to the road as they continued on. Within 30 minutes, we were parked across the street from the huge building, and I hummed as I put my earpiece in. "Everyone copy?" Changbin asked. A chorus "Yes." "Yep." "Copy." came through the earpiece, and we got out, Seungmin pulling me closer to him as we approached the building. "The stairwell is near the control room. Changbin can get you in, but you're on your own after that." He said, and I nodded. "Don't worry. I got this." I smiled, patting his chest as I jogged around the building, meeting up with Changbin.
~ ~ ~
Dropping the guy from my hold, I let out a breath, stretching my back. "Gosh, I'm getting old." I groaned as I popped my back, a loud crack ringing through the air. Changbin was panting as he looked at me, shaking his head. "You only took out one person." He complained, composing himself as we continued walking. "You said you got it, so I let you have it." I shrugged, and I heard someone laugh over the earpiece. I saw my door on my left, and stopped by it. "Welp, this is me. Guess I'll see ya in a bit." I said, opening the door and walking in, but Changbin pulled me back, and I smiled. "Be careful, sunshine. Don't do anything dumb." He said, and I huffed, pouting slightly. "You know that's what I do best." I whined and he chuckled, pulling me into a hug. "I'm serious." He said, and I sighed. "I'll be fine, Binnie. Promise" I smiled, kissing his cheek.
~ ~ ~
Climbing up the stairs, I huffed as I took a break. "I don't got this." I huffed out, panting slightly. "What's wrong, angel? Too many stairs?" Minho teased, and I groaned out. "Way too many." I said, getting back up. "Why didn't you just take the elevator? There was one if you just kept walking straight." Hyunjin said, and I cried out quietly, slamming my hands against the wall. "And no one told me this?!" I whispered out, hearing everyone laugh. "I hate you guys." I mumbled, continuing up the stairs. I was about to keep talking, but the door to my right opened, and a guy yanked me in, tossing me to the floor. I yelled out, getting back up. "Your not supposed to be in this area." The guy yelled, lunging for me with his electric baton. "y/n?!" The guys yelled out, panic in their voice. "I'm fine. Dandy even." I yelled out, blocking the guys hits.
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megamattzx · 2 months
Preview to Dragon Ball New Frontier Tales of the Time Patrol: A Daring Rescue.
"GNNH!" Goku Jr groaned in pain. Causing his mother to look at him with concern as he leaned against the fireplace.
"You can't keep pushing yourself like this!" Chi-Chi said, and the extreme worry in her voice was evident.
"I'll do anything to keep my sons safe," Goku Jr. said.
A few hours prior, Goku Jr in his armored, Saiyaman suit is seen running towards one of the other kidnappers of his son. Rushing towards him before grabbing him by the face and slamming him into a wall. He then quickly grabbed a shuriken and threw it at another kidnapper's gun. He then used a grapple to grab him, and pulled him close to him before sending a right hook to his face, knocking him onto the ground, and leaving him unconscious. He was clearly holding back to avoid killing people. That was hard when your child's in danger.
Back to a few hours later, the injured saiyan was seen walking towards his room, only to have his mother follow to ensure he didn't fall. "Despite your powers, resources and even skills," Chi-Chi calmly continued. "You have to remember you're only one man.”
"And I can be so much more," Goku Jr. tried saying. "Just like you.... Just like Dad.... Just like Gohan.... For Hano and Ryu... I'll be the monster to whoever hurts them... I'll be the reason why my enemies are afraid... If it means to keep my family safe...."
Back to the incident before the aftermath.The armored Saiyaman, was seeing rushing to the next floor as goons quickly tried to stop him with firearms only for him to block them with his armored gauntlets and even him catching some of the bullets with his hands before dropping them, and punching the first guy. Sending him into a wall. Another gun tried to shoot again only for the saying to grab his hand and break it before he had a chance before he knocked him out. The temptation to just kill them all was there. It'd be too damn easy to do it too.
That's not what his family would have wanted though. And it was certainly not the person that Hano and Ryu needed their father to be. He could allow himself to be a monster to his enemies. But not a killer. Not a murderer. He did have blood on his hands. But he wasn't proud of it. Each time this happened, it was a desperate moment where he had to make a decisive decision right then and there. And he didn't have many options. He didn't like it but that was the reality he was in at that time. He tried to avoid that. Whenever he could. For his family's sake. For his sons' sake. For the sake of all of his friends. And most importantly for his own sanity. Rushing in towards the next batch of guys, he quickly took one and slammed him to the ground before rushing him to punch the next guy.
Afterwards, he launched himself at another, slamming into the ground and throwing him at the last guy. Once they were all down, he continued to rush towards the next level using a grappling hook to save his energy. He'll need it for the Long haul.He certainly had a big fight ahead of him. Still 300 more hostiles between him and Hano.
Back to the aftermath, Chi-Chi quickly moved over and grabbed her son by the arm, putting it over her shoulder to become a support wait for him. She looked at him with a gentle look. She understood why he did what he did tonight. It was always hard to see either her husband or her children in the state that the Son that she was helping to walk ended up injured like this. "But you still have your limits, Kaka," she reminded him. "Not even your father was able to win every battle unscathed. And neither could Gohan or Goten."
Those words really got to Goku Jr but not in a way that angered him. "I'm not scared of dying, Mom," he finally admitted. "I'm scared of not being there to protect my kids.” Chi-Chi paid attention to what her son was saying and she could hear the fear in his voice. The doubt. "What kind of father would I be if I'm not there to protect them and keep them safe? Especially at their age now?" She can relate. He was her son. He was talking about her grandsons. His children. And although he is sometimes reckless, sometimes it's due to his desperation, like tonight. However no one was perfect and she had to accept that. She had to do that a long time ago.
"I don't want them to lose their father," Chi-Chi calmly told Goku Jr. "And I sure as hell don't want to lose you either. I want you to remember that you are not alone in this fight, not just to keep all reality safe, but to keep your family safe as well. Your brothers are going to be there for you. Me and your father too.” Goku Jr only paid attention to what his mother was saying. Sometimes he needed to be reminded of this and this was something that he would always forget. He wasn't alone. "As much as you are going to be there for your sons. I'm also going to be there for MY sons. Even you. You may not have any of my human blood, but that doesn't change the fact that you're MY son.”
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the-last-human-war · 3 months
GodofWar Punisher WarMachine FutureWinterSoldier MolagBal Sauron
God of War Weapons List. Iron Man & Batman the God of Intelligence. The Merciless wielding the Helm of Ares and the Godkiller Sword. Spawn or Blade or Punisher on Steroids. The Doomslayer of Martian Myth, or the Doomguy. Lobo. Deadpool. Kratos. Thanos. The Mandarin. Neo. Shujinko. John Wick. Shang Chi. Mega-Man God of War SHOCKER. The Mandalore King Sith Lord. Survival, Protection of Clan, and All Forms of Preservation is always the Secret Key. Otherwise, it's all just Destruction, Ruin, and Purge... Or Coveting, Jealousy, and Tyranny of the Returning Village Raiding Beast - Invasion of Snakes, Goblins, & Wolves. War should only be waged against Titans, Angels, Demons, Nations of Lunatics, Chaos Beasts, and the Purge of Living Plague Beings & Hunting to Reduce the Population of Vermin Beast Infestation. And Nations of Cardinal Sinners whom are technically Lunatics. Tony Stark Resume - Military Armament Manufacturer & Arms Dealer. Mechanical, Electrical, & Nuclear Engineer. Tactical Suit & Drone Programs: Juggernaut Warsuits, Goliath Mecha-suits, and Pilot Exo-Suits. All War Machines obviously. Bio-Engineering, A.I. Neural Interfaces, Bio-Physics. Quantum Theorist. Indie Car Certified. Tony Stark Resume Contd. - Currently in Development: Hammer of Dawn Program, Spartan II Program, Robocop, TITANFALL Program, Jaeger Program, Anthem Pilot Program, Skynet, Ultron, Project Megatron & Project Galvatron. Co-Author of: METAL GEAR Program, Scarab Program, and Imperial Gorilla Walker Program alongside BIG BOSS.
Table of Contents, Master List of Weapons Lists:
1. Full Ninja & Samurai Arsenal
2. Lightsaber & Star Wars Weapons
3. God of War Weapons List. Main Feature Versatile List of Specialty Weapons that prove the Most Leverage in Battle
4. God of War - War Machines, Vehicles, Ammo types, Technology, Tactical Gadgets, Defenses, Uncommon Offense, Other Armaments & Provisions, All Warfare and Strategies
Full Ninja & Samurai Arsenal (All Straight Swords are slightly Curved, except for Ninjato.)
1. Katana
2. Tachi (Musashi) - ? - Samurai Long Sword. Slightly longer than Katana. Either Straighter than Katana or more Curved. 🖤 1 of 2
3. Ninjato
4. Hooked sword
5. Wakizashi
6. ? - Samurai Long Sword. Slightly longer than Katana. Either Straighter than Katana or more Curved.🖤 1 of 2
7. ? - Extra Long Curved Sword
8. ? - Extra Long Straight Sword
9. ? - Super Long Demon ONI Sword
10. ? - Short Katana
11. (If I remember correctly) Tanto - Mini Wakizashi
12. Swift Ninjato - Short Blade with Long & Curved Thick Handle, and Round Pommel (So Shinobi Assassins can Quickdraw a few Deathstrokes, and Dip out DEUCES!! NINJA VANISH!!) Strike, Evade, Vanish.
13. Sai
14. Bo Staff
15. Nunchacku
16. Shuri Kenjutsu - Stars
17. Shuri Kenjutsu - Daggers
18. Pouches - CH CH CH CHERRY BOMB!!
19. Pouches - Smoke Bomb. Ninja Vanish!!
20. Pouches - Emetic Poison Bomb - Choking or Vomiting
21. Poison Darts - Shuriken & Blow-Dart Gun
22. Blow-Dart Gun
23. Compound Bow - Sniper
24. Crystal Ball Launcher - Sniper
25. Chain Spear
26. Grappling Hook
27. Iron Knuckles
28. Iron Shoes
29. Climbing Gloves
30. Climbing Shoes
31. Forearm Spikes
32. Assassin Claws
33. Hidden Blade - Dagger
34. Hidden Blade - Hook - Ezio Revelations
35. Hidden Blade - Sword
36. Hidden Blade - Shuriken Shooter
37. Hidden Blade - Toe Knife
38. Stealth Suction Gloves
39. Stealth Shoes
40. Tactical Backpack - Hard & Aerodynamic
41. Utility Belt
42. All-type Vision Goggles
43. Gliding Wings or Billion Dollar Spellunking Cape
44. Deployable Bubble Ball
45. Winch - Grappling
46. Winch - Bladed
47. Winch - Tazer
48. Kenpo Electric Batons
49. Electric Iron Staff
50. Bladed Whip
51. Cat o 9 Tails
52. Urumi Whip Sword
53. Sling Shot - Steel Pellets
54. Sling Shot - Paint Balls - to Shame them
55. Sling Shot - Spikes
56. Sling Shot - CH CH CH CHERRY BOMB!! 🖤🖤🖤 I love Pellets they're really Fun you can put Anything in them.
57. Sling Shot - Smoke Bomb
58. Sling Shot - Stun Pellets
59. Sling Shot - Fire Pellets
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Worlds Collide 5: Four Down
Ronin was sent to 2fort by Odalia, she had intercepted an encrypted communication that ordered the Heavy Weapons Guy, Charles Calvin, and Worf to stop the terrorist corgi and Daisy Kaboom. Ronin spots the helicopter, before firing the literal gun at it. The bullet damaged the rotors, causing it to crash into a building, killing several civilians. Ronin shot Worf before he could react. Heavy yelled “Aaaaagh,” and unloaded his weapon. Ronin ducked behind a chimney, before shooting the neck of a lion statue. “Try to stay a-HEAD ahahaha” Ronin cackled. The statue’s head tumbled down, crushing the Heavy. A nearby building exploded, alerting Ronin of the location of next two targets. Ronin looked at Charles, seeing him crumpled on the floor, believed him to be dead. Ronin used his suit’s collapsible wings to fly to the other side. He swooped behind the unsuspecting targets and threw two explosive shurikens. The throwing stars hit the targets’ backs. Daisy Kaboom pulled the shurikens out of their backs, only for the explosives to go off in their faces.
(remember when the worlds collided buildings were misplaced). (this is why there is a museum with a giant lion statue on it’s roof in 2fort).
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areiml · 6 years
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THE TURKS & THEIR ATTITUDES IN AN ARGUMENT [2/3] Phew, here’s the 2nd part! Still figuring out how some characters of part 3 may act though
Part 1 | Part 3
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flying-nightwing · 4 years
Act I: The Gala
Oh hey! I’m still alive! I decided to do a mini serie finally, it’s a four part fic that will be done in separate posts because I have enough words to do it that way. Also because I’m slow and I don’t want you to wait until I finish all four parts. So this is the introduction, enjoy!
PS: As mentionned before, I don’t feel like I’m an expert on Tim so I might write him ooc sometimes. This is kinda experimental so I can try to adjust myself.
Masterlist in bio / pinned
Part 2 out now!
Pairing: Tim Drake x Gender neutral reader
Word count: 2228
Warnings: regular amount of violence, language
Summary: You are doing an amazing job at being one of the most succesful hitman in Gotham, going through clean and unnoticed everytime you were deployed on a job. Well, that is until you meet Tim and get a little too intrigued.
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“Oh shit--” 
You stumbled backward a little bit when a shoulder collided with yours, looking aside just in time to see champagne flowing out of a glass flute in the hands of the man who bumped into you. You took one step aside, watching the liquid float right past you and drop on the floor instead of on your suit. Your eyes trailed up the man’s arm and shoulder to finally set on his face. 
“Sorry!” He flinched, inspecting your outfit to be sure none of his champagne ruined it. “I didn’t see you there, are you--”
“It’s fine” You finally spoke up, giving him a hint of a smile. “Have a good evening, sir”
He returned the smile for a brief moment, then furrowed his eyebrows. But you were already gone by the time he opened his mouth again, leaving him half baffled behind you. You didn’t have the time for pleasantries, as you were on a mission. You walked through the crowd, your pace even and relaxed as not to bring suspicion on yourself. Dressing up to fit in with Gotham’s elite was only half of the job, the other was acting like you belonged. Luckily for you, you had experience in that too.
You checked your watch. You had ten minutes until the Mayor’s discourse. Then, you visually sweeped the room, leaning on the bar and flagging the waiter. Soon enough, he was by your side and taking your order.
“Whiskey sour” You said, and he nodded, leaving again to make the drink. Your glance returned to the room, spotting your guys slowly but surely getting in position. One by one, they placed themselves around the exit doors, their suits matching those of the doormen. You had also a few waiters, who walked up the room towards the stage with their platters. Everything was going on smoothly. You glanced down at the glass being put down and thanked the waiter, grabbing your drink and leaving the bar.
You left the bar and headed for the employees door, swirling the liquid in the glass but never drinking it. You threw it in a plant as you were walking by, your actions quick and almost unnoticeable. You circled around one more time before facing the crowd, making sure no one was looking in your direction, before you disappeared behind the door. You avoided the busy staff and crossed the room, heading for the staircase on the other side. You climbed on the second floor and found the bathroom, going in and locking the door behind you. You undid the screws of the ventilation grill and pulled out a duffel bag, in which was hidden your change of clothes. You quickly took off your suit and changed into the tactical gear, buckling on your utility belt and clipping on your bulletproof vest as well as your thigh holsters. You verified the magazines on your guns, slipping them into the holsters and making sure your grenades were not stuck anywhere. Finally, you took the last piece in the bag.
You started back at the gas mask in your hands, until you strapped it to your face and adjusted the straps. Then, you were off.
You reached the balcony as a woman finished announcing the Mayor with a bright smile, clapping and stepping away from the podium. The mayor took her place, waving to the people and mouthing thanks to the crowd. He tapped on the microphone, then cleared his throat. 
“Thank you, people of Gotham” He began as you tied your grappling line to the marble rail. “This half year has been a challenging one for this council, with the new reform proposition--”
A loud pop went off, followed by the dispersion of a thick smoke over the room. The people began screaming as the guards flanked the mayor before they couldn’t see him anymore. You jumped from the balcony, sliding down your grappling line until you landed in the circle like a cat. The soft thud was barely audible under the noises of panic, but your presence was felt almost instantly. Your hand reached for your gun as the guards turned around, but they didn’t have the time to do anything before you shot them down one by one. You then grabbed the mayor by the neck as he was trying to escape, pressing the still hot barrel of your gun to his temple. 
“Good evening, Mr. Mayor” You greeted, watching as four masked gentlemen in white suits and semi automatics flanked you. You nodded at them to cover you and turned around, launching the escape part of the plan. “I’ll need you to come with me now”
You dragged the sweating mayor along, unbothered by the gunshots behind you. The entire plan rested on your ability to be fast before the numerous vigilantes of Gotham had the time to show up. The police were already there, but they weren’t competent enough on their own to stop you. You navigated the building easily through the smoke, your trajectory clear and memorized from the blueprints you had closely studied. Soon enough, you reached the garages, where the rest of your team waited in a van. The four men around you formed a defensive parameter, covering each side until you reached the van’s door. You threw the mayor in the van and jumped behind, covering your guys at your turn until they jumped in too. 
The tires made smoke as the driver speeded away from the garage, making sharp turns as he followed the path out on the garage. 
“Wait, what was that?”
“I can’t see it anymore--” 
“On your right!”
The passenger side window exploded and a small beeping device latched on the dash. Your team seemed confused by it, but you reacted on an impulse. You leaned in between the two front seats and pulled the bat shaped device out, throwing it outside just in time for it to explode in a blinding flash. You gave an exasperated look to your crew, pulling yourself away from the front area.
“Let me handle this” 
You snatched a semi automatic from someone and reached for the roof window, sliding it open with a tug. You pulled the step from the floor and stood up on it, passing your arms and head through the hole. You looked around for the vigilantes, seeing almost nothing in the darkness, until you noticed a blur of red. You raised your gun to shoot, but you realized last second it had been a distraction. You raised your left arm just in time to deflect a fast coming shuriken, which sliced your sleeve and your skin underneath. You hissed, but you kept eye on the target and shot the red one. You knew you didn’t quite hit the mark, but it was enough to slow him down. Then, you turned to the darked figure you could now see from closer.
The Batman.
He was on his motorcycle, tailing you. You dropped back into the van and went for the back doors, kicking them open. You shot immediately in front of you, forcing him to dodge your fire. Your bullet ricocheted on the bike, but it was enough to blind him momentarily. You threw the gun aside when it was out of bullets, instead grabbing the two grenades in your utility belt. You unpinned them and waited three seconds before letting them roll onto the ground. He saw you coming however, and braked on time to avoid the blow. You looked back into the windshield, you were almost out of the underground parking. You noticed the red vigilante coming out of the smoke, still hot on your trail.
You smirked under your mask before closing the doors again. “It’s time for the warhead”
The man to your left pulled an underseat compartment, picking the heavy weapon with two hands and passing it to you. You grabbed the handle and supported it as you returned to your roof window, and peeked your head through once again. This time, you didn’t have a semi automatic. You had a rocket launcher. 
You ignored the vigilante behind as you instead interested yourself for the police line that gradually came into view. You took your aim, and didn’t waste time to fire. The recoil sent your back onto the frame of the window, but your bulletproof vest absorbed most of the shock. The police, however, had no chance, bulletproof vest or not. The explosion carved a burning hole in the line, which was more than enough for the van to slip through. You dropped back down inside and closed the window behind you, knowing the plan had succeeded. 
You sat back on the side benches, observing the terrified mayor that was seated and bound on the other side of the van. One more triumph under your belt.
“Right under our nose” 
Bruce looked up at Tim, who hadn’t spoken the entire ride back. Well, until now. They had met back at the batcave after the gala’s fiasco and had only exchanged sighs as they tried to trace back what had gone wrong. Bruce’s cowl was sitting on the desk beside him, but he was still in full gear in his computer seat. Tim was pacing around, his mask in his hands and his cape already handing on its support, his mind focused on finding out how they could have let the mayor slip away like that.
“We were there,” He continued. “The response time was optimal, and yet...”
“Whoever they were, they knew what they were doing” Bruce spoke, his voice levelled and stern. “They accounted for our presence around, they timed their exit to the last second, and they showed discipline. They weren’t amateurs”
“I noticed they were fast” Tim nodded. “Usually, people like them like to make a show out of it, they make sure they are seen doing the kidnapping. They didn’t do that. They smoked the room in an effective way, even with masks they were blind too. They didn’t even shoot the crowd, and the gas wasn’t lethal”
“What does that tell us?”
“They had no personal stakes in the kidnapping,” Tim replied. “They were hired guns, high profile, probably under the paycheck of someone notorious if it involved the mayor. I’m thinking a political endgame here, someone who has interest to blackmail the city but not to cause a mess”
“Excellent thinking” Bruce said, standing up. "The safest guess is to go with crime families, but this will need to be looked into. We’ll have to go back to city hall to try and find out clues to help us determine who the mercenaries were exactly, and we can go on from there”
It was easy to come to the conclusion a crime family would be behind this. The tensions in between the turfs and their leaders were higher than usual, with levels of violence Bruce hadn’t seen in a while. He just hoped this wouldn’t end up in a gang war, as he was already dealing with a lot of other problems already. 
“Should we go tonight?”
Bruce took a moment to answer, looking at the wall in front of him. “I’ll ask Gordon what he could do for us”
After two switches of vans, you finally pulled up in a fancy driveway, barely lit up by torches along the road. You took a path to circle the house, coming to a stop in front of a smaller, separated building further down the estate. You glanced at the mayor’s now covered head before standing up and pushing the back doors open. You jumped out first, then let the crew escort the hostage inside. 
“Well done, (Y/N)” Slow clapping made you turn to your side, seeing none other than Carmine Falcone walking toward you. “Your talents never cease to amaze me”
You pulled off your mask and nodded politely at his praise. “Thank you sir” 
“You didn’t run into any major problem, did you?” He asked as he invited you to walk with him to the main building. It was a secondary house right out of Blüdhaven he kept strictly for business matters, and his one home you operated from.
“The Bat and his red pupil showed up” You mentioned. “But it was nothing a machine gun and a couple of grenades couldn’t handle”
He laughed, giving you a firm tap on the back. “Glad to hear you say it”
You walked inside the house right behind him, nodding at the guards around the sliding doors. He stopped in the living room, plopping down a brown leather chair and pouring himself a scotch. He then lit up a cigar and snapped his fingers. Soon after, a man in a dark blue suit brought a briefcase forward, which was then handed to you. 
“The other half of the pay, plus a bonus for your loyalty”
“Thank you” You said as you picked the briefcase. You had been working for Falcone long enough for you not to feel the need to count the money, you knew it was all there as promised.
“I have a next assignment for you, if you are up for it” He spoke up again as he blew some smoke. You raised an interested eyebrow, and he grinned. “Three days from now, this pay plus 7k for a clean job”
“I’m in”
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Universe Jumping
Rose stood outside the building. The black pant suit she wore was uncomfortable over her body armor and hidden weapons - knives, shuriken, her twin blades and even a small hand gun strapped to the inside of her thigh. Rachel was waiting on a rooftop nearby, they had agreed that her magic wasn’t necessary for this mission. It was a simple infiltrate and rescue type thing and S.H.I.E.L.D, for all their bedazzle and secrecy, weren’t anything Rose couldn’t deal with by herself. 
Rachel had stolen a security card for her the previous day, while Rose had been in the abandoned building across the street, trying to figure out the layout of the S.H.I.E.L.D base. Rachel was lucky that her magic allowed her to shape shift, it would have been very difficult to go unnoticed with her dark purple hair, grey skin and red headstone that glowed every once in a while. She had taken the liberty of turning Rose’s silver hair brown and temporarily healing her eye, which was very much appreciated. 
Rose thought back to the conversation she’d had with the demon not ten minutes ago and smiled softly to herself. 
“Be careful in there.” Rachel had said, “I know you are very much capable of defending yourself but I worry sometimes. Just go in, get Jason, try to avoid people like Romanoff the best you can and I’ll see you out here in half an hour.” 
Rose remembered smiling then too, “I love that you worry about me, even though it’s rather unnecessary. It’s cute,” she had tapped Rachel’s nose and leaned in to give her a kiss, “I swear on Gar’s love for stupid video games that I will get in and out with minimal trouble but I can’t promise that I won’t accidentally kill someone on the way.” 
Rachel had shrugged and grinned, “Good enough for me, now go and rescue that idiot before he makes an even bigger problem than jumping across multiverses. Does he know how exhausting it is to open portals across multiverses, if he’s not dead already I’ll probably kill him myself.” 
“I better go. I’ll let you know if I run into any trouble and need some help.” She had said, though she highly doubted that even if she did run into Romanoff she would have a problem.   
Now, Rose glanced once up at Rachel before walking down the busy shop street in her impractical yet doable 3 inch heels towards the S.H.I.E.L.D building that despite appearing to be just another corporate company, it screamed shady government division to Rose. It just had that look about it.
Without her eye-patch -- which she strangely missed -- people barely gave her a second glance. Most of the agents around her were also in black suits, some even had shades which in her opinion was way too on the nose. Trust Jason to end up in a place like this. 
She hadn’t seen him in over five years, not since before he died. Rose had broken up with him about two months before his death, and had been devastated to hear what had happened to him. Now she had heard that he had come back to life eight months later and had told no one, but reappeared five years later with a vengeance and a smoking addiction that were both likely to kill him. 
He’d even developed a habit for murder, even worse than Rose’s -- which was hard to do if she was being honest. 
She reached the check-in point at the end of the room and gave the woman sitting behind the desk an easy smile. Rose’s father had drilled that smile into her, make people feel at ease, make them trust you with a few nice words and stab them through the back afterwards. 
The woman took the security card from her and scanned it through the system -- Samantha Marshall, 24 years old, Clearance Level 5, whatever that meant. Rose was going to break into anything, as long as she got what she wanted.  There were no problems and Rose quickly took the card back before moving through the turnstile and heading towards the elevator. 
“Any problems?” Rachel asked, with what seemed like boredom laced through her tone. Despite her worry earlier on she trusted Rose to be able to take care of herself on missions like these. 
 She tapped at the earpiece before replying, “Nope, for top secret security logistics division it’s surprisingly lax on security. We should probably stay off comms though, it might look suspicious if I look like I'm talking to myself. Thanks for checking in.” 
Rachel gave her a quick, “No problem” before turning off the comms. Just then, the elevator opened and three agents stepped out and Rose stepped in. She didn’t actually know where in the building Jason was, she was actually planning on torturing the information out of someone in the back of a supply closet. It wasn’t one of her greatest plans but it was far from being one of her worst. At least if anything went wrong, there was a demon sorceress capable of destroying the universe outside. 
Just as the doors were about to close, another woman stepped inside. They gave each other a quick nod before they both turned to face the closed doors. Rose recognised the woman as Melinda May from her brief hacking trip through S.H.I.E.L.D’s systems. May was almost as skilled as Natasha Romanoff and had developed a nickname in The Cavalry. She smiled to herself, and decided to have a little fun and take advantage of being in a universe where no one had ever heard of her. 
“I hear they call you The Cavalry around here.”  She got barely a nod in response, but she could tell by May’s subtle change in body language that Rose was irritating her. “I’d say i’m a fan of your work but I didn’t know you existed until two days ago. Besides there are cooler nicknames to have.” 
She could hear May’s slight intake of breath and almost grinned. Rose liked fucking with people like May, they had a tough exterior that’s usually enough to get people running in fear, but had certain topics or issues that caused that exterior to crack when poked at. 
“Do you have any suggestions for a ‘cooler’ nickname then?” May’s tone was flawless, no trace of any annoyance or irritation to be found. 
“A few, none that you’d be interested in.” Rose turned to grin at her. Finally the doors opened allowing Rose to step onto the floor and to say without turning back, “It was nice meeting you May.” 
As she made her way through the building she glanced at the various agents passing by her in the halls, trying to find one likely to give her the information she needed. Rose found them in Jonathan Clarke. Dabbing a bit of chloroform onto a handkerchief she pulled her pocket, she waited in a corner for Mr Clarke to walk by. She didn’t have to wait long, he only managed to struggle for a few seconds before the knock out drug took affect. The hardest part of the whole thing was dragging him into a nearby closet without making a mess. 
“Hey, Rae. I was wondering if you could let up on the magic? I was hoping to do the rest of this as myself.” 
She didn’t get a reply but a quick glance at her shoulder saw that her hair had returned to its silver and Rose assumed that her eye-patch had returned. She ripped off the pant suit, her ‘Ravager’ outfit underneath. The guy was starting to wake up so she pulled out a few of her knives and got to work. 
He lasted longer than she’d expected but not long enough that it was difficult -- or fun. Rose left him in supply closet to bleed out but left the door open so that if he was lucky someone found him before he died. She ignored the fact that there were security cameras at every turn. No one here could stop her unless they had a rocket launcher on hand.
There was already blood on her face when the first agent tried to take her down. There was some in her hair by the time she was finished with him. Five more came running at her. A flick of Rose’s wrist brought three of them down with knives in their chests. Whipping out a blade she blocked a bullet to her left and slit a throat on her right before stabbing the agent who had dared to try shoot her. 
 Alarms blared around her and lights flared, illuminating the rooms and halls in a red hue. It seemed fitting for the state of affairs Rose was currently dealing with. She reached the stairwell and began climbing. The agent had told her Jason was on the 7th floor so Rose cut her way through S.H.I.E.L.D agents until she reached that floor. 
There was a small army of agents waiting when she finally opened the door to the 7th floor. Rose just managed to duck behind a desk before they opened fire. She took a deep breath. She really hated doing this, even though the bullets wouldn’t kill her they still hurt like a bitch. She grit her teeth and jumped back out into the fray. Two bullets pierced her shoulder and Rose let out one quiet cry of pain before whipping out five shuriken, each one finding their targets in five agents. Her twin blades cut through the remaining agents easily. Her clothes, hair and armor was soaked with blood, some of it was her own. 
Two more agents shot at her from behind and her back arched in pain before she turned to face them and got three more bullets in the chest. Rose let out a cry of anger and ran at them. Sliding onto the floor, Rose kicked at Agent 1’s leg, hard enough to break bone. In the same moment, she swept Agent 2 off their feet and brought a sword straight through his chest until it hit the floor boards underneath. 
She quickly jumped to her feet, glanced around at the blood covered room and grinned. Agent 2 let out a scream when she pulled her sword from his chest and Agent 1 -- who was the agent with the best chance of living as he only had a broken leg -- practically pissed his pants when she licked one of her knives clean. 
Five minutes later -- god this building was huge -- she was striding down the final hallway towards her friend. Rose kicked in the door, and found Jason sitting in a chair across from Phil Coulson, Clint Barton and Natasha fucking Romanoff. He was in a complete state of calm, at least until she came charging through the door, then he had turned pale. 
Romanoff had pulled out a gun and was about to pull the trigger when Jason stood up, “Stop, stop! She’s a friend. Besides, bullets would do nothing.”  The assassin turned S.H.I.E.L.D agent gave both of them a strange look before standing down. Coulson and Barton had stood up by then, but Rose didn’t care. She only saw Jason. 
“Is it really you?” She whispered, tears in her eyes. Jason only nodded. Then he pulled her into a hug, ignoring her blood stained attire. Rose allowed herself one moment to appreciate that he was here before she pulled back and punched him across the face. She was pretty sure she heard a crack. Romanoff had her gun up again and Barton leaped across the desk to tackle her. Rose quickly put him in a headlock and faced Romanoff to tell her to put the gun down when Jason stood up again and stood between them. 
“Rose, Natasha stop please.” 
Rose growled at him before releasing Barton. “You’re such a piece of shit Jason. We mourned for you. Dick had a mental fucking breakdown. And you were alive the last five years?” She was yelling now, poking at his chest, getting blood all over his $5000 suit. “I get the whole revenge crusade. Trust me I get it but the Titans were your family. I was your family in a way and you not only died, but you came back to life and decided not to tell anyone for five motherfucking years. Then when we finally realize it’s you, you decide to start universe jumping?”  Coulson, Barton and Romanoff all looked utterly confused by Rose’s speech but said nothing. “Oh, by the way there are about fifty agents outside dying. You might want to take care of that.” 
Jason looked horrified at that, “You killed the agents outside?”  She rolled her eyes, “It’s not any worse than anything you’ve ever done, so cut the hypocritical bullshit. Besides I thought you were being held hostage.” 
Coulson pulled out his phone and Rose assumed he was getting medics to the agents outside but he didn’t leave the room. Instead he turned to Jason, “Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on.” 
Jason let out a sigh, “Coulson, Clint, Natasha meet Rose. She’s an...old friend.” 
 Rose scoffed, “Old friend doesn’t even begin to cover it.” She turned to face them. “Jason and I are from another universe, another multiverse, where I am the daughter of one of the world’s most dangerous assassins and Jason is the adopted son of Batman, the one who died five years ago but came back to life God knows how and became a crime lord and a serial killer. No judgement on the serial killer thing, I’m not much better.” 
 No one said anything so Rose continued on, turning back to Jason, “By the way Rachel is waiting outside and preparing to skin you alive. Do you have any idea how much it drains her to open portals across multiverses?” 
Jason had the sense to look guilty, “Shit, on a scale of 1-10 how mad is she? Like will she do that creepy thing with her eyes or will she summon a demon monster to torture me.” 
Barton interrupted Rose before she got a chance to answer, “What the fuck is going on? Coulson why haven’t we taken her into custody? She just killed thirty people and…” 
“Shit. Thirty died. I am so sorry about that,” Rose interrupted. “Just give me a sec and I’ll fix all this.”  Natasha -- who haden’t spoken up until then -- said, “How are you going to fix the murders of thirty people?” 
Rose ignored her and turned her comms back on, “Hey babe.” Jason looked at her then, she waved him off. “Yeah im fine. Guess what, Jason actually isn’t being held hostage and I just killed thirty of his friends so I was wondering of you could do some of your wiggly woos with your fingers?”  She didn’t get a reply but a large purple circle suddenly appeared at the wall and Rachel stepped through it, still in her casual wear of a crop top with jeans and sunglasses. 
Romanoff must have an itchy trigger finger because the second Rachel stepped into the room shots were fired, which she stopped with a lazy hand raised. Rose however pulled out her sword and glared at the assassin, “Don’t you dare shoot at my girlfriend again.” 
Rachel put a hand on her shoulder, whispering that she was fine. Jason was trying not to stare them. He was clearly startled at their whole relationship and he was probably scared of getting flayed by Rachel in the middle of Phil Coulson’s office
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