#she was like the least egotistical and most laid-back person and
13eyond13 · 1 year
mogi please!
MOGI + Realistic Headcanon:
He's one of those guys who takes very good care of his mother and his grandmothers and checks on them and visits them multiple times a month
MOGI + Not Necessarily Realistic, but Hilarious Headcanon:
He's actually got a higher IQ than both L and Light, but neither he nor anybody else actually knows that or notices it (seriously, HOW did he single-handedly and nonchalantly research every single doctor on earth for Light that one time??)
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MOGI + Heartcrushing Headcanon:
The only thing that crushes my heart about Mogi is that Misa didn't appreciate his cooking skills nearly enough
MOGI + Disregarding Canon Headcanon:
Sometimes I like to imagine he is closeted and secretly gay, which I imagine wasn't Ohba's canon intention with him when making him the strong silent type
[headcanon ask meme]
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pastanest · 1 year
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x she/her!reader
spoilers: set in season 3
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Right Person, Right Time
It all seemed to pass by so quickly. You were sitting with Lori, holding her as she sobbed on her bed while Shane threw her clothes into some bags. In the blink of an eye, you, Shane, Lori and Carl were on the road together, stuck in a line of traffic that would last longer than some people’s lives. It took the world to end for you to spend more than five minutes in Shane’s presence, Lori and Rick had kept you and Shane apart since high school, and for good reason - you had an instinctual disliking to each other for reasons that you couldnt name because you didnt know each other well enough. But sitting in that car for hours told you exactly what you had always suspected: he was nothing more than an egotistical toe of a man that thought he was sex on legs. Even back then, you saw Lori leaning on the only man she had left in her life, or at least that’s what she thought. As if the situation couldnt get any worse, the family you befriended, Carol and Sophia, had another asshole of a man with them, too.
Once you all found the camp, you watched in horror as Shane assumed the role of leader. Someone like him should never be in charge. When Lori and Shane would go off together, and you stayed back at the camp hanging out with Carl, those were the moments you missed Rick most. He and Lori had been your best friends, you were the one that set them up in high school, and you couldnt believe he was gone.
With everyone new that joined the camp, you had more distractions from Shane, and your personal favourite distraction, from the moment you laid eyes on him, was none other than Daryl Dixon. Him and his brother arrived at the camp during one of the countless arguments between you and Shane that ended in you giving him a piece of your mind.
“None of these people will say shit to you ‘cause you’ve scared them into thinking you’re some kind of leader, like you’ll kick them out if they dare defy you! Guess what, gumdrop?” You crossed your arms and tilted your head to the side. “I will never fucking stop telling you how it is, or calling you out for being a fucking asshole, because that’s exactly what you are!” You started taking slow steps towards Shane as you continued, not caring how loud you were being. “You can threaten me, you could beat me to the fucking ground, and I would get right back up to spit right in your smug face! I dont need to be physically stronger than you to put you in your place, so read the fucking room and dont test me.” By the time you finished your rant, you were mere centimetres apart from the ticking time bomb known more commonly as Shane.
You didnt even give him the chance to talk, you stormed off into the woods, straight past the new arrivals.
“Well, this is gonna be fun!” The older brother laughed, while the younger brother stared off after you.
It wasnt until you had cooled off and returned to the camp that you truly noticed Daryl. You happened to glance at him a couple of seconds before Carl ran up to you, and you crouched down to hug him, apologising for running off and worrying him. Carl ran back to Lori when she called him for dinner, and then you turned your attention to the new face.
“Hey, sorry you had to see my outburst earlier. I promise Im not always on a rampage.” You chuckled lightly, feeling a little awkward.
Daryl shook his head at you. “Don’ worry, yer good.”
You smiled at him gratefully. “Thanks. My name’s (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you...?”
“Daryl.” He answered.
“It’s nice to meet you, Daryl. I hope we get the chance to talk more.” Your smile widened when you noticed the corner of his mouth beginning to curl into the smallest smile of his own.
“Same t’ you.”
The two of you didnt talk much, but the way he viewed you was different to how he viewed the rest of the people at the camp, purely because of who he saw you were the second he saw you. There was so much fire, strength, and power in you, but when you calmed down you were kind and welcoming, which was more than could be said for the rest of the people there. Then again, Merle didnt exactly make it easy for Daryl to make friends.
Rick’s arrival broke you, it really did. When he broke free from hugging his sobbing wife and son, he laughed with tears in his eyes at the sight of you.
“Of course you’re here!” Rick chuckled in disbelief, pulling you into a hug and kissing the top of your head.
“Even the end of the world wont stop me sticking around to piss you off!” You cheered, wiping away your own tears.
It was an awkward situation, the whole camp was confused by Lori and Rick, considering they all assumed Lori and Shane were together. Nobody felt the way you did though, the anger, the disappointment - and when Lori came to you and made you promise not to tell Rick until she spoke to him about it - the guilt. But, you agreed, wanting to respect her and her business, her marriage. You couldnt understand why she did what she did, because you werent her, and you had voiced your disapproval of her antics with Shane since the start, but Lori was stubborn and devastated.
Things were so hectic in that area of your life, you didnt really have time to focus on anything else. You just took care of Carl, gave Shane endless shit, kept Lori’s secret and enjoyed being in the company of your best friends again. But when Rick revealed the way in which they’d left Merle handcuffed to a roof, you were the only one that stood up to defend Daryl’s anger.
“Rick, this was a shitty thing to do. We all know Merle can be an asshole, but he’s a human being! You wouldnt even leave an animal to die like that! If you wont go back and get him, I’ll go with Daryl myself.”
Daryl stared at you in shock, the two of you hadnt had more than short conversations in passing since meeting each other, and yet you were kind enough to stick up for him, for what was right. That was what solidified his trust in you.
As soon as the group settled on the farm, you noticed the changes in Lori. She didnt want to admit it to you, but you guessed outright that she was pregnant, and she never could lie to you. That also meant she couldnt lie about who she thought the father was, she honestly didnt know. That almost made you snap, you were so close to going right up to Rick and telling him everything, but you found yourself marching over to where the crossbowman was standing all by himself, staring out at the farm. Daryl heard you huffing and turned to greet you, but seeing your pissed off state, he stayed quiet. You paced in front of him, running your hands through your hair as hot tears stung your eyes. It was only when they broke free that Daryl couldnt fight the urge to speak up.
“Wha’s goin’ on?”
You took a deep breath and stopped walking. “I’ve promised to keep this is a secret, but they’re my best fucking friends, Daryl. How could she do this? Im the only one that knows and I cant do or say anything about it, I just have to support her because she’s gotten herself into this mess and now she’s stuck in it, and Im stuck with her! I have to keep it a secret for her, but she’s made it so much worse!”
Daryl frowned at you, trying to see if he could figure out what you were referring to by the little you were revealing.
“This is going to ruin Rick.” You shook your head, more tears rolling down your cheeks.
“Hey, Rick can handle himself, it aint right fer you to worry yerself like this.” Daryl spoke softer than you’d ever heard him speak to anyone else. You looked at him, an utterly devastated and hopeless expression on your face, and he kept talking. “Ya cant tell me, I get it, I wont make ya. But whatever’s goin’ on, the people involved will work it out. Sucks to be sat on the sidelines, but ya gotta let them do whatever they gotta do.”
You nodded slowly, unable to believe how the man who said so little had just said something so...right. “Thank you, Daryl.”
He shrugged you off. “‘s nothin’.”
You smiled at him. “Nothing you say is ever just ‘nothing’, and you should never think of it as that.”
Your words hit Daryl hard, he still felt the impact of them long after you’d walked away, his eyes following you until you disappeared into your tent.
Daryl kept his eye on you after that. He’d always watched out for you, noticed how you’d risked your life for Carl and Sophia by acting as a human shield. But upon watching closer after your conversation with him, Daryl saw you treating Lori a little differently, like she was more fragile all of a sudden. It was a very subtle change that nobody else seemed to pick up from. Whenever Rick was around, you didnt feel the need to, because he was there to protect Lori, but you took that role the moment he was a few feet away. It didnt take long for Daryl to figure things out, but he didnt confront you with what hew knew, because it’d only stress you out more, so he kept Lori’s secret too.
More than once, you found yourself wrapping a blanket around yourself and wandering over to Daryl’s camp at night, just to sit and talk with him. Sometimes not even talk. The company was enough, the separation from the stressful situation that overwhelmed you in the main camp. You always made the effort to bring Daryl a helping of whatever meal was prepared, even if he’d hunted something himself and was skinning it when you got there. He tried to refuse a couple of times, but gave up when he realised how stubborn you were.
By the time the farm fell, Lori’s secret was common knowledge. It was Daryl who rescued you, along with Carol, driving with the two of you awkwardly squashed on the back of his bike. That time spent on the road was rough, food was short, and anytime you did get food, Daryl would catch you giving at least half of your rations to Lori. And every time you did, Daryl would gesture for you to come and sit by him, only for him to offer you some of his own rations.
“Yer not gonna be no good to anyone if ya get sick.” He would tell you, and you would sigh and give in, not wanting to worry him.
Taking care of Lori made you discard the mere thought of caring for yourself, but Daryl made sure to do his best to make up for that.
The sight of the prison was enough to reduce you to happy, hopeful tears. You beamed at Daryl, sprinting into the main prison field at Rick’s side to take out as many walkers as you could. That night, Lori followed Rick in an attempt to patch up the areas of the relationship that she had ruined. Things had only gotten worse for them, what with Rick killing Shane in an act of self defence, and Lori being angry at Rick for that despite her trying to stir up a conflict between the two ever since he’d come back. You didnt agree with the way she’d handled any aspect of her relationship, but without Rick, and without Shane, you were all she had, the only form of love she could get that wouldnt feel forced by the friends around her. You watched her walk over to Rick, frowning subconsciously at them in immediate worry, until your eyes were pulled away. Opposite you, through the flames, Daryl sat, looking at you. When you looked back at him, he tilted his nose up at you, his way of asking you if you were alright, and you offered him a bright smile. Daryl couldnt resist letting his own smile slip out, and that time it wasnt as shy.
Your world came crashing down when a very bloody Maggie walked out of the prison holding a baby, beside a cold, distant looking Carl. Instincts took over, and you approached Maggie, opening your arms for her to pass you the baby so that Maggie could get the comfort she needed from Glenn. You held the baby close, crying silently, your tears rolling down your face onto the baby’s head as you quietly shushed her, rocking her in your arms as your best friend’s blood soaked through your shirt. Daryl gingerly approached you, the shock of the situation made him even less sure of what to do to help you feel better, but when you leant into his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and baby Judith.
Though one of your best friends was gone and your other best friend was absent in his grief, you had no time to let yourself feel either of their pain. There was a baby that needed to be cared for, and you would be damned if you let yourself slip and let her feel even more alone. Lori would never forgive you if you left her baby when Rick wasnt there. So, for the first small portion of Judith’s life, she lived in your arms. She slept in a cardboard box crib in your cell, so that anytime she woke up in the night, you were right there to console her. Every night, to help Judith get to sleep, you would walk her around the cellblock and sing to her. It was always the same song, and you always ended up singing to her when the two of you reached the perch.
“There’s a world where I can go and tell my secrets to-“ You smiled down at her lovingly. “-in my room, in my room. Now it’s dark and Im alone but I wont be afraid, in my room, in my room.” You placed a light kiss on her forehead as her eyes drifted closed.
In the midst of everything, Carl was struggling a lot more than he let on, and although you had been his cool aunt and close friend since he was born, he even fought to tell you anything. So you stopped trying to get him to, and instead you used actions. You’d deliberately walk by his cell with Judith every night, and if Carl wasnt asleep, you’d gesture for him to come with you, and he’d walk with you in silence as you sang. The walk would end back at his cell, where you’d tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead without a word. Carl didnt like to be referred to as a kid, so you tried your best not to make him feel like one, and you found that without verbalising things, it was easier for him to accept comfort.
As well as not being able to think about yourself, it often escaped your mind that Daryl was up in the perch most nights. The first few nights that he heard you sing, he would just sit and listen, sometimes even shed a tear or two because your voice always sounded so sad. After those first few nights, Judith and Carl werent the only ones you were singing to sleep with that song.
One day, out of the blue, he accidentally revealed that he heard overheard your singing because he was so curious as to where you got that song from.
“Wha’s the song ya sing to ‘er?” Daryl asked, and you smiled at him bashfully, blushing at the thought of him hearing you.
“It’s from Happy Feet, this animated movie about penguins, it was one of my all time favourites. Has a real good message about being yourself, finding yourself no matter how much the world throws at you, no matter how alone you feel. People will always find you again, people will love you for you. Even though the song doesnt say all that, I like to think that it’ll help her, somehow.” Your eyes glazed over with something sad, and you shook your head and walked away before Daryl could say anything else.
Once Rick returned, the weight of being an adoptive parent was somewhat lifted, and you finally allowed yourself to feel what you had lost. Daryl would often find you crying in your cell, and he would sit down beside you, not saying anything, just letting you cry on his shoulder for as long as you needed to. For a while, there were no words you could find that would express what you were feeling, the pain was silent and haunting, and so you cried.
Daryl wanders by your cell after lunch, listening carefully to see if he can hear you crying, and when he doesnt, he calls your name quietly to see if you’re in there. He gets no reply, and frowns to himself, immediately setting out on a one-man-search for you. After lunch, you always went to your cell to relax or cry by yourself for a little while before going back to work, you not being in there means something has changed. Daryl steps outside the prison and breathes a sigh of relief when he sees you in the field, sitting in the grass. Stepping through the gate, he realises where you’re sitting, and as he slowly walks closer, he understands why.
“...I really hope you can see her, she’s so beautiful. She has your eyes. I’ll take care of her, I promise.”
You nod to yourself, sniffle, wipe your eyes and stand to your feet. Turning around, you jump out of your skin, not expecting someone to be behind you.
“O-Oh, hey Daryl!” You greet him, smiling in surprise.
“Ya talkin’ to Lori?” Daryl asks gruffly, and you nod sadly, but dont say anything.
You somewhat expect Daryl to say something slightly rude without meaning to, it doesnt sound like something he’d agree with doing.
But he surprises you again, in an entirely different way.
“Bet she’s up there smilin’-“ Daryl looks up to the blue sky. “-aint nobody gonna protect that baby like us.” He meets your eyes again. “Yer doin’ a great thing, carin’ for little ass kicker.”
You laugh lightly at his nickname for Judith, your heart swelling at his words. “Thank you so much, Daryl. You’re really good with her, too.”
Daryl shrugs off your compliment, and the two of you stand in somewhat awkward silence for maybe half a minute, until Daryl asks you something you definitely werent expecting. “Kids sum’ ya want in yer future?”
Your eyes widen at his question, and you can see he’s about to retract it based on your reaction, so your expression softens. “Ever since I was little I’ve always wanted to be a mother, it would be a dream come true.”
Daryl nods. “I think ya’d be good at it.”
You chuckle. “Gotta find a man willing to settle down with the likes of me first!”
Daryl scoffs at that. “Ain’ hard, any guy would be lucky t’ end up with ya.”
You blush, looking down to hide your cheeks behind your hair as you try to divert his attention away from you. “Do you want kids someday, Daryl?”
He bites his thumb anxiously, shrugging. “Dunno...”
You stare at him with kind eyes, remembering the heartbreaking revelations he’s made to you about his childhood. “You’re not your dad, you would outdo him in every possible area of fatherhood, and that’s a fact. Dont let those fears get in the way of some kid having the coolest dad ever.”
Daryl shrugs. “Like ya said, gotta fin’ a girl willin’ t’ settle down with the likes o’ me first.”
You grin at him. “When you find a girl you want, let me know and I’ll be the world’s greatest wingman, ‘cause whoever she is, she needs to know she’s the luckiest girl in the world to have your attention.”
Daryl tilts his nose up at you, a smirk curling at the corner of his mouth. “Same t’ you when you fin’ a guy.”
You sigh, shaking your head and glancing around the field. “I’ve had my heart set on one guy for so long, if I was going to find someone else I think my heart would’ve given up on him by now, but it just wont quit. Think Im stuck!” You laugh at yourself in embarrassment, and Daryl scowls.
“Who? I’ll beat his ass if he cant see wha’s good for ‘im.”
Your suddenly shy gaze meets his. “Not sure it’s quite possible for you to beat your own ass, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
The confession finally takes centre stage, the words that have been waiting in the wings for the right time to escape you. They hang in the air, floating around Daryl much like the butterflies in his stomach.
“…Yer sure?” His voice is gruffer than usual, maybe even hoarse.
“Have been since the start, dont think it’s gonna change anytime soon.” You smile lamely, staring down at your shoes.
“Why didnt ya say nothin’?” Daryl asks gently.
You shrug, huffing slightly. “What would be the point? There’s no way someone as wonderful as you could think of me as anything more than a friend.”
Daryl doesnt take a second to think about his reply. “Says who?”
You roll your eyes at him playfully. “The laws of romance.”
“Screw them!” Daryl barks.
“Daryl...” You sigh, and he frowns at you.
“Do ya wan’ me to admit ma feelin’s or not?!”
You nod, avoiding his eyes as they burn into you. “Yeah, I just dont want you to feel pressured to, I feel like I’ve put you on the spot and this is a lot and-“
Daryl curs you off. “Had a while to think about all this, aint nobody else crossin’ my mind, ya don’ even cross it no more, yer there all the damn time.”
You burst out laughing at that, and Daryl cant help laughing with you, the tension that was building now evaporating into the air.
“So, you wanna become the world’s best parents together someday?” You raise an eyebrow at him teasingly.
Your question definitely stuns Daryl, he takes several seconds to recover and find an answer. “If i’s with you, sure.”
You grin. “Damn, we arent even dating and we’re already discussing having kids.”
He walks closer to you with a smile on his face. “One step at a time.”
You beam at him. “Baby steps?”
Daryl scoffs. “Stop.”
You giggle, taking ahold of his hand as the two of you turn to walk back into the prison. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.”
Daryl feels giddy, something he hasnt felt in a long time, a feeling he’d completely forgotten even existed. Your fingers intertwined with his, your words locked away safely in his heart for him to relive as many times as he possibly can. Nothing can be better than this, he thinks to himself. At least, he thinks that until you say something else.
“You got space up on that perch?”
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land-of-unsainted · 8 months
well this took way to long to get to
Anyways here’s the official main characters post
As mentioned before, every kingdom is based on a county in Europe, in case you have any questions about the random flags
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Marigold Magnolia, usually called Mari, is a citizen of Alderlot (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿), kingdom of plantlife, they were not born there however. They lived with their adoptive parents and helped them out with their restaurant while also working as a vigilante protecting their kingdom. the king and queen of Alderlot assigned them to leave to go out, find the escaped threat Princess Onyx and bring her back to her kingdom protect her from bounty hunters. Mari is very patient and laid back, very slow to anger but easily mildly annoyed. They’re a bit shy and speak in a flat tone. They hate plans changing and like to follow strict routines and patterns. They like playing the violin and writing poetry and are very skilled in both. After being annoyed by Onyx’s antics for a long time, they would eventually fall in love with her through means in which I cannot spoil. They get along very well with Triton and Anastasia but they don’t want to get close to anyone. They’re also autistic and have OCD
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Princess Onyx (she rarely uses her last names) is the princess of Duleahan (🇮🇪, father’s side), kingdom of death, mortality, and afterlife and also technically the kingdom of stone (🇭🇺, mother’s side), which I have yet to come up with a name for. Due to being born of two different royals, she is extremely powerful and is labeled as a threat to society, a badge she wears with absolute pride. She harnesses the ability to move mountains and masses of land, as well as the ability to raise the dead, talk to spirits, and even easily save a person’s life. Due to being the most powerful and dangerous person on earth, Onyx is kept safe in her father’s castle in Duleahan, but she would eventually escape after realizing she wanted to see the world for herself. this woman is fucking crazy. She’s a selfish, egotistical, self obsessed, snarky, smug, unhinged maniac who likes to kill people for fun. She knows she’s the most powerful person alive and abuses that label as much as possible. This has given her the title “Angel of Death”. She would kill an innocent person if she wanted to but she only kills demons and truly horrible people, not because she cares for the people affected by their actions, but because she gets a feeling of satisfaction from it that she doesn’t get from hurting innocents. Aside from that, she also loves reading both fiction and non fiction. She’s also very sex obsessed and will flirt and/or sleep with any woman or non binary adult that lets her. Onyx doesn’t exactly care what you say about her however she HATES being infantilized and will tear apart anyone who does as such. She loves to flirt endlessly with Mari just to mess with them until she realized she was in love with them and then suddenly flirting wasn’t so easy. She and Triton are best friends who constantly get into wacky shenanigans that usually end up in at least one bleeding corpse. She loves pissing off Anastasia though she doesn’t share the same hatred that Ana has for her. She’s also autistic and has c-ptsd, genetically inherited from her father.
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Prince Triton Thalassa is the prince of Poseidynthus (🇬🇷), kingdom of the seas. Unlike most other royals, Triton wasn’t born with any sort of magic (aside from the ability to breathe underwater, which all Poseidynthiens have), as a side affect of his twin sister, Siren, being cursed at birth. To make up for not inheriting the family power, the royal wizards gave him the ability to communicate with sea life and summon a trident at will. Due to this, he’s grown very close to the village people of his kingdom and sometimes helps them out with tasks while also fighting off criminals. Despite being the “weakest” of the four, he is a very skilled warrior and was tasked to join Marigold on their journey to find the escaped princess, Onyx. Triton is a very kind and selfless person, a little too much for his own good in fact. He’s a massive people pleaser and has a big savior complex. He gets attached to people easily and has horrible abandonment issues. He tries to stay positive but really he’s extremely depressed and filled with self hate. He has a problem with self destructive behavior and has thrown himself into many relationships throughout his life that end horribly and don’t even last a month. To add on to his list of issues he has really bad identity issues, questioning if he really is a royal or if he was lied to his whole life. Even though he is classified as a warrior he actually considers himself a guardian, and prefers fighting with the intention of protecting. Triton prefers to negotiate with his opponents before fighting and he doesn’t like to kill people, however he will absolutely fight someone if they are deemed a genuine threat. He loves talking to fish, reading, and helping people with tasks. He’s not exactly a vegetarian but he refuses to eat any sort of sea life aside from vegetation. Triton is the only one out of the whole group who can get along with everyone. Marigold finds him to be the easiest one to talk to and he is very close to Onyx and Anastasia. He also has ADHD and BPD
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Anastasia Serebryanyy Moroz is a powerful soldier from the kingdom of Moskrestrova (🇷🇺), kingdom of ice. She came from a very poor family and was abducted and drafted into the military at 7. She spent 20 years being tortured and experimented on to make her the most powerful super soldier in Moskrestrovian history. However after a major slip up, she was forced to escape her kingdom and join Marigold, Onyx, and Triton, to avoid being arrested. She was given the ability to bend and create ice and snow at will, which she typically uses for creating weapons like her ice claws, and is also EXTREMELY strong, so strong in fact that she can lift entire houses and break metal just by biting into it. She is an absolutely VICIOUS soldier, so much so that most would rather off themselves than have to die at her hands. Despite her bloodlust and violent anger issues, Anastasia is a big innocent sweetheart once you get to know her. She loves children and highly values their innocence, as hers was taken from her a long time ago. She’s also a massive airhead and pretty naïve. She may look scary (and she is) but deep down she just wants to be treated like a person, and thus is why she fell in love with Triton, the first person to do so in years. She became super protective of him ever since she started to realize her feelings. She doesn’t have much of a relationship with Marigold outside of mutual respect. On the other hand however, Ana completely DESPISES Onyx for her selfishness and ego, even though Onyx doesn’t feel the same way and sometimes just likes to annoy her. Ana also has c-ptsd
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Lore Post 2: The Gods
Nerezza Zondago - Nerezza is The Goddess Of Misfortune, she’s also the ringleader of the gods and runs The Upper Plane (despite having greater interests). She’s very smug and downright sadistic at times, but she knows when enough is enough, at least she isn’t as bad as she used to be.
Naevius Zondago - Naevius is The God Of Luck, him and Nerezza popped into existence at the same time so they see each other as siblings. He’s definitely one of the nicer gods, but he’s kind of spineless at times, always quietly hoping that things will just work out on their own instead of interfering himself.
Kaliope Caeruleum - Kaliope is The Goddess Of Water, she’s the airhead of the gods and is the most childish. She does her job well, but she’s easily distracted and often argues with her partner Golnar (which has caused many disasters in The Middle Plane to occur). She’s nice enough, but the moment things don’t go her way, god help you.
Golnar Hreghen - Golnar is The God Of Fire, he’s quite egotistical and easily set off, but he knows when to get serious when the time calls for it. He also gets caught up in his work much to the chagrin of his partner Kaliope. He does love her, but her childishness and self entitlement can REALLY get on his nerves at times.
Ronin Tonitrua - Ronin is The God Of Lightning, he is no nonsense at all times and out of all the gods, he’s the one that takes his job the most seriously. He also doesn’t have a physical body anymore thanks to an altercation with a now fallen angel, he can form one when he feels like it but it doesn’t feel the same. His attitude really puts the other gods off and they pretty much ignore him since his tangents irritate them to no end. The only person he feels like he can let his guard down with is Gelarosa, who he may or may not have caught feelings for over the years.
Gelarosa Naturae - Gelarosa is The Goddess Of Nature and is the least corrupt of the gods, she’s also the only god that actually has the balls to stand up to Nerezza. She’s very peaceful and nurturing, but when her mood swings come in, that gets thrown out the window…for five minutes, she regains cool pretty quickly. She is aware of Ronin’s feelings for her, but she doesn’t reciprocate, but honestly, considering how turbulent Kaliope and Golnar’s relationship is, that’s probably for the best.
Fifi Zondago (belongs to @velveteensugarcoat)- Fifi is The Goddess Of Love…which is pretty ironic considering how empty and cynical she is. She’s the second creation of Nerezza and is the most reserved out of the gods. She wholeheartedly believes that Nerezza made her out of spite, however, whenever she visits The Middle Plane, she can’t help but envy the bonds that humans share with each other and how she can never truly have what they have. She’s pretty much the embodiment of “I guide others to a treasure I cannot possess”. I only went off on the information I know about her from @velveteensugarcoat so if you had thought of her in a completely way I apologise.
Charleston “Charlie” Zondago (also belongs to @velveteensugarcoat) - Charlie is The God Of Chaos and Nerezza’s first creation. He’s the most laid back of the gods and is surprisingly composed. He later became much more interested in The Middle Plane and visited frequently, no matter how much Nerezza disapproved of it. He would spread mayhem wherever he went and he absolutely loved it. Over time Nerezza had it with his antics and she pretty much cursed him to remain an anthropomorphic black cat and cast him off to remain in The Middle Plane for all eternity, he still kept his godhood. That’s right, Nerezza turned him into a furry to repent for his sins, truly a fate worse than death. He’s also becomes a part of the main cast later on. Charlie is also the cat worm thing chasing Percy on the header image.
Tendrillen Tenebrae - Tendrillen was The God Of Time…until he was somehow killed, an event that would scar The Upper Plane even to this day. He was playful, focused and ambitious, he was also pretty well liked among the gods before his demise. Nerezza managed to maintain time, but she needed someone else to take the helm, she needed to find an heir, someone who could take this cruel reminder off her shoulders…which she managed to find in someone who actually managed to make a time machine. Nerezza later confronted this individual and managed to convince her to take the helms of time when she died. What could possibly go wrong?
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aemoonie · 3 years
dating nct dream ✰
this is based on their natal charts! mlist. g: fluff cw: food mention.
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marky mark
despite many people thinking he would be super shy at first, i actually think he would be more nervous than anything (rather than actually being reserved or smth)
with his Leo Sun and Virgo Venus, i feel like he would become really nervous around his crush and show his (beloved) awkward side
i think he would then either talk less or talk more, basically rambling every time he speaks
(i have to think about iconic lines like "oh, she's- she's flowering the flowers!")
but i also think he wants his person to see him in his most 'natural' form, meaning the way he actually is
he doesn't want to put on any facade in order to impress his crush and hopes his crush doesn't feel the need to either
he will show his affection in smaller ways and acts of service
will get really shy if the person compliments him tho
his ear would get pretty red hihi
i also think he would really like talking about everything and nothing with his person
with his Mercury in Cancer, i think he really appreciates when his crush opens up to him a bit or generally talks to him about smth that is important to them (i know i do)
his Aries Moon would appreciate a more lighthearted and fun-loving kind of humor
he will show them his appreciation by helping them in small (but meaningful) ways
he will find security in knowing his s/o won't judge him or leave him just because he isn't perfect
the type to do late-night drives
the type to (at least try) help you with almost anything just to ease your mind
showing PDA in smaller ways
looking at each other from across the room and knowing what the other is thinking
and pulling some ugly faces lmao
dating him is like having a best friend that makes you feel warm and fuzzy
hello mom i love him
tbh he seems like such a cool dude idk
i feel like he is the more laid-back creative boyfriend
he would appreciate spending time with you
his Sun in Aries will appreciate being able to have fun with each other
it makes him really passionate in love and kind of straight-forward
like Aries Placements will let you know when they are interested
and his Pisces Venus will like planning romantic dates together
painting (or doing other creative things) together
probably sees his person as a big inspiration
i can also see him trying to incorporate his feelings into music
maybe he writes a song about them or dedicates a cover to them
or he incorporates you into his art!
will probably make gifts himself and wants them to be of personal sentiment
his Mars in Taurus also suggests that he likes gifts in general, whether it's receiving or giving
with all his water placements, these gifts will be important to him because they relate to his favorite thing - you
he is also the type to just randomly show up at your place just to lay next to each other and play on your phones
quiet moments but also poking fun at each other
him being protective of you (more than one might expect at first)
i see him liking picnic dates a lot idk why
i also think he is someone who would get along with all kinds of people, but loud and egotistical people would turn him off kinda
he wants his s/o to be empathetic and in touch with their emotions in a way
basically, he is a whole softie sorry i don't make the rules
Jeno has his Sun and Mars in Taurus
this means he is kind of a romantic
will like to give and/or receive gifts
going on dates is a lot of fun to him
he is quite protective of his person
his Mercury and Venus in Aries, he might actually be more direct and honest than one might think at first
i think he will be relatively quiet about his crush
but just one day walk up to the person and go "hey i like you"
and they just: o.O i'm sorry??
he also likes to stare
not in a creepy way, he just likes to observe
he is just interested okay... he likes to learn ... from a distance
his Sagittarius Moon will have problems dealing with heavy displays of emotions
he may like it more when someone is more easy-going and soft with their feelings
may like doing physical activities with his s/o!
like biking (like a maniac)
i'm sorry we still love you Jeno
to me he also has this kind of 'chill college dude' vibe??:D
he would be the only guy in the frat that is actually pretty calm and nice to talk to
i can't really decide on how fast he would commit
but i think once he is sure, he would just go for it
he may just need some preparation time
overall, a sweet and supportive boyfriend
probably takes great care of his s/o
15/10 would order again
now i am trying to stay professional here
but he would be so cute omg wth
i think he could be someone who needs a little more time to commit
with his Gemini stellium (Sun, Venus, and Mars) he may commit rather late in his life
or when he really falls deep for someone
but i could be wrong you know, it's just a feeling
he would love talking to his s/o but could also get shy (Mercury in Cancer tends to be shyer when communicating with someone of interest)
i think he would vary between non-stop rambling and teasing the person
or trying to get them to talk so he can just listen and learn about them uwu
now i know people are conflicted about the teasing thing
i think he would just find it fun to get any kind of reaction out of them
he is really open-minded and would like a s/o who is similar
he wouldn't like it if his person would constantly tell him what to do and to be more serious
independence and space is important to him
though his Leo Moon will also like to have constant attention and reassurance from his s/o
he will like hugs and PDA from his s/o in whatever amount he can get
when he gets clingy he whines (we've all seen it before)
he will love joking around with his person
he needs to feel like the conversation can never run dry with his s/o
if he gets to the point where he actually feels comfortable just being with his person without having to talk to each other, then he is whipped
despite everything, he would want a s/o who knows when to take him seriously and take care of him just like he would take care of them
i feel like he'd be really caring towards his s/o's health (also mental health!!) and will nag them if they don't take care of themselves
the type to do your skincare routine with you so 'you don't feel lonely'
did i mention the dumb excuses just to spend time with you
he is a little shit, but a cute one hehe
now onto this weirdo
don't fight me i love him just the way he is
his birth chart fits him so well idk why people get confused by it
he will like a lot of attention from his s/o and will actively make time to be with them
he will take care of them in smaller ways, similar to Mark
but he may focus more on everyday tasks or on taking care of his person
like cooking for them, doing their laundry or whatever
Virgo Venus things uwu
i think he would love to make his s/o laugh
he will like it so much when he doesn't have to explain every single one of his thoughts to them and can just say whatever and they giggle and he goes :]
will suck them into his coffee addiction, probably
will buy them food and actually keep track of their eating habits, just to see that they are not skipping anything
i think he would be someone who notices the little things about his s/o, which may surprise them
he likes just being with them, without any pressure to do or plan anything
he wouldn't like someone who is super naggy because that's basically his job
he would like someone who matches his childlike humor
i think his Capricorn Moon would benefit from being with someone who teaches him to actually acknowledge his emotions and be okay with them
he would like someone who can embrace their own weird side and be entertaining to him
he would be super chill and fun to be around trust me
boyfriend nana = best thing that can happen
so we don't have his exact birth time (at least i don't know it), meaning he could be a Scorpio or Sagittarius Sun
and honestly, i see him more on the Scorpio side but i will just do a brief point about both possibilities
with a Sagittarius Sun, he will take some time to commit
he may even unintentionally seem like he is playing hard to get when in reality he really is just vibing bro
with a Scorpio Sun, he would also take his time to commit, but here it is in the sense that he needs time to "feel out" and get to know that person
both ways, with his Mercury and Venus in Scorpio he will love sharing secrets with his s/o
he will want to know his person is committed to him, especially after he takes his while to commit to the bit ya know
once he is invested, he is IN boys
his Aquarius Moon may make him look detached sometimes and as an air Moon myself, i can confirm that this happens more often than we would like to admit
but it also makes him pretty funny sooo
anyways, communicating will be a big thing for him
he will want to feel like he can tell his s/o his darkest secrets and they would stay
Aquarius and Scorpio are both fixed signs, so he might be stubborn (especially with his opinions) and might be hard to talk to once he sets his mind on to something
but Air Mars aren't really the type to drag out a fight longer than it is convenient and fun for them
he will probably like someone who is kinda "quirky" and would stay true to themselves
he would like to be able to do about anything with his person because they would make anything more fun
his Scorpio Venus and Aquarius Moon kind of contradict themselves in a way that he wants intense love and full loyalty
but when it comes to expressing this and being confronted with these intense feelings, he may not be able to identify and deal with them
his Aquarius Moon would be like: wtf is going on here
but once he figures it out, he would be so sure of the relationship and see it as the most natural thing
the type to be like: "what, you think i would just leave? ha that's funny"
sorry this got so long
president chenle deserves this tho
poor Jisung-ah
his Aquarius placements would be like: feelings? what?
confused and awkward, probably
needs some time to open up emotionally, due to his Scorpio Moon
his Capricorn Mercury would maybe over-analyze everything he says and make it a bit of a mess lol
but once he considers you as a friend (at the LEAST) he won't leave you so easily
he would also be a best-friend-type of boyfriend
he would like to share interests with his s/o
that way (in his mind) they will always have something to talk about
i think he would appreciate it when his person actually takes time aside to properly understand him and how he feels
that would really touch him
he would love to debate with his s/o about stupid things
(think about how he and chenle bicker sometimes. now think of an even more wholesome version. there ya go)
let him be right sometimes pls he may need it
he also has his Mars in Aries, meaning he will like a bit of a challenge
now the relationship itself might already be challenging to him, but i mean it more in a way that his s/o has a way to keep him on his toes
he would need someone who is patient and willing to listen as much as talk to him about anything that's on his mind
i think he would feel how fully comfortable he's gotten the moment he noticed how unfiltered he becomes around his person
i also think he would like his space, but would also always look out for his s/o
similar to Chenle, he can be quite stubborn when he sets his mind on something
or he might have a harder time seeing/understanding the other side of a situation
very wholesome, he'd be such a cute bean uwu
© a͏e͏m͏o͏o͏n͏i͏e͏ all rights reserved.
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h2bakugou · 3 years
hi i really like your stories! can i request a bakugoxfemreader where bakugo gets hit by a love quirk and it kinda lingers for a bit and everyone teases him. then it goes away and he kinda humiliates y/n and she goes off on him and he feels bad? fluff ending please? <3!!
a/n: hiii!! thank you so much hun! of course, this idea is actually really cute omg skfkdjh yes lets do this
summary: after getting hit by a love quirk that makes bakugou a little more interested in you which only makes everyone tease him. when its effects begin to wear off, however, he insists on teasing you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst im so sorry what is it with me making like borderline love angst fics lately yall-
wordcount: 2.2k
;cut for length;
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“We’ll just have to wait for the effects to wear off, there’s nothing we can do.” Recovery Girl was telling the truth, whether Bakugou believed it or not. He was fed up with this.
“You’ll return to the dorms, be thankful we have tomorrow off.” Mr. Aizawa instructed, letting Bakugou leave to head back to the dorms. Grumbling something under his breath, Aizawa shook his head as he watched Bakugou leave past the doors.
“Look after him.” Mr. Aizawa stated to the few class members that had come to see if he was okay. Those few students consisted of Deku, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and you.
You were worried about Bakugou. Not only that he’d be dealing with the effects of a quirk for however long it lasted, which Recovery Girl estimated up to 72 hours.
But because the blast that hit him was hard. He’d took a pretty good beating from the villain alone, but he sure showed them who was boss. But not before declaring his love for you.
It was an effect of the quirk.
Bakugou was now feeling the effects of being madly in love with you. You happened to be right beside him when he was hit, making you the first person he saw when you helped him up off the ground, making you the target for his feelings.
Of course, he was under influence of the quirk, so you knew not to get ahead of yourself.
It felt awful. You felt worse than you could’ve felt. Watching your crush parade around calling you ‘his’ and acting like you really were an item, all while the rest of your classmates teased him, finally calling him soft and vulnerable.
But for the sake of not letting anyone know how you truly felt, you kept a smile on your face. You kept your head up, and only let it fall when you were in the privacy of your room, all while Bakugou blew up your phone with texts.
The effects of this god forsaken love quirk were at it’s peak on the second day when Bakugou attached himself to you. Holding you, hugging you, holding your hand, he had to be touching you or he claimed he was in agonizing pain.
So you just let it slide. You didn’t mind it, or mind his warm breath on your neck when he laid on you in public. His breath against your neck only made your face hotter, but you knew it was just the quirk.
You had to remind yourself that it was just the quirk.
“Kacchan’s all soft for you! How cute.” Kaminari teased. You shook your head. Then you heard the snap of a phone camera. 
Kaminari now had a collection of pictures, all consisted of Bakugou clinging onto you somehow.
Sending it in the group chat shared between the Bakusquad, Mina was the first to respond, quoting that you should take him out on a date while you had the chance.
You didn’t feel right taking advantage of him. None of it felt right. But you couldn’t peel him off of you. You wanted this to actually be him, to actually be Katsuki Bakugou holding you close, whispering that he loved you in your ear just loud enough for you to hear.
“I’m gonna head up to my room.” You mentioned, finally pulling Bakugou’s arms off of you, but he quickly stood up.
“Where are you going, Babe?” Bakugou’s voice was the same, and it made chills run down your spine as you heard it.
“Awe!” Kaminari smiled, already shipping the two of you together.
“Shut up dunce face.” Bakugou turned to Kaminari to insult him. Kaminari just smiled and hugged him, Bakugou hugging him back for once.
You took the opportunity to run to your room. 
Looking through the group chat that included Bakugou, you saw nothing but photos of Bakugou being nice. Being kind, being not himself. Hugging you, and others, being nice to Deku, like without screaming at him.
Most of the photos included you and him somehow, whether it be like just now where you were cuddling together on the couch, or how he’d held your hand.
There was still a bit of Bakugou that hadn’t completely disappeared, that was beginning to show up more and more as the effects of the quirk began to wear off.
But the pounding on your door was more than enough to keep you out of your thoughts.
Kaminari and Sero were lurking around the corner, keeping an eye on Bakugou as he knocked on your dorm door.
You quickly opened the door thinking something was wrong.
His lips slammed onto yours, with just enough time for Kaminari to snap a picture.
Pushing him off of you, you could feel your heart racing. You shook your head and just stared at the blonde as he smiled at you.
“Go to bed, Katsuki.” You showed him your phone to indicate that it was way past his usual bedtime.
“Let me kiss you one more time idiot.” Bakugou’s voice was still so eerily familiar. It was the same one that called you a dumbass on the regular, the same one that you heard yelling as you sparred.
You didn’t know Kaminari and Sero had seen the kiss, let alone taken a picture of it. 
“This isn’t you. Just go to sleep.” You were hurting, more than you should’ve been. Why couldn’t you just tease him like the rest of your friends? Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Bakugou?
You stayed in your room the following day, asking Jiro to politely bring you some food during lunch and dinner. 
She didn’t ask questions, but she had a feeling she knew what was wrong. But she didn’t bother you, she just told you to feel better and went along with her day. 
Bakugou’s texts eased up and by the end of the night, they had completely stopped.
Finally, after about two and a half days, the effects had completely worn off and the usual grumpy, egotistical, and crass Bakugou was back.
Class had gone by fine, you sat in your seat beside Bakugou, knowing he knew. Knowing he’d seen the texts, the pictures, all of it. He was a bomb waiting to go off, quite literally.
As the time dwindled down, you were on edge. 
And finally it happened.
Heading to the stairs to go back up to your dorm for some alone time, to hopefully get your mind off of Bakugou entirely, he stopped you, slamming you into the wall near the stairs.
“We need to talk.” Bakugou’s eyebrows were knitted together, his red eyes were glaring into your own (e/c) ones.
“What’s there to talk about? I know you’ve seen it all already.” You looked away, taking interest in the floor.
“I know you know I know. Don’t think that it was actually me.” Bakugou didn’t want to say that. Despite being under the influence of some love quirk, those were his true feelings.
Sure keeping it all bottled up was his way of doing things, but that quirk freed up a lot of his emotions. How he felt toward you. 
He didn’t want to be saying all of this, but he was.
“Don’t you think that I already know that?” You looked back up at him, hurt written all over your face.
Kaminari and Kirishima peeked their heads around the corner watching as the two of you talked. More classmates came over, watching the exchange.
“You should. I don’t like you.” Bakugou was lying. He just couldn’t say the truth. It was easier to lie about it, it was easier to keep it all inside, but seeing you like this was destroying him.
“I have liked you since we met back at the entrance exams. Do you know how awful it was to sit and watch you act like you were actually caring for me? Like you had even just the tiniest bit of interest in me? I knew it wasn’t you. I knew it was just some stupid quirk. I knew it wasn’t fucking you. Do you know how bad I wanted to kiss you back when you kissed me? Do you know how bad it hurt t shove you away like I didn’t fucking love you?” You shoved Bakugou back, now painfully aware of the audience watching you.
“Save it. It’s time for you to go to bed right? Eight-thirty?” You turned and began to walk up the stairs, leaving him behind.
You picked up your pace once you were out of sight, tears beginning to flood from your eyes as you clenched your chest, your heart finally shattering into a million pieces.
“Woah dude.” Kaminari approached Bakugou.
“What?” Bakugou stared at the blonde, watching as Kaminari just sighed.
“You might want to go talk to her.” Kirishima stepped in.
“I know.” Bakugou mumbled, proceeding to head up the stairs after you.
Bakugou had his hands tucked in his pockets as he approached your dorm door. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it.
In the middle of searching for the right thing to say, all he could think about was how he hugged you, how his hand fit perfectly in yours. How your lips felt for the few seconds they were on his.
Knocking quietly, Bakugou looked away as you pulled the door open. You didn’t say anything as you stared at him, your eyes red and puffy as tears still fell from them.
You went to close the door but Bakugou stopped it, pushing it back open as you took a few steps back into your room.
You were silent save for the muffled sounds of your crying which you cushioned with the sleeve of your sweater. You didn’t face him either. 
Bakugou stared at your back. He stood quietly as he searched harder to find the words to say, to fix this mess that he’d made. Or at least had a hand in making.
“I am an asshole.” Bakugou started. Whether it bruised his ego or not, it was the truth. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that.
You didn’t reply, despite wanting to agree with him.
“But I am so fucking in love with you.” Bakugou raised his voice just enough so you could hear the strain behind his words. Your eyes widened as you froze in place.
“And I can’t explain how I feel. I’ve never been good at it. And I was heavily influenced by that stupid fucking quirk but I swear, behind it all, I wasn’t doing it absentmindedly. I love you.” Bakugou admitted.
“And I saw all of the shit that happened and I just wanted to erase it. Because I didn’t know how you felt. I felt like an asshole even more for acting like a dumbass.”
“And I know I am an asshole but just please look at me.” Bakugou pleaded. His voice was soft again. You slowly turned around and met his eyes.
“I don’t regret anything. And I certainly don’t regret this.” Bakugou took a few steps, almost like he was running at you, and cupped your wet cheeks, bring your lips to his.
It was perfect. The feeling of your lips on his. The way they fit against his. The familiar feeling that Bakugou recalled the first time he felt your lips. 
He savored it, even the vaguely salty taste from your tears. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He needed this. It was his antidote. You kissed him back, your hands slowly rising to meet his.
And when your palms cupped his hands, he pulled away, holding your face still as he butted his forehead to yours.
“I fucking love you, dumbass.” Bakugou smiled, the same smile he wore whenever he was being a jerk, the same smile he taunted all your classmates with, the smile that you knew belonged to Katsuki Bakugou.
“You are an asshole.” You cried, more tears falling from your eyes as you shook in his hands. Bakugou’s eyes widened, not knowing how to react.
“I love you too.” You smiled. It was all Bakugou needed to pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, holding you like you were going to slip away.
After a few hours of explaining and talking, the two of you were on the same page, completely understanding of how one another felt, despite it being difficult to open up about it.
Waking up the next morning in each other’s arms was not how you expected the school day to start. You rubbed your eyes as you stared at a sleeping Katsuki hugging your side. 
“Hey, wake up.” You smiled, nudging his shoulder. Bakugou quickly opened his eyes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh shit.” Bakugou glanced at the clock that sat on your bedside table and darted up.
“I’ll see you in class, love you.” Bakugou gave you a quick kiss before running out of your room and over to his.
You smiled, feeling so much better. Talking about it helped. And Bakugou was now proud to call you his. And even more so, he wasn’t ashamed of the pictures taken of him, or the dozens of messages he’d sent to you.
He was going to fill his camera roll with dozens more of pictures of you and him. Ones that allowed both of you to be open and loving toward one another, without some second-hand quirk getting in the way.
And it started with one picture of Bakugou kissing you while you laid together.
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troubatrain · 3 years
four times matthew was a fuckboy + one time he wasn’t
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a/n: a repost from my old blog!
You didn’t hate Matthew Tkachuk. Hate is a strong word and you were too polite to hate anyone. But you definitely weren’t keen on the new company your friend had been keeping since she started seeing Matthew’s teammate, Noah. You were just different. You liked safety and rules, and Matthew put most of his energy into breaking every rule possible. He was a rat, and he didn’t give a damn who knew. You were a romantic, and you’d watch Matthew take a different girl home frequently, and you could only imagine what he was like on the road. He was a straight up fuckboy, and you’d just prefer to be as far away from him as possible. Besides the strong differences between each other, you really didn’t hate him - until, maybe, right now.
“I would never date Y/N,” Matthew scoffs at your best friend, Hannah, “She’s got a stick up her ass, all the time.” “I don’t have a stick up my ass Matthew,” You bark back, “You’re just a shitty person, and I don’t want to date you either.”
“Why? Am I not your type?” Matthew snarks back, “I’m everyone’s type.”
“No Matthew, egotistical professional athletes who don’t know anything besides hit and skate aren’t my type,” You say, “Hold an intellectual conversation with anyone and I’ll be impressed.”
“You know what, forget I mentioned it,” Hannah tries to interfere, but the way Matthew’s blue eyes were narrowed at you, his nostrils flaring out just a little bit meant it was too late and you were well on your way to spending the rest of the night arguing with Matthew.
“I don’t need to hold bullshit intellectual conversations to get laid Y/N,” Matthew grumbles, “I’m sure that’s only what terrible guys you probably date do.”
“I don’t date terrible guys,” You defend, but deep down, he was actually right about that. You were nearing the end of six months of being single since your last relationship ended and dating wasn’t going - well.
“Oh, I forgot, you probably only date boring guys,” Matthew huffs, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to find someone who isn’t boring.”
Matthew stomps away, looking back to give you one more smirk that made your skin crawl. You couldn’t stand his smug smile, or the fact that he constantly gave you grief for being a good person. Or the time he accused  you of thinking you were better than everyone because you were smarter than them. 
“I can’t believe there was a point in my life where I thought you guys could be friends,” Noah says, shaking his head at the verbal battle you and Matthew just had, “I thought I could set you guys up - to date.”
“Why do you all think that?” You ask, looking at your friend and her boyfriend with actual concern.
“I don’t know, you’re sweet and nice and he’s not,” Noah shrugs, “It’s kind of cute.”
“Yeah, like imagine if you were the one to tame him,” Hannah says, wrapping her arm around her boyfriend's bicep while he pressed a kiss to her head - a reminder that you didn’t have that. Your eyes move to Matthew at the bar, while a girl was under his arm in less than five minutes.
“I don’t think anyone’s taming that monster,” You say, pointing to the man in question.
When the weekend finally came around, you found yourself in the same situation you were in the week before. Matthew gave you daggers across the table while Noah and Hannah tried to convince the two of you to put your differences aside and be friends. Except, you didn’t want to be friends with Matthew, because you knew exactly how he treated his “friends”. In the past week alone, you’d watched him while he escaped a morning after with someone who happened to live in your building. You had the worst morning of your life when you stepped on the elevator only to meet with the face of the devil himself. You halted, stepping into the elevator and shaking your head at Matthew - asking him if he was leaving or your worst nightmare of him moving into your building was happening. He told you he was escaping from a booty call, his words not yours, and then joked about moving in just to bother you. You started bickering in the elevator, and then it made you late for work. That snowballed into missing an important meeting and you were cursing Matthew internally for the rest of the day.
“I just don’t understand why you both keep pushing this,” you shout, gesturing between Matthew and yourself, “We are not friends.”
“Yeah, she’s right,” Matthew agrees, for the first time since you’d been introduced to each other.
“Why is that the only thing you’ve ever agreed on?” Hannah asks, looking sincerely concerned at the two of you.
“Because his opinions on everything else are terrible,” You say, walking over to the bar to go get yourself a drink. You can feel a large presence behind you and you turn around to be met with Matthew’s smug smile again, “You can’t just leave me alone.”
“I’m getting another drink, not everything is about you,” Matthew remarks, flagging down the bartender far easier than you could have. He orders you both a drink, and you decide to just take it - too tired to argue. While you were waiting you scanned the bar, only to spot your ex boyfriend across the bar.
“Fuck,” you mutter, grabbing Matthew’s attention.
“God what did I do now?” Matthew groans, and then he follows your eyes, “Do you know that guy?”
“Uh, yeah, he’s my ex,” You say, dropping your drink, “Can you tell Hannah I left.”
“Wait no-,” Matthew says, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer to him, “I’m going to leave after this, I’ll take an Uber with you.”
“Are you going to drop me off then go hook up with whoever lives in my building?” You ask, crossing your arms and looking at him.
“I’m going to get you home safely and whether or not I leave the building is none of your business,” Matthew argues back, his eyes flickering up to look behind you and a protective arm snakes around your waist.
“Is that Y/N?” You hear your ex’s familiar voice, and suddenly Matthew’s arm made more sense.
“Oh, Alex, hi,” You say, trying to ignore the burning sensation you felt under Matthew’s touch, but your anxiety about seeing your ex disappeared almost immediately, like with Matthew there nothing could hurt you.
“How are you?” Alex asks, “Is this your boyfriend? I didn’t think you’d move on after me.”
“Yeah,” Matthew cuts you off before you could deny it, “We were just heading out, you know we’ve got plans for the night.”
Matthew gave Alex a wink and a look that said not to fuck with him and grabbed your hand, pulling you out the bar. A part of you was pissed, like he’d just told your ex boyfriend that not only were you dating you were leaving your night out early to fuck. But a part you didn’t care about it, Alex was the worst, and even in that second he reminded you why you broke up in the first place, because he never stopped talking down to you.
“I can’t believe you dated someone who talks to you like that,” Matthew says, pulling out his phone to call an Uber, “Your taste in men is terrible.”
“Well he thinks I’m dating you, so my taste is terrible,” You say, sliding into the car once Matthew opens the door for you.
Matthew slides into the other side of the car, getting your Uber driving and asking him how his night is before turning to you, “Do you really think I’m that awful?”
Okay, yes, it was sweet that he protected you. Yes, it felt nice to have his arm around your waist. Yes, it was great to have your ex think you’re currently seeing a member of the Flames. Yes, it was nice that he’s taking you home. And yes, the way he spoke to the Uber driver when you got in was actually more polite than you assumed he was to strangers. But, none of that meant he was a decent human being - at least not to you.
“I mean you’ve never given me a reason to think otherwise,” You say, shrugging.
“I’ll give you a reason,” You heard him mutter, but his face said he didn’t want to talk about it, so you let it go until you rode up the elevator to your floor in silence.
“Hey Matthew,” You say, voice small, “Thanks for getting me home, and for before, I owe you one.”
“I don’t think you want to be indebted to me,” Matthew says, his signature smirk gracing his face.
“One favor, nothing sexual,” You wave your finger at him while the elevator closes, sending him to whoever he was meeting on a floor above you.
You were swearing off men. That was it. You were sitting in a restaurant in the city, in a dress that made you look straight up hot, across from someone who made Matthew look like a saint. Paul was a friend of one of your coworkers, who raved about her friend who was intelligent and kind. Intelligent, yes definitely. But kind? At the moment that seemed far fetched. He’d spent the entire dinner talking about himself, and when you finally got to talk about yourself, he was just condescending and rude. You’d suffered through dinner, declining his invitation home. You heard his hollers about much of a tease and how uptight you were. You walked home, on a mission to get home and pretend this date never happened. Then you’d pass a bar you’d been to with Hannah a few times and decide to stop in - in need of a well deserved drink.
“There’s no way you should be here alone, dressed like that,” You can hear a familiar voice behind you and you turn around to meet Matthew’s face who was currently checking out your ass while you leaned against the bar. 
“You’re not in charge of me,” You bark back, sipping on the drink you’d gotten, “What are you doing here?”
“I was supposed to meet Noah out for a drink, but he canceled on me when I walked in,” Matthew says, “Why are you here?”
“I was on a date,” You frown.
You really, really, really, didn’t want to admit to Matthew that you’d had a bad date. You were pretty sure he got laid more than anyone you knew and there was no way he wasn’t going to make fun of you for having a terrible date.
“Was it that bad?” Matthew asks, “Or are your standards just way too high?”
“There’s nothing wrong with having standards for yourself, you should try it sometime,” You defend, “But, he spent the entire date talking about himself.”
You bite your lip, looking at Matthew in front of you. Sometimes, when the light caught him just right and he wasn’t being a total douche you could be reminded why he was such a fuckboy in the first place, he was cute as hell. You hated how attracted you were to him sometimes, especially after the way he had protected you from Alex the other night. He didn’t know why you didn’t want to see him, but he was there regardless.
“You should stay,” You declare, biting your lip and looking at Matthew.
You swore there was a twinkle in his eye, he grabbed himself a drink and hopped onto a barstool while you sat next to him. It started with small talk, you confessing that you were sure Hannah made Noah stay in because she told you he wasn’t spending enough time with her. To which Matthew said that was the exact reason he didn’t do relationships. Then you moved to bickering about how you loved the idea of love and the fact that Matthew turned himself off to it actually made you sad.
“You just need to see it from my perspective,” Matthew tries to explain, “No one sees past all of this NHL bullshit anyways, so, I’m just taking advantage of it. Admit it, you thought I was a dick when before you met me?”
“You are a dick,” You joke, “But yes, I may have passed judgement, that doesn’t mean everyone else thinks that.”
“Trust me, they do,” Matthew takes a sip of his beer, “Girls, fans, even my family sometimes, they just can’t see past the whole rat thing.”
You bite your tongue from telling him that if he stopped playing like a rat, people probably wouldn’t say that. Mainly because he was playing in the NHL and I’m sure your opinion on his play didn’t matter much. But also because whatever he was telling you sounded like something he didn’t talk about very much, it intrigued you. You don’t talk much about it further, a couple of people who were fans coming over and insisting you took shots with them. A few rounds of drinks later, you were drunk and Matthew’s hand had found a permanent place on your lower back.
“Ready to go?” Matthew asks, a chill running up your spine when he whispered in your ear.
Maybe you were lonely. Maybe you’d had too much to drink. Maybe you’d found the one part vulnerable part of Matthew and it made you soft. But something possessed to look him in the eyes and demand he took you home. And after asking you four times if you were sure, you were on your way to Matthew’s apartment with him, his lips on yours.
You slipped out of Matthew’s apartment after that night long before he woke up. Your walk of shame took you back to your apartment and that was that. You’d only seen Matthew once since, and while you were sitting next to Hannah in the stands at the Saddledome, he’d sent you over a wink and you thanked your lucky stars that Hannah wasn’t paying attention. You knew Matthew wasn’t going to let your moment of weakness be forgotten, you just hoped he didn’t embarrass you. You shook your head at the thought, which had been taking up your brain for most of the week. Your thoughts were broken by a heavy knock on the door, and you opened to reveal the person who’d been taking up most of your thoughts.
“What are you doing here?”  You ask, but you knew the answer was whichever one of his girlfriends, and you meant it to be plural, lived in your building.
“I was on my way to see someone but I thought I’d stop by,” Matthew smirks at you, “I have a favor to cash in.”
“I told you nothing sexual,” You counter back, despite the fact that you’d been under just a few nights ago.
“As much as I want to relive the events of the other night,” Matthew says, looking your body up and down, “I need an actual favor.”
“What?” You ask, crossing your arms.
“I need you to be my date to this event the Flames are doing,” Matthew sighs, as if he really didn’t want to ask.
“I’m sure there’s a line of girls who want to do that,” You say, wondering why Matthew needs you to go.
“I need to bring someone I can trust not to embarass me,” Matthew grumbles, “You’re smart, and you can hold a conversation with a bunch of our front office guys.”
“You want me to go and make you good?” You ask, trying to get exactly what he was asking you to do.
“Yes,” Matthew says, “I need you to make me look good. Can you do it?”
You should have said no. You should have said no. But, you said yes. You knew it was a bad idea, but the bright smile that graced Matthew’s face when you said yes almost made you forget that he was headed up to a booty call when he left your apartment. Something you realized he could only get away with.
Matthew wasn’t a bad date. He’d gotten to your apartment on time. Fed you with way too many compliments while his hand was rested on your thigh on the ride to the hotel ballroom the gala was at. Now, his hand had found its place on your back, while you wooed his coach into thinking Matthew was a decent human being. Really you should have paid overtime for how good you were doing. You’d met the entire Flames front office, charming each of them into thinking their player wasn’t sleeping around when he most definitely was.
You finally pull away from the conversation, latching on Hannah once she was finally in reach.
“You’re working like doubletime,” Hannah jokes, “How’d he convince you to do this?”
“He didn’t tell you what happened?” You ask, assuming his big mouth spilled the beans to Noah, at the very least.
“He never said anything,” Noah shrugs.
“I ran into my ex, and he pretended to be my boyfriend so he’d go away,” You admit, “Then he took me home and I told him I owe him one.”
“See? I knew he wasn’t all bad,” Hannah muses. You thought about what Matthew had said that night you slept together, about how people had presumptions about him he could never change so it didn’t matter. You’d actually thought about it frequently since, and it really made your heart ache for him. It bothered him, it had to.
“He’s not all bad,” You admit, outloud, really just so you could convince Hannah not to pass judgement on him without telling her what he’d told you.
“Hey, we can head out if you want?” Matthew asks, coming behind you. You nod, excited to be going home at a decent hour after a long week of work.
You were silent for the entire car ride home, your eyes constantly on Matthew for the entire ride.
“Would you stop staring at me?” Matthew asks, his eyes not leaving the road, but somehow his hand found your thigh, giving it a squeeze.
“Do you think you’re a bad person?” You ask, it was something you couldn’t stop thinking about. You didn’t understand Matthew, you didn’t think anyone actually did, but you wanted to figure him out so badly.
“Is this about what I said the other night? It wasn’t that deep Y/N,” Matthew sighs, “I’m not that deep.”
“Do you think that or have you been told that?” You ask, and you knew you were getting somewhere because you could feel his hand tense up.
“Are you always this annoying?” Matthew deflects.
“No,” You sigh, “It’s just, Hannah said something about you not being all bad and it bothered me.”
“A little criticism isn’t going to hurt me,” Matthew says, throwing his car into park so he could walk you to your door, “I’m not really a good guy either.”
You pout, leaning against the elevator. You were close to getting him to just open to you. His walls were tall and they were definitely thick but you might have been slowly chipping away at him.
“Thank you for doing this tonight, it meant a lot to me,” Matthew says, his hand rubbing the back of his neck while you stood in your doorway. A part you wanted to pull him inside by his collar and have your way with him, but you knew once was one thing but twice was going to be another. You bite your lip, debating it for a second, “Thinking about inviting me inside.”
“How did you-?” You start to ask before Matthew immediately cuts you off.
“You’re practically eye-fucking me,” Matthew jokes, “You won’t invite me inside though, because you know if you sleep with me twice you won’t be able to stop.”
You jaw drops, because he was right, “That’s hardly true.”
“I can read you Y/N, you’re like an open book,” Matthew smirks, “For the record, I don’t know if I’d be able to shake you either if we did this again.”
With that sentiment Matthew was headed down the hallway, turning just one more time before he hit the elevator button.
“Matthew?” You call out, “Are you going up or down?”
The question was burning. You just wanted to know why he was frequenting your building. Whoever was up there and why she could get Matthew to keep coming back. You were a little jealous, that he’d rejected you to go see her.
“That’s none of your business,” Matthew muses, giving you a wink and stepping into the elevator.
You were annoyed, and you thought about walking back outside to see if Matthew’s car was still there. That would make you a crazy person so you laid in bed while it ate you alive. That was, until you’d received a text from Matthew of his bedroom, and a sly comment about how you might have recognized his place. While it was smug and irritating, it did make you happy that he was home and he was alone.
plus one
You felt like an idiot. You stood at the bar next to Hannah, listening to her rant and rave about something Noah did while you watched Matthew flirt with some girl by the bar. You didn’t know why you thought maybe he could turn over a new leaf. That maybe you were getting somewhere with him. But, everything went out the window the second your eyes were on him. You decided he was dead to you, he had to be. You excuse yourself from Hannah, giving Matthew one more look before stomping out of the bar. You could hear his shouts behind you while you walked down the street, your apartment too far to walk but if you stopped you’d be forced to speak to him.
“Y/N! Where are you even going?” Matthew finally catches up to you, and you curse your shorter legs for stopping you from outrunning him.
“Away from you,” You say, “You can go back to your little friend, that’s your life Matthew, I get that now.”
“Come back to my place, I need to talk to you,” Matthew pleads, and you knew you were only a block away from his place. You sigh, nodding and following him down the street.
Matthew’s apartment felt different than it did the night you’d slept together. You were tossing off your clothes in a drunken haze and you never realized how empty his place felt. It was cold, and in some serious need a curtain and throw pillow. It was a metaphor for the current state of it’s resident. 
“Okay talk,” You cross your arms, “Explain to me how you do this to every girl, make them think there’s a part of you that’s decent to only be an asshole to them in the end.”
“I’ve never told anyone what I told you,” Matthew confesses, “I thought, maybe, you’d be into me. Then I realized if you were, I was only going to hurt you. You don’t deserve that, so if I push you away, you’ll be happy.”
“Clearly, I’m not happy,” You say, pointing to the frown that was very present on your face, “Listen, I like you, I don’t know why or how you crawled into my life but I want to be with you - the real you. I want that vulnerable man that told me he thought everyone judged him. I want you to prove to me you are that man.”
“I can do that,” Matthew nods, his hands resting on your cheeks. He captures your lips in his for the most tender kiss you’d been given. It was full of love, and full of feeling.
“I want you to prove it,” You say when you finally pull away, your forehead resting on his.
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fluffomatic · 3 years
Danganronpa Tickle Headcanons
Makoto Naegi
. Literally the most ticklish person in the group!
. Has the cutest, squeakiest laugh ever. If tickled for long enough eventually he'll start hiccupping.
.Veeeery squirmy! Tries to hold back tho because he's accidentally kicked his sister when she was tickling him whoops!
.This boy cannot hold his laughter in. Just saying you're going to tickle him will start him giggling, and after u start? Boy is he a giggling FOOL!
.Teasing causes his brain to shut down. Like he gets flustered easily when teased even if it's not about tickling. Someone calls him cute? Face is red af
.Worst spots are his belly, knees and the arch of his feet
.This little guy LOVES tickling people as much as he loves getting tickled.
.He is quick and nimble and can luckily find peoples worst spots very fast
.Will tickle pretty much anyone at anytime but mainly targets Byakuya and Kyoko because of their attitudes.
.Despite not being able to take teases himself he can still dish em out! Tends to lean towards more cute softer teases like calling their laugh cute, commenting on how ticklish they are or just giggling along side them
.Though he is average in build and strength he is able to pin people down! Well most people at least. Or the lee just fears if they try to get unpinned they'd hurt Makoto and no one wants that
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Byakuya Togami
.You may not think the Ultimate Afluent Progeny is ticklish but you'd be DEAD wrong! This guy is crazy ticklish. Because of his childhood and lack of positive contact from his family he didn't even know he was ticklish for a long time. In fact he didn't know what if felt like. So the first time he was tickled in the academy he was so confused lol
.He tries to hold his laughter in but is trash at it. Since he's not used to the feeling he breaks in less than a second.
.His laugh is wild and frantic but still has a sense of poise to it. When tickled he just can't control himself!
.Squirms quite a bit tho not as much as Makoto.
.Tickling is the only way to get this man to beg. His egotistical nature goes out the window!
.His worst spots are his ribs, hips and spine
.This boy can tickle y'all. After his many encounters with people tickling him he eventually picked up on what to do!
.He is ruthless! He likes the control he can have over people. He starts slowly with torturous slow tickling to ready his lee for the absolute wrecking that is coming their way.
.He won't stop until he gets what he wants from his lee which is usually either them begging or paying him a compliment lmao
.His teasing is more stern. He likes to make his lee admit to their own ticklishness or comment on how dumb they are for not seeing this coming
.Typically goes for a soft to hard tickling approach
Kyoko Kirigiri
.She is moderately ticklish. Kyoko isn't normally peoples go to target but when she is they go all out! Hearing her laugh is so uncommon that people just tickle her to hear it.
.Her laugh is soft and elegant but jumps in pitch and pace when tickling her worst spot
.Doesn't squirm much because she sees it as giving in and will try her best not to move
.She is very weak to surprise tickles! They catch her off guard always and it's the only time you will get her to jump!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Doesn't tickle people that often but when she does she goes all out!
.Her main targets are Makoto, Celestia and occasionally Byakuya
.When she's bored she'll sit next to her lee and trace shapes and words on their back, belly or palm. It surprisingly helps her concentrate. Usually it's Byakuya because he has the most ticklish back out of the group and he hates it but let's her since it helps in the case
.Since her hands are covered in scars she likes not to use them that often so she uses a lot of tools. She likes using feathers and paintbrushes the most
.Her teasing method is what you'd expect from a detective. Likes to ask questions and can easily tell when someone is enjoying being tickled, which she quickly points out
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Aoi Asahina
.Extremely ticklish! This girl is the second most ticklish person in the group
.Will kick and squirm when tickled and doesn't hold back like Makoto so her ler better watch out!
.Her laugh is full of cackling and snorting and is very cute! (Tho she doesn't like it)
.She likes being tickled as a form of exercise and/or motivation! If she feels she hasn't preformed well enough she will ask someone to tickle her as punish (usually Sakura)
.Her ler cannot touch her knees. With how many sports she does her knees are a little messed up so even if their careful it'll still hurt her
.Her worst spots are her hips, belly and armpits
.She is the group tickle monster! She is so ruthless and gets into ler moods constantly. Tends not to stop until her ler mood is satisfied
.Will target anybody at anytime but especially during vulnerable moments. If she sees someone reaching up, stretching, stuck somewhere or holding something breakable she will tickle them
.Is the only one who knows Sakura is ticklish
.She is strong and can easily pin her lee down. The only people she cannot pin are Sakura and Mondo
.Despite how ruthless she is she can give softer sweeter tickles! (I headcanon that she acts like a big sis to Makoto and if they're hanging out she'll gently tickle him but tracing his back or scribbling over his belly)
.Master teaser! Even can make Sakura flustered. She uses the classics a lot "tickle tickle tickle!" or "coochie coochie coo!!" But can also pick up on what teases work the best on each person
.Typically goes for a mean and aggressive tickle style
Sakura Ogami
.Barely ticklish but most of the group doesn't know she is at all. She does have a few spots that'll get her giggling tho!
.Her laugh is rough and low
.She's only tickled by Aoi so she usually just takes the onslaught. Despite that she does tend to squirm if her ler finds the right spot!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Another ruthless ler
.When her and Aoi are together and in ler moods the others have to watch out. They're unbeatable together!
.She is likes to tickle people to get them up and moving, sees it as another way to exercise like Aoi does.
.If she sees someone misbehaving she will take it upon herself to punish them with tickles!
.It's no suprise she can pin everyone down. Even Mondo isn't strong enough to stop her. She likes to pin her lees hands above their head with one hand and use the other to tickle all over!
.Her main target is Aoi obviously. She loves hearing her laugh and thinks her laugh is adorable
.Not a teaser and tends to just watch her lee the whole time
.Typically goes for pinning her target and hard tickles
Yasuhiro Hagakure
.Weeeeeak to tickling!
.He's pretty ticklish and laughs almost immediately. His laugh is loud and wild! He also tends to snort a lot!
.A kicker but he tries his best not to. When being tickled he will bang his hands against things and pull at his hair
.If the others plan to tickle him they either have to pin him down or tickle in groups because he is fast and will grab at his lers wrists to get them to stop
.Claims he gets visited by tickling ghosts
.His worst spots are his inner thighs, belly button and right underneath his toes
.Not a very active ler due to his lazy nature
.Tho when he is in a ler mood he's very playful!Likes to play tickle games a lot. Like pop quizzes where if his lee gets the answer wrong he'll tickle them or he'll test to see how long they can last
.Basically the big brother of the whole group and will tickle the others to embarrass them
.He teases occasionally. Goes for a lot of "oh woah man! You're like, craaazy ticklish!!"
.Typically goes for a laid back kinda tickling style
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
.Oh ho boy he's a ticklish little guy!
.Thinks it's super embarrassing being tickled
. His laugh is so loud, he has no filter on it and tends to lose control when tickled
.Is really good at holding his laughter back
.When he's being tickled he tends to bounce and shake a lot. Tends to hide his face in his hands to muffle his laughter and hide his blushing
.Mondo targets him the most and loves to give him tickly kisses. This only flusters him more.
.Weak to teasing
.His worst spot are his ears
.Loves tickling people as a motivator!
.Sees it as a good way to bond with his friends despite him being embarrassed by it
.He's very no nonsense however so he tends to only tickle people when he sees it's appropriate
.He's the most merciful ler out of the group and stops immediately when asked. People actually like to go to Taka for tickles because of this
.If he's tickling for long enough he will ask how his lee is doing and of they need a break
.He also is an accidental teaser. Tends to ask his lee of their enjoying themself, not to tease them but he's genuinely curious
.His main targets are Mondo and Chihiro
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Mondo Owada
.Holy crap this guy is a scary lee
.Sounds weird right but he is so ticklish it's dangerous. Super strong so he tends to throw people of of him
.He punches to. He accidentally punched Taka once and felt horrible for the longest time. Which is why Taka and Chihiro are the only two who are safe when tickling him. He will try his best to stay still when they tickle him so he doesn't hurt them
.Will NEVER admit it to the others but he really enjoys softer tickles. When cuddling with Taka he (very nervously) asks him to lightly tickle him cause it helps him relax after a hard day
.Taka thinks this is adorable which flusters Mondo more
.His worst spots are his armpits and feet
.Just like he's a scary lee he is also a scary ler
.Because Taka yelled at him for using violence to solve everything he switched over to tickling
.If someone pisses him off he will knock them down and destroy them with tickles
.Once he starts it's impossible to stop him. He's too strong to knock off and too stubborn to just give up
.His main targets are Taka, Chihiro and Byakuya (he's only on here cause he pisses Mondo off the most)
.If Taka is being too strict he will lift him from behind and tickle his sides until he promises to relax. If Chihiro is being hard on herself he and Taka will tickle her until she promises to give herself a break
.His teasing is very aggressive like "Hey punk you want me to tickle you more huh? Better watch your mouth then!" "Come on! You can't be that weak, or are you just gonna sit there and take it?"
.Typically goes for a aggressive and hard tickling style
Chihiro Fujisaki
.Somft girl. Very ticklish.She squirms and giggles so much. Doesn't kick at people but does kick her legs when tickled
.Ger laugh is so tiny and soft. Its the sweetest thing you'll ever hear. Covers he face when tickled and sometime bites on her knuckle to stop her giggling
.it doesn't help her
.Despite her squirming she doesn't need to be pinned down since she never fights her tickler
.Too soft for teases! Gets flustered so quickly
.Her worst spots are her toes, arches and belly. Surprisingly her hands are also super ticklish
.Not a great ler but when she does tickle people she's very sweet about it
.Most of the group knows she doesn't get into ler moods often so when she does they just let her do her thing
.She likes to tickle bellies a lot! She loves tickling Makoto, Aoi and Leon because of their very ticklish tummies. But her prime targets are Taka and Mondo
.She love hearing them laugh! Especially Mondo because of his normally crass and hardass nature
.She can't tease for shit tho. She tries but ends up fluttering herself!
.Typically goes for a soft tickling approach
Leon Kuwata
.Fairly ticklish dude!
.His laughter is pretty average but it jumps octaves alot based one where he's being tickled.
.He is also a grabber so group tickles are a must or he needs to be pinned
.He's decent at holding his laughter in but once he breaks he goes down hard. This dude erupts with laughter it's almost startling
.The others like to target him when he's singing! Hiro likes to see how good he can sing or how long he can sing when he's being tickled
.He can not take teasing well and will yell at his ler the whole time to shut up
.His worst spots are his hips and belly
.Tho not as bad as some of the others he is still a rather mean ler
.His go to move is to sit on his lees legs or hips and poke all over their torso. Will also lean down into his lees neck and nuzzle, using his goatee as a tickle tool. He loves giving raspberries funnily enough, he thinks the sound and reaction it gets is funny
.He likes to target Sayaka, Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya the most
.He doesn't tease very often but if he does he goes for basic teases "ooo someone's ticklish!" "Tickle tickle ya big softie!!" "Can't get away from me!"
.Typically uses a mix of softish and harder tickling and also raspberries
Celestia Ludenberg
.Tickling Celeste is hard. She is moderately ticklish but had everyone convinced she wasn't for the longest time
.Is so good at holding in her laughter and fooling the others it took them forever to get her to crack. And the person to do that was Aoi! She refused to give up and eventually she broke. (Aoi was so proud of herself). After that she decided there was no point in holding back much anymore unless it was a competition
.Her laugh is elegant and smooth. Unless you tickle her bad spot! Than it gets higher and squeaky
.She's able to sit still for the most part but her ler can tell when she starts to break if they see her playing with her hair
.She's practically unaffected by teasing. The only ones who were able to fluster her were Aoi and Kyoko
.Her worst spot is between her shoulder blades
.Wicked ler but doesn't tickle often
.She mainly only targets Kyoko cause she loves her laugh
.Likes to use her pointed finger ring as a tickle tool
.Uses slow but hard tickling on her lees
.Is a very teasy ler! "Oh dear what I'm Into do? I can't just not tickle you now can I?" "Please someone as sensitive as you are deserves this! Now just sit still and let me have my fun dear!"
.Typically uses a slow and torturous tickle method
Toko Fukawa
.Have mercy on this girl. Not as ticklish as Makoto or Aoi but she cannot handle it
.She's a giggling fool right away. Her laugh is full of snorts, squeaks and screaming and she absolutely hates it
.Will try desperately to get away, squirms and is not afraid to slap
.The others like to tickle her when she starts getting annoying or too self depreciating. They have to be careful tho cause if she switches personalities when being tickled the ler could lose their fingers. The more she learns to control Jack the more the others tickle her
.She wants Byakuya to tickle her but he refuses
.Komaru however tickles her all the time. (I know she's not in the first game and not on my list but I love these two very much)
.She's weak to teasing
.Her worst spots are her armpits and the backs of her knees
.Not a great ler since she struggles with social situations
.When she does tickle people it's soft and quick. Unless it's Komaru since she's very close to her
.She gets over Byakuya and develops feelings for Komaru instead. She thinks her laugh is adorable and loves being close to her
.Only when she stops obsessing over and creeping out Byakuya she was able to get close enough to tickle him. Tho he didn't let her do it for long but it was a way of showing her he's beginning to trust her more now that's she's not being a creep
.She doesn't tease. She thinks its childish
.Typically she uses a softer fast tickling method
Sayaka Maizono
.Fairly ticklish!
.She thinks tickling is fun, likes being on the receiving end of it
.Squeals and laughs loudly when tickled. Has a surprisingly loud and chaotic laugh when tickled
.Is the only one in the group not even remotely embarrassed by tickling
.The others like to sneak up on her when she's cooking and poke her sides
.Squirms a bit but mostly just let's her ler have fun
.When she's had enough she'll lightly swat at their hands
.She likes being teased! She likes the attention and being told she's cute
.Her worst spots are the back of her knees and the sides and back of her neck
.She loves tickling people as well!
.She has long nails she likes to keep painted which make for nasty ticklers! She loves using them to scrape and scribble
.Usually when she's in a ler mood she'll just walk up to someone and be like "I need to tickle you! I know you want me to! I'm psychic". If she's set on tickling that specific person and they put up a fight she will either whine until they let her or just knock them over and pin them down
.She can be a mean ler but is fairly merciful
.Her teases are sweet and she loves to pepper her lee in compliments
.Typically goes for a moderately mean tickling method and uses her nails a lot
Junko Enoshima
.Crazy lee! No like she's crazy. Will trash and scream when tickled and threaten her ler
.If she's not pinned your screwed cause she will hurt you
.Out of everyone in the group she hated being tickled the most. Hates the lack of control but likes the despair the lack of control brings
.Her laugh is loud and crazy. She screams, snorts and swears a lot
.She hates being teased
.Her worst spot is her hips
.The most vicious ler
.Loves to tickle people until they vmbeg for mercy
.She doesn't always give it to them
.Uses tickling as a punishment and/or torture
.The others are frightened of her when she's in a ler mood
.She's also referred to as a tickle monster but she's more of a monster than Aoi is. She's ruthless and merciless
.She also wears long stiletto nails which tickle like crazy
.She targets everyone. If one of them piss her off the others won't see them for hours because she is absolutely wrecking them
.Typically goes for an evil torturous tickling method
Mukuro Ikusaba
.Isn't really that ticklish
.Trained her body to fight against the feeling for the military
.There is only a couple places she's ticklish but only Junko knows of them
.If she's tickled there she'll release soft bubbly laughter!
.Covers her mouth when laughing
.Kicks a lot but can control it for the most part
.The only teases she can't handle are compliments
.Her worst spot is her jawline
.Not as mean as Junko but tends to be her sidekick
.Will mainly pin down lees for Junko but will occasionally join in
.She's not that good at tickling so she mainly focuses on her lees death spots because no matter what it'll usually tickle
.Doesn't tease because she thinks it's foolish and dumb
.She sometimes laughs along tho cause she thinks it's funny
.Typically tries to go for a rougher tickling method
This took like 2 and a half hours oml
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fugaciousgloom · 4 years
I’m bored, so here’s some of the pregame headcanons asd plotlines I was talking about.
I’m just going to go by who comes to mind first:
Collects information for money, mostly about her peers.
Runs a podcast about Danganronpa murders and motives.
Favorite Danganronpa series is Ultra Despair Girls, she thinks it’s criminally underrated.
Only friends with Kaede, Rantaro, and Shuichi, but considered popular because Kaede and Rantaro are.
Carries a switchblade/pocket knife on her at all times.
Has been suspended twice for smoking in the school bathrooms.
She purposefully started acting out after almost getting adopted from the orphanage because she didn’t want to be adopted.
Has made multiple attempts to run away with Shuichi, but has always been caught.
Kyoko kinny and will fight any haters.
Outcasted at school for strange, obsessive behaviors.
Gets into petty fights a lot and has to have his ass saved by Maki every other day.
Listens to Maki’s podcast religiously.
Sneaks out with Maki and her friends to see Danganronpa episode premieres that play in the town square.
Has every murder, motive, killer, and victim memorized and quotes characters a lot.
Can be really possessive and is aggressive to anyone who gets too close to his close friends and Maki.
Really, really sadistic.
Ibuki and Sayaka were her favorites and she cosplays as them a lot.
Rich Girl™.
Has auditioned for Danganronpa at least three times since Freshmen year.
One of, if not the, most popular girls in school.
Has a twin sister that hates Danganronpa.
Begs Tsumugi to recommend her for Danganronpa.
Most people in school either fear her or hate her.
Will not hesitate to slap a bitch.
Always has candy on her to keep her blood sugar up.
Gets really bored really quickly.
Has no interest in watching Danganronpa, but auditioned anyways just for the thrill of it.
Pretty laid back until you piss her off.
Works at Danganronpa studio as a costume designer and advertiser
Is rumored to have killed someone.
People approach her to try and get ahead in casting or meet past killing game participants, even though neither are in her control.
Pulls out her Monokuma and Junko voice randomly to surprise people and amuse her friends.
Hosts Danganronpa servers from multiple platforms and runs the official Danganronpa social media accounts.
Despises Danganronpa, but pretends to like it to fit in.
Only friends are Shuichi, Himiko, and Angie.
Lumped in with the weird kids.
Cares about everyone a lot, but acts aloof.
Bad Liar™, but lies a lot anyways.
Was friends with Miu and Rantaro in middle school, but stopped when they both became popular.
Has never smoked or drank in his entire life despite the pressure from his friends.
Angie and Rantaro were the ones to introduce her to Danganronpa.
Sakura Stan.
Lives in a very toxic, misogynistic household with her father and three brothers.
Flirts to get her way.
Tried to teach herself Aikido, but quit after her father caught her.
Used to be popular, but an incident occurred between her and Kirumi that made everyone in the school outcast her.
Rumored to be possessed by a demon.
Loves the occult.
The school weird kid.
The only open Lebsian in the school.
Monokuma has always and will always be her favorite.
Usually lumped in with people like Korekiyo, Kirumi, and Kokichi.
Awkward as fuck.
Covers his face out of shame.
Has violent, angry episodes where he lashes out at anyone nearby.
His classmates are lowkey afraid of him.
Rumored to be a serial killer.
Despises every kid in school besides Angie and Himiko.
Has a sick sister who's been in the hospital since he was a little kid.
Extremely egotistical and self centered.
Everyone in her school thinks shes a bit of a weirdo.
Auditioned for a main role in Danganronpa.
Often talks about her plot to win Danganronpa and get the prize.
It makes most of her classmates uncomfortable.
Desperate to be popular.
Has an attitude and is bot afraid to speak her opinions.
Always wanted to be a scientist, but was made fun of as it contrasted how she presented herself visually.
Soda kinny.
Is grossed out by the thought of sex, but acts as if shes done it a million times before.
Honestly doesn't even like Kaede or her friends, but stays because it keeps the target of bullies off her back.
Makes fun of Kiibo every chance she gets.
He is a human.
Rarely shows emotion, but he feels a lot of emotions.
His father owns a tech company and is often away. Because of this, they don't talk much and Kiibo doesn't know much about his father.
Bullied harshly. They call him a robot and even go so far as to threaten him.
Smart when it comes to math and science, but has trouble with more creative subjects.
Rich and popular.
Girls confess their love to him every single day, but he turns them all down.
His parents are literally never home since they travel for work, so he hosts most of the parties.
Kept hanging out with Tenko after she was outcasted because he sympathized with her.
Closeted gay, but openly flirts with guys in his grade (mostly Kaito). Everyone assumes he's joking.
His sisters are also really into Danganronpa and encouraged him when he told them he was auditioning.
Very intimidating.
Always scowling.
He's actually a big teddy bear, but people still avoid him.
The only person that hangs out with him is Ryoma, who sometimes drags Kirumi to sit with them.
Likes bugs because he thinks they are misunderstood like him.
Once saw a student squash a spider and body slammed him.
Afterwards, rumours spread that he would lose control and attack anyone randomly.
Has given up on life.
Approached Gonta because he didn't care if he was attacked (and was kind of hoping for it, honestly) and accidentally became friends with him.
His girlfriend died because of a local gang and he felt he couldn't do anything about it.
People think he has an addiction to cigarettes, but they're actually just candy cigarettes.
Always liked Leon and Mondo.
Infamous bully.
Targets anyone and everyone that's not in his close friend group.
Has sent multiple people to the hospital.
Secretly has an interest in the stars and can list off useless trivia about space.
A total closet case.
Lives with his grandparents who are very traditional.
Surrounded by toxic masculinity at home, so he puts himself out there as manly.
The only friend he "bullies" is Rantaro because he keeps making passes at him, but he can't bring himself to do anymore than light teasing and it drives him insane.
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ladyanput · 4 years
Um Hi, if you're still doing prompts, maybe one where the class knows Lila's been lying but just wanted to put Marinette down a few pegs only for it to backfire on them?
Oh, this one sounds fun
Where the of Marinette being pompous was a thing, the world will never know. Alya.
When Marc heard about this from Nathaniel, the boy instantly wondered what kind of glue his boyfriend and his class had been huffing, because Marinette was the least pompous, egotistical person he knew. She was incredibly down to earth.
It all started off due to everyone in class realizing all of the accomplishments Marinette had managed to obtain; being a designer for Jagged Stone, being offered and internship by Audrey Bourgeois (and later on in life Gabriel Agreste), having a famous soup named after her, and so much more!
It wasn't that they felt inferior to their classmate, who seemed to already be a rising star. Or that she constantly flaked out in them. What, did she think she was too good for the likes of them? Pompous bitch.
So when Lila came along, they saw a golden opportunity. Sure, the girl's lies were outlandish and ridiculous, but she was their key to knocking the inspiring designer down a few pegs.
They began by excluding Marinette in a lot of activities, putting Lila in as her replacement in almost everything. To show that if Marinette didn't fix up her act, she was easily replaceable. So she'd better get back with bringing to class cake when it was someone's birthday, or helping them out with their dresses for the upcoming dance.
But it didn't seem to work. Well, not right away, but they were willing to wait, they knew it just needed time.
When they saw Marinette beginning to hang out with the likes of Aurore Beauréal, Marc Anciel, and others, a few of the classmates shrugged. She'd return eventually, she'd see how much she was missing out, as the class kept flooding their social medias with their fun times with their new best friend Lila.
They even managed to rope Adrien into the entire scheme, they just didn't tell him.
They exploited Marinette's weak spot by practically forcing Lila and Adrien to be together, to show Marinette that if she started acting less like an entitled brat, she'd get her chance with Adrien. They ignored how stressed and uncomfortable Adrien looked every time he had Lila hanging off of his arm and practically humping his leg.
Marinette... She had shed tears over all of this treatment. She had cried herself to sleep almost nightly, having fought off several akumas that had targeted her, she had been ready to give in, until Marc, after learning what Miss Bustier's class was doing, offered her a place to sit at lunch. He offered her a shoulder to cry on, but never told her what the class was doing exactly. He would later regret it and apologize, but Marinette and her big, loving heart quickly forgave him.
And one day Adrien showed up on her doorstep, looking close to tears and clearly distressed. Marinette hadn't hesitated to let him inside and took him up to her room.
This lead to Marinette sitting on her bed, while Adrien laid his head on her lap and cried.
"I can't take it anymore, Marinette, she's smothering me. She keeps making threats about my father and other stuff.." Adrien whispered, nibbling on one of the cookies Tom had brought up to try and soothe the boy.
"Well, you can come here anytime Adrien." Marinette stroked her crush's silken blond hair from his face, then gently wiped away his tears. "I promise my door is always open, Adrien, I'm always here for you."
"Really?" He whispered, looking up at her with those perfect green eyes of his.
"Of course," Marinette smiled, surprised at herself that she'd managed to form full sentences around him. But facing akumas daily and becoming Ladybug, being abandoned by her friends, amongst other things, had put a braveness in her. Suddenly, speaking to Adrien wasn't so scary, especially when she saw he wasn't perfect. He wasn't horrible, just sheltered and alone, but he was still good at heart. But the words she hadn't planned on saying had slipped from her lips. "I do love you, afterall."
It was then Paris saw an abrupt change in the relationship between Ladybug and Chat Noir, one that was less full of flirting from Chat and a new, stronger relationship of partners working together and defeated the akumas on record time.
And at school, Marinette and Adrien kept their relationship a secret, mostly due to Lila and the class, though Marinette's new friends were overjoyed for the duo. Even Luka and Kagami weren't bitter, after they had met each other and felt a spark.
But one day, there was a push too far and everyone just snapped.
"I told you I'm not going to the gala with you! I've already got a date!" Adrien snapped at Lila, shoving her grasping hands off of him in fury. Marinette stopped her progress to her next class and turned to watch the scene, frowning in concern.
"But Adrien, you wouldn't want to make me upset, your father-" Lila began, narrowing her eyes as she reached out for him.
"Can back off! You need to back off, so do the rest of you!" Adrien turned and pointed right at his class, glaring at them. "Stop trying to push me into a relationship with Lila, I don't even like her. I'm already dating someone!"
"Adrien, don't be silly!" Alya let out a strained laugh, catching sight of Marinette from the corner of her eye. "Lila's practically in love with you, you'd make the most adorable couple."
"Leave him alone, Alya." Marinette strode up in a fury, taking Adrien's hand and holding it tight. "If he doesn't want to be about Lila, you shouldn't force him. He's not some toy for your entertainment."
"Oh please, girl, you're just jealous." Alya snorted, crossing her arms as she cocked a hip. "Don't be so salty because you missed your chance to date him."
"Alya, she's the one in dating." Adrien said flatly, pulling Marinette closer as the class blinked with surprise.
"What...?" Alya whispered weakly, her face going pale, before cursing very explicitly. "Dammit, Adrien, this ruins the entire plan!"
"Plan?" Marinette's brows furrowed as she stared at her former best friend. "What plan?"
The class exchanged glances as Alya suddenly got an annoyed look on her face.
"The plan to get you off of your high horse, duh." Alya rolled her eyes, then motioned over to Lila. "We've had to put up with this self centered idiot for almost five months, but it almost worked. But now Adrien ruined it by dating you!"
"High horse?" Marinette felt her cheeks warm in embarrassment at their words, before fury settled in. "What high horse? What did I ever do to make you guys think I suddenly act like I was on one?"
"I mean, your accomplishments with Jagged Stone, Audrey Bourgeois..." Kim began listing off, their other classmates joining in while Lila looked like she'd been slapped. No one had believed her all this time? She had just been some pawn in their ploy to send their always down to earth friend to basically grovel.
Wow and she thought she was evil. But this class took the cake.
"You mean the stuff I earned?" Marinette teared up as a crowd began to firm, observing the entire scene unfolding. "I... I can't believe I cried myself to sleep over you guys! You put me through all of that just because I'm succeeding in life?! When did I ever hold any of my accomplishments over your heads?! When did I brag, when did I gloat?! When was I a horrible friend?!"
Everyone watched as Marinette burst into heartbroken sobs and curled into Adrien, who glared at his class. Marc and Aurora rushed forward and ushered the weeping girl away, while Adrien turned towards the class, his expression full of fury.
"You accused Marinette of jealousy, when really you guys are the jealous ones. Wow, I just... You guys really are trash. You're worse than my father, worse than Lila, even. I can't believe.. Believe I wanted to be your friends."
"Wait, dude.." Nino stepped forward, but Adrien held up a hand to silence him and rushed off after his girlfriend and her friends, leaving Miss Bustier's class to stand there, shellshocked while the rest of the student body looked at them in disgust.
That was the day the class became a social pariah at the school. Many friendships and relationships were broken because of the stunt they pulled. Chloé, who had not participated because that whole scheme wasn't worth her time, finally did go to New York with her mother. Adrien and Marinette transferred to a different class and suddenly the class seemed less bright. No cakes, no special presents or favours.
Meanwhile, Marinette felt estatic. She was dating Adrien, Jagged let it slip to the media that she was his new designer, and her website; MDC, was blowing up. And she was surrounded by loving friends and family, while her old friends were on the outside looking in, wondering where they had gone wrong.
Taglist: @vixen-uchiha @ravennightingaleandavatempus @2sunchild2 @crazylittlemunchkin @bee-wrecker @souleateralicestein @loysydark @kceedraws @realrandomposts @alienjoyful
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accioromione · 4 years
Prompt: Ron looking at his and hermiones zodiac signs to see their compatibility when he’s in divination lol
Ahhhhhh!!!! Okay
Title: A Virgo and a Pisces (Takes place in fourth year before the goblet of fire says Harry’s name somewhere between ch 14 and 15 of GOF lol) 
‘Alright young minds, turn to chapter fourteen please’ professor Trewlawny said dreamily.
‘Today we will look upon the stars to see our inner selves!’
Ron opened his Divination textbook to chapter fourteen, which was titled “Astrology- Zodiac Characterisics”
‘Now only a few posess the gift of astrology, to be able to read the stars is not an easy task, but ancient astrologists who possessed the power of sight were able to understand the stars and the planets, and those born where the stars align into different shapes have different characteristics, is anyone here aware of their zodiac? And some characteristics that accompany it?’
Parvarti’s hand shot up in the sky
‘Yes my dear,’ said Professor Trelawney.
‘I’m a Capricorn! They’re supposed to be hard-working,’
‘Ahhh yes,’ said Professor Trelawney said, ‘the sea-goat’ she continued, and she emphasized her point by curling up her hands to make what appeared to be an imitation of horns at the front of her forehead.
‘Yes they are said to be very hard working, alas every capricorn I have known has died due to a work related illness,’ she continued, making parvarti look absolutely terrified, ‘but it is a good characteristic indeed, ten points to Gryffindor house.’
‘Anyone else?’ professor Trelawney continued, and many other hands shot into the air. She picked on Draco Malfoy’s.
‘Well, my birthday is June 5th, I suppose that’s a Gemini.’ Draco said, ‘I know we’re meant to be charming and whimsical.’
‘Ahhh yes the twins, very two- faced they say the Gemini’s are, those in astrology are very careful to trust Gemini’s. They are very untrustworthy indeed. Gemini’s are by far the most manipulative, superficial and deceitful of any zodiac. This leads to their downfall of course, most Gemini’s die by murder you see. Really a pity. 10 points to Slytherin.’
Draco looked furious, Ron and Harry sniggered.
‘And you two?’ Trewlaney asked, which caused Ron and Harry to stop laughing.
‘I’m March 1st- so I reckon I’m a Pisces’ Ron said, ‘used to see those astrology things on the daily profit’
‘Ahhh yes the fish,’ Trelawney said, and she put her hands on her cheeks to imitate a fish swimming.
‘Very passionate... very laid back but can be very temperamental, they are also very intuitive and empathetic. I quite like the fish. Be weary however, this empathy leads to great downfall, the Pisces are very trusting and often betrayed by those they trust most.’
Ron raised his eyebrows at Harry jokingly.
‘And you dear?’ Trelawney said turning to Harry.
‘I’m a Leo,’ Harry said.
‘Ah no surprise, the Lion.’ Trelawney said, licking the top of her hand as if she were a cat.
‘Yes, very brave the lions are, ready to dominate any task they set out to do. But alas, very VERY egotistical, this leads to their downfall as they tend to overestimate their abilities and refuse to accept any forms of critistism. They tend to die at an early because their confidence causes them to believe that they alone can do the most dangerous of tasks, shame.’
‘She might be on to something,’ Ron whispered, Harry elbowed him.
‘Unfortunately the time is something my eye can foresee but not control, we are out of time today. Your homework will be to write an essay on your zodiac sign, I would like you to use this book as well as other astrology resources you can find in the library to write about the characteristics of your zodiac. Please include good and bad character traits, which is in chapter fifteen. I would also like you to write about related careers, friendships, romantic relationships, and of course, the way your sign will lead to your ultimate death. For your romantic relationships, you should do it based on your sign compatibility in the book. The last part of chapter seventeen states the sign you are most romantically compatible with. It should be a minimum of four pages and a maximum of six pages, and you should show a clear astrological understanding of everything, you’re all dismissed.’
The class got up and Ron and Harry walked to the Great hall for lunch, they saw Hermione with two empty seats beside her.
‘How was divination?’ Hermione asked as the two took their seats.
‘Actually not bad, Astrology is pretty interesting, and she wasn’t too far off about Harry.’ Ron jokingly said, plating some food.
Hermione rolled her eyes, ‘Astrology is a bunch of make-believe it’s not backed up by any real science Ron.’
‘Sounds like something a Virgo would say,’ Ron joked.
‘How’d you know I’m a Virgo?’ Hermione asked.
‘The inner eye? I dunno- your birthday’s September 19... that’s a Virgo is it not?’ Ron asked, putting a spoonful of food in his mouth, Hermione looked at him curiously.
‘Yes... but how did you know? Most people only know their own signs.’ Hermione stated matter of factly.
‘I know Harry’s too, it’s the same as Ginny’s. No wonder you’re both mental.’ said Ron to Harry and Harry rolled his eyes.
‘Oh so is someone in your family a Virgo then?’ Hermione asked.
‘Er-no,’ Ron said, his ears red. The truth was that the reason he knew that Hermione was a Virgo was because he liked to read the horoscopes on the daily profit sometimes, and some days he would be curious as to what Hermione’s would say.
‘Percy was a day off from being a Virgo though, he’s technically a Leo-Virgo mix. Oh god, Percy’s what you get if you mix you two together,’ Ron added pointing at them, ‘makes sense in an odd way.’
‘Hey!’ Harry said indignantly.
‘I don’t make the rules, the stars do mate,’ Ron said matter of factly before putting another spoonful of food in his mouth.
‘The stars,’ Hermione scoffed, ‘pathetic.... it’s all made up... they make general terms that can apply to everyone.’
‘I dunno,’ Harry said picking up a spoonful of food and placing it in his own mouth, ‘She was pretty accurate about Malfoy,’ Harry sniggered. 
‘You can’t assume someone’s personality by the day they’re born, it’s completely illogical.’ Hermione stated, ‘Anyways I’m off to Arthimancy, a subject that is based on ACTUAL facts.’ She picked up her books and walked away. 
‘Such a fun girl, always a good time with Hermione.’ Ron said before picking up another spoonful of food. 
‘I can’t believe she wants us to write a four paged essay,’ Harry said, taking a swig of his juice. 
‘Yeah, characteristics I understand...But relationships? Now we have to talk about a whole other zodiac too,’ said Ron. 
‘Actually,’ Harry said taking out his Divination textbook, ‘I wonder who I’m compatible with....’ 
‘Do you even know Cho’s birthday?’ Ron asked, and Harry kicked him, Ron knew that Harry had developed a crush on the Ravenclaw seeker. 
‘Let’s see.....’ Harry said flipping through the book.. ‘Oh Leo okay there....Leo’s are compatible with Leo’s?’ 
‘Makes sense,’ said Ron, ‘egotistical and all, hey Ginny might stand a chance after all.’ 
‘Let's see you then,’ Harry said, annoyed that his zodiac stereotype was so vain it had to be compatible with itself. 
‘Okay Pisces lets see,’ Harry smirked at he looked read the book. 
‘Well? Go on,’ Ron said, tagging a swig of his own juice. 
‘Virgo,’ Harry said sniggering and Ron spit out his juice. 
‘Well-’ Ron sputtered, ‘I reckon Hermione’s right, this is all made up.’ 
‘Ah agreeing with your soul mate, very cute Ron.’ Harry said and Ron’s ears turned red. 
‘You’re taking the mickey,’ said Ron, grabbing the book from Harry. But when he looked down at the text in front of him, he saw that Harry was very much telling the truth, according to the book, a virgo was the sign he was most compatible with. 
Harry was sniggering, and Ron gave him a death stare. Hermione was HIS FRIEND. And she was a down pain sometimes, he loved her very much. But as a FRIEND. She wasn't ugly by any means....Actually...she had gotten even more good looking over the summer...and more curvaceous.... which Ron had tried not to notice too much... Wait what...What was he thinking? He shouldn't have been thinking about how curvaceous Hermione had gotten! 
‘Well reckon this is going to be an interesting essay at least,’ Harry said, ‘can’t believe she’s only giving us two days to do it.’ 
‘Yeah what’s that about? Mcgonagall is up our arses, Flitwick expects us to do all those charms and we've barely been back yet!’ said Ron annoyed. 
Harry nodded his head in agreement. 
That night Ron and Harry sat in the common room working on their essays. Hermione was in a chair by the fireplace, with her head buried in a piece of parchment, also writing furiously. 
‘How are we supposed to make this four pages?’ Ron asked Harry, ‘the book barely says anything, it just states character traits and who you’re compatible with.’ 
Harry flipped through the pages in his Divination textbook, ‘you’re right, should we go to the library?’ 
‘Might as well, I don't want to work on this any more than I have to already.’ Ron said picking up his quill and parchment, Harry followed suit. 
‘We're going to the library Hermione, want to come?’ Ron asked, Hermione looked up from her parchment and raised her eyebrows. 
‘You two are going to the library?’
‘Is that not what I just asked? Unless you want to write our divination essays for us.’ Said Ron, and Hermione frowned. 
‘No I do no not...to writing the essays...but alright to the library! I can finish Ancient Runes there, I like their big tables!’ Hermione said eagerly picking up her rucksack and getting off the chair. 
‘Right,’ said Ron, rolling his eyes at Hermione’s now beaming face. ‘You’d have think I asked her to go on a trip,’ Ron said to Harry as she eagerly chased behind them. 
The three of them made their way towards the library, Ron looked around for the Astrology section. 
‘Let's see....Ancient Runes.... oh Hermione would love this..okay okay... aha Astrology!’ said Ron, and Harry and him browsed books together. Both of them found some books that were along the lines they were looking for. 
Ron found two books, one called Compatibility of the Constellations and the other called, Constellations and Careers. Harry found two books as well, one called, The Fundamental Traits the Zodiacs, and the other called Astrology: The Signs and their Meanings. 
Both Ron and Harry took a seat at the long table Hermione was sitting at, buried deep into her work. Ron and Harry knew better than to disrupt Hermione when she was in work mode. 
Ron took out Compatibility of the Constellations and started to read. Skipping any part that didn’t show Pisces..he flipped through until he saw the mentioning of Pisces. To his luck he found exactly what he was looking for, explaining why he was compatible with certain signs as friends, Ron smiled approvingly when he saw Leo as being very compatible with Pisces as friends. He showed it to Harry who smiled back. Harry was reading The Fundamental Traits the Zodiacs and could hear him scoff a few times as he wrote on his parchment. Ron read further down, until he reached a subheading that said, The Romantic Lives of Pisces, and just like the Divination book told him, this book also implied that he was compatible with Virgos. He read further and almost hiccoughed at the sub-title. Dating and Sexual Life of Virgo and Pisces. 
What the hell was Trelawney asking for here? Ron continued to read, 
Pisces can let go, let it be, and just live in the moment, which is something that Virgo deeply struggles to do, as they tend to want to control everything
Well they’re not wrong, Ron thought to himself, writing this down. 
Pisces can encourage Virgo to become more laid back and less strung. Most Virgos are workaholics who make little to no time for leisure and pleasure activities.
Ron looked up at Hermione, who was was writing madly and grinned down and wrote down this very true statement. 
Most people of other zodiac signs do not understand the pressure Virgo goes through; however, Pisces’ sensitive nature can pick up on what their Virgo partner is feeling or thinking. Pisces possess just the right amount of compassion to know what to do to soothe the tension in their Virgo partner. Pisces can remove Virgo’s stress and worry, and encourage Virgo to relax, let go, and enjoy the present moment. Patience and trust in the greater good are what Pisces can teach Virgo.
Ron wondered if he truly did do this for Hermione.... she was definitely not the same Hermione from first year, sure she was still high strung, but compared to first year she was indeed much more patient and easy going. Could this really have been due to him? Or was it just age? 
It will be essential for them to resolve any issues in the relationship as soon as any problems arise as if it is left unresolved resentment can build, and because both signs tend to favor isolation, they can completely isolate themselves from each other. They need to remember what made them fall in love with each other initially, and not focus on the negatives in the relationship. Each of them can bring fulfillment to the other’s life, but they must keep their eye on the bigger picture, and not worry about frivolities.
Ron grinned, remembering the Crookshanks and Scabbers fiasco that had happened just last year. 
When a Virgo dates a Pisces, they will have an emotional depth and connection between them that only some dream to have. Virgo partners lack confidence in sexual matters, which they hide under their rational minds and cool, calm exterior. Pisces can also be shy during physical connections, and they will instantly dismiss the shyness of their partner through mutual understanding. Their sexual lives will be governed by their inherent need for a passionate relationship, which will be free from judgment and filled with love.
Ron decided he was not going to write that part down. He had looked at Hermione in a more sexual light admittedly when he had seen her developed body over the summer. He had never really thought how Hermione would be in bed, Hermione lacking confidence was something Ron never really saw, he always took her to be a rather confident girl, but this was admittedly only with school and facts. She never really mentioned her looks. And was he shy? He’d never been with a girl...however, the thought of approaching a girl did intimate him, so maybe he was shy. But passionate love? Ron laughed, he couldn't imagine making passionate love with Hermione... he was fourteen...he’d never even snogged a girl. But everything else was pretty bang on.... could it be? Him and Hermione? 
He looked up to take a peak at her...she looked rather cute when she was focused...wait what was he thinking? The astrology was affecting him... This wasn't his true thoughts, or was it? Could Hermione truly be the one for him...And even if she was, was he the one for her? Why had he decided to take Divination.
Hermione was right, Divination was a bunch of nonsense. 
Him and Hermione compatible, as if. 
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ghoulishhusband · 3 years
I just realized I can actually talk here. Like this is my account fuck u
Fucking uhhhhhh, hi ig lemme ramble abt my God ocs yea?
Ignore this part if you don't wanna hear (likely) unedited rambles lol it doesn't matter
CW: neglect/abuse, assholery/narcissism, manipulation, tread lightly!
read the under cut owo
Also don't steal my art I'll fucking?? Fight you????
I have three main gods that I wanna talk abt especially bc they've been on my mind lately.. Less get it, side notes are in (parentheses) and are bolded cause I have perception issues whoo I don't want it to jumble together is my point lol
First up is my asshole,
they/them (preferred)
god/godself (i like pronouns that fit my characters, so I'm giving a bunch away for one night only at--)
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ID : Giodine is colored with gold-ish yellow skin and ginger hair. Their eyes are a muted purple and they have tiny eyebrows. Their lips are a muted brown and are full looking, their nose is sharp and points down. They have wings for ears and is wearing a blazer with a long-sleeved, collared shirt underneath it. The background is beige with a yellow square and a dark purple square partially encompassing it. It is signed GH (for ghoulish husband), Spork, 21.
(lemme know if that helps at all! I'm sure I can do better so lemme know!)
If they look weird here it's bc I accidentally made their face too long but believe it or not this is in fact just a doodle Ik I'm so fuckin talented babes.
Anyways, they're basically the first God to ever exist on my version of earth (though even that is fickle rn, world-building is hard unless I hyper-focus on it, and haha Guess What I Haven't Been Thinking About) and they're very egotistical and selfish. As I'll probably yap about later is how they're manipulative as well, especially to another God I'll mention, and very neglectful to the other... other one.
Their partner(professionally), or fiend as they call him, is sam who for the first few eons was, unsurprisingly, absolutely terrible to him. A few tender moments are few and far in between in what could only be described as a completely rancid relationship. I'll describe giodine's side and in sam's lil ramble, I'll describe his :]
I have to explain this because it's a big part of the lore and how they can't work together, even when one of them is very much near The Void (technical death for gods) BUT basically, with Sam, giodine created purgatory. The issue here is that they basically seduced sam into doing it. Well, even if they hadn't, sam was in lesbians(happy pride month lmao) with giodine and would've done it anyway. But the ISSUE is that with the creation of purgatory came complications. See, my gods have to take time to develop into their power, and considering giodine was first and sam was around 666th.. you see the issue. Sam wasn't into his complete power yet and thus lost a giant part of it that went into purg.
See, giodine saw no problem with this (until much later, they do get a VERY SLOW BURN redemption arc cause this ain't even the worst of it), they got what they were aching for out of them and thusly had no need for..sam. They laid him in the spot where she was made (fwi it isn't inherently sexual, it can be, but literally, they just merged together-- taking bits and pieces of each other (which sam did not have enough of) and earth and light yadda, yadda I'll post the story I wrote for that later if I'm up to it) and left him there in the grass.
Again, they saw no problem with that, the deed was done, they didn't care anymore. A common issue in their qualms, sam and Giodine. They did find an issue in Sam finding an issue in the lack of aftercare, which resorted to any message going to or coming from sam going straight to his assistant and going back through them for a couple of thousand years. They found that infuriating-- how could he not face them over something so small! and for years?! it was ridiculous. After forcing a face-to-face meeting, a heated proclaim of hurt from sam, and a bitter agreement to meet up every now and again, they got what they wanted from him. Again. It was a business after all, there was no point in making it harder than it needed to be. 
Giodine doesn't necessarily like boundaries and tends to overstep sam's frequently. They also don't like his reaction to his boundaries being long jumped over, which thusly ends up in disgruntled messages being sent back and forth between them and his assistant for a month or three. It slowly gets through to them, but they tend to say some stupid shit and if they want sam to stay, they have to try and avoid mentioning how "overly sensitive" he is to something that happened eons ago.
(quick mention, there isn't like. time. here. so in all honesty, giodine probably counted earth days instead of Heaven 'days' to get that) Soon into their arrangements to meet, they seem to get on at least tolerable terms, obviously, a few meetings where neither of them feels like going apeshit and taking proper shapeless (or in sams case, he's got a newfound form for ANGER OO just for giodine 🤗) forms isn't going to fix a grudge that has yet to be apologized for by the way. But it's a start to a very long process down the road. Tolerance.
Giodine as an entity is very fickle and rude and demanding. They tend to have a short temper that no one else is allowed to have or comment on-- They were the first therefore they were the most important!
This is very obviously an issue. But it's mostly directed to purgatory. Almost all of their seething rage is pointed towards the poor entity, she's barely been alive yet and they already seem to hate her for things she doesn't know how to do. Honestly, I don't think Purg will ever fully forgive them for the unnecessary abuse of her character, but just as Sam and Giodine get on better terms, they had barely just begun fixing the hole in their relationship. As of now, Sam/Giodine don't have any minor plot points with purgatory other than the major one so I don't have a lot to say about their relationship right now. Maybe one day.
I'd go into details, seriously, but I just wanna ramble about their relationships with each other and their impact on each other's existence. Hope you don't mind a few secrets 😉
But, now, it's time for a new God, one I think most people take a liking to...
Sam (Samuel)
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ID: Sam is surrounded by clouds in the light blue, fading to a darker blue sky and the yellow sun. His horns are a darker beige, which is being highlighted by the sun shining down on him, he also has pointed ears. His skin is red which is very prominent in the sun. His eyes are completely yellow, his hair, beard and mustache are also black. He has an orange scar crawling up to his Adams apple. His wings are a darker grey which is also being highlighted by the sun. His nails are painted black and his hand is holding up the black fabric barely covering his shoulders. Around the painting is a gold and red shaded frame with swirls complimenting each side and a crystal at the bottom of it. It is lightly signed GH, for ghoulish husband.
Sam, Sam, Samuel.
If you don't realize right away, Sam is basically Satan, he's the ruler of hell
Like how giodine was the first to appear on earth, as mentioned before sam was 666th for funnie reasons. Sam was made from bugs, dried blood, and sunlight which sounds pretty gross, but he's far from it. He's a silly, yet neat, guy. He wears Hawaiian shirts and khakis (not around giodine lmao) for cryin' out loud! how bad of a person can he be? Apparently to giodine (for a while obviously) he was the most retched entity to exist. This very much hurt him considering the amount of fake care they showed him before. With a mixture of confusing feelings (which wasn't supposed to be a thing but Univerce went "lmao you'll be fine" and left... short explanation, Univerce is the Universe and is the entity who simply builds these planets and gods that'll appear there and leave them to their own devices, xyr not extremely important in this story. Nor would they care.) and feeling used, he decided that no he wasn't going to take that.
If there is one thing Sam knows how to do is to self preserve himself, even if that means getting passive-aggressive notes sent to him every once in a while. While this period, Sam was surprisingly the least productive (unfortunately giodine knew this and eventually mentioned it in one of their meetings which made him hide away cause like hell giodine was going to be critical of /him/) but he managed. It wasn't terrible, but unfortunately, Sam being able to talk it out with someone who does practically the same work as he does and gets newer, more helpful ideas was better in the long run.
Unsurprisingly, Sam was the first to initiate the healing of his and giodine's relationship but it wasn't reciprocated. Who would've figured, aye? Giodine kept pushing it back onto him and ignoring any progress that could've been made before. Which was frustrating.
The painting above was 'painted' by giodine, which is sorta where their relationship gets somewhat on an understanding of each other. Giodine gets to take a deep long look into who Sam is and tries to express it but it never fit him, it makes them realize that they never really-- truly got to know him. And all it does for Sam is make him even more confused about his place in giodine’s mind. He figured it's another fluke to get him to do something, so he ends up distancing himself when they start actually reciprocating his friendship advancements.
Suddenly, like a flash, Sam was forced to stay with giodine which is where the majority. I'll explain.
Sam...isn't actually the ruler of hell. Anymore, anyways depending on the timeline. His and purgatory's relationship has always been complicated, she always avoided him, and when they talked she always seemed scared of him. So in the end, they've never been close. Distant. Sam always wanted to talk to her, he made her, but if she didn't want to talk to him he wouldn't force it. But imagine his surprise as Purg singlehandedly took over hell in a hazed frenzy.
And not only that, had a personal vendetta against him!
Well, that would be the only explanation to Sam considering how he ended up broken and barely 'alive' at the hands of her. Horns broken and in tatters, pain and almost obliterated it felt like a hate crime. He didn't know what to do when he made it to the office, Purgatory was creating chaos outside his door and barely being able to breathe he felt like it was the end. So he called giodine. 
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ID: Purgatory is surrounded by flowers that are dark grey and white. The light fades down into a dark green. The light shines down on top of her straight, white hair that has yellow flowers tucked into it.  Her skin is a dark brown and has a orange-ish yellow scar on her shoulder trailing up to her neck. Her skin is also highlighted by the sun. In one of her eyes, her sclera is black with an orangey, glowing iris. As for the other eye it it has a white sclera and the same, glowing orange iris. She has wings for ears, one dark grey and one white along with beige horns. She has a white fabric covering her chest. The frame is gold with white accents, but also has vines and moss crawling up the side. 
(may have goofed a bit and forgot to color the sclera of her other eye white but ignore that pls)
Purgatory was made by Sam and Giodine, but to her it felt like a mistake. Why make someone that you’re going to be terrible to, she believed. Giodine seemed to hate her and eventually made her section almost obsolete because she simply wasn’t able to keep up with the backlog that she wasn’t taught to deal with. Not only that, she didn’t have any help with any of it, it was almost like she was expected to just do it on her own. Until Death came along to help, but that’s not what we’re going to be talking about right now. 
And also, Purgatory is Purgatory yadda, yadda, I wont insult your intelligence.
Giodine’s thought process (other than wanting to be Real Close to Sam and once that thought filtered out, promptly ignored it) was that all the extras that don’t fit in either category of their thought of good and evil they’d go to her. (doesn’t matter cause in Sam's system it filters through ‘levels of assholery’ and depending on how bad you are you either just vibe in the upper city under rule of capitalism and possibly many under paying jobs or being actually tortured for his amusement if you’re just evil. Morally grey. Anyway, it could work p well in heaven if giodine wasn’t such a damn stickler.) But in the end, every day, less and less people ended up in purgatory, leaving her with barely any people and more verbal abuse from giodine who ‘HAS to take them or they would be more dead than they already are’. You see the pain she has to go through, right? 
~Idea section, this is probably not canon anyways so dont take it serious~ 
My thought is that another oc (BA, you may have heard of him idk) takes over simply because Purg took multiple hims from alternative timelines (which isn’t allowed but what’re they gonna do, undead a dead clown? multiple times from multiple timelines???)) because she adored him and they figured ‘well we gotta redo purgatory may as well do it like this’ and make him a demi-dead-god. i think thats a cool idea right? anyhoo
~Idea section over uwu~
Purgatory overall is a fairly timid character, she doesn’t like conflict, is easily overwhelmed, and generally keeps to herself. She doesn’t see the point in being in any drama if she’s just going to be yelled at and scolded even if it’s not about her. The only way i could describe her taking over hell is this: 
She was tired. She was angry and after feeling like nothing was in control or in her hands, she snapped. Why doesn’t she get anything or get to be ‘all powerful’ but they do? She knew if she took on Giodine she’d likely get thrown to the void, but sam? He felt fair game. Considering her fear of both of these gods, she planned and got her courage up to take him over. She had considered negotiations but in the end, she ended up going into a haze and ruining everything in sight. She was more powerful than she thought and once she started, she didn't stop until Death restrained her and Sam was already in pieces at God’s doorstep. 
The aftermath was fuzzy for her and for everyone really. Godine was planning a take back hell while actually worrying for sam, sam was planning for a retirement, and she was being consoled while trying to get in contact with sam to apologize. Giodine wouldn’t dare let her talk to him, until she just showed up in their office. She didn’t have a problem with Sam, honest, she just was going to take shit over, but it got out of control. 
Spoiler, Sam took her apology and they actually became.. somewhat closer after reaching an understanding. 
I wanna say that giodine took them being okay and sam retiring as good as sam did about purg running hell, but they didn’t. Giodine and purgatory actually barely got along in the first place, and only begun ‘working’ on their bitterness toward each other because they both had sam to encourage it. I can’t say for certain if they’ll get better, as theyre both undying and have time, but I’ll just say for now its uncertain. 
Also, Death is Purgatory’s girlfriend after all of that lmao.
And.. yeah, i hope this makes sense and that you like my drawings and ramblings about my lil story in my head, i guess this is my way to develop it without just keeping it to myself cause god forbid i keep things to myself hshsh. If you made it to the end, thank you for taking the time to read and attempting to process everything, and even if you didnt read and just looked to look at my art thank you to!!
I may post some art over on @ghoulishhusbandart cause.. it was my art account before i completely forgot about it but i might reboot it! But if you wan art NEOWWW follow me on insta (ik cringe lmaoo) by the same name as this account @ghoulishhusband​ or just click that insta link! also ignore the fact that giodine is the only one without a portrait, maybe I’ll replace it the next time i draw but im graduating on monday and my dad’s coming TOMORROW?? so i won’t have too much time to do it... but i hope you like my art anyways :]
ok!! ty!! ily!!
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oh-so-scenarios · 4 years
Loose Ends | one
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⇢ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ʟᴀsᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴍᴘʀᴇssɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ...ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴀᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅɪᴅɴ'ᴛ sᴛɪᴄᴋ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴇᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍᴀɢᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀᴜsᴇᴅ.
⇢ᴄᴇᴏ! ᴋɪᴍ ɴᴀᴍᴊᴏᴏɴ x ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ ᴀssɪsᴛᴀɴᴛ! ғᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ᴇx-ғɪᴀɴᴄᴇs!ᴀᴜ, ᴀɴɢsᴛ, ᴇɴᴇᴍɪᴇsᴛᴏʟᴏᴠᴇʀs
A/N: This one jumps right into things. First chapter is a bit...meh. but we gotta lay down the foundations first right? Not edited! (Word Count: 5K) Is this 
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Egotistical. Cold. Detached. Aloof. Inconsiderate. Narrow-Minded. Rigid. Narcissistic. All negative personality traits you could think of. Throw some more out there. Unfriendly, Greedy and more. All those words could describe my bosses. My past bosses and probably my future bosses. 
I’ve looked into the eyes of the coldest and most unbending people in the business industry. I stared them down, pulled a tight smile and flutter my eyelashes while speaking in a calm tone. That is my job. That is my career. Though I have only been doing this for 3 years, I live for it. 
Secretary, CEO’s assistant, Executive Assistant; there are many names for what I do. Call it what you will, I make sure important people know what they have planned for the day. I make sure they don’t fall apart and they do what is required of them
I am the most requested worker from Trim Line, the hiring agency I work for. My contracts never exceed 6 months; I come in to fix things up, find and train a new secretary and see myself out. I’ve declined too many long term offers and though it’d be more stable to stay in one place ...I don’t want to.
“Accept it.” Ms. Kwon said. I glanced up from the open folder that laid on my desk. I looked back down and bit my lip. She stood in front of my smaller desk with her arms crossed. Her amber-brown hair was resting on her shoulders. She’d just cut it short a few days ago. It made her appear to be younger. Her face was lacking wrinkles and though she was 54 she looked no older than 35. She often brags about her skin routine, the one she refuses to share with anyone.
Everyone has come to the conclusion that it’s some expensive serum we couldn’t afford anyway. 
Ms. Kwon is the CEO of Trim Line. she started the company 23 years ago and has been growing since. Trim Line provides qualified Lawyers, accounts, Secretaries and more. I am simply a secretary. I have refused all her offer to be trained in a different department. She believes I am limiting myself, but that’s fine with me. 
My hard work over the last 3 years has made Ms. Kwon draw me under her wing. She often checks on me, and always recommends me to potential clients. I’m thankful for her support and the support of the company. I tell everyone that Trim Line is just the place to work if you have the skills but can’t seem to find a job. 
Just be able to speak Korean and that’s enough. It doesn’t matter your gender or race, Trim Line will find work for you. The company was founded in South Korea but locations have been opened in Japan, China, and Taiwan.  The growth of the company is something Ms. Kwon takes pride in. Her eyes twinkle and her chin raises up while she puts a hand over her heart. 
She has a hard time believing she’s come so far. That’s why I appreciate her.  
“It’s 8 months,” I answer, speaking like that statement justified my answer. She places a hand on my desk and leans on it a bit. She narrows her eyes and cocks her head.
“I don’t know why you keep battling me on this Y/n. Take the offer. The pay is good, the ability to network is there as well. It’s just two months longer than your regular contracts. I don’t see the problem.” She argues, glancing down at the folder again. 
I sighed and leaned back in my seat, “This offer is...sketchy.” I always speak with her honestly. 
“Everyone knows KM Publishing. They are on top of the world right now. All the books that come out of there are best sellers. Published in Korea, then translated for many countries. They practically came out of nowhere and took over the publishing industry.” I said. 
Ms. Kwon took her hand off the desk and held her arms open as if her point was made, “Aren’t you supposed to be arguing against me, Y/n? Everything you said is correct! It’s a wonderful opportunity.”
I shook my head, “You know what else is correct, Ms. Kwon?”
Her eyes shift around the room as if waiting for someone else to answer. She shakes her head and shrugs. There was something childish about the action and I almost laughed at how childlike she looked at that moment.
“There isn’t much known about the CEO, but what is known--”
“--Yes, yes! I’ve heard it!” Ms. Kwon cuts me off, “I heard he’s awful.”
“Correction, he’s the worst,” I added sharply, “and it was Mina who said that! Mina, of all people!”
Mina is a co-worker of mine. She does her job well and isn’t a pushover. However, I remember hearing her experience with Mr. Kim of Moonchild Publishing. She met him in passing when working on as a lawyer for a smaller publisher. 
“His aura is terrifying.” She’d said. 
“He didn’t say a word but the look in his eyes was so demeaning. Like a father that sees his child as a failure.”
Mina looks for the best in people. She’s someone who has worked for some rude people but I’ve never heard her speak negatively of a person, let alone call some terrifying.
“But you’re tougher than Mina! That’s why I brought this offer to you!” 
“How is anyone gonna improve if you bring all the tough jobs to me?” I muttered under my breath. I crossed my arms over my chest and almost glowered at Ms. Kwon. She brushed off my irate gaze and continued with her lecture.
“This isn’t one for someone who wants to grow Y/n. I need someone who is qualified and can deal with whatever stuck up, arrogant man is thrown her way. That’s you.” She points her manicured finger at me, before wagging it around the office. 
“No one in this office has been able to work under such pressure. You’re the only secretary Mr. Jeon, CEO of JJK IT, hasn’t made cry.” She reminds me. 
Oh right, Mr. Jeon. A young man whose brilliant idea brought him to a high status of power. The way his company has been overtaking the IT world is alarming. It makes me wonder just when it’ll become too close to a monopoly, because the short 3 months I was there showed the young man’s desire to expand.
His attitude was...condescending. He walked about looking down on those around him. He was the King and we were the lowly help. He was one of the most talkative CEOs I’ve worked for. He’d often grin at me, while his eyes racked up and down my body.
I never mentioned his attempting to wine and dine me to Ms. Kwon. He felt no shame in letting me know he was interested. Ugh. The more that I think about it, the more I realized how much I disliked Mr. Jeon.
Mixing personal desires into work is so unprofessional. I lost some respect for him, but there wasn’t much in the first place. 
I pick up one of the papers from the folder and scanned it, finding what I wanted. 
“Who put in the offer to the company? He did?” I ask, pressing my lips into a tight line. 
“The Chairman of the company did. They need someone who can keep up with the CEO’s demands and fast-paced workday.” She explained. She peeks over at the paper in my head, her gaze flickering between my unmoving face and the printed words.
 “The pay is exceptional.” She pokes at me.
I chuckle, “Ms. Kwon,” I almost sang in a warning manner. 
“I want you to accept this offer Y/n. It’s not only good for you but also for the company. Moonchild Publishing has connections with production companies. You know a lot of their novels are being made into movies. In the 23 years of building Trim Line with my bare hands,” She pauses and sighs. 
I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes. Here she goes!
“...I haven’t been able to break into the film world. Imagine if we Trim Line could provide agents, writers, and even graphic designers! This may be the step I need to get my foot into the door.” She pouts, fluttering her long eyelashes.
“Y/n, take the job ...for me.” 
 I close the folder and give Ms. Kwon an apologetic look, “I’m not taking the job.”
I TOOK THE damn job offer. Why! Why! Why?! It was probably Ms. Kwon’s begging. The way that a grown woman would follow me around the office with a sad look in her eyes for the last week. Sighing loudly in my presence and muttering sad phrases to herself, but of course loud enough for me to hear.
She was being over-dramatic, saying stuff like I was opening a massive door for her. The future and growth of the company were sitting on my shoulders. 
No pressure! 
Ugh, I just gave in, finding that my co-workers were pushing me to take the job. They didn’t want the offer pushed their way if Ms. Kwon got desperate. She’d result in sending someone who could at least manage with Mr. Kim or KM as he often goes by. 
That’s how I found myself standing in the large elevator that had a gold interior. The elevator moved fast, taking me up to the 23rd floor where Mr. Kim would be found. I leaned against the wall, looking at the box of my things in that white office box I’d used too frequently. I looked down at my outfit, wondering what to wear tomorrow. My red flare pants came a bit higher up on me, like high rise jeans. I had on a plain black blouse with a black blazer. 
My heels were a dull white but were concealed by the flare of my pants. My nails were nicely due, but not long enough to get in the way of my work. My hair was slicked back into a well put together ponytail. I kept the accessories to a minimum.
Another adventure is beginning. An 8-month adventure. This isn’t anything new to me. I was ready to come in and do my work. I know I am amazed at my job and no one can tell me otherwise. There were no butterflies, not nervous or worries. I am not here to befriend anyone or become the CEO’s favorite. I know my place and my purpose. 
The elevator pings before the doors open to reveal a white hallway with a grey granite floor. The ceiling was lined with gold and the walls were so white I’d be afraid to touch there no matter how clean my hands were.
I picked up my book and stepped out of the elevator. I walked to my right because the left was a dead end. My heels clicked and echoed through the hall. Anyone would think it was vacant on this floor. The hallways were so wide, it made you feel small. 
I turned the corner and could faintly hear the sound of a buzzing office. The sound of paper shuffling, keyboards clicking, and small conversation. I kept walking and saw a foggy glass door in front of me. 
“Oh!” A small voice said. I turned my head to see a girl sitting at a large white desk. She stood up, giving me a full view of her small frame. I was so focused ahead that I hadn’t noticed the two items on either side of me. The desk where the quiet girl stood and across from her desk, two wooden double doors. 
I looked forward again, staring at the fogging glass door that was on the wall adjacent to the wooden double doors. 
“Ms. L/n?” The young woman said. I turned my head to look at her again, finally giving her my full attention. I walked towards the desk, showing her a small smile. 
“So you already know of my arrival?” I ask, and follow it with a small giggle. I walk around so I’m behind the long white desk. There are two seats and two computers, on which the young woman was occupying. 
“I’m Sana.” She stretches her arm out as I set my box on the floor beside what I presumed to be my seat. Her hair was so silky straight, I’d thought it was a wig. I shook her hand swiftly gently before bending down to take the top off my box. I started taking out the all-new planner I’d bought, as I always do with a new contract. I took out some folders and took out my phone that I’d carelessly thrown into the box. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Sana says, trying to stop the silence. I didn’t find the silence awkward, and frankly, I didn’t feel the need to speak to her. I don’t start my first day going around the office and learning everyone’s names. 
I did at first, but I’d notice the friendships I made at each office would die over time. 
“I heard you’re a pro at these types of things.” She kept talking even though I didn’t reply. Ugh, I already know what type of co-worker she will be. 
“Mr. Kim--” I cut her off. 
“--is in a meeting, I know,” I said, before digging through the box again. Sana must have forgotten I’d already asked her to email me Mr. Kim’s schedule two days ago. I already know what’s on the agenda for the next week, which leaves me prepared. 
I kept rummaging through the box until I made it to the bottom where my ID badge was. I put it on over my head and kicked the box under the desk. I took a deep breath before plopping down in my seat. 
I laid my hands on the desk and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath in and out. When I opened my eyes Sana was peering at me with her brows furrowed. 
I opened up the new planner I had bought and was already filled with Mr. Kim’s schedule. 
“Oh wow!” Sana gasped from beside me. She moved her chair closer, it is easier since there were wheels on both our chairs. 
She stared at my planner, reading over everything, “You really are a pro at this!” The tone in her voice shows that she was doubtful. The way her eyes shined at my organization was kind of cute. She smiled widely as she looked at my face. 
“I am so glad you’re here. I could tell Mr. Kim was getting frustrated with me.” She relaxed in her seat, her shoulders dropping in dejection.
I raised an eyebrow at her, “What exactly is your job? I didn’t know Mr. Kim had another secretary?” 
She straightens up and puts both hands up. She shakes her head and hands in a ‘no’ fashion.
“I am not a secretary by any means.” She laughs awkwardly, “I am merely the receptionist. When clients come for appointments or authors come for interviews, I show them their way. I make appointments, I restock the staplers…” She trails off as if hearing herself and regretting her words. 
“I just mean that I don’t have to deal with anything pertaining to Mr. Kim.” She says softly. 
I nod and look back at the schedule, “The previous secretary?” 
“Her last day was a few days ago, so I was attempting to handle Mr. Kim’s stuff. He was getting frustrated because my abilities were limited.” She pouted and turned her chair to face the front again. 
I only nodded in response before taking my planner and rising from my seat. Sana watched me in curiosity, the question written all over her face. She was wondering where I was going. She probably didn’t want to face Mr. Kim along when he got back from his meeting. 
As I pushed the heavy glass door open with my hip, I remember that I didn’t ask what Mr. Kim’s first name was. He goes by KM and a few said he accepts Kim J at times. But what is his first name? I didn’t do too much research on Mr. Kim as a person, cause that shouldn’t matter much.
I did more research into the company and its functions. Did I even look up a picture? I don’t remember. I’ve done this too many times to waste the effort of such trivial things. I stood in the middle of a big room with different cubicles and desks, people seated at all of them. Only some people noticed my presence, stopping to size me. The stares of the women turning sour and the men ogling. 
My eyes move around the office, avoiding eye contact with any of those who were watching me. I finally notice the names of each employee on their desks and outside of their cubicle. 
“Mr. Min,” I muttered looking back down at the planner. Mr. Min is supposed to have a sales report for the latest release. Mr. Kim will review it then proceed on the restock of the book. I started walking through the office, noticing the floor was carpet when I didn’t hear my heels clicking. 
I walked past desks and wandering gazes to I came to the name I wanted to see. 
‘Mr. Min -- Accountant” My joy was short-lived as I noticed the desk empty. My mouth fell into a frown and I looked around the office, checking if maybe he’d left his desk for only a moment. I was about to turn around to leave when I spotted a packet of paper on the further right corner of the desk. I stepped closer, noticing a pale blue sticky note with a message written.
Completed Sales Report for new Secretary. I smiled to myself, scooping up the packet and spinning around on my heels. I started out the way I came. 
“Are you the new secretary?” Someone called out. My footsteps slowed to a stop and the office felt a lot quieter than before. 
I spun towards the voice to notice a man in a white dress shirt with black slacks. He stood not too far from me. His hands were in his pocket while his eyes studied me. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek and his gaze was hot on me. 
I stared back at him, bored. Ugh, at least try to not be oblivious. 
“Yes, I am.” I hold the packet and the planner close to my chest. I take note of the other employees tuning in. 
“I have to admit,” He smirks, “You’re the cutest one by far.” I scoff at the comment.
“That's what you stopped me for?” I ask, “How disappointing. If you’ll excuse me.”
“You seem so sure of yourself.” He calls out again, his tone harsher this time. I only took one step and stopped. I turn to face him again, listening as he continued his insults. 
“I give you...a month.” He says, turning to his co-workers who giggled in agreement.
I look over my shoulder, “Give me 8 months instead. That’s how long my contract is.” I turn to face him again, looking him up and down with a scrutinizing gaze. 
“Maybe the reason it’s so hard working for Mr. Kim because rather than focus on your work, you’re standing here eyeing me so intensely that I just might have to call HR.” The light and kind tone I used made the man’s confident smile drop, for it took him a moment to process my retort. 
“It’s 10 am, I’ve only been here for such a short time. At least let me have lunch before you start your, what I am guessing is frequent, harassment.” The open mouths of those in the office weren’t of the only shock but of laughter. Some were clearly stunned by my words while others tried to keep their chuckles low.
I didn’t stay to watch the man gather his thoughts in an effort of a rebuttal. I had already wasted too much time. I headed towards that same glass door, pushing it open with my hip as I’d done before. Sana only looked up from the computer screen to acknowledge me. I walked right to the double doors.
“Is he back?” I asked over my shoulder. I could barely see Sana shake her head no. I made my way into the office, not spending too much time on the decor. I was too focused on my thoughts. The details of the rest of the day playing in my head. 
I want everything to go smoothly. I place the packet on the walnut wood desk, peeling off the sticky note in the process. 
I spend the next 30 minutes out at my desk with Sana. I’m making arrangements for dinner Mr. Kim suddenly emailed me about. The footer stating ‘sent from iPhone’ told me that his meeting went well. I also sent emails out to Mr. Kim’s driver, travel agent and more. They need to be familiar with me and I with them.
I am typing away at my computer, ignoring Sana’s gleeful humming. I’m sending out documents and sending things to the printer. I push myself away from the desk and stand up, heading back into the office area. The copy room has to be around here somewhere. Everyone can tell that I’m looking for something, but no one makes an effort to help. 
I find the copy room, grabbing the sheets of paper I sent. I looked over them, making sure it’s how I wanted it to be. I hear whispers when some women entered the copy room. I sighed, already tired of the people here. My goodness, how many times has Mr. Kim gone through a secretary? Are they not used to it by now? 
Or were they trying to feel me out? I grabbed my sheets of paper and strolled out the copy room, not giving them the chance to say whatever it was. I am not going to be joined into any cliques. I strolled through the office space and back out to the lobby to meet a panicked Sana standing up in her seat. 
“What’s up?” I ask, my face scrunching up. Why did she look like that? Her eyes dart to the double doors and she fumbles with her fingers.
“Mr. Kim is in.” She says then nods towards the doors, “He would like to see you.” She swallows, looking like he’s asking for her instead of me. 
I set the freshly printed papers on the desk and grab my planner with a pen. I straighten my blazer and hold my head up high. 
I knock on the doors and hear a faint, “Come in.” 
I push one door one and waltz in. He’s sitting in a chair at his desk, but with the back facing me. I didn’t notice the beautiful square windows that were behind his desk till now. Under the windows were some bookshelves. There were awards, books, and figurines. The walnut desk was complemented by the black spinning chair I was staring at the back of.
There were no pictures on his desk. It was cleaned off except for the report I placed down later. I could barely see the side of his arm that rested on the armrest of the chair. Was he looking out the window? 
I stood there in silence, waiting for him to say something. Nothing. Did he not hear me come in? Ugh, I can already tell how this guy is going to be. 
“You called for me?” I asked as kindly as I could. I shouldn’t get on his bad side so quickly.  I’ll admit, he does have a commanding presence. The silence was heavy and almost disapproving. Now I used what mina was saying. I feel like I’m about to be scolded, though I haven’t done anything wrong.
“Did you make the reservation?” He asked. 
“Yes, for 8 pm,” I answer, flipping the planner opened to today’s date.
“8 pm is too late.” He retorts in plainly. 
“I’ll change it to 7 pm. Anything else?” 
“You’re the one who put the report on my desk?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Don’t do it again. Don’t enter my office when I am not here unless you’re told to. I don’t want anyone snooping in here.” He almost spits. 
He thinks I care enough to snoop? Anyways. 
“Got it. Anything else, Mr. Kim?”
It’s silent again. I stand there, waiting. He’s gonna ask me to do something else isn’t he? I can tell he wants to say something. Say it. Say it so I can leave. 
“Make calls to these authors in regards to their release dates. Get availability from each other them and schedule dates according.” 
I wrote down the names and phone numbers as he called them out. I can’t say I'm surprised by his cold and detached personality. I’ve worked for businessmen and women like him. No hello, welcome to the company or it’s great to have you type of bullshit. He doesn’t care who does the job, he just wants the job done. That’s fine with me.
As I scribbled down the information, I heard a chair spin around. Oh, how kind of him to finally put his eyes on me! 
I wrote the last phone number and closed the planner looking up to ask for further instruction. But I couldn’t speak as I looked up at the man seated. 
He stared daggers at me, his eyes shuttered while his arm was propped on the armrest and his hand was on his chin. It was hard to tell what he was thinking or if he was thinking at all. All I could do was stare back in a gut-wrenching manner. It felt like my heart stopped for a few beats before accelerating to the point of concern. Was I about to have a heart attack?
My body was growing hot while my heart continued to pound in my ears. A shiver traveled up my spine and for a moment it felt like I lost all the strength in my legs. 
I blinked a few times, thinking that the man in front of me would disappear if I looked away. I cleared my throat, moving my eyes to the way on my right. Though it felt like I was losing all control of my body, it wasn’t showing on the outside. Rather my heart and body were reacting on the inside. 
But to any regular person, you’d just see me blink multiple times. 
What is this? What is this thick and weighing quiet? Should I say something? Is he going to say something?
Mr. Kim gazed back at me with an unreadable expression. His eyes took in every corner of my face. My hair, my eyes, my nose, my lips and once again, he did the same thing. What is he thinking? His eyes move to down my body, all the way to my feet and back up to my face. I thought he was going to say something. Do something. Make a face of disgust or recognition. But worse, he looks away.
He leaned forward, taking the report in his hand. He sat in a crisp navy suit with his black hair slicked back and out of his face. He looked sharp and expensive. Not a hair out of place. He looked like a higher class man. The energy coming off him demanded attention and obedience. 
What a scary man indeed. 
I became aware of the fact that I was watching this man read in silence. He wasn’t going to dismiss me so I dismissed myself. I moved slowly, not trusting my legs to carry me out in one piece. I gripped onto the handle of the door for dear life, using it to steady myself. I flung the door open and zoomed out of the office. 
I didn’t pay any mind to Sana concerned eyes as I strolled past the desk, down the white-walled hallway, and to the elevator. I pushed the button, my breathing became heavy as I waited, my eyes stinging so painfully small gasp left my lips. 
I coughed, a choked sob coming up quickly after. The sob shook my chest and physically made me hunched over with my hand on my mouth. The elevator doors opened. I was glad to find it empty. I walked into, leaning against the wall while I caught my breath. I didn’t press a button so the doors closed, and the elevator stayed still. 
I took in a shaky breath and pressed the button for the lobby. The elevator started to descend and so did. I slid down the wall, a sob getting stuck in my throat as tears ran down my cheeks. My body felt like it was freezing over and I shivered violently. My throat suddenly felt dry and all composure was leaving me. 
Joonie. Joon. Namjoon. Mr. Kim was Kim Namjoon. My old schoolmate, my childhood friend, my first love ...the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. 
A man I loved with all my heart and soul stared into my eyes like he was watching grass grow. Like I was a stranger. Maybe...maybe I am a stranger because that emotionless man in there couldn’t have been my Namjoon. 
I clutched at the fabric of my shirt, sniffling, throwing my head back and closing my eyes. 
Get it together Y/n! Get it together! You’re supposed to be collected one. You’re supposed to have your shit together. Don’t do this now, don’t do this here. You’re better than this! 
The feelings of pain, bitterness, and regret were overwhelming. Sadness overtook me as memories of the past years replayed in my mind. 
What right do I have to feel so sad? What right do I have to pity myself in such a way? 
Everything fell apart 3 years ago, and it was my fault.
∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ∙ ❣
Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think! I didn’t drag out the reunion cause that’s not the main point of the story! 
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nicriverswriting · 3 years
Fights and Forming Friendships (Oneshot)
Pairing: Hanako Fukushima [OC] x Li-Wei [@flipnegg’s KNY OC] (non-ship)
Words: 4,323
Fandom: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 
Warnings: semi-graphic violence, (slight) angst
Notes: This is another oneshot from my upcoming Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba oneshot book, Beyond the Wisteria Trees. Quite honestly, this is probably my favorite oneshot that I’ve written (thus far). Li-Wei is my best friend @flipnegg ‘s OC. His storyline is that he’s the Ice Pillar, mute, and turns into a demon while trying to protect his tsuguko and boyfriend, Xiao-Li. Hanako and Li-Wei don’t exactly see eye-to-eye at first, but as the story progresses, their friendship changes...
The lively estate of Tengen Uzui was filled with laughter and the loud boom of Tengen’s voice as he recounted the tale of what occurred on his Red Light District mission to Hanako. Hanako and Tengen’s three wives, Makio, Suma, and Hinatsuru chuckled as the Sound Pillar “flamboyantly” recounted defeating not one, but two Upper Moons, losing a hand and an eye in the process. Hanako thought it was sweet how the normally stuck-up and egotistical man was giving a huge amount of credit to the three Demon Slayers (and one demon) that accompanied him on the mission.
“Yeah, if it weren’t for those four,” Tengen stopped, turning to face his wives. “And these three, I’d be dead.”
“I’m glad you made it out alive, Uzui,” Hanako grinned, taking a sip of the tea that Makio had provided them with. “But are you sure about retiring? We’ll all miss you a lot.”
He quickly nodded, a lock of his loose hair falling over the eyepatch that now adorned his face. “Yep, I’m done. I’m getting too old for this shit.”
As the five continued to talk, a distant cawing noise could be heard. Hanako snapped her head up to see Arisu land on the floor, hopping towards her. In her beak was a little scroll of parchment, rolled up neatly. Hanako sighed, beckoning Arisu over with a wave of her hand. After taking the scroll and unravelling it, she read the message laid upon it:
New mission.
Meet Li-Wei at the village of Baman.
Possible Upper Moon activity. 
Proceed cautiously. 
Hanako scoffed, crumbling the paper in a clenched fist. Tengen and his wives were alarmed at her sudden mood change. “You’ve got to be shitting me.”
She looked up to them. “I’ve gotta go. Thanks for the tea, Makio. I’ll see you all later.” 
The village of Baman was a small one, filled with little houses row by row and a small hotel for wary travellers at the entrance of the village. Hanako had sent Arisu off with a note to be delivered to Li-Wei, telling him she’d meet him outside of the hotel.
She was now standing here, arms crossed and back against a wall as pedestrians crossed in front of her. A soft wind blew, making the tail of Hanako’s long braid flow in the breeze. The sun was setting, lighting the sky on fire -- Hanako figured that Li-Wei would arrive at dusk, or sometime after dark. A frown came across Hanako’s face as she thought of the mission at hand. The fact that she was going to be completing it with a demon Demon Slayer made her blood boil with hot rage. Though, even begrudgingly, Hanako would do whatever Oyakata-sama wished. 
A soft pressure on her shoulders snapped her out of her trance. Arisu had landed on her shoulder. Hanako looked up at the sky, seeing that the sun was pretty much hidden. Looking back across the horizon, she was met with the sight of a single figure shuffling towards her. 
Li-Wei was wearing his straw hat, his long white hair peeking out from underneath. The skin of his forearms, neck, and hands were covered in fabric, protecting it from the harsh rays of the dying sun. His sword was sheathed at his side and Toji, his crow, was perched on his shoulder. Seeing Hanako standing there, Li-Wei gave a small wave of his hand. 
Hanako arched an eyebrow. “Took you long enough to get here.”
Rolling his eyes, Li-Wei moved his hands to sign. Yeah, whatever. Let’s just get moving. 
As Toji was about to speak for Li-Wei, Hanako nodded, pushing herself off of the wall. “Yeah, I agree. We can’t be sure where the demon will be.”
Li-Wei was shocked by the fact that Hanako seemed to have understood his signing without Toji translating for him. He pressed on as the two began to walk forward. Do you understand sign language?
Hanako, who was busy scanning the town in front of them with nimble eyes, gave a nod, glancing at him slightly. “My brother, Daisuke, was deaf.” She left it at that. 
The town didn’t hold much. Though, there was a small restaurant up ahead, and Hanako’s stomach was growling. Li-Wei heard this and nudged Hanako’s shoulder, nudging his head at the ramen house. Let’s get some food before we scout the village out. It’s only dusk.
Hanako frowned, but reluctantly replied, “Alright.”
The two Hashira entered the ramen house and waited to be seated. Upon sitting at a table and ordering food, waiting for it to arrive, an awkward silence fell between the two. Hanako didn’t know how to talk to Li-Wei without taunting or insulting him, so she thought it’d be better not to say anything at all. 
After what seemed like an eternity of avoiding eye contact and fiddling with their own hands, Li-Wei cleared his throat to get Hanako’s attention. He lifted his hands to sign. Where do you think the demon could be?
She considered him. “It could be anywhere in the town. Or, honestly, it could be at the outskirts of the town, as well. It’s hard to say. There wasn’t much information.”
He nodded. Right. But I believe the two of us can do it. Though, like you said, it’s hard to tell where it will be.
“What, do demons not have a radar sense? Like, can you not tell when one is near?” Hanako teased, trying to fight a smirk. Li-Wei only rolled his eyes. 
Thankfully, their meal arrived, breaking the tension that was slowly building between them. Li-Wei had never been more thankful for ramen -- even as a demon. He just pushed the bowl towards Hanako and watched her eat.
After leaving the ramen house, Li-Wei and Hanako began to scout the town. Even after dark, the town was bustling with travellers and stragglers. The two had already scanned the town twice over and the outside of the town once over, not finding anything the least bit suspicious. It had at least been an hour or two -- Hanako was growing frustrated.
Li-Wei noticed this and got her attention with a hand tugging on the sleeve on her haori. It’ll be okay. We just need to be calm.
“And let it continue to harm people? I want to find this demon tonight,” Hanako snapped, making Li-Wei flinch slightly. “You may not care about it as much, but I do. If you want to be left in the dust, then so be it. Just don’t get in my way.”
Hanako stormed off, her braid whipping behind her. Li-Wei had to jog to catch up with her, even though he didn’t want to. He tried to push down the sting he felt from the Flower Pillar’s harsh words. It was something he was unfortunately used to being a demon Demon Slayer; yet, it never seemed to get any easier. 
The pair walked by a building with an open door. Hanako glanced inside, only to lock eyes with a peculiar figure sitting on the floor of whatever establishment it was. An oddly shaped hat covered his pale, blonde-ish hair. A red shirt stretched over a toned body, pants flaring out at his crossed legs. The most striking were his eyes -- it seemed as if every color imaginable was present in them. He was surrounded by a few women, all who seemed to be fawning over him. At the last second, he shot a grin at Hanako, revealing something that made her gut turn in anxiousness.
The glint of fanged canines. 
Hanako quickly turned her head, wide eyes aimed at the ground. “Li-Wei,” she said slowly, getting his attention. “I think I found our demon.”
She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “Besides you, of course.”
He gave her the most annoyed look he could muster. Is now the time to be joking?
“It helps me to calm down,” Hanako replied nonchalantly. “The demon was in that building, surrounded by people. We can’t let him attack anyone. Let’s split up and corner him.”
I’ll go around to the back. You take the front, Li-Wei signed, nodding. Within a blink of an eye, Li-Wei was gone, the sound of his sword being unsheathed following him. Hanako gripped the hilt of her sword with a shaky hand, beginning to run back to the building where she had locked eyes with the demon. What if this is an Upper Moon? she thought. What if it’s the same one who killed Kyojuro?
Arriving at the entrance of the building, Hanako subtly peeked in to see it empty. The demon and the people who had once surrounded him were gone, the lanterns unlit. Had she missed him? Did the demon realize the presence of Demon Slayers? Was she too late?
“Hello there, gorgeous.”
A deep voice behind her froze her heart in uneasiness. Whipping around, Hanako was greeted with the same person she had seen earlier; except, this time, he had shed his stupid hat, revealing an odd blood-looking stain at the crown of his head. He was holding a closed fan. The worst of all had to be the change in his rainbow pupils -- kanji for upper two was etched on both of his eyes.
“I’m Doma,” he said in a flirty tone, that same grin he had shot her earlier making its way across his face. “You seem to be a Hashira. That’s unfortunate. You’re cute.”
Hanako sneered, unsheathing her sword. The purple blade glowed in the darkness, enticing the demon in front of her. “You’re disgusting.”
So, this isn’t the demon who killed Kyojuro, Hanako thought, gripping the sword hilt tighter, placing the blade in front of her body. But it’s one even more dangerous. I have to weigh my options carefully here.
Doma pursed his lips in a fake pout, considering Hanako. “Aren’t you at least going to tell me your name before I kill you?”
“You want to know my name, asshole?” she yelled. “Hanako Fukushima. The Flower Hashira. Your demise, if you prefer. Gods, you’re annoying.”
The look on Doma’s face turned from flirty to deadly in an instant. He flicked his fan open. “What a pity. I thought we would be friends.”
The speed with which Doma moved next was nothing less than disturbing; before Hanako knew it, he was coming down on her, war fan ready to strike. If she didn’t act quickly, the war fan would go straight into her skull.
“Total Concentration Breathing… First Form: Sakura!” An upward slash of Hanako’s sword met the edge of the war fan, the collision making the edge of it narrowly miss her face. The impact sent Doma stumbling back. 
Before Doma could think to make a snarky quip at her, Hanako ran at him, attacking once again. “Sixth Form: Flame Nettle!”
With a jump, Hanako slashed vertically at Doma, managing to get in a thick slice on his face. While he was distracted, she cut through his abdomen -- at least, she thought she did. Her sword got stuck on his thick skin, allowing Doma to retaliate. 
A rogue hand easily snatched the sword out of his side, the strength of his movements knocking Hanako to the ground. Her sword clattered on the ground. She watched as Doma pulled out a second war fan from seemingly nowhere and flicked it open. 
“You know, I’m really disappointed…” Doma watched as Hanako scrambled for her sword. “For someone as cute as you are, you’re a real pain in my neck.”
Finally finding her footing, Hanako stood up, sword back in her hands. “Do you ever shut up?!”
The deadly look returned to Doma’s gaze. It seemed as if a fire lit his rainbow eyes as he drew out his fans in front of him, flicking them. “Freezing Clouds.”
A gust of extremely cold air washed over Hanako, making her limbs feel heavy and useless. It felt like she couldn’t move at all. Doma used this advantage to attack, his war fan coming down in a sharp and painful slice across Hanako’s face. The Pillar fell to the ground, her sword once again clattering to the ground -- except, this time, it was out of her reach. 
Doma stood over her, enjoying the terrified look that her face held. As he was about to speak (again), Hanako gave him a swift kick to the groin, swiftly pushing herself off of the ground and going for her sword. Though, Doma noticed, and prepared himself to launch another attack. 
As Hanako grabbed her sword, she couldn’t help the thoughts racing through her head. Where the hell is Li-Wei? Did he get killed? Was there another demon? Am I going to die?
Facing each other once more, Hanako and Doma released their assault at the same time. 
“Eighth Form: Flame Azalea!”
“Wintry Icicles.”
A rampage of sharpened icicles came flying at Hanako, ready for the kill. She managed to block several of them -- though, those that hit her cut up her face, her arms, her legs. Ignoring the stinging feeling present throughout her body, Hanako went in for the kill, jumping and swinging a wide arc. Her sword was aimed directly for Doma’s neck, and she saw an opening. I can do this... I can kill him!
Hanako saw red as her sword came down on Doma’s neck, ready to make the kill-
The sword’s blade snapping in half broke her out of her hate-fueled stupor. The broken blade clattered to the ground, leaving the sword’s hilt in the hands of a baffled Hashira. Seeing her predicament, Doma gave a malevolent grin and backhanded Hanako across the face, sending her flying back due to his incredible strength. The hard ground was unforgiving on her back as it made contact. Hanako tasted copper in her mouth.
A raspy and distasteful cackle came from Doma. He picked the broken blade off of the ground and menacingly paced towards Hanako. “What a shame,” he mused. “You’re a Hashira, yet it didn’t take long for your sword to break. I didn’t even have to use my Blood Demon Art!”
Once again, Doma was looming over Hanako. With the hilt of her broken sword, a part of the blade still attached, Hanako jabbed into his calf muscle with an intense force -- yet, all he did was laugh at her futile attempts, pulling the hilt out and throwing it off to the side. The wound healed almost instantly.
Doma eyed the piece of metal in his hand, licking his lips. Hanako watched him with gut-wrenching anticipation of his next moves. “It really pains me to kill someone as cute as you are,” Doma said, the same fake pout from earlier forming on his lips. His gaze returned to her. 
Hanako caught sight of a blur in the corner of her eye. She thought she saw the same blue that colored Li-Wei’s haori. A spark of hope lit inside of Hanako. Finally.
She met Doma’s gaze, rolling her eyes. “Girls must have hated you when you were a human.”
Hanako watched as a sword was driven through Doma’s chest from the back. He gasped, obviously taken by surprise. Li-Wei stood behind him, straw hat missing from his head, the fabric once covering his skin now gone. He quickly took the sword out from where it had been plunged into Doma, delivering another slash across the back of his neck.
Doma dropped the piece of the blade he was holding, war fans materializing in his hands. He flicked them open, ready for another fight. Though, when he turned around, seeing Li-Wei, he had to do a double take. 
He cocked his head to the side. “A demon… wearing a Hashira uniform?” Doma chuckled. “Well, now I’ve seen everything! How did you manage to escape?”
Li-Wei was alarmed that Doma had picked out his true form so quickly. Though, it was harder for him to maintain his “human” appearance while in battle. It must have slipped through without him noticing. 
Hanako watched as Li-Wei and Doma relentlessly attacked each other, war fans and sword hitting against each other with vigor. She furiously searched the ground for her broken sword hilt; upon finding the floral guard, a piece of broken metal sticking out from it, she sighed. If she lived through this, she’d need to get this fixed. The swordsmiths wouldn’t be happy about this. 
When her attention turned back to the two demons, Li-Wei’s sword had been abandoned on the ground, now using his fists to defend himself. There was a huge gash across the lower part of his face that looked to be -- slowly -- healing itself. Li-Wei was defending himself with incredible strength and speed against Doma. 
“I’m really curious as to how you’ve avoided the Master for so long!” Doma yelled almost giddily, his war fans striking Li-Wei’s upper arm, ripping his haori and making him grunt. “What’s your name, traitor? At least tell me before I kill you.”
He can’t talk, dumbass, Hanako thought, watching the two. She tried to get up, wanting to help in some way, but the pain inflicted upon her by Doma’s icicles shot through her body forced her back down. 
“You should answer when someone talks to you, Hashira,” the Upper Moon taunted, the teasing tone in his voice diminished. “Especially when your superior is speaking to you.” Li-Wei had a panicked look on his face, his moves becoming sluggish and sloppy. He aimed a roundhouse kick for Doma’s face, the satisfying crunch of cartilage following. Both of Doma’s war fans dropped to the ground. 
He leaned over, hands on his knees as blood dripped from his face. A glint of silver on the ground caught his attention. In a flash, Doma grabbed the broken part of Hanako’s blade from the ground, plunging it into Li-Wei’s abdomen. Li-Wei let out a broken gasp, his eyes going wide.
“Li-Wei!” Hanako yelled, her face contorting in fear. She couldn’t see the entry wound from where she was, but the end of the blade was sticking out of Li-Wei’s back. Crimson blood formed around it, staining his light-blue haori.
Doma, who had both hands on the end of the blade, leaned in close to Li-Wei’s face. “You disgust me. You shouldn’t be alive at all, you traitor.”
The way that Doma was speaking to Li-Wei caused a fury in her that was equivalent to what she felt when thinking about the demon who killed Kyojuro. Looking to her left and seeing Li-Wei’s discarded sword, Hanako used what little strength she had left to pick herself off the ground, grabbing the sword and running over to where the two were standing, ready to strike.
“Get off him, you bitch!” Hanako yelled, gritting her teeth. “Seventh Form: Firethorn!”
While it was a bit odd using a sword that wasn’t her own with breaths that she had developed, Hanako worked with what she had. This particular form released a floral scent that distracted her opponent, allowing her to strike. It was something she had formed with the help of Kyojuro. 
Please, Kyojuro. Be with me. Guide me. 
Doma fell for the bait, his face relaxing at the scent of flowers around him. His hands let go of the blade stuck in Li-Wei, allowing him to rip it out. Hanako sliced down on the demon, managing to completely remove his left arm. Li-Wei, who was still bleeding heavily and stumbling, took the piece of metal and cut across Doma’s throat while he was distracted. 
Hanako gave Li-Wei a raised eyebrow look that asked him if he was okay. Li-Wei nodded back, but the Flower Pillar was worried for him.
Doma glared at Li-Wei, completely ignoring Hanako. “You’re a filthy, good-for-nothing traitor! I’ll make sure to take your goddamn head to the Master myself!”
As the two Hashira prepared to take down the Upper Moon, the sight of Doma looking at something behind them with wide eyes confused them. Li-Wei turned around to see the sun peeking through the clouds. He too grew panicked.
Doma sprouted a new arm in no time, the cut on his throat closing up. “Well, this was fun, but I’m going to have to go now!”
He snatched his war fans off of the ground below him and began to run off, making Hanako limp after him.
“Get the hell back here! You hurt my friend, I’m not going to let you get away! You bastard!” But Doma was long gone, his incredible speed allowing him to be gone from their sight within a few seconds. “If I ever see you again, I’m going to kill you! You hear me? I’ll kill you!”
When she was sure that Doma was gone for sure, she turned around to see Li-Wei on his knees, cringing due to the rays of the sun hitting his skin. Hanako gasped. “C’mon, Li-Wei, we need to get you inside.”
She moved over to him, putting his sword back into the sheath at his hip. Hanako then put one of his arms around her shoulders, picking him up and supporting him as they made their way to the hotel at the end of the village. 
The hotel room that they had rented was dim, protecting Li-Wei from the sun. It was mid-morning now, and Li-Wei was laying on the futon, fast asleep. Hanako sat cross-legged, watching the white-haired boy in front of her slumber. She had tended to his wounds before he fell asleep, wanting him to rest as soon as possible. 
Li-Wei had told her as she was cleaning him up that there had been another demon at the back entrance of the building that Doma was in, and that he had to take care of it. He had profusely apologized for not being there sooner, which Hanako felt bad that he even felt the need to apologize; it wasn’t his fault. Though, she couldn’t get over the fact that Li-Wei had saved her life. A wave of gratitude washed over her everytime she thought of the image of Li-Wei’s sword being driven into Doma from behind.
As she was deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed, a small noise got her attention. Hanako looked up to see Li-Wei waking up. He frantically looked around the room until he met her gaze, slightly calming down once his grey eyes met her purple ones. 
“You feeling okay?” Hanako asked.
Li-Wei sat up, wincing. He had shed his ripped up and bloody haori, leaving him in his Hashira uniform. Yes. It takes me longer to regenerate than other demons, but I’ll be okay. Thank you for your help.
“Of course.” Hanako looked down at her hands, fiddling with them in her lap. “You… you saved me.”
He gave her an incredulous look. Of course I did. He would have killed you.
“But you got hurt. I just…” she sighed. “I’m sorry. For how I’ve acted towards you up until now. You’re not a bad person just because you’re a demon, and I should’ve had that mindset from the beginning.”
I understand, Li-Wei signed, giving a small smile. I mean, you’re a Demon Slayer. It’s your job to hate demons. I do too.
Hanako couldn’t help but feel overwhelming guilt at how nonchalantly Li-Wei was taking this. She had been awful to him, but he still took the time to be kind to her, and even save her. Hanako didn’t understand it.
“Can I ask you something?”
Li-Wei considered her before answering. You want to know how I became a demon. She nodded.
He took a small breath in. Hanako could see the pain in his eyes before he even started to sign. 
I was trying to protect my boyfriend. Hanako watched as he spelled out the name Xiao-Li. From the king of demons. His blood transferred to my wounds. It was an accident. I was already a Demon Slayer at the time.
Hanako felt tears well up in her eyes. He didn’t want to be turned into a demon, and had lost someone close to him. “I’m so sorry.”
Li-Wei frowned, waving a hand. It was a long time ago. Though, she heard him sniffle after he turned his head. It made her heart ache. 
After what seemed like an eternity of silence, Hanako spoke up. “My family was killed by demons.”
Li-Wei returned his gaze to her. Hanako was looking at her hands again. “We were about to go to sleep, and my dad heard something outside, so he went to go check it out. He was the first to be killed,” she said. Hands laid on her lap were clenching in and out of fists. 
“The demon came into the house, and uh… it got my mother first. My brother, Daisuke, was weak. He had a lot of issues. I tried protecting him, but one hit from the demon killed him. The demon would’ve killed me too if Kyojuro didn’t come to kill it.”
The boy in front of her frowned. Rengoku?
Hanako nodded. “Yes. He saved me, and took me in as his tsuguko. I owe my life to him.” 
Studying her, Li-Wei recognized the look on her face. He got Hanako’s attention with a grunt. You loved him, didn’t you?
Hanako’s mouth formed an o at Li-Wei figuring her out so quickly. Though, it was evident to anyone how she felt about Kyojuro Rengoku with the way she talked about him. “Yes, I did.”
Li-Wei gave a small and playful smirk. I can tell. It’s the way you talk about him.
The purple-haired girl rolled her eyes, smiling genuinely for the first time in what seemed like forever. “Alright, alright, you got me there.”
Hanako watched as Li-Wei gave a big smile. It almost made her heart ache because it was just so pure, seeing this boy who had everything taken from him smile so brightly. She returned the gesture, giggling a bit.
Li-Wei lifted his hands to sign. Can we be friends?
This time, there was no hesitation left in Hanako’s heart. “Of course, Li-Wei.”
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bleachanimefan1 · 3 years
Oblitus Ch.25
Sugar Pie Honey Bunch
42 days left until Extermination...
"Hello, Charlotte," Charlie's ex boyfriend said, as he stood in front of the group as they walked inside the hotel's lobby. 
"S-Seviathian?" Charlie questioned still in shock to see him. "Why are you here?"
 Seviathan advanced closer only to be stopped by Vaggie, who continued pointing her spear at him. "I saw the radio demon's little show, as did everybody." He answered. "You're still doing this ridiculous redemption nonsense?" 
Charlie frowned, looking at him. "It's not nonsense! I believe that it can really happen!" and pointed at Niffty. "She proves it!"
"One sinner is not enough to prove anything,"
"Well, how about these two!?" The princess gestured towards Angel and Husk. "They're still a work in progress but they're getting there! Pretty soon they'll be redeemed like Niffty!" Seviathan laughed.
"I see that you haven't changed a bit," Charlie said with arms crossed. "You're still the same egotistical, pompous jerk!"
Seviathan stopped as he tried to catch his breath. He smiled. "And your still the same sweet, naive, daddy's little apple," However, the prince paused for a moment, thinking about something then he looked back towards Charlie.  "Charlie, please, come back to me. I'm sorry-" 
 "Don't!" Charlie immediately cut the prince off. She glared as she narrowed her eyes at Seviathian. "You made it perfectly clear that you never wanted to be with me." She hissed. "Even your sister said so and she doesn't even like me. Besides, I'm already with someone." Her eyes began to grow into slits, growling. "Now, I want you to leave." Seviathan down and picked up the bouquet of flowers holding it out towards her. 
 "At the very least think it over-" Charlie grabbed them from him and was now pushing the prince out of the lobby then shoved him out the door.
"It's over, Seviathan." She replied then slammed the door hard right in his face.
40 days left until Extermination...
Two days have passed since the incident with Niffy's and Charlie's ex. In the bathroom, Anna was standing in front of the mirror brushing her teeth. However, a strange pain made her stop. She looked into the mirror and opened her mouth only for a tooth to fall out as it landed into the sink. Her eyes widened in shock as she covered her mouth then looked back into the mirror. In place of one of her tooth was a sharp razor like tooth like most demons she had seen. Great, now she's losing her teeth! What more is she going to lose?! 
Anna sighed and walked out of the bathroom heading down to the lobby seeing Charlie and Vaggie. Maybe it was just her imagination, but Anna had noticed that Charlie has been acting strangely, well stranger than normally.
"Uh, hun? I thought you were going to throw those flowers away?" Vaggie asked. Right in the lobby, there was the bouquet of flowers sitting in a vase that was placed on a stand.
 "Well, I thought they would help liven up the room a little!" Charlie explained. She had a strange look in her eyes.  "It was very thoughtful of Seviathan to do. I'll have to thank him later. Better yet, I'll call him now, and met him in person!"
Soon after, Alastor, Baxter and Niffty walked over towards the group. 
"How's it going ladies!" Alastor greeted them. 
"Okay, I guess?" Anna answered unsure. 
"What do you mean?" Niffty asked.
Anna glanced over at the princess seeing her now humming as Veggie tried to talk to her to get her attention, but it wasn't working. Anna whispered gesturing over to the princess.
"Charlie's freaking me out. She's acting weird, well weirder than she usually is! She's ignoring Vaggie!"
Niffty, Baxter and Alastor looked over to the two, confirming what Anna had just told them. Baxter walked over to the the two 
"Uh, may I see those flowers?" He asked. Charlie smiled taking the bouquet out showing it to the scientist. 
"I'd love to! Don't you think it was very sweet of Seviathan to do?!" Baxter carefully looked at the flowers, examining them.
"These roses are laced with an aphrodisiac." He replied.
"What?!" Everyone exclaimed. 
"It defiantly explains why she is acting like this." Alastor replied, laughing, a little amused.
"This isn't funny!" the moth demon shouted angrily
"She must have inhaled some of it." Baxter answered. 
"Well, can't you come up with an antidote?!" Vaggie shouted.
"I can but it'll take some time. In the meantime, keep her locked up in her room, for everyone's safety." Baxter replied.
"I'll take her to her room." Alastor said.
"I'm coming too."
"Oh, Vagatha, do you trust me so little?" Alastor teased, batting his eyes over-dramatically.
"Yes," Vaggie replied.
As the two carried Charlie up to her room, the princess started to get a little handsy with Alastor, much to his displeasure. As she hate to admit it, Vaggie was enjoying the show, watching the two, especially seeing Alastor trying to keep the princess hands from touching him. As he plopped her on the bed, Charlie was trying to pull on the belt of Alastor's pants trying to get it off. Alastor pushed them away. Veggie laughed. Alastor turned to her with a strained grin on his face.
"Well, I'm glad your enjoying the show. How about a little help if don't mind?!" 
"OOh, Alastor.~"
The two tensed as they heard Charlie moaned and turned back to see Charlie began to slowly strip out of of her clothes revealing a black laced bra and underwear. Alastor stood in place with a frozen smile on his face. Vaggie was now laughing on the floor while she gripped the frame of the door.
"That's it! I'm out!" Alastor shouted, quickly running out of the room. 
"Okay, I'll watch over her until Baxter comes up with an antidote." Vaggie called out.
Soon after, the scientist had managed to make the antidote and gave it to Charlie. As it began to take effect, everyone gathered around, waiting.
Charlie blinked, confused, looking around. "What happened?"
"Your ex basically gave you an lust induced bouquet trying to make you fall back in love with him." Anna explained.
Charlie blinked in shock trying to process what she had heard.  She couldn't believe that her ex would stoop this low. "Not cool." 
"Well, at least we got it fixed before you did any serious damage," Baxter said. 
Vaggie laughed. "Yeah, like trying to have sex with the radio demon." Anna's eyes widen while Alastor narrowed his eyes and glared dangerously at the moth demon.
Charlie eyes widened looking horrified at Alastor. "I did what?!" She exclaimed. "Al, I'm so sorry! You know that I would never to anything like that, especially touch you without your permission!"
"Just keep six feet away from me." Alastor replied. 
In Lucifer's office, the fallen angel was sitting up in the bed as he began to straighten his shirt and was now fixing his tie. Lilith was lying beside him. He turned to her with a lustful look in his eyes while she did the same. Lilith stretched getting more comfortable as the sheets fell off her revealing herself. She rolled and laid on her side.
"Luci, last night, you were...unhinged. You were like some desperate howling demon, you frightened me." She smiled seductively. "Do it again." Lucifer wanted so much to take of his clothes and pounce on the bed and take her again, right then and there, his phone ringed.
"I'd love to, but, duty calls." He replied. He opened his phone thinking that it was one of his business partners only to see a photo of Niffty that Charlie had sent to him with the rest above it saying in big hold letters and rainbow colors "IT WORKS! WE DID IT!"
Lucifer frowned. This was not good, not good at all. Lilith leaned over him resting her chin on his shoulder. 
"It that from Charlotte?" She asked as she smiled.
"Yes, apparently her silly redemption plan worked. One of her clients has redeemed themselves."
"That's...wonderful? But, you don't look happy." Lilith answered seeing her husband's frown. "Our daughter's finally found her place and following her dreams." 
"Of course I'm not! She's meddling in things she shouldn't! It's a matter of time before HE finds out, if he hadn't already! Then we're all going to be in great danger!" Then Anna appeared in the fallen angel's mind as he grew angrier. This was all her fault!
Lucifer began to leave.
"Where are you going, darling?" Lilith called out.
"I'm going to handle this. Just get some rest." 
"Okay, just don't do anything drastic." Lilith replied.
Not too far off in the city, there was a big office building that said I.M.P. Inside were three imps, two males and one female, and a girl hellhound who was messing and scrolling through her phone.
An imp with with long curved horns, called Blitzo, saw a white limo pull into the parking lot, parking it, and Lucifer stepped out.
"Holy shit! It's the king!" He exclaimed. "Everyone don't fuck this up!"
"The king?" the imp with hair, known as Moxie, pondered, confused. "Why is he here?"
"Who fucking cares?" The hellhound, who was called loona, answered still looking at her phone, leaning back in the chair.
"Hello boys!" Lucifer called out walking into the office.
"What brings you I.M.P.?" The imp known as Millie, asked.
"I have a job for you guys. I would like to hire your services," Lucifer said.
Blitzo slammed his hands on the desk. "Done!" He shouted.  "So who's the loser that we have to kill?"
Lucifer pulled out a photo of Anna in his coat pocket showing it to them. "This one, here," he said. "She is staying at my daughter's hotel."
"I hate to break to ya. But, we only kill living clients from the living world, not some random sinner." Blitzo answered.
Lucifer laughed. "That is where you are wrong. She is still alive." 
"What?" All four exclaimed.
"Are you kidding me? That bitch won't last five seconds!" Blitzo declared.
Lucifer made a wicked smile. "So, i assume that we have an agreement, hmm?"
 "It's a done deal!" Blitzo answered shaking the king's hand. "Now about our payment?"
 "Here you go," Lucifer dropped a wad of cash into the imp's hands. "You'll get the other half once you finished the job. "
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thecrabbybarista · 4 years
Hatchetfield Fantasy au that I'm working on!!!
Shadow Consumer - Unknown classification - Chaotic evil - Shadow Consumer is some sort of monster, entity, or disease that cannot be explained entirely. Its behavior is wild, and appears to be impulsive. It preys on anything it's able to find, but seems to be very attracted to animals, magic flowers or plants, and mages who are connected to nature (Elves, Druids, ect) it enters their victims through their pores. What happens after that is a mystery. The creature does not appear to be born naturally. It has no consistent appearance, and seems to move like a kind gas that can control its form at will. - Strengths: Too early to say - Weaknesses: too early to say
Emma Perkins - Half-Elven warrior - Chaotic neutral - Emma, who was raised in the Elven city of Lymelona (Thanks name generator) is witty and resourceful, which is perfect for combat. She often outsmarts her foes, or sneaks up on them before getting the kill. She used to work at a potion brewery until she was hired by a group of dragon slayers in Hatchetfield. - Strengths: speedy, intelligent, strong in offensive combat - Weaknesses: pushes others away, susceptible to some types of magic, weak in defensive combat - Friends/allies: Paul, Charlotte, Bill, Nora, Zoey - Neutral: Ted, Professor Hidgens, Jane - Enemies: Linda, Shadow Consumer, Sorcerer Schaeffer
Paul Matthews - Human Healer - Lawful Good - Paul grew up in Hatchetfield and learned how to use his magic there. He could hardly hurt a fly. He lets his emotions control him most of the time, but is able to control his temper often. He doesn't get into fights much, but when his allies get involved he usually supports them from the sidelines, healing their injuries. - Strengths: Caring, Strong control over magic, Loyal - Weaknesses : Weak in combat, acts on emotions immediately, susceptible to overusing magic and hurting themself - Allies: Emma, Ted, Charlotte, Bill, Alice, - Neutral: Deb, Professor Hidgens - Enemies: Shadow Consumer
Ted - Human Warrior - True Neutral - Ted grew up in Hatchetfield, along with Charlotte. He is self taught, which makes him a sometimes dim witted, but unpredictable fighter. He is not the most heroic person, but he has done a good deed every now and then. He lives only for himself and his own ideals, and usually doesn't get attached to others. - Strengths: Confident, strong in offensive combat, unpredictable - Weaknesses - Cowardly, unintelligent, rude - Allies: Charlotte, Bill - Neutral: Paul, Emma - Enemies: N/A or too many to list
Charlotte - Elven Mage (Animist)- Neutral Good - Charlotte was born in Clivesdale, an elven city that appears to be completely normal to commoners, but was moved to Hatchetfield at a very young age. Her abilities with magic are a bit shaky, but she often uses items to help improve her spells. She has a strong connection with felines, and often calls for their aid in battle. Her familiar is a pure white cat, who leads Charlotte when she's lost. She often plays a supporting role in battles, but can and will strike the enemy when the time is right. - Strengths: Aware of nature, Loyal, Strong when least expected. - Weaknesses: Clumsy/messy, uneducated on certain topics, does not question the people around her. - Allies: Ted, Paul, Bill - Neutral: Emma - Enemies: Zoey, Shadow Consumer
Bill - Human Mage (Psychic) - Lawful Good - Bill lived happily in Hatchetfield with his wife, and his daughter, Alice. Over time, their relationships weakened and his wife left to Clivesdale, taking Alice with her. He wants to be there for Alice, but he doesn't know how to connect with her. In battle, he takes a defensive stance. He warns his allies about potential attacks or moves that the enemy can make, and is also able to tell when someone needs healing. Because of this, him and Paul have a great dynamic. - Strengths: Aware of people, caring, strong with magic - Weaknesses: Weak in offensive combat, acts on emotions immediately, susceptible to dark magic - Allies: Paul, Alice, Charlotte, Emma, Ted, Professor Hidgens - Neutral: Deb - Enemies: Shadow Consumer,
Alice - Half-Elven Mage (Creationist) - Chaotic Good - Alice spent a majority of her life in Clivesdale, where she practiced sculpting and bringing her creations to life. She spends a majority of her time in her own world, ignoring the boundaries set by the adults in her life. She does not engage in combat, but her sculptures have wandered off and gotten into some predicaments before. - Strengths: Kind, assertive, creative - Weaknesses: Unaware of surroundings, reckless, easily persuaded - Allies: Bill, Paul, Deb - Neutral: Emma, Charlotte, Ted - Enemies: N/A
Deb - Human Commoner - Lawful Neutral - Deb lives in Hatchetfield, but frequently visits Clivesdale to spend time with Alice. As a painter, she is fascinated by Alice's ability to bring any kind of art to life. She plans on becoming a warrior like her mother when she grows up. She's laid back, and knows exactly how to end an argument. She does not engage in combat, but will someday. - Allies: Alice - Neutral: Bill, Paul - Enemies: N/A
Professor Hidgens - Human Bard - Lawful Evil - Hidgens isn't exactly a professor anymore, even if he still uses that title. He grew up normally in Hatchetfield, until his fear of a world-ending alien invasion grew too great to ignore. He hid away in a bunker near the edge of town. He gets lonely sometimes, so he writes and sings songs to lift his spirits. He will also sell anyone to satan for one corn chip. - Strengths: Intelligent, strong in magical combat, strong in defensive combat - Weaknesses: Easily persuaded by evil, Not loyal, acts on impulse - Allies: Greg and Steve and Stu and Mark and Leighton and Chad - Neutral: Emma, Shadow Consumer - Enemies: N/A
Sorcerer Schaeffer - Human Mage (Plague Mage) - Neutral Evil - Schaeffer is one of the most powerful mages that makes up PEIP (Paranormal, Extraterrestrial, Interdimensional, Phenomena), and organization set on protecting the world from unearthly beings. Well... Most of it anyways. Schaeffer has her own plans, or perhaps they weren't her plans. It's hard to tell. While she assists on some heroic missions, she's only in it for her reputation. She spends most of her time studying and strengthening her magic. What she doesn't strengthen is her control over it. - Strengths: Powerful, intelligent, unpredictable - Weaknesses: Egotistical, little to no control over magic, loud - Allies: It changes every day - Neutral: Shadow Consumer, Sorcerer McNamara - Enemies: N/A
Sorcerer McNamara - Human Mage (Abjurer) - Lawful Good - McNamara is another mage who works for PEIP. He believes in the universal truth of love, and would do anything to protect the world that he is so lucky to be a part of. He may seem a little strange, or even crazy at first, but he makes friends easily. - Strengths: Brave, Loyal, Caring - Weaknesses: Predictable, Gullible, Weak in Offensive combat - Allies: Sorcerer Schaeffer, Paul - Neutral: N/A - Enemies: Shadow Consumer
Linda Monroe - Human (Cultist) Mage (Channeller) - Neutral Evil - Linda was once just a normal self centered person, but then she pledged herself to a mysterious god of destruction. She calls this being "Wiggly" and describes him as a creature who thrives off of chaos and lives in the shadows. Whether he is connected to Shadow Consumer or not is unknown. She has managed to gather a following, and she plans to spread her exciting new religion all over the world - Strengths: Respected, Powerful, Knows God himself (?) - Weaknesses: Narcissist, Somewhat dim witted, Delusional - Allies: Wiggly and/or Shadow Consumer - Neutral: N/A - Enemies: PEIP (yes all of them),
Wiggly - Wiggly - Wiggly - Your friendy wend - Strengths: Wiggly - Weaknesses: N/A - Allies: Linda - Neutral: N/A - Enemies: Those who dare defy him
Minor Characters
Zoey - Elven Bard - Lawful Neutral
Nora - Elven Commoner - Chaotic Good
Melissa - Human Mage (Illusionist) - Chaotic Evil
Jane Perkins - Ghost - True Neutral
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