#she said if there wasn't enough healing she was going to make a serum from his own blood and when I was looking it up it sounded expensive
havegaysex · 6 months
It's nice not having to give my dog eye drops every 4 hours and waking up after only a few hours of sleep because he needs antibiotics in his eyes.
At the vets on Tuesday she seemed really surprised that it healed as much as it did from Thursday to Tuesday
And here I was beating myself up for missing two doses of his medication over the week. Obviously it's okay that he missed those two doses because his eye is healed mostly and now the vet said I can do the eye drops only twice a day, I'm probably going to do it more than that but it's so nice not having to do it six times a day
I'm still waking up at 4:00 in the morning though
#I literally gathered all of the money I had for the vet visit Tuesday#she said if there wasn't enough healing she was going to make a serum from his own blood and when I was looking it up it sounded expensive#And then the vet visit was the cheapest visit I've had in over a year#So I can have my little cushion of savings for the next medical problem my dog has#Or my cats that live with my mom#but it's so hard for Elliot to leave to house that he's going to have that dental that he's on the wait-list for#Whenever the time comes for that#other than that he is probably not going to leave the house until he dies#So it's mostly just my geriatric dog I have to be prepared for#My mom said she can help sometimes but after our last phone call I really don't want to ask#She's been crying a lot this last year or so because of how little she has for retirement#And I know she doesn't blame me for her being poor#But I do#I blame myself because it was the legal bills to keep custody and decision making over me that drained her#She had a decent retirement before my father destroyed her and she had a college fund for me#My father has said to me that he had "$100.000 before the court battles but it's his endless unecessary motions that ran the legal bills up#He decided it was more important to screw my mom over then to be a decent father and a decent human and save his own money#She had to skip a mortgage payments and lose her house and declare bankruptcy over it all to keep me#She borrowed money from her parents when she literally had no other options#to this day her sister says it doesn't matter what the money was for#but that my mom is lucky because she borrowed money from her parents and my aunt didn't get any money from parents#It was to keep me out of my father's hands so it does matter#My mom works so hard at a shit wage bc she needs the health insurance#She may never be able to retire because of my father bankrupting her#I can't ask her for help with my discounted bc I'm so poor vet bills#She's trapped in a dirty house and can't get out bc of the trauma#She can barely afford the maintenance the expensive things like having people come and trim all the trees so branches don't fall and#Collapse the roof of her house#That was such a tangent#I'm so fucking tired
0 notes
buckyalpine · 8 months
A one shot where Bucky doesn’t like the reader and makes her life at the compound a little rough? Like enemies (maybe to lover or friends?) and she is like the sunshine personality 🥺🥺🥺
I live for this shit This type of angst where he's mean and finds her annoying even though she's a sweetheart, ugh, yes. YES.
Bucky groaned, trying to ignore the shooting pain that seared in his abdomen, clutching an old t-shirt to stop the bleeding from the stab wound he'd received during his latest mission.
"You good there, terminator?" Sam cocked an eyebrow watching Bucky unconvincingly nod, grunting a half assed yes before squeezing his eyes shut and flopping back on the seat.
"You're gonna need stiches" Steve snorted, shaking his head at his stubborn friend.
"I'm fine" Bucky gritted out, preferring to bleed out on the jet instead of going to the med bay where he'd be surrounded by doctors and needles and if he was really unlucky, you.
"Seriously? That's the second shirt you've bled through, I don't think the serum's gonna cut it, punk" Steve sighed, knowing how Bucky felt about getting medical care but it wasn't like he had a choice. As soon as the jet landed, Bucky was shoved in the direction of the medical wing, pouting and grumpy as he limped with Steve supporting him. Bucky frowned when Steve pushed him to lay down on the examination table, grumbling and wincing under his breath.
"You stay here. I'm gonna finish writing up our reports, don't go sneaking off" Steve chuckled, giving his friend's shoulder a squeeze before leaving. The soldier stared up at the florescent lights, his eyes anxiously darting about the room, hoping and praying that at the very least he wouldn't have to deal with-
"Good afternoon Bucky!"
For fucks sake.
Bucky groaned at the chirpy voice that piped up from the door, his brows knotted together from frustration.
He hated it. You'd ask about his day as if he wasn't there go get sewn up. You'd talk to him like you'd known him for years, almost oblivious to the fact that he was a former brain washed assassin. Every time he saw you, you were so giggly and pretty and bouncy and cute and happy and it irked his soul because it was to the point it was unnecessary. I mean you were just so kind and sweet to everyone as if everyone deserved such amazingness from such a wonderful person, okay that's enough Bucky.
The world wasn't fucking sunshine and rainbows and he had no idea why you acted like it was.
"Steve said you needed a few stitches so-
"Where's Dr. Cho" Bucky cut you off, hoping anyone else would help him so he could get on with his day, willing to take the needle and thread himself instead of having you do it while talking his ear off.
"Oh, she's with another patient right now but it's fine, I promise I'll get you out of here soon, do you mind if I remove your vest-
"Yeah, I got it" Bucky huffed, wincing to get his gear off but you stopped him, urging him to stay down.
"No, it's okay, I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it, I'll cut it off, don't worry"
Bucky nodded, lying back down while you grabbed a tray with medical supplied, carefully cutting around the blood soaked material and discarding it. You cleaned the area, mumbling apologies incase the alcohol caused any pain, moving on to closing the cut.
"I heard about the mission you all went on. I can't even imagine going through all that, it sounded terrifying. You're very brave Sargent" You smiled, tossing your gloves aside after patching Bucky up. Bucky grunted as he hopped off the table without a word, ready to whack Steve on the head for telling you of all people he needed help.
"If you need anything else, let me know! Just get some rest for a few days, it'll heal soon-
"I know" Bucky walked out of the room without looking back, his shoulders relaxing when he was far away from he med wing. There was truly no reason for him to be this annoyed but he was tired, in pain and he knew for a fact there would be a pile of papers for him to fill out in the conference room.
You didn't take Bucky's grumpy attitude to heart, understanding the stress that came with going on missions, getting injured every time coupled with the fact that he was probably still healing from his own past. You put away the supplies before taking a coffee break, running into a very excited Tony along the way.
"Hey cupcake, just who I was looking for, do you like chocolate or vanilla"
"Tony, I told you, you don't have to-
"That doesn't answer the question. Pick one or the other or both or another flavor, all the flavours, but give me something"
You giggled at the way he looked at you expectantly, sighing seeing as he wouldn't let up until you answered.
"I'm not picky, you know I'd love anything. Get something everyone would like, seriously, I don't even need all this, I'm just the nurse-
"Stop that right now, there's no one else like you" Tony huffed, planting a quick kiss your head before texting his caterers about everything he wanted, ensuring everything was perfect, especially when it came to you.
You woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains, stretching before getting out of bed and padding over to the bathroom to go through your morning routine. You had the day off, throwing on your joggers instead of your typical scrubs and making your way down to the kitchen, grabbing ingredients for baking.
You hummed, scooping out spoons of cookie batter, plopping it onto the tray and throwing it into the oven, cleaning up the area in between, waiting for the oven timer to go off. You set the chocolate chip cookies onto a tray, piping the last bit of icing onto the top and sweeping away the smidges of frosting that got onto the counter.
Bucky blinked at the smell of baking, making his way to the kitchen for some water after a run. He groaned, nearly walking right back out when he saw you singing to yourself, arranging cookies in a circle, each one decorated for a different person in the tower.
"Good morning Bucky" You smiled while he mumbled, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge, "I-I made made cookies for everyone, did you want one?" You asked hopefully, looking at the little dog tags you'd piped on the cookie you made for him while he shrugged in response.
"Why do you keep trying so hard, do you not have any friends?" Bucky scoffed, ignoring the fresh plate of cookies that sat on the counter, not caring that your face had fallen. He wanted to strike a nerve, feeling a sick satisfaction at the way you silenced yourself, giving him the peace and quiet he wanted.
"S-sorry, I just thought-
"You thought what?" Buck cocked an eyebrow, the tick in his jaw making your stomach churn.
"Nothing, sorry" You mumbled, turning back to continue cleaning while he chugged the rest of the bottle. "I've just leave them here if you want one later on-
"No, I don't want one now and I don't think I'll want one later either" Bucky glared at you, tired of you always trying to do things for others as if anyone asked.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't-" you bit your lip hard to keep from crying, not wanting to annoy Bucky more.
"Why do you always act like everything great? Like we don't come back from almost dying, risking our lives while you go about like the world is perfect"
"I just-I didn't mean-
"You didn't mean what, to be annoying? Did anyone even ask for this?" Bucky nodded to the cookies while you shook your head, feeling ridiculous and embarrassed, not realizing others also probably found you annoying.
"I-it was my birthday, I thought-" you sniffled, choking back a whimper, "I wanted to do something nice - never mind" You bit your lip to keep from breaking down, blinking back tears as you scurried off to your room, without looking back.
The initial satisfaction Bucky was short lived as he stood in the now empty kitchen, tossing the bottle aside. The plate caught his eye once more as he walked by, reluctantly stopping to look at each one, your skilled hands decorating each one with clean details. He instantly spotting the one you made for him which had been dusted with silver just like his tags; he had no idea how you managed to get his name and number piped to precisely.
Not that it mattered.
Bucky continued to make his way to the gym, feeling a little bad that he made you cry but he figured you'd get over soon enough, after all that seemed to be your strong suit, you were always happy and smiling anyway.
"You're coming tonight, right?" Steve dropped the weights he was curling while Bucky frowned, unsure of what the captain was referring to.
"Why, what's tonight" Bucky grunted, still in the middle of his set.
"Seriously, Tony told us like a month ago"
"Yeah, fine" Bucky huffed, not really caring what it was about, knowing he'd be dragged to go regardless. He finished the rest of his workout, retreating back to his room to shower. He flopped onto his bed after, grabbing a book from his bedside table seeing as there was still plenty of time till he had to get ready.
The book had been a Christmas present from you and as much as he hated to admit it, it was perfect and one of his favorites. He tried to focus on the words, feeling bad again thinking about how your face had fallen earlier when all you did was offer him a cookie.
Maybe he went a little overboard with his reaction...
Bucky shook the guilt he felt, hoping that you'd be running around somewhere getting ready for whatever tonight was.
"Where's y/n" Sam looked around the room seeing everyone else present but you, the night in full swing seeing as Tony had gone all out as usual "I swear she said she'd be here, this is literally her birthday party"
"I didn't see her" Nat frowned, putting down the drink she was sipping on, scanning the room again, "Now that I think about it, I haven't seen her all day"
Bucky felt a deep pang in his chest when he realized the party was for you, his stomach twisting in knots.
"Where's our birthday girl" Steve asked as he joined the others, the guilt making Bucky feel even more sick. He ran a hand over his face while the others continued to wonder where you were. "I hope she isn't working, she deserves a day off, she already worked over time for 3 months straight when we were running back to back missions"
Bucky remembered that.
They'd all been sent out on missions spread across different months and you'd been the one on call to patch them up the entire time. You hadn't complained once even through you were thoroughly sleep deprived. At the time Bucky was annoyed you were in such an upbeat mood when they were all scraping by but you had been struggling yourself.
"I fucked up" Bucky groaned, feeling awful for how he'd treated you in the morning and for how he'd been acting towards you in general.
"Why, what did you do" Steve's face twisted in confusion while Bucky's face reddened in embarrassment. Steve was aware Bucky complained about you but he figured it was because his bestfriend got flustered around the pretty nurse, he'd seen Bucky get tongue tied plenty of times whenever you walked by.
"You were a grumpy asshole to y/n, weren't you" Sam frowned seeing Bucky's guilty face. The soldier didn't say another word, leaving the group to find you instead, debating on getting Steve to clock him in the jaw first. Bucky ran to the elevator, pushing the button to your floor, hoping he'd see you making your way down, only to find the hallway empty. His heart broke hearing the soft sniffles coming from your room, the door closed. He gently knocked on the door, your cries quieting down as if you'd silenced yourself to pretend you were asleep instead of opening the door.
"Y/n?" Bucky called for you only to be met with more silence, "Can-can you please open the door?" His heart started to beat faster when he head your footsteps approaching the door, clicking the lock open; you were still in your joggers from earlier, your face puffy from crying.
All because of him.
"Sorry, I fell asleep" you lied, keeping your face trained on your feet, worried Bucky had come to yell at you about the party Tony had thrown for you, "and I'm sorry about the party, you didn't have to go if you didn't want to, I promise I didn't tell Tony you had to come, I know you don' like me-
"No, no baby no, stop" Bucky hushed you, his heart breaking when your voice cracked, rambling out apologies. His body moved on its own, wrapping his arms around you while you started to cry again, rocking you while holding you to his chest. "Please don't cry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, you have nothing to apologize for doll, nothing at all"
Bucky held you tightly while your body shook, feeling sick with himself for how he'd been treating you. You'd never been anything short of sweet and he'd made a point of always letting you know he couldn't care less. He lifted you in his arms, walking over to your bed, sitting down with you in his lap, ready to fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness.
"I didn't mean to be so annoying" You shrugged, fidgeting with your fingers, the light that always made your eyes twinkle dimmed from Bucky's words.
"Y/n, please, no" Bucky whispered, pleading with you to stop. "Don't doll. It was never ever you, please let me apologize. I've been awful to you, you've done nothing wrong. You've always been an angel, sweets, it's me whose been an annoying asshole. I don't deserve your kindness but that's never stopped you from giving it to me when I least deserved it"
"You deserve kindness Bucky" you gave him a small smile, one that didn't meet your eyes and Bucky felt his eyes sting. Even when he was the one in the wrong, you were still comforting him with your sweetness.
"Y/n, I don't know anyone that deserves the sort of kindness you give. I don't know anyone that would deserve someone as wonderful as you. You're a light for everyone when its dark. I was a fuckin' idiot for everything I've ever said to you. That isn't an excuse for how I've been treating you doll, I know that. It's just- I've been awful to you and you've never done anything wrong. I'm truly sorry sweets"
"Its okay Bucky" You whispered, reaching up to wipe the tear that streaked down his face, your cheeks heating up when you realized you were still in his lap, "S-sorry, I didn't realize-
Bucky shook his head, holding you securely in his lap, not wanting to let you go.
"You have nothing to apologize for, pretty girl" Bucky shrugged, loosening his hold in case you wanted to get off but your doe eyes darted around instead, settling further in his lap. "You really are like sunshine"
"You're very charming, Sargent" you smiled bashfully while Bucky chuckled, his heart beating erratically in his chest when your hands came up to toy with the tags that hung around his neck.
"Would it-would it be if I kissed you?" He whispered shyly, blushing when you nodded, pressing his soft lips to yours. Bucky took his time kissing you, pouring every ounce of his feelings with soft touches, holding onto you like porcelain.
"Everyone's waiting for you sweets" Bucky gave you a gentle squeeze, tilting your chin up to meet his eyes, hoping that you'd still want to go to your own party. "Would you like to go downstairs?"
You slinked off Bucky's lap to get ready, the soldier watching you with heart eyes the entire time you did your hair and makeup. He knew he had a lot to make up for, starting with the fact that he'd never hurt you again. He was still upset with himself for ever hurting you in the first place but he was ready to protect your innocent heart for the rest of his life. His breath hitched in his throat when you finished applying the last of your gloss, blushing when you slipped your hand into his so he could lead you down.
"Theres our cupcake!" Tony grinned when he saw you approaching, the rest of the team cheering making you giggle. Steve smirked seeing Bucky follow closely behind you in protective mode, keeping his hand around your waist. He spent the entire time, doting on you, following you like a lost puppy.
By the end of the night, he had you in his lap again, shamelessly looking at you with heart eyes while the rest of the team watched curiously, his sole focus on you.
"Happy birthday sweet girl" Bucky whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek while you nuzzled into him with a shy smile, "My little sunshine"
Now imagine Bucky doesn't quickly get over the fact that he was a dick. Sure you forgave him because you're an absolute sweetheart but Bucky can't even deal with the way he'd acted, especially when he had a crush on you the entire time and just refused to acknowledge it, acting like a cunt instead.
He's the most lovestuck boyfriend to ever exist. Your office is always full of fresh flowers. He's a clingy little puppy, outside of the medwing until your done, always finding excuses to sneak in and see you. You had to tell him a papercut wasn't a good enough reason for him to request your services.
Neither was a stubbed toe.
The time he nicked himself while shaving was the worst because he was pouty until you kissed him better.
He slips his dog tags around you, his possessive/jealous side occasionally sneaking out.
He doesn't even hide the fact that he's a simp for you, knowing he's the luckiest person on the planet to get the sweetest person in the world. He shows your off like no tomorrow, proud of the angel he gets to call his.
He absolutely loved his sunshine.
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the-modern-typewriter · 9 months
So I was wandering if you could please do a writing prompt based off of “ she is a failed experiment and he is the success of the same experiment.” I know that might not be enough to flog off of and a am sorry if you can’t. I also want to thank you in advance.
"Come with me."
An alarm rang shrilly throughout the labs; no doubt for him, of course for him. He stood in front of her, devastatingly perfect, and held out a hand for her to take.
She stared up at him, eyes wide and heart in her throat.
"We don't have much time," he said. "Come with me, Katie."
KT-068 pushed carefully to her feet. The thick, one way window of her cell had been shattered. Glass dug at her bare feet, oozing blood onto the floor. He flinched. She didn't.
"You're running," she said, softly. "Leaving."
"Yes." He waved his hand impatiently. He took a step closer, his shoes crunching over the debris. He looked ready to pick her up and carry her. Away from the broken glass, away from all of it. "Katie, please."
"I'll slow you down."
"You will if we keep debating this!"
They wouldn't have expected him to come for her. Then again, they likely wouldn't have expected him to try and escape either, which made her smile. As for leaving....oh the wanting ached in her, fierce enough to be frightening.
"I'm not like you," she said. "You'd get further on your own. I don't - you should go. Run. Leave."
"Do you want to come?" he demanded, searching her face.
She looked down. "Thank you for thinking of me."
"Katie." It was a growl of pure frustration, pure...something.
She glanced up. His eyes were watery; begging. For her. It seemed impossible. She swallowed hard.
The experiment looked at enhancing blood properties to make it more regenerative. A medicine. A youth serum. Her blood healed her, but at the crucial stage of giving it to other people it always killed them. Poisoned them horribly from the inside out.
He had succeeded at even that final stage. He was their victory march. His blood, his essence, was not some inherently selfish thing. Even now...
He took her hand, drawing her up into his arms. He seemed unconcerned by the blood that would hurt all others - not that anyone had ever tested if she could hurt even him. Why take the risk?
"Careful," she said, anyway, clutching his shoulders. "I don't - you have to be careful. Stay back. Don't let me contaminate you."
He made a rude noise at that and they both pressed a little closer to each other, despite her words.
"I'm not leaving you here to rot with them," he said. "I know I phrased it as a question, but...bloody hell. They treat you worse than me."
"Well, I did kill quite a lot of them."
"That wasn't your fault."
It had felt like her fault. It always felt like her fault.
He cupped her cheek, gaze blazing. "Do you want to come?" he asked again.
The alarm continued wailing; the sounds of movement and panic closer than it had been before. They were running out of time.
"What if they don't like me out there?" KT-068 whispered. "In the world? What if they think I'm a freak? Or a monster? What if - what if something happens and people get hurt again?"
"Then I'll help them. And I like you."
"I wouldn't have survived this place without you," he said. "I don't care if you slow me down. Whenever I dreamed of freedom it was for both of us. Don't you see?"
There were a thousand things to see in his eyes.
She exhaled a trembling breath. "Can we go to the pier? I've always wanted to see the ocean."
A smile lit up his face. "Yes. We'll have chips and candy floss and go on all the rides. We'll travel to so many places."
"I'd like that. I want that. I - I want to come with you."
He carried her across the glass.
Her feet had already healed by the time he set her down again, outside the remnants of her cell. "Can you walk?" he still asked. "Can you run?"
She could have run even if every step was agony, if it meant getting out of there.
It was her turn to take his hand, to pull him forward. "Just watch me."
In the end, she left a trail of blood and bodies across the facility.
But they were free.
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when-wolves-howl · 2 years
Liquid Courage
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Tony throws one of his usual parties but an unexpected guest makes an appearance.
Genre: Angst. Sexual content towards to end. No smut.
Word Count: 6.9k
A/N: Here's chapter 6. Still angsty as hell. I can't lie, there's not going to be fluff for quite a while. After this chapter, I plan to really kick things into gear. The story will move forward and more questions will be an answered and secrets revealed. I think I've teased you all long enough. I hope you're ready.
Enjoy reading!
*you do not have permission to repost or translate my material or claim as yours*
Ross once again kept his promise and returned to the compound with Dr, Sarkissian a few days after Wanda’s return, to continue with the testing. He informed you that you wouldn't be cleared of any suspicion until he got some answers, therefore wouldn't be cleared for active duty. Both Steve and Tony made it known that it wasn't his decision which pissed him off and made the testing that day even more brutal. You made Wanda promise that she wouldn’t be there for the testing. You think she’s seen enough of you in this state to last her a lifetime, even if she didn't know the extent of what was happening. So, you made Pietro promise that he would take her out of the compound for the day.
You thrashed around the hospital bed trying to escape the pain that rattled your body. You couldn’t scream or protest in any way. All you could hear was the boiling of your own blood and the sound of the heart rate monitor beeping at an alarming rate. You felt like your heart and brain were about to burst. You could also feel Tony wearing his gauntlets on each hand, desperately trying to pin you down.
“You said this stuff would immobilise Agent L/N!” you hear Ross yell at the Doctor as you try to catch your breath. The doctor was right, you had never been through that kind of pain before. Not even with Strucker. 
“It does. You've seen the results yourself, Ross.” The Doctor retorted, her eyes darting from Ross to you.
“Then how do you explain this?” Ross asks, motioning towards your violently writhing body.
"My guess is that Agent L/n’s body is starting to become immune to the effects of the serum I created. Their metabolism is burning through each dose, meaning that the substance is no longer taking effect.” The Doctor explained, through gritted teeth, clearly frustrated with the results.
Ross was determined to push through the barrier that your mind had built but you were even more determined to block his advances. You couldn't allow to find out that Dr. Sarkissian’s serum had worked and that you had seen more than you had revealed. You were still trying to figure it out yourself. 
“Administer more serum doctor.” Ross demands.
“No!” Tonys voice booms throughout the med bay and you are hopeful for a break from the doctor and Ross’ tortuous methods. “For God sake, can we discuss this later and help Y/N? I can hold them down much longer!” The Doctor takes another syringe from her pocket and administers it to your IV. Your body immediately relaxes, and then starts to heal from the trauma it had just endured. A grateful breath releases from your lungs. Ross walks up to your side and looks down at you, a scowl residing on his face.
“I know you know something L/N. I don’t care how long it takes or the methods I have to go to find out what happened to you, I will find out one way or another. You’re an enemy of this country and I’m going to prove it.” With his final word said, Ross leaves the room. The doctor takes his place next to the bed, just as Tony helps you sit up.
“Agent L/N, if you know anything, it’s in your best interest to tell Ross everything you know. He won’t stop with the testing until you tell him what he wants to know.” Pleads the doctor. Her tone isn’t caring or delicate, instead it elicits a venomous tone which sends a cold shiver down your spine.
“I’ve already told you what I know.” you tell the doctor, effectively ending the conversation there. The doctor then turns to leave without a word.
“Ross is going to want some answers sooner rather than later Y/N,” says Tony. You turn to face him and watch in confusion as his repulsors shrink back into the bracelet on his wrist. “Nanotech. Cool, huh? Could barely hold you down though,” You shake the confusion from your head and instead ask Tony to release you from the cuffs, but he refuses.
“Excuse me?” you ask in irritation. Tony stands there with his hands on his hips and you just know that he’s about to ask you a million and one questions.
“Tell me what’s going on and don’t say nothing because I know you better than that Y/N."
“Then believe me when I say that it’s better that you don’t know.” Your fists clench at your sides, trying to keep your anger at bay.
“Don’t give me that shit. I know you’re lying to Ross about what you saw and now with Wanda’s sudden release from the Raft? I’m pretty sure the President just doesn’t give a pass to a weapon of mass destruction.” You automatically fight against the restraints at Tony’s words, but they keep you in place.
“Do not call her that.” You demand angrily. Tony raises his hands in apology but continues that subject further.
“Y/N you know me, and you know you can trust me.”
“It’s not about trusting you, Tony. You know that I do. It’s about keeping you safe, keeping everyone, I care about safe. I’ve already lost so much. I can’t lose anything or anyone else."
“Y/N, I gave my address to the Mandarin on national television. I literally flew into space with a nuclear bomb.” You roll your eyes at his last comment. It was before your time with The Avengers, but you had heard about that more time than you can count because he never shut up about it. I can look after myself,” reasoned Tony. “I know you’re just letting Ross do this to you so you can keep his focus on you while other things are happening elsewhere.”
He wasn’t wrong about that. Bucky was currently at CIA headquarters in Virginia, sneaking around and trying to find any information that related to you. You let out a deep sigh and thought over your situation. You know Tony can help you in more ways than you can help yourself. Even with Wanda’s powers, there was no guarantee that you’d be able to find out everything that your brain had hidden. You know there’s answers out there, most likely out of the country. Tony can help with that.
“Fine. Take these cuffs off me and I’ll explain everything.” Tony does just that and you explain everything that you didn’t tell Ross and what Wanda’s powers allowed you to see. Also, how you secured Wanda’s release, opting to leave out Bucky and Pietro’s involvement. There was no need to involve them. You had never seen Tony laugh so hard at the President being caught in a compromising position.
“…and you don’t remember ever being on the mountain before? I mean before the explosion.” Tony asks curiously. You shake your head and rub at your wrists and see Tony furrow his eyebrows, deep in thought. “You know, when Doctor Sarkissian mentioned that you may have erased your own memories, it made sense to me. Clearly in the years you were missing, you may have been made to do some unsavoury things, so you wanted to erase those memories and like you never did anything.”
“But both Maria and Bruce confirmed that there was no evidence that my brain was ever tampered or manipulated with in any way.” You counter, confused as to what he was getting at.
“That’s true. But look at you Y/N. Dr Sarkissian just put you through an extremely painful test. One that directly links to your brain. I saw your brainwaves and heart rate while you were under and saw how much pain you were in. But look at you now, you look like you just had a massage.”
 “You know that’s not how it is.” You tap your temple, and he nods in understanding at you silently pointing out that while the physical pain you feel will subside quickly, it’s the psychological pain that remains is what hurts the most.
“I know.” Tony admits in a guilty tone. “I just mean with the speed of your healing abilities, maybe you, yourself, found a way to stop the healing process even for a moment so you could erase your memories.” What could be powerful enough to stop your healing abilities enough to erase your memories? It would have to be damn powerful, and it made you curious as to whether it could stop your healing abilities all together. Something you wanted to visit again in the future if the topic came up again.
“I don’t know anything that powerful, Tony.” You slump in defeat and lay back down on the bed as you hear Tony say that he doesn’t either. Although your body had healed itself, you were still exhausted. You knew you wouldn’t be able to sleep right now though. Sitting up and swinging your legs off the bed, Tony steps up and places a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“Thank you for telling me everything. I do recommend you tell the rest of the team, but I know how stubborn your ass is.” You chuckle at his words because you know he’s right.
“I hear you, Tony. If it comes to it, I’ll fill everyone in on what’s happening. But until then, it stays between us, okay?” Tony puts up two fingers, swearing on scout’s honour. He pats your shoulder and moves to let you off the bed. Just before you reach the threshold of the med bay, Tony asks where you’re going.
“To blow off some steam.” You say as you continue walking, not looking back at him.
Despite the ache in every part of your body, your bandaged knuckles kept hitting the punching bag. Natasha taught you a lot of things and one of them was that when you felt like punching someone in the face that you shouldn’t, it was always better to punch a bag full of sand. With music blaring in your ears, you wanted to tune out the sound of every single person in the compound and just stay inside your own head, alone. As you lay an assault to the bag and watch it swing back and forth, you find it difficult not to become more and more angry at the joke that your life was now. You were beginning to feel doubtful that you would find the answers that you desperately needed. Since you’d been back, the approach you had taken to finding them had been tame at best. You decide that maybe its time to kick it up a notch.  You had already broken the law half a dozen times since you’d been back. What’s a couple more?
Keeping light on your feet, with raised fists, you skilfully dodge the bag as it comes towards you. You think about the events from earlier how Ross stood above you and pretty much told you that he would tear you apart to find the truth about your disappearance. To you, that sounded that he’d probably break a few laws of his own. You know having the President under your thumb would be useful for a while, but it’s useless if Ross goes against CIA protocol. You’re pretty sure what he and the doctor are doing is illegal anyway. You suddenly feel the hair on the back of your neck stand up and you know its because someone has started walking up behind you. You keep your back turned to them as you keep swinging, listening to their footsteps get louder the closer they get. Spinning your wrist as quickly as you a can, a metal fist stops you as another flesh one grips your shoulder to steady you.
“Careful doll, you could really take someone’s head off with that swing.” Bucky says, amusedly. You release the breath you were holding and feel the anxiety you were feeling dissipate.
“Sorry Buck. How’d it go in Virginia?”
"As well as expected. If Ross or anyone at the CIA has any information about you from the last three years, it’s not on any database there. He could be keeping any information on his person, but I found nothing, Y/N.” You drop your head with a sigh, feeling a migraine starting to form at the base of your skull. “They do have personnel files on all of us, as expected. But it’s all the basics. Name, date of birth, abilities. Everything we did when the Avengers were working officially with S.H.I.E.L.D before I came and screwed that up.” You smile at Bucky and his reference to his time as The Winter Solider and bringing down the corruption within S.H.I.E.L.D.
I did find something interesting about this Dr. Sarkissian though.” You raise your head up in interest. You had no interest in the doctor. “The CIA keeps record of every employee that works there, past and present. Even records of outside contractors who CIA agents work with. Everything gets documented. She has her own file, of course, but it was sealed.”
“Records can only be sealed by the director and deputy director of The CIA. Go figure,” you say in annoyance. “She hasn’t given me a good feeling since the moment I met her. She’s definitely hiding something. I’ll figure it out.” Bucky hums in agreement.
“I did find one file that he had on you. It was hidden behind a heavily encrypted firewall, but I managed to bypass it. Why didn’t you tell me that you were being practically tortured by him and his doctor?” You look away in shame.
“As painful as it is, it’s one of two options that I have right now that may help me find out what happened to me.” You had told Bucky that Wanda had helped you but not the details of what you had seen. He didn’t push you to tell him and you were grateful for that and he understood that you wanted Wanda to rest. ” Thanks Bucky. Nothing else?” Bucky shakes his head. You run your hands over your face in frustration at another dead end. As much as you wanted to keep Ross’ focus on you so you could find out what you could with the help that you had, you know it’s time to take the matter into your own hands. It’s time to find the one person who always seems to have the answers to everything, even if says that he doesn’t. You make a mental note to call Maria to get some answers on the whereabouts of your old boss. Before you can thank Bucky for his help, Pietro speeds into the room in the blink of an eye.  He smiles widely and you can’t help but return the smile at his infectious attitude.
“Better get cleaned up, Y/N.” says Pietro, pointing to your bloodied bandages.
“Why?” you ask suspiciously.
“Tony just told me that he’s throwing a party tonight to welcome you and Wanda home," he says excitedly. You clench your jaw and take a step towards him, but Pietro is always too quick for you as he speeds over to the exit of the gym. “I promise it wasn’t my idea. I do listen to you, you know.” You roll your eyes and give him a small smirk that lets him know that you aren’t mad at him but at Tony. He beams in relief and walks out of the gym. You turn to Bucky.
“You got any nice clothes?”
“Do we have to?” you ask angrily, not bothering to hide your pout You were sitting on the end of Wanda’s bed, arms crossed defensively, dressed in a white dress shirt and black dress pants while she sat at her dressing table applying makeup. Wanda assured you that it was okay for you to get ready in her room and not in the spare you room had been occupying since your return. You hadn’t been able to enter the room you and Nat had once shared.
“Look, I’m not that thrilled about this either, but I wouldn’t mind getting a little drunk and dancing. God knows it’s been a long time since either of us have had some fun, Y/N.” Wanda pointed out, turning to you. Her rosy cheeks highlighted her face, and the ruby red lips were plump and full. Her long strawberry blonde locks, twisted into curls, framed her the delicate features of her face. A small smile took over your face at how beautiful she looked in this moment. Her smile matched yours and you know that she heard your thoughts. You raise an eyebrow in a silent request to stay out of your head, but she just smiles again and moves to the bathroom to change into her outfit.
You stand and walk over to the dresser and grab your tie and pull it over your collar, trying to decide on whether to wear it tonight. As you fumble with each side of the tie, the bathroom door opens and Wanda strolls out wearing a red dress that matched her lips and clung to all her curves. Your mouth instantly dries, and you find it hard to swallow. You instantly quieten your thoughts to avoid any teasing but decide its best to speak.
“Wow Wands. You look beautiful.”
“Thankyou.” Wanda’s cheeks flush red as she walks over to you. You tried to keep a respectable eye on her as steps up to you and removes the tie, throwing back on the dresser. “Looks better without it.” You turn to look in the mirror and you instantly agree. You smile at Wanda in the reflection, and she smiles back, and in that moment, you feel a sense of happiness for the first time in a long time. She grabs your blazer and holds it out for you to slip yours arms and lifts it over your shoulders. You turn back to Wanda and feel the anxiety about the night ahead leave your body. She grabs your hand and leads you to the door before turning back to you. “You ready?” With a deep breath, you nod and let her lead you out the door and down to the party.
As you walked through the entrance and into the party, with Wanda’s arm looped through yours, you were met with an eruption of cheers and applauds. The room was filled dozens of faces that you recognised and some that you didn’t. There was a band in the corner playing a song that you could already feel your foot tapping to. You could hear Wanda laughing at your side just as a tuxedo clad Pietro sped up quickly to the both of you before quickly whisking her off to the bar. You couldn’t help but laugh as you saw Wanda give you a silent plea to help her. Wanting a drink, yourself, you got to follow before a hand on your shoulder stops you in your path. You can already smell his expensive cologne.
“I’d apologise, but I wouldn’t mean it,” says Tony, nonchalantly. You both make to the bar as the bartender slides two glasses of whiskey neat towards you.
“Oh I know. But it’s okay. I think I needed this anyway. We both do.” You say with as you nod in the direction of Pietro and Wanda further down the bar, clinking their glasses and taking a shot. Tony chuckles and shakes his head at the twins before turning back you and raises his glass you. You clink your own with his and down the amber liquid in one swift motion. It burns your throat momentarily, but you don’t grimace like Tony does.
“Still can’t get drunk?”
“I can, but I’d have to clear out this entire bar before any of it made a dent,” you answer, pointing to the multiple shelves that aligned the walls, all full of alcohol worth more money than you’d ever see in your lifetime.
“I may have a little something to help with that then.” hinted Tony. You raised your brows in suspicion, but he was already backing away with a smile on his face. “Go find Bucky, he has a little something for you. I’m off to find Pepper.” He disappeared before you could protest. Leaning against the bar, you fully take in the scene of the party. The dancefloor is full of bodies all huddled into a mosh pit, something that wasn’t your scene. You could smell the sweat radiating from it, thanks to your enhanced abilities. You tried your best to switch it off, along with you enhanced hearing. You didn’t want to hear the nasty conversations people would surely have towards the end of the night. Sweeping your eyes across the room, you see Clint and Laura chatting animatedly with Bruce and Dr. Cho, Steve playing pool with Maria and someone you assume was Sam. Steve had mentioned his joining of the Avengers in your absence. You see Vision speaking to Wanda and Pietro at the bar, where you know neither of the two had left since you walked in. You see Vision subtly place his hand on Wanda’s shoulders when they both laugh at Pietro’s joke, and you feel your jaw tighten involuntarily. Tearing your eyes from the scene, you continue your sweep of the room until you find Bucky alone, tucked away in the corner, sipping from a glass. As you make your way over to him, you receive multiple handshakes and pats on the back, all of which you give a tight-lipped smile to.
“You being anti-social? I never would have guessed.” You observed. Bucky gives you a silent laugh and does his own scan of the room. He’s always on alert. “Tony says you’ve got something for me?” Bucky reaches into the inner pocket of his jacket and pulls out a flask and passes it to you. You screw off the lip and bring it to your nose.
“Tasteless too. But it will get you drunk.” Buck says with a smirk and side eye towards you. You want to ask how but gets to it before you can. “I found it hidden in the bookshelf when I moved into Thor’s room after he left to off world for a while. I know it will get you drunk because I took a mouthful and it knocked me out for almost two days. Steve had to take me to Cho because I had alcohol poisoning.” You laugh loudly at that, but Bucky just playfully shoves you. Seeing no reason not, you take a sip from the flask and feel a warmth run through your body the moment you swallow it. Bucky takes his own sip and it’s like you see a light go off in his head.
As the night continued, you felt a buzz from Thor’s flask and had managed to greet and speak to everyone, beat Sam and Steve at pool while Bucky laughed at their pouting. You barely seen Wanda all night and wanted to spend some time with your best friend. You spot her once again by the bar still talking to Vision and sipping from a glass of wine.
Your legs moved faster than you could register, and you took yourself towards the bar.  Wanda’s eyes light up at your appearance and she goes to welcome your arrival until you grab her risk, ignore Visions existence entirely and drag Wanda to the dancefloor. She giggles as she wraps her hands around your shoulders, and you take her waist. The beat from the music starts to vibrate your entire body and you feel Wanda start to sway her hips, forcing her to move with you.  You pull Wanda flush against you and feel your bodies mould into one another. With each beat, yours and Wanda bodies move as one and when you look her in the eyes you see her pupils are dilated to the point that the green is barely visible. You and feel Wanda’s breath on your lips and the smell of the wine on her breath dancing around your nose. Your breath hitches as you see Wanda slowly lean in and before you can do the same the smell of Chanel invades your senses, and you immediately pull away from Wanda’s embrace. She frowns in confusion as you back away from her, your heart beating hard against your chest. You’re grateful for the open collar your wearing but still finding it difficult to breathe. Wanda steps forward, concerning written all over her face but you put out your hand to stop her from touching you, instead sending your thoughts to her mind.
“I’m okay. I just need a minute.”
“Are you sure? Do you want me to come with you?” You can hear the concern even in your head. You force a smile but shake your head and exit the party to find the bathroom. Splashing your face with water to try and clear your mind, you lean against the sink and look at yourself. Your face is a pale white and the dark circles that have lived under your eyes since you returned are as evident as ever. The nightmares that plagued you every night didn’t help with your appearance either. Flashes of the colours you saw in your memory retrieval, the suited man plunging a mirror into your neck, Wanda in her cell wearing the collar, Natasha’s face as she walked through the door in Berlin. The images haven’t escaped you since you came back the compound.
The familiarity of the perfume only brought your nightmares to the light of day. Her perfume. You’d bought it for her as a birthday gift and she wore it on every special occasion. Now the smell of it made you sick and beyond furious and you took that fury out with a fist to the mirror. You wince as you pull your hand back and pull out the shards of glass from your knuckles and watch as the blood pours out. You hear movement behind you and the door to the bathroom swings open and you see his face in the reflection but ignore his presence and wash your hands.
You try to exit the bathroom, but agent Campbell stands in your way but when you try to pass him, he put his hand on your forearm to try and stop you.
“Y/N, please.” Campbell begs. You automatically grab Campbells wrist and push him against the wall and lift him off the ground by his collar. He splutters and struggles to breathe and tries to remove your hand, but you can’t find it in yourself to care at the man that betrayed you.
“Don’t you dare fucking touch me,” you growl, as you lift Campbell higher off the ground, his feet dangling. “What the hell could you possibly say to me? Your apologies are useless to me because they are bullshit. You tried to take me out. I trained you, taught you and that team everything you know, and you use it against me?” You push Campbell harder into the wall and you see his face start to turn pale at the lack of oxygen and his eyes plead to you to let him go, which you do. Campbell coughs violently when he collapses to the ground, scratching at his collar and tie to loosen it.
“What did you expect coming in here, Campbell? That I would play nice with you? That we’d just go back to being buddies? You don’t get to walk in here acting like you didn’t marry the love of my life and that my life hasn’t been falling apart. Go fuck yourself Campbell,” you spit out.
“Woah, woah. Slow down. I’m not married to Nat. Are you serious?”
“You’re lying. I saw the way you looked at her. You also called her Nat. You’ve never called her that in your life. It was always Ms. Romanoff.”
Y/N, I’m gay.” Your eyes widened in shock. That was something you didn’t consider. “After you disappeared me and the squad started our own investigation as soon as we heard your body hadn’t been found. We knew that something was up. We didn’t find anything though. Maybe a few months later, I ran into Nat in a bar, and she was drinking herself to death. I’d heard from some other agents that they had seen her there multiple times a week, just drinking until she blacked out. I tried to stop her and told her that you wouldn’t want her to be like that, but she tried to swing at me. She was so drunk that she could barely stand. So, I took her back to her apartment and slept on the couch. I didn’t want her to be alone when she woke up. When she did, she made me promise not to say anything to anyone and I never did. After that night we just bonded and became close friends. She’s one of the very few that knows I’m gay. As for that day in Berlin, I was just following orders.” You stand there in disbelief as you hear snippets of Natasha’s life while you were gone and the downward spiral she had fallen into. You had no idea.
There’s an apology on the tip of your tongue but you can’t bring yourself to speak. Instead, you pass Campbell, making sure to slam shove your shoulder into his and take yourself back to the party. Nothing has changed when you enter. Everyone is laughing, dancing and knocking back drink, while you feel the room start to close in on you, panic setting over your chest. Spotting the doors to the balcony, you make your way towards it, sipping heavily from the flask Bucky gave you. When the fresh outside air hits your lungs, you feel a calm wash over you and deep breaths calm your erratic heartbeat. The view of upstate New York looked beautiful and it nearly took your breath away until it actually did when a voice interrupts your peace and the perfume almost hypnotises you.
“Hi.” The voice couldn't be mistaken. It was raspy and deep and still sent a shiver down your spine. You had heard it every day for years before you had disappeared. Taking a deep breath and clutching your flask a little tighter, you slowly turn around to face to the woman you once trusted your life with. God, she looked ethereal. A black body con dress caressed her voluptuous frame, full lips coated in a shade of blood red lipstick that matched the colour of her hair that framed her face. It took all your self-control not to drool at the sight. 
“Hello Natasha.” You kept your tone as neutral as possible. You saw her momentarily flinch at the use of her full name, something you never did but the movement disappeared as soon as it appeared. Her past as a spy could never be erased.
“How are you?” You hear the sincerity in her voice, but you feel like she’s asking the most stupid question in existence. You scoff, and open your arms wide and in a silent show of the obvious that you’re not okay
I’m sorry.” You scoff again because you can’t believe the audacity she has right now.
“For what? Burning a hole in my chest or for getting married to someone that wasn't me? you snap at her. You see her clench her jaw and it feel guilty for a second but youre the one who was missing for three years. Not her.
“That’s not fair Y/N. I told you, Fury wanted a face that you trusted to bring you in. It was the safest option.” Natasha whispers. You turn away from her, desperately trying to keep your tears from falling.
“Then he should've called Wanda,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, that was a nice little display on the dance floor there.” Her tone is so thick with jealousy, that you’re offended of what her accusations insinuate.
“Oh, give me a break. You don’t get a say in what I do in any situation. Not anymore. Not while you have that damn ring on your finger!” you exclaim, your voice beginning to rise.
Nat sighs and looks down at her feet, twisting her wedding band in her finger. You can see the build-up of tears ready to fall from her eyes, but the Asgardian liquor makes you want to ignore them.
“You know I buried you right? Consider that for one second.”
You allowed your anger to consume you because you didn't care anymore. You threw the flask as hard as you could and watched as it shattered the doors that led to the balcony. The heads of party goers turn towards the sound of broken glass spilling across the floor. Despite flinching before, Nat doesn't flinch this time, even when you take a step towards her..
“You didn't come here to see how I am. You came here ease your guilty conscience. To see how you are. You know what you did. You feel it in your heart, don’t you? Because I do. Every damn day i feel it, Natasha. I am broken! My life has been torn apart the minute I woke up in Berlin. My life was taken away from me and I don’t have a fucking clue why So do not stand there and tell me you're sorry because I don’t accept it. And the only reason I don’t accept it is because I know for a fact that if it was you that went missing, if it was me who had lost you, I would have waited. i would've went to the ends of the earth to find you and the people responsible. And that’s how I know that I loved you more than you loved me.” you accuse, pointing your finger in her face.
“What the hell is going on here?” Dr. Sarkissian walks over the broken glass, towards you and Natasha. You barely recognise her without her glasses and lab coat. Instead, she wore an emerald, green dress with her with her hair styled like Natasha’s.
“None of your business doctor.” You kept eye contact with Natasha but were about to get a lot angrier if she didn’t leave.
“It is my business if you're yelling at my wife.” The Doctors spat at you, her tone cold and venomous. She wrapped an arm around Natasha, and you noticed her relax in the doctor’s hold. You visibly gulped and you know Natasha saw it. Your eyes flickered to the doctor’s ring, and it matched the one that laid upon Nat’s finger. The courage and anger you had built up suddenly disappeared on the spot and you felt yourself beginning to crumble under the weight of your own stupidity. Natasha had always been able to read you like a book and you saw that she wanted to take a step forward and take you into her arms, but another set of arms wrapped around your own and held you instead.  
“Come on, lets get out of here.” Wanda whispered in your ear. You allowed Wanda to pull you from the situation and before you knew it, you were in front of Wanda’s door. She tried to pull you into her room, but you stood your ground and shook your head when she frowned in confusion. You looked over your shoulder at the door of your old bedroom and decided now was the time to walk through it. As you enter, familiarity overwhelms you when you find the room exactly how you remembered it. Photos of you and Nat lines the walls, yours and her favourite books sit on the shelf covered in dust, small gifts and trinkets that you’d given each during your time together still sat on the nightstand. Walking to the dresser, you see remnants of your old life and decide maybe it’s time to leave your past with her behind.
A painful scream erupts from your chest as raise your fist and slam it through the dresser, shattering it beyond recognition. You rip the photos off the wall and throw them across the room, watching the glass shatter everywhere and continue to destroy everything in your path. Once you were done, the room was beyond recognition and with that you felt a sense of piece that the fresh air had brought you earlier.
“Feel better?” Wanda asks, standing in the doorway. You look to her but don’t answer, instead reaching from the flask again and taking a large mouthful. You hand it out to her, but she holds up her own bottle of whiskey which she drinks from. She follows you back to her room and sits next to you when you take a seat at the end of her bed on the floor.
“So, Nat’s wife is your doctor? That’s so messed up.” Wanda blurted out. You laugh at obviousness of her statement, and she laughs along with you. You smell the alcohol on her breath, and you know she’s more than a little tipsy.
“The woman that’s been torturing me for the last few weeks.” Wanda’s head turns so quickly towards you that you can’t bring it in yourself to look at her. You didn’t tell her about the pain you had endured during Ross’s testing. But you don’t want to keep anymore secrets from her. You take her hand and hold it to your temple as you take her back to each time the doctor and Ross visited you and the pain you felt. She gasps as she feels the pain that you felt and when you open your eyes, you see the tears that threaten to fall from her eyes. Her fingers fall from your temple and rest on your cheek, which you lean into. She doesn’t ask questions as to why you allowed Ross and the doctor to continue. She knows you need answers.
“I hate her, Wands. I hate them both.” Your voice cracks under the weight of your misery but Wanda only bring herself closer and places her lips on your forehead. “I’ve always thought of myself as a happy person, but after all that’s happened in the last few weeks, I can’t help but feel utterly miserable every time I wake up. I’m sad every day and I try to be the happy person I once was, but it’s so damn hard. I just feel so alone.” Wanda fully embraces you as she wraps her hands around your neck, and you pull her into your lap and cry hard into her shoulder. One hand of Wanda’s rubs up and down your back, while another scratches lightly at your scalp, soothing you as you try to control your sobs. When you gain control, you sit back and look up at Wanda who had been crying with you.
You wipe at both of her cheeks, and she does the same for you. As you both hold each other in a close embrace, you’re not sure if it’s you or her that leans in first but when your lips touch, you don’t care. Wanda’s hands move to your neck and yours to her hips and you bring her closer to you as she tightens her arms around you. An experimental hand and squeeze to Wanda’s ass makes her gasp, allowing your tongue entry to her mouth. The both of you moan as the kiss becomes more desperate and needy and you feel Wanda reach for the buttons of your shirt starting to undo them. As Wanda reaches for the last button of your shirt, you pull down the zipper of her dress. As you both reveal yourselves, you can’t help but stare at Wanda’s exposed chest. You always thought she was beautiful, but as she sits on your lap right now, she is but just a goddess that you want to worship. As if Wanda heard your thoughts, she launches herself at you and wraps her legs around your waist, kissing you hard.
Wanting to be more comfortable, you try to stand with Wanda still clinging to you but stumble, the Asgardian liquor to present in your system. You fall onto the bed on top of Wanda, her lips never leaving yours and continue your worship of her body. As you move your lips to her neck, a wild moan leaves Wanda mouth which prompts you to move your lips down her body. As the rest of your clothes are removed, both of your names are moaned loudly, and you end the night with your bodies intertwined.
Hours later, you wake suddenly, plagued again from the nightmares that haunted you. Soaked from head to toe in sweat, you turn to looked that the body that lies next to you, thankfully undisturbed. Wanda’s chest rises and falls so peacefully that you’re relieved that she isn’t the one suffering from nightmares tonight. Moving from the bed, you’re suddenly bombarded with images of a face that you’ve seen before but not one that you’ve seen in person. At least not that you remember. A man with a horrible, red disfigured face, flashes before your eyes and a German accent echo in your ears. You’ve seen this man, but you need to confirm. Getting dressed and taking one last look at Wanda, you leave the bed and take yourself to the War Room.
As you bring up the files of each Avenger which contain their past mission reports, you click on Steve’s file. Going back to report archives as far back as 1945, you find the photo that you were looking for. The black and white photo sets a feeling of dread in your stomach, and you know you’ve found the source of red that haunts your dreams.
“The Red Skull,” you whisper.
Taglist: @afuckingshituniverse@snowdrop1026@wolferine@lil-gamer @httpjupiterbby @traveler-at-heart @5-puthyyy @holiday-house-of-m @traveler-at-heart @poptartpoppyy @blackxwidowsxwife @snowdrop1026 @afuckingshituniverse @sherlockstrangewolf @the-camilucha @lorsstar1st @maximoffwitch @thefoxandthepenguine @inlovewithfaberry @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @nr-enthusiast @kermy48
@whyyy-not @snowtrova @wildnightuniverse @8bitscarlet @lainjupi @d14n4ol @fayhar @a-laufeyson @pawiie @lizlil @simp-erformarvelwomen @me-uglypretty @ninaahs @iliketozoneout @how-to-disappearr @mmmmokdok @fxckmiup @sayah13 @messedupfan @therunawaykind @alexia-redacted
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scratchandplaster · 9 months
This is not a truth serum ask, but why is Morris so convinced what he did to Elliot isn’t wrong? He believes in the beginning it was out of love for Amber, he seems a bit delusional. Does that have to do with something occurring in his childhood, sorry if this ask is a spoiler.
The thing about Morris is that he does know everything he did was morally wrong. He just chooses to justify every action to the littlest detail: he either did it out of love (very noble of him, so romantic) or the fault lies with someone else.
The fact that he drugged and kidnapped Amber's ex, tied him up and threatened to do horrible things to him and his family is not so bad, you know? Because he didn't actually plan on escalating the situation further and Elliot wasn't really hurt besides a few bruises and sure, he couldn't leave, but they had a blast playing cards and chatting. It was all great. That's what he thinks about when remembering their time together.
When it comes to what happened afterward, aka smashing his hand to pieces out of desperation and frustration towards Amber, he knows he fucked up. He uses it as a reason to search for contact again to apologize (Morris does believe that it will all heal nicely and Elliot can just continue living like normal, just a bit roughed up), hopefully being convincing enough to make him feel the connection they had again.
It's a lot of wishful-thinking:
Snatching Elliot from the streets and hurting him? Amber will call me back and when we reunite, that guy can just leave again.
I'm bored, and he said he agrees to turn this into a game night? Nice, maybe he's not that stuck-up. This will be easy.
She still doesn't care to write back? Does she think I'm bluffing, that I'm not willing to go all the way? I have to prove myself, but let's make it easy for my new buddy. He can go to sleep and keep his fingers complete, I'm so thoughtful.
The plan didn't work. Now he's bleeding out in the bathroom and is not friendly to me anymore? I can't believe Amber is such a psycho bitch, ignoring us both like that. I went too far, this is not how it was supposed to go.
She's in rehab (she just should've come to me, I know how to help!!!) and doesn't even have her phone? Well... How was I supposed to know?!
And so on...
He is very desensitized to violence due to his past (and current job), but deep inside, he is just a coward who is unable to take responsibility and face the consequences of his actions. The impulsive thoughts he calls "plans" are also doomed to failure: How do I keep my girl close? Uhhh... heroin?!
So what I'm trying so say is that he is delusional, but not regarding the morality of his actions but the honesty of people's affection towards him.
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barnesmurdock · 3 years
Pairing: Beefy!Bucky x Enhanced!Fem!reader
Summary: An innocent spar with your boyfriend ends up with a chase through the woods and some sex.
Word count: 3247
Warnings: NSFW. 18+, MINORS DNI. SMUT, primal-ish play, predator/prey-ish, switch Bucky, switch Reader, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, fingering, nipple play, oral (fem receiving), biting, hair pulling, edging but like twice?, overstimulation, mild violence (sparring), a lot of dialogue for a smut, I guess.
A/N: So… here's some smut!!! I hope it doesn't suck so please tell me if you like it! <3
Perhaps asking you to not hold back had been a bad idea. Bucky had sparred with you and watched you spar with the others before and, even when using your powers it always seemed like a fair fight. Then, he learned from Steve you actually barely used your powers on them most of the time. "If she did, we wouldn't stand a chance." Steve told him with amusement. 
That morning you decided to spar outside and he had asked you to give him everything you got (without killing him), he could take it. Hand to hand combat should be easy enough, knowing you preferred to work from a distance when you were on a mission. 
Yeah well, he had been cocky. 
And now, he was losing. So far, almost none of his attacks had landed, only when you got close enough to hit him. But hurting each other wasn't the goal, though. Your self-healing didn't allow for you to get hurt and you wouldn't actually hurt Bucky. The goal was to make the other surrender.
Both of you were equally stubborn, so you had been at it for a while. Thanks to the serum, Bucky wasn't tired at all and at this point he was hoping for you to get tired first. But you were relentless, you were still full of energy, and you were currently straddling him and trying to pin him to the ground. You were about to win. 
The friction of the struggle was starting to make him hard and having you on top of him, all sweaty and messy was distracting him from the goal. 
Bucky closed his eyes for a second to take a deep breath, grounding himself. Perhaps if he let you think you were winning, he could catch you off guard and you wouldn't react fast enough to block his movements with your powers. 
"I win." He said in between labored breaths with a smirk on his face. He had been successful and was now on top of you, your arms pinned to the ground. You had nowhere to go.
But your boyfriend didn't know you had a strategy of your own. He was assuming he won, but you hadn't surrendered yet. You could feel he was growing hard in his pants so you pressed your thigh to his crotch, giving him more of that friction that was getting him worked up. His eyes fluttered at the feeling and he sighed through his nose as he bit his lower lip. 
"Fuck…" was all he could say when you nuzzled his nose before teasingly licking his lips. 
But then, once you had him fully hard, you gave him a mischievous smirk and got your knee in between you. "No, you don't."
It happened too fast for his fuzzy horny brain, but you managed to push him away with your foot, throwing him backwards with your powers and making him crash with his back against the nearest tree. 
He stared at you in both awe and confusion and his eyes followed you as you ran and giggled, jumping on a tree.
"I'm sure that was against the rules!" Bucky exclaimed, groaning as he pushed himself up, his hand on his stomach, covering where your foot kicked him.
"Life's unfair, Buchanan." You gave him a cheeky grin, proud of outsmarting your boyfriend. "Catch me if you can!" You blew him a kiss before taking off, pushing yourself from your tree to another one.
He watched your movements for a moment, still a bit shocked. But he collected himself, licked his lips and headed to the woods.
"This is a dangerous game you're playing, Doll." Bucky warned loud enough for you to hear, following the faint sound of your giggles. 
You were going to be the death of him, he thought. He'd lost the sound of your giggles, and now you were breaking twigs and branches, moving bushes with your powers to throw him off. You had to be close enough for your powers to reach, but far enough his enhanced hearing couldn't locate your heartbeat or any of your actual moves. 
You stopped for a moment to locate your boyfriend. You could see Bucky going in the wrong direction and you were starting to feel a bit bad for him. You had betrayed him when he was all horny for you, so he could get a little help.
"Buuucky!" You called for him, making his head rapidly snap towards you. He had spotted you, so you resumed jumping to the next tree, and then the next one.
And suddenly, it was you who couldn't find Bucky. 
"Bucky?" You called again, getting no response. 
Complete silence.
You were at an impasse. If both of you were hiding, someone had to move first.  Resignated, you jumped off the branch, swiftly landing on the ground and called for him again. 
Bucky didn't climb any tree, but he was hiding behind one, watching every move you made. You didn't have enhanced senses, so you couldn't hear Bucky's stealthy moves, lurking in the shadows while he watched you search for him. He could hear your heart rate increase, you were getting anxious. You had underestimated him and now you didn't know how to find him. 
Your hands were getting clammy and you were starting to think about giving up. You couldn't see him, but you definitely felt observed. And even if you knew it was your boyfriend and you weren't in danger, it was still unsettling, a weird sensation running through your body. 
You turned your head to look behind you as you walked, thinking you heard something. It was so silent you could only hear the forest sounds and your heart pumping in your ears. 
But when you looked back at the path in front of you, he was there. You yelped and almost fell on your butt, startled by him. "Gotcha." He whispered, an amused smirk on his face.
Bucky went to grab you but you quickly reacted and took a step back, then turned around and started running. 
Bucky licked his dried lips again, you couldn't outrun him. 
"Run all you want, Doll. You know I'll catch ya." He shouted as he walked behind you, fast paced yet calm. 
A chill ran down your spine at his words, surprised by the rush of warmth you started to feel between your legs.
Looking behind you, you saw him pick up his pace, starting to run. You had no choice but to start sprinting and even then he was getting close to you. 
He was so close, he caught the familiar scent of your arousal and he could swear he felt his pupils dilate in response. Growling as he chased you, he started to run at full speed. That was it. Bucky was done with the game. He had to catch you already.
His growl made you yelp in surprise. You could hear him approaching and your heart was going so fast you were sure you would've had a heart attack if you could have one. You really felt the need to press your thighs together but you were still running and your pace faltered. 
That was all it took for Bucky to grab you by the hair, stopping you in your tracks and wrapping his flesh arm around your waist 
"Told ya, Angel. You can't run away from me." He whispered, his lips brushing on the shell of your ear. "Can't believe you're so turned on by this..." Bucky mumbled against your neck, breathing in your scent before dragging his teeth over your pulse point.
"And you're not?" You countered, pressing your ass back against his evident erection and gaining another growl from him. 
"S'your fault, running around dripping between your legs…" He almost whined when his flesh fingers snaked inside you shorts and your underwear, dipping in your drenched folds just to check how wet you were. The grip of his metal hand on your hair loosened to travel to cup one of your breasts, brushing his finger on your hardening nipple through the fabric of your sports bra. "You're gonna kick me again or are you gonna behave this time?"
"When have I ever behaved?" You chuckled breathlessly, forcing his hands off you. As good as his touch felt on you, you wanted to touch him too. 
You turned to face him in his arms, finding his blown pupils waiting for your next step, his mouth slightly agape. Your fingers threaded with his damp, long hair, pushing it away from his forehead and tugging on it to expose his neck, making him hiss.
"Are you going to surrender?" You whispered against his skin, kissing the column of his throat.
"Game's over, Doll. I caught you." Bucky breathed out, placing his hands on your hips.
"No it's not." You licked a stripe up against his throat, ending with a kiss on his chin.
Bucky groaned, painfully hard and frustrated. He lifted you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. Your grip on his hair tightened when he pushed you harshly against a tree. "You're so fucking stubborn…" 
He didn't allow for a reply, practically smashing his mouth against yours in a passionate kiss. It was desperate and sloppy, the grip on your thighs almost painful when you sucked and bit his lower lip. 
"And what about it?" You teased, smiling in the kiss when his hips rutted against you in response.
Bucky didn't have an answer for you. He wanted to show you. He stepped away from the tree, kneeling to lay you on the ground. His hands roamed your skin, from your thighs, to your ass, your hips, your ribs, while he peppered your shoulders and chest with kisses, until he reached your sports bra. Your hands left his hair, thinking he wanted to take it off. Instead, Bucky just ripped it off at the front, burying his face between your breasts as his hands cupped them. 
You didn't have time to care about the bra, the feeling of Bucky's mouth sucking and lapping at your tits making you squirm under him. As feral as he was, he was taking his sweet time, purposefully neglecting your nipples. 
You whined, tugging at his hair again to guide his mouth where you wanted it. His lips latched on one of your sensitive nubs, his fingers playing with the other one.
You could feel the coil in your belly tightening, your pussy clenching around nothing while his grinding hit the perfect spot and the friction of your underwear were building up your arousal. 
Bucky could hear your heart rate go up again and, by the way you were moaning and squirming, you were close. 
Not yet, he thought.
He wanted to feel you come, not just hear it. So when you were almost here, he pulled away. 
"No, no, Bucky…" You whimpered, your hips still chasing the friction even if he wasn't close enough.
Bucky had the audacity to smile, a chuckle escaping his mouth.
"Don't worry, angel, I got you…" He cooed as his fingers stroked your cheek, moving to brush against your kiss swollen lips before his hands went to get rid of the rest of your clothes. 
As he nuzzled and bit your inner thighs, he  debated for a moment between playing with you for a while, loving how whiney and desperate you were, or giving in and eating you out already. 
In the end, his own desire to taste you won. 
Bucky was too close to your bare glistening core to ignore it. He laid on his abdomen and spread you open with both his hands, licking a stripe from your entrance to your clit to collect your juices. He started slow, humming at the taste, swirling his tongue in your bundle of nerves, but soon enough he was devouring you like a starved man. He didn't have the patience. The sounds you made and how your body reacted to him only enticed him further. 
You didn't know what to do, where to grab onto as your lover quickly built up the pleasure on your belly. Your hand went back to his head, hoping that would keep him there long enough.
"I'm so close… Buck, don't you dare pull away." Yo managed to say through your panting, your hips bucking against his face 
You felt him smile on your pussy and, for a moment, you thought he was about to edge you again. But then, as he kept sucking on your clit just how you liked it, you felt two of his flesh fingers slowly entering you and curling to find that spot inside your walls.
And then your toes curled Inside your sneakers and your back arched as your orgasm traveled through your body. Your blunt nails dug almost painfully on Bucky's scalp as you rode your high, grinding on his insatiable mouth.
Bucky didn't register any pain though, all his focus on extending your pleasure. His fingers and his tongue kept moving and it quickly became too much. You tried to pull away but his metal arm had your hips pinned in place. 
"I know, I know… but you can give me another one. I know you can." He encouraged after finally giving your clit some rest. You could still feel it pulsate with the aftershocks. 
"I can't, Bucky, please!" 
His metal hand caught your wrists when you tried to stop him and he smirked at you mischievously. "So you surrender?" 
"No! I don't fucking surr-"Your cry was interrupted as your breath hitched when you felt another orgasm crashing over you, making you whole body shake. 
Your boyfriend had some mercy after all and he retreated his fingers from your oversensitive cunt, sitting up with and smiling proud of himself.
With your legs still shaking, you threw yourself on top of him, straddling his lap and roughly taking off his shirt.
You grabbed his face, making him pout. "Two can play this game, my love." You purred on his lips before hungrily crashing your mouth on his. Your words went straight to his already throbbing erection, and your hands followed suit.
Your mouth left his to trail harsh kisses and nibbles from his jaw to his flesh shoulder and across his chest, marking his body while your hands lowered his pants and boxers just enough to free his cock. You wrapped your hand around it, slowly but firmly pumping your fist. 
Bucky's jaw went slack when he felt your mouth playing with his nipple. That and the way your thumb was rubbing on his slit with each pump made some sinful moans leave his mouth.
His grip on your thighs tightened. He was rutting against your hand and you could already feel him twitch. That was your cue to pull away, biting on his nipple as he whined at the loss of contact. 
You wrapped your arm around his neck, pressing yourself closer to him and rubbing him against your slick folds to coat his cock before lining him at your entrance.
You both sighed into each other's mouth, eyes fluttering as he buried himself on you. "Fuck, Doll, you feel so good…" Bucky whispered, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist as you began to grind on top of him. 
Bucky didn't care about winning anymore, losing himself in you, in how you felt on him with every thrust, every bite, every scratch, every kiss. He grabbed your ass, burying his face on your neck as he gained some control, moving your hips against him and increasing his pace. 
Your nails dug on the nape of his neck and his flesh shoulder, making him groan and bite your shoulder in return.
He couldn't get enough, he could feel the tension of his orgasm building up again and he was chasing it. Every perfect whimper, moan an mewl you let out on his ear pushing him to fuck you harder.
And you, you were seeing fucking stars. His unforgiving pace was toying with the line between pleasure and pain. You snaked a hand between you two to give you some relief, rubbing circles on your swollen clit.
Bucky could feel your walls clenching around him and he thought he wouldn't last any longer if he felt you coming around his cock. And you did, you came hard, your fingers still working on your clit and you pulled away to watch his reaction.
You got up just enough for him to pull out of you, leaving him on the edge again as he thrusted into the air for a few more seconds, still not processing losing the warmth of your cunt.
His eyes shut and he groaned again, his face dropping to your chest. He felt it vibrating against him when you giggled. You fucking giggled.
"Surrender and I'll let you cum." You said with amusement, your fingers threading with his sweaty hair and pulling gently so you could see his face. 
"For fucks sake you win! You fucking win, Doll!" Bucky desperately whined, pathetically trying to find his way back inside you, just to end up humping your inner thigh instead.
"Good boy…" You cooed satisfied with his answer, lovingly caressing your lover's cheek while your other hand lined him to your entrance again.
Bucky's eyes rolled back as you sat down on his dick and you couldn't help but kiss his blissed out expression, sliding your tongue against his while you started to ride him again. Without breaking the kiss, you guide his hands to your hips, encouraging him to set the pace.
And boy, he did. He groaned in your mouth, catching your lower lip between his teeth as he started to harshly pound into you. His knees started to hurt from sitting like that for that long and so he laid you on the ground, his hips snapping faster against you now he was on top. 
You hugged him close to your body, moaning in his ear, nibbling on his earlobe and kissing his neck between praises.
Bucky's thrusts quickly became sloppy and your hands grabbed his ass, digging you nails on his flesh. 
"Come for me, James…Want you to fill me up…" 
That's all Bucky needed to go over the edge, his body tensing in your arms as you felt his release painting your walls.
"God, I love you so much." He breathed out as his body went slack on top of yours, hiding his face on your neck and kissing the sensitive skin there.
"Love you too." You chuckled before kissing his hair, lovingly caressing his back while you let him take a moment.
"Sorry about the bra…" Bucky mumbled sheepishly, offering his shirt so you wouldn't go back to the compound with your tits out.
"Don't worry about it. Thank God I didn't rip your shirt though…" You smiled at him, finding cute how much he was blushing, and threw him a wink, reaching so he'd take your hand.
He gave you an embarrassed smile as he interlocked his fingers with yours to start walking back. In the midst of your particular hide and seek game you two didn't notice how far you had gone, so it was going to be a long walk.
You didn't care though. You enjoyed the sounds of the forest and the feeling of Bucky's thumb caressing your own.
"Hey, y/n?"
"Please tell me you don't plan on using that tactic on an enemy."
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softsebnbuckystan · 3 years
Soul ties - Part 12 (Bucky Barnes au)
“Send your dreams where nobody hides
Give your tears to the tide”
Tumblr media
Rushing to the compound felt surreal. Sam was driving as fast as he could as you were already thinking of the most efficient way to deal  with the situation. You were a doctor in biology and chemistry. Healing was a piece of cake for you. This shouldn't be any different.
"What injury did he suffer?" you asked, hiding the panic in your voice and leaving a crack in the car window to get some fresh air.
"Stab wound. It's pretty bad."
You scratched your forehead, doing your best not to give any thought to the pain Bucky was most likely going through.
"He was injected with the same serum as Steve, meaning he has the same healing process as him. One simple stab wound shouldn't be 'bad', so it has to be more than that."
Sam's grip on the stirring wheel tightened. He kept looking straight away, but he squeezed your hand once.
"Steve was freaked out. He might've overestimated the damage."
"Or underestimated. They might be super soldiers, Sam, but that doesn't make them invincible."
"I know."
"Sorry. I shouldn't be so dry. I'm just thinking. If..."
"We're almost there," he said, cutting you off. "I know the way you work, and I'm convinced you'll know what to do as soon as you see him."
The wind in your hair wasn't enough to calm you down and Sam had barely stopped the car when  you opened the door and ran to the compound. You were moving so fast your throat and lungs were burning, as you were not used to such physical exercises. You'd never been shaped for the field, nor had you ever wanted to be. You barged in the lab and put your hair up in a ponytail to keep it away from your face. Bucky was lying on a metal table :  you noticed he was pressing the side of his abdomen. Blood had stained his tight grey shirt. The blood on his face and shoulders, however, you concluded came from Steve carrying him. His eyes were open : good. After putting on sterilised gloves, you grabbed a pair of scissors and cut through his shirt. You hadn't even noticed Steve and Bruce's presence.
"Go, both of you," you told them as you assessed the wound, ignoring how Bucky's mouth was twisted with pain. "I've got this."
Bruce didn't need to be told twice : he trusted your skills with his life. It might have been Steve's case as well, but leaving his friend's side seemed harder for him to do.
"Steve, go. I won't be able to focus."
Your stern voice was what finally made him leave the room, closing the doors behind him. Bucky, still lying down, grabbed your wrist, staining the white gloves with red.
"It's bad, isn't it?" he asked.
"Nothing I can't fix," you assured him. You'd switched to working mode as soon as you'd seen him, but totally getting rid of your emotions wasn't the easiest thing to do.
"Your voice is shaking," he noted. "I.." – He let out a small grunt. – "Are you sure you're okay?"
You let out a sarcastic and nervous scoff. "Yeah, my voice is shaky but my hands are not. I'm the one who should ask if you're okay. Now shut up, unless I ask you something."
You didn't pay attention to his furrowed brows or confused look. The only thing you were looking for, while applying pressure to his wounds, was any particular sign of pain. He wasn't hiding it, unlike some of your teammates (Natasha came to your mind).
"It's deep," you explained. "Can you press this cloth for a second?"
He nodded and immediately got to it, allowing you to grab a scanner to see if any vital organs or blood canals had been severed. Locating the most damaged canal took you two seconds. You had no time for an anaesthesia ; you didn't have much doubt about Bucky's ability to bear pain. You used clamps to keep the wound open.
"This might itch," you said as you grabbed the electrocautery and applied it to the bleeding canal. You knew his face was contorted with pain, but you couldn't let your soft side win in those situations. Seeing people in pain was the hardest part of your job.
The rest of the surgery went on in silence, aside from Bucky's occasional grunt or sigh. Once you were done stitching the wound, you helped him sit up and bandaged the area. You wiped the sweat on your forehead with a towel, moving wet streaks of hair out of the way. Caring for this spectacular stab wound had taken around two hours, so you allowed yourself to drink some water before handing Bucky the bottle and tending to his other scratches. He probably didn't need this kind of medical assistance, but leaving him scathed was out of the picture.
"You need to hydrate yourself."
He took a long sip as you cleaned the multiple scratches he had on his right harm. His shoulder had taken the most of it, leading you to think he'd fallen from a higher place.
"What happened?" you finally asked. "I thought this was supposed to be an easy mission."
Now that you didn't need to focus as much and that the overall fear for Bucky's safety had passed, tears were threatening to come to your eyes.
"It was. Doesn't mean those guys weren't jerks."
"Bucky," – you carefully captured his chin between your fingers to make him look at you – "what happened?"
"Natasha got in harm's way. I knew she couldn't take it as good as me. It was the smart play."
"No, it was the bold, reckless way," you retorted. "You have no idea what Steve's call put me through. I thought..."
"Hey, I'm okay. Thanks to you," he whispered as he stroked your cheek. "I couldn't let them hurt someone who might've died. I knew I'd come out of this, that's why I did it."
You lowered your gaze and your eyes lingered on the numerous scars his naked torso displayed. You traced some of them with your fingers : on his collarbone, on his abdominal muscles, on his shoulders, and so on. You could tell there was a story behind each of these, and you assumed they were stories he would rather not talk about.
"I'm sorry you had to see those," he said. It was barely a whisper, so low you weren't sure you'd heard it right. "They're from my time with H.Y.D.R.A."
"Don't be sorry. Remember what you asked me about your arm?" – He nodded. – "This is no different. It's you, and that's all I care about."
You ran a hand through his hair : it'd been hardened by dried blood in some places. You closed your eyes and laid a kiss on his forehead before going to one of the cupboards to get him a lab coat. A warm sensation made its way to your stomach as you realised how easy it was being with him, how natural it seemed, how meant-to-be it felt, how...
"Wear this," you told him. "We need to do something about all this blood."
As if they'd been expecting you to come out, Steve, Nat and Sam jumped to their feet when you  opened the door. Bucky tried getting up on his own as well, but you grabbed his arm just as fast.
"You might be healing fast, Sergeant Barnes, but I'm not keeping you out of my sight just yet," you joked lightly.
Bucky was holding the coat closed over his chest, his other hand squeezing your back in gratitude.
"How are you, Buck?" Steve asked.
"Good, don't worry. 'T was just a scratch."
You gave him a grave look. "It was not a simple scratch," you corrected, "but he's fine. All I ask is that you rest for today. That should be enough, with your metabolism."
"Go rest, now, or you won't hear the end of it with this one," Sam said, gesturing in your direction.
"He's right," Natasha joined in. "She's secretly quite bossy."
You smiled to her. "I have to be! None of you listen to medical advice, so I have to be assertive. It's for your own good."
"And we love you for it," Steve added with a grin. "Now go put this guy to bed."
Bucky couldn't help but chuckle lightly, making him reach for his healing wound. It was obviously still hurting a little. You finally left the others and took him to your bathroom. Your bathtub was lower than the floor, which allowed you to sit on the edge as Bucky got in, after taking off his clothes, staying in his underwear. None of you spoke a word as you washed his hair and rubbed the remaining blood off of his skin. You ended up plunging your legs in the tub and let Bucky rest his head on your knees as you ran your fingers through his hair, silence embracing you both.
"Are you still hurting?" you asked.
"Only a little." He seized one of your hands and kissed your fingers. "Thank you," he added.
"Don't thank me, I'm doing what I vowed to do."
A smile made its way to Bucky's face as he sat up and turned around. "Do you wash every single of your patients' hair?"
You shook your head. "No. That's the unexpected, coffee-spilling, caring soulmate package."
He looked hesitant for the smallest second before extending his arms, waiting for a hug.
"You're soaked," were the only  words to come out of your mouth.
"Do you care? Your pants are already in the water, so..."
"Might as well," you said, finishing his sentence. You leaned on the bathtub's edge as your knees hit the bottom. Resting on your arms, you were only a few inches away from Bucky's face. You pressed your lips against his and closed your eyes, wondering what allowed it to feel so good. You didn't give a damn about your clothes anymore and they were bloody anyway, so you broke the kiss and laid in Bucky's arms, resting your head on his chest and your legs entangling. You'd made sure the water was warm enough and it still hadn't cooled off, thankfully.
"We probably shouldn't stay in here," you admitted. "We might just fall asleep and drown."
"Now that would be a shame," he agreed. "Just a few more minutes then. Please?"
You tilted your head up to look him in the eyes and smirked.
"I'll give you all the minutes you want, Buck."
--- Damn, I sure loved writing this part. I hope you liked it too! Part 13 will be the last one. :)
Tag list : @ginger-swag-rapunzel @joscelyn02 @bluemoon-icecream @writehistorynotthegrocerylist @lady-loki-ren @simplybombshell @lizajane3 @livingonkpop @kaitieskidmore1
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royal-poetry · 3 years
Truth Part 2
Beatrix chuckled as she made her way to Giovana. The fun loving prankster demon had bitten off more than she could chew and accidentally pranked herself. Instead of using a truth serum on the brothers Gio somehow took it instead. Now Trix was part of the crew to keep people away. This was a serious manor, not only did she get a text from Gio asking for help but Barbatos sent them a slightly threatening message.. but hey at least Beatrix was trusted enough by Barb. She found Gio at the castle, naturally as Barbatos had already started to damage control. After getting passed a worried and pushy Diavolo Trix finally was with their other best friend.
"Gio I don't know why this is such a big deal but whatever Barb said to Dia didn't help because that man is acting like you're dying.. This isn't a kill you after its done truth serum is it?" Worry struck the human for a second, nah that wouldn't be right. It's just Diavolo over reacting, but why? He was strange but Trix didn't question it too much, now wasn't the time. "Now I'm here to help with 'making sure nothing gets out' in the cryptic words of our lovely Barb. This has to be something big if they are acting like that. Why is this such a big secret? Like I'm probably here to figure out a way to reverse it which I mean I can and will but I'm gonna need company while I figure out where you got it from and what kind it is and who you got it from, ya know? So I can take this opportunity to ask some things."
"So we all know about your little tea time with Asmodeus, where you talk about our resident couples, but we haven't talked about you. So Gio, who are you crushin' on? There has to be someone you like, its only natural. Please don't say its Diavolo, I will only accept that he is a sugar daddy and you stole that job from Asmo, because he deserves a good sugar daddy who will treat him right." Trix laughed, remembering conversations about sugar daddies once. "Also speaking of tea you should spill some of it and since we are in the castle, got any dirt on Diavolo and Barb? I bet you know some things from living here with them."
Giovanna sat on her bed, anxiously bouncing her leg as she waited for Trix to arrive to help. She was frustrated that she had been so stupid as to follow a truth serum recipe she found without reading the fine print- and now it had backfired onto her. She knew it was bad, but the way Barb and Diavolo reacted only made her feel worse. She just wanted to get the spell out of her system so they would stop pacing outside her room. Gio hated seeing her brother worry so much- but she knew it was reasonable worry this time seeing as if the wrong person asked the wrong questions it could be Very bad for them.
She heard commotion outside her room and stood up, hoping it was the arrival of Trix to save the day. And lucky for her, it was. Sighing in relief, she couldn’t help but chuckle at her friends concern “What? No, I’m not going to die. Don’t be silly, they just worry a lot. Although this IS kind of important. I can’t imagine what would happen if someone asked me the wrong question.” She laughed a little, trying to ease her friends worry. Grabbing Trix’s hand and dragging her to the desk, she cringed at one of the questions. “Well I mean. It IS big. It’s just a big deal because if someone asks the wrong question and I tell them the answer to the question it would be kind of bad if it got out and I’m really fighting the urge to blurt it out because the stupid serum wants me to answer things fully so I’m going to need you to ask another question other than why this is important or anything” Giovanna bit one of her knuckles, forcing herself to be quiet before she spilled too much. Although the second Trix asked her next question she almost wished she COULD just keep talking about the other thing.
“Okay, first of all? Dia? Disgusting, never accuse me of having a crush on him again that’s-“ She quickly grabbed a pillow to mumble something into- saying the truth even if Trix couldn’t hear it. “Moving on though, I’m honestly a little surprised you can’t tell who I have a crush on dear. I feel so obvious it’s a little embarrassing- I feel like one of those silly lovebirds we’ve helped set up. I’m head over heals for Asmo, of course. Now naturally I would never persue him while you two have whatever you have going on. Bestie code. Of course. And I don’t like him in a sim a sugar daddy way! I mean, I genuinely and truly am embarrassingly swooning over him. Isnt that beautiful! I was never planning on telling you that though darling I know you two have a strange little benefits situation like I said. Pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“As for Didi and Barb, of course I have tea on them. We’re all fairly close after all. Like have I told you about Dia’s crush on Luci? Like I know we’ve all joked about it but he’s like a little puppy sometimes. It began as a joke but dear I think he isn’t joking about wanting to worm is way into Luci and Logan’s love life. I’m almost a little embarrassed. That’s actually another reason I don’t want to interrupt you and asmo- Anyways. As far as Barb goes he’s still fairly private, even with me and Di. But I can tell you that he sometimes slips spells into tea. I feel like that isn’t a surprise, but he tries to keep it on the down low. Like he’ll give Luci teas with spells to boost his mood, or help him sleep. Di’s teas sometimes calm his energy, I think I get those ones too. I also get tea that helps with nightmares. I know when Lily was still adjusting he would specially make her iced teas that calmed her nerves. He works very hard on them all.”
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angsty-nerd · 4 years
RNM 2X13 - Echo Download
I've been having a hard time trying to put my feelings about the Season 2 finale into words, so I've been sitting on it for a few days, reading everyone's metas, and trying to organize and separate my actual thinky thoughts from the angst and heartache. That… is not something I am particularly good at. But I'm trying.
I LOVE this show. The writing is a mess. There's plot holes all over the place. The pacing issues alone make me want to tear my hair out. And dear God do I want them to give these characters and relationships (including friendships) the time and space for the big moments to land properly. I don't know if we'll ever get any of that though. And in the meantime, I love these characters and the story, messes and all.
Everyone knows my biggest love is Echo, so I'm gonna start there.
"I don't know what you thought love was gonna be like when we were 17, but it's not all sunsets and horseback rides."
Back in the OG days, there was one consistent criticism I had with the way they wrote Max and Liz's story: the breakups always felt like bullshit. Max breaks up with Liz because she was afraid of some weird alien shit. Liz breaks up with Max because he's "supposed to be with Tess" and meanwhile he's like, "um… no?" We had "it's too dangerous" when it was dangerous regardless. "We're just different" but not in ways that actually mattered.
Echo's breakup mattered. There were issues and they were not dealing with them. Both of them were sneaking around behind the other's back. Neither was being fully honest with the other.
The unwavering honesty was something that stood out to me in S1. Yes, Max was hiding the truth about Rosa's death. But when it came to the present they were almost laughably open with each other. Liz didn't lie about it when Max asked if she told Kyle the truth. When Max asked what she was doing in the lab, she told him the truth. Once Liz knew the truth about Rosa, she knew everything. It seemed like with that truth out there was nothing left to hide. And once they got together they were a team. Immediately. There's a reason that we had a joking headcanon in the Echo world that they had their first kiss and then they were a married couple.
I really think Max's death not only put that to a screeching halt...it also put them on this path to the breakup. Liz has abandonment issues, and Max made a choice, without her, that resulted in him leaving her alone. It wasn't openly discussed in the depth that it should have been this season, but I really do think it was issue #1. Liz loves Max and she was very happy being with him...but after he came back from the dead she didn't trust him to not leave her again. It was an issue simmering under the surface from Episode 7 until the finale. Liz channeled it all into worrying about his heart, but the underlying theme was a resounding "I can't go through that again". Which is deeper than just the worry over a physical health problem. And it pushed Max away from her.
He grew irritable with her. He started hiding things from her and lying to her. The season just ended and I have no idea if he ever told her anything about his memory flashes! He was obsessively trying to learn about his past and never once discussed it with Liz!?? Because he didn't want her to stop him from using the serum? This is a HUGELY personal thing to Max and you can see how much it means to him. He had tears in his eyes while telling Isobel about it. I mean, that puppy dog excitement, and yet, he hides it all whenever Liz is around.
I think it was around episode 8 that we started talking about how badly they needed to have a big fight. Us -- the Echo shippers -- the ones who WANT them to be together -- were BEGGING them to fight. I hate conflict!! But the lack of honestly and the aversions were just building and building and I just wanted it all out on the table.
They finally STARTED having that fight in episode 11, but then Rosa and Isobel interrupted. In retrospect, sweet alien!Jesus, I wish they could have finished then. Maybe they would have gotten the air clear between them. Maybe it would have put them on a path to healing their relationship before the finale. But they didn't, so the breakup happened. And the thing is… that ending. It just kind of haunts me. Liz waiting and hoping for a grand gesture that never comes. I mean, did Max even know WHEN she was leaving!?! He sure didn't seem to have it on his mind when they flashed to him in that scene. And their fight...was all about what Liz was doing and Max not taking care of his heart. They never once touched on what he was trying to learn about his past. I'm pretty certain that Liz left without knowing any of that.
And the thing is… I'm sort of skirting around the meat of the issue here. Because the biggest problem of all of this was Liz violating Max by studying his biology without consent.
I really hate saying that in writing, because, to me, it's kind of the most horrible part of all of this.
Max Evans has been referred to in jest in this fandom as the King of Consent. He was so careful with Liz, tiptoeing around her looking for explicit consent in Season 1 until her desire for him was made abundantly clear. He only ignored the need for consent twice: both times in the S1 finale. Healing Michael's hand and healing Rosa. But those things both happened after he killed Noah. After he was high on his own power. They were very clearly set up as out of character for him.
Liz didn't give him the same respect. Consent does not just apply to sexual situations and healing. It applies to studying too. It applies to Liz USING Max's biology without his permission. It also applies to administering the cure to Steph without her consent. Liz was very, very wrong here.
And the thing is… it sure didn't seem like the writers saw it that way. It also didn't seem like JEANINE saw it that way. There's been a little bit more balanced quotes from them in interviews this week since the finale ended as far as saying that both Max and Liz were wrong, but they sure focused on Liz being incredible and strong before the finale aired.
The part that confuses me though...like, a LOT, is that the narrative was pretty clear that what Liz was doing was Bad and Wrong. She looked guilty. She was lying and hiding things from Max. And the MORAL COMPASS OF THE SHOW, Mr. Kyle Valenti, repeatedly told her she was wrong. Kyle called her out on her ethical violations even as he was thanking her for saving Steph.
Genoryx was set up as being bad. Liz herself refused to go work for them in the flashbacks because they were morally sketchy. Although, maybe that's the draw now that she is all full of ethical violations. Sigh.
I'm gonna leave this topic now, but I'll encourage you to go read @latessitrice's meta on the subject here:
Okay...so to sum this up? The breakup was coming. We knew it was coming. But it still hurt my heart so much. I haven't seen anyone gif Jeanine's performance of the "I am in love with you. And I hate that right now." But the delivery of that line broke me.
That being said...do I see it being over? Let's give that a resounding FUCK, NO. I mean, sure, they fought. And it hurt. And Liz ran away. Without saying goodbye. And all of that SHATTERED ME.
But...they still love each other even if they both have a lot to work on individually. That’s part of what MADE it so hard.
I am actually stoked for season 3. Two Maxes? All of the delicious angst once Liz gets home. Liz not knowing there's two Maxes and meeting Jones first and not knowing who he is and being vulnerable to his mindfuckery? Or just his fuckery in general. Whatever. I am here for it.
I am here for Liz discovering that something about Genoryx is Not Right. I'm here for her living a normal life and getting drawn back into the madness. I'm here for Max getting more powerful and more alieny under Jones's guidance. And I am here for what I am certain will be an epic reunion once they are back together again.
As a last more positive comment...I’m stoked that we get to have both Max and Liz alive and facing interesting potential storylines this hiatus. All I wanted from this finale, in truth, was to leave the characters in a place that inspired me to want to write for them for the next year plus or however long this COVID-extended hiatus ends up being. And I am so excited for that.
And I have talked enough now that I will go ahead and post this and leave this post as my Echo Takeaways from the finale. I'll be back again with some more gen/bigger picture thoughts later.
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roswelldetails · 4 years
RNM 2x13 - Mr. Jones
SEASON FINALE — Having realized that a deadly threat has infiltrated CrashCon, the busiest event of the year, Liz (Jeanine Mason) realizes that she can’t save everyone she loves — and with Max (Nathan Dean) facing immediate danger, she and Isobel must make a heart-wrenching choice. Meanwhile, Michael (Michael Vlamis) finds himself caught up in the conflict between Jesse (Trevor St. John) and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) once again, even as Maria’s (Heather Hemmens) life hangs in the balance elsewhere, and Kyle (Michael Trevino) faces a moral dilemma when the enemy requires medical attention. Jeffrey Hunt directed the episode written by Christopher Hollier & Carina Adly MacKenzie (#213). Original airdate 6/15/2020.
The episode opens with Isobel trying to hold back the fire. They don't actually show Rosa convincing Liz to go stop the explosion. But she runs up to Isobel and explains her science:
"I have to activate the ingredients first, but once I introduce my solution to the system it should kill the cellular matrix."
Liz literally squirts the console with her "solution".
Rosa is doing CPR on Max and praying. Max wakes up just as Kyle runs up.  Immediately Max directs Kyle to Flint instead of himself. It's interesting. When Max previously killed with his hand, in 1x06, he instantly knew that he killed the drifter. This time he wasn't sure (and he didn't. We eventually learn). Rosa and Kyle take Flint to the hospital.
Meanwhile Helena is saving Charlie's life.  
"Jesse Manes was the only one supposed to get hurt."
Which is...not what happened.  Jesse, Flint, Max, Maria...even Liz got hurt.  She burned her hand on the console.
Maria is being rolled into the hospital. She got there really really fast. Cam is by her side.
Liz is still squirting her solution onto the console. It turns red.  Liz asks Isobel to get people away but Isobel refuses to leave Liz alone.
Jesse, Greg, Michael, and Alex are still mid-standoff.
"Gregory, listen. You and I have had our differences in the past, but you should stand with me now."
"You're not well, Dad."
Jesse hits Gregory with the atomizer and appears to knock him out. He tries to shoot Michael, but Alex tackles him.
"Guerin, get the atomizer! Get it away from my brother!"
"Alex, I can't."
Jesse gets the upper hand in the fistfight with Alex and steals Alex's gun. Turns to shoot Michael again.
Liz makes more solution and squirts more of it on the console.  This time it starts to crack. Isobel pulls Liz to safety and the console shrivels and dies.
The dying console just doesn't work as well in still form, so @maxortecho giffed it for me! Thank you!! 😘
Max runs up to them.
"You disabled it. You saved everyone."
"Is Flint dead? Did you kill him?"
He looks at Liz with some heavy heart eyes for her being the hero. She looks at him with fear.
Back to the Maneses and Michael. Jesse has a gun on Michael. Michael has the atomizer.
"Drop it, Guerin. Drop it!"
There's a gunshot. Jesse Manes falls and Michael has blood on his face.  Gregory shot Jesse from behind.
"I should have defended you from him a long time ago."
"There are no more Manes men left."
Jesse dies.
Indeterminant time jump.  Liz is late for work.
"Sorry, Javi.  I just...I haven't really been sleeping."
"You've said that every day since CrashCon. You still having nightmares? …Did you read the papers this morning."
"Oh, I've kind of been trying to avoid the papers."
"Did you hear about that veteran who died at the carnival? They're going to have a parade, build a statue. Did you know he was disabled?"
Customers at the counter are discussing CrashCon:
"The CrashCon discourse is saying aliens invaded and killed the guy."
"That should be good for tourism."
"Newspaper said it was smoke inhalation though."
"He was making sure all the kids got out safely and the smoke overwhelmed him."
"We need more people like him."
Soooo much to unpack here.  And most of it is addressed by Helena and Rosa's exchange at the end of the episode. But the big question to me is… who is spreading the rumors and covering this up? Is it Flint? Is he even well enough to take the lead on that? Is it someone else with Project Shepherd that we haven't met? The mayor? I mean, Jesse was shot! There was a lot of blood! Plus, remember what happened in 1x11 and 1x12: it's a small town. People notice gunshots. 
Liz goes to take a table's order and, surprise! It's Diego. Who had gone back to Denver after CrashCon. He brought Dr. Margot Meyerson to Roswell to meet Liz.
Michael is visiting Maria at the hospital:
"What are you doing?"
"Oh they cut your bracelet off during surgery. How are you? You look better."
"Liz has been dropping by every day to inject me with witch serum."
"Ooh the synthetic nucleotide excision repair genomogenate? We're lucky you're only part alien, otherwise there wouldn't have been enough left of you for her to save."
"Listen, do you think you could use your telekinesis to open this box? Mimi left it when she visited. It's a family heirloom, but she forgot the key."
"Mimi hasn't exactly been leading you in the right direction lately. Her psychic visions led you toward a bomb instead of away from it. Seeing you like that -- all sick and pale and quiet -- I started praying."
Max and Isobel are at Max's house. Isobel is studying the photos of the console and alien symbols.
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"I wish I understood why Louise and Nora would spend a year building an alien weapon of mass destruction."
"I don't think it was a bomb. I think it's a communication device. It's like a remote, you know, it just happens to be combustible."
"Are you mad at me, Max? Did I do something wrong? Is it that we're not related, or are you upset about the abortion? Because I…"
"Whoa, hey, God no."
"Because you're not talking to me."
"You're not the only one.  I didn't want everyone to worry, you know, 'cause I've been taking some of Liz's antidote. And things are coming back to me. Little flashes, sort of, mostly. Like vague memories."
"Michael said that you kind of zoned out when you touched that alien bomb...remote thing. Did it trigger a memory?"
"When I touched the console, I heard whispers that I could almost understand. All right, it's like the same with those symbols. I mean it's like their meaning is just beyond reach. Except for one word. I took this from Graham Green's display at CrashCon. See that? It's an aerial photo of some crop circles from Roswell in 1948. This farm belonged to a guy called Jones. Pretty sure it says savior... This is my name. Maybe that means you and Michael's parents weren't the only ones that survived the crash. Right, maybe I had a family too. You know, maybe my mom was just across town."
"Max. I really wish that you could just focus on the present. You know, I mean, as a recently deceased man, I really feel like you should be enjoying the simple pleasures in life, you know, like reading nerdy books, the smell of leather, and that feeling when you wake up before your alarm and the person you love is still asleep and they're kind of snoring a little bit. It's like the best thing that ever happened to you. Stuff like that."
"I want all those things too.  But I feel like if I only know half of myself, I'm only half living. And I know you understand that, Iz, because I've watched you this year become your entire self. And it is so beautiful. Okay, I am not at all mad at you. Are you kidding me? I am so proud of you. I am so proud that you're my sister."
Michael and Alex in the shed. For all that the shed is such a key location in this show's canon this is the first time we've seen it since 1x06.
"Maria made me bring food over.  I gave it to Gregory.  Seems to be holding up okay."
"Everything my family touches turns to crap. My dad used to talk about how my Grandpa Harlan built this she'd with his bare hands when he was, like, seventy.  For a long time it was my safest space. And the one night my dad destroyed it."
"You're right. This place sucks."
Michael and Alex start destroying the shed. In the next scene Michael breaks a floorboard revealing a skeleton. The skeleton is wearing dog tags, so Alex grabs them. In his shirt pocket Michael spots and grabs the key to Maria's box.  The tags say Eugene Manes III.  So this is Tripp's body. Which confirms for Alex that his grandfather killed Tripp.
Max and Liz are walking in the plaza.
"I don't understand the violence, Max. Flint could have had brain damage given how long he wasn't breathing. You risked your life to hurt him and he had already thrown the weapon away, Max, so why? I can't get that image out of my head.  You trying to kill Alex's brother."
"I know. I snapped. Last year Noah told me that we were energized by killing and not by healing. Even then I knew he was right.  I… Obviously I can usually fight that, but I guess this time my better angels just didn't show up."
"We have to stop keeping secrets from each other, Max. There's a scientist in town.  She's a supervisor at Genoryx.  She has a job for me in California. She's offered to sponsor my dad's citizenship. And it could put me in a position to help Rosa too. I mean, I'd be able to do a lot of good with the grant money they're offering, and I know that all sounds too good to be true, but…"
"It sounds like someone finally realizes how valuable your mind is."
"I think that a change of scenery will be so good for us. I mean, we could get a place by the beach and you could write."
"You want me to come with you?"
"Of course I do."
"Well, I mean, I just told you I have this killer instinct, and you want me to come to California with you."
"We'll figure it out. Okay? We'll figure all of it out together. Run away with me, Max Evans?"
Max goes to see Cam at work. She picks on him for getting arrested and has his mugshot as her desktop background because friends!
Max asks about Charlie.
"Yeah she texted me from a burner phone that she was all right and then she vanished again."
Max tells her that he has a doctor's appointment and then asks her to do some undercover work for him.
Michael visiting Maria at the hospital.
"So Alex thinks Harlan found out that Tripp was an alien sympathizer all that time and he offed him."
"So Mimi must have known that you would find it. That's why she left the box. Look, I know you don't trust my mom's visions, but I was the only one who could grab that atomizer and run with it. If it had been you, you'd be dead."
Maria takes off the bracelet.
"What are you doing? Maria, that prevents brain damage."
"I'm only part alien, but it is a part of me. Even if it's dangerous I can't just turn off a piece of myself."
"So I'm supposed to sit around helpless as you fade away? Maria, I cannot watch you disappear. I love you."
"I love you too."
"So can we just let this go?"
"You have it wrong. Mimi hasn't disappeared. Yes she can be inconvenient, she can make people uncomfortable, but maybe she's supposed to be an uncomfortable inconvenience that saves lives. And now I need to be inconvenient, and I don't want to be someone that hurts you. I think that we should find out what's next, apart from each other."
"Wait, so you think that if we break up, I'm gonna be able to stop caring about you?"
"I learned so much, being with you. You sacrificed yourself without hesitation when Alex needed you."
"I would have done the same for you."
"I know. I don't doubt your capacity for love, 'cause you made me so happy this year. And I loved being someone that made you happy. I just think that we should leave it be, before I wonder if someone else could make you happier. Open the box, Guerin. Let's see what comes next.
Skip forward to the Crashdown where Michael has the box in a booth with Alex and Isobel. He opens the box and pulled out a journal, which they in turn read aloud.
I did a separate post on the journal's content and the Tripp and Nora flashbacks here:
Kyle visits Steph in the hospital
"What do you think will happen?"
"What do you mean?"
"When I die, idiot."
"You know, Socrates thought that death was a blessing, because only one of two things could happen. Either consciousness ceases, and it's like falling into a dreamless sleep. Or you go to where all who have died before you have gone. Your loved ones, people you admire. If you lived a good and just life, you will be surrounded by goodness and justice, in a place without fear. Sorry.  I thought a lot about this when my dad passed, so I…"
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry that I'm putting you through this again."
"No...I want to be here."
Liz interrupts them. She clearly wasn't expecting Kyle to be there and comments on Max's appointment.  Kyle gets up to leave.
Diego and Margot are talking in the Wild Pony:
"I was very impressed with her work when we first pursued her, but when I met her today, not so much."
"Why? 'Cause she had a little ketchup on her uniform?"
Undercover!Jenna staggers up to them and spills her drink on them, tells Margot that she's beautiful, and plants a listening device.
"Anyway I think we should move on."
"Okay, wait a sec.  Liz has been working on something recently, but she signed this NDA. Although I guess she can't be blamed if we took a peek, you know? Without permission."
The line that will haunt me for the next year. Kyle to Max while showing him what appears to be chest X-rays.
"You know what I'm saying here, right Max?"
Cameron calls:
"You were right. It is too good to be true. Diego just told some woman he can get her access to Liz's lab. He must have followed her there."
"Well, there's a security system."
"The way he's talking, it sounded like Diego's pretty certain he can get access. They just left here, Evans.  You need to tell Liz to get anything incriminating out of there - now."
Max arrives at the lab and immediately sees that the security system was manufactured by Genoryx. He uses his powers to break the system and get into the lab. He quickly searches through all of Liz's records and then pours what appears to be gas or lighter fluid or some other flammable substance all over the place and then uses his powers to set a fire.
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He listens to the notes on Liz's recorder, which by the way has 22 minutes of recording on it. Some of what we hear:
This is my record of the dissection of specimen NB.
... immunoglobulin harvested from alien DNA can be transferred to a human recipient.
Commence dissection of the dorsal side of the spinal nerve.
I hypothesize that the female specimen's plasma…
Bracken's seminal cells indicate a pH level double that of a human counterpart.
I'm now extracting the grey matter to measure alien voxel signals.
Note that Max doesn't seem to have any chest pain this time when he uses his powers.
Right as Diego and Margot show up the lab explodes.
Max comes home to find Michael and Isobel waiting for him.  He's clearly exhausted and upset after the lab.
"Can whatever this is wait until tomorrow?"
"Jones? That's the guy who grew the crop circles in the shape of my name."
"Nope. We spent the day reading Tripp Manes' journal. Caffeinate, Max... Okay, so, when I asked Sanders about this photo of Nora, he said he didn't know whose hand this was. He was all, Mr. Bernhardt, Mr. Jones, Old Man Gibbons. Could've been anybody."
"Ten points to Hufflepuff."
"So in October '48, Nora decided not to finish building the ship with Louise. She decided to go to the reservation with Tripp."
"But then little Walt convinced her to go to the fall festival, where after successfully avoiding him for a year, she finally ran into the alien stowaway who had crashed the ship. He'd been masquerading as a farmer."
"Mr. Jones."
"Tripp saw Jones approach Nora, and he recognized him from the night of the crash, but he didn't have a chance to ask Nora about it before Harlan called for a raid on the farm."
"Yeah. And after the massacre, Jones was never heard from again. Crop circles were all that was left."
"If you were in hiding, why would you grow corn in the shape of an alien symbol?"
"Maybe they just grew that way.  It's the same way that this symbol just shows up everywhere, you know?"
Michael reveals his tattoo and it's the first time Max has seen it.
"Wait, when did..?"
"Oh, I got it when we weren't sure if you were coming back. It didn't feel like it was ever gonna be the same again."
"All right. There. Now can we all cowboy up and focus, please? Let's feel our feelings after we've solved the mystery of the unknown alien. After the raid on the farm, Nora was held by Project Shepherd."
Note...not actually accurate. Michael didn't get the tattoo until Max was out of surgery.
See Journal and Flashbacks post for the flashback.
Jenna and Charlie reunite. Relevant quote to remember:
Liz and Rosa find the destroyed lab.  Liz sees the fractal burn that indicates that Max is the one that destroyed it.
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"I fought so hard to become who I am, and I just trade her in every time I get scared? No. I don't want to be on the run anymore."
Back to Max's house:
"Whatever happened to that thing that she and Louise were building out in the desert? I mean, did she ever tell him where it was or what it was?"
"Nope. And when Tripp asked Louise about it, she was silent."
Liz walks in and interrupts.
"Why'd you do it, Max?"
They go into the bedroom to fight.
"I'd been asking you for weeks to clear out that lab, okay? I knew it wasn't safe."
"Alex installed a military-grade security system."
"A system designed by Genoryx, okay? Diego could have hacked it. He could already know everything."
"And his nefarious plan is to what? Set us up with a condo in L.A.? Give my family a second chance?"
"Okay, I have a family to protect too."
"Yes, and you could have stopped Diego without destroying a year of my work!"
"I had to act fast."
"So your first instinct was to go with the one method that would break my heart?"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking about your heart when I'm staring at jars with Noah's liver and his brain. I mean, what else did you harvest from us, Liz?"
"Those are just cells. I wasn't hurting anyone. I don't know what you thought love was gonna be like when we were 17, but it isn't just sunsets and horseback rides."
"You can't put this all on me. Okay you were sneaking around behind my back…"
"I apologized. I stopped. Max, you died this year. I was all alone because of a choice that you made, but still every single thing I did was for you and about you and with you. So when you were back, when I could finally touch you. When I could finally breathe. I needed to take just one moment to remember where I end and where you begin. To just be whole in who I am. I am a scientist. I am fighting for something that is bigger than me. I am trying to leave this world a better place. And I am in love with you. And right now, I hate it."
Liz leaves and Max takes another dose of the antidote.
Time jump. No idea how long or what has happened in between.  Liz and Rosa on the Crashdown roof saying goodbyes.
"Dad is checking your oil and making sure you have enough chile...also you left this in our room. Mom's been texting."
"Trying to come up with a better response than, go duck yourself… You should come with me. The Ortecho sisters take California."
"I wish. But I can't. I'm going back to rehab tonight. I want to see the program through. Sorry."
"Don't be. It's the best possible thing you could have said."
"You know… Max should be your road trip buddy. You love him.  You're gonna forgive him.  Besides, we both know if you try to leave town without him again, he's just gonna show up with some big, grand romantic gesture to stop you."
Open mic night at the Pony.  Alex and Kyle have a drink together.
"So how does it feel to have your father's murder officially avenged?."
"Feels like my dad's still dead. Flint should be okay. He'll live to become the new Jesse Manes."
"No he won't. I'm not gonna let it happen."
"After everything you still believe in redemption?"
"Well, I have a pretty good example of it right in front of me."
Alex sings his song. Michael, Isobel, Greg, and Forrest are all there listening.
Flash to Kyle going to Steph's hospital room.  The bed is empty...because she's up doing her makeup, her hands steady.
"Your hands are better.  Did they give you morphine?"
"I woke up this morning feeling incredible. Look at my chart. My numbers are up. It's a miracle."
"Or just really good science."
Liz is preparing to leave, her suitcase beside her in the empty Crashdown as she stands at the juke box one last time. Kyle runs in.
"What you did was reckless. And dangerous. And unethical, Liz. Thank you." 
Back at the Wild Pony, Michael watches Forrest listening to Alex sing.  He turns to leave. Isobel tries to stop him.
"It's a sad story, me and Alex. I have to walk away so we can start a new one someday. It's not our time right now."
"But it will be."
"I think so."
Rosa walks up to a bar.  She hesitates before going in, her hands shaking.
Liz buckles into her car, ready to leave.  She looks in the rearview window and waits.  She's clearly expecting Max to come.  But he's at home studying his alien symbols. She gives in and pulls away, leaving Roswell. Her season ends with her looking out over the ocean.
Alex finishes his song and Greg and Forrest are still there and are proud of him.
"Well, damn. How do you feel?"
"Like I just sang a song about a guy in front of a bunch of cowboys, and...I don't care."
"Oh, lucky guy, with a song like that."
"Yeah it was a long time ago…can I?"
Alex and Forrest kiss.
Rosa walks into the bar. Helena is there.
"If you came to tell me what I did wrong, your sister already texted."
"Did you get what you wanted, Mom? Is your score finally settled?"
"No. I wanted everyone to see Jesse Manes humiliated and weak. I wanted him to die knowing shame. But the papers say it was a tragedy. People like him - bad white men - they die heroes, no matter what they've done. People like us - we die villains."
"Yeah I know. I've done it. But I also got a second chance. So I get to leave a different legacy. The last time that I saw you, I said that I hated you. That's not true. I love you, Mom."
"I love you too, mija."
"I also told you to leave and I was right about that. Liz was free and it should have stayed that way. Manes is gone. There is no revenge to be had. No closure and no redemption. Don't come back, mom. Don't bother Liz again. I really hope you get better. Maybe you can have a second chance too."
Another possible time jump. Michael and Isobel pull up to where Max is out in the desert.
"How'd you guys find me?"
"Freaky twin thing. What's going on?"
"I took more of the antidote. Sorry, I should have called you guys."
"Save it. We are sick of being pissed at you for being so obnoxiously yourself. Why you look so scared?"
Pod Squad is investigating a cave. There's a door or opening covered by alien text with the alien symbol on it. It sorta looks like there's something behind it.
"Um, well, when I touched the alien console at the fair, something happened. I heard whispers that I couldn't understand...until now. I think when I touched it I unlocked something... Like a cage? The whispers led me here. I know it sounds crazy, but would you guys help me find a tunnel?"
"It's sealed up."
"I feel like we should learn more before we just busy that door open."
"Yeah, you're probably right."
There's a knocking sound and a voice calls out.
"Help! Is someone there?"
"If Max unlocked something at CrashCon, whoever that is has been down here for days without…"
"I need water. Please."
"There has to be three."
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Note that we now know which symbol represents each of them.
The door shatters and they all react (Isobel's face is priceless).  
We flash back to the mysterious stowaway/alien hoodie dude/Jones. Louise fighting him.  Now we can see that it's Max. Nora kneeling after the crash with the hand on her shoulder. It's Max's face. He attacks/burns the military men/Hector Valenti.
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The stowaway/Jones looks exactly like Max. Only with a really bad beard. 
"Howdy partner."
1. Hootie & The Blowfish "Time"
2. Tyler Rich "Leave Her Wild"
3. Clay Rigdon "That Kinda Kiss"
4. Marc Danziesen "See Yourself"
5. Gloria Hart and Art Kassel "Frankie And Johnny"
6. The Score "Legend"
7. Sarah May Byrom "Rhythm Of A Memory"
8. Tyler Blackburn "Would You Come Home"
9. The Well Pennies "The Echo And The Shadow"
10. Valerie Broussard "Dark Side"
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Caught out in the Rain.
Bucky Barnes x Original Female Character.
Smut Fic. One Shot.
Bucky returns back from a Botched Mission. The Plan was Foolproof and Everything was Right on Track. But They walked into a Trap. The Woman they were after knew about Bucky and Sam. She played All Along only to get her Hands on Bucky. Sam gets Tortured by her Goons as she Takes Bucky to her Bed. She first drugs him with a what Hydra used on him. She also had the Code used to Control him. She uses the Code and Gets the Information About the Remaining Serum of Winter Soldiers for Zemo. And she then Orders him to Take her. He Complies. Sam gets Beaten to Death, and Cap's Shield is mocked up by the Goons. They leave Sam alone. And Bucky in his Torn Clothes Returns to the Room Sam's in. Bucky looks shaken. He tells Sam everything that Happened.
A Week Later, SHIELD finds them. At the previous Location when they were Taken. SHIELD traded on behalf of Renne and Steve with That Woman. Renne had the Woman killed and also got to know about Zemo. She had Hades reach before Zemo to that Location and the Winter Soldiers Serum was taken to Tartarus, where SHIELD nor Zemo could reach. Renne and Steve fixed up the Aftermath of the Botched Mission.
•Back at the Compound•
Sam healed up soon, thanks to Greek Healing Herbs given to him by Renne's friend Taliya. Bucky's Physical wounds healed. But Renne sensed that something happened and both the Men were Hiding it. She let them slowly comeback to their Normal Nature. Which is Basically "Man-child".
Bucky's Nightmares which were once Gone, ever since he started his Therapy sessions with Renne, came back. Renne who's sleeping in her Room, heard Bucky's Screams. Her Pet Buck nudged her, and she pats him and tells her Black Cat to look after the Pets. Who were wide awake.
Renne sprints down to Bucky's Floor and Breaks into his Room. She finds it to be Empty. But soon a Cold Hand wrapped around her waist and harshly rips off her Tank top and pushes her on the Bed. Renne tries to get Bucky Snap out of his Terror. But her Voice only gets him agitated. He flips Renne on her Back. He holds her Hand above her Head. His Eyes are Showing Rage. She feels his Thighs tighten against her own. He's not going to do it... Wait...
Bucky gruffly questions and his metallic Hand now Squeezing her Neck. He asks her, "Do you think you can Take me?! Break up the Walls I built?! I have A Goddess for Me! I'm going to End this! Tonight!". And with each word... The Pressure on Renne's Neck tightened. She couldn't Breathe! She gagged and gasped, Bucky's Ears loved hearing the Choking Sounds... Renne tries to Get Inside Bucky's Head... But couldn't! She finally did something she wouldn't Do... She bucked her Hips against his. His Eyes wide with Disgust and New Rage. He Released her Throat and she used her Hands to get inside his Head. He tried to Fight her, but she's a Demigod. She's had enough. She gets into his Head and pulls out the Codes which were seeping into his Brain.
God only knows how long, Renne had sat on Bucky's Lap. And her Hands started to Give up. She finally let go. She Calmed him. And without a moment to Waste... She goes back into his Mind, and Witnesses his Rape. The Woman enjoying and Bucky Trying to Fight the Codes and Felt that Similar kind of Numbness... She Erases the Memory. And that gets her Spent. She Falls onto his sweating chest. He puts her Back on the Bed and Sleeps in beside her.
Next Morning, Bucky absentmindedly kissed her Shoulder. To which she nuzzles further against his Chest. She turns to Face him and His Lips greet her. She takes off her Shorts and strips off her underpants and bra. She Straddles him and feels both his Hands run up & down her body. His Warm Hand hovers over her Chest and his Metallic Hand Holds her Neck, he slightly pushes her down on his Hard. She Moans and Closes her Eyes. Her Hands rest on his Shoulder, Giving him Comfort and Guidance. His Eyes love how her Bare Olive Skin is Glistening by the Golden Hue of Sunlight... He feels her Hands slid down his Back and Tug at the Waistband of his Boxers. He Lifts her off a few inches away but she hates the Disconnection and Snaps her Fingers to Vanish his Boxers. He chuckles and calls out to her " Doll... You are Breath Taking, How did I get Lucky?". She responds, Her Eyes Still Closed. "Shut up Bucky. And Kiss me Finally!". He licks her Neck and stops at her pulse point, and nibs at it, and his Metallic Hand reached down to Touch her... She Snaps her Eyes open and Growls. Encouraging him to Wreck her, she Finally feels his Soft Lips on her. The First Kiss was Full of Love but the Second one was a Lust filled Competition. Which Bucky obviously Won!
She Grinds on him and he Growls louder. "Don't make me wait Bucky. I am growing Hotter each moment now... Please." Each word from her was completed into a Sentence as she kissed his Lips and Rubs her Chest against him up and down. He Complies to her Request.
He Flips her on her Back. And Sees a Red Mark on her Neck. She Looks at him with Need. He Looks Back at her and suddenly pushes into her without a Warning. The Thrust made Time Stop. Both Stilled and Looked at Eachother. His Blue Eyes looked into her Dark Brown... Lips Parted and Sinful Moans loud enough for Heaven's to Hear, Escape...
She pushes her Hip Forward and Her Hip Bone and His Hip Bone lined together making a Perfect V. He pushes her down on the Bed and Makes love to her with all his Strength. They Come Undone together and the sounds of Skin Slapping against each other filled the Room. Sweat Running down their Bodies. They Made Love till Night. Because it wasn't Enough. He's a Super Soldier and She's a Demigod. Both of them are Powerhouses! And Sex doesn't have to End only Once. They at least Had a Good amount of Sex to Make up for the Tension ever since they met.
Moonlight Sex was something Bucky will never forget. Because Renne's Olive Skin looked Blue under the Full Moon. She was taken to Heaven by Bucky and that's when he Finally noticed that his Name was Shining in Golden on her Pulse Point. "You're my Soulmate?" Bucky asks. "I think so, And Don't Worry. You're not Dying." She replied. "Did I fill in your Head with our Love Making Session. And Replaced it with that Bitch?" She asked. He smiled and replied "I might need this Session more from now..." She giggled.
Her Bucky was Back to her. He pulls out of her, But she Holds him and pushes him against the Window. "Friday play, Caught out in the Rain." She said and put his Hands on her Hips. "This is the Climax, Amore." She tells and Takes him into her and Rides him against the Window. Her Demigod Strength cracks the Glass. Bucky encourages her to not Stop. She's Devilishly Sexy when she Controls. And now, Bucky doesn't want to Complain. She Fucks him with Slow Movement to Match the Rhythm of the Song. And Closes Eyes as his Metallic Hand creates a Chill Friction to get her Tightening and She Rolls herself hard on him. He Grunts and holds her In a Position where he could go further into her. And last few thrusts were Hard. And that was their End. Both Came Undone together and Their Moans louder than the Last. The Song Ends.
Renne rests her Hands on his Chest. They look into Eachother. His Name on her Neck. Her Name on his Chest. Without a Condom they've Had Sex. Multiple Times on the Same Day. But It doesn't matter. Renne asks a Question in a Husky Voice "You had Sex Dreams about me, Didn't you Bucky? It was how you snapped back from the Winter Soldier..." Bucky admits "Yes Love. You're my Anchor. And an Actual Goddess. I know your Apollo's Soulmate too... I don't mind Sharing. But when you're with me? I'll be yours only. You need to be in my Trance when you're with me." She nods, How the Heck can he Form Sentences when she can't from the Exhaustion.
Anyway, He pulls out of her and Both fall asleep.
Apollo who's also Renne's Soulmate, sighs. Looks like he needs to Share his Partner.
Sam's literally had Headphones and Speakers blast Songs through the Compound. Because of these Two. He is Happy that Two Broken Hearts are Finally One. And he owes Steve a 100 bucks. Renne's Pets missed her the Whole Day, But Sam and the others helped them by keeping them Company.
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Savannah & Jac
Savannah: 🙌 forced family time is cancelled 🙌 hallelujah Savannah: what are we doing? Jac: Celebrating that, obviously 😘 Jac: What excuse did you use and/or what's the sitch? Savannah: Give me a guest list because honestly does not need to turn into a downer as soon as Savannah: it was a great excuse though, taking a mental health moment Savannah: school has me INCREDIBLY stressed Jac: It should be ILLEGAL how hard they make us work, though, preach 👏 Jac: Is totally doesn't get it because she isn't in the top sets like us Jac: it 👏 is 👏 SO 👏 much 👏 more 👏 work 👏 Savannah: if her mother wasn't a teaching assistant, she'd be languishing in the bottom set Savannah: even she knows it Savannah: IMAGINE if she worked at ours Jac: Seriously, ugh, she's stressing me out rn actually Jac: some of us are trying to keep good skin over here, babe, please 😬😖 Jac: She would die, it'd be bad enough having your mum be a teacher, but a teaching assistant like... 🙈 I can't Savannah: you were GLOWING when I left you Savannah: what's she done now? Jac: ❤❤❤ Jac: this is why you CANNOT okay Jac: if we are partying, we need to have such a pamper sesh first, NO ONE but you can 👀 me like this, I swear Jac: it's so typical her Jac: like I love you but the drama, and she always makes it herself Jac: she's 💔 about that boy, the one that's friends with Xav? LIKE I'M SORRY, you didn't even LIKE him before but now he's NOT available to you, hmm 🤔 interesting 💅 Savannah: Baby girl I have got you, my auntie just got this shit imported that's like next level skincare Savannah: you'll look as beautiful to everyone else as you do to me Savannah: 🚫🚫 Is Savannah: I don't know what boy she means so he's obviously not all that important, my god Jac: 🙌 Come through Auntie!!! Jac: you are THE sweetest angel, like how did I even survive before you ??? Jac: 🙄 Serious! Jac: She's definitely mad I'm over it but like, we all have shit on our 🧠 and it's frankly way more important than this non-drama boy drama Jac: you weren't out there looking for sympathy and you're actually struggling, like, why can't she be more like you, and everyone else too, tbh 😘😘 Savannah: I'm religious about this one serum, you will be about ready to die seeing yourself afterwards Savannah: & so will everyone else we invite to this party Savannah: it's no wonder you're over it, she can't let a single thing go! The leggings incident being case in point, it happened such a long time ago Savannah: but she still has to be in my face about it Savannah: Like, sometimes depressed people are slightly thoughtless Savannah: let me live Jac: I'm SO here for this Jac: you wanna come over here? Jude is out and I can easily get rid of the others too Jac: FACTS Jac: you think she'd be more understanding Jac: someone who claims to have social anxiety, remember that too? Jac: WHERE THOUGH??? 😂 Jac: I'm so much quieter than her, like, it's such an excuse with her for when she embarrasses herself or doesn't want to do something Savannah: YES to everything! Savannah: & remember when she had too many shots at Laura's 15th Savannah: Say you think I'm faking it if that's what you think Savannah: I can't cry constantly, I don't look cute doing it Jac: You ALWAYS look cute and that's like all her issue Jac: it's really blatant Jac: babe, the insecurity, it's so sad 😥 Savannah: The last thing I want is for Ty to think that I'm upset because of him when he's the sweetest and the most understanding boo ever but that's clearly what she wants Savannah: he'd be so upset if he saw me cry Jac: ❤❤ such a good boy Jac: her jealousy is so out of control Jac: I wanna help her but how is lashing out at us, her ONLY friends, helpful? Jac: why should we, sometimes, honestly Savannah: every time I've suggested a work out, she shoots me down Savannah: I can't be any more helpful, it's really beneficial & you refuse to try Jac: it's pure laziness Jac: like you said, she'd be bottom everything if her mum didn't like DO her work for her Jac: 🙄 over it, like, lowkey don't even wanna invite her rn Savannah: we could have it at mine, you know what my family get like when there's too many people Savannah: it's not personal Isabelle, it's my mum's crazy acting up Jac: See if she's gonna pop off on your mum too, like Jac: Ugh, I dunno Jac: do we give her a chance to redeem herself? Savannah: The divorce hit hard, as well you know Is, that's why my auntie lives here Savannah: Ooh what kind of chance? Jac: She doesn't get anything about real life Jac: be lucky if her mammy and daddy let her come anyway 😏 Jac: I'm thinking, okay, don't judge me for this 🙊🙊🙊 Savannah: never Savannah: you're perfect Jac: love ❤❤ Jac: So, she's made her bed by acting all salty about this boy, yeah? So, for all this nonsense, I think she needs to invite Shane and let me have him Jac: because she can't POSSIBLY be into him really if she's still hung up on this other boy? Like, that's not fair Savannah: she would string him along but we're not letting her Savannah: There's no way Shane deserves that Savannah: he doesn't deserve you either because WHO could but if you want him Jac: and actually me and him have way better chats and so much more in common Savannah: he's told Ty endless amounts about how much he likes you, bear with, I'll show you Jac: He's really cute, right? Jac: 🤭 oh my god, babe Savannah: [a million screenshots that you don't deserve to have, get off your man's phone hoe] Jac: 1000% saving them Jac: she'll act so pressed but he wants me anyway, what are you gonna do? FORCE him? 🙄 girl, STOP 🛑 Savannah: ^^ 👏 Savannah: remember when she kept walking away from Aaron & he told her to stop & like TOUCHED her arm, she acted like he grabbed her or something Savannah: double standard there Jac: OMG yes Jac: like, I swear she wants to RUIN these boy's lives, who hurt her? 🤔 it's not cute, cannot deal with girls like that 🙅 Savannah: Let the boy speak Savannah: my dad left & I'm not taking it out on my boyfriend Jac: ^^ the immaturity Jac: we're out here trying to grow and heal and be the best versions of ourselves we can be Jac: and she just... 😑 I can't Savannah: she needs Jesus & we're closer to Buddhists 👌💅 Jac: Literally Jac: IMAGINE if I was still stuck with just her and Amelia Anderson, please Jac: actually saved me 🙏🙌😇❤ Savannah: Honey, NO I will not think about it Savannah: I swear you're my soulmate Jac: It's SO true Jac: no one else is on our level, I swear Jac: you just get it Savannah: who was I & what was I doing before I knew you? Savannah: it hurts my heart to even think about past me Jac: Me too 🥺 Jac: but no one is ever gonna fuck with you again, I swear Jac: least of all Is, that's that 👋 Savannah: now I am crying Savannah: I love you Jac: I love you too Jac: we're totally taking my dad's best 📷 and having a MOMENT Jac: the world has gotta see how good we look after our skincare vibes Savannah: everything I ordered during my midnight madness has arrived & there's a dress I'm giving to you Savannah: Shane will die Jac: You are the MOST generous, best best friend ever, I can't even Savannah: how do you want your make up because we can do barely there since you'll be 🌟✨ Savannah: or you can make a statement that you're ready to go all in for him and bring that effort Jac: What do you think? Savannah: You never have to go hard with your 😇 face Savannah: there's no flaws to hide Jac: 😚😚😚 okay then Jac: that's the mood Jac: like I'm not crazy 💕 on him, or anything but he's sweet, we could be cute Jac: not as cute as you and Ty, of course 😘 Savannah: You'll feel it when you feel it Savannah: if you forced it you'd be like Is Jac: 😱😱 NEVER Savannah: she's trying to start a conversation with me Savannah: I don't want this Jac: Oh my GOD Jac: and when does she ever Jac: bet she wants to bitch about me Savannah: Yeah totally Savannah: Who does she think I am? You're my everything Jac: You can see if she does though, play along Savannah: She's started unprompted! Savannah: 'What's Jac's problem with me? Why's she being like this' Savannah: Let me say hello Jac: Wow, like, where's the 'how are you?' but I'm the rude one 🤷 Savannah: Are you okay JJ? Savannah: this is so unnecessarily mean girl of her Jac: Like, I'm so unsurprised but Jac: what's my problem, why is it MY problem suddenly Savannah: ^^ Savannah: [screenshots screenshots screenshots lol] Savannah: she's the one with all the issues, look Jac: 🙄🙄 how much of this did you just say to my face, babe? Jac: if you can't then maybe you should keep it to yourself Savannah: I feel sad Jac: 😿 Jac: we can't let her ruin our night with whatever negativity she's trying to bring rn Savannah: if she's not bringing your boy to you I don't want her around me Savannah: she has to Jac: Like, seriously, do we even invite you? Jac: Ty knows Shane Jac: I was being a good friend and essentially asking for her blessing but why when it just gets thrown in my face like this Savannah: She doesn't deserve to be your friend Jac: It does feel that way 😟 Jac: just so glad I have you Savannah: It can be the 4 of us, you'll feel so much better Jac: I think so Jac: just not in that party mood now Savannah: I'm gonna pamper you & then Shane will too, that's the mood now Jac: 😍🙏 Jac: thank you so much Jac: that's what I need rn, forget her Savannah: She can cry all she wants, I'm not interested Savannah: we're gonna have the best time Jac: We always do Jac: especially when she's not there draining our energy Savannah: Come over whenever Savannah: Ty's got basketball & then he'll be standing in front of the mirror forever post shower taking selfies Savannah: if I wasn't so secure I'd be worried about the time he spends photographing his muscles Jac: his ❤ and 👀 are on 🔒 Jac: bless him Savannah: I can't imagine being with anyone else Savannah: if he leaves me I'll be joining my mum as a wreck who stays in bed constantly Jac: He never will Jac: he's not INSANE Savannah: am I too much? I feel like I have that gene Jac: Oh please Jac: he's rightly obsessed with you Jac: you're so gonna be together forever and get married and have all the cute babies Savannah: They would be the cutest Savannah: I hate not being from a big, close family like yours Savannah: I'm gonna make one Jac: Hey, you're my sister Jac: soulsisters, right, no matter what Savannah: Yes! Savannah: We're gonna be together forever too Savannah: & our babies will grow up as best friends Jac: That will be the best Jac: I wish we'd known each other from being babies too Jac: you were so sweet omg 🥺 Savannah: Shoutout to your dad for taking the perfect amount of pictures of how perfect you've always been Savannah: 👼🏻 Jac: Some of them are so cringe though 😒😂 Jac: thanks so much, dad 👌 Savannah: my dad's head has been ✂ out of all of ours Savannah: what could be more cringe? Savannah: my mum can literally never stop herself Jac: do you have any you managed to save? Savannah: I have some she didn't know were in my room Jac: that's good Jac: you could do something with them Jac: or, failing that ✂ her head out Savannah: Will you help me? Savannah: you're like the most artistic person I've ever met Jac: Of course I will Jac: we could make a frame out of 🌷 🌹 🌺 🌸 🌼 🌻 Savannah: OH Savannah: I love that Jac: Right? Kind of everything Jac: we could get one of those fake garlands to hang all our polaroids on too Savannah: 🥰 Savannah: this is why you're in top set for everything Jac: Awh, I just like beautiful things Jac: that's why we're best friends Savannah: you're SUCH a beautiful thing Savannah: I hope you know Jac: Thanks to you Jac: NEVER gonna let you forget ❤ Savannah: Do you need a lift? My auntie is asking because she loves you too Jac: 😭😭 family of 😇s Jac: yes please 😘 Savannah: 10 minutes, baby
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amethystpath-writes · 5 years
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Prompt: Serum Injection
Fandom: Original
This is a continuation because I quite liked the last one. Here's part one!
Danielle groaned as she began to wake up. She didn't remember ever falling asleep the night before. What had happened the night before anyways?
Her eyes fluttered open finally and though the world was still an awakening blur, Danielle could tell this was not her base. The room looked a little odd; it was at an angle. Now that she thought about it, she wasn't standing or sitting down; the angle she was seeing wasn't coming from either of those positions.
She could feel an odd ache and slight sting around her ankles. And wrists. Even her neck felt that way.
Finally she thought to stretch. Maybe she wasn't lying down, or standing up, but whatever she was doing, stretching would take away the ache, yes? But it didn't. What little bit she was able to move her shoulders only hurt her more. It felt as if her skin was being pulled apart at her shoulder.
"Careful," piped a voice. It was a boy's voice certainly, but Danielle could hardly tell where it came from. It was muffled, robotic. "It hasn't healed all the way. We don't want that mark to be ruined; I would have to do it again. You didn't take it well the first time."
Danielle couldn't remember anything, and the more she tried, the more emptiness her mind conjured. It was like her brain was purposefully blocking it out.
She looked down as much as she could; something shined beneath her chin, but she paid no mind to it. She wanted to at least remember what she was wearing, but what she saw didn't help at all. She was in pajamas, but they weren't her own. Where in the hell was she? Why was she wearing someone else's clothes?
She began looking around the room. "Who are you? Where am I? What do you want?" She finally spotted it; a red blinking light on the center of the ceiling. A camera, she knew.
The voice didn't respond. He had to have known she had spoken. There was a camera for the gods' sakes! Maybe it didn't record audio.
"I'm sure you are wondering where you are," the boy's voice explored. "You won't like it very much, however you did make the decision to be here."
She chose to be restrained like this? No, she didn't think so. But then again, maybe she was saving someone. Was she finally sent out on a mission? It must have been an individual mission because none of her other teammates were here. Perhaps they were being held in a different room. Or, perhaps they were smart enough to avoid being caught.
Please tell me I didn't do this all on my own, she prayed. She couldn't have been that stupid, doing a mission all by herself. She had only juts learned to control her powers not all that long ago. She had just joined the team!
There was a sound like paper crunching. Danielle recognized it as the intercom at her school, her old school. She didn't go to school anymore after the accident. She couldn't ever show her face that openly again.
Danielle looked away quickly as more light flooded the room she was in. It was a door opening. When she was finally able to look back, she saw a sillouhette making its way into the room. It turned around, shutting the door and flipping a switch. Light flooded the room once again, causing Danielle to squint and turn her head away. She let her eyes get used to the light beneath her eyelids before she opened them.
The boy was looking down at the floor directly in front of her. She couldn't tell what he was looking at, but she heard him set something hard down at his side. He then began to set up a foldable chair; Danielle could only see the top half of it, just barely if she really strained herself to look.
The boy sat down, clearing out his throat, but he still wasn't looking at Danielle. He reached for something, the hard object, Danielle assumed. She heard a click and whatever thing she was being held captive against began groaning as her head was positioned over her feet. The table, or whatever it was was leaning forward, her face coming closer to the boy's face. He was still concealing it. Was he wearing a mask?
As the table continued to tilt, Danielle found a knot in her throat. The restraints weren't tight enough to keep her back against the wall. No, her body was suspended by the restraints now. The metal, or leather, or rope, or chain, was digging into her skin now.
She finally came face to face with the boy. Rather, she came face to mask. She could see his lios, and she even watched as they worked into a smile. The familiar click sounded and the machine of a sort stopped moving. She was forced to face this- this monster of a boy.
"You are stunning even in my pajamas." He brought a gloved hand up to touch Danielle's cheek. There was nowhere for her head to go where she could avoid his touch so she just accepted it with closed eyes and a skewered, angry face. They're his clothes?
"Why am I here? What do you want? Who are you?"
"Whoa there, Danny. Easy on the questions. You know the answers. You just need a little reminder." He ripped his mask off just as he did before. "If there were a fire in the room, it would be even more appropriate," he hummed. "Ah, well. You remember, yes?"
Of course she remembered, it all came back to her in a flash. She relived it all so quickly that it took her breath away. The masquerade, the speak of the accident, the metal pole, the fire, the strong arms... He branded her. He made her his own. He captured her and she didn't know how she would ever get out, not in this position. "It's you."
"Lucas Banton, in the flesh." He bowed his head. "Known as QuickSpirit in the human world." He held out a hand as an introduction before snatching it back. "Oh, right. I must have forgotten. Anyhow, I already know who you are, my little trophy!"
Danielle's response was to snap her head towards Lucas' hand, flashing her teeth, and trying to bite. His hand disappeared, reappearing at his side. "I. Am. Not. Your. Prize."
"Oh, but you are. You even agreed to it."
"I never agreed to this! I met you at that masquerade to save my friends! I never said you could burn my flesh or kidnap me!" Danielle struggled against the restraints, soon stopping when she realized it was only hurting her more. She sighed, letting herself sag. There was no restraint across her chest or stomach and the arch in her back hurt, but it would be better to conserve her energy.
"You should keep fighting, looks pitiful, almost cute." Lucas grabbed the object beside him. Danielle had forgotten to even look at what it was. She was so distracted by him that it just didn't matter anymore.
He opened up a metal case; the lid flew open. To an unsuspecting victim, the lid would have fwapped them in the face. Lucas knew very well what it was though and opened it with a stretched neck.
"This, Danny, is going to pinch." He pulled out a vial of black liquid. It looked thick by the way it stuck to the sides of the glass when it swoshed around. He pulled out a syringe to go with it. "Would you like to know what it is?"
She knew she had no choice but to listen, so she did just that. She waited, listening. She used what strength she had to straighten her back, holding herself up with her restrained arms.
"It's a serum, as you can probably tell. 'But what does it do? Where did it come from?'" he mocked, "You might know BrainWrecker; he's our most skilled elite. He leads us now, actually. He was blessed with two different powers. He loves chaos. In fact, he stole this serum right here from the guards trying to inject him. They used to only inject him with the fake metal you see in childrens' jewelry. But, you see, humans like to experiment. They created a formula that could strip a superhuman of their powers. BrainWrecker saw it happen to all of his cell neighbors and he would be damned if he let it happen to him. He brought it back to me, a gift to the new recruit. He really is a nice man if you get on his good side."
"Right. BrainWrecker has a good side." She rolled her eyes as best she could. It took more focus than she thought. She almost let her stomach sag in the air again. Her back hurt too much to let that happen. "I presume you're going to tell me you have a good side, too? I should get on your good side?" she guessed.
"Most certainly. I can be kind, Danny. I have been kind. Aren't my jammies so comfy?" He smiled as she scowled. "I'm doing you another favor by taking away your powers. Now you can't get into trouble by killing any of my team, which means you won't be killed in return. I'm saving your life."
"Is that how you see it! My gods, you're sick!" Danielle fought against her restraints again. She had to get out of this place. "And if you think, for one minute," she yelled, spitting onto the villain's pretty face, "That I can't kill you without my powers, you have another thing coming for you!" Her wrists and ankles were becoming bruised as she continued to fight.
"You can't even put up a successful fight with powers, let alone without." The syringe was filled and poised. "Now, this is going to hurt more if you resist. I wouldn't use your powers unless you plan to entertain me. I truly do love to see you squirm."
"You disgust me. I don't know how you see any good in yourself."
"I didn't say there's good in me. I just advised you to get on my good side. I saved you from death, but I know you're going to be miserable here and I can't wait to see it, especially knowing I was the cause of it. However, we can be friends. It's up to you."
Lucas reached up just the tiniest bit, syringe in hand, and plunged it into Danielle's arm. Her teeth gritted. She was suppressing the urge to scream. It was like fire, nothing like being branded by hot metal; it was a different fire. It traveled through every vein, leaving a trail just as hot as the fire ignited.
Danielle did so well hiding the pain. Of course her face was skewered, contorted in pain, but even the expression showing could have been worse if she allowed it. Even Lucas was impressed with how well she was handling it after hearing BrainWrecker's stories. But, Danielle's pride was quickly washed away when the flames tickled her brain. "Stop," she screamed. "Make it stop, make it stop!" She clenched her fists, the pain drawing her power into the palms of her hands. Lucas said not to resist, and she wasn't trying to. The pain was just so intolerable, she couldn't help it. And it made it so much worse. The fire heated up dramatically in her palms, fighting to vanquish Danielle's power.
Lucas scooted his chair back. Her salty tears were falling into his clothes. So the pain really was as bad as BrainWrecker said. Sure, Lucas had heard his trophy scream and beg, but this was oh-so-much better.
When her screams and sobs finally faded into nothing, Lucas broke the atoms of the restraints holding her, the metal turning to nothing. Danielle fell to the floor limply, still sobbing but not out of pain. She just felt so useless without her powers. She knew that her threat was empty. She knew that Lucas was right. She couldn't fight with her powers, so what could she do without them?
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zeldadeservesbetter · 5 years
Coffee With The Gals (And Some Shooty Shoots)
((So this is another one that happened in my gameplay. Tbh it's a really good plot and i need some fluff because last night i was vv sad with Arthur's Breaking Point. So here's the concept picture(s), enjoy!))
((Sorry if some of them are blurry, i use my phone camera because im at my dads house rn))
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For the past few weeks, Arthur had been working hard. Instead of stealing and robbing, he'd found a new hobby that he enjoyed. He would go out and pick herbs and make poultices with them, along with elixirs that kept people in generally good health. Half went to camp, and the other half he'd sell. He didn't make a lot of money doing it, mainly because he always found himself giving the mixtures to those who were poor or homeless and couldn't afford it.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Arthur actually felt good about himself. Everyone in Valentine and Rhodes adored him, and he found himself being flustered by local women a lot often than he used to. A caring generous man seemed to be what everyone wanted.
He knew everyone in camp could tell the difference in his attitude, he was almost always helping with chores and smiling constantly, and that in general helped the Van Der Linde gang get their hopes up and be happy again.
Dutch had pulled Arthur aside one day, telling him he needed to take a break and just relax for a day, and that they would do all the hard work and bring in some money for camp.
Eventually, Arthur agreed and trudged off to bed, finally realizing how tired he actually was. It was amazing, he was so happy and full of joy for the first time that he hadn't really noticed he had been working himself too hard.
Collapsing on his bed, Arthur almost instantly fell asleep, hat draped over his head and his arm dangling off the side of his cot as he snored rather loudly.
The next morning, Arthur woke up with a loud yawn, stretching his arms. Almost immediately he was ready to go out and pick herbs, but quickly remember today was his "day off".
Smiling as he grabbed his coffee cup, Arthur walked over to the stew pot where the coffee was, mumbling a brief "good mornin' " to Tilly, Abigail, and Sadie, who were all sipping their hot cups of coffee, their faces bright for the first time since they got a new camp. In fact, he never really saw Sadie happy until just now.
"Morning Arthur." Abigail said with a smile, sipping her coffee.
"Morning Abigail. You always did like a nice cup of coffee." Arthur commented as he poured himself a cup, sipping on it quickly as he stood up.
"Nothin' like it." Abigail replied, taking a sip herself.
After a moment of silence and quiet sipping, Tilly had cleared her throat to speak.
"So Arthur, what's your secret to being so happy? I ain't ever seen someone smile as much as you do." She had asked, smile ever present on her face as she spoke.
"Ah, just pickin' herbs and makin' miracles, that's all." Arthur said, half-joking but at the same time it wasn't completely false. He had plenty of people come up to him saying that his stuff really worked and saved their lives. Huh, maybe he could become a doctor.
"That's all? You are one mysterious man Arthur Morgan." Sadie said with a chuckle, setting her cup down. "Well folks, I hate to be the first to leave but Dutch needs me on a mission. See y'all later!" She said, patting Arthur's shoulder as she walked away, waving goodbye.
"You know I watched that woman take down an entire flock of raiders without getting a scratch on her?" Arthur said, looking back to Abigail and Tilly, who were giggling softly at Arthur's remark.
"Yeah, she's definitely a brute, but she's smart too. I can't tell you how many times I've seen her threaten Pearson." Abigail piped in, causing all three of them to laugh once more.
These were the times that Arthur truly cherished, the times he wanted to hold onto and never let go. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work like that.
After a few moments of casually talking about their lives and what was happening, Arthur had decided he really needed to go somewhere to rest his weary bones and have a good nights sleep.
Saint-Denis really seemed like the only viable option, he wasn't wanted there, and maybe he could sell some of his "magic serum" there, and make a lot of money too. After explaining to the girls what he was going to do, they had already filled in some requests for him. He was very close with the women in camp, so he was sure he was going to get them all something along with Jack.
Packing up some things and changing his outfit, Arthur said goodbye to everyone in camp and headed off, taking only a rifle and his cattleman revolver since he didn't plan on killing anyone this time around.
Not even an hour into riding to Saint-Denis was he stopped at a bridge, by none other than the Lemoyne Raiders, who were armed with a small militia, and Arthur only had his two flimsy guns.
"Well lookie here, its that Van Der Linde boy, all alone with nothing to protect himself." One of the raiders said with a smirk, hopping down off of his horse to walk up to Arthur's, whistling with furrowed eyebrows as he checked the contents of his bag.
"Damn, it looks like he's carrying enough meds to heal the army! Haha, we'll be taking your trusty steed from you, but don't worry- we don't kill horses. Just men." The raider said, cocking his gun, ready to shoot Arthur if needed.
"Goddamn you monsters! You ain't taking jack shit!" Arthur cursed, his breath hitching as a gun was placed under his chin.
"Watch your mouth or I'll blow it to shreds." The raider said, causing Arthur to nod slightly as a man came over and took his horse away, walking it out of view.
"Well then, i think we're done here." The raider had said, smirk still present as he pulled the gun away and put it back in the holster.
Within the blink of an eye, Arthur had pulled his revolver up, firing five different shots, each killing a raider, including the one that was just threatening him, so only three remained.
"Holy shit! He killed Danny! Take his horse and run!" One of the raiders said, and before Arthur could reload his revolver a few separate shots were fired at him, one hitting him in the leg, causing him to scream out in pain and fall to the ground, hyperventilating as pain shot throughout his entire body.
"Goddammit! Why do I ever decide to leave camp?!?!" He cursed, shakily taking a bottle of his cure out of his satchel, dumping half of it on his wound, and downing the rest in hopes it would at least dull the pain.
Gasping, Arthur sat up and pulled himself out of the main trail, his wounded leg completely limp.
"well... Nothing to do now except wait for some poor soul to come by." He grumbled, propping his hand on his knee and resting his head.
".... Goddamn raiders...."
((So this legit happened to my poor Arthur right after i left camp drinking coffee with Tilly and the gals. Some godamn raiders stopped me at a bridge and they nearly got me, then i shot the guy robbing me and threw a stick of dynamite at them, and low and behold in the shootout they killed my horse. I killed them all, but i was rlly low on health and didn't have jack shit to cure it but this potent health cure which didn't even replenish my cores just upped them for a bit... Lmao so then i just sat there and waited for someone to pass by while slowly walking [my stamina was out to. Worst goddamn luck] and eventually after 30 minutes some guy passed by and i called him out then stole his horse and rode all the way to Saint-Denis, sold it, bought a new horse, and stocked up on supplies. You're welcome 😂😂😂))
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