#she really was my muse for a good while I miss my wife
cold-neon-ocean · 9 months
Do you still have some headcannons for your proxima midnight family? I absoloutely adore Proxima's family art you made and the mom is just *chefs kiss*
Aw sure omg!! I'm happy to talk about my Prox headcanons! I still had so much of her I never got around to sharing! I can't remember if I ever said her family's names here because the original post I hadn't decided on names for them yet. But her father is Antares, her mother is Helya, and her brother is Craster!
So to kinda give a general sweep of the ideas I had for her species, they aren't super advanced in the technology area, in fact they never leave their home planet so they're an incredibly rare sight anywhere else! They live in big nomadic family units similarly with a lead mated pair (in this case Proxima's parents, Antares and Helya), and extensions of the family as well. I never shared her aunt and cousins, but Helya has a sister named Miev, and Miev has 3 daughters, Estraza, Rhea, and Miran.
Proxima is actually the second youngest of the family (but outgrows everyone except Estraza who is just massive). In order from oldest to youngest of all the kids it would go: Estraza, Rhea, Craster (Proxima's older brother), Proxima, then Miran.
Here are Miev and her girls!! (this art is very old lmao, from 2020)
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Proxima only ever got along tentatively with her cousins, minus Estraza who was kind of the second mom of the family unit. But Proxima and Miran especially did not ever really like each other.
Estraza has a husband and they are expecting their first child. She's got those new mom anxieties as well as looking after her sisters because they cannot be trusted to look after themselves (she would really like it if they could get their acts together). Rhea is a grown woman having her rebellious teen phase, she's superficial and a bit full of herself, she just wants to vibe and not be asked to do anything I love her. Miran is complicated, she's like a little 3D printed copy of her mom and is desperate for her approval.
This got a tad long so I put the rest under the cut XD
Miev's husband was killed not long after Miran was born and she never really recovered from it. She lost a lot of weight and just shut down for a while, and Estraza had to step up to take care of her and her sisters. They also rejoined with Prox and her family after that as well. Now Miev is just kind of spiteful and angry at everything (she loves her kids though) but her and her sister have always butted heads so everyone living together again has been a trial for sure lol
Sorry I mostly talked about her aunt and cousins alskjdf I never got to talk about these 4 but I'm flattered you like Helya! She was one of my favorites from back then ;; For a bit about her, she's kind of a tough mom, she's stern but she's also where Proxima gets a lot of who she is from. Proxima was a challenging daughter for sure, but Helya did love her very much and only ever did what she thought was best. Proxima was actually always a daddy's girl, she and her father were very close, meanwhile her brother was the biggest mama's boy lol! And Prox and Cras were good siblings to each other as well, Craster has ENDLESS patience and Proxima REQUIRED endless patience.
There was SO MUCH I had going on in Proxima's story involving her family~ I'd planned out a lot leading up to eventually joining the Black Order. So much DRAMAAA. ESPECIALLY with her aunt, especially with Miran. It would probably be more suited to to a post specifically about the backstory I had for her if anyone would be interested in that, it's been a while since I talked about anything Marvel related XD I don't wanna make this post too long akjkfdgj There's a lot more I could say, I had a lot of headcanons about her species and their culture and all that stuff that ties into story things as well~ I'll bullet a couple points re: her family though!
Prox and Craster loved to wrestle and play fight and she would always lay his ass out lol
Rhea loves doing her sisters' hair and just general family grooming, it's very relaxing for her and she actually does like spending time with her family despite how tired of everyone she acts. Miran was her main victim for the longest time because she was the youngest. On the RAREST occasions Proxima would join and they'd have a proper Girls Night.
Estraza always made a point to include Proxima in things because Proxima would otherwise not include herself. Prox had a lot of respect for Estraza so she'd always kinda just do what she said lol. It annoyed her mom a little bit because she really didn't listen to Helya all that much.
Estraza lost her eye in the same event that killed her father.
Rhea is considered rather unnaturally beautiful so she's very popular with guys but lord help her because she 100% doesn't know what to do when being courted lmao it's all fun and games for her until someone tries to flirt and then she's all "mom come pick me up I'm scared".
Rhea actually did like Proxima and wanted to connect with her, but the two are so fundamentally different and Rhea takes things VERY personally so Proxima's general disinterest would hurt her pride lol
Helya pretty much regards her nieces as other daughters. Miev cannot say the same about Craster and Prox though.
ldksjdf I'll pause here, I'd be happy to talk about them more for sure! I really liked what I had going with Proxima's story and family, I'd love to revive it somehow ;; There was so much omg like she was all I thought about for a long time, I miss her so much ;A;
Thank you for asking about her and her fam!!! It meant a lot knowing someone was interested in hearing more about them after all this time <333
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thetriumphantpanda · 13 days
close to you | javier peña
Take The Weight Off His Shoulders - Chapter Nine
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Chapter Summary | A week of not hearing from Javi since he ran out has you tearing your hair out, so you throw yourself into your work as a distraction, with catastrophic consequences.
Chapter Warnings | mentions of drugs and the drug trade, alcohol consumption, threatening language, violence, blood, descriptions of a head injury and concussion, Javier Peña to the rescue, soft!Javi.
Pairing | dbf!Javier Peña x F!Reader
Word Count | 3.2k
Authors Note | I am forever appreciative of how patient you guys are for updates of this series! Thank you for hanging in there whilst my muse and creativity ebbs and flows, I love you all! We're getting towards the conclusion of this little story, with only a few chapters left so I hope you guys are still enjoying this! If you are enjoying this then reblogs and comments really do help and if you’d like to support me further, please consider a donation to my Ko-Fi. 
I no longer use taglists. Please follow @thetriumphantpandanotifs to be notified of new updates.
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Ko-Fi | Series Playlist
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You wonder when staring at the work in front of you might actually yield something worth writing about. It’s all you’ve done since you picked up this stupid story and decided to chase it. Staring at the pages on your desk has become all the more common in the week since Javi ran out on you. He’s avoided your calls to his phone, you’ve not seen him around town, and the one time you decided to call the house, Chucho answered and with the most sincere voice you’d ever heard, told you he wasn’t in but that he promised he’d ask him to call you when he got back. That had been two days ago, so you’d practically given up all hope of ever hearing from him again.
For the first couple of days, you’d cursed yourself, wondering why you’d kept any of that stuff in the first place. Newspaper clippings and annotated notes about everything he and his team had done in Colombia. You didn’t need it anymore, thesis done, completed, and with a better mark than you could ever have hoped for. But until you’d seen him in the flesh, knew he was back for good and safe in Texas, it was the only way to feel close to him. Stupid for sure. But then the anger had set in - he’d no right to rifle through your drawers, pick up your notebooks and thumb through them. The barrage of different emotions was hard to deal with, and at the very base level, you missed him, you wanted him back, and you wanted to explain everything to him - that’s incredibly hard when he won’t answer his fucking phone though.
Turning your attention back to your work, you try and focus. You’ve met dead end after dead end with this stupid story and there really is only one place left for you to go. If it’s not Tyler then it has to be someone else in the family that’s involved. You can’t imagine it’s head of the family, so that really only leaves Tyler’s brother. It might be stupid and you might make a terrible enemy out of the mayor’s family, but there’s something else going on here and whatever it is, you’re going to get to the bottom of it, no matter how.
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You can still never get over the size of the Johnson family home. Richard and his wife had two sons, one their pride, the other, not so much, but if you looked at their house, you’d think they had at least twelve children. No family needed this many rooms, you think, as you walk up the driveway.
It’s the early afternoon and you can see Garrett’s car parked in front of the house. Tyler will be at work, as will Richard, and you’re pretty sure their mother is never at home. You don’t really know what it is she does, but it’s some form of charitable work that involves travelling more than it does time at home.
You take a deep breath and ring the bell, waiting the appropriate amount of time before ringing it again. It’s a huge house after all, it must take a while to get from anywhere to the front door. A few seconds later, the door opens, and Garrett is stood in front of you, dressed in dress pants and a shirt that has the arms rolled up to the elbows. He smiles at you and opens the door a bit wider, invites you in - it’s much warmed than the reception you got from his brother.
“Lovely to see you,” He smiles, guiding you through the foyer and into the kitchen, “Can I get you a drink?”
“Water would be great, thank you.” You smile back, waiting for him to put a glass in front of you, topped up with water and fresh ice.
“I assume you’re here from the paper?” He asks, leaning cooly against the kitchen counter.
“That’s right,” You nod, sipping at the water, “Has Tyler spoken to you recently?”
Garrett shakes his head, “No, I haven’t seen him in a few weeks actually.”
You hum, nodding your head, thankful that you have the upper hand of surprise still - that this part of the family don’t know you’re sniffing around looking for a reason that one of their houses was used as some form of drug den.
“How have you been since Dylan died?” You ask, “I know you were really good friends.”
It’s a question that makes sense, they were very good friends, and although it’s been a while, you’re hoping your feigned concern for his mental welfare might make him open up.
“It’s been hard,” He starts, “He was my best friend, and to suddenly not have him around anymore…” He trails off, “I miss him.”
You nod, hoping the look of concern you think you’ve got across your face is projecting enough to make him feel like he can trust you.
“Was he the reason your dad has started being heavier with drugs in town?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Garrett nods, “He saw how fucked up it made me to lose my friend and decided enough was enough, that someone needed to do something to fix the trouble we’ve been having in town for years.”
There’s another nod from you, “Makes sense,” You offer, “Not really working very well though, is it?”
“These things take time.” He offers, in that perfectly practiced politician way that they always answer things.
“Look, I’m gonna cut to the chase Garrett,” You sigh, “That house in town that got raided recently? We’ve been looking into it and it all leads back to you, to your family, and it doesn’t matter who I ask, no-one knows why that place was being used as a drug den, but someone in this family knows exactly why.”
Garrett scoffs, “You’ll want to talk to my brother about that.”
“Well, that’s the thing Garrett,” You speak, “I did, and that man is clean as a whistle, he hasn’t taken drugs in at least a year, and the last time he was at the house, it was clear of anything,” You shrug, “I can’t imagine your dad being involved in anything like this, so that just leaves you.”
You can see his demeanour change almost immediately, he’s uncomfortable, moving from foot to foot and you can see the start of perspiration on his forehead.
“You’re telling me you think I’m involved in something?”
“That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
“Well, you’re wrong.”
“Am I?”
He pushes himself from the counter he’s been leaning against, takes a few steps towards you, trying to intimidate you, but you know you’re pushing in the right direction, he wouldn’t be reacting like this if you were barking up the wrong tree.
“Where’s your evidence?” He asks.
“Maybe you’ll have to buy the paper to find out?”
“Listen here you little bitch,” He spits, pointing his finger in your face, “You ought to be careful about this, you think this is just me?” He asks, stepping even closer to you, making your breath catch in your throat, “You think you publish this story and it’ll just be me you have to worry about? You’re dead wrong, publish whatever story you’re planning and you’ll have a rain of fucking fire to deal with from people you don’t want to get on the wrong side of.”
“So, it was you then?” You can help but smirk, having caught him redhanded in a confession, the recorder in your bag that you’d pressed on before he’d answered the door your little secret.
You watch some kind of fury flick over his eyes as he grits his teeth, his hands pressed into your shoulders to push you back, “Stupid little girl.” He says as he pushes, but it’s a lot harder than you’d anticipated and it makes you lose your balance, falling backward.
It all happens in a blur, the side of your head makes contact with the corner of the kitchen island, pain spreading almost immediately across your forehead, vision blurring as your backside hits the floor. You’re sort of aware of something warm and wet dripping down your cheek, which you brush away with the back of your hand as you try and quickly reorientate yourself. Then you feel a hand wrap around your arm and a presence next to you, not quite all there enough to push it away.
“Oh shit,” You hear Garrett speak next to you, “Shit, shit shit,” He’s touching your face now, “I'm sorry, I- oh god - I didn’t mean to push you that hard.”
You groan, letting your head tip back against the cool marble of the kitchen island, “Am I-” You struggle to speak, “Am I bleeding?”
“Oh god-” Garrett mutters, “I’m going to be sick.”
And then he’s gone, the sound of his shoes clipping against the floor as he runs to God knows where, leaving you disorientated and bleeding on his kitchen floor. You know you need to get out of here, slowly moving yourself just enough to push yourself to your feet, hands gripping the counter as you reach for your bag. You’re dizzy as you walk towards the door, looking down at the floor because as soon as you look up, you feel like you’re going to throw up and pass out. You can see yourself leaving small drops of blood on the floor as you move - a trail that follows you all the way down the driveway and to your car. You fumble with your keys, dropping them on the floor. When you bend over to try and pick them up, your vision goes fuzzy before you can grab them from the ground. You know you can’t drive like this.
In the haze of confusion you look around, a little way down the street you spot a phone box. It’s slow going, but you make it, pulling open the door, leaning against the glass wall, pinching the bridge of your nose to try and ease the ache behind your eyes. You shuffle through your bag to find your wallet, pulling out a handful of coins that you push into the slot. You think about phoning your father, but realise there’s only one person you want right now. Despite having his number memorised, you pull the worn card from your wallet, mainly to make sure that the haze of confusion doesn’t make you dial the wrong number. You drag your thumb over the faded number, watching a smear of blood cover it, and then press the number into the dialling pad, listening to it start to ring.
“Please Javi,” You whisper, “Please answer.”
You’re about to lose hope, expecting the phone to ring out, but through some form of divine intervention, the ringing stops and you hear the voice you’ve craved all week.
“Oh Javi,” You sigh out in relief, feeling the prick of tears behind your eyes, “Help me.”
“Javi please, I need you.”
“What’s happened?” You can hear his tone change, concern and something else you can’t quite place, “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know, I just-” The ache behind your eyes is making you tired, “I need you to come and get me.”
“Has something happened?”
“Yes,” You reply, “I’m so tired Javi, I can’t drive.”
“Where are you?”
“The mayor’s house,” You reply, “Well- no - I'm in the phone box down the road.”
“You stay right there, okay?” He’s frantic on the other end of the phone, you can tell.
“Please hurry.”
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He’s beside himself as he drives from the ranch and into town. A week of avoiding you, of avoiding his feelings towards you, and you’re hurt. He still can’t think about what happened. He doesn’t even know why he’d answered the phone this time - he’d avoided answering anything that had come through on his phone since he’d run out on you before, but there’s something today that made him pick up, and by God is he pleased he did. He doesn’t think he could have lived with himself if he’d let you call and left you hurt and injured in the middle of nowhere.
He thinks of all the other women throughout his life that he's let down. Lorraine and the way he left her, Helena and the way she risked herself for him, for the promise of a fucking visa, and paid the price. Most women in his life ended up hurt, emotionally or physically, and it was becoming evident to him that you were no different.
Not knowing, and not caring about how many speed restrictions he breaks, he makes it to the phone box in record time, cutting the engine and slamming the door behind him. He takes four or five big steps to the phone box, tearing open the door to find you slumped on the floor, eyes fluttering open at the disturbance. He takes a deep breath, dropping to his knees in front of you.
“Cariño, it’s me,” He speaks softly, “Can you hear me?”
He takes your face in his hands, turns it towards the quickly fading light, finding the cut on your forehead. The blood has dried and scabbed over, but there’s a trail of crusting blood down your cheek and side of your neck. He thinks of Helena in this moment, about draping his jacket over her naked body, cradling her to his body, reluctantly handing her over to a paramedic, not knowing what would come of her.
“Javi?” Your voice is quiet, but your eyes are looking at him, glassed over, but at least you recognise him.
“That’s me,” He speaks softly, “Are you okay?”
“Tired,” You mumble, and then you shake your head in his hands, “Head hurts.”
“Shall we move you?” He asks, knowing he can’t leave you here, “Come here.”
Letting go of your face, he runs his palms down your arms to where your hands are clasped together. He gently pries open your fingers and takes hold of the card there, holding it up. It’s the card he’d given you with his number on, edges torn and worn. He can clearly see where you've run your fingers over the printed text, and where it's sat in your purse, pulled out and slotted bacon whenever you've needed him. He tries to take it, but your hand clasps over it again.
“Don’t,” You whisper, “It’s mine, don’t take it.”
“It’s okay, Cariño,” He replies, “I’ll keep it safe, just let me have it whilst we get you into the car.”
“My keys,” You mumble as he stands up, leaning down despite the protest of his knees and his back, “I dropped them.”
He’s scooping you up, not quite able to carry you, but able to lean you against his side to walk you to the passenger side of his truck.
“Where did you drop them?” He asks, settling you into the passenger seat, leaning across you to clip your seatbelt in.
“My car-” Your head lolls to the side, eyes hooded as you look at him, “On the ground.”
He presses a kiss to your cheek, shutting the door gently. He finds your keys on the ground by your car, and then after checking that the doors are still locked, he shoves the keys into his pocket and focuses his attention back to you.
The drive out of town is slower, Javi conscious that he doesn’t want to jostle you too much. Each corner he turns makes you groan. He had considered taking you to your own home, but he decides instead to take you back to the ranch. He pulls up, noticing the lights on in the living room. He knows he’s going to have questions from his father, but he doesn’t worry about that, instead he focuses on getting you out of the truck and into the house.
There’s a look from Chucho when he bursts through the front door, but Javi gives him a clipped shake of his head and instead walks you up the stairs and into his room. He sits you down on the side of the bed, kissing your forehead as he grabs some supplies from his bathroom - a warm, damp washcloth and his bag of first aid supplies, put together by Chucho when he’d come back to the ranch - his dad not convinced he wouldn’t injure himself with the manual labour.
“Hey, cariño?” He speaks softly, on his knees in front of you, “Look at me?”
You do, but your eyes are barely open. He works quickly, wiping away the crusted blood from your face first before he turns his attention to the actual cut. Once he’s cleaned it a little, he can see it’s not as deep as he’d anticipated. He brushes it with an antiseptic wipe, soothing you when it stings enough to make you gasp, and then covers it with a small plaster.
“I’m sorry.” You mumble as he eases you back on the bed, head down on his pillows.
“What for?” He asks, sitting down on the edge of the bed, brushing your hair from your face.
“Scaring you off.”
“Oh hermosa,” He breathes, feeling guilt pool in his stomach, nut not ready to quite face the conversation of what really made him run that night, “I’m here now, okay? And I’m not going anywhere.”
He listens to you groan in approval, moving your body to get a little more comfortable.
“What happened today?” He asks quietly, trying to keep you awake so he knows who did this to you.
“Went to the house,” You speak, punctuated with a yawn, “Asked Garrett about the house.”
It’s almost like you get a second wind, trying to sit up, but he knows you need to stay still, so he gently pushes you back down.
“It’s him Javi,” You groan, “He’s the one dealing the drugs.”
“Shhhhh,” It’s the only thing he can think to do, “Just rest, cariño, we can talk later.”
Javi sits there for longer than he needs. You’re softly snoring within minutes, but he still sits there to make sure you’re out for the count. When he’s sure you’re settled and still breathing, he heads downstairs, ignoring his father’s knowing look as he pours himself a generous amount of whiskey.
“When were you going to tell me?”
Javi shrugs, “I’m not sure,” He answers honestly, “It’s new.”
“Not that new,” Chucho huffs, “You were always shit at sneaking around,” He picks up his own drink, “Saw you after my birthday.”
Javi tips his head back and can’t help but chuckle because it’s true, he was never good at keeping things from his dad. He just hopes you’ve both done a better job at keeping things from your parents.
“You know what you’re doing with her?”
It’s a question he doesn’t really know how to answer, mulling over the answer in his mind before he lets his mouth speak.
“I just know I want to keep her safe,” He speaks, “And that I think I might love her.”
Javi watches as Chucho’s mouth grows into a smile, a small nod given in his direction.
“Will she be okay?”
Javi nods, “I think so yes, hit her head pretty hard, but I think after she’s slept she’ll be okay.”
Chucho pushes himself from his chair, draining his almost-empty cup. He puts it in the sink and then puts a warm hand on Javi’s shoulder with a squeeze.
“I just want you to be happy, finally,” He says, “That’s all that matters.”
Javi watches as he walks away, off to his room to sleep, and speaks into the silence of the empty kitchen once he’s gone, “Thanks, dad.”
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Good Omens Fic Rec: A Little Life
When Professor of Botany Anthony Crowley met bookshop owner Ezra Fell one November afternoon both knew their lives had irrevocably changed. From that moment forward, Anthony and Ezra’s existence was intertwined. Their story was written in the moments and memories they created as they moved through life’s chapters of coming together, building a family and facing the challenges of being human. This is a story of unconditional love and the joy and humour, obstacles and grief that inevitably come with choosing the same person, day after day, over and over and over again.
Length: 71,624 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit/ Spice Level 🔥
Best for: Safe in Public, At Home, Romance, Angst
Triggers: Main Character Deaths, Memory Loss, Grief
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
*Minor Spoilers* There are so many fics that I have loved throughout my time in fan spaces, but there's a select few that have stayed with me for years. I expect this one to be added to that selection. I will always remember what this fic helped me process and feel about my own bottled up grief, and I will always remember how," grief is just the other side of love."
We start with Ezra and Anthony's first date, they have such a charm and charisma in this story. Their chemistry is electric, as it always is, but in a quiet real life way. We grow with them as they build their home and family together. Tracy and Anathema becoming the mother and sister they never had, and their little bundle of joy Adam. Moments and vignettes of their life rush past, slipping through our fingers, each with a longing to stay in that moment. But the clock is ticking down. We are also introduced to one of my favorite characters in this story, Evelyn. She will become Adam's wife, and she was such a beautiful and strong addition to this story. It can be tricky with OC's but consistently her interactions with Anthony and the family were my favorite moments. Then finally, we will bear witness as Anthony's memory and life start to fade. It's the unbearable inevitability of death that we march towards. I wanted to plead with the story to give them more time, it's not fair, don't you see how much they love each other and their family? But life is not fair, and we only have so much time here. It's horrible, it's beautiful.
This story won't be for everyone, please read the tags on it, this is an emotionally charged work. But the one thing I want to make absolutely clear is: this is not angst for angst sake. This is not trying to hurt you, and it's not trying to make you cry. This is above all a human story, and we will all experience grief and loss in our lives. So if you can manage it, even if it might be difficult for you, I really would love you to try this story. If you don't read because you're scared of the grief, you will miss out on the most wonderful romance! The fullest and happiest life. A story of devotion and care, how love is choosing to be there day after day, through the good and hard times. There are so many moments of joy and passion that I want to bottle up and live inside. I will never tire of their love story. While I would classify this as "safe in public" this really should be a distraction free read for you. Somewhere safe and quiet so that you can process this wonderful story.
Read it here, fic by GaiasEyes
A couple more thoughts/spoilers, and personal musings on grief below
So personal note, I was with my grandpa, my Pa, on his final day of life. This fic really healed something in me, it saw me, and knew how I felt as my Pa's breaths slowed, how he was no longer in his body. He was similar in age to Anthony. We should have had more time with him, he hadn't made it to his 70's. Grief is awful, wretched, and unbearable. But it's also love, and the memories of our loved ones don't leave us.
There's just so much I loved about this story, and I'm so grateful to have been able to experience it. I really especially have to commend it for how it shows us multiple angles and experiences of grief. How each of them handle it in their own ways. The support groups were some of the most affecting chapters for me. It was often when I would start crying. Because it was giving the characters and us the space to feel our grief and ask for help dealing with it. I didn't want to spoil in the main post, but losing Ezra as well was an absolute gut punch and I did need a second to process that one. I feel like I should have seen that coming, and part of me would have liked a version where we did get to see him heal and find new purpose in life, but he was so tired. He deserves to rest. I think it will be awhile before I can reread this story, but again, I'm so grateful for the experience.
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Title: Fire Burning from a Cedar Tree
Fandom: MCU
Characters/Pairings: King!Steve x Royal!female!Reader, brief appearance from Natasha
Word Count: 3.4k
Summary: Georgian-but-quasi-American royal AU. You came into the betrothal with no illusions to the situation – yours was a marriage to ensure the continuation of many generations of alliance and peace between your respective kingdoms. Very early, however, you learn what your royal union truly means to you both.
Content Warnings: politically arranged marriage, reluctant pining, SMUT (rough fucking, p in v, oral – female receiving, fluffy fucking, nipple play)
Additional Notes: The eighth and final offering in my 2022 Holiday Extravaganza. Just a smutty one-shot here with a smattering of situation painting/plot and relationship development. Did I think we were going to end up with this much Steve for the HE? Nope! But here we are, yet again ahaha. I had closed my laptop and gotten up to go to bed, had this idea while brushing my teeth, and sat back down and typed for an hour, then have been feverishly returning to it as I had the time. So I hope you enjoy, dear reader.
Music Ficspiration: Big God by Florence + the Machine, I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face from My Fair Lady, Better Love by Hozier, Movement by Hozier, So Real by Jeff Buckley, Lover, You Should’ve Come Over by Jeff Buckley
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“Your Majesty,” one of your ladies in waiting enters your bedchambers and sweeps into a curtsy.
“Yes?” you prompt, turning in your chair to look at her directly instead of through mirror of the vanity.
“His Majesty the King has returned.”
You nod, “Thank you. You may retire for the evening.”
She curtsies again, bowing her head, and then leaves, closing the door softly behind her. You sigh, turning back properly in your chair so your lady in waiting, the Duchess Natalia, can resume taking down your hair.
“Your Majesty?” she prompts, noting your sigh.
“It’s good to hear the king is back.”
“He will undoubtedly request an audience with you tomorrow,” she says. She is far too observant and already knows you too well.
She is also mercifully diplomatic, discreet, and a confidant who listens and doesn’t needle you or pry, so she continues letting out the braids, letting you muse on your own and only speak further if you want to.
You don’t want to.
The product of a long-arranged betrothal to bring peace between two countries, you had accepted your fate, resigned to be a good and dutiful queen. You were not to inherit a throne in your own country, had known that from birth with two older brothers, and you had grown up ready to embrace duty and opportunity. On arriving in the kingdom of Brooklyn as the future queen, your interactions with King Steven had been limited, but pleasant. They had been sufficient for you to be secure in your hope that it would be a good union, no need to worry about him being either cruel or moronic.
You had expected to be wedded and bedded. What you had not expected was to actually fall for him after the wedding ceremony and royal festivities when the two of you had taken the custom ten-day royal honeymoon to the palace in the north of his country by the lakes. The first night, of course, you’d consummated the union. The first few days you had been tentative in each other’s company. But with few staff, few interruptions, no royal obligations, only time really to yourselves – dining together, walking in the gardens, riding in the forest, in your bedchambers… you had grown close, and you had dangerously started to lose your heart to him.
Then you had been sent back to court while he had to depart directly to attend to matters in California in Stark’s kingdom. Two weeks had stretched to three, and the longer he was absent, the more you missed him, spurring you to grow more irritated at your naivety for developing more tender feelings for him than just that of the dutiful wife and queen you were supposed to and had intended to be.
No, here you sat, hoping your husband would summon you on the morrow, as you could not simply turn up in his royal presence, even though you were queen. Indeed, you could go anywhere else in this kingdom, had the company of many – some only because they had to or were courting your favor, but enough warm and developing relationships throughout the court – but not the one person you now yearned for.
You had been prepared all your life to marry a king and not to grow sentimentally attached to him as your husband. You felt like such a fool, pining when you had been perfectly fine and content in your life a mere six weeks ago.
There are voices outside your bedchamber and you and Natasha exchange perplexed looks. Just as she turns toward the door, it bursts open, the king entering without hesitation. He takes in the scene then quickly strides forward.
Natasha quickly drops into the customary curtsy. “Your Majesty,” she says.
You should have risen from your spot and greeted him as well, but your heart has jumped into your throat, and you are momentarily frozen.
The king is across the room and standing next to you by the time Natasha rises back to her full stature. He reaches out for the brush in her hand, and you catch the nearly imperceptible lift of the corners of her lips in a smile as she gives it to him.
“Duchess, you may go, I will take over.”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
She makes to curtsy again before exiting, but he waves her off. “Go,” he commands, impatiently but somehow without any irritation, and she heeds his wishes and departs immediately.
Wordlessly, he steps right up behind you. You suppose you shouldn’t have been surprised he came to you. You belong to him, and he’s been denied by proximity for three weeks. He pulls all your hair into his left hand, then, holding it, works the brush through it with his right hand, starting at the bottom, moving up a little at a time. You marvel at how gently and methodically he works through your locks, almost reverently. Neither of you speak as he brushes your hair. You study him in the mirror. He’s concentrated fully on his task. Coming to a finish, he finally meets your gaze in the mirror, and the look in his eyes is intense. He sets the brush on the dressing table and sweeps your hair to one side, exposing your neck and he leans down to press a long, heated kiss to your delicate skin. You shiver as he follows this with shorter kisses trailing down your neck to the juncture where it meets shoulder, and it’s a sensitive point that draws a sigh from your lips.
He stands up straight and urges you to turn in your chair and face him. His fingers possessively trace along your jaw, tilting your chin up. “Did you miss your king?”
You couldn’t say you missed your husband and not your king, not yet, so instead of mincing words or spinning together something else true enough to say, you bring your hand up over his, and turn your head to press a kiss into the palm of his hand.
You try to move to kneel before him, but he says, “Oh no,” instead insisting on luring you up and pulling you into a kiss, fully flush against his body, and he leads you in no uncertain terms to the bed, shoving you down to sit at the foot of the mattress. He draws back and both of you are panting heavily. He stands between your legs, and he doesn’t take his eyes off your as he pulls his tunic up over his head and drops it to the floor. His breeches quickly follow, and his cock springs free, hard, and ready to take you. Already breathing heavily, you’re able to hide your reaction somewhat – which is a confusing mixture of both excitement and trepidation.
He urges you to scoot back, crawling up to join you,
Midway up the bed, he presses on your shoulder, “Lay back for me. “
He rucks up your nightgown around your hips, and crawls over you, using one hand to guide himself into your already slickening folds before caging you in on either side of your head and thrusting deep inside your cunt, filling you completely with the first thrust.
He adopts a frenzied pace to fuck you. It’s hard and fast. He’s no longer looking at you, his head dropped and buried into the crook of your neck. You can’t catch your breath. This isn’t what you wanted.
He holds your thigh up around his narrow waist, spearing into you again and again, his fingers digging into your flesh with a bruising force. You let out a quiet sob and he abruptly stills, raising his head to look at you, but you can’t look at him.
You’re not fast enough to brush away the tears though, and you know he sees them slowly rolling down your cheeks, tears you had fought to keep at bay.
He utters your name as if in pain and draws away completely, sitting back on his heels.
You turn away, rolling to your side, feeling so much more of you has been exposed than merely your naked body before him.
After a moment that stretches on between the two of you, his fingers tenderly caress your calf. He murmurs your name tentatively this time, a question.
You sense him shift on the bed, and suddenly you feel him behind you. You are wrapped in on yourself, but his hand brushes softly from your elbow to your shoulder. He lingers there for a moment, then you feel him shift behind you again, and he props himself up, so he can look down at you over your shoulder, and his hand moves purposefully now to your cheek to wipe away your tears. He plants a kiss on your shoulder. Then he brings his hand back to your shoulder and softly urges you to roll toward him so you’re on your back again and he can look directly at you again.
“That was too rough. You are a queen and deserve better treatment from a king.”
You turn your head away. “No, it’s not…” You bite your lip. Even the way he apologized was too detached and it made your heart ache.
“Not what?”
More hot tears spill silently over your cheeks. How can you explain? You hardly understood the tempest in your heart yourself.
But then he cups the side of your face, brushes his thumb over the apple of your cheek, and when he draws your gaze back to him, there is something in his eyes so searching and raw that your heart longs for more of that version of him. “It wasn’t that you were too rough, it was that I don’t want to be merely used and discarded.” Your admission is out in a rush before you could second guess your words or their consequences.
He frowns. “Far from it.”
He moves closer and plants a kiss on your forehead, then rests his forehead against yours. Eyes closed, for a moment you both simply breath each other in being that close, one of his hands still cupping your cheek. At length, he speaks again. “I was desperate for you.”
“Desperate for me?”
He breaks away and laughs softly, but there’s a pang of bitterness to it. “Yes, desperate.”
He sits up, facing away from you.
You sit up next to him, smoothing your nightdress down, unsure how to proceed, you don’t want to lose him in the present. “Steven?” you try to coax him for more.
He sighs. “I’m afraid you will find me to be a fool.”
You wait for him to continue, needing to hear what he means.
“I was serenely independent and content before we wed, and inexplicably in a matter of days you somehow seem to have seeped into my bones, because from the first of your absence my mind turned so often of you. I found myself wondering what your opinion would be, wanting you to try some of the delicacies alongside me, wishing to see your smiles and your frowns throughout the course of the day. When I returned to my chambers each night, they were empty instead of peaceful and solitary. I’d grown accustomed to your voice, accustomed to your face, accustomed to your place at my side.”
He pauses again for a moment, and his expression pained. “But it was more than accustomed – I truly yearned for you and was angry to feel so much unlike myself when I’ve ruled for more than a decade without you, lived a life I thought was very much complete before you, devoted to the crown and happy in my reign, and now…”
The sentiment lingers in the space between you. Surely, he must hear your thundering of your heart in your chest. Finally, you say, “If you’re a fool, I’m a fool.”
His head snaps to look at you.
You take a deep breath and expose your soul to him, too. “I was born and raised for our royal duties, to marry and become a useful and reliable queen. There was no question of your deep commitment to rule this kingdom dutifully as its king. In the days before we married, it was evident we had the same expectations of our union, no sentimental notions. It made sense, and we were well-matched. At our wedding, we became king and queen. Away from our royal expectations, alone with each other, I think we both fell into becoming husband and wife. I’ve yearned for you these past weeks as well, and I couldn’t abide how impossible I thought my situation was, so sure and confident I would make for a good queen but discovering I wanted more. It was only when you went away that I felt the lack of something – an affection as I’d never had before, both for you and from you.”
He turns fully toward you and kisses you again, and instead of the demand and hunger, as he kisses now it’s driven only by the unrestrained yearning he confessed and that you admitted in return.
He pulls you into his lap, and you straddle him. He breaks the kiss to rid you of your nightdress entirely now instead of only pushing it out of the way as before, and then his lips immediately seek yours again. Your arms wrap around his neck, and his broad, warm hands are splayed across your back, pressing you flush to him, and you are just as eager to feel every inch of his skin seared against yours
He pauses his kiss, both of you utterly breathless now. You put a hand on his chest over his heart. He looks down and smiles at the gesture before looking up and beaming at you, but his small falters a fraction at the concentrated look on your face.
“What is it?”
You speak the notion that’s newly bloomed in your chest. “We are the only two people in the world with whom we can be totally ourselves, husband and wife, not the king and the queen, just a man and a woman.”
He nods fervently. “A new vow then between us: to both guard and embrace this as a true and unfettered love.”
You kiss him, but he only returns it briefly before pausing it again. “Do you swear it?” he asks.
You bob your head eagerly, seeking his lips, but he grips your chin, holding you back. “Words.”
“I swear it with everything I am.”
“As do I,” he affirms, then captures your lips again with his, moving you both again, this time lowering you worshipfully to the mattress. His mouth begins moving slowly down your neck, and you shiver, one hand coming up to tangle in his hair, the other clutching his muscled bicep. When he reaches the base of your neck, his tongue laves at the sweet spot he discovered there in your first precious days together, making you whimper. He then mouths at the spot and plants one more kiss there before moving lower. His lips skim lightly down your chest, kissing over where your heart is thrumming. He kisses the swell of your left breast, and then moves to mirror that action on the right. He brings his right hand up to palm one of your breasts as his tongue flicks across your nipple. He works to bring both to stiff peaks, licking and sucking the right while his hand plays with the left. Your back arches in pleasure at his ministrations.
He moves his mouth back to the other breast, and before you can think to miss his hand there, it’s confidently parting your thighs, seeking your now extremely wet folds.
“That’s it, my love, let me make you feel good,” he says, and you whimper again. His fingers stroke your labia slowly. Your eyes close as he stokes your pleasure. He slips a finger into your core, pumping in and out. When he adds another finger, you can’t hold back the little noises that escape you. He presses his thumb to your clit, rubbing circles, and those little noises morph into a moan. Steve moves up now to hover over you, watching your face as he works you up to your first climax that night. You would feel too exposed if he had studied you this way during your first days together, but your confessions tonight to each other leave you now feeling safe being so intimately on display. When you cry out, hips bucking, he continues to stroke, working you through the orgasm.
He removes his fingers, and you need the moment, but lament the emptiness. His eyes are still on your face, and when your breathing is close to normal, you open your eyes and look back at him. Then you glance lower to see he’s pumping his hard, thick member with the hand that was still glistening with your slick of arousal. His eyes are aflame with his need, and he moves in to kiss you again. You welcome it, parting your lips and sliding your tongue between his. He opens for you, and as your tongues tease and delve, you roll and hungrily push him back on the mattress.
Steve grabs your hips with both of his hands and moves your body to straddle him. In place just where he wants you, chest to chest, you drop down to your elbows, planted on either side of his head. As you continue to kiss, he presses his hand down to the base of your spine and brushes his cock temptingly against your entrance. You push your hips back against him, and his chest hums with approval.
“Please,” you plead.
He doesn’t make you ask twice, using his other hand to guide his length into your quim. He doesn’t rush this push into you, but it’s not slow. Once fully sheathed, he moves his arms to circle around your chest, holding you close to him as he sets a steady pace thrusting up into you. He swallows your moans of ecstasy. When it begins to overwhelm you, you have to break off the consuming kiss to gulp lungful’s of air. Seeing you desperate like this above him drives his voracity.
Still buried inside you, he rolls to bring you beneath him once more. You cling to his shoulders, and he continues to advance toward release for both of you. He shifts the angle of his hips, and he’s rewarded with a pure keen from you. He continues to hit the spongy spot up against your pubic bone. You sob, so close, and this time the tears are pure pleasure. He grasps at one of your hands, and your fingers twine together. A few more thrusts and your walls flutter around him and then he your orgasm hits. Your spasming channel is too much, and with a groan he spills inside you right after.
He collapses against you, and you welcome the weight of his body. You’re both quiet in your moment of satiation. Your free hand draws lazy patterns over his shoulder blade as your breathing returns to normal. You wonder if he’s going to drop off into sleep, but then he repositions slightly, and asks, “Are you comfortable?”
“Mhmm,” you respond. You’re comfortable physically and intimately in this moment with him.
He brings your joined hands to his lips, and he kisses the back of your hand, then tucks it close to his chest and begins conversing with you – about the mundane, the important, things from the past few weeks apart, and from your lives apart before. There’s more kissing, followed by more pleasure, pulling each other apart in turn, and no sleeping until long after midnight.
You groan when he wakes you at what seems to be daybreak. You close your eyes again swiftly, and open your mouth to protest, but he cups your jaw and his thumb brushes over your parted lips. “I know it’s early,” he murmurs, “but I want to have you once more while we’re alone and unbothered.”
And when he says it like that, with such tenderness and longing, you wouldn’t dream of denying it for either of you. You hope to grow accustomed to many more stolen mornings over your lifetime together now.
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COMPANION/PREQUEL PIECE: The Thrill of Knowing How Alone We Are
↠ Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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elfboyeros · 9 months
I Miss My Wife
I know this won’t happen, but I had this idea and I thought it was a good idea! I ne ed a character to go stupid go crazy, like religiously.
“Does this feel like a wild goose chase to you, Arin,” Sora asked, upon the deck of the Bounty.
“Oh, come on, Sora, don’t you believe in love,” Arin mused.
“I believe in safety, and being in the forest alone doesn’t seem very safe. Oh, and is this Pixal anyway,” Sora asked.
Arin’s eyes grew two sizes, excited to expel about his knowledge of the ninja, “Pixal is samurai X. When Nya became the water ninja, Pixal took over the role almost a year later. Way way back when Pixal was the assistant to a way cool inventor named Cyrus Brog… I hope he’s okay.”
“Okay, so another member of the team got it,” Sora sighed, still not finally understanding why so important to have Lloyd and Nya come with Zane to search for this “mystery woman” in the dense forest.
There was in a ramble, making the two of them look to were Zane, Nya, and Lloyd and entered the forest, seeing what could only be described as an ice mountain in the middle of the tree line, “they’re in trouble,” Arin gasped, jumping to the ground, and running into the sea of tree to which Sora and Ryu soon followed.
They were soon upon a small clearing within the trees seeing one of the men that said they knew where Pixal was/had been spotted incased in ice, and the other crawling on the ground away from a fuming Zane ready to attack while Nya and Lloyd chased after him.
“ZANE YOU GOTTA CHILL,” Nya yelled trying to pull him of the man.
“Where is Cole when you need him,” Lloyd muttered, doing his best to help Nya.
Once they got Zane off the man, he turned and stomped away, “YOU NEED TO COOL OFF MAN,” Lloyd called after him.
Nya and Lloyd both sighed looking at each other, “I really had hope we’d find her,” Nya remarked.
“Let’s just had back to the monastery,” Lloyd huffed defeated, “after we make sure this guy won’t die of hyperthermia.”
“Come on, guys,” Nya sighed, look at Arin, Sora, and Ryu before the returned to the Bounty.
On the way back to the monastery, Zane mediated, or what everyone assumed was mediating, until Lloyd approached him, “what do you want,” the droid asked, quiet cold.
“I wanted know how you were holding up,” Lloyd answered.
“I don’t know, Lloyd, how am I doing,” he scoffed, “I miss my wife so much that I have led us on a -what did Sora call it- wild goose chase to find out that a 16-year-old kid right,” he was standing at this point, far from the isles of meditation he was at before, “I was wrong! I have yet to find one of the few things that make me truly happy, the woman I have loved for ages! And I would have seen it if I wasn’t so blinded by the idea of just have her back beside me, FUCK! I CHECKED IF SHE WAS THERE IF SHE WAS EVEN AROUND AND SHE WASN’T! NO PART OF THE BOUNTY’S SYSTEMS -MY SYSTEMS- PICKED HER UP! I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS!”
Lloyd nodded, “I just… I just want to know she’s okay,” Zane choked, “is that too much to ask.”
“Not at all, Zane.”
“I miss my wife, Lloyd, I miss her a lot.”
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pastel-rights · 7 months
I think you could describe them even MORE out of context. A mega contextless list if you will.
aNON??? I... guess you will get your mega list after all! Don't go too crazy trying to figure out what goes to what muse!!
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-- sir I know they say to dress your best but this REALLY is not the occasion to be doing this. sir you're going to hell not to prom. SIR!!
-- my favorite little mochi cameraman :] he's very friend-shaped, a little quiet but a good lad a respectable fellow.
-- l-l-lucky number four!! now get in the car, loser. We got seeds to buy from the store.
-- i roasted you so hard you got thanos snapped out of existence. also I think I also gaslit you once too.
-- is the neutron the powerhouse of the cell. are you the powerhouse of MY cell? dramatic gasp.
-- colors have voices. Orange sounds like a friend? enemy? Green sounds like people you hate. Purple sounds like your friend and your "friend's" roommate. white sounds like birds. pink sounds both like love and whores, supposedly.
you also have a talent for shocking people with no reason and never shutting the fuck up even if you REALLY need to.
Also please never take mushrooms ever again.
also the warehouse. shudders.
-- please stop biting the patroller. this isn't a funny bit this is a genuine cry for help /j
-- stop riZZING UP DEMONBANE but please do keep decking Plutone.
-- you romanticize the wrong sibling, sister. get a GRIP. i love you though. keep slaying, girlquestion.
-- the police but actually likeable. also she explodes you with sweets..
-- miss i know you're sad about your divorce but im TRYING to decode here miss miss PLEASE.
-- omg is that the mcdonalds employee is that the mcgirlfailure. you forgot my mcflurry I'm in AGONY.
-- fruity ass. fruitcake. friend of the lesbians, exploder of the homophobes. ily.
-- sir i know you're haunted by your boss's closet and the food she wants you to cook and the horrors but there's no reason to be THIS dramatic. DAMN.
-- if you disappear to the Bahamas one more time I'm gonna flop over and CRY.
-- punishment this sinner that why don't you stop bitchin' and get some bitches instead. god you're pathetic. /ref
-- you need therapy. and to stay away from the flames the do NOT speak to us they do NOT call our names.
-- sweet tooth with a side of murdering you murdering you mur-
-- you're one of two muses who are normal. congrats, have a cookie!
-- i'm sorry for cussing i'm SORRY i will find an alternative I sincerely aPOLOGIZE PLEASE DON'T YELL AT ME????? also I like penguins too can we be friends. i can ignore the fact you're haunted by the horrors.
-- the first person to ever rizz me before. under the sea rizz /j
-- i love you. you're the light of my life. i only want the best for you. [ throws the fauti at you like a homing missile ]
-- the marriage certifcate is fake and we both know it but at this point I'm too baffled by it's existence to really care. also stop surprise adopting kids that's just called kidnapping.
-- you went from fake marriage to a real marriage and i don't know if i respect that or hate that. it's been months and I still cannot decide. at least, the cake tasting arc was cute!! also give mE BACK MY MUSE'S COAT DAMNIT.
-- how did you murder your wife you are a WEAK bitch. possessed by demons. weak ASS.
-- alcoholic but glowstick
-- stop calling me babygirl i'm neither baby nor a girl.
-- how do you have a husband? no like genuinely i'm SO baffled. /lh
-- father in law.
-- cosmic eldritch horror but the real horrors is the fucking key you keep showing me. please let me go I just want to see my husband and daughter.
what do you MEAN he is my husband WHAT.
-- your letters have ruined my life.
-- my VERY real father. of course I get excited whenever i see you around you're very cool and I miss you :(
-- you got hit by the tram once while breakdancing and I'll never forget about that /pos /lh
-- please i just want the divorce papers... what do you mean, I don't NEED a marriage counselor OR a priest. also you threw your friend not once but twice and you're so real for that.
-- the TRUE toxic yuri. also you multiplied and became french which is funny.
-- too many rules to remember. also you're short and I want to rattle you.
-- twitter but cooler!
-- you canonically give spirits bad vibes which is fucking HILARIOUS.
-- i'm noT A FUCKING CAT UNHAND MEE YOU SLIMY WHELP. OUGHHHH also NO I will NOT take a break. >:(
-- the vibes are a WILD way to judge someone but it's even MORE wild the vibes are usually right.
-- the way you just grabbed him was so funny. weak as hell but you had the spirit!!!
-- not a muse i see often but there's like 3 of you floating around and THAT is a funny ass fact.
-- "this is my safety gun." "well can you put it away?" "but my safety gun :("
-- you can't do math yet somehow you made a plan to overthrow your brother and become a god practically and I don't know if I'm impressed or just saddened by that thought.
-- please leave my eyes alone.
-- the manager of the costco! i wonder if he ever got out...
... or unpossessed.
-- no running in the halls!!! /ref
-- bakery owner who i would forfeit all mortal possesions to <333
-- girlboss and her 203948043 vessels
-- peepaw i don't like guns. or fake yous.
-- how's your father's divorce going? do you need a hug. /lh
-- vida la revolution!!!
-- how did you get into my house and why are you talking about fireworks and poetry i just want to disassociate about my brother's traumatic death and disconnect from the world around me, i didn't ASK for an impromptu therapy session.
-- orphan.
-- uno card eater AND number one on the debt list. also your demons. that's fucked up.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
React: "Return to Me" (from the POV of Someone Averse to RomComs, Part II): I Become a Bonnie Hunt Fangirl
Continued from Part I (see here)
Minnie is saved!
Um... Bob's not doing too well. He wants to walk the dog. Charlie has already walked Dog (my muse from Part I.)
"Okay. Thanks."
Charlie's following him around but he respects Bob's unspoken need for distance.
Charlie's really taking it hard, but I know Bob's going to have an epic meltdown once the ice thaws (to loosely quote Grace Kelly's boyfriend-character Mark in Dial M for Murder: "Later, you're going to have a beautiful cry.")
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Ohhhhhhhhh, got it. The dog (Mel? ...still better than Bob) waits by the door for Jane Bennett every time.
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They kicked up the 90s slow memory sequence.
And Bob's crying.
Okay, he's really crying.
Okay, I dig this.
Bob, you've endeared me to Bob. I shall lay "the bit" to rest in peace. ...With Elizabeth.
Look, I know that was a low blow, Bob, but it had to be done.
Old grandfather prays to his favorite battle saint for Minnie's heart.
Bonnie? the mom friend is an actual mom wrangling her entire family, including the older generations.
Old grandpa Marty is devoted to his candle and prayers.
More 90s slow mo--
I was going to say this reminds me of the 90s slow dance slow mo sequences I typically think are in romcoms and now it's back to Bob while he continues to sob on the floor as Mel (who is no longer my stand-in, I suppose, you can't come back from a name like Mel) sits there, unfazed.
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Oooh, look--
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beautiful shot.
Grandpa is the only one awake-- prayed that heart back to life.
And the camera goes back to Bob when the heart starts beating again, waking him up.
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Coincidence? With Tuscany and vacations and romance to be had???
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Minnie Driver's painting. Good for her representing the artistic girlies.
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Old men bonding over music while grandpa keeps an eye on his granddaughter. Is this how we and our mutuals sound?
Methinks he will sniff out the jig and bring all the pieces together by the end (because there's got to be a 3/4 misunderstanding, right?)
I like how casual Bonnie Hunt's style is-- it's a gentle, lived-in world.
Grace, as we shall now call her, bikes in the street with kids-- not, as her grandfather cautioned, on the side of the road.
Doctor's appointment!
"Oh, of course I'm happy. What else am I going to be?"
..................Yeahhhhhhhhhh, you're not happy.
Grace: saved from death, still insecure about her scar, and slowly bumping herself back to life. An imperfect survivor, a normal human.
A mood.
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"I'm alive and someone else is dead." A mild form of survivor's guilt, I see, I see.
"He's a great listener" was a great joke.
Bob is grumpy and determined and driven I see.
Two morbid souls will collide at the zoo over the rubber monkey enclosure, I reckon.
Another girl, another mood:
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It's been a year and friend Bonnie finally convinces her to mail the "thank you for your heart" letter.
"Okay, everyone clap for Auntie Grace, she just mailed a very important letter." Amazing.
Bonnie shoving everyone past the construction workers was also amazing.
Bonnie's a fave (and love that she gave herself-- if this is the same Bonnie-- a great role that doesn't outshine the main leads. It's respectful and kind.)
Bob still obsessively guards Jane Bennett's memory.
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The heart's pumping again. Pumpity pump pump.
Bow chicka-- nope, they missed each other.
But Grace felt something and highlighted that her heart beating didn't hurt (hmmmmmmmmmmm foreshadowing.)
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I CALLED IT the gorilla's doing the hand thing that he used to do with Jane Bennett aka Elizabeth... lastnamehere, ahem ahem.
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Bob's mad and tells off a board room.
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"I'm here because of my wife. You got it?"
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Thank you for that shot, Bonnie.
I'm becoming a big Bonnie fan, as you can tell.
Charlie is setting his man up with a date only a year later, right after he tore apart a board room AND is working his men overtime for his late wife??? ...Charlie, my man, you're going to have to work miracles. You should meet Minnie Driver's Catholic grandpa, he'd adore you.
Wait, Charlie's a vet? Oh, wait, yeah, he works at the zoo.
Introducing new kid on skates.
"Look at you! Where are you going?"
"I don't know!"
This is the quality content I hoped for.
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Skates boy holds down the fort-- a valuable guy.
"C'mon, pal," Bob chastises because Mel won't kick the "wait for Elizabeth" habit. (In the first part I likened the dog to be my self-insert. This dog is nothing like me, and I am immeasurably disappointed.)
Subtle touch of immense irritation at someone knocking on the door.
Is it time to reenact how happy he was compared to how mad he'll get at Mel now? The set up and payoff?
Here we go.
"Eat back here like a normal person--"
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Chuckle worthy, but also.
He softens up; but the dog doesn't budge too much.
"You made it halfway."
That's the theme, I'll bet.
"You gotta snap out of it, buddy."
This makes Bob reflect, and he decides to kick some of his own Pavlovian responses-- and ends up on a truly horrendous date.
At least, I know that part's coming up and I'm pumped.
The old men's song convo comes back: they were selecting music for their restaurant. Nice touch.
Grandpa surprises her with tickets to Italy to paint cuz he was staring earlier at her painting earlier and it's these little moments that make me repeat words like "earlier" too frequently.
The waitress lady missed Grace's initial reaction and is put out. The banter is epic.
And Angelo talked the grandpa into it and Minnie knows this and thanks them all in a way that reflects their separate bonds. Good storytelling.
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Angelo set her up with a hair transplant man (reminds me of a joke Bill Burr? told about stapling ants to your head for vanity's sake.)
Angelo's taste in vacations? Top tier.
Angelo's taste in men? Absolute bottom tier... though the guy's cheerful, so there's that.
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I love this.
I don't even need a romance at this point I just want to watch the two live their separate, slowly recovering lives.
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The Six Swans for a fairytale retelling?
I finally filled this prompt by writing "Without Words" as my story for the Four Loves Fairy Tale Challenge. Since I put the story in a separate post, I'm going to self-indulgently use this ask to provide some author's notes.
For quite a few years now, I've had the idea to retell the ending of this fairy tale from the prince's point of view. It's so dramatic! He's protected this woman for years, and had to be deeply in love to do so, and now he's faced with enough evidence that he has to put her to death. How do you deal with that? I fully intended to use his POV to fill this prompt, yet, every time I tried, I couldn't make it interesting enough to hold my attention.
Then a few weeks back, I had the image of the prince begging his wife to speak, while she had to stand strong and refuse, despite the pain it causes both of them. This became much more interesting (and easier to write as a short retelling), because the prince's conflict comes from not knowing, while her conflict comes from fully knowing what's going on and having to make the hard choice not to save herself.
From the first spark of this idea, the couple was named Eliza and Christian. Eliza because of Andersen's fairy tale, of course, and Christian because Andersen's tale is Danish, and Denmark has had ten kings named Christian. His name became even more thematically fitting when I decided to write this story for the Inklings Challenge.
I debated whether I should retell the "Six Swans" version where the heroine is accused of killing her three children, or the "Wild Swans" route where she's just accused of witchcraft. The witchcraft charge is enough to condemn her to death, is more directly related to her task, and makes her story parallel her stepmother's better. However, the missing children angle made this much more painful and implied a stronger bond between the two of them. They're not only married, but they've had three children together! He's protected her against two different accusations of murder! The fact that he's been so supportive up to this point makes it even more dramatic when he finally is forced to execute her.
It does seem a bit ridiculous that he's let this go on long enough to lose three children, but that just adds to the drama of the moment. Christian knows Eliza well enough that he doesn't believe she could kill their children, but after three murders, the evidence is getting harder and harder to explain away, and even the king has to obey the law, so he signed the execution order to prevent rebellion from his government.
If I hadn't written that opening scene, I'd probably be rolling my eyes at some of the language--"the way our souls entwine"? Really? Who talks like that? But sometimes you just gotta write something very, very sappy. It's good for the soul. And I have a good excuse because I posted on Valentine's Day.
On a structural level, my favorite line in the story is probably, "Does the prisoner have any last words?" I was struggling with how to transition between Eliza musing about Christian and her brothers to the moment of breaking the curse, when that line of dialogue occurred to me, and the scene fell into place. It's a standard line for this type of scene, while tying in perfectly to the specific conflict here. Plus, it stops the guards from tying up Eliza long enough to keep her arms free for shirt-throwing.
This story taught me a lot about how to strategically use telling vs. showing. The standard points of the fairy tale--the breaking of the curse, the reunion with her brothers, the mother-in-law's crime, and the recovery of the children--are all told, rather than shown, because this story is about the bond between Eliza and Christian, and stopping to show anything else distracts from that. Like, I had tried to show the brothers explaining about the curse and the lost children, but that tangled me up in the logistics of the scene, and made me drop the thread of Eliza and Christian's relationship. Reducing it to summary allowed me to keep the focus where it needed to be.
I am sad I had to push her brothers so far into the background. That family bond is such an important part of the fairy tale, but the story's focus means I only get to name one brother.
Usually, one of the youngest brothers is stuck with the swan's wing, but I gave it to the eldest, because 1) I wanted to be different, 2) In the limited space, it allowed me to feature both her eldest brother and the swan wing brother at the same time, 3) giving the wing to the crown prince creates much more interesting conflict.
Retellings that give the youngest brother the wing usually go on and on about how he's torn between his ordinary human life and the freedom of life as a swan, and that's so whiny and boring to me. Giving it to the eldest brother, however, has concrete political consequences. He's crown prince! Will the people accept a king with the permanent mark of a curse? Can he leverage this imagery to his advantage? Now that he's lost his dominant hand (I made sure to make it as inconvenient as possible), he can neither write nor hold a sword, which could have profound effect on his reign. Giving him the wing could be a bit like Rabadash's curse in The Horse and His Boy--something that forces him to prioritize peace--especially since I've written him as a bit of a war-monger. Even with his limited amount of page-time, he fascinates me, and I'd kind of like to see where his story goes.
With the brothers so blithely talking about going home and taking Eliza with them, I imagine that in the interim of seven years, events have transpired that have eliminated the stepmother as a threat. Going home is just going home to a beloved father, not going to war.
Initially, I had wanted Eliza's first spoken word to be her husband's name. When that proved to be impractical in the execution scene, I considered giving her no dialogue, to prove that she doesn't need words to be a force in the story. Making her one word of direct dialogue be her husband's name felt like the perfect compromise.
In offering to let Eliza take the children, Christian is really being reckless. He blithely talks of transferring the crown, but any one of his kids--who he's offering to let grow up in a foreign country--could one day decide to take advantage of their valid claim to the throne to try to take over his kingdom. He's really lucky that Eliza forgave him.
Portraying the final kiss as "I let my silence speak for me", was not intentionally inspired by Gaskell's habit of referring to kissing scenes as "delicious silence", but I'm kind of pleased by the connection.
I'm proud of that final line. Ties everything up so neatly and concisely.
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lyranova · 1 year
Children of the Future: The World to Come
Chapter 5: I’m Proud of You
Hiya everyone, I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to get this chapter out, the muses haven’t been very cooperative lately. But i finally managed to get them to work hehe 😁! This chapter came out less Astelle and more…family orientated 😅, which hadn’t been my intention, but in the next chapter there’ll be a lot more Astelle moments 😁! I hope you all enjoy~!
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @crazyclownthanos @loosesodamarble @acacia-may (if anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know!) also Hikari belongs to @eme-eleff !
Word Count: 3,354
Warnings: None, Vague mention of pregnancy at the end
Asta sighed loudly as he tried to fix his neck tie, he was far from good at these sorts of things, and it was only made worse because he was so nervous. Today was probably one of the most important days of his life; it was his wedding day.
He could have swore it was just yesterday that he had asked Noelle to marry him, but when he looked at the date he realized it had been well over a year since he asked her! Asta nearly laughed, the two had been pretty busy with missions and Asta finding out that he was in the running to be the next Wizard King.
Asta jumped as he heard someone knock on the door, he took a deep breath.
“ Come in,” he said as he watched the door in the mirror, he sighed as his foster brother/rival/best friend Yuno walked in and began to chuckle. “ It’s not funny Yuno!”
“ I don’t know, I think it’s pretty funny to see you struggling with something as simple as a tie.” Yuno said with another chuckle, Asta began to grumble as Yuno walked over and began to fix his tie.
“ You’re one to talk! I remember how nervous you were before your wedding day, your hands were shaking as bad, if not worse, than mine!” Asta pointed out, he watched Yuno’s pale cheeks suddenly turn pink as he recalled the memory.
“ Which wedding day? If you recall, I had two.” Yuno also pointed as he continued to try and undo the mess that Asta had created with his tie.
“ You know exactly which one! Your real wedding, y’know, the one that took place a year ago in exactly the same church!” Asta shouted, Yuno winced slightly before shaking his head.
“ I don’t remember that.”
“ You liar! You remember, you just don’t like how embarrassing it was!” Asta shouted, which caused Yuno to sigh and shake his head.
“ Will you two shut up?! I’m trying to get ready myself y’know!” Liebe suddenly shouted from behind Asta, the two looked and saw the chibi sized devil trying to fix his shirt and suit jacket.
As Yuno continued trying to fix Asta’s tie the foster brothers fell into silence, both nervous but for very different reasons. Finally, after much battling, Yuno was able to fix the bow tie Noelle had picked out for Asta.
“ There, it looks good on you…surprisingly.” Yuno said as he took a step back, Asta frowned.
“ What’d you mean? Of course it’d look good on me, my wife picked it out you jerk!” Asta shouted and Yuno chuckled a bit.
“ I dunno, that wife of yours tends to either hit or miss with her fashion sense.” Liebe said deadpan, and Asta turned and looked at him.
“ Hey that’s my wife you’re talking about!” Asta shouted, of course the three knew that Yuno and Liebe were only kidding about Noelle and her fashion sense.
“ Technically she isn’t your wife yet,” Yuno pointed out as he crossed his arms. “ You’ve still got to walk down the aisle and say ‘I do’ before that happens.” He added which made Asta snort.
“ That didn’t stop you from doing the same thing with Neva.” Asta muttered which made Yuno blush as Liebe laughed at the two.
The group fell into silence again as Asta straightened his jacket, Yuno couldn’t help but look at him fondly. While the ash-blonde haired man was still loud and boisterous like he always was, there was a new…calmness, no, maturity about him. He gave a small huff of laughter; Asta and mature in the same sentence, he never thought that would happen.
But Asta had really matured over the years, and in Yuno’s opinion, that somehow made him way cooler than he already was, if that were even possible!
“ Y’know Asta, I envy you.” Yuno said with a small smile before he walked out of the room. “ Hurry up, you’re going to be late!”
“ Huh? ‘I envy you’? What the heck does he mean? I’m the one who envies him.” Asta muttered before Liebe suddenly patted his brother on the shoulder with a grin.
“ C’mon it’s time to go, don’t wanna keep the royal waiting.” Liebe joked as he and Asta walked out of the waiting room.
The wedding went off without a hitch.
Asta stood at the end of the aisle waiting excitedly to see his future wife, and as each of her bridesmaids slowly made their way down the aisle Asta could feel his excitement and anxiousness reaching its peak.
Finally, the door opened and Asta felt his heart skip a beat. Noelle stood at the entrance with her eldest brother Nozel by her side, and she looked beautiful.
She wore a beautiful strapless gown with beautiful diamond details on the bodice, as Asta’s eyes traveled down the gown he noticed the edges of the tool were a light blue, and that how the dress moved as she walked mimicked waves. She had on satin gloves with light blue around the top, and she had her silver hair in a loose bun with a beautiful, simple, ocean inspired hair ornament that Kahono had given her.
The closer Noelle got, the brighter Asta’s face became, his eyes shining with absolute love and amazement, and if one looked closely at Noelle, they would see the same in her eyes.
Once she and Nozel made it to the other end of the aisle, Asta watched as a small look passed between the siblings before he gently gave Asta her hand. He cut the shorter man a serious look before he turned and walked towards his seat.
“ Wow Noelle, you look beautiful!” Asta said, his mouth slightly agape in awe. Noelle’s blush deepened but you could see a shy, happy smile appear on her face.
“ Of course I do Bakasta, did you think I would come out here looking terrible?” She asked, her voice trying to sound harsh and haughty like usual, but it instead came out more soft and teasing. “ But I will admit you don’t clean up too badly yourself Bakasta.” She added softly, using Asta’s nickname to tease him, but also to try and calm her nerves.
Soon Father Orsi quickly cleared his throat and looked at the two with a slightly stern, but mostly loving gaze. He quickly went on with trying to officiate the wedding, but paused occasionally to clear his throat and wipe his eyes, which confused Asta a bit.
“ Do you, Asta, take Noelle to be your lawfully wedded wife? For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?” Father Orsi asked, and when Asta turned to look at him his green eyes widened. Father Orsi was quietly crying, which explained why he was clearing his throat and wiping his eyes when he was speaking. Asta smiled fondly at the man who had raised him, and was his foster father and gently patted his shoulder to comfort him.
Father Oris nodded after a minute, signaling that he had regained his composure. Asta than turned to look at Noelle with that same fond, but very bright smile.
“ I do.”
Noelle’s face turned red once again and she quickly turned to look at Father Orsi as he turned his attention to her.
“ Do you, Noelle, take Asta to be your lawfully wedded husband? For richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, and for as long as you both shall live?” Father Orsi glanced at Asta before leaning towards Noelle. “ It’s not too late to change your mind, you still have a chance!”
“ H-Hey I can hear you y’know?!” Asta shouted loudly, causing everyone in the church to laugh, including Noelle, but the silver haired woman quickly shook her head.
“ I’m not going to run away,” She turned to look at Asta with the softest and most loving smile anyone had ever seen. “ I choose you, and I’ll never change my mind. I do take you, Asta, to be my lawfully wedded husband. No matter what.”
Everyone had been a little surprised at Noelle’s firm love declaration, about they all smiled and were glad that she had shown everyone how confident she was in her love for the ash-blonde haired mage.
Father Orsi smiled fondly at the two before he cleared his throat.
“ Well, with that being said, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
Asta and Noelle looked at each other with slightly wide eyes, like Yuno and Neva during their wedding, the two had almost forgotten about this part. Asta could hear Yuno chuckling from behind him.
“ C’mon Asta, we don’t have all day. Isn’t that what you told me on my wedding day?” Yuno teased as he patted his friend on the shoulder.
“ Yeah Asta, surpass your limits!” Vanessa shouted, and Asta and Noelle looked out and saw all the Black Bulls standing there with bright, loving, and cheerful smiles on their faces. Even Captain Yami couldn’t hide the proud smile on his face.
Asta and Noelle looked at each other for a moment, before they both took a deep calming breath. Noelle gently cupped Asta’s face in her hands, leaned forward, and placed a gentle kiss onto his lips. Asta’s eyes widened in surprise but he soon closed them and gently kissed her back as his hands rested on her sides.
After the ceremony ended, everyone walked outside for the reception. The colder days had gradually begun to grow warmer and warmer with each passing day, and today was the warmest so far, which made it the perfect day to hold the reception outside in the field beside the church.
As soon as Asta and Noelle had walked out of the church they were greeted by all the Black Bulls. The two were hugged, given gifts and words of encouragement, and were both patted on the head by Captain Yami.
“ I’m proud of you two.” Yami had said as he ruffled their hair. “ But if either of you screws this up I’ll kill you both.” He added in a mildly threatening tone, which instinctively made the two straighten and salute their Captain.
“ Yes Captain Yami, sir!”
Soon, a 6 year old Hikari, and a nearly 3 year old Aloys Adlai approached them. Aloys walked over to his parents and his mother picked him up and held him.
“ Auntie Noelle, Uncle Astaa! You both look soooo beautiful!” Hikari said happily as she ran up and held both their hands. “ Thank you for letting me be the flower girl, I really enjoyed throwing the flowers everywhere!”
“ Aw you’re welcome Hikari, you did an amazing job! Thank you for doing it for us!” Asta told her cheerfully as he crouched down and ruffled her hair, Noelle turned to look at Aloys.
“ And you did a great job as the ring bearer Aloys, thank you for doing it.” Noelle told him kindly, Aloys muttered a soft ‘thank you’ before hiding his face in his mothers neck.
“ We’re all proud of you Aloys, you were really brave and did an amazing job.” Gauche said as he reached out and patted his son's head, Noelle watched the little boy smile before he hugged his mother tighter.
Soon, Vanessa ran off towards the open bar with Finral in tow, Charmy and Secre went off towards the food table, Gordon went to sit with Grey, Gauche, and Aloys. Zora, Luck, and Magna went off to spar in the field, while Nacht, Henry, and Liebe all went their own ways since there were a lot of people around. While Captain Yami and Hikari walked towards Captain Roselei who was sitting at a nearby table.
“ Hikari’s going to be a great big sister once the Captain’s baby is born.” Asta said proudly as he watched the growing Yami family sitting together talking.
“ Yeah I think so too, I think Hikari’s hoping for a younger brother though.” Noelle said with a small laugh when Asta frowned in thought.
“ She told me she wanted a little sister the other day.” He said with a frown as Noelle shrugged.
“ Who knows? She’s probably hoping for twins so that way she can have one of each.” Noelle said with a shake of her head.
After Asta and Noelle talked for a bit they walked together to greet the rest of the guests that had arrived. There were people from Heart, Spade, Hino, and even Diamond. The two had hoped for a smaller wedding, but at the same time they didn’t really mind a larger one since they wanted to celebrate this occasion with all of their friends.
Soon Asta and Noelle parted to greet some guests by themselves, and the first person Noelle ran into just so happened to be her eldest brother Nozel, who was sitting in a corner by himself drinking a glass of champagne.
“ Where’s Nebra and Solid? I thought they’d be here with you.” Noelle asked as she stood beside him, she watched as he sighed and shook his head.
“ Nebra went off to find that Zora person from the Black Bulls, and Solid, well, he’s off doing whatever it is that he does.” Nozel told her simply, and Noelle suddenly giggled.
“ He’s probably off trying to find a date, since he’s the only one out of us that doesn’t have anyone.” Noelle half joked, which event caused Nozel to chuckle.
“ You’re probably right.”
The two siblings fell into silence again, it was surprisingly not awkward or uncomfortable, it was just…fine? There wasn’t really any other word Noelle could have used to describe it. She took the small glass of champagne that was on the table beside them and took a sip.
“ Y’know, mom would be proud of you right now.” Nozel suddenly said, his voice soft and almost distant, as though he were somewhere else. Noelle turned to look at him.
“ She’d be proud of the woman you’ve become, of the path you’ve traveled to get here, and I think she’d be proud of the man you married. Even if he can be an idiot at times.” Nozel said light heartedly and with a small smile, Noelle blushed a bit and looked away.
“ I dunno, I hope she’d be proud of me and approve of the choices I’ve made in my life. But I sometimes worry if she’d be disappointed, or disapprove, of the choices I’ve made.” Noelle admitted softly as she set down her champagne glass.
“ You’re wrong, mother would never be disappointed in you or disapprove of you. In fact it’d be quite the opposite. If she’d be disappointed in anyone, it would be me, Solid, and Nebra. Because of how terribly we treated you.”
“ But that’s-!” Noelle started, but he quickly shook his head, finished his glass, and looked at her.
“ I know you’re going to say that it isn’t my fault, that I had no choice, but I did have a choice, Noelle, and I made the wrong one. Nebra and Solid are only partially to blame for their behavior, if I hadn’t set a poor example for them and had corrected their behavior, I don’t think they’d be the way they are now.” Nozel admitted as he turned to look at Noelle.
“ I’m proud of you Noelle, and so is Nebra, Solid, and mother. You deserve to be happy like this, and you deserve to spend your entire life being with the one you love the most.”
With that Nozel walked away and disappeared into the crowd of people before Noelle could say anything. She smiled softly before looking up towards the clear afternoon sky, hoping that Nozel was right, and that her mother was proud of her.
On the other side of the field, Asta greeted his Hage family and they all gave him their congratulations along with hugs and bits of advice, which Asta took gladly. As he walked around a bit more he noticed Yuno standing beside a table alone, steadily sipping his champagne.
“ Where’s your wife? Did she get tired of your company and leave already?” Asta asked jokingly, which caused Yuno to roll his eyes and shake his head.
“ Of course not, she’s over there talking to Mimosa and Klaus.” Yuno said as he nodded his head in their direction, Asta turned and sure enough there was Neva, drinking a glass of sparkling water and talking to her former squadmates Mimosa and Klaus.
“ What about you? Did your wife change her mind and decide to run away after all?” Yuno asked jokingly, Asta snorted and shook his head.
“ Of course not! She’s…somewhere over there…I think?” Asta said as he pointed in a general direction, which caused Yuno to laugh.
The two foster brothers stood beside each other quietly, both just taking in how much things had changed for the both of them, and how this was the place they had started their journeys to become the Wizard King when they were only 15 years old with nothing but big hearts and even bigger dreams, and well with lots of mana on Yuno’s part.
“ Who would have thought the two of us would have this amazing life?” Asta said softly as he looked out amongst his friends and family, and Yuno nodded in agreement.
“ I know, certainly I didn’t think I’d ever have any of this. But you? Yeah, I kinda figured you would.”
“ Huh? How so?” Asta asked with a frown, which made Yuno chuckle.
“ Because, you’re you Asta, and you tend to defy everyone's expectations of you.” Yuno said as he took another sip of his drink, Asta nodded, he had a point, Asta did tend to defy everyone's expectations, he was even able to defy his own at times.
“ Y’know, I’m glad I was able to go on this journey with you, and I was to have experienced all of this with you by my side. You’re a good friend Yuno, and an even better rival and brother.” Asta said with a bright smile as he held out his fist towards the dark haired mage. Yuno’s eyes widened at his words, and he smirked a bit before making a fist and pressing it against Asta’s.
“ Same here, I couldn’t imagine having anyone better as my friend, brother, and rival.” Yuno agreed, and once the two put their hands down Asta suddenly pointed a finger at him.
“ But just so we’re clear, this doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop being your rival. You may’ve gotten married before me and became a king before me, doesn’t mean I’ll let you have kids before me!” Asta declared, and a strange look suddenly crossed Yuno’s face as he looked away.
“ It’s already too late for that.” He muttered softly as he tried to hide his small smile, the ash-blonde haired mage frowned in confusion.
It was already too late for that? What did he…? Suddenly, it dawned on Asta what he was referring to, he looked from Neva and her glass of water, to Yuno and his smirk.
“ No way…Neva’s Pregnant?!” Asta suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs, causing everyone, including the woman in question, to turn and look at him.
Yuno suddenly felt his face turn bright red as he felt his wife glaring at him from across the field, he quickly grabbed and tried to shush his foster brother.
“ Be quiet Asta! No one’s supposed to know yet!”
“ If no one’s supposed to know yet, that means it’s still early right? Which means Noelle and I can catch up right?” Asta said loudly as he quickly turned around and began to search for his wife.
“ It doesn’t work like that Asta!” Yuno shouted after his friend, but quickly sighed, he had a feeling Noelle would set him straight.
Oh, how right he was.
As soon as Asta opened his mouth and began to explain things to Noelle, including how they needed to hurry up and have kids so Yuno wouldn’t surpass him, Noelle quickly pulled her wand out from her dress and doused him with water while shouting:
“ You’re such an idiot Bakasta!!!”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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thecagedsong · 2 years
Hey, who wants the first chapter of a fic I have no idea where to take? It would just be an ugly unfinished work on AO3, so I thought, why not unleash it as a tumblr exclusive? Note I have no idea for building the plot or the OC cast necessary to go along with this, so anyone who wants to take this idea and comment or continue, go for it. 
The Pirate Adventure (written long before the game concept art came out, fyi)
Katarina arrived early at the castle. Geordo had sent her an urgent invite two days ago, so here she was. At least it was her off day at work so they wouldn’t miss her helping carry packages. Keith had come along like usual.
“I haven’t been here since the International Assembly,” Keith said as they were escorted through the entrance hall.
“Me neither, I wonder if I could stay for the glorious bath service again? Do you think I could squeeze it in? I’ve never felt so relaxed in my life! Though it will be less fun without Sophia and Mary,” she mused.
“Nope, it is entirely improper to ask for a bath,” Keith said quickly. “We’ll just see what he wants. If we get this over with quickly enough, we’ll have time to visit some of the bakeries in the Capitol while we’re here.”
“What a good idea!” Katarina said. “What do you think this is about?”
“Nothing good,” Keith said.
“What makes you say that?”
“Katarina!” Mary’s voice called as they entered a sitting room. “I didn’t realize you were going to be here. Alan just said I needed to visit because the Queen had some questions.”
“Important ones too,” Prince Alan said, walking into the room with his twin.
“Keith, my how your reading comprehension skills have fallen in the past year,” Prince Geordo said. “Though I don’t know how you could misinterpret ‘Keith is not allowed to come’. It’s a statement so plain a six-year-old would understand it.”
“If that didn’t work the first twenty times you tried to prevent me from accompanying my sister, I don’t see why adding the words ‘I am serious. Keith may not come by order of the Crown,’ would keep me away,” Keith said, smiling just as pleasantly.
“Oh, I don’t know, possibly because the crown giving this order isn’t my little brother’s, but my father’s?” Prince Geoffrey said, walking in with Lady Randall on his arm. “Now we’re going to have to swear you to secrecy about the fact that this meeting took place at all and still send you to wait for your sister in the stables.”
“Wait, w-what?” Keith stammered. “Prince Geoffrey, what are you doing here?”
“Garlan, please see to it that Lord Claes understands the secrecy of this meeting, then escort him to wait for his sister in the library.” Prince Ian said, standing up from a couch that had been facing the wrong way for Katarina to see him. “We’re not heathens Geoffrey, we don’t have to make him wait in the stables.” He helped Lady Selena stand up and handed Keith the book he had been reading. “Here, the history of early Sorcier is fascinating, don’t you think? Enjoy it while you wait.”
“As you request, your Highness,” a servant said.
Keith shot Mary a look as the servant Garlan pulled him from the room.
Katarina smiled and waved at him, hopefully convincing her brother she wasn’t going to do anything foolish, before turning to the group. “So why am I here? Lady Suzanna can help the Queen better with anything Ministry related, and Mary with anything political.”
Suzanna cooed, “You really are the most precious thing. Go on Geordo, convince her.”
Prince Geordo sighed and stepped up close to Katarina, carefully placing her hand on his arm in proper escort position. Looking her straight in the eyes, he said, “You are here because you are going to be my wife after we get married. This is a family meeting that affects all of us, so Mother and Father thought it appropriate for everyone to discuss it together.”
“Ah,” Mary said gently, and laid her hand delicately on Alan’s arm. She glanced at Alan, then back to Geordo, “Is it that time already?”
“No, not quite yet, but it draws ever closer, and we have to consider information that affects that,” Prince Geoffrey said. “No one besides us and Keith Claes know that this meeting is more than individual private dates. Aside from Garlan, no servant is attending us. Mother and Father are waiting for us in Mother’s Tea Room. Not even the most skilled wind magic can eavesdrop in there, so it is where we hold private and essential family meetings. We best not keep them waiting.”
“Well put,” Prince Ian agreed, leading his fiancée out a different door than where keith went. Prince Geoffrey and Lady Suzanna followed, and after a moment, so did Alan and Mary.
“Are you tired? You’re walking slower than normal,” Katarina asked as they fell further behind his brothers.
“I wanted to make sure you understood something before you hear everything,” Prince Geordo said. “I will pick you over being King every time, though I hope you are willing to stick with me and become Queen if that’s the only way to keep Sorcerier politically stable. Do you understand?”
“What? Geordo, I’d make a terrible Queen. I’m not cut out to be royalty at all,” she denied automatically.
“The thing about being royalty, is that you have the power to be whatever kind of royal you wish, and that becomes the standard for what it means to be royal,” he said calmly. “Do you understand?”
“Not really. But aren’t we keeping your parents waiting?” she asked, still not quite ready to address the question of Prince Geordo’s feelings, though the time was growing nearer where she promised to give her answer.
“They can wait, and so can I. I’ll wait however long it takes me to convince you of how wonderful you are and how much I love you,” Prince Geordo said, making her blush. “But since you don’t want to be Queen, I don’t want to be King. Can you understand that much?”
Her eyebrows drew together, “but you’re so perfect, you’d be so good at it! People respect you, they follow what you say, and you’re smart enough to make the right decisions and clever enough to see them through. Threatening enough that people won’t challenge you, and kind enough to make sure no one ever wants to.”
He pressed a kiss to her hand, “You have no idea how much I adore you for saying that,” he said, the closeness making her blush. “But I’m only this good of a person when I have someone to protect and someone to remind me to be kind. If you can’t trust my reasoning right now, trust that I do not want to be king. And trust yourself. Alan and I are going to ask you something, and I want you think hard if it is something you would enjoy and think of nothing else. Promise me that, and we can catch up with the others.”
“I promise,” she said, meeting his eyes. Whether something would be fun is always one of her considerations.
He pulled away and led her the rest of the way to the Queen’s tea room. It was kind of odd that the most private room in the castle was the Queen’s tea room, shouldn’t it be like the state room or the King’s office or something?
Ten chairs were set up and Prince Geordo led her to a pair of chairs between Alan and Lady Selena.
“Thank you all for coming, we apologize for the false pretenses,” the Queen said, standing up to pour tea from a huge teapot. She served everyone there, which was odd, but you didn’t tell the queen what to do in her own tearoom.
Oh, that’s probably what Geordo meant by royalty defining what it means to be royal. Mother would have had her or Keith serve the tea, but the Queen could just say ‘I’m going to serve the tea today’ and everyone has to go along with it. That was kind of cool.
“Please, I’m dying of curiosity,” Suzanna said. “Geordo already hinted that this isn’t the official King’s Choice, so what are we here for?”
And out came the whole long story. And it was a story, like something out of one of her books. A royal ship had gone rogue and was pirating other ships, both from Sorcerie and other nations, captained by a wind mage, Selena’s brother, who had either abruptly turned traitor or was under the influence of dark magic. The political implications damaging Prince Ian and Lady Selena’s reputation international and domestically as a throne candidate, possibly swaying his faction to Prince Geordo or Prince Alan and Mary.
Larna looked enthralled, Selena looked to be on the verge of tears no matter how often everyone affirmed that they didn’t blame her for Katarina’s kidnapping or her brother’s possible betrayal. Mary was perfectly poised, like she was preparing for a test. All the princes looked serious, even Geoffrey, who could come off as a goofball.
“Pardon my forwardness,” Mary said, setting aside her teacup, “But I must ask this question to fully understand the situation. Do any of you princes wish to be King? And Your Majesty, I understand you have delayed picking an heir to allow Prince Geoffrey and Prince Ian to clean up corruption in the court, but please confirm if you intend to pick an heir or if you intend to allow the legislature vote one of your sons into your position.”
“I don’t,” Prince Alan said right off the bat.
“I do not either, though I will if the other option is a civil war because none of us were willing,” Prince Geordo said. “A responsibility, not a desire.”
“It is more a responsibility than a desire for me as well,” Prince Ian said, “Though I am less opposed to it than Geordo. I have long understood that this position might fall to me, and am ready to accept it, though I know I will depend on my brothers’ aid should I assume Kingship.”
“I don’t want it at all,” Prince Geoffrey laughed. “It keeps me from much more interesting and important endeavors, but there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for my brothers, so I’ll do it since none of them want to.”
“Thank you,” Mary nodded, perfectly poised. “And Your Majesty?”
“I would rather not be the one who decides which of my sons bears the burden of the crown,” the King admitted. “Though I am proud that all of them acknowledge it as a duty rather than a prize. I believe it speaks well to our parenting that you all desire happiness over power. When I set this law to prevent the recurrence of the blood bath that heralded my reign, I didn’t realize how difficult this choice would be. I have documents naming my heir in the event of my death that my wife and the Prime Minister have seen, but I intend to let the legislature create a system for selecting the monarch out of the proper generation and family of heirs. I believe it is the most likely path to a continued peace for my family and my country. Also my sons would understand that if they are chosen as heir, it is indeed duty that compels them to the position. Does that satisfy you, Lady Hunt?”
“Yes, it does.”
“What are we going to do to get my brother back? Please, I need to know,” Selena said, holding Prince Ian’s hand. She was so brave! Katarina reached across Geordo’s chair to place a hand on her shoulder, and Selena gave a small smile in gratitude. She pulled back her hand, but Prince Geordo caught it and kissed the back of it, making her blush. He didn’t release her hand, but let it rest between them.
“Obviously we have to recover your brother and the possible black magic user controlling him. We have yet to catch Sara, but I’m not sure about the possible motive she would have,” Lady Suzanna mused, “This seems purposeful. There is something someone is looking for on these ships, it doesn’t seem like one of her experiments.”
“Perhaps the dark magic user was a child slave looking for other slaves,” Prince Geoffrey posited. “We’ve led several raids these past three months, but the nature of dark magic makes it difficult to tell how clean those events were and if someone got away. We also have had trouble working diplomatically with other countries to attack this problem, as they refuse to acknowledge the possibility that they have a problem with magic child slavery since their positions benefit from it.”
“That’s possible, but we should stay open other possibilities,” Suzanna mused. “A magic tool from some of the archeological troves abroad are going to be transported to Sorcier soon for our ministry experts to take look, that makes a fine prize for a dark magic user. Or kingdoms that know certain magic tools can be used by non-magic users might be trying to claim it first. Or the plan is simply to sow dissent among Prince Ian’s faction. As for the plan to resolve this issue, to take down a royal ship it would have to be a small crew on a fast vessel with a lot of power. Wind, Ice, and Fire mages would make up the party preferably, as well as something to counter the possible dark magic and all should be prepared for combat.”
“Those were our thoughts,” the King agreed, “We were hoping to quietly borrow Alexander and to ask Lady Selena to obtain an important personal item of Lord Gaiman to work it. The sea has the advantage over land in that a ship can sail directly as pointed, and wind and water mages with the proper tools and working together make wind and tides no barrier.”
“Consider it done,” Lady Selena said immediately. “And if…if it turns out my brother has turned traitor of his own accord, I swear my house will completely denounce him.”
“Selena,” Ian said reverently, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. “Thank you.”
She was flushed pink. “I could hardly do anything else.”
“We have also offered the opportunity to Geordo and Alan to be on the team that recovers Lord Gaiman,” The Queen said, and Katarina looked at rapidly between the princes beside her.
“What? But to put the princes on such a dangerous mission,” Mary said, frowning. “That seems careless.”
“They both have experience with the aftermath and effects of dark magic, useful and powerful magic to offer, and it might be beneficial politically if they wish to keep from attracting bigger factions. To appear to have abandoned politics when this information comes to light will prevent favor from falling to them.”
Mary frowned, “Prince Alan doesn’t have a faction. I’ve made sure of that.”
“Alan doesn’t, but you do,” Prince Geordo pointed out. “You’ve got blackmail on so many families, they presume you want to be Queen.”
Mary’s eyebrows rose, “It will be a simple matter to dispel that notion. And Prince Geordo’s firmest supporters in neutrality are aware that he does not seek or want the throne and know that Katarina is . . . I think the danger of power shifting is being overstated. If people are foolish enough to misunderstand the nature of dark magic control, which several of their daughters have experienced firsthand, they will push towards the first prince, who has several more years of experience.”
“How wonderful that you will remain here to monitor that shift in opinion,” Prince Geordo said drily. “However, am I to understand that you don’t want me to be sent on a dangerous, several month quest for the good of the kingdom? Or is it just your own fiancé that you protest leaving?”
Mary glanced quickly at Katarina, who shrugged as she wasn’t sure how to feel about what everyone was talking about.
“While I admit it is a wonderful opportunity for you to leave, explore other lifestyles, and gain some needed leadership skills,” Mary said. “It concerns me greatly that your family is considering letting either of you place yourselves in danger due to issues surrounding kingship. I dislike the precedent it sets and the implications about the value of your lives.”
“It’s one ship, one dark mage, we’d have a whole team of the military and ministry’s best helping us,” Alan said. “It isn’t careless. It’s calculated to show that we care. Maybe in the past the royal family has been considered too precious to get our hands dirty, but none of us are that kind of royal and we don’t want to be. I intend to accept the offer to join the mission.”
“I see,” Mary said, looking around, “and you intend to respect his decision.”
“I trust my sons to return to me,” the Queen said. “Including Alan, though I will insist on a light mage accompanying the party to assist with healing and dark magic detection.”
Alan nodded, “I already have a few names in mind. Not Maria,” he said, glancing at Katarina. “She has powerful magic, and experience with dark magic, but she is a liability in a combat situation.”
Well that’s true enough. Part of the reason Maria falls in love with the capture targets is because of all the times she was unable to protect herself. She almost got kidnapped herself at the last International Assembly. Katarina does her best to protect her, but she could see why Prince Alan wouldn’t want Maria on such a long and dangerous quest, even if she is a super cool white mage. Maria is brave enough, but Katarina knows she would be scared.
“I haven’t decided yet,” Prince Geordo admitted, “I can see the benefits of both going and not going. I dislike the idea of leaving Alan by himself, but I dislike the thought of leaving Katarina without my aid more. Lady Selena barely knew us and she knew that I would resign all rights to the throne if you asked or it would keep you safe, I don’t doubt that others are aware as well. Even if the worry is out of proportion, all it would take is one too ambitious noble to make you a target,” he said, squeezing her hand.
He took a deep breath and said, “Remember what I asked in the hallway, think about if this is something you really want, but I would invite you to come with us and be part of the team.”
“How could you—” Mary started to say, but Prince Alan distracted her with a shoulder touch, and Prince Geordo continued over Mary’s attempt at interruptions.
“Your dark magic, sword skills, and persuasion would make a fitting addition to the team. I trust Pochi to help you and to sense dark magic. I would assist in protecting you, of course, while we are abroad, but I won’t lie and say it will be easy.” Prince Geordo explained, never looking away from her eyes. “Many of the comforts you have now would be temporarily suspended, such as your access to sweets, farmland, and romance novels that you can’t carry with you. Anne would be welcome as the ship’s cook and your valet, if you do come. Please tell me if this is something you would like. You would be assigned this job through the ministry, so you would continue to be in their employ.”
“How could you support this decision!” Mary charged Alan.
The Fourth Prince shrugged, “My brother’s underselling it. I was the one that suggested Katarina come with us. Come on,” he said, leaning close to Katarina, “Haven’t you ever wanted to learn if you can climb the mast of a ship as fast as you can climb a tree?”
For a second she saw herself swinging from the edge of the crow’s nest, laughing, and she really, really wanted it. Katarina always wanted to travel, this could be her chance.
“But Lady Katarina, think of the people you will be leaving behind for an unknown amount of time! Myself, your brother, Sophia and Maria, you can’t possibly think of leaving us behind like that!” Mary protested.
“You will also be leaving your mother behind,” Prince Geordo pointed out. “She won’t be able to scold you for anything you do on the ship, and you will be free to act as you please. Keith will have the chance to grow up without you watching out for him all the time, as will Maria and Sophia. Mary will be busy handling politics, and we will keep you safe so you can return to see them again. It is a very adult decision you have to make here, but I will support whatever decision you make.”
But if she chooses to stay, Geordo will stay too, leaving Alan with a bunch of strangers to track down the dark mage.
“I find myself inclined to volunteer for this mission,” Lady Randall offered, eyes gleaming. “That would continue to limit the number of those who are aware of the rouge ship, and my presence will not affect our reputation as I am often absent on jobs for the ministry. I have several magic tools that I have been unable to test on land. As a powerful wind mage and a member of the Ministry, I believe I fit the criteria.”
Katarina could already see Raphael weeping over handling the magic tool requisition forms without Lady Larna.
Prince Geoffrey and Lady Suzanna shared some kind of secret message with their eyes, before the eldest prince broke into a wide smile. “I support my fiancée taking this trip completely. None better to handle Chaos afoot. Until the rumor breaks, I’ll redouble my diplomacy efforts to see about rooting out the slavery trade abroad. I must stay to handle the nobles of my faction, but I’ll feel much better letting you handle this issue personally, my dear.”
“We’ll be able to spin the tale of which of us is credited with the capture to our liking if Lady Randall is part of the party,” Prince Geordo said. “It would be coupled with the reveal of Lady Larna and Lady Randall, but could be powerful to give this win to Geoffrey if whispered in the right ears or supported with an award for services to the crown. Or we could credit this win to the Ministry, with all of us in support, changing the dialog of power factions to between Ian and the Ministry, rather than between brothers.”
“If Selena and I are the only ones present in Court as a united front,” Ian strategized, “We might be able to keep from opinion swaying too far out of our favor, no matter if her brother’s identity is revealed.”
“Stop,” Mary said. “We have yet to hear Lady Katarina accept this in any way. Do not make plans for her consent, the pressure is unfair.”
“Quite right,” Prince Geordo said, turning back to her. “May we hear your thoughts, Dearest?”
To go on a ministry trip/overseas adventure with Alan and Geordo and Lady Larna, to track down pirates using dark magic and be free from her mom and give Keith a chance to grow without her. But Keith would grow without her, and Mary and Maria and Sophia would too and she wouldn’t see it. But if she didn’t go, then Prince Alan wouldn’t have Prince Geordo at his back, and she’d be stuck with extra security because of politics she didn’t completely understand and she could do something weird that would mess everything up. People already called her a saintess for some reason, what if she did something to convince them she would make a good queen? (And she didn’t want even think about what her mother would say about that.)
“When would we leave?” Katarina asked.
“Soon as possible, tomorrow evening,” Prince Alan said. “We’ll take a carriage overnight to get us to Westbeach, and set sail the following morning.”
“That’s really fast,” Katarina said uncertainly.
“Exactly. You wouldn’t be able to tell your family or friends what you were doing, could you really leave them like this?” Mary asked.
“She already can’t tell them about the stuff she does for the Ministry,” Prince Alan pointed out. “There isn’t anything special about this, except for how long she’ll be gone.”
“Which could be months!”
While Mary and Alan argued, she watched Prince Geordo. Whatever she said, this affected him too, since he’d do what she wanted. It was hard to tell, but Katarina had known him longer than any of her other friends, and knew he wanted to go. He wanted to be there for Alan. He wanted her there too.
He said she should pick whatever she wanted, but what she wanted was her friends to be happy and safe.
“Did everyone else approve of their plans to asked Lady Katarina?” Mary asked the rest of the room. “The Claes family will be vicious should something happen to her.”
“I suspected it, when they asked to talk about this between themselves,” Prince Geoffrey said. “I am fine with it. As mentioned, we are not sending Katarina into a more dangerous situation than we are sending my brothers and fiancee into. I believe the Claes would approve the philosophy and respect that Katarina is an adult woman who can make her own choices.”
“Katarina is one of the bravest, strongest, and kindest people I know,” Lady Selena said, her voice soft but her tone strong, “I would trust her to treat my brother right, and to come home safe with him.”
“We presented this as a test for our children,” the King said, glancing at his wife, “to see how they would confront a challenge. We will support their decision and allow them to deal with the consequences of their actions. It is the only way to let your children grow, Lady Hunt. Something you will understand one day for yourself.”
“I agree with my husband, though my heart longs for me to agree with you, Lady Hunt,” the Queen said sadly. “I wish my children safe and unharmed, but I cannot clip their wings when the world demands they fly. This way they fly free by their own choice and not someone else’s. They offer Lady Claes the same opportunity, which Lady Claes has earned by her own independence in working at the ministry in the first place.”
Her own choice. Free. Living on a ship, no mother or Keith to tell her how to behave. Just Prince Alan, who lets her go with a laugh, and Prince Geordo, who is easy enough to convince with the right smile. She’s not scared for her safety, Prince Geordo and Prince Alan totally had Plot Armor, and there were no doom flags with Maria back on the mainland.
Yes, it would be hard to go without sweets or novels, but she was already a working girl. This was part of it. Or, it would have been part of it in her last life. She probably wouldn’t have gone to college like two of her brothers, but she would have gone out to live on her own after getting a job. Here in Sorciere, the culture was that she would move directly from her parents house to her husband’s house, no time to be independent and just live on her own terms like she had always imagined being an adult would be like.
A real adventure where doom flags don’t come from fate, but from not being skilled enough.
Freedom tastes like wind and salt water.
“Of course I want to go! Leave it to me!” Katarina said with a smile.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
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Daww, this is so cute! We got a big ol happy certified sweetie Kawamatsu hanging out with Hiyori and some cranes. I’m loving the teahouse setting, especially a nicer one with grass growing again. That’d actually be a pretty cool party trick if Hiyori could keep an oragami aloft with a folding fan. The more I think of these two the more I think of Wano’s penchant for parallel stories and why Kawamatsu sought out Ringo to commit seppuku. Yeah, makes sense if 13yo Kiku missing Izo was not unlike younger Hiyori. I could see a guy like Kawamatsu really taking it poorly if he already had baggage about not being able to snap his big sis out of a funk and that old wound resurfaced with Hiyori putting him first again. Let’s forget that though, best Kappa is smiling and entertained. You know, if you get Kin’emon drunk enough he can keep that bird in the air too...
I’ve had my fun. This is still the 1080 Musings. We wanna talk about how much this crane motif rears its majestic head within as well?
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Ooh, big Blackbeard chapter. Pairs nicely with Shanks, and with a dash of Koby to make this as deeply atavistic in this series as we can. First off, we’ve talked about that “Part 2″ or sho wrapping up recently. This is two chapters now that don’t feature the Straw Hats after leaving off on a rather dire cliffhanger. Yeah, feels like an Act Break without the curtains right? First one with Law growing boobies was half a chapter same as between 1/2. This one feels a lot like the extended segment between 2/3. Next chapter might be a little more of the world or we might slip back into Egghead proper, who knows? But I wouldn’t be shocked at all to see us return to an advanced story. Scrambling to get out of there. Thing about “part 3″ of a Kishotenketsu plot though...ten by design should be a jarring shift.
Not to undermine the substance of Blackbeard & Co’s. story though. It’s...all about infighting, too much sheer power, rushing into things. In contrast with Koby being selfless, looking out for the common people, and so cutely humble. Not to mention this reputation as a hero. It’s all over, we’re deepening the ties between SWORD & Thriller Bark characters through Perona. All while Drake remains the unfired Chekov’s Gun. Interestingly, and making for a great potential tie to the post-Act 1 break, using a very “Wano” trick we can now ascertain which of the BBs is there at Egghead. Some combination of Kuzan, Lafitte, and Catarina Devon. The Crescent Moon Hunter is obviously the one I’m most interested in. Opens up another fun mechanical way to play with these themes, whether or not they directly include Kiku somehow.
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This is where my mind goes when you have a copycat impostor thing going on. Yeah Bon was fun but they knew about him. This is from Yu Yu Hakusho again, start of Chapter Black. Yusuke had to pick who was the copy. That’s it. You could even make Jinbei suss it out and give him a good moment but it’s perfect for a newbie to show they belong. If you have something like I’ve suggested for Kiku though, it could work just as well in reverse. We the reader know the threat. Catarina corners say...Nami while impersonating Franky. Acts sus, easy smoke out right? “Hey! See the newbie around?” “Oh Jin--” ZAP! Either way, Catarina interests me because of how she factors into that cutaway right after Act 1 and meeting Kiku. Blackbeard is always a foil for Luffy, so there’s definitely a reason we’re seeing themes like infighting and making the same mistakes as Rocks. But now...our main event!
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This girl is rocketing up the Blorbo Rankings. Combat pacifist with Vegapunk’s flower gun? Being all coy about radiating that wife energy? Lance Corporal Bearington back there guarding some peach cobbler and sweet tea for Koby? Remember when we saw Stussy/Sentomaru side-by-side, noted how they’re both like if you made one of Kiku’s halves a whole person? Yeah...so for SWORD we have this sweetie next to cutesy dominatrix Kujaku doubling up on both crane & peacock nods! Hibari’s a lark by the way, and her name means Skylark. Check out the fan theory more popular in Japan about some noteworthy similarities between her and Akainu though. That’s compelling...especially since Akainu is one of the big reasons Luffy needs to be composed. Either way, yeah Kujaku & Hibari together give me that same vibe as Sento/Stussy. I’d dare say even closer, but maybe that’s because of the actual crane here.
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Prince Grus! Grus meaning “crane” in Latin. First, Glorp-Glorp Fruit is amazing Viz. And the lil golem is so cute! Maybe you could say something about how the golems are a little like Basil Hawkins’s power, which was always antithetical to the virtue Kiku’s story displays, but here it’s obviously a lot more benign. Main thing to me though is look at how coordinated SWORD are in contrast to Kidd/Blackbeard. This was a hitjob and a damn effective one. Setting up Garp for the easy layup. I love this as a thematic contrast to what’s going on in the main arc! I’ll just say it too, SWORD’s gonna be a favorite if they keep this up.
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Thread wanted:
Hostage situation. Both direct and more indirect situations would work. Like Nunnally is kidnapped (as an individual or in a larger group? targeted or accidental victim?) or she is actually a hostage in a royal setting. A princess sent away to the enemy/hostile kingdom to ensure the peace (obedience?) between the states. With or without arranged marriage in the background. The latter do can be also done in the mafia verse as I can imagine similar setting for the competing gangs. I really would like to explore the Stockholm syndrome more as that was the original idea for Nunnally, but, somehow, got missed a bit.
Building on that arranged marriage tropes (both for royal, mafia even perhaps human verse?). I really like this trope as it can go many different directions from fluff to angst and all the way round. But what I really want here is a bigger mess. Like Nunnally is betrothed to one man and in (mutual?) love in another. Like older and younger brother? A king and a knight? A mob boss and a hitman? Anything goes from both or one angle.
Then reincarnation plot…but not really and I do not have a good verse on that. But imagine Nunnally is thought to be (but is not) the reincarnation of someone’s lover/beloved wife? Preferably a king? Someone in the position of power. So that she cannot easily brush it off. Her family forcing her to pretend she is the one? A risky game? Or maybe not a king but an unnatural being? A demon? And then she actually falling in love while he realizes she is not the one. Or he is actually accepting her feelings even if she is not the one? There is such a great potential in it.
A disinherited princess? The only daughter of the deceased King who was deprived of her heritage. Managed to run away and now trying to get back the kingdom. With someone looking for the revenge on her distant family/usurpers? Another Lord who wants to use her to get into the power and throne? Or perhaps someone who believes in justice? Or perhaps she did not manage to escape and is forced into the marriage for securing the throne? Someone to rescue her? Running away together?
Witness protection programme (there is a verse for it) Nunnally got herself involved into the wrong kind of love (marriage). With the gang boss. But she could not adjust to living in the criminal world and decided to leave (still loving or not that person). So, she is covered under the witness protection programme. Could work with the agent protecting her? Her lawyer? The prosecutor? A hitman sent to kill her? Or a gang member she run away with? A member of another gang wanting to use the situation? Or if you’re adventurous, how about being her lover/husband and having the mixture of angst and fluff?
Would also like to write something in the Victorian settings…but no clear ideas here.
True! The above is messy, but these are more like ideas/settings I have and would like to explore. Happy to plot it further, adjust, swap roles? Give it a like if you are interested in something or drop into my DM or discord.
I am open to other ideas as Nunnally is really flexible and I love exploring new things. Plotting and chatting about our muses. And I do not mind how many threads we have ongoing. We can have another one or simply steer our current ones into something similar. 
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moralina · 2 years
Hello :) Can I request a stranger things ship? I’m a bi female. I’m relaxed, comfortable, and slow. Love painting, drawing, art. I’m really interested in psychology and neuroscience, and why people like/dislike the things they do. Dress in dark, oversized, velvety clothing and have flushed cheeks and caramel hair. Keep writing - you’re real good at it :) Thanks.
Thank you, sweets! Well, I've never done one of these before, so it's a new experiment :)
I ship you with Eddie!
First of all, eddie gives off bi wife energy, right? Right??
He loves your artsy stuff. He's the first one to see every drawing you make because you trust him enough and he's definitely your number #1 muse. You're the one behind corroded coffin's logo. The minute he saw how talented you were he asked you to make the art for his band, and everyone was mesmerized by what you came up with.
His friends were your friends too, they were all sweet boys and if Eddie trusts you then well, they trust you too.
Oh and he's so so proud of every single thing you do. He's the best hype man ever.
He definitely let's you paint his clothes/shoes btw. He says it brings life to them and he can always have something to remind him of you even if you're not close.
He's obsessed with D&D and you're obsessed by his obsession. Like his mind just fixates on it. He takes his role as the DM very seriously and the moment he's in character you won't be able to pull him from that. That's why you take every chance you get to see him and the rest of the hellfire boys playing. It's an experience on itself.
If you smoke his favorite thing to do with you is lay in his bed and share a blunt, while he softly play his guitar with your head on his shoulders. If you don't then a lazy day with only you and his music is enough, and maybe watching a good horror movie (or a chick flick if you love those, because let's be honest, eddie wouldn't know how to say no to you)
We all know he's an interesting boy. Hyperactive, no sense of personal space and easily distracted. All things that drove you to him, because while most people in Hawkins high looked dull, he was the one standing out, pulling you towards him.
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Also, side note: i definitely see robin having a crush on you. Every time she sees you at school her eyes go into 'heart-eye mode' and eddie's like "hey, eyes on me, Buckley! That's my girl."
You're all good friends though, you also helped Robin build up enough confidence to go talk to Vickie and now you all go on double dates together.
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。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ ☆。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
A/n: first time doing this, i really tried 😭 it's good to write something eddie related, i miss my boy <3
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badheart · 2 years
oh gosh, you now have ocs! so cool! Tell me what made you make them? your inspirstion? 🥰
shh don’t tell em *casually sneaked them onto my blog*  these aren’t my first OC’s tho, but definitely ones, where I finally properly rp them 🥰 but also thx to my gf, and friend - cause if I didn’t have anyone to interact with, then they would just catch dust ahaha. 
For some reason I am very interested in the Yakuza. And at this point I don’t remember fully why or how it happened. But I am also biased towards Japanese culture (but also others) cause my own is um... there ain’t much, or nothing really old that plays still a huge role nowadays. 
Anyway, with that is the base set, basically the crime scene in Japan. And I really always wanted to interact with a police themed OC (but personally I have never spotted someone, except an detective in the past, who is sadly not active anymore), cause I like when two different sides clash, considering Kugo ain’t the most good person. And there is a series called Gi.ri/Haj.i on netflix, which was about a japanese detective, who had to find his yakuza brother in london, and it was very nice to see the culture differences, the stories of the side characters, anyway this series gave me lots of inspiring content. Jiro my yakuza, is even snatched out of the series, and now filled with hc’s. Jin my police oc, is heavily based on the protagonist. 
And there was also the big desire to write more about mature / adult themes, which I don’t get to explore all with Kugo, and my friends were luckily interested too. With Jiro I can explore the gang-life or finally a more bad guy, also a toxic relationship with his ex-gf. Then there is Jin, who is overworked, a family man, but honestly close to a divorce, not every marriage is meant for forever, but neither him or his wife has fully accepted it yet. Also some police work, with which I can bug all my mutuals who play crime-themed muses. Futaba is another bias, I finally get to rp a tall woman haha, but also another cop, but this time corrupt (aka exploring also the many bad sides of the police), she is also bit of a way of coping with everything going on, as I also explore war, and political topics with her, since she is very interested in that stuff and can hold some extreme opinions. 
Anyway I got myself a bunch of flawed muses, which hold many bad but also good sides, it is a nice mix I missed seeing in the rpc, since a lot don’t explore dark themes beyond death. It offers so much to explore, but also an unholy amount of research... 
I can give an example (with Kugo), how far my interest goes with more realistic topics. Ofc I don’t expect a Shonen Manga to point out those kind of consequences (for that I have rp), but not many realize that Ichigo basically killed a human being, and while Kugo had manipulated his family and all through his friend’s help, is it still justified to take his life? Why not prison, why not just a good ass-kicking? Ideally Ichigo should have called the police, and let them handle Kugo, but he took himself the right to judge himself - committing a crime as well, which was not even fully self-defense (ofc no easy case with the supernatural parts), but Kugo originally just wanted to leave, but Ichigo insisted on getting his powers back, and revenge (after getting his powers from the Shinigami). And even when Tsukishima died, Ichigo kept going, even though there was no more any reason to fight Kugo, his family & friends were free from Tsuki’s powers. 
Ichigo really became a killer / murderer in this moment, even though no one was really harmed of his friends (just total emotional roller coaster, which ofc is not okay either, not trying to deny this here) In our world this would have meant court and everything, and then there is also Ginjo’s family, who in canon is maybe still alive or not, either way... damn. One can question the morals, the possible consequences (or lack of) quite a lot here, and I find that very interesting and love to confront other muses with it. After all, Kugo’s world still plays in our modern one, and ofc there are laws in their country, which Ichigo ignored. 
I am biased, since Tite offered only a little bit about the possible turmoil in Ichigo’s mind or what his friends possibly think of him after this event, ... fuck I sure would not take it easy if my friend murdered another human being. But again yeah SHONEN MANGA... no expectations asdfgh.
But it is definitely nice that I can touch on those topics in rp. 👀
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selfshippinglover · 2 years
I’m thinking about Actor Mark could easily be considered my inserts/Ci’s 505 of sorts. cause like, a 505 is:(as described by urban dictionary)
The thing that is simultaneously keeping you alive and killing you, often used to describe a person who you're in love with, but, may be bad for you.
(this is long lmao)
And like, she has put everything into him since they met back as children. Like, he spent her childhood hoping to be his muse and pushing him to continue on with storytelling and acting. In her teens years she continued helping him chase his roles, dreams, muses, anything and everything he wanted all while falling  harder in harder. Don’t get me wrong, She did pursue her own interests as well(she’s Damien secretary until poker night after all!) but ultimately helping him was one of her three top priorities and she didn’t mind missing things she wanted and/or deemed to be personally important to do it. He barely had to protest to get her to agree. 
All the while she would find his breath catching over the person that she put up with(she really cares about Dames, William, and Mark so what choice does she have?) but can’t seem to really connect with.(outside of caring for the gang I suppose) As the two get closer that feeling starts become more of one and envy and even loathing at times....and then they got married.(whoo)
Haha oh MAN she was a WRECK when the news gotten broken to her. Mark had come to her high as a kite and excited invited her to the wedding. She smiled and shared in his excitement but as soon as he walked out to go tell someone else she just broke down honestly. A good three hour cry. Mourning everything she hadn’t done with him and how he was now slipping away too. Sure, it was inevitable that he would ask but damn if she wasn’t sure Celine would accept. Sometimes, she honestly wasn’t sure that she even loved him. But the marriage was in a weeks time and she had to pull herself together for everyone’s sake. So, she helps with the planning and nods along to any of his ideas with a smile on her face and something stinging her yes.
And then the wedding night comes. An absolutely gorgeous events with amazing food, table settings, party favors, decorations, everything!(Benjamin really had fun helping to set it all up :)) And as Mark gives his speech and gets down on one knee, as he looks up at her like the moon complimenting the sun, she decides right then and there that these feelings need to die. Well, less a decision and more an overwhelming feeling that would take hold shortly after. She’s for their night with them through ti all but sneaks off(as she usually would do at his extravagant parties) for some air when needed.
The month that proceeds it is a hellish and the month after that is even worse. Eventually, though, Damien hooks her up with a blind date via someone he knew and ran into again recently in college. It’s uhh, a nice distraction. Each person after that is the same in that way. Smiling faces, open hearts, thirsty, vulnerable, longing....but it always ends the same. They reach out for her hand and she feels tension. They go to kiss her and all she can see is Mark’s red lips reflected in a lit mirror. Someone flirts with her? All she can picture is the smirk that would play on his lips and bleed into his eyes when he was messing with her. And she really tried to push through it! (It felt awful to do so but she had try if Dames was going through all the trouble to worry and help her) She really did but it was also too obvious, or maybe too little? Somehow, they would always come to the conclusion that she wasn’t ready or didn’t feel as strongly or there could even be someone else......
And after the 10th failure of an attempt at an actual relationship, she finds herself at another Mark mansion party. Tired, beaten down, and defeated. Watching him laugh and smile with his brother, his friends, his wife, she makes a decides that maybe, just once it’s okay to try something else. A different kind of a cure for a newly opened ache. Mark invites everyone to drink and for the first time in years she smiles, joining in the toasting! Everyone is excited and curious and slipping into the drink all so fast she can barely keep up! She’s not sure how many shots it takes but eventually she’s definitively there. Swaying on her feet, slurred speech and cheeks flushed pink in what seems like a permanent fixture. But as always, she finds herself heading out on to the mansion’s balcony seeking out the view that nowhere else she’d ever been could provide her. Mark follows after her. Now that she was intoxicated, maybe she’d actually allow the company? Or well, any company that wasn’t Damien.
“Oh, hey Damien.” she smiles quietly, clinging to the balcony railing. Mark chuckles and waves, putting on a softer tone than usual. (He could pretend to be Damien if that’s what it would take.) She starts to go into detail about the stars and the fact that she could see so many and the constellations Mark was graced with viewing every night in his secret forest hideaway. He plays along, laughing, playing the part of Damien.....and then she says something that takes him off guard. Suddenly, she’s talking to him very casually about the crush she won’t speak to anyone about out loud.(except Damien apparently lmaooo) She gets this look in her yes, soft, sure, longing deep as the ocean as she calls the man standing a mere 5 feet away brighter than any star she was enjoying the privilege of seeing only a little while earlier. Mark finds himself a bit taken aback, something warm swelling in his chest( a feeling that he hasn’t felt with Celine in months) while Ci finds her eyelids getting heavy. The two sit togther for a long moment in relative quiet as Cici thanks Damien for always putting up with her when she was like this” (how many times had she talked to Damien about him??) before passing out while leaning on his shoulder. He carries her to a guest bedroom, looking at her for a long moment before leaving her to rest, ignoring that warm feeling. In the morning she doesn’t remember anything of the night before and decides that she’s NOT doing that again.(God, the headache!) Mark keeps the knowledge of last nights events to himself and returns to his normal friendly routine but finding himself teasing her even worse than usual. It’s a bit more targeted now that he’s armed with the understanding of how things actually are. His ego is through the fucking roof and she’s finding it harder not to tell him despite everything. Things continue on in a dance of Mark hoping she’ll come out with it already so they can really talk and she fights every breathless moment with crumbling logic and an unsatisfied feeling in her gut.
Time goes on and we get to the cheating part and uh, oh booy she walked in on them at the mansion......and immediately rushed to tell Mark. Everything spirals downhill from there so fast its hard to truly keep track of sometimes. In the end, she’s the only one that comes to aid Mark when he falls into that depression in the mansion. The only one to stay at his side no matter how much push and pull was involved. no matter how much he said he didn’t need anyone or tried to have the servants throw her out. She took a vacation when he finally broke down to her help and stayed with him. Some other night in the mansion, Mark gets drunk and tells her about what really happened that night at the party. He starts saying that he was wrong about Celine and he couldn’t see what was right in front of him. On and on and on and she just chops it up to the drink(she ain’t gonna be his one night stand) and makes him aware that regardless of her feelings she can’t believe him like that. Hurt and scared and tired. No matter how badly she wants to, it’s just not right.
idk apparently i just wanted to describe some more shit but in a world where Mark doesn’t feel the same loving him is like willingly choosing to suffocate herself so djhs(thank GOD that’s not how it goes lhdflhg)
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Miller's girl
I decided to watch the movie tonight while I'm drawing and sort of live-comment or come back here and share my thoughts about it. This isn't Twitter, but I'll make it work and somehow make it seem like a thread tweet. I adore Jenna Ortega to the extent that I'm not sure if I want her or want to be her. This is a question that crosses the mind of every woman attracted to another woman. So far, this feels like something straight out of a Wattpad 'deep girl' fanfiction. Well, ladies and gentlemen, Cairo Sweets is definitely a Tumblr girly. "Lonely girl longs to be loved. Books make longing to seem romantic, but it's awful. It's greedy, and I wear longing like a fucking veil.'" I quite like this quote, but just in the moment. You know some quotes you read them at first. You find meaning in them, but the more you read it, you realize how stupid it.
Well, well, I never thought I would say this, but Martin Freeman looks quite handsome here, but I don't feel any charisma from him. Squid said that he looks like a realistic fanfic teacher. My dear girl, you are quite right.
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A beard can make most men look hotter. This is the same guy from Lord of the Rings and Love Actually. Cairo, sweetie, I get it now. I would strive to become the teacher's pet too. Love Actually was a bizarre mess of a movie that I quite enjoyed. I miss those 2000s movies. I kind of see where the movie is going. It's going to be about a teacher and his student crossing the line, and that is because his wife isn't satisfying him, and she is quite mean because she is quite honest and a go-getter, and he is not. Biggest eye roll, and of course, that's how they showcase her in the movie. So yeah, another film trying to justify cheating and make us not sympathize with the wife. Funny how he called her vile at the end. My opinion, all of them are vile to some level. Ugh, hate this. Moving on... "He sees you even though you hide in plain sight." Same opinion about the previous quote. 'A madman's love'... God, I'd give anything to feel that. What muse could inspire this deranged yearning, to inspire, to be so inspired. Could we be that to each other?... It is like a sugar cube under the tongue. I want your attention." I love this quote, but again, can't we fucking have a good teacher-student relationship that doesn't involve cheating? I know a couple, but they are decent and not like this crap. If only this movie didn't involve cheating, it wouldn't have irked me so much. I don't mind the age gap of the actors; both are adults and of legal age. I don't like this one bit. I just have no respect for a girl who goes after a person just for fun, knowing they are married, no matter how much his marriage sucks. I mean, he is also pathetic in the situation, the blind guiding the blind. At this point, just go jump over a hill. Completely unrelated, but I can't stop thinking about Winnie's shoes in the scene where she is on top of Mr. Miller's desk. I need to find them. Her writing screams Wattpad fanfiction, and yes, that is not a compliment. It is just bad pretense, deep wannabe erotic writing. The dialogue is just excruciatingly painful. I do love pain, but this one is just extreme. Oh, this is just sad. I love the fantasy that she wrote, but really I can't overlook the bad writing and Martin's acting. Jenna is great though.
I liked the overlaying of their dialogue. That was nice. I don't know if I would like reading the whole script more than watching the movie. Just why the fuck do they pick up and drop the accent, this is so annoying. I love how confrontational Cairo is in that scene. "You can't blur the lines and suddenly set a boundary when I decide to cross it." Oh sweet Cairo, how wrong you are. This is also the stupidest argument I have heard today. "You thought you were going to be somebody? Right? Overreaching without ambition. Do you know what that means? It means you weren't brave enough to be better. It means you are deliberately impotent. It means that you, Jonathan Miller, are mediocre." Here, however, Cairo is right. He is just an excuse of a pathetic man, letting life walk all over him and doing nothing about it, and finding excuses, searching for a thrill but not executing it right. A blinded man. There is nothing more pathetic than someone always using the circumstances around them to justify their choices. For example, just because you had a shitty upbringing doesn't justify for an instance having a shitty character or shit behavior. A lot of people grew up in shit holes and that not for a second prevents someone from being a decent human being. At the end of the day, we are all human capable of making choices, and if someone ends up making a bad choice, they are aware of that and all they have to do is acknowledge it.
Jenna's acting is fantastic. This guy is stuck in a loveless marriage. I don't know why people let themselves stay in such agonizing marriage. I don't understand these relationships where communication is basically non-existent. People would rather stay sad and together than confront and maybe get better. Bunch of cowards. The only person I feel bad for in the movie is Winnie. She is rather volatile but didn't deserve to be played with like that. However, she is the person who sparked the idea, so not that innocent after all.
Whoever is playing Mrs. Miller is extremely hot despite being drunk 95% of the movie xD. The confrontation from his wife topnotch. Whoever has sympathy for this man is an utter idiot. Here, the last passage is good. That was decent. No, I take that back; I think I only said that because I was like "fucking finally this shit writing is about to end". "In the end, I ultimately understood our mutual naivete; my trust, his arrogance exposed us to the caprices of society and rendered us defeated, suddenly alone in separate camps. What will become of us? Will he measure himself an unwilling participant, falsely banished and beggared, with no job, no wife, no forgiveness, or will he be brave enough to accept his complicity in a way that is meaningful, a way that changes him like it has changed me? The answer evades me. I wanted to experience something I didn't understand; I reached for it and was made a fool by my own childish notion of love. But where was my error? Was it in the reaching or the wanting? Is this what it is to be an adult? The same exquisite longing of adolescence but with the burden of constant accountability, no excuses to be made for your choices, for they are yours alone. I cannot say whether or not I am grateful for the experience, for the knowledge. The levity of youth has been ripped from me like skin, and exposed as I am, so raw and open, I can feel it shaping me into something new: hero, villain, writer, grown from the human ruins for a madman's love."
Look, this is two people that mistake their story as forbidden love, because she is a student and he is a teacher, she young and he is old. It would have been the case if this fucker wasn't married. Those two are just two delusional idiots driven by lust. This is not a love story, this is stupidity.
So this is a review I found and wanted to share. "What starts as a manipulation game on Cairo's part turns into genuine affection, and what starts as sheer academic intrigue on Miller's part turns into longing desire. What complicates things is that both characters are sympathetic; you can see why they act the way they do, and you're left wondering, is this wrong or is this okay?" You can never justify something that is morally wrong; you can just live with it. I honestly believe I would have something positive to say about this movie if it didn't involve cheating. I like the complexity of a relationship with someone younger and old. I like the mentor and mentee trope; however, it should be done right, in the sense where it's morally right, but also you can write a story about two morally wrong people like in 'Les Liaisons Dangereuses,' but it needs to be good writing, and this one doesn't have one or the other. In conclusion, the movie is trying too hard that you just want to throw a shoe at it. I can see the idea behind it, but the execution is just plain bad; the writing is bad. I think I would have loved the movie if I put it on mute and just watched because at least it is pretty to look at. It is pretty. Plain pretty.
Something that I hate with new writers is when they want to make you believe an idea that is false, like Cairo being a talented writer and then not showing it. I mean, you can't make a character smarter than you actually are. If you are a mediocre writer, no matter how much you say your character is, your character will always seem as mediocre.
I would like to add more but tumblr is not letting me.
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