#setting the standards one fictional man at a time <3
cryptotheism · 5 months
wtf even is hermeticism? I heard of a comic book that showcases hermeticism, and it turns out it was mostly cabala and some stuff about higher dimensions, and the fuzzy line between stories and reality.
The thing about the fuzzy line between stories and reality cropped up in a youtuber's analysis of a different comic book series that revolved around hermeticism, like empowering yourself by telling a story.
Is it like, tricking reality into being a different way by acting on the basis of the Nous?? Is that how Hermes Trismegistus became a god, by ascending to and becoming one with the Nous/Monad/whatever?
If he never existed, the stories about him created him, on the basis of the Nous?
Hermetica is a body of ancient texts attributed to Legendary Sage Hermes Trismegistus. They're extremely difficult to date, and you see guesses anywhere from the 4th century BCE to the 4th century CE.
Hermeticism is quite eclectic. It exists as a blend of Greek, Egyptian, and Jewish, and other north-African mythologies and philosophies all rolled into one. The important thing to remember, is that Trismegistus is portrayed as being the source of all wisdom ever forever. All knowledge came from him. Everything cool or interesting about Egyptian, Greek, or Jewish theology is supposed to be his doing.
Hermeticism is a blend of several different religious currents that would be difficult to summarize in a tumblr post, but Hermetic doctrine is honestly less important than HOW Hermeticism syncretizes these disparate currents into a single theology. Its VERY good at sniffing out similarities between theologies, and gluing them together. Additionally, it really likes math. Hermeticism is really good at using math and science to reinforce its mythology.
So when people say "Hermetic" they generally mean one of three things:
1 - Classical Hermetica, as in the ancient body of work attributed to Hermes Trismegistus.
2 - Renaissance Hermetica. The theology was lost for a hot minute, and reintroduced to Europe in the 15th century via a weird Italian named Ludovico Lazzarelli. This was the first guy to identify as a "Hermetic Christian." (There were also some Islamic mystics around the 8th-10th century who really liked Hermetica, but they're oddballs even by the standards of Islamic mystics. #isma-ilimoment)
3 - "Neo-Hermeticism" This is the version of Hermetica that came back in the 17th-18th century. This is where you got folks like the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, who rediscovered just how good Hermetic theology was as a conceptual mortar. They just went hog-wild with it. That's where you get "Hermetic Quabbala." Europe at the time had just seen an explosion of interest in ancient Egypt, and thats why a lot of Quabbalistic texts have a bunch of Egyptian stuff.
So the stuff about higher dimensions and the lines between reality and fiction? That sounds like 1970s Chaos Magic, which itself was highly influenced by Hermetica, specifically Neo-Hermeticism.
As for the nature of Trismegistus himself, even classical Hermetica has like nine different backstories for him. Depending on the text, hes Hermes, Thoth, a combination of Hermes and Thoth, a normal sage who was very wise, a man who achieved godhood, the tutor of Moses, etc, etc. There's no set mythology for Trismegistus beyond "Legendary Sage of Sages."
I'm gonna plug my patreon here because I'm writing about Trismegistus in an alchemical context on Patreon right now.
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andreal831 · 3 months
Do you consider Elijah to be redeemable?
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It depends what you mean by redeemable.
If we are talking in terms of TVDU standards, sure. If we are talking in terms of normal standards for redemption, probably not.
In TVDU, there's this expression everyone likes to use, "they aren't evil, just broken." I hate this expression. Very few people in life or in fiction are straight evil because it is not very compelling. Villains with tragic backstories give complexity to the story. If you look at the vast majority of villains in any fiction, they will have origin stories that make them behave the way they do. But this doesn't excuse their evil acts. Which is why I hate the expression. Sure, they weren't born that way and we can blame whatever events made them that way, but until the character/writers take accountability, redemption is not possible.
A redemption arc needs a fleshed out character with a lot of dimension. Aka a good backstory with complex plots throughout with internal/external conflicts, accountability, and change of behavior. The Mikaelsons are set up decently for redemption arcs since the more dramatic/terrible their origin story is, the more likely people will root for them. That's why we see so many characters who honestly haven't done nearly as many bad things as the main characters get less chances from the audience for redemption. There needs to be something to make the audience sympathize with why they are behaving that way. It's also why we often see villains with tragic childhoods, because what tugs on the heartstrings more than seeing a broken child who can't protect themselves so they learn to be evil so they will never be hurt again.
Elijah has a good backstory, at least if you are paying attention to him. Some of his backstory gets lost in Klaus since the show focuses so hard on him. But Elijah canonically grew up in an abusive household. He was pretty neglected and given a lot of responsibility at a young age. He was also growing up in a very different time and likely didn't learn proper ways to cope with life/emotions. His brother dies and then his father kills him. He's then forced to turn into a vampire and loses the woman he loves and the future he hoped for. This is all just the first 1% of his life. Throughout his life, he is dealing with his siblings, his vampirism, losing people, being betrayed by the people he loves, etc. This all creates a pretty sympathetic villain. Especially when you look at his motivations.
Elijah's motivations change a bit throughout the shows. In TVD, he really comes across as a family man. He is ready to kill Klaus for what he did to their siblings and is constantly trying to reunite with all of them (including Finn and Kol). Now when we go over to TO, his motivation seems to revolve around Klaus and Hope with Rebekah not far behind. His motivations help with his redemption, even if his limited focus in TO is annoying. Killing for the thrill of it is harder to redeem than killing for the protection of family. While it doesn't make it okay, most people can understand the reasoning. I've said it before, I don't defend Elijah for all of his actions, but at the same time, I can't say most people wouldn't do anything to protect their families.
Unlike a lot of the Mikaelsons, Elijah does seem to take some accountability for his actions. He knows what he is. He's not proud of it and feels deep guilt for his actions. The issue we get into with Elijah is we don't see a lot of positive change of behavior. He has a moral code, one that was much stricter in TVD, and continues to get blurred the more his is pushed into a corner. I often blame the writers for switching out his personality traits with Klaus in order to build Klaus' redemption because we do see Klaus become more family focused and less blood thirsty in season 3/4 while Elijah seems to go off the rails, killing anything he perceives to be a threat (like a certain paranoid hybrid we know). The writers do this because, again, Elijah is the more redeemable of the two. Klaus's motivations have always held him back for that. It's hard to redeem a character who kills for fun and takes joy in abusing their family members. But a family man who acts to protect their family, even if it's by doing terrible things, is much easier to work in a redemption arch.
Since TO is focused on the Mikaelsons, I think they all could have had redemptions. Again redemption in the context of TVDU. Practically everyone but Elijah gets a redemption/chance at a happy ending. Although, I tend to disagree that Klaus actually had one. Elijah's positive motivation and fatal flaws were intertwined. His attachment to his family made him do terrible things. I've written a story, The Last Sacrifice, which I think gives Elijah a type of redemption that is possible for his character. Yes, it does involve him sacrificing himself for his family. I think this is the only true redemption for him since he was so willing to sacrifice others for his family, it needed to come full circle. He could improve his character and his behaviors in a lot of ways, but it's not truly a redemption since he isn't learning from his past behaviors. Again, his fatal flaw is harming people for his family to stay together, so for him, to make the ultimate sacrifice for his family to stay together, even without him, would be a sort of redemption.
The reason I say no for normal standards is because the Mikaelsons, each and every one of them, have all just done too many bad things. They could sacrifice themselves for the world but it still wouldn't really change anything. It wouldn't fix the harm they've caused in the world or their underlying questionable motivations. Now, I know redemption arcs don't need to solve all the past problems, but the Mikaelsons are inherently morally grey at best. It's hard to keep them in character while also truly redeeming them. I love them, but they are not good people.
Thanks for the ask!
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theaquinn-misc · 1 year
A-spec Lesbian
I decided to make my own list of things that have helped me realized I'm gay. Disclaimer: I'm not the arbiter of what makes someone an aspec lesbian, however if you experience some or most of these it's something to consider. Disclaimer 2: I've also not had a lot of experience dating so I can't include much of that here. This post will be divided in 3 sections: Men, Women and NBs and media
only crushing on "unavailable" men: married, in a relationship, much older, gay, fictional, celebrities
"crushing" on men and enjoying fantasizing about them, but not trying to flirt or even get close to them in any way
"crushing on a man" for a set period of time and then and thinking he's the hottest thing since sliced bread, but later (especially after a physical separation) finding him meh or cringey
fantasies about men having more to do with being happy and fulfilled in life and being seen as someone to be jealous of, not so much about the specific person
having a crush/attraction to a man only for him to return it and you realize that you feel uncomfortable
meeting a guy who is conventionally attractive and meets all your standards and telling yourself you are attracted to him but still feeling a weird pressure in your stomach/chest because "something is missing"
liking a guy, until he changes something minor about his appearance (shaves, does his hair differently) and then finding him basic/meh and losing all attraction to him
never understanding what women see in the men they date or like in media, at least looks-wise
finding even extremely conventionally attractive men to be kinda meh and thinking women attracted to men must be exaggerating how hot they find them
being uncomfortable when you find out a man has a crush on you and wanting him to stay away, but with women/nbs it's just a bit awkward and overall no big deal
having to force sexual and romantic fantasies for men and getting bored of them after a while
finding the most aesthetically attractive man in a group and deciding you are attracted to him (bonus points: being relieved when you find out he's taken/ and/or you could never date him for some reason)
being anxious or sad or bored when you imagine your life with a man
only wanting to date men if it's polyamorous (note: this is not to invalidate poly people, but if you can only imagine dating one gender ONLY if it's poly and having no issues to be monogamous with another gender... that might be something to look into)
getting sad/anxious/bored at the idea that your first boyfriend could be your forever partner. thinking "of course i want to experience life before I settle down"
wanting to dress sexy and reveal your body, but wanting to hide it when a man pays attention to you
Men expressing their attraction to men is more relatable than women expressing their attraction for men Women/ NBs:
finding only a few men aesthetically attractive but nearly every woman/queer/nb person (esp more femme ones) being gorgeous to you
wanting to impress and/or be liked by "special" women
going on dating apps and switching to "women only" even though you are (supposedly) bi/pan (note: some people may do this for safety reasons but if you can't even IMAGINE finding a guy off an app, even if you take all possible precautions, well...)
finding the fantasy of sharing your life with a woman/nb person far more rewarding and satisfying than the fantasy of doing those same things with a man
having some inkling of attraction to trans women pre-coming out, but suddenly thinking they are the most gorgeous people ever post knowing they are women(especially if they go on HRT),
really "admiring" masc/butch women and women who break gender roles (women in suits, women with defined muscles etc.)
thinking that everyone thinks women are more aesthetically attractive than men (hint: ask a gay man about this)
having deep feelings about a female actor, singer, teacher growing up etc. that feel special and unique
feeling guilty in locker rooms, not wanting to look at women too long
getting really excited at the idea of having a gf, or being a girl/nb person's gf/ partner but not feeling the same way about dating boys/men
wishing to be a lesbian because you think lesbians are cool and/or to avoid dating men
feeling uncomfortable feelings about the label lesbian, especially when applied to you (but not gay/queer/sapphic/wlw/nblw etc.)
not getting crushes on women IRL often because you're still aspec
getting crushes on fictional women, influencers, celebrities etc. Media:
never relating to m/f pairings even if they have bi/pan characters or the m/f relationships you see in media or around you.
shipping m/f, but thinking "that's cool for them, but I don't want that" (note: this might also have to with gender, if you're nb)
imagining yourself as the "man" in m/f ships never the woman
not relating to f/f ships with two thin conventionally feminine and usually white women (esp if you are fat, gnc, WoC, and/or are attracted to butch/masc women)
seeing posts about the attractiveness of men but relating them to m/m ships, not yourself
wanting every bi/pan character to be in a "gay" or at least, in a visibly queer relationship
only relating to m/f ships if they are more obviously queer. Like say, masc woman with a twink boyfriend (side note, I've never seen that, so if you have recs please send them my way)
only being able to get off on gay/lesbian porn, finding straight porn to be unsatisfying or boring or uncomfortable (note: porn is not a great way to determine sexualaity as most actresses are fetishized and fake prgasms, and most lesbian porn is not made for sapphics. but still) Things you are allowed to do as a lesbian/don't make you less gay:
Have m/f ships you feel strongly about
read/write m/f smut
relate to/write bi/pan characters
joke about liking celebrity men & fictional men
not be attracted to the women the lesbian community has decided are the hottest thing since sliced bread (Kristen Stewart is not everyone's type)
not be comfortable with certain sex acts or sex as a whole
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a-b-riddle · 22 days
Pen Pals Chapter One: Welcome to the Internet
I feel like most girls who claimed they loved world history either had a hot history teacher or a Percy Jackson obsession. Well, I'm not like most girls. I had both. I may have been failing math, but when I tell you I was passing history with flying colors...
It was 2009: I was a freshman in high school and at 14 years old, I was very impressionable. Full disclosure: I was not groomed. Well, by my teacher at least. My history teacher wasn't like that weird, over-friendly coach with the students. He was just hot. Very incredibly boring, but hot by my standards as a 14-year-old who up until that point had only kissed two boys, but read some very questionable fan-fiction. 
Our semester closed on the unit about World War II. It was the week of Christmas, we just finished our finals and we watched a movie I highly recommend called 'Pearl Harbor'.
That movie just kind of fueled my obsession with World War II. It's like those little kids who had a really nice nurse when they were sick and they grew up wanting to be nurses. I saw Ben Affleck in a WW 2 uniform and was fucking SET. 
Now don't get me wrong, I actually enjoyed it besides the hot actors. I loved the stories. I loved the heroes. Second Lieutenant Audie L. Murphy: The most decorated soldier of the war. He was credited for killing over 200 Germans. Corporal Desmond Doss was a medic, never picked up a weapon and saved 75 men by lowering them down from a freaking cliff. I cry every time I watch his interviews and if you want to know his full story watch Hacksaw Ridge. Then there was Private Steven Grant Rogers. Started out as an E-1 and then promoted to a O-3 (or a Captain) and was renamed  Captain America.
Just like how people think of Tom Brady when they think of the Super Bowl, I did the same thing when it came to Captain America and the war. Now, I don't want to say I idolized the man, but I did admire the hero.
My obsession made me major in History and later get a Master's in Conflict Management. Now, I was applying to one of the biggest companies in the nation: Stark Industries. Now, that was partly because I could not find a job anywhere and someone that I went to college with started working in HR and was able to get me an interview. It didn't have to do with anything pertaining to my degree, but it had been a while before I was able to find a job that paid this well. 
I felt like I was running my sponsor dry with his support and I had applied several times to multiple colleges in the city. I mean I had a freaking Master's degree with intentions of pursuing my Doctorate for crying out loud and the best I could do was be a personal assistant.
I was going to be a secretary. Nothing important, but the pay was more than exceptional. 
Stark Tower was intimidating to say the least. Over 90 floors and reflective glass windows. It hurt my neck to look directly up at it. 
When I walked into the building, security instructed me what floor to go to. When I got there, I was greeted with an empty desk. I waited several minutes downstairs before a strawberry blonde woman with cute freckles came down to greet me. "Hi, you must be the secretary applicant." She smiled. "I'm Pepper Potts. So you're resume here is quite impressive and Harrison in HR highly recommended you."
"Yes, I was so excited when he told me you had a position available."
"Usually, I would be doing the interview, but I'm afraid I have to head out on some other business, so if you want to take the elevator to floor 82, Mr. Stark will be waiting."
"Of course." I said holding a folder that contained all the documents he requested I brought in.
"Hello, Mr. Stark." I greeted.
"You must be Pepper's replacement."
"Oh," I said. "Is she not-"
"She's been made COO." He clarified. "She can't leave that easily."
"Oh, good." I said. "She seemed really sweet."
"To you, yes. To me, I can't do anything. Don't put your life in danger, don't challenge terrorists." He mocked. "She's no fun." He walked further into what I assumed was a common room of sorts. It gave no indication that he lived on that floor. There was a full bar and it looked more of a place he hosted parties. "So tell me a bit about yourself." He began to pour himself a drink. "Something that isn't on your resume."
"Um, well, I'm taking a course in French and Greek right now. Just online classes, nothing too time consuming. I prefer dogs over cats because I think that its important if you die, for your pet to at least be sad and I am the first one in my family to live in New York, that I know of. I'm the first girl to graduate with their Master's. I plan on eventually getting my Doctorate, but not for a while. I don't like hot coffee and I'm terrified of snakes."
"Who would actually prefer cats over dogs?"
"Pepper?" I asked to which he laughed, even though it wasn't that funny.
"I like you." He took a sip of his drink. "It's not liquor. Pepper has this rule that alcohol should only be consumed during certain times of the day."
"I think 9:30 on a Monday is acceptable. I was debating on getting Mimosas after the interview if it went well."
"And if it didn't?" He asked.
"I would say tequila, but I got food poisoning from the limes once."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yeah," I said. "I had about 15 limes and felt terrible the next day."
"I prefer a good scotch myself."
"I like anything that doesn't taste like alcohol. I'm really impressed that a bottle of wine can cost thousands of dollar, but I guarantee it can't be as delicious as a Moscow mule."
"I haven't had a Moscow mule in forever." He said. "They were my go-to in college."
"Where did you go to school?" His response was to point at a wall that was covered in awards and accomplishments. "You went to Andover?" I asked looking at his degree.
"Seven years." He said. "I really liked the science department."
"I've given a few guest lectures there. It's a lovely school."
"What was the topic of discussion?"
"The North African campaign during World War 2, but specifically the Battle of Ramree Island."
"History nerd. Nice." Mr. Stark replied sarcastically when the elevator door dinged. "Speaking of historical nerds."
If my legs could have physically turned into jelly at that moment they would. None other than Steve Rogers walked in with a blonde following dutifully behind. "Tony."
"Capscicle and the ice queen." He whispered too low for them to hear.
"Rogers, meet our new secretary." Tony introduced and started to head toward the elevator.
"It is such an honor, Captain Rogers." I said taking his outstretched hand.
"Please, call me Steve." He insisted. The blonde beside him remained quiet and eyed me up and down with a stoic expression.
"Not that I'm trying to cut you off, but I'll let you two old ladies reminisce on the glory days." Tony clicked the elevator door and waited until it dinged opened. "I have somewhere to be. Congratulations. You got the job. Blah. Blah. Blah. Monday at 9, don't be late." He pressed a button I couldn't see and the doors began to close. "Or do. I really don't care, but if you're late, bring coffee."
"He's..." I began, but couldn't quite pick the right word.
"Arrogant." Steve finished.
"I was going to say interesting." I said.
"So what 'glory days' was Stark referring to?"
"Oh. I gave a few lectures about a few battles at the University he went to. Nothing exciting."
"Well Mrs.-"
"It's just Miss." I said. That was stupid. Why did I say that? That was rude to cut him off like that. "Sorry." I apologized. Why was I apologizing?
"Well, Ma'am. It looks like we'll be seeing you Monday morning. If you're late Tony gets a triple shot of espresso and a disgusting amount of sugar in it."
"Being late isn't really my style. My mother always said if you're not early, you're late." Why was a quoting my zealot mother right now. Jesus, stop it.  Not like Jesus Jesus. You know what, never mind. "I think I can find my way out." I said.
The walk back home I felt my cheeks burn the entire time. I haven't even started and I'm already flustered. Jesus, get a grip.
Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was him.
*So how did it go?*
*I got the job* I replied back.
*That's wonderful. I'm so proud of you* I couldn't deny the pride that swelled inside of me at his praise.
*Thank you, although I did make a complete ass out of myself*
*How so?*
*Well, my new boss introduced me to one of his partners and I felt like I made a fool of myself.* I typed. *Not partner in the sexual way, but someone he works with. He called Mrs. and I corrected him and said 'no it's just MIss' like it didn't even matter, he was just being polite. Then I quoted my mother. I was just flustered, but I start Monday.*
C didn't reply after that. We were supposed to have a date tonight so I'm sure he would just finish the conversation later. I had a caprese salad, but ate mostly the mozzarella. I showered, shaved and waited until I got a notification.
 *Sorry. Something came up. Regardless, I think you'll do great.* I smiled at his message, but was disappointment that he was cancelling our date tonight. Well the closest thing we came to date nights which usually ended in me being in an unsavory position.
Initially, C and I met on a chat forum in 2016. I was working on my senior seminar and had sort of an open ended question regarding the war. It was something along the lines of taking the notion that if a war on that scale were to happen in today's world in what ways would American citizens contribute to the war effort at home? Back in the 40s most companies like Ford made strictly military equipment. It was an honor to have a government contract whereas now it's more like any other business deal.
I received a lot of interesting responses, but a user named CR0876 replied that shifting the current American ideal of self-preservation to what we had before which was sacrificing for your country was the only way in which today's America could possibly aid in a war. I messaged CR0876 to further discuss the topic. 
He wrote me: All I am saying is we now live in a day and age where you have people who won't vaccinate their children simply because they choose not to. They don't have an issue with you vaccinating your kids, but not theirs. We eradicated some of the deadliest diseases that are still present in some third-world nations and you have entitled people who don't trust science to preserve the health and well-being of not only their children, but everyone they come in contact with. The reason that our life expectancy has shot up isn't because of ground breaking medical break throughs like chemotherapy, it is for preventative measures. Getting vaccinated. Getting checkups. Wearing sunscreen. Washing your hands after wiping your ass. 
A few minutes later he sent an apology for getting so riled up in his rant and I told him that no apology was needed and I completely agreed with him. From then on our friendship started to blossom. 
Most of our conversations had something to do involving the war, but then it got more personal. I felt comfortable with him. I talked about my time at college and what I was studying. We went from a few messages a week to communicating everyday. Eventually when graduation came around, I offered him a graduation ticket. I was a little disappointed to find out it was too far for him to travel. He asked for my mailing address. That he felt guilty for missing such a big event and he wanted to make it up to me. I was a little apprehensive. I mean, we were taught to never give your stranger your address, but I was an RA in a college dorm. I would be out into the real world soon and he wouldn't know my room number or what I looked like.
So I sent it.
A few weeks passed and I got a pair of beautiful pearl earrings with a card that read. A beautiful girl always needs a set of beautiful pearls. Congratulations on all of your hard work. -C
Four and a half years later and I still have that card. We still talk about the war. I recommend him movies, while he recommends books then we both point on the inconsistencies. It was stupid, but it was fun. Now, I just sort of tell him about my day to day life and he tells me small tidbits about his. It was earlier in 2020 when the pandemic hit that things started to get... well things just changed.
I had just moved to New York in early February to start teaching at a local college. I was going to start with May-mester classes, but then Covid hit and the world stopped. 
I had moved in with little to nothing. I had a few pieces of stuff for the kitchen and a bed. It wasn't much, but it was mine and I was damn proud of it.
My pride was short lived when I got the e-mail. In a panic, I sent him a message.
Hey can you talk?
Sure. What's up?
Is there anyway you can call me? I'm kind of in a bad place right now and I really don't have anyone else to talk to. I felt guilty as soon as I hit the send button. I'm not like going to hurt myself or anything I am just super stressed and if you have the time and energy, I just need to unload some stuff.
Seconds later my phone began to ring.
"What's wrong?" He asked. I took a deep breath. I can't believe this was the first time hearing his voice. It wasn't what I was expecting. I expected almost a pompous scholarly tone in his voice. But instead he was borderline on being batman. His voice was deep.
"They rescinded my offer." I took a deep breath. "I just spent all of my savings literally to move to this stupid freaking city and they told me over an e-mail 'we are sorry to inform you that your offer for employment has been rescinded until further notice due to the impending pandemic and the unforeseeable circumstances it holds. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience and wish you the best in your future endeavors.' They said sorry and good luck." 
There was a pause and I heard him sigh. "Sweetheart, I am so sorry." 
"Thanks." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Looks like that chapter closed before it got any good. I guess I can see if maybe I can do virtual learning for a high school, but I don't know if my degree is enough. I think you need an education degree to teach."
"But you always wanted to teach college..." His disappointment matched mine.
"I know..." I looked down at nearly clear streets of New York. "But I need a job, C." I sighed. "It's either that or call my parents and I would literally rather be homeless than ask them for help."
"How much?"
"What do you mean?"
"How much was your job going to pay you?"
"80k a year starting." I said and felt another wave of nausea wash over me. 80k wasn't much to some, but it was a lot for me and it would be doing something I loved.
"Tell you what, that is about 6 and a half grand a month. I will pay you 7 grand a month if you promise me not to give up."
"What?" I couldn't believe this. "There is absolutely no way I could ever accept that kind of money."
"It's not like I don't have it, Princess." He can't be serious. That's crazy. He never mentioned having money or being well off. 
"And what do you want in return?" The butterflies in my stomach began to churn. God I hope he wasn't wanting to do anything... unethical. "Surely you wouldn't do that just because you want me to be a college professor."
"Nothing." He said. "Absolutely nothing. I just want you to be taken care of and pursue your dream."
"I really can't let you do that."
"It's only temporary." He tried to assure me, but I still felt guilty. 
"C-" He was always so argumentative and authoritative over messaging and he matched it over the phone.
"I promise." He interrupted. "It won't put a dent in my wallet."
"Only until I have a full-time job." I tried to say.
"Until you become a professor."
"No," I said. "As soon as I get a job and can support myself."
"Sweetheart, it's not polite to argue."
"I appreciate it." I said. "I really do."
"So does that make your day a little bit better?" He asked.
"It does."
"Anything else gone wrong you need help fixing?"
"No." I responded and felt like a child and and adult came up to fix the mess I had made.
"Good." I heard him sigh. "I'm glad that was easy to fix and now, that I got you on the phone... it's nice to finally hear your voice."
Chapter Two: Confessions
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mk-wizard · 10 months
Top 15 Games that SHOULD get a 100% Reboot/Restart
Hi. I felt like doing something positive especially after my last post, so as a follow up, here is a list of games that I think should get the reboot treatment. And when I say reboot, I don’t just mean remake with fancier graphics and bonus features. I mean restart altogether with fresh new storylines that go their own way though in some specific cases, all they need is a new look. Note that this is my subjective opinion and nobody here has to agree with it. It’s just a fun suggestion.
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1- Metal Gear - I don’t mean Metal Gear Solid, I mean Metal Gear in general. In fact, I think the “Solid” should be retconned entirely because it not only stopped being about Solid Snake who is the hero, he was done dirty with a pathetic ending and the only sequels we get now are prequels. Not to mention the constant drama and tragedy became nauseating. My advice is to restart from the beginning by rebooting the games that date back to the NES as are with better writing and then after that, only do a half-reboot of Metal Gear Solid and then go its own way while respecting Snake as a main character. Solid Snake is a staple in war themed games and set the standard of how we create them. He should REMAIN the main character and have his endings always remain open with him still standing with dignity.
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2- Dino Crisis - I don’t think I need to say much here. Everyone is dying to see this game get remade and it’s not hard to see why. With the exception of the third game and the spin off, Dino Crisis 1 and 2 are amazing. They are dinosaur themed games that actually feel like survivor horror games and not like shooter games with the dinosaur gimmick. This series deserved a reboot and a third game that gives it proper closure.
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3- Parasite Eve - Like Metal Gear, this series did dirty to its main character (Aya Brea) in such a way that they wrote themselves into a corner. Only the first game feels unique and special while the second and third instalments have an identity crisis, a confusing weapons and spell system, and a tank control that never belonged. Only the first game should stay as is with a simple remake and then, its sequels should actually be true sequels that keep the battle, spell and control system as are. Let’s just forget that PE2 and The Third Birthday ever happened.
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4- Silent Hill - Let’s be honest. Harry Mason is the most underrated male protagonist in survivor horror because unlike all the others, he is not a man of action, not a badass and very relatable for it. He is a widower, a writer, a pacifist and one heck of a dad who literally jumped into the underworld to save his daughter. Now, while I like a lot of the sequels, this series lost its way. With the exception of Silent Hill 2, I think Harry and his daughter should have remained the main protagonists of the series. Harry is proof that real men come in all flavors and having one like him is different while still showing the best attributes of masculinity.
PS: I know Silent Hill 1 got a reboot, but it was bad. Period.
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5- Turok - Before there was Dino Crisis (and I’m not discrediting it), there was Turok. The titular hero who might I also add is aboriginal which is a very underrepresented group in fiction period who literally kills dinosaurs with his bare hands. He is a badass and he while he has gotten reboots before, none of them hit the mark yet, but creators should not give up on him. He is worth the effort and if they keep trying, they will strike gold.
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6- Castlevania - This series is ICONIC and nobody ever gets tired of it. It should make a comeback and it is one of the few series where being 3D would make it better. And considering that medieval settings in video games is all the rage now, it would be great to see Simon Belmont back in action. Heck, I would even be open to seeing a Belmont fighting evil in our modern times in 3D.
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7- The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time - Now, I stand by that this series doesn’t need a reboot, I think this game specifically should get a remake because it is a great game that reshaped the series into how we know and love it now, but it was very buggy and the graphics were not that great even for their time. Everything else about it is great, but it does need a facelift.
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8- Prototype - A forgotten gem if there ever was one. This series is unique in that it is the one game where you play as the monster who is also an anti-hero. Yet again, its series did its main character (Alex Mercer) dirty though on top of that, left too many questions unanswered. This series needs a reboot with a much better storyline. If you haven’t seen it, play the first game and you’ll see my point.
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9- Tomb Raider - Now, we can all agree that this series has lost its way. While I am all for origin stories and I admit it makes sense for Lara Croft to not be hardened or toughened up from the start. Keeping her as a weak frightened girl doesn’t make her realistic nor does it make her a likeable heroine. And I am woman enough to admit that being athletic, confident, daring and badass is a part of Lara Croft’s character. I don’t want her to be realistic. I want her to be cool and fun to play. This series needs to go back to its roots when it was fun and Lara was allowed to shamelessly be herself.
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10- Dead Rising - Another case of a game losing its way and its main protagonist becomes someone they’re not. The second instalment was the only game that felt true to what the series is supposed to be and even then, it felt like a spinoff not a part of the main story because Dead Rising is Frank West’s story. Another thing that also stood out about this game is that unlike most zombie themed games, the main character is not only not a fighter, he’s a total lover in all the great ways. Frank is (or rather, was) compassionate, honest and it isn’t for nothing that you only got the best ending when you would save everyone. Heck, he would save people who tried to kill him. This series should get a total reboot and a total rewrite after game 1. And can we please not give Frank a heart of stone? Him being loving is what made him great.
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11- ObsCure - Another lost gem with a unique premise and group of protagonists. This game plays up our childhood fear of the dark because the monsters in this game literally are allergic to the light and the setting is in a highschool. It feels like Scream meets the Blair Witch Project making it a lot of fun, and the monsters are so delightfully creepy. Plus, the story was compelling. Sadly this series only got one sequel which was actually great, but never got that third instalment that would wrap everything up. I say we give this series a reboot, so it can finally finish what it started.
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12- Resident Evil Outbreak - I know this is a spinoff series, but it’s one of the best in the series. It fills in a lot of gaps in the main storyline and any game that allows you to have your own tyrant fighting alongside you is awesome. It also has a multiple ending system which was well done and very rewarding when you get the best ending. I think this should get the reboot treatment and even have a third game that expands the aftermath further.
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13- Resident Evil Dead Aim - Another one of the best spinoffs in the RE series because it expands the story specifically in how tyrants are made and how the variants work. And to be honest, I even liked the characters. I would love see new life breathed into this compelling game even if it just remains the only one of its kind.
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14- Days Gone - I don’t care what anyone says. Any game that allows to play a biker with the spirit of an honourable warrior is badass. Also, can we talk about how this is one of the few games where the main protagonist is married and remains loyal to his wife even long after?! He may be white, male, straight and Christian, but he is still pretty progressive and embodies the BEST part of masculinity. The parts that drive a man to be romantic, noble and heroic. This game with extremely misjudged to the point of bigotry and it deserves a proper reintroduction because it was going places.
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15- Half-Life - This series helped Valve get its jump start and it had the most unique and most iffy type of protagonist in an action/sci-fi game possible yet worked: a scientist. After all, who expect the skinny nerd with the big thick glasses to save the day? Yet, it worked and this game has tons of monsters that became iconic in video game lore. What’s really sad is that a third game was in works, but never saw the light of day. I say we reboot this series and give it the chance to honour its promise to give that third game at long last.
Bonus - Other honourable mentions here are Left 4 Dead because Back 4 Blood stinks, Alone in the Dark though I hear a reboot is in the works, Doom, Devil May Cry and the right way please, Bloody Roar, The Suffering, Fatal Frame, The Evil Within and any other fantastic game series that either went bad due to bad sequels or never got the chance to keep going.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Actually lemme revert back to my Voltron days for a sec because i got rage.I got into the show the same time season 3 came out and the Lance x Allura development immediately stole my heart because why wouldn't it?It was the first time i saw people like me as a couple onscreen,by which i mean i'm a mixed latino like Lance-and we're even both carribean since he's cuban and i'm dominican!!!-and a black woman like Allura,and it was such a well-written ship to boot that gave me a good example of what i deserved to be treated like by my s/o and raised my standards for romance both fictional and for my own future(and current)dating life and it meant the world to me and i think it always will.And y'know what?Yes,Allura's death hurt a LOT and it still does sometimes but by now i've learned the sad truth that this is the norm for canon bw
The thing that REALLY sets me off?The fandom's response to them.Nonstop,i'd see 'Allura and Lance are such siblings!!!' 'Omg i'm so glad Lance is finally over Allura XD' 'I really hope Allurance isn't endgame afterall' and it was infuriating back then for the obvious people hating on my otp reason but i've realized that it was literally misogynoir.White and loads of nonblack Vee El Dee fans just couldn't stand that their precious Lancey boy genuinely loved the darkskin black girl mc with no ill-intentions and grew out of any bad habits towards her in season 3 of an 8 SEASON SHOW so that meant we were getting black4brown rep instead of sanitized twink tsunderes and they're STILL AT IT with the Le///akira desperation
But nah nah,y'all 'Space Mom and Dad' allegation makers ain't getting out of this!Allura was a GIRL,Shiro was a MAN-a GAY MAN FFS!!!Their season 1 dynamic was very clearly that of a tired dad and his rebellious teen daughter and all the 'baiting' you saw was you inserting your straight woman feminism fantasies onto them-Again,WOMAN,when Allura was an entire 17 year old and Shiro was in his mid-20s!You're literally the same as people who ship him with Pidge or even worse because there's an added layer of perpetuating the long history of adultification and by extension dehumanization of black children.Sit your tenheadasses down,it's not racist or misogynistic that people think you're gross and weird for infantalizing and straightwashing a canon gay japanese man
Keith and Lance weren't baited.Shiro and Allura were never even a fucking option.ALLURANCE was bait,for latinos and black people and those of us inbetween alike,they dangled it in front of us in promos and the vlogs and the official books and most importantly in THE ACTUAL FUCKING SERIES.Only to go 'Sike!!!The only deserving happy ending for traumatized black girls is to die for others and their soulmate to be forced to live on without them!!!' and the fact that y'all have the AUDACITY to make it about yourselves by twisting one of the best love stories in modern american animation into 'Nice Guy Gets The GirlTM' is bodyslam worthy.Be.Fucking Quiet.
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bigyikes97 · 4 months
recommend me another depressing Korean gangster movie
Hmmm hmmm ok so if you say "another", that means you maybe already watched either "The Merciless" or "A Bittersweet Life" or perhaps both, which were the depressing Korean gangster movies I posted about most on here and both of which I very highly recommend...A Bittersweet Life is one of my favorite movies of all time, if not my top fave. In case you watched one but not the other:
A Bittersweet Life - a story about a man who catches one imperfect glimpse of beauty and throws away everything in a inevitable and helpless grasp at something he knows he can never have. I cried at the soundtrack for days after my first watch, haha.
The Merciless - a stylishly shot and perhaps more hardboiled noir about a chosen one who really meant it when he said he shouldn't be the chosen one, which falls apart in a spectacular and heartrending explosion of betrayal, confusion, and devastation. Like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.
These are most definitely my top 2 in the whole world so far, and honestly nothing else really plucks exactly those same chords with me in terms of overall excellence, but here's a few others nonetheless:
A Company Man - More of a straightforward shoot-em-up. Could be taken as either an action flick kinda sorta similar to Bittersweet Life (gangster wants out, gang won't let him go) or a harsh satire of South Korean work culture, which makes it (imho) slightly more interesting. Definitely depressing gangsters, for sure!
The Man from Nowhere - it's more of a vigilante justice/revenge thriller and a lot of people liked it, but unfortunately since it was one of the first in the genre (at least from South Korea), in my opinion it's since been done better. Or maybe I'm just chronically Kdrama-ing so I have more stringent standards, lol. The main lead's looks are to die for though if that's an aspect that appeals to you--and many folks loved it, 100% on Rotten Tomatoes!
The Gangster, The Cop, The Devil - On paper it looks amazing--a brash cop has to team up with a gangster to take down an even bigger criminal, exposing the corruption of the cops and the weird code of honor among the criminals. Usually that's my cup of tea and I came in SO ready to love this movie but...somehow didn't. I don't know why. It even had Ma Dong Seok, who's usually great! However, it got 97% on Rotten Tomatoes, so maybe you'll see something about it I missed if you watch it :)
Gangnam Blues - So, I didn't watch this one myself, but it's got Lee Min Ho and a historical-fiction take on the real-life corruption and money/power plays surrounding the creation of the glitzy Gangnam district from a marsh in the 70's, it looks interesting! I'll probably watch it in the future.
Speaking of, Ma Dong Seok is pretty much the go-to guy for Korean gangster movies. He's been in the genre since forever, if you search his name you'll likely find some good ones I haven't heard about.
I don't know if you're interested in extending your search to dramas, but in case you are:
Insider - one of THE best kdramas I've seen, hands down. The set-up is similar to The Merciless in that a guy goes undercover in prison to catch a gangster and ends up forming bonds with a high-ranking member while working on the inside. However, the similarities stop there. I think I binged it in like 3 days. It's gritty and doesn't let up, but the main guy is one of my favorite protagonists ever and the ending was fantastic
Big Mouth - it came out around the same time and also involves a wrongful imprisonment, but with a hilarious twist (along with some Very Not Hilarious ones) that make it a different flavor. I got busy and didn't finish (and also didn't have subtitles while it was airing)
Watcher - This one's more on the one-righteous-cop-vs-corrupt-conglomerate side of things, which will always and forever be my jam. The moody atmosphere and insanely tight writing make this one of my favorites. I've seen it like 4 or 5 times and seem to catch something new each time, the writing is extremely satisfying and there are great female characters too, which I'm all about.
Nobody Knows - I'm watching this one right now and it's also more on righteous detective vs killer side of things, but it's got a fascinating female lead, great characters, consistent plot and great storytelling so far.
Triangle - this one is about gangsters and casinos and is unique because it's one of the WORST kdramas I've EVER seen, but it's so bad it crosses the line right back into good again because it's so freaking funny how everyone manages to act the worst plot and the worst characters with the deepest sincerity. Everyone's gorgeous, which helps. It's funnier if you're a chronic Kdrama enjoyer to see all the worst tropes played out in the funniest ways with dead straight faces. They actually wrote it episode by episode based on viewer feedback and ran out of time at the end because the feedback was conflicting--and BOY does it show in unintentionally hilarious ways.
Bad and Crazy - I LOVE this drama, especially the first act. It's violent and dark, with comedy thrown in, and one of the most interesting and sensitive portrayals of a mental illness on screen that I've ever seen in both American and Korean TV. Yet another righteous-cop-vs-conglomerate plot, my beloved. I'll eat that storyline up each time though.
So that's movies and dramas off the top of my head--if I think of any other good ones, I'll let you know! Happy watching and omg, if any of those tickle your fancy I'd love to hear your thoughts! :D
*Ok, one runner up: From the director of "A Bittersweet Life", "A Tale of Two Sisters" is a psychological horror that is just. so. good. I'm not usually a horror person and I was hooked and think about it all the time, very excellent!
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blimbosworlddd · 6 months
Nirvana: A Rock Lee Fic (Chapter 2)
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Summary: Your dating life is terrible. Your friends’ marriage is fantastic. Your career as a medic is doing great, though. But you aren’t happy. However, after one quick trip to the Mighty Rock Dojo, you stumble upon the most magnificent man you’ve ever met- the taijutsu master- Rock Lee.
Notes: slow burn fic, afab/fem/black reader.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, (light) descriptions of blood and violence, usage of the N word. The reader and Lee are in their 20s but virtually any age group that is 18 and up can enjoy this story. Again 18+, minors do not interact… pls.
Word count: 3.9k
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
You wanted someone to crave you, to need you. Not in a toxic codependent way, but rather in a way that makes you feel special. That’s why you escaped to the world of shoujo and action/fantasy films when you were a child, it was the closest you got to that feeling of truly falling for someone and being fallen for. Or at least it was the closest you got to being ignorant of how unlovable you felt. And when you grew into your late teens, you drowned your mind in fictional men.
You dreamed of someone who’d treat you like the princess you are deep down inside. You thought Sai could be that- hell- you thought every guy you dated could be that. But deep down you knew it was impossible, because you didn’t view them as special either. Not anymore, at least.. You were not afraid to live your life the way you wanted, and all the “love interests” in your past would never determine your future. You’d make sure of it.
To be honest though, you were thinking nothing of that at this very moment. How could you while talking to that hottie you met a week ago? You didn’t reach out to Lee until now due to long hours nursing at your local senior home; keeping track of a dozen medical plans, on top of a new patient assignment made you feel like your phone burning up at 10%. Plus you love your job (despite how cruel the healthcare system can be), which makes working a bit easier.
You thank the universe for your fast work ethic; tirelessly taking care of people in the early mornings, and finally managing to have a solid break for once. As soon as you got to sit at your favorite cafe in peace, your mind wandered to that dojo you went to. Which struck your memory of getting Lee’s contact info. You usually only text people you’ve just met to test the chemistry, but something about his welcoming aura urged you to risk your pride. You call him, nibbling on your lip while waiting.
“This is the Mighty Rock Dojo.”
The deep bass thrumming in Lee’s tone is hushed and calm. it sets your goosebumps aflame, making you sit up so you can speak at your clearest.
“Heyyyy, it’s y/n! I treated your friend last week.” You shut your eyes, not intending for your pitch to raise that high.
A smile slowly adorns his face at how cute you sound, and that you actually bothered to follow up with him.
“I remember exactly who you are, y/n. I’m glad to hear from you.”
Your eyes flicker to the wooden table you rest your arms on, gulping at his poise. Lee pads his way to his personal office, not wanting to disturb his students’ meditation break.
“Same here. I just wanted to…”
You paused to consider if your already full schedule could take a new hobby.
“…to know the entire schedule of your dojo so I can see what times are right for me.”
The taijutsu master leaned on his front desk, free hand gripping its smooth edge.
“Yes of course! I’ll text you all the information after this call. There’s a flier here waiting for your return.”
“Heh, didn't mean to leave so soon last time.” Yes, you did. “Thanks, sensei.”
“Don’t sweat it. How's your week so far?”
A part of you considered going with the standard ‘it’s been okay’, but you’re at a point in your life where you hate lying to yourself- no matter how easy it was to do so.
“It’s been strenuous… I’m now on my first proper break in weeks.”
You like how Lee hisses through his teeth in genuine concern. You wonder what other scenarios would cause him to make that sound.
“It’s no pressure if this may not be the best time for you-
“No it’s fine- I mean I don’t wanna wipe someone’s ass and endure shitty behavior for the rest of my career. I want to heal people the way they’ve healed me.”
Lee chuckles briefly at your determination. You like how that sounded too. Everything about him you like so far and you've only talked twice, you could feel your skin crawling in dread.
“And you will. How about you stop by after your work? We close kind of late anyways.”
Your chest bloomed at his support, body starting to feel lighter for some reason. You cleared your throat.
“Today.”He confirms.
Lee twiddles with the hem of his Gi absentmindedly, waiting patiently for your response.
“Yeah, okay… s-see you after 7?”
“See you after 7.”
A few hours passed after thoroughly enjoying your burrito and latte with some Netflix. You’re now on your final shift, completing your hand-off for your manager Brandon. Y’all have been working alongside each other since you transferred to this senior home. it was bigger and more advanced than you were used to, so Brandon was the first to show you the ropes. It’s 6:54 and you email your finalized report to him, hearing the shrieking metal of wheels rolling closer to the office you reside in.
“Come in!” You chirp.
Spinning your chair to face the door, you find Brandon entering with an old lady sitting prim and proper on her wheelchair. Her small, veiny hands fold over her tummy, loose white locks framing the moles that scatter her wrinkly face. It’s like that throw blanket framing her shoulders was secretly made to be worn as a shawl. She pulls it off terribly well.
“Oh? Who’s the lovely guest, Brandon?” You chirp as you rise from your seat, cringing inside at how your voice’s raspiness may’ve given away your exhaustion.
Your coworker brings the senior closer to you for a better acquaintance.
“This lovely guest, until further notice, is your new patient: Ms. Fink.”
You sit on your haunches to meet her at eye level. You would offer your hand for a shake, but this is your first meet and you’re not 100% familiar with her medical conditions.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Fink. I’m y/n, and I can’t wait to help you on your road to recovery.”
Ms. Fink’s beady eyes scan your welcoming figure, enjoying the sight of you kneeling for her. She nods slowly with a subtle smile, which you take as a step in the right direction.
“Her family had just dropped her off here, so you’ll be overseeing her first thing next week. Did you send me the hand-off?”
You place your hands on your knees to stand up.
“Just emailed it before you came in.”
“Good, now go get some rest. And I’ll be taking you,” he looks down at Ms. Fink, “to your room. Say goodbye to your new nurse?”
The lady unfolds her hands to give you a wave before she’s turned around and escorted out.
“See ya later!” You wave back.
…you snatch your jacket, purse, and you bounce.
It took a few train stops and a bus ride to get to the dojo, which wasn’t bad. You’re just wondering how long it’d take to get back home. Opening the door, that familiar bell jingles at your entrance. You stand behind the front desk, face lighting up at the sight before you:
A group of toddlers are in basic horse stances, their fists positioned at their hips. Lee strolls languidly around his students, hands folded behind his back as he watches them like a hawk. He takes a deep breath.
“You want to unlock the first gate?” The way he asks is eerily calm.
“Yes, sensei!!” The kids shout.
“Then use your core. STRIKE!” He roars.
“HA!” The kids adorably return the enthusiasm, all simultaneously throwing a firm punch.
Your shoulders stiffen at how fierce Lee is, even with kids. ‘He really said it’s free eats’, you laugh to yourself.
“Everyone, in a circle.” His hands echo a clap and the children scatter like critters to form a ring. He scans the kids, silently noting the ones who have yet to spar. He glances at a particularly frail child, who stares down at the belt she’s squeezing.
“Orchid, come.” He orders, tone stern but not harsh enough to scare her.
Orchid flinches anyway, her face falling even deeper at the fact that she’s been chosen. Hesitantly, she trots her way to the center where Lee is. The master side eyes another kid, noticing her rocking back and forth with a tight smile on her face. As if she’s trying to suppress her eagerness.
“Amanda, come.”
The child lights up, practically sprinting to her spot in front of Orchid. Lee kneels between the two, one hand on each shoulder.
“Trust what you have learned, and your body will do the rest.”
“Yes, Sensei Lee!”
“Yes, sensei…”
Their master gives them a warm smile, before rising to take a step back. He raises his arm beside his head.
The children lower their heads to pay respects, and take a few steps back to position into their preferred fighting stances: Amanda’s stance is open, taking an offensive approach. Orchid’s is more defensive, balled fists guarding her face without blocking her eyesight. Everyone’s watching, even your own stare oozes with anticipation. Lee casts down his hand.
Amanda charges at Orchid, aiming a hit right for her chin. Orchid uses her forearms to block the punch- hissing at the force- while trying not to get backed into the boundary, for if you touch anyone in the circle you lose. Amanda throws a barrage of kicks and jabs her way, yelling and grunting with every strike to intimidate. Her opponent continues to block her advances. As scared as Orchid looked right now, she was deflecting her attacks pretty well; for each blow that came her way, she was able to redirect with firm open palms. You weren’t too surprised, Lee don’t play about his techniques.
Amanda is cooking her shit though, the sharp sound of her punches giving away the damage she was inflicting, and the other kids start to cheer her on as she steadily dominates Orchid. You divert your attention to Lee, and he’s watching the unfolding event with a stoic face. Orchid takes a few steps back with haste to make some distance, but Amanda uses that to her advantage by vertical jumping in the air and raising her leg in an axe kick.
Orchid’s eyes widen in horror but successfully weaves the kick that would’ve ended the fight. While Amanda’s feet are still bound to the ground, Orchid lowers her body with a twirl; planting a round-house kick straight to her jaw. Amanda’s back hits the matted floor at the force. She groans petulantly, stunned at how easily she fell for that move.
“The winner,” Sensei Lee casts a hand in Orchid’s direction, “is Orchid!”
A loud silence envelopes the room for a moment before everyone applauds Orchid’s bravery and skill, you even add in a little “woop woop” to boost morale. She was going to offer a hand to help Amanda get up, but she yelped at a dense pain coursing through her left ankle- the one she leaned on to perform that roundhouse kick. Orchid drops to the floor, holding her calf to make sure no unnecessary pressure is added to it. Lee rushes to her side.
“Orchid, what’s wrong?” Caution and worry furrow his bushy brows as he descends beside her to scan for problems.
“It..it hurts,” she whimpers.
Andddd that’s your cue. You hurriedly kick off your sneakers, politely excusing yourself when walking through the wall of kids. Lee’s head snaps up at your figure and beams with a quiet sigh of relief.
“My name’s miss y/n, I’m the dojo’s new nurse. Can you tell me what hurts, sweetheart?” You coo, placing a safe hand on her small back. She physically relaxes at the gesture.
“M-My ankle. It hurts.” Your eyes never left hers, nodding your head to show that you’re listening to every word.
“Hmm, I think you might’ve sprained it, Orchid.” You raise your head to look at Lee.
“Sensei, do you have strong bandages and some Icy Hot?”
“Uhhh- mhm!” Lee gulped, blushing at you calling him sensei. Even though that’s what he told you he preferred, he is a bit stupefied at your effortless professionalism and charm. You look back down at Orchid.
“Can I carry you to my office?” Your office, huh. “Don’t wanna worsen your sprain, now do we?”
Orchid slowly nods her head, eyes widening at how validating you are. You carefully hook one arm under her knees, and hook the other under her back, inwardly swooning at her visibly melting in your hold. Before you leave, you turn to Amanda who sits on the floor with a cute pout.
“Amanda?” You ask.
The little student shoots a glare at you, her mean mug faltering when she finds you smiling warmly at her.
“You did great,” your voice is serene, like rain drops gently padding a window. “Keep practicing, okay?”
Wordlessly, Amanda slowly nods her head, not expecting the validation to bloom her heart this much. However, Lee kneels down beside Amanda, shaking his head in dissatisfaction.
“Miss y/n is talking to you,” he chastises tenderly. “What do you say?”
She looks up at her master, feeling a sudden urge to cower at his firm gaze. So she looks back at you, and decides to put her manners to good use.
“Thank you, miss y/n.” Her voice is tiny and meek now, compared to her boisterous demeanor five minutes prior.
“You’re welcome, my dear!”
Amanda turns back to her Sensei. He gives her a bright smile, making sure to let her know that he is not mad at her. In fact, he’s proud of her growth. After standing on his feet, Lee orders his students to meditate as he power walks to the nursing room. You watch the children scatter once more, crisscrossing on the floor and closing their eyes as the room fills with a comforting silence.
Making your way to your office, you find Lee with a roll of elastic bandages in one hand and a plastic jar of Icy Hot in the other.
“Makin’ sure I’m prepared, sensei?” You tease, and Lee chuckles at your implication.
“It’d be unacceptable if you weren’t.”
You gently place Orchid on the thin mattress, watching her feet dangle off the bed. You turn to face Lee, who's already staring at you.
“Thank you. I’m sure there are a bunch of toddlers waiting for you out there.”
“O-Oh… right!” Lee places the requested materials on a small table next to you. Lee kneels down in front of Orchid, meeting her at eye level.
“I’m gonna call your mother so you can get home safely, okay Orchid?”
“Y-Yes, sensei.”
Lee now locks his eyes on yours.
“And if you need anything else, there’s more equipment in the cabinets for you.”
Despite him looking up at you, his gaze makes you feel small- leaves you wanting to do everything he tells you to.
“You got it, Sensei.”
Lee nods his head and rises in stature, heading to the front desk’s telephone by the dojo. He punches in Orchid’s mom’s number and sighs, wondering if this is how Might Guy felt when he was training kids here; happy that he can care for them and make them stronger. But also somber, knowing that they won’t be cute little rascals forever.
You put on disposable nitrile gloves and open the plastic jar of Icy Hot. Orchid stares at the blue concoction.
“S’that? It smells minty.” She asks meekly.
“This, my dear, is Icy Hot,” you dip your fingers in the product. “It helps with muscle and joint pain. The strong smell comes from menthol.”
Orchid winces when you lather the cream on her ankle.
“It’s cold!” She squeaks. You giggle at her cuteness.
“I know, but it’ll get warmer in a few minutes.”
You steadily wrap the bandage securely around her aching limb, telling her to warn you if it’s too tight.
“You did really well out there, Orchid.” You prompt as a matter—of—factly while disposing of your nitrile gloves.
“…you think so?”
“Know so! You kept fighting, even when the odds of you winning looked slim.”
She silently clings to your arm, the comfiest way she thought of showing her affection, and confirming that you’ve done your job well. You caress her hair as you hold her, and tell her to not move until her mom arrives.
A couple more hours passed, and luckily no more students had to visit your office. You spent the rest of your time there watching Lee and other fighters train rigorously, and of course, some were slacking but that’s expected. The dojo was finally concluding its classes for the day. It’s half past 10, and you are itching to get home. Well- not until you’ve concluded your day with Lee, of course. You walk up on the young sensei rolling up his mats and carrying them to their respective areas.
“You were so badass today,” you quipped. “As per usual.”
You kinda felt like a loser for dick riding, but you meant what you said and he deserved to know.
“Thanks! I could say the same for you myself, miss y/n.” Your eyes fall to the floor with a huff as he approaches you with a smirk.
“Thank you. Anddddd especially that stance you taught your students! How long does it usually take to master? Does it hurt? How do they get so still?”
You rambling on about your interest in the martial art bloomed Lee’s chest open. It’s like you unlocked a new level of fondness that he harbors just for you.
“Would you like me to show you?”
Your voice dies in your throat.
“I-I mean you can try,” you laugh sheepishly. “I’m a beginner’s beginner. Sooo-“
“Okay!” He chirps, taking one step closer to you. “Can I guide your movements?”
“Mhm!” you chirp, thinking nothing of it. Lee raises a brow at you, expecting a proper response.
“… I mean yes! yes Sensei Lee.” The master hums in satisfaction. You think of crawling into a hole.
“Turn your hands into fists.”
You ball your fingers, thumbs caging your encased knuckles.
“Good. Now place your left fist on your hip… uhuh. Extend your right arm in front of you, like a punch, and keep your fist.”
You raise your arm up, feeling like you have a good idea of how to enact this stance when he nods his head in encouragement.
“Now, spread your feet.”
You look down at your legs and create space between them.
“Wider.” He commands. You spread them a little more.
“Wider… good, remember that they must be 3 feet apart.”
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t feel the burn, it's been a long time since you've physically pushed yourself like this. But you trusted the process.
“Now bend your knees… lower.” His face is unreadable, the way he speaks is cold and direct- but never with disdain. Your body freezes in horror at how hot it is to you.
Lee walks around you, like a vulture circling its prey, and you don’t dare move until he says so. You can’t see what he’s doing until you jolt at the way he gently clutches your hips. His touch shocks every nerve in your body, making you tense up and soften all at once. His fingers are long and slender, you know they’re deadly weapons and yet his grip on you coaxed your muscles to mold at his will. He leans in until his chin hovers over your shoulder, catching a whiff of your coils up close; shea butter and vanilla. It was dizzying how sweet you smell.
“Lower, y/n.” His deep tone rasping right beside your ear has you shivering, and the way he slowly pushes you down with his hands until you are at the ideal altitude strikes lightning in your tummy. He releases you and takes a step back, admiring his current direction.
“There! You’re now in a semi-decent horse stance.” He quips, arms folding in triumph.
You scoff at his sarcasm. Is this nigga serious? You think.
Am I even serious? Maybe he was doing it purely out of instruction as he asked. I consented. I liked it- no- I was delighted. And yet… Why do I feel… such crippling fear? This silent voice in my head is telling me to detest this. To detest him.
…To detest me…
Lee’s bubbly grin sinks as he watches your face contort into a small scowl, a thousand-yard stare giving away your brief dissociation. You hadn’t moved from the position he taught you. His arms unfold as he pads closer to face you.
“Y/n?” Despite his low tone, the way he says your name is light as a feather. He felt that if he spoke any louder for some reason, you’d react like a wine glass at the mercy of a soprano’s highest frequency. Your eyes widen in focus at his gentle call. You see the space between his brows crinkling at how disturbed you looked, the sight deepens your frown.
Lee balls his fists and lowers his head; he absolutely hates doing things that come at the expense of others’ comfort. He himself is painfully familiar with how easily traumatic mundane activities can become.
“I’m sorry- I should've been more attentive,” he whispers almost desperately. “I tend to get really invested in the craft, y’know?” You shot up from your stance before you knew it.
“No, no, don’t be sorry!” You croon. Lee tilts his saddened eyes up a little to peek at the look on your face- which now mirrors his.
“I just… just wasn't used to it, that's all.” The somber sultriness of your voice soothed his worries swimming within. “You did everything right, I felt- feel.. like you're someone I could trust. So thank you, sensei… for helping me perform a semi-decent horse stance.” You didn't trust him completely, but he was checking every box in your list so far.
Lee’s chest quakes with a chuckle at your charm, deciding that he’s gonna earn your trust one way or another. He rests his hands on his hips to celebrate the eroding tension. Your teeth tug at your bottom lip to celebrate that smile you love returning to his handsome face.
“I’m always here to help!” He practically sings. “Adult novice classes are $45 a month.”
You roll your eyes at his not-so-slick marketing tactic, retreating to your shoes and other belongings. Lee snorts at your sass, following after you.
“Oh! Here’s your flyer by the way.”
You turn your heel while sliding your arms through the sleeves of your jacket, finding Lee handing you a paper handout containing the weekly schedule and any other important dojo intel.
“Ah, thanks.” you flip through the small pamphlet before shoving it in your pocket. Lee raises his wristwatch to his face.
“You go home on your own, I assume?” Lee quips while raising a brow.
You hook the handle of your purse on your shoulder.
“Yeah,” you sigh tiredly. “Can't afford a car right now so public transit is my go-to.”
Lee sways his body from side to side, feigning deep thought as he shifts his weight on each foot. “It's almost 11, and I have a car. How ‘bout I drive you home?”
…Welp, you have a taser in your bag if things go south.
“I would… I'd like that… Thanks.”
Lee nods keenly, feeling like you’re giving him another shot. “Gimme 20 minutes, ‘kay?”
You give him a thumbs up, “I’ll text you my address.”
In around fifteen minutes, Lee locks up the dojo and walks you to his car. Your eyes light up; acutely impressed at the sleek coat of silver, tinted windows, and wide headlights.
“Didn’t take you for a BMW typa guy.”
Lee smirks as he opens the door for you to get in. After you thank him and sit comfortably in the passenger seat, he lowers his body to level with yours, one hand resting on his knee while the other holds his car door open. His bold stare somehow intensified by the nonchalant raise of his brows.
“I'd love to know what else you don’t take me for.”
Amusement laces his lowered tone, making you ignore the small wet patch in your panties that's been growing since his… his little lesson. He doesn't wait for your response, rising back up with a deep inhale. After shutting the door, he strides to his side of the car.
Oh, fuck me.
This work belongs solely to ©️ blimbosworlddd. Do not plagiarize, steal, copy or repost. I worked very hard on this; reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated.
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osmiumamygdala · 7 months
Negative comic rant ahead.
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Article that gives you instant heartburn (I've supplied the link in case anyone wants to see it firsthand, but I've summarized it as well):
And usually I wouldn't post anything about articles like this because it has its fair share of typos and is lacking sorely in context BUT it is posted on the official Marvel website which is Worrisome
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Colossus was forced to kill in self-defense. And he was ANGRY while he did it! Oh no! Gasp! I'm scandalized! He should have made the Good Boy choice of dying and letting everyone die, obviously! /s. Also... you skipped Proteus. He also did this to Proteus, remember?
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Ah, right. Colossus joining Magneto. Which was super shocking, but... he didn't... actually do much of anything during this time other than stand around, talk beliefs, and take care of Magneto. I mean yeah his inaction in the face of crime IS grey. Also, his sister just died and he didn't get to be beside her. His brother just "committed suicide" again, and his mom and dad just died. I... kinda don't care that he chose to join Magneto at this time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good for him, in fact.
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Yeah, no excuse for this one. This decision wasn't even "morally grey" it was straight fucked up. Though Warren Ellis is on record saying that he did this specifically to character assassinate Colossus because he hated him, he regrets it deeply and wouldn't do it again given the chance.
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He was manipulated and being controlled. Next.
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Manipulated and being controlled. There was a whole follow-up comic where Storm goes after the Pheonix 5, and she states that he's a victim in the whole thing and apologizes to him. You might as well throw the Proletarian scene in while we're at it! Next.
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Manipulated and controlled! 3rd in a row! Wow!
So, to recap; we have 2 responses to extreme grief, one case of actual character bastardization, an ALTERNATE TIMELINE, and 3 cases where he is NOT IN CONTROL OF HIMSELF. By DEFINITION, MORE THAN HALF OF THOSE ARE NOT "CHOICES" THAT COLOSSUS HAS MADE. I don't care if people hate the character or want to talk about him being morally grey, I just wish it could be accurate, consistent, and fair.
Why am I posting about this? Because Colossus is not a hugely popular character, and here's Marvel outlining his "crimes" out of the blue. And I am CONCERNED
The senior X-Men editor, JDW, hates Colossus with a passion and holds a grudge against the character. Multiple Marvel creatives have talked about pitching a Colossus story and being shot down. Look, I don't want to accuse JDW of anything or implicate that he would let a silly grudge against a fictional character get in the way of Story but... this is Marvel, and I have seen worse.
I also don't want to believe that Percy is going to nosedive into strictly villainizing Colossus. He promised at the beginning of all of this that Colossus fans would like this story and that it would he his Biggest Story yet. So far, Percy has done nothing to back up those claims. I still want to have faith, even though it appears there might only be 6 issues remaining in the series (not really a whole ton of time for a satisfying conclusion, wouldn't you say?) And being as we are still seeing Wolverine grappling with the whole Being Beast's Man-Slave/Attack Dog thing, and Wolverine isn't being villainized for it... it would be a double standard to not follow a similar structure for Colossus, don't you think? Wolverine gets controlled and does horrible things, and we can agree he's not at fault, but the same thing happens to Colossus, and it's different somehow...? Yeah, I don't buy it.
The trend this article sets is concerning to me. I hope this isn't a thing where Marvel is preparing us for Villain Colossus, primarily because the way it's set up reeks of victim blame. We SEE that Colossus is struggling, fighting, and screaming in his mind because he doesn't want to be doing what he's doing. His body, autonomy, and freedom have been stripped from him. He is a PAWN. This is not a conscious decision he is making! So unless they can develop a good reason for that character direction, I don't want it! Really hoping this all turns out to be a rug-pull!
Like... as it stands now, Colossus has ample reason in my book to go full villain. The lack of care he has received in and out of universe is frankly disgusting. Nobody in his life has paid any attention to him for literal years! There were so many red flags that got sped past. He is living in a nightmare where his "friends" either aren't there for him or shrug off his concerning behavior. The friends he left his family for. The family that got torn apart and slaughtered in his absence. And this is a PATTERN for him, which we can actually SEE illustrated in the examples the article gave!
I love Heroic Colossus. That's what drew me to him in the first place! I would love it if he could come out of all of this swinging with his head held high! I want him to prove everybody wrong, to work through his trauma, be genuinely himself, and to finally make some PEACE about his place in the world. But if Colossus is gonna go full villain, I do NOT want it to be half-assed. It needs to be BIG. I want to see his justified RAGE. I want to see all the pain and grief he's bottled up just EXPLODE out. I want him to stop holding back and pulling his punches. No more "morally grey," no toeing the line, FULL SEND IT. To pitch it-- He joined the X-Men for family. The X-Men then BECAME the only family he had. Now, even THAT'S gone!
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mangoshorthand · 7 months
five has set my standards high for men 🫢 and i’m going to hold out for a partner like him.
It depends on what precisely about Five you would want to match your real life partner to, but in general I would advise against this. I was going to answer this simply but then I went into a full blown ramble so I'm sorry
Being fictional is Five's biggest allure...
Five is not real and that's a biiiigggg point in his favour. You will idealise him to the point that no real man could ever match up. Imagine a man saying that some super smart and sexy anime girl was his standard for IRL women. We'd rightly tell him that it was an unfair expectation.
If Five was a real flesh and blood man, tied to corporeal form and subject to the curse of existence, I promise you he would not live up to the standards set by the Five in your head. The truth is, Five can never fart on you in bed. He can never have that really irritating habit that makes you want to punt him through a wall, and he will never accidentally hurt you with a clumsy word or leave the dishes in the sink or whatever. He'll never criticise you for any of your bad habits either. Real men do all those things because they're human. They deserve your love and consideration. Don't hold out for a fantasy.
...but if he weren't fictional, he'd be a one man communist uprising considering all those red flags
We romanticize Five partly because he is an asshole. His sarcasm is amusing and acerbic tongue is attractive, mostly because we know there's tenderness underneath it. We have a uniquely intimate insight into his life, past and personality by virtue of him being a fictional character who we have seen when he thinks nobody is watching. We don't have that with real men. Romanticising assholes is something patriarchy has taught us. Just look at the Beauty and the Beast myth that replays itself in our culture again and again ("I can change him! He's different when we're alone, I swear!"). We like to imagine that Five would begin by being a dick to us like he does everyone else, but gradually we would end up being the special person who would bring out all the tenderness we know he has underneath. This is fine when it's a fictional character who we know for sure has all that tenderness underneath, but with a real man whose soul we can never know like we know Five's? No way. I can promise you that you should run a mile from a real man who sarcastically insults people and use their intelligence to put others down. A similar point to Five's violence. This is a character trait you should not excuse in real men. In real life, men who are violent to others will almost certainly be violent to their romantic partners. This is another bonus Five gets for being fictional: he lives in a fictional reality where his violence is justified and nbd because it's a world of comic-book morality.
Alright Mango, you fuckin' killjoy, what can I hold out for then?
Having said all this, I think Five does have some qualities you can admire in IRL men. I've said on this blog many times before that I think I find Five hot because he reminds me of my partner in terms of personality as well as looks. So this is what I think you wouldn't be unwise to look for in a man: 1. Someone with intelligence and competence. There is nothing sexier than someone who has faith in their own abilities and wields that knowledge with confidence, like Five does.
2. Someone with leadership skills without needing to dominate: Five sometimes falls foul of the latter but is usually pretty good at taking control of a situation whilst also hearing everyone out and using the knowledge of the entire room.
3. Someone with a sense of humour. Five's cynical little comments and charming phraseologies (e.g. "Chatty Cathies," "A nap and a schvitz, what more does a man need?") would be adorable in any man.
4. Someone with a mature outlook. Five is just happy living a comfortable life. He likes his creature comforts but he takes pleasure in the simple things. He isn't really competitive anymore because he truly doesn't feel like he has to prove anything. This is partly a result of his age, I think, so I would forgive a younger man for not having this outlook.
5. Someone who cares about his appearance: Five isn't vain, but he dresses carefully and intentionally for the occasion. It not only looks sexy, it shows that he has self-respect.
6. Someone who speaks to you the way Five speaks to Dolores: Five treats his (ex)partner with respect and fondness. He clearly worshipped Dolores when they were together but he didn't patronise her either. He spoke to her like an equal. And after the relationship ended, he never let anybody speak badly about her.
Ok, I'll shut up now.
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Star Wars AU Masterlist: Modern, Historic, Crossovers, and Otherwise Not Canonverse
(Excluding those found in the Ships list or meme fills)
Main Masterlist
So, it turns out tumblr has a Maximum number of links you can have on one post… and I hit that limit. Several times. So… multiple masterlists.
Organized as:
Modern (Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, TCW Trio, Lineage Members, Other)
History, fantasy, and non-standard modern AUs
Crossovers (Animated, Live Action SciFantasy, Live Action Realism, Books)
Crossover: Girl Genius
Crossover: Marvel
Crossover: Naruto
Modern AUs
Anidala: See Ships list
Mostly Ahsoka
* Modern AU Ahsoka forcibly adopts herself into the CodyWan household after falling into a mall fountain
Modern AU: Baby ‘Soka Bedazzles Boots
Ahsoka with henna
Ahsoka works at a raptor recovery center (Morai and Maul are both raptors there)
Ahsoka and Bo-Katan are college roommates
Wrestling AU
Mostly Obi-Wan
Obi-Wan gets an inheritance from his estranged, recently-dead grandfather
Obi-Wan and the “you gotta get married to inherit” plot
* Obi-Wan is a Parasitologist (2) - Additional: Anakin’s a Snake Guy
* Cody’s in Urban Development
Keep the CodyWan age difference, ye cowards, plus Obi-Wan as Cody’s Sugar Daddy
Codywan “My Soulmate is a Celebrity”
Optimal Codywan Dynamic
Not Just a RomCom: CodyWan AU that starts off romcom, but turns into an AU based on The Fire Within
Modern ObiMaul
* Stepsiblings! (Bant and Obi-Wan)
The Name Game
TCW Trio
Catburglar AU
Paranormal Home Inspector
Anakin introduces his little sister
Obi-Wan accidentally gets custody of a baby exchange student
Disaster Lineage Met Gala 2021 AU (Obi-Wan in Jean Robes by @masteryaddleisagilf)
Beekeeper AU
Other Lineage Members
Dooku and Ventress
Weird-ass marriage of convenience
Quintress “fall in love with the emergency worker who saved you”
Yoda breaks out of nursing homes
Modern Xanatos
Qui-Gon marries Mace Windu, who is now Anakin and Obi-Wan’s stepdad (and Depa is now their stepsister)
Qui-Gon is an office lunch thief
Modern TBB Omega
Modern AU clones need to still have a Kind Of Weird childhood
Han Solo does stand-up comedy about his wife’s scary dads
Jewish Leia and lapsed Catholic Han
Three ST AUs: 1. Queer Eye helping Single Dad Luke, 2. Ben Solo/Poe Dameron HS AU, 3. The same, but College
Barriss has a crush on Anakin, set to the Victorious song “Best Friend’s Brother”
Artoo and Threepio are parrots
Maul’s prostheses: Gazelle from Kingsman, Elbow Crutches
Regency AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Barmaid Ahsoka in a Generic Fantasy AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Not Quite a Man of God (demon-summoning AU) - Instructions Unclear
All the Jedi are Cats - Rex and Kitty!Soka
White dad in a horror movie
Suddenly Modern AU
Qui-Gon the Faustian Castle (and Obi-Wan, his caretaker)
Gothic Americana Disaster Lineage
Maulsoka arranged marriage history AU
Earth’s Fossil Record - Legends canon - Chocolate
* Voltron/Star Wars: Obi-Wan/Coran
Miraculous fusion fic - mostly just a “which Kwami” thing
Vader vs. Kira: Fight!
Ouran AU
Live-action science fiction/fantasy
TCW/The Nevers
Good Omens AU, but like... not good
The Good Space - AU where Anakin watches in-universe The Good Place
TGP fusion fic  - all you need to know is that Hondo is Jason, R2 is Bad Janet, and Fox  is Matt (the accountant who handles weird new sex things)
Doctor Who AU: disaster lineage is all one series of regenerations
Sense8 AU (Anakin, Riyo, a Naboo handmaiden, Ferus, Barriss || Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Jocasta || Obi-Wan, Satine, Hondo)- Grogu??
The Santa Clause AU
Anidala but they’re Lazslo and Nadja from WWDitS
Disney’s Atlantis
Live-action ‘realistic’
Miss Congeniality AU (Quintress)
Bridgerton Crossover - Aliens on the Ton  - Technically this is about the other Regency AU but meh
Midsomer Murders AU 1 - Anakin Kills Palpatine, and SW characters investigate
Midsomer Murders AU 2 - Anakin Kills Palpatine, and the canon Midsomer characters (in this case Barnaby and Troy) investigate
Midsomer Murders (disembodied dialogue about Ahsoka)
Project Runway AU
Qui-Gon is a nightmare of a guest judge
TCW Leverage AU - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Say Yes to the Dress
Anakin & Obi-Wan in HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban
Post-O66 main cast dropped into HP & the Order of the Phoenix - This AU is in the Wider AUs Masterlist
Children of the Lamp AU
Obi-Wan + Newsies
Twilight & the Disaster Lineage
Dracula AU: ft. Lucy!Obi-Wan, Reverse!JonMina!Anidala, and Doctor!Quinlan
Jedi with Daemons
Anevka Meets Darth Vader (GG/SW crossover)
Obi-Wan/Vanamonde von Mekkhan
Jedi!Tarvek AU
Stewjon is GG Earth (chrono), AKA the one where Obi-Wan is genetically predisposed to being a mad scientist - This AU is in the Wider AUs masterlist
Feemor is a Heterodyne
Jedi end up on the Helicarrier, awkwardness abounds because of Samuel L Jackson and Natalie Portman existing in both
Matt and Clint (Not quite a crossover, but clone OCs based on Daredevil and Hawkeye)
Peter Parker’s LEGO Palpatine
Ant-Man and the Star Wars Universe
Ninjas help out the clone wars
Obito bothers Darth Vader
Mandalore and Ninja Planet philosophy comparison (featuring at least one instance of me not understanding a SW thing)
Karin vs Anakin’s half-Force genome - Meet the twins
Bounty Hunter TenTen
TenTen reincarnates as Fox (CC-1010) mostly for the pun
Anakin and Harem no Jutsu
Planet Shinju
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rikilouvre · 2 years
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genre : angst/romance, rollercoaster, fluff in some parts
word count : 3.8k
notes : non-idol/luxury life au, rich ceo ! enhypen jay, rich girl / model ! reader, featuring lee heeseung ! jay's bestfriend, bestfriend was once referred to as the "sidekick" heeseung stans calm down this is just fiction, swearing, very very heavy tension about battle of dominance, drinking mentioned (drink responsibly), just an experimental flow for a story, romantic bickering <3
summary : in a big runway show, you caught a handsome young ceo's attention and he seems to be wanting to do anything to make you lend your attention to him.
a/n : the other one i posted was just a trope ahajahsha this is the real story, enjoy! 🌼
+ alternate endings will be up soon, stay tuned!
++ just analyzed the story again, you could see the fake iMessages i'm gonna cry 😭💀 yeah i only used an app i have an Android but i'll do better next fic!
playlist : park jongseong ft. lee heeseung – runway
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[ 6:55PM ] – you lit your phone to check the time while heading to the runway studio inside the huge luxurious fashion complex you're in. you look around and everything is, gold, though you weren't surprised at all since this is all you've been seeing even before you became a model yourself.
fame and wealth go way back when your mom earned a position as a fashion director in a prestigious clothing line. now you're on your own – attending photoshoots and getting promotions and offers as an ambassadress of a specific clothing item from every clothing line you could think of. rich AND pretty, wow. you own it all. and you know it damn well. though it's not all champagnes and limousines – you have also been set ridiculously unrealistic standards to be able to keep up with what you've set foot on. these thoughts go around your head everyday and everytime they can, and unfortunately these thoughts made you bump in to a young well-dressed man on the large hallway out of absentmindedness.
"shit- i'm so sorry miss, are you okay?" he hurriedly grabbed the purse that fell onto the ground, but with your paranoid mindset, you snatched it from him as a defense mechanism. you breathe and compose yourself better before speaking. "my apologies...? you are?" "oh, park jongseong. call me jay." he extended his hand as a sign for you to shake it. you hesitated and gave him a look and his friend beside him before finally holding his hand. "your friend?" you gestured at the tall boy who dresses neatly the same as jay. "oh, this is my friend. heeseung." you just bowed to him 'cause, well, you just did. he was also extending his hand when you ignored it and bowed down to him, making him fluster and pull his hand back. heeseung let out an awkward chuckle when jay finally spoke : "well, we must be meeting someone at the entrance before the runway show starts right about now. see you there, miss...?" "_____." "yes, miss _____." jay excused himself and nodded before heeseung abruptly imitates him and walked towards the entrance. "hmm." you muttered to yourself.
[ 7:00PM ] – "the show will start in 15 minutes." the speaker announced. you find your reserved seat, but the chair beside you piqued your interest instead. reserved for park jongseong. while the seat beside his had a reserved for lee heeseung place card with gold trim on it. it's a small world, after all.
a few minutes have passed, you saw the two walk towards their reserved seats beside you with your peripheral vision but they stopped mid-track when jay saw you. "miss _____? so glad to meet you again." he bowed down to you like you're a rich ajumma while you just flashed them a smile. he hovered big steps for him and heeseung to be able to sit shortly since they were supposed to sit on the opposite side of where they entered.
at this point, you were starting to try so hard to not have an interest in him but just his scent alone that whiffed on you when he passed by is trying to prove you otherwise. his hair done with a wet-look was enough for you to have the courage and ask for his number. and, you were thanking heavens because : "miss _____, i've been meaning to give you this since the moment we bumped into each other 5 minutes ago." he hands you a business card : 'euphorica'. park jongseong, CEO. for business inquiries, contact this number.
your eyes widen to his actions because you swore to yourself you were mentally asking for his number a second ago. "i want you in my company for an ambassadress tryout. you fit the standard – in fact – you are the standard. you can call the number stated there if you're interested." he continued.
"thanks for the recommendation, jay." you analyzed the place card once more before continuing, "i wasn't aware i was talking to a top-notch ceo." surprised, you raised your brows with an impressed smile. you didn't even know where you're pulling all this charisma from. you're just a model, he's a full-on ceo. if there was something you think you needed to do, it was to polish his already-polished $5k shoes and serve him. but no, you're a composed woman for the night. no flirting, no acts, just you and the love of your life – modelling.
even with the background music playing, you could hear heeseung's loud whispers at jay, "dude, that girl is the deal. you should pull another stunt like getting her a drink at the bartender section later if you really want her to call you." you weren't sure of who they were talking about 'til the last bit. or are you? how could you possibly know if he didn't just give around his business card to random hot girls roaming around the complex? he looked like a playboy, that's for sure. along with his sidekick, bestfriend, or whatever. who knows? he might even be a scam or a fraud! honestly, you thought to yourself that you sometimes need to give everyone a break. you won't be able to communicate with ANYONE if you always think they're all a threat. you let your guards down just this once and let the man entertain you, that is IF heeseung and jay really were talking about you. you distracted yourself with your phone for a bit by scrolling on instagram and not long the show is already starting.
[ 7:15PM ] – "please give a huge round of applause for : euphorica." everybody clapped their hands – including mr. park jongseong beside you who only appeared 10x more charming than before. jay slowly leaned to you, "watch closely, okay? then tell me which outfits you would like to wear during photoshoot so i can choose them for you if you're interested." "surely." you nodded, giving him an assuring smile. "after, we could have a drink at the bar, up there, the rooftop." he gave you that expression with an eyebrow raised and a knowingly smirk, leaving you visibly flustered. he snickered at your expression in return, then leaned back to his seat to whisper something at heeseung. "is this guy seriously flirting with me? if so, he clearly knows his way around girls. hmm, let's see who's better at it." you thought to yourself. you crossed your arms and legs as you watched the show.
every few outfits, he asks you if you fancy them – sometimes yes, sometimes no – but it's the nature of fashion; some will fail miserably and some will pass everybody's standards. he wraps his arm around heeseung's chair while heeseung is leaning forward – his elbows resting on his knees – siren eyes intensely staring at whatever his eyes dart on, face down eyes up.
[ 8:45PM ] – the runway show ended with a few different brands showing off their newbie collection. turns out euphorica is just some kind of an opening remark and that everyone else is starting off fresh in the fashion industry.
jay stood up, heeseung stretched after sitting for a full hour, you checked your things inside your purse idly. jay offers his hand to you, "have you made up your mind, miss _____? rooftop drink." you pause for a second to think of the possible aftermath – broken heart? empty bank vault? ruined reputation? or a really good night after this? you finally made up your mind, "if the drinks are on you, then let's go." you placed your hand on top of his and now he clasped on it. "never thought i'd still be thirdwheeling with all the money and power that i have." heeseung yawned, earning a laugh from jay and a mischievous chuckle from you. you three stepped inside the elevator with platinum buttons and a huge interior with elevator mirrors all around.
"it's not even been a full day and you're already taking the lady to the vip bar." heeseung intentionally stated in a subtle way as he whistles and looks around the elegant elevator like he hasn't stepped inside it before. jay, for the first time that you've seen tonight, was confused at first, but then got embarrassed by heeseung's words later on. he lets out a nervous slash awkward chuckle as he prompts his stance properly – no slouching and bad posture. "no worries, i know my way around boys. i'm sure i can handle whatever stunt mr. jongseong here would throw at me." heeseung gave jay a side-eye – indicating that both have already realized that you've heard what they were talking about before the runway show started. "honestly not expecting for you to be as good as you are in this game, jay. bumping into a girl in a 20ft wide half-empty hallway. how ridiculous." you taunted him to see if he would budge.
from being a mannered gentleman, he started to act like an immature playboy – except his statements made sense. he scoffed, "...you really think i did that on purpose? maybe you're just too assuming for someone who bumped into us." he looked directly at you. "why the sudden change of demeanor, mr. handsome ceo?" you leaned a little closer to him, the tension rising rapidly as heeseung just watches you both interestedly on the corner left side of the elevator near the door. "so you admit i'm handsome?" he, once again, raises his brow at you along with his infamous smirk. "i only tell people what they want to hear." you clapped back.
"wHOOOO! GO RANT THE SHIT OUT OF JAY OVER HERE!" heeseung cheers you out of nowhere, waving his fist up in the air while screaming and clapping inside the enclosed space. you broke into laughter, "oh my god, you're SO funnier than jay over here-" you abruptly chuckled when you saw jay's face – scrunched up nose, squinted eyes, smiling lips – does he like being made fun of? oh what the hell. all that matters is that heeseung was there to cut the tension off of everyone inside the elevator. speaking of elevator, the conversation made it feel like you've been inside for a really long time when it's just been less than a minute.
the door opens, once again, jay extends his elbow for you to hold on to. would you look at that – a guy who can both be ass AND be respectful towards ladies – there's something about him that's making you think about your decision regarding his tryout offer. and he was the one to personally reach out to you. he made you feel important and lucky just by being an accommodating ceo from who-knows-where. so then, what if he was to be your suitor? wait. everything seems too fast, let the man get you a drink first and see how he acts towards you outside of the fashion field before making your decision, as a person who's interested in someone.
the rooftop welcomed you with a cool breeze and rainbow lights everywhere. the night skies building the atmosphere of a chill night and the cityview which you won't ever forget when you leaned on the glass pane fence of the edges of the rooftop. the tiny lights in buildings and the way they all looked so tiny, the heavy traffic with blurbs of red, orange, and yellow, the booming bass of the dj's songs making the atmosphere very much like a club's, and how this random ceo brought you here for a drink just because you caught his eye. all this feeling and mesmerizing happiness inside you just makes everything so memorable and gets you in the feels so much.
"what would you like to drink, _____?" jongseong walked up behind your back and gently pat you on the shoulder, his other hand inside his pocket. you squint your eyes as a sign of distaste coming out of nowhere, "where's heeseung?" he scoffed without any humour and lifted his hand away from your shoulder. "why?" he responded while you answered with a "nothing, do simple questions like that hurt your ego?" he then gave you a shady response, "you want me to give him a call so i can tell him to pick you up and act like his puppy?" you completely turned to him, crossing your arms as you glare at him – even though you were feeling every inch of your body be filled with anger 'cause of jay who referred to you as someone's puppy, you still found a tiny opportunity of pissing him off even more "why are you mad, then? you mad i'm gonna like heeseung more than you and your whole night of trying to pull something from me AND me will go to waste?" you gave jay a smirk to top it all off.
jay was waiting for you to say something else, hands in his pockets and tapping his foot, his eyebrow raised. now you really can't see anything in him, you can't read him if he's being serious or he's thinking of a comeback like the ass that he is, 'cause his serious face is on for a tough second now. you broke the silence into a gentle laughter as you placed your hands on his chest, you had to slightly tilt your head and neck up so you can look at him face-to-face, "i'm kidding, jay. ofcourse i'm having fun with this.. game or bachelorette shit suitor whatever you want to call it." you gave him an assuring smile then he gave back that assuring smile you just gave him. he placed his hands on your shoulders, "i'm glad to know that, i wouldn't want to waste my money on drinks for someone with no taste." jay gave you a silly expression, raising his brows up and down with his eyes squinted and his mouth forming a grin. you laughed at the sight and gave him playful slaps. "what are you doing?" you asked him in the middle of your laughing fits with him.
you both sat on an empty table. "no but i'm serious though, where's heeseung?" you attempted to ask again before hearing : "no but i was also serious earlier, what would you like to drink?" now that you finally put your mind to it, you're lost in what to drink. it's been such a long time since you drank and the last time someone asked you what you wanted to drink. "hmm i'm thinking, soju? grapefruit flavor... i want to keep things plain tonight." he paused before finally answering your question : "heeseung's there." he pointed from afar, near the bartender where heeseung was animatedly talking to a fashionable lady and a man who were seemingly of high ranks as well.
"i see," you subconsciously spoke, "if you don't mind me asking, i mean, you probably won't since we're getting to know each other; how did you become a CEO? what's heeseung's rank status and how did you two become friends?" jay inhaled then sighed heavily, "i'll tell once i take our drinks." he clicked his tongue and walked towards the bartender. but, he came back to you midway and placed his hands on the table, leaning towards you,
"are you gonna be okay here? alone?" this question made your heart race. never have your boyfriends you've dated in the past gave you this kind of persona where they subtly care, let alone just act like it. then, you burst out a chuckle, "uh, ofcourse i am? you and heeseung could literally see if i'm not. but thank you for asking, jay." you placed your hand on his as he lifted his other hand and placed it on top of yours. he gave you a very simple but heartmelting smile you'll ever remember. he walked away again, then turned back to you again.
"so sorry to ruin the mood for the both of us – me walking away while you sit here being in your feels 'cause of earlier, but i forgot your drink." you both shared a good minute of laughing and bickering, "jay, soju. grapefruit flavor." jay walked away once again, laughing to himself while you adoringly watched him. "that guy." you happily muttered under your breath, shaking your head.
[ 9:00PM ] – you checked the time right before you saw jay approach your table. a few seconds after he sat on his chair, a waiter approaches you both with the drinks on the tray. "one soju grapefruit and one brandy on the rocks." the waiter gently places the drinks one by one onto the table, next the napkins, then excused himself. "so, tell me everything." you took a sip and let out a sigh. "well, this is how everything started. seung and i, we go way back. cliche to say, i know, but back to the topic.
back then he's already a son of a remarkable man – a ceo, the owner of this complex. so he had an insight on how industry works." his statement earned a silent 'wow' from you. "we attended the same classes, being in the same circle of friends 'til it's just the two of us, we did everything together, even convincing my dad to let me stay up all night. pft, elementary days. anyway, we eventually graduated both. he was already an owner of a small business back in highschool 'til it grew into the famous brand we all know – chanel." wow. freaking chanel. at first, you weren't even believing his words 'cause of how ridiculously expensive everything sounds. "you gotta be kidding- chanel? the dress i'm wearing right now?" jay quietly nodded. you leaned back on your seat, keeping an anguished face. man, you're on the high leagues now.
"that was highschool, i only earned the title of being a ceo the day i graduated college – you know, dynasty. ofcourse i was experienced in dealing with everything a ceo does since my dad was one, and he's the one to teach me marketing strategies and such. but not as much as seung. he was literally the one to run everything, with his own hands, power, and ideas." jay holds his glass by the rim and starts to circle it around, mixing the melted ice with the brandy. "so, i really don't know how to react when people think i'm the superior one between us. maybe it's because he just looks goofy and acts so humble all the time. but if i'm being honest, i look up to heeseung a lot." a hint of admiration appears on your face. "wow, they must be really inseparable" you thought to yourself. "don't let him know that, though. that might egg him and mess with me about it for a few weeks. so, in short – heeseung is a sidekick-in-disguise. we become each other's wingman at times. just don't like it sometimes when he calls me out infront someone. so spiritually degrading."
you almost choked on your drink when he said the last bit in the middle of you sipping. "you two really act like brothers, that's for sure." he lets out a mischievous laughter, "yeah, right." the night was greatly spent with the both of you getting to know each other, with a few drinks being consumed due to elongated conversations. heeseung eventually joined the table and had a fun chat with you and jongseong. ahh, a thirdwheeler indeed.
come to think of it, everything is actually happening very fast – you just met this guy, now you're both sharing precious moments in a rooftop bar. it's like everything clicked just perfectly and now you're rolling with it 'cause it feels right. jay's kind too, you know. he really seemed much of a sarcastic jerk at times but, it just comes with his personality which is pretty unique and humorous. he knows when to joke and when to stop. and that's when you realized, you have interest in him.
the night ended with heeseung saying his goodbyes to you and jay before taking off in his limo and jay booking you an uber to your house. if you were honest, you wanted him to take you to your home personally since you have drank. though, he had too. it wouldn't be the best for him to drive since you could already see his tipsiness with the way he walks swaying his body to an unknown rhythm.
"thank you for tonight, jay. this is really memorable. and, i might take you up on your offer regarding the photoshoot tryout." you held up his business card he gave you to his face. "i had a good talk with you too, ms. _____. i have hopes in us meeting again, about business or not." he winked at you. you snickered at him 'cause he probably did that 'cause he was drunk... right? anyway, you gracefully sat inside the uber and said your goodbye to jongseong.
euphorica. where fashion has no limits. you scanned the business card he gave you and typed the digits in your phone. then the moment of silence with your driver went on 'til you came home. every lights you see on the streets looked brighter and happier, everything was colorful and your heart was jumping – looking back to everything that happened tonight. guess letting your guards down for tonight was a really great idea than you expected.
[ 2:00AM ] you're in your pajamas laying in your bed, staring at the ceiling of your high-end condominium. you couldn't sleep despite all the bottles of soju you consumed. all this insomnia made you finally decide about jay's offer. you tapped the saved number 'euphorica' on your phone. there, you started a chat.
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"did this dude really just confess to me in his business number? wow. this man," you muttered to yourself. "i might change my mind just 'cause of his unprofessionalism..." you pause to yourself, "but... he really isn't the type to rush things. i mean... if he wanted to rush then he would've told me the story, right? right?" you catch yourself lacking. you were talking to yourself. *crying emoji* but in reality, you were right. who knew? maybe he just found you really pretty FOR his fashion collection. not as a potential girlfriend. but what's important for you at this moment is that, your career is now ongoing under fashionable mr. jongseong's hold. you finally drifted to sleep after closure.
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sadkidwithocs · 2 months
Ok, finally I can officially present all my 3 generations wrestlers with briefly information😂
As I’ve ever told you that Faren is 2nd generation 2 wrestler. I decide to post this first to hope you can know his family and brief background. Start with the first generation, Ailani, Faren’s dad
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Ailani is my 2015 oc (I create him before Faren many years actually). He doesn’t have role that much in my fiction except being Seiji’s grandpa/ his face looks like Seiji more than his son, Faren😂
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⭐️⭐️Faren, 2nd generation. My 2019 oc, story teller of Faren’s story. I feels weird a little bit to draw him with natural brown hair😂
I mean..look at his big eyes🧿^🧿he doesn’t has feirce face like his dad. Conversely, he has sweet looking like his mom who’s being wrestler. His face would look more like a girl if he had long hair
Faren has older sister names is Sandy Faye Kamealoha.
[📝Fact about creating Faren] His sweet face or lifestyle aren’t from accident, they’re are all in my intention, Faren is the last person of 3 Kamealohas I created, Ailani and Seiji has similar face by gene between grandpa and grandson. So, I just want to create Faren completely different from his dad and his son with some side
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Faren is a person who’s not confident in himself because sometimes he compare himself with his dad whose set a very hight standard from being a legend wrestler. Faren doesn’t have huge body like bodybuilder and not formidable or vicious as a warrior like Ailani. He looks more like some man whose has very meticulous about grooming and appearance/ spend each days with fixing big bike and collect motorcycle catalogue instead of work out.
Faren has been divorced once and had 1 daughter with Rose(ex-wife). 2-3 years later he had Seiji and Rino with a Japanese journalist in America, has a son and a daughter, after she passed away from car accident. When he worked in WWF, he and Rose had the opportunity to talk together again to discuss about the future of Serena (his daughter)and child support. Rose decides to adopt Seiji to be Serena’s younger brother/ friend and live in Texas and study here. For Rino, Seiji’s real sister was raised by her Japanese grandma. Seiji and Rino are brothers who grew up in different countries. Seiji grew up with his half-sister in America and study here, causing he can’t speak any Japanese language.
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Seiji, 3rd generation. My 2011 oc, created since I was in high school and he’s on my top3 fav OCs. I draw him for the first time in 3years, miss him so much!!🥹🥹
Seiji is one of main characters of Taka’s story, but he has some role in Faren’s story when Faren tells flashback stories and current situation when he flies from Japan to America and goes to WWE backstage with his dad/ his sisters(Serena&Rino) and his wrestling friends to met “uncles”, Faren’s wrestling friends
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Seiji was an actor since he was young/ be football player/ have knowledge about wrestling moves and pass all test of NJPW performance corse but he broke his NJPW wrestler friends’ heart by refuse to be wrestler, because at first he didn’t interested in wrestling at all, He's even quite biased towards wrestling. But at last persons whose make he open-minded for wrestling is “Teioh” Japanese wrestling friends and leader of KAIENTAI DX(not jobber Kaientai in WWF) , Seiji is appreciate for friendship of wrestlers that see talented on brat like him and try hard to persuade to make him is part of their group. Seiji start learning to speak Japanese from then, he also buy a house in Tokyo nearby his sister’s house.
In his wrestling friends’ eyes, Seiji is friggin intelligent person, now he be both engineer and wrestler. And because he’s “Gaijin” in the group of Japanese wrestlers, Sometimes the “cultural difference” makes him have a slightly different personality from the other members (but it's not a problem), Seiji is a straight-forward person and never shows his face to anyone except his wrestling friends at backstage(because he wears a mask) That's why some people think he's arrogant and call him “Brat”.I mean.. actually he is Brat for real😂 but he’s not bully person, but he’s sharp-tongue person/ Karen hater of the group! but you won’t see him in this side in Faren’s story, bc that time he’s just innocent little boy😌
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I’ll explain with the first pic for more understanding if you confuse about Faren’s wife and his son and daughters.
At 2nd pic, from left to right Rino(Seiji’s real younger sister) is model in Japan. Serena(middle) is beauty blogger, her blonde hair from dying makes she looks like Faren in girl version😂. And Seiji is wrestler in NJPW and be KAIENTAI DX member. He is wearing mask because it’s his gimmick in wrestling career. Please keep Seiji’s face at infomation pic in your mind .. because after this, you’ll rarely see his real face under the mask😈
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dekusleftsock · 9 months
I am begging you and every other MHA fan to raise your standards cause Kohei gave everyone a yuri couple only to immediately kill one off.
…how many times has horikoshi faked deaths in this series. Because it’s A LOT. Afo, allmight, izuku losing his arm, bakugou, touya, Ochako literally last chapter, like… the story isn’t done yet my dude.
So how do I think horikoshi has seriously failed mha… hmm…
1: her
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Her entire character. Well, not entire character. She GOT a lot of screen time and development don’t get me wrong, especially later in the series, and yes I love the fact that bakugou and dekus relationship was more prioritized than Izuku and Ochakos, but does that mean he prioritized her character? No! Nope! NADDA! Ochako is repeatedly sidelined throughout the story, and is also somehow excluded from a lot of arcs that SERIOUSLY RELATE TO HER CHARACTER.
Imagine if ochako was a part of the stain arc at all. She joined for selfish reasons like iida, he has a blood quirk like toga (which could’ve EASILY been foreshadowing to her not being freaked out by blood like most people), could’ve been a great way to show some nuance to her character….
And yet… AND YET…
That brings me to mistake number 2: Shoto Todoroki
Do I think shoto’s character is written badly or wrong? No! Of course I don’t! The entirety of the todoroki storyline, especially with its connection to hawks and the dirty parts of heroics, is really really good! I think it’s one of the most well handled abusive families in all of fiction. It understands EVERYONE in the family, and horikoshi is still able to show so much character and development in just a few scenes, like Natsuo or Rei.
So what IS my problem?
The fact that Ochako, her story, her CHARACTER AS A WHOLE… becomes sidelined due to horikoshi’s choice to prioritize his character over her’s. Again, it’s a great story and I wish he could balance both of them in mha, but he COULDNT, and he made the choice to sacrifice a woman’s character over a man’s.
Though I will say, a note on how ochako could’ve been in the stain arc: toga as a concept was created later and for ochako specifically, so it does kind of make sense as to why she wasn’t involved. Plans change and writers change, their ideas for their characters and what direction they go will ALWAYS change, and sadly you can’t predict that you won’t change a character or it’s direction at any point. It sucks! But that’s how a lot of these really long manga’s go. They have to write and then draw it pretty fucking fast.
And tbh I don’t really know what id do in horikoshi’s shoes with ochako and shoto! But it is definitely a critique we can acknowledge. It would take some seriously extraordinary writing skills to be able to balance, what, 3 deuteragonists? Katsuki, Ochako, AND Todoroki? Especially since one of those characters has a very complex trauma storyline that involves like five other characters? I honestly wouldn’t know what to do in his shoes!
I just wish he had picked the woman out of the two of them, but I think everyone knows that his manga wouldn’t be half as popular were he to have made it focus on two guys and a girl, instead of three guys, one of which is conventionally attractive and has major main character energy.
Anyway number 3: the overhaul arc
Ugh I have such mixed opinions on this arc. On one hand it has some really interesting storylines… when they’re on their own.
From what I understand, horikoshi did this arc because he wanted to try his hands at a longer arc and he had never really done that before. And while it’s great and very obvious he learned things from this arc, it just… takes up so much god damn space and gives us absolutely nothing long term.
Like yeah it makes a few points, like how high schoolers shouldn’t be involved in all of this and kinda sets up the ending rn where the actual adult heroes are sacrificing themselves for the next generation (ex: the guy that I forget the name of who’s now bakugous heart, allmight for deku, midnight for Mina/all the other kids, Mount lady, Aizawa for deku and all the other kids, Mirko for bakugou, etc etc), where as villains sacrifice the next generation for THEMSELVES (ex: afo and shigaraki, overhaul and eri, the gun arm girl for deku, also afo for dabi, etc etc) which is really good to do!
It’s just. Yk. Done by basically every other arc.
AIZAWA REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS, ALLMIGHT REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS, ENDEAVOR REPEATEDLY SHOWS THIS. Like it’s the entirety of Mount ladies arc, learning to be a hero and sacrifice for the next generation. Sacrifice and the fact that we forget 1-A are high schoolers is constantly shoved down our fucking throats; we don’t need this arc that takes so god damn long, only adds more characters that aren’t that important, TAKES AWAY FROM YOUR MAIN CAST OTHER THAN DEKU AND ALLMIGHT, JUST for it to tell you explicitly that “kids shouldn’t be fighting the battles of the previous generation, but they have to”. It just. Ugh.
There’s so much time in that arc fucking WASTED on nighteye or mirio’s character. Do I think the big three are really interesting? Of course! The contrast between mirio to deku is fascinating! It really shows how much deku can’t become allmight.
But you know. We talked about that a season ago mha. Yk. When he learns to use kicks instead of punches. Or yk. Gran Torino’s entire arc surrounds that. Everything about deku is nothing like allmight. That’s the entirety of their characters together. It’s repeatedly shown to be dekus biggest insecurity. He’s not allmight. YOU DIDNY NEED THIS ARC TO TELL YOU THAT AGAIN.
It’s like, everything that matters in this arc has already been shouting at you throughout the entire show, and everything else is never really used again outside of a mention here or there. It’s REALLY CLEAR Horikoshi was just doing this arc to try doing a long arc, not thinking about the long term of said arc.
Hmmm what else is there to complain about…
Eh, I guess the fan service? Which is, yk, in every other shonen anime/manga out there. Sometimes with people far younger than anyone in mha.
Ugh it’s like people like you just want me to be screaming “horikoshi did this! Horikoshi did that!” Every five seconds. I read the manga, I’ve talked about these flaws before on my account. Sorry if I… enjoy the manga???? Wait… omg!
It’s almost like I’m an mha account and it says RIGHT HERE IN MY BIO! Crazy!
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Like seriously, what was your point? You were mad at drawings on a screen and someone enjoying that story and just… wanted to make someone’s day worse?
Did you expect me to heave over and be like “yes master anon! Toga is the worst written character in mha and horikoshi is a bad writer!” He’s a capable writer who understands his audience more than people give him credit for.
EVERY story has flaws. Every. Single. One. And because mha is literally everywhere and the fandom can get annoying because, it’s literally everywhere, I can understand getting annoyed sometimes. But you can’t sit here and expect me to solely focus on how bad horikoshi’s writing is because you’re mad at one thing. Toga SHOULD be selfless for ochako, sorry that it means thinking that she’s going to die???? What do you want from me?
I don’t have to “raise my standards” because horikoshi uses a lot of subtext and symbolism. I have other gay media I watch or read.
But like every single lgbtq movement that’s ever happened, it takes BABY STEPS. There aren’t many, if any, gay shonens out there, and if mha wants to be the first one it has to play by the rules. It has to make you think this is every other heterosexual shonen ever.
Shojo didn’t just become gay, it had to have shows like sailor moon censor a lesbian couple to be “cousins” so that other shows could exist. Madoka had to be at least semi subtle about its queer coding.
That whole meme where it shows one show saying “x show walked so that y show could run”, yeah that’s how every gay genre was made. Horror didn’t just become gay, it had to have community and relatability build up over the years, along with those new gay writers remembering where they came from, who paved the way.
My point being: I don’t give a shit if you think horikoshi is an awful writer who you think I can’t criticize. However I DO KNOW that if toga and ochako fully get together you’ll NEVER be able to avoid mha. And that thought makes me smile so much more than just the fact that they’re canon.
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
top 5 ships (as in boats)?? :')
I'm going with fictional ships for the sake of argument, but:
(1) The Flying Dutchman (potc)- Dead Man's Chest knocked me off my chair (and onto the grimy floor of the theater in [town name redacted]) several times, but the sudden appearance of the Dutchman surging out of the water really set a new standard for "oh now that's a fucking haunted ship". She's decaying. She's got a massive pipe organ that's purely there for the drama. She's a cursed ship of the dead and damned. Who among us can best her?
(2) The Kerberos (1899)- ship of NIGHTMARES. Massive props to the member of the production team who said they wanted the Kerberos to feel like the anti-Titanic: you clever bastards succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. Dark, menacing, incomprehensibly portentously decorated even in the first class dining saloon, subject of wildly unethical science experiments, complete with mysterious trauma oubliettes, hundreds of miles from anything, and the command structure conveniently pre-disintegrated! I'm booking passage aboard as we speak.
(3) USS Constitution (Fallout 4 vintage) - you know, I don't think enough people have asked the most important question of our time, which is (to whit): what if we allowed robots (who apparently believe themselves to be Isaac Hull and his crew) to strap moonshot rockets to the sides of the USS Constitution? The answer is: well, thank goodness for live oak sides, even 200+ years after the end of the world. Anyway, my good friend Captain Ironsides has never let me down.
(4) USS Tiger Shark (Below) - HAUNTED. SO HAUNTED. What if you were on a submarine that wanted you to die, as well as, you know, the whole of the Kriegsmarine operating in the Atlantic, as well? It would suck, but the record player with a mind of its own (and the mirror that's displaced in time?) were undoubtedly rad. A+ submarine.
(5) The Pequod (Moby-Dick) - "[...]you never saw such a rare old craft as this same rare old Pequod. [...] She was a thing of trophies. [...] tricking herself forth in the chased bones of her enemies. All round, her unpanelled, open bulwarks were garnished like one continuous jaw, with the long sharp teeth of the sperm whale, inserted there for pins, to fasten her old hempen thews and tendons to. Those thews ran not through base blocks of land wood, but deftly travelled over sheaves of sea-ivory. Scorning a turnstile wheel at her reverend helm, she sported there a tiller; and that tiller was in one mass, curiously carved from the long narrow lower jaw of her hereditary foe." bless Ishmael for finding this cool, and even sexy, as opposed to running back to the green hills of New England.
Ask me my "Top 5" anything!
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clairegregoryau · 8 months
Ten First Lines
Tagged by the lovely @ghostalservice and @petrichorca! I last did this in March and it's slightly alarming to realise I've had over ten additional fics out since then 😅 I've written fics for Deadloch and the OFMD ARG Blow the Man Down, but I'm sticking with my Our Flag Means Death fics for this one. I'm absolutely useless at keeping track of everyone here, so consider yourself tagged if you want in on this ❤️ 1. They say that below the 40th parallel, there is no law.
Below the 50th, there is no god.
(From Trade Your Winter for the Sun, my 1911 polar explorers fic co-written with Lis, and this couplet of lines is a famous saying, reputedly from 19th century whalers in the Southern Ocean!) 2. Ed Teach is having a very cool, very calm, very fucking normal day at work. (From Tree Change, in which Ed and Stede are ecologists investigating an environmental mystery, and also fanfic writers for a fictional TV show about eco-pirates- first chapter up for AUgust, and the rest will cover every day of Kinktober, so keep an eye out in October! It's going to be a wild ride.) 3. The week after the Olympics is a blur, the adrenaline still barely fading. (From Parallel Placement, the sequel to Olympic diving AU Synchronicity, in which Ed and Stede commence their new life together in Aotearoa) 4. The letter is delivered by seagull, per the standard mail service of the lighthouse island. (From Promised, a little sequel to Here Be Monsters, in which Lucius and Pete decide to get married, and everyone else thinks about what forever means to them, too) 5. It’s a busy evening on the Portsmouth docks, as they all are, and Stede Bonnet runs full tilt down the cobbled street, ducking and diving between swarms of naval sailors and harried dockers in his haste to make it to his destination in time. (From Wonders Unknown, my Reverse Bang fic, a Jules Verne-inspired historical AU set in 1872, in which anthropologist Stede hires famous adventurer Ed to track down proof that mermaids exist) 6. “Cut!” the director yells. “Cut!” (From Come in Spinner, my Eurovision fic, in which a long-separated Ed and Stede reunite to host Australia's coverage of the event in 2014, the pivotal year in which the country pushed to join the competition) 7. It’s been absolutely years since Ed’s delivered a package himself, but there’s been a whole run of calamities that nobody could have foreseen, and it’s got him standing on the porch of this isolated, kinda Gothic house a few clicks out of town, staring at the fancy front door with a box clutched in his hands. (From The Postman Always Rings Twice, a 1950s mailman AU that is also an Ed sandwich, in which Ed hooks up with the married Mary Bonnet, then hooks up with her husband, and falls into an unusual arrangement between them). 8. Stede had intended never to tell Ed about that one specific thing. (From Rewind, Replay, another little Synchronicity one-shot, in which Ed discovers that Stede used to get off to videos of him diving, and decides to try it out for his own benefit) 9. “I’ll give it to you straight, the publisher says you need to speak with an expert.” Izzy’s behind his desk in a white shirt with the collar unbuttoned, sleeves rolled up to his forearms, tie cast aside, much more casual than usual. (From In Ruins, a very smutty one-shot in which novelist Ed is sent into the jungle to answer accuracy complaints from archaeologist Stede, only to encounter a legendary sex pollen and a fast pivot from enemies to lovers) 10. It’s been four days since the former crew of the Revenge reappeared, and Ed’s hiding in his cabin. (From Choose Your Own Adventure: Reunion! Does what it says on the tin- an amazing collab between a lot of us. I wrote four chapters (not the first one, though) and did two pieces of art).
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