#rosalie lillian hale
xetswan · 9 months
Youngest Shadow- Meet Again
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Six | Seven | Eight |
Meeting the parents… Okay.. Yeah, I can do this. They aren’t really their parents. Also not like I just started talking to them or anything. I take a deep breath just as someone starts knocking on my door. I look to see it’s Bella standing in my doorway, I smile as she enters my room. “What’s up?” I tilt my head. “Woww, you actually dressed up.” She pokes my side, I jerk away from her, rolling my eyes. “Yeah, yeah, you too.” I compliment, going over to my mirror I just had put up with the help of Charlie. 
I just bought new jewelry for my piercings, to make them less noticeable as well. “You nervous?” She comes up behind me, I give her a look through the mirror, not even turning around to do so. “Stupid question, Bells.” I stand up straight, fixing my hair as I do so. 
“[Name], that boy’s here.” Charlie calls, my body tenses up. My smirks, “shut up.” I tell her, leaving her in my room and I go to the front door. “Bye, dad. I’ll see you later!” I shout out, I’m already out of the door, Jasper there to greet me at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Where’s Alice?” I ask, he takes my arm, leading me to his car. “We thought it would be best to have your dad think you’re just dating me so you don’t have to deal with anything awkward unless you chose to.” He explains, opening the car door for me, letting me get in then shutting it to go to the other side. He gets in quite quickly as if he was already missing my touch. 
Once on the road he puts his hand in between us, giving me the choice to take it. I’d be stupid not to, my hand meets his. I watch him smile in the corner of my eye. Now thinking about it him and Alice always need to hold or touch me in some sort of way. These past three days have been filled of them either putting an arm around my waist, a hand holding mine, one of them clinging to my arm or a hand simply on my shoulder and knee. 
The ride through the trees was beautiful, it’s something I could never get over. The peeping through of animals that stared, the animals that were just living their lives.
“We’re here.” Jasper mumbles, letting go of me but before we could even unbuckle my door opened. It was Alice there with a grin, she helped me out and shut the door. “You look beautiful.” She kisses my cheek that has already warmed up from the attention I got from Jasper. She clinged to my arm as Jasper went up to the house opening the door for us. 
Four of them stood in front of me. “[Name], how wonderful it is to see you.” A lady engulfs me into a hug, confused but still hugging her back she lets go, taking my face in her hands. “It’s been so long.” She whispers, I smile awkwardly, not knowing what she’s talking about. 
“Esme, she doesn’t remember.” Alice reminds her, Esme’s face drops as it clicks in her head. “It’s nice to see you again, [Name].” Dr. Cullen or Carlisle smiles, I nod. “It’s nice when my sister is not hurt at a hospital.” I joke, he chuckles agreeing with me. “Certainly.” I figured he probably meant the same thing as Esme about seeing me again. Realizing they have all met me before in my past life before this one. 
I glance over to Emmett and Rosalie, remembering their names from when Jessica and Angela has explained who they were to Bella. Rosalie has a soft smile upon her lips as Emmett grinned. “Were we friends..?” I questioned, they all chuckle but I wasn’t joking. “Very good ones.” Rosalie tells me and I let out a breath of relief. Her man squeezes her to his side. “Oh yeah, we’ve made quite the memories. You were a wild one.” He laughs loudly, I look back at Alice and Jasper who looked almost pissed by his words but quickly hide it once they saw my face. 
“Well, we’re going to talk to her for a little ourselves before Edward and Bella get here.” Alice excuses the three of us, I wave to them and they happily do the same back. Rosalie had an expression on her face once Bella’s name was mentioned. She seemed pained? Disgusted? I mentally shrug, most likely going to find that out later. 
“What was that about?” I ask them once we were out on a balcony. They act confused but I knew they know what I am talking about. “Your faces when Emmett said something about my past life. Why can’t anyone tell me anything?” I cross my arms. I was a little upset, I don’t understand why they refuse to tell me about myself. 
“[Name], it’s something you have to figure out and know on your own. It will come.” Alice places her hand on my shoulder. I roll my eyes. “Okay, another question.” I state, they both make eye contact with me and I continue. “Why are none of you affected by my blood? Okay I get you two but everyone else also seemed perfectly fine.” 
“Carlisle is because he’s been around and a vegetarian way longer than us.” Alice tells me, “The others is because you’re different, we haven’t figured it out but we don’t know.” Jasper frowns, I could tell they wish they knew so they could tell me. Also probably because I ask so many things. 
I hear two car doors shut and I look over to see Edward and Bella are here. They don’t notice us or at least Bella doesn’t so I turn back to the other two. 
“So, we have to warn you of something.” Alice starts and I notice Jasper has tensed up. “Jasper does well around you obviously but your sister not so much.” I nod, understanding. Jasper holds onto my arm and I look at him sympathetically. 
“We want to also give her a small welcoming gift. We have one for you but that’s later.” Alice winks, Jasper then suddenly picks me up and I gasp as they jump down from the balcony. I hide my face in his neck. He chuckles, carefully placing me back down. Alice goes around picking random wild flowers, I watch as she will turn and ask if each one is pretty enough. 
Each time we would tell her they are perfect. 
I think of all the questions building inside of my head as I lean against a tree, patiently letting Alice do her thing and drag Jasper with her. 
And the one question that seems to never go away: Why me?
Out of all of this, why me? Out of everyone, why me? Something I don’t think even they can answer. Or anyone, really. “[Name], let’s go back.” Alice happily says, showing me her flowers too. I smile, nodding, letting Jasper pick me back up and I squeeze my eyes shut as they jump over the rail. Jasper letting me down but holding my hand immediately after.
“Hi, Bella!” 
Alice bounces forward towards my sister, kissing her cheek and handing her the flowers. “I’m Alice. You do smell good!” She seemed to be teasing. “Alice.” Edward starts. “It’s alright, Bella and I are going to be great friends.” She tells the taller vampire. 
Bella extends out her hand. “And you’re Jasper, right?” He grips my hand a tiny bit tighter and I squeeze it back. “Pleasure to meet you.” He steps behind me. 
“You won’t hurt her, Jasper.” Alice gently encourages him, Edward ends up taking her hand instead. “I’ll give you a tour of the house.” 
“I’ll see you soon.” Alice speaks up, Edward shoots her a look, both Bella and I notice before her guides her further up the house. Jasper seems disappointed in himself then his eyes go to my face and I smile causing him to do the same.
 Alice slides her arm to my waist, giving me a short hug. As awkward as that whole thing was I was glad my sister found someone. The two end up leaving my side, Jasper and Alice tell me they have to talk about something.
Moments later we hear them laughing outside. “She’s brought him to life.” I overhear Esme talking. “He’s been alone too long… but how can it end well?” Carlisle responds. “Alice has been wrong before.” Esme enterjects.
“Not often.”
“How about [Name], she only remembers everything when she comes to a near death experience that in the end does end up-” 
My eyes widen, the words that come out of Esme’s mouth cause my breathing to hitch. Near death… What?
Everything looks blurry and I clench at my chest as I try to catch my breath. I hear someone yelling at me but it sounds disoriented. I hold onto whatever is closest to me and end up knocking a glass thing over, breaking it. Luckily someone walks me away from it. I look up. “Hey, hey, calm down.” It’s Alice and Rosalie holding me as I glance over to see Carlisle and Emmett picking up the glass. “I’m sorry.” I exaspperate. “You’re okay, don’t worry. I need you to breathe.” Alice holds my face in her hands almost like Esme did before but this is more comforting knowing it’s my Alice. 
She places a hand on my heart. Then Jasper gently push the two girls away and suddenly my fear went away and I can actually take a deep breath without it hurting. Alice pulls me into her arms as everything calms down. 
“I want to go home.” I sigh. “We can do that.” She assures me. “I’m sorry,” I apologize to everyone in the room. 
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kassies-take · 8 months
If You Were A Denali Coven Member During The Cullen’s Time Away from Forks
Tanya: Carlisle
Carlisle: Tanya thank you for welcoming us
Eleazar: you’re missing a member
Esme: Edward is taking time away from us
You: *stares at Rosalie*
Rosalie: *spots you behind Kate and Carmen* and you have a new member
You: *looks at Rosalie, smiles and waves*
Rosalie: *gasps*
Alice: *screams* Rose! Oh I’m so happy for you
Rosalie: *growls* stop it!
Emmett: *laughs* Rosie found her mate! Rosie found her mate!
Rosalie: *glares at Emmett*
Kate: *smirks*
Irina: *rolls eyes and moves you forward* this is (Y/n) a new born and our new coven member
Carmen: nomads killed her family while they were vacationing
You: *looks Rosalie up and down* yes and you are?
Rosalie: Rosalie. You can call me Rose if you’d like *if she could blush she would be*
You: *steps closer to Rosalie and takes an unneeded breath*
Jasper: *smirks* it’s been a while since the family went hunting
Tanya & Carlisle: *looks between Rosalie and You*
Carlisle: That will be best
Rosalie: I’m going to stay
You: I will as well
Kate: *smirks* I’m sure you would. We all know how welcoming newborns can be. No shame in it and plenty of fun to have
Emmett: oh I’m sure it’ll be plenty fun. Right Rose.
Rosalie: *grits* just go!
Emmett: *runs off* use protection!
Kate: *runs off* don’t break the bed!
Everyone: *runs off*
Carlisle: *pats Rosalie and runs off*
Rosalie: … so you’ve got a room in that house?
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multifixwritings · 1 month
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Note: I hope this okay. This was a pretty vague request, so I tried some HCs/Preferences—I still have trouble distinguishing the difference—about how she would be in general. Also, thank you so much for my first request—and for making it for Rosalie. I love her so much and would love to write for her more.
Rosalie would absolutely love your hair.
She prefers blonde hair, as she has always loved her own shade, but she adores red hair. The way it shines in certain lighting or under the sun is stunning to her. She would probably dye her own hair red if she wasn’t so vain about her natural beauty—plus, she isn’t sure how the chemicals would react or if she would ever be able to go back to her own color due to her vampirism.
Playing with your hair would be one of her favorite pastimes.
Rosalie enjoys the way it feels against her skin. Natural red hair tends to have a different texture and is typically coarser and frizzier. While she would enjoy this, she would also find it calming to work it out to be smoother and silkier, if that’s what you would ask her to do. But it wouldn’t matter whether it was natural or dyed—she’d still admire and love it all the same and could spend hours just playing with it if you let her.
Playing with your hair would actually help her relieve some of any stress or anger she was feeling in the moment. There is just something soothing in the way the strands would glide between her fingers. She would also twist and tug your hair as she imagines various styles that would suit you.
She would help pick out outfits that make the color pop.
Much like Alice, Rosalie has a keen eye for fashion. She could spend hours picking out clothes to make your hair stand out—as well as your eyes and complexion. Not to mention the hair accessories she would buy for you if you were into them. Alice would volunteer her help when Rosalie shops either for or with you because those girls know what would look best.
Rosalie wouldn’t stand for any names or insults thrown your way.
She would hear all the redhead jokes people would make and would come to your defense if she saw it upset you in any way. The one about gingers not having souls would bother her more than some of the others. If she knows it’s not something that gets to you, or if it was a friendly jab from people close to you, then she probably wouldn’t say anything. She might mention some of the concerns to you in private but wouldn’t request your friends stop unless you weren’t okay with them saying it.
Her family would definitely have a couple jokes and nicknames themselves, but she knows they would never push it to the point of upsetting you.
Rosalie would support you if you wanted to change your hair color.
While she absolutely adores your red hair, Rosalie would not stop you from dying it if that is what you wanted to do. She just wants you to be happy. She’ll even dye it herself. Rosalie would just keep reminding you she loves you for you and thinks you—and your hair—are perfect how you are.
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queenofglassbeliever · 9 months
Rosalie says she never loved Edward as anything more than a brother, but is mad when he shows no romantic interest in her.
She gets jealous when he shows an interest in Bella even though at this point she's been with Emmett for about 70 years.
She hates being a vampire, would rather have died, yet she asks Carlisle to turn a dying Emmett for her.
When asked by Edward what she would do if she were in Bella's position and Emmett in his, Rosalie can't give a clear answer. Some part of Rosalie would give up Emmett for a human life.
Rose has very little regard for human life. She only cares about the romanticized human life she lost.
She's about respecting choices, but only if it's a choice she agrees with. Rosalie supports Bella's choice to go through with the pregnancy, but only because it's something she would have personally done. Up until then, Rose has shown very little respect or care for Bella's choices. She tries to dissuade Bella, but never tries to understand Bella's POV.
I love Rosalie, but Smeyer made her so selfish and contradictory that loving her is really hard sometimes.
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thevampirearchive · 1 year
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Rosalie Lillian Hale ♡ The Most Beautiful Vampire
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romanoffswandaa · 6 months
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Plz they would’ve been a power couple.
Give me rosella fanfic suggestions rn.
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ashcal99 · 6 months
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Golden Hour : Rosalie Hale~
"She's got glitter for skin, my radiant beam in the night. I don't need no light to see you shine. You slow down time in your golden hour."
Summary: By the young age of twenty years old, Grayson Cly had been through his fair share of trauma. Trauma that had left him a single father. Trauma that only grew more complicated when he joined his cousin Sam Uley as a shape shifting wolf. But, what happens when he imprints on the one thing he was born to protect the world from? Can he stick to his instincts when it comes to that protection, or will the persistence of that imprint derail his life even more?
Warnings: Eventual smut (18+ only), mentions of death, depression, violence, general angst, slow burn
Words: 1.2k
A/N: Not sure how many parts this will be but yahhhh. Comment if I missed any warning or anything plz. Lmk if you'd like to be added to the tag list thnx.
Series Masterlist
Grayson had always been mature for his age, taking every shocking thing that came his way with stride. So, when his girlfriend, Evelyn, of three years became pregnant with his child the beginning of their senior year, he promised himself he would be a better father than his had been for him. A father that their child deserved. His life had of course grown more complicated given the baby that grew more and more day by day, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Of course he was terrified. Terrified of not being enough, terrified of what this meant for not only his future, but Evelyn’s as well. That didn’t stop him from being excited at the end of the day. Deep down, he knew that this was what he was made for, the instinct of being a parent seemingly being born inside of him. So, when the day came that the contractions started, he had felt as prepared as possible, despite the butterflies filling his stomach. He had held her hand throughout the entire labor, her squeezing so hard that he was sure she would end up braking something. 
The cry of his son as he entered the world made him the happiest he had ever been in his life. And then everything else shattered around him. Everything was seemingly fine, until the bleeding wouldn’t stop. So much blood. Something was horribly wrong, that much was obvious, and the panic began to set in. There was nothing he could do, but sit back and pray to whatever god there was that the doctor would be able to save her. In the end, his prayers weren’t enough, and what had been the happiest day of his life had quickly also become the worst. 
So as he sat there, on the plush worn out cushions of his mother’s couch, just days after loosing the love of his life, he stared into the beautiful eyes of his child. The same eyes that he had gotten from his mother, and he allowed himself to feel the pain of her loss. The pain that left a gaping hole in his chest. Tears pricked at his eyes as he attempted to blink them away, but if there was one thing that he knew now to be true of grief is that it demanded to be felt. 
Despite the help his mother had been giving him in his time of need, the same mother who had raised him single handedly, he felt utterly alone in that moment. His heart ached so badly his whole body was sore as he realized that the beautiful child in his arms would never know just how wonderful his own mother had been. He would never feel the warmth of his mothers embrace, never feel the touch of her kiss on his forehead, and the thought sent his brimming tears over the edge. 
The big blue eyes of his son blinked up at him curiously as he eyed his father. Footsteps trailed into the room, a soft hand landing on his shoulder, flinching back as she felt the heat radiating off of his skin. “Why don’t you get some fresh air, Gray? You seem a little overheated.” She suggested, concern coating her voice as she gently took the baby from his arms, ushering him towards the back door. 
Grayson nodded, sniffling slightly as he moved forward, attempting to wipe the tears away as he pushed his body numbly to the door. A cool summer breeze blew through his hair as he shut the door behind himself, sucking in a shaky breath. The grief stabbed him in the chest, finally having been by himself long enough to feel all of the emotions he had been bottling up since her death. How was he expected to do this alone? Why her? She didn’t deserve to die, why was this world so cruel as to take her away from him?
An agonizing sob left his lips, the memory of her smile running through his mind.  A smile he would only ever see again on their son. Sudden anger flooded his heart, anger at whoever had taken the woman he had loved so dearly. Red hot pain seared through every inch of his being as something ripped inside of him. Fire raced across his skin, muscles tearing and growing back together all at once in a moment in time. Seconds morphed into hours of unbearable obliterating pain, before, almost like nothing happened at all, the pain vanished. It had taken a moment to realize anything had actually changed as his eyes trailed down to the ground that was occupied by a very large pair of paws nestled in the tall grass surrounding him, the white fur a stark contrast in the dark green landscape. The anger he had felt just moments ago vanished as it was quickly replaced by shock. 
“Don’t panic.” A voice rung through his mind. A voice he recognized. His eyes shot up to the large black wolf in front of him, knowing almost instantly who the figure was. Memories of the Quileute legends rushed through his mind as he realized that despite having learned the stories himself, the memories had been coming from the other wolf, seeing himself as a child within those memories. 
Suddenly everything was clear. It was all real, everything, and Sam was right there in front of him, explaining it all. They had grown up together, cousins on his mother’s side, spending hours upon hours together as children, so when the words had come from him, it had fairly quickly calmed the panic that had previously held a tight grip on his chest. 
So much had changed in so little time, it was almost as if he had reached his peek. So many emotions had been filling his heart in the past weeks that hearing that the legends were not only real, but included him didn’t set his world on its’ side like it should have. Vampires were real and the fact should have terrified him, but instead, knowing it gave him a sense of purpose. It was his job now to protect his child from the cold blooded monsters and he would be damned if he didn’t put every ounce of effort into doing so. 
As the months went on, the pack grew, along with the danger of the blood suckers around them. His newly found brothers created the strongly knit support system that he needed to cope through Evelyn’s death, and even though he knew he would never truly get over the loss that had left a gaping hole in his heart, he would try his best to be okay. To be the father that his son needed. To be the protection that he needed from the evil in this world, because there was no way in hell that he would ever let anything harm him.
Next Chapter -coming soon
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
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My moodboards, twilight au
True crime podcast episode on the mysterious disappearance of Rosalie Lilian Hale
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The hottest thing a man can be is a little bit afraid of me
-Rosalie Hale at some point, probably
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softrosehale · 2 years
That Took A Twist! - Rosalie Hale
A/N: hi so i was really high when i wrote this and i intended it to be a funny, light-hearted crackfic. don’t get me wrong, i have no idea wtf is wrong with me, like some parts of this don’t need to exist but here you go. anyways, i genuinely think that rosalie is one of the most complex characters in the series and smeyer fucked her over that’s all bye 
“You know what I love about you?” You asked, peering at your mate from your upside-down perch from the couch, legs kicking playfully in the air. Rosalie quirked an eyebrow at you, full lips pulling up into an affectionate smile. “And what would that be?” She asked, her voice honey sweet. 
“Is it her ample bosom?” Emmett asked from his spot on the ground, brows furrowed as he gripped his remote controller tightly, cracks forming in the flimsy plastic. Rosalie’s eyes rolled, and she turned to the gigantic teddy bear. “Excuse–”
“Nah, it isn’t her bosom,” You answered. “Though,” You grinned at your mate, practically leering at her. Your eyes glinted predatorily. “Her bosom is indeed ample.” Rosalie squinted at you, even though you could feel through the bond, that she was internally preening at the twisted compliment. You growled softly in her direction, the lust in your eyes evident. Rosalie swore that if she could blush, she would. In fact, she could feel the phantom heat of blood rushing to her cheeks. She winked at you, crossing her arms across her chest, pushing the subject of the conversation higher. You let out a soft squeak and turned away quickly, feeling faint. 
“Hey, can we please stop using the word ‘bosom,’ please?” Jasper grunted out from his spot on the love seat in the corner, Alice twined around him. Edward, in the same position with a golden-eyed Bella, nodded in agreement. Bella turned to him, brows furrowed in confusion. “What’s wrong with the word bosom? You complimented me on mine just an hour ago, Edward.”
Edward choked silently while Emmett and Jasper roared with laughter. You turned to Edward. “Really? Bosom?” You shook your head sadly at him. “This is why you were still a virgin at 110 or some shit,” You lamented. 
“Seriously,” Jasper agreed. “Why not call them what they are?” 
Alice quirked an eyebrow at him. “And what would they be?”
“Are we speaking about Bella’s bosom or yours?”
“I thought you said that we weren’t using the word bosom anymore?”
“Can we also put Rose’s bosom back on the list? Hers is ample.” 
“So are Bella’s!”
“So are Alice’s!”
“Why are you lying to her?”
A half an hour later, three broken walls and about half of Emmett’s limbs removed, courtesy of Jasper, Bella, Edward– well, everyone, really. Alice was searching on her phone about which push-up bras were best and pouting. Jasper was still nursing both bite marks and biting hurt from insults hurled (“Shut the fuck up, Jasper! You were a fucking Major for the Confederates, you’re used to suppressing someone else’s rights!”). Edward was rocking back and forth, his hands carding through his hair, raking it into a wild mess. His eyes were haunted– they grew that way when an impromptu wet t-shirt contest was held. Bella was looking at you and Rosalie thoughtfully, nodding her head. Yes, Rose’s bosom was quite ample. Emmett was still sulking about the lost arm-wrestling match between you and him– hence one broken wall explained. 
Rosalie, as always, was unbothered, staring at her perfectly manicured nails. She made sure to keep them shorter this time. You were curled against her, head rested on the reason for three broken walls, Emmett losing half of his limbs, and a slight but repairable rift in the family. You nuzzled your face into your mate’s chest, a soft purr rumbling through your throat. “You never answered my question earlier,” You murmured, softly enough for only your mate to hear. 
“Yes, you can go on top next time,” Rose murmured back. “It’s quite fun when you’re on top, not gonna lie.” She mused. You blinked. “...That wasn’t the question I was talking about, but…” You trailed off, cocking your head thoughtfully. “That’s good to know. No, I meant, wanna know what I love about you?”
Rosalie’s expression melted into something warm and soft, eyes full of love. “What would that be, my heart?” She asked, brushing her fingertips along your cheek. You leaned into her soft, tender touch. “I love everything about you,” You smiled, capturing her hand in yours. You pressed soft kisses to each of her fingers, happily noticing the much shorter length of her nails. You ended it with a kiss to her palm. She curled her fingers around yours. “There’s nothing about you that I don’t love,” You continued. “Thank you. Thank you for giving me this life and wanting me for eternity. I promise to love you for as long as that is for us, and beyond.” 
Alice’s eyes unfocused for a second, and she smiled to herself. Edward, seeing the vision through his gift, smiled as well. He and Alice unobtrusively herded Bella, Jasper, and Emmett, who was still subdued from his loss (of limbs and arm-wrestling match) followed along silently.
Rosalie’s eyes welled with tears that could never fall. For so long, she loathed her existence, cursing herself for her beauty. It was all anyone had ever noticed about her– nothing below the surface of the complex girl with the face that rivaled Aphrodite’s. Until you. You’d seen beneath the cold, stoic, angry mask– clawed your way past the surface with bare hands and a determined heart. You knew her. You saw her. Her beautiful face and ample bosom were just three bonuses– very nice ones, but bonuses nonetheless. 
“I love you with everything I am,” Rosalie’s reply was soft, but no less filled with heart than yours. “My entire heart is yours.” She intoned. You squeezed her hand gently. “I promise to treat it with nothing but the utmost care,” You replied. “I know that others in the past have not, but I promise that I’m not like them.”
Rosalie inhaled shakily. Those wounds, no matter how old, were still raw. She wondered if they would always be– wondered if the pain ever lessened. She hoped it did; she had to hope that it did. “I know,” She agreed quietly. She leaned forward until her forehead pressed against yours. “And me?” She breathed softly, liquid gold eyes wide. “Do I have your heart as well?” Her voice was teasing, playful, but her eyes held hope that both heartened but broke your heart as well– that she could doubt her worth to you. 
You pulled her closer, twining yourself around her like a koala would a tree (minus the chlamydia). You looked up at her, golden eyes glowing with warmth, your love for her practically roaring through the bond like a wildfire. “You know you do. You have, ever since the first ‘hello.’”
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xetswan · 4 months
The Switch of Daylight-
Heartbreak and Wolves
(Alice? x Reader x Jasper?)
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[two] [three] [four]
At the end of the school day, I watched as Edward takes Bella’s hand, guiding her to the woods. I knew he felt me there, watching him. I felt his relief as I didn’t go to stop it from happening. I should’ve but a part of me was extremely hopeful that Bella being upset would truly stop him.
Boy was I wrong.
I felt a gust of wind from behind me, my bedroom window open.
I slowly walk into my room, all there was, was a letter on the ground.
Not even the decency of saying goodbye in person. I get a handwritten letter.
I stare at it but I don’t go to it. I don’t move my legs to grab it. Instead I let it sit there. I turn out of the room and into the living room.
My body was hard as a rock.
Fragile like porcelain glass. It stayed still.
I knew what the letter meant. They were gone.
They left and I didn’t even knew what that meant for us.
Any of us.
I then realized that Bella was all alone in the woods. I quickly snapped out of my mood and ran out of the door.
I heard Charlie’s cop car speeding down the road so I rushed into the trees.
Listening for my sister. Once I locked into her whimpers of cries, tripping down to the ground I sped up.
Rushing to her.
How could he leave alone like this?
How could they do this to her?
“Bella…” I whisper out, hearing her but not seeing her. I start to freak out, not realizing she was behind a tree on the ground.
“Bella.” I fall down beside her.
“He left!” She hyperventilated. I grab her, and she clings onto me.
“They left.” She cries out, I stay silent, rubbing her back. Letting her cry it out. We sat together on the dirt ground.
After moments that felt like minutes, that I knew have been hours she finally sits up and looks at me.
“You knew?” She hiccuped and my eyebrows lifted a tiny bit.
“You knew didn’t you?” She pushes off of me, falling backwards. “I didn’t-“
“Don’t lie to me, [Name], you knew.” She states, not asking anymore.
“No, I mean yes. I did, but listen.” I stick my hands out trying to reason with her but she shut me out.
“Why didn’t you tell me? We- I could’ve stopped them. We could’ve changed their minds.” Her eyes start to water once again, I didn’t even know that someone could cry this much.
“Bella I tried.” I frown.
“Not hard enough, we could’ve done it somehow!” She argued. I just stared at her.
“We could’ve- we could’ve…”
“No, Bella.” I go to touch her but she pushes away from me. My hand freezes in the air.
“Go away.”
She lays down, I shake my head.
“I’m staying with you.” I sit still. “[Name], please.” She mumbles, getting onto her side and staying there.
“I can’t just leave you in the woods Bella.” I sigh.
“Just leave, [Name]! Please, go!” She screams, sitting up for a moment only to fall back down.
It reminds me of when we were kids and she pushed me away unintentionally. Being an older sister I guess it’s normal to push away the younger one.
Yelling at me to get out of her room, that I’m ruining her life by trying to hang out with her and her friends.
The flashbacks of us being little girls.
Then those flashbacks of my lives before rush into my mind. Always having older siblings, being brothers or sisters. Them shouting at me to go away. I stare at her, she doesn’t look up at me and as instinct I go away.
Not to the house but just away.
I go to the stores down by the reservation. Just wanting a minute to myself.
Not remembering the fact that my dad thinks I’m at home sick right now.
My mind getting flooded with all the memories I have of my past lives. My head starting to pound. I sit down on a bench outside of a library. I hold my head, remembering too many things at once.
Seeing the Cullin’s faces too many times.
Over and over again.
My child from one of my past lives.
My deaths over and over again.
My families as they mourned over my body.
Alice and Jasper that somehow got to me right before I died.
Or were almost there but it was too late.
Feeling the fear that inducted inside of me every single time my fate had came.
I should be dead right now.
I am dead right now but for some reason I still am living.
I hated the feeling of not feeling my heart beat or not having the warmth of living.
My lungs filling with air.
Instead I have cold dead silence.
It doesn’t even feel right panicking because my heart doesn’t quicken in pace.
It stays still. I grab onto my chest and I want to just grab at my heart.
“[Name].” A voice shocks me out of my phase.
“Hm?” I glance upward to see a man in a uniform. He looked familiar.
“You gave your dad a spook. Same with your sister. Can you come with me?” He lends a hand but instead of taking I just nod and stand up.
“Sorry, I needed fresh air.” I chuckled. “And for my sister, I haven’t seen her.” I lie. He nods.
“Ah, understandable. Well to me at least. I’m sure your dad is going to have a lecture waiting for you two at home.” He warns me, I smile at him, following him to his car.
“Hey, this is Erin, I’ve found the younger Swan sister.” He calls over the radio. I get into the backseat and he rushes to the drivers seat.
“Bella hasn’t been found?” I sit up straighter. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s just like you and needed some fresh air.” He assures me.
Pulling into my house’s driveway I see my dad on the porch sitting down. I get out of the car quickly right as someone opens the door.
“[Name], why weren’t you at the house?” He stands up, immediately bringing me into his arms.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to leave a note.” I apologize, he squeezes onto me just like he did when I came home from being missing.
I felt my shoulder go wet and I realized he was crying. Or trying not to cry.
“It’s like you girls love giving me heart attacks.” He sniffs. He wipes his tears before letting go of me.
Staring at him like this reminds me of how Alice and Jasper were just asking me to fake my own death.
Him reacting to us just going missing I could never do that to him.
“I’m sorry. Have you guys found Bella?” I ask quietly. “Not yet.” He clears his throat, standing up straighter.
Then at the edge of the woods, Sam Uley comes out carrying Bella. Sam, I haven’t seen him since I was a kid. I had the biggest crush on him when I was younger.
“It’s Sam Uley. He found her.” Billy speaks up.
Charlie bolts over to them, I’ve never seen him move this fast. He wraps his arms around Bella, lifting her from the attractive man.
“Thank you, Sam. Thank God.” I hear my dad say, Billy comes over to me and I give a small smile.
Charlie carries my sister into the house.
Harry and Billy give Sam and nod. He does the same thing and goes to back away.
I went to follow after him but Billy grabs onto my wrist.
Before I acknowledge Billy, I watch Jacob come into view of everything and he wants to chase after my dad and sister but he knows that it’s not time yet.
Charlie just got her in his arms.
I then watch him awkwardly make eye contact with Sam in passing, quickly looking away as fast as he looked at him.
“He knows. About you. He doesn’t like it.” Billy speaks up as he knew I was going to go after Sam, he shakes his head. I frown, glancing over at the man.
“But I- Please.” I pleaded with him. Billy sighs. “I can’t stop you.” He lets me go and I run after the bigger man.
“Sam! Sammy!” I call, now jogging up to him and I caught up.
“Go away, [Name].” He grunts.
“That’s no way to greet an old friend.” I lightheartedly joke. We were now away from everyone. No one could hear us.
“How come you know what I am?” I cut him off. His body freezes in place.
“You can’t smell me?” He questions me and I sniff the air, looking around.
“I smell wet dog but what does that have to do with anything?” I fold my arms.
“You really are clueless? The Cullin’s didn’t tell you anything about us?” He asks as if that’s going to make me know anything.
“Us?” I stammer, confused as ever.
“Werewolves?” He says. I furrow my brows and go to laugh.
“Werewolves?” I repeat him in disbelief.
“You can’t believe werewolves are real being what you are?” He rebuttals in a disgusted way.
“I can’t even believe what I am is real.” I sadly say, watching his face drop a little bit.
“You didn’t want to become what you are?” He tilts his head.
“Who does?” I strain out a laugh. “I didn’t have a choice. It was either this or death.” I inform him. He doesn’t say anything.
“You believe it should’ve been death. I understand.” I smile sadly.
“No, it’s not that.” He lets out a breath.
“I just wish this didn’t happen to you out of all people.” He steps closer to me, touching my shoulder, he jolts from how cold I am but he keeps it there.
“Sorry I didn’t come see you sooner.” He sincerely says. My eyes brighten, staring back into his own orbs. “I was in transitioning.” He explains.
“I forgive you-“ “[Name]!” Billy yells after me. I glance back.
“Can we talk another time?” I ask him, he was staring back at Billy and then at me. “I… don’t know about that.” He hesitantly responds.
“Please.” Wind blows past us and his scent hits me strongly. I didn’t even really notice it until he pointed it out. It really smells like a wet dog.
“Tomorrow night, come to the rez.” He takes his hand off my shoulder and then I notice the warmth that I felt went away. Now I’m back to the coldness.
“Okay, I’ll be there around 8:30.” I tell him as he starts jogging, kicking off into a run.
I go back to my house, Jacob comes up to me.
“Where did you two go?” He nudges me. “I uh, I needed some air.” I felt dazed.
“I’ll talk to you later.” I gently patted his arm, walking off into the house.
“[Name], can you get her dressed into something comfortable?” He asks, I nod, going upstairs to Bella’s room.
She was laying down staring at the window across from her bed.
“Let’s get you dressed in something not covered in dirt.” I tell her, going into her dresser and pulling out a sweater and leggings.
“Why didn’t you go with them?” Her voice rasps out. I take a breath in.
“I couldn’t leave you or dad.” I tell honestly. Shutting her door, I threw the clothes down next to her and I help her sit up.
“My body feels like collapsing.” She whispers.
“I’m here to catch you.” I say back.
Masterlist: A&J
Two and three are shorter than I’d like but the rest shouldn’t be. Heheh Sam is a fine man😻 love square???? LMAO
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kassies-take · 8 months
If You Flirted
<Prev || Part 15 || Next>
You: *fidgets and reaches for the vampire bite* Hi *smiles* I’m (Y/n) Judith Black
Rosalie: Rosalie Lillian Hale.
You: … *stutters* ah right. My. My brain… stopped. *chuckles* you ever have one of those days…
Rosalie: *smiles* not very often, no. Do you tend to be this deep in the forest, alone?
You: *raises eyebrows* I’m not alone. I’m with you. But I guess you can say I’m out in the forest often just never on this side
Rosalie: and what do you do in the forest
You: *smiles* stop and smell the roses
Rosalie: *chuckles* that was bad
You: *chuckles* you loved it. *holds out your hand* you wanna go for a walk? Stop and smell the roses with me
Rosalie: *smiles and takes your hand*
You and Rosalie: *starts trekking through the forest*
You: *jumps over a log and holds out your hand for Rosalie
Rosalie: *gets over the log with your help* not very use to seeing the forest from this low. It’s pretty
You: *hums* not as pretty as you
Rosalie: you know, for someone who turns into a wolf, you’re surprisingly really charming
You: *blushes* oh, I could say the same about someone who sparkles in sunlight.
Rosalie: well at least I’m not hairy
You: Fur keeps me warm in the cold, Well warmer.
Rosalie: *suggestive* I’m sure my icy touch could warm you up just fine
You: *blushes* is that a promise
Rosalie: *smirks* maybe
You: *brings intertwined hands to your lips and kisses Rosalie’s hand*
Rosalie: you can ask me anything you know. I won’t bite, we’ll unless you asked.
You: You seem like the type…
You and Rosalie: *reaches a two-tier waterfall*
Rosalie: *notices the bite mark, frowns and reaches to touch it*
You: *flinches*
Rosalie: *pulls away* sorry
You: *grabs her hand and places it are your heart* it’s okay
Rosalie: what happened?
You: my friend Quil and I were up in Seattle. I was angry with my brother’s obsession of Bella and Quil missed his friends who were in the pack. We were ordered to not interact with our old friends. I found a loop hole, Quil wasn’t my friend. A newborn caught my scent, came after Quil and I. I couldn’t shift, not when Quil was close, so I jumped into the newborn’s path. It allowed time for Quil to shift for the first time and kill it. And I felt a burning pain, passed out and woke up the next morning. Or at least I think it was the next morning
Rosalie: *caresses the scar*
You: I’ll gladly bear the pain if you’d like to leave marks
Rosalie: I couldn’t do that to you
You: *whispers* you could have me anyway you like
You and Rosalie: *forhead touches*
Rosalie: *whispers* it feels so good but so wrong. To have you complete me in such a short amount of time
You: what can I say, I guess I have some sort of charm *kisses Rosalie’s cheek* you complete me too.
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andreafmn · 22 days
Bound | Chapter 6
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Word Count: 4.5K
Summary: Rosalie always carried the resentment of not being able to fulfill the image of the perfect family she had in her head. But the universe had set out to grant her everything she could’ve hoped for in the most unconventional way and in the form of a witch. Can their love withstand the promise of forever or will Rosalie and (Y/N) succumb to the grapples of time?
A/N: I have had 0 inspiration to write, but I've been working on a couple of new things, especially an avatar request that came in last year 👀👀
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Two years had passed since the night that should have been her last, and Rosalie had felt it. Now that she truly had forever to look forward to, it should have felt like the blink of an eye. But she couldn’t help but feel like life had decided just to drag her along. 
It had been two years, and she still didn’t feel quite part of the family. She enjoyed Esme’s company and valued Carlisle’s mind, but Edward was worse than a weed that wouldn’t stop growing. No matter how many times you plucked it, it simply grew back. He was irritating and insufferable, and it made Rosalie’s just that much irksome. 
They hadn’t been able to remain in Rochester for too long due to the girl’s victims, and he never failed to mention it. It was as though he would find any moment he could to bother her. And his mind-reading powers didn’t help to subside his already massive ego, believing that just because could listen to the thoughts of others that he knew everything. 
But he didn’t know the true pain and sadness that lived deep inside Rosalie. If he had, she was sure he’d beg for a way to shut her mind off. There was dread and despair like no other, carried from years long before she had died. It was a darkness that she carried all by herself. 
More often than not, Rosalie kept to herself. Other than her sporadic afternoon chats with Esme or Carlisle—often both—she truly didn’t do much else. School didn’t interest her yet, especially not when her only company would be Edward. She’d rather stay home and read. Morning, noon, and night, she was found with a book in her hands. There was nothing else that interested her, not even the Cadillac that had traveled with them all the way from New York. 
It had lain untouched in the garage of their Tennessee home, a thick layer of dust covering the baby blue of its lacquer. As much as it tempted her to get her hands dirty and fix it up until it came roaring back to life, Rosalie found that there was no point to it. She would never need another set of wheels in her life—at least, not really. 
Even when it came time to feed, Rosalie would prefer her own company. When the other three would go out together to hunt as a family, the blonde remained at the house, waiting for their return. Once they had eaten, then and only then would she go out herself. There were times when Edward would extend the hunting trips just to see how far she would push things, how long she would go while she was hungry. But if he thought she’d ever give in, he was dumber than he looked. No matter how long she had to wait, she would go on her own terms. Clearly, the boy had yet to grasp how stubborn she could be. 
 Much like she had done before, that morning, Rosalie had escaped into the mountains of Tennessee to find an animal to feed on. The family had just come back from a weekend-long trip that the girl had refused to join once more. Unfortunately, she still had to feed, and the moment they were back, she was gone. 
It was a rather cloudy morning in the state, and the mist from the morning felt heavenly on her skin. She breathed in the smell of dew, pine, and soil, reveling in the senses she still had available to her. But as she walked deeper into the woods, the scent transformed and set off the dangerous hunger that she had. 
She knew the smell well but had stayed away from its taste since her turning. Iron filled her nostrils, making her stomach rumble with a dizzying need. It blinded her to all reason, and all she desired was the crimson liquid. Rosalie had never taken a drop of blood, but she could imagine how the warm fluid would feel going down her throat, coating her mouth in a flavor unlike anything she had tasted before. She could feel her fangs sinking into soft flesh, her mouth filling with the venom that coursed through her veins. It was a feeling like no other, and it terrified her to how quickly her mind turned to a primal state. 
Until she saw where the smell was coming from. 
As she came upon the scene before her, all need for the taste of blood vanished, replaced by the need to save the boy she had come upon. There, in the middle of the woods, a man who looked shockingly similar to Henry, Vera’s son, was losing a fight with a black bear. He was on the ground, covered in slashes and bites, blood clinging onto his skin like it was meant to be there. And even as the bear towered over him, claiming his life as its own, the boy kept laughing and taunting it. It seemed if he was going to go down, he’d be doing it on his own terms. 
Rosalie knew there was no possible way that the boy being attacked could ever be Henry. The babe had all but celebrated his second birthday, and there was no reason he’d be fully grown and in Tennessee. But she couldn’t help the protective instinct that took over her when she saw the man being attacked. Where she would normally allow life to take on its course, she could not stop herself from getting involved. That boy deserved to live; something deep inside told her so. 
Without another thought, she sped out of her hiding place and pounced on the bear, breaking its neck in one swift move before sinking her teeth into its neck. The smell of blood had already made her stomach turn, her mouth salivating like it had never before. Yet, her resolve was stronger than her hunger. She allowed the bear’s warm blood to coat her mouth, satiating the desire for feeding before turning to the battered man. 
“I’m dead, aren’t I?” he questioned with a smile on his face. “There’s no way I’d meet an angel on Earth.” 
“You’re not dead yet,” she said. “And you won’t really be if I have anything to do with it.” 
“An angel in real life,” he muttered. “How great my luck?” 
Rosalie took the boy in her arms like he weighed nothing. She sped through the woods with a newfound resilience. He wasn’t Henry, of course not, she kept telling herself. But she had stumbled across him for some reason, and something told her she had to save him. 
The smell of his blood taunted her as she sped through the woods to where the Cullens resided. She could feel the warmth seeping through her fingers, coating her skin and her clothes. And though she had satiated her hunger with the bear, she couldn’t help her new nature. But, the look on the boy’s face stopped any urge she may have had. 
The brunette had fallen asleep in her arms, possibly due to his blood loss. Still, his heart beat in his chest, and in only a few minutes, she’d be in Carlisle’s office, begging him to save him. Her legs carried her forward until she finally arrived at her destination. 
It was Esme who saw her first. She had been tending to the garden when the metallic smell of the boy’s blood hit her nostrils.  “What happened?” the woman questioned. “Who is he?”
“I have no idea,” Rosalie responded as they walked toward Carlisle. “I found him trying to fight a bear. Clearly, we know who was winning.”
“Oh, his pulse is very weak,” Esme said. “You’ve brought him to Carlisle.”
“Yes,” the girl stated. “Something tells me he’d want to live.”
There was no other moment than that when Rosalie understood why Carlisle had decided to change her. Minus the belief that she could be someone’s partner, she could finally comprehend his inability to let a life go to waste right in front of him. She knew she could have left the boy to perish at his own stupidity and face the consequences of his actions. But he was right there, and he looked so much like Henry. The girl knew she’d spend her eternity regretting not saving him. 
Once Carlisle had agreed, noting the desperation in Rosalie’s eyes, she remained by the door of the room they had put the boy in. For three days and two nights, there was groaning and screaming as the pain from the transition took over his body, freezing every inch of his youth and fixing anything that had dared damage his skin. 
Then, on the third night, a perfect-skinned, red-eyed Emmett McCarty—she had finally learned his name— emerged from the room. Rosalie and Carlisle then explained to him about his new existence. He’d taken a second to process the information, but he didn’t grow mad or even think they were mad. Instead, he smiled. He called Rosalie and angel and Carlisle a god. Such a hellish existence could be bearable with people like that on his side. Unlike Rosalie, he didn’t quite mind the vampire life. 
Edward took him hunting first, making it a boys’ trip. He’d been reluctant at first, questioning why Ros wouldn’t go with them. But the second he stepped outside and felt the freedom and power of his new abilities, all was forgotten. 
Rosalie didn’t mind the rest, though. In the first few days of his new life, Emmett had grown rather doting on the blonde. He’d follow her everywhere, filled with questions and gratitude. At first, she didn’t mind the adoration–she was accustomed to being doted upon. But after the 30th hour of his pleasantries, she couldn’t help but remember all the nice words people in her short life had gifted her. All the compliments and accolades she had acquired from them, and how she had believed every single one. She had believed every single one of them until it drove her to her death. So, the second there was a window of silence, she welcomed it. 
In the quiet, the girl felt a surge of inspiration. She headed to the home’s garage and uncovered the beautiful Cadillac that had been buried under a layer of dust for months. It was as perfect as the day Carlisle had brought it home for her. The blue was just as vibrant, the metal perfect and smooth—truly the car of her dreams. The best part? She would be able to bring it back to life with her own two hands. 
Once she opened the hood, she was transported to a time when she was happy. She could hear her father telling her which were the parts that made up the car, hear her little brothers running rampant through the yard as her mother ran behind them. If she closed her eyes, she could almost feel like she was there. 
Suddenly, an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia took her hostage. Though it was impossible, her lungs felt devoid of air, and her heart felt as though it hammered inside her chest. She slammed the hood closed and covered the vehicle once more. She needed to leave. She needed an escape. 
“Is everything alright, Rosalie?” Esme questioned as she came to check the commotion. “What was that noise?”  
“Everything is fine,” Rosalie tried to smile. “I just need to take a walk. Empty my mind.”  
“Do you want some company? I could…”  
“It’s quite alright, Esme. I think I just need some time to myself.”  
Before the woman could add anything else, Rosalie was on the move. Even if she spent most of the time alone, she needed to be by herself. It had only been two years since she had last seen her family, and still, their memory was seared into her brain. 
She wondered if they had given up on their search and declared her dead. Or maybe they were still putting up posters, hoping one day there would be new information on her whereabouts. She wondered if her brothers had begun dating and if they told those girls about the sister they used to have—maybe they hadn’t even cared to talk about it with their friends. But she held onto the hope that they held her memory fondly, that they missed the girl who would oftentimes tuck them into bed and read them a bedtime story or the girl who quietly taught them about cars when they were much too young to be fiddling with the machines. And how she wished she could still be able to do that. 
Now, she could only hope that her parents held them just a little bit closer and didn’t raise them like they had her. They were just as beautiful as her, and they were sure to be able to marry well. But she prayed they were able to simply live and enjoy the fleeting moments that made up their existence. She pleaded for them to grow up to be kind and decent men who held her memory alive. 
Knowing her family would one day grow old and pass made her heart hurt. She couldn’t withstand the thought that they’d live an entire life and simply disappear–not that she’d wish for them her immortality. They would be on earth for a moment, and the next, they’d be gone. And she would never know when or from what. That was the curse of her existence. Everyone she knew and loved would one day be gone, and she was meant to live on and on and on and on….
Not seeing her family was the worst part of it all. And that’s all she could think of as she walked back to the house. Night had come and gone, and the sun was starting to peek over the horizon. She hadn’t meant to stay out too late, but time had slipped away as she daydreamed of her past and her family’s future. The girl couldn’t help that her mind had trailed on and on, punishing her with memory after memory of the life she was forced to leave behind.
But one thing kept her afloat: the thought of Vera and Henry living a happy life with a man who truly seemed to adore her. She’d get to live everything they had both dreamed of, even if she wasn’t there to see it. And that was all she could have asked for. If Rosalie wasn’t able to have what she wanted, she was glad Vera did. 
The men had returned from their hunt. Carlisle was with Esme in the garden, telling her how it had been a success, but it would take Emmett some time to fully acclimate to their lifestyle. It was to be expected that the newborn vampire would struggle with blood lust–not that Rosalie faced much of that problem. 
 “Are you feeling better, Rosalie?” Esme asked as the girl neared the house. “You had me quite worried.” 
“Much better,” she said. “It’s just what I needed.” 
“I saw that you uncovered the Cadillac,” Carlisle mused. “Were you able to work on it?” 
“Not this time,” she responded. “I don’t think I’m ready yet to do so.” 
“Well, maybe one day.” 
“Yes,” she smiled softly. “Maybe one day.” 
She walked into the house, crossing a smug-looking Edward but giving him no mind as she headed toward her bedroom. He was the last person she wanted to interact with after the night she’d had–or anytime truly. So, she ignored his wisenheimer gaze and disappeared down the hall. 
It didn’t take long to figure out why he wore such a sly expression. Right on her dresser, a crystal vase rested, filled with blooming red roses and dazzling violets. At any given time, she would have swooned at the beautiful bouquet. But that specific arrangement made her blood boil in a way it hadn’t for two years. Anger surged from deep within her core, bubbling to the surface as destructive rage. 
Her hands wrapped around the vase as though it weighed no more than a piece of paper and smashed it to the ground, watching it explode into a million glimmering pieces. The crash resounded through the house like clapping thunder, alerting all of the vampires about her ire. 
Those flowers represented the worst part of her life and the person who had taken everything from her. Royce had showered her with them the whole time they were courting, and she had grown to despise those otherwise beautiful stems. They brought back every single memory that had soured with time, festering anger and disappointment in her heart. The last thing she wanted was to be gifted another bouquet of roses and violets that reminded someone of her eyes. And the only person who could have ever known how much she hated them was Edward. 
But she did not want to give him the satisfaction of a bigger reaction. The smashed antique vase was enough answer to his callous idea of a prank. Instead of chewing his ear off with another loud, angry rant, she remained in her room, sitting by her balcony and dreaming of a time when she was still happy. 
Rosalie couldn’t have known how much time had passed before she heard crunching behind her as someone dared to enter her room, and she knew exactly who it was.
“I take it you didn’t like the flowers,” Emmett said, chuckling with every ounce of his boyish charm. “Edward said they were your favorites. I can see now he was just wanting to get a rise out of you.” 
“I swear that boy’s only reason for existing is to try my patience,” she scoffed. “But I understand it wasn’t your fault. The flowers are beautiful, truly. They just remind me of some horrible things in my past that I would much rather leave there.” 
“Well, then, what flowers could I ever get you?” he mused. “You know if I ever wanted to make you another gift of gratitude that won’t end up shattered on the ground.” 
“Any other flower is fine,” she smiled softly. “Except for sunflowers.” 
“Another bad memory?”
“No,” she said as she wrapped her arms around herself. “They remind me of the best times in my life. But it’s a flower that can only belong to one person.” 
“Can I ask who?” 
“You will look at me differently,” she sighed. “It’s not something I’ve truly shared with anyone. And it’s not something I want someone like Edward to know.”
 “Well, it’s a good thing we can get away from him really fast,” the boy grinned. “And I promise you there is nothing you can tell me that will ever change what I think about you.”
Rosalie battled with herself. She could feel it in her gut that Emmett was true to his word and that she could trust him. But she had trusted before, and it had ended with her life. Although there was nothing more she could lose, not anymore. 
“Alright,” she said as she dug through her bedside table and pulled out a leather journal. “Let’s go.” 
The two of them left through the back door of the house and ran into the neighboring woods, getting as far away from Edward’s peering ears as they could. They made sure he had not followed before stopping by a nearby creek and sitting on a boulder. Their ears could only hear a soft stream of water and the chirping of some nearby birds, and they weren’t going to spill her most close-kept secret. 
“I’m sure you already know what happened to me and why I ended up a vampire,” she said. Her fingers ran through the notebook's cover, her eyes trained on the carved details rather than the red of Emmett’s eyes. “I trusted the wrong people back then, thinking they were the ones who could give me what I wanted out of life. I never thought I would ever lose any of it. “Royce, my ex-fiancée, used to always bring me roses because of my name. Then, he started giving me violets as well because he said my human eyes reminded him of them,” the blonde explained. “I can’t look or even smell those flowers without remembering what he did to me, Emmett. And, I guess I let that thought slip by with Edward present. That’s why he told you I liked those flowers—to get a reaction out of me.” 
“It sounds to me like you don’t really like Edward,” he chuckled. “Am I right?”
“I already spent enough of my life having to stand an egotistical man who thinks he’s better than everyone just because he has some kind of upper hand,” she scoffed. “I’m done pretending I can stand that kind of behavior. Now, I put up with him for Carlisle and Esme’s sake, but I can only take so much of him. He also said I wasn’t his type. And I’m everyone’s type.”  
“You certainly are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on,” the boy smirked. “But what about sunflowers? Why are those special?”
“That’s what might change your opinion of me,” she said meekly, her voice breaking slightly as she gripped the notebook tighter in her hands. “I need you to promise me, Emmett, that even if you hate me after I tell you this, you won’t even let the thought of it slip. I want to trust you with this because I do feel that you’re different. But I need you to promise me that no matter what, you will keep this secret to yourself.” 
“I promise, Rosalie,” he stated. “Whatever you tell me right now, I will take to my grave… or, well, my mental grave.” 
Rosalie opened her notebook with shaking hands and pulled out two pictures and the scrap of paper she had pulled from her missing poster flyer. She placed them in Emmett’s hands with a soft smile and explained. “That’s Vera,” she said as she pointed at the first paper. “She was my best friend since we were little. Grew up very differently, but we were inseparable. She got married young. Just seventeen. And then she had little Henry,” she smiled as she pointed at the second picture. “They were the closest thing I ever got to the family I had always wanted for myself.” 
“And this?” Emmett questioned as he palmed the scrap paper. “There are people here who love her more than sunflowers love the sun. Who wrote that?”
“Vera did,” she smiled sadly. “She published that on my missing person flyer without signing her name. It was the only way we found that we could tell each other we loved one another in public. Does a sunflower love the sun? That’s what we’d say every time we said goodbye to each other.” 
“But why wouldn’t you be able to tell her…?” his voice droned on as realization donned on him. “Oh.” 
“Yes, Emmett. Oh,” she sighed. “The world has never been kind to us, and we had to find a way to live our lives without people knowing.”
“So, that means you…” 
“Yes, Emmett, I like girls,” she confessed. “And you’re the first person I’ve ever said this out loud to. Now, if you look at me differently, if you think I’m just an abomination and you want to be as far away from me as possible, I understand.”  
Rosalie was ready for the rejection, the anger, the disgust. It was how others had always reacted when spoken about the topic, and she knew it was always coming. She had come to think those things of herself at some point. She believed she was an abomination, she believed she was sin incarnate. But she was not prepared for a smile and a comforting hand. “That explains why none of my flirting has worked,” he chuckled. “Good to know it wasn’t me.” 
“W-what?” she stammered. “You don’t… you don’t mind?” 
“Why would I?” the boy responded softly. “I just recently found out that vampires exist, and I turned into one. I think there are stranger things out there, and love ain’t one of them.” 
“So, you don’t think there’s something wrong with me? That I’m perverse or that I’m crazy?” 
“I could never, Rosalie. I’ve seen girls,” he smirked. “I can understand why you’d like them. I know I do.” 
“The only person that has ever reacted that way was Vera, and that’s because she liked girls too,” she smiled. “I never thought I’d meet anyone else like that.” 
“Well, now you have someone else who will love you no matter what, Rose,” he smiled. “Obviously, I will only be a friend. But you’ll always have me by your side. You saved my life and gave me a chance to experience life in a completely different way. The least I can do is give you my love and understanding.” 
“You know, the only other person that ever knew this thought I was an abomination,” she recalled. “He told me he had taken pity on me when he’d seen us kiss once. I didn’t even know he had seen. We were always so careful. Maybe that’s what got me killed in the end. If it hadn’t…” 
“It is not up to you who you love, Rosalie,” Emmett comforted, squeezing her hand softly. “And there is absolutely nothing wrong with who you love. What that man did has no words, and if he wasn’t already dead, I’d have gone up to Rochester and killed him myself. You should be allowed to be with whoever you want.” 
“But it’s not the world we live in,” she sighed. “And now I have to go through eternity hiding who I am.” 
“Maybe not. Maybe we’ll see a world where you’ll be able to love who you love,” he said. “Isn’t that the beauty of immortality? We’ll be able to see the world around us change.”  
“It could get worse.” 
“But what if it gets so much better?”  
“You’re so optimistic,” she chuckled. “How did you end up this way?” 
“I thought I could fight a bear,” he laughed. “But, really, we won’t know about the future until it happens. So, why would we think up the worst?” 
“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” 
“It’s better to think that things can get better rather than believing they’ll be worse,” he shrugged. “Now, come here and tell me about Vera and this handsome Henry. He kinda looks like me.” 
With a bright smile, she turned to the picture, “Well, she was the person who taught me what love could be.” 
And at that moment, by that creek, as she told Emmett all about the girl that had stolen her heart, Rosalie felt herself grow light. If someone else could accept her as she was, then maybe she could do the same for herself. And someday, maybe one day, she’d meet the girl who could love her too.
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queenofglassbeliever · 11 months
Me: Rosalie is vain, self-centered, bitter (rightfully so!), self-pitying, a hypocrite, and looks at her human life through rose-colored lenses.
Also me:
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Botanic Tournament : Roses Bracket !
Purple Group
Round 1 Part 2 Poll 1
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The Cullen Residence
"The house was timeless, graceful, and probably a hundred years old. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration. . . . The back, south-facing wall had been entirely replaced with glass, and, beyond the shade of the cedars, the lawn stretched bare to the wide river."
"The Twilight Saga: Twilight". Chapter 15 'The Cullens'. Pages 348 & 349
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