#really. i dont think i’d much care about this if i didn’t see it made sirius’ entire personality lol
padfootastic · 1 year
What's wrong with portraying Sirius as slut? (genuine question)
well, inherently? nothing, really. i’m personally a huge fan of sexual promiscuity.
but uh, a lot of slut sirius portrayals coincide heavily with like. this undermining of his personality? and reducing him just to that one—extremely fanon—trait. and in my experience, it’s also used like, demeaningly. him sleeping around somehow makes him less attractive/mature/suitable as a person. which of course, is a very, very convenient way to prop up his partner *coughs*
there’s also like. this weird connection made between slut sirius and an innate inability to have a proper relationship/stay faithful? and honestly, i think that one needs to go lol
(ofc i feel like a lot of that is either just. the writer’s anti sex bias seeping in, or using convenient tropes bc it’s easier, but it can get a bit annoying if u want more, yeah?)
this is a great meta by @artemisia-black on fandom portrayal (and acceptance) of sirius as a huge playboy, and i really like it.
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amsznn · 2 months
Hey can you do one where the reader has a crush on Matt.She is very much giving heart eyes and tries to do anything to make him happy.Matt being oblivious complains to his brother about it.Nick and Chris smack some sense into him saying how lucky he is to have someone like us care about him.Matt disagrees and the reader hears this causing her to stop not wanting to make him uncomfortable.Matt misses the way things use to be and gets jealous when learning the reader is going out on a date.At the end they have an argument and he tells her how he really feels.Lots of angst in the beginning fluff towards the end please!!
OVERBEARING - m. sturniolo
warnings: slight cursing, angst at start, fluff at the end
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you couldn’t deny it anymore. and you dont think it went unnoticed either.
the lingering gazes, to the more than normal laughter at his jokes, or the constant acts of service. how you were willing to do anything for him. just him.
matthew sturniolo.
you thought your constant need to be near him was just you wanting to be better friends. that was until your feelings started growing stronger.
“y/n, helloo.”
you brought your attention to the voice you found yourself loving so much.
“sorry, what?”
“i asked if you could pass the remote.” matt repeated while settling down beside you on the couch. you nodded and reached over to grab the remote to hand it to him. it was around 1 AM, and it was just the two of you. nick and chris had went to their rooms while you and matt decided to watch a movie.
“want me to get you a blanket?” you whispered as matt stared at the screen to the opening of the movie.
“no, im good.” matt says. you nodded and turned your head towards the movie. about five minutes or so passed when you asked another question.
“nope.” matt responds, adding a ‘pop’ to the p to exaggerate his response. you mumbled an ‘okay’. a few beats of silence passed before once again, you asked.
“are you sure-”
“y/n, please m’ just trying to watch the movie in peace.” matt sighed. he was getting frustrated by the second. after a long day of filming with his relatively loud brothers, the only sounds he wanted to hear were the actors on the tv.
but this was only one example of your persistence. you were always clung to matt’s side. following him like a lost puppy at all times.
always there to cook him up a meal after his long day, willing to do any of his chores that he just didn’t feel like doing, even soothing him to sleep on those tough nights where everything went blank.
nick would sometimes make fun of matt. it almost seemed like you were his mother with the way you acted. but thats not what you were trying to come off as. you simply just had a lot of love for the boy that you weren’t really ready to confess yet.
but for matt? he didn’t see your clinginess as a good thing, in fact he began to hate it once nick pointed it out.
on one particular day matt decided to bring it up to his brothers while they were in nick’s room.
“i just don’t get it, like she’s just always there.” matt says while pacing around the room.
“is that a bad thing?” nick asks while organizing the clothes in his closet.
“i mean it wouldn’t be if she didn’t act like im some sort of child.” matt sighed while plopping down at the edge of the bed.
“i dunno, i’d love to have someone like y/n. she literally does everything for you bro.” chris laughs while slightly nudging matt.
“yeah..” nick yells from his closet. “don’t know why you’re bitchin’ bout it she’s literally helps you with like…” nick took a pause to think. “everything!”
matt scoffs before shaking his head. “yeah well it’s nice before it gets fucking unbearable.”
unbeknownst to matt, you could hear this whole conversation. you had came to drop off some food for the triplets, and since you had an extra key you went straight in. now you would’ve made yourself known until you realized you were the topic of their conversation.
to say you were hurt from matts words was an understatement. you quickly rushed out of the house, tears streaming down your face recounting every scenario where you were overbearing.
hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. matt hadn’t heard from you in a while. he expected to wake up to your daily morning texts, but nothing. after he shrugged that off he expected you to come over like you usually did. but once again, you didn’t.
he found himself longing for your presence more than he ever did.
you both went no contact until you came over, seeking nicks assistance since you had a date that night in hopes that your little crush on matt would subside.
you had went the whole time without speaking to the brunette. opting for a simple ‘hey’. matt was confused. why were you suddenly so distant? sure he wanted space at times but this is not what he had in mind.
matt finally snapped when you attempted rushing out their house, bidding matt goodbye with a meek ‘see ya’.
matt rose from his spot on the catch before making his way towards you. “are you gonna tell me what’s going on, or are you gonna keep avoiding me?” matt said while crossing his arms on his chest.
you could only roll your eyes before slipping your shoes on. “i dont know what you’re talking about, but i have to go.” you spat harshly before spinning on your heel.
“woah, what’s up with you?” matt yelled, shocked at your sudden anger towards him. he pulled you back by your wrist so you could face him.
“y’know if you found me ‘overbearing’ you could’ve just told me.”
thats when everything came back to matt. instant regret washed over him as he gazed upon your solemn expression. the same eyes that used to hold so much adoration for him now hollow.
“i’m so sorry y/n. i know theres no excuse to what i said but i was just being stupid.” matt sighed while running a hand down his face. “you’re far from overbearing, in fact i...i really miss you.”
“really?” you mumbled while your facial expression softened. matt nodded before embracing you in a tight hug to which you reciprocated by wrapping your arms around his waist. your date long forgotten.
“you’re amazing the way you are, and im sorry if i made it seem any other way.”
you smiled at matts words before leaning up to look at him. “just tell me next time, okay?” matt smiled and lightly pecked the side of your temple. happy to have finally gotten you back.
the version of you he loved.
and the version of you he would always cherish.
A/N: sorry this should’ve came out yesterday but i had to study for an exam. i have also been experiencing writers block but i have a new matt series in mind so stay on the look out for that!
@junnniiieee07 @tillies33ssss @whore4matt @stellarsturns @summerl986 @inveigledvex @beccaluvschris @stingerayyy2 @bunnysturns @braindead4l @vickyzloserz @sturnzsblog
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dekusleftsock · 4 months
I did just re-read the chapter, hazbin/helluva hyperfixation is gone y’all I’m back and ready for more.
Okay so, a couple of things I noticed. Let’s start there.
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Throughout this chapter, it really is heartbreaking to see how Izuku regards one for all as Allmight’s power, and therefore a disrespect to him to give that away. Which is quite frankly insane given the nature of what the power is, but regardless it still shows me just how deeply he still cares for and admires allmight.
It also makes the transfer Izuku makes to Katsuki in the heroes rising movie all the more intimate; izuku wouldn’t just give the power to anyone, if not for himself (which is also clearly due to that fact since he still sees ofa as the thing that makes him a hero, not his characteristics), then simply out of respect for allmight and his legacy.
It’s just the anger you can see, feel in those words as he demands to know why. I’ve personally been in the boat of “Izuku dislikes Kudou immensely bc he hasn’t proven to be heroic and amazing like Katsuki has, and also he insults him a lot why would he like him”, since Izuku does genuinely have self respect (a common mischaracterization imo), he’s just also more forgiving and faithful to those he admires or loves (or both).
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I want to highlight the words “But even so, this boy refuses to throw in the towel”, bc it’s such an important part of Izuku and his character.
He isn’t overly self sacrificial, he isn’t a masochist, he isn’t even a martyr—especially not a martyr.
Izuku is stubborn. That is not the same thing as wanting to constantly die for others; izuku is like Katsuki, he wants to fight for others. Giving up just simply isn’t in his morality.
And if “giving up” also includes letting someone die or failing to save someone out of his own negligence, that’s not because he wants to die.
I can’t explain how much the interpretation that Izuku wanting to die, even for others, is so fucking out of character. Izuku is stubborn, he’s stubborn in the way that he won’t just fall over and let the ground take him. Given the circumstances, Izuku would fight for his life just as he would fight for another.
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“Idiot! If I’d really jumped, you’d be charged with bullying me into suicide!! Think before you speak!!”
Like he’s so unaffected by the awful comment outside of being angry at the DISRESPECT of said comment. This is why all those damn suicidal Izuku fics have always felt so ooc. Izuku isnt a moody, brooding ball of depression, he’s a stubborn, courageous, and angry ball of depression. There is a difference.
Even before this, he literally attempts to say something or fight back to Katsuki, honestly it looks like he’s about to punch him here.
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Btw for anyone who has or ever will be in Izuku’s position, punch him. I love Katsuki But hit him in the fucking gut. If you get your ass beat at least you can say you can took it like a champ.
Speaking from someone who regrets not punching three girls who were trying to gang up on me in middle school🫶🫶🫶
Anyway, I’d argue that Izuku not taking Katsuki in a fight was made out of self preservation, something he very much has.
And last but not least, we get to this lovely fucking page.
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First of all…
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Hm, ain’t that strange?
I’m not saying it’s fully a parallel, I’m just saying it’s something to consider.
Especially with the context that I don’t think Izuku feels shameful here.
He’s been a hero who didn’t look like one once before, I’m sure a snide comment through Shigaraki is nothing in comparison to the literal hundreds of civilians afraid of him.
Or, even more interestingly, what if he’s shameful of it, and okay with that? Now THATS some control over your emotions. This is demonstrating the very thing Banjo told him in the first place; using his emotions to fuel him. Let himself live with them, breath with them. They exist, and they hurt, and that’s fucking okay.
But it begs the question…. Why bring attention to it?
Clearly horikoshi WANTS you to see that Izuku is the one who looks like the monster now. He even looks devil like, blackwhip coming out of his back the way it is just feels like wings.
But maybe… maybe this is how he stops sweeping problems under the rug. Maybe this is him, Izuku, at his most animalistic form. Him. At his core. This is the Izuku he doesn’t want people to know.
The faceless, long clawed, oozing black monster.
He’s a kid who can take a fucking beating. He’s not Deku the useless doll, nor is he Deku the hero. He’s simply Izuku.
And you know what’s even more likely?
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The black pit of anger that Shigaraki has formed, fueling his uncontrolled emotions and anger and despair, with the light tear showing something underneath…
What if, this was Izuku’s black ball of anger and shame, except this one is escaping his body, pouring out and showing all of that for what it truly is. Pent up rage, uncontrolled emotion, anxiety and shame, all mixed into one hell hole of a person—but a ball that can be molded, controlled, torn apart from the inside out.
See, the same way Kudou tears at Shigaraki’s mental breaking to see what’s underneath, so have the ofa users for Izuku. Slowly, but surely, the people in Izuku’s life have, while created that ball in the first place, also worked to destroy it. The final piece of the puzzle is for Izuku to choose to let it happen, and he is.
Learning to sit in one’s fear, doubt, hatred, anger, sadness, grief, happiness—without that emotion having to be something, simply something that flows through you, that you can choose to act on or not; this is where Izuku’s arc is coming to its tipping point. We are nearing the climax, I can feel it.
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bbunivxrse · 5 months
AHHH I LOVED UR "HATED HIM" GOJO FIC ITS SO CUTEE🥹 I WANNA SEE A PART 2!! im curious will the reader date gojo or js continue to hate him lmao
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pairing: gojo x f!reader contents: pt 2 to this fic although you dont need to read it to understand this one. no warnings js fluff here !!! word count: 2.5k on the DOT a/n: HII NONNIE IM SSOOO HAPPY U LIKED IT!!! im sorry this took so long ive been busy with work and exams coming up :( hopefully i can post more often soon :((( ANYWAZ ENJOY
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so maybe you don’t hate Satoru Gojo. not anymore. since that moment you shared with him, you thought everything would go back to normal, and for the most part it did. well, you think it did, but everyone else saw the changes clear as day.
as time passed, from an outside perspective it seemed like the two of you suddenly had a… “stable” friendship. both “stable” and “friendship” being used very very loosely. although gojo prefered “happy relationship” and “loving marriage”. the yelling matches (you yelling at gojo while he just sits there and smiles like an idiot) that used to occur multiple times daily went down to only once a day, if at all. you didn’t seem to shoo him away as much or rant about how annoying he is. it was almost like you were warming up to him.
if nobody knew what had happened between the two of you it would’ve seemed like a random switch that went off one day, except everyone did know what happened, cuz gojo’s big mouth went and told everyone the next fucking day. to escape being made fun of to no end, you told everyone you only kissed him so he’d shut up and there was no feelings beyond that, which was half true. the other half of you knew that being all bandaged up by him after a mission gone wrong, sitting in his bed while he tells you how much he cares about you, a man who’d usually piss you off and act all goofy. to see him like that was like a breath of really fresh air and kinda changed the way you saw him.
obviously he was still super annoying and pissed you off, but he seemed to finally get the memo and tuned it down so that it was actually manageable. his laugh was suddenly cuter, his face was less punchable and his flirting was almost starting to fluster you. almost. he still made those stupid comments and monologues for waaayy too long but he got a lot sweeter in his teasing and actions. he somehow found out what your favourite foods and places to eat were and bought you food after long days of school, training sessions and missions and took you to places around tokyo on outings “dates”. your friendship with him was finally tolerable. 
waking up on a sunday morning, you hear the sound of buzzing from your phone on your bedside table. 
incoming call from gojo.
its way too early for him to be bothering you already, but you know very well that if you don’t pick up now he’ll keep calling til you do. you silently curse shoko for giving him your number when he asked her, since he already knew you’d say no to him. “what do you want?” you answer his call, putting the phone to your ear as you sit up in bed. “good morning to you too i guess..” you can hear the pouting in his voice. “what are you up to today??” 
“i’m training a bit with nanami and haibara later.” you check the clock on the table, mentally starting to plan when you’re gonna start getting ready to meet the two of them. “nanami!? why would you train with him!? he doesn’t know anything.” he seemed to completely tune out the second name you mentioned
“he knows more than you.” you laugh at his dramatic gasp over the phone, picturing the look on his face. “whateverrrr. you should train with me instead!” 
“what!? why not?? im soooo much better than him!” you can hear the passion in his voice and you begin to wonder how he can have so much energy so early in the morning, especially on a sunday. “please humble yourself, and i already told nanami i’d train with them anyway.” you glance back at your clock, continuing to consider how long you can stay in bed for. “fiiineee. we can train together next time. what’re you doing after that?” 
“after training i’m gonna…” your voice trails off as you think back to earlier this week, trying to recall if you had made any other plans with anyone for today. “not doing anything later. i’m probably gonna go back to my dorm.” you confessed, forgetting exactly who you were on the phone with. “oh so you’re free later? perfect! we sh-“ 
“no, i’m not free. i’m going back to my dorm gojo. and i’m staying there. all day.” you make sure to give him the details of your plan to stay in your room so he doesn’t have any wiggle room to plan anything. “hmmmm.. okay! ill just come over then!” 
“what?? n-“ 
“cyalaterbye!!” you hear the phone beep as he hangs up, now looking down at your lock screen. 'god he’s sooo annoying.'
getting out of bed after looking down at your clock again, you decide you have more than enough time to watch a bit of the show you’ve been catching up on. maybe about two and a half episodes?
checking the time halfway through the first episode, you decide you’re not in the mood to continue watching and you’ll watch a movie instead after training. you get up and begin getting ready for the scheduled training session you had, lightly fixing up your hair so you looked presentable and throwing on your uniform before heading out. 
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training with nanami and haibara went well, and you were all surprised gojo didn’t show up to bother you but you figured he was busy with his own thing. coming home you immediately threw your uniform onto the floor and went to take a shower, feeling all gross and sweaty. ‘ill pick it up later.’
you turn the water on, allowing it to get hot before stepping into the shower. you decided to use your favourite body wash that smelled like heaven in a bottle, the scent filling up the entire bathroom and making all the air around you smell like your favourite fragrance. you linger in the shower for a bit, the hot water feeling therapeutic against your skin. once you were done you headed back to your room, throwing on some comfy flared sweats and a random tank top from your wardrobe. looking in the mirror, the outfit was surprisingly cute, and really comfortable.
in a good mood from the nice shower and already feeling pretty after only putting on some  random clothes, you decided to have fun and do some light makeup. maybe you’ll run a few errands later? you were a bit low on snacks at the moment.
finishing off your makeup with a pretty lipgloss, you look in your little snack drawer to see what you had left. some gum, a few candies and one bag of your favourite chips you’re planning to save. maybe it was time to restock. 
you throw on a light jacket and grab your bag, gathering your essentials and getting your shoes on before leaving your dorm. you decided to go to the little convenience store only a few minutes away since they had all the snacks you like. 
within a few minutes you made it to the store, picking out a bunch of snacks and candies you liked. as you were looking at the new flavours of candy they had, the bell by the door jingled as someone entered the store. “y/n!!” you heard a familiar voice behind you. “why are you here?? you said you were staying in your dorm. all day.” gojo mocks the tone you used with him on the phone earlier. “i changed my mind. why are you here?” 
“satoru wanted to get some candy on the way home.” suguru appears from behind him, giving you a smile and a polite wave. “hmm.. they have a nice selection here, what do you think i should get?” gojo puts a hand to his chin as he looks through all the candies. “the sour green apple candy from this brand is really good. and the lemon flavour too, they’re my favourites.” you say as you point to the candies. “then they’re my favourites too,” gojo immediately picks up two of each flavour you recommended, before picking a few other candies he knows you like.
“you do not need all that sweetness. think about your health.” suguru grimaces at the amount of sweets in gojos hands. “i’m not gonna eat all of it! do you really think that low of me? i’m sharing with my girlfriend.” he plops his purchase on the counter for the cashier, smiling down at you “and i’m still coming over,” 
“i didnt agree to that, nor do you have girlfriend.” 
“don’t care,” gojo shrugs as he takes his bag full of your favourite candies, cheerfully skipping out the door followed by you and suguru. the two of you followed as he happily pranced down the street and back to school. 
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“you’re really not gonna leave me alone?” 
“nope!” you and gojo stand outside your dorm as he waits for you to unlock the door. you sign at his persistence, grabbing your keys from your bag and opening the door. he had never actually been in your dorm before so this was like a new world to him. “kinda messy in here. you needa clean up a bit y/n” gojo steps inside as if it were his own house, yet looks around at your space as if he were at a museum. “do you ever shut up? and take your shoes off. don’t step on my nice carpet. if it gets dirty i will kill you.” 
“yes ma’am.” he obeyed as if his life was truly in danger. you take off your own shoes, putting your jacket and bag away before plopping yourself on your bed. you watch gojo pace around your small dorm room, picking up random objects to inspect before humming and placing it back down. you know he should be monitored carefully while in proximity of your stuff but you really can’t be bothered to babysit right now and just allow him to stimulate himself.
after a few minutes of replying to missed texts from a few of your friends, you hear gojo sigh, dropping the bag of candy on the floor and placing his glasses alongside the makeup you put on earlier. you realize he hadn’t said a word for those few minutes. “you’re being too silent, what are yo-“ gojo fully drops himself on top of you, his hard head hitting your chest so hard you swear you heard a rib crack. “holy fucking shit you fatass, get off me!! you’re heavy.” you try to push him off you but he doesn’t budge. “but ‘m tired baby,” he whines as he made himself more comfortable on top of you. “i will kill you.” 
“m‘kay..” gojo yawns, wrapping his arms around you. now you’re stuck, great. you honestly didn’t think the word ‘tired’ existed in gojo’s vocabulary since he somehow always has energy. you had never seen him sleep before, which sounds somewhat normal until you remember the overnight trips and missions you and your classmates went on frequently, where gojo never slept. or he never let anyone see him sleep. you didn’t really realize it until now, with him on your chest already seeming close to knocking out.
as much as it annoyed you that you couldn’t get up to eat the candy he’d bought for the two of you to have, you figured if you woke him up he’d just bother the shit out of you until you let him sleep again, and you honestly realize how cute he is when he’s quiet. sighing in defeat, you open up your laptop that you had left on your bed earlier and throw on a movie you had already wanted to watch today. “hm..? what’s that?” gojo mumbles as he’s half asleep. “the movie suguru recommended me the other day. the one about the samurai?” 
“ohhh.” gojo turns his head away from the screen to rest on the other side of his head “that one sucks. and the main character dies.” 
“ugh, spoiler warning next time??” you flick the top of his head as he laughs. you scroll through the selection of movies on the site, humming occasionally while adding interesting movies to your watch later list. eventually you find a random movie that you had never heard of but it looks interesting enough and decide to watch it. the large boy laying on top of you turns his head back to the screen once he hears the new film playing. this time he doesn’t say anything, but you notice his eyes struggling to stay open as he yawns literally every waking minute.
“gojo why don’t you go back to your dorm to sleep? you can barely keep your eyes open,” you giggle at him as he tries to look offended but clearly doesn’t have to energy to. “mn-mm. ‘m watchin… with my wife.” he yawns mid sentence. “well i’m not your wife, soooo…” 
“you are my wife… we’re married… you remember.”  you know he normally only says stuff like that to get under your skin, but sometimes it sounds like he truly believes it, which is a bit scary. you can’t even pay attention to the movie with how hard you’re contemplating to get him off you and in his own bed, but it seems there’s truly no solution. he’s a freakishly tall and muscular man with 100% of his body weight on top of you, so you obviously can’t push him off. and he clearly wont willingly get up, and you know you can’t convince him to get up, so you begin to accept that you might actually be stuck here. 
“ill let you stay if you grab the bag of candy for me,” gojo seems to be too tired to remember that there’s nothing you can do to force him to leave and he easily could’ve refused. he lazily throws the bag onto the bed beside you before plopping himself right back where he was before. “now lemme stay.” you roll your eyes instinctively, grabbing the bag and picking out one of the candies gojo had picked for you. he lets out one last yawn before allowing his tiredness to consume him.
as you open up the sweets and start eating, you look down at gojo. you never really took a moment to actually realize how pretty he really is, and especially how cute he looks while he sleeps. as creepy as that sounds. you think it’s because his mouth is finally shut and he’s not saying the most annoying sentences he can come up with, or constantly blabbering to you about stuff you never asked him about and have no interest in. you honestly didn’t mind this heavy man peacefully asleep on top of you as you eat candy and watch a movie. it was quite nice, actually. maybe you’ll start to allow gojo to do things like this more often. 
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i really had no idea how to end this :SOB: but it turned out well i hope. pls send requests btw i have ZERO idea what to write neext
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glitzreyasblog · 4 months
Hi girl! Well i want to manifest high grades in my exams but sometimes when i pass the exam and then the teachers returns my papers i find them bad...and then i give up persisting, how do i fix that? It Also a problem with changing my past grades, it just the 3d circumstances triggers me and that would make me think that it impossible to change my grades. I Hope you see my Ask and thank you 💗
hey, anon, thanks for asking ! ♡
first, nothing is impossible. the truth is everything is available to you and everything is possible. so even if you don’t always believe everything is possible, know that the truth is that every possibility is at your fingertips.
I understand that the 3D can be triggering, I mean, of course it is! if it’s in your face 24/7 how could it not annoy you? but at the end of the day, as long as you realize that the 3D and it’s circumstances literally mean nothing and can’t do anything to impact your manifestations— you’re good.
also, the 3D is neverrrr a source of confirmation or validation. don’t look to it and take whatever it says as the last word. it’s not in the 3D, so what? keep going. There’s no such thing as giving up since you’re always manifesting, giving up simply means persisting in the assumption you don’t want.
the 3D always look at you for validation anyways. everything in the 3D comes from you because the 3D is you, there’s no separation! so don’t believe that the 3D can create on its own or that whatever happens in the 3D is set in stone. keep doing your thing and the 3D has no choice but to follow— that is a guarantee.
I really recommend reading these posts by @etherealkissed88 , as soon as I saw your ask, her posts popped into my head:
indifference towards the 3D
applying the law while experiencing the 3D
(I rlly recommend her blog too! it’s been incredibly helpful for me and allowed me to find success in my loa journey 🫶)
don’t look at your grades in the 3D and take that as a sign that “it didn’t work”. don’t take anything that happens in the 3D as a sign of anything. the 3D literally means nothing, so don’t let it stop you. the only one who can change your reality is you, so dont give up just because the insignificant 3D shows you something.
ps, it’s perfectly okay to have doubts. lots of people manifest even with doubts, anxiety, negative thoughts, etc. once you’ve decided that you have it, it’s done. nothing can take that away from you. so do whatever you want, interact with the 3D, while knowing you already made the decision that it’s yours.
and remember, the 3D can only change once there is a change in self.
aside from my advice, I’d also like to share my experience, because I used to be in a similar situation. I depended on the 3D for confirmation so much it’s not even funny. I’m proud to say that now my mindset is completely different and i couldn’t care that much about the 3D if I tried. what helped me the most was learning and understanding the significance of imagination. learning the importance of imagination and self was what changed the game for me. I was able to give myself everything I wanted in my imagination, I was able to fulfill and change self with ease and I had never felt more free doing so. It also made me a million times more sure in my decision that I had what I wanted. because why would I care about the 3D and what it was showing me if i had everything i wanted in the 4D— the real reality. so, if your 3D grades are bothering you then simply have fun in the 4D! what do you desire aside from the grades? Is it the satisfaction of achieving such high marks? Is it the pride you’ll have in yourself once you get the top score? Is it relief you want to feel? Do you want to impress your peers? Or is it academic validation you want? Whatever it is, give it to yourself within. and don’t just do that for the sake of change in the 3D, for the sake of getting something, do it because you’ll feel how you want to feel. do it because you’ll feel confident in the assumption you have high marks.
give yourself something to fall in love with in imagination.
another ps (I swear I’m almost done just stay with me😭😭) it’s also worth mentioning that you as the outer man can do absolutely nothing to change the outer world, nor should you strive to. the only way to change the 3D is to change self, change imagination. to create a new assumption which then turns into a new identity.
at the end of the day, it all comes back to the inner world. a change in the 3D can only be created by a change in the 4D. so you either make the change or get stuck in the cycle that is putting the 3D on a pedestal. the choice is yours.
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justmeinatree · 7 months
02 - Together, We’re The Greatest
Summary : part 2 to Let Passion Get Too Much … niall x louis x reader threesome
previous part
TW : smut, double penetration, creampie, honestly it’s fkn filthy.
Word Count : 5.5k
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“louis !” niall smiles, speaking a bit too loudly, even with the thumping of the music, obviously a good amount of alcohol flowing through his veins. he pats his friend on the shoulder, pulling him close. 
“niall !” louis chuckles, screaming too loudly, on purpose to imitate his drunk friend, not having drank quite as much, as he’d gotten to the party a bit late. 
“c’mere,” niall hums, nodding towards the back door, and leading him outside, effectively shutting out the booming bass and the rambunctious crowd that had taken over his living room. “haven’t seen ya much tonight, wanted to talk to you though.”
“yeah ?” he laughs, watching the buzz course through his friend, lighting a cigarette as they’re now outside, “what’s up nialler ?”
“think you might want to stay a bit later than everyone else ?” he asks, the fog in his brain making it seem obvious to himself as to what he was asking.
“now why am i getting roped into clean up duty ? know i’m the fuckin worst at it. why don’t you ask-“
“no, no,” niall’s quick to shake his head. “y/n’s been dropping hints for her birthday present, and, well, think she’d fuckin kill me if i didn’t at least ask,” he mumbles, locking eyes with louis, “would you, maybe, want to spend another night with us ?”
louis’ eyes grow wide, taking a good hearty puff from his smoke, gnawing on his lip for a moment, thinking it over, before blowing out.
obviously he was well aware that niall wasn’t asking for louis to spend the night just hanging out, eventually crashing somewhere cozy, or more often than not, not quite cozy, from pure exhaustion.
no, this time, he was clearly asking about sex, referring to the time, 7 months ago now, when he thought he’d forgotten his smokes and barged in on his friends’ late night activities. 
as he puffs away at his cigarette, his brain starts reeling with images of that trusty time. how fucking tight you were taking both of them, such a fuckin good girl for doing so. christ, he even remembers how good niall’s tongue made him feel.
niall plucks the smoke from louis’ fingers, taking a drag himself, louis’ brain flicking back to reality, and to the question at hand.
“can see you thinking over there,” niall hums around a puff of smoke. “dont have to if you dont want to. s’just a question, yeah ? i can always say i forgot to ask you, or i can come up-“
“fuckin hell you’re chatty when you’re drunk,” louis laughs, shaking his head. “was so good last time. plus, i can’t live with myself if i disappoint the birthday girl,” he adds, chuckling.
niall giggles, biting his lip, “it did feel good. think y/n and i both, didn’t shut up about it for weeks.”
louis feels a light blush work its way up his neck to the apples of his cheeks, eyes growing wide, “s’that so ?”
“mhmm,” niall nods, obviously saying more than he probably would care to admit if he was sober. thankfully, louis is his most easy going friend, most relaxed of the bunch, not here to judge him, more curious about his friend’s thoughts. “i dont know what it was really, but seeing her take us both, how much more intense it is when there’s more bodies and more hands,” niall rambles on, “felt so fuckin good. dont remember the last time i’d felt so fucked out. s’usually a her thing. i dont know, guess you helped me let go a bit.”
“christ niall, didn’t think you’d felt so strongly about it” louis chuckles embarrassingly, a slight tease to his tone, knowing niall can take it and won’t misread into it. but it does make the blush deepen on his features, deciding to let niall in on his thoughts as well. “was good wasn’t it ? love that you dont over think it. you just go with it, fuckin dirty lad, you.”
they both laugh, niall’s turn to blush a deep crimson, louis’ arm swinging over his shoulders, pulling niall into him, giving his hair a ruffle, “m’not judging, fuckin loved it mate. c’mon, lets go back in.”
as they both trudge back into the house, the loud music hitting their ears again, you finally spot them, making your way over, wrapping your arms around louis’ neck, “you were late !” you pout playfully.
“m’sure i can find a way to make it up to you, love,” louis chuckles, arms winding their way around your waist, holding you tight. and for a moment, a drunken minded moment, you tuck your face into his neck, groaning softly as your senses are invaded with louis, louis, louis.
obviously you’d seen him tons since that trusty night half a year ago, but with your senses inebriated, you felt yourself tingle. felt yourself fall into him, your body already worked up, the prospect of tonight’s activities at the forefront of your imagination. as easy as it usually was to keep your want towards him at bay, 7 months was a long time, and you’re struggling to keep up your composure. especially with the coursing of the alcohol through your bloodstream.
his eyes shut upon hearing your groan, hands gripping into your waist, squeezing hard, niall piping up at the scene, “alright, alright. ya gotta hold it together for a while longer. can’t let everyone see this.”
“he’s right, love,” louis hums against your ear, his warm breath causing a shiver to run down your spine. as he slowly pulls away from you, smiling, “m’gonna get myself a drink, catch up with you a bit. feeling a bit too sober,” he laughs. 
you turn to niall as louis walks off, smiling wide, “you talked to him then,” you hum excitedly, your arms finding their familiar spot around his neck.
“yeah, i did,” he smiles wide, pressing his lips to yours, “think he wants this as bad as we do.”
“we ?” you ask, biting your lip with a knowing smirk. although niall couldn’t stop talking about it last time, he never straight up said that he liked it or that he’d do it again. but you’d known niall long enough to be fairly certain that both were true, no matter how hard he avoided the words per say.
you watch niall’s cheeks turn bright pink, eyes widening, as he stuffs his face against your shoulder, groaning loudly. maybe louis was right, he is chatty when he’s drunk. and he admits way more than he’d like to. it elicits a laugh from you, patting his head, “dont be ashamed. love that we can do this together. that all of us can enjoy it just as much.”
you can feel niall nodding against your neck, trailing kisses up to your jaw and cheeks, playfully leaving pecks all over your skin in a silent thank you for being the best he could have ever asked for.
the rest of the evening went by in a flash, except for the times that it didn’t. there were moments, the kind where you’d end up pressed between niall and louis on the makeshift dance floor in the living room, both of their hands shamelessly wandering over your body, both of their hips grinding against you. niall’s lips on your neck, louis’ eyes locked with yours, unable to make the move he so desperately wants to make. the tension growing in all your bellies. those are the moments where you wish the evening would end, and you could continue the scene without any wandering eyes.
and as soon as the last person was finally shuffled through the threshold, door shut and locked, you turn your body to face louis, your hands gripped into his shirt, by his collarbones, your entire being rolled into his own, as you press your mouths together. you’d been craving a taste of him all night, and although niall’s constant kisses satiated your needs, you were craving the one you couldn’t have. at least until now.
at first, louis lets out a little yelp in surprise, not expecting you to jump him so soon. his hands grip into your flesh, one onto your arm, the other slipped under your shirt to feel your hip, steadying you. he quickly looses himself into you, into the kiss, his tongue slipping out to stroke over the plushness of your bottom lip, before gently biting into it.
you whimper, your hips instinctively rolling into his, your centre already dripping, clit aching for some form of friction.
louis presses his stiffening prick against you, both hands slipping to your ass, holding you tightly against him, chasing some relief of his own, “forgot how feisty you are, christ.”
“been teasing me all night,” you whine softly, pouting up at louis, feeling niall’s hands gently land on your hips, thumbs stroking your skin. “both of you have.”
“irresistible, you,” niall coos quietly, sucking little kisses into your neck, pressing himself against your ass, louis’ hands pinned between your bodies.
“really are,” louis hums, nipping at your bottom lip playfully, his nails digging into your ass, knuckles pressed back, pushing against niall’s cock, smirking at him, “lucky lad aren’t you nialler ?”
“mhmm, the luckiest,” he agrees, his nails digging small crescent shapes into your soft skin, little twinges of pain shooting through you, as niall locks eyes with louis, giving him a playful look, both of them clearly letting the booze from earlier soothe any nerves, and sideline any reservations.
“can’t believe you’re sharing her with me,” louis chuckles, his clothed cock rolling against your body, pressing you back tighter to niall, a series of mixed moans and panting breaths echoing through the now empty living room.
“she takes us both so well,” niall groans, “love being able to do this with you. both of you,” he adds, finally acknowledging your presence.
you whimper loudly, wiggling your body, wanting to feel them so badly. hearing them talk about you, as if you weren’t there, pushing you to your breaking point. you really couldn’t wait any longer. your body was literally trembling for any sort of relief, “please, fuck, please.”
“hmm, my sweet girl. it depends, yeah ? are you still being good for me ?” niall coos, pushing himself against your ass again.
you quickly nod, leaning your head back against niall’s shoulder, looking up at him, “been good. been good all night.”
louis furrows his eyebrows, watching the exchange before him, “what m’i missing ?”
“show him, pet,” niall smirks, patting your hip, as he steps away, giving you the space to pull away from louis. niall makes his way over to the couch, taking a seat and beckoning you over, “c’mere.”
you smile wide at louis, a playful glint in your eye that doesn’t go unnoticed to him, sauntering over to niall, standing between his thighs, facing him.
niall works over the button and zip of your jeans, eyes flicked up at you as he goes, speaking over you to louis, “we were hoping you’d join us tonight. didn’t want to waste any time, so we got a little head start.”
and well that, that doesn’t really clear anything up for louis. that is until niall finally has your pants worked down, and until your knee rests on the couch next to niall’s thigh, and you’re leaning over to kiss him, hands braced on the back of the sofa. with your ass up towards louis, niall reaches over to pull your thong to the side, exposing a heart shaped gem, nestled between your cheeks, attached to what louis can only assume is a pretty pink plug sitting deep inside you. and based on the conversation he was just privy to, it has been for the entirety of the evening.
for a moment, louis’ head spins, fingers reaching out instinctively to touch the glistening gem, his eyes locked on your ass, cheeks spread just for him to see. he presses softly against the heart, hearing your muffled whimper as your lips are suctioned to niall’s.
“fuckin hell you guys,” louis groans, pressing harder on the plug. “s’this why you kept grinding on her earlier ?” he asks niall, before turning his attention to you, adding, “christ, did it feel good, love ? liked having niall press on your pretty plug ? everyone around, watching the birthday girl, and you’re getting off in the middle of the dance floor. bet your cunt is fuckin soaked because of it, innit ?”
you whine, heat shooting through your spine, landing right in your centre, fingertips digging into niall’s shoulders, as your jaw goes slack. you can feel yourself clenching, the plug getting nestled deeper inside you with every press of louis’ fingers, your pussy begging for attention, arousal dripping down onto niall’s clothed thigh.
“she’s fuckin dripping mate,” niall breathes, his eyes locked between the both of you, watching your body trembling, watching the desperation seeping out of you, watching the drip, drip, drip, of your cunt.
“gonna let me taste, darling ?” louis coos, looking up at niall, confirming that he’s okay with it as well, “missed out last time yeah ? bet your cunt tastes so fuckin sweet.”
“please, please, fuck,” you whimper, nodding quickly, turning yourself around, sitting back against niall’s lap, spreading your legs, in a desperate attempt to display yourself to louis.
his eyes zero in on your pussy, absolutely drenched, your thighs shaking, as his finger tentatively reaches out to swipe over your slit, before patting your inner thigh, “lets strip you properly first, hmm ?” he hums. “maybe we should let niall strip too ? can switch that plug out for something even better.”
“yeah,” you breathe, shuffling off of niall’s lap, louis’ hands falling on your hips, gliding up your body to remove your shirt. he had you almost in a trance, your arms instinctively rising, his fingertips tickling against your heated skin.
you can hear the shuffling behind you, niall’s clothes being stripped off before he stands, kissing over your neck, “strip him, too.”
“help me,” you breathe, so lost in the moment, in the feeling of them, your brain not working properly. 
niall’s gaze flicks up to louis’, silently checking in with him, because this felt oddly different ? but he’s met with a chuckling louis, shaking his head, “with everything that’s about to happen, i don’t think taking my clothes off should be anything to worry about.”
niall laughs, flipping him off, before reaching for louis’ pants, and pulling them down along with his boxers in one quick swoop, as you make quick work of removing his shirt.
“christ, you two don’t waste any time,” louis shakes his head, smirking, watching niall go to sit back down, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you back to sit on him. watches as niall grips your inner thighs, spreading your legs to hook them over his knees, sitting his feet up against the coffee table.
“give us a hand, mate,” niall hums, “can you take the plug out ?”
louis’ brain snaps into action, nodding, “‘course i can,” as he makes his way between niall’s legs, dropping to his knees, eyes level with your cunt. he can feel his mouth watering, desperate to take a lick, to taste you. but, for the moment, there’s a task at hand. 
you can feel the moment louis’s fingers reach out for the plug, a small, breathy whimper getting caught in your throat. it doesn’t go unnoticed to niall, his face practically next to yours, making him pepper soft kisses along your shoulder, fingertips ghosting over your stomach, hips, thighs, soothing you.
louis twists the plug around, watching your pussy flutter with every move, working a slow rhythm inside you, not wanting to pull it out too quickly. 
your arms reach up, one hand landing in niall’s hair, your thumb stroking his scalp, as your fingers grip and run through his hair. he can hear your breathy pants in response to louis’ teasing, “s’he playing with you, pretty girl ?”
you nod, humming an affirmation, biting on your lip as you feel louis pull the plug out halfway, feeling the catch of the largest part around your rim, before quickly pressing it back in. you stuff your face into niall’s neck, breathing him in, gripping his hair tightly for a moment.
niall groans in response, hips bucking up, his prick pressing up against the back of louis’ hand, eliciting a laugh, “alright, message received, no more teasing,” louis hums, working the plug out of you, watching a dribble of arousal leak down from your centre.
“barely need lube,” louis bites his lip, watching a second bubble drip down, your pussy clenching at his words, “she’s fuckin dripping on herself, mate.”
“such a good girl,” niall hums, lips quirking up into a smile, pressing his head against yours, fingertips gliding up to your breasts, spiralling around and around, until he reaches your nipples, thumb and index finger closing in on them, giving a gentle tug. 
your chest rises along with him, chasing his fingers, his touch, right as louis’ fingers run through your folds, collecting some of your wetness and spreading it over niall’s cock.
you moan out, biting your lip, niall moaning as well, just a moment after you. with louis’ fingers dipping through your folds to gather your arousal, before wrapping his fist around niall’s cock, stroking over it to deposit your juices.
he watches as more and more of your arousal pools by your entrance, overflowing down to your bum with every clench, desperate to feel more than what louis’ given you so far. 
“fuckin christ, louis,” niall groans, hips bucking up, the wetness from your heat giving his cock such a delicious glide through louis’ hand, fist wrapped tightly around his member.
“feeling good ?” louis smirks, “haven’t even started, mate. honestly think i could slip ya right inside her. wasn’t kidding about not needing lube.”
“do it,” you whimper, “fuck, please do it. can’t take it anymore, lou.” 
biting his lip, louis’ eyes flick up to you. hearing the desperation in your voice, he really couldn’t keep himself from giving you what you so obviously needed. so he guides niall’s cock to your puckering hole, niall feeling the moment his tip makes contact with your ring of muscle, taking over and pressing his prick, slowly, deep inside you.
you feel your body melting back against niall, your entire being, instantly relaxed, muscles gone limp, finally, fucking finally, getting some form of relief. one that you’d been so deeply craving.
“fuck,” niall breathes against your cheek, “always feel so fuckin good, pet,” he groans, hips starting to move slowly, getting you used to the much larger intrusion in comparison to the plug.
you whimper, turning your face, kissing niall hard, teeth biting into his bottom lip when you realize louis’ tongue had darted out to take a long lick up your slit, hand reaching down to grip into louis’ hair.
“knew you’d taste sweet,” louis mutters, face burying itself in your cunt, licking, nipping, tasting. it was messy, he was messy, somehow always right where you didn’t even know you needed him. lapping at your entrance, sucking on your clit, nipping against your folds. he’d even spit right where niall’s cock would meet your hole, adding a bit of lubrication at the perfect times.
niall’s mind was reeling, feeling the warmth and glide of louis’ added wetness, and yet, he knew, his mind was nowhere near as far gone as yours. he could feel your body trembling, could feel your chest rising and falling quicker, your pants breathier and whinier.
“louis’ making you feel good, pretty girl ? like the way he eats your cunt ? ” niall coos, holding onto your hips, keeping you in place, with no choice but to take whatever they give you. “fuck, think both of you are dripping.”
he wasn’t wrong. your heat was constantly clenching over nothing, more and more bubbles of arousal leaking down to niall’s cock. an incredible amount of louis’ spit mixed in. he really was messy. and you loved every second of it.
“fuck, fuck,” you whimper, voice getting louder. you couldn’t remember the last time your skin felt so hot. so prickly. it felt like your body was burning from the inside out. “need- fuck, i need-“ you couldn’t finish your sentence, cut off by a loud moan when louis’ mouth wrapped around your clit, suctioning it into his mouth, flicking over it with his tongue.
niall, having been around you long enough, thankfully can read you better than you can yourself, eyes glued to your face, “christ, she’s gonna fuckin squirt, lou.”
as soon as the message reaches louis’ brain, he groans loudly, eyes rolling back, tongue lapping at your pussy harder, with more purpose. he was so entranced by you, his nose working over your clit, licking up every spot he can reach, almost suffocated in your folds.
with one hard thrust from niall, your ears started ringing, fingers and toes going numb, as you felt an explosion of tingling heat burst from your stomach, louis’ tongue working over you to collect as much of your squirt in his mouth as he could. the rest soaking his neck and chest, giving niall’s cock even more slickness to glide inside you.
louis pulls away from you slowly, his hands resting on your sides as he stands, rubbing soothingly into your skin. his gaze immediately locks with niall’s, catching his attention. louis taps his index gently against niall’s lip, nodding at him to open his mouth.
he does, without question, his mind a bit fuzzy from the tight clench of your inner walls, just moments ago, holding back his body’s scream for release. and as soon as his mouth is open, louis leans over brushing his nose against niall’s, depositing your squirt into his awaiting mouth.
niall groans at the taste of you, his eyes closing momentarily, looking back up at a smirking louis, “figured you’d want a taste too.”
“always. love tasting,” niall hums after swallowing, too enthralled in the events, and slight buzz from earlier, to realize how much he’s admitting to louis tonight.
and that. well, that just makes you jealous if you’re honest. a needy whine echoing from your throat.
louis looks over at you, eyebrow raised, niall jumping in to fill in for you, “you want a taste too, dont ya, petal ?” making you nod quickly.
with a smile tugging at his lips, louis reaches out to gently stroke your cheek, “filthy girl,” he coos, leaning in to kiss you.
the moment his tongue slips into your mouth, you suckle on him, getting as much of a taste as you can, humming happily, in appreciation.
as louis pulls away from your mouth, a line of spit connecting your lips together, eventually snapping as he gets further away, he flicks his eyes between the both of you, slightly out of breath, “fuck, you both look so fucked out.”
itching to feel what you both are, he taps his cock against your cunt, making you flinch on contact, a breathy whine puffing out of your lips, warming niall’s neck. and without any more of a warning to either of you, louis feeds his prick into you.
your jaw instantly goes slack, eyes rolling back, breath getting caught in your throat. it was so much. so much louis. so much niall. so much. so fucking much. all you could focus on was their touches, their groany pants, their cocks.
“louis-“ niall moans out, his grip into your waist digging deeper into your skin, nails nipping deliciously painfully. “f-fuck mate. so fucking tight.”
louis’ head drops to your shoulder, hands rubbing all over you, all over niall, christ he wasn’t sure anymore, he was feeling someone’s skin. he was all of a sudden incredibly overwhelmed. the incredible tight squeeze your cunt has on his dick, and fuck, he never thought hearing his friend moan out his name would sound so good, sound so arousing. 
regardless of how louis’ mind was on overdrive, his body took over, chasing that amazingly tingly feeling. he works up a slow rhythm, pummelling his cock deep into you, rolling over your sweet spot with each thrust.
“don’t stop,” you breathe, gasping for air. the feel of niall’s teeth on your neck and shoulder, louis tonguing over your chest and breasts, both of their hands tickling at your skin from time to time. “just- don’t fuckin stop.”
“can’t,” louis groans, nipping at you, “fuck, can’t stop, s’so good.” and it’s true. he can’t stop even if he tried. his body had completely taken over, feeling of pure ecstasy coursing through his blood. he’s not sure he’s ever been addicted to anything, but this just may be it. 
niall’s hand cards itself through louis’ hair, feeling every ridge of his friend’s cock through your thin walls, the head catching on niall’s tip with every thrust, making him tighten his grip, “feels so fuckin good louis.”
“fuck,” louis curses loudly, unable to help himself, as he looks up, his mouth lunging for niall’s, lips mashing together in a fight for dominance, needing niall to just shut up. he needed to focus on not cumming. but every fucking word that comes out of niall’s mouth brings him closer to the edge. and for some god forsaken reason, the best he could come up with at the moment was kiss the ever living hell out of him.
your eyes flick over to the scene before you, whimpering loudly, as louis’ thrusts had gotten harder since kissing niall, a mess of moans coming from right next to your ear. gripping onto louis’ hips, your body gives in, all senses on overdrive of moans and touches and fuck you never thought it’d turn you on so much to watch your boyfriend kissing your best friend.
your body goes rigid, back arching as much as it could with louis’ weight on you, squirting once again, your mind going blank, cumming harder than you think you ever have. 
“fuck, fuck, fucking hell,” louis groans loudly, teeth biting hard into niall’s lip, joining you over the edge, filling you up even more than you already were.
louis’ cum was so warm, so filling, your body was shivering with every spurt of white painting your walls. 
niall’s quick to grip into louis’ ass, holding his hips flush with yours, “christ, can feel ya cumming, lou.” 
louis trembles, looking up at both of you, his hair mussed up, sweat drenching his forehead, eyes blinking, as they fight to stay open. niall smiles softly at him, remembering exactly how it felt for him last time, “her cunt feel good, mate ?”
“fuck,” louis breathes, nodding, fingertips gently petting your stomach, “amongst other things,” he admits, answering niall’s question, adding, “fuckin good girl you are.”
you sigh, contently, but still on overdrive, your face tucked into niall’s neck, shuddering around every breath. your legs were fighting with niall’s to try and shut, everything just feeling too much, too much, too much.
niall gently runs his fingernails over your inner thighs, in an attempt to calm you, murmuring against your ear, “gotta let me finish me, pet. hmm, be a good girl for me ?”
“have you seriously not cum yet ?” louis asks incredulously. “how are you holding out ?”
“he can’t cum when he drinks,” you fill in, your mind swimming, mouthing against niall’s neck, trying to relax your body.
“gonna pull out,” louis hums, his cock growing increasingly sensitive the longer he stays inside you. regardless of the fact that neither of them were moving, your pussy was still spasming from the orgasm moments ago, and louis just couldn’t take it anymore. 
slowly, incredibly slowly, so as not to overwork either of you, louis pulls out, eyes fixed on your centre. he bites his lip, watching you clench over nothing, some of his cum bubbling out of you.
without much of a second thought, louis curls two fingers completely, pressing them inside you as a makeshift plug, keeping his orgasm stuffed inside you.
niall’s jaw instantly goes slack, his hand darting out to grip into louis’ forearm, “fuck are you doing ?”
“what ?” louis asks confused, eyebrows furrowed.
“fuckin-“ niall groans, hips rolling into you hard, cock seethed deep inside you. “so much pressure, fuck,” he grits, trying and failing to push louis’ hand away from you.
and then it clicks for louis. niall can feel his knuckles. with every thrust, the underside of niall’s cock glides hard into his bones. 
louis smirks at him, “still think you can’t cum when you’re drunk ?”
niall’s eyes roll back, a whine working it’s way from the depths of his chest, his other hand, the one that isn’t currently crushing louis’ arm, wraps itself across your body, bruising your hip, holding you in place, as he starts to fuck into you at a blinding pace.
you moan loudly, reaching for louis, needing a way to anchor yourself, ground yourself, for a moment. pulling him into you, you attempt to kiss him, but with your lips trembling and jaw randomly falling, louis found himself more often than not, kissing over your lips, cheeks, chin.
“make him cum, louis,” you whimper shakily, “please make him cum.”
niall moans, hearing your request, his cock diving into you one, two, three more times before filling you up as well. he pants heavily, a small chesty groan with every spurt of his high.  and he’ll just definitely go on pretending that the thought of his best friend making him cum isn’t what ended up breaking his “no cumming while drunk” streak.
you turn your face into niall’s neck, whimpering through your harsh breathing, a shiver running through your body.
you feel niall’s arms wrap around your body, trying to keep you warm, murmuring softly, “lemme pull you, sweet girl.” and a moment later, you feel his cock falling out of you, making you whimper louder, feeling his cum dribbling out of you, clenching over nothing for the first time since the plug went into you, however many hours ago now.
louis’ got his eyes glued on your heat, fingers pulling out of you to catch the dripping of niall’s high. you shudder, completely overstimulated, body wiggling in a begging attempt to finally close your legs.
“don’t let her,” louis mutters, making niall look down at what could possibly have him so enthralled.
“what are you doing ?” niall asks, “can’t keep going lou, she needs a break.”
but louis’ quick to shake his head, scooping as much of niall’s cum as he can, pressing it into your gaping cunt, his fingers mixing up all of your orgasms and arousal together. “s’fine, m’done. said you loved to taste,” he explains as his index dips inside you, scooping some of the mixture and feeding it past niall’s lips.
niall groans, eyes fluttering shut, tongue wrapping around louis’ finger, sucking back the musky, salty, sweet mix of all three of you. but as louis tries to pull his finger away, niall sucks it back into his mouth, getting a taste at louis’ skin while he’s at it.
and louis decides he’s going to go on pretending that the image of his best friend’s mouth on his prick isn’t making him stiffen, as he pulls his finger away for real, hearing the pop of niall’s lips and watching the string of his spit break the further louis’ finger gets.
with two fingers this time, he dips back into you, scooping out some more, his other hand reaching up to cup your jaw, thumb tapping on your lip, “since i’ve learned that you’ll start whining if i don’t share,” he teases, giggling quietly. your lips part, sticking your tongue out, louis wiping his fingers on your awaiting tongue, pressing it back into your mouth, fingers along with it.
you suck back the sticky liquid, cleaning off his fingers completely, your tongue rolling around them, louis pulling his digits away with another pop.
“again,” niall asks, slight desperation in his tone, as louis keeps feeding you both, taking turns until there’s almost none left.
“can i have a taste now ?” he chuckles, “greedy little fuckers, you.” and from one moment, louis’ tutting at both you and niall, the next moment, he’s dipping down low, tongue delving into you to get the last taste. 
louis makes quick work, not wanting to cause you any pain, kissing your clit softly, before pulling away, hands rubbing over your tummy, “such a fuckin good girl.”
niall adding against your ear, “happy birthday, petal.”
Part 3
Series Masterlist
Main Masterlist
tags : @cc-horan
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elemom · 3 months
What are your thoughts on Echo and Dr. Julien's relationship?
Hi anon. I sure hope you’re prepared for a yap sesh!
I have SO MUCH to say about them.
TL;DR: Echo is Julien’s son AND his deeply flawed creation. And that dynamic is Difficult.
We’ll start off with:
Dr. Julien’s Perspective
Ok so i think the most important thing to get outta the way is that i don’t think Julien is *evil,* but rather he occupies a “creator” dynamic with echo (and by extension, zane) i’ll explain more, hopefully
I personally think Julien created Echo out of desperation and loneliness. The first time he was lonely, back in the birchwood forest, he built zane, and that basically fixed his loneliness problem. After such a long time in the lighthouse, he was desperate for *anything* to help him in his isolation.
Thus, I don’t think he was in a clear mindset when he was creating echo. Fueled by grief and a little bit of hubris (*he created mechanical life for crying out loud, he should never have to be alone again when he can just infinitely create consciousness!*) he used zane’s blueprints to build a brand new nindroid.
As the process went on, i think he lost more of that clarity and ended up wanting this nindroid to be a new zane, something he would later be deeply ashamed of when he realized he basically just built a replacement son. Once echo is complete enough to be activated, I think he realizes just how bad of a hole he’d dug himself. He’s disappointed: not in Echo, in but himself. He tried to create a life in the image of someone else, and he couldn’t even do that right.
Which brings me to the “creator” dynamic. While Julien sees Echo as a son, he also sees him as his creation; he’s something to fix and perfect and fine tune. Echo is imperfect, and as a creator, Julien wants to fix those imperfections. He views Echo (and zane) as sons, but also as his creations, and that’s a *really* hard dynamic to balance.
(as an aside, I dont think echo or zane mind getting tune ups/upgrades/etc. I think a lot of the internal conflict julien has with echo is because he needs *so many* fixes that it’s hardly feasible to do, so he’s left dealing with echo’s imperfections and echo is left as kind of A Mess.)
Now all the stuff I mentioned above about the creator + creation dynamic is still there, but I don’t think it’s the MAIN thing going on. I really truly believe Julien was a good father to Echo despite their circumstances. Like, I think he made Gizmo as a buddy for Echo like he made the falcon for Zane, he made toys and stuff for him, played chess with him, etc. However, I think Julien’s disappointment with himself and his regret over creating a replacement for Zane occasionally comes through.
Which leads me to…
Echo’s Perspective
Echo is completely 100% trusting of Julien. That’s the big thing, I’d say. After all, it was Julien that gave him life, who cares for him and reassures him when he’s down. (And he’s also the only other person Echo knows.)
It’s this trust that leads to Echo’s…. Issues. See, Echo eventually comes to realize something’s up with how Julien sees him — or at least, how Julien seems to act when certain topics about his creation come up. Like I mentioned in his section, Julien can’t hide the disappointment/regret/etc he feels about creating echo — none of which are echo’s fault of course. But echo sees that he’s imperfect and that his father sometimes gets upset and he blames himself for that.
Echo knows Julien doesn’t hate him. He knows he’s trying his best and that he really does care. But he still wants to do everything in his power to make Julien happy. So he’s keenly aware of how he’s Not Zane and how he’s Not Perfect and how his father created him to Be Zane but didn’t do a great job at it. Julien always reassures him that he loves him, and it’s true! Julien *does* love him. But Echo feels like he could be doing better.
Depending on your interpretation and headcanons and AUs and all that, Echo can stay in this state of trust after s2 (waiting in the lighthouse for an eternity) or go in the complete opposite direction (Rejecting the idea of being Zane and becoming Mr E)
I might go into more detail about Mr Echo and how being found by the SoG impacted his view of Dr J. If you wanna see that, I’d be glad to infodump abt it on another post :3c
I also have some thoughts about Why echo got left behind in the lighthouse, but i dont think any of them were out of malice on Julien’s part. Some are worse than others, but I think he wanted to go back Eventually.
Maybe he died shortly after s2 and didn’t have the time to go back. Maybe Echo had shut down due to malfunctions and Julien didn’t know he was alive (Gizmo would have repaired him before the events of s6). Or maybe Julien was procrastinating, because he would have to admit to zane that he tried to replace him. Or maybe he just forgor 💀
ANYWAY thanks so much for asking!!! If you or anybody else ever wants to hear any more hcs feel free to send me asks about them. Because I have a LOT to say. I have put enough mental energy into thinking about the jfam that i could probably power Los Angeles for a month.
(disclaimer, many of these HCs come from melting together a bunch of ideas from fanart and fics and HC posts on tumblr, so a lot of these thoughts aren’t original.)
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thedivineflowers · 7 months
hi!!! Love you works they’re so silly and good😜but sad😔 anyway I hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask for when the boys (idk how many you’ll take but I think if you need a limited amount go with the first years😭) but yea when the boys say something plain ass bitchy and mean to middleschool!reader, like how were magic-less useless kid (looking at you Ace😡) saying some shit about our family or babying us too much till it become insufferable or smth and then when we get rightfully upset and cry or get upset (leaning on crying for more drama, angst and guilt😘) they realize how bad they fucked up and apologize, I feel like we would be a little stubborn about the apology depended on who it is to😭 but yea my goofy ahh request take your time and you can switch up the characters it’s your writing I don’t care! Love you works<333
Ace: he’d always tease you. And during the first few weeks when he was warming up to you he’d diss you by saying that you were nothing without magic. He even referred to you as the useless and magicless kid for some time. Even after months he still referred to you as that and one day you just bursted. “Why can’t you shut up about me being magicless?! I know I’m at a disadvantage but I’m tired of it! The jokes dead now why can’t you get it!? If I could I’d just make a portal by myself to go back to my world so I don’t have to listen to you all damn day but guess what?! Im just some useless and magicless kid!!” You shouted at tears ran down your face. You stormed away and he tried running after you but you quickly maneuvered away from him. Because of his pride he didn’t apologize for days and stayed quiet when around you. One day after he was given a reality check by Deuce he apologized because guilt was really eating away at him. You still avoided him for a bit just to make sure but your friendship came back together.
Deuce: he kinda has a temper (to me he does) and he’ll let it out sometimes making him call you shit like Ace. But because he is trying to be a good student (and a good friend) he’d be very quiet if he’d call you things but you always manage to him whisper it to himself. One day you two were alone in the classroom doing detention because you two got into a fight when a guy mocked you. “Hey, Deuce.” You called him with an empty tone. “Do you really wish that I had magic. That I had someone to look after me so you didn’t have to stick around me all the time?” You asked as you eyes were glued to the table in front of you. Barely managing to answer the first question on your math homework. “I see how you look at me when I mess something up because I lack magic. I just wanna know.” You said as there was a pressure on your throat. Like you wanted to throw up and let out a yell at the same time. His answer only made the pressure worse as your breathing became short. Did he really think that it’d been better if the magic mirror didn’t pick you? That you’d only stay as the schools janitor? You quickly walked out leaving everything behind to go to the teachers bathroom that you had access to. Everyone thought the same thing about you so why were you throwing up in the sink and crying your eyes out? Because you thought of him as different? No. Deuce came to your dorm later that evening with your completed math homework and backpack. He sighed before apologizing about what he said earlier and the things he’s called you. After some talking your friendship was alright but with rockiness
Jack: At first because you were obviously magicless he’d be very overbearing to you when it comes to things like flying your broom three feet off the ground. He’d chastise you when you used simple spells by waking you up the morning and running with him. He’s trying to protect you but it seems that he underestimates what you know you can and can’t do. You’d get frustrated and try to express that you didn’t need to be babied but the words would just stay stuck in your throat because you knew that he was just trying to look after you. “I can do this Jack! You need to stop worrying about me with small things like having the damn ladle stir itself in the pot! I’m not gonna get hurt with it and I know you’re looking after me but you’re making me uneasy like I could die from just touching a book about small spells! You’ve seen me fly a broom around and be perfectly fine in Mr. Crewels class so what is it that makes you think that I need you breathing down my neck all the time?! Is it because I’m magicless and from another world? Is it because I’m still a kid?” You bubbles over and spewed at him one day while you were making yourself dinner. Jack stood there as he awkwardly looked to the side trying to find an excuse. “I-“ “Im not as fragile as you think. If I was I would’ve been dead.” He’d been contemplating how much magic you could handle and he knows you know that he’s watching over you but he doesn’t know that it was getting overwhelming for you. He avoided you for a bit before apologizing and admitting that he had protected you because he feared you were weak because you were still a kid. You nodded in understanding and forgave him.
Epel: he had a small ego boost because he heard that you were magicless and a child who still knew nothing. He’d also heard Vil chatting away about you and saying mean things even when you were around. So he thought that you wouldn’t mind if he did too. You tried getting along with him at one point but he just pushed you away. “Is there something wrong with me that makes you stay away from me? I know that Im nothing like you but I’m trying to make an effort to get along with you!” You cornered him one day in the hall with small tears about to well over. He had almost nothing to say but a small peep “Does me being magicless and from another world disgust you? If it does then just say it already so I can leave you the hell alone and stop wasting my time trying to make an effort!” You demanded “I- no, not at all! I just…” He cleared his throat away of his country accent. “I thought that a kid like you couldn’t go through so many things and not have anything to hold onto yourself, ‘thought it was silly and that everyone and you were bluffin’ so I pushed you away because I thought you were way over yourself before I even got the chance to talk you properly…” he trailed off as you wiped your eyes and looked at him in understanding. Over time you both tried holding conversations to get to know each other and get warmed up so the same mistake doesn’t happen again. (It is hot in my damn room help 😭)
(The ones from diasomnia don’t really know you here)
Sebek 😈: He’d always talk about it was ‘impossible for a child with nothing to their name’ to even do anything in a world where they didn’t belong when he wasn’t stuffing his mouth with praises for Malleus. How ‘Their parents clearly made a mistake in raising them’ because you couldn’t cast a spell in class without needing help or looking at the instructions again. He’d even insult you in front of Malleus when you do someone like walk past their table “That child has no grace when they walk! Even in the presence of my lord himself! Utterly disgusting!” He’d say and the other three wouldn’t really respond because they hardly know you. One day Mr. Crewel had you two paired in a project so you two went to a secluded place to start (I mean he walked away while you followed after him.). “For the hundredth time that species will poison you! Can’t you understand?! Sevens I don’t know how you’re alive when you can’t even memorize stuff like this.” He muttered as he pinched the space between his eyes. You then slammed your fists in the table with tears of Frustration boiling up. “Can’t you understand that I can’t get a grasp of things here?! I’m only (age) and I’m in the (grade) grade! No sebek I cant understand anything because I’m not from here! I’m not supposed to be here making spells or talking to you because I’m supposed to be in a world where I get shut out like you have done to me because of shit like this! I don’t have an identity but only my face as proof of my existence! I don’t care about this project anymore you can blame me all you want I’m leaving.” You concluded before shoving papers in your bag and hastily walking away before he could even speak. After he had complained of what you said to him to Lilia he suggested that he look at it from your view and apologize. So he did. Which earned him nothing more than a smack on the face and a door to his nose. It’s up to you if you forgive him.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 3 months
What are your opinions on each of the songs? (you can answer with as much or as little detail as you'd like)
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Big shocker that the songs from the 2 good episodes are in S and the only one that isn’t is still B tier/sar
The first 2 songs in S made me either tear up/shake violently or cry, and therefore they deserve to be up there IMO. Out for love is also just genuinely catchy and had actual build up to it. Also God “Ready for This” just. OOUGGGHHH IT SCRATCHES MY BRAIN SO GOOD LIKE A WARRIOR CATS MAP. I like it a lot. You cant have multiple characters sing about working together and expect me to NOT cry.
“Stayed Gone” isn’t one I listen to often but it’s so peppy and fast and full of hatred I can’t help but enjoy it. Also everytime the song starts my brain does this
I dont know anything about Welcome Home
I have. Issues. With “Loser, Baby” but aside from those the song holds a lot more weight to it than I usually give it credit for. And for as cheesy as the start if it is, the line before of Angel talking about self destructing resonates with me a lot. Also Husk lays down in a puddle of vomit and no one talks about that ever.
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I think the first song in B is “Happy Day in Hell” and I’m adding it there 1. Because it is the first song 2. It gets a reprise thing 3. Charlie almost gets hit by a truck. Other than that it’s not really my favourite but I respect the impact it has.
“Hell is Forever” just fucks. End of story. Alex Brightman killed it.
“Respectless” is good I love Velvette’s VA, but the sudden start of the song and the ending are so out of left field the first time me and my friends watched this show we had to pause cause we lost our fucking minds. Could’ve been better but I’d listen to it again, yeah.
“Hell’s Greatest Dad” is silly and funny and maybe I’m biased as a violin player and jazz enjoyer but a lot of the instrumental tickles my brain so nicely. I will say though it confuses me so much because why does Alastor care about being seen as a father figure?? My mom said it could just be him wanting to show up Lucifer and that’s it but I dunno.
“More than Anything (Reprise)” AKA “Charlie and Veggie Kiss Scene - Hazbin Hotel”
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This song sounds like it’s straight out of Barbie & Th Diamond Castle and I’m honestly pissed the girls in the movie didn’t kiss so I’m coping with this. ALSO THE FACT ITS A REPRISED SONG ABOUT LOVE MAKES ME A BIT CRAZY. I never noticed this was the same song Lucifer sang to Charlie SOMEHOW but that’s actually really cute.
“It Starts With Sorry” Has a big part in Sir Pentious’s character growth and just his character in general. I’ve been working on this in my Pentious rant but I never see people mention how much this song probably meant to him. Yeah it’s super corny, but he was fully expecting to be killed and had just been told to kill himself. This was definitely huge for him and I’m not gonna be convinced otherwise.
“You Didn’t Know” is really good but Lute’s part is by far the best and I pray to GOD she gets her own song in S2 her voice actor can SING. GODDAMN! I am very interested in Lute’s character development and I love seeing what people do with close-minded characters like that and hopefully Vivzie doesn’t condemn her to Vivziepop Woman Syndrome. If she isn’t important in S2 I’m going to be pissed but I dunno maybe S3 if we get one.
“More Than Anything” Wish my dad was like this! This song is incredibly sweet and I appreciate it a lot. Honestly might go way higher on the list if I keep thinking about it.
“Whatever It Takes” Sorry you will never be Imagine Dragons. Vaggie doesn’t sound anything like herself cause her VA is making her voice so much more gruff for her character, which is fine! I like her voice (the voice direction is not very good but I digress) it’s just her voice is so high in this I can’t even tell it’s Vaggie.
“Welcome to Heaven” is boring, but we got a Molly cameo!
“Poison”. Read this and this and this. -10/10. I’d rather make out violently with Elon Musk.
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nerdysleepybunny · 1 year
Heyloo! I love your posts man <333 I have a request for the full score trio. What if they had an s/o (gender neutral) who one day asks them "what would you do if I were to get adopted?". Sorry if you dont wanna do this, I get it if your busy!
Ellooooo! I’m glad you like my writing! This is a really cute idea. Thank you so much for the request, hope you enjoy!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Normam, Ray, Emma
Reader: Gender neutral (they/you)
TW: Mention of being shipped out
Style: Short hcs
Summary: Norman, Ray, and Emma (separate) react to their s/o asking them, “what would you do if I were to get adopted?”
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“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You asked innocently whilst you and Norman were cuddling against a tree in the forest, away from all the other children who were playing in the field.
The boy completely froze. He knew that you didn’t know about the secret yet, as he convinced the others not to tell you. He knew how badly it would affect you if you knew the truth. But thinking about you experiencing the same fate made his blood run cold. But he couldn’t show signs of fear, he didn’t want you to ask questions. So he held back his tears and recollected himself, grabbing your chin with his thumb and pointer finger to direct you to look at him.
“I’d miss you dearly, and do whatever it takes to find you again. I’d never be me until I found myself by your side.” Norman responded, letting go of your chin to wrap his arms around your torso, pulling you into him.
You didn’t know what those words truly meant, but were happy with his answer, moving your arms to wrap around him and resting your head on his shoulder. It was moments like this where you felt most at peace. He held you there for a lot longer, the thought still swirling through his mind. You didn’t mind though. So the two of you stayed like that, letting the birds chirp and the small breeze flow. You both tuned out the faint sounds of the other children in the background and overrode your senses with nothing but each other, drowning in the feeling of being so close yet still trying to get closer. Yes, you absolutely adored these moments. And you knew he did too. You just didn’t understand why. Not yet, at least.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You randomly broke the silence. The two of you were sitting on the library floor, reading separate books. The silence was always comfortable with Ray, but you just felt like this question needed to be asked right this second.
You kept your eyes on your page, not seeing the way the raven haired boy’s face turned to one of complete fear, something nobody has ever seen from the boy. But his silence was starting to worry you, he was usually quick to respond to something, so you looked up at Ray with a worried expression, becoming shocked when he looked just as worried as you. You could’ve sworn he had tears in his eyes, before he squeezed them shut and shook his head, reopening his eyes with his usual cold expression. He pulled you close to him and ruffled your hair, but you took note of how he held you tighter than usual.
“…I don’t think I’d ever recover. I’d never be able to smile the same as I did when I was with you.”
Although it was a simple response, it meant the universe coming from him, the boy who rarely smiled or showed emotion, let alone caring for someone. You decided to ignore how he kept you close to him despite usually not being very fond of physical affection, just enjoying this rare moment with him. Your book had been long forgotten. You were must more focused on the sound of Ray’s heartbeat and the sound of his voice as he read his book aloud to you.
You were panting, bent over trying to catch your breath after running around with Emma. The girl was used to running, and had caught her breath before you, so she decided to pat your back and wave her hand in front of your face to try and cool you off.
“Hey, Em..” You said between pants. She continued to give you a cold breeze, but looked softly into your eyes, a look of absolute adoration that she only gave to you. You loved it. You almost forgot to continue speaking, far too distracted staring into the eyes of your lover.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You’re not sure why the thought crossed your mind, but you were now curious for an answer. Emma looked down at the ground, thinking about the scenario. She felt tears run down her cheeks as she imagined your suffering. If only you knew the truth. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she grabbed your face and peppered it with kisses, before giving you a peck on the lips and pulling away sobbing.
“I’d be broken.” You pulled the girl into your chest, kissing her head and rubbing her back as she cried into your chest. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to tell you the truth. It was too scary.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Honestly I’ve been a mix of busy and just mentally unstable, drained, exhausted, dead- Point is I’ve been feeling horrible due to some personal reasons. But I’m trying my best to come back. Though I do want to apologize for constantly saying I’m gonna get things out but then never do, I don’t have a proper excuse and you guy’s don’t deserve some shitty lie or whatever so I’m not going to say anything except that I’m sorry. I’ll try my best to do more but I can’t promise anything. My old schedule is 100% done for as I now need the weekend to recharge. I will post random updates, small fics, and other stuff every now and then but I most likely won’t be writing many actual fics or books until the summer. I wish it didn’t take me this long to heal from everything because I love you guys and writing for all of you, but I also can’t rush my healing because I want my writing to be the best it can be. I know I apologize a lot but I really do feel bad for just randomly dying on you all and never really coming back. I love you guys. 💕
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rule0fwolves · 1 year
100 rp sentence starters/dialogue prompts straight out of fanfictions I've written.
{feel free to change pronouns and wording as you need or see fit!}
also also, a few of them are from WIPS that I have yet to unleash onto this hellsite or the other lame ones.
“Don’t play dumb. You knew how they felt. You were just stringing them on, right? You weren’t serious.”
“Woah, what’s up with you? You look pissed.”
“You did the right thing.”
“Worst of all, I miss you; the only one who deserves to be missed. You’re the only one who’s actually good for me.”
“You’re acting really distant for no reason. Well, maybe there is a reason, but how the hell would I know that if you don’t tell me?”
“I like you. More than a friend. I’m sorry I had to tell you like this.”
“What are you looking at me like that for?”
“You’re cute, I’ll give you that. But no amount of whining will make me tell you.”
“I better be the only man in your life. You’ll never find anyone as great as me, I promise.”
“Don’t worry baby, you’ll always be my number one”
“It’s gotten dark. Here, let me walk you home.”
“Duh? I, A, have found a movie that I think you, B, would like so I, A, am asking you, B, to see a movie with me.”
“Omg yes! I can’t wait to actually meet you! I want to go everywhere with you.”
“You can think about work later, okay? Let’s run away.”
“You remember our secret paradise, don’t you?”
“You need to take better care of yourself, bub. Whenever you need me, I’m here. I’ll help you.”
“Yeah. I remember you crying like a big baby when ___ called you average.”
“I am manifesting that ___ doesn’t actually like me and is actually confessing something else.”
“I’m gonna need at least 3 years before I can come back from that shit.”
“What kind of damage have you done you dumbass!!”
“___ told me to say “mind ur business <3””
“Sorry, my lips are (forcibly) sealed.”
“Count your days, ___. Sleep with one eye open from now on.”
“You are so jealous it is so funny”
“I’m happy for you! I know you were pretty upset, so I’m glad things worked out.”
“Sorry about that. I panicked. Thanks for helping me out.”
"I don't really feel like working on the project today."
"Let's just hang out. Tell me more about yourself. You haven't told me much."
"Oh my god I've thought about this so many times, you have no idea.”
“Hey, pretty. Do you have a pen?”
“You should stay home. Rest a little. I’ll have fun for you.”
“Awww, you’re so eager.”
“I don’t want to stay just friends…. I like you too much.”
“Just lean on me. I won’t let you go.”
“Live for me.”
“I forgot to bring some clothes with me last night, and I thought you wouldn’t mind if I wore something of yours…”
“We’re done, _____. I’ve seen enough. I knew this was happening but I chose to ignore it. I chose to have faith in you and this is how you repay me? I guess I made the wrong choice. Thanks for nothing, asshole.”
“Of course you would, anything for just a kiss,” 
“Go, go! I don’t want you to get in trouble for me.”
“Thanks. I don’t know what I’d do without you and your layers,”
“Well if it turns out you rejected me, then I wouldn’t have to see your stupid face again afterwards and I wouldn’t have to feel awkward about it.”
“Say it again! Say you like me!”
“I’ll kill her if you want me to. No one hurts my ____.” (joking)
“Says you, Mr. Five Foot Nine Inches!!” (can go for any height under 5’11” or 180cm)
“It’s dark out there and you never know what could happen.”
“Thanks for coming over. I feel a lot better.”
 “Don’t worry, sweetheart, it was just a joke.”
“____! Let me go! You smell, go shower!”
“It’s been a month already, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.”
“I couldn’t find an umbrella… And I didn’t know it would be raining that hard. It was only sprinkling when I left”
“Oh my god thank goodness it’s you. My friends ditched me.”
“What the fuck are you doing? Get off me!”
“I like the way she looks at me. And I like how she always cares about me. And the way her eyebrows furrow together whenever she’s confused and the ways her eyes sparkle when she’s amazed by something. And of course I love her attention.”
“Don’t get rid of your feelings for me. Don’t forget me. Don’t like anyone else.”
“Hey, instead of sleeping on the couch, could you sleep with me? I’m sure it would be much more comfortable and better for your back.”
 “How’s it going my little emo buddy?”
“Not exactly stalking… Just… Watching. I don’t want you to get hurt. That guy is just a player. I can give you everything you need.”
“You really hate love, don’t you?”
“You’re such a great friend. What did I do to deserve you?”
“If you ever show your face near me or my friends spewing bullshit, I’ll make sure you can never walk again.” 
 “I won’t stop you. You’re not mine anymore.”
“I just think… I need some space. We should… Take a break.”
“I’m so sorry, ____. I’m sorry I pushed you away. I’m sorry for being so selfish. I’m just… I’m just so scared, (nickname).”
“(full name), I’m in love with you. And that scares the shit out of me.”
“I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you more than I already have.”
“I’ve liked you since day one, ____. You can hurt me all you want.”
“Let’s keep it that way. I don’t want you dating until you’re 30.”
“What are your intentions with ____?” 
“I’ll burn you alive if you even think about doing something to ____,”
“Everyone be nice to her or else you’ll be eating wood chips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner”
“Be more careful next time. Your friends would have my head if I let you get hurt,”
“Don’t you get lonely?”
“ You really look the opposite of okay.”
“You’re upset over a 97 percent?”
“ I’m just so disappointed in myself.”
“You can uh… Pay me back later if you really feel that bad about it.”
“You were glowing.”
“It’s what you’re thinking though, right? Why bother with the fake kindness, hm?”
“Do you want to watch a movie? I have Netflix.”
“I’ve only ever skated once and I was terrible at it.”
“Alright, we can take it slow. I won’t let go of you until you feel confident in yourself. Okay?”
“Where did you get that information?”
“I am going to murder that motherfucker.”
“Babe, come on. Your feelings are totally valid. He gave you mixed signals. Even if it was fake, you have a right to feel upset.”
“Who is ____ and why are you out for his blood?”
“I’m so sorry. I tried so hard to get over him, I did. I wanted to like you back, but I can’t. I’m still so helplessly in love with ____.”
“Please don’t force yourself to like me. You can’t help who you love.”
“Have a good nap. But before you do, there’s a… present.... in your room.”
“We need to talk. I’m serious this time. Please just listen.”
“I know the relationship was fake, but I swear to you, my feelings are not.”
“I am just about as in love with you as you are with me.”
“I’ve never felt this way about anyone before you.”
“Let’s start over. For real this time.”
“Your brother is terrifying.”
“He’s been hanging out with ___ too much, the stupid is rubbing off on him.”
“You… You want me to choose…?”
“I’m not the ordinary monster that lives in your closet or under your bed. I’m way fucking worse.”
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
I’m lazy to copy and paste but um here are the question numbers😭 and Carmilla Carmine for da character >:3
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3, 5 ,7, 16, and 18 :3
(I’m just curious lmao 💀)
so real with the copy and paste i made screenshots to remember it💀
3. least favourite canon thing about this character:
• might be a bit controversial but i think how stern she is? i mean, don’t get me wrong I LOVE HER because of that too, but i’d die to see carmilla having a good silly time with someone and just not a care in the word on her mind😭
5. what’s the first song that comes to mind when you think about them:
• it really depends on the day, but i’d say out for love obviously- but besides hh i think it’s “mockingbird” or “fade into you”
7. what’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like:
• writing her as a powerful mommy😩 but uh- not letting my mommy issues out, i think that they perceive her as so caring? i think it’s almost canon she is but still it just melts my heart (i’d say also many animations i’ve seen with her daughters and her just protecting them for the dear life but I SAID NO MOMMY ISSUES RIGHT)
16. what’s your least favourite ship for the character:
• okay hear me out on this one. in my head she’s a lesbian who discovered that she’s one late in her life when odette and clara were already born and even not so little. so looking through that i must say her and zestial…. DONT GET ME WRONG i love zestial (my bestie’s oc actually is their daughter) but just… i see it as a very past thing and as much as im eating all the arts with them its just… not it for me;( (on the other hand, velvette and rosie are my favs definitely) (why would i choose between her and velvette when i can have both? >:])
18. how about a relationship they have in canon that you admire:
• i don’t think she has anyone canonically but i’d love for her and velvette to be canon more than her and rosie… idk why tho😩 i love rosie with my whole heart like?? miss girl adopt me?? can we have tea please?? i have good manners i promise!! but uh- i guess i’m just a sucker for rivals to lovers that’s it and i don’t think carmilla and rosie ever interacted like on screen so (said the person who ships lute and emily who didn’t spoke a words to one another) anyway! yeah i think velvette would be the one to go for me, but i can also see all the controversy according to the fact that she’s the youngest overlord and well; definitely a lot younger than carmilla😵‍💫 (on the other hand i’m a sucker for controversy too so-)
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
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there’s something i’d like to share, and it’s this headcanon.
like. i have a whole kyman & weidi au about post-s21 heidi who’s trying to recover from her relationship with cartman and become the same kind, innocent and happy girl she was before. some of her friends (mostly wendy who hated heidi’s guts while her “cartman’s gf” arc but is actually quite caring and helpful for heidi seeing how she’s really willing to change) told her that in order to finally move on she has to apologise to kyle. she was feeling really guilty ‘cause of her behaviour… you know, telling kyle that antisemitic shit cartman has taught her and dumping him in s21e7. she never apologised to him properly and now she wanted to make a change.
so the au basically starts long time after heiman’s final breakup, when heidi finally has some strength to actually come up to kyle and apologise to him:
heidi: Hey, Kyle?
kyle, raising an eyebrow in surprise: Oh… Heidi?… I, um, didn’t expect to see you.
heidi: That’s… understandable. Listen, I just wanted to talk to you about something important. You’re not busy, are you?
kyle, looking back at kenny: No, no. Kenny, don’t you mind going to the class by yourself? I’ll talk to you later.
kenny, grinning and winking mockingly: (Sure, guys, take your time!)
kyle: …So, um, what did you want to discuss? Is it something about school?
heidi: No, no, it’s not. I, uh, I wanted to apologise to you. For how I acted before. You know, you really didn’t deserve this, Kyle. I was so mean to you when all you wanted was to make me feel better. It’s just… When I said all those horrible things that night, and when I made fun of you with Eri… with Cartman… I know you must hate me now, because I would hate me too if I were you. After all that time I spent feeling sorry for myself, making myself a victim instead of taking responsibility for my actions… I just wanted to let you know that I didn’t mean to hurt you. I was an awful person and I’m trying to change now.
kyle: Oh, wow. That’s nice to hear, but, Heidi, I never really hated you. I mean, you were dating Cartman, it’s only natural he spoiled and confused you and made you feel so much hatred and anger inside. I understand it and I really appreciate that you’re recovering now. Thanks for apologising!
heidi: You’re… you really are nice. No wonder he talked about you all the time, huh. …Well, um. I really have to go, but maybe if you don’t mind we could chat later. I’d really like to talk to you more.
kyle: Sure, Heidi! Maybe we can even hang out like friends, you know?
heidi, smiling brightly: Wow, that’d be great! Thanks again, Kyle! I’ll see you later then, I guess?
kyle: Yeah, see you, Heidi! It was nice talking to you!
and then kyle returns to kenny, who’s smiling knowingly and making inappropriate jokes:
kenny: So, how was it?
kyle: How was what?
kenny: Flirting with Cartman’s ex?
kyle: I didn’t flirt with her! She just apologised to me and told me she’d like to hang out sometimes.
kenny: U-huh, sure, dude. And that doesn’t seem kinda flirty to you?
kyle: I’m serious! It’s over, I dont feel anything for her and neither does she.
kenny: You kidding me? She was obviously hitting on you, Kyle! Oh, man, Cartman will be pissed off when he finds out!
kyle: You will not tell Cartman about this. And stop making this a big deal, get your own life already!
and the satisfaction and joy of finally getting a proper apology soon were replaced with irritation ‘cause kyle started to overthink things like he usually does. he started to think about heidi possibly having feelings for him while he really couldn’t feel the same so it kinda scared him. he didn’t want to hurt her or something by rejecting her, so he mostly tried to avoid her and acted really nervous around her. she tried to get closer with him, chat and something like that, but he only blushed and stuttered.
wendy having seen their interactions was quite annoyed. she wrongly assumed kyle had a crush on heidi and noticed with irritation that “this jerk can’t hide his feelings. he acts too much like he has something for you, heidi”. and heidi started to overthink too, ‘cause she really didn’t feel anything special for kyle and the possibility of having to reject him and break his heart again was just painful. so she started to avoid kyle too (‘cause they’re both stupid when it comes to dealing with other people’s emotions), making him even more convinced in her crushing on him.
so basically they avoid each other for like… at least a month before they finally have the talk.
kyle: Wait, Heidi!
heidi: Oh… hello, Kyle.
kyle: Heidi, listen to me carefully, I really need to tell you something. You’re a nice girl and I really, really like you–
heidi: (Oh, no…)
kyle: But I just can’t feel the same. I didn’t want to break your heart but Stan told me it’s only worse that I am giving you false hope, so, yeah… I am sorry, Heidi, you really are amazing, it’s just… uh…
heidi: Wait, what?
kyle: Please, just don’t start crying–
heidi: But you’re the one who’s in love with me! I was afraid to break your heart!
kyle: What? No, that’s nonsense! Kenny told me you were hitting on me.
heidi: Wendy told me you were hitting on me!
kyle: …So, wait, we don’t feel anything for each other?
heidi: I… guess so?
kyle: That’s… that’s a relief. I was so worried you’d be heartbroken.
heidi: Yeah, me too actually! But now we can hang out normally, without feeling awkward, right?
kyle, smiling: Sure we can!
and they really start to hang out and, moreover, i can see them becoming more like besties, you know… they hang out all the time and turns out they share a lot of hobbies together: they’re both history nerds, for example! but the main reason why they’re so similar is probably because they both suffer from sexuality crisis and internalised homophobia. they sure are gay & lesbian solidarity, huh. i’ve written a few words about heidi understanding she’s a lesbian here.
and we’re coming to a kyman part of story, because cartman is pissed off to see his ex and kyle getting along so well. everyone around him thinks it’s ‘cause he’s jealous and can’t just let heidi go, but the actual reason why he’s so frustrated is because of kyle spending so much time with a girl, lmao. he actually doesn’t really care about heidi anymore – though they are in fact kind of passively aggressive towards each other – but everyone else thinks otherwise. wendy gets really, really annoyed when cartman says something unpleasant about heidi and kyle spending their weekend together:
wendy: Will you stop bugging Heidi? She’s moved on, Cartman, get your own life and grow up already!
cartman, genuinely confused: Who the fuck cares about Heidi???
but not only wendy – kyle is the most surprised to see cartman getting so frustrated ‘cause of their friendship. he even tries to fight cartman after another unasked comment, genuinely not understanding why cartman is still so obsessed with him and heidi being friends (so oblivious lmao):
kyle: You said you don’t fucking care about Heidi anymore!!
cartman: I don’t!!!
kyle: Then why do you still go crazy when she spends her time with me?
cartman: …I’m just genuinely concerned for the poor girl. She has a risk of infection with jewish disease or something.
kyle: There’s no such thing as jewish disease, Fatass!!
and they continue arguing but cartman is distracted ‘cause he’s confused as hell and he keeps thinking why tf do i care and why do i hate seeing kyle with someone else wtf wtf wtf
and there’s like these scenes where cartman sneaks into kyle’s house and shows up at kyle’s room and then he sees kyle and heidi sitting on a bed together and laughing loudly at some nerdy documentary movie, and cartman gets all jelly and he glares at heidi like:
cartman: What is she doing here?
kyle: She’s watching a documentary with me. What are you doing in my room, Fatass?
so yeah basically that’s a slowburn about kyman and weidi and i can see candy&keidi brosistp so clearly.
TL;DR kyle is a confused homosexual heidi is a confused lesbian and they’re both oblivious af about their crushes :D
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((This originally comes as my response to someone saying that ppl don’t like The Sun and The Star because it’s a middle school book and we were expecting the series to grow along with us.))
Valid point I keep finding BUT I recently read the PJO series again in preparation for TSATS and those books still slap!! They’re so good even tho I’m reading them as an adult even though they're meant for kids. (Also I recently read ToA because of course I’m gonna keep reading Rick’s middle school books until the day I die or they stop coming out lol. And that series while more goofy at points I still really liked) I also read one of Mark Oshiro's other books in prep for this book because I was excited for The Sun and Star to be released and I just COULD NOT get through it 😭 the writing was just giving me the ick and the characters where all kind of samie like that sassy talking wit. Which was a bummer because I liked the premise of the book “Anger is a Gift”, which was about underfunded schools mainly facing ppl of color and immigrants which leads to the school-to-prison pipeline because of the defunct way America funds public schools that keeps the poor poor and the rich getting richer & it was ACAB & had a lot of queer representation & etc. So I thought I’d really like it but I just couldn’t get through it because of the writing and I noticed this same writing style showing up in TSATS. Just because it’s for kids doesn’t excuse it from being bad. Like early Pixar and Studio Ghibli is still so good to watch back again and my 50+ yrs old parents like it. Book examples would be Harry Potter (screw JK Rowling tho fr) & the The Little Prince
Not to bash on ppl who say this is the main reason ppl don’t like the book but it feels like a straw man argument to say that the books not growing with us is the main reason ppl didnt like it. All tho I’m sure ppl have argued this but that is definitely their fault because Rick is staying in middle-grade fiction forever like that’s his thing! Why would ppl expect different 🤣 You think he wants to write a sex scene?! LMAO
(Here’s my review, it’s unhinged and not great because I should be doing productive stuff but am distracted until I can at least write down some of my thoughts on my disappointing experience)
Here are some things I didn’t like about it from a piece of art standpoint:
The pacing was bad
This book was filled with the first thing they teach you about writing which is: SHOW don’t TELL
It made me not ship Solangelo surprisingly like how??! I used to love Solangelo but I think this mainly is because of the collective consciousness of the fandom and because we wanted Nico to find happiness with someone. But if you really look back on their moments canonically from the books Will is a background character (who honestly kind of gaslights Nico by invalidating that ppl treated him differently as a son of Hades and that he didn't feel welcome at camp) and they kind of have a quick meet cute in the last book of The Last Olympian. They get together without us seeing their developing relationship and we now know they’re dating in The Trials of Apollo where we see them briefly in the first book and then more so in the last book. Honestly, this canonically alone doesn’t give me enough information or examples to really know or care about their relationship in comparison to Percy and Annabeth who we get to see develop. So TSATS just kind of felt hollow to me because I’m supposed to believe they’d die for each other but I DONT KNOW THE POWER OF THEIR LOVE?? This could just be a first love fling type thing like I was never shown the depth of their romance just told constantly in the book how much they love each other so it just felt kind of empty and emotionally unsatisfying to me.
Solangelo's relationship has always been in the background and the fans are what really made it cause we love Nico and want him to be happy. So when Will and Nico are fighting in this book all I can think is that this is just their relationship period.
So the reason it made me not like Solangelo was because Tarturus was supposed to bring out the worst in them and strain their relationship but, like, I haven’t really seen much of their relationship so I don’t have a “control group” to base this off of. So Will just seemed rude when he was so mean about Nico’s underworld home and about Nico's darkness which I also didn’t understand wtf he was talking about because Nico has killed just as many monsters as other campers and what else was his darknes based off of. cause he’s emo/goth?? Cause he can raise the dead?? Like guys we’ve discussed this just because a character wears black doesn't automatically make them the bad guy. I honestly thought Will just thought that was hot and they’d have that normie x alt relationship dynamic (that meme of: My hot witch wife. Me doing whatever she wants) I thought THAT was Solangelo not Will constantly trying to bring this light side to him and trying to change him. I agree that Nico needs help w his trauma and PTSD and things like that but this felt like if someone tried to “cure” a goth person, like actually screw you
I thought Will was supposed to look like a normie but be secretly a freak (in a good way lol) / goth interest. Cause this is meee I thought I was like Will as someone who looks like a normie and has a sunny disposition but I have a lot of alt/goth interests and I would let an alt girlie step all over me tbh lol. So does he like Nico for who he is or not?!
This is more in line w what I thought their relationship was like lol:
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The flashbacks and forwards I thought were ok even if they took you out of the story a bit but this device is supposed to be used for an IMPORTANT event not just as a way to quickly give context to their relationship and when we got to the scene this was taking place in I was like that’s it?? He what? fell down and is suffering from sun withdrawals and this is the book's big moment to justify jarring flashback scenes?
Mark Oshiro is not a fantasy adventure or horror writer and it shows. Maybe it’s just me but their depiction of Tarturus and the nightmare and the journey were just not up to snuff with good horror and fantasy books I’ve read. (And if your gonna say something about how it’s for kids then I raise you the book series “Goosbumps”) So as a genre in itself, it was just disappointing. It was mainly a relationship guidebook book but I didn’t really like that or feel like it was done well, It felt lectury and also idk if that's the genre middle schoolers really like?? 😅
It had too many references which really dates a book, A lot of professional writers say not to use too much slang or modernreferences (unless you’re trying to make a book expressly about a time period) because it really dates a book and doesn’t make a story feel timeless for future generations if you use too many references (this doesn’t include political novels tho which are very much based in that time when the events happening) Anyways for future writers keep this in mind, you don't need to keep in touch with the youth through urban dictionary you can just write about the emotions of being young or whatever. If you’ve tried to read a comic book aimed at teens from the 50s like I have you’ll realise how funny that is.
(Also the carebear reference that I didn’t even understand and I watched carebear as a kid & Lil Nas video which if this was written for kids that music video feels a bit inappropriate for them 😂 it had a reference both too old and too young for middle schoolers AND how in the world would 1930s born, dropped out of elementary school, can’t use the internet or phones half blood, NICO DI ANGELO know these references???)
The writings giving:
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Bad alt representation. (This is my most out-of-pocket opinionated bullet point rant so if you don't agree that’s a-okay :D ) This could be a whole post in itself but although I know ppl joke about Nico as the Emo kid I would really like to get into how Nico is actually, or it would be cool, as having some goth subculture inclinations. And ppl probably think of Trad Goths with the whole makeup and teased hair look but it’s mainly a music-based subculture and/or it just has a different idealogy around the ideas of death and what is deemed beautiful while most ppl see it as ugly. (Like listen to “Gallows Dance” or the Bauhaus's “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” & “The Passion of Lovers”, to name songs off the top of my head) This bullet point is definitely MY OPINION and doesn’t contribute exactly to the book being bad but aren’t those songs the vibe of an underworld kid like Nico?? Embracing the darkness and dancing in graveyard vibes fr!! Anyways most alt subcultures and especially emo are seen as a phase in life that you grow out of and then become normal. This book just really gives the energy of being written by a normie who would be confused by the choices of alt ppl and just doesn’t get it because it’s not their personal interest, which isn’t exactly bad even tho I want more philosophy from Nico on the chillness and acceptance of death (all tho greek mythologies view on the afterlife sucks fr and THAT is a whole other post haha) So this isn’t exactly a problem BUT what gives me the ick is WILL NOT ACCEPTING THESE THINGS LIKE SIR STOP BASHING YOUR BOYFRIENDS LIFE!! Will asking Persephonee, “How do you love someone from the underworld” SHUT UP!! 😤
Will was useless and I know what they were trying to go for but if I had a girlfriend (oh I’m a lesbian btw just in case ppl think I’m going harder on this book more than the other books because I’m homophobic bruh I swear I’m not I’m only disappointed in the art itself, NOT the representation which I actually liked) and if I was super good at fighting and they weren’t, I’m sorry but I wouldn’t take them BECAUSE of my love for them. If they were going to be useless on a mission of such life-threatening danger and importance I WOULD NOT TAKE THEM OUT OF KINDNESS. Like skills in medicine and art and music are great and there’s of course nothing wrong w not being a badass fighter (lmao this is me and most readers) but then DONT GO TO SUPER HELL!!! Especially if you have something that makes you more pathetic than being a normal human in Tarturus, his suffering from no sunlight is out of pocket and just makes the story draggg and makes him seem boring and the story more boring. I know they were trying to go for a fish out of water storyline and roll reversal but I think it wasn’t done well enough and overall hurt the story
Also, I’ve heard ppl talk about how it would have been nice to have a book focus on their relationship while at Camp Half-Blood. Like maybe it takes place pre Jason's death and we can just see them living at camp. It’d be chill and we can actually see them as a couple & It would give the energy of readers wanting to go to camp half-blood again like how everyone wanted to go to Hogwarts. Cause we haven’t seen the camp as a fun home since the very early PJO books ;-; (this is just a fun idea I like and I think would have been more manageable for an author but this is FR my opinion on a fun book idea i’d like to read) ALSO this would have been so nostalgic for the older readers who have been here since middle school gobbling up this universe 😌
I know ppl get mad at ppl making fun of Will for being pathetic in tarturous. As saying he’s a child and no one can be happy and sunny and doing well 24/7 which is valid but that’s not really my argument. I like watching characters put in situations where we watch them bend against what we thought they were when put in a hard situation (the masochist in me lol jkjjk). But this I think didn’t work for me because as I’ve said before he’s mainly a background character at the end of one book thrown together with Nico and we as a fandom have mainly made him up. Also, Tarturus was just not as scary or adventure-filled as like any of the other missions from previous PJO books, It didn’t feel as trauma-inducing as everyone in the series tried to explain it as. (again show not tell from the book) Also, I would have liked to have seen Will cool at least once or one reason for me to like him with Nico but I saw him as pretty bland as a character
The writing style felt bad to me because of the show don’t tell part for example telling as “it made him sad and traumatized” when showing would be, you know, actually showing the scenes and this book just felt like 80% telling what they were feeling instead of letting the reader feel the emotions of the scene for themselves
I think that’s another thing I really didn’t like related to the Show Don't Tell. And another hallmark of bad writing was this book was really telling the audience how to feel instead of allowing the story to be powerful enough to do that for itself. This book follows a trend I’ve seen a lot in TV shows where everything kind of feels like detached irony from being on Twitter where you hear everyone’s opinions so the story is written as a wink and a nod like we know what we’re doing and we know what your thinking and how twitter will react to it. Like it’s hard to describe this trend I’ve mainly seen in TV shows and movies recently which always gives me the ick cause it doesn’t feel funny it feels like I’m in a response piece that is breaking the fourth wall and reminds me that I’m in reality watching or reading something instead of actually feeling like I’m in the story. It’s like pseudo-wittiness or something. Tell me if you guys feel this way about some modern tv shows or books, I can't be alone please 😭!!
The stupid toast scene at the end lol The book is like: Do you get it? Did you get it?? They’re opposites! And they attract!! We did the trope you guys!! Also, the stupid Darth Vader scene to start off the book 💀
This whole book made me cringe where I had to constantly get up walk around and lie on the floor before I could continue, only to constantly repeat the cycle 😅
Anyway, idk how to end this review/rant I just had such strong emotions I had to get out probably because I was so excited for this book to come out for like over a year and got back into PJO for a bit and read some of Mark Oshiro’s books and greek mythology and stuff, so I think it wasn’t just me reading any random bad book it disappointed me more that it was poor quality because I wanted to love it so much.
It did have some actually good parts, the troglodytes were cute … I can’t remember the other stuff but it was there I swear lol! If you enjoyed it I’m happy for you! Don’t let me ruin a book you like, you deserve to feel joy 😘💐
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winns-stuff · 11 months
I have a hot take people might hate. I dont inherently dislike seeing Apollo's "side of the story," but it needs to be in a better written story and/or just not this one. This could be a time to disect the privlage and dilution he has built for himself by showing fundamental flaws in his thinking like maybe Apollo using Zeus bad leadership as an excuse for his actions but taking this thought to an unnatural degree. Not for us to sympathize but see how he is twisted and what causes him to be this way like cracking open a curious egg. It can still be a bad egg, but I want to know how it's bad. But, I do agree it fell closer to sympathizing vs. Exploring. Personally the first time I read it I expected it to be a dive into twisted logic and that's how I read it. However, I 100% see what people mean about it falling too far into dismissive and sympathising. I think that kind of in depth storytelling is better for a different story that is not Lore Olympus targeted at children who might not read it as an analysis of evil. Maybe less "his side of the story 🤔" and more "a look into the thoughts of a delutional monster."
Yeah I agree, I don’t think a lot of tweens just looking for a cute romance story to latch onto would really think too much about the complexities of a rapist. It’s weird honestly, I can see what she’s trying to do but the SA is already pretty much crumbled in this story and I’d rather her just forget about it completely. Rachel bringing this up now has made it clear that the sexual assault was only ever used for drama, it’s clear that she ran out of good plot points (that actually made sense in the story) and she realized that fans still wanted Apollo to be dealt with since it was literally framed in a way that he was going to presumably face some consequence. So she had no choice but to put this flimsy and rushed sequence together, it’s quite sad honestly.
I only say this since she’s written Persephone out to be the perfect victim of her own SA. Everyone believed her right off the bat despite Apollo’s crystal clear image, her trauma doesn’t have any disturbing or even depressing sides to it that we know of (we only get small peeks into it), what happened to her doesn’t affect ANY of her male relationships and she’s framed as being more content and safe with them rather than any female character she’s ever interacted with, she’s still so incredibly sexually active and most of all ready for any sort of intimacy with her partner no matter what. The comic has literally been showing us that Persephone rarely cares about her trauma since she treats it like such an after thought and whenever she does remember it it’s played off as some kind of inside joke more than actual trauma.
The whole SA is disgusting and Rachel should’ve never put it in her damn story if she didn’t know how to actually handle it not only correctly but with any sort of respect at all. It’s deplorable how she’s still dragging it on just for shock value and whenever she’s run out of things to put in her story. SA or any sort of terrible crimes against another person is not to be used as drama or some kind of “spicy” romantic development in your story, it’s so incredibly disrespectful to real victims and yet Rachel continues to do it which is why I have no respect for her. There’s just some things you don’t do for money or engagement and this is one of the things.
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negantwd4l · 9 months
Regret.. part 1
Boyfriend’s dad!negan x fem reader
This is my first ever fan fic!! So please be nice😭 if you have any tips lmk pleaseee
I honestly dont like it but that happens everytime I make something so lmk what y’all think
I kind of got carried away but there will be a part 2 soon🤫
This is pre-apocalypse obvi
18+ only
This will be smutty it will include
Oral (f receiving), getting caught, age gap (reader is 20-23, negan is 50ish..?), cheating, fingering
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You’ve suspected that your boyfriend has been cheating on you but you never really had proof so you’d just move on. That was until last week, you were going through his camera roll while he was in the shower to find a picture to post but instead you came across a sex tape. You watch it out of curiosity and you notice that isn’t you in the video but that was him. You’d recognise that curvy dick anywhere, you and Nate (ur bf) would have sex all the time but you never had the heart to tell him that you never enjoyed it so you’d just fake it. You put his phone down where you found it and zoned out while you tried to process what you just saw until he got out the shower and pretended you didn’t know.
Two weeks later
You still haven’t told him you know as your too stressed to deal with him trying to win you back and plead his case because you are about to start finals and have so much studying to do. You ring the doorbell to his house and surprisingly his dad negan answers the door. “Well hello there, doll!” He says in his raspy voice. Ever since you met him he’s been super flirty and you never minded it as you found him attractive but you were dating his son, then a thought flew by your mind ‘sleep with him, Nate will regret ever touching another women’ “you okay there?” His voice pulls you out of that thought and you smile “yeah, sorry. Can I come in? Me and Nate are having a movie night.” “Yes of course” he moves slightly out of the way for you so you have to brush against him to get past. “Is it okay if I join you for the movie night? I know it would be weird as I’m his dad but I feel like watching some movies yknow?” He asks voice still raspy. Your previous thought about revenge wonders to your mind again “I’d love for you to join us” you say smirking. “Alright! Let me know when you start the movies then” he then wonders off to his room just as your boyfriend comes down the stairs making your smile disappear and a fake one coming through “hey baby” he says while checking you out. Your wearing a blue low cut top and a short black skirt with some jewellery to complement your outfit. He drags you upstairs to his room which is right across the hall from negans, and you couldn’t help but look through the small crack in the door and see him without a shirt on, you look down at his perfect torso and admire the tattoos on his body as you look up you notice him looking at you too and he winks, you feel a pool burning between your legs as you turn to enter Nate’s bedroom even though you’d much rather be in negans.
“Shhh keep it down your dads in the next room” you say to him still thrusting inside you and not listening. You realise he’s getting close so you pretend you are too as he starts grabbing at your boobs, 10 seconds later he unloads in you and pulls out after “I said pull out before!! What the fuck!” You yell out not caring that his dad might hear. “I’m sorry It’s fine it’s not like your on your period anyways” that comment made your blood boil so you took your bra and shirt to the bathroom to put on and calm down. In that moment you decided to do it. You were going to seduce and fuck negan and make sure Nate knows. You come out the bathroom and make your way towards your boyfriends room. “look I’m sorry I just don’t want to risk it” you say leaning against the door frame he looks at you and apologises and asks if you wanna start the movies, of course you said yes because you wanted to see negan. You guys headed downstairs and see his dad already looking for a movie to watch “what do you think of a scream marathon?” He asks already putting the first one on, “do we have a choice?” Nate says laughing.
Your boyfriend had this weird thing about him that he has to sit in a one seater chair during a movie so you and negan sat next to each other on the couch, every now and then his arm or leg would brush against you and everytime your stomach would swirl and you’d start blushing. You didn’t think he noticed but he actually did and would smirk everytime but you were too busy trying to hide your blushing to notice. About 45 minutes into the 3rd movie Nate started to snore so you and negan looked at each other and starting laughing. You pause the movie and take him up to bed and he passes straight back out so you went downstairs to keep watching the movies with negan “finally, what took you so long? It’s like you had a quickie” he says teasingly at you while smirking. “Thank god we didn’t” you say under your breathe not sure if he heard you or not he then turns his head to you “why?” “Doesn’t matter” and he shrugs it off. After watching the movie for another 20 minutes he turns and looks at you, you look at him confused. “I have to tell you something and you won’t like it” you look at him even more confused until he continues “Nate has been.. he’s been cheating on you” he says with sorrow in his eyes “thank you for telling me, but I already know” he gives a confused look while thinking of something to say. “It’s fine, I found out 2 weeks ago” “then why are you still with him?” Not wanting him to know your intentions yet you don’t say anything back but he grabs your chin gently so you look at him “I’ve heard you two before, I could give you a real orgasm.” He says bearly above a whisper. Your mouth drops open in shock and he’s still looking at you with a smirk. ‘How did he know’ is all that’s going through your head right now “you need a real man who knows what’s fake and what isn’t. I can be that man” your mouth still open from shock as he whispers it in your ear. Without thinking you smash your lips against his hungrily and he returns it with the same amount of hunger and passion grabbing the back of your neck to pull you deeper in the kiss and you start to unbuckle his dark blue jeans in hopes of a real orgasm when he pulls back from the kiss and stops your hands, you look at him confused and ask “what’s wrong?” Hoping your not humiliating yourself he reply’s “not yet darlin’, I want to take my time with you because I’ve wanted this for so long and i know you have too” he does his infamous smirk as you bite your bottom lip, then suddenly he whispers “let’s make sure Nate knows what your real orgasm sounds like” and suddenly he’s picked you up and taking you to his room right across from Nate’s. He throws you on the bed gently but rough at the same time and doesn’t close the door all the way and you know why so you giggle a little because you can’t believe this is actually going to happen.
He looks at you seriously and asks “if you want to stop at anytime just say so. I won’t be mad, I just want to make sure your okay” you nodded and smiled at him before plunging your lips back to his and you could feel him smile against your lips, he starts kissing your jawline and you loved the way his salt and pepper beard rubbed against your neck. He slowly starts making his way down your neck after possibly leaving a hickey on your neck to your cheekbone you could feel yourself practically dripping at this point and you loved it. Suddenly he stopped and looks at you “why’s this shirt still here darlin’”before slowly slipping it up leaving kisses over where he removed the shirt until he got it over your head and starts kissing you again. He looks down to your red lacy bra and you could feel his pants tightening under your thigh which only made you wetter. He slowly removes the bra before taking a nipple to his mouth and sucking then moving to the other doing the exact same thing, he bit down on it making a moan slip out of your throat making him practically purr “ohh you like it rough don’t you, you dirty girl.” He said before slowly making his way down your stomach with kisses making you squirm under him. He was about to reach your waistband before you stopped him and looked at you concerned before you smirked then continuing to take his shirt off and seeing his upper body made you moan without even being touched, he smirked “like what you see? Don’t blame you I would stare too” “such smugness, better not be making up for something that’s lacking” you bit your lip as you looked at the spot where his jeans tightened to give him a hint “such a rude girl, do I need to punish you?” He says in a sinister tone his eyes going dark, he doesn’t wait for you to say anything back before smashing his middle finger in your tight cunt making you whimper in pain and pleasure “do I need to repeat myself?” “No” you manage to get out still in shock from his fingers smashing into you “no what?” “No daddy” “good girl. I know that’s what you call me when masterbaiting to me at night” he wasn’t wrong, your vibrator knows it too. He pulls his fingers out slowly making you whimper softly he then takes the finger and moves it into his mouth “damn you taste good darlin’” he then proceeds to move his face down to your wet pussy when you realise you panic “wait! No one’s ever done that to me before” you confess as he looks at you with a grin “so I get to be the first one to eat out your pussy. Good. And oh it seems you’re even dirtier than I thought, no panties?” You must’ve left them in Nate’s room but suddenly your train of thought was interrupted when a tongue fell on your sensitive clit making you moan loudly “that’s it baby, let me hear you” he goes straight back down and sucks your bundle of nerves making you moan again getting a groan out of him and the vibrations making you get closer to the edge. This was like nothing you’ve ever felt before in the best way possible, he continues sucking and licking then a finger pushes in you pumping in and out, then two fingers stretched you making you cry out in pain and pleasure. Your head falls back to the mattress as your eyes roll back as well. The burning ball in your stomach starts intensifying as his fingers start curling and hitting your g-spot “yes daddy f- faster please” you could barely get it out between your toes curling and one hand pushing his head down as far as it’ll go to get as much friction as you can you could barely get out words, only moans. But he listens and his pace fastens making you moan even louder. As your about to reach the edge a door opens. Nate’s door. Your in too close to care that negans door swung own and Nate stood there frozen and your eyes locked right as your orgasm ripped through you with so much force you bellowed out in pleasure. once your done negan turns around to Nate who’s still frozen “see now that’s what her real orgasm sounds like” he says, his beard covered in your juices and kicks the door shut.
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