ravena-wrote · 2 years
Maybe when the stakes become most violent is when we become what we resemble most, Regulus thinks. He stares into the cool gray eyes of his mother until the pain knocks his legs out from under him and he tumbles unceremoniously onto the floor.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
When people ask how I am doing I want to say 
i think i will spend the rest of my life in a flinch. on the edge of a precipice. counting all the almosts and shivering in the silent air where your name echoes like a gunshot.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
where it started 
For @goodboylupin’s Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was “What’s up”. This is my first texting fic so let me know what you think! 
What’s up?
Remus gets the text a couple minutes past midnight. He’d been about to fall asleep. His body tipsy, and light, and wrung out with exhaustion, but all it takes is one glance at Sirius’s name, for his heart rate to speed up in his chest, for his hands to gather a light sheen of sweat. 
It’s cliche, is the thing. To fall so far in love with your best friend that you can’t see a way out. 
Whenever Remus lets himself think about it it makes him want to hit something. His head against a brick wall for starters. 
He didn’t mean for it to end up like this. The feelings had crept up on him so innocently, a small wriggle in his chest when Sirius winked at him, a spark when their hands touched. 
It used to be so easy to pretend that it was nothing. They were friends, close friends. And if Sirius looked insanely attractive with a cigarette between his fingers, or his guitar across his thighs, well that was just a completely platonic thing to notice. 
Remus wasn’t quite sure when things had started to change. 
Maybe, a year ago late at night when they’d both stumbled back to James’s house drunk and woken up sprawled across his floor, legs intertwined, Remus’s hand cradling the dip of Sirius’s waist.
Maybe, six months ago when Sirius had boroughed a t-shirt and the light from the window had hit him at the perfect angle, turning his tousled curls into a shining halo. 
Maybe, half an hour ago at Lily's party, when Sirius’s cheeks were flushed and his smile was a mile wide and the glimpse of his collarbones made a sudden surge of want slam through Remus’s stomach. 
Maybe it doesn’t matter where it started. Maybe every second spent in Sirius’s presence has been leading up to this moment, the brightness of a screen burning Remus’s retinas, the black plastic of a phone slippery against Remus’s hot hand. 
Remus sucks in a breath, holds it, feels unsteady on his feet. 
Before he can stop himself he lets his fingers fly over the keyboard. 
Have you ever thought that maybe we could be more than just friends? 
He presses send and feels like he’s standing at a precipice, a strong wind blowing him closer to the edge. 
The sharp ding of a text tone reminds him to draw a breath against the tightness of his ribcage. Heat crackles down his spine. 
Then, two seconds later. 
I’m coming over
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
The Boy with the Dragon Tattoo
For @goodboylupin’s Candy Hearts Challenge. My candy heart prompt was “Hot Lips”. I had so much fun writing this!!
Remus stills, tracing his eyes up the photo. The photographer has captured a man standing on a white beach. He’s wearing nothing but swim shorts, bright blue fabric wet, and clinging to shapely thighs. The way he carries himself looks familiar, something about the tilt of his chin and the slight tension in his shoulders. 
When Remus looks closer his breath catches in his throat because there, spread across the man's solar plexus is the wingspan of a dragon, fire spilling from its mouth and falling across a broad chest. Squinting Remus lifts the phone out of Lily’s hands and nearer to his face. The man’s eyes are cut off at the top of the frame and the last thing he can see is a strong jawline and lips that Remus would recognize anywhere. They’re red and full and curved into a small smirk. Remus traces his finger along them smiling; he remembers the way those lips had felt like against his, hot and wet and like he’d never get enough. 
“Remus? What is it?” Lilly interrupts his thoughts. She’s staring across the table at him, eyes wide and concerned. With a start Remus remembers what he’s supposed to be doing. He drags his eyes off the man’s body and quickly reads the caption: Sirius Black Shows off Mysterious New Tattoo. 
Oh, so that explains the way his phone has been blowing up all morning, he thinks, before his brain goes a little fuzzy, a little blank. Because who is Sirius Black exactly? Remus isn’t prepared for this. He looks up to Lilly hoping she doesn’t notice the slight tremor in his voice, “Um have you heard of someone named Sirius Black?” 
She answers him slowly, her tone confused, “Uh yes he’s only the front man of London's most popular rock group?” 
Remus stares at her,  his eyes unblinking. He must sit there frozen for long enough for Lily to realize that something is really wrong, because the next thing he knows she's on his side of the table, sliding into the chair next to him and wrapping him in her arms. 
“What is it?” She asks carefully, eyes on his face. 
“Um,” Remus doesn’t know what to say. When he gestures to the photo on his phone screen he notices his hands are shaking in barely visible tremors. “That’s mine.” 
“What do you mean?” Lilly asks, her voice soft, “Sirius Black?” She leans forward to get a better glance at the picture and suddenly she looks up at Remus, her eyes widening. “Oh! You mean the tattoo.” 
“Yes,” Remus looks back at her, “Remember the man I told you about two weeks ago who stayed during the power outage? The one who -“ He breaks off not sure if he’s allowed to talk about the kiss now. Now that Sirius is someone famous, someone unfathomable. 
“Oh!” Lily said again, this time her eyes are as wide as saucer plates. “Oh my god. I don’t know what to say. No wonder you’re reacting like that. This is insane.”
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
tonight my sleep will be restless 
this is an expert from my @drarry-spin-the-wheel-fest work. My prompts are Werewolf Harry or Draco and Meet Ugly. I’ve hit some writers block and I think I just need to know that someone enjoys the direction of this fic to inspire me to keep writing it haha. Hope ya’ll enjoy! 
“Don’t try to tell me you didn’t know Draco was in Scotland,” Harry spits through the fire. Blaise rubs his eyes groggily. He’s wearing an emerald green dressing gown embroidered with what looks like giant golden butterflies. The Slytherins have always had a bit of a wild fashion sense. 
“I didn’t know Draco was in Scotland?” Blaise has always been a terrible liar. 
“You’re a terrible liar,” Harry says angrily. 
Blaise smiles nervously. “Okay you caught me, I knew Draco was in Scotland.” 
“I can’t believe you,” Harry looks down and finds that his knuckles are clenched into fists, his knuckles stand out white against his tanned skin. He knows it isn’t good for him to wind himself up like this but he can’t help it. “You knew he was here and you encouraged me to buy the house RIGHT NEXT DOOR to him?!” 
“Um, yes. That might be exactly what I did.” Blaises curls his lip into a small smirk, “But isn’t it great? Now he can keep an eye on you.” 
“Don’t tell me you set this up because you thought Draco Malfoy would be a prime candidate for watching over the Savior of the Wizarding World. You didn’t think that the second he realized something strange was going on he would go straight to the press?” Harry demands. 
Blaise’s eyes widen slightly, “I didn’t really think about that,” He admits. “But he’s changed a lot since the war. I’m sure he won’t do that.” 
“Oh perfect. You didn’t think of that?!! What were you thinking about then?”
“Oh,” Blaise says brightly, “How when me and Ginny come to visit we can see both of you instead of taking portkeys to different places.” 
“So,” Harry’s voice comes out low, a dangerous strain to his words. “You’re telling me I bought a house in the middle of nowhere only to find out that Draco Malfoy is my neighbor all because you and Ginny wanted simple travel plans?”
“Well yes,” Blaise admits gingerly, scooting back from his fireplace a little as if he thinks Harry might reach through the flames and shove him. “When I think about it like that it does seem a little silly.” 
Harry shakes his head and forces himself to take a deep breath in through his nose and out through his mouth just like the sodding meditation practice Hermione is always forcing him to do. 
“Fine,” He grits out. “I’ll figure out how to handle it. But you have to tell Draco that it’s your fault I’m here. I don’t want him thinking I’m some obsessive stalker.” 
“Hm, I actually think that maybe that could be avoided? You see-” 
“No,” Harry says, “You tell him or I’ll tell Ginny about the time you stole her favorite dress to wear to Pansy’s drag party.” 
“Okay,” Blaise says, clenching his jaw. “I’m sure it won’t be a big deal. He’ll forgive me immediately.” 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself Blaise.”
Harry ends the firecall and slumps onto the rug. 
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
Azkaban Escape 
Drarry Microfic, Rating: G, Words: 220
“You’re sleeping with Malfoy,” Hermione says, looking at Harry pointedly over the breakfast table.
“What?” Harry’s frozen in his seat, toast halfway to his mouth. His face is pale, guilty. He knows he’s always been a bad liar, so this is about to be the performance of his lifetime. He loves Hermione, loves her to death, and  obviously he’s fine with her knowing all of his secrets. All of his secrets except this one of course. 
“You. Have been sleeping. With Malfoy,” Hermione says slowly glaring at him. 
“I don’t understand,” Harry carefully sets his toast down on the plate in front of him. “Malfoy’s in Azkaban.”  
“Well,” Hermione draws out the word like she’s waiting for him to interrupt. “He was in Azkaban.” 
Watching his face carefully, she passes him yesterday's newspaper. The cover reads: Death Eater on the Loose: Draco Malfoy Escapes Azkaban in the Dead of Night. 
“Oh,” says Harry gazing at the paper. He widens his eyes and tries to look surprised, or enraged, or whatever he would have looked like if this had happened when he was a school-kid. “That’s too bad I guess.” 
“You’re sooo believable,” Hermione scoffs at him. She moves the paper slightly and gestures to one of the security camera photos at the bottom of the page. “Care to explain yourself?”
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
A fluffy fic for the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Angel Baby by Troye Sivan. I love Troye so this was such a fun prompt to do! Hope you all enjoy this piece :) 
Draco shows up drunk. Harry can tell he’s drunk because he opens the front door and immediately stumbles straight into the umbrella holder. There’s a small grin on his lips and when Harry reaches over to help him up Draco leans into his chest and his lips stretch wider. Harry watches as his smile grows teeth. 
“Congratulations,” Draco whispers, his hot breath tickling Harry’s ear. 
“Congratulations on what?” Harry asks just as quietly. He leans in, watches Draco’s lashes flutter dark against his opalescent skin. 
“Having the hottest boyfriend ever, of course,” Draco says flippantly. He shifts backing up slightly to shimmy off his tailored suit jacket. 
“Obviously,” Harry chuckles. He takes the cloth from Draco’s hands and settles in gently on the coat rack. 
Draco crowds back into his space. His hand falls to Harry’s solar plexus pushing him back against the wall. 
When their eyes meet Harry’s breath catches. When their lips meet his chest relaxes all at once in a muffled gasp. Harry likes the idea that Draco’s body has become his breath, that with every rise and fall of his lungs Draco’s pulse will beat faster. 
He thinks he could stand here forever, the hard wall digging into his back, his body cradled in the careful warmth of Draco’s arms.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
attic ephemera
This is for @drarrymicrofic​ prompt: ephemera
Rating: G, Words: 440
Read on ao3
Harry’s cleaning out the attic when he finds the letter. The cream paper is wrinkled and worn, like it’s been crumpled in a ball and thrown away, only to be rescued at the last minute. He assumes it belongs to one of Sirius’s ancestors. After all, everything he’s found so far has. 
The room is chock-full of legal documents and wedding certificates. All hundreds of years old. Nothing Harry cares about. He glances at the letter in his hand and is tempted to chuck it in the throw-away pile to the left without even looking at it, but he stops himself at the last minute. Signing, he reminds himself that he doesn’t want to accidentally throw away anything important. 
He presses the delicate paper flat against his thigh and unfolds it quickly, not wanting to waste time on a silly old letter. He holds it up to the thin light drifting through the dusty window and squints, trying to make out the tightly scrawled cursive. Something catches in his chest, the font looks almost familiar. His eyes skip over the text searching for a signature. When he reaches it, he freezes. His heart turns to stone in his chest. There clear as day scrawled hurriedly on the bottom of the parchment is the name Draco Malfoy. 
Harry sits in silence for what feels like several minutes. His breath catches in his chest, it feels almost painful to breathe. Suddenly he’s back three years sitting at Draco’s trial. Watching the way his grey eyes shutter when they sentence him. 
Harry shakes himself. Focuses on the hard wooden floor beneath him. Focuses on the way the weak sunlight falls through the window. Focuses on the texture of the parchment beneath his fingers. When he can finally breathe out, calm and steady, he shakes himself. His eyes quickly flick to the heading of the letter. There in the same scrawled ink the letter opens with Dear, Severus Snape. 
For a second Harry feels almost let down, because of course Malfoy had communicated with Snape during the war, everyone knew that. He sits still for a second feeling silly. 
Then, because he can’t quite help himself he starts to read the contents of the letter. About five sentences in Harry’s heart start to race. This is no normal communication he’s dealing with. Laid out in careful calligraphy are details of intricate battle plans and lists of weaknesses. 
Harry leans back on his heels, his whole world tiling on its axis. If he's reading correctly Draco wasn’t on the wrong side of the war. In fact, Draco might be one of the reasons they won.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
When you ask me if I have fallen out of love with you
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: shattered. Again thanks to @phoebe-delia for the amazing first person advice, you can find their post on how to write in first person here
When you ask me if I have fallen out of love with you
I say no,
I say of course not,
because how could I have fallen out of love with you when I still find your hairs between the pages of my poetry, your fingertips in the dust of my window frame.
You are everything wild and breakable,
a bloody heart beating raw in my hands.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
Remember me  Rating: G, Words: 103 For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: nostalgia
When Harry shoves in closer to Draco he freezes for a second, the air in his lungs turning to ice. After five years he still smells bitter like cedar, and spicy like smoke. Harry coughs a little, shifts back, puts space between them. He’d forgotten that being with Draco feels like standing on a precipice, victim to the strong winds. 
“What is it Harry? I thought you’d be happy to see me.” Draco asks, his voice soft. 
Before Harry can stop himself his gaze flicks upwards to meet grey eyes, red rimmed and desperate. 
Draco still looks so beautiful after all this time.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Beguile, November 9th 2021
Rating: T, Words: 319
“Fancy seeing you here.” Draco attempts a casual and approachable smile as he slides up to Harry at the bar. 
“Go away Malfoy,” Harry grumbles. Draco watches as he knocks back the shot in front of him. The rainbow light from the dance floor glints off of the delicate curve of Harry’s jaw and he watches his throat as it undulates. Draco wants to touch him so badly his hands shake. He clasps them tightly under the bar where Harry can’t see them. 
“I heard you got information from Kingsley on the coveted dragon case,” He adds, trying to sound conversational and not at all bitter. 
“Oh Draco, jealousy doesn’t look good on you,” Harry responds softly. Draco’s eyes narrow as he watches Harry’s left hand drift down to his back pocket. There poking out is a thick wad of parchment. Really, Draco thinks,  Harry should know better than to wander around with important information sticking out where anyone could grab it. He steps closer moving his legs to bracket Harry on either side. 
“Let me buy you a drink.” He says slowly watching the way Harry’s eyes flicker across his lips. 
“Oh fuck off,” Harry responds refusing to meet his eyes. 
Forget the drink, Draco thinks. He crowds into Harry's space and uses his pale broad hand to cup Harry’s cheek. He leans in and their lips brush. Suddenly they’re kissing and Draco wants Harry in bed spread out beneath him. He wants him so much he bites down on his lip until he tastes metal. 
His head swimming, he commands himself to focus. Carefully he skims Harry’s waist with his hand before reaching further back. His long fingers twist against parchment and then he’s ripping away. Their gazes tangle for a second and Harry looks wrecked, his irises blown out and dark against his tanned skin. Draco forces himself to turn. Gasping for breath he pushes into the crowd, vanishing. 
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt: Good for You by Darlingside 
Draco stands at the summit of the mountain and looks out across the bright rolling hills. He can feel the heaviness of Harry missing him. It’s always there, in the slight pressure just above his sternum, the tight squeeze of his ribs. 
Sometimes he feels content, almost happy, here in America and then it hits him all over again. Something about his happiness makes sadness’s edge even sharper. 
He turns and starts to climb down towards the grass below. The rocky path under his feet is steep and perilous, demands his focus. He’s grateful for it. It keeps him from thinking about Harry’s face when he’d left him, green eyes blown wide and desperate, begging him to stay. 
Draco breathes in deeply, lets the frigid mountain air burn across his lungs. Four more months he reminds himself, just 121 more days to rebuild, repair, return better. 
He wipes his sleeve hurriedly across his face and it comes away wet.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
The first time Harry answered a knock at the door of his office and opened the door to find Draco Malfoy standing in front of him he slammed the door in his face immediately. 
The second time he opened the door to a knock, about 3 minutes later, and found Draco Malfoy still standing there he said “Go away” very gruffly with a lot of emphasis hoping he could scare him off. 
It seemed like this worked very effectively until three days later when he received a letter from a very insistent owl from Auror Malfoy requesting his help on a case. Harry promptly burned the letter and went about his business. 
After this he started receiving letters daily inquiring about his presence in Malfoy’s office to participate in very time sensitive and important meetings. Harry didn’t see why Malfoy thought he would meet him in his office if he hadn’t even met with him in his own so he continued to burn the letters. Sometimes if he was feeling extra angry that day he would rip the letters into very tiny pieces before scattering them into the flames. It was a pretty effective anger management technique and quite frankly Harry wondered why he had never tried it before. 
Harry receives his 18th letter from Malfoy promptly at 9am on the morning of June second. He’s started his daily ritual of pulverizing the letter into minuscule pieces when he’s interrupted by a knock at the door. Part of him almost hopes to see Malfoy when he opens the door. Slamming the heavy oak in his face had been so enjoyable the last time. 
Unfortunately when Harry opens the door he finds not only Malfoy waiting for him but also Kingsley who looks a little pissed off and is clutching what appears to be his own copy of Malfoy’s letter in his left hand. 
“So, are you going to let us in?” Kingsley is clearly irritated and he sweeps into Harry’s office before Harry can even respond. Harry is miffed to notice that Kingly has taken his chair behind the desk and Harry is forced to hurriedly transfigure a chair out of the stool he keeps by his bookshelves. 
This leaves Malfoy standing awkwardly with nothing left to transfigure and Harry has to bite back a grin at how silly he looks standing ramrod straight and towering over Kingsley at the desk. 
“Here Draco.” Kingsley waves his wand and a green velvet armchair appears next to where he is standing. Harry's grin immediately disappears and he petulantly wonders why Malfoy gets to sit in a Slytherin green armchair in the cozy corner of his office when he’s made it abundantly clear that he doesn't want to see as much as his face ever again.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
First Lines Challenge
I was tagged to do this by @steampunkserpent27 and it looked super fun so I thought I’d give it a try!
For this challenge you list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
Inexplicable Things (wip (currently 31K)) (E) When Harry steps into the lobby of the DMLE he freezes for a second.
How to Say Goodbye (7.3K) (T) 1. The first step is running away
Attic Ephemera (.4K) (T)  Harry’s cleaning out the attic when he finds the letter.
Infiltrate the Slytherins (8.9K) (T) Blaise Zabini moved in with them on a dark rainy night.
Bonded (16K) (T) “Kingsley Shacklebolt hates me,” Harry announces dramatically stepping out of the flames into his sitting room.
Falling (1.6K) (M) They were about 10 minutes into making dinner when it all started to go awry.
Boy with a Dragon Tattoo (4K) (T) The only thing Draco remembers about his first day of eight year is Harry Potter's tattoos. 
I’m tagging @sorry-i-ship-drarry, @silver-de-vonne, @phoebe-delia, and anyone else who sees this and wants to participate! It was fun to revisit some of my old pieces and see how much my writing as grown since then. This challenge also helped me really think about how important the first line of a piece and be. 
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
Ready or Not 
Hermione had been shaking when she told him. She’d had to clear her throat several times and her pulse was pounding so loud in her ears that she almost couldn’t tell if she’d finally gotten the words out. 
The way Ron had reacted had been enough confirmation. She’d sat frozen as the sucker-punch pain of it all spread across his wide blue eyes and twisted it’s way over his mouth.
 “It’s okay ‘Mione, I understand,” He’d said softly, his cheeks pale and his hands clenched into fists. 
Hermione knew he didn’t. 
She’d never told him that there was someone else. It was never going to happen anyways.
Until, one night it did. 
They were drunk and giddy in the blue dusk of Harry’s garden when she stumbled and rough hands caught her waist ceasing her fall.
Suddenly, Hermione was looking up into wide eyes and blown out irises and she’d needed to remind herself to draw a breath against the tightness of her rib cage. 
They stood there for a second as if suspended in time before their lips brushed together. The kiss felt like a long time coming, like ready or not. 
When Hermione pulled away she looked up into Ginny’s warm brown eyes and smiled softly. The ache in her chest finally felt warm.
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ravena-wrote · 2 years
I watch the sun on your hair in front of me as we scale the hill. Dry dirt rubs up between our bare feet as we pick our way up switchbacks. I only stop to rest when you say so, clear voice flowing through the heavy air like spring water. My lungs feel caked in with grass pollen. Humid wind stings at my throat. I wonder if I’m getting heatstroke as I contemplate cradling your cheek in my hands and asking you to repeat the words you just spoke. I imagine you would feel like guzzling straight from a glacial lake. Leave me gasping like when you stick your head out of a car window in a rainstorm. I trip on a rock and it sends me reeling, ruptures my reverie.
As I watch your back crest the peak in front of me a peach tree rises out of the earth beside you like a sunrise. Golden fruit glow between crooked branches just barely holding on to the summers end. The fruit bursting with sweetness feel soft like a bruise. When my hand brushes against one it splits and sends saccharine stickiness down my forearm. Something about the texture reminds me of blood. When I touch my lips to it I wouldn’t be surprised to taste iron.
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