#rave family
choking-on-dandelions 24 days
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What a weekend, I'm happy to report that we made it home safe and sound. These last few days have been some of the best I've ever had and I'm so very grateful to have been able to experience everything!
Miku Expo rocked! The rave in New York? Freaking INCREDIBLE!!! The music was booming, the crowd was hype as fuck, and this little lady fuckin KILLED IT on the dancefloor! I always feel like my happiest, most genuine self when I'm dancing the night away all dolled up with some amazing friends馃挅
Travel, tunes, and time with friends...man, this is what it's all about. I can't wait for the next one!
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sothisisablog 4 months
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A little something made by me in honor of this momentous occasion
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Get the crabs ready, bitches
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artemis-pendragon 2 years
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princedrewwrites 2 years
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choking-on-dandelions 19 days
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Photo dump from rave night in my favorite shirt with my friends馃挅
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phantom-of-the-memes 2 years
The fact that crab rave is made by an Irish person. They鈥檝e been waiting for this. National hero <3
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saucywendeee 1 year
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馃懟馃Ъ - Fantasy AU Dark Mage/Prince
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monkeyfishgirl 2 years
If I find out the Queen has died from the news and not Destiel crab raves can I still consider myself terminally online?
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ravingsoftheraven 8 days
I'm SO in love with the story of the blue Charmander and their family, it brightens my day a bit.
It's so wholesome I really doubt it could have happened in any other website.
Thank you, Tumblr Pok茅mon peoples, thank you beautiful souls. Also, thank you Hilda the momma hen.
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somedudewithantlers 4 months
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just tumblr things
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Who killed the Queen?
In her 96 years on Earth, there were 19 recorded assassination attempts on Queen Elizabeth II, only three of which were successful.
The first took place at her own coronation when Sir Edgar of Florin poisoned the crown she was to wear, but was averted when he himself inadvertently wore the crown and died.
The second took place at a fashion event in the London during the height of the swinging era, but failed when a brainwashed model trained to kill her in fact saved her with his signature good looks.
Other attempts included those by a jilted taxi driver, a bald man with a barcode tattoo, a French guy carrying a potted plant, and Sylvester Stallone. But all of these were foiled by security, fate, or the Queen herself, who many are still unaware was a black belt in Judo, a white len莽o in Capoeira, and is a member of the Jedi council (though she was not granted the rank of master).
Of the successful attempts, Queen Elizabeth II was killed in 1976 by plot involving poisoned tea, 1983 by David Bowie in a vampyric ritual, and finally her most recent and permanent death in 2022 by, apparently, a whole lot of crabs.
Prince Charles, who took the crown after her death, is expected to be assassinated by Kim Kardashian at his own coronation in May of 2023. With his death, Prince William is expected to abolish the monarchy and go into the west to Valinor along with Billy Connolly, David Attenborough, and Frodo.
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sojutrait 3 months
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day one of exploring tomarang its cute okayyyyyyy
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moonlightdancer26 2 years
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judge-tenderly 4 months
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prepare the crabs
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