#randy robinson
80s4life · 2 years
The Little Things
Word Count: 2,516
Status: Not Requested!
A/N: You know when it's Mickey Rourke, you'll find something for every character here. XD
Fandom: The Wrestler 2008
Relationship: Robin Ramzinski/ Randy "The Ram" Robinson x Reader
Summary: When life takes a new turn and Randy is thrown into retirement, he slowly loses himself in the boredom of everyday life and the more easy way of getting by. With no one to turn to, no people to talk to, he feels it might be time to just move on, then you came around.
Warnings: mentions of possible suicide, abusive relationship/ domestic abuse, strong language, drug mentions and usage (testosterone/steroids/cigarettes), kinda angsty, fluff, bad
Masterlist Miscellaneous Masterlist (In use unless this fandom has enough to branch into its own masterlist)
{gif is not mine, credits go to -> @do-androidsdreamof-electricsheep}
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Slamming the door behind you, it's hard to miss the familiar boom of his voice screaming at you, testing you, begging for you to say one word.
You were lucky you got out of there in the first place, given the gun he'd had loaded on the coffee table, his imposing form constantly looming over you, and his patronizing yelling and degrading keeping you stuck in the stuffy trailer.
"I fucking hate you!" you spit, spinning on your heel as he neared the door, giving you a detailed description on how you needed him to survive. "I'd rather be dead on the street than ever end up here again!"
"Yeah? Don't come back, you filthy whore! All you were was a good lay and a house maid anyway."
Your blood boils as you stare daggers into his eyes, hand on the gate as you give him one last look. "I may have been nothing to you, but at least I won't be your scratching post the next time your crashed on the side of the road. At least I don't have to deal with your drunken beatings and your no good 2 inches," you smirk, turning around to open the gate and walk out. Just as you start your way down the road, you make sure to add, "Dick."
You resist the urge to turn around even after you hear him add, "Yeah, that's what you say every time." You can almost hear the sinister smirk on his lips.
It wasn't until you were completely hidden in the cool winter shadows of the night that you finally break down, moseying down the numerous houses to nowhere. You didn't know where you were going, you didn't know what you were doing, and you certainly - painfully so - don't know what you really are going to do without your ex's amenities.
You knew it wouldn't be long before your turning yourself around anyway, open arms with a grand apology and empty promises to never end up in the same argument - the same argument you find yourself in at least a good 40 times for 6 years. You knew you'd turn around, it was just a matter of when and whatever excuse you'd conjure up in your head.
Your head pounds as your tears start to dry, reddened irises and puffy eyelids leaving behind the story you've told too many times. Shivering, you wrap an arm around yourself, the other coming to attempt to massage your temple. "Damn him," you sigh, nearing the end of the road and taking yet another right, absently going around in a deep circle back to him.
The smell of cigarette smoke catches your nose as you go down the main road of the trailer park, and you smirk. It was a small one, but it never seizes to meet your lips at the thought of him, the "Legendary Wrestler" as old as Time itself.
Trying to shrink into the shadows once more, your muscles tense up at the sudden call of your name. "Y/N?" he calls, more of a question in the darkness of the night, unable to see you clearly enough to be certain.
You sigh, shoulders slumping as you peak out, slowly walking to his edge of the road, plastering on a sweet smile as you near him. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing out here? It's cold and it's late, you wanna get sick?"
"I couldn't sleep, you know how noisy the Richardsons can get when they go at it."
"Yeah, they fuck like rabbits, but you ain't the type to walk at night. Try again if you want."
You sigh deeply again, pretending the chill of the air is what makes you wind your arms around tighter. "I figured since no one was out here, there's no problem, right? No weirdos, no pervs, no criminals looking for another victim."
Randy observes your form, closed off and boarded in on itself, then mutters something to himself that you couldn't quite hear correctly. "Come on, you can crash at mine if you'd like. There's not a lot of room, but I'm sure you'll squeeze in nicely. Either way, it's warm, so."
Despite your aching heart and running thoughts, you find yourself giggling full-heartedly, smiling as you nod at him. "That sounds nice." You'd been caught, you know that, but you know Randy won't push - not unless he has to.
Shuffling inside, you instantly go for the heater against the wall, placing your hands before it in attempt to heat your fingers and hands. Randy closes the door behind you, making sure to check the locks before making his way into the small kitchen.
Feeling the tension in the air start to build, you turn away from the heater, silently looking to Randy before settling in on the couch. He places a pot on the coffee maker, exhaling as he chooses his next words carefully. "So, you gonna tell me why you were really out there or no?"
"You gonna tell me why you're up so late? You do have work, don't you?"
"I asked you first," he groans audibly, rolling his eyes at your childish avoidance of the painfully obvious. "You're black eye's blooming, too, in case you hadn't noticed," a hint of a smile perches on his lips.
Panic flashes through you and you dive for the bathroom, then with an unamused look, you scold him; the mirror having shown a face with no abnormalities. "That's not nice."
"It's not nice to lie either."
"It was Keith," you mumble loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to almost be a whisper, a secret only the two of you can hear in a crowded room.
"Figures," he spits, anger rising within his being. He's trying to be composed, collected for you, but he knows its a very thin line.
You frown at him, "And, why are you up so late?"
"I have a bad heart, can't work."
"Figures," you repeat venomously.
"I ain't trying to judge you, Kid, I'm not even competin.' Calm down."
You look at him for a brief moment, tears glossing your eyes, bowing it soon after. You hide your face from him, trying to calm the rising tears that threaten to fall and drown you both. You can't do that - you don't want to do that.
"Hey, hey," he whispers, kneeling down in front of your knees. A hand comes up to cup your cheek, the other resting on the bottom of your thigh where your kneecap meets. He tries to shush you, but as soon as his calming eyes claim yours, your body completely shuts down.
"I thought it was the last time," you cry out, clutching his shoulders as he brings you down to the floor with him, rocking you lightly as he cradles you to his body. "He said he'd stop - that he'd get better," you heave.
"He's too far gone," Randy mutters, eyes getting lost on the wall behind you. He knows that feeling, knows what it's like to be "too far gone" - beyond repair. That's him.
"I-" you choke between coughs and wheezes, "-I know, but I - don't want to leave him." You sound like a child, crying so hard until your lungs threaten to give out, but that's what you get when you have history, have a relationship worth half a lifetime in your heart.
"You can do better, Sweetheart. He never deserved you and you know that," he whispers again, soft and smooth, hand brushing your head as you lodge it between the crook of his neck.
Your hand reaches underneath his armpit, fingers tangling in the loose ends of his bleached blonde strands, turning your head to rest your cheek on his shoulder. You allow yourself the ability to calm the racing of your thoughts and heartbeat, settling your hands and thighs around his waist whilst Randy continues to rock you.
His hand draws figures sprawled across your back, the warmth bringing comfort to you and him the same. Before you know it, your body stops shaking, allowing the physical and mental pain to finally be welcomed.
It hurts, everything does. Not only had he beaten you with his cruel words, but he used your body as a punching bag. He treated you as nothing, having been so caught up in anger you hadn't caused, but he wasn't always like this. Keith was once sweet and caring, but with the drugs, loss of jobs left and right, and endless amounts of booze, you quickly were added to the trash with all of the empty remnants.
"Thanks Randy," your voice sounds distant, but still obtains the genuine softness and appreciation.
"I didn't do much, Sweetheart."
"You did," you mutter, squeezing him tighter in a form of a hug.
Randy hasn't felt this much physical touch in a long time. Sure, he had one night stands and strippers, but this felt different - warm, comfortable, caring. He didn't deserve it.
He pats your head again, signaling for you to get up, practically shoving you of of him. Stumbling, you sit back on the couch, a very apparent frown on both of your faces. Standing up straight, he lets out a sigh, scratching his head with his eyes to the floor. He looks like he wants to say something, and you almost beg him to do so, but he just turns around and back to the coffee pot, pouring two cups.
"Daylight's gonna start peeking through in about an hour, you should get some sleep," he mutters pitifully, handing you the red solo cup nonetheless.
Curling up on the couch, you take it gratefully, "Wasn't planning on sleeping much anyway."
Again it seems he wants to speak, nodding to you before smiling uncomfortably. "Well, I'm going to sleep."
"Goodnight," you call out weakly, Randy stopping between the curtains, then continuing on as if he heard nothing at all.
Once you'd given him some time, the tears slide down your face again, dropping quietly on your exposed thighs and pajama shorts. Your eyelids are heavy, bones ache, and you know you want to sleep; you're just too afraid to, too scared to even rationalize all the crazy ways Keith could break in and steal you back to your shit hole you call a home.
Without thinking, you allow yourself to place the cup on the table, feet carrying you to the curtains that keep you locked away like a brick wall. Sighing deeply, you push them open.
Curled on his side, Randy lays prone, wrinkles gone as he's immersed himself into sleep. He looks so peaceful, so young and innocent while he lays so vulnerably. No one ever sees him like that.
"Randy?" you call out quietly, awaiting a response.
When one doesn't come, you try one more time, "Randy?"
Dubbing it safe to move forward when no answer returns, you shuffle towards the other side of his bed. Lightly, you lift the thin sheets for blankets, curling with your back towards him, tucking yourself in to hide away from the cold.
Settling, your breathe hard, waiting for any notion or order to get out, but nothing comes. Closing your eyes, you force your beating heart to calm itself, forcing all the racing thoughts to disappear and permit you one sweet reprieve from reality.
Then the bed rustles, causing your form to harden once more, eyes popping open wide.
Flipping over, his small snores and tiny mumbles get caught in his throat. Somehow, as you tried to calm yourself, you hadn't realized the only noise in the room was just the fan; he was awake for quite some time.
Slowly, he turns to face you, an arm carefully wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer.
Your senses heighten, noticing as your body seemed to mold around his, warmth emanating from him and bringing a sense of comfort you hadn't realized you've been missing.
His other arm comes to wrap around your head underneath your pillow, tucking your head underneath his chin as he cuddles you into him. "No one's gonna hurt you anymore, I promise."
Your body starts to shake at the mention, nodding vigorously in place of the words still stuck in your throat. "I- I know," you almost choke.
"I ain't a good man, Y/N, but I can at least hold up one promise-"
"You are a good man, Randy," you cut him off, tossing over to face him. "Everyone has faults."
"You're too good, Y/N. Too naive and caring."
Looking up and into his eyes, you can see the emotions swirling within them: hurt, longing, care, anger, self-resentment, hate, love - he's lost.
You feel something click within you, finding you are just like him in a way. However, even through all of his demons, Randy's remained strong - or at least he seemed to in the public eye.
You feel you want to say something, anything, just to be closer to this wall of a man, but you don't know how. Don't know what.
"I ain't gonna beg you, Y/N, I know I'm a lonely man, and I damn well deserve to be."
Out of impulse, your lips crash on his, brief and faint. Though it was just a peck, it felt bittersweet on Randy's lips; as if it was a heat of passion. At least he assumed it was.
Pulling back, his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. However, he can feel the walls crumble, his head bowing to rest on your collarbone.
You smirk warmly, hands finding his long strands of hair again, running your fingers through the mess of blonde tresses.
"Don't leave me," it almost comes out inaudible, but you managed to catch it through it's mumbled mess.
Hands on either side of his face, you pull him up to meet your eyes again, "I'm not going anywhere. I promise," you smile, a glittering, genuine smile that makes his heart stop.
"I can't promise you much-"
"You already have, Randy. I just need you...My Rock."
"Damn," he smiles, "I really don't deserve you."
"Everyone deserves love, Randy, even the broken ones."
Placing his lips on yours again, you finally feel like you can breathe. There were no boundaries to worry about crossing, no worries as to where or who you are. He's been here the whole time and you completely overlooked him out of respect of the tatters of a relationship you once had.
You will no longer be a pawn, a nice piece to toy around with and be used. No, you were an equal, Randy's other half. You both had your faults, but that's what made you even stronger together; fixing each other and making each other whole once again.
That's what true love is.
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robinsonranch · 3 days
The interview that killed my career. But changed the industry. A small price to pay
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jay-wasstuff · 1 year
Derol figuring things out whilst all the murder/mystery is happening is a big mood
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I took this on my phone so excuse the crap quality but Derol was such a nice character who didn't even care about the entire situation or his friend(?) Miles lmfao
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Like he just was sitting in the dark when the lights turned off and just chilled after hearing a gunshot??? Then he decided well, time to head outside to sit down and pop myself a beer
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He just saw Blanc walking out and went "hey bro sit with me", my man said he was minding his business and there for a good time and that's all Derol needed
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crxssjae · 5 months
Randy's powerslam is so good!
And Charles telling AJ "Get off me!"
What AJ did though, that's smart.
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mothelette · 1 year
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animatedpixie · 1 year
The Possible Beans on getting Taylor Swift Era Tickets Headcannons cause why not?
Danny- ghosts are awful around technology so it kept crashing on him // it took Sam and Tucker holding him back so he wouldn’t break his phone and computer
Marinette - somehow called Taylor up!?! Seriously this girl knows everyone, she was sweet and was let in
Violet- didn’t even bother, just turned invisible and got in that way, who’s going to stop her??
Wilbur - tried to use the time machine everytime he lost them, ended up working tho
Penny- got a celebrity pass, she sat in the vip section ✨
Jake - he got insanely lucky with ticket master, he got tickets and was hella proud
Randy- bro had tickets, he was set to go, til he lost them last second
Hiro- hackers gotta hack, he hacked in before and secured his tickets, picked his seats, had a field day watching chaos unfold as he collected his tickets
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jinouchibhue · 5 months
I could fix him.
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en-lop-ter · 7 days
Recientemente vi The Iron Claw de Sean Durkin y no pude escapar a la influencia de THE WRESTLER, de Randy ‘Ram’ Robison, de Mickey Rourke , de Darren Aronofski y Bruce Springsteen… así que rescato este post de la memoria y el quebranto para lanzarme con él desde lo alto… “La lucha libre es un arte,una danza de fuerza y habilidad”El Gran Apache “El dolor puede destruircualquier cosa que se…
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eltiempoyloeterno · 7 days
Recientemente vi The Iron Claw de Sean Durkin y no pude escapar a la influencia de THE WRESTLER, de Randy ‘Ram’ Robison, de Mickey Rourke , de Darren Aronofski y Bruce Springsteen… así que rescato este post de la memoria y el quebranto para lanzarme con él desde lo alto… “La lucha libre es un arte,una danza de fuerza y habilidad”El Gran Apache “El dolor puede destruircualquier cosa que se…
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tache-noire · 1 year
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egoschwank · 2 years
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1132
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first posted in facebook november 11, 2022
george luks -- "the wrestlers" (1905)
"i'll tell you the whole secret! color is simply light and shade. you don't need pink or grey or blue so long as you have volume. pink and blue change with light or time. volume endures" ... george luks
"'the wrestlers' is [...] held at the museum of fine arts, boston [... and] is luks' best-known work. the painting depicts two nude men wrestling. he painted it in order to shock members of the pennsylvania academy of the fine arts whom he called 'pink-and-white idiots'" ... wikipedia
"he is puck. he is caliban. he is falstaff," ... james gibbons huneker (describing george luks)
"have you ever seen a one-legged man trying to dance his way free? if you've ever seen a one-legged man then you've seen me" ... bruce springsteen
"when you live hard and you play hard and burn the candle at both ends ... in this life, you can lose everything you love, everything that loves you. alot of people told me that i'd never wrestle again, they said 'he's washed up', 'he's finished' , 'he's a loser', 'he's all through'. you know what? the only ones gonna tell me when i'm through doing my thing, is you people here. you people here ... you people here. you're my family" ... randy "the ram" robinson
"in the clearing stands a boxer, and a fighter by his trade and he carries the reminders of every glove that laid him down or cut him 'til he cried out in his anger and his shame 'i am leaving, i am leaving', but the fighter still remains" ... paul simon
"luks was found dead in a doorway by a policeman in the early morning hours of october 29, 1933, following a bar-room brawl" ... wikipedia
"(shod foot!)--it's a dangerous weapon (shod foot!)--toe ammunition (shod foot!)--especially size elevens SHHHHHHHHODDDDDDDDDDD FOOT!" ... al janik
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robinsonranch · 4 months
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Stony Island 1978, Director Andy Davis,
Cinematographer Tak Fujimoto, ASC, Focus Puller Randy Robinson,SOC
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pinktwinkiezoppo · 7 months
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simmyfrobby · 1 year
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and someone will probably love you for who you are ... But for now, you have friends, who are not going anywhere. Please stay here.
― Prayer for Werewolves, Stephanie Burt
Hockey Poetry Post 50/?
(Photo credit: Sean M. Haffey, Debora Robinson, link, link, Derek Cain, Debora Robinson, link, Sean M. Haffey, Debora Robinson, Melissa Tamez, Tim Nwachukwu, Len Redkoles, Rich Graessle, Melissa Tamez, Sean M. Haffey, Debora Robinson, Emilee Chinn, Randy Litzinger)
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luwritesomething · 1 year
Heyyyyyyy can you do a Mickey Altieri x gn!reader and they are both in the same film class and the reader and Mickey are rivals and they get paired on a project together and after they get a good grade on it they realize that they really like eachother and they kiss at the end 😍
But if you do end up doing this thank you so much!!!!!
Also the reader and Randy are besties
I will be back with Stu and Billy requests later ☺️
Mickey Altieri x Reader: happy fools
Warnings: Swearing (probably), mentions of food (no ed), reader doesn’t eat because they have no money to afford it (no ed), reader has money problems, reader has a scholarship that pays for a big part of their living, sucky boss, money problems, mentions of the theater murders and the woodsboro murders, no mentions of mickey being part of the murders but no mention of him not being part of the murders either.
Tags: academic rivals to lovers dynamic, reader dislikes mickey more than mickey dislikes reader, mickey is annoying but loveable, randy is reader’s best friend, cici is perfect and we love her for that, reader ends up liking mickey, group project
Reader pronouns: Non stated.
Word count: 3767
Summary: Mickey and Reader have been rivals since they started college, but they’re paired up for a Film Theory project together.
Author’s note: SORRY FOR TAKING THIS LONG @alexhostghost. i loved this req!!!!!! rivals/enemies to lovers all the way!!!!!! i think i made this reader a bit more specific with the whole schoolarship and money problems thing, but i hope it's still good and liked <3 also i listened to happy fools on a loop so there you go. graphic is mine !!
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas. in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko and laura crane.
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“No, it’s a perfect example of life imitating art, imitating life.” Mickey interrupted Cici matter of factly, with that assholish grin you had learned to roll your eyes at. Cici opened her mouth to debate that, but Mickey was faster, following with his reasoning. “It’s really not that difficult to understand, guys.”
It all had started when Professor Robinson had asked all of you if you had heard the news of two campus students getting murdered in the opening for the new, flashy slasher film, Stab. The movie was based on true events, which had transcurred at a town called Woodsboro less than a year ago — your friend Randy, from your same major, had been one of the key survivors of that same massacre —; and its reality had quickly become a topic of discussion for your classmates. 
Mickey, one of Randy’s friend and who you barely could handle during classes because God was he always trying to be better than you, and other boys had started arguing that the murders had been a direct consequence of the nature of the film, to which Cici Cooper had instantly replied calling out their absolute bullshit. You couldn’t agree more with Cici, but Mickey’s attitude diminishing what your friend tried to very politely explain had made you scoff and straighten in your chair.
“Life doesn’t and shouldn’t imitate art.” You found yourself saying, rather loudly. Mickey’s eyebrows shot up your way, and you guessed you could continue talking, as now Professor Robinson was looking at you expectantly. “And also, calling that Stab movie is such an overstatement — it’s trash. Even the book on which is based, The Woodsboro Murders? It sucks dick. ”
“It actually happened.” A girl from one of the front rows said, and you clicked your tongue.
For a second or two, your eyes drifted to Randy, who only scrunched his nose slightly to show he was actually listening. You couldn’t imagine how discussing the murders he had seen less than a year ago felt for him, but you weren’t about to stop — and Randy wasn’t one to stop a good debate from happening, either.
“No shit?” You inquired, sarcasm dripping from your tongue, and Cici by your side laughed as the girl that had spoken just rolled her eyes. “What I’m trying to say it’s the writing itself sucked, I can’t do anything about the real story. The thing is violence, and less along murder, can’t be excused by the argument of ‘they watched too many movies’. It just doesn’t work like that.”
Cici pointed at you with a smile on her face. “Thank you!”
“Whoa, there.” Mickey called out from the back of the class, forcing you to turn your head slightly to look at him. “Nobody was trying to excuse it.”
Your head cocked to the side. “Why won’t you just admit that you’re wrong?”
Humdrum bursted into the class, as light whistles and laughter could be heard from your comeback, slowly easing a little grin into your face while you stared back at Mickey. His lips corners also raised, amused with how you had slightly caught him red handed, and you ended up turning your head to the front of the class when Professor Robinson took everyone’s attention by coughing fakely.
“Well, I’m just going to chirp in during my class to remind you that you guys can actually share your opinions outside of class.” Mister Robinson said with a smile on his face. 
When Cici chuckled under her breath, like many others, and nudged you in your side, you just rolled your eyes. You could tell the class was close to end as people around you started subtly gathering their things, and also by the way Mister Robinson glanced at the clock in the classroom before he stopped leaning onto his desk.
“Before you all go,” he said, stopping everyone’s movements. His hand pointed at the cork board in the back of the classroom, rather lazily. “I wanted to tell you that the pairs and subjects of this term’s project are already available for you to check in the back of the classroom. Remember you must do well on your presentations, since it will not only count as half of your grade, but your classmates’ too considering all the subjects will be parts of the upcoming exam.”
Most groaned, but you just looked away and started gathering your things calmly, knowing most of your classmates would rush to the cork board and wouldn’t let you see until some minutes had passed. Mister Robinson had already left the classroom when complaints about the partners or the subjects started to rise between the students, and you only heard half of what Cici was telling to the other girl about her subject, Auteur theory. 
Once you had your things, you lifted from your seat and dodged the other desks and chairs to reach the cork board where, among others, was Randy. You knew you hadn’t been paired up together from the moment he turned to look at you with a funny expression you couldn’t quite crack, and that was truly a pity — you two had grown pretty close for the last couple of weeks since your first project together, in that same Film Theory class.
“You’re gonna like this.” He muttered once you placed yourself by his side, making you frown.
“Why?” You asked, but before he could answer, your eyes started scanning the list printed and hung on the board, searching for your name. Oh. Your lips pursed instantly, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Oh, fuck.”
You could already feel his presence behind you, his stupid and annoying grin as Mickey said, “Looks like we’re gonna have to stop fighting.”
“You could be a great team.” Randy agreed softly as he searched for your eyes, but you rolled them again — it’s funny, you realized as he chuckled softly. It’s funny for him, because Randy didn’t have to work with his so-called rival, you did.
Without saying anything to either of them, you turned around and walked out of the classroom with your mind too occupied with all you have to do other than stay around with a jerk and your friend. Your rent is due and the money from your scholarship is not coming for some reason, and you also have a ton of homework and extra shifts to cover for the lack of money — you literally did not have the time.
You were already out of the building, deep in your thoughts, when you heard someone calling out your name. You recognized the voice, so you barely turned to see Mickey jogging towards you with his backpack on only one shoulder and his dumb camera on his left hand — you didn’t even stop walking, which absolutely made him call out your name again.
“Hey, hold up!” He chuckled with that wide grin of his, the one you were used to rolling your eyes at. However, this time you held yourself back, having done that too many times in the last minutes, and now you actually listened to him, stopping your walking to let him catch up.
Mickey flashed a smile when he reached you, accommodating the strap on his shoulder to make sure his backpack wasn't falling to the ground. “We have to cooperate now, we’re a team.”
“Lucky me.” You muttered, and after checking he was finally willing to walk, you resumed your pace with him by your side.
“When are you free?” He asked, choosing to ignore your lack of enthusiasm. 
You truly didn’t understand it — you didn’t hate Mickey, or you guessed so. He was just annoying to you, always saying the exact opposite of what you said just for the hell of getting under your skin. Just a few weeks of classes, and he had finally won the position of your rival, so his amusement for the situation wasn’t really something you could understand.
“Not today.” You chose to say, head shaking to get rid of your cavilations. If you hadn’t known Mickey better, you could have sworn he looked taken aback, so you added, “But Formalism is an easy theory, so we can start researching by ourselves meanwhile.”
“We still have to pick a date.” Mickey insisted, his head cocked to the side and without taking his eyes away from you.
You snorted softly. “What, do you really have a busy enough life to need everything planned to the minute?”
“You’re not getting rid of me.” He replied with a sing-song, without answering your sarcastic question.
“Do I have to tell you now?”
“Yeah, kinda.”
“Fine.” You stopped dead in your tracks, surprising him, but he immediately turned to look at you, your arms crossed on top of your chest. “Tomorrow after lunch, outside of the library.”
A smile crossed his face, and you could have sworn he blinked at you as he walked away, saying, “Perfect. See you there, then!”
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You were late, you knew, and it irked you. It hadn’t being your fault, if you saved the part in which you had agreed to do an extra shift at your job to get some extra money — you were in dire need of cash, and still, your boss hadn’t paid you after that, arguing he would give you all the money he owed you when the official time had come. So, you were tired, late to your date for the project with Mickey, hungry because you hadn’t eaten in the whole day and with no extra money.
At least you hadn’t been late enough to make Mickey leave from the library doors, which relieved you as you quickened your pace to reach him. Mickey watched you without his usual smile, probably annoyed because of the solid fifteen minutes he had been waiting for you; but he only frowned when you folded once you arrived to his side, catching your breath. Have you been running? — Mickey searched for traces of sweat in your forehead and skin, and he found them, little pearls of rushed sweat that exposed you to him forming near your hairline.
“I’m sorry.” You said, before he could open his mouth, and you tried your best to straighten yourself so you could look into his eyes. “I’m late, I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” Mickey assured with a curious glimmer in his eyes. His head tilted to the side as he watched you breathe heavily. “Is everything alright? You shouldn’t have run.”
“I didn’t run.” You lied rather dryly, and you pushed your hair off your shoulder and away from your face. The sound that came from your starving stomach wasn’t too loud, but Mickey heard it, which only mortified you more — how more could you embarrass yourself? “Sorry, I haven’t eaten anything today. Anyways, should we–?”
Mickey interrupted you quickly. “What do you mean you haven’t eaten?”
You blinked once, processing his question. “I’m running low on money and skipped lunch to do an extra shift at work.”
“What about breakfast?”
“Mickey, drop it. I had no time, and it's not like my fridge is full. We need to work now, I’ll eat something later.”
When you tried to dodge him to finally go into the library, his hand grabbed your wrist, stopping you. “You’re not going in there without eating something first.”
“Excuse you?” You hissed, a frown becoming visible between your eyebrows, astounded that he would have the audacity to tell you what you could and couldn’t do.
“If you die, I’ll have a bad conscience.” Mickey replied, with a little smirk that was even more annoying than the way he was trying to control you. It was for a good reason, sure, but still. “We’ll work at a café, where you can have something to eat.”
You scoffed, and moved your hand away from him so he would let go, which worked. “What part of I’m running low on money you didn’t understand, Altieri? I can’t afford lunch at a café.”
“My treat.” He insisted, as his smirk dropped. It made you realize, that gesture, that he was completely serious about what he was saying.
But for some reason, owing him money of all people made you feel terrible. “I’m not letting you buy me food.”
Mickey rolled his eyes, now as equally annoyed as you were. “Then you’ll pay me back once you get your hands on your money, alright? Please? We’re wasting time here.”
You couldn’t help but click your tongue, but when you took a glance at the watch on your wrist, you realized he was right. With your lateness and the bickering, you two had already lost more than twenty minutes in which you should have been working on your Formalism project. He was right, and you hated that.
“Fine.” You grunted lowly, and he only smiled, before he led the way to one of the cafés outside of campus.
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It was awkward, having him buy you lunch. You had always liked to think of yourself as a very independent person, and honestly, you thought you were. College life was stressful but a blessing in this aspect, although the money and tuition fees were certainly something worth bawling your eyes for. You had always had money problems and managed and planned your life on campus around that, but it was also true that you had never gone without having something for breakfast or lunch because of having to save money for something more important. Fortunately, that very same morning you had received a warning that your warning would come late but still come, but that didn’t make the fact of having Mickey behind you and watching what you would choose for him to pay any better.
“You can choose whatever.” He said, after you spent five slow minutes trying to figure out which sandwich from the ones displayed in the cafe’s counter would be less expensive. You looked at Mickey from the corner of your eyes, but he wasn’t looking at you, maybe to make things easier for you. “It’s not like I’m gonna go broke for buying you lunch.”
With a hum, you acknowledged his words. You stared at the sandwiches ahead, and murmured, “Thanks.”
After you had chosen two different sets of sandwiches and some juice that looked delicious — and after Mickey had ordered a coffee with a ridiculously little amount of milk —, you carried your tray to one of the empty tables in the back of the establishment while Mickey paid. You put the folder of information you had found about Formalism next to your tray and started eating without waiting for him.
You watched him walk towards your table, coffee mug in his free hand, while the other carried his black wallet. Now that you were eating, you no longer felt embarrassed for having someone paying for your food once, and for a second, you forgot how little you were used to getting along. It’s not like you hated him — if you did, you wouldn’t have let him buy you anything.
“Better?” Mickey asked as he slid into the seat across from you.
Shortly, you nodded. “Thanks. I’ll pay you back, I promise.”
“There’s no rush.” He said, before he took a sip of his coffee. When you found yourself staring at him too much, finding his unshaven stubble more attractive than usual, you forced yourself to look away. “I know how expensive tuition fees are.”
“Yeah, well, I have a scholarship. The money should be coming, that’s the thing.”
Mickey watched you curiously. “I did not know you had a scholarship.”
“I do.” You murmured. Outside of class, you had never really talked to him much. He was close friends with Randy, sure, but the timing had never been right between you two — and you were always busy, something for which Randy always teased you. “Anyways, I have been doing some research about Formalism. It’s an easy subject, but we’re going to have to explain it really well.”
“Oh, yeah.” Mickey nodded, agreeing with you, and he once again took a sip off his coffee. “Is that folder what you found? You finish your food and I’ll start reading.”
With a hum, you nodded your head and Mickey leaned in to grab your folder and open it. His eyes started scanning over the documents you had printed, and you went back to focusing on your sandwiches, but you noticed the slight smile that appeared in his mouth once he saw your calligraphy in between the documents.
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Mickey was actually someone nice to be around, and you slowly discovered that your rivalry had been wrongly directed to a fake image you had of him. If he had ever been annoying with you, arguing for absolutely every single thing you said, it was because he was that kind of funny; and it was rather easy to befriend him after the hours you spent together on the Formalism project. Sooner than later, your project was finished, and college life continued like it always had before that.
Mister Robinson took a whole two weeks to mark all the projects after all the pairs’ presentations were done. Randy had actually confessed to you, after you and Mickey had explained the theory that had been assigned to you with a slide presentation that had been his idea, that you two had probably been one of the best presentations — after his, of course. It was still a compliment, coming from him.
“Star Trek is better than Star Wars, I don’t care.” One of the girls in your class insisted, prompting a bunch of booing and another bunch of claps.
When you lifted your head from laughing at the improvised debate that had formed something Mister Robinson had said while explaining the main themes in film for the last few years — the poor man was probably sick of these debates, but he always listened, aware it was important for his students to communicate their ideas eloquently —, you found that Mickey was profusely shaking his head at what the girl had said. 
“Star Wars is just George Lucas inserted into a different, low budget and worse Star Trek universe.” Another boy said, backing the girl up, and now it was Randy who was shaking his head.
“Comparing Star Wars to Star Trek is absurd.” Randy said, pitched raised slightly so he would be heard. “Not because of one being better than the other, that’s not the point at all. You wouldn’t compare The Godfather with Goodfellas, would you?”
Even Mister Robinson laughed at that, finding that Randy was right — once again. You just shook your head as you laughed when Cici turned to look at you with an incredulous eyebrow raised, like you could actually control all the shit that came from Randy’s mouth.
“Before you leave.” Mister Robinson called out, his eyes raising to the clock on the wall, like he was used to doing now due to the constant introductions during his classes. The humdrum around you, caused by the people gathering their things, didn’t stop you from listening to what he had to say. “You can find the marks for your projects in the cork board.”
You waited seated, recalling the time in which he had said the opposite — that the pairs and subjects could be found in that same place —, and knowing that you wouldn’t be able to see anything if you went with all the people who wanted to see it right then. It surprised you seeing that Randy and Cici made their ways into the masses of people, and then left once they had taken a peak at their marks.
Once the classroom started to empty, you got up from your chair and walked to the cork board, dodging Mickey and another boy talking back at the first’s desk. Before you made your way to the board, the boy left the classroom, and it was only you and Mickey.
“Mickey.” You called out as soon as your eyes identified your names together, your voice almost coming strained. “We got the highest grade.”
“We did?” Mickey laughed, getting up from his desk and walking towards you, his eyes focused on the sheet of paper. “Oh, holy shit, we did.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, but your voice came out as a mutter. “Wow.”
“We make a hell of a good team, then.”
Holding back your smile, you looked up to him — Mickey wasn’t hiding his smile, letting it shine over you, and you didn’t feel the need to roll your eyes anymore. Lately, as you spent more and more time with him, you had forgotten about your need to be annoyed by him, and instead grew into an urge to wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him. It was like a positive intrusive thought, although still scary.
You blinked once when he called out your name. “You’re staring.”
“Is that bad?” You let out before you could stop yourself, but you started to feel embarrassed.
Before you could look away or cringe at what you had said, Mickey’s smile turned softer as he looked at you. “You tell me.”
You chuckled softly and looked away while shaking your head slightly. It was weird feeling your heart beat so fast against your chest, but you pushed through the feeling.
“Listen, I still have to repay you for that lunch and I was thinking…” Your head lifted again, so you could lock eyes with him, and you almost went breathless when you saw the intensity with which he was looking at you. “Would you have dinner with me?”
“Are you asking me on a date?” Mickey asked, his smile growing impossibly wider.
The nerves got the best of you, as you started to stumble, “I mean, it doesn’t necessarily have to be a date but yeah, it could be if you wanted to–”
“I’d love to go on a date with you.” He said, interrupting your embarrassment, and you smiled as a thank you. Mickey looked so pretty as he lowered his head slightly, like he was telling you a secret. “And I’d really like to kiss you right now, if that’s okay.”
Oh, what a rush of dumb happiness was your body receiving right now.
“Yeah, you can kiss me.” You muttered, and as soon as you said it, Mickey moved closer to you.
His hand rested on your waist, pulling you even closer to him, and his lips pressed against you in the exact same way you had imagined — just a few times before — they would. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kissed him back.
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sailoreuterpe · 9 months
Non-Romantic Song Recommendations
familial/platonic- the lyrics are relatively generic; family or friends
child love- perspective of a child to a guardian
grandchild love- perspective of a grandchild to a grandparent
parental love- perspective of a guardian to a child
sibling love- perspective of a sibling to a sibling
lyrics can tweak platonic- the lyrics are explicitly romantic in nature but can become generic with tweaking
romantic video- the official music video is explicitly romantic in nature; lyric music videos are usually less romantic
(This is my favorite familial/platonic song) Tracy Chapman (familial/platonic): The Promise - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-nqzwIvnZ0
Andrew Gold: Thank You for Being a Friend (familial/platonic)
Andy Grammer: Don't Give Up on Me (lyrics can tweak platonic)
A Great Big World: I Will Always Be There (familial/platonic)
Al Kasha, Joel Hirschhorn, Michael Lloyd: Love Survives (familial/platonic)
Alison Krauss: Baby Mine (parental love)
Alison Krauss: When You Say Nothing at All (familial/platonic)
Anthony Gonzalez: Proud Corazon (child love)
Avicii: Hey Brother (sibling love)
Ben E. King: Stand By Me (familial/platonic)
Bette Midler: Wind Beneath my Wings (child love, familial/platonic)
Bill Withers: Lean on Me (familial/platonic)
Billy Joel: Just the Way You Are (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Billy Joel: Lullabye (Goodnight, My Angel) (parental love)
Boyz 2 Men: Mama (child love)
Brendan Shine: A Mother's Love's a Blessing (child love)
Celtic Woman: Danny Boy (sibling love)
Christina Perri: A Thousand Years (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Crosby, Stills, and Nash: Teach Your Children (child love, parental love)
Cyndi Lauper: True Colors (familial/platonic)
Dan Fogelberg: Leader of the Band (child love)
Diamond Rio: One More Day (familial/platonic)
Diana Ross: If We Hold On Together (familial/platonic)
Dionne Warwick: That's What Friends are For (familial/platonic)
Donna Lewis: At the Beginning (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Gabriella Flores, Gael Garcia Bernal: Remember Me (child love, parental love)
Imagine Dragons: I Bet My Life (child love)
Jim Croce: I'll Have to Say I Love You in a Song (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Jim Croce: Time in a Bottle (parental love)
Josh Groban: You Raise Me Up (familial/platonic)
Katy Perry: Unconditionally (romantic video, familial/platonic)
Kenny Loggins: Return to Pooh Corner (parental love)
Lionel Richie: Angel (familial/platonic)
Luther Vandross: Dance with My Father (child love)
Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell: Ain’t No Mountain High Enough (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Mary Chapin Carpenter: Grow Old Along with Me (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Melissa Wasserman: Twenty Two (sibling love)
Miranda Lambert: Over You (familial/platonic)
Miranda Lambert: The House That Built Me (child love)
OK Go: I Won't Let You Down (familial/platonic)
Phil Collins: You'll Be in My Heart (parental love)
Phillip Phillips: Gone Gone Gone (familial/platonic)
Phillip Phillips: Home (familial/platonic)
Porter Robinson: Shelter (child love)
Queen: You’re My Best Friend (familial/platonic)
Rachel Platten: Better Place (familial/platonic)
Rachel Platten: Stand by You (familial/platonic)
Randy Newman: You've Got a Friend in Me (familial/platonic)
Regina Spektor: The Call (familial/platonic)
Rod Stewart: Forever Young (parental love)
Sarah Mclachlan: I Will Remember You (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Savage Garden: I Knew I Loved You (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Shania Twain: Forever and Always (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Sick Puppies: All the Same (romantic video, lyrics can tweak platonic)
Sting: Fields of Gold (lyrics can tweak platonic)
Swedish House Mafia: Don't You Worry Child (child love, parental love)
Taylor Swift: marjorie (grandchild love)
Taylor Swift: Safe and Sound (familial/platonic)
Vienna Teng: Lullaby for a Stormy Night (parental love)
Will Smith: Just the Two of Us (parental love)
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