#the wrestler imagine
80s4life · 2 years
The Little Things
Word Count: 2,516
Status: Not Requested!
A/N: You know when it's Mickey Rourke, you'll find something for every character here. XD
Fandom: The Wrestler 2008
Relationship: Robin Ramzinski/ Randy "The Ram" Robinson x Reader
Summary: When life takes a new turn and Randy is thrown into retirement, he slowly loses himself in the boredom of everyday life and the more easy way of getting by. With no one to turn to, no people to talk to, he feels it might be time to just move on, then you came around.
Warnings: mentions of possible suicide, abusive relationship/ domestic abuse, strong language, drug mentions and usage (testosterone/steroids/cigarettes), kinda angsty, fluff, bad
Masterlist Miscellaneous Masterlist (In use unless this fandom has enough to branch into its own masterlist)
{gif is not mine, credits go to -> @do-androidsdreamof-electricsheep}
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Slamming the door behind you, it's hard to miss the familiar boom of his voice screaming at you, testing you, begging for you to say one word.
You were lucky you got out of there in the first place, given the gun he'd had loaded on the coffee table, his imposing form constantly looming over you, and his patronizing yelling and degrading keeping you stuck in the stuffy trailer.
"I fucking hate you!" you spit, spinning on your heel as he neared the door, giving you a detailed description on how you needed him to survive. "I'd rather be dead on the street than ever end up here again!"
"Yeah? Don't come back, you filthy whore! All you were was a good lay and a house maid anyway."
Your blood boils as you stare daggers into his eyes, hand on the gate as you give him one last look. "I may have been nothing to you, but at least I won't be your scratching post the next time your crashed on the side of the road. At least I don't have to deal with your drunken beatings and your no good 2 inches," you smirk, turning around to open the gate and walk out. Just as you start your way down the road, you make sure to add, "Dick."
You resist the urge to turn around even after you hear him add, "Yeah, that's what you say every time." You can almost hear the sinister smirk on his lips.
It wasn't until you were completely hidden in the cool winter shadows of the night that you finally break down, moseying down the numerous houses to nowhere. You didn't know where you were going, you didn't know what you were doing, and you certainly - painfully so - don't know what you really are going to do without your ex's amenities.
You knew it wouldn't be long before your turning yourself around anyway, open arms with a grand apology and empty promises to never end up in the same argument - the same argument you find yourself in at least a good 40 times for 6 years. You knew you'd turn around, it was just a matter of when and whatever excuse you'd conjure up in your head.
Your head pounds as your tears start to dry, reddened irises and puffy eyelids leaving behind the story you've told too many times. Shivering, you wrap an arm around yourself, the other coming to attempt to massage your temple. "Damn him," you sigh, nearing the end of the road and taking yet another right, absently going around in a deep circle back to him.
The smell of cigarette smoke catches your nose as you go down the main road of the trailer park, and you smirk. It was a small one, but it never seizes to meet your lips at the thought of him, the "Legendary Wrestler" as old as Time itself.
Trying to shrink into the shadows once more, your muscles tense up at the sudden call of your name. "Y/N?" he calls, more of a question in the darkness of the night, unable to see you clearly enough to be certain.
You sigh, shoulders slumping as you peak out, slowly walking to his edge of the road, plastering on a sweet smile as you near him. "Yeah?"
"What are you doing out here? It's cold and it's late, you wanna get sick?"
"I couldn't sleep, you know how noisy the Richardsons can get when they go at it."
"Yeah, they fuck like rabbits, but you ain't the type to walk at night. Try again if you want."
You sigh deeply again, pretending the chill of the air is what makes you wind your arms around tighter. "I figured since no one was out here, there's no problem, right? No weirdos, no pervs, no criminals looking for another victim."
Randy observes your form, closed off and boarded in on itself, then mutters something to himself that you couldn't quite hear correctly. "Come on, you can crash at mine if you'd like. There's not a lot of room, but I'm sure you'll squeeze in nicely. Either way, it's warm, so."
Despite your aching heart and running thoughts, you find yourself giggling full-heartedly, smiling as you nod at him. "That sounds nice." You'd been caught, you know that, but you know Randy won't push - not unless he has to.
Shuffling inside, you instantly go for the heater against the wall, placing your hands before it in attempt to heat your fingers and hands. Randy closes the door behind you, making sure to check the locks before making his way into the small kitchen.
Feeling the tension in the air start to build, you turn away from the heater, silently looking to Randy before settling in on the couch. He places a pot on the coffee maker, exhaling as he chooses his next words carefully. "So, you gonna tell me why you were really out there or no?"
"You gonna tell me why you're up so late? You do have work, don't you?"
"I asked you first," he groans audibly, rolling his eyes at your childish avoidance of the painfully obvious. "You're black eye's blooming, too, in case you hadn't noticed," a hint of a smile perches on his lips.
Panic flashes through you and you dive for the bathroom, then with an unamused look, you scold him; the mirror having shown a face with no abnormalities. "That's not nice."
"It's not nice to lie either."
"It was Keith," you mumble loud enough for him to hear, but quiet enough to almost be a whisper, a secret only the two of you can hear in a crowded room.
"Figures," he spits, anger rising within his being. He's trying to be composed, collected for you, but he knows its a very thin line.
You frown at him, "And, why are you up so late?"
"I have a bad heart, can't work."
"Figures," you repeat venomously.
"I ain't trying to judge you, Kid, I'm not even competin.' Calm down."
You look at him for a brief moment, tears glossing your eyes, bowing it soon after. You hide your face from him, trying to calm the rising tears that threaten to fall and drown you both. You can't do that - you don't want to do that.
"Hey, hey," he whispers, kneeling down in front of your knees. A hand comes up to cup your cheek, the other resting on the bottom of your thigh where your kneecap meets. He tries to shush you, but as soon as his calming eyes claim yours, your body completely shuts down.
"I thought it was the last time," you cry out, clutching his shoulders as he brings you down to the floor with him, rocking you lightly as he cradles you to his body. "He said he'd stop - that he'd get better," you heave.
"He's too far gone," Randy mutters, eyes getting lost on the wall behind you. He knows that feeling, knows what it's like to be "too far gone" - beyond repair. That's him.
"I-" you choke between coughs and wheezes, "-I know, but I - don't want to leave him." You sound like a child, crying so hard until your lungs threaten to give out, but that's what you get when you have history, have a relationship worth half a lifetime in your heart.
"You can do better, Sweetheart. He never deserved you and you know that," he whispers again, soft and smooth, hand brushing your head as you lodge it between the crook of his neck.
Your hand reaches underneath his armpit, fingers tangling in the loose ends of his bleached blonde strands, turning your head to rest your cheek on his shoulder. You allow yourself the ability to calm the racing of your thoughts and heartbeat, settling your hands and thighs around his waist whilst Randy continues to rock you.
His hand draws figures sprawled across your back, the warmth bringing comfort to you and him the same. Before you know it, your body stops shaking, allowing the physical and mental pain to finally be welcomed.
It hurts, everything does. Not only had he beaten you with his cruel words, but he used your body as a punching bag. He treated you as nothing, having been so caught up in anger you hadn't caused, but he wasn't always like this. Keith was once sweet and caring, but with the drugs, loss of jobs left and right, and endless amounts of booze, you quickly were added to the trash with all of the empty remnants.
"Thanks Randy," your voice sounds distant, but still obtains the genuine softness and appreciation.
"I didn't do much, Sweetheart."
"You did," you mutter, squeezing him tighter in a form of a hug.
Randy hasn't felt this much physical touch in a long time. Sure, he had one night stands and strippers, but this felt different - warm, comfortable, caring. He didn't deserve it.
He pats your head again, signaling for you to get up, practically shoving you of of him. Stumbling, you sit back on the couch, a very apparent frown on both of your faces. Standing up straight, he lets out a sigh, scratching his head with his eyes to the floor. He looks like he wants to say something, and you almost beg him to do so, but he just turns around and back to the coffee pot, pouring two cups.
"Daylight's gonna start peeking through in about an hour, you should get some sleep," he mutters pitifully, handing you the red solo cup nonetheless.
Curling up on the couch, you take it gratefully, "Wasn't planning on sleeping much anyway."
Again it seems he wants to speak, nodding to you before smiling uncomfortably. "Well, I'm going to sleep."
"Goodnight," you call out weakly, Randy stopping between the curtains, then continuing on as if he heard nothing at all.
Once you'd given him some time, the tears slide down your face again, dropping quietly on your exposed thighs and pajama shorts. Your eyelids are heavy, bones ache, and you know you want to sleep; you're just too afraid to, too scared to even rationalize all the crazy ways Keith could break in and steal you back to your shit hole you call a home.
Without thinking, you allow yourself to place the cup on the table, feet carrying you to the curtains that keep you locked away like a brick wall. Sighing deeply, you push them open.
Curled on his side, Randy lays prone, wrinkles gone as he's immersed himself into sleep. He looks so peaceful, so young and innocent while he lays so vulnerably. No one ever sees him like that.
"Randy?" you call out quietly, awaiting a response.
When one doesn't come, you try one more time, "Randy?"
Dubbing it safe to move forward when no answer returns, you shuffle towards the other side of his bed. Lightly, you lift the thin sheets for blankets, curling with your back towards him, tucking yourself in to hide away from the cold.
Settling, your breathe hard, waiting for any notion or order to get out, but nothing comes. Closing your eyes, you force your beating heart to calm itself, forcing all the racing thoughts to disappear and permit you one sweet reprieve from reality.
Then the bed rustles, causing your form to harden once more, eyes popping open wide.
Flipping over, his small snores and tiny mumbles get caught in his throat. Somehow, as you tried to calm yourself, you hadn't realized the only noise in the room was just the fan; he was awake for quite some time.
Slowly, he turns to face you, an arm carefully wrapping around your waist, pulling you closer.
Your senses heighten, noticing as your body seemed to mold around his, warmth emanating from him and bringing a sense of comfort you hadn't realized you've been missing.
His other arm comes to wrap around your head underneath your pillow, tucking your head underneath his chin as he cuddles you into him. "No one's gonna hurt you anymore, I promise."
Your body starts to shake at the mention, nodding vigorously in place of the words still stuck in your throat. "I- I know," you almost choke.
"I ain't a good man, Y/N, but I can at least hold up one promise-"
"You are a good man, Randy," you cut him off, tossing over to face him. "Everyone has faults."
"You're too good, Y/N. Too naive and caring."
Looking up and into his eyes, you can see the emotions swirling within them: hurt, longing, care, anger, self-resentment, hate, love - he's lost.
You feel something click within you, finding you are just like him in a way. However, even through all of his demons, Randy's remained strong - or at least he seemed to in the public eye.
You feel you want to say something, anything, just to be closer to this wall of a man, but you don't know how. Don't know what.
"I ain't gonna beg you, Y/N, I know I'm a lonely man, and I damn well deserve to be."
Out of impulse, your lips crash on his, brief and faint. Though it was just a peck, it felt bittersweet on Randy's lips; as if it was a heat of passion. At least he assumed it was.
Pulling back, his eyebrows scrunch in confusion. However, he can feel the walls crumble, his head bowing to rest on your collarbone.
You smirk warmly, hands finding his long strands of hair again, running your fingers through the mess of blonde tresses.
"Don't leave me," it almost comes out inaudible, but you managed to catch it through it's mumbled mess.
Hands on either side of his face, you pull him up to meet your eyes again, "I'm not going anywhere. I promise," you smile, a glittering, genuine smile that makes his heart stop.
"I can't promise you much-"
"You already have, Randy. I just need you...My Rock."
"Damn," he smiles, "I really don't deserve you."
"Everyone deserves love, Randy, even the broken ones."
Placing his lips on yours again, you finally feel like you can breathe. There were no boundaries to worry about crossing, no worries as to where or who you are. He's been here the whole time and you completely overlooked him out of respect of the tatters of a relationship you once had.
You will no longer be a pawn, a nice piece to toy around with and be used. No, you were an equal, Randy's other half. You both had your faults, but that's what made you even stronger together; fixing each other and making each other whole once again.
That's what true love is.
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hypogryffin · 2 months
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aegis is a robot built for combat in the 90s. she should be 6 feet tall and built like a brick shithouse
388 notes · View notes
adsurgitvagus · 5 months
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Old man, how dare you plague me
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seefasters · 11 months
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my take on the steeplechase trio (and montrose’s mask variants)
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aritamargarita · 5 months
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hello and welcome to the debut of solitude. to all my current readers, you already know what’s up, but to new and curious readers, this installment is based off of climbing the food chain of wwe, taking place in mostly the modern era, so there are superstars spanning from 2013 the earliest to 2022..
just let me cook on the timeline a little bit okay, you'll like it LOL. there’s a lot of Twitter segments in this so i hope it’s not annoying, they’re going to die down for the most part later i promise
without further ado, please enjoy!
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TODAY IS THE first day of your call up. The support you’ve gotten from your friends from the training center was wonderful, but you’re still feeling antsy and incredibly nervous. Hopefully, your first day on the brand goes well..
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Shawn Michaels was the one to break the news that you were getting called up. You could remember it so clearly because you completely ambushed him with an excited hug once he dropped the bomb on you.
He had patted your back and told you to lighten your grip a little bit, but not without a grin on his face.
If it’s one thing you deserve, it is the chance to expand your career. You always came early, and you were always prepared to learn.
You weren’t sure how to feel when he told you that you’d be heading to the main roster.
You only started as a superstar on the indie circuit and are only used to being on much smaller channels and local shows. You couldn’t even imagine being on WWE, which was broadcast on national television!
He had seen the look on your face and quickly tried to do damage control.
“We’re soft-launching you, or however you kids say it these days,” He told you. You think he grumbled something about how social media was confusing, but you brushed him off. “As an interviewer, I mean.”
“Huh..” You give a shrug. “As long as I can wrestle sometime.”
He had assured you that you will, sooner than you think, but they just wanted to focus on your speaking. Once they (and you), were more confident, they’d allow you to be in much more opportunities.
Such is life, you guess. Get through these obstacles for a bigger reward. You gave your gratitude to Shawn as you had a lot to look forward to.
If you’re not mistaken, WWE had already posted a teaser on their twitter. For some reason, you would find yourself constantly checking the tweet.
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@WWE ✓
We hear someone is entering the scene… 👀
1.2K reposts 120 quotes 14K likes
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—is what it said. The flurry of tweets under it were mixed. Lots of people wanted to know what the deal was, though some were already speculating it was an old star coming back.
However, the few fans that knew of your work had their guesses. Some of the pictures you posted on Instagram were cryptic hints, but you knew how the internet was. Crazy detective work..
But anyhow, people around the training center know that you’re pretty introverted. You only came to get some work done and go home. It was hard for others to get to know you at first.
They like to call you shy, but you’ve started to hate that word the more it’s used. It holds you back too much. You won’t make it far if you’re stuck with that description for your entire life.
Fortunately, they know what you lack in words is made up for in the ring. There’s no question that you’re good, you just tend to get nervous when speaking to the public.
At heart, you knew they wanted to help you out, and they wanted you to become the best you can be! If you start practicing, you’re sure to be a star!
As motivating as it sounds, it’s still stressful. Going out of your comfort zone was nothing new. It’s a given if you want to wrestle properly, but it still makes you uneasy.
You know you’ve gotta put your best foot forward and do this despite it. This was your only chance, and you absolutely can’t mess this up.
Most of the people still training had given you their well wishes. It’s heavily appreciated; after all, you won’t see them anymore unless they’re called up there themselves.
You think you’ll miss Carmella the most. She was your training buddy, and you think she was the most excited about you getting called up. You hope that she’ll be next soon enough….
As of right now, you look tired. You damn sure feel tired.
It causes you to lie down on the floor of the locker room. It probably wasn’t the best idea, but fuck it. You’ve already made a bad decision by staying up all night out of excitement. It’s starting to come back to you.
Of course, you came to the arena a little too early. (which was an inside joke between coaches, you’re too punctual for your own good..)
You were sure most of your coworkers hadn’t arrived yet, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to see them. It’s not that you don’t want to, you’re just nervous to meet them.
Especially since you’ll probably be half asleep and may forget their names.
Much to your misfortune, a woman comes in, sunglasses on and suitcase handle clenched in hand.
She only lowers them with a finger once you’re in view. “Oooh,” She starts, then clicks her tongue. It’s apparent that she’s mocking you already. “..You look like trash.”
“Thanks,” You say with a sigh. “It’s so appreciated.”
This is not a good start. You make the move to get up off the comfortable ground and the woman puts a hand on her hip.
She’s not very amused, moving a free hand to flip her blue hair. “Did they get me a personal makeup artist? Or…are you just everyone’s stylist? Never seen you here before.”
“I’m new. An interviewer.” You say. Giving yourself that title feels much weirder than saying you were a wrestler. “Pray tell, who am I talking to?”
She’s a little taken aback by the cynical tone in your voice but takes her sunglasses off. This woman doesn’t think she’s met her match yet.
“Of course you don’t recognize a celebrity when you’re in front of one. Let me refresh your memory a bit. How does this sound? The boss, the blueprint, the standard!” She pauses for a bit for dramatic effect. “…Sasha Banks. And I better not have to repeat myself. Who exactly are you?”
“You have a pretty name.” You start off with. Honestly, you didn’t want to make an enemy out of her as much as she wanted to make one out of you. You hope she could see that. “I’m [Name], and you’re right. I am new. Maybe we can get to know each other a bit more.”
It actually seems to work because she falters for a second. “…What?”
You hold out your hand to her and she looks at it for a moment before shaking it with a scowl. Before you realize it, she’s already taking her hand back.
“I’m assuming you’re wrestling? Do you have a match?” You quickly ask, not giving her a second to recover. “I’d like to interview you after if you do.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Sasha drops her suitcase. She’s unsure if she could stand your bright personality for a second longer. You’re going to be a problem in the future. “Sorry, not sorry, but you’re a nobody. What’s the point?”
“It was worth a try. But if that’s what you want I won’t force you.” Sasha rolls her eyes at your response. You’re way too nice. “At least tell me, do you think it’s fun here?”
“Fun?” She repeats. “Tch, I know you didn’t just ask if it was fun. Get real. There’s nothing fun about being here. There’s only one thing that matters, and it’s the Divas Championship. Got it?”
“Got it.” You nod. Divas Championship…duly noted. You don’t think you’ll be going for it anytime soon. “Who’s got it?” You’ll have to ask if the standard Women’s Championship was still in circulation as well.
“AJ Lee.” She answers. It’s the least snarky answer she’s given you so far, but she reverts back to it. “I swear, I’m gonna drag her ass across the mat for that title. She makes me sick with her skipping around.”
You voice your thoughts. “She skips?” That’s one way to get to the ring. You’re curious now. “I wonder if I can interview her…she must have a lot to say about her reign so far.”
“What?” Sasha’s immediately offended. “Um, no. Who says you’re interviewing her first? You’re obviously going to interview me first.”
It’s contradictory to what she’s said before, but because of it, there’s a smile growing on your face. She notices and jabs her index finger toward you. “You can wipe that smile off your face, rookie.”
“So be it. I will see you afterwards.” You agree to interview her, doing your best to fight the smile off.
Sasha huffs and leaves the room for now. Your eyes follow her, and once she’s gone, you shrug to yourself. Wow.
Well, that’s one way to get an interviewee.
Almost seconds after her departure, your phone vibrates and you see it’s a notification from Twitter. After that, the tweets start to flow in.
What now?
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@SashaBanksWWE ✓
I ALWAYS come first. Don’t forget that, rookie. @Officially[Name].
4.1K reposts 250 quotes 45K likes
@No1DivazStan: Wait…?
↳ @Sashabanksfan109: Literally like who is that??? What is she talking about?
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Oh boy. Now people actually are getting the idea. She even went as far as tagging you. You’re already starting to have people follow you.
Including Sasha, which was a plus!
You’re confident about things for a moment until the thought of having to talk to her live circles back. Shit, you might start to freak out a little.
You hope Sasha wouldn’t be too harsh on you, even if it were wishful thinking. Sasha’s gonna come in hot, especially if she loses. You have no choice but to adjust.
A few more moments of silence pass, and suddenly the floor is calling you again.
You immediately lay back down. How long until the show? You take your phone out of your pocket and check the time. 6:45. The show starts at around 7. Maybe 8 if there are any delays.
Would it be wrong if you took a quick nap? It’ll only be 15 minutes, but it might just be enough to keep you going for the rest of the night.
You’re already closing your eyes. You know you’re going to be unable to hit any major stages of sleep, but even just laying like this is nice.
Until the door opens. You’re shooting up from your spot, almost falling over in the process.
“I WASN’T SLEEPING.” You clarify, doing your best to stand up. The woman, who’s not Sasha this time, looks at you in confusion.
She points a finger at you. “Ya’ sure about that? From the looks of it, it seemed like you were knocked out for a second.” Her accent is the first thing that catches your attention as she starts to motion towards you.
“No, no, not at all.” You try to defend. “Can’t a woman stretch on the floor in peace?”
“Seriously, you call that stretching?” Before she can make any more sarcastic comments toward you, she turns to look at you. “I’ve never seen you around before. Got a name?”
She is trying her best to identify you to no avail. You hop up to your feet, then hold your hand out to her. “[Name]. I’m just an interviewer right now, yeah. I’m new. Who are you?”
“Becky. Becky Lynch.” She introduces, taking your hand to shake it firmly. You swear you’ve seen her before, too. Probably on Twitter. Guess Becky isn't the only one with deja vu.
You pray you wouldn’t forget her or Sasha’s name for that matter. You can’t fight the urge to yawn.
“Someone’s tired. You should go get some water before you pass out. Looks like you’ve seen a ghost.”
This is a nice change of pace from Sasha. Despite you trying to kill her with kindness, she’s just all kinds of intimidating, while this woman is…okay.
Water may do the trick. It might just be cold enough to wake you up. “Good idea. Anywhere I can get some?”
“Should be a cooler down the hall to your right.” She informs. “See, I’d offer to get it for you, but I’ve got a match to get ready for.”
“Well, thanks anyway.” But before you leave, Before you leave, you turn over to her. “This may be an assumption, but are you going against Sasha Banks?” You ask. You could be wrong, but it’s worth a shot to see.
She nods at you. “Smart girl. How’d you know?”
“I talked to her a bit earlier. She wouldn’t exactly tell me she was going in a match, but I guess it was safe to assume it was you.” You say. “If you’d like to be interviewed, I’ll be waiting backstage.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Becky says. She’s more concerned about you getting your water. “Go, I might be here when you get back. Don’t pass out.”
You make a noise to let her know you heard her. Did you make a new friend? You think so.
You’re still a bit disoriented from the lack of sleep. You only made it a few steps down the hall before forgetting the direction she told you to go. Great.
This hallway seemed horribly long. The more you walked, the more you felt like it extended somehow. You need a nap, but you don’t think you’re going to get it until retiring back to your hotel room.
A group of men dressed in what seems to be tactical clothes are sitting around nearby, and you find yourself approaching them in a sudden spur of confidence. It’s probably because you’re tired.
“Excuse me,” you call. All three of them look at you with curious looks, and you feel like you could just up and die right there.
Doesn’t exactly help that they’re all kind of attractive, either.
“Where can I get some water? It feels like I’m dying here.” You ask, using your hand to rub the side of your face.
To them, you looked like you had just completed a damn marathon run. One of them with short brown hair whispers something to another with half-blonde, half-black hair, and you look between them curiously.
You don’t have time for whispers. You want water. It makes you think about purposely passing out in front of them. Rude and manipulative, sure, but you’re not here to gossip!
The other one speaks up to you instead. He’s also got long hair, but you think the most noticeable thing was his sleeve tattoo. You may have been staring too long because he snapped his fingers to get your attention.
At least he wasn’t glaring at you. There was a handsome smile on his face. “You there? Don’t tell me we’ve lost you already. You just got here.”
“Sorry. I’m really tired.” You admit. “Really, REALLY tired. Water would be nice.”
“To your left,” He says. “Should be one over there.”
The exasperation in your voice is ever present when you say: “Thank you!”. You’re dying here. You’ll have to come back and thank your only savior after replenishing yourself. Turning away, you head in the direction he told you.
You don’t hear the snickering behind you as you leave. Too busy thinking about hydration at this point.
Going further down, you see that there still is no water cooler. You’re only met with a dead end, and though there are doors, the signs only tell you that they’re just control rooms.
You’re confused. Why would he send you that way? You turn around and head back the way you came as it must’ve been an honest mistake.
You see them still sitting there with smiles. “Hey, excuse me,” you call, waving your hand. “There’s no water over there. Are you sure it’s that way?”
“We know.” The man who gave you instruction earlier had said. “We just wanted to mess with you a bit. Go that way.” First day on the job and people are already trying to rib you? Goddamn it.
On the bright side, it seemed to be lighthearted. Or so you hope.
This time, you hope, he points the correct way. The only thing you can do is let out a sigh and move forward. You don’t even stay to listen to anything else he says.
"Don't take it to heart!" One of them yells behind you.
You scoff to yourself. This time, they redeemed themselves because you found that lovely water cooler. You immediately pick up the pace and reach out to snatch a cup.
Finally, cold water. You're sure you'll wake up this time. You're almost half tempted to pour some on your face, but you aren't THAT unhinged. Besides, you don’t want to waste it.
The moment you lift your cup and and take a refreshing sip, someone saying “hey” makes you look over, and you nearly spit your drink out.
The guy that had given you the wrong direction had come around. You cough up bits of water, holding a hand on your chest. “Why?! God, you scared the hell out of me!”
“Sorry.” He apologizes. You’re not so sure if it’s sincere. “Stephanie McMahon told me about you. You’re [Name], right?”
It takes you a second to reply and he looks at you expectantly. You hold your hand up. “Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s me.” You nod.
“Roman,” He introduced himself back, setting his hands on the vest of his tactical gear. “I know it’s your first day and all, but do you know who’s in charge?”
“….Vince McMahon?” You offer with a shrug.
Roman chuckles, shaking his head. “You were close. But that’s not it. The Authority is the one in charge.” He clarifies to you. “And you’d best be on their side. Tell me, new girl. Do you plan to be on the side of justice?”
Truth be told, you’re a little intimidated. Again.
You wonder if you even had a choice right now. Before you answer him you decide to take a sip of water, this time, without coughing up a lung.
“Justice, what do you mean by that?”
“The Authority is seeking to make sure that everyone keeps in line.” He explains. “We’ve already got a hold on the men’s division, but the women’s division….”
He trails off, looking toward you expectantly.
“I’m just an interviewer.” You hold your hands up in defense. “I don’t know anything about wrestling. Like anything.”
A lie, but you don’t exactly want to get involved.
You thought it felt weird to call yourself an interviewer, but now you’re going to hold onto that title until it’s convenient enough for you….
“Don’t give me that crap. I know exactly what you are.” So much for that. Roman gets closer to you and you move back just a little. It doesn’t do much, because he’s still in your space.
You’re starting to feel cornered.
“And what I don’t appreciate is people lying to me. Listen, [Name]. Pretty girls like you are always smart. If you knew what’s good for you, you’d better—“
“Hey guys!” A new voice makes you look over Roman. “Roman…and….who’s this?” He points a finger over to you.
“[Name].” You say. This guy might be your potential savior.
He doesn’t really pester any further than that, oddly enough. “Cool. You guys wanna take a selfie?” Before you two could even answer, he’s already approaching with a phone in hand.
“Wait,” You try to stop him. “I’m not ready—“
All Roman does was glare at the camera while you were holding out your hand toward it. He’s already took it and you were caught in the worst off guard moment.
“You guys better get ready for Raw. It starts in like five minutes.” The man recommends. “Thanks for the selfie.”
He saunters off and Roman shakes his head. After the stranger had made some distance, he finally speaks to you. “I can’t stand Theory’s dumbass.”
“Theory?” You repeat. “Who?”
“Austin Theory.” He clarifies. “Won’t stop taking those stupid selfies. It’s all the goddamn time.”
You slowly nod, but take advantage of the fact Austin had said there’s only five minutes until Raw starts. “Gosh. This was such a nice meeting, but I had better get going. You know, interviews and stuff to do.”
Roman says nothing, so you take the opportunity to side-step and walk past him. However, he doesn’t let you get far before saying…
“Better think about what I said. You don’t have much time.”
You’re hoping that wasn’t a threat. And now that you think about it?
He didn’t even apologize for leading you the wrong way!
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You were just trying to get ready to be on television. You did everything you could to stand out for your debut, despite some people knowing that you’d show up sometime.
You can only imagine the pre-show talks around on social media. God, you hope you weren’t sweating. You think you’re just overreacting, but you feel like you’re gonna cry.
If you weren’t awake before, you sure are now.
Your phone starts buzzing again on the vanity you were seated at. The stylist who was helping you get things together had stepped away earlier, leaving you be with your thoughts.
Until now. The moment you pick up your phone and open Twitter, you groan.
Roman was right about the selfies being stupid.
Austin had posted it on Twitter. The only thing you’re really focused on is yourself. You look a disheveled mess and you’re happy you could fix yourself up a little bit right now.
You’re reeling as you read some of the responses. Although, some were funnier than others…
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@Theory_1 ✓
Roman and some new girl are here today! I caught them in their natural habitat.
1.8K reposts 130 quotes 37K likes
↳ @Lilgrab$78: Nah fr they holding her hostage in there
@Biilionnsmind: Are you serious? [Name] Theory AND Roman? This has gotta be the multiverse
↳ @YourChampion0: Not gonna lie they might be an item. Guess we’ll see if they have something going on or they just were filming something.
@bellstrings: Wait not too much on [Name]…face card is still ACTIVE and ready to TAP!
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Along those lines of being mentioned, Austin had followed you as well. But seeing yourself being the talk of others is just surreal. You’re happy about it.
“Hey, [Name].” A stagehand calls. “You’re on in about 2 minutes. You’ll be interviewing Sasha Banks. It’s the only person you’ll be doing, so you’re free to go home after.”
Alright then. You hop up out of your seat. You looked good enough, so you didn’t exactly need that stylist to come back. Your time to shine.
You let the stagehand lead the way to where you’re supposed to be positioned. It’s a nice set up, you think. There’s a red curtain behind you as well as a television settled with “Raw” displayed on it.
“Sasha lost because of interference.” The stagehand informs you. “She’ll go on about the details. But just ask her some questions. She should be here any second now.”
You’ll try. The camera is already settled in front of you, waiting for the go ahead. As soon as he said that, Sasha comes storming into the room. He signals toward the both of you that he’s rolling.
“Wow, Sasha..!” You exclaim, shaking your head. “That was definitely……a match.”
Sasha looks at you with a scowl. “You think?! Becky only got lucky because AJ came out all peppy. I almost had her.” She complains. “I had Becky in the Bank Statement. She was about to tap…”
She literally has to stop talking and take a breath before she loses it. Everyone, even the crowd, can tell that she’s STEAMING.
“…Uh, do you think you’ll need help in the future for AJ? It looks like she’s posing a really big threat to you.” You say. “Cause’ if you’re asking me, it looks like you may need a future tag partner.”
You’re going steady, despite the fact your hand may or may not be shaking a bit. You’re just glad that this segment wasn’t out in the ring. You tilt the mic over to Sasha.
All you had to do was pretend like the camera wasn’t there and that you were having a simple conversation. Everything’s just fine.
You had hoped she would understand that you were insinuating that you could be of assistance, but she takes it the wrong way.
“What, you think I’m not good enough?” She challenges, stepping closer to you. “You think I can’t beat AJ on my own? She’s the one that needs help. That’s why she gets Tamina to do her dirty work. Let me remind you that I’m Sasha Banks. I was the NXT Women’s Champion. The Boss can handle herself in battle and she damn sure doesn’t need someone that’s gonna hold her back.”
“I get it, jeez. I was trying to help you, Sasha.” You explain. It might be a chance to get you active in the ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be doing your job and asking me questions? I don’t need your help.” She fires back.
Whatever. You just shrug it off. “Fine. You want questions, I’ll give you questions. You tagged me on Twitter. When you tagged me on Twitter, was that you trying to put me on notice?”
It’s easy for her to bounce off of what you said.
“You clearly act like you have no idea who I am. Maybe now you’ll get a clue. As a matter of fact, you better leave that fake little sweet innocent act at the door, cause I see right through you.”
“What act? I’m just being me.” It’s true. You really are!
“Right, and Becky must be the best wrestler on the planet…hah! That’s hilarious even thinking about it.” Sasha falls into a laugh, and you fight the urge to smile at her contagious laugh. Instead, you wipe it off in order to look confused.
She takes a breath. “You know what? You wanna help me, prove it to me. You and me, a match next Monday. I know that you’re not gonna do well, but I’ll have fun destroying you anyways, rookie.”
This was your chance!! You can’t fight the excitement, so you immediately agree. “Yes! I mean, yeah. Absolutely. It’s a match, Sasha. Shake on it?”
You offer your free hand to her. Despite her gritting her teeth, she takes it.
Sasha thinks you’re too excited, but she’d be lying if she wasn’t curious to see how you’d fare against her.
Your first match is against Sasha Banks. Thinking about it seemed so surreal. You’ve got a lot to prepare for next Monday.
Sasha’s eyes seem to catch onto something behind you and she groans, snatching her hand back. “Not her—“
“I wasn’t expecting you here, Sasha!” There’s a woman who’s slightly shorter than you that comes over with a championship tucked over her arm. This must’ve been the Divas championship, if the words on the butterfly weren’t evident enough.
“You know, not after you lost. Thought you would’ve went home by now!” She holds onto it even tighter once Sasha gave her a nasty look.
“You must be AJ Lee?” You try to divert some of the tension. “It’s nice to see the divas champion face to face.”
Sasha gags, but AJ giggles at your words. She rubs a hand over the butterfly, looking at you. “Oh pssssh, this? It’s nothing major…it just means I’m the best, but seriously, nothing major. Oh, and Sasha? Sorry Tamina made you lose focus…no hard feelings?”
Sasha rears her fist back and you immediately try to jump in the middle of them. Might’ve been a dumb decision, but it made Sasha immediately freeze once you did. You’re not even sure if AJ flinched.
You’re planted firmly in between them without any plans of moving anytime soon. “Woah, woah woah, can we hold off on the fighting PLEASE?! Why don’t you guys settle it in the ring, just like me and Sasha are?”
“You guys…” AJ looks between you two. “…are wrestling each other? Huh.”
You nod at her. “Yeah. I think you should follow suit. It’s obvious you two have problems.”
“Well, you’re right. It’s not like can’t beat you again, Sasha!” AJ chimes. “Anyway, I’m going to go polish my title! Don’t wait up for me, ladies!”
And just like that, AJ skips off. Sasha slowly turns to look at you and the only thing you can do is look back at her.
“I don’t care,” She starts, pointing a finger at you. “You’re helping in whatever happens, rookie.”
“What?! Why me??” You whine. “This isn’t my issue, the only thing I’m worried about is our match.“
As she’s said earlier, she doesn’t care. “You heard me. All you’ve gotta do is be ready. When I tell you to do something, you go.”
She leaves you with that. An exasperated sigh falls from your lips.
You’ve got more than just your match to worry about now..
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@WWE ✓
A nearly explosive confrontation tonight on Raw between AJ Lee, [Name], and Sasha Banks. Watch below! 👇🔥
6.7K reposts 310 quotes 67k likes
@xXHibiscus: THE GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!???!!!
↳ @WomenofWWE: Yess! This is what we need, a strong three-way feud! The newbie, the underdog, and the champion. The storylines kind of have been getting boring. I wouldn’t mind Sasha & [Name] vs AJ, or maybe even AJ & [Name] vs Sasha.
↳ @RaeFed: [name] might’ve just saved us hold on
@RoseGambler: [Name] trying to be a peacemaker 😭
↳ @ThenNowForever: Why she hit the “Sasha, this isn’t you”??
@MarkPodcast: Never heard of [Name]..…is she new?
↳ @platinumstarred: yeah she was mainly on the indies, wasn’t bad at all like she was rlly good
↳ @MarkPodcast: Hopefully she’ll stay good while she’s here!
@Feistysummer: Sasha saying she doesn’t need help…then turns around and tells [Name] that she’s going to help LOL
↳ @Divas4L: They’re definitely going to be friends, if not best friends in the future..
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princessxpunk · 1 month
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Walter is All Elite!
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plentyoffandoms · 27 days
what about hook x fem reader any plot u want with tons of fluff and cute moments
Check Yes or No
Hook x f/Reader
Main Masterlist ♡ Wrestlers Masterlist ♡ Hook Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: none. Just some major fluff
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @bloodycowboyclub
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 1055
I am so nervous.
Why am I nervous?
I mean, we have been together for such a long time, and I knew I loved her before we even got together.
I felt a hand clasp my shoulder, making me jump a little, but I could tell by the chuckle, it was my Dad.
"You seem nervous, Tyler." He teased.
"What if she decides she doesn't want to be with me. That this has all been a huge mistake, and." I started to spew out the thoughts I have been having since I woke up this morning.
"Tyler, that girl loves you, and you love her. You have ever since the third grade."
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The first memory I ever had of her came rushing back to me.
It was the first day of school, and they just combined the two elementary. I was running around on the playground with my friends, and I heard this laugh.
I turned my head, and it was like staring at an angel. I actually ran into the goalpost. I was knocked out for a few moments, and I woke up to her staring down at me, with a worried look on her face.
I fell in love, and I didn't even know it at the time.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, and I pulled it out of the inside pocket of my jacket.
I saw that it was from her. "I love you, baby." Short and simple, and filled with so much emotion behind it.
This brought me back to when I first asked her out.
It was the first dance of grade 8, and for the first time, my friends and I were not going as a group, but asking people to do the dance.
Every single time I tried to ask her out, I would get tongue tied and turn around, walking so fast that she would be calling my name.
It was the night before the dance, and we were in history class.
I spent that class trying to come up with to ask her, but I knew I would just chicken out.
So I grabbed a spare piece of paper and wrote, 'Will you go to the dance with me? - Tyler.' With two boxes, one for yes, and one for no.
I folded it up and tossed it onto her desk. I held my breath as she opened it. She looked over her shoulder at me and then back at the note.
She grabbed her pen and did a checkmark, and folded it back up. She waited for our teacher to turn around, and she handed me the note.
I opened the note and couldn't stop the smile from my face as she checked yes.
That was the first of many dances for us.
We went through high school together. She was there for all my lacrosse and wrestling events, and I was there for her.
We voted the couple to most likely be married. We were voted Prom King and Queen.
We didn't go to the same college, but we talked every day and saw each other whenever we could.
Then, when I decided to become a wrestler, she was there, supporting me no matter what.
When I was having doubts about following my dream, and I was about to have my first wrestling match on TV, I was pacing back and forth in my hotel room.
I kept questioning all of this when she came up behind me, wrapping her arms around me, and I instantly calmed.
"You, Tyler Senerchia, are going to be wonderful. Everyone loves Hook and has been waiting for this moment."
I started to doubt myself once more. I turned around to face her. "No buts, Tyler. Everyone will be cheering for you and only you." I kissed her, putting all my heart into it.
And, of course, she was right. She always has been. She was and is still my number fan, and I am hers.
To travel with me, she started to write. She has a very popular travel blog, but with our wrestling friends and their favourite spots to shop and eat.
During one of those times, she was out for her research with Skye in Chicago, I picked up the antique engagement ring from my grandmother.
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I was waiting for the right moment, but just like the 8th grade dance all over again, so I did what I did then.
I wrote her a note.
'Will you marry me?' and two boxes labelled yes or no.
Nothing over the top, and I knew this would be perfect for us.
I left the engagement ring box on the bed, and the note on top of it. I heard her call my name, as she walked into our room, me hiding in the bathroom.
She called my name, but she trailed off as she grabbed the note. I heard her gasp as she read it.
By this point, I was behind her on my knee, holding a bouquet of her favourite flowers.
I cleared my throat, and she turned around with the box and the note in her hands.
"Babygirl, I just need to know."
"Yes, a thousand times, yes."
I grabbed the box from her hand and opened it as quickly as possible to put the ring in her finger.
She cupped my face as I started to stand and kissed me.
We broke apart as we hugged on another.
"You didn't check a box."
"Tyler!" She said as she slapped my chest playfully.
I shook my head to clear it from all the memories I am having, and I looked at my friends and family as the music started.
Everyone stood and turned to look at my beautiful bride, stunned at how gorgeous she looked. This is my first time seeing her in her dress, and it all became too much.
I could feel tears start fall.
She gave me a concern look, but I just mouthed I am okay.
She smiled at me and blew me a kiss.
"Who gives this woman away?"
"Her mother and I do."
The moment her hand was placed in mine, I couldn't stop myself.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Tyler."
"Now that we have that out of the way, let's get you two married."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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ohcaptains · 1 year
okay but wwe!abby standing on the outside of the ring with her team n going over and kissing you where you’re sitting in your reserved spot on the floor
pro wrestler!abby getting so distracted when you’re around, that your team try their hardest to keep you away when they need to have an important meeting. it’s not through malice — her team love you, but honestly she’s like a puppy dog when she sees you, dropping her usual hard face and near vibrating with excitement. you’ll walk into the gym, all cute in your fitted jeans and t-shirt that looks incredibly similar to hers, and her manager sees it happen. sees abby’s face slip, and he can’t get a word in as she says, “sorry man, gimmie a second,” and pushes through her team. she basically runs to you, catching your hips and planting a deep kiss to your lips. “missed you,” she mumbles, even though she saw you just hours ago.
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imaginal-ai · 18 days
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"College Wrestler" (0002)
(More of The Collegiate Series)
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d-lanx · 2 months
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33 notes · View notes
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Imagine this, friends... (this is positive stuff!) While we're all sad about Chuckie T, he's probably out there laughing at all of us! Wrestled for 21 years with some of the best! He got to make friends, travel the world and leave so many memories and a huge legacy in-ring! That part is not up for debate. Anyone who puts their life on the line and does anything in a ring or outside of one, leaves a legacy that will be remembered! One that will forever be cherished and remembered for the goat he is! Chuck is probably out here happy for all of the memories he made and excited for this new journey he'll travel on next! He still gets to hang with his best friends! We still might see appearances of him with Orange or other friends even! He'll soon get to help produce the bangers we'll see and he'll get to help coach new & old wrestlers to become the best like he is and always will be! Think of the in-ring career as a pause, not a finish. He's just taking a break from it and doing other fun, incredible things! :) Chuck Taylor's not done yet. This isn't a "Dustin Checks Out". This is Kentucky Gentleman Chuck Taylor, continuing his legacy in the world of wrestling! <3
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dirtywrestling · 8 months
Hateful Lovers - Pete Dunn (18+)
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Pairing: Pete Dunne x Female!Reader
Summary: You can't stand Pete and Pete can't stand you. What happens when you two are booked in the same hotel room together for one night?
Warnings: 18+, Enemies to Lovers, Reader is a tease, Pete lowkey an ass, Cussing, Cream pie, Smut, Minors DNI
Word Count: 4,995
Based On: This Imagine
Follow My Backup Blog!: @dirtywresling102
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Your back collided with the tough mat as Bailey gave you a Russian leg sweep, the breath knocking out of your lungs. “You forgot to exhale.” Bayley pointed out as she noticed the sharp exhale noise you did. 
“I’m fine.” You called out to her as Bayley started to get up, she grabbed you by the hair, getting you onto your feet.
Bayley grabbed your left forearm, pushing you back towards the ropes to give you an irish whip. As you were being thrown away from the ropes and towards the other side, you heard the heavy entrance door shut, echoing throughout the arena. Too much in your mind you hit the ropes and rushed towards Bayley, giving her a shoulder tackle. 
Bayley’s back collided with the mat as she took the bump. “Oh yeah, she doesn’t want any of this!” You cockily said to the invisible fans trying to rile ‘them’ up but it was mostly for your entertainment. 
Since it was a Thursday evening and tomorrow night for Smackdown was in Tampa, Florida you decided to come a day early and train at the performance center. Thankfully one of your favorite people to work with, Bayley also had the same intention and you both started a practice match right away.
Bayley was selling her back from the shoulder tackle, you rushed towards the ropes, as she slid towards you, on her stomach, you jumped over her and rushed towards the other side. “Hip toss!” Bayley shouted out as you see her already on her feet ready for your attack. Connecting arms, you slightly jumped on the ball of your feet and did a front bump.
“That was dog shit!” A gruff English accent shouted, looking over at the side of the ring you scrunch your nose at the sight of Pete Dunne, leaning against the ring. “My grandma can take a better hip toss.” Pete scuffed.
You remember hearing the door to the building shut but didn’t know who entered, sadly it was your worst enemy, Pete Dunne. You don’t understand what you said or did to this fellow but ever since the first week being with the company had nothing nice to say to you. “Get out of here Pete, you sewer rat!” You barked, trying to focus on what to do next with Bayley. 
“I’ll get out of here once I’m done with training, how about you hurry up and get out of here.” Pete crossed his arms, watching as Bayley wrenched on your arm. Doing a backroll with Bayley still attached to your arm, you started to hit her with forearms from your right arm until she let go. As Bayley stumbled back to catch her breath, you whipped yourself around, staring down at Pete as you leaned over the time rope. 
“How about you go take a shower, it looks like you haven’t bathed in a week.” 
“Sadly no hot water in the sewers.” Pete teased with a smirk, his eyes drifting behind you. 
Feeling Bayley arm wrap around you, grabbing your wrist she pulled you into a ripcord, now facing her she wrapped her arms around your body and gave you her finisher, Bayley to Belly. You grunted as you went down on the mat and she covered you.
“One, two, three!” Pete said fast and slapping his hand on the mat even faster. You kicked out at ‘three’ only for Pete to intimidate the bell. “You lose, you suck, now leave. Sheamus and I want to practice.” 
You laid there as Bayley pulled away and now was resting on her knees as she looked down at you. “You okay?” She asked for the second time during the practice match. 
Your eyes stung, you couldn’t tell if it was from sweat getting into them or if you were crying. Pete’s words blow at your confidence in the ring and now you are nervous that you’ll have two left feet for tomorrow night or even worse, forget your spots. 
The sound of Pete’s large hand slapping against the mat echoed throughout the room, making you jump slightly. “Come on ladies, move!” Pete yelled as he jumped on the side of the ring, wiping his shoes before entering between the ropes. 
“Come on, let's go get some lunch.” Bayley said as she stood up on her feet and extended her hand for you to take. Reaching for her, you cupped your hand into hers as she pulled you up on your feet and guided you to the other side of the ring to leave. “You’re a dickhead, Dunne.”
You and Bayley exited from the ring and headed towards your bags. “Hey now, it’s not my fault Y/N is terrible in the ring.” Pete said, leaning against the top rope, watching as you packed your items. “Right, Y/N?” 
You didn’t say anything as you threw over a sweatshirt and pulled over the hoodie so you could shield yourself from Pete’s cruel words. “Right, Y/N?” Pete asked once more, sounding a bit sad that you wouldn’t respond to him. “Y/N?” Pete called out once more as you threw your gym back over your shoulder and made your way towards the exit.
“Try not to scare off Sheamus with your rudeness, Pete.” Bayley said as Sheamus walked up the ring steps.
“Huh?” Sheamus asked in pure confusion as he missed the whole situation unfold due to getting his workout clothes on. Sheamus didn’t miss the way Bayley glared at the Brit and neither did Pete. Sheamus shook his head after seeing you and Bayley leave. “Bro, you’re going to ruin your chance with her.”
“Shut up and wrestle me.” Pete snapped, not wanting to talk about his consequences. 
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Your mind was boggled while your eyes were in a daze, staring up at the bright stadium lights blooming down on you. ‘What the fuck happened? What was the spot? What did I do? Where are we in the match?’
All these thoughts rushed into your mind all at once until you noticed paramedics sliding in the ring next to you. “Y/N, Y/N. Can you hear me?” A male said.
“Hmm.” You mumbled, blinking a few times trying to slowly sit up. 
“Woah, woah, wait. You might have a concussion. Hold on.” The paramedic examined your eyes as you were squinting from the light behind him. “Okay, we’re going to get you up. Alright?” 
“Yeah.” Your voice was soft and your headache but you slowly started to remember what happened as you looked around, the crowd almost silent until you got onto your feet. They cheered as you stood on your own, a bit wobbly. Some fans were in near tears thinking you actually got hurt, thinking it was all a part of the show. But, you really did get hurt. 
“B- Bayley, where’s Bayley?” You asked, looking around while the two paramedics helped you through the ropes and out of the ring. 
“She’s backstage.” The blonde paramedic said as he helped you up the long ramp and back behind the curtains. 
“Christ, Y/N are you okay?” Bayley asked, rushing towards you and giving you a big hug. You winced making her back away. 
“I’m- I’m fine.” You said, ignoring the pounding feeling in your head and the pain in your neck.
“What the hell happened out there?” Bayley asked. “It was like you forgot the spot we did and I nearly knocked you out.” Bayley frowned.
Your eyes cast upon the tile floor as your mouth became dry. “I did.” You finally looked up at her with a frown. “I did forget my spot. I don’t know what happened, it was like I was too much in my own head and well I just froze.” You frowned not knowing what happened. Something caught your eyes behind Bayley, in the distance. 
Your eyebrows furrowed as you saw Pete Dunne in the background, his brown eyes stared at you while his tag team partners were talking about tonight's match. The look on Pete’s face had your stomach in knots, it looked as if he had guilt written all over him. You felt your face heat up, this man was the reason why you became anxious in the ring. He made you second guess yourself when doing moves all because he criticized you during all of your practice matches.
You balled your hands into tight fists that your nails dug into your palm, you were about to take a step towards him to confront him but Bayley stopped you in your tracks.
“Don’t do it, he’s not worth it.” She said, wrapping her arm over your shoulder and guiding you away from the group. You looked over your shoulder to give Pete one last glance only to see his sad puppy dog eyes were staring at the floor as if he was second guessing himself.
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The city lights were bright and beautiful in the night sky. Your head rested against the cool window as you watched the building pass by as you sat in the back of some strangers' car. You weren’t big on uber drivers especially being alone and late at night, but you wanted to get the hell out of that arena, you wanted to be alone. Plus, it wasn’t like any car dealerships were open so you could rent one. 
As your eyes were slowly becoming heavy and the comfortable coolness of the window slowly drifted to sleep before the car came to a stop. “We’re here.” The driver said with a smile. 
Jerking your body away from the window, you sniffed slightly and rubbed your eyes. Looking out to make sure it was your hotel you gathered your items. “Thank you, I’ll leave you a five star review.” 
“I appreciate that, thank you!” The driver named Jacob, or Jake, you couldn’t really remember, spoke to you. Exiting out of the car you threw your bag over your shoulder. As your uber drove away, another SUV took its place, pulling up behind you. Paying no mind to it, you walked inside, squinting at the fluorescent lights beaming brightly in the lobby. 
Blinking a few times, your eyes adjusted to the brightness as you approached a woman smiling at you with a neatly pressed uniform on. “Hi! Do you have a reserved room?” 
“Huh, no actually I was hoping you guys had extra rooms left?” You wanted to face palm for not ordering the room in advance but you were busy with other things such as training, exploring the city and even running into a few fans while doing so. 
You watched as the woman typed on the computer. The more she scrolled through whatever page she was looking at the more you worried they were out of rooms. The weight of your back was starting to kill your shoulders and you wished something would pop up soon before your lower back and shoulders gave out. As you were about to call it quits and find another hotel the woman smiled and looked at you. “It looks like someone just canceled their reservation. I have a bed for the night.” 
A sigh of relief exhaled your breath as your tired eyes were begging for sleep and your body begging for a hot shower. “Yes please, I’ll take it.”
“Aye, wait!” A thick British accent erupted behind you. “I need a room too! Don’t you dare tell me you’re getting the last room, Y/N.” 
You cringed behind you hearing Pete’s voice shout in your ear, you wanted to spin around and smack him for causing you a headache but you withheld yourself. “I’m sorry sir, but she was here first and got the last room.” The worker informed Pete. 
“Nuh-Huh, I am not paying for another uber to drive me to another hotel.” Pete’s voice was now echoing throughout the lobby and the last thing you needed was someone recording his little tantrum. “I’m crashing with her.”
“Oh the fuck you are!” You hissed towards the male. “You are not sleeping in the same room as me.” You argued back. 
“I am not going anywhere until I get that fucking room key.” Pete stared down at you, his dark brown eyes staring into you. He was tired as well, the dark circles under his eyes were heavy and you could tell not only was he tired but cranky. 
“If you two can’t come to an agreement I need you both to leave or I’ll call the cops.” The woman said with a shaky voice, obviously uncomfortable with the yelling. You gritted your teeth knowing the only way you were getting that room was if Pete was too. 
“I’ll even pay.”
“I can pay for myself.” You spat at him.
“Really? Last time I checked your sales were down and you weren’t getting shit in your paychecks.” Pete smirked down at you as you looked away. You hated that somehow someone leaked your rating of merch sales. 
“Fine.” You stepped away from the counter for Pete to pay for the room as you headed towards the elevator, not wanting to be around him. Pete pulled out his wallet and handed the woman his credit card as she swiped it for payment in exchange for the room key.
You huffed with an eye roll as you watched Pete stroll towards you with a cocky smirk on his face. “Since I paid for the room, I got the bed.” He pressed the up button for the elevator. 
Your jaw dropped at his words. “Oh hell no I fucked my neck up during the match tonight. I am not sleeping on the floor.” You stomped your foot against the marble flooring like a child. 
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, Pete walked in first and pressed the button for what floor our room was on. “Well, I’m not sleeping on the floor.” Pete chuckled. “Guess we’ll share the bed or you can sleep in the bathtub, you’re choice.” Pete shrugged watching you slip in the elevator right before the doors closed.
“Whatever.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around your aching body, you held yourself tight as you watched the numbers climb up and stop at the fourth floor. As the doors opened you followed Pete down the hallway towards the room. Not saying a word to him, you watched as he swiped the card and opened the door. 
Looking inside you saw it was a pretty standard hotel room. One queen size bed in the middle of the room, there was a dresser and the television on top of it. The mini fridge was tucked in the corner with a microwave on top. “Cozy.” Pete hummed, placing his bag on top of the bed and digging through it. 
You placed your bag on the other side of the bed, which faced the AC. “Nuh-Huh, I paid for it so I get the AC side.” Pete said. 
Rolling your eyes, you didn’t fight with the Brit, grabbing your bag you tossed it to the other side of the bed, rounding the foot of the bed you went on your side and went back to digging through the duffle. Gathering your pajamas you went towards the bathroom to shower. Shutting and locking the door you exhaled a tiring breath. 
Just one night, you can do this for one night. Is what you yourself as you look at your reflection in the mirror. 
Sighing softly you exit the bathroom fully clean in a fresh pair of pajamas. You rubbed the towel against your damp hair to collect any more of the water as you walked back to the bed. You froze seeing Pete laying on top of the covers flipping through the channels on the television. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” You choked out, looking away from him.
“Watching tv?” Pete raised an eyebrow towards me. 
“Where are your pajamas?” You shouted, still shielding your eyes away from Pete who was only in his boxers. 
“I’m wearing them.”
“No! You’re wearing boxers, where is your shirt and pants?” 
“I get hot when I sleep, you’re fine. We basically wear nothing when we wrestle anyways.” Pete pointed out. 
Groaning, you looked to see that he was now under the blanket. Moving towards the bed you pulled back the covers and got under them, laying on the soft mattress. “You better stay on your side.” You demanded, laying on the other side of the bed, nearly hanging off.
“With pleasure.” Pete grumbled as he shut the television off and rolled over, the room was eerily dark and the only thing to be heard with Pete’s shallow breaths as you slowly fell asleep.
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Your body was fuming like a furnace, uncomfortably hot and slightly sweaty. Your eyes still shut as you were partially asleep until you tried to move but a large arm was wrapped around your waist. Sighing softly, you relaxed into the pillow and were about to drift off fully to sleep until you remembered where you were and who you were with.
Your eyes snapped open. Darkness filled the room, looking towards the nightstand the red lines of the clock showed it being 2:33am. Pete’s arm still wrapped around your waist in a tight hug, you tried wiggling away from him but you were already so close to the edge. Freezing when you heard Pete grumbling in his sleep, you didn’t want to wake him. He was already so crabby when he was awake you didn’t want to know what he was like when being forced out of his sleep.
A silent squeal escaped your lips as Pete pulled your body closer to his, your back flushed against his bare chest. You felt your face heat up and your body becoming warmer. This man’s body temperature was built differently as if he could survive the winter with no coat or jacket. You exhaled a slow breath, grabbing his wrist you tried pulling his arm off of you but in that moment Pete scooted closer to you making you freeze.
That’s when you felt it. The rigid hardness against your cheeks through your thin pajama bottoms. Pete’s hard cock grinds against your ass, a soft moan escaping Pete’s throat in his sleep. You quickly pushed Pete away from you harshly, gagging loudly. 
Pete snored, jolting awake his heavy eyelids opening in alert manner as he scanned the room. “Wh- What? What!” Pete shouted as he noticed you gagging and now standing by the side of the bed. “What the fuck, Y/N! I’m sleeping!” 
“Why are you hard?” You shouted at him. 
Pete took a moment to hear your words. “What? I’m not!” Pete said, hold the blanket closer to his form. 
“Yes you are! You were cuddling me and I felt your boner against my ass!” You felt the need to rush to the bathroom to take another hot shower and scrub your body.
“Why were you letting me cuddle you!” Pete argued back. 
“What- What do you mean! I was asleep and when I woke up you were cuddling me! I didn’t force you to cuddle me!” You yelled back at him.
“I’m a cuddler! I cuddle in my sleep! I’m sorry!” Pete said aggressively but he meant his apology. “Just come back to bed and go to sleep, we have to get up in a few hours.” Pete dug himself back into the mattress and pulled the blanket closer to him.
“You expect me to sleep in the same bed with you while you have a boner?” Your eyes darted towards the blanket where he was pitching a tent and back up to his face.
“Well, I can’t really get rid of it right now, now can I?” Pete hissed as he rolled over, his back facing you. 
You swallowed, slowly you climbed back into the bed, the mattress dipping with your weight now being on it as you pulled the covers up, you stared at the ceiling. “So, like, does it hurt?”
“Your boner, does it hurt?”
There was a silent pause for a few seconds before Pete spoke again. “I mean, it doesn’t hurt like painfully but it’s annoying. Why do you want to help me get rid of it?” Pete threw in a bit of sassiness into the question but there was that long pause waiting for you to reply.” 
“If you want me to.” 
“What?” Pete asked again.
“I said if you want me to.”
“Shut the fuck up and go to bed, Y/N.”
You felt the covers being pulled more towards Pete as he held them closer to himself. “No, I mean it. I mean I don’t like you and I know you don’t like me but I’m not going to let you suffer in pain.”
Pete rolled over, his back on the mattress as he now was in the same position as you. “One, I’m not in pain and two, I don’t… Not like you.” Pete said. “You’re annoying, okay? But I don’t… Hate you, I mean you get on my nerves but I don’t hate you.”
“But you’re always so mean to me.” You frowned, looking at him.
Pete turned his head and looked at you with a shrug. “I’m British.” He laughed. “Well, if you’d really like to help me, it has been awhile since a tight cunt has been around my cock.” 
You felt your cheeks burn at how he spoke cooly about not having sex in a while. “Maybe I changed my mind.” 
“Don’t tease me girl, my cock is aching to be touched.” Pete whispered only for you to giggle, hearing him beg sounded different from Pete when he wasn’t yelling at you in the ring. 
In a swift motion, you were on top of him, straddling his lap, pinning his cock against his toned stomach. Pete hissed softly at the feeling of your weight pinning him. “Thatt’a girl.” Pete hummed, his hands going to your waist, massaging it. 
Slowly grinding your hips against him, you let out a soft moan as your clothed clit grinds against his cock. “Fuck.” Pete sighed, tilting his head back. 
Looking down at the motions of your hips you saw Pete’s pre-come already staining his boxers. “Someone’s eager.” 
“Shut up.” Pete bit back slightly with a blush upon his face. 
“It’s cute.” You hummed, raising yourself up you pulled his tight boxers down his thighs, exposing his thickness. You admired how it bounced out of the confinement of his boxers and twitched freely, begging to be touched again. You awkwardly kicked off your pajama pants and tossed them to the side, now straddling Pete once more but with panties on. 
Grinding against him once again, the fabric of your thong grazed against his growing cock with each movement. “Hmm.” Pete hummed deeply. “Need you, now.” He moaned. 
“Say please.” You smiled, it wasn’t everyday you see Pete Dunne begging.
 “Baby, please.” Pete sucked in a breath as your movements went slower against his cock. “Y/N, please ride me.” Pete swallowed thickly as his voice was hoarse. “Need your tight pussy around me, make me feel good.”
Your stomach clenched hearing Pete whine and beg for you to fuck him, to give him the relief that he so needs. “Well,” You placed your hand upon his chest and slowly dragged it down, you could feel his skin break out in goosebumps. “Since you’ve asked so nicely.” You raised yourself up once more and pushed aside your soaked panties and slowly grind your bareness against Pete’s cock, rubbing your juices against him. 
Pete shivered at your actions, his dark lustful brown eyes watching your every move, a soft groan escaped his lips as you grabbed his thick cock. “Is this what you wanted?” You asked, slowly placing the tip in between your lips. 
“Y- Yes, fuck yes please.” Pete panted heavily as his cock twitched in between your folds as your pussy slowly swallowed him as you sunk yourself down. “Oh, fuck.” Pete sang as he was buried deep inside of you. “You fucking feel fantastic.” Pete sighed, his eyes fluttering shut. 
You let out  a soft sigh as Pete was stretching your walls to a perfect meter. “Hmm, you feel good too.” You gave him a wolfish grin, rolling your hips Pete sucked in a breath. 
“Fuck, if you keep doing that you’re gonna make me come.” Pete whimpered out.
“That’s the plan.” You snickered as you started to slowly rise yourself up, you sunk back down doing this motion repeatedly and started to pick up momentum. Soon you were slamming yourself down Pete’s cock, choked moans left the both of you as you were fucking yourself on him. “Fuck, Pete!” You cried out as your walls tightened around his thickness, your creamy juices dripping down his heavy sac and onto the bed sheets. 
“Shit, Y/N. You’re fucking sucking me in deep, princess.” Pete moaned, planting his feet on the mattress, he gripped your waist and started to pound up into you. Your jaw dropped slightly as his cock head was hitting all the right spots. “Fuck, yes, yes fucking take this cock!” Pete sobbed as his cock kept pushing further inside of you, his balls slapped against your skin, echoing throughout the room. “Fuck, almost yes, almost there, that’s it. Y/N, fuck, gonna take my come baby? You’re gonna fucking take it!” Pete’s cock twitched harshly inside of you, hinting to you that he was close to his orgasm.
“What- What the fuck?” Pete asked as you pinned his waist down to the mattress. “Y/N? What the fuck, I was about to come.” Pete panted, sweat forming on his brow as he scrunched them in confusion.
“Well, Pete since you’ve done nothing but torment me since I’ve been in the company. I think it’s time for payback.” You stopped your movements but Pete’s hard length was still fully inside you.
“No, no, no!” Pete sobbed. “Please, Y/N I’m sorry. I should have never been mean to you, just please, fuck- please let me come inside your sweet pussy.” Pete was begging as if his life depended on it. Pete let out a sob as you squeezed your walls tightly around his thick cock. “Fuckin’ hell! Don’t be a bitch!” Pete sobbed.
“Me, a bitch?” You laughed. “You’ve torched me, Dunne. Got in my head, made me injure myself in a match all because of your cruel words. I think you can let me fucking enjoy this and have you writher underneath me.” 
Pete swallowed thickly, slightly twitching but he nodded in agreement. “Say it.” You said.
“I- I’ll be good.” Pete whispered.
“Say ‘I’ll be a good boy’.” 
“I’ll be a good boy.” Pete corrected himself. “I’ll be a good boy for you, Y/N.” Pete shivered underneath you, his cock still hard in your tight channel. 
“Good boy.” You smiled down at him as you slowly started to rock your hips against him, grinding at your own pace. “Hmm, I have to say, Pete. You have an impressive cock.” You moaned as you bounced your ass back down on him.
“T- Thank you, thank you, Y/N.” Pete’s cock twitched inside of you. “I- I don’t know if I can hold back any longer.” Pete whimpered. The sucktion of your wet cunt had his cock aching and begging to release his seed. 
“Shh, just a little longer. I like the feeling of your thick dick inside of me.” You let out a cute little moan that made Pete twitch again, driving him crazy. “I’ve thought about you a few times.” You slid back down on his cock, going back up, his cock nearly exiting out of your fucked pussy but you pushed back down, moaning.
“Y- Yeah?” Pete choked, watching your movements with hooded eyes. “Like how?” His hands still gripping your waist but never trying to make you move faster.
“Slowly riding you like this, taking you in the ring during practice matches, fucking you backstage.” You shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal. “Daydreaming of you making a mess of me, stuff like that.” 
“I- I can do that.” Pete gripped your waist, nails digging into your flesh.
“I know you will and we’re gonna.” You started to pick up the pace once more, the sweet sound of his dick entering your wet pussy echoed off the hotel room walls. “And we’re going to start by you coming deep inside of me.” You moaned, gripping his chest, you raked your nails down his bare skin making Pete hiss in agony and pain but he didn’t dare complain because he didn’t want you to stop. 
“Come in me Pete, come deep inside of me.” You moaned as you slammed down on his cock, the bed shaking underneath the both of you as you fucked yourself harder on him. 
Pete’s eyes rolled in the back of his head as the sweet taste of relief started to climb higher. “Oh- Oh fuck, oh god- Y/N. Fuck! Take it, take it baby!” Pete cried.
Gasping loudly you felt his hot seed explode inside of you as you chased your own orgasm, your vision blurred as you screamed Pete’s name, still bouncing on his cock while you rode out your high. “Oh Petey, fuck!” Shivering, it felt like lightning bolts shot up your back at the overdosing feeling of Pete’s come painting your insides. You both exhaled a breath and you slowly rolled off of him, nuzzling against his naked body. 
A comfortable silence formed between the two of you. You could feel yourself slowly fall asleep until Pete said something.
“You know, maybe you are good at something.”
“Is that something being your cock warmer?”
“You’re gonna get me riled up again, doll.” Pete growled as he pulled you closer to his form and kissed the top of your head. “But yes.”
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Pete Dunne's Masterlist
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itskybabes-blog · 1 month
The Kiss Of Death
Daniel Garcia x fem!reader
Warning: drinking, still pretty innocent
Part: two
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Word count: 1385 words Comments and advice is welcome.
Part one
The shots keep coming and the chat keeps flowing between Daniel and Y/N. 45 minutes past and they’re still talking at the bar, losing track of time.
They shared some aspects of their lives with each other; Daniel tells her about his hometown of Buffalo, New York and how he loves Bad Bunny. Y/N is a little more reserved, simply because she doesn’t know this man well enough to break down her protective barrier just yet. But, he knows that she’s a photojournalist, taking pictures of some of today’s biggest stars on her cameras.
After he told her a corny joke, Daniel admires the glittery smile of Y/N’s as laughter filled the air around them. His eyes linger on her lips a little longer than expected, but when he realised her erratic laughter was coming to an end, his eyes snapped back to hers.
She lifts her eyebrows: she saw that, but she’s not going to make a fuss out of it.
“You are such a comedian,” Y/N says sarcastically, going against her instinct to flirt with this hunk of a man who is clearly drinking in her beauty. The glint in her eyes, the way light bounced off the tip of her nose, the vivid colour and unique cut of her hair made her standout from the rest – how did he manage to grab her attention for so long?
“I should change careers, right?” Daniel replies. A chuckle escapes Y/N before a comfortable silence ensued.
The two's eyes rest on each other's lips while their bodies inched closer. The music starts to fade out before…
Daniel's head snapped to his right, scowling at a stumbling, slightly intoxicated man approaching the duo. Y/N places her hand in front of her face, trying to shade her eyes from the bright flash darting through the club's low lighting.
"Yo, Danny! You've been gone for a wh- ohh, my bad," the tall and toned man turns off his camera and apologised to the mysterious girl. "I'm sorry! Where's my manners? I'm Isiah."
“Y/N,” you say apprehensively.
The new character stretches his hand out for Y/N to shake, which she did.
Daniel goes red, looking at Y/N with an apologetic look. “I’m sorry about him,” he says, “He don’t know when to quit with all that vlogging shit.”
Y/N offers a sweet smile before brushing it off: “It’s okay! Would have liked some warning so I could check how I look.”
She playfully begins to touch her lips and fluff her hair, as if to correct her looks.
“You look gorgeous, what are you talking about?” Daniel interjects, blushing hard again while Isiah teases him.
“Oh, is Danny tryna rizz you up right now? Oh, oh, I see how it is: you left us to chat this girl up. You left your friends over a girl? Aight!” Isiah lays into Danny as the latter playfully keeps trying to shut him up and pushing him away.
Y/N giggles at Isiah’s sarcastic jealousy, before asking, “Who’s ‘us’?”
Isiah points to the rest of the people in the VIP area. “A bunch of us came to the club to celebrate tonight,” he told the young lady. “You should come dance with us! Danny boy’s taken up enough of your time.”
Tenderly, Danny glances at Y/N as hope sparkles in his eyes. He wants to show off his new friend to the rest of the group.
“Sure, um…” – Y/N’s drinking is playing with her memory.
“Isiah! Yes! Sure, Isiah. I’ll come over.”
Danny offers his hand as she get off the bar stool. Her landing was a little rocky because her legs went a bit numb due to the sitting and the alcohol, but she leans into Danny as he protectively walks you over to the gang.
She see a bunch of smiley people having fun in the VIP area behind the DJ booth, and can hear the same laughter emanate from there like it did while Y/N spun the decks.
“Everybody!” Isiah starts to announce to the group, “Look who Danny found at the bar?”
A deep heat rose in your cheeks.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” she attempts to say over the music but her hushed tone is overpowered by the 808s of the tune playing through the club.
“Huh,” a floppy haired guy said in confusion, peering at her over his shades. The other guys and girls – either standing or sitting around their table of drinks, clothes accentuating their chiseled physiques – stared blankly at you. Y/N must admit that anxiety is starting to settle in.
“This is Y/N,” Danny cuts in, saving her. He then proceeds to point to everyone and says their name.
“This is Tyler- ”
“Call me Hook,” the floppy-haired giant gives her an endearing smile and offers her a head nod.
Danny continues: “This is Andretti.”
A golden-skinned muscle man gives her a huge smile and wave, like a bright burst of energy.
With an eyebrow raised and his lips pursed, there’s a cheeky expression on the man’s face. His shirt is open, showing off his washboard abs, and he just gives her a confident “Hey”.
“This is-” “CHEESECAKE!” Isiah yells over Danny, causing him to go red again and give Y/N a sorry look. She again giggles at his cuteness.
The authoritative stance of the Cheesecake man told Y/N he wasn’t anyone to play with.
“Lastly, here’s the girls; Skye, Kiera and Willow.”
The gorgeously dressed women wave, smiling back sweetly before continuing their gossip session.
Y/N sits next to Danny on the couch and talk more about life; he breaks it to her that he’s only in town for a couple of days – he wrestles for some “promotion” called “AEW”…
… she plays stupid. Yes: she loves wrestling – have watched it since she was a child and regularly watched the promotion – but she underplays how much she knows. Y/N don't want Danny to think she's being fake and on some crazy fan girl shit, which is ironic since downplaying what you know is “being fake” but anyways.
Y/N tucks her hair behind her ear, allowing herself to hear better. He tells her something about fighting some Adam Copeland guy: he corrects himself.
“Um, you know Edge? From WWE?”
Her eyes widen. Y/N thought she was up to date on all things AEW but she must have miss the thousands of social updates on the fact thee Edge from Edge and Christian had jumped ships to “the competition.” Danny’s in the big leagues – how cool?!
“Yeah,” Daniel chuckles, admiring that same glint in her eye she had earlier. “That guy!”
“Wow, that’s huge. Congrats!” Y/N says back, beaming a bright smile.
She then proceeds to tell him about her crazy day getting to the club: Y/N was shooting Megan Thee Stallion and she got her drunk, pouring D’usse in her mouth so she was already a bit drunk and could really use some food.
“So, let’s grab a bite!” Danny says before downplaying his eagerness. "I mean, only if you want to."
"Ugh!," Y/N jokingly grunts. "Don't tempt me with a good time. I could eat a horse, right now!"
Y/N grabs her belongings and checks her bag as Danny jumps up and says his parting words to the rest of his posse. Just as she finished triple-checking she had everything, Y/N sees a palm appear in front of her adorned with several gold rings that reflect the strobe lighting in the club.
"Come on, my lady!"
Her head snaps up to see her Prince Charming shine his own pearly whites. And it did something to her, something ineffable, something that she hopes to feel again. She felt a tingle in her soul like no other – as if she can feel their souls tying in the pit of her stomach.
She gladly grabs his hand, swings her bag over her shoulder and waves animatedly to Danny's friends. She tries not to think too much about it, but were they smirking at her? Hmmm.
Danny drags Y/N towards the cloakroom to get her jacket before they try their luck at sobering up under the dazzling starlight.
A/N: Thanks for waiting! As I continue this, this might turn into Drabble instead of a flowing story so expect to see loads of time descriptors at the top of chapters. Just so I can write them quicker.
I also just realise I'm switching between past tense and second tense because dyslexia is dyslexing. Pls bare with but each chapter might be in a different tense: fuck it.
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starryeyedadmirer · 5 months
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✨You know what? I’m gonna start watching old wrestling clips again. I guess 2004 was a good year.✨
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homoeroticgrappling · 6 months
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Bandido posted an injury update, hopefully whatever option he chooses has a good recovery time and he heals up well with minimal suffering! Bless him for worrying about other people while he's dealing with health issues, I hope he understands he's absolutely worth the wait however long it takes
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mjfass · 3 months
Me when I see that people STILLL use “Moxley bleeds all the time” as an argument for discrediting Jon as a wrestler.
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