#precious fated babies
pinkrosealice · 3 months
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I'm starting to notice some patterns among some of the characters I have deeply irrational and intense feelings about.
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rmorde · 28 days
With this recent talk about Soul Resonance and Todo's return... I both feel excitement and dread for Nobara.
I don't want my hope for her to return be some cursed monkey paw wish!!!
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rinshiroufan · 1 year
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her.
It is deeply ironic; deeply ironic in a very contemptible manner. It is rather infuriating, for me personally—to see this rather complex and intricate character be so thoroughly underappreciated in any truly substantive fashion; to see people gloss over her brilliant and nuanced characterization in UBW; to see her—admittedly considerably less-written—HF incarnation reduced to a few easily digestable scenes, tragically overlooking the deeply imbedded nuance in the story; to see people fawn over an inferior iteration of the character at her peak—only to then not voice a single complaint when said iteration gets butchered beyond recognition.
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her.
The Heaven's Feel film trilogy adaptation by Tomonori Sudou is... not good. Not in the slightest. Explaining why it's all so bad would require a lengthy, thorough essay of its own; and frankly, I would rather this blog remain but a place for my venting my random frustrations about the discursive strictures fettering any proper analyses of Rin as a character—and above all, as a love interest—in the broader ecosystem of the FSN fanbase... admittedly so completely arbitrarily, but alas. But ultimately—it is quite revealing to observe what are the most common complaints that people about said adaptation after a careful perusing of online discussion of the films: the fact that the films did not give important side characters like Illya and Kirei their due. For such important characters, not enough time is devoted to fleshing them out as complex and nuanced conscious actors in the story.
Which is quite interesting since there is another exceedingly prominent character that receives an interesting and peculiar arc of her own.
Tohsaka Rin.
Rin's role in the story is reduced substantively and much of her characterization is actively butchered... yet none care.
Well—it's quite simple! If you are someone who adores Rin as a character and as a love interest for Shirou, then HF is really primarily a sideshow for you. The core of Rin as a character is to be found in UBW; thusly, her dedicated fanbase cares mostly about UBW. And UBW got an adaptation that most Rin fans utterly adore—for all complaints one may adduce against the 2014 show (most unfair and incorrect in my estimation), most people who like Rin agree that it at the very least did our girl justice. So what if HF didn't do her justice? We got to see Rin and her Emiya-kun in London!
And if you are someone who only cares about Rin inasmuch as she is Sakura's sister, and a foil to her in her own arc, with no appreciation of her in UBW—then you don't actually care about Rin. You don't understand her at all, and I hate you, and you should shut the fuck up about her.
The other thing about Rin in HF is that she's not some profoundly well-written character.
Her arc has no real meat—unless one, of course, takes into account how her arc in HF relates to her arc in UBW and how one analyzes Rin from a holistic perspective. But no-one does that... So we'll leave that for later. It all really boils down to "Rin don't like her sister... but then she DO!!!!" Brilliant. Riveting stuff. Perhaps one might cry out folly; it is a crime to be so reductionist with how the character is written. And that would be true to a certain extent—the way the story is executed certainly elevates a lot of the meagre, flaccid writing. But ultimately, Rin still basically just boils down a girl struggling between her humanity and her commitment to magecraft. Which is what Rin is—but without all of the richness, depth, nuance, flavour, brilliance that really takes that rather simple conflict and fleshes it out beyond what anyone could have imagined would be its potential... of UBW. The arc has no added complexity beyond Rin steeling herself for a whole route—before at the very changing her mind, suddenly. The effectiveness of the moment is greatly enhanced by the presentation: the way the CG is drawn; Kana Ueda's delivery; the music; the je ne sais quoi; etc. It's ultimately a testiment to how one may take a very simple story, and make it incredibly compelling and involving and wonderful...
But it is still, ultimately a very simple story.
And Rin in Heaven's Feel, viewed in isolation from her characterization in Unlimited Blade Works, is a very simple character.
Which is why no-one gives a shit about her.
Can anyone really think of a single person who considers HF Rin to be superior to UBW Rin that would consider Rin their favourite character? Or in their Top 3 FSN characters? Top 5 even? Anyone who wasn't already drawn to and fond of her character, who was ambivalent on her, but then were suddenly blown away—to the point she clawed her way all up to the top—simply because of that CG of Rin hugging Sakura?
No such person exists.
Because HF Rin is a mediocre character.
Past all the whiny melodrama and tearful theatrics—which are, admittedly, fairly effective—there is no substance.
No-one gives a shit about Rin in HF.
There's only so much actual passion a character on the upper bounds of mediocrity just barely missing being actually good can actually inspire—which is why people usually praising her to high heavens (not entirely earnestly, mind you) are Sakura fans who only care about Rin and her feelings and her struggles and her own meaningful characterization inasmuch as she serves as a therapeuth for Sakura, and nothing else. Rin is good because she makes Sakura feel good—and isn't that wholesome!?!? But pierce the veil the veil of wholesomeness—and one finds but the empty void; Rin in HF is a lifeless husk. She is but a homunculus to serve as a means to assuage Sakura's guilt and make her happy.
Except—she isn't. While the HF Rin that exists in the popular consciousness is naught but a 6/10, the ACTUAL HF Rin is a shining 10. Rin in HF is an amazing character—it's just that people don't deserve her. And the HF films failed to capture that. Because Sudou is one of those aforementioned Sakura fans; and the way he treated he is arguably worse than the way he treated Kirei and Illya.
Here, it might be worthwhile for me to link a previous essay of mine. One that admittedly is exceedingly flawed and perhaps ought to be substantially rewritten, but one that I think nonetheless succeeds at conveying the core of Rin as a character—not just in HF, but the whole of FSN. But I shall attempt to within the bounds of this essay summarize key points in order to explain why the HF films just butchered her so thoroughly.
In essence; Rin is defined by her relationship with Shirou. Rin is Shirou's foil. The two are meant to be contrasted, for the many parallels and similarities are accompanied by complimentary contrasts; while both are held back by the legacies of their fathers and ultimately transcend them by making the same essential realization in UBW, the way they get there is substantially different—Shirou's being more... tumultuous. And in HF, the key difference between them is that Rin doesn't try to save Sakura, while Shirou does. Because it is impossible. And Rin doesn't do the impossible. Because unlike in UBW, where she is under the influence of her Shirou—her behaviour being contrasted not just to HF Shirou's, but to her own from the previous route—she has no-one to truly encourage her to embrace her human, idealistic side over her machine-like magus upbringing. Rin saves Shinji, despite his attempting to rape her; but she doesn't think of saving Sakura until the very end, when she can't kill her. Shirou is the personification of Rin's human idealism—just as Saber is Shirou's. Her desire to never quit; no matter what. Buried deep inside years of conditioning to act opposite to that.
It's why her high jump confession is the single greatest piece of characterization Rin receives in HF. It is the key to unlocking Rin as a character—not just in HF, but arguably in FSN as a whole. It is about who Rin is at her fundamental core.
And the HF films fucking ruin it.
How, exactly? Oh... let me count the ways.
Let us begin by analyzing the surrounding context of Rin's confession to Shirou in the VN, and then in HF. In the VN, Shirou has had sex with Sakura three times by then. The two of them are quite firmly in relationship territory; it is quite safe to say that, in fact, there's no chance whatsoever of Shirou's switching rails to court Rin instead. Rin and Shirou have spent an entire route interacting almost every single day with one another. The situation in the HGW has only gotten graver, with the Shadow having killed hundreds of people by then. When Rin gives Shirou what essentially amounts to an admission of her feelings for him, she is releasing pent up stress from the war, as well as seeking a resolution to her feelings... now that any chance of her being together with Shirou has essentially passed. It's a moment of vulnerability for Rin; it is important that it come during a period of high stress for the characters, stuck in the Emiya household as the world around them unravels and they have no means of achieving catharsis—especially given that Rin has interacted with Shirou enough, and has witnessed enough of his stubborn courage to save Sakura, for her to fall in love with him, while knowing there is no chance of her getting to consumate that love. Ironically, Shirou's unbridled displays of affection for Sakura charm Rin as well...
Now, essentially none of this holds true for the HF film trilogy. There are basically no scenes of Rin and Shirou interacting casually and bantering (read: flirting) with one another; the only time we ever see them interact is on the battlefield; Shirou and Sakura have not had any sex at all by that point; the confession itself occurs just after the Shadow kills Archer, as opposed to a prolonged and arduous period where the characters are left feeling helpless and powerless, completely come over with despair, their relationships with each other decaying ever and ever more. Simply put, the character has no actual reason to confess at all; Rin is a character who suppresses her emotions. Who was taught to see such human traits as a weakness that prevents one from becoming the truly amoral magus.
She also hasn't really been socialized like a normal person either—she feels awkward when trying to express her feelings, and her affection is clumsy. This really shows through in the way Rin behaves when she relays to Shirou her experience of the high jump; she's very clearly embarrassed. She is forcing herself to tell Shirou how she feels and she is clearly uncomfortable; constantly blushing, and with body language that conveys vulnerability. It's a moment that Rin takes very seriously—because Shirou isn't just a crush for her. He is the encapsulation of all that she pines for; he is her inspiration. That moment of his stubbornly refusing to back down meant a lot to her.
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Not in HF2 of course! The worst film of the trilogy by far has her treat her single most precious memory as a fucking joke. Rin in the films is completely at ease when conveying the story to Shirou. She is upbeat and whimsy when retelling the events that are of concern; she has a smile all the way throughout her entire recollection. She even fucking chuckles as she's telling the story. And Shirou fucking laughs. He fucking laughs. In the VN, he is basically rendered speechless—he offers a few perfunctory observations of Rin and her emotional state to further articulate some of what Nasu probably felt could not be adequately conveyed through the dialogue, for the sake of the audience; but he does not offer any lengthy commentary on what Rin had said to him. He is so shocked by what he has heard that he really isn't capable of processing it. Because Rin Tohsaka just confessed to him. She obviously still means a lot to him, even in the routes where he doesn't fall in love with her; yet the film has him fucking laughing at the confession. And it only really helps to reinforce just how seriously Rin herself takes the conversation as well—not at fucking all. The film ironically takes Sakura's own biased perspective of the events in the VN at face value and adapts Rin as though she were an all-confident girl who keeps ignoring her suffering and desires—glossing over her own suffering, her own unique characterization, her own nuances, her own desires, her own dreams, her own conflicts, her own perspective.
And why? Why is the film adapted the way it is? Why is the high jump confession moved so much earlier in the story? What is its purpose in this heavily altered version of the story?
To lead to Sakura's stupid piece of shit sex scene.
That's it.
It's to allow a segue into a cheesy, superficial pandering piece of shitty fanservice—while also surgically removing any and all indication that Rin and Shirou like each other despite the latter's growing feelings for Sakura regardless of whether or not it negatively impacts the story; because Sakura's resentment of Rin's closeness and chemistry with Shirou is crucial to the escalation of the conflict between them. Because even putting aside the more nuanced aspects of her characterization, the films fail to coherently and successfully adapt even the most simplest of basics about her character either—Rin never acts cruel towards Sakura, she never belittles her, she never acts cold when interacting with her; it's the single most barebone adaptation that could've possibly been made. And frankly, the entire fight scene is fucking dogshit too, as is the hug between the sisters; it has none of the pathos and gravitas of the VN. The fact that there was no build up towards it scarcely helps it.
Even from the narrow perspective of the average moron who doesn't comprehend Rin in the slightest, the film still fails to capture of positives of their Rin, despite her being a dry, mediocre and ultimately shallow character.
Yet none complained; because they couldn't give less of a shit about Rin.
And thusly—Rin was reduced from an excellent, nuanced and thoroughly developed character, to naught but a prop that exists solely to make Sakura feel good. Rin has no existence, no characterization, no depth, outside of her being someone to stroke the ego of Sakura fans and their favourite character; a fucking comfort pillow.
And no-one cares—either because they are so deeply satisfied with the way Rin was handled in UBW, whether the route or the anime, (which, I honestly can't blame them) or they're fucking drooling morons who don't like her in the first place; if you don't like Rin in UBW, you don't like her at all. That's the simple truth of it all.
The thing about Rin in Heaven's Feel is that nobody actually gives a single fucking shit about her... except me.
I am tired like feeling I'm the only person who truly likes and appreciates this character.
I know it isn't true. I've spoken to plenty of people who have articulated and espoused many of the analyses I have written of the romance Rin has with Shirou, and how the way that Rin is written in HF helps add further depth to it retroactively. And yet... so much bullshit still pervades discussion of FSN online.
It really does pain me to see the way people discuss this wonderful, amazing character; to see her continually get reduced to being just Sakura's sister—while having the sheer audacity to believe and argue that UBW reduces Rin to just a "babysitter" for Shirou with nothing else truly defining her.
I am sick and fucking tired of seeing people talk about her the way they do.
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I've come really to loathe and resent this moment. I really have.
It has completely distorted people's image of Rin. It has completely destroyed online discussion of Rin.
I've come to think that having her be the deuteragonist of FSN was not worth it at all; for all the sheer amount of depth she receives from being so, the amount of horrid takes that one is forced to sift through because of her arc in HF is too great a trade off for me. I sincerely think that shit takes about Rin online would have bee insanely more bareable had it not been for HF; had it only been people saying she received no development at all.
But you now what really fucking sickens me?
People who dare have the fucking GALL to express fucking "pity" for her.
"Oh I wish Nasu developed Rin a bit more in UBW she has no arc there!"
"I WANT to like Rin and she has great potential but it was squandered!"
"OOOH if Nasu does an FSN remake, he should rewrite UBW so Rin gets a whole lot more development there! It's an amazing opportunity!!!"
...just who the fuck are you to express pity for this character? You didn't even have enough respect for her to pay attention to a single one of her scenes in UBW or piece together how she works as a character. Nasu wrote an incredible nuanced arc for her and you didn't even have the basic decency to appreciate before thinking you have any fucking right to talk about how sad you feel for her because she got "shafted in her own route."
Go fuck yourself. Seriously, if you're reading this and you've any one of these opinions, I want you to know that I despise you and you should just shut the fuck up. Don't talk about Rin. Don't even fucking mention her. Don't look up art of her. Don't even fucking THINK about "handing it to her." You haven't got the fucking right. Your opinions are worth shit.
The thought of an FSN remake just makes my fucking stomach churn. The idea of Nasu rewriting UBW—which I quite honestly consider to be as close to perfection as a story can possibly get—feels me with terror and dread. I can only imagine how more fucking awful it would make discussion of Rin, UBW and her role in it and FSN as a whole. I can easily foresee; Nasu changing Rin's romance with Shirou to the point it's fucking unrecognizable. Just to pander to stupid motherfuckers who didn't like it in the first place. Adding a bunch of sappy, pukeworthy melodrama and lengthy monologues screaming the fucking themes and characterization in your face; as opposed to the subtle brilliance of UBW as it actually exists. Nasu is going to abandon people who actually liked Rin/Shirou and UBW for what is was... all to please people who never liked it, and never would have liked it in the first place. I am not sure I would be able to brave through all the braindead comments about how much fucking BETTER the remake's romance is than the original—all by people who liked that shitshow of romance in HF. And even worse? If Nasu does decide to leave UBW alone, then people are still going to be insanely insufferable. "Oh boo hoo, Nasu could've fixed the romance and Rin's character, but he didn't! Isn't that sad BOO HOO" Fuck off.
You know what I think? Rin shouldn't be in the fucking remake at all! Just remove her. Completely remove her from the story. Rin doesn't fucking exist. Replace her route with the Illya route. "But what happens to Archer?" I'm sure Nasu can think of something. Illya and Rin are actually quite similar; I'm certain some of the latter's functions in the story can be transplanted over to the former. But really—I don't care. The FSN fanbase does not deserve Rin. At all. They should not have the opportunity to even glance at her; clearly, she was too great for them to appreciate. I am sure some of the more vile pretend-fans lamenting her "getting shafted" will still sully her name by deigning to "pity" her; but at the very least this will be great way to spit in their fucking faces.
Frankly... there are some days where I wish Rin hadn't existed at all.
But I think there's a silver lining to all this.
Because I think seeing all this scum just completely misunderstand Rin has made me appreciate her romance with Shirou more—and how much he truly loves her.
Because anyone trying truly comprehend Rin in UBW and how the storytelling slowly unravels her nuances is relying almost wholly on storytelling conventions and tools which allows to deduce aspects of the characters by the very fact that we as an audience understand that we are experiencing a story; a story that has had many of its elements structured in a particular to produce a narrative that is compelling and involving. It is thus easier for us as viewers to realize things about the characters in a story than it is for others in a story to make the same realizations. It is easier for us to understand Rin, not only because we are allowed an objective birds eye view of the events, but also because Rin is actively being contrasted with Shirou. And taking Shirou's character traits into account allows us to make inferences about Rin. The two characters interplay with one another, and that allows us insight into both. There is also the fact that so much of what we know about Rin is revealed to us through Shirou, who in his dialogue and monologue describes so much of Rin's neuroses so amazingly well. As well as that we have a whole other route which further contextualizes Rin's behaviour. But Shirou himself of course exists within the confines of the narrative; he has no alternative set of events to compare how Rin behaves differently between both and why; and he has no narrator to point out to him Rin's flaws, her anxieties, her strengths and her inner conflict.
Shirou has no help over the course of the story. It's just him and Rin. He figures her all out... all on his own. Simply by being around—interacting with her, talking to her, fighting alongside her, observing her—he is able to peer deep into her heart and understand her even better than she does herself. He is able to achieve something people with far more information available to them were simply unable to do—and I think that that speaks as to just how much he just really loves her.
The FSN fanbase certainly doesn't deserve Rin, not at all; but Shirou most certainly does. I think that he's quite literally perfect for her.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
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I just love these two so damn much. Seeing them cute and happy together makes all the bullshit worthwhile in the end. I am so happy Fate/stay might exists. I am so happy the 2014 adaptation of UBW, which is what got me into Fate, exists. I never would have had the chance to be entranced by either of them.
They really are amazing, and deserve esch other.
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thedeadthree · 1 year
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LIOSLAITH, dnd 🌿 | LIOSLAITH, dnd ❄️
UNA + the cannibal, hotd 🐍 | ALVA, asoiaf 🌸
VINDAMEA + shadowmere, tesv 🐉 | VASHA, eso 🌊
TAGGED BY @risingsh0t, @chuckhansen, @shadowglens, @corvosattano, @jendoe, @florbelles and @leviiackrman to use this cutest picrew for a few loves! ty so much!
TAGGING: @feystepped, @griffin-wood, @kingsroad, @unholymilf, @phillipsgraves, @celticwoman, @denerims, @aartyom, @morvaris, @shellibisshe, @blissfulalchemist, @jacobseed, @girlbosselrond, @queennymeria, @nightbloodraelle, @belorage, @marivenah, @adelaidedrubman, @jackiesarch, @loriane-elmuerto, @yennas, @noonfaerie, @heroofpenamstan, @detectivelokis and you!
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orcelito · 11 months
It's been a month and a half and I'm still not even over Cassy yet, idk how I'm supposed to live with my uncle being dead too
#speculation nation#negative/#i have been. yeah. but it barely feels like living.#acting as a marionette as people expect me to. revving my mental engines like 'yes i am absolutely going to work on a creative project#just watch me go i am Going to work on a creative project'#but then i try and it's just lacking in soul because it almost feels like i dont have one right now.#because my uncle is dead and my life is normal and i dont even have a loud grey baby to yell at me until i feed him#because theyre dead. theyre both fucking dead.#sometimes i wish it was possible to pick and choose who fate goes for next. there are people in my life that i just would not mind dying.#people who only bring difficulty to me. why cant They have died instead?#but no. it's my precious little loverboy and my fun loving & kind uncle#i hugged him goodbye and told him i love him and the next day he was dead. just like that. and i was in fucking colorado.#im at the end of my fucking rope y'all and i need to clean my apartment and set up a psychiatry appointment and call my landlord#and through it all i have to work and work and work and work#and im trying to bring some semblance of normalcy to myself by pointing myself at creative projects#but i cant commit to one bc im feeling it im feeling it im feeling it and then im not#click click click click goes the revolver of ideas on and on and on and it wont settle i think it settles and then it's moving on#and i pretend it's okay i smile i pretend it's okay i laugh i pretend it's okay but im living with a permanent crack in my brain#on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on (and on)#at least i have video games. im probably just going to play more fire emblem when i get home.#sorry for getting a bit to venting in here but im still sitting in the bathroom after clocking out 45 minutes ago#and i feel like my entire sense of being is being squeezed by the giant hand of god. oh how cruel.#animal death ment/#no im not over cassy dying yet. he wasnt even 2 years old yet. he was way too fucking young to die so suddenly.#my uncle was too young too. my dad is 2 years older than him & he's in general good health still#but cancer doesnt descriminate. it would take us all if it could.
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
actually wait, i just had an epiphany about the tags on that last post: #metal gear solid exists in the same corny/sincere venn diagram that fate/stay night does and thats beautiful early series naruto is also in that venn diagram
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winterbl0ss0m · 16 days
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seasons change but people dont or whatever fall out boy said
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inu-mxki · 9 months
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roronoa zoro x gn!reader
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reader gives praise + pet names / slightly steamy / zoros a simp
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“missed you today,” you mumble against his mouth.
zoro thinks you’re heaven bottled, straddling his waist, kissing him like you’ve been starved. he sits back, enjoying your undivided attention and flurry of soft, deep kisses. his large hands gently squeeze at your sides, then move to your thighs, kneading the soft, plush skin.
he’s in love with you. zoro is completely and unequivocally in love with you. he’s drunk on your lips, your body, your voice. everything. you fill his senses and bewitch his mind. even the scent of your hair left on his pillow has him burying his nose into the plushness to get more of it. he’s obsessed. he’s so sure of it, and yet it’s so foreign and strange for him.
zoro is no stranger to desire. he knows how it feels to want something so badly you’d kill for it, but never has he felt a desire quite like this one. it’s not a desire to win, or to be the greatest, or to serve. it’s vulnerable and fragile. it’s consuming and overwhelming. it’s more more more.
and that’s all he can think when your lips finally part, your eyes looking down at him like he’s never done a bad thing in his life. like he’s precious. innocent. loved. missed. wanted.
“i love you,” you whisper to him, tracing the sharp edge of his jaw before pressing a gentle kiss there. he pulls you closer, if possible, his strong hands gliding up your t-shirt to rest on your bare back. he presses his lips to your neck, earning a satisfying sigh from you, so he sucks lightly.
“i love you,” he mutters into your skin, goosebumps forming along his defined arms as your nails begin to scratch at his scalp. close just isn’t enough. he buries his face into your shoulder, nuzzling there.
such a big man and yet, for you, he’s melted butter.
“you worked so hard today,” you tell him, kissing the shell of his ear, “you’re so good, baby. so good.”
he relishes in the praise. he wants it so bad. from the moment you joined the crew, he’d been jealous of any praise you gave to anyone else. especially the idiot cook. how he longed to have you tell him he’s done well, that he’s good, that you’re proud.
zoro doesn’t know when he turned into such a melt, but you just have that affect on him. you make him feel like he can be vulnerable in your presence.
“thank you,” he breathes, squeezing you tighter.
“do you want me to rub your shoulders?” you ask him softly, pressing little kisses to the side of his head. he could stay here forever and a day.
“you don’t have to,” he says, voice rough from how tired he is. you chuckle lightly.
“i want to,” you tell him honestly, pushing him off with great difficulty, “let me take of you, ‘ro.”
he’s so thankful to whatever fate bought you to him, shuffling around so he’s sitting between your dangling legs, your hands rubbing gentle but firm circles into his muscles. he groans when you hit a certain spot, so you stay there, every now and then kissing the crown of his head.
he’s just not worthy. he doesn’t understand how he managed to get this hallelujah. how, out of everyone, he’s the one you devote your time to. he’s the one you drunkly confessed to one night after a successful fight, kissing him before pulling yourself away and mumbling how sorry you were and that you understand if he didn’t feel the same.
how ludicrous.
it was his bed you clambered into and never left. it’s his mouth you kiss good morning and kiss goodnight. it’s his hand you squeeze under the table. it’s his face you search for in the crowd.
and he’s so fucking thankful. there’s a God. there must be.
“never leave me,” he finds himself saying out loud, your movements stopping, hands resting against his shoulders. he feels you move, and then your lips against his ear.
“what a silly thing to say,” you speak softly, sending a shiver down his spine as your hands begin working at his tired muscles again, “i’m not going anywhere, ‘ro. please don’t worry about that.”
he closes his eye. trusting you. relaxing back into your embrace. if you’re destined to always be at his side, always sleep beside him, to rub his shoulders and kiss his skin, then he’s sure, more than ever, there’s someone Holy looking down on him. he should be more accommodating to that thought. maybe it’s time he actually thank whoever they are.
hell, he might even start praying.
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i do not own one piece or anything associated with it
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steampunkedparm · 1 year
oona (our kitten) is essentially attached to my hip at this point and. my mother made some candles. so there is one very strong smelling scent that is making me a lil nauseous and headachy and.
you'll never guess what my cat very intensely smells of. who is trying very hard to come sleep with me.
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shegetsburned · 5 months
꒰ 𝐣𝐣𝐤 𝐦𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 ꒱ 彡 ♡ ⋆。˚
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• — ft. god complex mfs. it was requested a long time ago so here it is, for one patient anon!
: ̗̀➛ at this point, it’s not a kink anymore, it’s a need. he has to eject his seed into you every time. you’re such a worthless little human but once he’s in, there’s nothing stopping him. the king of curses providing you with an heir? what greater honour is there? you won’t ever refuse this, will you? he wants to fill you with so much cum that you won’t have any other option but to get pregnant. so much that it drips from your thigh when you weakly stand up after being taken so roughly. he’s so curious as to what would happen to such a small and frail powerless being when you’re forced to bear his cursed child. it also fulfills some primal need in him, the need to give life. to purposely use you as his personal cum dump. marking you as his when you carry his child. the king of curses’ legacy.
you’ve been chosen by him and there’s nothing you can do to escape your fate.
"look at you being used like the pathetic fucking hole that you are. let me fill you up so you’re actually useful."
: ̗̀➛ he gets off just on the thought of you being filled. the greatest sorcerer of his generation, he’s been called. someone so indispensable, so valuable, letting all of himself into your pathetic needy cunt. he’ll order you to not let one single drop of his cum drip out from your cunt. to not waste any of this precious liquid that’s now filling your belly. it stays in whether you like it or not and he’ll personally make sure to lick what leaks out. but oh boy does he like when you can’t voice out your worries about him not wearing protection when he’s already fucked you dumb with his fingers. it’s like you can’t wait to get it raw, feeling its veins against your wet folds whenever it goes in. you’re asking for him deeper, swallowing him whole when he inevitably cums.
you don’t fight it off. you couldn’t anyway.
"c’mon, take it all for me, baby. don’t waste a single drop or imma have to fuck it back into you."
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lexsssu · 5 months
Hope (Neuvillette)
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TAGS: Neuvillette/Dragoness!reader, breeding, impregnation, smut, drabble Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Iɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴜsʙᴀɴᴅ ғɪɴᴅs ᴛʜᴇ ɢʟᴏᴡ ᴏғ ᴍᴏᴛʜᴇʀʜᴏᴏᴅ ᴏɴ ʏᴏᴜ ᴜᴛᴛᴇʀʟʏ ɪʀʀᴇsɪsᴛɪʙʟᴇ.
“You are simply too exquisite for even words, ma petite choue… ”
Sweat dripped down Neuvillette’s temple as his clawed fingers dug into the plush meat of your thighs, spreading them wide open so that he could see the mesmerizing sight of his cocks disappearing into your gushing hole. The wet squelch each time he thrusts inside, the slap of his balls against your sensitive cunt, and, most importantly, your precious mewls and moans are music to his ears.
He had long lost hope of finding more of his kind and of continuing his line because it had been much too long since he’d encountered any of his kin. Eons had passed, and while he remained mostly unchanged, the world around him certainly didn’t.
It must have been fate when he came across you washed up on shore, your scales glittering against the sunlight as your wings covered your prone body against the elements even when you were unconscious. The primal part of himself knew even then that he could no longer go back to the world he once knew before you.
He must mate and breed you so thoroughly that there is no doubt you’re carrying his hatchlings.
He can already see in his mind’s eye how stunning you would look impaled on his cock as your belly swelled with his eggs.
When his first batch of younglings hatch and chirp as they wriggle out of their shells before heading straight to their mother for their first feeding, it rains shortly in Fontaine before sunshine peeks out from the clouds and a rainbow decorates the sky.
It comes as a surprise to almost everyone in the capital when the chief justice is seen with a woman who could only be his wife, matching rings glinting upon their hands and pushing a baby carriage.
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Hiiiii could you do a fic where reader is pregnant for the first time? I need more soft!young president coriolanus so so bad
Soft as Snow || Young President!Coriolanus snow x reader
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A/n: thank you for this request anon!! I need more soft coryo too 🥹
Warnings: fem!reader, mention of death
Wc: 860
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
In the opulent sun room of the presidential mansion that you call your home, you sat in a plush chair with a bowl of fresh lychee perched carefully on your pregnant belly. The brightly lit room, adorned with decadent furnishings, seemed to reflect the weight of the world you carried not only as the First Lady but also as a soon-to-be-mother.
The door cracked open and Coriolanus entered with an air of authority that seemed to dissipate as he laid eyes on you, his precious wife. Coryo gestured the servants to leave the two of you alone as his steely gaze softened, and a small, genuine smile graced his lips as he approached.
"May I?" he gestured toward the empty space on the chair beside you. You nodded with an eager smile and he took a seat, his eyes fixed on your protruding belly which was covered by the softness of your silk dress. Gently, he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. "How are you feeling, my love?"
His voice, usually reserved and commanding to people outside of his inner circle, held a tenderness and softness that sent a comforting shiver down your spine. You couldn't help but smile at the sincerity in his question.
"I'm well, Coryo. Our baby seems to be quite content by these lychees," You chuckle as your rub your stomach. Coryo smiles, lychees were a rare fruit to come by this time of year but he made sure that you were fed only the most juiciest, ripe, lychees.
"I'm glad," he hums. His hand finds its way to your belly, fingers tracing delicate patterns on the fabric of your dress, ghosting over your skin underneath. "It's a remarkable thing, life," he mused, his eyes reflecting a mix of emotions—awe, anticipation, and a hint of vulnerability.
You watch him knowing where his mind was at. The thought of his mother dying during birth along with his baby sister. You knew that he was scared. Scared that maybe you would have the same fate as his late mother. But you assured Coryo, that times have changed and that you would be alright.
The weight of his responsibilities seemed to momentarily fade as he focused on you and the life growing inside you. Your fingers dipped into the fruit bowl, a lychee in between your fingers as you bring it to your lips, Coriolanus watching with fascination. The atmosphere hung in a delicate balance, as if time itself had slowed down to savour this tranquil interlude.
"Have you thought about names," he asked, breaking the silence. You chuckled softly, the sound echoing through the room, "I have actually. Vicky," you watch Snow's features contort into a mixture of emotions.
"Vicky. like my mothers-" "Yes, like your mother's name." You interrupt him as your thumb brushes over the back of his hand, a comforting gesture that spoke volumes. "I love it. Vicky Snow," He says with a smile on his face.
As you continued to share the bowl of fruit, the conversation drifted from politics to dreams, hopes and the shared future that awaited your family. Coriolanus, a man known for his strategic mind and politics, revealed a more vulnerable side, a side reserved for you, his wife carrying his child.
Time slipped away, and the room glowered in the soft hues of twilight. Coriolanus stood, his eyes lingering on you with an affectionate gaze. "I've got state matters to deal with, my dear. Just know, you and our child are always on my mind."
Days turned into weeks, and the swell of your belly grew more pronounced. The Capitol buzzed with excitement over the impending arrival of the newest member of the Snow legacy. Coriolanus, ever the stoic leader, became a pillar of support, attending to your needs with a grace that contradicted his ruthless reputation.
One evening, as the two of you stood on the balcony overlooking the Capitol, he wrapped his arms around you, his hands resting protectively on your belly. The lights of the city below shimmered like a sea of stars, and for a moment, it felt like the world paused to witness the union of power and vulnerability.
As the days dwindled down to the eagerly anticipated arrival, Coriolanus stood by your side, a beacon of strength. The birthing room, stark and sterile, contrasted sharply with the opulence of the Capitol. Yet, in that space, you found an intimacy that transcended the political stage.
The first cry of your newborn filled the room, and Coriolanus held the tiny bundle in his arms with a reverence that bordered on awe. His usually composed demeanor crumbled, replaced by the unfiltered joy of fatherhood.
"She's so beautiful, just like her mother," He whispers, his eyes never leaving the small face nestled in his arms. "Thank you, thank you for gifting me a gift beyond measure," Coryo looks at you as you couldn't help but let a teardrop roll down your cheek as you gazed at the future you had brought into the word.
You couldn't help but marvel at the unexpected beauty that had blossomed in the heart of the Capitol's calculated power.
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rinshiroufan · 2 years
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Why does Rin try to save Shinji at the end of UBW, but spends most of HF thinking she shouldn't try saving Sakura?
If you've been in the FSN fandom long enough you've probably heard at least one variation of this claim—"Rin only receives character development in HF." "Rin gets sidelined in UBW in favour of Archer." "Rin got robbed in UBW." If one truly pays attention to the story however, one can clearly see just how utterly ridiculous and nonsensical all of these claims are. In fact—to say so isn't merely to betray just how little one understands UBW Rin, but also how little one understands HF Rin too. Because without UBW, Rin is nothing—HF is in constant dialogue with UBW. This applies to Rin as much as it does Shirou. HF is consistently begging us to compare how Rin behaves therein to how she behaves in UBW, because the contrast reveals much about the core traits of the character. HF Rin is nothing if not viewed in the context of UBW. To understand what precisely I mean here, we have to ask a question:
Why does Rin try to save Shinji at the end of UBW, but spends most of HF thinking she shouldn't try saving Sakura?
The answer to this lies in one of the best scenes in the whole of Fate/stay night—the scene featuring Rin's half-assed yet nonetheless sweet and touching confession to Shirou in HF; her remembrance of his trying to jump over that pole that it was oh so obvious he could not.
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Forget the final confrontation with Sakura—this is where the essence of Rin's character in HF lies. Because this scene is all about why Rin acts the way she does toward Sakura, about what separates her from Shirou—and ultimately, what separates her from herself in UBW:
"…But even he knew it was impossible. He knew nothing would change that, but he kept trying. It's as if he believed the effort was what mattered."
"To be honest, I can't do such a thing. I've always been like that. I determine whether or not something is possible. If I know it's impossible for me, I quickly give up. I don't try what I can't do, and I never regret it or think I'm powerless because of it. I'm cold like that. I'm a terrible person. Kirei called it machine-like instead of cruel."
But Tohsaka isn't belittling herself. She's proud of how she is. "But I do sometimes think how pure it'd be to just keep trying without a thought for whether it's possible."
"In short, I can't do it. I can't protect Sakura until the very end like you, and I don't intend to either."
"I told you, right? I don't do impossible things. As long as I'm Tohsaka Rin, I'll kill Sakura the moment I determine that it's not possible to let her go on. Well, I don't need to say it again because that was our deal all along, but I thought I'd remind you."
The high jump scene has many purposes. One of them is to elucidate upon one of the core aspects of Rin's characterization—the cold pragmatic, calculating and thoroughly realist Tohsaka beyond the surface of which hides the warm, kind and idealistic Rin; who Rin believes she ought to be in the pursuit of her father's ideal, and the good moral heart that beats within her, threatening to burst out at any moment. It shows that Rin is simply too much of a realist to try and save Sakura like Shirou does when it appears basically impossible to do so—so she instead tries to kill that good-natured side of her. Nonetheless, we are left with the question:
Why does Rin try to save Shinji at the end of UBW?
As Gilgamesh himself points out to Shirou—it's pure hypocrisy! You can't save everyone. Rin's attempt to save Shinji from the Grail actively impedes upon their goal of destroying the supposedly omnipotent wish granting device and saving the world from Gilgamesh. From what we are told in HF (on the surface at least), Rin shouldn't be doing this—it's impossible. It's idealistic. It's naive. It's what Shirou would do.
It's what Shirou would do.
The boy whose youthful idealism and naïveté Rin found so inspiring.
The boy she wishes she could be like more—whether she is willing to admit it or not.
And that is the difference between Rin in UBW and Rin in HF—one enters a romantic relationship with Shirou, and the other does not. One develops a deep emotional bond with Shirou over the course of the story wherein his influence slowly and steadily forces her to accept that human side of herself that had always lurked beneath her, to embrace her idealism, to pursue Shirou's impossibly beautiful dream as relentlessly as he does; the other ends up at odds with him at too many key junctures of the story to develop the same intimate relationship, especially as Shirou starts to fall for someone else.
That is in essence the purpose of HF—to provide a counterpoint for Rin's arc in UBW, to show us the depths Rin will fall to when Shirou isn't there to encourage her to be the best she can be, to quit struggling against her human side, to abandon her attempts to kill her own emotions and to surrender herself to her desire to be as idealistic and hopeful as he. If UBW shows us Rin at her best, the purpose of HF is to then contrast that with Rin at her worst. Because at the end of the day, Rin serves as a relative straightman in a cast of deeply mentally disturbed characters. She serves as a foil to Shirou. The reason her route is also the Shirou route (as one Tiger Dojo puts it) is because Rin as a character does not need to be saved—nay, she is quite capable of saving herself. Rin doesn't need Shirou; but she sure is better off with him by her side. At the end of HF, Rin, despite not being as deeply under the influence of Shirou as in UBW, still chooses her human side over being the magus her father would've wanted her to be. Rin has issues... but those issues don't run as deeply as those of other characters. Shirou in particular. She may struggle more but she can do it. Nonetheless, Shirou's positive influence on her cannot be denied.
So—Rin clearly has an arc in UBW. How, precisely, does this arc unfold? How does UBW explore her character?
Up to about Shirou's defect, which per the anime would be somewhere around halfway through the route, UBW is a study in contrasts—the story presents with a carefully crafted waltz between Rin and Shirou which allows us to peel back the characters' layers. It starts with the prologue. Day 3 is of immense importance here since it emphasizes upon different aspects of Shirou's character than Day 3 of Fate does. Instead of focusing on Shirou's suicidal tendencies, the confrontation with Illya and Heracles focuses on Shirou's weakness and the fact that he isn't a proper mage. The focus is on how he freezes when Saber and Berserker start fighting. Why? Because he's being contrasted with Rin—a talented mage who retains her cool under pressure, being fully capable of keeping up with the fighting. Unlike in Fate (and HF), Archer's being uninjured means that Rin can actually participate—and the gulf between Shirou's abilities and hers couldn't possibly be more obvious.
Day 4 continues this with very clever use of side characters like Taiga, Sakura and Ayako (the latter of which is even responsible for the "Shirou never smiles" moment!)—they are used to emphasize just how normal Shirou's life is and how little he takes the HGW seriously, in contrast to Rin, who spends her day and night hunting after Caster. It cleverly continues the contrast between the double life Rin is shown leading in her prologue and the relatively uneventful, suburban Japanese life that Shirou leads, aside from his late night magic training. In fact... Archer himself points this out for us at the end of Day 5, as he escorts Shirou home:
"…Are you saying you don't smell blood on me?"
"Of course not. You're not fit to be a Master in that regard either. You are different from Rin."
"———What is that? Are you saying you can smell blood on Tohsaka?"
"Yes. She is rather kind-hearted, but she's merciless when she has to be. She wouldn't go around looking for other Masters every day if that wasn't the case."
She's looking for other Masters every day…? That means she's fighting other Masters. It's not like it's over once she finds a Master. Then———
Of course, that's minor in comparison of what else happens on Day 5.
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Stories are by nature defined by conflict. Conflict is the essence of storytelling. It's thus quite logical that Shirou has the worst relations with Rin at the start of her very own route than any other since it puts him in a position where he can discover the most about Rin. And Rin's decision to attack Shirou ends up revealing her inner conflict—the conflict between her commitment to being an unfeeling, machine-like magus, and her own personal feelings and desires, in this instance namely being her feelings toward Shirou. It is on Day 5 that Rin reveals the expectations that are placed on magi since their very birth:
"…What I got so angry about was how your dad never did anything against that. 'Magic' of a magus isn't just his magic. Magic is something passed down from parent to child for many generations. It's the 'sum of their life's work'. The responsibility isn't just yours."
"So the first condition for being taught magic is that you will pass it on to later generations. A child born into a magus's family instantly becomes a successor and an inheritor. ———We are born for that reason, and we also die for that reason."
"A magus' child isn't human from the start. No, it is the duty of the 'magus' to change what is born human into something else through many years and hard training. …That's why your dad isn't a magus. Your dad chose to be a parent over being a magus."
Of course, there's a bit more to this because Day 7 adds some more complexity to the matter here by having Shinji reveal to Rin that he is also a Master. And her reaction? She ignores him. She doesn't consider him a threat so much so that she decides not to attack him or even formulate any kind of plan for attacking him later. Seemingly this makes no sense. Why attack Shirou, but not Shinji? Because her decision to attack Shirou wasn't a pragmatic one. She attacked him because she feared that his participation in the HGW and her "objectivity" would be undermined. Rin is struggling desperately to maintain the perfect, strong, ruthless and emotionless magus facadé, and her feelings for Shirou are the greatest threat to it. She wants to remove him from the HGW so that he doesn't end up tempting her to succumb to her more human instincts. It goes to show how everything about Rin's claiming to be a ruthless, machine-like magus is just utter bullshit—Machiavellian magi wouldn't warn an opponent to take them seriously in a free for all to the death, like how Rin warns Shirou to do on Day 4; they would just kill them! Not to mention that we get to see Rin's "fail at the most important thing at the most important moment" complex again—despite how rational, intelligent and competent she has made herself out to be, and proved herself to be, she still ends up not realizing that Shinji is behind Bloodfort!
But that's only scratching the surface of what Day 7 does not only for Rin but for Shirou also—because Day 7 is represents a massive turning for Rin and Shirou's relationship, and for them as individual characters. It's the day when the hitherto carefully crafted dichotomy between Shirou the helpless novice and Rin the talented, highly competent novice... gets subverted.
Although the Bloodfort sequence certainly does not completely reverse the hitherto established dynamic between Rin and Shirou, it does severely undermine it. Because as Bloodfort is set up and the student body collapses, as the skin off of many of their peers starts to melt, Rin is deeply shaken and visibly disturbed, barely able to hide her trembling legs. And Shirou? Well... he's used to seeing dead bodies. Bloodfort is a brilliant sequence. It lays down the foundation for Rin and Shirou's relationship for the rest of the route because it forces for the very first time to truly face each other's issues. Faced with a horrific nightmare, both of them end up exposing a side of themselves they never otherwise would. Rin realizes that there is something deeply wrong with Shirou, and he gets to see just how much she is suppressing her human weaknesses and faults in order to maintain her strong and fearless talended mage facadé. The carefully crafted set-up has reached its pay-off as the characters start to find out ever more about one another.
Day 10 represents a massive turning point in UBW—it's where the route reaches the second of three junctures (the previous one being Bloodfort—which establishes that Shirou's issues are worse than Rin's, but still maintains an overall focus on her) that transition the story to fully committing itself to being the Shirou route. It does this establishing the core difference between Rin and Shirou in the beautiful and amazing scene called Shirou's defect—where Rin and Shirou discuss each other's lives in Shirou's courtyard. Heretofore the story had brilliantly weaven in parallels between the two—namely, that both of them are defined by the struggle of living up to the ideal they inherited from their father and their achieving their own personal happiness. Rin's being a mage is basically the same as Shirou's issues with his trying to become a seigi no mikata. Yet—Rin is a hedonist. As she says, she wouldn't do something if it wasn't fun. Rin may have inherited a duty from her father, but she wouldn't do it if she didn't find it fun. It establishes an important dynamic—Rin doesn't need Shirou to save her, she's perfectly capable of saving herself. That doesn't mean he is irrelevant however. Because Shirou may not actively and directly help Rin resolve her issues (for the most part), he certainly does do it indirectly, by serving as an example, inspiring her to be better, to be the best she can be. It's Archer's attacking Shirou, and her seeing his memories as dreams, that force her to confront her feelings for him, because she cannot help but be concerned for him and his well-being. Over the course of the route, she can't help but succumb to her human instincts. She starts relaxing around Shirou. With each new conversation she starts to let go of her commitment to the magus facadé. She starts to interact with Shirou less as a fellow participant in the HGW, and more and more as a person. Rin doesn't ask Shirou if he had and has fun being a mage because she has anything to gain strategically; she asks because she wants to get to know him. As a person. And get to know him she does...
But UBW's being the Shirou route does not preclude its analyzing Rin in-depth. Far from it! Because while it may not deal with Rin's issues directly, it certainly does so indirectly, through her reactions to Shirou's character arc, which itself ends up pushing her own arc further and ever further along.
First, there is her reaction to Shirou's losing Saber. Having spent a decade isolating herself from the rest of the world, Rin has become quite emotionally stunted. She isn't the best at properly expressing her emotions. So when Shirou ends up emotionally broken, Caster basically literally robbing him of his ideal in the form of Saber, and left helpless, Rin defaults to her cold uncaring magus persona and ends up rubbing the salt in his wound. Given that she fully intends on giving Saber back to him upon defeating Caster, the rational and sensible thing to do would be to act nice to Shirou, to be affectionate toward him. But as with her trying to attack him on Day 5, Rin is more concerned with looking like a cold pragmatic and ruthless magus rather than actually being one. She clearly has feelings for Shirou, and she is desperately trying to bury them by acting as cold and uncaring as possible toward him so that she can maintain her "objectivity" and not let her feelings distort her judgement. Of course—her feelings are distorting her judgement! In her attempts to present herself as the ruthless emotionless magus, she ends up revealing just the opposite! And it's even worse when you remember that Rin decides to this after she had decided to leave aside the HGW nonsense and just talk with Shirou like a regular human being.
Then... there's the confession scene.
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This scene... represents the last juncture before the route finally transitions to being truly and indisputably about Shirou—without in the process losing focus on Rin. It represents one of the key moments of culmination in Rin's arc that predominately encapsulate the most important aspects of her character, offering a resolution to so much of her inner struggle, thereby allowing space for the rest of the route to comfortably deal with Shirou. And the resolution to Rin's issues... is Shirou.
It's important to remember that Shirou is not a naive character. Or a stupid character. Shirou's issues do not result from some wrongheaded ideological analysis—they result from his (near) complete lack of self-worth. And in the context of the story, Shirou discovering the pendant at Rin's mansion represents a major turning point for the character in that regard. Because by discovering the pendant, Shirou realizes that there was in fact someone out there who valued his life. Valued it enough to save it. And that someone just so happens to be the girl he has slowly been falling in love with over the course of the route. And seeing that Rin values his life... it makes him value his life. Without that Shirou's character development in the rest of the route simply cannot occur. It's important to establish that here.
There's also how Shirou's feelings on Rin relate to his feelings on the ideal. Because they do in fact parallel each other—Shirou starts out with a highly idealized view of both. Yet over the course of the events of the route he comes to slowly understand that his idealized vision was is fact quite wrong. There are in fact serious issues with his ideal and the way he goes about implementing it; just as Rin's is not the perfect honour student he had envisioned her to be. And yet... Shirou still reasserts his faith in both by the end. Yes his ideal is unachievable, but the pursuit of it is still beautiful; Rin wasn't as strong-willed and secure as she had initially appeared, but all those weaknesses end up making her stronger and better in his eyes because she nonetheless succeeds despite their holding her back. Rin can never truly live up to that perfectionist standard she has set for herself, but her valiant effort at constantly struggling to nonetheless to reach it is nonetheless amazing; nay it makes her even more amazing than if she had actually succeeded. In both cases, Shirou is forced to confront the ugly in something he found beautiful—only to come out the other way thinking they are even more beautiful.
Then there's of course Shirou basically spelling out many of the themes of the route:
"That's just now, right? It's irritating, but I agree with Archer. There's nothing for you to regret." "Why? Caster is doing whatever she wants, and even Archer lost faith in me. This is because my policy was a mistake, right?"
"It's just that you were unsuccessful. You haven't made a mistake. If you haven't made a mistake, you can be proud of yourself even if you were unsuccessful."
———The process. If you walk down the path that you believe is right, you cannot be wrong. …At a time like this, most people will realize that their path is a wrong one, but she's different. Her path should always be one that she can be proud of.
"———Yeah. To be honest, you've always shined. …I won't regret my actions either. I believe what I've done is right, but it's full of stitches."
———I don't want to regret anything. I want to make all the tragedies that happened into meaningful things by believing that my path is right.
Of course... we have to talk about Rin here. We've covered Shirou's point of view so it's important to talk about the significance this scene has for Rin, though it's incredibly difficult to disentangle Shirou's arc from Rin's, since they are so deeply intertwined. Shirou encouraging Rin to get back on her feet, his seeing through her facade of strength when Archer betrays her... it says just about as much about him as it does her.
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We already established that Rin is not good with expressing her emotions. We already established she does not have the most healthy outlook on life, with her perfectionism resulting in her bottling up all her doubts and insecurities, and desperately trying to bury her weaknesses. She has no-one to show her vulnerabilities to.
Until Shirou. He gets her to relax. His unbridled idealism wins Rin over. He's the only person who could possibly breach through all of her barriers and earnestly converse with the fragile yet still very strong girl hiding underneath, a girl who doesn't need to be afraid of her weaknesses because she's strong because of them. Instead of burying all her emotions she can just be honest about them—to Shirou, the boy who loves her and whom she loves back. Rin still has a long way to go after this moment. Yet nonetheless... it's a breakthrough. For the first time in maybe a decade... Rin has chosen to drop that strong magus facade and to show her real self. And it's beautiful.
Next up is Your distortion—my favourite scene in the whole VN.
Suffice it to say... this scene is all about Shirou realizing that all along he had pursued Kiritsugu's ideal because it made him happy—just like Rin did being a magus. And all thanks... to Rin. To seeing her cry for his sake. Begging him to care of himself. It's Shirou taking the next step from his confession—and learning the error of his ways:
"I'm telling you that's crazy! Look, if you were saved, take care of yourself! I'm sorry for the people who got killed, but it's only by chance that you were saved! Then you should take full advantage of your good fortune. You suffered such a hell, so it'll be a waste if you don't have fun!"
Tohsaka is seriously angry. "——————" Yeah, that makes me happy. I finally realize now, because Tohsaka is that kind of person.
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———But it's so clear now. It's because of this person that is seriously angry for my sake.
But what precisely are the implications here—for Rin specifically?
Well on one hand it's just extremely touching to see this deeply emotionally repressed girl be so heartbroken at seeing just how deeply disturbed and distorted the person she's come to love is that she can barely contain the flood of emotion that she feels. Yet it is also noteworthy how she reacts when Shirou tells her that despite the fact that she is right, he nonetheless still believes that there's something beautiful in devoting your life to saving people. She blushes. She gets flustered. Although she tries to act cool afterwards, it is quite apparent she found Shirou's words touching. She obviously agrees with him. But perhaps she's just not that ready to admit that yet.
She will be soon however because Day 14 has her choosing to accept Shirou's ideal. By taking on Saber to be her Servant.
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Saber is in essence supposed to be the personification of Shirou's ideal—the fact that Shirou loses his contract with her at the junctures in UBW and HF that he does is no coincidence. Both occur at (or before) points where Shirou's belief in his ideal is deeply shaken. Rin choosing forge a contract with Rin which actually makes Saber stronger than she was under Shirou at a point where she realizes that the confrontation between Archer and Shirou is drawing closer and in fact that the former could in fact kill the latter if she does nothing... it's deliberate. Especially since she this to Archer after he kidnaps her:
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Although Rin didn't want to admit it up until, she in fact loves Shirou for the very traits that she has been criticizing him for up until now. The dynamic that defines Shirou's view of Rin is also the one that defines Rin's view of Shirou; just as Shirou is forced to confront Rin's warts only to declare that he loves her even more for them, so too is Rin forced to confront that the very perseverance and refusal to budge in the face of the impossible that had drawn her to Shirou all those years ago could take a toxic form when combined with his lack of self-worth and survivor's guilt. And yet... she still adores him for it. She still can't help but be moved by it. As Kirei says as he nearly rips her heart out:
"You're right. You never give up until the very last second, Rin. At the very same time, you have this wonderful side of you that admits reality. ———Yes. This contradiction is very mellow."
This fundamental inner conflict within Rin is essentially resolved here, with Rin choosing her human idealistic sides that never gives up until the very last second over her cynical and pragmatic magus streak. She gives Shirou her mana with which he is able to use Unlimited Blade Works—an allegory for how her love and support ends up allowing Shirou to make his dream a reality.
And so... we return to the question that started all of this.
Why does Rin try to save Shinji at the end of UBW?
It's what Shirou would do.
Rin loves Shirou. He brings out that side of her that her magus upbringing compels her to bury and kill that still manages to make its way back to the surface—because she can't help but feel drawn to Shirou and feel inspired by his example.
It's what Shirou would do.
UBW isn't like Fate and HF. It's not about Shirou saving a heroine (though, if I were fully honest, I would not say that Fate and HF are truly comparable). It's about a heroine saving Shirou. It's about Rin saving Shirou. Rin doesn't get saved by anyone.
But that's okay.
Because saving Shirou? That's Rin's salvation.
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joonipertree · 1 year
Gang Leader Girlfriend Things™
Tags: Mikey x Fem!reader, Fluff, crack, no angst, he's only soft for you <3, love of his life
You know, I think the first rule of joining a gang should be 'don't piss off the leader'. Like, you wanna fight people who can whoop your ass? Go for it, that takes courage and respect. But you join a gang like Toman with 'Invincible Mikey' as the head, the one thing you should probably not do is make him mad.
(Nobody is stupid enough to do that though, much less Toman.)
Mikey personally didn't fight the weak, finds no joy in something that isn't a challenge. Two highschoolers that got recruited by Mitchy's crew? He could tell they were nothing from the back of their babbling heads.
"My god, there's no way a girl like that is here. She's so fucking hot."
"What's a girl even doing in a gang? There's no way she fights."
Mikey's eye twitched. Not only are you most definitely in Toman, with a gang jacket and everything (You had your own but you ended up wearing his most of the time, pretty in what's his.) One of Toman's strongest was Senju, someone who would kick their ass too.
"Do you think she's single?"
"She is not." Mikey drawled, eyes dead and head tilted. Draken came behind him, wondering why his captain was just standing there. Mikey was always friendly with new members but very evidently, those two were an exception.
"What a bummer. She could've been mine."
Draken wanted to laugh so badly but Mikey's hand was warning him into silence before he could.
Mikey couldn't see the dude's face but knew that he was too ugly for you. You weren't into pathetic fucks. And the only person Mikey was pathetic for, was you.
A lot of gang members' eyes were on them now, ready to bow to their captain but stopping when Draken raised his palm. They could tell something was off, looking at the two kids who just didn't bother turning. The aura around Mikey was practically tangible though, suffocating to anyone who took notice.
Yamagishi staggered towards his friends, ready to point out the very dangerous threat behind them. Of course, he was the one who recruited them. If he wasn't Takemitchy's friend, Mikey would've added him to his blacklist. Mikey's finger against his lip kept Yamagishi from saying anything. Their fates were sealed already.
"Man, I could probably take her boyfriend on. Easy win and I get her."
Draken choked, Yamagishi wanted to die, the few people who were close enough to listen stepped away. Mikey still didn't say anything, because the moment he was waiting for finally happened.
Chifuyu had let you know of the arrival with a nod of his head, pausing in his rant about a manga you guys had been reading. You saw Draken's head first, eyes lowering, knowing that Mikey would always fall close. And there he was, his blond ponytail the only thing you could see. Your heart filled up like it always did because fuck, you wanted to consume him in your love. His eyes peaked out and your smile stretched your cheeks.
You walked as if on auto pilot, feet having a pep in them as you did. He stepped out in full view and you squealed at his gentle eyes and outstretched arms. You practically ran to him, you missed him and missed him and missed him.
Your shoulder grazed someone's as you zoomed past and launched yourself into Manjiro's warm embrace. Strong arms encircled you immediately, his cheek squishing against yours. And before you knew it, your feet were off the ground as he twirled you around. Unabashed laughter left your lips, hanging onto him and letting his warm and wet kisses pepper your face. The swooping in your chest was welcomed, clinging to the boy you've loved for years. Your precious----
"Hi, Jiro~" You crooned, eyes open to catch his reddened cheeks and sparkling eyes.
He put your feet on the ground and pulled you close by the waist, noses touching each other's.
"Hi, baby." He said in a hushed voice.
You gave his cheek a peck, knowing one on the lips would result in him not getting off of you. There was supposed to be a meeting, so you decided to have him later. Being a gang leader's girlfriend was hard work.
"Did you have a good day?" You asked, knowing he woke up an hour ago, barely in the realm to text you a 'good morning, honey' ('Morning' in Mikey's realm was 1pm).
"Mhm." Mikey hummed, giving your cheek a kiss too. You relished in it.
"Where are you going?" Draken's voice came gruffly and you saw the tall man with his hands on two members' shoulders.
Your boyfriend's gaze fell on them, hardened and cold. It made you shiver, his arms tightening around you when you did. It didn't scare you, he looked hot but it never meant anything good.
You blinked at the two boys, confused and just now noticing the complete silence and the eyes of everyone on you.
I mean, you were a spectacle whenever Jiro was involved but weren't they used to it by now?
"You guys have really bad awareness if you didn't notice me even when I spoke up. I don't know if we want that in our gang." Mikey's words were sweet but dripping in venom, a grin to hide his clear rage.
"I'm so so sorry, boss! We didn't know she was yours, I swear!!" Dude no 1 got on his knees immediately, more so because his legs gave out.
"It's our first day, please have mercy." Dude no 2 shouted, bowing till his head met the floor.
Oh, you thought, they were actual idiots.
Seeing people bow and beg at your boyfriend was always surreal. You knew he had repertoire and respect because of years of being a gang leader. Personally, you never really understood gang things tm. But you knew your Mikey could kick ass and people looked up to him, so you always enjoyed the times he did gang leader things tm cuz it was hot.
"Yamagishi, you recruited them so you have responsibility. Have anything to add?" Mikey asked the frozen boy, who probably stopped breathing a long time ago.
"Uh, it was Takemitchy's idea?" The boy said, knowing who Mikey's kryptonite was.
"You're the one who asked me. Don't try to get me killed along with them!" The acting president hollered.
Mikey turned to his best friend, smile still plastered on his face. If Takemitchy didn't have the trauma to back up his biggest endeavour, he would be worried that the dark impulse would've possessed him from that interaction alone.
"Mitchy, normally I would let the head captain step in for any decision made about their division. But since they directly challenged me, we have to deal with it like all gangs do, right?"
"We didn't....we didn't know, promise!" Dude no 2 peeped out.
"Hmm, but wasn't it you who said that you could take her boyfriend on? It'd be an easy win? There's enough people who witnessed that."
"Oh, Lord Almighty." Takemitchy murmured, "nothing can save them now."
"Not even an hour in and they're going to die." Another murmur from the crowd. (It was Ran)
"I never said that, I am not a part of this." Dude no 1 threw his friend under the bus immediately. It was understandable.
"'She could've been mine,'" Mikey practically sang, taking off his jacket, "is what you said, right?"
"No I couldn't," you spoke absentmindedly, only looking at your boyfriend cuz you'd lost interest in the morons, "you're too ugly for me."
It was a blow that hit almost as hard as the kick they were about to receive. Mikey let out an affectionate snort as he covered your head with his jacket. The heavy material blocking your peripheral as he left your side within a second. A sick crack brandished the air, followed by two thuds.
"Welp, that fight didn't last. How boring, wanted to show off." Mikey sounded bored, the asphalt crunching under his slippers as he walked back.
"Are they--" Takemitchy's panicked pitch followed, a very common tone whenever Mikey was involved.
"Breathing." Draken called out, giving them a light kick on the side to check.
"Takemitchy, your crew is banned from recruiting." Their leader yelled back with his head only half turned, a flurry of 'yes sir!'s came.
"Thank you for holding onto my jacket, baby." Mikey whispered as he took the jacket off your head and draped it on his shoulders. His eyes were back to being kind and gentle, warm hand cupping your face in gratitude. You melted into him, eyes closing. He left a kiss on your forehead, keeping you close.
"Ah, I'm hungry," he whined, "let's go get mcdonald's. I didn't eat breakfast."
"You didn't?" You asked as he interwined your fingers together and tugged.
"I had cereal but that barely counts." Mikey started chattering on, waving a hand to dismiss the meeting that never began.
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steddiecameraroll · 4 months
ao3 - "Destined to be surrounded by a bunch of geeks"
“I’ll tell you the same thing I told Robin. Funko pops are the modern day beanie babies.” Steve shrugs as if he didn’t just compare Eddie’s precious collection to tiny stuffed useless animals from the 90’s.
“How dare you,” Eddie glares at Steve through the corner of his eye, as he gently slides his newest conquest carefully onto his bookshelf.
“Think about it. They’ve been saying they’re going to be worth something in the future. Just like they said about beanie babies. You’re keeping them in their boxes. For what? Resale value?” Steve puts his hand on his hip like the cocky bastard he is.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Eddie tries to ignore Steve’s logic. The perfectly reasonable logic.
“You should take one of them out of the box at least. What about this one?” Steve taps the top of Eddie’s Aragorn.
“No,” he replies quickly.
“What about this one? It looks like Mike.”
Steve’s pointing to Frodo. Frodo. Freaking Frodo Baggins. Steve thinks Eddie should take his Frodo out of the box.
“Yeah, look at him.” He pulls the box from the shelf and holds it up in front of his face. “Hi Eddie. I’m an ungrateful asshole who stalks around constantly frowning.”
Eddie stares in amused wonder at Steve’s high squeaky imitation of their shared child. How does he have such a violent crush on this goofball?
Steve peeks around the box with a tiny smile, gauging Eddie’s reaction.
“How did I ever think you were cool?” He snatches the box from Steve’s hands and slides it back into its spot on the shelf.
“I’m cool,” he attempts suave and casual by leaning back against Eddie’s desk.
Eddie avoids running his eyes down Steve’s now raised chest, and keeps his gaze focused on the man’s smug face.
“You’re as much of a dork as the rest of us. Can’t deny it now, Harrington. I’ve seen too many dorky handshakes and heard you accurately reference Star Wars. One of us, one of us,” he jokingly chants.
Steve rolls his eyes and crosses his arms in a sigh. “No chance for escape now. I guess I’m stuck with you-you all, all of you.”
Eddie furrows his eyebrows with a cock of his head. Was that a flub? A misstep? A fumble or Freudian slip?
“Yeah, you are.” Eddie takes a couple slow steps forward closing in on Steve’s space.
Steve doesn’t move, keeps his arms crossed and his eyes on Eddie’s stalking form.
“You’re fated, big boy. Destined to be surrounded by a bunch of geeks. One or two hot ones,” he playfully tosses his hair over his shoulder. “But a bunch of geeks nonetheless. So that makes you a geek by proximity.”
“I’ll be the second hot one,” Steve bites back a smile and ducks his chin down a little.
“Put us together and we’d be unstoppable.”
Eddie doesn’t know what he’s saying. He’s been flirting with Steve from day one and can’t stop himself now. Steve sets him up constantly and it’s not Eddie’s fault that he always takes the bait. So sue him if he leans into the game they’re always playing.
“There’s a thought,” Steve murmurs.
Eddie’s ears are immediately red because that is a thought. A thought Eddie has had a lot. A thought Eddie had this morning in fact.
“Us teaming up?” Eddie takes the last couple of steps to Steve’s position, sidling up to his right and brushing their shoulders together.
“Something like that,” Steve nudges Eddie with a secret kind of implication.
He can’t mean the same thing Eddie means, right? No. He’s saying something else.
“We’re already coparenting the gaggle of assholes. Us teaming up seems like an easy transition,” Eddie muses.
Teaming up, getting together, making out, fucking like rabbits. Whatever Steve wanted.
Steve doesn’t respond right away and the silence feels like a weighted pause. He tilts his head toward Eddie and lets his eyes dip. Out of nervous instinct, Eddie licks his lips and he actively sees Steve’s pupils widen.
Steve slowly pulls his bottom lip into his mouth, biting across the soft skin until it pops loose, leaving a perfect gap for Eddie to imagine sliding his tongue in between.
Eddie feels caught, trapped, stuck in place. He’s breathing heavier than necessary since they’re standing in place. No need to be huffing so hard at their stationary stances. It’s not like they’re working up a sweat.
But, oh god, they could.
“It-it really does doesn’t it?” Steve sounds a little breathy and it’s doing something to Eddie’s ego.
This doesn’t feel like play flirting.
This feels like real flirting.
“What do you think, Stevie?” Eddie pointedly drops his eyes to Steve’s mouth before continuing. “Should we…? Get together? Take over the world?”
Steve nods silently, a little wobbly and loose, almost like his head is filled with space.
Then before he can make a sound, Steve is pinning Eddie against his desk. Their lips are smashed against each other in an uncoordinated effort of desperation.
And holy shit, does it feel good to be Eddie Munson.
Vecna could take him now and he’d be happy. Scratch that, Vecna can take him in about 35 minutes cause Steve is fumbling with Eddie’s belt.
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tempted-byhyuka · 30 days
| enhypen when… |
they want you back
inc: requested, hurt/comfort, angst, some fluffy endings, some nonidol!au, situationship (riki), food (heeseung), getting drunk (sunghoon), long distance (jungwon)
ೃ⁀➷ lee heeseung
ੈ♡˳ you didn’t expect heeseung to break up with you so suddenly, especially just a week before what would be your 3rd anniversary. he insisted it was for your sake, that he didn’t know if he could ever make you happy with the way his schedule was working out, that he wanted you to find someone better than him…
ੈ♡˳ he just so happened to dump you right before a tour, so trying to work things out was out of the question. this meant that he had left you to deal with your emotions with nothing but a bowl of ice cream and whatever tv show could get your mind off of the breakup. and to say it worked would be a lie.
ੈ♡˳ you spent months on end in a slump, and it wasn’t exactly like you could just open your phone to get away from reality when every other post you scrolled past had that handsome prick dancing in your feed. it felt like the universe was mocking you. you swore you hadn’t smiled since the day he dumped you…
ੈ♡˳ when that fateful phone call came, you were so glad you didn’t ever block the number. heeseung sounded regretful, asking to meet you in person for a conversation. as he finally saw you for the first time since the breakup, it was clear that he realized what he had done to you, dumping you the way he did.
ੈ♡˳ “listen, i’m sorry… breaking up was a bad idea and i should have talked to you before making such a big decision… i still love you, baby, and i want you in my life.. will you please come back?” he asks, holding out his hand. you reach out your hand to intertwine both of your fingers, your lips curling into a smile as you tearfully nod your head ‘yes’.
ೃ⁀➷ park jongseong
ੈ♡˳ it wasn’t like it was a decision you wanted to make, but jay clearly had other priorities that outweighed you. he tried to talk you out of it at first, but after hearing your feelings and thoughts, it looked like he realized just how much this must have been effecting you, and let you go.
ੈ♡˳ nearly 3 years after you two called it quits, you saw jay’s ever so recognizable face literally everywhere. but you didn’t feel upset, not at all.. it seemed that those years of training and practice finally paid off, and you were happy. maybe that break up was the right decision for him, he got what he wanted.
ੈ♡˳ you were standing in line at a cafe, stepping away from the counter to find a table when you crashed into another person. immediately you begin to apologize at the same time, but you recognize that voice anywhere. behind the cap and mask, you make eye contact with the same eyes you hadn’t seen in 3 years, “jay..?”
ੈ♡˳ of course, you end up at the same table, jay insisted he had time to spare and wanted to talk to you. his face has matured, but that’s the still the same jay who you used to see nearly every single day. after some catching up on both ends, jay clearly has something on his mind that you press him into expressing.
ੈ♡˳ “i have never stopped thinking about you, never… i did this all for you. i was so scared that i would never see you again, y/n… i don’t ever want to not see you again, you know?” he begins to ramble. “jay, are you sure we can…” you begin to ask, but he nods before you finish. “they lifted the ban… please, come back to me…?”
ೃ⁀➷ sim jaeyun
ੈ♡˳ it broke jake’s damn heart to break up with you, but he just couldn’t risk it… he didn’t blame you for your less than amicable reaction to the break up, but he still insisted that this decision wasn’t out of malice. words were said that you both regret, but in the end, jake always deeply regretted letting you walk out.
ੈ♡˳ his world literally became dull, his only light left in his life was of course his precious puppy, but not even performing was making him as happy as it did before. it was noticeable to literally everyone, to the point that his managers were telling him to either shape up or go into hiatus, and at this point, what did he have to lose?
ੈ♡˳ he sat on the edge of his bed, staring at your contact like it would make you materialize out of thin air if he stared hard enough. finally, he gathered his courage and clicked the call button, holding the phone to his ear. to his shock, you picked up after the second ring, “jake…?” and your voice is like honey in his ears.
ੈ♡˳ “oh, y/n… i… i don’t know where to start.” he admits with a nervous laugh and he drags his hand down his face. “let’s start with why you called.” you say in the voice that always walked him through any problem. “i… miss you,” he starts and clears his throat, “i shouldn’t have ever broken it off.”
ੈ♡˳ “you’re right…” you say, jake can hear that damn smile. “can you please come over…? i’d be a shitty boyfriend if i asked you to come back over the phone.” he says, slipping out the word before he even fully realized what he was saying. he hears your giggle, and it feels like the color comes back to his vision, “i’ll be over in ten.”
ೃ⁀➷ park sunghoon
ੈ♡˳ you didn’t know what switch had flipped in sunghoon to make him change so suddenly, but all you knew was that this wasn’t the boy you fell in love with. when you told him you were leaving him, it was like he didn’t care, he just scoffed and waved you off, “fine, leave then, you weren’t ever gonna stay.”
ੈ♡˳ safe to say it was a bit of a messy break up, you are sure he still has some of your clothing that you hadn’t dared to ask for back. whatever had come over sunghoon, it wasn’t worth pestering him over a couple of t-shirts. you weren’t scared, just frustrated, you wanted to know why he had such a drastic change.
ੈ♡˳ seeing him around campus felt like you were walking on eggshells, whichever new girl was trying to persue him constantly gave you stink eyes like they were trying to impress him (which only made you more confused because he certainly didn’t want them), and you started to wonder if there was something more…
ੈ♡˳ that is until sunghoon calls you at 1 in the morning of all hours, waking you from a deep slumber. you picked up the phone out of pure curiosity, hearing obvious faint party chatter, “sunghoon?” you ask, hearing a mumble on the other end and a shaky deep breathe, “y/n.. i’m sorry… i love you, babe…”
ੈ♡˳ “sunghoon, you’re drunk.” you stated the obvious, but he kept talking. “i know, fuck i know.. i’m being a damn idiot, baby please listen… i love you and i never stopped. please babe…” he muttered, slurring his speech. how can you tell if this is sincere…? you sigh and rub your temples, “call me when you’re sober, sunghoon.”
ೃ⁀➷ kim seonwoo
ੈ♡˳ with sunoo, the break up was out of left field, you swore you both were on a great path, you barely fought and not a thing was causing problems in your relationship, or so you thought. sunoo swore it was just so he could keep you out of the trouble that is life in the public eye… but you could see in his eyes it was more.
ੈ♡˳ it was so much worse not having closure, for all you knew, sunoo just decided to dump you and lie about it while holding back his own tears. all of it was enough to make you wonder if someone made him do this.. his company, his management? but even in that case… your love wasn’t grounds to ruin his career.
ੈ♡˳ you supported him from a distance, as painful as it was seeing your now ex constantly on a big screen, knowing that you could help him in some way was enough to bring you comfort. for all that your friends knew, you were just a very loud and proud sunoo bias. to be honest, you were, just not for any old reason.
ੈ♡˳ you almost dropped your phone when you turned a corner only to run into someone, who quickly grabbed your shoulders to steady you. “are you alright ma’am-?” he asks, and as soon as you looked up, you were face to face with sunoo’s equally shocked expression. “y/n…? holy shit.. i-i…” he looks on the verge of tears already.
ੈ♡˳ before you even say a word, you bury your face back into his chest, embracing him regardless of who saw or tried to snap a photo. much to your relief, you feel him hug you back, burying his face in your hair. “oh my god, i.. y/n, i can explain myself, will you let me?” he is frantic, but with a smile, you shush him and nod your head. “yes sunoo, let’s go somewhere quiet.”
ೃ⁀➷ yang jungwon
ੈ♡˳ jungwon is a smart guy, you’ve known that ever since you met him. that being said, you would never want to stand in the way between him and his education. that’s why when he was offered an abroad study opportunity, you swallowed your feelings and told him to go. it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.
ੈ♡˳ the goodbye was full of tears that even his parents couldn’t hide. he swore that he wasn’t ever going to forget about you, he would never replace you, despite how much you wanted him to move on with his life. little did you know how much you meant to him, and how those years of studying didn’t feel so worth it.
ੈ♡˳ for years it was just him, he barely made friends and whenever he called it parents, it was obvious he was not happy. they urged him to message you, even they could see just how happy you made their son if it was to the point he couldn’t focus. jungwon finally caved one evening, sending you a message and breaking that one promise.
ੈ♡˳ ‘i know you told me not to message you, but god y/n i can’t do this anymore, i miss you too damn much. it hurts going every day without you, i don’t want to keep living this way. i know you didn’t want long distance, but i can’t do this without you. please will you consider? i love you.’ he sends, setting his phone down and groaning.
ੈ♡˳ it’s a long and painful silence before he finally heard his phone buzz, snatching it up and reading the response from you. ‘jungwon, i thought you would never ask… i love you too baby, ill wait 2 more years for you.’ and with that text you sent a photo of yourself. with that one message, he felt like everything would be okay…
ೃ⁀➷ nishimura riki
ੈ♡˳ the best way to describe your and riki’s relationship would be something akin to a ‘situationship’. you both did couple activities that normal couples would do, going out on fun dates and sharing a few kisses; but at the same time, he never outright called you his girlfriend, or him your boyfriend.
ੈ♡˳ it wasn’t any surprise to anyone you both knew that the relationship was in a constant state of turmoil, with you both constantly calling it quits only to hit eachother up like nothing happened the next week or so. safe to say it was getting toxic fast, and even if you didn’t know how riki himself felt, you felt terrible.
ੈ♡˳ so you broke it off, telling him that this arrangement was permanent and final, and that little punk had the audacity to laugh and say, “you’ll come back, you always do.” to your teary face as you stormed out of his dorm. but you were determined to stay gone, and for weeks, you were… the longest you had been.
ੈ♡˳ you didn’t entertain a single text or dm, you avoided him like the plague and deleted every photo of him on your phone, but you still felt like complete garbage… riki made you happy even when you felt so disposable to him. in the midst of one of your depressive bed rotting episodes, you heard a knock.
ੈ♡˳ needless to say you didn’t expect mr. nishimura himself standing there with a reasonable sized bouquet of your favorite followers, and for once in his life, he looked sad… “i realized i’ve been treating you like shit lately… i’m sorry, i want to be serious with you y/n.” he says, and he felt an immense joy as you leapt into his arms.
bang bang bang i’m so back baby, requested by anon, i hope you like it! 😚😚 not yet proofread whoops
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