#positive attitude on her back and cheer them up and also getting crushed by a man's negativity or magically be able to stay happy
smiletimeisrunningout · 10 months
I'm rewatching new girl and I had forgotten how much I shipped Jess and Schmidt of all things in s1 and at least first half of s2 (I don't remember when/if I stopped, but he's so HUMAN and genuine when interacting with her, especially when Jess vents over things, and Jess is always extra sweet with him?)
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thekidsralright · 1 year
a love worth fighting for.
pairing: abby anderson x f!reader
synopsis: anderson is the name on everybody's lips when it comes to discussing the newest up-and-coming boxers of the season. with the help of her coach and you by her side, she's going for the world title. but what will she have to sacrifice to get there?
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an: so, it's finally here. this is a big one for me folks - i'd go as far as to say the biggest fic i've ever worked on. ever. i'd love for this to be multi chapter, but that depends on the reception part 1 receives. if you like it, please reblog and let me know your thoughts. i'm proud of this, so be kind with your comments x
warnings: 18+ mdni. violence, swearing, references to smut (despite this chap not having any super explicit content, if i decide to continue this fic there will defo be heavy smut in the next upload - so don't even bother reading the first part if you're not of age).
The MC’s voice reverberates throughout the stadium, drowning out the cacophony of cheers, boos, and overarching buzz from the crowd. You could never predict who they would back until the night, usually finding that boxing fans are easily swayed depending on who gets the first punch in. You were hoping all support would be directed at her tonight, god she needed it. Trying to maintain a positive attitude is hard when your girlfriend's opponent is making his way into the ring, his impressive height and wide, muscular shoulders towering leagues above his teams; arms raised, working the crowd and hyping them up in anticipation for the fight to come. They’re already eating out of his hands, the bastards.
“Ladieeees and Gentlemaaan! Welcome to the main event. In the blue corner, weighing in at 188 pounds, undefeated in 48 fights; he needs no introduction folks - it’s the man, the beast, Zach ‘Thunderstorm’ Norriiiiiis!”
The crowd roars in excitement, slapping their hands together and pumping their fists in the air. Zach is one of the nation's favourites, as any undefeated boxer would be. The nickname ‘Thunderstorm’ came from the sound his opponent’s bodies would make when they hit the canvas, like the crack of lightning. You look ahead with a neutral expression, keeping your eyes focused on the empty archway ahead of you - trying not to zero in on just how big his arms were. How they could crush someone's airways, smash apart their ribs, do irreplaceable damage.
You inherently hated what your girl did as a profession, hated the way she put herself in harm's way time after time after time. But there was also a part of you that admired her for it, for the unbreakable determination that radiated from her - if she got beaten down, she would get right back up and come at you even harder. It’s what kept forcing you to show up. That, and also the tiny factor of being absolutely in love with the woman. But when she got hurt, which seemed to be every other day lately, you really wanted to grab a hold of her fucking head and shake the-
“Aaaaand coming into the red corner, Thunderstorm’s opponent, weighing in at 175 pounds. She hails from Salt Lake City, and is rising through the ranks quickly. With 30 wins, 24 of them coming by way of knockout, give it up for the new kid on the block -  it’s Abbyyyyyy Andersooooon!”
And here she comes, bowling out of that archway with Coach right on her tails; the hood of her red robe covering her plaited hair, matching red gloves already fastened and ready. Even from where you were waiting by the stalls, you could see the all-too-familiar expression that befalls her face before every fight. Eyes so dark they look black, focused, unwavering; brimming with unshed aggression that are preparing for the violence that is about to ensue. 
Frightening. Arousing. Another reason you’re still with her.
Abby ducks under the ropes of the ring, bouncing on her feet as she grounds herself on the canvas before moving over to her corner where Coach is now waiting. As you rush up to them, Coach gives you the look he always does before a fight - the type that screams, ‘you shouldn’t be here, girl.’ He thinks you’re a distraction, an irritating fly he’d rather swat away so he can make sure his prized money maker has the best chance at winning. You weren’t giving in that easily. Coach could go to hell for all you cared; you knew his real motivations when it came to all of this. Abby may regard him like a father, but you saw him for what he really was. A leech.
Coach shouts up into Abby’s ear, her head bent in concentration - “He’s a fucking showman. That, and a bit of muscle. You know you got the upper hand tactically; he has no fucking clue what’s about to hit him. Just stay focused Anderson, and this bout is yours.”
Abby nods resolutely, eyes trained on the canvas as she rolls her shoulders back and cracks her neck. Coach’s hands come up to grip the ropes between them.
“You gotta win this champ, you can win this. Just don’t. get. distracted.”
Both Coach’s and Abby’s eyes turn to you at the same time as you offer up a reassuring smile to your girlfriend, also now clutching at the ropes that separate you.
“You got this babe.”
She nods quickly and gives a tight smile, but you can tell from the tense line of her shoulders that she’s stressing out. Yes she’s fought before, but it was never on this big of a scale. Never against opponents like him. It was what Coach insisted was the next step –
“You wanna face off a load of wimps Anderson? Or do you wanna make it to champion status?... Yeah? Of course you fucking do. Then you gotta get in front of the crowds and beat the shit out of the favourites.” 
Easy for him to say, he’s not the one going up against an undefeated fighter. But you had faith in your girl. That was never going to change. You move closer to the ring as she crouches down into the corner, Coach double checking he has all the supplies that she would need between rounds. You take her face in your hands through the division of the ropes and pull her in for a quick kiss - before she can move away, you hold her there and take her chin in your grip, eyes lingering on hers.
“Win this…like I know you can, and then come home and fuck me like a champion.”
You don’t give her time to respond as you let her face go and back away, moving into the crowd as you cheer her name. That posture of stress has eased slightly, and a smug smile is planted on her face instead. Coach, of course, comes and wipes that smirk away as he puts her mouthguard in, holding her head still as he most likely shouts some type of bull at her once again. But of course, she’s listening to him like it’s gospel. Amped up and ready to fight, Abby raises herself to full height, bouncing on her feet and swinging her arms to the side. The crowd aren’t sure what to make of her, most of them never even hearing her name before. But there is the occasional cheer for “Anderson!” amongst the rally of support for Norris. After all, people do love an underdog.
The announcer calls Abby and Norris into the middle of the ring, a hand on both of their chests as he explains, “Now I want a nice, clean game. Nothing below the belt. Are we clear?”
Both nod, pressing against the MC’s outstretched hands in an act of intimidation towards the other. Abby’s face is like stone, never breaking eye contact and standing strong. Norris on the other hand, his smirk was the show of pure arrogance. She better fuck this dickhead up. Both back away from each other, getting into a southpaw stance as the MC’s voice rings out for the last time. 
“Are we readyyyyy…FIGHT!”
You forget about everything else when that bell rings; the crowd getting louder, Coach’s bellows erupting from her corner, the look on Norris’ face as he circles his prey. The toll of that bell ringing in your ears sounds like a death sentence, also signalling the start of round 1. 
By round 4, the feeling of uneasiness settles in your stomach and your eyes continue to follow her quick-shifting form, matching her movements so that when she ducked or flinched back, so did you. Both fighters have been pretty level with one another so far, both sending out jabs and uppercuts - only for them to be warded off before any real damage could be inflicted. It’s not enough to win though, she needs a clear hit.
Abby goes in for a right hook, ever so slightly clipping Norris’ chin and the crowd ripples in response, hoping for the real fight to begin soon. Norris responds with a clinch to stop her from advancing too quickly, wrapping his arms around and over her. You hated seeing him touch her like that, your own fists clenching at your sides in response.
The bell tolls again signalling the end of the round, both fighters making their way to their respective posts - but not before you see Norris saying something in Abby’s ear. She doesn’t move for a second, eyes unwavering on Norris as he turns his back. For a second you think she might go for him, but she’s worked too hard to let her temper win now. With a shake of her head, she goes over to Coach and plunks down on the ground - tearing off her gloves with her teeth and ripping out her mouthpiece. Her focus is still sharply on Norris across the ring, most likely getting strategy tips and a pep talk in her ear from Coach, reminding her to channel all that anger back into the task at hand. 
You don’t move from your seat in the crowd, wanting to give her the space to fully zone in. She knows you’re here for her and only her, and you provided enough motivation at the beginning of the night to last the duration. You'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy the view at the moment either, and that those feelings of uneasiness were also coupled with an overwhelming tide of arousal.
The way sweat is dripping down her face and neck, trickling down her chest and onto her arms. How she runs her hands over the top of her head, dousing it in water and brushing through the roots with her fingers to cool off. Yeah… you really hoped she did win tonight, not just because she deserves it from how hard she’s been training, but selfishly a part of you really wants to get fucked good tonight. Especially after the show she’s putting on for you right now. And you know for a fact it’s only for you.
Abby’s let you know multiple times how much she loves you watching her fight, seeing her crush opponents to a pulp and looking absolutely glorious doing so. It’s upsetting that tonight, she isn’t doing so well. But this is what she and Coach wanted, to start moving up the leagues and facing off against better fighters - solidifying her name among the real competition. You try to stop the negative thoughts from creeping in, try to stay positive for your girl.
The rounds keep stacking up, neither Abby or Norris winning the upper hand for long. It’s evident that both fighters are getting aggravated by round 9, their punches falling on the side of reckless, their expressions displeased and downright pissed. You shout as loud as you can, “Come on baby, you can do this!” in the hopes that Abby can hear you over everyone else. And she must have done, as her head slightly turns in your direction on instinct, and Norris’ gloved fist takes the opportunity to make contact with the side of her face in response.
The crowd screams with excitement, satisfied with the fact that something is finally happening. But all you see is red as the blood sprays from Abby’s mouth on impact, her body crashing into the ropes that barely keep her form upright. You take a step forward as does Coach, you both now waiting for the bell to ring so you can meet her at the post. 12 seconds.
Come on, just stay out of his way for a bit longer…avoid the fucker for 12 seconds!
Abby’s so stunned from that first punch that as she tries to right herself on the canvas and pick up her stance, Norris is already waiting with another blow to the face - this time an uppercut that sends her head flying back and her legs out from under her.
No no no no, NO!
5 seconds.
You’re screaming for her to get up as the crowd counts how long she’s been down. 
“Stand up! Abby stand the FUCK UP!”
A wave of an arm and a twitch of a leg has you screaming in relief, as Abby slowly gets back on her feet before a KO can be declared, just as the bell signals the end of the round.
Abby all but bolts for her corner, leaning her body and head back against the post - her eyes shut from exhaustion and pain. Coach partially moves out of the way for the cutman, who is trying to clean the blood from her face as best they can - the enswell pressing against the areas where Norris’ punches made impact.
You can see she’s starting to give up, that undeniable fire in her eyes has dulled to a mere glow. You can’t stand it. You try to move your head further into her corner to say “Baby, you can do this, you just gotta-”
Before you can finish, Coach has climbed through the ropes so he’s kneeling directly in front of Abby’s hunched figure, grabbing the back of her head so their foreheads are nearly touching.
“You listen to me Anderson. You’re jumping about this ring like a fuckin’ monkey on steroids. Calm the fuck down, focus in on the technique we’ve been working on for months and stop…getting…distracted.”
At this, both heads turn in your direction. Abby’s expression shows you she isn’t angry about being distracted from your support; she knew you were coming from a good place. Coach on the other hand is looking at you like you went up there and hit her yourself. He never liked when you were around, always insisting that partners were just unwanted emotional baggage that could wait until after the last punch was thrown. But Abby refuses to get in the ring if you aren’t watching from the sidelines.
“Not going out there without my girl, Coach - she’s my lucky charm.”
“Well your lucky charm has been making you late to training. Gotta get your head back to the task at hand. You can play housewives later.”
But tonight isn’t the night to bicker with Coach about things that won’t change. You will both always be here for Abby, and right now she needs you. You hold her gaze, giving a smile and a wink - “Are you seriously giving up this easy? You and me both know you’ve got it in you to bring this piece of shit down. Come on Abs…fucking finish it.”
Coach is clapping her shoulders in agreement, lifting Abby up so she can shake out the stiffness and get ready for the next round. What you hope to be the last round. You take your position back up in the crowd, and get ready to cheer for your, and her, life. The bell rings out. 
Round 10.
She makes every punch count, unleashing herself at Norris like a fucking beast. He doesn't know how to respond to it at first, taken aback at how quickly Abby has switched up her fighting style. The renewed vigour in her movements only enrages Norris even further, the confidence that this fight was his now starting to crack under the weight of Abby’s rage.
He still manages to land some blows, but it’s almost as if she’s stopped feeling them - blinded by the sheer animalistic instinct to push through and keep punching. A flurry of blows to Norris’ face causes him to hunch down and over for relief, but what he doesn't realise is that he’s just given her the perfect head shot from above.
The blow comes fast, and hard. You wince as her gloved fist makes impact with the back of his bent head, forcing his body further beneath her.
Norris goes down, face first into the canvas at Abby’s feet. 
The volume of the crowd increases, if that’s even possible, counting along with the MC to ten to see if Norris has it in him to keep going. You’ve never been more relieved when he doesn't move a muscle.
8…9…10! KNOCKOUT!
You’re screaming, jumping with your arms in the air like a crazy person. She won. Abby won. The MC brings her to the centre of the ring, raising her arm with his to signal her victory. She’s shouting too, showing her black mouthguard mixed with the sight of fresh blood, unable to stand still as she takes a victor’s lap, celebrating her win.
Coach rushes up, gripping her in a bear tackle whilst you look on from the sidelines - still trying to come to terms with what you’ve just witnessed. She won. Against ‘Thunderstorm.’ This is what she’s been working towards for months, hoping for the chance to make her name known among the big leagues. Your girlfriend just put herself on the map, and it wasn’t about to go unnoticed…
It takes a while for you all to make your way out of the stadium, fans constantly asking for autographs and pictures with the underdog-turned-champion of the night. It was nice to see. Finally, Abby was getting the recognition she deserves. Coach was eating that shit up, as expected, spreading the word to anyone that listened that we had a new heavyweight world champion in the making. Abby would get that glint in her eye at every mention of the ultimate title: world champion.
Her head might as well be made of glass, because you can see exactly what’s happening up in that brain of hers as she processes the weight of what’s happened tonight. She can see the prize that has never been in reach now that little bit closer. And she wants it. Bad. You go to remind her to take it one step at a time, but you know it would be received the wrong way.
A number of journalists and presenters were waiting by the entrance of the stadium as you emerged into the cold night. They rush you as soon as they spot Abby. You weren’t expecting so many people to come at you with cameras and microphones, reaching around, past, through you to get to her. A flurry of voices swarm the now enclosed space.
“Anderson, how do you feel after tonight’s knockout performance?”
“Who’s next on your kill list?”
“Are you staking your claim on the heavyweight belt?”
“How will you be celebrating tonight, Abby?”
Overwhelmed, you take a step back so Abby is ahead of you - Coach now placing his arm around her shoulders to also lean into the microphones held up against Abby’s mouth. 
“The next fight is coming sooner than you think. Anderson is ready to take on any of these amateurs and claim the title that is rightfully hers.”
The interviewers all look to Abby expectantly, hoping she seconds the statements made. Of course she does. It’s Abby.
“I’m ready for the next fight. This is what I’ve been training for and I'm not going to slow down now. Put any fighter in front of me and I’ll deal a knockout to whoever wants one.”
You hear this and let out a long breath. This was the flaw that irked you most about Abby. She never knows when to take a break - to step back and appreciate how much she’s already achieved. Once she gets something, it’s on to the next. You just worry that she’s going to burn herself out.
As expected, her comment only invited them to ask more, now wanting to hear the name of the next person she wants to challenge and when that would be. Coach begins to move you all forward again, giving that cheshire smile he’s perfected and a sly “you’ll have to wait and see” - most likely aiming to leave some suspense in the air so more articles are printed tomorrow. 
All three of you go to move through the reporters, making your way to a black SUV waiting just ahead. From where you took a step back, the crowd sees an opening and begins to slot themselves in between you and Abby, hot on her heels with more burning questions. When she turns her head to answer them, that signature smirk on her face is quickly replaced with alarm, then stone cold anger.
One reporter is physically elbowing you out of the way to get a better angle for his picture, the flash blinding you for a second, causing your head to snap the opposite direction. 
You hear her voice ring out over everyone.
“Get your hands off my girlfriend and back away. Now.”
She pushes through until she’s in front of elbow-camera guy, who is currently regretting his choices now Abby is towering over him, his mouth slightly open with a mixture of awe and fear.
“Do you think it’s ok to treat a woman like that? Do you think you can push my woman out of the way and expect me to pose for a photo?”
He’s frozen to the spot, and Abby only raises her eyebrows in response. Taking your hand and pulling you to her side, she turns you both around after muttering “watch yourself” to the wimp you leave behind. 
“Sorry baby” she whispers in your ear, thumb brushing down the side of your arm. Placing a hand on the small of your back, she leads you both through to the SUV and watches you get into the car before joining you. The voices now muffled; you finally release a breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding in since the start of the night. She was fine. She’s safe. Everything’s ok again.
Now you finally have a chance to talk just the two of you - well, you and Abby and Coach - you want to make sure she isn’t serious about jumping straight into another fight. But when she turns to you, her eyes alight with pure happiness that you haven't seen in a long time, you decide to have that talk in the morning.
You have a champion to take home…
The minute you get through the front door of your apartment, you’re leading her to the bathroom to get cleaned up. She’s got that dazed look in her eyes of someone in a dream. Only this dream is real, and you couldn't be happier for her. But God, does she look rough. Hot, always, but rough.
“Did you see how fast he went down when I threw that last punch, bubs? I felt like my chest was going to explode during those 10 seconds, it felt like a lifetime to wait. I need to start thinking about my next move with Coach and strategizing ‘cos I could never use exactly the same technique, these fighters are way smarter than any of those fuckin’ rookies I’ve fought before and-”
“Woah, Abs slow down.” You give a slight chuckle as she realises her rambling, holding her hands up in defeat - allowing you to lightly push at her shoulders so she can sit on the toilet. You grab the first aid bag in the cabinet, packed with the essentials that have come in handy many times through the years. The cutman at every fight has of course offered to clean Abby up, but you always took it upon yourself to take care of her wounds at the end of the night. You both liked it that way. You were gentler, caring.
Getting down on your knees in front of her, you get to work wiping the dried blood from her face, placing cold packs and plasters over her swollen cheek and jaw. She sits there in silence, patiently watching you do it all - her hands trailing over your face, neck, arms.
“ ‘m sorry for not noticing you got left behind…don’t want you to think I forgot about you or anything. I just get carried away with it all, ya know?” she mutters, cutting through the silence - cupping the side of your face with her hand as her fingers begin to brush through your hair. You close your eyes as you revel in the feel of it, nuzzling into her palm to give it a kiss.
“It wasn’t your fault, bubs. Besides, you came to my rescue in the end…like always” - you give another kiss to her open palm, reaching up to take her hand in both of yours so you can kiss her sore knuckles.
“Besides, it was kinda worth getting pushed just so I could see you make that guy absolutely shit himself.” You both burst out laughing, leaning in close to one another as if you were best friends sharing a secret. This was the Abby that only you saw. The one who didn’t have the weight of the world on her shoulders, who could just be and not think about the next move.
You whisper, “I’m so proud of you,” and she almost begins glowing with pleasure from your praise.
Abby pulls you in by your face, hands back to cupping either side, eyes turning mischievous. 
“I nearly forgot…I have one more thing I need to do tonight.”
You grin up at her, “oh yeah? And what’s that?”
She leans in further, her mouth stopping to hover just next to your ear, whispering “I need to fuck you like a champion.”
Her hand comes down to cup you through your jeans, squeezing ever so slightly. You’d be lying if you said you haven’t been waiting for this ever since they declared KO, getting wetter by the minute just thinking about the moment when she fucks you good and proper. 
“Come on baby…time for round 1.”
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Part Two. Jackbox Shenanigans
warnings: swearing word count: 2.6k (not including pictures) behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
Y/n flinched awake, startled by the sounds traveling from the kitchen. Once again, the frosty air pricked her skin, trying to convince her to not move, to stay in bed under the warm blankets. Despite the feeling pulling her into her bed, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Texts from Karl flooded her screen and she replied as she took her comforter off her mattress and wrapped it around herself. She pattered to the source of the noise to find her roommate was making food.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Naomi asked, eyes wide with concern as she looked at Y/n. "I dropped a pan."
Y/n, who was observing the world through one squinted eye, shook her head and she sat at the counter in the kitchen. "No, I should be awake anyway."
"You're usually awake much earlier. Late night?"
Y/n nodded. "George streamed and we all talked for a little after."
"Oh, yeah, I watched his stream this morning..." she started, eyes focused on the food in front of her but Y/n still caught the mischievous glint in her roommate's eyes.
"Of course you did," Y/n laughed through a yawn. "That's your lover."
Naomi rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you gave me his number he would be."
"He doesn't give it to many people. I just barely got it and I've been friends with him for a year. I'm pretty sure Karl doesn't even have it."
Naomi groaned, though Y/n knew it was a joke... for the most part. She got another text from Karl, and consulted Naomi for a second opinion.
"Should I post this?" Y/n asked, lazily holding up her phone with a picture on the screen. Naomi squinted as she looked back over her shoulder. "Karl keeps yelling at me too."
"Yeah! That's a cute outfit. Make sure to credit Karl or he'll yell at you for that as well."
"No chance I'm doing that."
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Incoming FaceTime... karol <3
Y/n hit accept and held the phone up to make a face at Karl. He mimicked the position. "Hello, sir."
"Hello, ma'am."
"What are you doing?" she asked him, walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her comforter dragging on the floor behind her as it continued to protect her from the cold.
Karl got distracted and started messing with something out of the camera view. "Um, trying to figure out what to do for my stream tonight. What about you?"
"I'm waiting for you to give me a fit check!" Y/n yelled. Karl quickly looked at the camera and smiled. He set his phone down on his desk and ran backward so his whole body was in frame. He posed awkwardly a few different ways before running back and resuming his position.
"Yes!" Y/n hyped with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Let's go, Karl! Karl with the old man sweater!!"
He giggled. "You're the one that told me to buy it."
"Because it's sick. Doesn't mean it didn't belong to an old man before you."
Karl pouted before his face lit up. "Guess what. I met a girl."
"Oh?" Y/n cooed. "Where? Do you have pictures? Is she cute?"
"She's Jimmy's new cameraman. Camerawoman. I don't have pictures, and yes. She's very cute." His cheeks turned red and Y/n smiled, flipping off the bathroom light and heading to her closet. She threw her comforter back on the bed and tried to pick out an outfit.
"Come on, bud, elaborate. What's her name? Have you asked her out yet?"
"You don’t get to know her name, I don’t want to jinx anything. Plus, you’ll just look ‘Mr Beast crew’ and find out anyway. Also, no, I haven’t. I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her because I have not said a single word to her. I get so nervous when she's around I freeze up and just like... act weird. And then as soon as she's gone, Chris freaking roasts me so bad."
"Aw, I can teach you how to flirt if you want!"
"Yeah, okay," he scoffed, sarcasm dripping from his words.
"What's with the attitude? I'm great at flirting."
"No, you're not. I watched Gogy's stream last night."
"What does that have anything to do with anything?"
"I heard the way you spoke to Dream."
"You have zero game, Y/n. Absolutely none. Zilch, if you will."
"Yeah, because I wasn't flirting with him?"
"Not successfully, at least."
"Karl, what?" Y/n laughed but she was so confused. "No part of me was trying to flirt with anyone in that stream."
"Oh, come on," Karl groaned. "Don't do this again. Don't pretend to not like a guy and then cry to me when you're wack ass attempts don't win him over."
"Karl," Y/n started, looking directly at him. "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't flirting with him. I do not like him."
"I'm just saying, you talk about him a lot. Like, you always panic when he interacts with your posts because you're scared he's going to DM you right after. And you gush about him a lot."
"I do not gush. I admire the hard work he puts into his videos but I talk the same about him as I do with George and Sapnap. The only difference is I'm friends with them and not Mr. Minecraft. He's intimidating, that doesn't mean I have a crush on him."
Karl stared for a moment, trying to read Y/n's expression to detect any lies. "You'd tell me if you did, right?"
"Karl, I tell you everything. I'd tell you if I murdered your family." They both laughed. "It's impossible to hide anything from you, you're my best friend."
"Okay, sweet, but please don't murder my family, just to be clear."
"I won't. I love your mom too much."
"Well, how was meeting Dream, then? Despite apparently not being in love with him?"
"It was cool. Terrifying because it felt very forced but the four of us hung out on the call after George ended his stream and he was much more relaxed."
"That's true. Aren't we all?"
"Not you! You're the exact same person on and off camera. Just a little ball of giggles."
Karl giggled which made them both laugh more. Suddenly, as if he completely forgot until that moment, Karl sat up quickly and yelled, "What am I going to do for the stream?"
Y/n shrugged. "See if anyone wants to play Jackbox. Chat always loves those and it's relatively easy to throw together last minute. You just need to find people that are free to play."
"Genius. Who should we invite?"
"Yeah. It was your idea, you have to play."
"But, I've never played! And I barely know all your friends so I wouldn't get half the inside jokes. I'd be a boring addition."
"Please? They're your friends too! You just talked to Sapnap and George for four hours yesterday and George was the only one playing anything. That's friendship if I've ever seen it."
"But... others.... like literally everyone besides Sap and George...."
"Things like this are how you get to know them better. Besidessss, you're never boring."
"Fine, I'll play."
"YES!" he shouted. "Okay, who should we invite?"
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Y/n huffed and scooted her chair closer to her desk. She pulled up Discord and hovered over the voice chat everyone was in. An overwhelming number of voices chaotically spoke over each other as soon as she joined.
"Oh no," she mumbled.
"AYYEE!!" a voice yelled, the green bubble lighting around Quackity's name confirming her suspicions.
"Aye," she said back less enthusiastic. "Hi everyone."
"She's here!" George cheered.
Y/n could hear Sapnap huff. "Finally. Geesh."
"This isn't even your stream, calm down." Y/n's eyes scanned the names on the left to read who else was involved in tonight's games. She had suggested a few people to Karl but wasn't sure about the final list. Besides the boys who had already greeted her were BadBoyHalo and Dream.
"Hello, Bugsy! It's nice to meet you! I'm BadBoyHalo."
Y/n smiled widely at his voice. "Hi, BadBoyHalo! Nice to meet you too."
Her eyes slowly traveled to the last name on the list, which had yet to greet her. She wasn't bitter, but she was curious why he hadn't said anything yet. The boys hyped up him talking about her so much but she had yet to feel that energy from him. She picked at the bottom of her hoodie, eyes darting between the names as they lit up when someone spoke.
"Is Dream still AFK?" Sapnap asked.
"I think so," Bad replied.
Maybe that's the only reason he hadn't said anything. Y/n felt stupid for thinking it had anything to do with her.
"He's probably coding something or something like that," George teased.
"Haha nerdy ass man," Quackity cackled.
"Don't you also code shit, George?" Sapnap called out. "You're probably helping him test something after this, huh? As Quackity said, nerdy ass man."
"You know what, Sapnap? I'm not sure I like your attitude all that much."
Y/n smiled. Despite feeling nervous, she was already having fun just listening to everyone talk. The real nerves would kick in when they were live in front of tens of thousands of people and she would have to be funny.
A message popped up in the general chat, notifying everyone that Karl was joining the voice call soon so they shouldn't say anything bad.
"Everyone say something weird," Quackity directed.
Discord dinged and Karl's name joined the list on the side. "AAAHHHH-!" he started yelling over everyone to let them know he was here in case they were saying anything bad. With his luck, they were going to say stuff anyway to mess with him.
"So, yeah, that's how I lost my virginity," Quackity said as if he just finished a story.
"To a prostitute?" Sapnap added quickly. "Wow, I never thought you... oh Karl!"
"Language!" Bad gasped.
"What the..." Karl laughed loudly. "What did I just join?"
"Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry," Quackity apologized, which was hard to make out since he was laughing so hard, surprised at what Sapnap added to his joke.
"Bad, you can't say language about a prostitute," Sapnap defended. "That's really rude of you. Maybe it's a little unconventional but they're just tryna make some money the best way they know how."
George laughed with Quackity as Bad sputtered. "I-I said language about what Quackity said!"
"What, virginity?" Karl asked innocently and Bad yelled again.
"Bad hates people who have had sex!" Y/n called, causing Quackity to laugh loudly.
"Bad! How could you?! That's so messed up!"
"Wait, guys, is everyone here?" Karl asked.
"Dream isn't. We don't know where he went."
Karl groaned and started typing something, presumably yelling at Dream to join.
"Let's goooo! We're popping off!" Quackity started saying, stalling. "We're popping off!" George joined him, becoming absolute fools to keep the chat entertained.
"Okay, he's here!" Karl said. "Everyone's here!"
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry. I was... yeah, sorry," Dream stuttered out.
"Welcome back, Dream!" Bad chirped.
"Hello!" he replied. Unexpectedly, his next greeting was directed at Y/n. "Hi, Bug."
Y/n instantly got shy for no discernable reason. She blamed it on his voice and its ability to manipulate emotions any way he wanted. That and she was getting attention from someone first. "Hi," she squeaked back, hoping the contrast of her icy hands would cool her face enough to focus on the game.
"Bugsy, you are adorable," Bad stated simply.
"Sapnap! What did you just send me?" George asked loudly, and just like that, the attention was off of her and she could breathe again.
"What?" Sapnap feigned innocence.
This was going to be a long game.
"Let's play!" Karl decided. "Should we warm up with some Quippy?"
Y/n focused intensely on her answers, silently hoping the others would find her funny.
"Oh my gosh," she mumbled as everyone else finished writing. "Y'all, I'm about to get Quiplashed so hard. Don't make fun of me."
"I seriously doubt it," Dream said. "You can't possibly be worse than George at this game."
"Shut up, we always-  it's like 3 am my time. I can't, like, think of things 'cause my brain isn't functioning."
"Yeah, that's why," Sapnap teased.
"Surreee," Dream said.
The first round wasn't too bad. Y/n was in 5th place but she got quite a few laughs so she didn't care too much about where she stood. She got a notification from Dream on Twitter as everyone laughed at one of Quackity's answers.
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Y/n looked back at her screen and saw the new prompt and answers. She read them quickly as everyone was laughing and with a few seconds left to choose, voted for the one on the left. It was funnier anyway.
She loosened up substantially after another round, and she knew it was mostly because Dream had reached out to her. Something about him comforted her and made her feel safe, which warmed her heart.
"Bugsy! What the hell, that's so messed up. You're so messed up," Quackity yelled, laughing at the answer on the screen. They were playing Survive the Internet and her comment got taken way out of context, just as the game intended.
"Oh my gosh!" Karl cackled loudly. "Bugsy, I didn't know you felt that way. Oh my gosh? They're just kids?? Bugsy out the gang?"
Y/n hid her face in her hands and laughed. "Noooo!! Wait I never knew- I didn't know I was ever in the gang?"
"She really said, 'infant children? slaughter them all'," Sapnap joked.
"You know, I think you'd get along really well with Technoblade," Dream added. "Though his specialty is orphans, as it appears."
"No, no, no, whoever wrote that heading is SO messed up!" Y/n defended, rereading the heading that made her comment look bad. She knew it was a game but all the attention on her was making her embarrassed. "Who would think to put that?"
"Everyone cancel Busgy!" Karl yelled.
"Karl, no! You're supposed to be my best friend!"
"I don't know how I feel about my best friend killing children..."
"Nooo," Bad protested softly. "I like Bugsy. Don't cancel her."
"Everyone vote!"
The article with Y/n's name turned out to be Dream's. "Dream! What the hell is wrong with you?" she yelled, causing him to wheeze loudly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I wanted point."
The whole night ended up being like that. Y/n had a lot of fun and by the end, she felt a lot more comfortable with all of them. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap were loud and very high energy while George and Bad were quieter. Dream was half and half, sometimes matching Quackity's volume and sometimes going a while without saying a word. Overall, Y/n had a lot of fun and hoped to let back in the gang in the future.
A/N: WOOO PART TWOOO!! Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Also thank you so much for all the love on the first part!! I did not expect it to get as much attention as it did!!!!!
we clearly haven’t got to dream and yn being close yet bc they literally met the day before this but i added a small little dream/yn moment :] pls let me know how you liked this part!!!!!!!!!!!! 
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan
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teklarn · 3 years
𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓷𝓸𝓽 𝓶𝔂 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 - 𝓴. 𝓫𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾 (𝓹𝓽. 2)
 character(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader 
a/n: ok so i just started writing on tumblr and honestly in my opinion for my first time posting smth on this the first part did really well thank u for all the likes :) (told from second pov; e.g you, your) reblogs are greatly appreciated :))
summary: bakugou x gn!reader. they have feelings for one another but have no idea how to express them, however y/n has someone pining for their attention. 
genre: a lil bit angsty 
warnings: cursing, jealousy, mutual pining, slow burn romance, aged-up to third year, love triangle (square?), physical injuries, kirishima gets a little toxic, also shirtless bakugou (awooga), a crap ton of time skips bc i can’t write action scenes for shit, bakugou is a flirt (lowkey but yeah), mentions of blood 
word count: 2112
pt 1 , pt 3
- - - 
kirishima had broken the skin on his lower lip with how hard he was biting it. he stood in the bathroom, rinsing his mouth, ignoring the slight sting the water brought. 
y/n was currently being blasted by bakugou, and they were fighting back. 
jealousy panged in his chest. 
bakugou had never let him know about how he felt about you, however kirishima was sure he felt something for them. you and bakugou were both a jumble of prideful and longing stares towards each other from across every room. the tension was thick enough to slice through. and while kirishima would never make a move in fear of ruining the friendship between him and bakugou, as well as him and y/n, gosh it didn’t stop him from wanting to. 
he’d stood on the side, cheering you on to no end. the sports festival last year, the year before that, training exercises, he was always there. kirishima was always there. 
whenever you needed him, whenever you wanted his company. so what did bakugou have over him? sure, the blond was strong and had bigger goals than kirishima, but why should that matter? 
what did bakugou have? why would you want him more when he was never near you? never made an effort to see you to be there when you asked for help. 
it was popular belief that bakugou was a noisy idiot, but he was actually quite a quiet boy. he didn’t bother to raise his hand in class, however he always knew the answer. he spoke rarely and only made conversation with those he was close with if they were the ones to make the effort to converse with him first. 
jealousy, jealousy, jealousy. kirishima despised it. 
whenever did he begin wanting to beat bakugou at something? 
the cloud of guilt welling up in his chest was going to become unbearable, and soon everything he ever wanted to say was going to come up like word vomit at the worst possible time. 
you swiped at your cheek, brushing off the crumbling dirt. your timing had been off, and their flip backwards had landed you in an awkward position. a vulnerable one. 
honestly, though, it wasn’t like it really mattered. bakugou was a bit transparent himself. he wore a smug look like a golden medal, and held back his power just enough to keep you on your feet. 
his cocky attitude was irritating and it drew you in like a moth drawn to a lamp. 
sweat was beading down your temple. the day was exceptionally hot, the sun beaming down on your back like a proud child. 
you and bakugou had been at it for a while. with anyone else, you would have quit by now. it’s not that you gave up easily. no, not ever. but fights could get boring, especially if you were just smashing away at them with your quirk and they were acting like they could take it. 
perhaps you were being cocky. 
this fight, though. this was interesting. not only because it was bakugou; also because you knew so little about him. 
it was likely he never shared anything important to anyone. he was quite introverted. 
it was interesting for another reason. 
it was hot, bakugou sweats a lot. gosh, he looked delicious without a shirt on. he had a built figure accompanied by strong arms and a broad chest. 
he’d filled out quite nicely the past few years. you hadn’t noticed until now how much he’d grown. 
“don’t get distracted.” 
your eyes snapped up from his chest to his eyes. bakugou became a blur, shooting himself off the ground and flipping once in the air before propelling himself back down. 
before you could do anything, bakugou had you pinned, one leg pinning yours, both his hands wrapped around your wrists. he’d ditched his gauntlets, leaving the metal assistants in the sweltering heat, claiming he wanted to give you an equal fight. 
he panted atop you, hands tightening. 
tokage didn’t bother to leave her dorm today, thank goodness. it had just been the three of you. you, bakugou, and kirishima. 
the red head had suspiciously vanished halfway through the fight, though.
bakugou’s crimson eyes bored into yours. neither of you blinked for a moment. perhaps just a small eternity each of you silently reveled in. 
his erratic breaths slowed, and so did yours, although you stayed the same. unmoving, faces neutral but eyes giving away long-held secrets. 
your ears flushed, and butterflies came rising up uncontrollably. you should have pushed him off. instead you gave him a wicked grin, which earned a look from him and you couldn’t tell if he was confused or annoyed. 
“your big ass forehead is blocking the bright-as-hell sun. stay like this,” you mocked, wrenching your wrists from his grasp and snaking your arms around his neck. 
his cheeks burned red. “w-what?” 
“you heard me.” 
he scoffed, tugging you off his neck and standing. “shut up, shitface. we aren’t even done yet.” he readied himself in a fighting stance once more. 
“i thought you said you wanted to stop when you won?” you brushed yourself off as you stood. 
“i know what i said. you probably weren’t even giving it your all.” 
“’course i was.” you cocked your head. “why wouldn’t i?” 
“you’re strong, damn idiot.” 
you feigned surprise, pressed a hand to your fluttering chest. “the bakugou, dynamight himself, complimenting a humble soul like me? oh, i really must be good, then.” 
“not as good as me.” his face dropped from a smile. bakugou never got enough training no matter how early or late he stayed up, or how many hours on the weekends were spent kicking a bag or sparring with friends. hard workers did all of the work there was a still wondered if they were doing enough. the number one spot wasn’t empty, but it was still reserved for dynamight. 
y/n had collapsed on their bed. kirishima was itching to tell them how he felt, however he was stuck at the doorway. 
they weren’t even dressed for bed, nor were they showered. 
he settled with leaving his friend alone, and shut the door softly to find bakugou standing right behind him. 
kirishima jumped back, closing his eyes in relief. “bakugou. what the heck man?” 
“you’re creepy as shit.” 
“i- what? you were the one staring at me while i-” 
“while you peeped in on y/n?” 
“i wasn’t peeping. i walked them back after the fight and they just collapsed. you were off doing something else and you worked them too hard.” 
it wasn’t a shock that bakugou was still riled up from the duel. this boy had the energy of a mad man. 
when bakugou didn’t say anything, kirishima said once again, “you overworked them.” 
bakugou swat away the comment. “only because they’re not working hard enough.” 
kirishima raised an eyebrow. “they work hard. they’re perfectly fine.” 
“they’re amazing.”
“i know that, shitty hair. you think i’m blind?” 
“everyone can make improvements at their own pace.” kirishima’s voice dropped. 
“you train with me.” 
“it’s an hour before curfew.” 
bakugou jut a thumb in the direction of the door. “so? maybe you need some more practice, too,” he joked. 
“you’re an ass, bakugou,” kirishima released a breathy chuckle. 
the two wandered off to one of the training grounds. it was open, a wide court where they’d both kicked someone else’s ass. 
the sun was just setting, a new cool breeze coming to fill the spot of the violent sun rays. 
it was routine to fight each other out of nowhere. kirishima was usually quite playful, spewing jokes once in a while and taunting his friend. 
this fight was different. his face was stone-cold. kirishima often took the defensive role, as his quirk didn’t allow him to project any direct attacks to bakugou.
it wasn’t like kirishima was angry at bakugou, but as soon as they started charging towards one another, he couldn’t hold back. his chest tightened, arms hardening and joints becoming strong and stiff. 
with one clean sweep of his arm, bakugou was backing away from kirishima, propelling himself to the edge of the arena with a small blast. he’d always been up for a challenge. kirishima was willing to give him one. 
his sudden competitive demeanor seemed to be egging on bakugou’s. the blond tongued the inside of his cheek, grunting as he shot forth, hair flying wildly. 
swiftly, kirishima dodged, just barely missing a blast. his torso wasn’t hardened, so if he’d dodged any later, his stomach would have been scorched. 
bakugou always took their fights seriously. he knew better than to underestimate the boy who had put together his very own rescue mission. 
kirishima’s opponent stumbled from the momentum. he took his chance and brought a hardened elbow down on bakugou’s back, hearing a satisfying crack. 
bakugou was crushed to the ground with the hit. his face smashed into the sandy ground. he coughed, turning over and spitting dirt to the side. 
it took a moment for him to register what he did, but kirishima was at bakugou’s side within seconds. the sun was nearly gone, a pale blue sky flickering with the first sights of stars. 
it was hard to make it out at first, but not impossible. kirishima saw the blood dripping and smeared just above bakugou’s lip. he groaned, cupping his face in both hands as he sat upright. 
“argh” bakugou gasped. “shit, kirishima. what the hell?” 
“i...i’m sorry dude, i didn’t mean to.” i wanted to, but i didn’t mean to. 
bakugou raised an eyebrow and let a smile seep through his pain. “you’re improving, though.” 
“are you alright?” kirishima traced the small cut on his lip from earlier with the tip of his tongue. 
“i’m fine, i’m fine.” bakugou swatted his hand away. he struggled to get up, refusing kirishima’s help. 
“we should head back before this gets any worse.” 
bakugou kept his large hands hovering under his chin to catch the dripping and occasional chunks of blood.  
although he wanted the duel to continue (it was finally interesting) bakugou wasn’t stubborn enough to keep going. so he nodded, once again denying kirishima’s efforts to help him out. 
you were in the common area, fiddling with a rubik’s cube. it was just you, as everyone else was spending the night among each other. ashido had invited you to her dorm a while ago, but you’d denied, wanting to spend a few more giddy moments to yourself. 
the door rattled, and in came your two friends, one with furrowed brows and the other with blood drenching the front of his shirt. 
bakugou’s head was tilted up in an attempt to stop the blood from flowing down. his adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed the blood trailing down the back of his throat. 
“oh my gosh,” you gasped out, racing to the bathroom. you came back with sanitary wipes in one hand and tissue in the other. “what happened?” 
“we were training,” kirishima started, taking a few tissues from the box and handing them to his friend, “and i accidentally hit him too hard.” 
“you didn’t hit me that hard. you barely did any damage!” bakugou objected. you approached him, and through his fingers, bakugou peered down at you. 
you asked him with your eyes, and he gave you silent permission to pry his arms away from his face. “are you okay?” 
“i’m just dandy,” he scoffed. 
“dude, i’m really sorry—” 
“shut the hell up kirishima. i don’t want your pity. i swear this is the only time i’ll surrender to you, you asswipe.”
you didn’t laugh, not even a chuckle. “bakugou, you need to see recovery girl.” 
“what the hell? no way. all she’s gonna do is give me one of those shitty slobbery kisses and scold me for being careless.” 
“your nose is broken,” you said gently. 
“so? can’t you fix it?” 
you raised a questioning brow. “you want me to help you?” 
“can you or can you not?” 
“i can try to set it but you’re better off going to recovery girl instead of settling with―” 
“all i need is possible. i don’t want to deal with that old lady’s shit right now.” using the tissues kirishima had stuffed into his hand, he caught the remaining blood dripping down his nose. “let’s go.” 
you were more than unsure. he would end up with a crooked nose if you made any small mistake, but he didn’t think twice as he grabbed your shoulder and led you in the direction of your dorm. 
kirishima wished he hadn’t broken bakugou’s nose. not because he felt bad, though. 
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Hi Cookie! Congrats on 700!! Can I maybe ask for Class 1A (10 people od your choice) and the way they cheer up a crush/friend/partner when they're having a bad day? Thank you many times! ♡ *leaves a complimentary forehead smooch*
*Sits happily on her bed after the forehead smooch* Of course you can my dear ❤ enjoy!
Eijirou Kirishima
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Eijirou's main way of trying to cheer you up is basically hyping you up. He'll tell you how amazing he thinks you are, how amazing your skills are (even if you don't think so yourself) and just how much he's happy that you're friends (or more).
He'll also suggest doing things he knows you enjoy. He'll ask about that show you're so passionate about, or about that book you've been reading. He'll suggest going to your favourite restaurant, or another place you like to hang out at. Anything he knows you enjoy, in hopes of cheering you up.
If it's something he can help with or something he can change, he definitely will, however he does know his limitations. He's not the brightest bulb around, and no matter his good intentions, he knows there are things he just can't help you with. He tries his very best though.
He'll also check up on you regularly throughout the day, not by asking ‘hey, are you ok?’ but simply by popping in every now and again, making a little conversation or sending you a little message, just to let you know he cares.
Katsuki Bakugou
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Katsuki is more silent on your bad days. He tones his yelling down the moment he notices (which is pretty fast, this man is more perceptive than most people think), and only yells to tell other people to pipe it down. If people ask him why, he'll make up some stupid excuse like him having a headache.
He'll take you somewhere calm and comfortable and talk to you about it. Katsuki gives pretty damn good advice, and his voice is pretty calming once he stops yelling. His main concern is making sure that you know it´s just a bad day, that better days will come, and that you can count on him should you need him.
He´ll do tiny things throughout your day to help you out. You´ve brought a heavy bag? He'll carry it. Dropped your pen? He's picking it up. Feeling a little peckish? He'll drop a snack with you. Anyone bothering you? Not for long. He's got your back.
If you need any help at all, just ask him and Katsuki will make it happen. He won't even complain about it. As long as it helps you feel better, he'll do it.
Fumikage Tokoyami
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Fumikage is a silent but very perceptive person. He will notice you are down, but he will wait for you to come to him to speak about it. After all, sometimes people need to be not be happy, to let other emotions out. He's afraid that by talking to you about it, he'll force you to pretend everything is fine, and that's the last thing he wants.
He will pay a little extra attention to the tiny things he can do, things he'd usually do too. Get you a drink when he's getting one. Put on a movie or music that you like. Put a hand on your shoulder or waist, or take hold of your hand, depending on what kind of relationship you have. Anything to subtly let you know that you're safe with him, and that he's there for you.
Fumikage has wisdom beyond his years and though his advice comes out very poetic with lots of metaphors, it's really good advice. He has the ability to stay calm and not stress out, no matter what you tell him or what you ask him advice on.
Though it mostly ends with him encouraging you doing things you enjoy and going to bed on time.
Momo, Izuku, Denki, Shoto, Mina, Kyoko and Tsuyu under the cut! 
Momo Yaoyorozu
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Momo has amazing problem-solving skills and if there's a problem that can be solved that's causing you to have a bad day, she's the best person to go to. She'll come up with the perfect solution which will give you at least some peace of mind.
If there's no solution to your bad day, she's still a great person to go to for comfort. Momo can will stay calm and remind you of the positive things without invalidating your own feelings.
If it's cold, she will 100% make you the softest fleece blanket on the spot to wrap you in, in your favourite colour. The she'll get you hot cocoa with marshmallows, or any other hot drink you enjoy having. If it's hot, she's getting you your favourite frozen treat.
Her behaviour throughout the day will not change too much unless you ask her to, but she will be showing through the little things that she's there for you and that if you need anything at all, you need but ask.
Izuku Midoriya
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Bad days are familiar to Izuku, however, everyone deals with them differently so he's a little nervous to ask you about it. Should he even ask you about it? What if you don't want to be asked about it? What if asking about and maybe talking about it only makes it worse?
A few panicked thoughts later, Izuku will ask you if there's anything he can do to help you feel better. Whatever you say he can do, if it's within his power, he'll do so immediately.
He's a great distraction in case you need one. With all of his trivia knowledge about heroes, he can talk with you about your favourite heroes and maybe even tell you things you didn't know about them yet.
Izuku gives the absolute best hugs. He's also not afraid to hold your hand if that's what makes you feel better, even in public. Opinions of others be damned, all that matters is that you're as comfortable as you can be on this shitty day.
Izuku always has some snacks with him in case he gets held up somewhere (if there's one thing school taught him, it's that you should always expect the unexpected) and he'll offer them to you on impulse on bad days.
Denki Kaminari
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Denki will try to make you laugh no matter what. It doesn't matter if it has to be at his own expense, as long as he can crack even a little smile and distract you from whatever is weighing your day down, he'll be happy.
Expect a lot of clownery and stupid jokes. Maybe even an imitation of how he gets when he's used too much electricity. Maybe he'll even use the electricity to actually be like that for a while, though he'd prefer not to because he knows he can be a bit of a burden when he gets like that.
Also lots of hugs if you're comfortable with that! He'll also surprise you by tickling your sides or your neck to make you laugh. He will be visibly disappointed if you're not ticklish.
Denki will try to make the best of your day still, by suggesting things like going to the movies, having a movie night in at home, or doing pretty much anything else he knows you like. It doesn't even matter if he doesn't like it himself, as long as your day looks a little brighter.
Shoto Todoroki
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Shoto is, quite honestly, at a loss when you're having a bad day. He's had them too, they suck, but aside from distracting you and maybe pulling your thoughts away from whatever is making it bad, he has no idea what to do. No idea of what he should do.
So he tries to do the only thing he can think of: distracting you. He'll become a lot more talkative, talking about pretty much anything you can think of, and urging you to join him. If possible, he'll take you outside to go do something. Maybe even play a boardgame or a videogame. Anything he can think of is fair game.
He won't ask you what's wrong, because he's not quite sure what kind of reaction he should give you. If you talk to him about it anyway though, he'll listen to your every word. If there's something he can do, he will do so in a heartbeat. If not, he'll give you a hug, hoping that the proximity will convey the things that his words cannot.
Mina Ashido
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Mina's always a positive person, and when you're having a bad day, this doesn't change a single bit. She will keep smiling, knowing her smile and her positivity are contagious, hoping that they will remind you that things can always get worse, and that better times are always coming.
She will tone it down a little if you want to talk about it, but her positive attitude will remain. No matter why you're having a bad day, she'll try to help you see the positive in the situation and reminds you that everything happens for a reason, and that for anything bad that happens to you, something equally good will happen too.
Mina's a very cuddly person and will cling to you all day if you let her, hugging you, sitting next to you, sitting on your lap, having you sit in her lap,… anything to keep you close and to give you some affection, hoping that you realize that you're not alone, that you've got an ally in her and that you can always count on her, even on the bad days.
Kyoka Jirou
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Kyoka asks if you're alright the moment she notices you're down. If you don't want to talk about it, she'll leave it at that, though she will keep an eye on you throughout the day. If you do want to talk about it, she'll be all ears.
Kyoka is not the best at giving advice, often doubting her own words, so she'll just listen, tell you your feelings are valid, and that it'll get better at some point for sure. She'll say with reassuring hand on your shoulder and a soft smile.
Something that always helps her on a bad day is music, and she will encourage you to try the same. Listen to music you like, and music you feel like listening to at that point. You want to listen to sad music and cry for an hour straight? Good, then those emotions needed to come out. You want to listen to something happy and up-beat to distract you from what you're feeling? Also good. Whatever you need, Kyoka will encourage. She'll also recommend you songs based on what you listen to, giving you some songs that fit what you're going through right now, hoping they'll cheer you up at least a little.
Tsuyu Asui
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Tsuyu cares deeply about all of her friends and when she sees once having a bad day, she wants to do everything she can to help them feel better, even if that's not always possible. It frustrates her to feel that way, but she'll quickly push those frustrations away to focus on you instead, to do whatever she can for you.
She won't start doing anything on her own. Every person has their own way of wanting to be treated on a bad day, and even every bad day needs a different treatment, so she believes. So she'll ask you if you're alright, and if there's anything at all she can do to help you. If she can, there are no limits to what she will do. Nothing is too much effort when it comes to the people she cares about.
She will be watching you like a hawk all day, trying to find little things she can do or say to cheer you up, or trying to keep certain people away from you if needed.
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elia-de-silentio · 3 years
A traumatized little girl inside your head
Am I the only one who thought about this when reading chapter 51?
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Both Jeanne and Dominique have this moment in which they are at their lowest, and they are depicted inside of their own mind as little girls. They aren't the only characters who underwent trauma, but insofar, they are the only ones who get this treatment.
Probably, the main similarity is that the traumatic events they underwent as kids formed the backbone of their worldview as adults.
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Jeanne was told that she was responsible for the death of her parents and had to become just an object when she was very young. That was the defining event of her childhood, that erased most of the confidence and cheerfulness she showed before. Her mindset became stuck at that moment: as a young girl, she started telling herself that she was just a tool, not entitled to opinions and desires of her own, and she stayed like that up to her adult years.
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Dominique was held to expectations from her family since day one, which we don't know what they are but know that they didn't suit her; instead of accepting this, her family kept demeaning her. She was literally expected to have no identity outside what others wanted from her; while giving her the revelation that Louis was Dominique's twin and was discarded because of that, Veronica asked her if she thought that he could have lived to these expectations better. The individuality of neither child mattered to the De Sade family: only if they could do what the parents wanted from them (I'd argue that it is the same for the Veronica/Antoine duo, but since they could do whatever it took to satisfy the vague expectations, they weren't abused the same way the twins were).
In the face of her inability to 'fulfill expectations', plus having to see Noè grieving for Louis, she tried to swap her identity for that of her brother. She never really faced her grief, and the fact she has a right to it; in that regard, she never moved on from the little girl who witnessed her brother's death, wearing the frilly dresses that are associated to Dominique's former shy identity and reappear whenever she is close to her family.
These two characters have been depicted as isolated little girls in their own mental states; what is interesting is that we saw Jeanne get out of it, and how.
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During Gevaudan arc, Vanitas helped her. He got straight to the core of her issues, and told exactly what she needed to hear: that she had every right to her emotions and desires, and he would have listened to her and supported her, no matter how ugly she felt her emotions were. In  that scene, we literally saw her shift from the isolated little girl to the young woman with Vanitas.
Noè did try something similar when they were both children: he tried to make Dominique understand that he liked her as she was, and if it partially worked (she grew back her hair), it didn't solve the deeper issues. Dominique kept the masculine clothing and the Louis-like attitude, and she also kept her crushing sense of guilt and feelings of inadeguacy.
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So, I wonder what could bring Dominique out of her trance. Will Noè talk her through like Vanitas did with Jeanne, this time succeeding? Unlikely, last time we've seen him he was getting stabbed in the chest, not a good position to help someone from. Then, will she rescue herself?
After all, she seemed to start to react to what was going on in fron of her, on the top of that wheel. She loves Noè, she hates the thought of him suffering, she is protective towards him. If he was at the serious risk of death, she would do her damnest to save him.
It could also make sense in contrast to Jeanne. The Hellfire Witch needed no reassurance on her strenght, she already knew there were very few who could match her in that sense. Her problem was that she didn't feel she was entitled to her own emotions and desires, and Vanitas gave her what she needed, a supportive person. Dominique's problems stem in good part from feeling below her siblings: the politically astute Antoine and the terrifingly powerful in combat Veronica. They have been rubbing her inability to measure up and her powerlessness in her face for all of her life; this is part of the reason, alongside the desire to protect Noè and her own grief, for her trying to assume Louis's identity.
So, her 'evolving' out of the scared little girl mindset could be entirely on herself. Noé's suffering might be the catalyst, but it would be entirely on herself to recognize her own value and capability, and thus, defeat her uncertainties regarding her own identity.
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my ramblings!
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mystic-sky · 4 years
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A/N: In honor of reaching 400 followers, I decided to make this into a short series. I don’t know how many parts it’ll be. Thank you guys for reading my stuff and showing me love 🥺💕 you’re all so sweet 😭😭😭😭😭 I would also like to thank @teoran for the precious idea that allowed this story to come to be ❤️❤️
✨Part 2 here✨ | ✨Part 3/4 on ao3 only✨
“So, you’ve never actually been here before?” Suguru let out an annoyed sigh as his best friend draped his arm over his shoulders.
“No, but I heard this is one of the nicer ones.” Satoru says. “Besides, none of them are hard to look at.”
“I would’ve been content going out to dinner with everyone else-
“Lighten up! You do that all the time. You’re single so why not spoil yourself a little?” The white haired male insisted.
“Stuff like this feels degrading, and some of them are topless.” Suguru really hasn’t been to a strip club before. He wasn’t a prude, but surely his respect for women had him steer clear of places like this.
“Yeah— strippers do that sometimes.” Satoru laughed, taking hold of his drink. 
“And it’s not degrading- they’re hard working women. Stop talking like an old man and enjoy the show.” He added, respectfully. Suguru took a sip of his drink, watching a new dancer approach the platform. A sweet, caramel skinned girl had taken the stage, swaying around the pole in front of them.
“This is Tasty.” Someone over the loud speaker introduced her. “We recommend Tasty for new comers. She’s a bubbly, friendly dancer who feels like the girl next door. Tasty is currently ranked 3rd in our private dancer line up for this week.
“Look at her,” Satoru said, pulling his lip between his teeth. “That’s Tasty. I heard so many good things about her. She’s so much more petite and cuter in person.” 
Suguru only nonchalantly took another drink, but he was definitely looking. The tan skinned girl wrapped her body around the pole, delicately twisting herself right in front of the both of them. After shaking her ass for a bit, she moved down the stage, dancing for other customers. 
“I’ve got so much cash on me, Suguru-chan~! We’re gonna have so much fun.” He nudges his barely flustered friend.
“And try not to look so serious, before you scare the ladies away.” He rolled his eyes underneath his dark sunglasses.
“You think I’m scary looking?” Suguru raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah but in a sexy way.” Satoru leant forward, almost touching noses with the dark haired male. He really had no regards for personal space. 
“Wait til the girls find out you’re a huge softy underneath.” Satoru laughed. 
The tan stripper on the stage descended down the steps, wrapping up her routine and passing the two of them. Satoru pulled his shades down, winking at the girl, and handing her a generous tip. He watched her swoon a bit before running off, bra full of singles. 
“Candy, you’re on next.” Tasty called out to you as she entered the locker rooms. You were intently positioning your false lashes on in the mirror. You heard all the girls bustling on about some attractive men who were tipping nicely tonight as you got ready.
You hum in response, bending down and adjusting your straps on your shoes. 
“He winked at me, he winked at me!!!!” Tasty said, fawning with the other girls who were peaking out the doorway.
“Girl, you have to see this. They’re the hottest guys I’ve ever seen.” Tasty cooed at you. 
“They’re so tall. I got so shy and ran off. I’m sure the one with the sunglasses was flirting with me. I’m gonna go give him a dance, I just needed time to collect myself.” The tanned skinned girl held her cheeks in her hand as she spoke.
“Tasty’s got a crush hmmm?” You say smugly before standing up straight. You look at the hundred dollar bill sticking out of her bra amongst the many singles. You raise an eyebrow at her before you take both of your breasts in your hands, doing a jiggle test to see if they’d pop out your body suit. 
“You’ll have a crush too as soon as you see them.” Tasty rolls her eyes. You’re barely intrigued. You’d been infatuated with the same man since high school, and no one could compare to him.
Granted, the both of you weren’t actually dating, nor do you believe he had any idea about your affections or actually reciprocated them. He would occasionally flirt with you, but do not be mistaken— he was a complete asshole. You often rejected his advances, telling him to fix his off putting attitude. This led him to tease and mess with you more, but he still loves to do his best to get you flustered all the while. You couldn’t date someone who lacked so much compassion. But even so, every time you saw him, your knees went weak.
You were partially rejecting him because you were also a busy woman, and you barely had time to fraternize with him the way you wanted to during your day job. When you both were younger and went to school at the academy, he actively made you feel like you were losing to him because he was such a prodigy. Being on his team really sucked because even though you were producing proficient results, standing beside him only made you look just above average.
“Let’s see what this is all about.” You say, strutting towards the huddle your co workers created in the hall. You worm your way through, getting a glimpse of the two men that had everyone’s hormones in a frenzy.
“Oh no.” 
You watched as the white haired narcissist threw his head back in laughter, conversing flirtatiously amongst the other waitresses and dancers that crowded around him.
Fucking Gojo Satoru.
“Oh no, no, no.” 
Impossible. You were upset that you’d know that laugh of his anywhere. Not to mention his hair made him stick out like a sore thumb.
The only person who knew of your double life was Shoko. And Shoko wouldn’t tell a soul. 
Beside Satoru was a seemingly mellow Geto Suguru, grinning softly towards all of the women around them.
You sought death. That was the only way out of this situation- on a stretcher, covering your face and body and keeping your anonymity.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You say, squatting all the way down to the floor and crawling back into the locker room, praying not to be seen.
“Candy, girl, are you okay?” Your stage manager peered down at you as you slumped behind the love seat in the corner.
“Those guys out there— the two of them work at my day job.” You mutter, burying your face into your knees.
“You know them?!” Tasty interjects. 
“Unfortunately,” you nodded. “And the white haired one likes to mess with me a lot.”
“You wanna go home early?” Your manager asks. You had bills to pay, and but quite honestly, one day wouldn’t hurt. 
But for some reason you couldn’t help but feel like you’d be allowing him to win somehow by doing that. It was silly- he had no idea of your existence here so this was hardly considered a competition. But this was your space, and you refused to be forced to cower within it.
You stand up, scanning the room for something unique to wear. 
“I’m not letting that bastard ruin my bag. I’m getting my money tonight.” You sway towards the vanity, discovering a silk blindfold with eye sockets. You wrap the cloth around your eyes, adjusting it so you can see properly.
“Are you sure?”
“Yup.” You say confidently, fluffing your hair in the mirror. Besides, it’s only one night, you thought.
You walk out of the prep room, walking towards the steps of the stage. You walked right past the two of them, feeling so many eyes on you as you slowly ascended the stairs.
Both their heads shifted towards you, the sound of pre-cheers and compliments from regular customers ringing with your every step. 
“This is Candy.” The host spoke into the loudspeaker. “All the boys want a piece of her. She’s the sweetest dancer here, and she’ll make you forget all your troubles with her playful smile. This week, Candy currently ranks number one in our private dancer line up.”
You were above the two gentleman who were posted up in the front of the stage. Just how did these fuckers find this place? You looked down at the two of them, like a queen looking towards her subjects. You started your routine, smiling your signature smile just like you always did. You wrapped your hands around the pole, swinging your body. The cheers and music rang through your ears. Dollars were being thrown at you, but you were so distracted by two of them.
The both of them had been eyeing you just like everyone else, but you couldn’t help but feel self conscious anyways. You swayed your hips, swooping down elegantly to pick up some of the money while you danced, offering winks to some gentlemen in the crowd. Your eyes caught on Satoru, whose sunglasses were tilted slightly downwards. Your eyes nearly met, and you swiftly shifted your gaze towards Suguru. He really dragged you here, you thought. Poor Guru-san.
You watched as Satoru threw a generous wad of singles towards you. You refused to pick it up. 
It was a 10 minute set before you would go around and flirt with other customers. You eventually collected your earnings before you gracefully walked down the steps, flipping your hair.
“Candy~” The bastard called out towards you.
You didn’t want to turn around, but you did anyway, breasts bouncing full of bounty. 
“That’s for you,” he cheekily handed you a folded wad of cash. You felt the thickness of the money between your fingers. You almost wanted to give it back to him and walk away. Unfortunately, it was custom to lurk around customers who tipped that generously. Your eyes shifted towards Suguru, who had been subtly ogling your breasts.
“Thank you.” You smile plasticly, which you don’t normally do. You were typically and genuinely nice to customers. Most of them abided by the no touch rules and were decent.
“What brings you both here?” You say, leaning on the banister, breasts in full view.
“It’s my buddies birthday.” He grinned. “I wanted him to get a private dance with this weeks number one dancer, or Tasty, if she’s not too busy.”
Your eyes panned over to Suguru, who honestly didn’t look like he wanted a dance from you. You knew better though, not all customers were forward like that, so you didn’t take it personally whatsoever. You even contemplated going to get Tasty to take your place, but something in you made you want to dance near Satoru. Knowing you could rub your hot body in his face and he couldn’t touch you turned you on just a bit. You had no idea where this power complex of yours was stemming from. 
“Sure,” he had already paid you more than what the dance costed. “So do you wanna stay out here or go for a private one? I’m fine with whatever, baby.” 
You could’ve cringed at yourself, calling your childhood friend baby. You tucked the wad of cash into your body suit. There was enough money here to pay for either kind of dance, possibly two of them. 
“I’m good actually.” Suguru says, taking a seat on the sofa. Your eye twitches a bit, and you looks towards Satoru. 
“Sugu-chan’s just shy. He couldn’t stop talking about how good you looked.” The white haired male waved his hand. It must’ve been true, because the blush on Suguru’s face was something you could’ve burst out laughing at. Keep it together (Name), you thought.
He was so reserved and gentlemanly at work. You never would’ve guessed he could look this worked up about getting a dance from a beautiful woman. You sit beside him, crossing your legs. 
“If what he said is true, thank you. I’ve done my best to perfect that routine.” You said proudly, shifting your body towards him. “Do you really not want a dance?” You ask again, completely ignoring Satoru, who had been going on about something. 
Suguru shifted in his seat, and he was obviously trying not to look at your breasts when you squeezed them together with you arms like that. 
“I guess I wouldn’t mind one.” He breathed out. You smiled at him before standing up and spreading his legs a bit. You danced in between them, while he laid back and admired you. Satoru sat on the other end of the couch while another dancer attempted to make a pass at him. He accepted her offering, tipping her nicely as well. While she danced for him, you could feel his eyes burning a hole through your back.
You whipped your ass a round, graciously showing Suguru what you had going on. You were feeling mortified on the inside considering he was your childhood friend. However, he was undoubtedly good looking. A little part of you found some sort of sweet satisfaction showing yourself to him like this. He didn’t seem to know it was you, casually sipping while he watched you do your thing.
Your eyes met Satoru’s, who had been peering at you through the body of your fellow dancer. He could feel himself getting aroused at your womanly form, shifting in his seat. He found it hard to focus on the lap dance he was getting from the lovely woman in front of him. 
So this is what she’s really like, he thought to himself.
He had been staring for so long your were getting spooked. Did he realize it was you?
For God sake’s, please no.
He offered you a wink and smirked devilishly before going right back to giving his attention towards his current dancer. Your blindfold was your safety shield, and if he stripped that away from you, you would quit your day job and the go find work in a different club. 
After some time, you and your partner finished, receiving generous tips yet again. 
“Thank you Candy~” Satoru hummed, thanking you on Suguru’s behalf. You waved goodbye, before going towards a new set of customers. He never did stop staring at you that night. Not until you completely removed yourself from the floor. Once your shift was nearly over, and you needed a breather, you seeked refuge back in the prep room.
“I’m glad that’s over,” you sighed, sinking your body into one of many beauty chairs. You decided you had made enough money for the night, removing your blindfold and setting it down on the vanity. Tasty trailed in moments after, swooning excitedly.
“What’s up with you?” You ask, removing your earrings as well.
“I got the dark haired ones number.” Tasty squealed. You were happy for her, considering Suguru was always a decent guy growing up. 
“He’s not bad,” you throw your head back, throwing your hair out of your face.
“It’s the other one I’m particularly wary of.” You say, attempting to tie your hair into a ponytail. 
“Oh yeah! The white haired one told me to give this to you.” Tasty tore another piece of paper from her bralette. 
You stared at the folded strip between her fingertips before anxiously grasping it with your own. You unfolded the thing, eye twitching in agitation.
Call me, if you want ;) XXX-XXX-XXXX
This motherfucker.
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kenmasangel · 3 years
getting back together after years
synopsis : the get back, part 1 “why am i even with you”
characters : sakusa, tsukishima
genre : fluff
warning : cursing, mention of alcohol
an : sorry for any gramma or spelling mistakes, everytime i’d right it was nighttime and i’d be really tired so i wasn’t able to focus 100%. please notice me of any mistakes masterlist
Sakusa Kiyoomi
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years have passed since your break up with sakusa, it was a sad but necessary break up for you to move on and finally glow up
you also realized that the only person you truly ever needed was yourself and you worked hard to be the person you are today
“at the end of the day, men are trash,” you would try to cheer your friend who had a fight with her boyfriend in one of the best clubs of tokyo. “so wipe your tears and come move your hips,”
on the professional side you became tokyo's favorite journalist, sports related; not only because of your looks but also your professionalism and personality
every hot athlete you've ever interviewed tried to get with you, but they always got rejected
on the other hand sakusa joined MSBY Black Jackals; a professional volleyball team in japan's v.league, in the top tier of division 1
yes sir period
he never dated someone else, the break up kinda broke his heart but he'll never admit it
he also became more distant with people lowkey
however, one day your manager called you to tell you about who are you going to interview next
as she mentionned the name of a famous volleyball team you couldn’t stop your mind of thinking about your ex who used to play volleyball
little did you know that he was a part of the team
lmao who gon tell you
when you got back home you decided to do some research about that MSBY team or whatever
oh to your surprise when you saw sakusa kiyoomi’s face there
“no shit,” you mumbled to yourself lowkey annoyed
after the brake up you grew stronger and more independent as you put in mind that all men are trash, you didn’t want to go through that steretipycal sad phase where your self confidence would be all crushed. you wanted to remain strong and you learned how to truly love yourself without expecting anything from anyone as you had your own self
period boo
anyway, you kinda had numbed all your feelings, and to see him now made all your memories with him comeback; how you first met, your first kiss, your first dates and that fight
so here you were, in your appartement checking out their previous interviews trying to get all the juice you needed yet your mind would still zone out on his face
“just keep it pro, y/n, he probably even forgot about you, just keep it pro,” you told yourself before turning off your pc
the day of the interview, here we finally are. the MSBY team knew they had an interview with the most appreciated journalist of all times so they got ready.
“do y’all think they’re cute ?” asks atsumu, “if they’re cute you better back off guys, i’m sure i’m going to catch their attention anyway,” he cockily adds flipping his bang and flexing his muscles, no one bothered answering him at this point they were used to him
“they’re here,” their manager clapped in his hands. “don’t forget what i told you guys, they are very influent so don’t mess it up and don’t scare them away,” he looked at atsumu and bokuto who just stuck their tongues out
“good morning,” you greeted all of them and bowed, “i’m l/n y/n, the journalist who’ll interview you today,” you looked at all of them with a poker face. saying that sakusa was surprised would be an understatement; he was in shock, his brain forgot how to function correctly. you followed the others who took you to the room where all the staff would chill, offering you coffee, tea and snacks
sakusa couldn’t keep his eyes off you, seeing you after all these years was like a wave of fresh air; he was relieved to see you successful and blooming, what a beautiful sight he thought when he saw you laughing with his teammates as he got in the room. but at the same time his heart ached him as he remembred what made you two go separate ways and the guilt he tried to hide deep inside him all those years started creeping up again in his chest
“c’mon, it’s just an interview,” he sighed before sitting on a chair behind his team
the interview started and it was going fine, sakusa’s teammates were cool and you had a lot of fun interviewing them. you liked their chaotic energy and it happened for you to match it, they immediately liked you
“y/n-chan,” started atsumu getting close to you, ”would you like to go out with me tonight, we could have dinner together or just grab a drink-”
“okay barry b. benson, you’re not my type sorry,” you stopped him as you pinched his cheek making all his teammates laugh, you got a pout from him but he eventually laughed liking your attitude
“y/n-chan, why don’t you come and have dinner with us tonight?” asked bokuto with sparkles in his eyes, “oooh~ say please we’d love to!” joined him hinata with the same sparkles in his eyes
you akwardly chuckle looking at sakusa then bringing your stare back at them, “i don’t kno-”, “please come, it would be nice,” finally adds sakusa what made you look back at him
you kept staring at each other for  moment before you nodded makinf the three balls of chaotic energy; bokuto, hinata and atsumu scream a ‘yes!’ you exchanged numbers and you went back home
well, that wasn’t too bad you thought to yourself once back at you appartement plopping on your couch
for some reason your heart was beating fast and you damned those feelings you tried to hide and not get rid of for coming back
he was looking as handsome as ever, you were not going to lie
and that look in his eyes... was it regret ?
“as he fucking should,” you shook your head thinking about what he’d said in that fight
but you were young, he probably regrets, “stfu stupid heart,”
you got up and got ready for tonight’s dinner
“keep that poker face y/n, you’re doing great” you said to yourself before getting into the restaurant, you quickly saw hands waving at you, spotting the team and you went to the table. there was a place left next to bokuto and sakusa, just great, you tried hard not to roll your eyes and sat
the diner was going well, you were not bothered by sakusa’s presence, he didn’t talk much anyway and you had fun talking to the others who were really funny, the thing is that everyone got drunk; hinata and bokuto were hugging each other singing the yarichin bitch anthem, atsumu kept saying ‘ya like jazz?’ every time the someone would pass by, you and sakusa were the only ones in a good state. you couldn’t help but laugh at them trying to stop them but you’d eventually fail
“atsumu please stop,” you tried to stop him from getting on the table to ask everyone if they liked jazz, “i won’t unless you tell me ya like jazz, honey,” he wiggled his eyebrows as you couldn’t help yourself from laughing, “i do like jazz now sit down,” you finally said
sakusa kept thinking if he should talk to you or not in the mean time, he couldn’t help but to create two imaginary cases in his mind one for that says ‘yes’ and the other one ‘no’, he finally came back to earth when you sat back down after stopping tsumu from performing a jazz song
“but y/n i swear it’s a good jazz song, it is called... Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley,” he grins proud of himself, you stare at him trying to hold your laughter and when you were going to anwser you heared sakusa do it first, “no miya, and make the owl and the tangerine stop crying,” atsumu salutes him and goes to talk to the crying duo
“long time no see, l/n,” he finally says making your heart miss a beat
“never thought i’d see you again sakusa,” you answer, finally looking at him
“glad to see you’re doing well,” he adds. “even tho i wish we’d be on good terms,” you sigh turning your head. “gotta admit i am the one to blame,”
“glad to see you are mature enough to admit your wrongs,” you anwser him sipping on your drink
“i’ve always knew that i was the one who fucked up, y/n... maybe back then i just didn’t have the guts to admit it, nor to try keeping you close to me. i just saw how you were doing better off without me, and i thought it was better to let go even if it did hurt me...” he finally admits
all what you wanted to hear, craved to hear when you broke up with him. you felt some type of way, good memories you had with him flooding your mind and the feelings you’ve once had for the pretty germaphobe
what were you gonna say? were you finally ready to forgive him and move on or stay on your positions and just live like you’ve been living since the brake up
“well... we’re grown ups now, it’s all forgiven and forgotten,” you give him a small smile,
“thank you,” it was then quiet for a brief moment before he finally decided to man up, “i missed you,” he looked down at his plate
wow the butterflies in your tummy, heart and brain went off with no warnings, you stared at him with wide eyes trying to comprehend what on god’s green earth did he just say
did you miss him too ? did you hate him ? were you over the fight ? did you really stop loving him or did you just hide those feelings ?
too many questions yet no answers, as he realized you didn’t answer he mumbled few apologies but you stopped him telling it was fine
“it’s just... it’s been so many years and we didn’t end up on good terms,” you explain
“yeah, no, i totally understand that is normal,” you nodd looking down at your lap. “can i hold your hand?”
“pardon me?”
“can i hold your hand? fuck that y/n, can i have another chance? allow treat you right, to love you deeply. that guilt that built up in me kept growing with the years, and now that you’re finally here i just want one thing as i see your face is to make up for everything, even after years.”
oh wow, you were definitely not expecting that; not from sakusa who wasn’t this expressive with his feelings and especially not after all these years
you held his hand and smiled sincerly at him, “it’ll take me time; to figure out how i feel and to trust you again, but i’d like to give it a chance,” he smiled back, hope filling his eyes
after that night you tried to spend a lot of time together
usually he would be the one to initiate it
he did his best to prove you that you can trust him and that he became a better person for you
your heart would melt everytime he told you about a memory of you together or how he still remembered stuff about you
you were on your guards in the beginning but slowly you began to soften
eventually you got back together, but that’s another story
it took several months but you don’t even know how happy he was
oh and let’s just not talk about the media and how powerful you guys were
anyway you were happy and that’s what matters
Tsukishima Kei
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ara ara what we have here
do you know how the life works in a weird way sometimes? a compilation of events that happen by sheer luck, fucking coincidences that are just way out of this world that lead you to bump into that one person even if you don’t want to?
no ? aight sorry
anyway, that is lowkey what life had in store for you and salt shaker man
tsukishima had gotten into that college he wanted to attend
he was happy but he would’ve secretely loved if you were there to share his happiness
oh how little did he know that you got into that college too
ahaha *awkward laughter*
homeboy found it out in a special way, not the best way there is but you know he had to know a way or another
he went to that party with his two roomates who actually lowkey forced him ngl
as he was making his way to the kitchen he heard someone laughing, a laugh he’s heard way too many times but he shook it off thinking about how many people may have the same laughter
“oi y/n, you look hot!” a male’s voice shouted
what ?
there was no way you were there and he decided to make sure by checking out by himself
he was CHOKED when he saw you there
“tell me something i don’t know,” you laughed as you approached the boy who called you. “what’s up hot stuff ?” he said as you were finally next to him
hot stuff? tsukki almost gagged at the horrible name you were just given, yet it was not false that you were indeed ‘hot’; you looked as flawless as ever, you did a 180° change
the sweet, soft, innocent y/n was replaced by the baddest bitch in the motherfucking block he almost didn’t recognize you. he wondered if you stayed together would you have gone through this change an didn’t notice you coming his way
“god, don’t stand in the middle of the- tsukishima ?” you stopped when you saw his face. “you attending a party, what a surprise,” you stood there a hand on your hip
“oh y/n, how are you?” homeboy didn’t know how to act at this point, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck
“i’m doing great actually, so did you get into here ? the ‘college of your dreams’,” he could feel the sarcasm in your voice, he also noticed how cold you were
“yeah, thankfully. where’d you go ?”
“oh i go here, the same college as you,” you fake a smile, he feels his heart miss a beat.. or two.“you know sometimes i look back, and i can’t help from noticing that being in a committed relationship didn’t stop me from attending one of the best colleges out there and you, on the other hand who didn’t want anything to do with a relationship got here too,” you spat, obviously you didn’t get to tell him how you felt when you broke up. “good thing i’m not in the same major as you though,” you sighed
“y/n i_,”
“no save it tsukishima, there’s no need to say whatever you want to say. at this point i’ve moved on, i just found it funny to see you here after what you’ve said and how i actually also got here; now i know for sure that you were the problem... and i hated myself thinking it was me,” you scoff. “hope i won’t get to see you often, good luck for the rest,” and with that you left, joining a group of friends who waved for you to join them
needless to mention that he was pissed and heartbroken
he was not expecting that from you, he always saw you as this delicate person whose kindness is infinite
now, oh now he didn’t recognize you
even your voice got more.. mature? cold? idk
anyway after your encounter he directly headed back to his dorm
he couldn’t sleep the whole night rethinking about all what those years with you and what you said, you hated yourself as you thought you were the problem
bravo tsukishima they hate you, he thought to himself
uhm lol so the rest of your college ‘journey’ went without the two of you seeing each other
you were both majoring in different stuff, the campus is huge, y’alls schedules didn’t match and you had different friend groups
yet rarely he would find you at the library at 4am, many empty coffee cans on your table, looking all sleepy with your glasses falling off and your hair in a messy bun
“fucking ass why on god’s poluted earth did i ever want to major in that fucking shit of a topic, couldn’t i do something basic like stripper or something ? ugh fml,” he caught you once in the middle of an existencial crisis
he couldn’t help his lips from twitching upwards and he couldn’t stop the memories of the two of you studying together flooding his mind
he never came close to you tho, especially after what you told him in that party
sad </3
you guys graduated from college fucking finally
congrats folks you did it!
and you thought it was the end of your story
how sweet, how naive
uh-uh baby life decided otherwise and you saw each other years later
in the same company 🤪 
“oi tsukishima-san, don’t forget we have a metting with the new manager in 10,”
how could he forget ? everyone has been talking about this manager for a week
tsukki was respected by all his work mates as he was such a good element what made him get the best promotions and claims from his boss
n e way
he got into the conf room where everyone was seated and took his place waiting for the new manager and the boss to come in, he was clearly annoyed and didn’t want to be there; he just wanted to finish his work on go back home
anyway his attention was brought back by his boss entering the room, “good evening everyone, with no longer introduction let me introduce you to y/l/n y/n your new manager,”
tsukki’s head SNAPPED, he almost broke his neck
tsukiskima.exe has stopped working
you were surprised when your eyes landed on him too but you’re a bad bitch and kept it professional
he couldn’t focus for the rest of the meeting, even tho it was just presentations and basic information for the future collaboration
the meeting ended and everyone went back home, except for you as you stayed in late to work on some stuff
you thought you were alone since it was late, but you were wrong since tsukishima had also stayed in late to finish up whatever file he was asked to analize
this is why you were startled when you heard some noise and a tall figure got out of the office ahead of you
“oh my,” you held your chest and relaxed when you noticed it was tsukishima, “i thought i was alone,”
“staying in late on your first day huh, didn’t know you were still here,” he responded, you noticed how his tone didn’t change from when you first met him in highschool, maybe his voice got a bit more deeper tho
you couldn’t help noticing how good he looked in his suit, it fit him really well. his broad shoulders covered by the dark blue vest, the first few buttons of his white vector shirt opened letting you lowkey see his collarbone
“yea well i’m leaving now, good night,” you quickly say and took your leave, seeing him after all this time was weird and you didn’t know how to feel
you still remember what you said the last time you saw him at that party, you were hurt and you said some things you probably regret by now and you thought that he probably hated your guts and as long as you wanted to be at the top in your  new work you still decided to stay away from him
“ugh what a dumbass,” you whined and slapped the back of your head thinking tsukishima was still in the floor you left him in, but he saw you and his lips twitched upwards
everytime he thinks you can’t look any better you prove him wrong, he thought to himself as he went to his car finally heading back home. after all those years life decided to still play with you guys and put you in the same company, i mean, he wasn’t complaining but he wished it wasn’t awkward between the two of you
you guys started working together, a new journey for the both of you started
he thought you still hated him and that is why he was cold with you :(
so you were both distant with each other and if you ever had to talk it was cold, formal and quick
it’s been a few weeks your collegues had noticed the tension between the two of you
they were lowkey sus of something but didn’t want to butt in
it was physically painful to watch
n e way everything was going more or less smoothly until a new face made an appariction in the company
“my god! what are you doing here?” you hugged the good looking man
“i missed you and i thought that i couldn’t live without you, so i am here to cling,” you pull away and playfully slap his chest. “nah more seriously i am here to get that bag boo,”
“as you should hun, so you’re a trainee huh? i’ll ask them to put you under my supervision,” you wink
“say less,” he flirtily gets close to you
“uhm, sorry to interrupt your i bet very educational discussion but y/l/n, here, the file,” tsukishima butts in out of nowhere, his voice colder than usual and his eyes lowkey darker than usual
“oh thank you,” and he left
“well, that was awkward,” your friend cringes
“shut up, yuuji,” you roll your eyes
“wait wasn’t that tsukishami? sushikima? suspicual tall bitch who broke your heart?” the last attempt made you chuckle
“yes, it is,” you sigh, going through the file. “i can’t believe you still remeber that!”
“miss girl, you were not the one listening at your own self sobbing at how some tall, blonde, salt shaker broke your heart and how you’d want to, and i quote “punch his beautiful face then hug him so tight that i’ll squeeze his organs”,”
you narrow your eyes at him then for quite a while, then you scoff, “i am glad you’re here, dickhead,”
“so am i, headass,” he gives you a sincere smile
yuuji’s presence made things complicated even more
tsukishima didn’t appreciate the new flirty, good looking, lowkey smart trainee who was under your supervision
he was more irritable than usual, he knew he had no right to feel like that but still, he couldn’t help it
everytime he saw you two together working, laughing, grabing lunch together or even just being in the same area it made him want to break walls
but he couldn’t
he also saw how yuuji would flirt with other female collegues and it made him furious; you didn’t deserve that!
deserve what tho lol you and yuuji were friends but since tsukki was blinded by his jealousy or whatever he was feeling he assumes you were a thing or soon to be a thing
dumb mf
your boss had assigned you an important file to work on
all cool and shit until he mentioned that you had to work with tsukishima
ahaha.......... right
you started working the day after
it was awkward as fuck ngl, y’all would share max up to 3 words in a matter of 20mins
each one of you was sitting in their side
the tension buddy, the tension!!!!!
idk how you survived
day 2: you slapped some sense in yourself and an old relationship that ended in bad terms shouldn’t affect your work years after
so you started talking more, always pro stuff, but still
kei was the same as yesterday but that didn’t surprise you since he was always like that and you weren’t expecting anything from him except contribute effectively to the work, what he did
day 3: work in progress, nothing less
day 4: same as day 3 except that you stayed in later than the previous days
day 5: yuuji bursted in because he had broought you food, he kissed your temple before he left wishing you good luck. tsukki almost gagged, homie was fuming in rage
day 6:
it was late, everyone had left but you and kei still working on that goddamn file, thankfully he had given enough time to finish the work
“y/l/n, the food is here,” tells you tsukishima as he got back into the office
“thanks, i almost died from hunger,” you get up getting what you ordered
you were eating in silence until tall man decided to speak up, “funny, huh?” you looked at him confused. “how we went to the same highschool, same college and now we are working together,”
you just let an “oh” thinking about what you told him in that frat party, “i guess you were right, i was the problem,”
“tsukishima look, it’s been years and it’s all forgotten now okay?” he looks at his food, his mind elswhere
“remember what you told me in that party?”
“i mean, now that we’re grown ups we can talk about it, right? i feel like i didn’t get closure, not like i deserve it but still,8
you just nodd and go sit in front of him
“well, i lashed out on you on that party because i didn’t get closure, i was obviously still hurt and petty and immature. Seeing you there was like a slap in the face, i really want to apologize but i feel like what i said was true,”
“and it was true, it took sometime to accept it and realiwe it, but you don’t need to apologize; i didn’t treat you right, so i am sorry,”
you give him a small smile, “i am also sorry, i shouldn’t have talked to you that way it was rude,”
“but true,” he adds and you chuckle
“yeah, it’s all fine now. we can start over again,”
“i mean, i’d like to,” he gives you a small, tiny smile but you could still see it
“mmh?” you look at him, your mouth full and cheeks about to explode
“i know we just made up and stuff but... please be careful with that new trainee,”
“yuuji? what why?”
“look i’m a man and i know wha another man thinks when i see him in action, and he’s just... not trustworthy i guess,”
“tsukishima kei, tf are trying to say?”
“look, i don’t want you to get hurt! but he is all flirty with other women and it’s just a huge disrespect to you and your relationship,” he explains
you look at him with wide eyes than laugh your ass off, you couldn’t believe what you just heard
“tsukki, yuuji is my bestfriend we’re not dating,” you wipe a tear tha slipped
he just stares at you, “oh” is all what he could say
“thanks for worrying tho,”
“whatever,” he rolls his eyes
as the days went by you and kei got closer
he would tease you and you’d tease him back
“oi, salt shaker, put my stuff on a high shelf again and i’ll pull your highschool pictures when you played vb,”
“as if you still have them” he scoffs
“don’t mess with me!”
“whatever shortie- OW why would you throw the stapler at me?”
“it’s your mouth that i’m gonna staple next time,”
anyway it was all giggles and shit
you enjoyed working together and gaining your complicity back
the due date came, you had to present in front of 3 other CEOs and your own ceo
you did an amazing job, obviously
everyone liked the harmony between the two of you and how neat your work was
“WOHOO here’s my bad bitch,” yuuji hugged you after the deliberation
“stfu we’re not alone,” you laugh. “did i look good?” you ask
he smirks and checks you out, twirling you and wolf whistling, “hotter than ever and thicker than snicker,” you laugh at his remark
“uhm-uhm,” tsukishima came behind you
“hey, sushimika, good job out there,” yuuji gives him a big grin
tsukishima just nodds and his eyes dart to yuuji’s arm around your waist, something he notices
“erm anyway, Vanessa is calling me gotta go,” he kisses your head and leaves
“he’s one of a kind, i gotta admit,” you say pulling him out of his trance
“i mean, y’all are bestfriends so i’m not surprised,” you roll your eyes
“we did a good job out there, i mean i was better but you weren’t too bad yourself,” he smirks
“you’re so annoying,” you laugh. “i guess we make a good duo,”
you lookn at each other for a while before tsukki finally speaks up
“uhm look, i know it’s only been one month since we’re back to normal but... would you maybe like to have dinner with me?” he rubbs the back of his neck
“like a date?”
“you know what i mean y/n,” he rolls his eyes
“uhm sorry i don’t clearly see what you mean,” you grimace
“ugh alright, like on a date, would go with me yes or no ?”
you laugh at his impatience, “pick me up at 7,”
“is that a yes?”
“you know what i mean, tsukki,” you say as you leave
so the date went well
really well
you didn’t want to burn steps so you lowkey took your time in the process of getting back together
going on dates, talking everything out to build a strong base
work together was fun
i mean i’m not gonna talk about the sneaky make out sessions but haha you know 👀 
surely you got back together, even shared an appartement and you are the happiest you’ve ever been
he proposed 3 years after
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taglist : @fallingforyuu @ukhyeonn @yeonayona  @terminallyvolatile @bryai003​ @ichigo-post​ @virgyalizu​ 
i truly hope you like it, <3
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laos-soft-bunny · 3 years
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Icy Charge.
Bi-Han. Smut warning. Bdsm elements, also you are thrown though an ice wall. So unhealthy elements but he takes care of you. Also like heartbreak at the start. Also a bit of Kuai love.
(Translations: Qīnài de: darling. bǎobèi:baby. Wǒ huì shāle tā: I’ll kill him)
Bi-Han paced silently though the halls of the Lin Kuei temple, watching and waiting. The temperature ticking slowly down around him. He was frustrated. You were late. He was a very, very impatient man. The drink in his hand was turning to a slushy mess, the cup forming to ice. Bi-Han’s icy blue eyes were closed, his breathing slow. Someone was here that wasn’t supposed to be. Boots quietly making their way across the floor. Bi-Han’s hand crushed the glass in his hand in one swift motion as he turned on his heel to follow the sound.
Glass crushed to the floor in shards. Bi-Han’s eyes turned even darker in annoyance as he opened them to see who was disturbing his presence. His breath fogged out his mask as he dropped the temperature in the room. Opening his hand he created an ice shard. “Who is here” he calls out sternly. No one called back. It wasn’t you. He knew when it was you. He could feel the warmth from your body when you entered the room. “Brother ” Kuai Liang calls from behind him. Bi-Han turns on his heel to face his younger brother. “What is it Kuai” he whispers as he lowly growls, still annoyed there is someone in the temple. “It’s your Qīnài de” Kuai calls out, racing to catch up with Bi-Han. Bi-Han’s face twisted into a concerned anger. “Where..is-“ Bi-Han began to mutter under his breath as Kenshi rounded the corner into the grandmasters chamber. “YOU” Bi-Han yelled as he turned around.
His eyes widened and he stopped mid sentence as he seen you laying limp in Kenshi’s arms. “bǎobèi” Bi-Han yelled as he rushed over to Kenshi. “WHAT HAPPENED TO HER” Bi-Han just got louder as panic set in. The blood on your face and your busted nose shot him through the heart. “bǎobèi no.. no bǎobèi wake up” Bi-Han pleaded not giving Kenshi time to explain as he took you from his arms. You didn’t move and Bi-Han pressed his cold fingers to your neck, checking for a pulse. “She is okay Grandmaster. She got jumped by the Red Dragon.. Kano got his for messing with her. He got the worst of the fight. Her nose is shattered and she’s okay.. she’s out cold though.” Kenshi began to explain what he witnessed. “The assault was already over by the time I got to her” Kenshi continues and hands your necklace to him. Bi-Han begins to shake with anger as he kneels down holding you close. “Wǒ huì shāle tā” Bi-Han’s voice was now shaking with rage as he stroked his finger across your nose gently.
The next few weeks Bi-Han was very caring and tender towards you. He made sure you were cared for and was cooking meals for you. His mother’s recipes were always amazing when he made them. Bi-Han kept a constant eye on you as the healing process was happening. Kuai took over the missions for a while. while you slept peacefully in Bi-Hans bed, curled up holding onto his pillow, Bi-Han sat on the floor and watched, calmly for once, his mind was at rest. His girl could handle anything life threw at her and he knew it. You snuggled the pillow tighter and made a whine that drew Bi-Han to full attention. Something was disturbing your sleep. And Bi-Han would punch the dream in its face,if he could, if that meant his baby rested undisturbed. Waiting until you quieted back down and slept again before he stopped staring at you and went back to his resting sitting place on the soft carpet. Bi-Han knew it would be time to return to missions with the Lin Kuei soon. Sooner rather than later it came.
Loud crashes came from across the temple where the grandmasters thrones were. A startled Bi-Han pushed himself off the floor quickly and shot down the hallway. Kuai was reared up, hands ready to fight. The eldest Cryomancer was behind his brother in no time, Ice blade already formed as he stood face to face with His lovers assaulter. Kano smirked, and Bi-Hans chest tightened. “Get out of my temple Kano” Kuai Liang had spoken the words aggressively, making the Aussie laugh and step forward. “Another step and I’m driving this shard through your jugular” Bi-Han growled through gritted teeth. Kano laughed even harder and came at Bi-Han. He did as he promised and shoved the ice through Kano’s neck and without a second thought froze the blood the spilled out of his neck, into another weapon and stabbed that one though kano’s chest. Bi-Han let out a growl that ripped through his chest and caused his armor to tremble. He pulled the ice blade through the rest of Kano’s neck. The Lin Kuei’s most deadly assassin bared his teeth and was seething with rage. Kuai wrapped his arms around his brother, pulling him off Kano, he was dead and that’s what Bi-Han wanted. Bi-Han shoved Kuai off with a hard grunt and stormed out the door.
You lay asleep, unaware of anything that just happened in your sacred home. Your eyes slowly flutter open as the bed dips. You whine sleepily and reach out like a child for Bi-Han. The room isn’t as cold as it usually was with Bi-Han. Kuai could control his temperature a bit more. It was a comfortable warm with a slight chill. “Not big brother” Kuai whispers as he gives your hand a gentle kiss before he stands and motions to the small breakfast on the bedside table, whispering “eat darling”. He had not seen you leave the room for days and wanted to make sure you ate. You began to eat the breakfast, but noticing Bi-Han was gone from the temple. The cold had settled to a slight warmth, and that was usual. Bi-Han made the temple feel like an ice castle. The older Cyromancer had been gone for hours, he found some missions to keep him busy.
You stumbled out of bed finally, pulling on a discarded shirt from the chair in the room, some black pants and finally the training hoodie you always wore. As the grandmasters girlfriend you had to train the young Lin Kuei. You trained with these kids and they became like family to you. You gave them your everything. But one thing burned on your mind, and that was Bi-Han. He had not been very sexually advanced toward you recently, and it kinda bothered you. You felt like you just weren’t attractive to him. The only interaction was forehead kisses before you went to bed. In the midst of your next thought one of the younger Lin Kuei warriors sweeped your leg out from underneath you and you fell, flat on your ass. He was in his defensive position when you shook out of your thoughts. A small hand was offered to you, even though he was small, he gave all his might to help you up, and it was the thought that counts. You smiled and said “nice one little Lin Kuei warrior. You caught me off guard”. He cheered silently and gave a small bow. You returned the bow and slowly realized that the smell of dumplings filled the training room. “Ah it smells like lunch may be ready, my little warriors” you said out loud, giving them fist bumps. “You guys did awesome today with training” you told the small group. You headed into the dining room.
Same routine every day, except Days had passed, no word from Bi-Han, Kuai was nervously messing with his chopsticks and his head snapped from his thoughts when you and the children came into sight for dinner. You sat next to the other grandmaster and his brows furrowed. “Bi-Han has been gone for almost 2 weeks” Kuai stated, point blank, with anxiety tipping at his tone. He was never this worried. You on the other hand was the real mess, your eyes were swollen from the lack of sleep and so much crying. You missed Bi-Han miserably. You didn’t feel at peace at all, your soul was worried, and your physical exhaustion showed. Bi-Hans absence drove you to the edge of sever depression. You excused yourself from dinner with the children and other Lin Kuei, and went back to the chambers you shared with Bi-Han, tears falling steadily. Sometime soon Kuai had gently climbed into the bed with you, and was holding you as you cried. “I miss him so much and.. I feel so neglected” you said though sobs. You didn’t need to explain the lack of affection to Kuai, he understood, but he held you though the sobs and he tried his best to comfort you. He was unable to bring himself to leave you in this miserable state. You were so sexually frustrated, that was one of the main causes of your attitude and emotions, but you were not gonna admit that to Kuai. The simple touches of his affection was enough to remind you just how lonely you were. You did the one thing you never thought you would do.
Before you could stop yourself, you had your hand tangled in the thick black hair of Kuai Liang’s, pulling him to you and leaning in to smash your lips with his. Shocked, Kuai kissed back, and your hands held him there, though he was not pulling back. You knew that you needed this and he knew it too. You began to relax As his hands rested on your hips, but slowly you pulled back. Shame flooded your face as you thought about Bi-Han and what he would do to his brother if he found out you had made out with him. But Kuai’s mind was already hazy and he pulled you back against him and brought your lips back together. In the heat of the moment the room’s temperature suddenly bottomed out. Bi-Han was watching his younger brother kiss you and touch your hips. A loud growl ripped through the room, almost animalistic. You pulled back and stared in horror as Bi-Han had formed an ice blade and came towards you and Kuai. Bi-Han stomped angerly when he got to the edge of the bed, an ice wall forming to the ceiling. His hands reached for Kuai’s throat but you got in between them before Bi-Han could grab Kuai. Bi-Han’s tone was deadly, and he snarled out “move before I kill you”. You pushed him back and said “it’s not his fault B-Bi-Han. It’s mine. I kissed him first..” but before you could continue your explanation Bi-Han’s hands had grasped your collar of your shirt and he was throwing you. The ice shattered around you as you went through the ice wall. You screamed in pain as you adjusted to the negative temperature in the room mixing with the ice shards that have cut you up. Kuai was already at your side as you landed and Bi-Han came toward the two of you.
The brothers began to spar. “Maybe if you didn’t cause her to feel like she had no choice to get attention and actually feel like she’s worthy of love, she wouldn’t have kissed me!” Kuai yelled at the older cryomancer. “I have to do the work you can’t seem to finish! I didn’t have time to take care of her because of you!” Bi-Han yells back, swinging at Kuai. Kuai ducked and they began to fight physically. You groan in pain and the ice melts that was stabbed in your back. A few minutes later, you manage to push yourself off the ground, shivering as the ice froze the blood that escaped. “ENOUGH” you yelled shoving your way between the two of them. For once they both listened. “Bi-Han!” You screamed in frustration. “I’ll be back to deal with you!” You said as you pulled Kuai out of the room and you demanded him to go clean up the blood on his face. You were pissed off and stormed back to the chambers. Bi-Han was fuming. As he seen you, he met you half way, slamming the door behind you and pinning you to it.
“So you think making out with my brother in OUR bed would help solve everything? Why the FUCK didn’t you-“ Bi-Han began to spew as he had your hands above your head. “Bi-Han! Shut the fuck up and LISTEN!” You screamed as you fought against his grip. Bi-Han actually shut up and waited for your reasoning. “You’ve neglected me since I got injured! I’ve made advances toward you and you’ve shrugged me off! Even when I was healed!” You say, frustration in your voice. “And you haven’t touched me in months! I needed affection! You left me so god damn touch starved!” You continued, getting more angry. Bi-Han huffed and before you could speak again his fingers were pushing past the waistband of your jeans and past your underwear, pressing against your clit, causing you to stumble over your words. “Is this what you want” Bi-Han whispered deeply. “You fucking brat” he finishes his sentence, his words dripping with venom. He wastes no time in pushing two fingers into your tight heat.
Panting you close your eyes as he begins his rough pace, curling his fingers. “Say it” he growls, it rumbles his chest. You stutter before your eyes give away your desire. “Y-yes Bi-Han” you whisper in a low whimper. “You will call me Grandmaster, you ungrateful brat” he whispers into your ear, before he bites your earlobe. You shiver and whisper “yes grandmaster..” you sigh as his fingers start to move more roughly. You moan out, unable to help yourself. You cave and spread your legs a little bit. He pressed his knee between your legs to hold you steady as his free hand grips your neck, and he squeezes. You gasp and whimper, closing your eyes. His icy blue eyes bore into you as he watches your neck and your breathing struggle. With one simple movement he moves his knee, and has you on yours, back against the door. Bi-Han let’s out a loud growl, pushing his pants and underwear down his legs. His cock finally freed, he grabs your head and pushes his head past your lips with no hesitation. You gag a bit and that makes him throw his head back and let out a frustrated moan. He lets you adjust a bit before he begins to throat fuck you relentlessly. “Such a good girl with my cock in your throat” he coos and tangles his hand in your hair. “Be fucking good and you’ll be rewarded” he follows up the sentence with a smack to your face. It makes you moan around him. “Oh such a good little whore.. you enjoyed that didn’t you” Bi-Han said, lust dripping in his tone.
Letting yourself relax as he uses your face, you start to feel super turned on. Bi-Han tangles his hair into your hair and guides you to take his whole cock, making your eyes water. He pulled back out and gave you a minute to breathe, gently stroking your cheek. Bi-Han would hurt you but he still had a heart. “Up” he whispered sternly, offering you his hands. You took them, your knees shaking slightly. Bi-Han pulled you to your feet and in no time had his hands around your ass, lifting you to wrap your legs around his waist. leaving your clothes across the room. He kissed you as he carried you toward the bed. In no time he had your back on the bed, his hips pressing against yours. “Hands up.. brat” Bi-Han whispered into your ear, knowing how you reacted to commands. He didn’t want to force you into something when he knew a command would make you shiver, and that it did. You raised your hands obediently above your head, and Bi-Han’s own pinned them down, Forming ice around them and locking them into place. You squirmed as his cold fingers danced down from your cheek to your neck and before he went any further he ripped his shirt in two with one hand, finally releasing your wrists. Bi-Han’s eyes watched your pleading ones. You were so turned on, you soaked his thighs. His icy eyes got darker and he took part of the shirt, lifting your head gently and tying it around your head.
The loss of your sight made you hyper aware of how his fingers felt, how hard he was touching and how cold he was letting himself be. He dipped his head, letting his tongue run down your neck, causing the skin to prickle under the ice cold tongue. He found your favorite spot and started to kiss and suck. Moans rose from your lips, as you began to grind against his hips slowly. “You are such a good girl when you are under me, soaking my thighs” Bi-Han whispered into your ear before quickly moving his head to take one of your breasts in his mouth, biting down on your nipple gently, before he went to the other one and gave it attention. The whines falling from your lips were utterly pleasing to his ears. Sliding himself down the bed in a seamless motion, he was between your thighs and the heat from you, caused him to drool. As arrogant and cocky as Bi-Han was when it came to you, he turned to a eager, impatient dom. He couldn’t lick you quick enough. Bi-Han’s hands pulled your thighs apart with ease and over his shoulders. His tongue found your clit and he began his licking and sucking. His hands on your hips kept you from squirming away. Bi-Han dropped his body temperature and the temperature in the room, causing his tongue to send shivers through you that wracked your whole body, a light layer of ice was forming on your hips. When you tried to move away as he was assaulting your clit with his tongue, he squeezed tighter and held you down. His eyes looked up at you, moaning and your body trembling. He dips his tongue into you and pushed in. You gasped loudly, struggling against the ice needing to touch him. His hard cock strained against the bed.
Bi-Han let out a throaty moan against you, as your insides tightened around his tongue. “A-ah G-grandmaster I-“ you stuttered out, your body shaking as orgasm wracks you. Bi-Han’s fingers tightened so hard on your hips, he knew there would be bruises. He kept working his tongue letting you ride out your orgasm, grinding on his face. He drank every drop he could get from you like he was starving. He gave you a second to recover as he cleaned your juices off his face. He roughly grabbed your still iced hands, and shattered the ice on them, holding them and wrapping them with the other half of his torn shirt. “You okay” Bi-Han’s voice was soft and velvet. He didn’t want you to lose your hands. You nodded and gave a small “yes sir”. Bi-Han’s strong hands pulled you to the edge of the bed and had you flipped over on your stomach before he spoke again. “You use your safe word if you need it..what is it princess?” He asked you. His cold fingers tracing your back where the blood had dried. “Fire” you said, loud enough for him to hear. “Good girl” Bi-Han muttered as his hands began to form an ice whip. He smirked at his own skill. He settled back in between your legs, pulling you flush against his hips, pushing his cock into you. You made a loud shocking moan and your fingers curled into the sheets.
Bi-Han would test your limits. He finished sinking his cock into you, and his right hand gripped into this icy whip. And boy did the whip shape well. It made Bi-Han’s cock twitch inside you. The cryomancer watched your back move as you breathed, he trailed the edge down your back, causing you to moan and whimper. It scared you when he made new things to play with that you couldn’t see. “B-Bi-Han please..” you moaned out as he expertly trailed it across your spine. You were trembling. Bi-Han cracked it across your shoulders and you let a scream of pain out. Blood began to trail where he hit. Bi-Han got even harder than he already was inside you, which caused you to moan after whimpering from the sting. He wouldn’t use it long because he was ready to fuck you. His free hand found the sweet spot on your back and his voice deepened as he moaned and cracked the whip right against where his hand just moved. Bi-Han enjoyed your tormented cries but not much longer, he pressed the flat of his tongue to the blood and licked. You moaned loud and ripped the Sheets under your fingers as the blood froze under his tongue. Oh that drove him crazy. He laid a few more cracks against your soft flesh before he discarded the whip across the room, his hands going to your hips in an instant, and he began to fuck into your tight heat.
Bi-Han panted as he filled you completely and pulled the most gorgeous moans from your lips. Still on his cock, he flipped you onto you back. You whimpered as the mattress pressed into the fresh cuts. Your hands went up to Bi-Hans shoulders and clawed him as he started to pound into you at an angle, hitting the right spot, making you tighten around him. “Oh fuck bǎobèi” he moaned shameless loud and fucked you into the mattress. His hands pinned down your arms again as he kept pressing against your sweet spot. You moaned so loud, you knew others would hear you. “Ah fuck grandmaster I’m close” you moaned as you tangled your hands into his hair and pulled him down to kiss you roughly. Your tongues fought for dominance, knowing you stood no chance against him though. He bit down on your lip and pulled hard enough to cause blood to start. The coppery warmth caused him to snap his hips even harder into you. You let out a scream of “Bi-Han- ah fuck GRANDMASTER” as you started to cum. Bi-Han turned your sweat to ice as he began to lose his pace, while you squeezed around him as you orgasmed. “Oh.. oh FUCK” Bi-Han yelled as his orgasm tore though his body, causing him to shake. He pinned himself as deep inside of you as he could get and his hot cum filled you. He collapsed on top of you, his breath coming in a thick fog. His hand reached up and removed your blindfold and as you opened your eyes to see him trying to steady his breathing on your chest, you realized he had his mask on. “Wh-when did you” you began to ask through labored breathing. His eyes looked to you and you could see the smirk playing in his eyes even though he was still breathing hard. “Right before we came. I know you like seeing me in it. Figured you’d wanna see it when you finally regained sight” he said, his hands rubbing your cheek. It’s true he did look so sexy in it. “C’mon let’s get you a bath” he said as he picked you up and carried you into the bathroom. He started the bath water as he treated the slashes. “I love you. bǎobèi. “ Bi-Han whispered into your ear as his fingers sealed the wounds. “I love you, Bi-Han” you responded as you looked into the mirror and watched him. He ducked his head and kissed your neck.
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13eyond13 · 3 years
HI! Guess who's back. I'm not sure if you're going to remember me but I'm Abs Anon. It's been a long while! I moved countries now and I'm not boringly waiting at ER, I'm boringly waiting for customers, trying to come up with a cool ask. Unfortunately this is all I've got: what character of death note would be worse/best at customer service. Rating from 0 to 10 if you want. I hope you have a great day!! <3
Why hello Absy! What a pleasant surprise. Congratulations on the big move! I love this ask lol... DEATH NOTE CHARACTERS + HOW WELL THEY WOULD PROVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE:
B: Has the exact opposite of a helpful, cooperative attitude, and is probably constantly looking for ways he can undermine or one-up others whenever they come to him with legitimate questions or complaints (1/10)
ROGER: Very easily stressed and discouraged by customer dissatisfaction, and no tact for resolving the issues harmoniously or efficiently. No customers voluntarily choose him to deal with their problems, and his colleagues often forget he even works there (1.5/10)
SIDOH: Vaguely cares about the customer's concerns because he is anxious and easily bossed around, but useless at actually fixing the issues. Also calls in sick every other day (2/10)
RYUK: Just out to have a good time and to avoid punishment or responsibility at all costs. Mostly trying to catch a nap in the storage room or figuring out how to shoplift something from his own store without being caught on the security cameras (3/10)
MIKAMI: That sullen guy who always eats by himself in the corner of the break room, and who you've never seen smiling once. Follows the company policy to the letter, but he's definitely not someone you would choose to warmly greet customers at the door (4/10)
REM: She is only helpful if she has a crush on you (4/10)
L: Can be pleasant and tactful if he wants to be, but is very unsympathetic and sarcastic to customers and coworkers who irritate him by being inefficient or slow to catch on. Extremely knowledgeable about the things he's genuinely interested in, so still gets a fair number of repeat clients who request his help because they believe he's the best at fixing the issue, even if not the most personable or patient (5/10)
MATT: Probably more fun to hang out with as a coworker than to rely on for a job well done. Will always go for a raunchy joke rather than attempt to be appropriate, and though he is smart and capable he doesn't really care that much if he's being recognized for his achievements or climbing the corporate "ladder of success" (5.5/10)
AIZAWA: Wants to do a good job, but isn't that great at coming up with original solutions of his own, and sometimes lets his hot temper get in the way of being helpful and polite (6/10)
MELLO: Perfectly capable of delivering good customer service, but has very little desire to help others, and also thinks it's usually funnier to watch them sweat (6.5/10)
NEAR: Likes working together to solve problems with others, and is pretty good at it, but has a hard time stuffing his own blunt and negative opinions when he's cranky or annoyed (7/10)
WEDY: Does whatever is asked of her perfectly fine, but is a bit too aloof and independent to be a natural team player (7/10)
HALLE: Great at being flexible in order to meet demands, but sometimes lets her own personal feelings get in the way of a job well done (7.5/10)
KIYOMI: Has the polite customer service voice down pat, but is a little bit too much of a fussy diva to wait on others without reserve (7.5/10)
LIGHT: Great at figuring out what others want from him and then attempting to become that for them, but his secret arrogance and snobby sense of superiority makes it so he is never truly committed to performing at the top of his game in a servile role. An exception might be if it was a position that gave him special distinction and social status while also appearing servile (eg. a clergyman or some such thing) (8/10)
MISA: Cheerful disposition and an entertainer by trade, smart at knowing what others want from her and then giving it to them. Would be higher up if she didn't let her personal feelings get in the way of her professionalism a bit much (8.5/10)
NAOMI: Expert at being likable and perceptive and at stuffing her own negative feelings and opinions in order to get the job done, but could stand to be a little more extraverted and optimistic, maybe (8.5/10)
MATSUDA: Extremely enthusiastic and genuinely outgoing, always willing to lend a hand and a people-pleaser to a fault. Would be higher up if he didn't run his mouth a bit too much without thinking sometimes (8.5/10)
SOICHIRO: Very hard worker with a sincere desire to help everyone and think about what's best for others instead of just himself, but might get a little blustery and temperamental if there were big stressful conflicts at work (8.5/10)
WATARI: Master of fading into the background and just being a silent servant dude. Would be higher up on the list except that he might be a little TOO good at being invisible sometimes (9/10)
SACHIKO: Also kind of a master of fading into the background and being a silent servant type; biggest weak spot is she can be a little frosty when she doesn't like someone, and it shows (9/10)
MOGI: Has an incredibly array of skills and almost never lets his personal feelings get in the way of doing his job well or helping whoever needs to be helped. Also pushes himself to be outgoing when he has to, even though he's shy (9.5/10)
GEVANNI: Extremely hard worker who you could rely on to get anything done, and seems to make it his mission to be useful while also successfully blending in (9.5/10)
SAYU: Laid-back, friendly, funny and sweet; I'd definitely hire her to work as a cashier or a hostess anytime, even if she might sometimes get slightly lazy about doing her work (9.5/10)
AIBER: Charming, easygoing, and flexible for fitting any role he's asked to fill, plus a people-person and body language expert by trade. You just know he'd be the top salesman on your salesfloor and snapping up that employee of the month position every other month (10/10)
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atlabeth · 3 years
talking to the moon
summary: dealing with the aftermath of the worst event of your life. 
pairing: sokka x fem!reader but solely platonic. stan big brother sokka 
a/n: this became so much longer than i initially meant for lmao. it was just supposed to be sokka and y/n talking but then i. wrote the whole death scene and a whole backstory and. im sorry. i made myself sad while writing this 
wc: 4.1k 
warnings: so much angst, death, mentions of suffocation, mentions of arranged marriages, one mention of blood, one single curse i think, lots of anger and lots of sadness but some fluff at the end 
based on the song “talking to the moon” by bruno mars 
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living in the northern water tribe wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. 
as a waterbender, it should’ve been a perfect haven. a renowned master to teach her how to fight and become a master herself, a constant feeling of power being around ice and water all the time, and a comfortable life as the daughter of two important councilmembers that worked alongside chief arnook. 
but the only thing y/n had come to know of this place was a complete and utter loss of freedom. 
she wasn’t allowed to learn martial waterbending simply because she was a woman. master pakku wouldn’t even give her the time of day, and when she complained to her parents they cited century-long traditions and told her that was just how things were. 
y/n felt comfortable being around water and ice all the time, but it’s not like the power of the moon helped her when she hardly knew anything in the first place. it was slightly easier to try and teach herself new techniques that she learned from watching master pakku and his students, but it still almost always ended in failure. 
and of course, her noble heritage simply meant that she would be married off once she reached the appropriate age for the benefit of her family. yippee. 
but there was one benefit that came along with being the daughter of nobles that worked closely with the chief. 
princess yue. 
she was without a doubt the nicest girl that y/n had ever known, and they quickly became each other’s closest friends. y/n thought that maybe she wouldn’t like her because yue was two years her senior, but it didn’t matter in her eyes. yue showed y/n a side that she never showed anyone else; the carefree, energetic, loving side. the side that told y/n fantastical stories while they rode together the waterways. the side that encouraged y/n to waterbend whenever she could and to try as hard as possible to get the martial techniques down because ‘i know you can do it!’ the side that was absolutely fascinated by her waterbending, the side that shrieked in surprise then dissolved into giggles every time y/n soaked her at the end of the session. 
yue was the bright light in y/n’s boring days, and y/n was a needed reprieve from yue’s duties.
the young girls didn’t know that there was so much coming for them. 
team avatar visiting y/n’s home was one of the most exciting things to happen to her. it was like a breath of fresh air in the monotony of her life, and it didn’t take too long for y/n to become friends with all of them at the celebratory dinner the night they arrived. 
y/n and katara instantly struck off. as waterbenders of the same age they already had a connection, but it was only strengthened the longer they stayed. y/n had never cheered so loud when she fought against pakku. 
it was impossible not to like aang. he was even younger than y/n with an infectious positive attitude and a smile always on his face. he even offered to help teach her waterbending along with katara after learning from pakku, which was a great plan until it wasn’t. 
her association with sokka came from her association with yue. he was infatuated with the princess almost immediately — it wasn’t a surprise, y/n was sure every boy in the tribe had a crush on her in some form — but he was also very kind to y/n. as time went on, they developed more of a sibling-like bond and y/n loved it. she was an only child raised to the highest expectations, but she was allowed to let loose around sokka. it also helped to see him make a fool in front of himself every time her and yue were together. 
things were looking up for y/n. she had three new friends that all liked her best friend, and she was actually learning a little bit more about fighting with waterbending from katara. everything was perfect. 
until the fire nation attacked. 
y/n had been with yue and sokka when they saw the black snow and immediately rushed back to the tribe to warn everyone. that was how a fourteen year old noble girl who barely knew how to defend herself like y/n got involved in a fight against the fire nation. 
after rescuing aang from zuko and, at aang’s request, bringing the unconscious prince with them, they started traveling back to the spirit oasis. y/n sat in the back of the saddle with sokka and yue, a new friend and her oldest friend, when yue suddenly grabbed her head with a small groan. y/n looked around and the world around them had turned red as blood. something was very wrong.
“are you okay? sokka asked, reaching for her instinctively as if to protect her from whatever was hurting her. 
“i.. i feel faint,” she muttered.
“i feel it too,” aang added. “the moon spirit is in trouble.” 
y/n’s eyes widened as she stared back at yue, horror dancing in her eyes as she shook her head. “no, no it can’t be. yue, you know what that means—” 
it wasn’t hard to catch onto the fearful tone in her voice and katara set an amicable hand on her shoulder. “what are you talking about, y/n?” 
thankfully, yue took over. “i owe the moon spirit my life.” 
“what do you mean?” sokka’s eyes went between y/n and yue, y/n’s worried gaze trained on yue as she explained how the moon spirit had given her life as a baby. when she was done, the water tribe siblings were staring at her in disbelief. 
“if the moon spirit is in danger then we need to save it.” y/n’s voice was hardened as they got closer to the spirit oasis, stretching her fingers out to get the blood flowing again in case she needed to bend. she didn’t know very much about combat besides what katara had taught her, but hopefully it would be enough to at least aid the rest of the team. 
appa slid to a stop in the spirit oasis and aang, sokka, katara, and y/n all hopped off of his back and got into battle stances. sokka took out his boomerang, aang wielded his staff, and y/n and katara got ready to bend. 
“don’t bother,” zhao spat. he held up the bag with tui and positioned his fist next to it, posing the very obvious threat. y/n’s eyes widened and her hands fell the slightest bit. he wouldn’t. 
it turned out that he very well would. 
y/n thought that they would be safe, that yue would be safe once he released the fish after iroh’s threat, but she should’ve known a man like that would never be satisfied. just as the normal hues of the oasis had returned, zhao let out a yell and blasted the koi with fire, plunging the world into various shades of grey. 
y/n let out a strangled cry as she realized what it meant, and she wanted to unleash all of her fury on zhao. she wanted to make him hurt, make him understand just what he had done. but it seemed that general iroh already had that plan as he started firebending viciously, swiftly defeating the soldiers after zhao had gotten away. 
y/n felt like she was in a haze, following through with her movements but not actually there. the four of them rushed towards the water and yue soon joined them, all looking down at tui in horror. the moon spirit was gone, dead, killed. 
her worst fear had come true, and she stared at yue’s blue eyes, the only thing that still had color, mouth opening and closing as she tried to think of things to say. 
“there’s no hope now,” yue mourned. “it’s over now.” 
“no it’s not.” 
y/n watched in amazement as aang merged with the ocean spirit and left to defend her home, but it melted away once again when she joined the siblings, iroh, and yue at the front of the water.
“it’s too late. it’s dead.” katara stared at the dead fish when iroh placed it back into the water. it truly did seem like it was over. y/n felt none of the usual power she felt at night. if she tried to bend, she knew nothing would happen.
iroh seemed to notice yue as she stepped closer and he raised his eyebrows. “you have been touched by the moon spirit. some of its life is in you.” 
“yes, you’re right.” yue set her jaw and y/n immediately knew what she was thinking. “it gave me life. maybe i can give it back.” 
“no!” y/n and sokka cried at the same time. y/n’s voice cracked and she had to do everything she could to prevent the tears from falling. “yue, no. you don’t have to do this.” 
“it’s my duty, y/n.” her kind blue eyes, an image that would haunt y/n for years to come, glistened with unshed tears as she walked over to the oasis. this time sokka grabbed her hand to try and stop her. 
“i won’t let you! your father told me to protect you!” sokka usually guarded his emotions but this time the fear in his voice was obvious, and it hurt. he didn’t want to lose her. he couldn’t lose her. 
“i have to do this.” 
y/n wanted to scream at yue to stop, try and knock some sense into her, hold the girl that she loved back from sacrificing herself. but she just stood there, frozen, as yue hovered her hands over the dead fish. tui began to glow, and yue collapsed. 
y/n rushed over to her as sokka caught her and she fell to her knees. the tears were falling, she didn’t care, her friend was gone, she was dying. y/n felt yue’s ice cold hand on her arm and she grasped it with both of her own. her and sokka were barely holding it together as they watched the girl they both loved die in their arms. 
“y/n..” her voice was already faint, she was using up all of her strength just to talk to them in her final moments. “thank you for everything. never forget what you are fighting for. i will always cherish our friendship.” 
a choked sob escaped y/n’s lips and she gripped yue’s hand as tightly as she could, like maybe if she didn’t let go then she would come back. she couldn’t even hear what she said to sokka, all she could hear was the pounding in her head. this couldn’t be happening. 
and then she was gone. the ice cold hand in y/n’s grip was gone, the girl they were cradling was gone, and in her place was just emptiness. iroh placed the koi fish back into the water and the entire oasis filled with light, and the energy around the lake turned into yue. she was ethereal. she was a spirit. she was gone. 
yue came closer and wrapped y/n in a hug, feeling more like a gentle breeze than a real person hugging her. she then kissed sokka, and a faint smile graced her lips. “goodbye, i love you both. i will always be with you.”
and with that, she was gone. 
y/n couldn’t hold it in anymore. she started sobbing, tears wracking her body and making it hard to breathe. she wrapped her arms as tightly as she could around sokka, burying her head in the space between his shoulder and his neck, and he returned the hug. they were just two kids who had watched a girl they loved sacrifice herself. what else could they do but hold each other and hope to all the spirits that they would be okay?
y/n left with aang, katara, and sokka when they decided to set course for omashu. she couldn’t stay at the northern water tribe. all it served as was a constant reminder of that fateful night, the night that she had lost her best friend. she saw yue in everything, and she knew she would lose her mind if she stayed. so she asked if she could join them on their journey, and they agreed. y/n felt a constant pit of emptiness and hoped that helping the avatar would absolve some of the guilt. 
it didn’t. 
“this is your fault, y/n.” 
the blue eyes that haunted y/n so often appeared once again, staring back at her unflinchingly. there was a certain hardness behind them, a coldness that pervaded her skin, making its way to her heart. but she couldn’t look away. 
“you should’ve been able to save me.” yue’s voice, normally soft spoken and kind, reverberated throughout the endless void y/n was trapped in. 
she looked beautiful, otherworldly. the fabric of her dress floated around her at the edges and her white hair, the ever present reminder of her connection to the moon, flowed down her back. yue appeared the same as she had when she sacrificed herself, and it was the way she would look forever. y/n’s heart ached for her friend, knowing that she would never live out the rest of her life, never get to be the ruler she was meant to be. 
she tried to talk, but her voice wouldn’t work. her throat felt like it was closing up slowly, and her limbs might as well have been cast in concrete with how heavy they all felt. yue’s icy glare disappeared from view, but her voice was still all around her. 
“you did this to me. you’re the reason i’m dead. you should’ve been able to save me.” 
the words repeated thousands of times on top of each other, becoming louder and louder that it was all she could focus on. y/n was suffocating underneath it all, she couldn’t take it. she wanted to sob out how sorry she was, tell yue that her biggest regret was not being able to save her, reach out and bring her into her world again. spirits, she wanted her best friend back so badly. 
“YOU SHOULD’VE BEEN ABLE TO SAVE ME.” the words echoed through her skull so loudly that she felt like it was going to crack from sheer force. 
y/n eyes suddenly flew open and she lurched upwards, breathing heavily, a scream on the edge of her lips that she was barely able to bite back. she clamped her hands over her mouth until she could be sure it wouldn’t come loose, and it took even longer for her breathing to get back to normal.
it didn’t look like she had disturbed the sleep of the others, but she couldn’t stay here. she got out of her sleeping bag and rushed out of their camp, making sure she stayed light on her feet so that the others could continue to rest. momo perked up as she ran past him, and y/n shook her head and raised a finger to her lips. he seemed to get the hint and went back to sleep, and with a strained smile y/n continued out. 
it was at that moment that a certain water tribe boy groggily sat up, able to catch the end of a tunic dress disappearing into the woods after he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. he thought it was katara at first but a quick glance to his side proved that his sister was still asleep. it was y/n’s spot that was empty. he immediately knew why she was gone, and he got up to follow her; there was no way he was going to leave her alone right now. sokka didn’t exactly want to be alone either.  
‘you should’ve been able to save me.’ they were words that never left y/n’s mind; at this point it was a part of her conscience. the princess had never actually said the words, her last moments had been spent reassuring y/n and sokka before she faded away, but it didn’t matter. she was constantly wracked by guilt, and though sokka did a good job at hiding it, she knew he felt the same way. she wondered if he was plagued by the same nightmares she had. it was no surprise it happened tonight of all nights — today marked one month since yue died. 
no. since yue had been killed. 
she might’ve given her life for the moon spirit willingly, but y/n blamed zhao, that fire nation admiral, for her death. he was the one that killed the moon spirit, so he was the one that had killed her best friend. she had never felt as much rage as she had in the moment that he blasted tui with fire. 
she hoped he was dead. 
y/n got to the edge of the woods and stared at the night sky, the slight breeze and the ambiance around her doing little to ease her mind. she sighed and leaned back against a tree, staring at the sky in hopes it would give her some kind of answer. but all it did was make her feel even worse.
i know you’re somewhere out there somewhere far away
yue was there. the moon was there, but yue was the moon so she was there. it felt like a cruel joke, having her so close but so far away. always within her sight but never in her reach. she longed for the days when she was able to pull the princess away from her duties to engage in a snowball fight with her friends or when yue asked her to show off her waterbending with the childlike wonder she never got to show or when things were normal and her friend wasn’t the fucking moon. 
i want you back, i want you back 
y/n felt the familiar stings of tears behind her eyes and she slowly slid against the tree until she was sitting on the ground. she bit the inside of her cheek so hard she drew blood in an effort to stop the tears, but it didn’t matter, they fell anyways. 
the empty feeling she constantly carried with her got better over time, but tonight it was just coming back with full force. she was reminded of everything that she had lost and it hurt. spirits, it hurt so much. 
my neighbors think i’m crazy  but they don’t understand you’re all i have, you’re all i have 
she pressed the heel of her hand against her forehead and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out her feelings, when she heard some branches snap. she opened her eyes and looked up, the corner of her lips quirking up when she saw who it was. 
“hi.” her voice was faint, barely noticeable, but it was all she managed to muster.
“hi.” sokka’s eyes were sympathetic as walked over to her, silently questioning if she was okay with his presence. she nodded and scooted over to make room, and sokka slid down against the tree next to her. 
they sat in comfortable silence for a while, feeling solace in the other simply being there. y/n’s eyes stayed glued to the sky, y/e/c irises reflecting the light of the stars. now that her sobbing was done, she just felt tired. traveling with the avatar was physically demanding with all the fighting and running they did, but this was mental. 
she was tired of feeling worthless. tired of feeling guilty, of feeling angry, hurt, heartbroken, regretful, helpless, weak. 
tui and la, she was so damn tired. 
at night, when the stars light up my room i sit by myself talking to the moon trying to get to you 
y/n tore her eyes away from the sky and looked at sokka. he felt the slight movement and made eye contact as well. y/n couldn’t help but think how similar his eyes were to yue’s. 
“do you talk to her too?” the question came suddenly from y/n before she even knew it, and her voice was just as soft as before. “to the moon, i mean.”
sokka’s gaze turned wistful as he watched the moon and nodded. “all the time. even if i’m just talking to myself in my head, it feels like i’m talking to her as long as the moon is out. sometimes it helps. it makes me feel like she’s still here, or like she’s watching over me. other times..”
“it makes you feel worse,” y/n finished. he nodded again and she sighed heavily. “sometimes i hate it. just looking at the moon makes me want to scream or cry or yell until i can’t anymore, because i hate it for taking her away from me. and i know she had to do it, but the irrational part of me is angry at her for leaving. and then i feel guilty for caring about myself more than her when she’s the one that’s gone, and i just—” 
her voice caught in her throat and the tears started to fall once more. it felt like she couldn’t even think about yue without crying and it made her feel even more weak than before. 
in hopes you’re on the other side talking to me too 
it hurt sokka’s heart to see her like this. yue’s death had affected both of them, spirits, it had left a hole in his heart that he was still trying to mend, but as time went on he had gotten better. but y/n had known yue for years, they had such a close bond that when sokka wanted to know advice on how to get yue to like him he came to her. and now her closest friend was gone and she had left her home and her family behind to help them on their journey.. he couldn’t imagine how she felt. but he wasn’t going to let her go through this alone. 
sokka wrapped his arm around her and though she flinched at first, y/n immediately relaxed when she realized what he was doing. he was trying to comfort her by just being there, and she appreciated it immensely. y/n leaned her head against his shoulder and the two of them sat there in silence once again, watching the sky.
or am i a fool who sits alone talking to the moon 
“you don’t have to feel guilty,” sokka murmured. “she doesn’t blame you for what happened and she doesn’t blame you for how you feel. i know that she’s watching over us right now.”
“you think?” he nodded and the smallest smile graced her lips. “she doesn’t blame you either. every time you hung out together she would come running back to me telling me how much fun she had and how she already felt so close to you, and how much you brightened up her days. she truly loved you, sokka.” 
sokka laughed humorlessly and shook his head. “i loved her too. i didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone so quickly, but she proved me wrong.”
“she was good at that. proving people wrong.” 
do you ever hear me calling? 
more silence passed. 
y/n opened her mouth and closed it again, trying to find the words.
“yue?” she started off timid, but her words gained more confidence as she went on. “i.. i don’t know if you can hear us. but if you can, i just want to let you know that i- that we miss you. not a day goes by where i don’t think of you, and i hope that you are watching down on us. because we love you. and we always will.” 
“thank you for everything you’ve done.” sokka spoke up now. “i hope you’re at peace, yue, wherever you are.”
cause every night i’m talking to the moon  still trying to get to you
y/n swore that the moon glowed a little brighter in the night sky when they finished. 
she didn’t know how time passed so quickly, but her and sokka ended up falling asleep out there, his arm around her and her head on his shoulder.
and for the first time since the siege of the north, y/n slept without nightmares. 
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crystal-moon-101 · 3 years
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(Updated Drawing for a second time) Name: Jay Maxwell Tennyson Nickname: Jace, Jay Jay, Human Omnitrix, Lill’ Ben, Hero Boy, Omni Boy (By Feike) Age: 13 Gender: Male Birthday: February 7 Sexual Orientation: ??? (Just like his father) Ethnicity/Species: American/Japanese - Human/'Omnitrix' Personality: Adventurous, Often has self-doubt, Sensitive, Cultured, Dependable, Brave, Hopeful, Persistent, Impulsive, Jokester, Trustful, Has slight anxiety problems, Forgiving, Selfless. Hobbies: Gaming, mostly survival games. A couple of sports (He's known to play tennis with his mother). Learning and Reading up on aliens and their cultures. Collecting items/souvenirs. Photography. Designing with Family:
Ben Tennyson - (Father/Jay has always looked up to his father, striving to be a hero like. However, there are issues between them, in that Jay struggles with how often his father isn't around, out in space-saving the day on another planet. He understands why this is, but it makes it hard to spend time together, along with seeing the struggles his mother goes through, even if she accepts this with Ben. That being said, anytime Ben visits, Jay jumps at the chance to spend time with his father.)
Julie Yamamoto - (Mother/Absolutely adores his mother and vice versa. Since Ben is often away, Jay has picked up a lot of Julie's habits and behaviour, even hobbies, like tennis. He's always eager to help her around and the house and spending quality mother and son time. He's very thankful his mother raised him to be patient, kind and polite, a big part of his personality.)
Ship - (Pet - Galvanic Metamorph/He's always loved the pet blob of the family. When he was born, Ship was very excited about Jay's presence, doing whatever he could to make the baby boy laugh. It's been the same, even as Jay grew up. The happy blob will always comfort the boy, especially through his anxiety attacks or self-doubt moments.)
Muse - (Pet - Null Void Guardian/Muse wasn't the kind of pet Jay thought he'd get, but he loves her anyway. Having saved her during a mission in the null void, the creature became rather attached to him as they don't normally have positive interaction with other species, even their caretakers. She loves cuddles and having Jay's attention, but can be very protective if anyone dares to hurt her human.) 
Tundra, Orion, Vale, Neva, North, Crystal, Alaska, Micha, Storm, Gray, Raine, Arlo, Zodiac and Lux - (Half-Siblings/Jay is very close to his fourteen Necrofriggians siblings, despite the species differences. He's never really questioned how unusual it was having them as siblings, even when people give weird glances. His siblings also adore their baby brother, spoiling him whenever they visit.)
Ivory - (Kind of half sister? It’s complicated/When Jay bumped into Ivory the first time, during a mission where Khyber was running around, he had to say he was surprised to see someone who had similar features to him and to his dad. After explaining this run-in with his parents, it didn’t take them long to come to the conclusion she must be the daughter of Albedo, back from when he was still human. Since then, Jay has tried reaching out to her, not only because he believes she can find a better life beyond Khyber, but also because he has a feeling she wants family, just as he wouldn’t mind having another sibling around...But for now, she brushes him off.)
Gwen Tennyson - (First cousin once removed/'Aunt'/Much like Ben, he looks up to his aunt, always eager to hear stories she shares with her father and Kevin. Since Gwen and Kevin aren't off earth as much as Ben now of days, Julie and Jay often visit for dinners. He likes to ask her help with schoolwork during these visits, though lately he's also been interested in learning about Ledgerdomain. Gwen has a feeling it might be because of a certain spell caster he is crushing on, but he hasn't said anything.)
Kevin Levin - (first cousin once removed in-law/'Uncle'/Somehow, Kevin was often the one that both Jay and Thea were dumped on to babysit. He would complain, but he really did adore the pair, even recording some of their younger interactions and adventure, which were both hilarious and adorable. Jay likes to show his uncle love when he can, as he knows very well how rough Kevin's background is.)
Cynthia Levin - (Second Cousins/The two basically act like siblings, teasing one another, hanging out often and venting to each other when they need it. Even if the two-act like opposites, they play off each other well. With Thea being more bombastic and outward, she helps keep Jay out of all the trouble he gets caught in by mistake. She does what she can to protect him from bullies or galaxy criminals, sometimes even from himself. That being said, Jay is one of the only few who can pull her back from her aggression, showing her that there are calmer and nicer ways to handle things. His forgiving nature sometimes worries her, because she knows it'll backfire and get him hurt sometimes, but she has been amazed by it, as shown through his many connections with aliens they've met, even some who were dangerous or criminals. Even if they have hard arguments or struggle to understand one another at times, they'll always have each other's back.)
Ken Tennyson - (First cousin once removed/'Uncle'/While he enjoys his life with space and aliens, he does appreciate having a family member who is very down to earth. Ken is a very supportive and wise uncle, often knowing just what to say or do to cheer Jay up.)
Carl Tennyson - (Grandfather/Carl, of course, loves his grandson, happy to babysit him and have him over. However, because of Carl's effects of galaxy life and aliens as a child, he sometimes struggles to talk with Jay, who adores that lifestyle. Jay understands, as he and Carl both had/have Plumber fathers often off-world, along with how his grandfather was somewhat abandoned by Verdona, his own mother, in his younger years.)
Sandra Tennyson - (Grandmother/Sandra has always doted on her grandbaby since he was born. Always jumping to babysit, playing with him and proudly shows him off to her friends. She is also the one who inspired his photography hobby.)
Mr Yamamoto - (Grandfather/Despite Julie's father's issues towards Ben, he's always been gentle and kind towards Jay, often being the one to remind him of the beauty of earth.)
Verdona - (Great Grandmother/Verdona and Jay have a friendly relationship, often openly showing affection through hugs or chatting away. While it does somewhat hurt, he doesn't resent her for mostly coming around for Gwen and Thea, because of their Anodite sides. Since he can change into different aliens, he understands very well that every alien functions different, so he can't fault her in her behaviour, so he'll take what he can get.)
Maxwell Tennyson - (Great Grandfather/A legend in Jay's eyes, being who his middle name is from. Even though Max is retired and spends these days in his RV with Xyelne, he's always happy to tell Jay stories of his old Plumber days. The boy will listen to every word with wonder in his eyes. Max has even told stories on Ben when he was very young, including the summer vacation when he first got the watch. It always puts a smile on the boy's face.)
Xylene - (Great Grandfather Figure/While Xylene isn’t amazing with kids due to her background, her and Jay get along nicely since he’s a polite and calm boy. She has a way of speaking with Jay where she can be blunt and honest, but in a manner that he understands and doesn't get hurt by. Like getting that needed push to do something.)
Frank Tennyson - (Great Uncle/He enjoys the boy's soft presents and can always ask Jay for help here and there.)
Natalie Tennyson - (Great Aunt/Natalie likes having Jay around, as he's always eager to help with housework. She does love her granddaughter, but having a quieter child around is sometimes more preferred.)
Vanessa Morningstar - (The two have a sweet relationship, despite Thea’s rivalry with her and Vanessa’s parents. They treat each other with respect and trust, and for Vanessa, this is something not common to her. He's always ready to listen to her and doesn't believe she is destined to be a villain, even with her heritage. There have also been noticeable sparks between the two, but with all that goes on, it's hard to make something of it.)
Malax Shard - (Friend/A common friend and partner in Plumber training. Unlike Thea's uncertainty towards his gentle side, Malax has full trust in it. She knows his personality is rare in this line of work and is something desperately needed at times. That being said, she's often the one to give him the tough talks about reality and how harsh it gets. He respects her for this and both would have each other's back in any fight.)
Rook Rilla - (Friend/Another common friend and partner in Plumber training. The two have known each other since childhood, due to how close their fathers were. Rilla’s dry wit and no nonsense attitude has, admittedly, gotten Jay out of some tough problems, and the two play off each other well while working on the field.)
Feike - (Friend/He started out with issues towards Feike, mostly because of his flirting towards Thea. But, over time, Jay has started to see more to him. It's clear to him Feike isn't exactly happy where he is and feels trapped, being abused and manipulated by his boss, Sciros. He's tried reaching out to him, but the other teen likes to brush it off and tells him not to get involved.)
Renata - (Friend/Because of Reiny and Ben's friendship, there had been some playdates set up between the two when they were young. Despite how hard it is to communicate with Renata, Jay has come to understand how to talk to her, thanks to these playdates. He'll often go to her for space politic problems, given her status and training. Even though she doesn't show much emotions, she can show a protective side around him.)
Azmuth - (Friend/Azmuth is normally the one to take a look at his biology and powers if needed. Ben has also dropped Jay off for rare babysitting, Azmuth can only be so thankful Jay will listen to him and be quiet when told. He's always found it amusing how gentle Jay is compared to his father. He's also to happily talk about embarrassing moments about Ben to the boy.)
Etherea’Liss - (Friend/Their first meeting had been a little iffy, as Jay had met Zs’Skayr a few months before meeting her. But he quickly came to see that Ectonurites are not like him, and she's always happy to educate him on her home planet and people. In return, he helps her adjust to life outside of her home.)
Eldrigma (Enemy/Ever since this man showed up, Jay has been chasing him across the galaxy, feeling responsible in stopping him. However, with each encounter, they learn something new, that there's more to the story behind this man. As much as he wants to stop him and fight him, Jay is starting to see something grim and sorrowful behind the man's dark outside.)
Professor Alate - (Enemy/Honestly, this man creeps him the hell out. His intelligence as always been trouble for Jay, often getting outsmarted by the scientist. This wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the fact that Alate has this dedicated goal to catch Jay and experiment on him, mostly because of his Omnitrix biology.)
Sciros (Enemy/Jay has nothing but bad thoughts about this man, stemmed from kidnapping him and hurting friends like Feike and Vanessa, tricking and abusing them. He desperately wants to keep his friends away from the man, but his grip is tight and he knows how to keep them inline.)
Vilgax ('Enemy?'/It’s mostly Vilgax’s history with his father that scares him the most. Vilgax can be a hard foe to fight and is willing to use Jay to get revenge on Ben, however, with Jay’s teachings from his father and the fact Vilgax doesn’t have that great of an understanding since it’s been twenty years, Jay can fight against him and survive him. After seeing Vilgax around, he’s come to the realization that Vilgax isn’t as scary as most of the other villains Jay is currently fighting. He’s also given warnings to Vilgax about Alate.)
Representing Song: Human - Christina Perri
Skills: Enhanced Endurance/Stamina. Alien Morphing (He's able to turn into aliens without a watch, thanks to his unique biology). Hand-To-Hand Combat. Multilingualism (Jay can actually speak and understand a few alien languages, comes in handy). Photographic Memory. Makeup, dress ups, hairstyles, Jay is amazing at finding the right outfit or disguising others.
Weakness/Flaws/Fears: Monophobia (Fear of being alone or lonely), Atychiphobia (Fear of failure), Sometimes Anthropophobia (Fear of people. But depending on what people are currently like, especially in school, also depending on his mood) Slight Catoptrophobia (Fear of mirrors. Sometimes he can’t stand looking into the mirror, easily after something sudden or traumatic) Didaskaleinophobia (Fear of school) Autophobia (Fear of oneself). Sometimes changing aliens, becoming one or turning human can fail, especially if he has barely any focus. He keeps his injuries and damage he gets from fights as his aliens, even in his human form. Lack of energy or being rendered unconscious can make him turn back to human. He gains the weakness of his aliens. He needs to focus to be able to transform. His hidden sensitivity and anxiety can hinder his progress and the mission he’s on. He has a habit of taking on too much work, struggling to say no to others who depend on him. In rare cases, his biology can go out of whack sometimes, causing things like blindness, dizziness, struggling to walk E.T.C but it’s never permanent, so far. In his human form, he isn’t the strongest fighter and barely has any defense in tanking hits.
First Ten Forms:
War Roar
Hollow Woods
Shadow Puppet
Manta Wave
Power Source
Sin Reaper
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poguesrforlife · 4 years
Longing for You | JJ Maybank
Okay guys, here goes! First fic for outer banks with none other than my future husband JJ Maybank. God, look at him what a cutie!!!! <3
Requested: Nope
Trigger warning: Little bit smutty (mentions), foreshadowing of abuse but other than that a whole lot of good vibes only
Word count: >2k (went a bit over the top with that one oops)
Everybody in the pogues seems to be bood up except for JJ and Y/N which have been crushing on each other for ages but are too afraid to take the next step. Maybe some healthy competition will do the trick...
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Waves crashing on the shore, warm sand under your feet and the summer sun shining while you sipped on a can of beer. You decided life could definitely be worse. It was just another summer day for you and your friends on the outer banks.
Kiara had worked on a killer mixtape the past weeks and you were currently enjoying her musical genius while relaxing on the beach.
John B was dancing with Sarah, the newest addition to your group, to some song from the Neighbourhood and you had to admit they were disgustingly cute together. The others were quite skeptical at first towards the kook princess, mostly because of Kiaras attitude towards her. 
Back when Sarah and Kiara had broken things off you were the one to catch Kie and she introduced you to the other guys, which were quite happy to not only have Kiara back but also a new addition. Which honestly quite surprised you since you belonged partly to the kooks as well just like Kiara. 
But you had to admit it, Sarah was the sweetest girl you’ve ever met besides Kie. And all in all your squad was more in synch with her. John B had Sarah and Kie and Pope had that weird thing, nobody talked about, going on and then there was JJ.
You had a crush on JJ since the first time you laid eyes on him. How could you not with his gorgeous blue eyes, blonde surfer hair and that charming humour of his.
But things with JJ would never happen, you knew each other too well. A little flirting here and there was to be expected when all the friends in your group had the hots for each other.
You wondered whatever happened to the no pogue on pogue macking rule. 
“Who wants a hit?” JJ asked and pulled you out of your train of thoughts by offering his joint to the rest of the group.
Kie happily accepted and sighed with the first drag before handing it to you.
“I’m good thanks,” You declined and showed the beer can you were currently sipping on.
“Oh c’mon sweetheart a little blunt never hurt nobody,” JJ laughed and tried to encourage you. Pope just rolled his eyes at his remark.
“If I’m drinking it does though. Or need I remind you of last weekend when you were nearly passed out because you mixed it up and I had to drag your ass home?” You raised an eyebrow at JJ, recalling the events of the weekend before and watched him turn a deep red.
“Shots fired, bro!” John B. laughed as he took the joint from Kie’s hand and took a drag himself.
“Actually yes please do remind him because I don’t think he can remember a thing.” Pope grinned at his friend who got visibly more embarrassed.
And god you were glad JJ couldn’t remember a thing. Because the stuff he said to you that night weren’t things you wanted to get into. Sure, Kie had always sad that JJ had a thing for you but he never made a move. Only ever small flirtations or stupid things when he was drunk or high or both. And that wasn’t enough to risk your friendship.
“Oh it’s fine J Bae, happens to the best of us,” You winked at him and felt quite smug using your private nickname for him. 
His cheeks were still a bit rosy but you saw a smile sneak on his lips when he looked at you.
“But not to Y/N apparently,” Sarah commented and saluted you with her own beer as soon as she nestled in between John B’s legs.
“Well not everybody can hold their liquor like Y/N,” Kie agreed and gave you wink. She knew well enough of some evenings where the both of you were too drunk to even walk a straight line.
“Oh c’mon, I can definitely drink more than Y/N!” JJ argued and got up, clearly in a mood to prove himself. 
“You wanna bet?” You argued, biting you lower lip and leaned back in the sand while looking up at him through your lashes.
You saw JJ’s Adam’s apple pop as he swallowed hard looking down at you.
Sweet Jesus, he looked heavenly with the sun behind him surrounding him like a halo. More than anything you wished the two of you were alone so you could have your way with him.
“Guys if you drink all of our beer I’m gonna strangle you,” John B warned with his dad authority.
“Oh kinky, I like it,” JJ joked and gave JB a coy look.
You couldn’t help thinking if that would really be something JJ would be into but the thought quickly vanished when you remembered the bruises you had seen more than once all over his body when he came back from a few days home.
He never told you anything about it, just joked around but you were pretty sure there was something hidden below the surface.
“Who says they have to drink all the beer? Let them just chug one and see who’s faster.” For that argument from Pope he quickly got a slap on the arm from Kiara.
“Ouch, why?” He complained but Kiara just shook her head while you giggled at Pope’s obliviousness because she didn’t want to support JJ getting drunk once again.
“Fine by me.” JJ grinned at you and stretched out his hand to help you up. 
You took his offer but as he pulled you up abruptly you stumbled a bit and were soon pressed against his chest.
His arm grabbed around your waist to steady you and shivers went down your spine at his touch. You looked up into his baby blue eyes and watched them wander all over your face before they landed on your lips.
“Not so steady after all, are we Y/L/N?” He whispered and his breath fanned your face, that’s how close you were. You also realised that your hands where on his naked chest.
Being this close to JJ did things to your body you couldn’t understand and it drove you absolutely crazy. You realised you were staring at him and the others were staring at the both of you so you tried to quickly regain your composure.
You moved one of your hands slowly up his body and around his neck as you pulled his head down.
“Eat shit, Maybank,” You whispered in his ear, grazing it lightly with your lips, before releasing him. 
JJ’s smug smile from before was replaced with a slightly shocked and kind of aroused expression on his face. That gave you enough satisfaction for now, to know that you could have that kind of effect on him.
You thought you heard a little ‘fuck’ escape him when he turned around to get you two beers.
You looked over at the others who had all witnessed the little scene. Kie and Sarah gave you excited glances and thumbs up whereas the boys looked utterly confused and bewildered.
“Well let’s do this!” John B got up and clapped his hands together before standing in front of the both of you.
“I’ll count to 3 and then you start chugging and whoever finishes first has to put the empty can above their head to demonstrate it’s really empty.” He explained.
“Yeah, yeah we’ve got it, it’s not our first time,” JJ said impatiently and popped his beer open.
“You’re going down,” You warned the boy in front of you.
“On you? Anytime sweetheart,” He retorted with his usual charm and the thought alone threw you off a bit. 
Concentrate Y/N, you’ve got this. 
“1…2…3!” JB counted down and you began chugging while the others cheered. The carbonic acid made it hard for you to swallow fast but as JJ said this wasn’t your first time.
In 5 seconds you had downed your can and put it over your head where only a single drop fell onto your hair. You screamed with joy as you saw JJ finish just behind you.
“YES!” You shouted and did a little happy dance as JJ looked at you perplexed.
“You know, I’m not even mad that was seriously hot,” JJ admitted in defeat and bit his lower lip while he stared at you. Once again you wished the others would just leave right this second.
“Well I guess we know who’s more badass,” Kie commented and grinned at you.
“Hey just because Y/N can chug beer faster than any frat boy on spring break does not mean she’s more badass then me,” JJ pouted and tried to regain some of his lost pride. 
The way he looked right now was just undermining his statement at the moment though since you couldn’t believe how cute he was. 
“It does though,” You disagreed and patted his cheek lovingly. A smile quickly made its way onto his lips as he looked at you. More than anything you just wanted to kiss him.
Maybe it was the alcohol that made you think like that but you knew better than that. You had wanted JJ for ages now.
“I want a rematch,” JJ suddenly said and turned you around, his arm around your waist and his chest pressed against your back.
You had no idea where this confidence in touching you suddenly came from but you liked it.
His right arm sneaked across your shoulder and he pointed towards a cluster of rocks a few feet in the ocean.
“Whoever reaches the rocks first wins the grand badass competition between you and I,” He announced and giggled at his pompous accent. 
“I don’t know how that proves that I’m more badass than you but sure,” You agreed, never one to back down from a challenge.
You were also pretty sure that JJ in his intoxicated state forgot that you were captain of the swim team and were usually working as a life-guard during summer. It was really not fair but there was no way you could let him win, he would never shut up about it.
“You guys, I swear just fuck already,” You heard John B murmur as he positioned himself between the two of you to give the start sign. 
You chose to ignore his comment as you got ready but not before slipping out of your clothes and leaving you in the tiny swimsuit you were currently wearing.
You saw JJ stare out of the corner of your eye and heard Sarah whistle behind you which made you laugh.
“Wouldn’t want to ruin my clothes or slow me down,” You explained nonchalantly and watched as Kiara and Pope were getting out cash probably betting on the winner.
Once again John B counted down to three and you started sprinting into the water and swimming for your life. JJ was close you knew that, he was a fast runner and had an advantage the first feet. 
But you couldn’t let yourself get distracted so you pushed yourself onto your very limits until you felt the rock under your hand and climbed on top of it.
JJ didn’t even come out of the water as he watched you, out of breath, as you victoriously waved to the others on the shore. From afar you could see that Pope gave Kiara his money with a sour gaze.
“Who’s more badass now, J Bae?” You laughed and sat down on the rocks in front of him and watched him swim in-between your legs.
“You distracted me, that wasn’t fair!” He argued and let his eyes wander over your body. 
You felt hot all over as his gaze swept over you and at the view of his head between your legs.
“Distracted hm? Why would that be?” You giggled and leaned forward to jokingly grant him a better view. He inhaled sharply and realised he was staring at your boobs a little too late before his eyes drifted to yours.
“At least help me out of the water,” He pleaded and struck out his hands. But as you reached out for him and were about to hoist him up, he pulled you into the water with him.
You screamed because of the surprise and clung to JJ’s shoulders to hold onto something. 
You don’t think the others on the beach even noticed as they went back to their own business and were distracted.
“You are insufferable!” You complained and got the wet hair out of your face as you clung to JJ with one arm and he had you secured with an arm around your waist.
You were definitely both sobered up by now, thanks to the cold water and exercise.
“Well, at least we know who’s stronger,” JJ commented and his second hand grabbed your waist as well. 
You were practically naked, chest to chest and only the ocean between the both of you. The ocean and the fear of rejection as you looked between his lips and his eyes.
“I’m still more badass than you,” You giggled and your hands moved up his shoulders to his neck like the most natural thing in the world.
“Would you just shut up?” JJ grinned and pulled you even closer to him if that was possible.
“Make me!” Was the last thing you whispered before JJ’s lips crashed onto yours.
He wasn’t timid and didn’t hesitate but kissed you passionately like he had waited to do so for weeks and was finally allowed to. And you kissed him back just as feverishly as your hands tucked on his blond hair and your legs locked around his waist. 
He bit your lower lip softly and a moan escaped your mouth which only made him grab you harder, one of his hands now on your butt.
Kissing JJ was igniting a wildfire, like the most dangerous and reckless thing in the world. But it also felt completely right, like the stars all had aligned just for that moment.
After a long time the both of you caught your breath and simply stared at each other. 
“That was…” You began but couldn’t find the right words. How do you even describe the best kiss of your life?
“It was,” JJ agreed without you having to say anything, he understood. “So… I wouldn’t mind this becoming a regular thing.”
You looked at him shocked, not because you didn’t want it but because there were so many other things to think about.
“I wouldn’t either,” you agreed “but let this be our little secret for now. I don’t want to give the others the satisfaction of being right all along.” You could practically picture Kie’s little happy dance by mentioning this to her.
“Agreed!” JJ laughed and pecked you on the lips one last time before swimming back to shore.
You grinned the rest of the whole day and ever so often sneaked flirty little glances and touches with JJ that drove your heart crazy.
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jisungsmochi · 4 years
tutor girl - ljn
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tutor girl - lee jeno fic 
based off one tree hill hehe (been binging it lately) 
word count: 8.6k (might be my longest one yet) 
summary: lee jeno was an asshole. an awfully charming asshole. he wanted nothing more than to make your best friend’s life a living hell. he had his plan ready to go, but something, or rather someone, got in the way. will tutor girl change him for the better or will he stick to his ways? 
mainly fluff but we got a lil bit of angst in there oops 
(for the sake of this au , imagine jeno and mark are the same age)
“you should try out for the basketball team this year. i think you should show off your abilities on the real court” you walk alongside your best friend. mark lee. you clearly remember the day you met him. you were both around nine years old, placed in the same fourth grade class. you wanted to befriend him after finding out he only lived with his mother. coming from a big family, you were always used to having others around you. so you thought you’d do the same for him.
“really? i don’t know...the guys on the team are all jerks. besides i’m fine playing by the river court, there’s no pressure” mark shrugs at you, contemplating your suggestion.
“it’s a well known fact that they’re all jerks, but they’re jerks who can get scholarships for college, isn’t that what you want?” you continued to push. you knew the true reason he was hesitant on joining the team. but you didn’t want him to hold himself back in life, any good friend would do the same.
“yeah of course. i’ll think about it, y/n. but no guarantees” he sighs, walking into his mother’s cafe. you made your way to greet his mother,
“ah y/n, it’s great that you’re here, i’m gonna need you for another shift” she smiles softly, handing you your apron.
“yes ma’am” you smile back, watching as mark sat at the counter. this was how most of your days went. hanging out with mark most of the day, then coming to work at the cafe if you weren’t tutoring a student in need as part of the tutoring program at your school. you enjoyed helping your peers and their improved marks and positive attitude gave you a sense of accomplishment.
you were having dinner with mark and his mother, soojin, like you did most nights, when she suddenly brought up basketball tryouts,
“thinking of joining, mark?” soojin asked curiously.
“i don’t know if i want to, you know he’s gonna be on the team” mark anxiously admits.
see, the thing was, mark had a half brother by the name of lee jeno. he was notorious for being a grade A asshat. following suit of his and mark’s father, lee juyoung. juyoung and soojin were high school sweethearts, winning prom king and queen in their senior year. the day before graduation, soojin told juyoung she had fallen pregnant with mark. but he couldn’t handle being a father, having just earned a prestigious basketball scholarship for some fancy college. they quickly ended their relationship after graduating, wishing to never see or hear from one another again. soojin raised mark on her own whilst juyoung went to college, where he met jeno’s mother, minji. juyoung recklessly got minji pregnant with jeno, roughly six months after mark was conceived. but he stuck with minji, as she was from an affluent background and saw a more promising and stable future with her. jeno was brought up by his father to despise mark. they first met each other at a basketball summer camp when they were ten years old, but rarely saw eachother until high school. mark despised jeno equally, infuriated that he was favoured by their father. jeno had everything. he was the basketball team’s shooting guard, always getting the glory of scoring points. he was also dating one of the most popular girls in school, kang mina. and it didn’t help that he was pleasing to the eye, aside from his jackass tendencies. jeno had it all, mark often caught himself feeling jealous of the life jeno got to live. he hated his father for leaving his mother to raise him alone. it was needless to say, the lee brothers did not get along.
“who cares if jeno’s on the team? remember that you’re doing this for you, not for him or anyone else” you encourage, knowing how he truly felt towards jeno.
“y/n’s right. you are a great player, anyone can see it. just give it a try, you’ll never know what can come from it” his mother gave him a gently squeeze to his shoulder. mark avoided looking at the both of you, softly sighing,
“alright alright, i’ll tryout! what’s the worst that could happen?” he chuckled lightly.
as expected, mark surpassed everyone who tried out and was able to fill the last spot in the school’s varsity basketball team. unfortunately, he was not greeted with open arms, the other boys taunting that he wasn’t as good as them. especially jeno, absolutely disgusted by the idea of him and mark having to interact.
you sat with mark in his room as he ranted about his interactions with the team,
“they all said to watch my back, that they had something planned for me. is that not concerning?” he paced in his room, your heart sunk at his words. who would ever want to hurt such a kind soul like mark?
“you should tell coach, i’m sure he’ll try and straighten them out” you suggest, unsure if it even helped.
“that’s the thing, if i tell on them, they’ll retaliate even harder. god i knew i shouldn’t have joined” he groaned,
“don’t say that, you deserve to be on the team whether they like it or not” you furrow your eyebrows in concern. you move over to sit with mark on his bed, pulling his head to your shoulder.
“jeno’s the worst of them all. he always takes low blows at me about our dad, saying that he loves him more than me. that he doesn’t care about my mother. he’s ruthless” mark mumbled, your heart aching for him. you knew jeno was an ass, but you didn’t know he would outright say such hurtful things.
“he’s just jealous because you’re a threat to him. and besides, it doesn’t help that you’re totally crushing on his girlfriend, don’t think i haven’t noticed” you tease at the end, fully aware of mark lee’s massive crush on kang mina.
“w-what?! i do not have a crush on mina!” he exclaims causing you to chuckle.
“sure you don’t buddy, don’t act like you’re not happy to join the team. you get to watch her cheer for you from the sidelines” you poke his cheeks, trying to get him to lighten up. you hated seeing him so nervous and anxious all the time. you hoped things would get better from then on, but you were wrong. lee jeno was the epitome of an asshole.
jeno wanted mark off the team and he didn’t care how he did it or who he hurt in the process. not only did he take harsh jabs at mark about his mother, but he went as far as to soaking his gym clothes in water, leaving him with no clothes for practice. he refused to hand mark the ball during practice, often getting his friends to barge into mark if he tried to get the ball off him. somehow it got around that mina had been getting closer to mark as they had been paired up for an assignment, which only fuelled more anger in jeno. he needed to be more smart if he wanted mark to quit the team.
jeno was standing with his friend, jaemin at their lockers, when they caught sight of mark talking to you.
“who’s the chick that’s always hanging with mark?” jeno curiously asks, scanning his eyes over you.
“her name’s y/n, she’s part of the tutor program” jaemin responded, looking over at jeno who had a mysterious look in his eyes.
“i might just have to sign up for some tutoring” he smirked to himself, making his way to his next class.
you were filing some applications for tutoring at the student centre when you heard someone knock at the door.
“hang on a minute!” you politely spoke, turning to see who it was. your face immediately fell as your eyes landed on the dark haired boy infront of you.
“may i help you?” you crossed your arms, already fed up with him.
“i hope so, you’re my tutor” jeno copies your gesture, looking down at you in amusement.
“uh no, don’t think so” you turned your back to him, continuing to file applications.
“you’re y/n, right? see it says right here” he approaches you, practically shoving the form in your face. you glanced at the section where the allocated tutor’s name should be written and there you were. you took the form from him, softly biting the inside of your cheek before looking back at him.
“look i’m sorry but i’m best friends with mark” you hand the form back to him.
“well then i’m sorry too” he snickers, causing you to roll your eyes.
“i can’t help you okay? i’ll find someone else t-“
“i don’t want anyone else. you’re the best student tutor in this program. i really need your help” jeno practically whined. part of you wanted to help him, but your loyalty to mark, alongside all the terrible things jeno has said and done, wasn’t going to change your mind.
“i’m sorry, again. i-i just can’t” you rush out of the room, feeling guilty. as much as you disliked jeno, you were never the one to turn away a student in need. all you knew is that mark could never know about this.
your english teacher was handing back grades for the latest assignment. your eyes couldn’t stop focusing on jeno, who was visibly distraught after receiving his grade. the guilty feeling in your stomach wasn’t going away. so what if you helped jeno? maybe you could get him to back off mark. plus it was your duty as a tutor to help students in need. and right now, jeno needed you.
he approached you again in the student centre later that day,
“hey just letting you know, i won’t be needing you anymore, i’ll be just fine” jeno sternly announced to you, gaining your attention. before you could say anything back, he held up his grade from english,
“i mean, F is for fine, right?” your eyes moved to the paper that had a large, red ‘F’ written on it. you gave him a solemn look, debating what you would say next, you didn’t know what came over you,
“okay! i’ll tutor you!” you blurted out, catching jeno by surprise as well. his lips slowly formed into a smirk, walking closer to you.
“but on one condition, mark never finds out, and you also leave him alone!” you let out a short sigh, hoping you weren’t making a bad decision.
“that’s actually two conditions” he retorts, leading you to roll your eyes, already regretting everything.
“but okay, i’ll tell the guys to chill a bit” you looked at him in shock, not expecting him to consider your conditions at all.
“then it’s settled, let’s meet at the dock by the pier tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock sharp” you walk past him,
“why can’t we do it at school?” he asked in confusion,
“because i don’t want anyone else seeing us, especially mark” you sternly respond, making sure he understood.
“aye aye captain” jeno tried to joke, but you had already left before he could finish.
maybe this was going to be harder than he thought.
you were sitting at a table on the dock, waiting for jeno to show up. but your expectations were low. you questioned if he was taking this whole tutoring thing seriously, but your thoughts were interrupted when he rushed to you.
“sorry i’m late, i was hungry” he pulled out a small box of pocky, offering some to you. you shook your head,
“no thanks” he nodded as he shoved one in his mouth. he had also picked up a kinder surprise egg,
“praying i get a cheat sheet for this exam” he hold his hands together, quickly making a wish. you cracked a small smile at his antics, hoping he didn’t take notice. he opened the little bag containing the plastic prizes. he pulled out a colourful beaded bracelet. it was clearly made for children, but jeno thought you’d like it,
“here, for you” he looped it onto your wrist, “don’t say i never gave you anything” he winked, causing you to cringe.
“let’s just get started, shall we?” you ignored his comments, finally beginning the very first tutoring session. it wasn’t as bad as you initially thought it’d be. to your surprise, jeno was fully attentive and had made genuine attempts to learn. but it was probably only due to the fact he needed good grades to play basketball, it didn’t suddenly turn him into an amazing person in your eyes.
“hey! y/n! it feels like i haven’t seen you in a while, how have you been?” mark caught up to you on your way home from school. you two would usually walk together but with his basketball practices and your tutoring sessions, you both slowly stopped.
“i’ve been good! just busy with tutoring” you shrug, happy to have your best friend by your side again.
“ah same with basketball. it’s so weird, jeno and his goons haven’t done anything remotely bad to me this entire week” mark pulled the strap of his backpack over his shoulder.
“isn’t that a good thing?” you softly smiled at yourself, remembering the deal you made with jeno.
“i mean yeah, but i can’t help but be suspicious. what if there’s some other huge thing they have planned?” mark started stressing, gliding his hand through his hair.
“maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt” you mutter, unsure why you were even defending jeno.
“since when were you on his side?” your best friend stopped in his tracks, not believing a word that just left your mouth. you pulled at the strings of your hoodie,
“i’m on your side of course! i’m just saying that maybe he’s not as evil as you think he is” you tried to pull yourself out of the hole you were currently digging.
“i don’t know, y/n. i guess we’ll have to wait and see” he paused for a moment, looking down at your wrist,
“nice bracelet” your eyes shifted to the lame beaded bracelet jeno gave you. why were you still wearing it?
for your next tutoring session, jeno had invited you to his house, claiming that the dock was too noisy and he couldn’t focus properly. you actually agreed with him for once, now standing outside his house. you rang the doorbell, hearing someone shuffling behind the door. jeno swung the door open, greeting you with his classic smile. he led you to the dining table, with all of his materials already set out.
“finally organised, i’m impressed” you compliment him, not noticing how his cheeks were heating up.
midway through the session, jeno became distracted. he has received a text on his phone. you weren’t sure who it was, but by the way he was reacting, he was clearly frustrated.
“hey, can you get off your phone? we still have more examples to go through” you were slowly getting annoyed by his inability to remain focused.
“sorry, just uh- it’s nothing” he mumbled, shoving his phone back in his pocket before turning to face you.
“alright, break time” you sigh, closing the book infront of you. jeno shot you a confused look,
“because something’s on your mind, you need to clear it” you advise him, hoping he would open up to you.
“you’re right, it’s just, mina. we’ve been getting into so many fights lately, plus she’s been hanging out with mark a lot. i just don’t know where we’re at” jeno looks down at his hands that were placed in his lap. you weren’t sure what to say, you slightly felt sorry for jeno, something you’d never thought would happen.
“and my dad, he keeps pressuring me to do better in basketball. he makes everything a competition between himself and me. now with mark on the team, there’s a direct comparison which he just cannot avoid bringing up every single day” jeno continues to rant, slowly taking you back. you had no idea he was feeling like this. he always presented himself as this tough guy who had no care in the world about anything but basketball.
“i-i don’t know what to say” you honestly admit, avoiding eye contact with him.
“it’s alright, i didn’t expect you to anyway. i just keep this all inside” he sighed, relieved to be able to say these things out loud for once, without being judged.
“i think that, you should live your life the way you want. if mina makes you happy then show her that. if basketball is your passion, don’t give up on it just because of your dad or mark or anyone else. just do your best, that’s all anyone can ask for” you tried your best to give him advice, not sure if he would even take any from you. but jeno was surprised at how gentle and understanding you were. he had never had someone to properly vent to about his problems.
“y-you’re right. like absolutely spot on right. damn, i guess you’re more than just a tutor” he smiled softly,
“ah yes i am also a part time motivational speaker and hype woman” you fake cheered, making him burst out in a soft chuckle.
“thanks for this, y/n. i uh, really appreciate you listening” jeno’s eyes meet yours as you listen to his every word. you almost got lost in his eyes for a split second before you pulled yourself back to reality.
“no problem, what a friends for” you murmured, causing him to raise his eyebrows,
“oh so we’re friends now?” he shot you another smirk, clearly entertained by this entire situation.
“i mean yeah, i consider you a friend. but if you tell anyone, i will deny it” you pointed a finger a him playfully.
“wouldn’t expect anything less”
the following week, you were lining up for your physical education class, waiting for the basketball boys to finish up their short practice. you caught sight of mark and jeno, who seem to be in the middle of a very heated argument.
“coach wants you to be shooting guard now? you really wanna take my position, lee? then let me take y/n off your hands” jeno cockily exclaimed,
“leave her alone! you better not be messing with her or i swear i’ll hurt you a lot more than i already want to” mark gritted through his teeth.
“funny you say that, because she’s been tutoring me, and i must say, she’s a special one” jeno continues to aggravate mark. you knew he was saying these things to get a rise from the other boy. to say you were disgusted was an understatement. now, they were shoving eachother, to the point where mark was on top of jeno, ready to punch him. the coach had to pull both of them apart, along with some of the other players. it was a whole mess, mark stormed out of the gym, giving you a sharp side eye before walking right past you. your eyes caught jeno’s, he gave you a pitiful look. everything had just gone to shit.
that afternoon, you decided to go over mark’s house to check up on him. you were prepared for him to yell at you, probably still in disbelief that you were hanging out with jeno behind his back. you softly knocked on his bedroom door, you heard him grunt slightly before opening the door.
“hey” you quietly muttered, mark just raised his eyebrows before letting you enter. you sat by his study desk, unsure of how to bring up the situation.
“why’d you do it, y/n? why did you agree to tutor that jerk?!” mark broke the awkward tension, arms folded across his chest.
“i-i don’t know, mark. he needed help with his work, what was i supposed to do? turn him away?” you argue back, feeling defensive.
“yes! that’s exactly what you should have done. jeno has made my life a living hell, just for being on the team. now he’s got you wrapped around his silly little finger? i thought you were better than that” mark scoffed. you just froze. never in your seven years of friendship, had mark yelled at you like this.
“jeno is strictly just a tutoring student to me! he’s nothing more than that. and you’re the one to talk! you’re over here flirting and hanging out with jeno’s girlfriend. she’s taken, mark. your silly crush on her needs to stop” you were beyond frustrated at this point, harsh words spilled out of you like there was no end.
“he treats her like crap, y/n! she comes to me for comfort! what am i supposed to do?” mark ran his hands through his hair.
“you wait for them to breakup, mark! that’s what any logical person would do. you don’t pine after her while she’s in a relationship. you’re better than that” you whimper the last sentence, hot tears filled your eyes. mark almost broke down, seeing you so upset. but he was too mad and stubborn to comfort you.
“you really think jeno cares about you? he’s only hanging out with you to get to me!” mark continued to fuel your anger,
“mark lee, you are an asshole. who would have thought you and jeno would switch places?” you finally spat out, rushing out of his room, ready at cry your eyes out at home.
“y/n! wait up!” you heard the familiar deep voice behind you. you kept walking, wanting nothing more than to go home and ignore everyone and everything around you. but lee jeno was persistent. he caught up to you, moving to stand right infront of you.
“i don’t want to talk to you right now” you sternly let out, trying to walk away from him. jeno softly gripped your shoulders, pulling you along with him to a secluded spot behind the school gates.
“i know you don’t, but i want to explain myself” jeno started, he appeared to be quite distraught. you nodded along, ready to hear his explanation.
“coach promoted mark to shooting guard. i haven’t been on my best game lately, you know, with my dad always on my back. i was so mad that coach wanted to replace me. he knows that basketball is my only shot to get into college, because let’s face it, academics will not get me through” you frowned once he said that, which made him crack a slight smile,
“you’ve helped a lot. more than you know. but anyway, i got so mad at mark, i kind of went crazy. i know i shouldn’t have brought you up. that was a dick move and i’m sorry. i just wanted to hurt him. i’ve noticed that you two haven’t been talking. and i can’t help but feel like i was the reason for it. so i don’t expect you to forgive me right away. i just wanted you to hear my side” jeno finally finished, his shoulders resting. your eyes were wide, not expecting this entire speech from him.
“jeno, i appreciate that you wanted me to know your side. and i’m sorry about mark replacing you. he was going to find out about us one way or another. atleast it’s finally out” you shrugged before continuing, “mark and i haven’t been as close as we used to be. and it kind of hurts. i cried a lot after he yelled at me and i jus-” before you could finish, jeno pulled you into him. you immediately froze against him, arms avoiding wrapping around his torso. jeno didn’t know why he hugged you, something about your whimpering tone made him want to hold you.
“i-i’m sorry, you just looked like you needed it” he muttered, slowly pulling away from you.
“i-it’s okay” you mumble back to him, avoiding his eyes at all costs.
“i can leave now if you want?” jeno pulled a piece of hair away from your face, making you look up at him.
“a-actually, wanna go for a walk to the dock?” you offer, watching as his face slowly lit up,
“sure” he smiled softly at you, as you both began walking. you caught sight of mark and mina, who were staring right back at you and jeno. you weren’t sure what to do, jeno noticed how uncomfortable you felt. he too, was not too fond of the sight of mark and his now, ex girlfriend, judging the both of you.
“so are they a thing?” jeno suddenly brings up on your way to the dock.
“mark and mina? i thought you were dating” your confused tone made him smile,
“uh well we kind of broke up a few days ago. the day of the fight actually” jeno informed you. you stopped in your path, looking over at the taller boy.
“why didn’t you tell me? are you okay?” you slightly pout,
“firstly, you were ignoring me. and secondly, to my surprise, i am okay. we just weren’t right for eachother, it happens” jeno just shrugs, but you could tell there was more behind it.
“what else is bothering you? aside from your dad and basketball?” you decided to push, feeling he was holding something back.
“i just realised how poorly i treated mina. i never really put much effort into the relationship. seeing her with mark kind of struck a nerve” he explained as you both sat at the same table as your first tutoring session.
“well it’s okay to have regrets, jeno. it means you’re human” you assure him, placing your hand over his. jeno froze at your action, not used to you initiating physical touch with him. his eyes scanned to your wrist,
“hey, you’re still wearing the bracelet” he couldn’t help but feel giddy that you had kept such a useless gift.
“ah yeah, it’s kinda cute don’t you think?” you show off to him, trying to get him to laugh.
you’re cute.
jeno thought to himself. he didn’t want to admit that he had a slight interest in you. the plan wasn’t for him to fall for you. but jeno was well on his way. and he wanted to snap out of it, as soon as possible. because you deserved someone better than him.
as the days went on, mark slowly began to talk to you again. it would start with small conversations during your shifts at the cafe, but once you got to the point where you would ask to hang out, he always had something to do. all you wanted was your best friend back, but he seemed pretty occupied with mina’s company, you didn’t want to make things worse.
on top of this, jeno was struggling a lot with his english work. you tried your best to get him to understand but his mind wasn’t in the right place.
“i’m sorry if it feels like i’m wasting your time, y/n” jeno pouted at you,
“you’re not wasting my time, jeno. you’ll get there eventually. you just have to practice, like in basketball” you tried to develop a comparison between the two, in order to encourage jeno’s study habits.
“speaking of, are you coming to the game on friday?” jeno suddenly went off topic, not that you minded, you both needed a brain break.
“um i don’t know, i might have plans” you tried to come up with some lame excuse before he continued,
“oh come on, it’ll be a good game, we always beat this team” jeno was practically begging you at this point, you softly chuckled at his desperation,
“i’ll make you a deal, get over 80 for the english exam and i’ll go” you suggested as you pulled out your pinky. jeno hesitated for a moment, but opted to promising you anyway. your pinkies remained linked, both of you too embarrassed to pull away. as cheesy as it sounds, for just a moment, you felt everything else freeze. your focus was only on jeno, how adorable he looked with his ruffled hair, practically in his pajamas. you slowly brought yourself back to reality, a warm feeling now developing in your stomach. this isn’t good.
wednesday afternoon rolled by, as you were about to leave the school gates, you heard jeno call for you. he wasn’t being so discrete either, gaining the attention of others around you.
“y/n! wait up!” he was practically wheezing by the time he reached you.
“god, did you run a marathon or something?” you chuckle, helping him stable himself.
“i had to see you right after i got this damn mark, 84!!” his face lit up like you had never seen before. you could tell he was genuinely pleased with himself.
“that’s amazing, jeno! i knew you could do it” you jumped up and down in excitement for him. jeno smiled at you, pulling his arms out, signalling whether or not it was okay to hug you. you nodded ecstatically, launching yourself in his arms. jeno couldn’t believe how perfectly you fit in his arms. if only he could do this more often.
as you both pulled away, jeno still kept his hands hooked on your forearms.
“so you’ll come to the game?” he raised his eyebrows in anticipation.
“a deal is a deal!” you nod once again, watching as jeno’s eyes creased into a crescent moon shape.
“thanks again for everything, i’ll look out for you on friday!” he cheered as he released your forearms from his gentle grip, making his way back to his friends who watched the entire interaction. you couldn’t help but feel a sudden wave of heat rush to your face. goddammit lee jeno.
the basketball game was in full swing. you had gotten to the gym right before the game started. you looked over the court for jeno, your eyes meeting his. he gave you a slight smile, followed by a nod. you waved lightly at him, feeling slightly embarrassed that the only reason you came was to see him. mark witnessed the entire interaction, his instincts telling him that something more was going on between you two. the last thing he wanted was to see you hurt, especially if it were at the hands of jeno. mark approached jeno before the game started, he pulled out his hand to shake,
“hey, i know it’s been rough between us but let’s do our best for this game” mark pushed aside his pride. jeno cluelessly stared at mark’s hand, hesitantly placing his hand against his.
“yeah, agreed” jeno awkwardly muttered, quickly pulling away from mark, joining the rest of the team for the pregame huddle.
there was five seconds on the clock, jeno was double teamed. there was no way he could make the shot, he knew his dad was watching, probably yelling at him to take the shot anyway. but jeno couldn’t risk it, he looked to his right, seeing an open mark lee with his hands ready to handle the ball. jeno spun on his heel, swiftly making a clean pass to mark. everyone stood from their seats, all eyes on mark lee. it took a few seconds for the opposing team to realise what had happened, giving mark the perfect shot. just as the buzzer signalled the end of the game, mark lee had scored the winning basket. all the boys on the team ran to the slightly frazzled boy, pulling him in for a group hug. jeno smiled at the sight, looking over to find you, but he was met with the disappointing glares of his father instead. jeno’s smile faded, an uneasy feeling making its way through his body. you noticed that he seemed off, quickly rushing to be by his side.
“jeno! are you okay?” you tried to gain his attention amongst the loud cheers and screams of everyone. jeno turned to face you, placing his hands on the sides of your arms.
“y-yeah, i’m okay now” he smiled lightly, sweat dripping from his forehead. you pulled the sleeve of your sweater down slightly, wiping some of the sweat from his face.
“gosh you look gross” you fake gagged as he rolled his eyes.
“so you’re not going to congratulate me on winning?” he pouted, which had a tug on your heartstrings.
“andddd, congrats on winning!” you pulled him in for a hug, it was jeno’s turn to freeze at your embrace this time. he didn’t expect you to openly hug him infront of everyone but who was he to object?
“hey y/n, i’m going to have a celebratory party at my dad’s beach house tonight, wanna come? i’ll even invite mark” he offered as you both pulled away, his hands still on your sides.
“parties aren’t really my thing, you know? i’m not really dressed for the occasion anyway” you shrugged, feeling guilty for trying to ditch.
“oh come on, please? even if it’s for a little bit, i can take you home” jeno continues to budge, shooting you a doe eyed look. you shook your head at his efforts to persuade you.
“alright, alright! i think i’ll try and talk to mark first, see you soon” you give him one last smile before making your way to congratulate mark. despite the tension in your friendship, you knew that mark was too occupied, running on the high of winning, to ignore you. his eyes met yours, already expecting you to approach him.
“congrats mark, you did really well” you awkwardly greeted as he finally faced you.
“thanks y/n, i’m glad you came. even if it wasn’t for me” mark teased in a playful tone,
“w-what’s that supposed to mean?” you stutter, feeling heat rise to your face.
“i mean, you came to see jeno. i saw you two” mark explained, but before you could butt in, he continued,
“it’s fine really, it was wrong of me to make you think you needed my permission or something. jeno’s not so bad, i guess. but i still want you to be careful with him, okay?” there was the mark you knew and loved. the boy who would always give it to you straight, even if it hurt, but you knew in your heart that everything was okay. you nodded along, pulling your arms out, practically begging to hug him again. mark slightly chuckled, pulling you into him.
“i missed you, mark” you muttered into his shoulder and his hold on your tightened.
“i missed you too, loser” he whispered. as you pulled away from him, mark started walking with you to his car where you would both be on your way to lee jeno’s after game party.
jeno’s dad’s beach house exceeded all of your expectations. it was right by the shore, a bunch of teenagers already scattered on the sand. you and mark entered the house, greeted by mina and her best friend, jarim. you noticed how awkward mark and mina were with eachother, part of you wanting to laugh but you were able to keep it inside. you also noticed jarim practically glaring you down, maybe it was your outfit? your thoughts were interrupted when jeno came rushing to the group.
“glad you two could make it” he smiled at both you and mark, mainly keeping his focus on you.
“this place is huge” mark blurted out in awe, causing jeno to chuckle lightly. he was dressed in a plain black hoodie and some jogger pants. despite dressing down for his own party, how does he still look so damn good?
“thanks man, feel free to walk around, just don’t break anything” jeno jokingly winked, looking down at you,
“want me to show you around?” it was clear he was directing the question at you. you looked back at mark who gave you a look, telling you to go with jeno. you turned back to the dark haired boy, his eyes never left yours.
“sure” you nodded, walking alongside him, hearing soft whispers from jarim and mina.
jeno pulled you with him to an empty room. your eyes widened as he shut the door, unsure of why he only pulled you aside from the others.
“you can sit on the bed if you want” he insisted as he shuffled around the room. you followed along, still curious as to why you were here.
“is everything okay? why did you pull me away?” you questioned,
“i just wanted to thank you. for everything. for the tutoring, the mina drama and the stuff with my dad. i don’t really talk to anyone about my problems like how i do with you, and i really just want to say thanks, privately” this was the first time you saw jeno being timid. he stuck to the back of the door, eyes glued to the floor. you softly smiled at his words, making your way to meet him. you pulled his chin up, so he could look at you properly.
“you’re welcome, jeno. i’m really glad to hear that i’ve been able to help. it really does mean a lot to me” the words glided through your mouth with ease. lee jeno wasn’t as intimidating as you initially thought. he was flawed, like everyone else in the world. all he needed was someone to show him that it was okay to not be okay.
jeno placed the palm of his right hand to meet your cheek, gently brushing his thumb over it. the gesture made your heart flutter. how was he so good at this?
“y-you’re really pretty, you know?” jeno mumbled, pulling strands of your hair behind your ear. you blushed at his words, not believing them yourself.
“n-no, i’m not” you shook your head, as he halted his actions.
“why do you say that?” he furrowed his eyebrows at you, genuinely in disbelief at your words.
“i guess, i don’t really feel pretty? i don’t know. i just haven’t really been called pretty before, especially by a guy like yo-“ you cut yourself off, not wanting to finish your sentence. before jeno could say anything, there was a loud knock at the door.
“anyone in there?” the person yelled, continuing to knock. jeno turned to open the door, in which jarim, mark, mina and jaemin were all standing.
“oh were we interrupting something?” jarim smirked, clearly tipsy from the alcohol she consumed earlier that night. mina gave you a concerned look, aware of how her friend acts when she’s drunk.
“uh kinda” jeno harshly responded, mark’s eyes immediately shooting to you,
“is that true?” he questioned. you felt everyone’s eyes on you. you froze up, words unable to leave your mouth.
“aw cat’s got her tongue. were you two making out?” jarim continued to budge you both, no one responded.
“ah i see, you were about to have sex!” she slurred her words, mina having to hold her back from entering the room.
“shut up, jarim” jeno spat, causing the drunk girl to shove him further into the room. the small group all entered, jaemin closing the door behind him.
“jarim, lets get you home, okay?” mina struggles to pick up her friend.
“no no, i wanna stay. if you wanna be nasty, jeno. how about we discuss the elephant in the room? i mean, you don’t actually like tutor girl here, do you? wasn’t it all a ploy to get back at our little markie boy here” jarim exposed, chuckling to herself.
“what’s she talking about?” you finally spoke up, fists balled and tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
“no, it’s not like that, god why are you such a bitch, jarim?” jeno ran his hands through his hair, taking a step towards you. you took a step back in response, making your way to mark.
“i want to go home” you mumble to him, mark immediately taking you into his arms. he bid mina a farewell, as she apologised over and over for her friend’s behaviour. jeno tried to call after you both but jaemin held him back,
“dude, you messed up”
“i fucking know that, i have to go apologise” jeno gritted through his teeth,
“woah, you like her. you like tutor girl” jaemin was astonished, the thought of you and jeno as a couple, never crossing his mind.
“yeah, i really do. but now she’ll never want to see me again” jeno let out a defeated sigh, leaning against the door frame.
so much for a celebratory occasion.
you heard a knock at your bedroom door, interrupting your study session. you opened the door, eyes furrowed at the person standing infront of you.
“i’m probably the last person you expected to see” jarim sighed, clearly unsure of what else to say to you. you were ready to slam the door in her face, but you wanted to hear what excuse she had for coming to your house.
“what are you doing here?” you fold your arms, leaning on your door frame. jarim hesitates, handing you a piece of paper before speaking,
“i feel really awful about the way i acted at the party. i was drunk, not that it excuses what i did and said. but i hope you can understand that i didn’t have ill intent” jarim tried to defend herself, pleading for you to listen. you allowed her to continue, still holding the folded piece of paper in your hand.
“i’m sorry about making things awkward now with jeno, i want to make it up to you both” she paused, waiting for you to respond.
“i appreciate you coming to apologise and everything but jeno and i aren’t, and will never be a thing. i think it’s pretty clear how he feels about me” you try handing back the paper to her but she stops you.
“no you’re wrong, jeno likes you. he really does. he just has a crappy way of showing it. that piece of paper is an itinerary for your first date with him” jarim gave you a small smile.
“i’m confused? you’re suddenly playing match maker now?” you scoffed, fed up with the schemes,
“well yes! i think you two should give it a shot. just read through what i planned out. jeno will be at the cafe on friday night. it’s up to you if you want to go on the date or not, no pressure. i really am sorry again, i hope you can forgive me” jarim gave you a soft nod before leaving your house. you let out a short sigh, unfolding the piece of paper. you weren’t sure if you were ready to speak to jeno again, nonetheless go on a date with him. you couldn’t help but think about what could have happened between you two. would it be so bad?
on friday night, you were finishing up your shift at the cafe. mark and mina kept you company. mark was ranting about the next basketball game and mina was stressed about the upcoming cheer competition. you were wiping down your last table when the bell on top of the door rang, signalling someone had just entered. you swiftly turn to meet whoever came in, your face falling at the sight of jeno, still in his basketball jacket, staring right back at you. you walked right past him, removing your apron. mark awkwardly shifted looks between the both of you.
“y/n, can we talk?” jeno finally breaks the silence, walking closer to the counter you were standing behind. mark and mina slowly crept out of the cafe, mark mouthing a quick apology to you before scurrying off. you sighed, still unsure if you wanted to be on speaking terms with jeno.
“what is there is talk about?” you questioned, avoiding his gaze at all costs.
“the date that jarim organised, i would really like to go on it” jeno stumbled over his words, holding the folded piece of paper, identical to the one you received earlier that week.
“look, i just don’t think it’s a good idea, jeno. i mean, us going on a date? isn’t it ridiculous?” you tried to brush off any indication you were interested in him.
“it’s not ridiculous to me, y/n. just give me a chance, please?” he tried so hard to get you to look at him. you finally caved in and saw how fragile he looked.
“i can bail whenever i feel like it?” you fold your arms, hoping you wouldn’t regret your decision.
“yes, of course” jeno nodded, as you made your way to stand next to him.
“then let’s get going” you pulled your jacket and walked out of the cafe with jeno.
“okay so first thing she wrote was for us to list three things we like about eachother” jeno read off the piece of paper as you both walked aimlessly on the sidewalk.
“suddenly i can’t come up with anything” you jokingly shrug as jeno shoots you a playful glare. he started to loosen up, instantly feeling more comfortable with you.
“if you wanna be like that, i’ll go first then. i like how patient you are with me. you don’t treat me like some moron during tutoring” jeno awkwardly smiled at you, watching as your face softened. you knew how hard he was trying to get his grades up.
“thankyou jeno, that’s really sweet. i’m really proud of how far you’ve come” you compliment, watching as his cheeks start heating up. jeno moved closer to you, your arms brushing against eachother.
“i like the way you call my name, i know it sounds strange but it’s nice listening to your voice” you chuckle softly, completely embarrassed by your response. jeno couldn’t help but gush, he didn’t realise that you felt the same towards him.
“i actually think that’s cute. i’ll just keep talking to you then? even if you tell me to shut up” he smirks, nudging you gently.
“yeah yeah, it’s your turn” you tried to rush through this segment, butterflies forming in your stomach.
“i like that you’re pretty” he stopped you both in your tracks, fingers dangling near yours. you looked up at him, his eyes gazing into yours.
“i-i think you’re pretty too” you blurred, causing jeno to chuckle. you shook your head,
“ah no i mean that, i think you’re good looking? handsome? beautiful?” you couldn’t stop rambling, which only entertained him more.
“i got it” he mumbled, inching closer to you. you felt your breath hitch, never being this close to him before. you were crumbling under his gaze, suddenly pulling away from him. jeno let out a soft sigh, inserting himself next to you as you both started walking again.
you made it to the dock, choosing to sit on a nearby bench, admiring the moonlight shining on the water.
“i like you, jeno. that’s the last thing” you muttered, avoiding eye contact with the boy. jeno couldn’t contain how happy he was, wanting to pull you into him as soon as you finished speaking. but he saw how your expression dropped, a look of concern washed over you.
“i like you too, y/n. but w-what’s wrong?” jeno placed his arm around your shoulder, giving you a gentle pat.
“i-i’m scared, okay? i’ve never really been in a relationship before or even confessed to a guy. and to top it off, you and mark aren’t completely on good terms yet. so it just feels like everything is working against us being together” you ranted, jeno listening along to every word you said. he paused before responding, seeing how you were so worried about this, made his heart ache.
“hey, it’s okay. i don’t want to rush you into dating me or anything. i will work on my relationship with mark, if it makes you more comfortable. i swear, i would do anything to be with you, y/n. i can promise you that” jeno’s words brought much needed assurance to you. you finally looked over at him, his eyes dazzling under the moonlight.
“what will everyone think? i mean, i’m practically a no one. and you’re lee jeno. you aren’t scared of committing social suicide?” you dramatically point out. jeno throws his head back in laughter.
“i don’t care what anyone thinks. i just care what you think.” jeno slowly takes your hands in his, intertwining your fingers. you felt your heart race. how was he do good at this?
“how can i be sure that this isn’t another ploy to get to mark? how do i know this is real, jeno?” you mumble, still afraid of getting hurt again.
“if i could take back what i did, i would. without a doubt. y/n, i just want to be someone who’s good enough to be seen with you” jeno confesses, his words bringing a small smile to your face.
“well you should have thought about that before you humiliated me at the party! i really wanted to give you a piece of my mind, you know? there’s nothing you can do now that will make me forgive yo-“
you were cut off mid rant, feeling a pair of lips meet yours. you felt his hand gently caress your cheek, you didn’t know what came over you. you pressed your lips closer to his, if that was even possible. jeno softly mumbled against your lips,
“i’m sorry, i’ve just wanted to do that for so long” you ignored him for a bit, pulling him into you again. kissing jeno was something your past self would have beat you up for. but it just felt so damn good.
jeno broke away from your lips, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. you were intensely blushing at this point. hands now placed on the sides of jeno’s face. he looked at you with so much admiration, you couldn’t help but swoon over him.
“hate to say, but i was wrong about you” you whispered, a wide smile making its way to his lips.
“i’m all yours, y/n. i want to be there for you, through everything. i want to be the one you go to for comfort. i want you to come to my games and cheer me on. i want you to keep tutoring me until we graduate. i just want to be with you” jeno couldn’t stop rambling, the overwhelming feelings he had towards you were taking over him.
“i want to be with you too, jeno. it feels so good to finally say it” you surprise him by pecking his lips quickly. jeno’s eyes widened, he couldn’t hold back his need to embrace you. jeno pulled you up from the bench, wrapping his arms around you.
“thankyou, for everything” he mumbled against your forehead, placing a small kiss on it, as you both embraced eachother.
and that’s how you ended up dating your best friend’s half brother...it was definitely a story you enjoyed telling. dating lee jeno was filled with random rants in the early hours of the morning, breakfast delivered at your door step before he walked you to school. he visited the cafe to keep you company on your shifts, in return you would attend his basketball games, painting his jersey number in your cheek. he always searched for you in the crowd, giving you a wink before shooting the winning basket. it was ritual for you to jump in his arms after every game, whispering endless congratulations to him while kissing his cheeks. being with jeno was surprisingly drama free. he was completely loyal to you, and always showed you off every chance he could. he had also gotten closer to mark, partially due to your help. so you all ended up hanging out often, riding the roller coaster of life together.
who would have thought that the arrogant boy who despised your best friend, would become the most important person in your life?
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
💖first time reader click here💖
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Reader and Eddie going on their mission. They're all morons, okay? Some canon-typical violence, bad guys being bad guys. You guys can see that I treat the fighting plot points as total crack, right?
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Eddie Brock was pissed, at the Avengers mostly - for not telling him of my accident - but also at me, for the fact that I didn't call him sooner. Venom had taken over at some point, eager to participate in my plan - and it I was being honest, my uncle's space boo was the one I had relied on to participate in the mayhem that was to be caused to finally let my family breathe in peace.
The Avengers wore various expressions of guilt when an angry Eddie stormed the tower, berating them for not getting into contact with him when I was in danger. Venom growled at them, too, just the right amount of teeth and drool for Tony to quickly usher me out to 'take a walk, have some fun, build a snowman' with uncle Eddie and Venom. It was almost too easy, too predictable. The guilt that reared it's ugly head was stomped down by me and two glasses of whiskey in Eddie's rented Airbnb as I went into the fine details of my plan.
Both I and Eddie were equally surprised when Venom dropped their sarcastic, angsty teenager attitude and approached the topic with maturity, giving valuable input. The goth space goo was much, much smarter than their first impressions showed. I belatedly remembered their remark about being an apex predator species... Scary.
The plan was pretty simple.
Eddie was a professional investigative reporter and an unregistered mutant, his files being hidden so deeply due to the alien nature of the symbiote that it was unlikely that underground gangs would have any idea as to who he truly was. His involvement with SHIELD was buried under so much red tape, even Coulson himself had very little idea about Eddie's body-mate.
My uncle would sniff around the mutant underworld, just enough to catch a whiff of the mercenary's whereabouts. It should be enough if he was as famous as Natasha claimed him to be. And if it wasn't enough... I'd be bait. I doubt that the merc knew the box has been retrieved and secured; every now and then, I still caught chatter about the SHIELD agents trailing me catching a person sent to monitor me. They weren't even trying to hide that hard.
I had my suspicions SHIELD was indirectly using me as bait, too, and both Eddie and Venom were inclined to agree with the notion. Over beers and ridiculous amount of chocolate cake, a third side of the operation Baby Thief had been formed. SHIELD played their own game, the Avengers and SI threw a ridiculous amount of resources on their own and then there was me and Eddie, two halves of a whole idiot.
For once, the plan didn't go south immediately off the bat. Eddie and Venom got the information - there was a lot of uproar in the mutant community, rumours about an artifact that would let them assume their rightful place in the world, pushing the pesky humans off their pedestal. I definitely supported mutant rights - but the common notion that violence was necessary to achieve the recognition of said rights didn't sit well with me at all. Eddie agreed with me, his own curiousity pushing him to dig deeper into the situation.
My uncle could be a brilliant investigative reporter with the proper motivation and his significant other at the side. I could never tire of Venom's stories: each and every time they saved Eddie from making a clown out of himself was remembered, documented and brought up at the quickest available opportunity. I haven't laughed so hard in months.
The positives of our plan? We got a hot trail and enough information to know about the mercenary's whereabouts. We possessed the manpower needed to off him in record time, Venom eagerly offering his digestive system for our convenience.
The negatives? We'd need to bring me. Apparently there was a hefty bounty on my pretty little head and the merc himself had given up trying to chase me, hiring a bunch of muscle to do the legwork for him instead. The mercenary, a man who went by the nickname Cadre, was an ex-shield agent, who knew enough to successfully avoid the organisation following hot on his heels.
And neither SHIELD, nor Tony nor Eddie knew who had ordered the retrieval of the artifact. The mysterious person had deep pockets: all of the men were supplied with high grade weaponry and the mutants participating in the missions had equipment specifically tailored to their powers.
Perhaps, I wasn't as clever as I wanted myself to be. There was something big and ugly brewing and the bounty on my head was just the tip of the iceberg. But what was done, was done, and Venom was looking forward to a hefty meal and we set the date of Eddie "kidnapping" me in a few days time.
I hoped I'd make it home for Christmas.
The biggest surprise was that nobody suspected anything. Not even Natasha's watchful eye and inherent knowledge of shit about to be stirred - somehow, Nat always just knew those things - had revealed itself and that's how I knew it was absolutely necessary for me to be successful. There was no room for failure. In the day before my planned trip to Cadre's lair, I forced the team into a movie night and took extra time with everybody, seeing as even the most cheerful people - Thor and Wanda - walked around with sullen faces for most of the time. Perhaps, deep down, I knew that chances of my plan going awry were pretty damn high.
It felt like I was leaving for war. And perhaps, I was. The nervous, anxious energy increased as the hour X drew closer and I couldn't hide it anymore. My insomnia wore Tony's face: I could see his disappointment as clear as day, but I figured he'd forgive me for the betrayal eventually. Every single thing I hid from my newfound family made me feel a traitor. Unfortunately, there was simply no other option.
That afternoon, Eddie picked me up from the tower and drove me to one of the hideouts that belonged to Cabre. He'd tied my hands together and blindfolded me, all for show of course, whilst Venom briefly connected with my body to induce a drowsy state of mind. I didn't actually mind to be drugged and was way more wary of the symbiote's effects on my body but the space pudding extended his tentacles so quickly, I barely had the time to even swear at them.
To my (and their) surprise, it wasn't as bad as we thought it would be. In my hazy state, I briefly head Venom growl that I could be a decent short-term host if something would to happen with Eddie; I did not know how that information made me feel but did not disregard it completely. I was out of my depth on this one yet marched on towards the danger with grim determination.
"Here's the girl," Eddie's voice penetrated through the curtain of chemicals that Venom had dosed me with; I was tossed none too gently on what felt like a mattress, the landing haphazard but not painful. Venom must've dulled my pain receptors, too. "Where's our money?"
I was unceremoniously groped, my face examined by a man with ice-cold hands. Whatever he found, he deemed it satisfactory. "I'm impressed," He whistled. "We've been trying to get her for months. Care to share how you achieved this?" The strange man sounded suspicious.
"WE HAVE OUR OWN TRICKS," Venom's deep voice filled out the room like thick smoke and I just knew that the man who had been groping me was twitching in discomfort. "SO?"
"Alright, alright," The man mumbled, voice unsteady. My drowsiness slowly began to recede and I finally could focus my eyes somewhat; Eddie was partially obscured by the writhing, onyx mass of his symbiote and the man was dialing up the phone, speaking in a rapid-fire dialect I did not know. "Cabre will be here in an hour. Care for a beer?" Just like that, the man was obviously attempting to placate Eddie.
"HOT CHOCOLATE," Venom announced flatly and I had to struggle to hold back my laughter at the image of a seven feet tall tentacle monster sipping hot cocoa from a tiny porcelain cup. My nerves had me feeling ten types of way, as usual, and props to Ven making me unable to speak. I would have already killed myself by running my mouth ten times over.
The hour passed by with me floating in my mindsphere, Eddie loudly playing Candy Crush on his phone and Venom consuming ridiculous amounts of hot chocolate. It was absurd and the eerie calm was beginning to make me suspicious; I had expected... More. Threatening thugs with guns, experiments, blood tests and physical violence. Instead, the man who met with Eddie was sitting with a vacant, bored expression as he practiced card tricks in the corner furthest away from Venom.
Finally, a knock on the door forced all of us to pay attention to the newcomer. It was a tall, massively built man in his early forties. His face was covered in scars, narrow red lines that looked like small cuts; one of his eyes was completely black while the other was blue. He looked like the man at the coffee shop but at the same time, nothing like him at all.
"Good afternoon, gentlemen," His voice was low and quiet. If not for the heavyweight weapon hanging over his shoulder, I would have considered him to be one of those men who only look threatening but actually are gentle giants. With steps too quiet for a man his size, he approached me, crouching down to look me in the face. "Hello, child. I've been looking for you for a long time. It's a shame we had to meet this way," He removed the strands of hair sticking to my face. For all purposes, his touch could have been considered fatherly. "Richard, bring the money." With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the man who was babysitting me and Eddie and he promptly disappeared behind the steel door.
"Hello," Eddie briefly shook his hands with Cabre after the merc left me alone. I noted Venom had disappeared into the reporter's body completely. "We are Venom," Eddie introduced himself (they introduced themselves?).
"Cabre," The Merc watched my honorary uncle with a sharp eye, taking note of Eddie's lack of weapons, his worn clothes and the shaggy hair, the bags under his eyes. "Tell me, Venom, what do you know of this child?"
"Not much," Eddie shrugged, convincingly. "Just that the Avengers picked her up for some reason and locked her up in Stark's tower. We're guessing she didn't like it much 'cuz she kept sneaking out and trying to shake off the tail. Had to go through quite a few SHIELD agents to get to her," Just like we agreed, Eddie spoke with slight disdain towards Tony and SHIELD, making sure to let Cabre believe he was on the mutants' side. "We just need the money, man. Not many people will hire us," To top it up, Eddie spread his arms, showing his skin ripple and move on it's own prominently under his ratty t-shirt. Atta boy!
Cabre appeared to have bought the lie, chuffing sympathetically, before pulling out a tablet and typing on it. "Well, not for long. My superiors have found an artifact that, if unlocked properly, will render most of the technology suppressing mutant powers useless. They won't be able to get rid of us that easily anymore."
Eddie nodded eagerly, for all purposes appearing to be ecstatic about the news. "Yeah, heard some rumors here and there. Well, you and your superiors know where to find me. I could always go with some extra cash," He scratched his head, carefully watching Cabre's fingers dance on the keyboard. "What's the kid got to do with it anyway? Seems like an ordinary spoiled brat to me," Eddie threw me a look, blinking twice. The fatigue and wariness, courtesy of Venom, had begun to recede quite some time ago; with Eddie's signal, I knew the shitshow was about to start very soon.
Eddie was smart, however, finding out the bits of information SHIELD hadn't bothered to disclose to me. The residue that the cursed box had left in me was removed, so I could not understand why SHIELD was still guarding me. There had to have been another reason, a reason that neither of us knew for sure.
Cabre paused his typing. "We've been watching her for years. She's a genius. We were hoping she could help us solve a few problems..." The merc paused to rub the bridge of his nose. "We tried to get her to come willingly but her parents forbade her from it. My superiors suggested to use the artifact but something malfunctioned." For all purposes, Cabre was looking apologetic. "I am not overly fond of kidnapping children but some things just need to be done." With that, the man turned around, landing his eyes on me. "Glad to see you're up and about." Something about his smile was unnatural, forced, malicious.
"Charmed to meet you," I sat up, dazed and confused about the turn of events. The things he was saying, they didn't add up. I hadn't received any requests for my participation in ANY kind of project, illlegal or not. No scholarships, no internship offers. Something was very, very wrong.
As soon as Cabre's back was turned, Venom enveloped Eddie, turning themselves into the seven feet tall outer space monstrosity I had seen on the first day. Their combined form was terrifying - but Cabre's fingers merely twitched at the rapid change of the situation as he took slow steps towards me. "Hmm," His voice still quiet, he once again crouched in front of me. "You fought us off once but we are many. There is nowhere to run, child," Cabre's eyes began to darken, his speech turning flat.
I recognized the speech pattern, recalled the expressionless, vacant face that stared at me. Cabre was infected with the Legion from the cursed box; I hadn't prepared for that, hadn't even regarded that, thinking the little epic speech the demon had given me was a mere intimidation tactic. Fear bloomed within me, opening it's jaws like a hungry Venus flytrap but I refused to succumb to it, clenching my fists against the waves of paralyzing terror.
Venom made a confused growling noise behind me, extending a tentacle to push Cabre away; with a sickeningly wet splat, their whole form collided with the opposite wall, sliding down it like a puddle of misshapen goop. "MORSEL, GET OUT." The symbiote growled, reforming itself back.
"Silence, beast!" Cabre shrieked, unstrapping his weapon and aiming it at Venom. No bullets came out as he pressed the trigger but my ear started ringing, eyes watering as the whole form of the symbiote began to morph and ripple. Pained groans and whines came from them. A sonic gun?
"Screw you, man," I attempted to draw Cabre's attention to myself by kicking out a leg towards the gun, disrupting his arm briefly. Things were going to shit faster than a party full of teenagers and alcohol. "Fuck you, listen, FUCK YOU!" I knew antagonizing people was my best skill and that's what I did, figuring the time needed for Venom to reassemble themself could be acquired if Cabre was pissed off enough at me.
The backhand hurt, not going to lie. I saw stars from that one sloppy hit the possessed merc delivered to my face. The adrenaline rush allowed me to stay somewhat coherent and just like that time when I was trapped in my nightmares, I dove for Cabre, winding myself around him as both of us landed on the floor in a heap of limbs.
Despite my best hopes, Venom remained a puddle of black on the floor. I saw something shiny attach itself to Eddie's chest; apparently that something prevented them from combining into one again. My smaller size proved to be a great advantage; I remembered Venom's words about being a suitable short-term host and with a shriek, I placed my palm into the nearest piece of symbiote I could reach, my vision being obscured by blackness a second later.
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 years
wishing for a shadow
Did anyone ask for a fix-it fic that actually addressed how fucked up it was to make a 15 year-old girl fight naked?
We really don’t talk about Hagakure Toru enough. I know that invisibility is a pretty well-used superpower by now, but Toru has been invisible ALL HER LIFE, ALL THE TIME. There’s so much good story potential there and Horikoshi is like, let’s have her do peace signs in the back of class 1-A pictures sometimes or whatever.
So here’s 8k words of Hagakure actually having a personality and searching for a way to have a hero costume. Cheers!
(Content warning for nudity, obviously, and implications of nonconsensual groping due to the invisible nudity. Did I mention that fighting and rescuing people naked as a teenage girl is really fucked up?)
Toru hated her hero costume.
Or maybe it was fairer to say she hated her quirk. While everyone else had a special power that they could turn on and off at will, Toru had to deal with her quirk all. The. Time. And it was exhausting. Wearing special clothes on the train so she wouldn’t be sat on or shoved against a wall. Flicking on a designated lamp in her parent’s house so they’d know when she was home. Making just enough noise in class so that people remember she existed. 
Being invisible had so many unnecessary drawbacks that early on in Toru’s life she decided there must have been a reason she was given this quirk. And maybe the reason was that she was meant to be a hero.
After all, it was the only real way to practically apply her quirk, wasn’t it? The choice was either to use her unique ability for good or fade into the background of her own life. So she chose to stand out, and what better way to do that than to apply to UA, the best hero school in all of Japan?
Newsflash: Hero school was hard. And even though no one could see them, coming back to the dorms every day covered in bruises and scrapes was not how Toru had planned to live out her teenage years.
What Toru really wanted was to be a normal girl. To go to the mall with her girl friends for make-overs and stay up way too late texting each other about which boy would ask them to the next school dance. She wanted to wear her hair in goofy styles and cry about zits and not worry about a building crushing her during her midterm exams. It was a simple dream, but Toru didn’t have a simple life. She’d thought by now she’d be over these silly fantasies, but when she saw her classmates’ modifications to their hero costumes the feeling hit her again before she could stuff it into that part inside of her where she kept her lost dreams.
Midoriya was testing out kicks at Ground Beta with his newly armored boots while Uraraka laughed a few feet in the air, marveling at her lack-of-queasiness from her new electromagnetic helmet. Toru stared forlornly at the new pair of gloves she’d received, with new colorful stitching. Her costume was….
Well, it wasn’t. The whole point of an invisibility quirk meant that she couldn’t wear a costume. It would kind of defeat the whole point then, wouldn’t it? To remain transparent, she couldn’t have any floating garments or gadgets attached to her body. Even the gloves themselves were technically a hindrance, but she needed some object to orient herself with her setting, otherwise her depth perception would suffer. It was a lot easier getting her bearings if she could tell whereabout her body was, and without her gloves she tended to move slower, not entirely sure where the rest of her body was while she moved.
Practically speaking, not having a costume for someone with a quirk like Toru’s made sense. Reasonably speaking—
“Oh! Hagakure-san, is that you?” Iida asked, embarrassed. She was lucky it was him who had run into her. His hero costume was made of bulky armor, so she doubted he felt it when he had brushed his arm against the side of her naked boob. She shrunk away.
“It’s not your fault, Iida-kun,” she said, hoping he could hear the smile in her voice and not the fakeness of it. “I’ll be more careful.”
It was hard, though. To be careful. The students of 1-A were gathered in a loose crowd in front of Aizawa-sensei, ready to hear what their mission was for today’s exercise. Toru was used to standing on the outskirts of groups to avoid being bumped into, but today she had gotten swept up in the middle. She held her gloved hands out at her sides, her default position to show everyone how much space she was taking up, but she still jumped when she felt Ojiro’s tail brush the small of her bare back. He flinched too, and sent an apologetic smile in her general direction, though nowhere near where her face actually was. She apologized again.
She hated her hero costume.
When class 1-A returned to the dorms, Toru made a beeline for her room, not that anyone noticed until her door slammed shut. She dug through her closet frantically until she found her warmest, fluffiest pink robe, and through it over her shivering body. She was so sick of this.
Aizawa-sensei was known as one of the toughest teachers of UA. He was also known for not playing favorites. But would it have killed him to warn her that they were doing underwater exercises today? While everyone else had at least some form of pants and a shirt to do their rescue dives in, Toru had to swim through the freezing-cold pool completely naked. It might have been an advantage if she didn’t have to spend most of her mental energy trying not to touch her rescue victim (Sato) with most of her body. 
And coming out of the water? That was a treat. The water droplets that clung to her transparent body made her look like a sex-shop mannequin, perked nipples and all. She had no choice but to leave the training grounds immediately, nothing but wet footprints in the cement to prove she was even there to begin with. Toru waited until she had dried off before returning to class, making up a lie to Aizawa-sensei that she felt sick and hoping no one but Sato saw her dripping wet figure before she’d fled.
How come no one else had to deal with this? She’d tried to talk to Momo about it once, feeling like she of all people would understand Toru’s pain. After all, she had a quirk that required her to show a lot of skin as well. But ironically enough, Momo had responded that her quirk wasn’t so bad. And besides Mineta, all the other boys in their class were very respectful about not looking at her while she pulled back her hero costume to use her Creation quirk. Using it in public was hard, but certainly not impossible. Besides, Momo had pointed out, in the heat of hero-ing she barely had time to think about modesty. She was too focused on saving people.
Toru had left that conversation at that. Any further discussion would make her sound jaded, and that’s not the type of image she liked to project to the world. She didn’t have an actual image, so to others Toru’s attitude was all she had. So she kept quiet about how frustrating it was to have to constantly avoid being sexually harassed while saving people, all while hoping that others didn’t think she was sexually harassing them. Toru, the fifteen year old girl with a very unfortunate quirk, didn’t want to be made out to be a villain for something she simply could not help. But what was the right answer?
Toru searched the floor of her messy dorm room until she found a terry-cloth towel and then began to scrub her head with it, trying to dry off as quickly as possible and maybe just scrub the rest of this awful day off of her. The type of towel she was using would cause her hair to frizz (she watched enough beauty gurus online to know), but it made no difference to someone like Toru. The world didn’t know the incredible condition she normally kept her hair in. 
Sometimes it felt like everything about her was a secret.
“Just hot soba again, Toru-chan?” Tsuyu asked her the following week at school as they grabbed their lunch trays. Even though her voice was even as she said it, Toru could tell there was concern in it. Even at lunchtime, Toru could always be found with either bread or a sweet on her tray. It had been quite a while since she’d eaten a red bean bun. She just wasn’t in the mood lately.
“Yeah, I’m just not very hungry today,” Toru told her friend, trying to sound chipper. She didn’t want to concern anyone, not in the least, but it was getting harder and harder to keep up her upbeat attitude when everything about her quirk just seemed to be bothering her lately.
Tsuyu nodded, though she didn’t look convinced. But thankfully she wasn’t the type to pry, so she led them to an empty table in the cafeteria. Toru sat across from Tsuyu and removed her face mask, a plain black one that she had bought online a few months back when she had hay fever. Lately she’d been feeling very self-conscious of people constantly talking to her chest, so she started wearing the mask to give people something on her face to focus on when they spoke to her.
She slurped her soba noodles in silence, not having much to say, when Midoriya and Todoroki passed by.
“Are these seats taken?” Todoroki asked. Toru glanced around to make sure they were talking about actual empty seats, not hers.  But there were two vacant seats next to Tsuyu, who gestured to the boys that they could join them when she continued peeling an apple for herself.
“Have they bothered trying to see if Eri’s quirk would work on him?” Todoroki asked, continuing a conversation they must have started while getting their food.
Midoriya shrugged. “I haven’t asked lately. I think they’re still scared that Eri wouldn’t be able to control her quirk and would rewind him too far. She’s still so young.”
“When would be an appropriate age for her to finally use it on him, then?”
“Are you talking about Togata-senpai, ribbet?” Tsuyu asked.
Midoriya nodded, looking pained. “I don’t know, Todoroki-kun. He’s still coming to school, at least, but not full-time. Without his quirk he doesn’t have much use for the hero courses he was taking.”
Toru had vaguely heard about this from Tsuyu and Ochako. Apparently the third-year who had done a fight demonstration for class 1-A after the provisional exam was injured during the Shie Hassaikai raid.  He’d been hit by one of the darts manufactured to take away people’s quirks while rescuing a child. Toru, in one of her darker moments, had selfishly wondered what would happen if she had gotten hit by a dart like that. Would all of her problems be solved? If her quirk was erased would she be visible? Could she finally live her life like a normal girl?
But then she had passed by the hospital wing shortly after, to get some bandages for Kaminari. Togata Mirio sat alone in a hospital bed with a bandage wrapped around his waist and the blankest expression she had ever seen on the normally-cheerful upperclassmen’s face. She was thankful for her quirk in the moment, so Togata didn’t have to see the shame written all over her.
The feeling still burned through her at the mention of his name, so Toru kept to herself as she ate her lunch, seamlessly blending with the background as she often did.
“Le Million isn’t gone just because Togata-senpai doesn’t have his quirk,” Tsuyu told the boys insightfully. “He’s still plenty heroic without his Permeation.” 
“He could always just be a citizen for a few years until Eri gets older, I suppose,” Todoroki said idly. “Or he could be a police officer. Quirks aren’t required to be a part of the force.”
Midoriya stared off into the distance. “I guess. I just can’t imagine him in a police uniform instead of his hero costume. It’s too hard to think about.”
Toru slurped her noodles a bit too loudly at that, and all at once all eyes were on her. Well, her chopsticks.
“Hagakure-san?” Midoriya said.
Toru cleared her throat delicately before speaking. “Hero costume? I thought that Togata-senpai couldn’t wear clothes while using his quirk.”
“Oh!” Midoriya said cheerfully, understanding her surprise. “The only time you saw him fight was in his P.E. uniform, wasn’t it? No, Le Million’s hero costume is this really awesome full-body suit with a cape and the number one million written across the chest! I think he got the inspiration from—”
“But how does it stay on him?” Toru asked, cutting Midoriya off before he could start rambling.
If Midoriya was put off by her interruption, he was kind enough not to show it. “It’s woven out of some specially-made fabric,” Midoriya said. “The inspiration appears to be from—”
And for the second time that day, Toru cut Midoriya off. But this time it was to abruptly leave the table, leaving the rest of her soba and her friends behind.
Toru hoped all the work she had put in making friends with her classmates for the past few months would make up for her rudeness at lunchtime. But after hearing that there was a specially-woven fabric that could form to quirks, Toru could no longer sit idly by.
This could have been her solution! Not the one she had secretly, selfishly wished for, that her quirk would one day disappear and she would wake up a normal, visible civilian. But the more attainable goal, that she could find a way to make a costume that wasn’t so revealing. Something that gave her more coverage while still allowing her to maintain the one advantage that her quirk gave her in the field.
She had run immediately to the Principal Nezu’s office and requested Togata Mirio’s contact information, saying that it was urgent and related to education. The principal gave it to her with little hesitation, perhaps seeing an outcome to their meeting that she couldn’t fathom with her human brain. But Toru didn’t care, so long as she was able to talk to Togata about the nature of his costume.
Texting him had been a little nerve-wracking, especially since her senpai probably didn’t even know she was alive, but after explaining through text that she was a student from 1-A with some hero questions, Togata seemed perfectly happy to meet her in the courtyard on campus and chat with her.
Feeling better than she had in weeks, Toru made an effort in her appearance. Wearing a form-fitting black turtleneck, checkered skirt, and thigh-high stockings, she was feeling more like herself than she had in a very long time. Another girl would probably style her hair or apply make-up for a meeting with an upperclassmen boy, but Toru didn’t. She brushed her transparent hair and let it hang down straight, not that anyone else would know the difference. She did choose a more stylish mask today, looping a purple one with a bedazzled kitty face on it around her ears before heading away from the dorms to their meeting spot.
She sat on a bench in the courtyard, a few minutes early, and anxiously tapped on her thighs as she waited. Now that she was here, she was starting to get nervous. As excited as she was to talk about hero costumes, it was now occurring to her that her blank-faced senpai might not actually want to talk about hero work now that he had been forcefully relegated to civilian status. He’d gone through a traumatizing ordeal and had his whole life ripped away from him only a few months ago. Was she being incredibly selfish again?
“Hagakure-san?” Toru heard, and leapt to her feet awkwardly as Togata entered the courtyard.
“S-senpai! I’m glad you could come on such short notice!” she squeaked. She shouldn’t have asked him to come, what was she thinking—
“I like your mask,” he said with a sunny smile, coming to sit beside her on the stone bench. He didn’t look upset in the slightest. “I really love cats.”
“Really?” Toru asked stupidly.
“Yeah!” he said enthusiastically. “The way their tails swish back and forth, their rough tongues, their little toe beans? Cats are the best. If I could spend a day in a pile of cats, that would be the best day ever.”
Toru….did not know how to respond to that. The last time she saw him he had looked so depressed. She didn’t think that he would come here to talk to her and look so happy. Togata was sitting beside her, all six-foot-something of him, with his broad shoulders and his perfect hair and he was talking to her about cats. What did she call him here for again? 
Thankfully, Togata could not see the way she was gaping at him and just took her silence as a means to continue. He went on a Midoriya-like ramble for the next few minutes or so about his favorite breed (Singapura) before Toru finally found the will to speak.
“Togata-senpai?” she said gently, trying to make up for her earlier rudeness with her friends by at least interrupting this boy kindly. He stopped talking to look at her curiously. “I actually didn’t come here to talk about cats. I was hoping to talk to you about hero work…if that’s okay,” she tacked on lamely, hoping not to offend him.
He looked unbothered, smiling at her kindly. “Sure! I have a lot of experience out in the field, so I’m sure I could offer you some advice if you need it. Is something bothering you?”
“Well,” Toru said, looking down at her lap. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to bare her soul so openly to someone who was basically a stranger to her, so he kept her explanation brief. “Due to my quirk,” she splayed her arms out to gesture to her invisible form, “I don’t have a lot of options, costume-wise. Midoriya told me that your Le Million costume was constructed of a special fabric so that you could wear it while using your Permeation quirk, and I was just wondering if the same material might work for my quirk as well?”
Togata looked on thoughtfully. “Well, you see. My costume was made from my own hair.”
Toru blinked. 
“Your hair?”
He nodded. “With Permeation, I phase through every solid object around me when I use my quirk. You saw me fight your class, I could barely keep my P.E. uniform on,” he said with a bashful chuckle. “But if my costume is made from me, I can use my quirk on it so both me and my clothes permeate. You see?”
“Oh,” Toru murmured. 
She really didn’t realize how much hope she had in this plan until it was dashed right in front of her eyes. There wasn’t some special all-in-one fabric swatch she could use to make her own full-body suit with a cape. She was Hagakare Toru, and life did not treat her that kindly. She would spend the rest of her hero days either shivering from the cold or being unintentionally (or even worse, intentionally ) groped by every person she attempted to save.
Her vision swam from disappointment, and when the tears started beading in the corners of her eyes, she did nothing to stop them.
“Hagakure-san! What’s wrong?” her senpai asked, flapping his hands wildly in concern when he saw the water drip down the invisible contours of her cheeks.
“I just thought—I just hoped I could have a costume like yours, Senpai,” she sniffed miserably. “I can’t stand doing hero work with no clothes on. I don’t want to want to be a hero if I have to be naked for it.”
Togata seemed to finally understand what she was here for, and the sympathy in his eyes showed it. While the pity was appreciated, she wasn’t sure she wanted to be around anyone right now. She stood to leave, but before she could turn away from him Togata touched her very gently at the elbow. She stopped and looked down at his hand, and he immediately took it away. 
“Wait, don’t go yet. I understand completely what you mean. I spent so much of my first year at UA forced to laugh it off whenever my clothes would fall off while training with my classmates. I know how it must feel for you, to an extent.”
Toru thought of her classmates, who brushed off her concerns dismissively. “You do?”
That constant smile returned to his face, though there was a sad twist to it. “Embarrassing. Vulnerable. Incredibly lonely.”
She blinked a few more tears away and nodded.
Togata continued. “It’s hard when you have a quirk with such a unique drawback. No one wants to think too much about how hard it might be for you. Especially since you’re so cheery; you can’t possibly be bothered by it. Sound familiar?”
To a tee. 
“It sucks having to be the positive one all the time,” she said, brushing her cheeks with the palm of her hand. “It means no one likes you when you act truly unhappy.”
Togata swallowed and nodded. She wondered what it must be like for him now, to have lost his quirk and still keep that sunny smile on his face. She wondered how genuine he was when he first showed up here, or if he was putting on an act just like she did every day.
She thought to ask him. “Togata-senpai—?”
But Togata was already pressing on. “But I do think there’s something we can do for you. While the material for my suit won’t be usable for you, there’s no reason why the same method of costume production won’t work for you, Hagakure-san.”
“My hair?”
Togata shrugged. “If it worked for me, I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for you. It’s worth a shot, anyway. How long is your hair?”
Without asking, his hand reached out. Toru never got used to this. It was always worse because of how horrible people were at guessing body position. You’d think that after looking at so many humans on a day-to-day basis that people would be able to reasonably guess where certain body parts were, but Toru was often unpleasantly surprised by where people grabbed her first. 
She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over, but his hand never fell. She cracked open one eye and saw Togata’s hand, suspended a few inches above the crown of her head. Her eyes then flicked to his face, where he waited patiently for her.
The saltwater didn’t seem to have fully left her eyes as she reached up her hand and took hold of his own, before guiding it gently down the length of her hair. His fingertips grazed the very ends of the strands for a moment before letting it fall back to her shoulders. He smiled again.
“That should be plenty to start.”
“Shouldn’t we be going to the Costumes Department?” Toru asked as she followed Togata’s lead, walking towards a wing of UA that she’d never needed to enter before today. 
“Nah, they’d take too long to make it. They’re always backed up. But the Support Class students are always itching for new projects,” Togata said like the wise senpai he was. “No one is more Plus Ultra than UA students themselves, after all,” he said with a wink.
Toru took this logic in stride as she stood before the Support Class Workshop, but admittedly she was a little nervous. They were still students, after all.
“What if they mess up?” she asked. She’d be foolish to not voice her fears now, before it was too late.
Togata seemed unfazed. “Then we try again. Hair isn’t a finite resource after all. It grows back. And if you can find someone with a helpful quirk, your costume material could grow back faster than you think!”
Toru supposed she couldn’t argue with that, so she steeled herself for whatever was to come and opened the door.
A drone zipped past her head and out the door, so quick Toru didn’t even have time to duck.
“Don’t leave the door open!” a student covered in grime yelled from on top of an incredibly tall ladder. “My babies will escape!”
“Babies?” Toru asked curiously. Togata closed the metal door behind them and caught another drone flying their way before it could smack into the wall. The student who had yelled at them before was already focusing her attention elsewhere, picking up an electric tool that Toru couldn’t identify and hopping inside of the cabin of a giant mech.
“That’s Hatsume Mei,” Togata told her. “She’s a first-year, but she’s already at the top of the Support Class. If anyone can help you, it’s her.”
“Is that praise I hear?” Hatsume Mei called out, poking her head out of the robot and grinning wildly. “Le Millioni! It’s been ages. What can I do for you?
“We’re actually here for Hagakure-san today.” Togata explained the situation to her while she worked, undeterred when Hatsume climbed back in her machine and continued working on her invention. He told her of Toru’s unique problem as impersonally as possible, only telling her the necessary details, which Toru was grateful for. Her fingers fiddled with the hem of her skirt as she waited until Togata ended his explanation, wondering if Hatsume could fashion a costume for her out of her own hair.
“So you said it was mid-back, right?” Hatsume Mei yelled over the sound of a drill. She was back inside the robot and sparks were shooting out of it at rapid intervals. Toru and Togata ducked their heads in tandem as some shot their way.
“Closer to my lower back, actually!” Toru shouted back. 
Toru had always been incredibly proud of her hair. It was a personal thing, obviously, since no one could see it, but that didn’t stop Toru from meticulously maintaining it from a young age. Even if it wasn’t visible, Toru could still feel it, so she’d always gone out of her way to treat her hair properly so she could at least revel in the sleek texture of it. She’d followed beauty influencers online for years to discover the perfect balance of shampoos, conditioners, leave-ins, and other miracle products to keep her hair in perfect condition. Hair length like hers could only be achieved through proper care of healthy hair.
The drilling noise cut off suddenly and Hatsume pulled herself out of the robot and climbed down the ladder. She flipped up her grease-smudged goggles to eye Toru curiously. Toru, used to this reaction, let herself be scrutinized. 
“I can work with that,” she said finally. “Though there is the caveat of it being invisible. I need to be able to see my materials in order to make a beautiful baby out of them.”
There was always something, wasn’t there? Every time Toru thought she was taking a step in the right direction, the rug was pulled right out from under her—
“That’s an easy fix, though,” Togata said. “Temporary hair dye will help you cut it off of her and work it into usable fabric. Then you can wash the dye out when you’re all done.”
And just like that, there was hope again. Toru looked at Togata in amazement.
Hatsume smiled grandly at Togata. “Look at that! Beauty and brains. What don’t you have, Le Million?”
A quirk , Toru thought glumly. But Togata didn’t miss a beat. “Time to waste, Hatsume. Toru needs this costume done as soon as possible, okay?”
“Don’t they all,” Hatsume said flippantly, tossing her tool on a desk behind her. “Alright, cutie,” she said, addressing Toru this time. “If you want support gear from me ASAP then I’m going to need you to come back to me as quick as you can with dyed hair, got it? Then I’ll get to work on turning it into something usable for you.”
“Do you really think you can do it?” Toru asked. All of this hoping was exhausting her.
“Ye of little faith. I perform miracles in this workshop every day!” she shouted, extending her arms out widely to gesture to the room of junked parts. “Now, begone until you’ve returned with dyed hair. I have schematics to work up.”
And just like that, they were kicked out of Hatsume Mei’s workshop of miracles, something Toru believed in for the first time in a long while.
Two days later, Toru walked out of the Workshop of Miracles feeling lighter than she had in all the time she’d been a student at UA. Most of that was due to the 13 inches of hair cut from her head, but she couldn’t deny that optimism had something to do with it too.
“I like the haircut,” Togata told her as he met up with her outside of the workshop. He was smiling that same sunny smile, but Toru didn’t have it in her to question it after feeling so high. 
She shook her head from side to side, reveling in the feeling of the tips of her hair hitting her face. The other night she had approached the girls of 1-A with a proposition: make-over night. Thrilled beyond all belief, they were incredibly eager to follow her to the drugstore for a night of fun, picking out nail polish and facial masks and of course, hair dye. After mixing it with care, Ochako had taken a specially purchased paintbrush to apply the dye evenly and consistently to her hair, making sure every strand was fully coated. The morning after, she had sent an email to Aizawa-sensei saying she wouldn’t be able to participate in Stealth training for a week and then took the day to bask in the feeling of being truly seen.
“It’s a shame I didn’t get to see it while it was still long,” he said as he walked beside her, matching his pace with hers as they made their way to the cafeteria. Despite the fact that she had a freshly-cut, lilac-colored bob swishing on her head, he still made the effort to focus his gaze on the space between her hairline and her mask, a white one with rainbow-colored cat whiskers. Toru smiled widely.
“It’s alright, Senpai. You didn’t miss anything,” she said genuinely. 
What he wouldn’t want to miss was still yet to come.
This was, perhaps, the one time Toru truly allowed herself to be manhandled. Even the word “allow” felt a little strong, for Hatsume Mei had come to her with an eagerness that couldn’t be denied, but with Toru being just as ecstatic as the engineer was, she didn’t push back too much when Hatsume insisted that she blindfold Toru for the reveal of her new costume. So after tying a UA uniform-standard tie around her eyes, Hatsume set to work dressing Toru, making easy work of her and not once misplacing where certain body parts might be.
“Are you guys almost done in there?” Togata asked from outside of the crudely-made fitting room. It wasn’t more than some strategically placed Support Pieces and a curtain draped between the stacks, but it was more privacy than Toru usually got when she undressed, so she was grateful.
“Al-moooooost,” Hatsume sang, in an extraordinary mood, which only made Toru’s spirits climb higher. After the rustling of fabric and a few tugs later, Toru felt herself being spun in a circle and led to the outside of the fitting room. Togata remained quiet as Hatsume untied the tie and pulled it from Toru’s eyes in a grand flourish.
Before Toru was a large full-length mirror, with Togata off to the side, watching with quiet awe. She almost couldn’t understand his expression at first, until she turned her body slightly and saw her hair catch the light, a purple shimmer still tinting parts of it even after she’d washed it several times.
But that’s all she saw.
Toru walked forward and touched her hand to the mirror before pulling it away. The glass felt cool and smooth beneath her palm, but she had not seen her approach the entire time she’d walked towards it. Only Togata and Hatsume’s giant smiles as they stood behind her.
Togata’s expression started to dip when he saw the tears rolling down Toru’s cheeks, a similar sight to what he had seen the day he first met her, except now they were suspended alone in midair.
“Oh, no. Hagakure-san, if you don’t like it—”
A little laugh bubbled out of her before she could stop herself, then another, until Toru found herself crying and laughing in equal parts.
Togata looked confused until Hatsume, who had never stopped grinning, handed over her goggles to him.
“Click the right button twice for thermal imaging, Beauty,” she whispered to him.
And then Togata was able to see Toru as she truly stood, a smile practically splitting her face in two as her hands roved up and down her body. Just her 13 inches of hair had made enough material for a shirt the length of a crop top, with spaghetti straps crossed behind her back. Her bikini-cut bottoms covered her front and backside completely, and there was even a tiny bit of material left over to make a tie for Toru’s hair, so the longer strands of her bob could be pulled back into a small ponytail at the back of her head. She was invisible, but she was covered , for the first time in her life, and Toru couldn’t stop crying as she clung to the feeling of security around all her most intimate parts.
“Now once your hair grows back, I’ll be able to add more to it, of course. This is just the prototype stage. If you take your vitamins or, if you’re like our senpai over here, you find someone with a hair-growth quirk, we’ll be able to add all sorts of pieces to it, such as—”
Hatsume couldn’t get any more words out, crushed as she was in Toru’s vice grip embrace.
“Thank you,” she cried into the engineer’s neck. “Thank you so much.”
Hatsume hummed and patted her back. “All in a day’s work. Glad I could help.” She rubbed Toru’s bare shoulder for a moment before jumping back. “Oh! Wait, I didn’t show you the best part.”
She extracted herself from Toru to head back to the makeshift dressing room, where she brought out the briefcase that all UA students carried their costumes in. Toru’s had previously only contained her white striped gloves. But when Hatsume opened it up, she saw much more.
It almost looked like a miniaturized closet, a rod going across the top of it and a tech-y looking hanger dangling from the middle. On the bottom of the velvet-lined case were a bunch of black discs the size of silver dollars, each with a blinking red light.
“This—” Hatsume said as she pointed to the hanger “—is where you put your costume after you’re done wearing it. The hanger is weight sensitive, so when your costume is on it, it will light up green so you know that it’s there even if you can’t see it. Should it not be in your case and you need to try and locate it—” Hatsume picked up one of the small discs “—use one of these sensors to track it. Your costume gives off a signal that can be registered on one of these from up to 500 meters away. There’s a tiny twist of wires in both pieces that act as a homing beacon. I made them as small as possible so they’re barely visible to the human eye unless you’re dancing in front of a stark white background. Otherwise you should be good.”
Toru twisted and turned about, patting down her sides, unable to even feel the wires Hatsume was talking about. The engineer was good. 
“Why are there so many sensors?” she asked.
“Ah, yes. These also double as tools to be given to your team when you go out on assignment for hero work. Now your teammates can locate you even if you can’t respond to them aloud. Helps with rescue ops and things like that.”
Toru didn’t know what to say. 
“You put a tracking device in my suit so my friends can find me?”
“Yes, essentially.”
Toru swallowed, the emotion in her throat coming close to clawing out of her. How did Hatsume know? How could she have known that Toru was terrified of getting lost or injured during her hero work? Of no one knowing where to look? She’d never told anyone that. She was Hagakure Toru, the upbeat attitude of 1-A, the comic relief when everyone else was feeling overwhelmed. How did she know Toru was petrified that a stealth operation would turn into a mission where she’d be lost forever?
“I can’t take the credit for that idea,” Hatsume continued good-naturedly. “Brains here came up with that one.”
Toru turned to her senpai, who had been standing back the entire time and staying out of the girls’ way as they discussed the details of the costume. He was still wearing Hatsume’s ridiculous-looking goggles, which meant he could still see Toru, though it seemed like he didn’t need the goggles at all for that to be possible. Maybe he’d been the one person truly seeing her this whole time.
She stepped toward him, not at all feeling self-conscious for perhaps the first time in her life and took his hands in hers.
“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, Togata-senpai,” she said, her voice packed with sincerity.
She’d seen so many smiles from him in these past two weeks, but the crooked one that climbed up his face now felt the most genuine out of all of them.
“I’m always here to help,” he told her.
No, this was the most genuine smile she’d seen him wear in weeks.
“I can’t believe it! I can’t believe it!”
She laughed good-naturedly as the former-hero Le Million lay on the floor of a cat café, covered in kittens. He’d been shrieking with joy for the past half hour while she sipped her coffee and watched him. This was the least she could do for her upperclassmen after all he’d done for her lately. A small orange kitten crawled over his chest and flicked its tail at Togata’s nose, and he looked like he just won the lottery.
“This is the best day,” he said happily, his hands patting at the floor while an older striped cat batted at his fingers. “I feel like now I owe you something, Hagakure-san. You didn’t have to do this.”
“I absolutely did,” she said, setting down her cup. A cat sitting on the chair across from her scurried away at the noise, not being able to comprehend how the cup had seemingly moved on its own.  “And frankly I owe you about a thousand more cat cafés after all you’ve done for me.”
Togata sat up, holding the striped cat up to his face to give her forehead a kiss before setting her down to run away. He looked at Toru, eyes still full of light. “Now that’s just silly.”
Maybe so, but Toru felt he deserved it nonetheless. She wouldn’t be feeling as happy, as safe, as she felt now without his help. And the trackers…she really couldn’t thank him enough. He’d done so much for her despite barely knowing her. 
She wished she had been able to do the same when she saw him in that hospital bed all those months ago. When he was feeling lost, who had helped out Le Million? Back then, Toru had seen the pain on his face and had only thought of herself. Toru felt the venomous shame coursing through her veins again. Underneath all the smiles and child-like exuberance was a boy who was suffering without his quirk. The fact that she’d envied someone who’d been hurt so deeply still made her stomach twist. The cat café could provide him temporary happiness, but she could see that saving people was the thing that caused him real joy. 
Togata, who’d been dangling a feathered toy in front of an uninterested black cat’s face, looked up.
She was going to ruin his good mood, but she felt like she had to say it. 
“I’m sorry you lost your quirk.”
For once, Togata didn’t plaster an automatic smile to his face. “Why do you say that?”
Toru fiddled with the hem of her uniform skirt awkwardly, unable to look him in the eye. “You seem like a really kind person. I know that you would have made an amazing hero.” She cleared her throat awkwardly. “The fact that you lost your quirk is really unfair.”
Togata remained quiet. Toru did as well, not knowing if she should continue or change the subject to lighten the mood. Hagakure Toru, known for her cheery attitude, was not known for her grace when it came to serious topics. She probably shouldn’t have brought it up. It was out of her own guilt that she felt the need to mention it, and now she was forcing Togata to think about it—
Togata stood up, leaving the bell toy in front of the cat, and sat at the table with her. His voice was uncharacteristically somber when he spoke.
“I won’t lie to you. When I lost my quirk, I thought it was unfair too. I’ve worked hard my entire life to be able to turn my quirk into something useful, and having all that hard work taken from me so suddenly felt like a slap in the face. Like a part of me was taken, you know?”
Toru nodded sympathetically.
“But you know what?” Togata said. “After a while I began to realize that no one can control what is or isn’t fair in their lives. We can only control how we react to it.” 
There was truth in the simplicity of his statement. Toru felt it in her bones every time she’d been dismissed, ignored by people who often forgot about her if she didn’t work so hard to take up space. Life was unfair, and the bitterness she felt in her heart about her own quirk probably wouldn’t go away for a long time. But stewing in hate wasn’t going to help her move forward either.
Togata continued, “I lost my quirk, maybe permanently, but that doesn’t change my purpose. Le Million’s goal is to save a million people. I don’t need to be a hero to do that. Every day that I help someone in need is another person saved, and I use that reminder to stay focused on the future.”
Toru thought about that. “Does that mean I’m another person you saved?”
Togata hummed pensively. “Maybe. But I think that asking for help means that you already did half the work for me. And now that you can do hero work more comfortably, you can save lots of people too!”
The smile forming on his face was infectious. She felt the corners of her lips turning up, hope lighting a fire in her heart that hadn’t been there a month ago. 
Toru put her hands on her hips, but kept a teasing edge to her voice.. “Don’t think that you can use my rescues towards your count, Le Million!” Toru retorted playfully. “If you want to save a million people you need to do it fair and square!”
Togata laughed at her joke—a full, exuberant sound that Toru found she quite liked. The conversation tapered off from there as her senpai located a lone Singapura cat basking in the sunlight a few tables down, but Toru was fine with that. Something told her that this was the beginning of a new chapter for both of them. 
The future was looking brighter for her already, and with a new costume and a new friend, she was excited to see the kind of hero she’d turn out to be.
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