#point is: im happy for them and i truly wish them the best
orangechickenpillow · 25 days
Not to be parasocial but I am glad that the watcher boys seem to be handling everything well. Obviously with their response and listening to the fans, but I'm also glad that the severity of the backlash hasn't completely killed their excitement for their projects and the future of watcher.
This whole situation was a lot for everyone, and I know it's left a bad taste in some people's mouths, but I'm happy that Shane, Ryan and Steven have had level-headed responses to it (at least, public responses)
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eyestrain-addict · 1 year
Funny how both Sonic and Shadow are "Even if I'm exhausted and broken I'll keep moving forward, and I'll hide it from everyone because they need someone to believe in/ I won't let anyone emotionally close to me" type characters but Shadow is loud about it and Sonic is quiet about it
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tortademaracuya · 1 year
Hand in unloveable hand but you can no longer ignore you are just shaking hands with yourself
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y-vna · 3 months
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ‿︵‿୨୧‿︵‿
 ੭୧ ⠀⠀ ๑⠀⠀ ₊⠀ 𐀔  𐫦  ♡ 1 000 🐇   ۪  ✽    ۪   ⊹
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⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀A ppreciation ⠀⠀🍥
 ᥥ⑅ᥥ   :   Ohh emm gee hi everybody!? I can't believe I, yes, ME, could EVER get here. Like omg wtf I swear to god i was not this big just a few months ago. and its not even about the follows at this point, I've just grown really really REALLY fond of the people on this platform, you all make me so so happy istgg. A lot of people have left tumblr recently, and I wish them only the very best, but I am real grateful for those who havent left me yet 😭 I have gained an overwhelming amount of support since the start of this blog, and I've definitely had my ups and downs, but nonetheless I'm still here! THANK YOU FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE WHERE I AM TODAY AND THANK YOU DO MUCH MY LUVS FOR 1k!!! 😭😭😭💗💗💗💓💓❣️❣️
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ x-tra L ove 💌⠀
- I love you all so soooo much, I just want you to know I believe in you, and you are gorgeous inside and out. I don't care what anybody else says, if they disagree, then screw them, I'll argue to my grave if I have to, because they are 150% wrong (2 points proven here, im so good at math and i like arguing bc im stubborn af). I know I'm supposed to be talking about how grateful I am, and obviously i really am, but it makes me happier when I'm talking about how much I love other people in my life, its super fulfilling. Even if I don't know you...I wish you the best lovely! ꣑୧
My favorite babies on this platform because UGH I LOVE THEM. LIKE REALLY LOVE THEM ☹️☹️
(not in particular order besides first few. Sorry babes they’re the ogs.)
@p-uki @yooorei @p-oisn @wiotas @fairytopea @yeritos @eun-luv @lil-liaa @ha-erins @7hyein @mxlly143 @vsnilla @jaes1lvr @i08wony @y0oni3 @fuckici @y-ves @iluvrei @shiolu @gigittamic @egorls @acdyzx @y-unjins @baesol @s-heon @khaer @raeceah @sugarish @yeribbon @umiena @yumjins @yujin @i-kyujin @y2jiz @bambicito @tookio @wcnbear @jnthri @minslune @munequitta @phuoris @h-aeism @h-anis @crazyfrm @vg-k @ryeins @gyustarzzi2 @florietas @wonysela ++ sooo MUCH MORE I love all of you!!!
I hope I can continue making you all proud for at least a little longer <3
Aka yours truly
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
Hello! Hope you are having a good day/evening.
I saw that your requests are open so i wanted to see if i could request, a headcanon(or one shot what ever you think would be better for the idea) + angst for scara, childe and diluc [add any character you have ideas pls :) ].
I was thinking of how would they react if reader just disapeard for a period of time, and they maybe though reader was dead. Until they came back (or they saw them somewhere like in other city after long time). [idk why reader decapered-] . I wanted to know if they would let reader in or ignore them for the rest of times.
(im sorry for making this so long- if you dont understand the idea or dont want to make it i complitly understand.)
✿ 𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ✿
characters: scaramouche, childe and diluc x nb!reader
warnings: angst (me likey), reverse comfort, verbal fighting, takes place after scaramouche’s defeat, mentions of blood and injury (not too graphic), reader disappears for some time but dw nothing bad happens
notes: it’s alright hun, i understand dw too much abt anything! also you can def tell who’s my favorite lmao
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since his loss as the false god of sumeru, the irmunsul incident, his mentality was slowly getting better
slowly starting to heal from all his trauma, loss, betrayals and suffering in the hands of the second fatui harbinger
but that doesn’t mean some bad habits just won’t immediately disappear
you and wanderer’s relationship has been going well. silly little dates here and there, holding hands and he was even slowly starting to open up to you about his past as well!
however lately you’ve been going out meeting someone named “kaveh” a lot lately. not really having time to explain to your lover that kaveh was your work partner and that you two had a deadline coming soon of an expensive and famous museum
and that was all it took for wanderer to start doubting the relationship between you two
did you truly love him like all the time you said you do? was it a lie? who was this kaveh anyways? perhaps this was a bad idea. maybe he never should’ve took nahida’s suggestion and confessed to you. maybe it was all better if he were to just push you away like he always have with people before
after 2 weeks of hard work with barely no sleep, full meal or even being able to see your loving boyfriend again, the architecture of the museum was finally finished and you and your best friend can finally catch some well deserved break
stepping into your shared little cottage at 2 in the morning, you yawned walking into your shared bedroom with your lover, not entirely surprised to see him still wide awake, sitting on your bed seemingly mulling over something
hugging his smaller body and nuzzling into his neck, you sighed in content. finally happy to be able to spend some time with your darling
that was until he stood up suddenly harshly tearing of your hands that was wrapped around his middle
“darling? what’s wrong?”
“don’t you dare ask me what’s wrong when you KNOW what the answer is. what finally got tired of that kaveh guy you’ve been seeing? finally got tired of him so now you come crawling back to me?!”
“… honey i don’t understand what you mean. i think you got it all wrong”
“don’t you dare call me those names! i knew you were a liar and a manipulator. always going around wearing that sickeningly sweet smile as if nothing’s wrong! you’re no better than him. no in fact, you’re worse!”
the fight escalated from there. at first you tried to calm him down and explain to him about everything but you were just too tired, too exhausted, too lonely
soon enough wanderer and you were just shouting at each other. calling each other names, jabbing at traumas, stabbing old wounds
the breaking point for you was when he shouted one thing you wish you would never hear coming from someone so dear to you
deafening silence
no one moved, no one spoke, just silently staring into each other’s faces until you grimaced
he immediately regretted it. but he won’t show it because his pride is always too much. always too high. always above everyone. always destroying any human contact he sought after
quietly shaking your head, you picked up your coat again before stepping out of the once shared home with your lover, shutting the door gently. you were never one to slam doors after all
he wanted to get out and chase after you. hold your hand, cling to you, begging for forgiveness
but his pride won’t allow it
a few days have passed and he has yet to run into you. you’ve been gone without a single trace of where you went to or who you’re with
it’s as if his words came true…
it has been a week already. no signs of you and wanderer is going to lose his mind
he went to nahida to ask for her help, he asked about you from the traveler and paimon, he even went around asking about the person named kaveh
another day, another failure in finding you
sobbing in his bed, clinging tightly to your pillow he only wished for one thing. he just wanted you back
snapping out of his misery when the front door knob jingled, he nearly tripped over his own legs when jumping out of bed
and there you were, standing on the front door of your shared home, wearing the exact same clothes, facial expressions as the day you left
the short male didn’t care about how he looked, how messy his home was or even much of his pride. throwing himself into your chest, clinging to you like a lifeline, sobbing out apologies after apologies
forgiveness is a hard thing. especially to prideful people like wanderer but he will soon learn to apologize if he keeps practicing make sure to disappear more to teach him a lesson reader-chin👍
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it has been some time since the ginger menace has seen his lover. that’s because you have been away on a long time commission on dragonspine. something about multiple frostarm lawachurl going haywire. of course him being himself, immediately offered to go as well if it weren’t for you bonking him on the head with all his piled up harbinger paper work
he knows you’re strong - even though you lack a vision - and he has great faith and earnest trust in you! he truly does! however the gnawing of dark thoughts, worry filled mindless pacing and the creeping presence of nightmares just won’t let him go no matter how much the harbinger throws himself into his piles upon piles of work
it took one utterance of your name to slip past ekaterina’s mouth that snaps him back to life, away from the insecurities and terror looming over him
were you finally back? it took a whole 2 weeks! he can’t wait to see you, hold you in his arms, trail kisses on your scars, to just be in your presence again!
just the simple thought of your face is enough to have him kicking his feet, giggling with sheer and utter joy
but that giggles stopped abruptly when ekaterina showed him a piece of ripped cloth. your cloth. a ripped part of the coat you wear whenever you’re called to dragonspine…
with a bated breath and shaking hands, childe asked “… they’re not here, are they?”
when the fatui gave a hesitant nod, tartaglia bolted out of the northland bank, running straight towards the icy peak - which always stirred warmth within his heart, reminding him of his homeland - now filled with a painful, nerve wracking cold
when he had arrived at the place you mentioned before seeing off, there were blood stains everywhere on the snow
the sight always used to make his eyes widen with excitement but now, with an unshakable fear
“[name]? [name] are you here! honey-bun please answer me!”
digging through all the wreckage, running around all over the place, searching for you, yelling your name. he just needed one little sign. just one little sign, please
and his pleas were answered with a grunt. a pained groan
quickly dashing over to where the sound had come from, he found you under a small wreckage pile of carts and tattered cloths with a hastily wrapped bandage around your bleeding torso
“haha… is it a bad time to say hi, big boy?” shakily laughing and cocking your eyebrow, you shot him a teasing grin
if you weren’t injured he probably would’ve bonked you over the head nicely but for now a nice 24 hours of lecture and scolding sounded better to ajax
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it all started when your beloved significant other kept coming back home way past midnight, bruised and bleeding and leaving the next morning before the sun could even crack through the darkness of the night
at first you were worried, then you soon got used to it but patience can only run for so long until it breaks
“i’ve been doing this for years [name]. so stop being clingy and let it be! i’m strong enough to handle myself.”
meanwhile elzer and adelinde looked at each other in worry. furrowing rheir brows, biting their lips and anxiously messing with their hands
the manor has never been this loud, ever since the fight between their young master and his brother kaeya of course
the fight started with a simple curt sentences being thrown but now it was slowly losing it’s meanings, turning into a shouting contest. a fight to see who has more pride than the other
that was the final straw for you to leave the manor with a loud slam of the front door
diluc tried to chase after you, realizing his mistake, wanting to apologize sadly the whole shouting re-opened his wounds, causing the young master’s sleeping tunic to get dirtied with blood
since that nasty fight with your dear boyfriend, you’ve been staying at his brother’s place for the time being. kaeya was more than understanding. after all, he too was once cast out by his loved one from his home
it had already been 4 days since the uncrowned king of mondstadt had seen his beloved and things were not going smoothly. he keeps messing up the order’s at the bar, letting fatui or some enemies get out of sight only to be reminded of that with a new wound, spending sleepless hours just tightly clutching at your pillow in your once-shared bed
on the fifth night of your sudden disappearance, diluc has had enough. mentally broken and physically exhausted, he sobbed silently, holding onto your pillow tightly
the red head was too caught up in his mental breakdown, he didn’t even hear your voice calling out his name
jolting violently and swiftly turning back - ready to summon his claymore - only to fall silent once he realizes it’s your hand holding his shoulder, your voice calling him sweet, cheesy nicknames, you standing before him in the flesh
“… darling? is that you…?”
you hated how broken he sounded. how devastated yet relieved he looked. how his voice shook with so mich hesitation and fear
gently cradling his head to rest upon your heart, you shushed his cries and begs of forgiveness
cuddles? …that sounds nice
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Danny's Evil Jaunt. It's Evil He Swears. Ignore the Charity pt. 1
Hi! its me again. I saw this prompt thing on @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 and it had me in a choke hold and held me hostage until I wrote it. Its where Danny becomes a supervillain using his machines instead of his ghost powers! Have Fun!
AO3: Here
EDIT: the text color should be fixed now I think let me know if it isn’t
“Hello Daniel,” Clockwork greeted Danny as he entered the Clocktower with wringing hands. The young halfa had been incredibly stressed ever since Dan, hiding any perceived negative emotion in his attempts of the best timeline. An appreciated thought and effort, however more harmful than the boy anticipated. Perhaps he should listen more to that sister of his a bit more.
“Heey Clocky, um I just-”
“You're worried about Dan.”
“Yeah. I was. I just- just want to make sure that things are still looking good y’know!” Danny said, arms flaring out to his sides dramatically. “I’ve been behaving! I haven’t lashed out at anything. Haven’t even pranked Dash or his friends!”
“Daniel,” Clockwork turned from the timeline he was observing.
“What’d I do?” Danny’s eyes filled with palpable panic.
“Nothing. However, suppressing your emotions will do nothing but cause harm to those around you and yourself. Come.” The shifting ghost laid a hand upon Danny’s thin shoulder, and led them to a small table that Danny wasn’t entirely sure was there moments before. There was a small tea set he noticed as the baby Clockwork set Danny in the comfy chair. “However, I think I may have a solution. A way for you to ‘lash out’ as much as your core can handle.” Danny’s eyes glisten in interest; similar to those stars he adores so much. “I will take you to a different realm, similar to your home, and you may concoct as much havoc as you wish. I will pause the time in your home so that you may continue your life as you want. All I ask is that you truly allow yourself to let your emotions run their course, else I worry for the future.” 
“What? Like a rage room? Like the ones that they give you a bat and let you go ham? That sounds cool…” 
“I suppose that is a fair comparison. I won’t allow any consequences to come  to you either. It is supposed to be therapeutic after all. All you must do is let me know and I will give you access to the realm.” Clockwork grinned, blue hands -now old- creaking around the teacup that he filled at some point. 
“You sure nothing  bad will happen? What if I-”
“Nothing of the sort will happen. If you need guidance I and others will be happy to lend you a hand. Though now that I have you here, how are your lessons with Wulf going? Have you successfully made a portal?” Danny perks.
“They're going good! I actually made one to come here. I like how Wulf teaches,” the half-ghost chimes, an airy quality unknowingly weaving its way into his voice. His Espernato is getting better the Keeper of Time notes, enough for it to slip into regular conversation. How nice.
They talk for a while after that.
Danny stares at the small hole in reality, an adult Clockwork stands beside him and takes the first steps forwards.
“Beyond this portal is the realm where you may do as you wish. You may take as long as you like, and the consequences will not apply to you. Again all I wish is for this to be therapeutic. Your sister gave you quite the monologue, didn't she?” The old time piece drones, stepping to the side to allow access to the portal and gestures for Danny to step through. 
On the other side is an open field. The grass is yellowing in the lowering temperatures as the familiar autumn chill flows through them. Clockwork emerges from behind him. 
“We are close to a rather large city, Star City I believe, home to several heroes. You can open portals consistently now yes?”
“Yeah! Thanks again Clocky, this- this means a lot y’know” Danny stammers. 
“Of course Daniel. I am here to guide. Please let me know how you find your visit.” 
“Are you ever gonna call me Danny?” He only gets a small smile before Clockwork floats back into the portal - it closes- and he is left alone.
Danny turns and takes a deep breath in, and starts to think as he heads towards ‘Star City’. What should he even do? He thinks hard before coming to the conclusion that, if he became evil by holding in his emotions, then why couldn’t he just be evil while feeling. Why not let his anger and disappointment and sadness run amok? After all, there are no consequences here! But he doesn’t want to be Phantom, as much as he loves being Phantom, he's so tired of the consent ghost attacks and being shot at by ecto-guns. 
The halfa takes a small break and sits by the dirt road he had been following, maybe it was time for Danny Fenton to do something. He was a Fenton! His parents built a portal to Hell in their basement using household Items, sure he wasn’t as book smart as Jazz or a techie like Tuck, but he could whip up something he's sure!
With newborn vigor Danny sets off again while drawing up his plans. 
A world where he could do anything he wants. The world is a big place. He wonders if Dani would want to visit.
Tag list: I saw that some people wanted to be tagged if anyone wrote something
@amuseofminds @roseinbloom02 @starkcravingmad @little-pondhead
sorry victoria-has-no-secret I can't seem to tag you correctly
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Hello 👋 hru?? I saw that your oev requests are open so I came running here.
I don't know if you write yandere or not but if not you can make it possesive like Kim dokja and cute reader but like she is super intelligent but super shy too like when they are in some problem and need a plan she already had plan in her mind but is too awkward to say unless Kim dokja and other incourage her to say it. They are like thinking and discussing for past 3hrs what and how to do and when they asked her she is like telling them her plans all the possible outcomes and how much time it will approximately take to finish to complete the plan and everyone is like🤐
yandere/possessive kim dokja x reader
Contains Spoilers!
You were academically smart, you got into one of the SKY Universities, and you were successful in your field of expertise. However, street smart was a different thing. Perhaps drowning in work and academics is not the best choice growing up. This caused you to struggle, a lot, in socializing. When your company partnered with Kim Dokja's company (his job, not the nebula) you met him. The two of you were both introverts, but were quite different. He was charming in his own way, same went with you. Opposites attract. It did take a while for you guys to actually confess, but when you did, the two of you were inseparable.
He wasn't always a possessive guy. But when the apocalypse hit, he decided on one thing. Protecting you.
In the first scenario, you tried your best to stay calm. Perhaps being under peer pressure for your whole life paid off. And when you thought of a solution, Kim Dokja was surprised. I mean, he knew you were smart of course, but everyone else was panicking. how were you not?
So...maybe he was wishing you were scared, so he could hold you in his arms and make sure you were safe. He was super happy when you did in the 3rd scenario.
When he first died, you cried a lot. You were attached to him. There was no one else you could truly trust. However when he came back to life, you cried even harder. That was when he realized, he could manipulate you. "Would he come back this time?" "I can't lose him!" "Please don't leave me!" He basically drugged you.
The first time he was dead for three days and didn't come back to life almost instantly, that was your breaking point. You withdrew from everyone, staying beside where his dead body laid. And when he saw this as 'Demon King of Salvation,' he tried convincing you to stick with the group but he failed. Living didn't matter anymore.
Then he came back to life. But when he saw you, you were different. You didn't love him the way you used to. Perhaps this round of death came too much of a shock to you? Either way, Kim Dokja didn't like it. You...you were supposed to love him! Why...
He started to cling to you even more, driving everyone away from you. Then it was driving away constellations. Until it was only the two of you. He loves you so so much. Please don't betray him.
extra headcannons!!
after he lost his king of no killing, he started murdering people like crazy
ofc he did it secretly
most definitely added something like "If any constellations try to flirt with [name] they will be banned from the channel." in his stream contract with bihyung
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robiny · 4 months
I need to vent about this - is there such thing as media literacy in lobotomy kaisen ? I see nuclear takes every day and I don’t engage with them because I know these people have their mind’s set and can’t believe anything else or their fragile view point will shatter. But how can you even argue satosugu were just friends 😭😭😭 like do you even have friends? shoko and gojo are friends, megumi and nobara were friends, geto and gojo? Im sorry but how much subtext can you overlook and how much subtext can there be for it to matter. OF COURSE gege is not going to STRAIGHT UP say they are gay lovers this is shonen and you are proving him right by arguing against it. AND ABOVE ALL ELSE the thing that truly pisses me of tremendously makes me genuinely hysteric, is people misinterpreting gojo’s last words to geto. HOW CAN YOU ARGUE WITH A STRAIGHT FACE THAT HE SAID ANYTHING BUT “I love you” HOWEEEWMEMDMSMSDN HOW, WHY WOULD THAT CONFESSION BE MUTED IF HE SAID SOME BULLSHIT LIKE UR MY BESTIE WHY like genuinely, these words weren’t hid from the audience just because, ITS A CONFESSION OF FEELINGS SO DEEP SO PROFOUND BUT SHAMEFUL AND SECRETIVE AND THEIRS FOR ONLY GETOS EARS TO HEAR AND GETOS HEART TO FEEL. WHY “LOVE IS THE MOST TWISTED CURSE” I WONDER WHAT MADE HIM THINK OF LOVE THIS WAY PROBABLY FUCKING UTAHIME NOT THE GUY WHO HIS SOUL KNOWS BETTER THAN HIS ALL FUCKING KNOWING EYES. WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE FOR A BEST FRIEND WHO HAS HURT YOU TWISTED ??? NO TF YOU WIULDNT YOU DONT PONDER ABOUT YOUR LOVE YOU DONT HIDE IT FOR 10 YEARS YOU DONT WANT IT BACK EVEN IF ITS THE THING THAT RUINS YOU. no but genuinely any other interpretation of the words is stupid, im sorry, it’s not just their relationship but also the scene itself. getos reaction… he was shocked, then happy, blushing because it made him ashamed but at the same time smiling because it made him so happy, wishing after pushing away gojo for years that at the very end gojo would stop loving him but he never did. literally at the brink of death, finding peace in the chaos, but facing this unconditional love, geto wished only for gojo to curse him a little so he wouldn’t suffer losing him…. best of friends everybody
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mysterycitrus · 7 months
i dont know who a writer would be who could handle it (more ignorance on my part than lack of good writers though there is that too) but i’m curious what you think a real, earned redemption could look like for jtodd and if you would even want it.
i definitely think there’s a path, esp because so much of bruce’s philosophy relies on a genuine and earnest commitment to rehabilitation and restorative justice, but i also think (and maybe i’m wrong if anyone has comics recs lmk) but i don’t think i’ve seen a comic with the hard work of reaching out and healing/moving on from the past from both bruce + co and jason
i really love his character but especially now i don’t think dc knows what it wants to do with him so he’s in this perpetual limbo where he’s always on the edges of the batfam, a fringe black sheep member but a member nonetheless, still entangled with them
personally i would love either way but i wish dc would either separate him and let him do his own thing that’s not just punisher lite or really actually go through the process of making amends and fully integrating with the crew, learning to love and trust again and all that
omg this really got away from me so apologies for just word vomiting in your asks but yeah im curious dc puts you in charge of j todd’s next big character arc, what would you do with him
i don’t think that’s ignorance — dc is not known for hiring writers who can include and explore complex themes in their comics lol
personally i think the easiest way to trigger a redemption arc for jason would be take him away from the batfamily and force him to interact with other villains, specifically amanda waller and the suicide squad. task force z came kinda close to this, but didn’t push the concept far enough imo. jason’s interactions with black mask were some of the best parts of utrh — i want to see his ideology be questioned by people who do the exact same things as him, and are fully aware that they’re selfish and destructive.
the truth is that while jason is acting out and murdering people, he’s still bound to bruce. he is autonomously making decisions, but fundamentally he is choosing to stay. he’s choosing to be tethered. he’s choosing to care. seeing the indentured recruits of the suicide squad would be confronting to him.
i don’t think the happy family fanon dynamic will ever be possible without ruining every included character simultaneously, but that’s okay. that’s not what jason truly wants anyway.
specifically, i don’t think he’ll ever be able to work with bruce, which is why i find the jason + dick dynamic so interesting. you’re right — bruce’s fundamental mission is about restorative justice, and he would continue to reach out. dick, however, is a realist, and is extremely protective and territorial of the people in his care (tim, damian, the titans, etc) all of whom jason has hurt. jason has been shown on page to respect dick and his position, and simultaneously think he’s pathetic because he refuses to lose control.
for me ideally, he’d be someone on the very outskirts. i feel like dick and babs would be his point of contact — dick because he’s keeping an eye on jason, and babs because she has way less hangups about working with killers. otherwise? i think he’s lost the chance to properly bond with anyone who knew before he died. that’s the risk he took when he decided to become the red hood. that’s the tragedy.
but to be perfectly honest, the most restorative thing jason could do would be to leave the game entirely, and relearn how to live.
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fic rec friday 11
welcome the the eleventh fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. Video Chats by @tomminowrites
Not long after leaving to join the Blades, Keith stops by the castleship to catch up with Voltron.
The visit was going normally, until the Red paladin lets slip that he's been video calling one of the paladins fairly regularly - unknown to rest of the team.
i LOVE this fic it makes me giggle like no other. i have this in my other collection, which is fics where lance gets teased mercilessly by the team for being a gay loser. this fic makes me laugh literally every time. fics where keith is doing his blade thing but comes back regularly to visit and theyre a family who loves each other my beloved
2.  Thinkin’ Bout You by @bleusarcelle & queerklancing
‘That was not my thought,’ Keith thinks, panic and confusion filling his chest, ‘That was not my thought, what the fu –‘
‘Dude,’ the unfamiliar voice cuts him off sharply, but Keith can hear the edge of fear lingering on its tone, ‘Dude, what the fuck –Get out!’
‘It’s my head, you get out! ’
‘No, it’s mine!’
Keith purses his lips and pokes his temple and then his cheek.
‘No, pretty sure it’s my body, my mind, and you’re a weird thing invading it.’
[Or that time Keith had a voice in his head singing and found out he had a quite unique soulmate link.]
early voltron fics my love. remembering fondly the days bleusarcelle and queerklancing dominated the klance tag lmfao. this one is sweet, fun, and it has the trope of all time in it: the phone call where someone sighs wistfully and says ‘i miss you’ and then the other person smiles and goes ‘look behind you, sweetheart’ and theyre THERE. gets me every time fr
3. so tell me darling do you wish we fall in love? by crystalklances/orphan_account
Keith is chosen to represent the Paladins for a diplomatic dinner gala. There's just one problem—he has to bring a spouse. Lucky for him, Lance is ready to play his fake fiancé.
i’ll tell you i was CRUSHED when crystalklances orphaned his account. dude i miss u every day. but thank god all his fics are still available! this one is one of my faves he ever wrote bc it has fake/pretend relationship with good communication somehow. truly art.
4. Like A Prayer by @lancesexual /orphan_account [EXLPLICIT]
"God, I'm so happy with you," Lance whispered.
Something dangerous and soft erupted in Keith's chest, threatening to consume him.
2016 FIC ELITENESS. fuck man. im so serious when i say 2016 immediately means the fic has twenty bonus points. love love love. this is soft and sweet and floundering. i love it when both of them arent sure about anything but each other
5. True Love or Something by @deerstalkerdeathfrisbee
“So that was…” “If you say painless I’m shoving you into another snowdrift.” “Okay, that’s fair. But you got a lollipop!” “That you stole from pediatrics.” “I’m a very good date.”
Lance accidentally crashes into his new neighbor in front of their mailboxes and somehow ends the night with a very attractive (and slightly concussed) date.
ive saved the best for last! i started reading this when i was a young teen (more 2016 love) and it updated steadily for years. this series redefined what love means to me. i will always have the characters in the back of my head, i will always love everything about this series and story and will hold every part of it so dear to my heart. if you have to read one series in the fandom, this one should be a top contender!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
i said i would make this post, so here i am. here is the red guy analysis, starting with this qna answer from baker terry. i talked about this question before, it was “whos your favorite to write for?” and after a bit of debate the answer ended up being red guy for pretty much everyone. i mentioned that, but i left out this answer specifically because of how significant it is. im gonna go on a bit of a tangent here, but i promise itll come back around and make sense
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this is what ive been saying about red guy!! hes been going through a constant character arc that never reaches its completion because he is torn down again and again. “hes sensible and together until he isnt” is such a good description, because he might be the MOST normal character but he isnt truly normal. not really. thats very important.
i think red guy is a realistic character, a very human character, and the thing about people is that we’re not as normal as we think. there are differences about all of us that don’t quite fit, and some of us moreso than others, but that is the true normal. true normal is to not be normal. that is what red guy represents to me. we relate to him and think he is sensible because he is, but that doesnt mean hes free of oddness altogether. thats what makes him even more relatable.
but he doesnt realize this, hes riddled with insecurity, and THATS what makes him the way he is. he doesnt quite fit anywhere. hes out of place in his own world, and hes out of place in every other world as well. he doesnt enjoy the house, and he tries to run, but even when he runs he doesnt like what he finds outside. he’ll never find a place where he perfectly fits. he’ll try, but he’ll fail.
but thats another thing. because he doesnt fit anywhere as he is, he usually tries to fit in instead. the characters around him (the fax machine thingy, the trash can, lily and todney) they all tell him that theres something wrong with him and the way he lives, that he could be better, that all he has to do is listen to them and he’ll be normal and respected. and so he does. he listens to them and tries his best to be happy with it. hell tell himself that hes normal and everyone loves him now. that weird people are below him, that nothing is wrong with him because hes perfect. he wont believe it, he’ll be unhappy playing pretend, but at least hes better than everyone else now. at least hes the most normal one. at least hes normal, right?
but then he’ll end up back home, and things will go differently tomorrow. there could be a day where hes waltzing around in clothes, masking who he is and pretending to like it. but then there could be a day where hes coming to terms, where he looks in the mirror and he doesnt care much what others think anymore. where he’ll say “im not supposed to wear clothes, this is the way i look” finally sticking up for himself. he’ll start being kinder, to others and himself. he’ll start being more honest, more open, more loving. he’ll still be as average and monotone as ever, but he’ll be slightly different. he’ll be happier with himself as he is, he’ll ACTUALLY like himself instead of just pretending.
but happiness doesn’t last in a house like theirs. his memory loss will rip away at the realizations he has. he’ll go right back to being bitter and miserable. i dont believe the house is in a timeloop, i hate that theory with a burning passion, but thats besides the point. timeloop or not, he’ll be built up, and then the next day he’ll be knocked back down. he never reaches a point where hes fully happy and i doubt he ever will. i doubt any of them ever will. it makes me so sad, but at least he gets close enough.
in conclusion, duck and yellow guy are very nonsensical and complicated characters, but red guy is too, just in a calmer and more easy-to-understand sense. just because hes the regular, human kind of complicated does not mean he isnt worth analyzing. i wish people would see him as more complex instead of just “relatable depressed tumblr sexyman” like if yall paid attention youd realize that yes, he pulls off the suit, but hes miserable in it. it’s literally him masking. i wish people paid more attention to these things. no shame if you dont, hes supposed to be a more chilled out character compared to the other two, so its natural that people wouldnt think as hard about him. but hes not as smart and reasonable as yall give him credit for, he is until he isnt.
or, if we want to go with the gayer conclusion:
hes YOUR babygirl because hes hot in a suit, but hes MY babygirl because he thinks electricity is magic. because hes an embarrassment to everyone around him. because he doesnt like wasting food or making a mess. because all he wants is a family, and he already has one, but its not normal or functional enough for him. because he smiles more often than everyone thinks. because hes actually kind of an asshole but duck outshines him in that department. because hes selfish and yet he dislikes himself. because he is complicated in the most human way, with a little bit of an inhuman thought here and there. because i am in love with him im just going insane now i need to shut this shit down. ive gotten my point across. goodbye, i love you ! (leaves you a spherical internet device which i created)
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orionsangel86 · 8 months
Welp. Okay I watched the last episode of ofmd.
To sum up my thoughts on this season I will say that whilst I enjoyed it and felt the love and passion and respect for its queer fanbase throughout, it didnt hit me the same way the first season did. It felt like maybe a little bit of that season 1 magic was missing and for that I very much blame Max's cutting off 2 episodes and slashing the budget. They had a lot of story they wanted to tell that would have worked so much better in 10 episodes.
I consider the last 3 episodes of season 1 some of the best TV I have seen in my life. From the use of The Chain in ep 8, through the dramatic highs and lows of eps 9 and 10 it was edge-of-your-seat drama and I was in awe at the creators that put it together. But one of the reasons why those 3 eps were so good is because the drama and the pivotal moments were given time to breath.
If those 3 eps were given the same lack of time and budget as season 2, no doubt they all would have been crammed into 1 episode and it would not have had the same impact.
If anything that last episode should have played out across two, with Izzy's death being the half way point and cliffhanger ending leading to a final battle and somewhat happy resolution.
I'm not mad at Izzy's death. If anyone was gonna die, it was gonna be him. His status as Blackbeards enabler and sometimes mentor is over. For Ed to truly be free, I think Izzy always had to go. From a storytelling perspective it makes perfect sense, even though I am sure a lot of fans are absolutely heartbroken about it.
Another casualty of the reduced screentime meant certain original cast members weren't given anywhere near the amount of screentime they should have had. I was expecting a lot more focus on Jim as they were basically the third lead of s1 due to them getting the same backstory as Ed and Stede. All of the crew appear to have had drastically reduced parts which does feel like a big loss to me.
Its funny actually, OFMD S2 suffered from the opposite problem to GOS2. OFMD had too much story to tell in a limited timeframe, GOS2 had very little story to tell outside of the flashbacks and probably too much time given to it. Both shows season 2s suffered from tremendously bad pacing issues.
Also, the one thing the final episode made so obvious to me, is the uncertainty of getting a s3 renewal. It is so clear in the way they tried to wrap things up in a happy bow as best they could, so that if they do get cancelled it leaves fans at least somewhat satisfied. I hate this though. I hate that studios are so fickle and ruthless that creators have to gamble with good quality writing and avoid cliffhangers because of asshole executives who dont actually care about the stories.
Because of the fast pacing, and the fear of cancellation, it felt more like a rush happy ending instead of a part way point in a bigger story, with important character development still to come. Perhaps I need more time to absorb the story in a full rewatch, but im not exactly itching for more at this point, whilst also not really being satisfied with what I got either. I wish we had left Ed and Stede in at least some minor peril, like have them captured and threatened with hanging but at least in a good place romantically, so that we can start speculating about what kind of escape plan they will come up with in season 3. Leaving them in a dilapidated old inn somewhere just felt wrong to me. Instead of ending the season with the stakes sky high (like season 1) it feels like they left season 2 with zero stakes at all, instead of at least a happy medium. At this point we should be turning to fanfiction and wondering what happens next, but instead I'm left thinking "okay then. That was good. What can I watch next?" I don't need to bury myself in fanfic and fanart to feed the hyperfixation this time around, and that is where I feel the most loss.
I'm sure others will have hugely different reactions to me though. Perhaps my expectations were too high? Perhaps my GO obsession just isn't leaving room for OFMD this time? But then again, I think if GOS2 hadn't ended the way it did, I wouldn't still be so obsessed with that either.
Sigh. I dunno. It was a good fun show and will no doubt still be hugely popular with devoted fans, but for me I just can't say it cast the same spell over me as it did last year.
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iamlittlelostsoul · 1 year
Since I didn't see any rules I'll request it based on my own taste!
✎ Riddle Roseheart x reader (can be they/them, he/him, she/her) angst: Imagine dancing to the music, dancing with him on the day of your marriage yet at the end of the day it wasn't you but just your ghost and his broken heart.
✎ Malleus Draconia x reader (same thing) angst: Flower language with Malleus, giving him flowers was a normal occurrence yet on the day you left him, a bouquet mixed with Purple hyacinths and Tulips.
✎ Silver x reader (same thing) angst: The joy of one person can be shared through simple acts, but what if those daily activities are what brought your separation?
here's my masterlist! just incase anyone is interested ><
Hello @whatevermywpis!!! THX for dropping by!!!
I'll do my best in writing all your Req's ideas!! And yes just like what I most of the time use reader is still going to be gender neutral.
But I'll start with your first idea! ^v^
Hope you'll like it >//<
Their Final Waltz
Riddle Roseheart x gn!reader
A lovely tune play in the background at a lovely ballroom.
'It was our favorite melody.' he thought smiling at them as they smile back at him.
There were not so many people invited to this celebration...only people closest to them.
The guests enjoyed the party with the couple some were enjoying themselves with wine, and food, chatting with the other fellow guests, while some are on the dance floor but all are equally happy for such a lovely event.
Riddle stood from his seat as he heard the main song play. He offers them his hand with a bright smile, and they take it as happy as he.
The two walked to the center of the room. Then Riddle faces his partner, taking the lead as he places one of his hands on their partner's waist while the other still latched on their hand.
Moving along with the music, they danced. Riddle's eyes shimmered with love and happiness. He finally married her/him and he's finally their husband!
"I can't believe we've finally reached to this point. We've went through so much and finally, we are wed!" he happily says as he lead his partner.
"Mmh, I know right! It felt like it were only yesterday were we fight the blots and all those crazy events!" they said giggling as Riddle spins them around.
"hehehe...am sorry for that one time too. I swear it will never happen again." he says determined and truly a little guilty.
"Aww~ Riddle no need to apologize! It's all in the past, and besides everything's all good already!" they said kissing Riddle on his cheeks.
"Hey! Under the queen of heart's order Rule number-....oops- habits." He says laughing.
"Hahahaha! This is why your coworkers are a tiny bit afraid of you."
"Hey! Im trying, ok..." he says with a slight pout.
"Hehehehe~ I know. And you're doing so well!" they said leaning their forehead on Riddle's.
"Mmh..." he says happily nodding as he too leans his forehead on them.
"You should try doing 'that' too...." they said as they stopped dancing and looks him straight in the eye.
"That? What do you mean?" He asks confused.
"You know what I meant Riddle...." they look at him with pity as they let go of his hand and moves a step back from him.
Riddle looks at them shocked and confused. Everyone that was dancing with them were now all at the sides.
"huh, what do you mean love?" He says as he reaches his hand towards them.
"....you know, It's time...to move on...Riddle" they said as Riddle's hand passes through their body.
"Wait- no nonono! Please don't go...you-you're not dead yet." he says dropping to his knees, tears threatening to come out. "You're not dead yet.....you..are not dead."
"I wish so...maybe next time. But not now...let's meet again and finish our favorite song?" They said...as Riddle notices their body looking more transparent.
They sat down beside Riddle and looks at him with pity. "Hey....it's not your fault ok?...I will forever love you." They said with a pain-filled smile before disappearing.
Riddle broke down. He wailed and cried as he hits the floor repeatedly. He wailed and cried as his best friend Trey and Chenya runs up to his side and tries to console him...same goes with his other friends like Cater, Ace, and Deuce.
"It was my fault..." he cried in Trey's arms. "I could have saved them.....I-I could have...yet I wasn't able to do so. I-I failed them."
"Riddle no is to be blamed....it was too sudden. We were all too late." Trey says as he hugs his friend.
All the lavishing decorations, all the flowers, all the food, and the whole party...could never felt so dull and dark.
Why oh why do the gods have to be so cruel sometimes?
...To take such a lovely person to a lonely man.
It always have to be the kindest and purest of heart that lives the shortest...
If only an event like when they were still at school happened for him....something like when the ghost Eliza comes to get her groom.
Riddle would have taken their hand unhesitatingly if it were them looking for a groom. He would gladly wed them and follow them to the afterlife.
'Hah, his mother is truly right about this one...love along with a very lonesome goodbye truly made him mad.' And he misses them dearly...
The warmth of their skin, felt cold to touch.
The sound of their gentle voice, never to be head again...
Their sweet gentle smile, now buried 6 feet under.
And the pranks and tricks...the rule breaking and everything....he would never see nor witness it again.
And all he could do is break down and cry.
Cry and scream his aching heart out.
"My love...how am I to move on?...how could I ever live a proper life without you...my beautiful rose."
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xumoonhao · 4 months
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i was tagged by @meowonhao (a vvv long time ago omg... ||orz) to do this svt tag game!!! thank you sm this was very fun 🥰 now bc i feel like talking i will say something abt each of them :3
going seventeen was the first era i guess i was a part of tho i did start stanning at the vvv end of promos :o it was bc of hannie actually that i started stanning, which takes me to the next point :3
hannie was my first bias bc i saw a pic of him (the one i used of him <<<333) and thought he was just so so beautiful and i had to know who he was Immediately...like he really has so much power. i literally only had to see him once and that was it for me !!!
lucky is my best friend my love my life.....she is truly THE song for me like no other song hits me the same way lucky does like honestly...shes all i need
hao is my current bias and love of my life like really and truly im a hao lover for Life
heng;garae means so much to me.......all the songs on it are so good like they really put fearless + left & right + kidult + i wish all on the same mini?? bro........not to mention my my and together like they really hit it outta the PARK w/that once!!! an ode is def my fav full-length tho :3 it was even my url for a while!!!!!!!!
bias-wrekcers (tho ive really never used that term, even when i was into kpop back in like 2009 😭) are hoshi and gyu...those are my MEN....... honourary mentions to wonwoo and jun too <3
jun + hao my darling men....they have such a wonderful friendship and i love them sm but really and truly any duo in seventeen means the world to me !
THEIR COVER OF HAPPINESS..........it was their first cover i ever watched (one of the first videos in general!!!) and it meant so so much to me bc i ADORED happiness and it was one of the first kpop songs i ever listened to even if it was super juniors cover of it and it LOVED seeing them cover it like it was truly a meeting of my years in kpop
it was So Hard to pick a fav gose but the first ttt has such a special place in my heart omg...its so cute and fun :(((
ill tag @kwonhochi, @ashmp3, @irlvernon, @arwensundomiels, and @10281 to do this!!! only if you want ofc, im not sure if you have done it already ^-^
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rianafying · 6 months
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still here doing my assignment and journaling
maybe the reason i'm avoiding my home is because it represents all the tasks i fail at, and all the things i could lose, that aren't even that great to begin with. like it's an okay apartment at best if im being honest. and i cant find my passport that i need to look for, and my myki card, and what else, im taking a timelapse rn, i was watching a movie that i paused to do this journal entry, if i had some food to eat, i'd never leave this place, im really happy here, doing nothing, maybe what i want to do is nothing. maybe we all work hard so we can rest. how ironic is that? life. what about it? have i ever had a thought truly worth sharing? is that even what matters? shareability? originality? but it feels good to be valued. to be enough. but is it enough just to be enough in the eyes of others? is it enough to be enough in one's own eyes? what is enough to keep on going? i haven't had water in many many hours. i think i am seriously mentally ill. and i have these obsessions. and it's just moments before everyone finds out what a monster i truly am and punishes me for it. it's all i was born for, to be punished and then to be punished some more, for a crime i didn't commit, or for not knowing what crime im committing, it's just such a chore, to keep on living. but hank does it, and so does john, and they have siblings and spouses and kids to live for. i don't and i don't want to either, i want to leave guilt free. free to go anytime i want. i am free to go, im always free to go yet here i am. why. why is everyone still here? they're better people than i am. they're more appreciative of life, more grateful for things than i can ever even try to be. even with my active gratefulness meditaions, most people are better people than i am. because they are better to themselves. i try to be my kindest. things are so complicated, all these letters im tryping into a magic box as i sit in an air conditioned room thousands of feet above ground, looking over at the sprawling metropolis that is melbourne cbd. i create content, i turn it in, i go home, i thrift. what for? make it make sense. make it meaningful. or make it stop. my butt hurts a little from sitting in the same spot for hours. i really hope the light doesn't come back on. it's far too bright and i hate it. i feel like everything's so compkicated. i have to think about how im probably damaging my eye and health by looking at my screen in the dark and not having eaten in 2 days. i feel like we're all collectively moving towards surviving in a perfect equilibrium to the point where any minor inconvenience is enough to send us spiraling on a tangent. people used to hunt and gather before. therewas no stability. all i know now is fear of losing stability. it's all about moderation. about towing the line. not enough and too much. at the same time. i wish someone would love me in a way i understand, in a way that i could love them back. love has no meaning and no place in my life anymore. maybe i need to have one of those moments again, the kind that makes it all worth it. and to remember that. nothing lasts forever.
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doyoucomeonthen · 7 months
Heart still broken and this is so against my deep love for Loki as a flawed character BUT he’s not just flawed; he used to be terrible. People died because of him and that’s awful but still a thing. Not really emotionally stable enough to say whether or not his “punishment” (the stable heart of the multiverse, alone on a throne he finally learned he didn’t need, stripped of all the things he learned actually could make him happy rather than what he felt he needed to do to climb out of various shadows), but..?
Aware enough to know that for all Loki has grown, he can’t undo the terrible things he did, no matter how much it’s clear now he wishes he could and what was my point?
Oh yeah. Loki doesn’t deserve this fate as someone who’s learned better. Maybe he does for all the things that happened before? God I feel treacherous and I’m inviting hatred but yeah… it’s truly actually so clever and beautiful to see Loki living simultaneously a punishment and a redemption all rolled into one because really, he did some awful things and he’s somewhere against his own previous selfish wants because it’s the ultimate good act and the ultimate consequence of terrible actions, although not of what he did but perpendicular to them.
I LOVE Loki. I so do, and I’m happy to wade in the shallows of denial for sweet, sweet Lokius fluff but - brass tacksing it, I wouldn’t forgive, say, Ronan so fast because he was a stubborn ass who thought he was right.
So was Loki, once.
Redemption arcs are all well and good but they don’t bring back the dead.
Extra huge disclaimer: I LOVE LOKI, IM STILL CRYING NOW OVER THAT FINALE. I want him to find happiness and love and peace. But I think, even for sexy, likeable evil characters, we shouldn’t forget what they did. Loki is paying the price in the worst and best kind of way, in a non linear fashion. I don’t know how to say this, if even to post it, but I love a Former Bad Guy, and that Guy was not good. And Loki giving it all up to ensure the multiverse persists means nothing to the corpses that formed the stones on his path to redemption, so it’s horrible and sad in the most tragically affirming way, but I think it’s just and I guess I’m just-
I’m glad that the writers didn’t say redemption arc=blanket forgiveness and well done for not giving Loki an undeserved happy ending because he finally learned to do the right thing. Loki has chosen to be selfless over selfishness, and that’s the redemption. That’s the point. He took those steps in those, let’s be flippant, shockingly ugly slip ons knowing that the bill had come due and it was time to pay the piper.
Again I love him.
I do.
I’m gonna regret this, aren’t I?
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